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                        INTERIM REPORT 2022

       August 2022

          Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the
contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Mr. Chen Yanshun, the Company’s legal representative, Mr. Gao Wenbao, President, Ms. Yang
Xiaoping, Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Teng Jiao, head of the financial department
(equivalent to financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in
this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and
its summary.
Any plans for the future, development strategies and other forward-looking statements
mentioned in this Report and its summary shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the
Company to investors. Therefore, investors are reminded to exercise caution when making
investment decisions. For further information, see “(X) Risks Facing the Company and
Countermeasures” in Part III herein.
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall

                                                     Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 10

Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 25

Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 28

Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................... 33

Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................... 47

Part VIII Preferred Shares .............................................................................................................. 57

Part IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 58

Part X Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 62

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2022

                                 Documents Available for Reference

(I) The financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s legal representative, President, Chief Financial Officer and head of
the financial department (equivalent to financial manager); and
(II) The originals of all the documents and announcements that the Company disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn during the Reporting
All the above mentioned documents are available at the Board Secretary’s Office of the Company.

                                                                  Chairman of the Board (signature): Mr. Chen Yanshun

                                                           Date of the Board’s approval of this Report: 26 August 2022

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022


            Term                                                            Definition
 “BOE”, the “Company”,     BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context
 the “Group” or “we”       otherwise requires
 The cninfo website            http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
 CSRC                          The China Securities Regulatory Commission
 The Articles of Association   The Articles of Association of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
 OLED                          Organic Light Emitting Diode
 LED                           Light-emitting Diode
 MLED                          Mini/Micro LED
 TFT-LCD                       Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display
 AMOLED                        Active-matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode
 Oxide                         A compound of oxygen and another chemical element
 Microdisplay                  Microdisplay technology
 LCD                           Liquid Crystal Display
 IoT                           Internet of Things
                               A type of radiation that can pass through objects that are not transparent and make it possible to
                               see inside them
 Mini/Micro LED                Submillimeter/Micro Light Emitting Diode
 IEC                           International Electrotechnical Commission
 BP                            Back Plate
 EPD                           Electrophoretic Display
 AM                            Active Matrix
 MNT                           Monitor, generally referring to the 27~34 inch model
 VR/AR                         Virtual Reality /Augmented Reality
 MNT QHD+                      Monitor with QHD+ definition
 NB Oxide                      A compound of oxygen and another chemical element
 MBL                           Mobile
 ISO                           International Organization for Standardization
 TV                            Television
 RGB                           Red Green Blue
 3C                            Computer, communication and consumer electronics
 P0.9                          Point 0.9mm
 SID                           The Society for Information Display
 DIA                           Display Industry Awards
 NB                            Notebook
 SaaS                          Software-as-a-Service
 Gaming                        Gaming monitor
 C2P and C2S                   Whole-gadget models manufactured by the Company

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

          Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock name                            BOE-A, BOE-B                          Stock code                000725, 200725
Changed stock name (if any)           N/A
Stock exchange for stock listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese               京东方科技集团股份有限公司
Abbr. (if any)                        京东方
Company name in English (if any) BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.
Abbr. (if any)                        BOE
Legal representative                  Chen Yanshun

II Contact Information

                 Item                               Board Secretary                             Securities Representative
   Name                              Liu Hongfeng                                    Luo Wenjie
                                     12 Xihuan Middle Road, Beijing Economic-        12 Xihuan Middle Road, Beijing Economic-
                                     Technological Development Area, P.R.China       Technological Development Area, P.R.China
   Tel.                              010-64318888 ext.                               010-64318888 ext.
   Fax                               010-64366264                                    010-64366264
   Email address                     liuhongfeng@boe.com.cn                          luowenjie@boe.com.cn

III Other Information

1. Contact Information of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address and

email address of the Company in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2021 Annual Report.

2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is Lodged

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for keeping the Company’s

periodic reports in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC for disclosing the

Company’s periodic reports and the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said information can

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022

be found in the 2021 Annual Report.

3. Other Information

Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to other information in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

 Yes □ No
Reason for retrospective restatement:

Change of accounting policy.

                                                                                        H1 2021                          Change (%)
                     Item                          H1 2022
                                                                             Before                  Restated              Restated
   Operating revenue (RMB)                     91,610,241,869.00        107,285,327,026.00      108,618,018,710.00             -15.66%
   Net profit attributable to the listed
                                                6,595,661,738.00         12,762,024,968.00       12,917,163,177.00             -48.94%
   company’s shareholders (RMB)
   Net profit attributable to the listed
   company’s shareholders before               4,239,456,093.00         11,661,616,772.00       11,816,754,981.00             -64.12%
   exceptional gains and losses (RMB)
   Net cash generated from/used in
                                               28,112,000,665.00         32,745,188,339.00       32,787,642,867.00             -14.26%
   operating activities (RMB)
   Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                      0.166                     0.363                    0.367          -54.77%
   Diluted earnings per share
                                                             0.166                     0.363                    0.367          -54.77%
   Weighted average return on equity
                                                            4.80%                     13.40%               13.54%               -8.74%
                                                                                   31 December 2021                      Change (%)
                     Item                        30 June 2022
                                                                             Before                  Restated              Restated
   Total assets (RMB)                         446,291,365,552.00        449,726,980,355.00      450,232,603,405.00              -0.88%
   Equity attributable to the listed
                                              143,316,946,650.00        142,925,547,899.00      143,086,216,558.00               0.16%
   company’s shareholders (RMB)

Reason for accounting policy change and correction of accounting error:
As required by the Q&A on the Implementation of Fixed Assets Standards and the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Group retrospectively adjusted related items of financial statements of the
beginning of the year and those of the same period of last year. The above changes of accounting policies have no significant influence
on the Company’s financial status and operating results.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022

V Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting

1. Net Profit and Net Asset Differences under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Net Asset Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

VI Exceptional Gains and Losses

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                         Item                                        Amount                     Note
   Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment
                                                                                          -1,480,132.00   N/A
   allowance write-offs)
   Tax rebates, reductions and exemptions given with ultra vires approval or
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   in lack of official approval documents
   Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of
   government subsidies consistently given in the Company’s ordinary
                                                                                       2,960,353,628.00   N/A
   course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental
   policies or standards)
   Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are charged
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   to current profit or loss
   Gain equal to the amount by which investment costs for the Company to
   obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than the
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   Company’s enjoyable fair value of identifiable net assets of investees
   when making investments
   Gain or loss on non-monetary asset swaps                                                        0.00   N/A
   Gain or loss on assets entrusted to other entities for investment or
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   Allowance for asset impairments due to acts of God such as natural
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   Gain or loss on debt restructuring                                                              0.00   N/A
   Restructuring costs in staff arrangement, integration, etc.                                     0.00   N/A
   Gain or loss on the over-fair value amount as a result of transactions with
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   distinctly unfair prices
   Current profit or loss on subsidiaries obtained in business combinations
   involving enterprises under common control from the period-beginning to                         0.00   N/A
   combination dates, net
   Gain or loss on contingencies that do not arise in the Company’s ordinary
                                                                                                   0.00   N/A
   course of business
   Gain or loss on fair-value changes in held-for-trading financial assets and
   liabilities & income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets and           122,322,990.00   N/A
   liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets (exclusive of the effective

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

   portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s ordinary course of
   Reversed portions of impairment allowances for receivables which are
                                                                                                 20,528,284.00    N/A
   tested individually for impairment
   Gain or loss on loan entrustments                                                                      0.00    N/A
   Gain or loss on fair-value changes in investment property of which
                                                                                                          0.00    N/A
   subsequent measurement is carried out using the fair value method
   Effects of all adjustments required by taxation, accounting and other
                                                                                                          0.00    N/A
   applicable laws and regulations on current profit or loss
   Income from charges on entrusted management                                                            0.00    N/A
   Non-operating income and expense other than the above                                         85,481,075.00    N/A
   Other gains and losses that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss                               0.00    N/A
   Less: Income tax effects                                                                      92,067,447.00    N/A
        Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)                                          738,932,753.00    N/A
   Total                                                                                      2,356,205,645.00
Particulars about other gains and losses that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.

1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

                       Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. is an loT company providing intelligent interface products and professional services for information
interaction and human health. After years of professional cultivation, the Company has developed into a global leader in the field of
semiconductor display and a global innovative enterprise in the field of the Internet of Things. Based on a deep understanding of the
intrinsic laws of the market and practical exploration, and in order to further enhance its value creation capability, BOE has proposed
the development strategy of " Screen-Connected IoT " based on its core genes and capabilities, seizing the ubiquitous growth
opportunities of "screen", and fully leveraging its core advantage of "screen" to integrate screens into more market segments and
application scenarios by integrating more functions and deriving more forms. By doing so, BOE will realize the user perception
revolution of "screen as terminal" in the digital era, build an industrial ecology of "screen as platform and screen as system", and
reshape the value growth model. At the same time, based on the strategic design of " Screen-Connected IoT ", BOE will bring a new
connotation to the "1+4+N+Ecosystem" development structure under the new development pattern.
"1" represents semiconductor display, which is the core capacity and quality resources accumulated by BOE, as well as the source and
origin of the Company's transformation and development.
"4" is a high-potential channel and direction of development selected based on BOE's core competence and value chain extension, as
well as the four main fronts of the Company's IoT transformation, namely the IoT Innovation business, the Sensor and Solution business,
the MLED business and the Smart Medical Engineering business.
"N" refers to the subdivided application scenarios of IoT that are continuously explored and cultivated by BOE, as well as the specific
focus of the Company's IoT transformation development.
“Ecosystem” means the Company work with its partners by way of strategic investment, strategy cooperation, etc. to ensure the security
of the business ecosystem.
The Company's core businesses are summarized as follows:
1. Display Devices business
The Display Devices business offers integrated design and manufacturing services for devices, and is committed to providing interface
devices applying TFT-LCD, AMOLED, Microdisplay and other technologies, focusing on providing customers with high-quality
display devices for smartphones, tablet PCs, laptops, monitors, TVs, vehicle-mounted, electronic shelf label (ESL), industrial control,
household medical applications, applications on wearable devices, whiteboards, tiled display screens, commercial devices, VR/AR
devices, etc.
2. IoT Innovation business
The IoT Innovation business offers integrated design and manufacturing services for system solutions, and provides customers with
competitive smart terminal products for TVs, monitors, laptops, tablets, low-power devices, IoT, 3D display, etc. Backed by AI and
big data technologies, it focuses on products and services combining hardware and software, providing integrated IoT solutions for
segments including smart industrial parks, smart finance, smart government affairs and transportation, visual arts, smart energy, all-in-
one machines, etc.
3. Sensor and Solution business
The Sensor and Solution business offers integrated design and manufacturing services for system solutions, focuses on medical
biological segment, transportation and construction, consumer electronics, microwave communications, industrial sensors and other
fields, and provides customers with design and manufacturing of sensor devices and system solution services, with specific products
and solutions including back plates for flat panel X-ray detectors (FPXD), digital microfluidic chips, intelligent PDLC glass and PDLC
system solutions, fingerprint identification sensors and systems, as well as industrial sensors and solutions, among others.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2022

4. MLED business
MLED business renders Mini-LED backlight products with high reliability and high partition of dimming for LCD of mobile phones,
tablet PCs, laptops, monitors, TVs, vehicles, wearable devices, etc., as well as Mini/Micro-LED display products with high brightness,
high reliability and high contrast for segment markets of outdoor, commercial, transparent, specialized and other displays. All these
products are designed and manufactured in an integrated manner.
5. Smart Medical Engineering business
The Smart Medical Engineering business adopts the professional service model to combine technologies with medicine and integrate
medicine and engineering with innovation, so as to provide families, communities and hospitals with the four major human-centered
services of health management, health technology, digital hospital, and technology services. It connects testing equipment, healthcare
workers and customers through the health IoT platform to build a smart health management ecosystem where customers enjoy health
services including prevention, treatment, therapy and nursing.
6. The "N" business
With a specific focus on "N", the Company provides hardware and software integrated system solutions for different industries,
including smart finance, smart industrial parks, visual art, smart retail, industrial IoT, and other fields, which can provide customers
with all-dimensional, one-stop and smart new experience under IoT scenarios. For example, smart retail provides customers with smart
retail solutions covering all fields such as malls and supermarkets, 3C, cosmetics, and household, realises online and offline integration
and upgrade, and offers the new experience of smart shopping; industrial IoT provides enterprises with solutions, products, and services
like smart production, smart factory, and cloud services, assists customers in digital intelligence transformation relying on its self-
developed industrial Internet platform, realises refined operation and management, achieves cost reduction and efficiency enhancement
from all procedures of design, supply, production, and sales, and offers all-dimensional, one-stop and smart industrial IoT solutions to

II Core Competitiveness Analysis

1. Steadily improved market position
The Company made breakthroughs in markets. In the five major application areas, our LCD market share ranked first in the world. We
further expanded high-end market segments, ranked first in the world in the market shares of NB Oxide and Gaming, and saw an
increase of over 20% in the sales of MNT QHD+. In terms of innovative application, the overall sales rose by over 50% year on year.
In terms of car displays, the Company's market share rose to the world's highest for the first time. The smart terminal product line was
gradually improved. We launched new products like 65-inch and 75-inch smart screens and C2P and C2S whole products, and saw a
year-on-year increase of over 160% in the sales of large-size products; we expanded new application scenarios for smart finance,
launched the industry's first elderly-friendly finance screen, and rolled out innovative scenario solutions such as green finance and
elderly-friendly services; in terms of smart parks, the Company successfully joined the smart industrial park working group of the
National Intelligence Standards Committee to promote the building of a standard industrial park system.
2. Continuously enhanced technological strength
Through the short-, medium- and long-term technology R&D mechanism, the Company productizes technology rapidly and actively
lays out forward-looking technology directions while realizing the incubation of technology value to ensure that the Company's
technological strength continues to lead. In terms of patents, in the first half of the year, the number of new patent applications exceeded
4,500, including more than 90% for inventions and over 33% for overseas patents; patent applications in respect of OLED, sensors,
artificial intelligence (AI) and other fields exceeded 50%. In terms of technical standards, the Company led the formulation and revision
of over 40 external standards, participated in the formulation and revision of more than 70 external standards, and raised over 20
proposals on technical standards. The ISO/IEC "Internet of Things (IoT) — IoT applications for electronic label system (ELS)" led by
the Company has been officially released. The four technical standards of the UHD video and audio broadcasting system for "100

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                          Interim Report 2022

Cities and 1000 Screens" such as the Technical Requirements of the Public Display System (Outdoor) of UHD Video and Audio
Broadcasting System for "100 Cities and 1000 Screens", which were formulated with the Company's participation, have been officially
released as well. In terms of products and technologies, the Company was the first to release the world's highest refresh rate technology
for TV, MNT, and NB. For TV products, we launched the "black quartz" technology with image quality matching OLED and has passed
the product certification of brand customers. A 110-inch 8K naked-eye 3D product, the largest size in the world, and a 95-inch 8K
OLED smart terminal using the 8K AI image enhancement engine, also the largest size in the world, were debuted in the SID. The
establishment of the process route for the NB backlight with ultrathin glass was completed, marking the thinnest module in the industry.
For car display products, we launched the first oversize (more than 40 inches) and curved vehicle-grade OLED product in the world.
The Company was the first to launch the peep-proof display technology featuring a 360-degree swappable display. In respect of
mini/micro LED Company launched the first direct display glass P0.9 4K product in the world and won the award of best display
component product for its 86-inch COG AM Mini LED backlight unit from SID DIA. The smart screens were delivered in batches in
the automotive and construction fields. Besides, we launched a command centre control platform and an omnimedia transportation
control platform and implemented the all-route commanding bus station project.
3. Further progress in the effectiveness of lean management
BOE continuously optimized its operation mechanism, promoted the centralization and scale of products, continued to strengthen
platform linkages and connections and leveraged its advantages of intensification, continuously enhancing the efficiency of production
lines. Design, supply, production, and sales departments closely collaborated with each other and made concerted efforts to
continuously guarantee efficient and accurate delivery. Meanwhile, focusing on the Group's strategy policy of "high-quality", we
managed to increase the delivery rate of high-end products by 6.3% from last year.
The Company was in a leading position in China's electronics industry in respect of the management of the "double carbon" task; we
successfully promoted the analysis report on management scenarios of science-based targets, trials of carbon footprint verification for
products, greenhouse gas verification, assessment of the double carbon task by third-party technology consulting firms, and the report
on carbon emission reduction by customers; the 10.5th generation of TFT-LCD production line in Wuhan was recognised as a national
green factory. The 8.5th generation of TFT-LCD production line won a national award for benchmarking enterprises of smart
manufacturing; the 8.5th generation of TFT-LCD production line in Fuzhou became the first enterprise in the Chinese Mainland to be
awarded as the "lighthouse factory" in the industry.
4. Steadily advanced digital transformation
BOE continued to comprehensively advance digital transformation, with the top goal of building "a digital, visual BOE". The Company
promoted and implemented a series of digital change key measures to build an end-to-end digital management system of "agile response,
efficient coordination, and full coverage", so as to stimulate organisational vitality, strengthen IT system support, revitalize data capital,
and realise efficient digital operation. The Company continued to improve management efficiency and business efficiency. In the first
half of the year, the Company further optimised the management mechanism for digital transformation projects, deepened the
empowerment by the project management system, refined the hierarchical decision-making mechanism, constantly improved enterprise
structure governance, process and data management capabilities, and the development of professional capabilities, and promoted the
implementation of each digital transformation project in an orderly manner focusing on excellent data, products, and delivery.

III Analysis of Core Businesses

See contents under the heading “I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period” above.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data:

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022

                   Item                       H1 2022                   H1 2021                               Main reason for change
                                                                                                           Demand for semiconductor
                                                                                                           display lingered at low levels,
                                                                                                           and major panel products
   Operating revenue                        91,610,241,869.00      108,618,018,710.00         -15.66%
                                                                                                           experienced falling prices,
                                                                                                           leading to a decline in
                                                                                                           operating revenue.
   Cost of sales                            74,499,068,362.00       75,420,407,266.00          -1.22%      N/A
   Selling expense                           1,862,479,468.00        2,295,547,697.00         -18.87%      N/A
   Administrative expense                    2,948,599,229.00        3,245,612,412.00          -9.15%      N/A
                                                                                                           Decreased net interest
   Finance costs                               654,112,804.00        1,758,296,231.00         -62.80%      expense in the Reporting
   Income tax expense                        1,681,324,244.00        2,260,425,038.00         -25.62%      N/A
   R&D investments                           5,689,976,471.00        5,535,141,416.00           2.80%      N/A
   Net cash generated from/used in
                                            28,112,000,665.00       32,787,642,867.00         -14.26%      N/A
   operating activities
   Net cash generated from/used in
                                            -22,841,690,510.00     -21,356,987,489.00                  -   N/A
   investing activities
                                                                                                           Increased cash inflows from
   Net cash generated from/used in
                                             -3,178,244,904.00     -12,633,974,318.00                  -   borrowings received during
   financing activities
                                                                                                           the Reporting Period
                                                                                                           Increased cash inflows from
   Net increase in cash and cash
                                             3,181,592,619.00       -1,723,109,268.00                  -   borrowings received during
                                                                                                           the Reporting Period
Material changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such changes in the Reporting Period.

Breakdown of operating revenue:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                               H1 2022                                          H1 2021
                                                                                                                  As % of       Change
            Item                                             As % of total
                                                                                                                   total         (%)
                                   Operating revenue           operating          Operating revenue
                                                             revenue (%)
                                                                                                               revenue (%)
   Total                               91,610,241,869.00             100%           108,618,018,710.00                100%       -15.66%
   By operating division
   Display devices                     82,641,917,513.00           90.21%           100,644,922,831.00              92.66%       -17.89%
   IoT innovation                      13,490,882,043.00           14.73%            13,321,094,890.00              12.26%         1.27%
   Sensor and solution                    103,681,585.00            0.11%                79,166,852.00               0.07%        30.97%
   MLED                                   411,634,393.00            0.45%               274,144,781.00               0.25%        50.15%
   Smart medical
                                        1,044,238,829.00            1.14%                863,981,458.00              0.80%        20.86%
   Others and offset                   -6,082,112,494.00           -6.64%             -6,565,292,102.00             -6.04%        -7.36%
   By product category
   Display devices                     82,641,917,513.00           90.21%           100,644,922,831.00              92.66%       -17.89%
   IoT innovation                      13,490,882,043.00           14.73%            13,321,094,890.00              12.26%         1.27%
   Sensor and solution                    103,681,585.00            0.11%                79,166,852.00               0.07%        30.97%
   MLED                                   411,634,393.00            0.45%               274,144,781.00               0.25%        50.15%
   Smart medical
                                        1,044,238,829.00            1.14%                863,981,458.00              0.80%        20.86%
   Others and offset                   -6,082,112,494.00           -6.64%             -6,565,292,102.00             -6.04%        -7.36%
   By operating segment
   Mainland China                      37,391,483,962.00           40.81%            50,358,289,184.00              46.36%       -25.75%
   Other regions in Asia               37,757,230,449.00           41.22%            44,464,483,584.00              40.94%       -15.08%

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Interim Report 2022

   Europe                               2,914,549,849.00                3.18%              3,602,389,524.00            3.32%      -19.09%
   America                             13,503,340,713.00               14.74%             10,094,599,107.00            9.29%       33.77%
   Other regions                           43,636,896.00                0.05%                 98,257,311.00            0.09%      -55.59%
Operating division, product category or operating segment contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                               YoY change
                                                                                              YoY change      YoY change
                                                                               Gross profit                                      in gross
          Item             Operating revenue           Cost of sales                          in operating     in cost of
                                                                                 margin                                           profit
                                                                                              revenue (%)      sales (%)
                                                                                                                               margin (%)
   By operating division
   Display devices         82,641,917,513.00          69,884,436,495.00            15.44%        -17.89%          -3.40%          -12.68%
   IoT innovation          13,490,882,043.00          12,263,288,192.00             9.10%          1.27%           3.87%           -2.27%
   By product category
   Display devices         82,641,917,513.00          69,884,436,495.00            15.44%        -17.89%          -3.40%          -12.68%
   IoT innovation          13,490,882,043.00          12,263,288,192.00             9.10%          1.27%           3.87%           -2.27%
   By operating segment
   Mainland China          37,391,483,962.00          29,333,965,536.00            21.55%        -25.75%         -18.68%           -6.82%
   Other regions in
                           37,757,230,449.00          30,966,230,745.00            17.99%        -15.08%           4.53%          -15.39%
   America                 13,503,340,713.00          11,568,639,131.00            14.33%         33.77%          70.49%          -18.45%
Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                           As % of total                                                       Recurrent
             Item                    Amount                                                   Source/Reason
                                                              profit                                                            or not
   Return on investment              646,167,675.00               13.20%            Income recognized from associates            Not
   Gain/loss on changes
                                      77,771,038.00                    1.59%                      N/A                             Not
   in fair value
                                                                                      Inventory valuation allowances
   Asset impairments              -4,528,459,543.00               -92.53%                                                         Not
                                                                                  established based on market conditions
   Non-operating income               99,586,182.00                    2.03%                       N/A                            Not
   Non-operating expense              17,425,496.00                    0.36%                       N/A                            Not

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2022

V Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Material Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                30 June 2022                                   31 December 2021                        Change in          Reason for
                                      Amount                   As % of total assets    Amount                As % of total assets    percentage (%)     material change
 Monetary assets                       84,788,918,128.00                      19.00%    80,986,835,088.00                   17.99%              1.01%        N/A
 Accounts receivable                   25,711,089,557.00                       5.76%    35,503,414,820.00                    7.89%             -2.13%        N/A
 Contract assets                           88,068,862.00                       0.02%        75,698,324.00                    0.02%              0.00%        N/A
 Inventories                           33,018,794,213.00                       7.40%    27,805,161,436.00                    6.18%              1.22%        N/A
 Investment property                    1,137,543,991.00                       0.25%     1,158,365,401.00                    0.26%             -0.01%        N/A
 Long-term equity
                                        6,646,019,274.00                     1.49%       6,040,948,317.00                   1.34%              0.15%         N/A
 Fixed assets                         214,032,994,330.00                    47.96%     227,141,366,885.00                  50.45%              -2.49%        N/A
 Construction in progress              40,146,851,520.00                     9.00%      32,099,711,879.00                   7.13%               1.87%        N/A
 Right-of-use assets                      879,444,501.00                     0.20%         753,164,237.00                   0.17%               0.03%        N/A
 Short-term borrowings                  2,766,638,569.00                     0.62%       2,072,057,332.00                   0.46%               0.16%        N/A
 Contract liabilities                   3,306,387,693.00                     0.74%       3,765,081,554.00                   0.84%              -0.10%        N/A
 Long-term borrowings                 123,858,634,582.00                    27.75%     116,078,666,587.00                  25.78%               1.97%        N/A
 Lease liabilities                        747,894,221.00                     0.17%         669,130,264.00                   0.15%               0.02%        N/A

2. Major Assets Overseas

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                               BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

3. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                  Gain/loss on fair-                              Impairment
                                                                        Cumulative fair-
                                                  value changes in                               allowance for   Purchased in the      Sold in the         Other
          Item               Beginning amount                            value changes                                                                                  Ending amount
                                                   the Reporting                                 the Reporting   Reporting Period    Reporting Period     changes
                                                                        charged to equity
                                                       Period                                        Period
 Financial assets
 1. Held-for-trading
 financial assets
                             10,635,068,300.00       77,771,038.00                    0.00                0.00   42,272,000,000.00   35,581,000,000.00          0.00   17,317,207,971.00
 (excluding derivative
 financial assets)
 2.Derivative financial
                                          0.00                 0.00                   0.00                0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
 3. Investments in
                                          0.00                 0.00                   0.00                0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
 other debt obligations
 4. Investments in
 other equity                   519,088,146.00                 0.00       -197,519,293.00                 0.00       18,036,272.00                0.00          0.00     550,228,080.00
 Subtotal of financial
                             11,154,156,446.00       77,771,038.00        -197,519,293.00                 0.00   42,290,036,272.00   35,581,000,000.00          0.00   17,867,436,051.00
 Investment property                      0.00                 0.00                   0.00                0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
 Productive living
                                          0.00                 0.00                   0.00                0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
 Others                                   0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
 Total of the above          11,154,156,446.00       77,771,038.00        -197,519,293.00                 0.00   42,290,036,272.00   35,581,000,000.00          0.00   17,867,436,051.00
 Financial liabilities                    0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00                0.00                0.00          0.00                0.00
Contents of other changes:

Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:

□ Yes  No

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2022

4. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                    Item                          Ending carrying value                       Reason for restriction

 Monetary assets                                                4,740,547,715.00     Mainly margin deposit

                                                                                     Endorsed and transferred with right of
 Notes receivable                                                 110,215,838.00     recourse, and put in pledge for the
                                                                                     issuance of notes payable
 Inventories                                                                0.00     N/A
 Fixed assets                                                 151,628,122,893.00     Mortgaged as collateral
 Intangible assets                                              1,477,181,999.00     Mortgaged as collateral
 Construction in progress                                         453,776,871.00     Mortgaged as collateral
 Investment property                                               40,313,449.00     Mortgaged as collateral
 Total                                                        158,450,158,765.00

VI Investments Made

1. Total Investments Made

 Applicable □ Not applicable
   Investments made in this Reporting       Investments made in the same period of
               Period (RMB)                            last year (RMB)
                           252,036,272.00                           796,092,446.00                                       -68.34%

2. Significant Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Significant Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

             4. Financial Investments

             (1) Securities Investments

              Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    on fair        Cumulative
                                                                                                                                    Purchased    Sold in
                                                                 Accounting                          value          fair value                               Profit/loss in
Variety of      Code of       Name of             Initial                          Beginning                                          in this     this                         Ending carrying     Accounting    Funding
                                                                 measurement                       changes           changes                                this Reporting
securities     securities     securities     investment cost                     carrying value                                     Reporting   Reporting                           value             title       source
                                                                   model                            in this        charged to                                   Period
                                                                                                                                     Period      Period
                                                                                                  Reporting           equity
Domestic/                                                                                                                                                                                         Other equity
                           Electronic                           Fair value                                                                                                                                       Self-
overseas      SH600658                          90,160,428.00                     56,638,836.00         0.00      -32,971,701.00         0.00        0.00      206,209.00       57,188,727.00     instrument
                           Zone                                 method                                                                                                                                           funded
stock                                                                                                                                                                                             investment
Domestic/                                                                                                                                                                                         Other equity
                           Bank of                              Fair value                                                                                                                                       Self-
overseas      HK01963                          120,084,375.00                     91,875,688.00         0.00      -30,022,420.00         0.00        0.00    9,563,780.00       90,061,955.00     instrument
                           Chongqing                            method                                                                                                                                           funded
stock                                                                                                                                                                                             investment
Domestic/                  New                                                                                                -                                                                   Other equity
                                                                Fair value                                                                                                                                       Self-
overseas      HK01518      Century             140,848,850.00                     19,810,485.00         0.00      124,529,381.0          0.00        0.00             0.00      16,319,469.00     instrument
                                                                method                                                                                                                                           funded
stock                      Healthcare                                                                                         0                                                                   investment
Other securities investments held at the
                                                         0.00          --                  0.00         0.00                 0.00        0.00        0.00             0.00                0.00          --          --
Total                                          351,093,653.00          --        168,325,009.00         0.00      187,523,502.0          0.00        0.00    9,769,989.00      163,570,151.00           --          --

             (2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

              Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000
                                Relationship       Related-                     Initial                         Beginning    Purchased    Sold in    Impairment     Ending         Ending         Actual
                                                                 Type of                  Start     End
               Counterparty       with the          party                    investment                         investment     in the       the       allowance   investment     investment      gain/loss
                                                                derivative                date      date
                                 Company         transaction                   amount                             amount     Reporting   Reporting     (if any)     amount         amount         in the
                                                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
                                        or not                                                                      Period        Period                                  as % of the     Reporting
                                                                                                                                                                          Company’s       Period
                                                                                                                                                                          ending net
                                                                                                                                                                          asset value
                                                  Foreign                      1          30
 Financial            Not related                 exchange
                                     Not                         77,145.97     January    June        77,145.97           0.00   40,233.27           0.00    36,912.70          0.26%        191.48
 institutions         parties                     forward
                                                  contract                     2022       2022
 Total                                                           77,145.97        --         --       77,145.97           0.00   40,233.27           0.00    36,912.70          0.26%        191.48
 Funding source                                                  Self-funded
 Legal matters involved (if applicable)                          N/A
                                                                 As of the end of the reporting period, the financial derivatives held by the company are foreign exchange forward contracts, and
 Analysis of risks and control measures associated with the
                                                                 the risks faced are related to the uncertainty of the foreign exchange market in the future. The company's control measures for
 derivative investments held in the Reporting Period
                                                                 the financial derivatives are as follows: the company controls the types of derivative transactions, reasonably matches the scale
 (including but not limited to market, liquidity, credit,
                                                                 of derivative transactions, and the transactions must match the company's production, operation and development planning,
 operational and legal risks, etc.)
                                                                 mainly for the purpose of cost locking and risk prevention.
 Changes in market prices or fair value of derivative
 investments in the Reporting Period (fair value analysis        The fair value of the invested derivatives at the end of the reporting period shall be determined by reference to the market
 should include measurement methods and related                  quotation of the external financial institutions.
 assumptions and parameters)
 Significant changes in accounting policies and specific
 accounting principles adopted for derivative investments in     No major changes
 the Reporting Period compared to the last reporting period
 Opinion of independent directors on derivative investments
 and risk control

5. Use of Funds Raised

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Overall Usage of Funds Raised

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                  Total funds                                                                  Proportion of                                             Amount of
                                                                                       Total funds       Accumulative                                Total         The usage and
                                    Total funds   used in the     Accumulative                                                 accumulative                                             funds raised
   Year         Way of raising                                                         with usage      funds with usage                             unused         destination of
                                      raised       Current         fund used                                                 funds with usage                                           idle for over
                                                                                        changed            changed                                   funds         unused funds
                                                    Period                                                                       changed                                                  two years
 2021           Private              2,033,260         90,928            1,840,745                0                    0                0.00%        192,515     Continuously                       0

                                                        BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2022
            placement of                                                                                                                                       used for the
            stocks                                                                                                                                             construction of
                                                                                                                                                               equity investment
 2022                              200,000       200,000                200,000             0                   0                  0.00%                0      N/A                              0
            corporate bonds
   Total           --            2,233,260       290,928            2,040,745               0                   0                  0.00%           192,515             --                       0
                                                                          Explanation of overall usage of funds raised
 The Company raised RMB2,000,000,000 from the above-mentioned offering of renewable corporate bonds during the Reporting Period, and the net proceeds exclusive of issuance costs were
 RMB1,989,000,000, which would be used for capital increase to subsidiary and replenishing the working capital. The raised funds of RMB2,000,000,000 have been used up in the Reporting
 Period, conforming to the provisions of the prospectus.
 The cumulative amount of raised funds through private placement of stocks was RMB20,332,599,995.83, and the net proceeds after deducting issuance costs were RMB19,869,507,400. In the
 Reporting Period, the raised funds were used according to project investment plans, conforming to the relevant promise.

(2) Commitment Projects of Fund Raised

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                              Investment                                                               Whether
                           Changed or                                                                                              Date of          Realized
       Committed                                          Investment       Investment       Accumulative      schedule as                                             Whether          occurred
                               not       Committed                                                                                reaching         income in
   investment project                                    amount after     amount in the      investment       the period-                                             reached         significant
                           (including    investment                                                                               intended            the
  and super raise fund                                    adjustment        Reporting      amount as of the                                                          anticipated      changes in
                             partial       amount                                                              end (3)=          use of the       Reporting
      arrangement                                             (1)            Period         period-end (2)                                                             income           project
                            changes)                                                                            (2)/(1)            project           Period
 Committed investment project
 Fuzhou BOE
 Optoelectronics       Not                   300,000          300,000                 0            300,000          100.00%   -                -                        N/A               Not
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Wuhan BOE
 Optoelectronics       Not                   650,000          650,000                 0            650,000          100.00%   -                -                        N/A               Not
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Chongqing BOE
 Display Technology    Not                   600,000          600,000             88,035           508,365          84.73%    -                -                        N/A               Not
 Co., Ltd.
 Yunnan Chuangshijie
 Optoelectronics       Not                   100,000          100,000                 0                   0          0.00%    -                -                        N/A               Not
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Chengdu BOE
                       Not                     50,000          50,000              2,893            49,120          98.24%    -                -                        N/A               Not
 Hospital Co., Ltd.
 Supplementation of    Not                   286,951          286,951                 0            286,951          100.00%   -                -                        N/A               Not
                                                       BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022
working capital
Chengdu BOE
Optoelectronics          Not                 100,000          100,000         100,000             100,000         100.00%    -             -                   N/A             Not
Technology Co., Ltd.
Wuhan BOE
Optoelectronics          Not                  90,000           90,000          90,000              90,000         100.00%    -             -                   N/A             Not
Technology Co., Ltd.
Supplementation of
                         Not                  10,000            8,900            8,900              8,900         100.00%    -             -                   N/A             Not
working capital
Subtotal of
committed                    --            2,186,951        2,185,851         289,828           1,993,336          --             --                   -        --              --
investment project
Super raised funds arrangement
Total                         --           2,186,951        2,185,851         289,828           1,993,336          --             --                   -        --              --
Condition and reason
for not reaching the
schedule and            N/A
anticipated income
(by specific items)
Notes of condition of
significant changes
occurred in project
Amount, usage and
schedule of super       N/A
raise fund
Changes in
address of investment
Adjustment of
implementation mode     N/A
of investment project
Advance investments     Applicable
in projects financed    As at 30 June 2022, the funds raised through Phase I of renewable corporate bonds of 2022 were used to swap with advance project investments of RMB1.9 billion.
with raised funds and
                        As at 30 June 2022, the Company had replaced the prior invested funds of the committed investment projects with the raised funds from the non-public offering of
swaps of such
advance investments     shares for a total amount of RMB6,023.0660 million . Of these, RMB3 billion was to replace the Company's own funds invested in repaying the loan of Fuzhou Urban
with subsequent         Construction Investment Group. RMB250 million was to replace the own funds invested in BOE Health Investment Management Company Limited, and
raised funds            RMB2,773.0660 million was to replace the own funds invested in Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.
Idle fund
supplementing the       N/A
current capital

                                                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2022
 Amount of surplus in     As at 30 June 2022, the funds raised through the renewable corporate bonds have been used up, with a balance of RMB3.2148 million in the raised funds account,
 project                  which was the interest income generated during the deposit period.
 implementation and       As at 30 June 2022, the balance of the raised funds from the non-public offering of shares was RMB1,987.1914 million, representing the unused raised funds and
 the reasons              interest income generated during the deposit period.

