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						          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

  2014 Annual Report

      March 2015

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

           Chapter 1 Important Notice, Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior
executives guarantee that this annual report is authentic, accurate, and complete and
that it has no false records, misleading statements or major omissions and they
commit to the individual and joint and several legal liabilities.

All the directors except the one(s) mentioned below have attended the board meeting
reviewing the annual report.

                                     Post of director not
 Name of director not attending                                Cause of not attending
                                   attending the meeting                                  Name of the entrustee
     the meeting personally                                    the meeting personally

Li Luoli                          Independent director       Travel for business        Zhou Hanjun

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. plans not to distribute cash dividends and bonus shares or
convert reserved funds into share capital.

Chairman of the Board Wang Li, the Person in charge of accounting Liu Zhijun and
the responsible person of the accounting institution (Accountant in charge) Ying
Huadong hereby declare that the Financial Statements enclosed in this annual report
are true, accurate and complete.

The forward-looking statements including future plans, development strategies and so
on involved in the annual report do not constitute substantial commitment to
investors. So, investors should pay attention to investment risks.

                                                                                  Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


2014 Annual Report ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 1 Important Notice, Contents, and Definitions ...................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 Company Profile .................................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 3 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes ........................................................................ 9

Chapter 4 Report of the Board of Directors ........................................................................................................ 12

Chapter 5 Important Matters ............................................................................................................................... 47

Chapter 6 Changes in Share Capital and Information on Shareholders .......................................................... 57

Chapter 7 Preferred Stock Description ............................................................................................................... 63

Chapter 8 Information on Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees ................................... 63

Chapter 9 Corporate Governance ........................................................................................................................ 75

Chapter 10 Internal Control ................................................................................................................................. 89

Chapter 11 Financial Statements ........................................................................................................................ 92

Chapter 12 Documents Available for Reference ............................................................................................... 196

                                                   Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.


            Definition          Refers to                             Description
This Company, the Company      Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.   Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.
Huakong SEG                    Refers to     Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.
SEG Baohua                     Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd.
Xi'an SEG                      Refers to     Xi'an SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd.
Suzhou SEG                     Refers to     Suzhou SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Hairong SEG              Refers to     Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd.
Nanjing SEG                    Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd.
                                             Shanghai SEG Electronics Market Operation Management Co.,
Shanghai SEG                   Refers to
Nantong SEG                    Refers to     Nantong SEG Times Square Management Co., Ltd.
Changsha SEG                   Refers to     Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd.
                                             Shenzhen Mellow Orange Business Hotel Management Co.,
Mellow Orange Hotel            Refers to
Longgang SEG                   Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd.
SEG Industry                   Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.
SEG E-Commerce                 Refers to     Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd.
SEG Credit                     Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd.
SEG Navigations                Refers to     Shenzhen SEG GPS Scientific Navigations Co., Ltd.
Wujiang SEG                    Refers to     Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd.
Shunde SEG                     Refers to     Fushan Shunde SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd
Wuxi SEG                       Refers to     Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd
Nanning SEG                    Refers to     Nanning SEG Digital Plaza Management Co., Ltd.
Yantai SEG                     Refers to     Yantai SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd.
Suzhou SEG Digital             Refers to     Suzhou SEG Digital Life Plaza Management Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou SEG                  Refers to     Zhengzhou SEG Digital Plaza Management Co., Ltd.
                                             Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG Times Square Properties Co.,
Xi'an Fengdong SEG             Refers to
Nantong SEG Operation
                               Refers to     Nantong SEG Commercial Operation Management Co., Ltd.
SEG Logistics                  Refers to     Shenzhen SEG Logistics Co., Ltd.
                                             An integrated information platform for market management
SEG Universal                  Refers to
                                             with the functions of access control management,

                                                     Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

           Definition             Refers to                             Description
                                              micro-payment, query system and information distribution and
                                              so on.
                                              State-owned   Assets   Supervision        and    Administration
Shenzhen SASAC                   Refers to
                                              Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
CSRC                             Refers to    China Securities Regulatory Commission
Shenzhen Securities Regulatory                Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau of China Securities
                               Refers to
Bureau                                        Regulatory Commission
The Articles of Association      Refers to    The Articles of Association of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Unless otherwise specified, the
                                 Refers to    Amount in RMB
amount referred to in the report

                                Prompts for Major Risks
The forward-looking statements including the future plans, development strategies and so on involved in
the annual report do not constitute substantial commitment to investors. So, investors should pay attention
to investment risks.

                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Chapter 2 Company Profile

I. Basic Information

Stock abbreviation          SHEN SEG, SHEN SEG B                 Stock code               000058, 200058
Changed stock
abbreviation (if any)
Listed on                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in
Abbreviated Company
name in Chinese
Company name in
                           SHENZHEN SEG CO., LTD.
English (if any)
Abbreviated Company
name in English (if any)
Registered address         31/F, Tower A, Qunxing Plaza, Huaqiang Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen
Post code                  518028
Office address             31/F, Tower A, Qunxing Plaza, Huaqiang Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen
Post code                  518028
Website                    http://www.segcl.com.cn
E-mail                     segcl@segcl.com.cn

II. Contact Information

                           Secretary of the Board of Directors          Securities affairs representative
Name                       Zheng Dan                                    Zhang Xin
                           31/F, Tower A, Qunxing Plaza, Huaqiang       31/F, Tower A, Qunxing Plaza,Huaqiang
Contact address
                           Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen          Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen
Phone                      0755-83747939                                0755-83747939
Fax                        0755-83975237                                0755-83975237
E-mail                     segcl@segcl.com.cn                           segcl@segcl.com.cn

III. Information Disclosure and Filing Site

Newspaper selected by the Company for           China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily and
information disclosure                          Hong Kong Commercial Daily

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Website selected by CSRC for publishing the
                                                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn      (Cninfo Website)
annual report
The place where the annual report is prepared      Secretary's Office of Board of Directors, 31/F, Tower A, Qunxing
and kept                                           Plaza, Huaqiang Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen

IV. Changes of Registration Information

                                                            Registered number
                Registration                                of the corporation      Tax registration
                                    Registered address                                                    institution
                   date                                       legal person's              No.
                                                             business license
                                  16/F, Baohua
                                  Technology Building,
               July 16, 1996      Huaqiang Road (N),       440301103573251        440301279253776       27925377-6
                                  Futian District,
                                  31/F, Tower A,
                                  Qunxing Plaza,
at the end
               April 1, 2014      Huaqiang Road (N),       440301103573251        440300279253776       27925377-6
of reporting
                                  Futian District,
                                  Changes to business scope on July 6, 2005: Domestic commerce, goods supply
                                  and sale (excluding commodities under special operation, control and sale),
Changes of main business
                                  industrial investment (licenses for specific projects shall be subject to application
since the Company's listing
                                  on a case-by-case basis), economic information consultancy, property lease, real
(if any)
                                  estate agency, and operation of SEG special electronics markets (the license for the
                                  special market shall be specially applied for).
Changes of controlling
                                  No change.
shareholders (if any)

V. Other Relevant Information of the Company

The accounting firm employed by the Company:

Name of the accounting firm       BDO Dahua CPA Co., Ltd. (special general partnership)
Address of the accounting
                                  Room 1101, 11/F, Tower 7, No. 16 Xisihuan Road (M), Haidian District, Beijing
Name of the certified public
                                  Yang Xi         Xin Junliang

The sponsor firm employed by the Company for fulfilling the duties of continuous supervision in the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

The financial advisor employed by the Company for fulfilling the duties of continuous supervision in the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

     Chapter 3 Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

I. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

Are retrospective adjustments made to previous financial statements due to accounting policy changes or
accounting errors?

□ Yes √ No

                                                 2013              2013         Year-on-year 2012 (retroactive
                             2014                                             increase/decrease adjustment not
                                           Before adjustment After adjustment        (%)          involved)
Operating revenue
                         681,343,920.99       597,358,257.82   597,358,257.82            14.06%    463,807,500.77
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of the       48,380,294.05        54,338,735.35    54,338,735.35           -10.97%     45,587,138.06
listed company
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of the
listed company after      45,920,252.23        48,912,658.58    48,912,658.58            -6.12%     45,369,864.10
deduction of
non-recurring gains
and losses (Yuan)
Net cash flow arising
from operating           -427,933620.94      -122,530,546.70 -122,530,546.70          -249.25%     -45,987,512.97
activities (Yuan)
Basic EPS
                                 0.0616               0.0692           0.0692           -10.98%             0.0581
Diluted EPS
                                 0.0616               0.0692           0.0692           -10.98%             0.0581

Weighted average                  3.80%                                                  -0.64%
                                                      4.44%             4.44%                               3.88%
ROE (%)

                                                 2013              2013         Year-on-year
                          End of 2014                                         increase/decrease     End of 2012
                                           Before adjustment After adjustment        (%)
Total assets (Yuan)     2,659,717,718.28    2,134,940,597.85 2,134,940,597.85            24.58% 1,740,697,285.20
Net assets
attributable to
shareholders of the     1,298,970,719.85    1,250,224,375.08 1,250,224,375.08             3.90% 1,195,672,946.25
listed company

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

II. Differences in Accounting Data under Chinese and Overseas Accounting Standards

1. The differences of net profit and net assets in this financial report disclosed based on international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                         Unit: YUAN
                            Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                            listed company                            the listed company
                                                                                                    Amount at the
                               Amount in the           Amount in the        Amount at the end
                                                                                                   beginning of the
                               current period          previous period        of the period

Based on Chinese                     48,380,294.05                            1,298,970,719.85
                                                           54,338,735.35                            1,250,224,375.08
accounting standards

Adjusted items and amounts based on international accounting standards:

Based on international               48,380,294.05                            1,298,970,719.85
                                                           54,338,735.35                            1,250,224,375.08
accounting standards

2. The differences of net profit and net assets in this financial report disclosed based on overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                         Unit: YUAN
                            Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                            listed company                            the listed company
                                                                                                    Amount at the
                               Amount in the           Amount in the        Amount at the end
                                                                                                   beginning of the
                               current period          previous period        of the period
Based on Chinese
                                     47,403,384.49         54,338,735.35      1,297,993,810.29      1,250,224,375.08
accounting standards
Adjusted items and amounts based on overseas accounting standards:
Based on overseas
                                     47,403,384.49         54,338,735.35      1,297,993,810.29      1,250,224,375.08
accounting standards

III. Items and amount of non-recurring gains and losses:

                                                                                                         Unit: YUAN
                                        Amount of      Amount of         Amount of
               Item                                                                               Remarks
                                          2014           2013              2012
Gains and losses from disposal of
non-current assets (including the                                                       Gains on disposal of fixed
                                            6,475.34   1,810,628.46        -3,492.79
write-off of asset impairment                                                          assets
                                                                                     Won the special subsidies
Government subsidies recorded
                                                                                     issued by Futian District
into current gains and losses
(except those closely related with      1,554,585.78   1,117,834.72       870,280.00 Bureau of Science and
                                                                                     Technology Innovation of
corporate business and enjoyed
                                                                                     Shenzhen, and won the special
according to national unified
                                                                                     subsidies issued by Shenzhen

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                     Amount of       Amount of      Amount of
               Item                                                                           Remarks
                                       2014            2013           2012
standard quota or ration)                                                          Economic, Trade and
                                                                                   Informatization Commission.
Fund appropriation charges for
non-financial entities recorded        700,000.00     581,000.00      581,000.00
into current gains and losses
Expenditures for corporate
restructuring, such as expenses
for relocation of employees and
for integration
                                                                                   Won the case with Guangzhou
Transferred-back impairment
                                                                                   ECS and recovered the
provision for accounts receivable,
                                                     3,022,045.29                  payment for goods, which
for which separate impairment
                                                                                   reversed the bad-debt provision
tests are carried out
                                                                                   previously accrued.
Trustee fee from entrusted
                                       200,000.00     200,000.00      200,000.00
Other non-operating revenue and                                                 Liquidated damages from
expenses except the                    498,440.96    1,212,506.81 -1,392,736.58 defaulting tenants collected
above-mentioned items                                                           and so on
Less: Amount of affected income
                                      -216,991.94 -1,617,611.87      -397,102.02
      Amount of influence on
minority shareholders' equity         -282,468.32    -900,326.64      359,325.35
(after tax)
Total                                2,460,041.82    5,426,076.77     217,273.96                 --

An explanation shall be made with regard to the Company's considerations for defining non-recurring profit and
loss according to the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public — Non-recurring Profit and Loss and the reason for classifying the non-recurring profit
and loss listed in this announcement as recurring.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                     Chapter 4 Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

The Company stepped into the fourth year of its "12th Five-Year" Strategic Plan implementation in 2014. Under
the pressure of slowing domestic macro economic growth, the Company adhered to the management concept of
"securing the foothold, focusing on key points, and shifting the business direction", continued to strengthen its
independent innovation, and vigorously expanded its business. With the joint effort of the Company and the
invested enterprises, the performance of the Company is growing steadily. Therein, Nantong SEG Times Square
Project was officially capped on December 12, 2014; the business of existed electronics markets grew steadily and
continued to develop stably; the small loan business entered a stage of benign development; and the e-commerce
business started to achieve turning losses into gains.

During the reporting period, the Company achieved a total operating revenue of 752,410,000 Yuan, with a 17.48%
increase over the previous year, mainly due to: (1) substantial increase in the income of the small loan business; (2)
substantial increase in the income of the e-business; and (3) growth in the income of property rental and hotel

During the reporting period, the Company achieved a total profit of 111,76 million Yuan, with a 6.19% increase
over the previous year, mainly due to: (1) increase in the income and profit of the small loan business; (2) growth
in the income from financial products investment.

II. Analysis of Main Businesses

1. Overview

Main business of the Company includes development and operation of specialized electronics market and its
supporting projects, property lease service, IT product channeling retail terminal service, e-commerce and
value-added small loan service.

(1) Operation of the electronics markets

In 2014, the new technical means and new business models centering on the Internet and Mobile Internet are
rewriting the traditional business rules of the electronics market industry, which changes consumers' consuming
behaviors and the whole traditional retail industry. Facing the intense market competition and the impact from
new commercial modal, the Company strategically invested more in the research of a new model for the
electronics market business and fully exerted the advantage of resources sharing in the chain markets across the
country. At the same time, the Company strived to further strengthen the innovation of electronics market
business and explore new business growth models while ensuring stable market operation.

During the reporting period, Wuxi SEG Electronics Market officially opened in March; Suzhou SEG Digital Plaza
(Park) also began trial operation in September; Taizhou SEG Electronics Market Project has established initial
intention of cooperation; and Zhengzhou SEG Digital Plaza project was approved by the Board of Directors, and
began to enter the preparatory stage.

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

In 2014, facing a sluggish industry environment and severe channel competitions, the Company's business in the
electronics market maintained steady operation. Under a "zero accident" premise, the market operation and
innovation capabilities are continuously improved. New business models were developed, such as the SEG
Factory Store. A hybrid business model of "e-business + physical stores + marketing channel" was built up. The
scalable supply and marketing channels that connect downstream buyers and upstream electronics factories were
established. Direct trading with consumers was achieved through Tmall Store and physical stores. In this manner,
marketing channels were merged.

During the reporting period, the Company's electronics market business achieved the revenue of 312,300,000
Yuan, with a decrease of 1.67% from the previous year, mainly due to the decrease of Nanjing SEG's proprietary
trading business income. Mainly due to the increase of gains from use of funds, the total profit reached 77.01
million Yuan, with an increase of 4.32% over the previous year.

(2) Businesses of property leasing business

The property lease business of the Company headquarters was impeded by decline of the domestic mobile phone
business and the road enclosure and traffic control due to construction of Shenzhen Metro Line No.7, and
therefore the property occupancy rate and unit rent decreased compared with the same period of last year.

In the year of 2014, the property operation of the Company's subsidiary SEG Baohua was steady and rose. Despite
of the depressing property lease environment in Huaqiang North district and the rising vacancy rate and dramatic
rent drop of the surrounding office buildings, the Company kept the occupancy rate at 99% and above, and
maintained the highest rent among the office buildings in Huaqiang North district by improving the service quality
and taking effective business operation measures.

In the reporting period, the Company's property lease business yielded a total operation income of 66.38 million
Yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 1.16%, and achieved a total profit of 23.44 million Yuan, with a
year-on-year increase of 25.21%.

(3) Businesses of the channel retail terminal of IT products

In 2014, the IT product channel retail terminal business of SEG Industrial, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Company, stepped into a virtuous development stage. During the reporting period, the company's channel
business obtained an income of 99.06 million Yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 186.05%, mainly due to the
revenue from the mobile phone distribution business and communications distribution business introduced in the
reporting period.

(4)Business of the electronic commerce

In the second half year of 2013, the Company redefined its e-commerce business. In 2014, SEG E-Commerce's
main business has shifted to the supply chain and segbuy.com. This platform provides tenants with all-around,
one-stop supply chain services by using the resources of physical SEG electronics markets.

In the reporting period, the Company's e-commerce business yielded a total operation income of 46.78 million
Yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 588.95%, and achieved a total profit of 1.35 million Yuan, turning losses
into profits compared with the same period last year. The company's revenue and profits in 2014 were mainly
from the supply chain related businesses.

(5) Small loan business

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

In 2014, SEG's small loan business achieved a substantial growth. During the reporting period, the Company
achieved the operating revenue of 71.07 million Yuan with the small loan business, with a year-on-year increase
of 63.87%, and also made a total profit of 39,650,000 Yuan, a year-on-year increase of 61.38%.

The Company reviews the implementation progress of previously disclosed development strategies and business
plans in the reporting period.

In accordance with the 12th five-year plan, the Company disclosed its 2014 business plan in the 2013 Annual
Report. The project is funded by the capital owned by the Company and by issuing short-term financing bonds.
The following table lists the implementation progress of the 2014 business plan disclosed in the 2013 Annual

                           Investment                                                                    Actual
                               plan                                                                     amount
 No.      Project name      (RMB ten                              Progress                             (RMB ten
                            thousand                                                                   thousand
                              Yuan)                                                                      Yuan)
                                         (1) According to the decision made in the 12th special
                                         meeting of the 6th Board on May 27, 2014, the Company
                                         planned to invest into the Zhengzhou SEG Digital Plaza
                                         project. Together with Henan Guanlian Engineering Co.,
                                         Ltd. and Zhengzhou Coal Research Institute Ltd., the
                                         investment totals 6 million Yuan as the registration capital.
                                         The company planned to invest 3.06million Yuan and hold
       Build new                         51% of the shares. Up till the end of the reporting period,
       electronics                       this project is still at the stage of preparation, so this
  1    markets based             2,500   investment item has not happened yet.                         800
       on the leasing
       model                             (2) According to the decision made in the 15th special
                                         meeting of the 6th Board on July 29, 2014, the Company
                                         planned to invest into the Suzhou SEG Digital Life Plaza
                                         project. The investment totals 8 million Yuan as the
                                         registration capital for the wholly-owned subsidiary
                                         Suzhou SEG Digital Life Plaza Management Co., Ltd. As
                                         of the end of the reporting period, the project has been
                                         established, and investment fund has occurred.
                                         (1) According to the decision made in the 28th special
                                         meeting of the 5th Board held on January 8, 2013, the
                                         Company planned to invest to establish Nantong SEG
                                         Times Square Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
                                         to as Nantong SEG) to develop the Nantong SEG Times
                                         Square project. Nantong SEG was officially founded on
       Open                              February 25, 2013, and the Nantong SEG Times Square
  2                          107,622     project was officially laid the foundation stone on 25,541
       markets by
       self-construction                 November 27, 2013; the project marketing center was
                                         officially opened on June 28, 2014. On December 12,
                                         2014, the ceremony for completing the major structure
                                         capping of Nantong SEG Times Square project was held.
                                         As of the end of the reporting period, the project is still
                                         under construction.
                                         (2) According to the decision made in the 7th special

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                           Investment                                                                      Actual
                               plan                                                                       amount
 No.       Project name     (RMB ten                              Progress                               (RMB ten
                            thousand                                                                     thousand
                              Yuan)                                                                        Yuan)
                                        meeting of the 6th Board held on February 14, 2014, the
                                        company planned to invest 5 million Yuan as the capital
                                        base for registration to set up Nantong SEG Commercial
                                        Operation Management Co., Ltd. with sole proprietorship,
                                        which mainly works on commercial operation and property
                                        management of Nantong SEG Times Square. As of the end
                                        of the reporting period, Nantong SEG Commercial
                                        Operation Management Co., Ltd. has been set up, but the 5
                                        million Yuan capital base is not paid. This investment
                                        funds has temporarily not occurred.
                                        (3) According to the decision made in the 10th special
                                        meeting of the 6th Board held on April 4, 2014 and the 1st
                                        shareholder special meeting in 2014 held on April 23,
                                        2014, the Company planned to invest into the plot
                                        maturation and project construction of Yantai SEG Times
                                        Square. On April 28, 2014, the Company participated in
                                        public auction for the plot maturation investor, but failed to
                                        obtain the investor qualification. This competition failure
                                        did not bring significant influence to the Company's
                                        production and operation. In the reporting period, the
                                        company has invested 45 million Yuan as deposit for
                                        registration. However, due to the failure, this investment
                                        item has been taken back within the reporting period.
                                        (4) According to the decision made in the 14th special
                                        meeting of the 6th Board held on July 3, 2014 and the 2nd
                                        special shareholders meeting in 2014 held on July 21st
                                        2014, the Company planned to invest into the project
                                        construction of Xi'an SEG Times Square. On December 31,
                                        2014, the Company participated in public auction of the
                                        land, but failed to obtain the investor qualification. This
                                        competition failure did not bring significant influence to
                                        the Company's production and operation. In the reporting
                                        period, the company has invested 30 million Yuan as
                                        deposit for registration. However, due to the failure, this
                                        investment item has been taken back in January 2015.

Reasons for the actual operating performance being more than 20% over or below the disclosed annual profit

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changes in main business models

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Revenue

During the reporting period, the Company completed a total operating revenue of 75.241 million Yuan, with a
17.48% increase over the same period of previous year, mainly due to: (1) substantial increase in the income of
the small loan business; (2) substantial increase in the e-business income; (3) increase in the income of the
property rental and hotel business.

Is the Company's goods sales revenue more than its service revenue?

□ Yes √ No

Information about major orders on hand

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Information about significant changes or adjustments of any product or service in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Information about the Company's major customers
Sales amount of top 5 customers (Yuan)                                                                195,634,939.10
Proportion of the total sales amount of top 5
customers in the annual sales (%)

Information about top 5 customers

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
  No.                     Client Name                 Sales amount (Yuan)         Proportion in the annual sales (%)
    1     Shenzhen Runneng Digital Co., Ltd.                     110,510,446.52                              16.22%
    2     Shenzhen Wodewo Trading Co., Ltd.                       39,288,132.58                                5.77%
          Shenzhen Comnet Technology Co.,
    3                                                             21,296,350.41                                3.13%
          Shenzhen Nanfang Yunhe Technology
    4                                                             17,186,953.52                                2.52%
          Co., Ltd.
          Beijing Ruifengli Hongqing Trading
    5                                                              7,353,056.07                                1.08%
Total                         --                                 195,634,939.10                              28.71%

Other information about major customers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Cost

Industry classification

                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                            2014                              2013                    Year-on-year
   Industry classification                      Proportion in                      Proportion in    increase/decrease
                                   Amount                            Amount                                (%)
                                                operating cost                     operating cost

                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                              2014                                 2013                   Year-on-year
   Industry classification                         Proportion in                       Proportion in    increase/decrease
                                     Amount                             Amount                                 (%)
                                                   operating cost                      operating cost
Electronics market
operation and property          267,082,161.89        47.61%         274,749,822.68            56.49%             -8.88%
leasing service
Trade                           228,817,359.36        40.79%         184,085,676.90            37.85%              2.94%
Hotel                           17,977,382.31         3.20%           14,862,735.64             3.06%              0.14%
E-commerce                      42,202,184.74         7.52%            8,888,586.33             1.83%              5.69%
Finance                           4,865,369.48        0.87%            3,824,364.20             0.79%              0.08%
Total                           560,944,457.78       100.00%         486,411,185.75              100%

Information about major suppliers
Total purchase amount of top 5 suppliers (Yuan)                                                            289,896,825.87
Proportion of the total purchase amount of top 5
suppliers in the annual purchase (%)

Information about top 5 suppliers

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                      Proportion in the annual purchase
      No.                Name of supplier              Purchase amount (Yuan)
               Nantong Huatong Construction
       1                                                            140,466,000.00                                28.62%
               Group Co., Ltd.
       2       Shenzhen Shuojian Industry Co., Ltd                   88,650,854.94                                18.06%
               Nanjing Yunde Investment
       3                                                             22,313,634.61                                 4.55%
               Development Co., Ltd.
               Shenzhen Yixinzhongtian
       4                                                             20,536,785.90                                 4.18%
               Technology Co., Ltd.
               Changsha Juzhengxinye Computer
       5                                                             17,929,550.43                                 3.65%
               Technology Co., Ltd.
Total                           --                                  289,896,825.87                                59.07%

Other information about major suppliers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Expense

 No.         Item   2014 (Yuan) 2013 (Yuan)                                           Reasons for change
             Sale                                                    Due to the reduction of sales promotion expenses
  1                 2,149,313.48 3,630,236.75        -40.79%
           expenses                                                  incurred during the reporting period
                                                                     Due to the increase of bank loans, issuance of
  2               9,168,643.60 -10,488,089.69            --          short-term financing bonds, and increase of interest
                                                                     expenses during the reporting period

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

5. Research and Development (R&D) Expenditure

Proportion of R&D investment in the operating revenue in the recent three years:

                                       2014                           2013                       2012
R&D investment (Yuan)                      1,136,073.70                  1,399,040.99               3,596,604.31
R&D investment
proportion in the
                                                 0.09%                         0.11%                       0.30%
Company's latest audited
net assets (%)
R&D investment
proportion in operating                          0.17%                         0.23%                       0.78%
revenue (%)

During the reporting period, the company's R&D expenditure is mainly used for the construction, upgrade, and
maintenance of segbuy.com and SEG Universal. The investment will further help to improve the Company's
e-business platform to improve the viability and competitiveness of the Company.

6. Cash Flow

                                                                                                     Unit: YUAN
            Item                       2014                           2013
                                                                                        increase/decrease (%)
Subtotal of cash inflow
                                       2,439,133,722.87            1,363,728,760.09                       78.86%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow for
                                       2,867,067,343.81            1,486,259,306.79                       92.90%
operating activities
Net cash flow from
                                        -427,933,620.94               -122,530,546.70                   -249.25%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow
                                       3,997,632,856.03            2,255,590,142.49                       77.23%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow for
                                       3,914,849,729.51            2,315,481,470.14                       69.07%
investing activities
Net cash flow from
                                          82,783,126.52                -59,891,327.65                         ----
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow
                                        678,352,371.12                160,000,000.00                     323.97%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow for
                                        286,738,699.97                 95,116,782.77                     201.46%
financing activities
Net cash flow arising from
                                        391,613,671.15                 64,883,217.23                     503.57%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                          46,463,186.89               -117,538,973.37                           ---
cash equivalents

                                                                                                     Unit: YUAN

Reasons for over 30% year-on-year increase/decrease of related data

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

1. The cash inflow from operating activities has a 78.86% year-on-year increase during the reporting period,
mainly because:

(1) During the reporting period, the cash inflow from the supply chain services of SEG E-Commerce increases.

(2) The size of SEG small loan business is increased and the interest income increases over the previous year.

2. The cash outflow for operating activities has an 92.90% year-on-year increase during the reporting period,
mainly because:

(1) During the reporting period, the cash outflow of the supply chain services of SEG E-Commerce increases.

(2) During the reporting period, the cash outflow of Nantong SEG estate subsidiary increases.

(3) With the development of SEG small loan business, the loan issued increases from the previous year.

3. Net cash flow arising from operating activities decreases by 249.25% from the previous year: The net cash flow
decreases sharply because the cash outflow for operating activities during the reporting period increases due to the
above reasons and is higher than the cash inflow for operating activities in the same period.

4. Cash inflow from investing activities has a year-on-year increase of 77.23% during the reporting period due to
rapid growth of the bank financial investment in the reporting period.

5. Cash outflow for investing activities has a year-on-year increase of 69.07% during the reporting period due to
rapid growth of the scale of bank financial investment in the reporting period and the corresponding increase of
recovered investment funds.

6. Net cash flow arising from investing activities has a year-on-year increase during the reporting period because
the bank financial investment recovered is higher than the external investment size and the income received from
bank financial investment increases.

7. Cash inflow from financing activities during the reporting period has a year-on-year increase of 323.97%,
mainly due to the increase of loans obtained and issuance of short-term financing bonds during the reporting

8. Cash outflow for financing activities during the reporting period has a year-on-year increase of 201.46%,
mainly due to the repayment of loan principal and interest for bank loans by the subsidiary during the reporting

9. Net cash flow arising from financing activities has a year-on-year increase of 503.57% during the reporting
period, mainly due to the increase of financing scale of the Company during the reporting period.

10. Cash and cash equivalents has a year-on-year increase during the reporting period, mainly due to the combined
effects of above factors 3, 6, and 9.

Reasons for the significant difference between the cash flow arising from operating activities and the annual net
profit in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

III. Constitution of Main Business

                                                                                                        Unit: YUAN
                                                                Year-on-year      Year-on-year      Year-on-year
                   Operating                     Gross profit increase/decrease increase/decrease increase/decrease
                                  Operating cost
                    revenue                        margin        of operating of operating cost of gross profit
                                                                 revenue (%)           (%)           margin (%)
By industry
operation and
              378,687,526.55 267,082,161.89            29.47%              -1.18%             -2.79%          1.17%
Trade           231,763,054.54 228,817,359.36           1.27%              23.11%            24.30%          -0.95%
Hotel            24,114,841.00 17,977,382.31           25.45%              14.81%            20.96%          -3.79%
E-commerce       46,778,498.90 42,202,184.74            9.78%            858.37%            374.79%          91.88%
Finance          71,070,820.07     4,865,369.48        93.15%              64.99%            27.22%           2.03%
By product
By Region
Shenzhen        550,831,410.15 384,466,835.22          30.20%              26.88%            24.94%           1.08%
Xi'an            54,408,611.06 40,257,634.54           26.01%              8.98%              8.68%           0.21%
Su Zhou          56,137,670.38 54,556,314.25            2.82%              11.98%            34.16%         -16.06%
Changsha         32,771,338.47 27,658,233.57           15.60%              15.73%            14.87%           0.63%
Nanjing          40,176,866.63 36,739,465.36            8.56%            -43.36%            -45.32%           3.29%
Foshan            2,331,170.63     2,266,762.37         2.76%            -18.60%            -54.88%          78.20%
Nanning          10,572,085.86     9,716,037.59         8.10%            155.30%            115.27%          17.09%
Wuxi              5,185,587.88     5,283,174.88        -1.88%                             3,007.56%

If the statistical rule of main business data is adjusted in the reporting period, the Company shall use the main
business data collected at the end of the reporting period after adjustment of statistical rule.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Major Changes in Assets

                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                        End of 2014                    End of 2013
                                   Proportion                    Proportion Increase/Decrease      Major Changes
                     Amount          in total     Amount           in total        (%)
                                   assets (%)                    assets (%)
                 383,056,680.70         14.40 336,593,493.81       15.77                   -1.37

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                        End of 2014                  End of 2013
                                   Proportion                  Proportion Increase/Decrease      Major Changes
                    Amount           in total    Amount          in total        (%)
                                   assets (%)                  assets (%)
                185,866,040.16           6.99 204,086,309.32      9.56                  -2.57
Inventory       278,281,586.72          10.46 98,000,921.50       4.59                   5.87
                462,562,882.78          17.39 481,517,481.83     22.55                  -5.16
equity            82,100,197.01          3.09 112,102,810.03      5.25                  -2.16
Fixed assets     41,408,298.43           1.56 41,876,654.83       1.96                  -0.40
in progress

2. Major Changes in Liabilities

                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan
                            2014                      2013
                                   Proportio                           Increase
                                                            Proportion /Decreas           Major Changes
                                   n in total
                     Amount                     Amount        in total   e (%)
                                                            assets (%)
                                                                                 This is because of the increase of
Short-term       189,246,687.3               70,000,000.0                        bank loans obtained by the
                                        7.12                       3.28     3.84
borrowing              8                                0                        Company during the reporting

3. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Main Overseas Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Analysis of Core Competence

Main business of the Company includes development and operation of specialized electronics market and
supporting projects, property lease service, IT product channel retail terminal service, e-commerce and
value-added small loan service.

By December 31, 2014, the Company has set up 25 entity-based SEG electronics markets (SEG Digital Squares)
in China, which forms a nationwide specialized electronics market chain covering Pearl River Delta and Yangtze
River Delta. Through 26 years of effort, SEG Electronics Market has successfully combined IT complex
self-construction, leasing and trusted management, combined market service and value-added financial service,
and combined professional market, SEG factory store and distribution channels. SEG Electronics Market stand

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

out as the largest specialized electronics markets in China and even in Asia covering electronic components, IT
products, and communications products and has great brand influence both at home and abroad.

In the reporting period, Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market is awarded again the title of Top 10 Flagship Market of
China's Professional Electronics Market in the 14th Annual Meeting of China's Professional Electronics Market
which is hosted by China Electronics Chamber of Commerce. Meanwhile, Liu Zhijun, the general manager of the
Company, is awarded the title of "Operation Master of China's Professional Electronics Market in 2013".

VI. Analysis of Investment

1. Foreign equity investment

(1) Forest investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                             Investment of the Company
 Investment in the reporting period
                                           Investment of last year (Yuan)             Increase/Decrease (%)
                      218,410,000.00                           157,316,000.00                               38.84%
                                      Information about the invested companies
                                                                                Equity proportion of listed company
           Company name                             Main business
                                                                                     in invested company (%)
                                        Development and operation of real
Nantong SEG Times Square                estate, lease and sales of self-owned
Development Co., Ltd.                   house, property management, and
                                        sales of electronic products
Suzhou SEG Digital Life Plaza           Operation and management of
Management Co., Ltd.                    e-market
                                        Development and operation of real
Yantai SEG Times Square                 estate, lease and sales of self-owned
Development Co., Ltd.                   house, property management, and
                                        sales of electronic products
                                        Development and operation of real
Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG             estate, lease and sales of self-owned
Times Square Properties Co., Ltd.       house, property management, and
                                        sales of electronic products
Zhengzhou SEG Digital Plaza             Operation and management of
Management Co., Ltd.                    e-market
Nantong SEG Commercial Operation
                                 Property management                                                       100.00%
Management Co., Ltd.

(2) Equity of the financing enterprises held by the company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The company does not hold stock equities in financial enterprises during the reporting period.

(3) Securities investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                        Securities          Initial      Shares held      Initial      Shares held Share-holding                            Gains and losses in                     Source
Securities Securities                                                                                                                                                Accounting
                           short     investment cost      at period    shareholding     at period       proportion     Ending book value       the reporting                            of
  type       code                                                                                                                                                       item
                           form           (Yuan)          beginning     proportion           end           (%)                                       period                         shares

                        Youhao                                                                                                                                       assets         Initial
Stock      600778                           90,405.00         60,683         0.04%           60,683          0.04%             554,642.62                     0.00
                        Group                                                                                                                                        available      share
                                                                                                                                                                     for sale

                        Huakong                                                                                                                                                     Initial
Stock      000068                    279,307,046.38 201,345,033            22.45% 201,345,033               22.45%      78,523,408.83 -24,324,899.21 equity
                        SEG                                                                                                                                                         share

                                                                                                                     79,078,051.45 -24,324,899.21
Total                                279,397,451.38 201,405,716             --        201,405,716           --                                                            --            --

   (4) Equity of other listed companies held by the Company

   □ Applicable √ Not applicable

   The company does not hold stock equities of other listed enterprises during the reporting period.

   2. Entrusted financing, derivatives investment, and entrusted loan

   (1) Entrusted financing

   √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                          Actual loss
                                       Connected                             Amount of                                   Remuneration                                      and gain
                        Associated                                                                                                       returned in      Projected
   Name of trustee                     transaction        Product Type           entrusted Start Date     End Date       confirmation                                     amount in
                        relationship                                                                                                          the         income
                                         or not                                  financing                                 method                                       the reporting

                                                                                             August      January 10,
   Bank of China        None           No             AMZYJZT-LP13159        600                                       Floating income              600        10.95              10.95
                                                                                             27, 2013    2014

                        None                                                                 November January 16,
   Bank of China                       No             AMZYJF                 4,000                                     Floating income         4,000           39.45              39.45
                                                                                             5, 2013     2014

   The Agricultural None                                                                     December January 24,
                                       No             FP7215663600           800                                       Constant return              800          4.21               4.21
   Bank of China                                                                             24, 2013    2014

                        None                                                                 July 26,    January 27, Floating income
   Bank of China                       No             AMZYPW (185 days) 1,300                                                                  1,300           32.95              32.95
                                                                                             2013        2014

   Industrial and       None                                                                                           Floating income
                                                                                             October     January 28,
   Commercial                          No             QER13112               300                                                                    300          4.23               4.23
                                                                                             17, 2013    2014
   Bank of China

                        None                                                                 January     January 31, Floating income
   Bank of China                       No             Ji Fu Zhuan Xiang      1,500                                                             1,500             70.5               70.5
                                                                                             31, 2013    2014

                        None                                                                 November February 7, Floating income
   Bank of China                       No             AMZYJZT-LP13229        5,000                                                             5,000           66.45              66.45
                                                                                             1, 2013     2014

                        None                                                                 November February 7, Floating income
   Bank of China                       No             AMZYJZT-LP13242        7,000                                                             7,000           82.96              82.96
                                                                                             15, 2013    2014

   China                None                                                                 December February         Floating income
                                       No             51385                  100                                                                    100          0.74               0.74
   Merchants Bank                                                                            27, 2013    10, 2014

                                                                             Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                   Actual loss
                                 Connected                       Amount of                           Remuneration                                   and gain
                  Associated                                                                                          returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction      Product Type   entrusted Start Date    End Date    confirmation                                  amount in
                  relationship                                                                                           the         income
                                   or not                        financing                              method                                    the reporting

Industrial and    None                                                                              Floating income
                                                                             December February
Commercial                       No            3059BBX           2,000                                                     2,000           19.4           19.4
                                                                             20, 2013   17, 2014
Bank of China

                  None                                                       October    February
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT-LP13224   8,000                              Floating income        8,000         134.1           134.1
                                                                             24, 2013   21, 2014

                  None                                                       March 15, March 14,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPW            1,500                              Floating income        1,500         65.82           65.82
                                                                             2013       2014

                  None                                                       December March 20,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJF            1,000                              Floating income        1,000         13.19           13.19
                                                                             24, 2013   2014

                  None                                                       November May 15,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH14164       400                                Floating income            400       10.24           10.24
                                                                             18, 2013   2014

                  None                                                       October    June 29,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH14129       1,000                              Floating income        1,000         36.33           36.33
                                                                             17, 2013   2014

                  None                                                       November July 8,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJF            1,000                              Floating income         1000         36.92           36.92
                                                                             5, 2013    2014

                  None                                                       November January 15,
Ping An Bank                     No            AGS131754-001     3,000                              Floating income        3,000           17.9           17.9
                                                                             15, 2013   2014

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.28           0.28
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.38           0.38
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.38           0.38
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.52           0.52
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.52           0.52
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.52           0.52
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH          30                                 Floating income            30          0.52           0.52
                                                                             2014       31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             January 2, March 24,
Commercial                       No            3059BBX           1,500                              Floating income        1,500         20.21           20.21
                                                                             2014       2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                             March 5,   May 19,
Commercial                       No            3059BBX           2,000                              Floating income        2,000         23.32           23.32
                                                                             2014       2014
Bank of China

                                                                                     Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                             Actual loss
                                 Connected                              Amount of                             Remuneration                                    and gain
                  Associated                                                                                                   returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction       Product Type         entrusted Start Date    End Date      confirmation                                   amount in
                  relationship                                                                                                    the         income
                                   or not                               financing                                method                                     the reporting

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    May 28,    December
Commercial                       No            3059BBX                  3,000                                Floating income         3000              87               87
                                                                                    2014       10, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    June 11,   December
Commercial                       No            3059BBX                  5,000                                Floating income        5,000        140.84           140.84
                                                                                    2014       22, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    January    April 3,
Commercial                       No            QER14006                 800.00                               Floating income       800.00           8.77            8.77
                                                                                    24, 2014   2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                               Ji Fu Zhuan Xiang                    January    December
Commercial                       No                                     1,300                                Floating income        1,300         69.82            69.82
                                               (364 days) 2014041                   27, 2014   31, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    January    March 6,
Commercial                       No            QER14009 (36 days) 2,000                                      Floating income        2,000         11.24            11.24
                                                                                    29, 2014   2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    March 12, September
Commercial                       No            4009ZSTC                 2,000                                Floating income        2,000         60.59            60.59
                                                                                    2014       22, 2014
Bank of China

                  None                                                              March 20, March 16,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPW                   1,500                                Floating income                      83.08
                                                                                    2014       2015

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    April 8,   May 27,
Commercial                       No            4003ZSTA                 1,200                                Floating income        1,200           8.22            8.22
                                                                                    2014       2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None                         Financial products for
                                                                                    May 30,    June 12,
Commercial                       No            corporate customers      1,200                                Floating income        1,200           1.52            1.52
                                                                                    2014       2014
Bank of China                                  (14 days)

                  None                                                              July 1,    June 29,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPW                   1,100                                Floating income                      57.43
                                                                                    2014       2015

                  None                                                              January    June 30,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJF                   600                                  Floating income            600         14.8            14.8
                                                                                    23, 2014   2014

                  None                                                              May 20,    October 10,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT                  400                                  Floating income            400         7.52            7.52
                                                                                    2014       2014

                  None                                                              February   February
Bank of China                    No            YUANAQKF                 1,000                                Floating income        1,000           0.91            0.91
                                                                                    19, 2014   28, 2014

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    June 24,   December
Commercial                       No            ZQL180                   78                                   Floating income         77.9           2.07            2.07
                                                                                    2014       24, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    March 17, April 28,
Commercial                       No            3059BBX                  500                                  Floating income            500         2.24            2.24
                                                                                    2014       2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                    May 6,     June 16,
Commercial                       No            FP7218438200             500                                  Floating income            500         2.07            2.07
                                                                                    2014       2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None                                                              June 25,   August 4,
                                 No            4024BBXA                 500                                  Floating income            500         1.97            1.97
Commercial                                                                          2014       2014

                                                                                Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                       Actual loss
                                 Connected                          Amount of                            Remuneration                                   and gain
                  Associated                                                                                              returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction       Product Type     entrusted Start Date     End Date    confirmation                                  amount in
                  relationship                                                                                               the         income
                                   or not                           financing                               method                                    the reporting
Bank of China

China             None
                                               QianYuan financial               May 16,     June 20,
Construction                     No                                 120                                 Floating income            120         0.48           0.48
                                               products                         2014        2014

China             None                                                          January     March 11,
                                 No            LJSY54031            590                                 Floating income            590         5.14           5.14
Merchants Bank                                                                  10, 2014    2014

China             None                                                          February    April 15,
                                 No            LJSY51392            100                                 Floating income            100         0.82           0.82
Merchants Bank                                                                  14, 2014    2014

                  None                                                                                  Guaranteed
China                                                                           March 13, June 17,
                                 No            52072                80                                  minimum                    80          1.12           1.12
Merchants Bank                                                                  2014        2014

                  None                                                                                  Guaranteed
China                                                                           March 27, June 23,
                                 No            52078                1,000                               minimum                1,000           11.3           11.3
Merchants Bank                                                                  2014        2014

                  None                                                                                  Guaranteed
China                                                                           April 17,   July 2,
                                 No            52093                350                                 minimum                    350         3.43           3.43
Merchants Bank                                                                  2014        2014

China             None
                                               QianYuan financial               March 11, May 12,
Construction                     No                                 100                                 Floating income            100         0.82           0.82
                                               products                         2014        2014

                  None                                                          March 7,    May 6,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             500                                 Floating income            500         4.23           4.23
                                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                          May 9,      September
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT-LPA14126 500                                     Floating income            500         7.31           7.31
                                                                                2014        2, 2014

                  None                                                          June 6,     August 8,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT-LPA14165 1,200                                   Floating income         1200           9.94           9.94
                                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                          June 13,    July 15,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT-LPA14173 100                                     Floating income            100          0.4               0.4
                                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                          April 11,   July 4,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             500                                 Floating income            500         5.75           5.75
                                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                          June 9,     September
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             300                                 Floating income            300          3.7               3.7
                                                                                2014        9, 2014

                  None                                                          June 27,    September
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             300                                 Floating income            300         3.69           3.69
                                                                                2014        23, 2014

                  None                                                          March 11, April 10,
Bank of China                    No            YUANAQKF             100                                 Floating income            100         0.28           0.28
                                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                          January     March 10,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             1,800                               Floating income        1,800         14.64           14.64
                                                                                13, 2014    2014

                  None                                                          January     March 20,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             4,000                               Floating income        4,000         34.27           34.27
                                                                                20, 2014    2014

                  None                                                          January     March 20,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             2,000                               Floating income        2,000         16.26           16.26
                                                                                23, 2014    2014

                  None                                                          January     March 3,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ             1,000                               Floating income        1,000           5.03           5.03
                                                                                27, 2014    2014

                                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                    Actual loss
                                 Connected                       Amount of                            Remuneration                                   and gain
                  Associated                                                                                           returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction      Product Type   entrusted Start Date     End Date    confirmation                                  amount in
                  relationship                                                                                            the         income
                                   or not                        financing                               method                                    the reporting

                  None                                                       February    March 24,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ          12,000                              Floating income       12,000         57.53           57.53
                                                                             17, 2014    2014

                  None                                                       February    April 4,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYPWHQ          8,000                               Floating income        8,000         43.31           43.31
                                                                             25, 2014    2014

                  None                                                       March 25, April 15,
Bank of China                    No            YUANAQKF          12,000                              Floating income       12,000           23.2           23.2
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 3,    April 30,
Bank of China                    No            YUANAQKF          6,000                               Floating income        6,000         17.04           17.04
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 4,    April 21,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          4,500                               Floating income        4,500           5.87           5.87
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 4,    April 25,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          1,500                               Floating income        1,500           2.42           2.42
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 4,    May 5,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          8,000                               Floating income        8,000         18.41           18.41
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 16,   April 30,
Bank of China                    No            YUANAQKF          12,000                              Floating income       12,000         13.62           13.62
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       April 30,   May 5,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          13,500                              Floating income       13,500           5.18           5.18
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       May 5,      June 10,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT           21,000                              Floating income       21,000         86.59           86.59
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       May 21,     June 30,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          16,800                              Floating income       16,800         50.26           50.26
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       May 23,     June 30,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          2,800                               Floating income        2,800           8.16           8.16
                                                                             2014        2014

Bank of           None                                                       May 26,     June 9,
                                 No            FP7215513700      500                                 Floating income            500         0.48           0.48
Communications                                                               2014        2014

Bank of           None                                                       May 26,     November
                                 No            FP7215513700      2,000                               Floating income       1622.1         53.72           53.72
Communications                                                               2014        17, 2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                       June 12,    July 17,
                                 No            14HH111           8,000                               Floating income         8000         42.96           42.96
Development                                                                  2014        2014

                  None                                                       June 12,    June 30,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          6,500                               Floating income        6,500         23.93           23.93
                                                                             2014        2014

                  None                                                       June 12,    December
Bank of Beijing                  No            GUB1408003        13,000                              Floating income       13000         338.93          338.93
                                                                             2014        12, 2014

The Agricultural None                                                        June 13,    June 30,
                                 No            BFDG              5,000                               Floating income        5,000         11.18           11.18
Bank of China                                                                2014        2014

The Agricultural None                                                        June 18,    June 30,
                                 No            BFDG              3,100                               Floating income        3,100           4.89           4.89
Bank of China                                                                2014        2014

                  None                                                       June 25,    June 30,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01          2,400                               Floating income        2,400           0.92           0.92
                                                                             2014        2014

Bank of China     None           No            AMZYJZT           750         August      November Floating income               750         8.58           8.58

                                                                               Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                     Actual loss
                                 Connected                        Amount of                            Remuneration                                   and gain
                  Associated                                                                                            returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction       Product Type   entrusted Start Date    End Date     confirmation                                  amount in
                  relationship                                                                                             the         income
                                   or not                         financing                               method                                    the reporting
                                                                              12, 2014   7, 2014

                  None                         Feifan asset                   August     February
Minsheng Bank                    No                               300                                 Floating income                        7.83
                                               management                     25, 2014   26, 2015

Industrial and    None
                                                                              July 17,   December
Commercial                       No            ZXFG               8,000                               Floating income        8,000        178.82          178.82
                                                                              2014       10, 2014
Bank of China

The Agricultural None                                                         July 14,   September
                                 No            Beilifeng          850                                 Floating income            850         7.09           7.09
Bank of China                                                                 2014       22, 2014

China             None                                                        July 11,   September
                                 No            52086              500                                 Floating income            500         5.24           5.24
Merchants Bank                                                                2014       29, 2014

China             None
                                                                              July 23,   August 29,
Construction                     No            ZH0102             80                                  Floating income            80          0.33           0.33
                                                                              2014       2014

Industrial and    None
                                                                              August     September
Commercial                       No            Li Cai Gong Ying   400                                 Floating income            400         1.58           1.58
                                                                              20, 2014   28, 2014
Bank of China

                  None                                                        July 1     July 12,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01           28,500                              Floating income       28,500         24.05           24.05
                                                                              2014       2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        July 8,    August 7,
                                 No            Cai Fu Ban Che     3,000                               Floating income        3,000           13.8           13.8
Development                                                                   2014       2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        July 9,    August 8,
                                 No            Cai Fu Ban Che     18,000                              Floating income       18,000         82.85           82.85
Development                                                                   2014       2014

                  None                                                        July 11,   August 12,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT            10,800                              Floating income       10,800         42.61           42.61
                                                                              2014       2014

                  None                                                        July 21,   August 6,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01           1,100                               Float ingincome        1,100           1.35           1.35
                                                                              2014       2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        August     September
                                 No            Cai Fu Ban Che     18,000                              Floating income       18,000         82.85           82.85
Development                                                                   14, 2014   13, 2014

                  None                                                        August     August 27,
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01           9,000                               Floating income        9,000         10.36           10.36
                                                                              22, 2014   2014

                  None                                                        August     October 8,
Industrial Bank                  No            Jin Xue Qiu        5,000                               Floating income        5,000         30.89           30.89
                                                                              28, 2014   2014

                  None                                                        July 14,   July 13,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH             1,000                               Floating income                      52.85
                                                                              2014       2014

                  None                         Feifan asset                   August 8, November
Minsheng Bank                    No                               700                                 Floating income            700         9.19           9.19
                                               management                     2014       10, 2014

                  None                                                        July 4,    January 9,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT            600                                 Floating income                      15.53
                                                                              2014       2015

                                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                    Actual loss
                                 Connected                        Amount of                            Remuneration                                  and gain
                  Associated                                                                                            returned in   Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction       Product Type   entrusted Start Date    End Date     confirmation                                 amount in
                  relationship                                                                                             the        income
                                   or not                         financing                               method                                   the reporting

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        September October 18,
                                 No            Cai Fu Ban Che     13,000                              Floating income       13,000        63.82           63.82
Development                                                                   18, 2014   2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        September October 23,
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         5,000                               Floating income        5,000        23.01           23.01
Development                                                                   23, 2014   2014

China Citic       None                         Xincheng Cash                  September December
                                 No                               3,000                               Floating income        3,000        36.69           36.69
Bank                                           Management                     26, 2014   9, 2014

                  None                                                        September November
Bank of China                    No            GSRJYL01           1,000                               Floating income        1,000          3.38           3.38
                                                                              30, 2014   13, 2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        October    November
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         1,000                               Floating income        1,000          4.76           4.76
Development                                                                   17, 2014   16, 2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        October    November
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         13,000                              Floating income       13,000        62.11           62.11
Development                                                                   23, 2014   22, 2014

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        November December
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         10,900                              Floating income       10,900        50.45           50.45
Development                                                                   28, 2014   28, 2014

                  None                                                                   Rolling
China Citic                                    Xincheng Cash                  December
                                 No                               3,000                  product, no Floating income
Bank                                           Management                     22, 2014
                                                                                         fixed end

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        December January 22,
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         6,400                               Floating income                     29.46
Development                                                                   23, 2014   2015

                  None                                                        December February 5,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH             500                                 Floating income                       2.84
                                                                              30, 2014   2015

                  None                                                                   Rolling
Shanghai                                                                                 type
Pudong                                                                        December product,
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         3,000                               Floating income
Development                                                                   30, 2014   without
Bank                                                                                     fixed end

Shanghai          None
Pudong                                                                        December January 29,
                                 No            Li Duo Duo         5,800                               Floating income                       26.7
Development                                                                   30, 2014   2015

Bank of China     None           No            AMZYZH             2,000       September September Floating income                        107.59

                                                                                Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                        Actual loss
                                 Connected                          Amount of                             Remuneration                                   and gain
                  Associated                                                                                               returned in    Projected
Name of trustee                  transaction         Product Type   entrusted Start Date    End Date      confirmation                                  amount in
                  relationship                                                                                                the         income
                                   or not                           financing                                method                                    the reporting
                                                                                29, 2015   21, 2015

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December February
Commercial                       No            ZXFG                 500                                  Floating income                        3.53
                                                                                15, 2014   12, 2015
Bank of China

                  None                                                          October    November
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH               1,400                                Floating income        1,400           6.04           6.04
                                                                                11, 2014   17, 2014

                  None                                                          November December
Bank of China                    No            AMZYZH               1,400                                Floating income        1,400           5.37           5.37
                                                                                20, 2014   25, 2014

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH             30                                   Floating income            30          0.05           0.05
                                                                                6, 2014    29, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH             30                                   Floating income            30          0.05           0.05
                                                                                6, 2014    29, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH             30                                   Floating income            30          0.05           0.05
                                                                                6, 2014    29, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December December
Commercial                       No            1001RSYH             30                                   Floating income            30          0.05           0.05
                                                                                6, 2014    29, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                October    November
Commercial                       No            3059BBX              390                                  Floating income            390         1.58           1.58
                                                                                15, 2014   24, 2014
Bank of China

Industrial and    None
                                                                                December January 8,
Commercial                       No            ZXFG                 240                                  Floating income                        0.83
                                                                                5, 2014    2015
Bank of China

The Agricultural None                                                           September November
                                 No            Beilifeng            1,000                                Floating income        1,000           4.08           4.08
Bank of China                                                                   29, 2014   30, 2014

China             None                                                          October    October 27,
                                 No            Periodic financing   485                                  Floating income            485         0.47           0.47
Merchants Bank                                                                  20, 2014   2014

China             None                                                          October    October 29,
                                 No            Periodic financing   15                                   Floating income            15          0.02           0.02
Merchants Bank                                                                  20, 2014   2014

                  None                                                          November December
Ping An Bank                     No            TTL                  1,700                                Floating income        1,700           2.68           2.68
                                                                                26, 2014   20, 2014

                  None                                                                     Rolling
                                                                                December product,
Ping An Bank                     No            TTL                  3,300                                Floating income
                                                                                31, 2014   without
                                                                                           fixed end

                  None                                                          November February
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT              500                                  Floating income                        6.31
                                                                                11, 2014   17, 2015

                  None                                                          December March 24,
Bank of China                    No            AMZYJZT              300                                  Floating income                        3.81
                                                                                23, 2014   2015

Minsheng Bank None               No            Feifan asset         300         August     February      Floating income                        7.83

                                                                                    Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                         Actual loss
                                  Connected                            Amount of                                     Remuneration                                         and gain
                    Associated                                                                                                       returned in         Projected
Name of trustee                   transaction       Product Type        entrusted Start Date      End Date           confirmation                                        amount in
                   relationship                                                                                                            the            income
                                    or not                              financing                                      method                                           the reporting
                                                management                          25, 2014     26, 2015

The Agricultural None                                                               October      December
                                  No            Beilifeng              900                                      Floating income                  900             6.04           6.04
Bank of China                                                                       14, 2014     10, 2014

China              None                                                             October      January 19,
                                  No            52086                  500                                      Floating income                                  6.29
Merchants Bank                                                                      16, 2014     2015

Industrial and     None
                                                                                    December February 2,
Commercial                        No            Structured Deposit     650                                      Floating income                                  2.11
                                                                                    31, 2014     2015
Bank of China

                   None                                                             October      April 13,
Bank of China                     No            Zhi Hui                400                                      Floating income                                    10
                                                                                    16, 2014     2015

Total                                                                  426,407.90 --             --             --                  394,140.00             3,244.09          2820.07

(2) Investment of derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Derivatives investment does not exist during the reporting period.

