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						                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

            SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2012

                                    Important Notes
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior
executives of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖)
hereby assure that there are no false records, misleading statements or significant omissions
in this report, and shall shoulder any individual and/or joint liability concerning the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report. The financial report for the
first half of 2012 has not been audited by a CPA firm.
Chairman of the Board & Company Principal Mr. Wang Dongsheng, CEO Mr. Chen
Yanshun, Head of the Accounting Work Ms. Sun Yun, and Person-in-charge of the
Accounting Division (Head of Accounting) Ms.Yang Xiaoping hereby declare that the
Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual and complete.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two
versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                I. Company Profile
(I)Basic information

A-share code                     000725                                  B-share code                   200725
A-share abbreviation             JDFA                                    B-share abbreviation           JDFB
Stock exchange listed with       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of the
Abbr. of the legal Chinese
name of the Company
Legal English name of the
                                 BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.
Abbr. of the legal English
name of the Company
Legal representative of the
                                 Wang Dongsheng
Registered address               No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Postal code for the registered
Office address                   No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Postal code for the office
Internet website of the
Email address                    web.master@boe.com.cn

(II)For contact

                                                         Company Secretary                      Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                         Feng Liqiong                               Liu Hongfeng
                                             No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang          No.10, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang
Contact address
                                             District, Beijing                          District, Beijing
Tel.                                         010-64318888 ext.                         010-64318888 ext.
Fax                                          010-64366264                              010-64366264
E-mail                                       fengliqiong@boe.com.cn                     liuhongfeng@boe.com.cn

(III)About information disclosure and where the semi-annual report is placed

Newspapers designated by the Company for Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao
information disclosure                   (HK)
Internet website designated by CSRC for
disclosing the semi-annual report
Where the semi-annual report is placed        Secretariat to the Board of Directors of the Company

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                II. Financial and Business Highlights
(I)Major accounting data and financial indexes

Any retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Major accounting data
           Major accounting data               Reporting period (Jan.-Jun.)       Same period of last year      Increase/decrease (%)
Gross operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                       9,608,882,013.00                 4,940,033,997.00                     94.51%
Operating profit (RMB Yuan)                              -1,226,439,189.00                -1,394,938,605.00                     12.08%
Total profit (RMB Yuan)                                  -1,068,853,171.00                -1,329,248,016.00                     19.59%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           -786,882,196.00                -1,215,484,477.00                     35.26%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after deducting non-recurring                  -907,917,180.00                -1,272,107,385.00                     28.63%
gains and losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flow from operating activities
                                                            121,827,560.00                  -614,189,947.00                    119.84%
(RMB Yuan)
                                                   As at the end of this
                                                                                  As at the end of last year    Increase/decrease (%)
                                                    reporting period
Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                 67,316,247,128.00                 68,769,415,646.00                      -2.11%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                        24,813,084,260.00                 25,585,892,264.00                      -3.02%
of the Company (RMB Yuan)
Share capital (share)                                   13,521,542,341.00                 13,521,542,341.00                             0%
Major financial indexes
          Major financial indexes              Reporting period (Jan.-Jun.)       Same period of last year      Increase/decrease (%)
Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                           -0.058                             -0.09                   35.56%
Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                         -0.058                             -0.09                   35.56%
Basic EPS after deducting non-recurring
                                                                     -0.067                             -0.09                   25.56%
gains and losses (RMB Yuan/share)
Fully diluted ROE(%)                                              -3.17%                            -4.75%                      1.58%
Weighted average ROE(%)                                           -3.12%                            -4.99%                      1.87%
Fully diluted ROE after deducting
                                                                    -3.66%                            -4.97%                      1.31%
non-recurring gains and losses(%)
Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                                        -3.6%                         -5.23%                      1.63%
non-recurring gains and losses(%)
Net cash flow per share from operating
                                                                           0.01                         -0.05                     120%
activities (RMB Yuan/share)
                                                   As at the end of this
                                                                                  As at the end of last year    Increase/decrease (%)
                                                    reporting period
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of the Company (RMB                                           1.84                          1.89                    -2.65%
Liability/asset ratio(%)                                          49.52%                            49.04%                      0.48%

(II)Accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the international and
Chinese accounting standards respectively
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2. Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the overseas and
Chinese accounting standards respectively
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Specific items involving significant difference

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Notes to accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards


(III)Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                Items                                Amount (RMB Yuan)                       Notes
Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                              -376,902.00                    -
Government grants recognized in the current year, except
for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or
                                                                             149,746,711.00                    -
granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the
country’s unified standards
Other non-operating incomes and expenses besides the
                                                                               8,171,430.00                    -
items above
Income tax effects                                                              -242,447.00                    -
Total                                                                        157,298,792.00                   --

 III. Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders
(I)Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes of shares
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                        Before the change                   Increase/decrease (+, -)          After the change
                                                        Proportion                                                         Proportion
                                        Number                             Others           Subtotal        Number
                                                           (%)                                                                (%)
 I. Shares subject to trading
                                        2,094,137,906     15.49% -1,499,916,825            -1,499,916,825   594,221,081          4.39%
 1. State-owned shares                             0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
 2.   State-owned        legal
                                        2,094,059,405     15.49% -1,500,000,000            -1,500,000,000   594,059,405          4.39%
 person shares
 3. Other domestic shares                          0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
 Including: Shares held by
 domestic non-state-owned                          0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
 legal persons
       Shares held          by
                                                   0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
 domestic individuals
 4. Shares held by overseas
                                                   0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
      Including: Shares held
      by    overseas    legal                      0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
        Shares held by
                                                   0           0%                    0                 0               0           0%
 overseas individuals

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 5. Shares held by senior
                                              78,501           0%          83,175                 83,175                    161,676            0%
 management staff
 II. Shares not subject to
                                     11,427,404,435      84.51%     1,499,916,825          1,499,916,825           12,927,321,260           95.61%
 trading moratorium
 1.   Ordinary     shares
                                     10,088,744,435      74.61%     1,499,916,825          1,499,916,825           11,588,661,260           85.71%
 denominated in RMB
 2. Domestically        listed
                                        1,338,660,000        9.9%                 0                         0          1,338,660,000         9.9%
 foreign shares
 3. Overseas listed foreign
                                                    0          0%                 0                         0                     0            0%
 4. Others                                          0          0%                 0                         0                     0            0%
 III. Total shares                 13,521,542,341.00       100%                   0                         0 13,521,542,341.00              100%
2. Changes of shares subject to trading moratorium
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Reason for
     Name of            Shares at the      Shares released in Shares increased        Shares at the
                                                                                                            trading             Date of release
    shareholder          year-begin          current year      in current year          year-end
STATE-OWNED                                                                                               Private
                           750,000,000          750,000,000                   0                       0                      19 Jun. 2012
ASSETS                                                                                                    offering
INVESTMENT                 750,000,000          750,000,000                   0                       0                      19 Jun. 2012
Total                    1,500,000,000        1,500,000,000                   0                       0           --                   --

(II)Issuance and listing of securities

1. Securities issues in the previous three years
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
  Names of the
  stock and its                           Issue price (RMB                                                Number approved Date for trading
                       Date of issue                           Issue number       Date for listing
   derivative                                Yuan/share)                                                     for listing    expiration
Private A-share
                     1 Jun. 2009                         2.4    5,000,000,000 10 Jun. 2009                      5,000,000,000
Private A-share
                     1 Dec. 2010                        3.03    2,985,049,504 13 Dec. 2012                      2,985,049,504
Convertible corporate bonds, warrant bonds, corporate bonds

2. Changes of the Company’s share number and structure, as well as the corresponding changes in its
asset-liability structure
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3. Existing employee shares
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(III)Shareholders and actual controller

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

1. Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period
The Company had 447,700 shareholders in total at the end of the reporting period.

2. Shareholding of the top ten shareholders

                                      Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                                    Number of             Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                                    shares held
 Name of shareholder (full       Nature of      Shareholding Total shares held
                                                                                     subject to                          Number of
          name)                 shareholder percentage (%) at the period-end                          Status of shares
                                                                                      trading                             shares
                     State-owned                                                                        Pledged or
INVESTMENT        &                                    11.35%     1,534,059,406 594,059,405                                647,029,502
                     Corporation                                                                          frozen
BEIJING                 BOE State-owned
INVESTMENT                & Corporation
                                                        6.37%         860,981,080                 -          -                       -
DEVELOPMENT             CO.,
ECONOMIC-TECHNOLO State-owned                                                                           Pledged or
                                                        6.27%         847,650,000                 -                        350,000,000
GICAL INVESTMENT & Corporation                                                                            frozen
PROJECT INVESTMENT                                      5.86%         792,000,000                 -          -                       -
HEFEI    LAN      KE State-owned
                                                        5.55%         750,000,000                 -          -                       -
INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Corporation
STATE-OWNED ASSETS                                      5.55%         750,000,000                 -          -                       -
INVESTMENT                                              4.44%         600,000,000                 -          -                       -
                              On behalf of
INVESTMENT                                              3.27%         442,016,711                 -          -                       -
                              the country
                   non-state-owne                       2.24%         303,019,637                 -          -                       -
                   d corporation
BEIJING ELECTRONICS           On behalf of                                                              Pledged or
                                                        2.04%         275,303,883                 -                        168,418,605
HOLDING CO., LTD              the country                                                                 frozen
                                              On 23 Jul. 2012, BEIJING E-TOWN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT &
                                              DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. released some tradable shares of the Company held by
Notes to particulars about shareholders       it from pledge, For details, see the Announcement on Some Equity Interests of the
                                              Company Held by Shareholder Being Released from Pledge (Announcement No.
                                              2012-021) disclosed by the Company on 24 Jul. 2012.
Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                    Number of shares held                   Type and number of shares
                                                    not subject to trading
               Name of shareholder
                                                     moratorium at the               Type                            Number

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                               940,000,001           A-share                             940,000,001
BEIJING  BOE       INVESTMENT                     &
                                                               860,981,080           A-share                             860,981,080
                                                               847,650,000           A-share                             847,650,000
                                                               792,000,000           A-share                             792,000,000
HEFEI LAN KE INVESTMENT CO., LTD.                              750,000,000           A-share                             750,000,000
                                                               750,000,000           A-share                             750,000,000
                                                               600,000,000           A-share                             600,000,000
                                                               442,016,711           A-share                             442,016,711
                                                               303,019,637           A-share                             303,019,637
BEIJING ELECTRONICS HOLDING CO., LTD                           275,303,883           A-share                             275,303,883
 Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten shareholders or/and acting-in-concert
1. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. holds 66.25% shares of Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. and is its
controlling shareholder.
2. When the Company completed private offering of shares in 2010, Beijing E-TOWN International Investment & Development Co.,
Ltd. transferred all shares directly held to Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. for management, then BOE Investment
acquired the attached rights of the shares attributable to other shareholders in accordance with current effective laws and rules of the
Company excluding right of disposition such as transfer, donation, mortgage etc. and usufruct (including claim for profit distribution
and claim for retained assets distribution).
TECHNOLOGICAL INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.. Both of them are under the control of the Administration
Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which makes them parties acting in concert.
4. Except for relationship among the above shareholders, the Company is not aware of whether there is any associated relationship or
not among top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium.

3. Controlling shareholder and actual controller

(1)Change of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2)Particulars about the controlling shareholder and actual controller
Is there a new actual controller?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable
Name of the actual controller                                      BEIJING ELECTRONICS HOLDING CO., LTD
Type of the actual controller                                      Local SASAC


                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(1)Controlling shareholder
Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. holds 6.37% of the total shares of the Company and is the controlling shareholder
of the Company with an actual voting right of 17.71% of the total share capital of the Company. Its general information is as follows:
Name: Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
Legal Representative: Wang Dongsheng
Date of Foundation: 21 Apr. 2005
Address: No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Registered Capital: RMB 680.982 million
Type of the company: other limited liability corporation
Business scope: routine operating projects: R&D and production of electronic products, electronic raw materials and components; the
relevant technical development, technical consultation, technical service and transfer; sales of self-produced products.

(2) About the actual controller
Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. holds 66.25% of the shares of Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. and 2.04%
of the shares of the Company directly. Therefore, it is the actual controller of the Company.
Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. belongs to Beijing Municipal state-owned holding company, as well as a Beijing municipal
state-owned assets authorized operation unit. Its general information is as follows:
Name of the enterprise: Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd.
Legal Representative: Wang Yan
Date of Foundation: 8 Apr. 1997
Location: No.12 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Registered Capital: RMB 1.30737 million
Type: Limited Company (State-owned sole corporations)
Business scope: operation and management of state-owned assets within authorization; communications equipments, audio & visual
products for broadcasting and television; computer and its supporting equipments and the applied products; electronic raw material
and components; home electric appliances and electronic products; electronic surveying instruments and meters; mechanical and
electric equipments; electronic transportation products and investment in business fields other than electronics and its management;
development of real estate, lease and sales of commodity apartments; property management.

(3) The property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company are as

  State-owned Assets Supervision &                          Wang Dongsheng 20%, Jiang Yukun 10%, Liang Xinqing
    Administration Commission of                            10%, Zhao Caiyong 6.667%, Shi Dong 6.667%, Chen
    Beijing People’s Government                            Yanshun 6.667%, Song Ying 6.667%, Han Guojian 6.667%,
                                                            Gong Xiaoqing 3.333%, Wang Yanjun 3.333%, Wang
                              100%                          Jiaheng 3.333%, Liu Xiaodong 3.333%, Ren Jianchang
                                                            1.667%, Sun Jiping 1.667%, Zhang Peng 1.667%, Wang
    Beijing State-owned Capital                             Ai’zhen 1.667%, Mu Chengyuan 1.667%, Xu Yan 1.667%,
  Management Administrative Center                          Hua Yulun 1.667%, Zhong Huifeng 1.667%

                              100%                                                                          100%

                                                                         Beijing Intelligent Kechuang Technology
   Beijing Electronics Holdings Co.,
                                                                                  Development Co., Ltd.

                                66.25%                                                                     33.75%

                                   Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd.

                                        BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Note: 1. The Company regards Beijing Intelligent Kechuang Technology Development Co., Ltd. as a platform to

                                                              Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

implement equity incentive for the whole core technology manager, the aforesaid 20 subscribers are nominal
shareholders, each investment proportion is not actual equity proportion, the equities of Beijing Intelligent
Kechuang Technology Development Co., Ltd. are held in common by all implemented objectives of simulate plan
of equity incentive mechanism.
2. When the Company completed private offering of shares in 2010, Beijing E-TOWN International Investment &
Development Co., Ltd. transferred all shares directly held to Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter refer to as ―BOE Investment‖) for management, then BOE Investment acquired the attached rights of
the shares attributable to other shareholders in accordance with current effective laws and rules of the Company,
excluding right of disposition such as transfer, donation, mortgage etc. and usufruct (including claim for profit
distribution and claim for retained assets distribution). As to the end of reporting period, BOE Investment held
2,395,040,486 shares with attributable voting right, which accounted for 17.71% of total share capital.

(4)The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Other corporate shareholders with a shareholding over 10%
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                        Legal                              Main operating business or      d capital
   Name of corporate shareholder                      Incorporated date                                              Currency
                                    representative                          management activities         (RMB ’00
                                                                            Investment management,
INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT              Bai Wen        6 Feb. 2009                                            439,000    RMB
                                                                          investment consulting service
                                   holds 11.35% shares of the Company.

(IV)Convertible corporate bonds
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                  IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
(I)Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management

                                                                                                    Shareholding Shareholding                                                                                 Receives
                                                                                   Shareholdi         increase          decrease         Shareholding      Including:                                         payment
                                                                                                                                                                            options held
                                                 Beginning date of Ending date of ng at the          during this       during this          at the         restricted                        Reasons for           from
    Name         Position        Gender   Age                                                                                                                                  at the
                                                    office term      office term   period-begi       reporting         reporting          period-end       shares held                         change        shareholder
                                                                                    n (share)          period            period            (share)           (share)                                        units or other
                                                                                                      (share)           (share)                                                                             related units?

           Chairman of the
           Board, Chief of
Dongshen                         Male     55    21 May 2010        20 May 2013         29,905                      0                 0        29,905            22,429                   0                 - No
           the      Execution

           Vice chairman         Male     57    21 May 2010        20 May 2013                  0                  0                 0                 0                0                0                 - Yes

           Vice chairman         Male     60    21 May 2010        20 May 2013         11,963                      0                 0         11,963            8,972                   0                 - Yes

Chen       Executing
                                 Male     46    21 May 2010        20 May 2013                  0                  0                 0                 0                0                0                 - No
Yanshun    director, president

           director, executing   Male     59    21 May 2010        20 May 2013         11,962            110,900                     0       122,862            92,147                   0                 - No
           vice president

Wang       Executing
                                 Male     43    21 May 2010        20 May 2013                  0                  0                 0                 0                0                0                 - No
Jiaheng    director, executing

                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

            vice president

            Director              Female   39   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - Yes

Dong        Independent
                                  Male     61   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Ansheng     director

Ouyang      Independent
                                  Male     66   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Zhongcan director

Geng        Independent
                                  Male     58   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Jianxin     director

Ji          Independent
                                  Male     65   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Guoping     director

            Convener of the
            Supervisory           Male     46   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - Yes

            Supervisor            Male     40   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - Yes

Chengyua Supervisor               Male     45   21 May 2010   20 May 2013   2,991    0   0      2,991       2,243           0           - Yes

Zhong       Staff-representativ
                                  Male     42   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Huifeng     e supervisor

Yang Anle                         Male     42   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
            e supervisor

Liu         Executing vice
                                  Male     48   21 May 2010   20 May 2013      0     0   0         0           0            0           - No
Xiaodong president, COO

                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

             Executing vice
Song Ying                         Female    55     21 May 2010          20 May 2013         29,905           0    0     29,905      22,429           0           - No

Wang         Executing vice
                                  Male      43     21 May 2010          20 May 2013         11,962           0    0     11,962       8,972           0           - No
Yanjun       president

             Senior vice
Sun Yun                           Female    43     21 May 2010          20 May 2013          5,981           0    0      5,981       4,486           0           - No
             president, CFO

Dong         Senior vice
                                  Female    49     21 May 2010          20 May 2013               0          0    0         0           0            0           - No
Youmei       president, CTO

             Senior vice
Feng         president, chief
                                  Female    40     21 May 2010          20 May 2013               0          0    0         0           0            0           - No
Liqiong      counsel, Secretary
             of the Board

Yue          Senior vice
                                  Male      45     21 May 2010          20 May 2013               0          0    0         0           0            0           - No
Zhanqiu      president

Li           Senior vice
                                  Male      43     21 May 2010          20 May 2013               0          0    0         0           0            0           - No
Xuezheng president

             Vice president,
             chief risk control
Zhongdon                          Male      43     22 Apr. 2011         20 May 2013               0          0    0         0           0            0           - No
             officer, chief

     Total             --           --      --              --                 --          104,669      110,900   0    215,569     161,677           0     --           --

Equity incentives granted to directors, supervisors and senior management during the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(II)Post-holding particulars
Post-holding in shareholders units
√Applicable □Inapplicable
 Name of the
person holding                                                                                        Ending date Receives payment
                                                           Position in the      Beginning date of
any post in any      Name of the shareholder unit                                                      of office from the shareholder
                                                          shareholder unit         office term
  shareholder                                                                                            term           unit?
                  BEIJING ELECTRONICS
                                                       Vice President         1 Dec. 2008                    -
                  HOLDING CO., LTD
Yuan Hanyuan                                                                                                                 Yes
                  BEIJING BOE INVESTMENT &
                                                       Vice Chairman          1 Feb. 2009                    -
                  DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.

                  BEIJING BOE INVESTMENT &
 Liang Xinqing                                         Director, President    1 Jun. 2005                    -               Yes
                  DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.

                  BEIJING ELECTRONICS
  Wu Wenxue                                            Vice President         1 Mar. 2006                    -               Yes
                  HOLDING CO., LTD

                  BEIJING ELECTRONICS
                                                       Vice President         1 Aug. 2011                    -
                  HOLDING CO., LTD
 Zhang Jinsong                                                                                                               Yes
                  BEIJING BOE INVESTMENT &
                                                       Director               1 Dec. 2009                    -
                  DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.

                  BEIJING ELECTRONICS                  Securities
                                                                              1 Jun. 2006                    -
                  HOLDING CO., LTD                     Investment Manager
Mu Chengyuan                                                                                                                 Yes
                  BEIJING BOE INVESTMENT &
                                                       Director, President    1 Dec. 2000                    -
                  DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.

Notes to
post-holding in
                  The staff above are on job, so the ending dates of their office terms are uncertain.
Post-holding in other units
√Applicable □Inapplicable

Name of the
                                                                                                    Beginni Ending
person holding                                                                                                            Receives
                                                                               Position in other    ng date date of
                                     Name of other unit                                                                 payment from
any post in                                                                           unit          of office office
                                                                                                                         other unit?
                                                                                                      term     term
other units

                  Social Undertakings Development Department of
  Gui Jinghua                                                                GM                          -       -     Yes
                  Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.

Dong Ansheng Faculty of Law of People’s University of China                 PhD supervisor              -       -     Yes

                                                                             Chief of the
    Ouyang        Theoretical Physics Institute for Chinese Academy of
                                                                             Academic                    -       -     Yes
   Zhongcan       Sciences

 Geng Jianxin Faculty of Business of People’s University of China           PhD supervisor              -       -     Yes

Notes to          The staff above are external directors or independent directors, so the beginning and ending dates for their office

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

post-holding in terms cannot be certain.
other units

(III)Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management

procedure        for       the The allowances for the Company’s directors and supervisors were reviewed and approved at the 2007
remuneration of directors, Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting on 24 Apr. 2008. And the remuneration for senior executives
supervisors   and       senior was reviewed and approved at the 20th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 25 Apr. 2012.
Basis for determining the
                                  The Proposal on the Principles for Determining Allowance Standards for Directors and Supervisors and
remuneration of directors,
                                  Remuneration for Senior Executives was reviewed and approved at the 2005 Annual Shareholders’
supervisors   and       senior
                                  General Meeting on 29 May 2006.

Actual payment of the
remuneration of directors, For the reporting period, the total remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives given by
supervisors and senior            the Company was RMB 6.0152 million (before tax).

(IV)Change of directors, supervisors and senior management

   Name                Position            Way of change     Date of change                      Reason for change
  Naught                  -                       -                 -                                     -


Number of on-job employees                                                                                                      18,050
Number of retired employees for whom the Company shall bear
                                                              Function structure
                              Type of function                                              Number of personnel
Production                                                                                                                       9,083

Sale                                                                                                                               430

Technical                                                                                                                        6,608

Financial                                                                                                                          310

Administration                                                                                                                   1,619

                                                             Level of education
                          Level of education                                                Number of personnel
Doctors                                                                                                                            115

Masters                                                                                                                          1,536

Bachelors                                                                                                                        4,007

Junior college graduates                                                                                                         3,912

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

High school graduates and below                                                                                            8,480

 Notes to the employee particulars:
High school graduates and below included 4,945 technical secondary school graduates, 889 senior vocational school graduates and
2,646 others.

                                      V Report of the Board of Directors

 (I) Management discussion and analysis
1. Operation review of the Company in the reporting period
In Jan to Jun 2012, the global economy bottomed again and again, the consumer market is complex
and changeable, and the demand grew slowly. After two-year experience of depression and
adjustment, the industry is gradually becoming stable, and the industry of domestic crystal display
is gradually showing its advantages, for example, it market position in global competition. In the
first half year, the price of large-size LCD panel stopped falling at the year-begin, and the price of
small-size panel fell sharply.
Facing the industry trend, market trend, as well as global economy trend adjusted in a new round,
the Company firmly implemented the annual operation policy of ―deepening customer orientation,
intensifying SOPIC innovation and transformation, tamping the foundation, executing fine
management to ensuring annual profits‖, stably promote the strategy of ―full sales encourages full
production‖, and gained fine operating results in the first half year. The Company achieved
operating revenue of about RMB 9.6 billion, representing a Y on Y increase of 95% in the first half
year. The operating cash flow turned positive. The Beijing 5th-Generation Line operated with great
improvement, Chengdu 4.5th-Generation Line gained overall profit, Hefei 6th-Generation Line
realized profit for single month, Beijing 8.5th-Generation Line graded smoothly and produced in full
capacity in the end of Jul. 2012 with the raise of conformity rate to 94%. As advanced by the
Company’s persistence in deepening SOPIC innovation and transformation, the fundamental
capability of all business groups, centers, and organizations strengthened, the innovation capability
for products and technology was largely improved, and the enterprise competitive power and
market positions were improved obviously.
Operation of specific organizations
(1) Business of panel display
The production capacity of the 8.5th-Generation Line was effectively released in the first half year,
contributing remarkable growth of the Company’s overall shipment in global market. 32‖ product
reached No.1 in terms of market share in domestic market. As for medium-to-large-size panels, the
Company strengthen synergy and cooperation with strategic clients, consolidated and strengthened
cooperation with second-line clients, improving the sales volume greatly. As for TV panels,
Samsung from Korea was successfully introduced as our client, significantly contributing to the
accomplishment of the Company’s operation mission and the positive convertion of cash flow. As
for medium-to-small-size panels, the Company showed fine overall operation status, strengthened
the traction effect from clients, improved and maintained relationship with strategic clients,

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

intensified the transformation of production lines, enhanced the capability of new product plan and
development, product technology and craft, reinforced R&D of new technology, raised product
added value, efficiency of production lines, as well as production capacity.
In terms of product manufacture, the utilization ratio of production capacity and yield rate of
products were largely improved; quality assurance gradually rised, and product structure gradually
perfected; and the miniaturization upgrade and transformation of product lines were basically
accomplished. In terms of upply chain management, the Company took advantage of concentrated
bargaining, optimized supply chain structure, rapidly boosted BOM cost-down; strengthened deep
interaction among supply chain, product plan, and product development; strengthened cooperation
of technology and commerce with suppliers to achieve mutual benefit; reinforced standardized
construction and management in departments; boosted the domestication of materials. In terms of
product development, the development speed was largely improved, the application rate of results
of technology development was high, the capability of coordination and development rose, and the
product structure further optimized. In terms of technology development, 16 projects of technology
development were accomplished, 37 projects have been being executed, and 23 new projects were
in the plan, the R&D of cutting edge technologies, such as Oxide and AM-OLED, progressed well,
800 patents were submitted in the first half year, and the preparation of 7 international/domestic
industry technology standards was presided over by the Company, further strengthening the
Company’s discourse power and dominant right in the field of display standard.
(2) Business of display systems
The sales network was further improved and new sales channels, such as e-commerce and online
shopping, progressed greatly; the service standard has been largely enhanced; the Company
acquired the certification of national ―high-tech enterprise‖, and products of the Company entered
into the purchase list of Beijing municipal government.Sales volume in the first half year stably
grew, the development of new products achieved great progress, many products with strong
competitiveness, including MNT with touch function, were developed, and the development of
market and clients also got breakthrough, which meant strategic cooperation relations with
international first-tier clients were established.
(4) Business of light technology
Business of display lighting outperformed the plan, many products (including smart machines and
vehicle-mounted products) were introduced, the development of ultrathin, high brightness, and
backlight products was accomplished and the mass production was introduced, the automation of
medium-to-small-size backlight products continuously enlarged, the conformity rate stably rose,
and the capability of product technology and craft was further intensified. The business of ambient
lighting progressed smoothly in the first half year, with agreements with 34 franchisers signed and
B2B product sales realized, showing good result in stable propelling of projects in the industrial
park of lighting culture and science.
(5) Other business units
In terms of real estate business, the Company reinforced efforts to attract investment to the park,
raised customer satisfaction, and outperformed the net profit index previously planned. In terms of
vacuum molding, 3 strategic clients were added, the production line of light resistance was

                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

accomplished, and the relocation work was gradually implemented as scheduled. In terms of energy
science and technology, the technology of deflector stand, which was independently researched and
developed and confirmed as non-destructive by real testing, was successfully declared to the 5MW
project of Zhongguancun.
2. Significant projects advanced orderly as scheduled
As for the Erdos 5.5th-Generation Line AM-OLED Project, the indicator for land used for project
construction was all reported, the plant construction progressed smoothly, and the roof-sealing
would be finished as scheduled in the year.

Is the Company’s actual business performance 20% lower or higher than any earning forecast or
business plan for the reporting period which has been publicly disclosed earlier?
□ Yes □ No √ Inapplicable
Analysis to the business and performances of the Company’s main subsidiaries and
stock-participating companies:
                                                                                    (Unit: RMB Ten thousand)
 Company name    Main product     Registered capital        Total   Net asset   Operating Operating    Net profit
                                                            asset               revenue     profit

Beijing BOE     Development      USD 649.11 million     722,444       336,956     185,786    -14,924       -13,302
Optoelectronics and production
Technology Co., of TFT-LCD

Hefei BOE       Development        RMB 9 billion       1,770,986      723,404     365,619    -34,953       -30,556
Optoelectronics and production
Technology Co., of TFT-LCD

Beijing BOE     Development      RMB 17.3772 billion 2,882,958 1,655,909          222,616    -64,600       -57,912
Display         and production
Technology Co., of TFT-LCD

Chengdu BOE     Development       RMB 1.83 billion      378,852       175,272      94,163     -1,735            58
Optoelectronics and production
Technology Co., of TFT-LCD

All risk factors that might have adverse impact on the Company’s effort to realize its future
development strategy and business goals:

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Risk factors:
1. Risks from external economy and market
In a short term, the recovery of global economy is uncertain, and the rapid growth of Chinese
economy will gradually slow down; electronic information industry is in the eve before
transformation, and the multi-network integration, mobile internet, cloud calculation, and smart
connection between things will bring about new waves of application, giving rise to a new round of
reorganization and shuffling of enterprises in the original industry chain.
2. Risks in panel display industry
The uncertainty in market expectation amplifies, the demand remains low, and the competitions
focusing on industry and economy commanding height among countries are more and more fierce,
and the demand for panel display is facing weak demand, fierce competitions, and rapid update of
product and technology.
1. Business groups of display devices
In terms of business of medium-to-large size products, the Company should adjust product structure
according to market change, and expand sales to ensure annual target. In terms of medium-to-small
size products, the Company should reinforce the development of strategic clients, accelerate the
speed of new product introduction, optimize product structure, improve craft technology and
capability, and accelerate the industrialization application of new technologies. In terms of global
supply chain organization, the Company should continuously cut down cost of supply chain, ensure
supply, propel the execution of key supporting projects for domestication, comprehensively
synchronize product plan and development, fully dig out and boost the cooperation and
mutual-profit creation with suppliers. In terms of product development organization, the Company
should ensure development speed, and speed up the commercialization of R&D efforts. In terms of
global manufacture, the Company should optimize product structure, improve efficiency of product
lines, and improve product quality, so as to ensure the achievement of annual business target.
2. Business groups of non-display devices
In terms of business group of display system brands, the Company should continuously deepen the
core value of brand, advance the work of self-built e-commerce shopping platform; integrate all key
links in supply chain, improve the timeliness of supply and the competitiveness of cost, further
satisfying users; and reinforce verification for foundries, as well as improve quality
In terms of business group of OEM for complete machine brands, the Company should fully
integrate R&D power, promote featured products and low-cost products as soon as possible,
improve competitiveness; strengthen the development of products with self-owned brands, raise the
promotion of main-stream clients; optimize production-to-sale structure, and continuously cut down
BOM cost.
In terms of business group of lighting science and technology: As for business of display lighting,
the Company should emphasize on capability of planning market and products, enlarge new market

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

         on the basis of serving current clients well, strengthen product structure adjustment, and propel
         innovation concept. As for ambient lighting, the Company should perfect 3C identification for
         products in B2C channel, and get energy-saving certification from government. As for business of
         lighting culture and science, the Company should confirm the cooperator of LED project as soon as
         possible, so as to ensure the progress of key projects of the year.
         In terms of other businesses: As for real estate business, the Company should persist in customer
         orientation, improve service quality, build UCP, and improve the brand image of UBP. As for
         vacuum molding business, the Company should accelerate the optimization of product structure and
         production layout. As for business of energy science and technology, the Company should further
         deepen and refine the strategy of ―application + technology‖, so as to form core competitiveness.

         1. Main business lines and their operating results
         (1) Main business lines classified by industries and products
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                   Increase/decrease Increase/decrease of
                                                                                 of operating
                                                                                                   of operating cost    gross margin
                         Operating                            Gross margin         revenue
 Industries/products                       Operating cost                                          compared with the compared with the
                          revenue                                 (%)           compared with
                                                                                                    same period last   same period last
                                                                               the same period
                                                                                                       year (%)            year (%)
                                                                                 last year (%)

                                                              By industry

TFT-LCD                                   12,225,070,764.00            -0.2%            213.4%               172.1%               15.2%

Display lighting                            956,036,513.00              5.7%              37.2%               34.7%                   1.8%

Display systems        856,696,380.00       822,702,651.00               4%               31.2%               41.3%                -6.9%

Other businesses       439,354,891.00       298,888,290.00              32%              -51.5%               -60.7%                  16%

Offset                                    -5,138,332,271.00             0.8%            279.1%               276.5%                   0.7%

Total                   9,328,540,502        9,164,365,947              1.8%              93.4%               76.9%                   9.2%

                                                              By product

TFT-LCD                                   12,225,070,764.00            -0.2%            213.4%               172.1%               15.2%

Display lighting                            956,036,513.00              5.7%              37.2%               34.7%                   1.8%

                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Display systems            856,696,380.00      822,702,651.00           4%              31.2%           41.3%                  -6.9%

Other businesses           439,354,891.00      298,888,290.00          32%           -51.5%            -60.7%                   16%

Offset                                       -5,138,332,271.00         0.8%          279.1%            276.5%                  0.7%

Total                       9,328,540,502       9,164,365,947          1.8%             93.4%           76.9%                  9.2%

         Explanation to the reasons for any significant year-on-year change of the gross margin:
         The overall gross margin of TFT-LCD business recorded YoY increase, mainly because, in the
         reporting period, the production and sales scale of the Company’s TFT production line enlarged, the
         product structure continuously optimized, and the product competitiveness improved.
         The overall gross margin of other businesses recorded YoY increase, mainly because the Company
         enhanced brand building in real estate business, improved rental rate, leading to increase of overall
         revenue and gross margin.

