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						                  WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED
                          INTERIM REPORT 2012
                             I. Important Notes
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors and senior
management of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant
that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts, and will
collectively and individually accept the responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the whole contents of this report.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
Mr. Fang Hongbo and Mr. Chai Xinjian, company principals, Ms. Xiao Li, head of the accounting work,
and Mr. Zhong Fangliu, head of the accounting division (head of accounting), hereby declare that the
financial report enclosed in this semi-annual report is true and complete.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the
Chinese version shall prevail.

                                             II. Company Profile
(I)Basic information
A-share code                       000418                                B-share code                 200418
A-share abbreviation               XTEA                                  B-share abbreviation         XTEB
Stock exchange listed with         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of the
Abbr. of the legal Chinese
name of the Company
Legal English name of the
                          Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Abbr. of the legal English
name of the Company
Legal representative of the
                            Mr. Fang Hongbo
Registered address                 No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuxi
Postal code for the registered
Office address                     No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuxi
Postal code for the office
Internet website       of    the
Email address                      IR_littleswan@littleswan.com.cn
(II)For contact
                                                  Company Secretary                       Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                Ms. Zhou Sixiu                                 Ms. Tian Lin
                                    No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech   No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech
Contact address
                                    Development Zone, Wuxi                         Development Zone, Wuxi
Tel.                                0510-81082320                                  0510-81082377
Fax                                 0510-83720879                                  0510-83720879
E-mail                              IR_littleswan@littleswan.com.cn                tianlin@littleswan.com.cn
(III)About information disclosure and where the semi-annual report is placed
Newspapers designated by the Company for Securities Times, Hongkong Ta Kung Pao
information disclosure
Internet website designated by CSRC for
disclosing the semi-annual report
Where the semi-annual report is placed        Securities Department of the Company

                           III. Financial and Business Highlights
(I)Major accounting data and financial indexes
Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?
□Yes √ No □Inapplicable
Major accounting data
                                                        Reporting period       Same period of last
              Major accounting data                                                                     Increase/decrease (%)
                                                          (Jan.-Jun.)                year
Gross operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                         3,101,328,731.14      6,747,514,122.53                         -54.04%
Operating profit (RMB Yuan)                                  252,798,018.99         390,459,337.37                         -35.26%
Total profit (RMB Yuan)                                        268,171,299.3         417,740,185.3                             -35.8%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                             216,228,135.55         280,338,482.78                         -22.87%
Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company after deducting non-recurring gains and              202,605,458.74          256,408,437.2                         -20.98%
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB
                                                             909,437,610.73        -509,000,827.63                        278.67%
                                                      As at the end of this    As at the end of last
                                                                                                        Increase/decrease (%)
                                                       reporting period                year
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                      7,826,153,706.1      9,145,185,476.94                         -14.42%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                            3,530,947,207.74      3,441,144,937.45                             2.61%
Company (RMB Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                           632,487,764            632,487,764                                0%
Major financial indexes
                                                            Reporting period      Same period
                Major financial indexes                                                                Increase/decrease (%)
                                                              (Jan.-Jun.)          of last year
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                                 0.34            0.44                            -22.73%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                               0.34            0.44                            -22.73%
Basic EPS after deducting non-recurring gains and
                                                                           0.32            0.41                            -21.95%
losses (RMB Yuan/share)
Fully diluted ROE(%)                                                    6.12%            8.15%                                 -2.02%
Weighted average ROE(%)                                                 6.09%            8.77%                                 -2.68%
Fully diluted ROE after deducting non-recurring gains
                                                                        5.74%            7.45%                                 -1.71%
and losses(%)
Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring
                                                                        5.71%            8.02%                                 -2.31%
gains and losses(%)
Net cash flow per share from operating activities (RMB
                                                                           1.44             -0.8                          278.67%
                                                           As at the end of this As at the end
                                                                                                       Increase/decrease (%)
                                                            reporting period      of last year
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                           5.58            5.44                                2.61%
Company (RMB Yuan/share)
Liability/asset ratio(%)                                               47.96%           56.64%                                 -8.68%
(II)Accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards
1. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the
international and Chinese accounting standards respectively
□Applicable √Inapplicable
2. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the overseas
and Chinese accounting standards respectively
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
3. Specific items involving significant difference
4. Notes to accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards
(III)Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                           Items                                                Amount (RMB Yuan)       Notes
Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                                                      7,549,807.55
Tax rebate, reduction or exemption due to un-authorized approval or the lack of formal
approval documents
Government grants recognized in the current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary
course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the country’s                  4,578,571.99
unified standards
Capital occupation fees received from non-financial enterprises that are included in current
gains and losses
Gains generated when the investment costs of the Company’s acquiring subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures are less than the fair value of identifiable net assets in the
investees attributable to the Company in the acquisition of the investments
Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses through entrusting others to invest or manage assets
Various asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural disasters
Gains and losses on debt restructuring
Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as expenses on employee settlement and
Gains and losses on the parts exceeding the fair value when prices of transactions become
Net current gains and losses from the period-begin to the combination date of subsidiaries
due to business combinations under the same control
Gains and losses on contingent matters which are irrelevant to the normal operation of the
Gains and losses on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and liabilities, and
investment gains on disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and
available-for-sale financial assets, except for the effective hedging business related to the
Company’s normal operation
Reversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivable which are separately tested for
impairment signs
Gains and losses on entrustment loans from external parties
Gains and losses on fair value changes of investing properties for which the fair value
method is adopted for subsequent measurement
Current gain and loss effect due to a just-for-once adjustment to current gains and losses
according to requirements of taxation and accounting laws and regulations
Custodian fee income from entrusted operations with the Company
Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the items above                                        5,234,789.52
Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
Minority interests effects                                                                              -1,136,464.99
Income tax effects                                                                                      -2,604,027.26
                                             Total                                                      13,622,676.81       --
Explanation given by the Company to “other gain and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring
gains and losses” and when it recognizes a non-recurring gain and loss item as a recurring one according
to the nature and features of its ordinary business:

IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
(I)Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes of shares
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                               Before the change                  Increase/decrease (+, -)                   After the change
                                                                   ation of
                                            Proportion ce of Bonus                                                      Proportion
                              Amount                                 public     Others       Subtotal      Amount
                                               (%)      new shares                                                         (%)
I. Shares subject       to
                              256,135,820      40.5%                            3,480,185    3,480,185 259,616,005         41.05%
trading moratorium
1. State-owned shares                                0%
2. State-owned       legal
person shares
3. Other domestic shares      225,284,106     35.62%                            3,480,185    3,480,185 228,764,291         36.17%
Including: Shares held
by    domestic    legal       225,176,106      35.6%                            3,480,185    3,480,185 228,656,291         36.15%
      Shares held by
                                 108,000       0.02%                                                         108,000        0.02%
domestic individuals
4. Shares held by
                               30,851,714      4.88%                                                      30,851,714        4.88%
overseas shareholders
Including: Shares held by
                               30,851,714      4.88%                                                      30,851,714        4.88%
overseas legal persons
       Shares held by
overseas individuals
5. Shares held by senior
management staff
II. Shares not subject to
                              376,351,944      59.5%                           -3,480,185    -3,480,185 372,871,759        58.95%
trading moratorium
1.  Ordinary    shares
                              216,167,786     34.18%                           -3,480,185    -3,480,185 212,687,601        33.63%
denominated in RMB
2. Domestically listed
                              160,184,158     25.33%                                                     160,184,158       25.33%
foreign shares
3.    Overseas       listed
foreign shares
4. Others                                            0%
III. Total shares             632,487,764       100%                                                     632,487,764         100%
Approval of share changes (if applicable)
Transfers in share changes
Influence of share changes on the latest financial indexes such as EPS and net assets per share (if any)
Other contents that the Company thinks necessary or is asked by securities regulators to be disclosed
2. Changes of shares subject to trading moratorium
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                   Shares      Shares
                                   Shares at the released in increased Shares at the      Reason for trading
     Name of shareholder                                                                                            Date of release
                                    year-begin     current in current year-end               moratorium
                                                     year       year
                                                                                     GD Midea Holding Co.,
                                                                                     Ltd.     increased       its The        increased
                                                                                     shareholding     in     the 6,319,556      shares
                                                                                     secondary market, and shall not be reduced
                                                                                     committed not to reduce to hold during the
GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.         219,181,386                 3,480,185 222,661,571
                                                                                     its shareholding in the shareholding increase
                                                                                     Company in the secondary period and legal
                                                                                     market               during period; others on 18
                                                                                     shareholding       increase Nov. 2013.
                                                                                     period and legal period.
                                                                                       Restricted shares from
Cui Kai                                108,000        96,271      -11,729                                     6 Jul. 2012
                                                                                       share splitting reform
Wuxi             Doushan
                                                                                       Restricted shares from
Comprehensive Development              540,000      481,356       -58,644                                     6 Jul. 2012
                                                                                       share splitting reform
Co., Ltd.
Special Account of the
Disposition of Property of
Bankrupt Enterprises for                                                               Restricted shares from
                                       648,000      577,628       -70,372                                     6 Jul. 2012
Yangjiang         Huayang                                                              share splitting reform
Construction & Development
Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Little Swan Group                                                              Restricted shares from
                                              0     140,745       140,745                                     6 Jul. 2012
Co., Ltd.                                                                              share splitting reform
             Total                 219,181,386 1,296,000 3,480,185 222,661,571                       --                   --
(II)Issuance and listing of securities
1. Securities issues in the previous three years
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
    Name of
                                                                                                                 Number     Ending
 security and its                                 Issuing price        Number of
                        Issuing date                                                        Listing date       approved for date of
   derivative                                     (yuan/share)          issuance
                                                                                                                  listing    trade
XTEA                18 Nov. 2010                               8.63         84,832,004 2 Dec. 2010              84,832,004
Convertible company bonds, bonds with attached warrant, company bonds, etc.
Notes of securities issues in the previous three years (make notes of bonds that with different interest
during the existing period)
In accordance with the Reply on Approving the Significant Assets Reorganization of Wuxi Little Swan
Co., Ltd. and its Share Issuance to GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. in exchange of assets (ZJXK[2010]
Document No.1577) issued by China Securities Regulatory Committee(CSRC), the Company issued
84,832,004 A-shares to GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. at the issue price as RMB 8.63 per share, which is
the consideration in exchange of 69.47% of Hefei Royalstar Water Industry Facilities Co., Ltd.
Under the approval of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the privately issued 84,832,004 shares of RMB common
share were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 2 Dec. 2010. GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. made a
commitment that it would not transfer the shares of the Company within 36 months after the final day of
private issuing, and thereafter will trade according the stipulations of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock
2. Changes of the Company’s share number and structure, as well as the corresponding changes in
its asset-liability structure
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3. Existing employee shares
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(III)Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period
The Company had 39,191 holders in total at the end of the reporting period.
2. Shareholding of the top ten shareholders
                                       Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                  Pledged or frozen
                                                                          Sharehol                                     shares
                                                                                   Total shares Number of
                                                           Nature of        ding                                               Num
         Name of shareholder (full name)                                            held at the non-tradable
                                                          shareholder     percenta                                 Status of   ber of
                                                                                   period-end    shares held
                                                                           ge (%)                                   shares     share
GD MIDEA HOLDING CO., LTD.                            non-state-owned        35.2%    222,661,571 222,661,571
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                            8.14%      51,464,551
TITONI INVESTMENTS DEVELOPMENT LTD.                                          4.88%      30,851,714   30,851,714
                                                      On behalf of the
FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI                                                       3.49%      22,057,657
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                      3.32%      20,976,486
                                                                             2.04%      12,922,523
LIMITED                           corporation
                                                      non-state-owned        1.66%      10,500,857
                                 non-state-owned                             1.33%       8,385,623
                                                                              1.1%       6,986,181
LTD-CUSTOMERS A/C                corporation
                                   non-state-owned                            1.1%       6,933,828
Notes of particulars of shareholders                                      Naught
Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                               Number of tradable     Type and number of shares
                           Name of shareholder
                                                                                  shares held         Type            Number
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                       51,464,551 B-share               51,464,551
FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI                                                                  22,057,657 A-share               22,057,657
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                                 20,976,486 B-share               20,976,486
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                               12,922,523 B-share               12,922,523
NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND PORTFOLIO 102                                             10,500,857 A-share               10,500,857
CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK-CHINAAMC GLOBAL SELECTED                                         8,385,623 A-share                8,385,623
SUN HUNG KAI INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD-CUSTOMERS A/C                        6,986,181 B-share            6,986,181
                                                                          6,933,828 A-share            6,933,828
UBS CUSTODY SERVICES SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.                                  5,965,705 B-share            5,965,705
TRISKELE CHINA FUND                                                       5,474,665 B-share            5,474,665
Explanation on associated relationship or/and persons acting in concert among the above-mentioned
acting in concert.
3. Controlling shareholder and actual controller
(1)Change of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(2)Particulars about the controlling shareholder and actual controller
Is there a new actual controller?
□ Yes √ No □Inapplicable
Name of the actual controller                           He Xiangjian
Type of the actual controller                           Individual
① About the controlling shareholder
Company Name: GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.
Legal Representative: Fang Hongbo
Registered Capital: RMB 3,384,347,650
Business Scope: Production, manufacture and selling of household appliances, TV sets, communication
equipments and spare parts thereof; technical consulting services for the aforesaid products; manufacture
of moulds and production equipments; hotel management; advertisement agency services; marketing
services; hardware, electrical appliances and accessories; electronic products; metal materials;
construction materials; chemicals (excluding hazardous chemicals); machines; general merchandise;
export of products and relevant technologies owned by the company and its subsidiaries; production and
processing; plastic products; import of R&D raw and auxiliary materials, machines, instruments and
meters, spare parts and relevant technologies; processing of imported materials and three types of
processing plus compensation trades (The aforesaid businesses are operated in accordance with the
Document [99] Wai-Jing-Mao-Zheng-Shen-Han-Zi No.528 and include no businesses for which a license
is needed for operation.)
② Actual controller
Name: He Xiangjian
Nationality: the People’s Republic of China (with no rights of residence in other countries or regions)
Mr. He Xiangjian has been the Chairman of the Board in Midea Group over the past five years.
3) The ownership and controlling relationship between the actual controller of the Company and the
Company is detailed as follows:
 WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                      He Xiangjian


                                       Midea Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.

                                            59.85%                        30%

              Midea Group Co., Ltd.                               Kailian Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

                                       41.17%                                    1.66%
                                            GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.


                      Midea Holding(BVI)Ltd.


                  Titoni Investments Development Ltd.

                                              4.88%                            35.20%

                                          Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

   (4)The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
 □Applicable √Inapplicable
 4. Other corporate shareholders with a shareholding over 10%
 □Applicable √Inapplicable
 (IV)Convertible corporate bonds
 □Applicable √Inapplicable

             V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
 (I)Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management
                                                                                     Shareh    Shareh    Shar
                                                                                     olding    olding    ehol                            Receives
                                                                          Sharehol   increas   decrea    ding    Includin                payment
                                                                                                                           options Reas
                                                                           ding at       e        se       at        g:                    from
                                                                                                                            held at ons
                   Gen         Beginning date of        Ending date of       the     during    during     the    restricte               sharehol
Name   Position        Age                                                                                                    the    for
                   der            office term            office term      period-b     this      this    perio   d shares                der units
                                                                                                                           period-e chan
                                                                            egin     reporti   reporti   d-en      held                  or other
                                                                                                                              nd     ge
                                                                           (share)      ng        ng       d      (share)                 related
                                                                                     period    period    (shar                             units
                                                                                     (share)   (share)     e)

   WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

       Chairman               45
Fang             Mal                                                                                                       Nau
       of    the                   21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0       Yes
Hongbo           e                                                                                                         ght
        General               49
Chai             Mal                                                                                                       Nau
        Manager;                   21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Xinjian          e                                                                                                         ght
                        Mal   35                                                                                           Nau
Li Feide Director                  21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0       Yes
                        e                                                                                                  ght
Xiao                          42
                        Mal                                                                                                Nau
Minggua Director                   21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0       Yes
                        e                                                                                                  ght
Liu                     Mal   34                                                                                           Nau
           Director                21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Jufeng                  e                                                                                                  ght
           Director;          39
Zhou                 Fem                                                                                                   Nau
           Company                 21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Sixiu                ale                                                                                                   ght
Zhao    Independe Mal         60                                                                                           Nau
                                   21 Aug. 2012    9 Sept. 2014               0       0    0     0          0          0
Shuming nt Director e                                                                                                      ght
Ye     Independe Mal          65                                                                                           Nau
                                   21 Aug. 2012    9 Sept. 2014               0       0    0     0          0          0
Yongfu nt Director e                                                                                                       ght
           Independe Fem      47                                                                                           Nau
Yu Lihui                           21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
           nt Director ale                                                                                                 ght
Zhang                         37
                   Mal                                                                                                     Nau
Zhaofen Supervisor                 21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0       Yes
                   e                                                                                                       ght
Jiang              Mal        36                                                                                           Nau
        Supervisor                 21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Huafang            e                                                                                                       ght
Ye                      Mal   40                                                                                           Nau
           Supervisor              21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Dexin                   e                                                                                                  ght
Hu                      Mal   55                                                                                           Nau
        Vice GM                    21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Ziqiang                 e                                                                                                  ght
Yin                     Mal   44                                                                                           Nau
           Vice GM                 21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Bitong                  e                                                                                                  ght
                        Mal   36                                                                                           Nau
Fu Wei     Vice GM                 21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
                        e                                                                                                  ght
Mao                     Mal   55                                                                                           Nau
         Vice GM                   21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
Zhiliang                e                                                                                                  ght
                        Fem   35                                                                                           Nau
Xiao Li CFO                        21 Aug. 2012    20 Aug. 2015               0       0    0     0          0          0
                        ale                                                                                                ght
Li                      Mal   46                                                                                           Nau
        Director                   15 Sept. 2009   21 Aug. 2012               0       0    0     0          0          0       Yes
Jianwei                 e                                                                                                  ght
Wu                      Mal   40                                                                                           Nau
        Director                   15 Sept. 2009   21 Aug. 2012               0       0    0     0          0          0
Ganping                 e                                                                                                  ght
Li                Mal         32                                                                                           Nau
       Supervisor                  9 Mar. 2011     21 Aug. 2012               0       0    0     0          0          0
Mingde            e                                                                                                        ght
 Total         --        --   --            --               --               0       0    0     0          0          0    --       --
   Equity incentives granted to directors, supervisors and senior management during the reporting period
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   (II)Post-holding particulars
   Post-holding in shareholders units
   √Applicable □Inapplicable
     Name of the                                                                                                    Receives
    person holding Name of the shareholder unit     Position in the   Beginning date of    Ending date of
                                                                                                                payment from the
    any post in any                                shareholder unit      office term        office term
                                                                                                                shareholder unit?

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                    INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                 Chairman of the
Fang Hongbo      GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.      Board and           1 Apr. 2010            1 Apr. 2013            Yes
                                                 Director and Vice
Li Jianwei       Midea Group Co., Ltd.                             1 Apr. 2000                                     Yes
                                                 Vice Chairman of
Li Jianwei       GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                       1 Apr. 2010               1 Apr. 2013            No
                                                 the Board
                                                 Director and
Li Feide         GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.      Secretary to the    1 Apr. 2010            1 Apr. 2013            Yes
Xiao                                             Assistant of
                 GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.                          1 Nov. 2011                                   Yes
Mingguang                                        President
                                                 Chief of Audit
                 GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.      Supervisory         1 Nov. 2011                                   Yes
Notes to
post-holding in
Post-holding in other units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Name of the
person holding                                                                Beginning date of   Ending date of
                      Name of other unit          Position in other unit                                            payment from
any post in                                                                      office term       office term
                                                                                                                     other unit?
other units
                 School of Business         of Professor    and      Ph.D.
Zhao Shuming                                                                 1 Oct. 1991                           Yes
                 Nanjing University            Candidate Tutor
                 School of Business of East
Yu Lihui         China University of Science Associate professor             1 Jul. 1991                           Yes
                 and Technology
Notes to
post-holding in Naught
other units
(III)Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management
procedure     for      the
                           The remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management receiving remuneration from the
remuneration of directors,
                           Company is decided after the approval of the Board of Directors.
supervisors and senior
                           The remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management receiving remuneration from the
                           Company consist of the basic annual salary and performance annual salary. The basic annual salary is
                           decided according to the duties, risks, pressure and other factors born by the directors, supervisors and
                           senior management, and it stays unchanged; while the performance annual salary is linked with the
                           profit completion rate and the appraisal results of target responsibility system of the Company. The
Basis for determining the
                           remuneration system of the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company serves for its
remuneration of directors,
                           operating strategy, which is adjusted according to the changes of operation situation of the Company so
supervisors and senior
                           as to adapt to the needs of the further development of the Company. The adjustment basis for the
                           remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company is as follows: (1) the
                           increase level of remuneration in the same industry; (2) the inflation level; (3) the earnings of the
                           Company; (4) the adjustment of organization structure; (5) individual adjustment on positions. The
                           allowance for independent directors approved by the Board of Directors is RMB 80,000 per year, and
                           the expenses occurred to execute their responsibilities are born by the Company.
Actual payment of the
remuneration of directors, The basic salary of directors, supervisors and senior management receiving remuneration from the
supervisors and senior     Company is paid monthly; the allowance for independent directors is paid quarterly.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

(IV)Change of directors, supervisors and senior management
   Name            Position             Way of change               Date of change                    Reason for change
Fang         Chairman      of   the Continue to serve                                         Election at expiration of office
                                                      21 Aug. 2012
Hongbo       Board                  in the position                                           terms
Chai         Director ,               Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
                                                        21 Aug. 2012
Xinjian      General Manager          in the position                                         terms
                                      Newly serve in the                                      Election at expiration of office
Li Feide     Director                                    21 Aug. 2012
                                      position                                                terms
Xiao                                  Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
          Director                                      21 Aug. 2012
Mingguang                             in the position                                         terms
                                      Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
Liu Jufeng Director                                     21 Aug. 2012
                                      in the position                                         terms
             Director, Secretary Newly serve in the                                           Election at expiration of office
Zhou Sixiu                                          21 Aug. 2012
             to the Board        position                                                     terms
Zhao                                  Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
             Independent director                       21 Aug. 2012
Shuming                               in the position                                         terms
                                      Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
Ye Yongfu Independent director                          21 Aug. 2012
                                      in the position                                         terms
                                      Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
Yu Lihui     Independent director                       21 Aug. 2012
                                      in the position                                         terms
             Chairman            of
Zhang                                 Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
             Supervisory                                21 Aug. 2012
Zhaofeng                              in the position                                         terms
Jiang                                 Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
             Supervisor                                 21 Aug. 2012
Huafang                               in the position                                         terms
             Staff Representative Newly serve in the                                          Election at expiration of office
Ye Dexin                                             21 Aug. 2012
             Supervisor           position                                                    terms
                                      Newly serve in the                                      Election at expiration of office
Hu Ziqiang Vice GM                                       21 Aug. 2012
                                      position                                                terms
                                      Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
Yin Bitong Vice GM                                      21 Aug. 2012
                                      in the position                                         terms
                                      Newly serve in the                                      Election at expiration of office
Fu Wei       Vice GM                                     21 Aug. 2012
                                      position                                                terms
Mao                                   Newly serve in the                                      Election at expiration of office
             Vice GM                                     21 Aug. 2012
Zhiliang                              position                                                terms
                                      Continue to serve                                       Election at expiration of office
Xiao Li      CFO                                        21 Aug. 2012
                                      in the position                                         terms
                                                                                              Election at expiration of office
Li Jianwei Director                   Leave the position 21 Aug. 2012
Wu                                                                                            Election at expiration of office
             Director                 Leave the position 21 Aug. 2012
Ganping                                                                                       terms
             Staff Representative                                                             Election at expiration of office
Li Mingde                         Leave the position 21 Aug. 2012
             Supervisor                                                                       terms
Number of on-job employees                                                                                                7,462
Number of retired employees for whom the Company shall bear
                                                         Function structure
                          Type of function                                              Number of personnel
Production                                                                                                                5,497
Sale                                                                                                                       896
Technical                                                                                                                  710
Financial                                                                                                                   87

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

Administration                                                                                                   272
                                                 Level of education
                        Level of education                                   Number of personnel
Doctor’s degree                                                                                                   5
Master degree                                                                                                     50
University                                                                                                      1,243
Junior college                                                                                                  1,608
High school and below                                                                                           4,556
Notes to the employee particulars:
The above amounts of staffs of the Company include the total amounts of staffs (including dispatched
staffs) in the Company and the subsidiaries in the scope of consolidated financial statements. However, in
the past years, the amounts of staffs only included the amounts of staffs of the Company (excluding
dispatched staffs); the amounts of staffs from high school and below include 2460 persons from technical
secondary school.

                           VI. Report of the Board of Directors
(I)Discussion and analysis by the management
In the reporting period, due to the tightening domestic real estate macro-control policy, the fade-out of the
policy of “bringing household appliances to the countryside”, the European debt crisis and other factors,
growth in the washing machine industry as a whole slowed down. In the first half of 2012, taking into
account the market situation, the Company kept to the shift from “market size-guided” to “profit
growth-guided”, simplified and flattened organizational tiers, shut down product subsidiaries, shut down
and combined functional departments and reduced management tiers. Meanwhile, it optimized the
business flowchart and increased the information transmission efficiency. It also adjusted and optimized
the product and customer structures, which improved the gross profit rate and helped the Company keep
the profitability at a certain level while its business size shrank considerably. For Jan.-Jun. 2012, the
Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 3.101 billion, down 54.04% from a year earlier; net profit
of RMB 0.216 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 22.87%; and a gross profit rate of 20.88%,
up 404 basic points over the same period of last year.
During the reporting period, the Company focused on the following for transforming its operating mode:
The marketing mode was transformed. During the reporting period, the Company launched a domestic
sale reform, setting up 33 product management centers around the country. Except for a few regions, the
marketing mode in other regions was transformed from the sales subsidiaries acting as agents mode to the
product management centers “direct sale+agent sale” mode. Based on the achievements of integrating
channels and optimizing customer and channel structures in previous years, in this domestic sale reform,
the Company simplified the organizational structure, reduced intermediate links and reduced risks
regarding assets. In terms of export during the reporting period, the Company adjusted the product
marketing structure, increased the product power and deepened cooperation with internationally big
customers, which ensured basic stability in terms of the export size and greatly increased the gross profit
rate of export.
The R&D system was improved. During the reporting period, the Company carried on with the product
life cycle management system, which has been implemented on over 80% of the R&D projects. It also
improved the product design quality and increased the development efficiency. At the same time, the
Company formulated divisional expert management teams to revise component technical standards and
design specifications, carry out various trainings in different divisions and make components more
standardized and universal. Besides, it set up a R&D system guided by innovation, pushed forward the
shift from project managers to product managers, and gave full play to creativity, market sensitivity and
enthusiasm of engineers.
The manufacture efficiency was improved. During the reporting period, the Company focused on making
good use of existing assets and strictly controlled new inputs. It put the equipment asset management
system to use and set up a mechanism and system for equipment asset management. Meanwhile, it carried
forward the application and improvement of the manufacture execution system, implementing real-time
monitoring for abnormalities during the production process and fixing them in time, which effectively

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

improved the manufacture capability as a whole.
Quality control was enhanced. In the reporting period, the Company continued to control the product
quality in a strict manner, enhancing QC in terms of the “design and supply quality” and the “manufacture
process”. It improved the new product design quality examination system, examining the design quality in
a strict manner. It also enhanced QC regarding the supply chain. Meanwhile, it enhanced QC during the
production process, increased key QC points and increased CTQ operation testing equipment.
For the second half of the year, the Company will carry on the operating transformation, ensuring the size,
improving earnings and solidifying the foundation. Its main tasks for the second half of the year are as
The Company will continue to reform the domestic marketing organization, simplify the organization,
increase the efficiency, reduce costs, specify functions of the product management centers and enhance
countermeasures to deal with new changes of domestic marketing channels. Meanwhile, it will enhance
cooperation with overseas strategic customers, make use of the relative advantages in product
development and the production capacity, continue to expand the export proportion of medium and
high-end products and improve export earnings. It will also continue to optimize the production line and
re-adjust the existing product layout. Besides, it will increase input for R&D, especially input for basic
technology research and application, so as to keep increasing its product competitiveness.

