京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 1 BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2010 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors and senior management of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statements or material omissions, and accept, individually and collectively, the responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.2 The Financial Report of this quarterly report has not been audited by a CPA firm. 1.3 Mr. Wang Dongsheng, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, Mr. Chen Yanshun, President of the Company, Ms. Sun Yun, Chief Financial Officer and Ms. Yang Xiaoping, Person-in-charge of the Financial Planning Department hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the Quarterly Report is factual and complete. §2. Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indexes Unit: RMB Yuan 30 Sept. 2010 31 Dec. 2009 Increase/decrease(%) Total assets (Yuan) 42,064,776,912.00 30,613,980,480.00 37.40% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of listed company (Yuan) 17,011,268,021.00 18,022,804,672.00 -5.61% Share capital (share) 8,282,902,447.00 8,282,902,447.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of listed company (Yuan/share) 2.05 2.18 -5.96% Jul.-Sept. 2010 Increase/decrease over same period of last year (%) Jan.-Sept. 2010 Increase/decrease over same period of last year (%) Total operation income (Yuan) 2,015,634,016.00 -1.50% 6,202,063,899.00 42.76% Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company (Yuan) -448,137,532.00 -5,818.24% -988,843,759.00 -30.63% Net cash flows generated from operating activities (Yuan) - - -255,425,626.00 -234.04% Net cash flows per share generated from operating activities (Yuan/share) - - -0.03 -234.04% Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.05 -5,818.24% -0.12 14.29% Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) -0.05 -5,818.24% -0.12 14.29% Weighted average ROE (%) -2.60% -8,439.11% -5.65% -28.27% Weighted average ROE after deducting extraordinary gains and losses (%) -2.72% -1,457.38% -5.88% -25.86% Items of extraordinary gains and losses Amount from year-begin to the end of this report period Notes Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 2,475,747.00 - Governmental subsidies recorded into the current gains and losses, excluding those constantly enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or proportions according to certain standards of the government 37,361,457.00 -京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 2 policies, which are closely related to the normal operation of the Company Other non-business income and expenses besides the above items 5,913,528.00 - Effect on income tax -434,300.00 - Effect on minority interests -4,860,202.00 - Total 40,456,230.00 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders at period-end and shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Unit: share Total number of shareholders at period-end 396,254 shareholders (including 355,463 A-share holders and 40,791 B-share holders) Shareholding of top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Name of shareholder (full name) Number of tradable shares held at period-end Type of share Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. 717,484,233 RMB ordinary shares Beijing E-town International Investment & Development Co., Ltd 583,333,334 RMB ordinary shares Ke Xiping 520,450,000 RMB ordinary shares Shanghai Nordsion Information Technology Co., Ltd 235,720,000 RMB ordinary shares Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd 229,419,902 RMB ordinary shares Aerospace Science & Technology Financial Co., Ltd 224,890,515 RMB ordinary shares Southwest Securities Co., Ltd 220,502,994 RMB ordinary shares Beijing Zhishuai Investment Consulting Co., Ltd 179,999,900 RMB ordinary shares FIELDS PACIFIC LIMITED 47,263,462 Domestically listed foreign shares Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd 47,079,309 RMB ordinary shares § 3 Significant Events 3.1 Particulars about major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators, as well as reasons for the changes √Applicable □Inapplicable (1) Other receivables were up by 45% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the other receivable balance of enterprises newly included into the consolidation scope was transferred into the item; (2) Other current assets were up by 143% over the end of last year, which was mainly due to the refund of the excess VAT