Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD. REPORT FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2011 §1 Important Notes 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors, supervisors and senior executives of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) guarantee that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statement or material omission and will take individual and/or joint liabilities for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report. 1.2 Financial statements for the first quarter of 2011 have not been audited by an accounting firm. 1.3 Mr. Wang Dongsheng, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Chen Yanshun, President of the Company, Ms. Sun Yun, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, as well as Ms. Yang Xiaoping, who is in charge of the Financial Planning Department, hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the quarterly report are factual and complete. [English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.] §2 Company Profile 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan 31 Mar. 2011 31 Dec. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Total assets (Yuan) 56,984,860,545.00 54,229,952,769.00 5.08% Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the 24,273,733,409.00 24,955,013,046.00 -2.73% Company (Yuan) Share capital (share) 11,267,951,951.00 11,267,951,951.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to shareholders 2.15 2.21 -2.71% of the Company (Yuan/share) Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Gross revenue (Yuan) 1,969,646,222.00 1,893,639,353.00 4.01% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the -674,781,964.00 -296,853,335.00 -127.31% Company (Yuan) Net cash flows from operating activities (Yuan) -366,268,678.00 33,675,569.00 -1,187.64% Net cash flows per share from operating -0.033 0.004 -925.00% activities (Yuan/share) Basic EPS (Yuan/share) -0.060 -0.040 -50.00% Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) -0.060 -0.040 -50.00% Weighted average ROE (%) -2.74% -1.66% -1.08% Weighted average ROE after deducting -2.81% -1.75% -1.06% non-recurring gains and losses (%) Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Items of non-recurring gains and losses √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount Notes (if applicable) Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets -38,340.00 Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses, excluding those related closely to the routine business of the Company 12,278,777.00 and continuously enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or ratios according to state policies and regulations Other non-operating incomes and expenses 5,862,386.00 Income tax effects 3,719.00 Minority interests effects -1,025,003.00 Total 17,081,539.00 - 2.2 Total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium at the end of the reporting period Unit: share Total number of shareholders at the end of the 417,973, of which 378,031 were A-share holders and 39,942 were reporting period B-share holders Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium Shares not subject to trading moratorium Full name of shareholder Type of share held at the period-end 1. Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., 717,484,233 RMB ordinary shares Ltd. 2. Being E-TOWN International Investment & 583,333,334 RMB ordinary shares Development Co., Ltd 3. Ke Xiping 277,800,000 RMB ordinary shares 4. Beijing Electronics Holdings Corporation 229,419,902 RMB ordinary shares 5. Beijing Zhi Shuai Investment Consulting Co., 79,666,035 RMB ordinary shares Ltd. 6. Beijing Industry Development & Investment 38,347,259 RMB ordinary shares Management Co., Ltd. 7. Fields Pacific Limited 36,484,634 Domestically listed foreign shares 8. Chengdu Hi-tech Investment Group Ltd. 33,971,362 RMB ordinary shares 9. Huatai Securities Co., Ltd. 33,824,964 RMB ordinary shares 10. Chengdu Industry Investment Group Co., 33,088,747 RMB ordinary shares Ltd, §3 Significant Events 3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as well as reasons for these changes √Applicable □Non-applicable 1. Transactional financial assets were down 100% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because forward foreign exchange agreements signed by the Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Company in last year were settled in the reporting period. 2. Prepayments were up 117% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because the Company made prepayments to some suppliers. 3. Other receivables were down 60% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because the export VAT refunds receivable last year were collected in the reporting period. 