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                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                 2022 Annual Report

                          April 2023

                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                         2022 Annual Report
        Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase
The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and
senior executives of the Company hereby guarantee that the contents are
authentic, accurate and complete, without false records, misleading
representations or material omissions in the Annual Report, and shall take
all the joint and several legal liabilities.
Dong Mingzhu, the Company's responsible person, Liao Jianxiong,
responsible person in charge of accounting work and Liu Yanzi, the
Accounting Department's responsible person (accounting superintendent)
hereby declare and warrant that the financial report in the Annual Report
is authentic, accurate and complete.
All the directors have attended the meeting of the Board of Directors in
respect of deliberation of the Annual Report.
The forward-looking statements such as future plans and development
strategies in the Annual Report do not constitute a substantive commitment
of the Company to investors. Investors and relevant persons should
therefore make rational investment based on an awareness of risk factors
attendant in investment and understand the differences between plans,
forecasts and commitments.
The Company's profit distribution proposal passed upon deliberation at the
meeting of the Board of Directors is set out as below: Based on the total
share capital of 5,613,841,613 shares enjoying profit distribution rights at

                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

the time of disclosure of this profit distribution plan (the total stock capital
of 5,631,405,741 shares excluding the 17,564,128 shares held in the
repurchase account of the Company), the Company plans to distribute all
shareholders a cash dividend of RMB10 (tax included) per 10 shares, but
does not plan to give any bonus share or convert any capital reserves into
share capital.

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .........................................................2
Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indicators ................................................ 7
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ...............................................................12
Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................................58
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ........................................................... 82
Section VI Important Matters .............................................................................................131
Section VII. Changes in Shares and Shareholders ............................................................155
Section VIII Preferred Share Related Information .......................................................... 166
Section IX Bond Related Information ................................................................................ 167
Section X Financial Statements ...........................................................................................170

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai


(I) The accounting statements signed and sealed by Dong Mingzhu, the legal representative, Liao Jianxiong, responsible

person in charge of accounting work and Liu Yanzi, the Accounting Department's responsible person.

(II) The original audit report sealed by Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) with

signatures and seals of certified public accountants Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu.

(III) Originals and original drafts of all the Company's documents and announcements published on the newspapers

designated by CSRC and on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) within the report period.

                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                    Items                             Means                                  Contents
Company, the Company, the Enterprise, Gree
                                                      Means          Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai
Electric Appliances or Gree
                                                                     Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited
Zhuhai Mingjun                                        Means
Finance Company                                       Means          Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited
Jinghai Internet                                      Means          Jinghai Internet Technology Development Co., Ltd.
DunAn Environment                                     Means          Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.
Gree Altairnano                                       Means          Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.
CSRC                                                  Means          China Securities Regulatory Commission
Report Period                                         Means          January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

        Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indicators

I. Company information

Stock Abbreviation                     Gree Electric Appliances                       Stock Code              000651
Stock Exchange                         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name in Chinese                        珠海格力电器股份有限公司
Name Abbreviation in Chinese           格力电器
Name in Foreign Language (if any)      Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai
Name Abbreviation in Foreign
Language (if any)
Legal Representative of the
                                       Dong Mingzhu
Registered Address                     Room 608, No.108 Huitong Third Road, Hengqin New Area, Zhuhai City
Post Code of Registered Address        519031
Historical Changes to the              On August 26, 2021, it was changed from Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai City,
Company's Registered Address           Guangdong Province to its current registered address
Office Address                         Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
Post Code of Office Address            519070
Website                                http://www.gree.com.cn
Email                                  gree0651@cn.gree.com

II. Contacts and contact information

                                              Secretary of the Board of Directors         Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                      Deng Xiaobo                                  Wu Qingqing
                                          Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai            Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai
                                          City, Guangdong Province                     City, Guangdong Province
Tel.                                      0756-8669232                                 0756-8669232
Fax                                       0756-8614998                                 0756-8614998
Email                                     gree0651@cn.gree.com                         gree0651@cn.gree.com

III. Information disclosure and place of the report

Website of the stock exchange to which the Company's
                                                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http://www.szse.cn)
Annual Report is disclosed
                                                                  China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai
Media to which the Company's Annual Report is disclosed
                                                                  Securities News, Securities Daily, and CNINFO
and their website
Place where the Company's Annual Report is available for
                                                                  Investment Management Department of the Company

IV. Alteration of registration

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Unified Social Credit Code                                            91440400192548256N
Changes (if any) in the main business since listing of the
                                                                      No change
                                                                      On December 2, 2019, Gree Group and Zhuhai Mingjun
                                                                      signed the Share Transfer Agreement. Gree Group planned
                                                                      to transfer 902,359,632 shares of the Company with
                                                                      unlimited sales conditions held by Gree Group to Zhuhai
                                                                      Mingjun at a price of RMB46.17/share; on December 13,
                                                                      2019, the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government and the
                                                                      State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration
                                                                      Commission of the State Council (SASAC) of Zhuhai City
Changes (if any) in the controlling shareholders                      separately approved the share transfer. Gree Group obtained
                                                                      the Transfer Registration Confirmation issued by Shenzhen
                                                                      Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing
                                                                      Corporation Limited (CSDC) on February 3, 2020. The
                                                                      registration procedures for the share transfer under aforesaid
                                                                      Agreement have been completed, and the transfer date is
                                                                      January 23, 2020. After the completion of the share transfer
                                                                      registration, the Company has neither a controlling
                                                                      shareholder nor an actual controller.

V. Other related information

Accounting firm engaged by the Company
                                                                      Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of the accounting firm
Office address of the accounting firm                                 169 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City
Names of undersigned accountants                                      Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu

Sponsor engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Financial adviser engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company has retroactive adjustment or restatement of previous accounting data
□ Yes No

                                                                                    Increase/Decrease Over
          Item                      2022                        2021                                                    2020
                                                                                       the Previous Year
Operating revenue
                              188,988,382,706.68       187,868,874,892.71                             0.60%     168,199,204,404.53
Net profits attributable
to shareholders of the         24,506,623,782.46        23,063,732,372.62                             6.26%      22,175,108,137.32
listed Company (yuan)
Net profits attributable
to shareholders of the
listed Company less            23,986,248,264.15        21,850,050,895.31                             9.78%      20,285,816,036.00
non-recurring profits
and losses (yuan)
Net cash flows from            28,668,435,921.27             1,894,363,258.72                     1,413.35%      19,238,637,309.16

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

operating activities
Basic earnings per
                                               4.43                    4.04                       9.65%                       3.71
share (yuan/share)
Diluted earnings per
                                               4.43                    4.04                       9.65%                       3.71
share (yuan/share)
Weighted average
                                             24.19%                 21.34%                        2.85%                   18.88%
return on equity
                                                                                Increase/Decrease Over
          Item               At the End of 2022        At the End of 2021                                      At the End of 2020
                                                                               the End of Previous Year
Total assets (yuan)           355,024,758,878.82       319,598,183,780.38                         11.08%    279,217,923,628.27
Net assets attributable
to shareholders of the         96,758,734,892.25       103,651,654,599.87                         -6.65%    115,190,211,206.76
listed Company (yuan)

The net profits of the Company before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses in the last three fiscal years,
whichever is lower, is negative, and the audit report of the last year shows that the Company's ability to continue as a going
concern is uncertain
□ Yes No
The net profits before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses, whichever is lower, is negative
□ Yes No

VII. Accounting data differences under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the international accounting
standards and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There was no difference in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the international accounting
standards and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards during the report period.

2. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the overseas accounting standards
and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There was no difference in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the overseas accounting standards
and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards during the report period.

VIII. Quarter-based main financial indicators

                                                                                                                Unit: yuan (RMB)

         Item                    Quarter 1                 Quarter 2                  Quarter 3                   Quarter 4
Operating revenue             35,259,628,917.19          59,962,697,105.04         52,266,633,176.32           41,499,423,508.13
Net profits attributable
to shareholders of             4,003,315,961.30           7,463,163,671.32          6,837,644,520.12             6,202,499,629.72
listed company
Net profits attributable
                               3,774,746,923.56           7,832,675,090.66          6,959,445,436.62             5,419,380,813.31
to shareholders of

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

listed companies after
deduction of non-
recurring profits and
Net cash flows from
                                3,394,256,789.15         9,750,003,578.44         9,314,360,824.83            6,209,814,728.85
operating activities

Whether major differences exist between the above financial indicators or their sum and those in the disclosed quarterly
report and semi-annual report
□ Yes No

IX. Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                                      Amount in
                       Item                                           Amount in 2021       Amount in 2020        Description
                                                                                                                For details,
Profits and losses from disposal of non-current
                                                                                                                please refer to
assets (including the write-off of accrued asset    -51,428,778.52       -7,498,891.48        -4,974,224.62
                                                                                                                this Note V.
impairment reserves)
                                                                                                                67, 68, and 69
Governmental subsidies included in the current
profits and losses (excluding the governmental
                                                                                                                For details,
subsidies closely relating to the normal business
                                                                                                                please refer to
operations of the Company, conforming to            873,695,831.91     875,778,734.20     1,346,168,393.38
                                                                                                                this Note V.
national policies and regulations, and enjoyed
                                                                                                                62 and 68
by a fixed quota or a fixed amount in
accordance with a certain standard)
Fund possession cost collected from the non-
financial institution and included in the current                         6,234,097.19           883,505.62
profits and losses
In addition to the effective hedging business
related to the Company's normal business
operations, the profits and losses from fair
value changes generated by holding trading
financial assets, derivative financial assets,
trading financial liabilities and derivative                           369,460,356.97       877,450,950.74
financial liabilities, and investment incomes
obtained from the disposal of trading financial
assets, derivative financial assets, trading
financial liabilities, derivative financial
liabilities and other debt investment
Reversal of impairment reserves for the
                                                    118,276,955.90       16,844,984.00
receivables under independent impairment test
                                                                                                                For details,
Non-operating revenues and expenditures other                                                                   please refer to
                                                    -25,299,493.59       58,510,843.19       50,024,914.68
than the above items                                                                                            this Note V.
                                                                                                                68 and 69
Other profit and loss items conforming to the
                                                    -30,904,028.44       13,691,263.12       17,915,425.64
definition of non-recurring profits and losses
Less: Amount affecting income tax                    64,515,784.15       82,923,289.84      386,974,457.37
       Amount affecting minority equity (after
                                                       -585,500.25       36,416,620.04       11,202,406.75

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                      Total                         520,375,518.31       1,213,681,477.31    1,889,292,101.32          --

Details of other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                     Amount in Current
                              Item                                                                         Causes
                                                                      Report Period
  Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of                               Commissions refund of individual
                non-recurring profits and losses                                                income tax and others
Description of defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and
loss items
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
No non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses were defined by the Company as
recurring profit and loss items.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry situation of the Company during the report period

1. Consumer field  multichannel promotion of consumption upgrading for overall pressure on the household
appliance industry
In 2022, the overall pressure on sales in the household appliance industry has led to increasingly fierce market competition.
The penetration rate of emerging channels continues to grow, accelerating the integration of online and offline channels.
Gree's products in the consumption field cover residential air conditioners, HVAC, refrigerators, washing machines, water
heaters, kitchen appliances, and environmental products, etc. In 2022, the Company worked hard in the face of challenges
and changes. It has continuously improved its internal strength, upgraded its industry, deeply explored consumer demand,
and continuously innovated products providing to users, achieving steady growth in overall performance.
(1) The industry size of the household appliance experienced declines
In 2022, both the export and domestic market sales of the household appliance industry experienced varying declines in the
scale. The 2022 Annual Report of China's Household Appliance Industry issued by the National Household Appliance
Industry Information Center (NAIC) shows that the domestic sales volume of the household appliance industry in 2022 was
RMB730.72 billion, with a year-on-year decrease of 9.5%. Affected by factors such as global inflation and the complex and
volatile international situation, the export value of China's household appliances has decreased. In 2022, the export volume of
the household appliance industry was RMB568.16 billion, with a year-on-year decrease of 10.9%.
(2) The market size of the air conditioner declined in 2022
In 2022, the global and Chinese external environment of air conditioner markets was poor, with a significant decline in the
sales market size. The summary data released by All View Cloud (AVC) shows that the global market size of household air
conditioners in 2022 was 160 million sets, with a year-on-year decrease of 3.1%, and the domestic market size was 80.22
million sets, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.6%. Aircon's statistics show a 2.6% year-on-year decline in the overall market
capacity of central air conditioners in China in 2022.
(3) Increase in penetration rate of emerging channels changed the channel structure
With the changes in users' lifestyles, interests, and hobbies, the traditional offline sales have been shifting towards online.
The 2022 Annual Report of China's Household Appliance Industry issued by the NAIC shows that the online retail sales
volume of China's household appliance industry reached RMB422.66 billion, with a contribution rate of 57.8%, indicating a
further increase in the proportion of online channels. The rise of emerging channels such as short-form video and live streams
has divided up the market share of traditional e-commerce channels, driving the adjustment of the channel structure.
2. Industrial field  steady progress of the industry with accelerated structural adjustment and transformation and
According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), in 2022, China's total industry's value
added exceeded the RMB40 trillion, accounting for 33.2% of GDP. The manufacturing industry's value added accounted for
27.7% of GDP, and its size has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years; the high-tech manufacturing industry
accounted for 15.5% of the value added of industries above designated size, while the equipment manufacturing industry
accounted for 31.8% of the same. The production of new energy vehicles and photovoltaics has consistently ranked first in
the world for many years. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries have been accelerating, and as well as
the development of new industries, the industrial system has been more sound, with the continuously optimized industrial
The Company has actively promoted industrial transformation, with industrial products covering high-end equipment,
precision molds, compressors, motors, industrial energy storage, new energy buses, renewable resources, etc., transforming
and upgrading from "traditional manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing," striving to build a high-end, intelligent, and
green technology-based enterprise.
(1) Intelligent manufacturing boosts industrial transformation and upgrading
From Made in China 2025 to Development Plan on Smart Manufacturing During the "14th Five-Year Plan", relevant
policies all take the development of advanced intelligent manufacturing industry as the core goal to overall arrange and plan
the promotion of manufacturing power. Based on the strong support of the government, China's intelligent manufacturing
industry has maintained a rapid growth, and it has become a new development direction for China's modern advanced

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

manufacturing industry. According to data from Shangpu Group, a market research institution, the market size of China's
intelligent manufacturing industry in 2022 is USD540 billion, and it is expected to reach USD700 billion by 2024.
(2) The new energy sector maintains a continuous high prosperity
Driven by the "dual carbon (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality) policies", the new energy industry has an obvious growth
trend. The Action Plan for Carbon Peaking Before 2030 issued by the State Council clearly proposes to vigorously promote
new energy vehicles, achieving the proportion of about 40% of new and clean energy-powered vehicles by 2030. According
to the data released by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA), the market penetration rate of new energy passenger
vehicles reached 27.6% in 2022, which will further increase to 36% in 2023 based on predictions. It will continue to rapidly
increase in the future. According to data from China Buses (www.chinabuses.org), in 2022, the sales of new energy buses
above 6 m by key domestic bus companies increased by 21.49% year-on-year, marking the booming development of the new
energy bus market.
(3) Energy storage industry develops continuously and rapidly
In 2022, China's energy storage industry still maintained a rapid development trend, while the policy system supporting
energy storage continued to improve, and energy storage made breakthroughs. Its global market demand is strong, and the
creation of energy storage standards is accelerating, providing strong support for its rapid development. According to data
released by the National Energy Administration, as of the end of 2022, the installed capacity of new energy storage projects
that have been put into operation in China has reached 8.7 GW, with a year-on-year increase of over 110%. In 2022, the
National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) have introduced many
policies with regard to energy storage development, coordinating the promotion of new energy storage pilot projects. Based
on the Guidance on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage released by the National Energy Administration
and the NDRC, it is expected that the installed capacity of new energy storage in China will increase to 30 GW by 2025. It is
thus clear that new energy storage will continue to develop at a high speed, with a compound annual growth rate of
55%70%, and the market size will repeatedly reach new highs.
(4) Production capacity growth of the air conditioning compressor is under pressure while upgrading and optimizing
of efficient and energy-saving drive technology of the compressor
According to the data from ChinaIOL.com, the production of rotor compressors in 2022 was 232.61 million sets, with a year-
on-year decrease of 2.4%, and sales were 233.26 million sets, with a year-on-year decrease of 2.2%. With the deepening
implementation of China's new energy efficiency standards for air conditioners, the air conditioner industry has entered an
era of high energy efficiency. The high-efficiency and energy-saving technologies such as inverters have become standard
configurations. Products with inverters have occupied the absolute mainstream, of which meeting level 1 or level 3 in new
energy efficiency standards has dominated the market. The summary data released by AVC shows that the sales of inverter
air conditioners in the online and offline markets accounted for over 90% in 2022. The demand for inverters and high-
efficiency and energy-saving air conditioner products has continued to drive the upgrading of compressor technology.

II. Major businesses of the Company during the report period

Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai is a diversified and technological global industrial group and has three major
consumer brands of Gree, TOSOT and KINGHOME, and industrial brands of LANDA, Kaibang, and Xinyuan, etc. Its
industry covers two major areas of household consumer goods and industrial equipment. In the consumption field, it covers
residential air conditioners, HVAC, refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters, kitchen appliances, environmental
appliances, communication products, smart building systems, and smart household appliances; in the industrial field, it
covers high-end equipment, precision molds, freezers and refrigeration equipment, motors, compressors, capacitors,
semiconductor devices, precision casting equipment, basic materials, industrial energy storage, and renewable resources.
Gree's products are sold in more than 190 countries and regions, providing consumers with satisfactory products, services,
and intelligent scene selection, to create a better life for consumers.
According to the 2022 Grassroots Research Report on China's Central Air Conditioner Industry released in HVAC and Heat
Pumps by icmzone.com, Gree ranked first in the central air conditioner market with a market size of over RMB20 billion in
2022, maintaining a leading position in market share for eleven consecutive years. In the chiller market, Gree firmly ranked
first with a market share of 12.7%; in the VRF market, it led far with a market share of over 20%; in the unitary air
conditioner market, it led with a market share of 35.6%; in the engineering project market, it led all other brands with a
market share of over 15%, and ranked first in the central air conditioner industry in 2022 with market size of over RMB20
billion. Gree's central air conditioners has served more than 100,000 projects worldwide, while Gree's chiller sales leading

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

the industry and serving several large data centers with national influence and telecommunications operators’5G centralized
procurement projects. Gree has become the first central air conditioner brand worth billions in the industry.
In 2022, the Company has continued to improve its product line for household appliances, gradually forming a product image
of "Gree for Making Better Appliance". According to data from AVC, Gree's electric fan had a market share of 20.68%,
ranking first in the industry; the market share of electric heater products was 14.01%, ranking second in the industry.
Adheres to the corporate vision of "creating a world-class enterprise, achieving a century-old brand of Gree," the mission of
"carry forward the spirit of industry, master the core technology, pursue perfect quality, provide professional services," and
"Made in China, Loved by the World", and the business philosophy of "an enterprise without innovation is an enterprise
without soul; an enterprise without core technology is an enterprise without backbone; an enterprise without fine products is
an enterprise without future," Gree Electric Appliances has continuously accumulated technological strength and national
R&D thinking to assist China in creating.

III. Core competence analysis

Faced with the opportunities and challenges of the development of China's household appliance industry, the Company takes
the quality as the support and the brand as the carrier, firmly following the path of brand development, continuously
increasing investment in scientific and technological R&D, and promoting intelligent manufacturing; also, it strengthens
brand building and marketing promotion, and continuously improves product quality and competitiveness, achieving
sustainable development and long-term competitiveness; moreover, relying on core advantages, it strengthens the deep layout
of the industrial chain, and grasps the initiative of industrial chain layout; besides, it actively explores the international
market and enhances international competitiveness, pursuing high-quality development with significant core competitiveness.
(I) A world-renowned brand of "Made in China, Loved by the World"
The Company firmly follows the path of brand self-development, and has established a great valuable brand with leading
core technology, excellent product quality, and complete service system. It adheres to keeping up with the times, constantly
absorbing new concepts, from "Gree, making better air conditioners," "Gree, the master of core technology" to "Made in
China, Moved by the World," and from the leader in technology to service provider of the world, continuously refining and
upgrading brand value.
On the Chinese Brand Value Evaluation List, the Company has consistently ranked first in the household appliance industry
for many years, and the brand value has been gradually increasing. In 2022, with its outstanding comprehensive strength, it
was once again listed on the "Forbes Global 2000 List" and has been on the Global 500 issued by Fortune for four
consecutive years. The Company has won many honors, such as the "World Brand", "Most Competitive Brand", "China
Quality Award", "Enterprise for Exemption from Export Inspection", "China Brand Innovation Award", and won the 2nd
"Chinese Brands Power Ceremony  Superior Products of Chinese Provenance", and "Guangdong Guangcai Program
Contribution Award". In addition, it became the "Case of the Belt and Road Construction" in 2022. The Company builds and
establishes its brand based on perfect quality and internationally leading technology, continuously creating value for society.
(II) Strong core technology and innovation capabilities, highlighting the leading position in the industry
Adhering to the concept of "self-research and development of core technologies" and the principle of "investment as needed
without an upper limit", the Company has built a multi-level and high-level research and development platform based on
national scientific research platforms, forming a technology innovation system that is "enterprise-oriented, market-oriented,
and combined industry, academia, and research", taken the innovation chain as the driver of the value chain while the value
chain is the supporter, and implemented a leadership strategy, overall arranging a diversified development strategy.
It has established 16 research institutes, 152 research departments, 1,411 laboratories, and 1 State Key Laboratory centering
on new energy and environment, intelligent equipment, freezers and refrigeration equipment, washing, and other technologies;
also, it has the world's largest air conditioner research and development center, including 5 national research platforms, 1
academician workstation, and over a thousand laboratories. As of now, the Company has accumulated over 100,000 patents,
becoming the only enterprise in the household appliance industry to enter the top 10 in China's invention patent authorization
for seven consecutive years. It has 39 "world leading" technologies and has won 6 Chinese patent gold awards, 12 gold
awards from Geneva Inventions, 9 gold awards from Nuremberg Inventors' Fair, and 106 important awards at national,
provincial, and industry level. The number and quality of patents held by the Company have steadily increased, and the
driving force of innovation and development has continued to strengthen. The forward-looking technological layout ensures
that the Company's product power has always ranked at the forefront of the industry.
Its laboratory certification and accreditation has always adhered to international standards, showing that the Company has
practiced the high-quality development of certification and accreditation. As of the end of 2022, Gree Electric Appliances has

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

1,041 sets of nationally recognized laboratory equipment and has 11 laboratories that obtained certification and accreditation
from globally renowned third-party institutions such as CNAS, TUV, UL, CSA, and 7 external accreditation and evaluation
(III) Leading in perfect quality management model, supporting the development of Chinese manufacturing
Pursuing the perfect quality, the Company takes consumer demand as the highest standard, adheres to the strategy of high-
quality products, and continuously explores and innovates in concepts, methods, systems, technologies, and other aspects of
quality management. To this end, adhering to the three major quality control principles of "never take consumer as an
experiment", "everyone is a quality inspector", and "perfect quality is achieved through struggle", through the "Five-Step
Method of Quality Prevention" and the "D-CTFP Cycle Method for Quality and Technology Innovation", it constructs a
unique Gree Perfect Quality Management Model for its goal of "Made in China, Loved by the World", effectively solving the
problem of the organization's path and methods for quality innovation and promoting the continuous improvement of the
The Company actively participates in leading the standards building at home and abroad, demonstrating its leading position
in the industry's standard construction, promoting high-quality product development with high standards, and leading the
industry with strength. In 2022, the Company was listed in 2021 National Enterprise Standard "Leader" with 19 product
categories including air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers, air purifiers, electric fans and water
purifiers, 385 product models, and 24 standards, as the enterprise with the most products included in the list in the household
appliance industry. Gree Electric Appliances has become the first enterprise in the refrigeration industry to serve as the chair
of the committee on international standardization. Dong Mingzhu, the chairperson and president of the Company, has
successfully been re-elected as the chairperson of the Testing and Rating of Refrigerant Compressors of Technical
Committee on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning of International Standards Organization (ISO/TC86/SC4). Gree has been
certified as the "Seven-Star Leading Laboratory for Air Conditioner Inspection and Testing," as one of the first enterprises in
China to reach the seven-star rating, the highest level. The project of "Disinfection and Purification Technologies and Product
Application Based on the CKER System" developed by the Company won the first prize in the Quality Innovation Award.
The Company implements a "ten-year warranty" for household air conditioners, which to a greater extent protects consumer
interests, as the longest warranty period in the Chinese household air conditioner industry. Since joining AHRI in 2009, it has
been recognized multiple times by AHRI for its leading product technology and solid product quality.
(IV) Integrated layout of the industrial chain, comprehensively enhancing core competitiveness
While the Company is steadily developing household appliances, smart homes, and industrial manufacturing, it actively lays
out green energy sectors centered around photovoltaic energy storage, lithium batteries, and new energy vehicles through
acquisitions and self-research. Its industrial chain has expanded to fields such as intelligent equipment, numerical control
(CNC) machine tool, robots, precision molds, new energy, cold chain, logistics, communication, and small household
appliances, and is developing towards intelligence, specialization, high-end, and quality. Meanwhile, the Company has 6
renewable resource bases in Zhuhai, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Wuhu, and Tianjin, covering the entire industrial
chain from upstream production to downstream recycling and achieving green, circular, and sustainable development.
In the field of household appliances, the Company's products cover the full category of household appliances, including
residential air conditioners, HVAC, refrigerators, washing machines, environmental appliances, kitchen appliances, and home
appliances, providing consumers with high-quality solutions for intelligent life. The "ultra-low temperature at 38°C freezing
and fresh-keeping technology" of the Kinghome refrigerator, the "efficient and uniform cooking technology" of the TOSOT
rice cooker, the pioneering "circulating cooling fan with evaporative circulation system", and the self-developed "wet curtain
hot drying technology" for impurity-free fogless humidifier have all led the industry. Gree has built its "healthy, smart and
comfortable home" ecological home system for consumers from the all-round multi-system product lines of air conditioner,
floor heating, fresh air, water purification and smart, combined with the six-constant system concept of "constant temperature,
constant humidity, constant oxygen, constant cleanliness, constant mute and constant smart" in the new era.
In the field of core components, the Company has strong capabilities to support its products. Its wholly-owned subsidiaries of
Landa Compressor, Kaibang Motor, Xinyuan Electronics, and Gree Electric Enterprises rank at the top in the industry in
terms of production capacity, quality, and performance, which ensure the excellent quality of products and effective cost
control of the Company. The reasonable layout of upstream and downstream industries guarantees a sound, stable, and
efficient supply chain, strongly supporting the Company's leapfrog development. 10 products self-developed by the Company,
including the "high-efficiency scroll compressor", "high-performance linear servo motor and driver", "high-performance
servo motor and driver for industrial robot" and "rare-earth free permanent reluctance main drive motor system for new
energy bus" were appraised as the "world-leading" level, marking that Gree has fully mastered the advanced technology from
core components to products.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

In the field of diversification, for industrial robots, the Company has completed the development of 1 kg600 kg industrial
robot products, which are suitable for various industrial usage scenarios under several conditions. For power batteries of new
energy vehicles, body die-casting, etc., the Company has developed GR35/1.8 robots and GR50_2.0 robots, and GR200/3.2
robots with large arm span, further improving its ability to provide solutions for application scenarios such as high overload,
high protection requirements, and deep exploration. For the heavy-duty series robots, the Company has developed the
GR270/2.65 industrial robot, solved the vibration at the reducer during high-speed operation caused by its insufficient
stiffness, and broken the absolute monopoly of foreign technology, promoting the localization of heavy-duty industrial robots
in China, and achieving market breakthroughs; also, it has completed the development of the first robot motion control
system with self-intellectual property rights. It has successfully developed core components for robots and machine tools,
breaking the technological monopoly of foreign brands while improving the competitiveness of national brands.
In the field of smart home, adhering to self-innovation, self-research and development, and self-manufacturing, as well as a
core technology for a zero-carbon healthy home, the Company has continuously upgraded the five major intelligent life
systems of energy, air, health, security, and lighting for the whole house, and self-developed all series of intelligent home
products, IoT platform, intelligent decision-making system, G-Voice interaction system, intelligent vision system, G-OS IoT
operating system, G-Learning comfortable energy-saving algorithms and other intelligent IoT technologies, providing IoE
solutions for family life, and creating a high-quality life with IoE technology.
In the field of supply chain, the Company adheres to the centralized procurement strategy. To build an industry-leading
supply chain, it has established a comprehensive supply chain management system, fully played the role of the "chain owner"
of the industrial chain, and enhanced the integration ability of the industrial chain, improving the competitiveness of the
supply chain through mutual promotion with partners.
(V) Efficient retail transformation empowered by digitization, consolidating industry position
The Company has established self-control and win-win sales channels and sales models, and implemented a transformation
of "new retail" marketing model integrating online and offline channels. Based on sales companies in 30 regions, over 30,000
offline stores, and official flagship stores on third-party e-commerce platforms, the Company has established a dual-line sales
network covering the country, providing online-offline linkage services integrating offline experience, online ordering, and
nationwide unified delivery and installation, activating channel advantages, and achieving all win for the Company,
distributors, and consumers.
In the domestic market, channels have been expanding towards diversification and flattening, and agents have been
transforming into service providers. Focusing on the layout of the sinking channel, the Company has continuously expanded
the second and third-tier markets and county and town markets through online procurement and cooperation with e-
commerce and logistics enterprises of sinking channels. It has attached importance to new retail e-commerce such as live
stream and used new media platforms to lay out new retail channels through sales by live stream, community marketing, etc.,
gradually creating a new media matrix to enhance its influence among young people. At present, the reform of new retail
channels has achieved phased results, and the emerging market for household appliances has accelerated its expansion
through online channels. In terms of overseas markets, the Company has actively adopted various methods of "online and
offline" to expand its sales channels. It has established overseas production bases in South America and Asia, expanding its
overseas air conditioner market through self-brands and OEM. Currently, Gree air conditioners have been exported to more
than 190 countries and regions.
(VI) Precise production capacity layout and leading intelligent manufacturing, responding to market demand rapidly
At present, aiming to the market demand characteristics of different products, differences in regional production factor
endowments, and other factors, Gree has established production and manufacturing bases for air conditioners, home
appliances, and industrial products in Zhuhai, Chongqing, Hefei, Zhongshan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Shijiazhuang, Wuhu,
Changsha, Hangzhou, Suqian, Luoyang, Nanjing, Chengdu, Ganzhou, Linyi, Brazil, and Pakistan. Its reasonably arranged
production base effectively ensures the ability to fulfill contracts, allowing each base to flexibly arrange the production and
deliver products on time, which reduces logistics costs and improves product competitiveness.
The Company has formed a mature production process for intelligent manufacture, with advanced technologies such as
industrial robots, CNC machine tools, 5G, and AI integrated into production scenarios; the virtual simulation of the entire
production line has realized the digitization of the entire process from product design, production planning to manufacture.
On the production line, industrial robots complete various quality inspections with high quality instead of traditional manual
labor; on the workshop channel, the use of AGV and intelligent electronic warehouses achieve intelligent scheduling and
precise delivery. To sum up, high automation has become the norm in Gree factories. The Zhuhai Base of Gree Electric
Appliances has been recognized by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province as the
first batch of 5G+ Industrial Internet application demonstration parks in Guangdong Province.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Intelligent Equipment has not only served within the group, but also actively exported its experience in automation
transformation to markets, leveraging intelligent manufacturing to promote the overall upgrading of China's industry. In the
future, Gree Electric Appliances will continue to deeply explore intelligent manufacturing, strengthen its core industry
advantages, and achieve independent and controllable core technologies, leading the transformation and upgrading of
intelligent manufacturing through innovation.
(VII) Independent cultivation of talents, winning an early lead in development with talent advantages
Adhering to the concept of "independently cultivating talents centering on the Company's strategic layout", the Company has
gradually formed an independent talent cultivation model with strong strength to attract talents, independent innovation to
cultivate talents, and generous welfare for talents. An independent talent cultivation model centered around channels for
introducing independent talents, mechanisms for independent training and development, and a comprehensive incentive and
guarantee system has gradually been formed.
The Company's talent team has been growing, and its talent structure has been upgraded. As of the end of 2022, it had about
72,000 employees, including 2 leading talents in science and technology innovation under the National Ten Thousand Talents
Program, 3 experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, 1 National Technical Expert, 1 winner of the Award
of Outstanding Contribution to Nanyue, 94 high-level talents of Zhuhai, 548 outstanding young talents, 948 scientific and
technological experts evaluated inside the Company, and more than 30,000 skilled workers.
With its social resources and industrial chain advantages, the Company has actively established Gree Vocational College to
provide excellent talents for the enterprise and the entire industry. Meanwhile, based on the independent cultivation of talents,
it has accelerated the cultivation of applied skilled talents, integrated the resource advantages of Guangdong technicians,
skilled master studios, and technician workstations, empowering production through training and boosting innovation
through competition, and selecting and cultivating a group of "high-tech and cutting-edge" skilled talents through a series of
measures such as skill training, skill competition, and skill grade evaluation. As of now, the Group has 14,000 newly assessed
skilled talents, of which, 8 have won the title of "Guangdong Provincial Technical Expert", 2 have won the title of "Nanyue
Technical Expert", and 5 have won the title of "Zhuhai Municipal Technical Expert", 4 "Zhuhai Municipal Post Technical
Expert Pacesetter", 12 "Zhuhai Municipal Chief Technical Expert", 10 "Zhuhai Special Artisan", and 232 "Zhuhai Artisan".
Adhering to the continuous cultivation of innovative, composite, and applied skilled talents, the Company has sought benefits
for employees through multiple channels such as employee stock ownership plans, talent subsidies, talent housing, and Gree
schools, continuously improving employee satisfaction and happiness. As a result, it has been listed on the Forbes "World's
Best Employers" for 8 consecutive years, marking obvious talent advantages in talent cultivation and talent benefits system.

IV. Analysis of main business

1. Overview
2022 is still a challenging year. Hit by the complex and severe global economic situation and continuous fluctuations in raw
material prices, the overall sales of the household appliance industry are under pressure. Following the general principle of
pursuing progress while ensuring stability, the Company has efficiently and orderly promoted various tasks. It has continued
to promote technological innovation and achieve breakthroughs in core and world leading technologies; continued to
consolidate the construction of a high-quality enterprise and create Gree perfect quality management model; continued to
optimize sales channel models and deepened diversification strategies, continuously improving profitability. In 2022, it
achieved the total operating revenue of RMB190,151 million, with an increase of 0.26% year-on-year, and a net profit
attributable to the parent company of RMB24,507 million, an increase of 6.26% year-on-year.
(I) Center on demand of market, continuously provide users with innovative products
1. Air conditioner sector  improving the product line in the air conditioner field and consolidating market position
(1) Residential air conditioner sector - tapping market potential and developing new products for segment
In 2022, the Company has continuously developed residential air conditioner aiming at different consumer levels, improved
new platforms and panels, and launched mid to high-end Airy series highlight products; also, it has developed a new
generation of flagship floor standing air conditioner with upper and lower air outlets, achieving upper air outlet for cooling
and lower air outlet for heating, ushering in the era of zero temperature difference air supply; moreover, it has launched split
air conditioner to expand upgrade products of Silent King+ and About Time, upgraded the air deflector from the original
closed single air deflector to a large air deflector with 360° movement, enhancing the competitiveness of mid-end models; the
developed inverter window air conditioner adopting drainage-free technology has the ability to replace existing gas or electric
heating equipment in North America; and the newly developed cold air dehumidifier has been exported to Japan, which
achieving self-cleaning of the filter screen and breaking the monopoly of Japanese brands. In various overseas household

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

markets, the Company has switched refrigerants for products and added new product lines. In the North American market,
following the development of ultra-low temperature inverter window air conditioner, it has supplemented ultra-low
temperature inverter PTAC and successfully transformed the refrigerant of new products to R32; in the European market, it
has developed R290 pilot split units; in the Middle East market, its inverter and non-inverter enthalpy-increasing compressors
have further improved their high-temperature performance to meet specific high-temperature environments. According to the
2022 domestic sales data of air conditioners published by ChinaIOL.com, Gree air conditioners ranked the first in the field
with a share of 33.9%, taking the lead for 28 years.
(2) HVAC equipment sector  improving product lines and promoting product structure upgrading
At present, for central air conditioners, Gree has launched over a thousand categories of 13 major series, including centrifugal
chiller, VRF, screw chiller, chiller, unit chiller, household chiller, precision air conditioner, which can meet the equipment
demands of different working conditions, scenarios, and industries, and serve major benchmarking projects.
① Residential central air conditioner sector  innovating and creating a comfortable home space
In 2022, Gree created a new concept of "Gree Smart Comfortable Home" in the field of comfortable residence. For the mid to
high-end consumer group mainly composed of customers in the factory-installed products market, Gree has created a space
that "covers scenes with products and drives experiences with scenes", and deeply integrated online and offline forms to
bring customers a brand new and comfortable consumption experience. It has solemnly launched the ultimate central floor
heating and air conditioners of "GMV Tops CCHP Air Conditioner" and "Enjoy FCH Air Conditioner", with one air
conditioner to meet users' various needs of "air conditioning + heating + domestic hot water"; also, it has innovatively
launched the Real Fresh Energy Recovery Ventilation System, with a plasma sterilization module that effectively meets
users' indoor air sterilization and cleaning demands, of which has a purification rate of up to 99%, creating a comprehensive
high-quality life for users and providing a healthy home environment.
② Commercial VRF sector  creating intelligent new products with core technology
Gree regards technology as its root, with the concept of technology serving life. In 2022, Gree has launched the Gree GMV
6S+ artificial intelligence VRF, combining artificial intelligence with VRF, enabling the air-conditioning unit to learn and
optimize independently, further creating private customized products; its system's energy efficiency has been further
improved, far exceeding the first level of energy efficiency, making it the preferred units for various commercial projects.
Meanwhile, the Company has upgraded the Gree GMV EM DC inverter VRF units, which has equipped with CAN network
VRF communication technology, with faster and more reliable communication response, achieving non-polarity free wiring
and automatic addressing of indoor units, as well as automatic addressing of outdoor units when multiple outdoor units are in
parallel. The Company has continued to make efforts in expanding projects in the data communication, real estate, and rail
transit industries, and signed strategic cooperation agreements with multiple industry leaders, continuously outputting VRF
and commercial VRF, and creating sample projects in multiple fields.
③ Heating product sector  creating a full building heating product system to achieve innovative and sustainable
In response to national demands, the Company is committed to developing full scene high-efficient thermal energy system
solutions based on advanced heat pump technology and equipment, creating six categories of low-temperature heat sources
(air source, surface water, geothermal, data center, process industry, and power plant), and centered on three types of key
heat pump equipment (air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, high-capacity high-temperature heat pump), to serve
four major application scenarios (domestic hot water, building heating, industrial and agricultural heat, and industrial steam).
At present, the Company has established a full building heating product system, equipped with a series of advanced heat
pump technologies such as enhanced vapor injection vortex compressor, three cylinder and dual-stage rotor compressor,
permanent magnet inverter and variable capacity screw compressor, double head series centrifugal compressor, air
suspension/electromagnetic suspension oil-free steam compressor, and has won the leading brand award in the heat pump
industry for many years. In 2022, Gree introduced multiple industry-leading technologies with its heat pump technology to
improve the annual energy efficiency of air-source heat pumps, expanding the application of air-source heat pump
technology in cold regions; also, it has formed a large capacity and efficient high-temperature heat pump compressor system,
and achieved a breakthrough in high-pressure oil-free steam compressors; moreover, it has launched K-series Hongbing air-
source heat pump heat unit, which is used for heating projects in hotels and schools with hot water tank, or used for central
heating, residential heating renovation and other commercial places with fan trays, radiators, and other terminals; besides, it
has launched Huofenghuang Supreme Household Heating and Cooling (Integrated) Unit, meeting the heating needs in winter
of cold regions in the north. Gree's heat pump air conditioners provide an optimization option for northern heating, opening
up a new direction for research on comfort and energy conservation of heat pump heating. By improving heating technology

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

and successfully signing large coal-to-electricity projects, it has provided green development with a new directions and
④ Precision air conditioner sector  actively self-developing its brand to ensure that the equipment environment
meets usage requirements
In 2022, the Company launched the JQF series of air conditioners dedicated to cabinet, which may be widely used for cooling
in 5G base stations, ensuring the stable operation of base station equipment and assisting the development of 5G; it also
launched JKLC series chilled water inter train air conditioners, JHPQ series cabinet-level heat pipe air conditioners, and
JKLF series air-cooled inverter inter train air conditioners. The above units have the advantages of safety, reliability,
efficiency, and energy-saving, and may be widely used in various data centers, effectively reducing the PUE of data centers.
⑤ Freezers and refrigeration equipment sector  empowering the full cold chain series of products by core technology,
accelerating the development of the industry
The Company has deeply developed in the freezing and refrigeration industry, promoted its product research and
development, continuously improved and developed products that meet market demands, and developed a full cold chain
series of products. From the frozen storage fields of factory-end origin warehouses, transit logistics centers, and sales and
distribution warehouses, to the fields of ocean and land refrigeration transportation, as well as the cold chain terminals closest
to consumers, the Company has provided customers with the best solution by its core technology of low-temperature storage
and preservation. In 2022, it covered the diverse demands of consumers in North America and other regions through product
line expansion, housing optimization and upgrading, and other means; the Company has innovatively launched an integrated
photovoltaic direct drive inverter refrigeration unit, which perfectly combines photovoltaic direct drive technology with
photovoltaic power generation technology and condensing units, providing continuous power for refrigeration in cold storage
through photovoltaic power generation, forming a clean, safe, reliable, intelligent, and efficient multi-energy comprehensive
application system, and solving user pain points by generating energy through light and providing a wide range of
applicability; it has also launched a single machine dual-stage ultra-low temperature refrigeration unit, mainly used for ultra-
low temperature quick freezing of aquatic products, meat, etc., which can achieve reliable and uninterrupted refrigeration
throughout the year. As the main responsible unit, Gree has participated in the revision of national standards for condensing
units, accelerating the development of the freezing and refrigeration industry. Its self-developed high-speed direct drive
vertical processing center and intelligent hot fluorine defrosting technology for cold storage won the silver medal at the 2022
Nuremberg Inventors' Fair. At present, the Company's freezers and refrigeration products have successfully served the
National Banquet Kitchen of the Great Hall of the People, the Cold Storage of the People's Bank of China, JD, SF Fresh
Logistics, South China Sea Islands and Reefs, and other scenes, bringing quality upgrades to the industry and consumers with
new technology.
⑥ Compressor sector  delving into market demand, continuously innovating technology, and becoming an industry
In 2022, the Company launched large compressor series products with independent intellectual property rights such as
electromagnetic suspension centrifugal compressor, ultra-high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous inverter screw
compressor for efficient machine rooms, single unit two-stage refrigeration screw compressor with dual slide valve
coordinated capacity regulation and a minimum evaporation temperature of 65°C, and high-efficient refrigeration screw
compressor that can achieve regional air supply. They have been widely used in working conditions such as air-conditioning
refrigeration, heat pump, freezing and refrigeration, ultra-low temperature quick freezing, and meeting the needs of different
In 2022, the Company provided more than 40,000 sets of air conditioning equipment for multiple gymnasiums and stadiums
such as the Education City Stadium, Stadium 974, and Martina Fan Village of the Qatar World Cup, including multiple
product types such as split units, GMVs, fan coil units, combination cabinets, U-match units, and rooftop units. With high-
quality product services, it provided "Gree Cool Breeze" to world's top events. As the exclusive supplier of chillers for
Beijing Fengtai Station, the "largest railway hub in Asia", the Company has provided 8 electromagnetic suspension
centrifugal units, providing strong guarantees for the opening of Fengtai Station with core technology and high quality. It has
also provided low-temperature air-cooled screw units, Gree permanent magnet synchronous inverter centrifugal units, Gree
GMV6 artificial intelligence VRF central air conditioners and other products for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics,
comprehensively providing products and services, including the main building intelligent cold source system and BIM
models, for the National Speed Skating Oval. Pursuing the Green Olympics, it perfectly ensured the construction quality and
progress of major national landmark projects.
2. Home appliances sector  making products valuable by technological advantages, achieving steady growth in

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

The Company has established a healthy, intelligent, and personalized positioning for its products, and implemented a
systematic layout, achieving full coverage of industries such as kitchen appliances, environmental appliances, and
refrigerators, washing machines, and other refrigeration and cleaning household appliances.
(1) Environmental appliances sector  launching new products and upgrading olds, meeting the application needs of
different scenarios
Gree's cooling fan series products have received unanimous praise from users in the Middle East and North America, and
have become the preferred brand products for users. Gree's pioneering circulating cooling fan 03X60DgZ, equipped with an
evaporative circulation system, can deliver coolness to the whole house and effectively circulates indoor air. It has 8-speed
precise wind control and 3 air supply modes, intelligently matching various usage scenarios, while adopting a DC inverter
motor, reducing the low-end noise to 30 dB. In response to consumers' demands for healthy household appliances, health
products such as disinfectant generators and formaldehyde removal air conditioners of Real Purify have been launched,
creating a comprehensive healthy life for consumers. The V-Lasso series antivirus purifier won the first prize of the 2022
Quality Innovation Award, the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the China Light Industry Council,
and the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangdong Light Industrial Council.
(2) Kitchen appliances sector  enriching product lines, forming a systematic layout
The Company has launched a "Gree Green Kitchen" strategy, shaping a healthy culinary lifestyle covering all aspects from
three dimensions: preparation, cooking, and kitchen waste. New products have been continuously launched in 5 categories:
range hoods, stoves, gas water heaters, steam ovens, and dishwashers. In terms of the steam oven, aiming at the daily dietary
nutritional needs of Chinese people, the Company has innovatively developed multi-ingredient nutritional synergistic
regulation technology and a nutritional package including three dishes and staple food, providing users with a delicious and
nutritious food experience. The product has won the gold award at the Special Exhibition of the International Exhibition of
Inventions of Geneva and the second prize of the Technical Invention Award of the Guangdong Light Industrial Council. In
terms of the Star series range hoods, the 10-years cleaning free technology for internal has been applied to solve the difficult
disassembly and cleaning of the range hood and strong odor for users. In terms of gas stoves with dry-burning protection, the
Company has invented multi-gear dry-burning temperature control technology, providing differential temperature control
protection for different recipes, making the cooking process more reassuring. In terms of gas water heaters, the Shunmuwang
no cold water series products have been equipped with Gree triple constant temperature multi-stage control technology,
achieving a large water volume and meeting the water demand of the whole family, while the fluctuation of water
temperature only of ± 0.5°C, thus winning the Good Product Award of the China Household Electric Appliance Research
Institute (CHEARI). According to monitoring data from All View Cloud, in 2022, Gree’s air source water heater's online
retail market share reached 23.4%, ranking second in the industry.
(3) Refrigerator sector  optimizing products and technologies in multi-dimension, customizing preservation and
storage solutions
In 2022, based on a precise grasp of consumer demand, Gree has been driven by innovative technology, achieving high-
quality development of its refrigerator business. It has launched a series of healthy and fresh refrigerator products with fine
storage, achieving continuous upgrades from product functions to scene experiences, and becoming a creator and leader of
high-quality life. The Gree's Kinghome continues to deepen its efforts in preservation of refrigerators, and firmly grasped the
pain points of preservation demand, providing healthy preservation solutions for different ingredients such as meat and fruits
and vegetables. The ultra-low temperature at 38°C freezing (456 or BCD-456WPSG) refrigerator, as the first product of the
Kinghome refrigerator 38°C series, is equipped with a newly upgraded technology of ultra-low temperature at 38°C
freezing and fresh-keeping. Through the industry's first broadband fully sealed piston compressor and upgrade of inverter
control technology, the maximum operating speed of the compressor has increased by 50% compared to the industry,
effectively retaining the flavor and color of the ingredients, and keeping more juices for a longer time. It is equipped with cell
micro-dormancy moisturizing and refreshing technology, which can make fruits and vegetables enter a "micro-dormancy"
state, reducing the loss of nutrients and vitamins in fruits and vegetables, and delaying their deterioration. It is also equipped
with PLASMA full-space sterilization and odor purification technology, with a sterilization rate of up to 99%, keeping the
interior of the refrigerator clean and hygienic. The BCD-448WPSGA cell-grade fresh-keeping series refrigerator is equipped
with the Company's preservation technology of cell-grade fresh-keeping technology, which has three advantages: no loss of
nutrition, good taste preservation, and easy to cut by a knife. It has 5 independent storage zones and 18 preservation spaces,
meeting the demand for meticulous storage of assorted ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and fruits, regardless of raw or
(4) Washer and dryer combo sector  inheriting core technologies, leading the industry in terms of washing and
drying effects

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

For washer and dryer combo products, Gree has adhered to the direction of "leading heat pump washing and drying" and "AI
intelligent washing". Guided by consumer demand, it has been committed to product research and development aiming at
customer demands. The Gree heat pump washer and dryer combo products are equipped with a 100% self-developed soft
drying customized dual rotor inverter compressor and low-frequency torque control technology, of which the latter has won
the "National Science and Technology Progress Award". In 2022, Gree launched the Ruchu heat pump washer dryer combo
products, a mid to high-end heat pump washer dryer featuring embedded installation, which integrates heat pump drying,
steam care technology, and intelligence; it also launched an upgraded heat pump washer dryer of the Ruxin series, which
utilizes heat pump technology and is equipped with a molecular-level steam care program, allowing for the direct care of
clothing without washing or drying; besides, it launched the Zhibo washing machine, which can conduct intelligent
perception and AI decision-making from multiple dimensions such as users, clothing, and environment, comprehensively
improving the washing effect.
(II) Comprehensively develop industrial products, achieve independent and controllable industrial and supply chains
The Company has strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities for core components of household appliances, covering
various sectors such as Landa Compressor, Kaibang Motor, and Xinyuan Electronics, laying a solid foundation for the
Company's high-quality development. In 2022, the Company focused on advanced technology and strived to break through
the "bottleneck" technology, achieving leapfrog growth in the field of industrial products. In terms of compressors, it targeted
elite customers and formulates domestic and overseas sales strategies based on seasonal changes in products. In terms of
motors, the sales of servo motors increased nearly threefold, and the top domestic and foreign customers of high-efficiency
reluctance motors have progressed batch orders. In terms of enameled wires, the Company focused on exploring high value-
added segmented markets such as new energy vehicles and electronic components, driving an overall increase in profits. In
terms of capacitors, the sales of DC thin film capacitors have increased by three times year-on-year, and new customers of
industries benchmark such as industry, water pumps, new energy wind power, and photovoltaics have been successfully
1. Compressor sector  innovative technology and excellent intelligent manufacturing, accelerating localization
Gree has five major compressor production bases, including 13 series of products of C39/C44/C48/C49/C55/C63, etc.,
covering over 300 varieties of high-efficiency, energy-saving, and environmental protection products such as fixed frequency,
DC inverter, different power sources, different working substance, dual rotors, vortex type, with wide application scope
covering multiple air conditioning fields such as a household, commercial, vehicle, freezing and refrigeration,
dehumidification and heating. Its products are at the forefront of the industry in fields such as two-stage enthalpy increasing
compressors and three-cylinder two-stage variable capacity compressors.
In 2022, aiming at the high-temperature environment in the Middle East where the highest temperature reaches 60°C, a high-
temperature refrigeration enthalpy-increasing rotor compressor was developed through technologies such as "high-
temperature and large cooling output structure" and "patented air supply structure design based on ejection principle",
achieving a significant increase in the refrigeration capacity of the compressor at high-temperature. The refrigeration capacity
increased by 8.8% under outdoor conditions of 46°C, 14.7% under 48°C, and 23.6% under 54°C. The products developed
have been widely used in split units, window units, floor standing units, cassette units, duct type units, and floor ceiling units
for the Middle East, and were widely favored and praised by customers.
Through long-term big data analysis of the actual operating characteristics of household VRF, the Company has combined
research on the "exclusive dual-cylinder start variable capacity technology" and innovative design of the "low load and high
energy efficiency compression structure of compressors", developing a new generation of variable capacity rotor compressors
for household VRF. The APF of the compressor has been increased by 8%, the operation under low load has been further
improved by 20%, the cooling or heating speed at startup has been doubled, achieving efficient operation under full load. The
new generation of variable capacity compressors will be applied to 12 kW18 kW wide-load and full-scene efficient
household VRF, leading the energy-saving upgrade of household VRF in the industry.
Through innovation and breakthroughs in the electromagnetic suspension system, the Company has proposed a radial-axial
integrated bearing with 3 degrees of freedom structure, effectively reducing the bearing volume. It has also successfully
developed a 50-120RT small cooling capacity electromagnetic suspension compressor, expanding the application range of
the Company's electromagnetic suspension products and improving its market competitiveness in electromagnetic suspension
centrifugal units.
2. Motor sector  deepening technological innovation and becoming a high-quality pioneer in the industry
The efficient rare-earth free reluctance motor produced by Gree has entered various fields and channels of the Company's
layout. At present, the Company has developed and launched products in 5 major categories, 24 series, and over 1,000 variety
specifications, with 2,235 national patents. The self-developed rare-earth free bus reluctance main drive motor system has

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

been recognized as a "world leading" technology; the high-efficiency and low-noise permanent magnet assisted synchronous
reluctance motor has won 2 gold medals at the Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX), and the R&D of a new high-
efficiency rare-earth free reluctance motor and its application in inverter compressors and air conditioner have won the
special prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Award. It has achieved fruitful professional scientific and technological
research and development results. From variable inverter air conditioners to new energy commercial vehicles, logistics
vehicle main drive motor systems, and engineering machinery motors, the Kaibang's series products have been widely used
and recognized by multiple clients in China. Currently, its annual production capacity is over 80 million sets, ranking among
the forefront of the same industry in China.
The rare-earth free reluctance main drive motor system developed by the Company has achieved rare-earth free, with high
cost-effectiveness, and has reached or exceeded the level of rare-earth permanent magnet main drive system in terms of
comprehensive energy efficiency and reliability, promoting the new energy vehicle drive industry to break free from rare-
earth resource constraints and achieve healthy, stable, and sustainable development. The first 200 kW rare-earth free
reluctance main drive motor system was successfully developed in the industry, promoting and applied in new energy buses.
3. Refrigeration components sector  empowering DunAn and improving the layout of core components
In 2022, the Company strengthened its diversified layout by acquiring DunAn Environment, improving its supply chain.
DunAn Environment, as a leading enterprise in the global refrigeration (component) industry, has a product series covering
the entire HVAC&R industry, fully supporting segments such as residential air conditioners, commercial air conditioners, air
source heat pumps, freezing and refrigeration, and new energy vehicle thermal management. DunAn Environment has a
state-recognized enterprise technology center, a national postdoctoral workstation, an academician workstation, a CNAS
laboratory, and a national full-performance testing center of central air conditioners. The energy efficiency of its inverter
direct drive centrifuge has far exceeded the national primary energy efficiency. By being equipped with advanced technology,
its thermosiphon/steam compression composite air conditioning unit can efficiently run in both thermosiphon cycle and
steam compression cycle modes, obtaining world-leading recognition.
During the report period, DunAn Environment actively expanded the application of refrigeration and heating equipment in
emerging industries such as electronic purification, new energy, high-end precision manufacturing, hospital medicine,
agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and regional energy, continued to deepen the market penetration of
special industries such as nuclear power, communications, rail transit, and cold chain, and launched customized solutions
around the demands of emerging industries, achieving remarkable results. In 2022, the operating revenue of DunAn
Environment was RMB10,144 million, with a year-on-year increase of 3.12%, and the net profits attributable to the parent
company was RMB839 million, with a year-on-year increase of 106.98%. Its market share of cut-off valves ranked first in
the world, that of four-way valves ranked second in the world, and that of electronic expansion valves ranked third in the
world. Moreover, its core component industry of new energy vehicle thermal management has entered a new stage of rapid
4. Precision mold sector  vigorously developing precision machining and building a leading mold enterprise
Precision mold is an integral part of the Company's industrial sectors. Adhering to the strategy of "Refinement,
Standardization, Specialization and Productization", Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. established mold centers in all production
bases of Gree Electric Appliances. Now it possesses 4 R&D platforms, 1 national-level skilled master studio, 1 municipal-
level skilled master studio, 1 municipal-level skill workstation, and 12 technical manufacturing service centers. By the end of
2022, Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. had more than 1,500 employees and over 600 technicians, with 586 patents applied in
In 2022, Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. continued to exert its strength in the fields of household appliances, automobiles,
batteries, energy storages, 3C products, medical devices, optical devices, motor cores, etc. And it focused on launching
projects including New Energy Vehicle Battery Mold + Injection Molded Products Project, Intelligent Factory (Turnkey)
Project, Precision Mold of Automobile Interior and Exterior Trim Project, and Battery PACK Project. Its high-speed
stamping mold can reach 380 stroke times per minute, equalling the leading level at home and abroad. At present, Gree
Precision Mold Co., Ltd. has provided services to high-quality and stable customers in many fields, effectively driving the
development of upstream and downstream industries, strengthening market competitiveness, and consolidating its industry
(III) Adhere to innovation-driven development, make breakthrough in technical difficulties, and boost China
1. Focus on core technologies, and continue to promote the driving force for innovation and development
In 2022, according to the market demand and pain points, new technological breakthroughs and innovations had been made
in the heat pump floor heating and deep mine heat injury. The Company's "Key Technology and Application of High-

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

efficiency Heat Pump Based on Thermal Mass" project had solved the problems of domestic heat pump floor heating
industry, including mismatch between supply and demand of floor heating, low energy efficiency in actual operation, and
large energy efficiency attenuation under frosting conditions. The "Key Technology and Application of New Complete
Refrigeration Equipment for Heat Injury Control in Deep Mines" project had overcome poor refrigeration and
dehumidification effect of local cooling equipment in mines, large consumption of fresh air and water resources, poor effect
of ventilation and heat transfer, narrow operating range of compressors, etc. According to authoritative technical evaluation,
these two technologies had reached the international leading level.
In 2022, the Company took the lead in undertaking two national projects, and Gree Advanced Refrigeration Compressor
Development Team was approved as Zhuhai Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team. The national key R&D program 
"R&D and Application of Industrial Interconnection Platform for Large-scale Manufacturing Industry" initiated by the
Ministry of Science and Technology provided support for elements integration, structural optimization, and operation control
of large-scale manufacturing industry chain. The industrial internet pilot demonstration project  "Gree G-FIEMS Energy
Internet Factory System" piloted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, assisted factories to save energy
and reduce emissions, and promoted low-carbon transformation and technological innovation of enterprises.
2. Continue to promote standardization, and foster international right of speech
Taking satisfying consumer needs as its core concept and standard, the Company implements the standard leading strategy
oriented to consumer needs and social responsibilities to promote the high-quality development of enterprises and industries
with technical standards. Since 2018, Gree has been listed as National Enterprise Standard "Leader" for five consecutive
years, with its enterprise standards in the past three years pioneering the industry. At the same time, more than 2,500 Gree
components and parts standards have been formulated into the industrial chain, driving nearly 100 small and medium-sized
manufacturing enterprises to become industry leaders. Gree has actively led and participated in the formulation of 756
international and national standards, contributing to that "standards going global" drives "products going global" with
practical action.
In 2022, in terms of domestic standards, Gree Electric Appliances served as the leader of the first domestic DC Controller
Working Group (SAC/TC212/WG11) of the Household Automatic Controls. The national energy-saving standardization
demonstration project  "Energy-saving Standardization Demonstration Creation of Low-temperature Heating Air-source
Heat Pump Technology" successfully passed the national examination and acceptance with outstanding results,
demonstrating Gree's position as an industry benchmark in standard setting of energy conservation and environmental
protection. The Research and Evaluation Base of Technical Trade Measures for Refrigeration Equipment has passed the
official assessment of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, becoming one of the first
batches of six research and evaluation bases with national technical trade measures that are officially designated in China.
With high scores, it passed the AAAAA-level enterprise review evaluation of "Standardized Good Behavior", once again
gaining the authoritative recognition in standardization work.
In 2022, with regard to international standards, as the first Chinese entrepreneur in the refrigeration industry to serve as the
chairwoman of the Refrigerant Compressor Sub-Committee, Dong Mingzhu convened the 10th plenary meeting
(ISO/TC86/SC4) with representatives from 9 countries, and took the lead in proposing two international standards for
refrigeration compressors, namely Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressor (ISO/NP 18501)
and Performance Rating of Centrifugal Refrigerant Compressor (ISO/NP 18483) that are successfully approved as projects,
providing scientific and reasonable solutions of energy efficiency evaluation for positive displacement refrigerant
compressors and centrifugal refrigerant compressors. The 2022 international standard Photovoltaic Direct-driven Appliance
Controllers  Part 2: Operation Modes and Graphic Display (IEC TS 63349-2) led by Gree Electric Appliances was
officially released, filling the international gap. It is expected that Photovoltaic Direct-driven Controllers  Part 1: General
Requirements (IEC 63349-1) will be officially released in 2023. Six ISO international standards, such as multifunctional heat
pump water heaters and refrigerant compressors, have been well-off established, spreading and exchanging new ideas and
technologies from China with the outside world in a timely manner.
3. Improve the intellectual property protection system, and gain a firm foothold in the competition of scientific and
technological innovation
The Company attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property to ensure its leading position in the field of
intellectual property rights, and enhance its core competitiveness. In order to improve intellectual property management, the
Company has developed a "whole process intellectual property management system", which implements the electronic
management of the whole life cycle of intellectual property. It has set up the scientific intellectual property incentive
mechanism and a high amount of scientific and technological progress incentive fund to reward each year the units and
individuals that have made outstanding achievements in management and technological innovation, greatly stimulating the

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

innovation enthusiasm of scientific researchers. In 2022, Gree Electric Appliances applied for a total of 12,520 patents at
home and abroad, including 7,508 invention patent applications and 3,270 invention patent authorizations, highlighting its
independent property advantages.
4. Optimize product design ability, and enhance product design value
Centering on users' demands, the Company builds unique design concepts in the product manufacturing, and on no account
takes consumers as the product test samples. After the design of new products, Gree will officially put them into market after
long-term testings including trial-production, long-term operation experiments, and redesign, aiming to provide consumers
with a more safe, reliable, intelligent, convenient, natural and comfortable use experience. In order to improve the product
design, the Company has developed a "scientific and technological innovation platform", which includes product patent data,
and updates the data information in real time to improve the starting point of R&D. In 2022, Gree products won 12
international design awards (1 German iF Industrie Forum Design Award, 6 German Red Dot Design Awards, 5 American
IDEA Awards) and 1 China Excellent Industrial Design Award (Bronze Award).
(IV) Provide high-quality products and user-oriented professional services to create a good brand
1. Construct a perfect quality management mode to promote the continuous improvement of enterprise quality
During the report period, the Company continuously improved the quality management system, innovated the quality control
mode, and promoted the system process reengineering. The Company established a leading laboratory that meets the R&D
and testing needs of diversified electrical products, and houses many advanced instruments and testing talents, to protect the
quality of products. In 2022, it became the world's first "International Certification Enterprise Laboratory" and was awarded
as the "Seven Star Leading Laboratory of Air Conditioner Inspection and Testing Service", which contributed to Gree to
become one of the first group of enterprises in China to reach the highest level. The project Construction of Data-driven
Product Life Cycle Quality Management System and Its Application in Central Air Conditioner won the first prize of Quality
and Technology Award of China Association for Quality. The project Research and Application of Key Technology for
Quality Improvement of Air Conditioner R&D Based on Edge Computing won the excellence award of Quality and
Technology Award of China Association for Quality. The two projects of Research and Application of Key Quality
Technology of GREE Altairnano Energy Storage System and Research on Key Technology for Reliability Improvement of
Domestic Chips and Devices of Household Appliances Based on TSQ won the second prize of Quality and Technology
Award of China Association for Quality. The technical team of Commercial Air Conditioner Testing Center won the
nomination award of Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award. The Company continued its superb level in quality
management, and the professionalism and internationalization of certification and testing capabilities, and technicians.
2. Provide high-quality services to upgrade quality
In 2022, the Company launched the "recycling of used air conditioners" and "old for new" activities. Based on the household
appliance recycling system linking the consumers and recycling units, Gree applied "old for new" as a long-term stable
preferential project, which would undertake the target recycling volume of 5.12 million household appliances and continue to
exert its strength in recycling used air conditioners. Consumers could enjoy high-quality services such as preferential prices
of replacing the old machines with new ones and free disassembly and assembly of air conditioners, or they could choose to
report the old machines for cash subsidies, enjoying better products at preferential prices. In 2022, Gree was selected as the
"Leading Organization of Quality Consumption". According to the survey results published by the Customer Satisfaction
Evaluation Center of China Institute of Standardization, Gree Electric Appliances ranked first in the industry in customer
satisfaction and loyalty among air conditioning products for 11 consecutive years, manifesting customers' recognition to Gree.
3. Actively promote logistics and warehousing constructions to improve data service capacities
The Company made efforts in building warehousing construction, trunk logistics self-construction, branch and intercity
logistics outsourcing, and online channel e-commerce platform logistics. At the same time, Gree Cloud Wholesale was
launched to spread and update online channel information. With respect to warehousing, 17 base warehouses had been built,
with supporting regional warehouses being added in various provinces to achieve full coverage of warehousing. In terms of
logistics, a logistics company had been established with the mode of "trunk self-construction logistics + branch/intercity
third-party outsourcing". It adopted e-commerce platform logistics in online sales, which made full use of social logistics
resources, effectively reduced logistics losses, and improved response speed. The digital system was represented by "Gree
Cloud Wholesale", which connected channel system, warehousing system, logistics system, and labor dispatching system,
achieved informatization and comprehensive Internet access, and empowered channels through digitalization. When it came
to order management process, continuous efforts had been made in digitization and warehouse network improvement. In
view of intelligent dispatching, intelligent dispatching was used instead of traditional manual dispatching to improve the
efficiency of dispatching service. With a view to predictive maintenance, data acquisition equipment ID cards had been
installed for the sold multi-split air conditioners, covering various provinces and cities across China. The VRF air

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

conditioners returned the machine operation data to the big data platform every day, which assisted Gree to dynamically
grasp the operation of the equipment, timely carry out maintenance, and provided more accurate and effective services by
more reasonable and intelligent deployment of maintenance personnel and maintenance accessories in the sales area. With
regard to smart property, Gree Talent Smart Community was established to integrate property services such as security,
facilities, personnel, energy efficiency, and environment by using the Internet, IoT, and artificial intelligence technology.
Therefore, it was created a comprehensive service platform from part intelligence to overall intelligence, providing a new
mode of convenient service and smart lives for the community.
(V) Develop diverse businesses to promote innovation and diversification thriving in an all-round way
The diversified layout of the Company ranges from intelligent equipment and precision molds in the vertical direction of the
industrial chain, and refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters, and water dispensers in the horizontal direction of
products, to new energy, renewable resources, and pre-cooked food equipment. In 2022, with intelligent equipment and new
energy as the key directions of diversified development, Gree entered a new stage of mature multi-industry sectors and
gradually released performance, showing the world a multi-faceted and stereoscopic enterprise structure, and competitive
1. Intelligent equipment  Master core technologies and promote high-end and intelligent development
At present, the products independently developed by Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. have exceeded 100
specifications, covering more than ten fields such as servo manipulators, industrial robots, intelligent warehousing equipment,
intelligent detection, special machine tools for heat exchangers, unmanned automatic production lines, numerical control
machine tools, etc. And it basically completes the industrial layout from industrial robots to core parts and numerical control
(CNC) machine tools, providing solutions for customized integrated applications of industrial robots and large-scale
automatic production lines. In 2022, prioritizing technologies in intelligent equipment and adopting marketing strategies of
market and model breakthroughs, the Company made breakthroughs in CNC machine tools, industrial robots, logistics and
warehousing, and overseas markets.
CNC machine tools: The Company focused on the lightweight market of automobiles, and the bar machine tools occupied the
die-casting market, involving into the integration project of automobile field. Besides, the large kilogram industrial robot had
won the bid for a number of industry demonstration projects.
Robots: The Company had made great breakthroughs in the four core components of controller, driver, servo motor and
reducer, and launched a full series of products including five-axis linkage CNC machine tools, vertical CNC machine tools,
horizontal CNC machine tools, and gantry machining centers. Five-axis linkage CNC machine tools could process complex
curved surface materials, which were widely used in energy, automobile, general machinery, etc. Gree Heavy-duty High-
rigidity Six-axis Industrial Robot won the Silver Award of International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2022. Zhuhai
Gree Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. was rated as High-tech Enterprise and National Intellectual Property Advantage
Enterprise, and won various awards such as the Silver Award of IENA and Guangdong Patent Excellence Award.
Overseas market: The Company had successfully entered the high-end markets in North America and Europe, and built high-
end CNC machine tool demonstration projects in North America and Europe to enhance its influence of its intelligent
equipment in overseas market.
2. Green energy  "Zero carbon source" promotes the realization of green energy strategy
The Company continued to exert its strength in green energy, and was committed to the research and product development of
key technologies in new energy appliances and near-user energy Internet systems, so as to jointly build a new ecology of
energy informatization and DC, and promote the transformation of green economy.
(1) Photovoltaic (storage) air conditioner  Integration of light, storage, and air, pioneering a new zero-carbon
Nowadays, Gree photovoltaic air conditioning system has achieved full coverage of VRF, screw, centrifuge, condenser,
module, and split air conditioner, which effectively fits more scenarios. They have covered many typical climate zones
around the world, and served many countries and regions, with more than 12,000 projects completed. Gree photovoltaic
direct-driven air conditioning system and optical storage full DC air conditioning system have been successfully upgraded to
"zero carbon source" air conditioning system, which develops the technology of parallel step compression refrigeration. The
photovoltaic (storage) DC air conditioning system is equipped with the photovoltaic direct-driven frequency conversion
technology pioneered by Gree Electric Appliances, and has been appraised as an "international leading" scientific and
technological achievement, realizing DC air conditioning, energy informatization, and refined management, and creating a
zero-carbon DC ecosystem with multi-commutation of "source-storage-network-charge". It can not only promote self-use of
electricity, but also supply surplus electricity to other electrical equipment to realize self-sufficiency in electric energy. Gree's
"zero carbon source" air conditioning technology won the highest award in the Global Cooling Prize. The related

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

technologies of photovoltaic (storage) DC air conditioning system have won the first Chinese Patent Gold Award in the
household appliance industry, the British RAC Annual Achievement Award, the Geneva International Invention Gold Award,
(2) New energy  Preempt the layout of new energy industry and contribute to new energy force
Improving further the layout of the new energy industry, the Company built an integrated industrial chain covering lithium
battery materials, lithium batteries, modules/PACK, core components of new energy vehicles (NEVs) and downstream NEVs,
industrial and commercial energy storage, and energy internet systems. GREE Altairnano NEVs and lithium-titanate batteries
were recognized as "Famous High-tech Products in Guangdong Province", and won again the award of "Most Influential
Enterprise in China's Energy Storage Industry of the Year".
① NEV  Accelerate the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, and assist in building green
and efficient transportation
Insisting on independent innovation and R&D, the Company launched two series of products, namely commercial vehicles
and special vehicles, according to the needs of different industries. The GREE Altairnano NEVs have been operated in more
than 230 cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Tianjin, and Wuhan. In 2022,
GREE Altairnano products won the "Bus Technology Innovation and Application Achievement Award" and "Annual
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Award", etc., and have been reputed as "Influential Brand in China's New Energy Vehicle
Industry", "Top Ten Influential Brand in China's Photovoltaic Industry", "Top Ten Quality Brand in China's Charging
Facility Industry", "Pioneer Enterprise in Comprehensive Energy Service Innovation", "National New Energy Vehicle
Industry Quality Leading Enterprise", "National Product and Service Quality Integrity Demonstration Enterprise" and
"National Product and Service Quality Integrity Brand", etc.
GREE Altairnano commercial vehicles are mainly urban buses and city road vehicles (commuter vehicles), including antique
trolley cars, dolphin buses, double-decker buses, hydrogen fuel cell buses, and micro-buses. According to the characteristics
of urban and rural areas, GREE Altairnano has laid out in advance micro-circulation buses that meet diversified
transportation needs, giving full play to the synergistic effect of micro-routes and large bus networks, and solving the pain
points of urban and rural traffic operation. In 2022, after the operation of the 18 m dolphin buses, antique trolley cars, double-
decker buses, classic road cars and facial mask road cars in Beijing, GREE Altairnano new energy classic buses were further
affirmed to serve many routes in Beijing. They have also been put into use in Ganzhou, Ma'anshan, Weinan, Linfen, Yantai,
Weihai, Shijiazhuang, Zunyi, and Xixian New District to help build green and efficient public transportation systems. GREE
Altairnano hydrogen fuel cell bus was named the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus of the Year by the Qingyun Cup.
GREE Altairnano airport ferry received the "Aviation Ground Equipment Inspection Certificate" issued by the National
Construction Machinery Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, becoming a special vehicle for civil airports certified by
the testing agency designated by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. At present, GREE Altairnano NEVs have been
operating in many airports, providing safe, fast, and economical services for airport passenger transport.
② Lithium battery  Adhere to independent innovation to provide strong support for the development of new energy
Based on lithium battery technology, with advanced battery management system (BMS) and thermal management system,
the Company has a variety of energy storage products, including battery modules, container energy storage system, rack
energy storage system, and photovoltaic parallel off-grid energy storage system, covering KW to MW levels, which provide
efficient solutions for industrial peak shaving, power grid frequency modulation, communication base station, data center,
rail transit, wind and light consumption, commercial complex, etc. In 2022, Gree actively expanded the research and
application of key technologies in various fields of new energy, and improved the bottleneck performance of traditional
lithium batteries in battery safety, low temperature resistance, and high rate. GREE Altairnano energy storage system laid the
technical foundation for the integration development of source, network, charge and storage in high altitude localities with
large temperature differences such as Tibet. GREE Altairnano was awarded the "2023 'Polaris Cup' Energy Storage
Influential Battery Supplier", and its project "R&D and Application of Key Technology of High-safety and Large-rate Energy
Storage System" was awarded the Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of Science and
Technology Award of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and the first prize of the Mechanical Industry Science and
Technology Award.
In 2022, GREE Altairnano New Energy's "A Lithium Titanate Composite Material and Its Preparation Method, Negative
Electrode and Lithium-ion Battery" successfully won the 23rd China Patent Award, which was the "First Gold" of invention
patent in the lithium-ion battery industry and also the first and only lithium battery product technology selected in the new
energy industry. Through the golden patent technology, GREE Altairnano pioneered a new type of lithium titanate composite
material with high conductivity and GREE Altairnano cylindrical battery, which essentially improved the safety performance
of the battery, and made the breakthrough in the technical bottleneck that large-rate charging and discharging and long

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

cycling life cannot be taken into account. It is of great significance and remarkable social benefits for expanding the
application range of lithium battery products in the new energy field. The hydrogen-titanium powertrain technology
independently developed by GREE Altairnano was rated as the "international leading" key technology of high-safety and
large-rate energy storage systems. It had been successfully adopted in the world's first empirical experimental platform for
photovoltaic energy storage, providing effective scientific solutions for the stable application of energy storage systems in the
consumption scenarios of renewable resources power development in high altitude and ultra-low temperature areas. And it
had also been utilized in optical storage projects such as oil stations in Qinghai and Xinjiang. By the end of 2022, GREE
Altairnano had applied for 3,463 patents in total, and achieved a leap from an enterprise with superior intellectual property
rights to a demonstration enterprise, which contributed to it being selected as a "National Intellectual Property Demonstration
3. Diversified layout  Secure transformation and innovation to create a diversified industrial ecosystem
(1) Semiconductor  Improve the layout to solve the upstream bottleneck
The Company had developed products including 32-bit MCU, AIoT SoC, and power semiconductors. The 32-bit MCU series
had achieved batch application in series products such as household air conditioners, commercial VRF units, wire controllers,
remote controls, etc., with annual consumption exceeding ten million. It was widely used in consumer electronics, wearable
devices, household products, health care support, commercial utility-type units, industrial sensing, high-performance motor
control, etc. As for power semiconductors, the mass production of FRD, IGBT, and IPM series of products had been
completed, which had been applied in batches on inverter air conditioners. They were widely used in household appliances,
intelligent equipment, new energy, etc. The cumulative shipment of the Company's products had exceeded 100 million, and
the power semiconductor products were reputed as "Famous High-tech Products of Guangdong Province in 2022" and
"Specialized and Special New Enterprise in Guangdong Province", and won the second prize of Quality and Technology
Award issued by China Quality Association in 2022.
(2) Renewable resources  Carry out social responsibilities with green renewable resource system
The Company had established a mature household appliance recycling system, and had successively set up six renewable
resources environmental protection treatment plants in Zhuhai, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Wuhu and Tianjin. With
rich green treatment technologies, it promoted the development of the national environmental undertakings in the concept of
low-carbon development.
In 2022, the Company actively responded to the call of China. As one of the six enterprises to carry out Notice on Doing a
Good Job in Recycling Target Responsibility System of Household Appliance Manufacturers in 2022 of the General Office of
the National Development and Reform Commission, and the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology, it undertook the recycling target of 5.12 million waste household appliances, implemented the target
responsibility system for recycling used household appliances, built Gree's reverse logistics recycling system, and integrated
the reuse of social recycling resources. At the same time, the Company carried out and upgraded the "old for new" activity,
eliminated backward household appliances with potential safety hazards, promoted the upgrading of household appliance
consumption, and replaced new products with higher efficiency, better quality and more reliability for customers, which
contributed to a green and high-quality development path of "scientific and technological innovation-green management-
recycling". During the report period, 6.7 million units (sets) of waste household appliances have been disposed of, and over
46.7 million units (sets) of various waste electrical and electronic products have been processed in total.
(3) Health care  Lay out new racetracks to enhance comprehensive strength and anti-risk ability
The Company had successively established a number of medical equipment companies, such as Zhuhai Gejian Health
Medical Technology Co., Ltd. and Gree Chengdu Xinhui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., and engaged in R&D and production
of medical protective products, laboratory equipment, and mobile medical equipment. By building a platform for research
and transformation of generic technologies, the Company satisfied the customized needs of products in different application
scenarios, drove the localization of equipment in biomedicine and life sciences, and promoted its diversified layout.
(4) Pre-cooked food equipment  Develop refrigeration equipment and production equipment to open up the
industrial chain
In 2022, the Company initiated the establishment of Guangdong Pre-cooked Food Equipment Industry Development
Association, founded Zhuhai Gree Pre-cooked Food Equipment Technology Development Co., Ltd., and continuously
promoted the financial service alliance, providing supporting specialized cold equipment of manufacturing, storage, and
transportation for upstream and downstream pre-cooked food enterprises. Centering on the three themes of intelligent
production, digital management and intelligent decision-making, the Company built intelligent factories for pre-cooked food
enterprises featuring automation, information operation, and intelligent customization in combination with automatic
production equipment, intelligent logistics equipment, and high-end refrigeration equipment.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(VI) Deeply specialize the IoT to improve the omni-channel ecological layout
In 2022, the Company focused on channel layout and expansion in the quantity and quality. Fastening on major projects, it
had obtained fruitful orders in public buildings, traditional manufacturing, clean heating, public transportation, data centers,
high-end manufacturing, medical and health care, etc. As for users, it had in-depth cultivated different layers of users, and
explored and promoted the diversity, professionalism, and the complementarity between different channels.
1. Deeply lay out smart homes to lead smart and healthy lives
In 2022, the Company made an in-depth layout in smart home system, smart home network, smart voice interaction, smart
scenario scheme, smart product technology, etc., and continuously upgraded the five smart living systems of energy, air,
health, security and lighting in the whole house. Gree developed personalized space intelligent solutions for different living
spaces such as living room, bedroom and kitchen. In view of different scenarios including villas, large flat floors and
commercial residential buildings, it furthered the research and development planning of intelligent central products and
intelligent interconnection solutions for the whole house, so as to better meet the demands of different users for creating a
green, efficient, convenient, and safe home with Internet of Everything. According to the "2022 Top 100 Global Smart Home
Invention Patents" published by IPR daily, Gree ranked forth in the world, and its R&D strength in smart homes was once
again recognized by professionals.
In terms of smart products, Gree had independently created a whole series of smart home products, IoT platform, intelligent
decision-making system, G-Voice voice interaction system, intelligent vision system, G-OS IoT operating system, G-
Learning comfort and energy-saving algorithm, etc., providing Internet of Everything solutions for high-quality family lives.
Gree centralized management platform provided one-stop management services, which had been accessed into hotel,
apartment and dormitory management systems, realizing the leasing, centralized management, control and data statistics of
air conditioners, door locks, drinking machines etc. It had served many operators all over the country and been accessed to
more than 100,000 devices.
In marketing, the Company integrated smart home into Gree stores to display Gree Smart Comfortable Home linking the
whole house. In 2022, it had launched nearly 20 Gree Smart Comfortable Homes in Guangzhou, Foshan, Chengdu,
Chongqing, Nanning, Ganzhou, Zhengzhou, etc. "Gree Smart Comfortable Home" integrated five systems of central air
conditioning, floor heating, fresh air, healthy water and smart home. And it covered the whole series of Gree smart products
by the six technologies of intelligent connection, intelligent perception, intelligent interaction, intelligent cloud platform,
intelligent energy, and artificial intelligence laid out by Gree.
In respect to smart home ecological interconnection, Gree Standard Cloud cooperated with domestic manufacturers such as
Baidu, Tmall, and Huawei, and overseas manufacturers including Google and Amazon. By providing authorized services for
cooperative manufacturers, Gree Standard Cloud provided convenient inquiry and control of Gree equipment for plenty of
users, which improved its influences and brand effect.
2. Promote the construction of digital stores to create a new omni-channel retail model
In 2022, the Company built an efficient new retail system in combination with digital tools, which promoted the integration
of sales and services, the equivalence of security rights and responsibilities, and the specialization of procurement and
In the matter of offline specialty stores, Gree promoted the construction of digital stores. Through the introduction of digital
equipment such as intelligent shopping guide screen, cloud shelf, and electronic price tag, and upgrading of the store image,
offline stores not only possess offline and online sales functions, but also become space for experience, reception, and
communication. Consumers will deeply feel the technological convenience, health, and comfort brought by Gree products in
the stores.
Gree Terminal's new retail stores will create a new omni-channel retail model based on the experience of ten thousand stores.
According to different local situations, the corresponding reform plans were formulated and promoted throughout the country.
Informatization, digitalization, and intelligent technology have been deeply applied in the new retail marketing model.
3. Overweight diversified channel layout to promote omni-channel strategic layout
In 2022, the Company continued to exert its strength online and through sinking channels, settled in the whole networks and
platforms, strengthened the layout of outlets, effectively covering the whole market. The Company deeply cooperated with
the three-party e-commerce platforms, settled in major home appliance stores such as Maoxiang Channel and Miaosuda
united with Alibaba, built Gree + JD joint stores, put into investment continuously, actively promoted the online distribution
model, and enriched the e-commerce sales channels. According to All View Cloud, Gree's online share increased to 28.9% in
2022. Relying on distributor resources, Gree established a self-built store system to reach the third-and fourth-tier markets in
depth. At the same time, it had jointly developed sinking channels with JD and opened up nearly 600 Gree + JD joint stores.
JD specialty stores and Tmall premium sales continued to improve, further expanding the market scale of the sinking