paid for equipment purchases; (3) Construction in process was up by 810% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the payment for construction and equipment purchases increased during the construction period of projects; (4) Goodwill was up by 56% over the end of last year, which was mainly due to the goodwill formed as a result of the Company’s acquisition of subsidiaries; (5) Other non-current assets were up by 206% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the Company prepaid for construction and equipments for projects; (6) Short-term borrowings were up by 386% over the end of last year, which was mainly because some foreign-currency borrowings were obtained for the projects in construction; (7) Accounts payable were up by 40% over the end of last year, which was mainly due to the increase of payables to suppliers; (8) Interest payable was up by 540% over the end of last year, which was mainly because there were京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 3 some projects in construction and borrowings from banks increased as a result; (9) Other payables were up by 67% over the end of last year, which was mainly because more security deposits for bidding were received; (10) Long-term borrowings were up by 55% over the end of last year, which was mainly because the Company received more syndicated loans; (11) Other non-current liabilities were up by 114% over the end of last year, which was mainly because more governmental subsidies were received; (12) Minority interests were up by 140% over the end of last year, which was mainly because minority shareholders increased their investment; (13) The operating income was up by 43% year on year, which was mainly because some new projects entered the mass production stage, which boosted the operating income; (14) The operating cost was up by 39% year on year, which was mainly because some new projects entered the mass production stage and boosted the operating income, which raised the operating cost correspondingly; (15) Marketing and distribution expenses were up by 88% year on year, which was mainly because the sales of main products rose, which resulted in the corresponding rise of marketing and distribution expenses; (16) Financial expenses were down by 84% year on year, which was mainly because monetary funds increased due to the private issuance of A-shares and the interest on bank savings increased over last year; (17) Asset impairment loss was up by 123% year on year, which was mainly because in the same period of last year, the TFT-LCD industry started to recover and prices rose, which wrote back the previously withdrawn impairment reserves; (18) Investment income was up by 103% year on year, which was mainly because some original jointly-run enterprises of the Company were included into the consolidation scope; (19) Net cash flows from operating activities were down by 234% year on year, which was mainly because markets for main products saw some fluctuations in the report period; (20) Net cash flows from investing activities were down by 452% year on year, which was mainly because some new projects were in construction and the payment for construction and equipment purchases increased. 3.2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis on solutions 3.2.1 Concerning non-standard audit opinions □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 Whether the Company provided funds for the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provided guarantees for external parties in violation of prescribed procedures □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.3 Signing and execution of significant contracts concerning the routine operation √Applicable □Inapplicable (1) Guarantees provided by the Company during the report period On 9 Jul. 2010, Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hefei BOE”), the Company’s controlled subsidiary, signed the Syndicated Loan Contract for 6th-Generation TFT-LCD Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Loan Contract”) and the Contract for Syndicated Loan Mortgage with the loan syndicate including China Development Bank, the Business Department of the head office of the Minsheng Bank of China, the Hefei branch of Huishang Bank and the Anhui branch of China Construction Bank (hereinafter jointly called the “Loan Syndicate”). According to the Loan京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 4 Contract, the line of credit stood at RMB 2,800,000,000 and USD 689,330,000 with a