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						               BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.
§1 Important Notice
1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as directors,
supervisors and senior executives of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”) guarantee that this report does not contain any false
information, misleading statement or material omission and will take individual
and/or joint liabilities for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this report.
1.2 Financial statements for the first quarter of 2012 have not been audited by an
accounting firm.
1.3 Mr. Wang Dongsheng, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Chen Yanshun, President of
the Company, Ms. Sun Yun, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, as well as Ms.
Yang Xiaoping who is in charge of the Planning & Financing Department, hereby
confirm that the financial statements enclosed in the quarterly report are factual and
[English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.]

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                          31 Mar. 2012             31 Dec. 2011
Total assets (Yuan)                                           66,199,967,494      68,769,415,646.00            -3.74%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                              25,074,364,454      25,585,892,264.00           -2.00%
Company (Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                         13,521,542,341      13,521,542,341.00                   -
Net assets per share attributable to shareholders
                                                                                               1.89           -2.12%
of the Company (Yuan/share)                                                1.85
                                                          Jan.-Mar. 2012          Jan.-Mar. 2011
Gross revenue (Yuan)                                           4,147,641,280       1,969,646,222.00          110.58%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                -494,562,773        -674,781,964.00           26.71%
Company (Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating activities (Yuan)               -44,245,959.00        -366,268,678.00           87.92%
Net cash flows per share from operating
                                                                      -0.003                 -0.033           90.91%
activities (Yuan/share)
Basic EPS (Yuan/share)                                                -0.037                 -0.050           26.00%
Diluted EPS (Yuan/share)                                              -0.037                 -0.050           26.00%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                              -1.95%                -2.74%             0.79%
Weighted average ROE after              deducting
                                                                      -2.13%                -2.81%             0.68%
non-recurring gains and losses (%)
Note: Due to the Company implemented the Plan on Capitalization of Capital
Reserves in Jun. 2011, the basic EPS and diluted EPS for the same period of last year
shall be restated with the same range in accordance with relevant regulations.
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable       □Inapplicable
                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                            Amount from 1 Jan. 2012      Notes (if
                Items of non-recurring gains and losses
                                                                               to 31 Mar. 2012          applicable)
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                     136,303.00
Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses,                           56,865,424.00

excluding those related closely to the routine business of the Company
and continuously enjoyed by the Company at fixed amounts or ratios
according to state policies and regulations
Other non-operating incomes and expenses                                            2,598,853.00
                                Total                                             59,600,580 .00         -

2.2 Total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not
subject to trading moratorium at the end of the reporting period
                                                                     Unit: share
  Total number of shareholders at the end of the 486,752, of which 446,254 were A-share holders and 40,498 were
                  reporting period                                            B-share holders
                       Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
                                                     Shares not subject to trading moratorium
             Full name of shareholder                                                             Type of share
                                                              held at the period-end
Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co.,
                                                                   860,981,080                 RMB ordinary shares
Beijing Economic-Technological Investment &
                                                                   847,650,000                 RMB ordinary shares
Development Corp.
Hefei Rongke Project Investment Co., Ltd.                          792,000,000                 RMB ordinary shares
Beijing E-TOWN International Investment &
                                                                   700,000,001                 RMB ordinary shares
Development Co., Ltd.
Beijing Jiahui Dexin Investment Center (limited
                                                                   600,000,000                 RMB ordinary shares
Beijing Industry Development & Investment
                                                                   442,016,711                 RMB ordinary shares
Management Co., Ltd.
Beijing Electronics Holdings Co.,Ltd.                              275,303,883                 RMB ordinary shares
Southwest Securities Co., Ltd.                                     241,012,010                 RMB ordinary shares
Sinotrans Air Transportation
                                                                   120,000,000                 RMB ordinary shares
Development Co., Ltd.
Ke Xiping                                                           86,144,458                 RMB ordinary shares

§3 Significant Events
3.1 Significant changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators as
well as reasons for these changes
√Applicable       □Non-applicable
1. Notes receivable increased 64% over the end of last year, which was mainly
because some receivables from customers were paid with notes.
2. Interest receivable decreased 35% over the end of last year, which was mainly
because fixed term deposits decreased.
3. Other current assets increased 233% over the end of last year, which was mainly
because the deductible amount of VAT increased.
4. Other current liabilities decreased 40% over the end of last year, which was mainly
because the product quality guarantee deposits pre-withdrawn in previous years were
written off as the products were sold.
5. Operating revenue increased 111% over the same period of last year, which was
mainly because the new project realized phasic mass production and the capacity of
production lines increased.
6. Operating cost increased 88% over the same period of last year, which was mainly
because the operating revenue increased.
7. Selling expense increased 70% over the same period of last year, which was mainly
because the sales increased.
8. Financial expense increased 54% over the same period of last year, which was
mainly because interest expense increased.
9. Asset impairment loss increased 249% over the same period of last year, which was
mainly because the Company made impairment provisions for inventories and other

