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江 铃B:2020年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2020-04-28  

						Share’s name:   Jiangling Motors   Share’s code:   000550    No.:   2020-016
                 Jiangling B                         200550

                  Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                      2020 First Quarter Report

                            §1     Important Note

1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the
Report, and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain any
false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.

1.2 All Directors were present at the Board meeting to review the 2020 First
Quarter Report
1.3 Chairman Qiu Tiangao, CFO Li Weihua and Chief of Finance Department,
Ding Ni, confirm that the financial statements in this Quarter Report are truthful,
accurate and complete.

                                    §2       Brief Introduction
       2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Reporting period          Same Period      YoY Change
                                    (2020 first quarter)          Last Year          (%)
Revenue                                 4,619,180,560.00       6,506,385,533.00     -29.01%
Profit Attributable to the
Equity Holders of the                        69,462,263.00          25,158,175.00           176.10%
Net Cash Generated From
                                          -3,209,160,716.00        -191,280,537.00        -1,577.72%
Operating Activities
Basic Earnings Per Share
                                                       0.08                  0.03           176.10%
Diluted Earnings Per Share
                                                       0.08                  0.03           176.10%
Weighted Average Return on
                                                     0.66%                  0.24%                 0.42
Net Asset Ratio (%)
                                       At the end of          At the end of the
                                                               previous year         Change (%)
                                    the reporting period
Total Assets                           22,331,500,602.00      24,298,528,593.00               -8.10%
Shareholder’s equity
Attributable to the Equity                10,566,026,044.00   10,496,563,781.00                  0.66%
Holders of the Company
       2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of
       reporting period
       2.2.1 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders
                     JMC had 28,908 shareholders as of March 31, 2020, including 23,340 A-share
Total shareholders
                     holders and 5,568 B-share holders.
Top ten shareholders
                                                                             Shares          Shares
   Shareholder                                              Shares as of       with          due to
                       Shareholder Type      Percentage
     Name                                                  March 31, 2020    Trading        mortgage
                                                                            Restriction     or frozen
Jiangling            State-owned legal
                                                   41.03      354,176,000             0             0
Investment Co.,      person
Ford Motor           Foreign legal
                                                   32.00      276,228,394             0             0
Company              person
China Securities     Domestic
Corporation          non-State-owned                2.72       23,458,066             0             0
Limited              legal persons
Automotive Co.,                                     1.51       13,019,610             0             0
                     Legal person

Hong Kong
Securities          Foreign legal
                                                    0.96        8,277,549       0             0
Clearing Company    person
Ltd. (HKSCC)
Central Huijin      State-owned
                                                    0.83        7,186,600       0             0
Investment Ltd.     Legal person
GAOLING FUND,       Foreign legal
                                                    0.63        5,453,086       0             0
L.P.                person
INVESCO FUNDS       Foreign legal
                                                    0.56        4,841,889       0             0
SICAV               person
                    Domestic natural
Yang Wenting                                        0.44        3,827,921       0             0
MARKETS             Foreign legal
                                                     0.35       2,996,400       0             0
EQUITY FUND,        person
  Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
          Shareholder Name                    Shares without Trading        Share Type
Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.                     354,176,000                  A share
Ford Motor Company                                          276,228,394                  B share
China Securities Corporation Limited                         23,458,066                  A share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                                13,019,610                  A share
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company
                                                              8,277,549                  B share
Ltd. (HKSCC)
Central Huijin Investment Ltd.                                7,186,600                  A share
GAOLING FUND, L.P.                                            5,453,086                  B share
INVESCO FUNDS SICAV                                           4,841,889                  B share
Yang Wenting                                                  3,827,921                  A share
                                                              2,996,400                  B share
Notes on association among
above-mentioned shareholders

       Stock buy-back of top ten shareholders or top ten shareholders holding
       unlimited tradable shares in the reporting period
       □Yes    □√No
       There was no Stock buy-back of top ten shareholders or top ten shareholders
       holding unlimited tradable shares in the reporting period.

