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						                          WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED

                         THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2012

         §1. Important Notice
         1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and
         senior executives of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as
         “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report carries no false information,
         misleading statements or major omissions, and will accept, individually and
         collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the
         information set forth herein.

         1.2 The 1st Quarterly Financial Report of the Company has not been audited by an
         accounting firm.

         1.3 Mr. Fang Hongbo, the company principal, Mr. Chai Xinjian, GM, Ms. Xiao Li,
         CFO, and Mr. Zhong Fangliu, the person-in-charge of the accounting department,
         hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the quarterly report are
         factual and complete.

         [English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
         two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.]

         §2. Company Profile
         2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices
                                                                                             Unit: (RMB) Yuan
                                                           31 Mar. 2012            31 Dec. 2011             Increase/decrease (%)
Total assets (Yuan)                                           7,724,987,853.76        9,145,185,476.94                     -15.53%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the           3,559,675,048.10        3,441,144,937.45                       3.44%
Company (Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                          632,487,764.00          632,487,764.00                        0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the                    5.63                    5.44                     3.44%
Company (Yuan/share)
                                                           Jan.-Mar. 2012          Jan.-Mar. 2011           Increase/decrease (%)
Gross revenues (Yuan)                                         1,629,565,324.87        3,831,419,221.99                     -57.47%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company          118,581,048.80         135,433,479.99                      -12.44%
Net cash flows from operating activities (Yuan)                  -1,660,902.67         -735,923,388.16                     99.77%
Net cash flows per share from operating       activities                    0.00                    -1.16                  99.77%
Basic EPS (Yuan/share)                                                      0.19                    0.21                    -9.52%
Diluted EPS (Yuan/share)                                                     0.19                       0.21                      -9.52%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                                   3.39%                      4.33%                       -0.94%
Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring                         3.35%                      3.38%                       -0.03%
gains and losses (%)

         Items of non-recurring gains and losses
         √Applicable       □Inapplicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                           Amount from the year-begin
                 Items of non-recurring gains and losses                                                       Notes (if applicable)
                                                                                 to the period-end
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                       -4,680,025.00
Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses, excluding
those related closely to the routine business of the Company and
continuously enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or ratios
according to state policies and regulations
Other non-operating incomes and expenses                                                    3,565,160.48
Income tax effects                                                                           -350,268.27
Minority interests effects                                                                   -544,079.51
                                   Total                                                    1,440,774.05                 -