          (2)Main business lines classified by regions
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Increase/decrease of operating
                       Regions                             Operating revenue             revenue compared with the same
                                                                                              period of last year (%)

         China                                                      4,947,479,261.00                                44.9%

         Other Asian countries and regions                          8,066,795,465.00                               196.4%

         Europe                                                        641,719,191.00                              577.0%

         American countries                                            306,415,531.00                              209.7%

         Other countries                                               547,079,807.00                             7618.0%

         Offset                                                    -5,180,948,753.00                               242.4%

         Total                                                          9,328,540,502                               93.4%

         Explanation to the main business performances classified by regions:
         Sales income in different regions in the year recorded YoY increase, mainly because the full
         production and full sales of Hefei 6th-Generation Line, together with the mass production of Beijing
         8.5th-Generation Line resulted in scale expansion of overall operating revenue.
         (3) Reasons for significant changes in main business and its structure
         □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(4) Reasons for significant changes in profitability of main business (gross margin) compared
with that in the last year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(5) Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(6) Business nature, main products/services, net profit and other particulars about
stock-participating companies which made a contribution over 10% to the Company’s net
profit for the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(7) Problems and difficulties encountered in operation
□Applicable √Inapplicable
2. Internal control rules in relation to fair value measurement
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Items related to fair value measurement:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Gains/losses on        Accumulative fair
                                          fair value changes        value changes
          Item       Opening amount                                                     provisions for the      Closing amount
                                           in the reporting         recorded into
                                                                                        reporting period
                                               period                  equity

                                                    Financial assets

     Including: 1.
Financial assets
measured at fair
value whose
                                      0                       0                     0                      0                     0
changes are
recorded into
current gains and

     Of which:
derivative                            0                       0                     0                      0                     0
financial assets

Available-for-sale      74,718,931.00                                 13,007,430.00                               87,726,361.00
financial assets

Subtotal of             74,718,931.00                                 13,007,430.00                               87,726,361.00

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

financial assets

Financial liabilities                    0                       0                     0                      0                     0

                                         0                       0                     0                      0                     0

                                         0                       0                     0                      0                     0
biological assets

Others                                   0                       0                     0                      0                     0

Total                      74,718,931.00                                 13,007,430.00                               87,726,361.00

Where the value estimation technique was adopted to determine fair value for the same or similar
items within the two years, is there any significant difference between the value estimation results?
If yes, please state in detail.
□Yes √ No □Inapplicable
3. Foreign-currency financial assets and liabilities held
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Gains/losses on        Accumulative fair
                                             fair value changes        value changes
         Item           Opening amount                                                     provisions for the      Closing amount
                                              in the reporting         recorded into
                                                                                           reporting period
                                                  period                  equity

                                                         Financial assets

     Including: 1.
Financial assets
measured at fair
value whose
                              0                      0                      0                      0                     0
changes are
recorded into
current gains and

     Of which:
derivative                    0                      0                      0                      0                     0
financial assets

2. Loans and
                              0                      0                      0                      0                     0

Available-for-sale       28,043,307.00                                 2,935,840.00                                30,979,147.00
financial assets

                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Held-to-maturity              0                      0                 0                  0                     0

     Subtotal of
                        28,043,307.00                            2,935,840.00                              30,979,147.00
 financial assets

                              0                      0                 0                  0                     0

1. General utilization of the raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Total raised capital                                                                                             2,296,886

Total raised capital input in the reporting period                                                                  371,008

Accumulative raised capital input                                                                                2,137,256

Total raised capital of which the use was changed
in the reporting period

Accumulative raised capital of which the use was

Proportion of accumulative raised capital of
which the use was changed

                                          General utilization of the raised funds

                   The utilization of raised funds of the Company is now in stable process as scheduled.

                                                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2. Projects promised to be invested with raised funds
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                    Changed                         Total                         Accumulative Investment          Date when
                                                      Total                       Invested                                                             Benefit                           change
Committed investment projects      projects or                    investment                        invested     progress as at    the project                         Reached
                                                   committed                    amount in the                                                         realized in                      occurred to
  and investment direction of      not (partial                     after                         amount as at the end of the       reached                            projected
                                                  investment of                   reporting                                                          the reporting                    feasibility of
         extra raised funds          change                       adjustment                      the end of the period (%)(3) serviceable                           benefit or not
                                                  raised funds                     period                                                               period                        the project or
                                   included)                         (1)                           period (2)      =(2)/(1)       condition

Committed investment projects

Production line of
6th-Generation TFT-LCD (6G               No          1,078,331        895,950         34,504           853,689         95.28%      1 May 2011             -30,556         No               No

Supplementing current capital
                                         No            100,000        282,381                          282,381           100%              N/A                N/A        N/A               No

Production line of
8.5th-Generation TFT-LCD                 No            850,000        850,000        336,504           732,631         86.19%        1 Jul 2012           -57,912        N/A               No
(8.5G Project)

Supplementing current capital
                                         No             44,365         44,365                           44,365           100%              N/A                N/A        N/A               No

Subtotal of committed
                                         -           2,072,696      2,072,696        371,008         1,913,066                 -                 -        -88,468          -                -
investment projects

Situation and reason on failing   None

                                                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

to catch up with the planned
progress or achieve the
estimated earnings (with details
of each involved project)

Explanation on significant
change of project feasibility

Amount, usage, and utilization     □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
progress of extra raised funds     None

                                   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change of implementation place
of projects invested by raised     □ Occurred in the reporting period □ Occurred in previous years

                                   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Adjustment in implementation
way of projects invested by        □ Occurred in the reporting period □ Occurred in previous years
raised funds

                                   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                   Before raised funds of Y2009 were available, in accordance with Proposal on Investing and Establishing 6 th-Generation TFT-LCD Production Line
Preliminary input and              Project and Proposal on Issuance Scheme of Private Offering of A stock approved by voting at the 17th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 7
replacement of projects invested Nov. 2008 and the 2nd Shareholders’ General Meeting 2008 on 25 Nov. 2008, the Company preliminarily input self raised funds of RMB
by raised funds                  1,309,500,000.00 to construction of 6G Project. After raised funds of Y2009 became available, based on the Management Method of Raised Funds
                                   of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and as reviewed and passed by the 26th Session of the 5th Board of Directors on 23 Jun. 2009,
                                   the Company replaced the preliminary self-raised funds put into 6G Project by raised funds of RMB 1,309,500,000.00.

Temporarily supplementing          √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

current capital with idle raised
                                   In light of Public Notice of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. on Supplementing Current Capital with Some Idle Raised Funds by its Controlled
                                   Subsidiary on 21 Aug. 2009, in order to improve the service efficiency of raised Funds, and under the premise of not changing whereabouts of
                                   raised funds and not influencing normal operation of raised funds projects, temporarily idle capital of less than RMB 900 million in the regulatory
                                   account of raised funds of Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. were used to supplement current capital need in other accounts of Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. with a
                                   limited period of 6 months, so as to be applied in daily payments and other businesses in other accounts. Hefei BOE Co., Ltd. has returned the
                                   aforesaid raised proceeds to the special account in time according to stipulations.

                                   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                   As reviewed and approved by the 17th Session in 2008 of the 5th Board of Directors, the Company originally intended to use RMB 9 billion from
Surplus of raised funds during     raised funds in 2009 to invest the 6G project, and promised to use the extra surplus to construct the 6G project when the actual net raised funds
the implementation of projects     exceeded the intended total input of raised funds. At present, the financial structure of 6G project is rational, and the operating capital is enough
and reason thereof                 and stable, meeting daily operation demands. On 22 Apr. 2011, the 8th Session of the 6th Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Proposal on
                                   Using Surplus Funds Privately Raised in 2009 to Supplement Current Capital, agreeing to use the surplus raised funds of RMB 1,910,185,759.45
                                   (including capital of RMB 1,823,808,831.30 and derivative interest of RMB 86,376,928.15), which was deposited by Hefei BOE in the special
                                   account for raised funds of the Company till 31 Mar. 2011 and originally promised to be invested to 6G project, to supplement current capital.

                                   I. The remaining raised funds in 2009 would be used for construction and operation of the Hefei 6G Line, which are currently put into the special
                                   accounts for raised funds and strictly managed by Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.—the company in charge of the project
Usage and whereabouts of the
                                   implementation; II. The remaining raised funds in 2010 would be used for construction and operation of the Beijing 8.5G Line, which are currently
remaining raised funds
                                   put into the special accounts for raised funds and strictly managed by Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. —the company in charge of the
                                   project implementation.

Existing problems or other
conditions during the usage and None
disclosure of raised funds

                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

3. Change of projects invested with raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                Disclosure date of
                                                          Amount for
       Project name                    the first                                 Project progress                      Project earnings
                                                           the project

   AM-OLED Project of
                                     31 Dec. 2011                 44,522                                 2%             Inapplicable
Yuansheng Optoelectronics

                        Total                                     44,522                   --                                 --

                                 Notes to significant projects invested with non-raised funds


 (III) Revision of the Board of Directors’ business plan for the second half of the
□Applicable √Inapplicable
 (IV) Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept. 2012
Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit
achieved during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next
reporting period compared with the same period of last year, as well as the reasons
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Business performance forecast: loss
Type of the business performance forecast data
□ Exact number √ Interval number
                                         Jan.-Sept. 2012                                             Jan.-Sept. 2011

Estimated cumulative net
                                -78,000            --   -70,000                                          -214,309
profit (RMB Ten thousand)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) -0.06                   --    -0.05                                            -0.16

                                1.    Since   2012,     prices    for   liquid   crystal        panels   have     become   stable,   prices   for
                                medium-and-large-sized panels have bounced back while those for small-sized have dropped
Notes to the business           obviously. As the 8.5G Line reaches its full production capacity, the shipment of the Company has
performance forecast            jumped to No. 5 worldwide, which means that the Company has had the business basis for it to
                                compete in the global market.

                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                         2. In terms of all the production lines, the Company made sure their full production and a full sale
                         while at the same time proactively adjusting the product structure, accelerating development of
                         products with high added value and increasing competitiveness of its products. It is expected that
                         the 4.5G, 5G and 6G lines will generate profit in the third quarter and that the performance of the
                         8.5G line will improve. The third quarter of 2012 is expected to see profit in terms of the overall
                         business performance of the Company.

(V)Explanation of the Board of Directors on “Non-standard Auditing Report”
issued by the CPA firm for the reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VI)Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the
issues involved in the “Non-standard Auditing Report” issued by the CPA firm
for last year
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VII)State the discussion results of the Board of Directors on the reasons and
influence of the Company’s accounting policy and estimate alterations or
significant accounting error correction
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(VIII)Formulation and execution of the Company’s cash dividend policy
In order to improve and perfect the sustainable, stable, and scientific mechanism for
cash dividends, positively return investors, fully protect shareholders’ legal rights, for
example, return on assets, on the basis of perfecting and implementing relevant
stipulations in Articles of Association, the Company drafted its dividend policy
according to the spirit conveyed by the Notice on Further Implementing Cash
Dividend Related Issues of Listed Companies issued by CSRC and the Notice on
Further Perfecting Cash Dividend Related Issues of Listed Companies (JZGSF [2012]
No.101) issued by Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau.
I. Formulation principle of dividend policy
Considering factors including current completion environment, industry features,
development strategy, and development period, and viewing the reality conditions
including social capital cost, external financing environment, and cash flow status, the
Board formulated sustainable, stable, and rational return mechanism to ensure the
consistency and stability of profit distribution policy on the basis of taking full advice
from minority shareholders, independent directors, and the Supervisory Committee.
I. Planning of dividend policy
In view of middle-to-long term development strategy and plan, as well as short-term
development target of the Company, The Board of the Company made following
plans for return for shareholders in future 3 years according to profit distribution
policy ruled in Articles of Association.

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(I) Principles for profit distribution
1. The Company shall take return for shareholders into full consideration. After
offsetting accumulative loss, the Company shall distribute dividends to shareholders
according to the stipulated proportion of distributable profit in consolidated statement
realized in that very year.
2. The profit distribution policy shall keep consistence and stability, and concurrently
take care of long-term profit of the Company, overall profit of all shareholders, and
the sustainable development of the Company.
3. The Company shall prior adopt cash dividends as the way of profit distribution.
(II) Form and period of profit distribution
The Company shall distribute dividends in the way of cash, shares, or the combination
of cash and shares. If allowed, the Company can have interim profit distribution.
(III) Terms for profit distribution
1. Terms for cash dividends: The Company shall use cash to distribute dividends
when profit and accumulative retained profit of that very year is positive. Profit
distributed by cash every year shall not be less than 10% of distributable profit in the
realized consolidated statement of the very year. Special circumstance should be
deliberated by the Shareholders General Meeting and clearly defined in Articles of
2. Terms for share dividends: When the operating status is good, and the Board agrees
that stock price of the Company can’t match the scale of share capital of the Company,
and distribution of share dividends shall benefit the integrated profit of all
shareholders of the Company, the Company can propose Preplan for Distribution of
Share Dividends under the circumstance of meeting the aforesaid terms for cash
III. Formulation procedures of dividend policy
The dividend policy was discussed and approved by the Board, and was submitted
and approved in special resolution in the Shareholders General Meeting after being
reviewed by independent directors. Meanwhile, profit distribution policy for return
planning has been clearly defined in Articles of Association.
(IX)Pre-plan for profit distribution or turning capital reserve into share
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(X)The accumulative retained profit as at the end of 2011 is a positive number
but the Company has not put forward a cash dividend pre-plan.
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 (XI) Other events for disclosure
(XII)The Company’s liabilities, credit changes and future cash arrangements
for debt-clearing (Only listed companies with convertible corporate bonds are
required to fill the table below.)
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                VI Significant Events

(I) Corporate governance
In strict accordance with laws and regulations including Company Law, Securities
Law, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, as well as the Standard
Operation Index for Companies Listed in the Mainboard of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
the Company continuously perfected corporate governance structure, improved
internal control system, and raised corporate governance level.
In the reporting period, according to the requirements of the Notice on Developing
Self-check and Self-correction for Standard Operation of Listed Companies in Beijing
jurisdiction, the Company executed self-check and self-correction for the Company
Board, Supervisory Committee, the senior management, and the standard operation of
information disclosure, and prepared the report and correction plan for self-check and
self-correction. The activity of self-check and self-correction showed little difference
between the details of standard operation of the Company and the requirements of
regulatory departments. The Company would further perfect standard governance
according to the correction plan.
As required by CSRC, the Company has officially implemented internal control
standards since 2012. As at 30 Jun 2012, the Company had internally executed
thorough internal control standards, including financial reports, and had included all
subsidiaries in the range of consolidated statements into the scope of execution of
internal control standards. In light of the schedule of work plan of the execution of
internal control standard of Y2012, the Company finished refining, simplification, and
optimization of core business processes and key management and control processes,
revised system manual, and updated risk list on the basis of optimized processes.
(II) Execution of the plans for profit distribution, turning capital reserve into
share capital or new share issuance which had been made in the previous period
and were carried out in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
(III) Significant litigations and arbitrations
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the
reporting period.
(IV) Bankruptcy or reorganization events
□Applicable √Inapplicable
(V) Holding equity of other listed companies and joint financial enterprises
    1. Securities investment
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to securities investment:
2. Holding equity of other listed companies
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                      Change of
                                         Proportio                    Gain/loss
                          Initial        n in the      Closing         in the
    Stock       Stock   investment       company       carrying       reporting                          Accounting           Stock
                                                                                      during the
    code        abbr.     amount          ’s total    amount          period                                   title      source
                        (RMB Yuan)        equity (RMB Yuan)            (RMB
                                            (%)                        Yuan)
                                                                                     (RMB Yuan)

            TPV                                                                                        Available-for-s
                        134,658,158.                  30,979,147.                    2,935,840.0                         Subscripti
HK0903 Technolog                            1.04%                           0.00                       ale financial
                                    00                           00                                0                     on
            y                                                                                          assets

SH60065 Electronic 90,160,428.0                       56,747,214. 1,669,314. 10,071,590.                                 Share
                                            1.69%                                                      ale financial
8           Zone                     0                           00             00              00                       exchange

                        224,818,586.                  87,726,361. 1,669,314. 13,007,430.
Total                                        --                                                                  --            --
                                    00                           00             00              00

Notes to holding equity of other listed companies:
3. Holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to holding equity of non-listed financial enterprises
4. Trading stocks of other listed companies
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes to trading stocks of other listed companies

                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(VI) Assets transaction events
1. Purchase of assets
□Applicable √Inapplicable
2. Sale of assets
□Applicable √Inapplicable
3. Exchange of assets
□Applicable √Inapplicable
4. Business combination
□Applicable √Inapplicable
5. Progress of these events after the publication of the assets reorganization
report or public notices on the purchases or sales of assets, as well as the
influences of these events on the operation results and financial status of the
Company in this reporting period
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VII) Explanation on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period
proposed or implemented by the principal shareholders and act-in-concert

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(VIII) Implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(IX) Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to routine operation
 □ Applicable √Inapplicable

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

□Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Significant related-party transitions with joint investments

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties

□Applicable √Inapplicable
I□Applicable √Inapplicable

□Applicable √Inapplicable

5. Other significant related-party transactions

(X) Significant contracts and execution

1. The trust, contract and lease whose profits reaching more than 10% (including 10%) of
the total profits of the Company in the reporting period

(1) Status of trust

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2)Particulars about contracting

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(3)Particulars about leasing

□Applicable √Inapplicable

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten thousand

                       Guarantees provided by the Company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

                         Disclosure                                                                                          Guarante
                           date of                                      Actual                                                e for a
                                      Amount for occurrence date                       Type of        Period of   Executed
  Guaranteed party         relevant                                    guarantee                                              related
                                       guarantee       (date of                       guarantee       guarantee     or not
                         announcem                                      amount                                               party or
                              ent                                                                                                 not

                                                                                                    From the
Beijing Agricultural
                        4 Jun. 2012         1,500                  -               0 Pledge         signing date No          No
Guarantee Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    to the date
                                                                                                    when the

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                       under the
                                                                                                       contract are
                                                                                                       all repaid

   Total external guarantee line                                     Total actual occurred amount
  approved during the reporting                              1,500 of external guarantee during -
            period (A1)                                                the reporting period (A2)

Total external guarantee line that                                   Total actual external guarantee
 has been approved at the end of                             1,500      balance at the end of the      -
    the reporting period (A3)                                            reporting period (A4)

                                      Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries

                        Disclosure                                                                                                Guarante
                          date of                                        Actual                                                    e for a
                                     Amount for occurrence date                          Type of           Period of   Executed
  Guaranteed party        relevant                                     guarantee                                                   related
                                     guarantee       (date of                          guarantee           guarantee    or not
                        announcem                                        amount                                                   party or
                            ent                                                                                                        not

Beijing BOE                                                                                            8 Apr.
Optoelectronics        8 Apr. 2005      468,043 31 Mar. 2005                217,429 Warranty           2005-13 Apr. No            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                   2014

Total guarantee line approved for                                    Total actual occurred amount
    the subsidiaries during the                                           of guarantee for the
                                                                 0                                                                           0
         reporting period                                                subsidiaries during the
                (B1)                                                     reporting period (B2)

Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                     Total actual guarantee balance
 approved for the subsidiaries at
                                                        468,043 for the subsidiaries at the end                                    217,429
  the end of the reporting period
                                                                      of the reporting period (B4)

Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned two kinds of guarantees)

  Total guarantee line approved                                      Total actual occurred amount
   during the reporting period                               1,500      of guarantee during the                                              0
             (A1+B1)                                                   reporting period (A2+B2)

Total guarantee line that has been
                                                                     Total actual guarantee balance
    approved at the end of the
                                                        469,543        at the end of the reporting                                 217,429
         reporting period
                                                                            period (A4+B4)

Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4) to the net assets
of the Company

Of which:

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and
related parties (C)

Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party                                                                                   0

                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70% directly or
indirectly (D)

Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets

Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                              0

Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of
liquidation due to immature guarantee

Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties in
violation of the prescribed procedure

3. Entrusted financial management

□Applicable √Inapplicable

4. Performance of significant contracts relevant to routine operation

□Applicable √Inapplicable

5. Other significant contracts
□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XI) Explanation on issuing corporate bonds

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XII) Performance of commitments

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s

shares in the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

2. The Company’s assets or projects exist profitable prediction and the reporting period is in

such prediction period, it states the profits from the assets or projects reaching original

prediction and relevant reasons

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XIII) Items of other comprehensive income

                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                              Items                                   This reporting period       Same period of last year

1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                  13,007,430.00                 -21,300,944.00

Less:      Effects   on    income     tax    generating        from
                                                                                              -                              -
available-for-sale financial assets
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in                                     -                              -
prior period

Subtotal                                                                      13,007,430.00                 -21,300,944.00

2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive
                                                                                              -                              -
income as per equity method
Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in
the investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per                                     -                              -
equity method
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in                                     -                              -
prior period

Subtotal                                                                                      -                              -

3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument                                         -                              -

Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow
                                                                                              -                              -
hedging instrument
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in                                     -                              -
prior period
The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition
                                                                                              -                              -
amount of arbitrage project

Subtotal                                                                                      -                              -

4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                   1,066,762.00                     314,125.00

Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that
                                                                                              -                              -
recognized into current profit and loss

Subtotal                                                                       1,066,762.00                     314,125.00

5. Other                                                                                      -                              -

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that
                                                                                              -                              -
included into other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that recognized into other comprehensive income in                                     -                              -
prior period

Subtotal                                                                                      -                              -

Total                                                                         14,074,192.00                 -20,986,819.00

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(XIV) Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this
reporting period

                                                                                                       Main discussion and
    Time of                               Way of
                 Place of reception                           Visitor type          Visitor           materials provided by
   reception                             reception
                                                                                                           the Company

               Conference Room of
9 Jan. 2012                           Field research        Institution      Azentus Capital
               the Company

               Conference Room of
11 Jan. 2012                          Field research        Institution      Investment, CITIC
               the Company

                                                                             Daiwa Securities,
18 Jan. 2012   Over phone             By phone              Institution      Daiwa Securities
                                                                             (HK)                    Main discussion:

                                                                             BOC International       1. Operation status and
7 Feb. 2012    Over phone             By phone              Institution
                                                                             (China)                 future development
                                                                                                     strategies of the
                                                                             YCT Investment
16 Feb. 2012   Over phone             By phone              Institution                              Company;
                                                                                                     2. Present status and
                                                                             Daiwa Securities
               Conference Room of                                                                    development trends in
24 Feb. 2012                          Field research        Institution      and Beijing Office
               the Company                                                                           the industry;
                                                                             of Daiwa Securities
                                                                                                     3. Particulars about
                                                                             Citibank Hong           Chengdu 4.5G Line,
2 Mar. 2012    Over phone             By phone              Institution
                                                                             Kong                    Beijing 5G Line, Hefei
6 Mar. 2012    Over phone             By phone              Institution      Huatai Securities       6G Line, Beijing 8.5G
                                                                                                     Line and Inner
               Conference Room of                                            Fino wave
7 Mar. 2012                           Field research        Institution                              Mongolia Erdos 5.5G
               the Company                                                   investments
                                                                                                     AMOLED Line.
               Conference Room of
8 Mar. 2012                           Field research        Institution      Dacheng Fund            Materials provided by
               the Company
                                                                                                     the Company:
               Conference Room of
9 Mar. 2012                           Field research        Institution      Yinhua Fund             The Company’s annual
               the Company
                                                                                                     reports for 2010 and
                                                                             Shanghai Office of      2011, brochure and
                                                                             Merrill Lynch,          other materials available
                                                                             Merrill Lynch           for public access
16 Mar. 2012   Ritz-Carlton Hotel     Field research        Institution
                                                                             (Asia-Pacific) Co.,
                                                                             Ltd., Cephei capital,
                                                                             Mitsubishi UFJ

               Conference Room of                                            Everbright
19 Mar. 2012                          Field research        Institution
               the Company                                                   Securities

                                                                             Sylebra Capital
20 Mar. 2012   Over phone             By phone              Institution

                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                            GF Securities, Jiahe
                                                                            Life, Cinda
                   Conference Room of                                       Securities, Zexi
7 May 2012                              Field research        Institution
                   the Company                                              Investment,
                                                                            Zhongzhi Enterprise

                                                                            China Securities,
                                                                            Lion Fund,
                                                                            Changsheng Fund,
                                                                            Management Center
                                                                            of Beijing Anquan
                   Conference Room of
11 May 2012                             Field research        Institution   Xingye, Minsheng
                   the Company
                                                                            Dacheng Fund,
                                                                            Shanghai Liuhe
                                                                            Investment, GF

17 May 2012        Over phone           By phone              Institution

                                                                            Industrial Securities,
                                                                            Orient Securities
                   Conference Room of
22 May 2012                             Field research        Institution   Asset Management,
                   the Company
                                                                            Mizuho Corporate

                   Conference Room of                                       Kylin Management
24 May 2012                             Field research        Institution
                   the Company                                              LLC

                                                                            FrankLin Templeton
                   Conference Room of
15 Jun. 2012                            Field research        Institution   Sealand Fund
                   the Company

                                                                            Shenzhen Central
18 Jun. 2012       Over phone           By phone              Institution   Solomon Capital

                   Conference Room of                                       Asian Century
19 Jun. 2012                            Field research        Institution
                   the Company                                              Quest

(XV) Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Has this interim report been audited?

□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Has the CPAs firm been changed?
□ Yes □ No √ Inapplicable

(XVI) Particulars about punishment and rectification order received by the
Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives, shareholders, actual
controller and acquirer

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XVII) Explanation on other significant events

√Applicable □Inapplicable

On 14 Aug. 2012, the Company, the People’s Government of Hefei City and Chaohu City
Construction and Investment Co., Ltd. signed the Framework Agreement Regarding Making
Investment in the Hefei Xincheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. TFT-LCD 8.5G
Production Line Project. According to the Agreement, the Company will, with Hefei Xincheng
Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. as the platform for investment, construction and operation,
invest to build a TFT-LCD 8.5G whole-process production line in Hefei City. For details, see the
Announcement on Signing an Investment Framework Agreement (Announcement No. 2012-024)
disclosed by the Company on 16 Aug. 2012.

(XVIII) Particulars about significant changes in the profitability, asset status and
credit status of the Company’s convertible bonds guarantor

(Only listed companies which issue convertible corporate bonds are required to fill the form below.)

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(XIX) Index for information disclosure

                                                                                         Internet website for disclosing
                                      Newspapers for disclosing
                Event                                                Publishing date     information and the searching
                                    information and relevant page

                                    China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Correction                                                             http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
of the 2011 Annual Earnings                                         31 Jan. 2012       ge/2012-01-31/60481585.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Forecast                                                                               ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                    China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Resolutions                                                            http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
           th                  th
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
of the 19 Session of the 6                                          29 Mar. 2012       ge/2012-03-29/60750119.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Board of Directors                                                                     ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                   China Securities Journal,
2011 Annual Preliminary            Securities Times, Shanghai
                                                                 14 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-14/60829863.PDF?w
Earnings Estimate                  Securities News and Ta Kung

                                   China Securities Journal,
Earnings Forecast for the First Securities Times, Shanghai
                                                                 14 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-14/60829864.PDF?w
Quarter of 2012                    Securities News and Ta Kung

                                   China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Resolutions                                                     http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
          th                  th
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
of the 20 Session of the 6                                       27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922694.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung
Board of Directors                                                              ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                   China Securities Journal,
Announcement on the 8th                                                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
Session of the 6 Supervisory                                     27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922703.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung
Committee                                                                       ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                   China Securities Journal,
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
2011 Annual Report (Abstract)                                    27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922681.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung

                                   China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Expected                                                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
Routine Related-party                                            27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922679.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung
Transactions for 2012                                                           ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                   China Securities Journal,
Earnings Forecast for the First Securities Times, Shanghai
                                                                 27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922680.PDF?w
Half of 2012                       Securities News and Ta Kung

                                   China Securities Journal,
Notice on convening the 2011                                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
Annual Shareholders’ General                                    27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922695.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung
Meeting                                                                         ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                   China Securities Journal,
Report of the First Quarter        Securities Times, Shanghai
                                                                 27 Apr. 2012   ge/2012-04-27/60922709.PDF?w
Report for 2012                    Securities News and Ta Kung

                                   China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Affiliated                                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                   Securities Times, Shanghai
Subsidiary Being Granted                                         17 May 2012    ge/2012-05-17/61007443.PDF?w
                                   Securities News and Ta Kung
Government Subsidies                                                            ww.cninfo.com.cn

Suggestive Announcement on         China Securities Journal,     24 May 2012    http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa

                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

convening the 2011 Annual           Securities Times, Shanghai                   ge/2012-05-24/61038163.PDF?w
Shareholders’ General Meeting Securities News and Ta Kung                       ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                    China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Resolutions                                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
of the 2011 Annual                                                31 May 2012    ge/2012-05-31/61068577.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Shareholders’ General Meeting                                                   ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                    China Securities Journal,
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
Suggestive Announcement                                           2 Jun. 2012    ge/2012-06-02/61079206.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung

                                    China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Resolutions                                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
         st                    th
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
of the 21 Session of the 6                                        5 Jun. 2012    ge/2012-06-05/61088763.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Board of Directors                                                               ww.cninfo.com.cn

Announcement on Beijing             China Securities Journal,
Asahi Glass Electronics Co.,        Securities Times, Shanghai
                                                                  5 Jun. 2012    ge/2012-06-05/61088762.PDF?w
Ltd. Proving an External            Securities News and Ta Kung
Counter-guarantee                   Pao

                                    China Securities Journal,
Suggestive Announcement on                                                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
Unlocking A-share Privately                                       15 Jun. 2012   ge/2012-06-15/61139900.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Offered in 2009                                                                  ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                    China Securities Journal,
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
Suggestive Announcement                                           22 Jun. 2012   ge/2012-06-22/61170134.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung

                                    China Securities Journal,
Announcement on Progress of                                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn/finalpa
                                    Securities Times, Shanghai
Affiliated Subsidiary Being                                       26 Jun. 2012   ge/2012-06-26/61178413.PDF?w
                                    Securities News and Ta Kung
Granted Government Subsidies                                                     ww.cninfo.com.cn

                                          VII. Financial Report

(I) Auditor’s report

Has this interim report been audited?
□ Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(II) Financial statements

√Yes □No □ Inapplicable
The monetary unit in the financial statements of the financial report is RMB Yuan if not specified otherwise.
Monetary unit of notes to financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Item                          Note           30 Jun. 2012                 31 Dec. 2011

Current Assets:

   Monetary funds                                                       15,575,508,881.00            20,325,469,116.00

   Settlement reserves                                                                0.00                         0.00

   Intra-group lendings                                                               0.00                         0.00

   Transactional financial assets                                                     0.00                         0.00

   Notes receivable                                                        551,484,685.00               340,293,997.00

   Accounts receivable                                                   3,386,388,813.00             2,560,795,545.00

   Accounts paid in advance                                                154,633,989.00                 64,799,585.00

  Premiums receivable                                                                 0.00                         0.00

   Reinsurance premiums receivable                                                    0.00                         0.00

   Receivable reinsurance contract reserves                                           0.00                         0.00

   Interest receivable                                                      46,241,459.00               105,243,519.00

   Dividend receivable                                                                0.00                         0.00

   Other accounts receivable                                             1,790,351,375.00             1,735,824,884.00

   Financial      assets        purchased   under
                                                                                      0.00                         0.00
agreements to resell

   Inventories                                                           2,573,854,565.00              2,116,218,705.00

   Non-current assets due within 1 year                                               0.00                         0.00

   Other current assets                                                  2,369,304,313.00               696,796,503.00

Total current assets                                                    26,447,768,080.00            27,945,441,854.00

Non-current assets:

   Loans by mandate and advances granted                                              0.00                         0.00

   Available-for-sale financial assets                                      87,726,361.00                 74,718,931.00

   Held-to-maturity investments                                                       0.00                         0.00

   Long-term accounts receivable                                                      0.00                         0.00

   Long-term equity investment                                             946,293,066.00               958,879,205.00

                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Investing property                                              1,318,606,167.00         1,340,984,989.00

  Fixed assets                                                   30,775,533,119.00       28,388,863,004.00

  Construction in progress                                        5,752,763,007.00         8,412,921,608.00

  Engineering materials                                                       0.00                       0.00

  Disposal of fixed assets                                                    0.00                       0.00

  Production biological assets                                                0.00                       0.00

  Oil-gas assets                                                              0.00                       0.00

  Intangible assets                                               1,404,317,912.00         1,454,669,394.00

  R&D expense                                                                 0.00                       0.00

  Goodwill                                                          51,502,898.00            51,502,898.00

  Long-term deferred expenses                                      233,867,070.00            22,860,526.00

  Deferred income tax assets                                        49,166,758.00            47,892,088.00

  Other non-current assets                                         248,702,690.00            70,681,149.00

Total of non-current assets                                      40,868,479,048.00       40,823,973,792.00

Total assets                                                     67,316,247,128.00       68,769,415,646.00

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                           2,224,836,847.00         6,487,193,510.00

  Borrowings from Central Bank                                                0.00                       0.00

  Customer bank deposits and due to banks
                                                                              0.00                       0.00
and other financial institutions

  Intra-group borrowings                                                      0.00                       0.00

  Transactional financial liabilities                                         0.00                       0.00

  Notes payable                                                     30,627,813.00            27,918,268.00

  Accounts payable                                                4,495,407,684.00         3,630,464,475.00

  Accounts received in advance                                     417,560,487.00           186,069,735.00

  Financial assets sold for repurchase                                        0.00                       0.00

  Handling charges and commissions payable                                    0.00                       0.00

  Employee’s compensation payable                                 319,282,739.00           368,442,775.00

  Tax payable                                                       32,327,394.00            47,338,545.00

  Interest payable                                                 120,424,129.00           110,964,115.00

  Dividend payable                                                    8,051,170.00            6,451,170.00

  Other accounts payable                                          3,712,075,555.00         4,285,822,157.00

  Reinsurance premiums payable                                                0.00                       0.00

  Insurance contract reserves                                                 0.00                       0.00

                                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Payables for acting trading of securities                                                  0.00                           0.00

  Payables        for      acting   underwriting   of
                                                                                             0.00                           0.00

  Non-current liabilities due within 1 year                                      1,834,719,878.00            1,716,776,716.00

  Other current liabilities                                                         52,108,874.00               88,652,956.00

Total current liabilities                                                       13,247,422,570.00          16,956,094,422.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                                          18,094,805,396.00          14,700,018,374.00

  Bonds payable                                                                              0.00                           0.00

  Long-term payables                                                                         0.00                           0.00

  Specific payables                                                                          0.00                           0.00

  Estimated liabilities                                                             30,080,844.00               30,080,844.00

  Deferred income tax liabilities                                                 410,958,274.00              414,561,354.00

  Other non-current liabilities                                                  1,552,328,495.00            1,623,176,746.00

Total non-current liabilities                                                   20,088,173,009.00          16,767,837,318.00

Total liabilities                                                               33,335,595,579.00          33,723,931,740.00