       2.2.2 Total number of shareholders holding preferred shares and top ten
       shareholders holding preferred shares
       □Applicable □√Not Applicable

§3     Major Events

3.1 Causes and explanations on major changes of financial indicators of the
reporting period
□√Applicable    □Not Applicable
In the first quarter of 2020, JMC sold 44,965 vehicles in total, decreased by
30.93% compared with the same period last year, including 16,828 JMC-brand
light trucks, 7,841 JMC-brand pickups, 4,998 JMC-brand light buses, 4,530
SUVs, 10,464 Ford-brand commercial vehicles, and 304 heavy trucks.
Revenue and net profit during the reporting period were RMB 4,619 million and
RMB 69 million, decreased 29.01% and increased 176.10% respectively
compared with the same period last year.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, compared with the end of the
previous year, receivables financing decreased by RMB 91 million, down
31.49%, mainly reflecting the use of notes receivables to pay for goods and the
decrease of notes receivables.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, compared with the end of the
previous year, notes payable increased by RMB 62 million, up 196.23%,
mainly reflecting the increase of payment for goods by using notes payable.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, compared with the end of the
previous year, contract liabilities decreased by RMB 94 million, down 34.87%,
mainly reflecting that the Company pre-charges the payment for vehicles,
components and service, part of which has been categorized to operating
revenue of the period.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, compared with the end of the
previous year, tax payable decreased by RMB 181 million, down 91.27%,
mainly reflecting the decrease of tax payable at the end of the period.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, operating
revenue decreased by RMB 1,887 million, down 29.01%; operating costs
decreased by RMB 1,686 million, down 30.09%; tax and surcharges
decreased by RMB 61 million, down 33.76%, mainly due to the decline of sales
volume affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year,, selling
expenses decreased by RMB 93 million, down 29.46%, mainly reflecting the
decrease of sales expenses caused by the decrease of sales volume.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, net profit
increased by RMB 44 million, up 176.10%, mainly reflecting the continuous

promotion of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and strict control of

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, income
tax expense increased by RMB 12 million, up 69%, mainly due to the profit
increase of this period.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, net cash
flows from operating activities decreased by RMB 3,018 million, down
1577.72%, mainly due to the decrease in cash received from sales of goods
due to the decrease in sales volume affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, net cash
flows from investing activities increased by RMB 374 million, up 38.16%,
mainly due to the decrease in cash paid for the purchase and construction of
fixed assets in the current period.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, net cash
flows from financing activities increased by RMB 1,291 million, mainly due to
the new short-term borrowings.

In the first quarter of 2020, compared with the same period last year, the net
increase in cash and cash equivalents decreased by RMB 1,353 million, down
115.35%, mainly reflecting the decrease of net cash flows from operating

The Company plans to relocate the Plant located in Qingyunpu District,
Nanchang City in 2020 and 2021, in which the light truck vehicle capacity will
be relocated to the Company's Fushan factory, and the spare parts capacity
will be relocated to the Company's Xiaolan factory. The relocation of the
Qingyupu Plant will not have a substantial impact on the Company's
operations in the short term. In the long term, the relocation of the Qingyupu
Plant will enable the Company to achieve capacity optimization, efficiency
improvement and technological upgrading of process equipments.

3.2 Analysis of major events, their impacts and resolutions
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.3 Commitments of the Company actual controlling party, the shareholders,
the related parties, the acquirer, or the Company
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3.4 Forecast on 2020 first half-year operating performance
Warning and explanations as to the situation that accumulated net profit during

the period from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may be
negative or, compared with the same period last year, may have a substantial
□Applicable   □√Not Applicable

3.5 Securities investment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no securities investment during the reporting period.

3.6 Entrusting financial management
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no entrusting financial management during the reporting period.

3.7 Securities derivates investment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no securities derivates investment during the reporting period.

3.8 External research and media interviews with the Company during the
reporting period
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no external research or media interview with the Company during
the reporting period.

3.9. Outside guarantee in breach of laws & regulations
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no outside guarantee in breach of laws & regulations during the
reporting period.

