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						                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Stock code: 200725                Short form of stock: BOE B              Announcement No.: 2011-029

                     BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
            Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011

§1. Important Statement
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and
senior executives of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―the
Company‖) hereby assure that there are no false records, misleading statements or
significant omissions in this report, and shall shoulder any individual and/or joint
liability concerning the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this
The Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 is abstracted from the full text of the
Semi-annual Report 2011, which is published on www.cninfo.com.cn in the mean time
with the Abstract. Investors are suggested to read the full text to understand more
1.2 The Financial Report for the first half of 2011 has not been audited by a CPA firm.
1.3 Chairman of the Board Mr. Wang Dongsheng, CEO Mr. Chen Yanshun, CFO Ms.
Sun Yun, and Person-in-charge of the Financial Planning Dept. Ms.Yang Xiaoping
hereby declare that the Financial Report enclosed in the Semi-annual Report 2011 is
factual and complete.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

§2. Company Profile
2.1 Basic information
  Short form of stock   BOE A, BOE B
      Stock code        000725, 200725
   Stock exchange       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                       Board Secretary                   Securities Affair Representative
        Name            Feng Liqiong                               Liu Hongfeng
                        No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang
   Contact address
                        Beijing                                    District, Beijing
      Telephone         010-64318888 ext.                         010-64318888 ext.
         Fax            010-64366264                               010-64366264
        E-mail          fengliqiong@boe.com.cn                     liuhongfeng@boe.com.cn
2.2 Financial highlights
2.2.1 Major accounting data and financial indexes
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                                               Increase/decrease at the
                                                      At the end of this                                      end of this reporting period
                                                                                   At the end of last year
                                                       reporting period                                       compared with the end of
                                                                                                                     last year (%)
              Total assets (Yuan)                         63,752,747,065.00             54,229,952,769.00                         17.56%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of
                                                          23,718,541,750.00             24,955,013,046.00                            -4.95%
          the listed company (Yuan)
             Share capital (share)                        13,521,542,341.00              11,267,951,951.00                        20.00%
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders
                                                                           1.75                        2.21                      -20.81%
      of the listed company (Yuan/share)
                                                    Reporting period (From                                         Increase/decrease
                                                                                  Same period of last year
                                                      Jan. to Jun. 2011)                                           year-on-year (%)
        Total operating income (Yuan)                      4,940,033,997.00               4,186,429,883.00                        18.00%
            Operating profit (Yuan)                       -1,394,938,605.00                -627,515,770.00                      -122.30%
              Total profit (Yuan)                         -1,329,248,016.00                -602,694,520.00                      -120.55%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                          -1,215,484,477.00                -540,706,227.00                      -124.80%
            listed company (Yuan)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
 listed company after deducting non-recurring             -1,272,107,385.00                -560,272,988.00                      -127.05%
            gains and losses (Yuan)
     Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                            -0.090                         -0.065                     -238.46%
    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                           -0.090                         -0.065                      -38.46%
          Weighted average ROE (%)                                 -4.99%                          -3.05%                        -1.94%
     Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                                   -5.23%                          -3.16%                        -2.07%
      non-recurring gains and losses (%)
Net cash flows from operating activities (Yuan)             -609,716,117.00                   3,312,176.00                  -18,508.32%
   Net cash flows per share from operating
                                                                       -0.05                        -0.0003                 -16,566.67%
            activities (Yuan/share)

        2.2.2 Items of non-recurring gains and losses
        √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Items of non-recurring gains and losses                                         Amount
      Gains and losses from disposal of the non-current assets                                                      10,460,991.00
      Government subsidy recognized in gains and losses of current period,
      excluding government subsidies with close relationship to the Company’s
      normal business, in line with government policies and granted with fixed
      amount or quantity according to certain standards
      Reversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivable for which the
      impairment test is carried out separately
      Gains/losses on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and
      liabilities, as well as investment gains on disposing transactional financial                                 -8,670,137.00
      assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, excluding the
                                             Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

          valid hedging business related to the Company’s normal operation
          Other non-operating income and expenses except the above                                                   11,929,814.00
          Impact on income tax                                                                                         -116,181.00
          Impact on minority interests                                                                                 -284,363.00
                                               Total                                                                 56,622,908.00
            2.2.3 Difference between PRC GAAP and IFRS
            □Applicable √Inapplicable

            §3. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
            3.1 Statement of changes in shares
            √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: share
                            Prior to the change                     Increase/ decrease (+, -)                     Subsequent to the change
                                                       New               Capitalization
                                                                Bonus                       Othe
                           Number            Ratio     shares              of public               Subtotal          Number          Ratio
                                                                shares                       r
                                                       issued            reserve fund
I. Shares subject to
                         4,235,114,922       37.59%                       847,022,984              847,022,984     5,082,137,906     37.59%
trading moratorium
1. Shares held by the
                           330,000,000        2.93%                         66,000,000              66,000,000       396,000,000      2.93%
2. Shares held by
state-owned              3,305,049,504       29.33%                       661,009,901              661,009,901     3,966,059,405     29.33%
3. Shares held by
other domestic             600,000,000        5.33%                       120,000,000              120,000,000       720,000,000      5.33%
Including: Shares
held by domestic
                           600,000,000        5.33%                       120,000,000              120,000,000       720,000,000      5.33%
Shares held by
domestic natural                         0    0.00%                                     0                     0                       0.00%
4. Shares held by
                                         0    0.00%                                     0                     0                       0.00%
foreign investors
Including: Shares
held by foreign                          0    0.00%                                     0                     0                       0.00%
Shares held by
foreign natural                          0    0.00%                                     0                     0                       0.00%
5. Shares held by
                                 65,418       0.00%                             13,083                 13,083             78,501      0.00%
senior executives
                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

II. Shares not subject
to trading                7,032,837,029        62.41%                       1,406,567,406          1,406,567,406     8,439,404,435     62.41%
1. RMB ordinary
                          5,917,287,029        52.51%                       1,183,457,406          1,183,457,406     7,100,744,435     52.51%
2. Domestically listed
                          1,115,550,000         9.90%                         223,110,000           223,110,000      1,338,660,000        9.90%
foreign shares
3. Overseas listed
                                        0       0.00%                                                                                     0.00%
foreign shares
4. Others                               0       0.00%                                                                                     0.00%
III. Total number of
                         11,267,951,951      100.00%                        2,253,590,390          2,253,590,390 13,521,542,341 100.00%