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

channels. In the meantime, Gree took "Dong Mingzhu's Store" as the focus to expand the customer flow. "Dong Mingzhu's
Store" had been successfully transformed into an open platform, which served as a docking terminal retailer for all categories
of e-commerce platforms, laying a foundation for online and offline integration and the promotion of online wholesale model.
4. Vigorously develop self-owned brands to seize overseas markets
In 2022, Gree products had been sold to more than 190 countries and regions, with its overseas operating revenue achieving
RMB23.27 billion. Self-owned brand sales accounted for 57%, with the sales growth of nearly 20% year-on-year. The
Company deeply exploited overseas markets, continuously improved the R&D capabilities of overseas products through the
industrial advantages of internal and external cooperation, achieving sustained and steady growth in markets of the Middle
East, Europe, and Southeast Asia by subdividing products more suitable for local consumers. Through overseas offline
exhibitions, and diverse online and offline product promotion activities, Gree enhanced brand effect, and operated its full
matrix overseas social media platforms. And it also piloted the new bonded warehouse model overseas to promote steady
business growth. Gree had won a number of large-scale overseas model projects, including Oman Ministry of Education,
Emaar Villa-clusters in Dubai, BAND TV Station in Brazil, La Rinconada Baseball Stadium in Venezuela, and Paddington
Square in Britain, which had secured fruits in various fields such as public facilities and commercial buildings, establishing
Gree's international brand image.
(VII) Make breakthroughs in the data operation of the whole value chain to enable sustainable development of digital
In 2022, based on the principle of "efficiency and effectiveness", Gree vigorously promoted the digital and intelligent
transformation, carried out an integrated supporting design for organizational processes, informatization and automation, and
clearly defined the informatization efficiency points and implementation paths, forming an overall informatization blueprint
for connectivity of "1 platform, 1 standard system and 18 fields". Gree successfully carried out the whole value chain
operation driven by software and data, completely covering all links of the whole value chain such as planning and R&D,
order booking, intelligent scheduling, flexible manufacturing, collaborative supply, quality tracking, logistics, customer
services, etc.. It maintained the end-to-end collaborative connection, real-time delivery data, order customization, process
visualization, intelligent production scheduling, timely push of abnormal reminders, supplier collaboration, intelligent
warehousing and logistics, and delivery collaboration, promoting efficiency, value creation, and business objectives with
1. Build a benchmarking enterprise of "intelligent manufacturing" to achieve quality and efficiency improvement,
and cost reduction
During the report period, the Company actively responded to the call of the state and government to vigorously promote the
high-quality development of intelligent manufacturing, and focused on building and cultivating intelligent factories and
manufacturing demonstration scenarios. Gree Changsha Intelligent Manufacturing Factory was selected into Fortune's "Most
Innovative IoT Companies". Gree Electric Appliances (Hefei) Co., Ltd. was recognized as "Excellent Scene of Intelligent
Manufacturing" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co., Ltd.
was rated as the benchmark factory of industrial Internet in Jiangsu Province. Gree Electric Appliances (Luoyang) Co., Ltd.
was identified as a provincial "smart factory". Gree Electric Appliances (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. was evaluated as a provincial
"Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Workshop".
The Company made full use of new information technologies such as industrial Internet, cloud platform, artificial intelligence,
big data, blockchain and 5G, accelerated the construction of "Lighthouse" Demonstration Intelligent Factory in Gaolan Port,
and gradually formed a golden triangle of digital intelligence transformation centered on Zhuhai, Changsha and Hangzhou
bases. Gree Gaolan Port Unmanned Factory aspired to build a demonstration project of 5G converged application smart
factory, focusing on production lines that developed 5G + AI intelligent application solutions, and further increased AI
scenarios. There are over 300 AI application points in the factory, including parts defect detection and automatic positioning
assembly. The 5G + AI intelligent detection platform provides a brand-new working mode for quality inspection, which is
applied into scenarios including high-precision positioning guidance and multi-modal quality inspection analysis, effectively
improving the detection accuracy. Gaolan Port Unmanned Factory, based on Gree Digital Twin Virtual Factory Platform,
aims to achieve intelligent equipment management, in combination with equipment online diagnosis, predictive maintenance
and other applications. It will take 5G + MEC as the base, and carry security applications such as AI video surveillance and
mobile robot inspection in smart park, so as to secure comprehensive security prevention and control, accelerate the landing
of artificial intelligence application schemes, and realize quality and efficiency improvement.
2. Persist in systematic innovation to promote breakthroughs in key links
In 2022, the Company established an intelligent labor dispatching center for manufacturing process management by building
a Gree spot inspection platform of intelligent manufacturing and pre-production preparation system to realize intelligent

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

management and distribution of static tasks. On the basis of networking, the group equipment intelligent management
platform was built for equipment data collection and analysis, real-time monitoring and intelligent decision-making, solving a
series of problems including incomplete data collection, and inadequate operation and maintenance of data supervision.
Major breakthroughs had been made in independent development and application of the two-device intelligent production
line. The industry's first set of integrated equipment for condenser penetration and expansion had been put into operation
smoothly, boosting fully automatic production of condensers without landing. The first evaporator automatic pipe piercing
machine had been finished off from the factory, which solved the problem of automatic pipe piercing of special-shaped fins
and filled the technical gap.
3. Continue to improve the level of intelligence, and create a new trend of "industrial Internet enterprises"
In 2022, by building an industrial Internet platform, the Company integrated various information technologies such as
industrial big data, IoT and artificial intelligence, and data resources of existing information systems in the factory, thus
improving the comprehensive supervision ability of factories. In many fields, such as quality control, data management, rapid
development, automatic production scheduling, digital means were used to improve the work efficiency and management
accuracy of internal sections. Therefore, it achieved the goals of non-manual intervention in the whole process and unified
business and platform, and provided customers with intelligent factory solutions. The efficient intelligent environmental
control system project, which Gree is responsible for, has been officially put into use in Shenzhen Metro Line 12. As the first
batch of intelligent environmental control system projects in China, Shenzhen Metro Line 12 adopts Gree high-efficiency
frequency conversion equipment under all working conditions, including permanent magnet synchronous frequency
conversion direct-driven chillers, full frequency conversion air conditioning water pumps, and permanent magnet direct-drive
cooling towers. At the same time, 458 air treatment units in the whole line are all equipped with EC fans.
(VIII) Forge talents in an all-round way to promote the high-quality development of the Company
In 2022, the Company thoroughly implemented the guidelines for independent training of talents, continuously promoted the
reform and construction of talent team, comprehensively promoted the systematic project of talent training, strengthened the
training of application-oriented skills, and accelerated the establishment of competitive advantages in talent resources.
1. Promote talent training in all directions, and strengthen the training of talents with application-oriented skills
On the one hand, the Company took the "Millions of Talents Strengthening Enterprises Project" as the core, focused on the
goal of training "10,000 technicians, 1,000 engineers and 100 expert leaders", promoted the formation of a 2 + 2 (theory +
practice, skill + awareness) training mode for industrial workers, creatively put forward the "three-three system" and "one
talent and one standby" skills training methods, and actively adapted to the automation and intelligent transformation of
production mode. On the other hand, relying on 17 innovation studios for model workers and craftsmen and 9 skill master
studios, the Company established training bases for industrial workers, carried out regular skills training, deepened the
collaborative training mechanism for high-skilled talents, and continuously optimized the training path for employees. In
2022, about 14,000 special trainings were conducted at all levels throughout the year, involving about 670,000 participants.
Besides, the Company built a platform for learning, training and competition, a multi-level skill competition echelon, and a
progressive vocational skill competition mechanism. By promoting learning, training, and electing talents by competition,
Gree discovered elites and technical experts successfully.
2. Deepen the path of integration of production and education to train high-skilled talents
During the report period, the Company carried out talent training in three majors (precision mold intelligent manufacturing,
intelligent manufacturing technologies, refrigeration technologies and services) in national and municipal high-skilled talent
training bases, broadened the channels and forms of skill training, and built a collaborative mode for training new high-
skilled talents. With its achievements in vocational education, it became one and only enterprise that won the Seventh Huang
Yanpei Vocational Education Award, the only national award in the field of vocational education. The Company will speed
up the implementation of smart campus construction and make full use of its own R&D centers, laboratories, innovation
platforms and production bases to achieve deep integration and seamless transformation of teaching scenarios. Relying on
Gree's characteristic culture and industrial cluster advantages, and responding to the major national development strategy and
Greater Bay Area's talent demand, the Company will connect with strategic emerging industries such as intelligent equipment,
artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, build a Chinese enterprise school-running brand with deep integration of
production and education and international characteristics, and strive to train more new high-quality skilled talents for the
development of the real economy.
3. Carry out diversified training modes to build an efficient talent team
During the report period, the Company strengthened leaders' all-round abilities, and continued to build a leader team with
well-formed structure and high efficiency. Gree built a precise talent inventory and introduction mechanism based on project
planning, adopted the recruitment strategy featuring project actuation, stratified planning and detailed recruitment, started

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

autumn recruitment in advance, and determined key scarce talents as early as possible. It further deepened the university-
enterprise cooperation, introduced talents in vocational schools, continued to promote the "Gree Class", and focused on
outstanding talents in advance.
4. Improve talent incentive mechanism to maximize the value of talents
On the one hand, the Company improved its internal management mechanism, stimulated the core driving force of employees,
promoted the high-quality long-term development, and further enhanced its intrinsic values. It set up scientific and
technological progress award, management innovation award, rationalization proposal award, quarterly award, year-end
bonus and diversified bonus system, and created honorary selection activities such as advanced individuals, pioneer workers,
gold medal employees, outstanding city employees, and skill pacesetters, etc., to encourage employees in all positions to
innovate and give full play to their strengths in various ways. The Company also invested hundreds of millions of yuan to
build Gree Kangle Residential Area and staff living areas to solve problems of staff housing, leisure and entertainment. It
established a perfect employee welfare security system and a "Sunshine Fund", which met the urgent needs of employees in
difficulty. On the other hand, the Company made full use of policy resources to complete the evaluation and reward
applications such as High-level Talents in Zhuhai, Zhuhai Craftsmen, Industrial Development and Innovation Talents.
5. Implement employee stock ownership plan to promote long-term, stable, and healthy development
The Company launched the shareholder return plan for the next three years (20222024) and the second employee stock
ownership plan, further improving the benefit sharing and risk bearing mechanism among shareholders, management layer,
middle-level leaders and core employees. It fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and boosted the
cohesion of employees and the competitiveness of the Company, promoting the long-term, stable and healthy development of
the Company.

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Composition of operating revenue

                                                                                                         Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                   2022                                       2021
                                             Proportion                                 Proportion to      Year-on-year
                          Amount            to Operating            Amount               Operating       Increase/Decrease
                                              Revenue                                     Revenue
Total operating
                      188,988,382,706.68           100%          187,868,874,892.71             100%                 0.60%
By industries
                      153,165,839,566.10         81.05%          144,840,537,601.90            77.10%                5.75%
Other business         35,822,543,140.58         18.95%           43,028,337,290.81            22.90%              -16.75%
By products
Air conditioner       134,859,394,542.06         71.36%          131,712,664,218.81            70.11%                2.39%
Home appliance          4,567,901,238.21          2.42%            4,881,607,693.72             2.60%               -6.43%
                        7,599,259,996.39          4.02%            3,194,552,084.04            1.70%              137.88%
Smart device              432,085,871.36          0.23%              857,741,120.95            0.46%               -49.63%
Green energy            4,701,188,530.73          2.49%            2,907,445,769.91            1.55%                61.69%
Other main
                        1,006,009,387.35          0.53%            1,286,526,714.47            0.68%               -21.80%
Other business         35,822,543,140.58         18.95%           43,028,337,290.81            22.90%              -16.75%
By regions
Domestic sales
                      129,895,113,805.01         68.74%          122,305,111,567.10            65.10%                6.21%
 main business
Export sales 
                       23,270,725,761.09         12.31%           22,535,426,034.80            12.00%                3.26%
main business
Other business         35,822,543,140.58         18.95%           43,028,337,290.81            22.90%              -16.75%

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(2) Industries, products, regions and sales models that account for more than 10% of the Company's operating
revenue or operating profits

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                                               Increase or
                                                                             Increase or       Increase or
                                                                                                               Decrease in
                                                                             Decrease in      Decrease in
                                                                                                              Gross Margin
                                                                              Operating         Operating
                                                                   Gross                                        over the
     Item         Operating Revenue        Operating Cost                   Revenue over     Cost over the
                                                                   Margin                                     Same Period
                                                                              the Same        Same Period
                                                                                                                 of the
                                                                            Period of the        of the
                                                                            Previous Year    Previous Year
By industries
                  153,165,839,566.10     105,573,859,862.27        31.07%            5.75%           4.51%           0.82%
Other business     35,822,543,140.58      34,210,528,020.51         4.50%        -16.75%           -17.03%           0.32%
By products
                  134,859,394,542.06      91,116,284,416.91        32.44%            2.39%           0.60%           1.21%
Other business     35,822,543,140.58      34,210,528,020.51         4.50%        -16.75%           -17.03%           0.32%
By regions
sales  main       129,895,113,805.01      85,650,631,599.13        34.06%            6.21%           6.13%           0.05%
Export sales 
                   23,270,725,761.09      19,923,228,263.14        14.39%            3.26%          -1.94%           4.55%
main business
Other business     35,822,543,140.58      34,210,528,020.51         4.50%        -16.75%           -17.03%           0.32%
In case the statistical caliber of the Company's main business data is adjusted during the report period, the Company's main
business data will be adjusted according to the caliber at the end of the report period in the last year.
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

(3) Whether the Company's revenue from physical sales is greater than that from labor services

Yes □No
Description of a year-on-year change of 30% or more in relevant data
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

(4) Performance of significant sales contracts and purchase contracts entered into by the Company as of the report

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

(5) Composition of operating costs

Industry and product classification
                                                                                                          Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                                2022                                 2021
  Industry                                                                                                  Year-on-year
                      Item                             Proportion                            Proportion
Classification                         Amount                               Amount                        Increase/Decrease
                                                           to                                    to

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                       Operating                             Operating
                                                         Cost                                  Cost
                                 89,062,003,824.55        88.01%     86,226,905,186.28           88.27%              3.29%
Household       materials
appliance       Labor costs       4,487,688,687.68         4.43%       4,402,642,502.15           4.51%              1.93%
manufacturing   Depreciation      1,963,862,221.35         1.94%       1,734,054,331.37           1.78%             13.25%
                Energy              923,522,729.23         0.91%         708,881,983.14           0.73%             30.28%

(6) Whether there was a change in the combination scope during the report period

Yes □No

1. Business combination not under common control

Business combination not under common control in the current period
                                                                                                          Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                                                Net Profits
              Time                          Equity                              Basis for       Revenue from
                                                         Equity                                                  from the
Name of      Point of       Equity         Acquisiti                            Determini           the
                                                        Acquisiti   Acquisiti                                   Acquisition
  the         Equity      Acquisition         on                                 ng the          Acquisition
                                                          on        on Date                                     Date to the
Acquiree     Acquisiti       Cost          Proportio                            Acquisitio       Date to the
                                                        Method                                                  Statement
               on                              n                                 n Date          Statement
Artificial   2022/4/3    2,423,031,350                 Purchase     2022/4/3                    7,124,335,200   719,774,347
                                             29.48%                             n of
Environm     0                     .00                 by cash      0                                     .38           .64
ent Co.,

                                                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

2、Disposal of subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                                                                                                           Amount of
                                                                                 The Difference                                                                          Comprehensi
                                                                                                     Proportio                                             n Methods
                                                                                  Between the                      Book         Fair       Gains or                        ve Income
                                                                                                       n of                                                 and Main
                                                                Basis for      Disposal Price and                Value of     Value of      Losses                          Related to
                                                                                                     Remainin                                             Assumptions
                           Equity                  Time        Determinin       the Share of the                 Remainin     Remainin   Arising from                        Equity
               Equity                  Equity                                                        g Equity                                              of the Fair
 Company                  Disposal                Point of     g the Time       Subsidiaries' Net                g Equity     g Equity   Remeasureme                     Investment of
               Disposa                Disposal                                                        on the                                              Value of the
  Name                   Proportion               Losing        Point of       Assets at the Level                on the       on the        nt of                        the Original
               l Price                Method                                                          Date of                                              Remaining
                            (%)                   Control        Losing         of Consolidated                   Date of      Date of    Remaining                        Subsidiary
                                                                                                      Losing                                                Equity on
                                                                 Control           Statements                     Losing       Losing    Equity at Fair                   Transferred
                                                                                                      Control                                              the Date of
                                                                              Corresponding to the                Control      Control      Value                              into
                                                                                                        (%)                                                  Losing
                                                                              Disposal Investment                                                                          Investment
                                                                                                                                                                           Profits and
                                                  2022/11/     Business
New Energy                  100.00    Cancelled                                       -317,466.94                                                                        None
                                                  8            registration
Sales Co.,
South China                                       2022/7/2     Business
                            100.00    Cancelled                                       -165,104.22                                                                        None
Agricultural                                      8            registration
t Co., Ltd.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

3. Change of combination scope for other reasons

Newly established entity in the current period
                                                                                                             Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                                        Net Profit from the
                                                          Date of        Net Assets at the End of
                   Company Name                                                                       Combination Date to the
                                                       Establishment           the Period
                                                                                                        End of the Period
Pinquan Gree Altairnano New Energy Co., Ltd.          2022/2/16                     2,009,569.41                   -390,430.59
Gree (Luoyang) Mechanical and Electrical
                                                      2022/3/28                    31,454,357.36                  1,454,357.36
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Gree (Xinzhou) Mechanical and Electrical
                                                      2022/6/20                    20,701,097.80                 20,701,097.80
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.           2022/7/6                     96,101,744.50                 -3,898,255.50
Mingruida Supply Chain Technology (Linyi)
                                                      2022/8/12                          -110.22                       -110.22
Co., Ltd.
Tieling Fengyu Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd.       2022/8/16                       225,574.59                    125,574.59
Tianjin Gree Renewable Resources Recycling
                                                      2022/10/27                   10,019,500.43                       -499.57
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment
Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.              2022/12/21                   50,000,000.15                          0.15

(7) Significant changes or adjustments in the Company's business, products or services during the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

(8) Main sales customers and suppliers

Main sales customers of the Company

Total sales amount of the top five customers (RMB)                                                           30,349,647,586.13
Proportion of total sales amount of top five customers to the
total annual sales
Proportion of sales amount of related parties in the sales
amount of top five customers to the total annual sales

Information of top five customers

                                                                                                    Proportion to Total Annual
             S/N                         Customer Name                 Sales Amount (RMB)
              1                  First                                       8,529,824,320.45                           4.49%
              2                  Second                                      5,800,810,078.93                           3.05%
              3                  Third                                       5,731,889,146.80                           3.01%
              4                  Fourth                                      5,639,891,459.23                           2.97%
              5                  Fifth                                       4,647,232,580.72                           2.44%
            Total                              --                           30,349,647,586.13                          15.96%

Other description of major customers
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Main suppliers of the Company
Total purchase amount of the top five suppliers (RMB)                                                        31,758,159,599.30

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Proportion of total purchase amount of top five customers to
the total annual purchases
Proportion of total purchase amount of related parties in the
purchase amount of top five suppliers to the total annual                                                                  0.00%
Information of top five suppliers
                                                                                                      Proportion to Total Annual
              S/N                        Supplier Name                 Purchase Amount (RMB)
                1               First                                         13,063,455,368.06                           10.05%
                2               Second                                         6,932,333,838.02                            5.33%
                3               Third                                          4,865,274,173.26                            3.74%
                4               Fourth                                         4,036,728,666.47                            3.11%
                5               Fifth                                          2,860,367,553.49                            2.20%
            Total                              --                             31,758,159,599.30                           24.43%

Other description of major suppliers
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                               Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                    Year-on-year            Significant Changes
         Item                       2022                        2021
                                                                                  Increase/Decrease             Description
Sales expenses                11,285,451,112.27          11,581,735,617.31                      -2.56%
                                                                                                           Business combination
                               5,267,999,733.62            4,051,241,003.05                    30.03%      not under common
Financial expenses            -2,206,764,591.65           -2,260,201,997.18                     -2.36%
R&D expenses                   6,281,394,430.40            6,296,715,941.03                     -0.24%

4. R&D investment

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                            Expected Impact on
Name of Major R&D                                                                  Objectives to be             the Future
                             Project Purpose             Project Progress
     Projects                                                                        Achieved               Development of the
                          Gree Supreme floor                                    1. This project adopts     Gree Supreme floor
                          standing air                                          the design of              standing air
Research and              conditioner is                                        reversible air ducts       conditioner has a
application of new        developed to solve                                    that the cold air is       number of
generation of             large vertical                                        supplied from the          international leading
distributed air-supply    temperature difference    Completed with              upper refrigeration        technologies. Its
zero temperature-         and discomfort caused     products available on       outlet, so the cold air    large-scale production
difference heating-       by buoyancy of hot air    the market                  does not blow people;      can not only upgrade
and-cooling               when traditional air                                  and that the hot air is    applied technologies,
distribution              conditioners start                                    supplied from the          innovate independent
technology                heating, as well as the                               lower heating outlet,      brands, ensure the
                          low heat utilization                                  so the hot air act like    overall leading of core
                          efficiency, poor                                      underfloor heating,        technologies, and

                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                         temperature                                     controlling the vertical   bring new profit
                         regulation, high                                temperature difference     growth to enterprises,
                         energy consumption,                             between refrigeration      but also drive the
                         and low energy saving                           and heating rooms          development of
                         effect in human                                 within 0.3°C.             related industries, and
                         activity area.                                  2. When heating, the       lead the air
                                                                         heat is directly sent to   conditioners in the
                                                                         the human activity         direction of high
                                                                         area at the lower part     efficiency, energy
                                                                         of the room, which         saving, environmental
                                                                         greatly improves the       protection, health and
                                                                         temperature regulation     comfort, which is of
                                                                         effect, reduces the        great significance for
                                                                         energy loss caused by      promoting
                                                                         arising hot air, and       technological
                                                                         achieves energy            progress, energy
                                                                         saving. Combined           saving and emission
                                                                         with the optimal           reduction,
                                                                         configuration of the       environmental
                                                                         system, the annual         protection, and
                                                                         performance factor         sustainable
                                                                         (APF) of the air           development.
                                                                         conditioner reaches
                                                                         4.56, 8.6% higher than
                                                                         the 4.20 stipulated by
                                                                         the new national
                                                                         standard level 1
                                                                         energy efficiency
                                                                         rating (EER).
                                                                                                    This project, by
                                                                                                    adopting the core
                                                                                                    technology of mine
                                                                                                    equipment, promotes
                                                                                                    the technological
                                                                                                    progress of the
                         This project is                                 The thermal comfort
                                                                                                    industry, greatly
                         developed to achieve                            level reaches Grade II
                                                                                                    improves the mine
                         efficient cooling and                           with zero fresh air
                                                                                                    working environment,
                         dehumidification,                               consumption, and the
                                                                                                    realizes miners'
Key technology and       improve the working                             water consumption is
                                                                                                    pursuit of a better life,
application of new       environment, reduce                             reduced by more than
                                                 Completed with                                     enhances the mine
complete refrigeration   the consumption of                              90%. The core parts
                                                 products available on                              safety, effectively
equipment for heat       production resources                            and components such
                                                 the market                                         solves the problem of
injury control in deep   such as fresh air and                           as Class I explosion-
                                                                                                    deep mine heat injury,
mines                    water, and expand the                           proof semi-closed
                                                                                                    and provides scientific
                         operation range and                             screw compressor for
                                                                                                    and technological
                         reliability of                                  mine are developed to
                                                                                                    support for the
                         refrigeration                                   improve the
                                                                                                    national development
                         equipment.                                      reliability.
                                                                                                    strategy of coal
                                                                                                    resources and other
                                                                                                    mineral resources. In
                                                                                                    February 2023, the
                                                                                                    technology was
                                                                                                    appraised by China
                                                                                                    Machinery Industry
                                                                                                    Federation and

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                       Appraisal Committee
                                                                                                       that it had completely
                                                                                                       intellectual property,
                                                                                                       with its overall
                                                                                                       technology reaching
                                                                                                       the international
                                                                                                       leading level, among
                                                                                                       which the ultra-high
                                                                                                       pressure Class I
                                                                                                       explosion-proof semi-
                                                                                                       closed screw
                                                                                                       compressor filled the
                                                                                                       industry gap.
                                                                             1. This project
                                                                             develops Gree
                                                                             algorithm chips,
                                                                             further upgrades the
                                                                                                       This technology has
                                                                             intelligent predictive
                                                                                                       been successfully
                                                                             control technology
                                                                                                       applied to air source
                                                                             based on weather data,
                          The heat pump                                                                heat pump floor
                                                                             achieves adaptive
                          heating control system                                                       heating system. Based
                                                                             predictive control by
                          for the traditional                                                          on this technology, it
                                                                             linking future weather
                          building can not                                                             has developed the
                                                                             changes and peak-
                          recognize the thermal                                                        high-efficiency heat
                                                                             valley electricity
                          inertia of the building,                                                     pump floor heating
                                                                             prices, so as to supply
                          which leads to time                                                          system including
Key technology and                                                           heat on time and on
                          difference between the                                                       external unit, hot
application of high-                                 Completed with          demand;
                          heat supply demand in                                                        water generator, floor
efficiency heat pump                                 products available on   2. This project, based
                          the building, the                                                            heating adapter.
based on floor heat                                  the market              on the virtual capacity
                          unsteady and                                                                 Meanwhile, several
storage                                                                      model, constructs a
                          unmatched heat                                                               series of central floor
                                                                             global optimization
                          supply to users, large                                                       heating and air
                                                                             algorithm of multi-
                          room temperature                                                             conditioning products
                                                                             objective functions to
                          fluctuation, poor                                                            including Zunshu,
                                                                             drive the cooperative
                          thermal comfort, and                                                         Jingxiang and
                                                                             action of each load,
                          high energy                                                                  Yuxiang, have been
                                                                             accurately distribute
                          consumption.                                                                 formed to provide
                                                                             and adjust refrigerant,
                                                                                                       consumers with
                                                                             and keep the units at
                                                                                                       efficient heating
                                                                             the optimal operating
                                                                             point under all
                                                                             working conditions;
                                                                             3. It achieves more
                                                                             than 20% energy
                                                                             saving in operation.
                                                                             1. The circulating
                                                                             cooling fan adopts the
                                                                             composite technology      As a high-end image
                          Improve the existing
                                                                             of circulating air,       product, it can
                          cooling fans, better
                                                     Completed with          cooling and               continuously promote
Development of            meet the needs of
                                                     products available on   humidification to         the market popularity
circulating cooling fan   users, and realize
                                                     the market              realize three-in-one      and competitiveness
                          availability across the
                                                                             use of air circulation,   of cooling fans in the
                                                                             physical cooling,         Company.
                                                                             evaporation and

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                           2. It develops new
                                                                           sub-categories and
                                                                           maintains the first
                                                                           position in the cooling
                                                                           fan industry.
                                                                           1. This project adopts
                                                                           compressor direct
                                                                           cooling and
                                                                           evaporator spray load
                                                                           improving drying
                                                                                                      Heat pump core
                                                                           efficiency by 30%;
                                                                                                      technology and high-
                                                                           2. It provides 37°C
Research on high-end      Improve the drying                                                          end fabric washing
                                                                           somatosensory soft
fabric washing            efficiency and high-     Completed with                                     technology are
                                                                           drying to avoid
technology and            end fabric washing       products available on                              combined to create the
                                                                           damaging high-end
application of heat       effect, and reduce       the market                                         brand image of
                                                                           fabrics such as wool
pump washer dryer         clothing damage                                                             professional washing
                                                                           and silk;
                                                                                                      and protection
                                                                           3. It also provides full
                                                                           range ultra-micro
                                                                           steam care, improving
                                                                           performance such as
                                                                           sterilization, odor
                                                                           removal, wrinkle
                                                                           removal in an all-
                                                                           round way.
                                                                           This project
                          Meet consumers'
                                                                           effectively avoids the     Improve the fresh-
Research and              demand for higher
                                                                           oxidation and              keeping technology of
application of 38°C      quality storage and      Limited-run trial
                                                                           discoloration of meat,     refrigerators, and
ultra-freezing fresh-     preservation of frozen   production
                                                                           and better retains its     enhance the market
keeping technology        food or high-end
                                                                           original smell and         competitiveness.
                                                                                                      It provides core power
                                                                           It achieves leading
                                                                                                      for the new generation
                                                                           position, and meets
                                                                                                      commercial air
Development and           Develop a series of                              the APF Level 1
                                                   Completed with                                     conditioning system,
application of high       high energy efficiency                           energy efficiency of
                                                   products available on                              and enhances the
speed scroll              scroll compressor                                commercial air
                                                   the market                                         market
compressor                products.                                        conditioners while
                                                                                                      competitiveness of the
                                                                           ensuring high cost
                                                                                                      Company in
Company R&D personnel

                                            2022                           2021                        Change Ratio
Number of R&D personnel
                                                      12,977                         14,233                           -8.82%
Proportion of number of
                                                     17.93%                         17.38%                            0.55%
R&D personnel
Educational structure of R&D personnel
Bachelor                                               8,312                          8,610                           -3.46%
Master                                                 1,263                          1,449                        -12.84%
Doctor                                                    31                             34                           -8.82%
Age composition of R&D personnel

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Under 30                                               7,323                           8,855                     -17.30%
3040                                                   4,529                           4,345                        4.23%

R&D investment of the Company

            Item                            2022                           2021                      Change Ratio
Amount of R&D investment
                                           6,429,702,080.04                6,528,680,941.53                         -1.52%
Proportion of R&D
investment to the operating                           3.40%                           3.48%                         -0.08%
Capitalization amount of
                                             148,307,649.64                  231,965,000.50                      -36.06%
R&D investment (RMB)
Proportion of capitalized
R&D investment to R&D                                 2.31%                           3.55%                         -1.24%

Reasons and influences of significant changes in the composition of R&D personnel in the Company
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Reasons for significant changes in the proportion of total R&D investment to the operating revenue compared with the
previous year
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Reasons for significant changes in capitalization rate of R&D investment and its reasonableness
Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company's capitalized R&D investment decreased by 36.06% year-on-year, mainly due to the decrease in capitalized
investment such as fixed assets engaged in R&D activities.

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                       Unit: yuan (RMB)
            Item                            2022                           2021
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                         198,587,680,806.39             177,201,260,717.00                          12.07%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                         169,919,244,885.12             175,306,897,458.28                          -3.07%
from operating activities
Net cash flows from
                                          28,668,435,921.27                1,894,363,258.72                    1,413.35%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                          10,527,205,021.13               55,391,360,332.62                      -80.99%
from investment activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                          47,584,037,812.54               25,639,376,773.27                         85.59%
from investment activities
Net cash flows from
                                         -37,056,832,791.41               29,751,983,559.35                     -224.55%
investment activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                         102,978,746,831.03               89,991,092,450.05                         14.43%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                          93,055,954,517.92             115,321,676,340.53                       -19.31%
from financing activities
Net cash flows from
                                           9,922,792,313.11              -25,330,583,890.48                     139.17%
financing activities

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Net increase in cash and
                                            1,802,912,937.61                 5,726,694,119.85                          -68.52%
cash equivalents

Description of the main factors affecting the significant year-on-year changes in relevant data
Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Net cash flows from operating activities increased by 1,413.35% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in cash received
in connection with sales goods and labor services.
2. Net cash flows from investment activities decreased by 224.55% year-on-year, mainly due to the decrease in other cash
received in connection with investment activities.
3. Net cash flows from financing activities increased by 139.17% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in cash received in
connection with borrowings and the decrease in other cash paid in connection with financing activities.
Reasons for significant differences between net cash flows from operating activities and net profit for the year during the
report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

V. Analysis of non-main business

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

VI. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in the composition of assets

                                                                                                            Unit: yuan (RMB)

                       At the End of 2022                  At the Beginning of 2022
                                                                                             Proportion        Significant
    Item                                Proportion                            Proportion     Increase or        Changes
                      Amount             to Total           Amount             to Total       Decrease         Description
                                          Assets                                Assets
                157,484,332,251.39          44.36%     116,939,298,776.87         36.59%          7.77%
                 14,824,742,623.45          4.18%       13,840,898,802.76          4.33%          -0.15%
                   1,047,739,817.94         0.30%        1,151,228,472.63          0.36%          -0.06%
Inventory        38,314,176,763.90          10.79%      42,765,598,328.01         13.38%          -2.59%
                     634,689,201.98         0.18%          454,854,822.63          0.14%          0.04%
real estate
equity             5,892,290,568.81         1.66%       10,337,008,014.57          3.23%          -1.57%
Fixed assets     33,817,019,391.36          9.53%       31,188,726,142.99          9.76%          -0.23%
                   5,966,678,892.16         1.68%        6,481,236,333.38          2.03%          -0.35%
in progress
                     207,344,779.05         0.06%           14,603,282.99          0.00%          0.06%
                                                                                                           The main reason
                 52,895,851,287.92          14.90%      27,617,920,548.11          8.64%          6.26%    for the increase in

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                         borrowings in this
                                                                                                         period is to meet
                                                                                                         the daily
                                                                                                         production and
                                                                                                         requirements of the
                 14,972,336,715.45          4.22%       15,505,499,178.75       4.85%           -0.63%
                                                                                                         The main reason
                                                                                                         for the increase in
                                                                                                         borrowings in this
Long-term                                                                                                period is to meet
                 30,784,241,211.21          8.67%           8,960,864,258.30    2.80%           5.87%
borrowings                                                                                               the construction
                                                                                                         fund demand of
                                                                                                         long-term assets
                                                                                                         such as fixed
                    146,836,620.66          0.04%              3,313,452.52     0.00%           0.04%

Overseas assets account for a relatively high proportion.
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                         Profits and Losses   Cumulative Fair
                                                                                  Impairment        Purchase Amount
                                         From Changes in      Value Changes                                               Sales Amount in the
      Item          Beginning Amount                                             Accrued in the      in the Current                               Other Changes       Ending Amount
                                          Fair Value in the     Included in                                                 Current Period
                                                                                 Current Period          Period
                                           Current Period         Equity
Financial assets
1. Trading
financial assets
(excluding                                   35,084,363.52                                            7,384,218,000.00         3,569,739,000.00      17,640,000.00     3,867,203,363.52
financial assets)
2. Derivative
                       198,773,198.65      -210,212,858.47                                                                                           11,439,659.82
financial assets
3. Other debt
                     5,910,056,891.62       -18,341,537.07      -4,334,981.20                        11,712,655,138.75          350,000,000.00    -2,914,021,610.33   14,340,348,882.97
4. Other equity
instrument          10,114,246,030.05    -5,471,380,691.11    -142,505,615.03                                                    36,115,153.83       62,705,612.79     4,669,455,797.90
5. Receivables
                    25,612,056,693.07        71,122,180.43     -11,514,065.48     -12,440,164.58      1,754,110,341.75                              990,021,129.95    28,427,310,345.20
6. Other non-
current financial       81,309,327.39        24,503,877.10                                            4,322,190,000.00                                                 4,428,003,204.49
7. Others           12,376,325,374.41       -42,116,395.72       1,260,250.00                                              12,160,000,000.00      3,103,897,824.05     3,278,106,802.74
Subtotal of
                    54,292,767,515.19    -5,611,341,061.32    -157,094,411.71     -12,440,164.58     25,173,173,480.50     16,115,854,153.83      1,271,682,616.28    59,010,428,396.82
financial assets

Total above         54,292,767,515.19    -5,611,341,061.32    -157,094,411.71     -12,440,164.58     25,173,173,480.50     16,115,854,153.83      1,271,682,616.28    59,010,428,396.82

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                           -179,278,964.79                                                                                              5,532,930.19        184,811,894.98

Other changes
Other changes are mainly due to the impact of business combination not under common control, reclassification of statement items, conversion differences in foreign currency statements, and
interest income.
Whether there was any significant change in the measurement attributes of the Company's major assets during the report period
□ Yes No

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

3、Restricted rights to assets at the end of the report period

                                                                                                          Unit: yuan (RMB)

                Item                       Book Value at the End of the Period                  Restricted Reason
                                                                                      Required deposit reserve, earnest
Monetary funds                                                   49,215,097,504.03
                                                                                      money, etc.
Accounts receivable                                                 239,378,920.65    Pledged

Receivables financing                                            12,304,327,541.08    Pledged
Non-current assets due within one
                                                                  3,022,847,488.96    Pledged
Other debt investments                                            5,700,000,000.00    Pledged
Other equity instrument
                                                                  1,965,635,734.92    Restricted shares
Long-term equity investments                                        293,539,194.32    Pledged

Fixed assets                                                        976,001,655.74    Pledged

Intangible assets                                                 1,063,362,713.41    Pledged

Others                                                              192,982,228.53    Pledged

               Total                                             74,973,172,981.64

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

VII. Analysis of investments

1. Overview

Applicable □ Not applicable

             Investment in the Report Period (RMB)                     Investment in the Same Period of Last Year (RMB)                                   Change Range
                                           13,467,910,481.50                                                18,154,432,702.74                                                         -25.81%

2. Significant equity investments obtained during the report period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                                                                                                                             Profit and
                                                                                                                     Progress                              Whether
                                                                                                                                              Loss on
                             Investme                                                      Investme                  as of the    Project                    It Is    Disclosu     Disclosure
 Name of         Main                    Investment    Shareholdin      Capital    Partn                 Product                            Investment
                                nt                                                            nt                     Balance        ed                     Involved   re Date       Index (if
 Investee       Business                   Amount      g Proportion     Source      er                    Type                                s for the
                              Manner                                                        Horizon                   Sheet       Income                     in A     (if any)        any)
                                                                                                                       Date                                Lawsuit
                                                                                                       on valves,                                                                 Gree
                                                                                                       heat                                                                       Electric
               Parts                                                                                   exchangers                                                                 Appliances:
               manufactur                                                                              , pressure                                                                 Announcem
Artificial                   Acquisiti    2,423,031,                    Own                Long                      Complet                212,824,96                April 2,
               ing and                                     29.48%                 None                 vessels,                        --                  No                     ent on the
Environm                     on              350.00                     funds              term                      ed                           8.59                2022
               intelligent                                                                             special air                                                                progress of
ent Co.,
               equipment                                                                               conditione                                                                 foreign
                                                                                                       rs, and                                                                    investment
                                                                                                       cold chain                                                                 (2022-034)
                                          2,423,031,                                                                                        212,824,96
Total               --           --                         --             --        --        --           --            --           --                       --       --            --
                                             350.00                                                                                               8.59

3. Significant non-equity investments in progress during the report period

                                                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

4. Financial assets investments

(1) Securities investments

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                                                                                  Profits and
                                                                                                                       Cumulative                                            Profits and
                                                                                                 Losses From                                                  Sales                                                             Capit
                                                           Accounting        Book Value at                             Fair Value          Purchase                            Losses        Book Value at
Securitie   Securiti        Securities       Initial                                              Changes in                                               Amount in                                               Accountin      al
                                                           Measureme         the Beginning                              Changes          Amount in the                       During the      the End of the
 s Type     es Code    Abbreviation      Investment Cost                                         Fair Value in                                             the Current                                              g Items     Sourc
                                                            nt Model         of the Period                             Included in       Current Period                        Report            Period
                                                                                                  the Current                                                Period                                                               e
                                                                                                                         Equity                                                Period
                       Single Asset      4,374,190,000.0   Measured                                                                      4,353,190,000.    60,000,000.0      24,188,128.     4,397,475,677.4                    Own
Others      -                                                                 81,309,327.39      22,976,350.05                                                                                                     financial
                       Management                      0   at fair value                                                                              00                 0              13                    4                 funds
listed on
                                                                                                                 -                                                                                                 equity
and                                                        Measured         4,636,568,053.5                           1,000,465,960.                                         7,308,063.1     1,885,465,957.1                    Own
            600745     WINGTECH          884,999,996.60                                          2,751,102,096.                                                                                                    instrument
overseas                                                   at fair value                     0                                      50                                                  8                     0                 funds
                                                                                                             40                                                                                                    investmen
listed on
                       San'an                                                                                    -                                                                                                 equity
and                                      2,000,000,000.0   Measured         4,302,405,489.7                                                                                  11,454,753.     1,965,635,734.9                    Own
            600703     Optoelectroni                                                             2,336,769,754.       -34,364,265.08                                                                               instrument
overseas                                               0   at fair value                     2                                                                                          70                    2                 funds
                       cs                                                                                    80                                                                                                    investmen
Others      -          Structured        700,000,000.00    Measured                               2,522,948.29                           700,000,000.00                      2,522,948.2     702,522,948.29        Trading      Own

                                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                         deposits                               at fair value                                                                                                  9                      financial    funds
                         under macro                                                                                                                                                                  assets
listed on
and                                        1,144,957,085.7      Measured                                        -                 -                                   14,421,390.                                  Own
             600619      Highly                                                   755,079,703.46                                                                                    522,205,716.62    instrument
overseas                                                    2   at fair value                      236,320,941.49    622,751,369.10                                           05                                   funds
                         Lixiang Asset                          Measured                                                                                                                                           Own
Others       -                              500,000,000.00                                            153,496.56                      500,000,000.00                  153,496.56    500,153,496.56    financial
                         Management                             at fair value                                                                                                                                      funds
                         16 coupon-                                                                                                                                                                   Other debt
                                                                Measured                                                                                              10,511,100.                                  Own
Bonds        160017      bearing bond       288,405,500.00                        304,947,682.20     1,053,812.46      8,502,797.87                                                 307,238,782.20    investmen
                                                                at fair value                                                                                                 00                                   funds
                         17                                                                                                                                                                           ts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Other debt
                                                                Measured                                                                                              6,600,400.0                                  Own
Bonds        200408      20 Nongfa 08       199,203,000.00                        206,912,210.97      -455,234.54      5,163,144.86                                                 206,612,610.97    investmen
                                                                at fair value                                                                                                  0                                   funds
                         22 Huafa                                                                                                                                               -                     Other debt
                                                                Measured                                                                                                                                           Own
Bonds        -           Group              180,000,000.00                                          -6,371,280.00     -6,371,280.00   180,000,000.00                  1,193,197.8   178,827,514.51    investmen
                                                                at fair value                                                                                                                                      funds
                         MTN006                                                                                                                                                2                      ts
                         22 Huafa                                                                                                                                               -                     Other debt
                                                                Measured                                                                                                                                           Own
Bonds        -           Group              180,000,000.00                                  0.00    -7,647,120.00     -7,647,120.00   180,000,000.00                  3,820,270.6   176,199,455.33    investmen
                                                                at fair value                                                                                                                                      funds
                         MTN009B                                                                                                                                               9                      ts
Other securities investments held at the   1,051,550,136.7                                                      -                 -                    166,115,153.   19,602,206.
                                                                     --           628,924,504.04                                      197,640,000.00                                569,747,538.97         --        --
end of the period                                           9                                      147,873,240.13    489,838,465.28                             83            49
                                           11,503,305,719.                       10,916,146,971.                                  -   6,110,830,000.   226,115,153.   91,749,017.   11,412,085,432.
Total                                                                --                            5,459,833,060.                                                                                          --        --
                                                        11                                   28                      146,840,596.23              00             83            89                91
Announcement disclosure date of
board's meeting for approval of            April 30, 2022
securities investment

                                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Announcement disclosure date of
shareholders' meeting for approval of        June 8, 2022
securities investment (if any)

(2) Derivative investments

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: 10,000 yuan

                                                                                                                                                                             Proportion of the
                                                            Profits and Losses                                                                                              Investment Amount
                                                                                    Cumulative Fair          Purchase Amount       Sales Amount       Investment Amount
     Derivatives                  Initial Investment        From Changes in                                                                                                   at the End of the
                                                                                     Value Changes           During the Report    During the Report     at the End of the
  Investments Type                      Amount               Fair Value in the                                                                                              Period to Net Assets
                                                                                   Included in Equity             Period               Period                 Period
                                                              Current Period                                                                                                  at the End of the
                                                                                                                                                                               Report Period
Futures hedging
                                              4,393.05                -4,166.17                126.99                                                              219.02                 0.00%
Forward financial
                                             19,877.32              -38,949.18                                                                                 -18,481.19                -0.19%
Total                                        24,270.37              -43,115.35                 126.99                                                          -18,262.17                -0.19%
Description of
whether there was
any significant
change in the
accounting policies
for hedging business             No change
and specific
principles for
financial accounting
during the report
period as compared

                                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

to the previous report
Statement of actual
profits and losses        The actual profits and losses of futures hedging contracts during the report period was RMB56,842,600, and that of forward financial contracts during the report period
during the report         was RMB5,308,200.
Description of the
hedging effect
Capital source of
derivative                Own funds
                          1. Legal risks: The Company needs to abide by laws and regulations to carry out hedging and foreign exchange fund trading business, and clearly stipulate the rights and
Risk analysis and         obligations between the Company and its agencies. Control measures: In addition to studying laws, regulations and market rules, the designated responsible departments
description of control    of the Company shall strictly review contracts, clarify rights and obligations, and strengthen compliance inspection to ensure that the Company's derivative investments
measures for              and position meet the requirements of laws, regulations, and the Company's internal management system.
derivative positions      2. Operational risks: Risks caused by imperfect internal processes, staff operations, systems, etc. Control measures: The Company has formulated corresponding
during the report         management systems that clarified the division of responsibilities and approval process of hedging and foreign exchange fund trading business, and a relatively perfect
period (including but     supervision mechanism to effectively reduce operational risks through risk control of business, decision-making, and trading processes.
not limited to market     3. Market risks: The uncertainty of commodity price changes and exchange rate fluctuations in the foreign exchange market leads to greater market risks in futures
risks, liquidity risks,   business and foreign exchange fund trading business. Control measures: The Company's futures hedging business and foreign exchange fund trading business shall not
credit risks,             engage in speculative transactions by adhering to the principle of prudent and steady operation. For hedging business, it is strictly stipulated that the number of hedging
operational risks,        shall not exceed the actual number of spot transactions, and the futures positions shall not exceed the spot amount of hedging, and a stop loss mechanism shall be
legal risks, etc.)        adopted. With regard to foreign exchange fund business, the Company effectively prevents market risks by evaluating and judging the trend of foreign exchange rate,
                          and determining the foreign exchange settlement rate through contracts.
Changes in the
market price or fair
value of the product
during the report
period of the
invested derivatives,
                          During the report period, the loss from changes in fair value of derivatives was RMB431,153,500.
with the analysis of
the fair value of the
disclosing the
methodology used

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

and the setting of
relevant assumptions
and parameters
Involvement in
lawsuits (if           Not applicable
disclosure date of
board's meeting for
                       April 30, 2022
approval of
investment (if any)
disclosure date of
                       June 8, 2022
meeting for approval
of derivative
investment (if any)
Special opinions of
independent            The independent directors of the Company are of the view that: The Company's hedging business of futures on bulk materials is conducive to determining production
directors on the       costs and operational risks, and improving operation management. Through foreign exchange derivatives trading business, it is helpful in further enhancing the
Company's              Company's risk management capability on foreign exchange, and realizing the value preservation and appreciation of foreign exchange assets. The Company has
derivative             established a corresponding control system for the relevant business under legal and compliant approval and implementation, and with controllable risks, which is in the
Investments and risk   interests of the Company and all shareholders.

2) Derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company has no derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period.

5. Use of placements

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

The Company has no use of placements during the report period.

VIII. Significant assets and equity sales

1. Significant assets sales

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company did not sell any significant assets during the report period.

2. Significant equity sales

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

IX. Analysis of main holding and joint-stock companies

Applicable □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting 10% or more of the Company's net profits
                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: yuan (RMB)

  Company           Company
                                   Main Business       Registered Capital         Total Assets           Net Assets         Operating revenue       Operating Profits     Net Profits
   Name               Type
Zhuhai Gree
Finance           Subsidiary                              3,000,000,000.00      49,339,588,860.24      6,664,115,585.64          1,359,499,663.03     422,447,693.72      319,949,791.42
Zhuhai Gree
                  Subsidiary       wire                   1,669,315,586.15       9,183,159,046.07      3,125,266,311.22      39,789,117,854.96          81,081,620.09      54,123,316.36
Gree (Hefei)                       Air
Electric          Subsidiary       conditioner              150,000,000.00      12,412,922,987.16      5,472,943,087.83          9,564,855,864.88     770,100,866.70      656,926,901.37
Appliances                         manufacturing

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Landa
Compressor        Subsidiary                                  93,030,000.00       12,995,366,982.46      8,229,998,878.75       11,190,976,117.66       784,724,473.71        652,899,965.09
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
Xinyuan                             Capacitor
                  Subsidiary                                 126,180,000.00           3,150,476,333.47    981,190,598.08          2,062,793,713.69      233,221,074.05        198,574,843.11
Electronics                         manufacturing
Co., Ltd.
Motor             Subsidiary                                  82,000,000.00           4,111,604,337.19   1,177,957,534.32         2,918,165,247.55        7,666,401.39         12,003,006.53
Co., Ltd.
Small Home        Subsidiary                                  30,000,000.00           1,164,862,862.73    590,934,577.07           981,856,410.03        37,393,554.61         33,798,384.65
Co., Ltd.
Information about acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the report period
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: yuan (RMB)

                                                                   Methods of Acquisition and Disposal of Subsidiaries During
                       Company Name                                                                                                 Impact on Overall Production, Operation and Performance
                                                                                       the Report Period
Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.                       New                                                                                                          -3,898,255.50
Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                          New                                                                                                                   0.15
Pinquan Gree Altairnano New Energy Co., Ltd.                      New                                                                                                            -390,430.59
Gree (Luoyang) Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.            New                                                                                                           1,454,357.36
Gree (Xinzhou) Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.            New                                                                                                          20,701,097.80
Mingruida (Linyi) Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.               New                                                                                                                -110.22
Tieling Fengyu Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd.                   New                                                                                                             125,574.59
Tianjin Gree Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.              New                                                                                                                -499.57
Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment Technology
Development Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.                   Acquisition                                                                                                 719,774,347.64
Shanxi Yinlong Guangtong New Energy Vehicle Sales Co.,            Cancelled                                                                                                       -73,939.58

                                                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Songliang (Shenzhen) South China Agricultural Development
                                                            Cancelled                                                        -107,571.37
Co., Ltd.
Description of major holding and participating companies


                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

X. Structured entities controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

XI. Prospects for the future development of the Company

(I) Development strategies of the Company
Adhering to the vision of "To Create a World-class Enterprise and Achieve a Century-old Brand of Gree", Gree insists on Xi
Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guidance, remains true to original
aspiration and keeps mission firmly in mind, sticks to the real economy, adhere to the road of self-reliance and independent
innovation and development, speeds up the implementation of management informatization, production automation and
product intelligence, continuously strives in the fields of intelligent equipment, communication equipment and molds, and
continues to lead the technological development of global HVAC industry, constantly meeting the aspirations of global
consumers for a better life.
(II) 2023 business plan
1. Be committed to high-quality party building and promote the Company's continuous innovation and development
Gree will insist on Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guidance, fully
implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the construction of party
organizations and party members, and deeply integrate party building with Gree's development; by promoting the
standardization and normalization of party organizations, fully leverage the exemplary role of party members, actively
explore new modes of talent cultivation, and promote continuous innovation and development of the Company with high-
quality party building work.
2. Improve the multi-dimensional business pattern and create new growth engines
Gree will follow closely the national strategic demands, and be closely connected to the industrial ecology based on its own
advantages; keep its main business and focus on diversified development of industrial products, intelligent equipment, home
appliances, and new energy, and promote the gradual formation of numerous products from Gree, Kinghome, and TOSOT
brands such as heat pump water heaters and high-end equipment, continuously entering and making breakthrough in the
market; and establish good cooperation relationships with more than 190 countries and regions dominated by the countries
covered by "the Belt and Road Initiative" to achieve joint progress, mutual benefit and win-win results.
3. Adhere to independent innovation, strengthen core industry advantages, and promote high-quality development
Gree will continue to conduct in-depth technical research, with key core technologies as its main focus, adhere to original and
leading technological breakthroughs, continuously improve a professional global certified technical team and advanced
experimental facilities, achieve technological iteration and upgrading, develop more efficient and energy-saving system
solutions and equipment, thus ensuring the autonomy and controllability of key technologies in products, and consolidating
Gree's advantageous position as an industry leader; fully leverage technological innovation capabilities, provide assistance
throughout the entire lifecycle from R&D, design, and research to marketing and service, optimize product lifecycle, and
promote high-quality development through technological innovation.
4. Continuously consolidate product quality and establish industry quality management benchmarks
Guided by consumer demand and based on consumer satisfaction, Gree will pursue perfect quality, continuously optimize the
quality management system, build a digital and intelligent quality control mode, establish an automatic inspection and testing
system to improve inspection capabilities and promote product quality and efficiency with advanced standards; build a first-
class laboratory to provide leading testing capabilities and rich services for the innovative development and large-scale
application of high-quality products in the industry.
5. Accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, and deepen the integration of digital technology and industry
Gree will strengthen the top-level planning of the group's informatization and build a full scene digital application platform
for the marketing sector that is leading in the industry and in line with Gree's business format; with data as the key element,
value release as the core, and data empowerment as the main line, give full play to the advantages of Internet of Things, AI,
big data, cloud and other technologies in the industrial transformation and upgrading, accelerate the upgrading,
transformation and reconstruction of all factors of the industry, create intelligent manufacturing full industry chain
application solutions, provide enterprises with automatic production solutions for cost reduction, consumption reduction,
quality improvement and efficiency increase in digital transformation, and accelerate the construction of digital smart plants
to build an advanced demonstration base of the Group.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

6. Improve the efficiency of internal organizational management and promote the healthy development of the
Gree will strengthen internal construction, improve the functional systems of departments, and deepen the collaborative
development of departments to improve overall work efficiency and management level; strengthen the maintenance and
operation of information systems to ensure efficient and controlled information systems, establish an internal control system
for comprehensive risk management, and enhance risk management and control; continuously improve the cost management
system, strengthen the awareness of cost reduction and efficiency increase, achieving the reasonable utilization of enterprise
resources, promoting the reasonable and orderly management of office activities, and finally promoting the healthy
development of the Company.
7. Establish a model for China's manufacturing talent training industry with a targeted talent introduction strategy
Gree will implement a precise talent introduction strategy based on the cultivation and supply characteristics of talents, focus
on cultivating cutting-edge technology talents in fields such as automation equipment, precision molds, intelligent equipment,
experimental testing, quality management, etc., and cultivating new skilled talents who adapt to new industries and fields and
have comprehensive technical practical abilities, providing high-quality talent supply for the stable development of the
(III) Main risks to future development
1. Risks of macroeconomic fluctuations
The products of Gree are mainly consumer appliances such as HVAC and consumer household appliances. Macroeconomic
changes may affect consumers' income status, leading to adjustments in their spending on household appliances. Meanwhile,
as a post-cycle industry of real estate, real estate policies have a significant impact on the demand for household appliances.
2. Risk of fluctuations in production factor prices
On the one hand, the raw materials for the Company's products are mainly copper, steel, aluminum, and plastics of different
grades. The cost of main raw materials accounts for a relatively high proportion of the main business cost, and fluctuations in
raw material prices will have an impact on the cost. On the other hand, the rise in labor costs has become a common
phenomenon in economic development, and the increase in labor costs will have a negative impact on the Company's gross
3. Risk of intensified market competition
The urbanization rate in China is gradually increasing, and the ownership of major household appliances has significantly
increased, leading to increasingly fierce industry competition.
4. Political risks overseas
With the uncertainties brought about by the tense overseas political situation, escalating trade frictions, economic
globalization, overseas businesses may be faced with more risks.
5. Risk of exchange rate fluctuations
Exchange rate fluctuations may weaken product competitiveness, bring adverse effects to product exports, and may also
cause exchange losses and increase financial costs.
In the face of complex and ever-changing internal and external environment and risks, Gree will continuously improve its
corporate governance structure, improve its standardized operation level, strengthen its internal control system in accordance
with the requirements of the Company Law, Securities Law, and relevant laws and regulations of the China Securities
Regulatory Commission, to effectively prevent and control risks, ensuring the Company's sustained, stable, and healthy

XII. Activities such as reception of research, communication, interviews during the
report period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                 Main Contents
                                                     Type of
 Time of                             Method of                     Reception     Discussed and     Index of Basic Information
              Place of Reception                    Reception
Reception                            Reception                      Object         Material               of Research
             Sharetronic of                                        Institution                     Please refer to Gree:
May 31,                                                                          Company
             Shenzhen Exchange       Others        Others          al and                          000651 Gree Performance
2022                                                                             operations
             Stock                                                 individual                      Presentation and

                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(http://irm.cninfo.co                               investors                      Roadshow Activity
m.cn), Value Online                                                                Information 20220601
(https://eseb.cn/UOI                                                               disclosed by the Company
klGJ5GE)                                                                           on June 1, 2022 on

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Basic status of corporate governance

The Company, in strict accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, Securities Law of the People's
Republic of China, other relevant national laws and regulations, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Companies Self-
regulatory Guidelines No. 1  Standardized Operation of Main Board Listed Companies, has established a normative
corporate governance structure and rules of procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors and
Board of Supervisors, clarified the responsibilities and authorities for decision-making, execution and supervision, forming
an effective division of responsibilities and balance mechanism, and continuously promoted the standardized operation level
of the Company, safeguarding the interests of investors and the Company.

The Company's governance complied with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the requirements of the
China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the governance of listed companies.

Whether there were any significant differences between the actual state of corporate governance and the laws, administrative
regulations, and regulations on corporate governance of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory
□ Yes No
There were no significant differences between the actual state of corporate governance and the laws, administrative
regulations and the regulations on governance of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

II. The independence of the Company from the controlling shareholder and the actual
controller in terms of assets, personnel, finance, organization and business of the

The Company has a sound corporate governance structure and is completely independent from the largest shareholder,
Zhuhai Mingjun, in business operation, personnel, assets, organization and finance, and the Company has an independent and
complete business operation and independent management capability.

III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

IV. Annual general meeting of shareholders and interim general meeting of
shareholders during the report period

1. General meetings of shareholders during the report period

  Session of        Type of                          Date of         Date of
                                    Participation                                           Meeting Resolutions
   Meeting          Meeting                         Convening       Disclosure
The First
                                                                                 Announcement on the Resolutions of the 1st
Interim          Interim
                                                                                 Interim General Meeting of Shareholders in
General          general                            February        March 1,
                                          43.81%                                 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-013) on
Meeting of       meeting of                         28, 2022        2022
Shareholders     shareholders
in 2022
2021 Annual      Annual                                                          Announcement on the Resolutions of 2021
                                                    June 7,         June 8,
General          General                  41.42%                                 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
                                                    2022            2022
Meeting of       Meeting of                                                      (Announcement No.: 2022-041) on CNINFO

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Shareholders    Shareholders                                                  (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)
The 2nd
                                                                              Announcement on the Resolutions of the 2nd
Interim         Interim
                                                                              Interim General Meeting of Shareholders in
General         general                            August 16,    August 17,
                                         38.55%                               2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-051) on
Meeting of      meeting of                         2022          2022
Shareholders    shareholders
in 2022
The 3rd
                                                                              Announcement on the Resolutions of the 3rd
Interim         Interim
                                                                              Interim General Meeting of Shareholders in
General         general                            December      December
                                         38.57%                               2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-064) on
Meeting of      meeting of                         28, 2022      29, 2022
Shareholders    shareholders
in 2022

2. Convening of an interim general meeting of shareholders requested by the preferred shareholders with restored
voting rights

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

V. Directors, supervisors and senior executives

1. Basic information

                                                                                                      Number of      Number of
                                                                                     Number of                                                          Number of       Reasons
                                                                                                        Shares         Shares
                                                                                   Shares Held at                                        Other         Shares Held         for
                             Employment                   Term Start    Term                         Increased in   Decreased in
  Name           Title                     Sex     Age                             the Beginning                                   Increase/Decrease   at the End of   Increase or
                               Status                       Date       End Date                      the Current    the Current
                                                                                    of the Period                                       (Shares)        the Period      Decrease
                                                                                                        Period         Period
                                                                                      (Shares)                                                            (Shares)      of Shares
                                                                                                       (Shares)       (Shares)
Dong        Chairperson &                                 May 25,      February
                             Incumbent    Female    68                                 44,488,492                                                        44,488,492
Mingzhu     President                                     2012         28, 2025
            Secretary of
Zhang       the Party                                     January      February
                             Incumbent    Male      46
Wei         Committee,                                    16, 2019     28, 2025
Guo                                                       January      February
            Director         Incumbent    Male      66
Shuzhan                                                   16, 2019     28, 2025
Zhang                                                     May 25,      February
            Director         Incumbent    Male      62
Jundu                                                     2012         28, 2025
            Director, Vice
Deng                                                      December     February
            Secretary of     Incumbent    Male      47
Xiaobo                                                    26, 2020     28, 2025
            the Board of
Liu         Independent                                   January      February
                             Incumbent    Female    70
Shuwei      director                                      16, 2019     28, 2025
Wang        Independent                                   January      February
                             Incumbent    Male      61
Xiaohua     director                                      16, 2019     28, 2025
Xing        Independent                                   January      February
                             Incumbent    Male      60
Ziwen       director                                      16, 2019     28, 2025
Zhang       Independent                                   March 1,     February
                             Incumbent    Male      55
Qiusheng    director                                      2022         28, 2025
Cheng                                                     November     February
            Supervisor       Incumbent    Female    42
Min                                                       2, 2020      28, 2025

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Duan                                                              January       February
             Supervisor         Incumbent       Male        59                                       447,525                                447,525
Xiufeng                                                           16, 2019      28, 2025
Wang         Employee                                             January       February
                                Incumbent       Female      39
Fawen        supervisor                                           16, 2019      28, 2025
Zhuang                                                            May 25,       February
             Vice President     Incumbent       Male        58                                    5,955,202                                5,955,202
Pei                                                               2012          28, 2025
             Vice President
Tan                                                               August 31,    February
             and Chief          Incumbent       Male        58                                    1,297,300                                1,297,300
Jianming                                                          2017          28, 2025
                                                                  December      February
Shu Lizhi    Vice President     Incumbent       Male        53
                                                                  26, 2020      28, 2025
             Finance Chief,
Liao                                                              August 6,     February
             President          Incumbent       Male        49
Jianxiong                                                         2020          28, 2025
Fang                                                              November      February
             Vice President     Incumbent       Male        45                                       167,400                                167,400
Xiangjian                                                         19, 2021      28, 2025
Total               --                --           --       --         --           --           52,355,919                0      0   0   52,355,919   --

Whether there are any director or supervisor resigned, or any senior executive in office dismissed during the reporting period.
□ Yes No

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Changes in the Company's directors, supervisors and senior executives
Applicable □ Not applicable

        Name                              Position                            Type                  Date            Reason
Dong Mingzhu             Chairperson & President                        Be elected          February 28, 2022
Zhang Wei                Secretary of the Party Committee, director     Be elected          February 28, 2022
                         Director, Vice President, Secretary of the
Deng Xiaobo                                                             Be elected          February 28, 2022
                         Board of Directors
Zhang Jundu              Director                                       Be elected          February 28, 2022
Guo Shuzhan              Director                                       Be elected          February 28, 2022
Liu Shuwei               Independent director                           Be elected          February 28, 2022
Wang Xiaohua             Independent director                           Be elected          February 28, 2022
Xing Ziwen               Independent director                           Be elected          February 28, 2022
Zhang Qiusheng           Independent director                           Be elected          February 28, 2022
Cheng Min                Chairman of the Board of Supervisors           Be elected          February 28, 2022
Duan Xiufeng             Supervisor                                     Be elected          February 28, 2022
Wang Fawen               Employee representative supervisor             Be elected          February 25, 2022
Zhuang Pei               Vice President                                 Appointed           February 28, 2022
Tan Jianming             Vice President and Chief Engineer              Appointed           February 28, 2022
Shu Lizhi                Vice President                                 Appointed           February 28, 2022
Fang Xiangjian           Vice President                                 Appointed           February 28, 2022
Liao Jianxiong           Finance Chief, President Assistant             Appointed           February 28, 2022

2. Employment situation

Professional background, major work experience and current major responsibilities of the Company's current directors,
supervisors and senior executives

Ms. Dong Mingzhu, with a master's degree, currently serves as the Chairperson and President of Gree Electric Appliances,
Inc. of Zhuhai. She successively held the posts of salesperson, Vice Director of Sales Department, Director of Sales
Department, Deputy General Manager, Vice Chairperson and President of Gree Electric Appliances.

She was successively elected as a deputy of the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th National People's Congress, a member of the
10th, 11th and 12th Executive Committee of the All-China Women's Federation, a member of the 13th Five-Year Plan Expert
Committee of the National Development and Reform Commission, a member of the Advisory Committee of the All-China
Federation of Industry and Commerce, a United Nations Ambassador for Sustainable Urban Development, the first rotating
chairperson of the UNDP Commission on Sustainable Development, and Chairperson of the ISO/TC86/SC4.

She was awarded the "National Model Worker", "National May 1 Labor Medal", "National March 8th Red Banner
Pacesetter", China Patent Gold Award, the Third China Quality Award, Liu Yuanzhang Quality Technology Contribution
Award, Fudan University Outstanding Contribution to Enterprise Management Award, Top 10 Management Innovation
Leaders  Practitioners of Tsinghua Business Review in 2018, and "China Outstanding Individual for Quality (National
Individual Quality Award)", Nomination Award for the 4th China Quality Award, Outstanding Contribution Award of China
Standard Innovation Contribution Award, and other honors and titles, and three times has been selected by CCTV as
"Economic Personality of the Year", and was listed in Fortune "World's Most Influential Women in Business" for 17 times.

Mr. Zhang Wei, a senior economist with a bachelor's degree, currently serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and
Director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He joined Gree in 1999 and successively served as the head of Gree Electric Appliances Pipeline Branch, Material Supply
Department, Outsourcing and Purchasing Quality Management Department, Enerprise Management Department, and
President Assistant, and served as Vice President of Gree Group from 2013 to 2020, and has been serving as the Secretary of
the Party Committee of Gree Electric Appliances since September 2020.

Mr. Guo Shuzhan, with a junior college degree, currently serves as a director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

Since August 2006, he has been serving as the Chairman and General Manager of Jinghai Internet Technology Development
Co., Ltd.; since August 2012, he has been serving as the General Manager of Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.;
from May 2012 to January 2019, he served as a supervisor of the Company, and since January 2019, he has been serving as a
director of the Company.

Mr. Zhang Jundu, with a junior college degree, currently serves as a director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Since September 1999, he has been serving as the Chairman of Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. Since
August 2012, he has been concurrently serving as the General Manager of Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.,
and has been serving as director of the Company since May 2012.

Mr. Deng Xiaobo, with a bachelor's degree, currently serves as a director, Vice President and Secretary of the Board of
Directors of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He joined Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai in November 2020 and served as Vice President and Secretary of the
Board of Directors of the Company. Since February 2022, he has been serving as Director, Vice President and Secretary of
the Board of Directors of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

Ms. Liu Shuwei, with a master's degree, currently serves as an independent director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of

Ms. Liu Shuwei graduated from Peking University in 1986 with a Master's degree in Economics. She studied under
renowned Chinese Economists, Professor Chen Daisun and Professor Li Yining, and is a renowned scholar in the field of
finance. In 2002, she was awarded "Economic Personality of the Year" and "Touching China  2002 Person of the Year" by
CCTV. She is currently an independent director of China Vanke Co., Ltd., an independent director of Costar Group Co., Ltd.,
and a researcher on Chinese enterprises at the Central University of Finance and Economics. She has been serving as an
independent director of the Company since January 2019.

Mr. Xing Ziwen, with a doctoral degree, currently serves as an independent director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of

He is currently a professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, executive director of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, an
academic member of the State Key Laboratory of Compressor Technology, State Key Laboratory of Air-conditioning
Equipment and System Energy Conservation, and the candidate of several national leading talent plans, enjoying special
allowance of the State Council. Professor Xing Ziwen has served as the director of the Department of Refrigeration and
Cryogenic Engineering, Director of Compressor Research Institute, and Deputy Director of the National Engineering Center
for Fluid Machinery and Compressors of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. He has won 2
National Science and Technology Progress Awards, 9 Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards,
and the Special Award for Science and Technology Progress of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, the Special Award
for Invention and Entrepreneurship of the China Association of Inventions, the Distinguished Professor Award of the Xia
Anshi Education Foundation, and the Youth Innovation Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, etc.

Mr. Wang Xiaohua, a Master of Laws from the University of East London, is a first grade lawyer in Guangdong Province, a
national outstanding lawyer, and a visiting professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He is now an
independent director of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He has been working at ETR Law Firm since January 1993 and is currently the honorary director and founding partner of the
law firm. He also serves as a legal advisor to units such as the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, Zhong
Nanshan Medical Foundation, and the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial CPPCC, supervisory judicatory advisor
of Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, director of Guangdong Province Law Society, President
of Guangzhou Alumni Association of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and concurrently an independent director
of Guangdong Shirong Zhaoye Co., Ltd., CantonTower Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., and ARROW Home Group
Co., Ltd. He has served as a member of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial CPPCC, a councilor of the All
China Lawyers Association, a legal advisor to the 16th Asian Games Organizing Committee, a member of the 9th All China
Youth Federation, President of Guangzhou Lawyers Association, and a legal consulting expert and legal advisor of the
Guangzhou Municipal People's Government Over the past 34 years of practice, he has handled more than 1,000 litigation,
arbitration, and non-litigation cases and projects individually or with his team, having rich experience in legal services.
Mr. Wang Xiaohua has published four monographs and co-authors, published more than 30 papers and articles, and
submitted more than 60 proposals, and was praised by the Nanfang Daily News as a major proposal writer.

Mr. Zhang Qiusheng, with a doctoral degree, is a non-practicing member of the Chinese Certified Public Accountant. He is
currently a professor of the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, the Director of the National

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Institute of Transportation Development, the director of the Research Center for Merger and Acquisition of Chinese
Enterprises of Beijing Jiaotong University, and an independent director of Jinneng Holding Shanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Qiusheng has undertaken various provincial and ministerial research projects from, including the National Natural
Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Fund of China, the National Soft Science Program, as well as the
Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the
State Council, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. He has published more than 30 works (translations)
including the monograph A Framework for Mergers and Acquisitions and more than 100 academic and professional papers,
and has won a second prize for national teaching achievements, 4 awards for provincial and ministerial research
achievements, and 2 first prizes for teaching achievements in Beijing.

Ms. Cheng Min, with a bachelor's degree, currently serves as a supervisor of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

She serves as the President Assistant of Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd., and the Chairperson of Zhuhai Gexin Development Co.,
Ltd. She has served as the Director of the Overall Planning Department of Zhuhai Convention & Exhibition Bureau, a
member of the Party Group of Zhuhai Convention & Exhibition Bureau, and the office director and Secretary of the Board of
Directors of Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd.

Mr. Duan Xiufeng currently serves as a supervisor of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He graduated from Shandong Party School in 1999 and has served as the Deputy General Manager and General Manager of
Shandong Gree Electric Appliance Marketing Co., Ltd. and General Manager of Shandong Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,
Ltd. He has been serving as a supervisor of the Company since January 2019.

Ms. Wang Fawen, wirh a Master's degree, is an intermediate economist and human resource management professional, and
currently serves as the employee representative supervisor of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

From 2007 to 2019, she successively served as Human Resources Specialist of the Human Resources Department, Director
of the Personnel General Office, Supervisor of the Performance Section, Supervisor of the Training Section, Assistant
Director of the Training Department, Human Resources Department and Director of the Training Department; she has been
serving as a supervisor of the Employee Representative of the Company since January 2019, and the Deputy Director of the
Human Resources Department of the Company since February 2019.

Mr. Zhuang Pei, a senior engineer with a bachelor’s degree, currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He served as President Assistant from 2002 to April 2003 and has been serving as Vice President of the Company since April

Mr. Tan Jianming, with a master's degree, currently serves as the Vice President and Chief Engineer of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

From 1982 to 1986, he studied Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering major at Huazhong University of Science and
Technology and received his bachelor's degree; from 1986 to 1989, he continued his studies in Refrigeration and Cryogenic
Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and received his Master's degree; after graduation in 1989,
he joined Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai and successively served as a Designer, Director, President Assistant, and
Deputy Chief Engineer, etc. Since August 2017, he has been serving as the Vice President and Chief Engineer of the

Mr. Shu Lizhi, with a master's degree, currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He served as the Deputy Director and Director of Wuhan Special Commission Office of the National Audit Office. He joined
Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai in December 2019. Since December 2020, he has been serving as the Vice President
of the Company.

Mr. Fang Xiangjian, a senior engineer with a master’s degree, currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

From July 2004 to December 2016, he successively served as the assistant to factory manager, deputy factory manager and
factory manager of the Incoming Materials Inspection Factory, and Director of Quality Control Department, of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai. He has been serving as the Assistant President of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai since
December 2016 and has been serving as the Vice President of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai since November 2021.
He won the Guangdong May 1 Labor Medal, Liu Yuanzhang Quality Technical Talent Award, and the Management Talent
Award of the China Management Science Society. He serves as Vice President of the China Association for Quality
Inspection, Professional Committee Member of the China Fire Protection Association, Member of the 7th Academic
Committee of the China Association for Quality, and Vice Chairman of the Green and Efficient Energy Products Professional
Committee of the China Energy Conservation Association.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Mr. Liao Jianxiong, with a bachelor's degree, currently serves as the Finance Chief and President Assistant of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.

He joined Gree in May 1993 and successively served as the head of the Financial Department of Gree (Chongqing) Electric
Appliances Co., Ltd., head of the Financial Department and President Assistant of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai.
He has been serving as the Finance Chief and President Assistant of the Company since August 2020.