 Usage and
 destination of unused    As at 30 June 2022, the unspent raised funds will be paid for the purposes specified in the Issuance Report and Listing Notice.
 Problems incurred in
 fund using and
 disclosure or other

(3) Changes in Items of Funds Raised

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VIII Main Controlled and Joint Stock Companies

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022
Main subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% influence on the Company’s net profit

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                               Principal activities        Registered
       Name                with the                                                           Total assets        Net assets       Operating revenue     Operating profit       Net profit
                                          R&D, Production, and
                                          sales of semi-conductor
Chongqing BOE                             display device, complete
Optoelectronics                           machine, and relevant
                       Subsidiary                                        19,226,000,000   51,086,339,315.00   42,050,779,329.00    14,584,108,287.00    4,735,993,509.00    4,022,938,055.00
Technology Co.,                           products; import and
Ltd.                                      export business and
                                          technology consulting of
                                          Investment construction,
Fuzhou BOE
                                          R&D, Production, and
                       Subsidiary         sales of relevant products     17,600,000,000   30,373,168,281.00   23,361,695,160.00     7,503,816,684.00    1,111,851,720.00      950,620,453.00
Technology Co.,
                                          of TFT-LCD and its
                                          matching products.
Hefei Xinsheng                            Investment construction,
                                          R&D, Production, and
                       Subsidiary         sales of relevant products     19,500,000,000   33,048,144,814.00   24,091,526,663.00     9,490,240,470.00      819,647,212.00      699,264,696.00
Technology Co.,                           of TFT-LCD and its
Ltd.                                      matching products.
Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in this Reporting Period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Information about major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries:

IX Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures

Due to the challenges brought about by the pandemic and the ever-changing environment, the uncertainty of the global political and business environment continued to increase and the macro
environment was extraordinarily severe and complex. International geopolitical turbulence continued while inflation was spiking around the world, forcing central banks of many countries to

                                                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022
regulate their economies through interest rate hikes, RRR cuts and other methods. However, the recovery of the global economy remained weak, dampening consumer confidence. Facing such an
environment, the Company withstood the pressure, insisted on guaranteeing the resource input into technology, continuously enhanced its technological strength and deepened the strategic
cooperation with upstream and downstream partners to overcome the current difficulties with joint efforts. Meanwhile, the Company continued to pursue innovation-driven development,
accelerated the IoT transformation, and actively promoted the building of a safe and sound industrial ecology to respond to the impact of the external environment on all fronts.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022

                                       Part IV Corporate Governance

I Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

                                                  Convened       Disclosure
    Meeting        Type         participati                                                         Meeting resolutions
                                                    date            date
                                 on ratio
                                                                               The following reports and proposals were deliberated and
                                                                               approved, i.e., Report on the Work of the Board of Directors
                                                                               for 2021, Report on the Work of the Board of Supervisors for
                                                                               2021, Full Annual Report and Summary for 2021, Financial
                                                                               Final Report for 2021 and Business Plan for 2022, Proposal
                                                                               for the Distribution of Profits for 2021, Proposal on Borrowing
                                                                               and Credit Line, Proposal on the Development of Structured
                                                                               Deposits and Other Principal-protected Business, Proposal on
                                                                               Provision of Guarantee by A Subsidiary of Beijing BOE
   The 2021                                                                    Energy Technology Co., Ltd. for the 200,000 kW Photovoltaic
    Annual                                       28 April       29 April
                  General            24.61%                                    Project of Sonid Right Banner, Proposal on Provision of
    General                                      2022           2022
                  Meeting                                                      Guarantee for BOE Vision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.,
                                                                               Proposal on the Intended Appointment of an Audit Agency for
                                                                               2022, Proposal on Repurchase of Domestic Listed Foreign
                                                                               Investment Shares (B Share) of the Company, Proposal on
                                                                               Purchase of Liability Insurance for Directors, Supervisors, and
                                                                               Senior Managers, Proposal on the Amendment of the Articles
                                                                               of Association of the Company and other Policies, Proposal on
                                                                               the Amendment of the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory
                                                                               Committee, Election of Non-Independent Directors, Election
                                                                               of Independent Directors, and Election of Supervisors.

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders with Resumed
Voting Rights

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

 Applicable □ Not applicable
       Name                       Office title                   Type of change         Date of change            Reason for change
 Wang Jing                Director                          Resigned                17 March 2022              Voluntary resignation
                                                            Resigned upon expiry                               Resigned upon expiry
 Song Jie                 Director                                                  28 April 2022
                                                            of tenure                                          of tenure
                                                            Resigned upon expiry                               Resigned upon expiry
 Hu Xiaolin               Independent Director                                      28 April 2022
                                                            of tenure                                          of tenure
                                                            Resigned upon expiry                               Resigned upon expiry
 Li Xuan                  Independent Director                                      28 April 2022
                                                            of tenure                                          of tenure
                          Chairman of the                   Resigned upon expiry                               Resigned upon expiry
 Yang Xiangdong                                                                     28 April 2022
                          Supervisory Committee             of tenure                                          of tenure
                                                            Resigned upon expiry                               Resigned upon expiry
 Wei Shuanglai            Supervisor                                                28 April 2022
                                                            of tenure                                          of tenure
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 Chen Xiaobei            Supervisor                                               28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 Shi Hong                Supervisor                                               28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 He Daopin               Employee Supervisor                                      28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 Yao Xiangjun            Senior management                                        28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 Zhang Zhaohong          Senior management                                        28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
                                                       Resigned upon expiry                                  Resigned upon expiry
 Zhong Huifeng           Senior management                                        28 April 2022
                                                       of tenure                                             of tenure
 Fan Yuanning            Director                      Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
 Guo He                  Independent Director          Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
 Wang Duoxiang           Independent Director          Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
                         Chairman of the
 Wang Jin                                              Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
                         Supervisory Committee
 Shi Xiaodong            Supervisor                    Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
 Xu Jinghe               Supervisor                    Elected                    28 April 2022              Elected
 Wang Xiping             Senior management             Appointed                  28 April 2022              Appointed
 Yang Xiaoping           Senior management             Appointed                  28 April 2022              Appointed

III Interim Dividend Plan

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

IV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity Incentives

The Company held the 15th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2020 on 27 August
2020 and 17 November 2020 respectively and deliberated and approved the 2020 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Grant Program,
in which the Company intends to implement the Equity Incentive Scheme, including both the Stock Option Incentive Scheme and the
Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme. On 30 October 2020, the Company received the Approval on the Implementation of the Equity
Incentive Scheme of BOE (J.G.Z. [2020] No. 77) from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People's
Government of Beijing Municipality forwarded by Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd, the actual controller, and the State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People's Government of Beijing Municipality approved in principle the
implementation of this incentive scheme by the Company. Following the approval of the Proposal on the First Grant of Stock Options
and Restricted Shares to Incentive Objects at the 20th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 8th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory
Committee, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Registration of the First Grant of the 2020 Stock Option and
Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Announcement No.: 2020-086) on 31 December 2020. Following the approval of the Proposal on
the Awarding of Reserved Stock Options to Incentive Objects at the 31st Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 13th Meeting
of the 9th Supervisory Committee, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Completion of Registration of the Reserved and
Granted Stock Option of the 2020 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Announcement No.: 2021-084) on 23 October
2021. The Company disclosed the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Price of the Stock Option and the Restricted Share

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

Repurchase Price in the 2020 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme of the Company (Announcement No.: 2022-059)
on 30 August 2022. Since the equity distribution of the Company for 2021 has been completed, the restricted share repurchase price
involved in this incentive scheme is adjusted from RMB2.62/share to RMB2.41/share, the exercise price of the first grant of the stock
option is adjusted from RMB5.33/share to RMB5.12/share, and the exercise price of the reserved and granted stock option is adjusted
from RMB5.83/share to RMB5.62/share. The Company disclosed the Announcement on the Repurchase and Retirement of Certain
Restricted Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-060) and the Announcement on the Cancellation of Certain Stock Options
(Announcement No.: 2022-061) on 30 August 2022, in which the Company intends to repurchase and cancel 6,153,700 shares of
restricted shares and cancel a total of 24,073,200 shares of stock options in this incentive scheme that have been awarded to incentive
objects but have not been exercised by them since some incentive objects voluntarily resigned for personal reasons.

2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees

□ Applicable  Not applicable

      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2022

                            Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

      I Major Environmental Issues

      Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a heavily polluting business identified by the environmental
      protection authorities of China.
       Yes □ No

                     of                                   Distribution                       Discharge                       Approved
   Name of                     Way of           of                           Discharge                         Total                          Excessive
                   major                                  of discharge                        standards                         total
   polluter                   discharge     discharge                      concentration                     discharge                        discharge
                   pollut                                    outlets                        implemented                      discharge

                   COD       Standard                                      94 mg/L          500mg/l         132t           828.418t             None
Beijing BOE
                   Amm       after being                 Northwest
                   onia      treated by    1             corner of
                             sewage                      factory           2.85 mg/L        45 mg/L         4.07t          59.173t              None
Co., Ltd.          nitrog
                   en        treatment
The 4.5
generation TFT-    COD                                                     142.98mg/L       500mg/l         69.43t         607.66t              None
LCD production
                             after being
line of Chengdu                                          North side of
                   Amm       treated by    1
BOE                                                      factory
                   onia      sewage
Optoelectronics                                                            18.80mg/L        45mg/L          9.21t          54.69t               None
                   nitrog    treatment
                   en        system
Co., Ltd.
                   COD                                                     35.39mg/L        380mg/L         63.52t         1081.55t             None
Hefei BOE
                             after being                 Northwest
Optoelectronics    Amm
                             treated by    1             corner of
Technology         onia
                             sewage                      factory           1.92mg/L         30mg/L          3.47t          101.23t              None
Co., Ltd.          nitrog
                   COD                     1 (main                         135.56mg/L       500mg/l         337.5t         1570.32t             None
                   Amm                                   East gate of
                             Standard      outlet of
                   onia                                  factory
                             emission      wastewate                       20.04mg/L        45mg/l          49.78t         183.20t              None
Beijing BOE        nitrog
                             after being   r)
Display            en
                             treated by
Technology Co.,                            1(S2
                   COD       sewage                                        47.83mg/L        500mg/l         2.00t          80.76t               None
Ltd.                                       Phase II
                             treatment                   South gate of
                   Amm                     discharge
                             system                      dormitory
                   onia                    outlet of
                                                         area              24.8mg/L         45mg/l          1.91t          6.06t                None
                   nitrog                  sanitary
                   en                      sewage)
                   COD       emission                                      128.5mg/L        350mg/L         382.13t        3135.04t             None
Hefei Xinsheng
                             after being
Optoelectronics    Amm                                   Northeast side
                             treated by    1
Technology Co.,    onia                                  of factory
                             sewage                                        8.47mg/L         35mg/L          24.89t         313.5t               None
Ltd.               nitrog    treatment
                   en        system
                   COD                                                     108.34mg/L       500mg/L         71.067t        713.81t              None
Erdos                        emission
Yuansheng          Amm       after being                 North side of
Optoelectronics    onia      treated by                  factory
Co., Ltd.                    sewage                                        3.98mg/L         45mg/L          1.27t          2.635t               None
                   en        treatment

      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Interim Report 2022


The 6th
generation        COD                                         47.27mg/L    500mg/L   88.557t         2443.16t         None
                           after being
production line                              North side of
                  Amm      treated by    1
of Chengdu                                   factory
                  onia     sewage
BOE                                                           18.14mg/L    45mg/L    33.727t         203.53t          None
                  nitrog   treatment
                  en       system
Co., Ltd.
Chongqing         COD      emission                           100.87mg/L   400mg/L   193.098t        1900.24t         None
BOE                        after being
                  Amm                        South side of
Optoelectronics            treated by    1
                  onia                       factory
Technology                 sewage                             4.37mg/L     30mg/L    8.345t          146.17t          None
Co., Ltd.         nitrog   treatment
                  en       system
                  COD      Standard                           62.83mg/L    400mg/L   325.76t         4759.56t         None
Hefei BOE
                  Amm      after being
Display                                      North side of
                  onia     treated by    1
Technology Co.,                              factory
                           sewage                             14.92mg/L    35mg/L    77.57t          416.46t          None
Ltd.              nitrog
                  en       treatment
                  COD                                         12.89mg/L    500mg/L   32.14t          297.50t          None
Fuzhou BOE
                           after being
Optoelectronics   Amm                        Northeast side
                           treated by    1
Technology        onia                       of factory
                           sewage                             0.26mg/L     45mg/L    0.66t           29.75t           None
Co., Ltd.         nitrog
                  COD      emission                           21.59mg/L    500mg/L   32.56t          7125.85t         None
Mianyang BOE
                           after being
Optoelectronics   Amm                        North side of
                           treated by    1
Technology        onia                       factory
                           sewage                             1.57mg/L     45mg/L    2.37t           368.58t          None
Co., Ltd.         nitrog   treatment
                  en       system
                  COD                                         8.54mg/L     400mg/L   8.21t           4171.2t          None
                           after being
BOE Display       Amm                        North side of
                           treated by    1
Technology Co.,   onia                       factory
                           sewage                             1.41mg/L     35mg/L    0.68t           398.4t           None
Ltd.              nitrog
                  COD                                         58.22mg/L    500mg/L   281.08t         2413.73t         None
Wuhan BOE
                           after being       Northeast
Optoelectronics   Amm
                           treated by    1   corner of
Technology        onia
                           sewage            factory          5.97mg/L     45mg/L    28.84t          217.24t          None
Co., Ltd.         nitrog
                  COD                                         94.2mg/L     500mg/L   172.45t         2215.01t         None
Nanjing BOE
                           after being
Display           Amm                        South side of
                           treated by    1
Technology Co.,   onia                       factory
                           sewage                             3.6mg/L      45mg/L    25.69t          183.67t          None
Ltd.              nitrog
                  COD                                         130.53mg/L   500mg/L   74.79t          4310.1t          None
Chengdu CEC                emission
Panda Display     Amm      after being
                                         1   corner of
Technology Co.,   onia     treated by
                                             factory          20.19mg/L    45mg/L    11.97t          148.8t           None
Ltd.              nitrog   sewage
                  en       treatment

      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022


                   COD                                                        174.148mg/L        500mg/L         6.965t          88.491t            None
                             into sewage
BOE (Hebei)
Mobile Display     Amm                                      North side of
                             plant           1
Technology Co.,    onia                                     factory
                             through                                          8.812mg/L          45mg/L          0.364t          7.754t             None
Ltd.               nitrog
                   COD                                                        63.5mg/L           500mg/L         3.4t            domestic           None
                                                                                                                                 sewage of
                                                                                                                                 the project,
                                                                                                                                 treatment, is
                                                                                                                                 to         the
                             Standard                                                                                            industrial
Yunnan                       emission                                                                                            sewage
Chuangshijie                 after being                    Northwest                                                            plant       of
Optoelectronics              treated by      1              corner of                                                            Linkong
Technology         Amm       sewage                         factory                                                              Industrial
Co., Ltd.          onia      treatment                                                                                           Park        in
                             system                                           10.9mg/L           45mg/L          0.27t                              None
                   nitrog                                                                                                        Dianzhong
                   en                                                                                                            New Zone,
                                                                                                                                 and included
                                                                                                                                 in the total
                                                                                                                                 discharge of
                                                                                                                                 the sewage
                   COD       emission                                         104mg/L            500mg/L         0.58t           11.114t            None
BOE                          after being                    Northwest
Technology         Amm       treated by      1              corner of
Group Co., Ltd.    onia      sewage                         factory           3.59mg/L           45mg/L          0.02t           0.341t             None
                   nitrog    treatment
                   en        system
      Construction of pollution prevention equipment and operation condition
      During the Reporting Period, the Company did not have any serious environmental problems. The Company builds sound environment
      management systems and establishes the environment management organizations to supervise the overall environment performance of
      the Company, work out the environment management objectives and related systems, conduct regular supervision and instruction for
      the environment management of subsidiaries and push forward the implementation of environment management.
      Currently, the waste water which is generated by each subsidiary of the Company can be divided in to industrial waste water and
      household waste water. Rain water-waste water shunting system is adopted for drainage system to drain water separately according to
      different natures. After collecting, the rain water is discharged into rain water pipeline of factory; after the rain water is collected by
      rain water pipe network, the rain water is discharged. After being treated by sewage treatment system in factory, industrial waste water
      is discharged into sewage treatment factory through municipal pipe network for intense treatment. Household waste water comprises
      household fecal waste water and canteen oily waste water etc, after pretreatment, the waste water is discharged into municipal sewage
      treatment factory. All industrial and household waste water is not discharged directly, and the concentration and total amount of drainage
      satisfy the requirements of national and local relevant standards.
      In additional, the exhaust gas which is emitted by each subsidiary mainly comes from technology exhaust gas during production process,

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

generally including acid exhaust gas, alkaline exhaust gas, special exhaust gas and organic exhaust gas etc. Various exhaust gas can be
emitted after being treated by independent emission treatment system. The emission concentration and total amount satisfy the national
and local relevant standards.
“4R concept” for the use of materials has been used by the Company, that is recycle (Recycle), reduction (Reduce), renewal (Renew)
and responsibility (responsibly). The Company promises that the used materials are all in accordance with requirements of national
relevant environmental regulations and the registration, assessment, permission and restriction system of chemicals. In additional, the
Company promotes the recycle of package materials constantly. The waste materials which are generated by each subsidiary can be
divided into general industrial solid waste, hazardous waste materials and household waste materials, and they all handed over to
qualified recycler for regular treatment. The disposal rate of hazardous waste materials is 100%.
The Company focuses on the recycle of water resource and advanced cleaning methods such as adverse cleaning etc are adopted by
subsidiaries for processing equipment. Most high purity water and chemicals are recycled, reducing the consumption of high purity
water, chemical and other materials maximally and reducing the discharge of waste water and waste materials.
At present, each subsidiary formulates various management methods such as water pollution management standard, air pollution
management standard, hazardous waste materials management standard, energy management standard etc. The methods specify the
operation and maintenance regulations and requirements of pollutant treatment system, establish regular monitoring and supervising
mechanism, in order to ensure the continuous stable operation of each system.
In recent years, the environmental emission index of the Company is up to national standards such as Sewage Comprehensive Discharge
Standard, Air Pollutant Comprehensive Emission Standard, Industrial Enterprise Environmental Noise Emission Standard within
Factory Boundary, etc and local standards. The Company will continue to promote the environmental management, devote to forging
green factory and improve environmental management level constantly.
Environmental Impact Assessment on Construction Project and Other Administrative Licenses for Environmental Protection
At present, corresponding environmental impact assessments have been conducted for all construction projects under the control of the
Company in conformity with applicable national and local laws and regulations, and corresponding administrative licenses have also
been obtained.
Contingency Plan for Emergent Environmental Incidents
Every subsidiary of the Company has formulated, updated and filed corresponding contingency plan for emergent environmental
incidents in local environmental protection departments according to their requirements. However, such contingency plan consists of
comprehensive plan, special plan and on-site disposal plan, and involves various aspects such as waste water, exhaust gas, hazardous
wastes and dangerous chemicals etc. Meanwhile, drills must be conducted regularly.
Self-monitoring Plan
Currently, major pollutant-discharging units subordinated to the Company have worked out corresponding self-monitoring plan
according to relevant requirements put forward by the local environmental protection agency. The self-monitoring plans respectively
formulated by Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. have been published
via Beijing Environmental Information Disclosure Platform for Enterprises and Institutions and the Company’s official website.
Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the Reporting Period
                                                                                              Influence on
        Name                    Reason               Case                  Result            production and
N/A                    N/A                   N/A                   N/A                    N/A                   N/A

Other environment information that should be disclosed
Measures taken to decrease carbon emission in the Reporting Period and corresponding effects
 Applicable □ Not applicable

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

In the first half of 2022, to respond to the national goal to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and reach carbon neutrality before 2060,
the Company promoted the unified planning and effective implementation of carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality, clearly raised
a carbon emission management policy featuring "comprehensive coordination, continuous reduction in carbon emissions, value
extension and green development", and formulated measurable carbon emission management goals to continuously improve the
Company's performance in the management of carbon emission.
On the basis of the "624" action plan for peaking carbon emissions raised at the end of 2021, in the first half of 2022, the Company
coordinated all relevant undertakings and professional organisations, refined core projects for peak carbon emissions, implemented
specific action plans, and effectively advanced carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality by means of green management, green
products, green manufacturing, green recycling, green investment and green actions.
Subsidiaries achieve the goal of energy-saving and emission reduction through the operation of the energy management system and
the incentive energy-saving program through refined management on the energy management platform. Results of energy-saving and
emission reduction: The number of energy-saving and emission reduction projects was 264 in total in H1 2022. As at the end of June,
74.2903 million kWh of electricity, 2.7115 million tons of water, 0.1246 million cubic meters of natural gas, 0.3344 million cubic
meters of nitrogen, and 3.6 thousand cubic meters of vapor had been saved.
Meanwhile, in order to cope with the challenges and opportunities brought by carbon trading, subsidiaries in Beijing actively conducted
carbon emission trading and accumulated carbon trading experience to assist the Company in achieving its goals of carbon emission
peak and carbon neutrality.
Other related environment protection information
The Company fully considers design for recycling, universal design and minimal design of products in the product design stage, adheres
to the green management concept of the full life cycle of products, and follows the principles of minimizing energy and resource
consumption, minimizing the impact on the ecological environment and maximizing the recyclability.
In order to reduce the impact of the logistics transportation process on the environment, the Company and its partners constantly
improve the transportation management system, carry out reasonable layout and planning of transportation stations and routes, improve
the delivery efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

II Social Responsibility

The Company did not take any targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty during the Reporting Period, also no
subsequent plans.

                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

                                                                  Part VI Significant Events

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and
other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-end

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Date of
                                                               Type of                                                                                  Term of
          Commitment                   Promisor                                        Details of commitment                       commitment                             Fulfillment
                                                             commitment                                                                               commitment
 Commitments made in share
                                 -                       -                -                                                    -                  -                   -
 Commitments made in
 acquisition documents or
                                 -                       -                -                                                    -                  -                   -
 shareholding alteration
 Commitments made in time of
                                 -                       -                -                                                    -                  -                   -
 asset restructuring
 Commitments made in time of
                                 -                       -                -                                                    -                  -                   -
 IPO or refinancing
 Equity incentive commitments    -                       -                -                                                    -                  -                   -
                                 The Chairman of the                      In accordance with the Announcement on the
                                 Board: Mr. Chen                          Commitments of not Reducing the Shareholding
                                 Yanshun                                  by Some Directors, Supervisors and Senior
                                                                          Management (No.: 2020-001) disclosed by the
                                 Vice Chairman of the
                                                                          Company on 22 February 2020, some of the
                                 Board: Mr. Liu                                                                                                   During the term
                                                                          Company’s directors, supervisors and senior
                                 Xiaodong Director:                                                                                               as director,
                                                                          managers, based on their confidence in the
                                 Ms. Sun Yun and Mr.                                                                                              supervisor or
                                                                          Company’s future development and their
                                 Gao Wenbao                                                                                                       senior manager,
                                                                          recognition of the corporate value, promise not to
 Other commitments made to       Supervisor: Mr. Xu      Other                                                                 21 February        and in six
                                                                          reduce or transfer any shares held in BOE (A                                                Ongoing
 minority interests              Yangping, Mr. Yan       commitments                                                           2020               months after the
                                                                          shares), not to entrust others to manage specific
                                 Jun and Mr. Teng Jiao                                                                                            expiration of the
                                                                          shares, not to authorize others to execute their
                                                                                                                                                  term (the term
                                 Senior Management:                       voting right by means of any agreement, trust or
                                                                                                                                                  determined when
                                 Ms. Feng Liqiong,                        other arrangements and not to require the
                                                                                                                                                  taking office).
                                 Mr. Xie Zhongdong,                       Company to repurchase any specific shares
                                                                          during the terms of office and within 6 months
                                 Mr. Miao Chuanbin
                                                                          after their tenures expire so as to promote the
                                 and Mr. Liu                              Company’s continuous, stable and healthy
                                 Hongfeng                                 development and maintain the rights and
                                                         BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                            Interim Report 2022
                                   Former Supervisor:                         interests of the Company and all shareholders.
                                   Mr. He Daopin                              For any newly-added shares derived from the
                                                                              assignment of rights and interests including the
                                   Former Senior
                                                                              share donation and the reserved funds converted
                                   Management: Mr. Yao                        into share capital during the period
                                   Xiangjun, Mr. Zhang                        (corresponding to the specific shares), they shall
                                   Zhaohong, and Mr.                          still keep their promises till the commitment
                                   Zhong Huifeng                              period expires.
Executed on time or not            Yes
Specific reasons for failing to
fulfill commitments on time        N/A
and plans for next step (if any)

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Are the interim financial statements audited?
□ Yes  No
The interim financial statements have not been audited.

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee Regarding the
Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the Reporting

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Independent Auditor's
“Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of Last Year

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VII Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII Legal Matters

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Other legal matters:

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     Index to
      General          Involved amount                               Decisions      Execution     Disclosure
                                           Provision      Progress                                                  disclosed
    information          (RMB’0,000)                                and effects   of decisions      date
 Litigations for              30,754.62   No              N/A        N/A           N/A            N/A             N/A
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

 H1 2022
 carryforwards in
 previous years )

IX Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X Credit Quality of the Company as well as its Controlling Shareholder and De Facto

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XI Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company did not make deposits in, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other finance business with any
related finance company or any other related parties.

6. Transactions with Related Parties by Finance Companies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The finance company controlled by the Company did not make deposits, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

finance business with any related parties.

7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Index to the public announcements about the said related-party transactions disclosed
                        Title of public announcement                                    Disclosure date      Disclosure website
 Announcement on Capital Increase to Tianjin Xianzhi Chain Investment
                                                                                 15 March 2022            www.cninfo.com.cn
 Center (Limited Partnership) and the Related-party Transaction
 Announcement on Estimated Continuing Related-party Transactions for 2022        31 March 2022            www.cninfo.com.cn
 Announcement on the Receipt of Equity Interests in Hefei BOE Display
                                                                                 20 July 2022             www.cninfo.com.cn
 Technology Co., Ltd. and the Related-party Transaction

                                   BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

      XII Major Contracts and Execution thereof

      1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

      (1) Entrustment

      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.

      (2) Contracting

      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.

      (3) Leases

      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.

      2. Major Guarantees

       Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB'0,000
                                    Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
                           Disclosure date of                       Actual           Actual                                              Counter                           Having       Guarantee for
                                                   Line of                                             Type of       Collateral (if                         Term of
        Obligor            the guarantee line                     occurrence       guarantee                                           guarantee (if                      expired or      a related
                                                  guarantee                                          guarantee            any)                             guarantee
                             announcement                            date            amount                                                any)                              not         party or not
                                                                Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent for its subsidiaries
        Obligor            Disclosure date of       Line of          Actual           Actual         Type of       Collateral (if        Counter           Term of         Having       Guarantee for
                                                          BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022
                        the guarantee line   guarantee      occurrence      guarantee        guarantee         any)   guarantee (if     guarantee        expired or    a related
                          announcement                         date          amount                                       any)                              not       party or not
Ordos YuanSheng
                                                                                                                                      2017-3-17     to
Optoelectronics Co.,   2016-11-30               547,315    2017-03-15           155,455    Joint-liability   N/A      N/A                                Not          Not
Ltd.                                                                                                                                  2027-3-17
Chengdu BOE
                                                                                                                                      2017-9-6      to
Optoelectronics        2017-04-24             2,251,908    2017-08-30         1,822,921    Joint-liability   N/A      N/A                                Not          Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                  2029-9-6
                                                                                                                      The secured
Hefei BOE Display                                                                                                     provides a      2017-9-7      to
                       2016-11-30             1,657,533    2017-08-30           871,419    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  counter         2027-9-7
                                                                                                                      guarantee for
                                                                                                                      the guarantor
Fuzhou BOE
                                                                                                                                      2016-12-19    to
Optoelectronics        2015-12-09             1,321,331    2016-11-08           228,554    Joint-liability   N/A      N/A                                Not          Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                  2026-12-19
                                                                                                                      The secured
Mianyang BOE
                                                                                                                      provides a      2018-9-26     to
Optoelectronics Co.,   2018-05-18             2,087,103    2018-09-18         1,969,581    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
                                                                                                                      counter         2031-9-26
                                                                                                                      guarantee for
                                                                                                                      the guarantor
                                                                                                                      The secured
Chongqing BOE
                                                                                                                      provides a      2020-12-31    to
Display Technology     2020-04-27             2,012,918    2020-12-29         1,049,387    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
                                                                                                                      counter         2033-12-31
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      guarantee for
                                                                                                                      the guarantor
                                                                                                                      The secured
Wuhan BOE
                                                                                                                      provides a      2019-8-23     to
Optoelectronics        2019-03-25             1,989,932    2019-08-16         1,620,382    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
                                                                                                                      counter         2032-8-23
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      guarantee for
                                                                                                                      the guarantor
                                                                                                                      The secured
Nanjing BOE
                                                                                                                      provides a      2021-5-12     to
Display Technology     2020-09-23               180,000    2021-05-12            90,000    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
                                                                                                                      counter         2026-5-31
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      guarantee for
                                                                                                                      the guarantor
                                                                                                                      The secured
Nanjing BOE
                                                                                                                      party           2021-5-12     to
Display Technology     2020-09-23               120,000    2021-05-12           120,000    Joint-liability   N/A                                         Not          Not
                                                                                                                      provides a      2026-6-6
Co., Ltd.
                                                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                                guarantee for
                                                                                                                                the guarantor
                                                                                                                                The secured
Nanjing BOE
                                                                                                                                provides a      2021-7-29     to
Display Technology      2020-09-23                105,334    2021-07-29             52,679   Joint-liability   N/A                                                 Not          Not
                                                                                                                                counter         2025-6-17
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                guarantee for
                                                                                                                                the guarantor
                                                                                                                                The secured
Nanjing BOE
                                                                                                                                provides a      2021-8-13     to
Display Technology      2020-09-23                 19,098    2021-08-13              8,750   Joint-liability   N/A                                                 Not          Not
                                                                                                                                counter         2025-4-28
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                guarantee for
                                                                                                                                the guarantor
                                                                                                                                The secured
Nanjing BOE
                                                                                                                                provides a      2021-12-27    to
Display Technology      2020-09-23                 10,500    2021-12-27              7,500   Joint-liability   N/A                                                 Not          Not
                                                                                                                                counter         2026-8-24
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                guarantee for
                                                                                                                                the guarantor
                                                                                                                                The secured
Chengdu BOE                                                                                                                     provides a      2020-6-15     to
                        2020-04-27                240,000    2020-06-15            140,309   Joint-liability   N/A                                                 Not          Not
Hospital Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              counter         2042-6-30
                                                                                                                                guarantee for
                                                                                                                                the guarantor
                                                                             Total actual amount of such
Total approved line for such guarantees in
                                                                           0 guarantees in the Reporting                                                                              -497,572
the Reporting Period (B1)
                                                                             Period (B2)
                                                                             Total actual balance of such
Total approved line for such guarantees at
                                                                12,542,972 guarantees at the end of the                                                                               8,136,938
the end of the Reporting Period (B3)
                                                                             Reporting Period (B4)
                                                                        Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
                          Disclosure date of                    Actual          Actual                                            Counter                           Having      Guarantee for
                                                Line of                                         Type of        Collateral (if                      Term of
      Obligor             the guarantee line                  occurrence       guarantee                                        guarantee (if                      expired or     a related
                                               guarantee                                       guarantee           any)                           guarantee
                            announcement                         date           amount                                              any)                              not        party or not
Guangtai Solar                                                                               Joint-
                                                                                                               Equity                           2017-12-20 to
Energy Technology                N/A                5,450     2017-12-20             3,144   liability,                         N/A                                Not          Not
                                                                                                               interests                          2029-4-6
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.                                                                           pledge
Huanda Trading                                                                                                 Equity                            2017-6-15 to
                                 N/A               14,600     2017-05-24             8,997   liability,                         N/A                                Not          Not
(Hebei) Co., Ltd.                                                                                              interests                          2031-3-16
Yangyuan                                                                                                                                         2020-9-30 to
                                 N/A                3,800     2020-09-30             3,720   Joint-liability   N/A              N/A                                Not          Not
Photovoltaic Power                                                                                                                                2034-9-30
                                     BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Interim Report 2022
(Huanggang) Co.,
Yaoguang New
                                                                                                          2020-9-30 to
Energy (Shouguang)     N/A   3,600     2020-09-30            3,524    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Industrial
Park Taijing                                                                                              2020-9-30 to
                       N/A   2,800     2020-09-30            2,741    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
Photovoltaic Co.,                                                                                          2034-9-30
Qingmei Solar
                                                                                                          2020-9-30 to
Energy Technology      N/A   3,300     2020-09-30            2,920    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
(Lishui) Co., Ltd.
Qinghong Solar
                                                                                                          2020-9-30 to
Energy Technology      N/A   1,700     2020-09-30            1,504    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
(Jinhua) Co., Ltd.
Qinghui Solar
                                                                                                          2020-9-30 to
Energy Technology      N/A   1,100     2020-09-30              973    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
(Jinhua) Co., Ltd.
Hefei Hexu                                                                                                2020-9-30 to
                       N/A    400      2020-09-30              392    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                       2034-9-30
Hefei Chenneng                                                                                            2020-9-30 to
                       N/A    800      2020-09-30              783    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                       2034-9-30
Qinghao Solar                                                         Joint-
                                                                                        Equity            2017-12-18 to
Energy Technology      N/A    890      2017-12-18              633    liability,                    N/A                   Not       Not
                                                                                        interests          2032-12-18
(Jinhua) Co., Ltd.                                                    pledge
Xiangqing Solar                                                       Joint-
                                                                                        Equity            2017-12-18 to
Energy Technology      N/A   3,476     2017-12-18            2,098    liability,                    N/A                   Not       Not
                                                                                        interests          2032-12-18
(Dongyang) Co., Ltd                                                   pledge
Qingyue Solar                                                         Joint-
                                                                                        Equity            2017-12-18 to
Energy Technology      N/A    960      2017-12-18              580    liability,                    N/A                   Not       Not
                                                                                        interests          2032-12-18
(Wuyi) Co., Ltd                                                       pledge
Qingyou Solar                                                         Joint-
                                                                                        Equity            2017-12-18 to
Energy Technology      N/A   2,210     2017-12-18            1,589    liability,                    N/A                   Not       Not
                                                                                        interests          2032-12-18
(Longyou) Co., Ltd                                                    pledge
Qingfan Solar                                                         Joint-
                                                                                        Equity            2017-12-18 to
Energy Technology      N/A   1,855     2017-12-18            1,120    liability,                    N/A                   Not       Not
                                                                                        interests          2032-12-18
(Quzhou) Co., Ltd                                                     pledge
Taihang Electric
                                                                                                          2020-12-3 to
Power Technology       N/A    300      2020-12-03              271    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
(Ningbo) Co., Ltd
Guoji Energy                                                                                              2020-12-3 to
                       N/A   1,800     2020-12-03            1,629    Joint-liability   N/A         N/A                   Not       Not
(Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                                                                         2034-12-3
                                              BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2022
Hongyang Solar
Energy Power                                                                                                                2020-12-3 to
                              N/A     2,500     2020-12-03            2,262    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
Generation (Anji)                                                                                                            2034-12-3
Co., Ltd.
Ke’en Solar Energy
                                                                                                                            2020-12-3 to
Power Generation              N/A     1,600     2020-12-03            1,448    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Pingyang) Co., Ltd.
Dongze Photovoltaic
                                                                                                                            2020-12-3 to
Power Generation              N/A     1,400     2020-12-03            1,267    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Wenzhou) Co., Ltd.
Investment and                                                                                                              2020-12-3 to
                              N/A      700      2020-12-03              633    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
Management                                                                                                                   2034-12-3
(Wenzhou) Co, Ltd.
Beijing BOE Energy                                                                               Charging                   2017-10-24 to
                              N/A    12,800     2017-10-23           12,455    Pledge                       N/A                             Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                             right                        2032-10-23
Beijing BOE Energy                                                                               Charging                    2018-9-26 to
                              N/A    20,560     2018-08-15           14,960    Pledge                       N/A                             Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                             right                        2032-12-21
Beijing BOE Energy                                                                               Charging                    2017-12-1 to
                              N/A    25,418     2017-11-28           21,718    Pledge                       N/A                             Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                             right                         2032-12-1
Hengchuang New
                                                                                                                            2018-1-31 to
Energy Technology             N/A     6,892     2018-01-31            4,871    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Hong’an) Co., Ltd.
Junlong New Energy
                                                                                                                            2018-4-25 to
Technology                    N/A     8,459     2018-04-25            6,334    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Huaibin) Co., Ltd.
Shaoxing Guangnian
                                                                                                                            2018-12-13 to
New Energy Co.,               N/A    16,000     2018-12-13           13,491    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
Shaoxing Xuhui New                                                                                                          2018-12-13 to
                              N/A     4,500     2018-12-13            3,794    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
Energy Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              2033-12-12
Hefei BOE Hospital                                                                                                           2018-4-27 to
                       2018-04-27   130,000     2018-04-27          124,500    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                      2036-4-27
Juhui New Energy                                                                                                            2021-10-27 to
                              N/A     1,200     2021-10-27            1,125    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Pinghu) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            2036-10-27
Dinghui New Energy                                                                                                          2021-10-27 to
                              N/A     2,100     2021-10-27            1,969    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Zhuji) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             2036-10-27
Juhui New Energy                                                                                                            2021-10-27 to
                              N/A     8,700     2021-10-27            8,156    Joint-liability   N/A        N/A                             Not       Not
(Shaoxing) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          2036-10-27
                                                                                                            The secured
Beijing BOE Life                                                                                            provides a      2021-12-29 to
                              N/A    60,000     2021-12-29           20,000    Joint-liability   N/A                                        Not       Not
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                        counter          2039-12-28
                                                                                                            guarantee for
                                                                                                            the guarantor