assets according to the smaller amount between the cost and the net realizable value.
10. Non-operating income increased 219% over the same period of last year, which
was mainly because deferred income was transferred to non-operating income in
stages according to the progress of projects.
11. Net cash flows from operating activities increased 88% over the same period of
last year, which was mainly because the product structure was adjusted and the
production & sales increased.
12. Net cash flows from investing activities increased 70% over the same period of
last year, which was mainly because the new project proceeded from the construction
stage to the operation stage and the expense on construction and equipment purchase
13. Net cash flows from financing activities decreased 87% over the same period of
last year, which was mainly because the new project proceeded from the construction
stage to the operation stage and the financing cash inflows from special borrowings
3.2 Progress of significant events as well as their influence and solutions
3.2.1 Non-standard audit opinion
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.2 The Company provides funds for the controlling shareholder or its related
parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.3 Significant contracts signed and executed concerning routine operation
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.2.4 Other
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.3 Fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and actual
Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares, actual controller and other
related parties in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the
reporting period
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.4 Warnings of possible losses or large-margin year-on-year change of the
accumulative net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the
end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the
√Applicable          □Inapplicable
Business performance forecast                                             Loss
                                From the year-begin to the end Same period of last
                                                                                                Increase/decrease (%)
                                 of the next reporting period        year
Expected accumulative net
                                  -90,000      --    -80,000           -121,548            --                  --
profit (RMB Ten thousand)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)          -0.07      --      -0.06             -0.09             --                  --
                                1、The prices of main products has been rebounding a little bit but still low since the
                                arrival of 2012; The G8.5 TFT-LCD line will cause certain losses as its capacity is still
                                in the climbing period;
Explanation about the
performance forecast            2、the adjustment of products structure and raw materials cost control have shown
                                positive results, and the marketing competitiveness of products have been
                                significantly improved. It is estimated that the operation performance of the first half
                                year of 2012 will continue ameliorate year-to-year.

3.5 Other significant events that need to be explained
3.5.1 Securities investments
□Applicable          √Inapplicable
3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period
                                                                                                     Main discussion and
    Time                Place           Way of reception   Type of visitor          Visitor
                                                                                                      provided by the
                  Conference Room
 9 Jan. 2012                             Field research      Institution     Azentus Capital
                   of the Company
                  Conference Room
 11 Jan. 2012                            Field research      Institution     Investment, CITIC
                   of the Company
                                                                             Securities Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Daiwa      Securities Main discussion:
                                                                             Co., Ltd., Daiwa 1. Operation of the
 18 Jan. 2012          By phone            By phone          Institution
                                                                             Securities    (H.K.) Company and its
                                                                             Co., Ltd.             future development
                                                                             BOC International strategy;
 7 Feb. 2012           By phone            By phone          Institution
                                                                             (China) Limited       2. Current status and
                                                                             YCT       Investment development trends
16 Feb. 2012           By phone            By phone          Institution     Management Co., in the industry;
                                                                             Ltd.                  3. Particulars about
                                                                             Daiwa      Securities the Chengdu 4.5G
                  Conference Room                                            Co., Ltd., Beijing Production         Line,
24 Feb. 2012                             Field research      Institution
                   of the Company                                            Office of Daiwa Beijing                 5G
                                                                             Securities Co., Ltd. Production       Line,
 2 Mar. 2012           By phone            By phone          Institution     Citibank Hongkong Hefei 6G Production
 6 Mar. 2012           By phone            By phone          Institution     Huatai Securities     Line, Beijing 8.5G
                  Conference Room                                            Fino            wave Production Line and
 7 Mar. 2012                             Field research      Institution
                   of the Company                                            investments           Ordos           5.5G
                  Conference Room                                                                  AMOLED
 8 Mar. 2012                             Field research      Institution     Dacheng Fund
                   of the Company                                                                  Production Line;
                  Conference Room
 9 Mar. 2012                             Field research      Institution     Yinhua Fund             Materials provided:
                   of the Company
                                                                             Shanghai Office of      The 2010 Annual
                                                                             Merrill        Lynch    Report, the brochure
                                                                             Securities Co., Ltd.,   of the Company and
16 Mar. 2012     Ritz-Carlton Hotel      Field research      Institution     Merrill Lynch (Asia     other       materials
                                                                             Pacific)    Limited,    available for public
                                                                             Cephei capital 、       access
                                                                             Mitsubishi UFJ
                  Conference Room                                            Everbright
19 Mar. 2012                             Field research      Institution
                   of the Company                                            Securities Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Sylebra      Capital
20 Mar. 2012           By phone            By phone          Institution
3.6 Derivatives investments
□Applicable        √Inapplicable
3.6.1 Derivatives investments held at the end of the reporting period
□Applicable        √Inapplicable

