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						             Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

   2014 Q1 Report


      April 2014

                                         Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                           Chapter 1 Important Notes

The Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors of the Company, its directors,
supervisors, and senior executives hereby guarantee the authenticity, accuracy,
and completeness of the quarterly report and no existence of false records,
misleading statements or major omissions, and will assume individual and joint
and several liabilities.

All the directors have attended this board meeting reviewing the quarterly

The person in charge of the Company Wang Li, the Chief Financial Officer Liu
Zhijun, and the person in charge of the accounting institution (chief accountant)
Ying Huadong hereby declare that the financial statements enclosed in this
quarterly report are authentic, accurate, and complete.

                                                                       Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       Chapter 2 Change of Major Financial Data and Shareholders

I. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

Are retrospective adjustments made to previous financial statements due to accounting policy changes or
accounting error corrections?

□ Yes √ No

                                                                                 Same period of the                  Year-on-year
                   Item                         Current report period
                                                                                    previous year                increase/decrease (%)

Operating revenue (RMB Yuan)                            145,841,677.48                   126,976,198.11                             14.86%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                         22,449,590.92                    20,488,550.91                             9.57%
the listed company (RMB Yuan)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deduction of
                                                         22,292,348.81                    20,099,360.71                             10.91%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                                103,593.07               -79,128,683.42
activities (RMB Yuan)

Basic earnings per share (Yuan/Share)                              0.0286                         0.0261                            9.58%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB
                                                                   0.0286                         0.0261                            9.58%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                             1.8%                              1.7%                          0.1%

                                                                                                              Increase/decrease of the end
                                              End of the current report                                       of the current report period
Item                                                                          End of the previous year
                                                       period                                                  as compared to the end of
                                                                                                                 the previous year (%)

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                               2,056,401,971.56                 2,134,940,597.85                             -3.68%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                      1,272,653,966.65                 1,250,224,375.08                             1.79%
the listed company (RMB Yuan)

Items of non-recurring gains and losses and related amounts

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                      Amount from the beginning
                               Item                                   of this year to the end of the                Remarks
                                                                              report period

Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses                                             Special fund for Shenzhen
(except those closely related to the Company's business, which                          173,009.10 biology, Internet, and new energy
are enjoyed by the unified national standard quota or certain                                           industry development as well as

                                                                        Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                       Amount from the beginning
                                Item                                   of this year to the end of the                  Remarks
                                                                               report period
quantity)                                                                                               Special fund for Shenzhen
                                                                                                        strategic emerging industry

Other non-operating revenue and expenses except the
above-mentioned items

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                      3,105.53

       Amount of influence of minority shareholders' equity (after

Total                                                                                    157,242.11                      --

An explanation shall be provided with regard to the Company's considerations for defining non-recurring gains
and losses according to the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
Their Securities to the Public — Non-recurring Gains and Losses and the reason of classifying non-recurring
gains and losses listed in this announcement as recurring ones.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Total Number of Shareholders and Shareholding Information of Top Ten Shareholders by
the End of the Report Period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: share

Total number of shareholders by the
end of the report period

                                         Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

                                                                                    Quantity of          Information about pledged or
        Name of             Nature of        Shareholding       Quantity of
                                                                                     restricted                  frozen shares
       shareholder         shareholder      proportion (%)       shares held
                                                                                    shares held         Share status          Quantity

Shenzhen SEG           State-owned
                                                    30.24%        237,359,666                     0 Frozen                       83,679,833
Group Co., Ltd.        legal person

Zeng Ying                                            1.04%           8,140,826                    0
                       natural person

Ma Bo                                                0.85%           6,690,600                    0
                       natural person

Gong Qianhua                                         0.68%           5,311,520                    0
                       natural person

Huaxia Bank —
                       Other                         0.39%           3,028,821                    0
Large-sized Stocks

                                                                       Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Selection and
Hybrid Securities
Investment Fund

Liu Guocheng                                        0.37%           2,910,160                  0
                       natural person

Xu Yihong                                           0.25%           1,952,480                  0
                       natural person

                       Overseas legal
NORGES BANK                                         0.24%           1,890,226                  0

International Trust
                       Other                        0.23%           1,838,888                  0
Co., Ltd. —
Ruihua No. 3

Liu Liaoyuan                                        0.22%           1,704,825                  0
                       natural person

                               Particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                                                              Type of share
           Name of shareholder                      Quantity of unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                    Type of share        Quantity

                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                        237,359,666                          237,359,666

Zeng Ying                                                                              8,140,826 listed foreign               8,140,826

                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Ma Bo                                                                                  6,690,600                              6,690,600

Gong Qianhua                                                                           5,311,520 listed foreign               5,311,520

Huaxia Bank — Huashang
Large-sized Stocks Quantitative                                                                    RMB ordinary
                                                                                       3,028,821                              3,028,821
Selection and Flexible Configuration                                                               shares
Hybrid Securities Investment Fund

Liu Guocheng                                                                           2,910,160 listed foreign               2,910,160

                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
Xu Yihong                                                                              1,952,480                              1,952,480

NORGES BANK                                                                            1,890,226                              1,890,226
                                                                                                   listed foreign

                                                                  Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


Zhongrong International Trust Co.,                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                  1,838,888                          1,838,888
Ltd. — Ruihua No. 3                                                                            shares

Liu Liaoyuan                                                                      1,704,825 listed foreign           1,704,825

                                       There existed no associated relationship between Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.
Explanations on the associated
                                       (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Group") and other shareholders, and they were not
relationship or concerted action
                                       consistent actionists stipulated in the Management Regulation of Information Disclosure
among the above-mentioned
                                       on Change of Shareholding Status of Shareholders of Listed Companies. It is unknown
                                       whether other shareholders are concerted action units.