                                                                BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                           Interim Report 2022
                                                                                   Total actual amount of such
Total approved line for such guarantees in
                                                                        201,342    guarantees in the Reporting                                      -8,572
the Reporting Period (C1)
                                                                                   Period (C2)
                                                                                   Total actual balance of such
Total approved line for such guarantees at
                                                                          553,212 guarantees at the end of the                                     275,603
the end of the Reporting Period (C3)
                                                                                   Reporting Period (C4)
                                                                 Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
                                                                                   Total actual guarantee amount
Total guarantee line approved in the
                                                                          201,342 in the Reporting Period                                         -506,144
Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1)
                                                                                   Total actual guarantee balance
Total approved guarantee line at the end of
                                                                       13,096,184 at the end of the Reporting                                    8,412,541
the Reporting Period (A3+B3+C3)
                                                                                   Period (A4+B4+C4)
Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as % of the Company’s net assets                                                                         58.70%
Of which:
Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller and their
related parties (D)
Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for obligors with an
over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)
Amount by which the total guarantee amount exceeds 50% of the Company’s
net assets (F)
Total of the three amounts above (D+E+F)                                                                                                         1,278,239
Joint responsibilities possibly borne or already borne in the Reporting Period
for undue guarantees (if any)
Provision of external guarantees in breach of the prescribed procedures (if any)   N/A
    Compound guarantees

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                                                    Overdue amount
      Specific type       Capital resources      Amount incurred        Undue balance         Overdue amount        with provision for
   Structured bank
                         Self-owned funds                1,670,000             1,670,000                       0                       0
   Total                                                 1,670,000             1,670,000                       0                       0
Particulars of entrusted cash management with single significant amount or low security, bad liquidity, and no capital preservation
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Whether there is the case where the principal cannot be recovered at maturity or other case which may cause impairment for entrusted
asset management
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Other Significant Events

 Applicable □ Not applicable
1. On 18 October 2019, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Company’s Application for CSRC’s Approval for its Public
Issue of Renewable Corporate Bonds (Announcement No. 2019-052), and the Company received the No. [2019] 1801 Approval from
CSRC. Based on the approval, the Company could publicly issue the renewable corporate bonds with the nominal value no more than
RMB30 billion to qualified investors. The Company publicly issued renewable corporate bonds (to qualified investors) (the first issue)
(epidemic prevention and control bonds) (“20BOEY1” for short; Code: 149046) in 2020 with the issue term from 27 February 2020 to
28 February 2020. The Company publicly issued the renewable corporate bonds (to qualified investors) (the second issue) (epidemic
prevention and control bonds) (“20BOEY2” for short; Code: 149065) in 2020 with the issue term from 18 March 2020 to 19 March
2020. The Company publicly issued the renewable corporate bonds (to qualified investors) (the third issue) (epidemic prevention and
control bonds) (“20BOEY3” for short; Code: 149108) in 2020 with the issue term from 24 April 2020 to 27 April 2020. The Company
disclosed 2022 "20BOEY1" Interest Payment Announcement (Announcement No. 2022-006) on 24 February 2022. The interest
payment plan was RMB36.40 (including tax) every ten bonds. The Company disclosed 2022 "20BOEY2" Interest Payment
Announcement (Announcement No. 2022-013) on 17 March 2022. The interest payment plan was RMB35.40 (including tax) per ten
bonds. The Company publicly issued renewable corporate bonds (digital economy) to professional investors (the first issue)
(“22BOEY1” for short; Code: 149861) in 2022 with the issue term from 24 March 2022 to 25 March 2022, the issuing scale of RMB2
billion and the bonds’ ultimate nominal interest rate of 3.50%. The Company disclosed 2022 "20BOEY3" Interest Payment
Announcement (Announcement No. 2022-037) on 23 April 2022. The interest payment plan was RMB35.00 (including tax) per ten
2. On 16 January 2021, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Resolution of the 21st Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors
(Announcement No. 2021-001) and the Plan for Non-Public Offering of A-Shares in 2021, and other related announcements, in which
the Company intends to make a non-public offering of A-shares to no more than 35 specific investors including Jing Guorui Fund. The

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

net fund raised was expected to be no more than 20 billion. On 19 August 2021, the Company disclosed the Report on the Non-public
Offering of A-shares by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. & the Announcement on the Listing of these Shares (announcement No.
2021-058), along with other relevant announcements. 3,650,377,019 new shares were issued in the non-public offering, which were
listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 20 August 2021. On 18 February 2022, the Company disclosed the Suggestive
Announcement on Relieving Restricted Non-publicly Offered A Shares in 2021 (Announcement No.: 2022-005). On 21 February 2022,
2,932,244,165 restricted shares of non-publicly offered A shares in 2021 were relieved and could be traded in the market. The number
of the relieved restricted shares accounted for 8.5058% of non-restricted shares of the Company, and 7.6270% of the total share capital
of the Company.
3. Following the approval of the Proposal on the Repurchase of Some Public Shares at the 31st Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors,
the Company disclosed the Announcement No. 2021-067 on the Repurchase of Some Public Shares on 31 August 2021. The Company
carried out the first repurchase on 2 September 2021 and disclosed the Announcement No. 2021-077 on the First Repurchase of Some
Public Shares on 3 September 2021. On 2 March 2022, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Completed Implementation
of Share Repurchase Programme and Repurchase Implementation Results (Announcement No.: 2022-007). As at 28 February 2022,
the Company has implemented the repurchase of the Company's shares by means of centralized bidding through a special securities
account for the repurchase, and the cumulative number of A Shares repurchased was 499,999,919, accounting for approximately 1.3330%
of the Company's A Shares and 1.3005% of the Company's total share capital, with the highest transaction price of RMB5.96 per share
and the lowest transaction price of RMB4.68 per share. The total amount paid was RMB2,620,105,418.52 (including other fixed
expenses such as commissions). The above repurchase of the Company was in line with the requirements of relevant laws and
regulations, as well as the established repurchase programme of the Company. The total fund of this share repurchase didn't exceed the
amount proposed to be used in the repurchase programme, and the number of shares repurchased has reached the cap of shares under
the repurchase programme. So far, this share repurchase has been implemented and completed as planned.
4. Following the approval of the Proposal on the Repurchase of Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B-shares) at the 39th Meeting of
the 9th Board of Directors and the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the Company disclosed the Announcement No. 2022-030 on the
Plan for the Repurchase of Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B-shares) on 31 March 2022 and the Report on the Repurchase of
Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B-shares) (Announcement No. 2022-046) on 10 May 2022. The Company carried out the first
repurchase on 27 June 2022 and disclosed the Announcement No. 2022-050 on the First Repurchase of Domestically Listed Foreign
Shares (B-shares) on 28 June 2022. On 2 July 2022, the Company disclosed the Announcement No. 2022-051 on the Progress of the
Repurchase of Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B-shares). As at 30 June 2022, the Company has implemented the repurchase of
the Company's shares by means of centralized bidding through a special securities account for the repurchase, and the cumulative
number of B-shares repurchased was 24,630,889, accounting for approximately 2.6312% of the Company's B-shares and 0.0641% of
the Company's total share capital, with the highest transaction price of HKD4.10 per share and the lowest transaction price of HKD3.65
per share. The total amount paid was HKD97,262,535.91 (net of transaction costs). The above repurchase of the Company was in line
with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, as well as the established repurchase programme of the Company.
5. On 29 April 2022, the Company disclosed the Announcement No. 2022-041 on the Resolutions of the 2021 Annual General Meeting,
the Announcement No. 2022-043 on the Resolutions of the First Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors, and the Announcement No.
2022-044 on the Resolutions of the First Meeting of the 10th Supervisory Committee. Re-election proposals were approved at these
meetings. As such, the re-election has been completed. For further information, see the relevant announcements.
6. On 24 May 2022, the Company disclosed the Announcement No. 2022-048 on the Distribution of the 2021 Final Dividend. As the
2021 Final Dividend Plan had been approved at the 2021 Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2022, the Company distributed a 2021
final dividend of RMB2.10 per 10 shares (dividend to B-shareholders paid in HKD according to the central parity rate of RMB and
HKD declared by the People’s Bank of China on the first working day immediately after the date of the relevant general meeting
resolution), with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.

                         Overview of significant event                            Disclosure date           Disclosure website

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2022

Announcement on Capital Increase to Tianjin Xianzhi Chain Investment
                                                                       15 March 2022   www.cninfo.com.cn
Center (Limited Partnership) and the Related-party Transaction
Announcement on the Receipt of Equity Interests in Hefei BOE Display
                                                                       20 July 2022    www.cninfo.com.cn
Technology Co., Ltd. and the Related-party Transaction

XIV Significant Events of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022

                                           Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: share
                                                Before                                            Increase/decrease (+/-)                                     After
               Item                                                    New          Bonus
                                       Number            Percentage                              issue from         Other          Subtotal          Number           Percentage
                                                                       issues       shares
 I. Restricted shares                 3,972,199,930           10.33%            0            0              0   -2,931,809,540   -2,931,809,540     1,040,390,390           2.71%
 1. Shares held by the state                      0            0.00%            0            0              0                0                0                 0           0.00%
 2. Shares held by state-owned
                                      1,472,764,818            3.83%            0            0              0     -754,631,964    -754,631,964       718,132,854            1.87%
 3. Shares held by other domestic
                                      1,898,530,477            4.94%            0            0              0   -1,602,922,641   -1,602,922,641      295,607,836            0.77%
 Among which: Shares held by
                                      1,603,357,266            4.17%            0            0              0   -1,603,357,266   -1,603,357,266                0            0.00%
 domestic corporations
                   Shares held by
                                       295,173,211             0.77%            0            0              0          434,625         434,625       295,607,836            0.77%
 domestic individuals
 4. Shares held by foreign
                                       600,904,635             1.56%            0            0              0     -574,254,935    -574,254,935        26,649,700            0.07%
 Among which: Shares held by
                                       574,254,935             1.49%            0            0              0     -574,254,935    -574,254,935                 0            0.00%
 foreign corporations
                    Shares held by
                                        26,649,700             0.07%            0            0              0               0                 0       26,649,700            0.07%
 foreign individuals
 II. Non-restricted shares           34,473,546,552           89.67%            0            0              0    2,931,809,540   2,931,809,540    37,405,356,092          97.29%
 1. RMB ordinary shares              33,537,433,064           87.23%            0            0              0    2,931,809,540   2,931,809,540    36,469,242,604          94.86%
 2. Domestically listed foreign
                                       936,113,488             2.43%            0            0              0               0                 0      936,113,488            2.43%
 3. Overseas listed foreign shares                0           0.00%             0            0              0               0                 0                0           0.00%
 4. Other                                         0           0.00%             0            0              0               0                 0                0           0.00%
 III. Total shares                   38,445,746,482         100.00%             0            0              0               0                 0   38,445,746,482         100.00%
Reasons for share changes:

                                                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
 Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, 2,932,244,165 shares that had been privately placed in 2021 were unlocked for public trading.
During the Reporting Period, the Company completed the re-election on 28 April 2022, leading to an increase of 434,625 shares in locked up shares held by senior management.
Approval of share changes:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Transfer of share ownership:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Progress on any share repurchase:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
1. The Proposal on the Repurchase of Some Public Shares was approved at the 31st Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 27 August 2021. As such, the Company was approved to use its own
funds to repurchase some shares by way of centralized bidding within 12 months of the approval of the repurchase plan by the Board of Directors. In reality, the Company carried out the repurchase
plan during the period from 2 September 2021 to 28 February 2022. During the Reporting Period, the Company implemented the repurchase of the Company's shares by means of centralized
bidding through a special securities account for the repurchase, and the total number of A Shares repurchased was 39,580,919, accounting for approximately 0.1055% of the Company's A Shares
and 0.1029% of the Company's total share capital. As of 28 February 2022, the Company implemented the repurchase of the Company's shares by means of centralized bidding through a special
securities account for the repurchase, and the cumulative number of A Shares repurchased was 499,999,919, accounting for approximately 1.3330% of the Company's A Shares and 1.3005% of
the Company's total share capital with the highest transaction price of RMB5.96 per share and the lowest transaction price of RMB4.68 per share. The total amount paid was RMB2,620,105,418.52
(including other fixed expenses such as commissions).
2. The Proposal on the Repurchase of Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B-shares) was approved item by item at the 39th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 30 March 2022 and the 2021
Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2022. As such, the Company was approved to use its own funds to repurchase B-shares within six months of the approval of the repurchase plan at the 2021
Annual General Meeting. The repurchased shares would be cancelled, which would lead to a corresponding decrease in the registered capital of the Company. As at 30 June 2022, the Company
has implemented the repurchase of the Company's shares by means of centralized bidding through a special securities account for the repurchase, and the cumulative number of B-shares repurchased
was 24,630,889, accounting for approximately 2.6312% of the Company's B-shares and 0.0641% of the Company's total share capital, with the highest transaction price of HKD4.10 per share
and the lowest transaction price of HKD3.65 per share. The total amount paid was HKD97,262,535.91 (net of transaction costs).
Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the
prior accounting period, respectively:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022
                                   Item                                                 January-December 2021                                           January-June 2022
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                             0.71                                                          0.17
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                           0.71                                                          0.17
                                   Item                                                    31 December 2021                                                30 June 2022
Equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders                            3.39                                                          3.35
Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: Share
                                                                     Restricted                                                          Restricted
                                                                                      Restricted shares       Restricted shares
                                                                  shares amount                                                       shares amount                              Restricted shares
                   Name of the shareholders                                            relieved of the        increased of the                           Restricted reasons
                                                                   at the period-                                                      at the period-                             relieved date
                                                                                            period                 period
                                                                        begin                                                               end
 Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund
                                                                    718,132,854                           0                       0      718,132,854    Private placement           2023-02-21
 Fuqing Huirong Venture Capital Co., Ltd.                           538,599,640             538,599,640                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 MORGAN STANLEY & CO.INTERNATIONAL PLC.                             271,095,152             271,095,152                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Caitong Fund - PSBC - Caitong Fund - No. 1 Asset
                                                                    179,533,214             179,533,214                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Management Plan of Bohai Life in Yuquan
 Yiwu Harmonious Jinhong Equity Investment Partnership
                                                                    179,533,213             179,533,213                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Shandong Haixiang Equity Investment Fund Management
                                                                    147,163,387             147,163,387                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Co., Ltd.
 Hongta Securities Co., Ltd.                                        143,626,570             143,626,570                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION                           116,696,588             116,696,588                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Shanghai Gao Yi Asset Management Partnership (L.P.) - Gao
                                                                    107,719,928             107,719,928                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Yi Xiaofeng No. 2 Zhixin Fund
 Haitong Securities Co., Ltd.                                           99,030,520           99,030,520                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
 Other non-public offering restricted shareholders                 1,149,245,953          1,149,245,953                           0                 0             -                 2022-02-21
                                                                                                                                                        Locked shares of
 Locked shares of executives                                             3,038,411                        0             434,625            3,473,036                                     -
                                                                                                                                                        Restricted shares for
 Restricted shares for equity incentive                             318,784,500                           0                       0      318,784,500                                     -
                                                                                                                                                        equity incentive
 Total                                                             3,972,199,930          2,932,244,165                 434,625        1,040,390,390             --                     --

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

II Issuance and Listing of Securities

 Applicable □ Not applicable
 Name of Stock and                                                                           Approved
                                         issue price                                                         Termination date for                                                        Disclosure
     derivative          Issue date                       Issue amount    Listing date       amount for                                               Disclosure index
                                          (interest)                                                               trading                                                                  date
  securities thereof                                                                           listing
 Convertible corporate bonds, convertible corporate bonds separately traded and corporate bonds
 2022 Public
 Offering of
                                                                                                                                     See the Announcement on the Listing on the
                                                                                                                                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange of the 2022 Public
 Corporate Bonds of 25 March
                                        3.50%          2,000,000,000 7 April 2022          2,000,000,000     25 March 2025           Offering of Renewable Corporate Bonds of BOE       7 April 2022
 BOE (for               2022
                                                                                                                                     (for Professional Investors) (Digital Economy)
                                                                                                                                     (Phase I) disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
 investors) (Digital
 Economy) (Phase I)
 Other derivative securities
Notes: None

III Shareholders and Their Holdings as at the Period-End

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: share
 Number of ordinary shareholders at the period-end                                                                  1,641,390 (including 1,606,920 A-shareholders and 34,470 B-shareholders)
                                                              5% or greater ordinary shareholders or top 10 ordinary shareholders
                                                                                    Total ordinary                                    Restricted        Unrestricted      Shares in pledge,
                                             Nature of           Shareholding                          Increase/decrease in the                                           marked or frozen
         Name of shareholder                                                         shares held at                                 ordinary shares    ordinary shares
                                            shareholder           percentage                              Reporting Period
                                                                                    the period-end                                       held               held          Status     Shares
 Beijing State-owned Capital Operation    State-owned
                                                                         10.57%      4,063,333,333                            -                   0      4,063,333,333     N/A              0
 and Management Company Limited           legal person
 Hong Kong Securities Clearing            Foreign legal
                                                                         3.75%       1,443,583,683                  74,585,847                    0      1,443,583,683     N/A              0
 Company Ltd.                             person
 Beijing BOE Investment &                 State-owned
                                                                         2.14%           822,092,180                          -                   0        822,092,180     N/A              0
 Development Co., Ltd.                    legal person
 Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and       Other                          1.87%           718,132,854                          -        718,132,854                   0     N/A              0
                                                         BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
Development Fund (L.P.)
Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd.                                    1.73%        666,195,772                             -                  0         666,195,772       N/A               0
                                         legal person
                                         Domestic non-
Fuqing Huirong Venture Capital Co.,
                                         state-owned                    1.40%        538,599,640                             -                  0         538,599,640       N/A               0
                                         legal person
Sinatay Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-
                                         Other                          0.79%        305,330,128                             -                  0         305,330,128       N/A               0
Traditional Product
Beijing Yizhuang Investment Holdings     State-owned
                                                                        0.73%        280,721,832                 119,131,000                    0         280,721,832       N/A               0
Co., Ltd                                 legal person
Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.                                  0.71%        273,735,583                             -                  0         273,735,583       N/A               0
                                         legal person
                                         Domestic non-
Ningxia Risheng High-tech Industry
                                         state-owned                    0.67%        257,152,466                 147,973,200                    0         257,152,466       N/A               0
Co., Ltd.                                legal person
Strategic investors or general
corporations becoming top-ten
ordinary shareholders due to placing
of new shares (if any) (see Note 3)
                                         1. Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited held 100% equities of Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                         2. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. held 66.25% equities of Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. and was its controlling
                                         3. After the non-public issuing of BOE in 2014, Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd., by entering into Implementation Protocol of Voting Right,
                                         agreed to maintain all of the shares held by it unanimous with Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. when executing the voting rights
                                         as a shareholder.
                                         4. After the non-public issuing of the Company in 2014, Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited handed over
                                         70% of the shares directly held by it to Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. for management through Stock Management Protocol, and Beijing
                                         Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. gained the incidental shareholders’ rights except for disposing right and usufruct of the shares, of which the rest 30%
Related or acting-in-concert parties
                                         voting right maintained unanimous with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. through the agreement according to Implementation Protocol of Voting
among the shareholders above
                                         5. During the non-public issuing of the Company in 2021, Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.) signed the Acting-in-Concert
                                         Agreement with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                         6. Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited indirectly held 100% equities of Beijing Jingguorui Investment
                                         Management Co., Ltd. and directly held 77.5918% shares of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.); Beijing Jingguorui
                                         Investment Management Co., Ltd. is the general partner of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.). In addition, among the
                                         nine members of the Investment Decision-Making Committee of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.), three are nominated
                                         by Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited.
                                         7. Except for the above relationships, the Company does not know any other connected party or acting-in-concert party among the top 10 shareholders.
                                         1. After the non-public issuing of BOE in 2014, Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd., by entering into Implementation Protocol of Voting Right,
                                         agreed to maintain all of the shares held by it unanimous with Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. when executing the voting rights as
Explain if any of the shareholders
                                         a shareholder.
above was involved in
                                         2. After the non-public issuing of the Company in 2014, Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited handed over
entrusting/being entrusted with voting
                                         70% of the shares directly held by it to Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. for management through Stock Management Protocol, and Beijing
rights or waiving voting rights
                                         Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. gained the incidental shareholders’ rights except for disposing right and usufruct of the shares, of which the rest 30%
                                         voting right maintained unanimous with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. through the agreement according to Implementation Protocol of Voting

                                                         BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022
                                         3. During the non-public issuing of the Company in 2021, Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.) signed the Acting-in-Concert
                                         Agreement with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                         At the end of the Reporting Period, among the top ten shareholders of the Company, the special securities account for the repurchase of BOE
Special account for share repurchases
                                         Technology Group Co., Ltd. held 528,186,052 A-shares, accounting for 1.37%. According to relevant regulations in the Rule No. 3 for Content and
(if any) among the top 10 shareholders
                                         Format of Information Disclosure of the Company Issuing Securities Publicly, if there are repurchase accounts in the top ten shareholders of the
(see note 11)
                                         Company, it should be specified, but these shareholders should not be included and listed as the top ten shareholders.
                                                               Shareholdings of the top ten unrestricted ordinary shareholders
                                                                                                                                                            Shares by type
         Name of shareholder                           Number of unrestricted ordinary shares held at the period-end
                                                                                                                                                   Type                         Shares
Beijing State-owned Capital Operation
                                                                                                                      4,063,333,333        RMB ordinary share                    4,063,333,333
and Management Company Limited
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                                                                                      1,443,583,683        RMB ordinary share                    1,443,583,683
Company Ltd.
Beijing BOE Investment &
                                                                                                                        822,092,180        RMB ordinary share                      822,092,180
Development Co., Ltd.
Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                    666,195,772        RMB ordinary share                      666,195,772
Fuqing Huirong Venture Capital Co.,
                                                                                                                        538,599,640        RMB ordinary share                      538,599,640
Sinatay Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-
                                                                                                                        305,330,128        RMB ordinary share                      305,330,128
Traditional Product
Beijing Yizhuang Investment Holdings
                                                                                                                        280,721,832        RMB ordinary share                      280,721,832
Co., Ltd
Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                  273,735,583        RMB ordinary share                      273,735,583
Ningxia Risheng High-tech Industry
                                                                                                                        257,152,466        RMB ordinary share                      257,152,466
Co., Ltd.
Xu Lili                                                                                                                 207,723,497         RMB ordinary share                      207,723,497
                                         1. Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited held 100% equities of Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                         2. Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. held 66.25% equities of Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. and was its controlling
                                         3. After the non-public issuing of BOE in 2014, Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd., by entering into Implementation Protocol of Voting Right,
                                         agreed to maintain all of the shares held by it unanimous with Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd. when executing the voting rights as
                                         a shareholder.
Related or acting-in-concert parties
                                         4. After the non-public issuing of the Company in 2014, Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited handed over
among top 10 unrestricted ordinary
                                         70% of the shares directly held by it to Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. for management through Stock Management Protocol, and Beijing
shareholders, as well as between top
                                         Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. gained the incidental shareholders’ rights except for disposing right and usufruct of the shares, of which the rest 30%
10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders
                                         voting right maintained unanimous with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. through the agreement according to Implementation Protocol of Voting
and top 10 ordinary shareholders
                                         5. During the non-public issuing of the Company in 2021, Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.) signed the Acting-in-Concert
                                         Agreement with Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                         6. Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited indirectly held 100% equities of Beijing Jingguorui Investment
                                         Management Co., Ltd. and directly held 77.5918% shares of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.); Beijing Jingguorui
                                         Investment Management Co., Ltd. is the general partner of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.). In addition, among the
                                                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022
                                           nine members of the Investment Decision-Making Committee of Beijing Jing Guorui Soe Reform and Development Fund (L.P.), three are nominated
                                           by Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited.
                                           7. Except for the above relationships, the Company does not know any other connected party or acting-in-concert party among the top 10 shareholders.
                                           1. Shareholder Ningxia Risheng High-tech Industry Co., Ltd. held 232,612,566 shares in the Company via its credit securities account, and shareholder
                                           Xu Lili held 174,508,900 shares in the Company via her credit securities account.
 Top 10 ordinary shareholders involved     2. The shares held by Beijing Yizhuang Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. in the Company increased by 119,131,000 shares due to securities refinancing.
 in securities margin trading (if any)     3. Shareholders Beijing State-owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited, Beijing BOE Investment & Development Co., Ltd.,
 (see Note 4)                              Beijing Jing Guorui SOE Reform and Development Fund (L.P.), Hefei Jianxiang Investment Co., Ltd., Fuqing Huirong Venture Capital Co., Ltd.,
                                           Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. and Sinatay Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional Product were not involved in securities refinancing.
                                           4. Except for the aforesaid, the Company does not know any other top-10 ordinary shareholder who was involved in securities refinancing.
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yes  No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

          BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

          IV Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

           Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                    Restricted                   Restricted
                                                            Increase    Decrease                                     shares
                                                                                                      shares                       shares
                                              Beginning       in the      in the       Ending                      granted in
                                 Incumbent                                                          granted at                   granted at
   Name           Office title               shareholding   Reporting   Reporting   shareholding                      the
                                  /Former                                                          the period-                  the period-
                                                (share)      Period      Period        (share)                     Reporting
                                                                                                    beginning                       end
                                                             (share)     (share)                                     Period
                                                                                                     (share)                      (share)
                Chairman of
                the Board and
                Chairman of      Incumbent     2,900,000            0           0      2,900,000    2,000,000               0     2,000,000
                the Executive
Pan Jinfeng     Chairman of      Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
                the Board
                Chairman of
Liu             the Board and
                                 Incumbent     2,480,000            0           0      2,480,000    1,800,000               0     1,800,000
Xiaodong        member of the
                President and
Gao             Vice
                                 Incumbent     1,860,700            0           0      1,860,700    1,500,000               0     1,500,000
Wenbao          Chairman of
                the Executive
                Director         Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
                member of the
Sun Yun                          Incumbent     1,989,481            0           0      1,989,481    1,500,000               0     1,500,000
                and Executive
                Vice President
Ye Feng         Director         Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Tang            Independent
                                 Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Shoulian        Director
Zhang           Independent
                                 Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Xinmin          Director
Guo He                           Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Wang            Independent
                                 Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Jixiang         Director
                Chairman of
Wang Jin                         Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Sun Fuqing      Supervisor       Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
                Supervisor       Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Xu Jinghe       Supervisor       Incumbent             0            0           0              0             0              0             0
Yan Jun         Employee         Incumbent        32,000            0           0         32,000             0              0             0

          BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Interim Report 2022

Xu              Employee
                                  Incumbent     35,000    0   0     35,000           0               0               0
Yangping        Supervisor
Teng Jiao                         Incumbent     55,200    0   0     55,200           0               0               0
                Member of the
                Committee         Incumbent    852,400    0   0    852,400     750,000               0          750,000
                and Executive
                Vice President
                Member of the
Feng            Committee,
                                  Incumbent   1,360,000   0   0   1,360,000   1,000,000              0     1,000,000
Liqiong         Executive
                Vice President
                and CLO
                Member of the
Zhang Yu        Committee         Incumbent    751,600    0   0    751,600     634,000               0          634,000
                and Executive
                Vice President
                Senior Vice
                President and     Incumbent    742,300    0   0    742,300     634,000               0          634,000
                Senior Vice
                Chief Audit
                Officer     and   Incumbent   1,057,000   0   0   1,057,000    750,000               0          750,000
                Chief      Risk
                Senior Vice
Miao            President and
                                  Incumbent    758,800    0   0    758,800     650,000               0          650,000
Chuanbin        Chief Culture
                Vice President
                and      Board    Incumbent   1,024,500   0   0   1,024,500    750,000               0          750,000
Wang Jing       Director           Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
Song Jie        Director           Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
Hu Xiaolin                         Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
Li Xuan                            Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
                Chairman of
Yang            the
                                   Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
Xiangdong       Supervisory
                Supervisor         Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
                Supervisor         Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
Shihong         Supervisor         Former            0    0   0          0           0               0               0
He Daopin                          Former       32,600    0   0     32,600           0               0               0
Yao             Member of the
                                   Former     1,265,000   0   0   1,265,000   1,000,000              0     1,000,000
Xiangjun        Executive

          BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2022

                 and Executive
                 Vice President
                 Member of the
                 Executive          Former          1,498,800             0   0    1,498,800    1,000,000              0     1,000,000
                 MLED CEO
                 Member of the
Zhong            Vice President
                                    Former          1,310,000             0   0    1,310,000    1,000,000              0     1,000,000
Huifeng          and      Chief
   Total               --              --          20,005,381             0   0   20,005,381   14,968,000              0    14,968,000

          V Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller

          Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period
          □ Applicable  Not applicable
          No such cases in the Reporting Period.
          Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period
          □ Applicable  Not applicable
          No such cases in the Reporting Period.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                       Interim Report 2022

                                       Part VIII Preference Shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

                               BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2022

                                                                                 Part IX Bonds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

I Enterprise Bonds

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No enterprise bonds in the Reporting Period.

II Corporate Bonds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Basic Information of the Corporate Bonds

                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                                               Balance          Coupon                                 Trade
         Bond name                 Abbr.       Bond code        Date of issue     Value date      Maturity                                   Way of redemption
                                                                                                             (RMB’0,000)        rate                                  place
                                                                                                                                           If the issuer does not
                                                                                                                                           execute its right in the
                                                                                                                                           deferred        interest
 2019 Public Offering of
 Renewable        Corporate
                                                            28 October          29 October     29 October                                  interests shall be paid
 Bonds       of BOE (for          19BOEY1          112741                                                    8,000,000,000.00      4.00%                              SZSE
                                                            2019                2019           2022                                        for this issue of bonds
 qualified investors) (Phase
                                                                                                                                           yearly, and the last
                                                                                                                                           installment of interest
                                                                                                                                           shall be paid with the
                                                                                                                                           redemption            of
 2020 Public Offering of          20BOEY1          149046   27 February         28 February    28 February   2,000,000,000.00      3.64%   If the issuer does not     SZSE

                                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2022
Renewable        Corporate                       2020            2020            2023                                       execute its right in the
Bonds       of BOE (for                                                                                                     deferred        interest
qualified investors) (Phase                                                                                                 payment,
I) (epidemic prevention                                                                                                     corresponding
and control bonds)                                                                                                          interests shall be paid
                                                                                                                            for this issue of bonds
                                                                                                                            yearly, and the last
                                                                                                                            installment of interest
                                                                                                                            shall be paid with the
                                                                                                                            redemption            of
                                                                                                                            If the issuer does not
                                                                                                                            execute its right in the
                                                                                                                            deferred        interest
2020 Public Offering of                                                                                                     payment,
Renewable        Corporate                                                                                                  corresponding
Bonds       of BOE (for                                                                                                     interests shall be paid
                              20BOEY2   149065   18 March 2020   19 March 2020   19 March 2023   2,000,000,000.00   3.54%                              SZSE
qualified investors) (Phase                                                                                                 for this issue of bonds
II) (epidemic prevention                                                                                                    yearly, and the last
and control bonds)                                                                                                          installment of interest
                                                                                                                            shall be paid with the
                                                                                                                            redemption            of
                                                                                                                            If the issuer does not
                                                                                                                            execute its right in the
                                                                                                                            deferred        interest
2020 Public Offering of                                                                                                     payment,
Renewable        Corporate                                                                                                  corresponding
Bonds       of BOE (for                                                                                                     interests shall be paid
                              20BOEY3   149108   24 April 2020   27 April 2020   27 April 2023   2,000,000,000.00   3.50%                              SZSE
qualified investors) (Phase                                                                                                 for this issue of bonds
III) (epidemic prevention                                                                                                   yearly, and the last
and control bonds)                                                                                                          installment of interest
                                                                                                                            shall be paid with the
                                                                                                                            redemption            of
2022 Public Offering of                                                                                                     If the issuer does not
Renewable     Corporate                                                                                                     execute its right in the
                              22BOEY1   149861   24 March 2022   25 March 2022   25 March 2025   2,000,000,000.00   3.50%                              SZSE
Bonds of BOE (for                                                                                                           deferred        interest
professional  investors)                                                                                                    payment,

                                                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022
 (Digital Economy) (Phase                                                                                                                                     corresponding
 I)                                                                                                                                                           interests shall be paid
                                                                                                                                                              for this issue of bonds
                                                                                                                                                              yearly, and the last
                                                                                                                                                              installment of interest
                                                                                                                                                              shall be paid with the
                                                                                                                                                              redemption           of
 Appropriate arrangement of the investors (if any)              Only for the qualified investors
 Applicable trade mechanism                                     centralized bidding trade and negotiated block trade
 Risk of delisting (if any) and countermeasures                 Not
Overdue bonds
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. The Trigger and Execution of the Option Clause of the Issuers or Investors and the Investor Protection Clause

 Applicable □ Not applicable
For the renewable corporate bonds “19BOEY1”, “20BOEY1”, “20BOEY2”, “20BOEY3” and “22BOEY1”, 3 interest-bearing years shall be regarded as a cycle. At the end of each cycle, the
issuer shall have the right to conditionally extend the issue of bonds for another cycle (3 years) or choose to fully redeem the due bonds at the end of the cycle. All bonds issued in the Reporting
Period entitle the issuer the right in the deferred interest payment. As of the approval date of this Report for issue, the issuer has not executed the aforesaid option on these bonds.

