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						                                                                  2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Securities Code: 000058 200058                 Securities Short form : Shen SEG/Shen SEG B                   Announcement No.:2012-037

                                          SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD.
                                          2012 Third Quarterly Report

I. Important Notice

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of Shenzhen SEG
Co., Ltd. hereby guarantee that no false or misleading statement or major omission was made to the materials in
this report and that they will assume all the responsibilities, individually and jointly, for the trueness, accuracy and
completeness of its content.
All the directors have attended this board meeting reviewing this quarterly report.
Chairman of the Board Wang Li, the Chief Financial Officer Li Lifu and the responsible person of the accounting
institution (Accountant in charge) Ying Huadong hereby declare that the Financial Statements enclosed in this
quarterly report are true and complete.

II. Company Profile

(I) Major accounting data and financial indexes

Are retroactive adjustments made to previous financial statements?
□ Yes √ No □ Not applicable

                                                                                                           Year-on-year increase/decrease
                                                 Sep. 30, 2012                    Dec. 31, 2011
Total assets (Yuan)                                1,690,579,384.52                   1,673,584,777.35                               1.02%
Owners’ equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed company                 1,194,668,665.74                   1,152,695,930.59                               3.64%
Share capital (Shares)                              784,799,010.00                      784,799,010.00                                  0%
Net asset per share attributable to
shareholders of the listed company                           1.5223                               1.4688                             3.64%
                                               Jul. - Sep, 2012           increase/decrease       Jan. - Sep, 2012
                                                                                                                       increase/decrease (%)
Total operating income (Yuan)                     117,202,411.01                      6.27%          359,191,039.20                  14.5%
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                   13,614,746.47                    968.87%           45,235,958.48                 63.86%
of the listed company (Yuan)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                          --                         --                               -35,864,618.92              -154.72%
activities (Yuan)
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                          --                         --                                      -0.0457              -154.73%
operating activities (Yuan)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/Share)                      0.0173                   981.25%                   0.0576                63.75%

                                                             2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/Share)                   0.0173               981.25%           0.0576         63.75%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                  1.14%                   1.03%          3.85%          1.34%
Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                          1.13%                   1.16%          3.76%          1.61%
non-recurring gains and losses (%)

Items of Non-Recurring Gains and Losses and Amounts Deducted
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                           Amount from the
                                                                         beginning of the year
                                Item                                                                  Remarks
                                                                          to the end of report
 Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                1,230.30
 Tax refund, reduction or exemption upon approval exceeding
 authorized limits or without formal documents
 Government subsidiaries recorded into current gains and losses
 (except those closely related with corporate business and enjoyed                 613,200.00
 according to national standards or certain quota)
 Fund appropriation charges for non-financial entities recorded into
 current gains and losses
 Gains from the margin between the investment cost of the
 Company for acquisition of subsidiaries, joint ventures and joint
 operation enterprises and the recognizable fair value of net assets
 of invested units at the time of acquisition
 Gains and losses from transfer of non-monetary assets
 Gains and losses from entrusting investment or managed assets
 Provision for assets impairment withheld for Force Majeure
 Gains and losses from debt restructurings
 Expenditures for corporate restructuring, such as expenses for
 relocation of employees and for integration
 Gains and losses from unfairly priced transactions in which the
 transaction value exceeds the fair value
 Net current gains and losses of a subsidiary in the current period
 from the period beginning to the date of merger, formed due to the
 merger of the enterprises under the control of a same entity
 Gains and losses from contingency items irrelevant with regular
 business of the Company
 Gains and losses from fair value changes by holding of transaction
 financial assets and liabilities, except effective hedging business
 related to regular business of the Company, and investment
 income from disposal of transaction financial assets and liabilities
 as well as financial assets available for sale
 Transferred-back impairment provision for accounts receivable for
 which separate impairment tests are carried out
 Gains and losses from external entrusted loans
 Gains and losses from fair value changes of investment properties,
 whose subsequent measurement is based on the fair value mode
 Influence on current gains and losses by one-off adjustment
 according to laws and regulations of tax and accounting and so on.
 Trustee fee from entrusted operation
 Other non-operating income            and   expenses    except    the
 above-mentioned items

                                                              2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

 Other gains and losses fitting the definition of non-recurring gains
 and losses
 Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                             -597,956.91
 Influenced amount of income tax                                                 -551,518.06

 Total                                                                          1,056,597.25                                             --

The Company's explanations of "other gains and losses fitting the definition of non-recurring gains and losses"
and the fact that the Company defines items of non-recurring gains and losses as items of recurring gains and
losses based on the nature and features of its businesses are as follows:

