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						Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                               2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                           Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                         2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)
§1. Important Notes

1.1 The Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors of this Company, its directors, supervisors and senior
executives hereby confirm that there are not any false statements, misleading statements or omissions of important
information carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality,
accuracy and integrity of the whole contents.
1.2 The 2012 Q1 Financial Report has not been audited by CPAs.
1.3 Wang Li, in charge of the Company, Li Lifu, in charge of accounting work and Ying Huadong, in charge of the
Accounting Organization (Accounting Executive) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Q1 Report is
true and complete.

§2. Company Profile

2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexes:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     At the end of this report
                                                                                 At the end of last year      Change rate (%)
 Total assets (Yuan)                                          1,689,019,960.75            1,673,584,777.35                 0.92%
 Owners'     equities     attributable    to   the
                                                              1,169,315,057.74            1,152,695,930.59                 1.44%
 shareholders of listed company (Yuan)
 Share capital (share)                                         784,799,010.00               784,799,010.00                 0.00%
 Net assets per share attributable to the
                                                                        1.4900                       1.4688                1.44%
 shareholders of listed company (Yuan/share)
                                                         This report period       Same period of last year      Change rate(%)
 Total operating income (Yuan)                                 110,887,458.49                93,924,973.74                18.06%
 Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                                                 16,613,292.99                11,784,432.63               40.98%
 listed company (Yuan)
 Net cash flow arising from operating activities
                                                                 11,648,372.46                 6,924,255.99               68.23%
 Net cash flow arising from operating activities
                                                                        0.0148                       0.0088               68.18%
 per share (Yuan/share)
 Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)
                                                                        0.0212                       0.0150               41.33%

 Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                0.0212                       0.0150               41.33%
 Weighted average return on equity (%)                                  1.43%                         1.53%               -0.10%
 Weighted average return on equity after
                                                                        1.39%                         1.53%               -0.14%
 deducting non-recurring profit/loss (%)

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                     2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

Items of non-recurring profit and loss

√Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                              Amount from the beginning of the year         Remarks (if
                 Items of non-recurring profit and loss
                                                                                    to the end of this report period         applicable)
 Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss
 (excluding the government subsidies continuously received in
 definite amount and quotas according to specific standards, which                                           100,000.00
 are closely related to regular operating business and in accordance
 with the provisions of national policies.)
 Other     non-operating    income       and   expense     excluded    the
 aforementioned business
 Impact amount on equity of minority shareholders                                                           -224,145.60
 Impact amount on income tax                                                                                -246,008.41
 Total                                                                                                       426,428.38                    -

2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and shares held by the top ten
shareholders with unrestricted sales conditions

                                                                                                                              Unit: share
   Total numbers of shareholders at the end of
          this report period (shareholder)
                    Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders with unrestricted sales conditions
                                                         Unrestricted shares held at the end of
             Full name of shareholder                                                                           Type of shares
                                                                      this period
 Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                       237,359,666      RMB common share
 Guangzhou Fodak Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.                                           18,880,334     RMB common share
 Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account
                                                                                       7,980,784     Domestically listed foreign share
 Gong Qianhua                                                                          5,311,520     Domestically listed foreign share
 Zhu Wei                                                                               4,066,739     RMB common share
 Tang Lizhu                                                                            3,796,200     RMB common share
 GUOTAI                                      JUNAN
                                                                                       3,689,041     Domestically listed foreign share
 Dalian Huaxin Trust Co., Ltd. (Beta 1
                                                                                       3,000,000     RMB common share
 structured securities investment portfolio)
 Cao Xianhua                                                                           2,702,000     RMB common share
 China Merchants Securities (Hong Kong) Co.,
                                                                                       2,672,676     Domestically listed foreign share

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                     2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

§3. Significant Events

3.1 Particulars and explanations of material changes in main items of accounting statements and financial
√Applicable  Not Applicable