Is the Company’s actual business performance 20% lower or higher than any earning forecast or business
plan for the reporting period which has been publicly disclosed earlier?
□ Yes √ No

Analysis to the business and performances of the Company’s main subsidiaries and stock-participating
                                                                               Net assets    Operating
                                                                  assets at                               Net profit
                                                                               at the end    income in
                    Registered                                    the end of                              in     the
                                                                               of      the   the
Name           of   capital      Main              Shareholding   the                                     reporting
                                                                               reporting     reporting
subsidiary          (RMB Ten     businesses        proportion     reporting                               period
                                                                               period        period
                    thousand)                                     period                                  (RMB Ten
                                                                               (RMB Ten      (RMB Ten
                                                                  (RMB Ten                                thousand)
                                                                               thousand)     thousand)
                                 of     software
                                 products     as
                                 well as the
Wuxi     FILIN
                    USD          development
Electronics                                        73%            28,734.26    20,862.95     9,555.48     621.84
                    362.4564     and
Co., Ltd
                                 manufacture of
                                 new electronic
                                 Research     &
Hefei Royalstar
Washing             USD          manufacture
Equipment                                          69.47%         274,068.82   148,640.92    129,426.60   4,092.62
                    13,552       and sales of
Co., Ltd.
                                 Research     &
Little    Swan
Sanjin Electric     1,107                          100%           19,480.47    1,501.92      11,243.06    315.01
                                 and sales of
Co., Ltd.
Wuxi       Little                Research     &
Swan General        2,800        development,
Electrical                       manufacture       70%            30,847.56    11,881.14     20,891.32    1,245.95
Appliances                       and sales of
Co., Ltd                         washing

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                  machines and

All risk factors that might have adverse impact on the Company’s effort to realize its future development
strategy and business goals:
1. Main business lines and their operating results
(1)Main business lines classified by industries and products
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                           Increase/decrease                          Increase/decrease
                                                                           of        operating                        of gross profit
                                                                                                 of operating cost
Industries/product                                            Gross profit revenue                                    rate    compared
                   Operating revenue      Operating cost                                         compared      with
s                                                             rate (%)     compared       with                        with the same
                                                                                                 the same period
                                                                           the same period                            period last year
                                                                                                 last year (%)
                                                                           last year (%)                              (%)
                   2,805,116,121.47       2,213,791,209.14 21.08%            -52.45%             -54.08%              2.81%
                   2,805,116,121.47       2,213,791,209.14 21.08%            -52.45%             -54.08%              2.81%
Explanation to the main business performances classified by industries and products:
Explanation to the reasons for any significant year-on-year change of the gross profit rate:
(2)Main business lines classified by regions
Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Increase/decrease compared with the same
Region                                       Operating revenue
                                                                                          period last year (%)
Domestic                                     1,744,614,729.04                             -63.90%
Overseas                                     1,060,501,392.43                             -0.57%
Explanation to the main business performances classified by regions:
Explanation to the main business structure:
(3)Reasons for significant changes in main business and its structure
√Applicable □Inapplicable
In the reporting period, the overseas market basically remained stable while the domestic market saw a slide. Domestic sales
slid mainly because in order to deal with market changes, the Company took the initiative to adjust its marketing mode,
simplify intermediate links and consume a great deal of inventory.
(4)Reasons for significant changes in profitability of main business (gross profit rate) compared
with that in the last year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(5)Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(6)Business nature, main products/services, net profit and other particulars about subsidiaries which made a
contribution over 10% to the Company’s net profit for the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable
(7) Problems and difficulties encountered in operation
2. Internal control rules in relation to fair value measurement
□Applicable √Inapplicable

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

3. Foreign-currency financial assets and liabilities held
□Applicable √Inapplicable
1. General utilization of the raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
2. Projects promised to be invested with raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3. Change of projects invested with raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                     Disclosure date of the Amount for the
Project name                                                               Project progress             Project earnings
                                     first announcement     project
                                                                               RMB 193.40 million
                                                                               was cumulatively input
Investment plans of the Company                                                                          Unable to     measure
                                18 Mar. 2011                   64,870          and the projects that
and its subsidiaries for 2011                                                                            separately
                                                                               haven’t been invested in
                                                                               are postponed.
                                                                               RMB 92.17 million was No earnings at the
The new base in Tianjin              26 Apr. 2011              85,000          cumulatively input and beginning phase of the
                                                                               the project is postponed. project
Total                                                          149,870         --                       --
Notes to significant projects invested with non-raised funds
At the beginning of 2011, considering the market demand growth estimate at that time and its limited production capacity, the
Company decided to make an investment of RMB 648.7 million to expand the production capacity of the Jingzhou base and other
bases and make an investment of RMB 850 million to build the Tianjin base. During the implementation process, major market
changes occurred. The overall demand decreased and the growth in the industry slowed down. In face of these changes, the
Company acted quickly to adjust its investment strategy, re-considered some projects and suspended some projects, which avoided
a great deal of resources from being wasted and idle.
(III)Revision of the Board of Directors’ business plan for the second half of the year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(IV)Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept. 2012
Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the
period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same
period of last year, as well as the reasons
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(V)Explanation of the Board of Directors on “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued
by the CPA firm for the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VI)Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues
involved in the “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm for last year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VII)State the discussion results of the Board of Directors on the reasons and influence
of the Company’s accounting policy and estimate alterations or significant accounting
error correction
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VIII)Formulation and execution of the Company’s cash dividend policy
According to the “several regulations regarding amending the cash dividend policy of listed companies” in
the CSRC Order No. 57, as reviewed and approved at the 27th Session of the 5th Board of Directors and
the 2008 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Company added an article regarding the cash
dividend ratio in its Articles of Association as follows: “The Company may distribute dividends in cash,
stock or any other way allowed by laws. The Company shall pay attention to rational investment returns

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

for investors and maintain consistency and stability in its profit distribution policy. The profit
accumulatively distributed in cash by the Company in the recent three years shall not be less than 30% of
the annual average distributable profit achieved by the Company in the recent three years. If the Company
cannot reach the aforesaid ratio due to some special reasons, the Board of Directors shall give a special
explanation to the Shareholders’ General Meeting.” Taking into account its earnings level and strategic
development needs, the Company attached importance to returns for shareholders, especially cash
dividend returns. The Company distributed a dividend of RMB 1.00 for every 10 shares in 2010 and a
dividend of RMB 2.00 for every 10 shares in 2011.
In Jul. 2012, according to the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing Matters Related to Cash Dividend
Distribution of Listed Companies (Zheng-Jian-Fa [2012] No. 37) and the Notice of CSRC Jiangsu Bureau
on Further Implementing Requirements Related to Cash Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies,
taking into account its actual situation, the Company further specified the dividend-related article in its
Articles of Association, specifying the dividend ratio, decision-making mechanism, etc.. And the said
amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association was reviewed and approved at the 18th Session of
the 6th Board of Directors and later at the First Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2012. The
Company will execute the profit distribution policy in strict compliance with the amended Articles of
Association. Independent directors will express their opinion to protect the right of minority shareholders
to fully express their opinion and requirements. In this way, legitimate rights and interests of the
Company’s shareholders, especially its minority shareholders, are safeguarded.
(IX)Pre-plan for profit distribution or turning capital reserve into share capital
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(X)The accumulative retained profit as at the end of 2011 is a positive number but the
Company has not put forward a cash dividend pre-plan.
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(XI)Other matters that need to be disclosed
(XII)The Company’s liabilities, credit changes and future cash arrangements for
debt-clearing (Only listed companies with convertible corporate bonds are required to
fill the table below.)
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                   VII. Significant Events
(I)Corporate governance
The Company continuously perfected its corporate governance, set up modern enterprise system and
standardized its operation strictly in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and rules such as
Company Law, Securities Law and Administrative Rule for Listed Companies issued by CSRC.
In the reporting period:
1. In accordance with CSRC Regulations on Establishing Registration Management System for
Information Insiders, the Company overall revised and supplemented the Registration System for
Information Insiders;
2. The Company promulgated Internal Management System for Entrusted Financial Management to
strengthen and standardize the management on the entrusted financial management business of the
Company and its subsidiaries, so as to effectively control the risks, increase investment income and
protect the interest of the Company and its shareholders;
3. The Company promulgated the Work Plan on Implementation of the Internal Control Rules for 2012,
and strictly implemented the Basic Rules of Enterprise Internal Control and Supporting Guidelines of
Enterprise Internal Control, as well as based on the trial implementation of internal control rules in 2011,
it further improve its work on standardizing internal control in 2012 by including all the subsidiaries into
the scope to implement internal control;
4. The Company prepared Relevant Rules on Stock Trading of Directors, Supervisors and Senior
Management, so as to strengthen the popularization, implementation and training for directors, supervisors
and senior management about insider trading, short-term trading, sensitive period and other laws, and
further prevent the risks of trading against legal regulations.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                   INTERIM REPORT 2012

5. The Company further standardized the operation of Board of Directors, Supervisory Board and
Shareholders’ General Meeting, increasing the training and popularization for directors, supervisors and
senior executives about relevant laws and rules of securities, so as to enhance their awareness and
responsibility of protecting the interest of the Company and shareholders.

(II)Execution of the plans for profit distribution, turning capital reserve into share
capital or new share issuance which had been made in the previous period and were
carried out in the report period
√Applicable □Inapplicable
The profit distribution plan for 2011 was reviewed and approved at the 2011 Annual Shareholders’
General Meeting held on 19 Apr. 2012. Based on the total 632,487,764 shares as at 31 Dec. 2011, a cash
dividend of RMB 2.00 (tax included) was distributed for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The Board of
Directors disclosed the Announcement of Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. on Implementation of Equity
Distribution for 2011 (Announcement No. 2012-17) on 5 Jun. 2012. For A-share holders, the date of
record was 8 Jun. 2012 and the ex-dividend date was 11 Jun. 2012; for B-share holders, the lasting trading
date was 8 Jun. 2012, the ex-dividend date was 11 Jun. 2012 and the date of record was 13 Jun. 2012. The
profit distribution plan for 2011 was accomplished during the reporting period.

(III) Significant litigations and arbitrations
□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the reporting period.
(IV) Bankruptcy or reorganization events
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(V) Holding equity of other listed companies and joint financial enterprises
1. Securities investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of securities investment:
2. Holding equity of other listed companies
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                           Initial  Proportion in   Closing    Gain/loss in Change of owners’
                        investment the company’s   carrying  the reporting equity during the Accounting
Stock code Stock abbr.                                                                                   Stock source
                          amount     total equity amount (RMB    period      reporting period    title
                       (RMB Yuan)        (%)         Yuan)    (RMB Yuan)       (RMB Yuan)
                                                                                                    r-sale       Private
400038      HXS               100,300          0.01%        228,144                0      -47,980.8
                                                                                                    financial    offering
           Total              100,300     --                228,144                0      -47,980.8         --           --
Notes to holding equity of other listed companies:
3. Holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises
√Applicable □Inapplicable
 Name of                         Proportion                               Change of
              Initial                           Closing   Gain/loss in
    the                Number of    in the                              owners’ equity
            investment                          carrying the reporting
non-listed              shares   company’s                               during the    Accounting title Stock source
           amount (RMB                          amount   period (RMB
 financial               held    total equity                          reporting period
              Yuan)                           (RMB Yuan)     Yuan)
enterprise                           (%)                                 (RMB Yuan)
Bank of                                                                                                          Private
                   1,100,000 2,202,564         0%      1,210,000      123,405.12              0 equity
Jiangsu                                                                                                          offering
   Total           1,100,000 2,202,564   --                   0       123,405.12              0        --                --
Notes to holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises

   WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

   4. Trading stocks of other listed companies
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Notes to trading stocks of other listed companies:
   (VI) Assets transaction events
   1. Purchase of assets
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Notes to purchase of assets:

   2. Sale of assets
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Notes to sale of assets:
   3. Exchange of assets
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Notes to exchange of assets:
   4. Business combination
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   5. Progress of these events after the publication of the assets reorganization report or public notices
   on the purchases or sales of assets, as well as the influences of these events on the operation results
   and financial status of the Company in this report period
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   (VII) Explanation on shareholding increase scheme during the report period proposed
   or implemented by the principal shareholders and act-in-concert persons
   √Applicable □Inapplicable
   GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd., controlling holder of the Company increased holding of 6,319,556 A-shares
   of the Company from 15 Dec. 2011 to 16 Jan. 2012 on Shenzhen Stock Exchange System, which takes 1%
   of total shares of the Company. After the increase, GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. and TITONI held
   253,513,285 shares of the Company in total, which is 40.08% of the total shares of the Company.
   According to the increase holding plan, GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.’s increased holding of A-shares
   should not excess 2% of total shares of the Company in 12 months from the first increase date.

   (VIII) Implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the Company
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   (IX) Significant related-party transactions
   1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
    √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                              Conte     Pricing                                                                          Reason for
                                     Type                          Transact                             Settlement    Influenc Market
                                               nt of   principle                            Proportion                                    significant
                                    of the                         ion price   Transactio                method of    e on the price
                                                the      of the                               in same                                     difference
                                   related                           (RMB       n amount                    the        profits (RMB
 Related party     Relationship              related   related-p                              kind of                                    between the
                                    -party                            Ten      (RMB Ten                 related-par    of the   Ten
                                              -party      arty                              transaction                               transaction price
                                   transac                         thousand    thousand)                     ty       Compan thousand
                                             transac   transacti                               s (%)                                   and the market
                                     tion                              )                                transaction       y      )
                                               tion        on                                                                                price
MIDEA            Company under
SCOTT&ENG        the control of the
                                             ng    Market
LISH             controlling        Sales                                       1,505.64        0.49% T/T
                                             machi price
ELECTRONII       shareholder of
CS SDN.BHD       the Company
                 Company under               Washi
                 the control of the Sales    ng    Market
Planet                                                                            719.28        0.23% T/T
                 controlling                 machi price
                 shareholder of              ne

   WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                       INTERIM REPORT 2012

                 the Company
               Company under
Midea Electric                               Washi
               the control of the
Trading                                      ng    Market
               controlling        Sales                        58,511.9   18.87% T/T
(Singapore)                                  machi price
               shareholder of
Co. Pte. Ltd.                                ne
               the Company
              Company under
Hefei Hualing                                Electri
              the control of the
Electric                                     c       Market
              controlling        Sales                          436.63     0.14% Notes
Appliances                                   produc price
              shareholder of
Co., Ltd.                                    ts
              the Company
              Company under
              the control of the
Hefei Huitong direct relatives of
                                             Materi Market
New Materials ultimate            Sales                         1,488.3    0.48% Notes
                                             als    price
Co., Ltd.     controlling
              shareholder of
              the Company
                 Company under
Hefei Midea                                  Electri
                 the control of the
Royalstar                                    c       Market
                 controlling        Sales                       118.31     0.04% Notes
Refrigerator                                 produc price
                 shareholder of
Co., Ltd.                                    ts
                 the Company
                 Company under
                 the control of the
Hefei Bainian
                 direct relatives of
Molding                                      Materi Market
                 ultimate            Sales                     2,625.74    0.85% Notes
Technology                                   als    price
Co., Ltd.
                 shareholder of
                 the Company
Little Swan      Company under
(Jingzhou)       the control of the
                                             produc Market
Electric         controlling        Sales                       383.52     0.12% Notes
                                             ts,     price
Appliances       shareholder of
Co., Ltd.        the Company
                 Company under
Hefei Midea
                 the control of the
Materials                           Purcha Materi Market
                 controlling                                  12,168.85    6.10% Notes
Supply Co.,                         se     als    price
                 shareholder of
                 the Company
                 Company under
Huaian Weiling   the controlling
Motor            shareholder of     Purcha         Market
                                           c                  13,239.58    6.64% Notes
Manufacturing    the parent         se             price
Co., Ltd.        company of the
               Company under
               the controlling
Ningbo Annto                               ing
               shareholder of       Purcha         Market
Logistics Co.,                             labor               2,346.37    1.18% Notes
               the parent           se             price
Ltd.                                       service
               company of the
                 Company under
                 the control of the
Foshan Shunde
                 direct relatives of
District Bainian                     Purcha       Market
                 ultimate                   Mould                22.22     0.01% Notes
Technology                           se           price
Co., Ltd.
                 shareholder of
                 the Company
Little Swan      Company under Purcha Materi Market              19.48     0.01% Notes
(Jingzhou)       the control of the se als   price

   WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

Electric         controlling
Appliances       shareholder of
Co., Ltd.        the Company
              Company under
              the control of the
Hefei Huitong direct relatives of
                                  Purcha Materi Market
New Materials ultimate                                                   2,948.42        1.48% Notes
                                  se     als    price
Co., Ltd.     controlling
              shareholder of
              the Company
                 Company under
                 the control of the
Hefei Bainian
                 direct relatives of
Molding                              Purcha Materi Market
                 ultimate                                                3,948.13        1.98% Notes
Technology                           se     als    price
Co., Ltd.
                 shareholder of
                 the Company
Total                                                  --        --                                --          --        --           --
Details of large amount of sales returns           Naught
Necessity and continuity of related-party
                                                     The above related-party transactions are good for balancing the production capacity of the
transaction as well as reason of choosing the
                                                     Company, ensuring the quality of products, decreasing production costs and realizing the
related party (but not other transaction parties) to
                                                     rational allocation of resources, which have their necessity.
conduct the said transaction
                                                   The above related-party transactions are in line with the principles of fair, just and open,
Impacts of related-party          transaction   on without any harm to the interest of the Company, but have active influence on the
independency of the Company                        Company’s financial situation and operating results during the reporting period and the
                                                   future. So they won’t affect the independency of the Company.
Dependant degree of the Company on related
                                                    The Company’s main business won’t form significant dependency on related parties due to
party and relevant solutions for the dependence (if
                                                    such kind of transactions.
As for the prediction on the total amount of During the reporting period, the actual amount of related-party sales accounted for 44% of
routine related-party transactions to be occurred the total annual predicted amount of routine related-party transactions; the actual amount of
in the reporting period by relevant types, the related-party purchases accounted for 16% of the total annual predicted amount of routine
actual performance in the reporting period        related-party transactions.
Explanation on related-party transaction           Naught
   Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
                                      Selling products and providing labor services to      Purchasing products and receiving labor services
                                                       related parties                                    from related parties
          Related party             Transaction amount
                                                            Proportion in same kind of     Transaction amount       Proportion in same kind of
                                        (RMB Ten
                                                                transactions (%)          (RMB Ten thousand)            transactions (%)
Hefei Midea Royalstar
                                                 118.31                          0.04%
Refrigerator Co., Ltd.
Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electric
                                                 383.52                          0.12%                     19.48                           0.01%
Appliances Co., Ltd.
Hefei Hualing Electric Appliances
                                                 436.63                          0.14%
Co., Ltd.
PT.Midea Planet Indonesia                        719.28                          0.23%
Hefei Huitong New Materials Co.,
                                                 1,488.3                         0.48%                   2,948.42                          1.48%
                                                1,505.64                         0.49%
Hefei Bainian Molding
                                                2,625.74                         0.85%                   3,948.13                          1.98%
Technology Co., Ltd.
Midea Electric Trading
                                                58,511.9                        18.87%
(Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd.
Huaian Weiling Motor                                                                                    13,239.58                          6.64%

   WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Hefei Midea Materials Supply
                                                                                      12,168.85                6.10%
Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Annto Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                         2,346.37                1.18%
Foshan Shunde District Bainian
                                                                                         22.22                 0.01%
Technology Co., Ltd.
              Total                     65,789.33                    21.21%           34,693.06                17.39%
   Of which: the total amount of related-party transactions of the Company selling products and providing
   labor services to the controlling shareholder and subsidiaries during the reporting period stood at RMB
   2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   3. Significant related-party transitions with joint investments
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Capital occupation during the report period and debt-clearing progress
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   The accountability plan put forward by the Board of Directors when the Company had not completed
   collecting the capital occupied for non-operating purposes by the end of the report period
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   5. Other significant related-party transactions
   (1) The Company convened the 10th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 14 Dec. 2010 and the 1st
   Special Shareholder’s General Meeting 2011 on 7 Jan. 2011, which reviewed and approved the Proposal
   on Related Transaction on Trademark Licensing. The Company permitted GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd
   and its controlled subsidiaries to use trademark of “小天鹅 LITTLE SWAN and picture” in air
   conditioner commodities, with trademark license fees estimated as no more than RMB 20,000,000. GD
   Midea Holding Co., Ltd permitted the Company and subsidiaries of the Company to use trademark of
   “Midea” in production, sales and ad campaign of washing machines and dryers, with trademark license
   fees estimated as no more than RMB 20,000,000. The aforesaid licensing contracts were all contracted
   with 0.3% charges of net sales revenue of products with the authorized trademark as trademark license
   fees, and the licensing period ranged from 1 Jan. 2011 to 31 Dec. 2013. At the same time, the Company
   will renew and sign the Contract on Trademark Licensing with Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electric Appliances
   Co., Ltd. As negotiated by both parties, the deadline of licensing period extends from 19 Jun. 2011 to 31
   Dec. 2013.

   (2) The 2011 Annual Shareholder’s General Meeting was convened on 19 Apr. 2012, at which reviewed
   and approved the Proposal on Prediction of the Line of Routine Related Transaction of the Company for
   For details of the routine related transaction, please refer to Note 6 of the financial report.

   (X) Significant contracts and execution
   1. The trust, contract and lease whose profits reaching more than 10% (including 10%) of the total
   profits of the Company in the report period
   (1) Status of trust
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   (2)Particulars about contracting
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   (3)Particulars about leasing
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

2. Guarantees provided by the Company
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Ten Thousand
                      Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                          Disclosure date of    Amount     Actual occurrence      Actual                       Execut e for a
                                                                                            Type of Period of
   Guaranteed party            relevant           for        date (date of       guarantee                      ed or related
                                                                                           guarantee guarantee
                           announcement        guarantee      agreement)          amount                         not  party or

                                                                                 Total actual occurred
   Total external guarantee line approved                                          amount of external
                                                                               0                                                 0
      during the reporting period (A1)                                            guarantee during the
                                                                                 reporting period (A2)
                                                                                  Total actual external
 Total external guarantee line that has been
                                                                                  guarantee balance at
 approved at the end of the reporting period                                   0                                                 0
                                                                                     the end of the
                                                                                 reporting period (A4)
                                       Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
                          Disclosure date of    Amount     Actual occurrence      Actual                       Execut e for a
                                                                                            Type of Period of
   Guaranteed party            relevant           for        date (date of       guarantee                      ed or related
                                                                                           guarantee guarantee
                           announcement        guarantee      agreement)          amount                         not  party or
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 29 Feb. 2012                10,953 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 6 Apr. 2012                  1,000 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 24 Apr. 2012                 3,306 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 24 May 2012                  6,527 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 21 Jun. 2012                 6,291 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 21 Jun. 2012                 8,664 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Equipment                                                                                         Six
                         2 Mar. 2012             160,000 1 Jun. 2012                  1,074 Warranty               No   No
Manufacturing Co.,                                                                                        months
                                                                               Total actual occurred
   Total guarantee line approved for the                                       amount of guarantee
  subsidiaries during the reporting period                             165,000 for the subsidiaries                          37,814
                    (B1)                                                       during the reporting
                                                                                   period (B2)
Total guarantee line that has been approved                            165,000 Total actual guarantee                        37,814
   for the subsidiaries at the end of the                                         balance for the

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                    INTERIM REPORT 2012

             reporting period (B3)                                              subsidiaries at the end
                                                                                of the reporting period
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
                                                                                Total actual occurred
  Total guarantee line approved during the                                      amount of guarantee
                                                                        165,000                                                   37,814
         reporting period (A1+B1)                                               during the reporting
                                                                                  period (A2+B2)

Total guarantee line that has been approved                                     Total actual guarantee
     at the end of the reporting period                                         balance at the end of
                                                                        165,000                                                   37,814
                                                                                 the reporting period
                  (A3+B3)                                                              (A4+B4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net assets of the
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party
whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or                                                                           0
indirectly (D)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                                     0
Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
liquidation due to immature guarantee
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
violation of the prescribed procedure
3. Entrusted financial management
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten Thousand
                                                                                                                       Withdr    Rela
                                                                             Amount                                     awal      ted-
                                                                                           Actual             ugh
                                                                   Recogniti    of                                     amoun      part
                                                                                          revenue     Actual   the                     Rela
  Name of                                                          on way of principle                                   t of       y
               Amount         Initial date        Ending date                              in the    revenue legal                     tions
   trustee                                                         remunerat actually                                  impair    trans
                                                                                          reportin    gained proc                       hip
                                                                      ion    recovere                                   ment     actio
                                                                                          g period           edur
                                                                                 d                                     provisi   ns or
                                                                                                             es or
                                                                                                                          on      not
                                                                   Agreed by
Bank            176,770 1 Apr. 2012           30 Jun. 2012         negotiatio 176,770 1,151.55          1,151.55 Yes        0 No
Total           176,770              --                --                --      176,770 1,151.55       1,151.55 --         0     --    --
Total amount of overdue unrecovered principle and revenue
(RMB Yuan)
                                                                   The entrusted financing amounts were all used in cycle within the
Notes of entrusted financial management
                                                                   approved line.
4. Execution of significant contracts relevant to routine operation
5. Other significant contracts
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(XI) Explanation on issuing corporate bonds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(XII) Performance of commitments
1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

in the report period, or such commitments carried down into the report period
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                        Time of        od
            Comm                                                                                                                           Fulfi
                                                                                                                        making         of
 Commitment itment                                                  Contents                                                               llme
                                                                                                                       commitme       com
            maker                                                                                                                            nt
                                                                                                                          nt          mit
                            Where the controlling shareholder GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. (Midea Holding) plans to
             Contro         sell the Company’s shares released from trading moratorium held by it via the bid trading
Commitment                                                                                                                                 ess
             lling          system of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Midea Holding decreases over 5% shares 28 Feb.
on     share                                                                                                                               of
             shareh         within six months since the first reduction of holdings, Midea Holding will disclose the 2008
reform                                                                                                                                     impl
             older          suggestive announcement on share selling through the Company two trading days before
                            its first reduction of holdings.
                            1. As for Midea Holding’s commitment on share lock-up, it has committed that it will
                            not transfer Little Swan shares held by it within 36 months since the date when the
                            private share offering deal is closed.
                            2. As for the commitment of avoiding horizontal competition, Midea Holding (the
                            controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian (the actual controller) has promised that,
                            for the period after the said transaction when the Company’s controlling shareholder and
                            actual controller remain unchanged, Midea Holding, Mr. He Xiangjian and other
                            subsidiary companies under their control excluding the Company and the Company’s
                            subordinate companies will not increase business or establish new subsidiary companies
                            engaged in business which is the same with or similar to the Company’s main business or
                            forms substantial horizontal competition with the Company. If they act against the
                            commitment above, profits thus generated will be attributable to the Company.
                            3. As for the commitment for regulating related-party transactions, GD Midea
                            Holding (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian (the actual controller) have
                            promised that when there are inevitable related-party transactions or such transaction
                            incurred with rational reasons after the completion of the transaction, they will follow the
                            fair, reasonable and market principles in formulating and signing relevant agreements on
                            such related-party transactions and ensure that no harm will be done to interests of the
                            Company and other shareholders. Where GD Midea Holding and Mr. He Xiangjian act
                            against the promise above and damage interests of the Company and other shareholders,                          In
                  Contro    they will assume liabilities for compensation according to relevant provisions.                                the
Commitment        lling
                            4. As for the commitment on independence, GD Midea Holding has promised to                                     proc
in          the   shareh
                            protect Little Swan’s independence in terms of assets, staff, finance, organization and 1 Dec.                ess
acquisition       older
                            business.                                                                                                      of
report or the     and                                                                                                     2010
                            5. As for the commitment on related-party deposits and borrowings, up to 8 Apr.                                impl
report       on   actual
                            2010, the Financial Settlement Center of GD Midea Holding had settled all internal                             eme
equity changes    control
                            deposits and borrowings with Hefei Royalstar Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co.,                              ntati
                            Ltd.; and GD Midea Holding has promised that there will be no more deposits,                                   on
                            borrowings or other funds flows incurred between the Financial Settlement Center and
                            Hefei Royalstar Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd..
                            6. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on housing properties with no ownership
                            certificates of the target company for sale is detailed as follows. Two pieces of the
                            buildings of Royalstar Washing Equipment assessed and sold to the Company are of no
                            ownership certificates—the warehouse for half-finished products (176 square meters) and
                            the workshop for injection molding (834 square meters), both located in the old factory
                            of Royalstar Washing Equipment, Hewa Road, Hefei. GD Midea Holding has promised
                            that if loss occurs due to the said two buildings without ownership certificates in the asset
                            disposal process in the future, it will assume the loss thus caused and make compensation
                            to the Company.
                            7. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on trademarks is detailed as follows. (1)
                            Concerning the “Midea” trademark: Upon approval and implementation of the equity
                            transfer transaction, GD Midea Holding has promised that it will make sure that
                            Royalstar Washing Equipment uses the “Midea” trademark in a proper manner. Royalstar
                            Washing Equipment will be allowed to use the “Midea” trademark with a trademark use
                            fee not more than that paid by Midea Group (the controlling shareholder of GD Midea
                            Holding) and its subsidiaries (currently 3‰ of the annual sales income generated by
                            products using the “Midea” trademark), and upon negotiation and signing of the