             Item                  Amount involved (Yuan)                                       Remarks

(I) Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top ten
Total shareholders at the period
                                      Information on top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                    Unrestricted shares held at the                         Share type and quantity
     Name of shareholder
                                              period end                             Type                             Quantity
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                           237,359,666 RMB ordinary shares                                       237,359,666
ENTERPRISE GROUP CO.,                                   18,880,334 RMB ordinary shares                                           18,880,334
Taifook Securities Company                                            Domestically     listed   foreign
                                                         7,980,784                                                                7,980,784
Limited-Account Client                                                shares
                                                                      Domestically     listed   foreign
Gong Qianhua                                             5,311,520                                                                5,311,520
                                                                      Domestically     listed   foreign
Zeng Ying                                                3,830,800                                                                3,830,800
Tang Lizhu                                               3,796,200 RMB ordinary shares                                            3,796,200
                                                                      Domestically     listed   foreign
SECURITIES (HONGKONG)                                    3,760,941                                                                3,760,941
Dalian Huaxin Trust Co., Ltd –
Beta 1 Structured Securities                             3,000,000 RMB ordinary shares                                            3,000,000
Investment Portfolio
Cao Xianhua                                              2,702,000 RMB ordinary shares                                            2,702,000
China Merchants Securities                                            Domestically     listed   foreign
                                                         2,467,000                                                                2,467,000
(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.                                                 shares
Information on shareholders

III. Significant Events

(I) Particulars and explanations of material changes in main items of accounting statements and financial

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                        2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                 Percentage of
                Item                   Sep. 30, 2012              Dec. 31, 2011            Difference
                                                                                                                  change (%)
Monetary capital                              413,939,539.53         644,439,198.78        -230,499,659.25             -35.77%
Accounts receivable                            17,433,218.69            10,372,667.62            7,060,551.07           68.07%
Dividends receivable                                       -              426,516.21             -426,516.21          -100.00%
Inventory                                       3,091,942.71              633,555.08             2,458,387.63          388.03%
Other current assets                          385,900,000.00         201,000,000.00        184,900,000.00               91.99%
Loans and advances issued                      75,830,655.25             3,534,300.00        72,296,355.25            2045.56%
Construction in progress                                   -               42,750.00               -42,750.00         -100.00%
Wages payable                                   4,095,498.01            10,318,172.65        -6,222,674.64             -60.31%
Taxes payable                                  22,483,027.62            36,930,773.40       -14,447,745.78             -39.12%
Other current liabilities                         586,800.00                        -             586,800.00
Retained profits                              -96,770,409.57        -142,006,368.05          45,235,958.48             -31.85%

1.    Main reasons for decrease of monetary capital: a) during the report period, the financial investment increased
      by RMB 184.9 million from the year beginning, which led to the decrease in the amount of this item; b)
      Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Credit"), whose 51.71% equity is held by the
      Company, increased by RMB 72.3 million in loans issued in the report period, thus reducing this item.
2.    Main reason for increase of accounts receivable: Accounts receivable of SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.
      (hereinafter referred to as ―SEG Industrial‖), whose 100% equity is held by the Company, saw a sales
      increase in the report period.
3.    Main reason for decrease of dividends receivable: the dividend from SEG Logistics was received in the
      report period.
4.    Main reason for increase of inventory: due to the growth of the trade business of SEG Industrial in the first
      three quarters, the increase of channel stores and self-operated business led to the increase of the inventory.
5.    Main reason for increase of other current assets: according to the resolution of the 17th General Meeting of
      Shareholders (for year 2011), the Company increased the investment on bank financing products.
6.    Main reason for increase of loans and advances: the expansion of the small loan business of SEG Credit in
      the report period led to the increase of loans, hence the increased amount of this item.
7.    Main reason for decrease of construction in progress: in the report period, the completed KOA information
      project was transferred to intangible assets for accounting.
8.    Main reason for decrease of wages payable: in the report period, the Company paid the wages of December
      2011 and the year-end bonus of 2011, which were accrued in the end of 2011, to its employees.
9.    Main reason for decrease of taxes payable: in the report period, the Company settled the enterprise income
      tax which was accrued in 2011 with the tax authorities.
10. Main reason for increase of other current liabilities: specific-purpose government subsidies for Shenzhen
    SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―SEG E-Commerce‖) whose 51% equity is held by
    the Company were received and confirmed as deferred income in the report period.
11. Main reason for increase of retained profits: the Company’s net profit increased during the report period.