           I. Items of balance sheet
                                                  March 31, 2012          December 31, 2011            Difference         Change rate %
  Inventory                                          1,125,044.0400                 633,555.08             491,488.96           77.58%
  Other current assets                            304,000,000.0000            201,000,000.00         103,000,000.00             51.24%
  Granted loans and advances                       60,143,880.9900                 3,534,300.00        56,609,580.99          1601.72%
  Construction in progress                                          -                42,750.00             -42,750.00         -100.00%
  Wages payable to employees                         6,837,054.8000            10,318,172.65           -3,481,117.85           -33.74%
 1. Inventory: It achieved an increase of 490,000 Yuan, with a 77.58% increase over the beginning of this report period. The main
 reason for the increase is Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Industrial"), a holding
 subsidiary of the Company, has seen an increase in its business and hence increase in the corresponding inventory.
 2. Other current assets: It achieved an increase of 103 million Yuan, with a 51.24% increase over the beginning of this report
 period. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the bank financing business of the Company.
 3. Granted loans and advances: It achieved an increase of 56.61 million Yuan; the reason for the increase is that Shenzhen SEG
 Small Loans Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Small Loans"), a holding subsidiary of the Company, registered in
 December 2011, increased its issuing of loans in this report period.
 4. Construction in progress: It received a decrease of 40,000 Yuan over the beginning of this report period. The reason is that the
 project of the Company was completed, and the item was transferred to fixed assets.
 5. Wages payable to employees: it received a decrease of 3.48 million Yuan, with a decrease of 33.74% over the beginning of this
 report period. The reason is that the Company paid the last year's wages and bonus to employees.
                 II. Items of Income Statement                                        Same period of                           Change
                                                                This period                                  Difference
                             Item                                                        last year                             rate %
  Sales expenses                                                   642,831.59            1,227,798.23         -584,966.64      -47.64%
  Administration expenses                                        9,681,654.12            7,375,994.27        2,305,659.85       31.26%
  Asset impairment loss                                            565,753.35                          -       565,753.35
  Investment income                                              4,320,493.67           -2,400,397.00        6,720,890.67
  Operating profit                                             25,240,250.37            19,165,215.06        6,075,035.31       31.70%
  Non-operating incomes                                            902,170.04             254,978.59           647,191.45      253.82%
  Non-operating expenses                                                5,587.65            29,894.53          -24,306.88      -81.31%
  Total profit                                                 26,136,832.76            19,390,299.12        6,746,533.64       34.79%
  Net profit                                                   19,477,485.72            13,444,571.59        6,032,914.13       44.87%
  Net profit attributable to owner's of the parent company     16,613,292.99            11,784,432.63        4,828,860.36       40.98%
  Minority shareholders' profit and loss                         2,864,192.73            1,660,138.96        1,204,053.77       72.53%
  Other comprehensive incomes                                           8,762.63           -23,526.41           32,289.04
  Total comprehensive incomes                                  19,486,248.35            13,421,045.18        6,065,203.17       45.19%
  Total comprehensive incomes attributable to the
                                                               16,619,127.15            11,781,713.77        4,837,413.38       41.06%
  owner's of the parent company
  Total comprehensive incomes attributable to minority
                                                                 2,867,121.20            1,639,331.41        1,227,789.79       74.90%

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

 1. Sales expenses: it received a decrease of 580,000 Yuan, 47.64% down from the same period of the last year. The major reason is
 that the Company and its holding subsidiary SEG Industrial transferred 100% of the equity of Shenzhen SEG Logistics Co.,
 Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "SEG Logistics"), the financial reports of which were consolidated into the Company in this report
 period. Therefore, compared with the same period of the last year, the sales expenses of SEG Logistics were reduced in this report
 2. Administration expenses: it achieved an increase of 2.31 million Yuan, 31.26% up from the same period of the last year. The
 reason for the growth is, in 2011, four holding subsidiaries of the Company, Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
 referred to as "SEG E-Commerce"), Shenzhen SEG Nanjing Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
 "Nanjing SEG"), Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xi'an Hairong SEG") and SEG
 Small Loans increased the administration expenses of this period, while in the same period of the last year, there was only a
 holding subsidiary, SEG E-Commerce under construction, and other three companies had not been established. Therefore,
 compared with the same period of the last year, the administration expenses of aforementioned holding subsidiaries increased.
 3. Asset impairment loss: it achieved an increase of 570,000 Yuan in this item. The main reason is that SEG Small Loans, a
 holding subsidiary of the Company, made a loan loss reserve at 1% of the amount of loan receivable at the end of this quarter in
 accordance with the Guidance for the Reserve of Bank Loan Loss issued by People's Bank of China. Compared with the same
 period of the last year, the SEG Small Loans had not been established, and the Company had no loan business.
 4. Investment income: it achieved an increase of 6.72 million Yuan over the same period of last year. The main reason for increase
 is that: a) Shenzhen SEG Samsung Glass Co., Ltd., whose 22.45% equity is held by the Company achieved a profit of 7.08 million
 Yuan in this report period, and an increase of 1.59 million Yuan in investment income of the Company. However, in the same
 period of last year, this company received a deficit of 13.37 million Yuan, and a decrease of 3 million Yuan in investment income.
 b) The Company received 2.29 million Yuan in entrusted financing business in this period, while this business did not start in the
 same period of last year.
 5. Non-operating incomes: it achieved an increase of 0.65 million Yuan, with a 253.82% increase over the same period of last year
 in this item. The reason for increase is that: a) Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd and Suzhou SEG
 Electronics Market Management        had transferred their historical account payable of 740,000 Yuan to this item. b) In this report
 period, Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd. obtained a government support fund of 100,000 Yuan.
 6. Total profit: it achieved an increase of 6.75 million Yuan, with a 34.79% increase over the same period of last year. For major
 reason, see Item 4.
 7. Net profit: it achieved an increase of 6.03 million Yuan, with a 44.87% increase over the same period of last year. For major
 reason, see Item 4.
 8. Total consolidated incomes belonging to the owner's of the parent company: it achieved an increase of 4.83 million Yuan, with a
 40.98% increase over the same period of last year. For major reason, see Item 4.
 9. Minority shareholders' profit and loss: it achieved an increase of 1.2 million Yuan, with a 72.53% increase over the same period
 of last year. The main reason is that, three holding subsidiaries, Nanjing SEG, Xi'an Hairong SEG and SEG Small Loans had
 gained a net profit of 1.92 million Yuan in this report period, and had an increase of 0.92 million Yuan in minority shareholder's
 profit and loss in the current period; while in the same period of last year, the aforementioned three companies had not been
 Other consolidated incomes: it achieved an increase of 30,000 Yuan. The reason is that in this report period, the stock price of
 Youhao Group, whose equity is held by Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., increased at the end of
 reporting period from the beginning of the period; while in the same period of last year, the stock price decreased at the end of
 reporting period from the beginning. 11. Total consolidated incomes: it achieved an increase of 6.07 million Yuan, with a 45.19
 increase over the same period of last year. For major reasons, see Item 4.
 12. Total consolidated incomes attributable to the owner's of the parent company: it achieved an increase of 4.84 million Yuan,
 with a 41.06% increase over the same period of last year. For major reasons, see Item 4.
 13. Total consolidated incomes attributable to minority shareholders: it achieved an increase of 1.23 million Yuan, with a 74.90%
 increase over the same period of last year. For major reasons, see Item 9.
           III Items of cash flow statement          In this report      Same period of the         Balance         Change rate %

