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						                                         Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                          BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                       Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012

                                         I. Important Notes

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives of BOE
Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby assure that there are no false
records, misleading statements or significant omissions in this report, and shall shoulder any individual and/or
joint liability concerning the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The financial report for the first half of 2012 has not been audited by a CPA firm.
Chairman of the Board & Company Principal Mr. Wang Dongsheng, CEO Mr. Chen Yanshun, Head of the
Accounting Work Ms. Sun Yun, and Person-in-charge of the Accounting Division Ms.Yang Xiaoping hereby
declare that the Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual and complete.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

                                        II. Company Profile

(I)Basic information

B-share abbreviation                 BOE-B
B-share code                         200725
Stock exchange listed with           Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                    Board Secretary             Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                 Feng Liqiong                          Liu Hongfeng
                                     No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang     No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang
Contact address                      District, Beijing                     District, Beijing
Tel.                                 010-64318888 ext.                    010-64318888 ext.
Fax                                  010-64366264                         010-64366264

                                     fengliqiong@boe.com.cn                liuhongfeng@boe.com.cn

(II)Financial highlights

1. Major accounting data and financial indexes

Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?

                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                          Increase/decrease at the
                                               At the end of this reporting At the end of this reporting end of this reporting period
                                                   period 30 Jun. 2012         period 31 Dec. 2011        compared with the end of
                                                                                                                 last year (%)
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                  67,316,247,128.00              68,769,415,646.00                     -2.11%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                         24,813,084,260.00              25,585,892,264.00                     -3.02%
of the Company (RMB Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                    13,521,542,341.00              13,521,542,341.00                         0%
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                                         1.84                         1.89                    -2.65%
Liability/asset ratio(%)                                            49.52%                       49.04%                      0.48%
                                               Reporting period      Jan.-Jun. Reporting period   Jan.-Jun.   Increase/decrease
                                                          2012                            2011                year-on-year (%)
Total operating income (RMB Yuan)                         9,608,882,013.00               4,940,033,997.00                    94.51%
Operating profit (RMB Yuan)                              -1,226,439,189.00               -1,394,938,605.00                   12.08%
Total profit (RMB Yuan)                                  -1,068,853,171.00               -1,329,248,016.00                   19.59%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           -786,882,196.00               -1,215,484,477.00                   35.26%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after deducting non-recurring                  -907,917,180.00               -1,272,107,385.00                   28.63%
gains and losses (RMB Yuan)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                             -0.058                        -0.09                   35.56%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                           -0.058                        -0.09                   35.56%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                              -3.12%                       -4.99%                      1.87%
Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                                      -3.60%                       -5.23%                      1.63%
non-recurring gains and losses (%)
Net cash flow from operating activities
                                                            121,827,560.00                -614,189,947.00                   119.84%
(RMB Yuan)
Net cash flow per share from operating
                                                                         0.01                        -0.05                     120%
activities (RMB Yuan/share)
Notes to major accounting data and financial indexes before the end of the reporting period (Please give notes if
there is any retrospective adjustment):

2. Items of non-recurring gains and losses

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                             Items                                 Jan.-Jun. 2012 (RMB Yuan)                  Notes
Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                                 -376,902.00                                      -
Tax rebate, reduction or exemption due to un-authorized
                                                                                          0.00                                      -
approval or the lack of formal approval documents
Government grants recognized in the current year, except
for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or
                                                                                149,746,711.00                                      -
granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the
country’s unified standards
Capital occupation fees received from non-financial
                                                                                          0.00                                      -
enterprises that are included in current gains and losses
Gains generated when the investment costs of the
Company’s acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures are less than the fair value of identifiable net assets                          0.00                                      -
in the investees attributable to the Company in the
acquisition of the investments

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets                                 0.00                                   -
Gains and losses through entrusting others to invest or
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
manage assets
Various asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
as natural disasters
Gains and losses on debt restructuring                                           0.00                                   -
Enterprise reorganization expenses, such as expenses on
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
employee settlement and integration
Gains and losses on the parts exceeding the fair value when
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
prices of transactions become unfair
Net current gains and losses from the period-begin to the
combination date of subsidiaries due to business                                 0.00                                   -
combinations under the same control
Gains and losses on contingent matters which are irrelevant
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
to the normal operation of the Company
Gains and losses on fair value changes of transactional
financial assets and liabilities, and investment gains on
disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and                   0.00                                   -
available-for-sale financial assets, except for the effective
hedging business related to the Company’s normal operation
Reversal of impairment provisions for accounts receivable
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
which are separately tested for impairment signs
Gains and losses on entrustment loans from external parties                      0.00                                   -
Gains and losses on fair value changes of investing
properties for which the fair value method is adopted for                        0.00                                   -
subsequent measurement
Current gain and loss effect due to a just-for-once
adjustment to current gains and losses according to
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
requirements of taxation and accounting laws and
Custodian fee income from entrusted operations with the
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the
                                                                         8,171,430.00                                   -
items above
Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of
                                                                                 0.00                                   -
non-recurring gains and losses
Minority interests effects                                                       0.00                                   -
Income tax effects                                                        -242,447.00                                   -
Total                                                                  157,298,792.00                 --

3. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the international and
Chinese accounting standards respectively

□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the overseas and
Chinese accounting standards respectively

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

    III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders

(I)Changes in share capital
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                         Before the change                 Increase/decrease (+, -)               After the change
                                                      Proportion                                                                 Proporti
                                      Number                             Others              Subtotal            Number
                                                         (%)                                                                     on (%)
 I. Shares subject to trading
                                     2,094,137,906           15.49% -1,499,916,825          -1,499,916,825        594,221,081      4.39%
 1. State-owned shares                           0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 2.   State-owned        legal
                                     2,094,059,405           15.49% -1,500,000,000          -1,500,000,000        594,059,405      4.39%
 person shares
 3. Other domestic shares                        0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 Including: Shares held by
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 domestic legal persons
       Shares held          by
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 domestic individuals
 4. Shares held by overseas
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 Including: Shares held by
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 overseas legal persons
        Shares held by
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 overseas individuals
 5. Shares held by senior
                                            78,501              0%            83,175                  83,175           161,676        0%
 management staff
 II. Shares not subject to
                                    11,427,404,435           84.51%    1,499,916,825         1,499,916,825     12,927,321,260 95.61%
 trading moratorium
 1.   Ordinary     shares
                                    10,088,744,435           74.61%    1,499,916,825         1,499,916,825     11,588,661,260 85.71%
 denominated in RMB
 2. Domestically         listed
                                     1,338,660,000             9.9%                   0                   0     1,338,660,000        9.9%
 foreign shares
 3. Overseas listed foreign
                                                 0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 4. Others                                       0              0%                    0                   0                  0        0%
 III. Total shares                13,521,542,341.00           100%                    0                   0 13,521,542,341.00        100%

(II)Shares held by the top ten holders of tradable shares/shares not subject to trading