                                       Among the top ten shareholders, Ma Bo holds 0 shares of the Company through the
Top ten shareholders involved in the
                                       ordinary account and 6,690,600 shares through the credit account of investors engaged in
securities margin trading (if any)
                                       securities margin trading, totaling 6,690,600 shares of the Company.

Did the shareholders of the Company conduct agreed repurchase transactions in the report period?

□ Yes √ No

                                                            Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                 Chapter 3 Important Matters

I. Particulars and Explanations of Material Changes in Major Items of Accounting
Statements and Financial Indexes in the Report Period

Unit: RMB Yuan

(1) Items in the Balance Sheet

              Item                Period-end balance                            Difference        increase/decrease

       Accounts receivable             115,866,760.21    204,086,309.32       -88,219,549.11          -43.23%

        Accounts payable               96,552,910.78     181,751,142.48       -85,198,231.70          -46.88%

         Wages payable                  9,041,583.98      17,065,382.28        -8,023,798.30          -47.02%

        Retained profits               -19,630,903.72    -42,080,494.64        22,449,590.92           53.35%

1. The accounts receivable decreased by RMB 88.22 million Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount,
with a decrease of 43.23%. The major causes for the decrease were that the supply chain businesses of Shenzhen
SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG E-Commerce"), a subsidiary of the Company,
decreased due to reduced exports during the Chinese Spring Festival and a large sum of exported goods payment
receivable in 2013 was retrieved in the report period.

2. The accounts payable decreased by RMB 85.20 million Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount,
with a decrease of 46.88%.The major causes for the decrease were that SEG E-Commerce, a subsidiary of the
Company, decreased its procurement quantity with the reduction of the export quantity in the report period, and
accounts payable to suppliers decreased accordingly.

3. The wages payable decreased by RMB 8.02 million Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with a
decrease of 47.02%. The major cause for the decrease was that some wages and bonuses accrued in the previous
year were paid in the report period.

4. The retained profits increased by RMB 22.45 million Yuan as compared to the period-beginning amount, with
an increase of 53.35%. The major cause for the increase was that the net profit attributable to the parent company

(2) Items in the Income Statement

                                 Amount of the current    Amount of the                            Year-on-year
              Item                                                             Difference
                                           period        previous period                       increase/decrease (%)

         Interest income               10,437,899.17       6,303,044.92       4,134,854.25           65.60%

                                                             Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Amount of the current   Amount of the                             Year-on-year
              Item                                                              Difference
                                         period           previous period                       increase/decrease (%)

 Handling charge and commission
                                       16,833.81             238,726.27        -221,892.46            -92.95%

        Interest expenses              912,972.23                -              912,972.23            100.00%

       Operating expenses              381,151.00            586,727.58        -205,576.58            -35.04%

      Asset impairment loss                 -                115,179.85        -115,179.85           -100.00%

     Non-operating revenue             378,109.51            919,996.92        -541,887.41            -58.90%

     Non-operating expenses            103,735.57             719.94            103,015.63          14,308.92%

   Gains and losses of minority
                                      7,179,638.19         3,826,404.92        3,353,233.27           87.63%

   Total comprehensive income
     attributable to minority         7,169,599.46         3,802,524.92        3,367,074.54           88.55%

1. The interest income increased by RMB 4.13 million Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with an
increase of 65.60%. The major causes for the increase were that Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "SEG Credit"), a subsidiary of the Company, underwent a sharp growth in the small loan business
and the gained loan interest income increased accordingly.

2. The handling charge and commission income decreased by RMB 220,000 Yuan as compared to the same
period of last year, with a decrease of 92.95%. The major cause for the decrease was that the loan handling charge
and commission income of SEG Credit, a subsidiary of Company, decreased.

3. The interest expenses are the bank loan interest paid for SEG Credit, a subsidiary of the Company. The interest
expenses increased by RMB 910,000 Yuan as compare to the same period of last year, with an increase of
100.00%. The major causes for the increase were that the bank loans increased and the loan interest charges
increased accordingly.

4. The operating expenses decreased by RMB 210,000 Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with a
decrease of 35.04%. The major cause for the decrease was the reduced marketing expense of the channel store
business of Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG Industry"), a
subsidiary of the Company, in the report period.

5. The asset impairment loss decreased by RMB 120,000 Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with a
decrease of 100.00%. The major cause for the decrease was that the accrued general loan loss provisions of SEG
Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, decreased in the report period.

6. The non-operating revenue decreased by RMB 540,000 Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with
a decrease of 58.90%. The major cause for the decrease was that the definite government subsidies of SEG
E-Commerce, a subsidiary of the Company, decreased in the report period.

                                                             Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

7. The non-operating expenses increased by RMB 100,000 Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with
an increase of 14,308.92%. The major cause for the increase was that Shenzhen SEG Nanjing Electronics Market
Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing SEG") withheld business tenants' compensation
expenses due to business adjustment in the report period.

8. The gains and losses of minority shareholders increased by RMB 3.35 million Yuan as compared to the same
period of last year, with an increase of 87.63%. The major causes for the increase were that the profits of SEG
Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, increased year-on-year and SEG E-Commerce turned loss into profit in the
report period.

9. The total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders increased by RMB 3.37 million Yuan as
compared to the same period of last year, with an increase of 88.55%. The major causes for the increase were the
same as that in above Item 8.

