BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2009 (Full Text) October 2009BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2009 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors and senior management of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statements or material omissions, and accept, individually and collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.2 None of the directors, supervisors, or senior management demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the factuality, accuracy, and completeness of this quarterly report. 1.3 All directors attended the board meeting. 1.4 The Financial Report of this quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA firm. 1.5 Mr. Wang Dongsheng, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Chen Yanshun, Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Sun Yun, Chief Financial Officer and Ms. Yang Xiaoping, Person-in-charge of the Financial Planning Department hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Report is factual and complete. §2. Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexes Unit: (RMB) Yuan As at 30 Sept. 2009 As at 31 Dec. 2008 Increase/decrease(%) Total assets (RMB) 26,035,456,345.00 13,941,120,322.00 86.75% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB) 17,027,805,999.00 5,936,222,532.00 186.85% Share capital (share) 8,282,902,447.00 3,282,902,447.00 152.30% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB/share) 2.06 1.81 13.81% Jul.-Sept. 2009 Increase/decrease over same period of last year (%) Jan.-Sept. 2009 Increase/decrease over same period of last year (%) Total operation income (RMB) 2,046,398,635.00 15.87% 4,344,512,321.00 -40.26% Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB) -7,572,138.00 98.09% -757,001,707.00 -800.42% Net cash flows generated from operating activities (RMB) - - -76,465,855.00 -106.00% Net cash flows per share generated - - -0.01 -102.38%from operating activities (RMB/share) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.00 99.30% -0.14 -566.67% Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.00 99.30% -0.14 -566.67% Return on net assets (%) -0.04% 99.31% -4.45% -381.65% Rate of return on net assets after deducting extraordinary gains and losses (%) -0.26% 95.31% -4.72% -1,027.45% Unit: (RMB) Yuan Extraordinary gains and losses Amount from year-begin to the end of this report period Notes Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 5,596,413.00 - Governmental subsidies recordedinto the current gains and losses, excluding those constantly enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or proportions according to certain standards of the governmentpolicies, which are closely related to the normal operation of the Company 49,017,723.00 - Other non-business income and expenses besides the above items 3,208,120.00 - Effect on the current gains and losses after conducting a one-off adjustment of the current gains and losses according to requirements of tax and accounting laws and regulations -109,161.00 - Effect on minority interest -11,680,918.00 - Total 46,032,177.00 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Unit: share Total number of shareholders at period-end 142,020 shareholders (100,795 A-share holders and 41,225 B-share holders) Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Name of shareholder (full name) Number of tradable shares held at period-end Type of share Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. 596,283,570 RMB ordinary shares Chengdu Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. 192,205,820 RMB ordinary shares Chengdu Hi-tech Investment Group Co., Ltd. 101,793,521 RMB ordinary shares Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. 83,690,185 RMB ordinary shares Beijing Economic-Technological Investment & Development Corp. 82,266,911 RMB ordinary sharesBeijing Industrial Developing Investment Management Co., Ltd. 73,080,026 RMB ordinary shares FIELDS PACIFIC LIMITED 59,443,678 Domestically listed foreign shares SBCI FINANCE ASIA LTD A/C SBC HONG KONG 31,112,315 Domestically listed foreign shares Huang Yingbin 28,141,711 Domestically listed foreign shares BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED 21,774,256 Domestically listed foreign shares § 3 Significant Events 3.1 Particulars about major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indexes, as well as reasons for the changes √Applicable □Inapplicable 1. Monetary funds increased by 240.27% over the end of last year, which was mainly due to the completion of the additional A-share issuance. 2. Net accounts receivable grew by 110.90% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the recovery of the TFT industry helped boost the sales income and the accounts receivable increased accordingly. 