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                 2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                       Item                               period                last year
  Cash received from interest, charges and
                                                         3,938,358.93                         -     3,938,358.93
  Other    cash    received    from    operating
                                                                                87,007,425.77      70,673,467.08            81.23%
  activities                                          157,680,892.85

  Cash paid to/for employees                                                    12,822,132.59       4,953,607.73            38.63%

  Cash received from disposal of investment                                                   -
                                                      428,960,000.00                              428,960,000.00
  Cash received from returns on investments              2,288,189.36                         -     2,288,189.36
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed
  assets, intangible assets and other long-term                      -               33,170.00        -33,170.00          -100.00%
  Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets,
                                                         1,726,165.00              3,756,711.81    -2,030,546.81           -54.05%
  intangible assets and other long-term assets

  Cash paid for investment                                                                    -
                                                      571,960,000.00                              571,960,000.00

  Cash received from investors                                       -          14,700,000.00                             -100.00%
 1. Cash received from interest, charges and commission: it achieved an increase of 3.94 million Yuan in this item over the same
 period of last year; the main reason for the increase is that SEG Small loans, the holding subsidiary of the Company which was
 established in December 2011, added the amount of this item in this report period.
 2. Other cash received from operating activities: it achieved an increase of 70.67 million Yuan, with an 81.23% increase over the
 same period of last year. The reason for increase is that: a) the united cashier business of the Company in electronics markets
 increased compared with the same period of last year, and the collection of customers’ payment increased correspondingly; b) the
 three holding subsidiaries of the Company-Nanjing SEG, Xi’an Hairong SEG and SEG Small Loans were founded in 2011, who
 contributed to the increase of 49.36 million Yuan of this item in this report period.
 3. Cash paid to/for employees: it achieved an increase of 4.95 million Yuan, with a 38.63% increase over the same period of last
 year. The major reason for the increase is that the number of employees in the Company and its holding subsidiaries increased in
 this report period.
 4. Cash received from disposal of investment: it achieved an increase of 428.96 million Yuan over the same period of last year. In
 this report period, this item was mainly the entrusted financial capital returned after the maturity date; while in the same period of
 last year, the entrusted financing business had not started yet.
 5. Cash received from returns on investments: it achieved an increase of 2.29 million Yuan over the same period of last year. In
 this report period, the major part of this item had been the income received from the entrusted financing business; while in the
 same period of last year, the entrusted financing business had not started yet.
 6. Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets: it had a decrease of 30,000 Yuan
 over the same period of last year. The main reason for the decrease is that the Company did not dispose of the fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term assets.
 7. Cash paid fwith acquiring fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets: it had a decrease of 2.03 million Yuan, with
 a 54.05% increase over the same period of last year. The major reason for decrease is that SEG E-Commerce was under
 construction in the same period of last year, and there was a large expense for purchasing fixed assets.
 8. Cash paid for investment: it had a decrease of 571.96 Yuan over the same period of last year. In this report period, the major part
 of this item had been the capital paid for the entrusted financing business; while in the same period of last year, the entrusted
 financing business had not started yet.
 9. Cash received from investors: it had a decrease of 14.70 million Yuan over the same period of last year. The main reason for the

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

 decrease is that the company established a new holding subsidiary-SEG E-Commerce in the same period of last year, which
 absorbed investing capital from shareholders.

3.2 Progress of significant events, their influences, and analysis and explanation of their solutions
3.2.1 Qualified opinion
Applicable       √Not applicable
3.2.2 Particulars about fund offered to controlling shareholders or associated parties and external
guarantees which are against regulations
Applicable √Not applicable