Shares held by the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                       447,700 shareholders in total, including 407,523 A-share holders and 40,177
Total number of shareholders
Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                     Sharehold                      Shares subject   Pledged or frozen shares
                                          Nature of     ing    Total shares held at   to trading
  Name of shareholder (full name)                                                                                   Number of
                                         shareholder percentag the period-end        moratorium Status of shares
                                                       e (%)                             held                         shares
BEIJING            E-TOWN State-owne
                                                                                                          Pledged or
INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT       d                       11.35%         1,534,059,406       594,059,405                      647,029,502
& DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD    Corporatio

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                      6.37%         860,981,080
BEIJING                              State-owne
ECONOMIC-TECHNOLOGICAL               d                                                           Pledged or
                                                      6.27%         847,650,000                                     350,000,000
INVESTMENT            &              Corporatio                                                    frozen
DEVELOPMENT CORP.                    n
                                                      5.86%         792,000,000
INVESTMENT CO., LTD.       Corporatio
                                                      5.55%         750,000,000
CO., LTD.               Corporatio
STATE-OWNED       ASSETS                              5.55%         750,000,000
BEIJING BDA                          State-owne
TECHNOLOGICAL                        d
                                                      4.44%         600,000,000
INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT               Corporatio
CO., LTD.                            n
                                     On behalf
                                     of the           3.27%         442,016,711
BANK—YINHUA CORE VALUE                               2.24%         303,019,637
                                     On behalf
BEIJING ELECTRONICS                                                                              Pledged or
                                     of the           2.04%         275,303,883                                     168,418,605
HOLDING CO., LTD                                                                                   frozen
Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares
                                                    Number of tradable shares              Type and number of shares
              Name of shareholder
                                                             held                   Type                   Number
                                                                    940,000,001 A-share                             940,000,001
BEIJING  BOE      INVESTMENT                   &
                                                                    860,981,080 A-share                             860,981,080
                                                                    847,650,000 A-share                             847,650,000
                                                                    792,000,000 A-share                             792,000,000
HEFEI LAN KE INVESTMENT CO., LTD.                                   750,000,000 A-share                             750,000,000
                                                                    750,000,000 A-share                             750,000,000
                                                                    600,000,000 A-share                             600,000,000
                                                                    442,016,711 A-share                             442,016,711
                                                                    303,019,637 A-share                             303,019,637
BEIJING ELECTRONICS HOLDING CO.,                                    275,303,883 A-share                             275,303,883

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                              1. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. holds 66.25% shares of Beijing BOE
                                              Investment & Development Co., Ltd. and is its controlling shareholder.
                                              2. When the Company completed private offering of shares in 2010, Beijing
                                              E-TOWN International Investment & Development Co., Ltd. transferred all
                                              shares directly held to Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. for
                                              management, then BOE Investment acquired the attached rights of the shares
                                              attributable to other shareholders in accordance with current effective laws and
Explanation on associated relationship or/and rules of the Company excluding right of disposition such as transfer, donation,
                                              mortgage etc. and usufruct (including claim for profit distribution and claim for
persons acting in concert among the retained assets distribution).
above-mentioned shareholders                  3.Beijing Economic-technological investment & Development Corp. holds 49%
                                              shares of BEIJING BDA TECHNOLOGICAL INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT
                                              CO., LTD.. Both of them are under the control of the Administration Committee
                                              of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which makes them
                                              parties acting in concert.
                                              4. Except for relationship among the above shareholders, the Company is not
                                              aware of whether there is any associated relationship or not among top ten
                                              shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium.

(III)Change of the controlling shareholder and the actual controller

□Applicable √Inapplicable

 IV. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

(I)Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management

                               Number of Number of         Number of
                                                                                       Of which:         Number of
                               shares held    shares         shares     Number of
                                                                                      number of         stock options   Reason for
   Name         Office title        at     increased in   decreased in shares held at
                                                                                       restricted          held at       change
                               period-begi reporting       reporting    period-end
                                                                                      shares held        period-end
                                    n         period         period
              Chairman    of
              the     Board,
              Chief of the         29,905             0              0       29,905         22,429                  0
              Vice chairman             0             0              0             0                0               0
              Vice chairman        11,963             0              0        11,963         8,972                  0
              director,                 0             0              0             0                0               0
Han Guojian                        11,962       110,900              0      122,862         92,147                  0
            executing vice
Wang          director,
                                        0             0              0             0                0               0
Jiaheng       executing vice
Gui Jinghua   Director                  0             0              0             0                0               0
Dong          Independent               0             0              0             0                0               0

                                             Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Ansheng        director
Ouyang         Independent
                                        0             0             0             0             0             0
Zhongcan       director
Geng Jianxin                            0             0             0             0             0             0
Ji Guoping                              0             0             0             0             0             0
               Convener of
Wu Wenxue      the Supervisory          0             0             0             0             0             0
               Supervisor               0             0             0             0             0             0
               Supervisor           2,991             0             0         2,991         2,243             0
Zhong          Staff-representa
                                        0             0             0             0             0             0
Huifeng        tive supervisor
Yang Anle                               0             0             0             0             0             0
               tive supervisor
               Executing vice
Liu Xiaodong                            0             0             0             0             0             0
               president, COO
               Executing vice
Song Ying                          29,905             0             0        29,905        22,429             0
               Executing vice
Wang Yanjun                        11,962             0             0        11,962         8,972             0
               Senior vice
Sun Yun                             5,981             0             0         5,981         4,486             0
               president, CFO
               Senior vice
Dong Youmei                             0             0             0             0             0             0
               president, CTO
             Senior vice
             president, chief
Feng Liqiong counsel,                   0             0             0             0             0             0
               Senior vice
Yue Zhanqiu                             0             0             0             0             0             0
               Senior vice
Li Xuezheng                             0             0             0             0             0             0
               Vice president,
Xie            chief risk
                                        0             0             0             0             0             0
Zhongdong      control officer,
               chief auditor

                                  V. Report of the Board of Directors

(I)Main business lines classified by industries and products

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                         Main business lines classified by industries
                                                                         Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                                            of operating   of operating cost of gross profit
                                                          Gross profit
    Industry        Operating revenue   Operating cost                        revenue       compared with      rate compared
                                                            rate (%)
                                                                           compared with the same period       with the same
                                                                          the same period    last year (%)    period last year

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                            last year (%)                            (%)
TFT-LCD            12,199,149,140.00    12,225,070,764.00         -0.2%             213.4%             172.1%              15.2%
Display light
                    1,014,288,844.00       956,036,513.00          5.7%             37.2%                34.7%             1.8%
Display system        856,696,380.00       822,702,651.00            4%             31.2%                41.3%             -6.9%
Other business        439,354,891.00       298,888,290.00           32%            -51.5%               -60.7%              16%
Offset             -5,180,948,753.00    -5,138,332,271.00          0.8%            279.1%              276.5%              0.7%
                                          Main business lines classified by products
                                                                          Increase/decrease                   Increase/decrease
                                                                             of operating                       of gross profit
                                                                                              of operating cost
                                                          Gross profit          revenue                         rate compared
     Product       Operating revenue Operating cost                                             compared with
                                                           rate (%)         compared with                       with the same
                                                                                               the same period
                                                                           the same period                     period last year
                                                                                                 last year (%)
                                                                             last year (%)                            (%)
TFT-LCD            12,199,149,140.00 12,225,070,764.00            -0.2%              213.4%            172.1%             15.2%
Display light
                    1,014,288,844.00     956,036,513.00            5.7%             37.2%                34.7%             1.8%
Display system        856,696,380.00     822,702,651.00              4%             31.2%                41.3%             -6.9%
Other business        439,354,891.00     298,888,290.00             32%            -51.5%               -60.7%              16%
Offset             -5,180,948,753.00 -5,138,332,271.00             0.8%            279.1%              276.5%              0.7%
Explanation to the reasons for any significant year-on-year change of the gross profit rate:
The gross profit rate for the TFT-LCD business increased over the same period of last year, which was mainly
because in the reporting period, the production and sales of the TFT production lines expanded, the production
structure was continuously optimized and the product competitiveness increased.
The gross profit rate for other businesses also increased over the same period of last year, which was mainly
because in its real estate business, the Company enhanced brand building and increased the leasing rate, resulting
in increase in both the earnings and the gross profit.