(3) Items in the Cash Flow Statement

                                          Amount of the      Amount of the
                 Item                                                              Difference       increase/decrease
                                          current period     previous period

Cash received from sales of goods and
                                            469,413,208.88      116,765,324.27     352,647,884.61            302.01%
         rendering of services

 Cash received from interest, handling
                                          13,197,482.98       8,241,020.99        4,956,461.99          60.14%
      charges, and commissions

         Tax rebates received             3,563,641.53            0.00            3,563,641.53          100.00%

  Cash paid for goods purchased and
                                            463,260,003.61      141,753,366.39     321,506,637.22            226.81%
           services received

 Net increase in loans and advances to
                                          -29,550,762.00      5,698,024.66       -35,248,786.66        -618.61%

    Cash paid for interest, handling
                                           237,331.00             0.00             237,331.00           100.00%
      charges, and commissions

  Cash paid for taxes and surcharges      38,018,451.62      27,602,715.62       10,415,736.00          37.73%

    Cash received from borrowings         31,000,000.00      20,000,000.00       11,000,000.00          55.00%

   Cash paid for repayment of debt        45,000,000.00      19,000,000.00       26,000,000.00          136.84%

Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                          1,324,064.01         306,208.89         1,017,855.12          332.41%
   and profits or payment of interest

1. The cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services increased by RMB 352.65 million Yuan as
compared to the same period of last year, with an increase of 302.01%. The major causes for the increase were
that the supply chain business of SEG E-Commerce, a subsidiary of the Company, sharply increased in the report
period and the received payment of goods increased accordingly.

                                                           Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

2. The cash received from interest, handling charges, and commissions increased by RMB 4.96 million Yuan as
compared to the same period of last year, with an increase of 60.14%. The major causes for the increase were that
the loan scale of SEG Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, expanded and the interests from the small loan
increased in the report period.

3. The tax rebates received increased by RMB 3.56 million Yuan as compared to the same period, with an
increase of 100.00%. The major cause for the increase was the increased export rebates from the supply chain
business of SEG E-Commerce, a subsidiary of the Company, in the report period.

4. The cash paid for goods purchased and services received increased by RMB 321.51 million Yuan as compared
to the same period of last year, with an increase of 226.81%. The major causes for the increase were that the
supply chain business of SEG E-Commerce, a subsidiary of the Company, sharply increased in the report period
and the payment for the purchased goods increased accordingly.

5. The net increase in loans and advances to customers decreased by RMB 35.25 million Yuan as compared to the
same period of last year, with a decrease of 618.61%. The major causes for the decrease were that the loan scale
of SEG Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, reached the maximum loan limit in the report period and the capital
available for granting loans decreased.

6. The cash paid for interest, handling charges, and commissions increased by RMB 240,000 Yuan as compared to
the same period of last year, with an increase of 100.00%. The major causes for the increase were that SEG Credit,
a subsidiary of the Company, increased the bank loan and the incurred interest expenses increased accordingly.

7. The cash paid for taxes and surcharges increased by RMB 10.42 million Yuan as compared to the same period
of last year, with an increase of 37.73%. The major causes for the increase were that the taxes paid for the
previous year by the Company and its subsidiaries increased, and the taxes and surcharges of the newly founded
electronics market also increased.

8. The cash received from borrowings increased by RMB 11 million Yuan as compared to the same period of last
year, with an increase of 55.00%. The major causes for the increase were that SEG E-Commerce, a subsidiary of
the Company, expanded its business and gained more bank loans in the report period.

9. The cash paid for repayment of debt increased by RMB 26 million Yuan as compared to the same period of last
year, with an increase of 136.84%. The major cause for the increase was the increased loan principal paid to banks
by SEG Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, in the report period.

10. The cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment of interest increased by RMB 1.02 million
Yuan as compared to the same period of last year, with an increase of 332.41%. The major cause for the increase
was the increased loan interest paid to banks by SEG Credit, a subsidiary of the Company, in the report period.

II. Progress of Important Matters, Relevant Influence, and Analysis of Solutions

(1) Related transactions concerning daily operation

                                                            Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

The 3rd Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company held on March 18, 2014 deliberated and approved
that, in 2014, in order to meet the needs of developing businesses in the electronics market, the Company should
lease a part of the 8th floor of SEG Plaza estate from its controlling shareholder, SEG Group, as the warehouse for
the Company's electronics market business tenants. During the lease term, the Company should pay rent and
property management fee to SEG Group. With related directors avoided in the voting, the Board of Directors
agreed that, for 2014, the Company could have intercompany transactions on the estate lease with SEG Group
based on the market fair value within the limit of RMB 1.2 million Yuan.(This matter can be referred to in the
Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 3rd Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and
the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Estimated Matters Related to Daily Related Transactions
Concerning Operating Activities in 2014 disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the
Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on March 20, 2014).

Within the report period, the Company shall pay a total of RMB 146,550 Yuan as the rent and property
management fee to SEG Group.

(2) Progress of the issuance of short-term commercial papers by the Company

The 2nd Provisional General Meeting of the Company in 2012 held on September 24, 2012 deliberated and
adopted the Company's Proposal on Applying for Issuance of Short-term Commercial Papers or Mid-term Notes
from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors and approved that the Company could issue
short-term commercial papers or mid-term notes valuing no more than RMB 500 million Yuan within the validity
period of registration with the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (hereinafter
referred to as "Association of Investors") based on the actual capital requirements. (This matter can be referred to
in the Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 2nd Provisional Meeting of Shareholders of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
in 2012 disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong
Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on September 25, 2012.) The Company had submitted a registration
report to the Association of Investors according to the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders.

The Company had received the Registration Acceptance Notification ([2013] CP No. 499) from the Association of
Investors in the report period. (This matter can be referred to in the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on
Registration Approval of Short-term Commercial Papers disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities
Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website on January 3, 2014.)

Up to the date of disclosing this report, the Company has not issued any short-term commercial paper. The
Company will issue short-term commercial papers within the registration validity period based on capital
requirements and market interest rate fluctuations and will, as stipulated, disclose relevant information accurately,
completely, and on a timely basis.

