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						BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

Stock Code: 200725                         Stock Name: BOE-B                                      Announcement No. 2018-050

                           BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.
                             INTERIM REPORT 2018 (SUMMARY)

Part I Important Notes

This Summary is based on the full text of the 2018 Interim Report of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (together with its

consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company”, except where the context otherwise requires). In order for a full understanding of the

Company’s operating results, financial condition and future development plans, investors should carefully read the aforesaid full text,

which has been disclosed together with this Summary on the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the


The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of

the Company hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be

jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.

Mr. Wang Dongsheng, the Company’s legal representative, Mr. Chen Yanshun, president of the Company’s Execution Committee

(Chief Executive Officer), Ms. Sun Yun, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, and Ms. Yang Xiaoping, head of the Company’s

financial department (equivalent to financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are

factual, accurate and complete.

Independent auditor’s modified opinion:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Board-approved interim cash and/or stock dividend plan for ordinary shareholders:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

Board-approved interim cash and/or stock dividend plan for preferred shareholders:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or

misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall prevail.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

Part II Key Corporate Information

1. Stock Profile

Stock name                                  BOE-A, BOE-B                 Stock code                           000725, 200725
Stock exchange for stock listing            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
          Contact information                              Board Secretary                          Securities Representative
Name                                        Liu Hongfeng                                                            --
                                            12   Xihuan   Middle     Road,   Beijing
Office address                              Economic-Technological Development Area,                                --
Tel.                                        010-64318888 ext.                                                      --
E-mail address                              liuhongfeng@boe.com.cn                                                  --

2. Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √ No
                     Item                                  H1 2018                     H1 2017                           Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)                                    43,473,904,966.00           44,605,027,995.00                              -2.54%
Net profit attributable to the            listed
                                                            2,975,206,500.00            4,302,605,600.00                           -30.85%
company’s shareholders (RMB)
Net profit attributable to the listed
company’s shareholders before exceptional                   978,868,759.00             4,017,844,109.00                           -75.64%
items (RMB)
Net cash generated from/used in operating
                                                           11,439,605,846.00           10,638,591,266.00                              7.53%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                  0.085                         0.123                          -30.89%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                0.085                         0.123                          -30.89%
Weighted average return on net assets (%)                             3.45%                        4.48%                              -1.03%
                     Item                             30 June 2018                31 December 2017                       Change (%)
Total assets (RMB)                                     276,232,247,578.00             256,108,741,849.00                              7.86%
Net assets attributable to the listed
                                                           85,465,192,715.00           84,809,816,377.00                              0.77%
company’s shareholders (RMB)

3. Shareholders and Their Holdings at Period-End

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share
Number of ordinary shareholders                             1,423,193 (including 1,383,999 A-shareholders and 39,194 B-shareholders)
                                                            Top 10 shareholders
                             Nature of      Shareholding                                                         Pledged or frozen shares
 Name of shareholder                                           Number of shares       Restricted shares
                            shareholder      percentage                                                           Status         Shares
Beijing State-owned
Capital Operation and                              11.68%            4,063,333,333                        0        N/A                      0
                      legal person
Management Center
Chongqing Ezcapital
Opto-electronics    State-owned
                                                    7.62%            2,653,000,041                        0        N/A                      0
Industry Investment legal person
Co., Ltd.
Hefei          Jianxiang State-owned                7.21%            2,510,142,953                        0        N/A                      0