4. Other current assets were up 310% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because overpaid VAT increased in the reporting period. 5. Construction in process was up 65% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because some projects were still in the construction phase and payments for construction and equipments increased accordingly. 6. Notes payable were up 68% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because payables to suppliers increased. 7. Accounts received in advance were up 57% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because advances from customers increased. 8. Non-current liabilities due within one year were up 73% as compared to the end of last year, which was mainly because some long-term borrowings became due within one year in the reporting period. 9. Selling expense was up 66% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to the phasic mass production of new projects and the expansion of the consolidation scope. 10. Administrative expense was up 83% from a year earlier, which was mainly because the consolidation scope expanded and input for the phasic mass production and R&D of new projects increased. 11. Financial expense was down 3,067% from a year earlier, which was mainly because monetary funds increased due to the private A-share offering and bank deposit interest increased over last year. 12. Net cash flow by operation activities was down 1188% from a year earlier, which was mainly because that the sale of main products was down, and the company prepared more materials stock for the new beginning plant. 13.Net cash flow by investment activities was down 153% from a year earlier, which was mainly because that some projects are in construction and the purchase of project and equipment was increased. 14.Net cash flow by financing activities was up116%, which was mainly because that the loan from the bank. 3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions 3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure √Applicable □Inapplicable During the report period, the company paid 200,000.00RMB for controlling shareholder, by the end of reporting period, the controlling shareholder has paid back the money. Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.4 Other √Applicable □Inapplicable 1. About the Hefei 6G TFT-LCD Production Line Project: The 6G production line operated well in the reporting period with a stable product yield rate. It was expected to reach full capacity (90K glass substrates per month as set) by the second quarter of 2011. 2. About the Beijing 8G TFT-LCD Production Line Project: The 8G production line was in the process of equipment installation and debugging in the reporting period. It was expected to put into production by the end of June 2011 and realize mass production by the third quarter of the year. 3. The Company’s subordinate subsidiary—Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—could apply for refunds of overpaid taxes for equipment imports about RMB 1.6 billion in total, which was disclosed by the Company in the Announcement No. 2010-058 on 22 Dec. 2010. Up to the end of the reporting period, Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. received refunds of overpaid taxes for equipment imports of RMB 276,532,419.60 in total. 3.3 Commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and actual controller Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller and other related parties in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin year-on-year change of the accumulative net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons √Applicable □Inapplicable Performance forecast Deficit 1 Jan.-30 Jun. 2011 1 Jan.-30 Jun. 2010 Increase/decrease (%) Estimated accumulative net -135,000.00 -- -125,000.00 -54,071.00 Decrease -150.00% -- -131.00% profit (RMB Ten thousand) Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) -0.12 -- -0.11 -0.07 Decrease -84.00% -- -70.00% 1. Since 2011, prices of the Company’s main products have been lingering at low levels. 2. The 5G production line of the Company was shifted to a product line for small-sized products, Explanation on performance which led to some costs. forecast 3. The 6G production line of the Company was put to trial production in Sept. 2010 and then mass production in Nov. 2010. Some loss was incurred for the production line was on the way to reach its full capacity in the reporting period. 