Share’s code: 000550 Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors No.: 2022-044 200550 Jiangling B Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. Public Announcement on Forecast of the Routine Related Party Transactions in 2023 Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does not contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission. I. Brief Introduction The Board of Directors of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "JMC" or the "Company") approved the 2023 routine related party transaction forecast proposal on December 9, 2022. The routine related party transaction forecast proposal covered all the related parties with JMC, where total annual transaction with each of them is projected to be over RMB 42 million. These related parties were clarified as Type A and Type B. Type A means the related parties with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of them is projected to be over RMB 420 million, and Type B means the related parties with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of them is projected to be between RMB 42 million and RMB 420 million. The Board of Directors approved the 2023 forecast proposal for type A routine related party transactions and authorized the Execute Committee to finalize detailed contracts with the individual related parties and to submit them to the Shareholders’ Meeting for approval. When voting on the proposals at the shareholders’ meeting, Ford Motor Company (“Ford”) will withdraw from the voting on the related party transactions associated with Ford and its affiliates; Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. (“JIC”) will withdraw from the voting on the related party transactions associated with Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. and its affiliates, associated with Jiangling Motors Group Co., Ltd. (“JMCG”) and its affiliates, and associated with Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. and its affiliates. The Board of Directors approved the 2023 forecast proposal for type B routine related party transactions and authorized the Execute Committee to sign detailed contracts with the individual related parties. Nine directors shall attend this meeting and eight were present. Director Yuan Mingxue did not attend this meeting, and he authorized Chairman Qiu Tiangao to exercise voting rights on his behalf. 1 When voting on the proposal, Director Shengpo Wu, Director Ryan Anderson and Director Xiong Chunying withdrew from the voting on the related party transactions associated with Ford and its affiliates; Director Qiu Tiangao and Director Jin Wenhui withdrew from the voting on the related party transactions associated with JMCG and its affiliates; Director Qiu Tiangao, Director Jin Wenhui and Director Yuan Mingxue withdrew from the voting on the related party transactions associated with Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. and its affiliates; all the other Directors agreed with the proposal. II. Types and amounts of routine related party transactions 1. Main Content and amounts of routine related party transactions in 2023 i. Type A, which means the related parties with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of them is projected to be over RMB 420 million, are listed as follows: RMB million 2022 Actual 2023 Forecast Transaction Related Party Category Content Transaction Amount from Amount January to October Deposit Deposit interest 36 27 interest and Guarantees 2 2 JMCG Finance accumulation Payment settlement Company settlement 20,123 11,702 Deposits amount Subtotal 20,161 11,731 Purchase of goods Jiangxi Jiangling Purchase 36 13 and service Motors Imp. & Sales of goods and Exp. Co., Ltd. and Sales 8,133 4,724 service its subsidiaries Subtotal 8,169 4,737 Purchase of goods Purchase 4,778 2,732 and service JMCG and its Sales of goods and subsidiaries Sales 680 397 service Subtotal 5,458 3,129 Purchase of goods Purchase 1,432 740 and service Ford and its Sales of goods and subsidiaries Sales 109 60 service Subtotal 1,541 800 Jiangxi Huaxiang Purchase of goods Purchase 1,181 741 Auto Components and service Co., Ltd. Sales Sales of goods and 4 3 2 service Subtotal 1,185 744 Nanchang Baojiang Purchase of goods Purchase 1,156 712 Steel Processing and service Distribution Co., Subtotal 1,156 712 Ltd. Purchase of goods Purchase 1,153 713 Magna PT and service Powertrain Sales of goods and Sales 1 1 (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. service Subtotal 1,154 714 Purchase of goods Purchase 803 495 Jiangxi Jiangling and service Lear Interior Sales of goods and Sales 15 10 System Co., Ltd. service Subtotal 