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

                         “Agreement for Trademark Use”. The related-party transactions incurred due to the said
                         use of the “Midea” trademark will be submitted to the decision-making organ of the
                         Company for approval according to the stipulated procedure. As such, interests of the
                         Company and its minority shareholders will be safeguarded. (2) Concerning the
                         “Royalstar” trademark: GD Midea Holding has signed the “Contract for Trademark Use”
                         with Royalstar Group and obtained the ordinary use rights of the “Royalstar” (or “荣事
                         达”) trademark. As the transferor in the transfer transaction of equity interests of
                         Royalstar Washing Equipment, GD Midea Holding has promised that within the scope as
                         agreed in the “Contract for Trademark Use”, if any dispute arises between Royalstar
                         Washing Equipment and Royalstar Group over the former’s execution of the “Contract
                         for Trademark Use”, Little Swan will not be involved. If Royalstar Washing Equipment
                         and Little Swan have to assume any responsibility or loss due to the aforesaid dispute,
                         GD Midea Holding is willing to take on the responsibility instead and make
                         compensations to Royalstar Washing Equipment and Little Swan at full amount.
                         8. The commitment by GD Midea Holding on social security payment and tax risks
                         is detailed as follows. GD Midea Holding has promised that upon the completion of the
                         said equity transfer deal, if Royalstar Washing Equipment is obliged to take on any
                         responsibility or pay relevant fares as required by relevant government authorities due to
                         its social security payment before the said deal, GD Midea Holding is willing to pay
                         relevant fares for Royalstar Washing Equipment to relevant government authorities in a
                         timely manner and assume any other liability. If any loss thus occurs to Royalstar
                         Washing Equipment or Little Swan, GD Midea Holding is willing to assume relevant
                         responsibilities for compensation. Upon the completion of the said equity transfer deal, if
                         income tax evasion or any other tax risk is found in Royalstar Washing Equipment, GD
                         Midea Holding is willing to assume relevant legal responsibilities and risks and pay
                         relevant taxes in a timely manner to relevant government authorities; and if any loss thus
                         occurs to Little Swan, GD Midea Holding will assume the corresponding responsibility
                         for compensation.
               Naugh                                                                                                        Nau
made in an           Naught
               t                                                                                                            ght
asset exchange
made in share       Naught
made to            Naught
               √Yes □No
timely or not?
reason for
failing to      Inapplicable
execute and
the next plan
on causing the
problems of
                √Yes □No
transactions or
period of       Naught
                When the Company’s controlling shareholder and actual controller remains unchanged, GD Midea Holding, Mr. He
Way of          Xiangjian and other subsidiary companies under their control excluding the Company and the Company’s subordinate
settlement      companies will not increase business or establish new subsidiary companies engaged in business which is the same with
                or similar to the Company’s main business or forms substantial horizontal competition with the Company; when there

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                       INTERIM REPORT 2012

                are inevitable related-party transactions or such transaction incurred with rational reasons, they will follow the fair,
                reasonable and market principles in formulating and signing relevant agreements on such related-party transactions and
                ensure that no harm will be done to interests of the Company and other shareholders.
Fulfillment of
2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the report period is in such
prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original prediction and
relevant reasons
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(XIII) Items of other comprehensive income
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Items                                                 Jan.-Jun. 2012        Jan.-Jun. 2011
1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                                              -56,448                   9,408
Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale financial assets                          -8,467.2                  1,411.2
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into
other comprehensive income in prior period
Subtotal                                                                                                -47,980.8                  7,996.8
2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity method
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in the investee entities’
other comprehensive income as per equity method
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into
other comprehensive income in prior period
3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument
Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging instrument
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into
other comprehensive income in prior period
The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition amount of arbitrage
4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                                           119,668.34           -754,385.29
Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that recognized into current profit
and loss
Subtotal                                                                                               119,668.34           -754,385.29
5. Other
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that included into other
comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into
other comprehensive income in prior period
Total                                                                                                   71,687.54           -746,388.49
(XIV)Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting
                                                                                                                 Main discussion and
                            Place of         Way of        Visitor
  Time of reception                                                                   Visitor                    materials provided by
                           reception        reception       type
                                                                                                                    the Company
                                                          Institutio                                             Overall operation of
9 Jan. 2012            Room of the       Field research              Sinolink Securities
                                                          n                                                      the Company
                                                          Institutio                                        Overall operation of
13 Mar. 2012           Room of the       Field research              Sinolink Securities, E Fund Management
                                                          n                                                 the Company

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                      Institutio                                           Overall operation of
22 Mar. 2012           Room of the   Field research              Huatai United Securities, Bosera Funds
                                                      n                                                    the Company
                                                      Institutio Jinling Evening Nes, Huatai Securities    Overall operation of
23 Apr. 2012           Room of the   Field research
                                                      n          and individual shareholders               the Company
                       Conference                                Morgan Stanley, Keywise Capital,
                                                      Institutio                                           Overall operation of
8 May 2012             Room of the   Field research              Azentus Capital, UG Investment,
                                                      n                                                    the Company
                       Company                                   Comgest, Norges Bank
                                                      Institutio                                           Overall operation of
16 May 2012            Room of the   Field research              ChinaAMC
                                                      n                                                    the Company
                                                      Institutio Changjiang Securities, PICC Asset         Overall operation of
23 May 2012            Room of the   Field research
                                                      n          Management                                the Company
                                                      Institutio                                           Overall operation of
28 May 2012            Room of the   Field research              Dacheng Fund Management
                                                      n                                                    the Company
(XV) Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm
Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Whether changed to engage the CPAs firm?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
(XVI) Particulars about punishment and rectification order received by the Company,
its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders, actual controller and
□Applicable √Inapplicable
 (XVII) Explanation on other significant events
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XVIII) Particulars about significant changes in the profitability, asset status and credit
status of the Company’s convertible bonds guarantor
(Only listed companies which issue convertible corporate bonds are required to fill the form below.)
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(XIX) Index for information disclosure
                                                                                                     Internet website for disclosing
                                        Newspapers for disclosing
               Event                                                         Publishing date         information and the searching
                                      information and relevant page
Announcement on Shareholding
Increase by Controlling Shareholder Securities Times: D33,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       17 Jan. 2012              www.cninfo.com.cn
of Wuxi Little Swan Company B8
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 15th Session of the 6th Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       2 Mar. 2012               www.cninfo.com.cn
Board of Directors of Wuxi Little B14, B15
Swan Company Limited
Abstract of 2011 Annual Report of Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                     2 Mar. 2012                 www.cninfo.com.cn
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited B14, B16
Announcement on Prediction of the
Line of 2012 Annual Routine Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                               2 Mar. 2012                       www.cninfo.com.cn
Related-party Transactions of Wuxi B14, B17
Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on the Accumulated Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
Guarantee Line for Controlled                                      2 Mar. 2012                   www.cninfo.com.cn
                                B14, B18
Subsidiaries Provided by Wuxi

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Carrying Out
Forward      Foreign   Exchange Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                   2 Mar. 2012            www.cninfo.com.cn
Transactions of Wuxi Little Swan B14, B19
Company Limited
Notice on Convening the 2011
Annual   Shareholders’ General Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                   2 Mar. 2012            www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting of Wuxi Little Swan B14, B20
Company Limited
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 13th Session of the 6th Securities Times: D24,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       2 Mar. 2012        www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory Committee of Wuxi B14, B21
Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Correction in
                                  Securities Times: D20,Ta Kung Pao
2011 Annual Report of Wuxi Little                                    6 Mar. 2012          www.cninfo.com.cn
Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 16th Session of the 6th Securities Times: B28,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       31 Mar. 2012       www.cninfo.com.cn
Board of Directors of Wuxi Little B2
Swan Company Limited
Announcement     on    Entrusting
Financial    Management     with Securities Times: B28,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                    31 Mar. 2012          www.cninfo.com.cn
Self-owned Idle Funds of Wuxi B2
Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on the Line of 2012
Annual     Routine  Related-party
                                  Securities Times: B28,Ta Kung Pao
Transactions Newly Increased by                                      31 Mar. 2012         www.cninfo.com.cn
Subsidiaries of Wuxi Little Swan B2
Company Limited
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 14th Session of the 6th Securities Times: B28,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       31 Mar. 2012       www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory of Wuxi Little Swan B2
Company Limited
Announcement on Adding Special
Proposals     and   Supplementing
                                  Securities Times: B20,Ta Kung Pao
Notice     for    2011    Annual                                     7 Apr. 2012          www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders’ General Meeting of B7
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 2011 Annual Securities Times: D28,Ta Kung Pao
                                                           20 Apr. 2012                   www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholders’ General Meeting of B2
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Summary of the
                                   Securities Times: C53,Ta Kung Pao
First Quarterly Report for 2012 of                                    23 Apr. 2012        www.cninfo.com.cn
Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Implementation
of 2011 Annual Equity Distribution Securities Times: D13,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                      5 Jun. 2012         www.cninfo.com.cn
of Wuxi Little Swan Company B3
Suggestive    Announcement      on
Releasing from Trading Moratorium Securities Times: D20,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                     4 Jul. 2012          www.cninfo.com.cn
of Wuxi Little Swan Company B10
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 18th Session of the 6th Securities Times: D20,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       31 Jul. 2012       www.cninfo.com.cn
Board of Directors of Wuxi Little B7
Swan Company Limited
Notice on Convening the First Securities Times: D20,Ta Kung Pao
Special  Shareholders’ General                                  31 Jul. 2012             www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting for 2012 of Wuxi Little

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Swan Company Limited
Announcement on Resolutions
Made at the 16th Session of the 6th Securities Times: D20,Ta Kung Pao
                                                                       31 Jul. 2012               www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory Committee of Wuxi B7
Little Swan Company Limited

                                         VIII. Financial Report
(I)Audit opinion
Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
(II)Financial statements
Consolidated statements or not?
√ Yes □ No □ Inapplicable
The monetary unit in the financial statements of the financial report is RMB Yuan if not specified
Monetary unit of notes to financial statements: RMB Yuan
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                       Note              30 Jun. 2012                        31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                           3,120,949,620.15                    2,415,450,351.24
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional financial assets                                                                                         4,292,300
  Notes receivable                                                         1,001,881,578.18                    2,757,923,958.94
  Accounts receivable                                                        995,885,577.81                      929,389,061.45
  Accounts paid in advance                                                   216,011,619.87                      250,051,980.25
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance premiums receivable
  Receivable reinsurance contract reserves
  Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable                                                   18,887,033.61                           15,548,447.5
   Financial assets purchased under agreements to
  Inventories                                                                622,818,920.09                      809,400,728.98
  Non-current assets due within 1 year
  Other current assets                                                          61,849,729.4                     112,052,669.26
Total current assets                                                       6,038,284,079.11                    7,294,109,497.62
Non-current assets:
  Loans by mandate and advances granted
  Available-for-sale financial assets                                                  228,144                            284,592
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                                                   5,889,739.26                          5,838,851.75
  Investing property                                                            5,146,268.73                          5,242,947.48
  Fixed assets                                                             1,328,967,037.77                    1,365,332,660.33
  Construction in progress                                                            4,954,600


  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                                 312,965,665.76           316,860,016.08
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses                          43,120,404.2           52,754,858.43
  Deferred income tax assets                         86,597,767.27           104,762,053.25
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                        1,787,869,626.99         1,851,075,979.32
Total assets                                        7,826,153,706.1         9,145,185,476.94
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                         6,961,486.36
  Borrowings from Central Bank
  Customer bank deposits and due to banks and
other financial institutions
  Intra-group borrowings
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                    1,131,522,411.92         1,539,319,483.44
  Accounts payable                                 2,023,593,612.48         2,815,488,171.38
  Accounts received in advance                      358,450,431.48            485,754,049.8
  Financial assets sold for repurchase
  Handling charges and commissions payable
  Employee’s compensation payable                   97,311,748.42           135,480,654.26
  Tax payable                                        -49,512,188.46             1,463,883.21
  Interest payable
  Dividend payable                                     3,710,206.21             2,838,070.21
  Other accounts payable                            161,576,058.72           165,405,271.16
  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of securities
  Payables for acting underwriting of securities
  Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                          3,726,652,280.77         5,152,711,069.82
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities                                19,418,640.4           20,152,637.08
  Deferred income tax liabilities                          19,176.6               671,488.8
  Other non-current liabilities                          7,318,250                6,621,250
Total non-current liabilities                           26,756,067            27,445,375.88
Total liabilities                                  3,753,408,347.77          5,180,156,445.7
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                                632,487,764                       632,487,764
  Capital reserves                                                             1,096,109,333.71                 1,096,157,314.51
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                                               249,433,912.28                     249,433,912.28
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                                                             1,555,341,091.53                 1,465,610,508.78
  Foreign exchange difference                                                     -2,424,893.78                      -2,544,562.12
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company                             3,530,947,207.74                 3,441,144,937.45
Minority interests                                                               541,798,150.59                     523,884,093.79
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                      4,072,745,358.33                 3,965,029,031.24
Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                                7,826,153,706.1                 9,145,185,476.94
Legal representative: Mr. Fang Hongbo                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Xiao Li
Chief of the accounting division: Mr. Zhong Fangliu
2. Balance sheet of the Company
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                         Note               30 Jun. 2012                      31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                               2,148,447,862.14                 1,550,043,784.36
  Transactional financial assets                                                                                          2,668,300
  Notes receivable                                                               615,569,148.23                 1,764,588,946.47
  Accounts receivable                                                            724,430,774.58                     707,158,935.38
  Accounts paid in advance                                                       369,346,206.58                     338,046,007.02
  Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable
  Other accounts receivable                                                       18,126,904.01                      11,930,349.24
  Inventories                                                                     358,435,523.7                     449,255,444.14
  Non-current assets due within 1 year
  Other current assets                                                            40,284,918.81                      75,984,449.98
Total current assets                                                           4,274,641,338.05                 4,899,676,216.59
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale financial assets                                                   228,144                            284,592
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                                                  1,669,633,818.33                 1,669,582,930.82
  Investing property                                                                5,146,268.73                      5,242,947.48
  Fixed assets                                                                   610,184,450.15                     630,160,566.16
  Construction in progress                                                              970,000
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                                                              108,318,198.07                     109,720,754.23
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses                                                     40,332,094.49                      46,948,131.13

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

  Deferred income tax assets                                    47,204,452.96                61,626,184.39
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                                  2,482,017,426.73             2,523,566,106.21
Total assets                                                 6,756,658,764.78              7,423,242,322.8
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                 753,384,896.6             1,046,275,176.33
  Accounts payable                                           1,754,670,097.35             1,923,823,612.54
  Accounts received in advance                                  230,430,806.6               385,922,579.96
  Employee’s compensation payable                              23,040,782.47                 42,610,721.5
  Tax payable                                                  -11,156,266.17                54,075,370.51
  Interest payable
  Dividend payable                                               3,710,206.21                 2,838,070.21
  Other accounts payable                                       181,668,477.24               192,113,998.82
  Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                     2,935,749,000.3             3,647,659,529.87
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities                                            384,464.01                 1,199,402.08
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                    19,176.6                    427,888.8
  Other non-current liabilities                                       900,000                    1,200,000
Total non-current liabilities                                    1,303,640.61                 2,827,290.88
Total liabilities                                            2,937,052,640.91             3,650,486,820.75
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                              632,487,764                  632,487,764
  Capital reserves                                           1,258,161,388.94             1,258,209,369.74
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                             236,783,768.38               236,783,768.38
  Retained profits                                           1,692,173,202.55             1,645,274,599.93
  Foreign exchange difference
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                    3,819,606,123.87             3,772,755,502.05
Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                             6,756,658,764.78              7,423,242,322.8
3. Consolidated income statement
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                 Note   Jan.-Jun. 2012            Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total operating revenues                                     3,101,328,731.14          6,747,514,122.53
Including: Sales income                                         3,101,328,731.14          6,747,514,122.53
        Interest income
        Premium income
        Handling charge and commission income

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                   INTERIM REPORT 2012

II. Total operating cost                                                           2,849,301,204.78               6,398,355,750.97
Including: Cost of sales                                                           2,453,880,581.19                5,611,799,841.3
          Interest expenses
          Handling charge and commission expenses
          Net claims paid
          Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract
          Expenditure on policy dividends
          Reinsurance premium
          Taxes and associate charges                                                 15,731,754.99                  15,808,434.08
       Selling and distribution expenses                                             283,844,635.96                 524,121,604.12
       Administrative expenses                                                       123,624,901.19                 239,982,133.45
       Financial expenses                                                            -30,539,990.76                       1,111,770.69
       Asset impairment loss                                                              2,759,322.21                    5,531,967.33
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)                               -4,292,300                   11,689,065.84
     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                       5,062,792.63               29,611,899.97
Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                              252,798,018.99                 390,459,337.37
     Add: non-operating income                                                        19,060,727.43                  35,813,800.82
     Less: non-operating expense                                                          3,687,447.12                    8,532,952.89
Including: loss from non-current asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                                   268,171,299.3                  417,740,185.3
     Less: Income tax expense                                                         34,029,106.95                  84,435,392.66
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                                     234,142,192.35                 333,304,792.64
     Including: Net profit achieved by combined parties
before the combinations
     Attributable to owners of the Company                                           216,228,135.55                 280,338,482.78
     Minority shareholders’ income                                                       17,914,056.8               52,966,309.86
VI. Earnings per share                                                               --                             --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                 0.34                            0.44
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                              0.34                            0.44
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                                                              71,687.54                    -746,388.49
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                                                      234,213,879.89                 332,558,404.15
     Attributable to owners of the Company                                           216,299,823.09                 279,592,094.29
     Attributable to minority shareholders                                                17,914,056.8               52,966,309.86
Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this report period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties
before the business mergers was RMB 0.00.
Legal representative: Mr. Fang Hongbo                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Xiao Li
Chief of the accounting division: Mr. Zhong Fangliu

4. Income statement of the Company
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                               Item                             Note           Jan.-Jun. 2012                Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total sales                                                                      1,895,174,546.25              4,503,507,595.18
Less: cost of sales                                                                 1,465,593,618.16              3,859,258,085.70
Business taxes and surcharges                                                             12,694,175.13                   7,417,194.31

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

Distribution expenses                                                         183,560,344.78               318,150,362.73
Administrative expenses                                                            72,560,340.83            153,475,177.1
Financial costs                                                                -25,175,650.73                    753,612.67
Impairment loss                                                                       -13,852.04            12,206,134.25
Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)                         -2,668,300                8,843,355.56
Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                      3,227,992.63            72,317,097.26
Including: income form investment on associates and joint
II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                        186,515,262.75               233,407,481.24
Add: non-business income                                                           12,106,147.22            17,807,847.27
Less: non-business expense                                                          3,224,662.42                 6,674,075.6
Including: loss from non-current asset disposal
III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                          195,396,747.55               244,541,252.91
Less: income tax expense                                                           22,000,592.14            43,893,886.62
IV. Net profit    (“-” means loss)                                          173,396,155.41               200,647,366.29
V. Earnings per share                                                         --                           --
(I) Basic earnings per share
(II) Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income                                                         -47,980.8                       7,996.8
VII. Total comprehensive income                                               173,348,174.61               200,655,363.09
5. Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                       Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2012               Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service           3,674,745,722.64             3,434,839,906.65
  Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions
  Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts
  Net cash received from reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund
  Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions
  Net increase of intra-group borrowings
  Net increase of funds in repurchase business
  Tax refunds received                                                             79,016,919.17            99,468,275.47
  Other cash received relating to operating activities                             53,681,539.89            22,789,774.26
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                            3,807,444,181.7            3,557,097,956.38
  Cash paid for goods and services                                          2,160,266,283.45             2,993,839,332.97
  Net increase of customer lendings and advances
   Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due
from banks
  Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts
  Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions
  Cash for paying policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees                                              248,006,127.35               292,624,388.63
  Various taxes paid                                                          172,805,301.91               228,116,211.42

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                        316,928,858.26            551,518,850.99
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                        2,898,006,570.97          4,066,098,784.01
Net cash flows from operating activities                                     909,437,610.73           -509,000,827.63
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from withdrawal of investments
  Cash received from return on investments                                      5,011,905.12            12,179,078.24
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                5,409,242.65             18,117,988.9
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business
     Other cash received relating to investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                     10,421,147.77             27,269,277.65
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                              86,310,128.35            151,044,435.96
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash payments relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                           86,310,128.35            151,044,435.96
Net cash flows from investing activities                                      -75,888,980.58          -123,775,158.31
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
   Cash received from capital contributions
    Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
   Cash received from borrowings                                                                        76,635,770.48
   Cash received from issuance of bonds
   Other cash received relating to financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                        0             76,635,770.48
   Repayment of borrowings                                                      6,961,486.36            46,065,260.92
    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                                118,658,592             76,637,741.32
     Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority
     Other cash payments relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                         125,620,078.36            122,703,002.24
Net cash flows from financing activities                                    -125,620,078.36            -46,067,231.76
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 707,928,551.79            -678,843,217.7
     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                     2,279,653,302.57          2,119,023,194.93
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                           2,987,581,854.36          1,440,179,977.23
6. Cash flow statement of the Company
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Item                                 Jan.-Jun. 2012            Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service            2,247,822,270.5          2,148,607,456.5
  Tax refunds received                                                        12,058,954.37             34,686,957.95
  Other cash received relating to operating activities                        42,551,391.25             12,645,168.45
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                         2,302,432,616.12           2,195,939,582.9

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                       INTERIM REPORT 2012

  Cash paid for goods and services                                     1,096,066,119.14      2,121,912,978.38
  Cash paid to and for employees                                          137,373,199.9       156,651,462.53
  Various taxes paid                                                     132,773,784.78       120,478,532.57
  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                    185,171,318.69       331,378,118.59
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                    1,551,384,422.51      2,730,421,092.07
Net cash flows from operating activities                                 751,048,193.61      -534,481,509.17
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from retraction of investments
  Cash received from return on investments                                 3,137,105.12           46,179,183
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                           5,297,792.57          16,635,964.5
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business
     Other cash received relating to investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                  8,434,897.69        100,315,147.5
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                          62,176,366.55        33,198,788.79
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units                                     200,000
  Other cash payments relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                       62,176,366.55        33,398,788.79
Net cash flows from investing activities                                 -53,741,468.86        66,916,358.71
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
   Cash received from capital contributions
   Cash received from borrowings                                                               76,635,770.48
   Other cash received relating to financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                   0         76,635,770.48
   Repayment of borrowings
    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                           118,658,592         60,923,741.32
     Other cash payments relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                       118,658,592         60,923,741.32
Net cash flows from financing activities                                   -118,658,592        15,712,029.16
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             578,648,132.75        -451,853,121.3
     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                 1,470,854,364.19      1,492,995,931.54
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                       2,049,502,496.94      1,041,142,810.24

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity
Reporting period                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                         Reporting period
                                                                                        Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                     Item                            Paid-up                                 Less: Specifi                 Gener                                        Minority          Total owners’
                                                    capital (or                             treasur    c                   al risk                                      interests            equity
                                                                      Capital reserve                      Surplus reserve           Retained profit       Others
                                                      share                                    y    reserv                 reserv
                                                     capital)                                stock     e                      e
I. Balance at the end of the previous year          632,487,764 1,096,157,314.51                             249,433,912.28          1,465,610,508.78 -2,544,562.12 523,884,093.78 3,965,029,031.23
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year            632,487,764 1,096,157,314.51                             249,433,912.28          1,465,610,508.78 -2,544,562.12 523,884,093.78 3,965,029,031.23
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                                             -47,980.8                                                  89,730,582.75      119,668.34   17,914,056.8      107,716,327.09
(“-” means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                       216,228,135.55                   17,914,056.8      234,142,192.35
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                           -47,980.8                                                                     119,668.34                           71,687.54
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                   -47,980.8                                                 216,228,135.55      119,668.34   17,914,056.8      234,213,879.89
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                     0                     0        0       0               0       0                     0            0               0                      0
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                        0                     0        0       0               0       0     -126,497,552.8               0               0      -126,497,552.8
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations       to   general    risk
     3. Appropriations       to     owners   (or
                                                                                                                                       -126,497,552.8                                      -126,497,552.8
     4. Other

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                 INTERIM REPORT 2012

  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’
                                                              0                     0        0       0               0       0                     0             0                0                      0
     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                             632,487,764 1,096,109,333.71                             249,433,912.28          1,555,341,091.53 -2,424,893.78 541,798,150.58 4,072,745,358.33

Last year                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                          Last year
                                                                                    Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                        Item                     Paid-up                                 Less: Specifi                 Gener                                          Minority          Total owners’
                                                capital (or                             treasur    c                   al risk                                        interests            equity
                                                                  Capital reserve                      Surplus reserve           Retained profit        Others
                                                  share                                    y    reserv                 reserv
                                                 capital)                                stock     e                      e
I. Balance at the end of the previous year      632,487,764       1,099,965,927.1                        212,889,613.44          1,112,075,620.21      -937,948.99 454,361,306.04       3,510,842,281.8
  Add: retrospective adjustments due to
business combinations under the same control
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year        632,487,764       1,099,965,927.1                        212,889,613.44          1,112,075,620.21      -937,948.99 454,361,306.04       3,510,842,281.8
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                                     -3,808,612.59                        36,544,298.84               353,534,888.57 -1,606,613.13   69,522,787.75      454,186,749.44
(“-” means decrease)

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                       INTERIM REPORT 2012

  (I) Net profit                                                                                                     353,534,888.57                   85,236,787.75   438,771,676.32
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                     -23,990.4                                                      -1,606,613.13                    -1,630,603.53
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                             -23,990.4                                     353,534,888.57 -1,606,613.13     85,236,787.75   437,141,072.79
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                0     -3,784,622.19   0       0               0    0                 0              0      -15,714,000   -19,498,622.19
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others                                                     -3,784,622.19                                                                        -15,714,000   -19,498,622.19
  (IV) Profit distribution                                   0                0    0       0               0    0                 0              0               0                0
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations       to   general    risk
     3. Appropriations       to     owners   (or
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’
                                                             0                0    0       0               0    0                 0              0               0                0
     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                 632,487,764 1,096,157,314.51               249,433,912.28       1,465,610,508.78 -2,544,562.12 523,884,093.78 3,965,029,031.23

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company
Reporting period                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                       Reporting period
                      Item                                                                                                                    General
                                                     Paid-up capital (or share                         Less: treasury    c
                                                                                 Capital reserve                              Surplus reserve   risk    Retained profit       Total owners’ equity
                                                             capital)                                      stock      reserv
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                       632,487,764     1,258,209,369.74                              236,783,768.38           1,645,274,599.93           3,772,755,502.05
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                         632,487,764     1,258,209,369.74                              236,783,768.38           1,645,274,599.93           3,772,755,502.05
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                                                         -47,980.8                                                         46,898,602.62              46,850,621.82
(“-” means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                          173,396,155.42             173,396,155.42
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                                       -47,980.8                                                                                         -47,980.8
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                               -47,980.8                                                        173,396,155.42             173,348,174.62
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                               0                      0               0       0               0        0                     0                           0
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                                  0                      0               0       0               0        0     -126,497,552.8             -126,497,552.8
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations       to     general   risk
     3. Appropriations       to     owners    (or
                                                                                                                                                          -126,497,552.8             -126,497,552.8
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity                             0                      0               0       0               0        0                     0                           0

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                         632,487,764     1,258,161,388.94                             236,783,768.38            1,692,173,202.55           3,819,606,123.87

Last year                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                    Last year
                        Item                                                                                                             General
                                                Paid-up capital (or share                         Less: treasury    c
                                                                            Capital reserve                              Surplus reserve   risk    Retained profit       Total owners’ equity
                                                        capital)                                      stock      reserv
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                  632,487,764     1,258,233,360.14                             200,239,469.54            1,379,624,686.82            3,470,585,280.5
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                    632,487,764     1,258,233,360.14                             200,239,469.54            1,379,624,686.82            3,470,585,280.5
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                                                    -23,990.4                             36,544,298.84              265,649,913.11             302,170,221.55
(“-” means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                     365,442,988.35             365,442,988.35
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                                  -23,990.4                                                                                         -23,990.4
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                          -23,990.4                                                        365,442,988.35             365,418,997.95
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                          0                      0               0      0                0        0                     0                           0

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                     0                  0          0     0    36,544,298.84   0     -99,793,075.24      -63,248,776.4
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves                                                              36,544,298.84         -36,544,298.84
     2. Appropriations       to     general   risk
     3. Appropriations       to     owners      (or
                                                                                                                               -63,248,776.4      -63,248,776.4
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity                0                  0          0     0               0    0                 0                  0
     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves
     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                   632,487,764   1,258,209,369.74                   236,783,768.38       1,645,274,599.93   3,772,755,502.05

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

(III) Company profile
Wuxi Little Swan Company Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was founded as a oriented-collection
company limited with the approval of Su-Ti-Gai-Sheng (1993) No. 253 document from Economic Reform
Commission of Jiangsu Province. Then the Company issued 70,000,000 shares of B-share and transformed to a
state-collectively–owned enterprise with the approval of (1996) No. 52 document from Jiangsu Jiangsu Province
of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), Zheng-Wei-Fa (1996) No. 14 document from China Securities
Regulatory Commission of the State Council and Shen-Zheng-Ban-Han (1996) No. 4 from Shenzhen Municipal
Securities Regulatory Office. And the total raised fund from this issuance of B-share totaled RMB 310 million,
and the Company was formally listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Jul. 1996 with the short form of stock as
Little Swan B and stock code as 200418.
In Mar. 1997, the Company publicly issued 60,000,000 shares of renminbi ordinary share (including 9,000,000
shares of staff-share) by adopting the way of internet pricing with the approval of Zheng-Jian-Fa-Zi (1997) No. 55
from CSRC. And the total raised fund from this issuance of A-share totaled RMB 720.83 million, and the
Company was formally listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in Mar. 1997 with the short form of stock as Little
Swan A and stock code as 000418.
The Company finished the Equity Division Reform Plan on 7 Aug. 2006: the Company’s A-share holders
registered on the changing date of equity ownership gained 2.5 shares of consideration share from un-tradable
shareholders with their every ten shares of tradable A-share. All un-tradable shareholders paid for shares
consideration of shares totaling 18 million, of which they acquired shares’ rights for trading.
The Company’s resolutions of Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2007: the newly added registered capital was
RMB 182,551,920, adding five shares to every ten shares basing on the total share capital of 365,103,840 shares
at the end of 2007, transferring the public reserves to 182,551,920 shares with par value of RMB 1 per share, thus
the added share capital totaled RMB 182,551,920.
According to the resolutions of the 4th Session of the Sixth Board of Directors and the 1st Provisional Shareholders
General Meeting in 2010, having approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (SFC license [2010]
1577), the company launched directional add-issuance of 84,832,004 A shares to buy 69.47% of the shares of
Hefei Royalstar Washing Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd from its shareholder Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.
Par value per share is RMB 1, and the issue price is RMB8.63 per share. This add-issuance increased the share
capital by RMB 84,832,004. As of 31 Dec. 2011, registered capital of the company is RMB 632,487,764, among
which the restricted exchange-traded A shares are 225,284,106 shares, accounting for 35.62% of the whole shares;
the unrestricted exchange-traded A shares are 216,167,786 shares, accounting for 34.18%; the restricted
exchange-traded B shares are 30,851,714 shares, accounting for 4.88% of the whole shares; and the unrestricted
exchange-traded B shares are 160,184,158 shares, account for 25.33% of the whole shares.