            Item              Sep. 30, 2012             Sep. 30, 2011               Difference           Percentage of change (%)
Operating expense                  1,050,800.94                2,104,044.40             -1,053,243.46                    -50.06%

                                                   2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Loss from asset impairment          853,119.74                      0.00           853,119.74                           -
Investment income                10,059,446.75           -5,227,389.11          15,286,835.86                           -
Operating profit                 70,567,746.29           46,670,196.64          23,897,549.65                   51.21%
Non-operating income              2,251,807.86             608,935.35            1,642,872.51                  269.79%
Non-operating expenses               45,735.64               87,447.90             -41,712.26                  -47.70%
Gross profit                     72,773,818.51           47,191,684.09          25,582,134.42                   54.21%
Net profit                       54,516,990.11           30,056,563.52          24,460,426.59                   81.38%
Net profit attributable to       45,235,958.48           27,606,138.70          17,629,819.78                   63.86%
shareholders of the parent
Gains and losses of               9,281,031.63            2,450,424.82           6,830,606.81                  278.75%
minority shareholders

1.   Main reason for decrease of operating expense: the expense of the same period of the previous year included
     the operating expense of SEG Logistics. The operating expense saw a 50.06 year-on-year decrease due to the
     sale of SEG Logistics at the end of last year.
2.   Main reason for increase of asset impairment loss: comparing with the same period of last year, the loan
     business of SEG Credit increased in the current report period. The loans impairment provision increased
     along with the increase of loan balance.

3.   Main reasons for increase of investment income: ①the financing income of RMB 10.42 million was
     received in this period; ② Shenzhen SEG Samsung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "ST Samsung")
     reduced its loss comparing with the same period of last year and the Company’s investment losses reduced
     by RMB 6.13 million.

4.   Main reasons for increase of operating profits: ① the profits of the Company’s main business—electronics
     market and property lease—increased comparing with the same period of last year; ② ST Samsung’s
     decrease of loss comparing with the same period of last year reduced the Company’s investment loss; ③ the
     bank financing income increased comparing with last year; ④the profits of SEG Credit increased.

5.   Main reasons for increase of non-operating income: ① accounts payable of RMB 1.64 million unpaid were
     written off in the current report period; ② the Company received government subsidy of RMB 0.61 million,
     but did not receive any subsidy in the same period of last year.
6.   Main reason for decrease of non-operating expense: the expense of the same period of the previous year
     included the non-recurring losses of SEG Logistics. The expense saw a complete year-on-year elimination
     due to the sale of 100% stock equity of SEG Logistics at the end of last year.
7.   Main reasons for increase of gross profit: the same as Note 4 above.
8.   Main reasons for increase of net profit: the same as Note 4 above.
9.   Main reasons for increase of net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company: the same as Note 4
10. Main reasons for increase of gains and losses of minority shareholders: such an increase is derived from the
    equity increase of minority shareholders in newly founded invested company, profit increase of the holding
    company this year, and the profit increase of minority shareholders counted by equity percentage.

             Item            Sep 30, 2012            Sep 30, 2011            Difference         Percentage of change (%)

                                                      2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

           Item               Sep 30, 2012             Sep 30, 2011          Difference          Percentage of change (%)
Cash received from                 12,993,836.74                        -        12,993,836.74                           -
interest, charges and
Net increase of loans to           73,162,971.82                        -        73,162,971.82                           -
customers and advances
Cash received from              2,463,485,190.40                        -     2,463,485,190.40                           -
withdrawal of investment
Cash received from                 14,695,005.57             4,545,000.00        10,150,005.57                   223.32%
returns on investments
Net cash received from                            -            100,170.00          -100,170.00                  -100.00%
disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other
long-term assets
Cash paid for purchase              5,944,361.84            20,237,787.63       -14,293,425.79                   -70.63%
and construction of fixed
assets, intangible assets
and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment        2,661,541,027.20            81,000,000.00     2,580,541,027.20                  3185.85%
Cash received from                                -         16,170,000.00       -16,170,000.00                  -100.00%
Cash received from                                -          2,000,000.00        -2,000,000.00                  -100.00%
obtainment of loans
Cash paid for distribution          5,330,181.20             3,898,369.30         1,431,811.90                    36.73%
of dividends and profit or
repayment of interest
Influence of exchange rate                   333.94              8,460.75            -8,126.81                   -96.05%
fluctuation on cash

