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珠 江B:2009年第一季度报告(英文版)2009-04-27  

						HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.


    The 1st Quarterly Report for 2009


    (Full Text)


    §1. Important Notice


    1.1 Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings


    Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby


    confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this


    report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the


    whole contents.


    1.2 The Financial Report For the 1st Quarterly Report of the Company has not been audited by CPAs.


    1.3 Mr. Zheng Qing, Chairman of the Board as well as General Manager; Mr. Chen Binglian, Standing Deputy


    General Manager as well as Person in Charge of Financing Affairs; Mr. Yang Daoliang, Manager of the Financial


    Department hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the 1st Quarterly Report is true and complete.


    §2. Company Profile


    2.1 Main Accounting Data and Financial Indexes:


    Unit: RMB


    At the end of the report




    At the end of


    the last year


    Increase/decrease (%)


    Total assets 1,758,354,313.28 975,122,914.20 80.32


    Owners’ equity(or Shareholders’ equity) 827,248,487.83 119,086,531.85 594.66


    Net asset per share 1.94 0.28 592.86


    Year-begin to the end of report period


    Increase/decrease in the report period


    compared with that in the same period


    of last year (%0


    Net cash flow arising from operating activities 6,204,999.78 113.17


    Net cash flow arising from operating activities per




    0.01 109.09


    In the report period


    Year-begin to


    the end of


    report period


    Increase/decrease in the report period


    compared with that in the same period


    of last year (%0


    Net profit -14,067,592.22 -14,067,592.22 44.00


    Basic earnings per share -0.03 -0.03 50.00


    Diluted earnings per share -0.03 -0.03 50.00


    Return on equity -1.70% -1.70% Increased 13.03 percentage points


    Return on equity after deducting the non-recurring


    losses and gains


    -1.71% -1.71% Increased 12.78 percentage points


    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount in year-begin to the end of report period


    Net amount of other non-operating income and expense 102,290.66


    Less: Impact of income tax


    Less: Influenced amount of minority shareholder -24.76


    Total 102,315.422.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the top 

ten shareholders with


    unrestricted conditions


    Unit: Share


    Total number of shareholders


    at the end of report period




    Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditions


    Full Name of shareholder


    Amount of tradable shares with


    unrestricted conditions held at the end of


    report period


    Type of shares


    Yang Bochen 5,850,000 RMB common share


    Gu Hongjuan 4,015,100 RMB common share


    Yang Jianzhong 3,020,000 RMB common share


    Wang Shuxia 2,047,641 RMB common share


    Zhang Xiaoxia 1,949,250 Domestically listed foreign share


    GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONGKONG)LIMITED 1,681,000 Domestically listed foreign share


    Chen Shuping 1,260,614 RMB common share


    Tianjin Shengda Rolled Steel Co., Ltd. 1,150,000 RMB common share


    Pan Qi 1,066,123 Domestically listed foreign share


    Anhui Hengrun Mining Research & Development Co., Ltd. 1,007,988 RMB common share


    §3. Significant events


    3.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index, and 



    of reasons


    √Applicable □Inapplicable


    Item Jan. to Mar.,




    Jan. to Mar.,




    Scope of increase


    or decrease (%)


    Main reasons for change


    Administrative expense 11,340,595 21,685,965 -47.71 Bigger in amount of last year was influenced by


    the expense for the opening of Hotel in Sanya


    Net profit -14,561,319 -25,672,696 43.28 Bigger in losses of last year was influenced by


    the expense for the opening of Hotel in Sanya


    Net cash flow arising from operating


    activities 6,205,000 -47,122,056 113.17 Account sold in advance for houses in Phase II


    of Wuhan Project increased


    Net cash flow arising from investing


    activities -265,411 -18,833,835 98.59 Payment for project account of Hotel in Sanya




    Net cash flow arising from financing


    activities 129,533 56,730,369 -99.77 Funds borrowed from the bank and actual


    controller decreased


    Item Mar. 31, 2008 Mar. 31, 2007


    Scope of increase


    or decrease (%)


    Main reasons for change


    Account paid in advance 37,211,358 28,251,518 31.71 Project account paid in advance for Phase II of