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

Investment Co., Ltd.    legal person
Beijing Yizhuang
Investment Holdings                               3.57%            1,241,423,641              0      N/A                    0
                        legal person
Co., Ltd
Beijing           BOE
Investment          & State-owned
                                                  2.36%             822,092,180               0      N/A                    0
Development       Co., legal person
National Social
Security Fund           Other                     1.24%             429,993,527               0      N/A                    0
Portfolio 108
Hong Kong Securities
Clearing Company                                  1.20%             416,179,024               0      N/A                    0
                     legal person
National Social
Security Fund           Other                     0.96%             335,271,500               0      N/A                    0
Portfolio 101
Beijing Electronics     State-owned
                                                  0.79%             273,735,583               0      N/A                    0
Holdings Co., Ltd.      legal person
Central Huijin Assets State-owned
                                                  0.71%             248,305,300               0      N/A                    0
Management Co., Ltd legal person
                                 1. Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Center held 100% equities of
                                 Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                 2. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. held 66.25% equities of Beijing BOE Investment &
                                 Development Co., Ltd. and was its controlling shareholder.
                                 3. After the non-public issuing of BOE in 2014, Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd. and
                                 Chongqing Capital Photoelectricity Investment Co., Ltd., by entering into Implementation
                                 Protocol of Voting Right respectively, agreed to maintain all of the shares held by them
                                 respectively unanimous with Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. when
Connected or acting-in-concert executing the voting rights of the shareholders.
parties among shareholders above 4. After the non-public issuing of the Company in 2014, Beijing State-owned Capital
                                 Operation and Management Center handed over 70% of the shares directly held by it to
                                 Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. for management through Stock Management Protocol,
                                 and Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. gained the incidental shareholders’ rights except
                                 for disposing right and usufruct of the shares, of which the rest 30% voting right maintained
                                 unanimous with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. through the agreement according to
                                 Implementation Protocol of Voting Right.
                                 5. Except for the above relationships, the Company does not know any other connected party
                                 or acting-in-concert party among the top 10 shareholders.
Shareholders conducting margin
trading (if any)

4. Change of Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller in Reporting Period

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The controlling shareholder remained the same in the Reporting Period.
Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The actual controller remained the same in the Reporting Period.

5. Number of Preferred Shareholders and Shareholdings of Top 10 of Them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preferred shareholders in the Reporting Period.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

6. Corporate bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered and listed on the stock exchange, which were undue before the date of
this Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?

(1) Bond Profile

           Bond name                   Abbr.            Bond code               Due date        Balance (RMB’0,000)        Coupon rate
The 2016 public offering of
corporate bonds by BOE
                               16BOE01             112358                31 March 2021                          1,000,000          3.15%
Technology Group Co., Ltd. for
qualified investors (Phase I)

(2) Selected Financial Information of the Company as at Period-End

                    Item                              30 June 2018                 31 December 2017                   Change (%)
Gearing ratio                                                        59.31%                           59.28%                       0.03%
                    Item                                H1 2018                            H1 2017                    Change (%)
EBITDA-to-interest coverage (times)                                      5.66                            8.43                   -32.86%

Part III Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis

1. Business Overview of Reporting Period

Is the Company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


In the first half of 2018, the global economy was running steadily in a positive recovery. With a weakening display market, the

Company firmly upheld its strategy of “Ecoresystem: Open and Connected” and achieved good operating results in the industry. Also,

the Reporting Period saw improvements in the Company’s technological and product innovation with the Company applying for over

4,800 new patents in the period. Meanwhile, the Company has dominated all the markets of mainstream display products. Progress

has been made in expansion in the innovative application market, with output rising over 140% year-on-year. Unit sales of all the

“8425” high-definition products registered marked growth. With enhanced marketing, BOE iGallery saw improvements in both

market recognition and unit sales. Cooperation on electronic labels for smart retail has been established with supermarkets across the

globe. In the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) business, the Company strengthened cooperation with notable car makers and the TFT unit

sales went up. The AMOLED average yield rate has exceeded 70% as at the end of this June, with shipments continuously delivered

to well-known manufacturers. Additionally, the Company successfully held a suppliers’ meeting and the first Digital Art Forum, as

well as participating in various fairs and exhibitions at home and abroad (Japan, Europe, the U.S., etc.) to promote its advanced

products and technologies including flexible AMOLED, 8K, micro display, mini-LED and QLED, as well as commercial display

solutions and new retail solutions. These moves were aimed at boosting the Company’s brand recognition.