(3) Entrusted loaning

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Entrusted loaning does not exist during the reporting period.

3. Use of the raised capital

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Analysis of the main subsidiaries and shareholding companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

List of major subsidiaries and shareholding companies

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: YUAN

  Company         Ownership                        Major products      Registered                                               Operating          Operating
                                   Industry                                              Total assets        Net assets                                                 Net profit
    name             type                            or services         capital                                                 revenue                profit

                                                  Operation and
                                                  management of
Wujiang SEG Subsidiary                            professional       3,000,000.00      21,056,573.04        4,012,953.08 14,370,125.01             1,602,009.97          906,209.09

                                                  Operation and
                                                  management of
Wuxi SEG         Subsidiary                       professional       3,000,000.00      15,435,488.57        2,691,012.81        5,185,587.88           -143,338.73      -149,430.59

Nantong SEG Subsidiary        Development Development                30,000,000.00 305,158,345.89 27,389,736.86                                        -495,673.54          2,855.92

                                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

  Company      Ownership                     Major products     Registered                                       Operating      Operating
                              Industry                                             Total assets   Net assets                                   Net profit
    name          type                         or services        capital                                         revenue         profit
                           and operation and operation of
                           of real estate   real estate

                           Development Development
Yantai SEG    Subsidiary   and operation and operation of 45,000,000.00                  432.18        432.18                        432.18         432.18
                           of real estate   real estate

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Nanning SEG Subsidiary                      professional      8,000,000.00     13,192,637.98      7,786,154.93 10,572,085.86     698,050.19     769,306.36

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Shunde SEG Subsidiary                       professional      6,000,000.00         5,920,582.08   3,115,306.41   2,331,170.63     -46,860.95     68,400.49

              Subsidiary   E-commerce       E-commerce        48,000,000.00 401,004,927.54        7,863,098.04 49,887,932.86     978,998.25    1,542,584.03

SEG Credit    Subsidiary   Finance          Micro-credit      150,000,000.00 495,626,540.05 181,744,351.97 62,998,793.90 39,654,505.94 29,712,107.16

                           Property         operation and
SEG Baohua Subsidiary                                         30,808,800.00 141,198,909.33 96,342,425.66 81,708,199.76 33,081,617.13 24,911,642.59
                           management       management and
                                            hotel business

                                            Channel retail
                                            terminal of
SEG Industry Subsidiary                     products and      25,500,000.00    84,386,518.70 31,748,178.04 232,728,130.64       3,351,934.24   3,285,760.88
                                            operation and

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Xi'an SEG     Subsidiary                    professional      3,000,000.00     46,151,216.96 15,834,397.85 36,921,012.56 10,860,224.21 10,352,288.78

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Longgang                   Electronics
              Subsidiary                    professional      3,000,000.00     20,914,312.50      7,614,283.11 10,834,930.38    2,679,272.00   2,016,637.36
SEG                        market

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Suzhou SEG Subsidiary                       professional      3,000,000.00     39,411,552.58      8,170,852.49 40,775,694.55    5,420,471.59   3,225,653.77

                                            Operation and
                                            management of
Changsha                   Electronics
              Subsidiary                    professional      35,000,000.00    75,884,353.79 58,407,317.29 21,651,924.25        5,233,242.10   3,807,186.43
SEG                        market

Xi'an                      Electronics      Operation and
              Subsidiary                                      3,000,000.00     25,207,092.62      3,670,424.17 17,487,598.50    1,655,987.42   1,634,038.45
Hairong SEG                market           management of

                                                                                 Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

  Company      Ownership                       Major products      Registered                                       Operating       Operating
                                Industry                                              Total assets   Net assets                                       Net profit
    name          type                           or services         capital                                         revenue          profit

                                              Operation and
                                              management of
Nanjing SEG Subsidiary                        professional       20,000,000.00    28,183,951.14 11,858,971.83 40,176,866.63         1,498,117.13      2,022,297.60

                                              Operation and
                                              management of
Suzhou SEG                   Electronics
              Subsidiary                      professional       8,000,000.00     17,013,807.05      1,453,289.57    991,850.82 -6,546,710.43 -6,546,710.43
Digital                      market

Xi'an                        Development Development
Fengdong      Subsidiary     and operation and operation of 30,000,000.00         60,000,040.00 30,000,000.00               0.00               0.00           0.00
SEG                          of real estate   real estate

Nantong SEG
                             Property         Property
Business      Subsidiary                                         5,000,000.00            18,327.38         -66.84           0.00          -66.84            -66.84
                             management       management

                                              and operation of
Huakong       Shareholding                    color picture
                             of electronic                       896,671,464.00 420,734,829.16 116,437,355.90       67,194,613.97 -106,180,314.39 -105,387,168.32
SEG           company                         tube (CPT), CPT
                                              materials, and
                                              glass apparatus

                                              Operation and
                                              management of
Shanghai      Shareholding Electronics
                                              professional       5,000,000.00     30,688,607.79 10,293,666.63 21,463,752.09          791,610.45        898,454.72
SEG           company        market

                                               Production and
SEG           Shareholding Information        operation
                                                                 60,000,000.00 380,296,943.71 179,182,784.99 250,490,854.20 -2,094,956.06             8,090,215.49
Navigations   company        industry         network service
                                              of China GPS

Operation and achievement of major subsidiaries and shareholding companies

1. During the reporting period, the operating revenue of Nanjing SEG decreased by 43.36% from the previous
year, mainly because centralized cashier and unified billing were canceled in the phase-4 market since January 16,
2014, hence the decrease of sales income of 5.5 months compared with the same period of the last year. From
June 27, 2014, the cooperation model of the phase-4 market was changed again. Nanjing SEG and China Telecom
Nanjing branch canceled their agreement and completed the transfer formalities on October 30, 2014. Nanjing
SEG is no longer responsible for the operation of the Tianyi Square.

2. During the reporting period, compared with last year, the operating revenue of Nanning SEG had a 155.30%
increase, mainly because 12 months were counted in 2014 while only three months were counted in 2013 since
Nanning SEG Market opened in September 2013.

3. During the reporting period, the total profit of Suzhou SEG fell by 39.64%, mainly due to the early termination
of Suzhou Metro Boutique Museum and the loss caused by Zhangjiagang Digital Boutique Museum.

                                                            Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

4. During the reporting period, the total profit of Xi'an Hairong SEG had a 101.13% increase, compared with the
last year, mainly because the market gradually becomes mature, the rent of some commercial spaces increased,
and the income from financial product investment also increased. Therefore, the total profit of Xi'an Hairong SEG
had a significant increase compared with the last year.

5. During the reporting period, compared with last year, the income of Wujiang SEG had a 35.90% increase and
the total profit had a 96.35% increase, mainly because 4 quarters were counted in 2014 while only three quarters
were counted in 2013 since Wujiang SEG opened in March 2013. The increases of operating revenue and income
from financial products investment also made the total profit significantly increase compared with the last year.

6. During the reporting period, the operating revenue of SEG e-business also had a 634.85% increase over the
previous year, mainly because the new supply chain business entered a stage of stable development and achieved
some success, thereby making the year 2014 achieve profitability with a net profit of 1,543,600 Yuan.

7. During the reporting period, the total profit of SEG Baohua had a 33.47% increase over the previous year,
mainly because the Company cut costs amid the overall poor performance in the Huaqiang North property rental
market in an effort to keep the property occupancy rate and rent level at a high level and meanwhile, the Orange
Hotel achieved growth in business performance.

8. During the reporting period, the operating revenue and total profit of SEG Credit had a 45.25% increase and a
63.95% increase respectively over the last year. This is mainly because, during the reporting period, in addition to
full investment of capital funds, SEG Credit increased loans through bank financing and issuance of short-term
financial instruments, which increased the business scale and significantly improved income and profits.

Information about the acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                              Purpose of acquisition and          Ways of acquisition and         Impact on the overall
      Company name            disposal of subsidiaries in        disposal of subsidiaries in        production and
                                 the reporting period               the reporting period             performance
                             Focus on major business                                           Increased the net profit by
Yantai SEG Times Square                                      Invested and
                             according to strategies of                                        RMB 400 Yuan during the
Development Co., Ltd.                                        newly-deployed
                             the Company                                                       reporting period.
Nantong SEG Commercial Focus on major business                                                 Reduced the net profit by
                                                             Invested and
Operation Management   according to strategies of                                              RMB 70 Yuan in the
Co., Ltd.              the Company                                                             reporting period.
                         Focus on major business                                               Reduced the net profit by
Suzhou SEG Digital Plaza                                     Invested and
                         according to strategies of                                            RMB 6,546,700 Yuan in the
Management Co., Ltd.                                         newly-deployed
                         the Company                                                           reporting period.
Xi'an Fengdong New Town Focus on major business
                                                             Invested and                      No impact on the net profit
SEG Times Square        according to strategies of
                                                             newly-deployed                    during the reporting period.
Properties Co., Ltd.    the Company

5. Major projects invested not by raised capital

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                             Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan
                           Planned         Amount invested      accumulated
  Project name           investment        during the current amount invested         Progress            Profit
                           amount           reporting period till the end of the
                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                    Net profit
                                                                                                    increased by
Nantong SEG                                                                            Under
                                  62,500              18,041             28,579                     RMB 2900 Yuan
Times Square                                                                        construction
                                                                                                    during the
                                                                                                    reporting period.
                                                                                 Investment funds   Net profit
                                                                                     have been      increased by
Yantai SEG Times
                                  80,100               4,500                   0 recovered during   RMB 400 Yuan
                                                                                   the reporting    during the
                                                                                       period       reporting period.
                                                                                 Investment funds
Xi'an Fengdong
                                                                                     have been
New Town SEG                      60,000               3,000               3,000                  No net profit
                                                                                   recovered in
Time Square
                                                                                   January 2015
       Total                    202,600               25,541             31,579          --                 --

VII. Estimation of the Business Performance from January to March in 2015

Warning of and reasons for forecasts on loss or sharp year-on-year change in the accumulated net profit from the
year beginning to the end of next period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Entities for Special Purpose Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Outlook for future development of the Company

1. Competition situation and development trend

(1) External macro environment

In future, China's macro economy will enter the new normal. Essentially, the economic development will evolve
from the traditional extensive and high-speed growth phase to a high-efficiency, low-cost, medium to high-speed
and sustainable growth phase.

In another aspect, with the booming economic development of Internet, China's total online retail trade accounted
for 7.8% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods in 2013, up from 1.2% in 2008. In the first half in 2014,
online retail market transactions reached about 1.1 trillion Yuan, accounting for 8.4% of the total retail sales of
social consumer goods, with an increase of 33.4% over the same period of last year. China has become the world's
largest online retail market.

(2) Industry situation

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

New technologies bring new consumption habits, new business models and new services business. The entity
electronic market based on the traditional business model and service model is in recession in this round of
technological change.

With the development of the Internet in recent years, the rapid development and popularization of mobile Internet
and terminal services have had a profound impact on people's way of thinking, behavior, shopping, consumption
habits, and brought even subversive challenges in certain fields. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of
Internet finance, the acquisition and application of big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, the oligopoly of
e-business platforms, as well as vertical market segments, have brought various new business models, which
change the consumption habits. Traditional stall-based business model cannot meet the requirements for business
models and channel types of the modern service industry, and falls behind the growing consumption demand. The
entity electronic market based on the traditional business model and service model is in recession in this round of
technological change. The entity electronic markets in tier-1 and tier-2 cities of China have shown a trend of
contraction and recession.

Flourish development of e-business and mobile Internet cause huge impacts on the channels and customer
resources of the entity electronic market, particularly in the following aspects: 1) with the changes in the
consumption habits of consumers, the entity electronic market suffers a serious loss of consumers; 2) with the
change of product channels in the Internet economy, the support of electronic products manufacturers to the entity
electronic market has a large decline.

(3) Analysis of internal business environment

1) Facing enormous challenges in the main business, the Company urgently needs to implement transformation
and upgrading and to seek new strategic business and profit growth opportunities; at the same time, the Company
continues innovation and development, and actively explores new electronic market business models. Seizing the
opportunity of the "SEG Factory Store", the Company actively explores the O2O entry points for electronic
market business and e-business under the Internet business model. From the aspects of e-business platform
construction, wholesale channel expansion, and entity store sales, the Company carries out a cross-border hybrid
business model integrating entity, e-business and channel. The Company also adjusts the market layout. By
introducing a composite business format, the Company improves the market occupancy rates, improves the risk
tolerance capabilities of stores, and ensures market operating revenue.

2) The Company has rich commercial tenant resources and mature market operation management experience. At
present, the Company has formed a professional electronic market chain system nationwide, covering the Pearl
River Delta and Yangtze River Delta areas. After years of efforts, SEG Electronics Market has rich customer
resources and market operation management experience, and enjoys high brand awareness both at home and

3) The Company has a reasonable asset structure and strong financing capacity.

2. Future development strategies of the Company

In future, the Company will actively make innovation and progress while maintaining stability, deeply develop
customer value based on in-depth analysis of customer demands, establish a multi-channel profit model, and
become an integrated platform operator and service provider.

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

3. Operation plan in 2015

In this year, the Company's operating guideline is "transformation, innovation and development". Under the
premise of maintaining steady development of the existing business, the Company will actively explore new
business, and create the multi-channel profit model driven by the capital and resources; meanwhile, the Company
will properly prepare for sales and operations of the Nantong SEG Project.

4. Investment plan in 2015

The annual investment plan for 2015 focuses on the Company's main business, including the investments on the
continued construction and land reserves of the entity electronic stores and Nantong SEG Times Square project,
with a total expected investment of 594.01 million Yuan.

                                             Investment plan
          No.           Project name       (RMB ten thousand                          Remarks
                Build new electronics
           1                                                  2,000 Used for rental
                                                                  In 2015, according to the plan, the main
                                                                  structure capping of Nantong SEG Times
                                                                  Square project and decorative works will
                Nantong SEG Times                                 be basically completed, and external
           2                                               27,401
                Square                                            property sales targets will be achieved.
                                                                  The expected investment is 349.3 million
                                                                  Yuan, which will be loaned by Nantong
                                                                  SEG from the joint-stock company.
                Land reserve for
                                                                    Used for reserve lands for commercial
           4    commercial real estate                     30,000
                                                                    real estate projects
                Total                                      59,401

5. Possible risks confronting the Company and countermeasures

(1) Main risks faced by the Company

1) The competitive pressure in traditional industry continues to increase. Meanwhile, the e-business platform
further changes the consumption habits. The support from manufacturers suffers a larger decline, which increases
the market operating risks.

2) According to the macro environment of the real estate industry, there is a certain risk in sales and operation of
the Nantong SEG Project.

3) Restricted by the funding constraints and declining interest rate in the market, the development of small loan
business is slow. Meanwhile, affected by the slowdown in the real economy, the small loan business faces issues
such as weak growth and falling yield.

4) Resources in the Company's talent pool are insufficient.

(2) Main countermeasures:

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

1) Accelerate the Company's strategic business transformation and upgrading. Through the transformation and
upgrading, the Company will seek new strategic business and profit growth opportunities, to constantly improve
the company's risk tolerance.

2) With respect to the Nantong SEG Project, the Company will exploit the strengths and selling points, strengthen
the promotion, expand the market space, and continuously adjust and improve the business planning and
positioning for attracting differentiated investments.

3) The Company will fully use all kinds of resources, to achieve effective integration and sharing of resources,
obtain an amplified effect of integration, and ensure the achievement of strategic business objectives.

4) The Company will fully employ the HR management capability, deeply study the incentive mechanism and
personnel training programs, introduce practical talents and prospective talents; meanwhile, work out scientific
and practical talent training programs for talent reservation.

5) The Company will ceaselessly improve HRM level, and formulate the motivation mechanism and medium and
long term training plan, and actively introduce inward actual combat-type talents and prospective research talents.

X. Explanations of the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors to the Non-standard
Audit Report made by the accounting firm in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Information on changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting
methods compared with the financial reports of 2013

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Changes of main accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes of accounting policies

Explanation of changes of accounting policies

In 2014, the Ministry of Finance has promulgated or revised a series of corporate accounting policies. The
Company has implemented new corporate accounting policies from July 1, 2014 and has adjusted the comparative
financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the new guidelines. The impacts on the comparative
financial statements caused by the new corporate accounting policies are as follows:

1) Long-term equity investment

1) According to the revised Long-Term Equity Investment Policies, the accounting of the long-term equity
    investment that does not involve the control, joint control, or significant influence on the invested
    organizations are incorporated in the available-for-sale financial assets. For the equity investment that does
    not have price quotations in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, subsequent
    measurement is implemented according to the costs; for other equity investments, subsequent measurement is
    implemented according to the fair value. The above changes in accounting policies retrospectively affect the
    following items:

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                           January 31, 2013
  Invested organization                                                 Financial assets            Shareholders' equity
                              proporti     Long-term equity
                                                                       available for sale         attributable to the parent
                                on          investment (+/-)
                                                                              (+/-)                    company (+/-)

Nanjing Shangsha Co.,
                                  0.68             -280,000.00                 280,000.00                                   ---

Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd                ---                       ---                      ---                                 ---

Shenzhen       SEG    GPS
Scientific      Navigations      12.50           -13,515,392.83             13,515,392.83                                   ---
Co., Ltd.

             Total                   ---         -13,795,392.83             13,795,392.83                                   ---

                                                                         December 31, 2013
  Invested organization                                                                              Shareholders' equity
                              proporti     Long-term equity             Financial assets
                                                                                                   attributable to the parent
                              on (%)       investment (+/-)          available for sale (+/-)
                                                                                                        company (+/-)

Nanjing Shangsha Co.,
                                  0.68            -280,000.00                    280,000.00                                 ---

Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd                ---                  ---                               ---                             ---

Shenzhen       SEG    GPS
Scientific      Navigations      12.50         -13,515,392.83                 13,515,392.83                                 ---
Co., Ltd.

Kasggar Shenzhen City
                                  3.03         -20,000,000.00                 20,000,000.00                                 ---
Co., Ltd.

             合计                    ---       -33,795,392.83                 33,795,392.83                                 ---

2) Impacts on the Consolidated Financial Statements:

a) According to the revised Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise No. 30 - Presentation of Financial
Statements, the Company has adjusted the part of the original capital reserve attributable to other comprehensive
income to be presented as other comprehensive income items, and adjusted the presentation of the opening

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

amount of the year by using the retroactive adjustment method. The impacts of retroactive adjustment are as

                                              January 1, 2013                            December 31, 2013
                                  Before adjustment      After adjustment     Before adjustment     After adjustment
Capital reserve                      404,380,330.57        322,015,117.44        404,593,024.05         322,272,354.94
Other comprehensive income                                  82,365,213.13                                82,320,669.11
Total                                404,380,330.57        404,380,330.57        404,593,024.05         404,593,024.05

b) According to the revised Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of Financial
Statements, the Company has separately presented the deferred income and adjusted the presentation of the
opening amount of the year by using the retroactive adjustment method. The impacts of retroactive adjustment are
as follows:

                                              January 1, 2013                            December 31, 2013
                                  Before adjustment      After adjustment     Before adjustment     After adjustment
Deferred income                                                 320,080.91                                  762,246.19
Other non-current liabilities            320,080.91                                    762,246.19
Total                                    320,080.91             320,080.91             762,246.19           762,246.19

(2) Changes of accounting estimates

No change was made to the main accounting estimates in the reporting period.

XII. Information on retroactive restatements in corrections of major accounting errors in the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is not retrospective restatement due to corrections on significant accounting errors in the reporting period.

XIII. Information on changes in the scope of consolidation compared with the financial report
of 2013

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Subsidiaries, special-purpose entities and operating entities whose controlling right is formed through trustee
operation or lessee, which are included in the consolidation scope for the first time in this period.

                                                                        Year-end net assets      Net profits of the
                     Name                       Reasons for change       (in 10 thousand        current period (in 10
                                                                              Yuan)               thousand Yuan)
Yantai SEG Times Square Development               New controlled
                                                                                0.04                     0.04
Co., Ltd.                                           subsidiary
Nantong SEG Commercial Operation                  New controlled
                                                                               -6.68                    0.007
Management Co., Ltd.                                subsidiary
Suzhou SEG Digital Plaza Management               New controlled
                                                                              145.33                    -654.67
Co., Ltd.                                           subsidiary

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Year-end net assets     Net profits of the
                    Name                        Reasons for change       (in 10 thousand       current period (in 10
                                                                              Yuan)              thousand Yuan)
Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG Time                  New controlled
                                                                              3000.00                     -
Square Properties Co., Ltd.                         subsidiary

(2) Subsidiaries, special-purpose entities and operating entities whose controlling right is formed through trusted
operation or lease taking, which are excluded from the consolidation scope in the current year

XIV. Information about the profit and dividend distribution of the Company

The formulation, implementation, and adjustments of profit distribution policies during reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The formulation, implementation, and adjustments of profit distribution policies during reporting period

1) In 2012, to improve and improve the Company's dividend distribution and monitoring mechanisms, further
improve the transparency of profit distribution policies and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of
all shareholders, in accordance with the relevant regulations and requirements, the Company established the
Shareholder Return Plan for the Upcoming Three Years (2012 to 2014), and amended pertinent profit distribution
clauses in the Articles of Association. The preceding agenda has been reviewed and approved in the first
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in 2012.

In 2014, according to the Company Law implemented since March 1, 2014 and the Listed Company Supervision
Guidelines No. 3 - Cash Dividends of Listed Companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission,
combined with the actual situation of the Company, the Company revised the terms of profit distribution in the
Articles of Association. The revised terms clearly define the principles of profit distribution, profit distribution
forms, cash dividend proportion and conditions, and decision-making procedures for profit distribution. This
agenda has been approved in the third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in 2014.

2) During the reporting period, the profit distribution proposal and the proposal for transfer of capital reserve into
share capital of 2013 complied with related regulations in the Articles of Association and Return Plan, and the
deliberation procedure accorded with related regulations. There were no circumstances that could damage the
interests of the Company and shareholders. The independent directors expressed the independent opinion.
                                               Cash Dividend Policies
Whether comply with the provisions of the Articles of
Association or the resolutions of shareholders' meeting
Whether the dividends standards and proportions are
clear and explicit
Whether the decision-making procedures and
mechanisms are complete
Whether independent directors perform their duties
responsibly and play their roles
Whether minority shareholders have sufficient
opportunities to express their views and aspirations,
whether their legitimate rights and interests have been
fully protected

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Whether the conditions and procedures for cash
dividend policy adjustments or changes are compliant       Yes
with regulations and are transparent

2. Information about the profit distribution proposal and the proposal for transfer of capital reserve into
share capital in the years of 2012, 2013 and 2014 (the reporting period):

Pursuant to Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise 2014, the investment in subsidiaries by the Company
was calculated on the basis of cost method, and there is a large difference between the profit of parent company
and the consolidated profit. According to relevant provisions of the Company Law, profits shall be distributed by
the parent company. Therefore, the profit distribution of the Company in 2014, 2013, and 2012 was implemented
depending on the distributable profit of the parent company.

1) Profit distribution proposal and the proposal for transfer of capital reserve into share capital in 2014: The
auditing by Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. found that the net profit attributable to the listed
company realized by the parent company in 2014 amounted to RMB 32,887,973.01Yuan; the profit distributable
to shareholders this time, which was calculated by adding the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year,
RMB -55,097,962.63 Yuan to the former, was RMB-22,209,989.62 Yuan. No profit distribution would be made
for the current year. The Company decided not to transfer capital reserve into share capital.

2) Profit distribution proposal and the proposal for transfer of capital reserve into share capital in 2013: The
auditing by Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. found that the net profit attributable to the listed
company realized by the parent company in 2013 amounted to RMB 51,015,079.16 Yuan; the profit distributable
to shareholders this time, which was calculated by adding the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year,
RMB -106,113,041.79 Yuan to the former, was RMB -55,097,962.63 Yuan. No profit distribution would be made
for the current year. The Company decided not to transfer capital reserve into share capital.

3) Profit distribution proposal and the proposal for transfer of capital reserve into share capital in 2012: The
auditing by Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. found that the net profit attributable to the listed
company realized by the parent company in 2012 amounted to RMB 39,043,691.65 Yuan; the profit distributable
to shareholders this time, which was calculated by adding the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year,
RMB -145,156,733.44 Yuan to the former, was RMB -106,113,041.79 Yuan. No profit distribution would be
made for the current year. The Company decided not to transfer capital reserve into share capital.

Table of distribution of cash dividends by the Company in the last three years

                                                                                                     Unit: YUAN
                                         Net profit         Proportion of net
                                                                                Amount of share    Proportion of
                                       attributable to     profit attributable
                   Amount of cash                                              funds repurchased    share funds
Year for dividends                    shareholders of      to shareholders of
                   dividends (incl.                                                  in cash      repurchased in
   distribution                     listed company in      listed company in
                         tax)                                                    incorporated in cash incorporated
                                        consolidated           consolidated
                                                                                 cash dividends in cash dividends
                                          statement           statement (%)
2014                              0.00     48,380,294.05               0.00%                0.00            0.00%
2013                              0.00     54,338,735.35               0.00%                0.00            0.00%
2012                              0.00     45,587,138.06               0.00%                0.00            0.00%

The net profit of the Company was positive and the undistributed profit of the parent company was also positive,
but the proposal for distribution of cash dividends was not put forward.

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV. Plan of profit distribution and transferring the capital reserve to shares in the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In this year, the Company plans not to distribute cash dividend or shares, nor transfer the capital reserve to shares.

XVI. Social responsibilities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XVII. Registration form for investigations, communication and interviews in the reporting

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                    Main content of discussion and
      Time            Place          Means             Type            Object
                                                                                       the materials provided
                                                                                  Inquired profit situation of the
                                                                                  Company in 2013. Inquired loss
                                                                                  or gain of the Company in 2013
                     At the                                                       and why the share price did not
January 10, 2014                   Phone call       Individual        Investor
                    Company                                                       rise. The company provided no
                                                                                  documents. The investors can read
                                                                                  the annual report 2013 disclosed
                                                                                  on March 20, 2014.
                                                                                   Inquired situation of China GPS
                                                                                  whose 12.5% shares are held by
                                                                                  the Company and what are the
                     At the
January 14, 2014                   Phone call       Individual        Investor    main businesses of the Company.
                                                                                  The company provided basic
                                                                                  documents of China GPS and the
                                                                                  Inquired profit situation of the
                                                                                  Company in 2013. The company
February 10,         At the                                                       provided no documents. The
                                   Phone call       Individual        Investor
2014                Company                                                       investors can read the annual
                                                                                  report 2013 disclosed on March
                                                                                  20, 2014.
                                                                                  Inquired why the share of the
                                                                                  Company is not appreciated. The
February 11,         At the
                                   Phone call       Individual        Investor    Company provided the basic
2014                Company
                                                                                  information and regularly
                                                                                  disclosed reports of the Company.
                                                                                  Inquired what are the main
                                                                                  businesses of the Company The
February 17,         At the
                                   Phone call       Individual        Investor    Company provided the basic
2014                Company
                                                                                  information and regularly
                                                                                  disclosed reports of the Company.

                                                 Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Main content of discussion and
     Time         Place       Means          Type           Object
                                                                            the materials provided
                                                                          Inquired whether the Company
                                                                        is operated normally. The
February 20,      At the
                            Phone call     Individual       Investor    company provided the basic
2014             Company
                                                                        introduction to the Company and
                                                                        the latest regular report.
                                                                        Inquired the time for disclosing
February 21,      At the                                                the annual report. The Company
                            Phone call     Individual       Investor
2014             Company                                                informed that the annual report is
                                                                        disclosed on March 30, 2014.
                                                                        Inquired the reason for temporary
                  At the                                                suspension. The company
March 10, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                informed the resumption on the
                                                                        Inquired why the Company gave
                  At the                                                up the control over Huakong
March 10, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                SEG. The company replied based
                                                                        on the notice contents.
                                                                        Inquired why the Company gave
                                                                        up the control power over
                  At the
March 11, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor    Huakong SEG. The company
                                                                        replied based on the notice
                                                                        Inquired why the Company gave
                  At the                                                up the control over Huakong
March 12, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                SEG. The company replied based
                                                                        on the notice contents.
                                                                        Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                        situation of the Company in the
                  At the                                                first quarter. The company
March 19, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                informed that the report for the
                                                                        first quarter in 2014 will be
                                                                        disclosed soon.
                                                                        Inquired the investment on Yantai
                  At the                                                project. The Company informed
April 21, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                the related disclosed
                                                                        Inquired the specific company
                  At the                                                address to attend the shareholders'
April 22, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                meetings. The Company informed
                                                                        the specific address.
                                                                        Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                        situation of the Company in the
                  At the                                                second quarter. The company
June 27, 2014               Phone call     Individual       Investor
                 Company                                                informed that the semi-annual
                                                                        report of 2014 will be disclosed
                                                                      The company introduced the
                  At the       Spot                      Guotai Junan company service model and basic
July 11, 2014                              Institution
                 Company   investigation                  Securities operation conditions, property
                                                                      assets, and entity stores.

                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Main content of discussion and
     Time          Place     Means         Type          Object
                                                                         the materials provided
                                                                     Inquired the future development
                                                                     direction and the current market
                   At the
July 12, 2014               Phone call   Individual      Investor    situation, provided suggestions to
                                                                     the Company's management and
                                                                     Inquired the time for disclosing
                                                                     the semi-annual report of 2014.
                   At the
July 14, 2014               Phone call   Individual      Investor    The company informed that the
                                                                     semi-annual report of 2014 is
                                                                     disclosed on August 29, 2014.
                                                                     Inquired the specific operation
                                                                     situation of the first half year in
                   At the
August 25, 2014             Phone call   Individual      Investor    2014. The company informed that
                                                                     the semi-annual report of 2014
                                                                     will be disclosed soon.
                                                                    Inquired the suspension cause and
                   At the                             Investors (11
August 28, 2014             Phone call   Individual                 resumption time. The Company
                  Company                               persons)
                                                                    replied accordingly.
                                                                    Inquired the suspension cause and
September 1,       At the                             Investors (10
                            Phone call   Individual                 resumption time. The Company
2014              Company                               persons)
                                                                    replied accordingly.
                                                                    Inquired the suspension cause and
September 2,       At the                              Investors (8
                            Phone call   Individual                 resumption time. The Company
2014              Company                                persons)
                                                                    replied accordingly.
                                                                    Inquired the suspension cause and
September 3,       At the                              Investors (5
                            Phone call   Individual                 resumption time. The Company
2014              Company                                persons)
                                                                    replied accordingly.
                                                                    Inquired the suspension cause and
September 4,       At the                              Investors (4
                            Phone call   Individual                 resumption time. The Company
2014              Company                                persons)
                                                                    replied accordingly.
                                                                    Inquired the accounting methods
September 5,       At the                              Investors (4
                            Phone call   Individual                 of Huakong SEG's stock equity.
2014              Company                                persons)
                                                                    The Company replied accordingly.
                                                                     Inquired the accounting methods
September 9,       At the
                            Phone call   Individual      Investor    of Huakong SEG's stock equity.
2014              Company
                                                                     The Company replied accordingly.
                                                                     Inquired the time for disclosing
                                                                     the third quarterly report in 2014.
September 15,      At the
                            Phone call   Individual      Investor    The Company informed that the
2014              Company
                                                                     report is disclosed on October 31,
                                                                     Inquired the time for disclosing
                                                                     the third quarterly report in 2014.
September 22,      At the
                            Phone call   Individual      Investor    The Company informed that the
2014              Company
                                                                     report is disclosed on October 31,
                                                                     Inquired the future development
September 23,      At the                                            direction and the current market
                            Phone call   Individual      Investor
2014              Company                                            situation, provided suggestions to
                                                                     the Company's management and

                                                   Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                           Main content of discussion and
     Time           Place       Means          Type           Object
                                                                                the materials provided
                                                                          Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                          situation of the Company in the
September 24,       At the                                                third quarter. The Company
                              Phone call     Individual       Investor
2014               Company                                                informed that the report for the
                                                                          third quarter in 2014 will be
                                                                          disclosed soon.
                                                                          Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                          situation of the Company in the
                    At the                                                third quarter. The Company
October 9, 2014               Phone call     Individual       Investor
                   Company                                                informed that the report for the
                                                                          third quarter in 2014 will be
                                                                          disclosed soon.
                                                                          Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                          situation of the Company in the
                    At the                                                third quarter. The company
October 13, 2014              Phone call     Individual       Investor
                   Company                                                informed that the report for the
                                                                          third quarter in 2014 will be
                                                                          disclosed soon.
                                                                          Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                          situation of the Company in the
                    At the       Spot                                     third quarter. The company
October 20, 2014                             Institution      Dintian
                   Company   investigation                                informed that the report for the
                                                                          third quarter in 2014 will be
                                                                          disclosed soon.
                                                                          Asked whether the company has a
                                                                          plan for an owned enterprise
                                                                          reform program. The Company
November 24,        At the
                              Phone call     Individual       Investor    replied that currently the
2014               Company
                                                                          Company has not yet received
                                                                          formal written notice from the
                                                                          parent unit.
                                                                          Asked whether the Company has
                                                                          a plan for an owned enterprise
                                                                          reform program. The Company
November 25,        At the
                              Phone call     Individual       Investor    replied that currently the
2014               Company
                                                                          Company has not yet received
                                                                          formal written notice from the
                                                                          parent unit.
                                                                          Asked whether the Company has
                                                                          a plan for an owned enterprise
                                                                          reform program. The Company
December 1,         At the
                              Phone call     Individual       Investor    replied that currently the
2014               Company
                                                                          Company has not yet received
                                                                          formal written notice from the
                                                                          parent unit.
                                                                          Inquired the detailed operation
                                                                          situation of the Company in 2014.
December 16,        At the
                              Phone call     Individual       Investor    The Company informed that the
2014               Company
                                                                          annual report of 2014 will be
                                                                          disclosed soon.

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Chapter 5 Important Matters

I. Major lawsuits and arbitration

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major lawsuits and arbitration occurred during the reporting period

II. Matters questioned by media

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not have any matter commonly questioned by media in the reporting period.

III. Non-operating capital of the listed company occupied by controlling shareholders and
related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The non-operating capital of the listed company occupied by controlling shareholders and related parties was not
involved during the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy and reorganization matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No bankruptcy and reorganization matters were involved during the reporting period.

V. Transaction in assets

1. Information on asset acquisition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No asset acquisition was involved during the reporting period.

2. Asset sales

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No asset sales matter was involved during the reporting period.

3. Business merger

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No business merger matter was involved during the reporting period.

                                                                Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

 VI. Implementation and impact of stock ownership incentive

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 No stock incentive plan and implementation were involved during the reporting period.

 VII. Major relevant transactions

 1. Associated transactions concerning routine operation

 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                             proportion in
                                                                  amount                   Transaction
Associated Associated Transaction      Associated     Pricing                     the                      Disclosure   Disclosure
                                                                (RMB ten                   settlement
  party    relationship  type          transaction   principle             transactions of                    date        index
                                                                 thousand                     form
                                                                            the same kind
                                     The company
Shenzhen                             leases the SEG
                                                    Determine                                                           http://www
SEG        Controlling   Property    Plaza property                                           Based on the March 20,
                                                    d by the         108.91           0.19%                             .cninfo.co
Group Co., shareholder   lease       owned by the                                             agreement 2014
                                                    market                                                              m.cn
Ltd.                                 controlling
                                     The controlling
                         Entrusted   the Company Determine                                                              http://www
SEG        Controlling                                                                        Based on the March 20,
                         with the    to operate and d by the            20            0.04%                             .cninfo.co
Group Co., shareholder                                                                        agreement 2014
                         operation   manage the      market                                                             m.cn
                                     invested SEG
                                     ns market
Total                                                   --           128.91      --                --          --           --

 2. Associated transactions related to asset acquisition and sales

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 3. Associated transactions due to joint external investment

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 4. Creditor's rights and liabilities with related parties

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 5. 5. Other associated transactions

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

VIII. Important contracts and their fulfillment

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship issues

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Explanations of trusteeship

The controlling shareholders of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. entrusted the management of SEG
communications market to the Company, and the Company received the trusteeship revenue of 200,000
Yuan according to the trusteeship agreement during the reporting period.

Projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of the profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the Company had no entrusted projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of the
profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

(2) Contracting issues

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of the profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the Company had no contracting projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of
the profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing issues

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Leasing issues:

For details, see the section Associated transactions concerning routine operation.

Projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of the profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the Company had no leasing projects which bring losses or gains that take up 10% of the
profit amount of the Company in the reporting period.

2. Guarantee issues

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                     Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan
                                        Guarantees for holding subsidiaries
                  Announcement               Date of                                  Whether the Whether
  Name of the     and disclosure Guaranteed occurrence             Type of Term of performance guarantee
  guaranteed        date of the   amount (agreement               guarantee guarantee     is       for
                    guarantee                signing                                  completed related

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                  date)                                                        party
                 October 11,                   October 25,                Joint
SEG Credit                              7500                       5000               1 year   No           No
                 2014                                2014                 liability
                                                            Total amount of the
Total guarantee amount for
                                                            actual guarantee to the
subsidiaries approved in the                           7500                                                       5000
                                                            subsidiaries in the
reporting period (B1)
                                                            reporting period (B2)
                                                            Total amount of the
Total guarantee amount for                                  guarantee balance to
subsidiaries approved by the                           7500 the subsidiaries by the                               5000
end of the reporting period (B3)                            end of the reporting
                                                            period (B4)
Total guarantee amount (the sum of the two major items above)
Total guarantee amount                                      Total amount of actual
approved in the reporting period                       7500 guarantees in the                                     5000
(A1+B1)                                                     reporting period
                                                            Total balance of
Total guarantee amount
                                                            actual guarantees by
approved by the end of the                             7500                                                       5000
                                                            the end of the
reporting period (A3+B3)
                                                            reporting period (A)
Proportion of total guarantees (A4+B4) in net assets                                                             3.85%

3. Other important contracts

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                   price (Unit: Associated
                          Pricing                          Associated         Execution by the end of the reporting
 Lender      Borrower               RMB ten transaction
                         principle                         relationship                      period
                                    thousand      or not
                                                                        On October 14, 2013, the 3rd special
                                                                        meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
                                                                        discussed and approved the Proposal about
                                                                        Offering Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co.,
                                                                        Ltd. with Financial Assistance. The
                                                                        company offers the 51% holding SEG
                                                                        E-Commerce with the financial assistance
                                                                        of 60 million Yuan for one year (from
                                                                        September 15, 2013 to September 14,
                                                                        2014) and pays based on the requirements
Shenzhen                                                                of the e-commerce businesses. SEG
         SEG        Fair                                     Not
SEG Co.,                                6,000      No                   E-Commerce pays expenses for using the
         E-Commerce price                                    applicable
Ltd.                                                                    funds to the Company based on its actual
         Co., Ltd.
                                                                        loan amount and period. The expenses for
                                                                        using the funds is charged based on the
                                                                        benchmarking interest rate of the one-year
                                                                        bank loan in the same period and should be
                                                                        paid on the due date.
                                                                        On December 5, 2014, the 5th special
                                                                        meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
                                                                        discussed and approved the Proposal about
                                                                        Offering Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co.,
                                                                        Ltd. with 60 million Yuan Financial

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                   price (Unit: Associated
                          Pricing                          Associated        Execution by the end of the reporting
 Lender     Borrower                RMB ten transaction
                         principle                         relationship                     period
                                    thousand      or not
                                                                          Assistance. This is a renewal loan, with the
                                                                          term being one year. SEG E-Commerce
                                                                          pays expenses for using the funds to the
                                                                          shareholders based on its actual loan
                                                                          amount and period. The funds occupancy
                                                                          rate is 6.5%.
                                                                      On July 29, 2014, the 15th special meeting
                                                                      of the 6th Board of Directors discussed and
                                                                      approved the Proposal about Offering
         Shenzhen                                                     Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co.,
Shenzhen SEG                                                          Ltd. with 10 million, Yuan Liquidity
                         No                                Not
SEG Co., Industrial                     4,200      No                 Assistance. The Company offers 10 million
                         interest                          applicable
Ltd.     Investment                                                   Yuan liquidity to the Shenzhen SEG
         Co., Ltd.                                                    Industrial Investment, which is 100% held
                                                                      by the Company. So far SEG Industrial
                                                                      Investment has borrowed 42 million Yuan
                                                                      in total from the Company with no interest.
                                                                      The 6th interim meeting of the 6th Board of
                                                                      Directors held on October 25, 2013
                                                                      reviewed and approved the Proposal on A
                                                                      Renewal Loan of RMB 7 million Yuan to
                                                                      Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd. The
                                                                      Board of Directors of the Company agreed
                                                                      to offer a renewal loan of RMB 7 million
         Changsha                                                     Yuan to Changsha SEG (46% held by the
         SEG         Fair                                  Not        Company), the term being a year (from
SEG Co.,                                  700      No
         Development price                                 applicable September 25, 2013 to September 24,
         Co., Ltd.                                                    2014) and the interest rate being 6.00%
                                                                      (bank loan interest rate over the same
                                                                      period), for which Changsha Xinxing
                                                                      Grand Hotel owned by Changsha SEG was
                                                                      again used as collateral to the Company. By
                                                                      the end of the reporting period, Changsha
                                                                      SEG had repaid all principal and interest on
                                                                      these borrowings.