3.2.3 Particulars about signing and implementing key contracts in daily operation
Applicable √Not applicable

3.2.4 Others
√Applicable Not applicable

 I. Intercompany transactions related to daily operations
 On March 23, 2012, the 8th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors approved that, in 2012, in order to meet the needs of developing
 business in the electronics market the Company shall lease part of the eight floor of SEG Plaza estate from its controlling
 shareholder, SEG Group, as the warehouse for the Company's business tenants. During the lease term, the Company should pay
 rent and property management fee to SEG Group. With related directors avoided in the voting, the Board of Directors agreed that,
 for 2012, the Company can have inter-company transactions on estate lease with SEG Group based on the market fair value within
 the limit of 1,000,000.00 RMB.
 (For details, see the Notice on Resolution of the 8th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. and
 the Notice on Estimated Daily Operational Inter-company Transactions 2012 of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. disclosed on
 China Securities, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and at http:// www.cninfo.com.cn on March
 27, 2012.)
 During this report period, the Company had paid 129,000.00 RMB in total for rent and property management fee to SEG Group.
 II. Litigation issues
 Guangzhou Jiajie Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Jiajie") signed a Contract of Purchase with
 Company-controlled SEG Industrial on June 25, 2010, prescribing that Guangzhou Jiajie purchases SYBASE software from SEG
 Group for external sales.
 Due to the discrepancy of the descriptions about payment conditions in the Contract of Purchases, the two parties had disputes on
 The payment conditions in the Contract of Purchase consist of two optional clauses. The first clause is "After the goods arriving
 the delivery place and passing the power-on acceptance check, the seller shall provide the full VAT invoice to the buyer and the
 buyer shall make full payment within 60 days, that is, before August 30, 2010". The second clause is "The seller shall provide the
 full VAT invoice to the buyer, and the buyer shall make full payment within 7 days after it received full payment from its users".
 Both of the two clauses in the Contract of Purchase held by SEG Industrial are selected, while only the second clause in the
 Contract of Purchase held by Guangzhou Jiajie is selected. Guangzhou Jiajie sells the SYBASE software to Guangzhou Yushi
 Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guangzhou Yushi), which then sells to the end users.
 Since Guangzhou Yushi did not pay Guangzhou Jiajie, by now Guangzhou Jiajie had sued Guangzhou Yushi. However, the legal
 representative of Guangzhou Yushi had immigrated outside of China.
 Based on the analysis of the Contract of Purchase held by Guangzhou Jiajie, Guangzhou Jiajie shall make full payment upon
 receiving the payment from Guangzhou Yushi. According to lawyer's analysis of the current situation, it is not likely to collect the
 payment. The Contract of Purchase indicates that the payment amount is 3,052,571.00 RMB. At the end of 2010, the provision for
 bad debts is booked at 2,747,313.90 RMB, 90% of the full payment.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                 2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

 The Company had instituted a court action to solve the previous disputes. The court opened a session on December 28, 2011 and
 made the first trial judgment on February 14, 2012.
 According to the court verdict, the plaintiff, SEG Industrial, won the case and the defendant, Guangzhou Jiajie should make the
 payment of 3,052,571.00 RMB to SEG Industrial. The court rejected other claims of the plaintiff.
 Guangzhou Jiajie appealed to the higher court against this court verdict. By now the higher court has accepted Guangzhou Jiajie's
 appeal. The opening day of second trial is not yet decided.

 III. Development on the establishment of internal control regulations during this report period
 1.On March 23, 2012, the 8th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors approved the Proposal of Adding Contents to the
 Implementation Work Program of Internal Control Regulations of SEG Co., Ltd., and modified the Implementation Work Program
 of Internal Control Regulations of SEG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Implementation Work Program) which was disclosed
 at http:// www.cninfo.com.cn on April 30, 2011. The modification includes the Shenzhen SEG Electronic Market Management
 Co., Ltd. and the newly established subsidiary company in 2011, Shenzhen SEG Nanjing Electronic Market Management Co.,
 Ltd. into the "Second Group of Major Units of Internal Control Establishment", as well as sets the Third Group of Major Units of
 Internal Control Establishment. The detailed modification and additional contents are as follows.
 In the Implementation Work Program, Chapter Three "Plan of Internal Control Establishment", Section Six "Second group of the
 major units of internal control establishment includes Xi'an SEG Electronic Market Co., Ltd., Suzhou SEG Electronic Market
 Management Co., Ltd., and Changsha SEG Developing Co., Ltd. The internal control establishment work will be launched on
 January 1, 2012 and finished before March 31, 2012" is changed to "Second group of the major units of internal control
 establishment includes Xi'an SEG Electronic Market Co., Ltd., Suzhou SEG Electronic Market Management Co., Ltd., Changsha
 SEG Developing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen SEG Electronic Market Management Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen SEG Nanjing Electronic
 Market Management Co., Ltd. The internal control establishment work will be launched on January 1, 2012 and finished before
 June 30, 2012".
 The following contents are added after Section Six: "7. Third group of the major units of internal control establishment includes
 Shenzhen SEG Small Loan Co., Ltd., Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronic Market Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Mellow Orange Hotel
 Management Co., Ltd. The internal control establishment work will be launched on March 10, 2012 and finished before June 30,
 2012". Other contents remain unchanged.
 The issues above had been disclosed on China Securities, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and
 at http:// www.cninfo.com.cn on March 27, 2012.
 2. The Company released the list of units with internal control defects in the second group. The rectification work is in progress.
 3. Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. (Shenzhen Branch) has started work of the "Internal Control Project Plan and Process
 Design", "Internal Control System Establishment", and "Internal Control System Evaluation" stages for SEG Small Loan Co., Ltd.
 At the end of this report period, the audition of SEG Small Loan Co., Ltd's internal control documentation is still in progress.
 4. After receiving the internal control promotion trainings, Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronic Market Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Mellow
 Orange Hotel Management Co., Ltd. started their internal control system establishment and the internal control evaluation work.
 At the end of this report period, the audition of internal control documentation of these two companies is still in progress.
 Till the disclosure of this report, the Company's internal control work is progressing as schedules in the Implementation Work
 IV. On February 28, 2011, the Company received the notice from the biggest shareholder of the Company, because the biggest
 shareholder of the Company was planning important events, the shares of the Company were suspended from March 1, 2011 in
 order to prevent share price from abnormal fluctuation and to protect the interests of all the investors, and would be resumption of
 trading after relevant announcement being disclosed. So far the shares of the Company are still suspended.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                               2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

