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长 安B:2011年半年度报告(英文版)2011-08-29  

						Chongqing Changan Automobile

      Company Limited

  Semi-annual Report 2011
                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

                I. I m p o r t a n t n o t e s, Explaination and Catalogue

       i. Important Notes

The Board of Directors& Supervisors of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) , the directors, supervisors and senior
management guarantee that the information contained in the report is free of false
records, misguiding statements or significant omissions, and assume individual and joint
liabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the report.
No director, supervisor or senior management have raised any disagreement with
regard to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the semi-annual report..
All directors attended the Board meeting.
The financial report in this reporting period is unaudited.
Chairman Mr. Xu Liuping, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin, Chief Accountant Mr.
Cui Yunjiang, and the Chief of Accountant department, Mr. Hua Zhanbiao, herein
guarantee: the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of this
semi-annual report.
       ⅱ Contents
  I       Important notes and contents                                       1
  II      General introduction of the Company                                2
  III     Change in shares and information about shareholders                5
          Information on directors, supervisors, senior executives
  IV                                                                         8
          and staffs
  V       Report by Board of Directors                                       9
  VI      Important Issues                                                   17
  VII     Financial Statements                                               24
  VIII    Document for future reference                                      84

                                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

                                II.General Introduction of the Company
1.     T h e C o m pa n y ’s l e g a l C h i n e s e n a m e : 重 庆 长 安 汽 车 股 份 有 限 公 司

       The      Company’s          legal      English        name:         Chongqing          Changan           Automobile          Company


2.     P l a c e o f l i s t i n g : S h e n z h e n St o c k E x c h a n g e

       Abbreviated name of the stock: Changan Automobile                                                Changan B

        St o c k C o d e :                                000625                                                200625

3.     Registered address: No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, Jiang Bei District, Chongqing

       Post code: 400023

      O ff i c e A d d r e s s : N o . 2 6 0 , J i a n X i n E a s t R o a d , J i a n g B e i D i s t r i c t , C h o n g q i n g

      Post code: 400023

      I n t e r n e t We b s i t e o f t h e C o m pa n y : h t t p : / / w w w. c h a n g a n . c o m . c n

      E m a i l A d d r e s s o f t h e C o m pa n y : cazqc@ changan.com.cn

4.     L e g a l r e p r e s e n ta t i v e o f t h e C o m pa n y : Mr. Xu Liuping

5.     S e c r e ta r i e s o f t h e B o a r d : M r. C u i Yu n j i a n g , M s . L i J u n

     Address:                         No. 260, Jian Xin East Road, Jiang Bei District, Chongqing
     Te l e p h o n e :              ( 0 2 3 ) 6 7 5 9 4009
     F a x:                           (023) 67866055
     Email address: cazqc@changan.com.cn
6.     P u b l i c a t i o n s f o r i n f o r m a t i o n d i s c l o s u r e o f t h e C o m pa n y : C h i n a S e c u r i t i e s ,

     S e c u r i t i e s Ti m e s and H o n g K o n g C o m m e r c i a l D a i l y
     We b s i t e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n d i s c l o s u r e o f t h e C o m pa n y : h t t p : / / w w w. c n i n f o . c o m . c n
     F i l i n g L o c a t i o n o f S e m i a n n u a l R e p o r t : O ff i c e o f t h e B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s
7.     K e y a c c o u n t i n g d a ta a n d f i n a n c i a l i n d i c a t o r s

                                                                                                                Unit: ( RMB) Yuan
                                                  This reporting                    Last reporting
                                                 period end as on                  period end as on                  Increase/Decrease
                                                  30 June 2011                    31 December 2010                          (%)
         Total assets                           35,891,069,232.69                 30,456,426,127.88                             17.84%
      Owner’s equity(or
                                                15,123,561,188.97                  10,625,542,446.62                                      42.33%
     shareholder’s equity)
           Share capital                          2,685,823,637.00                    2,325,657,615.00                                    15.49%
     Net assets per share                                     5.63                                4.57                          23.19%
                                                 Reporting period                   Corresponding                    Increase/Decrease
                                                  (January-June)                   period of previous                       (%)

                                      Semi-annual Report 2011


   Operation total income          14,537,115,839.90       16,627,454,932.78           -12.57%
        Oeration profit             1,014,014,773.28        1,374,742,402.37           -26.24%
        Gross profit                1,119,500,684.54        1,371,628,474.32           -18.38%
  Net profit attributable to
   shareholder of listed            1,040,060,233.01        1,366,565,351.61           -23.89%
     Net profit except
  non-recurring loss and              953,093,407.91        1,365,347,793.93           -30.19%
  Basic earnings per share                         0.22                    0.28        -21.43%
  Diluted earning per share                        0.22                    0.28        -21.43%
   Return rate on net assets                 7.42%                  14.27%                 -6.85%
         After deducting
    non-recurring gains and
                                             6.80%                  14.25%                 -7.45%
   losses weighted average
         return on equity
       Net cash flow from
                                  2,378,405,526.54      2,687,373,910.69                 -11.50%
       operating activities
       Net cash flow from
    operating activities per                   0.89                    1.16               -23.28%
Note 1: During the reporting period, the Company has issued additional 360,166,022
A-share in public, by the end of this reporing period, total equity changed to 2,685,823,637
Note 2: The Company carried out the 2010 annual interest distribution between assets
liabilities date and financial reporting approval date, distribution of stock dividends,
transferred by equity fund totally is 2,148,658,909, total equity changed to 4,834,482,546
shares, according to the stipulation of 《 No.9 rules of Company information disposal audit
which public offering of securities---Calculation and Disposal of ROE and earning per
share》(2010 version, above equity change is not influence the interest rates of the owner,
it will be re-calculate earning per share every compareing period on the basis of
Note 3: deduction from non-recurring profit and loss project and cash.
                                                                            Unit: ( RMB) Yuan
                                                Amount from the
                                            beginning of the year to
    Non-recurring profit and loss project    the end of the reporting
Gain/loss of non-current assets                            919,460.27
                                                                       The mainly income is a
                                                                       subsidy of 39.4 million
                                                                       Yuan for new product from
                                                                       the Finance Bureau of
subsidy income                                         88,857,908.34 Jiangbei District and a
                                                                       subsidy of 44.89 million
                                                                       Yuan for proving ground
                                                                       from he Finance Bureau of
                                                                       Dianjiang county.
Other non-business income and expenditures other
than the above                                             15,188,904.34
Influenced amount of income tax                           -17,087,610.78

                                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

Influenced amount of miniority shareholders’ equity                               -911,837.07
                      Total                                                      86,966,825.10
  8.   Net asset profit rate and profit index per share

                                                                                                                  Unit: ( RMB) Yuan

  Profit in the reporting period                                                                Profit per share (yuan per
                                                                                               Basic profit     Diluted profit
                                                                                                per share         per share
Net profit attributed to listed
                                                                                  7.42%                      0.22                       0.22
Net profit attributed to listed Company
shareholder except non-recurring loss                                             6.80%                      0.20                       0.20
and profit
  9.   R e c o n c i l i a t i o n o f t h e n e t p r o f i ts p r e s e n t e d u n d e r t h e P R C a c c o u n t i n g s ta n d a r d s

       a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t i n g Sta n d a r d

                                                                                                       Unit:( RMB)Yuan
                               Net profit attributed                      listed Attributable to equity shareholders of
                               Companyshareholders                               the listed company
                                                                                    By the end of    At The beginning
                         This period                             Last period             period           period
 According to the
 accountingstandard 1,040,060,233.01 1,366,565,351.61 15,052,277,123.97 10,554,258,381.62
 According to
 accountingstandard 1,040,060,233.01 1,366,565,351.61 15,123,561,188.97 10,625,542,446.62
 Subentry and total of the adjustment of according to international accounting rules:
 Payment to currency
 shareholders of A
 share cash opposite
 price( Note )                                                                            -71,284,065.00                -71,284,065.00
 Total difference
 between international
 and Chinese
 accounting standard                                                   -71,284,065.00       -71,284,065.00
 Difference between            Note: Jiangling Holding Company, the Company’s JV, held by Jiangling
 Chinese     and               stake in listed companies the right to paid circulation on the price in
 international                 cash, according to international norms should be included in the profit
 accounting standard           and loss.

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

  Ⅲ . Change in shareholdings and information about main shareholders

    1. Change in shareholdings
                  Balance before          Addition and deduction( +, -) during               Balance after
                  current change                          change                               current change
                                          Additional    Bonus ed from
                     Quantity     Ratio                 share accumula    other subtotal      quantity       ratio
                                                               ted fund
Ⅰ .Non-circulated
                      207,430,882   8.92%                                                      207,430,882   7.72%
1、 State-owned
2、 State-owned
                      207,421,301   8.92%                                                      207,421,301   7,72%
legal person shares
3、 Other domestic
holding shares
domestic non-state
legal person shares
Domestic natural
person shares
4、 Foreign-hold
foreign legal
person shares
  foreign natural
person shares
5、 share of senior
                            9,581                                                                    9,581
Ⅱ .Circulated
                    2,118,226,733 91.08% 360,166,022                            360,166,022   2,478,392,755 92.28%
1、Domestic listed
                    1,521,791,966 65.43% 360,166,022                            360,166,022   1,881,957,988 70.07%
RMB shares
2、Domestic listed
                      596,434,767 25.65%                                                       596,434,767 22.21%
foreign shares
3、 Oversea listed
foreign shares
4、 Others
Ⅲ .Total shares    2,325,657,615 100.00% 360,166,022                           360,166,022   2,685,823,637 100.00%
    2. The information on top 10 shareholders
                                                                     Unit: share
   Total shareholders     Persons in total 253,647, among of which A shareholders are 213,204, B
         number           shareholder is 40,443.
       The top ten shareholders
                                                   Ratio of               Total number of    Pledged/
                                 Nature of                  Total number
   Name of shareholders                              total                 non-circulated Frozen shares
                               Shareholders                   of shares
                                                    share                     shares         number
                          State-owned        legal
AUTOMOBILE GROUP                                    43.33% 1,163,787,489     207,421,301              0
Beijing North Jingji      State-owned        legal
                                                      1.53%    41,000,000                0            0
Investment Consultant     person

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

Agricultural Bank of China-
                             Domestic       non-state
Fullgoal Tianrui Strong Area                            1.41%     37,826,581                 0              0
Hybrid Fund                  legal person
China South Industries
                           State-owned       legal
Group Finance                                          1.30%     35,000,000                  0              0
PING AN TRUST CO.,         Domestic      non-state
                                                       0.74%     20,000,000                  0              0
LTD.                       legal person
                           Foreign legal person        0.62%     16,568,176                  0              0
TEMPLETON CHINA FUND Foreign legal person              0.61%     16,299,220                  0              0
GTI 5497
SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Foreign legal person              0.56%     15,002,796                  0              0
                           Foreign legal person        0.52%     14,053,640                  0              0
Bank Of China-E Fund      Domestic      non-state
                                                       0.42%     11,406,823                  0              0
SSE100ETF Fund             legal person
                 The top 10 holders of circulated shares
                                                    Total number of
             Name of shareholders                       circulated                  Share type
                                                           956,366,188 RMB ordinary share
Beijing North Jingji Investment Consultant
                                                            41,000,000 RMB ordinary share
Agricultural Bank of China- Fullgoal Tianrui
                                                            37,826,581 RMB ordinary share
Strong Area Hybrid Fund
China South Industries Group Finance
                                                            35,000,000 RMB ordinary share
PING AN TRUST CO., LTD.                                     20,000,000 RMB ordinary share
                                                                       Foreign capital stock listed within
BONJOUR CHINA FUND 2                                        16,568,176
JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON CHINA FUND GTI                               Foreign capital stock listed within
5497                                                                   China
                                                                       Foreign capital stock listed within
                                                                       Foreign capital stock listed within
FTIF TEMPLETON BRIC FUND                                    14,053,640
Bank Of China-E Fund SSE100ETF Fund                        11,406,823 RMB ordinary share
                                                   Among the top ten share holders, China Changan Automobile
                                                   Group      CompanyLimited,     Beijing    North      Jingji
                                                   Investment Consultant CompanyLimited, and
                                                   China       South     Industries      Group       Finance
                                                   CompanyLimited are controlled by one common
                                                   actual controller China South Industries Group.
 Related partner relationship of the ten largest
                                                   The Companydid not know whether there was relationship
      shareholders and their consistant act
                                                   among the large ten circulated shareholders , and nor knew
                                                   whether they were the parties who agreed to act alike as
                                                   stipulated in Administrative Measures on Information
                                                   Disclosure Concerning Changes in Shareholdings of Listed

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

     3. The top 10 holders of non-circulated shares and condition of limited sale
    By the end of the reporting period, the non-circulated shares shareholder, China Changan
Automobile Group Co., Ltd. holds 1,163,787,489 shares, of which 956,366,188 shares are
circulated shares, the remaining 207,421,301 shares are non-circulated shares and will be released
after the implementation of management incentive plan according to the commitment of share
     4. Change of controlling shareholder and actual controllers
    During the report period, there’s no change in controlling shareholder and actual controllers.

                                      Semi-annual Report 2011

         Ⅳ Information on Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
ⅰ During the report period, there’s no change in shareholding for directors, supervisors and senior
ⅱ .In the report period, there are new employment or dismiss in directors, supervisors and senior
    In March, 2011, Mr. Shen Mingquan was no longer staff supervisor of the Company because of

the age reason. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations stated in Articles of Association,

the Staff and Workers Congress of the Company elected Mr. Liu Hong as staff supervisor of the

fifth Board of Supervisors; the term will be ended upon the end of the fifth Board of Supervisors.

    After taking a vote and passing through the nineteenth meeting of fifth Board of Director on

Apr. 14, 2011, Mr. Gong Bing was elected as vice president of the Company; the term will be ended

upon the end of the fifth Board of Directors.

    After taking a vote and passing through the eleventh meeting of fifth Board of Supervisors on

Apr. 14, 2011, Mr. Fu Liping was no longer the supervisor of the Company due to his work change,

Board of Supervisors planed to nominate Mr. Shi Jinggang as the supervisor of the company. After

taking a vote and passing through the annual general meeting of 2010 on May 18, 2011, Mr. Shi

Jinggang was elected as the supervisor of the Company; the term will be ended upon the end of the

fifth Board of Supervisors.

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

                       Ⅴ   The Report from Board of Directors
     ⅠThe operation of the Company during the reporting period

    (I) the overall operation

    In the first half of 2011, growth of China's auto market fell sharply, mini-cars and

independent-brand cars were severely affected, anyway, the Company took "quality, fine,

enterprising" as the key, worked hard to create fine management, and actively implemented

measures to answer up the policy change, market overdraft, energy shortages, raw material price

inrease, monetary tightening, Japan earthquake and other unfavorable factors, the operation and

management had been developed stably.

    During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries, JVs totally produced 907,245

vehicles, down 5.14 percent year-on-year; sold 925,245 vehicles, down 5.05 percent year-on-year,

among which 361,873 units are mini-cars, down 25% year-on-year, and 116,516 units are

own-brand cars, up 23.80% year-on-year. Production and sales still ranked in the first 4 in Chinese

automotive industry.

     ⅡCompany’s operation harvest         and finace status during the reporting period

    During the reporting period, the Board of Directors and management based on the overall

strategic goals, primarily to promote the completion of the following:

     ⒈ Promoted the reform and adjustment steadily. Focusing on product, organization,

human resources, remuneration, infrastructure management; the Company adhered to

make active adjustment and advance adjustment. Particularly focusing on improving the

market responsiveness, competitiveness, fighting capability, taking "high efficiency, flat,

fast" as the principle and with performance-oriented, the Company strengthened the

flatness of the marketing agency, achieved management center going downwards and

forwards, business became more focused, respond became more quick.

     ⒉ Deepened the strategic cooperation. The company has reached the trinity

development strategy with Ford on vehicle, engine and transmission: No.3 plant for

complete vehicle has entered the phase of equipment installation and commissioning,

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

production preparation is expected to be completed by the end of this year; engine factory

has already successfully laid a foundation in June; and the Company signed the

transmission project cooperation agreement with Chongqing City in May.

     ⒊ Advanced new product R & D steadily. Passenger car, commercial vehicle projects

have been accelerated in accordance with the three elements of "progress, cost, quality,"

the management, timing schedule, quality for major projects of new products like sedans

such as C201, R101 and other new mini cars are in good performance. Yue Xiang H15

models has achieved the national third-stage fuel consumption requirements.

     ⒋ Improved quality process control. The Company took Quality Leading Enterprise as

the goal, paid close attention to design, procurement, manufacturing, marketing and other

aspects of quality improvement, and got great progress in repairing frequency per thousand

vehicles and process quality control. Meanwhile, entirely advanced the implementation of

pre-phase quality control and sign assessment on part&component quality control; built the

whole process logistics quality control mechanisms; in allusion to the market TOP10

problems, restricted the rectification time, achieved certain results in overall level of quality

improvement, the quality satisfaction has increased by 9.5% year on year.

     ⒌ Construction   of major projects has been advanced orderly. Launch signing on vehicle

project for Yuzui base was completed on May 31, and the overall transferring was

completed on June 30; new energy plant in Beijing has basically completed and the fastest

speed of the auto industry plant has been created, other plant construction has been

completed 75% on basic construction of the building, and these can ensure the

development of the North China base car project; Dianjiang Proving Ground project has

completed 40 percent.

     ⒍ Continued to build fine management. The Company successful completed the

output pilot of the integrated management for Nanjing Changan, and promoted its basic

management level in quality control system, standardized operation, synchronization of

logistics, lean manufacturing and etc, not only played a major role in Nanjing Changan’s

                                      Semi-annual Report 2011

"accelerating management improvement, activating management blind spots, enhancing the

management shortcuts" , nut also formed a set of output methods, and that enhanced the

company's capability of overall large-scale and rapid replication, and showed a clear

direction for fine management for future operations, standardization, process-orientation

and high efficiency.

     ⅡCompany’s operation harvest           and finace status during the reporting period

     ㈠Chart of the industry or main products that account for over 10%

                                                                               Unit: (RMB) Yuan

                                     Distribution on industries
                              Turnover                     Operation cost          Gross profit( %)
 On industry or            Amount         Change          Amount         Change Proporti Changes
    product                               s      to                        s to on( %) to prior
                                          prior                            prior           year
                                          year( %)                     year( %)
                           1,453,711.58 -12.57%           1,250,113.44    -6.62%    14.01%
  manufacturing                                                                              by 5.48%
Distribution on products
Whole vehicles                                                                             decrease
                           1,393,987.40 -13.04%           1,200,636.27    -6.74%    13.87%
                                                                                           by 5.81%
others                                                                                      Increase
                              59,724.18     -0.13%          49,477.17     -3.65%    17.16%
                                                                                           By 3.03%
     ㈡ Notes for the significant change in profit components, main business or its structure and

profit in the main business during the report period

    During the report period, the proportion of investment income from JVS was going up;

profitability of own brand was going down, the main reasons are the decrease of total sales

and the growing cost of raw materials, and the gross profit droped a lot.

