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						             Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

    2013 Q1 Report

      April 2013

                                                                          Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                    Chapter One                      Important Notes

The Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors of the Company, its directors, supervisors and senior executives shall guarantee the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the quarterly report and no existence of false record, misleading statement or major
omission herein,, and shall assume individual and/or joint liabilities.
Wang Li, the person in charge of the Company, Li Lifu, the person in charge of the accounting work, and Ying Huadong, the person
in charge of the accounting institution (accountant in charge) hereby declare that the Financial Statements enclosed in this quarterly
report are true, accurate and complete.
All the directors have attended this board meeting reviewing the quarterly report.

                                                                            Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

         Chapter Two                           Change of the Major Financial Data and the

1. Major financial data

Whether the previous financial data is traced back or restated in this report period.
□ Yes √ No

                                                    January-March, 2013            January-March, 2012
                                                                                                                   increase/decrease (%)

Operating revenue (Yuan)                                     133,517,969.30                  110,887,458.49                            20.41%

Net profit belonging to shareholders of the
                                                              20,488,550.91                    16,613,292.99                           23.33%
listed company (Yuan)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
listed   company      after     deduction      of             20,099,360.71                    16,186,864.61                           24.17%
non-recurring profit and loss (Yuan)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                             -79,128,683.42                    11,648,372.46                         -779.31%
activities (Yuan)

Basic earnings per share (Yuan/Share)                                    0.0261                         0.0212                         23.11%

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/Share)                                  0.0261                         0.0212                         23.11%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                                  1.7%                            1.43%                        0.27%

                                                      March 31, 2013                 December 31 2012
                                                                                                                   increase/decrease (%)

Total assets (Yuan)                                        1,758,254,396.29                1,740,697,285.20                            1.01%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                           1,216,113,922.93                1,195,672,946.25                            1.71%
the listed company (Yuan)

Items of non-recurring profit and loss and related amounts:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                             The amount from the
                                  Item                                    beginning of this year to the                  Note:
                                                                            end of this report period

Government subsidiaries recorded into current gains and losses                                             Special funds for development of
(except those closely related with the Company, which are enjoyed                           714,458.68 biology, internet, and new energy
by quotas according to uniform standards of the State)                                                     industries in Shenzhen.

Other    non-operating        income     and   expenses   except   the
above-mentioned items

                                                                         Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Influenced amount of income tax                                                         -229,819.25

Amount influenced by minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                         -300,267.53

Total                                                                                    389,190.20                                        --

2. Total number of shareholders and shareholding information of the top ten shareholders at
the end of this report period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Share

Total number of shareholders by the
        end of the report period

                                         Information on shares held by the top ten shareholders

                                                                                  Quantity of       Information on pledged or frozen
    Name of              Nature of        Share-holding Quantity of shares
                                                                                restricted shares                    shares
   shareholder          shareholder       proportion (%)          held
                                                                                      held            Share status             Quantity

 Shenzhen SEG        State-owned legal
                                                  30.24%          237,359,666                   0      Pledged                83,679,833
 Group Co., Ltd.           person

  Ping An Trust          Domestic
 Co., Ltd.-Ruifu      non-state-owned              2.41%           18,880,300                   0
        No.2            legal person

                      Overseas natural
 Gong Qianhua                                      0.68%            5,311,520                   0

                     Domestic natural
   Zeng Ying                                       0.66%            5,160,887                   0

Taifook Securities
    Company            Overseas legal
                                                   0.46%            3,579,958                   0
Limited-Account            person

                     Domestic natural
 Zhang Liming                                      0.31%            2,444,882                   0

 Ruihua No.3 of
                           Others                  0.28%            2,169,808                   0
 Trust Co., Ltd.

   Account of
  Securities for         Domestic
  Client Credit       non-state-owned              0.24%            1,908,800                   0
 Transaction of         legal person
China Merchants
 Securities Co.,

                                                                         Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


                      Overseas legal
NORGES BANK                                         0.24%           1,890,226                   0

                    Domestic natural
   Ju Yongmei                                       0.19%           1,479,225                   0

                                      Information on the top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                                                                 Type of share
       Name of shareholder                        Quantity of unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                       Type of share        Quantity

                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
  Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                       237,359,666                             237,359,666

                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
Ping An Trust Co., Ltd.-Ruifu No.2                                                    18,880,300                                 18,880,300

             Gong Qianhua                                                                5,311,520     listed foreign             5,311,520

              Zeng Ying                                                                  5,160,887     listed foreign             5,160,887

    Taifook Securities Company
                                                                                         3,579,958     listed foreign             3,579,958
      Limited-Account Client

                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
             Zhang Liming                                                                2,444,882                                2,444,882

    Ruihua No.3 of Zhongrong                                                                           RMB ordinary
                                                                                         2,169,808                                2,169,808
    International Trust Co., Ltd.                                                                         shares

Account of Guaranteed Securities for
                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
 Client Credit Transaction of China                                                      1,908,800                                1,908,800
   Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

         NORGES BANK                                                                     1,890,226     listed foreign             1,890,226

                                                                                                       RMB ordinary
              Ju Yongmei                                                                 1,479,225                                1,479,225

                                        Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called "SEG ") has no associated relationship with
  Explanations on the association
                                            other shareholders, nor is it a person acting in concert as described by the Management
  relationship or concerted action
                                         Methods for Disclosure of Information on Changes of Shareholding Status of Shareholders of
    among the above-mentioned
                                        Listed Companies. It is unknown whether other shareholders have an associated relationship or
                                                                    are the persons acting in concert or not.

                                                                        Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Chapter Three                     Significant Events

1. Particulars and explanations of material changes in main items of accounting statements
and financial indexes in this report period

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
(1) Items on the Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                  Increase/decrease of
                                                                   Period-beginning                                  the current year
               Item                    Period-end balance                                      Difference
                                                                       balance                                    compared with that of
                                                                                                                      last year (%)

           Notes receivable                            70,000.00            200,000.00              -130,000.00                -65.00%

         Accounts receivable                   14,976,505.51             10,742,406.91             4,234,098.60                 39.41%

          Other receivables                    44,493,597.28             18,231,238.23            26,262,359.05                144.05%

              Inventory                        83,116,389.12              2,715,123.54            80,401,265.58               2961.24%

         Other current assets                 230,760,402.78           346,200,402.78           -115,440,000.00                -33.34%

       Construction in progress                        48,500.00            185,086.00              -136,586.00                -73.80%

           Short-term loans                     1,000,000.00                          -            1,000,000.00                100.00%

          Accounts payable                      2,465,170.81              4,011,377.73            -1,546,206.92                -38.55%