3. Prepayments registered an increase of 921.20% over the end of last year, mainly because the new projects were under construction and the expenses on equipment purchase increased. 4. Inventories saw an increase of 77.73% compared with the end of last year, mainly because: affected by the financial crisis and the fluctuation in the TFT industry, the Company conducted a large-scale inventory disposal to create cash inflows at the end of 2008. And now the industry is in recovery and the production of the Company has resumed to a normal level. 5. Available-for-sale financial assets increased by 91.85% over the end of last year mainly due to the rise of the stock price of Guanjie Technology Co., Ltd.. 6. Construction in progress increased by 461.22% compared with the end of last year, mainly because the new projects were under construction and the Company increased its expenses on equipment purchase and construction. 7. Accounts payable saw a growth of 70.88% over the end of last year, mainly because: 1) The TFT industry was in recovery and the Company increased its purchase of materials; 2) And the new projects were under construction and the Company increased its expenses on equipment purchase and construction. 8. Non-current liabilities due within one year decreased by 77.97% over the end of last year, mainly because: the term for the syndicated loan was re-decided and the balance of the item was carried over into the long-term borrowings. 9. Long-term borrowings grew by 66.08% over the end of last year, mainly because: 1) The term for the syndicated loan was re-decided and the non-current liabilities due within one year were carried over into the item; 2) Some new long-term borrowings were borrowed in the report period. 10. Share capital saw an increase of 152.30% over the end of last year mainly due to the completion of the A-share private issuance. 11. Operation income decreased by 40.26% compared with the same period of last year, mainly because: affected by the financial crisis and the fluctuation in the TFT industry, the market demand for and the prices of the Company’s main products fell.12. Selling expenses registered a year-on-year decrease of 37.90% mainly because: affected by the financial crisis and the fluctuation in the TFT industry, the sales of the Company fell, which led to the decrease of relevant expenses. 13. Administrative expenses increased by 32.41% over the same period of last year, mainly because: 1) Affected by the financial crisis and the fluctuation in the TFT industry, the depreciation, power expenses and other expenses withdrawn for the equipments that were laid up because of low operating rates were recorded into the administrative expenses; 2) And the Company increased its R&D input in the report period. 14. Financial expenses registered a year-on-year increase of 87.20%, mainly because compared with the same period of last year, the Company earned a much less exchange income due to the fluctuation of the exchange rates of US dollars and Japanese Yen in the report period. 15. Asset impairment loss decreased by 180.42% over the same period of last year, mainly because in the report period, the TFT-LCD industry was recovering and the product prices were on the rise, which charged back the inventory price falling reserves withdrawn previously. 16. Investment income decreased year-on-year by 576.13% mainly due to the decrease of net assets of the Company’s affiliated company in the report period. 17. Net cash flows generated from operating activities dropped by 106.00% over the same period of last year, mainly because: affected by the financial crisis and the fluctuation in the TFT-LCD industry, the sales income from the Company’s main products fell. 18. Net cash flows generated from investment activities was up by 211.66% compared with the same period of last year, mainly because the new projects were under construction and the Company increased its input into the construction and equipments. 19. Net cash flows generated from financing activities was up by 1472.46% over the same period of last year mainly because: 1) The A-share private offering was completed; 2) Some new loans were borrowed from banks. 3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions √Applicable □Inapplicable 1. The Chengdu 4.5th-generation Production Line Project realized mass production in Oct. 2009. 2. The Hefei 6th-generation Production Line Project is currently in basic construction, the main construction was expected to be finished at the roof within this year, and the production line would be able to realize mass production in the fourth quarter of 2010. 