     ㈢ The share holding corporation whose investment income reach over 10%

(including 10%) of the Company’s net profit

                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
 Corporation name                         Main product                      Revenue       Net profit
Changan Ford Mazda         Mondeo, Focus, Mazda 3, Mazda 2, SMAX
                                                                            2,410,461         162,038
     Corporation                    and Volvo S40 sedan
  Jiangling Holding           Landwind MPV, and sedan such as
                                                                              91,271           36,205
     Corporation              Landwind Fenghua and Fengshang

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

     ㈣Operation Result and Financial Analysis
                                        By the end of        At The beginning
          Balance Sheet Items                                                     Changes
                                           period                 period
 1      Monetary fund                  8,219,955,550.23       4,391,990,049.72       87.16%
 2      Notes receivable               5,779,431,464.12       8,821,828,759.39      -34.49%
 3      Account receivable               613,655,886.01         404,008,999.71       51.89%
 4      Other account receivable         366,491,561.14         117,659,705.04     211.48%
 5      Inventories                    3,915,638,962.35       2,536,336,767.24       54.38%
 6      Construction in process        3,157,242,276.94       1,997,902,631.46       58.03%
 7      Intangible assets              1,271,375,280.93         922,184,553.37       37.87%
 8      R&D expense                      338,274,931.75         204,312,934.30       65.57%
 9      Notes payable                  7,465,625,110.40       4,887,600,348.93       52.75%
10      Account payable                6,575,927,933.23       7,666,813,508.07      -14.23%
11      Tax payable                     -143,795,589.68         424,842,866.22    -133.85%
12      Capital reserves               4,635,970,740.41       1,538,178,253.07     201.39%
     Income Statement Items              This period           Last period        Changes

13     Sales expense                   1,016,579,465.35      1,810,978,661.82        -43.87%
14     Administrative expense            -84,132,888.64           -565,730.67    -14771.54%
15     Non business income               119,360,985.64          7,583,973.03      1473.86%
     Cash Flow Statement Items           This period           Last period         Changes
     Cash    flow    generated  by
16                                     2,378,405,526.54      2,687,373,910.69       -11.50%
     business operation, net
     Net cash flow generated by
17                                    -1,872,927,035.45        -91,724,809.49     -1941.90%
     Net cash flow generated by
18                                     3,321,166,674.81       -142,037,082.08     2438.24%
     Net increase of cash and cash
19                                     3,827,965,500.51      2,453,370,451.52        56.03%
     By the end of reporting period, the total asset of Company is 35.891 billion Yuan,

comparing with the beginning of this year, up 17.84%. Total liability is 20.815 billion Yuan,

comparing with the beginning of this year, up 4.74%; liability rate is 57.99%, comparing with

the beginning of this year, down 7.26%. Monetary fund and capital surplus are 22.9% and

12.92%, up 8.48% and 7.87% than the beginning of this year due to 3.446 billion Yuan of

raised fund through A share additional issuance, projects in construction occupied 8.8%, up

2.24% comparing with the beginning of this year, maily due to the investment of Yuzui base

and proving ground; immaterial asset is 3.54%, up 0.51% than the beginning of this year,

mainly due to 0.213 billion Yuan of land use right of the proving ground and 0.175 billion

Yuan from Changan Brand transferring.

     During the reporting period, due to the decrease in sales of mini cars, marketing

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

expenses, operation taxes and add-ons sharply reduced. Significantly reduce of the

financial cost is mainly attributable to the increase interest income from deposits of the

raised funds. An increase in operating income is mainly due to the increase of the

government subsidies.

    During the reporting period, the Company achieved 3.828 billion yuan in cash and cash

equivalents, an increase of 56.03%. Which cash flow from operating activities net 2.378

billion yuan, down 11.50%, mainly due to the drop of car sales volume and sales income;

cash flow from investing activities Net -1.873 billion yuan, a mainly due to new Yuzui base

and Beijing Changan project investment in fixed assets and 1.285 billion yuan of Changan

trademarks purchase; net cash flow generated in financing activities is 3.321 billion yuan,

an increase of 2438.24% year on year, mainly due to the raised money from the additional

share issuance at the beginning of this year.

     Ⅲ The problems ,troubles and solutions of operation

    ㈠The problems, troubles during the operation

    1、 The slowdown of automotive industry growing. After the rapid growth of car sales in

the last two years, due to the multiple effects such as the cancellation of state incentive

policy, the restriction of car purchasing in some cities and its won adjustment need, the

automotive industry, in particular, mini cars and own-brand sedans were impacted a lot, and

market competition became increasingly fierce.

    2、 Raw material price still high. China's macroeconomic policy has been influenced by

US quantitative easing monetary policy, the domestic raw material price remained high, the

price index continued to rise up, while inflation caused the increase of transportation and

other costs, the cost could not be transferred, the profitability of the product to be


    3 、 Own brand nurture is in growing stage. Although the Company’s independent

innovation capacity in the auto industry ranks first in China auto industry, and our

technology, product quality have been significantly improved, but the cultivation of the

                                       Semi-annual Report 2011

brand is a long process, constant striving is needed.

    ㈡ The main measures taken by the Company

    1、 Pay special attention to the sales; try best to lay the marketing battle. First, further

enhance the battle effectiveness of marketing, the management and standardization, and

the consistency between the frontage and rear. Secondly, speed up the adjustment of

product structure. Third, accelerate the market response and reaction speed, carry out

implementation strictly.

    2、 Carry out cost reduction strictly. First, further improve the management systems,

processes, methods of cost & expenses during the whole process; enhance the cost control

of the value chain. Secondly, further decrease the cost by using more common parts. Third,

strengthen benchmark and the application of the achievement.

    3、 Greatly enhance the competitiveness of the brand. First, create a number of classic

products and launch into market rapidly. Secondly, strengthen the brand research, brand

breeding, promotion, upgrade brand image. Third, actively enter into the middle and

high-end sedan market to enhance the company's brand premium.

  Ⅳ Investment of the company during the reporting period

     ㈠ Usage information on raised funds during the reporting period.
                                                                           Unit: RMB ten thousand Yuan
      Total of raised funds                344,558.69
                                                          Total invested raised funds
 Change use of the raised funds                                                                        118,338.70
                                                  0.00      in the reporting period
   during the reporting period
 Total cumulative change use of
   the raised funds during the                    0.00 Total cumulative invested
         reporting period                                 raised funds in the                          118,338.70
 Proportion compare to the Total                            reporting period
  Sum use of the raised funds

                                                                      invest               achi
                                                                                                            If there
                   project    Total                                                        eved    If the
                                                          cumulati     ment                                    are
                       s     commi            Investme                          the date   bene    expec
                                       total                  ve      progre                                signific
                   change     tment               nt                             when       fits     ted
  Commitment                        investme              investme       ss                                    ant
                    or not   invest            amount                  up to    projects     in    benefi
   investment                        nt after              nt up to                                         changes
                   (incudi    ment             during                   the     achieve     the    ts has
 projects and the                   adjustme               the end                                             in
                      ng        of               the                  end of     usable    repo     been
use of raised fund                    nt (1)                of the                                           project
                    some     raised           reporting                 the    condition   rting   achie
                                                            period                                          feasibili
                   change     funds            period                 period               perio    ved
                                                              (2)                                               ty
                       )                                              (%)(3)                 d
                                        Semi-annual Report 2011

production line
technological                                                                                  Not
                             164,31                                     31.96
transformation      NO                 164,319 52,520.75 52,520.75            2011.06.30 0.00 applic            NO
                                  9                                        %
project (increase                                                                              able
of production
   displacement              197,91                                     33.26
                    NO                 197,911 65,817.95 65,817.95            2011.04.30 0.00 applic            NO
  engine industry                 1                                        %
  upgrade project
  Subtotal of the
    commitment               362,23              118,338.7 118,338.7
                      -                362,230                            -          -       0.00       -       -
     investment                   0                      0         0
 Use of the excess
    raised funds
   Repayment of
   bank loans (if     -                                                          -       -          -       -
  working capital     -                                                          -       -          -       -
       (if any)
 subtotal of excess
    raised funds      -                                                   -          -                  -       -
                             362,23              118,338.7 118,338.7
      Total             -              362,230                            -          -                  -       -
                                  0                      0         0
   status and the
     reason for
  timing schedule
  or the expected     NO
 benefits not been
achieved (for each
  explaination for
   changes of the
project feasibility
  usage and using
   progress of the    Not applicable
    excess raised
change of project
                      Not applicable
 site of the raised
 funds investment
adjustment of the
                      Not applicable
 means for raised
 funds investment
   Pre-investment     applicable
 and replacement      On February 28, 2011, the Eighteenth Meeting of the Fifth Board of
                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

of the raised fund Directors passed the "The proposal of using raised funds to replace of the
     investment    found for pre-self-financing investment projects", agreed to use raised funds
       projects    of 608,749,433.60 Yuan to replace pre-self-financing invested fund (see
                   bulletin No. : 2011-16). The mentioned funding replacement was completed
                   in March 2011.
 Use leave-used
  raised funds to
                   Not applicable
 makeup working
 the amount and
the reason for the
   fund balance    Not applicable
during raised fund
       Use and
                   Unused balance of raised funds has been deposited in raised fund special account
destination of the
                   bank, of which 900 million yuan fixed deposits.
   unused raised
existing problems
       or other
  during use and
   disclosure of
    raised funds
     ㈡ Usage information on non-raised money during the reporting period was as follows (Unit:

RMB ten thousand Yuan) :

                                Investment    in                          Expected earnings
 Items     Invested Projects                       Projects progress
                                this year

    一     Vehicle Projects                        under construction
    二                                             under construction
                                         11,233                           Reflected      in      the
           Engine Projects
                                                                          company's           overall
    三                                             In construction
                                          8,458                           revenue
    四                                             under construction

                                 Semi-annual Report 2011

                                 VI. Important Issues
Ⅰ. Corporate Governance
     The Company has been strictly complying with the relevant laws and regulations,
including the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Regulations for the Governance of
Listed Companies, the Regulations for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, the
Regulations for Stock Listing in Shenzhen stock exchange, the Guidelines for Internal
Control Listed Companies’ in Shenzhen stock exchange and continuously improving the
corporate governance structure of the Company, adopting modern best practices and
standardizing the management and operations of the Company.
     During the reporting period, in order to address possible future problem with the
competition in the same trade, on February 28, 2011, in eighteenth meeting of fifth
Board of Directors, the proposal of acquisition the equity of Baoding Changan bus and
Changan Kuayue has been aproved, currently related preparatory work is being done,
completion of the acquisition will help to reduce the daily party transactions and avoid
potential problem with the competition in the same trade.
     During the reporting period, in order to improve the integrity of Company assets
and reduce the related party transactions, on April 14, 2011, on nineteenth meeting of
fifth Board of Directors, the proposal of trademark transferring contract has been
aproved; the contract determines the total transferring amount is 175 million Yuan.
Currently, the transferring of trademark-related work has been completed.
     Corporate governance is in line with the actual "Corporate Governance Guidelines"
and the relevant requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission. The
Company will continue to improve corporate governance, promote rapid and healthy
development of the Companyto effectively safeguard the interests of all shareholders.
Ⅱ.The implementation situation of the annual distribution of profits in 2010 and the
semi-annual distribution plan of profits in 2011
     1.The implementation situation of the annual distribution of profits in 2010
     The profit distribution plan of 2010 is made in the company’s 2010 annual
shareholders’ meeting which was held on May 18th, 2011.The plan was as follow: base
on current total capital shares of 2,685,823,637 at the end of 2010, donate 4 bonus
shares and interest of 0.80 RMB (tax included) upon each 10 shares to all shareholders.
Besides, base on current total capital shares of 2,685,823,637 at the end of 2010,
capitalizing of common reserves will be 4 shares upon each 10 shares to all shareholders.
A share interest rights registration date is 6th July 2011, Ex. Right and ex. dividend date
is 7th July 2011. B share final dealing date is 6th July 2011, ex dividend date is 7th July
2011, and registry date is 11th July 2011. After this distribution of profits, the total of
capital shares will increase up to 4,834,482,546 shares
     2. The semi-annual distribution plan of profits in 2011: non-distributed and no
        transformation from provident fund to stock shares
    3. In the report period, the company did not implement the equity incentive

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011


III. In the report period, the company did not have any significant litigation and

arbitration matters

IV. In the report period, the company did not have any significant matters related of the

acquisitions, sale and restructuring of the asset.
     1. Related party transactions execution regarding to the daily operation
     In the period, the Company’s transaction issues related to the daily operation such

as, the transaction parties, the transaction content, the pricing basis and the transaction

price etc. has been published in    ,  and  on May 19th, 2011, according to the pre-arranged plan approved in

the 2010 annual shareholders’ meeting. Until the end of this report period, related

parties purchasing volume amounted to 4,164,870,000 RMB, sales volume amounted to

2,630,990,000 RMB, general         service volume amounted to 162,690,000 RMB,

respectively accounted for 48.55%, 35.86%, and 47.19% of the predicted total volume of


     In the first half year, the transaction content has no significant change compared to

the predicted one.

     2. During the reporting period, significant related party transactions issues, see the

financial report noted as transaction parties’ relationship and the transactions.

VI. Major contracts and their fulfillment

     ㈠In the period, there were no major entrustment, contracting by the Company of

the assets of other companies and there were no major entrustment, contracting of the

Company’s assets by other companies.

     ㈡There is no major entrustment occurring in the reporting period.

     ㈢In reporting period, no significant cash assets management issues entrusted to


VII. Commitment

     Listed Company and its directors, supervisors and senior management, the
                                            Semi-annual Report 2011

shareholders holding more than 5% shares and the actual controller and other ralated

parties during the reporting period have the following commitments:

commit      Promisee                                Contents                                           Fulfillments
                       1. Comply with laws, regulations and rules, promises to fulfill
                       the statutory obligations. ⒉ The original non-tradable Up to the end of reporting period, China
                       shares can not be traded or transfered within at least 24 Changan holds 1,163,787,489 shares,
Share                  months after getting tradable right; After the expiration of 24 whose 855,666,188 shares is unlimited
reform                 months, non-tradable shares can be sold through the Stock tradable        shares,    the    remaining
commit   Changan China Exchange, the number of total shares in 12 months does 207,421,301 shares are limited condition
ment                   not exceed five per cent of the company's total shares, and sale shares, according to the share reform
                       in 24 months does not exceed 10%.⒊ The Companywill management commitment will be lifted
                       implement management equity incentive plan, according to after the implementation of equity incentive
                       state related managing regulation and method after share plans Restricted.
                                                                                    According to the company's business
                                                                                    development needs, on February 28 of
                              To avoid possible future potential competition in the
                                                                                    2011, the 18th meeting of the fifth Board of
                            industry, and support Changan Automobile development,
                                                                                    Directors approved the acquisition of
         South Group        promises "Changan Automobile intend to acquire Baoding
                                                                                    Baoding Changan Bus and Changan
                            Changan Bus or Changan Kuayue, the Company agreed to
                                                                                    Kuayue’s equity (Announcement No. :
                            promote the transfer at fair prices."
                                                                                    2011-15). The related transfer work is
                                                                                        On April 14 of 2011, the 19th meeting of
                            To improve the integrity of the company's assets and reduce
                                                                                        the fifth Board of Directors passed a bill on
         Chongqing          the related party transactions, Changan industry on June 2,
                                                                                        the       trademark     transfer    contract
                            2010 issued the commitment about changing CHANGAN
         Changan                                                                        (Announcement No. :2011-20). The
                            trademark to Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. It’s
         Industrial                                                                     contract decided total amount of
Other                       committed the Companyis the only transferee of related
         (Group) Co.,                                                                   trademark transfer is 175 million Yuan.
commitme                    licensing trademark, and actively consulting trademark
                                                                                        Currently, the related work of trademark
         LTD.               transfer.
nt                                                                                      transfer has bee n completed.

                       To avoid possible competition with the industry and better
                       safeguard the interests of corporate investors, the controlling
                       shareholder of China's Changan promises: ⒈ in Jiangxi
                       Changhe Automobile Co., Ltd. and Harbin Hafei Automobile
                       Industry Group Co., Ltd. are continuous two years of
                                                                                        Performance conditions have not yet
         Changan China profitability, with sustained development and management
                       capacity has improved significantly in the case, so it’s
                       proposed the two companies into the Company; ⒉ When
                       Changan Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd. was
                       completed and put into operation, it’s proposed to transfer all
                       the joint venture equity to the Company.

VIII. Share status held by the Company in other listed companies, unlisted financial

  firms and the companies planning to list
     1. By the end of the reporting period, the Company held 5.33% shares of Weaponry
Equipment Group Accounting Ltd, with initial capital cost RMB80 million and book
value RMB80 million.
     2. In the end of reporting period, the Company held 17.75 million shares, which
accounted for 0.932% shares of the whole shares of South-western Securities Co., Ltd.,
the sales period is during the 36 months since February 17, 2009. According to the
requirement of Chongqing municipal government on the Southwest Securities’ reform
                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

and recombination, the Company signed Share Entrustment Agreement with Chongqing
Yufu Asset Management Co. Ltd that is a state-owned company under the Chongqing
municipal government, entrusting Chongqing Yufu Asset Management Co. Ltd to
manage the shares held by Changan in Southwest Securities.
     IX. The independent directors’ special notes and independent advices towards the

funds transaction between the related parties and external security issue

     The company’s five independent directors, Mr. Ouyang Gaoming, Mr. Dong Yang,

Mr. Chen Zhong Mr. Wang Zhixiong and Mr. Peng Shaobing have given some special

advices towards the funds transaction between the related parties and external guarantee

as follow issue related to the issues mentioned above according to the specified

regulation made by the China Securities such as, Norms of Financial Transactions and

External Security Notice With Related Parties and Listed Companies ([2003]56); Norms

of Listed Company’s External Security ([2005]120); Advisory Norm of Establishing

Independent Director Regulation in Listed Company and Governance Notice of Listed

Company, their advices are as follow:

     1、 The Company has strictly controlled the external security risk and has no

law-violated security matter during the reporting period.

     2、During the reporting period, all the transaction funds between the related parties

are related to the normal operational funds. There’s no shareholder or subsidiary that has

occupied the company’s fund.

