意见反馈 手机随时随地看行情







                 October 2011


§1 Important Notice
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and
other senior management personnel of Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby guarantee that this report carries no
false information, misleading statements or major omissions, and accept, individually
and collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the
information set forth herein.
1.2 The Financial Report in this quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA firm.
1.3 Mr. Zheng Qing (Chairman of the Board and GM of the Company), Mr. Chen
Binglian (Standing Vice GM and Financial Principal of the Company) and Mr. Yang
Daoliang (Vice GM and Manager of the Financial Department) hereby confirm that
the Financial Report enclosed in this quarterly report is factual and complete.

§2. Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              As at 30 Sept. 2011           As at 31 Dec. 2010     Increase/decrease (%)
Total assets (Yuan)                                1,344,889,368.89               1,448,885,550.24                -7.18%
Owners’ equity        attributable to                 438,776,563.16             497,295,405.44                    -11.77%
shareholders of the Company (Yuan)
Share capital (Share)                                  426,745,404.00             426,745,404.00                      0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of the Company (Yuan                                1.03                         1.17                  -11.97%
                                                             Increase/decrease                        Increase/decrease
                                             Jul.-Sept. 2011                          Jan.-Sept. 2011
                                                             year-on-year (%)                         year-on-year (%)
Total operating income (Yuan)                  37,014,691.21           -26.52%         181,307,464.94           -69.50%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of    -18,290,101.17                -61.74%     -33,331,967.28             -184.16%
the Company (Yuan)
Net cash flows generated from operating            -                    -               -47,655,272.57             -173.87%
activities (Yuan)
Net cash flows per share generated from            -                    -                        -0.11             -173.33%
operating activities (Yuan /share)
Basic EPS (Yuan /share)                                  -0.04              -33.33%              -0.08             -188.89%
Diluted EPS (Yuan /share)                                -0.04              -33.33%              -0.08             -188.89%
Weighted average ROE (%)                               -3.95%                -1.82%            -7.12%               -13.83%
Weighted average ROE after deducting                   -6.26%                -3.51%           -13.68%               -18.08%
non-recurring gains and losses (%)
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
vApplicable         ? Non-applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
              Items of non-recurring gains and losses                           Amount                  Notes (If applicable)
Return reduction and exemption of taxes by surpassing approval                            -15,679.21
or without official approval document or occasionally
Capital occupation fees received from non-financial enterprises                       10,699,125.71
recorded into current gains and losses
Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the above each                          381,007.55
item mentioned
Other gain/loss items that satisfy the definition of non-recurring                    20,989,105.78
gains and losses
Effect on minority interest                                                             -475,212.12
Effect on income tax                                                                    -885,778.44
Gains and losses from consigned others to invest or manage the                                  0.00

                                 Total                                                30,692,569.27             -
2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten
shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                                Unit: share
    Total number of shareholders at the period-end                                                                   45,734
                             Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                  Number of tradable shares held at
           Full name of shareholder                                                         Type of share
Beijing Wanfa Real Estate Development Co.,
                                                                        112,479,478 RMB ordinary shares
Hu Jiexiong                                                                    3,000,000 RMB ordinary shares
Xia Caizhen                                                                    2,915,127 RMB ordinary shares
Chen Yunxuan                                                                   2,551,502 RMB ordinary shares
Qu Chen                                                                        2,213,400 Domestically listed foreign shares
Pan Zhihui                                                                     2,180,000 RMB ordinary shares
Zhang Xiaoxia                                                                  1,949,250 Domestically listed foreign shares
Zhou Miaoji                                                                    1,257,974 RMB ordinary shares
Hu Haiyang                                                                     1,216,925 RMB ordinary shares
Ou Lei                                                                         1,206,348 RMB ordinary shares