Employment in Shareholders
Applicable □ Not applicable

    Name of              Name of           Position Held at                             Term End       Remuneration and
                                                                     Term Start Date
   Incumbent            Shareholder        the Shareholder                                Date        Allowance From the
                                                                                                      Shareholder or Not
                     Zhuhai Gree          President
Cheng Min                                                          March 1, 2020                      Yes
                     Group Co., Ltd.      Assistant
                     Jinghai Internet
                                          Chairman and
Guo Shuzhan                               Legal                    August 1, 2006                     Yes
                     Development Co.,
Description of
incumbent in         None

Employment in other companies
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                          Position Held in                                               Remuneration and
    Name of           Name of Other                                                     Term End
                                             the Other              Term Start Date                      Allowance From
   Incumbent           Companies                                                          Date
                                            Companies                                                    Other Companies
                                                                                                              or Not
                    Zhuhai Gezhen
Dong Mingzhu                             Executive Partner    September 26, 2019                        No
                    Zhuhai Xima
Dong Mingzhu        Mingzhu New          Director             October 1, 2015                           No
                    Media Co., Ltd.
                    Beijing Qianyuan
Guo Shuzhan         Hengjiuhe Liquor     Director             April 25, 2014                            No
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Xiahe Hengsheng
Guo Shuzhan         Hydropower Co.,      Director             May 1, 2007                               No
                    Henan Shengshi
Guo Shuzhan         Xinxing Gree                              August 1, 2010                            Yes
                    Trade Co., Ltd.
                    Luoyang Gree
                    Electric             Executive
Guo Shuzhan         Appliance            Director and         June 1, 2010                              No
                    Logistics Co.,       General Manager
                    Xiahe Hengfa
Guo Shuzhan         Hydropower Co.,      Director             June 1, 2005                              No
Guo Shuzhan         Henan Gree           Executive            March 10, 2021                            No

                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                 Installation         Director
                 Engineering Co.,
                 Luqu Hengshun
Guo Shuzhan      Hydropower Co.,      Supervisor         September 9, 2009                       No
                 Henan Sanli Real
Guo Shuzhan                           Supervisor         November 6, 2006                        No
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Henan Ruige
Guo Shuzhan      Warehousing          Other personnel    July 1, 2005                            No
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Tongcheng Gree
Zhang Jundu      Electric             Chairman           September 1, 1999                       Yes
                 Appliances Co.,
                 Tongcheng Gree
Zhang Jundu      Electric             Director           July 1, 2013                            No
                 Appliance Co.,
Zhang Jundu                           Director and       January 1, 2017                         Yes
                 Xinxing Gree
                                      General Manager
                 Trade Co., Ltd.
                 Zhejiang Ruitong
Zhang Jundu                           Director           December 1, 2014                        No
                 Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Zhang Jundu                           Director           April 1, 2012                           No
                 Economic and
                 Trade Co., Ltd.
                 Tongcheng Gree
Zhang Jundu      Electric             Director           November 1, 2008                        No
                 Appliance Co.,
                 China Vanke Co.,     Independent
Liu Shuwei                                               June 30, 2017           June 29, 2023   Yes
                 Ltd.                 director
                 Costar Group         Independent                                September 14,
Liu Shuwei                                               April 10, 2019                          Yes
                 Co., Ltd.            director                                   2025
Wang Xiaohua     ETR Law Firm         Partner Chairman   June 1, 2017                            Yes
                 ARROW Home           Independent
Wang Xiaohua                                             December 18, 2019                       Yes
                 Group Co., Ltd.      director
                 Cultural Tourism     Independent
Wang Xiaohua                                             April 27, 2021                          Yes
                 Development          director
                 Co., Ltd.
                                      Independent                                March 26,
Wang Xiaohua     Shirong Zhaoye                          March 26, 2019                          Yes
                                      director                                   2022
                 Jinneng Holding
Zhang Qiusheng   Shanxi Coal                             June 5, 2020                            Yes
                 Industry Co., Ltd.
                 Luoniushan Co.,      Independent
Zhang Qiusheng                                           October 1, 2022                         Yes
                 Ltd.                 director

                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                 Tianjin Lishen
Zhang Qiusheng   Battery Joint-                        December 25, 2021                  Yes
                 stock Co., Ltd.
Zhang Qiusheng   Technologies                          August 18, 2022                    Yes
                 Co., Ltd.
Zhang Qiusheng   Development                           October 1, 2022                    Yes
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Beijing Detai
Duan Xiufeng                        Manager            July 3, 2014                       No
                 Investment Co.,
                 Beijing Rongzhi
Duan Xiufeng     Management         Manager            July 2, 2013                       No
                 Consulting Co.,
                 Shandong Jierui    Executive
Duan Xiufeng     Logistics Co.,     Director and       August 11, 2010                    No
                 Ltd.               General Manager
                 Jinan Qihui
Duan Xiufeng     Small Loan Co.,    Director           February 4, 2009                   No
                 Electric           Executive
Duan Xiufeng     Appliance          Director and       August 2, 2012                     Yes
                 Customer Service   General Manager
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Binzhou            Executive
Duan Xiufeng                                           June 26, 2009                      No
                 Dongsheng Real     Director
                 Estate Co., Ltd.
                 Shandong Blue
Duan Xiufeng     Industrial Fund    Chairman           November 5, 2014                   No
                 Management Co.,
                 Shandong Uber
                 Network            Executive
Duan Xiufeng                                           October 27, 2015                   No
                 Technology Co.,    Director
                 Jinan Jierui New
Duan Xiufeng                        Director and       December 21, 2016                  No
                 Technology Co.,
                                    General Manager
                 Shandong Red
                 April Brand
Duan Xiufeng                        Director and       August 1, 2017                     No
                 Management Co.,
                                    General Manager
                 Shandong Red
                 April E-
Duan Xiufeng                        Director and       August 30, 2017                    No
                 commerce Co.,
                                    General Manager
                 Zhongfu Huaxia
Duan Xiufeng     Management         Chairman           December 23, 2005                  No
                 Consulting Co.,

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                      Shandong Red         Executive
Duan Xiufeng          April Holding        Director and         May 5, 2015                              No
                      Group Co., Ltd.      General Manager
                      Shandong Red         Executive
Duan Xiufeng          April Venture        Director and         April 24, 2017                           No
                      Capital Co., Ltd.    Manager
                      Shandong Red
                      April New            Executive
Duan Xiufeng          Energy               Director and         December 13, 2017                        No
                      Technology Co.,      Manager
                      Jinan Rural
Duan Xiufeng          Commercial           Supervisor           May 22, 2020                             No
                      Bank Co., Ltd.
                      Zhuhai Gexin
Cheng Min             Development          Chairman             September 1, 2018                        Yes
                      Co., Ltd.
Description of
incumbent in the      None
other companies
Penalties imposed by securities regulators on current and dismissed directors, supervisors and senior executives in the report
period in the recent three years
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

3. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, determination basis, and actual payment regarding the remunerations of directors, supervisors
and senior executives

During the report period, the Board of Directors of the Company appraised the performance and resumption of senior
executives on an annual basis and implemented an appraisal system based on the results of their work in ethics, competence,
attendance and performance. The Company adhered to the principle of reasonableness, fairness and justice and laid emphasis
on combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive. In terms of material incentives, the Company paid attention to
reasonably controlling the reward grade and properly widening the reward gap and emphasizing the timing and frequency of
rewards. In terms of spiritual incentives, the Company paid attention to combining the corporate objectives with the spirit of
dedication, sense of social responsibility and career achievement of the senior management personnel.

Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior executives in the report period
Unit: 10,000 yuan

                                                                                             Total Pre-tax     Remuneration
                                                                             Employment     Remuneration       From a Related
    Name                         Title                    Sex        Age
                                                                               Status       Received From        Party of the
                                                                                             the Company        Company or
Dong Mingzhu        Chairperson & President           Female           68   Incumbent                1,142     No
                    Director and Secretary of the
Zhang Wei                                             Male             46   Incumbent                  400     No
                    Party Committee
Guo Shuzhan         Director                          Male             66   Incumbent                          Yes
Zhang Jundu         Director                          Male             62   Incumbent                          Yes
                    Director, Vice President,
Deng Xiaobo         Secretary of the Board of         Male             47   Incumbent               237.36     No
Liu Shuwei          Independent director              Female           70   Incumbent                19.17     Yes

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Wang Xiaohua      Independent director                 Male               61   Incumbent                 19.17    Yes
Xing Ziwen        Independent director                 Male               60   Incumbent                 19.17    No
                  Independent director                 Male               55   Incumbent                 16.67    No
Cheng Min         Supervisor                           Female             42   Incumbent                          Yes
Duan Xiufeng      Supervisor                           Male               59   Incumbent                          Yes
Wang Fawen        Employee supervisor                  Female             39   Incumbent                 68.31    No
Zhuang Pei        Vice President                       Male               58   Incumbent                   240    No
                  Vice President and Chief
Tan Jianming                                           Male               58   Incumbent                   400    No
Shu Lizhi         Vice President                       Male               53   Incumbent                   200    No
                  Finance Chief, President
Liao Jianxiong                                         Male               49   Incumbent                116.46    No
                  Vice President                       Male               45   Incumbent                   280    No
Total                            --                       --         --             --                3,158.31            --

VI. Performance of directors' duties during the report period

1. The Board of Directors during the report period

        Session of Meeting              Date of Convening        Date of Disclosure                 Meeting Resolutions
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 31st Meeting of the 11th                                                               31st Meeting of the 11th Board of
                                      January 24, 2022          January 25, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           001) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 32nd Meeting of the 11th                                                               32nd Meeting of the 11th Board of
                                      February 13, 2022         February 14, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           010) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 1st Meeting of the 12th                                                                1st Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                      February 28, 2022         March 1, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           014) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 2nd Meeting of the 12th                                                                2nd Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                      March 31, 2022            April 2, 2023
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           020) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 3rd Meeting of the 12th                                                                3rd Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                      April 29, 2022            April 30, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           022) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to 2022 First
The 4th Meeting of the 12th
                                      April 29, 2022            April 30, 2022             Quarter Report (Announcement No.:
Board of Directors
                                                                                           2022-033) on CNINFO

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 5th Meeting of the 12th                                                                5th Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                     May 20, 2022                May 21, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           037) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 6th Meeting of the 12th                                                                6th Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                     July 29, 2022               July 30, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           047) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 7th Meeting of the 12th                                                                7th Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                     August 22, 2022             August 23, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           052) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 8th Meeting of the 12th                                                                8th Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                     August 30, 2022             August 31, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           056) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to 2022 Third
The 9th Meeting of the 12th                                                                Quarter Report (Announcement No.:
                                     October 28, 2022            October 31, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         2022-058) on CNINFO
                                                                                           For details, please refer to
                                                                                           Announcement of Resolutions of the
The 10th Meeting of the 12th                                                               10th Meeting of the 12th Board of
                                     December 12, 2022           December 13, 2022
Board of Directors                                                                         Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-
                                                                                           062) on CNINFO

2. Attendance of directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of shareholders

               Attendance of directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of shareholders
                 Number of
                                                                                                    Whether Fail
                 Meetings of      Times of       Times of            Times of
                                                                                       Times of     to Personally
                  the Board        On-site       Attending          Attending                                          Times of
                                                                                       Absence        Attend the
                 of Directors   Attendance     Meetings of the     Meetings of                                        Attending
  Name of                                                                               From         Meetings of
                  Requiring         at the       Board of           the Board                                        the General
the Director                                                                         Meetings of     the Board of
                 Attendance     Meetings of     Directors via      of Directors                                     Meetings of
                                                                                      the Board     Directors for
                    in the       the Board     Communication            by                                          Shareholders
                                                                                     of Directors   Consecutively
                    Report      of Directors       Tools            Entrusting
                          12              2                 10                   0             0    No                          4
Zhang Wei                 12              2                 10                   0             0    No                          4
                          12              1                 11                   0             0    No                          4
                          12              2                 10                   0             0    No                          4
Deng                      12              2                 10                   0             0    No                          4

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Liu Shuwei               12                1                 11                0           0     No                         4
                         12                2                 10                0           0     No                         4
Xing Ziwen               12                1                 11                0           0     No                         4
                         10                0                 10                0           0     No                         4
Information about directors who failed to attend two consecutive Board meetings in person.
Not applicable

3. Directors' objection to relevant matters of the Company

Whether the directors raised objections to relevant issues of the Company?
□ Yes No
The directors didn't raise any objection to relevant issues of the Company.

4. Other descriptions for performance of duties by directors

Whether the relevant suggestions on the Company by directors were adopted
Yes □No
Directors' explanation on whether to adopt the suggestions

During the report period, the directors of the Company were able to take the best interests of the Company and shareholders
as their code of conduct, faithfully performed their duties in accordance with the relevant regulations, attended the meetings
of the Board of Directors, carefully deliberated the proposals and made suggestions and comments on the management of the
Company, which played a positive role in the effective decision-making of the Board of Directors, improving the
management level and standardizing the operation of the Company.

VII. Specialized committees under the Board of Directors during the report period

                                                                                   Comments          Other        Details of
 Committee         Member         of            Date of           Conference
                                                                                       and        Performance     Objection
   Name             Status      Meetings       Convening           Content
                                                                                   Suggestions     of Duties       (if any)
                                                             Deliberation of the
                                                             I. 2021 Financial
                 Liu                                         Statements
                 Shuwei,                                     II. 2021 Annual
                                               April 29,
Audit            Wang                                        Report and its
                                         4     2022
Committee        Xiaohua,                                    Summary
                 and Zhang                                   III. Proposal on
                 Wei                                         the Proposed
                                                             Appointment of the
                                                             Company's Audit
                                                             Agency in 2022
                                               April 29,     Deliberation of the

                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                         2022          2022 First Quarter
                                                       Deliberation of
                                         August 30,    2022 Semi-annual
                                         2022          Report and its
                                                       Deliberation of the
                                                       2022 Third
                                         28, 2022
                                                       Quarter Report
                                                       Deliberation of the
                                         April 29,
                                                       Distribution Plan
                                                       for Directors,
                                                       Supervisors and
                                                       Senior Executives
                                                       Deliberation of the
                                                       Phase II Employee
                                                       Stock Ownership
                                         May 20,
                                                       Plan of Gree
                                                       Appliances, Inc. of
                                                       Zhuhai (Draft)
                                                       Deliberation of the
Remuneration                                           I. Proposal on
and Appraisal                        3                 Adjusting the
Committee                                              Voluntary Lockup
                and Zhang
                                                       Period after the
                                                       Attribution of
                                                       Shares in the
                                                       Phase I Employee
                                                       Stock Ownership
                                         July 29,
                                                       Plan of the
                                                       II. Proposal on
                                                       Adjusting the
                                                       Voluntary Lockup
                                                       Period after the
                                                       Attribution of
                                                       Shares in the
                                                       Phase II Employee
                                                       Stock Ownership
                                                       Plan of the
                                                       Deliberation of the
                                                       I. Proposal on Ms.
                                                       Dong Mingzhu's
Nominating      Wang                     January
                                     1                 Qualification as a
Committee       Xiaohua,                 24, 2022
                and Zhang
                                                       Director of the
                                                       II. Proposal on Mr.
                                                       Zhang Wei's

                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                     Qualification as a
                                                     Director of the
                                                     III. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Deng Xiaobo's
                                                     Qualification as a
                                                     Director of the
                                                     IV. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Zhang Jundu's
                                                     Qualification as a
                                                     Director of the
                                                     V. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Guo Shuzhan's
                                                     Qualification as a
                                                     Director of the
                                                     VI. Proposal on
                                                     Ms. Liu Shuwei's
                                                     Qualification as an
                                                     Director of the
                                                     VII. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Wang
                                                     Qualification as an
                                                     Director of the
                                                     VIII. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Xing Ziwen's
                                                     Qualification as an
                                                     Director of the
                                                     IX. Proposal on
                                                     Mr. Zhang
                                                     Qualification as an
                                                     Director of the
                                                     Deliberation of the
             Zhang                                   proposals: I.
             Qiusheng,                               Proposal on Ms.
Nominating   Xing                      February      Dong Mingzhu's
Committee    Ziwen, and                28, 2022      Qualification as
             Deng                                    the President of the
             Xiaobo                                  Company
                                                     II. Proposal on Mr.
                                                     Deng Xiaobo's

                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Vice President
                                                          of the Company
                                                          III. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Zhuang Pei's
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Vice President
                                                          of the Company
                                                          IV. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Tan
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Vice President
                                                          of the Company
                                                          V. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Shu Lizhi's
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Vice President
                                                          of the Company
                                                          VI. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Fang
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Vice President
                                                          of the Company
                                                          VII. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Deng Xiaobo's
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Secretary of the
                                                          Board of Directors
                                                          of the Company
                                                          VIII. Proposal on
                                                          Mr. Liao
                                                          Qualification as
                                                          the Finance Chief
                                                          of the Company

VIII. Work of the Board of Supervisors

Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risks in the Company during its supervision activities during the report
□ Yes No
The Board of Supervisors has no objection to the supervision matters during the report period.

IX. The Company's staff

1. Number of employees, their specialties and education level

Number of on-the-job employees of the parent company at
the end of the report period (person)
Number of on-the-job employees of the main subsidiaries at
the end of the report period (person)
Total number of on-the-job employees at the end of the                                                               72,380

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

report period (person)
Total number of employees receiving salaries for the current
period (person)
Number of retired employees for whom the parent company
and main subsidiaries need to bear expenses (person)
                   Category of specialties                               Number (person) of employees of specialties
Manufacturing personnel                                                                                                51,931
Sales personnel                                                                                                         3,002
Technician                                                                                                             12,977
Financial personnel                                                                                                     1,126
Administrative personnel                                                                                                3,344
Total                                                                                                                  72,380
                                                     Educational level
                   Education level category                                    Number of employees (person)
Bachelor degree or above                                                                                               16,893
College degree                                                                                                         11,999
Technical secondary school and below                                                                                   43,488
Total                                                                                                                  72,380

2. Remuneration policy

Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of the macroeconomic environment, the Company attaches great importance to
and safeguards the vital interests of employees, optimizes and adjusts compensation plans, and continuously improves the
position based and performance oriented compensation mechanism. At the same time, Gree focuses on high-quality talent,
continues to implement the project-based evaluation mechanism for scientific and technological talents to encourage
scientific and technological personnel and technological breakthroughs in R&D; Gree strengthens the main responsibilities of
employers, implemented wage reform pilot, stabilizes core teams, optimizes talent echelon construction, and promotes the
improvement of organizational effectiveness.

3. Training plan

(1) Achieve high-quality talent supply with a targeted talent recruitment strategy and independent talent training
Gree will always adhere to the principle of "focusing on the strategic layout of the Company and adhering to independent
training of talents", expand and form independent channels for introducing talents based on the cultivation and supply
characteristics of talents. The Company will establish an employer brand operation system that covers image promotion,
activity propagation, and candidate experience optimization, carried out promotion through a three-in-one network and talent
recommendation channel of "teachers of employment office + campus ambassadors + counselors of graduating classes",
leverages the channel resource advantages of the government or third-party platforms to effectively transform them into
employment results through specialized job fairs, precise information push, and other methods. Meanwhile, the Company
will dynamically obtain recruitment data online in real-time, apply data to feed back recruitment decisions, and improve
efficiency through full chain recruitment, achieving cost reduction and efficiency increase in campus recruitment. The
Company will focus on 985/211 universities and university students in scarcity direction, and combine the advantages of
training and development mechanisms, comprehensive living and welfare security to accurately attract students from key
universities and improve the recruitment quality.
The Company will introduce a group of vocational and technical talents who recognize the Company's corporate culture,
have high comprehensive quality, and have a solid foundation in professional skills through various forms such as campus
recruitment lectures, Gree "order class", Gree "title sponsorship class", and school-enterprise cooperation talks, to achieve
order based training for technical workers; on the other hand, the Company will fully invest in and independently build the
"Zhuhai Gree Polytechnic", and strive to create an "incubator" of skilled talents, cultivating and supplying outstanding
graduates for enterprises and society.
(2) Continuously optimize the talent structure through building a competitive talent team
Gree's talent team has been growing, and its talent structure has been upgraded over the years. By the end of 2022, the
Company had about 72,000 employees, including 2 leading talents in science and technology innovation under the National
Ten Thousand Talents Program, 3 experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, 1 National Technical Expert, 1

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

winner of the Award of Outstanding Contribution to Nanyue, 94 high-level talents of Zhuhai, 548 outstanding young talents,
948 scientific and technological experts evaluated inside the Company, and more than 30,000 skilled workers.
In order to adapt to the transformation of the production model to automation and intelligence, the Company will accelerate
the training of applied-skilled talents. The Company will vigorously promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmen in the
new era, integrate the resource advantages of Guangdong technicians, skilled master studios, and technician workstations to
empower production through training and boost innovation through competition, and select and cultivate a group of "high-
tech and cutting-edge" skilled talents through a series of measures such as skill training, skill competition and skill grade
evaluation. As of now, the Group has 14,000 newly assessed skilled talents, of which, 8 have won the title of "Guangdong
Provincial Technical Expert", 2 have won the title of "Nanyue Technical Expert", and 5 have won the title of "Zhuhai
Municipal Technical Expert", 4 "Zhuhai Municipal Post Technical Expert Pacesetter", 12 "Zhuhai Municipal Chief Technical
Expert", 10 "Zhuhai Special Artisan", and 232 "Zhuhai Artisan".
In order to improve talent cultivation and evaluation mechanisms at all levels, promote the construction of information
platforms, and strengthen digital control of human resources, the Company has promoted the online operation of performance
systems in headquarters units and subsidiaries in 2022, achieving monthly performance evaluation group control and data
integration of results, and quickly identifying talents.
Talent is an important impetus for development, the Company will adhere to the continuous cultivation of innovative, inter-
disciplinary, and practical skilled talents, enabling employees to have the ability to independently "generate blood" to cope
with the rapidly changing external environment. The Company will focus on key talent needs and seek benefits for
employees through multiple channels such as employee stock ownership plans, talent subsidies, talent housing, and Gree
schools, continuously improving employee satisfaction and happiness. To stimulate employee vitality, the Company will
unclog the career development path of employees through aspects such as professional qualification recognition, professional
title appraisal, technician level assessment, and vocational training, to enhance employees' self-worth and professional

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

X. Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital by the

Profit distribution policy during the report period, especially the formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash
dividend policy
Applicable □ Not applicable

2021 Semi-annual Equity Distribution Plan: With the shares after deducting the 377,791,307 shares in the repurchase account
from the Company's total share capital of 5,914,469,040 shares as the base quota, distribute a cash dividend of RMB10 (tax
inclusive) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, without bonus shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital,
totaling RMB5,536,677,733 of cash shares distributed.

2021 Annual Equity Distribution Plan: With the shares after deducting the 377,791,307 shares in the repurchase account from
the Company's total share capital of 5,914,469,040 shares as the base quota, distribute a cash dividend of RMB20 (tax
inclusive) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, without bonus shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital,
totaling RMB11,073,355,466 of cash shares distributed.

2022 Mid-term Equity Distribution Plan: With the 5,613,841,613 shares after deducting 17,564,128 repurchased shares from
the Company's existing total share capital as the base quota, distribute a cash dividend of RMB10 (tax inclusive) to all
shareholders for every 10 shares, without bonus shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital, totaling
RMB5,613,841,613 of cash shares distributed.

The cash dividend distribution ratio of the Company since its listing is in line with the provisions of the Articles of
Association of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, the cash dividend distribution policy of the Company is in line with
the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Articles of Association of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai and the
requirements of the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders. The criteria for dividend distribution and the dividend
distribution ratio are clear and unambiguous, the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete, and the
independent directors have performed their duties and responsibilities with due diligence and have played their roles.
Minority shareholders have adequate opportunities to express their opinions and demands on profit distribution, and their
legitimate rights and interests are fully protected.

                                         Special description of cash dividend policy

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Whether to comply with the provisions of the Articles of
Association or the requirements of the general meeting's             Yes
Whether the dividend criteria and ratio are clear and
Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and
mechanisms are complete:
Whether the independent directors perform their duties and
play their due roles:
Whether the minority shareholders have the opportunity to
fully express their opinions and demands, and whether their          Yes
legitimate rights and interests are adequately protected:
Whether the conditions and procedures are compliant and
transparent if the cash dividend policy is adjusted or               Not applicable

The Company is profitable during the report period and the parent company has positive profit available for distribution to
shareholders but no cash dividend distribution plan has been proposed.
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital in the report period
Applicable □ Not applicable
Dividends per 10 shares (yuan) (tax inclusive)                                                                             10.00
Share capital base for the distribution plan (shares)                                                              5,613,841,613
Cash dividends (yuan) (tax inclusive)                                                                           5,613,841,613.00
Total cash dividends (including other methods) (yuan)                                                              5,613,841,613
Distributable profits (yuan)                                                                                   52,303,785,737.73
Proportion of total cash dividends (including other methods)
to total profit distribution
                                                      Current cash dividend
If the Company is in a maturity stage and there are no significant capital expenditure arrangements, the cash dividends in the
current profit distribution shall account for at least 80% of the profit distribution
             Detailed description of plan for profit distribution or conversion of capital reserves into share capital
With the total share capital of 5,613,841,613 shares (deducting 17,564,128 shares in the Company's repurchase account from
the total share capital of 5,631,405,741 shares) entitled to profit distribution rights at the time of disclosure of this profit
distribution plan, the Company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB10 per 10 shares to all shareholders (tax inclusive),
without bonus shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital, totaling RMB5,613,841,613 of cash shares
distributed, and the remaining undistributed profits will be carried forward for distribution in future years. If there is a change
in the total share capital of the Company entitled to profit distribution from the date of disclosure of the distribution plan to
the date of implementation of equity distribution registration, the Company will adjust the total dividend amount accordingly
based on the principle of keeping the distribution ratio per share unchanged.

XI. Implementation of the Company's equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership
plan, or other employee incentive measures

Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentive

Not applicable

Equity incentives received by directors and senior executives of the Company
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Appraisal mechanism and incentives of senior executives

Not applicable

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

Applicable □ Not applicable
All valid employee stock ownership plans during the report period

                                                                                      Proportion to the     Source of funding
                                            Total Number of
    Scope of             Number of                                                    total share capital           for
                                              Shares Held            Changes
   Employees             Employees                                                          of listed       implementation of
                                                                                          companies              the plan
(excluding                                                      On May 20, 2022,
independent                                                     the 5th meeting of
directors),                                                     the 12th Board of
supervisors and                                                 Directors and the
senior executives                                               4th meeting of the
of the Company,                                                 12th Board of
as well as middle-                                              Supervisors were
                                                                                                            remuneration of
level cadres and                                                held, and the
                                                                                                            employees and
core employees of                                               Proposal on
the Company and                                                 Adjusting the
                                                                                                            funds obtained
its holding                                                     Performance
                                    4,845        46,334,473                                       0.82%     through other
subsidiaries                                                    Evaluation
                                                                                                            means as
recognized by the                                               Indexes of Phase I
                                                                                                            permitted by laws
Board of                                                        Employee Stock
Directors as                                                    Ownership Plan
playing an                                                      of Gree Electric
important role in                                               Appliances, Inc.
the overall                                                     of Zhuhai was
performance and                                                 deliberated and
medium- and                                                     adopted with the
long-term                                                       Announcement
development of                                                  No.: 2022-039
the Company

Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives in the employee stock ownership plan during the report period

                                                      Number of shares
                                                                             Number of shares held      Proportion to the total
                                                         held at the
    Name                          Title                                      at the end of the report   share capital of listed
                                                      beginning of the
                                                                                      period                 companies
                                                       report period
                 Chairperson & President                       10,000,000                10,000,000                     0.18%
Tan              Vice President and Chief
                                                                   488,469                  488,469                     0.01%
Jianming         Engineer
Zhuang Pei       Vice President                                    420,253                  420,253                     0.01%
                 Vice President                                    391,890                  391,890                     0.01%
                 Director and Secretary of the
Zhang Wei                                                          183,328                  183,328                     0.00%
                 Party Committee
                 Director, Vice President,
Deng Xiaobo      Secretary of the Board of                         107,600                  107,600                     0.00%

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Shu Lizhi        Vice President                                     99,719                 99,719                  0.00%
                 Finance Chief, President Assistant                 77,663                 77,663                  0.00%
                 Employee representative
Wang Fawen                                                          51,355                 51,355                  0.00%
Changes in asset management units during the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Changes in equity during the report period due to disposal of shares by holders, etc.
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Exercise of shareholders' rights during the report period


Other relevant circumstances and explanations of the employee stock ownership plan during the report period
Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company held the 5th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors, the 4th Meeting of the 12th Board of Supervisors, the 6th
Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors, and the 5th Meeting of the 12th Board of Supervisors on May 20, 2022 and July 29,
2022, respectively, deliberated and adopted proposals such as the Proposal on the Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan
(Draft) of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, revised and formed the Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft)
of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (Revised Version), and held the 2nd Interim General Meeting of Shareholders in
2022 on August 16, 2022, with the Proposal on the Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (Revised Version) deliberated and adopted. On February 3, 2023, the phase II employee stock
ownership plan was completed, and the non-trading transfer of shares was completed. Please refer to Announcement No.
2023-004 for specific details.

Change in members of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Management Committee
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Financial impact of employee stock ownership plan on listed companies and related accounting treatment during the report
Applicable □ Not applicable

In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 11  Share-based Payments, the total expenses recognized
for equity settled share-based payments by the Company in 2022 was RMB370,227,884.10.

Termination of employee stock ownership plan during the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Other statements:


3. Other employee incentive measures

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

XII. Construction and implementation of the internal control system during the report

1. Construction and implementation of internal control

The Company continued to improve the construction of internal control system and improved the management mechanism of
rules and regulations. The Company regularly reviewed the internal control system and process, and improved and re-

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

improved the system and process. At the same time, the Company strictly implemented the rules and regulations,
continuously strengthened compliance management and risk management, and built a perfect internal control system and
process system.

The Company continued to pay attention to and strengthen the control of high-risk areas such as financial management, asset
management, capital activities, procurement business, production management, sales business and engineering projects, and
effectively improved the awareness of compliance management and the ability to prevent and control major risks.

During the report period, the Company updated and improved its internal control system in a timely manner in accordance
with the provisions of the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and its accompanying guidelines, taking into
account changes in the Company's internal and external environment, internal organization and management requirements.

Based on the determination of significant defects in internal control, there was no significant defects or material defects in
internal control of the Company's financial statements and non-financial statements in 2022. Through the operation, analysis
and evaluation of the internal control system, the Company effectively prevented the risks in operation and management and
promoted the achievement of internal control objectives. In the future, the Company will continue to perfect the internal
control system, standardize the implementation of the internal control system, strengthen the supervision and inspection of
internal control, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Company.

2. Details of significant defects in internal control identified during the report period

□ Yes No

XIII. Management and control of the subsidiaries during the report period

                                                            Problems                                            Subsequent
  Company            Integration           Integration                      Solutions         Resolution
                                                             During                                             Resolution
   Name                 Plan                Progress                         Taken             Progress
                                                           Integration                                             Plan
                   Strictly follow
                   the Internal
Zhejiang           Control System     Becoming a
DunAn              to conduct         holding
Artificial         internal           subsidiary of      None            Not applicable     Not applicable    Not applicable
Environment        management         the Company
Co., Ltd.          and risk           in April 2022
                   control for

XIV. Internal control self-evaluation report or internal control audit report

1. Internal control self-evaluation report

Date of disclosure of the full internal
                                              April 29, 2023
control evaluation report
Index of disclosure of the full internal
                                              CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)
control evaluation report
The proportion of the total assets of the
units included in the scope of
evaluation to the total assets of the                                                                                 97.00%
Company's consolidated financial
The proportion of operating revenue of
the units included in the scope of
evaluation to the operating revenue of
the Company's consolidated financial

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                   Defect identification criteria
                 Category                              Financial statements                       Non-financial statements
                                              For details, please refer to the 2022        For details, please refer to the 2022
                                              Internal Control Self-evaluation Report      Internal Control Self-evaluation Report
                                              of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of         of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of
Qualitative standard
                                              Zhuhai disclosed on CNINFO                   Zhuhai disclosed on CNINFO
                                              (www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 29,             (www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 29,
                                              2023                                         2023
                                              For details, please refer to the 2022        For details, please refer to the 2022
                                              Internal Control Self-evaluation Report      Internal Control Self-evaluation Report
                                              of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of         of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of
Quantitative standard
                                              Zhuhai disclosed on CNINFO                   Zhuhai disclosed on CNINFO
                                              (www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 29,             (www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 29,
                                              2023                                         2023
Number of significant defects in the
financial statements
Number of significant defects in the
non-financial statements
Number of material defects in the
financial statements
Number of material defects in the non-
financial statements

2. Internal control audit report

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                 Deliberation opinion section in the internal control audit report
We hold that Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai has maintained effective internal control over financial statements in
all significant aspects as of December 31, 2022, in accordance with the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and
relevant regulations.
Disclosure of internal control audit report                           Disclosure
Date of disclosure of full internal control audit report              April 29, 2023
Index of disclosure of the full internal control audit report         CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)
Type of internal control audit report opinions                        Standard unqualified audit opinion
Is there a significant defect in the non-financial statements?        No

Whether the accounting firm issued a non-standard opinion on the internal control audit report
□ Yes No
Whether the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the opinion of the Board of
Directors' self-evaluation report
Yes □No

XV. Rectification of self-inspection issues in the special action on governance of listed

Not applicable

                                                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                  Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major environmental problems

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are listed as key pollutant discharge units published by the environmental protection department
Yes □No
Environmental protection related policies and industry standards
During the production and operation process, the Company and its subsidiaries strictly complied with the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations such as the
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, Law of the People's Republic
of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution, and Law of the People's Republic of
China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution, and industry standards, and organized their own production and operation activities.

Administrative license for environmental protection
The Company and its subsidiaries strictly implement the pollution discharge permit system and legally discharge pollutants within the specified scope.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai. is December 22, 2022, and it is valid until December 21, 2027.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Zhuhai Gree Electric Enterprises Ltd. is July 3, 2020, and it is valid until July 2, 2023.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.. is August 20, 2020, and it is valid until August 19, 2023.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. is October 28, 2022, and it is valid until October 27, 2027.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Zhuhai GREE Xinyuan Electronic Co., Ltd. is December 13, 2022, and it is valid until December 12, 2027.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is June 19, 2020, and it is valid until June 18, 2023.
The application date for the pollution discharge permit of Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co., Ltd. is June 4, 2020, and it is valid until June 3, 2025.

                                                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Industry discharge standards and specific situations of pollutant discharge involved in production and business activities

                    Type of          Name of
                                                                     Number                                                           Pollutant
   Name of           Major            Major
                                                     Discharge          of       Distribution of            Discharge                Discharge          Total      Total Approved   Excessive
 Company or       Pollutant and    Pollutant and
                                                      Method        Discharge    Discharge Ports       Concentration/Intensity        Standard        Discharge      Discharge      Discharge
  Subsidiary       Particular       Particular
                                                                      Ports                                                         Implemented
                    Pollutant        Pollutant
                                                                                                                                 Level III limit in
                                                                                                                                 Section II of the
Gree Electric
                 Water                              Intermittent                 Phase III                                       Discharge Limits     5.2496
Appliances,                       COD                               1                                  25.75 mg/L                                                 26.4 t/year       None
                 pollutant                          discharge                    sewage station                                  of Water             t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                                 Level III limit in
                                                                                                                                 Section II of the
Gree Electric
                 Water                              Intermittent                 Phase IV                                        Discharge Limits     5.2496
Appliances,                       COD                               1                                  22.75 mg/L                                                 26.4 t/year       None
                 pollutant                          discharge                    sewage station                                  of Water             t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                                 Level III limit in
                                                                                                                                 Section II of the
Gree Electric
                 Water                              Intermittent                 Phase VI                                        Discharge Limits     5.2496
Appliances,                       COD                               1                                  17.75 mg/L                                                 26.4 t/year       None
                 pollutant                          discharge                    sewage station                                  of Water             t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                                 Level III limit in
                                                                                                                                 Section II of the
Gree Electric
                 Water            Ammonia           Intermittent                 Phase III                                       Discharge Limits     0.0398
Appliances,                                                         1                                  0.287 mg/L                                                 3.6 t/year        None
                 pollutant        nitrogen          discharge                    sewage station                                  of Water             t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                                 Level III limit in
Gree Electric                                                                                                                    Section II of the
                 Water            Ammonia           Intermittent                 Phase IV                                                             0.0398
Appliances,                                                         1                                  0.162 mg/L                Discharge Limits                 3.6 t/year        None
                 pollutant        nitrogen          discharge                    sewage station                                                       t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                                                                   of Water

                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                  Level III limit in
                                                                                                                  Section II of the
Gree Electric
                 Water       Ammonia    Intermittent                 Phase VI                                     Discharge Limits     0.0398
Appliances,                                             1                                  0.093 mg/L                                           3.6 t/year          None
                 pollutant   nitrogen   discharge                    sewage station                               of Water             t/year
Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                  Takeover criteria
                                                                                                                  of Hefei West
                                                                                                                  Group Wastewater
                                                                                                                  Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                                  and Level III
Electric         Water                  Intermittent                 Domestic                                                          1.2690
                             COD                        1                                  17 mg/L                criteria of                   208.704209 t/year   None
Appliances       pollutant              discharge                    sewage station                                                    t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Takeover criteria
                                                                                                                  of Hefei West
                                                                                                                  Group Wastewater
                                                                                                                  Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                                  and Level III
Electric         Water                  Intermittent                 Commercial                                                        1.2690
                             COD                        1                                  11 mg/L                criteria of                   208.704209 t/year   None
Appliances       pollutant              discharge                    sewage station                                                    t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Takeover criteria
                                                                                                                  of Hefei West
Gree (Hefei)                                                                                                      Group Wastewater
Electric         Water                  Intermittent                 Domestic                                     Treatment Plant      0.0173
                             NH3-N                      1                                  0.084 mg/L                                           20.869721 t/year    None
Appliances       pollutant              discharge                    sewage station                               and Level III        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         criteria of

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                             Takeover criteria
                                                                                                             of Hefei West
                                                                                                             Group Wastewater
                                                                                                             Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                             and Level III
Electric       Water               Intermittent                 Commercial                                                       0.0173
                           NH3-N                   1                                  0.113 mg/L             criteria of                  20.869721 t/year   None
Appliances     pollutant           discharge                    sewage station                                                   t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Takeover criteria
                                                                                                             of Hefei West
                                                                                                             Group Wastewater
                                                                                                             Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                             and Level III
Electric       Water               Intermittent                 Domestic                                                         0.8480
                           TN                      1                                  3.26 mg/L              criteria of                  29.815077 t/year   None
Appliances     pollutant           discharge                    sewage station                                                   t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Takeover criteria
                                                                                                             of Hefei West
                                                                                                             Group Wastewater
                                                                                                             Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                             and Level III
Electric       Water               Intermittent                 Commercial                                                       0.8480
                           TN                      1                                  4.75 mg/L              criteria of                  29.815077 t/year   None
Appliances     pollutant           discharge                    sewage station                                                   t/year
Co., Ltd.
Gree (Hefei)   Water       TP      Intermittent    1            Domestic              0.06 mg/L              Takeover criteria   0.0380   3.578266 t/year    None

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Electric        pollutant              discharge                    sewage station                               of Hefei West         t/year
Appliances                                                                                                       Group Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        Treatment Plant
                                                                                                                 and Level III
                                                                                                                 criteria of
                                                                                                                 Takeover criteria
                                                                                                                 of Hefei West
                                                                                                                 Group Wastewater
                                                                                                                 Treatment Plant
Gree (Hefei)
                                                                                                                 and Level III
Electric        Water                  Intermittent                 Commercial                                                         0.0380
                            TP                         1                                  1.76 mg/L              criteria of                    3.578266 t/year    None
Appliances      pollutant              discharge                    sewage station                                                     t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                 of Water
                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                    Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water                  Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of            discharge permit
Motor                       pH value                   1                                  7.9                                          /                           None
                pollutant              discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum                        in 2022 is not
                                                                    WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Concentration of
                                                                                                                 Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                 (Section II)
Zhuhai                                                              Domestic                                     Discharge Limits               The pollutant
Kaibang         Water                  Intermittent                 sewage                                       of Water                       discharge permit
                            pH value                   1                                  8                                            /                           None
Motor           pollutant              discharge                    discharge outlet                             Pollutants in                  in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                       DW002                                        Guangdong (DB                  approved

                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            44/26-2001)
                                                                                                                     Level I criteria of
                                                                                                                     Concentration of
                                                                                                                     Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                     (Section II)
                                                                                                                     Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                     of Water
                                                                                                                     Pollutants in
                                                                                                                     Guangdong (DB
                                                                        Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water                      Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of            discharge permit
Motor                       Chromaticity                   1                                Twice                                          /                           None
                pollutant                  discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum                        in 2022 is not
                                                                        WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Concentration of
                                                                                                                     Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                     (Section II)
                                                                                                                     Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                     of Water
                                                                                                                     Pollutants in
                                                                                                                     Guangdong (DB
                                                                        Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water       Suspended      Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0179   discharge permit
Motor                                                      1                                4 mg/L                                                                     None
                pollutant   matter         discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                        WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Concentration of
                                                                                                                     Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                     (Section II)
Zhuhai                                                                                                               Discharge Limits
                                                                        Domestic                                                                    The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                              of Water
                Water       Suspended      Intermittent                 sewage                                                             0.0179   discharge permit
Motor                                                      1                                4 mg/L                   Pollutants in                                     None
                pollutant   matter         discharge                    discharge outlet                                                   t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB
                                                                        DW002                                                                       approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            44/26-2001)

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    Level I criteria of
                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                    of Water
                                                                                                                    Pollutants in
                                                                                                                    Guangdong (DB
                                                                       Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
Kaibang                     Chemical
                Water                     Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0352   discharge permit
Motor                       oxygen                        1                                5 mg/L                                                                     None
                pollutant                 discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing               demand
                                                                       WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                    of Water
                                                                                                                    Pollutants in
                                                                                                                    Guangdong (DB
                                                                       Domestic                                     44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
Kaibang                     Chemical
                Water                     Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0352   discharge permit
Motor                       oxygen                        1                                6 mg/L                                                                     None
                pollutant                 discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing               demand
                                                                       DW002                                        Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
                            Five-day                                   Industrial                                   of Water                       The pollutant
                Water       biochemical   Intermittent                 sewage                                       Pollutants in         0.0103   discharge permit
Motor                                                     1                                0.5 mg/L                                                                   None
                pollutant   oxygen        discharge                    discharge outlet                             Guangdong (DB         t/year   in 2022 is not
                            demand                                     WS-39214A                                    44/26-2001)                    approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Level I criteria of

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                    of Water
                                                                                                                    Pollutants in
                                                                                                                    Guangdong (DB
                            Five-day                                   Domestic                                     44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water       biochemical   Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0103   discharge permit
Motor                                                     1                                0.5 mg/L                                                                   None
                pollutant   oxygen        discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                            demand                                     DW002                                        Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                    of Water
                                                                                                                    Pollutants in
                                                                                                                    Guangdong (DB
                                                                       Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water                     Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0010   discharge permit
Motor                       Phosphate                     1                                0.01 mg/L                                                                  None
                pollutant                 discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                       WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Concentration of
                                                                                                                    Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                    (Section II)
                                                                                                                    Discharge Limits
Zhuhai                                                                                                              of Water
                                                                       Domestic                                                                    The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                             Pollutants in
                Water                     Intermittent                 sewage                                                             0.0010   discharge permit
Motor                       Phosphate                     1                                0.01 mg/L                Guangdong (DB                                     None
                pollutant                 discharge                    discharge outlet                                                   t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                       44/26-2001)
                                                                       DW002                                                                       approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           Level I criteria of

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Concentration of
                                                                                                                 Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                 (Section II)
                                                                                                                 Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                 of Water
                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                    Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water       Ammonia    Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0009   discharge permit
Motor                                                  1                                0.025 mg/L                                                                 None
                pollutant   nitrogen   discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                    WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Concentration of
                                                                                                                 Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                 (Section II)
                                                                                                                 Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                 of Water
                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                    Domestic                                     44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water       Ammonia    Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0009   discharge permit
Motor                                                  1                                0.025 mg/L                                                                 None
                pollutant   nitrogen   discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                    DW002                                        Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Concentration of
                                                                                                                 Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                 (Section II)
                                                                                                                 Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                 of Water
                                                                    Industrial                                   Pollutants in                  The pollutant
                Water       Total      Intermittent                 sewage                                       Guangdong (DB         0.0087   discharge permit
Motor                                                  1                                2 mg/L                                                                     None
                pollutant   nitrogen   discharge                    discharge outlet                             44/26-2001)           t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                    WS-39214A                                    Level I criteria of            approved
Co., Ltd.

                                                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                       Concentration of
                                                                                                                       Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                       (Section II)
                                                                                                                       Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                       of Water
                                                                                                                       Pollutants in
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
                                                                          Domestic                                     44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water       Total            Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0087   discharge permit
Motor                                                        1                                1.24 mg/L                                                                  None
                pollutant   nitrogen         discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                          DW002                                        Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Concentration of
                                                                                                                       Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                       (Section II)
                                                                                                                       Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                       of Water
                                                                                                                       Pollutants in
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
                                                                          Industrial                                   44/26-2001)                    The pollutant
                Water                        Intermittent                 sewage                                       Level I criteria of   0.0003   discharge permit
Motor                       Petroleum                        1                                0.06 mg/L                                                                  None
                pollutant                    discharge                    discharge outlet                             Maximum               t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                          WS-39214A                                    Allowable                      approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Concentration of
                                                                                                                       Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                       (Section II)
                                                                                                                       Discharge Limits
                                                                                                                       of Water
Zhuhai                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                          Domestic                                                                    The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                                Guangdong (DB
                Water       Animal and       Intermittent                 sewage                                                             0.0002   discharge permit
Motor                                                        1                                0.06 mg/L                44/26-2001)                                       None
                pollutant   vegetable oils   discharge                    discharge outlet                                                   t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                          Level I criteria of
                                                                          DW002                                                                       approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              Maximum

                                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                   Concentration of
                                                                                                                   Class II Pollutants
                                                                                                                   (Section II)
                                                                                                                   Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                             pollutants from
                                                                                                                                             The pollutant
Kaibang                                                               Die-casting                                  process waste gas
                Atmospheric   Particulate   Organized                                                                                        discharge permit
Motor                                                    1            waste gas vent        <20 mg/m              (Section II) in       /                      None
                pollutant     matter        discharge                                                                                        in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                         FQ-39214A                                    Emission Limits of
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Air Pollutants in
                                                                                                                   Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                   Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                             pollutants from
                                                                      Melting                                                                The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                            process waste gas
                Atmospheric   Particulate   Organized                 aluminum waste                                                         discharge permit
Motor                                                    1                                  <20 mg/m              (Section II) in       /                      None
                pollutant     matter        discharge                 gas vent FQ-                                                           in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                      Emission Limits of
                                                                      39214A1                                                                approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Air Pollutants in
                                                                                                                   Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                   Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                             pollutants from
                                                                                                                                             The pollutant
Kaibang                                                               Die-casting                                  process waste gas
                Atmospheric   Sulfur        Organized                                                                                        discharge permit
Motor                                                    1            waste gas vent        ND                     (Section II) in       /                      None
                pollutant     dioxide       discharge                                                                                        in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                         FQ-39214A                                    Emission Limits of
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Air Pollutants in
                                                                                                                   Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                   Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                             atmospheric
                                                                      Melting                                                                The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                            pollutants from
                Atmospheric   Sulfur        Organized                 aluminum waste                                                         discharge permit
Motor                                                    1                                  ND                     process waste gas     /                      None
                pollutant     dioxide       discharge                 gas vent FQ-                                                           in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                      (Section II) in
                                                                      39214A1                                                                approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                   Air Pollutants in

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                           pollutants from
                                                                                                                                               The pollutant
Kaibang                                                             Die-casting                                  process waste gas
                Atmospheric   Nitrogen    Organized                                                                                            discharge permit
Motor                                                  1            waste gas vent        ND                     (Section II) in      /                           None
                pollutant     oxide       discharge                                                                                            in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                       FQ-39214A                                    Emission Limits of
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        Air Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Emission limits of
Zhuhai                                                                                                           pollutants from
                                                                    Melting                                                                    The pollutant
Kaibang                                                                                                          process waste gas
                Atmospheric   Nitrogen    Organized                 aluminum waste                                                             discharge permit
Motor                                                  1                                  ND                     (Section II) in      /                           None
                pollutant     oxide       discharge                 gas vent FQ-                                                               in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                                                                    Emission Limits of
                                                                    39214A1                                                                    approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        Air Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits
                                                                                                                 of VOCs in
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic              The pollutant
Kaibang                                                             Immersion paint
                Atmospheric               Organized                                                              Compounds for        0.0004   discharge permit
Motor                         Benzene                  1            waste gas vent        0.06 mg/m                                                               None
                pollutant                 discharge                                                              Surface Coating      t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                       FQ-39214B
                                                                                                                 of Automobile                 approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Industry in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
Zhuhai                                                                                                           Emission Limits
                                                                                                                                               The pollutant
Kaibang                                                             Immersion paint                              of VOCs in
                Atmospheric   Toluene +   Organized                                                                                   0.0005   discharge permit
Motor                                                  1            waste gas vent        0.07 mg/m              Emission                                         None
                pollutant     Xylene      discharge                                                                                   t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                       FQ-39214B                                    Standard of
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                        Volatile Organic

                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                  Compounds for
                                                                                                                  Surface Coating
                                                                                                                  of Automobile
                                                                                                                  Industry in
                                                                                                                  Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                  Emission Limits
                                                                                                                  of VOCs in
                                                                                                                  Standard of
                                                                                                                  Volatile Organic                The pollutant
Kaibang                                                              Immersion paint
                Atmospheric                Organized                                                              Compounds for          0.0312   discharge permit
Motor                         Total VOCs                1            waste gas vent      3.86 mg/m                                                                   None
                pollutant                  discharge                                                              Surface Coating        t/year   in 2022 is not
Manufacturing                                                        FQ-39214B
                                                                                                                  of Automobile                   approved
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Industry in
                                                                                                                  Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric        Atmospheric                Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                              Benzene                   1                                0.03 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises     pollutant                  discharge                 FQ113913A01                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                              Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric        Atmospheric                Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                              Benzene                   1                                0.26 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises     pollutant                  discharge                 FQ113913A02                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                              Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric        Atmospheric                Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                              Benzene                   1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises     pollutant                  discharge                 FQ113913A03                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                              Guangdong (DB                   approved

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A04                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A05                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A06                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A07                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A08                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                0.02 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A09                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
Zhuhai GREE   Atmospheric   Benzene   Organized    1            Plant No.3          Not detected             Level II Criteria in   0.0016   The pollutant      None

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Electric      pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A10                                  Section II of          t/year   discharge permit
Enterprises                                                                                                  Emission Limits of              in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Air Pollutants in               approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A11                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0016   discharge permit
                            Benzene                1                                0.02 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A12                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A01                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A02                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                0.02 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A03                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
Zhuhai GREE   Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Level II Criteria in   0.0012   The pollutant
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Electric      pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A04                                  Section II of          t/year   discharge permit

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Enterprises                                                                                                  Emission Limits of              in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Air Pollutants in               approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A05                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A06                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A07                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A08                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A09                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in            The pollutant
              Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                                          0.0012
Electric                    Toluene                1                                Not detected             Section II of                   discharge permit   None
              pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A10                                                         t/year
Enterprises                                                                                                  Emission Limits of              in 2022 is not

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Ltd.                                                                                                         Air Pollutants in               approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                0.03 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A11                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0012   discharge permit
                            Toluene                1                                0.05 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A12                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                 1                                0.03 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A01                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                 1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A02                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                 1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A03                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in            The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Section II of          0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                 1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A04                                  Emission Limits of     t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                         Air Pollutants in               approved

                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                            Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                 Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A05                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                 Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A06                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                 Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A07                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                 Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                Not detected                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A08                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                 Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                0.01 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A09                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                        Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                            Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                 The pollutant
                                                                                                            Section II of
Electric      Atmospheric            Organized                 Plant No.3                                                          0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                1                                Not detected             Emission Limits of                                 None
Enterprises   pollutant              discharge                 FQ113913A10                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                            Air Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                        approved
                                                                                                            Guangdong (DB

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                        1                                 1.4 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A11                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                    Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Section II of                   The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Emission Limits of     0.0216   discharge permit
                            Xylene                        1                                 1.06 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A12                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic                The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for          1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 0.93 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A01                                  Furniture              t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic                The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for          1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 1.19 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A02                                  Furniture              t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Section II of                   The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Emission               1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 0.7 mg/m                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A03                                  Standard of            t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Volatile Organic                approved

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    Compounds for
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic            The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for      1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 Not detected                                                           None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A04                                  Furniture          t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing               approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic            The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for      1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 Not detected                                                           None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A05                                  Furniture          t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing               approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic            The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for      1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 Not detected                                                           None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A06                                  Furniture          t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing               approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
Zhuhai GREE   Atmospheric   Total volatile   Organized    1            Plant No.1           0.3 mg/m                Section II of      1.2800   The pollutant      None

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Electric      pollutant     organic          discharge                 FQ113913A07                                  Emission           t/year   discharge permit
Enterprises                 compounds                                                                               Standard of                 in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Volatile Organic            approved
                                                                                                                    Compounds for
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic            The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                   Compounds for      1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 0.11 mg/m                                                              None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A08                                  Furniture          t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing               approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic            The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Compounds for      1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 24.8 mg/m                                                              None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A09                                  Furniture          t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing               approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Standard of                 The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Volatile Organic   1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 1.6 mg/m                                                               None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A10                                  Compounds for      t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Furniture                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic                The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Compounds for          1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 7.27 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A11                                  Furniture              t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic                The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Compounds for          1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 14.6 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A12                                  Furniture              t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Section II of
                                                                                                                    Standard of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                         Volatile Organic                The pollutant
                            Total volatile
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.2                                   Compounds for          1.2800   discharge permit
                            organic                       1                                 1.16 mg/m                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913B01                                  Furniture              t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                Manufacturing                   approved
                                                                                                                    Operations in
                                                                                                                    Guangzhou (DB
                                                                                                                    Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                         The pollutant
                                                                                                                    Section II in Table
Electric      Atmospheric                    Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                       1                                 Not detected            2 of Emission                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                 FQ113913A01                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                    Limits of Air
Ltd.                                                                                                                                                approved
                                                                                                                    Pollutants in

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A02                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A03                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A04                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A05                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A06                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A07                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.1                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A08                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A09                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected            Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A10                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                             Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                             Section II in Table
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                  The pollutant
                                                                                                             2 of Emission
Electric      Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                                          0.0056   discharge permit
                            Phenols                1                                 0.7 mg/m                Limits of Air                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A11                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                             Pollutants in
Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                             Guangdong (DB
Zhuhai GREE   Atmospheric             Organized                 Plant No.3                                   Level II Criteria in   0.0056   The pollutant
                            Phenols                1                                 Not detected                                                               None
Electric      pollutant               discharge                 FQ113913A12                                  Section II in Table    t/year   discharge permit

                                                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Enterprises                                                                                                            2 of Emission                     in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                   Limits of Air                     approved
                                                                                                                       Pollutants in
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                       Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                            Section II of                     The pollutant
Electric      Atmospheric   Tin and its      Organized                    Plant No.2                                   Emission Limits of     0.000003   discharge permit
                                                             1                                 0.000069 mg/m                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant     compounds        discharge                    FQ113913B01                                  Air Pollutants in      t/year     in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                   Guangdong (DB                     approved
                                                                                                                       Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                       in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                            Table 4 of                        The pollutant
Electric      Water         Suspended        Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits       0.0340     discharge permit
                                                             1                                 49 mg/L                                                                      None
Enterprises   pollutant     matter           discharge                    DW001                                        of Water               t/year     in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                   Pollutants in                     approved
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                       Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                       in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                            Table 4 of                        The pollutant
Electric      Water         Animal and       Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits       0.0006     discharge permit
                                                             1                                 0.81 mg/L                                                                    None
Enterprises   pollutant     vegetable oils   discharge                    DW001                                        of Water               t/year     in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                   Pollutants in                     approved
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                       Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                       in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                            Table 4 of                        The pollutant
Electric      Water                          Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits       0.0011     discharge permit
                            Petroleum                        1                                 1.61 mg/L                                                                    None
Enterprises   pollutant                      discharge                    DW001                                        of Water               t/year     in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                                   Pollutants in                     approved
                                                                                                                       Guangdong (DB
Zhuhai GREE   Water         Total            Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Level III Criteria     0.0206     The pollutant
                                                             1                                 29.4 mg/L                                                                    None
Electric      pollutant     nitrogen (N)     discharge                    DW001                                        in Section II in       t/year     discharge permit

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Enterprises                                                                                                      Table 4 of                    in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                             Discharge Limits              approved
                                                                                                                 of Water
                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                 in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                      Table 4 of                    The pollutant
Electric      Water                    Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits     0.1150   discharge permit
                          oxygen                       1                                 164 mg/L                                                                 None
Enterprises   pollutant                discharge                    DW001                                        of Water             t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                             Pollutants in                 approved
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                 in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                      Table 4 of                    The pollutant
Electric      Water       Anionic      Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits     0.0006   discharge permit
                                                       1                                 0.85 mg/L                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant   surfactant   discharge                    DW001                                        of Water             t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                             Pollutants in                 approved
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                 in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                      Table 4 of                    The pollutant
Electric      Water                    Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits     0.0009   discharge permit
                          phosphorus                   1                                 1.32 mg/L                                                                None
Enterprises   pollutant                discharge                    DW001                                        of Water             t/year   in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                             Pollutants in                 approved
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                 Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                 in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                    The pollutant
                          Ammonia                                                                                Table 4 of
Electric      Water                    Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                                                   0.0019   discharge permit
                          nitrogen                     1                                 2.64 mg/L               Discharge Limits                                 None
Enterprises   pollutant                discharge                    DW001                                                             t/year   in 2022 is not
                          (NH3-N)                                                                                of Water
Ltd.                                                                                                                                           approved
                                                                                                                 Pollutants in
                                                                                                                 Guangdong (DB

                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                  Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                  in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE               Five-day                                                                                Table 4 of                      The pollutant
Electric      Water       biochemical   Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits      0.0293    discharge permit
                                                        1                                 41.8 mg/L                                                                  None
Enterprises   pollutant   oxygen        discharge                    DW001                                        of Water              t/year    in 2022 is not
Ltd.                      demand                                                                                  Pollutants in                   approved
                                                                                                                  Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                  Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                  in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Table 4 of                      The pollutant
Electric      Water       Volatile      Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits      0.00007   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.1 mg/L                                                                   None
Enterprises   pollutant   phenol        discharge                    DW001                                        of Water              t/year    in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                              Pollutants in                   approved
                                                                                                                  Guangdong (DB
                                                                                                                  Level III Criteria
                                                                                                                  in Section II in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Table 4 of                      The pollutant
Electric      Water                     Intermittent                 Plant No.2 gate                              Discharge Limits                discharge permit
                          pH value                      1                                 7.80                                          /                            None
Enterprises   pollutant                 discharge                    DW001                                        of Water                        in 2022 is not
Ltd.                                                                                                              Pollutants in                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                  Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                          WS-124635                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water       Ammonia       Intermittent                 Industrial                                                         0.0070    discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.188 mg/L              Discharge Limits                                   None
Electronic    pollutant   nitrogen      discharge                    wastewater                                                         t/year    in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                  of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                            discharge outlet                                                             approved
Zhuhai GREE                                                          WS-124636                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water       Total         Intermittent                 Industrial                                   No requirement        0.0290    discharge permit
                                                        1                                 1.85 mg/L                                                                  None
Electronic    pollutant   nitrogen      discharge                    wastewater                                   for limit             t/year    in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                            discharge outlet                                                             approved
Zhuhai GREE   Water       Animal and    Intermittent    1            WS-124637            0.15 mg/L               Level I Criteria in   0.0986    The pollutant      None

                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Xinyuan       pollutant   vegetable oils   discharge                    Industrial                                   Second II of          t/year   discharge permit
Electronic                                                              wastewater                                   Integrated                     in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                             Discharge Limits               approved
                                                                                                                     of Water
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             Domestic                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water       Animal and       Intermittent                 sewage                                                             0.0986   discharge permit
                                                           1                                 6.11 mg/L               Discharge Limits                                  None
Electronic    pollutant   vegetable oils   discharge                    connection port                                                    t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               1                                                                           approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124635                                                                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water                        Intermittent                 Industrial                                                         0.0002   discharge permit
                          Total zinc                       1                                 0.014 mg/L              Discharge Limits                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                    discharge                    wastewater                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                            approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124636                                                                   The pollutant
                          Chemical                                                                                   Integrated
Xinyuan       Water                        Intermittent                 Industrial                                                         0.1400   discharge permit
                          oxygen                           1                                 10 mg/L                 Discharge Limits                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                    discharge                    wastewater                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                          demand                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                            approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE               Five-day                                      WS-124637                                                                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water       chemical         Intermittent                 Industrial                                                         0.0499   discharge permit
                                                           1                                 3.5 mg/L                Discharge Limits                                  None
Electronic    pollutant   oxygen           discharge                    wastewater                                                         t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                 demand                                        discharge outlet                                                            approved
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124635                                    Level I Criteria in            The pollutant
              Water                        Intermittent
Xinyuan                   pH value                         1            Industrial           7.3                     Second II of          /        discharge permit   None
              pollutant                    discharge
Electronic                                                              wastewater                                   Integrated                     in 2022 is not

                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                             Discharge Limits                approved
                                                                                                                     of Water
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124636                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water         Suspended      Intermittent                 Industrial                                                          0.0629   discharge permit
                                                           1                                 4 mg/L                  Discharge Limits                                   None
Electronic    pollutant     matter         discharge                    wastewater                                                          t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                             approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124637                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water         Total          Intermittent                 Industrial                                                          0.0002   discharge permit
                                                           1                                 0.01 mg/L               Discharge Limits                                   None
Electronic    pollutant     phosphorus     discharge                    wastewater                                                          t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                             approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124638                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water                        Intermittent                 Industrial                                                          0.0025   discharge permit
                            Petroleum                      1                                 0.06 mg/L               Discharge Limits                                   None
Electronic    pollutant                    discharge                    wastewater                                                          t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                             approved
                                                                                                                     Level I Criteria in
                                                                                                                     Second II of
Zhuhai GREE                                                             WS-124639                                                                    The pollutant
Xinyuan       Water                        Intermittent                 Industrial                                                          0.0006   discharge permit
                            Total copper                   1                                 0.04 mg/L               Discharge Limits                                   None
Electronic    pollutant                    discharge                    wastewater                                                          t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     of Water
Co., Ltd.                                                               discharge outlet                                                             approved
                                                                                                                     Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                          The pollutant
                                                                                                                     Section II of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Particulate    Organized                    North side of                                                       1.3170   discharge permit
                                                           1                                 10 mg/m                 Emission Limits of                                 None
Electronic    pollutant     matter         discharge                    Building 2 roof                                                     t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                     Air Pollutants in
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                            approved
                                                                                                                     Guangdong (DB

                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Particulate    Organized                 North side of                                Emission Limits of     1.3170   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 10 mg/m                                                                    None
Electronic    pollutant     matter         discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Particulate    Organized                 North side of                                Emission Limits of     1.3170   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 10 mg/m                                                                    None
Electronic    pollutant     matter         discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Lead and its   Organized                 South side of                                Emission Limits of     0.0001   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.002 mg/m                                                                 None
Electronic    pollutant     compounds      discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Lead and its   Organized                 South side of                                Emission Limits of     0.0001   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.002 mg/m                                                                 None
Electronic    pollutant     compounds      discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Tin and its    Organized                 South side of                                Emission Limits of     0.0001   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.002 mg/m                                                                 None
Electronic    pollutant     compounds      discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                       Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Tin and its    Organized                 South side of                                Emission Limits of     0.0001   discharge permit
                                                        1                                 0.002 mg/m                                                                 None
Electronic    pollutant     compounds      discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Guangdong (DB                   approved

                                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                   Table 2 of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                        The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 West side of                                                        0.0064   discharge permit
                            Ammonia                      1                                  1.87 mg/m3             Standards for                                      None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 1 roof                                                     t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Odor Pollutants
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                          approved
                                                                                                                   Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                        Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 South side of                                Emission Limits of     0.1400   discharge permit
                            NMHC                         1                                  1.58 mg/m3                                                                None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                   Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                        Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Nitrogen        Organized                 East side of                                 Emission Limits of     0.0131   discharge permit
                                                         1                                  0.7 mg/m                                                                  None
Electronic    pollutant     oxide           discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                   Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                        Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Hydrogen        Organized                 East side of                                 Emission Limits of     0.0169   discharge permit
                                                         1                                  0.9 mg/m                                                                  None
Electronic    pollutant     chloride        discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                   Level II Criteria in
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                        Section II of                   The pollutant
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Sulfuric acid   Organized                 East side of                                 Emission Limits of     0.0038   discharge permit
                                                         1                                  0.2 mg/m                                                                  None
Electronic    pollutant     mist            discharge                 Building 2 roof                              Air Pollutants in      t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Guangdong (DB                   approved
                                                                                                                   Table 2 of
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                        The pollutant
                                                                                                                   Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 North side of                                                       0.0002   discharge permit
                            Benzene                      1                                  0.0015 mg/m            Volatile Organic                                   None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 1 roof                                                     t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                          approved
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
Zhuhai GREE   Atmospheric   Benzene         Organized    1            South side of         0.0015 mg/m            Section II Criteria    0.0002   The pollutant      None

                                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Xinyuan       pollutant                     discharge                 Building 2 roof                              of Emission           t/year   discharge permit
Electronic                                                                                                         Standard of                    in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Volatile Organic               approved
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
                                                                                                                   Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                   of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                       The pollutant
                                                                                                                   Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 North side of                                                      0.0003   discharge permit
                            Toluene                      1                                 0.0015 mg/m             Volatile Organic                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 1 roof                                                    t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
                                                                                                                   Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                   of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                       The pollutant
                                                                                                                   Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 South side of                                                      0.0003   discharge permit
                            Toluene                      1                                 0.0015 mg/m             Volatile Organic                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 2 roof                                                    t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
                                                                                                                   Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                   of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                       The pollutant
                                                                                                                   Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 North side of                                                      0.0002   discharge permit
                            Xylene                       1                                 0.0015 mg/m             Volatile Organic                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 1 roof                                                    t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
                                                                                                                   Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                   of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                       The pollutant
                                                                                                                   Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                 South side of                                                      0.0002   discharge permit
                            Xylene                       1                                 0.0015 mg/m             Volatile Organic                                  None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                 Building 2 roof                                                    t/year   in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                   Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         approved
                                                                                                                   Printing Industry
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                        Section II Criteria            The pollutant
              Atmospheric   Total toluene   Organized                 North side of                                                      0.0046
Xinyuan                                                  1                                 0.01 mg/m               of Emission                    discharge permit   None
              pollutant     and xylene      discharge                 Building 1 roof                                                    t/year
Electronic                                                                                                         Standard of                    in 2022 is not

                                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             Volatile Organic                  approved
                                                                                                                      Compounds for
                                                                                                                      Printing Industry
                                                                                                                      Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                      of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                             The pollutant
                                                                                                                      Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric   Total toluene   Organized                    South side of                                                       0.0046     discharge permit
                                                            1                                 0.01 mg/m               Volatile Organic                                     None
Electronic    pollutant     and xylene      discharge                    Building 2 roof                                                     t/year     in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                      Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                               approved
                                                                                                                      Printing Industry
                                                                                                                      Section II Criteria
                                                                                                                      of Emission
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                                                             The pollutant
                                                                                                                      Standard of
Xinyuan       Atmospheric                   Organized                    North side of                                                       0.0014     discharge permit
                            Total VOCs                      1                                 0.05 mg/m               Volatile Organic                                     None
Electronic    pollutant                     discharge                    Building 1 roof                                                     t/year     in 2022 is not
                                                                                                                      Compounds for
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                               approved
                                                                                                                      Printing Industry
Gree                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                                                                        The pollutant
(Zhongshan)                                                                                                           Section II of
              Atmospheric                   Organized                    Painting                                                            0.3682     discharge permit
Small Home                  NMHC                            1                                 1.63 mg/m               Emission Limits of                                   None
              pollutant                     discharge                    Workshop                                                            t/year     in 2022 is not
Appliances                                                                                                            Air Pollutants
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             (DB 44/27-2001)
Gree                                                                                                                  Level II Criteria in
                                                                                                                                                        The pollutant
(Zhongshan)                                                                                                           Section II of
              Atmospheric                   Organized                    Screen Printing                                                     1.0365     discharge permit
Small Home                  Benzene                         1                                 0.06 mg/m               Emission Limits of                                   None
              pollutant                     discharge                    Workshop                                                            t/year     in 2022 is not
Appliances                                                                                                            Air Pollutants
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             (DB 44/27-2001)
                                                                                                                      Level II Limit in
                                                                                                                      Section II of                     The pollutant
(Zhongshan)                                                              Outside the fuel
              Water                         Intermittent                                                              Discharge Limits       0.000006   discharge permit
Small Home                  COD                             1            injection room       34 mg/L                                                                      None
              pollutant                     discharge                                                                 of Water               t/year     in 2022 is not
Appliances                                                               of Workshop 4
                                                                                                                      Pollutants                        approved
Co., Ltd.
Gree                                                                     Outside the fuel                             Level II Limit in                 The pollutant
              Water         Suspended       Intermittent                                                                                     0.000001
(Zhongshan)                                                 1            injection room       14 mg/L                 Section II of                     discharge permit   None
              pollutant     matter          discharge                                                                                        t/year
Small Home                                                               of Workshop 4                                Discharge Limits                  in 2022 is not

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Appliances                                                                                                          of Water                      approved
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           Pollutants
                                                                                                                    Standard Water
Zhuhai Landa
               Water                        Continuous                 Area C sewage                                Pollutants for       0.0096
Compressor                   Total zinc                   1                                  0.08 mg/L                                            0.29 t/year           None
               pollutant                    emission                   station                                      Electroplating       t/year
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    (DB 44/1597-
                                                                                                                    Standard Water
Zhuhai Landa                                                           wastewater pre-
               Water                        Continuous                                                              Pollutants for       0.0031
Compressor                   Total nickel                 1            treatment             0.019 mg/L                                           0.015 t/year          None
               pollutant                    emission                                                                Electroplating       t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                              discharge outlet
                                                                                                                    (DB 44/1597-
                                                                       (Area C)
                                                                                                                    Standard of
                                                                                                                    Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                    Compounds for
                                                                                                                    Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                                  2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                                  Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                    Standard of
                                                                                                                                                  Approval: A total
                                                                                                                    Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                                  of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                    Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                           Electrophoresis                                                            VOCs from
               Atmospheric                  Organized                                                               Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                   1            drying waste          10.37 mg/m3                                          electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                    discharge                                                               Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                              gas vent 1                                                                 drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                                  painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                                  and tooling
                                                                                                                    Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                                  coating painting
                                                                                                                    Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                                  room waste gas
                                                                                                                    Standard of Air
                                                                                                                    Pollutants for
                                                                                                                    Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                    and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                               2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                               Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                                               Approval: A total
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                               of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                        Electrophoresis                                                            VOCs from
               Atmospheric                Organized                                                              Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1            drying waste         3.513 mg/m                                            electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                  discharge                                                              Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                           gas vent 2                                                                 drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               and tooling
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                               coating painting
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                               room waste gas
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                               2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                               Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                                               Approval: A total
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                               of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                                                                                                   VOCs from
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Painting waste                               Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                   6.213 mg/m                                          electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                  discharge                 gas vent 1                                   Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               and tooling
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                               coating painting
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                               room waste gas
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                               2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                               Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                                               Approval: A total
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                               of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                                                                                                   VOCs from
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Painting waste                               Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                   14.93 mg/m                                          electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                  discharge                 gas vent 2                                   Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               and tooling
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                               coating painting
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                               room waste gas
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                               2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                               Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                                               Approval: A total
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                               of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                                                                                                   VOCs from
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Painting waste                               Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                   8.19 mg/m                                           electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                  discharge                 gas vent 3                                   Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               and tooling
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                               coating painting
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                               room waste gas
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                                               2022 Pollutant
                                                                                                                                               Discharge Permit
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                                               Approval: A total
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                               of 2.49 t/year of
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
Zhuhai Landa                                                                                                                                   VOCs from
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Painting room                                Furniture            2.3820
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                   14.25 mg/m                                          electrophoresis       None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent                               Manufacturing        t/year
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      drying waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               painting waste gas,
                                                                                                                                               and tooling
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                                               coating painting
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                                               room waste gas
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Screen printing                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                 / (Stop production)                                                      None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent                               Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa                                                        Injection
               Atmospheric                Organized                                                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1            molding waste         1.65 mg/m                                                               None
               pollutant                  discharge                                                              Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                           gas vent
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa                                                        Hydrocarbon
               Atmospheric                Organized                                                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1            cleaning             2.733 mg/m                                                               None
               pollutant                  discharge                                                              Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.                                                           discharge outlet
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Cleaning drying                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                 1.428 mg/m                                                               None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent 1                             Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Cleaning drying                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                 1.938 mg/m                                                               None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent 2                             Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Cleaning drying                              Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                 19.64 mg/m                                                               None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent 3                             Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Surface Coating
                                                                                                                 of Automobile
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 (GB 21900-2008)
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for
                                                                                                                 Printing Industry
                                                                                                                 Standard of
                                                                                                                 Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                 Compounds for                 The pollutant
Zhuhai Landa
               Atmospheric                Organized                 Dip coating                                  Furniture            3.0250   discharge permit
Compressor                   Total VOCs                1                                   2.305 mg/m                                                             None
               pollutant                  discharge                 waste gas vent                               Manufacturing        t/year   in 2022 is not
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Operations                    approved
                                                                                                                 Emission Limits of
                                                                                                                 Air Pollutants
                                                                                                                 Standard of Air
                                                                                                                 Pollutants for
                                                                                                                 Industrial Kiln
                                                                                                                 and Furnace (GB

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                                Standard of
                                                                                                                                Volatile Organic
                                                                                                                                Compounds for
                                                                                                                                Surface Coating
                                                                                                                                of Automobile
                                                                                                                                Standard of
                                                                                                                                Pollutants for
                                                                                                                                (GB 21900-2008)
Treatment of pollutants
1. Wastewater pollution prevention and control facilities
The Company and its subsidiaries are equipped with corresponding wastewater treatment facilities and full-time environmental management, operation and monitoring personnel in accordance
with the environmental protection requirements of the construction project. So far, the systems are in normal operation and steadily meet the emission standards, without excessive emission
2. Waste gas pollution prevention and control facilities
The waste gas pollution prevention and control facilities of the Company and its subsidiaries were operated normally, and the monitoring indicators of waste gas were in compliance with
national and local emission standards, without excessive discharge.
3. Solid waste treatment and disposal facilities
The Company implemented the classification and collection system of hazardous waste and entrusted the disposal to the unit with the corresponding disposal qualification. General industrial
solid waste were handed over to resource recycling manufacturers for recycling and disposal after being classified in the factory, and there was no illegal disposal.

Environment self-monitoring scheme
An environmental self-testing scheme was developed in accordance with the environmental requirements. Wastewater pollutants were tested once a day, and atmospheric pollutants were tested
at least once a year.

Contingency plan for environmental emergencies

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

The Company implemented the requirements of the National Emergency Management Measures for Sudden Environmental Events and relevant laws and regulations. To ensure timely, orderly,
efficient, and appropriate response and handling of sudden environmental events, protect the personal safety of employees, and reduce property losses, the Company and its subsidiaries have
developed emergency plans for sudden environmental events and reported them to the environmental protection department for file.

Investment in environmental governance and protection and payment of environmental protection taxes
                                                                                                  Investment in Environmental Protection
                                            Company Name                                                                                          Environmental Protection Taxes Paid
                                                                                                             and Governance
    1       Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                             RMB2,744,090                                  RMB44,440.89
    2       Zhuhai GREE Electric Enterprises Ltd.                                                RMB680,000                                    RMB6,662.10
    3       Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd..                                          RMB650,000                                    RMB3,526.72
    4       Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                    RMB3,117,030                                  RMB14,372.83
    5       Zhuhai GREE Xinyuan Electronic Co., Ltd.                                             RMB486,704                                    RMB945.5
    6       Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                         RMB2,405,707                                  RMB29,460.47
    7       Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co., Ltd.                                     RMB1,137,000                                  RMB4,200

Measures and effects taken to reduce carbon emissions during the report period
Applicable □ Not applicable
Gree Electric Appliances attaches great importance to energy saving and emission reduction, always adhering to the green environmental protection concept of "making the sky bluer and the
earth greener", implements the energy policy of "rational use of energy and improvement of energy utilization efficiency", establish and operate an energy management system, and promote the
Company's energy saving through management and technological innovation. Taking the energy saving and consumption reduction improvement project as an example, in 2022, the Company
carried out significant energy-saving technology and management improvement projects such as energy efficiency improvement and precision end control improvement of the air conditioning
system, optimization and improvement of humidification method in controller workshop, optimization and improvement of super magnetic screw compressor testing, intelligent frequency
regulation improvement of two dryers and upgrading and improvement of natural lighting system in the workshop, which saved 2,630 tons of standard coal and reduced approximately 8,985
tons of carbon dioxide emissions, achieving good energy-saving and emission reduction results.

Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the report period

                                                                                                                                Impact on the Production and
    Name of Company or                                                                                                                                             The Company's Corrective
                                     Reason for Penalty                   Violation                    Penalty Results              Operation of Listed
        Subsidiary                                                                                                                                                        Measures
/                               /                               /                                /                              /                              /
Other environmental information that should be disclosed

                                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai


Other environmental related information


II. Social responsibility

(http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)Gree Electric Appliances actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, effectively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of all stakeholders, used its
strength to win the recognition of the capital market and consumer market for its enterprises, brand and products, and used its actions to promote the green and low-carbon development of the
industry (for details, please refer to the 2022 Social Responsibility Report published on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on April 29, 2023).