3. Adjustment of Credit Rating Results during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Execution and Changes of Guarantee, Repayment Plan and Other Repayment Guarantee Measures as well as Influence on Equity of Bond Investors during
the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2022

III Debt Financing Instruments of Non-financial Enterprises

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Convertible Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

V Losses of Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements during the Reporting Period Exceeding
10% of Net Assets up the Period-end of Last Year

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI The Major Accounting Data and the Financial Indicators of the Recent 2 Years of the
Company up the Period-end

                                                                                               Unit: RMB’0,000
                   Item                  30 June 2022             31 December 2021            Change
   Current ratio                                           1.75                       1.56              12.18%
   Debt/asset ratio                                     51.81%                    51.72%                  0.09%
   Quick ratio                                             1.40                       1.29                8.53%
                   Item                    H1 2022                    H1 2021                 Change
   Net profit before exceptional
                                                        423,946                 1,181,675               -64.12%
   gains and losses
   EBITDA/debt ratio                                    15.30%                    25.98%                -10.68%
   Interest cover (times)                                  3.93                       8.21              -52.13%
   Cash-to-interest cover (times)                         12.20                      12.04                1.33%
   EBITDA-to-interest cover
                                                          14.19                      14.46               -1.87%
   Loan repayment ratio (%)                          100.00%                    100.00%                   0.00%
   Interest payment ratio (%)                        100.00%                    100.00%                   0.00%

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

                                       Part X Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Are these interim financial statements audited by an independent auditor?
□ Yes  No
These interim financial statements have not been audited by an independent auditor.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                           30 June 2022

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                          30 June 2022            1 January 2022
   Current assets:
    Monetary assets                                                                84,788,918,128.00         80,986,835,088.00
    Settlement reserve                                                                          0.00                      0.00
    Interbank loans granted                                                                     0.00                      0.00
    Held-for-trading financial assets                                              16,710,312,524.00         10,028,172,853.00
    Derivative financial assets                                                                 0.00                      0.00
    Notes receivable                                                                  273,938,741.00            217,734,298.00
    Accounts receivable                                                            25,711,089,557.00         35,503,414,820.00
    Accounts receivable financing                                                               0.00                      0.00
    Prepayments                                                                       873,612,718.00          1,112,880,007.00
    Premiums receivable                                                                         0.00                      0.00
    Reinsurance receivables                                                                     0.00                      0.00
    Receivable reinsurance contract reserve                                                     0.00                      0.00
    Other receivables                                                               1,261,520,393.00          1,922,828,378.00
     Including: Interest receivable                                                       172,230.00                      0.00
                   Dividends receivable                                                 9,826,050.00              2,414,503.00
    Financial assets purchased under resale agreements                                          0.00                      0.00
    Inventories                                                                    33,018,794,213.00         27,805,161,436.00
    Contract assets                                                                    88,068,862.00             75,698,324.00
    Assets held for sale                                                                        0.00                      0.00
    Current portion of non-current assets                                               8,255,656.00              7,700,735.00
    Other current assets                                                            2,966,432,667.00          3,578,919,710.00
   Total current assets                                                           165,700,943,459.00        161,239,345,649.00
   Non-current assets:
    Loans and advances to customers                                                             0.00                      0.00
    Investments in debt obligations                                                             0.00                      0.00
    Investments in other debt obligations                                                       0.00                      0.00
    Long-term receivables                                                              27,146,189.00             29,918,542.00
    Long-term equity investments                                                    6,646,019,274.00          6,040,948,317.00
     Investments in other equity instruments                                          550,228,080.00            519,088,146.00
     Other non-current financial assets                                               606,895,447.00            606,895,447.00
    Investment property                                                             1,137,543,991.00          1,158,365,401.00
    Fixed assets                                                                  214,032,994,330.00        227,141,366,885.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Interim Report 2022

   Construction in progress                                     40,146,851,520.00         32,099,711,879.00
   Productive living assets                                                  0.00                      0.00
   Oil and gas assets                                                        0.00                      0.00
   Right-of-use assets                                             879,444,501.00            753,164,237.00
   Intangible assets                                            10,774,722,746.00         11,209,498,406.00
   Development costs                                                         0.00                      0.00
   Goodwill                                                      1,130,006,987.00          1,130,006,987.00
   Long-term prepaid expense                                       598,516,872.00            636,530,502.00
   Deferred income tax assets                                      183,028,594.00            190,335,524.00
   Other non-current assets                                      3,877,023,562.00          7,477,427,483.00
  Total non-current assets                                     280,590,422,093.00        288,993,257,756.00
  Total assets                                                 446,291,365,552.00        450,232,603,405.00
  Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                         2,766,638,569.00          2,072,057,332.00
   Borrowings from the central bank                                          0.00                      0.00
   Interbank loans obtained                                                  0.00                      0.00
    Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                   0.00                      0.00
   Derivative financial liabilities                                          0.00                      0.00
   Notes payable                                                   469,414,068.00            827,958,031.00
   Accounts payable                                             31,449,642,913.00         32,455,830,694.00
   Advances from customers                                         102,092,958.00            146,140,084.00
   Contract liabilities                                          3,306,387,693.00          3,765,081,554.00
   Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements                         0.00                      0.00
   Customer deposits and interbank deposits                                  0.00                      0.00
   Payables for acting trading of securities                                 0.00                      0.00
   Payables for underwriting of securities                                   0.00                      0.00
   Employee benefits payable                                     2,799,938,528.00          5,133,155,237.00
   Taxes payable                                                 1,677,090,939.00          2,200,249,305.00
   Other payables                                               20,706,959,082.00         23,835,374,942.00
    Including: Interest payable                                        138,850.00                126,701.00
                    Dividends payable                               49,630,531.00              6,561,972.00
   Handling charges and commissions payable                                  0.00                      0.00
   Reinsurance payables                                                      0.00                      0.00
   Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale                 0.00                      0.00
   Current portion of non-current liabilities                   27,352,987,482.00         28,874,958,714.00
   Other current liabilities                                     4,032,121,872.00          4,051,532,509.00
  Total current liabilities                                     94,663,274,104.00        103,362,338,402.00
  Non-current liabilities:
   Insurance contract reserve                                                0.00                      0.00
   Long-term borrowings                                        123,858,634,582.00        116,078,666,587.00
   Bonds payable                                                   355,835,127.00            359,586,437.00
    Including: Preferred shares                                              0.00                      0.00
  Perpetual bonds                                                            0.00                      0.00
   Lease liabilities                                               747,894,221.00            669,130,264.00
   Long-term payables                                              776,386,166.00            906,592,838.00
   Long-term employee benefits payable                                       0.00                      0.00
   Provisions                                                                0.00                      0.00
   Deferred income                                               6,214,183,533.00          6,416,089,611.00
   Deferred income tax liabilities                               1,548,427,381.00          1,525,622,873.00
   Other non-current liabilities                                 3,049,516,117.00          3,535,809,876.00
  Total non-current liabilities                                136,550,877,127.00        129,491,498,486.00
  Total liabilities                                            231,214,151,231.00        232,853,836,888.00
  Owners’ equity:
   Share capital                                                38,445,746,482.00         38,445,746,482.00
   Other equity instruments                                     16,206,214,165.00         14,146,997,427.00
    Including: Preferred shares                                              0.00                      0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022

  Perpetual bonds                                                              16,206,214,165.00           14,146,997,427.00
   Capital reserves                                                            54,311,238,485.00           53,804,309,393.00
   Less: Treasury stock                                                         3,630,090,776.00            3,415,768,207.00
   Other comprehensive income                                                    -371,270,524.00              113,551,147.00
   Specific reserve                                                                         0.00                        0.00
   Surplus reserves                                                             2,890,218,539.00            2,889,590,205.00
   General reserve                                                                          0.00                        0.00
   Retained earnings                                                           35,464,890,279.00           37,101,790,111.00
  Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent            143,316,946,650.00          143,086,216,558.00
  Non-controlling interests                                                    71,760,267,671.00           74,292,549,959.00
  Total owners’ equity                                                       215,077,214,321.00          217,378,766,517.00
  Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                       446,291,365,552.00          450,232,603,405.00
Legal representative: Chen Yanshun                                                     Chief Executive Officer: Gao Wenbao
Chief Financial Officer: Yang Xiaoping                               Head of the Company’s Financial Department: Teng Jiao

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                      30 June 2022                1 January 2022
  Current assets:
   Monetary assets                                                             10,352,078,642.00             5,609,364,822.00
   Held-for-trading financial assets                                                        0.00                         0.00
   Derivative financial assets                                                              0.00                         0.00
   Notes receivable                                                                         0.00                         0.00
   Accounts receivable                                                          4,771,307,244.00             4,828,855,275.00
   Accounts receivable financing                                                            0.00                         0.00
   Prepayments                                                                     16,890,151.00                12,669,107.00
   Other receivables                                                           21,844,099,566.00            15,449,830,610.00
    Including: Interest receivable                                                          0.00                         0.00
                  Dividends receivable                                            919,429,466.00               219,715,564.00
   Inventories                                                                     12,216,637.00                15,853,238.00
   Contract assets                                                                          0.00                         0.00
   Assets held for sale                                                                     0.00                         0.00
   Current portion of non-current assets                                                    0.00                         0.00
   Other current assets                                                           173,882,985.00               167,179,023.00
  Total current assets                                                         37,170,475,225.00            26,083,752,075.00
  Non-current assets:
   Investments in debt obligations                                                          0.00                        0.00
   Investments in other debt obligations                                                    0.00                        0.00
   Long-term receivables                                                                    0.00                        0.00
   Long-term equity investments                                               213,375,779,799.00          210,945,821,235.00
    Investments in other equity instruments                                        80,307,389.00               63,458,868.00
    Other non-current financial assets                                                      0.00                        0.00
   Investment property                                                            256,683,073.00              261,526,129.00
   Fixed assets                                                                   923,766,028.00              961,944,766.00
   Construction in progress                                                       589,550,574.00              551,352,449.00
   Productive living assets                                                                 0.00                        0.00
   Oil and gas assets                                                                       0.00                        0.00
   Right-of-use assets                                                            148,273,718.00              170,173,793.00
   Intangible assets                                                            1,172,615,249.00            1,243,806,868.00
   Development costs                                                                        0.00                        0.00
   Goodwill                                                                                 0.00                        0.00
   Long-term prepaid expense                                                      426,413,480.00              441,560,097.00
   Deferred income tax assets                                                               0.00                        0.00
   Other non-current assets                                                     1,608,509,389.00            1,744,751,520.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Interim Report 2022

  Total non-current assets                                     218,581,898,699.00        216,384,395,725.00
  Total assets                                                 255,752,373,924.00        242,468,147,800.00
  Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                                     0.00                      0.00
    Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                   0.00                      0.00
   Derivative financial liabilities                                          0.00                      0.00
   Notes payable                                                             0.00                      0.00
   Accounts payable                                                169,971,210.00             61,519,244.00
   Advances from customers                                          14,986,275.00             20,038,334.00
   Contract liabilities                                                      0.00                      0.00
   Employee benefits payable                                       258,878,329.00            640,728,285.00
   Taxes payable                                                   150,831,212.00            244,586,957.00
   Other payables                                                3,377,602,469.00          2,880,884,768.00
    Including: Interest payable                                              0.00                      0.00
                    Dividends payable                                6,486,733.00              6,561,972.00
   Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale                 0.00                      0.00
   Current portion of non-current liabilities                    8,794,466,619.00         10,909,326,195.00
   Other current liabilities                                        21,040,775.00             29,190,783.00
  Total current liabilities                                     12,787,776,889.00         14,786,274,566.00
  Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings                                         38,828,500,000.00         32,208,500,000.00
   Bonds payable                                                             0.00                      0.00
    Including: Preferred shares                                              0.00                      0.00
  Perpetual bonds                                                            0.00                      0.00
   Lease liabilities                                               108,711,513.00            129,343,868.00
   Long-term payables                                                        0.00                      0.00
   Long-term employee benefits payable                                       0.00                      0.00
   Provisions                                                                0.00                      0.00
   Deferred income                                               2,437,974,777.00          2,906,951,707.00
   Deferred income tax liabilities                                 225,898,702.00            225,816,218.00
   Other non-current liabilities                                87,216,661,806.00         74,506,661,805.00
  Total non-current liabilities                                128,817,746,798.00        109,977,273,598.00
  Total liabilities                                            141,605,523,687.00        124,763,548,164.00
  Owners’ equity:
   Share capital                                                38,445,746,482.00         38,445,746,482.00
   Other equity instruments                                     16,206,214,165.00         14,146,997,427.00
    Including: Preferred shares                                              0.00                      0.00
  Perpetual bonds                                               16,206,214,165.00         14,146,997,427.00
   Capital reserves                                             53,924,472,274.00         53,598,033,152.00
   Less: Treasury stock                                          3,630,090,776.00          3,415,768,207.00
   Other comprehensive income                                       72,995,021.00             89,024,650.00
   Specific reserve                                                          0.00                      0.00
   Surplus reserves                                              2,890,218,539.00          2,889,590,205.00
   Retained earnings                                             6,237,294,532.00         11,950,975,927.00
  Total owners’ equity                                        114,146,850,237.00        117,704,599,636.00
  Total liabilities and owners’ equity                        255,752,373,924.00        242,468,147,800.00

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                    Item                         H1 2022                   H1 2021
  1. Revenue                                                    91,610,241,869.00        108,618,018,710.00
  Including: Operating revenue                                  91,610,241,869.00        108,618,018,710.00
  Interest income                                                            0.00                      0.00
  Insurance premium income                                                   0.00                      0.00
  Handling charge and commission income                                      0.00                      0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2022

  2. Costs and expenses                                                    85,954,099,199.00         88,446,068,320.00
  Including: Cost of sales                                                 74,499,068,362.00         75,420,407,266.00
  Interest expense                                                                      0.00                      0.00
  Handling charge and commission expense                                                0.00                      0.00
  Surrenders                                                                            0.00                      0.00
  Net insurance claims paid                                                             0.00                      0.00
  Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve                                     0.00                      0.00
  Expenditure on policy dividends                                                       0.00                      0.00
  Reinsurance premium expense                                                           0.00                      0.00
  Taxes and surcharges                                                        627,834,518.00            793,904,356.00
  Selling expense                                                           1,862,479,468.00          2,295,547,697.00
  Administrative expense                                                    2,948,599,229.00          3,245,612,412.00
                   R&D expense                                              5,362,004,818.00          4,932,300,358.00
  Finance costs                                                               654,112,804.00          1,758,296,231.00
  Including: Interest expense                                               1,503,427,051.00          2,438,979,548.00
                                Interest income                               651,030,668.00            443,748,698.00
  Add: Other income                                                         2,976,852,563.00          1,131,779,224.00
          Return on investment (“-” for loss)                               646,167,675.00             25,936,741.00
  Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates         586,980,332.00                620,013.00
    Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost
                                                                                        0.00                         0.00
  (“-” for loss)
  Exchange gain (“-” for loss)                                                        0.00                      0.00
  Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)                                          0.00                      0.00
          Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                       77,771,038.00             37,887,125.00
  Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)                                     -19,995,527.00            -33,868,609.00
  Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)                                   -4,528,459,543.00         -2,307,446,795.00
  Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                                        3,601,605.00            152,606,846.00
  3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                      4,812,080,481.00         19,178,844,922.00
  Add: Non-operating income                                                    99,586,182.00             48,115,802.00
  Less: Non-operating expense                                                  17,425,496.00             21,548,141.00
  4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                                     4,894,241,167.00         19,205,412,583.00
  Less: Income tax expense                                                  1,681,324,244.00          2,260,425,038.00
  5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                        3,212,916,923.00         16,944,987,545.00
    5.1 By operating continuity
      5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)      3,212,916,923.00         16,944,987,545.00
      5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)                0.00                      0.00
    5.2 By ownership
  5.2.1 Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent      6,595,661,738.00         12,917,163,177.00
  5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests               -3,382,744,815.00          4,027,824,368.00
  6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                  -497,059,876.00            -46,126,447.00
  Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                        -478,538,335.00            -28,421,976.00
  6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                   -20,609,687.00            -84,109,200.00
  6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes                     0.00                      0.00
  6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to
                                                                              -10,265,385.00            -64,314,237.00
  profit or loss under the equity method
  6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity
                                                                              -10,344,302.00            -19,794,963.00
  6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit
                                                                                        0.00                         0.00
  6.1.5 Other                                                                           0.00                      0.00
  6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss                      -457,928,648.00             55,687,224.00
  6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit
                                                                                  51,684.00                          0.00
  or loss under the equity method
  6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt
                                                                                        0.00                         0.00
  6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of
                                                                                        0.00                         0.00
  financial assets
  6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt
                                                                                        0.00                         0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

   6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges                                                             0.00                           0.00
   6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-
                                                                                       -457,980,332.00                55,687,224.00
   denominated financial statements
   6.2.7 Other                                                                                    0.00                         0.00
   Attributable to non-controlling interests                                            -18,521,541.00               -17,704,471.00
   7. Total comprehensive income                                                      2,715,857,047.00            16,898,861,098.00
   Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent                                6,117,123,403.00            12,888,741,201.00
   Attributable to non-controlling interests                                         -3,401,266,356.00             4,010,119,897.00
   8. Earnings per share
   8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                                  0.166                        0.367
   8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                                0.166                        0.367
Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before the
combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00.
Legal representative: Chen Yanshun                                                           Chief Executive Officer: Gao Wenbao
Chief Financial Officer: Yang Xiaoping                                     Head of the Company’s Financial Department: Teng Jiao

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                         Item                                         H1 2022                     H1 2021
   1. Operating revenue                                                               2,712,812,036.00            3,056,487,143.00
   Less: Cost of sales                                                                    5,281,222.00                5,740,484.00
   Taxes and surcharges                                                                  26,370,648.00               17,736,708.00
   Selling expense                                                                                0.00                        0.00
   Administrative expense                                                               625,941,940.00              337,658,825.00
   R&D expense                                                                        1,019,595,582.00              977,552,146.00
   Finance costs                                                                        293,782,658.00              408,339,302.00
   Including: Interest expense                                                          322,061,288.00              450,708,097.00
                 Interest income                                                         53,616,149.00               21,893,482.00
   Add: Other income                                                                    488,504,655.00              484,261,261.00
           Return on investment (“-” for loss)                                      1,516,746,783.00            1,697,393,282.00
   Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates                  416,617,496.00               13,838,703.00
     Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost
                                                                                                  0.00                           0.00
   (“-” for loss)
           Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)                                           0.00                         0.00
           Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                         0.00                         0.00
   Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)                                                 -636,303.00                -1,746,785.00
   Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)                                                         0.00                         0.00
   Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)                                                         0.00                         0.00
   2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                               2,746,455,121.00             3,489,367,435.00
   Add: Non-operating income                                                              3,538,481.00                 4,925,381.00
   Less: Non-operating expense                                                              882,153.00                 1,187,679.00
   3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                                              2,749,111,449.00             3,493,105,137.00
   Less: Income tax expense                                                             230,231,274.00               261,110,109.00
   4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                                 2,518,880,175.00             3,231,995,028.00
     4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)                   2,518,880,175.00             3,231,995,028.00
     4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)                             0.00                         0.00
   5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                             -9,746,293.00               -77,752,212.00
   5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                             -9,797,977.00               -77,752,212.00
   5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes                              0.00                         0.00
   5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to
                                                                                        -10,265,385.00               -64,314,236.00
   profit or loss under the equity method
   5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity
                                                                                            467,408.00               -13,437,976.00
   5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit
                                                                                                  0.00                           0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2022

  5.1.5 Other                                                                           0.00                          0.00
  5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss                            51,684.00                          0.00
  5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit
                                                                                   51,684.00                          0.00
  or loss under the equity method
  5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00
  5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00
  financial assets
  5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00
  5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges                                                     0.00                         0.00
  5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00
  denominated financial statements
  5.2.7 Other                                                                            0.00                      0.00
  6. Total comprehensive income                                              2,509,133,882.00          3,154,242,816.00
  7. Earnings per share
   7.1 Basic earnings per share                                                        0.058                      0.085
   7.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                      0.058                      0.085

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                    H1 2022                    H1 2021
  1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services              105,748,212,621.00        102,983,059,761.00
   Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits                              0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in borrowings from the central bank                                      0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in loans from other financial institutions                               0.00                      0.00
   Premiums received on original insurance contracts                                     0.00                      0.00
   Net proceeds from reinsurance                                                         0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders                            0.00                      0.00
   Interest, handling charges and commissions received                                   0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in interbank loans obtained                                              0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions                                 0.00                      0.00
  Net proceeds from acting trading of securities                                         0.00                      0.00
   Tax rebates                                                              11,422,361,466.00          6,890,984,602.00
   Cash generated from other operating activities                            5,584,434,829.00          3,658,020,137.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                     122,755,008,916.00        113,532,064,500.00
   Payments for commodities and services                                    76,855,395,277.00         65,678,777,231.00
  Net increase in loans and advances to customers                                        0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in deposits in the central bank and in interbank loans
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00
   Payments for claims on original insurance contracts                                   0.00                      0.00
   Net increase in interbank loans granted                                               0.00                      0.00
   Interest, handling charges and commissions paid                                       0.00                      0.00
   Policy dividends paid                                                                 0.00                      0.00
   Cash paid to and for employees                                           11,234,924,468.00          9,006,613,635.00
   Taxes paid                                                                3,972,911,897.00          3,697,784,048.00
   Cash used in other operating activities                                   2,579,776,609.00          2,361,246,719.00
  Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                             94,643,008,251.00         80,744,421,633.00
  Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                      28,112,000,665.00         32,787,642,867.00
  2. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from disinvestment                                              35,710,798,594.00         14,595,162,184.00
   Return on investment                                                        178,876,792.00             63,705,219.00
   Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                 4,016,426.00             15,950,030.00
  other long-lived assets
   Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business
                                                                                         0.00                         0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2022

  Cash generated from other investing activities                              627,086,392.00             580,693,730.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                     36,520,778,204.00          15,255,511,163.00
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                           15,758,092,463.00          22,725,541,463.00
  other long-lived assets
   Payments for investments                                                42,524,036,688.00          13,559,315,026.00
   Net increase in pledged loans granted                                                0.00                       0.00
   Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
                                                                                        0.00                          0.00
  Cash used in other investing activities                                    1,080,339,563.00            327,642,163.00
  Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                             59,362,468,714.00         36,612,498,652.00
  Net cash generated from/used in investing activities                     -22,841,690,510.00        -21,356,987,489.00
  3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received                                            1,073,997,000.00           5,412,784,000.00
  Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to
                                                                            1,073,997,000.00           5,412,784,000.00
  Borrowings raised                                                        34,623,869,532.00          19,163,654,139.00
  Cash generated from other financing activities                                5,212,625.00           1,050,916,089.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities                     35,703,079,157.00          25,627,354,228.00
   Repayment of borrowings                                                 27,288,608,429.00          24,273,242,173.00
  Interest and dividends paid                                              10,659,724,426.00           6,563,653,470.00
  Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests                0.00                       0.00
  Cash used in other financing activities                                     932,991,206.00           7,424,432,903.00
  Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                            38,881,324,061.00          38,261,328,546.00
  Net cash generated from/used in financing activities                     -3,178,244,904.00         -12,633,974,318.00
  4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash
                                                                            1,089,527,368.00            -519,790,328.00
  5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                              3,181,592,619.00          -1,723,109,268.00
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period                  76,623,486,083.00          68,064,736,371.00
  6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                          79,805,078,702.00          66,341,627,103.00

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                     H1 2022                    H1 2021
  1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services               3,060,528,996.00           2,330,732,897.00
   Tax rebates                                                                          0.00              36,064,521.00
   Cash generated from other operating activities                           1,115,844,542.00             328,682,480.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities                      4,176,373,538.00           2,695,479,898.00
   Payments for commodities and services                                      610,354,078.00           2,416,514,190.00
   Cash paid to and for employees                                           1,117,218,033.00             962,945,173.00
   Taxes paid                                                                 585,318,767.00             404,011,370.00
   Cash used in other operating activities                                     26,588,246.00              91,513,902.00
  Subtotal of cash used in operating activities                             2,339,479,124.00           3,874,984,635.00
  Net cash generated from/used in operating activities                      1,836,894,414.00          -1,179,504,737.00
  2. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from disinvestment                                                169,798,594.00             461,214,968.00
   Return on investment                                                       468,135,647.00           2,085,472,096.00
   Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                        0.00                   4,330.00
  other long-lived assets
   Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business
                                                                                        0.00                          0.00
  Cash generated from other investing activities                            2,743,609,848.00           1,149,998,526.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities                      3,381,544,089.00           3,696,689,920.00
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                              425,914,421.00             593,285,345.00
  other long-lived assets
   Payments for investments                                                 1,987,008,586.00          12,698,003,442.00
   Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business                  0.00                       0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2022

  Cash used in other investing activities                         8,169,528,356.00             25,316,404.00
  Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                  10,582,451,363.00         13,316,605,191.00
  Net cash generated from/used in investing activities           -7,200,907,274.00         -9,619,915,271.00
  3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received                                              0.00                      0.00
  Borrowings raised                                              20,500,000,000.00          8,365,000,000.00
  Cash generated from other financing activities                 12,710,000,000.00         12,768,112,185.00
  Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities           33,210,000,000.00         21,133,112,185.00
   Repayment of borrowings                                       14,039,500,000.00          7,150,000,000.00
  Interest and dividends paid                                     8,778,110,111.00          4,231,130,463.00
  Cash used in other financing activities                           282,280,201.00                104,779.00
  Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                  23,099,890,312.00         11,381,235,242.00
  Net cash generated from/used in financing activities           10,110,109,688.00          9,751,876,943.00
  4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash
                                                                      6,521,149.00            -77,249,702.00
  5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                    4,752,617,977.00         -1,124,792,767.00
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period         5,591,885,722.00          4,360,065,216.00
  6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                10,344,503,699.00          3,235,272,449.00

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2022

                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                               H1 2022
                                                       Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                            Other equity instruments                                                                                                               Non-          Total
   Item                                                                             Other      Spec                 Gen
                           Prefe                                      Less:                                                                                     controlling    owners’
               Share                                     Capital                  compreh       ific    Surplus      eral    Retained     Ot
                            rred    Perpetual     Ot                 Treasury                                                                    Subtotal        interests      equity
               capital                                  reserves                    ensive     reser    reserves    reser    earnings     her
                           share      bonds      her                  stock
                                                                                   income        ve                   ve
 as at the
 end of      38,445,746            14,146,997    0.0   53,804,309    3,415,768,    113,551,            2,889,590,           36,941,121    0.0    142,925,54     73,947,595    216,873,14
                            0.00                                                               0.00                 0.00
 the             ,482.00               ,427.00     0       ,393.00       207.00      147.00                205.00               ,452.00     0      7,899.00         ,568.00     3,467.00
 period of
 ent for
 change                                          0.0                                                                        160,668,65    0.0    160,668,65     344,954,39    505,623,05
                    0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00
 in                                                0                                                                              9.00      0          9.00           1.00          0.00

 ent for
                                                 0.0                                                                                      0.0
 correctio          0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00          0.00                 0.00           0.00          0.00
 n of                                              0                                                                                        0

 ent for
                                                 0.0                                                                                      0.0
 business           0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00          0.00                 0.00           0.00          0.00
 combinat                                          0                                                                                        0
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022
                                                 0.0                                                                                    0.0
 adjustme           0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                0.00          0.00          0.00
 nts                                               0                                                                                      0
 as at the
              38,445,746           14,146,997    0.0   53,804,309    3,415,768,   113,551,          2,889,590,          37,101,790      0.0   143,086,21    74,292,549    217,378,76
 beginnin                   0.00                                                             0.00                0.00
 g of the         ,482.00              ,427.00     0       ,393.00       207.00     147.00              205.00              ,111.00       0     6,558.00        ,959.00     6,517.00
 g Period
 decrease                                                                                -                                          -                                -              -
 in the                            2,059,216,    0.0   506,929,09    214,322,5                      628,334.0                           0.0   230,730,09
                    0.00    0.00                                                  484,821,   0.00                0.00      1,636,899,                       2,532,282,    2,301,552,1
 period                                738.00      0         2.00        69.00                              0                             0         2.00
 (“-” for                                                                         671.00                                     832.00                           288.00          96.00
 Total                                                                                   -                                                                           -
                                                 0.0                                                                       6,595,661,   0.0   6,117,123,4                 2,715,857,0
 compreh            0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00    478,538,   0.00        0.00    0.00                                       3,401,266,
 ensive                                            0                                                                           738.00     0         03.00                       47.00
                                                                                    335.00                                                                      356.00
                                   1,989,415,    0.0   506,559,78    214,322,5                                                          0.0   2,281,652,3   910,245,59    3,191,897,8
 d and              0.00    0.00                                                      0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00
 reduced                               094.00      0         4.00        69.00                                                            0         09.00         0.00          99.00
 shares                                          0.0                                                                                    0.0                 1,073,997,    1,073,997,0
                    0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                0.00
 increase                                          0                                                                                      0                     000.00          00.00
 d by
 d by                              1,989,415,    0.0                                                                                    0.0   1,989,415,0                 1,989,415,0
                    0.00    0.00                             0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                              0.00
 holders                               094.00      0                                                                                      0         94.00                       94.00
 of other
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2022
 payment                                                                 -
                                              0.0   305,704,62                                                                     0.0   366,122,26    20,365,186   386,487,44
 s                0.00    0.00         0.00                      60,417,63       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00
 included                                       0         8.00                                                                       0         0.00           .00         6.00
                                                                                                                                                   -            -            -
 3.2.4                                        0.0   200,855,15   274,740,2                                                         0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00                                      0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          73,885,045.   184,116,59   258,001,64
 Other                                          0         6.00       01.00                                                           0
                                                                                                                                                 00          6.00         1.00
  3.3                                                                                                                          -                   -            -             -
 Profit                          69,801,644   0.0                                                                                  0.0
                  0.00    0.00                            0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00       8,238,216,         8,168,414,9   41,261,522   8,209,676,4
 distributi                             .00     0                                                                                    0
 on                                                                                                                       572.00               28.00          .00         50.00
                                              0.0                                                                                  0.0
 ation to         0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 surplus                                        0                                                                                    0
                                              0.0                                                                                  0.0
 ation to         0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 general                                        0                                                                                    0
 ation to                                                                                                                      -                   -            -             -
                                              0.0                                                                                  0.0
 owners           0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00       7,954,814,         7,954,814,9   41,261,522   7,996,076,4
 (or                                            0                                                                                    0
                                                                                                                          928.00               28.00          .00         50.00
                                                                                                                           -                      -                          -
   3.3.4                         69,801,644   0.0                                                                                  0.0
                  0.00    0.00                            0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00   283,401,64             213,600,00          0.00   213,600,00
 Other                                  .00     0                                                                                    0
                                                                                                                        4.00                   0.00                       0.00
 Transfers                                                                          -
                                              0.0                                              628,334.0              5,655,002.   0.0
 within           0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00        0.00   6,283,33   0.00               0.00                                0.00          0.00         0.00
 owners’                                       0                                                      0                     00      0
   3.4.1                                      0.0                                                                                  0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00        0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 Increase                                       0                                                                                    0
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2022
 in capital
 (or share
 in capital
 (or share                              0.0                                                                       0.0
                  0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 capital)                                 0                                                                         0
                                        0.0                                                                       0.0
 offset by        0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 surplus                                  0                                                                         0
 benefit                                0.0                                                                       0.0
                  0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 schemes                                  0                                                                         0
 ed to
 ensive                                                            -
                                        0.0                                   628,334.0              5,655,002.   0.0
 income           0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00   6,283,33   0.00               0.00                          0.00   0.00   0.00
 transferr                                0                                           0                     00      0
 ed to
    3.4.6                               0.0                                                                       0.0
                  0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 Other                                    0                                                                         0
                                        0.0                                                                       0.0
 Specific         0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 reserve                                  0                                                                         0
    3.5.1                               0.0                                                                       0.0
                  0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00            0.00          0.00   0.00   0.00
 Increase                                 0                                                                         0
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022
 in the
 Used in                                         0.0                                                                                      0.0
                   0.00     0.00         0.00                0.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00           0.00               0.00          0.00          0.00
 the                                               0                                                                                        0
 3.6                                             0.0                                                                                      0.0
                   0.00     0.00         0.00          369,308.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00           0.00         369,308.00          0.00    369,308.00
 Other                                             0                                                                                        0
 as at the                                                                                -
             38,445,746            16,206,214    0.0   54,311,238    3,630,090,                        2,890,218,           35,464,890    0.0   143,316,94    71,760,267    215,077,21
 end of                     0.00                                                   371,270,    0.00                 0.00
 the             ,482.00               ,165.00     0      ,485.00        776.00                            539.00               ,279.00     0     6,650.00        ,671.00     4,321.00
 g Period