3.5 Other significant events Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 3.5.1 Securities investments □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period Way of Main discussion and information Time Place Visitor reception provided by the Company Conference ABC-CA Fund Management, Field 5 Jan. 2011 Room of the China Nature Asset Management, research Company SWS Research 6 Jan. 2011 By phone By phone Huatai Securities Conference Field 13 Jan. 2011 Room of the Dongxing Securities research Company Conference Field 14 Jan. 2011 Room of the Sinolink Securities research Company Conference Field 19 Jan. 2011 Room of the AVIC Securities, Zexi Investment research Company Main discussion: Conference 1. Operation of the Company and its Field Morgan Stanley Securities, 9 Feb. 2011 Room of the future development strategy; research Morgan Stanley Asia Limited Company 2. Current status and development Conference trends in the industry; Field 25 Feb. 2011 Room of the China Galaxy Securities 3. Particulars about the Chengdu research Company 4.5G Production Line, Beijing 5G Conference Production Line, Hefei 6G Field 3 Mar. 2011 Room of the KGI, KGI Asia Production Line and Beijing 8G research Company Production Line; ChinaAMC, Beijing Longrising Conference Asset Management, China Materials provided: Field 9 Mar. 2011 Room of the International Fund Management, The 2009 Annual Report, the research Company SW Asset Management, HSBC brochure of the Company and other Jintrust, SWS Research, NuWorld materials available for public access Conference Field 10 Mar. 2011 Room of the Caida Securities research Company Conference Field 17 Mar. 2011 Room of the Haitong Securities research Company CongRong Investment Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai, Conference Field Changsheng Fund Management, 18 Mar. 2011 Room of the research HFT Investment Management, Company Lord Abbett China, Minsheng Royal Fund Management, Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. First-Trust Fund Management, E-Fund Management, Haitong Securities, Zhonghai Fund, Huatai-PineBridge, First State Investments, Harfor Fund Management, China Southern Fund, Ping An Asset Management, GF Securities, Dacheng Fund, CITIC Securities, Harvest Fund 3.6 Derivative investments □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.6.1 Derivative investments held at the end of the reporting period □Applicable √Inapplicable §4 Attachments 4.1 Balance Sheet Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. 31 Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Closing balance Opening balance Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company Current Assets: Monetary funds 20,830,639,175.00 2,794,947,630.00 23,997,831,673.00 11,570,776,269.00 Settlement reserves Lendings to banks and other financial institutions Transactional financial assets 67,794,013.00 Notes receivable 428,420,157.00 1,009,939.00 378,937,778.00 1,309,602.00 Accounts receivable 1,460,472,955.00 53,910,233.00 1,263,204,267.00 51,608,542.00 Accounts paid in advance 87,444,793.00 2,357,012.00 40,275,676.00 7,261,899.00 Premiums receivable Reinsurance premiums receivable Receivable reinsurance contract reserves Interest receivable 57,234,109.00 6,402,382.00 57,851,997.00 13,899,504.00 Dividend receivable 8,204,147.00 8,204,147.00 Other accounts receivable 134,171,235.00 550,439,455.00 333,128,771.00 521,691,925.00 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 1,427,181,550.00 1,712,815.00 1,300,479,825.00 1,566,813.00 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets 1,445,713,410.00 23,653,691.00 352,781,119.00 22,389,271.00 Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Total current assets 25,871,277,384.00 3,442,637,304.00 27,792,285,119.00 12,198,707,972.00 Non-current assets: Entrusted loans and advances granted Available-for-sale financial 173,174,403.00 173,174,403.00 173,899,899.00 173,899,899.00 assets Held-to-maturity investments Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity investment 61,881,116.00 25,501,563,744.00 63,164,307.00 16,842,762,737.00 Investing property 1,391,985,132.00 186,292,523.00 1,407,773,542.00 187,567,077.00 Fixed assets 14,792,334,187.00 371,241,596.00 15,287,867,884.00 377,003,935.00 Construction in progress 13,357,178,363.00 18,954,528.00 8,098,446,109.00 15,050,501.00 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 1,104,039,605.00 66,665,565.00 1,112,496,157.00 58,347,672.00 R&D expense Goodwill 55,926,774.00 55,926,774.00 Long-term deferred expenses 12,255,401.00 4,328,504.00 13,270,680.00 4,601,663.00 Deferred income tax assets 50,524,175.00 51,053,166.00 Other non-current assets 114,284,005.00 56,365,390.00 173,769,132.00 58,112,218.00 Total of non-current assets 31,113,583,161.00 26,378,586,253.00 26,437,667,650.00 17,717,345,702.00 Total assets 56,984,860,545.00 29,821,223,557.00 54,229,952,769.00 29,916,053,674.00 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 5,740,195,094.00 30,184,201.00 4,964,412,066.00 74,889,216.00 Borrowings from Central Bank Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions Transactional financial liabilities Notes payable 62,335,921.00 