3. On 31 Aug. 2009, the cornerstone was laid for the Beijing 8th-generation Production Line Project, and the construction was started in Oct. 2009. 4. The Sate-level Engineering Lab Project was in progress as scheduled and the main construction was finished at the roof. It was expected that by the first quarter of 2010, the construction would have been completed, the equipment would have been installed and adjusted to enter the trial operation stage. 3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller □Applicable √Inapplicable3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons √Applicable □Inapplicable Performance forecast Loss From year-begin to the end of the next report period Same period of last year Increase/decrease(%) Estimated accumulative net profit (RMB 0’000) -100,000.00 -80,752.55 - - Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.16 -0.27 - - Notes to performance forecast 1. Since the beginning of 2009, the TFT-LCD industry had been recovering and the prices of the Company’s products started to grow steadily, which led to a better performance of the Company. But those prices were still at a low level, which resulted in the Company’s being unable to make a profit in the report period. 2. If the fourth quarter could not see a fundamental improvement of the TFT-LCD panel market, the Company would register an operation loss in the year 2009. At present, the Company is going all out to minimize the possible loss. 3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained The Company did not offer capital to its controlling shareholder or its related parties, and not provide outward guarantees in violation of prescribed procedures. 3.5.1 Researches, interviews and visits received in report period Date Place Way of reception Visitor Main discussion and materials provided by the Company 12 Aug. 2009 Company office Field research Industrial Securities 13 Aug. 2009 Company office Field research Fortune SGAM Fund Management 19 Aug. 2009 Company office By telephone Morgan Stanley (Taiwan) 25 Aug. 2009 Company office Field research Hongta Securities Main discussion: 1. Operation status and future development strategies of the Company; 2. Current situation and development trends in the industry; 3. Particulars about the Chengdu 4.5th-generation Production Line and the Hefei 6th-generation Production Line; Materials provided by the Company: 2008 Annual Report of the Company, the Company brochure and other already disclosed materials 9 Sept. 2009 Company office Field research China Securities Co., Ltd. 10 Sept. 2009 Company office Field research Goldman Sachs Securities 24 Sept. 2009 Company office Field research JP Morgan (South Korea) 25 Sept. 2009 Company office Field research Daiwa Institute of Research (Hong Kong) Ltd. Main discussion: 1. Operation status and future development strategies of the Company; 2. Current situation and development trends in the industry; 3. Particulars about the Chengdu 4.5th-generationProduction Line, the Hefei 6th-generation Production Line and the Beijing 8th-generation Production Line; Materials provided by the Company: 2008 Annual Report of the Company, the Company brochure and other already disclosed materials 3.6 Particulars about Derivatives investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Particulars about positions of derivatives investment at the end of report period □Applicable √Inapplicable§ 4 Attachments 4.1 Balance sheet Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 30 Sept. 2009 Unit: (RMB) Yuan Balance at period-end Balance at year-begin Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company CURRENT ASSETS: Monetary capital 13,283,122,033.00 3,009,921,233.00 3,903,740,704.00 572,867,082.00 Settlement funds Lendings to banks and other financial institutions Transactional financial assets Notes receivable 312,526,528.00 675,489.00 305,340,503.00 3,583,603.00 Accounts receivable 1,024,790,621.00 54,355,767.00 485,918,608.00 34,063,202.00 Prepayments 474,525,931.00 109,995,186.00 46,467,616.00 948,730.00 Premium receivable Receivables from reinsurance Reinsurance contract reserve receivable Interest receivable 24,206,069.00 6,384,590.00 6,561,758.00 438,965.00 Dividend receivable 8,204,147.00 8,204,147.00 Other receivables 45,771,391.00 908,479,299.00 91,430,944.00 632,207,456.00 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 839,318,397.00 2,780,571.00 472,233,966.00 4,789,090.00 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets 260,017,990.00 474,420.00 290,049,691.