X. The Semi-Annual financial report of 2011 is unaudited

XI. Other important issues
     ㈠ During the reporting period, the company and its directors, supervisors, senior
management, the actual controller is not subject to the right authorities or judicial
discipline inspection departments to investigate, or be held criminally responsible by the
china securities regulatory commission for inappropriate candidates, or got punishment
from other administrative departments and stock exchange.
     ㈡From January 7 to January 11, 2011, the Company issued additional A shares to
the public and the price was 9.74 yuan / share, totally 360,166,022 shares and raised
fund 3,508,017,054.28 yuan, after deducting issuance costs of 62,430,134.80 Yuan, the
net raised fund was 3,445,586,919.48 Yuan. The above raised fund was designated to
special account on January 18, 2011, and signed a tripartite regulatory agreement with
                                                               Semi-annual Report 2011

the sponsor organization and the commercial bank for raised fund storage. On February
28, 2011, the 18th Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors passed ""The proposal of
using raised funds to replace of the found for pre-self-financing investment projects",
agreed to use raised funds of 608,749,433.60 Yuan to replace pre-self-financing invested
fund (see announcement No. : 2011-16). On March 2011, the replacement has been
     ㈢On February 28 of 2011, the 18th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors has
been held and approved "The propsoal of acquisition of Baoding Changan Bus
Manufacturing Co." and " The propsoal of acquisition of Chongqing Changan Kuayue
Vehicle Co., Ltd.", the Company proposed to acquire 100% equity of Baoding Changan
Bus and the 34.3% equity of Changan Kuayue which both held by Chongqing Changan
Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., The main purpose is to develop light commercial vehicle
business base on Baoding Changan Bus and Changan Kuayue light passenger cars and
light trucks. Presently, the related work is on progress.
     ㈣On April 14, 2011, the Nineteenth Meeting of the fifth Board has been held, "The
Proposal of Approving of Signing Trademark Transferring Contract with Changan
Industrial” has been reviewed and approved, and the total amount of the trademark
transferring is RMB 175 million yuan. Up to the end of reporting period, the related
trademark transferring job has been completed.
     ㈤The research and interview reception during the reporting period
     During the reporting period, the Company received the research and production line
visit from domestic and overseas fund management company, Securities Company,
investment institute and so on. During the communication with the investors, related
personnel of the Company strictly followed the regulation of Shenzhen Stock and
Exchange’s instruction for Information Fair Release for Listed Companies and Investors
Relationship Management System of the Company, did not selectively or privately
release, reveal or disclose non-published important information to special persons or
companies, guaranteeing the fairness of information release.
            Registration form of research, communication and interview reception etc. during

                                                                  the reporting period
   Date                   Location                        manner                Reception object                      Content discussed and material offered
             Shenzhen International Commerce
2011.1.4                                            One to one promotion Penghua Fund,Rongtong Fund          Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value
             Financial Street, Xicheng District,
2011.1.6     Beijing, Shanghai scheduled District   One to one promotion Dongfang Fund,Taida Hongli Fund Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value
             Xizhimen North Street
             Huayuan Shiqiao Road Pudong,                                Fuguo Fund, Huaan Fund, Huitianfu
2010.1.6                                            One to one promotion                                     Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value
             Shanghai, Pudong South Road                                 Fund, Pacific Assets
             Fucheng road, Pudong of Shanghai,                           International Fund,
2011.1.7                                            One to one promotion                                     Company’s Business introduction, analysis report of investment value
             Yanan East Road                                             Everbright Pramerica Fund
                                                                         Guoxin Securities,
             Meeting Room,                                               Guangzhou Kim                       Understanding of industry and business conditions
2011.2.21                                           On-Site Survey
             Changan Headquarters                                        Investment Management
                                                                         Co., Ltd.
             Meeting Room,                                               CITIC building Securities
2011.2.23                                           On-Site Survey                                           Understanding of industry and business conditions
             Changan Headquarters                                        Company
             Meeting Room,                                               Wide certification
2011.2.24                                           On-Site Survey                                           Understanding of industry and business conditions
             Changan Headquarters                                        Securities AG
2011.2.24    Meeting Room,                          On-Site Survey       Gaohua Securities                   Understanding of industry and business conditions

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,
2011.3.16                               On-Site Survey   Kaiji Securities           Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,                                China International
2011.3.22                               On-Site Survey                              Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters                         Finance Corporation
            Meeting Room,
2011.3.23                               On-Site Survey   Jinying Securities         Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,                                High-Ling Capital          Understanding of industry and business conditions
2011.3.29                               On-Site Survey
            Changan Headquarters                         Management
            Meeting Room,                                                           Understanding of industry and business conditions
2011.4.20                               On-Site Survey   Fuda Capital Management
            Changan Headquarters
2011.4.26   Chongqing Sovereign Hotel   On-Site Survey   Institutional Investors    Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Meeting Room,
2011.5.10                               On-Site Survey   UBS Securities Co., Ltd.   Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,                                Woori Investment
2011.5.16                               On-Site Survey                              Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters                         Securities
            Meeting Room,
2011.5.17                               On-Site Survey   Deutsche Bank              Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,                                Asiana large investment
2011.5.19                               On-Site Survey                              Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters                         securities Company
            Meeting Room,                                Morgan Stanley
2011.5.19                               On-Site Survey                              Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters                         investment bank
            Meeting Room,
2011.5.25                               On-Site Survey   CLSA                       Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,
2011.5.30                               On-Site Survey   UBS Securities Co., Ltd.   Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
                                                         Rui Xun-Hua knowledge
            Meeting Room,
2011.6.13                               On-Site Survey   Investment Consulting      Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
                                                         (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
            Meeting Room,
2011.6.23                               On-Site Survey   Macquarie Securities       Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,
2011.6.24                               On-Site Survey   Bank of Paris, France      Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters
            Meeting Room,
2011.6.24                               On-Site Survey   Changjiang Securites       Understanding of industry and business conditions
            Changan Headquarters

      ㈥Other Information Notice Index
     The company’s notices are published in China Securities, Securities Times and
Hongkong      Commercial      Newspaper,    the    online    disclosure   address    is
     ⒈ On January 7, 2011, publication of intention abstract on additional public
offering announcement on online issuance of additional A shares, announcement on
issuance of additional A shares under the net, announcement on online roadshow,
announcement number: 2011-1, 2011-2, 2011-3, 2011-4.
     ⒉On January 11, 2011, publication on the note of additional issuance of A-shares,
production and sales express of December 2010, announcement number: 2011-5, 2011-6.
     ⒊ On January 14, 2011 announcement on the results of additional issuance of
A-share, announcement No.:2011-7..
     ⒋On January 25, 2011, announcement on important announcement on the change
of equity division reform sponsor representatives, and laying the foundation of Yuzui
100 billion Yuan auto city, announcement number: 2011-8,2011-9.
     ⒌ On January 27 of 2011, announcement on 2010 annual earnings forecasts,
announcement on Company share change and listing of the additional issuance of
A-share, announcement No. : 2011-10, 2011-11.
     ⒍On February 15, 2011, announcement on production and sales express of of
January 2011, signing agreement for tripartite supervising of raised funds,
announcement No. : 2011-12, 2011-13.
     ⒎On March 1, 2011, publication of the resolutions 18th meeting of fifth BOD, the
                                 Semi-annual Report 2011

resolutions of 10th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors, the related transactions of
acquiring Baoding Changan Bus and Changan Kuayue Company’s equity, using raised
funds to replace the found for pre-self-financing invested fund, announcement No. :
2011-14, 2011-15, 2011-16, 2011-17.
     ⒏On March 11, 2011 announcement on production and sales express of February
2011, announcement number: 2011-18.
     ⒐ On March 25, 2011 announcement on employee supervisors change,
announcement No.:2011-19.
     ⒑On April 9, 2011, announcement on production and sales express of March 2011,
announcement number: 2011-20.
     ⒒On April 15, 2011, announcement on temporary trading halts due to Annual
Report publishing, announcement number: 2011-21.
     ⒓On Apr.16, 2011, publication of resolutions of the 19th meeting of the fifth BOD,
resolutions of the 11th meeting of the fifth supervisor conference, 2010 Annual Report
Abstract, 2011 forecasting daily party transactions, the related transaction of deposit
with China South Industries Group Finance CompanyLimited, the related transaction on
trademark transferring with Changan Industrial, note for holding of 2010 annual general
shareholders meeting, announcement number: 2011-22、2011-23、2011-24、2011-25、
     ⒔ On April 26, 2011, announcement on the first quarter report of 2011,
announcement on carrying out low-risk financial investment, announcement No. :
2011-30, 2011-31.
     ⒕On May 12, 2011, announcement on production and sales express of April 2011,
announcement No.: 2011-32.
     ⒖On May 19, 2011, announcement on 2010 annual general shareholders meeting
resolution, announcement No.: 2011-33.
     ⒗On June 11, 2011, announcement on production and sales express of May 2011,
announcement No.:2011-34.
     ⒘On June 30, 2011, announcement on 2010 dividend distribution, announcement

                                         VII. Financial Report (Unaudited)

i.Financial statements

Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited
30 June, 2011
( Expressed in RMB Yuan )

                                                  30 June, 2011                            31 December, 2010
Items                         Note
                                          Consolidated       Parent company          Consolidated        Parent company
Current asset:
Monetary fund                ( V) 1     8,219,955,550.23        6,154,655,990.54    4,391,990,049.72     3,087,748,588.31
Settlement provision
Outgoing call loan
Trading financial assets
Notes receivable             ( V) 2     5,779,431,464.12        4,742,587,389.77    8,821,828,759.39     6,655,403,907.26
                             ( V) 3
Account receivable                         613,655,886.01          739,102,675.12      404,008,999.71       574,746,914.49
                             ( VI) 1
Prepayment                   ( V) 4      309,071,517.61          266,832,345.63      297,803,710.77       268,250,546.15
Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivable
Provisions of Reinsurance
contracts receivable
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable                            450,030.00              450,030.00          450,030.00           450,030.00
                             ( V) 3
Other account receivable                   366,491,561.14          365,632,122.56      117,659,705.04       101,280,817.11
                             ( VI) 1
Repurchasing of financial
Inventories                  ( V) 5     3,915,638,962.35        2,578,700,589.20    2,536,336,767.24     1,624,101,164.89
Non-current asset due in 1
Other current asset                                                                       6,429,293.38
Total of current asset                   19,204,694,971.46    14,847,961,142.82      16,576,507,315.25    12,311,981,968.21
Non-current assets
Loans and payment on
other’s behalf disbursed
Disposable financial asset                 191,522,500.00          191,522,500.00      176,967,500.00       176,967,500.00
Expired investment in
Long-term receivable
Long-term share equity       ( V) 6
                                          6,704,671,115.24        7,677,586,144.64    5,670,022,934.61     6,644,437,964.01
investment                   ( VI) 2
Property investment                         59,730,189.47                               62,762,382.76
Fixed assets                 ( V) 7     4,361,659,782.00        3,890,863,795.21    4,267,885,829.43     3,813,955,308.29
Construction in process      ( V) 8     3,157,242,276.94        2,634,469,853.82    1,997,902,631.46     1,562,928,324.61
Engineering material                           795,898.75              795,898.75          795,898.75           795,898.75

Fixed asset disposal                                   3,180.57                                    3,180.57
Production physical assets
Gas & petrol
Intangible assets                  ( V) 9    1,271,375,280.93        1,142,906,864.58     922,184,553.37      779,656,835.85
R&D expense                       ( V) 10     338,274,931.75          338,052,489.24      204,312,934.30      204,121,260.99
Goodwill                                           9,804,394.00                                9,804,394.00
Long-term prepaid expenses                         4,947,954.69             990,440.00         2,484,457.43        1,080,480.00
Differed income tax asset         ( V) 11     472,808,775.89          318,764,914.74      434,792,115.95      262,939,586.62
Other non-current asset                         113,537,981.00          113,537,981.00      130,000,000.00      130,000,000.00
Total of non-current assets                   16,686,374,261.23    16,309,490,881.98      13,879,918,812.63   13,576,883,159.12
Total of assets                               35,891,069,232.69    31,157,452,024.80      30,456,426,127.88   25,888,865,127.33
Current liabilities
Short-term loans                  ( V) 12                                                  30,000,000.00
Loan from Central Bank
Deposit received and hold
for others
Call loan received
Trade off financial liabilities
Notes payable                     ( V) 13    7,465,625,110.40        5,613,690,171.08    4,887,600,348.93    4,284,851,347.89
Account payable                   ( V) 14    6,575,927,933.23        4,591,607,469.01    7,666,813,508.07    4,848,629,265.23
Prepayment received               ( V) 15    2,790,587,400.93        2,027,684,576.58    2,600,698,490.62    1,905,053,220.84
Selling of repurchased
financial assets
Fees and commissions
Employees’ wage payable          ( V) 16     185,768,231.00          156,064,725.07      200,359,830.91      149,604,731.81
Tax payable                       ( V) 17     -143,795,589.68          55,739,803.94      424,842,866.22      351,735,935.41
Interest payable                                                                                  60,000.00           60,000.00
Dividend payable                                      79,742.80                                   79,742.80
Other account payable             ( V) 18    1,092,360,112.47         640,759,513.93     1,117,041,448.96     766,343,334.06
Reinsurance fee payable
Insurance contract provision
Entrusted trading of
Entrusted selling of
Non-current liability due in 1
                                                                                             50,000,000.00       50,000,000.00
Other current liability                        1,445,054,897.77         714,326,746.73     1,541,945,721.07     857,611,927.80
Total of current liability                    19,411,607,838.92    13,799,873,006.34      18,519,441,957.58   13,213,889,763.04
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                                                                         76,000,000.00
Bond payable
Long-term payable                                18,495,263.09           18,495,263.09       19,167,000.00       19,167,000.00
Special payable                                 550,761,375.56          531,211,084.56      503,601,091.39      503,601,091.38
Expected liabilities              ( V) 19     696,653,899.11          401,791,817.97      619,547,105.86      325,719,615.32
Differed income tax liability ( V) 11          25,296,375.00           25,296,375.00        23,113,125.00       23,113,125.00
Other non-recurring
                                                 111,973,000.00          91,970,000.00       111,973,000.00      91,970,000.00

Total of non-current
                                 1,403,179,912.76        1,068,764,540.62    1,353,401,322.25     963,570,831.70
Total of liability              20,814,787,751.68    14,868,637,546.96      19,872,843,279.83   14,177,460,594.74
Owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
Practical capital collected
                                 2,325,657,615.00        2,325,657,615.00    2,334,022,848.00    2,334,022,848.00
(or share capital)
Capital reserves                 1,575,795,664.76        1,705,578,707.86    1,797,604,215.47    1,859,502,088.33
Less: Shares in stock                                                          26,925,731.38       26,925,731.38
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                 1,167,011,424.00        1,167,011,424.00    1,167,011,424.00    1,167,011,424.00
Common risk provision
Attributable profit              4,839,457,925.12        5,777,216,214.38    3,623,954,435.60    4,568,826,240.68
Different of foreign currency
Total of owner’s equity
belong to the parent            15,123,561,188.97    16,288,814,477.84      10,625,542,446.62   11,711,404,532.59
Minor shareholders’ equity        -47,279,707.96                              -41,959,598.57
Total of owners’ equity        15,076,281,481.01    16,288,814,477.84      10,583,582,848.05   11,711,404,532.59
Total of liabilities and
                                35,891,069,232.69    31,157,452,024.80      30,456,426,127.88   25,888,865,127.33
owners’ equity

Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited
From January to June, 2011
(Expressed in RMB Yuan)

                                                      From January to June, 2011                 From January to June, 2010
              Items                   Note
                                                  Consolidated        Parent company          Consolidated      Parent company

I. Total business income                         14,537,115,839.90    11,068,721,114.58 16,627,454,932.78       11,242,504,620.75

                                     ( V) 20
Incl. Business income                            14,537,115,839.90    11,068,721,114.58 16,627,454,932.78       11,242,504,620.75
                                     ( VI) 3

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost                          14,563,749,247.25    11,010,585,614.47 16,260,772,013.79       10,863,723,696.48

                                     ( V) 20
Incl. Business cost                              12,501,134,402.12        9,438,912,603.93 13,387,852,025.12     9,040,356,397.63
                                     ( VI) 3

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid
Net insurance policy reserves
Insurance policy dividend paid

Reinsurance expenses

                                     ( V) 21
Business tax and surcharge                         275,167,193.78          200,828,940.57     357,977,295.97      259,268,103.04

Sales expense                                     1,016,579,465.35         608,706,396.24    1,810,978,661.82    1,083,721,040.71

Administrative expense                             849,054,595.79          840,177,215.73     721,615,349.36      543,393,337.92

Financial expenses                   ( V) 22      -84,132,888.64          -83,986,020.85        -565,730.67      -35,911,495.01

Asset impairment loss                ( V) 23        5,946,478.85            5,946,478.85     -17,085,587.81      -27,103,687.81

Plus: Gains from change of                                                                       4,563,744.00
fair value (“-“ for loss)
                                     ( V) 24
Investment gain (“-“ for loss)                  1,040,648,180.63        1,029,384,263.96   1,003,495,739.38     992,273,032.91
                                     ( VI) 4
Incl. Investment gains from
Gains from currency exchange
(“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for
                                                  1,014,014,773.28        1,087,519,764.07   1,374,742,402.37    1,371,053,957.18
Plus: Non business income                          119,360,985.64          105,446,779.38        7,583,973.03        4,025,336.74

Less: Non-business expenses                          13,875,074.38          11,296,243.31      10,697,901.08         6,509,739.05

Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                      1,658,981.64              10,552.97        3,061,777.08
non-current assets
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                 1,119,500,684.54        1,181,670,300.14   1,371,628,474.32    1,368,569,554.87

Less: Income tax expenses              84,760,560.93           62,218,864.23      22,650,916.03        9,117,719.08

V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)   1,034,740,123.61        1,119,451,435.91   1,348,977,558.29   1,359,451,835.79

Net profit attributable to the
                                     1,040,060,233.01        1,119,451,435.91   1,366,565,351.61   1,359,451,835.79
owners of parent company
Minor shareholders’ equity             -5,320,109.40                             -17,587,793.32

VI. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share                     0.22                                       0.28

(II) Diluted earnings per share                  0.22                                       0.28

VII. Other misc. incomes               12,371,750.00           12,371,750.00      -75,863,340.95     -75,863,340.95

VIII. Total of misc. incomes         1,047,111,873.61        1,131,823,185.91   1,273,114,217.34   1,283,588,494.84

Total of misc. incomes
attributable to the owners of        1,052,431,983.01        1,131,823,185.91   1,290,702,010.66   1,283,588,494.84
the parent company
Total misc gains attributable
                                        -5,320,109.40                             -17,587,793.32
to the minor shareholders

Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited
From January to June, 2011
(Expressed in RMB Yuan)

                                                        From January to June, 2011              From January to June, 2010
                                                     Consolidated        Parent company       Consolidated        Parent company

I. Net cash flow from business operation

Cash received from sales of products and
                                                     15,049,576,722.73    12,428,465,566.48   12,878,287,105.69    11,422,262,368.36
providing of services
Net increase of customer deposits and capital
kept for brother company
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of inter-bank loans from other
financial bodies
Cash received against original insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit and investment

Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
Cash received as interest, processing fee, and
Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

Tax returned                                             80,755,109.66        39,404,000.00       25,871,777.12

Other cash received from business operation            281,467,088.44       256,477,663.60      154,597,784.42        50,715,275.98

Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities    15,411,798,920.83    12,724,347,230.08   13,058,756,667.23    11,472,977,644.34

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
                                                      9,372,501,842.27     8,243,641,271.81    7,025,953,870.17     6,301,692,529.40

Net increase of client trade and advance
Net increase of savings in central bank and
brother company

Cash paid for original contract claim

Cash paid for interest, processing fee and
Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                 825,972,937.06       670,199,987.44      642,032,020.93       484,525,672.57

Taxes paid                                            1,019,084,870.77      732,784,268.78     1,128,844,421.45      789,035,660.48

Other cash paid for business activities               1,815,833,744.19     1,614,190,772.91    1,574,552,443.99     1,365,936,628.09

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities   13,033,393,394.29    11,260,816,300.94   10,371,382,756.54     8,941,190,490.54

Cash flow generated by business operation, net        2,378,405,526.54     1,463,530,929.14    2,687,373,910.69     2,531,787,153.80

II. Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving                                                           4,900,000.00         4,900,000.00

Cash received as investment gains                        6,000,000.00        6,000,000.00     827,029,165.91     832,155,290.91
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                         3,738,720.05           22,490.62       11,843,177.68     10,750,089.68
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Other investment-related cash received                 471,474,054.00      461,360,730.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment
                                                       481,212,774.05      467,383,220.62     843,772,343.59     847,805,380.59
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
                                                     1,859,838,889.50    1,794,209,253.54     767,014,993.08     659,139,599.99
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                  5,317,720.00        5,317,720.00     168,482,160.00     141,382,160.00

Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
Other cash paid for investment activities              488,983,200.00      488,983,200.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
                                                     2,354,139,809.50    2,288,510,173.54     935,497,153.08     800,521,759.99
Net cash flow generated by investment                -1,872,927,035.45   -1,821,126,952.92     -91,724,809.49     47,283,620.60

III. Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment                          3,447,489,389.48    3,445,586,919.48
Incl. Cash received as investment from minor
Cash received as loans                                 488,983,200.00      488,983,200.00     584,203,930.00

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing-related cash received                    4,330,100.57        1,933,678.86        1,608,635.34         44,155.76

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities    3,940,802,690.05    3,936,503,798.34     585,812,565.34          44,155.76

Cash to repay debts                                    616,558,000.00      510,558,000.00     555,807,718.50      39,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests               1,429,611.10         261,333.33     168,058,219.00     155,122,263.94

Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to
minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities                 1,648,404.14        1,181,039.00        3,983,709.92         78,284.65

Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing
                                                       619,636,015.24      512,000,372.33     727,849,647.42     194,200,548.59
Net cash flow generated by financing                 3,321,166,674.81    3,424,503,426.01     -142,037,082.08    -194,156,392.83

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash
                                                         1,320,334.61                             -241,567.60
and cash equivalents

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents         3,827,965,500.51    3,066,907,402.23    2,453,370,451.52   2,384,914,381.57
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                     4,391,990,049.72    3,087,748,588.31    3,658,380,928.50   1,973,263,003.71
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                     8,219,955,550.23    6,154,655,990.54    6,111,751,380.02   4,358,177,385.28
end of term

            Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited
            30 June, 2011
            (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                          Amount of the Current Term                                                                                                    Amount of Last Year
                                               Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company                                                                      Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                                                                                              Minor                                                                                                                    Minor
             Items                 Capital                 Less:                                                                          Total of       Capital                    Less:                                                                          Total of
                                                                                             Common                          sharehol                                                                                 Common                          sharehol
                                   paid in   Capital      Shares     Special     Surplus               Retained                           owners’      paid in (or Capital        Shares     Special     Surplus               Retained                           owners’
                                                                                                risk            Others         ders’                                                                                    risk            Others         ders’
                                  (or share reserves         in     reserves    reserves                profit                             equity         share     reserves          in     reserves    reserves                profit                             equity
                                                                                             provision                        equity                                                                                  provision                        equity
                                   capital)                stock                                                                                         capital)                   stock
I. Balance at the end of last     2,325,657, 1,538,178,                         1,167,011,               5,594,695,          -41,959,59   10,583,582,   2,334,022,8 1,693,335, 26,925,7                  1,167,011,               3,632,676,          94,433,72 8,894,554,
                                                             0.00        0.00                     0.00                0.00
year                                  615.00     253.07                            424.00                    154.55                8.57        848.05         48.00     482.05    31.38                     424.00                    370.48               2.28     115.43
  Plus: Change of accounting                                                                                                                                                                                                      94,816,111          -94,816,11
                                                                                                                                                 0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .02                1.02
  Correcting of previous
                                                                                                                                                 0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
                                                                                                                                                                      104,268,7                                                   -8,721,934          48,606,80    144,153,6
  Others                                                                                                                                         0.00
                                                                                                                                                                          33.42                                                          .88               5.03        03.57
II. Balance at the beginning of   2,325,657, 1,538,178,                         1,167,011,               5,594,695,          -41,959,59   10,583,582,   2,334,022,8 1,797,604, 26,925,7                  1,167,011,               3,718,770,          48,224,41 9,038,707,
                                                             0.00        0.00                     0.00                0.00                                                                        0.00                     0.00                0.00
current year                          615.00     253.07                            424.00                    154.55                8.57        848.05         48.00     215.47    31.38                     424.00                    546.62               6.29     719.00
III. Changed in the current       360,166,0 3,097,792,                                                   1,040,060,          -5,320,109   4,492,698,6 -8,365,233.0 -259,425,9 -26,925,                                            1,875,924,          -90,184,01 1,544,875,
                                                             0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00                0.00                                                                        0.00        0.00         0.00                0.00
year (“-“ for decrease)             22.00     487.34                                                       233.01                 .40         32.95            0      62.40   731.38                                                607.93                4.86     129.05
                                                                                                         1,040,060,          -5,320,109   1,034,740,1                                                                             2,026,986,          -21,239,32 2,005,747,
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                             233.01                 .40         23.61                                                                                 470.02                1.03     148.99
                                              12,371,75                                                                                   12,371,750.                 -52,051,87                                                                                   -52,051,87
  (II) Other misc. income
                                                   0.00                                                                                            00                       5.00                                                                                         5.00
                                              12,371,75                                                  1,040,060,          -5,320,109 1,047,111,87                  -52,051,87                                                  2,026,986,          -21,239,32 1,953,695,
  Total of (I) and (II)                0.00                  0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00                0.00                                     0.00                   0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00                0.00
                                                   0.00                                                      233.01                 .40         3.61                        5.00                                                      470.02                1.03     273.99
  (III) Investment or
                                  360,166,0 3,085,420,                                                                                    3,445,586,7 -8,365,233.0 -60,638,73 -26,925,                                                                -64,944,69 -107,022,9
decreasing of capital by                                     0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00         0.00                                                           0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00
                                      22.00     737.34                                                                                          59.34            0       7.93   731.38                                                                      3.83      33.38
   1. Capital inputted by         360,166,0 3,085,420,                                                                                    3,445,586,7 -8,365,233.0 -18,560,49 -26,925,
owners                                22.00     737.34                                                                                          59.34            0       8.38   731.38
    2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’                                                                                                                        0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
                                                                                                                                                                      -42,078,23                                                                      -64,944,69 -107,022,9
    3. Others                                                                                                                                    0.00
                                                                                                                                                                            9.55                                                                            3.83      33.38
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -151,061,8          -4,000,000 -155,061,8
  (IV) Profit allotment                0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00         0.00          0.00          0.00         0.00      0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00                0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       62.09                 .00      62.09
    1. Providing of surplus
                                                                                                                                                 0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
    2. Common risk provision                                                                                                                     0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
   3. Allotment to the                                                                                                                                                                                                            -151,061,8          -4,000,000 -155,061,8
owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                               62.09                 .00      62.09
    4. Others                                                                                                                                    0.00                                                                                                                    0.00
  (V) Internal transferring of         0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00         0.00          0.00          0.00 -146,735,3        0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00        0.00 -146,735,3

owners’ equity                                                                                                                                       49.47                                                                     49.47
    1. Capitalizing of capital
                                                                                                                              0.00                                                                                                0.00
reserves (or to capital shares)
    2. Capitalizing of surplus
                                                                                                                              0.00                                                                                                0.00
reserves (or to capital shares)
    3. Making up losses by
                                                                                                                              0.00                                                                                                0.00
surplus reserves
                                                                                                                                                  -146,735,3                                                                -146,735,3
    4. Others                                                                                                                 0.00
                                                                                                                                                       49.47                                                                     49.47
  (VI) Special reserves                0.00        0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       0.00         0.00
    1. Provided this year                                                                                                     0.00                                                                                                0.00
    2. Used this term                                                                                                         0.00                                                                                                0.00
  (Ⅶ ) Other                                                                                                                 0.00                                                                                                0.00
IV. Balance at the end of this    2,685,823, 4,635,970,               1,167,011,        6,634,755,        -47,279,70   15,076,281,   2,325,657,6 1,538,178,                1,167,011,        5,594,695,        -41,959,59   10,583,58
                                                          0.00   0.00              0.00              0.00                                                      0.00   0.00              0.00              0.00
term                                  637.00     740.41                  424.00             387.56              7.97        481.00         15.00     253.07                   424.00             154.55              8.57    2,848.05

Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited
30 June, 2010
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                 Amount of the Current Term                                                                         Amount of Last Year
             Items                Capital paid                 Less:                         Common                   Total of    Capital paid            Less:                             Common                 Total of
                                                   Capital                Special    Surplus           Retained                                 Capital            Special       Surplus                Retained
                                  in (or share               Shares in                          risk                  owners’    in (or share          Shares in                              risk                owners’
                                                  reserves               reserves   reserves            profit                                 reserves           reserves      reserves                 profit
                                    capital)                   stock                         provision                 equity       capital)              stock                             provision               equity
I. Balance at the end of last     2,325,657,615. 1,708,27                           1,167,011           6,510,46 11,711,404, 2,334,022,84 1,859,50 26,925,7                     1,167,011               4,568,82 9,902,436,
                                                                  0.00       0.00                0.00
                                              00 3,332.86                             ,424.00           2,160.73      532.59         8.00 2,088.33    31.38                       ,424.00               6,240.68     869.63
  Plus: Change of accounting
                                                                                                                           0.00                                                                                          0.00
  Correcting of previous errors                                                                                            0.00                                                                                          0.00
  Others                                                                                                                   0.00                                                                                          0.00
II. Balance at the beginning of 2,325,657,615.    1,708,27                        1,167,011           6,510,46 11,711,404, 2,334,022,84 1,859,50 26,925,7                     1,167,011               4,568,82 9,902,436,
current year
                                                                  0.00       0.00                0.00                                                                    0.00                    0.00
                                            00    3,332.86                          ,424.00           2,160.73      532.59         8.00 2,088.33    31.38                       ,424.00               6,240.68     869.63
III. Changed in the current       360,166,022.0 3,097,79                                                1,119,451 4,577,409, -8,365,233.0 -151,228, -26,925,7                                           1,941,63 1,808,967,
year (“-“ for decrease)
                                                                  0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00                                                                    0.00        0.00        0.00
                                              0 2,487.34                                                  ,435.91     945.25            0    755.47     31.38                                           5,920.05     662.96

  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                        1,119,451 1,119,451,                                                                            2,092,69 2,092,697,
                                                                                                          ,435.91     435.91                                                                            7,782.14     782.14

  (II) Other misc. income
                                                  12,371,7                                                           12,371,750                 -52,051,8                                                          -52,051,87
                                                     50.00                                                                  .00                     75.00                                                                5.00
                                                  12,371,7                                              1,119,451 1,131,823,                    -52,051,8                                               2,092,69 2,040,645,
  Total of (I) and (II)                    0.00                   0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00                                    0.00                0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
                                                     50.00                                                ,435.91     185.91                        75.00                                               7,782.14     907.14
  (III) Investment or
                                  360,166,022.0 3,085,42                                                             3,445,586, -8,365,233.0 -18,560,4 -26,925,7
decreasing of capital by                                          0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00                                                       0.00        0.00        0.00       0.00         0.00
owners                                        0 0,737.34                                                                 759.34            0     98.38     31.38
   1. Capital inputted by         360,166,022.0 3,085,42                                                             3,445,586, -8,365,233.0 -18,560,4 -26,925,7
                                              0 0,737.34                                                                 759.34            0     98.38     31.38
    2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’                                                                                                  0.00                                                                                          0.00
    3. Others                                                                                                              0.00                                                                                          0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -151,061, -151,061,8
  (IV) Profit allotment                    0.00       0.00        0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00       0.00     0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                         862.09      62.09
    1. Providing of surplus
                                                                                                                           0.00                                                                                          0.00
    2. Common risk provision                                                                                               0.00                                                                                          0.00
   3. Allotment to the                                                                                                                                                                                  -151,061, -151,061,8
owners (or shareholders)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           862.09      62.09
    4. Others                                                                                                              0.00                                                                                          0.00
  (V) Internal transferring of                                                                                                                -80,616,3                                                          -80,616,38
owners’ equity
                                           0.00       0.00        0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00                0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00       0.00
                                                                                                                                                  82.09                                                                2.09
    1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
                                                                                                                           0.00                                                                                          0.00

    2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
                                                                                                        0.00                                                                         0.00
    3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves                                                                                        0.00                                                                         0.00

                                                                                                                           -80,616,3                                           -80,616,38
    4. Others                                                                                           0.00
                                                                                                                               82.09                                                 2.09
  (VI) Special reserves                    0.00      0.00   0.00   0.00      0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00        0.00       0.00    0.00   0.00      0.00   0.00     0.00         0.00
    1. Provided this year                                                                               0.00                                                                         0.00
    2. Used this term                                                                                   0.00                                                                         0.00
  (Ⅶ ) Other                                                                                           0.00                                                                         0.00
IV. Balance at the end of this    2,685,823,637. 4,806,06               1,167,011        7,629,91 16,288,814 2,325,657,61 1,708,27                 1,167,011        6,510,46 11,711,404,
term                                                        0.00   0.00             0.00                                               0.00   0.00             0.00
                                              00 5,820.20                 ,424.00        3,596.64    ,477.84         5.00 3,332.86                   ,424.00        2,160.73      532.59

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

ii. Notes to financial statements

  I.    Corporate information

Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) was
established in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter referred to as the “PRC”) under
the Company Law of the PRC on 31 October, 1996. The Legal Representative’s Operating
License issued by Chongqing Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau is Yu-Jing
No. 28546236-3.

Chongqing Changan automobile company limited was established by China Changan Group
as the individual originator. the company was set up using the group’s net asset relating
to the operation of mini cars and engine, the shares its owned in Chongqing Changan
Suzuki company limited (506,190,000 shares) and the fund raising from the issuance of
250,000,000 foreign capital stock (B shares).

With the approval of ‘China securities regulatory commission’, the company initially
floated on share market on 19 May, 1997 by issuing120,000,000 common share(A share) to
the public. The offering increased the total equity to RMB 876,190,000.

On 26 June, 1998, the company issued 4 shares for each 10 shares to existing
shareholders. The issuance was made from capital common reserve and increased the
equity to RMb1,226,666,000.

On 26 May, 2004, the company offered 2 bonus shares for each 10 shares holding by
existing shareholder which increased the total equity from RMB 1,226,666,000 to RMB

On 26 August, 2004, with the approval of China securities regulatory commission, the
company offered 148,850,000 common shares (A share) to the market which increased the
total equity to RMB 1,620,849,200.

As in December of 2005, the ultimate parent company of Chongqing Changan, China South
Industries Group Corporation used the common share (850,399,200) that owned by its
subsidiary, Changan Group, as part of the investment to China South industries Motor
Company. The share occupied 52.466% of the Changan’s total capital. Therefore, South
industries Motor became the parent company of Chongqing Changan. On 30th March of
2006, the transfer of share was registered and confirmed by Shenzhen branch of China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation limited.

In May, 2006, South Industries Motor issued 3.2 bonus shares for each 10 shares to the
shareholders at the implementation date of reformation of non-tradable shares for their
non-tradable shares according to the ”Reply of the problems related the reformation of
non-tradable shares of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.” (2006[442] Guo Zi Chan
Quan) issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
State Council and the related shareholder’s meeting. After the reformation of
non-tradable shares, South Industries Motor occupied 45.548% of equity through
738,255,200 common shares.

On 15 May, 2007, the Company issued 2 bonus shares for each 10 shares to existing
shareholders which increased the total equity from RMB1,620,849,200 to RMB
1,945,019,040 .

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

On 30 May, 2008, the company issued 2 shares for each 10 shares owned by existing
shareholders. The total issuance of 389,003,808 shares was made from common reserve in
capital. After this issuance, total equity increased to RMB 2,334,022,848.

On 3 March, 2009, the secondary temporary shareholder meeting was held. The meeting
passed the board resolution about ‘the reacquisition of foreign capital stock listed in
China’. For the buyback period ending on 3rd March, 2010, the company repurchased
8,365,233 shares in total which occupied 0.3584% of total capital. The company cancelled
the share and reduced total shares to RMB2,325,657,615. On November 27th, the company
changed to a new business license for enterprise’s legal person which a registration
number of 5000000005061 1-1-1.

On 1st July of 2009, with the approval of State Administration for Industry and
Commercial, the ultimate parent company, China South industries motor company,
changed its name as China Changan automobile Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (“China

On January 11, 2011, after being approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission,
the Company issued RMB ordinary share (A share) (360,166,022 shares) to the public,
after the issuance, the total equity increased to RMB 2,685,823,637 yuan.

The group and its subsidiaries mainly focus on the manufacturing and sales of automobile
(include cars), automobile engine, spare parts.

II.    Representation regarding the preparation basis and
       compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business

1. Basis of accounting and measurement basis

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises-Basic Standard and 38 specific standards issued in February, 2006,
and the implementation guidance, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued
subsequently by the MOF (correctly referred to as “Accounting Standards for Business

The financial statements are presented on a going concern basis.

The Group maintains its accounting records on an accrual basis. Except for certain
financial instruments, assets are recorded at actual cost when they are acquired

2. Statement of        compliance     with    Accounting     Standards     for   Business

The financial statements present fairly and fully, the financial position of the Company as
on 30 June, 2011 and the financial results and the cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

3. Accounting year

The accounting year of the Group is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar

4. Functional currency

The Group’s functional and reporting currency is the Renminbi (“RMB”).           Unless
otherwise stated, the unit of the currency is Yuan.

5. Business combinations

A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more
separate entities into one reporting entity.     Business combinations are classified into
business combinations involving entities under common control and business combinations
involving entities not under common control.

Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination
in which all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or
parties both before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory. For a
business combination involving entities under common control, the party that, on the
combination date, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is
the acquiring party, while that other entity participating in the combination is a party
being acquired. Combination date is the date on which the acquiring party effectively
obtains control of the party being acquired.

Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the acquiring party in a business combination
shall be measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by the
party being acquired. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the
aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to capital
reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess
shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

Business combination involving entities not under common control
A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business
combination in which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the
same party or parties both before and after the combination.               For a business
combination involving entities not under common control, the party that, on the
acquisition date, obtains control of another entity participating in the combination is the
acquirer, while that other entity participating in the combination is the acquiree.
Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the

The acquirer shall measure the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent
liabilities acquired in the business combination at their fair values on the acquisition

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011


Where the sum of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the
issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity
interest in the acquiree exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s
identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized as goodwill and measured at
cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Where the sum of the fair value of the
consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair
value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is less than the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
difference shall be accounted for according to the following requirements: (i) the
acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable
assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the fair value of the
consideration transferred (or the fair value of the issued equity securities) and the fair
value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree; (ii) if after that
reassessment, the sum of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value
of the issued equity securities) and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity
interest in the acquiree is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the
acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall recognize the remaining difference
immediately in the income statement for the current period.

6. Consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on
control, and includes the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the
year ended 31 December, 2010. A subsidiary is an enterprise or entity that is controlled
by the Group.

Consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform reporting dates and
accounting policies. All significant intercompany transactions and balances within the
Group are eliminated on consolidation.

When the current loss belong to minorities of the subsidiary exceeds the beginning equity
of the subsidiary belong to minorities, the exceeded part will still deduct the equity
belong to minorities. The changes of the equity belong to minorities without loss of
control is regarded as capital transaction.

With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities not
under common control, the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be
included in the consolidated financial statements, from the day that the Group gains
control, till the Group ceases the control of it. While preparing the consolidated
financial statements, the acquirer should adjust the subsidiary’s financial statements, on
the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
recognized on the acquisition date.

With respect to subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities
under common control, the operating results and cash flows of the acquiree should be
included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the period in
which the combination occurs.

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

7. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and bank deposits which can be used for payment at any
time; Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments held by the Company,
that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in value.

8. Foreign currency translation

The Company translates the amount of foreign currency transactions occurred into
functional currency.

The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional
currency, by applying to the foreign currency amount at the spot exchange rate as at the
transaction dates. Foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot
exchange rate quoted by the People’s Bank of China at the balance sheet date. The
exchange gains or losses arising from occurrence of transactions and exchange of
currencies, except for those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for
construction and acquisition of fixed assets capitalized, are dealt with in the profit and
loss accounts. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost remain to
be translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the
amount denominated in the functional currency should not be changed. Non-monetary
foreign currency items measured at fair value should be translated at the spot exchange
rate prevailing on the date when the fair values are determined.            The exchange
difference thus resulted should be charged to the current income or capital surplus
account of the current period.