H1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                               H1 2021
                                                       Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                            Other equity instruments                                                                                                             Non-          Total
   Item                                                                             Other     Spec                  Gen
                           Prefe                                       Less:                                                                                  controlling    owners’
               Share                                     Capital                  compreh      ific     Surplus      eral     Retained    Ot
                            rred    Perpetual     Ot                  Treasury                                                                   Subtotal      interests      equity
               capital                                  reserves                    ensive    reser     reserves    reser     earnings    her
                           share      bonds      her                   stock
                                                                                   income       ve                    ve
 as at the                                                                                -
 end of      34,798,398            14,146,997    0.0   37,435,655    1,036,298,                       2,444,416,            15,509,794    0.0   103,276,76    70,120,967    173,397,73
                            0.00                                                   22,198,0    0.00                 0.00
 the             ,763.00               ,427.00     0       ,934.00       508.00                           669.00                ,622.00     0     6,835.00        ,879.00     4,714.00
 period of                                                                            72.00
 ent for
 change                                          0.0                                                                        30,852,512    0.0   30,852,512.   10,034,656    40,887,168.
                    0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00          0.00        0.00    0.00          0.00   0.00
 in                                                0                                                                               .00      0           00           .00            00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022

 ent for
                                                 0.0                                                                                    0.0
 correctio          0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                0.00          0.00          0.00
 n of                                              0                                                                                      0

 ent for
                                                 0.0                                                                                    0.0
 combinat           0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                0.00          0.00          0.00
 ion                                               0                                                                                      0
                                                 0.0                                                                                    0.0
 adjustme           0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00                0.00          0.00          0.00
 nts                                               0                                                                                      0
 as at the                                                                               -
              34,798,398           14,146,997    0.0   37,435,655    1,036,298,                     2,444,416,          15,540,647      0.0   103,307,61    70,131,002    173,438,62
 beginnin                   0.00                                                  22,198,0   0.00                0.00
 g of the         ,763.00              ,427.00     0       ,934.00       508.00                         669.00              ,134.00       0     9,347.00        ,535.00     1,882.00
 g Period
 decrease                                                       -                        -
 in the                            51,007,123    0.0                                                4,161,389.             9,212,987,   0.0   8,824,356,6   4,186,024,    13,010,381,
                    0.00    0.00                       373,763,32         0.00    70,035,8   0.00                0.00
 period                                   .00      0                                                       00                  291.00     0         10.00       478.00        088.00
 (“-” for                                                  8.00                    65.00
 Total                                                                                   -
                                                 0.0                                                                    12,917,163      0.0   12,888,741,   4,010,119,    16,898,861,
 compreh            0.00    0.00         0.00                0.00         0.00    28,421,9   0.00        0.00    0.00
 ensive                                            0                                                                        ,177.00       0       201.00       897.00         098.00
 increase                                                       -                                                                                      -                           -
                                                 0.0                                                                                    0.0                 190,282,11
 d and              0.00    0.00         0.00          376,241,70         0.00        0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00           0.00          376,241,70                  185,959,59
 reduced                                           0                                                                                      0                       7.00
                                                             7.00                                                                                   7.00                        0.00
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2022
 Ordinary                                                                                                                                             -            -
 shares                                       0.0                                                                        0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00    926,301,32   926,301,32
 increase                                       0                                                                          0
 d by                                                                                                                                              2.00         2.00
 d by
                                              0.0                                                                        0.0
 holders          0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 of other                                       0                                                                          0
                                              0.0   288,269,88                                                           0.0   288,269,88    20,510,201   308,780,08
 s                0.00    0.00         0.00                      0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00
 included                                       0         5.00                                                             0         5.00           .00         6.00
                                                             -                                                                          -
 3.2.4                                        0.0                                                                        0.0                 1,096,073,   431,561,64
                  0.00    0.00         0.00         664,511,59   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00          664,511,59
 Other                                          0                                                                          0                     238.00         6.00
                                                          2.00                                                                       2.00
  3.3                                                                                                                -                   -            -             -
 Profit                          51,007,123   0.0                                                                        0.0
                  0.00    0.00                            0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       3,741,628,         3,690,621,2   14,377,536   3,704,998,7
 distributi                             .00     0                                                                          0
 on                                                                                                             386.00               63.00          .00         99.00
                                              0.0                                                                        0.0
 ation to         0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 surplus                                        0                                                                          0
                                              0.0                                                                        0.0
 ation to         0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00            0.00                0.00          0.00         0.00
 general                                        0                                                                          0
    3.3.3                                                                                                            -                   -            -             -
 Appropri                                     0.0                                                                        0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00       3,477,021,         3,477,021,2   14,377,536   3,491,398,7
 ation to                                       0                                                                          0
 owners                                                                                                         263.00               63.00          .00         99.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                 -                  -                   -
   3.3.4                         51,007,123   0.0                                                                    0.0
                  0.00    0.00                      0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00   264,607,12         213,600,00   0.00   213,600,00
 Other                                  .00     0                                                                      0
                                                                                                              3.00               0.00                0.00
 Transfers                                                               -
                                              0.0                                   4,161,389.          37,452,500   0.0
 within           0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00   41,613,8   0.00                0.00                            0.00   0.00         0.00
 owners’                                       0                                          00                  .00     0
 in capital
 (or share                                    0.0                                                                    0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00         0.00
 capital)                                       0                                                                      0
 in capital
 (or share                                    0.0                                                                    0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00         0.00
 capital)                                       0                                                                      0
                                              0.0                                                                    0.0
 offset by        0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00         0.00
 surplus                                        0                                                                      0
 benefit                                      0.0                                                                    0.0
                  0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00       0.00   0.00        0.00    0.00         0.00               0.00   0.00         0.00
 schemes                                        0                                                                      0
 ed to
    3.4.5                                                                -
                                              0.0                                   4,161,389.          37,452,500   0.0
 Other            0.00    0.00         0.00         0.00   0.00   41,613,8   0.00                0.00                            0.00   0.00         0.00
 compreh                                        0                                          00                  .00     0
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022
 ed to
    3.4.6                                          0.0                                                                                      0.0
                    0.00    0.00            0.00                0.00        0.00           0.00   0.00          0.00   0.00         0.00                0.00              0.00             0.00
 Other                                               0                                                                                        0
                                                   0.0                                                                                      0.0
 Specific           0.00    0.00            0.00                0.00        0.00           0.00   0.00          0.00   0.00         0.00                0.00              0.00             0.00
 reserve                                             0                                                                                        0
 Increase                                          0.0                                                                                      0.0
                    0.00    0.00            0.00                0.00        0.00           0.00   0.00          0.00   0.00         0.00                0.00              0.00             0.00
 in the                                              0                                                                                        0
 Used in                                           0.0                                                                                      0.0
                    0.00    0.00            0.00                0.00        0.00           0.00   0.00          0.00   0.00         0.00                0.00              0.00             0.00
 the                                                 0                                                                                        0
 3.6                                               0.0    2,478,379.                                                                        0.0   2,478,379.0                       2,478,379.0
                    0.00    0.00            0.00                            0.00           0.00   0.00          0.00   0.00         0.00                                  0.00
 Other                                               0           00                                                                           0             0                                 0
 as at the                                                                                    -
              34,798,398            14,198,004     0.0   37,061,892    1,036,298,                        2,448,578,           24,753,634    0.0   112,131,97      74,317,027        186,449,00
 end of                     0.00                                                       92,233,9   0.00                 0.00
 the              ,763.00               ,550.00      0       ,606.00       508.00                            058.00               ,425.00     0     5,957.00          ,013.00         2,970.00
 g Period

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  H1 2022
                                       Other equity instruments                                                         Specif
     Item                                                                                    Less:          Other
                                   Preferr                                Capital                                         ic        Surplus         Retained        Oth          Total owners’
                 Share capital                 Perpetual        Oth                         Treasury     comprehens
                                     ed                                  reserves                                       reserv      reserves        earnings         er             equity
                                                 bonds           er                          stock       ive income
                                   shares                                                                                  e
 1. Balance
 as at the       38,445,746,48                14,146,997,42            53,598,033,15      3,415,768,20   89,024,650.              2,889,590,20    11,950,975,92              117,704,599,63
                                     0.00                      0.00                                                       0.00                                      0.00
 end of the               2.00                         7.00                     2.00              7.00           00                       5.00             7.00                        6.00
 period of
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2022
 prior year
 for change
                         0.00    0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00

                         0.00    0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 of previous
                         0.00    0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 2. Balance
 as at the
 beginning      38,445,746,48           14,146,997,42           53,598,033,15   3,415,768,20   89,024,650.            2,889,590,20   11,950,975,92           117,704,599,63
                                 0.00                    0.00                                                 0.00                                    0.00
 of the                  2.00                    7.00                    2.00           7.00           00                     5.00            7.00                     6.00
 3. Increase/
 decrease in                                                                                             -                                        -                        -
                                        2,059,216,738.          326,439,122.0   214,322,569.
 the period              0.00    0.00                    0.00                                  16,029,629.    0.00     628,334.00    5,713,681,395.   0.00   3,557,749,399.0
 (“-” for                                         00                      0             00
                                                                                                       00                                       00                         0
  3.1 Total                                                                                              -
                                                                                                                                     2,518,880,175.          2,509,133,882.0
 comprehens              0.00    0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00           0.00   9,746,293.0    0.00            0.00                    0.00
 ive income                                                                                                                                     00                         0
  3.2 Capital
 increased                              1,989,415,094.          326,069,814.0   214,322,569.                                                                 2,101,162,339.0
                         0.00    0.00                    0.00                                        0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00
 and reduced                                        00                      0            00                                                                                0
 by owners
 shares                  0.00    0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 by owners
                                        1,989,415,094.                                                                                                       1,989,415,094.0
 by holders              0.00    0.00                    0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00
 of other                                           00                                                                                                                     0
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2022
 3.2.3 Share-
 based                                                                                    -
 payments                                                      326,069,814.0
                        0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00                   60,417,632.0         0.00     0.00          0.00            0.00    0.00   386,487,446.00
 included in                                                               0
 owners’                                                                                 0
                                                                               274,740,201.                                                                             -
 3.2.4 Other            0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00                                        0.00     0.00          0.00            0.00    0.00
                                                                                         00                                                               274,740,201.00
                                                                                                                                               -                        -
  3.3 Profit
                        0.00     0.00   69,801,644.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00   8,238,216,572.   0.00   8,168,414,928.0
                                                                                                                                             00                         0
 on to                  0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 Appropriati                                                                                                                                   -                        -
 on to
                        0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00   7,954,814,928.   0.00   7,954,814,928.0
 owners (or
 shareholder                                                                                                                                 00                         0
   3.3.3                                                                                                                                                               -
                        0.00     0.00   69,801,644.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00   283,401,644.0    0.00
 Other                                                                                                                                                    213,600,000.00
 Transfers                                                                                              -
 within                 0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00   6,283,336.0    0.00    628,334.00    5,655,002.00    0.00             0.00
 owners’                                                                                               0
 Increase in
 capital (or
 share                  0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 from capital
 Increase in
 capital (or
 share                  0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00          0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2022
 Loss offset
                         0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 by surplus
 Changes in
                         0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 to retained
 comprehens                                                                                             -
 ive income              0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00   6,283,336.0    0.00     628,334.00     5,655,002.00    0.00             0.00
 transferred                                                                                            0
 to retained
                         0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 3.5 Specific
                         0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 Increase in             0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 the period
 Used in the             0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 3.6 Other               0.00    0.00            0.00   0.00     369,308.00            0.00         0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00      369,308.00
 4. Balance
 as at the
                38,445,746,48           16,206,214,16          53,924,472,27   3,630,090,77   72,995,021.            2,890,218,53   6,237,294,532.          114,146,850,23
 end of the                      0.00                   0.00                                                 0.00                                    0.00
 Reporting               2.00                    5.00                   4.00           6.00           00                     9.00              00                     7.00

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022

H1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                            H1 2021
                                     Other equity instruments                                                     Specif
     Item                                                                              Less:           Other
                                 Preferr                               Capital                                      ic       Surplus         Retained       Oth    Total owners’
                 Share capital               Perpetual        Oth                     Treasury      comprehensi
                                   ed                                 reserves                                    reserv     reserves        earnings        er       equity
                                               bonds           er                      stock         ve income
                                 shares                                                                              e
 1. Balance
 as at the end
                 34,798,398,76              14,146,997,42           36,696,079,36   1,036,298,508   90,713,133.            2,444,416,669   11,954,088,03           99,094,394,88
 of the                            0.00                      0.00                                                   0.00                                    0.00
 period of                3.00                       7.00                    6.00             .00           00                       .00            1.00                    1.00
 prior year
 for change
                          0.00     0.00              0.00    0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00

                          0.00     0.00              0.00    0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 of previous
                          0.00     0.00              0.00    0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00             0.00
 2. Balance
 as at the
 beginning       34,798,398,76              14,146,997,42           36,696,079,36   1,036,298,508   90,713,133.            2,444,416,669   11,954,088,03           99,094,394,88
                                   0.00                      0.00                                                   0.00                                    0.00
 of the                   3.00                       7.00                    6.00             .00           00                       .00            1.00                    1.00
 3. Increase/
 decrease in                                                                                                  -                                        -                       -
 the period               0.00     0.00     51,007,123.00    0.00                            0.00   119,366,101     0.00    4,161,389.00   472,180,858.0    0.00   222,821,181.0
 (“-” for                                                                     0
                                                                                                            .00                                        0                       0
  3.1 Total                                                                                                   -
                                                                                                                                           3,231,995,028.          3,154,242,816.
 comprehens               0.00     0.00              0.00    0.00            0.00            0.00   77,752,212.     0.00            0.00                    0.00
 ive income                                                                                                                                           00                       00
  3.2 Capital             0.00     0.00              0.00    0.00   308,780,087.0            0.00          0.00     0.00            0.00            0.00    0.00   308,780,087.0

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2022
 increased                                                                0                                                                                    0
 and reduced
 by owners
 shares                 0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00
 by owners
 by holders             0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00
 of other
 3.2.3 Share-
 payments                                                      308,780,087.0                                                                       308,780,087.0
                        0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00                   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00    0.00
 included in                                                               0                                                                                   0
 3.2.4 Other            0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00             0.00   0.00             0.00
                                                                                                                                        -                       -
  3.3 Profit
                        0.00     0.00   51,007,123.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00   3,741,628,386.   0.00   3,690,621,263.
                                                                                                                                       00                      00
 on to                  0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00
 Appropriati                                                                                                                            -                       -
 on to
                        0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00   3,477,021,263.   0.00   3,477,021,263.
 owners (or
 shareholder                                                                                                                          00                       00
                                                                                                                                       -                       -
                        0.00     0.00   51,007,123.00   0.00            0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00   264,607,123.0    0.00   213,600,000.0
                                                                                                                                       0                       0
 Transfers                                                                                      -
 within                 0.00     0.00            0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00   41,613,889.    0.00   4,161,389.00   37,452,500.00    0.00            0.00
 owners’                                                                                     00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                              Interim Report 2022
 Increase in
 capital (or
 share                  0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 from capital
 Increase in
 capital (or
                        0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 Loss offset
                        0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 by surplus
 Changes in
                        0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 to retained
 comprehens                                                                           -
 ive income             0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00   41,613,889.    0.00   4,161,389.00   37,452,500.00   0.00           0.00
 transferred                                                                        00
 to retained
                        0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 3.5 Specific
                        0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 Increase in            0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 the period
 Used in the            0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00           0.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00           0.00
 3.6 Other              0.00     0.00   0.00   0.00   4,777,179.00   0.00         0.00     0.00           0.00            0.00   0.00   4,777,179.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 Interim Report 2022
 4. Balance
 as at the end                                                                                           -
                 34,798,398,76          14,198,004,55          37,009,636,63   1,036,298,508                         2,448,578,058   11,481,907,17          98,871,573,70
 of the                          0.00                   0.00                                   28,652,968.    0.00                                   0.00
 Reporting                3.00                   0.00                   2.00             .00                                   .00            3.00                   0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022

III Company Profile

Founded in Beijing on 9 April 1993 and headquartered in the city, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
“Company”) is a company limited by shares. Its parent and ultimate controller is Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd. (“Electronics
Holding”). The Company and its affiliated subsidiaries (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Group”) are divided into five major
business divisions, namely, display business, Internet of Things (IoT) innovation business, sensor and application solutions, MLED
and smart medicine & engineering. For information about the Company’s subsidiaries, see Note IX herein.
The consolidation scope for consolidated financial statements was determined based on control including the Company and subsidiaries
controlled by the Company.
Information about subsidiaries was presented in Note IX.
The increase and decrease of subsidiaries was listed in Note VIII.

IV Basis for the Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of going concern.

2. Continuing Operations

The Company had the continuing operations ability within 12 months since the end of the Reporting Period.

V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

Reminder of the specific accounting policies and estimates:


1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
issued by the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as MOF). These financial statements present truly and completely the
consolidated financial position and financial position as of 30 June 2022, the consolidated results of operations and results of operations
and the consolidated cash flows and cash flows in the first half year of 2022 of the Company.
These financial statements also comply with the disclosure requirements of “Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures
by Companies Issuing Securities, No. 15: General Requirements for Financial Reports” as revised by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission (“CSRC”) in 2014.

2. Accounting period

The accounting year of the Group is from January 1 st to December 31st.

3. Operating Cycle

The Company regarded the period from purchasing the assets for processing to realizing the cash or cash equivalents as the normal

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022

operating cycle. The operating cycle of the main business of the Company usually is less than 12 months.

4. Recording Currency

The Company’s functional currency is Renminbi. These financial statements are presented in Renminbi. The basis of choosing the
functional currency for the Company and its subsidiaries is that it’s the pricing and settlement currency for the main business. Some
subsidiaries of the Company adopt the currency other than RMB as the recording currency. The Company translates the foreign
currency financial statement of subsidiaries when compiling the financial statement in accordance with V Significant Accounting
Policies and Estimates-9. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements.

5. Accounting Treatments for a Business Combination Involving Entities Under and those not Under
Common Control

(1) Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination, and that control is not
transitory. The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being combined at the
combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid
for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to share premium in the capital reserve. If the balance of share
premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Other direct expenses occur when the Group conducting business
combinations is recognized in current profit and loss. The combination date is the date on which one combining enterprise effectively
obtains control of the other combining enterprises.
(2) Business combinations involving entities not under common control
A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities
are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination. When the Group acts as the
combination party, the cost of a business combination paid by the acquirer is the aggregate of the fair value at the acquisition date of
assets given (including share equity of the acquiree held before the combination date), liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity
securities issued by the acquirer. Any excess of the cost of a business combination over the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
acquiree’s identifiable net assets is recognized as goodwill, while any excess of the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s
identifiable net assets over the cost of a business combination is recognized in profit or loss. The cost of equity securities or liability
securities as on combination consideration offering is recognized in initial recording capital on equity securities or liability securities.
Other direct expenses occur when the Group conducting business combinations is recognized in current profit and loss. The difference
between the fair value and the carrying amount of the assets given is recognized in profit or loss. The Group, at the acquisition date,
recognized the acquiree’s identifiable asset, liabilities and contingent liabilities at their fair value at that date. The acquisition date is
the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.
In a business combination not under same control realized by two or more transactions of exchange, for the equities of the purchases
held before the purchase date, the Group will execute the remeasurement according to the fair value of the equity on the purchase date
with the difference between the fair value and its book value be recorded in the current investment income or other comprehensive
income. The other comprehensive income which could be reclassified in the gains and losses afterwards under the measurement of the
equity method and the changes of the equities of the other owners that involved with the afterwards equity of the purchases held before
the purchase date should be transferred in the current investment income. When the equity in the acquiree held before the acquisition
date is the investment in equity instrument at fair value through other comprehensive income, the other comprehensive income
recognized before the acquisition date shall be transferred into retained earnings on the acquisition date.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

6. Preparation Methods for Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) General principle
The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the base of control, which comprise the Company and its subsidiaries.
The term “control” is the power of the Group upon an investee, with which it can take part in relevant activities of the investee to obtain
variable returns and is able to influence the amount of returns. When judging whether the Group owns the right on the investees or not,
the Group only considers the substantive rights related to the investees (including the substantive rights enjoyed by the Group itself
and by the other parties). The financial status, operating results and cash flow of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial
statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.
Equity, profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders is presented separately under the item of shareholders’ equity in consolidated
income statement and the net profits in the consolidated income statement.
If current loss shoulder by minority shareholders of a subsidy over the proportion enjoyed by minority shareholders in a subsidy at
owners’ equity at period-begin, its balance still offset minority shareholders’ equity.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the Company, the Company makes
necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting
policies. Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-group transactions, are eliminated
in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealized losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in the same
way as unrealized gains but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
(2) Acquiring the subsidiaries from merger
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the Reporting Period, through a business combination involving entities under common control,
the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements based on book value in the consolidated
balance sheet of the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities and results of operations as if the combination had occurred at the date that common
control was established. Therefore the opening balances and the comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements are
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the Reporting Period, through a business combination involving entities not under common
control, when prepared the consolidated financial statements, the Company shall included the acquired subsidiaries into the
consolidated scope from the acquisition date basing on the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities at the acquisition date.
(3) Disposing the subsidiaries
Where the control of former subsidiary was lost, any disposal profit or loss occurred shall be recorded into the investment income
during the period of losing control right. As for remaining equity investment, the Group will re-account it according to the fair value
at the date the control was lost. Any profit or loss occurred shall be recorded into the investment income during the period of losing
control right.
Where the Group losses control on its original subsidiaries due to step by step disposal of equity investments through multiple
transactions, should judge whether is the package deal according to the following principles:
- These deals are at the same time or under the condition of considering the influence of each other to concluded;
- These transactions only when be regarded as a whole could achieve a complete business result;
- The occurrence of a deal depends on at least one other transactions;
- A deal alone is not economical, it is economical with other trading together.
If each deal not belongs to a package deal, as for each deal before losing the control right on the subsidiaries, should be disposed
according to the accounting policies of partly disposing the equity investment of the subsidiaries under the situation not losing the
control right.
If each deal belongs to a package deal, considered as a transaction and conduct accounting treatment, however, before losing control,
the differences between every disposal cost and the shares of the book value of the corresponding net assets continuously calculated

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since the purchase date of the subsidiary of disposal investment are confirmed as other comprehensive income in consolidated financial
statements, which together transferred into the current profits and losses in the loss of control , when the Group losing control on its
(4) Changes of non-controlling interests
Where the Company acquires a minority interest from a subsidiary’s minority shareholders or disposes of a portion of an interest in a
subsidiary without a change in control, the difference between the amount by which the minority interests are adjusted and the amount
of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the capital reserve (share premium) in the consolidated balance sheet. If the credit
balance of capital reserve (share premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

7. Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two participants or above and all the participants are restricted by
the arrangement; and two or more participants execute the jointly control on the arrangement. Any of the participant should not
individually control the arrangement, while any of the participant that owns the jointly control could stop other participants or the
participants group from individually control the arrangement.
Joint arrangements divided into joint operations and joint ventures. A joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where the participant
party enjoys assets and has to bear liabilities related to the arrangement. A joint venture refers to a joint arrangement where the
participant party is only entitled to the net assets of the arrangement.
The participant party should confirm the following items related to the interests portion among the jointly operation and execute the
accounting treatment according to the regulations of the relevant ASBE: recognizes the assets and liabilities that it holds and bears in
the joint operation, and recognizes the jointly-held assets and jointly-borne liabilities according to the Group’s stake in the joint
operation; recognizes the income from sale of the Group’s share in the output of the joint operation; recognizes the income from sale
of the joint operation’s outputs according to the Group’s stake in it; and recognizes the expense solely incurred to the Group and the
expense incurred to the joint operation according to the Group’s stake in it.

8. Recognition Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalents

In the Group’s understanding, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, any deposit that can be used for cover, and short-term
and high circulating investments, which are easily convertible into known amount of cash and whose risks in change of value are

9. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

When the Group receives capital in foreign currencies from investors, the capital is translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at
the date of the receipt. Other foreign currency transactions are, on initial recognition, translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates
at the dates of the transactions.
Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. The
resulting exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss, except those arising from the principals and interests on foreign currency
borrowings specifically for the purpose of acquisition, construction of qualifying assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated to Renminbi using the foreign exchange rate at the transaction date. Non-
monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rate at the
date the fair value is determined; the exchange differences, if it’s the difference arising from the non-monetary item of non-transactional
equity investments designated to be measured at fair value and changes thereof recorded into other comprehensive income, it shall be
considered as other comprehensive income; other differences shall be recognized in current profit or loss.

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The assets and liabilities of foreign operation are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. The equity
items, excluding “Retained earning” and “Difference arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements in other
comprehensive income”, are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. The income and expenses of
foreign operation are translated to Renminbi at rates that approximate the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. The resulting
exchange differences are listed in other comprehensive income. Upon disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of the
exchange differences recognized in equity which relates to that foreign operation is transferred to profit or loss in the period in which
the disposal occurs.

Note: The determination methods for conversion exchange rates under foreign currency transactions, translation methods for foreign
currency monetary items at the balance sheet date, accounting treatments for foreign exchange gains and losses, and accounting
treatments for translation of foreign currency financial statements shall be explained.

10. Financial instruments
(1) Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions
of a financial instrument.
Financial assets (unless it is a trade receivable without a significant financing component) and financial liabilities is measured initially
at fair value. For financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, any related directly attributable transaction
costs are charged to profit or loss; for other categories of financial assets and financial liabilities, any related directly attributable
transaction costs are included in their initial costs. A trade receivable without a significant financing component is initially measured
at the transaction price according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.14-Revenue.
(2) Classification and subsequent measurement of financial assets
(a) Classification of financial assets
The classification of financial assets is generally based on the business model in which a financial asset is managed and its contractual
cash flow characteristics. On initial recognition, a financial asset is classified as measured at amortised cost, at fair value through other
comprehensive income (“FVOCI”), or at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”).
Financial assets are not reclassified subsequent to their initial recognition unless the Group changes its business model for managing
financial assets in which case all affected financial assets are reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period following the
change in the business model.
A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:
- it is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and
- its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding.
A debt investment is measured at FVOCI if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:
- it is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets;
- its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding.

On initial recognition of an equity investment that is not held for trading, the Group may irrevocably elect to present subsequent changes
in the investment’s fair value in other comprehensive income. This election is made on an investment-by-investment basis. The
instrument meets the definition of equity from the perspective of the issuer.

All financial assets not classified as measured at amortised cost or FVOCI as described above are measured at FVTPL. On initial
recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate a financial asset that otherwise meets the requirements to be measured at amortised

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cost or at FVOCI as at FVTPL if doing so eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise.

The business model refers to how the Group manages its financial assets in order to generate cash flows. That is, the Group’s business
model determines whether cash flows will result from collecting contractual cash flows, selling financial assets or both. The Group
determines the business model for managing the financial assets according to the facts and based on the specific business objective for
managing the financial assets determined by the Group’s key management personnel.

In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest, the Group considers the contractual terms
of the instrument. For the purposes of this assessment, ‘principal’ is defined as the fair value of the financial asset on initial recognition.
‘Interest’ is defined as consideration for the time value of money and for the credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding
during a particular period of time and for other basic lending risks and costs, as well as a profit margin. The Group also assesses whether
the financial asset contains a contractual term that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not
meet this condition.

(b) Subsequent measurement of financial assets

-     Financial assets at FVTPL

These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Net gains and losses, including any interest or dividend income, are
recognised in profit or loss unless the financial assets are part of a hedging relationship.

-     Financial assets at amortised cost

These assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. A gain or loss on a financial asset that is
measured at amortised cost and is not part of a hedging relationship shall be recognised in profit or loss when the financial asset is
derecognised, through the amortisation process or in order to recognise impairment gains or losses.

-     Debt investments at FVOCI

These assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest income calculated using the effective interest method, impairment and
foreign exchange gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss. Other net gains and losses are recognised in other comprehensive
income. On derecognition, gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.

-     Equity investments at FVOCI

These assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends are recognised as income in profit or loss. Other net gains and losses
are recognised in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income are
reclassified to retained earnings.

(3)   Classification and subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified as measured at FVTPL or amortised cost.

-     Financial liabilities at FVTPL

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A financial liability is classified as at FVTPL if it is classified as held-for-trading (including derivative financial liability) or it is
designated as such on initial recognition.

Financial liabilities at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value and net gains and losses, including any interest expense, are
recognised in profit or loss, unless the financial liabilities are part of a hedging relationship.

-     Financial liabilities at amortised cost

These financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

(4)   Offsetting

Financial assets and financial liabilities are generally presented separately in the balance sheet, and are not offset. However, a financial
asset and a financial liability are offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions are

-     The Group currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts;
-     The Group intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously.

(5)   Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial asset is derecognised when one of the following conditions is met:

-     the Group’s contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire;
-     the financial asset has been transferred and the Group transfers substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the
financial asset; or;
-     the financial asset has been transferred, although the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all of the risks and rewards
of ownership of the financial asset, it does not retain control over the transferred asset.

Where a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety meets the criteria for derecognition, the difference between the two amounts below
is recognised in profit or loss:

-     the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred measured at the date of derecognition;
-     the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and, when the transferred financial asset is a debt investment at FVOCI,
any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognised directly in other comprehensive income for the part derecognised.

The Group derecognises a financial liability (or part of it) only when its contractual obligation (or part of it) is extinguished.
(6) Impairment

The Group recognises loss allowances for expected credit loss (ECL) on:

-     financial assets measured at amortised cost;
-     contract assets;

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-     debt investments at FVOCI; and
Financial assets measured at fair value, including debt investments or equity securities at FVTPL, equity securities designated at FVOCI
and derivative financial assets, are not subject to the ECL assessment.

Measurement of ECLs

ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses. Credit losses are measured as the present value of all cash shortfalls (i.e. the
difference between the cash flows due to the entity in accordance with the contract and the cash flows that the Group expects to receive).

The maximum period considered when estimating ECLs is the maximum contractual period (including extension options) over which
the Group is exposed to credit risk.

Lifetime ECLs are the ECLs that result from all possible default events over the expected life of a financial instrument.

12-month ECLs are the portion of ECLs that result from default events that are possible within the 12 months after the balance sheet
date (or a shorter period if the expected life of the instrument is less than 12 months).

Loss allowances for trade receivables and contract assets are always measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. ECLs on these
financial assets are estimated using a provision matrix based on the Group’s historical credit loss experience, adjusted for factors that
are specific to the debtors and an assessment of both the current and forecast general economic conditions at the balance sheet date.
Except for trade receivables and contract assets, the Group measures loss allowance at an amount equal to 12-month ECL for the
following financial instruments, and at an amount equal to lifetime ECL for all other financial instruments.

-     If the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk at the balance sheet date;
-     If the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

Financial instruments that have low credit risk

The credit risk on a financial instrument is considered low if the financial instrument has a low risk of default, the borrower has a strong
capacity to meet its contractual cash flow obligations in the near term and adverse changes in economic and business conditions in the
longer term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfil its contractual cash flow obligations.

Significant increases in credit risk

In assessing whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group compares
the risk of default occurring on the financial instrument assessed at the balance sheet date with that assessed at the date of initial

When determining whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition and when estimating
ECL, the Group considers reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available without undue cost or effort, including
forward-looking information. In particular, the following information is taken into account:

-     failure to make payments of principal or interest on their contractually due dates;
-     an actual or expected significant deterioration in a financial instrument’s external or internal credit rating (if available);

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-       an actual or expected significant deterioration in the operating results of the debtor; and
-       existing or forecast changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment that have a significant adverse effect on
the debtor’s ability to meet its obligation to the Group.

Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the assessment of a significant increase in credit risk is performed on either an
individual basis or a collective basis. When the assessment is performed on a collective basis, the financial instruments are grouped
based on shared credit risk characteristics, such as past due status and credit risk ratings.

The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial asset has increased significantly if it is more than 30 days past due.
Credit-impaired financial assets

At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether financial assets carried at amortised cost and debt investments at FVOCI are
credit-impaired. A financial asset is ‘credit-impaired’ when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future
cash flows of the financial asset have occurred. Evidence that a financial asset is credit-impaired includes the following observable

-       significant financial difficulty of the borrower or issuer;
-       a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;
-       for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, the Group having granted to the borrower a
concession that would not otherwise consider;
-       it is probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation; or
-       the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties.

Presentation of allowance for ECL

ECLs are remeasured at each balance sheet date to reflect changes in the financial instrument’s credit risk since initial recognition. Any
change in the ECL amount is recognised as an impairment gain or loss in profit or loss. The Group recognises an impairment gain or
loss for all financial instruments with a corresponding adjustment to their carrying amount through a loss allowance account, except
for debt investments that are measured at FVOCI, for which the loss allowance is recognised in other comprehensive income.


The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is written off (either partially or in full) to the extent that there is no realistic prospect of
recovery. A write-off constitutes a derecognition event. This is generally the case when the Group determines that the debtor does not
have assets or sources of income that could generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amounts subject to the write-off. However,
financial assets that are written off could still be subject to enforcement activities in order to comply with the Group’s procedures for
recovery of amounts due.

Subsequent recoveries of an asset that was previously written off are recognised as a reversal of impairment in profit or loss in the
period in which the recovery occurs.
(7) Equity instrument

The consideration received from the issuance of equity instruments net of transaction costs is recognised in shareholders’ equity.
Consideration and transaction costs paid by the Company for repurchasing self-issued equity instruments are deducted from

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shareholders’ equity.

When the Company repurchases its own shares, those shares are treated as treasury shares. All expenditure relating to the repurchase
is recorded in the cost of the treasury shares, with the transaction recording in the share register. Treasury shares are excluded from
profit distributions and are presented as a deduction under shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet.

When treasury shares are cancelled, the share capital should be reduced to the extent of the total par value of the treasury shares
cancelled. Where the cost of the treasury shares cancelled exceeds the total par value, the excess is deducted from capital reserve (share
premium), surplus reserve and retained earnings sequentially. If the cost of treasury shares cancelled is less than the total par value, the
difference is credited to the capital reserve (share premium).

When treasury shares are disposed of, any excess of proceeds above cost is recognised in capital reserve (share premium); otherwise,
the shortfall is deducted against capital reserve (share premium), surplus reserve and retained earnings sequentially.

(8)   Perpetual bonds

At initial recognition, the Group classifies the perpetual bonds issued or their components as financial assets, financial liabilities or
equity instruments based on their contractual terms and their economic substance after considering the definition of financial assets,
financial liabilities and equity instruments.

Perpetual bonds issued that should be classified as equity instruments are recognised in equity based on the actual amount received.
Any distribution of dividends or interests during the instruments’ duration is treated as profit appropriation. When the perpetual bonds
are redeemed according to the contractual terms, the redemption price is charged to equity.

11. Notes Receivable

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

12. Accounts Receivable

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

13. Accounts Receivable Financing


14. Other Receivables

The recognition method and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of other receivables
See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

15. Inventory

(1) Classification and cost of inventories
Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and reusable materials. Reusable materials include low-value

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consumables, packaging materials and other materials, which can be used repeatedly but do not meet the definition of fixed assets.
Inventories are initially measured by the cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs.
Inventories are initially measured at their actual cost. In addition to the purchasing cost of raw materials, work in progress and finished
goods include direct labor costs and an appropriate allocation of production overheads.
(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories
Cost of inventories is calculated using the weighted average method.
Revolving materials such as the low priced and easily worn articles and the packing materials should be amortized by adopting one-
time amortization method and be recorded in the cost of the relevant assets or the current gains and losses.
(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation reserves for inventories
On the balance sheet day, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the normal course of business less the estimated costs to completion and the
estimated expenses and related taxes necessary to make the sale. The net realizable value of materials held for use in the production of
inventories is measured based on the net realizable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The net realizable
value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or service contracts is based on the contract price. If the quantities of inventories
specified in sales contracts are less than the quantities held by the Group, the net realizable value of the excess portion of inventories
shall be based on general selling prices.
Any excess of the cost over the net realizable value of each class of inventories is recognized as a provision for diminution in the value
of inventories, and then recorded into current profit or loss.
(4) Inventory system for inventories
The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system.

16. Contract Assets

Contract assets refer to the right that the Group has to charge consideration from customers due to the transfer of commodities to them,
and the right depends on other factors than time lapse. If the Group sells two highly distinguishable commodities to a customer, and
has the right to receive payment due to the delivery of one of the commodities, but with the collection of the payment depending on
the delivery of the other, the Group will treat this right of payment as a contract asset.
See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

17. Contract Costs

Contract costs are either the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer or the costs to fulfill a contract with a customer.
Incremental costs of obtaining a contract are those costs that the Group incurs to obtain a contract with a customer that it would not
have incurred if the contract had not been obtained. The Group recognizes as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with
a customer if it expects to recover those costs. Other costs of obtaining a contract are expensed when incurred. Incremental costs
incurred as the Group obtains a contract refer to those costs which will not incur without entering into a contract.
If the costs to fulfill a contract with a customer are not within the scope of inventories or other accounting standards, the Group
recognizes an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill a contract only if those costs meet all of the following criteria:
-the costs relate directly to an existing contract or to a specifically identifiable anticipated contract, including direct labor, direct
materials, allocations of overheads (or similar costs), costs that are explicitly chargeable to the customer and other costs that are incurred
only because the Group entered into the contract;
-the costs enhance resources of the Group that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the future;
-the costs are expected to be recovered.