term of nine years, which shall be used for the Hefei 6G Production Line Project. According to the Contract for Syndicated Loan Mortgage, all the owned or acquired land use rights, existing factory buildings or other buildings or those in construction (including relevant land use rights), and existing and will-be-had machines and other production equipments of Hefei BOE with in the scope of the 6G Production Line Project shall be mortgaged to the Loan Syndicate; and other land use rights acquired and/or buildings in construction (including relevant land use rights) and/or new buildings (including relevant land use rights) and/or new production equipments shall be mortgaged to the Loan Syndicate. (2) Other significant contracts On 15 Mar. 2010, the Company signed the Asset Purchase and Sale Contract with JEAN Co., Ltd., acquiring, via the Company’s subsidiary, the computer screen and TV set business and relevant assets of JEAN (hereinafter referred to as “the Acquisition”). On 31 Aug. 2010, the Company and JEAN signed the Memorandum of Settlement, confirming that the preconditions for acquiring the target assets had all been met. And the Acquisition was settled on the same day. 3.2.4 Others √Applicable □Inapplicable (1) Concerning the Hefei 6G TFT-LCD Production Line Project, the first product sample worked successfully on 3 Sept. 2010 and the forth quarter would see the beginning of the mass production; (2) Concerning the Beijing 8G TFT-LCD Production Line Project, main factory buildings topped out at the end of July, equipment purchases for the project, product and customer development, business invitation and relevant arrangements for the upstream and downstream industrial chains and other relevant work was in smooth progress, and the fourth quarter of 2011 is expected to see the mass production. (3) Concerning the Private A-share Issuance Project, the Company’s application to raise capital through the private A-share issuance for the Beijing 8G TFT-LCD Production Line Project was approved by CSRC on 26 Sept. 2010, and the Company’s Board of Directors would actively push forward the private issuance according to the reply documents from CSRC and the authorization of the Shareholders’ General Meeting. 3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, shareholders and the actual controller □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.4 Warnings of possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period from the year-begin to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons √Applicable □Inapplicable Performance forecast loss From year-begin to the end of the next report period Same period of last year Increase/decrease(%) Estimated accumulative net profit (RMB 0’000) -140,000.00 -- -130,000.00 4,968.03 -- -- Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.16 -- -0.15 0.008 -- -- Notes to performance forecast 1. Since the second half of 2010, prices for main products of the Company have been decreasing and the prices are expected to be at a low level for the fourth quarter; 2. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the Company’s new production lines in process, the Company increased its input in technology development, product development, new product京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 5 manufacturing, employee training, etc.. 3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained 3.5.1 Securities investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in report period Date Place Way of reception Visitor Main discussion and materials provided by the Company 9 Jul. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Taikang Asset Management Co., Ltd. Main discussion: 1. Operation status and future development strategies of the Company; 2. Current situation and development trends in the industry; 3. Particulars about the Hefei 6G Production Line and the Beijing 8G Production Line; and 4. Private share issuance in 2010; Materials provided by the Company: 2009 Annual Report of the Company, the Company brochure and other already disclosed materials 13 Jul. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Merrill Lynch 5 Aug. 2010 Conference Room of the Company By phone China Post Securities Main discussion: 1. Operation status and future development strategies of the Company; 2. Current situation and development trends in the industry; 3. Particulars about the Hefei 6G Production Line and the Beijing 8G Production Line; and 4. Private share issuance in 2010; Materials provided by the Company: 2009 Annual Report of the Company, the Company brochure and other already disclosed materials 31 Aug. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Zheshang Securities 31 Aug. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Beijing Jingdian Heshun Investment & Development Co., Ltd. 9 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company By phone Genesis Capital Main discussion: 1. Operation status and future development strategies of the Company; 2. Current situation and development trends in the industry; 3. Particulars about the Hefei 6G Production Line and the Beijing 8G Production Line; and 4. Private share issuance in 2010; Materials provided by the Company: 2009 Annual Report of the Company, the Company brochure and other already disclosed materials 13 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Moon Capital Management LP 15 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Asian Century Quest 17 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd., Aerospace Science & Industry Finance CORP., Taikang Insurance Asset Management Co., Ltd., Genesis Capital, TX Investment Consulting Co., Huashang Fund, Aerospace Industry Fund Management Co., Ltd., Sinosafe Insurance, Penghua Fund Management, Foton Motor Finance Co., Ltd. and Changsheng Fund Management京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 6 Co., Ltd. 21 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Trilogy Global Advisors,LLC 28 Sept. 2010 Conference Room of the Company Field research Gaohua Securities/Goldman Sachs, China Post & Capital Fund Management Co., Ltd., Mizuho Corporate Bank, Northern International Trust Co., Ltd., RAB Capital (Asia) Limited, Chilton Investment Company Limited and Manulife Teda Fund Management Co., Ltd. 3.6 Investments in financial derivative products □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Positions of financial derivative products held at period-end □Applicable √Inapplicable § 4 Appendix 4.1 Balance sheet Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 30 Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items Closing balance Beginning balance Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current assets: Monetary funds 16,503,919,807.00 2,557,253,521.00 15,836,411,922.00 2,793,913,468.00 Settlement reserve Lending to other bank and other financial institutions Transaction financial assets Notes receivable 332,634,775.00 1,567,317.00 331,898,229.00 1,049,534.00 Account receivable 1,243,364,291.00 48,663,113.00 1,195,729,431.00 45,271,329.00 Account paid in advance 63,834,391.00 25,000.00 41,375,396.00 1,860,516.00 Premium receivable Reinsurance premiums receivable Reinsurance contact reserves receivable Interest receivable 50,151,702.00 12,507,947.00 36,303,904.00 5,068,185.00 Dividend receivable 8,204,147.00 8,204,147.00 Other receivables 154,920,871.00 487,629,642.00 106,764,069.00 195,093,111.00 Financial assets purchased under agreement to resell Inventory 947,819,726.00 1,168,596.00 780,639,882.00 282,317.00 Non-current assets within 1 year Other current assets 690,264,441.00 21,873,643.00 283,806,158.00 572,623.00 Total current assets 19,986,910,004.00 3,138,892,926.00 18,612,928,991.00 3,051,315,230.00 Non-current assets:京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 7 Loans and advances Available-for-sale financial assets 167,459,674.00 167,459,674.00 183,909,549.00 183,909,549.00 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 65,024,243.00 16,844,575,835.00 64,230,890.00 16,513,841,302.00 Investing property 1,158,103,974.00 22,829,981.00 1,204,384,315.00 45,252,698.00 Fixed assets 7,433,555,045.00 299,391,169.00 7,955,058,596.00 144,293,574.00 Construction in progress 10,381,574,489.00 187,148,556.00 1,140,779,520.00 143,053,021.00 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 1,010,904,414.00 57,031,500.00 774,986,122.00 55,283,287.00 Development expense Goodwill 73,743,389.00 47,364,310.00 Long-term deferred expense 20,974,854.00 4,505,243.00 15,747,779.00 3,215,625.00 Deferred income tax assets 51,536,438.00 53,396,674.00 Other non-current assets 1,714,990,388.00 366,934,887.00 561,193,734.00 131,125,822.00 Total non-current assets 22,077,866,908.00 17,949,876,845.00 12,001,051,489.00 17,219,974,878.00 Total assets 42,064,776,912.00 21,088,769,771.00 30,613,980,480.00 20,271,290,108.00 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 4,158,878,078.00 51,097,612.00 855,912,704.00 Borrowings from central bank Deposit