    Wuhan Project increased


    Financial assets available for sales 790,230,000






    Southwest Securities Co., Ltd. was reclassified


    as financial assets available for sales


    Long-term equity investment 13,153,951


    81,154,403.00 -83.79 Southwest Securities Co., Ltd. was reclassified


    as financial assets available for sales


    Account received in advance 218,856,803 142,957,606 53.09 Account sold in advance for houses in Phase II


    of Wuhan Project increased


    Tax payables -5,322,001 2,503,332 -312.60


    Resulted by payment of tax for the account sold


    in advance for houses in Phase II of Wuhan




    Capital public reserve 1,056,489,705 334,260,157 216.07 Caused by the change of fair value of the shares


    of Southwest Securities Co., Ltd.


    3.2 Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions□Applicable 



    3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controller


    √Applicable □Inapplicable


    Commitments Content of commitments Implementation


    Beijing Wanfa Real Estate


    Development Co., Ltd.


    The non-tradable shares held by it should not get listed or transacted in


    Shenzhen Stock Exchange within 36 months since the day of listing and


    circulating option in A share market.






    3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period 

to be loss


    probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and


    explanation of reason


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    3.5 Other significant events which need explanations


    3.5.1 Particulars about securities investment


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    3.5.2 Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report period.


    □Applicable √Inapplicable


    3.5.3 Particulars about the explanations on other significant events


    √Applicable □Inapplicable


    i. In the report period, the Company did not offer funds to its controlling shareholders or related 

parties, and had no


    external guarantees with breaking the regulations.


    ii. In the report period, the controlling shareholders of the Company did not put forward or carry out any 

plan on


    add in holding shares.


    ii. In the report period, the Company did not sign any material contract.


    HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.


    April 24, 2009Balance Sheet


    March 31, 2009


    Prepared by HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB


    Items Amount in period-end Amount in year-begin


    Merger Parent Company Merger Parent Company


    Current assets:


    Monetary funds 42,724,658.29 5,114,122.55 36,655,536.17 4,869,795.27


    Settlement provisions


    Capital lent


    Transaction finance asset


    Notes receivable


    Accounts receivable 2,966,424.31 1,222,503.16 4,129,361.34 2,675,761.66


    Accounts paid in advance 37,211,357.72 - 28,251,517.83 -


    Insurance receivable


    Reinsurance receivables


    Contract reserve of reinsurance




    Interest receivable


    Dividend receivable 260,015.00 260,015.00 260,015.00 260,015.00


    Other receivables 37,060,402.61 59,767,392.14 33,822,326.10 60,334,145.29


    Purchase restituted finance asset


    Inventories 503,348,900.08 82,236,380.53 454,982,865.16 81,860,455.91


    Non-current asset due within one




    Other current assets


    Total current assets 623,571,758.01 148,600,413.38 558,101,621.60 150,000,173.13


    Non-current assets:


    Granted loans and advances


    Finance asset available for sales 790,230,000.00 790,230,000.00


    Held-to-maturity securities


    Long-term account receivable


    Long-term equity investment 13,153,951.24 201,511,309.90 81,154,403.04 269,511,761.70


    Investment property 21,447,187.08 21,668,361.96


    Fixed assets: 276,648,733.39 21,875,795.28 280,665,887.45 22,340,376.54


    Construction in progress - - - -


    Engineering material 606,206.60 - 606,206.60


    Disposal of fixed asset


    Productive biological asset


    Oil and gas asset


    Intangible assets 32,696,476.96 1,731,779.25 32,926,433.55 1,743,695.16


    Expense on Research and






    Long-term expenses to be


    apportioned -


    Deferred income tax asset


    Other non-current asset


    Total non-current asset 1,134,782,555.27 1,015,348,884.43 417,021,292.60 293,595,833.40


    Total assets 1,758,354,313.28 1,163,949,297.81 975,122,914.20 443,596,006.53


    Legal Representative: Zheng Qing Person in Charge of Accounting Works: Chen Binglian


    Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Yang DaoliangBalance Sheet


    March 31, 2009


    Prepared by HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB


    Amount in period-end Amount in year-begin




    Merger Parent Company Merger Parent Company


    Current liabilities:


    Short-term loans 24,000,000.00 24,000,000.00 24,000,000.00 24,000,000.00


    Loan from central bank


    Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit


    Capital borrowed


    Transaction financial liabilities


    Notes payable


    Accounts payable 32,631,960.29 4,133,088.24 32,924,422.72 4,200,330.44


    Accounts received in advance 218,856,802.74 1 4 2 , 9 5 7 ,6 0 6 . 1 9 36,167.00


    Selling financial asset of repurchase


    Commission charge and commission




    Wage payable 3,090,306.56 613,386.05 4,026,386.21 957,127.11


    Taxes payable -5,322,000.98 -2,143,209.44 2,503,332.27 -2,087,904.47


    Interest payable 75,019,185.05 43,971,058.80 69,783,831.76 40,928,604.71


    Dividend payable 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88 3,213,302.88


    Other accounts payable 406,790,861.19 242,045,866.68 403,308,365.93 240,018,631.52


    Reinsurance payables


    Insurance contract reserve


    Security trading of agency


    Security sales of agency


    Non-current liabilities due within 1 year 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00


    Other current liabilities


    Total current liabilities 763,280,417.73 315,833,493.21 687,717,247.96 311,266,259.19


    Non-current liabilities:


    Long-term loans 157,000,000.00 157,000,000.00


    Bonds payable


    Long-term account payable


    Special accounts payable


    Projected liabilities


    Deferred income tax liabilities


    Other non-current liabilities


    Total non-current liabilities 157,000,000.00 1 5 7 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . 0 0


    Total liabilities 920,280,417.73 315,833,493.21 844,717,247.96 311,266,259.19


    Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):


    Paid-in capital (or share capital) 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00 426,745,404.00


    Capital public reserve 1,056,489,705.18 1,059,506,044.72 334,260,156.98 337,276,496.52


    Less: Inventory shares


    Surplus public reserve 114,177,485.88 109,487,064.39 114,177,485.88 109,487,064.39


    Provision of general risk


    Retained profit -770,164,107.23 -747,622,708.51 -756,096,515.01 -741,179,217.57


    Balance difference of foreign currency




    Total owner’s equity attributable to parent




    827,248,487.83 848,115,804.60 119,086,531.85 132,329,747.34


    Minority interests 10,825,407.72 11,319,134.39


    Total owner’s equity 838,073,895.55 848,115,804.60 130,405,666.24 132,329,747.34


    Total liabilities and owner’s equity 1,758,354,313.28 1,163,949,297.81 975,122,914.20 443,596,006.53


    Legal Representative: Zheng Qing Person in Charge of Accounting Works: Chen Binglian


    Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Yang DaoliangProfit Statement


    Jan.-Mar., 2009


    Prepared by HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB


    Amount in this period Amount in the same period of last period




    Merger Parent Company Merger Parent Company


    I. Total operating income 24,899,406.13 126,985.00 21,335,647.12 88,717.75


    Including: Operating income 24,899,406.13 126,985.00 21,335,647.12 88,717.75


    Interest income


    Insurance gained


    Commission charge and commission




    II. Total operating cost 39,554,957.55 6,570,475.94 46,527,492.43 6,959,851.25


    Including: Operating cost 18,140,479.93 1 4 , 0 3 4 ,1 5 2 . 6 3


    Interest expense


    Commission charge and commission




    Cash surrender value


    Net amount of expense of compensation


    Net amount of withdrawal of insurance


    contract reserve


    Bonus expense of guarantee slip


    Reinsurance expense


    Operating tax and extras 1,284,676.47 6,984.19 1,215,020.54 4,879.48


    Sales expenses 2,800,608.37






    Administration expenses 11,340,595.14 3,094,777.88 21,685,964.78 2,606,657.47


    Financial expenses 5,998,039.20 3,482,241.04 7,401,520.37 4,351,610.54


    Losses of devaluation of asset -9,441.56 -14,515.17 -7,372.06 -3,296.24


    Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss


    is listed with “-”)


    Investment income (Loss is listed with




    Including: Investment income on


    affiliated company and joint venture


    Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)