When preparing consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of the
subsidiaries presented in foreign currencies are translated into Renminbi as follows: asset
and liability accounts are translated into Renminbi at exchange rates ruling at the
balance sheet date; shareholders’ equity accounts other than retained profits are
translated into Renminbi at the applicable exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates;
items in income statement other than profit appropriation statement are translated into
Renminbi at spot exchange rates on transaction occurrence; total difference between
translated assets and translated liabilities and shareholders’ equity is separately listed as
“foreign currency exchange differences” below retained profits. The translation
difference arising from the settlement of oversea subsidiaries is charged to the current
liquidation profit and loss in proportion to the settlement ratio of the assets concerned.

Foreign currency cash flows and the cash flows of foreign subsidiaries should be
translated using the average exchange rate prevailing on the transaction month during
which the cash flows occur. The amount of the effect on the cash arising from the
change in the exchange rate should be separately presented as an adjustment item in the
cash flow statement.

9. Financial instruments

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and
a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

Recognition and derecognition

The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability on its balance sheet, when
the Group becomes a party to the contractual provision of the instrument.

The Group derecognizes a financial asset (or part of a financial asset, or part of a
Company of similar financial assets) when the following conditions are met:

(1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
(2)    the Group retains the rights to receive cash flows from the asset, or has assumed
       an obligation to pay them in full without material delay to a third party under a
       “pass-through” arrangement; or has transferred its rights to receive cash flows
       from the asset and either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards
       of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks
       and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.

If the underlying obligation of a financial liability has been discharged or cancelled or has
expired, the financial liability is derecognized. If an existing financial liability is
replaced by the same creditor, with a new financial liability that has substantially
different terms, or if the terms of an existing financial liability are substantially revised,
such replacement or revision is accounted for as the derecognition of the original liability
and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference thus resulted is recognized in
profit or loss for the current period.

When buy or sell financial instruments under a normal way, financial instruments are
recognized or derecognized according to the transaction date accounting. A normal way
to buy or sell financial instruments refers to, according to the contract terms, receive or
deliver financial instruments within the period as required by legal regulation or
generally accepted guidelines. Transaction date refers to the date when the Group
committed to buy or sell financial instruments.

Classification and measurement of financial assets

Financial assets are, on initial recognition, classified into the following categories:
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans
and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets, and the derivatives designated as
effective hedging instrument. The classification of financial assets is determined on
initial recognition. A financial asset is recognized initially at fair value. In the case of
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly
charged to the profit and loss of the current period; transaction costs relating to
financial assets of other categories are included in the amount initially recognized.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for
trading and those designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or
loss. A financial asset held for trading is the financial asset that meets one of the
following conditions: the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short
term; the financial asset is a part of a group of identifiable financial instruments that are
collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise
recently manages this group for the purpose of short-term profits; the financial asset is a
derivative, except for a derivative that is designated as effective hedging instrument, or
a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by
delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market)
whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial assets, fair
values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or unrealized gains or
losses on these financial assets are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

                                    Semi-annual Report 2011

Dividend or interest income related to financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Held-to-maturity investments
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or
determinable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and
ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of financial assets are subsequently measured at
amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current

Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
payments that are not quoted in an active market. Such kind of financial assets are
subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or
losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or
loss for the current period.

Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are
designated as available for sale or are not classified as the above financial assets. After
initial recognition, available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value. The
premium/discount is amortized using effective interest method and recognized as
interest income or expense. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of an
available-for-sale financial asset is recognized in other comprehensive income as a
component of capital reserve, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains
and losses resulted from monetary financial assets, until the financial asset is
derecognized or determined to be impaired, at which time the accumulated gain or loss
previously recognized in capital reserve is removed from capital reserve and recognized
in profit or loss for the current period. Interests and dividends relating to an
available-for-sale financial asset are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into the following
categories: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, other financial
liabilities, and the derivatives designated as effective hedging instrument. The
classification of financial liabilities is determined on initial recognition. For financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly
recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and transaction costs relating to other
financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts.

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for
trading and those designated as at fair value through profit or loss. A financial liability
held for trading is the financial liability that meets one of the following conditions: the
financial liability is assumed for the purpose of repurchasing it in a short term; the
financial liability is a part of a group of identifiable financial instruments that are
collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise
recently manages this group for the purpose of short-term profits; the financial liability
is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and effective hedging
instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must
be settled by delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price form an
active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial
liabilities, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the realized or
unrealized gains or losses on these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss for

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

the current period.

Other financial liabilities
After initial recognition, these financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using
the effective interest method.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on
which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently revaluated at fair value.
Derivatives are carried as assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the
fair value is negative.

Any gains or losses arising from changes in fair value on derivatives that do not qualify
for hedge accounting are directly recognized in the income statement.

Fair value of financial instruments

If there is an active market for a financial asset or financial liability, the Group
determines the fair value by using the quoted prices. If no active market exits for a
financial instrument, the Group establishes fair value by using a valuation technique.
Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between
knowledgeable, willing parties’ reference to the current fair value of another instrument
that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models.

Impairment of financial assets

The Group assesses the carrying amount of a financial asset, at the balance sheet date. If
there is objective evidence that the financial asset is impaired, the Group makes
provision for the impairment loss. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired is
evidence arising from one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of
the asset and that event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the
financial asset which can be reliably estimated.

Financial assets carried at amortized cost
If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at amortized cost are
impaired, the carrying amount of the financial asset shall be reduced to the present
value of the estimated future cash flow (excluding future credit losses that have not been
incurred). The amount of reduction is recognized as an impairment loss in the income
statement. Present value of estimated future cash flow is discounted at the financial
asset’s original effective interest rate and includes the value of any related collateral.

If a financial asset is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for
impairment, and recognizes the amount of impairment in the income statement if there is
objective evidence of impairment. For a financial asset that is not individually
significant, the Group can include the asset in a group of financial assets with similar
credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment [or assess the asset
individually for impairment]. For financial assets that are not impaired upon individual
tests (including financial assets that are individually significant or insignificant),
impairment tests should be conducted on them again by including them in the group of
financial assets. Assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognized will not
be included in a collective assessment of impairment.

If, subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at
amortized cost, there is objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial asset
which can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and recognized in the
income statement. However, the reversal shall not result in a carrying amount of the
financial asset that exceeds what the amortized cost would have been had the
impairment not been recognized at the date the impairment is reversed.

Available-for-sale financial assets
When there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired, the cumulative loss from
declines in fair value that had been recognized directly in capital reserve are removed
from equity and recognized in the income statement. The amount of the cumulative loss
that is removed from capital reserves and recognized in the income statement (net of any
principal repayment and amortization) and current fair value, less any impairment loss on
that financial asset previously recognized in the income statement.

If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available for
sale increases and the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the
impairment was recognized in the income statement, the previously recognized
impairment loss shall be reversed with the amount of the reversal recognized in the
income statement. Impairment losses recognized in the income statement for a debt
instrument investment shall not be reversed through proit or loss.

Financial assets carried at cost
If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at cost are impaired, the
difference between the present value discounted at the prevailing rate of return of
similar financial assets and the book value of the financial asset are provided as a
provision. The impairment loss recognized cannot be reversed.

For long-term equity investments, which are accounted for according to the cost method
set out by Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term Equity
Investments and has no quoted market price in active markets, and whose fair values
cannot be reliably measured, their impairment should also be treated in accordance with
the above principle.

Transfer of financial assets

If the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
asset, the Group derecognizes the financial asset; and if the Group retains substantially
all the risks and rewards of the financial asset, the Group does not derecognize the
financial asset.

If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, the Group determines whether it has retained control of
the financial asset. In this case: (i) it the Group has not retained control, it derecognizes
the financial asset and recognize separately as assets or liabilities any rights and
obligations created not retained in the transfer; (ii) if the Group has retained control, it
continues to recognize the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in
the transferred financial asset and recognizes an associated liability.

10. Accounts receivable

(1)   Accounts receivable which is individually significant and analyzed individually for

Criterion for individually            The balance larger than 15 million of non-related
                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

significant items and analyzed           parties
individually for provision
Method for individually significant Analyzed individually for provision and recognized as
items and analyzed individually for the difference between recoverable value and book
provision                           value

(2)   Accounts receivable analyzed by group for provision

Criterion for group
Group 1           The balance other than individually significant items of non-related parties
Group 2           The balance of related parties

Method for the provision of group
Group 1           Analyzed for provision according to aging analysis
Group 2           Analyzed individually for provision and recognized as the difference
                  between recoverable value and book value

Within group, the provision analyzed according to aging analysis:

                                 Accounts receivable                 Other receivables
                               Provision percentage (%)           Provision percentage (%)
Within 1 year
  Within 6 months                                           0                                  0
  6 to 12 months                                            5                                  5
1 to 2 years                                               10                                 10
2 to 3 years                                               30                                 30
Above 3 years
  3 to 4 years                                             50                                 50
  4 to 5 years                                             80                                 80
  Above 5 years                                           100                                100

(3)   Accounts receivable which is individually insignificant but analyzed individually for

                           When there is objective evidence that the receivable is
Criterion for individually
                           impaired and the future recoverable possibility is little, the
analysis for provision
                           provision will be analyzed individually.
                             The provision is recognized as the difference between
Method for provision
                             recoverable value and book value

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

11. Inventory

(1)   The classification of inventory

Inventory includes raw materials, goods in transit, work in progress, finished goods,
consigned processing materials, and low-value consumables.

(2)   The valuation of issued inventory

Inventory is initially carried at the actual cost. Inventory costs comprise all costs of
purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventory to its
present location and condition.

Weighted average method is assigned to the determination of actual costs of inventories.
One-off writing off method is adopted in amortization of packaging materials and
low-value consumables.

(3)   The net realizable value of inventory

At the balance sheet date, the inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net realizable
value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, provision for the inventory
should be made through profit or loss. If factors that resulted in the provision for the
inventory have disappeared and made the net realizable value higher than their book
value, the amount of the write-down should be reversed, to the extent of the amount of
the provision for the inventory, and the reversed amount should be recognized in the
income statement for the current period.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less
the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
The impairment provision should be made on a basis of each item of finished goods
according to the difference between cost and net realizable value. For large numbers of
inventories at relatively low unit prices, the provision for loss on decline in value of
inventories should be made by category.

(4)   The inventory system

The Group applies a perpetual inventory system.

12. Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments include investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
associates, and capital investment which the Group does not control of the investee
enterprise, or does not have jointly control or significant influence on the investee
enterprise, the fair value of which cannot be reliably measured due to the fact they are
                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

not quoted in an active market.

(1)   Initial investment cost

The long-term investments are initially recorded at cost on acquisition. It is accounted
for using either the cost method or the equity method as appropriate under the following

Cost method is applied to account for long-term equity investments, when the Group has
control of the investee enterprise, or does not have jointly control or significant
influence on the investee enterprise, the fair value of which cannot be reliably measured
due to the fact they are not quoted in an active market.

Under cost method, the long-term equity investment is valued at the cost of the initial
investment. Profit or cash dividends declared by the invested enterprise are recognized
as investment income for the current period.       The amount of investment income
recognized is limited to the amount distributed out of accumulated net profit of the
invested enterprise that arises after the investment is made. The amount of profit or
cash dividends declared by the invested enterprise in excess of the above threshold is
treated as return on investment cost, and netted against the carrying amount of

The equity method is applied to account for long-term equity investments, when the
Group has jointly control, or significant influence on the investee companies.

Under equity method, when the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment
exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable
net assets at the acquisition date, the difference between them is accounted for as an
initial cost. As to the initial investment cost is less than the investing enterprise’s
interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date,
the difference shall be charged to the income statement for the current period, and the
cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

(2)   Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

Under equity method, the Group recognizes its share of post-acquisition equity in the
investee enterprise for the current period as a gain or loss on investment, and also
increases or decreases the carrying amount of the investment. When recognizing its share
in the net profit or loss of the investee entities, the Group should, based on the fair
values of the identifiable assets of the investee entity when the investment is acquired,
in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies and periods, after eliminating the
portion of the profits or losses, arising from internal transactions with joint ventures and
associates, attributable to the investing entity according to the share ratio (but losses
arising from internal transactions that belong to losses on the impairment of assets,
should be recognized in full), recognize the net profit of the investee entity after making
appropriate adjustments. The book value of the investment is reduced to the extent that
the Group’s share of the profit or cash dividend declared to be distributed by the
investee enterprise. However, the share of net loss is only recognized to the extent that
the book value of the investment is reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Group
has incurred obligations to assume additional losses. The Group shall adjust the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment for other changes in owners’ equity of the

                                    Semi-annual Report 2011

investee enterprise (other than net profits or losses), and include the corresponding
adjustments in equity, which should be realized through profit or loss in subsequent
settlement of the respective long-term investment.

On settlement of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds
actually received and the carrying amount shall be recognized in the income statement
for the current period.

13. Investment real estates

Investment real estates are the real estates held for generating rent and/or capital
appreciation, including rented right to the use of land, the right to the use of land which
is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation, and the right to the use of rented

The initial measurement of the investment real estate shall be made at its actual cost.
The follow-up expenses pertinent to an investment real estate shall be included in the
cost of the investment real estate, if the economic benefits pertinent to this real estate
are likely to flow into the enterprise, and, the cost of the investment real estate can be
reliably measured. Otherwise, they should be included in the current profits and losses
upon occurrence.

The group adopts the cost pattern to make follow-up measurement to the investment real
estate. The buildings are depreciated under straight-line method. The rights to the use of
land are amortized under straight-line method within its useful life.

14. Fixed assets

(1)   Recognition of fixed assets

A fixed asset shall be recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the
asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition criterial
shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the book value of the component of
the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditure shall
be recognized in the income statement in the period in which they are incurred.

Fixed assets are initially measured at actual cost on acquisition.          The cost of a
purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, relevant taxes and any directly
attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use,
such as delivery and handling costs, installation costs and other surcharges.

Fixed assets are depreciated on straight-line basis.       The estimated useful lives,
estimated residual values and annual depreciation rates for each category of fixed assets
are as follows:

(2)   Depreciation method of fixed assets

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

                                                                       Yearly deprecation
         Category        Deprecation period        Residual rate (%)
                                                                            rate (%)
Buildings                  20 to 40 years                 3%              2.43%-4.85%
Machinery (Note)           10 to 20 years                 3%               4.85%-9.7%
Vehicles                    5 to 8 years                  3%              12.13%-19.4%
Others                         5 years                    3%                  19.4%
Note: the mould tools in machinery should be depreciated in proportionate to the
estimated production.

(3)   Others

The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and
the depreciation method applied at least at the end of each year and makes adjustments
if necessary.

15. Construction in progress

The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditure
for the construction, including all necessary construction expenditure incurred during the
construction period, borrowing costs that should be capitalized before the construction
reaches the condition for intended use and other relevant expenses.

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is ready for its
intended use.

16. Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs are interest and other costs incurred by the Group in connection with the
borrowing of the funds. Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or
premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the
arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency

The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset are capitalized.    A qualifying asset is an asset (an item
of property, plant and equipment and inventory etc.) that necessarily takes a substantial
period of time to get ready for its intended use of sale.

The capitalization of borrowing costs are as part of the cost of a qualifying asset shall
commence when:

(a)   expenditure for the asset is being incurred;
(b)   borrowing costs are being incurred; and
(c)   activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

Capitalization of borrowing costs shall cease when substantially all the activities
necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale. And subsequent
borrowing costs are recognized in the income statement.

During the capitalization period, the amount of interest to be capitalized for each
accounting period shall be determined as follows:

(a)   where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be
      capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period
      less any bank interest earned form depositing the borrowed funds before being used
      on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds;
(b)   where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be
      capitalized on such borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average
      interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative
      expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose

During the construction or manufacture of assets that are qualified for capitalization, if
abnormal discontinuance, other than procedures necessary for their reaching the
expected useful conditions, happens, and the duration of the discontinuance is over three
months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs is suspended. Borrowing costs incurred
during the discontinuance are recognized as expense and charged to the income
statement of the current period, till the construction or manufacture of the assets

17. Intangible assets

The useful life of the intangible assets shall be assessed according to the estimated
beneficial period expected to generate economic benefits. An intangible asset shall be
regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no foreseeable limit to the
period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group.

The useful lives of the intangible assets are as follow:

                                                                    Useful life

Land use right                                                  25 to 61   years
Software                                                               2   years
Trademark                                                             15   years
Non-patent technology                                                  5   years

Land use rights that are purchased or acquired through the payment of land use fees are
accounted for as intangible assets. With respect to Self-developed properties, the
corresponding land use right and buildings should be recorded as intangible and fixed
assets separately. As to the purchased properties, if encountered the reasonable
allocation of outlays between land and buildings, all assets purchased will be recorded as
fixed assets.

The cost of a finite useful life intangible asset is amortized using the straight-line
method during the estimated useful life. For an intangible asset with a finite useful life,
the Group reviews the estimated useful life and amortization method at least at the end
of each year and adjusts if necessary.

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

18. Research and development expenditures

The Group classified the internal research and development expenditures as follows:
research expenditures and development cost.

The expenditures in research stage are charged to the current income on occurrence.

The expenditures in development stage are capitalized that meet all the conditions of (a)
it is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; (b) it is intended to
finish and use or sell the intangible assets; (c) the usefulness of methods for intangible
assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that
there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible
assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible
assets will be used internally; (d) it is able to finish the development of the intangible
assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient
technologies, financial resources and other resources; and The development expenditures
of the intangible assets can be reliably measured. Expenses incurred that don’t meet the
above requirements unanimously should be expensed in the income statement of the
reporting period.

The Company discriminates between research and development stage with the condition
that the project research comes into project-determination stage, in which the relevant
research complete all the fractionalization of products measurements and final product
scheme under final approval of management. The expenditures incurred in and before
project-determination stage is charged to the current income, otherwise it is recorded as
development cost.

19. Contingent liabilities

The Group recognizes an contingent liability when the obligation arising from a
contingency meets the following conditions:

-  the obligation is a present obligation of the Group;
-  it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group will be required
  to settle the obligation;
- a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

Contingent liabilities are initially measured according to the current best estimate for
the expenditure necessary for the performance of relevant present obligations, with
comprehensive consideration given to factors such as the risks, uncertainty and time
value of money relating to contingencies. The book value of the contingent liabilities
should be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If there is definite evidence showing
that the book value cannot reflect the present best estimate, the book value should be
adjusted according to the best estimate.

20. Buy back of shares

The expenses or consideration paid for buy-back of capital instruments is a deduction of
total owner’s equity. The issue, buy-back, sell or write-off of capital instruments are not

                                 Semi-annual Report 2011

recognized as profit or loss.

21. Revenue

Revenue is recognized only when an inflow of economic benefits is probable, the amount
of which can be reliably measured, and all of the following conditions are qualified.

Revenue from the sale of goods

The Group has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of
the goods; the Group retains neither continuing management involvement to the degree
usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold; the amount
of revenue can be measured reliably.

Revenue from the rendering of services

When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated
reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue associated with the transaction is recognized
using the percentage of completion method, or otherwise, the revenue is recognized to
the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be recoverable. The outcome of a
transaction involving rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the
following conditions are satisfied: the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is
probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; the stage of
completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; the costs incurred and to be
incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably. The Group determines the stage of
completion of a transaction involving the rendering of services by using the proportion of
services performed to date to the total services to be performed.