§4 Attachments
4.1 Balance Sheet
Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                           31 Mar. 2012              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
                                      Consolidation       The Company             Consolidation     The Company
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                  15,956,853,365.00        2,363,021,729.00      20,325,469,116.00 3,043,542,028.00
   Settlement reserves
   Lendings to banks and other
financial institutions

  Transactional financial assets
  Notes receivable                     558,795,142.00         1,700,000.00     340,293,997.00       3,863,762.00
  Accounts receivable                 2,846,814,720.00      59,498,569.00     2,560,795,545.00    55,112,379.00
  Accounts paid in advance              81,254,356.00         3,182,375.00       64,799,585.00      2,982,710.00
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance           premiums
   Receivable          reinsurance
contract reserves
   Interest receivable                  67,999,851.00        13,769,911.00     105,243,519.00       9,141,082.00
  Dividend receivable                                         8,204,147.00                          8,204,147.00
   Other accounts receivable     1,750,219,654.00          373,150,742.00     1,735,824,884.00   389,156,441.00
   Financial assets purchased
under agreements to resell
   Inventories                   2,411,386,287.00             1,583,186.00    2,116,218,705.00      1,306,051.00
   Non-current assets due within
1 year
   Other current assets          2,320,588,059.00           37,247,919.00      696,796,503.00     28,797,744.00
Total current assets                 25,993,911,434.00    2,861,358,578.00   27,945,441,854.00 3,542,106,344.00
Non-current assets:
   Entrusted loans and advances
   Available-for-sale financial
                                         57,211,342.00       57,211,342.00       74,718,931.00    74,718,931.00
   Held-to-maturity investments
   Long-term            accounts
   Long-term equity investment         957,524,281.00    27,655,180,335.00     958,879,205.00 27,656,535,260.00
  Investing property                  1,338,208,579.00     181,449,349.00     1,340,984,989.00   172,908,765.00
  Fixed assets                       27,695,890,805.00     364,166,838.00    28,388,863,004.00   393,096,085.00
  Construction in progress            8,528,247,537.00      80,222,482.00     8,412,921,608.00    26,832,993.00
  Engineering materials
  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                   1,429,158,183.00      99,237,387.00     1,454,669,394.00    99,478,210.00
  R&D expense
  Goodwill                              51,502,898.00                            51,502,898.00
  Long-term deferred expenses           26,388,701.00         3,303,129.00       22,860,526.00      3,586,980.00
  Deferred income tax assets            49,355,084.00                            47,892,088.00
  Other non-current assets              72,568,650.00         5,019,059.00       70,681,149.00      4,457,280.00
Total of non-current assets          40,206,056,060.00   28,445,789,921.00   40,823,973,792.00 28,431,614,504.00
Total assets                         66,199,967,494.00   31,307,148,499.00   68,769,415,646.00 31,973,720,848.00
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings         4,896,218,228.00                             6,487,193,510.00    34,663,422.00
   Borrowings from Central
   Customer bank deposits and
due to banks and other financial
   Borrowings from banks and
other financial institutions