and due to banks and other financial institutions Loans from other bank Transaction financial liabilities Notes payable 23,344,263.00 27,025,437.00 Account payable 2,894,426,702.00 48,054,294.00 2,062,612,767.00 73,557,005.00 Account received in advance 75,963,268.00 269,436,833.00 59,726,146.00 270,385,995.00 Financial assets sold for repurchase Handling charges and commissions payable Paid to and for employees 165,047,717.00 33,795,782.00 190,728,011.00 29,854,839.00 Tax payable 16,866,889.00 1,310,979.00 37,105,067.00 23,445,437.00 Interest payable 38,409,495.00 1,297,890.00 5,999,659.00 292,521.00 Dividend payable 6,453,790.00 6,453,790.00 6,667,492.00 6,453,790.00 Other account payable 382,415,163.00 846,721,925.00 228,912,302.00 44,796,301.00 Reinsurance premium payable Reinsurance contact reserves payable Acting trading of securities Acting underwriting of securities Non-current liabilities due within 1 year 260,467,419.00 200,000,000.00 245,684,600.00 200,000,000.00 Other current liabilities 49,142,319.00 40,987,163.00京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 8 Total current liabilities 8,071,415,103.00 1,458,169,105.00 3,761,361,348.00 648,785,888.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 6,837,136,539.00 125,000,000.00 4,403,729,000.00 125,000,000.00 Bonds payable Long-term payables Specific payables Accrued liabilities 44,346,148.00 45,970,144.00 Deferred income tax liabilities 283,363,440.00 260,133,072.00 Other non-current liabilities 442,503,904.00 71,512,158.00 206,634,962.00 50,349,340.00 Total non-current liabilities 7,607,350,031.00 196,512,158.00 4,916,467,178.00 175,349,340.00 Total liabilities 15,678,765,134.00 1,654,681,263.00 8,677,828,526.00 824,135,228.00 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-up capital (or share capital) 8,282,902,447.00 8,282,902,447.00 8,282,902,447.00 8,282,902,447.00 Capital reserve 11,518,349,253.00 11,332,227,400.00 11,541,232,692.00 11,348,677,276.00 Less: Treasury share Special reserve Surplus reserve 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 Provision for general risk Retained profit -3,287,094,172.00 -680,133,952.00 -2,298,250,413.00 -683,517,456.00 Foreign exchange difference -1,982,120.00 -2,172,667.00 Total shareholders’ equity attributable to parent company 17,011,268,021.00 19,434,088,508.00 18,022,804,672.00 19,447,154,880.00 Minority interest 9,374,743,757.00 3,913,347,282.00 Total owners’ equity 26,386,011,778.00 19,434,088,508.00 21,936,151,954.00 19,447,154,880.00 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 42,064,776,912.00 21,088,769,771.00 30,613,980,480.00 20,271,290,108.00 4.2 Income statement for the report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jul.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount of this period Amount of last period Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Operating revenue 2,015,634,016.00 52,638,038.00 2,046,398,635.00 53,637,442.00 Including: Sales 2,015,634,016.00 52,638,038.00 2,046,398,635.00 53,637,442.00 Interest income Premium income Handling charges and commissions II. Total operating cost 2,563,916,109.00 51,281,737.00 2,098,033,383.00 9,021,591.00 Including: Cost of sales 2,125,493,876.00 18,876,643.00 1,886,653,527.00 19,156,230.00 Interest expense Handling charges and commissions expenses Cash surrender value Net amount of claims Net amount of insurance contract reserve withdrawn京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 9 Expense due with insurance contact Reinsurance premium Taxes and surcharges 4,415,026.00 1,855,703.00 4,611,847.00 2,495,919.00 Sales expenses 54,614,550.00 706,082.00 32,357,653.00 82,279.00 Administrative expenses 387,236,499.00 45,494,375.00 158,606,176.00 25,833,296.00 Financial expenses -16,584,832.00 -15,964,567.00 30,551,147.00 -38,584,909.00 Asset impairment loss 8,740,990.00 313,501.00 -14,746,967.00 38,776.00 Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) -1,340,590.00 -1,300,144.00 -13,282,452.00 -13,184,963.00 Including: income form investment on affiliated enterprises and jointly-run enterprises -1,340,590.00 -1,300,144.00 -13,282,452.00 -13,184,963.00 Gains and losses on exchange (“-” means loss) III. Business profit(“-”means loss) -549,622,683.00 56,157.00 -64,917,200.00 31,430,888.00 Add: Non-operation income 24,542,511.00 15,799,860.00 46,054,011.00 199,391,967.00 Less: Non-operation expense 3,613,030.00 497,530.00 3,453,182.00 Including: Losses in disposal of non-current assets 3,456,162.00 