III. Consolidation and expansion of achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization


                                                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                  Section VI Important Matters

I. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments fulfilled by the actual controller(s), shareholders, related parties, acquirers, and the Company within the report period and commitments not yet fulfilled by the end
of the report period

Applicable □ Not applicable

   Reason for           Commitment       Commitment                                                                                                 Committed     Commitment
                                                                                        Commitment Content                                                                     Fulfillment
  Commitment               Party            Type                                                                                                      Time          Period
                                                        1. The Transferee commits to lock up all Gree shares acquired as a result of the
                                                        transfer upon completion of the registration of the transfer and not to transfer them
                                                        for 36 months from the date of completion of the registration of the transfer; if there
                       Zhuhai Mingjun
Commitments in                                          are relevant laws and regulations requiring the lock-up period of the transferred
                       Investment        Share sale
the acquisition                                         shares to exceed the above lock-up period committed by the Transferee, the                 December 2,   January 23,
                       Partnership       restriction                                                                                                                           In progress
report or equity                                        Transferee agrees to extend the lock-up period of the shares accordingly to comply         2019          2023
                       (Limited          commitment
change report                                           with the prescribed period.
                                                        2. Upon completion of this share transfer, the Transferee shall comply with the
                                                        above share lock-up undertaking for the shares acquired by the Transferee as a
                                                        result of the share bonus and capital increase of the listed company.
                       Zhuhai Mingjun                   Letter of Commitment on Maintaining the Independence of Listed Companies: To
                       Investment                       ensure the independent operation of the listed company after this equity transfer,
                       Partnership                      Zhuhai Mingjun, Zhuhai Xianying, and Zhuhai Yuxiu make the following
                       (Limited                         commitments:
                       Partnership);                    (I) To ensure asset independence and completeness of the listed company: 1. To
Commitments in                           Maintain
                       Zhuhai                           ensure that Gree Electric Appliances will be equipped with the relevant production
the acquisition                          independence                                                                                              December 2,   Long-term
                       Xianying Equity                  system, auxiliary production system as well as supporting facilities related to its                                    In progress
report or equity                         of listed                                                                                                 2019          effective
                       Investment                       business operations, have the right to own or use the land, workshop and machines
change report                            companies
                       Partnership                      and facilities relating to its business operations as well as the ownership or use right
                       (Limited                         to its trademarks, patent technologies and know-how, and have an independent
                       Partnership);                    purchase system of raw materials and sales system of products. 2. To ensure that
                       Zhuhai Yuxiu                     Gree Electric Appliances has independent and complete assets, and all of its assets
                       Investment Co.,                  are under the control of Gree Electric Appliances and are independently owned and

             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Ltd.   operated by Gree Electric Appliances. 3. To ensure that Zhuhai Mingjun and other
       enterprises controlled by Zhuhai Mingjun will not illegally occupy the assets of
       Gree Electric Appliances in any way; and will not use the assets of Gree Electric
       Appliances, or provide guarantee for the debts of Zhuhai Mingjun and other
       enterprises under its control with Gree Electric Appliances' assets.
       (II) To ensure the independence of the personnel of the listed company: 1. To
       ensure that the labor, personnel and remuneration management of Gree Electric
       Appliances is completely independent from its affiliated enterprises. 2. The
       recommendation of directors, supervisors and senior executives by the enterprise to
       Gree Electric Appliances is made through legal procedures and does not surpass the
       decisions on personnel appointment and removal made by the Board of Directors
       and the General Meeting of Shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances.
       (III) To ensure the financial independence of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
       Gree Electric Appliances will establish an independent financial department and an
       independent financial accounting system, and will have a standardized and
       independent financial accounting system. 2. To ensure that Gree Electric
       Appliances will open bank accounts independently and will not share bank
       accounts with its affiliated enterprises. 3. To ensure that the financial personnel of
       Gree Electric Appliances will not work part-time in its affiliated companies. 4. To
       ensure that Gree Electric Appliances pays taxes independently in accordance with
       the law. 5. To ensure that Gree Electric Appliances can make independent financial
       decisions and that the intended Transferee will not illegally interfere with Gree
       Electric Appliances's fund utilization and scheduling.
       (IV) To ensure the independence of units of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
       Gree Electric Appliances will establish a sound corporate governance structure and
       will have an independent and complete organizational structure. 2. To ensure that
       the internal management bodies of Gree Electric Appliances will exercise their
       powers and functions independently in accordance with laws, regulations and the
       Articles of Association of the Company.
       (V) To ensure the business independence of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
       Gree Electric Appliances will have the assets, personnel, qualification and ability to
       carry out business activities independently and will have the ability to operate
       independently and continuously in the market. 2. To ensure not to interfere with the
       business activities of Gree Electric Appliances except through the exercise of
       shareholders' rights. 3. To ensure the enterprise and other enterprises under its
       control shall avoid horizontal competition with Gree Electric Appliances. 4. To
       ensure that, when the enterprise and other enterprises under its control conduct

                                                            2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                      necessary and unavoidable affiliate transactions with Gree Electric Appliances, the
                                                      enterprise will conduct fair operation in accordance with the marketization
                                                      principle and at fair prices, and perform transaction procedures and information
                                                      disclosure obligations in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and
                                                      regulatory documents.
                                                      If any one of the above commitments is violated, the enterprise will be willing to
                                                      bear all the liabilities arising therefrom, and fully compensate or reimburse all
                                                      direct or indirect losses caused to Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                      Letter of Commitment on Avoiding Horizontal Competition: To avoid horizontal
                                                      competition with listed company, Zhuhai Mingjun, Zhuhai Xianying, and Zhuhai
                                                      Yuxiu make the following commitments:
                                                      1. The enterprise and other enterprises under its control, the controlling shareholder
                                                      and actual controller of the enterprise will not engage in the same or similar
                                                      business with Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries in a direct or indirect
                   Zhuhai Mingjun
                                                      manner in the future, so as to avoid possible direct or indirect business competition
                                                      with Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries.
                                                      2. If other enterprises under the control of the enterprise further expand their
                                                      business scope, the other enterprises under the control of the enterprise will take all
                                                      possible measures to avoid horizontal competition with Gree Electric Appliances
Commitments in     Zhuhai            Commitment
                                                      and its subsidiaries on the principle of giving priority to safeguarding the rights and
the acquisition    Xianying Equity   on avoiding                                                                                                December 2,   Long-term
                                                      interests of Gree Electric Appliances.                                                                              In progress
report or equity   Investment        horizontal                                                                                                 2019          effective
                                                      3. If Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries or related regulatory authorities
change report      Partnership       competition
                                                      determine that the enterprise and other enterprises under its control are engaging in
                                                      or will engage in any business which constitutes horizontal competition with Gree
                                                      Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries, the enterprise will give up or urge the
                   Zhuhai Yuxiu
                                                      enterprise's direct or indirect holding company to give up any business or business
                   Investment Co.,
                                                      opportunities that may result in horizontal competition, or urge such business or
                                                      business opportunities to be provided with a priority to Gree Electric Appliances or
                                                      its wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries on a fair and reasonable basis or to be
                                                      transferred to other unrelated third parties.
                                                      4. If any one of the above commitments is violated, the enterprise will be willing to
                                                      bear all the liabilities arising therefrom, and fully compensate or reimburse all
                                                      direct or indirect losses caused to Gree Electric Appliances.
Commitments in     Zhuhai Mingjun    Commitment       Letter of Commitment on Standardizing the Affiliated Transactions: In order to
the acquisition    Investment        on               safeguard the interests of public shareholders and maintain the sustainable and           December 2,   Long-term
                                                                                                                                                                          In progress
report or equity   Partnership       standardizing    healthy development of the listed company, Zhuhai Mingjun, Zhuhai Xianying, and           2019          effective
change report      (Limited          the affiliated   Zhuhai Yuxiu make the following commitments:

                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                   Partnership);     transactions   1. To ensure that the future affiliated transactions between the enterprise and other
                   Zhuhai                           enterprises under its control and Gree Electric Appliances will be fair and
                   Xianying Equity                  conducted in accordance with the normal code of business conduct; and the
                   Investment                       enterprise commit to further regulate affiliated transactions with Gree Electric
                   Partnership                      Appliances and its subsidiaries.
                   (Limited                         2. The enterprise will perform its obligations as a shareholder of Gree Electric
                   Partnership);                    Appliances in good faith and in goodwill, and for affiliated transactions that cannot
                   Zhuhai Yuxiu                     be avoided or exist on reasonable grounds, it will sign a standard affiliated
                   Investment Co.,                  transaction agreement with Gree Electric Appliances in accordance with the law,
                   Ltd.                             and fulfill the approval procedures in accordance with relevant laws, regulations,
                                                    rules, other regulatory documents and the Articles of Association; the price of
                                                    affiliated transactions will be determined in accordance with fair and reasonable
                                                    market prices, and the price of affiliate transactions will be fair; it will perform the
                                                    information disclosure obligations of affiliated transactions in accordance with
                                                    relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association; it will not use affiliated
                                                    transactions to illegally transfer the funds and profits of Gree Electric Appliances or
                                                    damage the interests of Gree Electric Appliances and affiliated shareholders.
                                                    3. To ensure that the enterprise and other enterprises under its control will, in
                                                    accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association,
                                                    when deliberating affiliated transactions involving the enterprise and other
                                                    enterprises under its control, effectively abide by the avoidance procedure during
                                                    the voting on affiliated transactions at the meeting of the board of shareholders or
                                                    the general meeting of shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                    Letter of Commitment on Maintaining the Independence of the Listed Company: To
                                                    ensure the independent operation of the listed company after this equity transfer, I
                                                    make the following commitments:
                                                    (I) To ensure asset independence and completeness of the listed company: 1. To
                                                    ensure that Gree Electric Appliances will be equipped with the relevant production
Commitments in                       Maintain       system, auxiliary production system as well as supporting facilities related to its
the acquisition                      independence   business operations, have the right to own or use the land, workshop and machines          December 2,   Long-term
                   Dong Mingzhu                                                                                                                                          In progress
report or equity                     of listed      and facilities relating to its business operations as well as the ownership or use right   2019          effective
change report                        companies      to its trademarks, patent technologies and know-how, and have an independent
                                                    purchase system of raw materials and sales system of products. 2. To ensure that
                                                    Gree Electric Appliances has independent and complete assets, and all of its assets
                                                    are under the control of Gree Electric Appliances and are independently owned and
                                                    operated by Gree Electric Appliances. 3. To ensure that Zhuhai Mingjun and other
                                                    enterprises controlled by Zhuhai Mingjun will not illegally occupy the assets of

      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric Appliances in any way; and will not use the assets of Gree Electric
Appliances, or provide guarantee for the debts of Zhuhai Mingjun and other
enterprises under its control with Gree Electric Appliances' assets.
(II) To ensure the independence of the personnel of the listed company: 1. To
ensure that the labor, personnel and remuneration management of Gree Electric
Appliances is completely independent from its affiliated enterprises. 2. The
recommendation of senior executives by me to Gree Electric Appliances is
conducted in accordance with legal procedures.
(III) To ensure the financial independence of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
Gree Electric Appliances will establish an independent financial department and an
independent financial accounting system, and will have a standardized and
independent financial accounting system. 2. To ensure that Gree Electric
Appliances will open bank accounts independently and will not share bank
accounts with its affiliated enterprises. 3. To ensure that the financial personnel of
Gree Electric Appliances will not work part-time in its affiliated companies. 4. To
ensure that Gree Electric Appliances pays taxes independently in accordance with
the law. 5. To ensure that Gree Electric Appliances can make independent financial
decisions and that the intended Transferee will not illegally interfere with Gree
Electric Appliances's fund utilization and scheduling.
(IV) To ensure the independence of units of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
Gree Electric Appliances will establish a sound corporate governance structure and
will have an independent and complete organizational structure. 2. To ensure that
the internal management bodies of Gree Electric Appliances will exercise their
powers and functions independently in accordance with laws, regulations and the
Articles of Association of the Company.
(V) To ensure the business independence of the listed company: 1. To ensure that
Gree Electric Appliances will have the assets, personnel, qualification and ability to
carry out business activities independently and will have the ability to operate
independently and continuously in the market. 2. To ensure that, except through the
exercise of shareholders' rights and the performance of functions and duties of
Chairman/senior executive of the listed company, I will not interfere in the business
activities of Gree Electric Appliances. 3. To ensure that I and other enterprises
under my control will avoid substantial horizontal competition with Gree Electric
Appliances. 4. To ensure that, when conducting necessary and unavoidable
affiliated transactions with Gree Electric Appliances, I and other enterprises under
my control will conduct fair operation in accordance with the marketization
principle and at fair prices, and perform transaction procedures and information

                                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                  disclosure obligations in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and
                                                  regulatory documents.
                                                  If any one of the above commitments is violated, I will be willing to bear all the
                                                  liabilities arising therefrom, and fully compensate or reimburse all direct or indirect
                                                  losses caused to Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                  Letter of Commitment on Avoiding Horizontal Competition: I make the following
                                                  commitments: 1. I and other enterprises under my control will not engage in the
                                                  same or similar business with Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries in a
                                                  direct or indirect manner in the future, so as to avoid possible direct or indirect
                                                  business competition with Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries. 2. If other
                                                  enterprises under my control further expand their business scope, the other
                                                  enterprises under my control will take all possible measures to avoid horizontal
                                                  competition with Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries on the principle of
Commitments in                                    giving priority to safeguarding the rights and interests of Gree Electric Appliances.
the acquisition                                   3. If Gree Electric Appliances and its subsidiaries or related regulatory authorities     December 2,   Long-term
                   Dong Mingzhu   horizontal                                                                                                                          In progress
report or equity                                  determine that I and other enterprises under by control are engaging in or will           2019          effective
change report                                     engage in any business which constitutes horizontal competition with Gree Electric
                                                  Appliances and its subsidiaries, I will give up or urge my direct or indirect holding
                                                  company to give up any business or business opportunities that may result in
                                                  horizontal competition, or urge such business or business opportunities to be
                                                  provided with a priority to Gree Electric Appliances or its wholly-owned and
                                                  holding subsidiaries on a fair and reasonable basis or to be transferred to other
                                                  unrelated third parties. 4. If any one of the above commitments is violated, I will be
                                                  willing to bear all the liabilities arising therefrom, and fully compensate or
                                                  reimburse all direct or indirect losses caused to Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                  Letter of Commitment on Standardizing the Affiliated Transactions: I make the
                                                  following commitments: 1. To ensure that the future affiliated transactions between
                                                  me and other enterprises under my control and Gree Electric Appliances will be fair
                                                  and conducted in accordance with the normal code of business conduct; and that I
Commitments in                                    commit to further standardize affiliated transactions with Gree Electric Appliances
the acquisition                                   and its subsidiaries. 2. I will perform my obligations as a shareholder of Gree           December 2,   Long-term
                   Dong Mingzhu   affiliated                                                                                                                          In progress
report or equity                                  Electric Appliances in good faith and in goodwill, and for affiliated transactions        2019          effective
change report                                     that cannot be avoided or exist on reasonable grounds, I will sign a standard
                                                  affiliated transaction agreement with Gree Electric Appliances in accordance with
                                                  the law, and fulfill the approval procedures in accordance with relevant laws,
                                                  regulations, rules, other regulatory documents and the Articles of Association; the
                                                  price of affiliated transactions will be determined in accordance with fair and

                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                   reasonable market prices, and the price of affiliate transactions will be fair; I will
                                                   perform the information disclosure obligations of affiliated transactions in
                                                   accordance with relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association; I will
                                                   not use affiliated transactions to illegally transfer the funds and profits of Gree
                                                   Electric Appliances or damage the interests of Gree Electric Appliances and
                                                   affiliated shareholders. 3. To ensure that I and other enterprises under my control
                                                   will, in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of
                                                   Association, when deliberating affiliated transactions involving me and other
                                                   enterprises under my control, effectively abide by the avoidance procedure during
                                                   the voting on affiliated transactions at the meeting of the board of shareholders or
                                                   the general meeting of shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                   1. The Transferee commits that it will maintain the overall stability of the
                                                   management team of Gree Electric Appliances within the scope of its authority
                                                   upon completion of the transfer and that there will be no significant changes in the
                                                   governance structure of Gree Electric Appliances.
                                                   2. The Transferee commits not to initiate any suggestion or proposal to relocate the
                                                   headquarters and registered office of Gree Electric Appliances from Zhuhai during
                                                   the period of direct or indirect shareholding of Gree Electric Appliances, and to
                                                   actively urge all parties to ensure that the headquarters and registered office of Gree
                   Zhuhai Mingjun                  Electric Appliances will not be relocated from Zhuhai; if any shareholder proposes
Commitments in
                   Investment                      any suggestion or proposal to relocate the headquarters and registered office of
the acquisition                      Other                                                                                                   December 2,     Long-term
                   Partnership                     Gree Electric Appliances from Zhuhai, the Transferee commits to attend the                                                   In progress
report or equity                     commitments                                                                                             2019            effective
                   (Limited                        shareholders' meeting and to vote against such proposal.
change report
                   Partnership)                    3. The Transferee commits to make its best effort and ability to make effective
                                                   industrial investment and strategic resource introduction for the economic
                                                   development of Zhuhai, and to promote Gree to make new contributions to the
                                                   sustainable and healthy economic development of Zhuhai.
                                                   4. Zhuhai Mingjun commits to actively exercise the shareholders' voting right at the
                                                   shareholders' meeting of the listed company involving dividend payment and to
                                                   urge its nominated directors to vote in favor of the resolution of the Board of
                                                   Directors on the dividend payment ratio of not less than 50% of the annual net
                                                   profit of the listed company.
                                                                                                                                                             During the
                                                   During the period of holding shares of Gree Electric Appliances, the Company will
                                                                                                                                                             period of being
Equity incentive   Zhuhai Gree       Other         fully assume all reasonable expenses and economic losses (if any) incurred by Gree
                                                                                                                                             June 14, 2019   a shareholder of   In progress
commitment         Group Co., Ltd.   commitments   Electric Appliance due to the Company's termination of the Residual Equity
                                                                                                                                                             Gree Electric
                                                   Incentive Plan.

                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

commitments are       Yes
fulfilled on time
If commitments
are not fulfilled
within the
deadline, detail
the specific          Not applicable
reason for
fulfillment failure
and the work plan
for the next step

2. The Company's assets or projects involve earnings forecast and the report period is still in the earnings forecast period and the Company explains the assets or projects that
achieve the original earnings forecast and the relevant reasons

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

II. The listed company's non-operating funds occupied by the controlling shareholders and their affiliated parties

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
No controlling shareholder or its affiliated party occupied non-operating funds of the listed company in the report period of the Company.

III. Violation of external guarantees

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company has no violation of external guarantees during the report period.

IV. Statement by the Board of Directors on the latest "Non-standard Audit Report"

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

V. Statement by the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and independent directors (if any) on the "Non-standard Audit Report"
of the accounting firm in the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

VI. Description of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates or corrections of material accounting errors compared to the
previous year's financial statements

Applicable □ Not applicable

On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises Interpretation No.15 (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No.15"). According to
Interpretation No. 15:

a. If the Company sells products or by-products produced before the fixed assets reach their intended usable state or during the R&D process, the revenue and costs related to trial operation sales
are accounted for separately in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.14  Revenues and Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.1  Inventories and included in the
current profits and losses, instead of offsetting the net amount after offsetting related costs from trial sales revenue against fixed assets cost or R&D expenditure, and it will be implemented on
January 1, 2022. The change in accounting policy did not have a significant impact on the financial indicators including total assets, total liabilities, net assets and net profits of the Company.

b. The "cost of performing the contract" considered by the Company when determining whether the contract is an onerous contract includes not only the incremental cost (direct labor, direct
materials, etc.) of performing the contract, but also the allocation amount (depreciation expense allocation amount for fixed assets used to fulfill the contract) of other costs directly related to
performing the contract, which will be implemented from January 1, 2022. According to the provisions of Interpretation No. 15, for contracts that have not yet fulfilled all obligations on the first
implementation date of January 1, 2022, the cumulative impact is adjusted to the retained earnings and other related financial statement items at the beginning of 2022, and the comparative
financial statement data in 2021 is not adjusted. The change in accounting policy did not have a significant impact on the financial indicators including total assets, total liabilities, net assets and
net profits of the Company.

VII. Description of changes in the consolidated statement scope in comparison with the financial statements of last year

Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Business combination not under common control

Business combination not under common control in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: yuan
                    Time Point of                                          Equity          Equity                            Basis for       Operating Revenue from the         Net Profits from the
 Name of the                                                                                               Acquisition
                       Equity             Equity Acquisition Cost        Acquisition     Acquisition                        Determining        Acquisition Date to the         Acquisition Date to the
  Acquiree                                                                                                   Date
                     Acquisition                                         Proportion       Method                                the                Statement Date                 Statement Date

                                                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                           Purchase                           Acquisition
Artificial        2022/4/30                           2,423,031,350.00           29.48%                     2022/4/30                                   7,124,335,200.38              719,774,347.64
                                                                                           by cash                            of control
Co., Ltd.

2. Disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: yuan
                                                                                                                                                                                        Amount of
                                                                                                   The Difference                                             Gains or                     Other
                                                                                                    Between the           Proporti                             Losses                 Comprehensiv
                                                                                                                                      Book                               and Main
                                                                                                   Disposal Price          on of                              Arising                    e Income
                                                                                                                                     Value of   Fair Value               Assumpti
                                                                                    Basis for     and the Share of        Remaini                               from                     Related to
                                                                                                                                     Remaini        of                   ons of the
                                           Equity                      Time        Determining    the Subsidiaries'          ng                               Remeas                      Equity
                               Equity                     Equity                                                                       ng       Remaining                   Fair
                                          Disposal                    Point of      the Time      Net Assets at the        Equity                             urement                 Investment of
   Company Name               Disposal                   Disposal                                                                     Equity     Equity on                Value of
                                         Proportion                   Losing         Point of         Level of             on the                                 of                   the Original
                                Price                    Method                                                                       on the    the Date of                  the
                                            (%)                       Control        Losing         Consolidated          Date of                             Remaini                   Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                     Date of      Losing                 Remainin
                                                                                     Control         Statements           Losing                                 ng                    Transferred
                                                                                                                                     Losing       Control                 g Equity
                                                                                                  Corresponding to        Control                              Equity                       into
                                                                                                                                     Control                               on the
                                                                                                    the Disposal            (%)                                at Fair                  Investment
                                                                                                                                                                          Date of
                                                                                                     Investment                                                Value                    Profits and
Shanxi Yinlong
Guangtong New                                                        2022/11       Business
                                            100.00      Cancelled                                           -317,466.94                                                               None
Energy Vehicle Sales                                                 /8            registration
Co., Ltd.
Songliang (Shenzhen)
South China                                                          2022/7/       Business
                                            100.00      Cancelled                                           -165,104.22                                                               None
Agricultural                                                         28            registration
Development Co., Ltd.

3. Change of combination scope for other reasons

Newly established entity in the current period

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: yuan
                                                                                                                                                  Net Profit from the Combination Date to the
                              Company Name                                       Date of Establishment     Net Assets at the End of the Period
                                                                                                                                                                End of the Period
Pinquan Gree Altairnano New Energy Co., Ltd.                                    2022/2/16                                          2,009,569.41                                   -390,430.59

Gree Electromechanical Engineering (Luoyang) Co., Ltd.                          2022/3/28                                         31,454,357.36                                  1,454,357.36

Gree Electromechanical Engineering (Xinzhou) Co., Ltd.                          2022/6/20                                         20,701,097.80                                 20,701,097.80

Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.                                     2022/7/6                                          96,101,744.50                                -3,898,255.50

Mingruida Supply Chain Technology (Linyi) Co., Ltd.                             2022/08/12                                              -110.22                                       -110.22

Tieling Fengyu Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd.                                 2022/08/16                                          225,574.59                                     125,574.59

Tianjin Gree Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                            2022/10/27                                        10,019,500.43                                       -499.57
Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment Technology Development
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                                        2022/12/21                                        50,000,000.15                                          0.15

VIII. Engagement and disengagement of accounting firms

Accounting firm currently employed

Name of domestic accounting firm                                                                 Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Remuneration for the domestic accounting firm (10,000 yuan)                                      396
Consecutive years for the domestic accounting firm to render audit service                       8 years
Name of Certified Public Accountants of the domestic accounting firm                             Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu
Consecutive years for the Certified Public Accountants of domestic accounting firm to render
                                                                                                 1 year, 2 years
audit service

Whether a new accounting firm was hired for the current period
□ Yes No

                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Engagement of an accounting firm for internal control auditing, financial adviser or sponsor
Applicable □ Not applicable

During the year, the Company hired Union Power CPAs Co., Ltd. (Special General Partnership) as its internal control accounting firm.

IX. Delisting after disclosure of the Annual Report

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

X. Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any matter related to bankruptcy reorganization in the report period.

XI. Major legal action or arbitration

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any major legal action or arbitration for the report period.

XII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any punishment or rectification during the report period.

XIII. Integrity status of the Company and its controlling shareholder(s) and actual controller(s)

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

XIV. Significant affiliated transactions

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

1. Affiliated transactions associated with day-to-day operation

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                        Pricing                                               Approved     Whethe                   Available
                                                                                  Amount of     Proportion                             Settlement
Parties to                  Type of       Content of   Principles     Price of                                Transacti       r it                   Market
                                                                                  Affiliated    to Amount                              Method of                  Date of
Affiliated     Associati    Affiliated    Affiliated      for        Affiliated                                  on        Exceeds                   Price of
                                                                                  Transactio    of Similar                             Affiliated                 Disclosu     Disclosure Index
Transactio        on        Transacti     Transactio   Affiliated    Transactio                               Amount          the                    Similar
                                                                                  ns (10,000    Transactio                             Transactio                    re
    ns                         on             ns       Transactio        ns                                    (10,000     Approv                   Transactio
                                                                                    yuan)           ns                                     ns
                                                           ns                                                   yuan)      ed Limit                     ns
              Compani                                  Based on
              es where                                 the market                                                                                                             Disclosed on April
              directors                                price, to                                                                                                              30, 2022
              of the                                   be
              Company                                  determine                                                                      Payment                                 on CNINFO
Xinxing                     Sale of       Sale of                   Market         573,188.9                                                        Market        April 30,
              act as                                   d subject                                     3.74%      460,000    No         before                                  (www.cninfo.com.
Gree                        goods         products                  price                  1                                                        price         2022
              executive                                to the                                                                         delivery                                cn)
Trade Co.,
              directors                                negotiatio                                                                                                             Announcement
              and                                      n between                                                                                                              No.:
              general                                  two                                                                                                                    2022-025
              managers                                 parties
                                                       Based on
                                                       the market                                                                                                             Disclosed on April
                                                       price, to                                                                                                              30, 2022
Henan         es where
Shengshi      directors
                                                       determine                                                                      Payment                                 on CNINFO
Xinxing       of the        Sale of       Sale of                   Market         414,211.4                                                        Market        April 30,
                                                       d subject                                     2.70%      400,000    No         before                                  (www.cninfo.com.
Gree          Company       goods         products                  price                  7                                                        price         2022
                                                       to the                                                                         delivery                                cn)
Trade Co.,    act as
                                                       negotiatio                                                                                                             Announcement
Ltd.          executive
                                                       n between                                                                                                              No.:
                                                       two                                                                                                                    2022-025
Total                                                      --            --                          --         860,000         --         --            --           --               --
Details of large-amount sales return                   Not applicable
                                                       In the fiscal year 2022, the total amount of daily affiliated transactions between the Company and the aforementioned related parties was
Actual fulfillment (if any) in the report period
                                                       expected to not exceed RMB8.6 billion. In the fiscal year 2023, the total amount of daily affiliated transactions between the Company and

                                                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

when the total amount is estimated by category for        the aforementioned affiliated parties is expected to not exceed RMB9 billion, and the total amount expected to incur is expected to not
the daily affiliated transaction that will incur in the   exceed RMB17.6 billion. The actual amount incurred in the fiscal year 2022 was RMB9,874 million, and as of March 31, 2023, the actual
current period                                            amount incurred in the fiscal year 2023 is expected to be RMB6,342 million, totaling RMB16,216 million yuan, which did not exceed the
                                                          expected amount. When making daily affiliated transaction estimates, the Company fully considers the possibility of affiliated transactions
                                                          of the affiliated parties, but the actual amount of affiliated transactions is the result of a combination of factors such as actual market
                                                          demand and business development.
Cause for the large difference between transaction
                                                          Not applicable
price and market reference price (if applicable)

2. Affiliated transactions of acquisition or sales of assets or equity

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any affiliated transaction of acquisition or sales of assets or equity in the report period.

3. Affiliated transactions of common foreign investment

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any affiliated transaction of common foreign investment during the report period.

4. Affiliated credits and liabilities

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any affiliated credit or liability in the report period.

5. Transactions with finance companies with which the Company with association

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and its affiliated financial companies and the affiliated parties

6. Transactions between the financial company under the Company's control and the affiliated parties

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the finance company under the Company's control and the affiliated parties.

VII. Other significant affiliated transactions

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in other significant affiliated transactions during the report period.

XV. Significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Information about trusteeship, contracting and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any trusteeship during the report period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any contracting matter during the report period.

(3) Lease

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any lease during the report period.

2. Significant guarantee

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: 10,000 yuan

                                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                         External guarantees by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)
                                                                                                                                                                              Is it a
                   Date of the
                                                                     Actual                                             Counter-                            Whether the      Guarantee
   Object of      Announcement     Guarantee      Actual Date                        Guarantee       Collateral (if                         Guarantee
                                                                    Guarantee                                         guarantee (if                         Fulfillment is      for
   Guarantee      Related to the    Amount        of Incurring                         Type              any)                                Period
                                                                     Amount                                               any)                               Completed       Affiliated
                                                                 Guarantee of the Company to its subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                              Is it a
                   Date of the
                                                                     Actual                                             Counter-                            Whether the      Guarantee
   Object of      Announcement     Guarantee      Actual Date                        Guarantee       Collateral (if                         Guarantee
                                                                    Guarantee                                         guarantee (if                         Fulfillment is      for
   Guarantee      Related to the    Amount        of Incurring                         Type              any)                                Period
                                                                     Amount                                               any)                               Completed       Affiliated
                                                                                                                                          From the
Hefei Kaibang                                                                                                                             actual date of
                  April 30, 2022     17,764.17                        17,764.17    Pledged          Note pool         None                                 No                No
Motor Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                           guarantee to
                                                                                                                                          June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                                          From the
Nanjing Walsin                                                                                                                            actual date of
                  April 30, 2022     33,647.11                        33,647.11    Pledged          Note pool         None                                 No                No
Metal Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                           guarantee to
                                                                                                                                          June 7, 2023
Zhuhai Gree                                                                                                                               From the
Green Control                                                                                                                             actual date of
                  April 30, 2022      1,045.18                         1,045.18    Pledged          Note pool         None                                 No                No
Technology Co.,                                                                                                                           guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Gree Electric                                                                                                                             From the
Appliances                                                                                                                                actual date of
                  April 30, 2022      1,100.93                         1,100.93    Pledged          Note pool         None                                 No                No
(Nanjing) Co.,                                                                                                                            guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                                          From the
                                                                                                                                          actual date of
Environment       April 30, 2022      2,390.66                         2,390.66    Pledged          Note pool         None                                 No                No
                                                                                                                                          guarantee to
Technology Co.,
                                                                                                                                          June 7, 2023

                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree (Hangzhou)                                                                                                     From the
Electric                                                                                                            actual date of
                    April 30, 2022    3,235.98                  3,235.98   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Appliances Co.,                                                                                                     guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                June 7, 2023
Gree Changsha                                                                                                       From the
HVAC                                                                                                                actual date of
                    April 30, 2022   42,070.22                42,070.22    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Equipment Co.,                                                                                                      guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                June 7, 2023
Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                    From the
Mechanical and
                                                                                                                    actual date of
Electrical          April 30, 2022    3,531.66                  3,531.66   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                    guarantee to
Engineering Co.,
                                                                                                                    June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                    From the
Hefei Kinghome
                                                                                                                    actual date of
Electrical Co.,     April 30, 2022      16.27                      16.27   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                    guarantee to
                                                                                                                    June 7, 2023
Gree Tosot                                                                                                          From the
(Suqian) Home                                                                                                       actual date of
                    April 30, 2022     145.46                    145.46    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Appliances Co.,                                                                                                     guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                    From the
Gree Precision
                                                                                                                    actual date of
Mould (Anji) Co.,   April 30, 2022      95.79                      95.79   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                    guarantee to
                                                                                                                    June 7, 2023
Gree (Wuhu)                                                                                                         From the
Electric                                                                                                            actual date of
                    April 30, 2022   19,168.23                19,168.23    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Appliances Co.,                                                                                                     guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                    From the
Gree Electric
                                                                                                                    actual date of
Enterprises         April 30, 2022    1,879.61                  1,879.61   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                    guarantee to
(Maanshan) Ltd.
                                                                                                                    June 7, 2023
Zhuhai Gree                                                                                                         From the
Intelligent                                                                                                         actual date of
                    April 30, 2022   11,261.49                11,261.49    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Equipment Co.,                                                                                                      guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                June 7, 2023

                                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                      From the
                                                                                                                      actual date of
Equipment             April 30, 2022   12,734.47                12,734.47    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                      guarantee to
                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Institute Co., Ltd.
Gree (Wuhan)                                                                                                          From the
Electric                                                                                                              actual date of
                      April 30, 2022        92.4                      92.4   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Appliances Co.,                                                                                                       guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                  June 7, 2023
Gree (Wu'an)
                                                                                                                      From the
                                                                                                                      actual date of
Equipment             April 30, 2022    8,509.67                  8,509.67   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                      guarantee to
                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                      From the
                                                                                                                      actual date of
Intelligent           April 30, 2022    3,003.97                  3,003.97   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                      guarantee to
                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric                                                                                                         From the
Appliances                                                                                                            actual date of
                      April 30, 2022   57,960.15                57,960.15    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
(Chengdu) Co.,                                                                                                        guarantee to
Ltd.                                                                                                                  June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                      From the
Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                      actual date of
Precision Mold        April 30, 2022   24,826.04                24,826.04    Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
                                                                                                                      guarantee to
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Zhuhai Kaibang                                                                                                        From the
Motor                                                                                                                 actual date of
                      April 30, 2022      78.75                      78.75   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Manufacturing                                                                                                         guarantee to
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                      From the
Zhuhai Gree New                                                                                                       actual date of
                      April 30, 2022    2,026.64                  2,026.64   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Material Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    guarantee to
                                                                                                                      June 7, 2023
Zhuhai GREE                                                                                                           From the
                      April 30, 2022         5.4                       5.4   Pledged          Note pool        None                    No   No
Electric                                                                                                              actual date of

                                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Enterprises Ltd.                                                                                                                         guarantee to
                                                                                                                                         June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                                         From the
Hefei Landa
                                                                                                                                         actual date of
Compressor Co.,      April 30, 2022       199.03                           199.03     Pledged           Note pool        None                             No                No
                                                                                                                                         guarantee to
                                                                                                                                         June 7, 2023
                                                                                                                                         From the
Gree Intelligent
                                                                                                                                         actual date of
Equipment            April 30, 2022      5,996.46                         5,996.46    Pledged           Note pool        None                             No                No
                                                                                                                                         guarantee to
(Wuhan) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         June 7, 2023
Total amount of guarantees to                                       Total amount incurred of
subsidiaries approved during the                        1,900,000   guarantees to subsidiaries                                                                              252,785.74
report period (B1)                                                  during the report period (B2)
Total amount of guarantees to                                       Total actual guarantee balance
subsidiaries approved at the end of                     1,900,000   to subsidiaries at the end of the                                                                       252,785.74
the report period (B3)                                              report period (B4)
                                                                      Guarantee of subsidiaries to subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                             Is it a
                      Date of the
                                                                       Actual                                              Counter-                        Whether the      Guarantee
    Object of        Announcement     Guarantee      Actual Date                        Guarantee       Collateral (if                     Guarantee
                                                                      Guarantee                                          guarantee (if                     Fulfillment is      for
    Guarantee        Related to the    Amount        of Incurring                         Type              any)                            Period
                                                                       Amount                                                any)                           Completed       Affiliated
                                                                                                                                         If the main
                                                                                                                                         contract is a
                                                                                                                                         loan contract,
                                                                                                                                         the guarantee
                                                                                                                                         period under
                                                                                      General                                            this contract
Guangtong            December 24,                   February 11,
                                          30,000                           20,000     guarantee and     Yes              None            is three years   No                No
Automobile Co.,      2021                           2022
                                                                                      pledge                                             from the day
                                                                                                                                         after the
                                                                                                                                         expiration of
                                                                                                                                         the loan term
                                                                                                                                         under the
                                                                                                                                         main contract;

                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                    if the creditor
                                                                                                                    announces the
                                                                                                                    early due of
                                                                                                                    the loan
                                                                                                                    according to
                                                                                                                    the provisions
                                                                                                                    of the main
                                                                                                                    contract, the
                                                                                                                    period shall
                                                                                                                    be three years
                                                                                                                    from the day
                                                                                                                    after the early
                                                                                                                    due date of
                                                                                                                    the loan.
                                                                                                                    From April
                                                                                                                    13, 2021 to
                                                                                                                    April 12,
                                                                                                                    2026, the
                                                                                                                    rights formed
                                                                                                                    by the
Zhuhai Gree
                                                                                                                    and the
                                          April 29,                                                                 debtor's
Electric                        1,454.6                             980    Pledged          Yes              None                     No   No
                                          2022                                                                      handling of
Appliance Co.,
                                                                                                                    This period is
                                                                                                                    the period for
                                                                                                                    the maximum
                                                                                                                    amount of
                                                                                                                    secured debt.
Tianjin          December 13,             December 30,                     General                                  From the
                                35,000                           35,000                     None             None                     No   No
Guangtong        2022                     2022                             warranty                                 effective date

                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Automobile Co.,                                                                                                    of the
Ltd.                                                                                                               guarantee
                                                                                                                   contract to
                                                                                                                   three years
                                                                                                                   after the date
                                                                                                                   of expiration
                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                   period of the
                                                                                                                   debt under the
                                                                                                                   main contract
                                                                                                                   From the
                                                                                                                   effective date
                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                   contract to
                                                                                                                   three years
Gree Altairnano   December 13,            December 30,                    General
                                 55,000                         55,000                     None             None   after the date   No    No
New Energy Inc.   2022                    2022                            warranty
                                                                                                                   of expiration
                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                   period of the
                                                                                                                   debt under the
                                                                                                                   main contract
                                                                                                                   From the
                                                                                                                   effective date
                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                   contract to
                                                                                                                   three years
Gree Altairnano   December 24,            December 29,                    General
                                 65,000                         65,000                     None             None   after the date   Yes   No
New Energy Inc.   2021                    2021                            warranty
                                                                                                                   of expiration
                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                   period of the
                                                                                                                   debt under the
                                                                                                                   main contract

                                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                                From the
                                                                                                                                effective date
                                                                                                                                of the
                                                                                                                                contract to
                                                                                                                                three years
Guangtong            December 24,              December 29,                      General
                                      35,000                           35,000                      None              None       after the date   Yes   No
Automobile Co.,      2021                      2021                              warranty
                                                                                                                                of expiration
                                                                                                                                of the
                                                                                                                                period of the
                                                                                                                                debt under the
                                                                                                                                main contract
                                                                                                                                From the
                                                                                                                                effective date
                                                                                                                                of the
Zhuhai Gree                                                                                                                     contract to
Altairnano                                                                                                                      three years
                     December 24,              December 28,                      General
Electric                              10,000                           10,000                      None              None       after the date   Yes   No
                     2021                      2021                              warranty
Appliance Co.,                                                                                                                  of expiration
Ltd.                                                                                                                            of the
                                                                                                                                period of the
                                                                                                                                debt under the
                                                                                                                                main contract
Total amount of guarantees to                                  Total amount incurred of
subsidiaries approved during the                    435,500    guarantees to subsidiaries                                                                   90,980
report period (C1)                                             during the report period (C2)
Total amount of guarantees to                                  Total actual guarantee balance
subsidiaries approved at the end of                 435,500    to subsidiaries at the end of the                                                        1,109,800
the report period (C3)                                         report period (C4)
                                                Total amount of company guarantee (i.e. total of the first three major items)
Total amount of guarantee approved                             Total amount of guarantees
during the report period                          2,335,500    incurred during the report                                                              343,765.74
(A1+B1+C1)                                                     period (A2+B2+C2)

                                                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Total amount of approved                                                     Total actual guarantee balance
guarantees at the end of the report                              2,335,500   at the end of the report period                                                                    1,362,585.74
period (A3+B3+C3)                                                            (A4+B4+C4)
Proportion of actual total guarantees (i.e. A4+B4+C4) to the
Company's net assets
Balance of guarantees provided to shareholders, effective controllers
and their affiliated parties (D)
Debt guarantee balance provided directly or indirectly for guaranteed
parties with an asset liability ratio exceeding 70% (E)
Amount of the total guarantee exceeding 50% of net assets (F)                                                                                                                              0
Total amount of the three guarantees mentioned above (D+E+F)                                                                                                                       1,109,800
Explanation (if any) where there is a guarantee liability or evidence
indicating the possibility of assuming joint and several liabilities for     Not applicable
unexpired guarantee contracts during the report period
Explanation of external guarantees provided in violation of prescribed
                                                                             Not applicable
procedures (if any)

Explanation of the specific situation of using composite guarantee


3. Entrusting others to execute any cash asset management

(1) Entrusted financial management

Applicable □ Not applicable
Overview of entrusted financial management during the report period
                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: 10,000 yuan

                                   Source of funds for entrusted     Amount incurred of entrusted                                                                 Impaired amount for overdue
         Specific type                                                                                         Undue balance         Overdue uncollected amount
                                      financial management             financial management                                                                           uncollected amount

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Bank financial products          Own funds                                           251,044.13                      251,044.13
Trust financial products         Own funds                                             10,057.4                        10,057.4
Securities traders' financial
                                 Own funds                                           494,110.82                      494,110.82
Total                                                                                755,212.35                      755,212.35

Specific situation of high-risk entrusted financial management with large individual amounts or low security and poor liquidity
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Expected inability to recover principal or other situations that may lead to impairment in entrusted financial management
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

(2) Entrusted loan

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company was not involved in any entrusted loan during the report period.

4. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company did not enter into any other significant contract during the report period.

XVI. Description of other significant matters

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There were no other significant matters that need to be explained during the report period.

XVII. Significant matters of the Company's subsidiaries

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                     Section VII. Changes in Shares and Shareholders

  I. Changes in shares

  1. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: share

                                Before this change                                Increase and decrease of this change (+, -)                          After this change
                        Quantity             Percentage      New issue        Bonus issue      converted from          Others        Subtotal      Quantity        Percentage
                                                                                               reserved funds
I. Shares with
trading restriction      45,577,325                  0.77%                                                              -6,310,386    -6,310,386    39,266,939              0.70%
1. Shares held by
the State
2. Shares held by
state-owned legal
3. Shares held by
other domestic           45,577,325                  0.77%                                                              -6,310,386    -6,310,386    39,266,939              0.70%
Including: Shares
held by domestic
legal person
Shares held by
domestic natural         45,577,325                  0.77%                                                              -6,310,386    -6,310,386    39,266,939              0.70%
4. Shares held by

                                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

foreign capital
Including: Shares
held by foreign
legal person
Shares held by
foreign natural
II. Shares without
trading restriction     5,868,891,715   99.23%                                                         -276,752,913   -276,752,913   5,592,138,802   99.30%
1. RMB common
                        5,868,891,715   99.23%                                                         -276,752,913   -276,752,913   5,592,138,802   99.30%
2. Domestically
listed foreign
3. Overseas listed
foreign shares
4. Others
III. Total number
                        5,914,469,040   100.00%                                                        -283,063,299   -283,063,299   5,631,405,741   100.00%
of shares

  Causes for changes in share capital
  Applicable □ Not applicable

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

On July 5, 2022, the total share capital of the Company and the number of circulating shares without trading restriction
conditions changed from 5,914,469,040 shares to 5,631,405,741 shares as a result of the cancellation of shares in the special
securities account for repurchase, please refer to the Announcement of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai on the
Completion of Share Repurchase Cancellation and Change of Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-044) on CNINFO

Approval of share changes
Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) The Company held the 27th Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 20th Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on September 28, 2021, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancelling the Repurchased Shares in
Phase III and Using the Employee Stock Ownership Plan for the Remaining Shares, and the Company proposed to cancel
70% of the purchased shares (i.e. 221,032,019 shares) in Phase III Repurchase to reduce the registered capital.

(2) The Company held the 29th Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 22nd Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on November 16, 2021, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancellation of Remaining Shares after
Subscription of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase, and the Company planned to change the purpose of and cancel
the remaining 46,365,753 shares repurchased in Phase I.

(3) The Company held the 31st Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 23rd Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on January 24, 2022, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancellation of Remaining Shares After the
Phase I Repurchase of Purchased Shares for Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and the Company planned to change the
purpose of and cancel the remaining 15,665,527 shares repurchased in Phase I.

The aforementioned proposal for share cancellation has been deliberated and adopted at the 1st Interim General Meeting of
Shareholders in 2022 of the Company held on February 28, 2022. The Company has cancelled 283,063,299 shares in total,
and after this share cancellation, the total share capital of the Company was changed from 5,914,469,040 shares to
5,631,405,741 shares. For details, please refer to Announcement of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai on the
Completion of Share Repurchase Cancellation and Change of Shares (Announcement No. 2022-044) on CNINFO

Transfer of share changes
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Effect of share changes on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share and net assets per
share attributable to common shareholders of the Company for the latest year and the latest period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required to be disclosed by the securities regulatory authority
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: share

                                       Number of
                    Number of                             Number of         Number of
                    Restricted                            Restricted        Restricted
  Name of                                Shares                                                 Reasons for
                   Shares at the                        Shares Lifted      Shares at the                       Date of Lifting
 Shareholder                          Increased in                                              Restriction
                   Beginning of                         in the Current      End of the
                                      the Current
                    the Period                              Period           Period
                         663,505                               663,505                     0   senior          July 16, 2022

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                          share lockup
Huang Hui             5,535,000                            5,535,000                 0                    July 16, 2022
                                                                                          share lockup
Duan Xiufeng            447,525                              111,881           335,644    executive       -
                                                                                          share lockup
Total                 6,646,030                   0        6,310,386           335,644          --              --

II. Securities issuance and listing

1. Securities issuance (excluding preferred shares) during the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

2. Description of changes in the Company's total number of shares and shareholder structure, and asset and liability

Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) The Company held the 27th Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 20th Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on September 28, 2021, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancelling the Repurchased Shares in
Phase III and Using the Employee Stock Ownership Plan for the Remaining Shares, and the Company proposed to cancel
70% of the purchased shares (i.e. 221,032,019 shares) in Phase III Repurchase to reduce the registered capital.

(2) The Company held the 29th Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 22nd Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on November 16, 2021, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancellation of Remaining Shares after
Subscription of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase, and the Company planned to change the purpose of and cancel
the remaining 46,365,753 shares repurchased in Phase I.

(3) The Company held the 31st Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors and the 23rd Meeting of the 11th Board of
Supervisors on January 24, 2022, and deliberated and adopted the Proposal on Cancellation of Remaining Shares After the
Phase I Repurchase of Purchased Shares for Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and the Company planned to change the
purpose of and cancel the remaining 15,665,527 shares repurchased in Phase I.

The aforementioned proposal for share cancellation has been deliberated and adopted at the 1st Interim General Meeting of
Shareholders in 2022 of the Company held on February 28, 2022. The Company has cancelled 283,063,299 shares in total,
and after this share cancellation, the total share capital of the Company was changed from 5,914,469,040 shares to
5,631,405,741 shares. For details, please refer to Announcement of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai on the
Completion of Share Repurchase Cancellation and Change of Shares (Announcement No. 2022-044) on CNINFO

3. Existing internal employee share

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

III. Shareholders and actual controller(s)

1. Number of shareholders and their shareholding status
Unit: share

                                          Total number of                           Total number of
                                          common                                    preferred
Total number of                                                                                                                 Total number of preferred shareholders
                                          shareholders as of                        shareholders with
common                                                                                                                          with restored voting rights (if any) at the
                                          the end of the                            restored voting
shareholders at the             743,864                                  660,888                                           0    end of the previous month before the                         0
                                          previous month                            rights (if any) at
end of the report                                                                                                               disclosure date of the Annual Report
                                          before the                                the end of the
period                                                                                                                          (See Note 8)
                                          disclosure date of                        report period (See
                                          the Annual Report                         Note 8)
                                              Shareholding of the shareholders holding more than 5% of total shares or the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                          Number of Shares      Number of Shares                 Pledge, Tag or Freezing
                                                               Number of Shares      Increase/Decrease
    Name of               Nature of         Shareholding                                                   With Trading         Without Trading
                                                               Held at the End of    During the Report
   Shareholder           Shareholder         Proportion                                                     Restriction           Restriction             Share status            Quantity
                                                               the Report Period           Period
                                                                                                          Conditions Held       Conditions Held
Zhuhai Mingjun
Investment            Domestic non-
Partnership           state-owned legal             16.02%           902,359,632                                                      902,359,632      Pledged                      902,359,632
(Limited              person
Hong Kong
Securities            Foreign legal
                                                    11.48%           646,531,227           -12,814,432                                646,531,227
Clearing              person
Company Ltd.
Jinghai Internet
                      Domestic non-
                      state-owned legal               6.80%          382,921,238          -110,219,217                                382,921,238
Development Co.,
China Securities      Domestic non-
Finance               state-owned legal               3.19%          179,870,800                                                      179,870,800
Corporation           person

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Zhuhai Gree          State-owned legal
                                                      3.17%           178,465,992              8,946,200                                 178,465,992
Group Co., Ltd.      person
Foresea Life
Insurance Co.,
                     Others                           0.83%            46,660,192                                                         46,660,192
Ltd.  Hai Li Nian
Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc.
of Zhuhai 
                     Others                           0.82%            46,334,473                                                         46,334,473
Employee Stock
Ownership Plan
Phase I
                     Domestic natural
Dong Mingzhu                                          0.79%            44,488,492                                   33,366,369            11,122,123
Management Pte.      Foreign legal
                                                      0.77%            43,396,407                                                         43,396,407
Ltd.  HHLR           person
China Fund
Abu Dhabi
                     Foreign legal
Investment                                            0.56%            31,735,279              3,333,328                                  31,735,279
Situation (if any) where a strategic
investor or general legal person
becomes one of top 10 shareholders due
to placement of new shares (see Note 3)
Description of association or concerted   Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Dong Mingzhu are the persons acting in concert. Except for that, the Company
action of the above shareholders          does not know whether there is any association between the above shareholders or whether they are persons acting in concert.
Description of above-mentioned
shareholders’ involvement in
entrusting/being entrusted with and
waiving voting rights
Special note on the existence of
                                          Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai held 94,728,008 shares in the repurchase special securities account at the end of the report period, with a
repurchase accounts among the top 10
                                          shareholding ratio of 1.68%.
shareholders (if any) (see Note 10)

                                                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                      Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of shares without trading restriction conditions
                                                                                                                                                                    Type of shares
          Name of Shareholder                       Number of shares without trading restriction conditions held at the end of the report period
                                                                                                                                                          Type of shares         Quantity
Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership                                                                                                                    RMB common
                                                                                                                                           902,359,632                               902,359,632
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                                                                    share
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                                                                            RMB common
                                                                                                                                           646,531,227                               646,531,227
Company Ltd.                                                                                                                                             share
Jinghai Internet Technology                                                                                                                              RMB common
                                                                                                                                           382,921,238                               382,921,238
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                    share
China Securities Finance Corporation                                                                                                                     RMB common
                                                                                                                                           179,870,800                               179,870,800
Limited                                                                                                                                                  share
                                                                                                                                                         RMB common
Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                178,465,992                               178,465,992
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.  Hai                                                                                                                    RMB common
                                                                                                                                            46,660,192                                46,660,192
Li Nian Nian                                                                                                                                             share
Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai
                                                                                                                                                         RMB common
 Employee Stock Ownership Plan                                                                                                              46,334,473                                46,334,473
Phase I
HHLR Management Pte. Ltd.  HHLR                                                                                                                          RMB common
                                                                                                                                            43,396,407                                43,396,407
China Fund                                                                                                                                               share
                                                                                                                                                         RMB common
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority                                                                                                              31,735,279                                31,735,279
                                                                                                                                                         RMB common
CITIC Securities Company Limited                                                                                                            29,320,790                                29,320,790
Description of the association or
concerted action between the top 10
shareholders of circulating shares
without trading restriction conditions, as   Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Dong Mingzhu are the persons acting in concert. Except for that, the Company
well as between the top 10 shareholders      does not know whether there is any association between the above shareholders or whether they are persons acting in concert.
of circulating shares without trading
restriction conditions and the top 10
Description of the participation of the
top 10 common shareholders in margin         None
trading and securities lending business

                                                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(if any) (see Note 4)

Whether the top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders without trading restriction conditions of the Company conducted agreed repurchase transactions in the report period
□ Yes No
The top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders without trading restriction conditions of the Company didn't conduct agreed repurchase transactions in the report period.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

2. The Company's controlling shareholder

Nature of controlling shareholder: No controlling entity
Type of controlling shareholder: No controlling shareholder
Description of the situation that the Company has no controlling shareholder

On December 2, 2019, Gree Group and Zhuhai Mingjun signed the Share Transfer Agreement Between Zhuhai Gree Group
Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 15% of the Shares of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, pursuant to which Gree Group transferred 902,359,632 shares of the listed company to Zhuhai
Mingjun. After the transaction, the single largest shareholder Zhuhai Mingjun, and Dong Mingzhu, the person acting in
concert, cannot pass specific proposals based on their actual voting rights of the listed company's shares, which is not
sufficient to have a significant impact on the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting of the listed company, nor can they
decide on the election of more than half of the members of the Board of Directors of the listed company. Therefore, the
listed company has no controlling shareholder or actual controller. For more details, please refer to the Reply to the Inquiry
Letter from Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on
January 18, 2020.

Change in controlling shareholder during the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There was no change in the controlling shareholder of the Company during the report period.

3. Actual controller of the Company and its person acting in concert

Nature of the actual controller: No actual controller
Type of the actual controller: No actual controller
Description of the situation that the Company has no actual controller

On December 2, 2019, Gree Group and Zhuhai Mingjun signed the Share Transfer Agreement Between Zhuhai Gree Group
Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 15% of the Shares of Gree Electric
Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, pursuant to which Gree Group transferred 902,359,632 shares of the listed company to Zhuhai
Mingjun. After the transaction, the single largest shareholder Zhuhai Mingjun, and Dong Mingzhu, the person acting in
concert, cannot pass specific proposals based on their actual voting rights of the listed company's shares, which is not
sufficient to have a significant impact on the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting of the listed company, nor can they
decide on the election of more than half of the members of the Board of Directors of the listed company. Therefore, the
listed company has no controlling shareholder or actual controller. For more details, please refer to the Reply to the Inquiry
Letter from Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on
January 18, 2020.

Whether there are shareholders with a shareholding ratio of more than 10% at the ultimate control level of the Company
Yes □No
Legal person □ Natural person
Shareholding at the ultimate control level

Name of Shareholder             Legal
                                                           Date of
  at the Ultimate        Representative/Person                                 Organization Code           Main Business
  Control Level               in Charge
                                                                                                        Business scope
                                                                                                        recorded in the
Zhuhai Mingjun           Zhuhai Xianying                                                                agreement: Equity
Investment               Equity Investment                                                              investment. (Items
                                                      May 11, 2017       91440400MA4WJBCR4W
Partnership (Limited     Partnership (Limited                                                           that need to be
Partnership)             Partnership)                                                                   approved in
                                                                                                        accordance with law
                                                                                                        can only be operated

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                       after approval by
Equity of other
domestic and
overseas listed
companies controlled
by the shareholder at
the ultimate control
level during the
report period

Change in the actual controller in the report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There has been no change in the actual controller of the Company during the report period.
Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the Company and the actual controller

     The Company has no actual controller
The actual controller controls the Company through a trust or other asset management methods
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

4. The cumulative number of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of the
Company and its persons acting in concert reached 80% of the number of shares held by them in the Company.

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                Whether it
                                  Amount of                                                       Is There a
                                                                                                                Affects the
                                    Stock                                         Source of      Risk of Debt
 Company          Type of                          Specific          Repayment                                  Stability of
                                    Pledge                                       Repayment       Repayment
  Name          Shareholder                        Purpose             Period                                   the Control
                                  Financing                                        Funds              or
                                                                                                                   of the
                                   (10,000                                                       Liquidation
                                                 Repayment                       Own funds
Investment      The largest                                      April 30,
                                    1,696,100    of original                     and self-       No             No
Partnership     shareholder                                      2027
                                                 loan                            financing

5. Other corporate shareholders holding more than 10% of shares

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

6. Restrictions on shareholding reduction by controlling shareholder(s), actual controller(s), restructuring parties and
other committed entities

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

IV. Specific implementation of share repurchase during the report period

                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Progress of implementation of share repurchase
Applicable □ Not applicable

              Number of     Proportion                                                         Number of       Shares to the
 Program                                   Proposed       Proposed
             Shares to be    to Total                                      Repurchase            Shares         Underlying
Disclosure                                Repurchase     Repurchase
             Repurchased      Share                                         Purpose           Repurchased          Stocks
  Time                                     Amount          Period
               (shares)      Capital                                                            (shares)        Involved in
                                                                                                                 the Equity
                                                                                                               Plan (if any)
                                                                       The original
                                                                       purpose of the
                                                                       plan was
                                                         No more       Employee Stock
                                                         than 12       Ownership Plan or
April 13,
             108,365,753    1.80%         599,959.10     months        equity incentive,         108,365,753
                                                         from April    but after approval,
                                                         10, 2020      part of it was
                                                                       changed to
                                                                       The original
                                                                       purpose of the
                                                                       plan was
                                                         No more       Employee Stock
                                                         than 12       Ownership Plan or
May 27,
             315,760,027    5.25%         1,499,998.51   months        equity incentive,         315,760,027
                                                         from May      but after approval,
                                                         26, 2021      part of it was
                                                                       changed to
Implementation progress of reducing holdings of repurchased shares through centralized bidding
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

              Section VIII Preferred Share Related Information

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company did not have any preferred shares during the report period.

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                             Section IX Bond Related Information

Applicable □ Not applicable

I. Enterprise bond

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There was no enterprise bond in the Company during the report period.

II. Corporate bond

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
There was no corporate bond in the Company during the report period.

III. Debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises

Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Basic information on debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises

                                                                                                           Unit: yuan (RMB)
 Name of       Abbreviatio        Bond       Issuin   Value         Date      Bond         Interest                   Tradin
                                                                                                      of Principal
  Bond          n of Bond         Code       g Date   Date          Due      Balance         Rate                     g Place
                                                                                                      and Interest
Green SCP
                                                                                                      Lump sum
Phase I of     23 Gree
                                             March    Marc      Octobe                                repayment of    Inter-
Gree           Electric        13238002                                     900,000,00
                                             27,      h 29,     r 25,                      2.29%      principal and   bank
Electric       Appliances      2                                                  0.00
                                             2023     2023      2023                                  interest        market
Appliances     GN001
                                                                                                      when due
, Inc. of
Investor suitability arrangements (if any)   None
Applicable trading mechanism                 Not applicable
Is there a risk of terminating listed
transactions (if any) and countermeasures

Overdue outstanding bonds
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

2. Triggering and execution of issuer or investor option clauses and investor protection clauses

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

3. Intermediary

 Name of Bond             Name of                                   Name of Person        Intermediary
                                             Office Address                                                 Contact Number
   Project              Intermediary                                  in Charge          Contact Person

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                           Room 108, 119
                                           Baoxing Road,
2023 Green SCP
                                           Hongqi Village,
Phase I of Gree      Beijing Dacheng
                                           Hengqin Town,
Electric             (Zhuhai) Law                                      Tang Hongjie     Cai Jialing            0756-3229880
                                           Hengqin New
Appliances, Inc.     Offices, LLP
                                           Area, Zhuhai,
of Zhuhai
Has there been any change in the above-mentioned institutions during the report period
□ Yes No

4. Use of raised funds

                                                                                                               Unit: yuan (RMB)
                                                                                                                           Is it
                                                                                        Operation                        with the
                                                                                        of Special                       purpose,
                                                                                                      of illegal use
 Name of           Total Amount of                                                         Fund                         use plan,
                                            Amount Used            Unused Amount                        of raised
Bond Project        Raised Funds                                                         Raising                        and other
                                                                                                        funds (if
                                                                                         Account                       agreements
                                                                                         (if any)                       promised
                                                                                                                          in the
2023 Green
SCP Phase I
of Gree                                                                                 Normal
                      900,000,000.00            198,559,708.02         701,440,291.98                 No               No
Electric                                                                                operation
Inc. of Zhuhai
Use of raised funds for construction projects
□ Applicable  Not Applicable
Purpose change of raising funds for the aforementioned bonds during the Company's report period
□ Applicable  Not Applicable

5. Adjustment of credit rating results during the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

6. Implementation and changes of guarantees, debt repayment plans, and other debt repayment guarantee measures
during the report period, as well as their impact on the rights and interests of bond investors

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

IV. Convertible bond

□ Applicable  Not Applicable
The Company has no convertible bond during the report period.

V. Losses in the report period exceeding 10% of net assets at the end of the previous

                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

year within the scope of consolidated financial statements

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

VI. Overdue interest bearing debts other than bonds at the end of the report period

□ Applicable  Not Applicable

VII. Have there been any violations of rules and regulations during the report period

□ Yes No

VIII. Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company for the last two
years as of the end of the report period

                                             At the End of This                                    Increase/Decrease Over the
                 Item                                                   At the End of Last Year
                                               Report Period                                        End of the Previous Year
Current ratio                                           117.92%                        114.59%                          3.33%
Asset liability ratio                                     71.30%                        66.23%                          5.07%
Quick ratio                                               99.13%                        90.56%                          8.57%
                                                                                                       Increase/Decrease in the
                 Item                          The Report Period         Same Period Last Year     Report Period Over the Same
                                                                                                               Period Last Year
Net profit after deducting non-
                                                    2,398,624.83                   2,185,005.09                         9.78%
recurring profits and losses
EBITDA total debt ratio                                   13.85%                        15.21%                          -1.36%
Interest coverage ratio                                     10.70                         15.68                       -31.76%
Cash interest coverage ratio                                12.93                          4.27                       202.81%
EBITDA interest coverage ratio                              12.48                         17.69                       -29.45%
Loan repayment rate                                     100.00%                        100.00%                          0.00%
Interest coverage                                       100.00%                        100.00%                          0.00%

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                 Section X Financial Statements

I. Audit report

Type of audit opinion                                            Standard unqualified opinion
Signing date of audit report                                     April 28, 2023
                                                                 Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of audit agency
Document number of audit report                                  ZHSZ (2023) No. 0500065
Name of certified public accountant                              Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu

                                                       Audit report text

                                                     Audit Report
                                                                                                   ZHSZ (2023) No. 0500065

All shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai:

I       Audit opinion
We have audited the financial statements of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred to as "your
company"), including the Consolidated and Parent Company's Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2022, and 2022
Consolidated and Parent Company's Income Statements, 2022 Consolidated and Parent Company's Cash Flow Statements
and 2022 Consolidated and Parent Company's Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity and Notes to Financial

In our opinion, the attached financial statements have been prepared in all material aspects in accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and fairly reflected the consolidated and parent company's financial position
of your company as of December 31, 2022 and the consolidated and parent company's operating results and cash flows in

II Basis for forming audit opinions
We have conducted our audit work according to the provisions of Audit Standards for Certified Public Accountant of China.
The part related to "CPA's responsibility for the audit of financial statements" in the audit report further elaborates our
responsibilities under these standards. In accordance with the Code of Ethics for Certified Public Account of China, we are
independent of your company and performed other responsibilities in respect of professional ethics. We believe that the audit
evidences obtained by us are sufficient and appropriate, providing a basis for expressing our audit opinion.

III Key audit matters
The key audit matters are the matters that are deemed to be the most important ones in the current financial statement audit
according to our professional judgment. The response to these matters is based on the overall audit of the financial statements
and the formation of audit opinions. We do not give separate opinions on these matters.

                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(I) Accrual of inventory falling price reserves

                    Key audit matters                                   How was the matter addressed in the audit?
Refer to "Note III. 13", "Note V. 9" and "Note V.
                                                           1.   Understand, evaluate, and test the effectiveness of the design
66" in the financial statements.
                                                                and execution of internal controls related to the recognition of
As of December 31, 2022, the book value of                      inventory falling price reserves;
inventory in your company's consolidated balance
                                                           2.   Evaluate the significant judgments, assumptions and estimates
sheet was RMB38,314,176,800, wherein the book
                                                                involved in management's calculation of net realizable value,
balance of inventory was RMB41,094,448,100 and
                                                                and review the basis and documents on which management
the     inventory     falling    price    reserves   was
                                                                determines the future selling price of the inventory and the
                                                                costs incurred until completion (if related), the sales expenses
Recognition of the inventory falling price reserves             and the related taxes and fees;
depends on estimation of the net realizable value of
                                                           3.   Carry out audit procedure such as inspection and recalculation,
the inventory. For recognition of the net realizable
                                                                especially for the determination of net realizable value of the
value of the inventory, the management should
                                                                inventory, we carried out recalculation according to relevant
estimate the future selling price of inventory, the
costs (if related) to be incurred until completion, the
sales expenses, and the related taxes and fees.            4.   Analyze and review the inventory aging to determine whether
                                                                the corresponding inventory falling price reserves are
In consideration of the importance of recognition of
the inventory and inventory falling price reserves to
the consolidated financial statements and the              5.   Supervise the inventory-taking, and during the supervising

complicated calculation process of inventory falling            process, in addition to paying attention to the authenticity and

price     reserves,    and      significant   judgments,        accuracy of the inventory, the focus was also on the usage

assumptions and estimates of the management                     status of the inventory, whether there were inventory in a

involved when the net realizable value of the                   stagnant or defective condition, to evaluate the adequacy of the

inventory is determined, there may be error or                  accrual of inventory falling price reserves;

potential management bias. Therefore, we identified        6.   Review the adequacy of the disclosure of information related to
it as a key audit matter of your company.                       inventory falling price reserves in "Notes III. 13", "Note V. 9",
                                                                and "Note V. 66" in the financial statements.

(II) Revenue recognition

                    Key audit matters                                   How was the matter addressed in the audit?
Please refer to "Note III. 31", "Note V. 55" and           1.   Understand, evaluate, and test the effectiveness of internal
"Note XV. 4" in the financial statements.                       control design and operation related to revenue recognition;
In 2021 and 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements         2.   Review sales contract samples, understand the delivery terms
of your company, the revenue from selling goods                 of the transaction, evaluate whether the business model is
was              RMB188,988,382,700                  and        consistent with revenue recognition, evaluate whether the sales
RMB187,868,874,900 respectively, an increase of                 contract terms comply with industry practices, and whether the
0.60% year-on-year.                                             revenue recognition accounting policies comply with the
Since the amount is significant and revenue is one of           requirements     of   Accounting     Standards   for   Business

                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                  Key audit matters                                  How was the matter addressed in the audit?
the key business indicators of your company, and               Enterprises;
whether it is based on real transactions and whether     3.    Check the original supporting documents related to revenue
it is included in the appropriate accounting period            recognition, such as orders, delivery notes, and arrival receipts
has a significant impact on the financial statements,          on the basis of audit sampling, to evaluate whether revenue has
we consider revenue recognition as a key audit                 truly incurred and whether it has been recognized in
matter.                                                        accordance with accounting policies;
                                                         4.    Implement the letter verification procedure and check the
                                                               original documents and payment status for discrepancies in the
                                                               response letter to evaluate the accuracy and authenticity of the
                                                               revenue amount incurred;
                                                         5.    Carry out an analysis program to analyze from different
                                                               dimensions such as monthly fluctuations, sales regions, product
                                                               categories, and product profit margins to verify the
                                                               reasonableness of the transaction;
                                                         6.    Carry out cut-off test program and post test program to check
                                                               for any revenue intertemporal or sales return to address
                                                               revenue intertemporal;
                                                         7.    Review the adequacy of the disclosure of information related to
                                                               revenue recognition in "Notes III. 31", "Notes V. 55", and
                                                               "Notes XV. 4" in the financial statements.

IV Other information

The management of your company is responsible for other information. Other information includes the information covered

in the 2022 Annual Report of your company, excluding the financial statements and our audit reports.

Our audit opinions published on financial statements do not cover any other information, and we will not publish any form of

forensic conclusion on other information.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read other information identified above, and,

in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge

obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed on other information that we obtained prior to the date of this auditor's report, we

conclude that there is a material misstatement of other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to

report in this regard.

V     Responsibilities of management and governance for financial statements

The management of your company (hereinafter referred to as the "management") is responsible for preparing the financial

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

statements in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve a fair

presentation, and for designing, implementing and maintaining internal control that is necessary to ensure that the financial

statements are free from material misstatements, whether due to frauds or errors.

When preparing financial statements, the management is responsible for evaluating your company's ability to continue as a

going concern, disclosing matters related to going concern (if applicable), and applying the assumption of going concern,

unless the management plans to liquidate your company, cease operations, or has no other realistic choice.

The governance is responsible for overseeing your company's financial reporting process.

VI CPA's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material

misstatements caused by fraud or error, and to issue an audit report containing an audit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a

high-level assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the audit standards will always detect

a material misstatement when it exits. Misstatements may arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,

individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the

basis of these financial statements.

When conducting audits in accordance with auditing standards, we applied professional judgment and maintained

professional skepticism. We also:

(I) Identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,

designed and performed audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtained audit evidence that was sufficient and

appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher

than the one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of

internal control.

(II) Obtained an understanding of internal control related to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate.

(III) Evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related

disclosure made by management of your company.

(IV) Concluded on the appropriateness of using the going concern assumption by the management of your company, and

concluded, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exited related to events or conditions that

might cast significant doubt on your company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we concluded that there was a

significant uncertainty, we were required by audit standards to draw the attention of report users to the relevant disclosures in

the financial statements in the audit report; if such disclosures were inadequate, we should express a non-unqualified opinion.

Our conclusions were based on the information available as of the audit report date. However, future events or conditions

may result in your company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(V) Evaluated the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosure, and
evaluate whether the financial statements fairly reflected the underlying transactions and events.

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(VI) Obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the financial information of your company's entity or business
activities to express an opinion on the financial statements. We were responsible for guiding, supervising and implementing
group audits. We assume full responsibility for the audit opinions.

We communicated with the governance regarding, among other matters, the planned audit scope, schedule, and major audit
findings, including any significant defects in internal control that we identified during our audit.

We also provided a statement to the governance regarding the observed professional moral requirements related to
independence, and communicated with the governance about all the relationships and other matters that might be reasonably
considered to affect our independence, as well as the related countermeasures (if applicable).

From the matters discussed with the governance, we have determined which are the most important for the audit of the
current financial statements and therefore constitute key audit matters. We described these matters in the audit report, unless
laws and regulations prohibit public disclosure of these matters, or in rare cases, we determined that the matter should not be
communicated in the audit report if it was reasonably anticipated that the negative consequence caused by communicating a
matter in the audit report exceeds the benefit generated in terms of public interests.

  Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General            Certified Public Accountant of
                        Partnership)                                               China:

                                                                            (engagement partner):

                                                                                                              Wu Zihao

                                                                       Certified Public Accountant of

                                                                                                              Qiu Yiwu

                          Wuhan, China                                                       April 28, 2023

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                  Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                               December 31, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                         Unit: yuan
                        Item                               Note                   December 31, 2022                 December 31, 2021
    Current assets:
    Monetary funds                                         V. 1                           157,484,332,251.39             116,939,298,776.87
    Lending funds
    Trading financial assets                               V. 2                              3,867,203,363.52
    Derivative financial assets                            V. 3                                                              198,773,198.65
    Notes receivable                                       V. 4                                  6,818,428.95
    Accounts receivable                                    V. 5                             14,824,742,623.45             13,840,898,802.76
    Receivables financing                                  V. 6                             28,427,310,345.20             25,612,056,693.07
    Advance payments                                       V. 7                              2,344,668,845.48              4,591,886,517.34
    Other receivables                                      V. 8                                804,277,958.80                334,161,870.18
    Including: Interests receivable
                Dividends receivable                                                             1,260,498.66                    615,115.33
    Buying back the sale of financial assets
    Inventory                                              V. 9                             38,314,176,763.90             42,765,598,328.01
    Contract assets                                        V. 10                             1,047,739,817.94              1,151,228,472.63
    Assets held for sale
    Non-current assets due within one year                 V. 11                             3,314,191,633.19             11,033,571,932.60
    Other current assets                                   V. 12                             4,704,576,940.64              9,382,177,587.07
    Total current assets                                                                  255,140,038,972.46             225,849,652,179.18
    Non-current assets:
    Disbursement of loans and advances                     V. 13                               719,799,280.27              4,142,652,901.85
    Debt investment                                        V. 14                               150,351,500.00
    Other debt investments                                 V. 15                            14,340,348,882.97              5,910,056,891.62
    Long-term receivables                                  V. 16                               116,084,973.52                  2,419,031.07
    Long-term equity investments                           V. 17                             5,892,290,568.81             10,337,008,014.57
    Other equity instrument investments                    V. 18                             4,669,455,797.90             10,114,246,030.05
    Other non-current financial assets                     V. 19                             4,428,003,204.49                 81,309,327.39
    Investment real estate                                 V. 20                               634,689,201.98                454,854,822.63
    Fixed assets                                           V. 21                            33,817,019,391.36             31,188,726,142.99
    Construction in progress                               V. 22                             5,966,678,892.16              6,481,236,333.38
    Usufruct assets                                        V. 23                               207,344,779.05                 14,603,282.99
    Intangible assets                                      V. 24                            11,621,853,071.43              9,916,967,208.10
    Development expenditures
    Goodwill                                               V. 25                             1,659,358,399.03                707,629,136.24
    Long-term unamortized expenses                         V. 26                                22,862,393.90                 18,724,025.74
    Deferred income tax assets                             V. 27                            14,598,866,870.23             13,661,849,772.68
    Other non-current assets                               V. 28                             1,039,712,699.26                716,248,679.90
    Total non-current assets                                                                99,884,719,906.36             93,748,531,601.20
    Total assets                                                                          355,024,758,878.82             319,598,183,780.38
    Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu               Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong             Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                               December 31, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                         Unit: yuan
                      Item                                Note                    December 31, 2022                 December 31, 2021
     Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                                V. 29                             52,895,851,287.92             27,617,920,548.11
     Loans from other banks                               V. 30                                                              300,021,500.00
     Transaction financial liabilities
     Derivative financial liabilities                     V. 31                                184,811,894.98
     Financial assets sold for repurchase                 V. 32                                                              746,564,041.09
     Deposits from customers and interbank                V. 33                                219,111,069.61                182,681,905.74
     Notes payable                                        V. 34                             38,609,900,819.74             40,743,984,514.42
     Accounts payable                                     V. 35                             32,856,071,488.87             35,875,090,911.05
     Advance receipts
     Contract liabilities                                 V. 36                             14,972,336,715.45             15,505,499,178.75
     Payroll payable                                      V. 37                              3,897,862,091.84              3,466,630,401.73
     Taxes and dues payable                               V. 38                              3,819,424,639.48              2,230,471,191.49
     Other payables                                       V. 39                             10,912,406,666.89              6,763,119,937.14
        Including: Interests payable
                   Dividends payable                                                         5,620,664,762.67                  2,367,112.94
     Liabilities held for sale
     Non-current liabilities due within one year          V. 40                               255,342,537.57               1,255,294,034.84
     Other current liabilities                            V. 41                            57,748,817,603.24              62,414,107,264.20
     Total current liabilities                                                            216,371,936,815.59             197,101,385,428.56
     Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings                                 V. 42                             30,784,241,211.21              8,960,864,258.30
     Bonds payable
        Including: Preferred share
                   Perpetual bond
     Lease liabilities                                    V. 43                                146,836,620.66                  3,313,452.52
     Long-term payables                                   V. 44                                104,644,415.20                446,194,591.92
     Long-term payroll payable                            V. 45                                175,712,728.00                164,408,471.00
     Estimated liabilities
     Deferred income                                      V. 46                              3,340,211,330.23              2,702,653,897.78
     Deferred income tax liabilities                      V. 27                              2,225,127,743.74              2,293,912,513.79
     Other non-current liabilities
     Total non-current liabilities                                                         36,776,774,049.04              14,571,347,185.31
     Total liabilities                                                                    253,148,710,864.63             211,672,732,613.87
     Shareholders’ equity:
     Share capital                                        V. 47                              5,631,405,741.00              5,914,469,040.00
     Other equity instruments
        Including: Preferred share
                   Perpetual bond
     Capital reserves                                     V. 48                                496,102,011.66                125,874,127.56
     Less: Treasury share                                 V. 49                              5,643,935,587.86             19,579,646,233.43
     Other comprehensive income                           V. 50                              2,042,901,605.04             11,204,004,355.27
     Special reserves                                     V. 51                                 25,845,351.28                 22,403,846.26
     Surplus reserves                                     V. 52                              2,241,118,692.92              1,983,727,107.74
     General risk provisions                              V. 53                                507,223,117.40                505,599,356.30
     Undistributed profits                                V. 54                             91,458,073,960.81            103,475,223,000.17
     Total equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                                                            96,758,734,892.25            103,651,654,599.87
the parent company
     Minority equity                                                                        5,117,313,121.94               4,273,796,566.64
     Total equity                                                                         101,876,048,014.19             107,925,451,166.51
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                           355,024,758,878.82             319,598,183,780.38
    Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu               Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong             Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                              Consolidated Income Statement
                                                               January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                         Unit: yuan
                                      Item                                        Note               2022                   2021
I. Total operating revenue                                                                      190,150,672,542.13     189,654,033,523.50
      Including: Operating revenue                                                V. 55         188,988,382,706.68     187,868,874,892.71
                  Interest income                                                 V. 56           1,162,289,741.08       1,785,060,001.28
                  Fee and commission income                                                                   94.37             98,629.51
II. Total operating costs                                                                       162,107,253,847.61     163,521,848,332.24
      Including: Operating costs                                                  V. 55         139,784,387,882.78     142,251,638,589.87
                  Interest expense                                                V. 56              82,118,835.96         523,238,956.03
                  Fee and commission expenses                                                            423,034.83            815,760.35
                  Taxes and surcharges                                            V. 57           1,612,243,409.40       1,076,664,461.78
                  Sales expenses                                                  V. 58          11,285,451,112.27      11,581,735,617.31
                  Administrative expenses                                         V. 59           5,267,999,733.62       4,051,241,003.05
                  R&D expenses                                                    V. 60           6,281,394,430.40       6,296,715,941.03
                  Financial expenses                                              V. 61          -2,206,764,591.65      -2,260,201,997.18
                    Including: Interest expenses                                                  2,836,743,431.08       1,752,112,003.72
                               Interest income                                                    4,646,747,718.69       4,242,449,764.06
        Add: Other income                                                         V. 62             879,809,512.05         832,177,253.43
             Income from investments (losses expressed with "")                   V. 63              86,883,941.74         522,063,222.58
                  Including: Investment income from joint ventures or                                 -3,324,287.24         51,594,928.82
associates                Income from derecognition of financial assets
measured atIncome from costsexposure hedging (losses expressed with
"")          Income from changes in fair value (losses expressed with "")         V. 64            -343,575,705.11         -58,130,545.10
             Credit impairment losses (losses expressed with "")                  V. 65            -416,368,773.22        -150,980,869.74
             Asset impairment losses (losses expressed with "")                   V. 66            -966,679,009.51        -606,161,255.62
             Income from disposal of assets (losses expressed with "")            V. 67                 608,425.71           6,212,295.19
III. Operating profits (losses expressed with "")                                                27,284,097,086.18      26,677,365,292.00
        Add: Non-operating revenue                                                V. 68              59,810,331.36         154,321,776.87
        Less: Non-operating expenses                                              V. 69             126,522,574.93          28,449,570.30
IV. Total profits (total losses expressed with "")                                               27,217,384,842.61      26,803,237,498.57
        Less: Income tax expenses                                                 V. 70           4,206,040,489.50       3,971,343,865.68
V. Net profits (net losses expressed with "")                                                    23,011,344,353.11      22,831,893,632.89
   (I) Classification by business continuity
           1. Net profits from continuing operations (net losses expressed                       23,011,552,161.18      22,831,895,323.32
with "") 2. Net profits from discontinuing operations (net losses                                      -207,808.07              -1,690.43
expressed with "") by ownership
   (II) Classification
           1. Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent                             24,506,623,782.46      23,063,732,372.62
           2. losses profits
company (netMinorityexpressedandwith "")(net losses expressed with "")
                                     losses                                                      -1,495,279,429.35        -231,838,739.73
VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive income                                      V. 50          -9,157,870,577.73       3,923,057,187.22
   (I) Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable shareholders                        -9,161,102,750.23       3,922,893,977.40
of the parentOther comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into                         -9,426,072,167.28       3,977,359,915.54
profits and lossesChanges arising from remeasurement of the defined                                  -8,601,949.00         -12,391,783.00
benefit plan (2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred                           -4,749,379,513.24       1,849,833,156.32
to profits and losses under the equity methodof other equity instrument                          -4,668,090,705.04       2,139,918,542.22
investments (4) Changes in fair value of the Company's own credit risk
              (5) Others
           2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profits                            264,969,417.05         -54,465,938.14
and losses (1) Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to                                                          -208,819.44
              (2) under        equity method
profits and lossesChangesthein fair value of other debt investments                                  51,928,741.98          -2,346,134.55
              (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into and included
in other comprehensive incomecredit impairment of other debt investments
              (4) Provision for                                                                      -3,667,360.51
              (5) Cash flow hedging reserves                                                        -24,846,643.18           6,966,706.25
              (6) Difference arising from translation of financial                                  241,554,678.76         -58,877,690.40
statements in foreign currency                income attributable to minority                         3,232,172.50             163,209.82
shareholderscomprehensive income
VII. Total                                                                                       13,853,473,775.38      26,754,950,820.11
   (I) Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the                            15,345,521,032.23      26,986,626,350.02
   (II) company
parent Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                          -1,492,047,256.85        -231,675,529.91
VIII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                                                                  4.43                   4.04
   (II) Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share)                                                               4.43                   4.04
Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu               Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong             Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                              Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                            January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                          Unit: yuan
                                  Item                                     Note                   2022                      2021
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services                                     191,722,692,750.88          169,646,517,565.79
Net increase in deposits from customers and interbank                                              36,042,751.33              -78,563,388.63
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in loans from other banks                                                            -300,000,000.00
Cash received for interests, fees and commissions                                                  316,385,822.75             955,723,978.81
Net increase in loans from other banks
Net increase in repurchase business capital                                                      -746,500,000.00              271,500,000.00
Refund of taxes and levies                                                                      3,671,277,018.74            2,467,381,243.01
Other cash received related to operating activities                      V. 71. (1)             3,887,782,462.69            3,938,701,318.02
      Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                      198,587,680,806.39          177,201,260,717.00
Cash payments for goods acquired and services received                                        140,307,498,966.97          145,601,518,405.47
Net increase in customer loans and advances                                                    -3,541,760,000.00           -1,131,768,349.46
Net increase in deposits with central bank and interbank funds                                   -142,968,622.64             -633,908,556.69
Net increase in lending funds
Cash paid for interests, fees and commissions                                                      72,151,067.99              525,419,503.63
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                        10,236,422,672.26            9,848,593,392.99
Payments of all types of taxes                                                                 12,501,020,989.21            8,371,839,466.55
Other cash paid related to operating activities                          V. 71. (2)            10,486,879,811.33           12,725,203,595.79
      Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                     169,919,244,885.12          175,306,897,458.28
      Net cash flows from operating activities                                                 28,668,435,921.27            1,894,363,258.72
II. Cash flows from investment activities:
Cash received from recovery of investment                                                        6,897,604,278.47           7,349,802,107.98
Cash received from return of investment                                                             96,017,802.71             161,515,418.96
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and                              22,767,686.65              14,956,809.63
Net long-term
othercash receivedassets disposal of subsidiaries and other business
                     from                                                V. 72. (3)                 67,258,353.52              13,498,800.00
Other cash received related to investment activities                     V. 71. (3)              3,443,556,899.78          47,851,587,196.05
     Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities                                        10,527,205,021.13          55,391,360,332.62
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible                              6,036,136,315.75           5,727,074,800.44
Cash and other long-term
assetspaid for investments assets                                                               13,467,910,481.50          18,154,432,702.74
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units   V. 72. (2)              2,031,361,368.42           1,747,336,403.99
Other cash paid related to investment activities                         V. 71. (4)             26,048,629,646.87              10,532,866.10
     Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities                                       47,584,037,812.54          25,639,376,773.27
     Net cash flows from investment activities                                                 -37,056,832,791.41          29,751,983,559.35
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment                                                            32,000,000.00               45,113,614.81
Including: Cash received from subsidiaries absorbing minority                                      32,000,000.00               45,113,614.81
shareholder investments
Cash received from borrowings                                                                 102,926,746,831.03           88,802,444,041.60
Other cash received related to financing activities                      V. 71. (5)                20,000,000.00            1,143,534,793.64
     Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                       102,978,746,831.03           89,991,092,450.05
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                                            60,908,105,526.39           57,868,429,527.67
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment                             18,469,103,441.58           17,546,695,095.00
Including: Dividends and profits paid to minority shareholders by                                  49,000,000.00
subsidiariespaid related to financing activities
Other cash                                                               V. 71. (6)            13,678,745,549.95           39,906,551,717.86
    Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                        93,055,954,517.92         115,321,676,340.53
    Net cash flows from financing activities                                                    9,922,792,313.11          -25,330,583,890.48
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash                                      268,517,494.64             -589,068,807.74
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                    1,802,912,937.61            5,726,694,119.85
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                            29,951,743,758.00           24,225,049,638.15
VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                31,754,656,695.61           29,951,743,758.00
Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu              Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong              Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi i

                                                                                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
                                                                                                                                                     January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: yuan

                                                                                                                                              Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
                                                                        Other       equity
                       Item                                             instruments
                                                                                                                                                           Other                                                                                                                            Minority equity         Total equity
                                                                                                                             Less: Treasury                                                                                   General risk
                                                   Share capital                                      Capital reserves                                 comprehensive           Special reserves           Surplus reserve                      Undistributed profits       Subtotal


                                                                                                                                 share                                                                                         provisions

                                                                                 al bond
                                                                      d share

I. Ending balance of the previous year             5,914,469,040.00                                      125,874,127.56     19,579,646,233.43          11,204,004,355.27         22,403,846.26            1,983,727,107.74    505,599,356.30    103,475,223,000.17     103,651,654,599.87   4,273,796,566.64       107,925,451,166.51

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction

Business combination under common control

II. Beginning balance of the current year          5,914,469,040.00                                      125,874,127.56     19,579,646,233.43          11,204,004,355.27         22,403,846.26            1,983,727,107.74    505,599,356.30    103,475,223,000.17     103,651,654,599.87   4,273,796,566.64       107,925,451,166.51
III. Increase or decrease in the current year
                                                   -283,063,299.00                                       370,227,884.10    -13,935,710,645.57          -9,161,102,750.23           3,441,505.02             257,391,585.18      1,623,761.10    -12,017,149,039.36      -6,892,919,707.62     843,516,555.30        -6,049,403,152.32
(decrease expressed with "")
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                         -9,118,287,340.45                                                                         24,506,623,782.46      15,388,336,442.01   -1,488,212,820.78       13,900,123,621.23
(II) Capital invested and reduced by
                                                   -283,063,299.00                                       370,227,884.10    -13,935,710,645.57                                                             -1,983,727,107.74                     -12,097,640,969.32         -58,492,846.39   2,387,192,801.09         2,328,699,954.70
1. Ordinary shares invested by shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    32,000,000.00            32,000,000.00
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payments
                                                                                                         370,227,884.10                                                                                                                                                   370,227,884.10          352,740.48          370,580,624.58
recognized in shareholders' equity
4. Others                                          -283,063,299.00                                                         -13,935,710,645.57                                                             -1,983,727,107.74                     -12,097,640,969.32        -428,720,730.49   2,354,840,060.61         1,926,119,330.12

(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                 2,237,070,151.57      1,623,761.10    -24,462,568,724.67     -22,223,874,812.00      -61,203,558.59      -22,285,078,370.59

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                         2,237,070,151.57                       -2,237,070,151.57

2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions                                                                                                                                                                                        1,623,761.10          -1,623,761.10

3. Distribution to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -22,223,874,812.00     -22,223,874,812.00      -61,203,558.59      -22,285,078,370.59

4. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders'
                                                                                                                                                          -42,815,409.78                                       4,048,541.35                          36,436,872.17          -2,329,996.26                               -2,329,996.26
1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or
share capital)
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or
share capital)
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried
forward to retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried
                                                                                                                                                          -42,815,409.78                                       4,048,541.35                          36,436,872.17          -2,329,996.26                               -2,329,996.26
forward to retained earnings
6. Others

(V) Special reserves                                                                                                                                                               3,441,505.02                                                                              3,441,505.02        5,740,133.58            9,181,638.60

1. Withdrawal in the current period                                                                                                                                                6,207,315.33                                                                              6,207,315.33        6,367,313.24           12,574,628.57

2. Amount used in the current period                                                                                                                                               2,765,810.31                                                                              2,765,810.31         627,179.66             3,392,989.97

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year                    5,631,405,741.00                                      496,102,011.66      5,643,935,587.86           2,042,901,605.04         25,845,351.28            2,241,118,692.92    507,223,117.40     91,458,073,960.81      96,758,734,892.25   5,117,313,121.94       101,876,048,014.19

  Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                                                                        Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong                                                                      Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                                                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                          Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Continued)
                                                                                                                                         January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: yuan

                                                                                                                                        Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company

                                                                                 Other equity instruments
                                                                                                                                                             Other                                                                                                                Minority equity      Total equity
                                                                                                                    Capital       Less: Treasury                                  Special                               General risk      Undistributed
                                                          Share capital                                                                                  comprehensive                              Surplus reserves                                             Subtotal
                                                                                                                   reserves           share                                       reserves                               provisions         profits
                                                                            Preferred    Perpetual
                                                                              share        bond

I. Ending balance of the previous year                   6,015,730,878.00                                       121,850,280.68    5,182,273,853.90      7,396,060,195.47                            3,499,671,556.59   497,575,772.26   102,841,596,377.66   115,190,211,206.76   1,690,275,881.38   116,880,487,088.14

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction

Business combination under common control

II. Beginning balance of the current year                6,015,730,878.00                                       121,850,280.68    5,182,273,853.90      7,396,060,195.47                            3,499,671,556.59   497,575,772.26   102,841,596,377.66   115,190,211,206.76   1,690,275,881.38   116,880,487,088.14
III. Increase or decrease in the current year                                                                                                                                                                      -
                                                         -101,261,838.00                                          4,023,846.88   14,397,372,379.53      3,807,944,159.80       22,403,846.26                             8,023,584.04      633,626,622.51    -11,538,556,606.89   2,583,520,685.26    -8,955,035,921.63
(decrease expressed with “”)                                                                                                                                                                      1,515,944,448.85
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                          3,922,893,977.40                                                                 23,063,732,372.62    26,986,626,350.02   -231,675,529.91     26,754,950,820.11
(II) Capital invested and reduced by shareholders        -101,261,838.00                                          4,023,846.88   14,397,372,379.53                             21,259,298.20                                             -3,794,252,950.50   -21,767,275,579.54   2,864,813,072.60   -18,902,462,506.94
1. Ordinary shares invested by shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         49,331,294.00         49,331,294.00
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payments recognized in
                                                                                                                 31,002,910.71                                                                                                                                    31,002,910.71                           31,002,910.71
shareholders' equity
4. Others                                                -101,261,838.00                                        -26,979,063.83   14,397,372,379.53                             21,259,298.20                                             -3,794,252,950.50   -21,798,278,490.25   2,815,481,778.60   -18,982,796,711.65
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                           1,983,727,107.74     8,023,584.04   -18,744,282,186.78   -16,752,531,495.00     -49,903,893.39   -16,802,435,388.39

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                   1,983,727,107.74                     -1,983,727,107.74

2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions                                                                                                                                                                                 8,023,584.04        -8,023,584.04

3. Distribution to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                                         -16,752,531,495.00   -16,752,531,495.00     -49,903,893.39   -16,802,435,388.39

4. Others

(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders' equity                                                                                                         -114,949,817.60                                                                   108,429,387.17         -6,520,430.43                           -6,520,430.43
1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or share
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or share
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried forward to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
                                                                                                                                                         -114,949,817.60                                                                   108,429,387.17         -6,520,430.43                           -6,520,430.43
retained earnings
6. Others

(V) Special reserves                                                                                                                                                            1,144,548.06                                                                       1,144,548.06        287,035.96          1,431,584.02

1. Withdrawal in the current period                                                                                                                                             2,404,215.46                                                                       2,404,215.46        552,286.62          2,956,502.08

2. Amount used in the current period                                                                                                                                            1,259,667.40                                                                       1,259,667.40        265,250.66          1,524,918.06

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year                          5,914,469,040.00                                       125,874,127.56   19,579,646,233.43     11,204,004,355.27       22,403,846.26        1,983,727,107.74   505,599,356.30   103,475,223,000.17   103,651,654,599.87   4,273,796,566.64   107,925,451,166.51

  Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                                                                 Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong                                                                 Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                             Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                               December 31, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                        Unit: yuan
                       Item                                Note                December 31, 2022                   December 31, 2021
    Current assets:
    Monetary funds                                                                       138,498,302,123.84              100,413,441,304.10
    Trading financial assets                                                               3,826,643,235.64
    Derivative financial assets                                                                                               21,610,541.29
    Notes receivable
    Accounts receivable                                    XV. 1                           2,811,623,322.77                3,685,619,949.29
    Receivables financing                                                                 24,888,338,026.70               21,973,920,103.73
    Advance payments                                                                      28,967,607,814.23               23,689,469,573.43
    Other receivables                                      XV. 2                           3,602,220,649.55                2,076,879,180.43
    Including: Interests receivable
                Dividends receivable
    Inventory                                                                              9,662,044,202.39               10,215,532,982.28
    Contract assets
    Assets held for sale
    Non-current assets due within one year                                                 3,275,847,602.74               10,969,772,555.56
    Other current assets                                                                   2,524,365,397.75                5,506,040,199.45
    Total current assets                                                                 218,056,992,375.61              178,552,286,389.56
    Non-current assets:
    Debt investment                                                                          150,351,500.00
    Other debt investments                                                                13,312,747,743.53                5,182,465,277.78
    Long-term receivables
    Long-term equity investments                           XV. 3                          29,292,448,754.90               29,888,588,986.29
    Other equity instrument investments                                                    4,498,529,086.64                9,889,910,814.28
    Other non-current financial assets                                                     4,428,003,204.49                   81,309,327.39
    Investment real estate                                                                    17,569,355.86                   19,871,480.80
    Fixed assets                                                                           3,291,354,893.44                2,535,403,625.71
    Construction in progress                                                                 460,979,229.34                  907,483,903.01
    Usufruct assets
    Intangible assets                                                                        823,495,905.07                  843,960,439.75
    Development expenditures
    Long-term unamortized expenses
    Deferred income tax assets                                                            11,399,848,879.09               10,730,613,644.43
    Other non-current assets                                                                 897,709,314.22                   86,616,430.09
    Total non-current assets                                                              68,573,037,866.58               60,166,223,929.53
    Total assets                                                                         286,630,030,242.19              238,718,510,319.09
Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                 Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong               Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                       Balance Sheet of Parent Company (Continued)
                                                               December 31, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                           Unit: yuan
                       Item                                 Note               December 31, 2022                  December 31, 2021
    Current liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                                                                 39,282,170,543.24              18,068,823,304.24
    Transaction financial liabilities
    Derivative financial liabilities                                                          36,789,650.89
    Notes payable                                                                         35,967,986,466.43              35,673,937,662.52
    Accounts payable                                                                      49,009,643,905.62              33,677,905,272.50
    Advance receipts
    Contract liabilities                                                                   9,160,537,495.63              12,219,603,424.23
    Payroll payable                                                                        1,584,146,109.11               1,464,834,311.62
    Taxes and dues payable                                                                 2,053,684,659.63               1,067,213,552.76
    Other payables                                                                         8,044,168,532.69               2,470,038,943.73
    Including: Interests payable
                 Dividends payable                                                         5,614,444,494.87                     602,881.87
    Liabilities held for sale
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                                                                             135,037,104.90
    Other current liabilities                                                             55,848,213,083.79              59,674,216,467.38
    Total current liabilities                                                           200,987,340,447.03              164,451,610,043.88
    Non-current liabilities:
    Long-term borrowings                                                                  27,272,830,327.56               6,606,444,166.67
    Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred share
                 Perpetual bond
    Lease liabilities
    Long-term payables
    Long-term payroll payable                                                                175,712,728.00                 164,408,471.00
    Estimated liabilities
    Deferred income                                                                           81,520,036.95                  85,326,589.00
    Deferred income tax liabilities                                                          710,194,350.26               1,291,446,408.46
    Other non-current liabilities
    Total non-current liabilities                                                         28,240,257,442.77               8,147,625,635.13
    Total liabilities                                                                   229,227,597,889.80              172,599,235,679.01
    Shareholders’ equity:
    Share capital                                                                          5,631,405,741.00               5,914,469,040.00
    Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred share
                 Perpetual bond
    Capital reserves                                                                         479,849,106.94                 109,621,222.84
    Less: Treasury share                                                                   5,643,935,587.86              19,579,646,233.43
    Other comprehensive income                                                             2,390,383,701.31              11,663,015,593.78
    Special reserves
    Surplus reserves                                                                       2,240,943,653.27               1,983,727,107.74
    Undistributed profits                                                                 52,303,785,737.73              66,028,087,909.15
    Total equity                                                                          57,402,432,352.39              66,119,274,640.08
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                          286,630,030,242.19              238,718,510,319.09
Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                  Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong             Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                           Income Statement of Parent Company
                                                            January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                            Unit: yuan
                                         Item                                                     Note          2022                2021
I. Operating revenue                                                                                     119,790,450,591.45    117,502,214,959.15
     Less: Operating costs                                                                                 84,193,036,470.44    84,576,440,398.57
     Taxes and surcharges                                                                                     612,252,827.55       268,607,695.48
     Sales expenses                                                                                        10,387,387,452.52     9,733,828,322.47
     General and administration expense (G&A expense)                                                       1,052,070,843.18       875,539,864.96
     R&D expenses                                                                                           4,858,805,454.26     4,964,928,966.97
     Financial expenses                                                                                    -2,676,657,645.12    -3,058,810,928.42
          Including: Interest expenses                                                                      2,088,897,062.24     1,312,749,932.63
                    Interest income                                                                         4,994,497,152.18     4,719,654,050.92
     Add: Other income                                                                                        197,947,953.08        98,992,747.91
     Income from investments (losses expressed with "")                                                     3,978,824,626.50     2,960,166,670.54
     Including: Investment income from joint ventures or associates                                           -13,564,461.54       -12,905,170.50
     Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortization costs
     Income from net exposure hedging (losses expressed with "")
     Income from changes in fair value (losses expressed with "")                                             -21,732,079.44       -57,612,527.32
     Credit impairment losses (losses expressed with "")                                                       29,008,430.71        47,932,902.68
     Asset impairment losses (losses expressed with "")                                                      -116,830,227.19      -482,109,320.46
     Income from disposal of assets (losses expressed with "")                                                    -12,890.45         1,775,599.93
II. Operating profits (losses expressed with "")                                                           25,430,761,001.83    22,710,826,712.40
    Add: Non-operating revenue                                                                                  9,279,405.22        19,734,701.84
    Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                                2,780,548.68         2,241,847.84
III. Total profits (total losses expressed with "")                                                        25,437,259,858.37    22,728,319,566.40
     Less: Income tax expenses                                                                              3,066,558,342.67     2,891,048,488.98
IV. Net profits (net losses expressed with "")                                                             22,370,701,515.70    19,837,271,077.42
     (I) Net profits from continuing operations (net losses expressed with "")                             22,370,701,515.70    19,837,271,077.42
     (II) Net profits from discontinuing operations (net losses expressed with "")
V. Net of tax of other comprehensive income                                                                -9,272,631,892.47     4,014,556,367.52
    (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses                     -9,308,453,566.04     4,016,410,674.15
            1. Changes arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan                                  -8,601,949.00       -12,391,783.00
            2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profits and losses
                                                                                                           -4,747,875,029.30     1,849,833,156.32
under the equity method
            3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments                                -4,551,976,587.74     2,178,969,300.83
            4. Changes in fair value of the Company's own credit risk
            5. Others
    (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profits and losses                                35,821,673.57         -1,854,306.63
            1. Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to profits and losses under
the equity method
            2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments                                                60,670,722.32         -8,821,012.88
            3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into and included in other comprehensive
            4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
            5. Cash flow hedging reserves                                                                     -24,849,048.75         6,966,706.25
            6. Difference arising from translation of financial statements in foreign currency
            7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                                           13,098,069,623.23   23,851,827,444.94
 Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                      Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong            Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                         Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company
                                                             January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                    Unit: yuan
                                   Item                                              Note       2022                    2021
I. Cash flows from/(used in) operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                                  109,450,181,009.15      96,059,533,928.05
Refund of taxes and levies                                                                    1,435,352,776.76       2,115,966,444.28
Other cash received related to operating activities                                          46,980,196,866.35      50,710,080,340.57
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                     157,865,730,652.26     148,885,580,712.90
Cash payments for goods acquired and services received                                      116,205,098,866.43     116,836,791,145.16
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                       3,092,307,818.11       3,576,725,919.34
Payments of all types of taxes                                                                7,430,521,751.61       4,278,081,434.78
Other cash paid related to operating activities                                               8,763,205,023.74      18,436,681,133.15
     Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                    135,491,133,459.89     143,128,279,632.43
     Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities                                      22,374,597,192.37       5,757,301,080.47
II. Cash flows from/(used in) investment activities:
Cash received from disposal of investment                                                     6,392,709,278.47       7,204,261,026.83
Cash received from return of investment                                                        100,686,978.57           93,574,837.20
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-
                                                                                                       6,678.00            668,332.00
term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received related to investment activities                                          3,859,149,215.21      44,645,766,820.10
     Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities                                     10,352,552,150.25      51,944,271,016.13
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                              1,310,618,056.46         791,819,639.99
other long-term assets
Cash paid for investments                                                                    13,307,412,872.29      19,474,047,673.02
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units                        2,423,031,350.00       1,828,275,113.56
Other cash paid related to investment activities                                             27,971,602,744.39       1,693,811,425.80
     Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities                                    45,012,665,023.14      23,787,953,852.37
     Net cash flows from/(used in) investment activities                                    -34,660,112,872.89      28,156,317,163.76
III. Cash flows from/(used in) financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received from borrowings                                                                72,179,295,627.37      63,139,445,175.64
Other cash received related to financing activities                                           2,320,913,943.00       2,441,352,006.04
     Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                      74,500,209,570.37      65,580,797,181.68
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                                          29,745,813,719.56      50,350,925,464.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment                           18,022,950,452.52      17,449,330,238.22
Other cash paid related to financing activities                                              15,019,655,898.35      28,618,739,788.45
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                     62,788,420,070.43      96,418,995,490.67
     Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities                                      11,711,789,499.94     -30,838,198,308.99
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                       161,480,573.74         -228,723,815.38
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                   -412,245,606.84       2,846,696,119.86
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                          19,966,476,899.91      17,119,780,780.05
VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                             19,554,231,293.07       19,966,476,899.91
Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu           Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong               Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of Parent Company
                                                                                                             January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: yuan
                                                                               Other equity instruments                                                   Other
                        Item                                                                                     Capital          Less: Treasury                         Special                         Undistributed
                                                           Share capital    Preferred   Perpetual                                                     comprehensive                 Surplus reserves                        Total equity
                                                                                                    Others      reserves              share                              reserves                          profits
                                                                              share       bond                                                           income
I. Ending balance of the previous year                   5,914,469,040.00                                    109,621,222.84      19,579,646,233.43   11,663,015,593.78              1,983,727,107.74   66,028,087,909.15     66,119,274,640.08
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Early error correction
II. Beginning balance of the current year                5,914,469,040.00                                    109,621,222.84      19,579,646,233.43   11,663,015,593.78              1,983,727,107.74   66,028,087,909.15     66,119,274,640.08
III. Increase or decrease in the current year                                                                                                    -                                                                     -
                                                         -283,063,299.00                                     370,227,884.10                          -9,272,631,892.47               257,216,545.53                           -8,716,842,287.69
(decrease expressed with “”)                                                                                                   13,935,710,645.57                                                     13,724,302,171.42
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                       -9,231,566,879.24                                 22,370,701,515.70     13,139,134,636.46
                                                                                                                                                 -                                                 -                   -
(II) Capital invested and reduced by shareholders        -283,063,299.00                                     370,227,884.10                                                                                                     370,227,884.10
                                                                                                                                 13,935,710,645.57                                  1,983,727,107.74   11,668,920,238.83
1. Ordinary shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payments recognized in
                                                                                                             370,227,884.10                                                                                                     370,227,884.10
shareholders' equity
                                                                                                                                                 -                                                 -                   -
4. Others                                                -283,063,299.00
                                                                                                                                 13,935,710,645.57                                  1,983,727,107.74   11,668,920,238.83
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                           2,237,070,151.57                         -22,223,874,812.00
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                   2,237,070,151.57   -2,237,070,151.57
2. Distribution to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                              -22,223,874,812.00
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders' equity                                                                                                        -41,065,013.23                 3,873,501.70       34,861,515.28           -2,329,996.25
1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or share
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or share
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried forward to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
                                                                                                                                                        -41,065,013.23                 3,873,501.70       34,861,515.28           -2,329,996.25
retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in the current period
2. Amount used in the current period
(VI) Others
IV. Ending balance of this year                          5,631,405,741.00                                    479,849,106.94       5,643,935,587.86    2,390,383,701.31              2,240,943,653.27   52,303,785,737.73     57,402,432,352.39
 Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                                            Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong                                       Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                     Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of Parent Company (Continued)
                                                                                                             January to December, 2022
Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: yuan
                                                                               Other equity instruments                                                  Other
                        Item                                                                                     Capital         Less: Treasury                          Special                           Undistributed
                                                           Share capital    Preferred   Perpetual                                                    comprehensive                  Surplus reserves                           Total equity
                                                                                                    Others      reserves             share                               reserves                            profits
                                                                              share       bond                                                          income
I. Ending balance of the previous year                   6,015,730,878.00                                    184,850,281.86      5,182,273,853.90     7,763,409,043.86                3,497,114,024.31   68,536,203,624.18   80,815,033,998.31
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Early error correction
II. Beginning balance of the current year                6,015,730,878.00                                    184,850,281.86      5,182,273,853.90     7,763,409,043.86                3,497,114,024.31   68,536,203,624.18   80,815,033,998.31
III. Increase or decrease in the current year
                                                         -101,261,838.00                                     -75,229,059.02   14,397,372,379.53       3,899,606,549.92               -1,513,386,916.57   -2,508,115,715.03   -14,695,759,358.23
(decrease expressed with “”)
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                        4,014,556,367.52                                   19,837,271,077.42   23,851,827,444.94
(II) Capital invested and reduced by
                                                         -101,261,838.00                                     -75,229,059.02   14,397,372,379.53                                      -3,497,114,024.31   -3,717,557,576.88   -21,788,534,877.74
1. Ordinary shares invested by shareholders
2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payments recognized in
                                                                                                              31,002,910.71                                                                                                      31,002,910.71
shareholders' equity
4. Others                                                -101,261,838.00                                                      14,397,372,379.53                                      -3,497,114,024.31   -3,717,557,576.88   -21,819,537,788.45
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                             1,983,727,107.74                       -16,752,531,495.00
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                     1,983,727,107.74   -1,983,727,107.74
2. Distribution to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                                              -16,752,531,495.00
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders' equity                                                                                                       -114,949,817.60                                     108,429,387.17         -6,520,430.43
1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or share
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or share
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried forward
to retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
                                                                                                                                                       -114,949,817.60                                     108,429,387.17         -6,520,430.43
retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawal in the current period
2. Amount used in the current period
(VI) Others
IV. Ending balance of this year                          5,914,469,040.00                                    109,621,222.84   19,579,646,233.43      11,663,015,593.78                1,983,727,107.74   66,028,087,909.15   66,119,274,640.08
 Legal Representative: Dong Mingzhu                                             Chief Accountant: Liao Jianxiong                                    Head of Accounting Department: Liu Yanzi

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                      Notes to 2022 Financial Statements
I     Basic information of the Company

Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") was founded in December 1989, with the unified
social credit code of 91440400192548256N.
As of December 31, 2022, the registered capital and share capital of the Company was RMB5,631,405,741.00. Please refer to Note V. 47
"Share capital" for details of the share capital.

1.    Registered address, organizational form and address of the Company
Organizational form of the Company: company limited by shares
The Company's registered address and headquarters address: Office 608,108 Huitong Third Road, Hengqin New Area, Zhuhai,
Guangdong Province.

2.    Nature of business and main business activities of the Company
The Company is a manufacturing enterprise mainly engaged in the production and sales of air-conditioners and their accessories, as well
as home appliances and their accessories.

3.    Names of the parent company and the ultimate parent company
As of December 31, 2022, the Company had no actual controller.

4.    Scope of consolidated financial statements of the current period and its change
As of the end of the report period, there were a total of 196 subsidiaries included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements, of
which the first level subsidiaries are detailed in Note VII. 1 "Equity in subsidiaries", and the changes in the scope of the consolidated
financial statements during the report period are detailed in Note VI. "Changes in the scope of consolidation".

5.    Approved submitter and approved submission date of the financial statements
These financial statements were submitted under approval by the Board of Directors of the Company on April 28, 2023.

II    Preparation basis of financial statements

1.    Preparation basis of financial statements
The Company prepares the financial statements on the basis of a going concern and according to the transactions and events actually
incurred and the disclosure provisions in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises  Basic Standards (promulgated by the
Ministry of Finance Order No. 33, revised by the Ministry of Finance Order No.76) and the specific accounting standards, the
Implementation Guide for the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Interpretations of the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and other applicable regulations promulgated and revised by the Ministry of Finance on and after February 15, 2006
(collectively referred to as the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"), as well as the Preparation Rules for Information
Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15  General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014 Revision)
promulgated by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC").
According to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Company's accounting is based on the
accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments, the financial statements are measured on the basis of historical cost. If an asset is
impaired, the corresponding impairment provision shall be made in accordance with relevant regulations.
2.    Going concern
The financial statements were presented on a going concern basis. The management carefully evaluated factors of the Company in the
future 12 months since December 31, 2022 such as the macro policy risk, market operation risk, current and long-term profitability and
solvency of the enterprise, financial flexibility, and the management's intention of changing the operation policy, and held that there was

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

no event that can generate significant influence on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.
III Major accounting policies and accounting estimates
Specific accounting policies and accounting estimate suggestions:
The Company and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in the production and sales of air-conditioners and their accessories, as well as
home appliances and their accessories. The Company has prepared several specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for
transactions and events such as revenue recognition based on the actual production management characteristics and in accordance with
provisions of the related Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. For details, see the detailed description in Note III herein.
1.     Statements regarding observance of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
and give a true and complete view of the financial position of the Company on December 31, 2022, and the related information such as
operating results and cash flows in 2022. Besides, the financial statements prepared by the Company, in all the major aspects, also
conform to the disclosure requirements of financial statements and their notes in the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by
Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 revised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2014.
2.     Accounting period
Accounting period of the Company includes one year and interim periods. An interim period covers six-month, a quarter and a month.
The accounting year of the Company commences on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year.
3.     Operating cycle
The normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Company's purchase of assets used for processing to achieving of cash or cash
equivalent. The Company regards 12 months as one operating cycle and uses it as the liquidity classification standard for assets and
4.     Functional currency
RMB is the functional currency used by the Company. Some subsidiaries of the Company adopt currencies other than RMB as the
functional currency.
5.     Accounting treatment of business combination involving enterprises under common control and business
combination not involving enterprises under common control
Business combination refers to the transaction or event of combining two or more independent enterprises to form a reporting entity.
Business combination is classified into business combination involving enterprises under common control and business combination not
involving enterprises under common control.
(1) Business combination under common control
A business combination under common control is a business combination in which the enterprises participating in the combination are
ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination, and the control is not temporary. For business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in the
combination on the combination date is the combining party, and other enterprises participating in the combination are the combined
party. The combination date refers to the date on which the combining party actually obtains the right to control the combined party.
Where business combination involving enterprises under common control arises from one transaction or equities of investees under
common control are obtained step by step through multiple transactions and these transactions belong to a package deal, the Company
will recognize the cost of combination according to the share of carrying amount of net assets obtained for the combined party in the
ultimate controlling party's consolidated financial statements on the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the
consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of the issued shares) and the combination cost is adjusted to capital reserve; if
the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.
Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the Company, including intermediary costs such as the audit fee,
legal service charge and appraisal and consultation costs, and other related overhead expenses are charged to profits and losses in the
period in which they are incurred; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through
issuance of equity instruments are credited against the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess is adjusted
against retained earnings; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through issuance of
debt instruments are recorded into the initially recognized amount of debt instruments. Where the equities of investees under common
control are obtained step by step through multiple transactions to achieve business combination, but these transactions do not belong to a

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

package deal, the Company will recognize the cost of combination according to the share of carrying amount of net assets to be enjoyed
by the combined party after the combination in the ultimate controlling party's consolidated financial statements on the combination date.
The difference between the combination cost and the sum of the carrying amount of long-term equity investments prior to the
combination plus the carrying amount of the consideration newly paid for further acquisition of shares on the date of combination is
adjusted to capital reserve (capital premium or share capital premium); if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any
excess is adjusted against retained earnings. For the equity investment held before the date of combination, accounting treatment is not
performed temporarily for other comprehensive incomes that are accounted using the equity method or recognized using financial
instruments and accounted according to the measurement standard for recognition. When this investment is disposed of, accounting
treatment is conducted using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities. For other
changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution in net assets of the
investee that are recognized because of accounting using the equity method, accounting treatment is not conducted temporarily; they
shall be transferred to the profits and losses of the current period at the time of disposing of this investment.
(2) Business combination not under common control
A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of combining enterprises
are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination. For business combination not involving
enterprises under common control, the party that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in the combination on the date
of combination is the acquiring party, and other enterprises participating in the combination are the acquired party. The date of
acquisition refers to the date on which the acquiring party actually obtains the right to control the acquired party.
For the business combination implemented through one transaction, the cost of business combination refers to the fair value of assets
paid, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the Company on the date of acquisition for obtaining the right to
control the acquired party. On the date of acquisition, the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained by the Company from the
acquired party are recognized at the fair value.
For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange, the accounting treatment for the combination costs shall be
made by distinguishing individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements:
In the individual financial statements, where the held shares are accounted using the equity method prior to the date of acquisition, the
cost of combination of the investment is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the equity investment of the acquired party held before
the date of acquisition and the investment cost newly increased on the date of acquisition. For other related comprehensive income,
accounting treatment is performed during disposal of the investment using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly
dispose of relevant assets or liabilities; the owner's equity that is recognized due to other changes in owners' equities other than the net
profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the investee is accordingly transferred to the profits and losses
of the current period at the time of disposing of this investment. Where the equity investment held before the date of acquisition is
recognized using financial instruments and undergoes accounting treatment according to the measurement standard, the cost of
combination of the investment is the aggregate of the fair value of the equity investment recognized according to this standard and the
newly increased investment cost. The difference between the fair value of the originally held shares and the carrying amount and all the
cumulative fair value changes originally recorded into other comprehensive income are transferred to the investment income of the
current period.
In the consolidated financial statements, the shares of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition shall be remeasured based on
the fair value of such shares on the date of acquisition, and the difference between their fair value and carrying amount shall be charged
to the investment income of the current period; where the shares of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition involve other
comprehensive income under accounting of the equity method and other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses,
other comprehensive income and profit distribution, other comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equities concerned with
them shall be transferred to the investment income in the period in which the date of acquisition is included (excluding other
comprehensive income arising from changes in the net assets or net liabilities of the benefit plan remeasured and redefined by the
investee). The summation of the fair value of the shares of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition on the date of acquisition
and newly increased investment costs on the date of acquisition shall be the combination cost of the investment.
Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the Company, including intermediary costs such as the audit fee,
legal service charge, and appraisal and consultation costs, and other related overhead expenses are charged to profits and losses in the
period in which they are incurred. The transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

issuance of equity instruments are credited against the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess is adjusted
against retained earnings; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through issuance of
debt instruments are recorded into the initially recognized amount of debt instruments.
In the Company, the positive balance between the business combination cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained by
the Company from the acquired party shall be recognized as goodwill and subsequently measured after the accumulated provision for
impairment is deducted from the cost; the negative balance between the business combination cost and the fair value of the identifiable
net assets obtained by the Company from the acquired party shall be charged to profits and losses of the current period after being
(3) Principle of judging whether multiple transactions are "a package deal"
When the terms and conditions of multiple transactions and the economic impact thereof accord with one or more of the following cases,
usually it indicates that these transactions shall undergo accounting treatment as "a package deal":
1) These transactions are concluded at the same time or concluded in consideration of mutual influence;

2) Only the whole of these transactions can achieve a complete business result;

3) Occurrence of one transaction depends on occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

4) One transaction is not economical when considered separately, but economical when taken into account together

with other transactions.
6.    Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1) Principles for determining the scope of consolidated financial statements
The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control. Control means that the
Company owns the power to the investee, enjoys variable return by participating relevant activities of the investee, and has the capacity
of using the power to the investee to affect its return amount.
(2) Preparation of consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements of the Company are prepared by the Company based on individual financial statements of the
Company and subsidiaries and according to other relevant data. During preparation of consolidated financial statements, the accounting
policy and accounting period of the Company shall be consistent with those of subsidiaries, and the inter-company major transactions
and balances shall be offset.
For the subsidiary added due to business combination involving enterprises under common control in the Report Period, the Company
adjusts the amount at the beginning of the period in the consolidated balance sheet, incorporates the revenue, expense and profit of this
subsidiary from the beginning of the period for consolidation to the end of the report period into the consolidated profit statement,
includes its cash flow into the consolidated cash flow statement, and adjusts relevant items in the comparative statements; for the
subsidiary added due to business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the Company does not adjust the amount
at the beginning of the period in the consolidated balance sheet, but only incorporates the revenue, expense and profit of this subsidiary
from the date of acquisition to the end of report period into the consolidated profit statement and its cash flow into the consolidated cash
flow statement.
The portion of owners' equity of the subsidiaries that isn't attributable to the Company shall be separately presented as the minority
equity under the owners' equity in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The portion of the subsidiary's current net profits and losses
attributable to minority equity is presented as "Minority profits and losses" item in the Consolidated Income Statement. The share of
comprehensive income of the subsidiaries in the current period that is attributable to the minority equity shall be presented as the item of
"Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders" under the total comprehensive income in the Consolidated Profit
Statement. Where the losses of a subsidiary undertaken by minority shareholders exceed the share enjoyed by minority shareholders in
the owners' equities of this subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the balance shall be still adjusted against the minority shareholders'
For the acquisition of the subsidiary's shares owned by minority shareholders thereof, in the consolidated financial statements, the
difference between the long-term equity investment newly obtained because of the acquisition of minority shareholders' shares and the
share of net assets of the subsidiary to be enjoyed and continuously calculated according to the proportion of newly added shares from
the acquisition date or consolidation date is adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any
excess is adjusted against retained earnings.

                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

For the transaction for which a part of equity investment is disposed of but the right to control this subsidiary is not lost, in the
consolidated financial statements, the difference between the disposal price and the share of net assets of the subsidiary to be enjoyed
accordingly for disposal of the long-term equity investment and continuously calculated from the acquisition date or consolidation date is
adjusted to capital reserve (capital premium or share capital premium); if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any
excess is adjusted against retained earnings.
Where the right to control the original subsidiary is lost due to disposal of a part of equity investment or other reasons, the residual
shareholding shall be remeasured at fair value on the date of losing the control right; the result of the sum of the consideration obtained
from the equity disposal plus the fair value of residual shareholding, minus the share of net assets of the original subsidiary that should be
enjoyed and is continuously calculated according to the original proportion of held shares from the acquisition date, shall be charged to
the investment income in the period when the control right is lost, and adjusted against the goodwill at the same time; other
comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary's equity investment shall be transferred to the investment income of the current
period when the control right is lost.
Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through multiple transactions till the control right is lost and all
the transactions belong to a package deal, accounting treatment shall be performed for the transactions by deeming all the transactions as
one item for disposing of the subsidiary and losing the control right; however, prior to loss of the control right, the difference between
every disposal price and the share of net assets of this subsidiary to be enjoyed accordingly for investment disposal shall be recognized as
other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and, at the time of losing the control right, be jointly transferred to
the profits and losses in the period when the control right is lost.
Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through multiple transactions till the control right is lost, and the
transactions do not belong to a package deal, all the transactions before loss of the right to control the subsidiary shall be handled
according to the regulations of the Company on partial disposal of the subsidiary's long-term equity investment provided that the
Company does not lose the right to control the subsidiary.
This report period does not involve buying-in and selling-out of the same subsidiary's equity, or selling-out and buying-in turn.
7.    Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of co-management
Joint arrangement refers to the arrangement for joint control by two or more participants.
(1) Joint arrangement classification
Joint arrangement is classified into co-management and joint venture. Co-management refers to the joint arrangement where the parties
to the venture enjoy relevant assets of this arrangement and assume relevant liabilities of this arrangement. Joint venture refers to the
joint arrangement where the parties to the venture only enjoy rights to net assets of this arrangement.
(2) Accounting treatment of co-management
1) The Company recognizes the following items related to quantum of interest in co-management and performs

accounting treatment in accordance with provisions of the corresponding Accounting Standards for Business
a. Independently held assets, as well as the jointly held assets to be recognized according to the share of the Company;
b. Independently undertaken liabilities, as well as the jointly undertaken liabilities to be recognized according to the share of the
c. Revenue generated by selling the output share of co-management that is enjoyed by the Company;
d. Revenue that is generated by selling the output during co-management and recognized according to the share of the Company;
e. Independently incurred expense, as well as the expense incurred by co-management and recognized according to the share of the
2) Where the Company puts assets into or sells assets to the parties to co-management (except that the assets constitute business), before
the said assets are sold to a third party by the parties to co-management, the Company recognizes only the part in the profits and losses
arising from this transaction that is attributable to other participants in the co-management. In case that the put or sold assets involve the
asset impairment losses complying with provisions in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8  Impairment of Assets,
the Company shall recognize the said loss in full.
3) Where the Company purchases assets from the parties to co-management (except that the assets constitute business), before said assets
are sold to a third party, the Company recognizes only the part in the profits and losses arising from this transaction that is attributable to
other participants in the co-management. In case that the purchased assets involve the asset impairment losses complying with provisions

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in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8  Impairment of Assets, the Company shall recognize this part of loss
according to the share to undertake.
8.    Determination criteria for cash and cash equivalents
The cash refers to the enterprise's money on hand and deposits for payment at any time. Cash equivalents refer to investments held by the
enterprise which are short in term (generally referring to those expiring within not more than 3 months from the date of acquisition), high
in liquidity, convertible to the known amount of cash and insignificant in risk of change of value.
9.    Foreign currency transactions and translation of financial statements in foreign currency
(1) Method of translation for foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction of the Company, the amount in the foreign currency shall be translated
into the amount in RMB currency at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date (generally referring to the mid-price of the current
day’s foreign exchange rate published by the People's Bank of China at the date of transaction, the same below).
(2) Treatment of monetary items of foreign currencies and non-monetary items of foreign currencies on the balance
sheet date
For the monetary items of foreign currencies, the translation is done according to spot rate of the balance sheet date. The exchange
difference generated from the difference of spot rate of the current balance sheet date and the time of initial recognition of a foreign
currency or the previous balance sheet date is charged to the profits and losses of the current period except that the exchange difference
generated from foreign currency borrowings relating to assets of which the acquisition or production satisfies the capitalization
conditions is capitalized in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17  Borrowing Costs. For the non-
monetary items of foreign currencies measured by historical cost, translation is done according to spot rate of the transaction date without
change in their amount in functional currency. Non-monetary items of foreign currencies such as shares and funds measured at fair value
are translated as per the spot rate on the date when their fair value is confirmed. The differences between the translated amounts in
functional currency and the original amounts in functional currency are recorded into current profits and losses as fluctuations in fair
value (including fluctuation in exchange rates).
(3) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The Company translates the financial statements expressed in foreign currency into ones expressed in RMB currency according to the
following provisions.
The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, except for the
"undistributed profits" item, other items of owners' equity are converted at the spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence. The asset and
liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at an average exchange rate. The difference arising from translation of financial
statements in foreign currency generated by the above method shall be separately presented under the owner's equity item in the balance
sheet. The foreign currency cash flow statement shall be translated at the average exchange rate on the cash flow date. The amount of
influence of the exchange rate change on cashes shall be presented separately under the adjusted item in the cash flow statement.
10. Financial instruments
A financial asset or financial liability can be recognized when the Company becomes one party of financial instrument contract.
(1) Classification, recognition, and measurement of financial assets
According to the business mode for management of the financial assets and the characteristics of the contractual cash flows of the
financial assets, the Company classifies the financial assets as: financial assets measured at amortized cost; financial assets measured at
fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income; financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the
current profits and losses.
The financial assets initially recognized by the Company shall be measured at fair value. For the financial assets measured at fair value
with changes included in the current profits and losses, the transaction expenses thereof are directly included in the current profits and
losses; for other categories of financial assets, the transaction expenses thereof are included in the initially recognized amount. For the
accounts receivable or notes receivable arising from the sale of products or the provision of services, which do not include or consider
significant financing components, the initial recognition amount is based on the expected amount of consideration that the Company is
entitled to receive.
1) Financial assets measured at amortization costs
The Company's business model for managing financial assets measured at amortization cost is to collect contractual cash flows, and the

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contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent with basic borrowing arrangements, that is, cash flows
generated on a specific date, are for the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount. The Company
adopts the effective interest rate method for such financial assets and performs subsequent measurement based on amortization cost. The
gains or losses arising from their amortization or impairment are included in the current profits and losses.
2) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income
The Company's business model for managing such financial assets aims at collection of contractual cash flows and sales, and the
contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent with the basic lending arrangements. The company measures
such financial assets at fair value and their changes are recognized in other comprehensive income, but impairment losses or gains,
exchange profits and losses, and interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method are recognized in the current profits
and losses.
In addition, the Company designates some non-transaction equity instrument investments as financial assets measured at fair value with
changes included in other comprehensive income. The Company includes the relevant dividend income of such financial assets in the
current profits and losses with changes in fair value included in other comprehensive income. When the financial assets are derecognized,
the cumulative gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income will be transferred from other comprehensive income
to retained income, but will not be included in the current profits and losses.
3) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income
The Company classifies financial assets other than those measured at amortized cost and those measured at fair value with changes
included in other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses
In addition, in the initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch, the Company designated
some financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses. For such financial
assets, the Company uses fair value for subsequent measurement, and the changes of fair value are included in the current profits and
(2) Classification, recognition, and measurement of financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are initially classified as financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and
losses and other financial liabilities. For the financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and
losses, the transaction expenses thereof are directly included in the current profits and losses; for other financial liabilities, the transaction
expenses thereof are included in the initially recognized amount.
1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses
Financial liabilities are measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses, including transaction financial
liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated at initial recognition as measured at fair
value with changes included in the current profits and losses.
Transaction financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) are subsequently measured at fair value with changes
included in the current profits and losses, except for those related to hedge accounting.
For financial liabilities designated as those measured at fair value at the initial recognition with changes included in the current profits
and losses, the changes of fair value caused by changes in the Company's own credit risk are included in other comprehensive income,
and when the liabilities are derecognized, the cumulative changes in fair value caused by changes in own credit risk included in other
comprehensive income are transferred to retained earnings. Other changes in fair value are included in current profits and losses. If the
accounting mismatch in profits and losses may be caused or expanded as the effects of changes in the own credit risk of such financial
liabilities are processed in the above manner, the Company will include all gains or losses of such financial liabilities (including the
amount affected by changes in the Company's own credit risk) included in the current profit and loss.
2) Other financial liabilities
Except for financial liabilities and financial guarantee contracts formed by the transfer of financial assets that do not meet the conditions
for derecognition or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets, other financial liabilities are classified as financial
liabilities measured at amortized cost, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from derecognition or
amortization are included in the current profits and losses.
(3) Basis for the recognition and method for the measurement of financial assets
Financial assets that meet one of the following conditions shall be derecognized:
1) The contract right to receive the cash flow of the financial assets is terminated;

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2) The financial assets have been transferred, and almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are transferred to
the transferring party;
3) The financial assets have been transferred, although the enterprise has neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards
of the ownership of the financial assets, it has given up control over the financial assets.
If the enterprise has neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of the financial assets, and has not
given up control over the financial assets, the relevant financial assets shall be recognized according to the extent of continued
involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly. The degree of continued
involvement in the transferred financial assets refers to the level of risk faced by the enterprise due to changes in the value of the
financial assets.
If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the book value of the transferred
financial assets and the sum of the consideration received due to the transfer and the cumulative amount of changes in fair value
originally included in other comprehensive income is included in the current profits and losses.
If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the book value of the transferred financial assets will be
apportioned between the portion derecognized, and the portion not derecognized according to their relative fair values, and the difference
between the sum of the consideration received for the transfer and the amount of cumulative changes in the fair value which was
previously directly recognized in owner's equity and which should be apportioned to the portion derecognized, and the above book
amount apportioned will be included in the current profits and losses.
The Company must determine whether almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred before
endorsing the transfer of financial assets sold by means of recourse and financial assets held. If almost all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset have been transferred to the transferee, the financial asset will be derecognized; if the risks and rewards
of the ownership of the financial asset have been retained, the financial asset will not be derecognized; if almost all the risks and rewards
of ownership of the financial asset have not been transferred or retained, the enterprise needs to continue to determine whether it retains
control over the asset and performs accounting treatment in accordance with the principles described in the preceding paragraphs.
(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities
If the present obligation for a financial liability has been fully or partially discharged, the financial liability or the relevant portion thereof
will be derecognized. If the Company (borrower) signs an agreement with the lender to replace the original financial liability by
assuming a new financial liability, and the contract terms of the new financial liability and the original financial liability are substantially
different, the original financial liability will be derecognized, and the new financial liability will be recognized at the same time. If a
material amendment is made to the contractual terms for the original financial liability or the relevant portion thereof, the original
financial liability will be derecognized, and the new financial liability will be recognized according to the amended terms at the same
If the financial liability or the relevant portion thereof is derecognized, the difference between the book value of the financial liability
derecognized, and the consideration paid for it (including the non-cash asset transferred, or the liability assumed) will be included in the
current profits and losses.
(5) Offsetting financial assets with financial liabilities
When the Company has the legal right to offset the financial asset and the financial liability with the recognized amount, and such legal
rights are currently enforceable, and the Company plans to settle in the net or simultaneously realize the financial asset and liquidate the
financial liability, the financial asset and the financial liability will be presented in the balance sheet in net amounts after mutual offset. In
addition, financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet, and are not offset against each other.
(6) Method for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
Fair value refers to the price that a market participant can receive for the sale of an asset or need to pay for the transfer of a liability in the
orderly transaction that occurs on the measurement date. For financial instruments for which there is an active market, the fair value
thereof will be determined by the Company based on the quotation in the active market. Quotation in the active market refers to the price
that is easily obtained from exchanges, brokers, industry associations, pricing service agencies, etc. on a regular basis, and represents the
price of market transactions that actually occur in fair trading. For financial instruments for which there is no active market, the fair value
thereof will be determined by the Company using the valuation techniques. The value appraisal techniques include the prices adopted by
the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained
by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model,

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etc. At the time of valuation, the Company adopts a valuation technique that is applicable in the current circumstances and that there is
sufficient available data and other information to support, selects the input values consistent with the asset or liability characteristics
considered by the market participants in the transaction of the underlying asset or liability, and as far as possible uses relevant observable
input values. Unobservable input values are used where the relevant observable input values are not available or are not practicable.
(7) Equity instruments
Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove ownership of the residual equity in assets of the Company after deduction of all the
liabilities. The Company treats issue (including refinancing), repurchases, sale or cancellation of equity instruments as changes in equity,
and transaction expenses related to equity transactions are deducted from equity. The Company does not recognize changes in the fair
value of equity instruments.
If the Company's equity instruments distribute dividends (including "interest" generated by instruments classified as equity instruments)
during the existence period, such dividends will be treated as profit distribution.
11. Impairment of financial assets
Financial assets of which the Company needs to recognize impairment losses include financial assets measured at amortization cost, and
debt instrument investments measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income, mainly including notes
receivable, receivables financing, accounts receivable, contract assets, other receivables, loans and advances, debt investment, other debt
investment, long-term receivables, etc.
(1) Recognition methods of provision for impairment
Based on the expected credit loss, the Company makes impairment provision and recognizes credit impairment loss according to the
applicable expected credit loss measurement method (general method or simplified method) for the above items.
Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all
the cash flows that the Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash shortfalls), discounted at the original effective interest rate. Among them,
for purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets, the Company discounts the difference at the credit-adjusted effective interest
rate of the financial assets.
The general method for measuring expected credit losses is that the Company assesses on each balance sheet date whether the credit risk
of financial assets has increased significantly since initial recognition. If the credit risk has increased significantly since initial
recognition, the Company measures the loss provisions according to the amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses. If the credit risk
has not increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company measures the loss provisions according to the amount equal to 12-
month expected credit losses. The Company considers all reasonable and valid information, including forward-looking information,
when assessing expected credit losses.
For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that their credit risk has not increased
significantly since initial recognition.
(2) Judgment standards for whether the credit risks have increased significantly since the initial recognition
If the probability of default of a financial asset in the expected lifetime determined on the balance sheet date is significantly higher than
the probability of default in the expected lifetime determined at the time of initial recognition, it indicates that the credit risk of the
financial asset has increased significantly. Except for special circumstances, the Company uses the change in default risk that occurs
within the next 12 months as a reasonable estimate of the change in default risk that occurs throughout the lifetime to determine whether
the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition.
(3) Assessment methods of the expected credit risks based on combinations
The Company assesses the credit risks of the financial assets with significantly different credit risks respectively, such as accounts
receivable from disputes with the other party or litigation and arbitration, and receivables with obvious signs indicating that the debtor is
likely to be unable to fulfill the repayment obligation, etc.
In addition to the financial assets whose credit risks are assessed respectively, the Company divides the financial assets into different
combinations based on their common risk characteristics, and assesses the credit risks on the basis of combinations.
(4) Accounting treatment methods of financial assets impairment
At the end of the period, the Company calculates the estimated credit losses of various financial assets. If the estimated credit losses are
greater than the book value of the current impairment provisions, the difference is recognized as an impairment loss; if the estimated
credit losses are smaller than the book value of the current impairment provisions, the difference is recognized as an impairment gain.

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(5) Recognition methods of the credit losses of all kinds of financial assets
1) Notes receivable and receivables financing  notes receivable
For notes receivable and receivables financing  notes receivable, the Company measures the loss reserves according to the amount of
the expected credit losses during the whole duration. Based on the credit risk characteristics of notes receivable and receivables financing
 notes receivable, financial assets are divided into different combinations:

              Item                                                   Basis for recognition of combinations

Banker's acceptance bill               The acceptor is a bank institution or a financial company

Trade acceptance draft                 The acceptor is a company other than a bank institution or financial company

2) Accounts receivable, receivables financing  accounts receivable and contract assets
For accounts receivable that do not contain significant financing components, accounts receivable that contain significant financing
components, receivables financing  accounts receivable, and contract assets, the Company measures loss reserves based on an expected
credit loss amount equivalent to the entire duration. Expected credit losses related to contract assets are included in asset impairment
In addition to accounts receivable of which credit risk is individually assessed, the Company divides accounts receivable into different
combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:

             Item                                                   Basis for recognition of combinations

Combination 1: Account age
                                  The combination takes the account age of accounts receivable as the basis for the combination
Combination 2: Low risk           The combination takes the dismantling subsidy of waste electrical and electronic products receivable
combination                       from government departments and new energy vehicle subsidies as the basis for the combination
Combination 3: None risk          The combination takes the receivables from related units within the scope of consolidation as the basis
combination                       for the combination
3) Disbursement of loans and advances
Based on the internal assessment results of the credit risk management system of the relevant financial instruments, the Company defines
whether credit impairment has occurred: the Company calculates the expected credit loss of the financial assets at the expected credit loss
rate of different categories, according to the five-level classification of the financial industry (normal, concerned, secondary, suspicious
and loss) based on the borrower's actual repayment ability.
4) Other receivables
The Company measures impairment losses using an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses, based on whether
the credit risk of other receivables has increased significantly since initial recognition. In addition to other receivables of which credit
risk is individually assessed, the Company divides other receivables into different combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:

                Item                                                   Basis for recognition of combinations

Combination 1: Account age
                                        The combination takes the account age of other receivables as the basis for the combination
Combination 2: Low risk
                                        The combination takes the receivable government grain deposits as the basis for the combination
Combination 3: None risk                The combination takes the receivables from related units within the scope of consolidation as the
combination                             basis for the combination
5) Debt investment
Debt investment mainly accounts for bond investment measured at amortization cost. The Company measures impairment losses using
an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses, based on whether the credit risk of other debt investments has
increased significantly since initial recognition.
6) Other debt investments
Other debt investments mainly accounts for the debt instrument investments measured at fair value with changes included in other
comprehensive income. The Company measures impairment losses using an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected credit
losses, based on whether the credit risk of other debt investments has increased significantly since initial recognition.
7) Long-term receivables

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The Company's long-term receivables are incomes from the sales of goods collected in installments. The Company measures the loss
reserves according to the amount of the expected credit losses during the whole duration.
12. Receivables financing
For notes receivable and accounts receivable classified as measured at fair value and of which changes are included in other
comprehensive income, the portion within one year (including one year) from the date of acquisition is presented as receivables financing;
while the portion beyond one year is presented as other debt investment. For related accounting policies, please refer to Note III. 10
"Financial instruments" and Note III. 11 "Impairment of financial assets".
13. Inventory
(1) Inventory classification
The Company's inventories mainly include raw materials, work in progress and contract performance costs, finished products,
development costs, and development products.
Development cost refers to the property that has not been completed and is for sale; the Company accounts for the land use rights
purchased and used for commercial housing development as the development cost. Development product refers to the property that has
been completed and is to be sold.
(2) Valuation method for delivered inventories
The Company mainly adopts the planned cost method for inventory accounting, while some subsidiaries adopt the actual cost method for
inventory accounting.
Inventories accounted for with the planned cost method are valued at planned cost upon shipment, and at the end of the month, the
planned cost is adjusted to actual cost based on the cost difference of the current month; inventories accounted for using the actual cost
method mainly use the weighted average method at the end of each month to value the issued inventory.
Development cost and product development cost include land transfer fees, infrastructure expenditures, construction and installation
engineering expenditures, borrowing costs incurred before the development project is completed, and other related costs incurred in
development. When carrying forward the cost for product development, the total cost is allocated between the sold and unsold properties
in proportion to the construction area.
(3) Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventory and accrual method for inventory depreciation
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower cost and net realizable value. If the cost of inventories is higher than the
net realizable value, a provision for decline in value of inventories shall be made and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period, where a provision for decline in value of inventories has been made, if the value of the said inventories is resumed later,
the said value shall be transferred back from the provision for decline in value of the inventories. Net realizable value is the estimated
selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale
and relevant taxes.
(4) Inventory system
The Company's inventory adopts the perpetual inventory system.
(5) Amortization methods of low-value consumables and packing materials
Low-value consumables and packing materials are written off in full when issued for use.
14. Contract assets
The Company presented the right to collect payments from customers which the customers have not yet paid the contract consideration,
but the Company has fulfilled its performance obligations in accordance with the contract, and which is not unconditional (that is, only
depending on the passage of time) as contract assets in the balance sheet. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract
are presented in net amount, and contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts are not offset.
For the determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of contract assets, please refer to Note III. 11 "Impairment of
financial assets".
15. Contract costs
(1) Determination of asset amount related to contract costs
The Company's asset related to contract costs includes contract acquisition cost and contract obtain cost.
If the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain the contract is expected to be recovered, it will be recognized as an asset as

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contract acquisition cost. However, if the amortization period of the asset does not exceed one year, it will be included in current profits
and losses when it incurs.
If the cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract does not fall within the scope specified in the accounting
standards for business enterprises other than the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14  Revenues (Revised in 2017), it
shall be recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost when the following conditions are met simultaneously: ① the cost is
directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor cost, direct material cost, manufacturing expense (or similar
expense), cost clearly borne by the customer, and other costs incurred only due to the contract; ② the cost increases the Company's
future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations; and ③ the cost is expected to be recovered.

(2) Amortization of assets related to contract costs
The Company’s assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of goods income related to the asset
and included in the current profits and losses.
(3) Impairment of assets related to contract costs
When recognizing the impairment loss of assets related to the contract cost, the Company shall first recognize the impairment loss of
other assets related to the contract and recognized in accordance with other relevant corporate accounting standards; then, based on the
fact that the book value is higher than the difference between the residual consideration expected to be obtained by the Company due to
the transfer of the goods related to the asset and the estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods, the excess part
shall be withdrawn for impairment provision and recognized as asset impairment losses.
If the depreciation factors in the previous period change later, causing the aforementioned difference is higher than the book value of the
asset, the Company will transfer back the previously-made provision for impairment and include it in the current profits and losses, but
the book value of the asset after transferring back can not exceed the book value of the asset at the date of transferring back under the
assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
16. Assets held for sale
(1) Recognition standard
Where the Company recovers its book value by selling (including the non-monetary asset exchange with commercial substance; it is the
same below), not continuously using a non-current asset or disposal group, it shall be classified into the category of assets held for sale.
The non-current asset or disposal group to be classified into the category of assets held for sale shall meet the following conditions at the
same time:
According to the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be sold immediately under the current
Selling is extremely likely to happen, that is to say that the Company has make decision for a selling plan and has obtained recognized
purchase commitment and selling is expected to be completed within one year. If it can be sold only after being approved by relevant
authority organization or supervision department of the Company according to relevant requirements, it should have been approved.
Recognized purchase commitment refers to purchase agreement with legal binding force that the Company concludes with other parties,
which includes important clauses of transaction price, time and enough strict default punishment, etc., with which, possibility to lead to
major adjustment or cancellation of agreement is tiny.
The non-current asset or disposal group acquired by the Company for resale shall be classified as the held for sale on the acquisition date
if it meets the requirements of “expected to be sold within one year” on the acquisition date, and it is likely to meet the other
classification conditions for holding for sale in the short term (usually three months).
The disposal group refers to a group of assets that are disposed of as a whole in a transaction through sale or other means, and the
liabilities that are directly related to these assets and transferred in the transaction. Where the goodwill obtained in the merger of
enterprises is apportioned for the asset group or asset group combination to which the disposal group belongs according to Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No.8  Impairment of Assets, this disposal group should contain the goodwill apportioned to the disposal
(2) Accounting treatment
For the non-current asset and disposal group that is classified as the category held for sale, the Company carries out initial measurement
or re-measurement according to the smaller result of the net value of the book value and the fair value minus the net amount of the
disposal expense. Where the net value of the fair value minus the disposal cost is lower than the original book value, the difference is

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confirmed as assets impairment losses and include in the current profits and losses, and the provision for impairment of the assets held
for sale is made at the same time; for the amount of assets impairment losses confirmed by the disposal group held for sale, the book
value of the goodwill in the disposal group is deducted first, and then its book value is deducted in proportion according to the ratios of
the book values of various non-current assets applicable to measurement of the category held for sales in the disposal group.
Where the net value of the fair value of non-current assets held for sale on the balance sheet date minus the selling expense increases
subsequently, the previous write-down amount is restored and will be transferred back in the amount of assets impairment loss after
classification as the category held for sales is confirmed, and the amount transferred back shall be included in the current profits and
losses. Asset impairment losses recognized before the classification are not transferred back.
Where the net value of the fair value of disposal group held for sale on the balance sheet date minus the selling expense increases
subsequently, the previous write-down amount is restored and will be transferred back in the amount of asset impairment losses
confirmed for non-current assets applicable to the measurement provisions of the category held for sale after classification as the
category held for sales, and the amount transferred back shall be included in the current profits and losses.
For the deducted book value of goodwill and the non-current assets applicable to the measurement provisions of the category held for
sale, the asset impairment losses confirmed before classification as the category held for sales shall not be transferred back. For the
amount subsequently transferred back for asset impairment losses recognized in the disposal group held for sale, its book value is
increased in proportion according to the ratios of the book values of various non-current assets applicable to measurement provisions of
the category held for sales in the disposal group excluding the goodwill. The non-current assets held for sale or non-current assets in the
disposal group are not made for provision for impairment or amortized, and the interests on debts and other expenses in the disposal
group held for sale will be confirmed continuously.
The measurement methods of the category held for sale do not apply to the deferred income tax assets, financial assets complying with
the specifications of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22  Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments,
investment real estate and biological assets measured at fair value, contract rights produced in the insurance contract, and the assets
produced in the welfare of the workers, and they are measured according to the relevant criteria or corresponding accounting policies
formulated by the Company. Where the disposal group contains the non-current assets applicable to the measurement method of the
category held for sale, the measurement method of the category held for sale is applicable to the whole disposal group. The related
accounting standards apply to measurement of liabilities in the disposal group.
When the non-current assets or disposal group is removed from the disposal group held for sale because it does not meet the
classification condition of the category held for sale anymore and will not be classified as the category held for sale or non-current assets,
it shall be measured according to the smaller one of the following two:
1) In case of the book value before being classified into the held for sale category, the amount adjusted according to the depreciation,
amortization or impairment that should have been recognized under the assumption that it is not classified as held for sale category;
2) Recoverable amount.
17. Long-term equity investments
The long-term equity investments mainly include the equity investment held by the Company that can take control over the investee and
have a significant impact, as well as the equity investment in its joint venture.
(1) Judgment standards of control and significant influence
Judgment standards of control:
1) The Company owns the power to the investee;
2) The Company enjoys variable return by participating relevant activities of the investee;
3) The Company has the ability to use the power over the investee to influence the Company's return amount;
4) The Company acknowledges the control force for the investee that meets the above three conditions.
Judgment standards of significant influence:
5) The Company has the power to participate in the decision-making of the investee's financial and operating policies, but does not
control, or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties;
6) Where the Company is able to exert significant impact on the investee, it is the associated enterprise of the Company;
7) The investee under common control by the Company and other participants is a joint venture of the Company. Common control means
that any participant cannot independently control this arrangement, and any participant with the right to common control on this
arrangement can prevent other participants or the combination of participants from independently controlling this arrangement.

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(2) Determination of the investment cost of the long-term equity investment
The long-term equity investment of the Company is measured at the investment cost at the time of acquisition. Normally the investment
cost refers to the assets paid, liabilities incurred or undertaken, and the fair value of equity securities issued for the acquisition of this
investment, including the costs directly attributable to the acquisition. However, for the long-term equity investment formed by business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost is the share of carrying amount of the combined party's net
assets acquired on the combination date in the ultimate controlling party's consolidated financial statements.
(3) Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments and methods of profits and losses recognition
The Company adopts the cost method to calculate the long-term equity investment that can control the investee, and the equity method to
calculate the investment of associated enterprise and joint venture.
The price of a long-term equity investment accounted by employing the cost method shall be included at its initial investment cost. If
there are additional investments or disinvestments, the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted. The cash dividends or
profits declared to distribute by the investee shall be recognized as investment income and charged to profits and losses of the current
When the Company employs the equity method for accounting of the long-term equity investment, if the investment cost of a long-term
equity investment is more than the investing enterprise' attributable share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets for the
investment, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment may not be adjusted; if the investment cost of a long-term equity
investment is less than the investing enterprise' attributable share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets for the
investment, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted, and the difference shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period.
When the Company employs the equity method for accounting of the long-term equity investment, the Company first adjusts the
investee's net profits and losses and other comprehensive income in the aspects such as the fair value of the investee's identifiable net
assets at the time of investment acquisition, accounting policy and accounting period, and then recognizes the current-period investment
profits and losses and other comprehensive income based on the net profits and losses and other comprehensive income shares of the
investee that should be enjoyed or shared. For other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and recorded
into the owners' equities.
For the unrealized internal transaction profits and losses that arise between the Company and the associates and joint ventures, the part
attributable to the Company shall be calculated according to the shareholding proportion, and the investment profits and losses shall be
recognized on the basis of offsetting.
For the long-term equity investments held already prior to January 1, 2007 for the associates and joint ventures, if there is any equity
investment difference on the debit side, the investment profits and losses shall be recognized after deduction of the equity investment
difference on the debit side amortized by the straight-line method according to the original residual maturity.
(4) Recognition of common control and significant influences on the investee
Common control is recognized as the control which does not exist unless the investing parties unanimously agree on sharing the control
power over the relevant important financial and operating decisions of the investee according to the provisions of the contract.
Significant influences will be recognized where there is power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies
of the investee, but not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. When the
Company holds more than 20.00% (inclusive) but less than 50.00% of voting shares of the investee directly or indirectly through a
subsidiary, significant influences on the investee shall be recognized, unless there is clear evidence indicating that the Company cannot
participate in production and management decision-making of the investee in this situation and therefore cannot generate significant
influences; if the Company holds less than 20.00% (exclusive) of voting shares of the investee, usually the Company is not deemed to
have a significant influence on the investee, unless there is clear evidence indicating that the Company can participate in production and
management decision-making of the investee in this situation and therefore can generate significant influences.
(5) Conversion of accounting method of long-term equity investment
Where the equity investment originally held by the Company, which is unable to control, is not under common control with or has no
significant influences on the invested entity, is converted into an investment for an associate or joint venture due to additional investment,
the investment shall be accounted by the equity method instead, and the Company shall use the fair value of the original equity
investment plus the fair value of the consideration paid to acquire the newly added investment as the initial investment cost accounted by

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

the equity method instead. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount of the originally held equity investment prior to the
additional investment, and the cumulative fair value changes originally recorded into other comprehensive income shall be transferred to
the current-period profits and losses accounted by the equity method instead.
For the originally held investments for associates and joint ventures, if they are not able to be under common control with or have
significant influences on the invested entity, if they are not able to be under common control with or have significant influences on the
invested entity due to reason such as partial disposal, accounting treatment must be performed for residual equity investments according
to the recognition and measurement standards for financial instruments, and the difference between the fair value and carrying amount on
the date on which the common control or significant influence is lost shall be charged to profits and losses of the current period. When
accounting based on the equity method is terminated for other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity
method, accounting treatment is performed using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or
liabilities; all the owners' equities that are recognized due to other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution of the investee shall be transferred to the profits and losses of the current period when
accounting based on the equity method is terminated.
Where the originally held investments for associates or joint ventures are converted to investments for subsidiaries due to additional
investment, in the individual financial statements, the sum of the carrying value of the acquired party's equity investment held prior to the
acquisition date and the investment cost newly added on the acquisition date shall be used as the initial investment cost of such an
investment; for the equity investment held prior to the acquisition date, other comprehensive income recognized due to accounting of the
equity method shall undergo accounting treatment using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant
assets or liabilities when such an investment is disposed of.
When the influencing capability on the investee is converted from control to a significant influence or common control together with
other investors due to investment disposal, the long-term equity investment cost, for which recognition shall be terminated, is first carried
over according to the proportion of investment disposal. On such a basis, the remaining long-term equity investment cost is compared
with the share attributable to the Company in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of original investment,
which is calculated according to the remaining shareholding proportion. For the goodwill part to be embodied in the investment
evaluation, the carrying amount of long-term equity investment shall not be adjusted; where the investment cost is less than the share
attributable to the Company in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of original investment, any excess shall be
adjusted against retained earnings when the long-term equity investment cost is adjusted. For the share attributable to the Company in the
investee's realized net profits and losses between acquisition of the original investment and conversion to accounting of the equity
method due to investment disposal, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted, meanwhile, any excess
shall be adjusted against retained earnings for the share attributable to the Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses
(excluding the cash dividends or profits distributed or declared to distribute) from acquisition of the original investment to the beginning
of the period in which the investment is disposed of, and the current-period profits and losses shall be adjusted for the share attributable
to the Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses from the beginning of the period in which the investment is disposed of to
the investment disposal date; the share attributable to the Company in the invested entity's changes in other comprehensive income shall
be recorded into other comprehensive income when the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted; the share
attributable to the Company in the investee's other changes in owners' equities arising from reasons other than the net profits and losses,
other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be recorded into "Capital reserves  other capital reserves" when the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted. After the cost method is converted to the equity method for the long-term equity
investment, the share attributable to the Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and other
changes in owners' equities shall be calculated and recognized according to provisions of the standard in the future period.
For the originally held long-term equity investment that is able to control the investee, if the shareholding proportion declines due to
reasons such as partial disposal and the investment cannot be able to control, be under common control with or have significant
influences on the investee, accounting treatment must be performed for remaining equity investments according to the recognition and
measurement standards for financial instruments. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount on the date of control loss
shall be recorded into the investment income of the current period.
In the process of holding the long-term equity investment, if the Company decides to sell all or part of held equity of the investee in
consideration of all aspects, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the sold equity shall be carried over
accordingly, and the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment for disposal shall be
recognized as disposal profits and losses.

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If the Company disposes of all the long-term equity investments accounted by the equity method, when accounting based on the equity
method is terminated for other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity method, accounting treatment is
performed using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities; all the owners' equities
that are recognized due to changes in other owners' equities other than the net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit
distribution of the investee shall be transferred to the investment income of the current period when accounting based on the equity
method is terminated; if a part of the long-term equity investment accounted by the equity method is disposed of and the residual equity
is still accounted using the equity method, other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity method shall be
handled using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities and be carried over by
proportion, and the owners' equities that are recognized due to other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses,
other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the invested entity shall be carried over to the investment income of the current
period according to the proportion.
18. Investment real estate
The Company's investment real estate includes a land use right that is leased out, a land use right held for transfer upon capital
appreciation and a building that is leased out.
The Company's investment real estate is measured at its cost, and the Company uses the cost model for a subsequent measurement of its
investment real estate. The depreciation and amortization of the investment real estate shall be made in accordance with the accounting
policies of fixed assets or intangible assets of the Company.
When the Company changes the purpose of the investment real estate, such as for self-use, it shall transfer the relevant investment real
estate to other assets.
See Note III. 24 “Long-term asset impairment” for the impairment test method and impairment reserve accrual method of investment real
19. Fixed assets
(1)   Recognition standard of fixed assets
The Company's fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the production of commodities, provision of labor services, lease or operation
and management, with a service life exceeding one accounting year. Fixed assets can not be recognized unless they simultaneously meet
the conditions as follows:
1) The economic interests related to the fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprise;
2) The cost of this fixed asset can be measured reliably.
(2)   Measurement of fixed assets
The fixed assets are measured at cost.
1) The cost of a purchased fixed asset consists of the purchase price, the relevant taxes, freight, loading and unloading fees, professional
service fees and other expenses that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use and that may be relegated to the fixed asset.
2) If the payment for a fixed asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, and it is of financing nature in effect, the cost of the
fixed asset shall be recognized based on the present value of the purchase price. The difference between the actual payment and the
present value of the purchase price shall be included in the current profits and losses within the credit period, unless it shall be capitalized
in accordance with the Accounting Standards No. 17  Borrowing Costs.
3) The cost of self-constructed fixed assets consists of the necessary expenditures incurred before the assets reaching the predetermined
usable state.
4) The cost invested to a fixed asset by the investor shall be recognized in accordance with the value as stipulated in the investment
contract or agreement, other than those of unfair value as stipulated in the contract or agreement.
5) The costs of fixed assets acquired through the exchange of non-monetary assets, recombination of liabilities, merger of enterprises and
lease shall be respectively recognized in accordance with the Accounting Standards No. 7  Exchange of Non-monetary Assets,
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12  Debt Restructuring, Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 20  Merger of
Enterprises and Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21  Leases.
(3)   Classification of fixed assets
The Company's fixed assets are classified into houses and buildings, machinery equipment, electronic equipment and transportation
equipment and otherwise.
(4) Depreciation of fixed assets

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1) Recognition of depreciation method and service life, expected net salvage value rate and annual depreciation rate:
The depreciation of fixed assets shall be made by the straight-line method. The annual depreciation rate recognized according to the
category, service life and expected net salvage value rate of fixed assets is as follows:

                                                Expected net salvage value                                             Annual depreciation
         Category of fixed assets                                                  Expected service Life (year)
                                                        rate (%)                                                           rate (%)

Houses and buildings                                                       5.00                              20.00                        4.75

Machinery equipment                                                        5.00                        6.00-10.00                  9.50-15.83

Electronic equipment                                                       5.00                         2.00-3.00                 31.67-47.50

Transportation equipment                                                   5.00                         3.00-4.00                 23.75-31.67

Others                                                                     5.00                         3.00-5.00                 19.00-31.67
Depreciation of fixed assets of which a provision for impairment has been made: For a fixed asset of which a provision for impairment
has been made, the depreciation of the fixed asset shall be made based on the amount of deducting its expected net salvage value,
depreciation amount and provision for impairment from the original price of the fixed asset and remaining service life of the fixed assets.
For the fixed assets that have reached intended usable condition but not prepared the final account for completion, their costs shall be
recognized at their estimated value, and their depreciation shall be made accordingly; after completion of the final account for
completion, the original estimated value of the fixed assets shall be adjusted by their actual costs, but the original depreciation amount
does not require adjusting.
2) Check of service life, expected net salvage value and depreciation method of fixed assets:
The Company shall, at least at the end of each year, have a check on the service life, expected net salvage value, and the depreciation
method of the fixed assets. If the Company finds that there is any difference between the expected service life and the previously
estimated service life of a fixed asset, the expected service life of the fixed asset shall be adjusted; if there is any difference between the
amount of expected net salvage value and the previously estimated amount of the net salvage value, the expected net salvage value shall
be adjusted; if any significant change is made on the form of the realization of the expected economic benefits concerning a fixed asset,
the method for the depreciation of the fixed asset shall be changed. If any change is made to the service life, expected net salvage value
or the depreciation method of a fixed asset, it shall be regarded as a change of the accounting estimates.
(5) Treatment of subsequent expenditures for fixed assets
Subsequent expenditures incurred on a fixed asset refer to repair expenses, renovation expenses, repair costs and decoration expenses and
otherwise incurred in the course of use of the fixed asset. Their accounting treatment is as follows: Where subsequent expenditures of a
fixed asset such as renovation expenses meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be recorded into the cost of the
fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the replaced part of the subsequent expenditures shall be deducted; where subsequent
expenditures of a fixed asset such as repair costs do not meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period in which they are incurred; where the decoration expenses of a fixed asset meet the conditions of
recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be measured in a single detail account of "Fixed Assets", and the depreciation of the fixed asset
shall be made separately by the straight-line method in a shorter time of the period of two decorations and remaining usable life of the
fixed asset.
The improvement expenditures incurred on a fixed asset leased by operating lease shall be capitalized and reasonably amortized as long-
term prepaid expenses.
(6) Impairment test method and accounting and drawing method for impairment provision of fixed assets
See Note III. 24 “Long-term asset impairment” for the impairment test method and impairment provision method of fixed assets.
20. Construction in progress
The term "construction in progress" refers to all necessary expenditures incurred before the acquired fixed assets enable the project to
reach expected usable condition, including project direct materials, direct employee compensation, installation costs for equipment to be
installed and project construction, project management fees, net profits and losses of project commissioning and approved capitalized
borrowing costs.
(1) Valuation of construction in progress
  The Company's construction in progress shall be measured individually by construction project and shall be valuated at actual cost.