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Assets recognized for the incremental costs of obtaining a contract and assets recognized for the costs to fulfill a contract (the "assets
related to contract costs") are amortized on a systematic basis that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or services
to which the assets relate and recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
-The Group recognizes an impairment loss in profit or loss to the extent that the carrying amount of an asset related to contract costs
-remaining amount of consideration that the Group expects to receive in exchange for the goods or services to which the asset relates;
-the costs that relate directly to providing those goods or services that have not yet been recognized as expenses.

18. Assets Held for Sale

The Group classifies a non-current asset or disposal group as held for sale when the carrying amount of a non-current asset or disposal
group will be recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use.
A disposal group refers to a group of assets to be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, together as a whole in a single transaction and
liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction.
The Group should divide the non-current assets (or the disposal group, that is an asset group concurrently be disposed through selling
or other methods as an entirety in a transaction and the liabilities directly related to the assets from the transfer among the transaction,
the same below )which simultaneously meet with the following conditions as the assets held for sale.
– The non-current assets or disposal group could be immediately sold under the current condition in accordance with the usual terms
of selling this kind of assets in similar transactions;
– The sale is extremely possible that is to say, the Company has made a resolution regarding a sales planning and signed a legally
binding purchase agreement with other party, and the sale is expected to be finished within one year.
The Group measures the non-current assets held for sale, deferred income tax assets and the investment properties be follow-up
measured by the fair value mode according to the lower one between the book value and the fair value after deducting the net amount
of the disposal expenses, while the deference that the book value higher than the fair value which deducted the disposal expenses should
be recognized as the impairment losses of the assets.

19. Investments in Debt Obligations

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

20. Other Investments in Debt Obligations

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

21. Long-term Receivables

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details

22. Long-term Equity Investments

(1) Recognition of the investment cost of the long-term equity investment
(a) Long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination– The initial investment cost of a long-term equity
investment obtained through a business combination involving entities under common control is the Company’s share of the
subsidiary’s equity at the combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amounts of the

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consideration given is adjusted to share premium in capital reserve. If the balance of the share premium is insufficient, any excess is
adjusted to retained earnings. For the long-term equity investment of the subsidiaries formed from the enterprise merger under the same
control that realized step by step of the multiple transaction not belong to package deal, the Company would adjust the capital stock
premium among the capital surplus according to the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment
recognized according to the above principles and the sum of the book value of the long-term equity investment before reaching the
merger and the book value of the newly paid consideration which be further received on the merger date, and if the balance of the share
premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.
– For other long-term equity investment obtained through entities not under common control, the fair values, on the acquisition date,
of the assets given, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on
the acquiree shall be recognized as initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. For long-term equity investment obtained
through a business combination involving entities not under common control by two or more transactions and by several steps, the
initial investment cost is recognized as the aggregation of the carrying value of acquirees’ equity investment before the acquisition date
held by the Company and newly investment cost at the acquisition date.
(b) Long-term equity investments acquired otherwise than through a business combination
For the Long-term equity investments acquired otherwise than through a business combination, if the long-term investment is acquired
by paying cash, the Group shall, upon initial recognition, take the purchase price actually paid as the initial investment cost ;
For the long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the Group takes the fair value of equity securities issued as
the initial investment cost.
(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits or losses of the long-term equity investment
(a) Investments in subsidiaries
In the Company’s financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method, unless the investment is
classified as held for sale. Cash dividends or profit distributions declared by subsidiaries and attributed to the Company shall be
recognized as investment income, without dividing whether it’s the net profit realized by the investee before the investment or after
the investment, except those that have been declared but unpaid at the time of acquisition and therefore included in the price paid or
The investment into the subsidiaries is stated at cost less impairment losses in the balance sheet.
As for the impairment testing method and impairment provisions for investments in subsidiaries, please refer to V. Significant
Accounting Policies and Estimates-31. Long-term Asset Impairment.
In the Group’s consolidated financial statements, long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are treated in accordance with V.
Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-6. Preparation Method for Consolidated Financial Statements.
(b) Investment in jointly controlled enterprises and associates
The joint enterprise refers to an arrangement that the Group and other joint operation parties execute jointly control and only enjoy the
rights of their own net assets.
An associate is an enterprise over which the Group has significant influence.
Upon the subsequent measurement, an investment in a jointly controlled enterprise or an associate is accounted for using the equity
method, unless the investment is classified as held for sale.
The Group makes the following accounting treatments when using the equity method:
– Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s
identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognized at the initial investment cost. Where the initial
investment cost is less than the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition, the
investment is initially recognized at the investor’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets, and the difference is
charged to profit or loss.
– After the acquisition of the investment, the Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits or losses after deducting the

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amortization of the debit balance of equity investment difference, which was recognized by the Group before the first-time adoption
of CAS, as investment income or losses, and adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The debit balance of the equity
investment difference is amortized using the straight-line method over a period which is determined in accordance with previous
accounting standards. Once the investee declares any cash dividends or profits distributions, the carrying amount of the investment is
reduced by that attributable to the Group. As for the other changes of the owners’ equities except for the net gains and losses, other
comprehensive income and profits distribution of the joint ventures or associated enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “changes of
other owners’ equities”), the Group included which in the shareholders’ equities according to the portion ought to be enjoyed or shared,
and at the same time adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment.
– The Group recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits or losses, other comprehensive income and changes of other owners’
equities after making appropriate adjustments to align the accounting policies or accounting periods with those of the Group based on
the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Unrealized profits and losses resulting from transactions
between the Group and its associates or jointly controlled enterprises are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates
or jointly controlled enterprises. Unrealized losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its associates or jointly controlled
enterprises are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
– The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment
and any long-term interest that in substance forms part of the Group’s net investment in the associate or the jointly controlled enterprise
is reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Group has an obligation to assume additional losses. Where net profits are subsequently
made by the associate or jointly controlled enterprise, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits only after its share of
the profits equals the share of losses not recognized.
As for the impairment testing method and impairment provisions for investments in joint ventures and associated enterprises, please
refer to V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-31. Long-term Asset Impairment.
(3) The basis for determination of joint control or significant influence over investee enterprise
Joint control refers to the control jointly owned on certain arrangement according to relevant agreement and the relevant activities of
the arrangement (which are the activities cause significant influences on the arrangement) could only execute the decision-making
through the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
The following evidences shall be considered when determining whether the Group can exercise joint control over an investee:
 No single venture is in a position to control the operating activities unilaterally;
 Operating decisions relating to the investee’s economic activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an investee but is not control or joint
control over those policies.

23. Investment Property

Measurement model for investment property
Cost measurement
Method of depreciation and amortization

The Company classified its real estate held for earning rents or capital appreciation or for both into the investment property. The
Company applied the cost model to measure the investment real estate. Namely, it would be presented in the Balance Sheet through
deducting the accumulated depreciation, amortization and the depreciation reserves from the costs. Besides, the Company would
calculate and withdraw or amortize the investment real estate by using the straight-line method within the service life through deducting
the predicted net residual value and the accumulated provision reserves from the costs, unless the investment real estate could meet
corresponding held-for-sale conditions. See See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-31. Impairment of Long-term Assets
for details about methods for impairment testing and impairment provision.

The life time, residual rate and yearly depreciation of various investment properties are respectively as follows:

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           Item                      Life time                 Residual rate            Yearly depreciation
    Land use right                  32-50 years                    0%                        2%-3.1%
  Houses and buildings              20-40 years                  0%-10%                      2.3%-5%

24. Fixed Assets

(1) Conditions for Recognition

Fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Group for use in the production of goods or supply of services for rental to others
or for operation and administrative purposes with useful lives over one year.

The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, related taxes, and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing
the asset to working condition for its intended use. The cost of self-constructed assets is measured in accordance with the policy set
out in Note V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-25. Construction in Progress.

Where parts of an item of fixed assets have different useful lives or provide benefits to the Group in different patterns thus necessitating
use of different depreciation rates or methods, each part is recognized as a separate fixed asset.

The subsequent costs, including the cost of replacing part of an item of fixed assets, are recorded into fixed asset cost when the economic
interests related to costs may flow into the Group, and the carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognized. The costs of the day-
to-day servicing of fixed assets are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Fixed assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less
accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, unless that the fixed assets meet the conditions of held-for-sale.

(2) Depreciation Methods

 Category of fixed assets      Depreciation method           Depreciable life        Residual value rate (%)       Yearly depreciation
Workshops and buildings Straight-line method            10-50 years                                   3%-10%                   1.8%-9.7%
Equipments                  Straight-line method        2-25 years                                      0-10%                  3.6%-50%
Others                      Straight-line method        2-10 years                                      0-10%                  9.0%-50%


(3) Recognition Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease


25. Construction in Progress

The cost of the self-constructed fixed asset including the engineering materials, direct labor, borrowing expenses met with the
capitalization condition (refer to V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-26. Borrowing Costs) and the necessary expenses
happened before the assets reach the expected available state.
When the self-constructed fixed asset reaches the available state, should transfer into the fixed assets, before which should be listed
among the construction in progress and not withdraw the depreciation.

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26. Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs incurred directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of the cost
of the asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as financial expenses when incurred.
During the capitalisation period, the amount of interest (including amortisation of any discount or premium on borrowing) to be
capitalised in each accounting period is determined as follows:
-Where funds are borrowed specifically for the acquisition and construction of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be capitalised
is the interest expense calculated using effective interest rates during the period less any interest income earned from depositing the
borrowed funds or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds before being used on the asset.
-To the extent that the Group borrows funds generally and uses them for the acquisition and construction of a qualifying asset, the
amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying a capitalisation rate to the weighted average of the
excess amounts of cumulative expenditure on the asset over the above amounts of specific borrowings. The capitalisation rate is the
weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.
The effective interest rate is determined as the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flow through the expected life of the
borrowing or, when appropriate, a shorter period to the initially recognised amount of the borrowings.
During the capitalisation period, exchange differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose borrowing denominated
in foreign currency are capitalised as part of the cost of the qualifying asset. The exchange differences related to the principal and
interest on foreign currency borrowings other than a specific-purpose borrowing are recognised as a financial expense when incurred.
The capitalisation period is the period from the date of commencement of capitalisation of borrowing costs to the date of cessation of
capitalisation, excluding any period over which capitalisation is suspended. Capitalisation of borrowing costs commences when
expenditure for the asset is being incurred, borrowing costs are being incurred and activities of acquisition and construction that are
necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use are in progress, and ceases when the assets become ready for their intended use.
When the parts of the qualifying assets acquired or constructed that are eligible for capitalisation are completed separately, and each
part is available for use in other parts of the construction process or can be sold externally, and for the purpose of making the parts of
the assets ready for use or necessary for the sales status, the acquisition or construction activities have been substantially completed,
the Group ceases the capitalization of the borrowing costs related to the parts of the assets. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is
suspended when the acquisition and construction activities are interrupted abnormally for a period of more than three months.

27. Living Assets


28. Oil and Gas Assets


29. Right-of-Use Assets

The term "right-of-use assets" refers to the right of the Group as the lessee to use the leased assets during the lease term
(1) Initial measurement
The Group recognises a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at the lease commencement date. The right-of-use asset is initially
measured at cost, which comprises the initial amount of the lease liability, any lease payments made at or before the commencement
date (less any lease incentives received), any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs to dismantle and remove the underlying
asset or to restore the site on which it is located or restore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of

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the lease.
(2) Subsequent measurement
The right-of-use asset is depreciated using the straight-line method. If the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise a purchase option by
the end of the lease term, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the
right-of-use asset is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the
end of the lease term. Impairment losses of right-of-use assets are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy described in
31. Long-term asset impairment under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.

30. Intangible Assets

(1) Pricing Method, Useful life and Impairment test

(a) Pricing method of intangible assets
Intangible assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated amortisation (where the estimated useful life is finite) and
impairment losses (see 31. Long-term asset impairment under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates).
(b) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life
As for the intangible assets with limited useful life, after deducting the salvage of the cost and the impairment provision, the Group
amortized the intangible assets through straight line method within the expected service life, unless the intangible assets are classified
as held for sale.
The respective amortisation periods for intangible assets are as follows:
                             Item                                                   Amortisation period (years)
Land use rights                                                                                                       20 - 50 years
Patent and proprietary technology                                                                                      5 – 20 years
Computer software                                                                                                      3 – 10 years
Others                                                                                                                 5 – 20 years

Useful lives and amortisation methods of intangible asset with finite useful life are reviewed at least at each year-end. An intangible
asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life and is not amortized when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the
asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group. At the balance sheet date, the Group doesn’t have any intangible assets
with indefinite useful lives.

(2) Accounting Policies of Internal R & D Expenses

Expenditures of internal R&D project of the Group divides into expenditures on the research phase and expenditures on the
development phase.
Expenditures on the research phase are recognized in profit or loss when incurred. Expenditures on the development phase are
capitalized if development costs can be measured reliably, the product or process is technically and commercially feasible, and the
Group intends to and has sufficient resources to complete development. Capitalized development costs are stated at cost less impairment
losses in the balance sheet (see 31. Long-term asset impairment under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates).
Other development expenditures are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

31. Impairment of Long-term Assets

The Group executes the impairment test on the assets with impairment indication and evaluates the recoverable amount of the assets.
Besides, whether there is impairment indication, the Group will evaluate the recoverable amount of the goodwill at the year-end. The

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Group will amortize the book value of the good according to the benefit situation in the synergistic effect from the enterprise merger
by the relevant assets group or the combination of the assets group and based on which executes the impairment test of the goodwill.
The recoverable amount of an asset, asset group or set of asset groups is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its present
value of expected future cash flows. An asset group is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are
largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.
An asset group is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows
from other assets or asset groups. An asset group is composed of assets directly relating to cash-generation. Identification of an asset
group is based on whether major cash inflows generated by the asset group are largely independent of the cash inflows from other
assets or asset groups. In identifying an asset group, the Group also considers how management monitors the Group’s operations and
how management makes decisions about continuing or disposing of the Group’s assets.
The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting future cash flows, estimated to be derived
from continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal, to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current
market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
If the result of the recoverable amount calculation indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the
carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount. That reduction is recognized as an impairment loss and charged to
profit or loss for the current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized accordingly. For impairment losses
related to an asset group or a set of asset groups, first reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of
asset groups, and then reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the asset group or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis.
However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its individual fair value less costs to sell
(if determinable), the present value of expected future cash flows (if determinable) and zero.
Once an impairment loss is recognized, it is not reserved in a subsequent period.

32. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are amortized on a straight-line method within the benefit period:

                          Item                                                   Amortization period (years)
Cost of construction and use of public facilities                                                                           10-15 years
Cost of operating lease assets improvement                                                                                   2-10 years
Others                                                                                                                       2-10 years

33. Contract Liabilities

Contract liabilities refer to the Company’s obligations in transferring commodities or services to the client for the received or predicted
consideration. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall be presented based on the net amount.

34. Payroll

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation
During the accounting period of an employee' providing services, the Group recognizes the actual occurred or withdrawn worker wages,
bonuses and the social insurance charges such as the medical insurance premiums, industrial injury insurance premium and birth
insurance premium according to the specified benchmark and proportion as well as the housing funds as the liabilities and records
which in the current gains and losses or the relevant asset costs.

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Demission
The defined contribution plans participated by the Group including: the basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance

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among the social security system set up and managed by the government institutions according to the requirements of the relevant
Chinese regulations of the employees of the Group and the corporation pension plan approved and set up by the relevant departments
according to the relevant policies of the state enterprise annuity system. The payment amount of the basic endowment insurance and
the unemployment insurance should be calculated according to the benchmark and the proportion stipulated by the nation. The
enterprise annuity should be withdrawn according to the certain proportion of the total amount of the worker wages of the employees
voluntarily participated in the pension plan. During the accounting period of the employees providing the service, the Company
recognizes the deposited amount as the liabilities and records in the current gains and losses or the relevant asset costs.

(3) Accounting Treatment of the Demission Welfare
The Group relieves the labor relations with the employees before the maturity of the labor contracts or puts forward the advice for
compensation for encouraging the employees voluntarily accept the reduction, and recognizes the liabilities caused from the demission
welfare on the earlier date of the followings and at the same time records which in the current gains and losses:
 When the Group could not unilaterally withdraw the demission welfare provided owning to the termination of the labor relations or
the reduction advice:
 The Group owns specific and formal reorganization plan that concerning the payment of the demission welfare; and the time when
the reorganization plan had been executed or had announced the main content of the plan to the parties influenced by which, then led
all parties formed the rational expectations about the Group is going to execute the reorganization.

(4) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare of Other Long-term Staffs
The welfare of other long-term staffs refers to the all the employees compensation except for the short-term compensation, welfare
after demission and demission welfare, which including the long-term compensated absences, long-term sociability benefits and long-
term profit sharing plan and so on. The Group not involved with any other long-term employee's welfare.

35. Lease Liabilities

(1) Initial measurement
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted
using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group’s incremental borrowing rate.
(2) Subsequent measurement
A constant periodic rate is used to calculate the interest on the lease liability in each period during the lease term with a corresponding
charge to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement
of the lease liability are charged to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate as incurred.
(3) Remeasurement
Under the following circumstances after the commencement date, the Group remeasures lease liabilities based on the present value of
revised lease payments:
- there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee;
- there is a change in future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to determine those payments;
- there is a change in the assessment of whether the Group will exercise a purchase, extension or termination option, or there is a change
in the exercise of the extension or termination option.
When the lease liability is remeasured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset, or is
recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.
The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases that have a lease term of 12 months
or less and leases of low-value assets. The Group recognises the lease payments associated with these leases in profit or loss or as the
cost of the assets where appropriate using the straight-line method or other systematic basis over the lease term.

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36. Provisions

A provision is recognized for an obligation related to a contingency if the Group has a present obligation that can be estimated reliably,
and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
The estimated liabilities should be executed the initial measurement according to the best estimated number needed to be spent when
caring out the relevant current obligations. As for those with significant influences on the time value of money, the estimated liabilities
should be confirmed according to the amount after the discount of the estimated future cash flow. When recognizing the best estimated
number, the Group comprehensively considers the factors such as the risks, uncertainty and the time value of money related to the
contingencies. There is a contiguous range of the needed expenses and the possibility of various results within the range is the same
and the best estimated number should be recognized according to the mediant within the range; under other circumstance, the best
estimated number should be handled respectively according to the following situations:
 If the contingencies involve with a single item, should be recognized according to the most likely happened amount.
 If the contingencies involve with various items, should be recognized according to the calculation of various possible results and the
relevant probabilities.
The Group executes the reexamination of the book value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet date and adjusts the book
value according to the current best estimated number.

37. Share-based Payment

The Group conducts accounting treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 11 - Share-based Payment and the application guide.
Share-based payment is a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity instruments or takes liabilities based on equity instruments
in order to obtain services provided by employees and other parties.
Share-based payments include equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based payment.
If an equity-settled share-based payment is adopted for services provided by employees, it shall be measured at the fair value of the
equity instrument granted to employees.
Cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured at the fair value of liabilities calculated and determined on the basis of shares or
other equity instruments undertaken by the enterprise.
The Group makes corresponding accounting treatment according to the implementation schedule of the equity incentive plan.
(1) Grant date
For an equity-settled share-based payment, if the right can be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the equity
instruments shall, on the grant date, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the capital reserves shall be increased accordingly.
For a cash-settled share-based payment, if the right can be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the obligations borne
by the Company shall, on the grant date, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the obligations shall be increased accordingly.
Neither equity-settled share-based payments nor cash-settled share-based payments, except for share-based payments which can be
exercised immediately, undergo accounting treatment on the grant date.
(2) Each balance sheet date in the vesting period
Vesting period refers to the period during which the vesting conditions are satisfied.
For share-based payments subject to the prescribed period of service, the vesting period is the period from the grant date to the vesting
date. For share-based payments subject to prescribed performance, the length of the vesting period is estimated at the grant date based
on the most likely performance results.
For a share-based payment, if the right cannot be exercised until the vesting period ends or until the prescribed performance conditions

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are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services acquired in the current period shall, based on the best estimate
of the information about the exercisable right and at the fair value of the equity instrument on the grant date for equity-settled share-
based payments, be included in the costs or expenses and the corresponding obligations. For a cash-settled share-based payment, the
services acquired in the current period shall be included in the costs or expenses and the corresponding obligations at the fair value of
the obligations borne by the enterprise.
(3) Vesting date
Vesting date refers to the date on which the vesting conditions are satisfied and the employees and other parties have the right to acquire
equity instruments or cash from the enterprise.
Vesting date refers to the date on which employees and other parties exercise their rights and acquire cash or equity instruments.
For an equity-settled share-based payment, no adjustment will be made to the related costs or expenses recognized and to the total
owner's equity after the vesting date. On the vesting date, share capital or treasury stock and share premium shall be recognized based
on the exercise situation, and capital reserves recognized during the vesting period shall be carried forward.
For cash-settled share-based payments, the enterprise shall re-measure the fair value of the obligations on each balance sheet date and
settlement date after the vesting date and before the settlement of the relevant obligations, and the changes shall be included in the
profit and loss of the current period. On the vesting date, the recognized obligations shall be carried forward at the time of settlement
according to the exercise.
The share-based payment of the Company was paid with shares settled in equity.

38. Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds

See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details.

39. Revenue

Accounting policies for recognition and measurement of revenue
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits arising in the course of the Group’s ordinary activities when the inflows result in
increase in shareholders’ equity, other than increase relating to contributions from shareholders.

Revenue is recognised when the Group satisfies the performance obligation in the contract by transferring the control over relevant
goods or services to the customers.
Where a contract has two or more performance obligations, the Group determines the stand-alone selling price at contract inception of
the distinct good or service underlying each performance obligation in the contract and allocates the transaction price in proportion to
those stand-alone selling prices. The Group recognises as revenue the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to each
performance obligation. The stand-alone selling price is the price at which the Group would sell a promised good or service separately
to a customer. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly observable, the Group considers all information that is reasonably available
to the entity, maximises the use of observable inputs to estimate the stand-alone selling price.

For the contract which the Group grants a customer the option to acquire additional goods or services (such as, loyalty points, discount
coupons for future purchase, etc.,), the Group assesses whether the option provides a material right to the customer. If the option
provides a material right, the Group recognises the option as a performance obligation, and recognises revenue when those future goods
or services are transferred or when the option expires. If the stand-alone selling price for a customer’s option to acquire additional
goods or services is not directly observable, the Group estimates it, taking into account all relevant information, including the difference
in the discount that the customer would receive when exercising the option or without exercising the option, and the likelihood that the

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option will be exercised.

For the contract with a warranty, the Group analyses the nature of the warranty provided, if the warranty provides the customer with a
distinct service in addition to the assurance that the product complies with agreed-upon specifications, the Group recognises for the
promised warranty as a performance obligation. Otherwise, the Group accounts for the warranty in accordance with the requirements
of CAS No.13 – Contingencies.

The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised
goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties. The Group recognises the transaction price
only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur
when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved. To determine the transaction price for
contracts in which a customer promises consideration in a form other than cash, the Group measures the non-cash consideration at fair
value. If the Group cannot reasonably estimate the fair value of the non-cash consideration, the Group measures the consideration
indirectly by reference to the stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised to the customer in exchange for the
consideration. Where the contract contains a significant financing component, the Group recognises the transaction price at an amount
that reflects the price that a customer would have paid for the promised goods or services if the customer had paid cash for those goods
or services when (or as) they transfer to the customer. The difference between the amount of promised consideration and the cash
selling price is amortised using an effective interest method over the contract term. The Group does not adjust the consideration for
any effects of a significant financing component if it expects, at contract inception, that the period between when the Group transfers
a promised good or service to a customer and when the customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less.
The Group satisfies a performance obligation over time if one of the following criteria is met; or otherwise, a performance obligation
is satisfied at a point in time:

-     the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group’s performance as the Group performs;
-     the customer can control the asset created or enhanced during the Group’s performance; or
-     the Group’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to it and the Group has an enforceable right to payment
for performance completed to date.

For performance obligation satisfied over time, the Group recognises revenue over time by measuring the progress towards complete
satisfaction of that performance obligation. When the outcome of that performance obligation cannot be measured reasonably, but the
Group expects to recover the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation, the Group recognises revenue only to the extent
of the costs incurred until such time that it can reasonably measure the outcome of the performance obligation.

For performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Group recognises revenue at the point in time at which the customer obtains
control of relevant goods or services. To determine whether a customer has obtained control of goods or services, the Group considers
the following indicators:

-     the Group has a present right to payment for the goods or services;
-     the Group has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer;
-     the Group has transferred the legal title of the goods or the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer;
-     the customer has accepted the goods or services.

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The Group determines whether it is a principal or an agent, depending on whether it obtains control of the specified good or service
before that good or service is transferred to a customer. The Group is a principal if it controls the specified good or service before that
good or service is transferred to a customer, and recognises revenue in the gross amount of consideration to which it has received (or
receivable). Otherwise, the Group is an agent, and recognises revenue in the amount of any fee or commission to which it expects to
be entitled. The fee or commission is the net amount of consideration that the Group retains after paying the other party the consideration,
or is the established amount or proportion.

For the sale of a product with a right of return, the Group recognises revenue when the Group obtains control of that product, in the
amount of consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for the product transferred (i.e. excluding the amount
of which expected to be returned), and recognises a refund liability for the products expected to be returned. Meanwhile, an asset is
recognised in the amount of carrying amount of the product expected to be returned less any expected costs to recover those products
(including potential decreases in the value of returned products), and carry forward to cost in the amount of carrying amount of the
transferred products less the above costs. At the end of each reporting period, the Group updates its assessment of future sales return.
If there is any change, it is accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.
The Group determines whether the licence transfers to a customer either at a point in time or over time. If all of the following criteria
are met, revenue is recognised for performance obligations satisfied over time. Otherwise, revenue is recognised for performance
obligations satisfied at a point in time.

-     the contract requires, or the customer reasonably expects, that the Group will undertake activities that significantly affect the
intellectual property to which the customer has rights;
-     the rights granted by the licence directly expose the customer to any positive or negative effects of the Group’s activities; and
-     those activities do not result in the transfer of a good or a service to the customer as those activities occur.

The Group recognises revenue for a sales-based or usage-based royalty promised in exchange for a licence of intellectual property only
when (or as) the later of the following events occurs:

-     the subsequent sale or usage occurs; and
-     the performance obligation has been satisfied (or partially satisfied).

For a change in the scope or price of a contract that is approved by the parties to the contract, the Group accounts for the contract
modification according to the following situations:

-     The addition of promised goods or services are distinct and the price of the contract increases by an amount of consideration
reflects stand-alone selling prices of the additional promised goods or services, the Group shall account for a contract modification as
a separate contract.

-     If the above criteria are not met, and the remaining goods or services are distinct from the goods or services transferred on the
date of the contract modification, the Group accounts for the contract modification as if it were a termination of the existing contract
and the creation of a new contract.

-     If the above criteria are not met, and the remaining goods or services are not distinct from the goods or services transferred on

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the date of the contract modification, the Group accounts for the contract modification as if it were a part of the existing contract. The
effect that the contract modification has on the revenue is recognised as an adjustment to revenue in the reporting period.

A contract asset is the Group’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that it has transferred to a customer when that
right is conditional on something other than the passage of time. The Group recognises loss allowances for expected credit loss on
contract assets (See V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-10. Financial Instruments for details). Accounts receivable is the
Group’s right to consideration that is unconditional (only the passage of time is required). A contract liability is the Group’s obligation
to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Group has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from
the customer.
The following is the description of accounting policies regarding revenue from the Group’s principal activities:

(1)   Sale of goods

The sales contracts/orders signed between the Group and its customers usually contain various trading terms. Depending on the trading
terms, customers obtain control of the goods when the goods are delivered and received, or when they are received by the carrier.
Revenue of sale of goods is recognised at that point in time.

For the transfer of goods with a right of return, revenue is recognised to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal
in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur. Therefore, the amount of revenue recognised is adjusted for the amount
expected to be returned, which are estimated based on the historical data. The Group recognises a refund liability based on the amount
expected to be returned. An asset is initially measured by reference to the former carrying amount of the product expected to be returned
less any expected costs to recover those products (including potential decreases in the value to the Group of returned products). At
each balance sheet date, the Group updates the measurement of the refund liability for changes in expectations about the amount of
funds. The above asset and liability are adjusted accordingly.

(2)   Rendering of services

The Group recognises the revenue from rendering of services within a certain period of time according to the progress of the
performance as the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group’s performance as the Group
performs. Otherwise, for performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Group recognises revenue at the point in time at which
the customer obtains control of relevant services.

Note: accounting policies used in revenue recognition and measurement, and judgments and changes in judgments that materially affect
the determination of the point and amount of revenue recognition include the method for determining the performance progress and
the reasons for adopting the method, the judgment relating to the point at which the customer acquires control of the transferred
commodity, the methods for determining the transaction price, estimating the variable consideration included in the transaction price,
apportioning transaction price, and measuring similar obligations such as the funds expected to be returned to the customer.
Differences in accounting policies for the recognition of revenue caused by different business models for the same type of business
Note: if there are differences in revenue recognition accounting policies for similar businesses due to different business models, they
shall be disclosed separately.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

40. Government grants

Government grants are non-reciprocal transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group except for
capital contributions from the government in the capacity as an investor in the Group.
A government grant is recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and that the Group will comply
with the conditions attaching to the grant.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or receivable. If a government
grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value.
Government grants related to assets are grants whose primary condition is that the Group qualifying for them should purchase, construct
or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Government grants related to income are grants other than those related to assets.
Those related to daily activities of the Company are included in other income or used to write off related cost based on the nature of
economic businesses, or included in non-operating income and expense in respect of those not related to daily activities of the Company.
With respect to the government grants related to assets, if the Group first obtains government grants related to assets and then recognizes
the long-term assets purchased and constructed, deferred income is included in profit and loss based on a reasonable and systematic
approach by stages when related assets are initially depreciated or amortized; or the deferred income is written off against the carrying
amount of the asset when the asset becomes ready for its intended status or intended use. If the Group obtains government grants related
to the assets after relevant long-term assets are put into use, deferred income is included in profit and loss based on a reasonable and
systematic approach by stages within the remaining useful life of relevant assets, or the deferred income is written off against the
carrying amount of relevant asset when the grants are obtained; the assets shall be depreciated or amortized based on the carrying
amount after being offset and the remaining useful life of relevant assets.
For the government grants related to income which are used to compensate for related costs or losses of the Group in the future period,
it shall be recognized as deferred income, and included in profit and loss or used to offset related costs; otherwise it shall be directly
included in profit and loss or used to offset related costs.
In respect of the policy-based preferential loan interest subsidy obtained by the Group, if the interest subsidy is appropriated to the
lending bank which shall provide loans to the Group at the policy-based preferential interest rate, the actual loan amount is used as the
entry value and relevant borrowing costs are calculated on the basis of the loan principal and the preferential interest rate. If the interest
subsidy is directly appropriated to the Group, relevant borrowing costs shall be offset by corresponding interest subsidy. If borrowing
costs are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset (see Note V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates-26. Borrowing Costs),
the interest subsidy shall be used to offset relevant asset costs.

Note: Specific criteria for asset-related government subsidies and income-related government subsidies shall be distinguished. If the
government document does not specify the subsidy object, the judgment basis for determining the government subsidy is asset-related
or income-related shall be described. Whether government subsidies adopt the gross method or the net method shall be disclosed. If
the gross method is adopted, the amortization method of deferred income related to government subsidies and the recognition method
of the amortization period shall also be disclosed. The time when government subsidies are confirmed shall be disclosed.

41. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
The Group uses the balance sheet liability method to calculate its income tax, which is recognized in accordance with a difference
between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base (temporary difference). For any deductible loss that can be carried
forward to the next year to deduct the income tax according to the stipulations of tax law, relevant deferred income tax assets shall be
recognized. The deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of taxable income to be offset by the

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained. For the deductible temporary difference relating to the investments of the
subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, the enterprise shall recognize the corresponding deferred income
tax assets for those that meet the following requirements: the temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the expected future;
and it is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income that may be used for deducting the deductible temporary differences.
(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities

The Group uses the balance sheet liability method to calculate its income tax, which is recognized in accordance with a difference
between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base (temporary difference). As for the temporary difference from the
initial recognition of goodwill, no deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized. The taxable temporary differences relating to the
investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises shall recognized as corresponding deferred income
tax liabilities, however, excluding those that simultaneously satisfy the following conditions: the investing enterprise can control the
time of the reverse of temporary differences; and the temporary differences are unlikely to reverse in the excepted future.

42. Lease

(1) Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease

1. Lessee

New leases standard has revised CAS No.21 – Leases issued by the MOF in 2006 ("previous leases standard"). Under new leases
standard, the Group no longer distinguishes between operating leases and finance leases. The Group recognises right-of-use assets and
lease liabilities for all leases (except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets which are accounted for using practical
expedient). The specific accounting treatments are as follows:

The Group recognises a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at the lease commencement date. The right-of-use asset is initially
measured at cost, which comprises the initial amount of the lease liability, any lease payments made at or before the commencement
date (less any lease incentives received), any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs to dismantle and remove the underlying
asset or to restore the site on which it is located or restore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of
the lease.

The right-of-use asset is depreciated using the straight-line method. If the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise a purchase option by
the end of the lease term, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the
right-of-use asset is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the
end of the lease term. Impairment losses of right-of-use assets are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy described in
31. Long-term asset impairment under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted
using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group’s incremental borrowing rate.

A constant periodic rate is used to calculate the interest on the lease liability in each period during the lease term with a corresponding
charge to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement
of the lease liability are charged to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriate as incurred.

Under the following circumstances after the commencement date, the Group remeasures lease liabilities based on the present value of
revised lease payments:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2022

- there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee;

- there is a change in future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to determine those payments;

- there is a change in the assessment of whether the Group will exercise a purchase, extension or termination option, or there is a change
in the exercise of the extension or termination option.

When the lease liability is remeasured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset, or is
recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.

The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases that have a lease term of 12 months
or less and leases of low-value assets. The Group recognises the lease payments associated with these leases in profit or loss or as the
cost of the assets where appropriate using the straight-line method or other systematic basis over the lease term.

2. Lessor

The Group determines at lease inception whether each lease is a finance lease or an operating lease. A lease is classified as a finance
lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset irrespective of whether the
legal title to the asset is eventually transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

When the Group is a sub-lessor, it assesses the lease classification of a sub-lease with reference to the right-of-use asset arising from
the head lease, not with reference to the underlying asset. If a head lease is a short-term lease to which the Group applies practical
expedient described above, then it classifies the sub-lease as an operating lease.

Lease receipts from operating leases are recognised as income using the straight-line method or other systematic basis over the lease
term. The initial direct costs incurred in respect of the operating lease are initially capitalised and subsequently amortised in profit or
loss over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Variable lease payments not included in lease receipts are recognised
as income as they are earned.

(2) Accounting Treatments of Financial Lease

1. Lessee

New leases standard has revised CAS No.21 – Leases issued by the MOF in 2006 ("previous leases standard"). Under new leases
standard, the Group no longer distinguishes between operating leases and finance leases. The Group recognises right-of-use assets and
lease liabilities for all leases (except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets which are accounted for using practical
expedient). The specific accounting treatments are the same as those in 42. Lease (1) Accounting treatment of operating leases 1. Lessee
under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.

2. Lessor

The Group determines at lease inception whether each lease is a finance lease or an operating lease. A lease is classified as a finance
lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset irrespective of whether the
legal title to the asset is eventually transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

Under a finance lease, at the commencement date, the Group recognises the finance lease receivable and derecognises the finance lease
asset. The finance lease receivable is initially measured at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. The net investment in the
lease is measured at the aggregate of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receivable that are not received
at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease.