818 505 Purchase of goods Jiangxi JMCG Purchase 90 24 and service Specialty Vehicles Sales of goods and Co., Ltd. and its Sales 642 490 service subsidiaries Subtotal 732 514 Nanchang Faurecia Purchase of goods Purchase 618 380 Emissions Control and service Technologies Co., Subtotal 618 380 Ltd. Purchase of goods China South Purchase 14 9 and service Industries Group Sales of goods and Corporation Total Sales 556 259 service and Subsidiaries Subtotal 570 268 Nanchang Unistar Purchase of goods Purchase 430 267 Electric & and service Electronics Co., Subtotal 430 267 Ltd. ii. Type B, which means the related parties with JMC, where total annual transactions with each of them is projected to be between RMB 42 million and RMB 420 million, are listed as follows: RMB million 2022 Actual 2023 Forecast Transaction Related Party Category Content Transaction Amount from Amount January to October 3 Purchase of goods Hanon Systems Purchase 200 124 and service (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. Subtotal 200 124 Purchase of goods Purchase 133 82 Nanchang JMCG SMR and service Huaxiang Mirror Co., Sales of goods and Sales 14 10 Ltd. service Subtotal 147 92 Purchase of goods Nanchang Yinlun Purchase 138 85 and service Heat-exchanger Co., Ltd. Subtotal 138 85 Purchase of goods Changan Ford Purchase 71 46 and service Automobile Co., Ltd. Subtotal 71 46 Purchase of goods Purchase 42 64 and service JMCG New Energy Sales of goods and Vehicle Co., Ltd. Sales 1 1 service Subtotal 43 65 2. Main Content and amounts of routine related party transactions in 2022 RMB million Differences Between 2022 Actual Actual Actual Transaction 2022 Transaction Transaction Amount from Forecast Amount from Related Party Category Content Amount January to Transaction January to from October as % Amount October and January to of Similar Forecast October Business Transaction Amount (%) Deposit Deposit interest 27 25 13.85% 8.00% interest and Guarantees 2 2 100% 0.00% JMCG Finance accumulation Company Payment settlement settlement 11,702 33,138 35.12% -64.69% amount Deposits Jiangxi Jiangling Purchase of Purchase 13 42 0.07% -69.05% Motors Imp. & Exp. goods and service Co., Ltd. and its Sales of goods Sales 4,724 4,190 19.37% 12.74% subsidiaries and service JMCG and its Purchase of Purchase 2,732 6,503 14.46% -57.99% subsidiaries goods and service 4 Sales of goods Sales 397 736 1.63% -46.06% and service Purchase of Purchase 740 1,778 3.92% -58.38% Ford and its goods and service subsidiaries Sales of goods Sales 60 173 0.25% -65.32% and service Purchase of Jiangxi Huaxiang Purchase 741 981 3.92% -24.46% goods and service Auto Components Sales of goods Co., Ltd. Sales 3 5 0.01% -40.00% and service Nanchang Baojiang Purchase of Steel Processing Purchase 712 1,335 3.77% -46.67% goods and service Distribution Co., Ltd. Purchase of Purchase 713 1,028 3.77% -30.64% Magna PT Powertrain goods and service (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. Sales of goods Sales 1 1 0 0.00% and service Purchase of Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Purchase 495 645 2.62% -23.26% goods and service Interior System Co., Sales of goods Ltd. Sales 10 7 0.04% 42.86% and service Jiangxi JMCG Purchase of Purchase 24 64 0.13% -62.50% Specialty Vehicles goods and service Co., Ltd. and its Sales of goods Sales 490 675 2.01% -27.41% subsidiaries and service Nanchang Faurecia Emissions Control Purchase of Purchase 380 590 2.01% -35.59% Technologies Co., goods and service Ltd. China South Purchase of Purchase 9 10 0.05% -10.00% Industries Group goods and service Corporation and its Sales of goods Sales 259 688 1.06% -62.35% subsidiaries and service Nanchang Unistar Purchase of Electric & Electronics Purchase 267 370 1.41% -27.84% goods and service Co., Ltd. Hanon Systems Purchase of Purchase 124 262 0.66% -52.67% (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. goods and service Purchase of Purchase 64 150 0.34% -57.33% JMCG New Energy goods and service Vehicle Co., Ltd. Sales of goods Sales 1 1 0 0.00% and service Nanchang JMCG Purchase of Purchase 82 135 0.43% -39.26% SMR Huaxiang goods and service 5 Mirror Co., Ltd. Sales of goods Sales 10 13 0.04% -23.08% and service Nanchang Yinlun Purchase of Heat-exchanger Co., Purchase 85 143 0.45% -40.56% goods and service Ltd. Changan Ford Purchase of Purchase 46 102 0.24% -54.90% Automobile CO., Ltd. goods and service The Company carried out the forecast on the upper limit of the transaction limit and submitted it to the shareholders’ meeting for review and Explanation by the Board of Directors of approval when the amount of the routine related party transactions in the