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(2) Time when construction in process is carried forward to fixed assets
When the construction in progress reaches the expected usable condition, they shall be transferred to fixed asset at their actual cost. For
the fixed assets that have reached expected usable condition but not prepared the final account for completion, they shall be charged to
the account at their estimated value and shall be adjusted after their actual value is recognized.
See Note III. 24 “Long-term asset impairment” for the impairment test method and impairment provision method of construction in
21. Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs are interests and other costs incurred by the Company in connection with the borrowing of the funds, including interests,
amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings,
and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings.
(1) Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset shall be capitalized,
and the amounts of other borrowing costs incurred shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the period in which they are incurred.
Qualifying assets are fixed assets, investment real estate and inventories and otherwise that necessarily take a substantial period of time
for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.
(2) Period of capitalization of borrowing costs
1) Time point of capitalization of borrowing costs.
The capitalization of borrowing costs commences only when all the following conditions are satisfied:
a. Expenditures for the asset have been incurred;
b. Borrowing costs have been incurred; and
c. Activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
or sale have commenced.
2) Time point of ceasing capitalization of borrowing costs:
Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for its intended use
or sale. The subsequent borrowing costs shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
3) Recognition of suspending capitalization of borrowing costs:
When an abnormal interruption occurs during the construction or production of an asset which satisfies the conditions for capitalization
and the interruption continues for more than three months consecutively, the capitalization of borrowing expense will be paused, the
borrowing expense incurred during the suspension will be included in the current profits and losses.
(3) Computing method of capitalizing amount of borrowing costs
During the capitalization period, the amount of interest (including amortization of discounts or premiums) to be capitalized for each
accounting period shall be recognized as follows:
1) If a specialized loan is borrowed for the purchase, construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, the
amount shall be determined based on the actual interest expenses incurred in the current period of the specialized loan, minus the interest
income obtained from depositing unused loan funds in the bank or the investment income obtained from temporary investments;
2) Where general funds are borrowed for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be
capitalized on such general borrowings shall be calculated and recognized by applying a capitalization rate of such general borrowings to
the weighted average of the excess amounts of accumulated expenditures on the asset over and above the amounts of special borrowings.
The capitalization rate shall be calculated and recognized by the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
Where there is any discount or premium, the amount of discounts or premiums that shall be amortized during each accounting period
shall be recognized by the real interest rate method, and an adjustment shall be made to the amount of interests in each period. During the
period of capitalization, the amount of interest capitalized during each accounting period shall not exceed the amount of interest actually
incurred to the relevant borrowings in the current period.
Ancillary costs in connection with special borrowings that are incurred before the qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced
becomes ready for its intended use or sale shall be capitalized on the basis of the incurred amount when they are incurred, and they shall
be recorded into the cost of qualifying asset; those incurred after the qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready
for its intended use or sale shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be

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recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The ancillary costs arising from a general borrowing shall be recognized as
expenses at their incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
22.    Right-of-use assets
For the determination method of right-of-use asset and accounting treatment method, please see Note III. 34 "Lease".
23. Intangible assets
An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled by the Company. Intangible
assets can be recognized only when they meet the conditions simultaneously as follows:
a. They are consistent with the definition of intangible assets;
b. The economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the Company; and
c. The cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably.
(1) Measurement of intangible assets
The intangible assets shall be measured according to their cost or fair value (if increased through business combination not involving
enterprises under common control).
(2) Subsequent measurement
The Company shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets when it obtains intangible assets. If the Company is unable to
forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to it, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain
service life.
With regard to an intangible asset with limited service life, its amortization amount shall be amortized by expected realization pattern of
its economic benefits, if the Company is unable to recognize the expected realization pattern reliably, intangible assets shall be amortized
by the straight-line method.
The Company shall, at least at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets with limited
service life. If necessary, it shall adjust the said service life and amortization method.
With regard to an intangible asset with uncertain service life, its amortization amount shall not be amortized, but the Company shall
check the service life of the said intangible asset every year and shall carry out an impairment test for it.
(3) Estimation of service life
As for intangible assets with limited service life, the estimation of their service life generally considers the following factors:
1) General life cycle of products manufactured by using the assets and information about service life of similar assets available;
2) Present situation of technologies and process and estimation for future development trends;
3) Market demand of products manufactured or services rendered by using the assets;
4) Expected actions of present or potential competitors;
5) Expected maintenance expenses for economic capacity from the assets and the Company's expected capability to pay relevant
6) Laws and regulations or similar restrictions relating to the control period of the assets, such as concession period and lease period;
7) Relevance with service life of other assets held by the Company, etc.
(4) Division of research expenditures and development expenditures included in expenditures for internal research
and development projects
1) Research expenditures in internal research and development projects shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period
when they are incurred.
2) The expenditures for the development stage of internal R&D projects shall be recognized as intangible assets when the following
conditions are met at the same time:
a. The development of the intangible asset is completed to make the use or sale of the intangible assets feasible technically;
b. Have the intent to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them;
c. How the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including the ability to demonstrate the existence of a market for the output
of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset;
d. Availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset;
e. Ability to measure reliably the expenditure that is attributable to the intangible asset during its development.
Where the expenditures at research stage or at development stage cannot be distinguished, all expenditures to research and development

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shall be included in the current profits and losses.
(5) Impairment test method and accounting and drawing method of impairment provision for intangible assets
See Note III. 24 “Long-term asset impairment” for the impairment test method and impairment provision method of intangible assets.
24. Impairment of long-term assets
On the balance sheet date, if there is any sign showing possible impairment of assets (referring to the assets other than inventories, equity
instruments that have no quoted price and reliable fair value measurement in active market, investment real estate measured by fair value
model, consumable biological assets, assets formed under construction contract, deferred income tax assets, residual value not guaranteed
by the renter in the financing lease and financial assets), their recoverable amount shall be estimated on the basis of single item assets;
Where it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the single item assets, the recoverable amount of the assets shall be recognized
on the basis of their asset group or combination of asset groups.
The recoverable amount shall be recognized in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the single item assets, asset
group or combination of asset groups less the disposal expenses and the present value of the expected future cash flow of the single item
assets, asset group or combination of asset groups.
Where the recoverable amount of the single item assets is lower than their carrying amount, a provision for the asset impairment shall be
made accordingly on the basis of the difference between the carrying amount of the single item assets and their recoverable amount.
Where the recoverable amount of an asset group or a combination of asset groups is lower than its carrying amount, it shall be recognized
as the corresponding impairment loss. The amount of the impairment loss shall first charge against the carrying amount of goodwill
which is apportioned to the asset group or combination of asset groups, then charge it against the carrying amount of other assets in
proportion to the weight of other assets in the asset group or combination of asset groups with the goodwill excluded. The charges
against the carrying amount of the assets above shall be treated as the impairment loss of the single item assets (including the goodwill),
and a provision for impairment of the single item assets shall be made accordingly.
Once the above loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be transferred back in future accounting periods.
25. Long-term unamortized expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to the expenses incurred by the Company but attributable to the current and subsequent accounting
periods of more than one year (excluding one year), including the expenses for improvement of fixed assets leased by operating lease.
Long-term deferred expenses shall be recorded into the account based on their actual amount of expenditure and shall be averagely
amortized by their beneficial period, if long-term deferred expenses can not benefit subsequent accounting periods, the unamortized
value of the project shall be all transferred to the profits and losses of the current period.
26. Contract liabilities
Contract liability refers to the Company's obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration received or receivable from
customers. If before the Company transfers the goods to the customer, the customer has paid the contract consideration or the Company
has obtained the unconditional right to receive payment, the Company will, at the earlier time point between the actual payment by the
customer and the payment due, present the amount received or receivables as contract liabilities. Contract assets and contract liabilities
under the same contract are presented in net amount, and contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts are not offset.
27. Employee compensation
(1) Accounting treatment of short-term compensation
In the accounting period during which employees provide services to the Company, the Company recognizes the short-term
compensation actually incurred as liabilities and charges them to the current-period profits and losses or relevant asset costs.
(2) Accounting treatment for post-employment benefits
Post-employment benefits can be divided into the defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan
1) In the accounting period during which employees provide services for the Company, the amount to be deposited calculated based on
the defined contribution plan is recognized as liabilities and included in the current profits and losses or relevant asset costs.
2) The accounting treatment for the defined benefit plan generally includes the following steps:
a. According to the Expected Cumulative Benefit Unit (ECBU) method, unbiased and mutually consistent actuarial assumptions are used
to estimate relevant demographic and financial variables, quantify the obligations arising from the defined benefit plan, and determine
the period to which the obligations relate;
b. If there are assets in the defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed by deducting the present value of the defined benefit plan

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obligation from the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets shall be recognized as net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit
plan. For the defined benefit plan with surplus, the Company should measure the net assets based on the surplus or asset ceiling of the
benefit plan (whichever is lower). The asset ceiling refers to the present value of the economic interest that can be obtained by the
Company from refunding or reducing future contributions to the defined benefit plan.
c. At the end of the period, the costs of employee compensation arising from the defined benefit plan are recognized as service costs, net
interest on net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets.
The service costs and net interest on net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are included in the current profits and losses or
relevant asset costs, while changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets are included in other comprehensive income
and cannot be transferred back to profits and losses in subsequent accounting periods. However, the amount recognized in other
comprehensive income can be transferred within the equity section;
d. Recognize a settlement gain or loss during settlement of the defined benefit plan.
(3) Accounting treatment for termination benefits
The liabilities of employees' wages and salaries that arises from the termination benefits shall be recognized on the earlier one of the
following two dates and included in the current profits and losses:
1) When the Company cannot unilaterally cancel the termination benefits provided as a result of a plan to terminate employment or a
proposal to downsize;
2) When the Company recognizes the cost or expense related to reconstruction involving the payment of termination benefits.
(4) Accounting treatment for other long-term employee benefits
For other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to its employees that comply with the defined contribution plan,
accounting treatment shall be conducted in accordance with the defined contribution plan. For benefits other than these, accounting
treatment shall be conducted in accordance with the defined benefit plan. However, the portion of the relevant employee compensation
costs that relate to "changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan" shall be included in the
current profits and losses or related asset costs.
28. Lease liabilities
For the methods of recognition and accounting treatment of lease liabilities, please refer to Note III. 34 "Lease".
29. Estimated liabilities
(1) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities
When business related to contingencies such as external guarantee, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, staff
reduction, loss contract, restructuring obligations, fixed asset disposal obligations that meet the following conditions, it shall be
recognized as liabilities:
1) The liabilities are current obligations undertaken by the Company;
2) The fulfillment of the liabilities might cause outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise;
3) The amount of the liabilities can be reliably measured.
Measurement methods of estimated liabilities
Accrued liabilities shall be measured on the best estimate of the expenditures required to fulfill current obligations. If there is a
continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall
be determined by the midpoint of the range. In other cases, the best estimate shall be determined by the following methods:
1) When a contingency is related to a single item, the best estimate shall be determined based on the most probable amount;
2) When a contingency is related to multiple items, the best estimate shall be calculated and determined based on all possible amounts
and their probabilities of occurrence.
If all or part of the expenditure required to settle the estimated liabilities of the Company is expected to be compensated by a third party
or other parties, the amount of compensation shall be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the
compensation will be obtained. The amount recognized for the compensation shall not exceed the book value of the recognized estimated
30. Share-based payment
(1)    Accounting treatment of share-based payment
Share-based payment refers to the transaction of granting equity instruments or bearing liabilities recognized on the basis of equity

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instrument for obtaining services from employees or other parties. The share-based payment is classified into equity-settled share-based
payment and cash-settled share-based payment.
1) Equity-settled share-based payment
The equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services provided by employees are measured at the fair value of the equity
instruments granted to employees on the date of grant. The fair value is calculated by the straight-line method and included in the
relevant costs or expenses based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments in the vesting period when it is vested
only after the service in the vesting period is completed or the specified performance terms are met. When it is vested immediately after
grant, it is included in relevant cost or expenses is included on the grant date, and the capital reserve is increased accordingly.
On each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Company makes the best estimate of subsequent information such as the latest
change in the number of vesting employees to correct the estimated number of vested equity instruments. The aforementioned estimated
influences are included in current relevant costs or expenses, and the capital reserves are adjusted correspondingly.
The equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for the services of other parties shall be measured at the fair value of the services of
other parties on the obtaining date if the services of other parties can be measured reliably; the equity-settled share-based payment shall
be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments on the obtaining date of the services of other parties if the fair value of the
services of other parties cannot be measured reliably while the fair value of the equity instruments can be measured reliably, and be
included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the shareholders' equity shall be increased correspondingly.
2) Cash-settled share-based payment
The cash-settled share-based payments is measured at the fair value of liabilities determined based on shares or other equity instruments
undertaken by the Company. When it is vested immediately after grant, it is included in relevant costs or expenses on the grant date, and
the liabilities are increased correspondingly; if it is vested after completing the services in the vesting period or meet the specified
performance terms, the current obtained services are included in costs or expenses based on the best estimate of vesting and at fair value
of liabilities borne by the Company on each balance sheet date of the vesting period, and the liabilities are increased correspondingly.
On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the settlement of the relevant liabilities, re-measure the fair value of the liabilities
with the changes included in the current profits and losses.
(2)   Relevant accounting treatment for amending and terminating share-based payment plan
When the Company amends the share-based payment plan, if the fair value of equity instruments granted is increased due to the
amendment, the increase of the services obtained will be recognized correspondingly by the increase of the fair value of equity
instruments. The increase of the fair value of equity instruments refers to the difference between the fair value of equity instruments
before and after amendment on the amendment date. If the amendment reduces the total fair value of the share-based payment or adopts
other unfavorable methods to the employees, the accounting treatment of the obtained services will be continued as if the modification
has never occurred, unless the Company cancels part or all of the equity instruments granted.
During the vesting period, if the granted equity instrument is canceled, the Company will handle the cancellation as an accelerated
vesting, the amount that shall be recognized during the remaining vesting period is immediately included in the current profits and losses
with the capital reserves recognized at the same time. If an employee or other party can choose to meet the non-vesting conditions but
fails to meet them during the vesting period, the Company shall treat that as a cancellation of the grant of equity instruments.
31. Revenue
When the contract between the Company and the customer simultaneously meets the following conditions, the Company recognizes the
revenue at the point when the customer obtains control over the relevant goods: the parties to the contract have approved the contract and
promised to perform their respective obligations; the contract clarifies the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract in relation
to the transferred goods or the provided services; the contract has clear payment terms related to the transferred goods; the contract has
commercial substance, that is, the performance of the contract will change the risk, time distribution or amount of the Company's future
cash flow; and the consideration that the Company is entitled to obtain due to its transfer of goods to customers is likely to be recovered.
At the commencement date of the contract, the Company identifies each individual performance obligation in the contract, and allocates
the transaction price to each individual performance obligation in accordance with the relative proportion of the stand-alone selling price
of the goods promised by each individual performance obligation. When determining the transaction price, the Company considers the
impact of a variable consideration, major financing components in the contract, non-cash consideration, consideration payable to
customers and other factors.
The Company recognizes the transaction price allocated to each individual performance obligation as revenue at the point when the

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customer obtains control over the relevant goods. When judging whether the customer has obtained control over the goods, the Company
considers the following signs: where the Company has the current right to receive payment for the goods, that is, the customer has the
current payment obligation for the goods; where the Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is,
the customer has the legal ownership of the goods; where the Company has transferred the goods to the customer in kind, that is, the
customer has taken possession of the goods in kind; where the Company has transferred the main risks and payments of the ownership of
the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has obtained the main risks and payments of the ownership of the goods; where the
customer has accepted the goods; and other signs that the customer has obtained control over the goods.
The Company's main sales of air conditioners and related products usually only include the performance obligations of the transferred
(1)   Revenue from selling goods
1) For the revenue from domestic sales of products, the Company mainly adopts the form of payment in advance. The Company
recognizes the revenue when the product is outbound and delivered to the purchaser, and the shipping document is issued or the
customer's receipt is obtained, and the amount of revenue from product sales is determined;
2) In terms of the export sales income, the Company recognizes the revenue when the products are declared and departed according to
the contract, the bill of lading is obtained, and the amount of the sales revenue is determined.
(2)   Revenue from rendering labor services
1) For the revenue from warehousing services, the Company will settle the revenue on a monthly basis by the working hours and
standard wages of the services provided, facilities used and related expenses, and the amount of revenue has been determined;
2) For the revenue from material processing services, the Company recognizes the revenue when the materials are processed according to
the contract and delivered to the customer to obtain the customer's signed receipt, and the amount of revenue has been determined;
3) The Company's service charge and commission income include the service charge income of acceptance business, service charge
income of entrusted loan, etc.
For the service charge and commission income, the completion time of the contractual performance obligations is determined according
to the business settlement sheet formulated through settlement with the customer when the business is completed, and the specific
amount of revenue is recognized according to the terms and ratios stipulated in the business contract or agreement.

(3) Income from the transfer of the right to use assets
Income from the transfer of the right to use assets includes the interest income, rental income, etc.
The Company recognizes the income from the transfer of the right to use assets when the income amount can be reliably measured and
the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise.
1) The interest income of the Company mainly includes the interest income from deposits in financial enterprises and loan interest
income. Interest income from deposits in financial enterprises is recognized on a regular basis based on the time of deposit and the
effective interest rate. Loan interest refers to the income recognized by the Company for granting self-operated loans and accruing
interest on a regular basis. The loan interest income is recognized according to the effective interest rate method.
The effective interest rate method refers to the method of calculating the amortized cost and interest income or interest expense for each
period based on the effective interest rate financial assets or financial liabilities. The effective interest rate refers to the interest rate used
to discount the future cash flows of a financial asset or financial liability within the expected period of existence or applicable shorter
period into the current book value of the financial asset or financial liability. When determining the effective interest rate, the Company
estimates future cash flow based on all contractual terms of financial assets or financial liabilities, but does not consider the loss of future
credits. All the charges, transaction fees, premiums or discounts paid or collected by the Company as part of the effective interest rate
shall be considered when determining the effective interest rate.
2) The recognition conditions for rental income of the Company are as follows:
a. A lease contract, agreement or other settlement notices recognized by the Lessee are available;
b. The obligations stipulated in the contract are fulfilled; the lease invoice is issued, and the price has been obtained or will be obtained
for sure;
c. The rental cost can be measured reliably.
32. Government grants
Government grants refer to the Company's free acquisition of monetary and non-monetary from the government, excluding capital
invested by the government as the owner. Government grants consist of asset related government grants and income related government

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Government grants obtained by the Company for purchase, construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways are defined as
asset related government grants, and all the other government grants are defined as income related government grants. If the government
document does not specify the grant object, the following mode is adopted to classify the subsidies into income related government
grants and asset related government grants:
(1) If the government document specifies the item to which the grant aims, the allocation should be based on the relative proportion of
the expenditure amount to form assets and the expenditure amount included in expenses in the budget of this specific item, and this
allocation proportion needs to be reviewed on every balance sheet date and changed when necessary;
(2) If the government document provides only a general presentation of the purpose without specifying the specific item, the grants shall
be regarded as income related government grants.
The asset related government grants are recognized as deferred income upon acquisition, and are included in the profits and losses in
reasonable and systematic installments over the useful life of the asset when the relevant asset reaches its intended usable state. Where
the relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of their useful lives, the undistributed deferred income
balance is transferred to the current profits and losses of the asset disposal.
In terms of income related government grants, those are used for compensating the related expenses or losses in the later period, are
recognized as deferred income upon acquisition and included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant costs
or losses are recognized; those are used for compensating the related cost expenses or losses incurred, are included in the current profits
and losses directly upon acquisition.
Government grants related to daily activities are included in other income; government grants not related to daily activities are included
in non-operating revenue and expenses.
(3) If policy preferential loans are obtained with interest discounts, accounting treatment should be carried out by distinguishing between
the following two ways of obtaining them:
a. Where the financial department disburses the discount interest fund to the lending bank, the lending bank provides a loan to the
Company at a policy preferential interest rate, the fair value of the loan is used as the entry value of the loan, the borrowing cost is
calculated according to the effective interest rate method, and the difference between the actual amount received and the fair value of the
loan is recognized as deferred income. The deferred income is amortized using the effective interest rate method during the duration of
the loan to offset the relevant borrowing cost;
b. Where the financial department disburses the discount interest fund to the Company directly, the corresponding discount is used to
offset the relevant borrowing costs.
(4) Government grants that are monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. Government grants that are non-
monetary assets are measured at the fair value; if the fair value cannot be reliably acquired, they are measured at the nominal amount.
The Company usually recognizes and measures government grants based on the actual amount received upon receipt. However, funds
that have conclusive evidence at the end of the period, indicating that they meet the relevant conditions stipulated in the financial support
policy and are expected to receive financial support, are measured at the amount receivable. Government grants measured at the amount
receivable shall simultaneously comply with the following conditions:
1) The amount of receivable grants has been confirmed by the authoritative government department by issuing a document, or can be
independently and reasonably calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the officially issued financial fund management
measures, and it is predicted that its amount is not subject to significant uncertainty;
2) The basis is the financially supported projects and their financial fund management measures that are officially released by the local
finance department and actively disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on
Disclosure of Government Information, as well as its financial fund management measures, and the management measures should be
inclusive (any enterprise meeting the defined conditions can apply for the grants), rather than specially formulated for specific enterprises;
3) Other conditions that shall be met according to specific conditions of the Company and this matter of grants.
33. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the difference between the tax
base of the assets and liabilities and their book values (temporary difference). For deductible losses that can be deducted from taxable
income in subsequent years in accordance with the provisions of the tax law, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized.
For temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill, the corresponding deferred income tax liabilities are not

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recognized. For temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from non-business combination
transactions that neither affect accounting profits nor taxable income (or deductible losses), the corresponding deferred income tax assets
and deferred income tax liabilities are not recognized. At the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities are measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered, or the liabilities are
expected to be settled.
The Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to
acquire and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax deductions.
Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences arising from the investments in subsidiaries, joint
ventures and associates, except to the extent that both of the following conditions are met: the Company is able to control the timing of
the transferring back of the temporary differences; and it is likely that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
Deferred income tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, joint
ventures and associates if all the following conditions are met: it is likely that the deductible temporary difference will be transferred
back in the foreseeable future, and it is likely that taxable profit in the future will be available against which the deductible temporary
difference can be utilized.
The deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities that meet the following conditions are presented at the net amount
after offsetting:
a. The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities relate to the income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on
the same taxpayer of the Company; and
b. The taxpayer of the Company has a legal right to settle current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis.
34. Lease
Lease refers to a contract in which the Company transferred or acquired the right to control the use of one or more identified assets for a
certain period of time in exchange for or payment of consideration. On the contract commencement date, the Company evaluates whether
the contract is a lease or includes a lease.
(1)   With the Company as the Lessee
1) Initial measurement
On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company will recognize the right to use the leased assets during the lease term as the
right-of-use asset, and recognizes the current value of the unpaid lease payment amount as a lease liability, except for short-term leases
and low-value asset leases. When calculating the current value of the lease payment amount, the Company uses the implied interest rate
in lease as a discount rate. If the implied interest rate in lease cannot be determined, the Lessee incremental borrowing interest rate is
used as the discount rate.
Right-to-use assets should be initially measured at cost. The cost includes:
a. The initially measured amount of the lease liabilities;
b. The lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term, if there is a lease incentive, deduct the amount
related to the lease incentive that has been enjoyed;
c. The initial direct expenses incurred by the Lessee;
d. The estimated cost that the Lessee will incur for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site where the leased assets
are located, or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms.
2) Subsequent measurement
The Company calculates and distills depreciation of the right-to-use asset by referring to fixed asset depreciation policies (see Note III.
19 "Fixed assets"), if it can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased assets will be obtained upon the expiration of the
lease term, the Company will calculate and distill depreciation within the remaining useful life of the leased assets. Where it is
impossible to reasonably determine if the ownership of the leased assets can be acquired upon the expiration of the lease term, the
Company will make depreciation within a shorter period between the lease term and the remaining useful life of the leased assets.
For lease liabilities, the Company calculates its interest expenses for each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest rate, and
includes them in the current profits and losses or in the cost of related assets. The variable lease payment amount that is not included in
the measurement of lease liabilities is included in the current profits and losses or cost of related assets when actually incurred.
After the lease term starts, in case of changes in the substantial fixed payment amount, the estimated amount payable of the guarantee
residual value, the index or ratio used for determining the lease payment amount, a change in the evaluation results or actual vesting of

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the purchase option, renewal option or termination option, the Company re-measures the lease liability based on the current value of the
changed lease payment amount, and adjusts the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly. If the book value of the right-of-use
assets has been reduced to zero, but the lease liabilities still need to be further reduced, the Company will include the remaining amount
in the current profits and losses.
3) Short-term leases and low value asset leases
For short-term leases (with a lease term of no more than 12 months from the beginning of the lease) and low-value asset leases, the
Company adopts a simplified treatment method to include the lease payment amount into the cost of relevant asset costs or the current
profits and losses during the lease term by the straight-line method or other systematic and reasonable methods instead of recognizing the
right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
(2)   With the Company as the Lessor
On the commencement date of the lease, the Company divides the lease into financial lease and operating lease based on the essence of
the transaction. Financial lease refers to the lease that transfers substantially almost all risks and rewards associated with the ownership
of the assets. Operating lease refers to the leases other than the financial lease.
1) Operating leases
The Company adopts the straight-line method to recognize the lease payment amount of the operating lease as the rental income during
the lease term. Variable lease payments in connection with the operating lease that are not included in lease payment are included in the
current profits and losses when actually incurred.
2) Financial lease
On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the financial lease receivables and derecognizes the financial lease
assets. The financial lease receivables are initially measured by the net lease investment (the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and
the present value of the lease payments that have not been received on the beginning date of the lease term discounted at the implied
interest rate of the lease), and interest income during the lease term is calculated and recognized at a fixed periodic interest rate. The
variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the measurement of net lease investment are included in the
current profits and losses when actually incurred.
35. Discontinued operation
Discontinued operation refers to a constituent part that meets one of the following conditions and can be distinguished separately, and
has been disposed of or classified as held for sale:
(1) This constituent part represents an independent main business or a separate main business area;
(2) This constituent part is part of an associated plan for disposing of an independent main business or a separate main business area;
(3) This constituent part is a subsidiary specially acquired for resale.
The Company presents the profits and losses from continuing operations and the profits and losses from discontinued operations in the
Consolidated Income Statement and the Income Statement respectively. For the non-current asset or disposal group held for sale that
does not comply with the definition of discontinued operation, its impairment loss and amount transferred back and profits and losses
from disposal shall be presented as profits and losses from continuing operations. The impairment losses and amount transferred back of
discontinued operations and other operating profits and losses as well as profits and losses from disposal are presented as profits and
losses from discontinued operations.
For the discontinued operations presented in the current period, the information previously presented as profits and losses from
continuing operations is re-presented as profits and losses from discontinued operations for comparable accounting period in the current
financial statements. Where the disposal group that is intended to be discontinued rather than sold meets the conditions for the relevant
constituent part in the definition of discontinued operations, it is presented as discontinued operation from the date of discontinuation of
use. Where the control over a subsidiary is lost due to reasons such as selling the investment in the subsidiary and this subsidiary
complies with the definition of discontinued operations, the relevant profits and losses from discontinued operations are presented in the
Consolidated Income Statement.
36. Segment report
The Company determines the operating segments based on the internal organizational structure, management requirements and internal
reporting systems, determines the report segments based on the operating segments, and discloses segment information.
Operating segments refer to the constituent part in the Company that meets the following conditions at the same time:
(1) This constituent part can generate revenue and expenses in daily activities;

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(2) The management of the Company can regularly evaluate the operating results of the constituent part to determine the allocation of
resources and evaluate its performance;
(3) The Company can obtain the relevant accounting information of this constituent part such as its financial status, operating results and
cash flows. If two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics and meet certain conditions, they can be merged
into one operating segment.
37. Share repurchase
If the Company's shares are acquired due to registered capital reduction or employee rewards, the amount actually paid shall be treated as
treasury shares, and shall be registered at the same time for future reference. If the repurchased shares are cancelled, the difference
between the total face value of the cancelled shares and the amount actually paid for the repurchase shall be offset against capital reserve.
If the capital reserve is insufficient, the offset shall be made against retained earnings. If the repurchased shares are rewarded to
employees of the Company as equity settled share-based payments, refer to Note III. 30 "Share-based Payment" for corresponding
accounting treatment.
38. Hedging
To avoid certain risks, the Company hedges certain financial instruments as hedging instruments. Hedge that meets the prescribed
conditions will be handled by the Company using hedge accounting methods. The Company's hedging includes fair value hedging, cash
flow hedging and hedging of net investment in overseas operations.
At the beginning of the hedging, the Company officially designates the hedging tool and the hedged item, and prepares written
documents on the hedging relationship and the risk management strategy and risk management objectives of the Company engaged in
hedging. In addition, the Company will continue to assess the effectiveness of the hedging when and after the hedging begins.
(1) Fair value hedging
For eligible hedging instruments designated as fair value hedging, the gains or losses generated thereby are included in the current profits
and losses. If a hedging instrument is used to hedge non-trading equity instrument investment (or its component) that is selected to be
measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income, the gains and losses generated by the hedging instrument
are included in other comprehensive income. Gains or losses of a hedged item arising from the hedged risk exposure is included in the
current profits and losses, while the book value of the hedged item is adjusted. If a hedged item is measured at fair value, the gains or
losses incurred by the hedged item due to the hedged risk exposure are included in the current profits and losses or other comprehensive
income, and there is no need to adjust the book value of the hedged item.
When the Company revokes the designation of the hedging relationship, the hedging instrument has expired or been sold, the contract is
terminated or exercised, or the conditions for the use of hedge accounting is no longer met, terminate the use of hedge accounting.
(2) Cash flow hedging
For eligible hedging instruments designated as cash flow hedging, the portion of the gains or losses generated thereby that is determined
to be an effective hedge is included in other comprehensive income, while the portion that is determined to be an ineffective hedge is
included in the current profits and losses.
If the expected transaction causes the Company to subsequently recognize a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or if the
expected transaction of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability forms a firm commitment applicable to fair value hedge
accounting, the Company will transfer out the amount of cash flow hedge reserve originally recognized in other comprehensive income
and include it in the initial recognition amount of the asset or liability. For other cash flow hedging, the Company will, during the same
period when the expected cash flow being hedged affects profits or losses, transfer out the amount of cash flow hedge reserve originally
recognized in other comprehensive income and includes it in the current profits and losses.
If it is expected that all or part of the net losses originally included in other comprehensive income cannot be compensated in the future
accounting period, transfer the portion which cannot be compensated out and include it in the current profits and losses.
When the Company terminates the use of hedge accounting for cash flow hedging, the accumulated cash flow hedge reserves that have
been included in other comprehensive income are retained when future cash flows are expected to continue to occur, and are transferred
out of other comprehensive income and included in the current profits and losses when future cash flows are expected to no longer occur.
(3) Hedging of net investment in overseas operations
Hedging of net investment in overseas operations is accounted for using a method similar to the cash flow hedging. Among the gains or
losses of hedging instruments, the portion that is determined to be an effective hedging is included in other comprehensive income, while
the portion that is determined to be an ineffective hedging is included in the current profits and losses.

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Gains and losses that have been included in other comprehensive income are transferred out of other comprehensive income and included
in the current profits and losses when disposing of overseas operations.
39. Safe production expenses
Some subsidiaries of the Company withdraw safe production expenses in accordance with national regulations and include them in the
costs of related products or current profits and losses.
Where the expenses for production safety extracted are of a cost nature, the special reserves shall be directly written off. If the expenses
for safe production extracted are used to form fixed assets, the expenses incurred by the account collection of "construction in progress"
shall be recognized as fixed assets when the safety project is completed and reaches the expected serviceable state; at the same time,
write off special reserves based on the cost of forming fixed assets and recognize accumulated depreciation of the same amount. The
fixed asset will no longer be depreciated in the future.
40. Risk reserve
In accordance with regulations such as the Administrative Measures for the Reserve Accrual of Financial Enterprises ("Accrual
Measures") (CJ [2012] No. 20) issued by the Ministry of Finance, the subsidiaries of the Company in financial industry, have established
a general risk reserve on the basis of withdrawing asset impairment provision of assets to compensate for potential losses related to risk
assets that have not yet been identified. This general risk reserve is treated as a profit distribution and is an integral part of the owner's
equity, which in principle should be no less than 1.5% of the ending balance of risk assets. According to the requirements of the accrual
measures, if the proportion of the general reserve balance of financial enterprises to the ending balance of risk assets is difficult to reach
1.5% at one time, it can be paid in installments, and in principle, it should not exceed 5 years.
41. Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimate
(1) Changes in major accounting policies
On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises Interpretation No.15 (hereinafter
referred to as "Interpretation No.15"). According to Interpretation No. 15:
a. If the Company sells products or by-products produced before the fixed assets reach their intended usable state or during the R&D
process, the revenue and costs related to trial operation sales are accounted for separately in accordance with the Accounting Standards
for Enterprises No.14  Revenues and Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.1  Inventories and included in the current profits and
losses, instead of offsetting the net amount after offsetting related costs from trial sales revenue against fixed assets cost or R&D
expenditure, and it will be implemented on January 1, 2022. The change in accounting policy did not have a significant impact on the
financial indicators including total assets, total liabilities, net assets and net profits of the Company.
b. The "cost of performing the contract" considered by the Company when determining whether the contract is an onerous contract
includes not only the incremental cost (direct labor, direct materials, etc.) of performing the contract, but also the allocation amount
(depreciation expense allocation amount for fixed assets used to fulfill the contract) of other costs directly related to performing the
contract, which will be implemented from January 1, 2022. According to the provisions of Interpretation No. 15, for contracts that have
not yet fulfilled all obligations on the first implementation date of January 1, 2022, the cumulative impact is adjusted to the retained
earnings and other related financial statement items at the beginning of 2022, and the comparative financial statement data in 2021 is not
adjusted. The change in accounting policy did not have a significant impact on the financial indicators including total assets, total
liabilities, net assets and net profits of the Company.
(2) Changes in major accounting estimates

IV Taxes

1.    Main tax categories and tax rates

        Category                            Tax Basis                                                        Tax Rate
                           Value added from sales of goods or
Value-added tax                                                                                                         13.00%, 9.00%, 6.00%, etc.
                           provision of labor services
Urban maintenance &
                           Turnover tax payable                                                                                    7.00%、5.00%
construction tax
Education surcharge        Turnover tax payable                                                                                            3.00%

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

      Category                             Tax Basis                                                  Tax Rate
Local        education
                          Turnover tax payable                                                                                        2.00%
Business income tax       Taxable income                                                   34.00%, 25.00%, 20.00%, 16.50%, 15.00%, etc.

[Note 1] The Company's subsidiaries including Gree Hong Kong Electric Appliances Sales Co., Ltd., Yinlong Electric Vehicle (Hong
Kong) Group Co., Ltd., and Energy Storage Technology (China) Group Co., Ltd., operate in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
where the profit tax rate is 16.50%.

[Note 2] The Company's subsidiaries Gree (Brazil) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. and Brazil United Electric Appliances Industry and
Commerce Co., Ltd. operate is Brazil, with a federal business income tax rate of 34.00% in Brazil.

[Note 3] The Company's subsidiaries DunAn Precision Machinery (USA) Group Co., Ltd., DunAn Microstaq, Inc., DunAn Sensing and
Altairnano, Inc., operate in the United States, and are subject to paying federal taxes and state taxes. The federal tax rate is 21.00% while
the state tax rates for DunAn Precision and DunAn Microstaq, are 0.50%1.00% of gross profit on sales, and the state tax rate for DunAn
Sensing is 8.84%.

[Note 4] The Company's subsidiary, DunAn Metals (Thailand) Co., Ltd., operates in Thailand. According to the tax incentives granted by
the local government, DunAn Thailand's profits generated from the sales of self-produced products are exempt from business income tax
for a period of 8 years starting from the day of profitability (November 14, 2008), provided that the total amount of profits generated
does not exceed 100% of the investment amount (excluding land fees and working capital). Within 5 years from the expiration of the
aforementioned tax exemption period, a 50% tax reduction of the income tax will be granted. In 2022, the effective business income tax
rate for DunAn Thailand is 20.00%.

[Note 5] The subsidiary of our company, Japan DunAn International Co., Ltd., is located in Japan, where the business income tax rate is

[Note 6] The Company's subsidiary, DunAn Korea Co., Ltd. operates in South Korea, where the business income tax rate is 10.00%.

[Note 7] The Company's subsidiary, DunAn International (Europe) GmbH operates in Frankfurt, Germany, where the Company's income
tax rate is 15.00%.

2.   Tax preferences

(1) The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2020, and has been enjoying preferential policies for
high-tech enterprises (High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202044007307). The Company applied the income tax
rate of 15.00%, which is valid for 3 years.

(2) Deemed to be high-tech enterprises, the following subsidiaries of the Company applied the business income tax
rate of 15.00% in 2022

                                                                                                         Date of Obtaining
                                                                            High-tech Enterprise                                   Valid
     No.                         Name of Taxpayer                                                          the High-tech
                                                                              Certificate No.                                      Period
                                                                                                        Enterprise Certificate
               Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.
      1                                                                      GR202044007788                   December 2020       3 years

      2        Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.                     GR202244010903                   December 2022       3 years

      3        Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                  GR202144007599                  September 2021       3 years

      4        Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                   GR202244010633                   December 2022       3 years

      5        Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                    GR202034000570                      August 2020      3 years
               Zhuhai Gree Green Refrigeration Technology
      6                                                                      GR202044006403                   December 2020       3 years
               Research Center Co., Ltd.
      7        Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                    GR202242006898                  November 2022        3 years

      8        Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                GR202041001002                  September 2020       3 years

                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                             Date of Obtaining
                                                                High-tech Enterprise                                 Valid
No.                   Name of Taxpayer                                                         the High-tech
                                                                  Certificate No.                                    Period
                                                                                            Enterprise Certificate
9     Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                  GR202034002197                     August 2020      3 years

10    Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.          GR202213000331                     October 2022     3 years

11    Zhuhai EWPE Information Technology Inc.                    GR202244010117                  December 2022       3 years

12    Gree Changsha HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd.                     GR202043000055                  September 2020      3 years

13    Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                       GR202044007901                  December 2020       3 years
      Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co.,
14                                                               GR202044011848                  December 2020       3 years
15    Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.                        GR202134001678                  September 2021      3 years

16    Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd.               GR202144007551                  September 2021      3 years
      Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Appliances Co.,
17                                                               GR202213000723                     October 2022     3 years
18    Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd.                         GR202144007849                  September 2021      3 years
      Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
19                                                               GR202044011411                  December 2020       3 years
      Co., Ltd.
20    Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co., Ltd.              GR202032012986                  December 2020       3 years

21    Gree (Hangzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.              GR202033001006                  December 2020       3 years

22    Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                           GR202034001654                     August 2020      3 years

23    Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                       GR202041001848                  December 2020       3 years

24    Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                           GR202042001716                  December 2020       3 years

25    Hefei Kaibang Motor Co., Ltd.                              GR202034002198                     August 2020      3 years

26    Henan Kaibang Motor Co., Ltd.                              GR202041000105                  September 2020      3 years

27    Gree (Maanshan) Electric Enterprises Ltd.                  GR202034001625                     August 2020      3 years

28    Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                            GR202144004177                  September 2021      3 years

29    Zhuhai Guangtong Automobile Co., Ltd.                      GR202044009236                  December 2020       3 years

30    Zhuhai Gree Altairnano Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.        GR202144006478                  September 2021      3 years

31    Hebei Gree Titanium New Energy Co., Ltd.                   GR202213004750                  December 2022       3 years

32    Northern Aotai Nanotechnologies Co., Ltd.                  GR202113001126                  September 2021      3 years

33    Hangzhou Safety Equipment Co., Ltd.                        GR202033003385                  December 2020       3 years

34    Tianjin Huaxin Machinery Co., Ltd.                         GR202212000479                  November 2022       3 years

35    Zhejiang DunAn Hetian Metals Co., Ltd.                     GR202133006933                  September 2021      3 years

36    Chongqing Huachao Metal Co., Ltd.                          GR202151100597                  November 2021       3 years

37    Zhejiang DunAn Machinery Co., Ltd.                         GR202133002758                  September 2021      3 years
      DunAn (Wuhu) Zhongyuan Automatic Control Co.,
38                                                               GR202134000039                  September 2021      3 years
      Zhejiang DunAn Electro-Mechanical Technology
39                                                               GR202133001775                  September 2021      3 years
      Co., Ltd.
40    Suzhou Huayue Metal Co., Ltd.                              GR202032010953                  December 2020       3 years

41    Zhejiang DunAn Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.                GR202033007051                  December 2020       3 years

42    Zhuhai DunAn Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.                  GR202144001846                  September 2021      3 years

43    Zhuhai Huayu Metal Co., Ltd.                               GR202144002525                  September 2021      3 years

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                        Date of Obtaining
                                                                           High-tech Enterprise                                 Valid
     No.                        Name of Taxpayer                                                          the High-tech
                                                                             Certificate No.                                    Period
                                                                                                       Enterprise Certificate
     44         Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                GR202241002986                  December 2022       3 years

     45         Gree Wuhu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                 GR202234003673                     October 2022     3 years

     46         Zhuhai Gree New Material Co., Ltd.                          GR202244008332                  December 2022       3 years
                Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Technology
     47         Institute Co., Ltd.                                         GR202044006741                  December 2020       3 years

     48         Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                GR202232008326                  November 2022       3 years

     49         Zhuhai Gree Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.             GR202244004245                  December 2022       3 years

(3) The following subsidiaries of the Company enjoyed the country's western development policy, and applied the
income tax rate of 15.00%.

     No.                                        Name of Taxpayer                                                   Start time

      1         Gree (Chongqing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                     2008/1/1

      2         Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                               2015/1/1

      3         Chongqing Kaibang Motor Co., Ltd.                                                                  2013/1/1

      4         Chengdu Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                    2020/4/8

      5         Gree Electric Appliances (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                                                       2022/1/1

      6         Chengdu Guangtong Automobile Co., Ltd.                                                             2017/6/13

(4) The following subsidiaries of the Company are entitled to enjoy the preferential policy of business income tax in
the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, with an income tax rate of 15.00%.

     No.                                        Name of Taxpayer                                                   Start time

      1         Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 2022/1/1

V    Items in consolidated financial statements

Unless otherwise specified, in the following notes (including the major items of the financial statements), "end of the period" refers to
December 31, 2022, "beginning of the period" refers to December 31, 2021, "the current period" refers to the year 2022, and "the
previous period" refers to the year 2021. Unless otherwise specified, the amount unit is yuan.

1. Monetary funds

                              Item                                          Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance

 Cash on hand                                                                            678,327.53                         1,021,935.16

 Bank deposit                                                                     67,106,080,448.62                   37,248,838,390.03

 Other monetary funds [Note 1]                                                    48,296,387,517.05                   36,207,001,226.17

 Deposits in central bank [Note 2]                                                 1,267,324,345.11                     1,406,034,172.78

 Deposits in other banks                                                          36,150,447,388.93                   38,791,111,355.15

                            Subtotal                                            152,820,918,027.24                   113,654,007,079.29

 Accrued interest                                                                  4,663,414,224.15                     3,285,291,697.58

                              Total                                             157,484,332,251.39                   116,939,298,776.87

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                              Item                                         Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance

 Including: Total amount deposited outside mainland China                           480,814,074.59                      341,734,386.47
[Note 1] The ending balance of other monetary funds mainly includes banks' acceptance bill deposits, guarantee deposits, letter of credit
deposits, etc., where the restricted fund was RMB47,954,084,713.24;
[Note 2] The statutory deposit reserve in the Company's deposits in central bank is RMB1,261,012,790.79, and its use is restricted;
[Note 3] Except the above situations, there are no other funds in the ending balance of monetary funds that are restricted in use or have
potential recovery risks due to mortgage, pledge or freezing.

2. Trading financial assets

                                 Item                                     Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance
 Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included
 in other comprehensive income
 Including: equity instrument investment                                            21,302,400.00

 Debt instrument investment                                                      3,845,900,963.52

                                Total                                            3,867,203,363.52

3. Derivative financial assets

                              Item                                         Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance

Forward foreign exchange settlement/sale                                                                                  198,773,198.65

                             Total                                                                                        198,773,198.65

4. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable presentation by categories

                              Item                                        Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance

 Trade acceptance                                                                    6,818,428.95

                              Total                                                  6,818,428.95

(2) Notes receivable have pledged by the Company at the end of the period


(3) Notes receivable that have been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and have not
yet due on the balance sheet date

                                                                    Amount Derecognized at the         Amount Recognized at the End of
                                                                        End of the Period                       the Period
 Trade acceptance                                                                                                        40,578,585.03

                              Total                                                                                      40,578,585.03

(4) Notes receivable transferred to accounts receivable due to the note issuer's failure of performance


(5) Notes receivable actually written off in the current period


5. Accounts receivable

                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by account age

                           Account age                                                            Ending Balance

 Within 1 year                                                                                                                 12,746,203,387.66

 12 years                                                                                                                       1,416,147,908.71

 23 years                                                                                                                         877,548,093.14

 Over 3 years                                                                                                                   2,577,872,659.51

                              Subtotal                                                                                         17,617,772,049.02

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                                                                        2,793,029,425.57

                               Total                                                                                           14,824,742,623.45
[Note] The Company's accounts receivable with an account age of over 1 year are mainly subsidy receivables for dismantling waste
electrical and electronic products and payments for new energy vehicles.

(2) Disclosure of accounts receivable classification

                                                                                      Ending Balance

                Category                             Book balance                        Bad debt reserves
                                                                                                                                 Book value
                                                                     Proport                            Credit loss
                                                  Amount                              Amount
                                                                     ion (%)                             rate (%)
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                               1,345,411,996.82         7.64       1,116,288,302.43              82.97            229,123,694.39
 reserves accrued by individual item
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                              16,272,360,052.20        92.36       1,676,741,123.14              10.30         14,595,618,929.06
 reserves accrued by portfolios
 Including: account age portfolio             14,562,451,303.20        82.65       1,475,714,843.63              10.13         13,086,736,459.57

         Low risk portfolio                    1,709,908,749.00         9.71        201,026,279.51               11.76          1,508,882,469.49

                  Total                       17,617,772,049.02       100.00       2,793,029,425.57              15.85         14,824,742,623.45


                                                                                    Beginning Balance

                Category                              Book balance                         Bad debt reserves
                                                                                                                                  Book value
                                                                     Proporti                          Credit loss rate
                                                  Amount                              Amount
                                                                     on (%)                                 (%)
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                                1,293,262,223.96         8.03     1,029,353,603.16                79.59           263,908,620.80
 reserves accrued by individual item
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                              14,813,226,772.06         91.97     1,236,236,590.10                   8.35      13,576,990,181.96
 reserves accrued by portfolios
 Including: account age portfolio             12,433,046,350.06         77.19     1,041,853,417.60                   8.38      11,391,192,932.46

         Low risk portfolio                     2,380,180,422.00        14.78       194,383,172.50                   8.17       2,185,797,249.50

                  Total                       16,106,488,996.02        100.00     2,265,590,193.26                14.07        13,840,898,802.76

1) Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by individual item:

                                                                                Ending Balance
    Company Name
                                 Book balance                Bad debt reserves            Credit loss rate (%)              Reason for accruing
                                                                                                                         It is expected to be
 69 units in total                  1,345,411,996.82               1,116,288,302.43                          82.97       difficult to be recovered
                                                                                                                         in full
          Total                     1,345,411,996.82               1,116,288,302.43                          82.97

2) In the portfolio, accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by account age portfolio:

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

         Account age                      Book balance                        Bad debt reserves                      Credit loss rate (%)

 Within 1 year                                   12,420,877,335.04                    621,043,867.19                                         5.00

 12 years                                         1,028,652,318.62                    163,825,657.98                                        15.93

 23 years                                           256,814,018.70                      78,179,828.86                                       30.44

 Over 3 years                                       856,107,630.84                    612,665,489.60                                        71.56

             Total                               14,562,451,303.20                   1,475,714,843.63                                       10.13
[Note] The expected changes in credit loss rate of the current aging portfolio are due to the merger of enterprises not under the same

3) In the portfolios, the Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by low risk portfolio

                                                                               Ending Balance
     Company Name
                                             Book balance                     Bad debt reserves                      Credit loss rate (%)

 Low risk portfolio                               1,709,908,749.00                     201,026,279.51                                       11.76

              Total                               1,709,908,749.00                     201,026,279.51                                       11.76

(3) Changes in the bad debt reserves in the current period

                                                                   Change of the current period
    Category          Beginning Balance                                                                                       Ending Balance
                                               Changes in the scope    Accrual/transferring
                                                 of consolidation        back/recovery
Accrual by
                          1,029,353,603.16            17,875,661.69           69,059,037.73                          0.15      1,116,288,302.43
individual item
Account age
                          1,041,853,417.60            94,582,000.43          339,367,489.54                   88,063.94        1,475,714,843.63
Low risk
                           194,383,172.50                                      6,643,107.01                                      201,026,279.51
      Total               2,265,590,193.26           112,457,662.12          415,069,634.28                   88,064.09        2,793,029,425.57
[Note] There is no significant recovery or transferring back of bad debt reserves in the current aging portfolio.

(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

                                     Item                                                                Written Off Amount

 8 units in total                                                                                                                     88,064.09

                                     Total                                                                                            88,064.09

(5) Accounts receivable of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

                                                                      Proportion (%) to the Total
                                 Ending Balance of Accounts                                                    Ending Balance of Bad Debt
         Name of entity                                               Ending Balance of Accounts
                                         Receivable                                                                    Reserves
 First                                          1,709,903,749.00                                  9.71                          201,025,663.30

 Second                                           943,104,423.38                                  5.35                            47,155,221.17

 Third                                            713,456,979.77                                  4.05                            35,672,848.97

 Fourth                                           693,701,000.00                                  3.94                          114,196,752.00

 Fifth                                            348,206,846.14                                  1.98                            17,410,342.30

              Total                             4,408,372,998.29                              25.03                             415,460,827.74

(6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai


(7) Assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and continuous involvement of accounts receivable


6. Receivables financing

(1) Receivables financing presentation by categories

                             Item                                            Ending Balance                       Beginning Balance

 Notes receivable measured at fair value                                              28,274,911,539.46                25,612,056,693.07

 Including: bank acceptance notes                                                     28,274,911,539.46                25,612,056,693.07
      Including:     notes   accepted      by   Gree    Finance
 Accounts receivable measured at fair value                                              152,398,805.74

 Including: accounts receivable                                                          152,398,805.74

                             Total                                                    28,427,310,345.20                25,612,056,693.07

(2) Receivables financing pledged by the Company at the end of the period

                             Item                                                 Pledged Amount at the End of the Period

 Bank acceptance notes                                                                                                 12,304,327,541.08

                             Total                                                                                     12,304,327,541.08

(3) Receivables financing that has been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period but not yet
due at the balance sheet date

                                                                  Amount Derecognized at the End of         Amount Recognized at the
                                                                            the Period                         End of the Period
 Bank acceptance notes                                                                19,823,553,575.31

                             Total                                                    19,823,553,575.31

(4) Receivables financing transferred by the Company into accounts receivable due to the note issuer's failure of


(5) Receivables financing actually written off in the current period


7. Advance payments

(1) Prepayments presented by account age

                                           Ending Balance                                           Beginning Balance
   Account age
                                  Amount                    Proportion (%)                   Amount                    Proportion (%)

 Within 1 year                       2,099,933,220.14                     89.56                4,500,793,847.23                       98.02

 12 years                             188,034,392.04                       8.02                   21,906,080.13                        0.48

 23 years                                9,925,947.44                      0.42                   24,927,433.26                        0.54

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                           Ending Balance                                             Beginning Balance
   Account age
                                  Amount                    Proportion (%)                   Amount                      Proportion (%)

 Over 3 years                         46,775,285.86                       2.00                      44,259,156.72                       0.96

        Total                      2,344,668,845.48                     100.00                    4,591,886,517.34                  100.00

(2) Significant prepayments aged over one year


(3) Prepayments of the top 5 prepayment objects in terms of ending balance collected by prepayment objects

As of the end of the period, the total amount of the prepayments of the top 5 suppliers in terms of ending balance collected by suppliers
was RMB909,794,311.70, accounting for 38.80% of the total ending balance of prepayments.

8. Other receivables

                         Item                                      Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Dividends receivable                                                              1,260,498.66                                 615,115.33

 Other receivables [Note 1]                                                      803,017,460.14                             333,546,754.85

                         Total                                                   804,277,958.80                             334,161,870.18
[Note 1] Other receivables in the table above refer to other receivables after deduction of interest receivables and dividends receivable;
[Note 2] The Company has no interest receivable balance at the end and the beginning of the period.

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Classification of dividends receivable

                         Item                                      Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Dividends receivable                                                              1,260,498.66                                 615,115.33

                         Total                                                     1,260,498.66                                 615,115.33

2) Significant dividends receivable aged over 1 year


(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables classified by nature

                 Nature of payment                                 Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Intercourse and low-risk funds                                                  661,459,896.83                             487,589,373.01

 Equity and asset transfer payments                                              526,500,000.00

                       Subtotal                                              1,187,959,896.83                               487,589,373.01

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                         384,942,436.69                             154,042,618.16

                         Total                                                   803,017,460.14                             333,546,754.85

2) Accrual of bad debt reserves

     Bad debt reserves              Phase Ⅰ                      Phase Ⅱ                           Phase Ⅲ                   Total

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                          Expected credit loss for the      Expected credit loss for the
                              Expected credit losses
                                                           entire duration (no credit         entire duration (credit
                              in the next 12 months
                                                            impairment occurred)              impairment occurred)
 Beginning Balance                    10,927,760.51                                                      143,114,857.65      154,042,618.16
 Changes in the scope of
 consolidation in the                 14,566,684.82                                                      138,217,598.10      152,784,282.92
 current period
 Accrual in the current
                                                                                                          95,047,059.21        95,047,059.21
 Transferring back in the
                                      16,931,523.60                                                                            16,931,523.60
 current period
 Ending Balance                           8,562,921.73                                                   376,379,514.96      384,942,436.69

3) Disclosure by account age

                              Account age                                                             Book balance

 Within 1 year                                                                                                               175,729,511.54

 12 years                                                                                                                    411,297,254.70

 23 years                                                                                                                    100,645,380.37

 Over 3 years                                                                                                                500,287,750.22

                                Subtotal                                                                                    1,187,959,896.83

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                                                                     384,942,436.69

                                 Total                                                                                       803,017,460.14
[Note] The changes in the aging structure of other accounts receivable in the current period are due to the merger of enterprises not under
the same control.

4) Bad debt reserves accrued, recovered or transferred back in the current period

                                                                     Change of the current period
         Category             Beginning Balance                                                                          Ending Balance
                                                         Changes in the scope of         Accrual/transferring
                                                             consolidation                 back/recovery
 Accrual              by
                                     75,900,423.54                 105,796,170.42              116,657,358.63                298,353,952.59
 individual item
 Account             age
                                     78,082,944.62                  46,988,112.50               -38,482,573.02                 86,588,484.10
 Low risk portfolio                         59,250.00                                               -59,250.00

          Total                     154,042,618.16                 152,784,282.92               78,115,535.61                384,942,436.69
[Note] There is no significant recovery or transferring back of bad debt reserves during the current period.

5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period


6) Other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

                                                                                               Proportion to the total      Ending Balance
                              Nature of
    Name of entity                              Ending Balance          Account age           ending balance of other        of Bad Debt
                                                                                                  receivables (%)              Reserves
                           Equity      and
                           asset transfer
                                                                     Within 1       year,
 First                     funds,                 361,249,854.32                                                 30.41         25,282,827.58
                                                                     12 years

                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                      Proportion to the total       Ending Balance
                         Nature of
    Name of entity                         Ending Balance        Account age         ending balance of other         of Bad Debt
                                                                                         receivables (%)               Reserves
                      Equity      and
                      asset transfer
 Second               funds,                221,500,000.00     Over 3 years                             18.65        110,750,000.00
                                                               Within 1 year,
 Third                                      172,380,562.38     12 years, over 3                         14.51         86,190,281.19
 Fourth                                      40,312,312.68     Over 2 years                               3.39        40,312,312.68
                      Equity      and
 Fifth                asset transfer         35,000,000.00     23 years                                   2.95          3,500,000.00
          Total                             830,442,729.38                                              69.91        266,035,421.45

7) Receivables involving government grants


8) Other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets


9) Assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and continuous involvement of other receivables


9. Inventory

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                          Ending Balance
                                                                Inventory falling price reserves
                                        Book balance                                                            Book value
                                                                   impairment provision of
                                                                  contract performance costs
 Raw materials                             10,672,997,728.11                   1,009,327,287.63                     9,663,670,440.48
 Goods in process and
                                            2,403,582,415.78                                                        2,403,582,415.78
 contract performance costs
 Finished goods                            23,183,839,506.90                   1,770,944,083.73                    21,412,895,423.17

 Development costs                          4,834,028,484.47                                                        4,834,028,484.47

              Total                        41,094,448,135.26                   2,780,271,371.36                    38,314,176,763.90


                                                                       Beginning Balance
              Item                                              Inventory falling price reserves
                                        Book balance              or impairment provision of                    Book value
                                                                  contract performance costs
 Raw materials                             11,013,706,175.31                    844,318,692.51                     10,169,387,482.80
 Goods in process and
                                            1,974,184,596.76                                                        1,974,184,596.76
 contract performance costs
 Finished goods                            27,845,565,162.22                   1,296,652,950.63                    26,548,912,211.59

 Development costs                          4,073,114,036.86                                                        4,073,114,036.86

              Total                        44,906,569,971.15                   2,140,971,643.14                    42,765,598,328.01

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(2) Inventory falling price reserves

                                                                           Increased amount in     Decreased amount
                                                    Increase in the
                                                                            the current period    in the current period
        Item             Beginning Balance             scope of                                                                Ending Balance
                                                     consolidation                 Accrual           Write-off amount

 Raw materials                844,318,692.51               2,597,114.31          261,433,585.45           99,022,104.64        1,009,327,287.63

 Finished goods             1,296,652,950.63           59,772,141.61             421,134,343.00            6,615,351.51        1,770,944,083.73

        Total               2,140,971,643.14           62,369,255.92             682,567,928.45         105,637,456.15         2,780,271,371.36
Specific bases for accruing or transferring back the inventory falling price reserves and reasons for writing off the inventory falling price
reserves in the current period:

                       Specific bases for accruing or transferring back the inventory falling        Write-off of inventory falling price reserves
                                                  price reserves                                                 in the current period
Raw materials          Inventory cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower                 Received or sold in the current period

Finished goods         Inventory cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower                 Sold in the current period

(3) Capitalization amount of borrowing costs included in the ending balance of inventory


(4) Current amortization amount of contract performance costs: The amortized contract performance cost in the
current period is RMB158,713,806.81.

10. Contract assets

(1) Disclosure of contract assets classification

                                        Ending Balance                                                  Beginning Balance
                                          Impairment                                                        Impairment
                 Book balance                                   Book value            Book balance                                Book value
                                           provision                                                         provision
                       7,841,594.46        7,841,594.46
 al item
 age            1,127,165,757.29         395,385,285.59        731,780,471.70          721,024,117.34      115,256,697.58        605,767,419.76
 risk                382,514,539.00       66,555,192.76        315,959,346.24          824,094,624.00      278,633,571.13        545,461,052.87
   Total        1,517,521,890.75         469,782,072.81       1,047,739,817.94       1,545,118,741.34      393,890,268.71      1,151,228,472.63

(2) Impairment provision accrued for contract assets in the current period:

                                                                  Increase in the scope of
             Item                      Beginning Balance                                          back/recovery in the          Ending Balance
                                                                                                     current period
Individual-item portfolio                                                                                    7,841,594.46            7,841,594.46

Account age portfolio                       115,256,697.58                      34,623,312.21             245,505,275.80          395,385,285.59

Low risk portfolio                          278,633,571.13                                                -212,078,378.37           66,555,192.76

             Total                          393,890,268.71                      34,623,312.21               41,268,491.89         469,782,072.81

11. Non-current assets due within one year

                                Item                                             Ending Balance                       Beginning Balance

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                             Item                                         Ending Balance                Beginning Balance

 Other debt investments due within 1 year                                         3,000,000,000.00             10,860,197,639.98

 Long-term receivables due within 1 year                                             41,094,547.81                  3,406,416.52

                            Subtotal                                              3,041,094,547.81             10,863,604,056.50
 Add: Accrued interest of other debt investments due
                                                                                   275,847,602.74                169,967,876.10
 within 1 year
 Less: Impairment provision of long-term receivables due
 within one year
                             Total                                                3,314,191,633.19             11,033,571,932.60

12. Other current assets
                             Item                                         Ending Balance                Beginning Balance
 Monetary investment products                                                     2,415,000,000.00              5,460,000,000.00

 Input tax to be deducted and prepaid tax                                         2,057,987,526.82              2,786,329,636.97

 Endorsed or discounted notes that have not yet due                                  40,578,585.03               852,128,009.63

 Others                                                                            148,650,676.65                282,434,079.34

                            Subtotal                                              4,662,216,788.50              9,380,891,725.94

 Add: Accrued interests                                                              72,656,393.15                 21,626,670.32

 Less: Impairment provision of other current assets                                  30,296,241.01                 20,340,809.19

                             Total                                                4,704,576,940.64              9,382,177,587.07

13. Disbursement of loans and advances

(1) Distribution of enterprises and individuals

                             Item                                         Ending Balance                Beginning Balance

 Loans and advances measured at amortized costs:

 Issuance of corporate loans and advances                                          737,270,000.00               4,247,674,817.07

 Including: (1) Loans                                                              492,550,000.00               1,052,040,000.00

          (2) Discount                                                             244,720,000.00               3,195,634,817.07

           Including: discount asset interest adjustment                                                          -31,355,182.93

 Less: loan loss reserves                                                            18,431,750.00               106,975,750.00

 Including: accrual by portfolios                                                    18,431,750.00               106,975,750.00

                            Subtotal                                               718,838,250.00               4,140,699,067.07

 Accrued interest                                                                       961,030.27                  1,953,834.78

 Book value of issued corporate loans and advances                                 719,799,280.27               4,142,652,901.85

(2) Changes in loan loss reserves

                             Item                                         Ending Balance                Beginning Balance

 Loans and advances measured at amortized costs:

 Beginning Balance                                                                 106,975,750.00                135,269,958.74

 Transferring back in the current period                                             88,544,000.00                 28,294,208.74

                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                              Item                                            Ending Balance                      Beginning Balance

 Ending Balance                                                                          18,431,750.00                        106,975,750.00

14. Debt investment

(1) Debt investment

                                                     Ending Balance                                           Beginning Balance
           Item                                       Impairment                                                 Impairment
                                 Book balance                             Book value           Book balance                       Book value
                                                       provision                                                  provision
Bond products                    150,000,000.00                           150,000,000.00
Accrued interest on bond
                                        351,500.00                             351,500.00
          Total                  150,351,500.00                           150,351,500.00

(2) Important debt investment

                                                         Ending Balance                                          Beginning Balance

           Item                                                                                                          Effectiv
                                                                                                      Face      Coupo       e           Date
                                     Face value       Coupon rate       interest       Date Due
                                                                                                      value     n rate   interest       Due
(Twenty-six) Agricultural
                                150,000,000.00                2.28%          2.28%     2025/11/25
Bank treasury bonds

           Total                150,000,000.00

(3) Accrual of impairment provision


15. Other debt investments

(1) Other debt investments

                                                                                        Ending Balance
                                                                                                                                  loss reserves
                                                                        Accrued          Change in fair                           recognized in
                                                       Cost                                                     Book value
                                                                        interest            value                                     other
                                                                                                                                    ve income
Treasury bond                                     315,342,376.29       3,551,890.42          8,069,643.71      326,963,910.42

Corporate bond                                    699,557,264.91      13,484,589.02         -12,404,624.91     700,637,229.02
                                                  16,052,655,138.     535,940,207.5                           16,588,595,346.
Negotiable certificate of deposit [Note]
                                                               75                 2                                        27
                                                  17,067,554,779.     552,976,686.9                           17,616,196,485.
                   Subtotal                                                                  -4,334,981.20
                                                               95                 6                                        71
Less: Other debt investments due within 1         3,000,000,000.0     275,847,602.7                           3,275,847,602.7
                   year                                         0                 4                                         4
                                                  14,067,554,779.     277,129,084.2                           14,340,348,882.
                    Total                                                                    -4,334,981.20
                                                               95                 2                                        97

                    Item                                                               Beginning Balance

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                                   loss reserves
                                                                      Accrued          Change in fair                              recognized in
                                                     Cost                                                        Book value
                                                                      interest            value                                        other
                                                                                                                                     ve income
Treasury bond                                   294,120,614.59       3,378,082.20         7,448,985.41      304,947,682.20

Corporate bond                                  469,153,368.80       6,880,882.18         7,002,641.18      483,036,892.16
                                             17,100,000,000. 354,467,166.6                            17,454,467,166.
Negotiable certificate of deposit [Note]
                                                          00                 7                                      67
                                             17,863,273,983. 364,726,131.0                            18,242,451,741.
                  Subtotal                                                           14,451,626.59
                                                          39                 5                                      03
Less: Other debt investments due within 1 10,859,752,569. 169,967,876.1                               11,030,165,516.
year                                                      26                 0                                      08
                                             1,300,000,000.0                                          1,302,229,333.3
Less: Other current assets                                     2,229,333.33
                                                           0                                                         3
                                             5,703,521,414.1 192,528,921.6                            5,910,056,891.6
                   Total                                                             14,006,555.87
                                                           3                 2                                       2
[Note] The negotiable certificate of deposit held by the Company is classified as financial assets measured at fair value with changes
included in other comprehensive income based on the management's intention and the cash flow of the contract, and listed as other debt
investments, other current assets, and non-current assets due within 1 year according to its liquidity. On December 31, 2022, there was no
significant difference between the cost of the Company's negotiable certificate of deposit and its fair value.

(2) Other important debt investments

                                      Ending Balance                                                Beginning Balance
                                                    Effecti                                                             Effecti
 Other debt                                Coupo       ve                                                                  ve
   items                                                                                                  Coupon
                      Face value           n rate   interes      Date Due            Face value                         interest     Date Due
                                                                                                          rate (%)
                                            (%)      t rate                                                               rate
                                                      (%)                                                                 (%)
16 coupon-
bearing bond          200,000,000.00         2.74      3.10        2026/8/4           200,000,000.00             2.74      3.10     2026/8/4
16 coupon-
bearing bond          100,000,000.00         2.74      3.44        2026/8/4           100,000,000.00             2.74      3.44     2026/8/4
20 Nongfa
                      200,000,000.00         3.45      3.54       2025/9/23           200,000,000.00             3.45      3.54     2025/9/23
19 Huafa
Group                                                                                  50,000,000.00             4.57      5.00     2022/12/6
19 Huafa
Group                                                                                  10,000,000.00             4.57      5.10     2022/12/6
19 Huafa
Group                  10,000,000.00         5.30      5.31      2024/12/11            10,000,000.00             5.30      5.31     2024/12/11
21 Huafa
Group                  70,000,000.00         4.65      4.65       2024/6/28           200,000,000.00             4.65      4.65     2024/6/28
22 Huafa
Group                 180,000,000.00         4.20      4.20       2025/4/25
22 Huafa
Group                 180,000,000.00         4.00      4.00       2025/6/20
22 Huafa
Group                  60,000,000.00         3.75      3.75       2025/8/16

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                       Ending Balance                                                   Beginning Balance
                                                      Effecti                                                            Effecti
 Other debt                               Coupo          ve                                                                 ve
   items                                                                                                     Coupon
                        Face value        n rate      interes       Date Due             Face value                      interest      Date Due
                                                                                                             rate (%)
                                           (%)         t rate                                                              rate
                                                        (%)                                                                (%)
22 coupon-
bearing bond             20,000,000.00       2.60       2.61          2032/9/1
                                             3.20-     3.20-        2023/9/10-                                   3.35-      3.35-     2022/1/14-
certificate of     16,050,000,000.00                                                   17,100,000,000.00
                                              4.00      4.00        2027/10/21                                    4.18       4.18     2024/12/9
Total              17,070,000,000.00                                                   17,870,000,000.00

16. Long-term receivables

                                                                                      Ending Balance
                                                     Book balance                       Bad debt reserves                Book value

 Goods of installment sales                                     235,996,799.59                   32,095,022.13                 203,901,777.46
 Less:     Unrealized     financing
 income                                                          15,048,370.77                                                  15,048,370.77
 Less:     Long-term       accounts
 receivable due within 1 year                                    41,094,547.81                    2,750,517.36                  38,344,030.45
 Less: Reclassified to other current
 assets                                                          61,048,258.76                   26,623,856.04                  34,424,402.72

                 Total                                          118,805,622.25                    2,720,648.73                 116,084,973.52


                                                                                                Beginning Balance
                                                                      Book balance                 Bad debt reserves           Book value

Goods of installment sales                                                     38,157,391.25            20,340,809.19               17,816,582.06

Less: Unrealized financing income                                                 844,248.07                                          844,248.07

Less: Long-term accounts receivable due within 1 year                            3,406,416.52                                        3,406,416.52

Less: Reclassified to other current assets                                     31,487,695.59            20,340,809.19               11,146,886.40

                           Total                                                 2,419,031.07                                        2,419,031.07
[Note] The Company reclassifies long-term receivables due within 1 year to non-current assets due within 1 year, and reclassifies
overdue long-term receivables to other current assets.

                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

17. Long-term equity investments

                                      Beginning Balance                                     Increase/Decrease in the Current Period                                Ending Balance
                                                                                        Profits and
                                                                                                         Adjustment of       Adjustment      Declared
            Investee                                                Changes in the       losses on
                                                   Impairment                                                other            to other    distribution of                      Impairment
                               Original value                         scope of          investment                                                          Original value
                                                    provision                                            comprehensive         equity     cash dividends                        provision
                                                                    consolidation     recognized by
                                                                                                            income            changes        or profits
                                                                                      equity method
 I. Joint ventures
 Companies including
 Songyuan Grain Group
                                   1,220,914.19                                          -54,555.22                                                            1,166,358.97
 Jiangwan Rice Industry Co.,
 Subtotal                          1,220,914.19                                          -54,555.22                                                            1,166,358.97

 II. Associates
 Gree (Vietnam) Electric
                                   1,940,009.35    1,940,009.35                                                                                                1,940,009.35    1,940,009.35
 Appliances, Inc.
 Outlook All Media Co., Ltd.     37,385,552.00                                        -1,907,177.74                                                           35,478,374.26
 Wuhan Digital Design and
 Manufacturing Innovation        14,942,039.60                                           297,034.32                                                           15,239,073.92
 Center Co., Ltd.
 Coresing Semiconductor
                                 20,004,740.59                                            66,923.31                                                           20,071,663.90
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhuhai Ronglin Equity
 Investment Partnership        8,893,495,450.98                                      -13,812,616.74    -4,747,875,029.30                                    4,131,807,804.94
 (Limited Partnership)
 Henan Yuze Finance
                                 51,749,348.46                                         1,791,375.31                                          949,620.75       52,591,103.02
 Leasing Co., Ltd.
 Zhuhai Hanling Equity
 Investment Partnership         920,480,163.07                                        45,154,377.43                                        9,382,745.59      956,251,794.91
 (Limited Partnership)
 Lanzhou Guangtong New
 Energy Automobile Co.,         108,445,671.11                                       -11,427,975.22                                                           97,017,695.89
 Guizhou Qianzhixing New
                                   2,775,216.06                                       -1,246,361.03                                                            1,528,855.03
 Energy Co., Ltd.
 Ningxia Nenggu New
 Energy Technology Co.,             343,863.07                                          -149,512.83                                                              194,350.24
 Eocell Limited                    5,140,512.39                                       -5,140,512.39

                                                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                          Beginning Balance                                       Increase/Decrease in the Current Period                                       Ending Balance
                                                                                              Profits and
                                                                                                               Adjustment of        Adjustment         Declared
           Investee                                                       Changes in the       losses on
                                                         Impairment                                                other             to other       distribution of                         Impairment
                                   Original value                           scope of          investment                                                                Original value
                                                          provision                                            comprehensive          equity        cash dividends                           provision
                                                                          consolidation     recognized by
                                                                                                                  income             changes           or profits
                                                                                            equity method
 Beijing Liyin Automobile
                                      4,605,056.55                                                                                                                         4,605,056.55
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co.,
                                    276,419,486.50                                          17,119,707.82                                                                293,539,194.32
 Zhuji Rushan Huiying
 Venture Investment
                                                                          53,798,516.01        -727,322.56        -5,103,405.48     5,937,573.09                          53,905,361.06
 Partnership (Limited
 DunAn (Tianjin) Energy
                                                                         262,181,553.50     -33,287,671.70                                                               228,893,881.80
 Saving System Co., Ltd.
           Subtotal              10,337,727,109.73        1,940,009.35   315,980,069.51      -3,269,732.02    -4,752,978,434.78     5,937,573.09     10,332,366.34     5,893,064,219.19     1,940,009.35

             Total               10,338,948,023.92        1,940,009.35   315,980,069.51      -3,324,287.24    -4,752,978,434.78     5,937,573.09     10,332,366.34     5,894,230,578.16     1,940,009.35
[Note] The change in other comprehensive income in the current period of the joint venture of the Company, Zhuhai Ronglin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), is due to the fluctuation of
the share price of Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd. held by it.

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

18. Other equity instrument investments

(1) Other equity instrument investments

                     Item                                    Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance

 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd.                                       522,205,716.62                                    755,079,703.46

 Xinjiang Joinworld Company Limited                                      145,786,602.78                                    217,422,947.74

 Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd.                                          1,885,465,957.10                                 4,636,568,053.50

 RSMACALLINE-HSHS                                                        143,361,786.48                                    195,769,835.63

 San'an Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. [Note]                                1,965,635,734.92                                 4,302,405,489.72
 COFCO Trading (Suibin)            Agricultural
                                                                            7,000,000.00                                     7,000,000.00
 Development Co., Ltd.
                     Total                                              4,669,455,797.90                             10,114,246,030.05
[Note] The Company directly holds 114,547,537 shares of San'an Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., which have been restricted for sale for 36
months since June 2020.

(2) Non-trading equity instrument investment

                                                                                     Amount               Reason for
                                                                                                                              Reason for
                                                                                 transferred from        designation as
                                                                                       other            measured at fair
                       Dividend                                                                                                  other
                                           Accumulated        Accumulated         comprehensive            value with
       Item             income                                                                                               comprehens
                                              gains              losses             income to          changes included
                      recognized                                                                                             ive income
                                                                                     retained               in other
                                                                                                                              to retained
                                                                                     earnings           comprehensive
                                                                                                      Based on the
 Shanghai                                                                                             management's
 Highly (Group)     14,421,390.05                             -622,751,369.10                         intention and
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                            contractual cash
                                                                                                      Based on the
                     5,764,487.94                             -555,921,691.97                         intention and
                                                                                                      contractual cash
                                                                                                      Based on the
 Wingtech                                                                                             management's
 Technology          7,308,063.18       1,000,465,960.50                                              intention and
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                            contractual cash
                                                                                                      Based on the
 Joinworld                                                                                                                   Sales     of
                     4,995,206.78           70,065,750.62                          41,065,013.23      intention and
 Company                                                                                                                     some shares
                                                                                                      contractual cash
                                                                                                      Based on the
 San'an                                                                                               management's
 Optoelectronics    11,454,753.70                              -34,364,265.08                         intention and
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                            contractual cash
                                                                                                      Based on the
                     1,180,000.00                                                                     intention and
                                                                                                      contractual cash
 Co., Ltd.
      Total         45,123,901.65       1,070,531,711.12    -1,213,037,326.15      41,065,013.23

19. Other non-current financial assets

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                         Item                                            Ending Balance              Beginning Balance
 Financial assets measured at fair values with changes included in other
                                                                                           4,428,003,204.49                81,309,327.39
 comprehensive income [Note]
                                         Total                                             4,428,003,204.49                81,309,327.39
[Note:] This mainly refers to asset management plans and financial products held by the Company for more than one year.

20. Investment real estate

Investment real estate using cost measurement model

                           Item                              Houses and buildings            Land use rights                 Total

 I. Original book value

   1. Beginning balance                                               774,016,287.76                                      774,016,287.76

   2. Increased amount in the current period                          263,410,921.46              51,772,134.37           315,183,055.83

   Including: (1) Transfer-in from fixed assets                        54,611,038.52                                       54,611,038.52
            (2) Transfer-in    from    construction   in
                                                                           187,592.80                                         187,592.80
            (3) Transfer of intangible assets                                                     31,797,338.99            31,797,338.99

            (4) Increase in business merger                           208,612,290.14              19,974,795.38           228,587,085.52

   3. Decreased amount in the current period                              5,931,020.12                  910,170.28          6,841,190.40

   Including: (1) Transfer to fixed assets                                5,931,020.12                                      5,931,020.12

            (2) Transfer to intangible assets                                                           910,170.28            910,170.28

   4. Ending balance                                                1,031,496,189.10              50,861,964.09          1,082,358,153.19
 II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated
   1. Beginning balance                                               319,161,465.13                                      319,161,465.13

   2. Increased amount in the current period                          118,704,703.91              12,304,054.54           131,008,758.45

   Including: (1) Accrual or amortization                              73,336,230.43                    906,790.68         74,243,021.11

            (2) Transfer-in from fixed assets                          13,697,376.73                                       13,697,376.73

            (3) Transfer of intangible assets                                                      4,009,725.09             4,009,725.09

            (4) Increase in business merger                            31,671,096.75               7,387,538.77            39,058,635.52

   3. Decreased amount in the current period                              2,323,789.17                  177,483.20          2,501,272.37

   Including: (1) Transfer to fixed assets                                2,323,789.17                                      2,323,789.17

        (2) Transfer to intangible assets                                                               177,483.20            177,483.20

   4. Ending balance                                                  435,542,379.87              12,126,571.34           447,668,951.21

 III. Impairment provision

 IV. Book value

   1. Book value at the end of the period                             595,953,809.23              38,735,392.75           634,689,201.98

   2. Book value at the beginning of the period                       454,854,822.63                                      454,854,822.63

[Note] As of December 31, 2022, the book value of investment real estate  houses and buildings of which the Company has not
obtained the certificate of title was RMB78,776,121.57.

                                                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

21. Fixed assets

                         Item                                                         Ending Balance                                                              Beginning Balance

 Fixed assets [Note]                                                                                               33,810,042,180.83                                                   31,183,285,286.03

 Fixed assets in liquidation                                                                                               6,977,210.53                                                     5,440,856.96

                         Total                                                                                     33,817,019,391.36                                                   31,188,726,142.99
[Note] The fixed assets in the table above refer to the fixed assets after deduction of the fixed assets in liquidation.

(1) Fixed assets

                        Item                          Houses and buildings         Machinery equipment                                    Electronic equipment   Other equipment         Total
I. Original book value

  1. Beginning balance                                    27,006,174,116.19            24,851,475,449.33           1,328,579,441.14           2,128,193,766.55     774,134,522.45     56,088,557,295.66

  2. Increased amount in the current period                 4,925,024,188.38            3,350,685,237.89             190,440,460.03            352,239,327.63       38,293,735.51      8,856,682,949.44

  Including: (1) External purchase                                118,000.01              617,369,909.62             165,385,568.01            161,228,931.30       38,293,735.51       982,396,144.45
           (2) Transfer-in from investment real
                                                                5,931,020.12                                                                                                               5,931,020.12
           (3) Transfer-in from construction in
                                                            4,280,901,827.94            1,178,729,949.13                                             50,780.55                         5,459,682,557.62
           (4) Increase in business merger                    638,073,340.31            1,554,585,379.14              25,054,892.02            190,959,615.78                          2,408,673,227.25

  3. Decreased amount in the current period                    72,651,523.86              652,948,912.20              24,740,557.23             38,356,073.83       15,435,429.61       804,132,496.73

  Including: (1) Disposal or scrapping                         18,040,485.34              652,948,912.20              24,740,557.23             38,356,073.83       15,435,429.61       749,521,458.21

           (2) Transfer to investment real estate              54,611,038.52                                                                                                             54,611,038.52
   4. Foreign currency financial statement
                                                               17,123,330.27                10,003,661.68                  413,174.18             1,037,300.23         377,323.76        28,954,790.12
  5. Ending balance                                       31,875,670,110.98            27,559,215,436.70           1,494,692,518.12           2,443,114,320.58     797,370,152.11     64,170,062,538.49

II. Accumulated depreciation

  1. Beginning balance                                      7,442,205,404.77           13,913,067,198.39           1,084,936,683.59           1,857,204,204.84     591,322,020.70     24,888,735,512.29

  2. Increased amount in the current period                 1,721,564,435.26            3,246,534,356.64             174,758,764.40            373,247,526.94      100,579,997.44      5,616,685,080.68

  Including: (1) Accrual                                    1,515,361,405.49            2,444,709,150.04             159,881,193.49            242,278,626.61      100,579,997.44      4,462,810,373.07

                                                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                        Item                         Houses and buildings        Machinery equipment                                   Electronic equipment          Other equipment       Total
           (2) Transfer-in from investment real
                                                               2,323,789.17                                                                                                                  2,323,789.17
           (3) Increase in business merger                   203,879,240.60              801,825,206.60              14,877,570.91           130,968,900.33                              1,151,550,918.44

  3. Decreased amount in the current period                   19,748,800.51               90,117,390.29              15,917,188.00             27,312,183.06            18,500,352.38     171,595,914.24

  Including: (1) Disposal or scrapping                         6,051,423.78               90,117,390.29              15,917,188.00             27,312,183.06            18,500,352.38     157,898,537.51

           (2) Transfer to investment real estate             13,697,376.73                                                                                                                13,697,376.73
   4. Foreign currency financial statement
                                                               2,663,899.64                 4,232,835.76                393,443.28                777,174.41               186,174.48        8,253,527.57
  5. Ending balance                                        9,146,684,939.16           17,073,717,000.50          1,244,171,703.27          2,203,916,723.13            673,587,840.24   30,342,078,206.30

III. Impairment provision

  1. Beginning balance                                        13,788,472.27                 2,573,124.13                                           35,573.50               139,327.44      16,536,497.34

  2. Increased amount in the current period                                                 1,846,942.95                                          192,399.28                                 2,039,342.23

  Including: (1) Increase in business merger                                                1,216,098.54                                          192,399.28                                 1,408,497.82
            (2) Transfer-in from construction in
                                                                                              630,844.41                                                                                      630,844.41
  3. Decreased amount in the current period                                                   695,685.64                                           48,047.88                26,632.08         770,365.60

  Including: (1) Disposal                                                                     695,685.64                                           48,047.88                26,632.08         770,365.60
   4. Foreign currency financial statement
                                                                                              136,677.39                                                                                      136,677.39
  5. Ending balance                                           13,788,472.27                 3,861,058.83                                          179,924.90               112,695.36      17,942,151.36

IV. Book value

  1. Book value at the end of the period                  22,715,196,699.55           10,481,637,377.37            250,520,814.85            239,017,672.55            123,669,616.51   33,810,042,180.83

  2. Book value at the beginning of the period            19,550,180,239.15           10,935,835,126.81            243,642,757.55            270,953,988.21            182,673,174.31   31,183,285,286.03
[Note] As of December 31, 2022, the book value of the Company's fixed assets  houses and buildings of which the Company has not obtained the certificate of title was RMB15,592,294,246.03. The
acquisition of certificate of title is mainly affected by the progress of project final acceptance, and the Company is still processing according to the schedule.

Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai               Notes to 2022 Financial Statements

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets


(3) Fixed assets leased out through operating leases

The company has no significant fixed assets leased out through operating leases.

(4) Fixed assets in liquidation

                      Item                                  Ending Balance                                 Beginning Balance

 Fixed assets in liquidation                                             6,977,210.53                                            5,440,856.96

                      Total                                              6,977,210.53                                            5,440,856.96

22. Construction in progress

                      Item                                  Ending Balance                                 Beginning Balance

 Construction in progress [Note]                                     5,966,678,892.16                                     6,481,236,333.38

                      Total                                          5,966,678,892.16                                     6,481,236,333.38
[Note] The construction in progress in the above table refers to the construction in progress after deduction of construction materials.

(1) Construction in progress

                                                 Ending Balance                                         Beginning Balance
          Item                                     Impairme                                                  Impairme
                               Book balance           nt            Book value           Book balance           nt             Book value
                                                   provision                                                 provision
 Gree Titanium
                              2,127,613,084.25     54,413.75      2,127,558,670.50      2,267,183,174.63     54,413.75    2,267,128,760.88
 Zhuhai Intelligent
 Manufacturing                 759,287,741.79                      759,287,741.79        661,759,431.04                        661,759,431.04
 Gree Linyi Project            650,227,470.08                      650,227,470.08           1,734,692.65                         1,734,692.65

 Gree HQ Project               460,979,229.34                      460,979,229.34        907,483,903.01                        907,483,903.01
 Gree Chengdu
                               306,867,823.07                      306,867,823.07        419,085,010.72                        419,085,010.72
 Gree Ganzhou
                               305,461,218.62                      305,461,218.62        244,948,297.47                        244,948,297.47
 Zhuhai Green
                               229,667,770.18                      229,667,770.18        115,158,283.10                        115,158,283.10
 Control Project
 Gree Energy Project           193,615,205.28                      193,615,205.28        258,133,665.03                        258,133,665.03
 Gree Hangzhou
                               171,929,573.49                      171,929,573.49        105,933,640.62                        105,933,640.62
 Wuhan Mold
                               129,629,721.74                      129,629,721.74           5,258,628.72                         5,258,628.72
 Others                        631,454,468.07                      631,454,468.07       1,494,612,020.14                  1,494,612,020.14

          Total               5,966,733,305.91     54,413.75      5,966,678,892.16      6,481,290,747.13     54,413.75    6,481,236,333.38

                                                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(2) Currentd changes in important construction in progress

                                             Increase within the scope                                      Amount transferred       transferred to                         Including: capitalization
                          Beginning                                            Increased amount in the
          Item                               of the consolidation in the                                   to fixed assets in the   investment real   Ending Balance        amount of interest in the
                           Balance                                                  current period
                                                   current period                                              current period         estate in the                              current period
                                                                                                                                     current period
 Gree Titanium
                       2,267,183,174.63                                                 263,083,776.14          402,653,866.52                           2,127,613,084.25
 Zhuhai Intelligent
 Manufacturing           661,759,431.04                                               1,293,455,554.63         1,195,927,243.88                            759,287,741.79
 Gree Linyi
                           1,734,692.65                                                 648,492,777.43                                                     650,227,470.08               6,914,323.75
 Gree HQ Project         907,483,903.01                                                 705,472,437.52         1,151,977,111.19                            460,979,229.34
 Gree Chengdu
                         419,085,010.72                                                  74,217,339.69          186,434,527.34                             306,867,823.07              17,987,383.24
 Gree Ganzhou
                         244,948,297.47                                                 583,594,408.89          523,081,487.74                             305,461,218.62              -5,159,360.79
 Zhuhai Green
                         115,158,283.10                                                 114,509,487.08                                                     229,667,770.18
 Control Project
 Gree Energy
                         258,133,665.03                                                  87,876,431.19          152,394,890.94                             193,615,205.28
 Gree Hangzhou
                         105,933,640.62                                                 110,020,519.84           44,024,586.97                             171,929,573.49
 Wuhan Mold
                           5,258,628.72                                                 124,371,093.02                                                     129,629,721.74
 Others                1,494,612,020.14                 105,158,381.48                  835,060,502.29         1,803,188,843.04          187,592.80        631,454,468.07             -47,124,036.11

        Total          6,481,290,747.13                 105,158,381.48                4,840,154,327.72         5,459,682,557.62          187,592.80      5,966,733,305.91             -27,381,689.91
[Note] The capitalization amount of interest for the current period includes government grants for loan interest discounts.

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(3) Accrual of impairment provision of construction in progress in the current period


23. Usufruct assets

                 Item                         Housing and buildings              Machinery equipment               Total

I. Original book value

  1. Beginning balance                                     37,646,179.06                        6,613,861.31        44,260,040.37
  2. Increased amount in the
                                                          306,650,930.98                                           306,650,930.98
current period
  Including: (1) Rent                                      54,971,068.86                                            54,971,068.86
         (2) Increase in business
                                                          251,679,862.12                                           251,679,862.12
  3. Decreased amount in the
                                                           41,421,190.79                        6,613,861.31        48,035,052.10
current period
  Including: Due                                           41,421,190.79                        6,613,861.31        48,035,052.10

  4. Ending balance                                       302,875,919.25                                           302,875,919.25

  II. Accumulated amortization

  1. Beginning balance                                     25,532,820.33                        4,123,937.05        29,656,757.38
  2. Increased amount in the
                                                          107,644,498.93                        2,489,924.26       110,134,423.19
current period
  Including: (1) Accrual                                   58,395,473.40                        2,489,924.26        60,885,397.66
         (2) Increase in business
                                                           49,249,025.53                                            49,249,025.53
  3. Decreased amount in the
                                                           37,646,179.06                        6,613,861.31        44,260,040.37
current period
  Including: Due                                           37,646,179.06                        6,613,861.31        44,260,040.37

  4. Ending balance                                        95,531,140.20                                            95,531,140.20

III. Impairment provision

IV. Book value
   1. Book value at the end of the
                                                          207,344,779.05                                           207,344,779.05
   2. Book value at the beginning of
                                                           12,113,358.73                        2,489,924.26        14,603,282.99
the period

24. Intangible assets
Intangible assets

                    Item                          Land use rights               Patent rights and others          Total

 I. Original book value

    1. Beginning balance                              10,634,812,172.87                    1,873,442,803.55    12,508,254,976.42
   2. Increased amount in the
                                                         593,062,168.54                    1,756,586,308.80     2,349,648,477.34
 current period
    (1) Purchase                                         408,864,798.35                       17,626,919.63      426,491,717.98

    (2) Increase in business merger                      183,287,199.91                    1,738,959,389.17     1,922,246,589.08
    (3) Transfer-in from investment
                                                             910,170.28                                              910,170.28
 real estate
    3. Decreased amount in the
                                                          32,172,563.19                       24,859,484.14       57,032,047.33
 current period
    (1) Disposal                                             375,224.20                       19,817,084.14       20,192,308.34

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                   Item                          Land use rights               Patent rights and others              Total

   (2) Write-off [Note 1]                                                                        5,042,400.00          5,042,400.00
    (3) Transfer to investment real
                                                         31,797,338.99                                                31,797,338.99
 4. Ending balance                                   11,195,701,778.22                    3,605,169,628.21        14,800,871,406.43

   II. Accumulated amortization

   1. Beginning balance                               1,206,697,164.66                         682,279,619.00      1,888,976,783.66
   2. Increased amount in the
                                                        260,717,169.43                         326,649,056.02        587,366,225.45
 current period
   (1) Accrual                                          238,910,120.98                         168,427,542.25        407,337,663.23
    (2) Transfer-in from investment
                                                            177,483.20                                                   177,483.20
 real estate
   (3) Increase in business merger                       21,629,565.25                         158,221,513.77        179,851,079.02
   3. Decreased amount in the
                                                          4,131,978.52                          11,674,242.89         15,806,221.41
 current period
   (1) Disposal                                             122,253.43                           6,631,842.89          6,754,096.32

   (2) Write-off                                                                                 5,042,400.00          5,042,400.00
    (3) Transfer to investment real
                                                          4,009,725.09                                                 4,009,725.09
   4. Ending balance                                  1,463,282,355.57                         997,254,432.13      2,460,536,787.70

   III. Impairment provision

   1. Beginning balance                                                                        702,310,984.66        702,310,984.66
   2. Increased amount in the
                                                                                                20,997,973.04         20,997,973.04
 current period
   Including: increase in business
                                                                                                20,997,973.04         20,997,973.04
   3. Decreased amount in the
                                                                                                 4,827,410.40          4,827,410.40
 current period
   Including: write-off                                                                          4,827,410.40          4,827,410.40

 4. Ending balance                                                                             718,481,547.30        718,481,547.30

   IV. Book value
    1. Book value at the end of the
                                                      9,732,419,422.65                    1,889,433,648.78        11,621,853,071.43
    2. Book value at the beginning of
                                                      9,428,115,008.21                         488,852,199.89      9,916,967,208.10
 the period
[Note 1] Write-off amount of intangible assets  patent right and others in the current period were the used quota
licensing rights;

[Note 2] As of December 31, 2022, the book value of intangible assets  land use rights, of which the Company has
not yet obtained the certificate of title was RMB 159,856,229.12.

[Note 3] No intangible assets were formed through the Company's internal research and development in the current

25. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                    Decrease in
                                                                             Increase in the
                                                                                                    the current
     Name of Investee or matters forming                                     current period
                                                    Beginning Balance                                 period      Ending Balance
                                                                          Formed by business

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                      Decrease in
                                                                               Increase in the
                                                                                                      the current
      Name of Investee or matters forming                                      current period
                                                    Beginning Balance                                   period          Ending Balance
                                                                             Formed by business
 Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.                      51,804,350.47                                                     51,804,350.47

 Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd.                          274,115,040.11                                                    274,115,040.11

 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                         612,777,583.92                                                    612,777,583.92
 Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co.,
                                                                               1,198,301,590.22                          1,198,301,590.22
 Ltd. [Note]
 Shenyang Water        and   Heat Source
                                                                                      372,585.32                               372,585.32
 Development Co., Ltd.
                      Total                              938,696,974.50        1,198,674,175.54                          2,137,371,150.04
[Note] In this period, the Company has acquired 270,360,000 shares of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "DunAn Environment") held by Zhejiang DunAn Precision Industries Group Co., Ltd., accounting for 29.48% of the total
share capital of DunAn Environment. As of the purchase date of April 30, 2022, the fair value share of identifiable net assets attributable
to the owners of the parent company was RMB 1,126,527,354.60, and the corresponding fair value share of identifiable net assets has
been appraised by Beijing Yachao Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., and BJYCPBZ (2022) No. A206 Appraisal Report was issued. Within 12
months after the acquisition date, the Company paid a related-party guarantee amount of RMB233,115,350.00 and increased the fair
value of identifiable net assets attributable to the owners of the parent company by RMB98,202,405.18. The difference between the first
acquisition payment of RMB2,189,916,000.00 and the second acquisition payment of RMB233,115,350.00 and the fair value share of
identifiable net assets attributable to the owners of the parent company of DunAn Environment formed goodwill of

(2) Goodwill impairment provision

                                                                                                               ase in
                                                                          Increase in the current period
    Name of Investee or matters forming                                                                       curren
                                               Beginning Balance                                                        Ending Balance
                goodwill                                                                                          t
                                                                            Accrual               Others
  Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd. [Note
                                                   231,067,838.26          43,047,201.85                                  274,115,040.11
  Shenyang Water and Heat Source
                                                                                                 372,585.32                   372,585.32
  Development Co., Ltd.
  Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. [Note
                                                                          151,720,775.11                                  151,720,775.11
  Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.
                                                                           51,804,350.47                                   51,804,350.47
  [Note 3]
                    Total                          231,067,838.26         246,572,327.43         372,585.32               478,012,751.01

[Note 1] Instruction for Nanjing Walsin's goodwill asset group and impairment test
[Note] The Company acquired 94.30% of the equity of Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd., forming a goodwill of RMB274,115,040.11.
According to the appraisal report (ZTHPZ (2023) No. 040280) of Appraisal Items for the Recoverable Amount of Asset Group Formed
due to Merger and Acquisition of Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd. Related to Goodwill Involved in the Proposed Goodwill Impairment
Test by Zhuhai Gree Electrical Co., Ltd., goodwill impairment provision of RMB43,047,201.85 was accrued from the above-mentioned
goodwill arising from the acquisition in the current period.
1) Assets or asset groups associated with Nanjing Walsin's goodwill
The Company conducted goodwill impairment test on asset group related to goodwill that can benefit from the synergistic effects of
business merger. Due to the difficulty to in obtaining the market fair value of the asset group containing goodwill directly, the Company
calculated the recoverable amount of the asset group by using the method of estimating the present value of future cash flows. After
comprehensively considering factors such as production and operation activity management, monitoring methods, continuous use and
disposal, the asset group containing goodwill was finally determined. At the end of the period, the asset group where the goodwill was

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

located was consistent with the asset group determined when the goodwill was formed on the acquisition date, and its composition has
not changed.
2) Important assumptions and key parameters of goodwill impairment test:
A. Assumption of orderly transactions: orderly transactions refer to transactions where the relevant assets or liabilities have usual market
activities during a period of time before the measurement date;
B. Assumption of going concern: assumption of going concern refers to the assumption that the asset group will be used normally and
continuously according to the purpose and use method on the benchmark date, without unforeseeable factors causing its failure to
continue operations, and the valuation method, parameters and basis will be determined accordingly;
C. It is assumed that the Company has no major changes in its core management team, technical team, and marketing team based on the
existing management methods and levels, and no other human force majeure and unforeseen factors that have a major adverse impact on
the Company;
D. Given the Company's operation and production are mainly to earn processing profits, fluctuations in raw material prices do not have a
substantial impact on its operating profits, therefore, it is assumed that the raw material prices will remain unchanged in the coming years
in the evaluation.
When conducting the asset impairment test, the expected return on investment of property rights holders is estimated by using the
method of analysis and calculation of the selected company for comparison, and the pre-tax discount rate used in the impairment test was
12.40% as calculate.
3) Appraisal results of goodwill impairment test
                                                                                                                    Unit: 10 thousand yuan
                                                                                Recoverable amount of asset         Goodwill impairment
               Company Name                     Book value of asset group
                                                                                          group                          amount
Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd.                                    24,876.78                         20,300.00                         4,564.92
According to the appraisal report (ZTHPZ (2023) No. 040280) of Appraisal Items for the Recoverable Amount of Asset Group Formed
due to Merger and Acquisition of Nanjing Walsin Metal Co., Ltd. in the Proposed Goodwill Impairment Test by Zhuhai Gree Electrical
Co., Ltd., the amount of goodwill impairment loss accrued for the asset group including goodwill in this period is RMB45,649,206.63, of
which the goodwill impairment loss attributable to shareholders of the parent company is RMB43,047,201.85.

[Note 2] Goodwill impairment provision of Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.
The Company acquired a 30.47% equity of Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Gree Altairnano New Energy"),
forming a goodwill of RMB612,777,583.92. According to the Asset Appraisal Report on the Asset Group Appraisal Items Involved in the
Proposed Goodwill Impairment Test by Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai on the Goodwill Formed by the Merger of Gree
Altairnano New Energy Inc. issued by Zhejiang Zhongheng Real Estate Land Assets Appraisal Consulting Co., Ltd. (ZZH [2023] ZI No.
HZ1110), a goodwill impairment provision of RMB151,720,775.11 has been accrued for the above goodwill formed by acquisition in the
current period.
1) Assets or asset groups associated with the goodwill of Gree Altairnano New Energy
The main asset group containing goodwill includes intangible assets such as fixed assets, land use rights and patents. Based on the
characteristics of the asset group, the cost method was chosen for the fair value appraisal of the asset group containing goodwill.
2) Important assumptions and key parameters of goodwill impairment test:
A. Assuming that all assets to be appraised can be traded in a normal and orderly manner;
B. Assuming that the assets will continue to operate and be used in their current purposes and manners, scale, frequency, and
environment, etc., or will be used with some modifications;
C. Assuming that the trading parties of assets traded or intended to be traded on the market have equal status and opportunities and time
to obtain sufficient market information to make rational judgments about the assets' function, purpose, and transaction price;
D. This appraisal assumes that external economic conditions remain unchanged as of the valuation date there are no major changes in the
current macroeconomic policies of the country, and there are no significant changes in the socio-economic environment in which the
Company operates, as well as in the tax and tax rates implemented;
E. The future management team of the Company will fulfill their duties and continue to maintain the existing management model;
F. When using the cost method to appraise the fair value of the related asset groups containing goodwill, it is assumed that the value of
the related asset groups containing goodwill can be fully recovered through future operation (or disposal) of the asset groups;

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

G. All the assets appraised in this appraisal are based on the actual inventory as of the valuation date, and the current market price of the
relevant assets is based on the domestic effective price as of the valuation date.
3) Appraisal results of goodwill impairment test
                                                                                                                      Currency: yuan (CNY)

                                     Item                                                                  Amount

Original book value of goodwill ①                                                                                           612,777,583.92
Original value of unrecognized goodwill attributable to minority
shareholders' equity ②
Original value of goodwill including unrecognized equity attributable
to minority shareholders ③ = ① + ②
Book value of tangible assets in the asset group ④                                                                       12,879,685,932.05

Book value of asset group containing overall goodwill ⑤ = ③ + ④                                                        14,890,770,880.92
Net amount of the present value of expected future cash flows for
asset groups or the fair value of the asset group less disposal expenses                                                  14,392,835,944.55
Overall impairment reserves of goodwill                                                                                      497,934,936.37
Impairment reserves of goodwill attributable to shareholders of the
parent company
Impairment reserves of goodwill accrued in previous years

Impairment loss on goodwill for this year                                                                                    151,720,775.11

[Note 3] Instruction for goodwill asset group and impairment test of Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.

Due to the difficulty in obtaining the market fair value of assets or asset groups containing goodwill directly, the Company calculates the
recoverable amount of the asset groups by the present value of expected future cash flow. The expected cash flow is based on the
prediction of future cash flow of assets or asset groups. Other key data used in impairment test include expected sales revenue,
production costs, and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market
development predictions. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pre-tax rate reflecting the time value of the current market
currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group.

The asset group containing goodwill at the end of this year is consistent with the asset group determined when goodwill was formed on
the acquisition date, and its composition has not changed. The discount rate adopted by the Company to expect cash flow is 11.47%, the
growth rate of operating revenue is expected to be 10% from 2023 to 2027, and the growth rate in the stable stage is 0. According to the
test results, the recoverable amount of the asset group related to goodwill is less than the identifiable book value of the asset group and
the book value of all goodwill, thus the goodwill requires full accrual for impairment reserves.

[Note 4] Instruction for DunAn Environment's goodwill asset group and impairment test

Under the Recoverable Amount Items of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.'s Asset Groups Involved Goodwill in the
Proposed Goodwill Impairment Test of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (ZLPBZ [2023] No. 1150) issued by Hubei Zhonglian
Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., the goodwill formed by the acquisition does not require accrual for impairment reserves of goodwill in the
current period.
1) Information about the asset or asset group combination containing the goodwill of DunAn Environment
The assets included in the appraisal scope are assets related to the consolidated goodwill of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co.,
Ltd., divided into four asset groups: accessories, equipment, heating engineering, and heating management, specifically including fixed
assets, construction in progress, right-to-use assets, intangible assets, long-term deferred expenses, other non-current assets, and goodwill.
For this appraisal, the recoverable amount is selected as the value type of this appraisal report. The recoverable amount is subject to the
higher one between the net amount deducting disposal expenses from the fair value of the asset group or asset groups combination
containing goodwill and the present value of expected future cash flows.
2) Important assumptions and key parameters of goodwill impairment test:
A. Suppose that the property owner continues to operate after the appraisal base date mainly in four major sectors of refrigeration

                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

accessories, refrigeration equipment, heating engineering, and heating management;
B. Suppose that there are no significant changes in the political, economic, and social environment of the country and region where the
property owner is located after the appraisal base date;
C. Suppose that there are no significant changes in national macroeconomic policies, industrial policies, and regional development
policies after the appraisal base date;
D. Suppose that there are no significant changes in interest rates, exchange rates, tax bases and tax rates, policy collection fees, etc.
related to the property owner after the appraisal base date;
E. Suppose that the management of the property owner after the appraisal base date is responsible, stable, and capable of assuming its
F. Suppose that the property owner fully complies with all relevant laws and regulations;
G. Suppose that there is no force majeure that has a significant adverse impact on the property owner after the appraisal base date;
H. Suppose that the property owner maintains the same business scope and methods as currently based on its existing management
methods and levels after the appraisal base date;
I. Suppose that the technical team and senior executives of the property owner remain relatively stable after the appraisal base date
without significant loss of core professional;
J. Suppose that the cash inflows of the property owner are average inflows while the cash outflows are average outflows, and cash flows
are generated in the midterm of each prediction period after the appraisal base date; and
K. Suppose that there are neither significant changes in the supply and prices of raw materials and auxiliary materials consumed by the
property owner for production and operation, nor significant changes that are unforeseeable in the product prices of the property owner.
3) Appraisal results of goodwill impairment test
                                                                                                                       Unit: 10 thousand yuan
                                   Book value of asset group                                  Increase or decrease
              Item                                                    Recoverable amount                                 Value added rate (%)
                                     containing goodwill                                            in value
Accessories sector                                   461,126.23                 722,327.07                261,200.84                    56.64

Equipment sector                                       28,961.85                 47,971.74                 19,009.89                    65.64

Heating engineering sector                             82,348.05                135,579.59                 53,231.54                    64.64
Heating management
                                                       25,556.30                 69,947.85                 44,391.55                   173.70
             Total                                   597,992.43                 975,826.25                377,833.82                    63.18

26. Long-term unamortized expenses
                                            Increase in the scope    Increased Amount in
   Item              Beginning Balance                                                          Amount in the              Ending Balance
                                              of consolidation        the Current Period
                                                                                                Current Period
costs and                 18,724,025.74            20,239,298.84             11,638,469.85          27,739,400.53               22,862,393.90
Total                     18,724,025.74            20,239,298.84             11,638,469.85          27,739,400.53               22,862,393.90

27. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                               Ending Balance                                         Beginning Balance
                             Deductible temporary          Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary            Deferred income tax
                                 differences                      assets                   differences                        assets
 Assets impairment
                                   6,643,992,630.67              1,130,458,707.56             5,526,051,132.93               934,860,835.60
 Deductible losses                 8,528,191,787.64              1,667,323,200.67             6,783,704,724.84             1,426,651,977.24

 Accrued expenses                 74,646,872,375.32             11,202,831,506.36            70,642,488,124.58            10,603,767,691.88

 Payroll payable                   1,488,929,099.06                 230,456,696.17            1,342,012,620.97               207,941,829.63

                                 2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                       Ending Balance                                           Beginning Balance
                        Deductible temporary         Deferred income tax          Deductible temporary      Deferred income tax
                            differences                     assets                    differences                  assets
                               264,225,302.62               39,712,114.04                282,882,015.47               43,093,274.62
 Others                       1,805,828,315.54             328,084,645.43               2,866,665,758.43             445,534,163.71

          Total             93,378,039,510.85           14,598,866,870.23             87,443,804,377.22         13,661,849,772.68

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not offset

                                        Ending Balance                                          Beginning Balance
                          Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax           Taxable temporary        Deferred income tax
                             differences                  liabilities                 differences                liabilities
 Changes in fair
 value of derivative              23,731,530.82                 3,970,875.35             282,767,966.53               47,017,208.48
 financial assets
 Accrued interest              5,290,711,334.53             968,378,001.20              3,671,369,000.39             696,523,997.54

 Assets amortization           1,750,007,228.31             271,416,568.54              1,395,006,607.26             228,029,140.30
 Changes in fair
 value of other
                                433,527,038.34               65,029,055.75              5,788,793,612.15             868,319,041.82
 equity instrument
 appreciation of
 consolidated assets
                               3,582,036,617.90             738,945,765.64              2,005,971,524.03             320,359,752.22
 of enterprises not
 under the common
 Others                         732,645,089.17              177,387,477.26               535,300,948.02              133,663,373.43

          Total               11,812,658,839.07           2,225,127,743.74            13,679,209,658.38             2,293,912,513.79

(3) Details of deferred income tax assets not recognized

              Item                             Ending Balance                                    Beginning Balance
 Deductible temporary
                                                            3,281,958,579.26                                        2,649,057,873.48
 Deductible losses                                          2,599,631,551.36                                        1,999,613,109.29

             Total                                          5,881,590,130.62                                        4,648,670,982.77

(4) The deductible losses of deferred income tax assets not recognized will be due in the following years

              Year              Investment Amount at the End of the Period                        Beginning Amount

 2022                                                                                                                 14,111,337.16

 2023                                                            224,603,342.52                                       58,759,679.60

 2024                                                            762,961,760.88                                       37,615,022.30

 2025                                                            785,496,400.36                                       37,836,203.73

 2026                                                            115,411,404.36                                       73,328,698.01

 2027                                                            110,109,117.96

 2028                                                             13,674,872.10

 2030                                                              5,609,610.89

 Open-ended                                                      581,765,042.29                                     1,777,962,168.49

                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

            Year                  Investment Amount at the End of the Period                        Beginning Amount

            Total                                               2,599,631,551.36                                    1,999,613,109.29

28. Other non-current assets

                                              Ending Balance                                         Beginning Balance
                                                Impairment                                                ment
                             Book balance                           Book value       Book balance                       Book value
                                                 provision                                               provisi
 Advance payments
                             739,880,724.35                        739,880,724.35    319,558,426.19                     319,558,426.19
 for equipment
 Advance project
 funds and cash pledge       286,681,230.43   30,808,387.19        255,872,843.24    357,562,564.75                     357,562,564.75
 and deposit
 Advance land-
 transferring fees and        43,959,131.67                          43,959,131.67    39,127,688.96                      39,127,688.96
         Total           1,070,521,086.45     30,808,387.19       1,039,712,699.26   716,248,679.90                     716,248,679.90

29. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

            Item                               Ending Balance                                       Beginning Balance

 Pledge borrowings                                             20,215,759,226.93                                   12,624,147,777.77

 Mortgaged borrowings                                            438,390,000.00                                     2,252,700,000.00

 Guaranteed borrowings                                           900,000,000.00

 Credit borrowings                                             31,117,982,271.80                                   12,586,183,086.85

          Subtotal                                             52,672,131,498.73                                   27,463,030,864.62

 Accrued interest                                                223,719,789.19                                         154,889,683.49

            Total                                              52,895,851,287.92                                   27,617,920,548.11

(2) Overdue and unpaid short-term borrowings


30. Loans from other banks

            Item                               Ending Balance                                       Beginning Balance

 Credit lending                                                                                                         300,000,000.00

 Accrued interest                                                                                                            21,500.00

            Total                                                                                                       300,021,500.00

31. Derivative financial liabilities

            Item                               Ending Balance                                       Beginning Balance
 Forward exchange contract
            Total                                                184,811,894.98

32. Financial assets sold for repurchase

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

             Item                                Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance

 Bonds (pledge-style repo)                                                                                               746,564,041.09

            Total                                                                                                        746,564,041.09

33. Deposits from customers and interbank

             Item                                Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance

 Current deposits                                                    22,144,523.59                                        34,023,561.14

 Time deposits                                                     190,606,127.38                                        142,684,338.50

           Subtotal                                                212,750,650.97                                        176,707,899.64

 Accrued interest                                                     6,360,418.64                                         5,974,006.10

            Total                                                  219,111,069.61                                        182,681,905.74

34. Notes payable

            Type                                 Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance

 Banker's acceptance bill                                       38,346,486,801.38                                  40,737,984,514.42

 Trade acceptance draft                                            263,414,018.36                                          6,000,000.00

            Total                                               38,609,900,819.74                                  40,743,984,514.42

35. Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

             Item                                Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance
 Payment for goods and
                                                                30,384,290,338.76                                  33,845,824,271.75
 Others                                                          2,471,781,150.11                                   2,029,266,639.30

            Total                                               32,856,071,488.87                                  35,875,090,911.05

(2) Important payables aged over 1 year


36. Contract liabilities

             Item                                Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance

 Loans                                                          14,972,336,715.45                                  15,505,499,178.75

            Total                                               14,972,336,715.45                                  15,505,499,178.75
[Note] Contract liabilities mainly consist of advance payments from distributors for goods.

37. Payroll payable

(1) List of employee remuneration payable

                                                                           Increase in the     Decrease in the
                      Item                       Beginning Balance                                                   Ending Balance
                                                                           current period      current period
 I. Short-term wages and salaries                   3,461,591,940.13      10,353,336,138.09    9,927,070,717.78     3,887,857,360.44

                                         2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                 Increase in the          Decrease in the
                     Item                            Beginning Balance                                                          Ending Balance
                                                                                 current period           current period
 II. Separation benefits - defined
                                                             5,038,461.60         754,246,070.91            749,279,801.11        10,004,731.40
 contribution plan
                     Total                               3,466,630,401.73      11,107,582,209.00         10,676,350,518.89     3,897,862,091.84

(2) List of short-term wages and salaries

                                                                               Increase in the          Decrease in the
                   Item                           Beginning Balance                                                           Ending Balance
                                                                               current period           current period
1. Wages,      bonuses,      subsidies    and
                                                        2,484,156,586.96       8,760,446,445.85         8,449,651,564.06      2,794,951,468.75
2. Employee welfare                                                              745,410,115.25           744,980,415.84            429,699.41

3. Social insurance premiums                                 832,815.56          309,674,322.30           307,625,646.69         2,881,491.17

Including: Medical insurance premiums                        803,620.17          279,404,168.23           277,771,891.74         2,435,896.66
      Work-related         injury   insurance
                                                              28,249.19           21,764,416.28            21,477,188.61            315,476.86
       Maternity insurance premiums                              946.20               8,505,737.79          8,376,566.34            130,117.65

4. Housing provident funds                                 2,598,916.25          299,609,079.93           297,796,792.95         4,411,203.23
5. Labor union expenditures               and
                                                         974,003,621.36          238,196,174.76           127,016,298.24      1,085,183,497.88
employee education funds
                   Total                                3,461,591,940.13      10,353,336,138.09         9,927,070,717.78      3,887,857,360.44

(3) List of separation benefits  defined contribution plan

                                                            Increase in the current           Decrease in the
          Item                   Beginning Balance                                                                          Ending Balance
                                                                    period                    current period
 1. Basic endowment
                                         3,884,232.96                726,387,893.38                721,309,024.35                  8,963,101.99
 insurance premiums
 2. Unemployment
                                         1,154,228.64                  27,858,177.53                 27,970,776.76                 1,041,629.41
 insurance premiums
          Total                          5,038,461.60                754,246,070.91                749,279,801.11                 10,004,731.40

38. Taxes and dues payable

                       Item                                        Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Value-added tax                                                             1,650,439,583.33                                  1,015,503,640.35

 Business income tax                                                         1,856,871,168.58                                    961,029,463.82

 Others                                                                       312,113,887.57                                     253,938,087.32

                       Total                                                 3,819,424,639.48                                  2,230,471,191.49

39. Other payables

                          Item                                     Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Dividends payable                                                           5,620,664,762.67                                      2,367,112.94

 Other payables [Note 1]                                                     5,291,741,904.22                                  6,760,752,824.20

                       Total                                                10,912,406,666.89                                  6,763,119,937.14
[Note 1] Other payables in the table above refer to other payables deducting interests payable and dividends payable;
[Note 2] The Company has no interests payable at the end and the beginning of the period.

(1) Dividends payable

1)   Dividends payable listed by nature of payment

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance

 Common stock dividends                                                   5,614,444,494.87                                    602,881.87

 Others                                                                      6,220,267.80                                   1,764,231.07

                       Total                                              5,620,664,762.67                                  2,367,112.94

2)   Important dividends payable aged over 1 year


(2) Other payables

1)   Other payables listed by nature of payment

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance

 Intercourse funds                                                        2,485,922,439.12                             3,018,271,527.82

 Cash pledge and deposit                                                  1,184,716,528.02                             1,010,801,182.18

 Enterprise borrowing and interest                                        1,621,102,937.08                             2,731,680,114.20

                       Total                                              5,291,741,904.22                             6,760,752,824.20

2)   Other important payables aged over 1 year

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                Reasons for failing to repay or carry-over

 Unit 1                                                                    963,623,516.68    Unsatisfied repayment conditions

 Unit 2                                                                    295,003,644.66    Unsatisfied repayment conditions

                       Total                                              1,258,627,161.34

40. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance

 Long-term borrowings due within one year                                                                              1,226,863,474.75

 Long-term payables to be due within one year                              188,387,613.61                                 16,958,747.82

 Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                        66,954,923.96                                 11,471,812.27

                       Total                                               255,342,537.57                              1,255,294,034.84

41. Other current liabilities

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance

 Repair cost                                                              2,562,297,091.72                             1,913,804,227.53

 Sales rebate                                                          52,515,732,341.58                              52,669,278,982.00
 Obligation not derecognized to pay commercial
                                                                            40,578,585.03                                852,128,009.63
 Output tax to be declared                                                1,820,958,007.81                             1,925,767,413.76

 Short-term bonds payable [Note]                                                                                       4,048,840,948.73

 Others                                                                    809,251,577.10                              1,004,287,682.55

                       Total                                           57,748,817,603.24                              62,414,107,264.20

                                                           2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

[Note] Changes in short-term bonds payable of the Company in the current period are as follows:
                                                                                                                                         of the
Abbreviation of                      Issuing     Bond                             Beginning           Current      Accrued Interest                     Current
                    Face Value                             Amount Issued                                                               Premiums                         Ending Balance
    Bond                              Date      Duration                           Balance           Issuance     at Nominal Value                     Repayment
21 Gree
Electric                                         177
                  4,000,000,000.00   2021/7/9              4,000,000,000.00     4,048,840,948.73                      1,424,657.52      167,270.46   4,050,432,876.71
Appliances                                       days
     Total        4,000,000,000.00                         4,000,000,000.00     4,048,840,948.73                      1,424,657.52      167,270.46   4,050,432,876.71

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

42. Long-term borrowings

                      Item                                    Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance

 Pledge borrowings                                                           3,312,962,532.03                             133,082,315.96

 Mortgaged borrowings                                                        2,718,972,309.96                           2,303,590,315.07

 Credit borrowings                                                       24,721,907,621.41                              7,726,847,919.32

                     Subtotal                                            30,753,842,463.40                             10,163,520,550.35

 Accrued interest                                                              30,398,747.81                               24,207,182.70
 Less: Long-term borrowings due within
 one year
                      Total                                              30,784,241,211.21                              8,960,864,258.30

43. Lease liabilities

                      Item                                   Ending Balance                                Beginning Balance

 Lease liabilities                                                            213,791,544.62                               14,785,264.79

 Less: Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                     66,954,923.96                               11,471,812.27

                      Total                                                   146,836,620.66                                3,313,452.52

44. Long-term payables

                      Item                                    Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance
 Financial liabilities formed after after-
                                                                              274,393,778.81                              463,153,339.74
 sales repurchase
 Others                                                                        18,638,250.00

                     Subtotal                                                 293,032,028.81                              463,153,339.74
 Less: Long-term payables due within 1
                                                                              188,387,613.61                               16,958,747.82
                      Total                                                   104,644,415.20                              446,194,591.92

45. Long-term payroll payable

(1) Table of long-term payroll payable

                      Item                                    Ending Balance                                Beginning Balance
 Net liabilities of separation benefits 
                                                                               175,712,728.00                             164,408,471.00
 defined benefit plan
                      Total                                                    175,712,728.00                             164,408,471.00

(2) Changes in the defined benefit plan

1) Present value of obligations under the defined benefit plan:
                                                                                      Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                                         current period            previous period
 I. Beginning balance                                                                           164,408,471.00            149,859,788.00

 II. Defined benefit cost included in the current profits and losses                              8,733,357.00              7,930,751.00

      1. Service costs in the current period                                                      2,945,591.00              2,611,662.00

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                  Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred for the
                                                                                     current period               previous period
      2. Net interest                                                                            5,241,236.00               5,141,391.00

      3. Impact of adding new personnel                                                           546,530.00                  177,698.00

 III. Defined benefit cost included in other comprehensive income                                8,601,949.00             12,391,783.00

      Including: actuarial gains (losses expressed with "")                                      8,601,949.00             12,391,783.00

 IV. Other changes                                                                              -6,031,049.00              -5,773,851.00

      Including: Paid benefits                                                                  -6,031,049.00              -5,773,851.00

 V. Ending balance                                                                          175,712,728.00               164,408,471.00

2) Net liabilities (net assets) of the defined benefit plan:
                                                                                  Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred for the
                                                                                     current period               previous period
 I. Beginning balance                                                                       164,408,471.00               149,859,788.00

 II. Defined benefit cost included in the current profits and losses                            8,733,357.00                7,930,751.00

 III. Defined benefit cost included in other comprehensive income                               8,601,949.00              12,391,783.00

 IV. Other changes                                                                              -6,031,049.00              -5,773,851.00

 V. Ending balance                                                                          175,712,728.00               164,408,471.00

(3) The descriptions of contents and associated risks of the defined benefit plan, and its influences on the
Company’s future cash flow, time and uncertainty are as follows:

1) Descriptions of contents and associated risks of the defined benefit plan, and its influences on the Company’s

future cash flow, time and uncertainty

The Company’s defined benefit plan is a supplementary post-retirement benefit plan for some retirees, early retirees and serving officers
after normal retirement. Given that the amount involved in the defined benefit plan is not significant, it cannot have a significant impact
on the Company's future cash flow.

2) Descriptions of significant actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis results of the defined benefit plan

Under the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 9  Employee Compensation, the discount rate
adopted by the Company at the time of discount is recognized by the market yields of high-quality corporate bonds in the treasury bonds
or active market that match the obligatory term and currency of the defined benefit plan on the balance sheet date; the annual growth
rates and annual dismissal rates of all benefits are based on the actual measurement data of the Company; and the death rate is recognized
by referring to the experience life table for insurance business of China Life Insurance (Group) Company.

46. Deferred income

(1) Classification of deferred income

                                                          Increase in the
                                                                              Increase in the       Decrease in the
          Item                Beginning Balance              scope of                                                   Ending Balance
                                                                              current period        current period
 Government grants                 2,696,087,968.70         76,540,692.48     779,587,473.59          217,138,167.38   3,335,077,967.39

 Others                                6,565,929.08                                                     1,432,566.24        5,133,362.84

          Total                    2,702,653,897.78         76,540,692.48     779,587,473.59          218,570,733.62   3,340,211,330.23

(2) Projects involved government grants

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                            Increase in the
                                         Beginning                               Increase in the       Decrease in the
                Item                                           scope of                                                        Ending Balance
                                          Balance                                current period        current period
I. Income related government
                                        211,352,066.99                            27,063,958.35         62,666,507.37            175,749,517.97
Including: environmental
                                         25,293,633.39                                  242,090.00      25,371,575.24                  164,148.15
protection upgrade project
        Scientific research
                                        125,237,434.76                            23,518,607.64         21,533,687.95            127,222,354.45
project in refrigerating field
         Others                          60,820,998.84                                 3,303,260.71     15,761,244.18                48,363,015.37
II. Assets related government
                                      2,484,735,901.71      76,540,692.48        752,523,515.24        154,471,660.01          3,159,328,449.42
Including: environmental
                                         26,428,380.36          1,000,000.00      47,170,000.00             2,071,336.27             72,527,044.09
protection upgrade project
        Scientific research
                                      1,229,636,966.93      71,299,025.81        687,390,302.59         66,883,173.92          1,921,443,121.41
project in refrigerating field
         Energy vehicle project       1,168,973,209.04          4,241,666.67           6,060,000.00     78,050,339.55          1,101,224,536.16

         Others                          59,697,345.38                            11,903,212.65             7,466,810.27             64,133,747.76

                Total                 2,696,087,968.70      76,540,692.48        779,587,473.59        217,138,167.38          3,335,077,967.39

47. Share capital
                                                                     Increase in the          Decrease in the
               Item                  Beginning Balance                                                                      Ending Balance
                                                                     current period           current period
 Total number of stocks                   5,914,469,040.00                                      283,063,299.00                   5,631,405,741.00

               Total                      5,914,469,040.00                                      283,063,299.00                   5,631,405,741.00
[Note] On July 5, 2022, the phase I repo shares of the Company were cancelled 62,031,280 shares, with an amount of
RMB3,434,775,443.23, resulting in a decrease of RMB62,031,280.00 in the Company's share capital; on July 5, 2022, the phase III repo
shares of the Company were cancelled 221,032,019 shares, with an amount of RMB10,500,935,202.34, resulting in a decrease of
RMB221,032,019.00 in the Company's share capital. The phases I and III repo resulted in a total decrease of RMB283,063,299.00 in
share     capital,     RMB13,935,710,645.57     in   treasury    shares,   RMB1,983,727,107.74         in    statutory     surplus    reserves,   and
RMB11,668,920,238.83 in undistributed profits.

48. Capital reserves
                                                                     Increase in the         Decrease in the current
               Item                  Beginning Balance                                                                        Ending Balance
                                                                     current period                 period
 Other capital reserves                       125,874,127.56           370,227,884.10                                                496,102,011.66

               Total                          125,874,127.56           370,227,884.10                                                496,102,011.66
[Note] The expenses of current allocation of equity incentives  employee stock ownership plan resulted in an
increase of RMB370,227,884.10 in other capital reserves.

49. Treasury share
                                                           Increase in the current          Decrease in the current
        Item                Beginning Balance                                                                                 Ending Balance
                                                                   period                          period
 Repo share                        19,579,646,233.43                                             13,935,710,645.57               5,643,935,587.86

     Total                         19,579,646,233.43                                             13,935,710,645.57               5,643,935,587.86
[Note] For the reasons for changes in the Treasury share in the current period, see Note V 47 Capital Shares

                                                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

50. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                     Amount incurred in the current period
                                                                                  Less: Amount
                                                                                    included in
                                                                                                      Less: Amount
                                                                                                    included in other
                                                                                  comprehensiv                                                                        Amount
               Item                   Beginning Balance     Amount incurred         e income in                                              Amount attributable   attributable to   Ending Balance
                                                                                                        income in         Less: Income tax
                                                           before income tax in       previous                                                  to the parent         minority
                                                                                                     previous period         expenses
                                                            the current period       period but                                               company after tax     shareholders
                                                                                                    but transferred to
                                                                                   transferred to                                                                     after tax
                                                                                                    retained earnings
                                                                                  the profits and
                                                                                                    in current period
                                                                                      losses in
                                                                                  current period
 I. Other comprehensive income
 cannot be reclassified into          11,246,551,526.93     -10,190,145,665.11                            42,815,409.78   -803,289,986.07     -9,426,072,167.28     -3,598,921.54    1,820,479,359.65
 profits and losses
 Changes arising from
 remeasurement of the defined             -63,406,277.00         -8,601,949.00                                                                     -8,601,949.00                       -72,008,226.00
 benefit plan
 Other comprehensive income
 that cannot be transferred to
                                        6,849,401,769.67     -4,751,228,038.23                             1,750,396.55                       -4,749,379,513.24     -3,598,921.54    2,100,022,256.43
 profits and losses under the
 equity method
 Changes in fair value of other
                                        4,460,556,034.26     -5,430,315,677.88                            41,065,013.23   -803,289,986.07     -4,668,090,705.04                      -207,534,670.78
 equity instrument investments
 II. Other comprehensive income
 to be reclassified into profits          -42,547,171.66       303,893,895.75     30,494,425.00                              1,598,959.66        264,969,417.05      6,831,094.04     222,422,245.39
 and losses
 Other comprehensive income
 that can be transferred to profits
                                            -208,819.44                                                                                                                                  -208,819.44
 and losses under the equity
 Changes in fair value of other
                                          -59,989,163.67         72,240,687.37                                               5,982,645.91         51,928,741.98    14,329,299.48        -8,060,421.69
 debt investments
 Reserves for credit impairment
                                                                -12,440,164.58                                                                     -3,667,360.51    -8,772,804.07       -3,667,360.51
 of other debt investments
 Cash flow hedging reserves               25,920,261.25           1,269,850.00    30,494,425.00                             -4,383,686.25        -24,846,643.18          5,754.43       1,073,618.07
 Difference arising from
 translation of financial                  -8,269,449.80       242,823,522.96                                                                    241,554,678.76      1,268,844.20     233,285,228.96
 statements in foreign currency
 Total other comprehensive
                                      11,204,004,355.27      -9,886,251,769.36    30,494,425.00           42,815,409.78   -801,691,026.41     -9,161,102,750.23      3,232,172.50    2,042,901,605.04

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

51. Special reserves
                                                              Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
           Item                      Beginning Balance                                                                     Ending Balance
                                                                      period                       period
 Safe production expenses                   22,403,846.26                6,207,315.33                     2,765,810.31        25,845,351.28

           Total                            22,403,846.26                6,207,315.33                     2,765,810.31        25,845,351.28

52. Surplus reserves
                                                              Increase in the current        Decrease in the current
           Item                      Beginning Balance                                                                     Ending Balance
                                                                      period                        period
 Statutory surplus reserves              1,983,727,107.74            2,241,118,692.92               1,983,727,107.74       2,241,118,692.92

                      Total              1,983,727,107.74            2,241,118,692.92               1,983,727,107.74       2,241,118,692.92

[Note 1] The reason for the increase in surplus reserves in the current period is as follows: ① Under the regulations,
the Company accrued a statutory surplus reserves of RMB2,237,070,151.57 based on 10% of the parent company's
net profits in the current period. ② The transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings resulted in an
increase of RMB4,048,541.35 to the surplus reserve.
[Note 2] For the reasons for decrease in the surplus reserve in this period, see this Note V 47 Capital Shares.

53. General risk provisions
                                                                Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
            Item                      Beginning Balance                                                                     Ending Balance
                                                                        period                       period
 General risk provisions                     505,599,356.30               1,623,761.10                                      507,223,117.40

           Total                             505,599,356.30               1,623,761.10                                      507,223,117.40

54. Undistributed profits
                                                                                                                Amount incurred for the
                              Item                             Amount incurred in the current period
                                                                                                                  previous period
 Beginning undistributed profit                                                   103,475,223,000.17                     102,841,596,377.66

 Beginning undistributed profit after adjustment                                  103,475,223,000.17                     102,841,596,377.66
 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                   24,506,623,782.46                      23,063,732,372.62
 company for the current period
 Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                     2,237,070,151.57                       1,983,727,107.74

      Withdrawal of general risk reserves                                                  1,623,761.10                        8,023,584.04

      Common share dividends payable [Notes 1]                                     22,223,874,812.00                      16,752,531,495.00
      Influence of share-based payment and share
                                                                                   11,668,920,238.83                       3,794,252,950.50
 cancellation [Note 2]
      Purchase of minority shareholder's equity in
 subsidiaries [Note 3]
 Add: Amount transferred from other comprehensive
                                                                                          36,436,872.17                     108,429,387.17
 income to retained earnings
 Ending undistributed profit                                                       91,458,073,960.81                     103,475,223,000.17
[Note 1] The amount of common share dividends payable by the Company this year is RMB22,223,874,812.00, as detailed below:
① Under the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders on February 28, 2022, the Company distributed cash dividends to all
shareholders at a rate of RMB10.00 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares. Based on the shares deducting repo shares (the Company has
cumulatively repurchased a total of 377,791,307) in the special account for repo from the Company's total capital shares of
5,914,469,040, RMB5,536,677,733.00 of cash dividends should be actually distributed.
② Under the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders on June 7, 2022, the Company distributed cash dividends to all
shareholders at a rate of RMB20.00 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares. Based on the shares deducting repo shares (the Company has

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

cumulatively repurchased a total of 377,791,307) in the special account for repo from the Company's total capital shares of
5,914,469,040, RMB11,073,355,466.00 of cash dividends should be actually distributed.
③ Under the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders on December 28, 2022, the Company distributed cash dividends to all
shareholders at a rate of RMB10.00 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares. Based on the shares deducting repo shares (the Company has
cumulatively repurchased a total of 17,564,128) in the special account for repo from the Company's total capital shares of 5,631,405,741,
RMB5,613,841,613.00 of cash dividends should be actually distributed.
[Note 2] For the influence of the Company's share cancellation in this period on the undistributed profits, see this Note V 47 Capital
[Note 3] The purchase of minority shareholders' equity in a subsidiary, insufficient capital reserve offset, and offset retained earnings
have total influence on undistributed profit of RMB428,720,730.49.

55. Operating revenues and costs

                                 Amount incurred in the current period                   Amount incurred for the previous period
                                 Revenue                        Cost                     Revenue                       Cost

 Main business                 153,165,839,566.10          105,573,859,862.27         144,840,537,601.90           101,021,238,221.75

 Other business                 35,822,543,140.58           34,210,528,020.51          43,028,337,290.81            41,230,400,368.12

           Total               188,988,382,706.68          139,784,387,882.78         187,868,874,892.71           142,251,638,589.87

Information related to the revenues from main business:

                                 Amount incurred in the current period                    Amount incurred for the previous period
                                 Revenue                        Cost                        Revenue                       Cost
Classified by
                               153,165,839,566.10           105,573,859,862.27            144,840,537,601.90         101,021,238,221.75
          Total                153,165,839,566.10           105,573,859,862.27            144,840,537,601.90         101,021,238,221.75
Classified by
product type
Including: Air
                               134,859,394,542.06            91,116,284,416.91            131,712,664,218.81          90,576,252,210.44
Home appliance                   4,567,901,238.21              3,051,711,250.15             4,881,607,693.72           3,262,705,849.18

Industrial products              7,599,259,996.39              6,057,662,877.96             3,194,552,084.04           2,604,593,659.63

Smart device                      432,085,871.36                303,247,852.63                857,741,120.95             606,116,653.12

Green energy                     4,701,188,530.73              4,077,474,678.11             2,907,445,769.91           2,729,740,202.70

Others                           1,006,009,387.35               967,478,786.51              1,286,526,714.47           1,241,829,646.68

          Total                153,165,839,566.10           105,573,859,862.27            144,840,537,601.90         101,021,238,221.75

Classified by region
Including: Sales in
                               129,895,113,805.01            85,650,631,599.13            122,305,111,567.10          80,703,210,957.38
domestic market
Export sales                    23,270,725,761.09            19,923,228,263.14             22,535,426,034.80          20,318,027,264.37

          Total                153,165,839,566.10           105,573,859,862.27            144,840,537,601.90         101,021,238,221.75

56 Interest income and interest expenses
                                                                                                      Amount incurred for the previous
                        Item                              Amount incurred in the current period
 Interest income                                                                  1,162,289,741.08                    1,785,060,001.28

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                     Amount incurred for the previous
                        Item                            Amount incurred in the current period
 Including: Interest income from deposits in other
                                                                                 900,104,771.54                       967,523,971.58
 banks and central banks
        Interest income from issuance of loans and
                                                                                  46,543,226.92                       642,933,336.95
          Others                                                                 215,641,742.62                       174,602,692.75

 Interest expense                                                                 82,118,835.96                       523,238,956.03
 Including: Expenses from transactions with
                                                                                  63,728,710.63                       492,270,450.54
 financial institutions
          Others                                                                  18,390,125.33                            30,968,505.49

 Net interest income                                                           1,080,170,905.12                      1,261,821,045.25

57. Taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                     Amount incurred for the previous
                       Item                             Amount incurred in the current period
 Urban maintenance & construction tax                                            410,993,531.12                       192,741,080.66

 Education surcharge                                                             296,533,867.57                       140,987,749.25

 Building tax                                                                    242,591,473.78                       182,944,167.04

 Land use tax                                                                    150,191,753.52                       114,448,407.21
 Brazilian commodity       circulation   tax   and
                                                                                 195,858,846.36                            93,622,542.23
 industrial product tax
 Funds for disposal of waste electric appliances                                 114,588,410.41                       189,225,358.89

 Others                                                                          201,485,526.64                       162,695,156.50

                       Total                                                    1,612,243,409.40                     1,076,664,461.78

58. Sales expenses
                                                                                                     Amount incurred for the previous
                       Item                             Amount incurred in the current period
 Sales expenses                                                               11,285,451,112.27                    11,581,735,617.31

                       Total                                                  11,285,451,112.27                    11,581,735,617.31
    [Note] In 2022, the sales expenses mainly included the installation and maintenance expenses, transportation, warehousing expenses,
and loading and unloading fee, and promotion expenses, totally accounting for more than 80% of the total sales expenses.

59. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                     Amount incurred for the previous
                       Item                             Amount incurred in the current period
 Administrative expenses                                                        5,267,999,733.62                     4,051,241,003.05

                       Total                                                    5,267,999,733.62                     4,051,241,003.05
[Note] In 2022, the overhead expenses included the employees' remuneration, material consumption, depreciation and amortization,
totally accounting for more than 80% of the total overhead expenses.

60. R&D expenses
                                                                                                     Amount incurred for the previous
                       Item                             Amount incurred in the current period
 R&D expenses                                                                   6,281,394,430.40                     6,296,715,941.03

                       Total                                                    6,281,394,430.40                     6,296,715,941.03
[Note] In 2022, the R&D expenses mainly included the employees' labor cost and direct investment cost, accounting for more than 80%

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

of the total R&D expenses.

61. Financial expenses
                                                                                                       Amount incurred for the previous
                        Item                               Amount incurred in the current period
 Interest expense [Note 1]                                                        2,836,743,431.08                     1,752,112,003.72

 Less: Interest income [Note 2]                                                   4,646,747,718.69                     4,242,449,764.06

 Exchange profits and losses                                                       -500,019,034.67                          99,198,910.38

 Commissions                                                                         97,740,063.96                         125,651,596.78

 Interest expense for defined benefit obligation                                      5,241,236.00                           5,141,391.00

 Others                                                                                 277,430.67                            143,865.00

                       Total                                                     -2,206,764,591.65                    -2,260,201,997.18
[Note 1] The above interest expenses include borrowing interest expenses and discount interest expenses;
[Note 2] Both the above interest income and the interest income in this Note V. 56 Interest Income and Interest expenses are capital

62. Other income

(1) Classification of other income

                                                                                                       Amount included in non-recurring
                                        Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred for the
      Sources of other income                                                                           profits and losses in the current
                                           current period                previous period
 Government grants                                 866,364,721.39                  818,485,990.31                          835,673,515.67
 Commissions refund of individual
                                                    13,444,790.66                    13,691,263.12                          13,444,790.66
 income tax and others
               Total                               879,809,512.05                  832,177,253.43                          849,118,306.33

(2) Government subsidies included in the profits and losses in the current period

                                        Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred for the
           Subsidy items                                                                                 Asset-related/income-related
                                           current period                previous period
 Financial rewards                                 455,614,156.67                  268,054,381.05      Related to assets and income
 Financial subsidies for
                                                   162,972,714.60                  157,603,446.43      Related to assets and income
 development projects
 Subsidy income for technical
                                                    69,632,210.10                    99,160,068.06     Related to assets and income
 Human resources subsidy                            71,392,830.31                  117,247,050.67      Related to income

 Others                                            106,752,809.71                  176,421,044.10      Related to assets and income

               Total                               866,364,721.39                  818,485,990.31

63. Income from investment
                                                                    Amount incurred in the current     Amount incurred for the previous
                                                                              period                               period
 Long-term equity investment income measured by the equity
                                                                                     -3,324,287.24                          51,594,928.82
 Investment income from derivative financial instruments                              5,308,155.89                         260,896,892.48
 Investment income recognized from trading financial
                                                                                     12,797,272.64                          35,466,278.80
 Investment income recognized from other equity instrument
                                                                                     45,123,901.66                          42,877,391.69
 Others                                                                              26,978,898.79                         131,227,730.79

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                   Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred for the previous
                                                                             period                                period
                              Total                                                86,883,941.74                         522,063,222.58

64. Income from changes in fair value
                                                                   Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred for the previous
          Sources of income from changes in fair value
                                                                             period                                period
 Trading financial assets and instruments                                           59,588,240.62                          -2,542,451.16

 Derivative financial instruments                                                 -389,491,823.26                         -70,951,646.94

 Others                                                                            -13,672,122.47                         15,363,553.00

                              Total                                               -343,575,705.11                         -58,130,545.10

65. Credit impairment losses
                                                                   Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred for the previous
                                                                             period                                period
 Bad debt losses                                                                  -504,912,773.22                       -179,275,078.48

 Impairment losses of loans and advances                                            88,544,000.00                         28,294,208.74

                              Total                                               -416,368,773.22                       -150,980,869.74

66. Asset impairment losses
                                                                   Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred for the previous
                                                                             period                                period
 Impairment losses of contract assets                                              -41,268,491.89                         -28,587,466.72

 Inventory falling price losses                                                   -682,224,437.94                       -470,468,223.45

 Goodwill impairment losses                                                       -246,572,327.43                       -107,051,151.70

 Impairment losses of the construction in progress                                                                            -54,413.75

 Other asset impairment losses                                                       3,386,247.75

                              Total                                               -966,679,009.51                       -606,161,255.62

67. Income from disposal of assets
                                                                   Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred for the previous
            Source of income from disposal of assets
                                                                             period                                period
 Gains from disposal of non-current assets (losses expressed
                                                                                       608,425.71                           6,212,295.19
 with "")
                              Total                                                    608,425.71                           6,212,295.19

68. Non-operating revenues
                                                                                                       Amount included in non-recurring
                                            Amount incurred in        Amount incurred for the
                   Item                                                                                 profits and losses in the current
                                             the current period         previous period
 Government subsidies related to
                                                  11,816,261.51                    83,322,120.02                          11,816,261.51
 Net profit from destruction scrap of
                                                     580,724.89                       737,924.23                              580,724.89
 non-current assets
 Including: Gains from disposal of
                                                     580,724.89                       737,924.23                              580,724.89
 fixed assets
 Others                                           47,413,344.96                    70,261,732.62                          47,413,344.96

                 Total                            59,810,331.36                   154,321,776.87                          59,810,331.36
Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses:

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                        Amount included in non-recurring
                                          Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred for the
            Subsidy items                                                                                profits and losses in the current
                                             current period                previous period
 Financial rewards                                 11,796,911.91                      83,289,185.02                        11,796,911.91

 Others                                                19,349.60                            32,935.00                           19,349.60

                   Total                           11,816,261.51                      83,322,120.02                        11,816,261.51

69. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                        Amount included in non-recurring
                                          Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred for the
                   Item                                                                                  profits and losses in the current
                                             current period                previous period
 Net losses from destruction scrap of
                                                   53,809,736.38                      16,698,680.87                        53,809,736.38
 non-current assets
 Including: Net losses from
                                                   42,611,579.47                      16,698,680.87                        42,611,579.47
 destruction scrap of fixed assets
 Others                                            72,712,838.55                      11,750,889.43                        72,712,838.55

                   Total                          126,522,574.93                      28,449,570.30                       126,522,574.93

70. Income tax expenses

(1) Table of income tax expenses

                   Item                       Amount incurred in the current period             Amount incurred for the previous period
 Income tax expenses in the current
                                                                         4,911,250,568.93                               3,952,404,363.46
 Deferred income tax expenses                                            -705,210,079.43                                   18,939,502.22

                   Total                                                 4,206,040,489.50                               3,971,343,865.68

(2) Adjustment of accounting profits and income tax expenses

                                           Item                                                  Amount incurred in the current period

 Total profits                                                                                                         27,217,384,842.61

 Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory/applicable tax rate                                                    4,082,607,726.39

 Impact by different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                                 -11,660,212.13

 Impact by non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                       85,015,238.51
 Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on unrecognized
 deferred income tax assets in the current year
 Others                                                                                                                  -297,736,586.76

 Income tax expenses                                                                                                    4,206,040,489.50

71. Items of cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received related to operating activities

                                                                              Amount incurred in the          Amount incurred for the
                                                                                 current period                 previous period
 Government grants                                                                    1,505,716,278.65                  1,975,966,016.65

 Interest income                                                                        232,202,309.34                    188,322,311.64

 Net decrease in bill pledge deposits and guarantee deposits                            630,231,744.37                    377,056,472.79

 Cash pledge, deposit and others                                                      1,519,632,130.33                  1,397,356,516.94

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                           Amount incurred in the      Amount incurred for the
                                                                              current period             previous period
                                   Total                                           3,887,782,462.69             3,938,701,318.02

(2) Other cash payment related to operating activities

                                                                            Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                               current period            previous period
 Cash payments for sales expenses                                                   7,472,508,694.30            9,807,177,220.69

 Cash payments for overhead expenses and R&D expenses                               1,687,485,005.09            1,355,681,755.66

 Return of advance project funds                                                      201,388,556.08              166,827,066.61

 Payment of performance, bid security, and others                                   1,125,497,555.86            1,395,517,552.83

                                   Total                                           10,486,879,811.33           12,725,203,595.79

(3) Other cash received related to investment activities

                                                                            Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                               current period            previous period
 Fixed deposit interest income                                                      3,443,556,899.78            3,268,809,334.30

 Net decrease in fixed deposits and others                                                                     44,582,777,861.75

                                   Total                                            3,443,556,899.78           47,851,587,196.05

(4) Other cash payment related to investment activities

                                                                            Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                               current period            previous period
 Net increase in time deposits and payment for forward foreign
 exchange settlement
 Others                                                                                39,078,603.18               10,532,866.10

                                   Total                                           26,048,629,646.87               10,532,866.10

(5) Other cash payment related to financing activities

                                                                            Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                               current period            previous period
 Received subscriptions for employee stock ownership plan                                                       1,143,534,793.64

 Others                                                                                20,000,000.00

                                   Total                                               20,000,000.00            1,143,534,793.64

(6) Other cash payment related to financing activities

                                                                            Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                               current period            previous period
 Net increase in pledge deposits on borrowings                                     12,253,655,898.35           16,441,927,495.00

 Cash payment for repo shares                                                                                  21,819,537,788.45

 Others                                                                             1,425,089,651.60            1,645,086,434.41

                                   Total                                           13,678,745,549.95           39,906,551,717.86

72. Supplementary for cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary for cash flow statement

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                              Amount in the previous
                               Supplementary                                 Amount in the current period
 1. Adjustment of net profit to cash flow from operating activities:

 Net Profits                                                                           23,011,344,353.11            22,831,893,632.89

 Add: Assets and credit impairment reverses                                             1,383,047,782.73               757,142,125.36
      Depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of investment real
                                                                                        4,597,938,791.84             3,476,137,137.22
 estate, and amortization of right-to-use assets
         Amortization of intangible assets                                                372,007,224.51               168,287,721.43
      Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              -608,425.71               -6,212,295.19
 long-term assets (income expressed with “”)
         Loss from scrapping fixed assets (income expressed with “”)                     53,229,011.49                15,960,756.64

         Losses from changes in fair value (income expressed with “”)                   343,575,705.11                58,130,545.10

         Financial expenses (income expressed with “”)                                -3,022,815,788.07           -2,206,918,302.50

         Investment losses (income expressed with “”)                                    -86,883,941.74             -522,063,222.58
         Decrease in deferred income tax assets (increase expressed with
                                                                                         -897,724,577.56              -201,498,429.60
      Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease expressed
                                                                                          192,514,498.13               220,437,931.82
 with “”)
         Decrease of inventories (increase expressed with “”)                         5,509,950,723.66           -13,233,904,716.97

         Decrease in operating receivables (increase expressed with “”)               6,522,203,496.59            -2,983,553,411.83

         Increase in operating payables (decrease expressed with “”)                -10,082,543,299.83            -7,479,006,628.48

         Others [Note]                                                                    773,200,367.01               999,530,415.41

         Net cash flows from operating activities                                      28,668,435,921.27             1,894,363,258.72
 2. Major investment and financing activities not involving cash
 receipts and payment:
         Conversion of debt into capital

         Convertible bonds due within one year

         Fixed assets under financing lease

 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:                                                                                          --

         Ending balance of cash                                                        31,754,656,695.61            29,951,743,758.00

         Less: Beginning balance of cash                                               29,951,743,758.00            24,225,049,638.15

         Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents

         Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

         Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                      1,802,912,937.61             5,726,694,119.85
[Note] "Others" includes the decrease of RMB142,968,622.64 in statutory deposit reserves and the net decrease of RMB630,231,744.37
in bill deposits.

(2) Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period

                                    Item                                                             Amount
 Cash or cash equivalent payment for business combination that
 occurred in the current period
         Including: Bank deposits                                                                                    2,423,031,350.00
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the subsidiary on the
 acquisition date
 Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                    2,031,361,368.42

                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(3) Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries this year

                                     Item                                                               Amount

 Cash or cash equivalents from the disposal of subsidiaries this year
 Add: Cash or cash equivalents received this year from the disposal of
 subsidiaries in the previous period
 Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                                        67,258,353.52

(4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                     Item                                            Ending Balance                     Beginning Balance

 I. Monetary funds                                                                          157,484,332,251.39            116,939,298,776.87

      Including: Cash on hand                                                                      678,327.53                   1,021,935.16

                Bank deposits for payment at any time                                        12,976,313,644.11              7,036,671,283.79

                Other monetary funds for payment at any time                                   342,302,803.81                 282,159,290.47

                Deposits in the central bank for payment at any time                              6,311,554.32                  2,052,759.35

                Deposits in other banks for payment at any time                              18,429,050,365.84             22,629,838,489.23
             Time deposits and accrued interest not in the category of
                                                                                             76,514,578,051.75             49,658,731,669.74
 cash and cash equivalents
                Deposits with restricted use                                                 49,215,097,504.03             37,328,823,349.13

 II. Cash equivalents

 III. Ending balance of monetary funds and cash equivalents                                 157,484,332,251.39            116,939,298,776.87
      Less: Time deposits and accrued interest not in the category of
                                                                                             76,514,578,051.75             49,658,731,669.74
 cash and cash equivalents
      Less: Deposits with restricted use                                                     49,215,097,504.03             37,328,823,349.13

           Including: Statutory deposit reserves                                              1,261,012,790.79              1,403,981,413.43

                     Bill, letter of credit and other deposits                               47,954,084,713.24             35,924,841,935.70

 IV. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                             31,754,656,695.61             29,951,743,758.00

73. Assets with restricted ownership or right-to-use

                     Item                             Book Value at the End of the Period                        Restricted Reason
                                                                                                    Required deposit        reserve,   earnest
 Monetary funds                                                              49,215,097,504.03
                                                                                                    money, etc.
 Accounts receivable                                                            239,378,920.65      Pledged

 Receivables financing                                                       12,304,327,541.08      Pledged
 Non-current assets due within one
                                                                              3,022,847,488.96      Pledged
 Other debt investments                                                       5,700,000,000.00      Pledged

 Other equity instrument investments                                          1,965,635,734.92      Restricted shares

 Long-term equity investments                                                   293,539,194.32      Pledged

 Fixed assets                                                                   976,001,655.74      Pledged

 Intangible assets                                                            1,063,362,713.41      Pledged

 Others                                                                         192,982,228.53      Pledged

                     Total                                                   74,973,172,981.64

                                                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Monetary items in foreign currencies

                                       USD                EUR                HKD                      THB               BRL                AUD                Others             Total
                Item               Converted into     Converted into      Converted into          Converted into    Converted into      Converted into     Converted into    Converted into
                                      RMB                RMB                 RMB                     RMB               RMB                 RMB                RMB               RMB
Exchange rate as of December 31,
                                            6.9646             7.4229              0.8933                  0.2014              1.3183            4.7138     Not applicable    Not applicable
Monetary assets in foreign                                                                                                                                                   10,585,701,019.
                                   9,107,788,982.25    129,955,244.48       40,879,715.97          118,436,698.75   1,132,896,490.18                         55,743,888.30
currencies                                                                                                                                                                               93
  Monetary funds                   5,964,541,220.06     16,385,806.20        4,150,682.40           45,117,771.29    289,136,178.85                          14,422,935.00
  Accounts receivable              3,130,859,760.89    113,114,142.09       36,348,853.80           70,250,384.43    843,479,647.29                          31,964,966.82
  Other receivables                  12,388,001.30         455,296.19          380,179.77            3,068,543.03        280,664.04                           9,355,986.48    25,928,670.81
Monetary liabilities in foreign                                                                                                                                              10,222,990,212.
                                   5,212,283,439.59   1,552,138,231.59     462,871,913.83            7,032,943.75     70,211,608.75     2,871,266,741.00     47,185,334.21
currencies                                                                                                                                                                               72
  Short-term borrowings            4,780,892,867.64   1,538,201,822.35     451,007,537.25                                               2,871,266,741.00
  Accounts payable                  254,247,604.29       3,297,027.86        9,610,072.42            5,821,117.82     50,566,306.28                          45,379,909.06   368,922,037.73

  Other payables                    177,142,967.66      10,639,381.38        2,254,304.16            1,211,825.93     19,645,302.47                           1,805,425.15   212,699,206.75

(2) Description of overseas operating entities


                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

VI Change in the consolidation scope

1. Business combinations not under common control

(1) Business combination not under common control in the current period

                    Time                               Equity    Equity                                   Operating
                                                                                              for                           Net Profits from
                   Point of                           Acquisit   Acqui                                Revenue from the
  Name of the                       Equity                                  Acquisit       Determi                          the Acquisition
                   Equity                               ion      sition                               Acquisition Date
   Acquiree                     Acquisition Cost                            ion Date       ning the                           Date to the
                   Acquisit                           Proporti   Metho                                to the Statement
                                                                                           Acquisit                         Statement Date
                     ion                                 on         d                                       Date
                                                                                           ion Date
 DunAn                                                           Purch                 Acquisit
                   2022/4/                                                 2022/4/
 Artificial                     2,423,031,350.00       29.48%    ase by                ion of          7,124,335,200.38     719,774,347.64
                   30                                                      30
 Environment                                                     cash                  control
 Co., Ltd.

(2) Cost and goodwill of business combination

                                Cost of business combination                                                       Amount

 Total cost of business combination                                                                                       2,423,031,350.00

 Including: Cash                                                                                                          2,423,031,350.00

 Less: Fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired                                                                 1,224,729,759.78

 Goodwill                                                                                                                 1,198,301,590.22
[Note 1] The Company has acquired 270,360,000 shares of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"DunAn Environment") held by Zhejiang DunAn Precision Industries Group Co., Ltd. under an agreement, accounting for 29.48% of the
total capital share of DunAn Environment. The transfer was completed in April 2022, and DunAn Environment became a holding
subsidiary of Gree Electric Appliances.
[Note 2] In this period, the Company acquired 29.48% of the equity of DunAn Environment, with a business combination cost of
RMB2,189,916,000.00. The fair value of identifiable net assets attributable to the owner of the parent company was
RMB1,126,527,354.60, and the corresponding fair value of identifiable net assets was appraised by Beijing Yachao Asset Appraisal Co.,
Ltd. with an appraisal report of (BJYCPBZ (2022) No. A206). Within 12 months after the acquisition date, the Company paid an
affiliated party guarantee amount of RMB233,115,350.00 and increased the fair value of identifiable net assets attributable to the owner
of the parent company by RMB98,202,405.18; the first payment of RMB2,189,916,000.00 for acquisition and the second payment of
RMB233,115,350.00 for acquisition, totaling RMB2,423,031,350.00, which has the difference of RMB1,198,301,590.22 with the fair
value of identifiable net assets attributable to the parent company owner of DunAn Environment.

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

                                                                    Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.
                                                      Fair value on the acquisition date              Book value on the acquisition date



 Monetary funds                                                             784,473,669.02                                  784,473,669.02

 Trading financial assets                                                    17,640,000.00                                    17,640,000.00

 Accounts receivable                                                      1,418,430,638.88                                1,418,430,638.88

  Receivables financing                                                     990,021,129.95                                  990,021,129.95

 Advance payments                                                            85,694,280.51                                    85,694,280.51

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                 Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.
                                                   Fair value on the acquisition date         Book value on the acquisition date

 Other receivables                                                       838,332,694.68                             838,332,694.68

 Inventory                                                              1,741,097,088.00                           1,572,827,115.67

 Contract assets                                                         446,336,218.81                             446,336,218.81

 Other current assets                                                     93,618,290.58                              93,618,290.58

 Long-term equity investments                                            315,980,069.51                             315,980,069.51

 Investment real estate                                                  189,528,450.00                              48,003,389.69

 Fixed assets                                                           1,255,713,810.99                            900,617,159.45

 Construction in progress                                                104,527,537.07                             102,780,211.77

 Usufruct assets                                                         202,430,836.59                             202,430,836.59

 Intangible assets                                                      1,721,397,537.02                            197,231,283.54

 Long-term unamortized expenses                                           20,239,298.84                              20,239,298.84

 Deferred income tax assets                                               49,028,515.97                              49,028,515.97

 Other non-current assets                                                   4,279,842.12                               4,279,842.12

 Subtotal of assets                                                    10,278,769,908.54                           8,087,964,645.58


 Short-term borrowings                                                  1,657,574,001.42                           1,657,574,001.42

 Derivative financial liabilities                                              78,600.00                                  78,600.00

 Notes payable                                                           707,829,455.73                             707,829,455.73

 Accounts payable                                                       1,765,559,131.32                           1,765,559,131.32

 Contract liabilities                                                    102,686,682.51                             102,686,682.51

 Payroll payable                                                         137,650,847.93                             137,650,847.93

 Taxes and dues payable                                                  104,779,928.07                             104,779,928.07

 Other payables                                                          223,650,618.99                             223,650,618.99

 Non-current liabilities due within one year                             106,565,250.47                             106,565,250.47

 Other current liabilities                                               113,817,088.82                             779,543,366.32

 Long-term borrowings                                                    503,006,477.19                             503,006,477.19

 Lease liabilities                                                       159,421,732.01                             159,421,732.01

 Long-term payables                                                       18,364,500.00                              18,364,500.00

 Deferred income                                                          76,540,692.48                              76,540,692.48

 Deferred income tax liabilities                                         547,970,011.69                                  268,695.95

 Subtotal of liabilities                                                6,225,495,018.63                           6,343,519,980.39

 Net Assets                                                             4,053,274,889.91                           1,744,444,665.19

 Less: Minority shareholders' equity                                    2,828,545,130.13                           1,200,345,792.58

 Net assets acquired                                                    1,224,729,759.78                            544,098,872.61

(4) Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                               Book value on the                Fair value on the           Gains or losses arising from the
                                           acquisition date of equity       acquisition date of equity    remeasurement of equity originally
         Name of the Acquiree
                                           held before the acquisition           held before the           held before the acquisition date at
                                                      date                      acquisition date                       fair value
 Zhejiang    DunAn            Artificial
                                                      None                            None                               None
 Environment Co., Ltd.

(5) Method and key assumptions for determining the fair value on the acquisition date

1) Appraisal determination method: The assets and liabilities were mainly appraised by the cost method, income method, and market
2) Key assumptions in the appraisal.
A. The appraised entity is capable of making timely adjustments and innovations in line with the development of the market and science
and technology, while maintaining consistency in its business scope, business methods and management mode;
B. The assets and liabilities declared by the appraised entity are free from property disputes and other economic disputes;
C. The production and operation of the appraised entity and its economic activities related to production and operation are subject to
national laws and regulations;
D. Except for the fixed-asset investment with exact evidence indicating that the production capacity will change in the future on the
appraisal base date, the appraised entity will not conduct major fixed-assets investment activities that may affect its operation in the
future income period, and its product production capacity are estimated based on the status on the appraisal base date; and
E. In the future income period, the appraised entity will maintain the turnover of accounts receivable and accounts payable similar to the
historical years, with no payment in arrears that is significantly different from the historical years.
3) Reasons for asset appreciation:
A. Inventory: The market average selling price of the product is higher than its book value, resulting in appreciation of the appraisal
B. Investment real estate: The increase in rental prices leads to the appreciation of the appraisal value measured in income method;
C. Houses and buildings: The purchase time is long, and the market price has risen, resulting in appreciation of the appraisal value;
D. Machinery and equipment: The accounting depreciation period is shorter than the economic service life, and the replacement price on
the appraisal base date is higher than the original purchase price, resulting in appreciation of the appraisal value;
E. Land use right: it was acquired earlier, and the land market price rose, resulting in the appreciation of the appraisal value;
F. Trademark rights, patent rights, and proprietary technology: As a listed company in the manufacturing industry, DunAn Environment
has a high reputation in the same industry. Its developed patent rights and proprietary technologies have made significant contributions to
production and business activities, resulting in the appreciation of the appraisal value; and
G. Other current liabilities: Some of the losses on guaranteed debts were reversed before the appraisal report date, while some of them
were reversed within 12 months after the acquisition date, resulting in impairment of other current liabilities.