(3) Internal control implementation in the first quarter in 2014

                                                           Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

In the report period, the Company carried out the 2013 internal control self-evaluation. The Self-evaluation Report
of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on the Internal Control in 2013, which was filed, deliberated, and adopted at the 3rd
Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors, was disclosed at the Cninfo Website on March 20, 2014. BDO Dahua CPA
Co., Ltd. (Special General Partnership) hired by the Company conducted the 2013 internal control audit, and
issued the Audit Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on the Internal Control (DA HUA NEI ZI [2014] 000045).
The report holds that the Company has maintained effective internal financial control over every major aspect in
accordance with the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant rules and regulations on
December 31, 2013. The audit report was disclosed at the Cninfo Website on March 20, 2014.

(4) Matters concerning the Company's investment and participation in the ripening of the land for building
Yantai SEG Times Square Project

According to the development strategy of centering around the operation of professional electronics markets and
developing SEG IT malls with estates owned by the Company, which was formulated in the 12th Five-Year Plan,
the Company planned to invest and set up Yantai SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as "Yantai SEG" or "Project Company", the name verified by the industry & commerce department shall
prevail) in Yantai, Shandong, to build the Yantai SEG Times Square Project (hereinafter referred to as "the
Project"), so as to enhance the influence of SEG electronics market in Shandong and even North China. Yantai
SEG is jointly founded by the Company and Shandong Huanghai Mingzhu Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as "Shandong Huanghai Mingzhu") with the registered capital totaling RMB 100 million Yuan, where the
Company invests RMB 90 million Yuan, accounting for 90% of the registered capital and Shandong Huanghai
Mingzhu invests RMB 10 million Yuan, accounting for 10% of the registered capital.

The Land and Resources Bureau of Yantai formally released the Public Notice on Public Collection of Investor
Qualifications for Land Ripening of State-Owned Operational Construction Land (hereinafter referred to as
"Public Notice") on Yantai Daily on March 28, 2014 to publicly collect investor qualifications for land ripening of
the (A) plot seated in the east of Qingnian Road and north of West Street in Yantai. The plot needs to be ripened
before its land use rights are transferred. The plot is the land of Yantai SEG Times Square Project planned to be
invested in Zhifu District, Yantai by the Company. Land bidders shall be qualified as land ripening investors
before participating in the early ripening of the plot according to the Public Notice and the Notes and
Requirements. Land bidders who are disqualified as land ripening investors are not allowed to bid for the land use
rights transfer. Therefore, the Project Company planned to participate in the early ripening of the plot. It was
estimated that RMB 890 million Yuan is required for the land ripening, including the land ripening fee of RMB
830 million Yuan, ripening bond of RMB 50 million Yuan, and project start-up capital of RMB 10 million Yuan.
The land ripening capital is sourced from the registration capital of the Project Company and the capital borrowed
from shareholders of the Project Company in the same proportion as the equity proportion of shareholders of the
Project Company. The Company lent RMB 711 million Yuan to Yantai SEG based on the 90% equity owned by
the Company.

                                                                     Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

The 10th Provisional Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors held on April 4, 2014 and the 1st Provisional General
Meeting of the Company in 2014 held on April 23, 2014 deliberated and approved that the Company invested
RMB 801 million Yuan, with RMB 90 million Yuan for founding the Project Company and RMB 711 million
Yuan lent to the Project Company for bidding for the land ripening investor qualification. The preceding capital is
financed through the capital self-owned by the Company and bank loans. The investment does not constitute a
major asset reorganization matter specified in the Administrative Measures for the Material Asset Reorganizations
of Listed Companies or a related transaction.

(This matter can be referred to in the Public Notice on Resolutions of the 10th Provisional Meeting of the 6th
Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd., and the Public Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. on Investment
and Participation in Land Ripening of Yantai SEG Times Square Project disclosed on April 8, 2014, and the
Public Notice on the Resolutions of the 1st Provisional General Meeting of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. in 2014
disclosed on April 24, 2014 on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the Hong
Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo Website.)

On April 28, 2014, the Company participated in the open auction for the qualification of the investor in the above
land ripening, but failed to acquire such a qualification. This failure in auction for the qualification of the investor
in the ripening of this plot will not impact the production and operation of the Company.

                                                                                 Inquiry index for the websites disclosing the
         Overview of important matters                 Disclosure date
                                                                                              temporary reports

 1. Relevant information that is not disclosed by
 the Company may affect the share price of the
 Company. In order to prevent share price                                   Public Notice on Temporary Suspension of Shenzhen
 fluctuation of the Company and protect                                     SEG Co., Ltd. disclosed on the China Securities
 investors' interest, the Company, according to     March 10, 2014          Journal, the Securities Times, the Securities Daily, the
 relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock                                     Hong Kong Commercial Daily, and the Cninfo
 Exchange, temporarily suspended trading of the                             Website
 Company's shares at the start of stock market
 opening on March 10, 2014 after application.

 2. The 9th Provisional Meeting of the 6th Board
                                                                            Resumption Public Notice, Public Notice on the
 of Directors of the Company was held on
                                                                            Resolutions of the 9th Provisional Meeting of the 6th
 March 10, 2014 in a way of communication
                                                                            Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd., and
 voting. The Proposal on Signing the Control
                                                                            Public Notice on Abandonment of the Control Right
 Right Arrangement Agreement of Shenzhen            March 12, 2014
                                                                            Over Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. disclosed on
 Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. was deliberated and
                                                                            the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the
 adopted in the meeting. After application, the
                                                                            Securities Daily, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily,
 trading of the Company's shares was resumed at
                                                                            and the Cninfo Website
 the start of stock market opening on March 12.