            Taxes payable                      20,858,956.12             15,226,223.73             5,632,732.39                 36.99%

     Other non-current liabilities                605,622.23                320,080.91               285,541.32                 89.21%

1.   The notes receivable decreased by RMB 130,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with a decrease of 65.00%.
     The main cause of the decrease is that the subsidiary Wujiang SEG Electronics Market received the rent from the merchants by
     means of bank acceptance bill at the end of last year. The bill was due and RMB 130,000 Yuan was accepted within this report
     period, which led to the decrease of this item.
2.   The accounts receivable decreased by RMB 4,230,000Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with an increase of
     39.41%. The main reason for the increase is that trade business of the subsidiary Shenzhen SEG Industry Investment Co., Ltd.
     (hereafter called "SEG Industry") increased in this report period, which accordingly led to the increase of this item.
3.   The other receivables increased by RMB 26,260,000Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with an increase of
     144.05%. The main reason for the increase is that the subsidiary Nantong SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd. (hereafter
     called "Nantong SEG") which was registered on March 2013 and the Company paid the deposit of RMB 30,000,000 Yuan for
     the commencement of construction of Nantong SEG Times Square Project in this period, which led to the increase of this item.
4.   The inventory increased by RMB 80,400,000 Yuan as compared to period-beginning amount, with an increase of
     2,961.24%.The main reason for the increase is that in this period, Nantong SEG procured land for construction of Nantong
     SEG Times Square, which led to the increase of this item.

                                                                          Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

5.    Other current assets decreased by RMB 115,440,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with a decrease of
      33.34%. The main reason for the decrease is that in this report period, the bank financing products invested by the Company
      were due, which led to the decrease of this item.
6.    The construction in progress decreased by RMB 140,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with a decrease of
      73.80%. The main reason for the decrease is that construction in progress was completed in this report period and included into
      long-term deferred expenses.
7.    Short-term borrowings increased by RMB 1,000,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount. The main reason for
      the increase is that the subsidiary Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd. (hereafter called "SEG Credit") had developed business in
      this report period and newly increased bank loan.
8.    The accounts payable decreased by RMB 1,550,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with a decrease of
      38.55%. The main reason for the decrease is the expenditure on the decoration engineering of the electronics markets, for
      example, the subsidiary Nanjing SEG Electronics Market (hereafter called "Nanjing SEG"), which led to the decrease of this
9.    Payable tax increased by RMB 5,630,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with an increase of 36.99%. The
      main reason for the increase is that the profits made in this report period increased the payable enterprise income tax.
10.   Other non-current liabilities increased by RMB 290,000 Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with an increase of
      89.21%. The main reason for the increase is that within this report period, the subsidiary Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd.
      (hereafter called "SEG -Commerce") received the government grants for special use and had to confirm the deferred income,
      which led to the increase of this item.
2. Items in the Profit Statement

                                                                                                                    Increase/decrease of
                                        Amount of the current                                                          the current year
                 Item                                              Amount of last period        Difference
                                                period                                                              compared with that of
                                                                                                                        last year (%)

      Loss from asset impairment                    115,179.85                565,753.35             -450,573.50                  -79.64%

          Investment income                       5,769,732.16              4,320,493.67            1,449,238.49                  33.54%

        Non-operating expenses                            719.94                5,587.65                -4,867.71                 -87.12%

                Income tax                        9,110,315.06              6,659,347.04            2,450,968.02                  36.80%

       Profit and loss of minority
                                                  3,826,404.92              2,864,192.73              962,212.19                  33.59%

      Other comprehensive income                    -71,454.23                  8,762.63               -80,216.86                -915.44%

      Total comprehensive income
                                                  3,802,524.92              2,867,121.20              935,403.72                  32.63%
attributable to minority shareholders

1.     The asset impairment loss decreased by RMB 450,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with a decrease of
      79.64%. The main reason for the decrease is the reduced loan loss provision of the subsidiary SEG Credit in this report period.
2.    The investment income increased by RMB1,450,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with an increase of
      33.54%. The main reason for the increase is that the income from the bank financing products increased in this report period.
3.    Income tax expenses increased by RMB 2,450,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with an increase of 36.80%.
      The main reason for the increase is that the total profits of the Company increased in this report period, which accordingly led
      to the increase of taxable income.

                                                                           Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

4.      Profits and loss of minority shareholders increased by RMB 960,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with an
        increase of 33.59%. The main reason for the increase is that the profits of the subsidiary SEG Credit increased but the loss of
        SEG Electronic Commerce decreased in this report period, which led to the increase of this item.
5.      Other comprehensive income decreased by RMB 80,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with a decrease of
        915.44%. The main reason for the decrease is that the stock value of Youhao Group held by the subsidiary Shenzhen SEG
        Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. (hereafter called "SEG Baohua") decreased in this report period.
6.      The total comprehensive income attributable to the minority of shareholders increased by RMB 940,000 Yuan as compared to
        the same period last year, with an increase of 32.63%. The main reason for the increase is the same as 4 foresaid.
3. Items in the Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                        of the current year
                                             Amount of the current
                    Item                                             Amount of last period         Difference            compared with
                                                                                                                         that of last year

        Cash received from interest and
                                                      8,241,020.99              3,938,358.93            4,302,662.06              109.25%

        Cash paid for goods and service             141,753,366.39             50,792,464.15           90,960,902.24              179.08%

       Net increase of loans to customers
                                                      5,698,024.66             57,173,834.33          -51,475,809.67              -90.03%
                and advances

      Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                    148,131,797.31           110,060,253.22            38,071,544.09               34.59%

       Cash received from withdrawal of
                                                    594,820,000.00           428,960,000.00          165,860,000.00                38.67%

         Cash received from investment
                                                      6,784,658.10              2,288,189.36            4,496,468.74              196.51%

           Cash paid for purchase and
 construction of fixed assets, intangible             3,418,600.09              1,726,165.00            1,692,435.09               98.05%
      assets and other long-term assets

       Cash received from obtainment of
                                                     20,000,000.00                           -         20,000,000.00              100.00%

        Cash paid for repayment of debts             19,000,000.00                           -         19,000,000.00              100.00%

          Cash paid for distribution of
     dividends and profit or repayment of               306,208.89                           -             306,208.89             100.00%

1.      Cash from charging interests, procedure fee, and commission increased by RMB 4,300,000 Yuan as compared to the same
        period last year, with an increase of 109.25%. The main reason for the increase is that the loan scale of the subsidiary SEG
        Credit increased and the interests from the small loan increased in this report period.