2. Business combination under common control

3. Reverse acquisitions

                                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

4. Disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Amount of
                                                                                                           The Difference       Proporti                    Fair    Gains or                            sive
                                                                                                        Between the Disposal     on of                     Value     Losses                           Income
                                           Equ                                                                                                Book                                Methods and
                                                                                          Basis for      Price and the Share    Remaini                      of      Arising                         Related to
                                           ity                Equity                                                                        Value of                                  Main
                                                   Equity                                Determining     of the Subsidiaries'      ng                     Remain      from                            Equity
                                           Dis                Dispos      Time Point                                                       Remaining                             Assumptions of
                                                  Disposal                                the Time        Net Assets at the      Equity                     ing     Remeasur                        Investment
             Company Name                  pos                  al        of Losing                                                         Equity on                           the Fair Value of
                                                  Proportio                                Point of            Level of          on the                   Equity    ement of                           of the
                                            al                Metho        Control                                                         the Date of                           the Remaining
                                                    n (%)                                  Losing           Consolidated        Date of                   on the    Remainin                          Original
                                           Pric                 d                                                                            Losing                               Equity on the
                                                                                           Control            Statements        Losing                    Date of   g Equity                        Subsidiary
                                            e                                                                                                Control                             Date of Losing
                                                                                                        Corresponding to the    Control                   Losing     at Fair                        Transferred
                                                                                                        Disposal Investment       (%)                     Control    Value                              into
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Profits and
Shanxi Yinlong Guangtong New Energy                           Cance                     Business
                                                   100.00                2022/11/8                              -317,466.94                                                                         None
Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd.                                       lled                      registration
Songliang (Shenzhen) South China                              Cance                     Business
                                                   100.00                2022/7/28                              -165,104.22                                                                         None
Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.                            lled                      registration

5. Change of consolidation scope for other reasons

(1) Newly established entity in the current period

                                                                                                                                                                    Net Profit from the Combination Date to the
                               Company Name                                             Date of Establishment           Net Assets at the End of the Period
                                                                                                                                                                                  End of the Period
Pinquan Gree Altairnano New Energy Co., Ltd.                                           2022/2/16                                                  2,009,569.41                                        -390,430.59

Gree Electromechanical Engineering (Luoyang) Co., Ltd.                                 2022/3/28                                                31,454,357.36                                        1,454,357.36

Gree Electromechanical Engineering (Xinzhou) Co., Ltd.                                 2022/6/20                                                20,701,097.80                                       20,701,097.80

Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.                                            2022/7/6                                                 96,101,744.50                                       -3,898,255.50

Mingruida Supply Chain Technology (Linyi) Co., Ltd.                                    2022/8/12                                                         -110.22                                           -110.22

Tieling Fengyu Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd.                                        2022/8/16                                                    225,574.59                                        125,574.59

Tianjin Gree Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                                   2022/10/27                                               10,019,500.43                                              -499.57
Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment Technology Development Co.,
Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                                               2022/12/21                                               50,000,000.15                                                 0.15

VII Equity in other subjects
                                                              2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                                                                                                                    Shareholding Ratio
                                                                                 Place of            Nature of              (%)            Voting Right
 S/N                       Name of Subsidiary                    Business                                                                                         Acquisition Method
                                                                                Registration         Business                   Indirec   Proportion (%)
                                                                 Location                                            Direct
                                                               Chongqing       Chongqing          Industrial
   1    Gree (Chongqing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                 97.00                          97.00   Establishment
                                                               City            City               manufacture
                                                                                                  Industrial                                                  Business combination under
   2    Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                      Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                         100.00
                                                                                                  manufacture                                                 common control
                                                                                                  Industrial                                                  Business combination under
   3    Zhuhai Gree Electric Enterprises Ltd.                  Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                         100.00
                                                                                                  manufacture                                                 common control
                                                                                                  Industrial                                                  Business combination under
   4    Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronic Co., Ltd.               Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                         100.00
                                                                                                  manufacture                                                 common control
                                                                                                  Industrial                                                  Business combinations not
   5    Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.           Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                         100.00
                                                                                                  manufacture                                                 under common control
   6    Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.             Hefei City      Hefei City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               Zhongshan       Zhongshan          Industrial
   7    Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                              100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               City            City               manufacture
                                                                                                                                                              Business combination under
   8    Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited              Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City        Finance              99.54       0.46              100.00
                                                                                                                                                              common control
                                                               Manaus,         Manaus,            Industrial
   9    Gree Electric Appliances (Brazil) Co., Ltd.                                                                   100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               Brazil          Brazil             manufacture
                                                               Kowloon,        Kowloon,                                                                       Business combinations not
  10    Hong Kong Gree Electric Appliances Sales Limited                                          Sales               100.00                         100.00
                                                               Hong Kong       Hong Kong                                                                      under common control
                                                               Shanghai        Shanghai
  11    Shanghai Gree Air Conditioners Sales Co., Ltd.                                            Sales                90.00       9.70               99.70   Establishment
                                                               City            City
  12    Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co., Ltd.            Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             51.00                          51.00   Establishment
  13    Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd.                     Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             51.00                          51.00   Establishment
        Zhuhai Gree Green Refrigeration Technology Research
  14                                                           Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City        research    and     100.00                         100.00   Establishment
        Center Co., Ltd.
                                                               Zhengzhou       Zhengzhou          Industrial
  15    Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               City            City               manufacture
  16    Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.             Wuhan City      Wuhan City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               Zhengzhou       Zhengzhou          Industrial
  17    Zhengzhou Gree Green Renewable Resources Co., Ltd.                                                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               City            City               manufacture
                                                               Ningxiang       Ningxiang          Industrial
  18    Hunan Green Renewable Resources Co., Ltd.                                                                     100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                               County          County             manufacture
  19    Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Co., Ltd.               Wuhu City       Wuhu City                              100.00                         100.00   Establishment

                                                                2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                     Shareholding Ratio
                                                                                   Place of           Nature of              (%)            Voting Right
S/N                      Name of Subsidiary                        Business                                                                                        Acquisition Method
                                                                                  Registration        Business                   Indirec   Proportion (%)
                                                                   Location                                           Direct
                                                                 Shijiazhuang    Shijiazhuang      Industrial
20    Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                               100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 City            City              manufacture
21    Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                  Wuhu City       Wuhu City                              100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 Shijiazhuang    Shijiazhuang      Industrial
22    Shijiazhuang Green Renewable Resources Co., Ltd.                                                                  100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 City            City              manufacture
                                                                 Shijiazhuang    Shijiazhuang      Industrial                                                  Business combinations not
23    Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                 100.00                        100.00
                                                                 City            City              manufacture                                                 under common control
24    Tianjin Green Renewable Resources Utilization Co., Ltd.    Tianjin City    Tianjin City                           100.00                        100.00   Establishment
      Zhuhai Gree HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment Co.,                                            Industrial
25                                                               Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
      Ltd.                                                                                         manufacture
26    Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Home Appliances Co., Ltd.                Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
27    Zhuhai Ligao Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.             Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
28    Zhuhai Ewpe Information Technology Inc.                    Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 Changsha        Changsha          Industrial
29    Gree Changsha HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 City            City              manufacture
30    Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co., Ltd.              Suqian City     Suqian City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
31    Gree Wuhu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                Wuhu City       Wuhu City                              100.00                        100.00   Establishment
32    Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.                Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
33    Zhuhai Hengqin Gree Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.         Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City       Finance              100.00                        100.00   Establishment
34    Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                       Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
      Gree (Wuhan) HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment Co.,                                           Industrial
35                                                               Wuhan City      Wuhan City                             100.00                        100.00   Establishment
      Ltd.                                                                                         manufacture
      Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Technology Institute                                       Industrial
36                                                               Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
      Co., Ltd.                                                                                    manufacture
37    Zhuhai Gree New Material Co., Ltd.                         Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
38    Gree (Wuhan) Precision Mould Co., Ltd.                     Wuhan City      Wuhan City                             100.00                        100.00   Establishment
39    Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment Technology Co., Ltd.        Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                            100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 Hangzhou        Hangzhou          Industrial
40    Gree (Hangzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                     100.00                        100.00   Establishment
                                                                 City            City              manufacture

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                      Shareholding Ratio
                                                                                  Place of            Nature of               (%)            Voting Right
S/N                      Name of Subsidiary                       Business                                                                                          Acquisition Method
                                                                                 Registration         Business                    Indirec   Proportion (%)
                                                                  Location                                             Direct
41    Gree Information Technology Co., Ltd. of Zhuhai           Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                              51.00                          51.00   Establishment
42    Gree (Chengdu) HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Chengdu City    Chengdu City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
      Zhuhai Gree CNC Machine Tool Research Institute Co.,
43                                                              Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City        research     and     100.00                         100.00   Establishment
      Gree (Wu'an) Precision Equipment Manufacturing Co.,       Wu'an           Wu'an              Industrial
44                                                                                                                       70.00                          70.00   Establishment
      Ltd.                                                      County          County             manufacture
45    Zhuhai Gree Transportation Co., Ltd.                      Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City        Transportation       100.00                         100.00   Establishment
46    Gree (Luoyang) Robot Co., Ltd.                            Luoyang City    Luoyang City       research     and     100.00                         100.00   Establishment
47    Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.              Nanjing City    Nanjing City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
48    Gree (Luoyang) Electric AppliancesCo., Ltd.               Luoyang City    Luoyang City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
49    Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd.              Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
50    Zhuhai Lianyun Technology Co., Ltd.                       Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
51    Gree (Chengdu) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.              Chengdu City    Chengdu City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
52    Zhuhai Gree Material Supply Co., Ltd.                     Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
53    Zhuhai Gree Green Control Technology Co., Ltd.            Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                                                                   Industrial                                                   Business combinations not
54    Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.                       Hefei City      Hefei City                              100.00                         100.00
                                                                                                   manufacture                                                  under common control
      Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co.,                                       Industrial                                                   Business combination under
55                                                              Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00
      Ltd.                                                                                         manufacture                                                  common control
56    Gree (Chengdu) Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                   Chengdu City    Chengdu City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
      Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Washing Machine                                           Industrial
57                                                              Luoyang City    Luoyang City                            100.00                         100.00   Establishment
      Co., Ltd.                                                                                    manufacture
      Guochuang    Energy    Internet  Innovation Center                                           Information
58                                                              Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                              75.00       1.52               76.52   Establishment
      (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                                                                        technologies
59    Zhuhai Gree (Anji) Precision Mold Co., Ltd.               Anji County     Anji County                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
60    Zhuhai Gree Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.           Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment
                                                                                                   Wholesales and
61    Gree E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                 Zhuhai City     Zhuhai City                             100.00                         100.00   Establishment

                                                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                                 Shareholding Ratio
                                                                                           Place of            Nature of                 (%)                  Voting Right
  S/N                         Name of Subsidiary                        Business                                                                                                        Acquisition Method
                                                                                          Registration         Business                      Indirec         Proportion (%)
                                                                        Location                                                  Direct
  62     Zhuhai Gejian Health Medical Technology Co., Ltd.            Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City        Medical device          100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
         Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliances Intelligent Manufacturing                                          Industrial
  63                                                                  Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City                                100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
         Co., Ltd                                                                                           manufacture
  64     Chengdu Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.              Chengdu City       Chengdu City       Medical device           75.00       1.52                       76.52   Establishment
                                                                      Songyuan           Songyuan                                                                                   Business combinations not
  65     SL Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Agriculture              75.00                                  75.00
                                                                      City               City                                                                                       under common control
  66     Gree (Ganzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                 Ganzhou City       Ganzhou City                               100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
  67     Tianjin Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.              Tianjin City       Tianjin City                               100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
  68     Gree (Linyi) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                   Linyi City         Linyi City                                 100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
                                                                                                            Real       estate
  69     Gree (Zhuhai Hengqin) Development Co., Ltd.                  Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City                                100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
                                                                      Changsha           Changsha           Industrial
  70     Changsha Kinghome Electric Appliances Co., Ltd                                                                             100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
                                                                      City               City               manufacture
                                                                                                            Research and
                                                                                                                                                                                    Business combinations not
  71     Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                              Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City        experimental             30.47                                  47.93
                                                                                                                                                                                    under common control
  72     Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.           Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City        Transportation           70.00                                  70.00   Establishment
                                                                                                            Industrial                                                              Business combinations not
  73     Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.              Zhuji City         Zhuji City                                  38.78                                  38.78
                                                                                                            manufacture                                                             under common control
  74     Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.                  Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City                                100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
                                                                                                            Wholesales and
  75     Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                     Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City                                100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
         Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable            Equipment                                           Industrial
  76                                                                  Zhuhai City        Zhuhai City                                100.00                                 100.00   Establishment
         Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                                                   manufacture

(2) Important non wholly-owned subsidiaries

Information of equity held by minority shareholders of important non wholly-owned subsidiaries and profits and losses:
                                                                                     Profits and losses attributable to
                                                Shareholding ratio of minority                                                  Dividends declared to distribute to           Ending equity balance of minority
             Name of Subsidiary                                                        minority shareholders in the
                                                        shareholders                                                         minority shareholders in the current period                shareholders
                                                                                              current period
 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                                       69.53%                         -1,324,660,653.05                                                                          110,709,555.85
[Note] The main financial information of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd., an important non wholly-owned subsidiary, is detailed in its announcement.

(3) Main financial information of important non wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                       Ending Balance
             Name of Subsidiary
                                                    Current assets           Non-current assets            Total assets             Current liabilities                                 Total liabilities
 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                     10,926,357,342.59          14,097,757,824.94         25,024,115,167.53             23,572,307,994.49       1,214,140,306.09         24,786,448,300.58


                                                                                                                  Beginning Balance
             Name of Subsidiary
                                                    Current assets           Non-current assets            Total assets             Current liabilities                                 Total liabilities
 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                     11,242,319,318.29          16,040,144,209.59         27,282,463,527.88             23,499,417,858.35       1,635,252,186.15         25,134,670,044.50


                                                                                                                  Amount incurred in the current period
                      Name of Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                          Total comprehensive
                                                                         Operating revenue                   Net Profits                                               Cash flow from operating activities
 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                                                 2,586,739,826.92              -1,905,163,969.71               -1,918,382,237.86                             44,952,640.05


                                                                                                                Amount incurred for the previous period
                     Name of Subsidiary
                                                                                                                                          Total comprehensive
                                                                         Operating revenue                   Net Profits                                               Cash flow from operating activities
 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                                                   694,344,061.76               -321,184,218.65                  -321,480,909.61                           -228,842,362.62
Note: Since Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. became a controlling subsidiary of the Company on October 31, 2021, only the operating income, net profit, total comprehensive income, and cash flow from
operating activities from November to December are disclosed under the amount incurred in the same period last year.

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

2. Equities in joint ventures or associates

(1) Important joint ventures or associates

                                                    Main                                                                Accounting treatment to
                                                                 Place of        Nature of         Ratio (%)
            Name of invested entity                Business                                                               associates or joint
                                                                Registration     Business
                                                   Location                                   Direct      Indirect            ventures
Zhuhai Ronglin Equity Investment Partnership         Zhuhai                      Business
                                                                Zhuhai City                       91.27                Equity method
(Limited Partnership)                                  City                      services
Zhuhai Hanling Equity Investment Partnership         Zhuhai                      Business
                                                                Zhuhai City                       47.92                Equity method
(Limited Partnership)                                  City                      services

(2) Main financial information of important associates

1) Zhuhai Ronglin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)

                                                        Ending balance/Current amount                Beginning balance/Amount incurred in
                                                                   incurred                                   the previous period
 Current assets                                                                4,860,366,232.00                              11,636,952,794.62

 Including: Cash and cash equivalents                                               916,341.26                                    1,753,243.88

 Total assets                                                                  4,860,366,232.00                              11,636,952,794.62

 Current liabilities                                                             57,140,092.85                                   42,567,398.01

 Total liabilities                                                               57,140,092.85                                   42,567,398.01
 Share of net assets calculated under the
                                                                               4,131,807,804.94                               8,893,495,450.98
 Total comprehensive income                                                 -6,235,259,324.19                                 2,552,450,421.49
2) Zhuhai Hanling Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)

                                                         Ending balance/Current amount               Beginning balance/Amount incurred in
                                                                    incurred                                  the previous period
 Current assets                                                                  906,107,901.07                                 678,478,666.88

 Including: Cash and cash equivalents                                             16,800,298.33                                   3,478,666.88

 Non-current assets                                                              128,500,000.00                                 245,000,000.00

 Total assets                                                                  1,034,607,901.07                                 923,478,666.88

 Current liabilities                                                              78,356,106.16                                   2,998,503.81

 Total liabilities                                                                78,356,106.16                                   2,998,503.81
 Share of net assets calculated under the
                                                                                 956,251,794.91                                 920,480,163.07
 Total comprehensive income                                                       45,154,377.43                                  53,187,718.56
 Dividends received from associates in the
                                                                                   9,382,745.59                                  55,127,991.72
 current year

(3) Significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to the Company


(4) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates

                                           Accumulated unrecognized             Unrecognized losses in the           Accumulated unrecognized
Name of joint venture or associates         losses accumulated in the          current period (or net profit         losses at the end of current
                                                 previous period               shared in the current period)                    period
Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.                             -181,810.76                         -389,270.59                        -571,081.35

Eocell Limited                                                                                -2,002,480.71                        -2,002,480.71

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(5) Unrecognized commitments related to investment in joint ventures


(6) Contingent liabilities related to investment in joint ventures or associates


3. Important co-management

4. Equity in structured entities not included in the Consolidated Financial Statements

VIII Risks associated with financial instruments

Main financial instruments of the Company includes monetary funds, trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, notes receivable,
receivables financing, receivables, loans issued and advances, buying back the sale of financial assets, debt investments, other debt
investments, other equity instrument investments, other financial liabilities arising from operation (e.g., payables). These financial
instruments aim to provide funds for operation of the Company.

The main risks caused by the Company's financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk.

1. Classification of financial instruments

The book values of various financial instruments on the balance sheet date:

(1) Ending Balance

                                                                      Classification of financial assets
                                                                   Financial assets         Financial assets
                                                                   measured at fair         measured at fair
              Item                      Financial assets
                                                                 value with changes       value with changes
                                          measured at                                                                   Total
                                                                  included in other        included in other
                                       amortization costs
                                                                   comprehensive            comprehensive
                                                                       income                   income
1. Measured         at   cost    or
amortized cost
Monetary funds                           157,484,332,251.39                                                        157,484,332,251.39

Notes receivable                               6,818,428.95                                                               6,818,428.95

Accounts receivable                       14,824,742,623.45                                                         14,824,742,623.45

Other receivables                            804,277,958.80                                                            804,277,958.80
Non-current assets due within
                                              38,344,030.45                                                             38,344,030.45
one year
Other current financial assets             2,646,094,959.26                                                          2,646,094,959.26

Loans issued and advances                    719,799,280.27                                                            719,799,280.27

Debt investment                              150,351,500.00                                                            150,351,500.00

Long-term receivables                        116,084,973.52                                                            116,084,973.52
Other    non-current     financial
                                             192,148,986.36                                                            192,148,986.36
            Subtotal                     176,982,994,992.45                                                        176,982,994,992.45

2. Measured at fair values

Trading financial assets                                                                     3,867,203,363.52        3,867,203,363.52

                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                       Classification of financial assets
                                                                    Financial assets           Financial assets
                                                                    measured at fair           measured at fair
              Item                        Financial assets
                                                                  value with changes         value with changes
                                            measured at                                                                       Total
                                                                   included in other          included in other
                                         amortization costs
                                                                    comprehensive              comprehensive
                                                                        income                     income
Receivables financing                                               28,427,310,345.20                                  28,427,310,345.20
Non-current assets due within
                                                                     3,275,847,602.74                                    3,275,847,602.74
one year
Other current financial assets                                             1,260,250.00               998,950.00               2,259,200.00

Other debt investments                                              14,340,348,882.97                                  14,340,348,882.97
Other    equity  instrument
                                                                     4,669,455,797.90                                    4,669,455,797.90
Other non-current financial
                                                                                                4,428,003,204.49         4,428,003,204.49
            Subtotal                                                50,714,222,878.81           8,296,205,518.01       59,010,428,396.82

              Total                        176,982,994,992.45       50,714,222,878.81           8,296,205,518.01      235,993,423,389.27


                                                                     Classification of financial liabilities
                                        Derivative financial
                                                                    Other financial liabilities                       Total
1. Measured        at   cost       or
amortized cost
Short-term borrowings                                                            52,895,851,287.92                     52,895,851,287.92

Notes payable                                                                    38,609,900,819.74                     38,609,900,819.74

Accounts payable                                                                 32,856,071,488.87                     32,856,071,488.87
Deposits from customers and
                                                                                    219,111,069.61                        219,111,069.61
Other payables                                                                   10,912,406,666.89                     10,912,406,666.89
Non-current liabilities due
                                                                                    188,387,613.61                        188,387,613.61
within one year
Other       current   financial
                                                                                  3,412,127,253.85                       3,412,127,253.85
Long-term borrowings                                                             30,784,241,211.21                     30,784,241,211.21

Long-term payables                                                                  104,644,415.20                        104,644,415.20

            Subtotal                                                           169,982,741,826.90                     169,982,741,826.90

2. Measured at fair values

Derivative financial liabilities               184,811,894.98                                                             184,811,894.98

            Subtotal                           184,811,894.98                                                             184,811,894.98

              Total                            184,811,894.98                  169,982,741,826.90                     170,167,553,721.88

(2) Beginning Balance

                                                                           Classification of financial assets

                                                                    Financial assets            Financial assets
                Item                                             measured at fair value      measured at fair value
                                           Financial assets
                                                                 with changes included       with changes included
                                             measured at                                                                        Total
                                                                        in other                    in other
                                          amortization costs
                                                                    comprehensive               comprehensive
                                                                        income                      income

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                            Classification of financial assets

                                                                      Financial assets           Financial assets
                Item                                               measured at fair value     measured at fair value
                                          Financial assets
                                                                   with changes included      with changes included
                                            measured at                                                                        Total
                                                                          in other                   in other
                                         amortization costs
                                                                      comprehensive              comprehensive
                                                                          income                     income
1. Measured at cost or amortized

Monetary funds                            116,939,298,776.87                                                            116,939,298,776.87

Accounts receivable                        13,840,898,802.76                                                             13,840,898,802.76

Other receivables                             334,161,870.18                                                                334,161,870.18

Non-current assets due within
                                                3,406,416.52                                                                    3,406,416.52
one year

Other current financial assets              5,249,688,091.77                                                              5,249,688,091.77

Loans issued and advances                   4,142,652,901.85                                                              4,142,652,901.85

Long-term receivables                           2,419,031.07                                                                    2,419,031.07

              Subtotal                    140,512,525,891.02                                                            140,512,525,891.02

2. Measured at fair values

Derivative financial assets                                                                          198,773,198.65         198,773,198.65

Receivables financing                                                 25,612,056,693.07                                  25,612,056,693.07

Non-current assets due within
                                                                      11,030,165,516.08                                  11,030,165,516.08
one year

Other current financial assets                                         1,332,723,758.33                13,436,100.00      1,346,159,858.33

Other debt investments                                                 5,910,056,891.62                                   5,910,056,891.62

Other     equity         instrument
                                                                      10,114,246,030.05                                  10,114,246,030.05
Other    non-current      financial
                                                                                                       81,309,327.39           81,309,327.39

              Subtotal                                                53,999,248,889.15              293,518,626.04      54,292,767,515.19

               Total                      140,512,525,891.02          53,999,248,889.15              293,518,626.04     194,805,293,406.21


                                                                        Classification of financial liabilities
                                            Derivative financial
                                                                             Other financial liabilities               Total
Measured at cost or amortized cost

Short-term borrowings                                                                   27,617,920,548.11              27,617,920,548.11

Loans from other banks                                                                      300,021,500.00               300,021,500.00

Notes payable                                                                           40,743,984,514.42              40,743,984,514.42

Accounts payable                                                                        35,875,090,911.05              35,875,090,911.05

Financial assets sold for repurchase                                                        746,564,041.09               746,564,041.09

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                         Classification of financial liabilities
                                             Derivative financial
                                                                             Other financial liabilities               Total
Deposits from customers and
                                                                                           182,681,905.74                182,681,905.74
Other payables                                                                           6,763,119,937.14               6,763,119,937.14
Non-current liabilities due within
                                                                                         1,243,822,222.57               1,243,822,222.57
one year
Other current financial liabilities                                                      7,819,060,868.44               7,819,060,868.44

Long-term borrowings                                                                     8,960,864,258.30               8,960,864,258.30

Long-term payables                                                                         446,194,591.92                446,194,591.92

                 Total                                                                130,699,325,298.78             130,699,325,298.78

2. Credit risks

Credit risk refers to a risk of financial losses suffered by one party due to the non-performance of obligations by the other party of
financial instrument.

The Company only have transactions with recognized customers with a good reputation. Under the policies of the Company, all the
customers who require the credit form for transactions shall undergo credit review. Besides, the Company continuous to monitor the
balance of accounts receivable to ensure that the Company is not confronted with the major risk of bad debts.

Financial assets of the Company include monetary funds, receivables financing. The credit risks of these financial assets come from
nonperformance of the transaction counterparty, and the maximum risk exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.
Trade terms and conditions between the Company and customers mainly adopt advance payments, banker's acceptance bill, or paying on
delivery, assisted by transaction with credit.

The monetary funds are deposited in state-owned financial institutions with high credit rating, minimizing the risk; the receivables
financing is mainly banker's acceptance bills, and the risk exposure is rather small. The book values of notes receivable, receivables
financing, accounts receivable, other receivables, contract assets, loans issued and advances and long-term receivables in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet are the highest credit risk with which the Company may be confronted.

As at the end of the report period, the Company's notes receivables, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables,
contract assets, loans issued and advances, and long-term receivables account for 12.96% of the total assets (the beginning balance is
14.11%), and the above amounts are mainly due within 1 year, so the Company has no significant credit risk. For the Company's credit
risk exposures arising from the above financial assets, see the disclosed information in this Note V 4 Notes Receivable, Note V 5
Accounts Receivable, Note V 6 Receivables Financing, Note V 8 Other Receivables, Note V 10 Contract Assets, Note V 13 Loans Issued
and Advances, and Note V 16 Long-term Receivables.

3. Liquidity risks

Liquidity risk refers to a risk of fund shortage generated when the enterprise performs the obligation to settle accounts by cash payment
or other financial assets.

As indicated by changes in the Company’s financial instruments at the beginning and end of the period, the proportion of the Company's
"Financial assets" to "Financial liabilities" at the end of the report period was 1.39 (which was 1.49 at the beginning of the period),
showing that the Company has adequate liquidity and the risk in shortage of liquidity is low.

4. Market risks

Market risk refers to a risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument due to changes in the market price,
including fair value fluctuation risk, exchange rate risk and interest rate risk.

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

(1) Fair value fluctuation risk

The Company's financial investments mainly involve products such as stocks, funds, large certificates of deposit, and bonds. Except for
the significant fluctuations in the fair value of stocks, the fair value of products such as funds, large certificates of deposit, and bonds
does not fluctuate significantly. The stocks held by the Company are mainly stocks traded on the open market, and the quality of the
invested companies is relatively good.

(2) Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments due to changes in the
foreign exchange rate.

As at December 31, 2022, the amounts of foreign currency financial assets and liabilities held by the Company converted into RMB are
presented in details in this Note V. 74 (1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items.

The Company minimizes the exchange rate risk by carrying out the forward exchange transaction business and controlling the scale of
foreign currency assets and liabilities according to changes in the market exchange rate.

(3) Interest rate risks

Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments due to changes in the market
interest rate.

As of December 31, 2022, the Company's liabilities with interests are as follows:

                  Statement Item                                     Amount                      Interest Rate Range              Remark
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Short-term borrowings                                                   52,895,851,287.92                  0.70%-8.00%
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Deposits from customers and interbank                                      219,111,069.61                  0.55%-3.65%
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Other payables                                                           1,621,102,937.08                  4.00%-5.00%
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Non-current liabilities due within one year                                188,387,613.61                  1.20%-6.20%
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Long-term borrowings                                                    30,784,241,211.21                  2.55%-6.18%
                                                                                                                            Floating    interest
Long-term payables                                                         104,644,415.20                  4.67%-6.20%
                          Total                                         85,813,338,534.63

IX Fair value disclosure

1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                 Ending Fair Value
                                              Measurement of        Measurement of level    Measurement of level
                                            level 1 of fair value     2 of fair value         3 of fair value
                                                 hierarchy               hierarchy               hierarchy

Continuous fair value measurement

     Trading financial assets                    663,776,717.84         3,184,168,917.80             19,257,727.88        3,867,203,363.52

     Receivables financing                                            28,427,310,345.20                                  28,427,310,345.20
     Non-current assets due within
                                                                        3,275,847,602.74                                  3,275,847,602.74
one year
     Other current assets                          2,259,200.00                                                                2,259,200.00

     Other debt investments                    1,027,601,139.44       13,312,747,743.53                                  14,340,348,882.97
     Other       equity      instrument
                                               4,662,455,797.90                                       7,000,000.00        4,669,455,797.90

                                        2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                               Ending Fair Value
                                            Measurement of        Measurement of level    Measurement of level
                                          level 1 of fair value     2 of fair value         3 of fair value
                                               hierarchy               hierarchy               hierarchy

     Other non-current financial
                                             2,012,020,000.00         2,415,983,204.49                                4,428,003,204.49
Total of assets measured at fair
                                             8,368,112,855.18       50,616,057,813.76              26,257,727.88     59,010,428,396.82
value continuously
     Derivative financial liabilities                                  184,811,894.98                                   184,811,894.98
Total of liabilities measured at fair
                                                                       184,811,894.98                                   184,811,894.98
value continuously

2. Basis for determining market prices of items measured within the level 1 of fair value hierarchy
continuously and not continuously
Trading financial assets, other current assets, other debt investment - bonds, other equity instrument investments, and other non-current
financial assets held by the Company and measured within the level 1 of fair value hierarchy are determined based on the quotation of
corresponding products and investment projects on the open market.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters for items
measured within level 2 of fair value hierarchy continuously and not continuously
Receivables financing held by the Company measured within the level 2 of fair value hierarchy is the bank acceptance bills and accounts
receivable held by the Company, and their corresponding transfer and discounted amounts are used as the basis for determining their
market prices.
Trading financial assets - structured deposits, non-current assets due within one year, other debt investments, other non-current financial
assets, and derivative financial liabilities held by the Company and measured within level 2 of fair value hierarchy are mainly forward
hedging instruments, large-denomination negotiable certificate of deposit, and assets management plans, thus determining their market
value based on the recoverable amount of the corresponding financial assets.

4. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters for items
measured within level 3 of fair value hierarchy continuously and not continuously
Trading financial assets and non-trading equity instrument investments designated to be measured at fair value with their changes
included in other comprehensive income held by the Company and measured within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are mainly items
that have no observable data validation in the active market and use their data to make financial predictions.

5. For continuous fair value measurement items, in case of conversion among different levels during the
current period, the reasons for conversion and the policy for determining the timing for conversion

6. Changes in valuation techniques and reasons for changes occurred during the current period

7. Fair values of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

X     Affiliated parties and affiliated transaction

1. Parent company of the Company
The Company has no controlling shareholders or substantial controllers.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

For details, see Note (VII) 1 Equity in Subsidiaries.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
For important joint ventures and associates of the Company, see the Note VII 2 Equity in Joint Ventures and Associates of the Company.
For other joint ventures and associates of the Company, see the Note V 17 Long-term Equity Investment.

4. Other affiliated parties

                      Name of other affiliates                           Relationships of other affiliated parties with the Company
 Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. and its      Companies held by directors of the Company or where a director
 holding companies                                                  of the Company acts as chair of the board
                                                                    Companies where directors of the Company act as executive
 Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Companies where directors of the Company act as executive
 Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                    directors and general managers
                                                                    Company where the son of the Company's supervisor acts as
 Shandong Meili Property Co., Ltd.
                                                                    executive director and manager.
                                                                    Company where the son of the Company's director acts as
 Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co., Ltd.
                                                                    executive directors
                                                                    Company where the Company's independent directors serve as its
 ETR Law Firm
                                                                    partner chair
 Shandong Red April Holding Group Co., Ltd. and its                 Company held by the Company's supervisor and where the
 subsidiaries                                                       Company's supervisor acts as executive director and manager.
                                                                    Companies where the son of the Company's directors acts as
 Henan Hongli Electric Appliances Sales Co., Ltd.
                                                                    executive directors and general managers
                                                                    Company where the younger brother of the Company's supervisor
 Zibo Qiaopeng Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                    acts as an executive director and manager.
 Shandong Jierui Logistics Co., Ltd.                                Company held by the Company's supervisor.

 Hunan Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                Company that have a significant impact on it by the Company.

 Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                 Company that have a significant impact on it by the Company.

 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding subsidiaries     Company in which the Company holds over 5.00% of its shares.

Affiliated transaction

(1) Affiliated transactions of purchase and sale of commodities, provision and receiving labor services

1) Purchase of commodities/receiving labor services

                                                       Type of            Content of
                                                                                           Amount incurred in      Amount incurred for
               Affiliated parties                     Affiliated          Affiliated
                                                                                            the current period     the previous period
                                                     Transaction         Transactions
 Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.                                   Accessories                 39,096,011.43           58,532,547.11
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its        Material
                                                                     Raw materials            1,823,440,035.04        2,527,902,885.40
 holding subsidiaries                             procurement
 Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy                     Material
                                                                     Raw materials                    530,973.42
 Automobile Co., Ltd.                             procurement
 Hunan Green Renewable Resources                  Material
                                                                     Raw materials                     15,284.03          7,895,587.14
 Recycling Co., Ltd.                              procurement
 Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its         Service
                                                                     Interest expense            28,480,495.00
 holding companies                                procurement
 Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.                                Interest expense             5,633,699.15            1,387,542.20
                                                  Service            Publicity      and
 Outlook All Media Co., Ltd.                                                                                              1,849,056.61
                                                  procurement        advertising fee
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its        Service
                                                                     Transport service                711,075.42
 holding subsidiaries                             procurement
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its        Fixed asset        Equipment
 holding subsidiaries                             procurement        procurement
 Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric
                                                  Accept money
 Appliances Co., Ltd. and its holding                                Interest expense                      83.91                 85.02

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                      Type of              Content of
                                                                                          Amount incurred in       Amount incurred for
              Affiliated parties                     Affiliated            Affiliated
                                                                                           the current period      the previous period
                                                    Transaction           Transactions
 Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,          Accept money
                                                                       Interest expense                    57.58              7,700.16
 Ltd.                                            deposits
 Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,       Accept money
                                                                       Interest expense                                         96.10
 Ltd.                                            deposits
                                                 Accept money
 Shandong Meili Property Co., Ltd.                                     Interest expense                                           0.17
 DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System            Service
                                                                       Design services                 18,867.92
 Co., Ltd. and its holding companies             procurement
 Total                                                                                       1,898,457,582.90         2,597,575,499.91
2) Schedule of commodity sold/services provided

                                                     Type of               Content of
                                                                                          Amount incurred in       Amount incurred for
              Affiliated parties                    Affiliated             Affiliated
                                                                                            current period         the previous period
                                                   Transaction            Transactions
 Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.               Loan                 Interest income                 939,755.42          1,055,231.60
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its
                                                 Loan                 Interest income                  11,901.29              8,055.86
 holding subsidiaries
 Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,                               Commission
                                                 Loan                                                       4.91                14.62
 Ltd.                                                                 income
 Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric
 Appliances Co., Ltd. and its holding            Loan                                                                             9.91
 Shandong Meili Property Co., Ltd.               Loan                                                                             5.19
 Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue          5,731,889,146.80         6,174,062,804.40
 Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.,
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue          4,142,114,712.28         2,817,582,876.54
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue           886,224,374.20          1,066,814,988.67
 holding subsidiaries
 Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co.,
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue           101,355,077.81            86,581,480.47
 Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue                   569,555.04
 Automobile Co., Ltd.
 Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.               Sale of goods        Sales revenue                   417,472.01           154,826.18

 Eocell Limited                                  Sale of goods        Sales revenue                    27,570.07

 ETR Law Firm                                    Sale of goods        Sales revenue                    10,250.01            29,989.22

 Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.            Sale of goods        Sales revenue                     3,074.34            10,662.83
 Hunan Green Renewable Resources
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue                     2,160.00
 Recycling Co., Ltd.
 Shandong Red April Holding Group Co.,
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue                                        152,586.11
 Ltd. and its subsidiaries
 Henan Hongli Electric Appliances Sales
                                                 Sale of goods        Sales revenue                                         14,158.41
 Co., Ltd.
 Zibo Qiaopeng Trade Co., Ltd.                   Sale of goods        Sales revenue                                            452.83

                    Total                                                                  10,863,565,054.18        10,146,468,142.84

(2) Associated trusteeship management/contracting or entrusted management/contract awarding


(3) Associated lease

1) The Company as the Lessor:

                                                                                                  Recognized Rental Income
                    Name of the Leasee                            Type of Leased Assets
                                                                                          Amount incurred in       Amount incurred for
                                                                                           the current period      the previous period
 Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding
                                                                  Lease of fixed assets                                        884.96

                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                 Recognized Rental Income
                   Name of the Leasee                         Type of Leased Assets
                                                                                       Amount incurred in     Amount incurred for
                                                                                        the current period    the previous period
                          Total                                                                                             884.96
2) The Company as the Leasee:

(4) Associated guarantee


(5) Fund lending among affiliated parties


(6) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of affiliated parties


(7) Remunerations for key management personnel

                                                                                              Amount incurred for the previous
                 Item                          Amount incurred in the current period
 Remunerations for key management
                                                                           31,583,041.09                              28,776,688.73

(8) Other affiliated transactions


6. Receivables and payables of affiliated parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                     Ending Balance                       Beginning Balance
    Item                  Affiliated parties
                                                                                  Bad debt                                Bad debt
                                                            Book balance                            Book balance
                                                                                  reserves                                reserves
Accounts       Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and
                                                            287,911,901.16       14,395,595.07       275,974,949.72     13,798,747.48
receivable     its holding subsidiaries
Accounts       Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy
                                                            180,395,669.13       94,149,507.45       149,538,519.93     20,262,046.82
receivable     Automobile Co., Ltd.
Accounts       Wuhu Green Renewable Resources
                                                               6,053,077.41       3,026,538.71         6,053,077.41      1,210,615.48
receivable     Recycling Co., Ltd.
Receivables    Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade
                                                           1,336,259,825.18                        1,682,308,050.00
financing      Co., Ltd.
Receivables    Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade
                                                            748,666,894.28                           563,643,910.00
financing      Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Jierui Logistics Co., Ltd.          312,596,763.66                               807,003.00
Receivables    Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and
                                                            221,903,936.78                           209,459,790.34
financing      its holding subsidiaries
Receivables    Shandong Red April Holding Group
financing      Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
               Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric
               Appliances Co., Ltd. and its holding           54,569,724.30                            7,212,720.20
Receivables    Henan Hongli Electric Appliances Sales
financing      Co., Ltd.
               Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its
Prepayments                                                   12,164,450.00
               holding companies

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                            Ending Balance                       Beginning Balance
     Item                    Affiliated parties
                                                                                        Bad debt                                 Bad debt
                                                                Book balance                               Book balance
                                                                                        reserves                                 reserves
                  Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and
Prepayments                                                         2,349,194.19                                159,295.76
                  its holding subsidiaries

Prepayments       Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.                    21,117.45

Other             DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System
                                                                 172,380,562.38        86,190,281.19
receivables       Co., Ltd. and its holding companies
Other             Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its
                                                                  20,000,000.00         3,000,000.00         20,050,000.00      1,002,500.00
receivables       holding companies
                  Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.                                                        2,000,000.00        100,000.00
Other             Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and
                                                                          5,000.00           350.00
receivables       its holding subsidiaries
Contract          Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy
                                                                    4,866,569.63        1,946,627.85         35,730,398.83      3,908,613.13
assets            Automobile Co., Ltd.
                  Wuhan Digital Design and
                  Manufacturing Innovation Center Co.,                                                          230,520.00         11,526.00
Other non-        Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its
                                                                  18,500,000.00         2,775,000.00         18,450,000.00
current assets    holding companies

    Total                                                      3,568,552,247.01       205,483,900.27      3,225,674,735.19     40,294,048.91

(2) Payables

                 Item                                  Affiliated parties                      Ending Balance         Beginning Balance
                                     Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co.,
 Accept money deposits                                                                                   16,124.33              16,034.42
                                     Ltd. and its holding companies
 Accept money deposits               Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                         11,323.41              10,965.83
                                     Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding
 Accounts payable                                                                                  184,621,746.92          315,231,596.28
                                     Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy Automobile Co.,
 Accounts payable                                                                                   17,001,014.00            16,931,987.45
 Accounts payable                    Beijing Gree Technology Co., Ltd.                                 8,942,070.53           7,746,578.74
                                     Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co.,
 Accounts payable                                                                                      3,789,547.79           3,789,547.79
                                     Hunan Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co.,
 Accounts payable                                                                                      2,437,065.09           2,455,852.10
 Accounts payable                    Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                        249,988.68             249,988.68

 Other payables                      Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.                           20,065,000.00

 Other payables                      Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                      21,617.37             371,617.37
                                     Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding
 Other payables                                                                                          12,200.00              12,200.00
                                     Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co.,
 Other payables                                                                                             204.24                 204.24
                                     Ltd. and its holding companies
 Other payables                      Shandong Jierui Logistics Co., Ltd.                                       0.26                   0.26

 Contract liabilities                Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                   589,585,262.00         1,467,255,376.86

 Contract liabilities                Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                368,281,472.85          711,732,407.73

 Contract liabilities                Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co., Ltd.                        5,780,268.45
                                     Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding
 Contract liabilities                                                                                   416,534.37              82,274.34
 Other current liabilities           Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                    76,646,084.07          190,743,199.00

 Other current liabilities           Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co., Ltd.                 47,876,591.48            92,525,213.00

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

               Item                                    Affiliated parties                       Ending Balance       Beginning Balance

 Other current liabilities          Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co., Ltd.                        751,496.78
                                    Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. and its holding
 Other current liabilities                                                                             54,149.47              10,695.66
                                    Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its holding
 Long-term payables                                                                                83,990,713.19         284,365,068.96
 Long-term payables                 Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.                           16,053,322.20          66,568,502.22
 Non-current liabilities     due    Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co., Ltd. and its holding
                                                                                                  129,789,372.21          57,772,199.14
 within one year                    companies
 Non-current liabilities     due
                                    Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.                           34,595,617.06          23,069,527.48
 within one year
               Total                                                                            1,590,988,786.75        3,240,941,037.55

7. Commitment of affiliated parties

XI Share-based payment

1.   Overall situation of share-based payment

                                        Item                                                               Content

Total amount of equity instruments granted this year                                     None

Total amount of equity instruments exercised this year                                   None

Total amount of various equity instruments that have expired this year                   None
The exercise price range and remaining contract term of shares issued to the public at
                                                                                         RMB24.68/share; half a year.
the end of the year

2.   Equity settled share-based payments

                                        Item                                                               Content
                                                                                         The Company determines the fair value of
                                                                                         the employee stock ownership plan by
Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments on the grant date
                                                                                         deducting the grant price from the market
                                                                                         price on the grant date.
                                                                                         By assessing the company's performance and
                                                                                         individual performance per year, the
                                                                                         Company takes the number of equity
                                                                                         instruments held by incentive targets
                                                                                         achieving the assessment goals as the basis.
                                                                                         On each balance sheet date during the vesting
                                                                                         period, the Company makes the best estimate
Basis for determining the number of exercisable equity instruments
                                                                                         of subsequent information such as the latest
                                                                                         change in number of vesting employees to
                                                                                         correct the estimated number of vested equity
                                                                                         instruments. On the vesting date, the final
                                                                                         estimated number of exercisable equity
                                                                                         instruments is consistent with their actual
Reasons for significant differences between estimates in the current year and the
previous year
Accumulated amount of equity settled share-based payments recognized in capital
Total expenses recognized for equity settled share-based payments this year                                             370,227,884.10

3.   Cash settled share-based payments

4.   Amendment and termination of share-based payment

                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Under the resolution of the 5th meeting of the 12th Board of Directors, the Company adjusted the performance assessment indicators of
the phase I employee stock ownership plan;
(1) Assessment indicators before amendment. The first vesting period: The net profit in 2021 should increase by no less than 10%
compared with that in 2020, and the cash dividend per share should not be less than RMB2 or the total cash dividend should not be less
than 50% of the net profit in the current year. The second vesting period: The net profit in 2022 shall increase by no less than 20%
compared with that in 2020, and the cash dividend per share shall not be less than RMB2 or the total cash dividend shall not be less than
50% of the net profit in the current year. Upon the expiration of the first vesting period, if the Company's performance assessment
indicators do not meet the standards, all the attributable shares in the first period will be deferred to the second vesting period for
consolidated assessment. If the Company's performance assessment indicators in the second vesting period meet the assessment
standards, and the total net profits in 2021 and 2022 are not less than 230% of the net profits in 2020, the management committee will
vest the attributable stock equity in both two periods based on the individual performance assessment results of the employees.
(2) Assessment indicators after amendment. The first vesting period: The net profit in 2021 should increase by no less than RMB1 billion
compared with that in 2020, and the cash dividends per share should not be less than RMB2 or the total cash dividends should not be less
than 50% of the net profit in the current year. The second vesting period: The net profit in 2022 should increase by no less than RMB2
billion compared with that in 2020, the return on equity (ROE) of the Company in 2022 should not be less than 22%, and the cash
dividend per share should not be less than RMB2 or the total cash dividend should not be less than 50% of the net profit in the current
year. Upon the expiration of the first vesting period, if the Company's performance assessment indicators do not meet the standards, all
the attributable shares in the first period will be deferred to the second vesting period for consolidated assessment. If the Company's
performance assessment indicators in the second vesting period meet the assessment standards, and the total increase in net profit for
2021 and 2022 compared with that in 2020 is not be less than RMB3 billion, the management committee will vest the attributable stock
equity in both two periods based on the individual performance assessment results of the employees.

XII Commitments and contingencies

1. Important commitments
On December 10, 2018, DunAn Environment and Shuifa Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shuifa Energy") reached
and signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement on the proposed sales of main assets and businesses of DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving
System Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Energy Saving") form DunAn Environment to Shuifa Energy, including 100%
equity of Changyuan DunAn Energy Saving Heating Co., Ltd., 75% equity of Hebi DunAn Heating Co., Ltd., 100% equity of Shandong
Aoxiang Electric Power Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd., 100% equity of Yongji DunAn Heating Co., Ltd., and Yuanping
Branch of DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System Co., Ltd., all above held by Tianjin Energy Saving. Upon multiple rounds of
negotiations, on November 21, 2019, Zhejiang DunAn Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Energy
Saving"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of DunAn Environment, reached an equity transfer agreement with Shuifa Energy to transfer its
65% equity in Tianjin Energy Saving to Shuifa Energy. On December 30, 2019, Tianjin Energy Saving completed the changes in
industrial and commercial registration, changed its legal representative, re-elected members of its board of directors, and revised its
articles of association. Under the Equity Transfer Agreement, the commitment period of both parties regarding the performance of
Tianjin Energy Saving is from 2019 to 2022. Zhejiang Energy Saving committed that the audited net profits deducting non-recurring
profits and losses (excluding various operational and policy subsidies) of Tianjin Energy Saving will not be less than RMB74,766,900,
RMB97,368,400, RMB98,368,700, and RMB106,153,100, respectively.
Within the aforementioned commitment period, if the cumulative performance reaches the total net profit for four years, the performance
commitment shall be deemed as completed. At the end of the commitment period, performance compensation is calculated based on the
Audit Report of DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System Co., Ltd.(No.: XYZH/2023JNAA7B0026) provided by DunAn Environment
and issued by the Shandong Branch of ShineWing (Special General Partnership) on March 1, 2023, and included in the long-term equity
investment income; meanwhile, the calculation method of performance commitment stipulated in the Equity Transfer Agreement signed
between Zhejiang Energy Saving and Shuifa Energy is under confirmation with Shuifa Energy.

2. Contingencies
(1) In December 2015, Sunshine Life Insurance Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Sunshine Insurance") and Gree
Altairnano New Energy Inc.(hereinafter referred to as "Gree Altairnano New Energy") and the original major shareholder Zhuhai

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Yinlong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yinlong Group") and its actual controller Wei Yincang signed a
capital increase agreement and a supplementary agreement, agreed to increase capital by RMB1 billion from Sunshine Insurance to Gree
Altairnano New Energy, and agreed on a "valuation adjustment mechanism on performance." Later, due to unsatisfactory performance,
Sunshine Insurance filed an arbitration at the Shenzhen International Arbitration Court, claiming performance compensation from Gree
Altairnano New Energy and Yinlong Group, as well as Wei Yincang. The specific claims were a principal of RMB1 billion and interest
of over RMB150 million, totaling over RMB1.15 billion. Under the capital increase agreement and supplementary agreement, Yinlong
Group and Wei Yincang bear the direct responsibility for performance compensation, and Gree Altairnano New Energy bears indirect
responsibility for the debt as the performance does not reach the agreed standard. This case is currently waiting for the arbitral court to
investigate and obtain evidence and ruling upon two hearings and several written exchanges of opinions. The amount of litigation cost
required to be borne by Gree Altairnano New Energy can hardly be estimated yet.
A capital increase agreement similar to "valuation adjustment mechanism on performance" with Sunshine Insurance involves a total of 7
shareholders (excluding Sunshine Insurance), with an investment principal of RMB1.11 billion.
(2) Under the Equity Transfer Agreement signed between Zhejiang Energy Saving and Shuifa Energy on November 21, 2019, the 65%
equity of Tianjin Energy Saving held by Zhejiang Energy Saving shall be transferred to Shuifa Energy, and Zhejiang Energy Saving shall
bear any contingent liabilities existing before the audit base date. On April 28, 2017, Hongyi Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "Hongyi Group") and Changyuan DunAn Energy Saving Heating Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changyuan
DunAn"), a subsidiary of Tianjin Energy Saving, signed a construction contract for the Central Heating Work of the Changyuan DunAn
Heating Project (2017 expansion project). On July 30, 2018, both parties signed a construction contract for the 2018 Installation Work of
the Secondary Pipe Network and Risers in the Building of the Changyuan Energy Saving Central Heating Project. Due to the failure to
pay the project payment of RMB22,745,500 in time, Hongyi Group filed to the Court for conservatory measures against Zhejiang Energy
Saving's property worth RMB20,949,800. Shuifa Energy field to the court for conservatory measures against Zhejiang Energy Saving's
property worth RMB26 million due to the payment of contingent liabilities by Tianjin Energy Saving and its subsidiaries. DunAn
Environment is actively hiring intermediary agencies to audit the costs of above works of energy saving project to determine the amount
of the aforementioned contingent liabilities, but as of the base date, the specific amount of these contingent liabilities cannot be
determined yet. For the undetermined amount of contingent liabilities mentioned above, DunAn Environment has accounted for a 50%
ratio of bad debt reserves based on a total of RMB393,880,562.38 of debts receivable from Tianjin Energy Saving and Shuifa Energy at
the end of the period.
(3) On June 23, 2017, Zhejiang DunAn Precision Industries Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "DunAn Precision Industries")
and the Zhejiang Branch of China Export-Import Bank (hereinafter referred to as "EXIMBC") signed a loan contract (Export Seller
Credit) with the number of (2017) JCY(ZXH)Z No. 1-030. The loan contract was extended on June 20, 2018 and December 13, 2018 by
signing extension agreements, respectively; and a supplementary agreement was signed on May 14, 2019. As of now, the outstanding
loan of DunAn Precision Industries is RMB55 million. The EXIMBC has sued DunAn Precision Industries, Zhejiang DunAn Hetian
Metals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "DunAn Hetian"), and Zhejiang DunAn International Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
as "DunAn International Trade") with them as the actual users of the loan, claiming that the three defendants jointly repay the loan
principal of RMB55 million and interest, as well as the attorney fees and other expenses, and DunAn Holding shall bear joint and several
liabilities. On May 5, 2022, under the Civil Judgment of Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang Province (2021) (Z 01 MC
No. 2806), the litigation request for ordering DunAn Hetian and DunAn International Trade to return the principal, interest, and attorney
fees to EXIMBC has been rejected under the law. Given that the plaintiff, Zhejiang Branch of China Export-Import Bank, did not file an
appeal within the statutory term, the first instance judgment has come into force.

3. Others

XIII Matters after the balance sheet date

1. Important non-adjustment matters

2. Distribution of profits

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

Under the resolution at the 12th meeting of the 12th session of the Board of Directors, the Company's profit distribution plan for 2022 is
as follows: Since the total shares entitled to profit distribution as of April 28, 2023, totaling 5,613,841,613 shares (total share capital of
5,631,405,741 shares less 17,564,128 shares held in the Company's repo account), is proposed as the base temporarily, the Company
plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB10 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all shareholders, totaling RMB5,613,841,613. This
distribution plan still requires approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

3. Sales return
No important sales return occurred after the balance sheet date.

4. Other matters after the balance sheet date

XIV Other important matters

1. Correction of accounting errors in the previous period

2. Debt restructuring

3. Asset replacement

(1) Exchange of non-monetary assets


(2) Replacement of other assets


4. Annuity plan

5. Discontinued operation
                                                                                                                                 Profit from
                                                                                        Income tax
           Item                  Revenue         Expense           Total profits                            Net Profits        attributable to
                                                                                                                                 owners of
Gree (USA) Sales Co.,
                                                 128,476.41          -128,476.41              5,392.08        -133,868.49         -133,868.49
Shanxi Yinlong
Guangtong New Energy                               73,939.58          -73,939.58                                -73,939.58         -73,939.58
Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd.


                                                 Net cash flows from               Net cash flows from              Net cash flows from
                                                 operating activities              investment activities            financing activities
Gree (USA) Sales Co., Ltd.                                   -133,868.50
Shanxi Yinlong Guangtong New Energy
Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd.

6. Other important transactions and matters affecting investor decisions

(1) The Company registers various debt financing instruments and issues SCPs
                                    2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders deliberated and approved the Proposal on Proposed Application for Unified
Registration of Various Debt Financing Instruments, and agreed to apply for unified registration of various debt financing instruments,
with the total amount not exceeding RMB20 billion (inclusive). The varieties of debt financing instruments include SCPs, commercial
papers (CPs), medium-term notes (MTNs), asset-backed medium-term notes (ABNs), perpetual notes (PNs), private placement notes
The National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as the "NAFMII") has agreed to the
registration of the Company's debt financing instruments and issued the Notice of Acceptance of Registration. The registration of the
Company's debt financing instruments is valid for two years from the date stipulated on the Notice of Acceptance of Registration, and is
underwritten by the Agricultural Bank of China. The Company may publicly issue serial SCPs, CPs, MTNs, ABNs, PNs, green debt
financing instruments and other products within the registration validity period, and may also issue related products in introduction. The
current main underwriter, issuing products, issuing scale, issuing period and other factors shall be determined at each issue. After the
issuance is completed, the issuance results shall be disclosed through channels recognized by the NAFMII.
According to the Company's funding plan and interbank market situation, from March 27 to March 28, 2023, the Company issued the
phase I green SCPs for the year 2023, with an actual total issuance amount of RMB900 million, which is expected to be cashed on
October 25, 2023.

(2) The Company implements the phase II employee stock ownership plan

On May 20, 2022, the Company held the 5th meeting of the 12th Board of Directors and approved the Proposal on the Phase II
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred to as the "Phase II Employee
Stock Ownership Plan") and the Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to
Handle Matters Related to the Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan of the Company. The price for purchasing the Company's repo
shares under the phase II employee stock ownership plan is RMB16.36/share, which is 50% of the closing price of RMB32.72/share on
the trading day before the Board Meeting. The number of shares covered by the phase II employee stock ownership plan shall not exceed
The performance assessment indicators of the Company are as follows: In the first assessment period, the net profit in 2022 should
increase by no less than RMB2 billion compared with that in 2020, and the net ROE of the Company in 2022 should not be less than
22%, the cash dividend per share of the year should not be less than RMB2, or the total cash dividend should not be less than 50% of the
net profit in the current year. In the second assessment period, the net profit in 2023 should increase by no less than RMB3 billion
compared with that in 2020, and the net ROE of the Company in 2023 should not be less than 21%, the cash dividend per share of the
year will not be less than RMB2, or the total cash dividend should not be less than 50% of the net profit in the current year. Upon the
expiration of the first vesting period, if the Company's performance assessment indicators do not meet the standards, all the attributable
shares in the first period will be deferred to the second vesting period for consolidated assessment. If the Company's performance
assessment indicators in the second vesting period meet the assessment standards, and the total increase in net profit for 2022 and 2023
compared with that in 2020 is not be less than RMB5 billion, the management committee will vest the attributable stock equity in both
two periods based on the individual performance assessment results of the employees. Individual performance assessment is subject to
the Company's internal individual performance assessment measures.
On August 5, 2022, the Company distributed a cash dividend of RMB2 (tax inclusive) per share to all shareholders, completing the 2021
annual equity distribution. Under the above regulations, the price for purchasing the Company's repo shares in the phase II employee
stock ownership plan was adjusted from RMB16.36 per share to RMB14.36 per share.
On February 6, 2023, the Company received the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration from the Shenzhen Branch of CSDC.
The Company's repo special securities account transferred 77,163,880 shares to the special account for the "Gree Electric Appliances, Inc.
of Zhuhai - Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan" through non-transaction transfer on February 3, 2023, accounting for 1.37% of the
Company's total share capital, with a total purchase amount of RMB1,108,073,316.80.

(3) Company guarantee

As of December 31, 2022, the total amount of guarantees provided by Gree Altairnano New Energy, a holding subsidiary of the
Company, was RMB4,367,747,000, of which the total amount of guarantees provided by Gree Altairnano New Energy to its subsidiaries
for short-term borrowings, long-term loans, accounts payable (EICT), bank acceptance bills issued, long-term payables and other funds
was RMB1,723,248,700; the total amount of guarantees provided to companies outside the Consolidated Statements was

                                          2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

RMB2,644,498,300 (which is the stock guarantee provided by Gree Altairnano New Energy to its customers such as public transport
companies for vehicle purchase business by financial lease).

(4) Financial support

1) Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc., a holding subsidiary of the Company, provided financial loans of RMB94,200, RMB681,400,
RMB23,019,800 and RMB17,200 respectively to its original shareholder and its affiliated parties Wei Yincang, Sun Guohua, Zhuhai
Yinlong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. As of the date of this Annual Report, the aforesaid loans have not been recovered.
2) On November 21, 2019, Zhejiang DunAn Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Energy Saving"),
a holding subsidiary of the Company, signed an equity transfer agreement with Shuifa Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"Shuifa Energy"). Zhejiang Energy Saving agreed to transfer its 65% equity and related rights of creditor of Tianjin Energy Saving (and
its subsidiaries and branches) to Shuifa Energy (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Energy Saving Equity Transfer"), with an equity
transfer price of RMB390 million, a payment for rights of creditor transfer of RMB390 million, totaling RMB780 million; after the
completion of the Tianjin Energy Saving Equity Transfer, the shareholding ratio of Zhejiang Energy Saving in Tianjin Energy Saving
decreased from 100% to 35%, and Tianjin Energy Saving became a joint stock company of the Company. Zhejiang Energy Saving's
credit of RMB60 million to Tianjin Energy Saving thereby formed passive financial support. Before Shuifa Energy paid for the rights of
creditor transfer, Zhejiang Energy Saving had a credit of RMB600 million to Tianjin Energy Saving, forming financial support of
RMB600 million; After Shuifa Energy paid RMB390 million for the rights of creditor transfer under the Equity Transfer Agreement,
Zhejiang Energy Saving had a remaining credit of RMB210 million to Tianjin Energy Saving, forming financial support of RMB210

XV Notes to main items of financial statements of the parent company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by account age

                            Account age                                                         Ending Balance

 Within 1 year                                                                                                            2,801,488,718.60

 12 years                                                                                                                  122,421,456.35

 23 years                                                                                                                   19,975,735.77

 Over 3 years                                                                                                               20,339,910.40

                             Subtotal                                                                                     2,964,225,821.12

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                                                                   152,602,498.35

                                  Total                                                                                   2,811,623,322.77

(2) Disclosure of accounts receivable classification

                                                                                     Ending Balance

                  Category                              Book balance                       Bad debt reserves
                                                                                                                            Book value
                                                                    Proportion                             Credit loss
                                                    Amount                             Amount
                                                                       (%)                                  rate (%)
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                                     4,715,115.32            0.16      4,715,115.32             100.00
 reserves accrued by individual item
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                                 2,959,510,705.80        99.84      147,887,383.03                 5.00   2,811,623,322.77
 reserves accrued by portfolios
 Including: account age portfolio                2,113,830,562.80        71.31      147,887,383.03                 7.00   1,965,943,179.77

           Free-risk portfolios                   845,680,143.00         28.53                                             845,680,143.00

                    Total                        2,964,225,821.12       100.00      152,602,498.35                 5.15   2,811,623,322.77

                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai


                                                                                    Beginning Balance

                   Category                           Book balance                          Bad debt reserves
                                                                                                                                    Book value
                                                                    Proportion                               Credit loss
                                                  Amount                                Amount
                                                                       (%)                                    rate (%)
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                                   4,715,115.32             0.12        4,715,115.32                 100.00
 reserves accrued by individual item
 Accounts receivable with bad debt
                                              3,867,631,846.10           99.88        182,011,896.81                    4.71      3,685,619,949.29
 reserves accrued by portfolios
 Including: account age portfolio             3,127,809,201.36           80.77        182,011,896.81                    5.82      2,945,797,304.55

          Free-risk portfolios                   739,822,644.74          19.11                                                     739,822,644.74

                    Total                     3,872,346,961.42          100.00        186,727,012.13                    4.82      3,685,619,949.29

1) Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by individual item:

                                                                          Ending Balance
 Company Name
                              Book balance            Bad debt reserves               Credit loss rate (%)               Reason for accruing
                                                                                                                     It is expected to be difficult
 Unit 1                           4,715,115.32                    4,715,115.32                         100.00
                                                                                                                     to be recovered in full
         Total                    4,715,115.32                    4,715,115.32                         100.00

2) In the portfolio, accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by account age portfolio:

     Account age                          Book balance                              Bad debt reserves                      Credit loss rate (%)

 Within 1 year                                      1,955,808,575.60                             97,790,428.79                                  5.00

 12 years                                             122,421,456.35                             24,484,291.27                               20.00

 23 years                                              19,975,735.77                              9,987,867.89                               50.00

 Over 3 years                                          15,624,795.08                             15,624,795.08                             100.00

          Total                                     2,113,830,562.80                            147,887,383.03                                  7.00

(3) Bad debt reserves accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                            Recovery or reversal in the current
         Category                      Beginning Balance                                                                       Ending Balance
 Accrual          by
                                                         4,715,115.32                                                                 4,715,115.32
 individual item
 Account         age
                                                      182,011,896.81                             34,124,513.78                     147,887,383.03
           Total                                      186,727,012.13                             34,124,513.78                     152,602,498.35
[Note] No important recovery or reversal of bad debt reserves during the current period.

(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period:

(5) Accounts receivable of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

                                                                            Proportion (%) to the Total Ending           Ending Balance of Bad
    Name of entity            Ending Balance of Accounts Receivable
                                                                             Balance of Accounts Receivable                 Debt Reserves
 First                                                943,104,423.38                                         31.82                   47,155,221.17

 Second                                               689,467,999.07                                         23.26

 Third                                                107,230,596.92                                          3.62                    5,361,529.85

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                          Proportion (%) to the Total Ending      Ending Balance of Bad
    Name of entity         Ending Balance of Accounts Receivable
                                                                           Balance of Accounts Receivable            Debt Reserves
 Fourth                                               89,675,044.46                                      3.03                  4,483,752.22

 Fifth                                                83,699,704.97                                      2.82                  4,184,985.25

          Total                                    1,913,177,768.80                                     64.55                 61,185,488.49

(6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets


(7) Assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and continuous involvement of accounts receivable


2. Other receivables

                              Item                                            Ending Balance                      Beginning Balance

 Other receivables [Note 1]                                                              3,602,220,649.55                   2,076,879,180.43

                              Total                                                      3,602,220,649.55                   2,076,879,180.43
[Note 1] Other receivables in the table above refer to other receivables after deduction of interest receivables and dividends receivable;
[Note 2] The Company has no beginning and ending balance of interests receivable and dividends receivable.

(1) Dividends receivable


(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables classified by nature

                      Nature of payment                                     Ending book balance                 Beginning book balance

 Intercourse and free-risk funds                                                         3,611,496,688.61                   2,083,804,977.50

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                                    9,276,039.06                       6,925,797.07

                              Total                                                      3,602,220,649.55                   2,076,879,180.43

2) Accrual of bad debt reserves

                                       Phase Ⅰ                     Phase Ⅱ                         Phase Ⅲ
                                                            Expected credit losses for     Expected credit losses for the
     Bad debt reserves          Expected credit losses                                                                            Total
                                                               the entire duration               entire duration
                                for the next 12 months
                                                             (no credit impairment)        (credit impairment occurred)
 Beginning Balance                         1,918,422.41                                                     5,007,374.66       6,925,797.07
 Accrual in the current
                                             139,888.84                                                     2,210,353.15       2,350,241.99
 Ending Balance                            2,058,311.25                                                     7,217,727.81       9,276,039.06

3) Disclosure by account age

                      Account age                                                            Book balance

 Within 1 year                                                                                                              3,593,232,529.73

 12 years                                                                                                                      8,697,524.27

 23 years                                                                                                                      8,176,823.31

                                      2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                        Account age                                                         Book balance

 Over 3 years                                                                                                                1,389,811.30

                         Subtotal                                                                                         3,611,496,688.61

 Less: Bad debt reserves                                                                                                     9,276,039.06

                           Total                                                                                          3,602,220,649.55

4) Bad debt reserves accrued, recovered or transferred back in the current period

          Category                        Beginning Balance                  Current accrual/reversal              Ending Balance

Account age portfolio                                  6,925,797.07                         2,350,241.99                       9,276,039.06

            Total                                      6,925,797.07                         2,350,241.99                       9,276,039.06

5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period


6) Other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

                                                                                              Proportion to the total
                                                                                                                              Balance of
  Name of entity        Nature of payment         Ending Balance           Account age       ending balance of other
                                                                                                                              Bad Debt
                                                                                                 receivables (%)
 First                  Free-risk funds           1,639,993,730.52     Within 1 year                              45.41

 Second                 Free-risk funds           1,317,005,860.00     Within 1 year                              36.47

 Third                  Free-risk funds             255,752,915.46     Within 1 year                               7.08

 Fourth                 Free-risk funds             173,610,000.00     Within 1 year                               4.81

 Fifth                  Free-risk funds             116,036,705.58     Within 1 year                               3.21

         Total                                    3,502,399,211.56                                                96.98

7) Receivables involving government grants


8) Other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets


9) Assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and continuous involvement of other receivables


                                                                       2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                         Ending Balance                                                                      Beginning Balance
                                                                         Impairment                                                                           Impairment
                                               Book balance                                          Book value                     Book balance                                           Book value
                                                                          provision                                                                            provision
 Investments to subsidiaries                    25,037,260,734.86                                       25,037,260,734.86            20,871,011,854.66                                      20,871,011,854.66
 Investments to associates and joint
                                                  4,257,128,029.39         1,940,009.35                  4,255,188,020.04             9,019,517,140.98         1,940,009.35                  9,017,577,131.63
                Total                           29,294,388,764.25          1,940,009.35                 29,292,448,754.90            29,890,528,995.64         1,940,009.35                 29,888,588,986.29

(1) Investments to subsidiaries

                                                                                                   Increase/Decrease in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ending balance of
                                                          Beginning balance                                                                                     Ending balance (book
                        Investee                                                                                             Accrual of                                                        impairment
                                                            (book value)              Additional         Decreased                                                     value)
                                                                                                                            impairment          Others                                           reserves
                                                                                      Investment         Investment
 Gree (Chongqing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                223,100,000.00                                                                 3,129,869.60              226,229,869.60

 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd.                             968,225,519.93                                                                11,904,271.50              980,129,791.43

 Zhuhai Gree Electric Enterprises Ltd.                        1,684,680,359.95                                                                4,245,059.51            1,688,925,419.46

 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronic Co., Ltd.                      154,290,096.61                                                                 3,296,986.22              157,587,082.83

 Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                   83,860,929.67                                                                 4,627,460.56                 88,488,390.23

 Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                    505,370,626.10                                                                 2,748,036.06              508,118,662.16
 Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co.,
                                                                30,000,000.00                                                                 2,886,680.43                 32,886,680.43
 Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited                    4,040,371,239.99        364,425,800.00                                           638,363.59             4,405,435,403.58

 Gree Electric Appliances (Brazil) Co., Ltd.                   659,342,914.36                                                                 1,436,865.61              660,779,779.97

 Hong Kong Gree Electric Appliances Sales Limited                    472,879.08                                                                                               472,879.08

 Shanghai Gree Air Conditioners Sales Co., Ltd.                   1,800,000.00                                                                                              1,800,000.00

 Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                   201,911,186.86                                                                  116,534.81               202,027,721.67

 Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd.                            283,117,574.47                                                                                           283,117,574.47
 Zhuhai Gree Green Refrigeration Technology
                                                               676,040,000.00                                                                                           676,040,000.00
 Research Center Co., Ltd.

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                          Increase/Decrease in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                                            Ending balance of
                                                    Beginning balance                                                                              Ending balance (book
                     Investee                                                                                     Accrual of                                                  impairment
                                                      (book value)           Additional         Decreased                                                 value)
                                                                                                                 impairment           Others                                    reserves
                                                                             Investment         Investment
Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.          720,000,000.00                                                              2,900,444.95          722,900,444.95

Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.              600,000,000.00                                                              2,507,444.72          602,507,444.72
Zhengzhou Gree Green Resources Recycling Co.,
                                                          5,000,000.00                                                                 8,960.53              5,008,960.53
Hunan Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                 5,000,000.00                                                                89,645.23              5,089,645.23

Wuhu Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.                  2,000,000.00                                                                83,410.43              2,083,410.43
Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Appliances Co.,
                                                         10,000,000.00                                                              1,393,405.86            11,393,405.86
Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.                20,000,000.00                                                              2,956,278.38            22,956,278.38

Shijiazhuang Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.          5,000,000.00                                                                 8,960.53              5,008,960.53

Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.        98,940,059.97                                                              3,337,664.29          102,277,724.26
Tianjin Green Renewable Resources Utilization
                                                          5,000,000.00                                                                                       5,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment
                                                        100,000,000.00                                                                                    100,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Home Appliances Co., Ltd.              30,000,000.00                                                                                      30,000,000.00

Zhuhai Ligao Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.           30,000,000.00                                                               365,623.06             30,365,623.06

Zhuhai EWPE Information Technology Inc.                 100,000,000.00                                                                                    100,000,000.00

Gree Changsha HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd.                   50,000,000.00                                                              2,571,759.08            52,571,759.08

Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co., Ltd.           140,000,000.00                                                              1,167,674.13          141,167,674.13

Gree Wuhu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.              30,000,000.00                                                               471,646.63             30,471,646.63

Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.             100,000,000.00                                                              5,056,894.40          105,056,894.40
Zhuhai Hengqin Gree Commercial Factoring Co.,
                                                        100,000,000.00                                                                                    100,000,000.00
Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd.                    100,000,000.00                                                              9,346,308.91          109,346,308.91
Gree (Wuhan) HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment
                                                        100,000,000.00                                                                                    100,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Technology
                                                         50,000,000.00                                                                26,881.58             50,026,881.58
Institute Co., Ltd.

                                                               2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                          Increase/Decrease in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                                            Ending balance of
                                                    Beginning balance                                                                              Ending balance (book
                     Investee                                                                                     Accrual of                                                  impairment
                                                      (book value)           Additional         Decreased                                                 value)
                                                                                                                 impairment           Others                                    reserves
                                                                             Investment         Investment
Zhuhai Gree New Material Co., Ltd.                       30,000,000.00                                                               773,083.23             30,773,083.23

Gree (Wuhan) Precision Mould Co., Ltd.                  100,000,000.00                                                               570,444.23           100,570,444.23
Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment Technology Co.,
                                                        200,000,000.00                                                              2,771,064.85          202,771,064.85
Gree (Hangzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.           550,000,000.00                                                               772,403.79           550,772,403.79

Zhuhai Gree Information Technology Co., Ltd.                510,000.00                                                                                        510,000.00
Gree (Wu'an) Precision Equipment Manufacturing
                                                        210,000,000.00                                                               319,941.16           210,319,941.16
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Transportation Co., Ltd.                     50,000,000.00                                                               553,930.01             50,553,930.01

Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.            700,000,000.00                                                               681,927.25           700,681,927.25

Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.             50,000,000.00                                                              1,017,511.37            51,017,511.37

Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd.             50,000,000.00                                                                                      50,000,000.00

Zhuhai Lianyun Technology Co., Ltd.                      40,000,000.00                                                               300,301.54             40,300,301.54

Gree Electric Appliances (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.            400,000,000.00                                                               454,836.65           400,454,836.65

Zhuhai Gree Material Supply Co., Ltd.                   150,000,000.00                                                                                    150,000,000.00

Zhuhai Gree Green Control Technology Co., Ltd.          270,000,000.00                                                                                    270,000,000.00

Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co., Ltd.                   1,247,087,108.76                                                              1,492,515.20         1,248,579,623.96
Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
                                                        149,092,300.30                                                               751,149.52           149,843,449.82
Co., Ltd.
Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Washing
                                                         50,000,000.00                                                                                      50,000,000.00
Machine Co., Ltd.
Guochuang Energy Internet Innovation Center
                                                         22,500,000.00       52,500,000.00                                                                  75,000,000.00
(Guangdong) Co., Ltd.
Gree (Anji) Precision Mould Co., Ltd.                    78,800,000.00       34,400,000.00                                                                113,200,000.00

Zhuhai Gree Green Resources Recycling Co., Ltd.          50,000,000.00                                                              1,527,406.10            51,527,406.10

Gree E-commerce Co., Ltd.                               100,000,000.00                                                               329,005.60           100,329,005.60
Zhuhai Gejian Health Medical Technology Co.,
                                                         20,000,000.00                                                                 8,960.53             20,008,960.53

                                                                   2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                 Increase/Decrease in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ending balance of
                                                        Beginning balance                                                                                    Ending balance (book
                      Investee                                                                                           Accrual of                                                           impairment
                                                          (book value)              Additional         Decreased                                                    value)
                                                                                                                        impairment            Others                                            reserves
                                                                                    Investment         Investment
 Zhuhai Gree Electrical Intelligent Manufacturing
                                                           1,000,000,000.00                                                                 1,034,984.79            1,001,034,984.79
 Co., Ltd.
 Chengdu Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.             75,000,000.00                                                                                               75,000,000.00

 SL Group Co., Ltd.                                         230,223,945.05                                                                                              230,223,945.05

 Gree (Ganzhou) Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.               100,000,000.00                                                                   167,596.22                 100,167,596.22

 Gree (Linyi) Electric AppliancesCo., Ltd.                  200,000,000.00         167,820,000.00                                            129,060.36                 367,949,060.36

 Gree (Zhuhai Hengqin) Development Co., Ltd.               1,000,000,000.00                                                                                         1,000,000,000.00

 Changsha Kinghome Electric Appliances Co., Ltd                6,000,000.00         44,000,000.00                                                                        50,000,000.00

 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.                           1,828,275,113.56                                                                  128,404.91             1,828,403,518.47
 Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain Technology Co.,
                                                                                    35,000,000.00                                                                        35,000,000.00
 Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co., Ltd.                                  3,236,995,422.29                                                                  3,236,995,422.29

 Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co., Ltd.                                       100,000,000.00                                                                       100,000,000.00

 Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                                           50,000,000.00                                                                        50,000,000.00

                       Total                              20,871,011,854.66       4,085,141,222.29                                         81,107,657.91           25,037,260,734.86
[Note] Changes in Others are the expenses allocated by the parent company for the subsidiaries, involving the employee equity incentive  employee stock ownership plan.

(2) Investments to associates and joint ventures

                                      Beginning Balance                                          Increase/Decrease in the Current Period                                          Ending Balance
                                                                                       Profits and                                           Declared
                                                                                                           Adjustment of       Other
           Investee                                                 Additional          losses on                                          distribution
                                                    Impairment                                                 other          change                         Other                               Impairment
                                 Original value                    investment/d        investment                                             of cash                      Original value
                                                     provision                                             comprehensive        s in                       deductions                             provision
                                                                   isinvestment      recognized by                                         dividends or
                                                                                                              income          equity
                                                                                     equity method                                            profits
 I. Associates
 Gree (Vietnam) Electric
                                    1,940,009.35    1,940,009.35                                                                                                              1,940,009.35      1,940,009.35
 Appliances, Inc.
 Outlook All Media Co.,
                                   37,385,552.00                                       -1,907,177.74                                                                         35,478,374.26

                                                             2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                 Beginning Balance                                     Increase/Decrease in the Current Period                                       Ending Balance
                                                                              Profits and                                          Declared
                                                                                                Adjustment of        Other
        Investee                                              Additional       losses on                                         distribution
                                              Impairment                                            other           change                        Other                         Impairment
                            Original value                   investment/d     investment                                            of cash                   Original value
                                               provision                                        comprehensive         s in                      deductions                       provision
                                                             isinvestment   recognized by                                        dividends or
                                                                                                   income           equity
                                                                            equity method                                           profits
Wuhan Digital Design and
Manufacturing Innovation     14,942,039.60                                      297,034.32                                                                     15,239,073.92
Center Co., Ltd.
Coresing Semiconductor
                             20,004,740.59                                        66,923.31                                                                    20,071,663.90
Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Ronglin Equity
Investment Partnership     8,893,495,450.98                                  -13,812,616.74     -4,747,875,029.30                                            4,131,807,804.94
(Limited Partnership)
Henan Yuze Finance
                             51,749,348.46                                     1,791,375.31                                       949,620.75                   52,591,103.02
Leasing Co., Ltd.
          Total            9,019,517,140.98   1,940,009.35                   -13,564,461.54     -4,747,875,029.30                 949,620.75                 4,257,128,029.39   1,940,009.35

                                     2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

4. Operating revenues and costs

                               Amount incurred in the current period                      Amount incurred for the previous period
                                Revenue                          Cost                      Revenue                        Cost

Main business                 114,824,763,292.63            79,648,915,725.67            111,783,657,570.87            79,364,424,299.73

Other business                   4,965,687,298.82            4,544,120,744.77              5,718,557,388.28             5,212,016,098.84

      Total                   119,790,450,591.45            84,193,036,470.44            117,502,214,959.15            84,576,440,398.57

5. Income from investment
                                                                                     Amount incurred in the     Amount incurred for the
                                                                                        current period            previous period
Long-term equity investment income measured by the equity method                             -13,564,461.54               -12,905,170.50

Investment income recognized for trading financial assets                                     12,657,637.64                35,444,353.04
Dividend shares recognized for long-term equity investment measured in
                                                                                           3,932,671,473.40             2,526,350,566.25
the cost method
Others                                                                                        47,059,977.00               411,276,921.75

                                     Total                                                 3,978,824,626.50             2,960,166,670.54

XVI Supplementary

1. Detailed statement of non-recurring profits and losses

                                      Item                                                 Amount                     Description
                                                                                                              For details, please refer to
Profits and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                      -51,428,778.52
                                                                                                              this Note V. 67, 68, and 69
Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses (excluding
the governmental subsidies closely relating to the business operations of the                                 For details, please refer to
Company and enjoyed by a fixed quota or a fixed amount in accordance with                                     this Note V. 62 and 68
national unified standards)
In addition to the effective hedging business related to the Company's
normal business operations, the profits and losses from fair value changes
generated by holding trading financial assets, derivative financial assets,
trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment         -300,034,685.05
incomes obtained from the disposal of trading financial assets, derivative
financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities
and other debt investment
Reversal of impairment reserves for the receivables under independent
impairment test
                                                                                                              For details, please refer to
Non-operating revenues and expenditures other than the above items                          -25,299,493.59
                                                                                                              this Note V. 68 and 69
Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring
profits and losses
                                    Subtotal                                                584,305,802.21

Less: Amount affecting income tax                                                            64,515,784.15

     Affected amount of minority shareholders' equity                                          -585,500.25

                                      Total                                                 520,375,518.31

2. ROE and earnings per share

                                  2022 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                              Earnings per share
              Profits for the report period                 average return                                 Diluted earnings per
                                                                              Basic earnings per share
                                                              on equity                                           share
Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                     24.19%                        4.43                      4.43
Net profit deducting non-recurring profits and losses
                                                                     23.68%                        4.33                      4.33
attributable to common shareholders

                                                                                   Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai

                                                                                                                   April 29, 2023
