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						                                                      Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

Stock code: 000058, 200058   Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG, SHEN SEG B               Notice No.: 2015-048

     Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                 Chapter 1             Important Notes

The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, and directors, supervisors and executives of the Company shall
guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the quarterly report and non-existence of false records,
misleading statements or major omissions and shall assume individual and/or joint liabilities.
All the directors have attended this board meeting reviewing the quarterly report.
Wang Li, person in charge of the Company, Liu Zhijun, person in charge of the accounting work and Ying
Huadong, responsible person of the accounting institution (accountant in charge) hereby declare that the Financial
Statements enclosed in this quarterly report are true, accurate and complete.

                                                                                   Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

      Chapter 2                   Change of Major Financial Data and Shareholders

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Are retrospective adjustments made to previous financial statements due to accounting policy changes or accounting errors?
□ Yes √ No

                                         Amount at end of the report        Amount at end of the previous
                                                                                                              Year-on-year increase/decrease
                                                        period                            year

Total assets (Yuan)                                      2,573,190,027.09                 2,659,717,718.28                           -3.25%

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed company                       1,443,184,484.40                 1,298,970,719.85                           11.10%

                                                                                                 Amount from the
                                         Amount of the report          Year-on-year           beginning of the year       Year-on-year
                                                 period              increase/decrease       to the end of this report increase/decrease (%)

Operating income (Yuan)                          194,784,480.30                      1.78%           569,339,615.91                  12.18%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company                 7,280,509.44                    -18.60%            42,186,643.05                  -9.45%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                                   6,782,338.84                    -19.67%            41,480,593.15                  -8.19%
after deduction of non-recurring
gains and losses (Yuan)

Net cash flow arising from
                                                   --                         --                     -46,276,969.45                  81.99%
operating activities (Yuan)

Basic EPS (Yuan/Share)                                     0.0095                  -16.67%                     0.054                 -9.09%

Diluted EPS (Yuan/Share)                                   0.0095                  -16.67%                     0.054                 -9.09%

Weighted average ROE                                        0.93%                    0.23%                    5.38%                   1.72%

Items of non-recurring profit and loss and related amounts:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                         Amount from the beginning
                                  Item                                   of the year to the end of this                Remarks
                                                                                   report period

Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets (including
                                                                                             -196,751.33 Gains on disposal of fixed assets
the write-off of assets depreciation reserves)

                                                                                   Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Amount from the beginning
                                  Item                                  of the year to the end of this                  Remarks
                                                                                   report period

                                                                                                           The service industry development
                                                                                                           fund from the Bureau of Finance
                                                                                                           of Nantong, the Economy, and
Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses                                                the special funds for setting up
(except those closely related with corporate business and enjoyed                            242,642.18 online SEG electronics market
according to national standards or certain quota)                                                          and SEG E-commerce platform
                                                                                                           from the Trade and Information
                                                                                                           Commission of Shenzhen were

Transferred-back impairment provision for accounts receivable,
for which separate impairment tests are carried out

Other non-operating income and expenses except the                                                         Liquidated damages from
above-mentioned items                                                                                      defaulting tenants were collected.

Less: Amount of affected income tax                                                          164,908.84

       Amount of influence of minority shareholders’ equity (after

Total                                                                                        706,049.90                    --

An explanation shall be made with regard to the Company's considerations for defining non-recurring profit and loss according to the
Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring
Profit and Loss and the reason of classifying the non-recurring profit and loss listed in this announcement as recurring profit and loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the report period, it does not happen that the company defines the non-recurring profit and loss items defined or listed by
Interpretive Bulletin No. 1 on Information Disclosure by Companies Publicly Issuing Securities — Non-recurring Gains and Losses
as recurring profit and loss items.