         2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period, as well as the
         shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading
                                                                                 Unit: Share
     Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period                                                              34,612
                                Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
                                                                            Shares not subject to
                         Full name of shareholder                         trading moratorium held              Type of share
                                                                              at the period-end
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                       50,869,524 Domestically listed foreign shares
FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI                                                                  22,057,657          RMB ordinary shares
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                 20,976,486 Domestically listed foreign shares
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                               12,895,197 Domestically listed foreign shares
NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND PORTFOLIO 102                                             10,500,857          RMB ordinary shares
SUN HUNG KAI INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD-CUSTOMERS A/C                                       6,986,181 Domestically listed foreign shares
                                                                                         6,933,828          RMB ordinary shares
JIAHE ADVANCED SELECTED MIXED TYPE OPEN-ENDED                                            6,386,482          RMB ordinary shares
UBS CUSTODY SERVICES SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.                                                 5,965,705 Domestically listed foreign shares
TRISKELE CHINA FUND                                                                      5,917,524 Domestically listed foreign shares
           §3. Significant Events
           3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as
           well as reasons for these changes
           √Applicable           □Non-applicable
                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                       Movement                  Reason for movement
Statement items         31 Mar. 2012    31 Dec. 2011     Movement
                              141.91          429.23        -287.33        -67%     Forward foreign exchange contracts were due.
financial assets
                                                                                    Some notes were due and some were used for
Notes receivable          165,013.12      275,792.40                       -40%
                                                         -110,779.28                goods payments.
                                                                                    Inventories decreased and prepayments for
Prepayments                19,138.95       25,005.20       -5,866.25       -23%
                                                                                    materials decreased.
Inventories                61,838.88       80,940.07      -19,101.20       -24%     Effect of the production and sale cycle
                                                                                    The sewer network improvement project
Construction       in
                              123.16                 -       123.16             -   newly launched by the Company did not
                                                                                    reach settlement yet.
Other         current                                                               Moulds for production were amortized and
                            8,582.51       11,205.27       -2,622.75       -23%
assets                                                                              their value decreased.
Notes payable              70,319.80      153,931.95      -83,612.15       -54%     Some notes payable were cleared.
Accounts payable          201,049.61      281,548.82      -80,499.21       -29%     Mature goods payments were made.
                                                                                    The payroll payable for 2011 was paid in this
Payroll payable            10,099.03       13,548.07       -3,449.03       -25%
Taxes and fares
                            5,998.60          146.39        5,852.22     -3998%     Effect of the production and sale cycle
Deferred income                                                                     Fair value decreases of transactional financial
                               23.73           67.15          -43.42       -65%
tax liabilities                                                                     assets and available-for-sale financial assets
                         Jan.-Mar.       Jan.-Mar.                     Movement                  Reason for movement
Statement items                                          Movement
                           2012            2011                          rate
 Gross operating                                                                    The sales volume decreased due to the market
                          162,956.53      383,141.92     -220,185.39       -57%
     revenues                                                                       environment.
 Operating costs          131,205.54      320,905.56     -189,700.03       -59%     It decreased as the sales income decreased.
  Business taxes                                                                    Due to the production and sale cycle, it
                            1,184.17          947.54         236.63         25%
   and surtaxes                                                                     increased as the turnover tax increased.
                                                                                    Expenses decreased as the sales income
 Selling expense            9,878.25       26,541.77      -16,663.52       -63%
  Administrative                                                                    It was effectively reduced due to adjustment
                            6,536.86       19,511.84      -12,974.99       -66%
      expense                                                                       of the Company’s management structure.
Financial expense           -1,617.45         375.66       -1,993.11      -531%     Increase of interest on deposits
   Gains on fair                                                                    Gains on fair value changes of forward
                             -287.33        1,222.70       -1,510.02      -123%
  value changes                                                                     foreign exchange contracts decreased.
    Investment                                                                      Earnings were obtained from disposing the
                              353.80        2,164.69       -1,810.89       -84%
      income                                                                        subsidiary Huayin Electric Appliances in the
                                                                            same period of last year.
                          788.29       2,483.52    -1,695.23       -68%     Governmental subsidies received decreased.
  Non-operating                                                             Some scrap was disposed and the loss on
                          743.91         429.00      314.91         73%
     expense                                                                fixed asset disposal increased.
    Total profit        15,330.76     19,689.99    -4,359.23       -22%     The sales decreased.
    Income tax
                         2,375.83      3,276.86      -901.04       -27%     The total profit decreased.
    Net profit          12,954.93     16,413.13    -3,458.20       -21%     The total profit decreased.
                                                                            Profit achieved by non-wholly-funded
    shareholder          1,096.83      2,869.78    -1,772.95       -62%
                                                                            subsidiaries decreased.
      Other                                                                 With smaller fluctuations of the exchange
  comprehensive               -5.09       -29.90      24.81        -83%     rates, the foreign-currency statement
     incomes                                                                translation difference decreased.
  Net cash flows
  from operating          -166.09     -73,592.34   73,426.25      -100%     Cash paid for goods and services decreased.
  Net cash flows
  from investing        -5,198.62       -911.94    -4,286.68      -470%     Cash paid to acquire fixed assets decreased.
  Net cash flows
  from operating                  -    7,619.19    -7,619.19       100%     Short-term borrowings secured decreased.

          3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions
          3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
          □Applicable           √Inapplicable
          3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related
          parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure
          □Applicable           √Inapplicable
          3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation
          □Applicable           √Inapplicable
          3.2.4 Other
          □Applicable           √Inapplicable