                                                              Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

III. Commitments Made by the Company or the Shareholders Holding More Than 5% Shares,
Which Were Made in or Lasted into the Report period

                                                                                 Commitment     Commitment
               Commitment                   Promisor          Content                                          Fulfillment
                                                                                     date           term

 Commitment for share reform

 Commitments in the acquisition report    Not
 and the report of changes on equity      applicable

 Commitments made at the time of          Not
 restructuring of major assets            applicable

                                                       According to Article
                                                       Five of the Equity
                                                       Transfer Agreement
                                                       signed by the
                                                       Company with SEG
                                                       Group when the
                                                       Company was listed,
                                                       SEG Group agreed the
                                                       Company and its
                                                       subsidiaries, and
                                                       associated companies
                                                       to use the eight
                                                       trademarks registered                                   Commitmen
                                          Shenzhen     by SEG Group at the                                     ts were
 Commitment made at the time of initial                                                         Effective in
                                          SEG Group    National Trademark        July 1, 1996                  fulfilled in
 public offerings or refinancing                                                                the long run
                                          Co., Ltd.    Bureau; SEG Group                                       the report
                                                       agreed that the                                         period.
                                                       Company used the
                                                       aforesaid trademarks
                                                       or similar signs as the
                                                       Company’s logo and
                                                       used the trademarks
                                                       and signs during its
                                                       operation; the
                                                       Company did not need
                                                       to pay any fees to
                                                       SEG Group for using
                                                       the aforesaid
                                                       trademarks or signs.

 Other commitments made to the medium     Not
 and small shareholders of the Company    applicable

 Whether commitments were fulfilled on

                                                                                    Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                             Commitment         Commitment
                   Commitment                                Promisor                Content                                                        Fulfillment
                                                                                                                  date               term

 Reason for un-fulfillment and next-step
 plan (if any)

IV. Estimation of the Business Performance from January to June in 2014

Warning and reasons for forecasts on losses of the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the
end of the next report period or sharp year-on-year changes in the net profit

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Investment in Securities

                   Short                                                                     Shareholding
                                  Initial       Shares held proportion at Shares held                         Ending book        Gains and                    Source
Stock   Stock     form of                                                                    proportion at                                      Accounting
                              investment cost    at period        period        at period                     value (RMB        losses in the                   of
type    code        the                                                                       period end                                            item
                               (RMB Yuan)       beginning       beginning         end                             Yuan)         report period                 shares
                  security                                                                       (%)

                 Friendship                                                                                                                     assets        Initial
Share 600778                       90,405.00        60,683           0.04%         60,683          0.04%          522,480.63             0.00
                 Group                                                                                                                          available     share
                                                                                                                                                for sale

                 Huakong                                                                                                                                      Initial
Share 000068                  279,307,046.38 201,345,033            22.45% 201,345,033            22.45% 100,168,556.18 -2,679,751.86 equity
                 SEG                                                                                                                                          share

Total                         279,397,451.38 201,405,716            --         201,405,716        --         100,691,036.81 -2,679,751.86            --          --

Equity of other listed companies held by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Registration Form of Receiving Investigations, Communication and Interviews in the
Report Period

                                                                                                                                Main content of discussion
        Time                     Place                   Means                       Type                    Object
                                                                                                                                 and the materials provided

                                                                                                                               Inquired whether the
                                                                                                                               Company made profits or
                                                                                                                               losses in 2013 and why the
                                                                                                                               shares of the Company were
Jan. 10, 2014              At the Company         Phone call                  Individual               Investor                not appreciated. The Company
                                                                                                                               did not provide any
                                                                                                                               documents. Investors were
                                                                                                                               requested to read the 2013
                                                                                                                               annual report of the Company

                                                    Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Main content of discussion
      Time           Place            Means         Type            Object
                                                                                  and the materials provided
                                                                                disclosed on March 20th,

                                                                                Asked about information
                                                                                about SEG GPS (12.5% equity
                                                                                held by the Company) and
                                                                                what the main business of the
Jan. 14, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                Company was. The Company
                                                                                provided basic information
                                                                                about SEG GPS and the

                                                                                Asked about the profit
                                                                                condition of the Company in
                                                                                2013. The Company did not
                                                                                provide any documents.
Feb. 10, 2013   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                Investors were requested to
                                                                                read the 2013 annual report of
                                                                                the Company disclosed on
                                                                                March 20th, 2014.

                                                                                Inquired why the shares of the
                                                                                Company were not
                                                                                appreciated. The Company
Feb. 11, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                provided the basic information
                                                                                and disclosed periodical
                                                                                reports of the Company.

                                                                                Inquired what the main
                                                                                business of the Company was.
Feb. 17, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor        The Company provided the
                                                                                basic information and the
                                                                                latest periodical report.

                                                                                Inquired whether the operation
                                                                                of the Company was normal.
Feb. 20, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor        The Company provided the
                                                                                basic information and the
                                                                                latest periodical report.

                                                                                Asked about the disclosure
                                                                                time of the annual report of
                                                                                the Company. The Company
Feb. 21, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                told that the disclosure time of
                                                                                the annual report was March
                                                                                20, 2014.

                                                                                Asked about the reason for the
Mar. 10, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                Company's temporary

                                                    Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Main content of discussion
      Time           Place            Means         Type            Object
                                                                                  and the materials provided
                                                                                suspension. The Company told
                                                                                that the trading of the
                                                                                Company's shares was
                                                                                assumed on that day and
                                                                                investors could pay attention
                                                                                to the resumption public

                                                                                Inquired why the Company
                                                                                gave up the control right over
                                                                                Huakong SEG. The Company
Mar. 10, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                gave replies according to
                                                                                contents disclosed in the
                                                                                public notice.

                                                                                Inquired why the Company
                                                                                gave up the control right over
                                                                                Huakong SEG. The Company
Mar. 11, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                gave replies according to
                                                                                contents disclosed in the
                                                                                public notice.

                                                                                Inquired why the Company
                                                                                gave up the control right over
                                                                                Huakong SEG. The Company
Mar. 12, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor
                                                                                gave replies according to
                                                                                contents disclosed in the
                                                                                public notice.