II. Total number of shareholders and shareholding information of top ten shareholders at the
end of this report period

1. Total number of ordinary shareholders and shareholding information of top ten ordinary shareholders
at the end of this report period

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share

Total number of ordinary shareholders at
the end of the report period

                                         Shareholding information of the top 10 ordinary shareholders

                                Nature of        Shareholding                            Quantity of       Information on pledged or frozen
 Name of shareholder                                                Total shares
                               shareholder        percentage                           restricted shares                 shares

                                                                             Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       held            Share status       Quantity

Shenzhen SEG Group      State-owned
                                                      30.24%       237,359,666                   0 Pledged                 20,179,833
Co., Ltd.               legal person

                        Domestic natural
Liu Guocheng                                           0.85%          6,691,302                  0

                        Domestic natural
Liu Guohong                                            0.43%          3,354,558                  0

                        Domestic natural
Zeng Ying                                              0.42%          3,300,000                  0

                        Overseas natural
Gong Qianhua                                           0.37%          2,940,000                  0

                        Domestic natural
Wang Jianguang                                         0.29%          2,249,473                  0

China Securities        Domestic
Finance Corporation     non-state-owned                0.29%          2,271,900                  0
Limited                 legal person

                        Overseas legal
NORGES BANK                                            0.24%          1,890,226                  0

UMBRELLA                Overseas legal
                                                       0.23%          1,811,274                  0

                        Overseas legal
AUSTRALIA BANK                                         0.19%          1,472,343                  0

                                  Information on top ten ordinary shareholders of non-restricted shares

                                                                                                               Type of share
            Name of shareholder                  Quantity of unrestricted ordinary shares held
                                                                                                      Type of share       Quantity

                                                                                                     RMB ordinary
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.                                                          237,359,666                         237,359,666

Liu Guocheng                                                                            6,691,302 listed foreign               6,691,302

Liu Guohong                                                                             3,354,558 listed foreign               3,354,558

Zeng Ying                                                                               3,300,000 Domestically                 3,300,000

                                                                            Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   listed foreign

Gong Qianhua                                                                           2,940,000 listed foreign             2,940,000

Wang Jianguang                                                                         2,249,473 listed foreign             2,249,473

China Securities Finance Corporation                                                               RMB ordinary
                                                                                       2,271,900                            2,271,900
Limited                                                                                            shares

NORGES BANK                                                                            1,890,226 listed foreign             1,890,226

ARROWSTREET MULTI STRATEGY                                                                         Domestically
UMBRELLA PLC-ARROWSTREET                                                               1,811,274 listed foreign             1,811,274
EMERGING MARKET FUND III                                                                           shares

                                                                                       1,472,343 listed foreign             1,472,343

                                           Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SEG ") has no associated
Explanations on the associated             relationship with other shareholders and does not belong to the concerted action unit as
relationship or concerted action among     described in the Management Methods for Disclosure of Information on Changes of
the above-mentioned shareholders           Shareholding Status of Shareholders of Listed Companies. Whether the relationship exists
                                           among other shareholders is unknown.

Information of top ten ordinary
shareholders participating in financing    None
business (if any)

Whether the top ten ordinary shareholders of the Company or top ten ordinary shareholders of non-restricted shares conducted agreed
repurchase transactions in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
The top ten ordinary shareholders of the Company or top ten ordinary shareholders of non-restricted shares did not conduct agreed
repurchase transactions in the reporting period.

2. Total number of preferential shareholders and information of top ten preferential shareholders at the
end of this report period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                    Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                  Chapter 3              Important Matters

I. Particulars and explanations of changes in main items of accounting statements and
financial indexes in this report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(I) Items on the Balance Sheet
                Item               Closing balance        Opening balance          Difference          Increase/decrease of
                                                                                                          the current year
                                                                                                       compared with that of
                                                                                                       the previous year (%)

Monetary funds                         147,866,559.68         383,056,680.70        -235,190,121.02                 -61.40%

Notes receivable                            20,000.00              84,618.08              -64,618.08                -76.36%

Other accounts receivable               18,330,024.66          95,366,156.27          -77,036,131.61                -80.78%

Inventory                              435,903,269.87         278,281,586.72         157,621,683.15                  56.64%

Long-term equity investment            179,050,308.34          82,100,197.01          96,950,111.33                 118.09%

Construction in progress                   216,000.00                       0            216,000.00                 100.00%

Intangible assets                          986,315.10             655,587.54             330,727.56                  50.45%

Other non-current assets                             0          4,655,063.54           -4,655,063.54               -100.00%

Short-term borrowing                   396,364,194.51         189,246,687.38         207,117,507.13                 109.44%