          3.3 Commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and actual controller
          Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
          shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller and other
          related parties in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the
          reporting period
          √Applicable           □Inapplicable
 Commitment        Promisor                        Contents of commitment                                 Implementation
Commitment on Controlling Where the controlling shareholder GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. (Midea In the process of
share reform       shareholder Holding) plans to sell the Company’s shares released from trading implementation
                                   moratorium held by it via the bid trading system of the Shenzhen Stock
                                   Exchange, and Midea Holding decreases over 5% shares within six
                                   months since the first reduction of holdings, Midea Holding will disclose
                                   the suggestive announcement on share selling through the Company two
                                   trading days before its first reduction of holdings.
Commitment in
the acquisition
report    or   the Naught          Naught                                                                        Naught
report on equity
                                   1. As for Midea Holding’s commitment on share lock-up, it has
                                   committed that it will not transfer Little Swan shares held by it within 36
                                   months since the date when the private share offering deal is closed.
                                   2. As for the commitment of avoiding horizontal competition, Midea
                                   Holding (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian (the actual
                                   controller) has promised that, for the period after the said transaction
                                   when the Company’s controlling shareholder and actual controller
                                   remain unchanged, Midea Holding, Mr. He Xiangjian and other
                                   subsidiary companies under their control excluding the Company and the
                                   Company’s subordinate companies will not increase business or
                                   establish new subsidiary companies engaged in business which is the
                                   same with or similar to the Company’s main business or forms
                                   substantial horizontal competition with the Company. If they act against
                                   the commitment above, profits thus generated will be attributable to the
                                                                                                                 The commitment
Commitment         Controlling                                                                                   metioned in 9 has
                                   3. As for the commitment for regulating related-party transactions,
made      in   the shareholder                                                                                   been fulfilled and
                                   GD Midea Holding (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian
significant asset and     actual                                                                                 the other are still in
                                   (the actual controller) have promised that when there are inevitable
reorganization     controller                                                                                    the process of
                                   related-party transactions or such transaction incurred with rational
                                   reasons after the completion of the transaction, they will follow the fair,
                                   reasonable and market principles in formulating and signing relevant
                                   agreements on such related-party transactions and ensure that no harm
                                   will be done to interests of the Company and other shareholders. Where
                                   GD Midea Holding and Mr. He Xiangjian act against the promise above
                                   and damage interests of the Company and other shareholders, they will
                                   assume liabilities for compensation according to relevant provisions.
                                   4. As for the commitment on independence, GD Midea Holding has
                                   promised to protect Little Swan’s independence in terms of assets, staff,
                                   finance, organization and business.
                                   5. As for the commitment on related-party deposits and borrowings,
                                   up to 8 Apr. 2010, the Financial Settlement Center of GD Midea Holding
                                   had settled all internal deposits and borrowings with Hefei Royalstar
                                   Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; and GD Midea Holding
has promised that there will be no more deposits, borrowings or other
funds flows incurred between the Financial Settlement Center and Hefei
Royalstar Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd..
6. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on housing properties
with no ownership certificates of the target company for sale is
detailed as follows. Two pieces of the buildings of Royalstar Washing