Company on the difference between the 2022 was expected to be. The final actual amount of the part of the related actual amount and the forecast amount of party transactions is 20% less than the projected amount, which is due to the routine related party transactions the fact that the Company and the related parties do not trigger or reduce the sales commodity and the purchase of the goods according to the actual demand of the Company. It is a normal business behavior. In our opinion, where the actual amount of routine related party transactions of the Company occurring in 2022 is more than 20% below Explanation by Independent Directors of the forecast amount, it is due to the fact that the Company and related the Company on the difference between the parties did not trigger or reduce the sales of goods and purchase of goods actual amount and the forecast amount of according to the actual needs of the Company. It is a normal business the routine related party transactions behavior, in line with the objective situation, and without harming the interests of the Company and minority shareholders. Disclosure date and index of the Forecast Proposal of Routine Related Party Transactions In 2022: the No. 2021-068 announcement was published on the website on December 21, 2021. III. Brief Summary of Related Parties Legal Registered Registered Name Main Business Scope Relationship Representative Capital Address JMCG Finance Ling Xingguo RMB 800 Primarily providing financial services Nanchang Subsidiary of Company million to JMCG and its affiliates, including City JMCG credit, account clearing and deposit, etc. Jiangxi Jiangling Sun Xiaoquan RMB Import and export business of all kinds Nanchang Associate of Motors Imp. & Exp. 33.61 of goods and technology; logistics and City JMCG Co., Ltd. million packing, etc. JMCG Qiu Tiangao RMB Manufacturing of vehicle, engine, Nanchang Actual 1,500 chassis, modified vehicle, automotive City Controller of JIC million components, vehicle quality test, sales of in-house produced commodity and providing relevant after sale services. Ford Motor William Clay $ 1.222 Vehicle manufacturing and sales and Detroit, Controlling Company Ford Jr. billion other business U.S.A shareholder of 6 the Company (hold 32% equity) Jiangxi Huaxiang Du Yongchun RMB 40 Manufacturing and sales of automotive Nanchang Joint venture of Auto Components million components. City JMCG Co., Ltd. Nanchang Baojiang Zhou Zhongxi RMB Processing, selling, distribution and Nanchang Associate of Steel Processing 147.40 storage of steel. City JMCG Distribution Co., Ltd million Magna PT Li Xiang Euro Manufacture and sell transmissions and Nanchang Associate of Powertrain (Jiangxi) 131.27 related components City JMCG Co., Ltd. million Jiangxi Jiangling Chang USD Design, production, sales for all kinds Nanchang Joint venture of Lear Interior System Hongshun 10.215 of cars, modified cars, transformer car City JMCG Co., Ltd. million full sets of seats, sponge business Jiangxi JMCG Wu Xiaolin RMB 60 Manufacturing and sales of automotive Nanchang Associate of Specialty Vehicles million components and modified vehicles. City JMCG Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries Nanchang Faurecia Huang Pinhui USD $ 8 Development, production and sales of Nanchang Associate of Emissions Control million automobile exhausting system. City JMCG Technologies Co., Ltd. China South Xu Xianping RMB Investment, operation and management Beijing Actual controller Industries Group 35,300 of state-owned assets City of JIC Corporation million Nanchang Unistar Pan Xiaolin RMB 50 Auto wiring, development, Nanchang Joint venture of Electric & million manufacturing, sales and after-sales City JMCG Electronics Co., Ltd. service of electronic parts. Hanon Systems Zhang USD $ 5.6 Manufacturing of climate control Nanchang Associate of (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. Xiaoping million systems (excluding compressors), City JMC refrigerant lines, brake lines and fuel tubes used for automobile. JMCG New Energy Qiu Tiangao RMB R & D, production and sales of new Nanchang Associate of Vehicle Co., Ltd. 2,000 energy vehicles and auto parts. City JMCG million Nanchang JMCG He Jiukun RMB 50 Automotive mirrors and other Nanchang Associate of SMR Huaxiang million automotive parts products (except City JMCG Mirror Co., Ltd. engines) development, manufacturing, wholesale, retail and service. Nanchang Yinlun Xu Xiaomin RMB 40 Development, production and sales of Nanchang Associate of Heat-exchanger Co., million automobile heat exchange system. City JMCG Ltd. Changan Ford Zhu Huarong USD Development, production and sales of Chongqing Joint venture of 7 Automobile Co., $ 241 automobiles and parts; provide City Changan Ltd. million after-sales services, training services, Automobile Co., warehousing services and other Ltd. services. Financial information of the related parties in 2021was shown as follows: RMB million No. Name Total Assets Net Assets Revenue Profit after tax 1 JMCG Finance Company 12,492 1,401 360 120 2 Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. 