             3.2 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten
             shareholders not subject to moratorium
                                                                                Unit: Share
         Total number of shareholders              431,560 (including 391,445 A-share holders and 40,115 B-share holders)
                                            Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                                                    Shares subject to
                                                    Nature of     Shareholdin    Total number of         trading         Shares pledged
                 Name of shareholder
                                                   shareholder    g percentage     shares held          moratorium         or frozen
      INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT                                          9.57%       1,294,059,406        594,059,405        647,029,502
      BEIJING BOE INVESTMENT &                   State-owned
                                                                        6.37%         860,981,080                    0                 0
      DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.                      Corporation
      ECONOMIC-TECHNOLOGICAL                     State-owned
                                                                        6.27%         847,650,000        840,000,000                   0
      HEFEI RONGKE PROJECT                       State-owned
                                                                        5.86%         792,000,000        792,000,000                   0
      INVESTMENT CO., LTD.                       Corporation
      HEFEI LAN KE INVESTMENT                    State-owned
                                                                        5.55%         750,000,000        750,000,000                   0
      CO., LTD.                                  Corporation
      STATE-OWNED ASSETS                                                5.55%         750,000,000        750,000,000                   0
      BEIJING JIAHUI DEXIN                       Domestic
      INVESTMENT CENTER (LIMITED general                                4.44%         600,000,000        600,000,000        600,000,000
      PARTNERSHIP)                               corporation
      DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT The state                                3.27%         442,016,711        396,000,000                   0
                                    Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                       The state                 2.04%        275,303,883                  0     168,418,605
KE XIPING                                                        1.98%        267,900,000                  0     252,000,000
                                       natural person
                  Particulars of shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading restrictions
                                                     Number of shares not subject to trading
           Name of the shareholders                                                                     Type of shares
                                                                  restrictions held
BEIJING       BOE          INVESTMENT           &
                                                                                      860,981,080          A shares
                                                                                      700,000,001          A shares
BEIJING ELECTRONICS HOLDING CO., LTD                                                  275,303,883          A shares
KE XIPING                                                                             267,900,000          A shares
HUITAI SECURITIES CO., LTD.                                                            68,382,601          A shares
                                                                                       66,579,642          A shares
                                                                                       46,016,711          A shares
FIELDS PACIFIC LIMITED                                                                 43,781,561          B shares
HUANG YINGBIN                                                                          43,157,394          B shares
                                                                                       40,765,635          A shares
                                1. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. holds 66.25% shares of Beijing BOE Investment
                                & Development Co., Ltd. and is its controlling shareholder.
                                2. When the Company completed private offering of shares in 2010, Beijing E-TOWN
                                International Investment & Development Co., Ltd. transferred all shares directly held to
  Explanation on associated     Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. for management, then BOE Investment
relationship among the top ten acquired the attached rights of the shares attributable to other shareholders in accordance
       shareholders or          with current effective laws and rules, excluding right of disposition such as transfer,
       action-in-concert        donation, mortgage etc. and usufruct (including claim for profit distribution and claim for
                                retained assets distribution).
                                3. Except for relationship among the above shareholders, the Company is not aware of
                                whether there is any associated relationship or not among top ten shareholders holding
                                shares not subject to trading moratorium.

   3.3 Particulars about change of the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   §4. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
   4.1 Particulars about changes in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior
   √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                                           Shares        Shares                             shares
                                       Shares held                                       Shares held                        Stock options
                                                        increased in decreased in                          subject to                            Reason for
     Name            Position             at the                                           at the                            held at the
                                                         the current   the current                         trading to                              change
                                       period-begin                                      period-end                          period-end
                                                           period        period                        moratorium
                Chairman of the
                Board, Director
Wang                                                                                                                                           capital reserve
                of the Executive               24,921          4,984                 0        29,905                    0                  0
Dongsheng                                                                                                                                      to share

                Deputy chairman
Liang                                                                                                                                          capital reserve
                                                9,969          1,994                 0        11,963                    0                  0
Xinqing                                                                                                                                        to share
                ve director,
                                                                                                                                               capital reserve
Han Guojian executive                           9,968          1,994                 0        11,962                    0                  0
                                                                                                                                               to share

Mu                                                                                                                                             capital reserve
                Supervisor                      2,492            499                 0         2,991                    0                  0
Chengyuan                                                                                                                                      to share
                            Executi                                                                                                            Turning
                ve vice-president                                                                                                              capital reserve
Song Ying                                      24,921          4,984                 0        29,905                    0                  0
                                                                                                                                               to share
                Executive                                                                                                                      Turning
                vice-president                                                                                                                 capital reserve
Wang Yanjun                                     9,968          1,994                 0        11,962                    0                  0
                                                                                                                                               to share
                                                                                                                                               capital reserve
Sun Yun         Senior          Vice            4,984            997                 0         5,981                    0                  0
                                                                                                                                               to share

           §5. Report of the Board of Directors
           5.1 Main businesses classified according to industries or products
                                                                         Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                   Main business classified according to industries
                                   Operating                           Gross profit Increase/decrease           Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
     Industries/products                              Operating cost
                                      income                             ratio (%)          of operating        of operating cost              of gross profit
                                            Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                                                               income compared compared with the          ratio compared
                                                                                with the same         same period last    with the same
                                                                                period last year          year (%)       period last year
                                                                                      (%)                                      (%)
TFT-LCD used for IT and
                                     304,857.00     364,496.00      -19.56%                 4.94%               21.10%            -15.96%
TFT-LCD used for mobile
                                     101,818.00       91,634.00      10.00%                 92.26%              83.34%                4.38%
and application products
Back light product Business           74,382.00       71,241.00       4.22%                 5.52%                7.00%                -1.33%
Other business                       164,261.00     143,589.00       12.58%             166.56%                209.61%            -12.15%
Offset                              -151,314.00    -136,488.00        9.80%             165.76%                165.57%                0.06%
Total                                494,004.00     534,472.00        -8.19%                18.00%              29.56%                -9.65%
                                             Main business classified according to products
TFT-LCD used for IT and
                                     304,857.00     364,496.00      -19.56%                 4.94%               21.10%            -15.96%
TFT-LCD used for mobile
                                     101,818.00       91,634.00      10.00%                 92.26%              83.34%                4.38%
and application products
Back light product business           74,382.00       71,241.00       4.22%                 5.52%                7.00%                -1.33%
Other business                       164,261.00     143,589.00       12.58%             166.56%                209.61%            -12.15%
Offset                              -151,314.00    -136,488.00        9.80%             165.76%                165.57%                0.06%
Total                                494,004.00     534,472.00        -8.19%                18.00%              29.56%                -9.65%

           5.2 Main businesses classified according to regions
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                                     Increase/decrease compared with the
                           Region                                   Operating income
                                                                                                          same period last year (%)
 China                                                                                 353,093                                   42.69%
 Other Asian countries and regions                                                     272,144                                   21.63%
 Europe                                                                                     9,479                               192.29%
 America                                                                                    9,893                               780.94%
 Other countries                                                                              709                                         -
 Offset                                                                                -151,314                                 165.76%
 Total                                                                                 494,004                                   18.00%
         5.3 Explanation for significant changes in main businesses and their structure
         □Applicable √Inapplicable
         5.4 Explanation for significant changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
         businesses compared with last year
         √Applicable □Inapplicable
  Affected by fluctuations in the industry, prices of large-sized panels showed a slide over 20% as
  compared with the same period of last year, causing a great impact on the gross profit rate of the
  business of TFT-LCD used for IT and TV which accounted for over 60% of the Company’s total
  revenues. Due to the said fluctuation in the panel business, upstream and downstream businesses
  also showed some decrease.
                                                    Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