                                                                                Asked about the operation
                                                                                condition of the Company in
                                                                                the first quarter. The Company
Mar. 19, 2014   At the Company   Phone call   Individual        Investor        requested investors to focus on
                                                                                the 2014 Q1 report of the
                                                                                Company to be disclosed

                                                        Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                     Chapter 4 Financial Statements

I. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd

                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                      Period-end balance         Period-beginning balance

 Current assets:

      Monetary capital                                           381,284,711.27                 336,593,493.81

      Deposit reservation for balance

      Loans to banks and other financial institutions

      Trading financial assets

      Notes receivable

      Accounts receivable                                        115,866,760.21                 204,086,309.32

      Prepayments                                                  76,726,729.04                 74,002,910.35

      Premiums receivable

      Reinsurance accounts receivable

      Reinsurance deposit receivable

      Interest receivable

      Dividends receivable

      Other receivables                                            25,397,347.88                 25,033,354.72

      Redemptory financial assets for sale

      Inventory                                                  119,457,250.39                  98,000,921.50

      Non-current assets due within one year

      Other current assets                                       399,085,832.80                 419,925,176.02

 Total current assets                                           1,117,818,631.59              1,157,642,165.72

 Non-current assets:

      Disbursement of entrusted loans and advances               214,320,676.72                 243,871,438.72

      Financial assets available for sale                            522,480.63                     562,531.41

      Held-to-maturity investment

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investments                               143,659,386.76                 145,898,202.86

      Investment properties                                      476,862,945.39                 481,517,481.83

                                                         Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                               Item                      Period-end balance         Period-beginning balance

     Fixed assets                                                   40,978,496.38                 41,876,654.83

     Under-construction projects

     Engineering materials

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Oil & gas assets

     Intangible assets                                                707,161.02                     886,901.46

     Development expenses

     Goodwill                                                       10,328,927.82                 10,328,927.82

     Long-term expenses to be apportioned                           42,930,864.85                 44,178,804.04

     Deferred income tax assets                                      8,272,400.40                  8,177,489.16

     Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                                          938,583,339.97                 977,298,432.13

Total assets                                                     2,056,401,971.56              2,134,940,597.85

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                                               51,000,000.00                 70,000,000.00

     Loans from the Central Bank

     Deposits attracted and accounts due to banks and
other financial institutions

     Loans from banks and other financial institutions

     Transactional financial liabilities

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                                               96,552,910.78                181,751,142.48

     Advances from customers                                      181,846,072.48                 208,684,489.90

     Financial assets sold for repurchase

     Handling charges and commissions payable

     Wages payable                                                   9,041,583.98                 17,065,382.28

     Taxes payable                                                  33,470,718.22                 37,164,892.21

     Interest payable

     Dividends payable                                               1,317,296.42                  1,317,296.42

     Other accounts payable                                       199,262,598.71                 164,189,818.81

     Reinsurance accounts payable

     Insurance deposit

     Acting trading securities

                                                                           Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                              Item                                         Period-end balance             Period-beginning balance

      Acting underwriting securities

      Non-current liabilities due within one year

      Other current liabilities

 Total current liabilities                                                          572,491,180.59                      680,173,022.10

 Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans

      Bonds payable

      Long-term accounts payable

      Special payables

      Estimated liabilities

      Deferred income tax liabilities                                                 17,909,197.77                      18,196,441.90

      Other non-current liabilities                                                     593,514.51                           762,246.19

 Total non-current liabilities                                                        18,502,712.28                      18,958,688.09

 Total liabilities                                                                  590,993,892.87                      699,131,710.19

 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):

      Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                            784,799,010.00                      784,799,010.00

      Capital reserve                                                               404,573,024.70                      404,593,024.05

      Less: Treasury shares

      Special reserve

      Surplus public reserve                                                        102,912,835.67                      102,912,835.67

      General risk provision

      Retained profits                                                               -19,630,903.72                      -42,080,494.64

      Translation difference of the financial statements in
 foreign currency

 Total owners' equity attributable to the parent company                           1,272,653,966.65                   1,250,224,375.08

      Minority shareholders' equity                                                 192,754,112.04                      185,584,512.58

 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)                                    1,465,408,078.69                   1,435,808,887.66

 Total liabilities and owner's equity (or shareholders'
                                                                                   2,056,401,971.56                   2,134,940,597.85

Legal representative: Wang Li        Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                               Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item             Period-end balance         Period-beginning balance

 Current assets:

      Monetary capital                                  233,002,896.48                 173,141,378.64

      Trading financial assets

      Notes receivable

      Accounts receivable                                     80,000.00

      Prepayments                                             42,431.80                    142,310.00

      Interest receivable

      Dividends receivable

      Other receivables                                 215,862,748.34                 200,493,973.07


      Non-current assets due within one year

      Other current assets                              220,000,000.00                 301,248,167.86

 Total current assets                                   668,988,076.62                 675,025,829.57

 Non-current assets:

      Financial assets available for sale

      Held-to-maturity investment

      Long-term accounts receivable

      Long-term equity investments                      405,362,913.00                 407,601,729.10

      Investment properties                             303,104,961.79                 305,731,220.77

      Fixed assets                                        19,858,732.66                 19,959,818.75

      Under-construction projects

      Engineering materials

      Disposal of fixed assets

      Productive biological assets

      Oil & gas assets

      Intangible assets                                     369,126.65                     401,813.18

      Development expenses


      Long-term expenses to be apportioned                 4,492,464.37                  4,025,337.44

      Deferred income tax assets                           5,911,941.36                  5,992,016.37

      Other non-current assets

                                                   Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                             Item                  Period-end balance         Period-beginning balance

Total non-current assets                                    739,100,139.83                 743,711,935.61

Total assets                                               1,408,088,216.45              1,418,737,765.18

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Transactional financial liabilities

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                                             90,000.00                    375,000.00

     Advances from customers                                  53,384,507.16                 76,806,434.67