Interest income

It should be measured based on the length of time for which the Group’s cash is used by
others and the applicable effective interest rate.

Rental income

Rental income from operating leases is recognized by the lesser in the income statement
on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

22. Government grants

A government grant is recognized only when there is reasonable assurance that the entity
will comply with any conditions attached to the grant and the grant will be received.
Monetary grants are accounted for at received or receivable amount.
Non-monetary grants are accounted for at fair value. If there is no reliable fair value
available, the grants are accounted for at nominal amount. A grant relating to income,
which as compensation for future costs, is recognized as deferred income initially, and as
income when the related cost incurs. The grant as compensation for costs already
incurred should be recognized as income for the current period. A grant relating to assets
is recognized as deferred income initially, and as income evenly among the useful life of
the related assets. The grant accounted for at nominal amount is recognized as income

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

for the current period.

23. Leases

A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to
ownership of an asset. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

The Group recording the operating lease as a lessee

Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line
basis over the lease term, and either included in the cost of another related asset or
charged to the income statement for the current period.

The Group recording the operating lease as a lesser

Rental income under a finance lease is recognized by a lesser on a straight-line basis over
the lease term, through profit or loss.

24. Employee benefits

Employee benefits are all forms of consideration given and other relevant expenditure
incurred by the Group in exchange for service rendered by employees. During the
accounting period that the employees render services to the Group, the employee
benefits payable is recognized as a liability. When the termination benefits fall due
more than 1 year after the balance sheet date, if the discounted value is material, it is
reflected in present value.

The employees of the Group participate in social insurance, such as pension insurance,
medical insurance, non-employment insurance, etc., and housing accumulation fund,
which is managed by local government and the relevant expenditure, is recognized, when
incurred, in the costs of relevant assets or the profit and loss for the current period.

When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end
of the employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage
employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision shall be recognized for the
compensation arising from termination of employment relationship with employees, with
a corresponding charge to the income statement for the current period, when both of
the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the Group has a formal plan for termination of
employment relationship, or has made an offer for voluntary redundancy, which will be
implemented immediately; (b) the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw from the
termination plan or the redundancy offer.

The same principle is applied to the early retirement plan, as it is for the
above-mentioned termination benefits. The salaries, social insurance premiums, etc., to
be paid for the early retired employees, during the period from the date when the
employees stop rendering service to the normal retirement date, should be recognized as
employee benefits payable and charged to the income statement of the current period,
when the above conditions for recognizing the termination benefit plan are satisfied.

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

25. Income taxes

Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized as an income or
an expense and include in the income statement for the current period, except to the
extent that the tax arises from a business combination or if it relates to a transaction or
event which is recognized directly in equity.

Current income tax liabilities or assets for the current and prior periods, are measured at
the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax

For temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts, and temporary differences between the carrying
amounts and the tax bases of items, the tax bases of which can be determined for tax
purposes, but which have not been recognized as assets and liabilities, deferred taxes are
provided using the liability method.

A deferred tax liability is recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except:

(1)   to the extent that the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of
      goodwill or the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which
      contains both of the following characteristics: the transaction is not a business
      combination and at the time of the transaction, it affects neither the accounting
      profit nor taxable profit or loss.
(2)   in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in
      subsidiaries, associates and interests in jointly-controlled enterprises, where the
      timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is
      probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

A deferred tax asset is recognized for deductible temporary differences, carry forward of
unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carry
forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilized except:

(1)   where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary differences arises
      from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a
      business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the
      accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and
(2)   in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in
      subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are only
      recognized to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will
      reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which
      the temporary differences can be utilized.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax
rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability
is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax
assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow from
the manner in which the Group expects at the balance sheet date, to recover the assets
or settle the liabilities.

At the balance sheet date, the Group reviews the book value of deferred tax assets. If it
is probable that sufficient taxable income cannot be generated to use the tax benefits of
deferred tax assets, the book value of deferred tax assets should be reduced. When it is
probable that sufficient taxable income can be generated, the amount of such reduction

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

should be reversed.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if a legally enforceable right
exists to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred taxes
related to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.

26. Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates

Within the consolidated financial statements, the current loss belong to minorities of the
subsidiary exceeds the beginning equity of the subsidiary belong to minorities. According
to the articles of association of subsidiaries or agreement, the minorities do not have the
responsibility or do not have the ability to compensate the loss, so the loss deducts the
share of equity belong to minorities. According to the No.4 Interpretation of Accounting
Standards issued on July 2010, when the current loss belong to minorities of the
subsidiary exceeds the beginning equity of the subsidiary belong to minorities, the
exceeded part will still deduct the equity belong to minorities.

27. Impairment of assets

The Group determines the impairment of assets, other than the impairment of inventory,
deferred income taxes, financial assets, and long-term equity investment which is
measured by employing the cost method, for which there is no offer in the active market
and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, using the following methods:

The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an
asset may be impaired. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the Group
estimates the recoverable amount of the asset and performs impairment tests. Goodwill
arising from a business combination and an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life
are tested for impairment at least at the end of every year, irrespective of whether there
is any indication that the asset may be impaired.

The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and
the present value of the future cash flow expected to be derived from the asset. The
Group estimates the recoverable amount on an individual basis. If it is not possible to
estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group determines the
recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. Identification of an
asset group is based on whether major cash flows generated by the asset group are
largely independent of the cash flows from other assets or asset groups.

When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount,
the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. The impairment of asset is
provided for and the impairment loss is recognized in the income statement for the
current period.

For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a
business combination is allocated, on a reasonable basis, to related asset groups; if it is
impossible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to each of the related
sets of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or related sets of asset groups is an
group or set of asset group that is able to benefit from the synergies of the business
combination and shall not be larger than a reportable segment determined by the Group.

                                 Semi-annual Report 2011

When an impairment test is conducted on an asset group or a set of asset groups that
contains goodwill, if there is any indication of impairment, the Group firstly tests the
asset group or the set of asset groups excluding the amount of goodwill allocated for
impairment, i.e., it determines and compares the recoverable amount with the related
carrying amount and then recognize impairment loss if any. Thereafter, the Group tests
the asset group or set of asset groups including goodwill for impairment, the carrying
amount (including the portion of the carrying amount of goodwill allocated) of the
related asset group or set of asset groups is compared to its recoverable amount. If the
carrying amount of the asset group or set of asset groups is higher than its recoverable
amount, the amount of the impairment loss is firstly eliminated by and amortized to the
book value of the goodwill included in the asset group or set of asset groups, and then
eliminated by the book value of other assets according to the proportion of the book
values of assets other than the goodwill in the asset group or set of asset groups.

Once the above impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reversed in subsequent

28. Profit Distribution

The cash dividend of the Group is recognized as liabilities after the approval of general
meeting of stockholders.

29. Significant accounting judgments and estimates

The preparation of the Company's financial statements requires management to make
judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues,
expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the
balance sheet date. However, uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could
result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
the assets or liabilities affected in the future.


When applying the accounting policies of the Group, except for accounting estimates,
management will make accounting judgments which have significant effects on the
financial statements:

The Group makes a judgment on whether there is any sign of possible assets impairment
on the day of balance sheet date at least. If there is any sign of possible assets
impairment, the assets concerned should be subject to impairment test based on the
estimated recoverable amount. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of
the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the assets minus the disposal
expenses and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the assets. When
making an estimate of the present value of the future cash flow of an asset, the Group
should estimate the future cash flows of the asset or the relevant assets group, with the
appropriate discount rate selected to reflect the present value of the future cash flows.

Uncertainty of accounting estimates

                                  Semi-annual Report 2011

The crucial assumptions of significant accounting estimates in future and other crucial
sources of estimated uncertainty, which may result in the significant adjustments to the
book value of the subsequent accounting period, are as the following:

Impairment of goodwill
Goodwill is subject to the impairment test yearly at least, which brings the estimates of
the use value of the assets group that is allocated in goodwill. When making an estimate
of the use value of the assets concerning goodwill, the Group should estimate the future
cash flows of the assets group concerned, with the appropriate discount rate to reflect
the present value of the cash flows.

Bad Debt Provisions
Provisions are made under the allowance method. For each individually significant
receivable, the impairment test should be conducted individually. Where there is
evidence that indicates impairment, the loss should be recognized with the respective
provision accrued, equaling to the difference between the present value of the future
cash flows and the book value of receivables. For other receivables concerned,
management should accrue the general provisions, along with the receivables individually
tested while no impairment incurred, taking in account the collectability.

Development Expenditures
When determining the capitalization amount, management should make assumptions such
as the expected cash flows of the assets related, the applicable discount rate and
expected benefit period.

Deferred Tax Assets
The Group should recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from all the existing
unutilized tax deficits and deductible temporary differences to the extent of the amount
of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from
the deductible temporary differences. Enormous accounting judgments, as well as the tax
planning are compulsory for management to estimate the time and amount of prospective
taxable profits and thus determine the appropriate amount of the deferred tax assets

III.    Taxes

 Categories of taxes and
                                          Basis of tax                    Tax rate
                            The invoiced value of sales of goods and        17%
                            rendering of services, and is payable by
                            the purchaser. The Group is required
Value added tax (“VAT”)
                            to pay the VAT it collects to the tax
                            authority, but may deduct the VAT it has
                            paid on eligible purchases.
Business tax                Relevant revenue                               1%-5%
Consumption tax             Relevant revenue                                 5%
City maintenance and                                                         7%
                            The turnover taxes paid
construction surcharge
Educational surcharge       The turnover taxes paid                          3%
Corporate income tax        Taxable income                               15% or 25%

                                                Semi-annual Report 2011

IV.       Consolidation scope
On June 30, 2011, the main subsidiaries of the Group are as follows:

                                                                 Investment   Total proportion           Total
                                   Registered                                 of shareholders
    Name of         Registered                    Scope of         by the                             proportion
                                     capital                                         (%)                            Code
  Subsidiaries        place                       business          group                              of voting
                                                                   (0,000)                            rights (%)
                                                                              Direct   Indirect

Nanjing Changan
                                               and selling
Automobile Co.,      Nanjing           60,181                        47,628    82.47              -        83.75   75410659-X
                                                  cars and
                                               spare parts
Hebei Changan
                                                  and selling
Automobile Co.,      Dingzhou          46,469                        42,109    92.97              -        95.62   73872432-0
                                                     cars and
                                                  spare parts
                                                 Seller and
                                                   agent of
                                                  import /
International       Chongqing           1,376                         1,307    95.00              -        95.00   20282099-8
                                                services of
Automobile Sales
Co., Ltd
                                                    Seller of
                    Chongqing           4,850        cars and         4,850   100.00              -       100.00   20289809-0
Automobile Sales
                                                  spare parts
Co., Ltd
                                                    Seller of
Changan Special
                    Chongqing             500        cars and           250    50.00              -        50.00   74534852-X
Automobile sales
                                                  spare parts
Co., Ltd
Changan                                             Seller of
Automobile          Chongqing           3,000        cars and         3,000   100.00              -       100.00   75308943-3
supporting                                        spare parts
service Co., Ltd.
Changan new
                                               r and seller
Engergy             Chongqing           2,900                         1,885    65.00              -        65.00   67613816-5
Automobile Co.
Chongqing                                            Research
Changan Europe                                            and
                    Turin, Italy      EUR 10                             97   100.00              -       100.00 09372440017
Design Academy                                    developmen
Co., Ltd.                                        t of vehicles
Changan United                               management
Kingdom R&D                                   , feasibility
                    m, United         GDP 10                             98   100.00              -       100.00
Center Co.,                                        studies,
Ltd.                                          preliminary
                                                 and other

Although the Group owns more than half of the voting power of the following investees, it

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2011

 does not have control over the investees as:

                                                                    Investment   Total proportion           Total
                                   Registered                                    of shareholders
        Name of       Registered                    Scope of          by the                             proportion
                                     capital                                            (%)                             Code
      Subsidiaries      place                       business           group                              of voting
                                                                      (0,000)                            rights (%)
                                                                                 Direct   Indirect

 Changan Ford                                      Manufacturer
 Mazda Auto-          Chongqing     USD35,144       and seller of      139,510    50.00              -        50.00   70937510-9
 Mobile Co., Ltd                                             cars
 Changan Ford                                       and seller of
 Mazda Engine Co.,       Nanjing    USD 13,920       automobile         70,767    50.00              -        50.00   71785962-1
 Ltd                                                enegine and
                                                     spare parts
 Chongqing Changan
                                                    and seller of
 Suziki Automobile    Chongqing     USD19,000                           23,991    51.00              -        51.00   62190016-7
                                                  cars and spare
 Co., Ltd.
 Jiangling Holding                                  and seller of
                        Nanchang       200,000                         100,000    50.00              -        50.00    76703230-7
 Co., Ltd.                                        cars and spare

      The company does not have control over the four joint-ventures above, and their main finance
 and management decision were controlled by the company and other shareholders. Therefore, it is
 not included in scope of consolidated financial statements, and the retrospective adjustments have
 been made.

  V.          Notes to the consolidated financial statements
      1.      Monetary capital
                                                                30 June, 2011                        31 December, 2010
 Cash                                                               15,661.30                                16,704.99
 Deposit in bank                                             7,825,576,127.76                         4,200,981,437.12
 Other monetary capital                                         394,363,761.1                           190,991,907.61
 Total                                                       8,219,955,550.23                         4,391,990,049.72

      2.      Note Notes receivable
                                                                30 June, 2011                        31 December, 2010
 Trade acceptance                                            1,851,121,239.00                          2,021,806,933.00
 Bank acceptance                                             3,928,310,225.12                          6,800,021,826.39
                                                             5,779,431,464.12                          8,821,828,759.39
      3.      Accounts receivable and others

 ⑴        Accounts receivable

 An aged analysis of the accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                                                 30 June, 2011                       31 December, 2010
Within 1 year                                                   585,087,773.59                          383,161,327.97
1 to 2 years                                                     13,040,343.53                           18,282,977.62
2 to 3 years                                                      8,628,019.59                            3,926,131.36
                                             Semi-annual Report 2011

Over 3 years                                                82,352,253.47                            71,695,353.78
  Less:Bad debt Provision                                   75,452,504.17                            73,056,791.02
                                                           613,655,886.01                           404,008,999.71

A type analysis of the accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                    30 June, 2011                                     31 December, 2010

                          Balance                   Provision                   Balance                   Provision
                                    Percen                      Percen                    Percen                      Percen
                       Amount        tage       Amount           tage       Amount         tage       Amount           tage
                                      (%)                         (%)                       (%)                         (%)
items and
                 150,283,120.74 21.81%       21,410,982.64 14.25% 140,520,527.81          29.46%    21,574,276.53 15.35%
individually for

Accounts receivable analyzed as groups for provision

Group 1.
analyzed for       114,400,307.31 16.60%     38,457,383.83 33.62% 102,280,303.05          21.44%    36,143,432.14 35.34%
according to
aging analysis
Group 2.
receivable         408,840,824.43 59.33%               0.00      0.00% 218,925,877.52     45.89%             0.00      0.00%
from related

Group subtotal     523,241,131.74 75.93%     38,457,383.83       7.35% 321,206,180.57     67.33%    36,143,432.14 11.25%

items but
                    15,584,137.70    2.26%   15,584,137.70       100%     15,339,082.35    3.22%    15,339,082.35      100%
individually for

       Total       689,108,390.18    ---     75,452,504.17       ---     477,065,790.73    ---      73,056,791.02      ---

Within Groups, Accounts receivable analyzed for provision according to aging analysis:

                                30 June, 2011                                        31 December, 2010

  Aging                  Balance                                                 Balance
                                                    Provision                                               Provision
                   Amount         Percentage                               Amount         Percentage

                 67,664,406.75        59.15%        1,577,788.12         61,778,899.34           60.40%        254,979.17
1 year
1 to 2
                   7,575,292.93        6.62%         722,305.81           2,497,245.62            2.44%        249,724.56
2 to 3
                   1,817,519.64        1.59%         303,982.11           3,222,163.19            3.15%        966,648.96

                                              Semi-annual Report 2011

                37,343,087.99          32.64%     35,853,307.79            34,781,994.90             34.01%    34,672,079.45
 3 to 4
                    2,670,905.30        2.33%        1,343,818.15              76,170.50              0.07%         38,085.25
 4 to 5
                     434,711.50         0.38%         407,614.20             359,151.00               0.35%        287,320.80
 Over 5
                34,237,471.19          29.93%     34,101,875.44            34,346,673.40             33.58%    34,346,673.40

   Total      114,400,307.31          100.00%     38,457,383.83           102,280,303.05            100.00%    36,143,432.14

 (2) Other receivables

 An aged analysis of the other receivables as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                                           30 June, 2011                            31 December, 2010
Within 1 year                                             330,930,268.98                                116,467,029.73
1 to 2 years                                               34,333,245.38                                  1,330,536.60
2 to 3 years                                                 1,204,634.79                                     8,500.00
Over 3 years                                               33,405,938.20                                 33,410,287.90
   Less:Bad debt Provision                                  33,382,526.21                                33,556,649.19
                                                          366,491,561.14                                117,659,705.04

 A type analysis of the other receivables as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                     30 June, 2011                                         31 December, 2010

                           Balance                   Provision                   Balance                      Provision
                                     Percen                      Percen                     Perce                         Percen
                        Amount        tage       Amount           tage        Amount        ntage         Amount           tage
                                       (%)                         (%)                       (%)                            (%)
 items and                                                                                   49.96
                  249,485,480.89 62.39%       17,454,254.35       7.00%    75,555,042.96                24,199,000.00 32.03%
 analyzed                                                                                        %
 individually for

 Other receivables analyzed as groups for provision

 Group 1. Other
 analyzed for                                                                                45.57
                    143,643,860.81 35.92%       9,183,526.21      6.39%    68,916,565.62                 2,612,903.54      3.79%
 provision                                                                                       %
 according to
 aging analysis
 Group subtotal     143,643,860.81 35.92%       9,183,526.21      6.39%    68,916,565.62                 2,612,903.54      3.79%
 items but
                      6,744,745.65    1.69%     6,744,745.65      100%      6,744,745.65     4.46%       6,744,745.65      100%
 individually for
      Total         399,874,087.35    ---     33,382,526.21       ---                         ---       33,556,649.19      ---

                                           Semi-annual Report 2011

Within Groups, other receivables analyzed for provision according to aging analysis:

                              30 June, 2011                                        31 December, 2010

  Aging                  Balance                                              Balance
                                                 Provision                                             Provision
                   Amount         Percentage                              Amount       Percentage

                  98,899,042.44       68.85%      236,569.54         65,110,986.77         94.48%        389,804.96
1 year
1 to 2
                  29,720,238.25       20.69%      127,664.06          1,330,536.60          1.93%        133,053.66
2 to 3
                   1,204,634.79        0.84%       56,849.70                8,500.00        0.01%          2,550.00
                  13,819,945.33        9.62%     8,762,442.91         2,466,542.25          3.58%      2,087,494.92
3 to 4
                  11,738,495.49        8.17%     7,011,547.65             543,604.00        0.79%        271,802.00
4 to 5
                       6,773.44        0.00%           5,418.75           536,226.64        0.78%        428,981.31
Over 5
                   2,074,676.40        1.44%     1,745,476.51         1,386,711.61          2.01%      1,386,711.61

  Total       143,643,860.81         100.00%     9,183,526.21        68,916,565.62       100.00%       2,612,903.54