                                                                        Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

2.    Cash paid for goods and services increased by RMB 90,960,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with an
      increase of 179.08%. The main reason for the increase is that the subsidiary Nantong SEG paid RMB 80,250,000 Yuan for
      procuring the land for construction of Nantong SEG Times Square.
3.    The net increase in loan and advance to customers decreased by RMB 51,480,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last
      year, with a decrease of 90.03%. The main reason for the decrease is that the loan scale of the subsidiary SEG Credit reached
      the maximum limit of loan in this report period and the capital available for granting loans decreased.
4.    Cash paid relating to other operation activities increased by RMB 38,070,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year,
      with an increase of 34.59%. The main reason for the increase is that the subsidiary Nantong SEG paid a deposit of RMB
      30,000,000 Yuan for commencement of construction of Nantong SEG Times Square, which led to the increase of this item.
5.    Cash received from disposal of investments increased by RMB 165,860,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year,
      with an increase of 38.67%. The main reason for the increase is that the disposal of investment in bank financing products
      increased as compared to the same period last year, which led to the increase of this item.
6.    Cash from the investment income increased by RMB 4,500,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year, with an increase
      of 196.51%. The main reason for the increase is that the income from the bank financing products increased in this report
      period, which led to the increase of this item.
7.    Case paid for procuring fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets increased by RMB 1,690,000 Yuan as
      compared to the same period last year, with an increase of 98.05%. The main reason for the increase is that the subsidiary
      Nanjing SEG, and Foshan Shunde SEG Electronics Market under construction generated a considerable amount of expenditure
      on decoration and reconstruction, which led to the increase of this item.
8.    Cash received from borrowings increased by RMB 20,000,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year. The main reason
      for the increase is that the subsidiary SEG Credit had development in business and got the bank loans in this report period.
9.    Cash paid for repayment of debt increased RMB 19,000,000 Yuan as compared to the same period last year. The main reason
      for the increase is that the subsidiary SEG Credit was paying the bank loans in this report period.
10.   Cash paid for distribution of dividend, profits or interest expenses increased by RMB 310,000 Yuan as compared to the same
      period last year. The main reason is that the subsidiary Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. paid cash
      dividends to minority shareholders in this report period.

3.2 Progress of important events and its relevant influence and analysis of solutions

1     Related transactions related to daily operation
      As reviewed and approved by the 12th Meeting of the 5th Board of the Company held on March 28, 2013, in order to meet the
      needs of developing business in the electronics markets in 2013, the Company shall rent part of the 8th floor of SEG Plaza
      owned by its controlling shareholder Shenzhen Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (hereafter called SEG) as the warehouse for the
      business tenants of the Company During the lease term, the Company shall pay rent and property management fees to SEG.
      With related directors avoided in the voting, the Board of Directors agreed that in 2013, the Company could have related
      transactions on estate lease with SEG at a fair market price within the limit of RMB 1,000,000 Yuan. (For details, see the Public
      Notice on Resolutions of the 12th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and the Public Notice of
      Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Estimated Matters Related to Daily Related Transactions Concerning Operating Activities in 2013
      disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo
      Website on March 30, 2013). Within this report period, the Company shall totally pay RMB 129,000 Yuan for the rent and the
      property management fee to SEG.
(2)   The 11th Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors was held on September 6, 2012 to deliberate on and approve The Company's
      Proposal on Applying for Issue of Short-term Financing Bond or Mid-term Notes from National Association of Financial

                                                                         Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

      Market Institutional Investors and the Proposal on Applying for Short-term Line of Credit of RMB 0.5 Billion Yuan from Banks.
      This matter was reviewed and approved in the second interim meeting of shareholders held on September 24, 2012. These
      events can be referred to in the Public Notice on Resolutions of the 11th Meeting of the fifth Board of Directors of Shenzhen
      SEG Co., Ltd., and the Public Notice on the Company's Proposal on Applying for Issue of Short-term Financing Bond or
      Mid-term Notes from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors disclosed on September 2012, and the
      Public Notice on the Resolutions of the Second Interim Meeting of Shareholders of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. disclosed on
      September 25, 2012 on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial
      Daily and the Cninfo Website.
(3) The 9th meeting of the 5th board held on July 23rd, 2012 discussed and approved the Proposal about Investing and Opening
      Ningbo Seg Electronic Market and the Proposal about Investing and Opening Ningbo Seg Digital Plaza. The notice about the
      above mentioned investments could be red in the Notice about Investing Ningbo Seg Electronic Market, Ningbo Seg Digital
      Plaza, and Wuxi Seg Electronic Market, which was published in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily,
      Hong Kong Commercial Newspaper, and CNINFO website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on July 24th, 2012. The 32nd
      temporary meeting of the 5th board of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. held on April 18th, 2013 discussed and approved the Proposal
      about Terminating Ningbo Seg Electronic Market and the Proposal about Withdrawing the Investment for Ningbo Seg Digital
      Plaza. The board of the company decided to terminate Ningbo Seg Electronic Market as well as the investment cooperation
      model of Ningbo Seg Digital Plaza, withdrawing the investment for Ningbo Seg Digital Plaza and changing the entrusted
      management pattern into the management pattern by our company. Details of this issue could be red in the Notice about
      Terminating Ningbo Seg Electronic Market and the Proposal about Withdrawing the Investment for Ningbo Seg Digital Plaza,
      which was published in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Newspaper, and
      CNINFO website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 20th, 2013. Up to the date when this notice was disclosed, the company
      has withdrawn the contributed capital of these two projects and has received the entrusted management fee of Ningbo Seg
      Digital Plaza. Therefore, terminating the above mentioned investment intents did not influence the current profits and loss and
      the rights of the shareholders of the company.
(4)   The 32nd temporary meeting of the 5th board of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. held on April 18th, 2013 discussed and approved the
      Proposal about Lending the Circulating Fund of 32,000,000 Yuan to Shenzhen SEG Industry Investment Co., Ltd., agreeing to
      lend the Circulating Fund of 32,000,000 Yuan to Shenzhen SEG Industry Investment Co., Ltd. (hereafter called SEG Industry)
      whose 100% shares are controlled by the company. Among the fund, 22,000,000 yuan was the one-year loan provided by the
      company to SEG Industry in 2011 according to decisions of the 7th meeting of the 5th board of the company. The additional
      loan of 10,000,000 yuan is the newly added circulating fund. The company provided the circulating fund of 32,000,000 Yuan as
      the long-term loan to SEG Industry for satisfying requirements of business development of SEG Industry. Therefore, the above
      loans are free of interests.
(5) The implementation status of the internal control within the first quarter of 2013
      Within the report period, the company completed the self-evaluation of the internal control in 2012 and submitted it to the 12th
      meeting of the 5th board for discussion and approval. The 2012 Self-Evaluation Report of Internal Control of Shenzhen SEG
      Co., Ltd. has been disclosed on CNINFO website on March 30th, 2013. Da Hua Certified Public Accountants (special general
      partnership) employed by the company audited the internal control of the company in 2012 and issued the Audit Report of
      Internal Control of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. which was numbered Da Hua No. [2013]000033. The audit report thinks that up to
      December 31st, 2012, the company has maintained the effective internal control of the financial report in all the important
      aspects according to the Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and the relevant regulations. The audit report has been
      disclosed on CNINFO website on March 30th, 2013.