            5.5 Analysis for significant changes in profit structure compared with the previous
            □Applicable √Inapplicable
            5.6 Utilization of raised proceeds
            5.6.1 The Form of Utilization of raised proceeds
            √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Total raised proceeds                                           2,296,886.00
                                                                                 Total raised proceeds invested in the
Total raised proceeds with usage altered in the                                                                                                        633,915.00
                                                                            0.00 reporting period
reporting period
Accumulative raised proceeds with usage
altered                                                                          Accumulative        raised      proceeds
Proportion of accumulative raised proceeds                                       invested
with usage altered
                                                                                                                         Date                   Re
                                  ed                                                                        Investm
                                                                                                                        when                    ach
                                project                                                                       ent
                                                                                                                         the                    ed Significant
                                 s or       Total                                          Accumulative progress                  Benefit
Committed investment                                        Total            Invested                                   project                 pro change in
                                 not      committed                                          invested       as at the             realized
projects and investment                                   investment        amount in                                   reache                  ject feasibility
                                (partia investment                                         amount as at      end of                in the
direction of extra raised                                   after          the reporting                                  d                     ed       of the
                                   l      of raised                                        the end of the     the                 reportin
          proceeds                                      adjustment (1)        period                                    service                 ben project or
                                chang     proceeds                                          period (2)       period               g period
                                                                                                                         able                   efit      not
                                  e                                                                          (%)(3)
                                                                                                                        conditi                 or
                                includ                                                                      =(2)/(1)
                                                                                                                          on                    not
Committed investment
Production line project                                                                                                  1
of the 4.5G TFT-LCD Yes                   220,000.00       180,546.00         11,808.00      180,159.00 99.79% Nov.               91.00         Yes       No
(4.5G Project)                                                                                                          2009
Project     of increasing
capital to Beijing BOE
Technology Co., Ltd.
and        repaying       its
syndicated             loans Yes          226,800.00                0.00           0.00             0.00      0.00%           -             -             No
(Project     of       Capital
Increase      for       Debt
Clearing       of       BOE
Technology Co., Ltd.)
Project                   of
supplementing         current Yes          18,200.00         43,644.00             0.00        43,644.00 100.00%              -             -             No
capital (2008)
                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Production line project                                                                                    18
of the 6G TFT-LCD Yes                  1,078,331.00      895,950.00    197,184.00     684,057.00 76.35% Nov. -45,686.00 Yes            No
(6G Line Project)                                                                                          2010
Project                      of
supplementing Current             No    100,000.00       100,000.00          0.00     100,000.00 100.00%        -             -        No
capital (2009)
Production line project                                                                                     1
of the 8G TFT-LCD                 No    850,000.00       850,000.00    198,177.00     198,177.00 23.31% Oct.             0.00 Yes      No
(8G Line Project)                                                                                          2011
Project                      of
supplementing           current   No     44,365.00         44,365.00    44,365.00      44,365.00 100.00%        -             -        No
capital (2010)
Subtotal of committed
                                  -    2,537,696.00     2,114,505.00   451,534.00 1,250,402.00     -        -       -45,595.00 -       -
investment projects
Use       of      over-raised
Repaying bank loans, if
                                  -                                                                 -                   -         -    -
Supplementing               the
                                  -                                                                 -                   -         -    -
working capital, if any
Subtotal of the used
                                  -        0.00            0.00          0.00             0.00      -                       0.00 -     -
over-raised funds
               Total              -    2,537,696.00     2,114,505.00   451,534.00 1,250,402.00      -               -45,595.00 -       -
Situation and reason on
failing to catch up with
the planned progress or
achieve the estimated
earnings (with details of
each involved project)
Explanation                 on
significant change of                                                               None
project feasibility
Condition                    of
implementation place of
raised                 proceeds
investment projects
Change                       of
implementation place of
raised                 proceeds
investment projects
Adjustment                   in
implementation way of
raised                 proceeds
investment projects
                                             Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.


                            Before raised funds of Y2008 were available, the Company, in accordance with Proposal on Increasing
                            Capital to Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. passed by the 10th Session of the 5th Board of
                            Directors on 26 May 2008, preliminarily input self-raised funds of RMB 245,454,000.00, which were
                            deposited in China Construction Bank Chengdu West District Branch, to construction of 4.5G Project. After
                            raised funds of Y2008 became available, based on the Management Method of Raised Funds of Listed
                            Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and as reviewed and passed by the 12 th Session of the 5th Board of
Preliminary input and
                            Directors on 28 Jul. 2008, the Company replaced the preliminary self-raised funds put into 4.5G Project by
replacement of raised
                            raised funds of RMB 245,454,000.00 of Y2008.
proceeds       investment
                            Before raised funds of Y2009 were available, in accordance with Proposal on Investing and Establishing 6G
                            TFT-LCD Production Line Project and Proposal on Issuance Scheme of Private Offering of A stock approved
                            by voting at the 17th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 7 Nov. 2008 and the 2 nd interim Shareholders’
                            General Meeting 2008 on 25 Nov. 2008, the Company preliminarily input self raised funds of RMB
                            1,309,500,000.00 to construction of 6G Project. After raised funds of Y2009 became available, based on the
                            Management Method of Raised Funds of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and as reviewed
                            and passed by the 26th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 23 Jun. 2009, the Company replaced the
                            preliminary self-raised funds put into 6G Project by raised funds of RMB 1,309,500,000.00.

 Project of temporarily
 supplementing current
capital with idle raised


                            The mass production of the 6G project was successfully realized in Nov. 2010, the production capacity
Balance      of       raised expansion progress was good, and the full capacity was realized at the end of April.2011. The project
proceeds     during      the subsidiary—Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—had a rational financial structure, as well as
implementation            of sufficient and stable operating funds, to satisfy routine operating needs. According to the original
projects     and     reason commitment, the investment amount for the project was RMB 10,783,310,000 and was later changed to RMB
thereof                     8,959,500,000. As reviewed and approved at the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting of the
                            Company, the outstanding raised funds of RMB 1,910,190,000 (including the corresponding interest of the
                            special account for the raised funds) were used for supplementing working capital.
                            I. The remaining raised proceeds in 2008 would be used for construction and operation of the Chengdu 4.5G
                            Line, which are currently put into the special account for raised proceeds and strictly managed by Chengdu
                            BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—the company in charge of the project implementation;
Use and whereabouts of II. The remaining raised proceeds in 2009 would be used for construction and operation of the Hefei 6G Line,
the   remaining       raised which are currently put into the special accounts for raised proceeds and strictly managed by Hefei BOE
capital                     Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—the company in charge of the project implementation.
                            III. The remaining raised proceeds in 2010 would be used for construction and operation of the Beijing 8G
                            Line, which are currently put into the special accounts for raised proceeds and strictly managed by Beijing
                            BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.—the company in charge of the project implementation.
Existing problems or
other conditions during                                                         None
the use and disclosure
                                                     Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

 of raised proceeds

                5.6.2 Change of projects invested with raised proceeds
                √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                             Investment                                     liant    Whether
                                                                               amount of                                       Earnings
                                               Planned                                       progress at                                    with      there is
                                                                               accumulativ                   Expected          realized
     Project after         Project before      input into   Actual input in                     the                                         estim significant
                                                                                e input by                 available date         in
       change                   change        project after reporting period                 period-end                                     ated     change in
                                                                                   the                      of projects        reporting
                                              change (1)                                        (%)                                         earnin    project
                                                                               period-end                                       period
                                                                                             (3)=(2)/(1)                                    gs or feasibility
                          The            6G
Supplementing             TFT-LCD
Working Capital production               line 182,381.00          182,381.00 182,381.00        100.00%                    --           -- Yes           No
(2011)                    project (the 6G
        Total                        -         182,381.00         182,381.00 182,381.00           -                        -           --     -          -
Explanation          on
reasons           for
                          As reviewed and approved at the 4th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 25 Apr. 2011 and later at the 2010 Annual
                          Shareholders’ General Meeting on 30 May 2011, the outstanding funds raised in the private issue in 2009 (including the
procedures       and
                          corresponding interest of the raised funds account before its cancellation) would be used for supplementing the working
disclosure (with
details down to
each project)
Explanation on
failing to reach
planned progress
get the expected
gains           (with
down to each
Explanation          on
changes              in
feasibility          of
projects        after
                                            Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

              5.7 Revised business plan of the Board for the second half of the year
              □Applicable √Inapplicable
              5.8 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of
              next reporting period to be loss probably or the warning of its significant change
              compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation for reason
              √Applicable □Inapplicable
              Type of the data for the performance forecast statement below: Interval number
 Performance forecast                                                                 Deficit

                                  From the year-begin to the end The same period of last
                                                                                                                 Change (%)
                                   of the next reporting period                year

 Accumulative net profit
                                  -230,000.00 --    -210,000.00                   -98,884.00 --                               --
 expected (RMB Ten thousand)
 Basic earnings per share (RMB
                                         -0.20 --             -0.19                      -0.12 --                             --

                                 1. The global terminal consumer market for electronic products remains weak in the second half of
                                 2011. Consequently, prices of the Company’s main LCD products continue to slide, causing a great
                                 operating loss of the Company.
                                 2. The Company continues to adjust the product structure of its 5G TFT-LCD production line, causing
 Explanation on performance      lower tire equipment efficiency and incurring loss.
 forecast                        3. Impact of exchange rate fluctuations. Many of the Company’s purchases of main raw materials and
                                 equipments for the new production lines are settled in Japanese Yen, and exports in the US dollars. It is
                                 expected that the fluctuations of the exchange rates of Renminbi against the US dollars and Japanese
                                 Yen may have an adverse impact on the Company’s foreign exchange gains/losses for the third quarter
                                 of 2011.