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                            13,521,542,341.00          13,521,542,341.00

  Capital reserves                                                              15,315,956,376.00          15,302,948,946.00

  Less: Treasury stock                                                                       0.00                           0.00

  Specific reserves                                                                          0.00                           0.00

  Surplus reserves                                                                499,092,613.00              499,092,613.00

  Provisions for general risks                                                               0.00                           0.00

  Retained profits                                                              -4,521,188,189.00           -3,734,305,993.00

  Foreign exchange difference                                                       -2,318,881.00               -3,385,643.00

Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                                                24,813,084,260.00          25,585,892,264.00

Minority interests                                                               9,167,567,289.00            9,459,591,642.00

Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                       33,980,651,549.00          35,045,483,906.00

Total        liabilities      and     owners’     (or
                                                                                67,316,247,128.00          68,769,415,646.00
shareholders’) equity

Legal representative: Mr. Wang Dongsheng                             Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Sun Yun

Chief of the accounting division: Ms. Yang Xiaoping

                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2. Balance sheet of the Company

                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                  Note               30 Jun. 2012              31 Dec. 2011

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                               2,227,510,191.00          3,043,542,028.00

  Transactional financial assets                                             0                         0

  Notes receivable                                                 1,250,000.00              3,863,762.00

  Accounts receivable                                             58,574,392.00             55,112,379.00

  Accounts paid in advance                                         8,193,004.00              2,982,710.00

  Interest receivable                                              6,682,038.00              9,141,082.00

   Dividend receivable                                            10,404,147.00              8,204,147.00

  Other accounts receivable                                      306,278,781.00            389,156,441.00

  Inventories                                                      1,642,996.00              1,306,051.00

  Non-current assets due within 1
                                                                             0                         0

  Other current assets                                            41,794,339.00             28,797,744.00

Total current assets                                           2,662,329,888.00          3,542,106,344.00

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets                             87,726,361.00             74,718,931.00

  Held-to-maturity investments                                               0                         0

  Long-term accounts receivable                                              0                         0

  Long-term equity investment                                 27,643,980,498.00         27,656,535,260.00

  Investing property                                             169,321,700.00            172,908,765.00

  Fixed assets                                                   371,543,034.00            393,096,085.00

  Construction in progress                                        89,261,489.00             26,832,993.00

  Engineering materials                                                      0                         0

  Disposal of fixed assets                                                   0                         0

  Production biological assets                                               0                         0

  Oil-gas assets                                                             0                         0

  Intangible assets                                               99,317,549.00             99,478,210.00

  R&D expense                                                                0                         0

  Goodwill                                                                   0                         0

  Long-term deferred expenses                                      3,019,278.00              3,586,980.00

  Deferred income tax assets                                                 0                         0

                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Other non-current assets                                  5,768,029.00                4,457,280.00

Total of non-current assets                            28,469,937,938.00           28,431,614,504.00

Total assets                                           31,132,267,826.00           31,973,720,848.00

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                               0                34,663,422.00

  Transactional financial liabilities                                 0                           0

  Notes payable                                                       0                           0

  Accounts payable                                         12,396,999.00               13,236,221.00

  Accounts received in advance                            290,500,449.00              287,038,716.00

  Employee’s              compensation
                                                           36,929,204.00               61,693,468.00

  Tax payable                                              15,641,719.00               21,739,121.00

  Interest payable                                                    0                 1,088,911.00

  Dividend payable                                          6,451,170.00                6,451,170.00

  Other accounts payable                                2,170,376,379.00            2,893,384,484.00

  Non-current liabilities due within
                                                           50,000,000.00              100,000,000.00
1 year

  Other current liabilities                                           0                           0

Total current liabilities                               2,582,295,920.00            3,419,295,513.00

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                                    100,000,000.00              100,000,000.00

  Bonds payable                                                       0                           0

  Long-term payables                                                  0                           0

  Specific payables                                                   0                           0

  Estimated liabilities                                               0                           0

  Deferred income tax liabilities                                     0                           0

  Other non-current liabilities                            42,993,323.00               60,063,972.00

Total non-current liabilities                             142,993,323.00              160,063,972.00

Total liabilities                                       2,725,289,243.00            3,579,359,485.00

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                   13,521,542,341.00           13,521,542,341.00

  Capital reserves                                     15,107,600,975.00           15,094,593,545.00

  Less: Treasury stock                                                0                           0

  Specific reserves                                                   0                           0

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Surplus reserves                                                 499,092,613.00              499,092,613.00

  General risk provision                                                        0                           0

  Retained profits                                                -721,257,346.00             -720,867,136.00

  Foreign exchange difference                                                   0                           0

Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
                                                                28,406,978,583.00           28,394,361,363.00

Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                                31,132,267,826.00           31,973,720,848.00
shareholders’) equity

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                     Note            Jan.-Jun. 2012              Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Total operating revenues                                      9,608,882,013.00            4,940,033,997.00

Including: Sales income                                          9,608,882,013.00            4,940,033,997.00

         Interest income                                                        0                           0

         Premium income                                                         0                           0

         Handling         charge     and
                                                                                0                           0
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                        10,831,568,433.00            6,326,899,814.00

Including: Cost of sales                                         9,502,396,703.00            5,344,717,781.00

         Interest expenses                                                      0                           0

         Handling         charge     and
                                                                                0                           0
commission expenses

         Surrenders                                                             0                           0

         Net claims paid                                                        0                           0

         Net amount withdrawn for
                                                                                0                           0
the insurance contract reserve

         Expenditure       on      policy
                                                                                0                           0

         Reinsurance premium                                                    0                           0

         Taxes and associate charges                                15,264,131.00               10,971,045.00

         Selling    and      distribution
                                                                   254,457,109.00              169,760,957.00

         Administrative expenses                                   950,037,835.00              817,952,938.00

         Financial expenses                                        121,301,724.00               -75,281,816.00

         Asset impairment loss                                      -11,889,069.00              58,778,909.00

                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                                0.00                    -8,670,137.00
value (―-‖ means loss)

        Gain/(loss) from investment
                                                                       -3,752,769.00                      597,349.00
(―-‖ means loss)

Including:      share   of    profits   in
                                                                       -5,766,868.00                    -2,832,684.00
associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (―-‖ means
                                                                                  0                                0

III. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                         -1,226,439,189.00                -1,394,938,605.00

        Add: non-operating income                                  160,092,355.00                      73,239,677.00

        Less: non-operating expense                                     2,506,337.00                    7,549,088.00

Including: loss from non-current
                                                                        1,598,969.00                    6,907,321.00
asset disposal

IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)                             -1,068,853,171.00                -1,329,248,016.00

        Less: Income tax expense                                        8,253,509.00                    -2,709,700.00

V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)                                -1,077,106,680.00                -1,326,538,316.00

        Including: Net profit achieved
by combined parties before the                                                  0.00                            0.00

        Attributable to owners of the
                                                                  -786,882,196.00                -1,215,484,477.00

        Minority shareholders’ income                            -290,224,484.00                  -111,053,839.00

VI. Earnings per share                                            --                              --

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                          -0.058                            -0.09

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                       -0.058                            -0.09

Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                                        14,074,192.00                   -20,986,819.00

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                                 -1,063,032,488.00                -1,347,525,135.00

        Attributable to owners of the
                                                                  -772,808,004.00                -1,236,471,296.00

        Attributable     to     minority
                                                                  -290,224,484.00                  -111,053,839.00

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in this report period, the net profit achieved by the
merged parties before the business mergers was RMB 0.

Legal representative: Mr. Wang Dongsheng                     Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ms. Sun Yun

Chief of the accounting division: Ms. Yang Xiaoping

                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

4. Income statement of the Company

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                        Note            Jan.-Jun. 2012               Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Total sales                                                          170,706,040.00                  91,857,703.00

Less: cost of sales                                                         51,546,737.00               38,700,083.00

Business taxes and surcharges                                                4,066,025.00                2,247,936.00

Distribution expenses                                                        4,206,680.00                   44,121.00

Administrative expenses                                                 166,584,372.00              145,296,254.00

Financial costs                                                             -47,647,828.00              -51,123,213.00

Impairment loss                                                                295,830.00                  153,695.00

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                                        0                           0
value (―-‖ means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖
                                                                             -1,521,393.00                 697,296.00
means loss)

Including: income form investment
                                                                             -5,735,492.00               -2,732,738.00
on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                                       -9,867,169.00              -42,763,877.00

Add: non-business income                                                    10,053,675.00               14,616,065.00

Less: non-business expense                                                     576,716.00                  180,556.00

Including: loss from non-current
                                                                               576,716.00                  180,556.00
asset disposal

III. Total profit    (―-‖ means loss)                                       -390,210.00               -28,328,368.00

Less: income tax expense                                                                0                           0

IV. Net profit      (―-‖ means loss)                                        -390,210.00               -28,328,368.00

V. Earnings per share                                                  --                          --

(I) Basic earnings per share                                                     -0.00003                     -0.0021

(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                  -0.00003                     -0.0021

VI. Other comprehensive income                                              13,007,430.00               -21,300,944.00

VII. Total comprehensive income                                             12,617,220.00               -49,629,312.00

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                   Jan.-Jun. 2012                  Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash      received         from   sale   of                         8,437,761,719.00            3,944,504,377.00

                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

commodities and rendering of service

  Net      increase     of    deposits   from
                                                                            0                           0
customers and dues from banks

  Net increase of loans from the central
                                                                            0                           0

  Net increase of funds borrowed from
                                                                            0                           0
other financial institutions

  Cash received from premium of
                                                                            0                           0
original insurance contracts

  Net cash received from reinsurance
                                                                            0                           0

  Net increase of deposits of policy
                                                                            0                           0
holders and investment fund

  Net increase of disposal of tradable
                                                                            0                           0
financial assets

  Cash received from interest, handling
                                                                            0                           0
charges and commissions

  Net        increase        of   intra-group
                                                                            0                           0

  Net increase of funds in repurchase
                                                                            0                           0

  Tax refunds received                                          145,153,216.00              236,511,314.00

  Other cash received relating to
                                                                246,832,198.00              535,191,754.00
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                              8,829,747,133.00            4,716,207,445.00

  Cash paid for goods and services                            6,999,915,587.00            3,999,021,124.00

  Net increase of customer lendings
                                                                            0                           0
and advances

  Net increase of funds deposited in the
central bank and amount due from                                            0                           0

  Cash for paying claims of the original
                                                                            0                           0
insurance contracts

  Cash for paying interest, handling
                                                                            0                           0
charges and commissions

  Cash for paying policy dividends                                          0                           0

  Cash paid to and for employees                              1,008,017,259.00              683,572,295.00

                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

   Various taxes paid                                                121,916,940.00              101,014,106.00

   Other cash payment relating to
                                                                     578,069,787.00              546,789,867.00
operating activities

Subtotal        of     cash    outflows       from
                                                                   8,707,919,573.00            5,330,397,392.00
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                             121,827,560.00             -614,189,947.00

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

   Cash received from withdrawal of
                                                                       7,170,127.00                          0

   Cash       received        from   return    on
                                                                       1,669,314.00                3,430,033.00

   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                              2,038,815.00                1,054,188.00
long-term assets

   Net cash received from disposal of
                                                                                 0                           0
subsidiaries or other business units

        Other cash received relating to
                                                                     147,741,915.00            1,694,201,045.00
investing activities

          Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                     158,620,171.00            1,698,685,266.00
investing activities

   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                              2,349,407,153.00           11,595,565,436.00

   Cash paid for investment                                                      0               315,135,550.00

   Net increase of pledged loans                                                 0                           0

   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
                                                                                 0                15,306,439.00
and other business units

   Other cash payments relating to
                                                                       7,367,347.00            6,403,063,351.00
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash    outflows       from
                                                                   2,356,774,500.00           18,329,070,776.00
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                          -2,198,154,329.00          -16,630,385,510.00

III.     Cash        Flows    from     Financing

       Cash      received       from       capital
                                                                                 0                           0

       Including:      Cash     received      from
                                                                                 0                           0
minority shareholder investments by

                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


    Cash received from borrowings                               6,111,806,234.00          13,076,509,060.00

    Cash received from issuance of
                                                                              0                           0

    Other cash received relating to
                                                                1,779,312,938.00              58,505,525.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                                7,891,119,172.00          13,135,014,585.00

    Repayment of borrowings                                     7,111,042,789.00           3,657,302,209.00

    Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                                  532,077,943.00             236,467,968.00
distribution of dividends or profit

     Including: dividends or profit paid
                                                                              0                           0
by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

     Other cash payments relating to
                                                                   10,227,877.00              25,047,038.00
financing activities

Sub-total      of   cash     outflows     from
                                                                7,653,348,609.00           3,918,817,215.00
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                          237,770,563.00           9,216,197,370.00

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                   18,124,469.00                3,915,256.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                               -1,820,431,737.00           -8,024,462,831.00

     Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                               12,959,533,670.00          19,097,948,638.00
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                               11,139,101,933.00          11,073,485,807.00

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                              Jan.-Jun. 2012                 Jan.-Jun. 2011

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash       received       from   sale     of
                                                                   62,089,359.00              34,094,945.00
commodities and rendering of service

  Tax refunds received                                                        0                  141,215.00

  Other cash received relating to
                                                                  147,096,507.00              99,152,872.00
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating                           209,185,866.00             133,389,032.00

                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


   Cash paid for goods and services                                    7,010,864.00               60,273,770.00

   Cash paid to and for employees                                    131,694,825.00               77,032,973.00

   Various taxes paid                                                 15,012,233.00               21,512,453.00

   Other cash payment relating to
                                                                     714,260,562.00              123,680,010.00
operating activities

Subtotal        of     cash    outflows       from
                                                                     867,978,484.00              282,499,206.00
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                            -658,792,618.00             -149,110,174.00

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

   Cash received from retraction of
                                                                       7,170,027.00                           0

   Cash       received        from   return    on
                                                                       1,669,314.00                3,430,033.00

   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                        0                   972,287.00
long-term assets

   Net cash received from disposal of
                                                                                 0                20,000,000.00
subsidiaries or other business units

       Other cash received relating to
                                                                      42,788,163.00               64,117,692.00
investing activities

          Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                      51,627,504.00               88,520,012.00
investing activities

   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                                 81,918,256.00               24,953,787.00

   Cash paid for investment                                                      0             8,975,135,550.00

   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
                                                                                 0                            0
and other business units

   Other cash payments relating to
                                                                                 0                            0
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash    outflows       from
                                                                      81,918,256.00            9,000,089,337.00
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                             -30,290,752.00            -8,911,569,325.00

III.     Cash        Flows    from     Financing

       Cash      received       from      capital
                                                                                 0                            0

                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

    Cash received from borrowings                                        0                30,338,847.00

    Cash received from issuance of

    Other cash received relating to
                                                              41,642,000.00               17,878,000.00
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                              41,642,000.00               48,216,847.00

    Repayment of borrowings                                   84,021,667.00               47,956,027.00

    Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                               1,315,665.00                1,349,289.00
distribution of dividends or profit

     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total     of   cash   outflows    from
                                                              85,337,332.00               56,782,240.00
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                     -43,695,332.00               -8,565,393.00

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                  -2,356.00                4,473,829.00
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            -732,781,058.00           -9,064,771,063.00

     Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                           2,951,867,533.00           11,478,796,269.00
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                           2,219,086,475.00            2,414,025,206.00

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Reporting period
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                Reporting period

                                                                                    Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                Item                                                                                                                                                                        Minority            Total owners’
                                                                                             Less:                                       General
                                            Paid-up capital (or                                          Specific
                                                                      Capital reserve       treasury                   Surplus reserve    risk         Retained profit       Others          interests             equity
                                              share capital)                                             reserve
                                                                                             stock                                       reserve

I. Balance at the end of the
                                            13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                      -             - 499,092,613.00                - -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00
previous year

  Add: change of accounting
                                                                  -                     -            -             -                 -             -                     -            -                     -                    -

  Correction         of      errors    in
                                                                  -                     -            -             -                 -             -                     -            -                     -                    -
previous periods

  Other                                                           -                     -            -             -                 -             -                     -            -                     -                    -

II. Balance at the beginning of
                                            13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                      -             - 499,092,613.00                - -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00
the year

III. Increase/ decrease of amount
                                                                  -     13,007,430.00                -             -                 -             -   -786,882,196.00 1,066,762.00 -292,024,353.00 -1,064,832,357.00
in the year (―-‖ means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                                  -                     -            -             -                 -             -   -786,882,196.00                    -290,224,484.00 -1,077,106,680.00

  (II)Other           comprehensive
                                                                  -     13,007,430.00                -             -                 -             -                     - 1,066,762.00            131.00        14,074,323.00

 Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                      --       13,007,430.00                -             -                 -             -   -786,882,196.00 1,066,762.00 -290,224,353.00 -1,063,032,357.00

  (III)    Capital        paid   in   and
                                                           0.00                   0.00          0.00         0.00                0.00       0.00                   0.00            0.00                  0.00               0.00
reduced by owners

                                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

     1. Capital paid in by owners        -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners’          -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -

     3. Others                           -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -

  (IV)Profit distribution             0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00        0.00   -1,800,000.00    -1,800,000.00

     1. Appropriations to surplus
                                         -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -

     2. Appropriations to general
                                         -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -
risk provisions

     3. Appropriations to owners
                                         -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -   -1,800,000.00    -1,800,000.00
(or shareholders)

     4. Other                            -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
                                      0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00        0.00           0.00             0.00
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital          -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus          -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -

     3.    Surplus   reserves   for
                                         -      -      -      -           -      -               -           -               -                -
making up losses

                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

     4. Other                                      -                 -   -   -              -   -                -             -                -                  -

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                              -                 -   -   -              -   -                -             -                -              0.00

     1. Withdrawn for the period                   -                 -   -   -              -   -                -             -                -                  -

     2. Used in the period                         -                 -   -   -              -   -                -             -                -                  -

(Ⅶ) Other                                         -                 -   -   -              -   -                -             -                -                  -

IV. Closing balance                13,521,542,341.00 15,315,956,376.00   -   - 499,092,613.00   - -4,521,188,189.00 -2,318,881.00 9,167,567,289.00 33,980,651,549.00

                                                                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Last year
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                              Last year

                                                                               Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                   Item                                                                  Less:                                    General                                           Minority         Total owners’
                                           Paid-up capital (or                                       Specific
                                                                  Capital reserve       treasury                Surplus reserve    risk       Retained profit        Others         interests           equity
                                             share capital)                                          reserve
                                                                                         stock                                    reserve

I. Balance at the end of the previous
                                           11,267,951,951.00 17,484,354,151.00                   -          - 499,092,613.00              - -4,295,172,470.00 -1,213,199.00 9,304,795,207.00 34,259,808,253.00

  Add: retrospective adjustments due
to business combinations under the                            -                     -            -          -                 -           -                     -             -                 -                     -
same control

  Add: change of accounting policy                            -                     -            -          -                 -           -                     -             -                 -                     -

  Correction of errors in previous
                                                              -                     -            -          -                 -           -                     -             -                 -                     -

  Other                                                       -                     -            -          -                 -           -                     -             -                 -                     -

II. Balance at the beginning of the year 11,267,951,951.00 17,484,354,151.00                     -          - 499,092,613.00              - -4,295,172,470.00 -1,213,199.00 9,304,795,207.00 34,259,808,253.00

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the
                                            2,253,590,390.00 -2,181,405,205.00                   -          -                 -           -    560,866,477.00 -2,172,444.00       154,796,435.00      785,675,653.00
year (―-‖ means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                              -                     -            -          -                 -           -    560,866,477.00                 -   132,810,840.00      693,677,317.00

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                            -     72,185,185.00                -          -                 -           -                     - -2,172,444.00   -21,266,498.00       48,746,243.00

                                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                              -    72,185,185.00       -      -      -      -   560,866,477.00 -2,172,444.00   111,544,342.00   742,423,560.00

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                     0.00             0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00         0.00      4,000,000.00     4,000,000.00

     1. Capital paid in by owners                       -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -     4,000,000.00     4,000,000.00

     2. Amounts of share-based
                                                        -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -
payments recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others                                          -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -

  (IV) Profit distribution                           0.00             0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00         0.00              0.00             0.00

     1. Appropriations to surplus
                                                        -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -

     2. Appropriations to general risk
                                                        -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -

     3. Appropriations to owners (or
                                                        -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -

     4. Other                                           -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
                                         2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00         0.00              0.00             0.00
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital public       2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00

     2. New increase of capital (or
                                                        -                 -      -      -      -      -                -             -                -                -
share capital) from surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

       3. Surplus reserves for making up
                                                                  -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -                  -                    -

       4. Other                                                   -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -                  -                    -

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                                             -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -                  -                    -

       1. Withdrawn for the period                                -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -                  -                    -

       2. Used in the period                                      -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -                  -                    -

(Ⅶ) Other                                                        -                         -            -          -                   -          -                    -            -      39,252,093.00      39,252,093.00

IV. Closing balance                         13,521,542,341.00 15,302,948,946.00                          -          - 499,092,613.00               - -3,734,305,993.00 -3,385,643.00 9,459,591,642.00 35,045,483,906.00

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Reporting period
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                   Reporting period

                   Item                    Paid-up capital (or                                                   Specific                          General                         Total owners’
                                                                      Capital reserve           treasury                        Surplus reserve                  Retained profit
                                             share capital)                                                      reserve                          risk reserve                           equity

I. Balance at the end of the previous
                                           13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00                               -              - 499,092,613.00                 - -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00

  Add: change of accounting policy                            -                         -                    -              -                 -              -                 -                    -           -            -

  Correction of errors in previous
                                                              -                         -                    -              -                 -              -                 -                    -           -            -

  Other                                                       -                         -                    -              -                 -              -                 -                    -           -            -

                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

II. Balance at the beginning of the
                                              13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00      -           - 499,092,613.00       - -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in
                                                              -    13,007,430.00       -           -              -       -    -390,210.00     12,617,220.00
the year (―-‖ means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -    -390,210.00       -390,210.00

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                            -    13,007,430.00       -           -              -       -               -    13,007,430.00

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                    -    13,007,430.00       -           -              -       -    -390,210.00     12,617,220.00

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                           0.00              0.00   0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00           0.00              0.00

       1. Capital paid in by owners                           -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       2.   Amounts    of     share-based
payments      recognized     in    owners’                   -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       3. Others                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

  (IV) Profit distribution                                 0.00              0.00   0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00           0.00              0.00

       1.   Appropriations    to   surplus
                                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       2. Appropriations to general risk
                                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       3. Appropriations to owners (or
                                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       4. Other                                               -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

                                                                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

  (V)      Internal     carry-forward   of
                                                           0.00                 0.00           0.00             0.00              0.00           0.00               0.00               0.00
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital public                              -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

     2. New increase of capital (or
                                                                -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -
share capital) from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for making up
                                                                -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

     4. Other                                                   -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                                           -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

     1. Withdrawn for the period                                -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

     2. Used in the period                                      -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

(Ⅶ) Other                                                      -                     -              -              -                 -              -                 -                    -       -            -

IV. Closing balance                          13,521,542,341.00 15,107,600,975.00                     -              - 499,092,613.00                 - -721,257,346.00 28,406,978,583.00

Last year
                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                 Last year

                      Item                   Paid-up capital (or                                         Specific                          General                         Total owners’
                                                                    Capital reserve       treasury                      Surplus reserve                  Retained profit
                                               share capital)                                            reserve                          risk reserve                        equity

I. Balance at the end of the previous 11,267,951,951.00 17,297,265,248.00                            -              - 499,092,613.00                 - -535,799,077.00 28,528,510,735.00

                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


  Add: change of accounting policy                            -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

  Correction of errors in previous
                                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

  Other                                                       -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

II. Balance at the beginning of the year 11,267,951,951.00 17,297,265,248.00           -           - 499,092,613.00       - -535,799,077.00 28,528,510,735.00

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the
                                               2,253,590,390.00 -2,202,671,703.00      -           -              -       - -185,068,059.00   -134,149,372.00
year (―-‖ means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                              -                 -      -           -              -       - -185,068,059.00   -185,068,059.00

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes                            -    50,918,687.00       -           -              -       -               -    50,918,687.00

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                    -    50,918,687.00       -           -              -       - -185,068,059.00   -134,149,372.00

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                           0.00             0.00    0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00           0.00               0.00

       1. Capital paid in by owners                           -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       2.   Amounts     of     share-based
payments      recognized      in    owners’                  -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       3. Others                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

  (IV) Profit distribution                                 0.00             0.00    0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00           0.00               0.00

       1.   Appropriations     to   surplus
                                                              -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

       2. Appropriations to general risk                      -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


     3. Appropriations to owners (or
                                                            -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

     4. Other                                               -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

  (V)      Internal   carry-forward    of
                                             2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00   0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00           0.00              0.00
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital (or
share capital) from capital public 2,253,590,390.00 -2,253,590,390.00                -           -              -       -               -                 -

     2. New increase of capital (or
                                                            -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -
share capital) from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for making up
                                                            -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

     4. Other                                               -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve                                       -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

     1. Withdrawn for the period                            -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

     2. Used in the period                                  -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

(Ⅶ) Other                                                  -                 -      -           -              -       -               -                 -      -          -

IV. Closing balance                         13,521,542,341.00 15,094,593,545.00      -           - 499,092,613.00       - -720,867,136.00 28,394,361,363.00

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 (III) Company profile

BOE Technology Group Company Limited (the ―Company‖) is a company limited by shares
established on 9 April 1993 at Beijing, with its head office located in Beijing. The parent of the
Company is Beijing Electronic Tube Factory (after ―debt-equity swap‖ restructuring converted to
―Beijing Orient Investment and Development Company Limited‖ (―BOID‖)). The Company’s
ultimate holding company is Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. (―Electronics Holdings‖).

The Company was established with the approval of the Office of Economic Restructuring of
Beijing Municipality JTGBZ [1992] No. 22, founded by the former Beijing Electronic Tube
Factory as the main promoter by way of directional stock flotation. The former Beijing Electronic
Tube Factory transferred its related assets and liabilities to the Company. Such assets and
liabilities had been valued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
The Company used the revaluation amount as the initial value for Company’s accounting records.

As approved by the State Council Securities Commission through document ZWF [1997] No. 32,
the Company issued 115,000,000 B shares on 19 May 1997 at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with
a face value of RMB 1.00 each, getting listed on 10 June 1997 at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
As approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (―CSRC‖) through document
ZJGSZ [2000] No. 197, the Company issued 60,000,000 ordinary shares denominated in
Renminbi on 23 November 2000 at Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with a face value of RMB 1.00
each, getting listed on 12 January 2001 at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

As approved by the CSRC through document ZJFXZ [2004] No. 2, ―The Notice on approving
BOE Technology Group Company Limited’s Further Share Offering‖, the Company additionally
issued 316,400,000 B shares on 16 Jan 2004, with a face value of RMB 1.00 each and issuing
value of HKD 6.32, which raised capital amounting to HKD 1,999,648,000. After accounting for
all the relevant issuance fees, the B shares further offering raised capital of HKD 1,922,072,431
(RMB 2,048,160,383), with total share capital increasing to RMB 975,864,800.

Pursuant to the resolution approved by the 2003 Annual General Meeting held on 28 May 2004,
the Company implemented its plan of transferring capital reserve into share capital at the rate of
―5 shares for every 10 shares‖ to all shareholders in June 2004. Upon the completion of the
transfer, the Company’s total share capital increased to RMB 1,463,797,200.

Pursuant to the resolution passed by the 2005 First Special Shareholders’ General Meeting held on
5 July 2005, based on the total share capital of 1,463,797,200 shares as at 31 December 2004, the
Company transferred capital reserve into share capital at the rate of ―5 shares for every 10 share‖
to all shareholders on 19 July 2005. Upon completion of the transfer, the Company’s total share
capital increased to RMB 2,195,695,800.

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

In accordance with ―The Approval Notice on BOE’s State-owned Share Reform Plan‖ issued by
Stated-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Beijing Municipality
(JGZCQZ [2005] No. 119), the Company implemented its state-owned share reform plan agreed
by the shareholders on 24 November 2005. According to the plan, those registered tradable
RMB-denominated ordinary share shareholders on 29 November 2005 would receive 4.2 shares
for every 10 listed shares. This had contributed to the change in percentage of tradable and
non-tradable shares of the Company.

Pursuant to the 21st Session of the Forth Board of Directors and the Special Shareholders’ General
Meeting held on 18 April 2006 and 19 May 2006 respectively, and the approval from the CSRC
through document ZJFXZ [2006] No. 36, the Company issued 675,872,095 non-public targeted
ordinary shares (A shares) with face value of RMB 1. On 9 October 2006, the Company
completed shares registration and escrow in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited Shenzhen branch. Upon completion of the issuance, the Company’s total share capital
increased to RMB 2,871,567,895.

Pursuant to the Third Session of the Fifth Board of Directors and the 2007 Forth Special
Shareholders’ General Meeting held on 29 August 2007 and 26 September 2007 respectively, and
the approval from the CSRC through document ZJFXZ [2008] No. 587, the Company issued
411,334,552 non-public targeted RMB-denominated ordinary share with a face value of RMB 1.
On 16 July 2008, the Company completed shares registration and escrow in China Securities
Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen branch. Upon completion of the issuance,
the Company’s total share capital increased to RMB 3,282,902,447.

Pursuant to the 17th Session of the Fifth Board of Directors and the 2008 Second Special General
Meeting held on 7 November 2008 and 25 November 2008 respectively, and approval from the
CSRC through document ZJFXZ [2009] No. 369, the Company issued 5,000,000,000 non-public
targeted RMB-denominated ordinary share with a face value of RMB 1. On 4 June 2009, the
Company completed shares registration and escrow in China Securities Depository and Clearing
Corporation Limited Shenzhen branch. Upon completion of the issuance, the Company’s total
share capital increased to RMB 8,282,902,447. The Company revised its Articles of Association
on June 2009, and obtained the renewed the business license as legal person with No.
110000005012597 on 7 August 2009.

Pursuant to the Second Session of the Sixth Board of Directors and the 2010 Second Special
Shareholders’ General Meeting held on 21 Jul. 2010 as well as approval from the CSRC through
document ZJFXZ [2010]1324 No. 1324, the Company issued 2,985,049,504 non-public targeted
RMB-denominated ordinary share with a face value of RMB 1. On 7 Dec. 2010, the Company
completed shares registration and escrow in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited Shenzhen branch. Upon completion of the issuance, the Company’s total share capital
increased to RMB 11,267,951,951.

Pursuant to the Eighth Session of the Sixth Board of Directors held on 22 Apr. 2011 and the 2010
Shareholders’ General Meeting held on 30 May 2011, basing on the total share capital of
11,267,951,951 up to 31 Dec. 2010, the Company implemented its plan of transferring capital
reserve into share capital at the rate of ―2 shares for every 10 shares‖ to all shareholders in Jun.

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2011. Upon the completion of the transfer, the Company’s total share capital increased to RMB

The Company and its subsidiaries (―the Group‖) comprise four main business segments on a
worldwide basis: TFT-LCD business, display light source products business, display system
products business and other business. Other business includes precision parts and materials
business, PV business and office property lease business, etc.

(Ⅳ) Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of prior
accounting errors

1. Basis for preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of going concern.

2. Statement of compliance with Corporate Accounting Standards

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of ―Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises—Basic Standard‖ and 38 Specific Standards issued by the
Ministry of Finance (MOF) on 15 February 2006, and application guidance, bulletins and other
relevant accounting regulations issued subsequently (collectively referred to as ―Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises‖ or ―CAS‖). These financial statements present truly and
completely the consolidated financial position and financial position as of 30 Jun. 2012, the
consolidated results of operations and results of operations and the consolidated cash flows and
cash flows in the first half year of 2012 of the Company. These financial statements also comply
with the disclosure requirements of ―Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of
Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General Requirements for Financial Reports‖ as revised
by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as ―CSRC‖) in 2010.

3. Accounting period

The accounting year of the Group is from 1 January to 31 December.

4. Functional currency

The Company’s functional currency is renminbi. These financial statements are presented in
renminbi. The basis of choosing the functional currency for the Company and its subsidiaries is
that it’s the pricing and settlement currency for the main business. The Company translates the
financial statements of subsidiaries from their respective functional currencies into renminbi if the
subsidiaries’ functional currencies are not renminbi.
Functional currency of overseas subsidiaries:
The overseas subsidiaries adopt the currency in its main operating environment as the functional
currency, and then translate the financial statements from their respective functional currencies
into renminbi while preparing the financial statements.

                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

5. Accounting treatments for a business combination involving entities under and those not
under common control

(1) Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in
which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
before and after the business combination, and that control is not transitory. The assets and
liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being
combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value
of shares issued) is adjusted to share premium in the capital reserve. If the balance of share
premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Other direct expenses occur
when the Group conducting business combinations is recognised in current profit and loss. The
combination date is the date on which one combining enterprise effectively obtains control of the
other combining enterprises.

(2) Business combinations involving entities not under common control
A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business combination in
which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
before and after the business combination. When the Group acts as the combination party, the cost
of a business combination paid by the acquirer is the aggregate of the fair value at the acquisition
date of assets given (including share equity of the acquiree held before the combination date),
liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. Any excess of the cost
of a business combination over the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable
net assets is recognised as goodwill, while any excess of the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of
the acquiree’s identifiable net assets over the cost of a business combination is recognised in profit
or loss. The cost of equity securities or liability securities as on combination consideration offering
is recognised in initial recording capital on equity securities or liability securities. Other direct
expenses occur when the Group conducting business combinations is recognised in current profit
and loss. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the assets given is
recognised in profit or loss. The Group, at the acquisition date, recognized the acquiree’s
identifiable asset, liabilities and contingent liabilities at their fair value at that date. The acquisition
date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.

6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the base of control, which
comprise the Company and its subsidiaries. Control is the power to govern the financial and
operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its operating activities. The financial
status, operating results and cash flow of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial
statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business combination
involving entities under common control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in
the consolidated financial statements as if the combination had occurred at the date that common
control was established. Therefore the opening balances and the comparative figures of the
consolidated financial statements are restated. In the preparation of the consolidated financial
statements, the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities and results of operations are included in the
consolidated balance sheet based on their carrying amounts; while results of operations are
included in the consolidated income statement, from the date that common control was

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business combination

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

involving entities not under common control, when prepared the consolidated financial statements,
the Company shall included the acquired subsidiaries into the consolidated scope from the
acquisition date basing on the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities at the acquisition date.

Where a business combination involving entities not under common control was realized through
two or more transactions and by several steps, for equity held by acquiree before the acquisition
date, the Group will re-account the equity according to fair value at the acquisition date and the
difference between the fair value and its carrying value is recognized as investment income. If the
said equity is involving in other comprehensive income, other relevant comprehensive income is
transferred into investment income at the acquisition date.

