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    §1. Important Notice

    1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and

    senior executives of Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

    “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report carries no false information,

    misleading statements or major omissions, and will accept, individually and

    collectively, the responsibility for factuality, accuracy and completeness of the

    information set forth herein.

    1.2 The Financial Report of this third quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA


    1.3 Mr. Zheng Qing (Chairman of the Board and GM of the Company), Mr. Chen

    Binglian (Standing Vice GM and Financial Principal of the Company) and Mr. Yang

    Daoliang (Vice GM and Manager of the Financial Department) hereby confirm that

    the Financial Report enclosed in this quarterly report is factual and complete.

    §2. Company Profile

    2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators

    Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    30 Sept. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease (%)

    Total assets (Yuan) 1,405,696,472.30 2,033,695,297.92 -30.88

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of listed

    company (Yuan) 527,271,351.72 653,104,424.27 -19.27

    Share capital (Share) 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00 0.00

    Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed

    company (Yuan/share) 1.24 1.53 -18.95

    Jul.-Sept. 2010


    year-on-year (%)

    Jan.-Sept. 2010


    year-on-year (%)

    Operating revenue (Yuan) 50,373,671.40 104.35% 594,410,243.55 717.75%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company

    (Yuan) -11,308,336.38 20.17% 39,603,368.12 -43.93%

    Net cash flows arising from operating activities (Yuan) -78,140,152.64 -273.38% 64,510,672.38 -21.01%

    Net cash flows per share arising from operating activities

    (Yuan/share) -0.18 -263.64% 0.15 -21.05%

    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.03 0.00% 0.09 -47.06%

    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.03 0.00% 0.09 -47.06%

    Weighted average ROE (%) -2.13% 0.58% 6.71% -6.80%

    Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring gains and

    losses (%) -2.75% 0.41% 4.40% 16.41%Unit: (RMB) Yuan

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses

    Amount for the period from the

    year-begin to the period-end

    Gain/loss from non-current asset disposal 1,677,640.69

    Capital occupation fees received from non-financial enterprises and recognized

    as current gain/loss 12,217,195.00

    Other non-business incomes and expenses apart from the items above-net -115,192.59

    Effect on income tax -106,046.72

    Effect on minority interests -28,547.59

    Total 13,645,048.79

    2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten

    shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium

    Unit: Share

    Total number of shareholders at



    Top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium

    Full name of shareholder

    Number of shares not subject to

    moratorium held at period-end

    Type of shares

    Beijing Wanfa Real Estate Development

    Co., Ltd.

    112,479,478 RMB ordinary shares

    Wang Shuai 2,300,000 RMB ordinary shares

    Zhang Shengqing 2,139,972 RMB ordinary shares

    Chen Yunxuan 2,088,822 RMB ordinary shares

    Zhao Xiaoxia 1,949,250 Domestically listed foreign shares

    Wang Shuxia 1,947,641 RMB ordinary shares

    Cai Weimin 1,770,099 RMB ordinary shares

    Jiang Xiaoquan 1,555,863 RMB ordinary shares

    Zhang Xiuling 1,337,693 RMB ordinary shares

    Chen Zaiyan 1,243,510 RMB ordinary shares

    §3. Significant Events

    3.1 Major changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators, as

    well as reasons for such changes

    √Applicable □InapplicableItem Jan.-Sept. 2010 Jan.-Sept. 2009 Increase/decrease (%) Main reason for the change

    Operating income 594,410,243.55 72,688,429.93 717.75 The sales income from the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was recognized.

    Operating cost 400,622,277.11 58,169,541.66 588.71 The sales cost of the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was carried forward.

    Business tax and surcharges 69,081,371.81 4,038,496.52 1610.57

    The sales income for the current period increased, which thus resulted in the increase of

    provisions for relevant taxes and fares.

    Selling expenses 8,346,281.40 12,479,741.81 -33.12 The selling expenses on the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project decreased.

    Asset impairment loss -4,915,951.63 4,286,404.41 -214.69

    Part of the original impairment reserve for the investment for developing the Yan Jiang Yi

    Road Project was returned.

    Investment income -135,525.88 131,129,924.00 -100.10

    A large sum of investment income was received in the same period of last year due to the

    transfer of equities of Southwest Securities while there were no such events in the current


    Income tax expenses 13,811,737.36 294,433.43 4590.95

    Hubei Pearl River Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., the Company’s subsidiary, recognized

    incomes and made provisions for taxes and fares.