Registered Address: No. 18, Changjiang South Road, National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuxi
Office Address: No. 18, Changjiang South Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province
Structure of the company: Share-holding Company

The Company belongs to household appliances so the main business scope is as follows: manufacture and sales as
well as after-sale service of household appliances, industrial ceramics, environmental dry-cleaning equipment,
cleaning mechanical equipment, subsequent finishing equipment and accessory; cleaning service; machinery
processing; import and export business of “Little Swan” or agent products and technologies (excluding the
products or technology restricted to operate, export or import in China); technical service for household
appliances; contracting foreign engineering in international bidding (operate with effective certificate)

Parent company: GD MIDEA HOLDING CO.,LTD.
Ultimate controller: Mr. He Xiangjian
The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the board of directors on the date of 23 Aug.

(Ⅳ) Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of prior accounting errors

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

1. Preparation basis of the financial statements
The company recognizes and measures transactions occurred according to Chinese Accounting Standards – Basic
standard and other related accounting standards, prepares the financial statements based on accrual accounting and
the underlying assumption of going concern.

2. Statement of compliance with Enterprise accounting standards
The financial statements of the company comply with the requirements of Accounting Standards; the company's
financial position, operating results, cash flows and other relevant information are truly and completely disclosed
in the financial statements.

3. Accounting period
The company's accounting year is from 1st January to 31st December for each calendar year.

4. Recording currency
The recording currency of the company is Renminbi
Recording currency of overseas subsidiaries:
The recording currency of overseas subsidiaries is US Dollar

5. Accounting processing method of business combination under the same control and not under the same
(1) The business combinations which are under the same control
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the
basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration
paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the
additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
(2) The business combinations which are not under the same control
The acquirer shall recognize the initial cost of combination under the following principles:
a) When business combination is achieved through a single exchange transaction, the cost of a business
combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or
assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree; b)For the business
combination involved more than one exchange transaction, the cost of the combination is the aggregate cost of the
individual transactions; All direct expenses related to the combination paid by the acquirer, including the
auditor fee, evaluation expense, legal service expense, etc will be recorded into the profit and loss of
the current period.
The acquirer shall recognize the difference that the combination costs are over the fair value of the identifiable net
assets obtained from acquiree as goodwill; if the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable
net assets obtained from acquiree, the acquirer shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of the
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree as well as the combination costs;
and then after the reexamination, the result is still the same, the difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss
of the current period.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The combination scope of the consolidated financial statement will be determined on the basis of the actual
The consolidated financial statements will be subject to the No. 33 Enterprise Accounting Standards
–Consolidated Financial Statement. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, all key accounts and
transactions between the company and subsidiaries, subsidiaries and subsidiaries will be offset. The net assets of
merged subsidiaries that are attributable to the minority of shareholder equities will be separately listed in the
shareholder equities of consolidated financial statements
In case the accounting policies and accounting periods of subsidiaries differ from those of parent company, the
financial statements of subsidiaries will be adjusted.
For those subsidiary acquired not under the same control, the Company has made relevant adjustment in the
subsidiary’ financial statement according to the fair value of identifiable net assets; for those subsidiary acquired
under the same control, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the reporting subject after
combination is considered to operate since the ultimate controller carried out control, and adjusted the opening
balance of consolidated balance sheet as well as the relevant items in the consolidated statements.
(2) As for the event about purchasing and then selling (or selling and then purchasing) equities of the same
subsidiary, the Company shall disclose relevant accounting treatment methods.

7. Recognition criterion of cash and cash equivalent
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash refers to all cash in hand and all deposits which are readily
available for payment. Cash equivalents refer to short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

8. Foreign currency transactions and translations
(1) Foreign currency
All foreign currency transactions during the period have been translated in to RMB at the spot exchange rate
issued by The People’s Bank of China on the transaction date. The foreign currency conversions and any
transactions involved foreign currency conversions have been translated in to RMB at the actually used exchange
rate during the transaction process.
On the balance sheet date, the company treats the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency
non-monetary items according to the following provisions:
A. The foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities items have been translated at the spot exchange rate issued
by The People’s Bank of China on the balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the difference
between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial
recognition shall be recorded in the exchange difference in the current period. Of which, the exchange difference
arising from those foreign currency borrowings specifically for the construction of fixed assets shall be treated by
the principle for capitalization of borrowing cost; and the exchange difference happened during the handling
period shall be recorded as handling charges; other cost shall be recorded as current financial expenses.

B. A foreign currency non-monetary item measured at the historical costs shall still be translated at the spot
exchange rate by The People’s Bank of China on the transaction date, of which the amount of functional currency
shall not be changed; the foreign currency non-monetary items measured at their fair values have been translated
at the spot exchange rate issued by The People’s Bank of China on the recognition date for the fair value, the
exchange difference thereupon shall be considered as changes in fair value, and recorded into gains and losses of
the current period.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The asset and liability items in the balance sheet about the overseas businesses of the company have been
translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except for the
items as “undistributed profits”, other items have been translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they
are incurred. The income and expense items in the profit statement have been translated at an exchange rate which
is approximate to the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. The differences arising from the translation of
foreign currency financial statements in compliance with the aforesaid items have been presented separately under
the owner’s equities of the balance sheets. Foreign currency cash flows and the cash flows of foreign subsidiaries
have been translated at an exchange rate which is approximate to the spot exchange rate at the time when the cash
flows incurred. The differences arising from fluctuations in exchange have been presented separately in the
statement of cash flows.

9. Financial instruments
(1) Classification of financial assets
Based on the investment purpose and economic essence, the company classifies the financial assets into the
following four categories: transactional financial assets, financial assets available for sale, account receivables and
held-to-maturity investments.
(2) Recognition basis and measurements for financial instruments
Transactional financial assets are measured at fair value with variations of fair value accounted into current
income account; financial assets available for sale are measured at fair value with the variations accounted into
shareholders' equity; account receivables and held-to-maturity investments are measured at the post-amortization
The company has divided its financial liabilities into one category measured at fair value with variations
accounted into current profit and loss and another category measured at the post-amortization costs.
(3) Recognition and Accounting Method for Transfer of Financial Assets
The term "transfer of a financial asset" refers to the company’s (the transferor's) transferring or delivering a
financial asset to a party other than the issuer of the financial asset (the transferee). Transfer of a financial asset
could be the whole asset or part of it. It includes the following two cases:
1. The Company transfers the right to another party for receiving the cash flow of the financial asset; and;
2. The Company transfers the financial asset to another party, but maintains the right to receive the cash flow of
the financial asset and undertakes the obligation to pay the cash flow it receives to the final recipient.
Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset or part of this asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset or part of this asset. The
difference arising from the sum of consideration received from the transfer and the book value of this asset should
be accounted into the profit and loss. If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of
the financial asset, it shall not stop recognizing all or part of the financial asset, and the consideration received
shall be recorded as the financial liability.
Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a
financial asset, but it does not give up its control over the financial asset, it shall, according to the extent of its
continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset and recognize the
relevant liability accordingly.
(4) Recognition Conditions for Termination of Financial Liabilities
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it shall be terminated:
Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are terminated; or
Where the said financial asset has been transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the termination of
financial assets as provided for in Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the
financial liability be terminated in all or partly.
(5) Recognition of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
In the active market, the quoted prices of the Company for the financial assets it holds or the financial liabilities it
plans to assume shall be the present actual offer; where there is no available offer or charge for a financial asset or
financial liability, , the enterprise shall adopt the market quoted price of the latest transaction or market quoted
price after adjustment in latest transaction to determine the fair value of the said financial asset or financial
liability, except for there is clear evidence proving that the said market quoted price is not fair value.
Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, the enterprise concerned shall adopt value appraisal
techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the
parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will, the current
fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature.

(6) Withdrawal of Impairment Provision for Financial Assets (excluding Accounts Receivable)
The Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of the financial
assets other than transactional financial assets. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial
asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. An impairment test shall be made on the
financial assets with significant single amounts. If any objective evidence shows that it has been impaired, the
impairment-related losses shall be recognized and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period. With regard to the financial assets with insignificant single amounts, an independent impairment test may
be carried out, or they may be included in a combination of financial assets with similar credit risk features so as
to carry out an impairment-related test.
The expression "objective evidence proving that the financial asset has been impaired" refers to the actually
incurred events which, after the financial asset is initially recognized, have an impact on the predicted future cash
flow of the said financial asset that can be reliably measured by the enterprise.
The objective evidences that can prove the impairment of a financial asset shall include:
1. A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
2. The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the payment of
interests or the principal, etc.;
3. The creditor makes any concession to the debtor which is in financial difficulties due to economic or legal
factors, etc.
4. The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;
5. The financial asset can no longer continue to be traded in the active market due to serious financial difficulties
of the issuer;
6. It is impossible to identify whether the cash flow of a certain asset within a certain combination of financial
assets has decreased or not. But after making an overall appraisal according to the public data available, it is found
that the predicted future cash flow of the said combination of financial assets has indeed decreased since it was
initially recognized and such decrease can be measured, for example, the ability of the debtor of the said
combination of financial assets worsens gradually, the unemployment rate of the country or region where the
debtor is situated increases, the prices of the region where the guaranty is situated are obviously dropping, or the
industrial sector concerned is in slump, etc.;
7. Any seriously disadvantageous change has occurred to technical, market, economic or legal environment, etc.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

wherein the debtor operates its business, which makes the investor of an equity instrument unable to take back its
8. Where the fair value of the equity instrument investment drops significantly or not contemporarily;
9. Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the financial asset.
Where a financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is impaired, the impairment losses shall
be the balance between the carrying amount of the said financial asset and the current value of the predicted future
cash flow discounted at the original actual rate.
Where any financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is recognized as having suffered from
any impairment loss, if there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been
restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment-related
losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs of the said financial
asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the
fair value of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period.
(7) Notes on Basis of Hold-to-Maturity Investment undue that reclassified into Available-for-Sales
Financial Assets
10. Recognition and Withdrawal Method for Bad-debt Provisions for Accounts Receivable
(1) Provisions for Bad-debt Accounts Receivable with a significant single amount
                                                                         The accounts receivable whose individual amount accounts
                                                                         for over 10% (including 10%) of accounts receivable balance
                                                                         at the end of this period or amount of the individual account
                                                                         receivable which is greater than RMB 10 millions (and
Definition or amount criteria for an account receivable with a
                                                                         including 10 millions); the other receivable whose individual
significant single amount
                                                                         amount accounts for over 10% (including 10%) of other
                                                                         receivables balance at the end of this period or amount of the
                                                                         individual other receivable which is greater than RMB 5
                                                                         millions (and including 5 millions).

                                                                         For the individually significant receivables, the impairment
                                                                         test is carried on individually; the Company withdraws
Making      individual    bad-debt     provisions     for   accounts
                                                                         provision for impairment loss for the amount which is
receivable with a significant single amount
                                                                         measured as the difference between the asset's carrying
                                                                         amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows.

(2) Accounts receivable for which bad-debt provisions are made on the group basis
           Group name                     Withdraw method                              Basis for recognition of group

Aging group                          Aging analysis               Aging

In the groups, those adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                           Provision rate for Accounts
               Aging                                                                   Provision rate for Other Receivables(%)

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                         5%                                      5%

From 1-2 years                                                          10%                                     10%

From 2-3 years                                                          20%                                     20%

Over 3 years                                                            60%                                     60%

From 3-4 years                                                          60%                                     60%

From 3-5 years                                                          60%                                     60%

Over 5 years                                                           100%                                    100%

In the groups, those adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, those adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made
Reason for bad debt provision:
Insignificant single amount but is of big risk by credit risk
Withdrawal method:
The bad-debt provision is recognized impairment loss and made according to the difference between the present
value of the account’s future cash flows and the account’s carrying amount.
11. Inventory
(1) Category of Inventory
Inventories are those under the Company’s possession for the purpose of selling, in the process of production, or
materials and goods used in production process or providing of services, including raw materials, low-value
consumables, products in process, stock merchandises (finished goods) and consigned goods.
(2) Pricing method for distributed inventories
□First-in first-out method □Weighted average method □Specific identification method √Other

Inventories are measured at cost when procured, including purchase cost, processing cost, and other costs.
Actual costs are recognized at weight average when delivered.
(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventories and withdrawal method for impairment
provision of inventories
On the balance sheet date, inventories are accounted depending on which is lower between the cost and the net
realizable value. At overall verification of inventories at the end of year, when the net realizable value is lower
than the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be drawn. Provisions for impairment of inventories
shall be accounted according to the difference between the cost of individual inventory items and the net
realizable value. Including: for inventories such as finished products, goods or materials which will be directly
sold, in the normal operation, the realizable net value will be the balance of estimated selling price less sales
expenses and relative taxations; For those inventories need further processing, in the normal operation, the
realizable net value will be the balance of estimated sales price less costs to make it finished, less estimated sales
expenses, and less relative taxation. On the balance sheet day, inventories with contract prices will be determined

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

for realizable value separately from those without contract prices. Where certain items of inventory have similar
purposes or end uses and relate to the same product line produced and marketed in the same geographical area,
and therefore cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line, costs and net
realizable values of those items may be determined on an aggregate basis. For large quantity and low value items
of inventories, cost and net realizable value are determined based on categories of inventories.
(4) Inventory system of inventories
√ Perpetual inventory system □ Periodic inventory system □ Other

The Company uses perpetual inventory system. Inventories are checked periodically and the gains and losses
from inventory checking are accounted into current gain/loss account.
(5) Amortization method of low-value consumption goods and packages
Low-value consumption goods
Amortization method: one time method

Adopting one time method.
Amortization method: one time method

Adopting one time method.
12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition for initial cost
The initial cost of the long-term equity investment formed in the merger of the Company shall be recognized in
accordance with the ways of gaining:
① For the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the
book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment; the difference between the acquisition cost and the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted.
② For the merger of enterprises not under the same control, the initial cost of long-term equity investment is the
fair value of assets paid, equity bonds issued, or liabilities undertaken by the Company. The identifiable assets and
liabilities undertaken (including contingent liabilities) of merged party shall be measured by the fair value without
considering the amount attributable to minority interest. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as
goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s
identifiable net assets, after reassessment, the difference shall be recognized in consolidated income statement.
③ The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by other ways
A. The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase
cost which is actually paid.
B. The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the
fair value of the equity securities issued.
C. The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment
contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.
D. Long-term equity investment is acquired by exchange of non-monetary assets, if this transaction has
commercial substance, the fair values of these swap-out assets will be deemed as the initial investment cost of
swap-in long-term equity investment; if the non-currency asset exchange does not have commercial substance, the
carrying amount of these swap-out assets will be deemed as the initial investment cost of swap-in long-term
equity investment.
E. The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized as

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

the fair value of the long-tern equity investment.
(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains and losses
1. Adopting cost method for investment in subsidiaries
The subsidiary is the equity investment held by the Company, on which the Company can carry out control. If the
Company holds more than 50% equity of an entity, or the Company holds less than 50% equity but has actual
control on such entity, then the entity can be considered as the subsidiary of the Company.
2. Adopting equity method for investment on joint ventures or associated enterprises
Joint venture is the equity investment held by the Company, which can carry out joint control over an invested
entity with other joint ventures; associated enterprise is the equity investment held by the Company, which can
have significant influence over an invested entity. If the Company held 20% to 50% equity of an entity, and have
not actual control on such entity, or the Company holds less than 20% equity of the entity but have not significant
influence on such entity, then the entity will be the Company’s joint venture or associated enterprise.
The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when
it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it
adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.
If the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the invested entity are different from those adopted
by the investing enterprise, an adjustment shall be made to the financial statements of the invested entity in
accordance with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Company and recognize the investment
profits or losses.
Where any change is made to the owner's equity other than the net profits and losses of the invested entity, the
book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and be included in the owner's equity.
3. The long-term equity investment existing no control, joint control or significant influence by the Company
The long-term equity investment without quotation in the active market and its fair value can’t be reliably
measured, which shall be measured by cost method.
The long-term equity investment with quotation in the active market or its fair value can be reliably measured,
which is listed under the item of available-for-sale financial assets and measured by fair value, whose change in
fair value shall be recorded into owners’ equity.
(3) Recognition basis of jointly control and significant influence in invested units
Common control to investee is the mutual control of investors over an economic action basing on a contract, only
effective when it is agreed by all of the investors who have the share of control on the financial and business
control power.
Significant influences to investee mean an entity has the power to participate in the decision making of another,
but cannot dominate individually or jointly with other parties.
(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision
At period-end, if evidence showing that impairment occurred on the long-term equity investment, the recoverable
amount shall be estimated. When the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment is lower than the
book value, asset impairment provision should be withdrawn in accordance with the difference between the
recoverable amount and the book value is recognized.
As for long-term equity investment without quotation in the active market and its fair value can’t be reliably
measured, the balance of its carrying amount lower than the current value of the future cash flow of similar
financial assets capitalized according to the returns ratio of the market at the same time shall be recognized as
impairment losses and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
Once impairment loss of the long-term equity investment, excluding available-for-sale financial assets, is
recognized, it will not be switched back in following fiscal terms, while the impairment loss of available-for-sale
financial assets can be switched back, while the said impairment provision can be written back through equity

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

13. Investment real estate
Investment real estate is measured according to the initial cost. Cost of real estate purchased from outside includes
purchasing price, tax, and other expenses directly related to the real estate; cost of real estate constructed by the
Company itself is constructed by the essential costs to make the real estate usable. Investment properties invested
by investors are booked at the value according to the investment contract, whereas when the contract value is not
fairly acceptable, it will be booked at the fair value.
The company employs the cost mode to make a follow-up measurement on the investment properties, while
employs the straight method to calculate the depreciation and amortization during the estimated useful life. And
the house property is depreciated by 20 years (adopt the lower one between the legal useful life and the predicted
useful life), while the landed property is amortized by 50 years (legal useful life).
The withdrawal method of the impairment provision for investment properties is in accordance with the relevant
withdrawal method of fixed assets.
14. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition of fixed assets
Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing
services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of service life, whose relevant
economic interest is likely to flow into the Company.
(2) Recognition basis and pricing method for fixed assets acquired under finance lease
Where a lease of fixed asset satisfies one or more of the following criteria, it shall be recognized as a finance
1. The ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee when the term of lease expires;
2. The Company has the option to buy the leased asset at a price which is expected to be far lower than the fair
value of the leased asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable. Thus, on the lease beginning date, it can
be reasonably determined that the option will be exercised;
3. Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term covers the major part of the use life of the
leased asset;
4. In the case of the lessee, the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date amounts
to substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease beginning date;
5. The leased assets are of a specialized nature that only the Company can use them without making major
modifications. For the fixed asset leased by financial lease, on the lease beginning date, the Company shall record
the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the
lease beginning date as the entering value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as
the entering value in an account of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount
of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges. The initial direct costs
such as commissions, attorney's fees and traveling expenses, stamp duties directly attributable to the leased item
incurred during the process of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded in the asset
value of the current period. The unrecognized financing charge shall be amortized to each period during the lease
term at the actual rate.
The depreciation method of fixed assets acquired under finance lease is consistent with that for the Company’s
fixed assets. If the Company can reasonably confirm that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of
lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated during the useful life of the leased asset. If the Company cannot

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

reasonably confirm that it will obtain the ownership of leased asset at the end of lease term, the leased asset shall
be depreciated during shorter of the useful life of the leased asset and the lease term.
(3) Depreciation method of various fixed assets
Other than fixed assets which have already been provided depreciations in full but still in use, the Company
provides depreciations upon all of the fixed assets. The Company adopted annual depreciation rate method to
withdraw depreciation.

           Categories          Estimated useful life (years)        Residual value (%)       Annual depreciation rate (%)

Houses & buildings             30-40 years                     5%                         2.38-3.17%

Machineries                    10-18 years                     5%                         5.28-9.00%

Electronic equipment           3-8 years                       5%                         11.88-31.67%

Vehicles                       4-12 years                      5%                         7.92-23.75%

Other equipments               5-8 years                       5%                         11.88-19%

Fixed assets acquired under
                                             --                             --                            --
finance lease

Of which: houses & buildings


Electronic equipment



(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of fixed assets
The Company checks the fixed asset at the period end, if it has the following situations, then the Company shall
check the recoverable amount to judge whether such asset has been impaired. Where its recoverable amount is
lower than its book value, the Company shall, basing on the difference between the recoverable amount and the
relevant book value, make the provision for the impairment of the assets. When withdrawing the impairment
provision for a single asset, and if it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group
assets on the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Once the impairment loss was recognized, it will
not be switched back in coming fiscal terms.
1 The current market price of assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than the expected drop over time or
due to the normal use;
2 The assets have become obsolete or have been damaged substantially;
3 The expected usage mode of an asset has significant adverse change, such as the asset becomes idle, or the
Company plans to discontinue or to reorganize the business of the asset, or dispose of an asset before the
previously expected date, etc., which cause adverse impact on the Company;
4 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise operates, or the market where the
assets is situated will have any significant change in the current period or in the near future, which will cause
adverse impact on the enterprise;
5 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate at the same period has risen in the current
period, and thus the discount rate of the enterprise for calculating the expected future cash flow of the assets will
be affected, which will result in great decline of the recoverable amount of the assets;
6 Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performance of the assets have

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

been or will be lower than the expected performance, for example, the net cash flow created by assets or the
operating profit (or loss) realized is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
7 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of assets has probably occurred.
(5) Other notes
15. Construction in Progress
(1) Categories of construction in process
(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in process into fixed asset
Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets by project budget, construction cost or actual project cost
when the project is substantially ready for its intended use, and made provision for depreciation from the next
month. Then the Company shall adjustment on the difference caused by the original value of fixed assets after
finishing the final account.
(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in process
At the end of the year, the Company shall assess the overall construction in progress, if there is evidence
providing that the value of project was impaired, the Company shall estate the recoverable amount, and make the
provision for the impairment loss in accordance with the balance of the project’s recoverable amount lower than
its book value. Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future
accounting periods.
16. Borrowing costs
(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings,
ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. The Company’s borrowing costs,
caused by occupying the special borrowings or general borrowings to gain the fixed assets, investment properties,
and inventories that need one year or more than one year’s acquisition or construction, shall be capitalized, and
recorded in the cost of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expense upon their
occurrence, and recorded into current profits and losses. The relevant borrowing expenses start to be capitalized
when all of the followings are satisfied:
1 The capital expenditures have incurred;
2 The borrowing costs have incurred;
3 The acquisition and construction activities that are necessary to bring the asset to its expected usable condition
have commenced.
(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs caused by acquiring or constructing fixed assets, investment properties and inventories,
which meet the above capitalization conditions and happened before the assets reaching expected useful status or
available-for-sale status, shall be recorded into costs of assets.
(3) Period for suspending capitalization of borrowing costs
Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction is
interrupted abnormally, and the interruption period is three months or longer. These borrowing costs shall be
recognized directly in profit or loss during the current period until the acquisition or construction activities resume
again; Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired or constructed is
substantially ready for its intended use. Subsequent borrowing costs shall be directly recorded into current finance
expense upon occurrence.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

(4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs
To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring & constructing or producing a
qualifying asset, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual interests
incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused
borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment.
To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of acquiring & constructing or producing
a qualifying asset, the Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interest from the
general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The
capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general
17. Biological assets

18. Oil gas assets

19. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
The intangible assets refer to the land-use right, patent, non-patent technology and software.
Intangible assets purchased are booked at the actual cost to purchase and relative expenses.
Intangible assets inputted by investors are booked at the contract or agreement price, but if the contract or
agreement price is not fairly acceptable, it will be booked at fair value.
Intangible assets is acquired by exchange of non-monetary assets, if this transaction has commercial substance,
the fair values of these swap-out assets will be deemed as the initial investment cost of intangible assets; if the
non-currency asset exchange does not have commercial substance, the carrying amount of these swap-out assets
will be deemed as the initial investment cost of intangible assets.
Intangible asset is acquired by debt reorganization, which shall be recognized by the fair value.
Expenditures for the self-researched and developed intangible asset incurred during its research phase shall be
recognized as current profits and losses upon its occurrence. Expenditures incurred during the development phase
shall be recognized as an intangible asset if, and only if, the Company can demonstrate all of the following:
1 It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
2 It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
3 There is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential
market for the intangible assets itself
4 It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the
support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources;
5 The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
6The use of the intangible products cycle is more than 1 year.
(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life
The land-use rights is amortized straightly to the useful life, from the starting date when accept the land-use rights;
The patent, non-patent technology and other intangible assets are amortized straightly to the lest number among
the expected useful life, contract years and the effective year of the law. The amortization assigned to the related
assets and current profit and loss.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

            Item                Estimated useful life                              Basis

(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets with uncertain useful life
The profitable period is uncertain.
(4) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets
The Company shall carry out impairment test on intangible assets without certain useful life, such as trade mark,
at year-end. And the Company shall estimate its recoverable amount and make the provision for impairment loss
of such intangible asset by the balance of the recoverable amount lower than its book value.
The Company shall check the other intangible assets at the year-end, where there is any evidence indicating a
possible impairment of assets, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount, and make provision for
impairment losses of such intangible asset in accordance with the balance of the recoverable amount lower than
the book value. Once intangible asset impairment losses are recognized, they will not be written back in
successive fiscal periods.
1. It has been replaced by other new technologies, and significantly decreased its ability to create economic
interests for the company;
2. The price fell sharply in current period, and is not expected to increase in its remaining amortization period;
3. Over the time limit of legal protection, but still has some use-value;
4. Other facts that prove the assets actually impaired.
(5) Criteria of dividing the research phase and development phase of internal R&D project
The term “research” refers to undertaking of collecting relevant materials, conducting market research on the basis
of planned investigation, which means the research project has received approval from the Board of Directors or
relevant management level.
The term "development" refers to the application of research achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan
or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as to produce any new material, device or product, or
substantially improved material, device and product.
(6) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project
R&D expenditure refer to various expense directly arising from R&D of products (including research of
fundermental projects). They are:
1) New product design expense, new art processing expense and technical books material fees and translation of
materials that relevant to R&D activities.
2) Expenditure on materials, fuel and power that directly comsume on R&D activities.
3) Wages, salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy that directly arising from personnel that conducting R&D
activities (excluding social insurance fees, housing fund and labour cost for out-contract R&D personnel).
4) Depreciation charges or rent charges for appliances and equipments specified on R&D activities.
5) Amortization charges on intangible assets such as software, patent fees, non-patent technology etc. that
specified on R&D activities.
6) Expense specified on modules for intermidiate experience and product trial-manufacture, development of art
equipments and manufacture fees.
7) Expense on proving, review and verification of R&D achievements.
8) Out-sourcing expenditure that satisfied the above seven scopes.
9) Equipment adjustment expense and test charges on appliances for intermidiate experience and product
trial-manufacture, acquisition fees for samples and general test method and test fees for tria-manufacture products.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