Where the Company acquires a minority interest from a subsidiary’s minority shareholders or
disposes of a portion of an interest in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference
between the amount by which the minority interests are adjusted and the amount of the
consideration paid or received is adjusted to the capital reserve (share premium) in the
consolidated balance sheet. If the credit balance of capital reserve (share premium) is insufficient,
any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

Where the control of former subsidiary was lost for disposal of part of equity investment or other
reasons, the Group terminated to recognize the assets, liabilities, minority interest and other items
of equities relevant to the subsidiary. As for remaining equity investment after disposal, the Group
will re-account it according to the fair value at the date the control was lost. Any profit or loss
occurred shall be recorded into the investment income during the period of losing control right.
Equity, profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders is presented separately under the item of
shareholders’ equity in consolidated income statement and the net profits in the consolidated
income statement.

If current loss shoulder by minority shareholders of a subsidy over the proportion enjoyed by
minority shareholders in a subsidy at owners’ equity at period-begin, its balance still offset
minority shareholders’ equity.

When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the
Company, the Company makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary
based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting policies. Intra-group balances and
transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated
in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealized losses resulting from intra-group
transactions are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains but only to the extent that there is
no evidence of impairment.

(2) As for the event about purchasing and then selling (or selling and then purchasing) equities of
the same subsidiary, the Company shall disclose relevant accounting treatment methods.

7. Standards in recognizing cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, demand deposits, and short-term, highly liquid
investments, which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and are subject to an
insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency and accounting method for foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency business
When the Group receives capital in foreign currencies from investors, the capital is translated to

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the date of the receipt. Other foreign currency transactions
are, on initial recognition, translated to renminbi at the spot exchange rates at the dates of the

A spot exchange rate is an exchange rate quoted by the People’s Bank of China, the State
Administration of Foreign Exchanges or a cross rate determined based on quoted exchange rates.
A rate that approximates the spot exchange rate is a rate determined under a systematic and
rational method, normally the average exchange rate of the current period or the weighted average
exchange rate.

Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to renminbi at the spot exchange
rate at the balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences are recognised in profit or loss,
except those arising from the principals and interests on foreign currency borrowings specifically
for the purpose of acquisition, construction of qualifying assets. Non-monetary items denominated
in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated to renminbi using the
foreign exchange rate at the transaction date. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rate at the date
the fair value is determined; the exchange differences, if it’s the difference arising from the
non-monetary item of available-for-sale financial assets, which shall be considered as other
comprehensive income and recognised in capital reserve; other differences shall be recognised in
current profit or loss.

(2) Translations of financial statements in foreign currencies
The assets and liabilities of foreign operation are translated to renminbi at the spot exchange rate
at the balance sheet date. The equity items, excluding ―Retained earning‖, are translated to
renminbi at the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. The income and expenses of foreign
operation are translated to renminbi at rates that approximate the spot exchange rates at the
transaction dates. The resulting exchange differences are recognised in a separate component of
equity. Upon disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of the exchange differences
recognised in equity which relates to that foreign operation is transferred to profit or loss in the
period in which the disposal occurs.

9. Financial instruments

(1) Category of financial instruments
Financial instruments comprise monetary funds, bonds investment, equity investment other than
long-term equity investment (see Note VIII (IV) 12), receivables, payables, borrowings and share
capital, etc..

(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the balance sheet when the Group becomes a
party to the contractual provisions of a financial instrument.

The Group classifies financial assets and liabilities into different categories at initial recognition
based on the purpose of acquiring assets or assuming liabilities: financial assets and financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments,
available-for-sale financial assets and other financial liabilities.

Financial assets and liabilities are measured initially at fair value. For financial assets and
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, any directly attributable transaction costs are charged
to profit or loss; for other categories of financial assets and financial liabilities, any attributed
transaction costs are included in their initial costs. Subsequent to initial recognition financial
assets and liabilities are measured as follows:

– Financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (including financial
assets or financial liabilities held for trading)

                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

A financial asset or financial liability held by the Group is classified as at fair value through profit
or loss if it is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the
near term or if it is a derivative.

Subsequent to initial recognition, financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss are measured at fair value, and changes therein are recognised in profit or loss.

– Receivables

Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not
quoted in an active market.

Subsequent to initial recognition, receivables are subsequently stated at amortized cost using the
effective interest method.

– Held-to-maturity investments

Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
payments and fixed maturity that the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold to

Subsequent to initial recognition, held-to-maturity investments are stated at amortized cost using
the effective interest method.

– Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets include non-derivative financial assets that are designated upon
initial recognition as available for sale and other financial assets which do not fall into any of the
above categories.

As for the available-for-sale financial assets whose fair value cannot be reliably measured is
measured at cost subsequent to initial recognition; except that, subsequent to initial recognition,
other available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and changes therein, except for
impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses from monetary financial assets, which
are recognised directly in profit or loss, are considered as other comprehensive income to be
recognised directly in capital reserves. When an investment is derecognised, the cumulative gain
or loss in equity is removed from equity and recognised in profit or loss. Dividend income from
these equity instruments is recognised in profit or loss when the investee declares the dividends.
Interest on available-for-sale financial assets calculated using the effective interest method is
recognised in profit or loss.

– Other financial liabilities

Financial liabilities other than the financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are
classified as other financial liabilities.

Other financial liabilities include the liabilities arising from financial guarantee contracts.
Financial guarantees are contracts that require the issuer (i.e. the guarantor) to make specified
payments to reimburse the beneficiary of the guarantee (the holder) for a loss the holder incurs
because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due, in accordance with the terms of a debt
instrument. Where the Group issues a financial guarantee, subsequent to initial recognition, the
guarantee is measured at the higher of the amount initially recognised less accumulated
amortisation and the amount of a provision determined in accordance with the principles of
contingent liabilities.

Except for the liabilities arising from financial guarantee contracts described above, subsequent to

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

initial recognition, other financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective
interest method.

(3) Recognition and accounting method for transfer of financial assets
A financial asset is derecognised if the Group’s contractual rights to the cash flows from the
financial asset expire or if the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset to another party.
Where a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety meets the criteria of the derecognition, the
difference between the two amounts below is recognised in profit or loss:

– carrying amount of the financial asset transferred
– the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that has
been recognised directly in equity.

(4) Derecognition conditions of financial liabilities
The Group derecognises a financial liability (or part of it) only when the underlying present
obligation (or part of it) is discharged.

(5) Recognition method for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
As for a financial asset or financial liability with an active market, the Company determined its
fair value by the quoted price in the active market.
If no active market exists for a financial instrument, a valuation technique is used to establish the
fair value. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between
knowledgeable, willing parties; reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is
substantially the same; or discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models. The Group
calibrates its valuation technique and tests it for validity periodically.

(6) Withdrawal of impairment provision for financial assets (excluding accounts receivable)
The carrying amounts of financial assets (other than those at fair value through profit or loss) are
reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is objective evidence of

Objective evidence of impairment includes but not is limited to the followings:

(a) A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
(b) The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the
payment of interests or the principal, etc.;
(c) The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;
(d) The financial asset can no longer continue to be traded in the active market due to serious
financial difficulties of the issuer;
(e) Any seriously disadvantageous change has occurred to technical, market, economic or legal
environment, etc. wherein the issuer of instruments operates its business, which makes the
investor of an equity instrument unable to take back its investment;
(f) Where the fair value of the equity instrument investment drops significantly or not

– Held-to-maturity investments

Held-to-maturity investments are assessed for impairment on an individual basis. An impairment
loss in respect of a held-to-maturity investment is calculated as the excess of its carrying amount
over the present value of the estimated future cash flows (exclusive of future credit losses that
have not been incurred) discounted at the original effective interest rate. All impairment losses are
recognised in profit or loss.

If, after an impairment loss has been recognised on held-to-maturity investments, there is
objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial asset which can be related objectively to
an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

loss is reversed through profit or loss. The reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than
the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption
that no provision is made for the impairment.

– Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are assessed for impairment on an individual basis. When an
available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from a decline in fair
value that has been recognised directly in equity is removed from equity and recognised in profit
or loss even though the financial asset has not been derecognised.

If, after an impairment loss has been recognised on an available-for-sale debt instrument, the fair
value of the debt instrument increases in a subsequent period and the increase can be objectively
related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised, the impairment loss is
reversed through profit or loss. An impairment loss recognised for an investment in an equity
instrument classified as available-for-sale is not reversed through profit or loss.

(7) As for event about reclassifying the undue held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale
financial assets, the Company shall state the basis of changes in holding purpose or ability

10. Recognition criteria and withdrawal methods for bad debts provision of accounts

Receivables are assessed for impairment both on an individual basis and on a collective group

Where impairment is assessed on an individual basis, an impairment loss in respect of a receivable
is calculated as the excess of its carrying amount over the present value of the estimated future
cash flows (exclusive of future credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the original
effective interest rate. All impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss.

The assessment is made collectively where receivables share similar credit risk characteristics
(including those having not been individually assessed as impaired), based on their historical loss
experiences, and adjusted by the observable figures reflecting present economic conditions.

If, after an impairment loss has been recognised on receivables, there is objective evidence of a
recovery in value of the financial asset which can be related objectively to an event occurring after
the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed through
profit or loss. The reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs
of the said financial asset on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for
the impairment.
(1) Bad debt provision for individually significant accounts receivable
Judgement basis or monetary standards of
provision for bad debts of the individually 5% of the balance of such account
significant accounts receivable
                                                 On balance sheet day, the impairment test is
                                                 carried on individually for the individually
Method of individual provision for bad debts of
                                                 significant receivables; if it is impaired after the
the individually significant accounts receivable
                                                 impairment test, the Company provides
                                                 provision for impairment loss for the amount

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                      which is measured as the difference between
                                                      the asset's carrying amount and the present
                                                      value of estimated future cash flows, and
                                                      withdraws relevant bad debt provision.

(2) Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis
                                 Withdrawal method of
        Name of group            bad debt provision on            Recognition basis of group
                                    the group basis
Other current account          Other method                With the same credit risk characteristics
In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision

is made individually
Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt provision:
It refers to the receivables with the closing individual amount not reaching the monetary standards
for the above said ―accounts receivable with significant amount‖. On balance sheet day, the
impairment test is carried on individually for the individually insignificant receivables; if it is
impaired after the impairment test, the Company provides provision for impairment loss for the
amount which is measured as the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present
value of estimated future cash flows, and withdraws relevant bad debt provision.
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision:
The Company provides provision for impairment loss for the amount which is measured as the
difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash
flows, and withdraws relevant bad debt provision.

11. Inventories

(1) Classification

Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and reusable materials.
Reusable materials include low-value consumables, packaging materials and other materials,
which can be used repeatedly but do not meet the definition of fixed assets.

(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories
□ First-in first-out method √ Weighted average method □ Specific identification method □ Other

Cost of inventories is calculated using the weighted average method.

(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation reserves for
Inventories are initially measured by the cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase,
costs of conversion and other costs. Inventories are initially measured at their actual cost. In

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

addition to the purchasing cost of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods include
direct labor costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads.

On the balance sheet day, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realizable value.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the normal course of business less the
estimated costs to completion and the estimated expenses and related taxes necessary to make the
sale. The net realizable value of materials held for use in the production of inventories is measured
based on the net realizable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The net
realizable value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is based on
the contract price. If the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts are less than the
quantities held by the Group, the net realizable value of the excess portion of inventories shall be
based on general selling prices.

Any excess of the cost over the net realizable value of each class of inventories is recognised as a
provision for diminution in the value of inventories, and then recorded into current profit or loss.

(4) Inventory system for inventories:
√ Perpetual inventory system □ Periodic inventory system □ Other

The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
Low-value consumption goods
Amortisation method: one-off amortization method
The low-value consumption goods adopt one-off amortization method, and recorded into the costs
or current profit or loss of relevant assets.
Packing articles
Amortisation method: one-off amortization method
The packing articles adopt one-off amortization method, and recorded into the costs or current
profit or loss of relevant assets.

12. Long-term equity investments

(1) Recognition of initial investment cost

(a) Long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination

– The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment obtained through a business
combination involving entities under common control is the Company’s share of the subsidiary’s
equity at the combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying
amounts of the consideration given is adjusted to share premium in capital reserve. If the balance
of the share premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

– For other long-term equity investment obtained through entities not under common control, the
fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets given, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the
equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree shall be
recognized as initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. For long-term equity
investment obtained through a business combination involving entities not under common control
by two or more transactions and by several steps, the initial investment cost is recognized as the
aggregation of the carrying value of acquirees’ equity investment before the acquisition date held
by the Company and newly investment cost at the acquisition date.

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(b) Long-term equity investments acquired otherwise than through a business combination

– An investment in a subsidiary acquired otherwise than through a business combination is
initially recognised at initial investment cost if the Group acquires the investment by cash, or at
the fair value of the equity securities issued if an investment is acquired by issuing equity
securities, or at the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement if an investment is
contributed by shareholders.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits or losses

(a) Investments in subsidiaries

In the Company’s financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost
method. Cash dividends or profit distributions declared by subsidiaries and attributed to the
Company shall be recognised as investment income, without dividing whether it’s the net profit
realized by the investee before the investment or after the investment, except those that have been
declared but unpaid at the time of acquisition and therefore included in the price paid or
consideration. The investments are stated at cost less impairment losses in the balance sheet.

In the Group’s consolidated financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are accounted for in
accordance with the principles described in Note VIII (IV) 6.

(b) Investment in jointly controlled enterprises and associates

A jointly controlled enterprise is an enterprise which operates under joint control (see Note VIII
(IV) 12 (3)) in accordance with a contractual agreement between the Group and other parties.

An associate is an enterprise over which the Group has significant influence (see Note VIII (IV)
12 (3)).

Upon the subsequent measurement, an investment in a jointly controlled enterprise or an associate
is accounted for using the equity method, unless the investment is classified as held for sale.

The Group makes the following accounting treatments when using the equity method:

– Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interest
in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition, the investment is
initially recognised at the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than
the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of
acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the investor’s share of the fair value of the
investee’s identifiable net assets, and the difference is charged to profit or loss.

– After the acquisition of the investment, the Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net
profits or losses after deducting the amortisation of the debit balance of equity investment
difference, which was recognised by the Group before the first-time adoption of CAS, as
investment income or losses, and adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The
debit balance of the equity investment difference is amortized using the straight-line method over
a period which is determined in accordance with previous accounting standards. Once the
investee declares any cash dividends or profits distributions, the carrying amount of the
investment is reduced by that attributable to the Group.

The Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits or losses after making appropriate
adjustments to align the accounting policies or accounting periods with those of the Group based
on the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Unrealised
profits and losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its associates or jointly
controlled enterprises are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates or
jointly controlled enterprises. Unrealised losses resulting from transactions between the Group

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

and its associates or jointly controlled enterprises are eliminated in the same way as unrealised
gains but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

– The Group discontinues recognising its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment and any long-term interest that in substance forms part
of the Group’s net investment in the associate or the jointly controlled enterprise is reduced to zero,
except to the extent that the Group has an obligation to assume additional losses. Where net profits
are subsequently made by the associate or jointly controlled enterprise, the Group resumes
recognising its share of those profits only after its share of the profits equals the share of losses not

(3) The basis for determination of joint control or significant influence over investee enterprise
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an investee’s economic activity,
and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require
the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the control. The following evidences shall be
considered when determining whether the Group can exercise joint control over an investee:

● no single venturer is in a position to control the operating activities unilaterally;
●operating decisions relating to the investee’s economic activity require the unanimous consent of
the parties sharing control;
● if the parties sharing control appoint one venturer as the operator or manager of the joint venture
through the contractual arrangement, the operator must act within the financial and operating
policies that have been agreed by the venturers in accordance with the contractual arrangement.

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of
an investee but is not control or joint control over those policies. The following one or more
evidences shall be considered when determining whether the Group can exercise significant
influence over an investee:

 representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee;
 participation in policy-making processes, including participation in decisions about dividends
or other distributions;
 material transactions between the investor and the investee;
 interchange of managerial personnel; or
 provision of essential technical information.

(4) Impairment test and method of provision for impairment loss
If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is
estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of
its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is
the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly
relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash
inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors
the Group’s operations and how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of
the Group’s assets.

An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in
an arm’s length transaction, less the costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future
cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal,
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the
time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an
asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable

                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the
 current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly. For
 impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying
 amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the
 carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
 However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
 individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash
 flows (if determinable) and zero.

 Once an impairment loss is recognised, its is not reserved in a subsequent period.

 For other long-term equity investments, the carrying amount is required to be tested for
 impairment at the balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the investments may be
 impaired, the impairment shall be assessed on an individual basis. The impairment loss is
 measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of the investment exceeds the present value
 of estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial
 asset. Such impairment losses are not reversed. The other long-term equity investments are
 stated at cost less impairment losses in the balance sheet.

 13. Investment property

 An investment property is a property held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation
 or both. Investment property is accounted for using the cost model and stated in the balance sheet
 at cost less accumulated depreciation, amortisation and impairment loss. Investment property is
 depreciated or amortized using the straight-line method over its estimated useful life, unless the
 investment property is classified as held for sale (see Note VIII (IV) 29).
 The useful lives and estimated residual values as well as annual depreciation rate of each class of
 investment property are as follows:

                                     Useful life          Residual value          Annual
                                      (years)                rate (%)         depreciation rate

Buildings                             25 -35 years               3%-10%             2.6%-3.9%
Land use rights                       32 -50 years                   0%               2%-3.1%
 If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is
 estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of
 its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is
 the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
 the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly
 relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash
 inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
 or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors
 the Group’s operations and how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of
 the Group’s assets.

 An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in
 an arm’s length transaction, less the costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
 The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future
 cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal,
 to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the
 time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

 If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an
 asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable
 amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the

                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly. For
impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the
carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash
flows (if determinable) and zero.

Once an impairment loss is recognised, its is not reserved in a subsequent period.

14. Fixed assets

(1)Recognized standard of fixed assets

Fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Group for use in the production of goods or
supply of services for rental to others or for operation and administrative purposes with useful
lives over one year.

The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, related taxes, and any directly
attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use. The cost
of self-constructed assets is measured in accordance with the policy set out in Note VIII (IV) 15.

Where parts of an item of fixed assets have different useful lives or provide benefits to the Group
in different patterns thus necessitating use of different depreciation rates or methods, each part is
recognised as a separate fixed asset.

The subsequent costs, including the cost of replacing part of an item of fixed assets, are recognised
in the carrying amount of the item if the recognition criteria are satisfied, and the carrying amount
of the replaced part is derecognised. The costs of the day-to-day servicing of fixed assets are
recognised in profit or loss as incurred.

Fixed assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment

(2) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease

(3) Depreciation methods of fixed assets
Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives, unless
the fixed asset is classified as held for sale (see note VIII (IV) 29).

The useful lives and estimated residual values as well as annual depreciation rate of each kind of
fixed assets are as follows:
     Category of fixed assets     Useful life (Y)       Estimated residual values (%)       Annual deprecation rate

Housing and building                    20-40 years                          3%-10%                        2.3%-4.9%
Machinery equipments                     3-15 years                            0-10%                       6%-33.3%
Electronic equipments and other                     -                                   -                          -
Transportation vehicle                              -                                   -                          -
Other equipments                         2-10 years                            0-10%                        9%-50%
Fixed assets acquired under
                                        --                           --                               --
finance lease:

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Of which: housing and building                    -                              -                      -
Machinery equipments                              -                              -                      -
Electronic equipments and other                   -                              -                      -
Transportation vehicle                            -                              -                      -
Other equipments                                  -                              -                      -

(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on fixed
If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is
estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of
its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is
the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly
relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash
inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors
the Group’s operations and how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of
the Group’s assets.

An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in
an arm’s length transaction, less the costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future
cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal,
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the
time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an
asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable
amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the
current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly. For
impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the
carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash
flows (if determinable) and zero.

Once an impairment loss is recognised, its is not reserved in a subsequent period.

(5) Other explanations

15. Construction in progress

(1) Categories of construction in progress
The enterprise’s self-constructed fixed asset includes self construction and contract construction.

(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in progress into fixed asset
The construction in progress has been finished and reached the expected conditions for use.

(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in
If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is
estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is
the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly
relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash
inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors
the Group’s operations and how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of
the Group’s assets.

An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in
an arm’s length transaction, less the costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future
cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal,
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the
time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an
asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable
amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the
current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly. For
impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the
carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash
flows (if determinable) and zero.

Once an impairment loss is recognised, its is not reserved in a subsequent period.

16. Borrowing costs

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs

Borrowing costs of the Company incurred directly attributable to the acquisition, construction of a
qualifying asset are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
The capitalizations period is the period from the date of commencement of capitalization of
borrowing costs to the date of cessation of capitalization, excluding any period over which
capitalization is suspended.
Capitalization of borrowing costs commences when meeting the following three conditions:
expenditure for the asset is being incurred, borrowing costs are being incurred and activities of
acquisition, construction or production that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
or sale are in progress. If failed to meet any one of the condition, relevant borrowing costs shall
not be capitalized.
When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended
use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.
If each part of the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is constructed
and completed respectively, the Group shall determine the time of ceasing capitalization of the
borrowing costs according to different situation.
Where each part of a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is completed
separately and is ready for use or sale during the continuing construction of other parts, and if the
acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare this part of the
asset for the intended use or sale have already been completed substantially, the capitalization of
the borrowing costs in relation to this part of asset shall be ceased. Because such part of asset has
reached the expected condition of use or sale.

                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Period for suspending capitalization of borrowing costs
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended.

(4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs
(a) As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of
the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of
interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary
(b) Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount
of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of
the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization
rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in
light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
(c) During the period of capitalization, the amount of interest capitalized during each accounting
period shall not exceed the amount of interest actually incurred to the relevant borrowings in the
current period.
When the Group determines the to-be-capitalized amount of interests (including the amortization
of discounts or premiums) in each accounting period, it shall firstly judge the funds source
occupied by the assets eligible for capitalization during the process of acquisition, construction
and production. If the occupied funds are specifically borrowed loan, the to-be-capitalized amount
of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan
in each accounting period. If the Group gained the income of interests earned on the unused
borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment, it shall minus the relevant
interest income or investment income from the to-be-capitalized amount, so as to reflect the actual
costs of assets eligible for capitalization.

17. Biological assets


18. Oil gas assets


19. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
Intangible assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated amortisation (where the
estimated useful life is finite) and impairment losses (see note II.20). For an intangible asset with
finite useful life, its cost less residual value and impairment loss is amortised on the straight-line
method over its estimated useful life, unless the intangible asset is classified as held for sale.
(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life.
For an intangible asset with finite useful life, its cost less residual value and impairment loss is
amortised on the straight-line method over its estimated useful life, unless the intangible asset is
classified as held for sale.
         Item           Estimated useful life                                  Basis
Land use rights      40-50 years                Period stipulated by the Land Use Right Certificate

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                           Period agreed in the contract or estimated to bring economic
Special technology   9-20 years
                                           benefits for the Company
                                           Period agreed in the contract or estimated to bring economic
Computer software    3-10 years
                                           benefits for the Company
                                           Period agreed in the contract or estimated to bring economic
Patent and others    5-10 years
                                           benefits for the Company

(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets with uncertain useful life
An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life and is not amortised when there
is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits
for the Group. At the balance sheet date, the Group doesn’t have any intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives.

(4) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets
If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the recoverable amount of the asset is
estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of
its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is
the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of
the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly
relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash
inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets
or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors
the Group’s operations and how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of
the Group’s assets.

An asset’s fair value less costs to sell is the amount determined by the price of a sale agreement in
an arm’s length transaction, less the costs that are directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future
cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal,
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the
time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an
asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable
amount. That reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the
current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly. For
impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the
carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash
flows (if determinable) and zero.

Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reserved in a subsequent period.

(5) Criteria of dividing the research phase and development phase of internal R&D project
Research is original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new
scientific or technical knowledge and understanding. Development is the application of research
findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially
improved materials, devices, or products before the start of commercial production or use.

(6) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project
Expenditures on the research phase are recognised in profit or loss when incurred. Expenditures
on the development phase are capitalised if development costs can be measured reliably, the
product or process is technically and commercially feasible, and the Group intends to and has

                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

sufficient resources to complete development. Capitalised development costs are stated at cost
less impairment losses in the balance sheet. Other development expenditures are recognised as
expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

20. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line method within the benefit period:
      Item                                                        Amortisation period (years)
Cost of operating lease assets improvement                                 3-10 years
Cost of construction and use of public facilities                          3-40 years
Others                                                                     3-10 years

21. Assets transfer with repurchasing conditions


22. Estimated liabilities

(1) Criteria of estimated liabilities
A provision is recognised for an obligation related to a contingency if the Group has a present
obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligation.
(2) Measurement of estimated liabilities
Where the effect of time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the
expected future cash flows.

23. Share-based payment and equity instruments

 (1) Categories of share-based payment


(2) Recognition method of fair value of equity instruments


(3) Recognition basis of the best estimate of the vested equity instruments


(4) Accounting treatment relevant to implement, revise and terminate share-based payment plan


24. Repurchase of shares of the Company


                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

25. Revenue

(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from sale of goods
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefit arising in the course of the Group’s ordinary
activities when the inflows result in increase in shareholder’s equity, other than increase relating to
contributions from shareholders. Revenue is recognised in profit or loss when it is probable that
the economic benefits will flow to the Group, the revenue and costs can be measured reliably and
the following respective conditions are met:

Revenue from sale of goods is recognised when all of the general conditions stated above and
following conditions are satisfied:
–The significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been transferred to the buyer;

–The Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated
with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold.

–Revenue from the sale of goods is measured at the fair value of the considerations received or
receivable under the sales contract or agreement.

(2) Recognition basis of revenue from transferring use rights of assets
Revenue from rendering of services is measured at the fair value of the considerations received or
receivable under the contract or agreement.

(3) Recognition basis and method for the schedule of contracted project when recognizing the
revenue from providing labour services and construction contract by percentage-of-completion

26. Government grants

(1) Types
Government grants consist of the government grants pertinent to assets and government grants
pertinent to income.
(2) Accounting treatment method
A government grant related to an asset is recognised initially as deferred income and amortised to
profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset. A grant that compensates the
Group for expenses to be incurred in the subsequent periods is recognised initially as deferred
income and recognised in profit or loss in the same periods in which the expenses are recognised.
A grant that compensates the Group for expenses incurred is recognised in profit or loss

27. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
The Group use the balance sheet liability method to calculate its income tax, which is recognized
in accordance with a difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax
base (temporary difference). For any deductible loss that can be carried forward to the next year to
deduct the income tax according to the stipulations of tax law, relevant deferred income tax assets
shall be recognized.
The deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of taxable income
to be offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

For the deductible temporary difference relating to the investments of the subsidiary companies,
associated enterprises and joint enterprises, the enterprise shall recognize the corresponding
deferred income tax assets for those that meet the following requirements:
(a)The temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the expected future; and
(b)It is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income that may be used for deducting the
deductible temporary differences.

(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
The Group use the balance sheet liability method to calculate its income tax, which is recognized
in accordance with a difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax
base (temporary difference). As for the temporary difference from the initial recognition of
goodwill, no deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized.
The taxable temporary differences relating to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated
enterprises and joint enterprises shall recognized as corresponding deferred income tax liabilities,
however, excluding those that simultaneously satisfy the following conditions:
(a) The investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences; and
(b) The temporary differences are unlikely to reverse in the excepted future.

28. Operating lease and finance lease

(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease
(a) Operating lease charges
Rental payments under operating leases are recognised as costs or expenses on a straight-line basis
over the lease term.
(b) Assets leased out under operating leases
Fixed assets leased out under operating leases, except for investment property (see Note VIII (IV)
14 (3)), are depreciated in accordance with the Group’s depreciation policies described in Note
VIII (IV) 14 (4). Impairment losses are provided for in accordance with the accounting policy
described in Note II.20. Income derived from operating leases is recognised in the income
statement using the straight-line method over the lease term. If initial direct costs incurred in
respect of the assets leased out are material, the costs are initially capitalised and subsequently
amortised in profit or loss over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Otherwise,
the costs are charged to profit or loss immediately.

(2) Accounting treatments of finance lease
When the Group acquires an asset under a finance lease, the asset is measured at an amount equal
to the lower of its faire values and the present value of the minimum lease payments, each
determined at the inception of the lease. The minimum lease payments are recorded as long-term
payables. The difference between the value of the leased assets and the minimum lease payments
is recognised as unrecognised finance charges. Initial direct costs that are attributable to a
finance lease incurred by the Group are added to the amounts recognised for the leased asset.
Depreciation and impairment losses are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policies
described in Note VIII (IV) 14 (3) and Note VIII (IV) 14 (4), respectively.

If there is reasonable certainty that the Group will obtain ownership of a leased asset at the end of
the lease term, the leased asset is depreciated over its estimated useful life. Otherwise, the leased
asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its estimated useful life.

Unrecognised finance charge under finance lease is amortised using an effective interest method
over the lease term. The amortisation is accounted for in accordance with policies of borrowing
costs (see Note VIII (IV) 16).

At the balance sheet date, long-term payables arising from finance leases, net of the unrecognised
finance charges, are presented into long-term payables and non-current liabilities due within one
year, respectively in the balance sheet.

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

29. Assets held for sale

(1) Recognition criteria of available-for-sale assets
A non-current asset is classified as held for sale when the Group has made a decision and signed a
non-cancellable agreement on the transfer of the asset with the transferee, and the transfer is
expected to be completed within one year. Such non-current assets may be fixed assets, intangible
assets, and investment property subsequently measured using the cost model, long-term equity
investment etc. (not include financial assets and deferred income tax assets).

(2) Accounting treatments of the assets held for sale
Non-current assets held for sale are stated at the lower of carrying amount and net realisable value.
Any excess of the carrying amount over the net realisable value is recognised as impairment loss.
At balance sheet date, non-current assets held for sale are still presented under corresponding asset
classification as they were.

30. Capitalization of assets business


31. Hedging accounting


32. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates

Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

(1) Change of accounting policies

Were the main accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

(2) Change of accounting estimates

Were the main accounting estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

33. Correction of previous accounting errors

Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

(1) Retrospective restatement method

Was any previous accounting errors adopting retrospective restatement method discovered in the

                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

(2) Prospective application method

Was any previous accounting errors adopting prospective application method discovered in the
reporting period?
□Yes √ No □ Inapplicable

34. Other main accounting policies, accounting estimates as well as compilation method of
financial statements
(1) Related parties
If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant influence over another
party, or vice versa, or where two or more parties are subject to common control, joint control, or
significant influence from another party, they are considered to be related parties. Related parties
may be individuals or enterprises. Enterprises with which the Company is under common control
only from the State and that have no other related party relationships are not regarded as related
parties of the Group. Related parties of the Group and the Company include, but are not limited

(a) the Company’s parent
(b) the Company’s subsidiaries
(c) enterprises that are controlled by the Company’s parent
(d) investors that have joint control or over exercise significant influence over the Group
(e) enterprise or individuals if a party has control, joint control or significant influence over both
the enterprises or individuals and the Group
(f) joint ventures of the Group, including subsidies of joint ventures
(g) associates of the Group, including subsidies of associates
(h) principal individual investors and close family members of such individuals
(i) key management personnel of the Group and close family members of such individuals
(j) key management personnel of the Company’s parent
(k) close family members of key management personnel of the Company’s parent; and
(l) other enterprises that are jointly controlled or significantly influenced by principal individual
investors, key management personnel of the Group, and close family members of such individuals.

Besides the related parties stated above determined in accordance with the requirements of CAS,
the following enterprises and individuals are considered as (but not restricted to) related parties
based on the disclosure requirements of ―Administrative Procedures on the Information
Disclosures of Listed Companies‖ issued by the CSRC:

(m) enterprises, or persons that act in concert, that hold 5% or more of the Company’s shares
(n) individuals and close family members of such individuals who directly or indirectly hold 5%
or more of the Company’s shares
(o) enterprises that satisfy any of the aforesaid conditions in (a), (c) and (m) during the past 12
months or will satisfy them within the next 12 months pursuant to a relevant agreement
(p) individuals who satisfy any of the aforesaid conditions in (i), (j) and (n) during the past 12
months or will satisfy them within the next 12 months pursuant to a relevant agreement; and
(q) enterprises, other than the Company and subsidiaries controlled by the Company, which are
controlled directly or indirectly by an individual defined in (i), (j), (n) or (p), or in which such an
individual assumes the position of a director or senior executive.

(2) Segment reporting
Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on
the structure of the Group’s internal organization, management requirements and internal reporting
system. An operating segment is recognised when all of the following conditions have been

                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


– the component engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur
– whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions
about resource to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance; and
– for which financial information regarding financial position, results of operations and cash flows
is available.

Two or more operating segments may be aggregated into a single operating segment if the
segments have similar economic characteristics, and are similar in respect of the following

– the nature of products and services
– the nature of production processes
– the type or class of customers for the products and services
– the methods used to distribute the products or provide the services
– the nature of the regulatory environment

When the Group drafts the report of an operating segment, transaction income from operating
segments is measured at the basis of actual transaction price. Policies adopts in preparing the
report of an operating segment shall in accordance with accounting policies adopted in the
preparation of financial statements of the Group.

(Ⅴ). Taxation

1. Main types of taxes and corresponding rates
               Category of taxes                            Tax basis                             Tax rate
                                           Output VAT is calculated on product
                                           sales and taxable services revenue, based
                                           on tax laws.     The remaining balance of
VAT                                                                                      13% or 17%
                                           output    VAT,    after   subtracting   the
                                           deductible input VAT of the period, is
                                           VAT payable.
Consumption tax                            Naught                                        Naught
Business tax                               Based on taxable revenue of sales             5%
                                           Based on business tax paid and VAT
City maintenance and construction tax                                                    7%
Enterprise income tax                      Based on taxable revenue                      0-25%
The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory
The companies of the Group enjoying the preferential tax rate of enterprise income tax are as
1. The national specially supported hi-tech enterprises include: Beijing BOE Optoelectronics
Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei BOE
Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd, Suzhou BOE Chatani Electronics Co., Ltd., BOE Hyundai
LCD (Beijing) Display Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing BOE Special Display Technology Co., Ltd.,
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd., BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd., Beijing Asahi
Electron Glass Co., Ltd., Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing BOE
Multimedia Technology Co. Ltd. Their enterprise income tax rates in 2012 are all 15%.