(II)Main business lines classified by regions

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Increase/decrease compared with the same
                  Region                              Operating revenue
                                                                                               period last year (%)
China                                                              4,947,479,261.00                                     44.9%
Other Asian countries and regions                                   8,066,795,465.00                                    196.4%
Europe                                                               641,719,191.00                                        577%
America                                                              306,415,531.00                                     209.7%
Other countries                                                      547,079,807.00                                     7,618%
Offset                                                             -5,180,948,753.00                                    242.4%

(III)Reasons for any significant change in main business and its structure

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(IV)Reasons of significant changes in profitability of main business (gross profit rate)
compared with that in the last year

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                               Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(V)Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VI)Particulars about utilization of the raised funds

1. Utilization of the raised funds

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Total raised capital                                               2,296,886 Total
Total raised capital of which the use was                                    input in                                          371,008
                                                                           0 the
changed in the reporting period
Accumulative raised capital of which the use                                Accumul
was changed                                                                 ative
                                                                            raised                                         2,137,256
Proportion of accumulative raised capital of
                                                                     18.42% capital
which the use was changed                                                   input

                                                                        Investme     Date
                                                              Accumul             when the                       Material
 Projects invested with changed                                             nt                Profit
                                    Raised Investme Input in     ative             project            Reach the change in
    raised capital as     or not                                        progress            generated
                                    capital  nt after   the    input up            reaches            expected     the
     promised and       (includin                                       up to the             in the
                                   input as adjustme reporting to the                the              profit or project
   investments with         g                                           period-en           reporting
                                  promised nt (1)      year   period-en d (%)(3) expected                not    feasibility
  over-raised capital   partially                                                             period
                                                                 d (2)              usable                        or not
                        changed)                                        =(2)/(1)
Projects invested with
raised capital as

Production line of                                                                         1 May                  Inapplica
6th-Generation       No           1,078,331    895,950    34,504    853,689       95.28%                -30,556             No
                                                                                           2011                   ble
TFT-LCD (6G Project)
Supplementing current No                                                                                          Inapplica
                                    100,000    282,381              282,381        100%                                     No
capital (2009)                                                                                                    ble

Production line of
8.5th-Generation                                                                           1 Jul.                 Inapplica
                         No         850,000    850,000   336,504    732,631       86.19%                -57,912             No
TFT-LCD (8.5G                                                                              2012                   ble
Supplementing current No                                                                                          Inapplica
                                     44,365     44,365               44,365        100%                                     No
capital (2010)                                                                                                    ble
 Subtotal of promised
                      -           2,072,696 2,072,696    371,008 1,913,066 -               -            -88,468 -          -
  investment projects
Investments of
over-raised capital

 Repaying bank loans
                     -                                                                     -        -             -        -
       (if any)
                         -                                                                 -        -             -        -
working capital (if any)
Subtotal of investments
                         -                                                    -            -                      -        -
with over-raised capital

                                                   Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

         Total             -                                                      -          -                      -          -
 Reason for failing to
    reach scheduled
 progress or projected Naught
   income (listed in
   specific projects)
   Explanation on
significant changes in Naught
feasibility of projects
  Amount, usage and        □Applicable √Inapplicable
   usage progress of
  over-raised capital      Naught
     Change of the      □Applicable √Inapplicable
    implementation      □ Took place in the reporting period □ Took place in previous years
 location of any raised
   funds investment     Naught
  Adjustment of the □Applicable √Inapplicable
   implementation     □ Took place in the reporting period □ Took place in previous years
 method of any raised
  funds investment    Naught
                           √Applicable □Inapplicable

                           Before raised funds of Y2009 were available, in accordance with Proposal on Investing and Establishing
  Advance input and        6th-Generation TFT-LCD Production Line Project and Proposal on Issuance Scheme of Private Offering of
exchange of any raised     A stock approved by voting at the 17th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 7 Nov. 2008 and the 2nd
   funds investment        Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008 on 25 Nov. 2008, the Company preliminarily input self raised funds
        project            of RMB 1,309,500,000.00 to construction of 6G Project. After raised funds of Y2009 became available,
                           based on the Management Method of Raised Funds of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
                           and as reviewed and passed by the 26th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 23 Jun. 2009, the Company
                           replaced the preliminary self-raised funds put into 6G Project by raised funds of RMB 1,309,500,000.00.
                           √Applicable □Inapplicable

                           In light of Public Notice of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. on Supplementing Current Capital with
 Idle raised capital for   Some Idle Raised Funds by its Controlled Subsidiary on 21 Aug. 2009, in order to improve the service
      temporarily          efficiency of raised Funds, and under the premise of not changing whereabouts of raised funds and not
supplementing working      influencing normal operation of raised funds projects, temporarily idle capital of less than RMB 900
         capital           million in the regulatory account of raised funds of Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. were used to supplement current
                           capital need in other accounts of Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. with a limited period of 6 months, so as to be applied
                           in daily payments and other businesses in other accounts. Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. has returned the aforesaid
                           raised proceeds to the special account in time according to stipulations.
                           □Applicable √Inapplicable

                           As reviewed and approved by the 17th Session in 2008 of the 5th Board of Directors, the Company
                           originally intended to use RMB 9 billion from raised funds in 2009 to invest the 6G project, and promised
  Outstanding raised       to use the extra surplus to construct the 6G project when the actual net raised funds exceeded the intended
   funds in project        total input of raised funds. At present, the financial structure of 6G project is rational, and the operating
 implementation and        capital is enough and stable, meeting daily operation demands. On 22 Apr. 2011, the 8th Session of the 6th
       reasons             Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Proposal on Using Surplus Funds Privately Raised in 2009
                           to Supplement Current Capital, agreeing to use the surplus raised funds of RMB 1,910,185,759.45
                           (including capital of RMB 1,823,808,831.30 and derivative interest of RMB 86,376,928.15), which was
                           deposited by Hefei BOE in the special account for raised funds of the Company till 31 Mar. 2011 and
                           originally promised to be invested to 6G project, to supplement current capital.
                          I. The remaining raised funds in 2009 would be used for construction and operation of the Hefei 6G Line,
                          which are currently put into the special accounts for raised funds and strictly managed by Hefei BOE
Usage and whereabouts Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—the company in charge of the project implementation; II. The
of unused raise capital remaining raised funds in 2010 would be used for construction and operation of the Beijing 8.5G Line,
                          which are currently put into the special accounts for raised funds and strictly managed by Beijing BOE
                          Display Technology Co., Ltd. —the company in charge of the project implementation.
Problems found in the
 usage and disclosure Naught
affairs of raised capital