   4.      Prepaments

An aged analysis of the prepayments as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                       30 June, 2011                                 31 December, 2010
                                  Amount          Percentage (%)               Amount             Percentage (%)

 Within 1 year                308,200,705.48                      99.72       258,849,412.56                 86.92

 1 to 2 years                       781,743.03                     0.25        38,954,298.21                 13.08

 2 to 3 years                        89,069.10                     0.03                     -

 Over 3 years                                                                               -

          Total               309,071,517.61                  100.00          297,803,710.77                100.00

   5.      Inventory

                                                                 30 June, 2011                  31 December, 2010
Raw materials                                                   474,239,056.95                     510,295,091.65
Materials in transit                                             56,080,129.75                      79,328,480.78
Work in progress                                                514,101,335.31                     243,373,666.35
Commodity stock                                               2,865,144,364.43                   1,748,106,396.08
Consigned processed material                                              0.00                      13,305,561.35

                                       Semi-annual Report 2011

Low-value Consumables                                   121,003,201.57                     62,533,756.92
Less: provision for value decline of inventory          114,929,125.66                    120,606,185.89
Inventory net value                                   3,915,638,962.35                  2,536,336,767.24

 Changes in provision for value decline of inventory:

          Item             31 December, 2010       Increase          Decrease            30 June, 2011

 Raw materials                   97,549,059.58                0.00    3,978,340.67          93,570,718.91

 Work in progress                 2,723,235.02        156,674.84                 0.00        2,879,909.86

 Commodity stock                 20,333,891.29     7,546,554.51       9,401,948.91          18,478,496.89

 Low-value Consumables

          Total                 120,606,185.89     7,703,229.35      13,380,289.58         114,929,125.66

   6.     Long-term equity investments

                           31 December, 2010       Increase          Decrease             30 June, 201 1

 Cost method                    105,809,274.00                                             105,809,274.00
 Equity method                5,564,213,660.61 1,034,648,180.63                          6,598,861,841.24
 Less: impairment for
 long-term equity
 Net value for long-term
                              5,670,022,934.61 1,034,648,180.63                          6,704,671,115.24
 equity investments

 On 30 June, 2011, the long-term investments details with cost method are as follow:

                           31 December, 2010       Increase          Decrease            30 June, 2011

 China South Industry
 Group Finance Co.,                 80,000,000                                                 80,000,000
 Sichuan Glass Co.,
                                     1,809,274                                                  1,809,274
 Chongqing Ante
 Import and Export                   3,000,000                                                  3,000,000
 Co., Ltd
 Zhong Fa Lian
                                    21,000,000                                                 21,000,000
 Investment Co., Ltd
          Total                    105,809,274                                                105,809,274

 On 30 June, 2011, the long-term investments details under equity method are as follow:

                           31 December, 2010       Increase           Decrease           30 June, 2011

                                       Semi-annual Report 2011

Joint ventures:
Chongqing Changan
Suzuki Automobile Co.,         1,278,115,624.71     37,703,351.31                          1,315,818,976.02
Jiangling Holding Co.,
                               1,206,654,839.34    180,715,161.29                          1,387,370,000.63
Changan Ford Mazda
                               2,707,612,398.70    806,626,269.62                          3,514,238,668.32
Automobile Co., Ltd
Changan Ford Mazda
                                 353,568,055.95         9,292,810.27                         362,860,866.22
Engine Co., Ltd
Chongqing HelpGo
Information Technology            11,444,603.12          -234,166.99                          11,210,436.13
Co., Ltd
Chongqing Xiyi
Automobile Linkage Rod             6,818,138.79          544,755.13                            7,362,893.92
Co., Ltd
            Total              5,564,213,660.61   1,034,648,180.63                         6,598,861,841.24

  7.        Fixed assets

           Item            31 December, 2010        Increase            Decrease          30 June, 2011

I. Original price             7,463,422,405.93    362,825,877.59       145,606,820.00     7,680,641,463.52
Buildings                     1,321,068,476.11    139,488,562.76        23,320,742.13     1,437,236,296.74
Machinery                     4,217,675,770.71    115,789,845.72        39,057,361.19     4,294,408,255.24
Vehicles                         55,822,631.95      8,071,097.44          229,476.50        63,664,252.89
Other Equipments              1,868,855,527.16     99,476,371.68        82,999,240.18     1,885,332,658.66

II. Accumulated
                              2,784,601,530.39    246,154,968.45        22,992,185.01     3,007,764,313.83
Buildings                       324,783,770.56     26,150,441.22         9,408,806.24      341,525,405.54
Machinery                     1,783,495,137.72    120,513,720.85        11,137,833.63     1,892,871,024.94
Vehicles                         22,653,696.40      2,877,448.60          614,888.09        24,916,256.91
Other Equipments                653,668,925.71     96,613,357.78         1,830,657.05      748,451,626.44

III. Net Value                4,678,820,875.54    116,670,909.14       122,614,634.99     4,672,877,149.69
Buildings                       996,284,705.55    113,338,121.53        13,911,935.89     1,095,710,891.19
Machinery                     2,434,180,632.99     -4,723,875.13        27,919,527.56     2,401,537,230.30
Vehicles                         33,168,935.55      5,193,648.84          -385,411.59       38,747,995.98
Other Equipments              1,215,186,601.45      2,863,013.90        81,168,583.13     1,136,881,032.22

IV. Impairment
                                410,935,046.11                 0.00     99,717,678.42      311,217,367.69
Buildings                                 0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00
Machinery                       404,106,163.75                 0.00     99,717,678.42      304,388,485.33
Vehicles                                  0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00

                                             Semi-annual Report 2011

Other Equipments                        6,828,882.36                   0.00                  0.00            6,828,882.36

V. Book Value                      4,267,885,829.43       116,670,909.14        22,896,956.57         4,361,659,782.00
Buildings                            996,284,705.55       113,338,121.53        13,911,935.89         1,095,710,891.19
Machinery                          2,030,074,469.24         -4,723,875.13      -71,798,150.86         2,097,148,744.97
Vehicles                              33,168,935.55          5,193,648.84             -385,411.59           38,747,995.98
Other Equipments                   1,208,357,719.09          2,863,013.90       81,168,583.13         1,130,052,149.86

  8.         Construction in progress

                  31 December,                                         Transfer to          Other
                                       Increase         Decrease                                             30 June, 2011
                      2010                                             fixed assets       deduction
production         40,346,251.80      17,105,229.88    31,195,155.24   31,195,155.24                0.00      26,256,326.44
Yuzui motor
                  433,465,059.39     354,038,885.89    57,708,501.42   57,563,501.42        145,000.00       729,795,443.86
city project
                  178,508,889.22      83,739,322.17 126,807,650.64 126,250,657.64           556,993.00       135,440,560.75
production         32,759,619.50      41,668,793.12    16,487,933.08   16,487,933.08                0.00      57,940,479.54
                  653,499,793.89     360,833,669.31    86,804,264.86   86,804,264.86                0.00     927,529,198.34
research          126,705,592.30      66,489,295.28    12,472,275.07   12,472,275.07                0.00     180,722,612.51

Car moulds         75,941,499.46      58,704,493.00    22,333,054.75   22,333,054.75                0.00     112,312,937.71

new district      328,334,765.82     235,015,016.38 174,031,823.51     14,356,812.58 159,675,010.93          389,317,958.69
n project

Others            128,341,160.08     557,575,194.55    87,989,595.53   87,989,595.53                         597,926,759.10

   Total        1,997,902,631.46 1,775,169,899.58 615,830,254.10 455,453,250.17 160,377,003.93 3,157,242,276.94

  9.         Intangible assets

         Item            31 December, 2010              Increase              Decrease                30 June, 2011
I. Original price           1,140,936,345.06           446,615,255.52                       0.00      1,587,551,600.58
Land use rights                  593,637,192.27        206,374,062.36                       0.00           800,011,254.63
Software use rights               85,918,260.48         38,328,434.81                       0.00        124,246,695.29
Trademark use rights              36,770,000.00        175,000,000.00                       0.00           211,770,000.00
                                 424,610,892.31         26,912,758.35                       0.00        451,523,650.66

II. Accumulated
                                 212,051,791.69         97,424,527.96                       0.00        309,476,319.65

                                          Semi-annual Report 2011

Land use rights                 28,530,830.55         21,194,697.09                 0.00        49,725,527.64
Software use rights             51,244,794.98         17,139,851.65                 0.00        68,384,646.63
Trademark use rights            25,943,278.51          3,167,206.68                 0.00         29,110,485.19
                             106,332,887.65           55,922,772.54                 0.00       162,255,660.19

III. Net Value               928,884,553.37          349,190,727.56                 0.00      1,278,075,280.93
Land use rights              565,106,361.72          185,179,365.27                 0.00       750,285,726.99
Software use rights             34,673,465.50         21,188,583.16                 0.00        55,862,048.66
Trademark use rights            10,826,721.49        171,832,793.32                 0.00       182,659,514.81
                             318,278,004.66          -29,010,014.19                 0.00       289,267,990.47

IV. Impairment
                                 6,700,000.00                  0.00                 0.00          6,700,000.00
Land use rights                  6,700,000.00                  0.00                 0.00          6,700,000.00
Software use rights                      0.00                  0.00                 0.00                  0.00
Trademark use rights                     0.00                  0.00                 0.00                  0.00
                                         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                  0.00

V. Book Value                922,184,553.37          349,190,727.56                 0.00      1,271,375,280.93
Land use rights              558,406,361.72          185,179,365.27                 0.00       743,585,726.99
Software use rights             34,673,465.50         21,188,583.16                 0.00        55,862,048.66
Trademark use rights            10,826,721.49        171,832,793.32                 0.00       182,659,514.81
                             318,278,004.66          -29,010,014.19                 0.00       289,267,990.47

  10. Development expenditure

    Item          31 December, 2010       Increase      Charged to income     Recognized as    30 June, 2011
                                                         Statement of the       intangible
                                                          Current period          assets

                      204,312,934.30   465,552,480.92        330,843,526.42       746,957.05 338,274,931.75

  11. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

Recognized deferred tax assets and liabilities:

                                                         31 December, 2010              30 June, 2011
Deferred tax assets
Provision for the impairment of assets                            70,994,366.66                57,446,228.28
Accrued expenses and contingent
liabilities                                                     215,336,190.19                305,778,983.80
Unpaid tech development expense and
advertisement expense                                             27,390,068.43                 4,422,250.50
                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

Other current liabilities – deferred income              94,236,500.00             81,886,500.00
Unpaid salary and bonus and others                        26,834,990.67             23,274,813.31
Subtotal                                                 434,792,115.95            472,808,775.89
Deferred tax liabilities
Available-for-sale financial assets on the
changes in fair value                                     23,113,125.00             25,296,375.00

  12. Short-term loans

                    Item                          31 December, 2010          30 June, 2011
Pledge loans                                              30,000,000.00                            -
Mortgage loans                                                         -                           -
Bill discounting                                                       -                           -
Credit loans                                                           -                           -

  13. Notes payable

                    Item                          31 December, 2010          30 June, 2011
Commercial acceptance bill                                             -                           -
Bank acceptance bill                                   4,887,600,348.93          7,465,625,110.40
                    Total                              4,887,600,348.93          7,465,625,110.40

  14.     Accounts payable

       On 30 June, 2011, there is no provision for the impairment of construction in
progress(On 31 December, 2010: nil).
        On 30 June, 2011, there is no significant accounts payable whose aging is over one

  15.     Advances receipts

       On 30 June, 2011, within the aforesaid balance, there is no amount due to
shareholders that hold 5% or more of the Company’s voting shares. (31 December 2010:
       On 30 June, 2011 and 31 December 2010, there are no significant advances receipts
of over one year.

  16. Payroll payable

            Item              31 December, 2010        Increase       Payments     30 June, 2011

                                    Semi-annual Report 2011

Salary, bonus, allowance                           643,798,727.6   660,248,219.8    120,831,538.8
and subsidy                                                    5               4                3
Employee benefit                    779,016.84     19,192,036.17   20,487,989.17       -516,936.16
Labor fund and employee
                                 59,423,746.48     17,320,305.12   16,990,127.06    59,753,924.54
education fund
                                                   162,833,548.0   160,043,622.5
Social insurance premium         -1,899,123.37                                         890,802.13
                                                               7               7
Housing accumulation fund         4,775,159.94     30,097,667.25   30,063,925.53     4,808,901.66
                                                   873,242,284.2   887,833,884.1    185,768,231.0
           Total                200,359,830.91
                                                               6               7                0

 17. Taxes payable

                   Item                      31 December, 2010              30 June, 2011

Value-added tax                                        115,160,508.25              -397,341,200.32
Consumption tax                                        165,546,213.07              121,421,957.39
Business tax                                               328,471.46                  551,317.65
Corporate income tax                                   123,392,495.93              143,883,311.12
Individual Income tax                                      317,325.18                1,098,425.50
City maintenance and construction
                                                        13,069,232.82                -8,824,292.74
Education additional expenses                            6,682,989.93                -3,175,437.85
Others                                                     345,629.58                -1,409,670.44
                   Total                               424,842,866.22              -143,795,589.68

                                        Semi-annual Report 2011

  18. Other payables

                    Item                         31 December, 2010                 30 June, 2011

Dealer earnest money                                       121,304,098.70               52,614,934.88
Warranty                                                   114,422,660.48               12,976,084.88
Repair fees                                                  73,710,948.43             116,079,017.15
Advertisement fees                                           91,678,699.30              23,022,863.02
Sales bonus                                                   4,156,564.00                         0.00
Warehousing and transport fees                             239,834,462.06              116,556,960.77
Loans temporarily                                             9,746,970.52             141,856,011.52
Information technology expense                               13,865,545.18             150,366,121.18
Project funds and Project earnest money                    210,546,243.18              105,930,539.23
Others                                                       85,620,257.11             372,957,579.84
Relocation compensation                                    100,005,000.00                          0.00
Other intercourse funds                                      52,150,000.00                         0.00
                    Total                                 1,117,041,448.96           1,092,360,112.47

  19. Contingent liabilities

                                                                                Reasons for
   Categoris of      31 December,
                                          Increase              30 June, 2011 year-end cash in
    Expenses             2010
                      611,679,913.9 291,414,026.0 212,649,890.8 690,444,049.0
Products warranty                                                              expense drew
                                  7             0             9              8
Others                 7,867,191.89                       1,657,341.86   6,209,850.03
                      619,547,105.8 291,414,026.0 214,307,232.7 696,653,899.1
                                  6             0             5             1

  20. Operating revenue and cost

                            From January to June, 2011               From January to June, 2010
                            Operating                              Operating
                                            Operating cost                           Operating cost
                             revenue                                revenue
Main Business        13,939,874,001.11 12,006,362,704.54 16,029,407,679.42 12,874,313,867.46
Other Business          597,241,838.79       494,771,697.58       598,047,253.36      513,538,157.66
      Total          14,537,115,839.90 12,501,134,402.12 16,627,454,932.78 13,387,852,025.12

                                Semi-annual Report 2011

  21. Business tax and surcharges

               Item           From January to June, 2011      From January to June, 2010
Business tax                                   2,122,961.34                 1,118,313.18
Consumption tax                            232,776,464.55                 281,176,249.35
City maintenance and
construction tax                            26,742,631.84                  51,129,939.77
Education additional
expenses                                    13,525,136.05                  24,547,851.28
Others                                                 0.00                     4,942.39
               Total                       275,167,193.78                 357,977,295.97

  22. Financial expenses

               Item           From January to June, 2011      From January to June, 2010
Interest expense                               2,256,874.40                42,819,868.65
Less: interest income                       88,634,175.28                  50,578,770.32
     capitalized interest                              0.00                   527,918.23
Exchange gain or loss                          1,430,800.30                 5,138,099.24
Others                                          813,611.94                  2,582,989.99
               Total                       -84,132,888.64                    -565,730.67

  23. Impairment loss on assets

               Item           From January to June, 2011      From January to June, 2010
Bad debt loss                                  2,221,590.17                 6,728,663.67
Impairment provision of
                                               3,724,888.68               -28,644,429.48
obsolete inventory
Impairment provision of
long-term equity                                                            4,830,178.00
               Total                           5,946,478.85               -17,085,587.81

  24. Investment income

                              From January to June, 2011      From January to June, 2010
Long-term equity investment
                                         1,034,648,180.63                 975,094,449.15
income under cost method
Long-term equity investment
                                               6,000,000.00                 6,245,999.32
income under equity method
Long-term equity investment                                                22,155,290.91
                                               Semi-annual Report 2011

 income through disposal
                    Total                                  1,040,648,180.63                        1,003,495,739.38

VI.           Notes to the Company’s financial statements
      1.      Accounts receivable and others

 ⑴    Accounts receivable

 An aged analysis of the accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                                              30 June, 2011                   31 December, 20100
Within 1 year                                                711,840,548.82                       528,418,488.90
1 to 2 years                                                  12,688,108.72                        18,722,977.62
2 to 3 years                                                   7,300,124.44                        12,773,329.46
Over 3 years                                                  68,125,901.23                        73,288,413.45
   Less:Bad debt Provision                                    60,852,008.09                        58,456,294.94
                                                             739,102,675.12                       574,746,914.49

 A type analysis of the accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                      30 June, 2011                                    31 December, 2010

                            Balance                   Provision                  Balance                Provision
                                      Percen                      Percen                   Perce                    Percen
                        Amount         tage      Amount            tage      Amount        ntage     Amount          tage
                                        (%)                         (%)                     (%)                       (%)
 items and                                                                                 15.23
                      94,043,677.08 11.76%     21,410,982.64 22.77%        96,465,198.81           21,574,276.54 22.36%
 analyzed                                                                                      %
 individually for

 Accounts receivable analyzed as groups for provision

 Group 1.
 analyzed for         83,724,398.83 10.47%     38,457,383.83 45.93%        74,528,087.13           35,898,376.78 48.17%
 according to
 aging analysis
 Group 2.
                                                                           461,226,281.8   72.84
 receivable          621,202,965.68 77.65%
                                                                                       7       %
 from related
                                                                           535,754,369.0   84.61
 Group subtotal      704,927,364.51 88.12%     38,457,383.83       5.46%                           35,898,376.78     6.70%
                                                                                       0       %
                        983,641.62     0.12%     983,641.62        100%      983,641.62    0.16%     983,641.62      100%
 items but

                                               Semi-annual Report 2011

 individually for
      Total                           ---                         ---                        ---                         ---
                    799,954,683.21             60,852,008.09                          3               58,456,294.94

 Within Groups, Accounts receivable analyzed for provision according to aging analysis:

                                 30 June, 2011                                       31 December, 2010

   Aging                  Balance                                                Balance
                                                     Provision                                                Provision
                    Amount         Percentage                              Amount           Percentage

 Within 1
 year           38,286,574.78          45.73%        1,577,788.12         34,271,738.78            45.98%        254,979.17
 1 to 2
 years              7,223,058.12        8.63%          722,305.81          2,497,245.62             3.35%        249,724.56
 2 to 3
 years              1,013,273.69        1.21%          303,982.11          3,222,163.19             4.32%        966,648.96
 3years         37,201,492.24          44.43%       35,853,307.79         34,536,939.54            46.34%   34,427,024.09
 3 to 4
 years              2,664,905.30        3.18%        1,343,818.15             76,170.50             0.10%         38,085.25
 4 to 5
 years               434,711.50         0.52%          407,614.20           359,151.00              0.48%        287,320.80
 Over 5
 years          34,101,875.44          40.73%       34,101,875.44         34,101,618.04            45.76%   34,101,618.04