4. Other important transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or the shareholders holding more than 5% shares, which were
made in or lasted into the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Commitment Commitment
     Commitments         Promisor                 Content                                      Fulfillment
                                                                            date       term
Commitment for share    Not
reform                  applicable
Commitments in the
Acquisition Report or   Not
the Equity Change       applicable
Commitments made at
the time of asset
                                       In accordance with Article 5 of
                                     Equity Transfer Agreement signed
                                     between the Company and SEG
                                     Group, SEG Group agrees: the
                                     Company and its affiliates and joint
                                     ventures can use the eight
                           Shenzhen trademarks of SEG Group
Commitment made at                                                                                     were fulfilled
                           SEG       registered in China Trademark
the time of initial public                                                July 1, 1996 Long-term       in the
                           Group     Office; the Company can use the
offerings or refinancing                                                                               reporting
                           Co., Ltd. above-mentioned trademarks and
                                     similar marks as the Company's
                                     marks and can use them in
                                     operating activities; the Company
                                     does not need to pay SEG Group
                                     for use of the above-mentioned
                                     trademarks or marks.
                                  To address the issue that there is
                                  competition in the same trade
                                  between the Company and SEG
                                  Group indicated in spot inspection
                                  by Shenzhen Securities
                                  Supervisory Bureau, the Company
                                  received a written Commitment
                                  Letter from SEG Group on
                                  September 14, 2007 and the content
                                                                                                       were fulfilled
                                  was as follows: our Group has      September
                                                                                       Long-term       in the
                                  similar business in Shenzhen       14, 2007
                                  electronic market with Shenzhen
                        Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen SEG),
Other commitments                 and the business was resulted by
(including additional             history and has objective market
                        Co., Ltd. development background. Our
                                  Group hereby promises that we will
                                  not independently operate a market
                                  in the same city whose business is
                                  similar with that of Shenzhen SEG.
                                     In order to solve the issue of
                                     horizontal competition between the                February 1,     Commitments
                                     Company and its controlling                       2011 to         were fulfilled
                                     shareholder, SEG Group, the 6th     January 26,
                                                                                       January 31,     in the
                                     special meeting of the 6th Board of 2011          2015, totally   reporting
                                     Directors held on January 26, 2011                5 years         period.
                                     reviewed and approved the
                                     Proposal for Solving the Horizontal

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Commitment Commitment
     Commitments          Promisor                Content                                     Fulfillment
                                                                           date       term
                                     Competition between the Company
                                     and Its Controlling Shareholder.
                                     After friendly consultation, SEG
                                     Group agreed to entrust the
                                     Company to operate and manage
                                     with full authority SEG
                                     Communications Market under
                                     direct management of SEG Group.
                                     Therefore, the two parties have
                                     signed the entrustment operation
                                     and management contract. The
                                     SEG Group pays 200,000 Yuan
                                     annually as entrusted management
                                     fees to the Company.
Other commitments
made to the small and Not
medium shareholders of applicable
the Company
Whether commitments
were fulfilled on time
Reason for not fulfilling
the commitments and N/A
future plan (if any)

2. Attainment of profit forecasts for the assets or projects of the Company within the reporting period and
the description of the reasons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Engagement and dismissal of the accounting firm

Engaged accounting firm
Name of accounting firm engaged from China            BDO Dahua CPA Co., Ltd. (special general partnership)
Remuneration for the accounting firm engaged from
China (RMB ten thousand Yuan)
Continuous years of service from the accounting firm
                                                     12 years
engaged from China
Name of certified public accountants from the
                                                      To be confirmed
accounting firm engaged from China

Whether to engage another accounting firm in current period

□ Yes √ No

Engagement of internal control audit accounting firm, financial adviser or sponsor

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

XI. Explanations of the Supervisory Board and independent directors (if applicable) on the
Non-standard Audit Report made by the accounting firm in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XII. Penalties and corrections

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No penalties and corrections were involved during the reporting period.

XIII. Listing suspension or termination after the annual report is disclosed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIV. Notes on other important matters

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                     Inquiry index for the websites
             Overview of important events                       Disclosure date
                                                                                    disclosing the temporary reports
1. Temporary stock suspension
Because the Company has not disclosed related
information that may affect the Company's stock price,                         The company disclosed the
in order to prevent the company's stock transaction and         March 10, 2014 Temporary Suspension Notice at
protect the interests of investors, the Company applies                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
for temporary suspension from the market opening on
March 10, 2014, according to the relevant provisions of
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
2. Stock resumption                                                            The company disclosed the
The 9th special meeting of the 6th Board of Directors of                       Resumption Notice, Resolution
the Company was held in way of communication voting                            Notice of the 9th Special Meeting of
on March 10, 2014. The meeting examined and adopted                            the 6th Board of Directors of the
                                                                March 12, 2014
the Motion for Signing the Agreement for Controlling                           Company, and Notice for Relinquish
Rights Arrangement of Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.                           in Control of Shenzhen Huakong
Upon application, the company's stock trading is                               SEG Co., Ltd. at
resumed on March 12, 2014 from the market opening.                             http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                The company disclosed the Notice
                                                                                for Registration Acceptance of the
                                                                January 3, 2014
                                                                                Issuance of Short-term Bonds at
3. Progress of the issuance of short-term bonds                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
During the reporting period, the Company has received
the [2013] No. CP499 Notice for Registration                                      The company disclosed the Notice
Acceptance issued by the Dealers Association.                                     for the Issuance of First Tranche of
                                                                                  2014 Short-term Bonds at
On May 14, 2014, the Company successfully issued the
                                                                May 16, 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
first tranche of 2014 short-term bonds.
                                                                                  For details about the notices, access
                                                                                  the websites of China Money and
                                                                                  Shanghai Clearing House.
4. Short-term financing vouchers for a maximum                  June 11, 2014     The company disclosed the Notice of
amount of 0.3 billion Yuan issued by the SEG Credit in                            the 13th Special Meeting of the 6th

                                                            Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    Inquiry index for the websites
             Overview of important events                     Disclosure date
                                                                                   disclosing the temporary reports
Qianhai Equity Trading Center or Shenzhen Stock                                 Board of Directors of the Company,
Exchange, and the Company's intention of full                                   Notice for Holding Subsidiary
subscription.                                                                   Issuing Short-term Financing
                                                                                Vouchers, and Notice for
                                                                                Subscribing the Short-term
                                                                                Financing Vouchers Issued by
                                                                                Holding Subsidiary at
                                                                                The company disclosed the Notice
                                                                                for Resolution of the 14th Special
5. Use of idle funds to purchase financial products                             Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors
To improve the efficiency in the fund use of the                                of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and
                                                               July 5, 2014
Company and the holding subsidiaries, without affecting                         Notice for the Use of Idle Funds to
the normal operation, the Company rationally uses the                           Purchase Financial Products of
idle funds for investment and financing, to increase the                        Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd at
capital income and seek a better return for the Company                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
and shareholders. The Company and the subsidiaries                              The company disclosed the Notice
plan to use no more than 1 billion Yuan of the idle funds                       for Resolution of the 2nd
for financing investment. The funds can be used                                 extraordinary general meeting of
repeatedly within the above limit.                             July 22, 2014
                                                                                shareholders in 2014 of Shenzhen
                                                                                SEG Co., Ltd at
7. Temporary stock suspension                                                   The company disclosed the
Because the matters under discussion may affect the                             Temporary Suspension Notice of
                                                          August 28, 2014
Company's stock price, in order to prevent the                                  Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. at
company's stock transaction and protect the interests of                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
investors, the Company applies for temporary
suspension from the market opening on August 28,                                The company disclosed the
2014, according to the relevant provisions of the                               Temporary Suspension Progress
                                                         September 4, 2014
Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Securities short name: Shen                           Notice of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. at
Saige, Shensaige B, security code: 000058 and 200058)                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

8. Stock resumption
On September 4, 2014, the 18th special meeting of the                           The company disclosed the Notice
6th Board of Directors of the Company was held in way                           for the 18th Special Meeting of the 6th
of communication voting. The meeting approved the                               Board of Directors, Notice for Stock
Determination of the Equity Accounting Methods of                               Resumption of Shenzhen SEG Co.,
                                                       September 5, 2014
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. The Company has finally                                  Ltd, Notice for Determining the
determined the equity accounting methods used for the                           equity accounting methods used for
holding Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. Upon                                     the holding Shenzhen Huakong SEG
application, the company's stock trading is resumed on                          Co., Ltd at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
September 5, 2014 from the market opening.

XV. Important matters of subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                Inquiry index for the websites
             Overview of important events                     Disclosure date
                                                                                disclosing the temporary reports
1. Completion of main structure of the Nantong SEG                            The company disclosed the Notice
Times Square project                                        December 17, 2014 for Completion of Main Structure of
The holding Nantong SEG Times Square project                                  the Nantong SEG Times Square

                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

officially laid the foundation stone on November 27,                       Project of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd at
2013, and the marketing center of this project was                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
officially opened on June 28, 2014.
On December 12, 2014, the ceremony for completing
the major structure capping of Nantong SEG Times
Square project was held.

2. The subsidiary has acquired operating assets of                         The company disclosed the Notice
Changsha Jubilee Hotel and started Changsha Orange                         for the 14th Special Meeting of the 6th
Hotel Xingsha branch.                                                      Board of Directors of Shenzhen SEG
                                                                           Co., Ltd, Notice for the Acquisition
Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise (66.58% held by the          July 5, 2014   of the Operating Assets of Changsha
Company) has acquired the operating assets of                              Jubilee Hotel by a Subsidiary and
Changsha Jubilee Hotel in Changsha Technological                           Opening of Changsha Orange Hotel
Development Zone, with a price of 7 million Yuan and                       Xingsha Branch at
opened the Changsha Orange Hotel Xingsha branch.                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

XVI. Issuance of corporate bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                 ON SHAREHOLDERS

I. Information on changes in share capital

1. Information on changes in share capital

                                                                                                          Unit: Share
                       Before the change                  Increase/Decrease (+)                 After the change
                                                 New          Capitalization
                      Quantity       Proportion share           of public Others Subtotal      Quantity       Proportion
                                               offering          reserve
I. Restricted
                         35,464         0.00%        0     0             0 -8,775     -8,775      26,689         0.00%
1. State-owned
                                 0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
2. State-owned
legal person's                   0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
3. Other domestic
                         35,464         0.00%        0     0             0 -8,775     -8,775      26,689         0.00%
Including: Shares
held by domestic                 0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
legal persons
Shares held by
domestic natural         35,464         0.00%        0     0             0 -8,775     -8,775      26,689         0.00%
4. Foreign shares                0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
Including: Shares
held by overseas                 0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
legal persons
Shares held by
foreign natural                  0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
II. Unrestricted
                     784,763,546 100.00%             0     0             0 8,775      8,775 784,772,321 100.00%
1. RMB ordinary
                538,302,228            68.59%        0     0             0 8,775      8,775 538,311,003         68.59%
2. Domestically
listed foreign       246,461,318       31.40%        0     0             0        0       0 246,461,318         31.40%
3. Overseas listed
                                 0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
foreign shares
4. Others                        0      0.00%        0     0             0        0       0               0      0.00%
III. Total shares    784,799,010 100.00%             0     0             0        0       0 784,799,010 100.00%

Reasons for change

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of changes in share capital

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Share transfer

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Impact of changes in share capital on such financial indicators as basic EPS, diluted EPS, and net asset per share
attributable to common shareholders of the Company in the last year and previous reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other contents as deemed necessary by the Company or required by the securities regulatory authority to be

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Information on changes in restricted shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                       Unit: Share
                    Restricted shares Restricted shares Restricted shares Restricted shares
    Name of                                                                                         Reason for
                    at the beginning released in this increased in this at the end of the
   shareholder                                                                                    restricted trade
                      of the period        period            period            period
                                                                                                 Shares held by
Zheng Dan                         35,464           8,775                  0             25,586
                                                                                                 Senior Executives
Total                             35,464           8,775                  0             25,586           --

II. Issuance and listing of shares

1. Previous issuance of shares in the last three years of the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Explanations on changes in total shares and the shareholder structure as well as the changes in the assets
and liabilities structure of the company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Information of existing staff shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Information on Shareholders and Actual Controllers

1. Information on the number of shareholders and their shareholding status

                                                                                                       Unit: Share

                                                                      Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                  Total number of
Total number of                            Total number of ordinary
                                                                                                  shareholders with
ordinary                                   shareholders on the fifth
                                                                                                  voting rights
shareholders at                     55,987 trading day before the                          51,394                                    none
                                                                                                  restored by the end
the end of the                             disclosure of the reporting
                                                                                                  of the reporting
reporting period                           period
                                                                                                  period (if any) (see
                                                                                                  Note 8)
                                       Shareholders holding over 5% shares or top 10 shareholders
                                                                              Quantity                      Information on pledged or
                                                 Shares held      Share
                                                                                  of     Quantity of              frozen shares
   Name of             Type of      Shareholding by the end increase/decrease
                                                                              restricted unrestricted
  shareholder        shareholder     proportion of reporting in the reporting
                                                                                shares shares held          Share status       Quantity
                                                   period         period
Shenzhen SEG State-owned
                                           30.24% 237,359,666 0                            0 237,359,666 Frozen                83,679,833
Group Co., Ltd. legal person
Zeng Ying                                   1.02%     8,040,826 1,850,139                  0   8,040,826                   0              0
                   natural person
Securities         Overseas legal
                                            0.86%     6,716,223 6,716,223                  0   6,716,223                   0              0
(Hong Kong)        person
Liu Guocheng                                0.70%     5,495,595 2,998,135                  0   5,495,595                   0              0
                   natural person
Gong Qianhua                                0.68%     5,311,520 0                          0    5,311,520                  0              0
                   natural person
Wang Jian                                   0.38%     3,000,000 3,000,000                  0   3,000,000                   0              0
                   natural person
Liu Guohong                                 0.31%     2,454,941 2,454,941                  0   2,454,941                   0              0
                   natural person
Trust Co. Ltd.–
                 Others                     0.31%     2,437,347 2,437,347                  0   2,437,347                   0              0
Ruihui 2
Capital Trust
                   Overseas legal
LONDON                                      0.30%     2,339,805 2,339,805                  0   2,339,805                   0              0
LI LEON            Overseas
                                            0.30%     2,334,900 2,334,900                  0   2,334,900                   0              0
ZHAN WEI           natural person
Strategic investors or general
legal entities who became one
of the top ten shareholders by      N/A
participating in rights issue (if
any) (See Note 3)
Explanations on the association     Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd has no associated relationship with other shareholders, nor it is a
relationship or concerted action    concerted action unit as described by the Management Methods for Disclosure of Information on
among the above-mentioned           Changes of Shareholding Status of Shareholders of Listed Companies It is unknown whether other
shareholders                        shareholders have an associated relationship or are concerted action units or not.
                                          Information on top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                   Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                          Type of shares
     Name of shareholder                  Unrestricted shares held at the period end
                                                                                                  Type of shares           Quantity
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                   237,359,666 RMB ordinary shares             237,359,666
                                                                                             Domestically listed
Zeng Ying                                                                        8,040,826                                   8,040,826
                                                                                             foreign shares
Phillip Securities (Hong Kong)                                                               Domestically listed
                                                                                 6,716,223                                   6,716,223
Group                                                                                        foreign shares
                                                                                             Domestically listed
Liu Guocheng                                                                     5,495,595                                   5,495,595
                                                                                             foreign shares
                                                                                             Domestically listed
Gong Qianhua                                                                     5,311,520                                   5,311,520
                                                                                             foreign shares
Wang Jian                                                                        3,000,000 RMB ordinary shares               3,000,000
                                                                                             Domestically listed
Liu Guohong                                                                      2,454,941                                   2,454,941
                                                                                             foreign shares
Yunnan International Trust Co.
Ltd.– Ruihui 2 Capital Trust                                                    2,437,347 RMB ordinary shares               2,437,347
                                                                                             Domestically listed
UBS AG LONDON BRANCH                                                             2,339,805                                   2,339,805
                                                                                             foreign shares
                                                                                             Domestically listed
LI LEON ZHAN WEI                                                                 2,334,900                                   2,334,900
                                                                                             foreign shares
Explanations on the association
relationship or concerted action
                                   Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd has no associated relationship with other shareholders, nor it is a
among the top ten shareholders
                                   concerted action unit as described by the Management Methods for Disclosure of Information on
of unrestricted shares, and
                                   Changes of Shareholding Status of Shareholders of Listed Companies It is unknown whether other
between the top ten shareholders
                                   shareholders have an associated relationship or are concerted action units or not.
of unrestricted shares and the
top ten shareholders
Top ten common shareholders
involved in securities financing None
(if any)

Whether top ten common shareholders and top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares have agreed repurchase
trading within the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders and top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares do not have any agreed
repurchase trading within the reporting period

2. Information about controlling shareholders of the Company

Legal representative
   Name of
                  representative/    Date of    Organization                Registered
  controlling                                                                                            Main business
                     Person in    incorporation    code                      Capital

Shenzhen SEG                                                                            Business scope: Production and
             Sun                      August 23,
Group Co.,                                               19218093-0       1,355,420,000 research of electronic products,
             Shengdian                1984                                              household appliances, toys,
                                                                                        electronic and telecom equipment,

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                               instruments and meters, motor
                                                                               equipment, computers and
                                                                               accessories, OA equipment and
                                                                               articles and electronic chemical
                                                                               projects (the license of the
                                                                               production site should be specially
                                                                               applied for); acceptance of various
                                                                               electronic system projects; operation
                                                                               of specialized electronic and
                                                                               communications markets; talent
                                                                               training; real estate development (it
                                                                               is made on the land plots for which
                                                                               the land use right has been legally
                                                                               obtained); real estate agency;
                                                                               shipping agency; logistics &
                                                                               warehousing; high-rise sightseeing
                                                                               at SEG Plaza and supporting
                                                                               catering, shopping and exhibition
                                                                               services; technical development and
                                                                               maintenance of network and
                                                                               information projects; import and
                 Development strategy of SEG Group: Uphold the development strategy that focuses on two core
Future           businesses, that is, energy-saving semiconductor manufacturing and professional electronics
development      markets, explore the realms of high and new technologies and new products, and promote both
strategy         physical electronics markets that focus primarily on self-owned property and e-commerce (that is,
                 Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.) to build comprehensive and competitive strengths of SEG Group.
                 The consolidated operating revenue (not audited) of SEG Group in 2014 was 2,646.91 million
                 Yuan, the total profit was 510 million Yuan, and the net profit was 405.31 million Yuan; the total
                 assets of SEG Group was 8,338.01 million Yuan, the owner's equity was 3,475.14 million Yuan,
                 the asset/liability ratio was 58.72%, and the return on equity was 15.87%; net cash flow from
condition, and
                 operating activities was -720.84 million Yuan, net cash flow from investment activities was
cash flow
                 -609.81 million Yuan, and net cash flow from financing activities was 1,370.67 million Yuan.

Equity of other overseas listed companies in which the controlling shareholders have a controlling share and hold
                                           Abbreviations of held stock         Number of shares
    No.            Company name                                                                        proportion
                                              and securities code                held (Share)
                 Shenzhen SEG Group
     1                                         Huakong SEG 000068                  68,392,697              7.63
                      Co., Ltd.
                 SEG (HONGKONG)
     2                                         Shen Huafa B200020                  16,569,560              5.85
                  Company Limited
                    GOOD HOPE
     3               CORNER                     Shen Huafa 200020                  13,900,000              4.91
                 INVESTMENTS LTD
                 SEG (HONGKONG)
     4                                        NewOcean Energy 0342                  100,000                0.01
                  Company Limited

Changes of the controlling shareholders in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the controlling shareholders of the Company were not changed.

                                                                 Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

3. Actual controller of the Company

Legal representative
  Name of actual                                Date of    Organization                 Registered
                       representative/Person                                                                     Main business
    controller                               incorporation    code                       Capital
                             in charge
State-owned Assets
Supervision and    Zhang Xiaoli                                                      Not applicable          Not applicable
Future development
                   Not applicable
Operating results,
financial condition, Not applicable
and cash flow

Changes of the actual controllers in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the reporting period, the actual controllers of the Company are not changed.

Block diagram of the property rights and controlling relationship between the Company and its actual controller
                           Administration       China Huarong         China Orient        China Great Wall
                           Commission of            Asset                Asset                 Asset
                         Shenzhen Municipal    Management Co.,        Management            Management
                         People's Government         Ltd.             Corporation           Corporation

                                                     Shenzhen SEG Group Co.,

                                                      Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. publicly listed the 29.51% equities of SEG Group in Shenzhen
Qianhai Stock Exchange on December 30, 2014 to transfer the equities at the listing price of 1.79 billion Yuan.
Within the valid listing period, only SZ CAPITAL CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as SZ CAPITAL) is a
qualified transferee with intention. According to the related provisions in the Asset Disposal Management
Approach for Financial Asset Management Company and Transfer of State-Owned Financial Assets Management
Approach issued by the Ministry of Finance, after the listing period of SEG Group's equities expires, the transfer
will be carried out based on an agreement if only one qualified transferee with intention is available. Therefore,
the listed 29.51% of the SEG Group equities will be transferred to SZ CAPITAL based on an agreement.

SZ CAPITAL was incorporated in June 2007 by SASAC. As the wholly-owned subsidiary of SASAC, it is the
professional platform company operated by SASAC as well as its person acting in concert. After the completion
of this equity transfer, SASAC will directly and indirectly hold 76.03% of the stocks of SEG, and become the first

                                                             Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

major shareholder and actual controller of SEG. The Company‘s controlling shareholder and actual controller
have no change. The matter will not result in important influence to the Company‘s operation.

By the disclosure day of this report, Huarong Asset and SZ CAPITAL have signed an Equity Transfer contract,
and Huarong Asset has transferred the 29.51% equities of the SEG Group to SZ CAPITAL. Currently, the equity
transfer matters have done.

The actual controllers control the Company by trust or other asset management methods.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other legal-person shareholders who hold more than 10% shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Share purchase plans proposed or implemented by shareholders and persons acting in
concert during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

As known by the Company, no shareholders or persons acting in concert proposed share purchase plans during the
reporting period.

                              Chapter 7 Preferred Stock Description

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No preferred stock is involved during the reporting period.

 Chapter 8 Information on Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives
                         and Employees

I. Changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                            Increase Decrease
                                                                                  Shares of shares of shares     Shares
                              Employment                            Ending date held at      held in  held in    held at
 Name           Title                    Gender Age date of office
                                status                             of office term period       the      the      period
                                                                                 beginning reporting reporting    end
                                                                                             period   period
Wang Li   Chairman             Incumbent   Male   53   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0         0         0             0
         Director              Incumbent   Male   52   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0         0         0             0
Ye Jun    Director             Incumbent   Male   53   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0         0         0             0
Liu       Director/ General
                               Incumbent   Male   46   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0         0         0             0
Zhijun    Manager
Zheng     Director/Vice        Incumbent Female   49   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016   35,586        0         0    35,586

                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                             Increase Decrease
                                                                                   Shares of shares of shares     Shares
                               Employment                            Ending date held at      held in  held in    held at
  Name           Title                    Gender Age date of office
                                 status                             of office term period       the      the      period
                                                                                  beginning reporting reporting    end
                                                                                              period   period
Dan        General
           of the Board of
Zhu      Director/ Vice
                               Incumbent    Male    53   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Longqing General Manager
Song     Independent
                               Incumbent Female     47   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Pingping Director
Li Luoli                       Incumbent    Male    67   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Zhou       Independent
                               Incumbent    Male    45   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Hanjun     Director
           Supervisor          Left the post Male   60   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Xu Ning Supervisor             Incumbent    Male    50   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
         Supervisor            Incumbent    Male    54   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
           Supervisor          Incumbent    Male    41   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
           Supervisor          Incumbent    Male    48   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
        Supervisor             Incumbent    Male    45   June 17, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Bo         Vice General
                               Incumbent    Male    57   July 24, 2013 June 16, 2016       0        0         0             0
Hongxi     Manager
Jiang      Independent
                               Left the post Male   55   May 21, 2010 June 17, 2013    11,700       0    11,700             0
Yigang     Director
Total              --              --        --     --        --            --         47,286       0    11,700    35,586

II. Information on Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives Serving in Shareholders'
Units or Other Units

Work experience of incumbent directors, supervisors, and senior executives in the last five years

1. Members of the Board of Directors

1) Wang Li, male and born in 1961, holds a master's degree. He now serves as the Director of Company, General
Manager of SEG Group, Vice Secretary of Party Committee, Director of SEG Credit, and Director of Shenzhen
STS Microelectronics. He served as the Vice President of SEG Group, Deputy General Manager (in charge),
President of Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech Investment Co., Ltd, and Director of Shenzhen SEG Property Development
Company Limited.

                                                     Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

2) Zhang Guangliu, male and born in 1962, holds a master's degree. He now serves as the Company director,
Deputy General Manager of SEG Group, Director of Shenzhen Kangle Enterprise Development Co., Ltd, and
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Shenzhen SI Semiconductors Co., Ltd. He served as the Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of Huakong SEG and SEG (Hongkong) Limited.

3) Liu Zhijun, male and born in 1968, holds a Master of Engineering degree. He now serves as Director and
General Manager of the Company and Secretary of the Party Committee, He also serves as the Chairman of
Nantong SEG, Chairman of Longgang SEG, Chairman of Xi'an SEG, Chairman of Xi'an Hairong SEG, Chairman
of SEG E-Commerce, Chairman of SEG Credit, and Supervisor of Kashgar Shenzhen City Limited. He served as
the Vice Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman of SEG E-Commerce, Chairman of Shanghai SEG, and
Manager of the Operating Department of SEG Group.

4) Zheng Dan, female and born in 1965, is a senior economist and holds a Master of Science degree. She now
serves as the Director of the Company, Vice Secretary of Party Committee, Discipline Inspection Commission
Secretary, Vice-general Manager, Secretary of the Board, and she also serves as the Chairman of Suzhou SEG,
Chairman of Wujiang SEG, Chairman of SEG Baohua, Director of SEG Credit, Director of Nantong SEG,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Changsha SEG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SEG E-Commerce,
and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Huakong SEG. She served as the Director of SEG E-Commerce,
Director of Huakong SEG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SEG Baohua, Chairman of the Supervisory
Board of SEG Logistics, and Supervisor of SEG GPS.

5) Zhu Longqing, male and born in 1961, holds an MBA degree. He now serves as Director and Vice General
Manager of the Company. He concurrently serves as the Chairman of SEG Industry, Chairman of Changsha SEG,
Chairman of Nanjing SEG, Chairman of Wuxi SEG, Chairman of Nanning SEG, Chairman of Shanghai SEG,
Chairman of Nantong SEG, Chairman of SEG E-Commerce, Chairman of SEG GPS, and Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of SEG Baohua. He served as the Chairman of SEG Logistics, Chairman of the Supervisory
Board, Director of SEG Baohua, Director and General Manager of SEG Industry.

6) Ye Jun, male and born in 1960, holds a bachelor's degree and is a senior accountant. He now serves as the
Director of the Company, Director and President of SEG Credit, and Director of Shenzhen SEG Square
Investment & Development Co., Ltd. He served as the Finance Minister of SEG Group, Chairman of Shenzhen
SEG Property Investment, Director of Huakong SEG, Director of Shenzhen SI Semiconductors Co., Ltd, and
Director of Shijiazhuang SEG Plaza Investment.

7) Zhou Hanjun, male and born in 1969, is a CPA and a CTA. He now serves as an Independent Director of the
Company, partner of Shenzhen Asia-Pacific (Group) Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd., and Independent
Director of Shenzhen Success Electronics Co., Ltd.

8) Liu Zhijun, male and born in 1947, holds a master's degree in economics. Currently, he is a professor and
doctoral supervisor of Nankai University. He now serves as the Vice President of Development Institute
(Shenzhen, China), Vice President of China Society of Economic Reform, and Director of Shenzhen Mahon
Economic Research Development Foundation and so on. He served as Deputy Director of Nankai Institute of

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Economics, Deputy Director of State Administration of Prices Institute, Deputy Director of the Shenzhen
Municipal People's Government Office, Director of Shenzhen Information Center, Deputy Secretary of Shenzhen
Municipal Committee of CPC and Director of Front Office, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Development Institute
and Secretary General, and Chief of China Opening Herald.

9) Song Pingping, female, was born in March 1967 and holds a Master of Laws degree. She now serves as the
partner of Shenzhen Oriental Fortune Capital Management Limited, Secretary General of Risk Control Committee
of Shenzhen SZ CAPITAL Fuhai Investment Management Limited, Arbitrator of South China International
Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and Independent Director of Shenzhen Yantian Port Limited. She
served as the partner of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm and so on.

2. Members of the Board of Supervisors

1) Xu Ning, male and born in 1965, holds a bachelor's degree. He now serves as the Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors, Vice Secretary of Party Committee of SEG Group, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection
Commission, Chairman of the labor union and Director of SEG Talent Training Center. He served as the
Safeguard Stability Commissioner (at department level) of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, and Safeguard Stability Commissioner (at department
level) of Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration.

2) Tang Chongyin, male and born in 1960, holds a PhD degree. He now serves as the supervisor of the Company,
Minister Assets Department of SEG Group, Chairman of Shenzhen Dynamic Electronics Limited, Chairman of
Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech Investment Co., Ltd, Chairman of Shenzhen SI Semiconductors Co., Ltd, Chairman of
Tianjin SEG Haijing Co., Ltd, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SEG Credit. He served as the Director
of SEG E-Commerce and Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

3) Peng Aiyun, male and born in 1973, holds a bachelor's degree. He now serves as the supervisor of the
Company, and concurrently serves as the Vice Minister of Business Development of SEG Group, Director of
Shenzhen SEG Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd, and supervisor of the Shijiazhuang SEG Square Investment
Limited. He served as the Vice Manager of Electronic Market and Property Operation Department of SEG Group.

4) Tian Jiliang, male and born in 1966, holds a bachelor's degree. He now serves as the Supervisor of the Board of
Supervisors and Minister of Human Resources and concurrently serves as the Director of SEG Baohua, Director
of Shunde SEG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Xi'an SEG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of
Longgang SEG, and Supervisor of Xi'an Hairong SEG. He served as the Director of Suzhou SEG and the
Supervisor of Wuxi SEG.

5) Ying Huadong, male and born in 1969, holds a bachelor's degree and is a senior accountant. He now serves as
Supervisor (Supervisor from staff) of the Company and Manager of the Financial Department and concurrently as
Director of Changsha SEG, Supervisor of Nanjing SEG, and Supervisor of Nantong SEG. He served as the
Supervisor of Changsha SEG.

                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

6) Zhao Xingxue, male and born in 1954, graduated from college and has retired in August 2014. He served as the
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Company, Chairman of SEG Group Labor Union, Director of SEG
Talent Training Center, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee & Secretary of Discipline Committee of SEG
Group, and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Huakong SEG.

3. Senior executives

1) Liu Zhijun is the General Manager and the relevant information is available in the above introduction to

2) Zheng Dan is the Deputy General Manager and the relevant information is available in the above introduction
to directors.

3) Zhong Longqing is Vice General Manager and the relevant information is available in the above introduction to

4) Bo Hongxi, male, born in 1958, undergraduate, senior accountant, serves as the Deputy General Manager of the
Company, Director and General Manager of SEG Baohua.

Information about directors, supervisors and senior executives serving in shareholders' units

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                     Name of                Position in       Beginning date of     Ending date of
  Name                                                                                                      from
                shareholders' units     shareholders' units      office term         office term
                                                                                                         units or not
                Shenzhen SEG
                                      Vice General Manager December 1, 2006 January 18, 2010
                Group Co., Ltd.
                Shenzhen SEG          Deputy General
                                                              January 19, 2010    January 3, 2011
Wang Li         Group Co., Ltd.       Manager (in charge)                                                    Yes
                                      General Manager,
                Shenzhen SEG
                                      Deputy Party            January 4, 2011     October 30, 2015
                Group Co., Ltd.
Zhang           Shenzhen SEG
                                      Vice General Manager March 10, 2003         October 30, 2015           Yes
Guangliu        Group Co., Ltd.
                                      Manager of the
           Shenzhen SEG               Operation and
Liu Zhijun                                                    July 1, 2008        May 1, 2010                No
           Group Co., Ltd.            Management
                Shenzhen SEG
Zheng Dan                             None                                                                   No
                Group Co., Ltd.
Zhu      Shenzhen SEG
                                      None                                                                   No
Longqing Group Co., Ltd.
                Shenzhen SEG          Minister of Finance
Ye Jun                                                        April 1, 2003       May 1, 2013                No
                Group Co., Ltd.       Department

                Shenzhen SEG          Deputy Secretary of
Xu Ning                               Party Committee,        October 1, 2012     October 30, 2015           Yes
                Group Co., Ltd.
                                      Secretary of

                                                            Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                 Name of                Position in        Beginning date of      Ending date of
  Name                                                                                                    from
            shareholders' units     shareholders' units       office term          office term
                                                                                                       units or not
                                  Discipline Committee,
                                  and Labor Union
Tang     Shenzhen SEG             Minister of Assets
                                                           April 17, 2003      October 30, 2015            Yes
Chongyin Group Co., Ltd.          Department
                                  Vice Manager of
                                  Electronic Market and
            Shenzhen SEG
                                  Property Operation    July 2, 2008           August 28, 2011
            Group Co., Ltd.
Peng                              Department of SEG
                                  Group                                                                    Yes
                                  Vice Minister of
            Shenzhen SEG
                                  Business                 August 29, 2011     October 30, 2015
            Group Co., Ltd.
Tian        Shenzhen SEG
                                  None                                                                     No
Jiliang     Group Co., Ltd.
Ying        Shenzhen SEG
                                  None                                                                     No
Huadong     Group Co., Ltd.
            Shenzhen SEG
Bo Hongxi                         None                                                                     No
            Group Co., Ltd.

Information about directors, supervisors and senior executives serving in other units

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                         Position in      Beginning date of      Ending date of       remuneration
    Name        Name of other units
                                         other units         office term          office term       from other units
                                                                                                         or not
              SEG Credit               Chairman           November 1, 2011 November 1, 2017
              Shenzhen STS
                                       Director           September 1, 2003 December 1, 2016
              Shenzhen Huaqiang
              North Electronic
Wang Li                                Director           December 1, 2007 December 1, 2016                No
              Market Price Index
              Shenzhen SEG
                                       Chairman           July 1, 2008         May 1, 2011
              Development Co.,
              Shenzhen Kangle
                                       Chairman           August 1, 2011       July 1, 2015
              Development Co.,
Zhang         Ltd.
Guangliu      Shenzhen SI         Chairman of
              Semiconductors Co., Board of                July 1, 2010         December 1, 2016
              Ltd.                Supervisors
              Huakong SEG              Chairman of        February 1, 2013     February 1, 2014

                                                      Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                      Position in   Beginning date of      Ending date of       remuneration
   Name       Name of other units
                                      other units      office term          office term       from other units
                                                                                                   or not
                                    Board of
             SEG (HONGKONG)
                             Chairman               August 1, 2007      August 1, 2012
             Company Limited
             Longgang SEG           Chairman        June 1, 2010        Till now
             SEG E-Commerce         Chairman        January 1, 2011     January 1, 2014
             Shanghai SEG           Chairman        May 1, 2011         June 1, 2014
             SEG Credit             Director        September 1, 2011 Till now
             Kashgar Shenzhen
Liu Zhijun                          Supervisor      October 1, 2012     Till now                     No
             City Co., Ltd.
             Nantong SEG            Chairman        January 1, 2013     Till now
             Xi'an SEG              Chairman        May 1, 2013         Till now
             Xi'an Hairong SEG      Chairman        May 1, 2013         Till now
             SEG E-Commerce         Director        January 1, 2014     Till now
                                    Chairman of
             Changsha SEG           Board of        March 1, 2009       Till now
                                    Chairman of
             SEG Baohua             Board of        March 1, 2009       April 1, 2013
                                    Chairman of
             SEG Logistics          Board of        June 1, 2010        December 1, 2011
             SEG E-Commerce         Director        January 1, 2011     May 1, 2013
             SEG Credit             Director        September 1, 2011 Till now
Zheng Dan    Suzhou SEG             Chairman        September 1, 2011 Till now                       No
             Wujiang SEG            Chairman        June 1, 2012        Till now
             Nantong SEG            Director        January 1, 2013     Till now
             Huakong SEG            Director        March 1, 2013       March 1, 2014
             SEG Baohua             Chairman        April 1, 2013       Till now
                                    Chairman of
             SEG E-Commerce         Board of        May 1, 2013         Till now
                                    Chairman of
             Huakong SEG            Board of        March 1, 2014       Till now
             SEG Industry           Director        March 1, 2009       May 1, 2013
             SEG Industry                           March 1, 2009       January 1, 2010
             SEG Baohua             Director        January 1, 2010     April 1, 2013                No
                                    Chairman of
             SEG Logistics          Board of        January 1, 2002     June 1, 2010

                                                    Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                    Position in   Beginning date of      Ending date of       remuneration
   Name     Name of other units
                                    other units      office term          office term       from other units
                                                                                                 or not
           SEG Logistics          Chairman        June 1, 2010        December 1, 2011
           Changsha SEG           Chairman        June 1, 2010        Till now
           SEG E-Commerce         Director        January 1, 2011     Till now
           Nanjing SEG            Chairman        April 1, 2011       Till now
           SEG Navigations        Director        February 1, 2012    Till now
           Wuxi SEG               Chairman        August 1, 2012      Till now
           Nantong SEG            Director        January 1, 2013     Till now
                                  Chairman of
           SEG Baohua             Board of        April 1, 2013       Till now
           Nanning SEG            Chairman        April 1, 2013       Till now
           SEG Industry           Chairman        May 1, 2013         Till now
           Shanghai SEG           Chairman        June 1, 2014        Till now
           Huakong SEG            Director        September 1, 2010 March 1, 2013
           Shenzhen SI
           Semiconductors Co., Director           July 1, 2010        December 1, 2013
           Shenzhen SEG Real
           Estate Investment      Chairman        March 1, 2012       May 1, 2013
           Co., Ltd.
           Shenzhen SEG
Ye Jun
           Square Investment &
                               Director           August 1, 2011      June 1, 2016
           Development Co.,
           Shijiazhuang SEG
           Square Investment      Director        August 1, 2011      December 1, 2013
           Co., Ltd.
           SEG Credit             Director        June 1, 2013        Till now
           SEG Credit             President       June 1, 2013        Till now
           SEG Talent Training
Xu Ning                           Director        July 1, 2014        July 1, 2017                 No
           Shenzhen SEG
           Hi-tech Industrial     Director        July 1, 2006        January 1, 2017
           Co., Ltd.
           Shenzhen SI
           Semiconductors Co., Director           December 1, 2010 December 1, 2016
           Tianjin SEG Haijing                                                                     No
Chongyin                          Director        December 1, 2006 January 1, 2016
           Co., Ltd.
           Shenzhen Dynamic
                                 Chairman         July 1, 2006        December 1, 2016
           Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                  Chairman of
           SEG Credit             Board of        May 1, 2014         November 1, 2017

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                        Position in    Beginning date of     Ending date of       remuneration
   Name         Name of other units
                                        other units       office term         office term       from other units
                                                                                                     or not
               SEG E-Commerce         Director        January 1, 2011      May 1, 2013
               Shenzhen Zhongheng
                                  Vice Chairman July 1, 2006               July 1, 2013
               Huafa Co., Ltd.
               Shenzhen SEG Real
               Estate Investment      Director        May 1, 2013          January 1, 2017
               Co., Ltd.
Peng Aiyun                                                                                             No
               Shijiazhuang SEG
               Square Investment      Supervisor      August 1, 2011       November 1, 2017
               Co., Ltd.
               Suzhou SEG             Director        February 1, 2009     September 1, 2011
               SEG Baohua             Director        March 1, 2009        Till now
                                      Chairman of
               Xi'an SEG              Board of        November 1, 2008 Till now
                                      Chairman of
Tian Jiliang                                                                                           No
               Longgang SEG           Board of        May 1, 2011          Till now
                                      Board of
               Xi'an Hairong SEG                      July 1, 2011         Till now
               Wuxi SEG               Supervisor      August 1, 2012       May 1, 2014
               Shunde SEG             Director        November 1, 2012 Till now
               Changsha SEG           Supervisor      January 1, 2010      June 1, 2010
Ying           Changsha SEG           Director        June 1, 2010         Till now
Huadong        Nanjing SEG            Supervisor      April 1, 2011        Till now
               Nantong SEG            Supervisor      January 1, 2013      Till now
               SEG Baohua                             March 2005           Till now
Bo Hongxi                             Manager                                                          Yes
               SEG Baohua             Director        March 1999           Till now

III. Information about Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

Decision-making procedure and establishment criteria for the remuneration to the directors, supervisors and senior
executives, and actual payment

The Company implements the position-based wage system. The annual remuneration of senior executives
comprises three parts, namely, the wage (the position-based wage and allowance), year-end bonus, and legal
welfare. The wage is decided and monthly paid by the Board of Directors in accordance with the functions of a
position and the position-based wage system of the Company; the year-end bonus is decided based on the
completing of annual operation targets and work tasks approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, and is
implemented after being approved by the Board of Directors.

According to The Articles of Association, the remuneration of directors and supervisors is determined by the
General Meeting of Shareholders, but, at present, the Company has not implemented the remuneration system for

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

non-independent directors and supervisors except for independent directors. The directors and supervisors of the
Company only receive the wages corresponding to their administrative positions. Eight directors (including
independent directors) and supervisors of the Company received a total remuneration of RMB 3,702,000 Yuan
(pre-tax) in the reporting period. According to the resolution at the 17th General Meeting of Shareholders (2011)
on April 20, 2012, independent directors of the Company will receive monthly allowances for independent
directors totaling RMB 100,000 Yuan each year (pre-tax). The travel and accommodation expenses of
independent directors due to attendance of the meetings of the Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders as
well as the expenses incurred by Independent Directors due to exercising of their powers are reimbursed by the
Company according to the actual expenses.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in the reporting period

                                                                                    Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan
                                                                            Total                  remuneration
                                                             Employment remuneration                obtained at
   Name             Title         Gender         Age                                   from the
                                                               status     from the                   the end of
                                                                          Company                     reporting
Wang Li      Chairman              Male           53          Incumbent                        90.2          90.2
             Director              Male           52          Incumbent                       74.82         74.82
             Director/ General
Liu Zhijun                         Male           46          Incumbent          87.99                      87.99
Zheng Dan Manager/Secretary Female                49          Incumbent          75.48                      75.48
          of the Board of
Zhu          Director/ General
                                   Male           53          Incumbent          73.02                      73.02
Longqing     Manager
Ye Jun       Director              Male           54          Incumbent
Zhou         Independent
                                   Male           45          Incumbent             10                         10
Hanjun       Director
Li Luoli                           Male           67          Incumbent             10                         10
Song         Independent
                                  Female          47          Incumbent             10                         10
Pingping     Director
             Chairman of
Xu Ning                            Male           49          Incumbent                       74.82         74.82
             Supervisory Board
             Supervisor            Male           54          Incumbent                       57.99         57.99
Peng Aiyun Supervisor              Male           41          Incumbent                       37.93         37.93
Tian Jiliang Supervisor            Male           48          Incumbent          53.68                      53.68
             Supervisor            Male           45          Incumbent          50.03                      50.03
Zhao         Chairman of
                                   Male           60         Left the post                    49.88         49.88
Xingxue      Supervisory Board

                                                              Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Total                  remuneration
                                                                   Employment remuneration                obtained at
   Name              Title          Gender             Age                                   from the
                                                                     status     from the                   the end of
                                                                                Company                     reporting
             Vice General
Bo Hongxi                            Male              56           Incumbent
Total                 --               --              --                --              370.2          385.64         755.84

Information on equity incentives bestowed to directors, supervisors and senior executives during the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Staff Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    Name              Post          Type               Date                                   Cause
                 Chairman of
   Xu Ning       Supervisory       elected      August 27, 2014                      Appointment and dismissal
                 Chairman of
                                   Left the
Zhao Xingxue     Supervisory                    August 27, 2014                               Retired

V. Changes of core technical team or key technical personnel (non-directors, supervisors and
senior managers) during the reporting period


VI. Information about employees of the company

At the end of the reporting period, the Company had 407 on-the-job employees and 71 retirees. The pension and
medical insurance of the retirees are social pooling as a whole.

(1) The profession composition and education background of on-the-job employees:

                                                                                                             (Unit: Person)
    Profession       Administrative         Financial staff        Technical staff       Sales staff      Production staff
   composition           staff
     Number                  110                  31                     12                  63                  191

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   Administrative staff
                                                                                   Financial staff
                                                                                   Technical staff
                                                                                   Sales staff
                                                                                   Production staff

                                                                                  Secondary        High school
                           Master           Bachelor          College student (technical school) (vocational) and
                                                                                   student            below
     Number                 26                 122                 137                   29                    93



                                                                                    College student
                                                                                    Secondary (technical
                                                                                    school) student

                                                                                    High school (vocational)

(2) Remuneration principles

Priority to benefits: The remuneration structure and levels are associated with the operating performance,
reflecting the priority of benefit. According to the position values, combined with the individual performance and
service capabilities, the system sets reasonable salary gaps. It gives proper preferential treatment to core positions
and employees who have taken more responsibilities and made great contributions, and therefore reflecting the
incentive salary system.

Reward based on achievements: According to the employee performance and service capabilities, combined with
the organizational performance, the system adjusts the remuneration, and associates the remuneration level with
the organizational performance, employee performance, and employee capabilities, and therefore reflecting the
organizational and personal values.

Remuneration changes with positions: The remuneration system supports the development of employees' career.
The remuneration must strictly comply with the positions. Therefore, the remuneration varies with the positions.

                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Dynamic adjustment: According to the development strategies of the Company and the operating strategies of
each investment and holding enterprise, combined with dynamic development trends of the industry, the
organization and position responsibilities are changed when the business model and organization structure are
significantly changed. The remuneration structure and salary level must be adjusted dynamically to meet the
service development requirements.

                             Chapter 9 Corporate Governance

I. Basic information on corporate governance

1. Basic information on corporate governance

During the reporting period, the Company continuously improved the governance structure and promotes the
internal management and control system in accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of
Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules, and laws and
regulations on corporate governance of listed companies. In the meantime, the Company implements special
activities for perfecting the corporate governance structure and standardization of internal control system. The
company continuously strengthens information disclosure and actively improves investor relations management.
By the end of the reporting period, the actual governance status of the Company is basically in line with the
corporate governance requirements for listed enterprises issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. The
corporate governance status is as follows:

1) The Company and controlling shareholders:

The Company strictly regulates behaviors of shareholders according to the Code of Corporate Governance for
Listed Companies in China, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules, and Articles of Association. The shareholders
exercise the shareholder rights through general meeting of stockholders. Interventions on the Company's operating
and decision-making beyond the general meeting of stockholders and the Board of Directors did not occur. The
Company has independent business and operating autonomy. The Company is independent from the controlling
shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and internal organizations in terms of business, assets,
personnel, organization, and finance.

2) Shareholders and general meeting of stockholders

The Company convenes and holds general meeting of stockholders in strict accordance with the Articles of
Association and Rules of Procedure of Shareholders' Meeting. Within the reporting period, the situation in which
shareholders individually or jointly hold more than 10% of the Company's voting shares request for an
extraordinary general meeting did not occur, and no general meeting of stockholders proposed by the Board of
Supervisors was held. During the reporting period, the Company's decisions are reviewed and decided by the
general meeting of stockholders in accordance with the provisions of Company Law and Articles of Association.
The situation in which decisions are made without the general meeting of stockholders involved or decisions are
implemented before being reviewed did not occur.

3) Directors and Board of Directors

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

The Company elects directors in strict accordance with the provisions of Articles of Association. The Board of
Directors includes nine directors and three independent directors. The number of directors and the composition of
the Board of Directors comply with the laws and regulations. The Board of Directors consists of three specialized
committees. The Board of Directors implement works in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Articles of Association, Working System of Independent Directors, and Rules of Procedure of Board of Directors.
All the directors of the Company attend the Board meeting and general meeting of stockholders seriously and
actively participate the related training to learn relevant laws and regulations. The independent directors
independently perform their duties, maintain the overall interests of the Company, prefect legitimate interests of
minority shareholders from being damaged, and give independent opinions on major issues.

4) Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors

The Company elects supervisors in strict accordance with the Company Law and Articles of Association. The
number of supervisors and the composition of the Board of Supervisors comply with the laws and regulations. The
Company has developed the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. The qualification, appointment and
dismissal of the supervisors meet the related requirements. The supervisors attend the Board of Supervisors
meeting seriously. The supervisors review periodic reports drafted by the Board of Directors and provide written
examination opinions by means of attending the general meeting of stockholders, attending the Board of Directors
meeting, and holding Board of Supervisors meeting. The supervisors effectively supervise the major issues,
related party transactions, financial situation, as well as the job validity and compliance of the company directors
and senior management personnel.

5) Information disclosure and transparency

In strict accordance with the Information Disclosure Management Methods and Investor Relations Management
System, the Company has designated the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors to perform information
disclosure and handle the visits and consultation of shareholders. The Company has also nominated "China
Securities News", "Securities Times", "Securities Daily", ―Hong Kong Commercial Daily‖ newspapers and
CNINFO as the media for the company information disclosure. The information disclosed is truthful, accurate,
timely and complete, thereby ensuring that all investors can equitable access to the company information. The
Company will further strengthen ties and communication with supervision departments, and report company
matters in a timely and proactive manner. The Company will continue to understand the information disclosure
requirements in an accurate way.

Is there any discrepancy between corporate governance practices and related regulations as set in the Company
Law and as required by China Securities Regulatory Commission?

√ Yes □ No

2. Non-normative governance

During the reporting period, the Company improved the governance structure and promoted the internal
management and control system in accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, and the Code of
Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China and other laws and regulations on corporate governance of
listed companies. However, the Company still encounters the following issues:

1) The controlling shareholders manage the Company through the Property Right Representative Report System.
The Company's controlling shareholder SEG Group is a state-controlled corporation in Shenzhen and Shenzhen

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau is the controlling shareholder of SEG Group. It must
implement the Property Right Representatives Report System for state-owned assets management according to the
management methods of Shenzhen for state-owned assets.

2) In respect of assessment on human resources, the Company's controlling shareholder SEG Group implements
the annual performance assessment on Senior Executives according to the completing of annual operation
indicators and other indicators stipulated by SEG Group.

The company reports the non-public information to the major shareholders and the actual controllers.