1.   Main reasons for increase of cash received from interest, charges and commissions: new business of SEG
     Credit increased comparing with the same period of last year and hence the cash inflow of the interests of
     Credit increased.
2.   Main reasons for increase of net increase of loans to customers and advances: new business of SEG Credit
     increased comparing with the same period of last year. The business is stepping on the right track and the
     loans are increased.
3.   Main reason for increase of cash received from withdrawal of investment: the bank financing investment
     business increased comparing to the same period of last year and hence the cash received due to maturity of
     financial products was increased.
4.   Main reason for increase of cash received from returns on investment: the bank financing investment
     business increased comparing to the same period of last year and hence the cash inflow of investment income
     was increased.
5.   Main reason for decrease of net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
     long-term assets: the Company disposed of the central air-conditioners and official cars in the same period of
     the previous year and hence the long-term assets were reduced during the report period.
6.   Main reason for decrease of cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and
     other long-term assets: SEG Nanjing Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
     "Nanjing SEG") and Shenzhen Mellow Orange Business Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to

                                                  2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

     as "Bao’an Branch of Mellow Orange Hotel") had large decoration and fixed assets construction cost and
     hence the related long-term assets construction was reduced during the report period.
7.   Main reason for increase of cash paid for investment: the cash outflow for investment in bank financing
     products increased in the report period comparing with the same period of last year.
8.   Main reason for decrease of cash received from investors: the Company had invested in SEG E-Commerce,
     Nanjing SEG, and Mellow Orange Hotel, Bao’an branch last year and such investments did not happen
     during this report period.
9.   Main reason for decrease of cash received from obtainment of loans: the Company-controlled SEG Industrial
     borrowed a loan of RMB 2 million from the Company’s controlling shareholder, Shenzhen SEG Group Co.,
     Ltd., but such a case did not happen during this report period.
10. Main reason for increase of cash paid for distribution of dividends and profit or repayment of interest: the
    invested enterprises increased the cash outflow to minority shareholders for distribution of dividends
    comparing with the same period of last year.
11. Main reason for decrease of the influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash: the foreign currency held by
    SEG Logistics was reduced and hence the influence of exchange rate fluctuation decreased.

(II) Progress of significant events, their influences, and analysis and explanation of their solutions

1.   Qualified opinion
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
2.   Company provided capital for the controlling shareholders or associated parties or guarantee for
     external parties violating the established procedures
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
3.   Signing and implementing important contracts related to daily operation
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
4.   Others
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
     (1) The third meeting of the fifth Board of Directors on September 27, 2010 reviewed and approved the
         Proposal on A Renewal Loan of RMB 36,000,000 to Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd. For the
         purpose of supporting the development of Changsha SEG, making full use of the Company's surplus
         fund, enhancing fund using efficiency and ensuring the normal operation of Changsha SEG in its
         growth stage, the Board of Directors of the Company agreed to offer a renewal loan of RMB 36,000,000
         to Changsha SEG, the term being a year and the interest rate being 5.5755%, for which Changsha
         Xinxing Grand Hotel owned by Changsha SEG was again mortgaged to the Company. The matter was
         disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
         and the Cninfo Website on September 29, 2010. In accordance with the above-mentioned resolution of
         the Board of Directors, the Company signed the loan contract with Changsha SEG, the amount of the
         loan being RMB 36,000,000 and the term being from October 25, 2010 to October 24, 2011.During the
         loan term, Changsha SEG has repaid RMB 12,000,000 to the Company according to the interest rate
         agreed in the loan contract. The Board of Directors of Changsha SEG agreed to renew the loan of RMB
         28,000,000 in the form of loan from shareholders and with the term being one year.
          For the purpose of supporting the development of Changsha SEG, making full use of the Company's
          surplus fund, enhancing fund using efficiency and ensuring the normal operation of Changsha SEG