(1) Display and Sensor Device

Various types of mobile phones with free form and bezel-less display realized mass production, 6.18-inch flexible products realized

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

1mm dynamic warping, and 5.99-inch flexible products realized dynamic floating appearance design. The OGM Tilt

active-pen-based TPC product (the tablet PCs that supports metal mesh integrated touch technology and uses active pen) that realized

initial release in the world achieved mass production in April; the 3.9mm MNT semi-set product, which is the thinnest in the world

and first semi-integrated complete displayer product of BOE, succeeded in mass production; several types of innovative products

were exhibited in domestic and overseas exhibitions, including the 7.56-inch QXGA Foldable (foldable product with resolution ratio

being 2048 x 1536) that won Innovative Product and Application Award in 2018 China Electronic Information Expo (CITE). The

construction of new production line was implemented as scheduled and realized phased target in advance; the 10.5th Generation

BOE Hefei Production Line was completed in June; the pile foundation engineering of Kunming Microdisplay Project was

completed on Jun. 25; the first 0.39-inch product was highlighted and realized SID sample display on May 23. The production

capacity of the 8.5th Generation Chongqing and Fuzhou Production Lines reached a high respectively, with comprehensive yield rate

improved continuously.

(2) IoT-Based Smart System

The Company innovated its iGallery business, optimized contents of APP function, and increased business performance rapidly, thus

enjoying comparative growth of sales volume on moving base with 170%, newly developing 350,000 users, and increasing the

amount of works transactions by fivefold. The layout of Smart Retail Business in China started to show effects; the cumulative

number of brand owners and stores in market in regions as North China, Central China, Southern China and Sichuan, etc., reached 30

and 40 respectively. As for Smart Services, the Company optimized product structure, increased sales volume steadily, improved the

sales ratio of high-efficient products as TVs and displayers, and made its new application business develop rapidly. In addition, BOE

also promoted its project in progress steadily; for example, BOE Suzhou Industry Park Project was commenced successfully and

Chongqing Smart Manufacturing Factory realized mass production. Moreover, Smart Energy PV Project achieved stable and

high-efficient operation.

(3) Smart Healthcare Service

The Company defined business development strategy, focused on mobile healthcare products on the basis of Internet of health and

life data, provided services as healthcare guidance, disease prevention and precision medicine through integrating digital hospitals,

regenerative medicine and healthcare centers by virtue of life data, AI technology and professional medical team, and built an overall

and full-life-circle healthcare service ecosystem. As for mobile healthcare, the Company focused on microfluidics, biological

detection method and other technologies to independently research and develop biochips and family doctor equipment products,

which form an integrated business development framework together with ecological chain products and APP service platform. For

regenerative medicine, the Company completed establishing a system for heart diaphragm clinical research to promote animal

experiment and clinical research. The operation preparation for Hefei BOE Hospital was in progress, and the Company continuously

carried out on-line/off-line market promotion to improve its brand popularity; Chengdu BOE Hospital completed conceptual plan.

For healthcare centers, the Company persisted in optimizing client structure continuously, and realized remarkable effect in project

expansion. In addition, the Company also firmly promoted project planning for life science and technology industry base.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2018 (Summary)

2. Matters Related to Financial Reporting

(1) Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates or Measurement Methods Compared to Last
Accounting Period

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

No such changes.

(2) Retrospective Restatements due to Correction of Material Accounting Errors in Reporting Period

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

No such cases.

(3) Changes in Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements Compared to Last Accounting Period

√Applicable     □ Not applicable
For the Reporting Period, the newly incorporated Beijing BOE Sensor Technology Co., Ltd., as well as Mianyang BOE
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. and SES Imagotag SA, both obtained by the Company through business combinations not under common
control, were newly included into the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

                                                    Chairman of the Board (signature): Mr. Wang Dongsheng

                                              Date of the Board’s approval of this Report: 24 August 2018