1,558 248 4,942 27 Co., Ltd. 3 JMCG 17,535 6,765 2,257 312 4 US$ 257,000 US$ 48,600 US$ 136,300 US$ 17,900 Ford million million million million 5 Jiangxi Huaxiang Auto Components 686 300 1,003 36 Co., Ltd. 6 Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing 764 218 1,940 37 Distribution Co., Ltd. 7 Magna PT Powertrain (Jiangxi) Co., 5,283 2,987 4,557 418 Ltd. 8 Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System 430 159 639 29 Co., Ltd. 9 Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., 1,183 594 1,060 77 Ltd. 10 Nanchang Faurecia Emissions Control 458 157 306 30 Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 China South Industries Group 400,674 147,795 136,333 4,188 Corporation 12 Nanchang Unistar Electric & 475 70 505 1 Electronics Co., Ltd. 13 Hanon Systems (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. 387 194 317 -12 14 JMCG New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. 3,049 279 418 -200 15 Nanchang JMCG SMR Huaxiang 123 73 150 7 Mirror Co., Ltd. 16 Nanchang Yinlun Heat-exchanger Co., 122 51 145 1 Ltd. 17 Changan Ford Automobile CO., Ltd. 40,685 5,979 61,765 2,284 After inquiry, all the above mentioned related legal persons are not the persons to be executed for dishonesty. 8 Performance capability analysis: the above-mentioned related parties can strictly abide by the contract agreements in their business dealings with the Company. Combined with the main financial indicators and business conditions of the related parties, the related parties are fully capable of performing their transactions with the Company. IV. Main Content of the Routine Related Party Transaction 1. Transaction Pricing Mechanism When the Company sells goods to or purchases goods from related parties, if the price of the same products is offered in the market, the Company will use the market price. If unable or difficult to obtain comparable market data for prices of unique products or services, prices are determined through the process of supplier quotes, costing assessment and negotiation. 2. Signing of Related Party Transaction Contracts According to the actual progress of production and operation, the Company will sign specific contracts in time on an equal basis with the related parties. V. Purpose of Related Party Transactions and Impact on JMC All the above-mentioned related party transactions are regular and recurring transactions between JMC and the related parties, and they are necessary for JMC to maintain its daily operation. The goods purchased from the related parties are mainly unique parts for JMC products. The transactions between JMC and the related parties follow the principles of fairness, openness and justice. All the transactions meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, which do not damage the benefit of the Company and minority shareholders. VI. Opinions from Independent Directors Independent Directors, Mr. Chen Jiangfeng, Ms. Wang Yue and Mr. Yu Zhuoping expressed their opinions on the above-mentioned routine related party transactions as follows: 1. We have been informed of the meeting agenda prior to the meeting; 2. We have known the routine related party transactions of the Company, and believe that the routine related party transaction forecast proposal is necessary and reasonable for the Company’s daily operation, and voting procedures of the proposal complies with the relevant requirements of the laws & regulations. 3. In our opinion, where the actual amount of routine related party transactions of the Company occurring in 2022 is more than 20% below the forecast amount, it is due to the fact that the Company and related parties did not trigger or reduce the sales of goods and purchase of goods according to the actual needs of the Company. It is a normal business behavior, in line with the objective situation, and without harming 9 the interests of the Company and minority shareholders. VII. Documents for Reference 1. Resolutions of the Board of Directors of JMC; 2. Opinions from Independent Directors on the abovementioned routine related party transaction forecast proposal. Board of Directors Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. December 13, 2022 10