The company reports the non-public information to the major shareholders and the actual controls based on the
property right representative reporting system and requirements of the national statistical departments. In
accordance with the requirements of state-owned assets supervision department, the Company has been
submitting monthly flash reports to the majority shareholder and the actual controller and reporting important
issues to the majority shareholder and the actual controller before they are disclosed. The Company submitted the
Undisclosed Information Provided by Listed Companies for the Majority Shareholder or Actual Controller and
Letter of Commitment to Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau on October 18, 2007. SEG Group offered the
Letter of Commitment on Strengthening Management of Undisclosed Information to Shenzhen Securities
Regulatory Bureau. Meanwhile, the Company has established and implemented the Non-public Information
Insider Reporting System and the Confidentiality System of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd for Insiders of Non-public
Information and has monthly reported to Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau about its reports of unpublicized
information. Senior executives and all employees at the headquarters signed a Confidentiality Agreement with the
Company on July 15, 2009. The Confidentiality Agreement clearly stipulates that all employees are obligated to
hold confidential the business secrets and undisclosed information of the Company.

The nonpublic information the Company offered to the Company's majority shareholder and actual controller in
the reporting period is as follows:

                 between the                                  Time or                                    Procedure
       to which                 Type of
No.              organization             Procedure of report period                  Basis for report       of
    information               information
                   and the                                   of report                                   approval
     is reported
                                              The invested
                                              corporation of the
                                                                             The document
                                              Company and the
                                                                             Notice about
                                              financial staff at the
                                                                             Formulation of the
                               The flash                                     Monthly Flash
                                              prepare the report
                               report of main                                Report of                   The Board
                                              and consolidate the
    Shenzhen       Controlling financial                                     Enterprises                 of
                                              statements, which
1   SEG Group      shareholder indicators of                         Monthly Supervised by               Directors
                                              are reviewed by the
    Co., Ltd.      (30.24%)    the Company                                   Stated-owned Assets         agrees to
                                              leadership of the
                               registered in                                 Supervision and             report
                               Shenzhen                                      Administration
                                              Department and
                                                                             Commission of the
                                              reported through the
                                                                             State Council
                                              State-owned Asset
                                                                             (SASAC [2003]23)
                                              Information System.
2   Shenzhen       Controlling    Summary sheet The invested             Monthly The document            The Board

                                                   Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                 between the                                  Time or                             Procedure
       to which                 Type of
No.              organization             Procedure of report period          Basis for report        of
    information               information
                   and the                                   of report                            approval
     is reported
    SEG Group   shareholder of             corporation of the               Notice about          of
    Co., Ltd.   (30.24%)    implementation Company and the                  Formulation of the    Directors
                            of monthly     financial staff at the           Monthly Flash         agrees to
                            expense budget Headquarters                     Report of             report
                                           prepare the sheet and            Enterprises
                                           consolidate the                  Supervised by
                                           statements, which                Stated-owned Assets
                                           are reported through             Supervision and
                                           the State-owned                  Administration
                                           Asset Management                 Commission of the
                                           Information System.              State Council
                                                                            (SASAC [2003]23)
                                                                         The document
                                          The invested
                                                                         Notice about
                                          corporation of the
                                                                         Formulation of the
                                          Company and the
                                                                         Monthly Flash
                                          financial staff at the
                                                                         Report of                The Board
    Shenzhen    Controlling Summary sheet                                Enterprises              of
                                          prepare the sheet and
3   SEG Group   shareholder of monthly                           Monthly Supervised by            Directors
                                          consolidate the
    Co., Ltd.   (30.24%)    cash flow                                    Stated-owned Assets      agrees to
                                          statements, which
                                                                         Supervision and          report
                                          are reported through
                                          the State-owned
                                                                         Commission of the
                                          Asset Management
                                                                         State Council
                                          Information System.
                                                                         (SASAC [2003]23)
                                                                            The document
                                                                            Notice about
                                                                            Formulation of the
                                           The financial
                                                                            Monthly Flash
                                           personnel at the
                            Summary sheet                                   Report of             The Board
    Shenzhen    Controlling of deposits,                                    Enterprises           of
                                           prepare the sheet that
4   SEG Group   shareholder financing, and                        Quarterly Supervised by         Directors
                                           is reported through
    Co., Ltd.   (30.24%)    loans of the                                    Stated-owned Assets   agrees to
                                           the State-owned
                            Headquarters                                    Supervision and       report
                                           Asset Management
                                           Information System.
                                                                            Commission of the
                                                                            State Council
                                                                            (SASAC [2003]23)
                                          The invested                     The document
                                          corporation of the               Notice about
                            Summary sheet Company and the                  Formulation of the
                            of quarterly  financial staff at the           Monthly Flash          The Board
                            non-operating Headquarters                     Report of
    Shenzhen    Controlling                                                                       of
                            gains and     prepare the sheet and
5   SEG Group   shareholder                                      Quarterly Enterprises            Directors
                            losses of the consolidate the                  Supervised by
    Co., Ltd.   (30.24%)                                                                          agrees to
                            Company       statements, which                Stated-owned Assets    report
                            registered in are reported through             Supervision and
                            Shenzhen      the State-owned                  Administration
                                          Asset Management                 Commission of the
                                          Information System.              State Council

                                                    Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                 between the                                  Time or                              Procedure
       to which                 Type of
No.              organization             Procedure of report period           Basis for report        of
    information               information
                   and the                                   of report                             approval
     is reported
                                                                              (SASAC [2003]23)
                                            It began to be
                                            reported since June              The document
                                            2009.                            Notice about
                                            The invested                     Formulation of the
                             Summary sheet
                                            corporation of the               Monthly Flash
                             of quarterly
                                            Company and the                  Report of             The Board
                             information on
    Shenzhen     Controlling                financial staff at the           Enterprises           of
6   SEG Group    shareholder                Headquarters           Quarterly Supervised by         Directors
                             properties of
    Co., Ltd.    (30.24%)                                                    Stated-owned Assets   agrees to
                             the Company prepare the sheet and
                                            consolidate the                  Supervision and       report
                             registered in
                                            statements, which                Administration
                                            are reported through             Commission of the
                                            the State-owned                  State Council
                                            Asset Management                 (SASAC [2003]23)
                                            Information System.
                             consolidated     They should be
                             statements       reported every
                             (including the   month after being
                             Balance Sheet,   printed, signed and
                             the Profit       sealed and reported             The Notice of        The Board
    Shenzhen     Controlling Statement, the   every quarter                   Shenzhen SEG         of
7   SEG Group    shareholder Cash Flow        through the           Monthly   Group Co., Ltd on    Directors
    Co., Ltd.    (30.24%)    Statement, the   State-owned Asset               Submitting of        agrees to
                             Notes to         Management                      Monthly Statements   report
                             Preparation of   Information System.
                             the Statements   They began to be
                             and the          reported on line from
                             Financial        July 2008.
    Shenzhen     Controlling                                               It was provided by
    SEG Group    shareholder                                               Article Three of the
    Co., Ltd.    (30.24%)                                                  Statistics Law of the
                                                                           People's Republic of
                            Statistical                                    China that state
                            survey on the                                  organs, social
                            statements or                                  organizations,
                                                                           corporations, public    The Board
                            monthly and
                                                                  Monthly institutions and         of
                            annual reports Sealed by the
8                                                                          privately or            Directors
    Shenzhen                of the         Company                and
                 Government production of                                  individually owned      agrees to
    Statistics                                                    annually                         report
                 branch     electronics                                    businesses, on
    Bureau                                                                 which statistical
                            industry                                       survey is
                                                                           implemented, must
                                                                           comply with the
                                                                           Statistics Law and
                                                                           the regulations of
                                                                           the state and provide

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                 between the                                  Time or                                    Procedure
       to which                 Type of
No.              organization             Procedure of report period               Basis for report          of
    information               information
                   and the                                   of report                                   approval
     is reported
                                                                                 statistical data
                                                                                 faithfully but not
                                                                                 make a false report,
                                                                                 conceal data, refuse
                                                                                 to report, delay the
                                                                                 report, or fabricate
                                                                                 or falsify data.
                                                                                 Self-governing mass
                                                                                 organizations at the
                                                                                 grass roots level and
                                                                                 citizens have the
                                                                                 obligation to provide
                                                                                 truthfully the
                                                                                 information required
                                                                                 by the statistical
                                                                                 survey of the state.
                                                                                The document
                                                                                Notice about
                                                                                Formulation of the
                                                                                Monthly Flash
                                                                                Report of                The Board
     Shenzhen     Controlling Summary sheet                                     Enterprises              of
                                               Sealed by the
9    SEG Group    shareholder of quarterly                            Quarterly Supervised by            Directors
     Co., Ltd.    (30.24%)    financial assets                                  Stated-owned Assets      agrees to
                                                                                Supervision and          report
                                                                                Commission of the
                                                                                State Council
                                                                                (SASAC [2003]23)
                                                  The hard copy of the
                                List of top 100                                  The requirements
                                                  official website of                                    The Board
                                shareholders of                                  from 2014 Shenzhen
                                                  Shenzhen Branch of                                     of
     Shenzhen     Actual        A-shares and                                     state-owned
10                                                China Securities     Quarterly                         Directors
     SASAC        controller    B-shares in                                      enterprise capital
                                                  Depository and                                         agrees to
                                each quarter of                                  operation
                                                  Clearing Corporation                                   report
                                2014                                             conference

3. Implementation of the corporate governance activities and the establishment and implementation of
insider information and insider registration management system

(1) Implementation of corporate governance activities

To implement the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and related guidelines, according to the
requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, the
Company has officially launched the basic norms of internal control compliance program (hereinafter referred to
as the "Internal Control Project "). During the reporting period, the Company has hired Grant Thornton Public
Accountants Co., Ltd (special general partner) to independently audit the company's internal controls. During the
reporting period, the Company has established internal control for the business and issues that are incorporated

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

into the evaluation scope. The internal control has been implemented effectively to achieve the objectives. There
are no major defects. Since the base date for the internal control evaluation report till the publishing of the internal
control evaluation report, no major changes of the internal control that significantly affects the evaluation
conclusions occurred.

During the reporting period, the Company has organized the directors, supervisors, and senior management
personnel to attend the "Shenzhen Second Insider Trading Alerts Education Fair" organized by Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Bureau on November 7, 2014. The staffs learned the laws and regulations against the insider
trading and the related cases, and clarified specific requirements for preventing insider trading. Based on the
Internal Check Reference Manual for Listed Company released on August 22, 2014 by Shenzhen Securities
Regulatory Bureau, the Company positively perfected the internal control check system and reviewed and
organized the internal control system. The Company fully promoted and fulfilled special works under the spirit of
Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau, to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors. By
means of the above works, the Company has improved the normative consciousness.

(2) Implementation of the insider information and insider management system

According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory
Bureau, the seventh meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors, held on October 28, 2009, approved the Insider
Information and Insider Management System of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. For details, refer to the notice
released on http://www.cninfo.com.cn on October 30, 2009. During the reporting period, the Company controls
the scope of insiders in strict accordance with the Insider Information and Insider Management System, and
registers the insiders and their personal information in a timely manner. In this year, issues in which insiders use
internal information to trade the company's shares before the Company releases major sensitive information that
affects the stock price did not occur, or the issues in which improper implementation of the insider registration
regulations or suspicious insider information trading were punished by the supervisory department with
supervision measures occurred.

During the reporting period, the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel did not illegally trade the
Company‘s stock.

II. Annual meeting of shareholders and interim meeting of shareholders held in the reporting

1. Annual meeting of shareholders in the reporting period
                                                                             Resolution Disclosure
  Meeting No.            Date                  Resolution name                                     Disclosure index
                                                                               status      date
                                     11. 2013 Work Report of the Board
                                     of Directors; 2. 2013 Work Report
                                     of the Board of Supervisors; 3. Final
The 19th                             Account Report 2013 of the              All
Meeting of                           Company; 4. Annual Budget Report        resolutions April 12,   http://www.cninf
                  April 11, 2014     2014 of the Company; 5. Plan on
Shareholders                                                                 were        2014        o.com.cn
(2013)                               Profit Distribution and Transfer of     approved.
                                     Capital reserve into Share Capital in
                                     2013; 6. 2013 Annual Report and
                                     Report Summary of the Company;
                                     7. Proposal on Auditor Engagement

                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  for the 2014 Annual Report and
                                  Payment of Audit Fee 2014; 8.
                                  Proposal on Engagement of Internal
                                  Control Auditor for the 2014 Annual
                                  Report and Payment of Internal
                                  Control Audit Fee; 9. The
                                  Resolution on Requesting the
                                  General Meeting of Shareholders to
                                  Amend the Proposal on
                                  Procurement of Investment Products
                                  with Self-owned Idle Funds of the
                                  Company approved in the Second
                                  Extraordinary General Meeting in
                                  2013; 10. The Proposal on Applying
                                  for General Credit Limit of RMB 1.3
                                  Billion Yuan From Agricultural
                                  Bank of China.

2. Interim meeting of shareholders held in the reporting period
                                                                    Resolution      Disclosure      Disclosure
  Meeting No.           Date             Resolution name
                                                                      status           date           index
First Interim
                                  Proposal for plot maturation
Meeting of                                                        All resolutions April 24,       http://www.cn
                April 23, 2014    and project construction of
Shareholders in                                                   were approved. 2014             info.com.cn
                                  Yantai SEG Times Square
                                  1. Proposal for investing into
                                  the public land auction and
                                  project construction of Xi'an
                                  SEG Times Square; 2. Proposal
Second Interim
                                  for revising the Articles of
Meeting of                                                        All resolutions               http://www.cn
                July 21, 2014     Association; 3. Proposal for                    July 22, 2014
Shareholders in                                                   were approved.                info.com.cn
                                  revising the Rules of Procedure
                                  of Shareholders' Meeting; 4.
                                  Proposal for Procurement of
                                  Investment Products with
                                  Self-owned Idle Funds
                                1. Proposal for electing
                                company supervisors; 2.
Third Interim                   Proposal for revising the
Meeting of                      Articles of Association; 3.     All resolutions August 28,        http://www.cn
                August 27, 2014
Shareholders in                 Proposal for revising the Rules were approved. 2014               info.com.cn
2014                            of Procedure of the Board of
                                Supervisors of Shenzhen SEG
                                Co., Ltd.
Fourth Interim                    Proposal about Offering
Meeting of      December 23,      Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce All resolutions December 24, http://www.cn
Shareholders in 2014              Co., Ltd. with 60 Million Yuan were approved. 2014   info.com.cn
2014                              Financial Assistance

3. Preferred shareholders with voting rights restored requesting for holding Interim Meeting of

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

III. Performance of independent directors in the reporting period

1. Attendance of independent directors in meetings of the Board of Directors and the general meeting of
               Attendance of independent directors in meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company
                                                                                                        Failure to
                        Number of
                                                                                                        attend the
     Name of          meetings to be    Times of        Attendances     Times of
                                                                                         Times of       meeting in
   independent        attended in the   personal          through       entrusted
                                                                                         absence      person in two
     director            reporting      presence       communication    presence
Zhou Hanjun                       17               4              13                0               0 No
Li Luoli                          17               3              13                1               0 No
Song Pingping                     17               4              13                0               0 No
Times for independent directors to
attend the general meeting of                                                                                      5

Reasons for failure to attend the meeting in person in two consecutive times

2. Objections raised by independent directors against relevant matters of the Company

Whether independent directors raised objections against relevant matters of the Company

□ Yes √ No

The independent directors did not raise any objection against relevant matters of the Company in the reporting

3. Other descriptions about the performance of independent directors

Whether the independent directors accepted proposals of the Company

√ Yes □ No

Description about independent directors accepting or rejecting proposals of the Company

During the reporting period, independent directors fully exercise the powers conferred by the Articles of
Association. With their professional expertise, they work with a reasonable caution and diligence attitude to
promote scientific decision-making and related procedures and to protect overall interests of the Company,
especially legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders.

1) The independent directors participate in board meetings in a timely manner and actively fulfill duties of
independent directors. The independent directors have carried out in-depth understanding and careful study on
various proposals made by the Board of Directors. The independent directors actively participate in the
discussions and put forward reasonable proposals. Besides general duties of directors, the independent directors at
the same time always concern about the significant events occurring, independently perform duties beyond the
influence from the Company's controlling shareholder, actual controller or units or personals having stake in the
Company's decision-making. The independent directors review the related transactions, external guarantees,

                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

internal control self-assessment and other important matters in an objective and careful manner. They issue
separate opinions and fulfill the supervision duties.

2) The independent directors actively participate in the work of the Professional Committee of the Board of
Directors. The independent directors also have positions in the Strategic Development Committee, the Audit
Committee, and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors. The independent directors are actively
involved in the daily work of the professional committee to provide professional advice and suggestions in terms
of the Company's development plans, feasibility of major projects, and issuance of short-term financing bonds, in
accordance with the Working Rules of the professional committee. The independent directors support the Board
of Directors to make scientific and prudent decisions.

3) The independent directors focus on the Company's internal control system construction. The independent
directors communicate with the management and personnel in related departments regarding to the construction
and evaluation of the internal control system for multiple times, and provide professional suggestions based on
their experience. They play a supervisory role of independent directors to oversee and promote the company
continue to improve corporate governance structure, establish a sound internal control system, continue to carry
out activities to improve the company's standardized operation.

4) The independent directors in-depth understand the Company's situation. In 2014, the independent directors
have paid on-site visits to the Company and the investment companies, to understand the Company's daily
operations and project construction in a deeply manner. Meanwhile, the independent directors are in close contact
with other directors, senior management personnel, and other related staff by phone calls and emails, so as to learn
the impacts caused by external environment and market changes on the Company and the progress of the
Company's major issues in a timely manner. In addition, the independent directors continue to focus on
information disclosure, and effectively monitor and verify information disclosure. In this manner, the independent
directors ensure that a timely and fair disclosure of corporate information, so that the public shareholders can keep
abreast of the latest development of the company.

Proposals raised by independent directors and the adoption of proposals

       Proposal raised by                                Proposal content                       Form
Zhou Hanjun, Song Pingping, Li Proposal for developing the electronics market using
                                                                                    Oral                 Adopted
Luoli                          the Company's self-built property
Zhou Hanjun, Song Pingping, Li
                               Proposal for business transformation and upgrading            Oral        Adopted
                               Proposal for improving the company internal control
Zhou Hanjun, Song Pingping, Li
                               system and working out a comprehensive risk Oral                          Adopted
                               management program
                                   Proposal for available capital works
Song Pingping, Zhou Hanjun         Proposal for increased focus on new investment Oral                   Adopted
                                   patterns and the development of emerging industries
                                   Proposal for the company organizational restructuring
Zhou Hanjun, Li Luoli                                                                    Oral            Adopted
                                   and establishment of department assessment indicators

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                   Proposal for strengthening the building of enterprise
Li Luoli, Song Pingping                                                                  Oral          Adopted
                                   culture and improving staff cohesion

IV. Performance of duties by special committees of the Board of Directors

During the reporting period, the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Strategic Development
Committee under the Board of Directors fully play their duties in a serious way according to the powers and
duties conferred by the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China, Articles of Association,
and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors.

1. Performance of duties by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

In accordance with the requirements of the Working Rules of the Audit Committee of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd and
the Working Procedures of the Audit Committee of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd for the Annual Report, the Audit
Committee, in the reporting period, performed its duty in a serious way, implemented supervision and inspection
on the establishment and improvement of the internal control system of the Company and a comprehensive
inspection on the annual financial auditing.

1) The review opinion of the Audit Committee on the 2014 Financial Statements of the Company.

In the reporting period, the Audit Committee reviewed the annual financial statements and issued opinions for
twice in accordance with relevant provisions of CSRC.

(1) Before the entrance of the certified public accountant for annual auditing, the Audit Committee reviewed the
financial statements to be audited and issued the first opinion in writing. The Audit Committee believed that the
Company formulated reasonable accounting policies and appropriate accounting estimates in accordance with
relevant requirements of the new accounting standard and based on the actual conditions of the Company; the
financial statements prepared by the Company truthfully reflected the financial status of the Company as of
December, 2014 and the operating results and cash flow of the Company in 2013. The Committee approved the
use of these financial statements as the basis for implementation of the audit work for 2013.

(2) After the completing of the first draft by the CPA, the Audit Committee read the draft in time and
communicated with the CPA. There was no dispute on the important issues mentioned by the 2014 Financial
Statements between the Committee and the CPA. The financial statements comply with the provisions of the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises and relevant laws and regulations. The Audit Committee approved
the use of these financial statements as the basis for the preparation of the 2014 Annual Report and Report

2) Supervision on and impelling over the audit work of the accounting firm

After consultation with Beijing Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd, the auditing institution of 2014, the
arrangement for the 2014 auditing was decided by the Company in December 2014, which was reported to the
Audit Committee in time. After communication with the auditing institution, the Audit Committee believed that
the Company had made preparations in advance based on the actual situation and its time arrangement for the
annual auditing was appropriate. The Audit Committee approved the annual audit plan formulated by the auditing
institution. After the entrance of the auditing institution, the Audit Committee communicated with the relevant
personnel including the main responsible person of the project, the CPA whose signature was provided, got

                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

known about the progress of the audit and the issues concerned about by the CPA, and reported the progress and
the issues to relevant department of the Company in time.

3) The work summary of the Audit Committee for the 2014 auditing conducted by Beijing Da Hua Certified
Public Accountants Co., Ltd.

In order to implement a timely, accurate, true and complete auditing on the annual financial status of the Company,
the accounting institution had implemented initial investigations and arranged the pre-audit in December 2014,
and made technical preparations for adjustments to various accounting items in advance in accordance with
requirements of the Accounting Standard.

During the annual audit, the Audit Committee communicated with the CPA and reviewed the first draft of the
annual report. The Audit Committee believed that the CPA could perform his duty in strict accordance with
auditing laws, regulations and principles, focused on understanding the Company and its operating environment,
understood the establishment, improvement and implementation of the internal control system of the Company,
had a strong awareness of risks, and could finish the audit work in time in accordance with the arranged schedule.
The Audit Committee believed that the CPA was independent and discreet, well finished the auditing on the
Financial Statements of the Company for the Year 2014, and issued a true, objective and fair audit report.

4) The Audit Committee implemented supervision and inspection on the establishment and improvement of
the internal control system and the defect rectification status, and listened to the report about the establishment
of the internal control standardization system.

5) Three meetings were held in the reporting period by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and the
details were as follows:

(1) The Audit Committee of the Company held the first meeting of 2014 on March 9, 2014 in way of
communication. The meeting reviewed and approved the Opinions on the Company's 2013 Annual Financial
Report of the Audit Committee, the work summary the 2013 annual auditing conducted by Beijing Da Hua
Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd, Proposal on Auditor Engagement for the 2014 Annual Report and Payment
of Audit Fee, and Proposal on Engagement of Internal Control Auditor for the 2014 Internal Control and Payment
of Internal Control Audit Fee.

(2) The Audit Committee of the Company held the second meeting of 2014 on July 21, 2014 in way of
communication. The meeting reviewed and approved the Comprehensive Risk Management Approach and
Internal Control Deficiencies Identification Criteria.

(3) The Audit Committee of the Company held the third meeting of 2014 on December 23, 2014 in the conference
room of the Company. The meeting reviewed and approved the Shenzhen SEG Communication Co., Ltd. 2014
Annual Audit Work Plan and Communication Report of the Audit Committee.

2. Performance of duties by the Wage and Assessment Committee of the Board of Directors

The opinion of the Remuneration Committee on the disclosed remuneration of the Directors, Supervisors and
Senior Executives of the Company: Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer Liu Zhijun, Director and Vice
General Manager and Secretary of the Board Zheng Dan, Director and Vice General Manager Zhu Longqing,
Supervisor Tian Jiliang and Supervisor Ying Huadong only received the wages corresponding to their respective
administrative posts; Independent Directors Zhou Hanjun, Li Luoli, and Song Pingping received allowances for

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

independent directors; other directors and supervisors did not receive wages from the Company. The Company
had not implemented the non-independent director and supervisor remuneration system yet.

Two meetings were held in the reporting period by the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors and the
details were as follows:

1) The Remuneration Committee of the Company held the first meeting of 2014 on February 25, 2014 in way of
communication. The meeting reviewed and approved the Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Proposal for the Company's
Organization Restructuring.

2) The Remuneration Committee of the Company held the second meeting of 2014 on December 23, 2014 in the
conference room of the Company. The meeting reviewed and approved the Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Report on
the Development of Innovative Employees.

3. Performance of duties by the Development Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors

Two meetings were held in the reporting period by the Development Strategy Committee of the Board of
Directors and the details were as follows:

1) The Development Strategy Committee of the Company held the first meeting of 2014 on December 23, 2014 in
the conference room of the Company. The meeting reviewed and approved the Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Evaluation Report on the 12th Five-Year Strategic Plan in the Electronics Market.

2) The Development Strategy Committee of the Company held the second meeting of 2014 on December 31,
2014 in way of communication. The meeting reviewed and approved the Company Annual Rolling Business Plan

V. Performance of the Board of Supervisors

Whether the Board of Supervisors found any risk in the Company during supervision in the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The Board of Supervisors raised no objections against the supervised matters in the reporting period.

VI. Description about the Company's independence from controlling shareholders in terms of
business, personnel, asset, organization and finance

1. In the aspect of business, Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau pointed out that "There is an issue of
horizontal competition in the business of electronics markets between the Company and SEG Group" during the
spot inspection in 2007; the Company received the Letter of Commitment in writing from SEG Group on
September14, 2007, which said that "SEG Group and Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. have similar business in electronics
markets in Shenzhen (Shenzhen SEG) due to historic reasons and the objective background of market
development; our Group hereby promises that we will not individually operate a market in a same city whose
business is similar with that of Shenzhen SEG. The aforesaid matter was disclosed on the Securities Times, the
China Securities Journal and the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and the Cninfo Website on September 18, 2007. In
order to solve the issue of horizontal competition between the Company and its controlling shareholder, SEG

                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Group, due to historical reasons, the 6th temporary meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on January 26, 2011
reviewed and approved the Proposal of Solving the Horizontal Competition between the Company and Its
Controlling Shareholder. After friendly consultation, SEG Group agreed to entrust the Company to operate and
manage with full authority SEG Communications Market under direct management of SEG Group. Therefore, the
two parties have signed the entrustment operation and management contract:

1) SEG Group has the ownership and the right to gains of SEG Communication Market and assumes all creditor's
rights and liabilities occurring during the operation of SEG Communications Market. (2) The management
representative from the Company shall operate and management SEG Communications Market during the period
of entrustment operation and management, who has a sufficient authority in operation and management of SEG
Communications Market. (3) In accordance with the provisions of the Company on entrustment management of
the electronics market and with full consideration to the maturity of the entrusted market and whether the market
is located in a primary business area, the Company shall collect from SEG Group the management fee and profit
fee as follows based on the market sound value: the total income of SEG Communications Market in 2010, RMB
20 million Yuan, shall be regarded as the base number; the Company shall collect a management fee of RMB
200,000 Yuan should the total income of the market in the current year is equal to or less than RMB 20 million
Yuan; the Company shall take 20% from the part beyond the base number apart from the management fee that is
RMB 200,000 Yuan should the total income in the current year exceeds RMB 20 million Yuan. The detailed
information about the above-mentioned matter may be referred to in the Public Notice on Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd
on the Related Transaction for the Purpose of Solving the Issue of Horizontal Competition between the Company
and the Controlling Shareholder that was disclosed on the China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the
Hong Kong Commercial Daily and the Cninfo Website on January 28, 2011. Till the date of disclosure of this
report, the Company had received the timely payment of the management fee of 2011 to 2014, RMB 200,000
Yuan, from SEG Group. Therefore, there is no longer the issue of horizontal competition between the Company
and SEG Group.

2. In respect of personnel, the Company's Senior Executives including General Manager, Vice General Manager
and Secretary of the Board of Directors take full-time posts; they receive wages from the Company and do not
take concurrent posts in the Company's first majority shareholder enterprise; the Company has a complete
management system for labor, human resources and wages, which can keep the independence of the personnel.

3. In respect of assets, at the beginning of the Company's establishment, the equity of the eight enterprises
separated from SEG Group to the Company was already audited and evaluated by domestic and overseas
accounting firms, which was acknowledged by the state-owned assets management departments of the state and
Shenzhen Municipality. The controlling shareholder of the eight enterprises was changed from SEG Group to the
Company, which was registered at the Industrial and Commercial Administration. The Company independently
makes registration, establishes accounts, and implements accounting and management so as to maintain the
completeness and independence of the assets. According to the Article Five of the Equity Transfer Agreement
signed by the Company with SEG Group when the Company was listed, SEG Group agreed that the Company and
its subsidiaries and associated companies to use the eight trademarks registered by SEG Group at the National
Trademark Bureau; SEG Group agreed that the Company used the aforesaid trademarks or similar signs as the
Company's logo and used the trademarks and signs during its operation; the Company needn't pay any fee to SEG
Group for using the aforesaid trademarks or signs.

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

4. In respect of organization, the Company can set up organizations and arrange corresponding personnel fully in
accordance with its own demand of operation and management; its production and administrative departments are
totally independent from the majority shareholder.

5. In respect of finance, as a legal entity that implements independent operation and accounting and assumes sole
responsibility for its profits and losses, the Company has set up an independent financial and auditing department,
an independent accounting system and an financial management system, has its independent bank account, pays
taxes independently according to law, and keeps absolute independence in its financial work.

VII. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Assessment and incentive system for senior executives

Performance management principles for senior management personnel

1) Target management principles: In accordance with the annual business objectives and business management
requirements, the performance of senior management personnel is managed based on the objectives.

2) Classified assessment principles: Based on the industry characteristics of the industry, the performance is
assessed based on classification.

3) Incentive and restraint combined principles: Based on the completion of annual objectives, incentives or
punishment on the senior management personnel are implemented in a combination way.

                                    Chapter 10 Internal Control

I. Establishment of the Internal Control System

In 2014, on the basis of the internal control system built up in the previous year, the Company closely associates
the risk management and the internal control system. By re-evaluating the changes of major operating risks, the
Company further improves the internal control system, and focuses on the assessment of comprehensive risk
management and internal control system. The internal risk control and evaluation team has completed a
self-evaluation of the organization and its affiliated investment enterprises in 2014. The team members are
required to avoid the evaluation for the respective departments, to ensure the independence of the internal control
evaluation. The Company has established the internal risk control team and completed the risk evaluation. The
Company plans to carry out risk identification and evaluation again in 2015, establish a risk event library, stipulate
risk monitoring and early-warning indicators, work out coping plans, and improve the internal control system.

                                                               Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

1. The present architecture of internal risk control system of the Company

                                               Comprehensive risk control
                                                management and internal
                                                     control team

          Internal risk control evaluation                                            Internal risk control team

                                         Internal risk              Internal risk                  Internal risk
                                        control team of            control team of                control team of
                                         subsidiary or              subsidiary or     ……         subsidiary or
                                           branch A                   branch B                       branch N

           Person in charge            Person in charge          Person in charge                 Person in charge
           of risk control of          of risk control of        of risk control of               of risk control of
            the department              the department            the department      ……         the department
          (Person in charge           (Person in charge         (Person in charge                (Person in charge
          of the department)          of the department)        of the department)               of the department)

             Risk control                Risk control               Risk control                    Risk control
            commissioner                commissioner               commissioner                    commissioner
             (Department                 (Department                (Department       ……          (Department
              backbone)                   backbone)                  backbone)                       backbone)

2. Internal Control Promotion Progress in the Reporting Period

In 2014, the Company has established the internal control systems for the last three units in the fourth batch
according to the annual internal control work plan, namely, Shunde SEG, Wuxi SEG, and Nanning SEG. The
process organizing, testing, and internal control defect rectification are completed. In addition, the Company has
inspected the internal control works of 10 holding subsidiaries in the on-site inspection manner. The inspection
focused on Nantong SEG, Wujiang SEG, Shunde SEG, Wuxi SEG, and Nanning SEG. The internal risk control
team has completed the self-evaluation of the internal control system for the Company and the investment
enterprise, including the organization of enterprise system process, quantitative sampling tests on certain units,
and rectification of existed internal control defects.

3. External auditors hired for internal control in 2014

The Company has hired Beijing Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd (special general partner) to audit
the company's internal controls. No major internal control defects are found during the auditing. For several
general defects, the Company has required the internal risk control team to complete the rectification.

                                                            Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

II. Statement of the Board of Directors on Internal Control Responsibilities

The Board of Directors and all shareholders of the Company hereby guarantee that no false or misleading
statement or major omission was made to the materials in this report and that they will assume all the
responsibilities, individually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the report.
Establishing a sound internal control system and implementing effective internal control are the responsibilities of
the Board of Directors. The Board of Supervisors shall supervise internal control implementation of the Board of
Directors. The management shall organize and lead internal control in daily work.

The internal control objectives of the Company are: to guarantee business compliance with laws and regulations,
protect assets safety, ensure the authenticity and integrity of financial statements and relevant information,
improve operation efficiency and effect, and promote implementation of development strategies. Due to its
inherent limits, internal control can provide proper guarantee only for the objectives above.

III. Basis for Establishing an Internal Control System for Financial Statements

On the basis of daily and special supervision of internal control, the Company aims to assess the effectiveness of
design and operation of the internal control system by the end of 31.12.14, in accordance with The Basic Standard
for Enterprise Internal Control and The Guidelines for Enterprise Internal Control Assessment formulated by the
Ministry of Finance together with relevant government authorities, and Internal Control Application Manual for Internal
Control System Building of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. and Internal Control Assessment Manual for Internal Control System
Building of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

IV. Internal Control Assessment Report

 Information about the major defects discovered in the reporting period in the internal control assessment report
No major defect in internal control was discovered in the reporting period.
Disclosure date of the internal
                                       March 28, 2015
control evaluation report
Index of the internal control
evaluation report

V. Internal Control Audit Report

                                  Opinion paragraph in the internal control audit report
The Beijing Da Hua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd considers that: On December 31, 2014, Shenzhen SEG
Co., Ltd has implemented effective internal control for the financial reports in all major aspects according to the
Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant provisions.
Disclosure date of the internal
                                        March 28, 2015
control audit report
Disclosure index of the internal
control audit report

Note: The disclosure index can include the number and name of the disclosed announcement and the website on
which the announcement has been disclosed.

Does the accounting firm provide the internal control audit report with a modified opinion?

                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

□ Yes √ No

Is the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm consistent with the self-assessment report
provided by the Board of Directors?

√ Yes □ No

VI. Establishment and Execution of the Accountability System for Major Errors in Annual
Report Information Disclosure

According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other
regulatory authorities, the Company has stipulated the Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Accountability System for Major
Errors in Disclosed Annual Report Information, which was approved by the 15th meeting of the 4th Board of
Directors on April 20, 2010, and implements the accountability system for major errors in the disclosed periodic
report information.

During the reporting period, the Company did not encounter the issues such as correction of major accounting
errors, supplement of serious information omissions, and correction of performance forecast. No major errors
related to the disclosure of periodic reports occurred.

                                   Chapter 11 Financial Report

I. Audit report

Audit opinion type                                         Standard unqualified audit opinion

Signing date of audit report                               March 26. 2015

Name of auditing institution                               Da Hua CPA Co., Ltd. (special general partnership)

Name of the certified public accountant                    Yang Xi and Xin Junliang

                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                         Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

               Audit Report and Financial Statements
                    (From January 1, 2014to December 31, 2014)


Ⅰ   Audit Report

Ⅱ   Audited Financial Statements

     Consolidated Balance Sheet

     Consolidated Profit Statement

     Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

     Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owner's Equity

     Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

     Profit Statement of the Parent Company

     Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

     Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of the Parent

     Notes to the Financial Statements

                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                              I    Auditor's Report

                                                               DA HUA SHEN ZI [2015] No. 3793

To: All shareholders of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.,
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "SEG Company"), which comprise the Consolidated
Balance Sheet and the Balance Sheet of the Parent Company as on December 31,
2014, and the Consolidated Income Statement, the Income Statement of the Parent
Company, the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Statement of Cash Flows
of the Parent Company, the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity,
the Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company for the year then
ended, and the Notes to Financial Statements.
1. Responsibilities of the management for financial statements
The Management of SEG Company is responsible for the preparation and fair
presentation of these financial statements. This responsibility includes: (1) preparing
the financial statements in accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises to achieve a fair presentation; (2) designing, implementing
and maintaining internal control that is necessary to ensure that the financial
statements are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error..
2. Auditor's responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on out
audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for Certified
Public Accountants in China. Those standards require that we comply with
professional and ethical requirements of Chinese certified public accountants, and
plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatements.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements. The selection of the auditing procedure
depends on the judgment of the CPA, including the estimation of the risks on material
misstatements in the financial statements resulted from fraud and malpractice or
mistakes and errors. We took into account the internal control related to the
                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements so as to design an
appropriate auditing procedure. The audit also comprises assessing the
appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the
accounting estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall
presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that we have obtained sufficient and appropriate auditing evidences to
provide a reasonable basis for the issuance of auditing opinions.
3. Auditor's opinion
We believe that the Financial Statements of SEG Company have been prepared in
accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
in all major aspects, which fairly reflect the consolidated and the parent company's
financial position as on December 31, 2014, and the consolidated and the parent
company's operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.

  Da Hua CPA Co., Ltd. (special general
                                                 Chinese Certified Public Accountant

              Beijing, China                     Chinese Certified Public Accountant

                                                               March 26, 2015

                                                                      Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

II. Financial Statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet              Dec. 31, 2014 Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Assets                                      See Note 6         Closing Balance           Opening Balance

Current assets:
 Monetary capital                                                             Note 1                    383,056,680.70         336,593,493.81
 Financial assets measured at fair value and with changes included into
current profit and loss
 Derivative financial assets
 Loans to banks and other financial institutions                              Note 2                     30,000,000.00
 Notes receivable                                                             Note 3                         84,618.08
 Account receivable                                                           Note 4                    185,866,040.16         204,086,309.32
 Advance payment                                                              Note 5                     94,633,317.07          74,002,910.35
 Interest receivable                                                                                                -
 Dividends receivable
 Other receivables                                                            Note 6                     95,366,156.27          25,033,354.72
 Stock                                                                        Note 7                    278,281,586.72          98,000,921.50
 Assets on hand for sale
  Non-current assets maturing within a year
Other current assets                                                          Note 8                    443,543,013.49         419,925,176.02
Subtotal of current assets                                                                            1,510,831,412.49       1,157,642,165.72

Non-current assets:
 Loan and cash advance                                                        Note 9                    452,517,072.06         243,871,438.72
 Financial assets available for sale                                          Note 10                    34,350,035.45          34,357,924.24
 Held-to-maturity investments
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investment                                                  Note 11                    82,100,197.01         112,102,810.03
 Investment property                                                          Note 12                   462,562,882.78         481,517,481.83
 Fixed assets                                                                 Note 13                    41,408,298.43          41,876,654.83
 Projects under construction
 Project material
Disposal of fixed assets
 Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
 Intangible assets                                                            Note 14                       655,587.54             886,901.46
 Development expenses
 Goodwill                                                                     Note 15                    10,328,927.82          10,328,927.82
 Long-term unamortized expenses                                               Note 16                    49,768,678.00          44,178,804.04
 Deferred income tax assets                                                   Note 17                    10,539,563.16            8,177,489.16
 Other non-current assets                                                     Note 18                     4,655,063.54
Subtotal of non-current assets                                                                        1,148,886,305.79         977,298,432.13

Total assets                                                                                          2,659,717,718.28       2,134,940,597.85

Legal representative: Wang Li    Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun     Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                          Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet(continued)Dec. 31, 2014                             Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB

                      Liabilities and shareholders' equity                       See Note 6          Closing Balance          Opening Balance
Current liabilities
 Short-term loans                                                                Note 19                   189,246,687.38          70,000,000.00
  Financial liabilities measured at fair value and with changes included
into current profit and loss
 Derivative financial liabilities
 Notes payable
 Account payable                                                                 Note 20                   200,129,651.92         181,751,142.48
 Account collected in advance                                                    Note 21                   183,059,311.31         208,684,489.90
 Employee compensation payable                                                   Note 22                    18,858,843.33          17,065,382.28
 Taxes and levies payable                                                        Note 23                    39,445,696.47          37,164,892.21
 Interests payable                                                               Note 24                    10,295,250.65
 Dividends payable                                                               Note 25                     1,717,882.74           1,317,296.42
 Other payables                                                                  Note 26                   244,804,403.06         164,189,818.81
  Liabilities on hand for sale
 Non-current liabilities maturing within a year
 Other current liabilities                                                       Note 27                   250,000,000.00
Subtotal of current liabilities                                                                          1,137,557,726.86         680,173,022.10
Non-current liabilities
 Long-term loans
 Bonds payable
   Including: preferred stock
      Perpetual capital securities
 Long-term payables
 Long-term employee compensations payable
 Special accounts payable
 Anticipated liabilities
 Deferred income                                                                 Note 28                     9,705,371.01             762,246.19
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                                 Note 17                    17,085,543.80          18,196,441.90
 Other non-current liabilities
Subtotal of non-current liabilities                                                                         26,790,914.81          18,958,688.09
Total liabilities                                                                                        1,164,348,641.67         699,131,710.19
Shareholders' equity
Equity capital                                                                   Note 29                   784,799,010.00         784,799,010.00
Other equity instruments
 Including: preferred stocks
Perpetual capital securities
Capital reserve                                                                  Note 30                   404,727,257.72         404,357,267.73
Minus: treasury stock
Other comprehensive income                                                       Note 31                        231,817.05             235,756.32
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                                                                 Note 32                   102,912,835.67         102,912,835.67
Undistributed profits                                                            Note 33                      6,299,799.41        -42,080,494.64
Subtotal of shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                                                          1,298,970,719.85      1,250,224,375.08
parent company
 Minority shareholders' equity                                                                             196,398,356.76         185,584,512.58
Subtotal of shareholders' equity                                                                          1,495,369,076.61      1,435,808,887.66
Total of liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                             2,659,717,718.28      2,134,940,597.85

Legal representative: Wang Li       Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun      Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

2. Consolidated profit statement             The Year 2014            Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Item                               See Note 6         Current period                  Previous period
I. Total operation income                                                                     752,414,741.06                   640,435,067.17
Including: operation income                                          Note 34                  681,343,920.99                   597,358,257.82
Interest income                                                                                61,496,910.07                    40,429,967.84
Fee and commission income                                                                        9,573,910.00                     2,646,841.51
II. Total operation costs                                                                     649,917,541.74                   550,540,401.81
Including: operation cost                                            Note 34                  560,944,457.78                   486,411,185.75
Interest cost                                                                                    3,344,972.23                     1,714,995.54
Business tax and surcharges                                          Note 35                   26,612,635.13                    23,667,538.69
Sales expense                                                                                    2,149,313.48                     3,630,236.75
Management expense                                                                             45,406,128.22                    46,740,709.39
Financial expense                                                    Note 36                     9,168,643.60                  -10,488,089.69
Assets impairment loss                                               Note 37                     2,291,391.30                    -1,136,174.62
Plus: revenue change measured at fair value
Returns on investments                                               Note 38                      7,204,943.01                   13,077,808.59
Including: returns from investments in associated and joint
                                                                                                -24,010,440.06                   -3,857,446.81
III. Operation profits                                                                         109,702,142.33                   102,972,473.95
Plus: non-operating income                                           Note 39                     3,135,256.00                     2,526,306.70
Including: gains from non-current assets disposal                                                   21,274.83                        44,307.25
Minus: non-operating expenses                                        Note 40                     1,075,753.92                       246,074.21
Including: losses from non-current assets disposal                                                  14,799.49                        94,416.29
IV. Total profits                                                                              111,761,644.41                   105,252,706.44
Minus: income tax expense                                            Note 41                    33,087,414.03                    32,453,760.89
V. Net profits                                                                                  78,674,230.38                    72,798,945.55
Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company                                         48,380,294.05                    54,338,735.35
Minority interest income                                                                        30,293,936.33                    18,460,210.20
VI. Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income                                                -5,916.59                       -66,903.01
Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                                     -3,939.27                      -44,544.02
owners of the parent company
(I) Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified into
                                                                                                           -                                -
profit and loss
   1. Change of net liabilities or net assets after recalculating
defined benefit plan.
   2. Shares of other comprehensive incomes that cannot be
reclassified into profit and loss and are attributable to the
investment enterprise according to equity method.
(II) Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into
                                                                                                     -3,939.27                      -44,544.02
profit and loss
1. Shares of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified
into profit and loss and are attributable to the investment
enterprise according to equity method
2. Change of financial assets available for sale measured at fair
                                                                                                     -3,939.27                      -44,544.02
3. Held-to-maturity investment reclassified as available for sale
financial assets
4. Valid part of cash flow hedging gains and losses
5. Foreign currency conversion difference in financial statement
6. Investment returns from package disposal of subsidiary's equity
investment before losing control right
Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                                     -1,977.32                      -22,358.99
minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                                 78,668,313.79                    72,732,042.54
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                                48,376,354.78                    54,551,428.83
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                                30,291,959.01                    18,180,613.71
VIII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earning per share                                                                               0.06                            0.07
(II) Diluted earning per share                                                                            0.06                            0.07

Legal representative: Wang Li   Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun     Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

3. Consolidated cash flow statement                The Year 2014 Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                   Unit:
                                                          RMB Yuan

                                   Item                                 See Note 6        Current period             Previous period
   I. Cash flow generated by operation activities
   Cash generated by goods sales and service delivery                                     1,939,331,584.78                935,318,635.23
   Cash in the forms of interest, fee and commission                                            72,018,080.07              41,726,001.54
   Refunds of taxes and levies                                                                  89,775,871.83
   Other cash related to operation activities                           Note 42               338,008,186.19              386,684,123.32
   Subtotal of cash inflow from operation activities                                         2,439,133,722.87           1,363,728,760.09
   Cash paid for goods and service delivered                                                 1,992,374,811.35             790,633,172.09
   Net decrease by lending to other financial institutions                                      30,000,000.00
   Net increase of clients' loans and advance payments                                        210,971,045.00              109,688,255.66
   Cash paid for interests, fees and commissions                                                 3,287,222.24               1,714,995.54
   Cash paid to and for the employees                                                           95,611,490.67              79,999,122.52
   Various taxes and levies paid                                                              141,705,938.09              122,678,895.52
   Other cash paid for operation activities                             Note 42               393,116,836.46              381,544,865.46
   Subtotal of cash outflow from operation activities                                     2,867,067,343.81              1,486,259,306.79
   Net cash flow generated by operation activities                                            -427,933,620.94            -122,530,546.70
   II. Cash flow generated by investment activities
   Cash received by recouping the capital outlay                                          3,950,900,000.00              2,236,986,402.78
   Cash received from returns on investments                                                    37,207,556.03              18,559,032.46
   Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                                    25,300.00                   44,707.25
   assets and other long term assets;
   Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other                                          -                          -
   Other cash received relating to investment activities                Note 42                  9,500,000.00                        -
   Cash inflow from investment activities                                                    3,932,632,856.03           2,255,590,142.49
   Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                                                26,270,729.51              17,651,151.32
   intangible assets and other long term assets
   Cash payment for investments                                                           3,888,579,000.00              2,295,786,000.00
   Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other
   Other cash payments relating to investment activities.                                                                   2,044,318.82
   Cash outflow for investment activities                                                    3,849,849,729.51           2,315,481,470.14
   Net cash flow generated by investment activities                                             82,783,126.52             -59,891,327.65
   III. Cash flow from financing activities
   Cash received by attracting investments                                                                 -                           -
   Including: cash received by affiliated companies from absorbing
                                                                                                           -                           -
   minority shareholders' investments
   Cash received by obtaining loan                                                             355,400,000.00             135,000,000.00
   Cash received by issuing bonds                                                              250,000,000.00
   Cash received relating to other financing activities.                Note 42                 72,952,371.12              25,000,000.00
   Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                           678,352,371.12             160,000,000.00
   Cash paid for repayment of debts                                                            236,153,312.62              65,000,000.00
   Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits, or cash                                  29,547,818.85               9,026,919.76
   Including: dividends and profits paid by the affiliated companies
                                                                                                19,156,907.18                9,026,919.76
   to minority shareholders
   Cash payments relating to other financing activities                 Note 42                 21,037,568.50              21,089,863.01
   Subtotal of cash outflow for financing activities                                           286,738,699.97              95,116,782.77
   Net cash flow generated by financing activities                                             391,613,671.15              64,883,217.23
   IV. Influence of exchange rate change on cash and cash
                                                                                                        10.16                    -316.25
   V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                 46,463,186.89            -117,538,973.37
   Plus: year beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                   335,593,493.81             453,132,467.18
   VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                            382,056,680.70             335,593,493.81

Legal representative: Wang Li   Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun   Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                                                                                                                       Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

       4. Consolidated statement of changes in owners' equity                                        The Year 2014                     Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                              See                                                                                       Amount of current period
                                                            Note 6
                                                                                                         Shareholders' equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
                                                                                      Other equity                       Minus: treasury Other comprehensive               Special                                              Minority        Total shareholders'
                                                                     Capital stock                   Capital reserve                                                                 Surplus reserve   Undistributed profits
                                                                                      instruments                              stock                 income               reserves                                         shareholders' equity        equity
I. Closing balance of previous year                                  784,799,010.00                     404,357,267.73                                    235,756.32                  102,912,835.67        -42,080,494.64     185,584,512.58      1,435,808,887.66
Plus: changes in accounting policies
Preliminary errors correction
Enterprise merger under same parent company
II. Current year opening value                                       784,799,010.00                      404,357,267.73                                  235,756.32                   102,912,835.67        -42,080,494.64     185,584,512.58      1,435,808,887.66
III. Current year increase/decrease change                                                                   369,989.99                                   -3,939.27                                          48,380,294.05      10,813,844.18         59,560,188.95
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                            -3,939.27                                          48,380,294.05      30,291,959.01         78,668,313.79
(II) Shareholders' investments and capital reduction                                                          67,618.87                                                                                                             79,378.67            146,997.54
1. Common stocks of shareholders
2. Capital investments of other equity instrument holders
3. Amount of stock payment included into shareholder
4. Other                                                                                                      67,618.87                                                                                                             79,378.67            146,997.54
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                      -19,557,493.50        -19,557,493.50
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
2. Distribution for the shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                           -19,557,493.50        -19,557,493.50
3. Other
(IV) Shareholder equity internal carrying forward
1. Capital reserve converted into stock capital increase
2. Surplus reserve converted into stock capital increase
3. Surplus reserve to offset losses
4.Change of carrying forward and re-calculating net
 liabilities or net assets in defined benefit plan
5. Other
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in current period
2. Use in current period
(VI) Others                                                                                                  302,371.12                                                                                                                                  302,371.12
IV. Closing balance of current year                                  784,799,010.00                      404,727,257.72                                  231,817.05                   102,912,835.67          6,299,799.41     196,398,356.76      1,495,369,076.61