                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2. The foreign-invested enterprises enjoying ―2-year exemption and 3-year 50% reduction‖ during
the transition period of enterprise income tax: BOE (Hebei) Mobile Technology Co., Ltd., its
enterprise income tax rate in 2012 is 12.5%.
Except the above companies enjoying the tax preference and the overseas subsidiaries enjoying
local taxes, other companies of the Group adopt a tax rate of 25%.

2. Tax preference and official documents
  1. Enterprise income tax
    Name of company enjoying the                                                Approval authority, approval document
                                        Tax rate         Basis of policy
          preferential policy                                                              No. and valid period
                                             15% According to the Order The Company obtained the certificate of
                                                   No. 63 of the Chairman of high-tech            enterprise           numbered
                                                   the People's Republic of GF201111000041 on 14 Sept. 2011,
                                                   China—the         Corporate which was entitled jointly by Beijing
  Beijing BOE                                      Income Tax Law of the Municipal              Science      &       Technology
  Optoelectronics Technology Co.,                  People’s    Republic    of Commission, Finance Bureau of Beijing,
  Ltd.                                             China (―new tax law‖) Beijing         Municipal        Office     of     State
                                                   treatment      No.       28, Administration of Taxation, and Beijing
                                                   corporate income tax for Local Taxation Bureau, subject to a
                                                   key     advanced        and preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                   high-tech       enterprises 15% within the valid period three years.
                                             15% supported by the State The Company obtained the certificate of
                                                   shall be at a preferential high-tech            enterprise               number
                                                   tax rate of 15%.            GR201051000051 on 28 Jul. 2010, which
                                                                               was   entitled     jointly    by      Science     &
                                                                               Technology       Department        of    Sichuan
  Chengdu       BOE   Optoelectronics
                                                                               Province, Finance Bureau of Sichuan
  Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                               Province, Sichuan Provincial Office, SAT
                                                                               and Sichuan Local Taxation Bureau,
                                                                               subject to a preferential enterprise income
                                                                               tax rate of 15% within the valid period
                                                                               three years.
                                             15%                               The Company obtained the certificate of
                                                                               high-tech           enterprise               number
                                                                               GR201034000024 on 28 May 2010, which
                                                                               was   entitled     jointly    by      Science     &
                                                                               Technology Bureau of An’hui Province,
  Hefei     BOE       Optoelectronics
                                                                               Anhui Provincial Department of Finance,
  Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                               Anhui Provincial Office of SAT and Local
                                                                               Taxation Bureau of Anhui Province,
                                                                               subject to a preferential enterprise income
                                                                               tax rate of 15% within the valid period
                                                                               three years.

                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                          15%                      The Company obtained the certificate of
                                                                   high-tech             enterprise              number
                                                                   GF201132000300 on 9 Sept. 2011, which
                                                                   was      entitled   jointly     by     Science     &
                                                                   Technology Bureau of Jiangsu Province,
Suzhou BOE Chatani Electronics
                                                                   Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance,
Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Jiangsu Provincial Office of SAT and
                                                                   Local      Taxation      Bureau        of     Jiangsu
                                                                   Province,      subject     to      a   preferential
                                                                   enterprise income tax rate of 15% within
                                                                   the valid period three years.
                                          15%                      Obtained High-tech Enterprises Certificate
                                                                   No GR200911002274 jointly issued by
                                                                   Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                   Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
BOE       Hyundai    LCD      (Beijing)                            Bureau,       Beijing         Municipal         State
Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                       Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                   Municipal       Local      Administration          of
                                                                   Taxation on 26 June 2009. Subject to a
                                                                   preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                   15% within the valid period of three years.
                                          15%                      Obtained High-tech Enterprises Certificate
                                                                   No GR200911000685 jointly issued by
                                                                   Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                   Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
                                                                   Bureau,       Beijing         Municipal         State
Beijing     BOE     Special    Display
                                                                   Administration of Taxation and Beijing
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Municipal       Local      Administration          of
                                                                   Taxation on 26 December 2009.                 Subject
                                                                   to a preferential enterprise income tax rate
                                                                   of 15% within the valid period of three
                                          15%                      Obtained      once     again     the        High-tech
                                                                   Enterprises              Certificate              No
                                                                   GF201111000395            jointly      issued     by
                                                                   Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                   Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics
                                                                   Bureau,       Beijing         Municipal         State
Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                   Municipal       Local      Administration          of
                                                                   Taxation on 14 Sept. 2011. Subject to a
                                                                   preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                   15% within the valid period of three years.
BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd.              15%                      Obtained      once     again     the        High-tech

                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Enterprises             Certificate             No
                                                                         GF201111000163           jointly      issued     by
                                                                         Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                         Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
                                                                         Bureau,       Beijing      Municipal           State
                                                                         Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                         Municipal      Local      Administration         of
                                                                         Taxation on 14 Sept. 2011. Subject to a
                                                                         preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                         15% within the valid period of three years.
                                     15%                                 Obtained High-tech Enterprises Certificate
                                                                         No GR200911000589 jointly issued by
                                                                         Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                         Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
Beijing Asahi Electron Glass Co.,                                        Bureau,       Beijing      Municipal           State
Ltd.                                                                     Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                         Municipal      Local      Administration         of
                                                                         Taxation on 26 June 2009. Subject to a
                                                                         preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                         15% within the valid period of three years.
                                     15%                                 Obtained High-tech Enterprises Certificate
                                                                         No GR200911000084 jointly issued by
                                                                         Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                         Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology                                            Bureau,       Beijing      Municipal           State
Co., Ltd.                                                                Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                         Municipal      Local      Administration         of
                                                                         Taxation on 27 May 2009. Subject to a
                                                                         preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                         15% within the valid period of three years.
                                     15%                                 Obtained High-tech Enterprises Certificate
                                                                         No GR201111000485 jointly issued by
                                                                         Beijing Municipal Science & Technology
                                                                         Commission, Beijing Municipal Financial
Beijing     BOE       Multimedia                                         Bureau,       Beijing      Municipal           State
Technology Co. Ltd.                                                      Administration of Taxation and Beijing
                                                                         Municipal      Local      Administration         of
                                                                         Taxation on 21 Nov. 2011. Subject to a
                                                                         preferential enterprise income tax rate of
                                                                         15% within the valid period of three years.
                                    12.5% According       to        State According to State Council, Notice of the
BOE (Hebei) Mobile Technology              Council, Notice of the State Council on the Implementation of
Co., Ltd.                                  State    Council    on    the the Transitional Preferential Policies in
                                           Implementation      of    the respect of corporate Income Tax (Guofa

                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                Transitional            Preferential (2007)     No.39),   the   foreign-invested
                                                Policies in             respect of enterprises      are   exempted      from    the
                                                corporate          Income       Tax enterprise income tax in the first and
                                                (Guofa       (2007)         No.39), second years starting from the earning
                                                since 1 Jan. 2008, the fiscal year, and shall pay the tax in half of
                                                enterprises that previously the enterprise income tax rate from the
                                                enjoy ―2-year exemption third year to the fifth year. However, if
                                                and          3-year             50% such an enterprise has not enjoyed the
                                                reduction‖,                ―5-year preferential treatments yet because of its
                                                exemption and 5 year failure to make profits, its preferential
                                                50% reduction‖ of the time period shall be calculated from 2008.
                                                enterprise         income        tax And the year of 2009 is the second year
                                                may,           after             the for tax exemption, while the year of 2012
                                                implementation             of    the is the third year for 50% tax deduction.
                                                new tax law, continue to
                                                enjoy         the          relevant
                                                preferential             treatments
                                                under        the        preferential
                                                measures and the time
                                                period prescribed in the
                                                former             tax          law,
                                                administrative regulations
                                                and relevant documents
                                                until the expiration of the
                                                said         time           period.
                                                However,           if    such    an
                                                enterprise has not enjoyed
                                                the preferential treatments
                                                yet because of its failure
                                                to     make         profits,     its
                                                preferential time period
                                                shall be calculated from
2. Customs VAT and tariff tax preference
Name of company enjoying the                                                            Approval authority, approval document
                                                Basis of policy
preferential policy                                                                              No. and valid period
                                     In accordance with CS[2010] No. On 4 Nov. 2010, Ministry of Finance and
                                     100—Circular on Refund the Closing State Administration of Taxation jointly
                                     Retained Tax Deduction for                        issued the CS[2010] No. 100, approving to
Hefei     BOE         Optoelectronics the Imported Devices VAT of Partial refund the closing retained tax deduction
Technology Co., Ltd.                 Projects jointly issued by Ministry of for the imported devices VAT of partial
                                     Finance and State Administration of projects, such document executed from 1
                                     Taxation, approving to refund the Dec. 2010.
                                     closing retained tax deduction for the

                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                         imported devices VAT of partial
                                         In accordance with CS[2011] No. On 4 Nov. 2010, Ministry of Finance and
                                         107—Circular on Refund the Closing State Administration of Taxation jointly
                                         Retained Tax Deduction for                    issued the CS[2011] No. 107, approving to
                                         the Procured Equipments VAT of IC refund the closing retained tax deduction
Beijing BOE Display Technology
                                         Enterprises jointly issued by Ministry for the procured equipments VAT of IC
Co.,        Ltd. ,      Hefei     BOE
                                         of Finance and State Administration significant enterprises, such document
Optoelectronics Technology Co.,
                                         of Taxation, approving to refund the executed from 1 Jan. 2011.
                                         closing retained tax deduction for the
                                         procured equipments VAT of IC
                                         significant enterprises.

                                         In accordance with CGS[2012] No. On 4 Nov. 2010, the Ministry of Finance
                                         17— Circular on Relevant Policies and General Administration of Customs
                                         about Installed Tax Payment for the jointly issued the CGS[2012] No. 17,
                                         VAT of Significant Imported Devices approving he new plat panel display
                                         of New Flat Panel Display Items significant enterprises to pay the VAT of
Beijing BOE Display Technology
                                         jointly issued by the Ministry of imported new devices by installment, such
Co.,   Ltd. ,        Ordos   Yuansheng
                                         Finance and General Administration document executed from 1 Jan. 2011.
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
                                         of Customs, approved the new plat
                                         panel display significant enterprises
                                         to pay the VAT of imported new
                                         devices by installment.

                                         On Apr. 2012, the Ministry of On 4 Nov. 2012, the Ministry of Finance,
                                         Finance issued the CGS[2012] No. General Administration of Customs and
                                         16, stipulating to provide the tariff State Administration of Taxation jointly
                                         and import VAT exemption and issued the CS [2012] No. 16, providing the
                                         deduction for the building materials, tax preferential policy of VAT and tariff
                                         auxiliary     systems         ,   equipment for y new display devices significant
                                         accessories       in       clean      room imported enterprises, the valid period of
Beijing BOE Display Technology
                                         (unavailable           from        domestic such document is from 1 Jan. 2012 to 31
Co., Ltd.
                                         companies) imported by new display Dec. 2015.
                                         devices enterprises; and provide tariff
                                         exemption       and      deduction      for
                                         production      raw      materials      and
                                         consumption materials (unavailable
                                         from domestic companies) imported
                                         by new display devices enterprises.

                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(Ⅵ) Business combination and consolidated financial statements

General instruction of business combination and consolidated financial statements:

1. Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                                                                                                                      The          The
                                                                                                      amount of         Other                                Included in                Deductible
                              Registered       Business       Registered               Business                                    proportion   proportion                  Minority
Subsidiaries         Type                                                  Currency                   investments      essential                             consolidated                minority
                                place           nature         capital                   scope                                     of holding   of voting                   interest
                                                                                                           at the     investment                              statement                  interests
                                                                                                                                   shares(%) rights(%)
Beijing                                                                               Manufactur
                                                                                      e and sale of
BOE                                        Manufactur                                 vacuum
Vacuum                                     e             of                           electronic
                 limited     Beijing,                                                 products
Electronics                                electronic           3,500.00 CNY                               1,925.00                       55%         55% Yes                5,312.72
                 liability   China
Co.,      Ltd.                             vacuum
(Vacuum                                    devices
Beijing                                                                               Manufactur
                                                                                      e and sale of
BOE                                        Manufactur                                 electronic
Vacuum           Limited                   e             of                           tubes
Technology liability                       electronic           3,200.00 CNY                               3,200.00                     100%         100% Yes
Co.,      Ltd. company                     vacuum
(Vacuum                                    devices
Beijing                                                                               Developme
                 Limited                   Developme
                             Beijing,                                                 nt of display
BOE              liability                 nt of display        6,000.00 CNY          products             6,000.00                     100%         100% Yes
                             China                                                    and sale of
Special          company                   products

                                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Display                                  and sale of                       products

Technology                               electronic
Co.,       Ltd.                          products
Beijing                                                                    Lease and
                                                                           operation of
Yinghe                                                                     offices and
Century           Other                                                    middle
                                         Property                          grade hotel
Co.,       Ltd. limited       Beijing,                                     houses;
                                         managemen         23,310.52 CNY                   33,303.74        100%       100% Yes
(Yinghe           liability   China                                        business
                                         t                                 and
Century)          company                                                  entertainme
                                                                           nt service;
                                                                           toll parking
Suzhou                                                                     Developme
                                                                           nt       and
BOE                                      Manufactur                        manufacture
Chatani           Limited                e            of                   of backlight
                              Suzhou,                                      and related                                                     1,873.31
Electronics liability                    electronic        18,648.51 CNY   parts    and    19,308.79      90.51%     90.51% Yes
Co.,       Ltd. company                  components                        components
                                                                           for LCD
(Suzhou                                  and parts
BOE                                                                        Developme
Hyundai                                  Manufactur                        manufacture
LCD                           Beijing,   e            of                   and sale of
                  liability                                  500.00 USD    liquid              3,103.85      75%        75% Yes            1,834.96
(Beijing)                     China      electronic                        display for
Display                                  devices                           mobile

                                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Co.,       Ltd.
Beijing                                                                         Research,
BOE                                                                             t,    design
Optoelectro Limited                       Manufactur                            and
                              Beijing,                                          manufacture
nics              liability               e            of    64,911.00 USD      of           417,228.81      82.49%     82.49% Yes           50,162.01    -2,329.23
Technology company                        TFT-LCD                               TFT-LCD

Co.,       Ltd.
BOE                                                                             Manufactur
                                                                                e and sale of
(Hebei)                                                                         mobile flat
Mobile            Limited                                                       screen
                              Langfang,   e            of                       display
Technology liability                                          2,000.00 USD      technical        12,030.75      75%        75% Yes            3,746.42
                              China       electronic
Co.,       Ltd. company                                                         products
                                          device                                and related
(BOE                                                                            services
Beijing                                                                         Developme
                                                                                nt       of
BOE                                                                             TFT-LCD,
Display                                   Manufactur                            manufacture
                  limited     Beijing,                      1,737,719.9         and sale of
Technology                                e            of                 CNY   LCD         870,500.00       50.09%     50.09% Yes          826,977.30   -28,903.70
                  liability   China                                  3
Co.,                                      TFT-LCD
Ltd. (BOE
Beijing           Limited     Beijing,    Sales        of                       Sale     of                                                   1,513.65
                                                             20,000.00 CNY      computer         20,000.00     100%       100% Yes                           -36.35
BOE               liability   China       electronic                            software

                                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Multimedia company                       products                         and
                                                                          hardware 、
                                                                          the numeral
Co.        Ltd.                                                           regards the
BOE)                                                                      technology
Beijing                                                                   Integration
                                         Integration                      and
BOE                                                                       application
                                         and                              of
Energy            Limited
                              Beijing,   application                      photovoltaic
Technology liability                                      2,900.00 CNY    system sale          2,900.00     100%       100% Yes
                              China      of                               of
Co.,    Ltd. company
                                         photovoltaic                     photovoltaic
(BOE                                                                      system and
                                         system                           ancillary
Beijing                                                                   Manufactur
                                                                          e of LCD
BOE Video                                                                 TV, LCD;
Technology                               R&D        and                   technology
                  Limited                                                 developmen
Co.,       Ltd.               Beijing,   manufacture                      t of terminal
                  liability                               50,000.00 CNY                    50,000.00        100%       100% Yes            1,256.56    -116.25
(BOE                          China      of electronic                    products
                  company                                                 and systems
Video)                                   products                         such as
                                                                          display and
Beijing                                                                   Technology
Zhongpingx                                                                property
                  Limited                Property
un                            Beijing,                                    managemen
                  liability              managemen        1,000.00 CNY    t, and sale          1,000.00     100%       100% Yes
Technology                    China                                       of electronic
                  company                t
Co.,       Ltd.                                                           products


                                                                                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Beijing                                                                     Technology
Zhongxiang                                                                  property
ying                                                                        managemen
                  Limited                Property                           t, and sale
Technology                    Beijing,                                      of electronic
                  liability              managemen         1,000.00 CNY                       1,000.00       100%       100% Yes
Co.,       Ltd.               China                                         products
                  company                t
Ordos                                                                       Manufactur
Yuansheng                                                                   e and sales
Optoelectro                                                                 of
                  Limited                Manufactur
nics       Co.,               Ordos,                                        AM-OLED         200,000.00
                  liability              e            of 200,400.00 CNY                                     99.8%      99.8% Yes              398.13      -1.00
Ltd.                          China                                         products
                  company                AM-OLED
(Yuansheng                                                                  and
Optoelectro                                                                 auxiliary
nics)                                                                       products
Beijing                                  Manufactur
BOE                                      e            of
                                                                            ng and sales
Semi-condu Limited                       photoelectro
                              Beijing,                     1,500.00         of precision          945.00
ctor       Co., liability                nic   device                 CNY                                     63%        63% Yes            2,413.96    -101.54
                              China                                         electronic
Ltd.     (BOE company                    and      other
Semi-condu                               electronic
ctor )                                   device

                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                   ctor devices
                                                                   and micro
                                                                   devices and
                                                                   projects of
                                                                   ions, radio
                                                                   , property
BOE       Land Limited                Property
                           Beijing,               5,542.00         t and                773.15                                    2,974.92
Co.,      Ltd. liability              managemen              CNY                                    70%        70% Yes
                           China                                   auxiliary
(        BOE company                 t
                                                                   services for
                                                                   plants and

                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                    Real estate
                                                                    y services);
                                                                    Lease of
                                                                    services and
                                                                    and sales of
Beijing                                                             self-produce
BOE Digital                             Manufactur                  d digital
Technology                   Beijing,   e of home                   camera and                                                        2.63
                 liability                           1,000.00 USD                     1,513.65      75%        75% Yes
Co.,      Ltd.               China      video                       digital video
(        BOE                           equipment                   products
Digital)                                                           through

                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                 Limited                 Sales        of               Sales of
Marketing                    Beijing,
                 liability               electronic        50.00 CNY   LCD                    50.00     100%       100% Yes
Co.,      Ltd.               China
                 company                 products                      products
(        BOE
                 Limited     Seongnam, Sales          of               Sales of
                 liability   Gyeonggi,   electronic        10.00 USD   electronic             78.85     100%       100% Yes
                 company     Korea       products                      products
                                         Design,                       Design,
BOE                                      manufacture                   manufacture
Optoelectro                              ,       trade,                , trade,
nics                                     investment                    investment
                 Limited     British
Holding                                  and                           and
                 liability   Virgin                        60.00 USD                         198.47     100%       100% Yes
Co.,      Ltd.                           financing                     financing
                 company     Islands
( Optoelect                             activities of                 activities of
ronics                                   electronic                    electronic
Holding)                                information                   information
                                         industry                      industry
Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment:

                                                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under the same control


(3) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under the same control

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                                                         amount                   The     The       Include              Deducti
                                                                           of                   proporti proporti    d in                  ble
                      Registe              Registe                                   essentia                                 Minorit
Subsidi                         Busines                Currenc Busines investm                   on of    on of     consoli              minorit
               Type       red                red                                        l                                        y
 aries                          s nature                  y    s scope ents at                  holding voting      dated                   y
                       place               capital                                   investm                                  interest
                                                                          the                   shares    rights stateme                 interest
                                                                         period-                (%) (%)           nt                    s
Technol Other
                                Manufa                        R&D,
ogy        limited Chengd
                                cture of 183,00               product 183,31
Co.,       liability u,                                CNY                                        100%     100% Yes
                                TFT-L         0.00            ion and       5.00
Ltd.       compan China
                                CD                            sales of
(Chen y
                                                              Sales of
Beijing                                                       TV
                                cture of
Asahi                                                         bracket
Glass                                                         glass
           Limited              ctronic
Electro                                                       rod and
           liability Beijing, devices 6,157.6                            3,088.8
nics                                                   CNY    CTV                                 100%     100% Yes
           compan China         and                8                             5
Co.,                                                          low-me
           y                    other
Ltd.                                                          lting-po
(Asah                                                        int
i Glass)                                                     solder
Hefei      One                  Manufa                        R&D,
BOE        person Hefei,        cture of 900,00               product 900,00
                                                       CNY                                        100%     100% Yes
Optoele limited China           TFT-L         0.00            ion and       0.00
ctronics liability              CD                            sales of

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Technol compan                                       TFT-L
ogy       y                                          CD
Color     Other
                              Propert                manage
CRT       limited                       124,07                  36,130.                              201,47
                      Beijing, y                     ment
Co.,      liability                       5.40 CNY                  43          80%     80% Yes     5,348.0
                      China   manage                 and
Ltd.      compan                                                                                          0
                              ment                   parking
(Mats y
Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under the same control:

2. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other explanation on special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation
or lease:

3. Explanation on changes in consolidated scope

Explanation on changes in consolidated scope:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

4. Subsidiaries that newly and no longer combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period


5. Business combination under the same control during the reporting period


6. Business combination not under the same control during the reporting period


                                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period


8. The counter purchases in the reporting period


9. Mergers in the reporting period


10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities

Exchange rates of major items in financial statements:
Currency                       Closing exchange rate               Average exchange rate in the reporting period
USD                                  6.324900                                      6.305386
SGD                                  4.969000                                     4.990200
KRW                                 0.005534                                      0.005554
NTD                                 0.212721                                      0.213146
Translation method of foreign financial statements:
1. The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet
date. Among the owner’s equity items, except for the items as ―undistributed profits‖, other items shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred.
2. The income and expense items in the profit statements shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the
transaction date.
3. The differences arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements in compliance with the
aforesaid Items 1 and 2 shall be presented separately as the differences arising from the translation of foreign
currency financial statements under the owner’s equities of the consolidated balance sheets.

(Ⅶ) Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Closing balance                                       Opening balance
          Item            Amount in foreign   Exchan                           Amount in         Exchange
                                                         Amount in RMB                                        Amount in RMB
                              currency         ge rate                       foreign currency       rate
Cash:                            --              --           538,148.00            --               --             599,473.00
RMB                              --              --           266,835.00            --               --             191,532.00
USD                                21,874.00 6.3249           138,353.00           33,796.00         6.3009         212,944.00
HKD                                   9,665.00 0.8152             7,879.00           9,665.00        0.8107           7,835.00

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

JPY                                53,561.00 0.0796                  4,266.00      634,501.00      0.0811          51,460.00
KRW                              2,458,258.00 0.0055                13,604.00     3,591,596.00     0.0055          19,693.00
EUR                                    9,615.00   7.871             75,678.00         9,615.00     8.1622          78,480.00
TWD                                28,577.00 0.2127                  6,079.00        54,216.00      0.208           11,277.00
SGD                                    1,881.00   4.969              9,347.00         2,065.00     4.8682          10,051.00
GBP                                     397.00 9.8169                3,901.00             397.00   9.7204            3,859.00
MYR                                    3,804.00 1.9788               7,527.00         3,804.00     1.9889            7,565.00
CHF                                     710.00     6.59              4,679.00             710.00   6.7282            4,777.00
Bank deposit:                     --              --      11,138,563,785.00          --            --       12,958,934,197.00
RMB                               --              --       9,733,977,501.00          --            --       12,330,720,843.00
USD                            211,663,070.00 6.3249       1,338,747,752.00      97,535,602.00     6.3009     614,562,072.00
HKD                              1,214,927.00 0.8152            990,433.00        1,214,884.00     0.8107         984,906.00
JPY                            718,187,337.00 0.0796         57,202,185.00      121,155,539.00     0.0811        9,828,752.00
KRW                            968,451,572.00 0.0055           5,359,411.00     253,875,188.00     0.0055        1,390,220.00
EUR                               135,921.00      7.871        1,069,838.00               910.00   8.1622            7,427.00
TWD                              4,464,425.00 0.2127            949,676.00        6,922,965.00      0.208        1,439,977.00
SGD                                53,731.00      4.969         266,989.00                         4.8682
Other monetary funds:             --              --       4,436,406,948.00          --            --        7,365,935,446.00
RMB                               --              --       4,091,235,412.00          --            --        7,263,622,285.00
USD                             53,049,598.00 6.3249        335,533,403.00       15,991,396.00     6.3009     100,760,186.00
JPY                            121,009,103.00 0.0796           9,638,133.00      19,148,195.00     0.0811        1,552,975.00
          Total                   --              --      15,575,508,881.00          --            --       20,325,469,116.00
Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited
overseas or with potential collecting risks:
On 30 Jun. 2012, the Group pledged RMB 2,139,056,841 and USD 34,839,656 under other monetary funds to
gain a loan of JPY 21,684,727,809 and USD 54,215,948; the remaining other monetary funds valued RMB
2,076,992,769 (as of 31 Dec. 2011: RMB 3,354,535,563) was the warranty deposit deposited in commercial

2. Trading financial assets

(1) Trading financial assets


(2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit


(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction


                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Category                                    Closing balance                     Opening balance
Bank acceptance bill                                                          536,086,837.00                        304,866,896.00
Commercial acceptance bill                                                     15,397,848.00                          35,427,101.00
                           Total                                              551,484,685.00                        340,293,997.00

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
        Issuing entity              Date of issuance         Expiring date               Amount                    Remark
Shaoxing            Kelaiduo
                               5 Jan. 2012             5 Jul. 2012                              400,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
Textiles Co., Ltd.
Bangbu              Tianyang
Hardware Co., Ltd. of 13 Jan. 2012                     13 Jul. 2012                             300,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
Anhui Tianyang Group
Bangbu              Tianyang
Hardware Co., Ltd. of 9 Mar. 2012                      8 Sept. 2012                             300,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
Anhui Tianyang Group
Hainan               Xinxing
                               29 Feb. 2012            29 Aug. 2012                             223,500.00 Bank acceptance bill
Appliance Co., Ltd.
Dongfeng            Xiaokang
                               13 Jan. 2012            12 Jul. 2012                             220,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
Motor Co., Ltd.
            Total                            --                      --                        1,443,500.00           --

(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or
agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
     Issuing entity                Date of issuance        Expiring date                Amount                     Remark
Total                                        --                      --                               0.00            --
Undue notes endorsed to other parties by the Company
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
        Issuing entity              Date of issuance         Expiring date               Amount                    Remark
ZTE Mobile Telecom
                               28 May 2012             28 Oct. 2012                        21,551,018.00 Bank acceptance bill
Co., Ltd.

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

ZTE Corporation          22 Feb. 2012            26 Jul. 2012                         20,000,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
ZTE Corporation          20 Mar. 2012            28 Aug. 2012                         20,000,000.00 Bank acceptance bill
ZTE Mobile Telecom
                         28 Feb. 2012            28 Jul. 2012                         19,831,491.00 Bank acceptance bill
Co., Ltd.
Huizhou BYD Electrics
                         31 May 2012             31 Aug. 2012                         19,276,308.00 Bank acceptance bill
Co., Ltd.
            Total                   --                        --                     100,658,817.00            --
Notes of commercial acceptance bill that already discounted or pledged:

4. Dividends receivable


5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                  Increase in current       Decrease in current
            Item            Opening balance                                                            Closing balance
                                                        period                    period
Bank deposit interest           105,243,519.00             119,487,219.00         178,489,279.00               46,241,459.00
            Total               105,243,519.00             119,487,219.00         178,489,279.00               46,241,459.00

(2) Overdue interest


(3) Notes to interest receivable

On 30 Jun. 2012, there was no interest receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company (Y2011: naught).
On 30 Jun. 2012, the Group had no individually significant overdue interest receivable (Y2011: naught).
On 30 Jun. 2012, the Group had no individually significant interest receivable in foreign currency (Y2011:

6. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
         Category                        Closing balance                                    Opening balance

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                       Book balance              Bad debt provision              Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                                Proportion                   Proportion                   Proportion                          Proportion
                                   Amount                       Amount                       Amount                            Amount
                                                   (%)                          (%)                          (%)                                 (%)
Accounts receivable with
significant single amount
                                  1,820,572,0                  3,882,861.0                   906,924,3
and individually                                         54%                           0%                          35% 3,882,861.00                      0%
                                       96.00                             0                      39.00
withdrawn bad debt
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Subtotal of the groups                  0.00             0%          0.00                         0.00              0%                0.00               0%
Accounts receivable with
insignificant            single
                                  1,582,257,1                  12,557,560.                   1,670,318                     12,564,179.0
amount and individually                                  46%                           1%                          65%                                   1%
                                       38.00                           00                      ,246.00                                   0
withdrawn        bad       debt
                                  3,402,829,2                  16,440,421.                   2,577,242                     16,447,040.0
Total                                               --                           --                           --                                    --
                                       34.00                           00                      ,585.00                                   0
Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Monetary standards of the individually significant accounts receivable is the amount reaching 5% of the account
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                             Provision for bad            Withdrawing
        Content of accounts receivable               Book balance                                                                            Reason
                                                                                      debt               proportion(%)
                                                                                                                                    Calculated by
Canada PTL Corporation                                    3,882,861.00                3,882,861.00                        100%
                                                                                                                                    collectable amount
                                                                                                                                    Calculated by
Other                                                1,816,689,235.00                          0.00                            0%
                                                                                                                                    collectable amount
                       Total                         1,820,572,096.00                 3,882,861.00                 --
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of accounts                                                                        Withdrawing proportion
                                      Book balance             Provision for bad debt                                                   Reason
          receivable                                                                                  (%)
Inner Mongolia Mobile                                                                                                          Calculated by collectable
                                                715,000.00                   715,000.00                                 100%
Digital TV Co.,ltd.                                                                                                            amount

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Sichuan Mobile Digital                                                                                    Calculated by collectable
                                           238,800.00               238,800.00                     100%
TV Co., Ltd.                                                                                              amount
Baoding Yitaike Electric                                                                                  Calculated by collectable
                                           252,700.00               252,700.00                     100%
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                                       amount
                                                                                                          Calculated by collectable
Other                             1,581,050,638.00               11,351,060.00                      1%
            Total                 1,582,257,138.00               12,557,560.00                      1%                 --

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period


 (3) The write-off accounts receivable


(4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company

□Applicable√ Inapplicable

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                           The relationship with the
     Name of entity                                            Amount                   Aging                      Proportion
Samsung Electronics
                           Non-related party                    703,364,848.00 Within one year                                   21%
Co., Ltd.
Konka Group Co., Ltd.      Non-related party                    111,082,494.00 Within one year                                    3%
                           Non-related party                     73,205,473.00 Within one year                                    2%
ZTE Kangxun Telecom
                           Non-related party                     68,419,714.00 Within one year                                    2%
Company. Limited
Lenovo Mobile Telecom
                           Non-related party                     67,369,076.00 Within one year                                    2%
Co., Ltd.
            Total                     --                       1,023,441,605.00           --                                     30%

(6) The amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   The relationship with the
        Name of entity                                                       Amount                          Proportion
Beijing Electronics Holding    Ultimate controller and its                            630,000.00                                0.02%

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd. and its affiliated       affiliated enterprises
Beijing Nissin Electronics
Precision Component Co.,           Associated enterprise                                     670,000.00                          0.02%
Beijing Nittan Electronics
                                   Associated enterprise                                     400,000.00                          0.01%
Co., Ltd.
              Total                                   --                                   1,700,000.00                          0.05%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition


(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of
assets and liabilities arising from further involvement


7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Closing balance                                          Opening balance
         Category                Book balance       Provision for bad debts              Book balance        Provision for bad debts
                                         Proportio                Proportio                      Proportion                 Proportio
                                Amount                Amount                           Amount                  Amount
                                           n (%)                    n (%)                           (%)                       n (%)
Other accounts
receivable that is
                               1,599,900,00                                           1,599,900,00
individually significant                           89%             0.00                                    92%            0.00
                                       0.00                                                   0.00
and provisions for bad
debts individually
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group

Subtotal of group                      0.00           0%           0.00                       0.00         0%             0.00
Other accounts
receivable that is
                               201,808,209.                 11,356,834.0              146,325,797.
individually insignificant                         11%                           6%                        8% 10,400,913.00           7%
                                         00                           0                        00
but provisions for bad
debts individually
                               1,801,708,20                 11,356,834.0              1,746,225,79
Total                                            --                         --                        --         10,400,913.00   --
                                       9.00                           0                       7.00
Notes to category of other accounts receivable:

                                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Monetary standards of the individually significant other accounts receivable is the amount reaching 5% of the
account balance.
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
Content of other accounts                                                  Withdrawing proportion
                             Book balance          Bad debt amount                                           Reason
        receivable                                                                (%)
Beijing Industrial
                                                                                                    Calculated by collectable
Developing Investment          1,349,900,000.00
Management Co., Ltd.
Beijing Haohua Energy                                                                               Calculated by collectable
Resource Co., Ltd.                                                                                  amount
            Total              1,599,900,000.00                     0.00             --                        --
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually other accounts receivable:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
Content of other accounts                                                  Withdrawing proportion
                             Book balance         Provision for bad debt                                     Reason
        receivable                                                                (%)
Beijing Shiyuanda
                                                                                                    Calculated by collectable
Electronics Technology             1,355,929.00             1,355,929.00                    100%
Co., Ltd.
DONGWOO                                                                                             Calculated by collectable
                                   2,099,519.00             2,099,519.00                    100%
FINE-CHEM CO.,LTD.                                                                                  amount
MARUBENI                                                                                            Calculated by collectable
                                   2,297,756.00             2,297,756.00                    100%
(SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD.                                                                                 amount
Other                           196,055,005.00              5,603,630.00                      3%
            Total               201,808,209.00             11,356,834.00                      6%               --

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

Notes of individually insignificant but was of big risk after grouped by credit risk other accounts receivable:

(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Nature or details of the
          Name of entity                       Amount                                               Proportion of the total (%)
Beijing Industrial Developing
Investment Management Co.,                       1,349,900,000.00 Equity transfer account                                         75%
Beijing Haohua Energy
                                                  250,000,000.00 Equity transfer account                                          14%
Resource Co., Ltd.
              Total                              1,599,900,000.00              --                                                 89%
The above account is the equity transfer account of Ordos BOE Energy Investment Co., Ltd..