10) Expenditure on maintainence and repair of fixed assets that applying for R&D activities.
11) Meeting charges, travel fees, office fees, business fees, fees on trains of R&D personnel, professional
consultancy charges, training fees, insurance charges on R&D of high-tech., etc..that directly relevant to R&D
12) Expenditure on appraisal of achievements, application charges, register charges, agent fees, etc. of
interllectual property.
13) Other expenses arising from R&D process. Including expense on purchase of samples and components,
expense on drawing of plank, internal distribution of materials, technology guidance, industrial design and so on.
All of the above mentioned expense items accouting by specific items on R&D item.
20. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses
The Company recognizes all expenses which have occurred during the period but shall be amortized beyond one
year (excluding one year), including expenses of molds and technical guide, etc. The Company amortizes
long-term deferred expenses using straight-line method according to relevant beneficial periods or its usage life if
there are, otherwise, amortizes in five years.
21. Assets transfer with repurchasing conditions
22. Estimated liabilities
(1) Criteria of estimated liabilities
When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following conditions are satisfied,
they are recognized as estimated liability in the balance sheet:
1. This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Company;
2. Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Company;
3. Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.
(2) Measurement of estimated liabilities
Estimated liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise the current
responsibility, and with considerations to the relative risks, uncertainty, and periodic value of currency. When the
periodic value of currency is with major influence, then the best estimation will be determined at the discount of
future cash outflow. The book value of estimated liability is revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be
made to reflect current best estimation.
23. Share-based payment and equity instruments

(1) Categories of share-based payment

(2) Recognition method of fair value of equity instruments

(3) Recognition basis of the best estimate of the vested equity instruments

(4) Accounting treatment relevant to implement, revise and terminate share-based payment plan

24. Repurchase of shares of the Company

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

25. Revenue
(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from sale of goods
When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales income according to
the contract amount received or receivable from the buyer:
1.Main risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer;
2 No succeeding power of administration or effective control is reserved which are usually attached to ownership;
3 Amount received can be reliably measured;
4 Related financial benefit may inflow to the Company;
5 Relative costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured;
6 When collection of contract payment is by differed way, and practically with financing characters, sales income
shall be recognized at the fair value of the receivable contract amount.
(2) Recognition basis of revenue from transferring use rights of assets
Income is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset using rights was
received and the amount can be reliably measured.
(3) Recognition basis and method for the schedule of contracted project when recognizing the revenue from
providing labour services and construction contract by percentage-of-completion method
The Company measures the completion progress (percentage-of-completion) in accordance with the proportion of
the costs incurred against the estimated total costs.
26. Government grants
(1) Types
1. The government subsidies pertinent to income
2. The government subsidies pertinent to assets
(2) Accounting treatment method
The government subsidies pertinent to income, if used to to retrieve expense or loss of the Company in further
period, the government grants are recognized as deferred income, and shall be recorded in profit and loss when
that expense or loss occurred. To retrieve expense or loss of the Company in current period, the government
grants shall be recorded directly in current profit and loss.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within
the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the government subsidies
measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.
27. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
On the balance sheet date, if enough evidences prove that the taxable income amounts that maybe probably
obtained in the future periods may be used to deduct the deductible temporary differences, they will be confirmed
as the deferred income tax assets that have not been confirmed in the previous accounting periods.
(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
If taxable temporary differences would increase taxable income tax and income tax payable when it was written in,
which leads to the outflow of the Company’s financial profit, it shall be recognized as differed income liabilities
when is constitutes responsibility of taxes payable in occurrence period.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

28. Operating lease and finance lease
(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease

(2) Accounting treatments of finance lease

29. Assets held for sale
(1) Recognition criteria of available-for-sale assets

(2) Accounting treatments of the assets held for sale

30. Capitalization of assets business

31. Hedging accounting
The term " hedging" refers to one or more hedging instruments which are designated by the company for avoiding
the risks of foreign exchange, interest rate, commodity price, stock price, credit and etc., and which is expected to
make the changes in fair value or cash flow of hedging instrument(s) to offset all or part of the changes in the fair
value or cash flow of the hedged item.
The "hedged items" refer to items which make the company faced with changes in fair value or cash flow and are
designated as the hedged objectives.
For a hedging which satisfies all the following conditions, the company will deal with it through the hedging
accounting method.
(1) At the commencement of the hedging, the company shall specify the hedging relationship formally and
prepare a formal written document on the hedging relationship, risk management objectives and the strategies of
(2) The hedging expectation is highly efficient and meets the risk management strategy, which is confirmed for the
hedging relationship by the company at the very beginning.
(3) For a cash flow hedging of forecast transaction, the forecast transaction shall be likely to occur and shall make
the company faced to the risk of changes in cash flow, which will ultimately affect the profits and losses.
(4) The effectiveness of hedging can be reliably measured.
(5) The hedging is highly effective in the accounting period in which the hedging relationship is designated.
32. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates
Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

(1) Change of accounting policies
Were the main accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

(2) Change of accounting estimates
Were the main accounting estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

33. Correction of previous accounting errors
Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

(1) Retrospective restatement method
Was any previous accounting errors adopting retrospective restatement method discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

(2) Prospective application method
Was any previous accounting errors adopting prospective application method discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √No □Inapplicable

34. Other main accounting policies, accounting estimates as well as compilation method of financial

(Ⅴ) Taxation
1. Main taxes and tax rate
            Category of taxes                                Tax basis                                   Tax rate

                                      Balance of output tax of taxation revenue after
VAT                                                                                      17%
                                      deducting input tax.

Business tax

Urban maintenance and
                                      Taxation revenue                                   5%
construction tax

VAT                                   Payable circulating tax amount                     7%

Corporate income tax                  Payable income tax amount                          25% or 15%

Education Surcharge                   Payable circulating tax amount                     4% or 5%

Flood Control Security Fund           Operating revenue                                  0.1% or 0.06%

Levee fee                             Circulating tax amount                             2%

The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory
2. Tax preference and official documents
With the certification of hi-tech enterprise of the Company and its subsidiary, Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd. and
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co., Ltd. was expired after 3-years term, their relevant certification of review were in
process. According to Su-Gao-Qi-Xie [2012] No. 15 document and Su-Gao-Qi-Xie [2012] No. 15 document of
Work and Coordinated Team on Management of Certifying High-tech Enterprise of Jiangsu Province, review of
the said companies have been approved. According to Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the
Issues concerning the Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Deduction and Exemption (Guo-Shui-Fa [2008]
No. 111 document) and Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues concerning Hi-tech
Enterprise Paying Corporate Income Tax in 2008 (Guo-Shui-Han [2008] No. 985), the Company and its subsidiary,
Hefei Royalstar Water Industry Facilities Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd. as well as Wuxi Filin
Electronics Co., Ltd. were approved to enjoy income tax rate 15%.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

3. Other explanation

(Ⅵ) Business combination and consolidated financial statements
General instruction of business combination and consolidated financial statements: Naught

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012
1. Subsidiaries
(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                                            Balance of parent
                                                                                                                                    The       The     Includ
                                                                                                                                                                                          company’s equity after
                                                                                                     Actual amount                 proporti proporti ed in
                                                                                                                        Other                                               Deductible deducting the difference
                                    Registered Business    Registered      Currenc      Business     of investments                 on of    on of    consol   Minority
   Subsidiaries           Type                                                                                         essential                                             minority      that loss of minority
                                      place     nature       capital         y           scope           at the                    holding   voting   idated   interest
                                                                                                                      investment                                             interests    interests exceed equity
                                                                                                      period-end                   shares( rights(% statem
                                                                                                                                                                                           obtained by minority
                                                                                                                                     %)        )       ent

Wuxi Little Swan                                                                     Manufacture
General      Electric                                                                of washing
                        subsidiar     Wuxi    Production   28,000,000.00    CNY                         19,600,000                    70%      70% Yes         29,938,800
Appliances Co. ,                                                                     machine and
Ltd.                                                                                 dryers

Wuxi Little Swan
Driving & Control Holding
                                                                                     & research of
Development             subsidiar     Wuxi    R&D           5,000,000.00    CNY      driving    &        4,500,000                  97.3%     100% Yes           313,400
Technology Co. , ies
Wuxi            Filin Holding                                                        of computer
Electronics Co. , subsidiar           Wuxi    Production    3,624,600.00    USD                         19,620,000                    73%      73% Yes         56,330,000
Ltd.                    ies                                                          for washing
Wuxi Little Swan Holding                                                             and sale of
Washing Machine subsidiar             Wuxi    Production   49,679,500.00    CNY      commercial         37,259,600                 99.91% 99.91% Yes                                                 -37,968,700
Co. , Ltd.              ies                                                          washing
                                                                                     machine ,

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012
                                                                                     dryers and
                                                                                     spare parts

Wuxi         Meitian Holding
                                                                                     Sales        of
Refrigerator              subsidiar     Wuxi      Trading       4,000,000.00   USD                       24,840,000     75%     75% Yes   -28,467,700
Market      Co., Ltd. ies

Jiangsu          Little
                          Holding                                                    Sales      of
Swan      Marketing                                                                  household
                          subsidiar     Wuxi      Trading     419,500,000.00   CNY                      417,550,000   99.64% 99.64% Yes   -65,580,500
and Sales Co. ,                                                                      electrical
                          ies                                                        appliances
                                                                                     Import        &
Wuxi Little Swan Holding
                                                  Import &                           export        of
Import & Export subsidiar               Wuxi                   65,000,000.00   CNY   electric            57,500,000   88.46% 88.46% Yes   -15,037,400
                                                  Export                             machine
Co. , Ltd                 ies                                                        products
                          Wholly-                                                    Manufacture
MIDAQI.          Little
                          owned                                                      of     washing
Swan            Prima                 Malaysia Sales            1,000,000.00   USD   machine and          4,224,700     51%     51% No
                          subsidiar                                                  air
                          y                                                          conditioners

Little           Swan Wholly-
International             owned                   Investmen
                                      Singapore                 5,000,000.00   USD   Investment           5,000,000    100%    100% Yes
(Singapore)       Co., subsidiar                  t
Ltd.                      y

Tianjin Little            owned
                                       Tianjin    Production 200,000,000.00    CNY   of washing         200,000,000    100%    100% Yes
Swan Co., Ltd.            subsidiar

Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment:

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012
(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                              The       The      uded                               Balance of parent company’s
                                                                                                                             proporti proporti    in                                 equity after deducting the
                                                                                              amount of                                                                Deductible
                               Register Business       Registered   Currenc    Business                    Other essential    on of    on of     cons     Minority                     difference that loss of
 Subsidiaries          Type                                                                  investments                                                                minority
                               ed place     nature       capital      y            scope                    investment       holding   voting olida        interest                  minority interests exceed
                                                                                                at the                                                                  interests
                                                                                                                             shares( rights(% ted                                   equity obtained by minority
                                                                                                                               %)        )       state                                     shareholders

Little      Swan
(Jing     Zhou)                                                               Manufacture
Electronic                     Jingzhou Production     11,070,200.00 CNY      of   washing    11,869,400                       100%     100% Yes
Appliances                                                                    machines
Co., Ltd.

Washing            Holding                                                    Manufacture
                               Hefei      Production 135,520,000.00 USD       of washing 830,962,300                         69.47% 69.47% Yes           451,382,600
Machine            subsidiar                                                  machines
Manufacture        ies
Co., Ltd.

Hefei    Midea
Washing            Holding                                                    Manufacture
Machine            subsidiar    Hefei     Production   20,000,000.00 CNY      of   washing 20,000,000                        62.523%      90% Yes          2,037,200
Manufacture        ies                                                        machines
Co., Ltd.

Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control:

(3) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                             Actual                         propor
                                                                                                      proporti                                               Balance of parent company’s equity after
                    Regist Busine Regist            Busine amount of                        tion of              Included in
Subsidia                                   Curren                        Other essential               on of                    Minority    Deductible          deducting the difference that loss of
            Type     ered     ss    ered              ss    investment                       holdin              consolidated
   ries                                      cy                           investment                   voting                   interest minority interests minority interests exceed equity obtained by
                    place nature capital            scope    s at the                          g                  statement
                                                                                                      rights(%                                                         minority shareholders
                                                            period-end                      shares(

Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control:

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

2. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Other explanation on special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease:

3. Explanation on changes in consolidated scope
Explanation on changes in consolidated scope:
MIDAQI. Little Swan Prima Industries has been stopped operation for year, and the closing procedure has started;
the Company has made full provision for impairment on long-term investment and it hasn’t been combined in the
consolidated scope yet.
□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Subsidiaries that newly combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period
The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease that newly
included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Name                                           Closing net assets              Net profit in current period

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease that not
longer included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                       Net profit from year-begin to
                         Name                                  Net asset at the disposal date
                                                                                                                   disposal date

Other notes to changes in consolidated scope:

5. Business combination under same control during the reporting period
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                        Cash flow arising
                           Judgment basis of                              The consolidated      The consolidated
                                                                                                                         from operating
                                 business        Actual controller of        income from         net profit from
  The combined party                                                                                                    activities between
                          combination under       the same control         period-begin to      period-begin to
                                                                                                                        period-begin and
                              the same control                            combination date      combination date
                                                                                                                        combination date

Other notes to business combination under same control:

6. Business combination not under same control during the reporting period
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

         The combined party                      Amount of goodwill                           Calculation method of goodwill

Other notes to business combination not under same control:

7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

                   Name of subsidiary                                  Disposal date               Recognition method of gains and losses

Other notes to subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period:

8. The counter purchases in the reporting period
                                                                                                            Calculation method of goodwill
                                      Judgment basis of counter             Recognition method of             recognized or included into
        The backdoor party
                                               purchase                       combination costs              current gains and losses in the

Other notes to counter purchases:

9. Mergers in the reporting period
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Type of merger                              Main assets merged in                       Main liabilities merged in

          Mergers under the same control                      Item                Amount                   Item                Amount

        Mergers not under the same control                    Item                Amount                   Item                Amount

Other notes to mergers:

10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities
Assets and liabilities on the Balance Sheet shall adopted the spotted exchange rate on the Balance Sheet Day.
Except for retained profit item on shareholders’ equity, other items adopt the exchange rate on occurrence when
(Ⅶ) Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company
1. Monetary funds
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                               Closing balance                                            Opening balance
            Item              Amount in foreign     Exchan                               Amount in         Exchange
                                                               Amount in RMB                                             Amount in RMB
                                    currency        ge rate                            foreign currency       rate

Cash:                                   --            --                210,062.94            --               --                184,735.57

RMB                                     --            --                210,062.94            --               --                184,735.57

Bank deposit:                           --            --        2,987,371,791.42              --               --           2,279,468,567.00

RMB                                     --            --        2,612,078,927.97              --               --           2,050,330,126.87

USD                                 56,129,241.39 6.3249             355,011,838.84      34,251,584.61         6.3009        215,815,809.48

EUR                                  2,570,943.51     7.871           20,235,896.37       1,632,175.27         8.1625         13,322,630.65

JPY                                     566,596.02 0.0796                 45,128.24

Other monetary funds:                   --            --             133,367,765.79           --               --            135,797,048.67

RMB                                     --            --             132,711,936.09           --               --            134,175,616.33

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

USD                                      103,690.13 6.3249               655,829.70       257,333.45       6.3009        1,621,432.34

Total                                    --            --      3,120,949,620.15               --           --        2,415,450,351.24

Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited overseas or with
potential collecting risks:

2. Trading financial assets
(1) Trading financial assets
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                     Closing fair value                 Opening fair value

Trading bonds investment

Trading equity instruments investment

The financial assets which are measured at their fair
values and the variation of which is recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period

Derivative financial assets                                                                        0.00                  4,292,300.00

Hedging instruments


Total                                                                                                                    4,292,300.00

(2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                      Trading restriction or other significant limits in
                         Item                                                                                   Closing balance

(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction
3. Notes receivable
(1) Category of notes receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Category                                   Closing balance                        Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                          1,001,881,578.18                       2,757,923,958.94

Total                                                                         1,001,881,578.18                       2,757,923,958.94

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

        Issuing entity             Date of issuance          Expiring date                     Amount                 Remark

 Total                                     --                       --                                                   --

Notes: Naught

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or
agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

        Issuing entity         Date of issuance            Expiring date   Amount                Remark

Total                                 --                            --       50,000,000.00         --

Notes: Naught
Undue notes endorsed to other parties by the Company
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

        Issuing entity         Date of issuance            Expiring date   Amount                Remark

Jiangxi Gannan Midea
Refrigerating Equipment 28 Mar. 2012                 28 Sep. 2012            10,000,000.00
Marketing Co., Ltd.

Changzhou Midea
Refrigeration Product      29 Mar. 2012              29 Sep. 2012            10,000,000.00
Marketing Co., Ltd.

Yichang Midea
Refrigeration Product      29 Mar. 2012              29 Sep. 2012            10,000,000.00
Marketing Co., Ltd.

Yichang Midea
Refrigeration Product      29 Mar. 2012              29 Sep. 2012            10,000,000.00
Marketing Co., Ltd.

Guizhou Midea
Refrigeration Product      28 Mar. 2012              28 Sep. 2012            10,000,000.00
Marketing Co., Ltd.

Total                                 --                            --       50,000,000.00         --

Notes of bank acceptance bill that already discounted or pledged.

4. Dividends receivable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

             Item               Opening balance               Increase     Decrease          Closing balance

Dividends receivable
aging less than one year

Of which:

Dividends receivable
aging over one year

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                 INTERIM REPORT 2012

Of which:                                  --                          --                            --                            --


Note: Naught

5. Interest receivable
(1) Interest receivable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                             Increase in current          Decrease in current
            Item               Opening balance                                                                             Closing balance
                                                                    period                      period


(2) Overdue interest
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

               Borrowing entity                               Overdue days (day)                           Amount of overdue interest

                     Total                                             --

(3) Notes to interest receivable
6. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                                   Book balance                 Bad debt provision              Book balance               Bad debt provision
                                                  Proporti                     Proporti                         Proporti                  Proport
                                  Amount                        Amount                        Amount                        Amount
                                                   on (%)                      on (%)                            on (%)                   ion (%)

Accounts        receivable
with significant single
amount and individually                    0.00        0%               0.00        0%                   0.00        0%            0.00        0%
withdrawn      bad    debt

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Aging group                  1,049,004,026.09 99.89% 53,313,570.48               5.08% 979,012,513.46 99.88% 50,073,451.81                   5.11%

Subtotal of group            1,049,004,026.09 99.89% 53,313,570.48               5.08% 979,012,513.46 99.88% 50,073,451.81                   5.11%

Accounts        receivable
with insignificant single
amount and individually           1,201,107.52       0.11%     1,005,985.33 83.75%            1,201,107.52        0.12%      751,107.72 62.53%
withdrawn      bad    debt

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Total                           1,050,205,133.61       --      54,319,555.80      --     980,213,620.98      --        50,824,559.53       --

Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              Closing balance                                          Opening balance

         Aging                     Book balance                  Provision for bad             Book balance                 Provision for bad
                                Amount          Proportion            debts                 Amount          Proportion             debts

Within 1 year

Including:                        --                  --                --                     --                 --                 --

                           1,038,276,282.84           98.98%          51,913,814.14       960,988,170.25          98.16%          48,049,408.52

Subtotal of within
                           1,038,276,282.84           98.98%          51,913,814.14       960,988,170.25          98.16%          48,049,408.52
1 year

1-2 years                        9,857,995.48         0.94%              985,799.55         17,498,321.16         1.79%            1,749,832.12

2-3 years                          348,800.54         0.03%                  69,760.11        103,505.15          0.01%              20,701.03

Over 3 years                       441,876.39         0.04%              265,125.83           422,516.90          0.04%             253,510.14

3 to 4 years

4 to 5 years

Over 5 years                        79,070.85         0.01%                  79,070.85                                 0%

Total                      1,049,004,026.09           --              53,313,570.48       979,012,513.46          --              50,073,451.81

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

   Content of accounts
                                       Book balance            Bad debt provision        Withdrawal proportion         Reason for withdrawal

Accounts receivable with
insignificant          single
                                                                                                                   Of comparatively high
amount and individually                     1,201,107.52                1,005,985.33                      83.75%
                                                                                                                   credit risk
withdrawn        bad    debt

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                 INTERIM REPORT 2012

             Total                         1,201,107.52                 1,005,985.33                       83.75%                --

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                               Recognition basis of      Reversed or collected
     Content of accounts         Reversed or collected                                                                  Reversed or collected
                                                                original bad debt        amount of the accrued
            receivable                     reason                                                                             amount
                                                                    provision              bad debt provision

              Total                          --                         --                                       0.00            --

The withdrawal of bad debt provision of accounts receivable with significant single amount or insignificant single amount but
individually made impairment test at the end of reporting period:

            Content                Book balance                Bad debt amount                                                Reason

             Total                                                                                  --                           --

Notes to accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but large risks of groups after grouping by credit risks characteristics:

(3) The write-off accounts receivable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                            Whether arising
                          Nature of accounts
   Name of entity                                   Write-off time           Write-off amount       Write-off reason       from related party
                                                                                                                           transaction or not?

        Total                     --                      --                                               --                         --

Notes to write off of accounts receivable:

(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                          The relationship
                      Name of entity                                                  Amount             Aging                Proportion
                                                          with the Company

Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd.                                 222,437,144.08 Within 1 year                              21.18%

GEA PRODUCTS                                                                     135,859,162.81 Within 1 year                              12.94%

Kronen Internacional S.A.                                                         55,474,778.83 Within 1 year                              5.28%

Beijing Midea Refrigeration Product Marketing                  Non-related
                                                                                  53,687,063.05 Within 1 year                               5.11%
Co., Ltd.                                                      relationship

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

Nanjing Purchase of Suning Appliance Co., Ltd.                                           48,022,000.19 Within 1 year                                   4.57%

                              Total                                        --            515,480,148.96           --                                   49.08%

(6) The amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              The relationship with the
          Name of entity                                                                    Amount                               Proportion

               Total                                      --

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                       Gains or loses related to the termination of
                       Item                                    Amount of termination


(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of
assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                                                                    Period-end


Subtotal of assets


Subtotal of liabilities

7. Other accounts receivable
(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                                           Provision for doubtful                                      Provision for doubtful
               Category                            Book balance                                              Book balance
                                                                                   debts                                                       debts
                                                                Proporti                    Proporti                     Proporti                      Proporti
                                                 Amount                         Amount                    Amount                         Amount
                                                                on (%)                      on (%)                       on (%)                        on (%)
Other accounts receivable that is
individually      significant          and
                                                        0.00         0%              0.00        0%               0.00        0%                0.00          0%
provisions      for       bad         debts

Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

Aging group                          21,479,278.55 98.98%        2,592,244.94 12.07% 18,288,490.78 98.81%               2,740,043.28 14.98%

Subtotal of group                    21,479,278.55 98.98%        2,592,244.94 12.07% 18,288,490.78 98.81%               2,740,043.28 14.98%

Other accounts receivable that is
individually insignificant but
                                        221,666.34     1.02%       221,666.34       100%      221,066.34      1.19%       221,066.34       100%
provisions for bad debts

Total                                21,700,944.89      --       2,813,911.28       --     18,509,557.12          --    2,961,109.62       --

Notes for categories of other accounts receivable:
Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by aging analysis:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Period-end                                            Period-begin

                                     Book balance                                           Book balance
            Aging                                               Provision for bad                                      Provision for bad
                                                     Proporti                                             Proporti
                                    Amount                           debts                 Amount                           debts
                                                       on                                                   on

Within 1 year


Within 1 year                        12,874,553.35 59.94%             643,727.67         12,046,610.07 65.87%                  606,818.71

Subtotal of within 1 year            12,874,553.35 59.94%             643,727.67         12,046,610.07 65.87%                  606,818.71

1-2 years                             5,992,988.52    27.9%           599,298.85           2,968,361.21 16.23%                 292,347.92

2-3 years                               573,308.98    2.67%            114,661.80           336,837.63     1.84%                67,367.53

Over 3 years                          2,009,677.70    9.36%          1,205,806.62          2,907,931.87    15.9%             1,744,759.12

3 to 4 years

4 to 5 years

Over 5 years                             28,750.00    0.13%             28,750.00            28,750.00     0.16%                28,750.00

Total                                21,479,278.55      --           2,592,244.94        18,288,490.78       --              2,740,043.28

In the group, other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by balance percentage:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by other methods:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                    INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                Reason for reversed or Basis for determination               Accrued amount before         Amount of reversed or
  Other accounts receivable
                                      recovered             of bad debts provision            reversal or recovery                recovered

             Total                           --                         --                                          0.00               --

Withdrawal of closing individually significant or insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:

         Content                  Book balance             Provision for bad debts           Withdrawal percentage                 Reason

           Total                                                                                        --                            --

Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts receivable:

(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                              Whether arising from
                           Nature of other
 Name of company                                   Write off date            Write off amount       Write off reason              related party
                         accounts receivable
                                                                                                                               transactions or not

         Total                   --                        --                                0.00            --                        --

Notes of written-off of other accounts receivable:

(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                             Nature or details of the
         Name of entity                           Amount                                                          Proportion of the total (%)

                 Total                                           0.00                   --                                                        0%


(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                  Proportion of the
                         Name of entity                               with the                Amount               Aging
                                                                                                                                      total (%)

                                                                    Not related
Wuxi Little Swan Ceramic Co., Ltd.                                                            2,386,444.38        4-5 years                       11%

Financial Treasury Payment Centre of Hefei High-tech                Not related               1,000,000.00        2-3 years                   4.61%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

Technology Industrial Development Zone                            relationship

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Beijing          Not related
                                                                                         900,000.00      2-3 years                 4.15%
Branch Assets Custody Account                                     relationship

                                                                  Not related
Wuxi Costume of PRC                                                                      711,000.00      1-2 years                 3.28%

                                                                  Not related
Wuxi China Resources Natural Gas Co., Ltd.                                               639,184.85 Within 1 year                  2.95%

                              Total                                    --               5,636,629.23        --                    25.97%

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

          Name of entity          Relationship with the Company                  Amount                              Proportion

               Total                             --                                               0.00                                  0%

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                           Gains or loses related to the termination of
                       Item                           Amount of termination

                     Total                                                       0.00                                                   0.00

(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                                                     Closing balance


Subtotal of assets


Subtotal of liabilities                                                                                                                 0.00

8. Prepayment
(1) List by aging analysis:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Closing balance                                             Opening balance
       Aging                                                     Proportion                                                  Proportion
                                      Amount                                                     Amount
                                                                    (%)                                                           (%)

Within 1 year                                  131,577,849.92        60.91%                                240,224,053.71         96.07%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

1 year to 2
                                                83,083,172.76       38.46%                                  9,071,326.54            3.63%

2 years to 3
                                                   596,557.19        0.28%                                    756,600.00                0.3%

Over 3 years                                       754,040.00        0.35%

Total                                          216,011,619.87       --                                    250,051,980.25           --

Notes of aging of prepayment:

(2) Information of the top 5 prepayment
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Relationship with                                                         Reason for
                  Name of entity                                         Amount                  Aging
                                                  the Company                                                              unsettled

Administration Committee of                    Non-related-party                                                         Advance land
                                                                    74,258,965.00           18 Apr. 2011
DevelopmentZone of Jingzhou                    supplier                                                                    payment

Yanshan Operating Dept. of Sinopec             Non-related-party                                                         Advance land
                                                                    38,307,132.28           13 Jun. 2012
Chemical Sales Company Limited                 supplier                                                                    payment

Beijing Zhongtian Riyue Advertising Co.,       Non-related-party                                                        Not service was
                                                                    34,618,278.00            9 Mar. 2012
Ltd.                                           supplier                                                                    provided

East China Chemical Sales of PetroChina        Non-related-party                                                      Advance material
                                                                    10,674,000.00           20 Jun. 2012
Company Limited                                supplier                                                                    payment

                                               Non-related-party                                                      Advance material
Sumitomo Chemical Asia Pte Ltd                                       5,145,536.14           30 Jun. 2012
                                               supplier                                                                    payment