3.10 Non-operating funding in the Company occupied by controlling
shareholder and its affiliates
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

   §4       Financial Statements
   Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
   1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
   March 31, 2020
   (All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                                                 31 March 2020             31 December 2019
                                                 Consolidated*                Consolidated
Current assets:
     Cash at bank and on hand                           6,433,871,604.00          8,937,936,658.00
     Transactional financial assets                      500,263,889.00                         0.00
     Notes receivables                                    28,647,953.00              85,816,311.00
     Accounts receivables                               2,353,753,391.00          2,208,236,620.00
     Receivables financing                               198,031,412.00            289,044,373.00
     Advances to suppliers                               571,786,163.00            517,122,502.00
     Other receivables                                   113,941,582.00             115,983,137.00
     Inventories                                        1,950,239,266.00          1,946,869,092.00
     Other current assets                               1,113,395,586.00           973,426,066.00
Total current assets                                   13,263,930,846.00         15,074,434,759.00
Non-current assets:
     Long-term equity investments                         38,350,022.00             40,934,557.00
     Fixed assets                                       5,488,267,958.00          5,714,489,577.00
     Construction in progress                           1,504,856,501.00          1,498,124,778.00
     Right-of-use asset                                   32,426,977.00             36,039,891.00
     Intangible assets                                   924,201,291.00            948,755,845.00
     Development costs                                   213,608,493.00            125,142,080.00
     Deferred tax assets                                 865,858,514.00            860,607,106.00
Total non-current assets                                9,067,569,756.00          9,224,093,834.00
Total assets                                           22,331,500,602.00         24,298,528,593.00
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                              1,300,000,000.00                        0.00
     Derivative financial liabilities                       1,143,139.00                  545,632.00
     Notes payables                                       93,017,506.00             31,400,000.00
     Accounts payables                                  5,333,204,665.00          8,116,169,589.00
     Contract liabilities                                174,646,652.00            268,170,154.00
     Employee benefits payable                           372,805,571.00            385,547,290.00
     Taxes payable                                        17,351,605.00            198,777,104.00
     Other payables                                     3,826,280,059.00          4,145,266,838.00
      Current portion of non-current
                                                           11,477,841.00            13,843,406.00
     Other current liabilities                           254,484,337.00            264,558,923.00
Total current liabilities                              11,384,411,375.00         13,424,278,936.00
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings                                   3,247,733.00                 3,197,814.00

       Lease liabilities                          21,500,076.00       22,592,252.00
      Long-term employee benefits
                                                  62,430,938.00       63,685,000.00
       Provisions                                165,436,773.00      166,687,460.00
       Deferred income                            35,169,460.00       34,389,578.00
       Deferred tax liabilities                   25,174,747.00       25,339,981.00
       Other non-current liabilities              68,103,456.00       61,793,791.00
  Total non-current liabilities                  381,063,183.00      377,685,876.00
  Total liabilities                            11,765,474,558.00   13,801,964,812.00
  Owners' equity:
       Share capital                             863,214,000.00      863,214,000.00
       Capital surplus                           839,442,490.00      839,442,490.00
       Other comprehensive income                 -11,395,500.00      -11,395,500.00
       Surplus reserve                           431,607,000.00      431,607,000.00
       Undistributed profits                    8,443,158,054.00    8,373,695,791.00
  Total equity attributable to equity owners
                                               10,566,026,044.00   10,496,563,781.00
  of the Company
       Minority interests                                   0.00                0.00
  Total owners' equity                         10,566,026,044.00   10,496,563,781.00
  Total Liabilities and owners' equity         22,331,500,602.00   24,298,528,593.00