                                                                       Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

     In this report period, the relevant bonds were being issued.

                                                                                                     Inquiry    index    for   the
                        Overview of important events                              Disclosure date    websites    disclosing    the
                                                                                                     temporary reports

Litigation & arbitration issues: Guangzhou Jiajie Technology Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Jiajie") signed a Purchase Contract
with the SEG Industry, a subsidiary of the Company on June 25, 2010,
prescribing that Guangzhou Jiajie purchases SYBASE software from SEG
Industry for external sales. Due to the difference of descriptions about the
payment conditions in the Purchase Contract separately held by SEG Industry
and Guangzhou Jiajie, the two parties had a dispute on the payment. The
payment conditions in the Purchase Contract consist of two optional clauses.
The first clause provides that the Seller shall issue a value-added tax invoice
for the full amount to the Buyer within 60 days after the goods arrive at the
place of delivery and are qualified upon inspection and acceptance through
power-on operation (i.e., before August 30, 2010) and the Buyer shall make
full payment for the goods; whereas the second clause provides that the Seller
shall issue a value-added tax invoice for the full amount to the Buyer and the
Buyer shall make the payment within 7 days after receiving the full amount of
the payment from users. Both clauses were marked with a (√) in the Purchase
Clause held by SEG Industry. However, only the second clause was marked
with a (√) in the Purchase Clause held by Guangzhou Jiajie. Guangzhou Jiajie
sold the SYBASE software to Guangzhou Yushi Information Technology Co.,           August 16, 2011;   Semi-annual Report of 2011,
Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Yushi") that sold the software to      March 27, 2012;    Annual Report of 2011, and
end users. Since Guangzhou Yushi has not made payment to Guangzhou Jiajie,        August 27, 2012;   Semi-Annual Report of 2012
the latter filed a lawsuit against the former. The legal representative of        March 30, 2013     disclosed on Cninfo website
Guangzhou Yushi had migrated to another country. Based on the analysis of
the Purchase Contract held by Guangzhou Jiajie, the prerequisite for the
payment by Guangzhou Jiajie is that Guangzhou Jiajie received the payment
from Guangzhou Yushi. According to the lawyer’s analysis of the current
situation, it is not likely to collect the payment. The amount of the contract
object is RMB 3,052,571.00 Yuan, for which RMB 2,747,313.90 Yuan, i.e.
90% of the amount, was accrued as bad debt provision at the end of 2010.
After the Company had instituted a court action to solve the previous dispute,
the court opened a session on December 28, 2011 and made the first trial
judgment on February 14, 2012. According to the court verdict, the plaintiff,
SEG Industry, won the lawsuit and the defendant Guangzhou Jiajie should pay
to the plaintiff RMB 3,052,571 Yuan. The court rejected other claims of the
plaintiff. The defendant Guangzhou Jiajie disagreed with the verdict of the
first instance and filed a lawsuit to the superior court. On June 15, 2012, the
second instance about the case of Guangzhou Jiajie opened in Shenzhen
Intermediate People's Court. The accuser was the defendant namely,
Guangzhou Jiajie and the involving codefendants in the first instance. The
defendant was the accuser in the first instance namely, SEG Industry. In the

                                                                          Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                      Inquiry    index    for      the
                         Overview of important events                               Disclosure date   websites    disclosing       the
                                                                                                      temporary reports
second instance, dispute between the accuser and the defendant was still the
inconsistency of the ticked items in term of the payment pattern in the
contracts held by each party which led to two different payment patterns. The
court has been closed in the second instance. Up to the date when this report
was disclosed, both parties were still waiting for the verdict of the court.

                                                                                                      Published Notice about
                                                                                                      Investing and Setting up
                                                                                                      Nantong SEG Times Square
About investing in and setting up Nantong SEG Times Square Development                                Development Co., Ltd. in the
Co., Ltd. in this report period, the Company has invested RMB 30,000,000           January 10, 2013   following media: China
Yuan and set up Nantong SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd.                                        Securities Journal, Securities
                                                                                                      Times, Securities Daily, Hong
                                                                                                      Kong Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                      CNINFO website.

On February 6, 2013, by means of listing procurement bidding, the Company                             Published Notice about
obtained the rights to use the land C13001 which is located in Nantong,                               Obtaining the Land Use
Jiangsu Province and was listed for transfer by Nantong Bureau of National                            Rights in the following
Land & Resources. The total land price was RMB 80,254,500 Yuan. The                                   media: China Securities
                                                                                      Feb 8, 2013
wholly-owned subsidiary Nantong SEG will conduct development and                                      Journal, Securities Times,
construction of this land for developing the electronics market and its                               Securities Daily, Hong Kong
supporting facilities.                                                                                Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                      CNINFO website.

                                                                                                      Published Notice about
                                                                                                      Related Transaction between
                                                                                                      Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and
                                                                                                      Shenzhen SEG Property Co.,
                                                                                                      Ltd. about Co-investment and
About investing and acquiring 20% shares of Shenzhen Buji Sanlian Industry                            Acquisition of 20% Shares of
Development Co., Ltd. (it has been re-named Shenzhen SEG New City                                     Shenzhen Buji Sanlian
                                                                                   January 31, 2013
Construction & Development Co., Ltd.): in this report period, the Company                             Industry Development Co.,
has completed acquisition of the 20% shares of this company.                                          Ltd. in the following media:
                                                                                                      China Securities Journal,
                                                                                                      Securities Times, Securities
                                                                                                      Daily, Hong Kong
                                                                                                      Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                      CNINFO website.

                                                                                                      Published Notice about
The Company provided warranty of RMB 75,000,000 Yuan for SEG Credit to                                Providing Warranty for the
                                                                                    March 2, 2013
apply the line of credit in Bank of China.                                                            Subsidiaries in the following
                                                                                                      media: China Securities

                                                                       Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                       Inquiry     index   for      the
                         Overview of important events                             Disclosure date      websites     disclosing      the
                                                                                                       temporary reports
                                                                                                       Journal, Securities Times,
                                                                                                       Securities Daily, Hong Kong
                                                                                                       Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                       CNINFO website.