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 16,264,278,960.00 4,101,270,702.00 5,601,743,790.00 1,257,102,275.00 NON-CURRENT ASSETS: Loans and advances Available-for-sale financial assets 103,036,069.00 103,036,069.00 53,707,522.00 53,707,522.00 Investments held to maturity Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 396,453,171.00 15,614,798,217.00 340,783,862.00 6,275,363,309.00 Investment property 148,896,855.00 43,063,410.00 174,553,402.00 79,259,202.00 Fixed assets 5,874,189,971.00 146,550,098.00 6,542,076,001.00 151,948,575.00 Construction in progress 2,499,988,288.00 54,322,891.00 445,452,403.00 21,543,069.00 Construction materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assetsIntangible assets 682,335,892.00 55,401,636.00 715,814,320.00 52,228,556.00 Development expenditure goodwill 47,364,310.00 47,364,310.00 Long-term deferred expenses 14,781,724.00 3,307,500.00 14,611,367.00 3,583,125.00 Deferred tax assets 4,131,105.00 5,013,345.00 Other non-current assets TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 9,771,177,385.00 16,020,479,821.00 8,339,376,532.00 6,637,633,358.00 TOTAL ASSETS 26,035,456,345.00 20,121,750,523.00 13,941,120,322.00 7,894,735,633.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Short-term borrowings 601,327,168.00 509,073,028.00 Borrowings from central bank Deposits received and due to placements with banks and other financial institutions Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial liabilities Notes payable 130,399,496.00 106,000,000.00 Accounts payable 1,815,121,632.00 5,539,398.00 1,062,249,179.00 4,207,258.00 Advances from customers 91,743,185.00 39,469,075.00 225,371,127.00 41,183,980.00 Financial assets sold for repurchase Fees and commissions payables Payroll payables 118,081,805.00 30,440,027.00 109,085,872.00 27,241,016.00 Taxes payable 9,204,547.00 1,651,768.00 15,774,385.00 2,398,167.00 Interest payable 45,446,145.00 5,132,551.00 11,781,276.00 6,210,585.00 Dividend payabl 7,096,544.00 6,453,790.00 8,093,845.00 6,453,790.00 Other payables 146,209,921.00 61,464,515.00 129,185,287.00 32,696,258.00 Accounts due to reinsurance Insurance contract reserves Receiving from vicariously traded securities Receiving from vicariously sold securities Non-current liabilities due within 1 year 442,700,000.00 432,500,000.00 2,009,143,046.00 510,000,000.00 Other current liabilities 39,495,739.00 29,974,002.00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 3,446,826,182.00 582,651,124.00 4,215,731,047.00 630,391,054.00 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESLong-term borrowings 4,872,852,426.00 125,000,000.00 2,934,127,561.00 45,000,000.00 Bonds payable Long-term payables Special payables Estimated liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities 80,607,207.00 273,007,700.00 72,460,091.00 49,553,200.00 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 4,953,459,633.00 398,007,700.00 3,006,587,652.00 94,553,200.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 8,400,285,815.00 980,658,824.00 7,222,318,699.00 724,944,254.00 OWNERS’ EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY) Paid-in capital (or share capital) 8,282,902,447.00 8,282,902,447.00 3,282,902,447.00 3,282,902,447.00 Capital surplus 11,352,947,123.00 11,357,964,224.00 4,504,955,589.00 4,525,326,846.00 Less: treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 General risk provision Retained earnings -3,104,932,448.00 -998,867,585.00 -2,347,930,741.00 -1,137,530,527.00 Foreign exchange difference -2,203,736.00 -2,797,376.00 Total owners’ equity attributable to holding company 17,027,805,999.00 19,141,091,699.00 5,936,222,532.00 7,169,791,379.00 Minority interest 607,364,531.00 782,579,091.00 TOTAL OWNERS’ EQUITY 17,635,170,530.00 19,141,091,699.00 6,718,801,623.00 7,169,791,379.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS’ EQUITY 26,035,456,345.00 20,121,750,523.00 13,941,120,322.00 7,894,735,633.00 4.2 Income Statement as of this report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jul.-Sept. 2009 Unit: (RMB) Yuan This report period Same period of last year Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company 1. Total operation revenue 2,046,398,635.00 53,637,442.00 1,766,074,336.00 50,948,755.00 Including: sales revenue 2,046,398,635.00 53,637,442.00 1,766,074,336.00 50,948,755.00 Interest income Premium income Fee and commission income 2. Total operation cost 2,098,033,383.00 9,021,591.00 2,303,309,927.00 3,293,237.00 Including: cost of sales 1,886,653,527.00 19,156,230.00 1,873,197,348.00 20,612,673.00 Interest expenses Service charges and commission expenses Payments on surrendersClaim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract reserve-net Policyholder dividends Reinsurance expenses Business taxes and surcharges 4,611,847.00 2,495,919.00 4,623,787.00 1,903,898.00 Selling expenses 32,357,653.00 82,279.00 34,113,529.00 476,638.00 