3.3 Implementation of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controllers

The table below contains commitments made by related parties, including the listed Company, directors, supervisors, senior
executives, shareholders holding over 5% of the Company's shares and actual controllers in this report period or those commitments
of which the implementation extended to this report period:

√ Applicable  Not Applicable

       Commitments                                                Content of commitments                            Implementation
 Commitments for Share
                             Not Applicable     None                                                              None
 Merger Reform
 Commitments made in
 Acquisition Reports or
                             Not Applicable     None                                                              None
 Reports on Change in
 Commitments made in
 significant assets          Not Applicable     None                                                              None
                                                As agreed in the Article 5 of the Equity Transfer Agreement
                                                signed with the SEG Group when the Company was listed
                                                on the stock market, the SEG Group permits the Company,
                                                as well as its subsidiaries and affiliated companies to use the   In      this   report
                             Shenzhen           8 registered trademarks that SEG    Group presently registers     period,          this
 Commitment made in
                             Electronics        at the State Trademark Bureau; it also permits the Company        commitment       was
                             Group Co., Ltd.    to take the aforesaid trademarks and symbols that are similar     still   implemented
                                                to these marks, as company logos and in use during the            as agreed.
                                                operation process; the Company doesn’t have to pay SEG
                                                Group any fee for the use of the aforesaid trademarks or
                                                With respect to the issue pointed out by the Shenzhen
                                                Securities Regulatory Bureau in 2007 at the spot
                                                investigation of the Company, that "the Company and SEG
                                                group is faced horizontal competition among suppliers in the
                                                electronics market business”, the Company received a
                                                commitment letter from SEG Group on September 14, 2007,           Controlling
                                                with the content as follows: Our Group and the Shenzhen           shareholders
 Other commitments           Shenzhen
                                                SEG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen SEG)           implemented      the
 (including additional       Electronics
                                                have similar business in electronics market of Shenzhen.          abovementioned
 commitments)                Group Co., Ltd.
                                                The issue was caused by historical reasons and had objective      commitment        in
                                                market developing background. Our Group hereby promises           this report period.
                                                that we will not operate separate business similar to that of
                                                Shenzhen SEG has in the same city in the future. The
                                                Company disclosed this matter on September 18, 2007 in
                                                Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Wen
                                                Wei Po and the Cninfo. Website.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                          2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

3.4 Estimation and explanations: the accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period
might turn to be deficit or have significant change compared with the same period of the last year

Applicable √ Not Applicable

3.5 Other significant events

3.5.1 Status of security investment

 Applicable √ Not Applicable

3.5.2 Activities on receiving research, communication and interview during this report period

                                                       Type of received   The received      Contents discussed and materials
        Time            Place             Mode
                                                           parties            parties                  supplied
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 January 8, 2012     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 January 9, 2012     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 January       10,                    Telephone
                     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                                 communication
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 February       1,                    Telephone
                     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                                 communication
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 February       2,                    Telephone
                     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                                 communication
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 February       3,                    Telephone
                     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                                 communication
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
                                                                                          The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                          the Company and the time to
 February       7,                    Telephone
                     The Company                      Individual          Investor        resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                                 communication
                                                                                          Company gave an announcement
                                                                                          on the trade suspension.
 February       8,   The Company      Telephone       Individual          Investor        The reasons for trade suspension of

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                    2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                   Type of received   The received    Contents discussed and materials
        Time            Place          Mode
                                                        parties           parties                 supplied
 2012                              communication                                     the Company and the time to
                                                                                     resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February       9,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      13,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      16,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      17,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      19,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      21,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      22,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
                                                                                     The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                     the Company and the time to
 February      23,                 Telephone
                     The Company                   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                     Company gave an announcement
                                                                                     on the trade suspension.
 February      24,   The Company   Telephone       Individual         Investor       The reasons for trade suspension of

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                      2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                     Type of received   The received    Contents discussed and materials
        Time            Place           Mode
                                                          parties           parties                 supplied
 2012                              communication                                       the Company and the time to
                                                                                       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 February      27,                 Telephone
                     The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 February      28,                 Telephone
                     The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 February      29,                 Telephone
                     The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
 2012                              communication
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 March 1, 2012       The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 March 2, 2012       The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 March 5, 2012       The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 March 6, 2012       The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
                                                                                       The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                       the Company and the time to
 March 7, 2012       The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                       Company gave an announcement
                                                                                       on the trade suspension.
 March 8, 2012       The Company   Written inquiry   Individual         Investor       The reasons for trade suspension of