                                                                                                       Published Notice about
                                                                                                       Investing and Operating
                                                                                                       Nanning SEG. Digital Plaza
About investing and operating Nanning SEG Digital Plaza: in this report                                in the following media: China
                                                                                   March 8, 2013
period, this project was under preparation.                                                            Securities Journal, Securities
                                                                                                       Times, Securities Daily, Hong
                                                                                                       Kong Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                       CNINFO website.

                                                                                                       Published Notice about
                                                                                                       Decisions of the 12th Meeting
                                                                                                       of the 5th Board and Notice
                                                                                                       about Decisions of the 18th
About providing the loan limit of RMB 300,000,000 Yuan to the
                                                                                                       Shareholders Meeting in
wholly-owned subsidiary Nantong SEG for investment and construction of            March 30, 2013,
                                                                                                       2012 in the following media:
Nantong SEG Times Square: it has been reviewed and approved in the 18th            April 20, 2013
                                                                                                       China Securities Journal,
shareholder meeting (2012) which was held on April 19, 2013.
                                                                                                       Securities Times, Securities
                                                                                                       Daily, Hong Kong
                                                                                                       Commercial Daily and
                                                                                                       CNINFO website.

3. Commitments made by the Company or the shareholders holding more than 5% shares,
which were made in or lasted into the reporting period

                                                                                        Commitment      Commitment
        Commitments               Promisor                   Content                                                    Fulfillment
                                                                                             date           term

Commitment for share reform

Commitments in the
Acquisition Report or the
Report of Changes on Equity

Commitments made at the          Not
time of restructuring of assets applicable

Commitment made at the time Shenzhen          According to Article Five of the Equity                                   Commitment
                                                                                        July 1, 2013   Not applicable
of initial public offerings or   SEG Group Transfer Agreement signed by the                                             s were

                                                                        Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

refinancing                     Co., Ltd.    Company with SEG Group when the                                             fulfilled in
                                             Company was listed, SEG Group                                               the reporting
                                             agreed that the Company and its                                             period.
                                             subsidiaries and associated companies
                                             could      use   the   eight   trademarks
                                             registered by SEG Group at the
                                             National     Trademark    Bureau;   SEG
                                             Group agreed that the Company could
                                             use the aforesaid trademarks or similar
                                             signs as the Company’s logo and use
                                             the trademarks and signs during its
                                             operation; the Company needn’t pay
                                             any fee to SEG Group for using the
                                             aforesaid trademarks or signs.

Other commitments made to
the medium and small
shareholders of the Company

Whether commitments were
fulfilled in time

Whether commitments were
made regarding the horizontal
competition and connected

Commitment fulfillment term Not applicable

                                With respect to the issue pointed out by the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau in 2007 at the
                                spot investigation of the Company, that "There is an issue of horizontal competition in the electronics
                                market business between the Company and SEG Group", the Company received the Letter of
                                Commitment from SEG Group on September 14, 2007, with the content as follows: SEG Group and
Solution                        Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. have similar business in electronics markets in Shenzhen (Shenzhen SEG),
                                and this is due to historic reasons and the objective background of market development; Our Group
                                hereby promises that we will not individually operate a market in a same city whose business is
                                similar with that of Shenzhen SEG. The aforesaid matter was disclosed on Securities Times, China
                                Securities Journal and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and the Cninfo Website on September 18, 2007.

                                In order to solve the issue of horizontal competition between the Company and its controlling
                                shareholder, SEG Group, due to historical reasons, the 6th interim meeting of the 5th Board of
                                Directors held on January 26, 2011 reviewed and approved the Proposal of Solving the Horizontal
                                Competition between the Company and Its Controlling Shareholder. After friendly consultation, SEG
Commitment fulfillment          Group agreed to entrust the Company to operate and manage with full authority SEG
                                Communications Market under direct management of SEG Group. Therefore, the two parties have
                                signed the entrustment operation and management contract: (1) SEG Group has the ownership and
                                the income right of SEG Communication Market and assumes all creditor's rights and liabilities
                                incurred during the operation of SEG Communications Market. (2) The management representative

                                                                         Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  from the Company shall operate and management SEG Communications Market during the period of
                                  entrustment operation and management, who has a sufficient authority in operation and management
                                  of SEG Communications Market. (3) In accordance with the provisions of the Company on
                                  entrustment management of the electronics market and with full consideration to the maturity of the
                                  entrusted market and whether the market is located in a primary business area, the Company shall
                                  collect from SEG Group the management fee and profit fee as follows based on the market sound
                                  value: the total income of SEG Communications Market in 2010, RMB 20,000,000 Yuan, shall be
                                  regarded as the base number; the Company shall collect a management fee of RMB 200,000 Yuan
                                  should the total income of the market in the current year is equal to or less than RMB 20,000,000
                                  Yuan; the Company shall take 20% from the part beyond the base number apart from the management
                                  fee that is RMB 200,000 Yuan should the total income in the current year exceed RMB 20,000,000
                                  Yuan. The detailed information about the above-mentioned matter may be referred to in the Public
                                  Notice on Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd on the Related Transaction for the Purpose of Solving the Issue of
                                  Horizontal Competition between the Company and the Controlling Shareholder that was disclosed on
                                  the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo
                                  Website on January 28, 2011. The Company has received the market management fee of RMB
                                  200,000 Yuan paid by SEG Group on schedule in 2011 and 2012. Therefore, there is no longer the
                                  issue of horizontal competition between the Company and SEG Group.

4. Estimation of the business performance from January to June in 2013

Warning and reasons for forecasts on loss of the accumulated net profit from the year beginning to the end of next period or sharp
year-on-year changes in net profit
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Investment in securities

                                                Shares                                                      and
                                                           Share-holdi held at Share-hold Ending
                   Short form The initial       held at                                                    losses
 Stock    Stock                                               ng         period       ing        book               Accounting Source of
                     of the       investment    period                                                     in the
 type     code                                             proportion     end      proportion    value                  item        shares
                    security      cost (Yuan) beginning                                                    report
                                                              (%)       (share       (%)       (Yuan)
                                                (share)                                                    period

                  Friendship                                                                    556,463.                          Initial
Share    600778                     90,405.00     60,683       0.04%     60,683        0.04%                 0.00 equity
                  Group                                                                              11                           share

                  ST                                                                                                Long-term
                                  279,307,046 201,345,0                 201,345,                109,215, -1,984,                  Initial
Share    000068 Huakong                                       22.45%                  22.45%                        equity
                                          .38         33                    033                   897.67 123.39                   share
                  SEG                                                                                               investments

                                  279,397,451 201,405,7                 201,405,                109,772, -1,984,
Total                                                          --                      --                                --           --
                                          .38         16                    716                   360.78 123.39

                                                                          Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Equity of other listed companies held by the Company

6. Investment in derivatives

Open positions of derivatives at the end of the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7. Registration form for investigations, communication and Interviews in the report period

    Time              Place          Means         Type         Object      Main content of discussion and the materials provided

                                                                         Inquired about why the share of the Company is not
Jan 14, 2013   At the Company Phone call        Individual Investor appreciated? The Company provided the basic information and
                                                                         disclosed regular reports of the Company.