Total                                                     --        163,003,911.42                 --                         --

Notes of important companies of prepayment: Naught

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(4) Notes of prepayment

9. Inventory
(1) Category
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                          Closing balance                                          Opening balance
         Item                                 Impairment of                                         Impairment of
                           Book balance                         Book value        Book balance                             Book value
                                               inventories                                              inventories

Raw materials                 68,730,776.63      990,222.29     67,740,554.34      67,170,191.52         4,846,662.22      62,323,529.30

                              18,722,292.43                     18,722,292.43      22,713,702.97           763,423.76      21,950,279.21
contract assets

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

Inventory goods           558,730,522.53 22,374,449.21         536,356,073.32    746,889,129.82         22,993,564.94   723,895,564.88

Turnover material

biological assets

Consign for
                                                                                    1,231,355.59                           1,231,355.59
processing materials

Total                     646,183,591.59 23,364,671.50         622,818,920.09    838,004,379.90         28,603,650.92   809,400,728.98

(2) Impairment of inventories
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

         Category            Opening balance         Increase                                                       Closing balance
                                                                            Reversal           Written off

Raw materials                     4,846,662.22                                                    3,856,439.93              990,222.29

Construction contract
                                    763,423.76                                                     763,423.76

Inventory goods                  22,993,564.94                                619,115.73                                 22,374,449.21

Turnover material

Consumable biological

Total                            28,603,650.92                   0.00         619,115.73          4,619,863.69           23,364,671.50

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories
                                                                                                           Proportion of reversal of
                        Basis on provision for falling price
          Item                                                          Reasons for reversal              provision for impairment of
                                    of inventories
                                                                                                         inventories to closing balance

                        Realizable net value is lower than
Raw materials
                        cost of inventory

                        Realizable net value is lower than     Effect on write-off of inventory value
Inventory goods         cost of inventory                      was disappeared

Construction contract Realizable net value is lower than
assets                  cost of inventory

                        Realizable net value is lower than
Turnover material
                        cost of inventory

Consumable              Realizable net value is lower than
biological assets       cost of inventory

Notes of inventory: naught

10. Other current assets
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

                      Item                                       Closing balance                               Opening balance

Deferred expense-module                                                         61,849,729.40                                     112,052,669.26

                      Total                                                     61,849,729.40                                     112,052,669.26

Notes of other current assets: naught

11. Available-for-sale financial assets
(1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                         Closing fair value                     Opening fair value

Available-for-sale bonds

Available-for-sale equity instruments                                                    228,144.00                                  284,592.00


Total                                                                                    228,144.00                                  284,592.00

In the reporting period, the Company reclassified the held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial assets, a total of
RMB0.00 was reclassified, which takes 0% of total matured investment before reclassification.
Notes of available-for-sale financial assets: Naught

(2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Initial                                       Interest in the        accounts
                                                                                   Opening                                            Closing
       Item       Category     Book balance investment           Matured date                     reporting       receivable or
                                                                                   balance                                            balance
                                                   cost                                             period             received

Total                 --             --                   0.00        --                 0.00             0.00               0.00           0.00

Notes of long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets:

12. Held-to-maturity investment
(1) Information
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                                   Closing book balance                             Opening book balance


Notes of held-to-maturity investment: Naught

(2) Information of held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period but was not matured
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                      Amount                     Percentage of the investment amount before sales

                 Total                                                                                            --

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

Notes of undue held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period:

13. Long-term accounts receivable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

              Category                               Closing balance               Opening balance

Financing leases

  Including: unrealized financing

Installment sales

Installment offering service



WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012
14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                           tage of
                                                                                                       Voting                                                                          Total
                                     Registrat Legal                                                 percentage                                                                      operation       Net profit of
                        Nature of                              Nature of      Registered        g                                           Total closing        Net closing                                           Name of
 Name of investee                         ion    represen                                              of the      Total closing assets                                           revenue of the the reporting
                       enterprises                              business       capital     shares                                             liabilities           assets                                             investee
                                      place           tative                                          Company                                                                        reporting          period
                                                                                           of the
                                                                                                     in investee                                                                      period

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

Attend Logistics      Limited        Guangzh Ye
                                                               Logistics   10,000,000.00    CNY            20%                     20%      24,663,800.00         7,265,103.69 17,398,696.31         3,877,666.11      254,437.56
Co., Ltd.             company        ou          Weilong

Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting estimations of joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company: naught

15. Long-term equity investment
(1) List of long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                               Explanation for                      Withdrawn
                                                                                                                   Share holding          Voting            indifferences between                   impairment Cash bonus in
                     Accounting             Initial            Opening        Increase/decrea                                                                                         Impairmen
    Investee                                                                                    Closing balance percentage in        percentage in            the share holding                     provision in     the reporting
                       method        investment cost            balance             se                                                                                                t provision
                                                                                                                      investee            investee          percentage and voting                   the reporting       period
                                                                                                                                                            percentage in investee                     period

Logistics Co.,      Equity method         2,000,000.00         3,428,851.75        50,887.51        3,479,739.26              20%                  20%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

                  Cost method        1,000,000.00      1,000,000.00                     1,000,000.00             3.33%        3.33%
Brokers Co.,

People's          Cost method          150,000.00        150,000.00                      150,000.00                                                                                       40,000.00
Shopping Mall

Bank of
                  Cost method        1,100,000.00      1,210,000.00                     1,210,000.00                                                                                     123,405.12

Inner Mongolia
                  Cost method            50,000.00        50,000.00                       50,000.00
Store Co., Ltd.

Midaqi Little                      USD4,224,744.                                                                                                         4,224,744.
                  Cost method                                                                                      51%         51%
Swan Prima                                       00                                                                                                              00

Total                   --           8,524,744.00      5,838,851.75         50,887.51   5,889,739.26        --           --                 --                               0.00        163,405.12

(2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee
                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

  Item that with limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee              Reason for limitation                      Investment losses unrecognized in current period

Notes of long-term equity investment: Naught

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

16. Investment property
(1) Investment property calculated by cost
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                       Decrease in
                                                                                Increase in the                       Closing book
                      Item                          Opening book balance                              the reporting
                                                                               reporting period                         balance
I. Total original book value                                    6,948,011.11                   0.00            0.00       6,948,011.11

1. Houses and buildings                                         6,948,011.11                                              6,948,011.11

2. Land use right

II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization                   1,705,063.63              96,678.75            0.00       1,801,742.38

1. Houses and buildings                                         1,705,063.63              96,678.75                       1,801,742.38

2. Land use right

III. Book value of investment property                          5,242,947.48                   0.00            0.00       5,146,268.73

1. Houses and buildings                                         5,242,947.48                                              5,146,268.73

2. Land use right

IV. Accumulated impairment provision of
                                                                        0.00                   0.00            0.00               0.00
investment property

1. Houses and buildings

2. Land use right

V. Book value of investment property                            5,242,947.48          -96,678.75               0.00       5,146,268.73

1. Houses and buildings                                         5,242,947.48          -96,678.75                          5,146,268.73

2. Land use right

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                  Reporting period

Depreciation and amortization amount                                                                                        96,678.75

Impairment provision of investment property                                                                                       0.00

(2) Investment property calculated by fair value
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of investment property that altered calculated mode and failed to accomplish certification of property, and notes of reason that
the fail accomplish and estimated accomplish date

17. Fixed assets
(1) Fixed assets details
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Opening book                                                    Decrease in the       Closing book
            Item                                       Increase in the reporting period
                                  balance                                                       reporting period        balance
I. Total original book value    1,773,575,819.51                            29,366,021.58             13,583,462.73   1,789,358,378.36

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

Including:     Property     and
                                   815,492,151.98                            7,356,898.48          1,438,375.11    821,410,675.35
Machineries                        845,108,028.64                           15,421,635.66          8,627,346.17    851,902,318.13

Vehicles                            24,790,333.56                            3,090,048.48          1,251,800.08     26,628,581.96
Electronic equipments and
                                    88,185,305.33                            3,497,438.96          2,265,941.37     89,416,802.92

                                  Opening book         Increase in      Withdrawal in         Decrease in the     Closing book
                                    balance          reporting period   reporting period      reporting period      balance

II.                 Accumulated
                                   382,756,933.70                0.00       62,895,617.89          3,293,958.62    442,358,592.97
Including:     Property     and                                  0.00
                                    84,359,978.23                           19,306,934.84            256,824.78    103,410,088.29
Machineries                        246,699,298.80                0.00       33,273,273.14          1,406,048.09    278,566,523.85

Vehicles                              8,232,096.48               0.00        1,847,653.44            760,218.25       9,319,531.67
Electronic equipments and                                        0.00
                                    43,465,560.19                            8,467,756.47            870,867.50     51,062,449.16

                                  Opening book                                                                    Closing book
               --                                                               --
                                    balance                                                                          balance
III. The net book value of
                                  1,390,818,885.81                              --                                1,346,999,785.39
fixed assets
Including:     Property     and
                                   731,132,173.75                               --                                 718,000,587.06
Machineries                        598,408,729.84                               --                                 573,335,794.28

Vehicles                            16,558,237.08                               --                                  17,309,050.29

Other equipment                     44,719,745.14                               --                                  38,354,353.76
IV.    Total         impairment
                                    25,486,225.48                               --                                  18,032,747.62
Including: Property and
                                    14,229,192.09                               --                                  14,229,192.09
Machineries                           8,017,255.22                              --                                    2,008,782.39

Vehicles                               400,745.04                               --                                               -
Electronic equipments and
                                      2,839,033.13                              --                                    1,794,773.14
V. Total book value of fixed
                                  1,365,332,660.33                              --                                1,328,967,037.77
Including:     Property     and
                                   716,902,981.66                               --                                 703,771,394.97
Machineries                        590,391,474.62                               --                                 571,327,011.89

Vehicles                            16,157,492.04                               --                                  17,309,050.29
Electronic equipments and
                                    41,880,712.01                               --                                  36,559,580.62
Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB62,895,617.892; original value of RMB0.000 was transferred into fixed assets
from construction project.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                         Accrued               Impairment
         Item                Original book value                                                  Net book value                Note
                                                       depreciation             provision
Property               and
Machineries                                                                                                        0.00

Vehicles                                                                                                           0.00

(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(4) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Information of hold-for-sale fixed assets at period-end
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                        Book value                  Fair value         Estimated disposal cost      Estimated settle date

(6) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property
                        Item                                          Reason                            Estimated accomplish date

Notes of fixed assets:
18. Construction in progress
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                      Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                Item                                    Impairment                                         Impairment
                                      Book balance                        Book value     Book balance                         Book value
                                                         provision                                          provision
Sewage reform project                  1,138,000.00                       1,138,000.00                                                  0.00

Basic construction of
                                       3,816,600.00                       3,816,600.00
industrial park

Total                                  4,954,600.00              0.00     4,954,600.00             0.00               0.00

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                    INTERIM REPORT 2012

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
              Ope       Transfer                                              Including:                      Source
Name                             Other Project input Project Capitalizatio                   Capitalization
        Budge ning Incr red to                                             capitalization of                    of   Closing
  of                             decrea percentage of proces     n of                        of interest rate
          t   bala ease fixed                                                interest this                    fundin balance
project                            se      budget        s     interest                            (%)
              nce        assets                                                 period                          g

Total      0.00 0.00 0.00         0.00   0.00          --            --              0.00                0.00          --            --        0.00

Notes of changes in construction in progress:

(3) Impairment provision of construction in progress
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                   Increase in the          Decrease in the                                     Reason for
         Item              Opening amount                                                             Closing balance
                                                  reporting period          reporting period                                    withdrawal

Total                                    0.00                   0.00                         0.00                  0.00                   --

(4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress
                    Item                                     Project process                                            Note

(5) Notes of construction in progress
19. Engineering materials
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                           Increase in the      Decrease in the
                   Item                         Opening balance                                                             Closing balance
                                                                          reporting period      reporting period

Total                                                                                  0.00                     0.00

Notes of engineering materials:

20. Clearance of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                Reason for transferring to
                  Item                          Opening book value              Closing book value

Total                                                                                                                          --

Notes of clearance process of fixed assets with a clearance term of over 1 year since the transfer into fixed assets:

21. Productive biological assets
(1) Calculated by cost
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Calculated by fair value
□Applicable √Inapplicable

22. Oil and gas assets
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                Opening book                                               Closing book
                        Item                                       Increase           Decrease
                                                balance                                                    balance
I. Total original book value

1. Property rights of proved mining area

2. Property rights of unproved mining area

3. Well and relevant facilities

II. Total accumulated depreciation

1. Property rights of proved mining area

2. Well and relevant facilities a
III. Total accumulated oil and gas assets
1. Property rights of proved mining area

2. Property rights of unproved mining area

3. Well and relevant facilities

IV. Total book value of oil and gas assets

1. Property rights of proved mining area

2. Property rights of unproved mining area

3. Well and relevant facilities

Notes of oil and gas assets: Naught

23. Intangible assets
(1) Information
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Increase in the      Decrease in the
                 Item                 Opening balance                                                      Closing balance
                                                               reporting period      reporting period
I. Total original book value                 347,534,249.75                   0.00                  0.00       347,534,249.75

Land use right                               343,859,928.19                                                    343,859,928.19

Non-patent technology                          1,992,000.00                                                       1,992,000.00

Software, etc.                                 1,682,321.56                                                       1,682,321.56

II. Accumulative amortization                 30,674,233.67          3,894,350.32                   0.00         34,568,583.99

Land use right                                27,720,807.36          3,628,263.76                                31,349,071.12

Non-patent technology                          1,842,600.00            116,678.82                                 1,959,278.82

Software, etc.                                 1,110,826.31            149,407.74                                 1,260,234.05
III. Total net book value of
                                             316,860,016.08                   0.00                  0.00       312,965,665.76
intangible assets
Land use right                               316,139,120.83                                                    312,510,857.07

Non-patent technology                           149,400.00                                                          32,721.18

Software, etc.                                  571,495.25                                                         422,087.51

IV. Total impairment provision                         0.00                   0.00                  0.00                  0.00

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

Land use right

Non-patent technology

Software, etc.
Total book value of intangible
                                             316,860,016.08                      0.00                       0.00          312,965,665.76
Land use right                               316,139,120.83                                                               312,510,857.07

Non-patent technology                            149,400.00                                                                     32,721.18

Software, etc.                                   571,495.25                                                                    422,087.51

Amortization was of RMB 3,894,350.32 in the reporting period.

(2) Company development expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
          Item          Opening balance              Increase           Recognized into          Recognized as          Closing balance
                                                                       current gains/losses     intangible assets

Development expense percentage of total expenditure of R&D projects in the reporting period.
Percentage intangible assets arising from inner R&D of the Company of closing book value of intangible assets.
Notes of R&D projects of the Company, those that includes individual value of more than RMB 1 million and recognized with a
basis of assessed value, please disclose name of evaluation authority and method of evaluation:

(3) Information of intangible assets that failed to accomplish certification of property
24. Goodwill
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of investee        or   event    that                       Increase in the Decrease in the
                                             Opening balance                                      Closing balance          provision at
generated goodwill                                              reporting period reporting period


Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:

25. Long-term amortization expense
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                Amortization                                             Reason for other
        Item        Opening balance           Increase                           Other decrease      Closing balance
                                                                  balance                                                   decrease
Module                 46,671,803.43          7,505,530.91       15,684,547.28                         38,492,787.06

IT consultant
                        4,762,160.26           546,248.46         1,327,647.15                           3,980,761.57

Improvement of
                        1,320,894.74                                674,039.17                             646,855.57
lease expense

Total                  52,754,858.43          8,051,779.37       17,686,233.60                         43,120,404.20            --

Notes of long-term amortization expense: Naught

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

26. Deferred tax assets and liabilities
(1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are listed as the net value after offset
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Notes of deferred income tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                        Deductible or
                                             Deferred income       Deductible or taxable     Deferred income
                                                                                                                   taxable temporary
                                            assets or liabilities temporary differences assets or liabilities as
                    Item                                                                                           differences as at the
                                              as at the end of        as at the end of      at the beginning of
                                                                                                                        beginning of
                                             reporting period        reporting period        reporting period
                                                                                                                    reporting period

Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                  12,438,451.21             82,923,008.02          13,848,685.40            92,267,684.65

Formation expenses

Deductible losses

Remuneration and dismiss expense                  6,813,459.43             45,423,062.89           7,208,346.05            48,055,640.35

Withdrawal expense                               58,996,687.65            393,311,250.98          75,474,152.06          503,161,013.70

Internal unrealized profit                        3,875,419.53             25,836,130.22           3,653,800.80            24,358,671.97

Estimated liabilities                             2,912,796.06             19,418,640.40           3,022,895.56            20,152,637.08

Deferred income (government subsidy)                  243,510.00            1,623,400.00             236,730.00             1,578,200.00

Investment differences                            1,317,443.38              8,782,955.88           1,317,443.38             8,782,955.88

Subtotal                                         86,597,767.26            577,318,448.40         104,762,053.25          698,356,803.63

Deferred income tax liabilities:

Estimated value of trading financial
instruments, derivative financial                                                                    643,845.00             4,292,300.00

Fair value changes on available-for-sale
financial assets that recognized into                  19,176.60              127,844.00               27,643.80             184,292.00
capital reserves

Subtotal                                               19,176.60              127,844.00             671,488.80             4,476,592.00

List of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                                            Counter off-set amount in reporting period

Notes of deferred income tax assets and liabilities

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

27. List of provision for assets impairment
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                       Opening book                                   Decrease                   Closing book
                Item                                    Increase
                                         balance                           Reversal          Written off           balance

I. Provision for bad debt               53,785,669.15   3,378,437.93                                30,640.00     57,133,467.08
II. Provision for inventory falling
                                        28,603,650.92              0.00      619,115.73           4,619,863.69    23,364,671.50
III. Impairment provision of
available-for-sale financial assets
IV. Impairment provision of
held-to-maturity investment
V. Impairment provision of
                                         4,224,744.00              0.00                                            4,224,744.00
long-term equity investment
VI. Impairment provision of
                                                 0.00              0.00                                                    0.00
investment property
VII. Impairment provision of fixed
                                        25,486,225.48                                             7,453,477.86    18,032,747.62
VIII. Impairment provision of
engineering materials
IX. Impairment provision of
                                                 0.00              0.00                                                    0.00
construction in progress
X. Impairment provision of
productive biological assets
     Including: mature productive
biological assets
XI. Impairment provision of oil gas
XII. Impairment provision of
                                                 0.00              0.00                                                    0.00
intangible assets
XIII. Impairment provision of
XIV. Others

Total                                  112,100,289.55   3,378,437.93         619,115.73          12,103,981.55 102,755,630.20

Notes of the list of assets impairment: Naught

28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                              Closing balance                           Opening balance


Notes of other non-current assets: Naught

29. Short-term loan
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Category                             Closing balance                           Opening balance
Pledge loan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

Mortgage loan                                                                                                        6,961,486.36

Guarantee loan

Credit loan

Total                                                                                                                6,961,486.36

Notes of category of short-term loan:

(2) List of unsettled mature short-term loan
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Reason for
  Name of creditor       Amount of loan    Rate of loan          Usage                                     Estimated settle date

Total                                           --                 --                        --                     --
RMB000 was paid back after the Balance Sheet Date.
Notes of short-term loan, for those gaining extended term, notes term of extension and new maturity day:

30. Trading financial liabilities
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Item                                       Closing fair value          Opening fair value
Public trading bonds
Financial liabilities designed to recognized with a basis on fair value
and with its changes recognized into current gains and losses
Derivative financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities


Notes of trading financial liabilities:

31. Notes payable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
Trade acceptance bill

Bank acceptance bill                                                      1,131,522,411.92                       1,539,319,483.44

Total                                                                     1,131,522,411.92                       1,539,319,483.44

RMB58,277.94 will be due in next fiscal period.
Notes of notes payable: bank acceptance bill provided guarantee of RMB132.498 million.

32. Accounts payable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                             1,939,294,485.47                       2,732,569,705.52

1 years to 2 years                                                          42,552,916.42                           39,885,209.61

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

2 years to 3 years                                                            16,108,656.10                            18,043,425.86

3 years to 5 years                                                            16,027,471.91                            17,016,288.79

Over 5 years                                                                   9,610,082.58                             7,973,541.60

Total                                                                   2,023,593,612.48                            2,815,488,171.38

(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year:

33. Advance from customers
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
Receive in advance                                                            358,450,431.48                          485,754,049.80

Total                                                                         358,450,431.48                          485,754,049.80

(2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year:

34. Payroll payable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
        Item            Opening book balance             Increase                       Decrease               Closing book balance
I. Salary, bonus,
                                  60,888,997.15              137,431,653.51                   167,703,891.43           30,616,759.23
allowance, subsidy
II. Employee welfare               3,865,587.77               11,169,785.93                    11,724,494.95            3,310,878.75

III. Social insurance              8,645,065.78               45,292,050.67                    48,438,294.91            5,498,821.54

IV. Housing fund                   5,347,178.36               12,426,867.24                    12,024,366.48            5,749,679.12
V. Redemption for
terminations of labor             52,792,171.57                1,704,574.88                     6,259,492.58           48,237,253.87
VI. Others                         3,941,653.63                1,812,289.28                     1,855,587.00            3,898,355.91

Total                            135,480,654.26              209,837,221.51                   248,006,127.35           97,311,748.42

RMB 0.00 is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.
The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB 1,812,289.28, and the non-monetary benefits are RMB0.00, as well
as the compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 1,704,574.88.
The estimated distribution date and amount as well as other arrangements for payroll payable: Naught

35. Taxes payable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Item                                      Closing balance                        Opening balance
Value-added tax                                                                   -82,113,500.81                      -75,048,177.29

Consumption tax

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

Business tax                                                                       1,930,713.13                        2,013,293.60

Corporate income tax                                                              17,177,485.73                       63,401,496.70

Personal income tax                                                                7,184,136.99                         281,459.64

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                              710,358.80                         1,998,223.92

Property tax                                                                       1,223,856.82                        1,897,977.50

Land use tax                                                                        253,595.93                         1,959,774.34

Stamp tax                                                                                                               721,059.67

Education surtax                                                                    537,120.95                         1,372,998.32

Other                                                                              3,584,044.00                        2,865,776.81

Total                                                                            -49,512,188.46                        1,463,883.21

Notes of taxes payable: for the taxable income of branch companies and factories approved to be inter-adjusted by their local tax
authorities, the Company shall specified their calculation procedure. Naught

36. Interest payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                                   Closing balance                      Opening balance
Interest payable on long-term borrowings that interest
was paid by stages and principle was repay upon due
Interest of corporate bond

Interest payable on short-term borrowings


Notes: Naught

37. Dividends payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                  Reason for unsettlement over 1
          Name of company                   Closing balance             Opening balance
Other corporate shareholder with
                                                    3,710,206.21                   2,838,070.21 Unpaid
trading moratorium

Total                                               3,710,206.21                   2,838,070.21                 --


38. Other accounts payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                     Closing balance                          Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                                  140,513,192.15                        128,170,235.14

1 years to 2 years                                                               7,341,587.24                         22,787,614.91

2 years to 3 years                                                               7,787,825.31                          8,593,080.06

3 years to 5 years                                                               3,433,580.75                          2,291,622.53

Over 5 years                                                                     2,499,873.27                          3,562,718.52

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

Total                                                                  161,576,058.72                      165,405,271.16

(2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Name of entity                       Closing balance                          Opening balance
Guangdong Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                             390,636.00                           390,636.00

Total                                                                     390,636.00                           390,636.00

(3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year

(4) Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount

39. Estimated liabilities
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
           Item                 Opening balance       Increase                 Decrease               Closing balance
     External offering
     Unsettled lawsuit

 Product quality guarantee           18,953,235.00                                                          19,034,176.39
     Responsibility of
    Dismissal welfare
    Loss contract to be
           Other                      1,199,402.08                                                             384,464.01

           Total                     20,152,637.08               0.00                     0.00              19,418,640.40


The washing machines produced by subsidiary of the company, Wuxi Little Swan General Electric Co., Ltd., are
mainly sold to the United States and other foreign markets. Overseas sale of these washing machines involves the
two kinds of risks:1) The insurance company may only afford an insufficient compensation when the quality
problems take place, and 2) there is a risk of liability for damages when the failure rate is higher than FCR
stipulated in the contract with General Electric Company. As of 30 Jun. 2012, the company has a risk loss of RMB
19,034,200 for the sold products.

40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
Long-term loan due within 1 year

Bonds payable due within 1 year

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year


(2) Long-term loan due within 1 year
Long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance
Pledge loan

Mortgage loan

Guarantee loan

Credit loan


RMB000 of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                   Closing balance                Opening balance
                  Starting                                                     Foreign                          Foreign
  Creditor                     Ending date     Currency       Rate (%)                           RMB                             RMB
                    date                                                       currency                         currency
                                                                                                balance                         balance
                                                                               balance                          balance

Total                --             --              --             --              --                              --

Mature loan of long-term loan due within 1 year:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                      Reason for        Estimated settle
     Creditor        Amount of loan      Overdue date      Annual rate (%)              Usage
                                                                                                     unsettlement            date

Total                                          --                  --                    --                --                    --
RMB000 was paid back after Balance Sheet Date:
Notes of long-term borrowings due within 1 year:

(3)Bonds payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Accrued Interest paid
                                                                        Opening                                   Closing
                              Issuance                   Issuing                    interest in   in the                         Closing
   Name         Par value                    Term                       interest                                  interest
                                date                     amount                       current   reporting                        balance
                                                                        payable                                   payable
                                                                                      period     period


(4) Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

     Creditor               Term               Initial amount        Rate (%)             Accrued interest       Closing balance           Conditions

Notes of long-term accounts payable due within 1 year:

41. Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                        Closing book balance                               Opening book balance
Deferred income                                                                           7,318,250.00                                       6,621,250.00

Total                                                                                     7,318,250.00                                       6,621,250.00

Notes: Naught

42. Long-term loan
(1)Category of long-term loan
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                          Closing balance                                      Opening balance

Pledge loan

Mortgage loan

Guarantee loan

Credit loan

(2)The top five long-term loans
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                            Closing balance                     Opening balance
                  Starting                                                                Foreign                             Foreign
  Creditor                     Ending date           Currency        Rate (%)                                RMB                               RMB
                    date                                                              currency                                currency
                                                                                                             amount                           amount
                                                                                          amount                              amount

Total                --                   --             --               --                 --                                  --

Notes of long-term loan: for the long-term loans arising from mature loans with extended term, the Company shall explain the
conditions of extension, principal, interest, expected repayment arrangement:

43. Bonds payable
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                              Interest paid
                                                                               Opening            Closing                       Closing
                              Issuance                          Issuing                                          in the
   Name         Par value                         Term                         interest           interest                      interest        Name
                                   date                         amount                                         reporting
                                                                               payable            payable                       payable

Notes of bonds payable, including the conditions and date of conversion of the convertible corporate bonds: inapplicable

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

44. Long-term payable
(1) The top five long-term payable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                            Conditions of
    Company                Term           Initial amount         Rate (%)         Accrued interest   Closing balance

(2) List of the financing lease payable under the long-term loan
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                            Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                                             Foreign currency                  RMB               Foreign currency             RMB


RMB000 was guarantee for the Company’s financing lease provided by the independent third party.
Notes of the long-term payable: Naught

45. Specific payable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                              Decrease in
                                                           Increase in
               Item                  Opening balance                           reporting    Closing balance                 Note
                                                       reporting period

               Total                                                                                                         --

Notes of specific payable: Naught

46. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Item                                  Closing book balance                        Opening book balance

Deferred income                                                                   7,318,250.00                                6,621,250.00

Total                                                                             7,318,250.00                                6,621,250.00

Notes of other non-current liabilities, including each government grants relevant to assets and income received in the reporting period
and their closing amounts: RMB1,012,600.00.