Equipment assessed and sold to the Company are of no ownership
certificates—the warehouse for half-finished products (176 square
meters) and the workshop for injection molding (834 square meters),
both located in the old factory of Royalstar Washing Equipment, Hewa
Road, Hefei. GD Midea Holding has promised that if loss occurs due to
the said two buildings without ownership certificates in the asset
disposal process in the future, it will assume the loss thus caused and
make compensation to the Company.
7. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on trademarks is detailed
as follows. (1) Concerning the “Midea” trademark: Upon approval and
implementation of the equity transfer transaction, GD Midea Holding
has promised that it will make sure that Royalstar Washing Equipment
uses the “Midea” trademark in a proper manner. Royalstar Washing
Equipment will be allowed to use the “Midea” trademark with a
trademark use fee not more than that paid by Midea Group (the
controlling shareholder of GD Midea Holding) and its subsidiaries
(currently 3‰ of the annual sales income generated by products using
the “Midea” trademark), and upon negotiation and signing of the
“Agreement for Trademark Use”. The related-party transactions incurred
due to the said use of the “Midea” trademark will be submitted to the
decision-making organ of the Company for approval according to the
stipulated procedure. As such, interests of the Company and its minority
shareholders will be safeguarded. (2) Concerning the “Royalstar”
trademark: GD Midea Holding has signed the “Contract for Trademark
Use” with Royalstar Group and obtained the ordinary use rights of the
“Royalstar” (or “荣事达”) trademark. As the transferor in the transfer
transaction of equity interests of Royalstar Washing Equipment, GD
Midea Holding has promised that within the scope as agreed in the
“Contract for Trademark Use”, if any dispute arises between Royalstar
Washing Equipment and Royalstar Group over the former’s execution of
the “Contract for Trademark Use”, Little Swan will not be involved. If
Royalstar Washing Equipment and Little Swan have to assume any
responsibility or loss due to the aforesaid dispute, GD Midea Holding is
willing to take on the responsibility instead and make compensations to
Royalstar Washing Equipment and Little Swan at full amount.
8. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on social security
payment and tax risks is detailed as follows. GD Midea Holding has
promised that upon the completion of the said equity transfer deal, if
                             Royalstar Washing Equipment is obliged to take on any responsibility or
                             pay relevant fares as required by relevant government authorities due to
                             its social security payment before the said deal, GD Midea Holding is
                             willing to pay relevant fares for Royalstar Washing Equipment to
                             relevant government authorities in a timely manner and assume any
                             other liability. If any loss thus occurs to Royalstar Washing Equipment
                             or Little Swan, GD Midea Holding is willing to assume relevant
                             responsibilities for compensation. Upon the completion of the said
                             equity transfer deal, if income tax evasion or any other tax risk is found
                             in Royalstar Washing Equipment, GD Midea Holding is willing to
                             assume relevant legal responsibilities and risks and pay relevant taxes in
                             a timely manner to relevant government authorities; and if any loss thus
                             occurs to Little Swan, GD Midea Holding will assume the corresponding
                             responsibility for compensation.
                             9. The agreement on compensations in relation to earning estimates
                             is detailed as follows. As recognized both by Little Swan and GD Midea
                             Holding, net profits achieved by Royalstar Washing Equipment for 2009,
                             2010 and 2011 as estimated in the “Asset Evaluation Report” by
                             adopting the income present value method are RMB 65.32 million, 81.52
                             million and 91.53 million respectively. As such, estimated net profits for
                             2009, 2010 and 2011 attributable to the holder of the 69.47% equity
                             interests of Royalstar Washing Equipment are RMB 45,377,800, RMB
                             56,631,900 and RMB 63,585,900 respectively. If Royalstar Washing
                             Equipment achieves actual annual profits less than net annual profits as
                             estimated in the “Asset Evaluation Report” by adopting the income
                             present value method in any year of 2009, 2010 and 2011, the difference
                             thereof will be paid, at the ratio of 69.47% (the ratio of equity interests
                             of Royalstar Washing Equipment sold by GD Midea Holding to Little
                             Swan), by GD Midea Holding to Little Swan in cash. And the
                             corresponding difference will be paid to the bank account designated by
                             Little Swan within 10 working days since the date when the
                             corresponding annual report of Little Swan is disclosed.
made    in     the Naught    Naught                                                                        Naught
(including        Naught     Naught                                                                        Naught