              5.9 Explanation of the Board of Directors on ―Non-standard audit report‖ from the
              Certified Public Accountants for the reporting period
              □Applicable √Inapplicable
              5.10 Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues
              involved in ―Non-standard audit report‖ from the Certified Public Accountants in the
              last year
              □Applicable √Inapplicable

              §6. Significant Events
              6.1 Acquisition, sales and restructuring of assets
              6.1.1 Assets acquired
              √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Transaction      Assets    Date of Transacti     Net profit           Net profit contributed Related-p Pricing Whethe Whethe Related-part
 party or       acquired acquisiti on price contributed to the to the Company from              arty   princip      r     r all      y
                                                       Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

       ultimate      or bought       on                   Company from the the year-begin to the transactio              le     owners creditor relationship
      controller         in                               acquisition date to period-end (applicable n or not                   hip of ’s rights         with the
                                                           the period-end            for enterprise                                 all       and       transaction
                                                           (applicable for       combination under the                          assets      liabiliti      party
                                                              enterprise             same control)                              involve es have (applicable
                                                           combination not                                                       d has        been           for
                                                           under the same                                                        been       transfer related-party
                                                               control)                                                         transfer      red       transactions)
                                   1 March                                                                             Market
   Network            Equity                   1,530.00                -172.00                        0.00 No                     Yes         Yes           N/A
                                     2011                                                                               price
   Co., Ltd.
                   6.1.2 Assets sold
                   □Applicable √Inapplicable
                   6.1.3 Progress of these events and its influence on the operating results and financial
                   status in the reporting period after the report on assets restructure or public notice on
                   acquisition and sales of assets being published
                   □Applicable √Inapplicable
                   6.2 Guarantees
                   √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                 Guarantees provided for external parties (excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries)
                                                            Date of
                   Date and No. of                                                                                                        Implementati
                                                           occurrence         Actual                                                                      Guarantee for
  Name of the        public notice        Guarantee                                          Type of                                          on
                                                            (Date of         amount of                          Term of guarantee                         related parties
  guaranteed          related to              line                                          guarantee                                     accomplishe
                                                            signing          guarantee                                                                        or not
                    guarantee line                                                                                                          d or not
Shaoxing BOE
Ueno Electronic      2010-055,                                                              General       15 Oct. 2010 – 15 Oct.
                                            1,940.12      15 Oct. 2010       1,940.12                                                         No                   No
  Components         29 Oct. 2010                                                           guarantee                 2011
   Co., Ltd.
                     2010-056,                                                              Mutual         18 Apr. 2011 – 7 Dec.
   Textile &                                1,385.80      18 Apr. 2011       1,385.80                                                         No                   No
                     29 Oct. 2010                                                           guarantee                 2012
Dyeing Co., Ltd.
    (Note 1)
Shaoxing Huijin
                      2011-014,                                                              Mutual        16 Sep. 2010 – 15 Sep.
  Automobile                                346.45        16 Sep. 2010        311.81                                                          No                   No
                     26 Apr. 2011                                                           guarantee                 2011
 Sales Co. ltd.
                     2011-014,                                                              Mutual        16 Apr. 2011 – 16 Apr.
    Huifeng                                 2,425.15      16 Apr. 2011       1,039.35                                                         No                   No
                     26 Apr. 2011                                                           guarantee                 2012
                                                      Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

 Sales Co., Ltd.
   Total external guarantees lines                                                 Total external guarantees
   examined and approved in the                                      2,771.60 occurred in the reporting period                                        2,425.15
       reporting period (A1)                                                                  (A2)
   Total external guarantee lines                                                  Balance of actual external
examined and approved at the period                                  6,097.52     guarantees at the period end                                        4,677.08
                end (A3)                                                                      (A4)
                                                        Guarantees provided for subsidiary companies
                                                           Date of
                    Date and No. of
                                                         occurrence         Actual                                        Implementation     Guarantee for
  Name of the        public notice       Guarantee                                          Type of        Term of
                                                          (Date of         amount of                                      accomplished or   related parties or
   guaranteed          related to           line                                           guarantee       guarantee
                                                           signing         guarantee                                            not                not
                     guarantee line
  Beijing BOE
Optoelectronics      2005-007,                                                             General      8 Apr. 2005 –
                                         490,079.80     31 Mar. 2005 252,876.20                                                 No                 No
Technology Co.,       8 Apr. 2005                                                          guarantee     13 Apr. 2014
 Zhejiang BOE
    Display                                                                                 General     25 Sep. 2010 –
                      2011-016,                         25 Sep. 2010            800.00                                          No                 No
Technology Co.,                                                                            guarantee     19 Sep. 2011
                     25 Apr. 2011
  Ltd. (Note 2)
 Zhejiang BOE
    Display           2011-013,                                                             General     27 May 2011 –
                                                        27 May 2011         1,600.00                                            No                 No
Technology Co.,      25 Apr. 2011         3,500.00                                         guarantee     7 Nov. 2011
  Ltd. (Note 2)
 Zhejiang BOE
    Display           2011-013,                                                             General      15 Mar. 2011
                                                        15 Mar. 2011        1,500.00                                            No                 No
Technology Co.,      25 Apr. 2011                                                          guarantee    –28 Nov. 2011
  Ltd. (Note 2)
     Total guarantees lines for                                                 Total guarantees for subsidiaries
subsidiaries examined and approved                                   3,500.00 occurred in the reporting period                                        3,100.00
    in the reporting period (B1)                                                              (B2)
Total guarantee lines for subsidiaries                                          Balance of actual guarantees for
examined and approved at the period                             493,579.80       subsidiaries at the period end                                    256,776.20
                end (B3)                                                                      (B4)
                                                   Total guarantees of the Company (Total of the two above)
Total guarantees lines examined and
                                                                                Total guarantees occurred in the
  approved in the reporting period                                   6,271.60                                                                         5,525.15
                                                                                   reporting period (A2+B2)
Total guarantees lines examined and                                                  Total balance of actual
  approved at the reporting period                              499,677.32        guarantees at the period end                                     261,453.28
                (A3+B3)                                                                    (A4+B4)
Proportion of total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4) in net assets of the
                                                   Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Among which:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller and
related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for parties with
asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (D)
Proportion of total guarantee amount exceeding 50% of the Company’s net
assets (E)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                                            256,776.20
Explanation on possibility of taking several and joint liability involving
immature guarantees

                   6.3 Credits and liabilities with related parties for non-operating purposes
                   √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                    Capital provided by the Company for the         Capital provided by the related party to the
                      Related party                               related party                                      Company
                                                    Amount incurred               Balance            Amount incurred              Balance
       Beijing BOE Investment Development
                                                                   43.00                     0.00                    0.00                    0.00
       Co., Ltd.
                          Total                                    43.00                     0.00                    0.00                    0.00
                   Of which: The capital provided by the Company for the controlling shareholder and
                   its subsidiaries stood at RMB 430,000 in the reporting period with the balance of
                   RMB 0.00.
                   6.4 Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
                   □Applicable √Inapplicable
                   6.5 Other significant events and explanation and analysis on their influences and
                   √Applicable □Inapplicable
                   1. The SOPIC project: Since 2010, with formulating a client-oriented mechanism and increasing product
                   competitiveness and production line profitability as the objectives, and with specialization, centralization, process
                   standardization and informatization as the means, the SOPIC project has been carried out within the Group. Up to
                   the end of this June, upon common efforts of all units, phasic progress was made in organizational transformation,
                   process standardization, informatization, improvement of internal control rules, etc.
                   2. The Hefei 6G line project: The 6G line was able to produce in the full capacity at the end of this April, reaching
                   a monthly capacity of 90,000 pieces of glass basic panels three months ahead of the schedule. This represented
                   another phasic progress since the mass production in Nov. 2010.
                   3. The Beijing 8G line project: Keeping to the objective to ―rapidly build the most competitive 8G TFT-LCD
                   production line in the world‖, as well as the principle of ―five meantimes, five ensures and five models‖, crucial
                   breakthroughs were made in the first half of the year for the Beijing 8G line. The worker housing project was fully
                   accomplished and all workers officially moved into the factory area for work. The first-phase
                   equipments—30K—were all moved in and installed, and main equipments for the second phase were being moved
                   in and installed. Meanwhile, the 8G line was put into use on 29 Jun. 2011 as scheduled. The successful switch-on
                   of the relevant product made it the first over-40-inch LCD in China that was not imported and laying a solid
                   foundation for the successful operation of the whole project. The project was expected to realize mass production
                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