Accounts payable                        99,688,085.67         200,129,651.92        -100,441,566.25                 -50.19%

Payroll payable                         10,036,126.45          18,858,843.33           -8,822,716.88                -46.78%

Interest payable                                               10,295,250.65          -10,295,250.65               -100.00%

Dividends payable                       14,526,192.58           1,717,882.74          12,808,309.84                 745.59%

Other current liabilities                                     250,000,000.00        -250,000,000.00                -100.00%

Other comprehensive income                 442,719.36             231,817.05             210,902.31                  90.98%

Undistributed profits                   48,486,442.46           6,299,799.41          42,186,643.05                 669.65%

1. The monetary capitals decreased by RMB235,190,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 61.40%, mainly because:
① The principle and interest of matured debts were repaid.
② Part of capitals were put into construction of the Nantong SEG Times Square project.
2. Notes receivable decreased by RMB60,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a decrease of
76.36%, mainly because the rental settled based on notes by Wujiang SEG Electronics Market Co., Ltd., a
share-holding company of the Company (holding 51% of shares), decreased in this report period.

                                                                   Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

3. Other receivables decreased by RMB77,040,000Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a decrease
of 80.78%, mainly because the Xi'an Fengdong New Town SEG Time Square Properties Co., Ltd. recovered the
land bidding deposit.
4. The inventory increased by RMB157,620,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, an increase
of 56.64%, mainly because of the project construction expenditure of Nantong SEG Times Square Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of the Company (holding 100% of shares), in this report period.
5. The long-term equity investment increased by RMB96,950,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning
amount, an increase of 118.09%, mainly because Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. (Huakong SEG, a subsidiary
of the Company, where the Company holds 20% of shares) issues shares at premium in a non-directive way and
the Company increased this project according to the equity method.
6. The construction in process increased by RMB220,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, an
increase of 100%, mainly because of information system construction expenditure of Shenzhen SEG Credit Co.,
Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company (holding 53.02% of shares), in this report period.
7. Intangible assets increased by RMB330,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, an increase of
50.45%, mainly because the Company and its subsidiaries purchased software in this report period.
8. Other non-current assets decreased by RMB 4,660,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 100.00%, mainly because the prepaid electronics market engineering payment in the first half of the
year was carried over to other asset projects within this report period.
9. Short-term borrowings increased by RMB207,120,000 Yuan compared with period-beginning amount, an
increase of 109.44%, mainly because of bank loans of the Company acquired in this report period.
10. The accounts payable decreased by RMB 100,440,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 50.19%, mainly because Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as SEG
E-commerce), a subsidiary of the Company that holds 51% of shares, settled supply chain business in this report
11. The wages payable decreased by RMB8,820,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 46.78%, mainly because the Company paid accrued payroll of the previous year in this report period.
12. The interest payable decreased by RMB 10,300,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 100.00%, mainly because the Company paid the accrued interest of the previous year in this report
13. The dividends payable increased by RMB 12,810,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, an
increase of 745.59%, mainly because the dividends to be paid by Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of
the Company) to a few shareholders increased.
14. Other current assets decreased by RMB 250,000,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, a
decrease of 100.00%, mainly because the Company paid the principal and interests of short-term financing bonds
in this report period.

                                                                      Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

15. Other comprehensive income increased by RMB210,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount,
an increase 90.98%, mainly because the market value of stocks of Xinjiang Youhao Group held by Shenzhen SEG
Baohua Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SEG Baohua”, where the company holds
66.58% of shares), a subsidiary of the Company, increased.
16. Undistributed profits increased by RMB42,190,000 Yuan compared with the period-beginning amount, an
increase of 669.65%, mainly because the net profits attributable to the parent company increased in this report
 (II) Items in the Profit Statement
                                                                                                          of the current year
                                      Amount incurred in Amount incurred in
                  Item                                                                Difference          compared with that
                                      the current period    the previous period
                                                                                                          of the previous year

Interest income                             64,800,130.44          34,403,812.13         30,396,318.31                  88.35%

Service charges and commissions
                                             3,681,632.07             108,736.67           3,572,895.40             3285.82%

Interest expenses                            4,206,636.86           2,276,194.45           1,930,442.41                 84.81%