                                             2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

    Electronics Market in its incubation period, the 14th interim meeting of the fifth Board of Directors of
    the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal of Offering a Renewal Loan of RMB 28,000,000 to
    Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd. and agreed to offer a renewal loan of RMB 28,000,000 to
    Changsha SEG with the term being one year (from September 25, 2011 to September 24, 2012) and the
    interest rate being 6.56% (year-on-year bank loan interest rate), for which Changsha Xinxing Grand
    Hotel owned by Changsha SEG was again mortgaged to the Company. In the report period, Changsha
    SEG has repaid the principal of RMB 1,000,000 to the Company.
(2) SEG Industrial, the invested enterprise of the Company, is mainly engaged in the property lease, IT
    product joint operation, and channel sales. The Company and its shareholder Shenzhen SEG Group Co.,
    Ltd. (hereinafter referred as "SEG Group") respectively held 91.7942% and 8.2058% of SEG Industrial.
    SEG Group transferred its 8.2058% equity of SEG Industrial by public listing and trading in Shenzhen
    United Property and Share Rights Exchange. In accordance with the decision made at the 9th Meeting
    of the 5th Board of Directors on July 23, 2012, the Company expressed its intention to purchase the
    above equity within the decision-making limit of the Board of Directors as stipulated in Article 110 of
    Articles of Association.
    (For detailed information, please refer to the Public Notice on the Resolution of the 9th Meeting of the
    5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities
    Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on July 24, 2012.)
    As evaluated by an agency (the base date of the evaluation was December 31, 2011), the total value for
    SEG Industrial was RMB 65,651,700 and the value for the 8.2058% equity held by SEG Group was
    about RMB 5,387,200. On July 31, 2012, SEG Group transferred its 8.2058% equity of SEG Industrial
    by public listing and trading at a listing price of RMB 5,387,247.20 in Shenzhen United Property and
    Share Rights Exchange. As the only transferee, the Company purchased the 8.2058% equity of SEG
    Industrial held by SEG Group with RMB 5,387,247.20. The Company and SEG Group signed the
    Transfer Contract of State-Owned Property Rights on August 29, 2012. On August 30, 2012, the
    Company paid the equity transfer fee of RMB 5,387,247.20. The Company received the Authentication
    Certificate for the Property Right Transaction (Authentication Certificate No.: GZ20120906002) from
    Shenzhen United Property and Share Rights Exchange on September 12, 2012. The Certificate confirms
    that the information provided by the transferor and transferee is true and effective and the transaction
    complies with legal procedures. So far, the Company has finished the purchase of SEG Industrial's
    equity. (For detailed information, please refer to the Public Notice on the Purchase of 8.2058% Equity
    of Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities
    Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on September 14,
(3) The Company's 7th Meeting of 5th Board of Directors held on August 12, 2011 reviewed and approved
    the Proposal for a Loan of RMB 22,000,000 to Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. Based on
    the requirement of energetically developing innovative business in the Company's "12th Five-year"
    strategic development plan and the demand of SEG Industrial (91.79% of its equity is held by the
    Company) to expand IT channel and IT retail terminal business, SEG Industrial needed a working
    capital of RMB 24,000,000. According to the equity proportion of SEG Industrial held by the Company,
    the Company agreed to lend RMB 22,000,000 to SEG Industrial at an interest rate of 6.56% (the same
    as the bank loan interest rate at the same period) with the loan term of one year (from August 30, 2011
    to August 29, 2012). The loan has not been repaid during the report period. The Company received the
    Authentication Certificate for the Property Right Transaction (Authentication Certificate No.:
    GZ20120906002) from Shenzhen United Property and Share Rights Exchange on September 12, 2012.
    Upon the completion of this equity transaction, the Company holds 100% equity of SEG Industrial. For

                                               2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

     that reason, the Company is considering transferring the loan to the registered capital of SEG Industrial.
(4) As reviewed and approved by the Company's 21st Interim Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on
    May 10, 2012, the Company and Suzhou Nanhaimingzhu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. signed the
    (Joint Venture) Contract on the Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Project. The two parties agreed to
    jointly invest in and set up a limited liability company, with RMB 1,530,000 from SEG according to the
    Contract.(For detailed information, please refer to the Public Notice on the Resolution of the 21st
    Interim Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice on the
    Investment of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. in Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Project disclosed on China
    Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo
    Website on May 12, 2012.)
(5) The Company's 9th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on July 23, 2012 reviewed and approved
    the following three investment proposals: the Proposal for Investment in Ningbo SEG Electronics
    Market Project, the Proposal for Investment in Ningbo SEG Digital Square Project, and the Proposal
    for Investment in Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Project. (For detailed information, please refer to the
    Public Notice on the Resolution of the 9th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co.,
    Ltd. and the Public Notice on Investment in Ningbo SEG Electronics Market Project, Ningbo Digital
    Square Project, and Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Project disclosed on China Securities Journal,
    Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on July 24,
     On July 30, 2012, the Company and Wuxi Xinyuan Construction Development Co., Ltd. signed the
     (Joint Venture) Contract for Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Project. The two parties agreed to jointly
     invest in and set up a limited liability company, with RMB 1,530,000 from SEG according to the
     On August 1, 2012, the Company and Ningbo Kaidi Trade Co., Ltd. signed the (Joint Venture) Contract
     for Ningbo SEG Electronics Market Project. The two parties agreed to jointly invest in and set up a
     limited liability company, with RMB 2,550,000 from SEG according to the Contract.
     On August 1, 2012, the Company and Ningbo Xingkai Trading Co., Ltd. signed the (Joint Venture)
     Contract for Ningbo SEG Digital Square Project. The two parties agreed to jointly invest in and set up a
     limited liability company, with RMB 3,060,000 from SEG according to the Contract. Actually SEG has
     already contributed RMB 2,550,000.
(6) Related transactions relating to daily operation
     1.   As reviewed and approved by the Company's 8th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on
          March 23, 2012, the Company needs to rent part of the 8th floor of SEG Plaza from SEG Group as
          the temporary warehouse for the Company's commercial tenants of the electronics market in 2012
          to operate its business of the electronics market, and shall pay the rent and the property
          management fee to SEG Group. The Company's Board of Directors agreed, with associated
          directors shunning the voting, that in accordance with the market fair value (but the total amount
          should be limited within RMB 1,000,000), the Company may carry out this intercompany
          transaction related with daily operation for property lease with SEG Group in 2012. By the end of
          the report period, the Company has paid RMB 387,000 in total as rent and property management
          fee to SEG Group.
     2.   As reviewed and approved by the Company's 6th Interim Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
          held on January 26, 2011, in order to solve the issue of horizontal competition between the
          Company and SEG Group, its controlling shareholder, SEG Group entrusted the Company to
          operate and manage with full authority SEG Communications Market that was under direct