            in this third quarter.
            4. The Company disclosed in the Announcement No. 2010-058 on 22 Nov. 2010 that its subsidiary Hefei BOE
            Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. was qualified to apply for the refund of the overpaid tax for imported
            equipments. As at 30 Jun. 2011, Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. had received a total refund of
            RMB 1.252 billion of the overpaid tax for imported equipments.
              6.5.1 Securities investment
            □Applicable √Inapplicable
            6.5.2 Equity of other listed companies that the Company held
            √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                               Gains and        Change of
                                        Initial         in total
                 Short form of                                          Ending book          losses in the Owners’ equity        Accounting         Source
 Stock code                           investment       equities of
                      stock                                                 value              reporting     in the reporting          title         of stock
                                        amount            the
                                                                                                period            period
                                                                                                                                Financial assets
                       TPV                                                                                                                           Subscri
   HK0903                            134,658,158.00         1.04%        80,223,351.00 2,202,597.00 -22,591,584.00 available                   for
                  Technology                                                                                                                          ption
                                                                                                                                Financial assets Share
 SH600658                             90,160,428.00         1.69%        72,375,604.00 1,227,437.00             1,290,640.00 available         for exchan
                                                                                                                                sale                   ge
              Total                  224,818,586.00         -           152,598,955.00 3,430,034.00 -21,300,944.00                      -               -
            6.5.3 Non-operating capital occupation by principal shareholders and affiliated
            enterprises, as well as debt-clearing progress
            √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                         New         Total
                                                         Opening occupatio repaymen                                             Estimated
 Name of the                                            balance (1 n in the         t in the                                    amount of      Estimated
                       Time of          Reason for                                                (30 Jun. Estimated way
shareholder or                                          Jan. 2011) reporting reporting                                          repayment      month of
                      occupation        occurrence                                                 2011)        of repayment
 related party                                             (Ten         period      period                                         (Ten        repayment
                                                        thousand)        (Ten        (Ten                                       thousand)
                                                                       thousand) thousand)
Beijing BOE
                   90 days           Advance                    0.00       43.00       43.00             0.00 Other                    0.00                 --
Co., Ltd.
Reasons, accountability and measures to be
taken by the Board of Directors for new
non-operating capital occupation by the principal                                                        None
shareholder and its affiliated enterprises in the
Reasons, accountability and measures to be
taken by the Board of Directors for failing to
                                           Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

repay the capital occupied for non-operating
purposes as scheduled
             6.5.4 Implementation of commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and
             actual controller
             Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
             shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders
             during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting
             □Applicable √Inapplicable
             6.5.5 Pre-plan drawn up by the Board of Directors for profit distribution or turning
             capital reserves into share capital for the reporting period
             □Applicable √Inapplicable
             6.5.6 Specific items of other comprehensive incomes
                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                    Current period               Same period of last year
1. Gains/losses from available-for-sale financial assets                      -21,300,944.00                    -29,163,750.00
Less: effect of available-for-sale financial assets on income
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive incomes in
the previous period and transferred into gains and losses in
the current period
Subtotal                                                                      -21,300,944.00                    -29,163,750.00
2. Proportion enjoyed in other comprehensive incomes of
investees calculated on the equity method basis
Less: income tax effect of the proportion enjoyed in other
comprehensive incomes of investees calculated on the
equity method basis
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive incomes in
the previous period and transferred into gains and losses in
the current period
3. Gains/losses from cash flow hedging tools
Less: effect of gains/losses from cash flow hedging tools on
income tax
Net amount recorded into other comprehensive incomes in
the previous period and transferred into gains and losses in
the current period
Adjusted amount of the initial recognized amount of items
transferred into hedged items
4. Foreign-currency financial statement translation
                                                                                 314,125.00                         -52,647.00
Less: net amount transferred into current gains and losses
from overseas operation disposal
                                            Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Subtotal                                                                                    314,125.00                             -52,647.00
5. Others                                                                                                                      -6,536,821.00
Less: income tax effect of other items recorded into other
comprehensive incomes
Net amount of other items recorded into other
comprehensive incomes in the previous period and
transferred into gains and losses in the current period
Subtotal                                                                                                                       -6,536,821.00
Total                                                                                 -20,986,819.00                          -35,753,218.00

               6.6 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period
                                                                                                                       Main discussion
  Reception                                                                                                                 and materials
                  Reception place Reception way                                   Visitor
        date                                                                                                               provided by the
                  Meeting Room                       ABC-CA Fund, China Nature Asset Management, SWS
5 Jan. 2011                         Field research
                  of the Company                     Research
6 Jan. 2011       On the phone                       Huatai Securities                                                Main discussion:
                                                                                                                      1. Operation status
                  Meeting Room
13 Jan. 2011                        Field research Dongxing Securities                                                and                future
                  of the Company
                  Meeting Room
14 Jan. 2011                        Field research Sinolink Securities                                                strategies       of     the
                  of the Company
                  Meeting Room
19 Jan. 2011                        Field research Avic Securities, Zexi Investment Management Co., Ltd.              2.     Present        status
                  of the Company
                                                                                                                      and      development
                  Meeting Room                       Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.,       Morgan Stanley Asia
9 Feb. 2011                         Field research                                                                    trends       in         the
                  of the Company                     Limited
                  Meeting Room
25 Feb. 2011                        Field research China Galaxy Securities                                            3. Particulars about
                  of the Company
                                                                                                                      Chengdu               4.5G
                  Meeting Room
3 Mar. 2011                         Field research KGI Surities, KGI Asia Ltd.                                        Project, Beijing 5G
                  of the Company
                                                                                                                      Project, Hefei 6G
                                                     China AMC, Beijing Longrising Asset Management Co., Ltd.,
                                                                                                                      Project and Beijing
                  Meeting Room                       China International Fund Management, New China Asset
9 Mar. 2011                         Field research                                                                    8G Project;
                  of the Company                     Management Co., Ltd., HSBC Jintrust Fund Management, SWS
                                                                                                                      Materials provided
                  Meeting Room
10 Mar. 2011                        Field research Caida Securities                                                   by the Company:
                  of the Company
                                                                                                                      2009              Annual
                  Meeting Room
17 Mar. 2011                        Field research Haitong Securities                                                 Report        of        the
                  of the Company
                                                                                                                      Company, company
                                                     CongRong     Investment     Management,      Changsheng   Fund
                                                                                                                      brochure and other
                                                     Management, HFT Investment Management, Lord ABBETT
                  Meeting Room                                                                                        disclosed materials
18 Mar. 2011                        Field research China Asset Management, Minsheng Royal Fund Management,
                  of the Company
                                                     First-Trust Fund Management, E Fund Management, Haitong
                                                     Securities, Zhonghai Fund
                                            Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                                                           1. Operation status
                                                     BOC International Research Co., Ltd., BOC International
                                                                                                                           and                future
               Meeting Room                          (China) Limited, Genesis Capital Co., Ltd.
20 May 2011                         Field research                                                                         development
               of the Company                        Keywise    Capital     Management      (Beijing)    Ltd.,   Haoyuan
                                                     Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           of the Company;
               Meeting Room                                                                                                2.     Present     status
24 May 2011                         Field research Guoshi Investment, Guosen Securities
               of the Company                                                                                              and      development
               Meeting Room                                                                                                trends       in      the
25 May 2011                         Field research GF Securities
               of the Company                                                                                              industry;
                                   Telephone                                                                               3. Particulars about
31 May 2011 On the phone                             Huatai Securities
                                   communication                                                                           Chengdu             4.5G
                                   Telephone                                                                               Project, Beijing 5G
7 Jun. 2011    On the phone                          Yunjin Fund Co., Ltd.
                                   communication                                                                           Project, Hefei
               Meeting Room                                                                                                6G       Project     and
8 Jun. 2011                         Field research Fubon Asset Management Co., Ltd.
               of the Company                                                                                              Beijing 8G Project;