§3 Significant Events
3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as
well as reasons for these changes 
vApplicable          ? Non-applicable
                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                     Increase/ decrease
            Item              Jan.-Sept. 2011   Jan.-Sept. 2010                           Main reasons for the movement
                                                                                          Real estate sales income
    Operating revenues        181,307,464.94     594,410,243.55                  -69.50
                                                                                          decreased significantly.
                                                                                          Real estate sales income
    Operating costs           116,053,134.54     400,622,277.11                  -71.03
                                                                                          decreased significantly.
    Business    tax     and                                                               Real estate sales income
                                19,919,004.71        69,081,371.81               -71.17
    surtaxes                                                                              decreased significantly.
                                                                                          Decrease       of     advertising
    Selling expense              4,402,530.39         8,346,281.40               -47.25
                                                                                          expense, etc.
                                                                                          The      consolidation      scope
    Administrative                                                                         expanded and the labor and the
                                57,713,451.85        42,847,428.51                34.70
    expense                                                                                labor and depreciation costs
                                                                                          Debt investments into external
                                                                                          parties decreased and the
    Financial expense           29,180,612.10        18,999,304.79                53.59
                                                                                          interest    income      decreased
                                                                                          The inventory falling price
                                                                                          provision of RMB 7.20 million
                                                                                          for the former Yanjiang Road
    Asset      impairment
                                 1,841,485.18        -4,915,951.63              137.46    No. 1 project was reversed in
                                                                                          the same period of last year
                                                                                          while there was no such a case
                                                                                          in the current period.
                                                                                          Gains       from       investment
    Investment gains            20,303,937.79          -135,525.88            15081.59    cooperation      projects    with
                                                                                          external parties
                                                                                          Decrease of the real estate sales
                                                                                          income and profit of the
    Income tax expense           6,016,502.51        13,811,737.36               -56.44   subsidiary Hubei Pearl River
                                                                                          Real Estate Development Co.,

                                                                                     Fair value changes of the
    Other        composite
                             -25,186,875.00   -165,436,444.67                84.78   Southwest Securities shares
                                                                                     held by the Company
    Net cash flows from                                                              Real estate sales income
                             -47,655,272.57    64,510,672.38               -173.87
    operating activities                                                             decreased.
                                                                                     Call-back of principals and
    Net cash flows from
                             -21,309,942.92   -145,571,521.53                85.36   interest of the debt investments
    investing activities
                                                                                     into external parties
    Net cash flows from                                                              Cash paid for debt repayment
                             -16,797,909.82   -152,444,221.78                88.98
    financing activities                                                             decreased.
                                                                Increase/ decrease
             Item            30 Sept. 2011     31 Dec. 2010                          Main reasons for the movement
                                                                                    Real estate sales income
    Monetary funds            50,613,725.88   136,376,851.19               -62.89 decreased. The Company paid
                                                                                    for joint investment and repaid
                                                                                    some debts.
                                                                                    More input to the Xuexiang
    Construction        in
                              16,965,537.09      4,732,000.00              258.53 tourist attraction and hotel
                                                                           -35.33 Payments           for    project
    Accounts payable          24,307,951.61    37,588,815.47
                                                                                     The recognized real estate
                                                                                    sales income of the subsidiary
    Accounts received in
                              20,134,357.45    39,134,147.85               -48.55 Hubei Pearl River Real Estate
                                                                                    Development Co., Ltd. was
                                                                                    The subsidiary Hubei Pearl
    Taxes   and      fares
                               7,821,588.30    30,809,972.66               -74.61 River Real Estate Development
                                                                                    Co., Ltd. paid taxes.
                                                                                    Some long-term borrowings of
    Non-current                                                                     the Company and its subsidiary
    liabilities due within   232,000,000.00              0.00                      Sanya        Wanjia       Hotel
    one year                                                                        M anagement Co., Ltd. were to
                                                                                    become due within one year.
                                                                                    Some long-term borrowings of
                                                                                    the Company and its subsidiary
                              93,000,000.00   325,000,000.00               -71.38 Sanya          Wanjia       Hotel
                                                                                    Management Co., Ltd. were to
                                                                                    become due within one year.
3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions
3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related
parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.2.4 Others
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual
Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders
during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit
achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next reporting period
compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons

?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained
3.5.1 Investments into securities
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.5.2 Reception of research, interviews and visits in the reporting period
No field researches, phone calls or written inquiries were received from investors in
the reporting period.
3.6 Derivative investments
?Applicable         vInapplicable
3.6.1 Derivative investments held at the end of the reporting period
?Applicable         vInapplicable

                                           Chairman of the Board of Directors: Zheng Qing
                                                 HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                                            26 October 2011

§4 Attachments
4.1 Balance sheet
Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.             30 Sept. 2011.             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Balance as at 30 Sept. 2011                Balance as at 31 Dec. 2010
                                     Consolidation        The Company          Consolidation         The Company

Current assets:

    Monetary funds                      50,613,725.88          1,953,373.20       136,376,851.19          47,697,821.48

    Settlement funds

    Outgoing call loans

    Transaction financial asset

    Notes receivable

    Account receivable                    7,211,436.78         1,072,285.51         3,627,245.66           1,039,916.11

    Prepayment                          65,058,695.39        50,000,000.00         53,898,082.24          50,070,000.00

    Insurance premium receivables
   Reinsurance         accounts
   Reinsurance contract reserve
    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable                    260,015.00           260,015.00            260,015.00             260,015.00

    Other accounts receivable          299,398,164.10       398,243,403.53        258,266,331.45         289,469,963.47
  Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
    Inventories                        121,777,671.79        12,782,893.61        154,866,011.08          12,782,893.61
  Non-current assets due within 1
    Other current assets

Total current assets                   544,319,708.94       464,311,970.85        607,294,536.62         401,320,609.67

Non-current assets:

  Loan and payment on other’
behalf disbursed
  Available for sale financial           353,115,000.00     353,115,000.00     386,697,500.00     386,697,500.00
    Held to maturity investments

    Long-term account receivable

    Long-term equity investment           50,990,471.60     301,388,841.31      51,675,639.59     296,974,009.30

    Investment property                   19,147,484.81                         19,898,962.92

    Fixed asset                          317,376,197.87      19,653,538.78     334,512,524.54      21,376,736.10

    Project in process                    16,965,537.09                           4,732,000.00

    Engineering material                     606,206.60                            606,206.60

    Fixed asset disposal

    Production biological asset

    Oil-gas assets

    Intangible assets                     32,691,263.15        1,612,620.15     33,492,984.34        1,648,367.88

    Development expense


    Long-term deferred expense              9,677,498.83                          9,975,195.63

    Deferred tax assets

    Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                 800,569,659.95     675,770,000.24     841,591,013.62     706,696,613.28

Total assets                            1,344,889,368.89   1,140,081,971.09   1,448,885,550.24   1,108,017,222.95

Current liabilities:

    Short-term borrowings

    Borrowing from central Bank
  Deposits received and held for
    Call loan received

    Transaction financial liabilities

    Notes payable

    Account payable                       24,307,951.61        2,482,949.70     37,588,815.47        3,782,949.70

    Account received in advance           20,134,357.45         270,485.00      39,134,147.85
  Financial assets sold under
agreements to repurchase
  Handling charges and
commission payable
    Payroll payable                         5,108,113.79        408,100.86        5,631,750.04        492,944.38

    Taxes payable                           7,821,588.30      -2,392,636.09     30,809,972.66       -2,851,226.09

    Interest payable                      89,563,307.29      57,195,372.83      85,390,223.02      51,834,549.23

    Dividend payable                        3,213,302.88       3,213,302.88       3,213,302.88       3,213,302.88

    Other payables                       338,772,126.35     347,109,250.24     329,316,226.89     266,835,267.94

    Account due to reinsurance

    Insurance contract reserve

    Entrusted trading of securities

    Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current         liabilities   due     232,000,000.00       220,000,000.00
within 1 year
    Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   720,920,747.67       628,286,825.42          531,084,438.81            323,307,788.04

Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings                      93,000,000.00                              325,000,000.00            220,000,000.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables

    Specific payables

    Estimated liabilities

    Deferred taxes liabilities                65,889,513.80           64,837,500.00       74,285,138.80             73,233,125.00

    Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities               158,889,513.80            64,837,500.00      399,285,138.80            293,233,125.00

Total liabilities                           879,810,261.47       693,124,325.42          930,369,577.61            616,540,913.04
Owner’ equity (or shareholders’
    Paid-in capital (or share capital)      426,745,404.00       426,745,404.00          426,745,404.00            426,745,404.00

    Capital reserve                         580,077,280.97       583,093,620.51          605,264,155.97            608,280,495.51

    Less: treasury stock

    Specific reserves

    Surplus reserves                        114,177,485.88       109,487,064.39          114,177,485.88            109,487,064.39

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings                       -682,223,607.69     -672,368,443.23         -648,891,640.41            -653,036,653.99

    Foreign exchange difference
Total equity attributable to owners         438,776,563.16       446,957,645.67          497,295,405.44            491,476,309.91
of the Company
Minority interest                             26,302,544.26                               21,220,567.19

Total owner’ equity                        465,079,107.42       446,957,645.67          518,515,972.63            491,476,309.91
Total liabilities        and     owner’   1,344,889,368.89    1,140,081,971.09        1,448,885,550.24        1,108,017,222.95

4.2 Income statement for Jul.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.                 Jul.-Sept. 2011                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Jul.-Sept. 2011                              Jul.-Sept. 2010
                                           Consolidation       The Company            Consolidation          The Company

I. Total sales                                37,014,691.21             126,370.00        50,373,671.40                 66,970.00

    Including: Sales                          37,014,691.21             126,370.00        50,373,671.40                 66,970.00

     Interests income

     Premium income
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                 76,229,393.26    27,757,834.28    60,088,289.17    5,559,167.49

Including: Cost of sales                29,535,808.25        13,289.25    33,955,465.78       13,289.25

     Interests expenses
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
     Insurance discharge payment

     Claim expenses-net
   Provision for insurance contract
     Insurance policy dividend paid

     Reinsurance expense

     Business taxes and surcharges       2,795,706.50         7,076.73     5,276,755.63        7,366.70

     Distribution expenses                 808,936.27                      1,761,409.87

     Administrative expenses            17,992,016.62     3,333,366.15    12,994,666.47    2,468,578.25

     Financial costs                    23,424,772.74    22,116,809.72     6,301,043.82    2,736,412.70

     Assets impairment loss              1,672,152.88     2,287,292.43      -201,052.40      333,520.59
  Add: gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (“-” means loss)
    Investment gains (“-” means       20,708,753.71    20,708,753.71      -200,390.44     -200,390.44
     Including:    income     from
investment on affiliated enterprise       -280,352.07                       -200,390.44
and jointly enterprise
    Foreign exchange difference
(“-” means loss)
III. Operating profit (“-” means      -18,505,948.34    -6,922,710.57    -9,915,008.21   -5,692,587.93
    Add: non-business income                 2,666.37                         25,965.00

    Less: non-business expense                  53.51            51.43        60,000.00
 Including: loss from non-current                0.00
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)     -18,503,335.48    -6,922,762.00    -9,949,043.21   -5,692,587.93

Less: tax expense                          583,213.92                        931,171.76

V. Net profit (“-”means loss)         -19,086,549.40    -6,922,762.00   -10,880,214.97   -5,692,587.93
 Attributable to equity holders of      -18,290,101.17    -6,922,762.00   -11,308,336.38   -5,692,587.93
the Company
    Minority interests                    -796,448.23             0.00       428,121.41

VI. Earnings per share

      (I) Basic earnings per share               -0.04                             -0.03

      (II) Diluted earnings per share            -0.04                             -0.03

Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income          -31,171,875.00   -31,171,875.00    2,493,750.00    2,493,750.00

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income          -50,258,424.40   -38,094,637.00    -8,386,464.97   -3,198,837.93