Financial cost                               4,630,265.70           7,375,517.50          -2,745,251.80                 -37.22%

Loss from asset impairment                  10,015,700.20             834,423.77           9,181,276.43             1100.31%

Non-operating income                         1,342,743.31           2,157,508.46            -814,765.15                 -37.76%

Non-operating expenses                         827,995.29             267,517.42            560,477.87                  209.51%

Other comprehensive income                     316,765.26             -12,743.43            329,508.69              2585.71%

1. Interest income increased by RMB30,400,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an increase of
88.35%, mainly because of the loans of Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, increased
in this report period and the interests of the petty loan business increased accordingly.
2. Commissions increased by RMB 3,570,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an increase of
3,285.82%, mainly because of the loans of Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,
increased in this report period and commissions obtained from the petty loan business increased accordingly.
3. The interest expenditure increased by RMB1,930,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an
increase of 84.81%, mainly because the bank loans obtained by Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
the Company, and short-term financing bonds issued by Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd. increased year on year.
As a result, the interest expenditure of loans and commission charges of issuance increased.
4. Financial expenses decreased by RMB2,750,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, a decrease of
37.22%, mainly because the Company repaid matured short-term financing bonds in this report period. As a result,
the loan scale decreased.

                                                                          Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

5. The asset impairment loss increased by RMB 9,180,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an
increase of 1,100.31%, mainly because of increase of accrued loan loss of Shenzhen SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of the Company, increased in this report period.
6. The non-operating income decreased by RMB810,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, a
decrease of 37.76%, mainly because the governmental subsidy income confirmed by SEG E-commerce Co., Ltd.,
a subsidiary of the Company, decreased in this report period.
7. The non-operating income increased by RMB560,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an
increase of 209.51%, mainly because the liquidated damages paid by Nantong SEG Digital Square Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of the Company (controlling 100% of shares), to tenants increased in this report period.
8. Other comprehensive income increased by RMB330,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year mainly
because the market value of stocks of Youhao Group held by SEG Baohua, a subsidiary of the Company,
increased in this report period.
 (III) Items in the Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                of the current year
                                           Amount incurred in    Amount incurred in the
                   Item                                                                      Difference          compared with
                                           the current period       previous period
                                                                                                                    that of the
                                                                                                                previous year (%)

Cash received from interest and
                                                 69,806,828.06            39,743,428.36         30,063,399.70              75.64%

Tax refunds                                     136,078,841.72            69,010,412.27         67,068,429.45              97.19%

Net increase of loans to customers and
                                                 20,896,649.47            88,482,507.00        -67,585,857.53             -76.38%

Cash paid for interest, service charges,
                                                     46,623.87              423,331.00            -376,707.13             -88.99%
and commissions

Taxes paid                                       75,501,049.15          119,251,625.37         -43,750,576.22             -36.69%

Cash received from withdrawal of
                                              1,689,700,000.00         2,998,000,000.00     -1,308,300,000.00             -43.64%

Cash received from investment income             14,402,007.18            24,520,510.52        -10,118,503.34             -41.27%

Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                  34,082.50                20,300.00             13,782.50              67.89%
long-term assets

Cash paid for purchase and construction
of fixed assets, intangible assets and           14,550,969.56             8,660,217.94          5,890,751.62              68.02%
other long-term assets

Cash paid for investment                      1,738,300,000.00         3,277,587,332.32     -1,539,287,332.32             -46.96%

Borrowings received                             424,000,000.00          320,400,000.00         103,600,000.00              32.33%

                                                                         Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                               of the current year
                                          Amount incurred in    Amount incurred in the
                   Item                                                                     Difference          compared with
                                          the current period       previous period
                                                                                                                   that of the
                                                                                                               previous year (%)

Other cash received concerning
                                                                       250,285,729.56        -250,285,729.56            -100.00%
financing activities

Cash paid for repayment of debts               466,882,492.87          130,086,320.51         336,796,172.36             258.90%

Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                                38,658,807.17            27,959,212.50         10,699,594.67              38.27%
and profit or repayment of interest

Other cash paid concerning financing
                                                58,656,972.92              710,000.00          57,946,972.92           8161.55%