* Unaudited financial indexes

2. Balance Sheet
March 31, 2020
(All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                Assets                       31 March 2020*             31 December 2019
Current assets:
     Cash at bank and on hand                        6,022,967,158.00         8,677,928,946.00
     Transactional financial assets                   500,263,889.00                        0.00
     Notes receivables                                    439,553.00             20,792,000.00
     Accounts receivables                             744,624,899.00            865,928,297.00
     Receivables financing                            502,005,048.00             52,811,157.00
     Advances to suppliers                            559,018,837.00            504,562,617.00
     Other receivables                               3,261,772,220.00         3,118,317,705.00
     Inventories                                     1,512,294,906.00         1,471,931,881.00
     Other current assets                             913,899,805.00            821,783,113.00
Total current assets                                14,017,286,315.00        15,534,055,716.00
Non-current assets:
     Long-term equity investments                     378,350,022.00            380,934,557.00
     Fixed assets                                    4,267,303,111.00         4,462,909,152.00
     Construction in progress                        1,262,734,584.00         1,244,963,653.00
     Right-of-use asset                                30,250,876.00             33,138,423.00
     Intangible assets                                491,688,554.00            513,529,416.00
     Development costs                                188,085,970.00            100,271,663.00
     Deferred tax assets                              168,963,261.00            182,248,610.00
Total non-current assets                             6,787,376,378.00         6,917,995,474.00
Total assets                                        20,804,662,693.00        22,452,051,190.00
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                           1,300,000,000.00                       0.00
     Derivative financial liabilities                    1,143,139.00                 545,632.00
     Notes payables                                              0.00                       0.00
     Accounts payables                               5,214,005,826.00         7,908,815,398.00
     Contract liabilities                             639,942,602.00             77,585,490.00
     Employee benefits payable                        314,282,880.00            312,170,895.00
     Taxes payable                                     14,865,281.00            119,431,418.00
     Other payables                                  1,231,483,561.00         2,227,351,456.00
      Current portion of non-current
                                                       10,304,104.00             11,500,358.00
     Other current liabilities                         88,451,094.00             13,333,551.00
Total current liabilities                            8,814,478,487.00        10,670,734,198.00
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings                                3,247,733.00                3,197,814.00
     Lease liabilities                                 21,500,076.00             22,592,252.00

    Long-term employee benefits
                                          62,130,938.00       63,385,000.00
     Provisions                                     0.00                0.00
     Deferred income                      35,169,460.00       34,389,578.00
     Deferred tax liabilities                       0.00                0.00
     Other non-current liabilities        57,254,542.00       50,930,075.00
Total non-current liabilities            179,302,749.00      174,494,719.00
Total liabilities                       8,993,781,236.00   10,845,228,917.00
Owners' equity:
     Share capital                       863,214,000.00      863,214,000.00
     Capital surplus                     839,442,490.00      839,442,490.00
     Other comprehensive income           -11,616,750.00      -11,616,750.00
     Surplus reserve                     431,607,000.00      431,607,000.00
     Undistributed profits              9,688,234,717.00    9,484,175,533.00
Total owners' equity                   11,810,881,457.00   11,606,822,273.00
Total Liabilities and owners' equity   20,804,662,693.00   22,452,051,190.00

 * Unaudited financial indexes

       3. Consolidated Income Statement
       2020 First Quarter
       (All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                                Item                            2020 First Quarter*    2019 First Quarter*
Gross revenue                                                      4,619,180,560.00        6,506,385,533.00
    Revenue                                                        4,619,180,560.00        6,506,385,533.00
Total operating costs                                              4,733,559,021.00        6,613,067,438.00
    Less:Cost of sales                                            3,916,066,861.00        5,601,573,530.00
             Taxes and surcharges                                    119,070,398.00          179,764,943.00
             Selling expenses                                       222,716,861.00           315,747,801.00
             General and administrative expenses                    206,161,298.00           195,174,150.00
             Research and development expenses                      302,062,331.00           359,954,694.00
             Financial expenses                                      -32,518,728.00          -39,147,680.00
             Including: Interest expenses                              7,794,430.00                 53,320.00
                        Interest income                               44,097,975.00           30,792,516.00
    Add:Other income                                               164,739,694.00            12,152,205.00
           Investment income                                          14,432,960.00               1,685,201.00
           Including: Share of profit of associates and joint
                                                                      -2,584,535.00                 -59,981.00
           Profit arising from changes in fair value                    -333,618.00           -4,118,513.00
           Credit impairment losses                                    1,170,214.00                696,662.00
           Gains on disposals of assets                                         0.00               -168,326.00
Operating profit                                                      65,630,789.00          -96,434,676.00
    Add:Non-operating income                                          1,293,229.00          106,321,760.00
    Less:Non-operating expenses                                       2,951,304.00               2,434,977.00
Total profit                                                          63,972,714.00               7,452,107.00
    Less:Income tax expenses                                         -5,489,549.00          -17,706,068.00
Net profit                                                            69,462,263.00           25,158,175.00
  Classified by continuity of operations
    Net profit from continuing operations                             69,462,263.00           25,158,175.00
    Net profit from discontinued operations                                     0.00                     0.00
  Classified by ownership of the equity
    Minority interests                                                          0.00                     0.00
    Attributable to equity owners of the Company                      69,462,263.00           25,158,175.00
Other comprehensive income, net of tax
    Attributable to equity owners of the Company
     Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss
    Changes arising from remesurement of net liability or net
                                                                                0.00                     0.00
asset of defined benefit plan
    Attributable to minority interests
Total comprehensive income                                            69,462,263.00           25,158,175.00
    Attributable to equity owners of the Company                      69,462,263.00           25,158,175.00