       Legal representative: Wang Li                                      Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun                                       Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                                                                                                      Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Consolidated statement of changes in owners' equity (continued)                                     The Year 2014                 Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                                                                                   Amount of previous period

                                                                                            Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                        Other equity                       Minus:        Other comprehensive Special                         Undistributed        Minority       Total shareholders'
                                                       Capital stock                   Capital reserve                                                     Surplus reserve
                                                                        instruments                    treasury stock            income         reserves                        profits     shareholders' equity        equity
I. Closing balance of previous year                    784,799,010.00                  404,100,030.23                               280,300.34             102,912,835.67    -96,419,229.99      176,705,783.81    1,372,378,730.06
Plus: changes in accounting policies
Preliminary errors correction
Enterprise merger under same parent company
II. Current year opening value                         784,799,010.00                  404,100,030.23                            280,300.34                102,912,835.67    -96,419,229.99       176,705,783.81    1,372,378,730.06
III. Current year increase/decrease change                                                 257,237.50                            -44,544.02                                   54,338,735.35         8,878,728.77       63,430,157.60
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                   -44,544.02                                   54,338,735.35        18,437,851.21       72,732,042.54
(II) Shareholders' investments and capital reduction                                       257,237.50                                                                                                -489,722.44         -232,484.94
1. Common stocks of shareholders
2. Capital investments of other equity instrument
3. Amount of stock payment included into
shareholder equity
4. Other                                                                                   257,237.50                                                                                                -489,722.44         -232,484.94
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                          -9,069,400.00       -9,069,400.00
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
2. Distribution for the shareholders                                                                                                                                                               -9,069,400.00       -9,069,400.00
3. Other
(IV) Shareholder equity internal carrying forward
1. Capital reserve converted into stock capital
2. Surplus reserve converted into stock capital
3. Surplus reserve to offset losses
4.Change of carrying forward and re-calculating net
 liabilities or net assets in defined benefit plan
5. Other
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in current period
2. Use in current period
(VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of current year                    784,799,010.00                  404,357,267.73                            235,756.32                102,912,835.67    -42,080,494.64       185,584,512.58    1,435,808,887.66

Legal representative: Wang Li                                Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun                                    Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                         Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

5. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company                     Dec. 31, 2014 Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                Unit:
RMB Yuan

                           Assets                                   See Note 14              Closing Balance              Opening Balance

Current assets:
Monetary capital                                                                                   204,395,253.65                173,141,378.64

Financial assets measured at fair value and with
changes included into current profit and loss

Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Account receivable                                                     Note 1
Advance payment                                                                                                -                      142,310.00
Interest receivable                                                                                    897,225.78
Dividends receivable
Other receivables                                                      Note 2                      410,453,048.03                200,493,973.07
Stock                                                                                                  786,589.00
Assets on hand for sale
Non-current assets maturing within a year
Other current assets                                                                               463,590,246.68                301,248,167.86
Subtotal of current assets                                                                       1,080,122,363.14                675,025,829.57
Non-current assets:
Financial assets available for sale                                                                 33,515,392.83                  33,515,392.83
Held-to-maturity investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment                                            Note 3                      382,083,723.25                374,086,336.27
Investment property                                                                                294,918,970.98                305,731,220.77
Fixed assets                                                                                        19,583,422.45                  19,959,818.75
Projects under construction
Project material
Disposal of fixed assets
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets                                                                                      271,067.06                     401,813.18
Development expenses
Long-term unamortized expenses                                                                       4,589,158.00                   4,025,337.44
Deferred income tax assets                                                                           8,354,062.87                   5,992,016.37
Other non-current assets                                                                             1,313,063.54
Subtotal of non-current assets                                                                     744,628,860.98                743,711,935.61
Total assets                                                                                     1,824,751,224.12               1,418,737,765.18

Legal representative: Wang Li       Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun    Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                           Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Balance Sheet of the Parent Company(continued)                           Dec. 31, 2014 Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB Yuan
              Liabilities and shareholders' equity                     See Note 14             Closing Balance             Opening Balance
  Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                                                                                  100,000,000.00
  Financial liabilities measured at fair value and with
  changes included into current profit and loss
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Account payable                                                                                          1,500.00                    375,000.00
  Account collected in advance                                                                       65,628,441.87                  76,806,434.67
  Employee compensation payable                                                                        9,907,467.00                  7,727,646.55
  Taxes and levies payable                                                                           20,697,003.64                 24,258,147.48
  Interests payable                                                                                  10,237,500.66
  Dividends payable                                                                                     119,803.29                     119,803.29
  Other payables                                                                                     87,202,387.17                  71,183,956.83
  Liabilities on hand for sale
  Non-current liabilities maturing within a year
  Other current liabilities                                                                         250,000,000.00
  Subtotal of current liabilities                                                                   543,794,103.63                180,470,988.82
  Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loans
  Bonds payable
  Including: preferred stock
  Perpetual capital securities
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee compensations payable
  Special accounts payable
  Anticipated liabilities
  Deferred income                                                                                      9,500,000.00
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
  Subtotal o f   non-current liabilities                                                               9,500,000.00                            -
  Total liabilities                                                                                 553,294,103.63                180,470,988.82
  Shareholders' equity
  Equity capital                                                                                    784,799,010.00                784,799,010.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: preferred stocks
  Perpetual capital securities
  Capital reserve                                                                                   405,955,264.44                405,652,893.32
  Minus: treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                                                                         82,084,912.79                  82,084,912.79
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                                                                                  102,912,835.67                102,912,835.67
  Undistributed profits                                                                              -22,209,989.62                -55,097,962.63
  Subtotal of shareholders' equity                                                                1,271,457,120.49               1,238,266,776.36
  Total of liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                   1,824,751,224.12               1,418,737,765.18

Legal representative: Wang Li        Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun   Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                        Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

6. Profit Statement of the Parent Company                      The Year 2014           Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. Unit:
RMB Yuan

                                Item                                See Note 14         Current period             Previous Period

I. Total operation income                                             Note 4                125,724,062.61               125,223,812.70
Minus: operation cost                                                 Note 4                 76,758,875.18                75,283,936.52
Business tax and surcharges                                                                   7,389,606.24                 6,996,763.83
Sales expense
Management expense                                                                            22,468,321.28               19,946,625.28
Financial expense                                                                              7,413,635.27              -16,856,983.54
Assets impairment loss                                                                           -51,814.00                  297,476.00
Plus: revenue change measured at fair value
Returns on investments                                                Note 5                  31,358,353.59               25,580,047.21
Including: returns from investments in associated and joint
                                                                                             -24,010,440.06               -3,857,446.81
II. Operation profits                                                                         43,103,792.23               65,136,041.82
Plus: non-operating income                                                                       721,464.41                  275,392.00
Including: gains from non-current assets disposal                                                  1,975.00
Minus: non-operating expenses                                                                    132,950.00                   32,822.95
Including: loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                1,270.00                   12,822.95
III. Total profits                                                                            43,692,306.64               65,378,610.87
Minus: income tax expense                                                                     10,804,333.63               14,363,531.71
IV. Net profit                                                                                32,887,973.01               51,015,079.16
V. Post-tax net value of other comprehensive income                                                     -                           -
    (I) Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified
                                                                                                         -                           -
into profit and loss
   1. Change of net liabilities or net assets after recalculating
defined benefit plan.
    2. Shares of other comprehensive incomes that cannot be
reclassified into profit and loss and are attributable to the
investment enterprise according to equity method.
    (II) Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified
                                                                                                         -                           -
into profit and loss
   1. Shares of other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit and loss and are attributable to the
investment enterprise according to equity method
  2. Change of financial assets available for sale measured
at fair value
    3. Held-to-maturity investment reclassified as available
for sale financial assets
 4. Valid part of cash flow hedging gains and losses
   5. Foreign currency conversion difference in financial
    6. Investment returns from package disposal of
subsidiary's equity investment before losing control right
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                                32,887,973.01               51,015,079.16
VII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earning per share
(II) Diluted earning per share

Legal representative: Wang Li     Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun      Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                      Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

7. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company                       The Year 2014         Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                              See Note 14          Current period                 Previous period
I. Cash flow generated by operation activities
Cash generated by goods sales and service delivery                                         114,802,727.21                   123,434,262.28
Refunds of taxes and levies
Other cash related to operation activities                                                 395,074,870.68                   277,120,095.33
Subtotal of cash inflow from operation activities                                          509,877,597.89                   400,554,357.61
Cash paid for goods and service delivered                                                   34,329,122.58                    34,813,265.05
Cash paid to and for the employees                                                          37,875,519.23                    32,813,599.53
Various taxes and levies paid                                                               98,652,745.40                    86,501,019.37
Other cash paid for operation activities                                                   515,490,539.56                   336,845,568.35
Subtotal of cash outflow from operation activities                                         686,347,926.77                   490,973,452.30
Net cash flow generated by operation activities                                           -176,470,328.88                   -90,419,094.69
II. Cash flow generated by investment activities
Cash received by recouping the capital outlay                                            3,581,000,000.00                 1,760,166,000.00
Cash received from returns on investments                                                   60,463,740.83                    30,237,260.02
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                                  5,420.00                          400.00
assets and other long term assets;
Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business entities
Other cash received relating to investment activities                                        9,500,000.00
Cash inflow from investment activities                                                   3,650,969,160.83                 1,790,403,660.02
Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                                              3,672,148.03                    2,648,110.10
intangible assets and other long term assets
Cash payment for investments                                                             3,782,000,000.00                 1,820,686,000.00
Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other
business entities
Other cash payments relating to investment activities.
Cash outflow for investment activities                                                   3,785,672,148.03                 1,823,334,110.10
Net cash flow generated by investment activities                                          -134,702,987.20                   -32,930,450.08
III. Cash flow from financing activities
Cash received by attracting investments                                                               -                                 -
Cash received by obtaining loan                                                            180,000,000.00
Cash received by issuing bonds                                                             250,000,000.00
Cash received relating to other financing activities.                                          302,371.12
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                          430,302,371.12                               -
Cash paid for repayment of debts                                                            80,000,000.00
Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits, or cash
payments for interests
Cash payments relating to other financing activities                                           742,500.00
Subtotal of cash outflow for financing activities                                           87,875,193.34                               -
Net cash flow generated by financing activities                                            342,427,177.78
IV. Influence of exchange rate change on cash and cash
                                                                                                      13.31                         -318.01
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                31,253,875.01                  -123,349,862.78
Plus: year beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                  173,141,378.64                   296,491,241.42
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                           204,395,253.65                   173,141,378.64

Legal representative: Wang Li   Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun   Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                                                                                                 Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

8.Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of the Parent Company                                      The Year 2014              Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        See Note
                        Item                                                                                                   Amount of current period
                                                                                    Other equity                     Minus: treasury Other comprehensive    Special                                       Minority shareholders'
                                                                   Capital stock                   Capital reserve                                                    Surplus reserve Undistributed profits
                                                                                    instruments                          stock              income         reserves                                               equity
I. Closing balance of previous year                                784,799,010.00                   405,652,893.32                                                    102,912,835.67       -55,097,962.63   1,238,266,776.36
Plus: changes in accounting policies
Preliminary errors correction
II. Current year opening value                                     784,799,010.00                   405,652,893.32                                                    102,912,835.67       -55,097,962.63     1,238,266,776.36
III. Current year increase/decrease change                                                              302,371.12                                                                          32,887,973.01        33,190,344.13
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                              32,887,973.01        32,887,973.01
(II) Shareholders' investments and capital
1. Common stocks of shareholders
2. Capital investments of other equity instrument
3. Amount of stock payment included into
shareholder equity
(III) Profit distribution
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
2. Distribution for the shareholders
3. Other
(IV) Shareholder equity internal carrying forward
1. Capital reserve converted into stock capital
2. Surplus reserve converted into stock capital
3. Surplus reserve to offset losses
4.Change of carrying forward and re-calculating
net liabilities or net assets in defined benefit plan
5. Other
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in current period
2. Use in current period
 (VI) Others                                                                                            302,371.12                                                                                                  302,371.12
IV. Closing balance of current year                                784,799,010.00                   405,955,264.44                                                    102,912,835.67       -22,209,989.62     1,271,457,120.49

Legal representative: Wang Li                               Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun               Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

                                                                                                                                                 Full text of 2014 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of the Parent Company(continued)                                         The Year 2014              Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                                                                        Amount of previous period
                                                                         Other equity                            Minus: treasury   Other comprehensive                                                                Total shareholders'
                                                        Capital stock                   Capital reserve                                                  Special reserves   Surplus reserve   Undistributed profits
                                                                         instruments                                 stock                income                                                                            equity
I. Closing balance of previous year                     784,799,010.00                   405,652,893.32                                                                      102,912,835.67     -106,113,041.79       1,187,251,697.20
Plus: changes in accounting policies
Preliminary errors correction
II. Current year opening value                          784,799,010.00                   405,652,893.32                                                                      102,912,835.67     -106,113,041.79       1,187,251,697.20
III. Current year increase/decrease change                                                                                                                                                        51,015,079.16          51,015,079.16
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                    51,015,079.16          51,015,079.16
(II) Shareholders' investments and capital
1. Common stocks of shareholders
2. Capital investments of other equity instrument
3. Amount of stock payment included into
shareholder equity
(III) Profit distribution
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
2. Distribution for the shareholders
3. Other
(IV) Shareholder equity internal carrying forward
1. Capital reserve converted into stock capital
2. Surplus reserve converted into stock capital
3. Surplus reserve to offset losses
4.Change of carrying forward and re-calculating
net liabilities or net assets in defined benefit plan
5. Other
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in current period
2. Use in current period
 (VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of current year                     784,799,010.00                   405,652,893.32                                                                      102,912,835.67       -55,097,962.63      1,238,266,776.36

Legal representative: Wang Li                                Person in charge of accounting: Liu Zhijun           Responsible person of the accounting institution: Ying Huadong

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                          III     错误!未找到引用源。

                             Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

I. Company profile

(1) Registered domicile, organization structure and headquarters address of the Company

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company") was incorporated on July 16,
1996 through public offering with Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. as the sole initiator upon the approval of
relevant authorities of Shenzhen Municipality and the State in accordance with relevant provisions of the
Company Law of the People's Republic of China. The Company received a Business License for Enterprise Legal
Person (SHEN SI ZI No. N16886) with a registration number (440301103573251). Upon the approval of the
securities administration departments of Shenzhen Municipality and the State, the Company's B shares and A
shares started to be listed and traded on Shenzhen Stock Exchange respectively in July and December, 1996.

On June 7, 2006, a resolution was adopted at the general meeting of shareholders on the share structure reform of
the Company. According to the plan on the conversion of capital reserve into capital shares, the Company
distributed such converted and increased capital shares to the tradable A share shareholders. Such shareholders
obtained 4.6445 shares of converted and increased capital shares for each 10 shares, which totaled 40,233,322
shares of converted and increased capital shares. As a result, relevant non-tradable A shares were authorized to be
listed and circulated. Among the converted and increased capital shares obtained by the tradable A share
shareholders, 6,997,054 shares were received due to the company's share capital expansion and the rest of
33,236,268 shares were the consideration paid to the tradable A share shareholders by non-tradable A share
shareholders under fixed arrangements.

Up to December 31, 2014, the total capital shares of the company amounted to 784,799,010 shares, including
26,689 restricted shares and 784,772,321 unrestricted shares. The registered capital of the Company is RMB
784,799,010, and its registered domicile is 31/F, Tower A, Qunxing Plaza, North Huaqiang Road, Futian District,
Shenzhen. The parent company of the Company is Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. and the final controller of the
group is Shenzhen Municipal People's Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

(2) Business scope

Business Scope: Domestic commerce, goods supply and sale (excluding commodities under special operation,
control and sale), engaging in other industries as may be applied for with specific projects, economic information
consultancy, property lease, real estate agency, and operation of SEG special electronics markets (the license for
the special markets shall be specially applied for).

(3) Company business type and main operation activities

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

The company belongs to the commercial service industry. It major products or services include the operation and
management of the special electronics markets, lease business and other services in the tertiary industry.

(4) Approval and disclosure of the financial statements

The Financial Statements were approved for disclosure by all directors of the Company on March 26, 2015.

II. Scope of the consolidated financial statements

There are 20 entities covered in the scope of the consolidated financial statements, including:

                                                           Type of                Shareholding          Voting right
                  Subsidiary name                                        Level
                                                          subsidiary             proportion (%)        proportion (%)
Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Share-controlled
                                                                          Ⅰ                 66.58                 66.58
Ltd.                                            subsidiary
Shenzhen Mellow Orange              Business    Hotel Share-controlled
                                                                          Ⅱ                      --               66.58
Management Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiary
Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.                              Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd.                                        Ⅰ                 46.00                 51.00
Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Share-controlled
                                                                          Ⅰ                 70.00                 70.00
Ltd.                                            subsidiary
Suzhou SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Share-controlled
                                                                          Ⅰ                 45.00                 45.00
Ltd.                                          subsidiary
Xi'an SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd.                                    Ⅰ                 65.00                 65.00
Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd.                                             Ⅰ                 53.02                 53.02
Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd.                                         Ⅰ                 51.00                 51.00
Shenzhen SEG Nanjing            Electronics    Market Wholly-owned
                                                                          Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Management Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiary
Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd.                            Ⅰ                 51.00                 51.00
Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Share-controlled
                                                                          Ⅰ                 51.00                 51.00
Ltd.                                           subsidiary
Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd                                      Ⅰ                 51.00                 51.00
Shunde SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Wholly-owned
                                                                          Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Ltd                                           subsidiary
Nanning SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Wholly-owned
                                                                          Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Ltd.                                           subsidiary
Nantong SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd.                            Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Yantai SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd.                             Ⅰ                 90.00                 90.00
Nantong SEG Commercial Operation Management Wholly-owned
                                                                          Ⅰ                100.00                100.00
Co., Ltd.                                   subsidiary
Suzhou SEG Digital Plaza Management Co., Ltd.                             Ⅰ                100.00                100.00

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                     Type of                        Shareholding        Voting right
                  Subsidiary name                                    Level
                                                    subsidiary                     proportion (%)      proportion (%)
Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG Times Square Wholly-owned
                                                                       Ⅰ                     100.00              100.00
Properties Co., Ltd.                     subsidiary

For some subsidiaries, the reason for the differences between shareholding proportion and voting right proportion
and the basis for the Company to control the subsidiary when its voting right proportion is below 50% are
described in Notes to the Financial Statement – Section 8 Rights and Benefits in Other Entities – (1) Rights and
Benefits in Subsidiaries.

Compared with the entities covered in the scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements in the last period, there
are four newly added entities as follows:

1. Subsidiaries, special-purpose entities and operating entities whose share-controlling right is formed through
trustee operation or lessee, which are included in the consolidation scope in the current period

                       Name                                                   Reason for change
Yantai SEG Times Square Development Co., Ltd.    Newly invested and created
Nantong SEG Commercial Operation Management
                                            Newly invested and created
Co., Ltd.
Suzhou SEG Digital Plaza Management Co., Ltd.    Newly invested and created
Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG Times Square
                                         Newly invested and created
Properties Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries, special-purpose entities and operating entities whose share-controlling right is lost through trusted
operation or lease taking, which are excluded from the consolidation scope in the current period

There are no subsidiaries, special-purpose entities and operating entities whose share-controlling right is lost
through trusted operation or lease taking, which are excluded from the consolidation scope in the current period.

III. Basis of preparation of the financial statements

(1) Basis of preparation of the financial statements

The Company has conducted confirmation and measurement based on the continuous operation principle and the
transactions and events that have actually occurred and in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (ASBE) which comprises a basic standard and specific standards, the application guide of ASBE, the
interpretation of ASBE, and other relevant regulations (hereinafter collectively called "the ASBE"), the No. 15
Preparation Conventions of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public - General
Regulations on Financial Report (amended in 2014) released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC), and then prepared the financial statements on this basis.

(2) Continuous operation

Within 12 months after the end of the reporting period, the Company has no events or conditions that may
generate major doubts about the continuous operation ability of the Company.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

IV. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates

(3) Statement on compliance with ASBE

The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises and truthfully and completely reflect relevant information on the financial position,
operating results, and cash flows of the Company.

(4) Accounting period

A fiscal year lasts from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.

(5) Recording currency

Renminbi is the recording currency of the financial statements of the Company.

(6) Accounting methods for the enterprises merger under or not under common control

1. Gradual realization of the terms, conditions and economic influences for each transaction during the enterprises
merger process is compliant with one or more of the following circumstances, and the multiple transaction events
are treated in accounting as a basket of transactions:

1) These transactions are executed when or after their mutual influences are considered;

2) These transactions can only achieve a complete commercial outcome after they are integrated;

3) The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;

4) Although one transaction is independently uneconomical, it is economical when it is being considered with
other transactions.

2. Enterprises merger under common control

5) Individual financial statement

If the Company pays cash, transfers non-monetary assets or bears debts, or issues equity securities as the
consideration of the merger, the book value of the shares of the owners' equity obtained from the merged party on
the merger date is taken as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. The capital reserve is
adjusted for the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the merger
consideration, and the retained profits are adjusted if the capital reserve is not sufficient for off-setting. If there is
any contingent consideration and the estimated liabilities or assets need to be recognized, the capital reserve
(capital premium or share premium) is adjusted for the difference between the amount of the estimated liabilities
or assets and the amount of the contingent consideration, and the retained profits are adjusted if the capital reserve
is not sufficient.

For the enterprises merger that is finally realized through multiple transactions, if such transactions belong to a
basket of transactions, each transaction is treated in accounting as if the transaction is a transaction that obtains the
controlling right. If such transactions do not belong to a basket of transactions, on the date of obtaining the
controlled right, the capital reserve is adjusted for the difference between the initial investment cost of the
long-term equity investment and the book value of the long-term equity investment before the merger plus the
book value of the newly obtained share consideration on the date of the merger, and the retained profits are
adjusted if the capital reserve is not sufficient for off-setting. For the equity investment held before the date of

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

merger, the accounting treatment is temporarily not conducted for other comprehensive incomes recognized
through the calculation in the equity method or through the calculation in the recognition and measurement
principles for financial instruments, until when disposing of the item of investment, the accounting treatment is
performed on the same basis as that for the invested entity to directly dispose of the related assets or liabilities.
The accounting treatment is temporarily not conducted for the other changes in the owner's equity except the net
profits/losses, other comprehensive incomes and profits distribution in the net assets of the invested entity
recognized through the calculation in the equity method, until they are included into the profits and losses of the
current period upon disposal of this item of investment.

All the direct and related expenses incurred by the merger, including the audit fees, evaluation expenses, legal
service fees, are included into the profits and losses of the current period upon their incurrence. The capital public
reserve is offset for the trading expenses directly relating to the merger consideration that is represented by the
issued equity instruments. If the capital reserve is not sufficient for offsetting, offset the surplus reserve and
undistributed profits in sequence. The trading expenses directly related to the merger consideration represented by
the issued debt instruments are included as the initial recognition amount of such debt instruments.

If the merged party has consolidated financial statements, the initial investment cost of long-term equity
investment shall be determined based on the owners' equity attributable to the parent company in the consolidated
financial statements on the date of merger.

6) Consolidated financial statement

The assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party in the enterprises merger are measured by the book value
of the owners' equity of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller on the
date of merger.

For the enterprises merger that is finally realized through multiple transactions, if such transactions belong to a
basket of transactions, each transaction is treated in accounting as if the transaction is a transaction that obtains the
controlling right. If such transactions do not belong to a basket of transactions, for the long-term equity
investment held by the merging party before the merger, the changes in the related profits/losses, other
comprehensive incomes and other owners' equity that are recognized between the date of obtainment or the date
on which both the merging party and merged party are under the final control of the same party (whichever is later)
and the date of merger shall be respectively offset by the opening retained incomes of the period or the profits and
losses of the current period.

When the accounting policies of the merged parties are not consistent with those of the Company, the Company
makes adjustments in accordance with its own accounting policies on the date of merger and then confirms in
accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises.

3. Enterprises merger not under common control

The cost for the enterprises merger not under common control is the fair value of the assets paid, the liabilities
incurred or assumed, and the equity instruments or debt instruments issued by the Company for acquiring the
control right of the merged party on the date of acquisition. If future items likely to influence the merger cost, for
which a relevant agreement has been reached, are estimated very possible to occur on the date of acquisition and
the amount of their influence on the merger cost can be measured reliably, these future items are also recorded
into the cost for the merger.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

The auditing, legal, appraisal and consulting, and other management fees paid by the Company during the
enterprises merger shall be included in profits and losses of the current period in which they are incurred. The
transaction expenses paid by the Company for the equity instruments or debt instruments issued as the merger
consideration shall be included in the initial recognition amount of equity instruments or debt instruments.

If the Company's cost for the enterprises merger is more than the Company's interest in the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of the purchased party, the difference is recognized as goodwill. If the Company's cost on
enterprises merger is less than the Company's interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the
purchased party, and after confirmation such condition still exists, the difference between the aforesaid two
amounts is included in the profits and losses of the current period.

For the enterprises merger not under common control that is gradually realized through multiple exchange
transactions, if such transactions belong to a basket of transactions, each transaction is treated in accounting as if
the transaction is a transaction that obtains the controlling right. If such transactions do not belong to a basket of
transactions, the relevant accounting treatment is performed for individual financial statements and consolidated
financial statements respectively.

7) In the individual financial statements, if the equity investment held before the date of merger is calculated in
the equity method, the initial investment cost of this item of investment is the sum of the book value of the equity
investment of the purchased party held before the date of acquisition and the cost of the newly added investment
on the date of acquisition. For the other comprehensive incomes of the equity investment held before the date of
acquisition recognized based on the calculation in the equity method, the accounting treatment shall be performed
on the same basis as that for the invested entity to directly dispose of the relevant assets or liabilities.

If the equity investment held before the date of merger is calculated in accordance with the financial instruments
recognition and calculation rules, the initial investment cost is the sum of the fair value of the equity investment
on the date of merger and the cost of the newly added investment. The difference between the fair value and the
book value of the originally held equity as well as the accumulated fair value changes that are originally included
into other comprehensive incomes shall all be transferred into the investment incomes of the period in which the
merger occurs.

8) In consolidated financial statements, the equity of the merged party held before the date of acquisition shall be
re-measured at the equity's fair value at the date of acquisition, and the difference between the fair value and the
book value of the equity shall be included into current investment income. If the equity of the merged party held
before the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income, the involved income shall be included in the
investment income of the period when the acquisition occurs.

(7) Preparation method of the consolidated financial statements

The scope of the consolidated financial statements of the Company is determined based on controlling status, and
all subsidiaries (including the independent entities controlled by the parent company) are included in the scope.

The accounting policies and accounting period adopted by all the subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope
should be consistent with those of the Company. Otherwise, the Company makes necessary adjustments according
to its own accounting policies and accounting period when preparing the consolidated financial statements.

The Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the
Company and its subsidiaries and other relevant information.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

During the consolidation, the influence on the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated income statement, the
consolidated statement of cash flows and the consolidated statement of changes in owner's equity by internal
transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and among the subsidiaries, is offset.

When the current losses undertaken by the minority shareholders of a subsidiary are more than the proportion
occupied by the minority shareholders in the owners' equity of the subsidiary at the period beginning, the
difference should still be offset against the equity of the minority shareholders.

The opening amount of the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted if a subsidiary and its business are increased in
the report period through the merger of enterprises under the control of a same entity. The income, expenses and
profits of the subsidiary and its business during the period when it was merged are included in the Consolidated
Income Statement. The cash flow of the subsidiary and its business during the period when it was merged is
included in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

The opening amount of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted if a subsidiary and its business are increased
in the report period through the merger of enterprises not under the control of a same entity. The income, expenses
and profits of the subsidiary and its business from the date of acquisition to the end of the report period are
included in the Consolidated Income Statement. The cash flow of the subsidiary and its business from the date of
acquisition to the end of the report period is included in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

If the Company disposes of a subsidiary and its business in the report period, the income, expenses and profits of
the subsidiary and its business from the period beginning to the disposal date are included in the Consolidated
Income Statement and the cash flow of the subsidiary and its business in the same period is included in the
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

If the Company loses control of its subsidiary due to disposal of part of equity investment or other reasons, the
remaining equity in the Consolidated Financial Statements shall be re-measured at fair value on the day when the
Company loses control of the subsidiary. (Consideration received in connection with equity disposal + Fair value
of remaining equity – Net assets that are calculated based on the original shareholding proportion since the day of
acquisition) shall be included in the investment income in the period when the Company loses control of the
subsidiary. Other comprehensive income in connection with the subsidiary's equity investment shall be transferred
into the current investment income when the Company loses control of the subsidiary.

(8) Joint venture arrangements classification and joint operation accounting treatment

1. Joint venture arrangements classification

The Company divides joint venture arrangements into joint operation and joint ventures in accordance with the
structure, legal form, and agreed terms of joint venture arrangements, as well as other relevant facts and situations.

Joint venture arrangements reached not through independent entities are classified as joint operation; joint venture
arrangements reached through independent entities are usually classified as joint ventures; however, if there is
concrete evidence indicating that the joint venture arrangements meet any one of following conditions and comply
with relevant laws and regulations, the joint venture arrangements are classified as joint operation:

1) The legal form of joint venture arrangements indicates that parties in joint ventures enjoy rights and assume
obligation separately for relevant assets and liabilities in said arrangements.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

2) Contract terms of joint venture arrangements prescribe that the parties in joint ventures enjoy rights and assume
obligations separately for relevant assets and liabilities in said arrangements.

3) Other relevant facts and situations indicate that the parties enjoy rights and assume obligations separately for
relevant assets and liabilities in said arrangements; for example, parties enjoy almost all output relating to joint
venture arrangements, and the settlement of liabilities in said arrangements continuously depends on the support
from parties in joint ventures.

2. Accounting treatment method for joint operation

Among following items, the Company recognizes those relating to the Company's interests in joint operation, and
those items are treated in accounting according to stipulations of accounting standards for business enterprises:

4) Assets held independently are recognized, and assets held jointly are recognized based on the proportion of
Company's interest;

5) Liabilities assumed independently are recognized, and liabilities assumed jointly are recognized based on the
proportion of Company's interest;

6) Revenue from selling joint operation output enjoyed by the Company is recognized;

7) Revenue from selling joint operation output is recognized based on the proportion of Company's interest;

8) Expenses incurred independently are recognized, and expenses from joint operation are recognized based on
the proportion of Company's interest.

If the Company invests in or sells assets of joint operation (other than assets that constitute business), before the
assets are sold to a third party by the joint operation, only the part of profits and losses from the transaction
attributable to other parties in joint operation is recognized. For assets impairment losses incurred according to
stipulations of Accounting Standards for Busines Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets in the assets invested or
sold, the Company recognizes the losses in full amount.

If the Company acquires assets from joint operation (other than assets that constitute business), before the assets
are sold to a third party, only the part of profits and losses attributable to other parties in joint operation is
recognized. For assets impairment losses incurred according to stipulations of Accounting Standards Business
Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets in acquired assets, the Company recognizes the part of losses in
accordance with the proportion assumed by it.

The Company does not enjoy joint control for joint operation, and if the Company enjoys relevant assets and
assumes relevant liabilities of the joint operation, accounting treatment is performed according to said principles;
otherwise accounting treatment shall be performed according to relevant ASBE stipulations.

(9) Standards for determination of cash and cash equivalents

In the preparation of the cash flow statement, the cash on hand and the bank deposits available for payment at any
time, owned by the Company, are recognized as cash. The investments that meet the four conditions of shorter
term (to be mature within 3 months from the date of acquisition), strong liquidity, easiness in being converted into
known amount of cash, very small risk of value fluctuation are recognized as cash equivalents.

(10) Foreign currency business and translation of the financial statements in foreign currency

1. Foreign currency businesses

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

In the initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are recorded into accounts after relevant amounts are
translated into RMB according to the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

On the balance sheet date, the balance of the monetary items in foreign currency is translated according to the spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date while the translation difference caused is all recorded into current gains
and losses, except the difference from the special foreign currency loans related to the assets whose purchase and
construction meet the conditions for capitalization, which are dealt with according to the principles for
capitalization of loan expenses. The non-monetary items in foreign currency measured by the historical cost
method are translated according to the spot exchange rate on the transaction date and the amount in the recording
currency is not changed.

The non-monetary items in foreign currency measured by fair value are translated according to the spot exchange
rate on the determination date of the fair value while the translation difference caused is recorded into current
gains and losses as the gains or losses caused by the fair value changes. For the non-monetary items in foreign
currency available for sale, the translation difference is recorded into other comprehensive incomes.

2. Translation of the financial statements in foreign currency

The assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet are translated according to the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date. The owners' equity items (excluding undistributed profits) are translated according to the spot
exchange rate on the occurrence of the items. The income and expense items in the Income Statement are
translated according to the spot exchange rate on the occurrence date of the transactions. The translation
difference in the financial statements in foreign currency caused by the aforesaid translation is recorded into other
comprehensive incomes.

When an overseas operation is disposed, the translation difference in the financial statements in foreign currency
related to the overseas operation, which is listed under other comprehensive incomes in the balance sheet, is
transferred from other comprehensive incomes to current gains and losses of the period when the disposal is
carried out. When an overseas operation is partly disposed, the translation difference is calculated according to the
proportion of the disposal, which is transferred to current gains and losses of the period when the disposal is
carried out.

(11) Financial instruments

Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

1. Classification of financial instruments

Based on the economic nature (not merely the legal forms) and contractual clauses of the financial instruments
issued by the management of the Company, as well as the targets for obtaining and holding financial assets and
bearing financial liabilities, the financial assets and financial liabilities are classified into the following categories:
the financial assets (or liabilities) measured at fair value through profit and loss, held-to-mature investments,
accounts receivable, financial assets available for sale, and other financial liabilities.

2. Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments

1) Financial assets (liabilities) measured at fair value through profit and loss

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss include the financial assets or
financial liabilities held for trading, and the financial assets or financial liabilities that are directly designated as
the financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss.

Financial assets or financial liabilities held for trading refer to the financial assets or financial liabilities that meet
one of the following conditions:

a) The purpose of acquiring the said financial assets or undertaking the financial liabilities is mainly for selling or
repurchasing or redeeming them in the near future;

b) Forming a part of the identifiable portfolio of financial instruments which are managed in a centralized way and
for which there are objective evidences proving that the Company may manage the portfolio by way of short-term
profit making in the near future;

c) Being derivative financial instruments, excluding the designated derivative instruments which are effective
hedging instruments, or derivative instruments belonging to financial guarantee contracts, and the derivative
instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no quoted price in the
active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivering the said
equity instruments.

Only the financial assets or financial liabilities meeting any of the following requirements can be designated,
when they are initially measured, as financial assets or financial liabilities as measured at its fair value and of
which the variation is included in the profits and losses:

a) The designation is able to eliminate or obviously reduce the discrepancies in the recognition or measurement of
relevant profits or losses arising from the different basis of measurement of the financial assets or financial

b) The official written documents on risk management or investment strategies have recorded that the portfolio of
said financial assets, the portfolio of said financial liabilities, or the portfolio of said financial assets and financial
liabilities are managed and evaluated on the basis of their fair values and are reported to key management

c) Mixed instruments including one or more embedded derivative instruments, unless embedded derivative
instruments do not significantly change the cash flow of mixed instruments, or the embedded derivative
instruments shall not be separated from relevant mixed instruments;

d) Mixed instruments including embedded derivatives which are needed to be separated but cannot be measured
independently at the time of acquiring or the following balance sheet date.

For financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profits and losses, the fair value
(deducting declared but not issued cash dividends or bond interests which have met the date of interest payment
but have not been paid) is deemed as initial recognition amount, and relevant transaction expenses are included in
current profits and losses. The interests and cash dividends obtained during the time of holding are recognized as
investment income. At the period-end, the fair value changes are recorded into current gains and losses. At the
time of disposal, the difference between the fair value and the initial recorded amount in the account is recognized
as investment income and the gains and losses from changes of fair value are adjusted at the same time.

2) Accounts receivable

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

For the accounts receivable formed from the commodities sold or labor services provided by the Company and
those of other enterprises held by the Company other than the priced debt tools in the active market, including
accounts receivable and other accounts receivable, the price money in contracts or agreements of the purchaser is
taken as the initial recognized amount. For those of a financing nature, the current value is taken as the initial
recognized amount.

At the time of collection or disposal, the difference between the price of acquisition and the book value of such
accounts receivable are recorded into current gains and losses.

3) Held-to-maturity investments

Held-to-maturity investments refer to the non-derivative financial assets with fixed recoverable or determinable
amounts, which have fixed maturity dates and for which the Company has clear intent and ability to hold them to

For the held-to-maturity investments of the Company, at the time of acquisition, the sum of the fair value
(deducting bond interests which have met the date of interest payment but have not been paid) and relevant
transaction expenses are taken as the initial recognized amount. During the period of holding, the interest income
is calculated and recognized in accordance with the remaining amortized costs and the actual interest rate, which
is recorded into the investment income. The actual interest rate is determined at the time of acquisition and
remains unchanged within the anticipated holding period or a shorter period applicable. At the time of disposal,
the difference between the price of acquisition and the book value of such investment is recorded into investment

If the amount of any held-to-maturity investment disposed of or reclassified as other categories of financial assets
is relatively large compared with all held-to-maturity investments of the Company before such selling or
reclassification, the remaining held-to-maturity investments shall be reclassified as the financial assets available
for sale immediately after the aforesaid disposal or reclassification. On the date of reclassification, the difference
between the book value of the investment and its fair value is included into other comprehensive income, and
shall be transferred to the current gains and losses when the financial assets available for sale have depreciated or
are terminated for recognition, except in the following circumstances:

a) The date of selling or reclassification is close to the date of maturity or redemption of the investment (for
example, within three months before the date of maturity), and the market interest rate has no obvious influence
on the fair value of the investment.

b) The enterprise has recovered nearly all the initial principal of the investment according to the repayment
method as specified in the contract.

c) The selling or reclassification is caused by independent events that are uncontrollable for the enterprise,
unrepeatable according to estimation, and difficult to forecast reasonably.

4) Financial assets available for sale

Financial assets available for sale refer to the non-derivative financial assets that are determined as available to
sale at the initial recognition, and the financial assets except other financial assets.

For the financial assets available for sale of the Company, the sum of the fair value (with the cash dividends
declared but not yet distributed or the bond dividends not yet received with the interest payment period expired
deducted) and relevant transaction expenses are taken as the initial recognized amount at the time of obtainment.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

The interests or cash dividends obtained during the time of holding are recognized as investment income. The
gains or losses caused by the fair value changes of the financial assets available for sale, except the depreciation
losses and the exchange difference caused by foreign currency financial assets, are all included into other
comprehensive incomes. At the time of disposal of financial assets available for sale, the difference between the
price of acquisition and the book value of such financial assets is recorded into investment gains and losses. At the
same time, the amount of the disposed part of the assets originally recorded in the accumulative amount of the
changes in the fair value of other comprehensive incomes is transferred and recorded into investment gains and

For the equity instrument investments that have no quotation in active markets and of which the fair value cannot
be reliably measured, as well as the derivative financial assets that are correlated to the equity instrument and can
only be settled through the delivery of the equity instrument, they are measured based on their costs by the

5) Other financial liabilities

The sum of the fair value of such assets and relevant transaction expenses is taken as the initial recognized amount.
The amortized cost is adopted in the subsequent measurement.

3. Recognition basis and measurement method for financial assets transfer

In the case of the transfer of the financial assets of the Company, if almost all the risks and returns in the
ownership rights of the financial assets are transferred to the assignee, the recognition of such financial assets is
terminated, and if almost all the risks and returns in the ownership rights of such financial assets are retained, the
recognition of such financial assets is not terminated.

In the judgment whether a financial asset transfer meets the above conditions for termination of its recognition,
the principle of attaching more importance to substance than form is adopted. The Company divides financial
assets transfer into the complete and the partial transfer. Where the complete transfer of financial assets meets the
conditions for termination of recognition, the difference of the following two amounts is recorded into current
gains and losses.

6) The book value of the transferred financial assets;

7) The sum of the consideration received due to transfer and the accumulated amount of the changes in fair value
originally recorded in owners' equity (involving the situation when the transferred financial assets are the financial
assets available for sale).

If the partial transfer of financial assets meets conditions for termination of recognition, the part with its
recognition terminated and that with its recognition not terminated, among the book value of all the transferred
financial assets, are apportioned separately according to their relevant fair value while the difference between the
following two amounts is recorded into current gains and losses.

The book value of the part with its recognition terminated;

The sum of the consideration of the part with its recognition terminated and the part of the accumulated amount of
the changes in fair value originally recorded in owners' equity corresponding to the part with its recognition
terminated (involving the situation when the transferred financial assets are the financial assets available for sale).

Where the financial assets transfer does not meet the conditions for termination of recognition, the recognition of
such financial assets is continued. The received consideration is recognized as a financial liability.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

4. Conditions for the termination of the recognition of financial liabilities

If all or part of current obligations of a financial liability is discharged, the recognition of the financial liability or
part of it is terminated. If the Company signs an agreement with the creditor to substitute an existing financial
liability by assuming a new financial liability and the contract terms for the new liability and the existing one are
not consistent, the recognition of the existing financial liability is terminated and the new financial liability is
recognized in the meantime.

If material alteration has been made to all or a part of contract terms of the existing financial liability, the
recognition of the existing liability or part of it is terminated and, in the meantime, the liability after the alteration
is made is recognized as a new financial liability.

If the recognition of all or a part of a financial liability is terminated, the difference between the book value of the
liability with its recognition terminated and the consideration (including non-cash assets transferred or the new
liability assumed) is recorded into current gains and losses.

If the Company repurchases a part of a financial liability, the total book value of the liability is allocated on the
repurchasing date according to the respective relative fair value of the part with its recognition continued and that
with its recognition terminated. The difference between the book value allocated to the part with its recognition
terminated and the consideration (including non-cash assets or the new liability assumed) is recorded into current
gains and losses.

5. Methods for the determination of the fair value of financial assets and liabilities

For the financial assets and financial liabilities that exist in an active market, the Company determines their fair
value based on the quotation in the active market. For those that do not exist in an active market, the Company
estimates their fair value using valuation techniques, such as referring to the prices applied in recent transactions
which are conducted by well-informed and willing parties or the current fair value of other financial instruments
of the same nature, or adopting the discounted cash flow (DCF) technique and the option pricing model. For those
initially acquired or raw financial assets and financial liabilities, the Company determines their fair value based on
the market price.

6. Accrual of impairment provision for financial assets (excluding accounts receivable and loans)

The Company shall check on the balance sheet date the book value of the financial assets except those measured
at fair value and with changes included in current profit and loss. If there is any objective evidence indicating that
a loss has occurred in these financial assets, impairment provision shall be made.

The objective evidences of impairment in financial assets include but are not limited to:

8) The issuer or the debtor encounters serious financial difficulties;

9) The debtor violates contract terms, such as breach or late payment of interests or principal;

10) The creditor makes a concession for the debtor who encounters financial difficulties for economic or legal

11) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or conduct other financial restructuring;

12) The financial assets cannot continue to be traded in the active market as the issuer encounters serious financial

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

13) It is impossible to identify whether the cash flow of a certain asset within a certain combination of financial
assets has decreased or not. But after making an overall appraisal on the public data, it is found that the predicted
future cash flow of the said combination of financial assets has indeed decreased since it was initially recognized
and such decrease can be measured; for example, the paying ability of the debtor of the said combination of
financial assets worsens gradually, or the unemployment rate of the country or region where the debtor is situated
increases, or the prices of the region where the guaranty is situated are obviously dropping, or the industrial sector
concerned is in slump, etc.;

14) Any seriously adverse change has occurred in technical, market, economic or legal environment, etc. wherein
the debtor operates its business, which makes the investor of an equity instrument unable to take back its cost of

15) The fair value of the equity instrument investment decreases significantly or non-transiently;

Specific impairment methods for financial assets are as follows:

16) Impairment provision for financial assets available for sale:

The Company assesses impairment losses on various available-for-sale financial assets by individual affirmation
on the balance sheet date, wherein the objective evidences of impairment in available-for-sale equity instruments
investment include that the fair value of equity instrument decreases significantly or non-transiently, and the
specific quantitative criterion is that if the decrement of the fair value of the equity instrument is 50% or more
than the cost on the balance sheet date, or the time of duration when it is lower than its cost exceeds 12 months
(including), it indicates impairment.

When impairment occurs in available-for-sale financial assets, even though the recognition of the financial assets
has not be terminated, the Company transfers out accumulated losses arising from the depreciation of fair values,
which was included in other comprehensive income originally, from other comprehensive income, and includes it
into current profits and losses. The transferred accumulated losses equal to the balance that initial acquisition costs
of available-for-sale financial assets deduct recovered principal and amortized amount, current fair values and the
impairment losses originally included in profits and losses.

For available-for-sale debt instruments with recognized impairment losses, if fair values have increased and the
increase objectively relate to events occurring after original impairment losses are recognized, original recognized
impairment losses are reversely included in current losses and profits; for impairment losses in available-for-sale
equity instruments, those are reversed through equity when the value of equity instruments increases; however,
equity instruments investments which have no quoted price in the active market and whose fair values cannot be
reliably measured, or impairment losses in derivative financial assets which are connected with the equity
instrument investments, and which shall be settled by delivering the said equity instruments, cannot be reversed.

17) Impairment provision for held-to-maturity investments

If there is any objective evidence indicating that a loss has occurred in the held-to-maturity investments, calculate
and recognize the impairment loss based on the difference between the book value of these investments and the
current value of the expected future cash flow. If there is any evidence indicating that the investment value has
recovered after provision, the originally recognized impairment loss can be reversed and included in the current
profit and loss. However, the reversed book value should not exceed the amortized cost of the financial assets at
the date of provision reversal if impairment provision has not been made.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

7. Offset between financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities are separately listed in the balance sheet, and they are not offset. When the
following conditions are met simultaneously, however, the net amount after the offset of financial assets and
financial liabilities is listed in the balance sheet:

18) The Company has the legal right to offset the recognized amounts, and such legal right is enforceable at

19) The Company intends to make the settlement through the net amount, or liquidates the financial assets and
repays the financial liabilities simultaneously.

(12) Accounts receivable

1. Accounts receivable with significant single amount and single bad debt provision

Recognition criteria for the accounts receivable with significant single amount and single bad debt provision:

Top five accounts receivable

The method for the bad debt provision of the accounts receivable with significant single amount: perform the
impairment test separately, make bad debt provision for the difference between the net present value of expected
future cash flow and its book value, and record it into the current profits and losses. The accounts receivable
which has no impairment shall be included in the bad debt provision made for the corresponding portfolio.

2. Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made based on different portfolios:

1) Determination basis for combinations of credit risk characteristics

As for accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and those with significant single amount but without
impairment after separate test, they shall be divided into several portfolios according to the credit risk features.
The bad debt provision to be accrued shall be determined based on the actual loss rate of accounts receivable
portfolio with similar credit risk features in the previous year combining with the present situations.

Basis for portfolio determination

                                       Perform best estimation on the provision proportion of the accounts receivable based on the
Portfolio 1. Aging analysis method     previous experience of the company. As for the classification of credit risk portfolio, please
                                       refer to the aging of account receivable.
                                       According to the fund nature, no bad-debt provision shall be accrued, including premium for
Portfolio 2
                                       lease and related party transactions.

2) Accrual method determined according to the portfolio of credit risk characteristics:

 Bad debt provision accrued using the aging analysis method

                                                   Provision proportion of accounts         Provision proportion of other accounts
                                                            receivable (%)                              receivable (%)
Within one year (including one year)                                                  ---                                            ---
1-2 years                                                                          5.00                                         5.00
2-3 years                                                                        10.00                                         10.00
Over 3 years                                                                     20.00                                         20.00

 Bad-debt provision accrued using other methods

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                             Provision proportion of accounts         Provision proportion of other accounts
              Portfolio name
                                                     receivable (%)                              receivable (%)

Portfolio 2                                                                     ---                                            ---

3. Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision is separately accrued

Reason for bad-debt provision accrued separately: there are objective evidences showing that the funds cannot be
recovered by the company according to original articles of the accounts receivable.

Accrual method for bad-debt provision: it shall be accrued according to the difference between the estimated
present value of future cash flow and its book value concerning the amounts receivable.

(13) Inventory

1. Classification of inventory

Inventory refers to the finished products or commercial products held by the Company in daily activities for sale,
and the products in process, and the materials and supplies consumed in manufacturing or service delivery process.
It mainly includes the raw material, revolving material, outside processing materials, unfinished products,
self-made semi-manufactured products, finished products (commodity stocks), development cost, and
development products.

The development cost refers to the properties having not constructed and with a view to selling it; the lands to be
developed refer to lands that have been purchased and to be developed into lands with finished development
products; the development products refer to the properties having been constructed and for sale. In case of overall
development of the project, the lands to be developed are all transferred into development cost; in case of phased
development of the project, parts of the lands for phased development will be transferred into development cost,
and the undeveloped lands remain on the lands to be developed.