1. Cash from charging interests, procedure fee and commission increased by RMB 30,060,000 Yuan compared
with the same period last year, an increase of 75.64%, mainly because the loan scale of SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of the Company, increased in this report period and the interests of the small loan business increased
2. The tax refunds increased by RMB 67,060,000 Yuan compared with the same period of last year, an increase of
97.19%, mainly because the tax refunds received by SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,
for the supply chain business increased.
3. The net increase in loans and advance to customers decreased by RMB 67,580,000 Yuan compared with the
same period last year, a decrease of 76.38%, mainly because the scale of loans issued by SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of the Company, maintained at a high level in this report period and the capital available for issuing
loans decreased.
4. The interests and commissioned paid in cash decreased by RMB380,000 Yuan compared with the same period
last year, a decrease of 88.99%, mainly because the interest expenditure of SEG Credit Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
the Company, decreased.
5. The taxes paid decreased by RMB43,750,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, a decrease of
36.69%, mainly because the tax payment collected by electronics market enterprises for tenants decreased.
6. The cash received from investments decreased by RMB 1,308,300,000 Yuan compared with the same period
last year, a decrease of 43.64%, mainly because funds of the Company were invested in main businesses and the
investment in bank wealth management products decreased and became less frequent.
7. Cash received from income of investments decreased by RMB10,120,000 Yuan compared with the same period
last year, a decrease of 41.27%, mainly because the Company decreased investments in bank wealth management
products, as a result of which the income from bank wealth management products decreased accordingly.

                                                                    Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

8. Net amount of cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets: The
cash received from disposal of waste assets increased by RMB10,000 Yuan compared with the same period of last
9. The cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets increased by
RMB5,890,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an increase of 68.02%, mainly because the market
decoration and reconstruction expenditure of subsidiaries of the Company increased.
10. The cash paid for investment decreased by RMB 1,539,290,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year,
a decrease of 46.96%, mainly because the Company decreased the frequency and investment in bank wealth
management products in the report period.
11. The cash received from borrowings increased by RMB 103,600,000 Yuan compared with the same period last
year, an increase of 32.33%, mainly because bank loans of the Company increased in the report period.
12. The received cash related to financing activities decreased by RMB250,290,000 Yuan compared with the
same period last year, a decrease of 100%, mainly because the Company issued short-term financing bonds in the
same period last year but did not do so in this report period.
13. Cash paid for debts increased by RMB 336,800,000 Yuan compared with the same period last year, an
increase of 258.90%, mainly because the matured short-term financing bonds and bank loans repaid by the
Company and its subsidiaries increased in this report period.
14. Cash paid for distribution of dividend, profits or interest expenses increased by RMB 10,700,000 Yuan
compared with the same period last year, an increase of 38.27%, mainly because matured debts of subsidiaries of
the Company increased in this report period and interests of matured loans increased accordingly.
15. Cash paid other activities related to financing increased by RMB 57,950,000 Yuan compared with the same
period last year, an increase of 8161.55%, mainly because Shenzhen SEG E-commerce Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
the Company, repaid borrowed funds in the report period.

II. Progress of important matters, relevant influence and analysis of solutions

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                          Inquiry Index for the Websites Disclosing the
        Overview of Important Matters             Disclosure Date
                                                                                      Temporary Reports

                                                                      Announcement on Approval of Listing of Shenzhen
                                                                      SEG GPS Technology Co., Ltd. in China's SME Share
                                          July 8, 2015
                                                                      Transfer System disclosed on the Cninfo Website
1. Matter about listing of Shenzhen SEG
GPS Technology Co., Ltd. in China's SME
                                                                      Announcement on Official Listing of Shenzhen SEG
share transfer system
                                                                      GPS Technology Co., Ltd. in China's SME Share
                                          July 21, 2015
                                                                      Transfer System disclosed on the Cninfo Website

                                                                         Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                               Inquiry Index for the Websites Disclosing the
        Overview of Important Matters                  Disclosure Date
                                                                                            Temporary Reports

2. Temporary suspension of the Company’s
Considering the possible significant impact
of non-public issuance completed by
Huakong SEG on the financial situation of
the Company, in order to prevent abnormal                                  Announcement on Suspension due to Important Issues
fluctuation of the company’s stock prices     July 8, 2015                disclosed by the Company on the Cninfo website
and protect interest of mass investors, the                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
company’s stock (stock code: 000058,
200058) was suspended temporarily since
July 8, 2015 upon application according to
relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock

3. Resumption of the company’s stock
During suspension, the Company consulted
accounts from Da Hua Certified Public
Accountants, the annual audit agency of the
Company, as well as relevant departments,
and finally confirmed the impact of
Huakong SEG’s non-public issuance on the
financial situation of the Company. The                                    Announcement on Resumption of Stocks disclosed by
issued price of stocks is higher than the      July 14, 2015               the Company on the Cninfo website
premium generated by the par value of                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
stocks and the long-term equity investments
and capital reserve of the company need to
be adjusted. The impact was reflected in the
semi-annual report of the Company in
2015. The Company’s stock (stock code:
000058, 200058) was resumed on July 14,

                                                                           Announcement on Planned Purchase of the
                                                                           Company’s Stocks by Supervisors of the Company
                                               July 9, 2015
                                                                           disclosed on the Cninfo website
4. Matter about purchase of the Company
                                                                           Announcement on Increase of the Company’s Stocks
stocks by director, supervisors and
                                                                           by Directors, Supervisors and Executives of the
executives of the Company                      July 17, 2015
                                                                           Company disclosed on the Cninfo website

                                                                           Announcement on Purchase of the Company’s Stocks
                                               July 25, 2015
                                                                           by Supervisors of the Company disclosed on the

                                                                               Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Inquiry Index for the Websites Disclosing the
      Overview of Important Matters                     Disclosure Date
                                                                                                   Temporary Reports

                                                                                  Cninfo website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

                                                                                  Announcement on Purchase of the Company’s Stocks
                                                September 10, 2015                by Supervisors of the Company disclosed on the
                                                                                  Cninfo website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

5. Matter about transfer of 51% of equity of
Shenzhen SEG E-commerce Co., Ltd. held
by the Company                                                                    Announcement on Transfer of 51% of Equity of
By the disclosure date of this report,                                            Shenzhen SEG E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Held by the
                                                July 22, 2015
relevant audit and assessment were in                                             Company disclosed on the Cninfo website
progress. The company would fulfill the                                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
obligation of information disclosure in time
according to progress of the matter.

                                                                                  Announcement on Establishment of SEG International
                                                                                  Maker Product Exhibition and Promotion Center
                                                August 10, 2015
6. Matter about establishment of SEG                                              disclosed on the Cninfo website
International Maker Product Exhibition and                                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
Promotion Center                                                                  Announcement on Acquisition of Business License by
                                                August 19, 2015                   SEG Maker Product Collection Company disclosed on
                                                                                  the Cninfo website http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

III. Commitments made by the Company or the shareholders holding more than 5% shares in
the report period or early period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Committing                                               Commitment Commitment
         Commitments                                            Content                                                   Fulfillment
                                    party                                                      date           term

Commitment for share

Commitment in the
Acquisition Report and the
Report of Changes on

Commitment made at the
time of restructuring of
major assets

Commitment made at the         Shenzhen        According to Article 5 of the Equity
time of initial public         SEG Group Transfer Agreement signed by and                 July 1, 1996   Long-term
offerings or refinancing       Co., Ltd.       between the Company and SEG Group

                                                             Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

              Committing                                                 Commitment Commitment
Commitments                                 Content                                                        Fulfillment
                  party                                                         date         term

                           when the Company was listed, SEG Group
                           allowed the Company, its subsidiaries and
                           associated companies to use the eight
                           trademarks registered by SEG Group at
                           the National Trademark Bureau; SEG
                           Group agreed that the Company used the
                           aforesaid trademarks or similar signs as
                           the Company’s logo and used the
                           trademarks and signs during its operation;
                           the Company need not pay any fee to SEG
                           Group for using the aforesaid trademarks
                           or signs.