   Total        83,724,398.83               100%    38,457,383.83         74,528,087.13            100.00    35,898,376.78

 (2) Other receivables

 An aged analysis of the other receivables as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                                             30 June, 2011                         31 December, 2010
Within 1 year                                               335,297,674.86                            100,570,393.40
1 to 2 years                                                 29,646,299.60                                734,321.60
2 to 3 years                                                    505,525.12                                  8,500.00
Over 3 years                                                  2,621,403.54                              2,580,505.65
   Less:Bad debt Provision                                    2,438,780.56                              2,612,903.54
                                                            365,632,122.56                            101,280,817.11

 A type analysis of the other receivables as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

                                     30 June, 2011                                        31 December, 2010

                           Balance                   Provision                  Balance                     Provision
                                     Percen                      Percen                    Perce                        Percen
                        Amount        tage         Amount         tage      Amount         ntage        Amount           tage
                                       (%)                         (%)                      (%)                           (%)

                                               Semi-annual Report 2011

items and                                                                                    25.25
                 258,738,160.11       70.30                                  26,234,000.00
analyzed                                                                                         %
individually for

Other receivables analyzed as groups for provision

Group 1. Other
analyzed for                                                                                 74.75
                   109,332,743.01     29.70        2,438,780.56    2.23%     77,659,720.65              2,612,903.54    3.36%
provision                                                                                        %
according to
aging analysis
Group subtotal     109,332,743.01     29.70        2,438,780.56    2.23%     77,659,720.65              2,612,903.54    3.36%
items but
individually for
     Total         368,070,903.12     ---          2,438,780.56     ---                       ---       2,612,903.54     ---

Within Groups, other receivables analyzed for provision according to aging analysis:

                              30 June, 2011                                            31 December, 2010

  Aging                  Balance                                                    Balance
                                                       Provision                                                 Provision
                   Amount         Percentage                                  Amount         Percentage

1 year          76,559,514.75          70.02%            236,569.54          73,854,141.80          94.48%        389,804.96
1 to 2
years           29,646,299.60          27.12%            127,664.06           1,330,536.60           1.93%        133,053.66
2 to 3
years               505,525.12          0.46%             39,000.00               8,500.00           0.01%          2,550.00
3years             2,621,403.54         2.40%          2,035,546.96           2,466,542.25           3.58%      2,087,494.92
3 to 4
years               543,604.00          0.50%            271,802.00            543,604.00            0.79%        271,802.00
4 to 5
years                  6,773.44         0.01%              5,418.75            536,226.64            0.78%        428,981.31
Over 5
years              2,071,026.10         1.89%          1,758,326.21           1,386,711.61           2.01%      1,386,711.61

  Total       109,332,743.01                100%       2,438,780.56        77,659,720.65             100%       2,612,903.54

  2.      Long-term equity investments

                             31 December, 2010                    Increase             Decrease              30 June, 2011

Cost method                         1,080,224,303.40              4,000,000.00         5,500,000.00          1,078,724,303.40
Equity method                       5,564,213,660.61 1,034,648,180.63                                        6,598,861,841.24

                                      Semi-annual Report 2011

Net value for long-term
                             6,644,437,964.01 1,038,648,180.63   5,500,000.00   7,677,586,144.64
equity investments

On 30 June, 2011, the long-term investments details under cost method are as follow:

       Investee           31 December, 2010       Increase       Decrease       30 June, 2011

Nanjing Changan
                               413,805,259.00                                    413,805,259.00
Automobile Co., Ltd
Hebei Changan
                               432,485,236.00     4,000,000.00                   436,485,236.00
Automobile Co., Ltd
Chongqing Changan
                                13,068,580.00                                     13,068,580.00
International Sales
Service Co., Ltd
Chongqing Changan
Automobile Service              29,700,000.00                                     29,700,000.00
Co., Ltd
Chongqing Changan
Automobile Sales Co.,           48,500,000.00                                     48,500,000.00
Chongqing Changan
Automobile Sales                13,550,000.00                    5,500,000.00       8,050,000.00
Subsidiary Company
Chongqing Changan
Special Automobile               2,500,000.00                                       2,500,000.00
Sales Co., Ltd
Changan Europe R&D
                                   974,020.00                                        974,020.00
Center Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Changan
new Engergy                     18,850,000.00                                     18,850,000.00
Automobile Co. Ltd
China South Industry
Group Finance Co.,              80,000,000.00                                     80,000,000.00
Chongqing Ante
Import and Export                3,000,000.00                                       3,000,000.00
Co., Ltd
Sichuan Glass Co.,
                                 1,809,274.00                                       1,809,274.00
Zhong Fa Lian
                                 6,000,000.00                                       6,000,000.00
Investment Co., Ltd
         Total               1,080,224,303.40     4,000,000.00   5,500,000.00   1,078,724,303.40

On 30 June, 2011, the long-term investments details under equity method are as follow:

       Investee           31 December, 2010       Increase       Decrease       30 June, 2011

Joint ventures:
Chongqing Changan
                             1,278,115,624.71    37,703,351.31                    18,850,000.00
Suzuki Automobile

                                           Semi-annual Report 2011

Co., Ltd
Jiangling Holding Co.,
                                  1,206,654,839.34   180,715,161.29                        1,387,370,000.63
Changan Ford Mazda
                                  2,707,612,398.70   806,626,269.62
Automobile Co., Ltd
Changan Ford Mazda
                                    353,568,055.95     9,292,810.27                         362,860,866.22
Engine Co., Ltd
Chongqing HelpGo
Information                           7,589,983.84                            63,321.76        7,653,305.60
Technology Co., Ltd
Chongqing Xiyi
Automobile Linkage                    6,818,138.79         544,755.13                          7,362,893.92
Rod Co., Ltd
           Total                  5,564,213,660.61 1,034,648,180.63                        6,598,861,841.24

   3. Operating revenue and cost

                               From January to June, 2011                From January to June, 2010
                           Operating revenue   Operating cost     Operating revenue       Operating cost
 Main business             10,379,906,091.86 8,873,678,049.50 10,647,826,495.36 8,488,995,509.05
 Other business              688,815,022.72     565,234,554.43          594,678,125.39    551,360,888.58
       Total               11,068,721,114.58 9,438,912,603.93 11,242,504,620.75 9,040,356,397.63

   4. Investment Income

                                        From January to June, 2011          From January to June, 2010

Long-term equity investment
                                                           -5,263,916.67                   10,000,000.00
income under cost method
Long-term equity investment
                                                     1,034,648,180.63                     975,094,449.15
income under equity method
Long-term equity investment
income through disposal
                   Total                             1,029,384,263.96                     992,273,032.91

VII.       Related party relationships and transactions

1. Criteria for the identification of related parties

If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant influence over
another party, they are regarded as related parties. Two or more parties are also

                                     Semi-annual Report 2011

regarded as related parties if they are subject to control, joint control or significant
influence from the same party.

The following are related parties of the Group:

(1)  parents of the Group;
(2)  subsidiaries of the Group;
(3)  other enterprises that are controlled by the same parent as the Group;
(4)  investors who have joint control over the Group;
(5)  investors who can exercise significant influence over the Group;
(6)  joint ventures in which the Group is a investor;
(7)  associates of the Group;
(8)  principal individual investors of the Group, and close family members of such individuals;
(9)  key management personnel of the Group or its parent, and close family members of such
(10) other enterprises that are controlled, jointly controlled, or significantly influenced by the
      Group’s principal individual investors, key management personnel, or close family members of
      such individuals.

Enterprises are not regarded as related parties simply because they are under the
common control from the State, if no other related party relationships exist between

2. Parent and subsidiaries

                Place of                         Proportion of
                               Nature of the                         Corporate          Legal
  Parent       registratio                       shares in the
                                 business                              type         representative
                    n                              Company
   China                     Manufacture and
 Changan                     sale of                                  Company
Automobile       Beijing     automobiles,             45.71%         limited by      Xu liu ping
   Group                     engine, and                               shares
  Co ,Ltd                    components

The registered capital and paid-up capital is unchanged in 2010.

Refer to Note IV “Scope of consolidation for consolidated financial statements” for
details of the Group’s subsidiaries.

3. Other related parties

                 Related parties                                     Relationship

China South Industries Group Corporation            Ultimate holding company
Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., Ltd                  Joint venture
Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd              Joint venture
Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd        Joint venture
Jiangling Holding Co., Ltd                          Joint venture
Chongqing HelpGo Information Technology Co.,

                                        Semi-annual Report 2011

                 Related parties                                            Relationship

China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd - Jian'an
Automobile Bridge Branch (hereafter referred to          Branch of parent
as “Jian'an Automobile Bridge Branch”)
China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd – Chongqing
Tsingshan Transmission Branch (hereafter
                                                         Branch of parent
referred to as “Chongqing Tsingshan Transmission
South Tianhe Chassis System Co., Ltd                     Controlled by the same parent company
South Yingte Air-conditioner Co, .Ltd                    Controlled by the same parent company
Chongqing Changfeng Jiquan Machinery Co., Ltd            Controlled by the same parent company
Chongqing Changrong Machinery Co., Ltd                   Controlled by the same parent company
Chongqing Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd            Controlled by the same parent company
Hafei Motor Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by the same parent company
Dongan Auto Engine Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by the same parent company
Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine Manufacturing
                                                         Controlled by the same parent company
Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi Changhe Automobile Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by the same parent company
Jiangxi Changhe Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd.              Controlled by the same parent company
Chongqing Anfu Automobile Co., Ltd                       Controlled by the same parent company
Chongqing Xiyi Automobile Linkage Rod Co., Ltd           Associate of the parent company
Sichuan Ningjiang Shanchuan Machinery Co, Ltd            Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Baoding Changan Car Manufacturing Co., Ltd               Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Changan Construction Co., Ltd                  Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co., Ltd.          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Jiangling Construction Co., Ltd                Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Sichuan Hongguang Machinery and Electrics Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Changan Kuayue Automobile Co., Ltd             Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Beijing Beiji Mechanical and Electrical Industry
                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Co., Ltd
Chongqing Changan Real Estate Development Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd              Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chengdu Lingchuan Vehicle Oil Tank Co., Ltd              Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industry Co., Ltd              Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chengdu Wanyou Economic Technological
                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Development Co., Ltd
Chengdu Wanyou Filter Co., Ltd                           Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Hubei Xiaogan Huazhong Automobile Light Co.,
                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Southwest Industries Corporation                         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Yunnan Xiyi Industries Co., Ltd                          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die-Casting Co., Ltd          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Dajiang Xinda Vehicles Shares Co., Ltd         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company

                                       Semi-annual Report 2011

                 Related parties                                         Relationship

Chongqing Dajiang Yuqiang Plastic Co., Ltd              Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing   Jianshe   Automobile     Air-conditioner
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Co., Ltd
Chongqing Jiangda Aluminum Alloy Wheel Co., Ltd         Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Qingshan Sales Co., Ltd                       Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Shangfang Automobile Fittings Co., Ltd
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company

Chongqing Wanbing Material Co., Ltd                     Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Wanyou Economic Development Co.,
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Wanyou      Auto   Sales    and    Service
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Chongqing Yihong Engineering Plastic Products
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Co., Ltd
Guangxi Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co., Ltd          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Guizhou Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co., Ltd          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Jieyang Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co., Ltd          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Yunnan Wanyou Auto Sales and Service Co., Ltd           Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Foshan Wangyou Auto Sales and Service Co ,Ltd           Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Liuzhou Wangyou Auto Sales and Service Co ,Ltd          Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
China Changan Automobile Co., Ltd – Chongqing
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Gunangda Sales Co ,Ltd
Longchang Shanchuan Shock-absorbing Vehicles
                                                        Controlled by the same ultimate holding company
Parts Co., Ltd

4. Major transactions between the Group and its related parties

(1) Sales of goods and services to related parties (the transactions below not
    including tax).

                                     From January to June, 2011          From January to June, 2010

              Total                              2,540,747,163.24                    2,630,985,740.67

(2) Purchases of goods and services to related parties.

                                     From January to June, 2011          From January to June, 2010

              Total                              3,789,171,334.10                    3,625,914,468.79

(3) Other major related-party transactions.

Expenses of integrated service charges

                                          Semi-annual Report 2011

                                        Content of          From January to        From January to
         Related parties
                                        transaction            June, 2011             June, 2010
 Changan Industries Group        Payment of
 Co., Ltd                        trademark royalties
 Changan Industries Group        Payment of land
                                                                7,824,102.51            7,841,346.00
 Co., Ltd                        rental fees
 Changan Industries Group        Payment of building
                                                               16,401,668.90           14,630,384.00
 Co., Ltd                        rental fees
 Changan Industries Group        Payment of water,
                                                              111,879,937.35          121,935,914.00
 Co., Ltd                        electricity and gas fees
 Changan Industries Group        Payment of fire
                                                                5,576,032.98            5,509,971.00
 Co., Ltd                        fighting fees
 Changan Industries Group
                                 Others                         6,333,551.38            4,756,124.00
 Co., Ltd
 Chongqing Changan Real Estate   Payment of building
                                                                2,367,364.00            3,029,108.00
 Development Co., Ltd            rental fee
 Hafei Motor Co., Ltd            Payment of utilities          11,819,900.00            2,451,175.00
 Jiangxi Changhe
                                 Payment of utilities               488,158.74             81,359.79
 Automobile Co., Ltd
              Total                                           162,690,715.86          171,959,681.79

Purchases of the trademark

                                        Content of          From January to        From January to
 Related parties
                                        transaction            June, 2011             June, 2010
 Changan Industries Group        Purchases of the
 Co., Ltd                        trademark

Purchase of project materials

                                                             From January to       From January to
                      Related parties
                                                                June, 2011            June, 2010
 Chongqing Changan Construction Co., Ltd                       362,877,228.45          63,898,527.00
 Chongqing HelpGo Information Technology Co.,
                                                                    4,511,350.33            6,239.00
 Chongqing Changan Min Sheng Logistics Co., Ltd.                    7,888,695.29                     0
 Changan Industries Group Co. Ltd                                    304,476.00         1,226,000.00
 Total                                                         375,581,750.07          65,130,766.00

Interest Income

                                                            From January to        From January to
                      Related parties
                                                               June, 2011             June, 2010
 China South Industry Group Finance Co., Ltd                     5,946,343.60          2,781,358.00

                            Semi-annual Report 2011

(4) Amounts due from/to related parties.

Notes receivable

                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total            1,083,207,122.00       1,788,410,000.00

Accounts receivable

                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total             420,883,352.83         218,925,877.52


                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total              6,980,129.44           6,055,927.00

Notes payable

                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total             527,461,562.53         534,538,251.96

Accounts payable

                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total            1,014,671,004.65        652,496,559.29

Advances from customers

                                 30 June, 2011        31 December, 2010

              Total             182,165,916.54          92,329,348.99

Other payables

                                      Semi-annual Report 2011

                                           30 June, 2011                  31 December, 2010

               Total                       291,088,549.26                     254,977,593.41

 (5) Cash deposited in related parties

         Related parties                   30 June, 2011                  31 December, 2010

  China South Industry Group
                                           671,001,196.86                     496,480,766.89
  Finance Co., Ltd

 (6) Loans from related parties

 Short-term loans

         Related parties                   30 June, 2011                  31 December, 2010

  China South Industry Group
                                                  0                           30,000,000.00
  Finance Co., Ltd

 Long-term loans

         Related parties                   30 June, 2011                  31 December, 2010

  China South Industry Group
                                                  0                           76,000,000.00
  Finance Co., Ltd

VIII.    Contingencies

 As on 30 June, 2010, there are no contingencies that need to be disclosed.

 IX.     Events after the balance sheet date

 The profit distribution plan of 2010 is made in the company’s 2010 annual shareholders’
 meeting which was held on May 18th, 2011.The plan was as follow: base on current total
 capital shares of 2,685,823,637 at the end of 2010, donate 4 bonus shares and interest of
 0.80 RMB (tax included) upon each 10 shares to all shareholders. Besides, base on current
 total capital shares of 2,685,823,637 at the end of 2010, capitalizing of common reserves
 will be 4 shares upon each 10 shares to all shareholders. A share interest rights
 registration date is 6th July 2011, Ex. Right and ex. dividend date is 7th July 2011. B
 share final dealing date is 6th July 2011, ex dividend date is 7th July 2011, and registry
 date is 11th July 2011. After this distribution of profits, the total of capital shares will
 increase up to 4,834,482,546 shares
                                           Semi-annual Report 2011

  X.        Provision for the impairment loss of assets

                                  Opening balance                                Deductions             Closing balance
             Items                on 31 December,      Provision
                                                                                                        on 30 June,201
                                        2010                            Reversal        Write-off

1.Bad debt provision                106,613,440.21     2,221,590.17                                      108,835,030.38
2.Provision for obsolete
                                    120,606,185.89     7,703,229.35 3,9 78, 34 0. 67     9,401,948.91    114,929,125.66
3. Provision for the impairment
of available-for-sale financial
4.Provision for the impairment
of held-to-maturity investments
5.Provision for the impairment
of long-term equity investments
6.Provision for the impairment
of investmental realty
7.Provision for the impairment
                                    410,935,046.11                                      99,717,678.42    311,217,367.69
of fixed assets
8.Provision for the impairment
of constructional materials
9.Provision for the impairment
of Construction in progress
10.Provision for the impairment
of productive assets
11.Provision for the impairment
of oil gas assets
12.Provision for the impairment
                                      6,700,000.00                                                         6,700,000.00
of intangible assets
13.Provision for the impairment
                                     73,465,335.00                                                        73,465,335.00
of goodwill
             Total                  718,320,007.21     9,924,819.52 3,9 78, 34 0. 67   109,119,627.33    615,146,858.73

 XI.        Net profit except non-recurring profit and loss

                                                     Amount from
                     Item                             January to                         Explanation
                                                      June, 2011
                                                                           The mainly income is a subsidy of
                                                                           39.4 million Yuan for new product
                                                                           from the Finance Bureau of
Profit and loss arising from disposal of
                                                        919,460.27         Jiangbei District and a subsidy of
non-current assets
                                                                           44.89 million Yuan for proving
                                                                           ground from he Finance Bureau of
                                                                           Dianjiang county.
Government grants                                    88,857,908.34
Other non-operating income and                       15,188,904.34
                                        Semi-annual Report 2011

Effect on income tax                           -17,087,610.78
Effect on minority shareholders                    -911,837.07
                  Total                         86,966,825.10

XII.     Reconciliation of the net profits presented under the PRC
         accounting standards and International Financial Reporting
         Standards (“IFRS”)

                                                                                  From January to
                                                             30 June,2011
                          Item                                                       June,2011
                                                              Net assets            Net profits
Account report according to the enterprise accounting
                                                             15,123,561,188.97       1,040,060,233.01
rule and system under the PRC.
Adjustment of according to international accounting rules:
Payment to currency shareholders of A share cash
opposite price.
Account report according to the international finance
                                                             15,052,277,123.97       1,040,060,233.01
report rules.

                                   Semi-annual Report 2011

                           VIII Documents for Future Reference

     1. semi-annual report with the signature of chairman

     2. Financial reports with signatures and stamps of the legal representative, the chief

accountant and the chief of accounting organization.

     3. All the original documents and manuscripts of the Company which has been disclosed

in the reporting period in the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory


     4. Article of Association

     5. Semi-annual reports disclosed in other securities markets.
     6. Other relevant document.

          Chairman of BOD: Xu Liuping                       General Manager: Zhang Baolin

                                  Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd
                                              Aug.30, 2011