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  and other situations

2. Change of projects invested with raised funds

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VII)Revision of the Board of Directors’ business plan for the second half of the year

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VIII)Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept. 2012

Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period
from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of last year,
as well as the reasons
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Business performance forecast: loss
Type of the business performance forecast data
□ Exact number √ Interval number
                                                                                        Jan.-Sept. 2011
                                     Jan.-Sept. 2012
Estimated cumulative net
profit (RMB Ten thousand)
                              -78,000       --      -70,000                               -214,309
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) -0.06            --       -0.05                                   -0.16
                              1. Since 2012, prices for liquid crystal panels have become stable, prices for
                              medium-and-large-sized panels have bounced back while those for small-sized have dropped
                              obviously. As the 8.5G Line reaches its full production capacity, the shipment of the Company has
                              jumped to No. 5 worldwide, which means that the Company has had the business basis for it to
                              compete in the global market.
Notes to the business
performance forecast          2. In terms of all the production lines, the Company made sure their full production and a full sale
                              while at the same time proactively adjusting the product structure, accelerating development of
                              products with high added value and increasing competitiveness of its products. It is expected that
                              the 4.5G, 5G and 6G lines will generate profit in the third quarter and that the performance of the
                              8.5G line will improve. The third quarter of 2012 is expected to see profit in terms of the overall
                              business performance of the Company.

(IX)Explanation of the Board of Directors on “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by
the CPA firm for the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(X)Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues involved in
the “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm for last year

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                             VI. Significant Events

(I)Purchase, sales and reorganization of assets

1. Purchase of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to purchase of assets:

2. Sale of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to sale of assets:

3. Progress of these events after the publicatin of the assets reorganization report or public notices on the
purchases or sales of assets, as well as the influences of these events on the operation results and financial
status of the Company in this reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(II)Guarantee events

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                     Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)
                       Disclosure                                                                                           Guarante
                          date of                                     Actual                                                 e for a
                                  Amount for occurrence date                           Type of         Period of   Executed
  Guaranteed party       relevant                                    guarantee                                               related
                                   guarantee     (date of                             guarantee        guarantee    or not
                       announcem                                      amount                                                party or
                            ent                                                                                                not
                                                                                                   From the
                                                                                                   signing date
Beijing Agricultural                                                                               to the date
                     4 Jun. 2012          1,500                -                 0 Pledge                       No         No
Guarantee Co., Ltd.                                                                                when the
                                                                                                   under the
                                                                                                   contract are
                                                                                                   all repaid
   Total external guarantee line                                 Total actual occurred amount
  approved during the reporting                            1,500 of external guarantee during -
           period (A1)                                             the reporting period (A2)
 Total external guarantee line that                                Total actual external guarantee
 has been approved at the end of                           1,500      balance at the end of the    -
    the reporting period (A3)                                          reporting period (A4)
                                      Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries

  Guaranteed party      Disclosure Amount for     Actual              Actual           Type of         Period of   Executed Guarante
                         date of    guarantee occurrence date        guarantee        guarantee        guarantee    or not   e for a

                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                        relevant                     (date of         amount                                            related
                      announcem                    agreement)                                                           party or
                           ent                                                                                            not
Beijing BOE                                                                                         8 Apr.
Optoelectronics      8 Apr. 2005       468,043 31 Mar. 2005               217,429 Warranty          2005-13 Apr. No   No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                2014
 Total guarantee line approved for                                 Total actual occurred amount
    the subsidiaries during the                                         of guarantee for the
         reporting period                                        0                                                              0
                                                                      subsidiaries during the
                (B1)                                                   reporting period (B2)
Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                Total actual guarantee balance
 approved for the subsidiaries at
                                                        468,043 for the subsidiaries at the end                         217,429
 the end of the reporting period
                                                                 of the reporting period (B4)
Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)
  Total guarantee line approved                                    Total actual occurred amount
   during the reporting period                             1,500      of guarantee during the                                   0
            (A1+B1)                                                 reporting period (A2+B2)
Total guarantee line that has been
   approved at the end of the                                      Total actual guarantee balance
        reporting period                                469,543      at the end of the reporting                        217,429
                                                                          period (A4+B4)
Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net assets
of the Company
Of which:
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party
whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or                                                                    0
indirectly (D)
Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets
Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                              0
Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
liquidation due to immature guarantee
Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
violation of the prescribed procedure

(III)Non-operating credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
□ Yes □ No

(IV)Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(V) Other significant events as well as analysis and explanations on their impact and

√Applicable □Inapplicable
On 14 Aug. 2012, the Company, the People’s Government of Hefei City and Chaohu City Construction and Investment Co., Ltd.
signed the Framework Agreement Regarding Making Investment in the Hefei Xincheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
TFT-LCD 8.5G Production Line Project. According to the Agreement, the Company will, with Hefei Xincheng Optoelectronics
Technology Co., Ltd. as the platform for investment, construction and operation, invest to build a TFT-LCD 8.5G whole-process

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

production line in Hefei City. For details, see the Announcement on Signing an Investment Framework Agreement (Announcement
No. 2012-024) disclosed by the Company on 16 Aug. 2012.

1. Securities investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to securities investment:

2. Holding equity of other listed companies

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                 Change of
                            Initial   Proportion in   Closing    Gain/loss in
                                                                               owners’ equity
               Stock      investment the company’s   carrying  the reporting                  Accountin
Stock code                                                                       during the              Stock source
               abbr.     amount (RMB   total equity amount (RMB period (RMB                     g title
                                                                              reporting period
                            Yuan)          (%)         Yuan)        Yuan)
                                                                                (RMB Yuan)
HK0903       Technolog   134,658,158.00            1.04% 30,979,147.00          0.00    2,935,840.00              Subscription
                                                                                                     for-sale   Share
SH600658 DZC              90,160,428.00            1.69% 56,747,214.00 1,669,314.00    10,071,590.00
                                                                                                     financial exchange
Total                    224,818,586.00       --          87,726,361.00 1,669,314.00   13,007,430.00       --          --
Notes to holding equity of other listed companies:

3. Capital occupation during the reporting period and debt-clearing progress

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The accountability plan put forward by the Board of Directors when the Company had not completed collecting
the capital occupied for non-operating purposes by the end of the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Fulfillment of commitments

Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior management, shareholders holding more
than 5% shares of the Company, actual controller or any other relevant party in this reporting period, or such
commitments carried down into this reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

5. Pre-plan of the Board of Directors for profit distribution or turning capital reserves into share capital

□Applicable √Inapplicable

6. Items of other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Items                                     Jan.-Jun. 2012                Jan.-Jun. 2011
1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                         13,007,430.00               -21,300,944.00
Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale
financial assets
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period

                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Subtotal                                                                               13,007,430.00               -21,300,944.00
2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per
equity method
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in the
investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity method
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period
3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument
Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period
The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition amount of
arbitrage project
4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                            1,066,762.00                  314,125.00
Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that recognized into
current profit and loss
Subtotal                                                                                1,066,762.00                  314,125.00
5. Other
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that included
into other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that
recognized into other comprehensive income in prior period
Total                                                                                  14,074,192.00               -20,986,819.00