47. Share capital
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                       Opening                                           Capitalization                                           Closing
                                     Issuing new
                       balance                      Bonus shares           of public        Other            Subtotal             balance
Total shares           632,487,764                                                                     0                0         632,487,764

Notes of changes in share capital, for those action of increasing capital or decreasing capital in the reporting period, the Company
shall disclose the name of the accounting firm executing the capital verification and document number of the capital verification

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

report; for joint-stock companies running for less than three years, only the net assets shall be specified for particulars before
establishment; while for case of totally changing the limited liability companies into joint-stock companies, capital verification on the
establishment shall be specified:

48. Treasury stock
Notes of treasury stock:

49. Special reserves
Notes of special reserves:

50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                Opening balance           Increase                    Decrease                   Closing balance

Capital premium (share
                                          1,055,182,718.57                                                              1,055,182,718.57
capital premium)

Other capital reserves

Capital reserves transferred
                                              39,179,385.00                                                                39,179,385.00
from original system

Gains and losses from fair value
                                                156,648.20                                            47,980.80                  108,667.40

Equity investment preparation                  1,638,562.74                                                                 1,638,562.74

Total                                     1,096,157,314.51                         0.00               47,980.80         1,096,109,333.71
51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

               Item                 Opening balance           Increase                    Decrease                   Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves                   249,433,912.28                                                               249,433,912.28

Discretional surplus reserves

Reserve fund

Enterprise development funds


Total                                        249,433,912.28                        0.00                       0.00        249,433,912.28

Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed as dividends, relevant
resolutions shall be explained:

52. Provision for general risk
Notes of provision for general risk:

53. Retained profits
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                              Withdrawal or distributed
                       Item                                               Amount
Opening balance of retained profits before                                                 1,465,610,508.78                 --

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

Adjustments of opening balance of retained
profits (“+” means add, “-” means reduce)

Opening balance of retained profits after
                                                                                           1,555,341,091.53             --

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                            216,228,135.55              --

Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves

Withdrawal of discretional surplus reserves

Withdrawal of provision for general risk

Dividend of common stock payable                                                            126,497,552.80

Dividend of common stock converted into
share capital

Closing retained profits                                                                   1,555,341,091.53             --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.
Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according to the resolutions
made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain clearly; if the accumulated profits were
distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original shareholders according to the resolutions made at the shareholders’
general meeting, the Company shall clearly disclose the audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original shareholders:

54. Revenue and Cost of Sales
(1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                Reporting period                         Same period of last year

Sales of main business                                                  2,805,116,121.47                             5,899,254,923.62

Other operating income                                                   296,212,609.67                               848,259,198.91

Cost of sales                                                           2,453,880,581.19                             5,611,799,841.30

(2)Main business (Classified by industry)
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                Industry                             Reporting period                              Same period of last year

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                      Revenue of sales          Costs of sales       Revenue of sales         Costs of sales

Home appliances                         2,805,116,121.47          2,213,791,209.14     5,899,254,923.62        4,821,212,065.16

Total                                   2,805,116,121.47          2,213,791,209.14     5,899,254,923.62        4,821,212,065.16

(3)Main business (Classified by product)
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                      Revenue of sales          Costs of sales       Revenue of sales         Costs of sales

Washing machine                         2,805,116,121.47          2,213,791,209.14     5,899,254,923.62        4,821,212,065.16

Total                                   2,805,116,121.47          2,213,791,209.14     5,899,254,923.62        4,821,212,065.16

(4) Main business (Classified by area)
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Reporting period                         Same period of last year
                                      Revenue of sales          Costs of sales       Revenue of sales         Costs of sales

Domestic market                         1,744,614,729.04          1,185,059,471.28     4,832,628,273.73        3,764,076,508.18

Overseas market                         1,060,501,392.43          1,028,731,737.86     1,066,626,649.89        1,057,135,556.98

Total                                   2,805,116,121.47          2,213,791,209.14     5,899,254,923.62        4,821,212,065.16

(5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                Customer                   Main business revenue                 Proportion of total business revenue (%)

MideaElectricTrading (Singapore)
                                                           585,119,029.41                                                   18.87%
Co. Pte. Ltd.

Guizhou Midea Refrigeration
                                                            76,018,704.94                                                   2.45%
Product Marketing Co., Ltd.

Kronen Internacional S.A.                                   57,696,354.34                                                   1.86%

Wuhan Midea Refrigeration
                                                            49,641,146.79                                                    1.6%
Product Marketing Co., Ltd.

Hunan Midea Refrigeration
                                                            49,422,775.51                                                   1.59%
Product Marketing Co., Ltd.

Total                                                      817,898,010.99                                                   26.37%


55. Revenue from the construction contracts
□ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Notes of revenue from the construction contracts:

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

56. Business tax and surtax
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                        Reporting period       Same period of last year   Calculation and payment standard

Consumption tax

Business tax                                             451,411.83                   6,375.00

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                       8,913,533.50              9,630,579.72

Education surtax                                       6,366,809.66              5,923,722.68

Resources tax

Other                                                                              247,756.68

Total                                                 15,731,754.99             15,808,434.08                   --

Notes: Naught

57. Gains and losses from changes in fair value
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Source                                  Reporting period                   Same period of last year

Trading financial assets                                                        -4,292,300.00                         11,689,065.84

Including: gains from the changes in fair value of
derivative financial instruments

Trading financial liabilities

Investment property calculated in fair value

Other                                                                                     0.00                                  0.00

Total                                                                           -4,292,300.00                         11,689,065.84


58. Investment income
(1) List of investment income
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                                   Reporting period                   Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                                   163,405.12                             30,000.00
cost method

Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                                     50,887.51                        -1,078,070.63
equity method

Investment income arising from disposal of
long-term equity investments

Investment income received from holding of trading
                                                                                 4,848,500.00                         12,149,078.24
financial assets

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                          INTERIM REPORT 2012

Investment income received from holding of
held-to-maturity investments

Investment income received from holding of
available-for-sale financial assets

Investment income received from disposal of
trading financial assets

Investment income received from holding of
held-to-maturity investments

Investment income received from available-for-sale
financial assets


Total                                                                            5,062,792.63                        29,611,899.97

(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                         Same period of last
           Name of investee                  Reporting period                                    Reason for increase/decrease

Suzhou People's Shopping Mall                              40,000.00                30,000.00

Bank of Jiangsu                                           123,405.12

Total                                                     163,405.12                30,000.00                  --

(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                         Same period of last
           Name of investee                  Reporting period                                    Reason for increase/decrease

Attend Logistics Co., Ltd.                                 50,887.51              -158,936.44

BSW Household Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                -919,134.19

Total                                                      50,887.51            -1,078,070.63                  --

Notes of investment income: make notes if there is significant limitation for recovery of investment income. If there isn’t the said
limitation, notes too: Naught

59. Impairment losses
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                      Reporting period             Same period of last year

I. Bad debts losses                                                               3,378,437.94                        6,432,722.94

II. Inventory falling price losses                                                 -619,115.73                         -900,755.61

III. Impairment losses of available-for-sale financial

IV. Impairment losses of held-to-maturity of investment

V. Impairment losses of long-term equity investment

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                         INTERIM REPORT 2012

VI. Impairment losses of investment property

VII. Impairment losses of fixed assets

VIII. Impairment losses of engineering materials

IX. Impairment loss of construction in progress

X. Impairment losses of productive biological assets

XI. Impairment losses of oil and gas assets

XII. Impairment losses of intangible assets

XIII. Impairment losses of goodwill

XIV. Other

Total                                                                             2,759,322.21                     5,531,967.33

60. Non-operating gains
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                                 Reporting period             Same period of last year

Total gains from disposal of non-current assets                                   8,366,649.38                    15,741,216.89

Including:Gains from disposal of fixed assets                                    8,366,649.38                    15,741,216.89

        Gains from disposal of intangible assets

Gains from debt reconstruction

Gains from non-monetary assets exchange

Acceptance of donations

Government grants                                                                 4,578,571.99                    16,731,627.64

Penalty income                                                                    3,752,149.92                     1,504,773.46

Other                                                                             2,363,356.14                     1,836,182.83

Total                                                                           19,060,727.43                     35,813,800.82

(2) List of government grants
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Item                     Reporting period          Same period of last year              Note

Special funds on business

VAT refund upon collection                             902,394.27              10,143,935.44

Rewards from the foreign trade and
economic development project                           640,000.00                 400,000.00

Subsidies for investment on Midea
Washing Machine Industrial Park

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

Rewards for municipal technology
center of enterprise

Rewards for outstanding enterprise
in high-tech industry

Subsidies for overseas investment                                       90,000.00

Subsidies for large taxpayer                                            40,000.00

Rewards for production expansion
of foreign-trading enterprise

Relocation subsidies                                                    25,200.00

Patent subsidies from Science &
Technology Bureau

Subsidy on export letter of credit                 353,200.00

Subsidy          on         technology
development plan project

Subsidy          on         developing
international     famous    brand    of            200,000.00
Jiangsu Province

Special      funds     on    attracting

Subsidies for AICA of export

Rewards on patent by Science

Reward for Commending Excellent
Enterprises 2011 by Economic and                    50,000.00
Trade Bureau

Financial subsidy on the Top Ten
Software Corporations of Wuxi

Other                                               75,077.72          254,352.20

Total                                             4,578,571.99      16,731,627.64                 --


61. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                             Reporting period          Same period of last year

Loss on disposal of non-current assets

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                   816,841.83                  2,017,512.26

          Loss on disposal of intangible assets

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

Loss on debt reconstruction

Loss on exchange of non-monetary assets

External donation expense

Losses on disposal of fixed assets                                                           8,686.22

Penalty expense                                                                             75,975.18                              2,044.73

Compensation expense

Donation expense                                                                                                                  50,000.00

Local fees (flood prevention and security funds etc.)                                  1,989,888.75                           4,648,031.79

Other                                                                                    796,055.14                           1,815,364.11

Total                                                                                  3,687,447.12                           8,532,952.89


62. Income tax expense
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                        Reporting period                   Same period of last year

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
                                                                                      16,508,665.99                        104,460,824.48

Adjustment of income tax                                                              17,520,440.96                        -20,025,431.82

Total                                                                                 34,029,106.95                         84,435,392.66

63. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
Profit in reporting period                       Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                    Basic EPS       Deluted EPS      Weighted     Basic EPS       Deluted EPS          Weighted
                                                                    Average ROE                                       Average ROE

Net profit attributable to             0.34              0.34           6.09%        0.44               0.44              8.77%

common shareholders of
the Company (I)

Net profit attributable to             0.32              0.32           5.71%        0.41               0.41              8.02%

common shareholders of
the Company after
deduction of
non-recurring profit and
loss (II)

                                                                                                                      Same period of last
                             Item                                 No.                    Reporting period

 Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
 Company(NP)                                                                                216,228,135.55              280,338,482.78

 Non-recurring gains and losses of net profit attributable to
 common shareholders of the Company after deducting                                          13,622,676.81               23,930,045.58

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                 INTERIM REPORT 2012

 influence on income tax

 Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
 Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses                          202,605,458.74    256,408,437.20

 Total shares as at 30 Jun. 2012                          4
                                                                                 632,487,764.00    632,487,764.00

 Additional shares increased due to capital reserves
 converted to shares or distribution of dividends, etc.   5
                                                                                       -                 -
 in reporting period

 Additional shares due to issuance of new share or
 debts converted into shares, etc. in reporting period                                 -                 -

 The number of months from the next month when
 increasing shares due to issuance of new share or        7
                                                                                       -                 -
 debts converted into shares, etc.

 Reduced shares due to buy-back business etc. in
 reporting period                                                                      -                 -

 The number of months from the next month when
 reducing shares                                                                       -                 -

 Number of shares reduced in reporting period             10
                                                                                       -                 -

 Number of months in reporting period                     11
                                                                                      6.00              6.00

 Weighted average of common shares issued                 12=4+5+6×7÷11-8×9
 outside(Ⅰ)                                              ÷11-10                632,487,764.00    632,487,764.00

 Weighted average of common shares issued outside
 adjusted for merger under common control(Ⅱ)                                    632,487,764.00    632,487,764.00

 Basic earnings per share(Ⅰ)                             14=1÷13
                                                                                      0.34              0.44

 Basic earnings per share(Ⅱ)                             15=3÷12
                                                                                      0.32              0.41

 Diluting potential common share interests recognized
 as expenses                                                                           -                 -

 Income tax rate                                          17                                 15%                15%

 Transformation expense                                   18
                                                                                       -                 -

 Amount of shares increased by transforming or
 exercising of company bond, subscription certificate,    19
                                                                                       -                 -
 or share option

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                          INTERIM REPORT 2012

 Diluted EPS(Ⅰ)
                                                               ]÷(13+19)                        0.34                       0.44

 Diluted EPS(Ⅱ)
                                                               ]÷(12+19)                        0.32                       0.41

64. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                        Reporting        Same period of
                                                                                                         period             last year

1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                                              -56,448.00            9,408.00

Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale financial assets                            -8,467.20            1,411.20

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other
comprehensive income in prior period

                                              Subtotal                                                    -47,980.80            7,996.80

2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity method

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in the investee entities’ other
comprehensive income as per equity method

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other
comprehensive income in prior period

                                              Subtotal                                                            0.00                  0.00

3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument

Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging instrument

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other
comprehensive income in prior period

The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition amount of arbitrage project

                                              Subtotal                                                            0.00                  0.00

4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                                              119,668.34         -754,385.29

Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that recognized into current profit and loss

                                              Subtotal                                                    119,668.34         -754,385.29

5. Other

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that included into other comprehensive

Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recognized into other
comprehensive income in prior period

                                              Subtotal                                                            0.00                  0.00

                                               Total                                                       71,687.54         -746,388.49

Notes: Naught


65. Notes of Cash Flow Statement
(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                               Amount

Penalty income                                                                       3,752,149.92

Subsidy on income, etc.                                                              3,676,177.72

Interest income from normal bank deposit                                            34,084,424.15

Actual rent received from operating lease                                             688,729.60

Other cash income from non-operation                                                11,480,058.50

                                   Total                                            53,681,539.89


(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                               Amount

Sales expense paid in reporting period                                             251,648,858.50

Administration expense paid in reporting period                                     59,672,804.27

Handling charges for financial expense in reporting period                           1,441,800.51

Other                                                                                4,165,394.98

                                   Total                                           316,928,858.26


(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                               Amount



(4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                               Amount



WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

(5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                          Amount

Note to other cash receipts relating to financing activities

(6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                                          Amount

Note to other cash payments relating to financial activities:
66. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement
(1) Appendix of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                   Amount of this      Amount of last
                                                                      period             period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
                                                                         --                   --
operating activities
Net profit                                                           234,142,192.35        333,304,792.64
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                 2,759,322.21         5,531,967.33
Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive
                                                                      62,992,296.64         49,139,540.41
biological assets
Amortization of intangible assets                                       3,894,350.32         3,080,816.34
Amortization of long-term deferred expense                            17,686,233.60         22,566,793.19
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible
assets and other                                                       -7,549,807.55       -13,723,704.63
long-term assets (gains: negative)
Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains: negative)
Financial cost (gains: negative)                                        4,292,300.00       -11,689,065.84
Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                             425,127.33
Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)               -5,062,792.63       -29,611,899.97
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease: negative)      18,164,285.98        -18,482,204.81

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                                           -643,845.00           1,075,074.65
Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (gains:
                                                                               191,820,788.31         132,708,678.56
Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative)        1,659,302,504.82        -2,709,576,003.39
Other                                                                     -1,272,360,218.32         1,726,249,260.57
Net cash flows generated from operating activities
II. Investing and financing activities that do not involving
                                                                               909,437,610.73        -509,000,827.63
cash receipts and payment:
  Conversion of debt into capital                                                 --                        --
  Convertible bond due within one year
  Fixed assets financed by finance leases
III. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents
  Closing balance of cash                                                         --                        --
  Less: Opening balance of cash                                            2,987,581,854.36
  Closing balance of cash equivalents                                      1,440,179,977.23         2,119,023,194.93
  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    707,928,551.79        -678,843,217.70
(2)Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiary and other business units in the reporting period
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Supplementary Information                       Amount of this period        Amount of last period
I. Information about acquisition of subsidiaries and other
                                                                          --                           --
business units:
1. Price of the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
2. Cash and cash equivalents paid for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries
and other business units
3. Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other
business units
Net assets from the acquisition of subsidiaries                                        0.00                      0.00
     Current assets
     Non-current assets
     Current liabilities
     None current liabilities

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

II. Information about disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                             --                          --
business units
1. Price of the disposal of subsidiaries and other business
2. Cash and cash equivalents received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries
and other business units
3. Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units
4. Net assets from the disposal of subsidiaries                                         0.00                        0.00
       Current assets
       Non-current assets
       Current liabilities
       None current liabilities
(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                             Closing amount                   Opening amount
I. Cash                                                             2,987,581,854.36                 1,440,179,977.23
Including: cash in hand                                                   210,062.94                          184,735.57
       Bank deposit can be used for payment at any
                                                                    2,987,371,791.42                 2,279,468,567.00
     Other monetary funds can be used for payment
at any time
    Deposits in central bank can be used for
       Deposits in other banks
       Call loans to banks
II. Cash equivalents
Including: bond investments due within three
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                   2,987,581,854.36                 2,279,653,302.57
Note to Supplementary Information of Cash Flow Statement

67. Note to changes in owners’ equity
Explain the “Other” items to be adjusted at the end of the first half year and the adjusted amount; the retroactive
adjustment due to consolidation of enterprises under the same control:

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                          INTERIM REPORT 2012

(VIII) Accounting treatment of asset securitization business
1. Main transaction arrangements, accounting treatments and bankruptcy remoteness terms of asset
2. Special purpose entities that the company doesn’t own but bears the risks
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                Total assets at Total liabilities Net assets at   Operating
                                                                                 Net profits of
    Name          the end of at the end of        the end of      revenue of                    Remark
                                                                                 current period
                    period      period            period          current period

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

(Ⅸ)Relationship and Related Party Transactions
1. Particulars about the parent company:
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                       Proportions Proportions
                                                                                                                        of parent   of parent
Name of                                                                                                                company’s company’s
                     Enterprise                        Legal                                                                                    controller Organization
 parent Relationship            Registration place                Business nature     Registered capital     Currency shareholding voting
                     nature                        representative                                                                                 of the      code
company                                                                                                                   to the   right to the
                                                                                                                        company     company
                                                                                                                           (%)         (%)
                                                            Manufacture and
                                                            sales of
                                                            commercial air
                      Joint                                 conditioners,
Midea     Parent                                                                                                                                He
                      stock   Foshan, Guangdong Fang Hongbo refrigerators                3,384,347,650.00 CNY              40.08%      40.08%             19033709-2
Holding company                                                                                                                                 Xiangjian
                      company                               washing-machines
Co., Ltd.
                                                            and compressors,
                                                            after-sale service
                                                            of productions
Note of the parent company:

2. Particulars about the subsidiaries:
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                        Shareholding Voting right
                                             Enterprise Registration     Legal      Business    Registered                                              Organization
     Name of subsidiaries       Relationship                                                                   Currency     to the      to the
                                             nature        place     representative nature       capital                                                   code
                                                                                                                          company company (%)

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012


Wuxi Little Swan General Wholly-owned
                                          Production               Wuxi   Chai Xinjian Production 28,000,000.00 CNY              70%     70% 76355342-0
Electric Appliances Co. , Ltd. subsidiary
Wuxi Little Swan Driving &
Control            Development              R&D                    Wuxi   Chai Xinjian R&D              5,000,000.00 CNY    97.3%       97.3% 79538539-6
Technology Co. , Ltd.
Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd.                  Production      Wuxi   Chai Xinjian Production       3,624,600.00 USD         73%     73% 74815875-6

Wuxi Little Swan        Washing Wholly-owned
                                                   Production      Wuxi   Chai Xinjian Production 49,679,500.00 CNY        99.91%      99.91% 60792331-1
Machine Co. , Ltd.                  subsidiary

Wuxi   Meitian   Refrigerator Wholly-owned
                                           Trading                 Wuxi   Chai Xinjian Trading          4,000,000.00 USD         75%     75% 71490141-7
Market Co., Ltd.              subsidiary

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing Wholly-owned
                                           Trading                 Wuxi   Chai Xinjian Trading        419,500,000.00 CNY   99.64%      99.64% 73330538-9
and Sales Co. , Ltd.          subsidiary

Wuxi Little Swan Import & Wholly-owned Import &                                          Import &
                                                                   Wuxi   Chai Xinjian            65,000,000.00 CNY        88.46%      88.46% 13600714-8
Export Co. , Ltd          subsidiary   Export                                            Export

P.T. Little Swan Prima Industries                  Trading       Malaysia Zhu Dekun      Trading        1,000,000.00 USD         51%     51%

Little   Swan       International Wholly-owned
                                               Investment Singapore Chai Xinjian Investment             5,000,000.00 USD     100%       100%
(Singapore) Co., Ltd.             subsidiary
                                    Wholly-owned Production                              Production
Tianjin Little Swan Co., Ltd.                                   Tianjin   Fang Hongbo                 200,000,000.00 CNY     100%       100% 57230359-2

Little     Swan       (Jingzhou) Wholly-owned Production                                 production
                                                         Jingzhou         Chai Xinjian              11,070,200.00 CNY        100%       100% 72614223-5
Electronic Appliances Co., Ltd. subsidiary                                               of washing

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                   Production Hefei                    production
Hefei   Royalstar    Washing Wholly-owned
                                                                           Fang Hongbo of washing 135,520,000.00 USD            69.47%           69.47% 14906761-7
Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. subsidiary
                                                   Production Hefei                    production
Hefei Midea Washing Machine Wholly-owned
                                                                           Fang Hongbo of washing 20,000,000.00 CNY            62.523%             90%
Manufacture Co., Ltd.       subsidiary

3. Information on co-operated or joint operated of the Company
                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                Proportio            Total        Total Operating        Net
                                  Legal                                 n of
            Business Registrati           Business Registere                       n of    Organizat liabilities assets at revenue of profits of Relations Organizat
  Item                          represent                    Currency holding
             Type    on place              scope d capital                        voting ion code at the end the end of current current            hip     ion code
                                  ative                                shares
                                                                                rights (%)           of period period        period    period
co-operat      --        --        --         --           --         --        --       --         --        --        --        --        --           --          --

2. joint
               --        --        --         --           --         --        --       --         --        --        --        --        --           --          --
ou Attend           Guangzh Ye      Logistics 10,000,00                                          24,663,80 7,265,103 17,398,69 3,877,666. 254,437.               72993557
          liability                                     CNY                      20%      20%                                                      No
Logistics           ou      Weilong services       0.00                                               0.00       .69      6.31         11      56                -2
Co. Ltd.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

4. Other related parties of the Company
            Name of the parties                              Relationship              Organization code
Guangzhou Attend Logistics Co. Ltd.            Joint – operative                     72993557-2
                                               Under control of controlling
Midea Electric Espana, S.L.
                                               shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
Midea Europe GMBH
                                               shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
                                               shareholder of the Company
MIDEA SCOTT&ENGLISH                            Under control of controlling
ELECTRONIICS SDN.BHD                           shareholder of the Company
Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co. Pte Under control of controlling
Ltd                                        shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
PT. Midea Planet Indonesia
                                               shareholder of the Company
GD Midea Heating & Ventilating Equipment Under control of controlling
Co., Ltd.                                shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
Guangdong Zhengli Precision Machinery
                                               shareholder of the Company's parent    72111191-5
Co., Ltd.
                                               Under control of controlling
Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd.                                               61031550-1
                                               shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of family member close
Hefei Huitong New Materials Co., Ltd.                                               67759766-2
                                               to the actual controller
Hefei Midea Heating & Ventilating              Under control of controlling
Equipment Co., Ltd.                            shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
Hefei Midea Royalstar Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                                          14906759-6
                                               shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of family member close
Hefei Bainian Molding Technology Co., Ltd.                                          66293360-0
                                               to the actual controller
                                               Under control of controlling
Hefei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd.                                                55183611-1
                                               shareholder of the Company
                                               Under control of controlling
Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing Co.,
                                               shareholder of the Company's parent    75968160-6
                                               Under control of controlling
Jiangsu Midea Chunhua Electric Appliance
                                               shareholder of the Company's parent    13479435-2
Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Annto Logistics Co. Ltd.                Under control of controlling           57051088-9

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                               shareholder of the Company's parent
                                               Under control of controlling
Wuhu Annto Logistics Co. Ltd.                  shareholder of the Company's parent        71992943-5
                                               Under control of controlling
Wuhu Bainian Technology Development
                                               shareholder of the Company's parent        75096265-5
Co., Ltd.
Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electronic              Under control of controlling
Appliances Co., Ltd.                           shareholder of the Company
Zhongshan Midea Environmental Electric         Under control of controlling
Engineering Products Installation Service      shareholder of the Company's parent        68445743-0
Co., Ltd.                                      company
Note of other related parties of the Company
5.Related party transactions
(1) Purchase of goods, services received among the related-party
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                            Amount of this period           Amount of last period
                                                                              Proporti                       Proporti
                                            Pricing                             on in                          on in
    Name of        Content of related
                                         principle of                         transacti                      transacti
    company          transaction                               Amount                         Amount
                                        related parties                         ons of                         ons of
                                                                              the same                       the same
                                                                                 kind                           kind
Ningbo Annto
                   services received                         23,463,717.88      1.18%        27,036,646.43      0.51%
Logistics Co. Ltd.
Little Swan
Electronic         Purchase of goods                             194,845.68     0.01%                             0%
Appliances Co.,
Huai'an Welling
                   Purchase of goods                        132,395,847.71      6.64%       399,380,921.66      7.47%
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Bainian
                 Purchase of goods                               222,222.22     0.01%                             0%
Development Co.,
Hefei Midea
Materials Supply Purchase of goods                          121,688,477.77       6.1%       277,321,296.44      5.19%
Co., Ltd.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

Gd Midea
                 Purchase of goods                                                0%        426,558.61       0.01%
Holding Co., Ltd
Hefei Bainian
Molding         Purchase of raw
                                                             39,481,301.16     1.98%      96,373,786.26      1.8%
Technology Co., materials
Hefei Huitong
New Materials      Purchase of goods                         29,484,171.35     1.48%      51,264,056.42      0.96%
Co., Ltd.
Sales of goods, services provided among the related-party
                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                            Amount of this period        Amount of last period
                                                                             Proporti                     Proporti
                                            Pricing                            on in                        on in
    Name of        Content of related
                                         principle of                        transacti                    transacti
    company          transaction                              Amount                       Amount
                                        related parties                        ons of                       ons of
                                                                             the same                     the same
                                                                                kind                         kind
Hefei Bainian
                Sales of goods                               26,257,407.35     0.85%      94,506,066.93      1.4%
Technology Co.,
Hefei Midea
                  Sales of goods                              1,183,120.26     0.04%          45,467.70        0%
Refrigerator Co.,
Little Swan
Electronic         Sales of goods                             3,835,200.67     0.12%                           0%
Appliances Co.,
Midea Electric
                   Sales of goods                           585,119,029.41 18.87%        368,361,923.73      5.46%
(Singapore) Co.
Pte. Ltd.
Hefei Huitong
New Materials      Sales of goods                            14,882,970.07     0.48%      19,332,683.73      0.29%
Co., Ltd.
Hefei Hua Ling
Share Holding      Sales of goods                             4,366,304.17     0.14%       8,340,053.04      0.12%
Co. , Ltd.
GD Midea
Heating &
Ventilating        Sales of goods                                                 0%        382,733.02       0.01%
Equipment Co.,

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

             Sales of goods                                                      0%      3,743,138.01        0.06%
Midea Europe
                    Sales of goods                                               0%      8,816,013.32        0.13%
Midea Electric
                    Sales of goods                                               0%      2,371,230.02        0.04%
Espana, S.L.
PT. Midea Planet
                 Sales of goods                               7,192,798.91     0.23%     5,904,681.70        0.09%
SH           Sales of goods                                  15,056,432.44     0.49%     2,369,180.82        0.04%
(2) Particulars about related trusteeship and guarantees
Table of particulars about trusteeship/contracting of the company
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                     Starting Ending         basis of                Influence
                                          Type of                                        trusteeshi
Name of Name of Trusted/co Amount                    date of     date of     income                  of the
                                          trusted/co                                     p/contracti
trustor/em trustee/co ntracted trusted/co            trusteeshi trusteeshi from                      income on
                                          ntracted                                       ng
ployer     ntractor asset      ntracted              p/contracti p/contracti trusteeshi              the
                                          asset                                          confirmed
                                                     ng          ng          p/contracti             company
                                                                                         in the

Table of particulars about trusteeship/employment of the company
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Starting Ending       basis of                     Influence
                                         Type of                                          trusteeshi
Name of Name of Trusted/e Amount                    date of    date of    expense                      of the
                                         trusted/em                                       p/employ
trustor/em trustee/co mployed trusted/em            trusteeshi trusteeshi for                          income on
                                         ployed                                           ment
ployer     ntractor    asset ployed                 p/employ p/employ trusteeshi                       the
                                         asset                                            confirmed
                                                    ment       ment       p/employ                     company
                                                                                          in the

Note to related trusteeship and contracting
(3)Particulars about related lease
Table of particulars of issuing lease
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                                                              Lease Influence
                                                                                   Pricing   income      of the
                         Type of    Condition Amount      Starting    Ending
 Name of     Name of                                                               basis of confirmed lease
                          leased    of leased of leased   date of     date of
  lesser      lessee                                                                lease   within the income on
                           asset      asset     asset      lease       lease
                                                                                   income reporting        the
                                                                                              period company