                                              2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

          management of SEG Group. The two parties signed the Entrustment Contract for the Operation
          and Management of SEG Communications Market through amicable consultation. For detailed
          information, please refer to the Public Notice on the Resolution of the 6th Interim Meeting of the
          5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
          on Related Transactions to Solve the Horizontal Competition between the Company and Its
          Controlling Shareholder disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily,
          Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on January 28, 2011). SEG Group shall pay
          an annual entrusted operation and management fee of RMB 200,000 to the Company. During the
          report period, the Company has received the entrusted operation and management fee for SEG
          Communications Market of RMB 200,000 for this year.
     (For detailed information, refer to the Public Notice on the Resolution of the 8th Interim Meeting of the
     5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on
     Estimated Matters Concerning Related Transactions Relating to Daily Operations in 2012 disclosed on
     China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the
     Cninfo Website on March 27, 2012).
(7) Litigation issues
     Guangzhou Jiajie Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Jiajie") signed a
     Contract of Purchase with Company-controlled Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.
     (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Industrial") on June 25, 2010, prescribing that Guangzhou Jiajie
     purchases SYBASE software from SEG Industrial for external sales. Due to the difference of the
     representation of the payment terms in the Contract of Purchase separately held by SEG Industrial and
     Guangzhou Jiajie, the two parties had a dispute on the issue of payment. The payment conditions in the
     Contract of Purchase consist of two optional clauses. The first clause is "Within 60 days after the goods
     arriving at the delivery place and passing the power-on acceptance check (that is, before August 30,
     2010), the seller shall issue the full VAT invoice to the buyer and the buyer shall make full payment".
     The second clause is "The seller shall issue the full VAT invoice to the buyer, and the buyer shall make
     full payment within 7 days after receiving full payment from its users". Both clauses were ticked (√) in
     the Contract of Purchase held by SEG Industrial. However, only the second clause was ticked (√) in the
     Contract of Purchase held by Guangzhou Jiajie. Guangzhou Jiajie sold the SYBASE software to
     Guangzhou Yushi Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Yushi"),
     which then sold the software to end users. Because Guangzhou Yushi has not made payment to
     Guangzhou Jiajie, the latter filed a lawsuit against the former, but the legal person of Guangzhou Yushi
     has migrated to another country. By analyzing the Contract of Purchase held by Guangzhou Jiajie, the
     prerequisite for the payment by Guangzhou Jiajie is that Guangzhou Jiajie received the payment from
     Guangzhou Yushi. According to the lawyer’s opinion, it is very likely that the payment cannot be
     recovered. The amount of the contract is RMB 3,052,571, for which RMB 2,747,313.90, or 90% of the
     amount, was accrued as bad debt provision at the end of 2010. The Company sued Guangzhou Jiajie
     regarding the dispute. The court opened a session on December 28, 2011 and made the first instance
     judgment on February 14, 2012. According to the court verdict, the plaintiff, Shenzhen SEG Industrial
     Investment Co., Ltd. won the lawsuit and the defendant, Guangzhou Jiajie Technology Co., Ltd. shall
     make a payment of RMB 3,052,571 to SEG Industrial. The court rejected other claims of the plaintiff.
     Guangzhou Jiajie Technology Co., Ltd., the defendant, disagreed with the decision and appealed to a
     higher court. The second instance of the Jiajie case was called in Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court
     on June 25, 2012 and now the Company is waiting for the court to enter the judgment. .
(8) Progress of the Company's internal control regulation construction during the report period
     1.   Given the regulatory requirements of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau of China Securities