     Wages payable                                             2,686,509.31                  7,727,646.55

     Taxes payable                                            21,554,787.87                 24,258,147.48

     Interest payable

     Dividends payable                                           119,803.29                    119,803.29

     Other accounts payable                                   78,831,714.93                 71,183,956.83

     Non-current liabilities due within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                   156,667,322.56                 180,470,988.82

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

     Long-term accounts payable

     Special payables

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities                                           156,667,322.56                 180,470,988.82

Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):

     Paid-up capital (or share capital)                     784,799,010.00                 784,799,010.00

     Capital reserve                                        405,652,893.32                 405,652,893.32

     Less: Treasury shares

     Special reserve

     Surplus public reserve                                 102,912,835.67                 102,912,835.67

     General risk provision

     Retained profits                                        -41,943,845.10                -55,097,962.63

                                                                             Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                Item                                         Period-end balance             Period-beginning balance

      Translation difference of the financial statements in
 foreign currency

 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)                                      1,251,420,893.89                   1,238,266,776.36

 Total liabilities and owner's equity (or shareholders'
                                                                                     1,408,088,216.45                   1,418,737,765.18

Legal representative: Wang Li          Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                 Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period

 1. Total operating revenue                                                           156,296,410.46                      133,517,969.30

      Include: Operating revenue                                                      145,841,677.48                      126,976,198.11

           Interest income

           Earned premiums                                                              10,437,899.17                        6,303,044.92

           Handling charge and commission income                                            16,833.81                         238,726.27

 2. Total operating cost                                                              121,162,948.72                      106,781,707.55

      Include: Operating cost                                                         107,920,992.72                       93,553,445.30

           Interest expenses                                                              912,972.23

           Handling charge and commission expenses


           Net compensation pay-outs

           Net insurance deposit accrued

           Insurance dividends

           Reinsurance expenses

           Operating taxes and surcharges                                                6,288,053.02                        5,495,128.07

           Sales expenses                                                                 381,151.00                          586,727.58

           Administrative expenses                                                       7,616,967.07                        9,223,655.27

           Financial expenses                                                           -1,957,187.32                       -2,192,428.52

           Asset impairment loss                                                                                               115,179.85

      Add: Income from changes in fair value (Loss is
 marked with "-")

           Investment income (Loss is marked with "-")                                   5,202,783.84                        5,769,732.16

                                                                          Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                             Item                                 Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period

        Include: Income from investment in associates
                                                                                      -2,238,816.10                       -1,014,925.94
 and joint ventures

        Income from exchange (Loss is marked with "-")

 3. Operating profit (Loss is marked with "-")                                        40,336,245.58                       32,505,993.91

      Add: Non-operating revenue                                                        378,109.51                          919,996.92

      Less: Non-operating expenses                                                      103,735.57                              719.94

        Include: Loss from disposal of non-current assets

 4. Total profit (Total loss is marked with "-")                                      40,610,619.52                       33,425,270.89

      Less: Income tax expenses                                                       10,981,390.41                        9,110,315.06

 5. Net profit (Net loss is marked with "-")                                          29,629,229.11                       24,314,955.83

      Include: Net profit of the purchased party realized
 before the merger

      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                                                                      22,449,590.92                       20,488,550.91

      Gains and losses of minority shareholders                                        7,179,638.19                        3,826,404.92

 6. Earnings per share                                                           --                                  --

      (1) Basic earnings per share                                                          0.0286                              0.0261

      (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                        0.0286                              0.0261

 7. Other comprehensive income                                                           -30,038.08                          -71,454.23

 8. Total comprehensive income                                                        29,599,191.03                       24,243,501.60

      Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                      22,429,591.57                       20,440,976.68
 shareholders of the parent company

      Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                       7,169,599.46                        3,802,524.92

Legal representative: Wang Li       Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                 Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period

 1. Operating revenue                                                                 34,948,805.08                       36,761,658.79

      Less: Operating cost                                                            19,328,224.88                       15,708,552.12

           Operating taxes and surcharges                                              1,949,533.93                        2,063,583.85

           Sales expenses

           Administrative expenses                                                     2,911,191.34                        4,495,185.27

                                                                           Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                             Item                                  Amount of the current period         Amount of the previous period

             Financial expenses                                                         -4,467,780.55                       -1,480,250.41

             Asset impairment loss

      Add: Income from changes in fair value (Loss is
 marked with "-")

             Investment income (Loss is marked with "-")                                 3,062,605.83                        4,064,498.55

             Include: Income from investment in associates
                                                                                        -2,238,816.10                       -1,014,925.94
 and joint ventures

 2. Operating profit (Loss is marked with "-")                                          18,290,241.31                       20,039,086.51

      Add: Non-operating income                                                              5,124.10                           83,320.00

      Less: Non-operating expenses                                                          10,270.00

             Include: Loss from disposal of non-current

 3. Total profit (Total loss is marked with "-")                                        18,285,095.41                       20,122,406.51

      Less: Income tax expenses                                                          5,130,977.88                        5,284,333.11

 4. Net profit (Net loss is marked with "-")                                            13,154,117.53                       14,838,073.40

 5. Earnings per share:                                                           --                                  --

      (1) Basic earnings per share                                                                                                      0

      (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                                                                    0

 6. Other comprehensive income                                                                                                       0.00

 7. Total comprehensive income                                                          13,154,117.53                       14,838,073.40

Legal representative: Wang Li        Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                  Amount of the current period         Amount of the previous period

 1. Cash flow from operating activities

      Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of
                                                                                       469,413,208.88                      116,765,324.27

      Net increase of customers' deposits and accounts due
 to banks and other financial institutions

      Net increase of loans from the Central Bank                                                                                    0.00

      Net increase of loans from other financial

      Cash received from premiums of original insurance

                                                                  Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                            Item                             Amount of the current period    Amount of the previous period