Table of particulars of receiving lease
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                              Lease Influence
                                                                                   Pricing expense       of the
                         Type of    Condition Amount      Starting    Ending
 Name of     Name of                                                               basis of confirmed lease
                          leased    of leased of leased   date of     date of
  lesser      lessee                                                                lease   within the income on
                           asset      asset     asset      lease       lease
                                                                                   expense reporting       the
                                                                                              period company

Note to particulars about related lease

(4)Particulars about related guarantees
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Amount         Starting date of      Ending date of     guarantee is
    Guarantor       Guaranteed party
                                          guaranteed         guarantee            guarantee        completely

Particulars about related guarantees:
In accordance with capital demand for production and operation as well as business operation
development requirement of subsidies of the Company, the Company: 1. provided guarantee amount of
RMB One billion six hundred million to subsidy Hefei Royalstar Washing Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.
for its application of bank credit amount; 2. provided guarantee amount of RMB 50 million to subsidy
Wuxi Little Swan General Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. for its application of bank credit amount. The
above guarantees of three subsidies have provided counter guarantee for the Company with their whole

(5)Lending and borrowing of related parties
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

    Related party              Amount             Starting date          Ending date             Explanation

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012


(6)Details of property transfer and debt restructuring between related parties
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Pricing    Amount of current period   Amount of last period
                                                method and
                Type of                                                      Proporti                   Proporti
                                 Content of    decision-maki
                 related                                                       on in                      on in
 Related party                     related     ng procedure
               transactio                                      Amount        similar       Amount        similar
                                 transaction     of related
                    n                                                       transacti                   transacti
                                                                             ons (%)                    ons (%)

(7)Other related transactions
6. Amount due to/from related parties
Receivable from the related parties
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

       Item                          Name of related parties              Closing amount     Opening amount
                   Midea Electric Trading(Singapore) Co. Pte Ltd            222,437,144.08      336,640,501.81
                   Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd.                    1,505,397.52          5,451,575.78
                   Hefei Midea Royalstar Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                                       12,005.81
                   Jiangsu Midea Chunhua Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                                100,000.00
                   MIDEA ITALIA SRL                                                                  706,673.25
                   Midea Electric Espana, S.L.                                                      2,397,592.23
                                                                             15,336,671.53          8,957,356.60

                   PT. Midea Planet Indonesia                                12,624,272.76       14,234,767.83

                   Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electronic Appliances Co.,
                                                                                202,849.40           245,238.66
                   GD Midea Heating & Ventilating Equipment Co., Ltd.                               1,013,933.83
                   Hefei Royalstar Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                                            206,182.52
Payable to the related parties
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

       Item                          Name of related parties              Closing amount     Opening amount
                   Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.             40,796,633.78       66,518,916.19
                   Hefei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd.                    10,259,205.33       26,951,123.97
                   Hefei Bainian Molding Technology Co., Ltd.                18,411,746.39       16,807,415.87

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                        INTERIM REPORT 2012

                   Wuhu Bainian Technology Development Co., Ltd.             22,600.00        3,553,500.18
                   Foshan Bainian Technology Development Co., Ltd.          234,600.00
                   Hefei Huitong New Materials Co., Ltd.                 26,156,878.79        2,061,078.86
                   Zhongshan Midea Environmental Electric Engineering
                                                                            633,832.00         228,417.39
                   Products Installation Service Co., Ltd.
                   Guangdong Zhengli Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.          122,100.00         112,100.00
                   Wuhu Annto Logistics Co. Ltd.                            681,649.55         681,649.55
                   Ningbo Annto Logistics Co. Ltd.                        2,134,712.61
                   Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electronic Appliances Co.,
                   Wuxi Huayin Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.              2,081,473.92
(Ⅹ)Stock payment
1. Overall condition of stock payment

Total amount of equity instruments granted by the company in
current period
Total amount of equity instruments executed by the company in
current period
Total amount of equity instruments of the company that become
invalid in current period
The range of the vesting prices for the share options issued
outward at the end of period, and the remainder of the contractual
The range of the vesting prices for the other equity instruments at
the end of period, and the remainder of the contractual period
Note to particular about stock payment
2. Particular about stock payment settled by equity
                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

Method to determine the fair value of the equity
instruments at the date of granting
Method to determine the best estimation to the quantity
of the executable equity instruments
Reason of the significance difference between the
estimations in current period and last period
The accumulated amount of the stock payment settled
by equity in capital reserve

Total amount confirmed by stock payment settled by

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

Note to stock payment settled by equity
3. Particulars about stock payment settled by cash
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

Method to determine the fair value of the liabilities of the
company that are calculated on the basis of stock or other
equity instruments
The accumulated amount of liabilities arising from stock
payment settled by cash
The total amount confirmed by stock payment settled by
Note to stock payment settled by cash
4. Particulars about services gained by stock payment
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

Total amount of employee service gained by stock
Total amount of other services gained by stock payment
5. Particulars about modification and termination of stock payment
(XI) Contingencies
1. The contingent liability and its financial impact arising from pending litigation or arbitration
As of June 30, 2012, no significant contingencies should be disclosed.
2. The contingent liability and its financial impact arising from providing debt guarantees to other
As of June 30, 2012, no significant contingencies should be disclosed.
Other contingent liabilities and their financial impacts:
(XII) Commitments
1. Significant commitments
As of June 30, 2012, no significant commitments should be disclosed.
2. Fulfillment of early commitments
As of June 30, 2012, no significant commitments should be disclosed.
(XIII) Events after the balance sheet date
1. Note to significant events after the balance sheet date
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                               Extent of impact on the
                                                                                          Reason why the extent of
            Item                        Content                financial condition and
                                                                                         impact cannot be estimated
                                                                  operating results

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

2. Note to particulars about profit distribution after the balance sheet date
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

Profits or dividends to be distributed
Profits or dividends issued after approval
3. Other events after the balance sheet date
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
(XIV) Particulars about other significant events
1. Non-monetary asset exchange
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
2. Debt restructuring
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
3. Consolidation of enterprise
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
4 Lease
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
5. Financial instruments that are issued outward at the end of period and can be transferred to
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
6. Contents and major changes in annuities
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
7. Other significant events should be disclosed
As of June 30, 2012, no other significant commitment issues should be disclosed.
(XV)Notes to the financial statements of parent Company
1.Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                         Closing balance                            Opening balance
                                                  Provision for bad                                Provision for bad
                             Book value                                       Book value
          Items                                         debts                                            debts
                                         Propor                   Propo                  Proport                 Propor
                           Amount                  Amount                  Amount                  Amount
                                          tion                    rtion                    ion                    tion
Account receivable
with large individual
                                  0.00       0%            0.00     0%            0.00       0%          0.00       0%
amount and provision
for bad debt
Account receivable with consolidated provision for bad debt
Consolidation 1: aging 398,804,241. 53.29                                 389,054,823.        20,278,446.
                                          23,139,452.72            5.8%                53.44%             5.21%
consolidation                   64     %                                           78                 25

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                              INTERIM REPORT 2012

Consolidation 2:
account received in the 348,570,863. 46.57                               337,932,558.
range of consolidated            47     %                                         05
Subtotal of             747,375,105. 99.86                    726,987,381.        20,278,446.
                                           23,139,452.72 3.1%              99.85%             2.79%
consolidation                     11    %                              83                 25
Account receivable
with small individual                                            81.53                                                  57.39
                      1,056,206.22 0.14%            861,084.03         1,056,206.22       0.15% 606,206.42
amount and provision                                                %                                                      %
for bad debt
                        748,431,311.                                     728,043,588.                    20,884,652.
Total                                    --   24,000,536.75         --                        --                         --
                                 33                                               05                             67
Note to type of account receivable:
Account receivable with large individual amount and provision for bad debt at the end of period
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Account receivable in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by aging analysis method:
√ Applicable □   Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                  Closing balance                                    Opening balance
                         Book balance                                       Book balance
Aging                                               Provision for                                             Provision for
                                      Proportio                                               Proportio
                      Amount                         bad debts            Amount                                bad debts
                                         n                                                       n
Within 1 year
Included:                --              --              --                  --                     --             --
Within 1 year       729,058,604.99      97.55%      21,297,922.65         710,670,881.71           97.76% 18,636,916.18
1-2 years            18,217,699.58       2.44%       1,821,769.96          16,217,699.58            2.23%      1,621,769.96
2-3 years                 98,800.54      0.01%          19,760.11                 98,800.54         0.01%         19,760.11
Over 3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total               747,375,105.11       --         23,139,452.72         726,987,381.83            --        20,278,446.25
Account receivable in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Account receivable in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by other method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Account receivable with small individual amount and provision for bad debt at the end of period

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                     INTERIM REPORT 2012

□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2)Particulars about account receivable returned or withdrawn in the reporting period
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                            Accumulated amount
                                                         Foundation to
   Content of account       Reason of return or                             of provision for bad Amount returned or
                                                       confirm provision
      receivable               withdrawal                                   debt before return or   withdrawn
                                                          for bad debt

           Total                    --                        --                                                --

Provision for bad debt of account receivable with large individual amount, or with small individual
amount and devaluation test at the end of period:

 Content of account
                             Book balance          Amount of bad debt             Proportion (%)              Reason

         Total                                                                          --                       --
Note to account receivable with small individual amount and with high risk after being consolidated
according to credit risk characteristics:

(3)Particulars about account receivable actually written off in the reporting period
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                           Whether or not
                      Type of account     Time of writing           Amount of        Reason of writing
 Company name                                                                                              due to related
                        receivable              off                 writing off            off

        Total                --                   --                          0.00           --                      --
Note to writing off account receivable:
(4)Particulars about the shareholder units holding 50% or more voting shares in the account
receivable within the reporting period
□Applicable     √Not applicable
(5)Type or content of other account receivables with large amount
(6)Top 5 companies with largest amount of account receivable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                  Proportion in total amount
                Company name                  Relationship           Amount         Year limit
                                                                                                  of account receivable (%)

Suning Appliance Co., Ltd. Nanjing          Non-related            38,917,503.28 Within 1                                 5.2%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                       INTERIM REPORT 2012

Purchase Office                                  party                                year
TOSHIBA INTERNATIONAL                            Non-related                          Within 1
                                                                   31,096,783.42                                             4.15%
PROCUREME                                        party                                year
Beijing Midea Refrigerating Products             Non-related                          Within 1
                                                                   30,365,732.20                                             4.06%
Sales Co., Ltd.                                  party                                year
                                                 Non-related                          Within 1
Kronen Internacional S.A.                                          27,619,466.94                                             3.69%
                                                 party                                year
Shanghai Midea Refrigerating Products            Non-related                          Within 1
                                                                   24,345,258.05                                             3.25%
Sales Co., Ltd.                                  party                                year
                  Total                                  --                                  --                            20.36%
(7)Account receivable from related parties
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                     Proportion in total amount
     Company name                   Relationship                           Amount
                                                                                                     of account receivable (%)

          Total                             --                                                0.00                                0%

(8) The amount of transfer of the account receivable not conforming to termination confirmation
condition is 0.00 Yuan.
(9) The relevant transaction arrangements should be explained if the assets targeted with account
receivable are securitized.
2. Other receivables
(1) Other receivables
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Closing balance                                         Opening balance
                                                               Provision for bad                                   Provision for bad
                                   Book value                                                Book value
Items                                                                debts                                               debts
                                                                           Proporti                      Proport                  Proport
                               Amount       Proportion         Amount                   Amount                     Amount
                                                                              on                           ion                      ion
Other receivables with
large individual amount
                                    0.00                 0%         0.00       0%                 0.00       0%            0.00        0%
and provision for bad
Other receivables with consolidated provision for bad debt

Consolidation 1: aging        20,310,391.         58.46% 2,183,487.4 10.75% 14,162,247. 45.56% 2,241,696.5 15.83%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

consolidation                            42                               1                      81                           9
Consolidation 2: other
receivables in the range         14,432,938.                 14,432,938.              16,925,787.        16,915,989.
                                                    41.54%                    100%                54.44%             99.94%
of consolidated                          18                          18                       41                 39
                                 34,743,329.                 16,616,425.        31,088,035.                       19,157,685.
Subtotal of consolidation                            100%                47.83%                         100%                  61.62%
                                         60                          59                 22                                98
Other receivables with
small individual amount
                                       0.00                          0.00                      0.00                     0.00
and provision for bad
                                 34,743,329.                 16,616,425.              31,088,035.                 19,157,685.
Total                                                --                       --                         --                        --
                                         60                          59                       22                          98
Note to type of other receivables:
Other receivables with large individual amount and provision for bad debt at the end of period:
□Applicable    √ Not applicable
Other receivables in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by aging analysis method:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                    Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                           Book balance                                              Book balance
Aging                                                     Provision for                                            Provision for
                                         Proportio                                                    Proportio
                       Amount                              bad debts               Amount                            bad debts
                                            n                                                            n
Within 1 year
Included:                   --                 --              --                    --                  --              --
Within 1 year           7,776,504.66       22.38%            388,825.23            12,731,633.95       40.95%       3,074,737.08
1-2 years               8,610,423.67       24.78%            861,042.37             4,752,107.23       15.29%       3,524,525.94
2-3 years             15,312,973.57        44.07%         13,519,001.37            10,960,866.34       35.26% 10,960,866.34
Over 3 years            3,014,677.70           8.68%       1,818,806.62             2,614,677.70         8.41%      1,568,806.62
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years                28,750.00          0.08%          28,750.00                   28,750.00      0.09%         28,750.00
Total                 34,743,329.60            --         16,616,425.59            31,088,035.22         --        19,157,685.98
Other receivables in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by balance percentage method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables in the consolidation with provision for bad debt by other methods:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                   INTERIM REPORT 2012

Other receivables with small individual amount and provision for bad debt at the end of period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2) Particulars about other receivables returned or withdrawn in the reporting period
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                           Accumulated amount
                                                         Foundation to
    Content of other        Reason of return or                            of provision for bad Amount returned or
                                                       confirm provision
      receivables              withdrawal                                  debt before return or   withdrawn
                                                          for bad debt

           Total                       --                     --                                            --
Provision for bad debt of other receivables with large individual amount, or with small individual amount
and devaluation test at the end of period:

  Content of account
                             Book balance          Amount of bad debt            Proportion(%)            Reason

         Total                                                                        --                    --
Note to other receivables with small individual amount and with high risk after being consolidated
according to credit risk characteristics:
(3) Particulars about other receivables actually written off in the reporting period
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                       Whether or not
                       Type of other        Time of writing        Amount of       Reason of writing
 Company name                                                                                          due to related
                        receivables               off              writing off           off

        Total                --                   --                                        --                   --
Note to writing off other receivables:
(4) Particulars about the shareholder units holding 50% or more voting shares in other receivables
within the reporting period
□Applicable     √Not applicable
(5) Type or content of other receivables with large amount
(6)Top 5 companies with largest amount of other receivables
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                    Year     Proportion in total amount
                 Company name                     Relationship       Amount
                                                                                    limit     of account receivable(%)
Wuxi Little Swan Ceramics Co., Ltd.               Stock right       2,386,444.3 4-5 years                             6.87%

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                            INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                              transfer                8
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Beijing Branch                                Partner        900,000.00 2-3 years                           2.59%
Special Account for Asset Custody
Wuxi Customs of P.R.C.                                       711,000.00 1-2 years                           2.05%
Wuxi China Resources Gas Co., Ltd.            Partner        639,184.85                                     1.84%
                                                                           one year
Tianjin Boxincheng International Trade Co.,                                Within
                                            Partner          310,833.00                                     0.89%
Ltd.                                                                       one year
                   Total                            --                        --                         14.24%

(7) Other account receivables from related parties
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                      Proportion in total amount
     Company name                   Relationship                 Amount
                                                                                       of account receivable(%)

          Total                          --

(8) The amount of transfer of the other receivables not conforming to termination confirmation
condition is 0.00 Yuan
(9) The relevant transaction arrangements should be explained if the assets targeted with other
receivables are securitized.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                      INTERIM REPORT 2012

3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                           Proportion             Accurred
                               Amount of Initial                                                 Invested Proportions of              Impairment              Cash
    Invested entities   Method                   Opening amount Increase/decrease Closing amount                            of voting            impairment
                                 investment                                                       entities shareholding(%)             provision            dividends
                                                                                                                           rights(%)              provision
Guangzhou Antaida       Equity
                                    2,000,000.00     3,428,851.75      50,887.51     3,479,739.26    20%             20%
Logistical Co., Ltd.    method
Wuxi Little Swan
Import & Export Co. ,              57,500,000.00    57,500,000.00                   57,500,000.00 88.46%          88.46%
Wuxi Little Swan
Washing Machine Co. ,              37,259,587.50    37,259,587.50                   37,259,587.50    75%             75%
Wuxi Meitian
Refrigerator Marketing             24,840,000.00    24,840,000.00                   24,840,000.00    75%             75%
and Sale Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Little Swan
Marketing and Sales               417,550,000.00   417,550,000.00                  417,550,000.00 99.54%          99.54%
Co. , Ltd.
Wuxi Filin Electronics Cost
                                   19,620,041.50    25,660,308.10                   25,660,308.10    73%             73%
Co. , Ltd.             method
Wuxi Little Swan
General Electric                   19,600,000.00    19,600,000.00                   19,600,000.00    70%             70%
Appliances Co. , Ltd.

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                    INTERIM REPORT 2012

San Jin(Jing Zhou)
Electrical Appliances              11,869,431.12    11,869,431.12                11,869,431.12   100%     100%
Co. , Ltd.
Wuxi Little Swan
Driving & Control       Cost
                                    4,500,000.00     4,500,000.00                 4,500,000.00    90%      90%
Development             method
Technology Co. , Ltd.
Little Swan
International(Singapore)           34,052,500.00    34,052,500.00                34,052,500.00   100%     100%
Co., Ltd.
Hefei Royalstar
Washing Machine         Cost
                                  830,962,252.35   830,962,252.35               830,962,252.35 69.47%    69.47%
Equipment               method
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Little Swan
Washing Machine Co. ,             200,000,000.00   200,000,000.00               200,000,000.00   100%     100%
(Malaysia) Midaqi
Little Swan Industry                4,224,744.00                                                  51%      51%
Co., Ltd.
Hengtai Insurance       Cost
                                    1,000,000.00     1,000,000.00                 1,000,000.00   3.33%   3.33%
Brokers Co., Ltd.       method

Suzhou People's       Cost
                                     150,000.00       150,000.00                   150,000.00
Shopping Mall(100,000 method

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                 INTERIM REPORT 2012

Bank of
Jiangsu(2,202,564                1,100,000.00    1,210,000.00                  1,210,000.00
Total                 --     1,666,228,556.47 1,669,582,930.82    50,887.51 1,669,633,818.33   --   --   --   4,224,744.00    0.00   0.00

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

Note to long-term equity investments
4. Operating revenues and costs
(1) Operating revenues, operating costs
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

          Item                    Amount of current period              Amount of last period
Revenue from main
                                              1,729,468,582.51                       4,036,124,263.71
Revenue from other
                                               165,705,963.74                         467,383,331.47
Operating costs                               1,709,218,976.13                       4,351,260,566.76
(2) Main business(by industry)
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3) Main business(by product)
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(4) Main business(by region)
□Applicable   √Not applicable
(5) Operating revenues of the top 5 clients of the company
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                         Total operating        Proportion in total
                     Name of client
                                                            revenues           operating revenue(%)
Midea Electric Trading(Singapore) Co. Pte Ltd            411,678,787.98                       21.72%
Kronen Internacional S.A.                                    57,696,354.34                      3.04%
                                                             43,789,703.60                      2.31%
Guizhou Midea Refrigerating Product Sales Co., Ltd.          41,813,871.07                      2.21%
Hunan Midea Refrigerating Product Sales Co., Ltd.            41,793,586.03                      2.21%
Total                                                    596,772,303.02                       31.49%
Note to operating revenues
5. Investment income
(1) Details of investment income
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                        Amount of current period Amount of last period
Income from long-term equity investment
                                                                 163,405.12            36,696,000.00
calculated by cost method

Income from long-term equity investment                            50,887.51            -1,078,070.63

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

calculated by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income gained during the period
of holding transaction financial assets
Investment income gained during the period
of holding the held-to-maturity investment
Investment income gained during the period
of holding marketable financial assets
Investment income from disposal of
                                                            3,013,700.00               9,483,183.00
transaction financial assets
Investment income from held-to-maturity
Investment income from marketable financial
Total                                                       3,227,992.63           72,317,097.26
(2) Income from long-term equity investment calculated by cost method
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                              Reason of
                                      Amount of       Amount of last
         Invested company                                            increase/decrease in current
                                     current period     period
Suzhou People’s Department
                                          40,000.00         30,000.00
Commercial Bank of Jiangsu               123,405.12
Wuxi Little Swan General
Electric Appliances Co. , Ltd.
Total                                    163,405.12    36,696,000.00              --
(3) Income from long-term equity investment calculated by equity method
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                              Reason of
                                      Amount of       Amount of last
         Invested company                                            increase/decrease in current
                                     current period     period
Guangzhou Antaida Logistical
                                          50,887.51       -158,936.44
Co., Ltd.
Boxiwei Home Appliance Co.,
Total                                     50,887.51     -1,078,070.63             --

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                             INTERIM REPORT 2012

Note to investment income:
6. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Amount of this     Amount of last
                                                                    period            period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows
                                                                       --                 --
generated from operating activities
Net profit                                                        173,396,155.41     200,647,366.29
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                -13,852.04     12,206,134.25
Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive
                                                                   24,461,367.47      27,731,719.58
biological assets
Amortization of intangible assets                                    1,402,556.16      1,424,556.18
Amortization of long-term deferred expense                         13,639,702.36      11,733,662.41
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
intangible assets and other                                         -5,449,947.67    -13,783,890.63
long-term assets(gains: negative)
Loss on retirement of fixed assets(gains: negative)
Financial cost(gains: negative)                                      2,668,300.00     -8,843,355.56
Investment loss(gains: negative)                                                         425,127.33
Decrease in deferred income tax assets(gains: negative)             -3,227,992.63    -72,317,097.26
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities(decrease:
                                                                   14,421,731.43     -24,259,297.67
Decrease in inventory(gains: negative)                               -400,245.00       1,326,503.33
Decrease in accounts receivable from operating
                                                                   96,058,899.86      32,651,234.06
activities(gains: negative)
Increase in payables from operating activities(decrease:
                                                                 1,096,344,881.03 -1,807,997,391.86
Other                                                            -662,253,362.78 1,104,573,220.37
Net cash flows generated from operating activities
II. Investing and financing activities that do not
involving                                                         751,048,193.61    -534,481,509.17
cash receipts and payment:
  Conversion of debt into capital                                      --                 --
  Convertible bond due within one year
  Fixed assets financed by finance leases
III. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                                INTERIM REPORT 2012

  Closing balance of cash                                              --                     --
  Less: Opening balance of cash                                 2,049,502,496.94 1,041,142,810.24
  Closing balance of cash equivalents                           1,470,854,364.19 1,492,995,931.54
  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      578,648,132.75         -451,853,121.30
7. Assets and liabilities recorded as assessed value under counter purchase
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

Name of the assets and liabilities recorded as
                                                     Assessed value             Original book value
              assessed value


(XVI) Supplementary information
1. Return on equity and earnings per share
                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                          Weighted average                  Earnings per share
   Profits in the reporting period
                                         return on equity(%)      Basic EPS              Diluted EPS
Net profits belonging to
                                                        6.09%                  0.34                 0.34
shareholders of common shares
Net profits belonging to
shareholders of common shares
                                                        5.71%                  0.32                 0.32
after deducting non-recurring profit
and loss

2. Main items in the accounting statements and movements thereof:
                                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand

                    30 Jun.       31 Dec.                                                Reasons for
      Item                                Increase/decreaseIncrease/decrease
                     2012          2011                                                  movement
Monetary fund                                    70,549.93            29%             Collections from
                  312,094.96 241,545.04                                               due notes
Transaction                   -                    -429.23          -100%             Foreign exchange
monetary assets                      429.23                                           long-term

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                                     business due
Notes receivable                            -175,604.24   -64%       Collections from
                    100,188.16 275,792.40                            due notes and
Other receivables                               333.86    21%        Non-operating
                      1,888.70   1,554.84                            receivables and
Inventory                                    -18,658.18   -23%       Operating risk
                     62,281.89 80,940.07                             reduced and
                                                                     inventory scale
Other current                                 -5,020.29   -45%       Production molds
assets                6,184.97 11,205.27                             amortized and
Construction in                         -       495.46               Construction of
process                 495.46                                       foundation and
                                                                     treatment system
                                                                     of the industrial
                                                                     park in process
Short-term                   -                 -696.15    -100%      Borrwoings due
borrowing                         696.15
Notes payable                                -40,779.71   -26%       Self-issued bank
                    113,152.24 153,931.95                            acceptance due
                                                                     and paid
Accounts                                     -79,189.46   -28%       Payment due and
payable             202,359.36 281,548.82                            paid
Advance                                      -12,730.36   -26%       Advance from
received from        35,845.04 48,575.40                             customers reduced
customers                                                            due to impact of
                                                                     equipment and
                                                                     marketing circle
Payroll payble                                -3,816.89   -28%       Annual
                      9,731.17 13,548.07                             performance
                                                                     award of 2011
                                                                     paid and payroll

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                  INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                                     payable reduced
Tax payble                                   -5,097.61   -3482%      Tax payable
                    -4,951.22    146.39                              reduced due to
                                                                     impact of
                                                                     production and
                                                                     marketing circle
Dividends payble                                87.21     31%        Dividends of 2011
                       371.02    283.81                              not paid to certain
Deferred income          1.92                  -65.23    -97%        Fair value of
tax liabilities                   67.15                              transaction
                                                                     financial assets
                                                                     and marketable
                                                                     finical assets
Operating                                  -364,618.54   -54%        Sales value of
revenues           310,132.87 674,751.41                             product reduced
                                                                     due to impact and
Operating costs                            -315,791.93   -56%        Reduced along
                   245,388.06 561,179.98                             with the sales
Sales expenses                              -24,027.70   -46%        Reduced along
                    28,384.46 52,412.16                              with the sales
Management                                  -11,635.72   -48%        Operating risk
expenses            12,362.49 23,998.21                              reduced, expense
                                                                     control enforced,
                                                                     and expense
Financial                                    -3,165.18   -2847%      Income from
expenses            -3,054.00    111.18                              deposit interest
Loss from                                     -277.26    -50%        Bad debts
impairment of          275.93    553.20                              decreased
assets                                                               comparing to the
                                                                     same period of last
Income from                                  -1,598.14   -137%       Income from
change in fair        -429.23   1,168.91                             change in fair

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                               INTERIM REPORT 2012

value                                                             value of foreign
                                                                  long-term contract
Income from                                 -2,454.91   -83%      Income gained
investments           506.28    2,961.19                          from disposal of
                                                                  subsidiary Huayin
                                                                  Motor during the
                                                                  same period last
Non-operating                               -1,675.31   -47%      Government
revenues             1,906.07   3,581.38                          subsidies and
                                                                  income from
                                                                  disposal of fixed
                                                                  assets decreased
                                                                  comparing to same
                                                                  period of last year
Non-operating                                -484.55    -57%      Local expenses
expenses              368.74     853.30                           reduced along with
                                                                  decrease of sales
Total profit                               -14,956.89   -36%      Total profits
                    26,817.13 41,774.02                           reduced along with
                                                                  decrease of sales
Income tax                                  -5,040.63   -60%      Reduced along
expense              3,402.91   8,443.54                          with total profits
Net profit                                  -9,916.26   -30%      Reduced along
                    23,414.22 33,330.48                           with total profits
Minority interest                           -3,505.23   -66%      Profits of
                     1,791.41   5,296.63                          non-wholly owned
                                                                  comparing to same
                                                                  period of last year
Other                    7.17                  81.81    110%      Translation reserve
comprehensive                     -74.64                          reduced
Net cash flows                             141,843.84   279%      Cash paid for
from operating      90,943.76 -50,900.08                          purchasing goods
activities                                                        and receiving labor

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED                                           INTERIM REPORT 2012

                                                                               reduced in current
Net cash flows                                  4,788.62           39%         Cash paid for
from investment    -7,588.90 -12,377.52                                        purchasing fixed
activities                                                                     assets reduced in
                                                                               current period
Net cash flows                                  -7,955.28          -173%       Cash paid for
from financing    -12,562.01 -4,606.72                                         dividend
activities                                                                     distribution

                  IX. Documents Available for Reference
                               Documents Available for Reference
1. Text of the Interim Report 2011 with the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
2. Accounting statements with signatures and seals of the legal representative, the chief financial
   officer and the head of accounting.
3. Originals of all documents and announcements of the Company ever disclosed on Securities
   Times and Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao in the reporting period.

                                                            Chairman of the Board: Fang Hongbo
                                                                                  23 August, 2012