                                              2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

          Regulatory Commission and adjustment of internal control audit work of the Company, the
          Company changed to implement ―internal control audit on the 2012 annual report‖ instead of
          ―internal control audit on the 2012 semi-annual report‖. The 2012 Annual Report on Internal
          Control made by an internal control audit institution shall be disclosed with the 2012 Annual
          Report. After review and approval of the 9th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company
          held on July 23, 2012 and the 1st interim General Meeting of Shareholders in 2012, the Company
          agreed to hire Beijing Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. as the internal control
          audit institution in 2012 with the auditing fee of RMB 300,000 and to terminate the
          implementation of Proposal on Appointment of the Auditing Institution for the 2012 Semi-annual
          Report and Payment of Auditing Fee approved by the 17th General Meeting of Shareholders
     2.   Beijing Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. pre-audited 2012 internal control plans
          and implementation of the Company. The Auditing Department of the Company organized
          corrections for problems identified in the pre-auditing and tracked the progress.
     3.   The Company organized evaluation on effectiveness of internal control implemented by the
          Company and controlled subsidiaries before June 30, 2012 and formulated the 2012 Semi-annual
          Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control of Shenzhen SEG, which was approved by the 10th
          meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company and published on the Cninfo Website on
          August 27, 2012.
     4.   The Auditing Department of the Company implemented internal control inspection and relevant
          training for the third batch of internal control construction companies, including Xi'an Hairong
          SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xi'an Hairong SEG) and Bao'an
          branch of Mellow Orange Hotel. By the end of the report period, the Auditing Department had
          finished internal control inspection and made reports for the two companies and the latter had
          made corrections on the problems identified.
     5.   The Auditing Department of the Company implemented internal control inspection for SEG
          E-Commerce and Shenzhen SEG Baohua Corporation Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
          to as SEG Baohua), made reports and urged them to complete correction plans. Relevant problems
          are being corrected.
     By the end of this report period, the progress of the internal control work had kept pace with the Work
     Plan for Internal Control.
(9) The Company was notified on February 28, 2011 by the majority shareholder that the latter was
    planning major matters, so the shares of the Company were suspended from March 1, 2011 in order to
    prevent abnormal price changes and protect the interests of investors. The trading will be resumed after
    relevant announcements are disclosed. The Company was notified on August 9, 2012 at 4 pm by the
    majority shareholder that the latter and relevant parties were actively working on the major matters
    during suspension period of the Company's shares. But relevant parties decided to terminate aforesaid
    matters after careful study due to difficulties in reaching agreement on those matters. Trading of the
    shares of the Company was resumed from August 10, 2012. The Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co.,
    Ltd on Terminating Planning Major Matters and Resuming Share Trading was disclosed on China
    Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo
    Website on August 10, 2012.

                                                              2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

(III) Commitments made by the shareholders holding more than 5% shares, which were made in or lasted
   into the report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

               Commitment                        Made by            Content            Time            Duration         Fulfillment
Commitment for share reform                  Not applicable
Commitments in the Acquisition Report
                                             Not applicable
and the Report of Changes on Equity
Commitments made at the time of asset
                                             Not applicable
                                                          According to
                                                          Article Five of the
                                                          Equity Transfer
                                                          Agreement signed
                                                          by the Company
                                                          with SEG Group
                                                          when the
                                                          Company was
                                                          listed, SEG Group
                                                          agreed that the
                                                          Company and its
                                                          subsidiaries and
                                                          companies could
                                                          use the eight
                                                          registered by SEG
                                                          Group at the
                                          Shenzhen SEG                                                               were fulfilled in
Commitments at the time of share issuance                 Trademark           July 1, 1996         Not applicable
                                          Group Co., Ltd.                                                            the report
                                                          Bureau; SEG
                                                          Group agreed that
                                                          the Company
                                                          could use the
                                                          trademarks or
                                                          similar signs as
                                                          the Company’s
                                                          logo and use the
                                                          trademarks and
                                                          signs during its
                                                          operation; the
                                                          Company needn’t
                                                          pay any fee to
                                                          SEG Group for
                                                          using the
                                                          trademarks or
Other commitments made to the medium
                                             Not applicable
and small shareholders of the Company
Are the commitments fulfilled in time?       √ Yes □ No □ Not applicable
Reasons for the unfulfilled and next steps
Are commitments made on horizontal
competition and related transactions?
                                             √ Yes □ No □ Not applicable
Commitment solution period
                                             Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau pointed out that ―There is an issue of horizontal
Solutions                                    competition in the business of electronics markets between the Company and SEG
                                             Group‖ during the spot inspection in 2007; the Company received a Letter of