                                                                         Inquired about the situation of Shenzhen SEG GPS Co., Ltd.
                                                                         whose 12.5% shares are held by the Company and the main
Jan 15, 2013   At the Company Phone call        Individual Investor
                                                                         business of the Company. The Company provided the basic
                                                                         information of the Company and Shenzhen SEG GPS Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Inquired about the profits of the Company in 2012. The
Jan 16, 2013   At the Company Phone call        Individual Investor
                                                                         Company provided the third quarterly report in 2012.

                                                                         Inquired about the size of the properties self-owned by the
Feb 25, 2013 At the Company Phone call          Individual Investor Company. The Company provided the basic information and
                                                                         disclosed regular reports of the Company.

                                                                         Inquired about the GPS business and the main business of the
                                                                         Company. The Company provided the basic information of
Mar 5, 2013    At the Company Phone call        Individual Investor Shenzhen SEG GPS Co., Ltd. whose 12.5% shares are held by
                                                                         the Company and the basic introduction and regular reports of
                                                                         the Company.

                                                                         Inquired about why the share of the Company was depreciated
Mar 12, 2013 At the Company Phone call          Individual Investor and whether there were any important events. The Company has
                                                                         provided the disclosed public announcements.

                                                                         Inquire about the percentage of shares of Shenzhen SEG GPS
Mar 19, 2013 At the Company Phone call          Individual Investor Co., Ltd. held by the Company. The Company informed that the
                                                                         share-held percentage is 12.5%.

                                                                         Inquire the performance and the profit distribution scheme of
                                                                         the Company in 2012. The Company did not provided any
Mar 29, 2013 At the Company Phone call          Individual Investor
                                                                         documents. The investors shall read the 2012 annual report of
                                                                         the Company which was disclosed on March 30th, 2013.

                                                              Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Chapter Four         Financial Statements

II. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                      Period-end balance                   Period-beginning balance

Current assets:

         Monetary capital                                     458,403,562.62                          453,132,467.18

         Deposit reservation for balance

         Loans to banks and other financial

         Transaction financial assets

         Notes receivable                                            70,000.00                            200,000.00

         Accounts receivable                                   14,976,505.51                           10,742,406.91

         Advances                                              32,251,660.19                            37,983,011.33

       Premiums receivable

         Reinsurance accounts receivable

         Reinsurance deposit receivable

         Interest receivable

         Dividends receivable

         Other receivables                                     44,493,597.28                           18,231,238.23

         Redemptory financial assets for

         Inventory                                             83,116,389.12                             2,715,123.54

         Non-current assets due within one

         Other current assets                                 230,760,402.78                          346,200,402.78

Total current assets                                          864,072,117.50                          869,204,649.97

Non-current assets:

         Entrusted loans and advances
                                                              141,140,963.85                          135,557,219.04

         Financial assets available for sale                        556,463.11                            651,735.42

                                           Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

      Held-to-maturity investment

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investments         155,146,241.17                         133,105,415.67

      Investment properties                495,503,020.74                         500,164,867.01

      Fixed assets                          43,243,982.94                          43,166,491.52

      Construction in progress                  48,500.00                             185,086.00

      Engineering materials

      Disposal of fixed assets

      Productive biological assets

      Oil & gas assets

      Intangible assets                        432,911.06                             453,282.22

      Development expenses

      Goodwill                              10,328,927.82                          10,328,927.82

      Long-term deferred expenses           37,365,346.07                          38,101,188.50

      Deferred income tax assets            10,415,922.03                           9,778,422.03

      Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                   894,182,278.79                         871,492,635.23

Total assets                              1,758,254,396.29                       1,740,697,285.20

Current liabilities:

      Short-term loans                       1,000,000.00

      Loans from the Central Bank

      Deposits attracted and accounts
due to banks and other financial

      Loans from banks and other
financial institutions

      Transaction financial liabilities

      Notes payable

      Accounts payable                       2,465,170.81                            4,011,377.73

      Advances from customers              153,642,850.89                         172,415,368.88

      Financial assets sold for

      Commissions payable

      Wages payable                          8,299,334.61                          10,656,207.14

      Taxes payable                         20,858,956.12                          15,226,223.73

                                             Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       Interest payable

       Dividends payable                         989,696.18                           1,274,816.18

       Other accounts payable                153,174,001.43                         142,725,201.77

       Reinsurance accounts payable

       Insurance deposit

       Acting trading securities

       Acting underwriting securities

       Non-current liabilities due within
one year

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                    340,430,010.04                         346,309,195.43

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans

       Bonds payable

       Long-term accounts payable

       Special payables

       Estimated liabilities                   2,361,610.00                           2,361,610.00

       Deferred income tax liabilities        19,026,619.25                          19,327,668.80

       Other non-current liabilities             605,622.23                             320,080.91

Total non-current liabilities                 21,993,851.48                          22,009,359.71

Total liabilities                            362,423,861.52                         368,318,555.14

Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):

       Paid-up capital (or share capital)    784,799,010.00                         784,799,010.00

       Capital reserve                       404,332,756.34                         404,380,330.57

       Less: Treasury shares

       Special reserve

       Surplus public reserve                102,912,835.67                         102,912,835.67

       General risk provision

       Retained profits                       -75,930,679.08                         -96,419,229.99

       Translation difference of the
financial statements in foreign currency

Total owners' equity attributable to the
                                            1,216,113,922.93                       1,195,672,946.25
parent company

       Minority shareholders' equity         179,716,611.84                         176,705,783.81

Total owners' equity (or shareholders'      1,395,830,534.77                       1,372,378,730.06

                                                                                  Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


Total liabilities and owner's equity (or
                                                                             1,758,254,396.29                                     1,740,697,285.20
shareholders' equity)

Legal representative: Wang Li      Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

2. Balance sheet of the parent company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                                    Period-end balance                               Period-beginning balance

Current assets:

       Monetary capital                                                           268,528,831.78                                    296,491,241.42

       Transaction financial assets

       Notes receivable

       Accounts receivable                                                            320,000.00                                         320,000.00

       Advances                                                                     2,861,560.00                                       2,761,960.00