    Other comprehensive incomes -165,436,444.67 333,098,373.99 -149.67 The fair value of shares of Southwest Securities changed.

    Net cash flows from investing activities -145,571,521.53 -7,609,822.88 -1812.94 Lendings to external parties as debt investments increased in the current period.

    Net cash flows from financing activities -152,444,221.78 241,528,978.77 -163.12

    Borrowings from financial institutions and the actual controller dec reased while repayments


    Item 30 Sept. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease (%) Main reason for the change

    Monetary funds 58,282,061.85 291,787,132.78 -80.03 Borrowings decreased, repayments increased and lendings as debt investments increased.

    Accounts paid in advance 61,708,254.44 44,285,760.93 39.34

    An account was paid in advance to Haikou Hongzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. for

    purchasing housing properties.

    Other receivables 317,271,244.57 189,594,736.47 67.34 Lendings to external parties as debt investments increased in the current period.

    Inventory 168,881,585.43 538,999,748.54 -68.67 The sales cost of the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was carried forward.

    Available-for-sale financial assets 408,642,500.00 631,417,500.00 -35.28 The fair value of shares of Southwest Securities changed.

    Long-term equity investment 71,917,358.97 13,149,424.41 446.92

    Sanya Wanjia Industrial Co., Ltd. was no longer included into the consolidated financial


    Short-term borrowings 0.00 276,000,000.00 -100.00 The borrowing from Jilin Province Trust Co., Ltd. was repaid.

    Accounts payable 18,105,554.33 70,793,361.64 -74.42 The payment for the construction of the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was made.

    Accounts received in advance 43,254,643.99 306,932,163.78 -85.91 The sales income from the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was recognized.

    Taxes and fares payable 16,734,121.86 -16,948,131.65 198.74

    The sales income from the Meilin Qingcheng Phase Ⅱ Project was recognized and

    provisions for relevant taxes and fares were made.

    Non-current liabilities due within one year 0.00 79,980,110.00 -100.00 Some bank borrowings were repaid.

    Long-term borrowings 325,000,000.00 110,000,000.00 195.45 A trust financing was obtained from Chongqing International Trust Co., Ltd..

    Deferred income tax liabilities 78,719,375.00 134,413,125.00 -41.43 The fair value of shares of Southwest Securities changed.

    Minority interests 20,212,678.53 12,771,330.23 58.27 Hubei Pearl River Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. profited a lot in the current period.3.2 Progress of significant events, as well as analysis and explanation on their impact

    and solutions

    3.2.1 Non-standard aud it opinion

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds to the controlling shareholder or its

    related parties or provided guarantees to external parties in violation of the prescribed


    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning routine operations

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.2.4 Others

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.3 Particulars about implementation of commitments made by the Company, its

    shareholders and actual controller

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit

    made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report

    period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well

    as explanations on the reasons

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained

    3.5.1 Securities investment

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in report period.

    No field researches, phone calls or written inquiries were received from investors in

    the report period.

    3.6 Investments in financial derivative products

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.6.1 Positions of financial deriva tive products held at period-end

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    Chairman of Board of Directors: Zheng Qing

    HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

    27 October 2010Balance Sheet

    As at 30 Sept. 2010

    Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

    Closing balance Balance at year-begin


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 58,282,061.85 3,892,804.52 291,787,132.78 161,760,970.47

    Settlement fund reserves

    Lendings to banks and other financial


    Transaction financial assets

    Notes receivable

    Accounts receivable 4,716,925.35 1,111,301.71 2,645,699.47 1,014,754.61

    Accounts paid in advance 61,708,254.44 50,972,137.65 44,285,760.93 202,040.00

    Premium receivables

    Receivables from reinsurers

    Reinsurance contract reserve receivables

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable 260,015.00 260,015.00 260,015.00 260,015.00

    Other account receivables 317,271,244.57 333,766,419.91 189,594,736.47 219,693,993.49

    Financial assets purchased under

    agreements to resell

    Inventories 168,881,585.43 12,782,893.61 538,999,748.54 84,392,446.86

    Non-current assets due within 1 year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 611,120,086.64 402,785,572.40 1,067,573,093.19 467,324,220.43

    Non-current assets:

    Loans and advances

    Available-for-sale financial assets 408,642,500.00 408,642,500.00 631,417,500.00 631,417,500.00