358,932.00 IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -528,693,202.00 15,856,017.00 -19,360,719.00 227,369,673.00 Less: Income tax expense 1,306,598.00 2,685,266.00 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -529,999,800.00 15,856,017.00 -22,045,985.00 227,369,673.00 Attributable to parent company -448,137,532.00 15,856,017.00 -7,572,138.00 227,369,673.00 Minority interest -81,862,268.00 -14,473,847.00 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share -0.05 0.002 0.00 0.04 (II) Diluted earnings per share -0.05 0.002 0.00 0.04 Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income 13,060,326.00 12,713,874.00 28,992,232.00 28,949,942.00 Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes -516,939,474.00 28,569,891.00 6,946,247.00 256,319,615.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -435,077,206.00 28,569,891.00 21,420,094.00 256,319,615.00 Minority interest -81,862,268.00 -14,473,847.00 4.3 Profit statement for the period from the year-begin to the end of the report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount of this period Amount of last period Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Operating revenue 6,202,063,899.00 155,348,854.00 4,344,512,321.00 148,140,301.00 Including: Sales 6,202,063,899.00 155,348,854.00 4,344,512,321.00 148,140,301.00 Interest income京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 10 Premium income Handling charges and commissions II. Total operating cost 7,383,372,275.00 154,742,199.00 5,196,969,341.00 71,185,358.00 Including: Cost of sales 6,250,732,367.00 55,960,526.00 4,483,096,549.00 53,352,999.00 Interest expense Handling charges and commissions expenses Cash surrender value Net amount of claims Net amount of insurance contract reserve withdrawn Expense due with insurance contact Reinsurance premium Taxes and surcharges 13,582,943.00 5,948,748.00 11,942,628.00 5,780,346.00 Sales expenses 151,517,241.00 1,068,182.00 80,638,895.00 397,162.00 Administrative expenses 917,230,556.00 129,415,394.00 678,440,756.00 71,760,851.00 Financial expenses 15,039,747.00 -38,313,394.00 93,834,957.00 -59,852,306.00 Asset impairment loss 35,269,421.00 662,743.00 -150,984,444.00 -253,694.00 Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) 4,169,923.00 -3,306,213.00 -137,049,817.00 -133,800,176.00 Including: income form investment on affiliated enterprises and jointly-run enterprises 2,011,566.00 -4,699,016.00 -136,952,328.00 -133,800,176.00 Gains and losses on exchange (“-” means loss) III. Business profit(“-”means loss) -1,177,138,453.00 -2,699,558.00 -989,506,837.00 -56,845,233.00 Add: Non-operation income 55,247,602.00 23,305,898.00 60,117,051.00 199,490,809.00 Less: Non-operation expense 9,496,871.00 3,062,914.00 2,294,796.00 3,982,636.00 Including: Losses in disposal of non-current assets 8,023,304.00 2,062,914.00 384,127.00 IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -1,131,387,722.00 17,543,426.00 -931,684,582.00 138,662,940.00 Less: Income tax expense 16,291,254.00 14,159,922.00 9,489,343.00 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -1,147,678,976.00 3,383,504.00 -941,173,925.00 138,662,940.00 Attributable to parent company -988,843,759.00 3,383,504.00 -757,001,707.00 138,662,940.00 Minority interest -158,835,217.00 -184,172,218.00 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share -0.12 0.00 -0.14 0.03 (II) Diluted earnings per share -0.12 0.00 -0.14 0.03 Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income -22,692,892.00 -16,449,876.00 65,276,343.00 49,328,546.00 Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes -1,170,371,868.00 -13,066,372.00 -875,897,582.00 187,991,486.00 Attributable to owners of parent company -1,011,536,651.00 -13,066,372.00 -691,725,364.00 187,991,486.00京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 11 Minority interest -158,835,217.00 -184,172,218.00 4.4 Cash flow statement for the period from the year-begin to the end of the report period Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Sep. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount of this period Amount of last period Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Cash flow arising from operating activities Cash received from sales of commodities and rendering of service 5,993,924,770.00 69,007,889.00 3,637,669,417.00 66,986,140.00 Net increase of deposit from customers and due from banks Net increase of borrowings from central bank Net increase of loans from other financial institutions Cash received from the premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in deposit of the insured and increases in net investment Net increase of disposal of transaction financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of borrowed inter-bank funds Net increase of buy-back funds Refunds on tax 24,789,262.00 19,228,316.00 Other cash received from operating activities 642,508,946.00 879,080,304.00 460,117,202.00 355,855,195.