(VI)Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

                                                                                                         Main discussion and
 Time of reception      Place of reception     Way of reception         Visitor type       Visitor      materials provided by the
                      Conference Room of                                               Azentus
9 Jan. 2012                              Field research            Institution
                      the Company                                                      Capital
                      Conference Room of                                               Investment,     Main discussion:
11 Jan. 2012                             Field research            Institution                         1. Operation status and
                      the Company                                                      CITIC
                                                                                       Securities      future         development
                                                                                                       strategies      of      the
                                                                                       Daiwa           Company;
18 Jan. 2012          Over phone             By phone              Institution                         2. Present status and
                                                                                       Securities (HK) development trends in the
                                                                                       BOC             3. Particulars about
7 Feb. 2012           Over phone             By phone              Institution         International   Chengdu 4.5G Line,
                                                                                       (China)         Beijing 5G Line, Hefei 6G
                                                                                       YCT             Line, Beijing 8.5G Line
16 Feb. 2012          Over phone             By phone              Institution         Investment      and Inner Mongolia Erdos
                                                                                       Management 5.5G AMOLED Line.
                                                                                       Daiwa           Materials provided by the
                                                                                       Securities and Company:
                      Conference Room of
24 Feb. 2012                             Field research            Institution         Beijing Office The Company’s annual
                      the Company                                                                      reports for 2010 and 2011,
                                                                                       of Daiwa
                                                                                       Securities      brochure and other
                                                                                                       materials available for
                                                                                       Citibank Hong public access
2 Mar. 2012           Over phone             By phone              Institution
6 Mar. 2012           Over phone             By phone              Institution

                                       Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

               Conference Room of                                        Fino wave
7 Mar. 2012                       Field research      Institution
               the Company                                               investments
               Conference Room of
8 Mar. 2012                       Field research      Institution        Dacheng Fund
               the Company
               Conference Room of
9 Mar. 2012                       Field research      Institution        Yinhua Fund
               the Company
                                                                         Office of
                                                                         Merrill Lynch,
                                                                         Merrill Lynch
16 Mar. 2012   Ritz-Carlton Hotel   Field research    Institution
                                                                         Co., Ltd.,
                                                                         Cephei capital,
                                                                         Mitsubishi UFJ
               Conference Room of                                        Everbright
19 Mar. 2012                      Field research      Institution
               the Company                                               Securities
                                                                         Sylebra Capital
20 Mar. 2012   Over phone           By phone          Institution
                                                                         GF Securities,
                                                                         Jiahe Life,
               Conference Room of                                        Securities, Zexi
7 May 2012                        Field research      Institution
               the Company                                               Investment,
                                                                         Securities, Lion
                                                                         Center of
               Conference Room of                                        Beijing Anquan
11 May 2012                       Field research      Institution
               the Company                                               Xingye,
                                                                         O, Dacheng
                                                                         Fund, Shanghai
                                                                         Investment, GF
17 May 2012    Over phone           By phone          Institution
               Conference Room of
22 May 2012                       Field research      Institution        Securities Asset
               the Company
                                                                         Corporate Bank
               Conference Room of
24 May 2012                       Field research      Institution        Management
               the Company
               Conference Room of                                        Templeton
15 Jun. 2012                      Field research      Institution
               the Company                                               Sealand Fund
18 Jun. 2012   Over phone           By phone          Institution        Shenzhen

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                         Conference Room of                                          Asian Century
19 Jun. 2012                                Field research      Institution
                         the Company                                                 Quest

                                                VII. Financial Report

(I)Audit opinion

Has this interim report been audited?
□ Yes √ No

(II)Financial statements

Consolidated statements or not?
√ Yes □ No
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                   Note                 30 Jun. 2012                           31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                     15,575,508,881.00                      20,325,469,116.00
  Settlement reserves                                                              0.00                                  0.00
  Intra-group lendings                                                             0.00                                  0.00
  Transactional financial assets                                                   0.00                                  0.00
  Notes receivable                                                      551,484,685.00                         340,293,997.00
  Accounts receivable                                                 3,386,388,813.00                       2,560,795,545.00
  Accounts paid in advance                                              154,633,989.00                          64,799,585.00
  Premiums receivable                                                              0.00                                  0.00
  Reinsurance premiums receivable                                                  0.00                                  0.00
   Receivable reinsurance contract
                                                                                   0.00                                  0.00
  Interest receivable                                                     46,241,459.00                        105,243,519.00
   Dividend receivable                                                             0.00                                  0.00
  Other accounts receivable                                           1,790,351,375.00                       1,735,824,884.00
  Financial assets purchased under
                                                                                   0.00                                  0.00
agreements to resell
  Inventories                                                         2,573,854,565.00                       2,116,218,705.00
  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                                   0.00                                  0.00
  Other current assets                                                2,369,304,313.00                         696,796,503.00
Total current assets                                                 26,447,768,080.00                      27,945,441,854.00
Non-current assets:
  Loans by mandate and advances
                                                                                   0.00                                  0.00

                                         Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Available-for-sale financial assets                           87,726,361.00                       74,718,931.00
  Held-to-maturity investments                                            0.00                               0.00
  Long-term accounts receivable                                           0.00                               0.00
  Long-term equity investment                                  946,293,066.00                      958,879,205.00
  Investing property                                          1,318,606,167.00                   1,340,984,989.00
  Fixed assets                                               30,775,533,119.00                  28,388,863,004.00
  Construction in progress                                    5,752,763,007.00                   8,412,921,608.00
  Engineering materials                                                   0.00                               0.00
  Disposal of fixed assets                                                0.00                               0.00
  Production biological assets                                            0.00                               0.00
  Oil-gas assets                                                          0.00                               0.00
  Intangible assets                                           1,404,317,912.00                   1,454,669,394.00
  R&D expense                                                             0.00                               0.00
  Goodwill                                                      51,502,898.00                       51,502,898.00
  Long-term deferred expenses                                  233,867,070.00                       22,860,526.00
  Deferred income tax assets                                    49,166,758.00                       47,892,088.00
  Other non-current assets                                     248,702,690.00                       70,681,149.00
Total of non-current assets                                 40,868,479,048.00                   40,823,973,792.00
Total assets                                                67,316,247,128.00                   68,769,415,646.00
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                       2,224,836,847.00                   6,487,193,510.00
  Borrowings from Central Bank                                            0.00                               0.00
   Customer bank deposits and due
to banks and other financial                                              0.00                               0.00
  Intra-group borrowings                                                  0.00                               0.00
  Transactional financial liabilities                                     0.00                               0.00
  Notes payable                                                 30,627,813.00                       27,918,268.00
  Accounts payable                                            4,495,407,684.00                   3,630,464,475.00
  Accounts received in advance                                 417,560,487.00                      186,069,735.00
  Financial      assets     sold   for
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
  Handling      charges            and
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
commissions payable
  Employee’s             compensation
                                                               319,282,739.00                      368,442,775.00
  Tax payable                                                   32,327,394.00                       47,338,545.00
  Interest payable                                             120,424,129.00                      110,964,115.00
  Dividend payable                                                8,051,170.00                       6,451,170.00
  Other accounts payable                                      3,712,075,555.00                   4,285,822,157.00
  Reinsurance premiums payable                                            0.00                               0.00
  Insurance contract reserves                                             0.00                               0.00
  Payables for acting trading of
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
   Payables for acting underwriting
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
of securities
   Non-current liabilities due within
                                                              1,834,719,878.00                   1,716,776,716.00
1 year
  Other current liabilities                                     52,108,874.00                       88,652,956.00