   Transactional            financial
   Notes payable                           25,093,824.00                            27,918,268.00
  Accounts payable                       4,086,851,090.00      10,860,067.00     3,630,464,475.00    13,236,221.00
  Accounts received in advance            198,423,333.00      286,011,140.00      186,069,735.00    287,038,716.00
  Financial assets sold for
  Handling     charges     and
commissions payable
  Employee’s    compensation
                                          276,466,213.00       36,282,915.00      368,442,775.00     61,693,468.00
  Tax payable                              39,215,097.00       28,045,375.00        47,338,545.00    21,739,121.00
  Interest payable                         81,677,753.00                           110,964,115.00      1,088,911.00
  Dividend payable                           6,451,170.00        6,451,170.00        6,451,170.00      6,451,170.00
  Other accounts payable           3,454,849,187.00          2,309,719,994.00    4,285,822,157.00 2,893,384,484.00
  Reinsurance          premiums
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables       for        acting
underwriting of securities
  Non-current liabilities due
                                   1,322,303,938.00           100,000,000.00     1,716,776,716.00   100,000,000.00
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities           52,978,964.00                                 88,652,956.00
Total current liabilities               14,440,528,797.00    2,777,370,661.00   16,956,094,422.00 3,419,295,513.00
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                  15,426,481,985.00     100,000,000.00    14,700,018,374.00   100,000,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
   Estimated liabilities              28,274,319.00                                 30,080,844.00
   Deferred      income        tax
                                     412,745,804.00                               414,561,354.00
   Other non-current liabilities   1,573,905,202.00            49,700,466.00     1,623,176,746.00    60,063,972.00
Total non-current liabilities           17,441,407,310.00     149,700,466.00    16,767,837,318.00   160,063,972.00
Total liabilities                       31,881,936,107.00    2,927,071,127.00   33,723,931,740.00 3,579,359,485.00
Owners’          equity         (or
shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or          share
                                        13,521,542,341.00   13,521,542,341.00   13,521,542,341.00 13,521,542,341.00
  Capital reserves                      15,285,441,357.00   15,077,085,956.00   15,302,948,946.00 15,094,593,545.00
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                        499,092,613.00      499,092,613.00      499,092,613.00    499,092,613.00
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                      -4,228,868,766.00     -717,643,538.00   -3,734,305,993.00   -720,867,136.00
  Foreign exchange difference     -2,843,091.00                                     -3,385,643.00
Total equity attributable to
                              25,074,364,454.00             28,380,077,372.00   25,585,892,264.00 28,394,361,363.00
owners of the Company
Minority interests             9,243,666,933.00                                  9,459,591,642.00
Total owners’ equity          34,318,031,387.00            28,380,077,372.00   35,045,483,906.00 28,394,361,363.00
Total liabilities and owners’
                               66,199,967,494.00            31,307,148,499.00   68,769,415,646.00 31,973,720,848.00

4.2 Income Statement
Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                         Jan.-Mar. 2012        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Jan.-Mar. 2012                       Jan.-Mar. 2011
                                         Consolidation        The Company        Consolidation      The Company
I. Total operating revenues             4,147,641,280.00         77,049,315.00   1,969,646,222.00 47,030,268.00
Including: Sales income                 4,147,641,280.00        77,049,315.00    1,969,646,222.00   47,030,268.00
        Interest income
        Premium income
        Handling      charge    and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                4,914,498,673.00        77,182,752.00    2,719,468,666.00   69,399,404.00
Including: Cost of sales                4,187,777,170.00        25,086,807.00    2,225,369,739.00   21,198,211.00
      Interest expenses
      Handling     charge       and
commission expenses
        Net claims paid
        Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
        Expenditure on policy
        Reinsurance premium
        Taxes    and      associate
                                            7,702,861.00         2,000,122.00       4,430,424.00     1,437,591.00
       Selling and distribution
                                         122,244,706.00            335,231.00      71,767,816.00
       Administrative expenses           469,276,557.00         72,575,419.00     465,049,868.00    69,997,747.00
       Financial expenses                 -43,866,488.00       -22,863,402.00      -96,207,662.00 -23,280,862.00
         Asset impairment loss           171,363,867.00             48,575.00      49,058,481.00       46,717.00
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
fair value (“-” means loss)
       Gain/(loss) from investment
                                           -1,354,925.00         -1,354,925.00      -1,283,192.00   -1,198,993.00
(“-” means loss)
Including: share of profits in
associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange gains (“-”
means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means
                                        -768,212,318.00          -1,488,362.00   -759,775,773.00 -23,568,129.00
       Add: non-operating income          60,403,765.00          4,711,960.00      18,919,093.00      589,882.00
     Less: non-operating expense             803,185.00                               816,270.00         4,526.00
Including: loss from non-current
                                             517,436.00                               342,281.00         4,526.00
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)      -708,611,738.00         3,223,598.00    -741,672,950.00 -22,982,773.00
     Less: Income tax expense               1,921,950.00                             -818,944.00
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)        -710,533,688.00          3,223,598.00    -740,854,006.00 -22,982,773.00
     Attributable to owners of the
                                        -494,562,773.00          3,223,598.00    -674,781,964.00 -22,982,773.00
     Minority          shareholders’
                                        -215,970,915.00                            -66,072,042.00
VI. Earnings per share
     (I) basic earnings per share                 -0.037               0.0002              -0.060         -0.0020
     (II) diluted earnings per
                                                  -0.037               0.0002              -0.060         -0.0020
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes           -16,965,037.00       -17,507,589.00       -6,497,673.00   -6,497,673.00