                                                                                                                           Materials provided
                                                                                                                           by the Company:
               Meeting Room                                                                                                2010              Annual
17 Jun. 2011                        Field research HuaChuang Securities Co., Ltd.
               of the Company                                                                                              Report       of      the
                                                                                                                           Company, company
                                                                                                                           brochure and other
                                                                                                                           disclosed materials

         §7. Financial Report
         7.1 Audit opinion
                   Financial report                        √Un-audited           □Audited

         7.2 Financial statements
         7.2.1 Balance Sheet
         Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd                                  30 Jun. 2011             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                       Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                          Consolidation              The Company                Consolidation               The Company
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                           22,317,926,668.00             2,428,127,205.00        23,997,831,673.00              11,570,776,269.00
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional financial assets                                                                        67,794,013.00
  Notes receivable                             353,407,224.00                1,340,754.00           378,937,778.00                   1,309,602.00
  Accounts receivable                       1,800,092,683.00                55,926,387.00         1,263,204,267.00                  51,608,542.00
  Accounts paid in advance                     114,447,865.00                3,605,968.00               40,275,676.00                7,261,899.00
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance            premiums
                                           Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

  Receivable reinsurance contract
  Interest receivable                        80,535,776.00          7,740,075.00         57,851,997.00         13,899,504.00
   Dividend receivable                                              8,204,147.00                                8,204,147.00
  Other accounts receivable                 138,113,585.00        538,094,417.00        333,128,771.00        521,691,925.00
  Financial         assets   purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                              2,187,471,001.00         1,790,253.00      1,300,479,825.00          1,566,813.00
  Non-current assets due within 1
  Other current assets                      710,791,525.00         25,194,722.00        352,781,119.00         22,389,271.00
Total current assets                      27,702,786,327.00     3,070,023,928.00     27,792,285,119.00     12,198,707,972.00
Non-current assets:
  Loans        by      mandate     and
advances granted
  Available-for-sale          financial
                                            152,598,955.00        152,598,955.00        173,899,899.00        173,899,899.00
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment                60,331,623.00     25,820,029,999.00         63,164,307.00     16,842,762,737.00
  Investing property                       1,380,873,321.00       185,017,970.00      1,407,773,542.00        187,567,077.00
  Fixed assets                            18,392,268,456.00       390,174,192.00     15,287,867,884.00        377,003,935.00
  Construction in progress                14,543,937,667.00         7,463,478.00      8,098,446,109.00         15,050,501.00
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                        1,087,340,300.00        66,202,492.00      1,112,496,157.00         58,347,672.00
  R&D expense
  Goodwill                                   55,926,774.00                               55,926,774.00
  Long-term deferred expenses                10,912,331.00          4,110,347.00         13,270,680.00          4,601,663.00
  Deferred income tax assets                 50,120,901.00                               51,053,166.00
  Other non-current assets                  315,650,410.00         82,901,423.00        173,769,132.00         58,112,218.00
Total of non-current assets               36,049,960,738.00    26,708,498,856.00     26,437,667,650.00     17,717,345,702.00
Total assets                              63,752,747,065.00    29,778,522,784.00     54,229,952,769.00     29,916,053,674.00
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                    7,714,268,170.00        55,932,678.00      4,964,412,066.00         74,889,216.00
  Borrowings from Central Bank
  Customer bank deposits and
due to banks and other financial
  Intra-group borrowings
                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

  Transactional               financial
  Notes payable                                  28,114,908.00                              37,148,093.00
  Accounts payable                            3,313,353,942.00         5,309,906.00      2,267,112,387.00          5,061,943.00
  Accounts received in advance                 224,777,536.00        613,074,990.00         82,635,808.00        614,107,270.00
  Financial      assets      sold      for
  Handling          charges           and
commissions payable
  Employee’s             compensation
                                               196,298,944.00         34,407,166.00        256,486,006.00         31,770,662.00
  Tax payable                                    11,869,679.00         1,775,314.00         15,603,988.00          2,223,606.00
  Interest payable                             105,930,306.00            797,349.00         55,863,170.00          1,324,503.00
  Dividend payable                                6,453,111.00         6,453,111.00          6,453,111.00          6,453,111.00
  Other accounts payable                      3,522,114,040.00       330,188,068.00      3,091,332,938.00        387,298,564.00
  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables           for            acting
underwriting of securities
  Non-current        liabilities      due
                                               964,954,730.00        200,000,000.00        260,068,100.00        200,000,000.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities                     50,405,279.00                               23,407,481.00
Total current liabilities                    16,138,540,645.00     1,247,938,582.00     11,060,523,148.00      1,323,128,875.00
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                       13,324,368,363.00                           7,504,827,507.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities                          36,282,611.00                              37,049,896.00
  Deferred income tax liabilities              289,241,954.00                              294,904,213.00
  Other non-current liabilities               1,034,791,083.00        51,702,779.00      1,072,839,752.00         64,414,064.00
Total non-current liabilities                14,684,684,011.00        51,702,779.00      8,909,621,368.00         64,414,064.00
Total liabilities                            30,823,224,656.00     1,299,641,361.00     19,970,144,516.00      1,387,542,939.00
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up       capital     (or     share
                                             13,521,542,341.00    13,521,542,341.00     11,267,951,951.00     11,267,951,951.00
  Capital reserves                           15,209,462,817.00    15,022,373,914.00     17,484,354,151.00     17,297,265,248.00
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                             499,092,613.00        499,092,613.00        499,092,613.00        499,092,613.00
                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                             -5,510,656,947.00        -564,127,445.00      -4,295,172,470.00           -535,799,077.00
  Foreign exchange difference                        -899,074.00                                   -1,213,199.00
Total equity attributable to owners
                                               23,718,541,750.00      28,478,881,423.00      24,955,013,046.00         28,528,510,735.00
of the Company
Minority interests                              9,210,980,659.00                              9,304,795,207.00
Total owners’ equity                          32,929,522,409.00      28,478,881,423.00      34,259,808,253.00         28,528,510,735.00
Total     liabilities      and     owners’
                                               63,752,747,065.00      29,778,522,784.00      54,229,952,769.00         29,916,053,674.00