2. Pricing method of inventory

Inventory measurement shall be performed initially based on the cost upon acquisition, including the purchasing
cost, processing cost and other costs. The pricing of the inventory is made according to the weighted-average
System at the time of delivery.

3. Determination basis for the net realizable value of inventory and the provision method of provision for obsolete

After a complete counting and examination of the inventory at the end of the period, the provision for obsolete
stocks is accrued or adjusted according to the lower of the inventory cost and the net realizable value. The net
realizable value of the goods inventory directly for sale such as finished products, commodity stocks and materials
for sale is determined in regular production and operation according to the amount of the estimated sale price of
such inventory minus the estimated sale expenses and relevant taxes. That of the material inventory to be
processed is determined in regular production and operation according to the estimated sale price of the finished
products produced minus the estimated sale expenses and relevant taxes. That of the inventory held for the
performance of sale or service contracts is calculated on the basis of the contract price. Where the quantity of the
inventory is more than the quantity ordered in the sale contract, the net realizable value of the surplus of such
inventory is calculated on the basis of the general sale price.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

At the end of the period, the provision for obsolete stocks is accrued according to individual inventory items.
However, the provision for obsolete stocks for the inventory of a large quantity and a low unit price is accrued
according to the type of the inventory. For the inventory involving the product series produced and sold in the
same region, having identical or similar final use or purpose, and being difficult to be separated from other items
for measurement, relevant provision for obsolete stocks is accrued in a combined manner.

Where the factors previously causing the recording of the reduction of inventory value stop to exist, the reduced
amount is restored and transferred back from the originally accrued amount of provision for obsolete stocks. The
transferred amount is recorded into current profit and loss.

4. Inventory system

The perpetual inventory method is adopted.

5. Amortization method of low value consumables and packaging materials

1) For low value consumables, the one-off writing-off method is adopted.

2) For packaging materials, the one-off writing-off method is adopted

6. Accounting methods of the development land

For pure land development project, the costs thereof shall individually constitute the development cost of the land;

For projects that are developed along with the housing property, the expenses shall generally be apportioned and
recorded into the commercial housing cost according to the actual area if the expenses can be properly assigned.

7. Accounting method for cost of the public supporting facilities

Public supporting facilities that cannot be transferred with compensation: it shall be apportioned and recorded into
the commercial housing cost according to the determination criteria of benefit ratio;

Public supporting facilities that can be transferred with compensation: taking each supporting facility project as
the cost accounting objective, collect all the incurred cost,

8. Accounting method of maintenance funds

According to related provisions of the place where the development project locates, the maintenance cost refers to
the development cost that is charged to the house buyer or accrued and recorded into the development cost of
related development products by the company during selling (advance selling) of the development products,
which shall be handed over to the management department of the maintenance funds.

9. Accounting methods of quality security deposit

The quality security deposit shall be reserved from the project funds of the construction unit according to the
construction contract. The maintenance cost generated during the warranty period of the development products
can offset the quality security deposit; at the expiration of the agreed warranty period, the quality security deposit
shall be returned back to the construction unit.

(14) Loans and advances issued

1. Loan

A loan is a sum of loan in the unit of RMB Yuan granted to a small or medium-sized enterprise, individual
business and individual person according to the market rate of interest. The principal amount of the loan is taken

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

as the originally recognized amount. The interest income recognized during loan holding period shall be
calculated based on the actual interest rate. The actual interest rate is determined at the time of acquisition and
remains unchanged within the anticipated existence period or a shorter period applicable.

2. Loan loss provision

At the end of each quarter, the Company classifies each single loan into five categories based on the quality of
credit assets: normal, concerned, subprime, suspicious, and loss, and include it in daily credit management for
classified supervision.

The Company shall properly estimate the possible loss incurred on loans and make a timely provision for loan loss
in accordance with the prudent accounting principle. Loan loss provisions include general provision and special
provision. General provision is made in proportion of the balance of all loans for recovering the unrecognized
possible loss. Special provision is made for recovering the special loss based on the extent of each loan loss after
loan classification in accordance with Guidelines for Risk-based Loan Classification.

The scope of loan loss provision includes risk-bearing and loss-bearing assets, such as various petty loans
(including mortgage, pledge, guarantee, and credit) and bill discount.

The Company shall make provision by quarter. The year-end balance of general provision shall not be less than 1%
of the year-end loan balance.

The Company has made quarterly special provisions based on the following proportions:

(1) Concerned loan: 1%

(2) Concerned loan: 2%

(3) Subprime loan: 25%

(4) Suspicious loan: 50%

(5) Loss loan: 100%

(15) Long-term equity investment

1. Determination of investment cost

(1) The long-term equity investment formed through business merger. Please refer to the Annotation IV/ (IV)
Accountant Arrangement Methods for Business Merger under the Same and Different Control for details.

(2) Long-term equity investment obtained in other ways

The purchase price money actually paid is taken as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment
obtained by cash.

The initial investment cost includes the fees, taxes and other necessary expenses that have direct connections with
the long-term equity investment.

As for the long-term equity investment that is gained by issuing the equity securities, the fair value of equity
securities issuing shall be taken as the initial investment cost; as for the transaction cost that is generated when
issuing or obtaining their own equity instruments, it can be deducted from the equity concerning those that can be
directly attributable to the equity transactions.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Under the premises that the non-monetary assets exchange is of commercial nature and that the fair value of the
assets received and given out in the exchange can be measured reliably, the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment received in non-monetary assets exchange is determined on the basis of the fair value of the
assets given out, unless there are definite evidences that the fair value of the received assets is more reliable. For
the non-monetary assets exchange that do not meet the above premises, the book value of the received assets and
relevant taxes payable is taken as the cost of the long-term equity investment.

The initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment obtained through debt restructuring is determined
according to its fair value.

2. Measurement after recognition and profit and loss recognition

(1) Cost method

The cost method can be adopted by the company for accounting the long-term equity investment that controlled
by the invested organizations, and then such long-term equity investment can be priced according to the initial
investment cost, and meanwhile, the cost for adjusting the long-term equity investment can be supplemented or

Under equity method, the Company recognizes investment income according to the cash dividends or profits
enjoyed by the Company, for which the invested organization declares to distribute, except the actual amount paid
when investment is acquired and cash dividends and profits included in the consideration and declared but yet to
be distributed.

(2) Equity method

Equity method is adopted by the company for accounting the long-term equity investment of the joint venture as
well as the cooperative enterprise; as for the equity investment of associated enterprise indirectly held through
venture investment organization, mutual fund and trust company as well as the similar subjects including
unit-linked Insurance fund, the fair value measurement shall be adopted and the fluctuation thereof shall be
recorded into the profit or loss.

If the initial cost of the long-term equity investment is larger than the balance of the net identifiable assets fair
value share of the invested organizations, the initial cost thereof shall not be adjusted; if the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment is less than the above mentioned balance, it shall be recorded into the current profit
and loss.

After gaining the long-term equity investment, the company shall respectively recognize the investment income
and other comprehensive income according to the Company's proportion in the net profit and loss as well as other
comprehensive income realized by the invested organizations, and meanwhile, the book value of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted; the due parts that shall be enjoyed shall be calculated according to the
declared profit or cash dividends that are announced of distribution by the invested organizations, and then the
book value of the long-term equity investment shall be decreased correspondingly; as for other fluctuations
besides profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit allocation of the invested organizations, the book
value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and then be recorded into the owner's equity.

The company shall recognize its proportion in the net profit or loss of the invested organization based on fair
value of each identifiable asset of the invested organization when the investment is acquired. As for the unrealized
profit and loss from any internal transaction between the company and the joint venture as well as among the

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

cooperative enterprise, it can be offset by the due part of the company, which shall be calculated according to the
rate it shall enjoy, and the profit and loss on investments can be recognized on this basis.

Where the Company recognizes the due share of the losses incurred by the invested organizations under the equity
method, the following sequence is adopted: First, the book value of the long-term equity investment is offset.
Second, if the book value of the long-term equity investment is not sufficient for the offsetting, the investment
loss should continue to be recognized within the limit of the book value of other long-term equity that practically
constitutes net investments into the invested organization and the book values of long-term accounts receivable
and others are offset. Finally, if the enterprise still bears additional obligations as agreed in the investment contract
or agreement after the above processing, liabilities are recognized according to the anticipated obligations to be
borne and recorded into current investment loss.

Where the invested organizations realize profits in the later periods, the Company should make accounting
treatment in the reversed sequence against the above after deducting the shared loss not yet recognized, reduce the
book balance of the recognized anticipated liabilities, restore other long-term equity that practically constitutes net
investments into the invested organizations and the book value of the long-term equity investment, and recognize
investment income at the same time.

3. Accounting method change for long-term equity investment

(1) From fair value measurement to equity method

For equity investments that were held originally by the Company and are treated in accounting based on the
recognition and measurement standards for financial instruments, which have no control, joint control or
significant influence on the investee, if significant influence or joint control is constituted but control is not
constituted because of additional investments, the sum of the fair value of original held equity investment and the
additional investment cost recognized based on ASBE No. 22- Financial Instruments Recognition and
Measurement is recognized as the initial investment cost for switching to the equity method.

For originally held equity investments which are classified as available-for-sale financial assets, the balance
between fair values and book values, and accumulative fair value variations of originally included other
comprehensive income are transferred into current losses and profits through accounting with equity method.

Initial investments costs accounting with equity method being lower than new shareholding ratio calculation
recognition after additional investments shall enjoy the balance between fair value shares of identifiable net assets
on additional investment date of investee, and book values of long-term equity investments are adjusted and are
included in current non-business income.

(2) From fair values measurement or equity method to the cost method

Equity investments were held originally by the Company and are performed accounting treatment upon financial
instruments recognition and measurement standards, which have no control, joint control or significant influence
on the investee, or long-term equity investments of associated enterprises or joint ventures originally held by the
Company, and if those can be controlled by the investee which is not under the same control due to additional
investments, when individual financial statement is prepared, initial investment costs of transferring cost method
accounting are the sum of the book value of originally holding equity investments plus newly increased
investments costs.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Other comprehensive income recognized in equity method accounting upon equity investments held before the
acquisition date, when it is disposed, is performed with accounting treatment with the same basis that the investee
directly disposes relevant assets or liabilities.

Equity investments held before the acquisition date is disposed subject to relevant stipulations of ASBE No.22-
Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement and accumulative fair values variations of originally
included other comprehensive income are transferred into current losses and profits at the time of transferring to
cost method accounting.

(3) From the equity method to fair value measurement

For the Company losing joint control or significant influence on the investee due to disposal of some equity
investments, rest equity after disposal is performed with accounting under ASBE No.22- Financial Instruments
Recognition and Measurement, and the balance of fair values and book values on the date when joint control or
significant influence is lost is included in current losses and profits.

For other comprehensive income recognized based on the equity method upon original equity investment,
accounting treatment is performed on the same basis that the investee directly disposes relevant assets or liabilities
when accounting with the equity method is terminated.

(4) From the cost method to the equity method

For the Company losing the control of the investee due to disposal of some equity investments, when individual
financial statement is prepared, and the rest equity after disposal being able to cause joint control or significant
influence on the investee, accounting is transferred to be performed with the equity method, and the adjustment is
conducted that the rest equity is deemed as accounting with the equity method since acquisition.

(5) From the cost method to fair value measurement

During formulation of certain financial statements, if the company loses control upon an invested unit because of
disposing part of its equity investment and the remaining equity after disposal cannot impose joint control or
significant effect on the invested unit shall be treated in accounting according to related provisions of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. The balance
between fair value and book value on the day of losing control shall be recorded into current profit and loss.

4. The Disposal of Long-Term Equity Investment

When disposing long-term equity investment, the balance between book value and actual price shall be recorded
into current benefit and loss. Long-term equity investment adopting cost method, when disposing the investment,
shall conduct accounting treatment on the part of being included into other comprehensive income proportionately
on the same basis as that of depositing related asset or debt by invested unit.

When all trading provisions, conditions and economic effects that are disposed to equity investment of subsidy
shall satisfy one or more following conditions, multiple transactions items shall be made accounting treatment as
package deal.

(1) Those transactions are conducted at the same time or at the moment of considering mutual effects.

(2) Only the whole transactions can make up of business results.

(3) One transaction depends on another transaction at least.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

(4) It's uneconomical to consider a transaction individually. However, its economical to consider one transaction
with others at same time.

Under the circumstance that transactions, because of part of equity investment or some other reasons, lose control
power of original subsidy so as not be included to package deal, related accounting treatment shall be conducted
by differentiating individual financial statements and combined financial statement.

(1) With regard with the disposal equity in some financial statements, the balance between book value and actual
price shall be recorded into current benefit and loss. If the remaining equity after disposal imposes joint control or
significant effects on the invested unit, the remaining equity shall be calculated by the equity method and adjusted
as being calculated by the equity method since acquisition. If remaining equity after disposal cannot impose joint
control or significant effects on the invested unit, the remaining equity shall be treated in accounting in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments. The balance between fair value and book value on the day of losing control shall be
recorded into current profit and loss.

(2) Cost and long-term equity investment enjoys accordingly the balance between net asset shares calculated as of
purchase date or merge date on all transactions before losing the company control power in joint financial
statement. Adjust capital reserve (capital stock premium). Retained income shall be adjusted, if capital reserve is
insufficient. The remaining equity after losing control power shall be recalculated in accordance with the fair
value on the day of losing control power. (Consideration received in connection with equity disposal + Fair value
of remaining equity – Net assets that are calculated based on the original shareholding proportion since the day of
acquisition) shall be included in the investment income in the period when the Company loses control of the
subsidiary. Other comprehensive income in connection with the subsidiary's equity investment shall be transferred
the current investment income when the Company loses control of the subsidiary.

All transactions that dispose equity investment of subsidy until to lose control power shall be included to package
deals. All transaction, as disposal of company equity investment, shall conduct accounting treatment on
transactions losing control power; differentiate individual financial statement and joint financial statement to
conduct related accounting treatment:

(1) In individual financial statement, before losing control power, the balance between book values of long-term
equity investment corresponding to disposal cost and disposal equity shall be affirmed as other comprehensive
income and be moved to current benefit and loss when control power is lost.

(2) In joint financial statement, before losing control power, the balance between net asset of subsidy
corresponding to disposal cost and disposal investment shall be affirmed as other comprehensive income and be
moved to current benefit and loss when control power is lost.

5. The Identification Standard of Joint Control and Significant Influence

If company controls collectively certain arrangement in accordance with related provisions and other participants,
or gives important activity decision on arrangement that only exists when participants all agree by sharing control
power, it's seen that company and other participants collectively control certain arrangement. And the arrangement
refers to joint venture arrangement.

Joint venture arrangement is reached through individual subject. When company is identified to enjoy net asset of
individual subject in accordance with related provisions, individual subject is regarded as joint venture and
calculated by equity method. When company is identified not to enjoy net asset of individual subject in

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accordance with related provisions, individual subject is regarded as mutual operation. The Company will
recognize items related with its interest in the income from joint operation and perform accounting treatment
based relevant accounting standards.

If the investor has significant influence in the invested organization, it means that investor is entitled to take part
in the decision making of financial and operational policies in the invested organization but has no power to
control the policy making independently or jointly with other parties. The company will identify if it has
significant influence after analyzing one or more circumstances and considering all facts and conditions. (1)
assign representatives in the board of directors in the invested unit or similar authority; (2) participate in
formulating financial and operational policy of invested unit. (3) make important transitions between invested
units. (4) assign managers to invested unit; (5) provide invested unit with key technical materials.

(16) Investment properties

Investment property refers to the property held for earning rental or increasing the value of capital, including the
right to use of the rented land, the right to use of the land held for transfer after the value increases, and the rented

The Company uses the cost of investment real estate as entry value. The cost of purchased investment real estate
includes the purchase price, relevant taxes, and other expenses directly relegated to the asset. The cost of a
self-built investment real estate consists of the necessary expenses for building the asset to the expected condition
for use.

The Company conducts measurement after recognition to the investment real estate using the cost pattern, and
makes accrual depreciation or amortization for buildings and land use rights based on their expected useful life
and residual value. The following table lists the expected useful life, residual value, and annual depreciation
(amortization) rate of investment real estate:

                                                                                                   Annual depreciation
             Category                    Expected useful life           Residual value
                                                                                                   (amortization) rate
Houses and buildings                                        20-40                          5%               4.75%-2.38%

When the purpose of an investment real estate changes to self-use, the Company shall convert the investment real
estate to fixed or intangible assets since the day of change. When the real estate with the right to self-use is
changed for generating rents or capital appreciation, the Company shall convert fixed or intangible asset to
investment real estate since the day of change. The book value of the real estate prior to the conversion shall be
entry value after conversion.

If an investment real estate is disposed of, or if it withdraws permanently from use and if no economic benefit will
be obtained from the disposal, the recognition of it as an investment real estate shall be terminated. When an
enterprise sells or transfers or discards any investment real estate, or when any investment real estate of an
enterprise is damaged or destroyed, the enterprise shall deduct the book value of the investment real estate as well
as the relevant taxes from the disposal income, and include the amount in the current profit and loss.

(17) Fixed assets

1. Conditions on recognition of fixed assets

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets held for the purpose of the manufacture of commodities, provision of labor
services, lease or operation and management with a term of use exceeding one year. The recognition of fixed
assets can be made only when all the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) Where the economic interests related to such fixed assets are likely to flow into the company;

(2) Where the cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

2. Initial measurement of the fixed assets

Fixed assets of the company shall be measured initially according to the cost, of which, the cost of the outsourcing
fixed assets shall include purchasing price, import tariff and other related taxes as well as other expenses
generated before bringing the fixed asset to reach the usable conditions and can be directly attributable to the asset.
The cost of a self-constructed fixed asset shall be formed by the necessary expenses incurred for bringing the asset
to the expected conditions for use. The fixed asset input by investors can serve as the entry value according to the
value stipulated by the investment contract or agreement, and for those unfair values as stipulated thereof, they
shall be recorded at their fair values. Where the price money of the purchased intangible assets is paid on a
deferred basis within a term exceeding regular credit conditions and actually of a financing nature, the cost of the
intangible assets is determined on the basis of the current value of the price money in purchase. Balance of the
actual paid cost and the present value of the acquisition price shall be included in the current profit and loss during
the credit period, excluding those that shall be capitalized.

3. The subsequent measurement and disposal of fixed assets.

(1) Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation of fixed assets shall be accrued by subtracting the estimated net residual value from the booking
value. For fixed assets with impairment provision already accrued, the depreciation amount shall be determined in
the future based on the book value after deducting the impairment provision and the remaining useful life.

The Company determines the useful life and residual value of fixed assets based on the nature and use of the fixed
assets. The Company rechecks the useful life, residual value, and depreciation method of fixed assets at the end of
every year. In case of any discrepancy between the recheck result and estimated result, the Company makes an
adjustment correspondingly.

Depreciation method, depreciation year and annual depreciation rate of various fixed assets are as follows:

                                                           Depreciation period    Residual value rate       Annual depreciation
          Category                Depreciation method
                                                                 (year)                  (%)                       rate

Houses and buildings          Straight-line depreciation                 20-40                          5              4.75-2.38

Machinery equipment           Straight-line depreciation                   5-10                         5             19.00-9.50

Electronic equipment          Straight-line depreciation                   5-10                         5             19.00-9.50

Transportation equipment      Straight-line depreciation                   5-10                         5             19.00-9.50

Other equipment               Straight-line depreciation                     10                         5                   9.50

(3) Subsequent expense of the fixed asset

As for subsequent expense related to the fixed asset satisfying the conditions for recognition of fixed assets, they
shall be recorded into cost of the fixed asset; and as for those not satisfying the conditions for recognition of fixed
assets; they shall be recorded into the current profit and loss during its occurrence.

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(4) Disposal of fixed assets.

When any fixed asset is deposed, or expected to be unable to generate economic interest through using or disposal,
the recognition thereof shall be terminated. When an enterprise sells, transfers or discards any investment real
estate, or when any investment real estate of an enterprise is damaged or destroyed, the enterprise shall deduct the
book value of the investment real estate as well as the relevant taxes from the disposal income, and include the
amount in the current profit and loss.

4. Recognition basis and pricing method of the fixed assets acquired under finance leases

The fixed assets leased by the Company shall be recognized as the fixed assets acquired under finance leases
when one or more of the following conditions are met:

(1) The ownership of the leased asset belongs to the Company when the lease expires;

(2) The Company has the option to buy the leased asset at a price which is expected to be far lower than the fair
value of the leased asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable. Thus, on the lease beginning date, it can
be reasonably determined that the option will be exercised.

(3) Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term covers the major part of the useful life of
the leased asset.

(4) The current value of the minimum lease payment that is paid by the Company on the lease beginning date
amounts to substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease beginning date.

(5) The leased assets are of a special nature that only the Company can use them without making major

The leasee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the current value of the minimum
lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entry value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum
lease payments as the entry in an account of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the
recorded amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges. The
initial direct costs such as commissions, attorney's fees, traveling expenses, stamp duties directly attributable to
the leased item incurred during the process of lease negotiating and lease contract signing shall be included in the
asset value of the current period. The unrecognized financing charge shall be amortized to each period during the
lease term.

In calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the Company adopts a depreciation policy for leased assets
consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the lessee. If it is reasonably certain that the leasee
will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the lease expires, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated
over its useful life. If it is not reasonably certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the leased asset at the
expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or its
useful life.

(18) Construction in progress

1. Type of construction in progress

The construction in progress built by the Company shall be valued according to its actual cost which is composed
of all necessary expenses incurred for bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use, including material

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

costs, labor costs, relevant taxes, borrowing costs eligible for capitalization, and indirect expenses eligible for
amortization. Cost accounting for the construction in progress of the Company shall be made based on projects.

2. Standards and time points for the construction in progress being carried forward to fixed assets

For a construction in progress, all expenses during the construction till the desired usable status of the asset is
reached are taken as the recorded value of the fixed asset. If a construction in progress has reached the desired
usable status but has not conducted final accounting, it is transferred into fixed assets when it reaches the desired
usable status, according to the estimated value based on project budget, construction cost or actual cost; in the
meantime, depreciation is accrued according to the Company's depreciation policies for fixed assets; when the
final accounting is conducted the temporarily estimated value is adjusted according to the actual cost while the
accrued depreciation amount is not adjusted.

(19) Borrowing costs

1. Recognition principle of borrowing costs capitalization

Where the borrowing costs incurred by the Company can be directly attributable to the purchase, building or
production of the assets that meet the conditions of capitalization, such assets are capitalized and recorded into
relevant assets cost. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses according to the incurred amount at the
time of incurrence and recorded into current profit and loss.

The assets that meet the conditions of capitalization refer to the assets such as fixed assets, investment property
and inventory that can reach the anticipated usable or salable status only after a considerable time of purchase,
building or production activities.

The borrowing costs may be capitalized when all of the following conditions are met:

1) The assets expenditure has already incurred, including that incurred in the form of cash payment, non-monetary
assets transfer or bearing of debts with interests for the purchase, building or production of the assets that meet the
conditions of capitalization.

2) The borrowing costs have already been incurred.

3) The construction or production activities necessary for putting the assets into a usable or salable status have
already started.

2. Capitalization term of borrowing costs

The capitalization term refers to the period between the start time point and the end time port of the capitalization
of the borrowing costs, excluding the period in which the capitalization is suspended.

Where the purchase, building or production of the assets that meet the conditions of capitalization has put such
assets into the anticipated usable or salable status, the capitalization of the borrowing costs is stopped.

Where part of the projects in the purchase, building or production of the assets that meet the conditions of
capitalization have been completed and reached the anticipated usable or salable status, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs of such part of the assets is stopped.

Where different parts of the assets purchased, built or produced have been completed but cannot be used or sold
till the whole assets have been completed, the capitalization of the borrowing costs is stopped when the whole
assets are completed.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

3. Suspension period of capitalization

Where abnormal discontinuation has occurred in the purchase, building or production of the assets that meet the
conditions of capitalization and the time of discontinuation exceeds three months consecutively, the capitalization
of the borrowing costs is suspended. If the discontinuation is a necessary procedure in the process during which
the assets purchased or produced, which meet the conditions of capitalization, reach the usable or salable status,
the capitalization of the borrowing costs is continued. The borrowing costs occurring in the suspension period are
recognized as current profit and loss and the capitalization is continued until the purchasing and production
activities of the assets are restarted.

4. Calculation method of the amount of borrowing costs capitalization

The interest expenses of special loans (with the interest income of the unused borrowed funds deposited in the
bank or the investment income obtained from temporary investment deducted) and relevant auxiliary expenses are
capitalized before the assets that meet the conditions of capitalization, purchased, built or produced with such
loans, reach the anticipated usable or salable status.

The amount of the interests of common loans that are capitalized is calculated and determined by the weighted
average of the accumulative parts of the assets expenditure exceeding special loans multiplied by the
capitalization rate of common loans. The capitalization rate is determined according to the weighted average
interest rate of common loans.

Where the loans involve discount or premium, the amount of discount or premium to be amortized in each
accounting period is determined in accordance with the actual interest rate method and the amount of interests of
each period should also be adjusted.

(20) Intangible assets and development expenses

An intangible asset refers to identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance which is possessed or
controlled by the Company, including purchased software and land use rights.

1. Initial Measurement of Intangible Assets

The cost of the intangible assets purchased from outside includes purchase price money, relevant taxes and other
expenses incurred due to putting such assets to the anticipated use that can be directly attributed to such assets.
Where the price money of the purchased intangible assets is paid on a deferred basis within a term exceeding
regular credit conditions and actually of a financing nature, the cost of the intangible assets is determined on the
basis of the current value of the price money in purchase.

The entry value in the account of the fixed assets obtained from debtors for the repayment of liabilities in debt
restructuring is determined on the basis of the fair value of the fixed assets. The difference between the book value
of debt restructuring and the fair value of the fixed assets used for the repayment of liabilities is included in
current profit and loss.

Under the premises that the non-monetary assets exchange is of commercial nature and that the fair value of the
assets received and given out in the exchange can be measured reliably, the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investment received in non-monetary assets exchange is determined on the basis of the fair value of the
assets given out, unless there are definite evidences that the fair value of the received assets is more reliable. For
the non-monetary assets exchange that do not meet the above premises, the book value of the received assets and
relevant taxes payable is taken as the cost of the long-term equity investment.

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The recorded value in the account of the intangible assets obtained by the merger of the enterprises under the
control of a same entity is determined according to the book value of the merged party. The recorded value in the
account of the intangible assets obtained by the merger of the enterprises under the control of different entities is
determined according to the fair value.

The cost of the intangible assets formed through internal R&D activities includes: the cost of materials and labor
consumed in the development of such intangible assets, registration fee, the amortization of other patent rights and
franchises used in the development process and the interests expenses that meet the conditions of capitalization,
and other direct expenses incurred due to putting such intangible assets into the anticipated use.

2. Follow-up Measurement of Intangible Assets

When obtaining any intangible asset, the company analyzes and estimates their service life and classifies them as
intangible asset with finite or infinite service life.

1) Intangible assets with finite service life

For intangible assets with finite service life, they should be amortized using straight line method within the period
during which they bring economic benefits to the company. The estimated service life and basis of intangible
assets with finite service life are as follows:

                  Item                       Estimated service life                      Basis

Outsourced software                                                    5             Benefit period

Land use right                                                        50             Benefit period

At the end of each period, the service life and amortization method of the intangible assets with finite service life
shall be reviewed. If there's any difference with original estimation, adjustment shall be made accordingly.

At the end of this year, the useful life and amortization method of the intangible assets with finite useful lives are
the same as the last year.

3. Classification standards for research and development phases of R&D projects inside the Company

Research phase: a phase in which creative and planned investigation and research activities are carried out for the
purpose of obtaining and understanding new scientific or technological knowledge.

Development phase: a phase in which research results or other knowledge, before being produced or used for
commercial purposes, are applied in a certain plan or design for the purpose of producing materials, equipment
and products that are new or feature substantial improvement.

The expenses for inside R&D projects during the research phase are recorded into current profit and loss when the
expenses occur.

4. Standards for meeting the conditions of capitalization by research phase

The expenditure in the development stage of the research and development project can be recognized as intangible
assets only when all the following conditions are met:

2) The completion of such intangible assets makes it usable or its sale technically feasible.

3) There is an intention to complete such intangible assets and use or sell it.

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4) The way that the intangible assets generate economic interests can prove that the product using such intangible
assets or the intangible assets itself have market. If the intangible assets are to be used internally, its usefulness is

5) The Company has sufficient technical and financial resources and other resources to support the completion of
the development of such intangible assets and the capacities to use or sell such intangible assets.

6) The expenditure attributed to the development stage of such intangible assets can be reliably measured.

The expenditure at the development stage that cannot meet the above conditions shall be recorded in the current
profit and loss. The development expenditure that was recorded in profits and losses during previous period
cannot be recognized as assets in future. The capitalized expenditure at the development stage shall be listed as
development expenditure on the balance sheet, and will be converted to intangible assets from the date when the
project attains its expected purpose.

(21) Long-term Asset Impairment

On the balance sheet date, the company shall judge if long-term asset has any sign of impairment loss. If it has, we
shall estimate recoverable amount based on single asset; if the recoverable amount is difficult to be estimated, we
shall determine the recoverable amount based on assets unit which the asset belong to.

The recoverable amount may be determined according to the higher one of the net value of the fair value of the
assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the anticipated future cash flow of the assets.

Measurement result of recoverable amount shows: if recoverable amount of long-term asset less than its book
value, its book value should be impaired to recoverable amount, and the impairment value should be included into
asset impairment loss and recorded into current profit and loss. At the same time, we should make allowance for
assets depreciation reserves. Once the assets impairment losses have been accrued, it cannot be turn back during
the subsequent accounting periods.

At the same time, the corresponding assets impairment provision is accrued. After the recognition of assets
impairment loss, corresponding adjustments are made in the future periods on the depreciation or amortized
expenses of the impaired assets so that the adjusted book value of such assets (with the anticipated net residual
value deducted) can be amortized systematically within the remaining service life.

For intangible assets with uncertain goodwill and service life formed through enterprise merger, impairment test
shall be conducted each year no matter whether there is any sign of impairment.

The impairment test shall be conducted on goodwill in combination with related asset groups or asset group
portfolios. When conducting impairment test upon related asset groups or asset group portfolios including
goodwill, if there is any sign of impairment, the impairment test shall be conducted first on the asset groups or
asset group portfolios excluding goodwill to calculate recoverable amount, compare with related book value, and
recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then the test should be conducted on the asset groups or asset group
portfolios including goodwill to compare the book value (including the book value part of the apportioned
goodwill) of the asset groups or asset group portfolios with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of
the asset groups or asset group portfolios containing is lower than the book value, the impairment loss of goodwill
shall be recognized.

(22) Long-term unamortized expense

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

1. Amortization Method

Long-Term Unamortized Expenses refer to all expenses that company costs but bears in current account period
and following account period with more than 1 year of allocation period. Long-Term Unamortized Expenses
amortized by stages based on direct method during benefit period.

(23) Employee Compensation

Employee compensation refers to all forms of rewards and compensation that company provides for employee's
service or dissolution of labor relation. Employee compensation includes short-term payment, welfare after
dismissal; dismiss welfare and other long-term employee welfare.

1. Short-Term Payment

Short-term payment refers to the whole payment that should be paid within 12 months after employee provides
annual report of related service, excluding welfare after dismissal and dismisses welfare. The company shall
confirm short-term payment as liability during the accounting period of the employee provides service and, in
accordance with benefit object with which employee provides service, calculate related asset cost and fees.

2. Welfare after Dismissal

Welfare after dismissal refers to all forms of rewards and welfare, after employee's retirement or dissolution with
enterprise, provides by company to obtain employee's service after dismissal, except short-term payment and
dismiss welfare. The welfare after dismissal is classified into defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan.

Welfare defined contribution plans after dismissal is mainly for basic life insurance and unemployment insurance
implemented by Labor and Social Insurance Institute of various regions. Except for basic life insurance and
unemployment insurance, employees retired after retirement can voluntarily take part in the pension plan
established by its company. During the accounting period of worker providing services to the company, the
payable deposit amount calculated on the basis of defined contribution plans should be recognized as the liability,
and should be credited in current profit and loss or the relevant asset costs.

Company no longer has other payment obligation after paying money regularly in accordance with provisions and
pension plans stipulated by state.

3. Dismissal welfare

Dismissal welfare refers to discharging labor relationship with staffs before the expiration of labor contract or
giving compensation to encourage staffs to accept redundancy voluntarily. It shall be added to current benefit and
loss as incurred.

4. Other Long-Term Employee's Welfare

Other long-term employee's welfare refers to all else long-term employees' welfare except short-term payment,
welfare after dismissal and dismissal welfare.

For other long-term employee's welfare in accordance with defined contribution plans, during the accounting
period of employees providing services for the company, payable and deposit amount are recognized as liabilities,
and are included in current losses and profits or relevant assets costs; Other long-term employee's welfare, on the
balance sheet date, independent actuary make an actuary by using expected accumulative welfare unit method,

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Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

attribute the welfare obligations produced in defined benefit plans into the period when employee provides service
and add into current benefit and loss or related asset cost.

(24) Estimated liabilities

1. Recognition standards for estimated liabilities

The obligations related to contingencies, which meet all the following conditions, are recognized by the Company
as anticipation liabilities.

The obligation is a current obligation undertaken by the Company;

The fulfillment of the obligation is very likely to cause an outflow of economic interests from the Company;

The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

2. Measurement method of estimated liabilities

Initial measurement is carried out to anticipation liabilities of the Company according to the optimum estimation
amount of the required expense when relevant obligations are fulfilled.

When determining the optimum estimation amount, the Company considers in a comprehensive way the factors
related to contingencies like risks, uncertainties and time value of currency. Where there are great influences of
time value of currency, the optimum estimation amount is determined after discounting relevant future cash flows.

The optimum estimation amount is determined according to different situations as follows:

Where there is a continuous range (or interval) of the required expense and different results in the range have
same possibility to occur, the optimum estimation amount is determined according to the intermediate value of the
range, i.e. the average of the maximal and the minimum amounts.

Where there is no continuous range (or interval) or there is a continuous range but different results have different
possibilities to occur, if contingencies involve individual proceedings, the optimum estimation amount is the
amount most likely to occur, and if contingencies involve several proceedings, the optimum estimation amount is
determined according to various possible results and the calculation of relevant probabilities.

If all expenses or part of them, which are used by the Company for paying off anticipation liabilities, are
anticipated to be compensated by a third party and compensation amount is basically sure to be received, the
compensation amount is recognized separately as an asset, which should not exceed the book value of the
anticipation liabilities.

(25) Share-based Payment

1. Types of share-based payment

The Company provides equity-settled and cash-settled share-based payment.

2. Recognition of the fair value of equity instruments

For equity instruments such as the granted option, which exist in the active market, the fair value is recognized
according to their prices in the active market. For those not existing in the active market, their fair value is
recognized by using the option pricing model, which should be selected in consideration of the following factors:
a. option exercise price; b. option period; c. the current price of the underlying shares; d. the predicted fluctuation

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rate of the share price, e. the estimated dividend of the share; f. risk free rate in the option period; g. payment of
shares of installment options

When determining the grant-date fair value of equity instruments, the Company shall take into account the
influence of market conditions in vesting conditions and non-vesting conditions stipulated in the share-based
payment agreement. Where a share-based payment has a non-vesting condition, the Company shall recognize
receipt of the corresponding service cost if employees or other parties satisfy all the non-market conditions (for
example, service duration) in vesting conditions.

3. Basis of recognition of the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments

On each balance sheet date in the vesting period, the Company shall make the best available estimate of the
number of equity instruments expected to vest, and shall revise that estimate if subsequent information indicates
that the number of equity instruments expected to vest differs from previous estimates. On vesting date, the
Company shall revise the estimate to equal the number of equity instruments that ultimately vested.

4. Accounting for implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment plans

The Company shall measure the equity-settled share-based payment at the fair value of the granted employee
equity instruments. If the equity instruments granted vest immediately, the Company shall include the grant-date
fair value of equity instruments into related cost or expense, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve. If
the equity instruments granted do not vest until the counterparty completes a specified period of service or
achieves a performance condition in the vesting period, the Company shall include the service obtained in the
current period into related cost or expense and capital reserved by reference to the grant-date fair value of equity
instruments based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments on each balance sheet date
during the vesting period. The Company shall not adjust the recognized cost or expense and total equity amount
after the vesting date.

The case-settled share-based payment shall be measured by reference to the fair value of the Company's eligible
liabilities which is calculated based on shares or other equity instruments. If the equity instruments granted vest
immediately, the Company shall include the fair value of eligible liabilities in related cost or expense on the
vesting date, with a corresponding increase in liabilities. For the cash-settled share-based payment where the
granted options are not exercised until the counterparty completes a specified period of service or achieves a
performance condition in the vesting period, the Company shall include the service obtained in the current period
into related cost or expense and liabilities by reference to the grant-date fair value of liabilities, based on the best
estimate of the number of vested equity instruments on each balance sheet date during the vesting period. The
Company shall re-measure the fair value of its liabilities on each balance sheet date and settlement date before
settlement of related liabilities, and include liability changes in current profit and loss.

5. Modifications to the terms and conditions on which equity instruments were granted

If a grant of an equity instrument is cancelled during the vesting period, the Company shall account for the
cancellation as an acceleration of vesting, and shall therefore include immediately the amount that would
otherwise have been recognized for services received over the remainder of the vesting period in the current profit
and loss, and recognize capital reserve. If employees or other parties can but fail to satisfy non-vesting conditions
in the vesting period, the Company shall account for the failure as a cancellation of the grant of the equity

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

(26) Other Financial Instruments including Preferred Stock, Perpetual Capital Securities and so on

The company, in accordance with the provisions of financial instruments, based on contrast terms and economic
essence rather only legal forms of issued preferred stock, perpetual capital securities and other financial
instruments, combining with the definitions of financial liability and equity instruments, classified the financial
instruments or its components into financial liability or equity instruments during original confirmation:

1. Classify issued financial instruments into financial liability when one of following conditions is satisfied:

1) The contrast obligations of offering cash to other party or other financial asset;

2) The contrast obligations of exchanging financial asset with other party or other financial liability under the
adverse conditions;

3) Non-derivative instruments contrast that can be calculated by using enterprise's own equity instruments to
calculate; Enterprise's own equity instruments based on variable amount that contrast will offer;

4) Derivative instruments contrast that be calculated by using enterprise's own equity instruments to calculate;
enterprise's own equity instruments based on variable amount that contrast will offer; Apart from the cash of fixed
amount exchanged with fixed amount of enterprise's own equity instruments;

2. When following conditions are met at the same time, the financial instruments are classified into rights and
benefits instruments:

5) The financial instruments don't include paying cash or other financial assets to other parties or contrast
obligations of exchanging financial assets or financial debts with other party under the adverse conditions.

6) For financial instruments that are classified into equity instruments, its interest expense or dividend distribution
shall be regarded as profit distribution of issuing enterprises. So the such movements of buy-back and writing off
as rights and interests and the such as transaction fees as handling charges and commissions shall be deducted
from rights and interests.

3. Accounting treatment methods

The interest expense or dividend distribution for financial instruments classified as equity instruments, should be
taken as profit distribution of the issuing enterprises, and its repurchase, and cancellation, etc should be taken as
equity changes processing, then the handling charge and commission and other transaction fees should be
deducted from equity;

The interest expense or dividend distribution for financial instruments classified as financial liabilities, should be
in accordance with the principle of borrowing costs for processing, and its profit or loss, etc occurred in
repurchase or redemption should be credited in current profit and loss, then the handling charge and commission
and other transaction fees should be credited in amount of initial measurement of the issuing instruments.

(27) Income

1. Standards for recognition time of sales income

The realization of the income from the sale of commodities is recognized when the Company has already
transferred the main risks and consideration in the ownership right of the commodities to the purchaser, the
Company has not retained any further management right connected to the ownership right nor implement effective
control over the sold commodities, the amount of the revenue can be reliably measured, relevant economic

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

interests are likely to flow into the enterprise, and relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured

The company is specialized in electronic market leasing business, and adopts the straight-line method to recognize
the rent received during leasing period as rental income; the income from other business should be recognized as
revenue when risk premium is transferred according to the contract.

The deferred method is used for the collection of contract or agreement amounts. If financing is involved, the fair
value of contract or agreement amounts receivable shall be recognized at as the revenue from goods sales.

2. Basis for recognition of income from transfer of asset use right
When the economic interests relating to transaction may flow into enterprise and the amount of income can be
measured reliably, the amount of income from transfer of asset use should be confirmed according to the
following conditions: (原来漏译)

(1) The amount of interest income is determined according to the time and actual interest rate of other people
using the monetary fund of the enterprise.

(2) The amount of the income from use fee is determined in accordance with the time and method of charges as
agreed in relevant contract or agreement.

3. Provide the basis and method to recognize labor service income

Where the results of the labor services provided on the balance sheet date can be estimated reliably, the income
from the provision of labor services is recognized with the percentage of completion method. The completion
progress of a labor service transaction is determined by surveying the work completed.

Service transaction result can be reliably estimated, it means the following conditions can be met simultaneously:

1) Income amount can be measured reliably;

2) Relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the company;

3) Transaction completion schedule can be confirmed reliably;

4) The transaction costs incurred and to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.

The total amount of the income from the provision of labor services is determined according to the price money
received or receivable of a relevant contract or agreement, unless the price money received or receivable of a
relevant contract or agreement is unfair. The labor services income of the current period is recognized on the
balance sheet date according to the resulted amount of the total amount of income from provision of labor services
times the completion percentage and deducted by the accumulative amount of the recognized income from
provision of labor services in previous accounting periods. At the same time, the labor cost of the current period is
carried forward according to the estimated total cost of the provision of labor services times the completion
percentage and deducted by the accumulative amount of the recognized labor cost in previous accounting periods.

Where the results of the provision of labor services on the balance sheet date cannot be estimated reliably, such
results are processed respectively according to the following conditions:

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

5) Where it is estimated that the labor services cost incurred can be compensated, the income from provision of
labor services is recognized according to the amount of the labor services cost incurred and the same amount is
transferred into the labor cost.

6) Where it is estimated that the labor services cost incurred cannot be compensated, the labor services cost
incurred is recorded into current profit and loss and no income is recognized.

When the contracts or agreements signed between the Company and other companies include commodity sales
and labor service and these two parts can be differentiated from each other and can be separately measured,
commodity sales and labor service are handled separately. If they cannot be differentiated from each other or they
can be differentiated from each other but cannot be separately measured, both parts will be handled as commodity

4. Basis and method to confirm construction contract revenue

(1) When the result of construction contract can be estimated reliably, the relevant contract revenue and costs
should be recognized with the percentage of completion method on balance sheet date. Percentage of completion
method refers to the method to recognize contract revenue and costs based on contract completion schedule.
Contract completion schedule should be confirmed according to the proportion of accumulative total contract cost
incurred in total estimated cost of contract.

The result of fixed price contract can be reliably estimated, it means the following conditions are met

7) Total contract revenue can be measured reliably;

8) Relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the company;

9) The contract costs incurred can be distinguished and measured in a reliable way;

10) Contract completion schedule and the cost to be incurred for the contract completion can be confirmed in a
reliable way.

The result of cost plus contract can be reliably estimated, it means the following conditions can be met

11) Relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the company;

12) The contract costs actually incurred can be distinguished and measured in a reliable way

On balance sheet date, the contract revenue in current period is recognized at the total contract revenue multiplied
by the completion schedule and then deducted by accumulative recognized income during the previous accounting
periods; Meanwhile, the contract cost in current period is recognized at the total estimated cost of contract
multiplied by the completion schedule and then deducted by the accumulative recognized cost during the previous
accounting periods. The change, claim for compensation and bonus of contract project shall be recorded into total
contract revenue subject to the amount that is likely to bring about income and can be calculated in a reliable way.

(2) The construction contract result cannot be estimated reliably, shall be treated as the following situation;

13) If the contract cost can be recovered, the contract revenue shall be recognized according to actual recoverable
contract cost, while the contract cost shall be recognized as cost in the current period.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

14) If the contract cost cannot be recovered, it is recognized upon incurrence while no contract revenue is

(3) If the contract cost exceeds the total contract income, the expected loss shall be recognized as the cost

5. Transfer of the assets with repurchase conditions

If the Company signs a repurchase agreement when selling products or transferring other assets, whether the
products sold meet the conditions for income recognition is judged according to the articles of the agreement. If
the repurchase is a financing transaction, the Company does not recognize sales income when delivering products
or assets. If the repurchase price is higher than the selling price, interests are accrued for the difference during
repurchase period and recorded into financial expenses.

(2) Government subsidies

1. Type

A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by an enterprise from the
government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as the owner of the enterprise.

According to the subsidy object specified in the relevant government documents, the government subsidy is
classified as asset-related government subsidies and income-related government subsidies.

The asset-related government subsidy refers to the government subsidy acquired by the Company or long-term
assets in other forms. The income-related government subsidy refers to the government subsidy that is exclusive
of asset-related government subsidy.

2. Recognition of the government subsidy

For relevant conditions that can prove the Company can meet the regulations of financial support policies and
expected to be able to receive financial support fund at the end of term, confirm the government subsidies based
on the receivable amount. In addition, the government subsidies are confirmed when actually received.

When the government subsidy is the monetary assets, calculate the amount based on the received or receivable
assets. For the government subsidy is the non-monetary assets; calculate the amount based on the fair value, the
fair value cannot be reliably obtained, measured at its nominal amount (1 Yuan). The government subsidy is
calculated by the nominal amount should be directly included in the current profit and loss.

3. Accounting treatment method

The government subsidies related to assets, confirmed as deferred income, are recognized as the current
non-operating income based on the asset utilization term of the formation or procurement by stages.

The government subsidies related to profits, used to compensate relevant expenses or losses in later periods, are
recognized as deferred profits when they are obtained; the subsidies, used to compensate relevant expenses or
losses having occurred, are recognized as the current non-operating income when they are obtained.

When the recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, there is the deferred income balance shall be
offset against the carrying amount of deferred income balance, the excess part shall be recognized as the current
profit and loss; if there is no related deferred income, recognized directly as the current profit and loss.

(27) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

The deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and confirmed based on the difference of tax
basis and the book value between assets and liabilities (temporary differences). At the balance sheet date, calculate
the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at the applicable tax rate during the period for the expected
recovery of assets or settlement of liabilities.

1. Basis for the recognition of deferred incomes tax assets

The company is likely to use for deducting the deductible temporary differences, limited by taxable income can
transfer the deductible losses and tax reduction, confirm the deferred tax assets generated by the deductible
temporary difference. However, the deferred tax assets generated by initial recognition of assets or liabilities with
the following characteristics shall not be recognized: (1) the transaction is not the business combination; (2) the
transaction does not affect the accounting profit, also does not affect the taxable income or deductible loss.

2. Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities

The temporary difference between the tax payable not paid in the current period and that in previous periods is
recognized by the Company as deferred income tax liabilities, but excluding:

1) The temporary differences formed by initial recognition of goodwill;

2) Transactions or events formed by non-business combination, and temporary differences formed that the
transactions or events occur do not affect the accounting profit, and also do not affect the taxable profit (or
deductible loss);

3) For taxable temporary differences associated with the subsidiaries, associates investment, the transfer time of
temporary differences can be controlled and the temporary differences in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be

3. An entity shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if:

4) the entity has a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities; and

5) the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation
authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax
liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future
period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

(28) Lease

If the lease terms substantially transfer all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets to the lessee, the
lease is the finance lease, and other leases are the operating lease.

1. Accounting treatment of operating lease

The fee paid by the Company for rented assets is apportioned by the straight-line method in the whole lease term
without deduction of the rent-free period and recorded into current expenses. The initial direct expenses related to
lease transactions, paid by the Company, are recorded into current expenses.

In case that the leasing party undertakes the lease-related expenses that should be undertaken by the Company, the
Company deducts the expenses from the total lease fee and the lease fee after deduction is apportioned in the lease
term and recorded into current expenses.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

The lease fee received by the Company from leasing of assets is apportioned by the straight-line method in the
whole lease term without deduction of the rent-free period and recorded into the lease income. The initial direct
expenses related to lease transactions, paid by the Company, are recorded into current expenses. Those with
significant amounts are capitalized and recorded by periods into current profits in the whole lease term according
to the same basis for recognition of the lease income.

In case that the Company undertakes the lease-related expenses which should be undertaken by the lessee, the
Company deducts the expenses from the total lease income and the lease expenses after deduction are allocated in
the lease term.

2. Accounting treatment of financing lease

(1) Assets acquired under financing lease: Between the fair value of rented assets and the minimum lease payment,
the Company adopts the lower one as the recording value of the rented assets, the minimum lease payment as the
recording value of long-term accounts payable, and the difference between the two as financing expenses yet to be

The financing expenses yet to be recognized are apportioned by the Company by the actual interest rate method in
the lease term of the assets and recorded into accounting expenses. Assets given out under financing lease:

(2) Assets leased out under financing lease: The difference between the total residual value, without guarantee, of
the financing lease payment receivable and the current value is recognized by the Company on the
lease-beginning date as financing profits yet to be realized and as the lease income in future lease periods. The
initial direct expenses related to lease transactions are recorded into the initial calculation of financing lease
payment receivable and the amount of profits recognized in the lease term is reduced.