   Attributable to minority interests      0.00        0.00
Earnings per share:
   Basic earnings per share(RMB Yuan)      0.08        0.03
   Diluted earnings per share(RMB Yuan)    0.08        0.03

          *: Unaudited financial indexes

4. Income Statement
2020 First Quarter
(All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                        Item                         2020 First Quarter*       2019 First Quarter*
Revenue                                                   4,333,342,232.00          6,118,634,036.00
     Less:Cost of sales                                  3,704,459,354.00          5,392,813,061.00
          Taxes and surcharges                              115,847,718.00            170,418,716.00
          Selling expenses                                   50,117,476.00             51,967,675.00
          General and administrative expenses               157,935,401.00            172,130,185.00
       Research and development
                                                            285,055,315.00            326,489,952.00
          Financial expenses                                -40,519,132.00             -49,720,573.00
               Including:Interest expenses                   6,283,846.00                    53,320.00
                         Interest income                     49,953,979.00             40,459,850.00
     Add:Other income                                      144,689,694.00             12,152,205.00
          Investment income                                  14,432,960.00                  1,685,201.00
         Including:Share of profit of
                                                             -2,584,535.00                    -59,981.00
associates and joint ventures
          Profit arising from changes in fair
                                                               -333,618.00              -4,118,513.00
          Credit impairment losses                               -44,746.00                  766,306.00
          Gains on disposals of assets                                 0.00                  -168,326.00
Operating profit                                            219,190,390.00             64,851,893.00
     Add:Non-operating income                                1,050,062.00            106,288,499.00
     Less:Non-operating expenses                             2,951,304.00                  2,077,131.00
Total profit                                                217,289,148.00            169,063,261.00
     Less:Income tax expenses                               13,229,964.00                  1,378,988.00
Net profit                                                  204,059,184.00            167,684,273.00
     Net profit from continuing operations                  204,059,184.00            167,684,273.00
     Net profit from discontinued operations                           0.00                        0.00
     Other comprehensive income, net of tax
    Other comprehensive income that will not
be reclassified to profit or loss
     Changes arising from remesurement of
net liability or net asset of defined benefit plan
Total comprehensive income                                  204,059,184.00            167,684,273.00
Earnings per share
     Basic earnings per share(RMB Yuan)                                    -                           -
     Diluted earnings per share(RMB Yuan)                                  -                           -