            7.2.2 Income statement
            Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd                             Jan.-Jun. 2011       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                         Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                                               Consolidation          The Company            Consolidation            The Company
I. Total operating revenues                     4,940,033,997.00             91,857,703.00    4,186,429,883.00            102,710,816.00
Including: Sales income                         4,940,033,997.00             91,857,703.00    4,186,429,883.00            102,710,816.00
         Interest income
         Premium income
         Handling          charge       and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                        6,326,899,814.00            135,318,876.00    4,819,456,166.00            103,460,462.00
Including: Cost of sales                        5,344,717,781.00             38,700,083.00    4,125,238,491.00             37,083,883.00
         Interest expenses
         Handling          charge       and
commission expenses
         Net claims paid
         Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
         Expenditure          on     policy
         Reinsurance premium
         Taxes          and        associate
                                                   10,971,045.00              2,247,936.00          9,167,917.00            4,093,045.00
         Selling     and      distribution
                                                  169,760,957.00                 44,121.00         96,902,691.00                362,100.00
         Administrative expenses                  817,952,938.00            145,296,254.00      529,994,057.00             83,921,019.00
         Financial expenses                       -75,281,816.00            -51,123,213.00         31,624,579.00          -22,348,827.00
         Asset impairment loss                     58,778,909.00               153,695.00          26,528,431.00                349,242.00
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (―-‖ means loss)
     Gain/(loss) from investment
                                                      597,349.00               697,296.00           5,510,513.00           -2,006,069.00
(―-‖ means loss)
                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Including: share of profits in
                                                                                                      3,414,968.00           -3,295,614.00
associates and joint ventures
Foreign       exchange          gains   (―-‖
means loss)
III. Business profit (―-‖ means
                                                 -1,394,938,605.00            -42,763,877.00     -627,515,770.00             -2,755,715.00
        Add: non-operating income                    73,239,677.00            14,616,065.00          30,705,091.00            7,506,038.00
        Less: non-operating expense                   7,549,088.00               180,556.00           5,883,841.00            3,062,914.00
Including: loss from non-current
                                                      6,907,321.00               180,556.00           4,567,142.00            2,062,914.00
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)              -1,329,248,016.00            -28,328,368.00     -602,694,520.00              1,687,409.00
        Less: Income tax expense                     -2,709,700.00                                   14,984,656.00           14,159,922.00
V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)                 -1,326,538,316.00            -28,328,368.00     -617,679,176.00            -12,472,513.00
        Attributable to owners of the
                                                 -1,215,484,477.00            -28,328,368.00     -540,706,227.00            -12,472,513.00
        Minority           shareholders’
                                                   -111,053,839.00                                -76,972,949.00                      0.00
VI. Earnings per share
        (I) Basic earnings per share                        -0.090                  -0.0020                 -0.065                  -0.002
        (II) Diluted earnings per
                                                            -0.090                  -0.0020                 -0.065                  -0.002
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                     -20,986,819.00            -21,300,944.00      -35,753,218.00            -29,163,750.00
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                  -1,347,525,135.00            -49,629,312.00     -653,432,394.00            -41,636,263.00
        Attributable to owners of the
                                                 -1,236,471,296.00            -49,629,312.00     -576,459,445.00            -41,636,263.00
        Attributable       to      minority
                                                   -111,053,839.00                                -76,972,949.00                      0.00
              For business combinations under the same control that occurred in the reporting
              period, the combined parties realized net profits of RMB -1,394,938,605.00 before the

              7.2.3 Cash flow statement
              Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd                             Jan.-Jun. 2011       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                           Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                                                 Consolidation          The Company            Consolidation            The Company
I. Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                      3,944,504,377.00            34,094,945.00     3,883,606,521.00             47,378,797.00
  Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
  Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
  Net      cash       received           from
reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of
policy holders and investment
  Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest,
handling           charges                and
  Net increase of intra-group
  Net      increase     of        funds    in
repurchase business
  Tax refunds received                           236,511,314.00            141,215.00         18,350,679.00
  Other cash received relating to
                                                 535,191,754.00         99,152,872.00        522,365,470.00        835,062,231.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                4,716,207,445.00       133,389,032.00      4,424,322,670.00        882,441,028.00
operating activities
  Cash      paid      for        goods    and
                                                3,999,021,124.00        60,273,770.00      3,397,493,079.00         19,488,908.00
  Net      increase         of     customer
lendings and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount
due from banks
  Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
  Cash      for    paying           interest,
handling           charges                and
  Cash       for      paying         policy
  Cash paid to and for employees                 683,572,295.00         77,032,973.00        376,521,597.00         33,629,225.00
  Various taxes paid                             101,014,106.00         21,512,453.00        153,938,104.00         66,648,838.00
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                 546,789,867.00        123,680,010.00        493,057,714.00        159,367,803.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                5,330,397,392.00       282,499,206.00      4,421,010,494.00        279,134,774.00
operating activities
                                           Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

Net cash flows from operating
                                           -609,716,117.00       -144,636,345.00          3,312,176.00        603,306,254.00
II. Cash flows from investing
  Cash received from retraction
of investments
  Cash received from return on
                                              3,430,033.00          3,430,033.00          2,095,346.00          2,095,544.00
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets            1,054,188.00            972,287.00         11,620,453.00
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business                                  20,000,000.00
        Other cash received relating
                                          1,694,201,045.00         64,117,692.00        274,462,981.00         46,097,846.00
to investing activities
          Subtotal of cash inflows
                                          1,698,685,266.00         88,520,012.00        288,178,780.00         84,887,390.00
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other      11,595,565,436.00         24,953,787.00      6,271,157,329.00        146,419,368.00
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment                  315,135,550.00      8,975,135,550.00         27,695,991.00        367,695,991.00
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net      cash   paid    to   acquire
subsidiaries and other business              15,306,439.00
  Other cash payments relating to
                                          6,403,063,351.00                            4,728,361,663.00        256,219,660.00
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                         18,329,070,776.00      9,000,089,337.00     11,027,214,983.00        770,335,019.00
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                         -16,630,385,510.00     -8,911,569,325.00   -10,739,036,203.00       -685,447,629.00
III. Cash Flows from Financing
    Cash received from capital
    Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
    Cash          received       from
                                         13,076,509,060.00         30,338,847.00      3,346,749,917.00         45,596,625.00
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to          58,505,525.00         17,878,000.00          1,253,466.00
                                          Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                         13,135,014,585.00        48,216,847.00      8,848,003,383.00         45,596,625.00
financing activities
    Repayment of borrowings               3,657,302,209.00        47,956,027.00      1,142,673,283.00
    Cash      paid     for    interest
expenses      and    distribution   of     236,467,968.00          1,349,289.00        106,240,597.00          1,920,568.00
dividends or profit
     Including: dividends or profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority
     Other cash payments relating
                                            25,047,038.00          7,476,924.00          2,089,889.00                34,620.00
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                          3,918,817,215.00        56,782,240.00      1,251,003,769.00          1,955,188.00
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                          9,216,197,370.00         -8,565,393.00     7,596,999,614.00         43,641,437.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                 3,915,256.00         4,473,829.00          1,412,902.00            -34,774.00
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                         -8,024,462,831.00     -9,064,771,063.00     -3,137,311,511.00       -38,534,712.00
     Add: Opening balance of
                                         19,097,948,638.00    11,478,796,269.00     15,230,490,504.00      2,789,984,272.00
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                         11,073,485,807.00     2,414,025,206.00     12,093,178,993.00      2,751,449,560.00
cash equivalents
                                                                                                                                        Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