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes      -727,498,725.00       -14,283,991.00   -747,351,679.00 -29,480,446.00
     Attributable to owners of the
                                     -511,527,810.00       -14,283,991.00   -681,279,637.00 -29,480,446.00
     Attributable to minority
                                     -215,970,915.00                          -66,072,042.00

4.3 Cash Flow Statement
Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                      Jan.-Mar. 2012      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Jan.-Mar. 2012                     Jan.-Mar. 2011
                                     Consolidation        The Company       Consolidation     The Company
I. Cash flows from operating
   Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of 3,777,236,834.00              30,553,895.00    1,951,481,717.00   18,446,230.00
   Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
   Net increase of loans from the
central bank
   Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
   Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
   Net cash received from
reinsurance business
   Net increase of deposits of
policy holders and investment
   Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
   Cash received from interest,
handling         charges        and
   Net increase of borrowings
from banks and other financial
   Net increase of funds in
repurchase business
   Tax refunds received                50,483,943.00                         208,854,987.00       71,071.00
   Other cash received relating to
                                      124,401,105.00       89,540,015.00     174,819,796.00    24,502,392.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                    3,952,121,882.00      120,093,910.00    2,335,156,500.00   43,019,693.00
operating activities
   Cash paid for goods and
                                    3,169,018,349.00       17,308,364.00    1,946,823,979.00   33,186,195.00
   Net increase of customer
lendings and advances
   Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount
due from banks
   Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
   Cash for paying interest,
handling         charges        and
   Cash for paying policy
   Cash paid to and for employees     525,852,372.00       69,807,870.00     360,383,125.00    44,055,669.00
  Various taxes paid                43,105,083.00            4,384,186.00    139,459,883.00     9,920,371.00
  Other cash payment relating to
                                   258,392,037.00         615,454,249.00     254,758,191.00    34,563,010.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                 3,996,367,841.00         706,954,669.00    2,701,425,178.00 121,725,245.00
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating
                                      -44,245,959.00       -586,860,759.00    -366,268,678.00 -78,705,552.00
II. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from disposal of
   Cash received from return on
   Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets         86,500.00                               992,000.00        969,167.00
and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business
      Other cash received relating
                                      132,480,714.00        13,570,631.00      367,873,074.00     22,973,826.00
to investing activities
         Subtotal of cash inflows
                                      132,567,214.00        13,570,631.00      368,865,074.00     23,942,993.00
from investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other 2,498,938,550.00        71,890,482.00    6,213,351,370.00     12,294,410.00
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire
subsidiaries and other business                                                 15,306,439.00
  Other cash payments relating to
                                      7,370,726.00                           2,080,624,905.00
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from                                                                   8,672,294,410.0
                                  2,506,309,276.00          71,890,482.00    8,309,282,714.00
investing activities                                                                                           0
Net cash flows from investing                                                                    -8,648,351,417.
                                       -2,373,742,062.00    -58,319,851.00   -7,940,417,640.00
activities                                                                                                   00
III. Cash flows from financing
     Cash received from absorbing
     Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
     Cash       received       from
                                       1,939,588,837.00                      5,029,205,308.00
     Cash received from issuance
of bonds
     Other cash received relating to
                                       1,860,423,368.00     83,385,627.00      684,792,609.00     47,500,000.00
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                       3,800,012,205.00     83,385,627.00    5,713,997,917.00     47,500,000.00
financing activities
     Repayment of borrowings           3,005,378,302.00     34,021,667.00    1,822,557,682.00     40,147,677.00
     Cash    paid     for   interest
expenses and distribution of             291,848,940.00       1,315,665.00     127,226,927.00      1,127,867.00
dividends or profit
      Including: dividends or profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority
      Other cash payments relating
                                           3,904,395.00                         29,305,182.00      7,476,924.00
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                       3,301,131,637.00     35,337,332.00    1,979,089,791.00     48,752,468.00
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                         498,880,568.00     48,048,295.00    3,734,908,126.00      -1,252,468.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash              5,246,049.00          -2,357.00       8,753,397.00         -19,200.00

V. Net increase in cash and cash                                                              -8,728,328,637.
                                 -1,913,861,404.00     -597,134,672.00    -4,563,024,795.00
equivalents                                                                                               00
     Add:     Cash      and   cash                                                            11,478,796,269.
                                   12,959,533,670.00   2,951,867,533.00   19,097,948,638.00
equivalents at the period-begin                                                                           00
     VI.     Cash      and    cash                                                            2,750,467,632.0
                                   11,045,672,266.00   2,354,732,861.00   14,534,923,843.00
equivalents at the period-end                                                                               0

4.4 Auditor’s report
Auditor’s opinion: un-audited