(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Relationship with the                                                           Proportion of the total
       Name of entity                                         Amount                      Aging
                                  Company                                                                             (%)
Beijing Industrial
Developing Investment      Non-related party                 1,349,900,000.00 Within one year                                     75%
Management Co., Ltd.
Beijing Haohua Energy
                           Non-related party                   250,000,000.00 Within one year                                     14%
Resource Co., Ltd.
Beijing Land Reserve
                           Non-related party                    29,613,195.00 Within one year                                     2%
                           Non-related party                    16,714,200.00 Within one year                                     1%
China Construction Third
Engineering Joint-stock    Non-related party                    16,317,957.00 Within one year                                     1%
           Total                      --                     1,662,545,352.00                  --                                 93%

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties


                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition


(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement


8. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Closing balance                                       Opening balance
       Aging                                                   Proportion                                       Proportion
                                 Amount                                                Amount
                                                                  (%)                                              (%)
Within 1 year                                 150,124,379.00            97%                     62,028,366.00            96%
1 year to 2
                                                4,137,619.00            3%                       2,642,685.00            4%
2 years to 3
                                                 370,416.00                                        120,902.00
Over 3 years                                        1,575.00                                         7,632.00
Total                                         154,633,989.00       --                           64,799,585.00       --
Notes of aging of prepayment:

(2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Relationship with the
        Name of entity                                         Amount                Aging           Reason for unsettled
Beijing Electric Power
                          Non-related party                     50,467,440.00
Hefei Power Supply
Company under Anhui
                          Non-related party                     17,242,955.00
Electric Power
Dongguan Branch of
ShenZhen Cultraview
                          Non-related party                     13,630,286.00
Digital Technology Co.,

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Branch of
Kerry EAS Logistics Co., Non-related party                          13,000,000.00
Taiwan Top Electronics
                           Non-related party                        10,625,200.00
Co., Ltd.
Total                                 --                           104,965,881.00                --                          --
Notes of important companies of prepayment:

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(4) Notes of prepayment

On 30 Jun. 2012, the Group’s prepayments over one year are those unsettled account during the procurement

9. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Closing balance                                             Opening balance
         Item                               Impairment of                                               Impairment of
                         Book balance                             Book value        Book balance                            Book value
                                               inventories                                                inventories
Raw materials            1,124,852,445.00 174,798,088.00      950,054,357.00        997,314,148.00       145,917,538.00    851,396,610.00
                          409,920,626.00 54,586,606.00        355,334,020.00        309,464,795.00        64,214,708.00    245,250,087.00
contract assets
Inventory goods          1,510,556,928.00 339,719,630.00 1,170,837,298.00 1,348,337,963.00               417,867,852.00     930,470,111.00
Turnover material          97,628,890.00                          97,628,890.00      89,101,897.00                          89,101,897.00
biological assets

Total                    3,142,958,889.00 569,104,324.00 2,573,854,565.00 2,744,218,803.00               628,000,098.00 2,116,218,705.00

(2) Impairment of inventories

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Opening book                                                  Decrease
        Category                                       Increase                                                      Closing book balance
                               balance                                         Reversal           Written off
Raw materials                 145,917,538.00           53,430,824.00        18,498,383.00             6,051,891.00         174,798,088.00
Construction contract          64,214,708.00             2,514,910.00          9,387,610.00           2,755,402.00          54,586,606.00

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Inventory goods                417,867,852.00        222,366,810.00        267,216,056.00          33,298,976.00         339,719,630.00
Turnover material
Consumable biological

Total                          628,000,098.00        278,312,544.00        295,102,049.00          42,106,269.00         569,104,324.00

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                            Proportion of reversal of
                                   Basis on provision for falling
             Item                                                           Reasons for reversal          provision for impairment of
                                        price of inventories
                                                                                                         inventories to closing balance
                                 The lower one of cost and
                                                                      Increase of market price for the
Raw materials                    realizable net value for the                                                                     1.64%
                                 The lower one of cost and
                                                                      Increase of market price for the
                                 realizable net value for the                                                                    17.69%
Inventory goods                  products
                                 The lower one of cost and
                                                                      Increase of market price for the
Construction contract assets     realizable net value for the                                                                     2.29%
Turnover material
Consumable biological assets

Notes of inventory:

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Item                                       Closing balance                           Opening balance
To-be-deducted VAT                                                        2,368,345,917.00                               695,017,280.00
Income tax prepayment                                                                                                        746,777.00
Other                                                                             958,396.00                                1,032,446.00
                     Total                                                2,369,304,313.00                               696,796,503.00
Notes of other current assets:

11. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                           Item                             Closing fair value              Opening fair value
Available-for-sale bonds
Available-for-sale equity instruments                                  87,726,361.00                    74,718,931.00
Total                                                                  87,726,361.00                    74,718,931.00
Notes of available-for-sale financial assets:
On 30 Jun. 2012, the Group’s available-for-sale financial assets include stock investment on TPV Technology Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―TPV Technology‖) and Beijing Electronic Zone Investment And Development Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Electronic Zone‖), and relevant closing balance is measured at fair value.

(2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets


12. Held-to-maturity investment

(1) Information

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                   Item                      Closing book balance                      Opening book balance
Convertible bonds for HYDIS
                                                             17,960,946.00                            17,960,946.00
Provision for impairment of
                                                            -17,960,946.00                           -17,960,946.00
held-to-maturity investment
                   Total                                                 0.00                                    0.00
The held-to-maturity investment of the Group and the Company was the originally held convertible bonds of
HYDIS Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―HYDIS Technology‖).
Due to poor operation, HYDIS Technology couldn’t pay the remaining convertible bonds to the Company. The
Company had withdrawn the provision for impairment of uncollected convertible bonds valued USD 2,170,000 in
On 30 Jun. 2012, the Company had not received any equities or interest, the collectability of such bonds had
uncertainty, so the Group and the Company maintained the original withdrawn impairment provision.

(2) Information of held-to-maturity investment sold in the reporting period but was not matured


13. Long-term accounts receivable


                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                            Percenta Voting                                         Total
                                                                              ge of    percenta                                    operatio
           Nature                                                                                            Total                            profit of
    Name              Registra    Legal         Nature Register              holding    ge of      Total                  Net         n
               of                                                 Currenc                                   closing                             the
     of                 tion     represen         of      ed                 shares      the      closing                closing revenue
           enterpri                                                 y                                       liabilitie                        reportin
investee               place      tative business capital                    of the Compan assets                        assets     of the
               ses                                                                                              s                                g
                                                                            Compan       y in                                      reportin
                                                                               y       investee                                    g period
I. Joint ventures
                                            ncy, real
           Limited                          ent
g                                Li
           liability Beijing,               advising 5,000,0                                      4,238,7                4,238,7              -62,751.
Technol                          Hongsh                           CNY           50%       50%                   0.00                   0.00
           compan China                     ,             00.00                                     46.00                  46.00                      00
ogy                              an
           y                                enterpri
                                            sales of
II. Associated enterprises

                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Beijing                                    Develop
Nissin                                     ment
Electron                                   and
ics                                        producti
Precisio                                   on of
n                                          electron
             liability Beijing, Liang                 10,100,                               134,023 102,653 31,370, 14,470, -14,105,
Compon                                     gun and              USD         35.6%   35.6%
             compan China        Xinqing              000.00                                ,178.00 ,135.00    043.00   530.00    480.00
ent Co.,                                   relevant
Ltd.                                       parts;
(Nissi                                    sales of
n                                          self-pro
Electron                                   duced
ics)                                      products
Beijing                                    on of
Nittan                                     terminal
Electron                                   s,
ics Co.,                                   connect
             liability Beijing, Liang                 2,000,0                               70,514, 35,144, 35,370, 43,193, -664,29
Ltd.                                       ors,                 USD          40%     40%
             compan China        Xinqing               00.00                                 886.00   448.00   438.00   799.00      2.00
(Nitta                                    crimpin
n                                          g
Electron                                   machine
ics)                                      ; sales
    Yingfe                                 Investm
    i                                      ent
    Hailin                                 manage
    Ventur                                 ment,
    e        Limited                       assets
    Capital liability Beijing,             manage     1,000,0                               75,071. 184,511. -109,44             -1,109,4
                                 Dongsh                         CNY          35%     35%                                  0.00
    Manag compan China                     ment        00.00                                    00       00      0.00              40.00
    ement y                                and
    Co.,                                   investm
    Ltd                                    ent
    (Ying                                 consulta
    fei                                    ncy

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

          limited                       Energy
 Co.,                 Ordos,   Shi                30,000,                           9,684,3 202,077 9,482,3          -498,39
          liability                     investm             CNY         20%   20%                             0.00
 Ltd.                 China    Youwen             000.00                             87.00      .00   10.00             1.00
          compan                        ent
Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting estimations of
joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                       Explanation for
                                                                                                                                         between the
                                                                                                     Share holding      Voting                                            impairment        Cash bonus in
                  Accounting         Initial       Opening        Increase/decrea                                                       share holding    Impairment
   Investee                                                                         Closing balance percentage in    percentage in                                      provision in the    the reporting
                    method       investment cost    balance             se                                                             percentage and    provision
                                                                                                       investee        investee                                            reporting           period
                                                                                                                                        percentage in
                 Equity method     2,500,000.00    2,150,749.00       -31,376.00      2,119,373.00            50%                50%                             0.00                0.00               0.00
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Nissin
Component        Equity method    18,613,234.00    9,008,337.00    -5,021,551.00      3,986,786.00          35.6%            35.6%                               0.00                0.00               0.00
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Nittan
                 Equity method     6,650,640.00 14,364,270.00        -265,717.00 14,098,553.00                40%                40%                             0.00                0.00               0.00
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.         Equity method    8,000,000.00    6,819,271.00   -6,819,271.00            0.00     40%     40%                            0.00          0.00          0.00
Hailin Venture
Management        Equity method     350,000.00      348,546.00     -348,546.00             0.00     35%     35%                            0.00          0.00          0.00
Co., Ltd
Ordos BOE
Investment Co.,
                  Equity method    2,000,000.00 900,000,000.00      -99,678.00 899,900,322.00       20%     20%                            0.00          0.00          0.00
&                 Cost method      2,500,000.00    2,500,000.00           0.00     2,500,000.00    2.5%    2.5%                            0.00          0.00          0.00
ns Card Co.,
                  Cost method     11,868,000.00   11,868,000.00           0.00    11,868,000.00    7.29%   7.29%                           0.00          0.00          0.00

                                                                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Laboratory for Cost method       6,250,000.00   6,250,000.00           0.00   6,250,000.00         12.5%        12.5%                           0.00          0.00          0.00
Digital TV(Beij
Hefei Xincheng
Optoelectronics Cost method      5,000,000.00   5,000,000.00           0.00   5,000,000.00          10%          10%                            0.00          0.00          0.00
Zhejiang BOE
                  Cost method     570,032.00     570,032.00            0.00    570,032.00          7.03%        7.03%                           0.00          0.00          0.00
Other             Cost method     280,000.00     280,000.00            0.00    280,000.00            0%           0%                      280,000.00          0.00          0.00
Total                   --      64,581,906.00 959,159,205.00 -12,586,139.00 946,573,066.00    --           --                 --          280,000.00          0.00          0.00

                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee


16. Investment property

(1) Investment property calculated by cost

√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

            Item            Opening book balance     Increase             Decrease           Closing book balance

I. Total cost                     1,465,526,839.00        341,059.00          4,761,599.00          1,461,106,299.00
1. Property and
                                    805,747,622.00        341,059.00          4,761,599.00           801,327,082.00
2. Land use right                   659,779,217.00                                                   659,779,217.00
II Accumulated
depreciation and                    124,541,850.00     19,550,464.00          1,592,182.00           142,500,132.00
1.     Property       and
                                     96,336,562.00     12,934,248.00          1,592,182.00           107,678,628.00
2. Land use right                    28,205,288.00      6,616,216.00                                   34,821,504.00
III. Total net book
value of investment               1,340,984,989.00                 -                                1,318,606,167.00
real estate
1.     Property       and
                                    709,411,060.00                 -                                 693,648,454.00
2. Land use right                   631,573,929.00                 -                                 624,957,713.00
IV. Accumulated
amount of provision
                                              0.00                 -                                            0.00
for impairment of
investment real estate
1.     Property       and
2. Land use right                                                  -
V. Total book value of
                                  1,340,984,989.00                 -                                1,318,606,167.00
investment real estate
1. Property and
                                    709,411,060.00                 -                                 693,648,454.00
2. Land use right                   631,573,929.00                 -                                 624,957,713.00

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                               The reporting period
Amount of amortization and depreciation in the reporting period                                                          19,550,464.00
Withdrawal amount of provision for impairment of investment real estate
in the reporting period

(2) Investment real estate measured by fair value

√Applicable □Inapplicable
Explanation on investment real estates that changed the measurement method and have not completed to handle
the property right certificate during the reporting period, and relevant explanation on the reason for failing to
complete to handle the property right certificate and the expected completion time:

17. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Opening book                                               Decrease in the         Closing book
               Item                                       Increase in the reporting period
                                       balance                                                 reporting period           balance
I. Total original book value       38,456,675,016.00                        4,050,183,296.00       25,767,214.00 42,481,091,098.00
Including:      Property     and
                                    9,269,133,267.00                            7,869,786.00        9,542,110.00      9,267,460,943.00
Machineries                        29,073,410,901.00                        4,006,172,111.00       14,583,025.00 33,064,999,987.00
Vehicles                             114,130,848.00                            36,141,399.00        1,642,079.00        148,630,168.00

                                                                                                                       Closing book
                                    Opening book       Increase in the    Withdrawal in the    Decrease in the
                --                                                                                                 balance in current
                                       balance         reporting period    reporting period    reporting period
II.                  Accumulated
                                    9,332,014,894.00               0.00     1,648,245,940.00       11,907,010.00 10,968,353,824.00
Including:      Property     and
                                     477,101,930.00                           155,884,864.00        1,072,009.00        631,914,785.00
Machineries                         8,824,538,707.00                        1,480,059,279.00       10,052,896.00 10,294,545,090.00
Vehicles                              30,374,257.00                            12,301,797.00          782,105.00         41,893,949.00

                                    Opening book                                                                   Closing balance in
                --                                                                  --
                                       balance                                                                         current period
III. The net book value of
                                   29,124,660,122.00                                --                             31,512,737,274.00
fixed assets
Including:      Property     and
                                    8,792,031,337.00                                --                                8,635,546,158.00
Machineries                        20,248,872,194.00                                --                             22,770,454,897.00

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Vehicles                             83,756,591.00                               --                         106,736,219.00
IV.      Total      impairment
                                    735,797,118.00                               --                         737,204,155.00
Including: Property and
                                       1,038,901.00                              --                            1,038,901.00
Machineries                         734,758,217.00                               --                         736,165,254.00
Vehicles                                                                         --
V. Total book value of fixed
                                  28,388,863,004.00                              --                       30,775,533,119.00
Including:       Property   and
                                   8,790,992,436.00                              --                        8,634,507,257.00
Machineries                       19,514,113,977.00                              --                       22,034,289,643.00
Vehicles                             83,756,591.00                               --                         106,736,219.00
Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB 1,648,245,940.00, RMB 3,905,177,685.00 was transferred
into fixed assets from construction project.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets

(3) Fixed assets leased in from financing lease
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                         Book value                Accumulated depreciation     Net book value
Property and building                                 11,291,665.00                   2,708,028.00             8,583,637.00
Machineries                                                                                                            0.00
Vehicles                                                                                                               0.00

(4) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
(5) Information of hold-for-sale fixed assets at period-end

(6) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property


18. Construction in progress


                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                              Closing balance                                    Opening balance
             Item                               Impairment                                        Impairment
                             Book balance                        Book value      Book balance                      Book value
                                                 provision                                         provision
The 8.5th Generation
                             4,886,969,383.                     4,886,969,383. 8,160,563,599.
TFT-LCD Project of BOE                                                                                           8,160,563,599.00
                                        00                                 00              00
The 6th Generation TFT-LCD
Project of Hefei             231,289,617.00                     231,289,617.00 44,136,975.00                        44,136,975.00
The 4.5th Generation
TFT-LCD Project of Chengdu    16,727,776.00                      16,727,776.00    7,088,898.00                       7,088,898.00
National Engineering
Laboratory for TFT-LCD                                                            2,513,905.00                       2,513,905.00
AM-OLED Project of
                             445,218,888.00                     445,218,888.00 60,547,475.00                        60,547,475.00
Yuansheng Optoelectronics
Other                        172,675,653.00       118,310.00 172,557,343.00 138,189,066.00          118,310.00     138,070,756.00
                             5,752,881,317.                     5,752,763,007. 8,413,039,918.
Total                                             118,310.00                                        118,310.00 8,412,921,608.00
                                        00                                 00              00

                                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Significant changes in construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                 Project input                                                  Capitalization
     Name of                        Opening                        Transferred to    Other                       Project   Capitalization capitalization                             Source of        Closing
                   Budget                           Increase                                     percentage of                                                  of interest rate
     project                        balance                         fixed assets    decrease                     process    of interest       of interest                             funding         balance
                                                                                                    budget                                                           (%)
                                                                                                                                              this period
The 8.5th
Generation                                                                                                                                                                         Self-financing
                20,803,000,00 8,160,563,599 484,198,027.0 3,757,792,243                                                    756,868,088.0 423,520,392.0                                              4,886,969,383
TFT-LCD                                                                                   0.00             99%                                                           3.72% and raised
                         0.00               .00                0              .00                                                         0                 0                                                   .00
Project of                                                                                                                                                                         funds
BOE Display
The 6th
TFT-LCD                                                                                                                                                                            Self-financing
                16,000,000,00                     220,316,661.0                                                            126,503,941.0                                                            231,289,617.0
Project of                        44,136,975.00                    33,164,019.00          0.00             78%                                                                     and raised
                         0.00                                  0                                                                          0                                                                      0
Hefei                                                                                                                                                                              funds
The 4.5th
TFT-LCD                                                                                                                                                                            Self-financing
Project of                         7,088,898.00 72,138,171.00 62,499,293.00               0.00             98%              5,325,534.00 4,626,200.00                    2.31% and raised           16,727,776.00
Chengdu                                                                                                                                                                            funds
National        259,020,000.0 2,513,905.00                          2,513,905.00          0.00             93% 100%                                                                Self-financing

                                                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Engineering                 0
Laboratory for
Project of
                 22,000,000,00                   384,671,413.0                                                                                                 445,218,888.0
Yuansheng                        60,547,475.00                                   0.00         2%                                              Self-financing
                          0.00                              0                                                                                                             0
                                 138,070,756.0 116,977,432.0                                                                                                   172,557,343.0
Other                                                            82,490,845.00   0.00
                                            0               0                                                                                                             0
                 62,195,630,00 8,412,921,608 1,278,301,704 3,938,460,305                                888,697,563.0                                          5,752,763,007
Total                                                                            0.00   --         --                   428,146,592    --           --
                          0.00             .00             .00             .00                                     7                                                     .00
Notes of significant changes in construction in progress:

                                                              Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Impairment provision of construction in progress

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                           Increase in the          Decrease in the                           Reason for
         Item        Opening amount                                                      Closing balance
                                           reporting period         reporting period                          withdrawal
Installation and
reformation of                118,310.00                                                        118,310.00
Total                         118,310.00                 0.00                     0.00          118,310.00        --

(4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress


(5) Notes of construction in progress


19. Engineering materials

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

20. Clearance of fixed assets

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

Naught 21. Productive biological assets

(1)Measured by cost

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2)Measured by fair value

□Applicable √Inapplicable

22. Oil and gas assets


                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

23. Intangible assets

(1) Information

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Opening book        Increase in the reporting   Decrease in the reporting
             Item                                                                                            Closing book balance
                                    balance                   period                      period
  I. Total original book
                                1,855,978,214.00          10,491,780.00                    0.00               1,866,469,994.00
        Land use right           472,366,679.00                                                                472,366,679.00
      Special technology         961,139,328.00                                                                961,139,328.00
            Patent               40,297,560.00                                                                  40,297,560.00
      Computer software          382,174,647.00           10,491,780.00                                        392,666,427.00
       II. Total accrued
                                 400,884,512.00           60,843,262.00                    0.00                461,727,774.00
        Land use right           33,552,568.00            4,849,344.00                                          38,401,912.00
      Special technology         243,217,910.00           33,440,234.00                                        276,658,144.00
            Patent                7,556,850.00            1,926,711.00                                          9,483,561.00
      Computer software          116,557,184.00           20,626,973.00                                        137,184,157.00
III. Total net book value of
                                  1,455,093,702.00                               -                                1,404,742,220.00
intangible assets
Land use right                      438,814,111.00                               -                                  433,964,767.00
Special technology                  717,921,418.00                               -                                  684,481,184.00
Patent                               32,740,710.00                               -                                   30,813,999.00
Computer software                   265,617,463.00                               -                                  255,482,270.00
IV.      Total   impairment
                                        424,308.00                               -                                      424,308.00
Land use right                                                                   -
Special technology                                                               -
Patent                                                                           -
Computer software                       424,308.00                               -                                      424,308.00
Total book value of
                                  1,454,669,394.00                               -                                1,404,317,912.00
intangible assets
Land use right                      438,814,111.00                               -                                  433,964,767.00
Special technology                  717,921,418.00                               -                                  684,481,184.00
Patent                               32,740,710.00                               -                                   30,813,999.00
Computer software                   265,193,155.00                               -                                  255,057,962.00
Amortization was of RMB 60,843,262.00 in the reporting period.

(2) Company development expense

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan
          Item             Opening balance         Increase                          Decrease                    Closing balance

                                                            Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Recognized into        Recognized as
                                                              current gains/losses     intangible assets
Labor cost                                   204,827,896.00        204,827,896.00
Raw materials cost                           207,172,145.00        207,172,145.00
expense of fixed                              49,394,059.00            49,394,059.00
Long-term deferred
                                               1,098,833.00             1,098,833.00
Amortization of
                                               2,947,636.00             2,947,636.00
intangible assets
Other expenses                                99,546,314.00            99,546,314.00
Total                              0.00      564,986,883.00        564,986,883.00                     0.00                0.00
The percentage of development expense accounted for 90% of the total expenditure of R&D projects in the
reporting period.
The percentage of the value of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company accounted for 0%
of the closing book value of intangible assets.
Based on the market environment and the implementation of the R & D project, the company's development
expense is recognized in current profit and loss.

 (3) Information of intangible assets that failed to accomplish certification of property


24. Goodwill

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of investee or event that                      Increase in the       Decrease in the
                                 Opening balance                                              Closing balance    provision at
generated goodwill                                  reporting period      reporting period
Yinghe Century                      42,940,434.00                 0.00                 0.00      42,940,434.00            0.00
Suzhou Gaochuang                     8,562,464.00                 0.00                 0.00       8,562,464.00            0.00
BOE Optoelectronics                  4,423,876.00                 0.00                 0.00       4,423,876.00   4,423,876.00
Total                               55,926,774.00                 0.00                 0.00      55,926,774.00   4,423,876.00
Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:
Whether there is the indication of impairment or not, the Group shall estimate the recoverable amount of goodwill
at the end of each fiscal year. The Group amortizes the book value of goodwill in accordance with the situation of
related asset group or combination of asset groups gaining benefits from the synergy effect of enterprise merger,
then conducts the impairment test of goodwill basing on such situation.

25. Long-term amortization expense

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                            Amortization                                          Reason for other
        Item        Opening balance          Increase                         Other decrease    Closing balance
                                                              balance                                                decrease
Cost of operating
lease assets             3,000,028.00                         1,745,350.00                         1,254,678.00
Cost of
construction and
                                           200,540,949.00     2,561,704.00                       197,979,245.00
use of public
Other                   19,860,498.00       20,729,809.00     5,957,160.00                        34,633,147.00
Total                   22,860,526.00      221,270,758.00    10,264,214.00               0.00    233,867,070.00           --
Notes of long-term amortization expense:

26. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Deferred tax assets and liabilities that already recognized
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                   Closing balance                         Opening balance
Deferred income tax assets:
Provision for impairment of assets                                             2,582,435.00                           2,355,101.00
Formation expenses
Deductible losses
Differences of depreciation and amortization                                       5,089.00                               13,712.00
Employee payroll payable                                                         276,329.00                              276,329.00
Unrealized profit or loss of the Group                                        46,302,905.00                         45,246,946.00
Subtotal                                                                      49,166,758.00                         47,892,088.00
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Assessed value of transactional financial
instruments and derivative financial instruments
Variation in fair value of financial assets available
for sale recorded into capital reserves
Assessed value add of Matsushita Color CRT                                   239,304,101.00                        241,936,082.00
Assessed value add of Gaochuang Assets                                        24,736,814.00                         25,707,913.00
Long-term equity investment                                                  134,700,000.00                        134,700,000.00
Other                                                                         12,217,359.00                         12,217,359.00
Subtotal                                                                     410,958,274.00                        414,561,354.00
List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                   Closing balance                         Opening balance

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Deductible temporary difference                                                 2,057,874,086.00                            2,121,942,625.00
Deductible losses                                                               4,980,443,693.00                            3,942,760,960.00

Total                                                                           7,038,317,779.00                            6,064,703,585.00
Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due in the following years
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
           Year                      Closing balance               Opening balance                               Remark
2012                                                   0.00                93,226,328.00
2013                                         405,386,953.00               407,075,600.00
2014                                         781,647,926.00               782,228,480.00
2015                                       1,152,953,309.00              1,153,378,219.00
2016                                       1,507,277,243.00              1,506,852,333.00
2017                                       1,133,178,262.00                           0.00
Total                                      4,980,443,693.00              3,942,760,960.00                           --
List of taxable differences and deductible differences items
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Temporary differences amount
                                                                    Closing balance                             Opening balance
Taxable differences items
Assessed value add of Matsushita Color CRT                                         957,216,406.00                               967,744,328.00
Assessed value add of Gaochuang Assets                                              98,947,255.00                               102,831,652.00
Long-term equity investment                                                        898,000,000.00                               898,000,000.00
Other                                                                               46,879,472.00                                46,879,472.00
Subtotal                                                                         2,001,043,133.00                           2,015,455,452.00
Deductible differences item
Provision for impairment of assets                                                  17,188,985.00                                15,673,429.00
Differences of depreciation and amortization                                            33,924.00                                    91,411.00
Employee payroll payable                                                             1,842,193.00                                 1,842,194.00
Unrealized profit or loss of the Group                                             195,607,340.00                               180,987,788.00
Subtotal                                                                           214,672,442.00                               198,594,822.00
(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are listed as the net value after offset
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
Notes of deferred income tax assets and liabilities
27. List of provision for assets impairment
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Opening book                                               Decrease                        Closing book
                Item                                          Increase
                                         balance                                     Reversal              Written off             balance
I. Provision for bad debt              26,847,953.00           2,936,925.00           1,987,623.00                       0.00    27,797,255.00
II. Provision for inventory
                                      628,000,098.00      278,312,544.00           295,102,049.00           42,106,269.00 569,104,324.00
falling price
III. Impairment provision of
available-for-sale financial          150,099,655.00                     0.00                   0.00                     0.00 150,099,655.00

                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

IV. Impairment provision of
                                    17,960,946.00                 0.00                0.00            0.00    17,960,946.00
held-to-maturity investment
V. Impairment provision of
                                       280,000.00                 0.00                0.00            0.00       280,000.00
long-term equity investment
VI. Impairment provision of
                                               0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00             0.00
investment property
VII. Impairment provision of
                                   735,797,118.00       3,951,134.00                          2,544,097.00 737,204,155.00
fixed assets
VIII. Impairment provision of
                                               0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00             0.00
engineering materials
IX. Impairment provision of
                                       118,310.00                 0.00                0.00            0.00       118,310.00
construction in progress
X. Impairment provision of
                                               0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00
productive biological assets
     Including: mature
                                               0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00             0.00
productive biological assets
XI. Impairment provision of
                                               0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00             0.00
oil gas assets
XII. Impairment provision of
                                       424,308.00                 0.00                0.00            0.00       424,308.00
intangible assets
XIII. Impairment provision of
                                     4,423,876.00                 0.00                0.00            0.00     4,423,876.00
XIV. Others                                    0.00               0.00                0.00            0.00             0.00
Total                            1,563,952,264.00     285,200,603.00        297,089,672.00   44,650,366.00
Notes of the list of assets impairment:
28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                             Closing balance                       Opening balance
Prepayment for procurement of fixed assets                               205,612,970.00                       25,439,024.00
Prepayment for technology approval contracts                                567,639.00                            40,000.00
Prepayment for construction                                                1,717,388.00                       10,019,201.00
Other                                                                     40,804,693.00                       35,182,924.00
Total                                                                    248,702,690.00                       70,681,149.00
Notes of other non-current assets:
On 30 Jun. 2012, the other non-current assets of the Group and the Company were mainly the prepayment for
relevant items of forming non-current assets.

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

29. Short-term loan


                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                 Closing balance                       Opening balance

Pledge loan                                                           1,692,338,207.00                        3,227,404,067.00

Mortgage loan                                                            17,120,374.00                           10,000,000.00

Guarantee loan                                                                    0.00                                     0.00

Credit loan                                                             515,378,266.00                        3,249,789,443.00

Total                                                                 2,224,836,847.00                        6,487,193,510.00

Notes of category of short-term loan:
As of 30 Jun. 2012:
(a) Land use right with a book value of RMB8,845,869 was used as a mortgage for a short term loan of RMB 10,000,000 in the
(b) Notes receivable with a book value of RMB3,000,000 was used as a pledge for a short-term loan of RMB3,000,000 in the group.
(c) Plants and buildings with a book value of RMB33,081,916 and land use right of RMB871,528 was used as a mortgage for a
short-term loan of USD1,124,719 in the group.
(d) Monetary capital respectively with book value of RMB1,610,389,040 and USD34,839,656 is used as a pledge for short-term loan
of USD42,385,948 and JPY16,904,727,809 in the group.
(e) Accounts receivable with a book value of RMB84,313,175 was used as a pledge for a short-term loan of USD10,000,000 in the
(f) Notes receivable with a book value of RMB5,520,785 and monetary capital with a book value of RMB6,895,159 were used as a
pledge for a short-term loan of USD1,830,000 in the group.
(g) There was no short-term loan of above mentioned balance from shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) voting shares of the

(2) List of unsettled mature short-term loan


30. Trading financial liabilities


31. Notes payable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Category                               Closing balance                       Opening balance

                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Trade acceptance bill                                                                 0.00                                   0.00

Bank acceptance bill                                                        30,627,813.00                           27,918,268.00

Total                                                                       30,627,813.00                           27,918,268.00

RMB0.00 will be due in next fiscal period.
Notes of notes payable:

32. Accounts payable


                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                  Closing balance                          Opening balance

Accounts payable                                                         4,495,407,684.00                        3,630,464,475.00

Total                                                                    4,495,407,684.00                        3,630,464,475.00

(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year:

33. Advance from customers


                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Item                                   Closing balance                        Opening balance

Receive in advance                                                          417,560,487.00                         186,069,735.00

Total                                                                       417,560,487.00                         186,069,735.00

(2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year:
As of 30 Jun. 2012, there was no specific significant accounts receive in advance with aging of over 1 year.

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

34. Payroll payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

           Item         Opening book balance             Increase                     Decrease               Closing book balance
I. Salary, bonus,
                                 233,465,878.00             795,023,542.00                844,300,983.00            184,188,437.00
allowance, subsidy

II. Employee welfare                       0.00              68,002,102.00                 68,002,102.00                      0.00

III. Social insurance             26,980,707.00              99,727,605.00                 92,969,184.00             33,739,128.00

Medical insurance
                                  24,073,339.00              29,491,526.00                 27,665,406.00             25,899,459.00

                                   2,174,791.00              60,515,076.00                 56,377,815.00              6,312,052.00

                                    408,786.00                4,464,029.00                  4,336,162.00                536,653.00

Employment injury
                                    185,488.00                2,752,765.00                  2,496,772.00                441,481.00

Maternity insurance                 138,303.00                2,504,209.00                  2,093,029.00                549,483.00

IV. Housing fund                   3,193,965.00              33,589,413.00                 35,889,545.00                893,833.00

V. Redemption for
terminations of labor             15,479,100.00                183,105.00                       129,884.00           15,532,321.00

VI. Others                        89,323,125.00              37,780,847.00                 42,174,952.00             84,929,020.00

Labor union budget
and employee                      71,969,458.00              23,329,795.00                 28,551,872.00             66,747,381.00
education budget

Employee bonus and
                                  15,443,238.00               1,671,969.00                      871,550.00           16,243,657.00
welfare fund

Other                              1,910,429.00              12,779,083.00                 12,751,530.00              1,937,982.00

Total                            368,442,775.00          1,034,306,614.00               1,083,466,650.00            319,282,739.00

RMB0.00 is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.
The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB 28,551,872.00, and the non-monetary benefits are RMB0.00, as well
as the compensation for terminating the labour contract is RMB129,884.00.
The estimated distribution date and amount as well as other arrangements for payroll payable:

35. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Item                                      Closing balance                      Opening balance

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

VAT                                                                              1,293,035.00                            1,206,885.00

Consumption tax

Business tax                                                                     2,104,371.00                            5,934,499.00

Corporate income tax                                                            21,236,040.00                           26,743,768.00

Personal income tax                                                              7,186,447.00                            9,383,749.00

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                             229,504.00                             496,089.00

Other taxes and fares                                                              277,997.00                            3,573,555.00

Total                                                                           32,327,394.00                           47,338,545.00

36. Interest payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                  Closing balance                        Opening balance

Interest payable on long-term borrowings that interest
                                                                               114,047,154.00                           99,232,410.00
was paid by stages and principle was repay upon due

Interest of corporate bond

Interest payable on short-term borrowings                                        6,376,975.00                           11,731,705.00

Total                                                                          120,424,129.00                          110,964,115.00


37. Dividends payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                    Reason for unsettlement over 1
          Name of company                   Closing balance             Opening balance

Beijing Picture Tubes Factory                       1,504,649.00                 1,504,649.00 Naught

Beijing Huayin Industrial
                                                    1,436,963.00                 1,436,963.00 Naught
Development Company

Internal employee’s shares                         2,603,025.00                 2,603,025.00 Naught

Other                                               2,506,533.00                   906,533.00 Naught

Total                                               8,051,170.00                 6,451,170.00                     --

As of 30 Jun. 2012, dividends payable is unpaid mainly because non-current shareholders didn’t claim relevant dividends.
As of 30 Jun. 2012, there was no single significant dividends payable marked on foreign currency.