    Held-to-maturity investments

    Long-term accounts receivable

    Long-term equity investment 71,917,358.97 297,279,244.46 13,149,424.41 238,511,309.90

    Investing property 20,120,137.80 20,783,662.44

    Fixed assets 254,779,679.00 18,489,420.01 264,815,483.49 20,720,770.59

    Projects in construction

    4,721,000.00 - 2,510,000.00 -

    Engineering material

    606,206.60 - 606,206.60

    Fixed asset disposal

    Bearer biological assets

    Oil and gas assets

    Intangible assets 31,976,747.26 1,660,283.79 32,617,178.56 1,696,031.52

    Development expense


    Long-term expense to be apportioned

    1,812,756.03 222,749.23

    Deferred tax assets

    Other non -current assets

    Total of non-current assets 794,576,385.66 726,071,448.26 966,122,204.73 892,345,612.01

    Total assets 1,405,696,472.30 1,128,857,020.66 2,033,695,297.92 1,359,669,832.44

    Legal representative: Zheng Qing Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Binglian Person-in-charge of the accounting organ: Yang DaoliangBalance Sheet

    As at 30 Sept. 2010

    Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

    Item Closing balance Balance at year-begin

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term loans - - 276,000,000.00 276,000,000.00

    Loans from central bank

    Deposits received and held for others

    Placements from banks and other financial institutions

    Transaction financial liabilities

    Notes payable

    Accounts payable 18,105,554.33 3,260,778.14 70,793,361.64 4,135,235.24

    Accounts received in advance

    43,254,643.99 -


    Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase

    Handling charges and commissions payable

    Employee’s compensation payable 3,640,317.65 372,032.58 5,055,394.37 598,915.23

    Tax payable 16,734,121.86 -3,190,577.92 -16,948,131.65 -3,354,179.89

    Interest payable 75,391,111.70 42,141,133.62 65,601,325.75 29,034,494.85

    Dividend payable 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88

    Other accounts payable 294,154,014.64 266,786,327.74 332,778,891.65 235,716,634.23

    Due to reinsurers

    Insurance contract reserve

    Payables for acting trading securities

    Payables for acting underwriting securities

    Non-current liabilities due within 1 year - - 79,980,110.00


    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 454,493,067.05 312,582,997.04 1,123,406,418.42 545,344,402.54

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings 325,000,000.00 220,000,000.00 110,000,000.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables

    Special account payables

    Projected liabilities

    Deferred tax liabilities 78,719,375.00 78,719,375.00 134,413,125.00 134,413,125.00

    Other non-current liabilities

    Total non-current liabilities 403,719,375.00 298,719,375.00 244,413,125.00 134,413,125.00

    Total liabilities 858,212,442.05 611,302,372.04 1,367,819,543.42 679,757,527.54

    Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity)

    Paid-in capital (or share capital) 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00

    Capital reserves 621,722,905.97 624,739,245.51 788,804,155.97 791,820,495.51

    Less: treasury stock

    Surplus reserve 114,177,485.88 109,487,064.39 114,177,485.88 109,487,064.39

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings -635,374,444.13 -643,417,065.28 -676,622,621.58 -648,140,659.00

    Foreign exchange difference

    Total owners' equity attributable to holding company 527,271,351.72 517,554,648.62 653,104,424.27 679,912,304.90

    Minority interests 20,212,678.53 12,771,330.23

    Total owner’s equity 547,484,030.25 517,554,648.62 665,875,754.50 679,912,304.90

    Total liabilities and owner’s equity 1,405,696,472.30 1,128,857,020.66 2,033,695,297.92 1,359,669,832.44

    Legal representative: Zheng Qing Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Binglian Person-in-charge of the accounting organ: Yang DaoliangIncome Statement

    As of the period from Jan.-Sept. 2010

    Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

    Current period Same period of last year


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operating income 594,410,243.55 81,997,613.20 72,688,429.93 260,925.00

    Including: Sales 594,410,243.55 81,997,613.20 72,688,429.93 260,925.00

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and commission income

    II. Total operating cost 534,980,711.99 77,737,944.64 137,040,284.18 28,662,613.32

    Including: Cost of sales

    400,622,277.11 42,184,251.33 58,169,541.66


    Interest expenses

    Service charge and commission expenses

    Cash surrender value

    Claim expenses-net

    Provision for insurance contract reserves-net

    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expense

    Business taxes and surcharges 69,081,371.81 20,132,259.90 4,038,496.52 -205,214.38