    III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”) -14,655,551.42 -6,443,490.94 -25,191,845.31 -6,871,133.50


    Add: Non-operating income 103,877.68 30,345.00


    Less: Non-operating expense 1,587.02 494,412.18


    Including: Disposal loss of non-current




    IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) -14,553,260.76








    Less: Income tax 8,058.13 - 16,783.46


    V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) -14,561,318.89 -6,443,490.94 -25,672,695.95 -6,871,133.50


    Net profit attributable to owner’s equity of


    parent company


    -14,067,592.22 -25,120,627.83


    Minority shareholders’ gains and losses -493,726.67 -552,068.12


    VI. Earnings per share


    i. Basic earnings per share -0.03 -0.06


    ii. Diluted earnings per share -0.03 -0.06


    Legal Representative: Zheng Qing Person in Charge of Accounting Works: Chen Binglian


    Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Yang DaoliangCash Flow Statement


    Jan.-Mar., 2009


    Prepared by HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB


    Amount in this period Amount in the same period of last period




    Merger Parent Company Merger Parent Company


    I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:


    Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services 99,461,837.41 1,579,849.00 

27,405,502.59 8,063,717.75


    Net increase of customer deposit and interbank d eposit


    Net increase of loan from central bank


    Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution


    Cash received from original insurance contract fee


    Net cash received from reinsurance business


    Insured savings and net increase of investment


    Net increase of disposal of transaction financial asset


    Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission


    Net increase of capital borrowed


    Net increase of returned business capital


    Write-back of tax received


    Other cash received concerning operating activities 2,797,652.48 1,965,218.06 3,813,783.55 1,481,403.12


    Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 102,259,489.89 3,545,067.06 31,219,286.14 



    Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service 64,910,004.04 312,804.31 52,559,143.94




    Net increase of customer loans and advances


    Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank


    Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation


    Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission


    Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip


    Cash paid to/for staff and workers 14,630,301.58 1,043,225.70 11,299,607.44 1,133,861.68


    Taxes paid 9,882,161.43 210,999.31 8,331,191.06 31,928.65


    Other cash paid concerning operating activities 6,632,023.06 7,768,258.43 6,151,399.36 3,142,663.79


    Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 96,054,490.11 9,335,287.75 78,341,341.80 



    Net cash flows arising from operating activities 6,204,999.78 -5,790,220.69 -47,122,055.66 4,018,030.10


    II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:


    Cash received from recovering investment


    Cash received from investment income


    Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets




    Net cash received from dis posal of subsidiaries and other units


    Other cash received concerning investing activities


    Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities 34,300.00


    Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long -term assets 265,411.00 29,966.00 18,868,135.33 



    Cash paid for investment


    Net increase of mortgaged loans


    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units


    Other cash paid concerning investing activities


    Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 265,411.00 29,966.00 18,868,135.33 813,754.00


    Net cash flows arising from investing activities -265,411.00 -29,966.00 -18,833,835.33 -813,754.00


    III. Cash flows arising from financing activities


    Cash received from absorbing investment


    Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries


    Cash received from loans 6,500,000.00 6,500,000.00 74,040,000.00 7,900,000.00


    Cash received from issuing bonds


    Other cash received concerning financing activities


    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 6,500,000.00 6,500,000.00 74,040,000.00 7,900,000.00


    Cash paid for settling debts 3,500,000.00 1 3 ,5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .0 0 3 ,5 0 0,000.00


    Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying 2,870,466.66 435,486.03 3,808,242.56 



    Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries


    Other cash paid concerning financing activities 1,388.50 1,388.50


    Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities 6,370,466.66 435,486.03 17,309,631.06 4,367,266.21


    Net cash flows arising from financing activities 129,533.34 6,064,513.97 56,730,368.94 3,532,733.79


    IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate


    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 6,069,122.12 244,327.28 -9,225,522.05 6,737,009.89


    Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin 36,655,536.17 4,869,795.27 110,933,403.84 



    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end 42,724,658.29 5,114,122.55 101,707,881.79 



    Legal Representative: Zheng Qing Person in Charge of Accounting Works: Chen Binglian Person in Charge of A 

ccounting Institution: Yang Daoliang