    7.2.4 Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)
    Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd                                                                        For the first half of 2011                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                          Reporting period                                                                                              Last year
                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company                                                               Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                               Paid-up                                                                             Minorit                Paid-up                                                                             Minorit
                                                                                                                                Total                                                                                                      Total
              Items            capital                Less:     Specifi             Genera                           y                    capital                Less:     Specifi             Genera                           y
                                            Capital                       Surplus             Retaine                          owners’                Capital                       Surplus             Retaine                          owners’
                                 (or                  treasur     c                  l risk              Others interest                    (or                  treasur     c                  l risk              Others interest
                                            reserve                       reserve             d profit                         equity                  reserve                       reserve             d profit                         equity
                                share                 y stock reserve               reserve                           s                    share                 y stock reserve               reserve                           s
                               capital)                                                                                                   capital)
                               11,267, 17,484,                             499,09             -4,295,              9,304,7 34,259, 8,282,9 11,541,                                   499,09              -2,298,              3,913,3 21,936,
I. Balance at the end of the                                                                             -1,213,                                                                                                    -2,172,
                               951,95 354,15                              2,613.0             172,47               95,207. 808,25 02,447. 232,69                                     2,613.0             250,41               47,282. 151,95
previous year                                                                                            199.00                                                                                                     667.00
                                  1.00         1.00                             0                0.00                     00      3.00            00      2.00                             0                3.00                     00      4.00
  Add: change of accounting                                                                                                                                                                              6,891,0              -6,891,
policy                                                                                                                                                                                                     26.00              026.00
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
                               11,267, 17,484,                             499,09             -4,295,              9,304,7 34,259, 8,282,9 11,541,                                   499,09              -2,291,              3,906,4 21,936,
II. Balance at the beginning                                                                             -1,213,                                                                                                    -2,172,
                               951,95 354,15                              2,613.0             172,47               95,207. 808,25 02,447. 232,69                                     2,613.0             359,38               56,256. 151,95
of the year                                                                                              199.00                                                                                                     667.00
                                  1.00         1.00                             0                0.00                     00      3.00            00      2.00                             0                7.00                     00      4.00
III. Increase/ decrease of 2,253,5 -2,274,                                                    -1,215,                          -1,330, 2,985,0 5,943,1                                                   -2,003,              5,398,3 12,323,
                                                                                                         314,12 -93,814                                                                                             959,46
amount in the year (―-‖ 90,390. 891,33                                                      484,47                           285,84 49,504. 21,459.                                                    813,08               38,951. 656,29
                                                                                                           5.00 ,548.00                                                                                               8.00
means decrease)                        00      4.00                                              7.00                             4.00            00       00                                               3.00                     00      9.00
                                                                                              -1,215,              -111,05 -1,326,                                                                       -2,003,              -264,21 -2,268,
  (I) Net profit                                                                              484,47               3,839.0 538,31                                                                        813,08               9,723.0 032,80
                                                                                                 7.00                     0       6.00                                                                      3.00                     0       6.00
                                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

  (II) Other comprehensive          -21,300              314,12            -20,986            -10,009                                     959,46            -9,050,
incomes                             ,944.00                5.00            ,819.00            ,650.00                                       8.00            182.00
                                               -1,215,            -111,05 -1,347,                                               -2,003,            -264,21 -2,277,
                                    -21,300              314,12                               -10,009                                     959,46
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                     484,47             3,839.0 525,13                                                813,08             9,723.0 082,98
                                    ,944.00                5.00                               ,650.00                                       8.00
                                                 7.00                  0      5.00                                                3.00                  0     8.00
                                                                                     2,985,0 5,953,1                                               5,644,9 14,583,
  (III) Capital paid in and                                       17,239, 17,239,
                                                                                     49,504. 31,109.                                               69,822. 150,43
reduced by owners                                                 291.00 291.00
                                                                                         00       00                                                   00     5.00
                                                                                     2,985,0 5,958,5                                                        8,943,6
     1. Capital paid in by
                                                                                     49,504. 97,622.                                                        47,126.
                                                                                         00       00                                                            00
     2.       Amounts        of
share-based          payments
recognized in owners’ equity
                                                                                                                                                   5,644,9 5,639,5
                                                                  17,239, 17,239,             -5,466,
     3. Others                                                                                                                                     69,822. 03,309.
                                                                  291.00 291.00               513.00
                                                                                                                                                       00       00
  (IV) Profit distribution
     1.   Appropriations     to
surplus reserves
     2.   Appropriations     to
general risk provisions
     3.   Appropriations     to
owners (or shareholders)
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward 2,253,5 -2,253,
                                                                                                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

of owners’ equity                 90,390. 590,39
                                       00     0.00
     1.   New      increase   of 2,253,5 -2,253,
capital (or share capital) from 90,390. 590,39
capital public reserves                00     0.00
     2.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
                                                                                                                                                                                                               17,588, 17,588,
(Ⅶ) Other
                                                                                                                                                                                                               852.00 852.00
                                   13,521, 15,209,                   499,09                -5,510,             9,210,9 32,929, 11,267, 17,484,                      499,09                -4,295,              9,304,7 34,259,
                                                                                                     -899,07                                                                                         -1,213,
IV. Closing balance                542,34 462,81                    2,613.0                656,94              80,659. 522,40 951,95 354,15                        2,613.0                172,47               95,207. 808,25
                                                                                                        4.00                                                                                         199.00
                                     1.00     7.00                           0               7.00                  00      9.00     1.00     1.00                           0               0.00                   00      3.00

    7.2.5 Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (the Company)
    Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd                                                                    For the first half of 2011                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Reporting period                                                                                   Last year
             Items                 Paid-up    Capital    Less:     Specific      Surplus     General Retained           Total     Paid-up    Capital    Less:     Specific      Surplus     General Retained            Total
                                    capital   reserve   treasury   reserve       reserve       risk       profit     owners’      capital   reserve   treasury   reserve       reserve       risk        profit     owners’
                                                                                                             Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                                  (or share               stock               reserve               equity     (or share               stock                    reserve               equity
                                   capital)                                                                     capital)
I. Balance at the end of the 11,267,95 17,297,26                  499,092,6             -535,799, 28,528,51 8,282,902 11,348,67                     499,092,6             -683,517, 19,447,15
previous year                      1,951.00 5,248.00                 13.00                077.00 0,735.00        ,447.00 7,276.00                       13.00               456.00 4,880.00
  Add: change of accounting
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning 11,267,95 17,297,26                  499,092,6             -535,799, 28,528,51 8,282,902 11,348,67                     499,092,6             -683,517, 19,447,15
of the year                        1,951.00 5,248.00                 13.00                077.00 0,735.00        ,447.00 7,276.00                       13.00               456.00 4,880.00
III. Increase/ decrease of
                                  2,253,590 -2,274,89                                   -28,328,3 -49,629,3 2,985,049 5,948,587                                           147,718,3 9,081,355
amount in the year (―-‖
                                    ,390.00 1,334.00                                       68.00      12.00      ,504.00    ,972.00                                          79.00     ,855.00
means decrease)
                                                                                        -28,328,3 -28,328,3                                                               147,718,3 147,718,3
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                           68.00      68.00                                                                  79.00      79.00
  (II) Other comprehensive                    -21,300,9                                            -21,300,9               -10,009,6                                                 -10,009,6
incomes                                          44.00                                                44.00                   50.00                                                     50.00
                                              -21,300,9                                 -28,328,3 -49,629,3                -10,009,6                                      147,718,3 137,708,7
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                 44.00                                     68.00      12.00                   50.00                                          79.00      29.00
  (III) Capital paid in and                                                                                    2,985,049 5,958,597                                                   8,943,647
reduced by owners                                                                                                ,504.00    ,622.00                                                    ,126.00
     1. Capital paid in by                                                                                     2,985,049 5,958,597                                                   8,943,647
owners                                                                                                           ,504.00    ,622.00                                                    ,126.00
     2.       Amounts        of
share-based          payments
                                                         Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution
     1.   Appropriations      to
surplus reserves
     2.   Appropriations      to
general risk provisions
     3.   Appropriations      to
owners (or shareholders)
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward 2,253,590 -2,253,59
of owners’ equity                   ,390.00 0,390.00
     1.   New      increase   of
                                   2,253,590 -2,253,59
capital (or share capital) from
                                     ,390.00 0,390.00
capital public reserves
     2.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                                                                         Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

                      13,521,54 15,022,37   499,092,6   -564,127, 28,478,88 11,267,95 17,297,26                 499,092,6          -535,799, 28,528,51
IV. Closing balance
                       2,341.00 3,914.00       13.00      445.00 1,423.00 1,951.00 5,248.00                         13.00            077.00 0,735.00
                        Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2011 of BOE Technology Group Co.,Ltd.

7.3 Notes to the financial statements
7.3.1 Should there be any change in accounting policies and estimates or correction of
accounting errors, give the relevant information, reasons and the influenced amounts.
□Applicable        √Inapplicable
7.3.2 Should there be any significant change in the scope for the consolidated
statements, give the reasons and the influenced amounts.
□Applicable        √Inapplicable
7.3.3 If a non-standard auditor’s report is issued, list notes to involved matters.
□Applicable        √Inapplicable

                   Chairman of the Board of Directors (Signature): Wang Dongsheng

                                                             Board of Directors
                                                        BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                             26 Aug. 2011