    Marketing and distribution expenses

    8,346,281.40 24,477.00 12,479,741.81


    Administrative expenses 42,847,428.51 11,191,400.04 36,203,087.95 10,412,806.74

    Financial costs 18,999,304.79 9,158,514.18 21,863,011.83 14,044,818.73

    Impairment loss -4,915,951.63 -4,952,957.81 4,286,404.41 4,262,377.73

    Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means


    Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) -135,525.88 -135,525.88 131,129,924.21 131,129,924.21

    Including: income form investment on affiliated

    enterprises and jointly-run enterprises -135,525.88 -135,525.88 -

    Foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss)

    III. Business profit (“-” means loss) 59,294,005.68 4,124,142.68 66,778,069.96 102,728,235.89

    Add: non-business income

    1,735,978.72 1,710,013.72 2,518,993.95


    Less: non-business expense

    173,530.62 14,023.12 220,006.79


    Including: loss from non-current asset disposal

    32,373.03 14,023.12 27,500.00


    IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)

    60,856,453.78 5,820,133.28 69,077,057.12


    Less: Income tax expense

    13,811,737.36 - 294,433.43


    V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 47,044,716.42 5,820,133.28 68,782,623.69 102,512,203.86

    Attributable to owners of parent company 39,603,368.12 70,637,761.25

    Gain/loss of minority shareholders 7,441,348.30 -1,855,137.56

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.09 0.17

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.09 0.17

    VII. Other comprehensive income -165,436,440.67 -168,177,789.56 333,098,373.99 333,098,373.99

    VIII. Total comprehensive income -118,391,724.25 -162,357,656.28 401,880,997.68 435,610,577.85

    Attributable to owners of parent company -125,833,072.55 403,736,135.24

    Attributable to minority shareholders 7,441,348.30 -1,855,137.56

    Legal representative: Zheng Qing Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Binglian Person-in-charge of the accounting organ: Yang DaoliangIncome Statement

    As of the period from Jul.-Sept. 2010

    Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

    Item Current period Same period of last year

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operating income 50,373,671.40 66,970.00 24,650,569.35 66,970.00

    Including: Sales 50,373,671.40 66,970.00 24,650,569.35 66,970.00

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and commission income

    II. Total operating cost 60,088,289.17 5,559,167.49 41,529,457.76 4,822,496.96

    Including: Cost of sales 33,955,465.78 13,289.25 19,933,791.07 16,993.83

    Interest expenses

    Service charge and commission expenses

    Cash surrender value

    Claim expenses-net

    Provision for insurance contract


    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expense

    Business taxes and surcharges 5,276,755.63 7,366.70 1,634,406.87 3,683.36

    Marketing and distribution expenses 1,761,409.87 - 3,954,944.17 89,534.00

    Administrative expenses 12,994,666.47 2,468,578.25 13,006,338.49 4,424,107.20

    Financial costs 6,301,043.82 2,736,412.70 6,111,852.42 3,358,147.99

    Impairment loss -201,052.40 333,520.59 -3,111,875.26 -3,069,969.42

    Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value

    (“-” means loss)

    Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means

    loss) -200,390.44 -200,390.44 - -

    Including: income form investment on

    affiliated enterprises and jointly-run

    enterprises -200,390.44

    Foreign exchange difference (“-” means


    III. Business profit (“-” means loss) -9,915,008.21 -5,692,587.93 -16,878,888.41 -4,755,526.96

    Add: non-business income 25,965.00 - 2,365,871.78 -

    Less: non-business expense 60,000.00 - 987.74 -

    Including: loss from non-current asset

    disposal - - 987.74

    IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -9,949,043.21 -5,692,587.93 -14,514,004.37 -4,755,526.96

    Less: Income tax expense 931,171.76 242,095.25

    V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -10,880,214.97 -5,692,587.93 -14,756,099.62 -4,755,526.96