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Total current liabilities                                         13,247,422,570.00                      16,956,094,422.00
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                            18,094,805,396.00                      14,700,018,374.00
  Bonds payable                                                                   0.00                                  0.00
  Long-term payables                                                              0.00                                  0.00
  Specific payables                                                               0.00                                  0.00
  Estimated liabilities                                               30,080,844.00                          30,080,844.00
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                    410,958,274.00                         414,561,354.00
  Other non-current liabilities                                    1,552,328,495.00                       1,623,176,746.00
Total non-current liabilities                                     20,088,173,009.00                      16,767,837,318.00
Total liabilities                                                 33,335,595,579.00                      33,723,931,740.00
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                              13,521,542,341.00                      13,521,542,341.00
  Capital reserves                                                15,315,956,376.00                      15,302,948,946.00
  Less: Treasury stock                                                            0.00                                  0.00
  Specific reserves                                                               0.00                                  0.00
  Surplus reserves                                                   499,092,613.00                         499,092,613.00
  Provisions for general risks                                                    0.00                                  0.00
  Retained profits                                                 -4,521,188,189.00                     -3,734,305,993.00
  Foreign exchange difference                                             -2,318,881.00                      -3,385,643.00
Total equity attributable to owners
                                                                  24,813,084,260.00                      25,585,892,264.00
of the Company
Minority interests                                                 9,167,567,289.00                       9,459,591,642.00
Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                  33,980,651,549.00                      35,045,483,906.00
Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                                  67,316,247,128.00                      68,769,415,646.00
shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Mr. Wang Dongsheng                         Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Sun Yun

Chief of the accounting division: Ms. Yang Xiaoping

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item               Note                30 Jun. 2012                          31 Dec. 2011
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                   2,227,510,191.00                       3,043,542,028.00
  Transactional financial assets                                                      -                                    -
  Notes receivable                                                        1,250,000.00                          3,863,762.00
  Accounts receivable                                                 58,574,392.00                          55,112,379.00
  Accounts paid in advance                                                8,193,004.00                          2,982,710.00
  Interest receivable                                                     6,682,038.00                          9,141,082.00
   Dividend receivable                                                10,404,147.00                             8,204,147.00
  Other accounts receivable                                          306,278,781.00                         389,156,441.00
  Inventories                                                             1,642,996.00                          1,306,051.00
  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                                      -                                    -

                                          Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Other current assets                                           41,794,339.00                       28,797,744.00
Total current assets                                           2,662,329,888.00                   3,542,106,344.00
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale financial assets                            87,726,361.00                       74,718,931.00
  Held-to-maturity investments                                                -                                  -
  Long-term accounts receivable                                               -                                  -
  Long-term equity investment                                27,643,980,498.00                   27,656,535,260.00
  Investing property                                            169,321,700.00                      172,908,765.00
  Fixed assets                                                  371,543,034.00                      393,096,085.00
  Construction in progress                                       89,261,489.00                       26,832,993.00
  Engineering materials                                                       -                                  -
  Disposal of fixed assets                                                    -                                  -
  Production biological assets                                                -                                  -
  Oil-gas assets                                                              -                                  -
  Intangible assets                                              99,317,549.00                       99,478,210.00
  R&D expense                                                                 -                                  -
  Goodwill                                                                    -                                  -
  Long-term deferred expenses                                     3,019,278.00                        3,586,980.00
  Deferred income tax assets                                                  -                                  -
  Other non-current assets                                        5,768,029.00                        4,457,280.00
Total of non-current assets                                  28,469,937,938.00                   28,431,614,504.00
Total assets                                                 31,132,267,826.00                   31,973,720,848.00
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                                              34,663,422.00
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                               12,396,999.00                       13,236,221.00
  Accounts received in advance                                  290,500,449.00                      287,038,716.00
  Employee’s              compensation
                                                                 36,929,204.00                       61,693,468.00
  Tax payable                                                    15,641,719.00                       21,739,121.00
  Interest payable                                                                                    1,088,911.00
  Dividend payable                                                6,451,170.00                        6,451,170.00
  Other accounts payable                                       2,170,376,379.00                   2,893,384,484.00
   Non-current liabilities due within
                                                                 50,000,000.00                      100,000,000.00
1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                      2,582,295,920.00                   3,419,295,513.00
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                          100,000,000.00                      100,000,000.00
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities                                  42,993,323.00                       60,063,972.00
Total non-current liabilities                                   142,993,323.00                      160,063,972.00

                                                  Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Total liabilities                                                      2,725,289,243.00                    3,579,359,485.00
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                  13,521,542,341.00                   13,521,542,341.00
  Capital reserves                                                    15,107,600,975.00                   15,094,593,545.00
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                                                       499,092,613.00                      499,092,613.00
  Retained profits                                                      -721,257,346.00                     -720,867,136.00
  Foreign exchange difference
Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                      28,406,978,583.00                   28,394,361,363.00
Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                                      31,132,267,826.00                   31,973,720,848.00
shareholders’) equity

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                    Item                   Note               Jan.-Jun. 2012                      Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total operating revenues                                            9,608,882,013.00                    4,940,033,997.00
Including: Sales income                                                9,608,882,013.00                    4,940,033,997.00
        Interest income
        Premium income
      Handling    charge            and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                                              10,831,568,433.00                    6,326,899,814.00
Including: Cost of sales                                               9,502,396,703.00                    5,344,717,781.00
        Interest expenses
      Handling      charge          and
commission expenses
        Net claims paid
        Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
       Expenditure         on    policy
        Reinsurance premium
        Taxes and associate charges                                       15,264,131.00                       10,971,045.00
      Selling        and    distribution
                                                                         254,457,109.00                      169,760,957.00
       Administrative expenses                                           950,037,835.00                      817,952,938.00
       Financial expenses                                                121,301,724.00                       -75,281,816.00
       Asset impairment loss                                              -11,889,069.00                      58,778,909.00
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                                   0.00                        -8,670,137.00
value (“-” means loss)
       Gain/(loss) from investment
                                                                           -3,752,769.00                           597,349.00
(“-” means loss)
Including: share of profits          in
                                                                           -5,766,868.00                       -2,832,684.00
associates and joint ventures
Foreign exchange gains (“-” means

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                    -1,226,439,189.00                        -1,394,938,605.00
        Add: non-operating income                                            160,092,355.00                            73,239,677.00
        Less: non-operating expense                                             2,506,337.00                              7,549,088.00
Including: loss from non-current
                                                                                1,598,969.00                              6,907,321.00
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                        -1,068,853,171.00                        -1,329,248,016.00
        Less: Income tax expense                                                8,253,509.00                            -2,709,700.00
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                           -1,077,106,680.00                        -1,326,538,316.00
    Including: Net profit achieved
by combined parties before the                                                          0.00                                      0.00
   Attributable to owners of the
                                                                             -786,882,196.00                        -1,215,484,477.00
        Minority shareholders’ income                                       -290,224,484.00                         -111,053,839.00
VI. Earnings per share                                               --                                        --
        (I) Basic earnings per share                                                  -0.058                                     -0.09
        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                               -0.058                                     -0.09
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                                               14,074,192.00                           -20,986,819.00
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                                            -1,063,032,488.00                        -1,347,525,135.00
   Attributable to owners of the
                                                                             -772,808,004.00                        -1,236,471,296.00
     Attributable         to   minority
                                                                             -290,224,484.00                         -111,053,839.00
Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this report period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before
the business mergers was RMB 0.