                           For the issue that there remained
                           competition in the same trade between the
                           Company and SEG Group indicated in
                           spot inspection by Shenzhen Securities
                           Supervisory Bureau, the Company
                           received written Commitment Letter from
                           SEG Group on September 14, 2007 and
              Shenzhen     the content was as follows: our Group has
                                                                         September 14,                   Strict
              SEG Group similar business in Shenzhen electronics                         Long-term
                                                                         2007                            fulfillment
              Co., Ltd.    market with Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
                           (Shenzhen SEG), which is caused due to
                           historical reasons and has objective market
                           development background. Our Group
                           hereby promises that we will not
                           individually operate a market having
                           similar business to that of Shenzhen SEG
                           in one city."

                           The 6th interim meeting of the 5th Board of                   From
                           Directors held on January 26, 2011                            January 1,
                           reviewed and approved the Proposal of                         2011 to
                           Solving the Horizontal Competition                            January 31,
                           between the Company and Its Controlling                       2015.
                           Shareholder. After friendly consultation,     January 26,     Calculation Strict
              SEG Group
                           SEG Group agreed to entrust the Company 2011                  is based on     fulfillment
              Co., Ltd.
                           to operate and manage with full authority                     five years.
                           SEG Communications Market under direct                        By the end
                           management of SEG Group. Therefore,                           of the report
                           the two parties have signed the                               period, the
                           entrustment operation and management                          contract

                                                                                Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                Committing                                                   Commitment Commitment
       Commitments                                              Content                                                      Fulfillment
                                      party                                                       date          term

                                              contract, and SEG Group will pay the                          term is from
                                              Company RMB 200,000 Yuan as entrust                           February 1,
                                              management expenses.                                          2015 to
                                                                                                            January 31,

                                              Based on the confidence in the
                                              development prospect for Chinese
                                              economy and the future of Shenzhen SEG
                                              Co., Ltd., in order to jointly maintain
                                              stability of the capital market and promote                                  Strict
                                SEG Group                                                    July 9, 2015   12 months
                                              continuous, stable and healthy                                               fulfillment
                                Co., Ltd.
                                              development of the Company, SEG Group
                                              made the following commitments that the
                                              Group will not decrease its stocks of
                                              Shenzhen SEG within 12 months.

                                              Based on the confidence in the prospect of
                                              the Company’s future development and
Other commitments made to                     the reasonable assessment of the value of
the medium and small                          the Company’s stocks, in order to promote
shareholders of the                           the sustainable, stable and healthy
Company                                       development, the Company’s directors,
                                Directors,    supervisors and executives made the
                                supervisors   following commitments that they will use
                                and           their own funds to purchase or increase the                                  Strict
                                                                                             July 9, 2015   Six months
                                executives    Company’s shares from the secondary                                         fulfillment
                                of the        market within six months after resumption
                                Company       of the Company’s stocks, and not to
                                              decrease their holding of the Company’s
                                              shares during the stipulated period. They
                                              also promised that they will not conduct
                                              any insider transactions, buy or sell shares
                                              of the Company or conduct short-wing
                                              trading in sensitive periods.

Whether commitments were
fulfilled on time

Reason for not fulfilling the
commitments and future          None
plan (if applicable)

                                                                                                   Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

IV. Estimation of the business performance in 2015

Warning and reasons for forecasts on loss of the accumulated net profit from the year beginning to the end of next period or sharp
year-on-year changes in net profit.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Investment in securities

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                        Short form          Initial      Shares held      Initial     Shares held                                      Gains and                   Source
                                                                                                     proportion at    Ending book                     Accounting
Stock type Stock code     of the     investment cost      at period    shareholding    at period                                      losses in the                   of
                                                                                                      period end         value                           item
                         security           (Yuan)       beginning     percentage        end                                          report period                shares


                        Youhao                                                                                                                        assets       Initial
Share     600778                             90,405.00       60,683          0.04%        60,683            0.04%        976,996.30            0.00
                        Group                                                                                                                         available    share

                                                                                                                                                      for sale

                        Huakong                                                                                                                                    Initial
Share     000068                     279,307,046.38 201,345,033             22.45% 201,345,033            20.00% 176,024,036.87 -4,315,591.15 equity
                        SEG                                                                                                                                        share

Total                                279,397,451.38 201,405,716             --        201,405,716         --         177,001,033.17 -4,315,591.15          --         --

VI. Equity of other listed companies held by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not hold the equity of other listed companies within the report period.