       Interest receivable

       Dividends receivable

       Other receivables                                                          162,765,562.17                                      48,967,222.37


       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                                                       162,480,000.00                                    292,380,000.00

Total current assets                                                              596,955,953.95                                    640,920,423.79

Non-current assets:

       Financial assets available for sale

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term accounts receivable

       Long-term equity investments                                               408,849,767.41                                    356,808,941.91

       Investment properties                                                      313,609,997.71                                    316,236,256.69

       Fixed assets                                                                20,752,919.04                                      21,005,561.80

       Construction in progress

       Engineering materials

       Disposal of fixed assets

                                            Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

      Productive biological assets

      Oil & gas assets

      Intangible assets                         169,006.80                             207,404.28

      Development expenses


      Long-term expenses to be
                                              2,648,842.78                           2,868,032.83

      Deferred income tax assets              7,299,951.67                           7,299,951.67

      Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                    753,330,485.41                         704,426,149.18

Total assets                               1,350,286,439.36                       1,345,346,572.97

Current liabilities:

      Short-term loans

      Transaction financial liabilities

      Notes payable

      Accounts payable                          350,000.00                             350,000.00

      Advances from customers                50,954,206.18                          76,224,535.77

      Wages payable                           2,734,278.75                           4,373,229.79

      Taxes payable                          17,049,585.87                          11,859,380.06

      Interest payable

      Dividends payable                         119,803.29                             119,803.29

      Other accounts payable                 76,988,794.67                          65,167,926.86

      Non-current liabilities due within
one year

      Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   148,196,668.76                         158,094,875.77

Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans

      Bonds payable

      Long-term accounts payable

      Special payables

      Estimated liabilities

      Deferred income tax liabilities

      Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

                                                                                  Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Total liabilities                                                                 148,196,668.76                                    158,094,875.77

Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):

       Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                         784,799,010.00                                    784,799,010.00

       Capital reserve                                                            405,652,893.32                                    405,652,893.32

       Less: Treasury shares

       Special reserve

       Surplus public reserve                                                     102,912,835.67                                    102,912,835.67

       General risk provision

       Retained profits                                                           -91,274,968.39                                   -106,113,041.79

       Translation difference of the
financial statements in foreign currency

Total owners' equity (or shareholders'
                                                                             1,202,089,770.60                                     1,187,251,697.20

Total liabilities and owner's equity (or
                                                                             1,350,286,439.36                                     1,345,346,572.97
shareholders' equity)

Legal representative: Wang Li      Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

3. Consolidated profit statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                              Amount of the current period                             Amount of last period

1. Total operating revenue                                                        133,517,969.30                                    110,887,458.49

       Including: Operating revenue                                               133,517,969.30                                    110,887,458.49

               Interest income

               Earned premiums

               Commissions income

2 Total operating cost                                                            106,781,707.55                                      89,967,701.79

       Including: Operating cost                                                   93,553,445.30                                      76,515,413.50

               Interest expenses


               Surrender value

               Net compensation

               Net insurance deposit

                                                  Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

               Insurance dividends

               Reinsurance expenses

               Operating tax and
                                                    5,495,128.07                           5,020,046.72

               Sale expenses                          586,727.58                             642,831.59

               Management expenses                  9,223,655.27                           9,681,654.12

               Financial expenses                  -2,192,428.52                           -2,457,997.49

               Loss from asset
                                                      115,179.85                             565,753.35

       Plus: income from change of
sound value (Loss is marked with "-")

               Income from investment
                                                    5,769,732.16                           4,320,493.67
(Loss is marked with "-")

               Including: Income from
investment in joint ventures and
associated enterprises

               Income from exchange
(Loss is marked with "-")

3. Operating profit (Loss is marked with
                                                   32,505,993.91                          25,240,250.37

       Plus: Non-operating revenue                    919,996.92                             902,170.04

       Less: Non-operating expenses                      719.94                                5,587.65

               Including: Loss from
disposal of non-current assets

4. Total profit (Total loss is marked with
                                                   33,425,270.89                          26,136,832.76

       Less: Income tax                             9,110,315.06                           6,659,347.04

5. Net profit (Net loss is marked with
                                                   24,314,955.83                          19,477,485.72

       Including: Net profit of the
purchased party realized before the

       Net profit attributable to
                                                   20,488,550.91                          16,613,292.99
shareholders of the parent company

       Profit and loss of minority
                                                    3,826,404.92                           2,864,192.73

6. Earnings per share                        --                    --

       (1) Basic earnings per share                      0.0261                                  0.0212

                                                                                  Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                    0.0261                                               0.0212

7. Other comprehensive income                                                         -71,454.23                                            8,762.63

8. Total comprehensive income                                                      24,243,501.60                                      19,486,248.35

       Total comprehensive income
attributable to shareholders of the parent                                         20,440,976.68                                      16,619,127.15

       Total comprehensive income
                                                                                    3,802,524.92                                       2,867,121.20
attributable to minority shareholders

Legal representative: Wang Li      Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

4. Profit statement of the parent company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                              Amount of the current period                             Amount of last period

1. Operating revenue                                                               36,761,658.79                                      30,848,447.03

       Less: Operating cost                                                        15,708,552.12                                      13,835,506.69

            Operating tax and surcharges                                            2,063,583.85                                       2,037,779.52

            Sale expenses                                                                   0.00                                                 0.00

            Management expenses                                                     4,495,185.27                                       4,433,198.77

            Financial expenses                                                     -1,480,250.41                                      -2,054,581.99

            Loss from asset impairment

       Plus: income from change of
sound value (loss is marked with "-")

            Income from investment
                                                                                    4,064,498.55                                       3,986,937.50
(loss is marked with "-")

            Including: Income from
investment in joint ventures and
associated enterprises

2. Operating profit (loss is marked with
                                                                                   20,039,086.51                                      16,583,481.54

       Plus: Non-operating revenue                                                     83,320.00

       Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                                                         4,034.65

            Including: Loss from
disposal of non-current assets

3. Total profit (total loss is marked with
                                                                                   20,122,406.51                                      16,579,446.89

                                                                                   Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       Less: Income tax                                                              5,284,333.11                                       3,636,785.65

4. Net profit (net loss is marked with
                                                                                    14,838,073.40                                      12,942,661.24

5. Earnings per share                        --                                                     --

       (1) Basic earnings per share                                                             0                                                     0

       (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                           0                                                     0

6. Other comprehensive income                                                                0.00                                                 0.00

7. Total comprehensive income                                                       14,838,073.40                                      12,942,661.24

Legal representative: Wang Li       Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                               Amount of the current period                             Amount of last period

1. Cash flow from operating activities

       Cash received from selling of
                                                                                   116,765,324.27                                    108,074,162.75
goods and provision of service