    Attributable to owners of parent company -11,308,336.38 -14,165,641.06

    Gain/loss of minority shareholders 428,121.41 -590,458.56

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share -0.03 -0.03

    (II) Diluted earnings per share -0.03 -0.03

    VII. Other comprehensive income 2,493,750.00 2,493,750.00 -80,797,500.00


    VIII. Total comprehensive income -8,386,464.97 -3,198,837.93 -95,553,599.62 -85,553,026.96

    Attributable to owners of parent company -8,814,586.38 -94,963,141.06

    Attributable to minority shareholders 428,121.41 -590,458.56

    Legal representative: Zheng Qing Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Binglian Person-in-charge of the accounting organ: Yang DaoliangCash Flow Statement

    As of the period from Jan.-Sept. 2010

    Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Yuan

    Item ConsolidatiCounr r ent perPiaorde n t company ConsoSliadmaet ipoenr io d of lPaasrte nyte acro m pany

    I. Cash flows from operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 311,056,465.19 63,062,832.61 322,770,087.33 1,796,479.00

    Net increase of customer deposits received and held for others

    Net increase of loans from central bank

    Net increase of loans from other financial institutions

    Cash received against original insurance contracts

    Net Cash received from reinsurance

    Net increase of client deposit and investment

    Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets

    Cash received as interest, fees and commissions

    Net increase of borrowings from banks and other financial


    Cash received under repurchasing, net

    Tax and fare refunds

    Other cash received from operating activities 63,644,782.99 42,065,771.68 11,921,658.30 6,288,346.54

    Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 374,701,248.18 105,128,604.29 334,691,745.63 8,084,825.54

    Cash paid for goods and services 128,325,970.11 50,444,358.71 161,957,480.49 1,984,729.33

    Net increase of customer loans and advances

    Net increase of deposits in central bank, banks and other financial


    Cash paid for original contract claims

    Cash paid for interest, fees and commissions

    Cash paid for policy dividend

    Cash paid to and for employees 44,202,813.92 2,378,246.58 43,165,659.54 3,181,120.48

    Cash paid for taxes and fares 52,896,374.95 21,293,555.78 30,837,883.74 1,947,239.02

    Other cash paid relating to operating activities 84,765,416.82 22,480,311.72 17,057,515.56 12,960,391.96

    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 310,190,575.80 96,596,472.79 253,018,539.33 20,073,480.79

    Net cash flows from operating activities 64,510,672.38 8,532,131.50 81,673,206.30 -11,988,655.25

    II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities

    Cash received from withdrawal of investments 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00



    Cash received from investment income

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets

    and other long-term assets 3,700,173.00 3,628,173.00 65,198.31

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating



    Other cash received relating to investing activities

    Sub-total of cash inflows of investing activities 38,700,173.00 38,628,173.00 4,250,978.14


    Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and

    other long-term assets 16,269,801.23 2,230,047.70 11,860,801.02 37,966.00

    Cash paid for acquisition of investments 152,600,000.00 195,600,000.00


    Net increase of pledge loans

    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units

    Other cash paid relating to investing activities 15,401,893.30

    Sub-total of cash outflows of investing activities 184,271,694.53 197,830,047.70 11,860,801.02 12,037,966.00

    Net cash flows from investing activities -145,571,521.53 -159,201,874.70 -7,609,822.88 -7,922,186.17

    III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from absorbing investments

    Including: Cash received by subsidiaries as investments from minority


    Cash received from borrowings 222,000,000.00 270,000,000.00 427,850,000.00 317,850,000.00

    Cash received from bonds issuing

    Other cash received relating to financing activities

    Sub-total of cash inflows of financing activities 222,000,000.00 270,000,000.00 427,850,000.00 317,850,000.00

    Cash paid for repayments of borrowings 360,980,110.00 276,000,000.00 178,180,000.00 2,680,000.00

    Cash paid for dividends, profit distribution or interest 13,464,111.78 1,198,422.75 8,073,196.23 1,281,089.44

    Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders by


    Other cash paid relating to financing activities

    67,825.00 67,825.00

    Sub-total of cash outflows of financing activities 374,444,221.78 277,198,422.75 186,321,021.23 4,028,914.44

    Net cash flows from financing activities -152,444,221.78 -7,198,422.75 241,528,978.77 313,821,085.56

    IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

    V. Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents -233,505,070.93 -157,868,165.95 315,592,362.19 293,910,244.14

    Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 291,787,132.78 161,760,970.47 36,655,536.17 4,869,795.27

    VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 58,282,061.85 3,892,804.52 352,247,898.36 298,780,039.41

    Legal representative: Zheng Qing Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Binglian Person-in-charge of the accounting organ: Yang Daoliang