             3.4 Warnings of possible losses or significant changes of the accumulative net profit
             made during the period from the year-begin to the end of the next reporting period
              compared to the same period of last year according to prediction, as well as
              explanations on the reasons
              □Applicable         √Inapplicable

              3.5 Other significant events
              3.5.1 Securities Investment
              √Applicable          □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                          Proportion in
                                                                                 Share held at
                                                                  Initial                          Book value at total investment Gains and losses
                          Securities        Short form of                            the
  No.         Type                                              Investment                         the period-end on securities at            in the reporting
                             code               Stock                             period-end
                                                                  (Yuan)                                (Yuan)           the period-end       period (Yuan)
   1      Stock         400038         Huaxin Gaoke              100,300.00           235,200           263,424.00             100.00%                    0.00
  Other securities investment held at the period-end                    0.00           -                         0.00               0.00%                 0.00
 Gains and losses from securities investment sold in
                                                                             -                 -                    -                     -               0.00
                     the reporting period
                            Total                                100,300.00            -                263,424.00                  100%                  0.00

              Explanation on securities investment

              3.5.2 Reception of interviews and visits in the reporting period
                                                                                                                        Main discussion and information
       Time               Place         Way of reception        Type of visitor               Visitor
                                                                                                                           provided by the Company
                     The Company’s
 9 Jan. 2012                                Field research        Institution         Sinolink Securities         Overall operation of the Company
                      meeting room
                     The Company’s                                                 Sinolink Securities, E
12 Mar. 2012                                Field research        Institution                                     Overall operation of the Company
                      meeting room                                                    Fund Management
                     The Company’s                                                        Huatai United
22 Mar. 2012                                Field research        Institution                                     Overall operation of the Company
                      meeting room                                                 Securities, Bosera Funds

              3.6 Investment on derivative products
              √Applicable        □Inapplicable
                                               The Company has formulated the Management Methods for Futures Hedging Business and the
                                               Management Methods for Exchange Funds upon review to thoroughly assess and control
                                               derivative investment risks, which are detailed as follows:
Analysis on risks and control measures
                                               1. Market risk
of derivative products held in the
                                               Price movements of bulk raw materials and fluctuations of exchange rates may incur a great
reporting period (including but not
                                               market risk in the futures business and the foreign exchange funds business. Meanwhile, if the
limited to market risk, liquidity risk,
                                               Company fails to input enough funds in time to create and maintain hedging positions in its
credit risk, operation risk, law risk, etc.)
                                               futures hedging operations, or fails to input foreign exchanges on time for contract execution in
                                               the foreign exchange funds business, hedging loss and contract breach risk may incur.
                                               Counter-measures: The Company will not carry out speculative trading in its futures hedging
                                            business and foreign exchange funds business. And the Company will stick to the principle of
                                            being prudent in operations. As for the futures hedging business, the hedging volume should be
                                            determined and futures trading applications should be filed in strict accordance with production
                                            and operation needs. In principle, the hedging volume shall not exceed one third of the planned
                                            volume for the year. And a stop-loss mechanism is adopted. Guarantee deposits are paid as
                                            required and increased according to production and operation needs. As for the foreign
                                            exchange funds business, a from-the-bottom-up management mechanism is adopted. When
                                            subsidiaries or product enterprises file applications for funds business, they will give a risk
                                            analysis on conditions or circumstances that might affect gains and losses, estimate the
                                            maximum gain and loss, and state the ratio or total amount of guarantee deposits they can bear.
                                            And the Company will, according to their applications, update operations in time in its funds
                                            business and make funds arrangements before the maturity date.
                                            2. Operation risk
                                            The Company may suffer loss in its hedging business and foreign exchange funds business due
                                            to faulty internal procedures, staff, systems and external events.
                                            Counter-measures: Responsibility division and approval procedures for the hedging and
                                            foreign exchange business have been specified in relevant management rules. And a sound
                                            supervision mechanism has been established. And operation risk can be effectively reduced by
                                            enhancing risk control over procedures for operation, decision-making and trading.
                                            3. Risk concerning laws and regulations
                                            The Company carries out its hedging and foreign exchange business in compliance with
                                            applicable laws and regulations, with rights and duties between the Company and agencies
                                            being stated clearly.
                                            Counter-measures: The Company urges responsible departments to understand better about
                                            relevant laws, regulations and market rules; be strict in contract re-checks; make clear relevant
                                            rights and duties; and enhance compliance checks to make sure that the Company operates
                                            derivative investments in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and the Company’s
                                            internal management rules.
Changes of market prices or fair values
                                            The gain on the Company’s forward foreign exchange contracts was recognized at RMB
in the reporting period of the invested
                                            5,518.50 million in the reporting period.
derivatives. And the analysis on the fair
                                            The Company adopts public quotations in the futures market or forward foreign exchange
value of the derivatives should include
                                            quotations declared by the People’s Bank of China in its analysis on fair values of derivative
the specific use methods and the
relevant assumptions and parameters.
Whether significant changes occurred to
the Company’s accounting policy and
specific   accounting    principles    of
                                            No significant changes.
derivatives in the reporting period
compared to the previous reporting
                                            Independent directors of the Company believe that: The hedging business on forward FX
Specific   opinion   from     independent
                                            settlement and sale launched by the Company for the purposes of avoiding exchange rate
directors on the Company’s derivatives
                                            fluctuation risk and control exchange loss is closely related to the Company’s routine
investment and risk control
                                            operations and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the Company
                                               has formulated the Management Methods for Exchange Funds and the Management Methods
                                               for Futures Hedging Business to enhance risk control. Therefore, the Company is agreed to
                                               carry out the said derivatives investments.