Administrative expenses 158,606,176.00 25,833,296.00 168,751,890.00 19,611,794.00 Financial expenses 30,551,147.00 -38,584,909.00 37,441,274.00 -12,326,724.00 Impairment loss -14,746,967.00 38,776.00 185,182,099.00 -26,985,042.00 Add: gain/loss from changes in fair value (“-” for loss) Gain/loss from investment (“-” for loss) -13,282,452.00 -13,184,963.00 -22,122,349.00 -8,218,996.00 Including: investment gain from associates and joint ventures Gain/loss from foreign exchange difference (“-” for loss) 3. Operation profit (“-” for loss) -64,917,200.00 31,430,888.00 -559,357,940.00 39,436,522.00 Add: non-operating incomes 46,054,011.00 199,391,967.00 40,427,343.00 90,579.00 Less: non-operating expenses 497,530.00 3,453,182.00 736,815.00 500,407.00 Including: loss from disposal of non-current assets 358,932.00 638,396.00 500,407.00 4. Total profit (“-” for total loss) -19,360,719.00 227,369,673.00 -519,667,412.00 39,026,694.00 Less: income tax expenses 2,685,266.00 4,398,878.00 5. Net profit (“-” for total loss) -22,045,985.00 227,369,673.00 -524,066,290.00 39,026,694.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -7,572,138.00 227,369,673.00 -396,884,730.00 39,026,694.00 Minority interest -14,473,847.00 -127,181,560.00 6. Earnings per share (1) Basic EPS 0.00 0.04 -0.14 0.01 (2) Diluted EPS 0.00 0.04 -0.14 0.01 7. Other composite income 8. Total composite income -22,045,985.00 227,369,673.00 -524,066,290.00 39,026,694.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -7,572,138.00 227,369,673.00 -396,884,730.00 39,026,694.00 Attributable to minority shareholders -14,473,847.00 -127,181,560.004.3 Income statement as of the period from year-begin to the end of report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sept. 2009 Unit: (RMB) Yuan This period Last period Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company 1. Total operation revenue 4,344,512,321.00 148,140,301.00 7,271,976,208.00 158,918,044.00 Including: sales revenue 4,344,512,321.00 148,140,301.00 7,271,976,208.00 158,918,044.00 Interests income Premium income Fee and commission income 2. Total operation cost 5,196,969,341.00 71,185,358.00 7,230,491,850.00 98,619,495.00 Including: cost of sales 4,483,096,549.00 53,352,999.00 6,334,419,307.00 59,419,747.00 Interests expenses Service charges and commission expenses Payments on surrenders Claim expenses-net Provision for insurance contract reserve-net Policyholder dividends Reinsurance expenses Business taxes and surcharges 11,942,628.00 5,780,346.00 15,954,118.00 5,756,575.00 Selling expenses 80,638,895.00 397,162.00 129,853,731.00 1,782,107.00 Administrative expenses 678,440,756.00 71,760,851.00 512,388,390.00 82,406,470.00 Financial expenses 93,834,957.00 -59,852,306.00 50,125,807.00 -23,826,900.00 Impairment loss -150,984,444.00 -253,694.00 187,750,497.00 -26,918,504.00 Add: gain/loss from changes in fair value (“-” for loss) Gain/loss from investment (“-” for loss) -137,049,817.00 -133,800,176.00 28,784,091.00 48,939,151.00 Including: investment gain from associates and joint ventures Gain/loss from foreign exchange difference (“-” for loss) 3. Operation profit (“-” for loss) -989,506,837.00 -56,845,233.00 70,268,449.00 109,237,700.00 Add: non-operating incomes 60,117,051.00 199,490,809.00 96,870,700.00 3,059,483.00 Less: non-operating expenses 2,294,796.00 3,982,636.00 2,713,080.00 1,594,051.00 Including: loss from disposal 384,127.00 696,208.00 510,407.00of non-current assets 4. Total profit (“-” for total loss) -931,684,582.00 138,662,940.00 164,426,069.00 110,703,132.00 Less: income tax expenses 9,489,343.00 61,121,438.00 5. Net profit (“-” for total loss) -941,173,925.00 138,662,940.00 103,304,631.00 110,703,132.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -757,001,707.00 138,662,940.00 108,078,535.00 110,703,132.00 Minority interest -184,172,218.00 -4,773,904.00 6. Earnings per share (1) Basic EPS -0.14 0.03 0.03 0.04 (2) Diluted EPS -0.14 0.03 0.03 0.04 7. Other composite income 8. Total composite income -941,173,925.00 138,662,940.00 103,304,631.00 110,703,132.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -757,001,707.00 138,662,940.00 108,078,535.00 110,703,132.00 Attributable to minority shareholders -184,172,218.00 -4,773,904.00 4.4 Cash flow statement as of the period from year-begin to the end of report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sept. 2009 Unit: (RMB) Yuan This period Last period Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company 1. Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 3,637,669,417.00 66,986,140.00 8,377,481,190.00 59,708,918.00 Net increase of deposits received from and held for customers Net increase of borrowings from central bank Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial institutions Cash received against original insurance contract Net Cash received from reinsurance Net increase of client deposits and investments Net increase in disposal of held-for-trading financial assets Interests, handling chargesand commission received Net increase of inter-bank funds received Net increase of cash received under repurchasing Tax and fare refunded 19,228,316.00 198,525,429.00 Other cash received from operating activities 460,117,202.00 355,855,195.00 213,607,504.00 109,229,946.00 Sub-total of cash inflow from operating activities 4,117,014,935.00 422,841,335.00 8,789,614,123.00 168,938,864.00 Cash paid for goods and services 3,302,636,408.00 37,543,525.00 6,543,154,861.00 23,240,730.00 Net increase of loans and advances Net increase of deposits in central bank, banks and other financial institutions Cash paid for original insurance contract claim Cash paid for interests, fees and commissions Cash paid for policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 435,717,470.00 34,823,765.00 519,382,952.00 58,250,416.00 Taxes and fares paid 77,382,140.00 16,347,027.00 208,923,155.00 26,853,852.00 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 377,744,772.00 88,832,037.00 243,957,145.00 44,662,379.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 4,193,480,790.00 177,546,354.00 7,515,418,113.00 153,007,377.00 Net cash flows from operating activities -76,465,855.00 245,294,981.00 1,274,196,010.00 15,931,487.00 2. Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from return of investments 58,927,049.00 58,927,049.00 Cash received from investment income 1,030,515.00 1,030,515.00 4,606,094.00 13,576,541.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 26,404,184.00 26,111,488.00 251,516.00 94,876.00 Cash received from subsidiary combination 95,735,577.00 227,973,725.00Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units Restricted deposits withdrawn from financial institutions 7,129,884.00 Other cash received relating to investing activities 69,888,774.00 43,191,134.00 13,659,725.00 70,123,404.00 Sub-total of cash inflows of investing activities 200,188,934.00 70,333,137.00 305,418,109.00 142,721,870.00 Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 2,588,184,295.00 137,357,246.00 812,085,642.00 9,588,387.00 Increase of restricted deposits in financial institutions 106,835,421.00 41,400,080.00 Cash paid for acquiring investments 272,000,000.00 9,239,500,000.00 240,000,000.00 660,000,000.00 Net increase of pledge loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash paid relating to investing activities 277,395,572.00 531,500,000.00 Sub-total of cash outflows of investing activities 2,860,184,295.00 9,654,252,818.00 1,158,921,063.00 1,242,488,467.00 Net cash flow from investing activities -2,659,995,361.00 -9,583,919,681.00 -853,502,954.00 -1,099,766,597.00 3. Cash flows of financing activities Cash received from absorbing investments 11,857,252,000.00 11,828,252,000.00 2,248,499,999.00 2,248,499,999.00 Including: Cash received from minority shareholders of subsidiaries Cash received from borrowings 3,238,152,639.00 1,664,400,000.00 1,057,240,523.00 196,368,000.00 Cash received from bonds issuing Other cash received relating to financing activities 118,782.00 1,707,683.00 Sub-total of cash inflows of financing activities 15,095,523,421.00 13,492,652,000.00 3,307,448,205.00 2,444,867,999.00 Cash paid for settling debts 2,731,731,036.00 1,661,900,000.00 2,308,332,818.00 646,368,000.00 Cash paid for distribution of 175,104,815.00 15,853,906.00 219,613,669.00 23,454,184.00dividends or profits or reimbursing interest Including: dividends or profits paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash paid relating to financing activities 56,734,571.00 39,351,664.00 7,974,697.00 5,332,634.00 Sub-total of cash outflows of financing activities 2,963,570,422.00 1,717,105,570.00 2,535,921,184.00 675,154,818.00 Net cash flows of financing activities 12,131,952,999.00 11,775,546,430.00 771,527,021.00 1,769,713,181.00 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -8,980,570.00 132,422.00 -19,138,753.00 -1,097,585.00 5. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 9,386,511,213.00 2,437,054,152.00 1,173,081,324.00 684,780,486.00 Add: cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of this period 3,528,597,814.00 572,867,082.00 1,452,160,200.00 928,184,272.00 6. Cash and cash equivalents at period-end 12,915,109,027.00 3,009,921,234.00 2,625,241,524.00 1,612,964,758.00 4.5 Auditor’s report Audit opinion: Unaudited Legal Representative: Wang Dongsheng The Board of Directors of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 27 Oct. 2009