  Attributable to owners of the          -49,461,976.17       -38,094,637.00            -8,814,586.38           -3,198,837.93
   Attributable to minority                 -796,448.23                                    428,121.41
Where there were business combinations under the same control in this reporting
period, the combined parties achieved net profit of RMB 0.00 before the

4.3 Income statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.                 Jan.-Sept. 2011              Unit: RMB Yuan 
                                                Jan.-Sept. 2011                               Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                       Consolidation       The Company              Consolidation         The Company

I. Total sales                          181,307,464.94             319,710.00          594,410,243.55           81,997,613.20

     Including: Sales                   181,307,464.94             319,710.00          594,410,243.55           81,997,613.20

     Interests income

     Premium income
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
II. Total cost of sales                 229,110,218.77        39,932,806.38            534,980,711.99           77,737,944.64

Including: Cost of sales                116,053,134.54              39,867.75          400,622,277.11           42,184,251.33

     Interests expenses
  Handling     charges           and
commission income
     Insurance discharge payment

     Claim expenses-net
   Provision for insurance contract
     Insurance policy dividend paid

     Reinsurance expense

     Business taxes and surcharges        19,919,004.71             53,627.58           69,081,371.81           20,132,259.90

     Distribution expenses                 4,402,530.39             15,000.00            8,346,281.40               24,477.00

     Administrative expenses              57,713,451.85       12,114,180.85             42,847,428.51           11,191,400.04

     Financial costs                      29,180,612.10       25,882,894.77             18,999,304.79             9,158,514.18

     Assets impairment loss                1,841,485.18           1,827,235.43          -4,915,951.63           -4,952,957.81
  Add: gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (“-” means loss)
    Investment gains (“-” means         20,303,937.79       20,303,937.79               -135,525.88             -135,525.88
     Including:    income     from
investment on affiliated enterprise         -685,167.99           -685,167.99             -135,525.88             -135,525.88
and jointly enterprise
    Foreign exchange difference
(“-” means loss)
III. Operating profit (“-” means       -27,498,816.04       -19,309,158.59            59,294,005.68             4,124,142.68
    Add: non-business income                 433,052.37                                  1,735,978.72             1,710,013.72

    Less: non-business expense                67,724.03             22,630.65              173,530.62               14,023.12

 Including: loss from non-current           15,679.21            12,915.00               32,373.03              14,023.12
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)    -27,133,487.70       -19,331,789.24          60,856,453.78            5,820,133.28

Less: tax expense                        6,016,502.51                               13,811,737.36

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)       -33,149,990.21       -19,331,789.24          47,044,716.42            5,820,133.28
 Attributable to equity holders of     -33,331,967.28       -19,331,789.24          39,603,368.12            5,820,133.28
the Company
 Minority interests                        181,977.07                 0.00            7,441,348.30

VI. Earnings per share

     (I) Basic earnings per share               -0.08                                         0.09

     (II) Diluted earnings per share            -0.08                                         0.09

Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income         -25,186,875.00       -25,186,875.00        -165,436,440.67         -168,177,789.56

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income         -58,336,865.21       -44,518,664.24        -118,391,724.25         -162,357,656.28
  Attributable to owners of the        -58,518,842.28       -44,518,664.24        -125,833,072.55         -162,357,656.28
   Attributable to minority                181,977.07                                 7,441,348.30
Where there were business combinations under the same control from the year-begin
to the period-end, the combined parties achieved net profit of RMB 0.00 before the

4.4 Cash flow statement for Jan.-Sept. 2011
Prepared by Hainan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.                Jan.-Sept. 2011             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Jan.-Sept. 2011                             Jan.-Sept. 2010
                                     Consolidation          The Company          Consolidation           The Company
1. Cash flows from operating
     Cash received from sales of       153,174,156.59             707,165.00        311,056,465.19           63,062,832.61
goods or rendering of services
     Net increase of deposits
received and held for others
     Net increase of loans from
central bank
       Net increase of call loans
from other financial institutions
     Cash      received      against
original insurance contract
     Net cash received from
    Net increase of client deposit
and investment
      Net increase of disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets
       Cash received as interest,
handling         charges        and
    Net increase of call loans
    Net increase of cash received
under repurchasing
    Tax and fare refunds
       Other cash received from         14,429,673.44           4,002,780.17         63,644,782.99           42,065,771.68
operating activities
     Sub-total of cash inflow from     167,603,830.03           4,709,945.17        374,701,248.18          105,128,604.29
operating activities
       Cash paid for goods and          50,084,935.44                               128,325,970.11           50,444,358.71
      Net increase of loans and