                                                      2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                       Commitment in writing from SEG Group on September 14, 2007, which said that ―SEG
                                       Group and Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. have similar business in electronics markets in
                                       Shenzhen due to historic reasons and the objective background of market development;
                                       the Group hereby promises that it will not individually operate a market in a same city
                                       whose business is similar with that of Shenzhen SEG‖. The aforesaid matter was
                                       disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times and the Hong Kong Wen
                                       Wei Po and the Cninfo Website on September 18, 2007.
                                       In order to solve the issue of horizontal competition between the Company and its
                                       controlling shareholder, SEG Group due to historical reasons, the 6th interim meeting of
                                       the 5th Board of Directors held on January 26, 2011 reviewed and approved the
                                       Proposal of Solving the Horizontal Competition between the Company and Its
                                       Controlling Shareholder. After friendly consultation, SEG Group agreed to entrust the
                                       Company to operate and manage SEG Communications Market under the direct
                                       management of SEG Group. Therefore, the two parties have signed the entrustment
                                       operation and management contract: (1) SEG Group has the ownership and the income
                                       right of SEG Communication Market and assumes all creditor's rights and liabilities
                                       incurred during the operation of SEG Communications Market. (2) The management
                                       representative from the Company shall operate and manage SEG Communications
                                       Market during the period of entrusted operation and management, who has full
                                       decision-making power in operation and management of SEG Communications Market.
                                       (3) In accordance with the provisions of the Company on entrusted management of
                                       electronics markets and with full consideration to the maturity of the entrusted market
Commitment fulfillment                 and whether the market is located in a primary business area, the Company shall collect
                                       from SEG Group the management fee and profit fee as follows based on the market fair
                                       value: the total income of SEG Communications Market in 2010, RMB 20,000,000,
                                       shall be regarded as the base number; the Company shall collect a management fee of
                                       RMB 200,000 should the total income of the market in the current year is equal to or less
                                       than RMB 20,000,000; the Company shall take 20% from the part beyond the base
                                       number apart from the management fee of RMB 200,000 should the total income in the
                                       current year exceed RMB 20,000,000. For the detailed information about the
                                       above-mentioned matter, please refer to the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on
                                       the Related Transaction for the Purpose of Solving the Issue of Horizontal Competition
                                       between the Company and the Controlling Shareholder that was disclosed on the China
                                       Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the
                                       Cninfo Website on January 28, 2011.The Company had received the timely payment of
                                       the management fee of 2011 and 2012, RMB 200,000 per year, from SEG Group.
                                       Therefore, there is no longer the issue of horizontal competition between the Company
                                       and SEG Group.

(IV) Forecasts on the operating performance of 2012

Warning and reasons for forecasts on loss of the accumulated net profit from the year beginning to the end of next
period or sharp year-on-year changes in net profit
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(V) Other important events requiring explanations

1.   Investment in securities
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
2.   Investment in derivatives
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
3.   Positions of derivatives at the end of the report period
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable
4.   Registration form for investigations, communication and interviews in the report period

                                                       2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                              Types of received                 Main content of discussion and the materials
    Time            Place         Means                         Received person
                                                   person                                        provided
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 2, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 3, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 4, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 5, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 6, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 16, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 17, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 18, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 30, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
July 31, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 1, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 2, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 3, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 6, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 7, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 8, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for suspension
Aug 9, 2012     At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and time for resumption; the Company
                                                                                  provided the suspension notice.
                                                                                  Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 10, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                  provided the resumption notice.
Aug 13, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor      Investors asked for reasons for resumption

                                                      2012 Third Quarterly Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                             Types of received                 Main content of discussion and the materials
     Time           Place        Means                         Received person
                                                  person                                         provided
                                                                               and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                               provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 14, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 15 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 20, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 21, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 24, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 29, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 30, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for reasons for resumption
Aug 31, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     and operation of the Company; the Company
                                                                                provided the resumption notice.
                                                                                Investors asked for the operation of the
Sep 1, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     Company and the Company provided the
                                                                                semi-annual report.
                                                                                Investors asked for the operation of the
Sep 3, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     Company and the Company provided the
                                                                                semi-annual report.
                                                                                Investors asked for the operation of the
Sep 5, 2012    At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     Company and the Company provided the
                                                                                semi-annual report.
                                                                                Investors asked for the operation of the
Sep 10, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     Company and the Company provided the
                                                                                semi-annual report.
                                                                                Investors asked for the operation of the
Sep 19, 2012   At the Company   Phone call      Individual         Investor     Company and the Company provided the
                                                                                semi-annual report.

5.   Bond issuance
     Is the Company issuing bonds?
     □ Yes √ No