37,148,093.00 Accounts payable 2,464,814,117.00 42,003,348.00 2,267,112,387.00 5,061,943.00 Accounts received in advance 129,381,385.00 1,539,604.00 82,635,808.00 614,107,270.00 Financial assets sold for repurchase Handling charges and commissions payable Employee’s compensation 165,985,911.00 34,618,002.00 256,486,006.00 31,770,662.00 payable Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Tax payable 16,720,172.00 1,521,469.00 15,603,988.00 2,223,606.00 Interest payable 67,681,243.00 156,121.00 55,863,170.00 1,324,503.00 Dividend payable 6,453,111.00 6,453,111.00 6,453,111.00 6,453,111.00 Other accounts payable 3,513,253,830.00 937,789,502.00 3,091,332,938.00 387,298,564.00 Reinsurance premiums payable Insurance contract reserves Payables for acting trading of securities Payables for acting underwriting of securities Non-current liabilities due 449,188,400.00 200,000,000.00 260,068,100.00 200,000,000.00 within 1 year Other current liabilities 33,045,797.00 23,407,481.00 Total current liabilities 12,649,054,981.00 1,254,265,358.00 11,060,523,148.00 1,323,128,875.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 9,501,605,076.00 7,504,827,507.00 Bonds payable Long-term payables Specific payables Estimated liabilities 37,049,896.00 37,049,896.00 Deferred income tax liabilities 292,827,802.00 294,904,213.00 Other non-current liabilities 968,102,923.00 62,155,734.00 1,072,839,752.00 64,414,064.00 Total non-current liabilities 10,799,585,697.00 62,155,734.00 8,909,621,368.00 64,414,064.00 Total liabilities 23,448,640,678.00 1,316,421,092.00 19,970,144,516.00 1,387,542,939.00 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-up capital (or share 11,267,951,951.00 11,267,951,951.00 11,267,951,951.00 11,267,951,951.00 capital) Capital reserves 17,483,628,655.00 17,296,539,752.00 17,484,354,151.00 17,297,265,248.00 Less: Treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 499,092,613.00 Provisions for general risks Retained profits -4,969,954,434.00 -558,781,851.00 -4,295,172,470.00 -535,799,077.00 Foreign exchange difference -6,985,376.00 -1,213,199.00 Total equity attributable to owners 24,273,733,409.00 28,504,802,465.00 24,955,013,046.00 28,528,510,735.00 of the Company Minority interests 9,262,486,458.00 9,304,795,207.00 Total owners’ equity 33,536,219,867.00 28,504,802,465.00 34,259,808,253.00 28,528,510,735.00 Total liabilities and owners’ 56,984,860,545.00 29,821,223,557.00 54,229,952,769.00 29,916,053,674.00 equity 4.2 Income Statement Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Total operating revenues 1,969,646,222.00 47,030,268.00 1,893,639,353.00 50,220,892.00 Including: Sales income 1,969,646,222.00 1,893,639,353.00 Interest income Premium income Handling charge and commission income II. Total operating cost 2,719,468,666.00 69,399,404.00 2,244,330,519.00 57,106,156.00 Including: Cost of sales 2,225,369,739.00 21,198,211.00 1,879,557,273.00 19,945,334.00 Interest expenses Handling charge and commission expenses Surrenders Net claims paid Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract reserve Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium Taxes and associate 4,430,424.00 1,437,591.00 4,100,445.00 1,709,542.00 charges Selling and distribution 71,767,816.00 43,182,256.00 78,785.00 expenses Administrative expenses 465,049,868.00 69,997,747.00 253,948,969.00 45,033,143.00 Financial expenses -96,207,662.00 -23,280,862.00 -3,037,574.00 -9,677,736.00 Asset impairment loss 49,058,481.00 46,717.00 66,579,150.00 17,088.00 Add: Gain/(loss) from change in -8,670,137.00 fair value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment -1,283,192.00 -1,198,993.00 -1,957,005.00 -1,838,262.00 (“-” means loss) Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss) III. Business profit (“-” means -759,775,773.00 -23,568,129.00 -352,648,171.00 -8,723,526.00 loss) Add: non-operating income 18,919,093.00 589,882.00 19,217,767.00 4,096,832.00 Less: non-operating expense 816,270.00 4,526.00 249,756.00 10,855.00 Including: loss from non-current 342,281.00 4,526.00 45,189.00 asset disposal IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) -741,672,950.00 -22,982,773.00 -333,680,160.00 -4,637,549.00 Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Less: Income tax expense -818,944.00 -1,674,191.00 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) -740,854,006.00 -22,982,773.00 -332,005,969.00 -4,637,549.00 Attributable to owners of the -674,781,964.00 -22,982,773.00 -296,853,335.00 -4,637,549.00 Company Minority shareholders’ -66,072,042.00 -35,152,634.00 income VI. Earnings per share (I) basic earnings per share -0.060 -0.0020 -0.040 -0.0010 (II) diluted earnings per -0.060 -0.0020 -0.040 -0.0010 share Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes -6,497,673.00 -6,497,673.00 12,448,188.00 12,448,188.00 Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes -747,351,679.00 -29,480,446.00 -319,557,781.00 7,810,639.00 Attributable to owners of the -681,279,637.00 -29,480,446.00 -284,405,147.00 7,810,639.00 Company Attributable to minority -66,072,042.00 -35,152,634.00 shareholders 4.3 Cash Flow Statement Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2011 Jan.