advances from customers
       Net increase of deposits in
central bank, banks and other
financial institutions
      Cash paid for original
contract claims
      Cash paid for interest, fees
and commissions
      Cash paid for policy
      Cash paid to and for              62,526,491.45     3,359,426.94    44,202,813.92       2,378,246.58
      Cash paid for various taxes       53,343,972.19     1,596,881.85    52,896,374.95     21,293,555.78
and fares
      Other cash paid relating to       49,303,703.52    11,157,540.09    84,765,416.82     22,480,311.72
operating activities
      Sub-total of cash outflows       215,259,102.60    16,113,848.88   310,190,575.80     96,596,472.79
from operating activities
      Net    cash flows from           -47,655,272.57   -11,403,903.71    64,510,672.38       8,532,131.50
operating activities
II. Cash flows from investing
      Cash       received      from    284,700,000.00   201,700,000.00    35,000,000.00     35,000,000.00
investment retractions
      Cash       received      from
investment income
      Net cash received from
disposal of fixed assets, intangible      164,708.50          6,000.00      3,700,173.00      3,628,173.00
assets and other long-term assets
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
operating units
     Other cash received relating       36,611,451.04    27,721,904.43
to investing activities
      Sub-total of cash inflows of     321,476,159.54   229,427,904.43    38,700,173.00     38,628,173.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for acquisition of
fixed assets, intangible assets and     20,226,102.46     1,368,449.00    16,269,801.23       2,230,047.70
other long-term assets
      Cash paid for acquisition of     322,560,000.00   311,600,000.00   152,600,000.00    195,600,000.00
     Net increase of pledge loans
     Net cash paid for acquisition
of subsidiaries and other operating
      Other cash paid relating to                                         15,401,893.30
investing activities
      Sub-total of cash outflows of    342,786,102.46   312,968,449.00   184,271,694.53    197,830,047.70
investing activities
        Net cash flows from            -21,309,942.92   -83,540,544.57   -145,571,521.53   -159,201,874.70
investing activities
III. Cash flows from financing
      Cash       received      from      4,900,000.00
absorbing investment
      Including: cash received by
subsidiaries      from     minority      4,900,000.00
      Cash       received      from     40,216,000.00    79,000,000.00   222,000,000.00    270,000,000.00
       Cash received from bonds
     Other cash received relating            9,298.18
to financing activities
      Sub-total of cash inflows of      45,125,298.18    79,000,000.00   222,000,000.00    270,000,000.00

financing activities
     Cash paid for repayment of         25,890,930.00      790,930.00    360,980,110.00    276,000,000.00
      Cash paid for dividends,          36,032,278.00   29,009,070.00     13,464,111.78       1,198,422.75
profit distribution or interest
      Including: dividends        or
profits      paid    to     minority
shareholders by subsidiaries
      Other cash paid relating to
financing activities
       Sub-total of cash outflows       61,923,208.00   29,800,000.00    374,444,221.78    277,198,422.75
of financing activities
        Net cash flows from            -16,797,909.82   49,200,000.00    -152,444,221.78     -7,198,422.75
financing activities
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net decrease in cash and cash       -85,763,125.31   -45,744,448.28   -233,505,070.93   -157,868,165.95
       Add : Opening amount of         136,376,851.19   47,697,821.48    291,787,132.78    161,760,970.47
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and         50,613,725.88    1,953,373.20     58,282,061.85       3,892,804.52
cash equivalents

4.5 Auditor’ report
Audit opinion: Un-audited