            3.6.1 Number of derivative products held at the end of the reporting period
            √Applicable        □Inapplicable
                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Opening        Closing contract     Gain or loss in the Proportion of the closing contract amount in
           Type of contract
                                         contract amount           amount           reporting period       the closing net assets of the Company (%)
Forward foreign exchange contracts           234,646,900.00       57,410,500.00              551,850.00                                       1.61%
                  Total                      234,646,900.00       57,410,500.00              551,850.00                                       1.61%

            §4. Appendix
            4.1 Balance Sheet
            Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                                31 Mar. 2012            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                              Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                  Consolidation             The Company                   Consolidation           The Company
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                    2,320,964,526.35          1,347,375,824.98             2,415,450,351.24         1,550,043,784.36
  Settlement reserves
  Lendings      to     banks   and   other
financial institutions
  Transactional financial assets                         1,419,050.00               1,206,650.00               4,292,300.00             2,668,300.00
  Notes receivable                                  1,650,131,174.52          1,033,976,298.10             2,757,923,958.94         1,764,588,946.47
  Accounts receivable                               1,031,060,791.12          1,040,540,499.96               929,389,061.45           707,158,935.38
  Accounts paid in advance                            191,389,522.65              214,918,089.19             250,051,980.25           338,046,007.02
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance premiums receivable
  Receivable      reinsurance    contract
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable                            13,589,117.72               13,183,180.85              15,548,447.50            11,930,349.24
  Financial assets purchased under
agreements to resell
  Inventories                                         618,388,769.88              389,063,148.37             809,400,728.98           449,255,444.14
  Non-current assets due within 1
  Other current assets                                 85,825,122.98               61,052,333.65             112,052,669.26            75,984,449.98
Total current assets                                5,912,768,075.22          4,101,316,025.10             7,294,109,497.62         4,899,676,216.59
Non-current assets:
  Entrusted      loans   and   advances
  Available-for-sale financial assets          263,424.00         263,424.00         284,592.00         284,592.00
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                 5,828,373.28   1,669,572,452.35       5,838,851.75   1,669,582,930.82
  Investing property                          5,194,652.73       5,194,652.73       5,242,947.48       5,242,947.48
  Fixed assets                            1,341,505,281.93    616,035,501.68    1,365,332,660.33    630,160,566.16
  Construction in progress                    1,231,600.00        970,000.00
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                        315,330,607.92     109,019,476.15     316,860,016.08     109,720,754.23
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses               48,098,172.58      43,944,822.79      52,754,858.43      46,948,131.13
  Deferred income tax assets                94,767,666.10      56,964,949.76     104,762,053.25      61,626,184.39
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets               1,812,219,778.54   2,501,965,279.46   1,851,075,979.32   2,523,566,106.21
Total assets                              7,724,987,853.76   6,603,281,304.56   9,145,185,476.94   7,423,242,322.80
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                       6,961,486.36                          6,961,486.36
  Borrowings from Central Bank
  Customer bank deposits and due to
banks and other financial institutions
  Borrowings from banks and other
financial institutions
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Notes payable                            703,198,023.30     549,891,744.24    1,539,319,483.44   1,046,275,176.33
  Accounts payable                        2,029,496,055.61   1,508,934,973.28   2,815,488,171.38   1,923,823,612.54
  Accounts received in advance             523,306,367.45     415,176,810.02     485,754,049.80     385,922,579.96
  Financial assets sold for repurchase
  Handling charges and commissions
  Employee’s compensation payable         100,990,330.74      23,082,119.19     135,480,654.26      42,610,721.50
  Tax payable                               59,986,045.19      48,926,797.61        1,463,883.21     54,075,370.51
  Interest payable
  Dividend payable                            2,838,070.21       2,838,070.21       2,838,070.21       2,838,070.21
  Other accounts payable                   175,973,645.79     187,078,813.38     165,405,271.16     192,113,998.82
  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables for acting underwriting of
  Non-current liabilities due within 1
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                   3,602,750,024.65           2,735,929,327.93          5,152,711,069.82       3,647,659,529.87
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities                           19,829,052.38              1,011,238.76          20,152,637.08              1,199,402.08
  Deferred income tax liabilities                   237,326.10                 205,466.11             671,488.80               427,888.80
  Other non-current liabilities                    7,644,050.00              1,200,000.00            6,621,250.00             1,200,000.00
Total non-current liabilities                     27,710,428.48              2,416,704.87          27,445,375.88              2,827,290.88
Total liabilities                           3,630,460,453.13           2,738,346,032.80          5,180,156,445.70       3,650,486,820.75
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up capital (or share capital)          632,487,764.00               632,487,764.00         632,487,764.00          632,487,764.00
  Capital reserves                          1,096,139,321.71           1,258,191,376.94          1,096,157,314.51       1,258,209,369.74
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                            249,433,912.28               236,783,768.38         249,433,912.28          236,783,768.38
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                          1,584,191,557.56           1,737,472,362.44          1,465,610,508.78       1,645,274,599.93
  Foreign exchange difference                     -2,577,507.45                                     -2,544,562.12
Total equity attributable to owners of
                                            3,559,675,048.10           3,864,935,271.76          3,441,144,937.45       3,772,755,502.05
the Company
Minority interests                            534,852,352.53                                      523,884,093.79
Total owners’ equity                       4,094,527,400.63           3,864,935,271.76          3,965,029,031.24       3,772,755,502.05
Total liabilities and owners’ equity       7,724,987,853.76           6,603,281,304.56          9,145,185,476.94       7,423,242,322.80