-Mar. 2010 Items Consolidation The Company Consolidation The Company I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of 1,951,481,717.00 18,446,230.00 1,845,550,068.00 22,479,022.00 service Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks Net increase of loans from the central bank Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. commissions Net increase of borrowings from banks and other financial institutions Net increase of funds in repurchase business Tax refunds received 208,854,987.00 71,071.00 8,368,715.00 Other cash received relating to 174,819,796.00 24,502,392.00 380,217,149.00 329,636,290.00 operating activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 2,335,156,500.00 43,019,693.00 2,234,135,932.00 352,115,312.00 operating activities Cash paid for goods and 1,946,823,979.00 33,186,195.00 1,735,168,924.00 8,614,862.00 services Net increase of customer lendings and advances Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions Cash for paying policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 360,383,125.00 44,055,669.00 200,313,322.00 20,742,107.00 Various taxes paid 139,459,883.00 9,920,371.00 61,784,689.00 21,854,283.00 Other cash payment relating to 254,758,191.00 34,563,010.00 203,193,428.00 50,760,629.00 operating activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 2,701,425,178.00 121,725,245.00 2,200,460,363.00 101,971,881.00 operating activities Net cash flows from operating -366,268,678.00 -78,705,552.00 33,675,569.00 250,143,431.00 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of investments Cash received from return on investments Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 992,000.00 969,167.00 24,422,174.00 and other long-term assets Cash inflows from combined 36,338,187.00 subsidiaries Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units Return of restricted deposits in 1,552,196.00 financial institutions Other cash received relating 331,534,887.00 22,973,826.00 29,299,468.00 31,582,500.00 to investing activities Subtotal of cash inflows 368,865,074.00 23,942,993.00 53,721,642.00 33,134,696.00 from investing activities Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other 6,213,351,370.00 12,294,410.00 1,345,978,645.00 82,765,144.00 long-term assets Increase of restricted deposits 2,080,624,905.00 1,821,250,729.00 in financial institutions Cash paid for investment 8,660,000,000.00 27,695,991.00 227,695,991.00 Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business 15,306,439.00 units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from 8,309,282,714.00 8,672,294,410.00 3,194,925,365.00 310,461,135.00 investing activities Net cash flows from investing -7,940,417,640.00 -8,648,351,417.00 -3,141,203,723.00 -277,326,439.00 activities III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital 1,500,000,000.00 contributions Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments by subsidiaries Cash received from 5,029,205,308.00 832,060,703.00 41,066,460.00 borrowings Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to 684,792,609.00 47,500,000.00 financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from 5,713,997,917.00 47,500,000.00 2,332,060,703.00 41,066,460.00 financing activities Repayment of borrowings 1,822,557,682.00 40,147,677.00 556,316,663.00 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of 127,226,927.00 1,127,867.00 41,706,492.00 1,824,388.00 dividends or profit Report for the First Quarter of 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Other cash payments relating 29,305,182.00 7,476,924.00 1,217,840.00 8,701.00 to financing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from 1,979,089,791.00 48,752,468.00 599,240,995.00 1,833,089.00 financing activities Net cash flows from financing 3,734,908,126.00 -1,252,468.00 1,732,819,708.00 39,233,371.00 activities IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash 8,753,397.00 -19,200.00 -1,624,395.00 65,276.00 equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -4,563,024,795.00 -8,728,328,637.00 -1,376,332,841.00 12,115,639.00 equivalents Add: Cash and cash 19,097,948,638.00 11,478,796,269.00 15,003,596,344.00 2,788,892,804.00 equivalents at the period-begin VI. Cash and cash equivalents at 14,534,923,843.00 2,750,467,632.00 13,627,263,503.00 2,801,008,443.00 the period-end 4.4 Auditor’s report Auditor’s opinion: un-audited