     Net cash received from reinsurance business                                                                       0.00

     Net increase of deposit of the insured and investment                                                             0.00

     Net increase of income from disposal of transaction
financial assets

     Cash received from interest, handling charges, and
                                                                             13,197,482.98                     8,241,020.99

     Net increase of loans from banks and other financial

     Net increase of redemption capital                                                                                0.00

     Tax rebates received                                                     3,563,641.53                             0.00

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                   112,183,330.08                    138,082,627.30

Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                          598,357,663.47                    263,088,972.56

     Cash paid for goods purchased and services received                   463,260,003.61                    141,753,366.39

     Net increase in loans and advances to customers                        -29,550,762.00                     5,698,024.66

     Net increase of accounts due from the Central Bank
and other financial institutions

     Cash paid for compensation pay-outs of original
insurance contracts

     Cash paid for interest, handling charges, and
                                                                                237,331.00                             0.00

     Cash paid as insurance dividends                                                                                  0.00

     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                 22,492,493.78                    19,031,752.00

     Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                                      38,018,451.62                    27,602,715.62

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                       103,796,552.39                    148,131,797.31

Subtotal of cash outflow for operating activities                          598,254,070.40                    342,217,655.98

Net cash flow arising from operating activities                                 103,593.07                   -79,128,683.42

2. Cash flow from investment activities

     Cash received from withdrawal of investment                           609,900,000.00                    594,820,000.00

     Cash received from investment income                                     7,441,599.94                     6,784,658.10

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units

     Other cash received concerning investment activities                                                              0.00

Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities                         617,341,599.94                    601,604,658.10

     Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed                         3,729,911.54                     3,418,600.09

                                                                         Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                            Item                                 Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period
 assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets

      Cash paid for investment                                                    553,700,000.00                      514,480,070.26

      Net increase of mortgage loans                                                                                             0.00

      Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and
 other operating units

      Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                                                            0.00

 Subtotal of cash outflow for investment activities                               557,429,911.54                      517,898,670.35

 Net cash flow arising from investment activities                                  59,911,688.40                       83,705,987.75

 3. Cash flow from financing activities:

      Cash received from attraction of investment                                                                                0.00

      Include: Cash received by subsidiaries from
 investment of minority shareholders

      Cash received from borrowings                                                31,000,000.00                       20,000,000.00

      Cash received from issuance of bonds                                                                                       0.00

      Other cash received concerning financing activities                                                                        0.00

 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                 31,000,000.00                       20,000,000.00

      Cash paid for repayment of debts                                             45,000,000.00                       19,000,000.00

      Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profit or
                                                                                     1,324,064.01                         306,208.89
 repayment of interest

      Include: Dividends and profit paid by subsidiaries to
 minority shareholders

      Other cash paid concerning financing activities                                                                            0.00

 Subtotal of cash outflow for financing activities                                 46,324,064.01                       19,306,208.89

 Net cash flow arising from financing activities                                   -15,324,064.01                          693,791.11

 4. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash

 5. Net Increase of cash and cash equivalents                                      44,691,217.46                         5,271,095.44

      Plus: Period-beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                                                  335,593,493.81                      453,132,467.18

 6. Period-end balance of cash and cash equivalents                               380,284,711.27                      458,403,562.62

Legal representative: Wang Li      Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                            Item                            Amount of the current period    Amount of the previous period

1. Cash flow from operating activities

     Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of
                                                                            23,517,116.05                    20,497,611.20

     Tax rebates received                                                                                             0.00

     Other cash received concerning operating activities                    51,124,214.57                    38,014,290.84

Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                           74,641,330.62                    58,511,902.04

     Cash paid for goods purchased and services received                     5,127,754.65                     6,949,147.89

     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                 9,607,292.80                     7,873,492.37

     Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                                     27,217,282.67                    19,491,165.63

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                        57,766,967.59                   136,565,360.84

Subtotal of cash outflow for operating activities                           99,719,297.71                   170,879,166.73

Net cash flow arising from operating activities                            -25,077,967.09                  -112,367,264.69

2. Cash flow from investment activities

     Cash received from withdrawal of investment                          523,000,000.00                    529,360,000.00

     Cash received from investment income                                    5,301,421.93                     5,079,424.49

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units

     Other cash received concerning investment activities                                                             0.00

Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities                        528,301,421.93                    534,439,424.49

     Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed
                                                                               361,937.00                        68,818.00
assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                                             443,000,000.00                    449,965,751.44

     Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and
other operating units

     Other cash paid concerning operating activities                                                                  0.00

Subtotal of cash outflow for investment activities                        443,361,937.00                    450,034,569.44

Net cash flow arising from investment activities                            84,939,484.93                    84,404,855.05

3. Cash flow from financing activities:

     Cash received from attraction of investment                                                                      0.00

     Cash received from borrowings                                                                                    0.00

     Cash received from issuance of bonds                                                                             0.00

     Other cash received concerning financing activities                                                              0.00

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                                                     0.00

                                                                         Full text of 2014 Q1 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                            Item                                 Amount of the current period        Amount of the previous period

      Cash paid for repayment of debts                                                                                           0.00

      Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profit or
 repayment of interest

      Other cash paid concerning financing activities                                                                            0.00

 Subtotal of cash outflow for financing activities                                                                               0.00

 Net cash flow arising from financing activities                                                                                 0.00

 4. Influence of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash

 5. Net Increase of cash and cash equivalents                                      59,861,517.84                       -27,962,409.64

      Plus: Period-beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                                                  173,141,378.64                      296,491,241.42

 6 Period-end balance of cash and cash equivalents                                233,002,896.48                      268,528,831.78

Legal representative: Wang Li      Chief financial officer: Liu Zhijun     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

II. Audit Report

Has the Q1 report been audited?

□ Yes √ No

The Q1 report of the Company has not been audited.