             4.2 Income Statement
             Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                       Jan.-Mar. 2012        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                  Jan.-Mar. 2012                             Jan.-Mar. 2011
                                                       Consolidation          The Company          Consolidation        The Company
I. Total operating revenues                             1,629,565,324.87        983,319,071.30      3,831,419,221.99    2,548,804,870.44
Including: Sales income                                 1,629,565,324.87        983,319,071.30      3,831,419,221.99    2,548,804,870.44
          Interest income
          Premium income
          Handling charge and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                1,477,366,332.71        871,577,076.64      3,688,938,370.68    2,513,150,561.17
Including: Cost of sales                               1,312,055,379.37     779,609,331.46     3,209,055,630.29   2,203,808,377.92
        Interest expenses
        Handling      charge       and    commission
        Net claims paid
        Net amount withdrawn for the insurance
contract reserve
        Expenditure on policy dividends
        Reinsurance premium
        Taxes and associate charges                      11,841,728.85       11,227,198.25         9,475,406.37          7,408,317.78
       Selling and distribution expenses                 98,782,478.06       50,410,103.03      265,417,681.27      150,842,595.45
       Administrative expenses                           65,368,571.92       41,689,016.47       195,118,432.47     134,514,597.22
       Financial expenses                                -16,174,527.67     -15,549,348.09         3,756,582.06          4,091,272.34
       Asset impairment loss                               5,492,702.18       4,190,775.52         6,114,638.22      12,485,400.46
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-”
                                                          -2,873,250.00      -1,461,650.00        12,226,997.48      10,264,603.75
means loss)
     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)        3,538,026.66       1,932,226.65        21,646,894.24      66,565,338.94
     Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                 152,863,768.82      112,212,571.31      176,354,743.03      112,484,251.96
     Add: non-operating income                             7,882,917.57       5,368,729.37        24,835,208.15      13,864,025.68
     Less: non-operating expense                           7,439,123.10       9,113,344.78         4,290,049.45          3,826,126.27
Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                                    1,841,560.40          1,451,210.64
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                     153,307,563.29      108,467,955.90      196,899,901.73      122,522,151.37
     Less: Income tax expense                            23,758,255.75       16,270,193.39        32,768,641.61      18,378,322.71
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                        129,549,307.54       92,197,762.51      164,131,260.12      104,143,828.66
     Attributable to owners of the Company              118,581,048.80       92,197,762.51      135,433,479.99      104,143,828.66
     Minority shareholders’ income                      10,968,258.74                            28,697,780.13
VI. Earnings per share
     (I) basic earnings per share                                  0.19                                    0.21
     (II) diluted earnings per share                               0.19                                    0.21
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                              -50,938.13           -17,992.80        -299,024.49          -299,024.49
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                         129,498,369.41       92,179,769.71      163,832,235.63      103,844,804.17
     Attributable to owners of the Company              118,530,110.67       92,179,769.71      135,134,455.50      103,844,804.17
     Attributable to minority shareholders               10,968,258.74                            28,697,780.13
            Where there were business combinations under the same control in the reporting
            period, the combined parties achieved net profits of RMB 0.00 before the