VII. Investment in derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No investment in derivatives is involved within the report period.

VIII. Registration form for investigations, communication and Interviews in the reporting

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                      Main Content of Discussion
        Time                        Place                    Means                       Type                        Object
                                                                                                                                       and the Materials Provided

                                                                                                                                      Inquired about operating
                                                                                                                                      conditions of the Company
July 2, 2015            At the Company                Phone call                 Individual                Investors (20)
                                                                                                                                      and whether continuous
                                                                                                                                      drop of stock prices is

                                                               Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         Main Content of Discussion
       Time             Place            Means          Type                Object
                                                                                          and the Materials Provided

                                                                                         abnormal. The Company
                                                                                         made a reply that the
                                                                                         operation was normal and
                                                                                         no information that shall be
                                                                                         disclosed was concealed.

                                                                                         Inquired about whether
                                                                                         continuous drop of the
                                                                                         Company’s stock prices was
July 6, 2015      At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investors (20)     abnormal and whether any
                                                                                         protective measure was take
                                                                                         and urged the Company to
                                                                                         suspend the stock.

                                                                      Investors (more    Urged the Company to
July 7, 2015      At the Company   Phone call    Individual
                                                                      than 20)           suspend the stock.

                                                                      Investors (more    Urged the Company to
July 8, 2015      At the Company   Phone call    Individual
                                                                      than 20)           suspend the stock.

                                                                                         Inquired about the
July 10, 2015     At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investors (8)      resumption date of the
                                                                                         Company’s stock.

                                                                                         Inquired about transfer of
                                                                                         SEG E-commerce’s equity.
July 22, 2015     At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investors (5)
                                                                                         The company replied based
                                                                                         on the announcement.

                                                                                         Inquired about purchase of
                                                                                         the Company’s stocks by
                                                                                         directors, supervisors and
July 25, 2015     At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investor           executives of the Company.
                                                                                         The Company asked them
                                                                                         to refer to disclosed

                                                                                         Inquired about the number
                                                                                         of shareholders till July 31.
                                                                                         The Company replied
August 3, 2015    At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investor           according to the register of
                                                                                         shareholders issued by the
                                                                                         Securities Depository and
                                                                                         Clearing Corporation.

                                                                                         Inquired about progress of
August 10, 2015   At the Company   Phone call    Individual           Investor           transfer of SEG
                                                                                         E-commerce’s equity. The

                                                                                 Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                           Main Content of Discussion
       Time                  Place                Means                   Type                Object
                                                                                                            and the Materials Provided

                                                                                                           Company informed the
                                                                                                           specific progress of the
                                                                                                           matter and timely
                                                                                                           performed the obligation of
                                                                                                           information disclosure.

                                                                                                           Inquired about purchase of
                                                                                                           the Company’s stocks by
                                                                                                           directors, supervisors and
August 18, 2015      At the Company        Phone call           Individual              Investor           executives of the Company.
                                                                                                           The Company asked them
                                                                                                           to refer to disclosed

                                                                                                           Inquired about purchase of
                                                                                                           the Company’s stocks by
                                                                                                           directors, supervisors and
August 25, 2015      At the Company        Phone call           Individual              Investor           executives of the Company.
                                                                                                           The Company asked them
                                                                                                           to refer to disclosed

                                                                                                           Inquired about the number
                                                                                                           of shareholders till August
                                                                                                           31. The Company replied
September 2, 2015 At the Company           Phone call           Individual              Investor           according to the register of
                                                                                                           shareholders issued by the
                                                                                                           Securities Depository and
                                                                                                           Clearing Corporation.

                                                                                                           Inquired about specific
                                                                                                           operating conditions in Q3.
                                                                                                           The Company suggested
September 15, 2015 At the Company          Phone call           Individual              Investor
                                                                                                           investors to focus on the
                                                                                                           2015 Q3 Report to be

IX. Violating External Guarantee Issues

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No violating external guarantee issue is involved in the report period.

X. Non-operating Capital Occupation on the Listed Company by the Controlling Shareholders and Related

                                                                        Main Text of 2015 Q3 Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No non-operating capital occupation on the listed company by the controlling shareholders and related parties is involved in the
report period.