(29) Changes of main accounting policies and accounting estimates

1. Changes of accounting policies

    Contents and reasons for changes of accounting policies          Procedure of approval             Remarks
Make the retrospective adjustment according to the new
                                                               The 6th meeting of the 6th Board of
accounting standards for long-term equity investments, capital
                                                               Directors of the Company
reserves and deferred income, etc.

Descriptions of the changes in accounting policies:

The Ministry of Finance promulgated or revised series of enterprise accounting standards in 2014, the Company
has implemented the new enterprise accounting standard as required in July 1, 2014, adjust the comparative
financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the new convergence guidelines. Impacts on the
implementation of the new standards on the comparative financial statements are described below:

(1) Long-term equity investment

1) The Company pursuant to the newly revised Long-term Equity Investment Criteria, incorporate the equity
investments which do not have control, joint control or significant influence on the invested entity into the
accounting available for sale financial assets based on the original cost method, in which: without the quoted price,
fair value, the equity instruments cannot be reliably measured in the active the market are calculated subsequently
based on the cost price, other equity instruments are subsequently measured at fair value. The retrospective
impacts on above changes in accounting policy are as follows:

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                                       January 1, 2013
    Invested organization                                                           Financial assets
                                 proportio           Long-term equity                                         Shareholders' equity attributable
                                     n                                             available for sale
                                                     investment (+/-)                                           to the parent company (+/-)

Nanjing Shangsha Co., Ltd                0.68                -280,000.00                    280,000.00                                          ---

Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd                     ---                            ---                        ---                                         ---

Shenzhen SEG GPS Scientific
                                     12.50                -13,515,392.83                13,515,392.83                                           ---
Navigations Co., Ltd.

            Total                         ---             -13,795,392.83                13,795,392.83                                           ---

                                                                                     December 31, 2013
    Invested organization                                                                                            Shareholders' equity
                                 proportio          Long-term equity           Financial assets available
                                   n (%)                                                                           attributable to the parent
                                                    investment (+/-)                 for sale (+/-)
                                                                                                                         company (+/-)

Nanjing Shangsha Co., Ltd                0.68              -280,000.00                       280,000.00                                         ---

Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd                     ---                          ---                              ---                                     ---

Shenzhen SEG GPS Scientific
                                     12.50              -13,515,392.83                    13,515,392.83                                         ---
Navigations Co., Ltd.

Kasggar Shenzhen City Co.,
                                         3.03           -20,000,000.00                    20,000,000.00                                         ---

             合计                         ---           -33,795,392.83                    33,795,392.83                                         ---

(2) Impact on the changes in the financial statement report for the consolidated financial statements

1) The Company pursuant to the revised Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of Financial
Statements, adjust the part attributable to other comprehensive income in the original capital reserves, as other
comprehensive income items in accordance with the presentation requirements, adjust the presentation by the
retrospective adjustment method at the beginning of year, the retroactive adjustment impacts are as the following:

                                                          01.01.13                                                 31.12.13
                                         Before adjustment        After adjustment            Before adjustment             After adjustment
Capital reserve                                 404,380,330.57           404,100,030.23             404,593,024.05              404,357,267.73
Other comprehensive income                                                     280,300.34                                            235,756.32
Total                                           404,380,330.57           404,380,330.57             404,593,024.05              404,593,024.05

2) Pursuant to the revised Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of Financial Statements, the
Company shall list the deferred income separately according to the presentation requirements, and adjust the
presentation by the retrospective adjustment method at the beginning of year, the retroactive adjustment impacts
are as the following:

                                                          01.01.13                                                 31.12.13
                                         Before adjustment       After adjustment             Before adjustment             After adjustment

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                        01.01.13                                             31.12.13
                                         Before adjustment        After adjustment            Before adjustment     After adjustment
Deferred income                                                            320,080.91                                         762,246.19
Other non-current liabilities                    320,080.91                                           762,246.19
Total                                            320,080.91                320,080.91                 762,246.19              762,246.19

2. Changes of accounting estimates

No change was made to the main accounting estimates in the current period.

V. Taxes

(3) Main tax types and tax rates imposed on the Company

                   Tax Category                                                Basis                                    Tax rate
Value-added tax                                    Sales of goods                                                                      17
Business tax                                       Revenue from rental and interest on loans                                            5
Urban maintenance and construction tax             Turnover tax payable                                                                 7
Enterprise income tax                              Taxable income                                                                  25, 15

Income tax rate descriptions of different tax payer:

Except for the income tax rate of Xi'an SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronics
Market Co., Ltd. is 15%, the income tax rate of the Company and other subsidiaries is 25%.

(4) Preferential tax policies and basis

According to the acknowledgment letter [2014] No. 134 of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform
Commission, the Company's subsidiary Xi'an Hairong SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd. engaged in the project
encouraged by the state, which complies with the preferential policies for western development enterprise income
tax, pay the enterprise income tax at 15% this year.

According to the acknowledgment letter [2014] No. 060 of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform
Commission, the Company's subsidiary Xi'an SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd. engaged in the project
encouraged by the state, which complies with the preferential policies for western development enterprise income
tax, pay the enterprise income tax at 15%this year.

VI. Notes on the Main Items of the Consolidated Financial Statements

Unless specifically noted, the unit for the following amounts is RMB Yuan.

Note 1     Monetary funds

                    Item                                     Closing balance                               Opening balance
Cash on hand                                                                    602,592.57                                    496,319.50
Bank deposit                                                              381,404,611.82                                 335,064,832.27
Other monetary capital                                                         1,049,476.31                                  1,032,342.04
                   Total                                                  383,056,680.70                                 336,593,493.81

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

An amount of RMB 1 million in other monetary capital is the deposit paid for subsidiaries on credit cards.

Note 2      Loans to banks and other financial institutions

                         Item                               Closing balance                            Opening balance
Loans to the enterprises of the same industry                            30,000,000.00
Less: impairment provision
                         Total                                           30,000,000.00

Note 3     Notes receivable

1. Types of notes receivable

                          Item                                   Closing balance                          Opening balance
Bank's acceptance bill                                                           84,618.08
                          Total                                                  84,618.08

2. There is no pledged notes receivable by the end of this period

3. There are no notes receivable endorsed and discounted but still not expired at the end of this period

4. There are no notes converted to receivables due to nonperformance of the drawer at the end of the period.

Note 4     Accounts receivable

1. Disclosure of accounts receivable by type

                                                                                Closing balance
                                                    Book balance                     Bad debt provision
                 Type                                                                              Percentage        Book value
                                                Amount                              Amount             of
Accounts receivable with a significant
amount individually, for which bad debt
provision is separately accrued
Accounts receivable for which bad debt
provision is accrued according to
                                                185,866,040.16          94.08                                         185,866,040.16
combinations of credit risk
Accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually, for
                                                 11,699,138.18           5.92      11,699,138.18       100.00                      -
which bad debt provision is separately
                 Total                          197,565,178.34         100.00      11,699,138.18           5.92       185,866,040.16

Continued from above:

                                                                                Opening balance
                                                    Book balance                     Bad debt provision
                 Type                                                                              Percentage        Book value
                                                Amount                              Amount             of
Accounts receivable with a significant

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                                 Opening balance
                                                    Book balance                      Bad debt provision
                   Type                                                                              Percentage      Book value
                                                Amount                               Amount              of
amount individually, for which bad debt
provision is separately accrued
Accounts receivable for which bad debt
provision is accrued according to
                                               204,090,450.12           94.58            4,140.80           0.00      204,086,309.32
combinations of credit risk
Accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually, for
                                                11,699,138.18            5.42       11,699,138.18        100.00                      -
which bad debt provision is separately
                   Total                       215,789,588.30          100.00       11,703,278.98           5.42      204,086,309.32

Notes on types of accounts receivable:

(1) Accounts receivable with an insignificant amount individually, for which bad debt provision is separately

                                                                                Closing balance

              Name of debtor                                                                   Percentage
                                          Accounts receivable         Bad debt provision           of         Reason for provision
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                          uncollectible because they
Jiangsu Unicom                                     3,092,011.09                 3,092,011.09       100.00
                                                                                                          have been outstanding for
                                                                                                          more than five years.
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
Shenzhen Shuangxionghui Industrial                                                                        uncollectible because they
                                                  2,160,725.63                 2,160,725.63        100.00
Co., Ltd                                                                                                  have been outstanding for
                                                                                                          more than five years.
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
Shenzhen LiYuanshun Industrial Co.,                                                                       uncollectible because they
                                                  1,906,865.35                 1,906,865.35        100.00
Ltd.                                                                                                      have been outstanding for
                                                                                                          more than five years.
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
Zhejiang Financial Information Co.,                                                                       uncollectible because they
                                                    786,000.00                   786,000.00        100.00
Ltd                                                                                                       have been outstanding for
                                                                                                          more than five years.
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                          uncollectible because they
Shanghai Tianci Industrial Co., Ltd.                899,000.00                   899,000.00        100.00
                                                                                                          have been outstanding for
                                                                                                          more than five years.
                                                                                                          The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                          uncollectible because they
Other units                                        2,854,536.11                 2,854,536.11       100.00
                                                                                                          have been outstanding too
                  Total                          11,699,138.18               11,699,138.18         100.00

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

(2) Among the combination, accounts receivable for which bad debt provision is accrued by the aging method:

                                                                          Closing balance
      Account receivable aging
                                         Accounts receivable             Bad debt provision             Percentage of provision
Less than one year                               185,866,040.16
1-2 years
2-3 years
Over 3 years
                 Total                           185,866,040.16

2. Bad-debt provision accrued, collected or reversed in the current period

An amount of 4,140.80 Yuan of bad-debt provision is collected during this year.

3. No other accounts receivable are written off in the current period.

4. Top five accounts receivable collected according to the debtor

                                                                           Percentage in the total
                                                                            amount of accounts          Provision for bad debts
                     Name of debtor                  Closing balance
                                                                          receivable at the end of              accrued
                                                                                this period
TOP STAR COMMUNICATION LIMITED                           45,082,280.95                      22.82
NORIAN DIGTAL TECHNOLOGY (HK)LIMITED                     22,715,010.36                      11.50
Dalian Dier Computer Co., Ltd.                           15,887,560.50                        8.04
BORICLE INTL                                             12,110,255.15                        6.13
Shenzhen Runneng Digital Co., Ltd.                        7,003,792.89                        3.55
                         Total                          102,798,899.85                      52.04

5. There are no accounts receivable whose recognition is terminated due to financial assets transfer in the current

6. There are no assets and liabilities formed due to transfer of and further involvement in accounts receivable.

Note 5      Advances

1. Advances listed by aging

                                               Closing balance                                   Opening balance
    Account receivable aging                                       Proportion                                        Proportion
                                           Amount                                             Amount
                                                                      (%)                                               (%)
Less than one year                              94,633,317.07            100.00                      74,002,910.35         100.00
1-2 years                                                      -                -                              ---                ---
2-3 years                                                      -                -                              ---                ---
Over 3 years                                                   -                -                              ---                ---
               Total                            94,633,317.07            100.00                      74,002,910.35         100.00

2. Top five advances collected by the debtor

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                               Percentage in the
                                                                total amount of        Time of advance
           Name of debtor                Period-end amount                                                  Reason for non-settlement
                                                                    accounts              payment
Tonmac International      Electronics                                                                       Prepaid park rent charge for
                                              19,922,132.67                   21.05 Less than one year
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd                                                                                                                  2015
Shenzhen Must Power Limited                   17,596,316.63                   18.59 Less than one year      Advance payment for goods
Xi'an Gaoke (Group) New West
                                                                                                            Prepaid park rent charge for
China Industrial Development Co.,             10,000,000.00                   10.57 Less than one year
China    Mobile  Communication
Group Terminal Limited Company                 8,026,147.00                    8.48 Less than one year      Advance payment for goods
Sinkiang Branch
Shenzhen Shuojian Industry Co., Ltd            7,505,951.97                    7.93 Less than one year      Advance payment for goods
Total                                         63,050,548.27                   66.62

Note 6     Other accounts receivable

1. Disclosure of other accounts receivable by type

                                                                               Closing balance
                                                Book balance                          Bad debt provision
                Type                                                                                  Percentage       Book value
                                             Amount                                   Amount              of
Other accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually, for
                                              20,131,835.38        15.78              20,131,835.38        100.00
which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
Other receivables for which bad
debt provision is accrued according
                                              95,371,972.98        74.74                   5,816.71          0.01        95,366,156.27
to combinations of credit risk
Combination 1                                  4,516,398.14            3.54                5,816.71          0.13         4,510,581.43
Combination 2                                 90,855,574.84        71.20                                        -        90,855,574.84
Other accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually,
                                              12,102,714.93            9.48           12,102,714.93        100.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
                Total                       127,606,523.29        100.00              32,240,367.02         25.27        95,366,156.27

Continued from above:

                                                                               Opening balance
                                                Book balance                          Bad debt provision
                Type                                                                                  Percentage       Book value
                                             Amount                                   Amount              of
   Other accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually, for          20,131,835.38        35.13              20,131,835.38        100.00
        which bad debt provision is

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                          Opening balance
                                            Book balance                        Bad debt provision
               Type                                                                                Percentage       Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                  of
                 separately accrued
   Other receivables for which bad
debt provision is accrued according
                                          25,037,340.99         43.69                   3,986.27          0.02        25,033,354.72
      to combinations of credit risk
                       Combination 1      13,439,818.01         23.45                   3,986.27          0.03        13,435,831.74
                       Combination 2      11,597,522.98         20.24                          -             -        11,597,522.98
 Other accounts receivable with an
 insignificant amount individually,
                                          12,134,424.93         21.18           12,134,424.93           100.00                      -
    for which bad debt provision is
                 separately accrued
               Total                      57,303,601.30        100.00           32,270,246.58            56.31        25,033,354.72

Notes on types of other accounts receivable:

(1) Other accounts receivable with a significant amount individually, for which bad debt provision is separately

                                                                            Closing balance

            Name of debtor                                                                 Percentage
                                              Other accounts
                                                                   Bad debt provision          of           Reason for provision
                                                                                                      The accounts receivable are
No.1: Yangjiang Yuntong Grease Co.,                                                                   uncollectible because they
                                                8,530,276.35               8,530,276.35        100.00
Ltd                                                                                                   have been outstanding for
                                                                                                      more than five years.
                                                                                                      The accounts receivable are
Creditor's right transferred in by SEG                                                                uncollectible because they
                                                5,904,271.52               5,904,271.52        100.00
Communications                                                                                        have been outstanding for
                                                                                                      more than five years.
                                                                                                      The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                      uncollectible because they
Shenzhen Lianjing Trade Co., Ltd.               5,697,287.51               5,697,287.51        100.00
                                                                                                      have been outstanding for
                                                                                                      more than five years.
                 Total                        20,131,835.38              20,131,835.38         100.00

(2) Among the combinations, accounts receivable for which bad debt provision is computed by aging method:

                                                                            Closing balance
      Account receivable aging
                                         Other accounts receivable        Bad debt provision              Percentage of provision
Less than one year                                   4,471,048.45                                   -                               -
1-2 years                                                  3,469.17                           173.44                             5.00
2-3 years                                                 27,337.83                         2,734.73                          10.00
Over 3 years                                              14,542.69                         2,908.54                          20.00
                 Total                               4,516,398.14                           5,816.71                             0.13

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

(3) Other accounts receivable in Combination 2 include premium for lease and due from related parties.

2. Bad-debt provision accrued, collected or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision of 21,934.44 Yuan is accrued for the current period; and 51,814.00 Yuan of bad-debt provision
is reversed for the current period.

3. No other accounts receivable are written off in the current period.

4. Types of other accounts receivable categorized by nature

                   Item                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance
  Amount for assignment of creditor's right                                 28,568,316.79                                  28,568,316.79
               Revolving fund                                                  1,733,960.46                                 1,991,201.91
         Deposit and earnest money                                          90,906,485.24                                  14,063,040.84
                   Others                                                      6,397,760.80                                12,681,041.76
                   Total                                                   127,606,523.29                                  57,303,601.30

5. Top five other accounts receivable collected by the debtor

                                                                                                       in the total
                                                                                                       amount of       Bad debt provision
         Name of debtor              Nature of receivables       Closing balance        receivable
                                                                                                          other         Closing balance
Xi'an Land Reserve Trading                                                                Less than
                           Deposit                                   60,000,000.00                            47.02
Center                                                                                     one year
Shenzhen San Miki Electronics                                                             Less than
                              Deposit                                10,000,000.00                             7.84
Limited                                                                                    one year
No.1:   Yangjiang      Yuntong Debt restructuring          of
                                                                        8,530,276.35 Over 5 years              6.68         8,530,276.35
Grease Co., Ltd                SEG Orient
Nantong          Construction Peasant workers' wage                                    Less     than
                                                                        6,200,000.00                           4.86
Engineering Administration    margin                                                   one year
Creditor's right transferred in Debt restructuring of
                                                                        5,904,271.52 Over 5 years              4.63         5,904,271.52
by SEG Communications           SEG Communications
Total                                                                90,634,547.87                            71.03        14,434,547.87

6. There are no accounts receivable involving government subsidies in the current period.

7. There are no other accounts receivable whose recognition is terminated due to financial assets transfer in the
current period.

8. There are no assets and liabilities formed due to transfer of and further involvement in other accounts

Note 7     Inventory

1. Category of inventory

        Item                             Closing balance                                             Opening balance

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                          Provision for loss                                            Provision for loss
                                            for decline in                                                for decline in
                      Book balance                               Book value           Book balance                                Book value
                                               value of                                                      value of
                                             inventories                                                   inventories
Raw materials                 80,293.26                               80,293.26            90,392.46                    ---           90,392.46
Low value
                             202,195.78                              202,195.78           178,788.28                    ---          178,788.28
                         1,039,703.99                              1,039,703.99          1,188,478.68                   ---        1,188,478.68
                      276,959,393.69                             276,959,393.69         96,543,262.08                   ---       96,543,262.08
     Total            278,281,586.72                             278,281,586.72         98,000,921.50                   ---       98,000,921.50

2. Description on closing inventory balance containing amount of borrowing costs capitalized

                                                                        Current period decrease                               Capitalization rate
                                                                                                                                of capitalized
 Name of inventory             Opening         Current period                                                 Closing
      items                    balance           increase            Fall in sales           Others           balance
                                                                                                                                recognized in
                                                                                                                               current period
Nantong SEG Times
                                                  2,885,600.89                                             2,885,600.89                     6.30
         Total                                    2,885,600.89                                             2,885,600.89

3. Development cost

                              Commencement           Expected
      Project name                                                      investment            Closing balance            Opening balance
                                  time            completion time
Nantong SEG Times
                              2013.5             2015.12             600,000,000.00                274,073,792.80                 96,543,262.08
          Total                                                                                    274,073,792.80                 96,543,262.08

Note 8     Other current assets

                         Item                                        Closing balance                             Opening balance
Financial products                                                                   322,679,000.00                              385,000,000.00
Tax to be deducted and withheld                                                      120,700,762.42                               34,925,176.02
Others                                                                                  163,251.07
                         Total                                                       443,543,013.49                              419,925,176.02

Note 9     Loans and advances issued

1. Loan and advances issued

                     Item                                       Closing balance                                Opening balance
Loan principal                                                                458,229,526.30                                     247,258,481.30
Advance                                                                                      ---                                               ---
Less: Impairment provision for loans and
                                                                                  5,712,454.24                                     3,387,042.58
                     Total                                                    452,517,072.06                                     243,871,438.72

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Note 10        Financial assets available for sale

1. Financial assets available for sale

                                                 Closing balance                                          Opening balance
             Item                                  Impairment                                                  Impairment
                                Book balance                         Book value         Book balance                             Book value
                                                    provision                                                   provision
Available-for-sale       debt
equity instruments
Measured at fair value            554,642.62                            554,642.62            562,531.41                            562,531.41
Measured at cost                33,810,392.83         15,000.00      33,795,392.83          33,810,392.83         15,000.00      33,795,392.83
          Total                 34,365,035.45         15,000.00      34,350,035.45          34,372,924.24         15,000.00      34,357,924.24

2. Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value at the end of period

                                        Available-for-sale        Available-for-sale debt
              Category                                                                                Others                     Total
                                        equity instruments             instruments
Cost of equity
instruments/amortized cost of                       90,405.00                                                                        90,405.00
debt instruments
Amount changes in fair value
multiple-recorded into other                       464,237.62                                                                       464,237.62
comprehensive income
Less: accrued amount of
Fair value                                         554,642.62                                                                       554,642.62

3. Equity instruments measured at cost at the end of period

                                               Share-holding                                   Book balance
                                               proportion in
         Invested organization                                                       Current period       Current period
                                                the invested Opening balance                                                   Closing balance
                                               company (%)                             increase             decrease

Kashgar Shenzhen City Co., Ltd.                        3.03        20,000,000.00                                                 20,000,000.00
Shenzhen SEG GPS                 Scientific
                                                      12.50        13,515,392.83                                                 13,515,392.83
Navigations Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Shangsha Co., Ltd                              0.68          280,000.00                                                     280,000.00
Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd.                                   —            15,000.00                                                     15,000.00
                    Total                                          33,810,392.83                      -                    -     33,810,392.83

Continued from above:

                                                                          Impairment provision                                 Cash dividends
         Invested organization                                      Current period     Current period                           of the current
                                                Opening balance                                             Closing balance         period
                                                                      increase           decrease
Kashgar Shenzhen City Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen     SEG      GPS         Scientific
Navigations Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

           Invested organization                                      Impairment provision                                  Cash dividends
                                                                                                                             of the current
Nanjing Shangsha Co., Ltd
Anshan Yibai Co., Ltd                              15,000.00                                                    15,000.00
                    Total                          15,000.00                                                    15,000.00

Note 11      Long-term equity investment

                                                                             Increases and decreases in the current period
                                                                                                        Investment          Adjustments in
       Invested organization              Opening balance       Additional           Negative        profits or losses          other
                                                                investment          investment        recognized by         comprehensive
                                                                                                      equity method            income
I. Associates
Shanghai SEG Electronic Market
                                              9,254,501.99                                                     314,459.15
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.             102,848,308.04                                                 -25,301,808.77
                 Total                      112,102,810.03                                                -24,987,349.62

Continued from above:

                                                 Increases and decreases in the current period                                   Closing
                                                         Cash dividends                                                         balance of
       Invested organization                                                   Accrued                         Closing balance provision
                                          Changes in       or profits
                                                                             provision for       Others                             for
                                          other equity   announced for
                                                                              impairment                                       impairment
I. Associates
Shanghai SEG Electronic Market
                                                             5,992,172.96                                        3,576,788.18
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                  77,546,499.27
                 Total                                       5,992,172.96                    -             -    81,123,287.45

Note12       Investment properties

1. Investment properties

                                                   Houses and                                    Construction in
                     Item                                                Land use right                                         Total
                                                    buildings                                      progress
I.    Original book value
1.    Opening balance                               705,673,301.76            5,237,512.49                                  710,910,814.25
2.    Current period increase
Inventories/fixed assets/transfer-in of
construction in progress
Enterprise merger increase
Investment by shareholder
Other transfer-in
3.    Amount decrease in current period

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                   Houses and                                  Construction in
                     Item                                              Land use right                                    Total
                                                    buildings                                    progress
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance                             705,673,301.76          5,237,512.49                                710,910,814.25
II. Accumulated depreciation
1.     Opening balance                             227,661,739.56          1,731,592.86                                229,393,332.42
2.     Current period increase                      18,833,965.36            120,633.69                                 18,954,599.05
Provision or amortization                           18,833,965.36            120,633.69                                 18,954,599.05
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decreased in current period
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance                             246,495,704.92          1,852,226.55                                248,347,931.47
III.   Impairment provision
1.     Opening balance
2.     Current period increase
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decreased in current period
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance
IV.    Book value
1.     Ending book value                           459,177,596.84          3,385,285.94                                462,562,882.78
2.     Opening book value                          478,011,562.20          3,505,919.63                          -     481,517,481.83

2. Details of investment properties

                                                                                                           Net value of investment
     Organizations holding investment properties           Projects of investment properties
                                                     The second, fourth and fifth floors of SEG
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 239,632,855.59
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                               Part of floors of Modern Window building                           53,355,917.11
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.                               Other houses                                                        1,930,198.28
Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise Development
                                           Tower A, B of Baohua Building                                                35,081,842.59
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.         Part of floors of Modern Window building                            2,789,780.80
Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd.                   Changsha SEG                                                      129,772,288.41
                                               Total                                                                   462,562,882.78

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014
Note 13       Original price and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets

1. Fixed assets

                     Item                   Houses and buildings   Machinery equipment                        Electronic equipment   Other equipment    Total
I.    Total original book value
1.    Opening balance                              48,303,175.02          29,758,716.85        5,706,211.24          30,747,005.64       2,238,477.16   116,753,585.91
2.    Current period increase                                              1,105,783.10          257,405.58           1,913,496.66       1,370,757.46     4,647,442.80
Acquisition                                                                1,105,783.10          257,405.58           1,913,496.66       1,370,757.46     4,647,442.80
Transfer-in of construction in progress
Enterprise merger increase
Investment by shareholder
Financial lease
Other transfer-in                                                                                                                -                                   -
3.    Amount decrease in current period                                     544,227.14            11,800.00             506,124.83          10,969.91     1,073,121.88
Disposal or scrapping                                                       544,227.14            11,800.00             506,124.83          10,969.91     1,073,121.88
Financial lease
Other transfer-out
4.    Closing balance                              48,303,175.02          30,320,272.81        5,951,816.82          32,154,377.47       3,598,264.71   120,327,906.83
II.   Accumulated depreciation
1.    Opening balance                              25,771,055.49          26,884,848.57        2,564,323.82          18,174,975.70       1,481,727.50    74,876,931.08
2.    Current period increase                         800,541.89           1,838,360.66          699,989.27           1,206,421.68         550,111.04     5,095,424.54
Provision                                             800,541.89           1,838,360.66          699,989.27           1,206,421.68         550,111.04     5,095,424.54
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.    Amount decrease in current period                        0            543,744.14            11,210.00             489,372.45           8,420.63     1,052,747.22
Disposal or scrapping                                                       543,744.14            11,210.00             489,372.45           8,420.63     1,052,747.22
Financial lease

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014
                      Item                 Houses and buildings   Machinery equipment                        Electronic equipment   Other equipment    Total
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance                            26,571,597.38          28,179,465.09        3,253,103.09          18,892,024.93       2,023,417.91   78,919,608.40
III.   Impairment provision
1.     Opening balance
2.     Current period increase
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decrease in current period
Disposal or scrapping
Financial lease
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance
IV.    Aggregate book value
1.     Ending book value                          21,731,577.64           2,140,807.72        2,698,713.73          13,262,352.54       1,574,846.80   41,408,298.43
2.     Opening book value                         22,532,119.53           2,873,868.28        3,141,887.42          12,572,029.94         756,749.66   41,876,654.83

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

2. There are no fixed assets that are temporarily idle at the end of the period.

3. There are no fixed assets rented by financial lease at the end of the period

4. There are no fixed assets obtained through operating lease at the year-end.

5. Period-end fixed assets not gaining the property right certificate

            Item                   Book value                         Reason for not gaining the property right certificate
Houses and buildings                  1,359,123.04                                                Qualification procedures not complete
            Total                     1,359,123.04

Note 14       Intangible assets

1. Intangible assets

                     Item                            Land use right               Outsourced software                   Total
I.     Total original book value
1.     Opening balance                                        159,759.24                     2,264,853.00                     2,424,612.24
2.     Current period increase                                                                    4,500.00                        4,500.00
Acquisition                                                                                       4,500.00                        4,500.00
Internal R&D
Enterprise merger increase
Investment by shareholders
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decrease in current period
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance                                        159,759.24                     2,269,353.00                     2,429,112.24
II.    Accumulated amortization
1.     Opening balance                                         51,995.03                     1,485,715.75                     1,537,710.78
2.     Current period increase                                   2,759.76                      233,054.16                       235,813.92
Provision                                                        2,759.76                      233,054.16                       235,813.92
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decrease in current period
Other transfer-out
4.     Closing balance                                         54,754.79                     1,718,769.91                     1,773,524.70
III.   Impairment provision
1.     Opening balance
2.     Current period increase
Enterprise merger increase
Other transfer-in
3.     Amount decrease in current period

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                     Item                              Land use right               Outsourced software                 Total
Other transfer-out
4.    Closing balance
IV.   Aggregate book value
1.    Ending book value                                           105,004.45                      550,583.09                    655,587.54
2.    Opening book value                                          107,764.21                      779,137.25                    886,901.46

Note 15     Goodwill

1. Original book value of goodwill

                                                       Current period increase           Current period decrease
  Name of the invested
 organization or the item     Opening balance       Formed by                                                          Closing balance
contributing to a goodwill                          enterprise            ……          Disposal          ……
Changsha SEG
                                  10,328,927.82                                                                             10,328,927.82
Development Co., Ltd.
           Total                  10,328,927.82                                                                             10,328,927.82

(I) Goodwill is measured as the difference on the acquisition date between the costs of the enterprises merger not
under common control over the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets.

2. The goodwill calculation process is as follows:

                                             Item                                                                  Amount
Investment cost                                                                                                             69,000,000.00
Book value of the net assets of the invested organization                                                                   57,508,384.14
Estimated increment of net assets                                                                                           93,383,233.24
Deferred income tax liabilities incurred by the estimated increment of net assets                                           23,345,808.30
Fair value of the net assets of the invested organization                                                                127,545,809.08
Shareholding proportion in the invested organization                                                                               46.00%
The difference caused when the investment cost is more than the recognizable net assets of
the invested organization, which should be enjoyed at the time of acquisition

The Company purchased 46% of the equity of Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd with the price of 69,000,000
Yuan in March 2009. The net assets in book value of Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd were 57,508,384.14
Yuan in the current month while the net assets in fair value of Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd after the
evaluation for the added value was carried out. Thus, a goodwill amounting to 10,328,927.82 was formed.

The goodwill impairment testing was conducted at the end of the period and there was no sign of impairment, so
no provision was accrued for impairment.

Note 16     Long-term expenses to be amortized

                                                                                 Current period
                                                            Current period
              Item                  Opening balance                               amortization       Other decrease    Closing balance
Decoration charges                     43,122,826.78          20,602,625.22        14,801,974.38                            48,923,477.62
Firefighting renovation                   280,819.11                    0.00          169,064.28                                111,754.83

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                                Current period
                                                           Current period
              Item                    Opening balance                            amortization       Other decrease      Closing balance
Land price of Tower B and
                                            775,158.15                0.00            41,712.60                               733,445.55
supporting facilities fee
              Total                       44,178,804.04      20,602,625.22        15,012,751.26                            49,768,678.00

Note 17      Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

1. Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                                          Closing balance                                Opening balance
                  Item                     Deductible temporary    Deferred income tax      Deductible temporary     Deferred income tax
                                               difference                 assets                difference                  assets
Asset impairment provision                        32,658,252.58              8,164,563.16          32,709,956.58            8,177,489.16
Profit    unrealized      by   internal
Deductible losses
Payroll payable
Technological development expense
Accrued expenses
Estimated liabilities
Government subsidies recorded into
                                                   9,500,000.00              2,375,000.00
deferred income
                  Total                           42,158,252.58             10,539,563.16          32,709,956.58            8,177,489.16

2. Deferred income tax liabilities not offset

                                                          Closing balance                                Opening balance
                  Item                      Taxable temporary      Deferred income tax       Taxable temporary       Deferred income tax
                                               differences              liabilities             differences               liabilities
Assets assessment appreciation for
enterprise merger not under common                67,877,937.66             16,969,484.39          72,313,641.24           18,078,410.29
Changes in fair value of
                                                     464,237.62               116,059.41             472,126.44               118,031.61
available-for-sale financial assets
Changes in the fair value of
held-for-trading financial assets
Changes in fair value of financial
assets designated as the financial
assets at fair value through profit and
Changes in fair value of investment
Changes in fair value of productive
biological asset
                  Total                           68,342,175.28             17,085,543.80          72,785,767.68           18,196,441.90

3. Deductible temporary differences of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                Item                                   Closing balance               Opening balance
Asset impairment provision                                                      11,296,252.62                 11,278,568.98
Estimated liabilities
Deductible losses                                                               39,063,382.24                 43,425,688.98
                                Total                                           50,359,634.86                 54,704,257.96

Note: State that the deductible temporary differences and deductible losses are not recognized because it is
uncertain to make sufficient taxable income in the future.

4. The deductible losses of deferred income tax assets that are not recognized will come due in the following

                    Item                     Closing balance            Opening balance                Remarks
Year 2014                                                       -              6,621,227.68
Year 2015                                                       -                         ---
Year 2016                                          13,071,134.55              16,667,858.70
Year 2017                                           7,431,196.64               7,431,196.64
Year 2018                                          11,864,843.19              12,705,405.96
Year 2019                                           6,696,207.86
                    Total                          39,063,382.24              43,425,688.98

Note 18      Other non-current assets

               Type & Content                        Closing balance                            Opening balance
Advance for purchasing software                                         520,000.00
Advance for e-market project funds                                     4,135,063.54
                    Total                                              4,655,063.54

Note 19      Short-term borrowing

1. Classification of short-term borrowings

                    Item                             Closing balance                            Opening balance
Pledge loans                                                         59,246,687.38
Mortgage loans                                                      100,000,000.00
Guaranteed loans                                                     30,000,000.00                            70,000,000.00
                    Total                                           189,246,687.38                            70,000,000.00

2. There are no short-term borrowings overdue and outstanding in the current period

3. Hostage for pledge loans is the export rebates of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen SEG
E-Commerce Co., Ltd.

Note 20      Accounts payable

                    Item                             Closing balance                            Opening balance
Trade accounts payable                                              195,385,013.38                          178,892,539.27
Others                                                                 4,744,638.54                               2,858,603.21
                    Total                                           200,129,651.92                          181,751,142.48

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Note 21      Advances from customers

1. Advances

                    Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance
Brand royalty advances                                                       9,390,743.64                                 8,161,586.03
Rent advances                                                           136,482,047.49                              170,489,645.95
Advances on sales                                                        27,013,851.48                                22,804,276.44
Advertisement fee advances                                                   6,353,263.26                                 5,708,981.48
Others                                                                       3,819,405.44                                 1,520,000.00
                    Total                                               183,059,311.31                              208,684,489.90

Note 22      Payroll payable

1. Payroll payables

                                                                 Current period             Current period
                 Item                    Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                                   increase                   decrease
Short-term remuneration                      16,651,068.19            92,673,539.12             90,604,874.00         18,719,733.31
Post-employment benefits- defined
                                                414,314.09             4,731,412.60              5,006,616.67              139,110.02
contribution plans
                Total                        17,065,382.28            97,404,951.72             95,611,490.67         18,858,843.33

2. Short-term remuneration

                                                                 Current period             Current period
                 Item                    Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                                   increase                   decrease
Wages, bonuses, allowances and
                                             14,095,932.51            84,748,706.16             82,190,286.29         16,654,352.38
Welfare expense of employee                                            2,029,590.59              2,029,590.59                        -
Social insurance premiums                        48,560.48             1,719,349.22              1,751,411.54               16,498.16
Including:      medical     insurance
                                                 45,701.76             1,518,363.58              1,553,770.80               10,294.54
Including:                                                                   12,299.70               6,660.00                 5,639.70
Work injury insurance                             1,030.54                   77,693.55              78,458.71                  265.38
Maternity insurance                               1,828.18               110,992.39                112,522.03                  298.54
Housing fund                                   1,266,226.48            2,235,213.87              2,342,155.73             1,159,284.62
Labor union expenditures                        695,916.72             1,400,456.84              1,478,658.14              617,715.42
Short-term           accumulated
compensated absences
Short-term profit (bonus) -sharing
Other short-term remunerations                  544,432.00              540,222.44                 812,771.71              271,882.73
                Total                        16,651,068.19            92,673,539.12             90,604,874.00         18,719,733.31

3. Defined contribution plans

                                                                 Current period             Current period
                 Item                    Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                                   increase                   decrease

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                    Current period            Current period
                Item                      Opening balance                                                              Closing balance
                                                                      increase                  decrease
Pension insurance                                   51,020.63             3,415,486.65             3,457,219.20                   9,288.08
Unemployment insurance premium                       3,293.46              177,443.49                180,073.52                     663.43
Corporate annuity payment                          360,000.00             1,138,482.46             1,369,323.95                129,158.51
                Total                              414,314.09             4,731,412.60             5,006,616.67                139,110.02

Note 23     Taxes payable

               Taxes and fees                               Closing balance                                 Opening balance
Value-added tax                                                               1,659,452.21                                    1,888,195.42
Business tax                                                                  1,028,150.77                                    1,531,012.70
Enterprise income tax                                                       32,336,241.19                                  28,888,087.03
Individual income tax                                                         1,098,931.96                                    1,039,647.28
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                         720,549.53                                     1,142,327.32
Education surtax                                                               461,020.60                                      783,608.53
Housing property tax                                                          1,721,703.23                                    1,597,968.75
Stamp tax and water fund                                                       254,539.95                                      211,126.00
Others                                                                         165,107.03                                       82,919.18
Total                                                                       39,445,696.47                                  37,164,892.21

Note 24     Interest payable

                                  Item                                           Closing balance                   Opening balance
Interest payable on short-term loans                                                          232,749.99
Short-term financing bond accrued interest payable                                         10,062,500.66
                                 Total                                                     10,295,250.65

Note 25     Dividends payable

                                                                                                                Reason for not making
                        Item                            Closing balance              Opening balance
                                                                                                               payment for over one year
Ordinary stock dividends                                        1,717,882.74                 1,317,296.42
                        Total                                   1,717,882.74                 1,317,296.42

Note 26     Other payables

1. Other payables listed by nature of payables

                        Nature of payables                                  Closing balance                       Opening balance
                                       Deposit and earnest money                       119,826,258.74                     105,890,078.80
Maintenance cost of central air-conditioning and special
                                                                                         11,754,618.52                     10,405,170.82
maintenance fund
Receipts under custody                                                                   13,624,148.51                     12,032,973.77
Financing of related parties                                                             57,653,186.81                        5,200,000.00
Electronics market utilities and rentals payable                                         19,858,574.55                      11,470,630.10

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                          Nature of payables                                    Closing balance                       Opening balance
Others                                                                                       22,087,615.93                      19,190,965.32
Total                                                                                       244,804,403.06                     164,189,818.81

Note 27        Other current liabilities

                      Item                                    Closing balance                                  Opening balance
Short-term financing bond payable                                             250,000,000.00
                      Total                                                   250,000,000.00

1. Increase and decrease of short-term financing bond payable

        Bond name               Book value            Issuing date            Bond term            Issue amount           Opening balance
Short-term financing
                                          100.00 15.05.14                  365 days                  250,000,000.00
           Total                                                                                     250,000,000.00

Continued from above:

                                                                            Amortization of
                              Issuance in the     Interests accrued at                            Repayment in the
     Bond name                                                              premiums and                                     Closing balance
                              current period          book value                                   current period
Short-term financing
                                250,000,000.00         10,062,500.66                                                           250,000,000.00
           Total                                       10,062,500.66                                                           250,000,000.00

Note 28        Deferred income

                                                    Current period         Current period
             Item              Opening balance                                                  Closing balance                Cause
                                                      increase               decrease
Asset-related government
                                     151,494.61          9,500,000.00           57,834.72           9,593,659.89
                                     610,751.58                                499,040.46                111,711.12
government subsidy
             Total                   762,246.19          9,500,000.00          556,875.18           9,705,371.01

1. Deferred income related to government subsidies

                                                 Amount of         recorded in                                                    Related to
        Liability items                      subsidies added in outside-operation Other Changes            Closing balance      assets/ Related
                                             the current period   income in the                                                   to income
                                                                 current period
Oneline SEG project                                                                                                                  Related to
                               151,494.61                                 57,834.72                               93,659.89
subsidy                                                                                                                                  assets
                                                                                                                                     Related to
Project budget subsidies       610,751.58                                499,040.46                               111,711.12
Subsidy for the
                                                                                                                                     Related to
construction of Nantong                           9,500,000.00                                                 9,500,000.00
SEG Electronics Market
            Total              762,246.19         9,500,000.00           556,875.18                  0         9,705,371.01

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Note 29      Share capital

                                                              Increase/Decrease of the year

      Item          Opening balance                                     Capitalization                                   Closing balance
                                         New share
                                                        Bonus share       of public         Others        Subtotal
Sum of shares         784,799,010.00                                                                                       784,799,010.00

Note 30      Capital reserve

                                                                           Current period        Current period
                      Item                       Opening balance                                                        Closing balance
                                                                             increase              decrease
Capital stock premium                                322,272,354.94                67,618.87                               322,339,973.81

Other capital reserves                                                            302,371.12                      ---       82,387,283.91
                      Total                          404,357,267.73               369,989.99                      ---      404,727,257.72

Capital premium increase in this year refers to the capital stock premium of 67,618.87 Yuan recognized in the
Company's consolidated statements at the shareholding ratio of 46% after the subsidiary Changsha SEG
Development Co., Ltd records the compensation payment to shareholders of 146,997.54 Yuan into capital reserve
prior to receipt of the stock equities purchased by the Company. Increase in other capital reserves refers to the
proceeds of 302,371.12 Yuan from sales of fractional shares received from China Securities Depository and
Clearing Company Limited.

Note 31      Other comprehensive income

                                                                   Amount incurred in the report period
                                                                Less: amount
                                                                 recorded in
                                                      Amount         other
                                                      incurred comprehensive                   Attributable
                                       Opening                                                              Attributable       Closing
               Item                                     before    income in          Less:        to the
                                       balance                                                               to minority       balance
                                                       income      previous         Income        parent
                                                     tax in the   period and          tax       company
                                                                                                               after tax
                                                       current  transferred in                  after tax
                                                        period  profit and loss
                                                                  in current
1.Other comprehensive income
cannot reclassified into profit
and loss in future
1) Changes generated by
re-measuring and redefining net
liabilities or net assets in benefit
2) Proportion calculated by the
equity method in other
comprehensive income not to be
reclassified into profit and loss
in subsequent accounting
periods of invested company
2. Other comprehensive income

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                   Amount incurred in the report period
                                                               Less: amount
                                                                recorded in
                                                     Amount         other
                                                     incurred comprehensive                   Attributable
                                      Opening                                                              Attributable       Closing
              Item                                     before    income in         Less:         to the
                                      balance                                                               to minority       balance
                                                      income      previous        Income         parent
                                                    tax in the   period and         tax        company
                                                                                                              after tax
                                                      current  transferred in                  after tax
                                                       period  profit and loss
                                                                 in current
to be reclassified in profit and
loss in future
Proportion calculated by the
equity method in other
comprehensive income to be
reclassified into profit and loss
upon satisfaction of specified
conditions in subsequent
accounting periods of invested
2. (2) Profit or loss from change
of the fair value of financial        235,756.32     -7,888.79                    -1,972.20     -3,939.27     -1,977.32      231,817.05
assets available for sale
Total of other comprehensive
                                      235,756.32     -7,888.79                    -1,972.20     -3,939.27     -1,977.32      231,817.05

Note 32      Surplus public reserve

                                                                 Current period         Current period
             Item                    Opening balance                                                               Closing balance
                                                                   increase               decrease
Statutory surplus reserve                    102,912,835.67                                                               102,912,835.67
             Total                           102,912,835.67                                                               102,912,835.67

Note 33      Retained earnings

                              Item                                           Amount                       Accrual/Distribution Rate
Before adjustment undistributed profits of the end of the
                                                                                   -42,080,494.64                    —
previous period
After adjustment total period-beginning undistributed profits
(+ for increase, - for decrease)
After adjustment period-beginning undistributed profit                             -42,080,494.64                    —
Plus: Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                    47,403,384.49                    —
Less: Accrual of statutory surplus reserve
  Accrual of free surplus reserve
  Accrual of reserve fund
  Accrual of enterprise development fund
  Accrual of bonus and welfare fund
  Ordinary share dividends payable

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                             Item                                               Amount                      Accrual/Distribution Rate
  Ordinary share dividends converted to share capital
  Preferred stock dividend
  Other distributions to shareholders
  Capital redemption
  Distribution of other profits
Plus: Surplus public reserve compensating losses
Changes generated by carrying over the re-measured and
redefined net liabilities or net assets in the benefit plan
  Other interior carry-over of owner's equity
Year-end undistributed profits                                                           5,322,889.85

Note 34        Operating revenue and operating cost

1. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                     Amount incurred in the report period                   Amount incurred in the previous period
                                      Income                      Cost                         Income                      Cost
Main businesses                        662,288,806.93             555,763,805.28               578,404,784.64             480,454,501.23
Other businesses                        19,055,114.06               5,180,652.50                18,953,473.18                5,956,684.52

2. Main operating businesses (by industry)

                                     Amount incurred in the report period                   Amount incurred in the previous period
   Name of company
                                  Operating income            Operating cost             Operating income             Operating cost
(1) Industry                                                                                                ---                          ---
(2) Trade                              280,659,908.96             273,086,775.55               221,129,162.14             217,236,010.56
(3) Real estate                                                                                             ---                          ---
(4) Leasing and others                 381,628,897.97             282,677,029.73               357,275,622.50             263,218,490.67
            Total                      662,288,806.93             555,763,805.28               578,404,784.64             480,454,501.23

3. Operating income of top five customers of the Company

                                                                                               Proportion in the total operating income of
                    Client Name                               Total operating income
                                                                                                           the Company (%)
Shenzhen Runneng Digital Co., Ltd.                                          110,510,446.52                                           16.22
Shenzhen Wodewo Trading Co., Ltd.                                              39,288,132.58                                            5.77
Shenzhen Comnet Technology Co., Ltd.                                           21,296,350.41                                            3.13
Shenzhen Nanfang Yunhe Technology Co., Ltd.                                    17,186,953.52                                            2.52
Beijing Rephen Lihongqing Trading Co., Ltd                                      7,353,056.07                                            1.08
                                                                            195,634,939.10                                           28.72

Note 35        Operating tax and surcharges

                    Item                          Amount incurred in the report period          Amount incurred in the previous period
Business tax                                                                   23,430,459.38                               20,891,719.44
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                          1,700,075.86                                 1,543,932.03

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                     Item                         Amount incurred in the report period         Amount incurred in the previous period
Education surtax                                                              1,265,708.52                                  1,092,357.09
Others                                                                          216,391.37                                    139,530.13
                     Total                                                   26,612,635.13                                 23,667,538.69

Note 36     Financing cost

                                                                      Amount incurred in the report      Amount incurred in the previous
                                                                                period                              period
Interest expenses                                                                      17,742,811.44                           89,863.01
  Less: Interest income                                                                  6,804,715.70                      11,256,266.41
Loss on exchange                                                                         -2,273,683.31                       -153,347.82
Commission                                                                                 504,231.17                         831,661.53
                              Total                                                      9,168,643.60                     -10,488,089.69

Note 37     Loss from asset impairment

                     Item                         Amount incurred in the report period         Amount incurred in the previous period
Loss from bad debt                                                              -34,020.36                                  -2,503,617.76
Impairment losses on loans and advances                                       2,325,411.66                                  1,367,443.14
                     Total                                                    2,291,391.30                                  -1,136,174.62

Note 38     Investment income

1. Details on investment income

                                                                          Amount incurred in the report        Amount incurred in the
                                                                                    period                       previous period
Long-term equity investment income by the cost method                                                 0.00                              ---
Long-term equity investment income by the equity method                                  -24,987,349.62                     -3,857,446.81
Income from disposal of long-term equity investments                                                  0.00                  1,860,737.50
Income during the possession of held-for-trading financial assets                                     0.00                              ---
Income from held-to-maturity investments                                                              0.00                              ---
Income during the possession of available-for-sale financial assets                           16,991.24                        20,025.39
Income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets                                             0.00                              ---
Income from held-to-maturity investments                                                              0.00                              ---
Income from available-for-sale financial assets                                                       0.00                              ---
Others (Financial products)                                                               31,198,391.83                    15,054,492.51
                                 Total                                                     6,228,033.45                    13,077,808.59

Note 39     Non-operating income

                                                                                                             Amount recorded into current
                                         Amount incurred in the report        Amount incurred in the
                   Item                                                                                        non-recurring gains and
                                                   period                       previous period
Total gains on disposal of non-current
                                                             21,274.83                         44,307.25                       21,274.83
Including: Profit from disposal of
                                                             21,274.83                         44,307.25                       21,274.83
fixed assets

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

 Profit from disposal of intangible
                                                                          0                                  ---                                  0
 Government subsidies                                     1,554,585.78                              1,117,834.72                        1,554,585.78
 Liquidated damages                                       1,152,807.95                               479,280.43                         1,152,807.95
Others                                                      406,587.44                               884,884.30                          406,587.44
                  Total                                   3,135,256.00                              2,526,306.70                        3,135,256.00

1. Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses

                                                                 Amount incurred in the                             elated to assets
                      Subsidy projects
                                                                    report period                                  Related to income
Special industrial development fund                                                   491,000.00                   Related to income
Subsidies for online SEG projects                                                      57,834.72                   Related to assets
Project budget subsidies                                                              499,040.46                   Related to income
Funds for guiding the development of service industry                                 500,000.00                   Related to income
Others                                                                                  6,710.60                   Related to income
                             Total                                                   1,554,585.78