            4.3 Cash flow statement
            Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited                    Jan.-Mar. 2012      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                 Jan.-Mar. 2012                         Jan.-Mar. 2011
                                                       Consolidation       The Company         Consolidation      The Company
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sale of commodities and
                                                            2,005,323,736.13   1,004,847,824.56   1,627,486,981.66   1,101,485,514.77
rendering of service
  Net increase of deposits from customers and dues
from banks
  Net increase of loans from the central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed from other
financial institutions
  Cash       received    from   premium     of   original
insurance contracts
  Net cash received from reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of policy holders and
investment fund
  Net increase of disposal of tradable financial
  Cash received from interest, handling charges
and commissions
  Net increase of borrowings from banks and other
financial institutions
  Net increase of funds in repurchase business
  Tax refunds received                                        37,236,238.64                         21,527,958.69      14,903,957.20
  Other cash received relating to operating
                                                              25,733,732.67      19,643,544.19        8,698,553.58       4,722,546.24
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities          2,068,293,707.44   1,024,491,368.75   1,657,713,493.93   1,121,112,018.21
  Cash paid for goods and services                          1,720,211,801.04    963,838,537.59    1,915,993,050.30   1,637,687,414.10
  Net increase of customer lendings and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited in the central
bank and amount due from banks
  Cash for paying claims of the original insurance
  Cash for paying interest, handling charges and
  Cash for paying policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees                             107,912,199.50      55,289,623.27     165,423,198.86      98,052,862.51
  Various taxes paid                                          87,464,307.30      77,191,924.52     111,375,216.69      89,214,779.09
  Other cash payment relating to operating
                                                             154,366,302.27      95,644,072.44     200,845,416.24     116,132,608.75
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities         2,069,954,610.11   1,191,964,157.82   2,393,636,882.09   1,941,087,664.45
Net cash flows from operating activities                       -1,660,902.67   -167,472,789.07    -735,923,388.16    -819,975,646.24
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from disposal of investments
  Cash received from return on investments                      3,548,505.12       1,942,705.12       6,689,550.00     40,648,730.00
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,               111,450.08                         14,308,988.90      13,235,964.50
intangible assets and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                                                   -3,027,789.49     37,500,000.00
or other business units
     Other cash received relating to investing
        Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                              3,659,955.20       1,942,705.12     17,970,749.41      91,384,694.50
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                             55,646,111.64     36,159,245.21      27,090,152.15      17,748,292.65
assets and other long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
business units
  Other cash payments relating to investing
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities          55,646,111.64     36,159,245.21      27,090,152.15      17,748,292.65
Net cash flows from investing activities                    -51,986,156.44     -34,216,540.09      -9,119,402.74     73,636,401.85
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
    Cash received from capital contributions
    Including:    Cash    received    from     minority
shareholder investments by subsidiaries
    Cash received from borrowings                                                                 76,635,770.48      76,635,770.48
    Cash received from issuance of bonds
    Other cash received relating to financing
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                                76,635,770.48      76,635,770.48
    Repayment of borrowings
    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution
                                                                                                     443,860.20         443,860.20
of dividends or profit
     Including:   dividends    or    profit   paid   by
subsidiaries to minority shareholders
     Other cash payments relating to financing
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                                 443,860.20         443,860.20
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                          76,191,910.28      76,191,910.28
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                -53,647,059.11   -201,689,329.16    -668,850,880.62     -670,147,334.11
     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                          2,279,653,302.57   1,470,854,364.19   2,119,023,194.93   1,492,995,931.54
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the period-end           2,226,006,243.46   1,269,165,035.03   1,450,172,314.31    822,848,597.43
4.4 Auditor’s report
Audit opinion: Un-audited

                            Chairman of the Board: Fang Hongbo
                             Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
                                       23 April 2012