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                   2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                  Type of received   The received    Contents discussed and materials
     Time            Place           Mode
                                                       parties           parties                 supplied
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
                                                                                    resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 9, 2012    The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 12, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 13, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 14, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 15, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 19, 2012   The Company   Written inquiry   Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 20, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
                                                                                    The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                    the Company and the time to
 March 21, 2012   The Company                     Individual         Investor       resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                    Company gave an announcement
                                                                                    on the trade suspension.
 March 22, 2012   The Company   Telephone         Individual         Investor       The reasons for trade suspension of

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                           2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                        Type of received    The received     Contents discussed and materials
      Time              Place              Mode
                                                             parties             parties                  supplied
                                       communication                                        the Company and the time to
                                                                                            resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.
                                                                                            The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                            the Company and the time to
 March 26, 2012    The Company                          Individual         Investor         resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.
                                                                                            The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                            the Company and the time to
 March 27, 2012    The Company                          Individual         Investor         resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.
                                                                                            The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                            the Company and the time to
 March 28, 2012    The Company                          Individual         Investor         resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.
                                                                                            The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                            the Company and the time to
 March 29, 2012    The Company                          Individual         Investor         resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.
                                                                                            The reasons for trade suspension of
                                                                                            the Company and the time to
 March 30, 2012    The Company                          Individual         Investor         resume the trade were inquired. The
                                                                                            Company gave an announcement
                                                                                            on the trade suspension.

3.6 Status of derivatives investment

 Applicable √ Not Applicable

3.6.1 The holding status of derivatives investment at the end of this report period

 Applicable √ Not Applicable

4 Appendix

4.1 Balance Sheet
Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                March 31, 2012                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                         Balance at period-end                 Balance at year-beginning
                                                   Consolidated        Parent Company      Consolidated       Parent Company
 Current assets:

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                      2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                      Balance at period-end               Balance at year-beginning
                                                Consolidated      Parent Company      Consolidated      Parent Company
 Monetary fund                                  513,650,047.32      380,769,254.41    644,439,198.78      510,486,998.56
 Settlement provisions
 Capital lent
 Transactional finance assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                               8,561,796.15         400,000.00     10,372,667.62          360,000.00
 Accounts paid in advance                        32,326,921.24           35,295.00     33,776,814.71           35,295.00
 Insurance receivable
 Reinsurance accounts receivable
 Contract reserves of reinsurance receivable
 Interests receivable
 Dividends receivable                               426,516.21                            426,516.21          405,190.40
 Other receivables                               14,951,628.53       62,089,791.00     21,010,718.77       64,833,774.55
 Restituted financial assets purchased                                                                                0.00
 Inventory                                         1,125,044.04                           633,555.08                  0.00
 Non-current assets due within one year                                                         0.00                  0.00
 Other current assets                           304,000,000.00      174,000,000.00    201,000,000.00       36,000,000.00
 Total current assets                           875,041,953.49      617,294,340.41    911,659,471.17      612,121,258.51
 Non-current assets:
 Granted loans and advances                      60,143,880.99                          3,534,300.00
 Financial assets available for sales               598,941.21                            587,411.44
 Held-to-maturity investment
 Long-term accounts receivable
 Long-term equity investment                    134,440,308.90      343,407,310.35    132,408,004.59      341,635,503.63
 Investment property                            514,152,692.41      324,117,320.10    518,939,370.27      326,741,292.61
 Fixed assets                                    44,887,586.10       21,022,192.06     45,927,045.74       21,203,518.79
 Construction in progress                                                                  42,750.00           42,750.00
 Engineering materials
 Disposal of fixed assets
 Productive biological assets
 Oil and gas assets
 Intangible assets                                  553,881.05          322,596.72        561,441.87          321,593.46
 Expenses on research and development
 Goodwill                                        10,328,927.82                         10,328,927.82
 Long-term expenses to be apportioned            39,101,609.50        2,236,012.45     39,825,875.17        1,638,270.44
 Deferred income tax assets                        9,770,179.28       6,376,755.45      9,770,179.28        6,658,082.67
 Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                       813,978,007.26      697,482,187.13    761,925,306.18      698,241,011.60
 Total assets                                  1,689,019,960.75   1,314,776,527.54   1,673,584,777.35   1,310,362,270.11
 Current liabilities:
 Short-term loans
 Loans from central bank
 Absorbing deposits and inter-bank deposits