    *: Unaudited financial indexes

            5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
            2020 First Quarter
            (All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                    Item                            2020 First Quarter*             2019 First Quarter*
Cash flows from operating activities
    Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                4,817,652,267.00             7,191,549,667.00
rendering of services
    Cash received relating to other
                                                                  184,047,095.00               141,826,664.00
operating activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                       5,001,699,362.00             7,333,376,331.00
    Cash paid for goods and services                            6,499,939,751.00             5,817,453,366.00
   Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                  562,630,851.00               632,414,595.00
    Payments of taxes and surcharges                              499,921,086.00               417,049,821.00
     Cash paid relating to other operating
                                                                  648,368,390.00               657,739,086.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                      8,210,860,078.00             7,524,656,868.00
Net cash flows from operating activities                        -3,209,160,716.00             -191,280,537.00
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Cash received from disposal of
                                                                2,495,000,000.00             3,300,000,000.00
    Cash received from returns on
                                                                   17,810,966.00                    5,739,140.00
     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                              29,348.00                     232,000.00
long-term assets
    Cash received relating to other
                                                                   57,061,634.00                24,258,591.00
investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows                                       2,569,901,948.00             3,330,229,731.00
     Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                             180,512,371.00               406,146,314.00
    Cash paid to acquire investments                            2,995,000,000.00             3,900,000,000.00
     Cash paid relating to other investing
                                                                    1,194,271.00                    5,298,068.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                      3,176,706,642.00             4,311,444,382.00
Net cash flows from investing activities                         -606,804,694.00              -981,214,651.00
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Cash received from borrowings                               1,300,000,000.00                           0.00
Sub-total of cash inflows                                       1,300,000,000.00                           0.00
     Cash payments for distribution of
                                                                    7,228,323.00                     120,000.00
dividends, profits or interest expenses

     Cash payments relating to other
                                               1,987,321.00                 0.00
financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows                     9,215,644.00           120,000.00
Net cash flows from financing activities   1,290,784,356.00           -120,000.00
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
                                                       0.00                 0.00
on cash and cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash
                                           -2,525,181,054.00   -1,172,615,188.00
    Add:Cash and cash equivalents at
                                           8,937,936,658.00    7,616,879,976.00
beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
                                           6,412,755,604.00    6,444,264,788.00

           * Unaudited financial indexes

6. Cash Flow Statement
2020 First Quarter
(All amounts in RMB yuan unless otherwise stated)

                        Item                            2020 First Quarter*      2019 First Quarter*
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods or rendering
                                                             4,179,929,582.00      7,110,414,995.00
of services
     Cash received relating to other operating                 154,864,705.00        134,836,625.00
activities of cash inflows
Sub-total                                                    4,334,794,287.00      7,245,251,620.00
    Cash paid for goods and services                         6,315,563,976.00      5,609,177,481.00
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                    492,904,237.00        550,535,294.00
    Payments of taxes and surcharges                           370,835,212.00        331,586,876.00
    Cash paid relating to other operating activities           443,825,017.00        376,500,710.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                   7,623,128,442.00      6,867,800,361.00
Net cash flows from operating activities                    -3,288,334,155.00        377,451,259.00
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Cash received from disposal of investments               5,262,976,131.00      5,164,000,000.00
    Cash received from returns on investments                   17,810,966.00              5,739,140.00
     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,               29,348.00               232,000.00
     Cash received other to other assets
intangible assets andrelating long-terminvesting               131,041,185.00         77,394,341.00
activities of cash inflows
Sub-total                                                    5,411,857,630.00      5,247,365,481.00

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                               175,210,700.00        385,263,733.00
assets and other long-term assets

    Cash paid to acquire investments                         5,894,976,131.00      5,909,000,000.00
    Cash paid relating to other investing activities             1,194,272.00              5,298,068.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                   6,071,381,103.00      6,299,561,801.00
Net cash flows from investing activities                      -659,523,473.00      -1,052,196,320.00
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Cash received from borrowings                            1,300,000,000.00                     0.00
Sub-total of cash inflows                                    1,300,000,000.00                     0.00
     Cash payments for distribution of dividends,
                                                                 5,745,081.00               120,000.00
profits or interest expenses
     Cash payments relating to other financing                   1,359,079.00                     0.00
Sub-total of cash outflows                                       7,104,160.00               120,000.00
Net cash flows from financing activities                     1,292,895,840.00               -120,000.00

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
                                                                          0.00                    0.00
and cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            -2,654,961,788.00    -674,865,061.00
    Add:Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of   8,677,928,946.00    6,244,682,576.00
year and cash equivalents at end of period
Cash                                                 6,022,967,158.00    5,569,817,515.00

   *: Unaudited financial indexes

Board of Directors
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
April 27, 2020