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 6,661,222,978.00 948,088,193.00 4,117,014,935.00 422,841,335.00 Cash paid for purchase of commodities and acceptation of service 5,515,658,167.00 35,086,032.00 3,302,636,408.00 37,543,525.00 Net increase from customer lending and advance Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash paid for claims of original insurance contract Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commissions京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 12 Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid for and to employees 583,366,091.00 51,169,473.00 435,717,470.00 34,823,765.00 All types of taxes 147,901,071.00 72,579,537.00 77,382,140.00 16,347,027.00 Other cash paid for operating activities 669,723,275.00 300,564,529.00 377,744,772.00 88,832,037.00 Subtotal of cash outflows in operating activities 6,916,648,604.00 459,399,571.00 4,193,480,790.00 177,546,354.00 Net cash flow arising from operating activities -255,425,626.00 488,688,622.00 -76,465,855.00 245,294,981.00 II. Cash Flows from investment activities: Cash received from return of investments 37,066,443.00 Cash received from investment income 2,838,604.00 2,838,801.00 1,030,515.00 1,030,515.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 12,006,264.00 26,404,184.00 26,111,488.00 Cash inflows from merger of subsidiaries Other cash received from investing activities 309,295,740.00 52,352,975.00 172,754,235.00 43,191,134.00 Sub-total cash inflows from investing activities 324,140,608.00 92,258,219.00 200,188,934.00 70,333,137.00 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 10,006,820,707.00 195,170,323.00 2,588,184,295.00 137,357,246.00 Cash paid for investment 28,195,991.00 367,695,991.00 272,000,000.00 9,239,500,000.00 Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid for acquire subsidiaries and other operating units 253,900,000.00 Other cash paid for investment activities 4,728,361,663.00 356,219,660.00 277,395,572.00 Sub-total cash outflows in investment activities 15,017,278,361.00 919,085,974.00 2,860,184,295.00 9,654,252,818.00 Net cash flows from investment activities -14,693,137,753.00 -826,827,755.00 -2,659,995,361.00 -9,583,919,681.00 III. Cash flow arising from financing activities: Cash received from absorbing investment 5,500,000,000.00 11,857,252,000.00 11,828,252,000.00 Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from minority interests Cash received from borrowings 8,641,057,787.00 48,536,987.00 3,238,152,639.00 1,664,400,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received from financing activities 121,180,306.00 118,782.00 Sub-total cash inflows in financing activities 14,262,238,093.00 48,536,987.00 15,095,523,421.00 13,492,652,000.00京东方科技集团股份有限公司 2010 年第三季度季度报告全文 13 Cash paid for liabilities 3,180,806,064.00 978,970.00 2,731,731,036.00 1,661,900,000.00 Cash paid interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 166,458,114.00 2,016,748.00 175,104,815.00 15,853,906.00 Including: Dividends, profit paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash paid for relating financing activities 13,749,942.00 40,842.00 56,734,571.00 39,351,664.00 Sub-total cash outflows in financing activities 3,361,014,120.00 3,036,560.00 2,963,570,422.00 1,717,105,570.00 Net cash flow arising from financing activities 10,901,223,973.00 45,500,427.00 12,131,952,999.00 11,775,546,430.00 IV. Impact of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -13,514,370.00 -240,902.00 -8,980,570.00 132,422.00 V. Increase in cash and cash equivalents -4,060,853,776.00 -292,879,608.00 9,386,511,213.00 2,437,054,152.00 Add: Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin 15,230,490,504.00 2,789,984,272.00 3,528,597,814.00 572,867,082.00 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the period-end 11,169,636,728.00 2,497,104,664.00 12,915,109,027.00 3,009,921,234.00 4.5 Audit Report Audit opinion: un-audited Legal Representative: Wang Dongsheng The Board of Directors of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 27 Oct. 2010