Legal representative: Mr. Wang Dongsheng                                  Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Sun Yun

Chief of the accounting division: Ms. Yang Xiaoping

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                   Note                Jan.-Jun. 2012                             Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Total sales                                                               170,706,040.00                            91,857,703.00
Less: cost of sales                                                           51,546,737.00                            38,700,083.00
Business taxes and surcharges                                                   4,066,025.00                              2,247,936.00
Distribution expenses                                                           4,206,680.00                                44,121.00
Administrative expenses                                                      166,584,372.00                           145,296,254.00
Financial costs                                                               -47,647,828.00                          -51,123,213.00
Impairment loss                                                                  295,830.00                                153,695.00
Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
value (“-” means loss)
Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”
                                                                               -1,521,393.00                               697,296.00
means loss)
Including: income form investment
                                                                               -5,735,492.00                            -2,732,738.00
on associates and joint ventures
II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                         -9,867,169.00                          -42,763,877.00
Add: non-business income                                                      10,053,675.00                            14,616,065.00
Less: non-business expense                                                       576,716.00                                180,556.00

                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Including: loss from non-current
                                                                                576,716.00                         180,556.00
asset disposal
III. Total profit    (“-” means loss)                                        -390,210.00                      -28,328,368.00
Less: income tax expense
IV. Net profit      (“-” means loss)                                         -390,210.00                      -28,328,368.00
V. Earnings per share                                               --                                 --
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                      -0.00003                            -0.0021
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                   -0.00003                            -0.0021
VI. Other comprehensive income                                               13,007,430.00                      -21,300,944.00
VII. Total comprehensive income                                              12,617,220.00                      -49,629,312.00

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                      Item                              Jan.-Jun. 2012                         Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sale of
                                                                   8,437,761,719.00                         3,944,504,377.00
commodities and rendering of service
  Net increase of deposits                from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the central
  Net increase of funds borrowed from
other financial institutions
   Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
  Net cash received from reinsurance
  Net increase of deposits of policy
holders and investment fund
   Net increase of disposal of tradable
financial assets
  Cash received from interest, handling
charges and commissions
  Net    increase            of   intra-group
  Net increase of funds in repurchase
  Tax refunds received                                                   145,153,216.00                      236,511,314.00
  Other cash received relating to
                                                                         246,832,198.00                      535,191,754.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                                   8,829,747,133.00                         4,716,207,445.00
  Cash paid for goods and services                                 6,999,915,587.00                         3,999,021,124.00
  Net increase of customer lendings
and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited in the
central bank and amount due from
   Cash for paying claims of the original
insurance contracts
  Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Cash for paying policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees                               1,008,017,259.00                         683,572,295.00
  Various taxes paid                                             121,916,940.00                         101,014,106.00
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                                 578,069,787.00                         546,789,867.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash        outflows       from
                                                               8,707,919,573.00                       5,330,397,392.00
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating activities                         121,827,560.00                        -614,189,947.00
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from withdrawal of
  Cash received        from   return    on
                                                                   1,669,314.00                           3,430,033.00
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                          2,038,815.00                           1,054,188.00
long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units
     Other cash received relating to
                                                                 147,741,915.00                       1,694,201,045.00
investing activities
        Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                 158,620,171.00                       1,698,685,266.00
investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                          2,349,407,153.00                      11,595,565,436.00
  Cash paid for investment                                                                              315,135,550.00
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units
  Other cash payments relating to
                                                                   7,367,347.00                       6,403,063,351.00
investing activities
Subtotal of cash        outflows       from
                                                               2,356,774,500.00                      18,329,070,776.00
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing activities                      -2,198,154,329.00                      -16,630,385,510.00
III. Cash     Flows    from     Financing
   Cash     received     from      capital
   Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments by
   Cash received from borrowings                               6,111,806,234.00                      13,076,509,060.00
   Cash received from issuance of
    Other cash received relating to
                                                               1,779,312,938.00                          58,505,525.00
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                               7,891,119,172.00                      13,135,014,585.00
   Repayment of borrowings                                     7,111,042,789.00                       3,657,302,209.00
    Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                                 532,077,943.00                         236,467,968.00
distribution of dividends or profit
     Including: dividends or profit paid
by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

                                              Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

     Other cash payments relating to
                                                                      10,227,877.00                          25,047,038.00
financing activities
Sub-total of cash        outflows      from
                                                                7,653,348,609.00                       3,918,817,215.00
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing activities                          237,770,563.00                       9,216,197,370.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                      18,124,469.00                           3,915,256.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                -1,820,431,737.00                      -8,024,462,831.00
     Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                               12,959,533,670.00                      19,097,948,638.00
cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                               11,139,101,933.00                      11,073,485,807.00

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                  Item                               Jan.-Jun. 2012                         Jan.-Jun. 2011
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sale of
                                                                      62,089,359.00                          34,094,945.00
commodities and rendering of service
  Tax refunds received                                                                                         141,215.00
  Other cash received relating to
                                                                  147,096,507.00                             99,152,872.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                                  209,185,866.00                         133,389,032.00
  Cash paid for goods and services                                     7,010,864.00                          60,273,770.00
  Cash paid to and for employees                                  131,694,825.00                             77,032,973.00
  Various taxes paid                                                  15,012,233.00                          21,512,453.00
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                                  714,260,562.00                         123,680,010.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash         outflows      from
                                                                  867,978,484.00                         282,499,206.00
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating activities                         -658,792,618.00                        -149,110,174.00
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from retraction of
  Cash received        from   return    on
                                                                       1,669,314.00                           3,430,033.00
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                                                      972,287.00
long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units
     Other cash received relating to
                                                                      42,788,163.00                          64,117,692.00
investing activities
        Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                      51,627,504.00                          88,520,012.00
investing activities
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                                 81,918,256.00                          24,953,787.00
  Cash paid for investment                                                                             8,975,135,550.00
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries

                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

and other business units
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash       outflows        from
                                                                    81,918,256.00                       9,000,089,337.00
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing activities                           -30,290,752.00                       -8,911,569,325.00
III. Cash     Flows    from       Financing
   Cash     received       from       capital
   Cash received from borrowings                                                                           30,338,847.00
   Cash received from issuance of
    Other cash received relating to
                                                                    41,642,000.00                          17,878,000.00
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                                    41,642,000.00                          48,216,847.00
   Repayment of borrowings                                          84,021,667.00                          47,956,027.00
    Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                                     1,315,665.00                           1,349,289.00
distribution of dividends or profit
     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities
Sub-total of cash          outflows    from
                                                                    85,337,332.00                          56,782,240.00
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing activities                           -43,695,332.00                           -8,565,393.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                        -2,356.00                           4,473,829.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                  -732,781,058.00                       -9,064,771,063.00
     Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                                 2,951,867,533.00                      11,478,796,269.00
cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                 2,219,086,475.00                       2,414,025,206.00

                                                                                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Reporting period
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                Reporting period
                                                                               Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                   Item                                                                                                                                             Minority        Total owners’
                                                                                       Less:                          General
                                            Paid-up capital (or                               Specific                                                              interests          equity
                                                                  Capital reserve    treasury          Surplus reserve risk   Retained profit        Others
                                              share capital)                                  reserve
                                                                                       stock                          reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous
                                      13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                              499,092,613.00          -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous
II. Balance at the beginning of the year 13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                           499,092,613.00          -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the
                                                                    13,007,430.00                                               -786,882,196.00 1,066,762.00 -292,024,353.00 -1,064,832,357.00
year (“-” means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                -786,882,196.00                   -290,224,484.00 -1,077,106,680.00
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                  13,007,430.00                                                                  1,066,762.00           131.00      14,074,323.00
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                          13,007,430.00                                               -786,882,196.00 1,066,762.00 -290,224,353.00 -1,063,032,357.00
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                          0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00             0.00   0.00                0.00           0.00              0.00               0.00
     1. Capital paid in by owners
    2. Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00             0.00   0.00                0.00           0.00     -1,800,000.00     -1,800,000.00
     1. Appropriations       to   surplus
     2. Appropriations to general risk
     3. Appropriations to owners (or
                                                                                                                                                                    -1,800,000.00     -1,800,000.00
     4. Other

                                                                                                               Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  (V) Internal        carry-forward   of
                                                         0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00             0.00   0.00                 0.00           0.00              0.00               0.00
owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital public
     2. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                                                                                                                                                                           0.00
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                        13,521,542,341.00 15,315,956,376.00                        499,092,613.00           -4,521,188,189.00 -2,318,881.00 9,167,567,289.00 33,980,651,549.00
Last year
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                   Last year
                                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                   Item                                                               Less:                          General                                         Minority       Total owners’
                                           Paid-up capital (or                               Specific                                                                interests         equity
                                                                 Capital reserve    treasury          Surplus reserve risk   Retained profit          Others
                                             share capital)                                  reserve
                                                                                      stock                          reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous
                                      11,267,951,951.00 17,484,354,151.00                             499,092,613.00           -4,295,172,470.00 -1,213,199.00 9,304,795,207.00 34,259,808,253.00
  Add: retrospective adjustments due
to business combinations under the
same control
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous
II. Balance at the beginning of the year 11,267,951,951.00 17,484,354,151.00                          499,092,613.00           -4,295,172,470.00 -1,213,199.00 9,304,795,207.00 34,259,808,253.00
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the
                                         2,253,590,390.00 -2,181,405,205.00                                                      560,866,477.00 -2,172,444.00      154,796,435.00    785,675,653.00
year (“-” means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                 560,866,477.00                    132,810,840.00    693,677,317.00
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                 72,185,185.00                                                                   -2,172,444.00   -21,266,498.00     48,746,243.00

                                                                                                          Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                        72,185,185.00                                            560,866,477.00 -2,172,444.00   111,544,342.00    742,423,560.00
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                          0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00   0.00                0.00         0.00     4,000,000.00      4,000,000.00
     1. Capital paid in by owners                                                                                                                           4,000,000.00      4,000,000.00
    2. Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00   0.00                0.00         0.00             0.00              0.00
     1. Appropriations       to    surplus
     2. Appropriations to general risk
     3. Appropriations to owners (or
     4. Other
  (V) Internal        carry-forward    of
                                              2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00   0.00   0.00             0.00   0.00                0.00         0.00             0.00              0.00
owners’ equity
     1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital public 2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00
     2. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other                                                                                                                                                 39,252,093.00     39,252,093.00
IV. Closing balance                          13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                 499,092,613.00          -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00

                                                                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Reporting period
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                      Reporting period
                       Item                            Paid-up capital (or                      Less: treasury                                    General risk                      Total owners’
                                                                             Capital reserve                   Specific reserve Surplus reserve                   Retained profit
                                                         share capital)                             stock                                           reserve                            equity
I. Balance at the end of the previous year             13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00                                       499,092,613.00                   -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year               13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00                                       499,092,613.00                   -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                                               13,007,430.00                                                                          -390,210.00     12,617,220.00
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                      -390,210.00       -390,210.00
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                             13,007,430.00                                                                                          13,007,430.00
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                     13,007,430.00                                                                          -390,210.00     12,617,220.00
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                        0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00              0.00               0.00
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                           0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00              0.00               0.00
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3. Appropriations         to    owners     (or
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity                      0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00              0.00               0.00
    1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from capital public reserves
    2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves

                                                                                                                Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                   13,521,542,341.00 15,107,600,975.00                                       499,092,613.00                   -721,257,346.00 28,406,978,583.00
Last year
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                        Last year
                        Item                          Paid-up capital (or                      Less: treasury                                    General risk                      Total owners’
                                                                            Capital reserve                   Specific reserve Surplus reserve                   Retained profit
                                                        share capital)                             stock                                           reserve                            equity
I. Balance at the end of the previous year            11,267,951,951.00 17,297,265,248.00                                       499,092,613.00                   -535,799,077.00 28,528,510,735.00
  Add: change of accounting policy
  Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year              11,267,951,951.00 17,297,265,248.00                                       499,092,613.00                   -535,799,077.00 28,528,510,735.00
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-”
                                                     2,253,590,390.00 -2,202,671,703.00                                                                          -185,068,059.00   -134,149,372.00
means decrease)
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                 -185,068,059.00   -185,068,059.00
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                                            50,918,687.00                                                                                          50,918,687.00
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                    50,918,687.00                                                                      -185,068,059.00   -134,149,372.00
  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                       0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00              0.00               0.00
     1. Capital paid in by owners
     2. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
  (IV) Profit distribution                                          0.00                0.00             0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00              0.00               0.00
     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
     2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3.   Appropriations       to   owners      (or
     4. Other

                                                                                                 Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity      2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00   0.00           0.00             0.00        0.00              0.00              0.00
    1. New increase of capital (or share capital)
                                                  2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00
from capital public reserves
    2. New increase of capital (or share capital)
from surplus reserves
     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the period
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
IV. Closing balance                                 13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00                         499,092,613.00               -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00

                                        Abstract of the Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(III)Notes to the financial statements

1. Changes in main accounting policies or estimates, correction of any significant accounting error and the
influenced amounts

(1)Change of accounting policies

Were the main accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

(2)Change of accounting estimates

Were the main accounting estimates changed during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

(3)Correction of accounting errors

Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

2. Reasons for any change of the consolidation scope


3. If a non-standard audit report is issued, the Company should make relevant notes.

