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江 铃B:江铃汽车股份有限公司2022年12月产销情况的自愿性信息披露公告(英文版)2023-01-05  

                                                       Share’s code:    000550       Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors   No.: 2023-001
                                                  200550                       Jiangling B

                                                Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                                    Production And Sales Volume Information In December 2022
    Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and
    complete and does not contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.
    The table on production and sales volume in December 2022 of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. is as follows:

                               Production Volume (Unit)                                                  Sales Volume (Unit)
                                                            Same                                                                Same
 Product    Dec.      Dec.      Changes          Year to               Changes     Dec.       Dec.      Changes     Year to                Changes
                                                            Period                                                              Period
            2022      2021      (%)            Month                 (%)       2022       2021      (%)       Month                  (%)
                                                           Last Year                                                           Last Year
Light Bus   10,263     9,018       13.81%         79,805    100,168    -20.33%     10,961     10,111        8.41%    77,237     101,516     -23.92%
Truck        5,041    11,288      -55.34%         62,825    118,117    -46.81%      6,234     11,450      -45.55%    64,727     118,105     -45.20%
Pickup       3,771     8,422      -55.22%         63,496     68,268     -6.99%      5,670      8,691      -34.76%    62,872      67,906      -7.41%
SUV          4,402     5,526      -20.34%         75,468     53,096     42.14%      5,745      5,856       -1.90%    77,172      53,481      44.30%
Total       23,477    34,254      -31.46%        281,594    339,649    -17.09%     28,610     36,108      -20.77%   282,008     341,008     -17.30%

    Board of Directors
    Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
    January 5, 2023