Note 40        Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                        Amount recorded into
                                                  Amount incurred in the                Amount incurred in the
                     Item                                                                                             current non-recurring gains
                                                     report period                        previous period
                                                                                                                               and losses
Total loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                   14,799.49                            94,416.29                         14,799.49
Including: Loss from disposal of fixed assets                      14,799.49                            92,848.19                         14,799.49
 Loss from disposal of intangible assets                                      0.00                        1,568.10                              0.00
Donation expenses                                                  83,000.00                           120,000.00                         83,000.00
Abnormal loss                                                                   0                               ---                               0
Compensation for loss                                              49,382.00                                    ---                       49,382.00
Others                                                            928,572.43                            31,657.92                        928,572.43
                     Total                                       1,075,753.92                          246,074.21                       1,075,753.92

Note 41        Income tax

1. Income tax

                    Item                          Amount incurred in the report period                 Amount incurred in the previous period
Income tax of the current period                                                 36,558,413.93                                         31,961,753.92
Deferred income tax                                                              -3,470,999.90                                           492,006.97
                    Total                                                        33,087,414.03                                         32,453,760.89

2. Accounting profit and adjustment process of income tax expense

                                           Item                                                        Amount incurred in the report period
Total profit                                                                                                                      110,784,734.85
Income tax expense calculated at statutory/applicable tax rate                                                                         27,696,183.71
Impact of different tax rates adopted by subsidiaries                                                                                  -1,097,225.63

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                         Item                                                Amount incurred in the report period
Impact of adjustment of income tax rates in previous period                                                             -661,917.10
Impact of nontaxable income                                                                                            6,316,544.85
Impact of nondeductible cost, expenses and loss                                                                        1,628,825.02
Impact of deductible loss adopting deferred income tax assets not recognized in
previous period
Impact of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss of deferred income tax
assets not recognized in current period
Government subsidies received (not listed in non-operating income)                                                     2,375,000.00
Deferred income tax                                                                                                    -3,470,999.90
                                      Income tax                                                                      33,087,414.03

Note 42     Notes on the cash flow statement

1. Other cash received concerning operating activities

                                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                       Item                           Amount incurred in the report period
Incomings and outgoings                                                     49,899,809.43                             49,459,110.05
Goods payment collected from tenants                                       278,226,239.78                            323,601,666.90
Interest income                                                               6,804,715.70                            11,256,266.41
Non-operating income                                                          3,077,421.28                             2,367,079.96
                       Total                                               338,008,186.19                            386,684,123.32

2. Other cash paid concerning operating activities

                                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                       Item                           Amount incurred in the report period
Payment of bidding deposit of land                                          60,000,000.00
Incomings and outgoings                                                     36,450,341.99                             32,810,317.53
Goods payment paid for tenants                                             274,400,400.19                            325,941,879.50
Cash expenses                                                               21,205,139.85                             22,648,592.92
Non-operating expenses                                                        1,060,954.43                               144,075.51
                       Total                                               393,116,836.46                            381,544,865.46

3. Other cash received concerning investing activities

                                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                       Item                           Amount incurred in the report period
Asset-related government subsidy                                              9,500,000.00
                       Total                                                  9,500,000.00

4. Other cash paid concerning investing activities

                                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                       Item                           Amount incurred in the report period
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                        2,044,318.82
                       Total                                                                                           2,044,318.82

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

5. Other cash received concerning financing activities

                                                                                                       Amount incurred in the previous
                          Item                             Amount incurred in the report period
Cash received from disposal of fractional shares                                     302,371.12
(5) Interbank financing of related parties                                       72,650,000.00                             25,000,000.00
Total                                                                            72,952,371.12                             25,000,000.00

6. Other cash paid concerning financing activities

                                                                                                       Amount incurred in the previous
                          Item                             Amount incurred in the report period
(5) Interbank financing of related parties                                       20,000,000.00                             20,000,000.00
Payment of cash deposit                                                                                                     1,000,000.00
Loan interests paid to related party                                                 295,068.50                                89,863.01
Payment for issuance of short-term financing bonds                                   742,500.00
                         Total                                                   21,037,568.50                             21,089,863.01

Note 43      Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

1. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

                                                                          Amount incurred in the report        Amount incurred in the
                                                                                    period                       previous period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows of operating activities
Net profit                                                                                77,697,320.82                    72,798,945.55
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                                           2,291,391.30                    -1,136,174.62
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil & gas assets and consumable
                                                                                          24,050,023.59                    23,567,728.20
biological assets
Amortization of intangible assets                                                            235,813.92                       281,738.76
Amortization of long-term expenses to be apportioned                                      15,012,751.26                    12,456,564.91
Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                                  -6,475.34                    50,109.04
long-term assets ("-" for profit)
Loss on discard of fixed asset ("-" for profit)                                                                                          ---
Loss on change of fair value ("-" for profit)                                                                                            ---
Financial expenses ("–" for income)                                                      17,742,811.44                        89,863.01
Income from investment ("-" for loss)                                                     -6,228,033.45                   -13,077,808.59
Decrease in deferred tax assets ("–" for increase)                                       -2,362,074.00                     1,600,932.87
Increase in deferred tax liabilities ("–" for decrease)                                  -1,108,925.90                    -1,108,925.90
Inventory decrease ("–" for increase)                                                  -180,280,665.22                   -95,285,797.96
Decrease in accounts receivable relating to operating activities ("–"
                                                                                         -77,682,986.62                  -161,173,280.12
for increase)
Increase in accounts payable relating to operating activities ("–" for
                                                                                        -297,294,572.74                    38,405,558.15
Others                                                                                                                                   ---
Net cash flow from operating activities                                                 -427,933,620.94                  -122,530,546.70
Investment and financing activities not Involving cash receipts and                                                                      ---

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                          Amount incurred in the report       Amount incurred in the
                                                                                    period                      previous period
Conversion of debt into capital                                                                                                        ---
Convertible bonds due within one year                                                                                                  ---
Fixed assets acquired by financing lease                                                                                               ---
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                                                                                ---
Closing balance                                                                         382,056,680.70                  335,593,493.81
Less: Opening balance of cash                                                           335,593,493.81                  453,132,467.18
Plus: Period-end cash equivalents                                                                                                      ---
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                                                              ---
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                46,463,186.89                 -117,538,973.37

2. Combination of cash and cash equivalents:

                                    Item                                          Closing balance                Opening balance
1. Cash                                                                                  382,056,680.70                 335,593,493.81
Including: Cash on hand                                                                      602,592.57                     496,319.50
Bank deposits available for payment at any time                                          381,404,611.82                 335,064,832.27
Other monetary capital available for payment at any time                                        49,476.31                    32,342.04
Accounts in the central bank available for payment                                                                                     ---
Accounts deposited in the enterprises of the same industry                                                                             ---
Accounts borrowed from the enterprises of the same industry                                                                            ---
2. Cash equivalents                                                                                                                    ---
Including: Bond investments due within 3 months                                                                                        ---
3. Period-end balance of cash and cash equivalents                                       382,056,680.70                 335,593,493.81
Including: Cash and cash equivalents for which there are restrictions on
the use by the parent company and subsidiaries

Note 44        Assets of which the ownership or right to use is restricted

          Item                       Balance                                         Reason for restriction
Monetary funds                              1,000,000.00 Security deposit for credit card payment
Investment properties                      56,841,540.45 Pledge for bank loans
Fixed assets                               16,450,892.58 Pledge for bank loans
          Total                            74,292,433.03

Note 45        Foreign currency monetary items

1. Foreign currency monetary items

                                      Ending balance of foreign                                               Ending balance after
                 Item                                                        Rate of exchange
                                              currency                                                        conversion into RMB
Monetary funds
Including: USD                                             662,762.77                           6.1190                    4,055,453.39
HK$                                                           240.00                         0.78887                            191.14
Accounts receivable

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                    Ending balance of foreign                                               Ending balance after
             Item                                                          Rate of exchange
                                            currency                                                        conversion into RMB
Including : USD                                   23,688,505.70                               6.1190                  144,949,966.38

VII. Change of consolidation scope

(1) Merger of the enterprises under the control of a same entity

1. Enterprises merger not under common control in the current period.

(2) Merger of the enterprises under the control of a same entity

1. No enterprises merger not under common control occurred in the current period

(5) Counter purchases in the current year

1. Counter purchase not occurred in the current period

(6) Disposal of subsidiaries

1. No disposal of subsidiaries occurred in the current period

VIII. Equity in other entities

(1) Equity in subsidiaries

1. Composition of enterprise group

                             Principal place     Place of             Nature of      Share-holding proportion (%)        Way of
      Company name
                               of business     registration           business         Directly         Indirectly     acquisition
                                                                Electronics                                            Established
Xi'an SEG Electronic
                                 Xi'an            Xi'an         market lease                  65.00                      through
Market Co., Ltd.
                                                                management                                             investment
Shenzhen SEG Electronics                                        Electronics                                            Established
Market Management Co.,         Shenzhen         Shenzhen        market lease                  70.00                      through
Ltd.                                                            management                                             investment
                                                                Electronics                                            Established
Suzhou SEG Electronic
                                Su Zhou          Su Zhou        market lease                  45.00                      through
Market Co., Ltd.
                                                                management                                             investment
Shenzhen Mellow Orange                                          management,                                            Established
Business Hotel                 Shenzhen         Shenzhen        consultancy and                   ---         66.58      through
Management Co., Ltd                                             property                                               investment
                                                                Petty loan
                                                                business (pooling
                                                                public deposits is
Shenzhen SEG Credit Co.,                                        prohibited)
                               Shenzhen         Shenzhen                                      36.00           17.02      through
Ltd.                                                            within the
                                                                region of
Shenzhen SEG                   Shenzhen         Shenzhen        E-commerce                    51.00                    Established

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

     Company name             Principal place     Place of           Nature of     Share-holding proportion (%)        Way of
E-Commerce Co., Ltd.            of business     registration         business                                        acquisition
                                                               Market facilities
                                                               leasing, property
Shenzhen SEG Electronics                                       management,                                          Established
Market Management Co.,           Nanjing         Nanjing       sales of                  100.00                       through
Ltd.                                                           electronic                                           investment
                                                               products and
                                                               Property leasing,
                                                               sales of                                             Established
Xi'an Hairong SEG
                                  Xi'an            Xi'an       electronic                  51.00                      through
Electronic Market Co., Ltd.
                                                               products and                                         investment
                                                               Electronics                                          Established
Wujiang SEG Electronics
                                 Wujiang         Wujiang       market lease                51.00                      through
Market Co., Ltd.
                                                               management                                           investment
                                                               Electronics                                          Established
Wuxi SEG Electronics
                                  Wuxi             Wuxi        market lease                51.00                      through
Market Co., Ltd
                                                               management                                           investment
Shunde SEG Electronics                                         Electronics                                          Established
Market Management Co.,           Foshan           Foshan       market lease              100.00                       through
Ltd                                                            management                                           investment
Nanning SEG Electronics                                        Electronics                                          Established
Market Management Co.,           Nanning         Nanning       market lease              100.00                       through
Ltd.                                                           management                                           investment
Nantong SEG Times Square                                       real estate
                                 Nantong         Nantong                                 100.00                       through
Development Co., Ltd.                                          development
                                                                                                                    Merger of the
Shenzhen SEG Baohua
                                                               Property lease                                     enterprises under
Enterprise Development          Shenzhen        Shenzhen                                   66.58
                                                               and management                                      the control of a
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     same entity
                                                               Investment in                                        Merger of the
Shenzhen SEG Industrial                                        industrial and                                     enterprises under
                                Shenzhen        Shenzhen                                 100.00
Investment Co., Ltd.                                           commercial                                          the control of a
                                                               businesses                                            same entity
                                                                                                                    Merger of the
Changsha SEG                                                                                                      enterprises under
                                Changsha        Changsha       Property lease              46.00
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                              the control of a
                                                                                                                     same entity
Yantai SEG Times Square                                        real estate
                                  Yantai          Yantai                              90.00                           through
Development Co., Ltd.                                          development
Nantong SEG Commercial                                                                                              Established
Operation Management Co.,        Nantong         Nantong                                 100.00                       through
Ltd.                                                                                                                investment
Zhengzhou SEG Digital
                                 Su Zhou         Su Zhou                                 100.00                       through
Plaza Management Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Fengdong New Town                                        real estate                                          Established
                                  Xi'an            Xi'an                                 100.00
SEG Times Square                                               development                                           through

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

      Company name           Principal place        Place of             Nature of        Share-holding proportion (%)           Way of
Properties Co., Ltd.           of business        registration           business                                              acquisition

(1) Reason for difference of shareholding ratio of subsidiaries and proportion of voting rights

The capital structure of Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd at present is that the Company is the first majority
shareholder holding 46% shares of Changsha SEG, Jinhong Group Co., Ltd holds 40% shares and Huaya
Management Co., Ltd holds 14% shares, among which, Jinhong Group Co., Ltd and Huaya Management Co., Ltd
have no associated relationship with each other. Half of the directors, the Chairman of the Board, the General
Manager, the Chief Financial Officer and the management team of Changsha SEG Development Co., Ltd are all
dispatched by the Company. Therefore, the Company has obtained the control of Changsha SEG Development
Co., Ltd.

(2) Basis for controlling the operation of invested company with 50% or below voting rights

Half of the directors, the Chairman of the Board, the General Manager, the Chief Financial Officer and the
management team of Suzhou SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd are all dispatched by the Company
that actually controls the operation of Suzhou SEG, so Suzhou SEG was included into the consolidation scope.

2. Major non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                            Profit and loss
                                            Equity                                    Dividends paid to           Minority
                                                            attributable to
                                         proportion of                                    minority          shareholders' equity
            Company name                                       minority                                                            Remarks
                                           minority                                  shareholders in the      at the end of the
                                                          shareholders in the
                                         shareholders                                  current period              period
                                                            current period
Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd.                    46.98           13,958,747.95             8,592,737.49          83,913,496.56
Changsha SEG Development Co.,
                                                 54.00             259,420.73                                    59,030,516.10
Shenzhen SEG Baohua Enterprise
                                                 33.42            8,325,200.09             5,148,000.00          32,197,638.66
Development Co., Ltd.
Total                                                            22,543,368.77            13,740,737.49         175,141,651.32

3. Main financial information of major non-wholly owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan

                                                                     Closing balance
    name                            Non-current          Total assets in                               Non-current
                 Current assets:                                              Current liabilities                          Total liabilities
                                      assets                 total                                      liabilities
Shenzhen SEG
Credit   Co.,     42,768,150.12    452,858,389.93        495,626,540.05              313,882,188.08                   -      313,882,188.08
                   4,480,359.54    139,281,931.91        143,762,291.45               17,477,036.50    16,969,484.39           34,446,520.89
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
Enterprise        84,928,255.69      56,270,653.64       141,198,909.33               44,740,424.26         116,059.41         44,856,483.67
Co., Ltd.
Total            132,176,765.35    648,410,975.48        780,587,740.83              376,099,648.84    17,085,543.80         393,185,192.64

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Continued from above:

                                                                       Opening balance
    name                                Non-current        Total assets in                                 Non-current
                      Current assets:                                            Current liabilities                        Total liabilities
                                          assets               total                                        liabilities
Shenzhen SEG
Credit   Co.,           7,086,988.02 244,197,122.79        251,284,110.81               80,961,662.74                           80,961,662.74
Changsha SEG
Development             5,605,061.09 148,109,656.20        153,714,717.29               26,947,942.73     18,078,410.29         45,026,353.02
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
Enterprise             76,087,881.69    53,798,420.09      129,886,301.78               42,927,170.51        118,031.61         43,045,202.12
Co., Ltd.
Total                  88,779,930.80 446,105,199.08        534,885,129.88            150,836,775.98       18,196,441.90       169,033,217.88

Continued from above:

                                          Amount incurred in the report period                   Amount incurred in the previous period
         Company name
                                        Operating income               Net profit              Operating income              Net profit
Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd.                62,998,793.90               29,712,107.16                  43,369,903.00           18,111,251.96
Changsha SEG Development
                                             21,651,924.25                    480,408.75                20,130,070.13              207,424.49
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen     SEG     Baohua
Enterprise Development Co.,                  81,708,199.76                  24,911,642.59               75,092,904.18           18,649,187.93
Total                                       166,358,917.91               55,104,158.50                 138,592,877.31           36,967,864.38

(2) Equity in joint venture arrangements or associated enterprise

1. Important joint ventures or associated enterprises

                                                                                            Share-holding proportion
    Name of joint venture or               Place of       Place of           Nature of                                        Accounting
     associated enterprise                operation     registration         business                                      treatment method
                                                                                              Directly       Indirectly
Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.            Shenzhen         Shenzhen     Manufacturing              22.45                    Equity method
Shanghai SEG Electronic Market                                                Service
                                          Shanghai         Shanghai                                35.00                    Equity method
Co., Ltd.                                                                    industry

2. Main financial information of important joint ventures

                                                                         Ending balance/amount incurred in current period
                           Item                                                                          Shanghai SEG Electronic Market Co.,
                                                           Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.
Current assets:                                                                     162,798,951.60                              30,650,791.15
Non-current assets                                                                  258,382,060.97                                   37,816.64
                      Assets in total                                               421,181,012.57                              30,688,607.79
Current liabilities                                                                 306,029,489.78                              20,289,991.11
Non-current liabilities                                                                 2,281,336.73

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                 Ending balance/amount incurred in current period
                           Item                                                            Shanghai SEG Electronic Market Co.,
                                                      Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.
                      Total liabilities                                  308,310,826.51                             20,289,991.11
Minority shareholders' equity                                             29,767,592.47
Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent
                                                                          83,102,593.59                             10,293,666.63
Proportion of net assets calculated according to
                                                                          18,656,532.26                              3,602,783.32
shareholding ratio
Adjusting events
Unrealized profit in internal transaction
Book value of equity investment in associated
                                                                          77,546,499.27                              3,576,788.18
Fair value in equity investment of public offering                     1,759,755,588.42
Operating income                                                          65,682,231.97                             21,463,752.09
Net profit                                                              -113,131,477.46                               898,454.72
Net profit from terminating operation
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income                                              -113,131,477.46                               898,454.72
Dividends received by the company              from
associated enterprise in current period

Continued from above:

                                                               Opening balance/Amount incurred in previous period
                           Item                                                            Shanghai SEG Electronic Market Co.,
                                                      Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.
Current assets:                                                          337,305,515.02                             16,121,983.76
Non-current assets                                                       254,292,914.86                             35,607,483.87
                  Total assets in total                                  591,598,429.88                             51,729,467.63
Current liabilities                                                      395,336,847.19                             25,286,973.74
Non-current liabilities                                                      456,054.73                                         -
                      Total liabilities                                  395,792,901.92                             25,286,973.74
Minority shareholders' equity                                                          -
Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent
                                                                         195,805,527.96                             26,442,493.89
Proportion of net assets calculated according to
                                                                          43,958,341.03                              9,254,872.86
shareholding ratio
Adjusting events
Unrealized profit in internal transaction
Book value of equity investment in associated                            102,848,308.04                              9,254,501.99

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                   Opening balance/Amount incurred in previous period
                        Item                                                                    Shanghai SEG Electronic Market Co.,
                                                          Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.
Fair value in equity investment of public offering                          1,109,411,131.83
Operating income                                                             721,757,334.54                           40,771,354.98
Net profit                                                                    -37,201,394.29                          12,840,760.59
Net profit from terminating operation
Other comprehensive income                                                                 -
Total comprehensive income                                                    -37,201,394.29                          12,840,760.59
Dividends received by the company              from
associated enterprise in current period

IX. Fair value

(1) Financial instruments measured at fair value

The Company lists the book values at the three fair value levels as at December 31, 2014 of the financial asset
instruments measured at fair value. When the fair value is generally cataloged as three levels, it is based on the
lowest level of the three levels to which the important input values belong at the measurement of fair value. Such
three levels are defined as follows:

Level 1: the unadjusted price of the same assets or liabilities quoted in the active market at the date of

Level 2: the input value directly or indirectly observable of the related asset or liability other than the input value
at Level 1

Input values at Level 2 including: 1) price of similar asset or liability quoted at the active market; 2) price of the
same or similar asset or liability quoted at inactive market; 3) Other observable input values other than the quoted
price, including the observable interest rate and yield curve, implied volatility and credit spread etc.; 4) Input
value verified at the market etc..

Level 3: non-observable input value of related asset or liability.

(2) Measurement of fair value at end of the period

1. Continuous measurement of fair value

                                                                        Period-end fair value
                                         Level 1                  Level 2                  Level 3                    Total
Financial assets available for
                                             554,642.62                                                                  554,642.62
Investment of debt
Investment of equity
                                             554,642.62                                                                  554,642.62
Other investments

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

X. Related parties and associated transactions

(1) Information on subsidiaries of the Company:

                                                                                          Registered                 Voting right
                                               Place of                                    Capital                   proportion
       Name of parent company                                  Nature of business                       over the
                                             registration                                 (RMB ten                    over the
                                                                                       thousand Yuan)               Company (%)
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.               Shenzhen                                         135,542.00           30.24          30.24

1. Shenzhen Municipal People's Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is
the final controller of the Company.

(2) For information of the Company's subsidiary, please see (1) Equity in subsidiaries in Note 7 for details

(3) Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

For information of important joint venture or associated enterprise of the Company, please see (2) Equity in joint
venture arrangement or associated enterprise in Note 8

(4) Information of other related parties

                    Name of other related parties                       Relationship between other related parties and the Company
Shenzhen SEG Property Development Co., Ltd.                                                Subsidiary of shareholders
Shenzhen SEG Group Service Co., Ltd                                                        Subsidiary of shareholders
Shenzhen SEG Computers Co., Ltd                                                            Subsidiary of shareholders
Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                  Subsidiary of shareholders
Shenzhen SEG Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.                                              Subsidiary of shareholders
Shenzhen SEG Business Operation Co., Ltd.                                           Subsidiary of the controlling shareholder

(7) Related party transaction

1. The transactions among the subsidiaries that have controlling relationship with the Company and have been
included in the consolidation scope as well as the transactions between the subsidiaries and the parent company
have been offset.

2. Information on associate entrust

1) Entrusted management of the Company

                                                            Commencement Termination          Pricing basis of    Income from entrust
                                             Type of
 Name of trustor    Name of trustee                             date of     date of            income from          recognized in the
                                         entrusted asset
                                                              trusteeship trusteeship              entrust            current period
Shenzhen SEG Shenzhen           SEG                                                                Trusteeship
                                         Communications           2011.2.1     2015.1.31                                    200,000.00
Group Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.                                                                          Agreement
      Total                                                                                                                 200,000.00

3. Information on leases between the Company and related parties

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

2) The Company as the leasee

                                                                        Rental fee recognized in          Rental fee recognized in
            Name of lessor                 Type of leased assets
                                                                            current period                   previous period
                                         The warehouse with its
                                         area of 809.26 square
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                            586,200.00                         519,800.00
                                         meters on the 8th floor of
                                         SEG Plaza
                 Total                                                                  586,200.00                         519,800.00

2) The Company’s subsidiary as the leasee

                                                                        Rental fee recognized in          Rental fee recognized in
            Name of lessor                 Type of leased assets
                                                                            current period                   previous period
                                     The 15th floor of SEG
Shenzhen SEG Business Operation Co.,
                                     Plaza, with an area of                             502,891.20
                                     687.01 square meters
                 Total                                                                  502,891.20

4. Information on associated guarantee

3) The Company as the guarantor

                                                                                                                            Has the
               Warrantee                    Amount of guarantee             Starting date              Ending date
                                                                                 Two years from the date on which the
Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd.                         50,000,000.00                                                            No
                                                                                      principal creditor's right expires
                  Total                               50,000,000.00

5. Interbank financing of related parties

4) Loans to related parties

            Related party                 Amount of loans          Starting date        Repayment Date               Remarks
                                                                                                            Interests to be calculated
Shenzhen SEG Property Development
                                                5,000,000.00          01.01.14              31.03.14        according to days actuallu
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Property Development
                                                5,000,000.00          20.01.14              19.04.14        Ditto
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Property Development
                                                5,000,000.00          01.04.14              11.06.14        Ditto
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Property Development
                                                5,000,000.00          20.04.14              11.06.14        Ditto
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                   40,000,000.00          31.12.14              06.01.15        Ditto
Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech Industrial Co.,
                                               17,650,000.00          30.12.14              20.01.15        Ditto
                Total                          77,650,000.00

Statements on funds borrowed to related parties

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

As of December 31, 2014, interests at an amount of 295,068.50 Yuan was paid to Shenzhen SEG Property
Development Co., Ltd; and provision for interests at an amount of 3,186.81 Yuan payable to Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech
Industrial Co., Ltd was made.

6. Remuneration for key management (原翻译稿―6‖漏译)

                                                       Accrual of this period (Ten thousand         Accrual of last period (Ten thousand
                                                                       Yuan)                                        Yuan)

Remuneration of key management                                                        340.20                                      310.92

7. Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties

(1) Accounts receivable from related parties

                                                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance
  Project name              Related party                                       Bad debt                                  Bad debt
                                                          Book balance                               Book balance
                                                                                provision                                 provision
Other accounts
                  Shenzhen     SEG          Property
                                                                12,325.00                     ---          52,000.00                  ---
                  Development Co., Ltd.
                  Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                214,491.60                      ---        214,491.60                   ---

(2) Accounts payable to related parties

  Project name                    Related party                             Closing balance                     Opening balance
                   Shenzhen SEG Computers Co., Ltd                                      543,510.00                           444,510.00
Other payables
                   Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                      40,000,000.00                           200,000.00
                   Shenzhen SEG Property Development Co.,
                   Shenzhen SEG Hi-tech Industrial Co., Ltd.                         17,653,186.81

8. Other related transactions

In 2014, the subsidiaries, i.e. Shenzhen SEG E-commerce Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen SEG High-technology
Investment Co., Ltd., carried out the cooperation in financing, and the financing income was 1,035,569.84 Yuan
this year.

XI Commitments and contingencies

(1) Major commitments

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

1. Signed or performing or to be performed lease contract and the minimum lease payment to be paid in
subsequent years

                                                               Shenzhen SEG                  Shenzhen SEG
                       Xi'an SEG           Suzhou SEG           Electronics                   Electronics    Wujiang SEG
 Remaining lease                                                                   SEG
                    Electronic Market    Electronic Market        Market                        Market        Electronics
     term                                                                       Electronic
                        Co., Ltd.            Co., Ltd.          Management                  Management Co., Market Co., Ltd.
                                                                                Market Co.,
                                                                 Co., Ltd.                       Ltd.
Within one year
(including  one         12,875,000.00          16,024,907.88     4,912,813.79           ---                  ---               ---
Above one year
but within two
                        13,125,000.00          16,024,907.88     5,060,198.20           ---                  ---               ---
years (including
two years)
Above two years
but within three
                        13,375,000.00          16,234,383.80     5,212,004.15           ---                  ---               ---
years (including
three years)
Over 3 years            48,750,000.00         157,211,677.96    15,137,455.15           ---                  ---               ---

      Total             88,125,000.00         205,495,877.52    30,322,471.29 Note *1          Note *2             Note *3

(Continued from above)

                          Nanning SEG               Shunde SEG
  Remaining lease                                                      Wuxi SEG Electronics         Zhengzhou SEG Digital Plaza
                        Electronics Market       Electronics Market
      term                                                               Market Co., Ltd               Management Co., Ltd.
                       Management Co., Ltd.     Management Co., Ltd
Within one year
                               6,500,000.00             4,320,000.00                          ---                    13,145,482.73
(including one year)
Above one year but
within two years
                               8,000,000.00             4,800,000.00                          ---                    13,054,290.12
(including     two
Above two years but
within three years
                               8,000,000.00             5,040,000.00                          ---                    13,403,893.21
(including    three
Over 3 years                  64,000,000.00            43,087,508.73                          ---                    82,632,739.96
         Total                86,500,000.00            57,247,508.73                  Note *4                       122,236,406.02


*1: According to the cooperation agreement between both parties, the annual rent is to be paid by Xi'an Hairong
SEG Electronic Market Co., Ltd in an amount equal to 70% of its profits from electronic market. Therefore, the
amount of future lease payment is uncertain.

*2: Due to adjustment of rent according to CPI, therefore, the amount of future lease payment to be paid by
Shenzhen SEG Electronics Market Management Co., Ltd is uncertain.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

*3: According to the cooperation agreement between both parties, the annual housing rental fee is to be paid by
Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd in an amount equal to 70% of its profit before tax from electronic
market. Therefore, the amount of future lease payment is uncertain.

*4: Wuxi SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd enjoys a rent-free period of 3 years prior to its formal opening, and
will pay the housing rental fee (rent) at 70% of its profit before tax from electronic market at the fourth year.
Therefore, the amount of future lease payment is uncertain.

Except the above commitment issues, as of December 31, 2014, the Company has no other significant undisclosed

(2) Contingencies existing on balance sheet date

1. Contingencies formed due to providing debt guarantee to outside parties and the financial impact thereof

For debt guarantee provided to related parties, see "5) Related-Party Transaction" in Note 10 for details

XII. Events after the balance sheet date

(1) Distribution of profits

It is decided through the meeting of Board of Directors that because the profit attributable to shareholders by the
parent company, in 2014 the Company plans not to distribute to the whole shareholders, nor transfer the capital
reserve to shares.

The above plan needs to be reviewed at a meeting of shareholders.

(2) Other events after the balance sheet date:

Except the above events after the balance sheet date, as of the date of financial report, the Company has no other
significant undisclosed issues outstanding.

XIII. Notes on other important matters

(1) Purchase of financial products with idle funds

Proposal on the Company's Purchase of Financial Products With Idle Funds was deliberated and passed on the
second extraordinary general meeting of the Company on July 21, 2014, which provides that the idle funds used
by the Company for purchase of financial products cannot exceed 1 billion Yuan.

As of 31.12.14, the amount of financial products purchased by the Company and its subsidiaries is as follows:
                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan

                                           Wujiang SEG          Shenzhen SEG Baohua           Wuxi SEG       Xi'an Hairong SEG
                   Shenzhen SEG
Company name                             Electronics Market   Enterprise Development Co., Electronics Market Electronic Market
                     Co., Ltd.
                                              Co., Ltd.                   Ltd.                 Co., Ltd           Co., Ltd.
Amount                    19,300.00                1,000.00                      6,100.00           1,150.00           1,100.00

Continued from above:

Company name         Shenzhen SEG         Shenzhen SEG Credit         Nanning SEG Electronics                  Total

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                   E-Commerce Co.,          Co., Ltd.              Market Management Co., Ltd.
Amount                       3,300.00                    77.90                           240.00                    32,267.90

XIV. Notes on main items in the financial statements of the parent company

Note 1    Accounts receivable

1. Disclosure of accounts receivable by type

                                                                           Closing balance
                                           Book balance                         Bad debt provision
              Type                                                                               Percentage   Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                of
Accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually,
                                          7,163,876.44            77.29          7,163,876.44        100.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
Receivables for which bad debt
provision is accrued according to
combinations of credit risk
Accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually,
                                          2,105,306.44            22.71          2,105,306.44        100.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
              Total                       9,269,182.88           100.00          9,269,182.88        100.00

Continued from above:

                                                                          Opening balance
                                           Book balance                         Bad debt provision
              Type                                                                               Percentage       Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                of
Accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually,
                                          7,163,876.44            77.29          7,163,876.44        100.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
Receivables for which bad debt
provision is accrued according to
combinations of credit risk
Accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually,
                                          2,105,306.44            22.71          2,105,306.44        100.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
              Total                       9,269,182.88           100.00          9,269,182.88        100.00

Notes on types of accounts receivable:

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

1) Accounts receivable with a significant amount individually, for which bad debt provision is separately accrued
at the end of period:

                                                                               Closing balance

          Name of debtor                                                                Percentage
                                         Accounts receivable    Bad debt provision          of             Reason for provision
                                                                                                   The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                   uncollectible because they have
Jiangsu Unicom                                   3,092,011.09           3,092,011.09        100.00
                                                                                                   been outstanding for more than
                                                                                                   five years.
                                                                                                   The accounts receivable are
Shenzhen LiYuanshun Industrial                                                                     uncollectible because they have
                                                 1,906,865.35           1,906,865.35        100.00
Co., Ltd.                                                                                          been outstanding for more than
                                                                                                   five years.
                                                                                                   The accounts receivable are
                                                                                                   uncollectible because they have
Shanghai Tianci Industrial Co., Ltd.              899,000.00             899,000.00         100.00
                                                                                                   been outstanding for more than
                                                                                                   five years.
                                                                                                   The accounts receivable are
Zhejiang   Finance      Information                                                                uncollectible because they have
                                                  786,000.00             786,000.00         100.00
Paging Center                                                                                      been outstanding for more than
                                                                                                   five years.
                                                                                                   The accounts receivable are
Sichuan HuiYuan Electronics Co.,                                                                   uncollectible because they have
                                                  480,000.00             480,000.00         100.00
Ltd.                                                                                               been outstanding for more than
                                                                                                   five years.
               Total                             7,163,876.44           7,163,876.44        100.00

2. Bad-debt provision accrued, collected or reversed in the current period

No bad-debt provision is accrued, collected or reversed in the current period.

3. No receivables are written off in the current period.

4. Top five receivables collected according to the debtor

                                                                                Percentage in the total
              Name of debtor                          Closing balance            amount of accounts       Bad-debt provision accrued
Jiangsu Unicom                                                  3,092,011.09                     33.36                  3,092,011.09
Shenzhen LiYuanshun Industrial Co., Ltd.                        1,906,865.35                     20.57                  1,906,865.35
Shanghai Tianci Industrial Co., Ltd.                             899,000.00                        9.70                   899,000.00
Zhejiang Finance Information Paging Center                       786,000.00                        8.48                   786,000.00
Sichuan HuiYuan Electronics Co., Ltd.                            480,000.00                        5.18                   480,000.00
                    Total                                       7,163,876.44                     77.29                  7,163,876.44

5. There is no accounts receivable whose recognition is terminated due to financial assets transfer in the current

6. There are no assets and liabilities formed due to transfer of and further involvement in accounts receivable.

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Note 2     Other accounts receivable

1. Disclosure of other accounts receivable by type

                                                                           Closing balance
                                             Book balance                       Bad debt provision
                  Type                                                                           Percentage      Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                of
Other accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually, for
                                           8,530,276.35             1.96         8,530,276.35        100.00                      -
which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
Other accounts receivable for
which bad debt provision is
                                         410,454,248.03          94.12               1,200.00               0    410,453,048.03
accrued according to combinations
of credit risk characteristics
Including: Combination 1                   1,168,219.48             0.27             1,200.00             0.10     1,167,019.48
 Combination 2                           409,286,028.55          93.85                                       -   409,286,028.55
Other accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually,
                                          17,118,394.49             3.92        17,118,394.49        100.00                      -
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued
                  Total                  436,102,918.87         100.00          25,649,870.84             5.88   410,453,048.03

      Continued from above:

                                                                           Opening balance

                                             Book balance                       Bad debt provision
                                                                                                 Percentage      Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                of

Other accounts receivable with a
significant amount individually,
                                           8,530,276.35          3.77            8,530,276.35        100.00                   0.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued

Other accounts receivable for
which bad debt provision is
accrued according to                     200,494,573.07         88.64                   600.00                   200,493,973.07
combinations of credit risk

Including: Combination 1                   1,011,510.14          0.45                   600.00         0.06        1,010,910.14

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                           Opening balance

                                             Book balance                       Bad debt provision
                                                                                                   Percentage         Book value
                                         Amount                                Amount                  of

 Combination 2                           199,483,062.93         88.19                        ---             ---      199,483,062.93

Other accounts receivable with an
insignificant amount individually,
                                          17,170,808.49          7.59           17,170,808.49         100.00                       0.00
for which bad debt provision is
separately accrued

Total                                    226,195,657.91        100.00           25,701,684.84          11.36          200,493,973.07

Notes on types of other accounts receivable:

5) Other accounts receivable with a significant amount individually, for which bad debt provision is separately

                                                                           Closing balance

            Name of debtor                                                              Percentage
                                            Other accounts
                                                                Bad debt provision          of              Reason for provision
                                                                                                  The accounts receivable are
No.1: Yangjiang Yuntong Grease                                                                    uncollectible because they
                                              8,530,276.35               8,530,276.35      100.00
Co., Ltd                                                                                          have been outstanding for
                                                                                                  more than five years.
                Total                         8,530,276.35               8,530,276.35      100.00

6) Other accounts receivable in Combination 1, for which bad debt provision is accrued by the aging analysis

                                                                            Closing balance
        Account receivable aging
                                         Other accounts receivable         Bad debt provision               Percentage of provision
Less than one year                                   1,162,219.48
1-2 years
2-3 years
Over 3 years                                              6,000.00                         1,200.00                             20.00
                 Total                               1,168,219.48                          1,200.00                                0.10

7) Other accounts receivable in Combination 2 include premium for lease, deposit and due from related parties.

2. Bad-debt provision accrued, collected or reversed in the current period

An amount of 51,814.00 Yuan of bad-debt provision is collected for the current period

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

3. No other accounts receivable are written off in the current period.

4. Category of other accounts receivable by nature

                       Item                                       Closing balance                               Opening balance
Accounts receivable from related parties                                        408,087,205.17                                   198,258,035.55
Amount for assignment of creditor's right                                         22,664,045.27                                     22,664,045.27
Spare cash                                                                           790,404.70                                        65,560.70
Deposit and earnest money                                                           1,247,233.78                                     1,290,784.78
Others                                                                              3,314,029.95                                     3,917,231.61
                   Total                                                        436,102,918.87                                   226,195,657.91

5. Top five other accounts receivable collected according to the debtor

                                                                                                             Percentage in the        Bad debt
                                                  Nature of                                                   total amount of         provision
             Name of debtor                                           Closing balance        receivable
                                                  payables                                                     other accounts          Closing
                                                                                                                 receivable            balance
Nantong SEG Times Square                      Borrowing and                                    Less than
                                                                         273,454,674.05                                   62.70
Development Co., Ltd.                         interest                                          one year
                                              Borrowing and                                    Less than
Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd.                                         60,093,698.62                                   13.78
                                              interest                                          one year
Shenzhen SEG Industrial Investment            Borrowing and                                    Less than
                                                                          44,088,490.03                                   10.11
Co., Ltd.                                     interest                                          one year
Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG                   Incomings and                                    Less than
                                                                          30,000,000.00                                      6.88
Times Square Properties Co., Ltd.             outgoings                                         one year
No.1: Yangjiang Yuntong Grease Co.,           Debt restructuring
                                                                             8,530,276.35 Over 5 years                       1.96 8,530,276.35
Ltd                                           of SEG Orient
                                      Total                              416,167,139.05                                   95.43 8,530,276.35

6. There are no receivable accounts involving government subsidies in the current period.

7. There are no other receivable accounts whose recognition is terminated due to financial assets transfer in the
current period.

8. There are no assets and liabilities formed due to transfer of and further involvement in other accounts

Note 3       Long-term equity investment

                                              Closing balance                                              Opening balance
Nature of payables                               Bad debt                                                     Bad debt
                          Book balance                               Book value         Book balance                                Book value
                                                 provision                                                    provision
Investment to
                          299,983,526.24                            299,983,526.24      261,983,526.24                           261,983,526.24
Investment in
                              81,123,287.45                          81,123,287.45      112,102,810.03                           112,102,810.03
enterprise and joint
         Total            381,106,813.69                      -     381,106,813.69      374,086,336.27                    -      374,086,336.27

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

1. Investment to subsidiaries

                                                                                                    Provision for
                                                                         Current                     impairment
    Invested            Initial          Opening        Current period                                              balance of
                                                                          period    Closing balance     of the
  organization     investment cost       balance          increase                                                provision for
                                                                         decrease                      current
Shenzhen SEG
Enterprise          18,742,808.93    20,512,499.04                                   20,512,499.04
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
                    23,780,000.00    29,181,027.20                                   29,181,027.20
Investment Co.,
Changsha SEG
Development         69,000,000.00    69,000,000.00                                   69,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
Market               2,100,000.00        2,100,000.00                                 2,100,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Suzhou SEG
Electronic           1,350,000.00        1,350,000.00                                 1,350,000.00
Market Co., Ltd.
Xi'an SEG
Electronic           1,950,000.00        1,950,000.00                                 1,950,000.00
Market Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
                    54,000,000.00    54,000,000.00                                   54,000,000.00
Credit Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
E-Commerce          15,300,000.00    15,300,000.00                                   15,300,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG
Market              20,000,000.00    20,000,000.00                                   20,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Hairong
SEG Electronic       1,530,000.00        1,530,000.00                                 1,530,000.00
Market Co., Ltd.
Wujiang SEG
Electronics          1,530,000.00        1,530,000.00                                 1,530,000.00
Market Co., Ltd.
Wuxi SEG
Electronics          1,530,000.00        1,530,000.00                                 1,530,000.00
Market Co., Ltd
Shunde SEG
                     6,000,000.00        6,000,000.00                                 6,000,000.00

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                                                                Provision for
                                                                                 Current                         impairment
       Invested             Initial          Opening          Current period                                                    balance of
                                                                                  period        Closing balance     of the
     organization      investment cost       balance            increase                                                      provision for
                                                                                 decrease                          current
Co., Ltd
Nanning SEG
Market                       8,000,000.00    8,000,000.00                                         8,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Nantong SEG
Times Square
                            30,000,000.00   30,000,000.00                                        30,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou SEG
Digital Plaza
                             8,000,000.00                       8,000,000.00                      8,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Fengdong
New Town SEG
Times Square                30,000,000.00                      30,000,000.00                     30,000,000.00
Properties Co.,
        Total           292,812,808.93 261,983,526.24          38,000,000.00            0.00 299,983,526.24

2. Investment in associated enterprise and joint venture

                                                                                Increases and decreases in the current period
                                                                                                            investment        Adjustments in
         Invested organization              Opening balance        Additional         Decrease in        profits or losses        other
                                                                   investment         investment          recognized by       comprehensive
                                                                                                          equity method          income
Shanghai SEG Electronic Market
                                                9,254,501.99                                                    314,459.15
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.               102,848,308.04                                                  -25,301,808.77
                    Total                     112,102,810.03                                                 -24,987,349.62

Continued from above:

                                                   Increases and decreases in the current period                                      Closing
                                                            Cash dividends                                                         balance of
         Invested organization                                                    Accrued                       Closing balance     provision
                                            Changes in        or profits
                                                                                provision for       Others                                for
                                            other equity    announced for
                                                                                 impairment                                       impairment
Shanghai SEG Electronic Market
                                                               5,992,172.96                                        3,576,788.18
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd.                                                                                    77,546,499.27
                    Total                                      5,992,172.96                                       81,123,287.45

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

Note 4      Operating revenue and operating cost

1. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                   Amount incurred in the report period                  Amount incurred in the previous period
                                    Income                        Cost                     Income                         Cost
Main businesses                      125,263,172.20                76,758,875.18            124,843,963.38                 75,283,936.52
Other businesses                           460,890.41                                           379,849.32                               ---

2. Main operating businesses (by industry)

                                          Amount of the current year                          Amount of the previous year
                               Operating income               Operating cost          Operating income               Operating cost
(1) Industry                                       ---                         ---                        ---                            ---
(2) Trade                                          ---                         ---                        ---                            ---
(3) Real estate                                    ---                         ---                        ---                            ---
(4) Leasing and others               125,263,172.20                76,758,875.18            124,843,963.38                 75,283,936.52
            Total                    125,263,172.20                76,758,875.18            124,843,963.38                 75,283,936.52

Note 5      Investment income

                                                                               Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
                                                                                  report period                   previous period
Long-term equity investment income by the cost method                                     25,244,873.17                    15,214,120.00
Long-term equity investment income by the equity method                                  -24,987,349.62                    -3,857,446.81
Income from disposal of long-term equity investments                                                                        2,684,748.56
Investment income of financial assets measured at fair value of which
the changes are recorded into current profit and loss during the holding
Investment income obtained from disposal of financial assets measured
at fair value of which the changes are recorded into current profit and
Investment income of held-to-maturity investment during the holding
Investment income of available-for-sale financial assets during the
holding period
Income from held-to-maturity investments
Income from disposal of financial assets available for sale
Gains generated from residual equity remeasured at fair value after loss
of share-controlling right
Others                                                                                    30,123,920.48                    11,538,625.46
                                  Total                                                   30,381,444.03                    25,580,047.21

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

XV. Supplementary Materials

(1) Details on non-recurring gains and losses

                                         Item                                            Amount              Remarks
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                              6,475.34
Tax refund, reduction or exemption upon approval exceeding authorized limits or
without formal documents
Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses (except those closely
related with corporate business and enjoyed according to national standards or certain      1,554,585.78
Fund appropriation charges for non-financial entities recorded into current gains and
Gains from the margin between the investment cost of the Company for acquisition of
subsidiaries, joint ventures and joint operation enterprises and the recognizable fair
value of net assets of invested units at the time of acquisition
Loss from transfer of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses from entrusting investment or managing assets
Provision for assets impairment withheld for Force Majeure
Gains and losses from debt restructurings
Expenditures for corporate restructuring, such as expenses for relocation of
employees and for integration
Gains and losses from unfairly priced transactions in which the transaction value
exceeds the fair value
Net current gains and losses of a subsidiary from the period Opening to the date of
merger due to the merger of enterprises under the control of a same entity
Gains and losses from contingency items irrelevant with regular operation of the
Gains and losses from fair value changes by holding of transaction financial assets
and liabilities, except effective hedging business related to regular operation of the
Company, and investment income from disposal of transaction financial assets and
liabilities as well as financial assets available for sale
Transferred-back impairment provision for accounts receivable, for which separate
impairment tests are carried out
Gains and losses for external entrusted loans
Gains and losses from fair value changes of investment properties, whose subsequent
measurement is carried out based on the fair value mode
Influence on current gains and losses by one-off adjustment according to tax and
accounting laws and regulations
Trustee fee from entrusted operation                                                          200,000.00
Other non-operating income and expenses except the above-mentioned items                      498,440.96
Other gains and losses fitting the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
Influenced amount of income tax                                                              -216,991.94
Amount of influence of minority shareholders' equity (after tax)                             -282,468.32
                                         Total                                              2,460,041.82

(2) ROE and EPS

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

                                                                Weighted average                           Earnings per share
                  Profit in report period
                                                            Return on equity (ROE) (%)             Basic EPS               Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to common shareholders
                                                                       3.80                         0.0616                    0.0616
of the Company
Net profit attributable to common shareholders
of the Company after deduction of -recurring                           3.60                         0.0585                    0.0585
losses and gains

(3) Abnormalities on main items of the financial statements of the Company and notes on reasons

    Important subjects              Closing balance           Opening balance                                  Reason for change
                                                                                    change (%)
Loans to banks and other                                                                           Increase in loans to the enterprises of the
                                            30,000,000.00                       -
financial institutions                                                                             same industry in current period
                                                                                                   Increase in rents cleared by bills in
Notes receivable                               84,618.08                        -
                                                                                                   current period
                                                                                                   Increase in security deposit paid in
Other accounts receivable                   95,366,156.27          25,033,354.72         280.96
                                                                                                   current period
                                                                                                   Increase in development cost of Nantong
Inventory                               278,281,586.72             98,000,921.50         183.96
                                                                                                   SEG in current period
Loans       and      advances                                                                      Increase in scale of loan of subsidiaries
                                        452,517,072.06            243,871,438.72          85.56
issued                                                                                             in current period
                                                                                                   Reclassification of prepayments to
Other non-current assets                     4,655,063.54                                          electronic market decoration project in
                                                                                                   current period
Short-term borrowing                    189,246,687.38             70,000,000.00         170.35 Increase in bank loans during the year
                                                                                                   Non-payment of dividends distributed
Dividends payable                            1,717,882.74           1,317,296.42          30.41
                                                                                                   by subsidiaries in current period
                                                                                                Increase in rental deposit from newly
                                                                                                opened electronic market and the
Other payables                          244,804,403.06            164,189,818.81          49.10
                                                                                                increase in receivables from related
                                                                                                   Short-term financing bond issued in
Other current liabilities               250,000,000.00                          -
                                                                                                   current period
                                                                                                   Increase in government           subsidies
Deferred income                              9,705,371.01             762,246.19           11.73
                                                                                                   received in current period
                                                                                                 Increase in interest income due to
Interest income                             61,496,910.07          40,429,967.84           52.11 increase in the size of the loan in current
                                                                                                Increase in handling charge and
Commissions income                           9,573,910.00           2,646,841.51         261.71 commission received in the current
                                                                                                   Increase in borrowings in the current
Interest expenses                            3,344,972.23           1,714,995.54          95.04
                                                                                                   Decrease in sales promotion expenses
Sale expenses                                2,149,313.48           3,630,236.75          -40.79
                                                                                                   paid in the current period
                                                                                                 Increase in bank loan and issuance of
Financing cost                               9,168,643.60         -10,488,089.69         -187.42 short-term financing bond in the current
Loss        from          asset              2,291,391.30          -1,136,174.62         -301.68 Increase in loan loss accrued in the

Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Notes to the Financial Statements 2014

   Important subjects         Closing balance      Opening balance                              Reason for change
                                                                        change (%)
impairment                                                                            current period and the single provision
                                                                                      for accounts receivable in the previous
                                                                                    Decrease     in investment  income
Investment income                   6,228,033.45        13,077,808.59        -52.38 recognized by equity method in the
                                                                                    current period
                                                                                      Increase in expenditure of liquidated
Non-operating expenses              1,075,753.92          246,074.21         337.17
                                                                                      damages in the current period

                                                                                              Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                             (Official seal)

                                                                                                          March 26, 2015

                    Chapter 12              Documents Available for Reference

1. Financial Statements sealed and signed by the Legal Representative, Person in charge of accounting and the
responsible person of the accounting institution (Accountant in charge);
2. The original copy sealed by the accounting firm, and signed and sealed by the certified public accountant; and
3. The original copies of all the Company‘s documents ever disclosed in the newspaper assigned by CSRC and the
manuscripts of announcements.