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

38. Other accounts payable


                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Item                                Closing balance                           Opening balance

Other accounts payable                                                     3,712,075,555.00                       4,285,822,157.00

Total                                                                      3,712,075,555.00                       4,285,822,157.00

(2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year


(4) Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount


39. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

             Item                  Opening balance           Increase                  Decrease                Closing balance

      External offering

      Unsettled lawsuit

 Product quality guarantee

      Responsibility of

      Dismissal welfare

      Loss contract to be

   Treaty to be executed                30,080,844.00                                                                30,080,844.00

             Other                                                        0.00                     0.00

             Total                      30,080,844.00                     0.00                     0.00              30,080,844.00

In 2009, the Group ceased producting serveral products and stopped fulfilling the purchase contract related to production. Due to the
indemnity incurred accordingly, the Group withdrew the relevant estimmated liabilities according to reasonable estimation of losse.

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

As the amount of estimated liabilities has uncertainty, the profit and loss might be affected if the estimation of the estimated
liabilities changes.

40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year


                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                               Closing balance                          Opening balance

Long-term loan due within 1 year                                    1,834,719,878.00                             1,716,776,716.00

Bonds payable due within 1 year                                                  0.00                                        0.00

Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year                                     0.00                                        0.00

Total                                                               1,834,719,878.00                             1,716,776,716.00

(2)Long-term loan due within 1 year

Long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                               Closing balance                          Opening balance

Pledge loan                                                           380,717,440.00                              389,280,000.00

Mortgage loan                                                           15,000,000.00                              15,000,000.00

Guarantee loan                                                                   0.00                                        0.00

Credit loan                                                             50,000,000.00                             100,000,000.00

Mortgage and guarantee                                              1,389,002,438.00                             1,212,496,716.00

Total                                                               1,834,719,878.00                             1,716,776,716.00

RMB0.00 of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                              Closing balance             Opening balance

                                                                            Foreign                    Foreign
   Creditor      Starting date Ending date     Currency    Rate (%)
                                                                          currency      RMB balance    currency     RMB balance
                                                                            balance                    balance

Branch of
                                                                                        461,175,009.                 288,914,684.
China           8 Apr. 2005   7 Apr. 2013    CNY                 6.8%
                                                                                                 00                           00

Beijing         8 Apr. 2005   7 Apr. 2013    USD                2.27% 57,142,857.0 361,422,857. 34,135,021.0 215,081,352.

                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Branch of                                                                                 0             00              0             00

The Royal
Bank of
                                                                               2,390,000,00 190,358,720. 2,400,000,00 194,640,000.
Scotland       16 Dec. 2010 16 Jul. 2012 JPY                            2.4%
                                                                                        0.00            00            0.00            00

The Royal
Bank of
                                                                               2,390,000,00 190,358,720. 2,400,000,00 194,640,000.
Scotland       7 Apr. 2011    7 Nov. 2012     JPY                       2.4%
                                                                                        0.00            00            0.00            00

Branch of
                                                                               27,000,000.0 170,772,300. 27,000,000.0 170,124,300.
China          29 Oct. 2008 29 Oct. 2012 USD                        4.24%
                                                                                          0             00              0             00

                                                                                               1,374,087,60                  1,063,400,33
Total                 --             --             --             --              --                            --
                                                                                                       6.00                          6.00

RMB000 was paid back after Balance Sheet Date:
Notes of long-term borrowings due within 1 year:
As of 30 Jun. 2012:
(a) For information of colleteral of non-current liabilities due within 1 year of the Group, see to Note. –Long-term loan.
(b) As for non-current liablitiies due within 1 year of the Group, an amount of JPY4,780,000,000 was gain by the pledge of monetary
capital with a book value of RMB521,772,642.
(c) There was no non-current liabilities due within 1 year from shareholders with over 5% (including 5%) voting equity of the

(3)Bonds payab


(4)Long-term accounts payable due within 1 year


41. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                      Item                                Closing book balance                     Opening book balance

Product quality assurance deposit                                         52,108,874.00                             88,652,956.00

Total                                                                     52,108,874.00                             88,652,956.00

Notes: As of 30 Jun. 2012 and 31 Dec. 2011, balance of other current liabilities of the Group was all product quality assurance
deposit for products assumed.
The product quality assurance deposit mainly related to the products after-sales repair warranty to customers. The provision of such
estimated liabilities was reasonabley estimated by the Management, based on historical acutal repoair expenses and current actual
sales outcomes.

42. Long-term loan

(1)Category of long-term loan

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                   Closing balance                         Opening balance

Pledge loan                                                                         0.00                                      0.00

Mortgage loan                                                         15,648,736,946.00                         11,771,621,666.00

Guarantee loan                                                                      0.00                                      0.00

Credit loan                                                              200,000,000.00                            200,000,000.00

Mortgage and guarantee                                                 2,246,068,450.00                          2,728,396,708.00

Total                                                                 18,094,805,396.00                         14,700,018,374.00

As at 30 Jun. 2012:
(a) The Group’s long-term loans, amounting to RMB81,629,373 and USD154,378,058, and non-current liabilities
due within one year, amounting to RMB613,364,256 and USD79,505,744, were gained by mortgaging the plants
and buildings with a carrying amount of RMB640,492,650, machinery equipment of RMB2,185,018,704 and land
use right of RMB9,148,600, which were partially guaranteed by Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd..
(b) The Group’s long-term loans, amounting to RMB448,000,000 and USD117,000,000, and non-current
liabilities due within one year, amounting to RMB102,000,000 and USD27,000,000, were gained by mortgaging
the plants and buildings with a carrying amount of RMB143,999,69, machinery equipment of RMB1,341,286,706
and land use right of RMB14,122,422, of which the Renminbi loans were guaranteed by CDHT Investment Group
Co., Ltd., while the U.S. Dollar loans were guaranteed by Chengdu Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. and
CDHT Investment Group Co., Ltd..
(c) The Group’s long-term loans, amounting to RMB2,690,600,000 and USD635,540,000, were gained by
mortgaging the plants and buildings with a carrying amount of RMB2,230,980,919, machinery equipment of
RMB 8,272,000,064 and land use right of RMB90,672,635.
(d) The Group’s long-term loans, amounting to RMB5,074,720,000 and USD600,000,000, were gained by
mortgaging the plant and buildings with a carrying amount of RMB4,999,309,735, machinery equipment of
RMB9,979,259,552, construction in process of RMB4,893,394,384 and land use right of RMB168,934,529.
(e) The Group’s long-term loans with amount of RMB68,750,000 and non-current liabilities due within 1 year
with the amount of RMB15,000,000 were gained by mortgaging the investment property with a carrying amount
of RMB192,121,254.
(f) No amount due to shareholders who hold 5% or more of the voting rights of the Company was included in the

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

above balance of long-term loans.

(2)The top five long-term loans

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                  Closing balance               Opening balance

                                                                                Foreign                       Foreign
   Creditor     Starting date Ending date     Currency       Rate (%)
                                                                              currency         RMB amount     currency        RMB amount
                                                                                amount                        amount

Branch of
                                                                             600,000,000. 3,794,940,00 127,867,079. 805,677,680.
China           27 Jan. 2011 26 Jan. 2020 USD                     3.65%
                                                                                          00           0.00              00            00

Branch of
                                                                             542,670,000. 3,432,333,48 542,670,000. 3,419,309,40
China           9 Jul. 2010   9 Jul. 2019   USD                   3.93%
                                                                                          00           3.00              00           3.00

Branch of
                                                                                               2,006,040,00                   2,006,040,00
China           27 Jan. 2011 26 Jan. 2020 CNY                         6.8%
                                                                                                       0.00                           0.00

Develop zone
branch of the
                                                                                               1,668,680,00                   1,545,720,00
Agricultural    27 Jan. 2011 26 Jan. 2020 CNY                         6.8%
                                                                                                       0.00                           0.00
Bank of

Town God
                                                                                               899,180,000.                   899,180,000.
Branch of       9 Jul. 2010   9 Jul. 2019   CNY                       6.8%
                                                                                                        00                             00

                                                                                               11,801,173,4                   8,675,927,08
Total                 --            --            --             --               --                             --
                                                                                                     83.00                            3.00

Notes of long-term loan: for the long-term loans arising from mature loans with extended term, the Company shall explain the
conditions of extension, principal, interest, expected repayment arrangement:

                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

43. Bonds payable


44. Long-term payable

(1) The top five long-term payable


(2)List of the financing lease payable under the long-term loan


45. Specific payable


46. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                         Closing book balance             Opening book balance

Other non-current liabilities related to assets

 -The 8.5th Generation TFT-LCD Project                            621,790,125.00                    670,241,304.00

 -The 6th Generation TFT-LCD Project                              333,095,238.00                    363,809,524.00

 -Research platform of common technology on
                                                                   11,428,571.00                     12,500,000.00
panel display

 -Contracted for construction plant in industrial
                                                                   12,040,000.00                     12,400,000.00
zone of Hebei

-Construction of National Engineering Laboratory
                                                                   22,857,143.00                     25,000,000.00
for TFT-LCD technology

 -Government grants on other technology project                   528,812,079.00                    494,743,679.00

Other non-current liabilities related to income

 -Technological     development      of    TFT-LCD
                                                                    1,611,900.00                      2,686,500.00
platform for large dimension HDTV

 -Development of integrated technology of array
                                                                      595,000.00                        595,000.00

 -Government grants on other technology project                    20,098,439.00                     41,200,739.00

Total                                                           1,552,328,495.00                   1,623,176,746.00

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Notes of other non-current liabilities, including various government grants received pertinent to assets and pertinent to income and
their closing balance in reporting period:
In the reporting period, government grants received pertinent to assets is of RMB53,000,000.00, with a closing balance of
RMB52,821,428.55, mainly was capital discount of RMB50 million distributed to Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
in accordance with Forward Announcement on Guiding the Approval of Capital Discount Project and Issuing Investment Plan as for
the Development of Provincial Strategic Emerging Industry 2011. While the Company received government grants pertinent to
income is of RMB10,655,800, with a closing balance of RMB4,1 81,800.00.

47. Share capital

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                   Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                      Opening                                             Capitalization                                     Closing
                                        Issuing new
                      balance                            Bonus shares         of public         Other       Subtotal         balance

Total shares      13,521,542,341                                                                                       0 13,521,542,341

Notes of changes in share capital, for those action of increasing capital or decreasing capital in the reporting period, the Company
shall disclose the name of the accounting firm executing the capital verification and document number of the capital verification
report; for joint-stock companies running for less than three years, only the net assets shall be specified for particulars before
establishment; while for case of totally changing the limited liability companies into joint-stock companies, capital verification on the
establishment shall be specified:

48. Treasury stock


49. Special reserves


50. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                   Opening balance          Increase                       Decrease            Closing balance

Capital    premium            (share
                                            15,065,055,460.00                                                          15,065,055,460.00
capital premium)

Other capital reserves

--Fair    value      change      on
                                                                               13,007,430.00                               13,007,430.00
available-for-sale       financial

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


--Provision       for          equity
                                                259,913,487.00                                                              259,913,487.00

--Acquisition of minority equity
                                                -22,020,001.00                                                              -22,020,001.00
of subsidiaries

Total                                     15,302,948,946.00                 13,007,430.00                       0.00     15,315,956,376.00


51. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

               Item                     Opening balance          Increase                   Decrease                   Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves                      209,421,304.00                                                              209,421,304.00

Discretional surplus reserves                   289,671,309.00                                                              289,671,309.00

Reserve fund

Enterprise development funds


Total                                           499,092,613.00                       0.00                       0.00        499,092,613.00

Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed as dividends, relevant
resolutions shall be explained:
As of 30 Jun. 2012, the Company was of a condition that with accrued uncompensated loss, then the Company didn’t withdrawal
statutory surplus reserves and discretional reserves from Jan. to Jun. of 2012.

52. Provision for general risk


53. Retained profits

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                Withdrawal or distributed
                        Item                                                Amount
Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                                            -3,734,305,993.00                 --
Adjustments of opening balance of retained
profits (―+‖ means add, ―-‖ means reduce)
Opening balance of retained profits after
                                                                                            -3,734,305,993.00                 --

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the                                                 -786,882,196.00                 --

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves

Withdrawal of discretional surplus reserves

Withdrawal of provision for general risk

Dividend of common stock payable

Dividend of common stock converted into
share capital

Closing retained profits                                                                -4,521,188,189.00               --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.
Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according to the resolutions
made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain clearly; if the accumulated profits were
distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original shareholders according to the resolutions made at the shareholders’
general meeting, the Company shall clearly disclose the audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original shareholders:

54. Revenue and Cost of Sales

(1) Revenue, Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                 Reporting period                        Same period of last year

Sales of main business                                                  9,328,540,502.00                            4,824,073,408.00

Other operating income                                                   280,341,511.00                               115,960,589.00

Cost of sales                                                           9,502,396,703.00                            5,344,717,781.00

(2) Main business (Classified by industry)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                     Reporting period                             Same period of last year
                                       Revenue of sales           Costs of sales           Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

TFT-LCD                                 12,199,149,140.00         12,225,070,764.00          3,892,833,598.00       4,493,304,229.00

                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Display light source               1,014,288,844.00             956,036,513.00       739,170,416.00        709,889,305.00

Display system                       856,696,380.00             822,702,651.00       653,132,721.00        582,258,545.00

Other business                       439,354,891.00             298,888,290.00       905,440,371.00        760,709,966.00

Offset                            -5,180,948,753.00       -5,138,332,271.00       -1,366,503,698.00      -1,364,744,937.00

Total                              9,328,540,502.00        9,164,365,947.00        4,824,073,408.00       5,181,417,108.00

(3)Main business (Classified by product)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Reporting period                           Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales        Costs of sales          Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

TFT-LCD                           12,199,149,140.00       12,225,070,764.00        3,892,833,598.00       4,493,304,229.00

Display light source               1,014,288,844.00             956,036,513.00       739,170,416.00        709,889,305.00

Display system                       856,696,380.00             822,702,651.00       653,132,721.00        582,258,545.00

Other business                       439,354,891.00             298,888,290.00       905,440,371.00        760,709,966.00

Offset                            -5,180,948,753.00       -5,138,332,271.00       -1,366,503,698.00      -1,364,744,937.00

Total                              9,328,540,502.00        9,164,365,947.00        4,824,073,408.00       5,181,417,108.00

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Reporting period                           Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales        Costs of sales          Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

China                              4,947,479,261.00        4,566,896,634.00        3,414,971,933.00       3,280,767,468.00

Other countries and regions of
                                   8,066,795,465.00        8,275,273,403.00        2,721,437,448.00       3,078,267,090.00

Europe                               641,719,191.00             631,829,037.00        94,788,942.00          87,469,547.00

America                              306,415,531.00             292,663,485.00        98,931,637.00          92,730,658.00

Other countries                      547,079,807.00             536,035,659.00         7,088,405.00           6,927,282.00

Offset                            -5,180,948,753.00       -5,138,332,271.00       -1,513,144,957.00      -1,364,744,937.00

Total                              9,328,540,502.00        9,164,365,947.00        4,824,073,408.00       5,181,417,108.00

(5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

               Customer                    Main business revenue                   Proportion of total business revenue (%)

                                                            2,311,737,030                                                        24%

TPV Technology Limited                                        362,294,386                                                        4%

Konka Group Co., Ltd.                                         338,333,988                                                        4%

Lenovo Group Co., Ltd.                                        198,486,120                                                        2%

ZTE Kangxun Telecom Company
                                                              170,669,482                                                        2%

Total                                                       3,381,521,006                                                        36%

55. Revenue from the construction contracts

□Applicable √Inapplicable
Notes of revenue from the construction contracts:

56. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                    Same period of last
                  Item                     Reporting period                                   Calculation and payment standard

Consumption tax

Business tax                                        12,583,751.00          7,481,878.00 Taxed by taxable operating revenue

Urban maintenance and construction                                                        Taxed by actual taxable operation tax and
                                                     1,506,006.00          1,945,244.00
tax                                                                                       VAT payable

Education surtax                                                                          Taxed by actual taxable operation tax and
                                                      677,496.00           1,168,534.00
                                                                                          VAT payable

Resources tax

                                                                                          Taxed by actual taxable operation tax and
Local education surtax                                496,878.00             375,389.00
                                                                                          VAT payable

Total                                               15,264,131.00        10,971,045.00                        --


57. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Source                               Reporting period                      Same period of last year

Trading financial assets                                                                                               -8,670,137.00

                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Including: gains from the changes in fair value of
derivative financial instruments

Trading financial liabilities

Investment property calculated in fair value

Other                                                                     0.00                               0.00

Total                                                                     0.00                     -8,670,137.00


58. Investment income

(1) List of investment income

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                      Reporting period             Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
cost method
Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                 -5,766,868.00                     -2,832,684.00
equity method
Investment    income arising from disposal of
                                                                    344,785.00                               0.00
long-term equity investments
Investment income received from holding of trading
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
financial assets
Investment income received from holding of
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
held-to-maturity investments
Investment income received from holding of
                                                                  1,669,314.00                      3,430,033.00
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income received from disposal of
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
trading financial assets
Investment income received from holding of
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
held-to-maturity investments
Investment income received from available-for-sale
                                                                          0.00                               0.00
financial assets

Other                                                                     0.00                               0.00

Total                                                            -3,752,769.00                        597,349.00

(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method


                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                           Same period of last
             Name of investee                  Reporting period                                        Reason for increase/decrease

Beijing Dongfang Hengtong                                                                         Joint venture that operation condition is
                                                          -31,376.00                 -99,946.00
Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                                                  turning better.

Beijing Nissin Electronics Precision                                                              Associated company that with an
                                                       -5,021,551.00              -3,246,756.00
Component Co., Ltd.                                                                               increase in losses.

                                                                                                  Associated company that with an
Beijing Nittan Electronic Co., Ltd.                     -265,717.00                 532,000.00
                                                                                                  increase in losses.

Julong Electronics Co., Ltd.                                      0.00               -17,982.00 Already liquidated

Beijing Yingfei Hailing Venture                                                                   Associated company that with an
Investment and Management Co., Ltd.                                                               increase in losses.

Erdos BOE Energy Investment Co.,                                                                  Associated company that with an
Ltd.                                                                                              increase in losses.

Total                                                  -5,766,868.00              -2,832,684.00                         --

59. Impairment losses

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Item                                         Reporting period                  Same period of last year

I. Bad debts losses                                                                      949,302.00                            1,005,623.00

II. Inventory falling price losses                                                -16,789,505.00                              57,773,286.00

III. Impairment losses of available-for-sale financial

IV. Impairment losses of held-to-maturity of investment

V. Impairment losses of long-term equity investment

VI. Impairment losses of investment property

VII. Impairment losses of fixed assets                                              3,951,134.00

VIII. Impairment losses of engineering materials

IX. Impairment loss of construction in progress

X. Impairment losses of productive biological assets

XI. Impairment losses of oil and gas assets

XII. Impairment losses of intangible assets

XIII. Impairment losses of goodwill

XIV. Other

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                             -11,889,069.00                         58,778,909.00

60. Non-operating gains


                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                                   Reporting period                  Same period of last year

Total gains from disposal of non-current assets                                     1,216,796.00                         17,368,311.00

Including:Gains from disposal of fixed assets                                      1,176,769.00                         17,283,495.00

         Gains from disposal of intangible assets

Gains from debt reconstruction

Gains from non-monetary assets exchange

Acceptance of donations                                                                                                   1,408,000.00

Government grants                                                                149,746,711.00                          43,299,784.00

Other                                                                               9,128,848.00                         11,163,582.00

Total                                                                            160,092,355.00                          73,239,677.00

(2) List of government grants

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Item                      Reporting period           Same period of last year                   Note

Discount on loan for project                         10,285,343.00                2,883,200.00

Government grants on other science
                                                    139,461,368.00               40,416,584.00
and research project

Total                                               149,746,711.00               43,299,784.00                     --


61. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

Item                                                                         Reporting period              Same period of last year

Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                    1,598,969.00                    6,907,321.00

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                               1,594,123.00                    6,907,321.00

         Loss on disposal of intangible assets

Loss on debt reconstruction

Loss on exchange of non-monetary assets

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

External donation

Other                                                                                  907,368.00                     641,767.00

Total                                                                                2,506,337.00                    7,549,088.00


62. Income tax expense

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                               Item                                       Reporting period            Same period of last year

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
                                                                                    13,131,257.00                    2,020,292.00

Adjustment of income tax                                                             -4,877,748.00                  -4,729,992.00

Total                                                                                8,253,509.00                   -2,709,700.00

63. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

                                                                          Reporting period            Same period of last year

Combining net profts/ (losses) attributable to common                                -781,114,226                  -1,215,484,477
shareholders of the Company

Weighted average amount of outstanding common shares of                            13,521,542,341                 13,521,542,341

Basic/diluted earnings per share/(losses) (yuan/share)                                       -0.058                        -0.090

64. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                               Item                                       Reporting period            Same period of last year

1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                        13,007,430.00                  -21,300,944.00

Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale
financial assets
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period
that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior

                             Subtotal                                               13,007,430.00                  -21,300,944.00

2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive
income as per equity method

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the interests in the
investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period
that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior

                              Subtotal                                                      0.00                        0.00

3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument

Less: Effects on income tax generating from cash flow hedging
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period
that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior
The adjustment value that is the converted initial recognition
amount of arbitrage project

                              Subtotal                                                      0.00                        0.00

4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                        1,066,762.00                  314,125.00

Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that
recognized into current profit and loss

                              Subtotal                                              1,066,762.00                  314,125.00

5. Other

Less: Effects on income tax generating from the others that
included into other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period
that recognized into other comprehensive income in prior

                              Subtotal                                                      0.00                        0.00

                               Total                                               14,074,192.00               -20,986,819.00


65. Notes of Cash Flow Statemen

(1)Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                         Item                                                      Amount

Exchange income arising from buying exchange                                                                   56,397,038.00

Guarantee money for a bid                                                                                      11,665,647.00

Other                                                                                                         178,769,513.00

                                                        Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                 Total                                                            246,832,198.00


(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                 Item                                                Amount

Administration expense on cash payment                                                            150,352,887.00

Production charges on cash payment                                                                  2,217,352.00

Sales expense on cash payment                                                                     185,280,178.00

Other                                                                                             240,219,370.00

                                 Total                                                            578,069,787.00


(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                 Item                                                Amount

Receipt of VAT refund on import equipments                                                         93,800,683.00

Other                                                                                              53,941,232.00

                                 Total                                                            147,741,915.00


(4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                 Item                                                Amount

Refund on bid/performance bond                                                                      5,200,000.00

Other                                                                                               2,167,347.00

                                 Total                                                              7,367,347.00


(5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                     Item                                                             Amount

Receipt of refund on interest                                                                                          50,000,000.00

Interest income arising from deposit of guarantee money                                                                70,188,265.00

Collecting limited deposit of financial units for acquiring equipments                                            1,651,985,705.00

Other                                                                                                                   7,138,968.00

                                     Total                                                                        1,779,312,938.00


(6) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Item                                                             Amount

Paid for agency service by bank consortium for loan                                                                     4,000,000.00

Other                                                                                                                   6,227,877.00

                                     Total                                                                             10,227,877.00

Notes of other cash paid relevant to financing activities:

66. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Supplemental information                             Reporting period             Same period of last year

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
                                                                                --                               --
from operations:

 Net profit                                                                    -1,077,106,680.00                 -1,326,538,316.00

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                               -11,889,069.00                    58,778,909.00

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive
                                                                                1,833,011,576.00                  1,244,059,211.00
biological assets

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                    61,395,795.00                    40,038,496.00

 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                            9,563,362.00                     7,019,080.00

 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and
                                                                                      -8,537,025.00                      131,606.00
other long-term assets (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets              (gains:
                                                                                          -3,064.00                              0.00

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                   0.00                     8,670,137.00

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                   121,301,724.00                   -75,281,816.00

                                                              Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                3,752,769.00                      -597,349.00

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                              -394,003.00                       932,265.00

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                       -3,603,080.00                     -5,662,259.00

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                 -303,781,948.00                      -828,674,656.00

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                          -1,597,470,740.00                      -893,659,861.00
(increase: negative)
 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities
                                                                           1,095,587,944.00                  1,156,594,606.00
(decrease: negative)

 Others                                                                                   0.00                              0.00

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                              121,827,560.00                   -614,189,947.00

 2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                           --                               --
involvement of cash receipts and payments

 Debt converted into capital

 Convertible company bonds due within 1 year

 Financing leased fixed assets

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                     --                               --

 Closing balance of Cash                                                  11,139,101,933.00                 11,073,485,807.00

 Less: opening balance of cash                                            12,959,533,670.00                 19,097,948,638.00

 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent

 Less: opening balance of cash equivalents

 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                            -1,820,431,737.00                 -8,024,462,831.00

(2)Relevant information of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operation entities in the
reporting period

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Supplemental information                           Reporting period             Same period of last year

I. Relevant information on acquisition of subsidiaries and
                                                                           --                               --
other operation entities:
1. Price of acquisition of subsidiaries and other operation
2. Cash and cash equivalents paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other operation entities
     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries
and other operation entities
3. Net cash acquired from subsidiaries and other operation

4. Net assets acquired from subsidiaries                                                  0.00                    34,500,924.00

     Current assets                                                                                              142,742,214.00

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

     Non-current assets                                                                                              7,758.00

     Current liabilities                                                                                       108,249,048.00

     Non-current liabilities                                                                                              0.00

II. Relevant information on disposal of subsidiaries and
                                                                            --                            --
other operation entities
1. Price of disposal of subsidiaries and other operation
2. Cash and cash equivalents received for disposal of
subsidiaries and other operation entities
     Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries
and other operation entities
3. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
operation entities

4. Net assets on disposal of subsidiaries                                               0.00                              0.00

     Current assets

     Non-current assets

     Current liabilities

     Non-current liabilities

(3)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                               Item                                  Reporting period          Same period of last year

I. Cash                                                                    11,139,101,933.00              12,959,533,670.00

Including: Cash on hand                                                           538,148.00                      599,473.00

 Bank deposit on demand                                                    11,138,563,785.00              12,958,934,197.00

 Other monetary funds on demand

 Central Bank deposit on demand

 Due from banks

 Call loan to banks

II. Cash equivalents

Including: bond investments due in three months

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                          11,139,101,933.00              12,959,533,670.00


67. Notes to statement of changes in owners’ equity


                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(VIII) Accounting treatment of assets securitization business

1. Notes of main trade arrangement and its accounting treatment of assets securitization business as well as
articles of bankruptcy remote


2. Main information about the special purpose entities in which the Company has no control right but bears
relevant risks:


(IX) Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. Information of the parent company of the Company

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                parent         The
                                                                                                  The parent
                        Busine                 Legal                                                            compan       ultimate
 Parent     Relations             Register                  Business      Registered        Curren company's                            Organizati
                             ss              Representat                                                          y's    controlling
company         hip               ed place                   nature         Capital          cy    shareholdi                            on Code
                         Type                    ive                                                            voting   party of the
                                                                                                    ng (%)
                                                                                                                 right       Company

                        Limite                                                                                           Administrat
                        d                                                                                                ion
Electroni                                                  nt of
            Actual      liabilit Beijing,                                1,307,370,000                                   Commissio 63364799-
cs                                           Wang Yan      state-owne                       CNY       2.04%      8.41%
            controller y          China                                               .00                                n of the       8
Holding                                                    d assets
                        compa                                                                                            State
                        ny                                                                                               Council of
                                                                                                                         the People's
                                                                                                                         of Beijing

                        Limite                             Manufactu                                                     State
            Controllin d          Beijing,Wang            re and sale 680,982,000.0                                     –owned        10110124-
BOID                                                                                        CNY       6.37%      6.37%
            g           liabilit China       Dongsheng of                              0                                 Assets         9
                        y                                  electronic                                                    Supervision

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                      compa                           products                                                        and
                      ny                                                                                              Administrat
                                                                                                                      n of the
                                                                                                                      of Beijing


2. Information of subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                          Legal                                                              ge of
                             Business    Registered                  Business      Registered       Curren     e of                    Organizati
  Full name         Type                              representat                                                            voting
                                type       place                       nature        capital         cy      Sharehold                     on code
                                                           ive                                                               right
                                                                                                              ing (%)

Beijing BOE     Controlli
                            Limited                                 e of
Optoelectronic ng                       Beijing,      Chen                        649,110,000.0                                        74935339
                            liability                               TFT-LCD                         USD        82.49% 82.49%
s Technology    subsidiar               China         Yanshun                                   0                                      3
                            company                                 and related
Co., Ltd.       y

Chengdu BOE Controlli Other
                                                                    e of
Optoelectronic ng           limited     Chengdu,      Wang                        1,830,000,000.                                       66755664
                                                                    TFT-LCD                         CNY          100%         100%
s Technology    subsidiar liability     China         Jiaheng                                  00                                      8
                                                                    and related
Co., Ltd.       y           company

                            liability                               Manufactur
Hefei BOE       Controlli
                            company                                 e of
Optoelectronic ng                                     Chen                        9,000,000,000.                                       68082289
                            (Solely-ow Hefei, China                 TFT-LCD                         CNY          100%         100%
s Technology    subsidiar                             Yanshun                                  00                                      1
                            ned by                                  and related
Co., Ltd        y
                            legal                                   parts

Beijing BOE                                                         Manufactur
                Controlli Other
Display                                               Wang          e of
                ng          limited     Beijing,                                  17,377,199,30                                        68435138
Technology                                            Dongshen TFT-LCD                              CNY        50.09% 50.09%
                subsidiar liability     China                                              0.00                                        8
Co., Ltd.                                             g             and related
                y           company
(BOE Display)                                                       parts

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

BOE (Hebei)      Controlli                                      Manufactur
Mobile           ng                      Langfang,C Zhang       e of                                                 78574713
                             liability                                        20,000,000.00 USD        75%     75%
Technology       subsidiar               hina       Zhaohong electronic                                              8
Co., Ltd.        y                                              components

BOE Hyundai
                 Controlli                                      Manufactur
LCD (Beijing)                Limited
                 ng                      Beijing,   Zhang       e of                                                 73765024
Display                      liability                                         5,000,000.00 USD        75%     75%
                 subsidiar               China      Zhaohong electronic                                              3
Technology                   company
                 y                                              components
Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE                                                     nt of
Special                      Limited                            display
                 ng                      Beijing,   Sun                                                              70022206
Display                      liability                          products      60,000,000.00 CNY       100%    100%
                 subsidiar               China      Shenglin                                                         9
Technology                   company                            and sale of
Co., Ltd.                                                       electronic

Beijing BOE      Controlli Other
                                                                e of
Vacuum           ng          limited     Beijing,   Ren                                                              63370950
                                                                electronic    35,000,000.00 CNY        55%     55%
Electronics      subsidiar liability     China      Jianchang                                                        3
Co., Ltd.        y           company

Beijing BOE      Controlli
                             Limited                            e of
Vacuum           ng                      Beijing,                                                                    66050630
                             liability              Zhou Yuan electronic      32,000,000.00 CNY       100%    100%
Technology       subsidiar               China                                                                       6
                             company                            vacuum
Co., Ltd.        y

                             Limited                            Property
Beijing BOE      ng                      Beijing,   Wang                                                             60003888
                             liability                          managemen 55,420,000.00 CNY            70%     70%
Land Co., Ltd. subsidiar                 China      Yanjun                                                           9
                             company                            t

                 Controlli Other
Beijing Yinghe                                                  Property
                 ng          limited     Beijing,   Wang                      233,105,200.0                          60006648
Century Co.,                                                    managemen                     CNY     100%    100%
                 subsidiar liability     China      Yanjun                               0                           4
Ltd.                                                            t
                 y           company

Beijing BOE      Controlli
                             Limited                            Sales of
Multimedia       ng                      Beijing,   Chen                      200,000,000.0                          69504225
                             liability                          electronic                    CNY     100%    100%
Technology       subsidiar               China      Yanshun                              0                           7
                             company                            products
Co. Ltd.         y

Beijing Asahi Controlli                                         Manufactur
Glass            ng                      Beijing,   Wang        e of                                                 60001557
                             liability                                        61,576,840.00 CNY       100%    100%
Electronics      subsidiar               China      Yanjun      optoelectro                                          2
Co., Ltd.        y                                              nic

                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Beijing BOE                  Limited                             Sales of
                 ng                      Beijing,     Li                                                               79160756
Marketing Co.,               liability                           electronic        500,000.00 CNY       100%   100%
                 subsidiar               China        Xuezheng                                                         1
Ltd.                         company                             products

Beijing BOE
                 Controlli                                       Merger and
Energy                       Limited
                 ng                      Beijing,     Liang      application                                           69321350
Science and                  liability                                          29,000,000.00 CNY       100%   100%
                 subsidiar               China        Xinqing    of PV                                                 X
Technology                   company
                 y                                               system
Co., Ltd.