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                              2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                              Balance at period-end               Balance at year-beginning
                                                        Consolidated      Parent Company      Consolidated      Parent Company
 Capital borrowed
 Transactional financial liabilities
 Notes payable
 Accounts payable                                        10,182,535.97        2,503,930.62     13,047,530.24        2,423,946.62
 Accounts received in advance                           149,120,174.67       62,905,891.10    158,171,642.48       81,070,594.02
 Financial assets sold for repurchase
 Charges and commission payable
 Wages payable                                             6,837,054.80       3,360,933.16     10,318,172.65        5,107,972.59
 Taxes payable                                           41,221,534.55       36,635,021.91     36,930,773.40       34,275,065.86
 Interests payable
 Dividends payable                                         1,466,295.43         119,803.29      1,466,295.43          119,803.29
 Other accounts payable                                 118,103,295.84       48,772,774.91    110,869,162.89       39,829,376.42
 Reinsurance accounts payable
 Insurance contract reserve
 Securities trading by agency
 Securities sales by agency
 Non-current liabilities due within one year
 Other current liabilities
 Total current liabilities                              326,930,891.26      154,298,354.99    330,803,577.09      162,826,758.80
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loans
 Bonds payable
 Long-term accounts payable
 Special accounts payable
 Projected liabilities
 Deferred income tax liabilities                         20,242,134.58                         20,420,513.70                  0.00
 Other non-current liabilities                                                                          0.00                  0.00
 Total non-current liabilities                           20,242,134.58                         20,420,513.70                  0.00
 Total liabilities                                      347,173,025.84      154,298,354.99    351,224,090.79      162,826,758.80
 Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity)
 Paid-in capital (or share capital)                     784,799,010.00      784,799,010.00    784,799,010.00      784,799,010.00
 Capital public reserve                                 406,996,287.13      404,980,399.08    406,990,452.97      404,980,399.08
 Minus: Inventory shares
 Reasonable reserve
 Surplus public reserve                                 102,912,835.67      102,912,835.67    102,912,835.67      102,912,835.67
 Provisions for general risks
 Retained profits                                      -125,393,075.06     -132,214,072.20   -142,006,368.05     -145,156,733.44
 Balance       difference    of   foreign   currency
 Total equity attributable to owners of parent
                                                       1,169,315,057.74   1,160,478,172.55   1,152,695,930.59   1,147,535,511.31
 Minority shareholders' interests                       172,531,877.17                        169,664,755.97
 Total owner’s equity                                 1,341,846,934.91   1,160,478,172.55   1,322,360,686.56   1,147,535,511.31

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                              2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                             Balance at period-end                Balance at year-beginning
                                                       Consolidated       Parent Company      Consolidated       Parent Company
 Total liabilities and owner’s equity                1,689,019,960.75    1,314,776,527.54   1,673,584,777.35    1,310,362,270.11

4.2 Income Statement

Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                            January-March 2012                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                             Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
                                                       Consolidated       Parent Company      Consolidated       Parent Company
 I. Total operating income                                                 30,848,447.030      93,924,973.74       28,056,358.04
 Including: Operating income                                                30,848,447.03      93,924,973.74       28,056,358.04
 Interest income
 Insurance gained
 Charges and commission income
 II. Total operating costs                            89,967,701.7900      18,251,902.990      72,359,361.68       12,309,524.02
 Including: Operating costs                           76,515,413.5000      13,835,506.690      62,195,369.40        9,685,040.95
 Interest expenses
 Charges and commission expenses
 Cash surrender value
 Net expenses on compensation
 Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
 contract reserve
 Policy dividend expenses
 Reinsurance expenses
 Operating tax and surcharges                          5,020,046.7200       2,037,779.520       3,930,067.25        1,545,634.39
 Sales expenses                                          642,831.5900                           1,227,798.23
 Administration expenses                               9,681,654.1200       4,433,198.770       7,375,994.27        3,718,391.55
 Financial expenses                                   -2,457,997.4900     -2,054,581.9900       -2,369,867.47       -2,639,542.87
 Asset impairment loss                                     565,753.35
 Plus: Income from fair value change (Loss is
 listed with “-”)
 Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)         4,320,493.6700       3,986,937.500       -2,400,397.00       -2,400,397.00
 Including: Investment income from affiliated
 company and joint venture
 Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
 III. Operating profits (Loss is listed with “-”)   25,240,250.3700      16,583,481.540      19,165,215.06       13,346,437.02
 Plus: Non-operating income                              902,170.0400                             254,978.59            4,570.00
 Minus: Non-operating expenses                             5,587.6500           4,034.650          29,894.53
 Including: Disposal loss of non-current assets
 IV. Total operating profits (Loss is listed with
                                                      26,136,832.7600       16,579,446.89      19,390,299.12       13,351,007.02
 Minus: Income tax expenses                            6,659,347.0400       3,636,785.650       5,945,727.53        3,780,336.96
 V. Net profits (Loss is listed with “-”)           19,477,485.7200       12,942,661.24      13,444,571.59        9,570,670.06
 Net profits attributable to owners of parent         16,613,292.9900     12,942,661.2400      11,784,432.63        9,570,670.06

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                               2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                               Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
                                                          Consolidated     Parent Company       Consolidated      Parent Company
 Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                 2,864,192.7300                          1,660,138.96
 VI. Earnings per share:
 i. Basic earnings per share                                     0.0212                0.0165          0.0150                 0.0122
 ii. Diluted earnings per share                                  0.0212                0.0165          0.0150                 0.0122
 VII. Other consolidated income                               8,762.6300                            -23,526.41
 VIII. Total consolidated income                         19,486,248.3500     12,942,661.240      13,421,045.18        9,570,670.06
 Total consolidated income attributable to
                                                         16,619,127.1500     12,942,661.240      11,781,713.77        9,570,670.06
 owners of parent company
 Total consolidated income attributable to
                                                          2,867,121.2000                          1,639,331.41                 0.000
 minority shareholders