       Net increase of customers'
deposits and accounts due to banks and                                                       0.00                                                 0.00
other financial institutions

       Net increase of loans from the
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
Central Bank

       Net increase of loans from other
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
financial institutions

       Cash received from premiums of
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
original insurance contracts

       Net cash received from
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
reinsurance business

       Net increase of deposit of the
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
insured and investment

       Net increase of income from
                                                                                             0.00                                                 0.00
disposal of transaction financial assets

       Cash received from interest and
                                                                                     8,241,020.99                                       3,938,358.93

       Net increase of loans from banks                                                      0.00                                                 0.00

                                           Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

and other financial institutions

      Net increase of redemption capital             0.00                                   0.00

      Tax refunds                                    0.00                                   0.00

      Other cash received concerning
                                           138,082,627.30                         157,680,892.85
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from operating
                                           263,088,972.56                         269,693,414.53

      Cash paid for goods and service      141,753,366.39                          50,792,464.15

      Net increase of loans to customers
                                             5,698,024.66                          57,173,834.33
and advances

      Net increase of accounts due from
the Central Bank and other financial                 0.00                                   0.00

      Cash paid for compensation
                                                     0.00                                   0.00
pay-outs of original insurance contracts

      Cash paid for interest and
                                                     0.00                                   0.00

      Cash paid as insurance dividends               0.00                                   0.00

      Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                            19,031,752.00                          17,775,740.32

      Taxes paid                            27,602,715.62                          22,242,750.05

      Other cash paid concerning
                                           148,131,797.31                         110,060,253.22
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for operating
                                           342,217,655.98                         258,045,042.07

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                           -79,128,683.42                          11,648,372.46

2. Cash flow from operating activities

      Cash received from withdrawal of
                                           594,820,000.00                         428,960,000.00

      Cash received from investment
                                             6,784,658.10                           2,288,189.36

      Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets and               0.00                                   0.00
other long-term assets

      Net cash received from disposal
                                                     0.00                                   0.00
of subsidiaries and other business units

      Other cash received concerning                 0.00                                   0.00

                                           Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

investment activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                           601,604,658.10                         431,248,189.36

        Cash paid for purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible     3,418,600.09                            1,726,165.00
assets and other long-term assets

        Cash paid for investment           514,480,070.26                         571,960,000.00

        Net increase of mortgage loans               0.00                                    0.00

        Net cash paid for acquisition of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
subsidiaries and other operating units

        Other cash paid concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for investment
                                           517,898,670.35                         573,686,165.00

Net cash flow arising from investment
                                            83,705,987.75                         -142,437,975.64

3. Cash flow from financing activities:

        Cash received from attraction of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

        Including: Cash received by
subsidiaries from investment of minority             0.00                                    0.00

        Cash received from obtainment of
                                            20,000,000.00                                    0.00

        Cash received from issuance of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

        Other cash received concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                            20,000,000.00                                    0.00

        Cash paid for repayment of debts    19,000,000.00                                    0.00

        Cash paid for distribution of
dividends and profit or repayment of           306,208.89                                    0.00

        Including: Dividends and profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority                     0.00                                    0.00

        Other cash paid concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
financing activities

                                                                                 Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Subtotal of cash outflow for financing
                                                                                  19,306,208.89                                                 0.00

Net cash flow arising from financing
                                                                                     693,791.11                                                 0.00

4. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation
                                                                                           0.00                                              451.72
on cash and cash equivalents

5 Net Increase of cash and cash
                                                                                   5,271,095.44                                   -130,789,151.46

       Plus: Period-beginning balance of
                                                                                 453,132,467.18                                    644,439,198.78
cash and cash equivalents

6. Period-end balance of cash and cash
                                                                                 458,403,562.62                                    513,650,047.32

Legal representative: Wang Li     Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

6. Cash flow statement of the parent company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                            Amount of the current period                             Amount of last period

1. Cash flow from operating activities

       Cash received from selling of
                                                                                  20,497,611.20                                      21,799,176.11
goods and provision of service

       Tax refunds                                                                         0.00                                                 0.00

       Other cash received concerning
                                                                                  38,014,290.84                                      44,572,118.95
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from operating
                                                                                  58,511,902.04                                      66,371,295.06

       Cash paid for goods and service                                             6,949,147.89                                       7,452,647.53

       Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                                   7,873,492.37                                       7,624,791.73

       Taxes paid                                                                 19,491,165.63                                      16,206,573.15

       Other cash paid concerning
                                                                                 136,565,360.84                                      28,115,676.71
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for operating
                                                                                 170,879,166.73                                      59,399,689.12

Net cash flow arising from operating                                         -112,367,264.69                                          6,971,605.94

                                           Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


2 Cash flow from operating activities

        Cash received from withdrawal of
                                           529,360,000.00                         381,960,000.00

        Cash received from investment
                                             5,079,424.49                            1,954,633.19

        Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets and               0.00                                    0.00
other long-term assets

        Net cash received from disposal
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
of subsidiaries and other business units

        Other cash received concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
investment activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                           534,439,424.49                         383,914,633.19

        Cash paid for purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible        68,818.00                             644,435.00
assets and other long-term assets

        Cash paid for investment           449,965,751.44                         519,960,000.00

        Net cash paid for acquisition of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
subsidiaries and other operating units

        Other cash paid concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for investment
                                           450,034,569.44                         520,604,435.00

Net cash flow arising from investment
                                            84,404,855.05                         -136,689,801.81

3. Cash flow from financing activities:

        Cash received from attraction of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

        Cash received from obtainment of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

        Cash received from issuance of
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

        Other cash received concerning
                                                     0.00                                    0.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                     0.00                                    0.00

                                                                                  Full Text of 2013 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       Cash paid for repayment of debts                                                     0.00                                                 0.00

       Cash paid for distribution of
dividends and profit or repayment of                                                        0.00                                                 0.00

       Other cash paid concerning
                                                                                            0.00                                                 0.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for financing
                                                                                            0.00                                                 0.00

Net cash flow arising from financing
                                                                                            0.00                                                 0.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate
                                                                                            0.00                                              451.72
fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net Increase of cash and cash
                                                                                  -27,962,409.64                                   -129,717,744.15

       Plus: Period-beginning balance of
                                                                                  296,491,241.42                                    510,486,998.56
cash and cash equivalents

6 Period-end balance of cash and cash
                                                                                  268,528,831.78                                    380,769,254.41

Legal representative: Wang Li      Person in charge of accounting work: Li Lifu           Person in charge of accounting institution: Ying Huadong

Auditor's Report

Has the first quarterly report been audited?
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