                 Controlli Other
BeijingMatsus                                                    Property
                 ng          limited     Beijing,     Chen                      1,240,754,049.                         60000014
hita Color                                                       managemen                       CNY     80%    80%
                 subsidiar liability     China        Yanshun                              00                          3
CRT Co., Ltd.                                                    t
                 y           company

                             Limited     Seongnam,               Sales of
BOE (Korea)      ng                                   Li                                                               41066571
                             liability   Gyeonggi-d              electronic        100,100.00 USD       100%   100%
Co., Ltd.        subsidiar                            Xuezheng                                                         8
                             company     o, Korea                products

BOE              Controlli                                       e, trade and
Optoelectronic ng                                     Chen       investment                                            09266572
                             liability   BVI                                       600,000.00 USD       100%   100%
s Holding Co., subsidiar                              Yanshun    of                                                    X
Ltd.             y                                               electronic

                                                                 Home films
Beijing BOE      Controlli                                       and
                             Limited                  Wang
Digital          ng                      Beijing,                television,                                           60008644
                             liability                Dongshen                  10,000,000.00 USD        75%    75%
Technology       subsidiar               China                   equipment                                             2
                             company                  g
Co., Ltd.        y                                               manufactur

Suzhou BOE       Controlli
                             Limited                             e of
Chatani          ng                      Suzhou,      Dong                      186,485,134.0                          73574009
                             liability                           electronics                     CNY   90.51% 90.51%
Electronics      subsidiar               China        Qiang                                 0                          3
                             company                             and relevant
Co., Ltd.        y

Beijing BOE      Controlli Limited       Beijing,     Chen       R&D,           500,000,000.0                          69495680
                                                                                                 CNY    100%   100%
Vision-electro ng            liability   China        Yanshun    manufactur                 0                          7

                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

nic Co., Ltd.   subsidiar company                                 e and sales
                y                                                 of

                                                                  e of
                Controlli                                         optoelectro
Beijing BOE                 Limited
                ng                      Beijing,                  nics                                                  10171147
Semi-conducto               liability                  Cao Hong                 15,000,000.00 CNY        63%     63%
                subsidiar               China                     components                                            7
r                           company
                y                                                 and other

Erdos           Controlli                                         organic
Yuansheng       ng                                     Chen       light         2,004,000,000.                          57566474
                            liability   Erdos, China                                             CNY    99.8%   99.8%
Optoelectronic subsidiar                               Yanshun    emitting                 00                           8
s Co., Ltd.     y                                                 diode

Beijing         Controlli
                            Limited                               Property
Zhongpingxun ng                         Beijing,       Wang                                                             57522132
                            liability                             managemen 10,000,000.00 CNY           100%    100%
Technology      subsidiar               China          Yanjun                                                           -2
                            company                               t
Co., Ltd.       y

Beijing         Controlli
                            Limited                               Property
Zhongxiangyin ng                        Beijing,       Wang                                                             57532230
                            liability                             managemen 10,000,000.00 CNY           100%    100%
g Technology subsidiar                  China          Yanjun                                                           -6
                            company                               t
Co., Ltd.       y

                                                                                                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

3. Information of joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                              Total sales
                                                                                                 Percentage                                                                                 Net profit
                                             Legal                                                              Percentage       Total          Total           Total         of revenue
 Name of        Business   Registered                      Business   Registered                     of                                                                                       in the     Relationshi Organizatio
                                        representati                                  Currency                  of voting       closing        closing        closing net       in the
  investee         type      address                         nature    capital                   shareholdin                                                                                reporting            p         n code
                                              ve                                                                rights (%)      assets        liabilities       assets        reporting
                                                                                                   g (%)                                                                                     period

I. Joint
                    --          --            --               --         --             --          --             --            --              --              --              --            --               --          --

                                                       , property
               Limited                                 consultancy
Hengtong                   Beijing,     Li                            5,000,000.                                               4,238,746.                     4,238,746.                                 Joint
               liability                               ,                              CNY                 50%            50%                           0.00                                 -62,751.00
Technology                 China        Hongshan                                 00                                                      00                              00                              venture
               company                                 investment
nt Co., Ltd.
                                                       nt of

                                                                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                               y; sales of
                                               n materials

Associated         --          --        --           --         --               --   --           --            --          --           --         --         --             --      --

                                               nt and
Beijing                                        manufactur
Nissin                                         e of
Electronics               Beijing,   Liang     electron       10,100,000                                       134,023,17 102,653,13 31,370,043 14,470,530 -14,105,48 Associated
              liability                                                     USD        35.6%        35.6%
Precision                 China      Xinqing   gun and its            .00                                              8.00        5.00         .00        .00        0.00 enterprise
Component                                      component
Co., Ltd.                                      s; sales of

                                               nt and
              Limited                          of terminal,
Nittan                    Beijing,   Liang                    2,000,000.                                       70,514,886 35,144,448 35,370,438 43,193,799 -664,292.0 Associated
              liability                        connector,                   USD             40%          40%
Electronics               China      Xinqing                          00                                                .00         .00         .00        .00           0 enterprise
              company                          pressure
Co., Ltd.
                                               sales of

                                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Beijing                                         Investment
Yingfei                                         manageme
Hailing                                         nt, assets
Venture                    Beijing,   Wang      manageme     1,000,000.                                                 -109,440.0          -1,109,440. Associated
               liability                                                  CNY   35%     35%   75,071.00 184,511.00                   0.00
Investment                 China      Dongsheng nt and              00                                                          0                   00 enterprise
and                                             investment
Manageme                                        consultanc
nt Co., Ltd.                                    y

Erdos BOE Other
Energy         limited     Erdos,     Shi       Energy       30,000,000                       9,684,387.                9,482,310.          -498,391.0 Associated
                                                                          CNY   20%     20%                202,077.00                0.00
Investment liability       China      Youwen    investment          .00                              00                        00                    0 enterprise
Co., Ltd.      company

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

4. Information of other related parties of the Company

        Name of other related party                          Relationship                             Organization code

Beijing State-owned Assets Management Investor that has significant influence on
Co., Ltd.                                     the Group

Being E-TOWN International Investment         Corporation that holds over 5% shares of
& Development Co., Ltd.                       the Company

Beijing Economic-Technological                Corporation that holds over 5% shares of
Investment & Development Corp.                the Company

Hefei Rongke Project Investment Co., Corporation that holds over 5% shares of
Ltd.                                          the Company

                                              Corporation that holds over 5% shares of
Hefei Lan Ke Investment Co., Ltd.                                                        68084769-3
                                              the Company

Hefei Xincheng State-Owned Assets             Corporation that holds over 5% shares of
Management Co., Ltd.                          the Company

Beijing BDA Technological Investment          Person act-in-concert that holds over 5%
Development Co., Ltd.                         shares of the Company

                                              Corporation controlled by the same
Beijing Jile Electronics Group Co., Ltd.                                                 101209006
                                              ultimate controlling company

Beijing Electronic Zone Investment and        Corporation controlled by the same
Development Co., Ltd.                         ultimate controlling company

Beijing Sevenstar Huasheng                    Corporation controlled by the same
Electronics&Machinery Co., Ltd.               ultimate controlling company

Beijing Senvenstar Front Electronics Co.,     Corporation controlled by the same
LTD.                                          ultimate controlling company

Beijing Sevenstar Hongtai Electronics         Corporation controlled by the same
Equipment Co., Ltd.                           ultimate controlling company

                                              Corporation controlled by the same
Beijing Sevenstar City Real Estate Co. Ltd.                                              726377528
                                              ultimate controlling company

Beijing Sevenstar Flight Electronic Co.,      Corporation controlled by the same
Ltd                                           ultimate controlling company

Beijing BBEF Science & Technology Co., Corporation controlled by the same
Ltd                                           ultimate controlling company

Beijing Zhengdong Electronic Power            Corporation controlled by the same
Group Co., Ltd.                               ultimate controlling company

Beijing Yandong Microelectronics Co.,         Corporation controlled by the same
Ltd.                                          ultimate controlling company

Beijing Orient Electronic Materials           Corporation controlled by the same         10171140X

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Company                                      ultimate controlling company

Beijing Dongdian Industrial Development Corporation controlled by the same
Corporation                                  ultimate controlling company

Beijing Jiuxin Property Management           Corporation controlled by the same
Limited liability company                    ultimate controlling company


5. Related-party transactions

(1) Purchase of goods and acceptance of service

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Pricing method              Reporting period           Same period of last year
                            Content of the
    Related party                               decision-making                            Proportio                      Proportio
                              transaction                                 Amount                         Amount
                                               procedures for the                            n (%)                          n (%)


                                              Based on market
Beijing Electronics                           price and pricing
                        Supplemental raw
Holding Co., Ltd and                          after fair                    4,910,000.00       0.05%     27,290,000.00       0.21%
its subsidiaries                              discussion by each

                                              Based on market
Beijing Electronics     Repair and            price and pricing
Holding Co., Ltd and transformation, service after fair                     2,630,000.00       7.48%       7,220,000.00      26.4%
its subsidiaries        and processing        discussion by each

                                              Based on market
Beijing Nissin                                price and pricing
                        Metal frame,
Electronics Precision                         after fair                    4,680,000.00       0.05%       6,000,000.00      0.05%
Component Co., Ltd.                           discussion by each

Sales of goods and rendering of service
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Pricing method              Reporting period           Same period of last year
                            Content of the
    Related party                               decision-making                            Proportio                      Proportio
                              transaction                                 Amount                         Amount
                                               procedures for the                            n (%)                          n (%)


Electronics Holding Products, power and       Based on market
                                                                               60,000.00         0%         640,000.00       0.01%
and its subsidiaries    energy                price and pricing

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                    after fair
                                                    discussion by each

                                                    Based on market
                                                    price and pricing
Electronics Holding
                        Offering service            after fair                        10,000.00        0.01%            30,000.00       0.04%
and its subsidiaries
                                                    discussion by each

                                                    Based on market
                                                    price and pricing
Beijing Nittan
                        Power, energy               after fair                      330,000.00           0%           740,000.00        0.01%
Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                                    discussion by each

                                                    Based on market
                                                    price and pricing
Beijing Nittan
                        Offering service            after fair                        10,000.00        0.01%            70,000.00        0.1%
Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                                    discussion by each

                                                    Based on market
Beijing Nissin                                      price and pricing
Electronics Precision Offering service              after fair                        20,000.00        0.03%            90,000.00       0.13%
Component Co., Ltd.                                 discussion by each

(2)Information of related party trust/contract


(3)Information of related-party lease

Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Information                                                   Pricing      income
                            Category of                      Amount of                                                              income
  Name of        Name of                      of the                                                   basis for the recognized
                             the leased                      the leased     Initial date Ending date                                effect on
   lessor         lessee                      leased                                                      rental       in the
                               assets                            assets                                                               the
                                              assets                                                     income      reporting

BOE          Beijing
                                                                                         30 Jun.       Lease
Technology Jiuxin           House          Intact                          1 Jan. 2012                                30,259.00
                                                                                         2012          contract
Group Co., Property

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Ltd.         Managemen
             t Co., Ltd.

BOE          Beijing
Technology Nittan                                                                     26 Nov.       Lease
                           House           Intact                       1 Jan. 2012                                644,173.00
Group Co., Electronic                                                                 2015          contract
Ltd.         Co., Ltd.

Lease situation of the Company

Notes of related-party lease
The above lease was an on-going lease.

(4)Information of related-party guarantee

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                           Whether the
       Guarantor           Secured party            Guarantee amount         Initial date            Due date              guarantee was
                                                                                                                      accomplished or not

                       BOE Optoelectronic
Electronics Holding                                 21,747,285,288.00 31 Mar. 2005              1 Apr. 2014           No
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

This guarantee was provided by Electronics Holding for BOE Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. to gaining syndicated loan.

(5)Related-party call loan


(6)Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties


 (7)Other related-party transaction


6. Amounts due from/to related parties

Amount due from related parties
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

          Name                   Related party                     Closing balance                              Opening balance

                           Electronics Holding and
Accounts receivable                                                                   630,000.00                                  503,000.00
                           its subsidiaries

                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                         Electronics Holding and
Prepaid accounts                                                             5,050,000.00                      1,031,600.00
                         its subsidiaries

                         Beijing Nissin
Accounts receivable      Electronics Precision                                 670,000.00                        674,900.00
                         Component Co., Ltd.

                         Beijing Nittan
Accounts receivable                                                            400,000.00                        510,400.00
                         Electronic Co., Ltd.

Amount due to related parties
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                Name                             Related party              Closing balance           Opening balance

                                      Electronics Holding and its
Accounts payable                                                                    13,280,000.00              5,621,800.00

                                      Electronics Holding and its
Other accounts payable                                                               5,750,000.00              6,662,500.00

                                      Beijing Nissin Electronics
Accounts payable                      Precision Component Co.,                       2,310,000.00              1,788,600.00

                                      Beijing Nissin Electronics
Other accounts payable                Precision Component Co.,                          20,000.00                 15,000.00

(X) Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment


2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment


3. Information of cash-settled share-based payment


4. Information of share-based payment service


                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

5. Modification, termination of share-based payment


(XI) Contingency

1. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from unsettled litigation or arbitration

The Group is defendant in certain lawsuit as well as the plaintiff in other proceedings arising in the ordinary
course of business. Although the outcomes of such contigencies, lawsuits or other proceedings cannot be
determined at present, management believes that any resulting liabilities will not have a material adverse impact
on the financial position or operating results of the Group.

2. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from loan guarantee offered to other companies

(1) The Group’s guarantees provided for external entities
As at 30 Jun. 2012, there wasn’t any guarantee provided by the Group for external entities.
(2) Guarantees provided for internal entities
As at 30 Jun. 2012, the Company and Electronics Holding provided a joint guarantee for the long-term loan which was borrowed by
a subsidiary of the Company, Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as―BOEOT‖), with the
committed guarantee amount of USD740,000,000 (in 2011: USD740,000,000).Pursuant to the guarantee agreement, as at 30 Jun.
2012, the guarantee amount actually provided by the Company was RMB2,174,285,288 (in 2011:RMB2,483,563,823). In the
meanwhile, the Company chared guarantee money on BOEOT and the guarantee money will be expired until Apr. 2014.

Other contingent liabilities and its financial effect:

(XII) Commitments

1. Significant commitments

1. Capital commitment
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                       30 Jun. 2012                    31 Dec. 2011

External investment contracts entered into but not                               4,495,562,303                     2,817,048,043
performed or partially performed

External investment contracts authorized but not                                      1,277,413
entered into

Total                                                                            4,496,839,716                     2,839,012,888

2.   Operating lease commitment
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yua

                                                             30 Jun. 2012                           31 Dec. 2011

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                         13,138,691                            11,408,873

1 years to 2 years (including 2 year)                                     6,227,822                             7,870,972

2 years to 3 years (including 2 year)                                     4,540,314                             6,252,318

Over 3 years                                                              1,815,220                             3,025,814

Total                                                                    25,722,047                            28,557,977

2. Fulfillment of previous commitments

In accordance with contract process then completed with plan.

(XIII)Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Notes of significant events after the Balance Sheet Date


2. Notes of profit distribution after Balance Sheet Date


3. Notes of other events after Balance Sheet Date


(XIV)Notes of other significant events

1. Exchange of non-monetary assets


2. Debt reorganization


3. Business combination


4. Lease


                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

5. Closing financial instruments that externally issued and convertible into shares


6. Main content and significant changes of annuity plan


7. Other significant events


(XV) Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                                  Book balance       Provision for bad debts                 Balance            Provision for bad debts
         Category                               Propo
                                                                        Proporti                       Proporti                   Proporti
                                  Amount        rtion    Amount                          Amount                    Amount
                                                                        on (%)                         on (%)                     on (%)
Accounts receivable with
significant single amount
and             individually
withdrawn       bad      debt
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Subtotal of the groups

Accounts receivable with
insignificant         single
amount but individually 61,948,143.00 100%               3,373,751.00              5% 58,150,087.00      100%      3,037,708.00           5%
withdrawn       bad      debt

Total                           61,948,143.00    --      3,373,751.00         --       58,150,087.00      --       3,037,708.00      --

Notes to category of accounts receivable:
The basis of single significant accounts was 5% of the balace of this item.
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

   Content of accounts
                                Book balance           Bad debts provision       Withdrawal proportion      Withdrawal reason

Ningbo Yinzhou
                                                                                                         Calculated by
Huasheng CRT                            146,597.00                146,597.00                      100%
                                                                                                         recoverable amount
Components Works

Shanghai Shengxing
                                                                                                         Calculated by
Electrical Apparatus                      89,160.00                  89,160.00                    100%
                                                                                                         recoverable amount

Shaoxing Huaguang
                                                                                                         Calculated by
Technology Industrial                     85,640.00                  85,640.00                    100%
                                                                                                         recoverable amount
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                         Calculated by
Other                                61,626,746.00               3,052,354.00                       5%
                                                                                                         recoverable amount

            Total                    61,948,143.00               3,373,751.00                       5%               --

(2)Information of accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the report period


(3)Information of accounts receivable that written off in the report period


(4)Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in
accounts receivable in report period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5)Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount


                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(6) Top five accounts receivable

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

   Name of company                 Relationship               Amount                  Term            Proportion (%)

Beijing Yinghe Century
                             Subsidiary                        21,667,309.00 Over 1 year                               35%
Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Vacuum
                             Subsidiary                        19,319,323.00 Over 1 year                               31%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Land Co.,
                             Subsidiary                         4,010,882.00 Over 1 year                               7%

Beijing BOE Special
Display Technology Co., Subsidiary                              2,491,800.00 Over 1 year                               4%

Beijing BOE Vacuum
                             Subsidiary                         1,887,878.00 Over 1 year                               3%
Technology Co., Ltd.

            Total                         --                   49,377,192.00               --                          80%

(7) Accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

        Name of company                        Relationship                Amount                  Proportion (%)

Beijing Yinghe Century Co.,
                                 Subsidiary                                     21,667,309.00                          35%

Beijing BOE Vacuum
                                 Subsidiary                                     19,319,323.00                          31%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Land Co., Ltd.       Subsidiary                                       4,010,882.00                         7%

Beijing BOE Special Display
                                 Subsidiary                                       2,491,800.00                         4%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Vacuum
                                 Subsidiary                                       1,887,878.00                         3%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing Nissin Electronics
Precision Component Co.,         Associated company                                 646,055.00                         1%

Beijing Nittan Electronic Co.,
                                 Associated company                                 397,197.00                         1%

Other                            Subsidiary                                       1,689,746.00                         2%

              Total                                 --                           52,110,190.00                         84%

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


RMB0.00 was transferred from the accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination recognition.

(9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on the
arrangement of relevant transactions


2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Closing balance                                         Opening balance
                                                                                                                         Provision     for      bad
                                  Book balance                 Provision for bad debts Book balance
                                                      Propo                       Propo                       Propo                          Propo
                                  Amount              rtion    Amount             rtion    Amount             rtion      Amount              rtion
                                                      (%)                         (%)                         (%)                            (%)
Other accounts receivable
with     significant     single
amount      and   individually       210,992,248.00     69%                                  327,392,494.00     84%
withdrawn         bad     debt

Other accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Subtotal of the groups

Other accounts receivable
with     insignificant   single
amount      but    individually       95,406,476.00     31%          119,943.00 0.13%         61,924,103.00     16%          160,156.00 0.26%
withdrawn         bad     debt

Total                                306,398,724.00     --           119,943.00     --       389,316,597.00       --         160,156.00        --

The basis of single significant accounts was 5% of the balace of this item.
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

Content of other accounts
                                     Book value               Bad debts provision         Withdrawal proportion                  Reason

Beijing BOE                             41,435,625.00                                                                  Calculated by

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Vision-technology Co.,                                                                                    recoverable amount

                                                                                                          Calculated by
Other                               169,556,623.00
                                                                                                          recoverable amount

           Total                    210,992,248.00                                         --                        --

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

Content of other accounts
                                Book balance           Bad debts provision      Withdrawal proportion         Withdrawal reason

Beijing Ouya Air Co.,                                                                                     Calculated by
                                         342,695.00                119,943.00                       35%
Ltd.                                                                                                      recoverable amount

                                                                                                          Calculated by
Other                                95,063,781.00
                                                                                                          recoverable amount

           Total                     95,406,476.00                 119,943.00                     0.13%              --

(2)Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period


(3)Information of the write-off other accounts receivable


(4) The other accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(5)Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount


                                                              Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 (6) Top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

   Name of company              Relationship               Amount                   Term            Proportion (%)

Chengdu BOE
Optoelectronics           Subsidiary                        103,427,131.00 Within 1 year                             34%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE
Vision-technology Co.,    Subsidiary                         41,435,625.00 Within 1 year                             13%

Beijing BOE
Optoelectronics           Subsidiary                         29,891,667.00 Within 1 year                             10%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Display
Technology Co., Ltd.      Subsidiary                         29,225,120.00 Within 1 year                             10%
(BOE Display)

Hefei BOE
Optoelectronics           Subsidiary                         20,000,031.00 Within 1 year                             6%
Technology Co., Ltd

            Total                      --                   223,979,574.00            --                             73%

(7) Other account receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

        Name of company                     Relationship                 Amount                  Proportion (%)

Chengdu BOE
Optoelectronics Technology    Subsidiary                                      103,427,131.00                         34%
Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE
                              Subsidiary                                       41,435,625.00                         13%
Vision-technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Optoelectronics
                              Subsidiary                                       29,891,667.00                         10%
Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing BOE Display
Technology Co., Ltd. (BOE     Subsidiary                                       29,225,120.00                         10%

Hefei BOE Optoelectronics
                              Subsidiary                                       20,000,031.00                         6%
Technology Co., Ltd

Other                         Subsidiary                                       26,023,748.00                         9%

              Total                              --                           250,003,322.00                         82%

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


RMB0.00 was transferred from the other accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination recognition.

(9) If securitization is carried out on the other accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on
the arrangement of relevant transactions


3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                            ons on
                                                                                                                  al amount
                                                                                           s between
                                                                                                                     of       Cash
                                                                      Sharehold   Voting   sharehold Provision
            Accounti    Initial                                                                                   impairme bonus in
      The                           Opening Increase/     Closing         ing     right       ing        for
               ng      investmen                                                                                     nt        the
 investee                           balance    decrease   balance     Proportio Proportio proportio impairme
             method      t cost                                                                                   provision reporting
                                                                          n         n        n and      nt loss
                                                                                                                   in the     period

            Cost       19,250,00 19,250,00                19,250,00
cs Co.,                                                                     55%      55%
            method          0.00        0.00                   0.00
cs ")

Land Co., Cost         333,037,4 333,037,4                333,037,4
                                                                          100%      100%
Ltd.("Yin method           33.00       33.00                 33.00

Beijing     Cost       9,450,000 9,450,000                9,450,000
                                                                            63%      63%
BOE         method            .00        .00                    .00

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Electroni Cost       193,087,9 193,087,9   193,087,9
                                                         90.51%   90.51%
cs Co.,     method      04.00     04.00       04.00

            Cost     31,038,52 31,038,52   31,038,52
Technolo                                                   75%      75%
            method        5.00      5.00        5.00
gy Co.,

Technolo Cost        120,307,5 120,307,5   120,307,5
                                                           75%      75%
gy Co.,     method      00.00     00.00       00.00

BOE         Cost     7,731,474 7,731,474   7,731,474
                                                           70%      70%
Land Co., method           .00       .00         .00

Technolog Cost       10,000,00 10,000,00   10,000,00
                                                          100%     100%
y Co., Ltd. method        0.00      0.00        0.00

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Technolog Cost       10,000,00 10,000,00   10,000,00
                                                          100%     100%
y Co., Ltd. method        0.00      0.00        0.00
xun) (c)

Technolo Cost        4,172,288 4,172,288   4,172,288
                                                         82.49%   82.49%
gy Co.,     method     ,084.00   ,084.00     ,084.00

Technolo Cost        60,000,00 60,000,00   60,000,00                           60,000,00
                                                          100%     100%
gy Co.,     method        0.00      0.00        0.00                                0.00

            Cost     1,984,685 1,984,685   1,984,685
ronicsc                                                   100%     100%
            method         .00       .00         .00
Co., Ltd.

            Cost     788,450.0 788,450.0   788,450.0
(Korea)                                                   100%     100%
            method          0         0           0
Co., Ltd.

            Cost     500,000.0 500,000.0   500,000.0
Marketin                                                  100%     100%
            method          0         0           0
g Co.,

Beijing     Cost     12,416,55 12,416,55   12,416,55       75%      75%        12,416,55

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

BOE         method        0.00      0.00        0.00                                0.00
gy Co.,

            Cost     32,000,00 32,000,00   32,000,00
gy Co.,                                                  100%   100%
            method        0.00      0.00        0.00
gy ")

Electroni Cost       30,888,47 30,888,47   30,888,47
                                                         100%   100%
cs Co.,     method        0.00      0.00        0.00
Glass ")

Technolo Cost        1,833,149 1,833,149   1,833,149
                                                         100%   100%
gy Co.,     method     ,991.00   ,991.00     ,991.00

ronics      Cost     9,000,000 9,000,000   9,000,000
                                                         100%   100%
Technolo method        ,000.00   ,000.00     ,000.00
gy Co.,
i BOE ")

            Cost     361,304,2 361,304,2   361,304,2
atsushita                                                80%     80%
            method      88.00     88.00       88.00

                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

CRT Co.,
hita Color
CRT ")

Technolo Cost         200,000,0 200,000,0   200,000,0
                                                           100%     100%
gy Co. method            00.00     00.00       00.00
ia ")

and          Cost     29,000,00 29,000,00   29,000,00
                                                           100%     100%
Technolo method            0.00      0.00        0.00
gy Co.,
Energy ")

             Cost     500,000,0 500,000,0   500,000,0
chnology                                                   100%     100%
             method      00.00     00.00       00.00
Co., Ltd.

gy Co.,      Cost     8,705,000 8,705,000   8,705,000
                                                          50.09%   50.09%
Ltd.         method     ,000.00   ,000.00     ,000.00

Erdos        Cost     2,000,000 2,000,000   2,000,000     99.8%    99.8%

                                                   Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Yuanshen method        ,000.00   ,000.00     ,000.00
Co., Ltd.

                                                                      BOE and
Erdos                                                                 with
Haosheng                                                              capital of
Energy                                                                RMB
Investme                                                              2,000,000
            Cost     2,000,000 2,000,000   2,000,000
nt Co.,                                                  20%    100% ,
            method         .00       .00         .00
Ltd.                                                                  RMB6,50
(―Haoshe                                                             0,000 and
ng                                                                    RMB1,50
Energy‖)                                                             0,000
                                                                      ly. The
                                                                      shares of

                                                           Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 shares of
                                                                                 Energy by

            Equity   18,613,23 9,008,337 -5,021,55 3,986,787
Compone                                                          35.6%   35.6%
            method        4.00       .00      0.00       .00
nt Co.,

c Co.,      Equity   6,650,640 14,364,27 -265,717. 14,098,55
                                                                  40%     40%
Ltd.("      method         .00      0.00       00       3.00

cs Co.,
            Equity   8,000,000 6,819,271 -6,819,27
Ltd.("                                                  0.00      40%     40%
            method         .00       .00      1.00

Investme Equity      350,000.0 348,546.0 -348,546.
                                                        0.00      35%     35%
nt and      method          0         0        00
ent Co.,

                                                             Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


nt Co.,      Equity   2,000,000 2,000,000 -99,678.0 1,900,322
                                                                    20%     20%
Ltd.("       method         .00       .00        0         .00
nt ")

             Cost     2,500,000 2,500,000            2,500,000
ation &                                                            2.5%    2.5%
             method         .00       .00                  .00
Card Co.,

                      11,868,00 11,868,00            11,868,00
Semicond                                                           7.29%   7.29%
                           0.00      0.00                 0.00
uctor Inc.

Laborator Cost        6,250,000 6,250,000            6,250,000
                                                                   12.5%   12.5%
y for        method         .00       .00                  .00
Digital T

Display      Cost     106,391,6 106,391,6            106,391,6                           105,821,6
                                                                   7.03%   7.03%
Technolo method          35.00     35.00                35.00                                03.00
gy Co,

             Cost     280,000.0 280,000.0            280,000.0                           280,000.0
             method          0         0                    0                                      0

                      27,838,12 27,835,05 -12,554,7 27,822,49                            178,518,1
Total           --                                                 --      --      --
                       6,863.00 3,413.00     62.00 8,651.00                                53.00


                                                              Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

(1) Revenue, Cost of Sales

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Item                       Reporting period                           Same period of last year
Main business revenue                                           56,713,623.00                                50,503,219.00

Other business revenue                                         113,992,417.00                                41,354,483.00

Cost of sales                                                   51,546,737.00                                38,700,083.00

(2)Main business (Classified by industry)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                               Revenue of sales          Cots of sales          Revenue of sales         Cots of sales

Other business                       56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

Total                                56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

(3)Main business (Classified by product)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                               Revenue of sales          Cots of sales          Revenue of sales         Cots of sales

Other business                       56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

Total                                56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                               Revenue of sales          Cots of sales          Revenue of sales         Cots of sales

China                                56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

Total                                56,713,623.00              47,618,614.00         50,503,219.00          34,965,577.00

                                                               Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                 Proportion of
                                  Customers                                     Total revenue of sales          total revenue of
                                                                                                                   sales (%)

21ViaNet Group, Inc                                                                             16,542,541.00               29%

Beijing Yinghe Century Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                          5,194,409.00                  9%

95Teleweb Information Co Ltd                                                                     2,210,770.00                  4%

Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.                                                          2,277,718.00                  4%

TPV Technology                                                                                   2,327,766.00                  4%

Total                                                                                           28,553,204.00               50%


5. Investment income

(1)List of investment income

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                   Reporting period               Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity
                                                                                -5,735,492.00                     -2,732,738.00
Investment income arising from disposal of long-term equity
Investment income received from holding of trading financial
Investment income received from holding of held-to-maturity
Investment         income   received   from    holding    of
                                                                                 1,669,314.00                      3,430,034.00
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income received from disposal of trading
financial assets
Investment income received from holding of held-to-maturity
Investment income received from available-for-sale financial


Total                                                                           -1,521,393.00                        697,296.00

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

(2)Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                      Same period of last
               Name of investee                  Reporting period                               Reason for increase/decrease YoY

                                                                                              Distribution of dividends in investee
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd.               2,200,000.00

Total                                                  2,200,000.00                                                 --

(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                      Same period of last
               Name of investee                  Reporting period                               Reason for increase/decrease YoY

                                                                                              Associated company that with an
Nissin Electronics                                    -5,021,551.00         -3,246,756.00
                                                                                              increase in losses.

                                                                                              Associated company that with an
Nittan Electronics                                      -265,717.00           532,000.00
                                                                                              increase in losses.

Julong Electronics                                                             -17,982.00 Already liquidated

                                                                                              Associated company that with an
Yingfei Hailin                                          -348,546.00
                                                                                              increase in losses.

                                                                                              Associated company that with an
BOE Energy Investment                                    -99,678.00
                                                                                              increase in losses.

Total                                                 -5,735,492.00         -2,732,738.00                           --

No limits.

6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Supplemental information                             Reporting period                Same period of last year

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
                                                                                    --                                   --

 Net profit                                                                                -390,210.00                    -28,328,368.00

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                     295,830.00                           153,695.00

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive
                                                                                         18,985,451.00                        19,182,673.00
biological assets

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                        2,807,979.00                         1,969,093.00

 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                567,703.00                           551,952.00

                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and other
                                                                                         -8,718,680.00                138,400.00
long-term assets (gains: negative)

 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets     (gains: negative)

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                   -47,647,828.00               -51,919,194.00

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                       1,521,393.00                 -715,278.00

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                               -336,945.00                 -223,440.00

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase:
                                                                                    128,345,879.00                -24,880,403.00
 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease:
                                                                                   -754,223,190.00                -65,039,306.00


 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                -658,792,618.00               -149,110,174.00

 2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                                    --                           --
involvement of cash receipts and payments

 Debt converted into capital

 Convertible company bonds due within 1 year

 Financing leased fixed assets

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                              --                           --

 Closing balance of cash                                                           2,219,086,475.00             2,414,025,206.00

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                     2,951,867,533.00            11,478,796,269.00

 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent

 Less: opening balance of cash equivalents

 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     -732,781,058.00             -9,064,771,063.00

7. Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the counter purchase


(XVI)Supplemental information

1. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    The weighted average ROE                             EPS
            Profit in the reporting period
                                                                  (%)                    Basic EPS             Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to the Company's                                  -3.12%                     -0.058                  -0.058

                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

common stock shareholders
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company's common stock after deducting                                          -3.6%                   -0.067                -0.067
non-recurring gains and losses

2. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements of the Company and
relevant reasons

1) Analysis on movement of main items in Balance                                                             Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Item                        2012-6-30      2011-12-31        Rate of Reason for movement

Notes receivable                 55,148           34,029           62% Part of accounts receivable due from customers was collected by
                                                                       bill of exchange

Accounts receivable             338,639          256,080           32% Volume production and revenue was expanded by stage on new
                                                                       projects, then increased accounts receivable

Advance payment                  15,463            6,480       139% Volume production and revenue was expanded by stage on new
                                                                       projects, then increased advance payment on purchasing for

Interest receivable               4,624           10,524        -56% Fixed deposit was reduced in reporting period

Other current assets            236,930           69,680       240% VAT credit balance was increase in reporting period

Construction           in       575,276          841,292        -32% New project was under volume production by stage in reporting
process                                                                period, then construction in process was transferred into fixed

Long-term        deferred        23,387            2,286       923% Other deferred expenses aging over one year was increased in
expenses                                                               reporting period

Other         non-current        24,870            7,068       252% Purchase prepayment for long-term assets was increased in
assets                                                                 reporting period

Short-term loan                 222,484          648,719        -66% Recovery of trading finance loan in reporting period

Advance receivables              41,756           18,607       124% Advance accounts from customers was increased in reporting

Taxes in charge                   3,233            4,734        -32% Reduce of corporate income tax, business tax and individual
                                                                       income tax in reporting period

Other             current         5,211            8,865        -41% Write-off of product quality guarantee deposit withdrawn in
liabilities                                                            previous with the sales of products

2) Analysis on movement of main items on Income                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Item                   Jan. to Jun. 2012 Jan. to Jun. 2011      Rate of         Main effect factor

                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Business revenue              960,888            494,003            95% Mainly because productivity of production line was improve
                                                                        and sales of main products was increasing by volume
                                                                        production of new project by stage, then made increase of
                                                                        sales revenue;

Business cost                  950,240           534,472            78% Mainly because productivity of production line was improve
                                                                        and sales of main products was increasing by volume
                                                                        production of new project by stage, then business cost was
                                                                        increased by expansion of business revenue;

Sales expense                   25,446             16,976           50% Mainly because productivity of production line was improve
                                                                        and sales of main products was increasing by volume
                                                                        production of new project by stage, then business cost was
                                                                        increased by expansion of business revenue;

Financial expense               12,130             -7,528          261% Mainly because net interest cost was increased

Assets impairment                -1,189             5,878         -120% The Company offset impairment based on the lower of cost
                                                                        and net realizable value;

Investment                         -375                60         -728% Mainly because the Company recognized investment loss on
income        (loss:                                                    associated companies;

Non-operating                   16,009              7,324          119% Mainly because the Company writes off deferred income on
revenue                                                                 a project according to the completion by stage

3)Analysis of change of Cash Flow                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten thousand
Item                   Jan.–Jun. 2012    Jan.-Jun. 2011    Change rate Main influence factor

Net    cash     flow            12,183            -61,419          120% Business revenue was expanded in reporting period and
arising         from                                                    price of main products was picking up

Net    cash     flow          -219,815         -1,663,038           87% New projects were transferred into operation from
arising         from                                                    construction, then purchase expense on engineer and
investment                                                              equipments was reduced

Net    cash     flow            23,777           921,620           -97% New projects were transferred into operation from
arising         from                                                    construction, then cash inflow arising from specific loan
financing                                                               was reduced

                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2012 of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                     VIII. Documents for Reference

                                                     Documents for Reference

1. Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and manager of finance department;
2. In the reporting period, all originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been publicly disclosed in newspapers
designated by CSRC.

                                                                      Chairman of the Board of Directors: Mr. Wang Dongsheng
                                                    Date for submission approved by the Board of Directors: 27 August, 2012