If a business merger under the same controlling entity occurs in this period, the net profits of the merged party before the merger is

4.3 Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                               January-March 2012                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                               Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
                                                          Consolidated     Parent Company       Consolidated      Parent Company
 I.     Cash   flows        arising   from   operating
 Cash received from commodity selling and
                                                          108,074,162.75      21,799,176.11      86,765,932.99        9,543,154.46
 labor service providing
 Net increase        of customer        deposit   and
                                                                    0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 interbank deposit
 Net increase of loan from central bank                             0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Net increase of capital borrowed from other
                                                                    0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 financial institution
 Cash received from premium of original
                                                                    0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 insurance contract
 Net cash received from reinsurance business                        0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Net      increase     of     insured   savings   and
                                                                    0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Net increase of disposal of trading financial
                                                                    0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Cash received from interests, charges and
                                                            3,938,358.93                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Net increase of capital borrowed                                   0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Net increase in repurchase                                         0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Tax refunds received                                               0.00                 0.00             0.00                  0.00
 Other cash received relating to operating
                                                          157,680,892.85      44,572,118.95      87,007,425.77       48,117,726.16
 Sub-total of cash             inflow arising from
                                                          269,693,414.53      66,371,295.06     173,773,358.76       57,660,880.62
 operating activities
 Cash paid for commodities and labor services              50,792,464.15       7,452,647.53      39,427,879.70        3,603,615.14

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                               2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                                 Amount of this period                Amount of last period
                                                           Consolidated      Parent Company     Consolidated      Parent Company
 Net increase of customer loans and advances                57,173,834.33                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Net increase of central bank and interbank
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash paid for compensation of original
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 insurance contract
 Cash     paid     for     interests,     charges    and
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash paid for policy dividend                                       0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash paid to/for employees                                 17,775,740.32        7,624,791.73    12,822,132.59        5,582,544.84
 Taxes paid                                                 22,242,750.05       16,206,573.15    24,704,882.13       19,323,508.03
 Other      cash    paid    relating      to   operating
                                                           110,060,253.22       28,115,676.71    89,894,208.35       36,170,897.55
 Sub-total of cash outflow arising from
                                                           258,045,042.07       59,399,689.12   166,849,102.77       64,680,565.56
 operating activities
 Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                            11,648,372.46        6,971,605.94     6,924,255.99       -7,019,684.94
 II.   Cash      flows     arising      from   investing
 Cash received from recovering investment                  428,960,000.00      381,960,000.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash received from investment income                         2,288,189.36       1,954,633.19             0.00                0.00
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed,
                                                                     0.00                0.00        33,170.00                0.00
 intangible and other long-term assets
 Net     cash      received     from      disposal    of
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 subsidiaries and other business units
 Other cash received relating to investing
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Sub-total of cash            inflow arising from
                                                           431,248,189.36      383,914,633.19        33,170.00                0.00
 investing activities
 Net cash paid for acquiring fixed, intangible
                                                              1,726,165.00         644,435.00     3,756,711.81           36,320.00
 and other long-term assets
 Cash paid for investment                                  571,960,000.00      519,960,000.00             0.00       15,300,000.00
 Net increase of mortgaged loans                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 other business units
 Other      cash    paid    relating      to   operating
                                                                     0.00                0.00             0.00                0.00
 Sub-total of cash outflow arising from
                                                           573,686,165.00      520,604,435.00     3,756,711.81       15,336,320.00
 investing activities
 Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                           -142,437,975.64    -136,689,801.81    -3,723,541.81      -15,336,320.00
 III. Cash flows arising from financing
 Cash received from investors                                        0.00                0.00    14,700,000.00                0.00
 Including: Cash received from minority                              0.00                0.00    14,700,000.00                0.00

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                            2012 Q1 Report (Full-Text)

                                                            Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
                                                      Consolidated      Parent Company       Consolidated      Parent Company
 shareholders by subsidiaries
 Cash received from loans                                       0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash received from issuing bonds                               0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 Other cash received relating to financing
                                                                0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 Sub-total of cash        inflow arising from
                                                                0.00                  0.00    14,700,000.00                0.00
 financing activities
 Cash paid for repaying debts                                   0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 Cash    paid    for     dividend   and     profits
                                                                0.00                  0.00         2,581.72                0.00
 distributing or interests paying
 Including: Dividends and profits of minority
                                                                0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 shareholders paid by subsidiaries
 Other    cash   paid    relating   to    financing
                                                                0.00                  0.00             0.00                0.00
 Sub-total of cash outflow arising from
                                                                0.00                  0.00         2,581.72                0.00
 financing activities
 Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                0.00                  0.00    14,697,418.28                0.00
 IV. Impact of exchange rate fluctuation on
                                                              451.72                451.72         1,211.38                0.00
 cash and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents         -130,789,151.46    -129,717,744.15      17,899,343.84      -22,356,004.94
 Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                      644,439,198.78      510,486,998.56     572,818,178.75      451,763,240.33
 the beginning of the period
 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                      513,650,047.32      380,769,254.41     590,717,522.59      429,407,235.39
 the end of the period

4.4 Auditor’s Report

Auditor’s opinion: Un-audited