The Group calculates and recognises interest income for each period of the lease term based on a fixed periodic interest rate. The
derecognition and impairment of the finance lease receivable are recognised in accordance with the accounting policy described in 10.
Financial instruments under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates. Variable lease payments not included in
the measurement of net investment in the lease are recognised as income as they are earned

43. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Related parties
If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant influence over another party, or vice versa, or where two or
more parties are subject to common control or joint control from another party, they are considered to be related parties. Related parties
may be individuals or enterprises. Enterprises with which the Company is under common control only from the State and that have no
other related party relationships are not regarded as related parties.
In addition to the related parties stated above, the Company determines related parties based on the disclosure requirements of
Administrative Procedures on the Information Disclosures of Listed Companies issued by the CSRC.
(2) Segment reporting
Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on the structure of the Group’s internal
organisation, management requirements and internal reporting system after taking the materiality principle into account. Two or more
operating segments may be aggregated into a single operating segment if the segments have the similar economic characteristics and
are same or similar in respect of the nature of each segment’s products and services, the nature of production processes, the types or
classes of customers for the products and services, the methods used to distribute the products or provide the services, and the nature
of the regulatory environment.
Inter-segment revenues are measured on the basis of the actual transaction prices for such transactions for segment reporting. Segment
accounting policies are consistent with those for the consolidated financial statements.
(3) Profit distributions
Dividends or profit distributions proposed in the profit appropriation plan, which will be approved after the balance sheet date, are not
recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date, but are disclosed in the notes separately.
(4) Fair value measurement
Unless otherwise specified, the Group measures fair value as follows:
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the measurement date.
When measuring fair value, the Group takes into account the characteristics of the particular asset or liability (including the condition
and location of the asset and restrictions, if any, on the sale or use of the asset) that market participants would consider when pricing
the asset or liability at the measurement date, and uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which
sufficient data and other information are available to measure fair value. Valuation techniques mainly include the market approach, the
income approach and the cost approach.
(5) Goodwill
The initial cost of goodwill represents the excess of cost of acquisition over the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the identifiable
net assets of the acquiree under a business combination not involving entities under common control.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

Goodwill is not amortised and is stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairment losses (see 31. Long-term asset
impairment under V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates). On disposal of an asset group or a set of asset groups,
any attributable goodwill is written off and included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal.
(6) Hedge accounting
Hedge accounting is a method which recognises in profit or loss (or other comprehensive income) the gain or loss on the hedging
instrument and the hedged item in the same accounting period(s) to represent the effect of risk management.
Hedged items are items that expose the Group to risks of changes in fair value or cash flows and that are designated as being hedged
and can be reliably measured. The Group's hedged items include a firm commitment that is settled with a fixed amount of foreign
currency and that exposes the Group to foreign currency risk.
A hedging instrument is a designated financial instrument whose changes in fair value or cash flows are expected to offset changes in
the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item. For a hedge of foreign currency risk, the foreign currency risk component of a non-
derivative financial asset or non-derivative financial liability may also be designated as a hedging instrument provided that it is not an
investment in an equity instrument for which an entity has elected to present changes in the fair value in other comprehensive income.
A hedging instrument is a designated financial instrument whose changes in fair value or cash flows are expected to offset changes in
the fair value or cash flows of the hedged item. For a hedge of foreign currency risk, the foreign currency risk component of a non-
derivative financial asset or non-derivative financial liability may also be designated as a hedging instrument provided that it is not an
investment in an equity instrument for which an entity has elected to present changes in the fair value in other comprehensive income.
The Group assesses at the inception of a hedging relationship, and on an ongoing basis, whether the hedging relationship meets the
hedge effectiveness requirements. A hedging relationship is regarded as having met the hedge effectiveness requirements if all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
- There is an economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument.
- The effect of credit risk does not dominate the value changes that result from the economic relationship.
- The hedge ratio of the hedging relationship is the same as that resulting from the quantity of the hedged item that the entity actually
hedges and the quantity of the hedging instrument that the entity actually uses to hedge that quantity of the hedged item.
The Group discontinues applying hedge accounting in any of the following circumstances:
- The hedging relationship no longer meets the risk management objective on the basis of which it qualified for hedge accounting.
- The hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised.
- There is no longer an economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument or the effect of credit risk starts to
dominate the value changes that result from that economic relationship.
- The hedging relationship no longer meets other criteria for applying hedge accounting.
Cash flow hedges
A cash flow hedge is a hedge of the exposure to variability in cash flows. The portion of the gain or loss on a hedging instrument that
is determined to be an effective hedge is recognised in other comprehensive income as a cash flow hedge reserve. The amount of the
cash flow hedge reserve is adjusted to the lower of the following (in absolute amounts):
- the cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument from inception of the hedge;
- the cumulative change in present value of the expected future cash flows on the hedged item from inception of the hedge.
The change in the amount of the cash flow hedge reserve is recognised in other comprehensive income in each period.
The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is determined to be ineffectiveness is recognised in profit or loss.
If a hedged forecast transaction subsequently results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or a hedged
forecast transaction for a non-financial asset or non-financial liability becomes a firm commitment for which fair value hedge
accounting is applied, the Group removes that amount from the cash flow hedge reserve and includes it in the initial cost or other
carrying amount of the asset or liability.
For cash flow hedges other than those covered above, that amount is reclassified from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit or loss as
a reclassification adjustment in the same period or periods during which the hedged expected future cash flows affect profit or loss.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

When the Group discontinues hedge accounting for a cash flow hedge, the amount of the accumulated cash flow hedge reserve
recognised in other comprehensive income is accounted for as follows:
- If the hedged future cash flows are still expected to occur, that amount will remain in the cash flow hedge reserve, and be accounted
for in accordance with the above policy.
- If the hedged future cash flows are no longer expected to occur, that amount is immediately reclassified from the cash flow hedge
reserve to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment.

44. Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Changes in Significant Accounting Policies

 Applicable □ Not applicable
     Contents of changes in accounting policies and
                                                                     Approval procedures                               Note
                     reasons thereof
 The Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting
 Standards for Business Enterprises Interpretation No.
 15 on 30 December 2021. The Company conducted
 following accounting treatment as required by the
 Standards:                                                   Reviewed and approved by the             No significant influence on the
 (1) Accounting treatment for sales of products or by-        Board of Directors and the               financial status and operating results
 products by enterprises generated from fixed assets          Executive Committee                      of the Company
 before reaching the intended state of availability or
 from the period of R&D;
 (2) Presentation of centralized capital management;
 (3) Judgment on onerous contracts.


(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates

□Applicable  Not applicable

45. Others


VI. Taxation

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate

                Category of taxes                                             Tax basis                                       Tax rate
                                                  Output VAT is calculated on the income from product sales,
                                                  provision of taxable labor services and provision of taxable
   VAT                                            services, based on tax laws. The remaining balance of output         6%, 9%, 13%
                                                  VAT, after subtracting the deductible input VAT of the period,
                                                  is VAT payable.
   Consumption tax                                Naught                                                               Naught
   Urban maintenance and construction tax         Based on VAT paid, VAT exemption and offset for the period           7%, 5%
   Enterprise income tax                          Based on taxable income                                              15%-30%
   Education surcharge and local education
                                                  Based on VAT paid, VAT exemption and offset for the period           3%, 2%
Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

                                           Name                                                        Income tax rate
  BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             15%
  Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                           15%
  Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                           15%
  Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                             15%
  Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   15%
  Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                        15%
  Erdos Yuansheng Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.                                                  15%
  Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                         15%
  Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     15%
  Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                            15%
  Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                          15%
  Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                             15%
  Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   15%
  Chengdu CEC Panda Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                             15%
  BOE Optical Science and Technology Co., Ltd.                                               15%
  Beijing BOE Tea Valley Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                15%
  Hefei BOE Display Light Source Co., Ltd.                                                   15%
  Chongqing BOE Display Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                   15%
  BOE (Hebei) Mobile Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                            15%
  Chongqing BOE Intelligent Electronic System Co., Ltd.                                      15%
  Suzhou K-Tronics Co., Ltd.                                                                 15%
  Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd.                                                   15%
  Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    15%
  BOE Smart IoT Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         15%
  Beijing Zhongxiangying Technology Co., Ltd.                                                15%
  BOE Regenerative Medical Technologies Co. Ltd.                                             15%
  Beijing BOE Health Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    15%
  Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    15%
  Yunnan Chuangshijie Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                   15%
  Chongqing BOE Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                                              15%
  Beijing BOE Sensor Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    15%

2. Tax Preference

                                                                                    Authority of Approval, Approval Document
                Company                                   Policy basis
                                                                                                No. and Valid Period
                                                                                    In 2016, Ministry of Finance, General
                                                                                    Administration of Customs and SAT jointly
                                       In June 2016, Ministry of Finance, General
                                                                                    issued CS [2016] No.30 Notice on various
Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. Administration of Customs and SAT jointly
                                                                                    Policies related to VAT Payment by
Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology issued [2016] No.30 Document. According
                                                                                    Installments for the Imported Equipment
Co., Ltd.                              to the document, in terms of the new FPD
                                                                                    Involved in the New FPD Project. According
Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology project and new key equipment imported
                                                                                    to the document, in terms of the new FPD
Co., Ltd.                              between 1 January 2015 and 31 December
                                                                                    project and new key equipment imported
Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics           2018. Import VAT could be paid by
                                                                                    between 1 January 2015 and 31 December
Technology Co., Ltd.                   installments within 6 years (72 consecutive
                                                                                    2018. Import VAT could be paid by
                                       months) after the first device was imported.
                                                                                    installments within 6 years (72 consecutive
                                                                                    months) after the first device was imported.
Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics           In December 2019, the Ministry of Finance, In 2019, the Ministry of Finance, the GACC
Technology Co., Ltd.                   General Administration of Customs and and the State Taxation Administration
Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., SAT jointly issued Document [2019] No. 47, jointly issued the C.G.SH. [2019] No. 47
Ltd.                                   which approved the import of key new Notice on the Phased VAT Payment Policy
                                       equipment for the Active-matrix Organic for Imported Equipment of Active-matrix
                                       Light Emitting Diode (AMOLED) display Organic Light Emitting Diode Display
                                       device project between 1 January 2019 and Device Project, which approved the import
                                       31 December 2020, with import value-added of key new device for Active-matrix Organic
                                       tax allowed to be paid in phases over a Light Emitting Diode (AMOLED) display
                                       period of six years (72 consecutive months) device project between 1 January 2019 and

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

                                             after the import of the first equipment.       31 December 2020, with import value-added
                                                                                            tax allowed to be paid in phases over a
                                                                                            period of six years (72 consecutive months)
                                                                                            after the import of the first device.

3. Others


VII. Notes on Major Items in Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Cash at Bank and on Hand

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                          Ending balance                  Beginning balance
   Cash on hand                                                                           415,779.00                       451,975.00
   Bank deposits                                                                   79,996,367,571.00                76,760,433,855.00
   Other monetary assets                                                            4,792,134,778.00                 4,225,949,258.00
   Total                                                                           84,788,918,128.00                80,986,835,088.00
     Of which: the total amount deposited overseas                                  6,597,965,680.00                 7,197,634,319.00
            Total amount of restriction in use by guaranteed,
                                                                                        4,740,547,715.00              4,152,705,165.00
   pledged or frozen
Other notes:

As at 30 June 2022, other monetary funds were pledged by the Group amounting to RMB24,000,000 for short-term loans, and
USD1,493,532 and RMB38,760,000 were pledged for long-term loans. The rest of other restricted monetary funds, amounting to
RMB4,667,764,026, were the deposits in commercial banks as security.

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                        Ending balance                  Beginning balance
   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                           16,710,312,524.00                10,028,172,853.00
     Of which:
   Wealth management products                                                       16,710,312,524.00                10,028,172,853.00
   Financial assets designated to be measured at fair value and
                                                                                                    0.00                             0.00
   changes thereof recorded into the current profit or loss
     Of which:
   Total                                                                            16,710,312,524.00                10,028,172,853.00

Other notes:


3. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance
   Bank acceptance bill                                                  273,938,741.00                                 217,734,298.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

   Commercial acceptance bill                                                           0.00                                         0.00
   Total                                                                      273,938,741.00                               217,734,298.00
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                                              Provision for                                                Provision for
                     Book value                                                     Book value
                                               impairment                                                   impairment
    Category                                          Withdra      Carrying                                        Withdra       Carrying
                 Amou       Percenta                    wal        amounts                 Percenta                  wal         amounts
                                           Amount                               Amount                  Amount
                  nt           ge                     proporti                                ge                   proporti
                                                         on                                                           on
   for which
   bad debt         N/A
   for which
   bad debt         N/A
   accrued by
If the bad debt provision for notes receivable was withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, information
related to bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:
□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of withdrawal of bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                 Changes in the Reporting Period
      Category                                                    Reversal or                                              Ending balance
                           balance            Withdrawal                             Write-off            Others
Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount:
□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                                Amount
   Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                              0.00
   Commercial acceptance bill                                                                                                        0.00
   Total                                                                                                                             0.00

(4) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or Had Discounted and Had not Due on the
Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                 Amount of recognition termination at the   Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                              period-end                               the period-end
   Bank acceptance bill                                                   158,416,913.00                            110,215,838.00
   Commercial acceptance bill                                                       0.00                                       0.00
   Total                                                                  158,416,913.00                            110,215,838.00

(5) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable Because Drawer of the Notes Failed to Execute the Contract or

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                       Amount of the notes transferred to accounts receivable at the
   Commercial acceptance bill                                                                                                       0.00

Other notes: N/A

(6) Notes Receivable with Actual Verification for the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                       Amount verified
Of which, verification of significant notes receivable:

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Verification         Whether generated
                                                                          Reason for
       Subsidiary               Nature            Amount verified                              procedures            from connected
                                                                                               performed               transactions
Notes of the verification of notes receivable: N/A

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending balance                                                                     Beginning balance
                        Book value                Provision for impairment                                   Book value                Provision for impairment
                                                                 Withdrawal   Carrying amounts                                                        Withdrawal     Carrying amounts
                   Amount           Percentage     Amount                                             Amount          Percentage        Amount
                                                                 proportion                                                                           proportion
 for which
 bad debt      1,688,810,640.00         6.54%    56,562,165.00        3.35%    1,632,248,475.00    1,275,228,505.00        3.58%     46,406,137.00           3.64%    1,228,822,368.00
 Of which:
 for which
 bad debt     24,117,373,340.00        93.46%    38,532,258.00        0.16%   24,078,841,082.00   34,309,953,455.00       96.42%     35,361,003.00           0.10%   34,274,592,452.00
 by group
 Of which:
 Total        25,806,183,980.00        100.00%   95,094,423.00        0.37%   25,711,089,557.00   35,585,181,960.00       100.00%    81,767,140.00           0.23%   35,503,414,820.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Ending balance
                                                  Book value                  Provision for impairment              Withdrawal proportion                  Reason for withdrawal
 Customers with high credit risks                         57,099,934.00                       56,562,165.00                             99.06%       N/A
 Customers with low credit risks                       1,631,710,706.00                                0.00                               0.00%      N/A
 Total                                                  1,688,810,640.00                     56,562,165.00

Bad debt provision accrued by group:
                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                  Ending balance
                                                                    Book value                                Provision for impairment                          Withdrawal proportion
 Customers with moderate credit risks                                        24,117,373,340.00                                    38,532,258.00                                           0.16%
 Total                                                                        24,117,373,340.00                                    38,532,258.00

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:
Customer group                                                                   Basis
Customers with high credit risks                                                 With special matters, litigations or the deterioration of customers’ credit status
Customers with low credit risks                                                  Banks, insurance companies, large state-owned enterprises and public institutions
Customers with moderate credit risks                                             Customers not included in Groups above

Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of
notes receivable:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
At all times the Group measures the impairment loss for accounts receivable at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs, and the ECLs are based on the number of overdue days and the expected loss
rate. According to the Group’s historical experience, different loss models are applicable to different customer groups.

Disclosed by aging

                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                               Ageing                                                                                       Ending balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                                                                            25,218,317,530.00
 1 to 2 years                                                                                                                                                                    220,369,661.00
 2 to 3 years                                                                                                                                                                    133,747,854.00
 Over 3 years                                                                                                                                                                    233,748,935.00
    3 to 4 years                                                                                                                                                                 147,532,211.00
    4 to 5 years                                                                                                                                                                  70,897,365.00
    Over 5 years                                                                                                                                                                  15,319,359.00
 Total                                                                                                                                                                        25,806,183,980.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of withdrawal of bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                Changes in the Reporting Period
         Category                                                Reversal or                                            Ending balance
                             balance         Withdrawal                             Write-off             Others
   Bad debt of
   accounts                81,767,140.00    40,495,569.00       -20,528,284.00     -7,648,566.00         1,008,564.00    95,094,423.00
   Total                   81,767,140.00    40,495,569.00       -20,528,284.00     -7,648,566.00         1,008,564.00    95,094,423.00
Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                      Subsidiary                      Amount reversed or recovered                         Way of recovery

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                           Amount verified
   Accounts receivable with actual verification                                                                            7,648,566.00
Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Verification      Whether generated
                                                                           Reason for
         Subsidiary                Nature         Amount verified                                  procedures         from connected
                                                                                                   performed            transactions



(4) Top 5 Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                        Proportion to the total ending
                                        Ending balance of accounts                                          Ending balance of bad debt
              Subsidiary                                                    balance of accounts
                                                receivable                                                         provisions
   Sum of top 5 accounts
                                                  10,338,714,662.00                           40.06%                               0.00
   Total                                          10,338,714,662.00                           40.06%

(5) Accounts Receivable Derecognized Due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed by the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of
Accounts Receivable

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

Other notes: N/A

5. Prepayments

(1) List by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                              Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
                                     Amount                  Percentage                     Amount                  Percentage
   Within 1 year                     847,054,972.00                   96.96%               1,088,149,020.00                  97.78%
   1 to 2 years                       21,846,800.00                    2.50%                   9,828,654.00                   0.88%
   2 to 3 years                        2,144,978.00                    0.25%                   2,531,759.00                   0.23%
   Over 3 years                        2,565,968.00                    0.29%                  12,370,574.00                    1.11%
   Total                             873,612,718.00                                        1,112,880,007.00
Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:


(2) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Prepayments Collected according to the Prepayment Target

The total amount of the prepayment of the top 5 of the Group at the period-end was of RMB539,042,675.00 that covered 61.70% of
the total amount of the ending balance of the prepayment at the period-end.

Other notes:


6. Other Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Interest receivable                                                        172,230.00                                          0.00
   Dividends receivable                                                     9,826,050.00                                  2,414,503.00
   Other receivables                                                    1,251,522,113.00                              1,920,413,875.00
   Total                                                                1,261,520,393.00                              1,922,828,378.00

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                     Item                                    Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Fixed time deposit                                                         172,230.00                                             0.00
   Entrusted loan                                                                   0.00                                             0.00
   Bond investment                                                                  0.00                                             0.00
   Total                                                                      172,230.00                                             0.00

2) Significant Overdue Interest

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

                                                                                                            Whether occurred
            Borrower              Ending balance        Overdue time                  Reason               impairment and its
                                                                                                             judgment basis
Other notes:

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
              Item(or investee)                        Ending balance                              Beginning balance
   Bank of Chongqing                                                 9,826,050.00                                         0.00
   Illumina Fund I,L.P.                                                      0.00                                 2,414,503.00
   Total                                                               9,826,050.00                               2,414,503.00

2) Significant Dividend Receivable Aging Over One Year

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                            Whether occurred
      Item(or investee)           Ending balance          Ageing               Unrecovered reason          impairment and its
                                                                                                             judgment basis

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable
Other notes:

(3) Other Accounts Receivable

1) Other Account Receivable Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
          Nature of other receivables              Ending carrying balance                     Beginning carrying balance
   VAT refunds and export tax rebate                                 14,088,288.00                                   253,311.00
   Amount due from equity transfer                                  200,000,000.00                               200,000,000.00
   Security deposits                                                962,669,574.00                             1,518,208,550.00
   Others                                                            83,836,117.00                               210,995,830.00
   Total                                                          1,260,593,979.00                             1,929,457,691.00

2) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
           Provision for                Phase I           Phase II                    Phase III                  Total

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

         impairment                                        Expected credit losses    Expected credit losses
                               Expected credit losses     for the whole existence   for the whole existence
                               in the next 12 months          period (no credit       period (with credit
                                                                impairment)               impairment)
   Balance of 1 January
                                                   0.00                      0.00             9,043,816.00                9,043,816.00
   Balance of 1 January
   2022 in the current
   --Transferred to the
                                                   0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   Phase II
   -Transfer to Third stage                        0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   -Reverse to Second
                                                   0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   -Reverse to First stage                         0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   Withdrawal of the
                                                   0.00                      0.00                 28,245.00                  28,245.00
   current period
   Reversal of the current
                                                   0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   Write-offs of the current
                                                   0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   Verification of the
                                                   0.00                      0.00                   -195.00                    -195.00
   current period
   Other changes                                   0.00                      0.00                      0.00                         0.00
   Balance of 30 June 2022                         0.00                      0.00             9,071,866.00                9,071,866.00

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable  Not applicable
Disclosed by aging

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Ageing                                                        Ending balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                     952,348,121.00
   1 to 2 years                                                                                                           43,427,881.00
   2 to 3 years                                                                                                           21,641,752.00
   Over 3 years                                                                                                          243,176,225.00
      3 to 4 years                                                                                                         8,828,783.00
      4 to 5 years                                                                                                         9,206,870.00
      Over 5 years                                                                                                       225,140,572.00
   Total                                                                                                               1,260,593,979.00

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of withdrawal of bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                              Changes in the Reporting Period
      Category                                                 Reversal or                                              Ending balance
                          balance          Withdrawal                             Write-off            Others
   Bad debt
   provisions for
                         9,043,816.00           28,245.00                0.00           -195.00                 0.00      9,071,866.00
   Total                 9,043,816.00           28,245.00                0.00           -195.00                 0.00      9,071,866.00


Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Subsidiary                           Amount reversed or recovered                    Way of recovery


4) Other Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                        Amount verified
   Customer 1                                                                                                                      195.00
Of which the verification of significant other accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Verification         Whether generated
                                                                             Reason for
         Subsidiary                 Nature          Amount verified                                procedures            from connected
                                                                                                   performed               transactions

5) Top 5 Other Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Proportion to the   balance of
         Subsidiary                 Nature          Ending balance                 Ageing              total ending balance   bad debt
                                                                                                       of other receivables  provision
                                                                          Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer A               Security deposits         469,772,832.00                                                  37.27%            0.00
                            Equity transfer
   Customer B               accounts                  200,000,000.00      Over 5 year                                 15.87%            0.00
                                                                          Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer C               Security deposits         151,006,500.00                                                  11.98%            0.00
                                                                          Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer D               Security deposits         100,671,000.00                                                   7.99%            0.00
                                                                          Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer E               Security deposits          20,649,975.00                                                   1.64%            0.00
   Total                                              942,100,307.00                                                  74.73%            0.00

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Grants

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                   Project of government                                                             Estimated recovering
           Subsidiary                                            Ending balance             Ending aging
                                           grants                                                                   time, amount and basis


   BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

   7) Other Accounts Receivable Derecognized Due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


   8) Amount of Assets and Liabilities Due to the Transfer of Other Account Receivable and Continued


   Other notes:


   7. Inventories

   Whether the Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for real estate industry

   (1) Category of Inventories

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                                                  Beginning balance
                                          Falling price                                                    Falling price
                                            reserves or                                                      reserves or
   Item                                    impairment                                                       impairment
                    Book value                               Carrying amounts           Book value                            Carrying amounts
                                          provision for                                                    provision for
                                              contract                                                         contract
                                        performance costs                                                performance costs
                  13,735,182,853.00     2,696,180,447.00     11,039,002,406.00       12,029,879,462.00   2,083,190,076.00       9,946,689,386.00
Work in
                   6,551,623,291.00     1,610,041,622.00      4,941,581,669.00        4,080,209,516.00     732,973,017.00       3,347,236,499.00
                  21,494,894,316.00     4,732,898,325.00     16,761,995,991.00       17,108,598,457.00   2,795,564,803.00      14,313,033,654.00
                    153,048,398.00                   0.00       153,048,398.00          130,472,966.00               0.00        130,472,966.00
e living                         0.00                0.00                    0.00                 0.00               0.00                    0.00
Costs to
fulfil a
contract            123,165,749.00                   0.00       123,165,749.00           67,728,931.00               0.00           67,728,931.00
with a
Goods in
                                 0.00                0.00                    0.00                 0.00               0.00                    0.00
Total             42,057,914,607.00     9,039,120,394.00     33,018,794,213.00       33,416,889,332.00   5,611,727,896.00      27,805,161,436.00

   (2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventories and Impairment Provision for Contract Performance Costs

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                     Increased amount                          Decrease
          Item                                                                      Reverse or write-                Ending balance
                             balance            Withdrawal          Others                              Others
    Raw materials        2,083,190,076.00      805,565,400.00    3,994,636.00        196,569,665.00          0.00   2,696,180,447.00
    Work in                732,973,017.00      970,008,571.00      891,562.00         93,831,528.00          0.00   1,610,041,622.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

 Finished goods      2,795,564,803.00       3,824,559,337.00      883,763.00     1,888,109,578.00            0.00    4,732,898,325.00
 Consumables                     0.00                   0.00            0.00                 0.00            0.00                0.00
                                  0.00                  0.00             0.00                 0.00           0.00                0.00
 living assets
 Costs to fulfil a
 contract with a                  0.00                  0.00             0.00                 0.00           0.00                0.00
 Total               5,611,727,896.00       5,600,133,308.00     5,769,961.00    2,178,510,771.00            0.00    9,039,120,394.00


(3) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense


(4) Amount of Contract Performance Costs Amortized in the Reporting Period


8. Contract Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
         Item                                Provision for        Carrying                         Provision for          Carrying
                        Book value                                                 Book value
                                              impairment           amounts                          impairment             amounts
   Contract assets      88,068,862.00                  0.00      88,068,862.00     75,698,324.00             0.00        75,698,324.00
   Total                88,068,862.00                  0.00      88,068,862.00     75,698,324.00             0.00        75,698,324.00
The amount of significant changes in the carrying value of contract assets and reason during the Reporting Period:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                     Item                                      Amount changed                                 Reason
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other contract assets if adopting the general mode of
expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of notes receivable.
□Applicable  Not applicable
Additions, recoveries or reversals of provision for contract assets during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                               Withdrawal of the               Reversal of the
            Item                                                                      offs/Verification of      Reason for change
                                current period                 current period
                                                                                       the current period
Other notes:

9. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                     Item                                      Ending balance                          Beginning balance
   Current portion of investments in debt                                              0.00                                        0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

   Current portion of other investments in
                                                                                          0.00                                          0.00
   debt obligations
   Current portion of long-term receivabels                                      8,255,656.00                                   7,700,735.00
   Total                                                                         8,255,656.00                                   7,700,735.00

Significant investments in debt obligations /other investments in debt obligations

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
        Item                          Coupon        Actual          Maturity                        Coupon        Actual          Maturity
                   Par value                                                       Par value
                                       rate      interest rate       date                            rate      interest rate       date
Other notes:

10. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                                       Ending balance                              Beginning balance
   Contract acquisition cost                                                              0.00                                          0.00
   Costs receivables for recovering products
                                                                               124,579,715.00                              126,447,496.00
   from a customer
   VAT on tax credits                                                      2,075,288,104.00                              2,643,490,711.00
   Input tax to be verified or deducted                                      479,859,579.00                                575,209,816.00
   Prepaid income taxes                                                       38,404,635.00                                 20,739,659.00
   Others                                                                    248,300,634.00                                213,032,028.00
   Total                                                                   2,966,432,667.00                              3,578,919,710.00
Other notes:

11. Long-term Receivables

(1) List of Long-term Receivables

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                       Beginning balance                      Interval
        Item          Carrying          Bad debt                               Carrying          Bad debt
                                                       Carrying value                                         Carrying value      discount
                      amount            provision                              amount            provision                           rate
Finance lease                                                                                                                     4.65%-
                   27,146,189.00              0.00      27,146,189.00      29,918,542.00              0.00     29,918,542.00
payment                                                                                                                           39.22%
     Of which:
unrealized                     -                                                                                                  4.65%-
                                              0.00     -28,434,742.00      -31,683,072.00             0.00     -31,683,072.00
financing          28,434,742.00                                                                                                  39.22%
Sales of goods
                               0.00           0.00                 0.00                0.00           0.00               0.00
by installments
Rendering of
services by                    0.00           0.00                 0.00                0.00           0.00               0.00
Total              27,146,189.00              0.00      27,146,189.00      29,918,542.00              0.00     29,918,542.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

Impairment of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                    First stage             Second stage               Third stage
                                                         Expected loss in the
      Bad debt provision                                                           Expected loss in the                 Total
                              Expected credit loss of      duration (credit
                                                                                     duration (credit
                               the next 12 months          impairment not
                                                                                  impairment occurred)
   Balance of 1 January
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   Balance of 1 January
   2022 in the current
   --Transferred to the
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   Phase II
   -Transfer to Third stage                       0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   -Reverse to Second
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   -Reverse to First stage                        0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   Withdrawal of the
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   current period
   Reversal of the current
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   Write-offs of the
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   current period
   Verification of the
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   current period
   Other changes                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00
   Balance of 30 June
                                                  0.00                    0.00                         0.00                         0.00

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□Applicable  Not applicable


(2) Derecognition of Long-term Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


(3) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of
Long-term Receivables


Other notes:


                                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2022

                    12. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                              Profit and
                           Beginning                                                                                    Declared                                                                Ending balance
                                                                                loss on     Adjustment      Other                                                          Ending balance
      Investee          balance (carrying                                                                              distribution                                                             for impairment
                                             Additional        Reduced       investments      of other      equity                    Impairment                           (carrying value)
                             value)                                                                                      of cash                          Others                                  provisions
                                            investments      investments      confirmed     comprehensi    movemen                     provisions
                                                                             according to    ve income        ts
                                                                                                                        or profits
                                                                              equity law
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
Beijing Nissin
Precision                   2,013,138.00             0.00             0.00    858,488.00            0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00           2,871,626.00                0.00
Component Co.,
Beijing Nittan
Electronic Co.,            77,596,241.00             0.00             0.00    475,086.00            0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00         78,071,327.00                 0.00
Beijing Infi-
Hailin Venture
                                    0.00             0.00             0.00   1,596,566.00           0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00           1,596,566.00                0.00
Investment Co.,
Beijing Infi-
Hailin Venture
Investment                          0.00             0.00             0.00           0.00           0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00                   0.00                0.00
Erdos BOE
                          631,808,521.00             0.00             0.00   -612,344.00            0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00        631,196,177.00       777,858,312.00
Investment Co.,
TPV Display
Technology                 28,459,837.00             0.00             0.00    479,181.00            0.00        0.00          0.00            0.00              0.00         28,939,018.00                 0.00
(China) Co., Ltd.
Xindongneng                                                                                            -
                                                                             396,305,719.                                                                         -
Investment Fund         2,088,917,867.00             0.00   129,798,594.00                  15,049,881.0        0.00          0.00            0.00                         2,277,316,974.00                0.00
(Limited                                                                              00                                                              63,058,137.00
              BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Interim Report 2022
Xindongneng                                                                                                      -
Investment             8,640,494.00             0.00   0.00   1,630,439.00           0.00        0.00   2,000,000.           0.00         0.00      8,270,933.00              0.00
Management Co.,                                                                                                00
Yunyinggu                                                                                   369,308.0
                      41,093,186.00             0.00   0.00   1,974,946.00     93,053.00                     0.00            0.00         0.00     43,530,493.00              0.00
Technology Co.,                                                                                     0
Beijing Xloong
Technologies Co.,     21,091,552.00             0.00   0.00   -274,258.00            0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00     20,817,294.00              0.00
New On
Technology Co.,                0.00             0.00   0.00           0.00           0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00               0.00     2,070,042.00
                       8,058,251.00             0.00   0.00           0.00           0.00        0.00        0.00    8,199,181.00   140,930.00               0.00   266,848,672.00
Medical Ltd.
Hefei Xin Jing
Yuan Electronic
                               0.00             0.00   0.00           0.00           0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00               0.00             0.00
Materials Co.,
Zhonglianhe Ultra
HD Collaborative       2,367,172.00             0.00   0.00     77,368.00            0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00      2,444,540.00              0.00
Centre Co., Ltd.
Xianzhilian                                                                                                      -
                       4,648,632.00             0.00   0.00   4,117,196.00           0.00        0.00   3,150,000.           0.00         0.00      5,615,828.00              0.00
Centre (Limited                                                                                                00
Investment Centre    968,341,880.00   234,000,000.00   0.00                          0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00   1,339,644,393.00             0.00
(Limited                                                               00
Industry             207,564,573.00             0.00   0.00                          0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00    218,600,110.00              0.00
Investment Co.,                                                          0
BEHC Industrial
Investment Co.,      231,777,557.00             0.00   0.00   1,835,865.00   4,743,127.00        0.00        0.00            0.00         0.00    238,356,549.00              0.00

                BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2022
BOE Houji
Technology                     927,761.00             0.00             0.00   -217,274.00            0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00        710,487.00                0.00
(Beijing) Co., Ltd.
(Beijing) Science-      339,845,254.00                0.00             0.00                          0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00    336,761,676.00                0.00
Technology.Inc                                                                3,083,578.00
Beijing BOE
Microbial                                                                                -
                         20,042,936.00                0.00             0.00                          0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00     13,123,953.00                0.00
Technology Co.,                                                               6,918,983.00
BOE Art Cloud
Technology Co.,         286,976,389.00                0.00             0.00   1,648,526.00           0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00    288,624,915.00                0.00
Guoke BOE
(Shanghai) Equity
Investment                1,183,512.00                0.00             0.00   -856,752.00            0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00        326,760.00                0.00
Management Co.,
Beijing YanDong
MicroElectronic       1,009,985,276.00                0.00             0.00                          0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00   1,049,837,365.00               0.00
Co., Ltd.                                                                                0
Chongqing BOE
Smart Private
Equity Investment
                         59,608,288.00                0.00             0.00   -245,998.00            0.00        0.00        0.00            0.00            0.00     59,362,290.00                0.00
Fund Partnership
                                                                                                        -                        -
                                                                              586,980,332.                  369,308.0                                           -
Sub-total             6,040,948,317.00      234,000,000.00   129,798,594.00                  10,213,701.0               5,150,000.   8,199,181.00                   6,646,019,274.00   1,046,777,026.00
                                                                                       00                           0                               62,917,207.00
                                                                                                        0                      00
                                                                                                        -                        -
                                                                              586,980,332.                  369,308.0                                           -
Total                 6,040,948,317.00      234,000,000.00   129,798,594.00                  10,213,701.0               5,150,000.   8,199,181.00                   6,646,019,274.00   1,046,777,026.00
                                                                                       00                           0                               62,917,207.00
                                                                                                        0                      00

                Other notes:


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

13. Other Equity Instrument Investment

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Item                                 Ending balance                            Beginning balance
  Beijing Electronics Zone High-Tech
                                                                     57,188,727.00                                 56,638,836.00
  Group Co., Ltd.
  Zhejiang BOE Display Technology Co.,
                                                                          321,256.00                                     321,256.00
  Zhejiang Qiusheng Optoelectronics
                                                                          248,776.00                                     248,776.00
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  Beijing Digital TV National Engineering
                                                                      6,250,000.00                                  6,250,000.00
  Laboratory Co., Ltd.
  Qingdao Ultra HD Video Innovation
                                                                          500,000.00                                     500,000.00
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  Bank of Chongqing                                                  90,061,955.00                                 91,875,688.00
  New Century Medical Treatment                                      16,319,469.00                                 19,810,485.00
  Beijing Horizon Robotics Technology
                                                                     33,181,760.00                                 31,722,880.00
  Research and Development Co., Ltd.
  Nanjing Xinjiayuan Technology Co.,
                                                                      1,487,050.00                                  1,482,425.00
  Danhua Capital, L.P.                                               33,557,000.00                                 31,878,500.00
  Danhua Capital II, L.P.                                            67,114,000.00                                 63,757,002.00
  Kateeva Inc.                                                       80,167,673.00                                 76,157,736.00
  ZGLUE INC.                                                                  0.00                                          0.00
  Nanosys INC                                                        50,335,500.00                                 47,817,750.00
  Ceribell INC                                                        8,724,812.00                                  8,288,403.00
  Baebies INC                                                        29,487,791.00                                 28,012,830.00
  KA IMAGING INC.                                                     1,931,320.00                                  1,834,716.00
  MOOV INC.                                                          26,956,672.00                                 25,608,316.00
  Illumina Fund I,L.P.                                               28,753,409.00                                 25,607,407.00
  ACQIS Technology, Inc.                                              1,342,280.00                                  1,275,140.00
  Beijing Dongfang Electronic Industry
                                                                                0.00                                           0.00
  Co. Ltd.
  Beijing Jingguoguan Equity Investment
                                                                     16,298,630.00                                             0.00
  Fund (Limited Partnership)
  Total                                                             550,228,080.00                               519,088,146.00

Disclosure of Non-trading Equity Instrument Investment

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                        t                                  Reason
                                                                                   transfe                                     for
                                                                                      rred                                 transfer
                                                                                     from                                     ring
                                                                                     other                                   from
                                                                                                 Reason for being
                                Dividend                                           compre                                    other
                                               Accumulative      Accumulative                 designated at fair value
            Item                 income                                             hensiv                                 compre
                                                  gains             losses                         through other
                               recognized                                               e                                  hensive
                                                                                              comprehensive income
                                                                                   income                                  income
                                                                                       to                                       to
                                                                                   retaine                                 retained
                                                                                        d                                  earning
                                                                                   earning                                       s
  Beijing Electronics Zone                                                                    With intention of long-
  High-Tech Group Co.,           206,209.00              0.00      8,447,433.00        0.00   term holding for             N/A
  Ltd.                                                                                        strategic reasons
  Zhejiang BOE Display                                                                        With intention of long-
                                       0.00              0.00               0.00       0.00                                N/A
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                        term holding for

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              Interim Report 2022

                                                                                   strategic reasons
  Zhejiang Qiusheng                                                                With intention of long-
  Optoelectronics                   0.00    3,040,266.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                                             strategic reasons
  Beijing Digital TV                                                               With intention of long-
  National Engineering              0.00            0.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
  Laboratory Co., Ltd.                                                             strategic reasons
  Qingdao Ultra HD                                                                 With intention of long-
  Video Innovation                  0.00            0.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                                             strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Bank of Chongqing         9,563,780.00   29,273,560.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  New Century Medical
                                    0.00            0.00   123,619,079.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
  Beijing Horizon                                                                  With intention of long-
  Robotics Technology
                                    0.00    1,227,260.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
  Research and
  Development Co., Ltd.                                                            strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Nanjing Xinjiayuan
                                    0.00            0.00      512,950.00    0.00   term holding for          N/A
  Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Danhua Capital, L.P.      4,865,400.00    8,667,504.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Danhua Capital II, L.P.           0.00   13,267,050.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Kateeva Inc.                      0.00            0.00     2,694,793.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  ZGLUE INC.                        0.00            0.00    10,405,488.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Nanosys INC                       0.00            0.00        13,500.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Ceribell INC                      0.00      62,529.00              0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Baebies INC                       0.00     364,237.00              0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  KA IMAGING INC.                   0.00            0.00        76,201.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  MOOV INC.                         0.00            0.00      906,167.00    0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  Illumina Fund I,L.P.              0.00    5,839,017.00             0.00   0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
                                                                                   With intention of long-
  ACQIS Technology, Inc.            0.00            0.00      221,680.00    0.00   term holding for          N/A
                                                                                   strategic reasons
  Beijing Dongfang                                                                 With intention of long-
                                    0.00            0.00      180,000.00    0.00                             N/A
  Electronic Industry Co.                                                          term holding for

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022

  Ltd.                                                                                         strategic reasons
  Beijing Jingguoguan                                                                          With intention of long-
  Equity Investment Fund              0.00               0.00              0.00        0.00    term holding for            N/A
  (Limited Partnership)                                                                        strategic reasons

Other notes: N/A

14. Other Non-current Financial Assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                               Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Equity investment                                                  606,895,447.00                              606,895,447.00
  Total                                                              606,895,447.00                              606,895,447.00

Other notes: N/A

15. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopted the Cost Measurement Mode

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                      Houses and buildings    Land use rights                                 Total
                                                                                               in progress
  I. Original carrying value
  1. Beginning balance                           1,022,831,969.00       687,434,677.00                0.00      1,710,266,646.00
  2. Increased amount of the period                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (1) Outsourcing                                            0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (2)Transfer from inventory/fixed
                                                             0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  assets/construction in progress
  (3) Business combination increase                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  3. Decreased amount of the period                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (1) Disposal                                               0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (2) Other transfer                                         0.00                 0.00                0.00                  0.00
  4. Ending balance                              1,022,831,969.00       687,434,677.00                0.00      1,710,266,646.00
  II. Accumulative depreciation and
  accumulative amortization
  1. Beginning balance                            383,883,440.00        168,017,805.00                0.00        551,901,245.00
  2. Increased amount of the period                14,010,060.00          6,811,350.00                0.00         20,821,410.00
  (1)Withdrawal or amortization                    14,010,060.00          6,811,350.00                0.00         20,821,410.00
  3. Decreased amount of the period                         0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (1) Disposal                                              0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00
  (2) Other transfer                                        0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00
  4. Ending balance                               397,893,500.00        174,829,155.00                0.00        572,722,655.00
  III. Depreciation reserves
  1. Beginning balance                                       0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  2. Increased amount of the period                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  (1) Withdrawal                                             0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  3. Decreased amount of the period                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  (1) Disposal                                               0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  (2) Other transfer                                         0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  4. Ending balance                                          0.00                 0.00                0.00                    0.00
  IV. Carrying value
  1. Ending carrying value                        624,938,469.00        512,605,522.00                0.00      1,137,543,991.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022

  1. Beginning carrying value                    638,948,529.00          519,416,872.00               0.00      1,158,365,401.00

(2) Investment Property Adopted the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Investment Property with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                                 Carrying amounts                                  Reason
Other notes: N/A

16. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                                  Ending balance                            Beginning balance
  Fixed assets                                                    214,032,994,330.00                         227,141,366,885.00
  Disposal of fixed assets                                                      0.00                                       0.00
  Total                                                           214,032,994,330.00                         227,141,366,885.00

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Item                Plant & buildings           Equipment                 Others                     Total
  I. Original carrying value
     1. Beginning balance            65,746,184,870.00        289,073,320,849.00       10,027,118,299.00      364,846,624,018.00
     2. Increased amount of the
                                         20,093,429.00           2,758,961,061.00         861,211,947.00        3,640,266,437.00
        (1) Purchase                     15,393,508.00            517,008,989.00          690,351,648.00        1,222,754,145.00
        (2)Transfer from
                                         17,944,723.00           2,374,576,693.00         213,556,293.00        2,606,077,709.00
  construction in progress
        (3) Business combination
                                                   0.00                      0.00                   0.00                      0.00
        (4) Offset of government
                                                   0.00            -62,696,794.00         -11,753,413.00            -74,450,207.00
        (5) Differences arising
  from translation of foreign
                                         -13,244,802.00            -69,927,827.00         -30,942,581.00            -114,115,210.00
  currency-denominated financial
     3. Decreased amount of the
                                                   0.00           261,345,826.00           65,899,497.00            327,245,323.00
        (1) Disposal or scrap                     0.00            261,345,826.00           65,899,497.00          327,245,323.00
     4. Ending balance               65,766,278,299.00        291,570,936,084.00       10,822,430,749.00      368,159,645,132.00
  II. Accumulative depreciation
     1. Beginning balance             7,908,069,483.00        122,199,288,667.00        5,704,812,685.00      135,812,170,835.00
     2. Increased amount of the
                                      1,067,610,891.00          14,714,483,775.00         931,094,282.00       16,713,188,948.00
        (1) Withdrawal                1,065,659,469.00          14,675,738,562.00         928,181,535.00       16,669,579,566.00
        (2) Differences arising
  from translation of foreign
                                          1,951,422.00             38,745,213.00            2,912,747.00             43,609,382.00
  currency-denominated financial
     3. Decreased amount of the
                                                   0.00           206,535,913.00           28,092,585.00            234,628,498.00
        (1) Disposal or scrap                      0.00           206,535,913.00           28,092,585.00            234,628,498.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

      4. Ending balance                      8,975,680,374.00       136,707,236,529.00       6,607,814,382.00        152,290,731,285.00
   III. Depreciation reserves
      1. Beginning balance                         34,480.00          1,704,957,933.00         188,093,885.00          1,893,086,298.00
      2. Increased amount of the
                                                         0.00                     0.00                   0.00                      0.00
         (1) Withdrawal                                  0.00                     0.00                   0.00                      0.00
      3. Decreased amount of the
                                                         0.00            56,858,324.00             308,457.00             57,166,781.00
         (1) Disposal or scrap                          0.00             56,858,324.00             308,457.00             57,166,781.00
      4. Ending balance                            34,480.00          1,648,099,609.00         187,785,428.00          1,835,919,517.00
   IV. Carrying value
      1. Ending carrying value              56,790,563,445.00       153,215,599,946.00       4,026,830,939.00        214,032,994,330.00
      2. Beginning carrying value           57,838,080,907.00       165,169,074,249.00       4,134,211,729.00        227,141,366,885.00

(2) Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                    Accumulated            Provision for
           Item                Book value                                                     Carrying amounts             Notes
                                                    depreciation            impairment

(3) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operating Lease

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                        Ending carrying value
   Fixed assets leased out by operating lease                                                                             81,238,273.00

(4) List of Fixed Assets with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

On 30 June 2022, the carrying value of fixed assets with certificate of title uncompleted totaled RMB6,825,687,457.00, and the
certificate of title was in process.

(5) Disposal of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Ending balance                           Beginning balance
   Total                                                                              0.00                                         0.00

Other notes: N/A

17. Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                     Item                                       Ending balance                           Beginning balance
   Construction in progress                                              40,146,851,520.00                         32,099,711,879.00
   Engineering materials                                                              0.00                                      0.00
   Total                                                                 40,146,851,520.00                         32,099,711,879.00

                                     BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

          (1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Ending balance                                                      Beginning balance
                                   Item                                                      Provision for                                                        Provision for
                                                                        Book value                                 Carrying amounts           Book value                                Carrying amounts
                                                                                              impairment                                                           impairment
           The 6th generation AMOLED (flexible) production line-
                                                                      29,398,398,474.00                   0.00      29,398,398,474.00       24,774,517,248.00                   0.00    24,774,517,248.00
           Others                                                     10,792,946,870.00          44,493,824.00      10,748,453,046.00        7,369,688,455.00      44,493,824.00         7,325,194,631.00
           Total                                                      40,191,345,344.00          44,493,824.00      40,146,851,520.00       32,144,205,703.00      44,493,824.00        32,099,711,879.00

          (2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                 Of which:
                                                                                   Other                                                                                          Capitalizati
                                                                                                                 Proportion of                                   Amount of
                                                                                 decreased                                                    Accumulated                          on rate of
                                                                   Transfer in                                    accumulated                                    capitalized                      Sources
                                 Beginning         Increased                      amount            Ending                         Job         amount of                          interests for
   Item           Budget                                           intangible                                    investment in                                  interests for                        of
                                  balance           amount                       during the         balance                      schedule        interest                              the
                                                                     assets                                      constructions                                       the                          funding
                                                                                 Reporting                                                    capitalization                       Reporting
                                                                                                                   to budget                                     Reporting
                                                                                  Period                                                                                             Period
The 6th
                                                                                                    29,398,3                                                                                      raised
(flexible)     46,500,000,00   24,774,517,24    4,625,257,864.0    1,376,638.0                                                                347,046,410.0     161,255,667.
                                                                                          0.00      98,474.0           65.91%    65.91%                                                3.51%      and
productio               0.00            8.00                  0              0                                                                            0              00
                                                                                                           0                                                                                      borrowi
n line-
               46,500,000,00   24,774,517,24    4,625,257,864.0    1,376,638.0                                                                347,046,410.0     161,255,667.
Total                                                                                     0.00      98,474.0                                                                                  -
                        0.00            8.00                  0              0                                                                            0              00

          (3) Provisions for Impairment of Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                       Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                          Item   Withdrawal amount                         Reason for withdrawal

Other notes:


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2022

(4) Engineering Materials

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                       Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
          Item                          Provision for   Carrying                             Provision for         Carrying
                       Book value                                          Book value
                                         impairment     amounts                               impairment           amounts
  Total                                                        0.00                                                        0.00

Other notes: N/A

18. Right-of-Use Assets

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
             Item            Houses and buildings       Equipment                  Others                        Total
  I. Original carrying
     1. Beginning balance           567,247,967.00       107,357,735.00            192,885,015.00               867,490,717.00
     2. Increased amount
                                    205,424,514.00         1,408,822.00                  158,588.00             206,991,924.00
  of the period
  (1) Addition                      196,418,051.00         3,483,436.00                  208,949.00             200,110,436.00
  (2) Exchange rate
                                      9,006,463.00        -2,074,614.00                   -50,361.00              6,881,488.00
     3. Decreased amount
                                         84,437.00                  0.00                        0.00                 84,437.00
  of the period
     4. Ending balance              772,588,044.00       108,766,557.00            193,043,603.00              1,074,398,204.00
  II. Accumulative
     1. Beginning balance            82,687,553.00        22,013,731.00                 9,625,196.00            114,326,480.00
     2. Increased amount
                                     72,505,055.00         2,855,292.00                 5,266,876.00             80,627,223.00
  of the period
        (1) Withdrawal               67,118,720.00         3,546,806.00                 5,012,528.00             75,678,054.00
        (2) Exchange rate
                                      5,386,335.00          -691,514.00                  254,348.00               4,949,169.00
     3. Decreased amount
                                              0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
  of the period
        (1) Disposal                          0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
        (2) Fluctuation of
  exchange rate
     4. Ending balance              155,192,608.00        24,869,023.00             14,892,072.00               194,953,703.00
  III. Depreciation
     1. Beginning balance                     0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
     2. Increased amount
                                              0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
  of the period
        (1) Withdrawal                        0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
     3. Decreased amount
                                              0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
  of the period
        (1) Disposal                          0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
     4. Ending balance                        0.00                  0.00                        0.00                       0.00
  IV. Carrying value
     1. Ending carrying
                                    617,395,436.00        83,897,534.00            178,151,531.00               879,444,501.00
     2. Beginning
                                    484,560,414.00        85,344,004.00            183,259,819.00               753,164,237.00
  carrying value

Other notes: N/A

                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Interim Report 2022
19. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Patent and
               Item                  Land use rights          Patent                          proprietary          Computer software        Others                Total
 I. Original carrying value
       1. Beginning balance           5,539,522,787.00                 0.00           0.00   6,978,992,728.00       1,676,849,060.00    1,549,958,675.00     15,745,323,250.00
       2. Increased amount of the
                                            232,590.00                 0.00           0.00     -10,218,312.00          81,683,962.00        1,208,292.00        72,906,532.00
          (1) Purchase                      232,590.00                 0.00           0.00       8,727,783.00          41,174,149.00                  0.00      50,134,522.00
          (2) Internal R&D                        0.00                 0.00           0.00               0.00                   0.00                  0.00               0.00
          (3) Business
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00                0.00
 combination increase
          (4) Transfer from
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00       40,513,856.00          112,297.00        40,626,153.00
 construction in progress
          (5) Exchange
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00     -18,946,095.00              -4,043.00        1,095,995.00        -17,854,143.00
    3. Decreased amount of the
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00          232,252.00                  0.00         232,252.00
          (1) Disposal                            0.00                 0.00           0.00               0.00             232,252.00                0.00            232,252.00
       4. Ending balance              5,539,755,377.00                 0.00           0.00   6,968,774,416.00       1,758,300,770.00    1,551,166,967.00     15,817,997,530.00
 II. Accumulated amortization
       1. Beginning balance             524,719,007.00                 0.00           0.00   2,613,841,165.00         999,888,044.00     397,376,628.00       4,535,824,844.00
       2. Increased amount of the
                                         66,082,103.00                 0.00           0.00    303,988,879.00           92,117,134.00       45,494,076.00       507,682,192.00
          (1) Withdrawal                 66,082,103.00                 0.00           0.00    308,827,784.00           92,130,681.00       45,087,855.00       512,128,423.00
          (2) Exchange
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00      -4,838,905.00             -13,547.00          406,221.00         -4,446,231.00
       3. Decreased amount of
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00          232,252.00                  0.00         232,252.00
 the period
          (1) Disposal                            0.00                 0.00           0.00               0.00             232,252.00               0.00             232,252.00
       4. Ending balance                590,801,110.00                 0.00           0.00   2,917,830,044.00       1,091,772,926.00     442,870,704.00       5,043,274,784.00
 III. Depreciation reserves
       1. Beginning balance                       0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00                0.00
       2. Increased amount of the
                                                  0.00                 0.00           0.00                  0.00                0.00                  0.00                0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022
         (1) Withdrawal                              0.00                  0.00                0.00                    0.00                  0.00                0.00                0.00
      3. Decreased amount of
                                                     0.00                  0.00                0.00                    0.00                  0.00                0.00                0.00
 the period
   (1) Disposal                                      0.00                  0.00                0.00                    0.00                  0.00                0.00                0.00
      4. Ending balance                              0.00                  0.00                0.00                    0.00                  0.00                0.00                0.00
 IV. Carrying value
      1. Ending carrying value          4,948,954,267.00                   0.00                0.00       4,050,944,372.00        666,527,844.00    1,108,296,263.00    10,774,722,746.00
      2. Beginning carrying
                                        5,014,803,780.00                   0.00                0.00       4,365,151,563.00        676,961,016.00    1,152,582,047.00    11,209,498,406.00
The proportion of intangible assets generated from the internal R&D of the Company to the balance of intangible assets at the period-end: 0.00%.

(2) Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted

                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                       Carrying value                                                  Reason

Other notes:


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022

20. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Increase             Decrease
      Name of the invested units or events                                        Formed by
                                                    Beginning balance                                                      Ending balance
            generating goodwill                                                    business            Disposals
   Chengdu CEC Panda Display Technology
                                                           537,038,971.00                   0.00                  0.00      537,038,971.00
   Co., Ltd.
   Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co.,
                                                           155,714,415.00                   0.00                  0.00      155,714,415.00
   BOE Healthcare Investment &
                                                           146,460,790.00                   0.00                  0.00      146,460,790.00
   Management Co., Ltd.
   Beijing Yinghe Century Co., Ltd.                         42,940,434.00                   0.00                  0.00       42,940,434.00
   Suzhou K-Tronics Co., Ltd.                                8,562,464.00                   0.00                  0.00        8,562,464.00
   Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology
                                                             4,423,876.00                   0.00                  0.00        4,423,876.00
   Co., Ltd.
   SES Imagotag SA Co.Ltd.                                 706,406,821.00                   0.00                  0.00      706,406,821.00
   Hefei Jiangcheng Technical Co., Ltd.                      9,391,961.00                   0.00                  0.00        9,391,961.00
   Total                                                 1,610,939,732.00                   0.00                  0.00    1,610,939,732.00

(2) Provisions for Impairment of Goodwill

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
      Name of the invested units or events                                        Increase             Decrease
                                                    Beginning balance                                                    Ending balance
            generating goodwill                                                  Withdrawal            Disposal
   BOE Healthcare Investment &
                                                            82,137,669.00                   0.00              0.00         82,137,669.00
   Management Co., Ltd.
   Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology
                                                             4,423,876.00                   0.00              0.00          4,423,876.00
   Co., Ltd.
   SES Imagotag SA Co.Ltd.                                 394,371,200.00                   0.00              0.00        394,371,200.00
   Total                                                   480,932,745.00                   0.00              0.00        480,932,745.00

Information of assets group or the combination of assets group where goodwill is
Notes of the testing process of goodwill impairment, key parameters(growth rate of predictive period in estimating he present value of
future cash flow, grow rate of stable period, profit rate, discount rate, predictive period, etc.) and the recognition method of goodwill
impairment losses:
The influence of testing goodwill
Other notes:

21. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                           Beginning           Increased                            Other decreased
                 Item                                                            amount of the                           Ending balance
                                            balance             amount                                  amount

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                          Interim Report 2022

   Payment for public facilities
                                            51,962,118.00                   0.00           6,542,763.00                  0.00      45,419,355.00
   construction and use
   Cost of operating lease assets
                                            10,325,942.00         7,329,297.00             5,164,811.00                  0.00      12,490,428.00
   Others                                 574,242,442.00        34,821,622.00             67,595,257.00          861,718.00       540,607,089.00
   Total                                  636,530,502.00        42,150,919.00             79,302,831.00          861,718.00       598,516,872.00

Other notes:


22. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                             Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
                      Item                         Deductible                                          Deductible
                                                   temporary         Deferred tax assets               temporary         Deferred tax assets
                                                   differences                                         differences
   Provision for impairment of assets             103,389,472.00          22,381,659.00                113,867,486.00         24,884,958.00
   Internal unrealized profit                                 0.00                  0.00                           0.00                 0.00
   Deductible tax losses                          410,743,867.00         114,618,265.00                422,990,806.00        118,064,555.00
   Changes in fair value of investments
                                                  138,973,307.00              20,845,996.00               139,523,200.00           20,928,480.00
   in other equity instruments
   Depreciation of fixed assets                   207,688,047.00              36,254,242.00               201,462,125.00           34,642,083.00
   Assessed value added by investing
                                                  122,672,343.00              30,668,086.00               125,449,252.00           31,362,313.00
   real estate in subsidiaries
   Others                                         297,214,805.00             48,206,693.00              516,022,153.00             50,481,965.00
   Total                                        1,280,681,841.00            272,974,941.00            1,519,315,022.00            280,364,354.00

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                            Ending balance                                     Beginning balance
                      Item                      Taxable temporary       Deferred tax               Taxable temporary         Deferred tax
                                                    difference           liabilities                   difference             liabilities
   Revaluation due to business
   combinations involving entities not            2,116,503,658.00          561,518,738.00            2,197,597,331.00            584,383,821.00
   under common control
   Changes in fair value of investment in
                                                                 0.00                      0.00                     0.00                       0.00
   other debt obligations
   Changes in fair value of investments
                                                                 0.00                      0.00                     0.00                       0.00
   in other equity instruments
   Depreciation of fixed assets                   6,650,188,539.00        1,023,512,407.00            6,388,163,232.00            984,779,332.00
   Long-term equity investments                     120,141,687.00           18,021,253.00              120,141,687.00             18,021,253.00
   Others                                           198,672,019.00           35,321,330.00              167,106,175.00             28,467,297.00
   Total                                          9,085,505,903.00        1,638,373,728.00            8,873,008,425.00          1,615,651,703.00

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                              Mutual set-off amount            Ending balance of            Mutual set-off amount         Beginning balance of
                              of deferred income tax          deferred income tax           of deferred income tax         deferred income tax
                              assets and liabilities at     assets or liabilities after     assets and liabilities at    assets or liabilities after
                                  the period-end                     off-set                   the period-begin                   off-set
   Deferred tax assets                 89,946,347.00                183,028,594.00                   90,028,830.00               190,335,524.00

      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

         Deferred tax liabilities                89,946,347.00        1,548,427,381.00             90,028,830.00            1,525,622,873.00

      (4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                           Item                                     Ending balance                               Beginning balance
         Deductible temporary differences                                    20,564,945,146.00                             24,215,956,667.00
         Deductible tax losses                                               24,538,479,899.00                             19,433,679,291.00
         Total                                                               45,103,425,045.00                             43,649,635,958.00

      (5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                        Year                         Ending amount                  Beginning amount                        Notes
         2022                                                97,027,350.00                  316,585,394.00                                 N/A
         2023                                               113,941,428.00                  290,518,573.00                                 N/A
         2024                                               309,426,324.00                  458,962,394.00                                 N/A
         2025                                               710,217,945.00                1,276,919,825.00                                 N/A
         2026                                             1,586,872,252.00                1,785,437,184.00                                 N/A
         2027                                             1,128,002,131.00                   14,979,073.00                                 N/A
         2028                                             2,214,431,524.00                2,221,266,958.00                                 N/A
         2029                                             4,952,769,121.00                5,296,070,440.00                                 N/A
         2030                                             4,201,823,386.00                4,368,141,751.00                                 N/A
         2031                                             2,366,194,417.00                2,406,109,565.00                                 N/A
         2032                                             5,962,150,391.00                            0.00                                 N/A
         Others                                             895,623,630.00                  998,688,134.00                                 N/A
         Total                                          24,538,479,899.00                19,433,679,291.00
      Other notes:

      23. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                  Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
        Item                                        Provision                                                      Provision
                               Book value              for       Carrying amounts          Book value                 for        Carrying amounts
                                                   impairment                                                     impairment
Contract acquisition
                                          0.00            0.00                 0.00                     0.00             0.00                    0.00
Costs to fulfil a
contract with a                           0.00            0.00                 0.00                     0.00             0.00                    0.00
Costs receivables for
recovering products                       0.00            0.00                 0.00                     0.00             0.00                    0.00
from a customer
Contract assets                     491,044.00            0.00           491,044.00              420,101.00              0.00              420,101.00
Deferred VAT for
                                          0.00            0.00                 0.00       1,407,330,930.00               0.00       1,407,330,930.00
imported equipment
Prepayment for fixed
                               324,390,301.00             0.00       324,390,301.00         572,510,455.00               0.00        572,510,455.00
VAT on tax credits         1,013,166,019.00               0.00     1,013,166,019.00       3,424,055,815.00               0.00       3,424,055,815.00
Prepayments for
                               265,393,538.00             0.00       265,393,538.00         224,400,336.00               0.00        224,400,336.00
Prepayment for
management fee of              183,867,218.00             0.00       183,867,218.00         204,757,059.00               0.00        204,757,059.00

     BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2022

Cash deposit               1,376,511,249.00          0.00      1,376,511,249.00        1,339,517,936.00           0.00        1,339,517,936.00
Others                       713,204,193.00          0.00        713,204,193.00          304,434,851.00           0.00          304,434,851.00
Total                      3,877,023,562.00          0.00      3,877,023,562.00        7,477,427,483.00           0.00        7,477,427,483.00

     Other notes:


     24. Short-term Borrowings

     (1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                            Item                                Ending balance                            Beginning balance
        Pledge loan                                                                    0.00                                       0.00
        Mortgage loan                                                                  0.00                                       0.00
        Guaranteed loan                                                      901,475,000.00                           1,352,433,750.00
        Credit loan                                                        1,865,163,569.00                             719,623,582.00
        Total                                                              2,766,638,569.00                           2,072,057,332.00

     Notes of category of short-term borrowings:


     (2) Overdue and Outstanding Short-term Borrowings

     The total overdue and outstanding short-term borrowings was RMB0.00, of which, the significant ones were listed as follows:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                Borrower               Ending balance          Loan interest rate          Overdue time           Overdue charge rate

     Other notes:


     25. Notes Payable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                         Item                                   Ending balance                            Beginning balance
        Commercial acceptance bills                                         429,850,806.00                             663,001,350.00
        Bank acceptance bills                                                39,563,262.00                             164,956,681.00
        Total                                                                469,414,068.00                              827,958,031.00

     The total overdue and outstanding notes payable at the period-end were RMB0.00.

     26. Accounts Payable

     (1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Interim Report 2022

                      Item                                 Ending balance                           Beginning balance
   Payables to related parties                                         140,379,125.00                            142,557,107.00
   Payables to third parties                                        31,309,263,788.00                         32,313,273,587.00
   Total                                                            31,449,642,913.00                         32,455,830,694.00

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending balance                      Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Other notes:


27. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                                   Ending balance                           Beginning balance
   Advances from third parties                                         101,901,227.00                            145,178,278.00
   Advances from related parties                                           191,731.00                                 961,806.00
   Total                                                               102,092,958.00                            146,140,084.00

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending balance                      Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
Other notes: N/A

28. Contract Liabilities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending balance                           Beginning balance
   Sale of goods                                                     3,306,387,693.00                          3,765,081,554.00
   Total                                                             3,306,387,693.00                          3,765,081,554.00
The amount of significant changes of carrying value and reason during the Reporting Period:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                     Item                                 Amount changed                                 Reason

29. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                   Item                   Beginning balance            Increase               Decrease         Ending balance
   I. Short-term salary                     5,098,605,495.00        8,485,269,634.00      10,840,243,957.00    2,743,631,172.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

   II. Post-employment benefit-
                                                34,235,855.00       712,130,853.00        690,383,850.00         55,982,858.00
   defined contribution plans
   III. Termination benefits                       313,887.00          7,108,617.00          7,098,006.00           324,498.00
   IV. Other benefits due within one
                                                          0.00                  0.00                  0.00                   0.00
   Total                                      5,133,155,237.00     9,204,509,104.00     11,537,725,813.00     2,799,938,528.00

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Item                  Beginning balance           Increase              Decrease           Ending balance
   1. Salary, bonus, allowance,
                                              4,304,276,089.00     7,012,344,890.00      9,474,396,472.00     1,842,224,507.00
   2. Employee welfare                                   0.00       544,899,792.00        544,899,792.00                  0.00
   3. Social insurance                          43,095,684.00       356,511,404.00        344,195,634.00         55,411,454.00
        Of which: Medical insurance
                                                38,317,039.00       330,426,473.00        319,455,586.00         49,287,926.00
                Work-related injury
                                                 2,583,340.00        19,763,033.00         18,778,524.00          3,567,849.00
                Maternity insurance              2,195,305.00         6,321,898.00          5,961,524.00          2,555,679.00
   4. Housing fund                              33,089,973.00       387,014,584.00        385,598,358.00         34,506,199.00
   5. Labor union budget and
                                               697,018,542.00       184,373,914.00         90,555,161.00        790,837,295.00
   employee education budget
   6. Short-term compensated
                                                          0.00                  0.00                  0.00                   0.00
   7. Short-term profit-sharing plan                      0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00
   8. Bonus and allowance bond                   20,553,209.00                 0.00                  0.00        20,553,209.00
   9. Other short-term salary                       571,998.00           125,050.00            598,540.00            98,508.00
   Total                                      5,098,605,495.00     8,485,269,634.00     10,840,243,957.00     2,743,631,172.00

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                  Item                   Beginning balance           Increase              Decrease           Ending balance
   1. Basic pension benefits                  30,284,940.00         618,313,150.00        607,813,513.00         40,784,577.00
   2. Unemployment insurance                     906,583.00          19,886,963.00         19,743,844.00          1,049,702.00
   3. Annuity                                  3,044,332.00          73,930,740.00         62,826,493.00         14,148,579.00
   Total                                      34,235,855.00         712,130,853.00        690,383,850.00         55,982,858.00
Other notes:

30. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  Ending balance                         Beginning balance
   Value-added tax                                                      87,749,195.00                          101,448,944.00
   Consumption tax                                                               0.00                                    0.00
   Corporate income tax                                                729,658,045.00                        1,266,575,648.00
   Individual income tax                                                38,572,453.00                           58,763,365.00
   City maintenance and construction tax                               419,008,837.00                          383,455,432.00
   Education surcharges and local education
                                                                      299,672,620.00                            274,382,851.00
   Others                                                              102,429,789.00                           115,623,065.00
   Total                                                             1,677,090,939.00                         2,200,249,305.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

Other notes:


31. Other Payables

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                                    Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Interest payable                                                          138,850.00                                   126,701.00
   Dividends payable                                                      49,630,531.00                                 6,561,972.00
   Other payables                                                     20,657,189,701.00                            23,828,686,269.00
   Total                                                              20,706,959,082.00                            23,835,374,942.00

(1) Interest Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Long-term loan interest of installment
   payment of interest and repay the due                                            0.00                                           0.00
   Enterprise bond interest                                                        0.00                                          0.00
   Interest paid for short-term borrowings                                   138,850.00                                    126,701.00
   Interest of preferred shares/perpetual
                                                                                    0.00                                           0.00
   bonds classified as financial liabilities
   Others                                                                          0.00                                          0.00
   Total                                                                     138,850.00                                    126,701.00
Significant overdue and outstanding interests:

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Borrower                                Overdue amount                                     Reason

Other notes:


(2) Dividends Payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Ordinary share dividends                                              49,630,531.00                                 6,561,972.00
   Dividends of preferred shares/perpetual
                                                                                    0.00                                           0.00
   bonds classified as equity instruments
   Others                                                                          0.00                                         0.00
   Total                                                                  49,630,531.00                                 6,561,972.00
Other notes, including the reason for unpayment of significant dividends payable unpaid for over one year:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2022

(3) Other Accounts Payable

1) Other Accounts Payable Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Ending balance                          Beginning balance
   Projects and equipment                                         14,429,922,370.00                        16,494,274,603.00
   Fund transaction                                                3,103,057,528.00                         3,077,116,568.00
   Repurchase obligation of restricted
                                                                     768,270,645.00                            835,215,390.00
   Deferred VAT for imported equipment                                          0.00                           927,825,520.00
   Pre-withdrawal water and electricity &
                                                                     448,261,464.00                            348,955,956.00
   logistics freight
   Margin                                                            531,774,369.00                            537,788,828.00
   External agency fee                                               156,583,359.00                            193,251,964.00
   Others                                                          1,219,319,966.00                          1,414,257,440.00
   Total                                                          20,657,189,701.00                         23,828,686,269.00

2) Significant Other Accounts Payable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                                Ending balance                    Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason
Other notes:

32. Non-current Liabilities Due within One Year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                              Ending balance                          Beginning balance
   Long-term loans due within 1 year                              26,720,769,038.00                        27,907,851,457.00
   Bonds payable due within 1 year                                             0.00                                     0.00
   Long-term accounts payable due within 1
                                                                     207,794,145.00                            520,546,343.00
   Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                64,156,359.00                             92,788,055.00
   Others                                                            360,267,940.00                            353,772,859.00
   Total                                                          27,352,987,482.00                         28,874,958,714.00
Other notes: The interest rate of RMB long-term loans due within one year for the Group ranged from 0% to 5.88% in 2022 (2021:
from 0% to 5.88%).

33. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                                 Ending balance                          Beginning balance
   Short-term bonds payable                                                    0.00                                      0.00
   Refund liability                                                  132,489,079.00                            141,997,964.00
   Warranty provisions                                             3,606,031,076.00                          3,595,808,261.00
   Pending output VAT                                                183,413,008.00                            216,565,073.00
   Others                                                            110,188,709.00                             97,161,211.00
   Total                                                           4,032,121,872.00                          4,051,532,509.00
Increase or decrease in short-term bonds payable:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                         Issued               Amortization
                                                                                   Interest                   Repayment
               Face     Issuance    Maturity      Issuance   Beginning    in the              of premium                    Ending
 Debenture                                                                          at face                   during the
               value      date       period        amount     balance    Current                  and                       balance
                                                                                     value                      period
                                                                         Period               depreciation
Other notes:

34. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Ending balance                          Beginning balance
   Pledge loan                                                            610,306,000.00                           551,057,843.00
   Mortgage loan                                                       70,712,167,474.00                        76,397,414,046.00
   Guaranteed loan                                                      4,012,491,590.00                         3,942,294,934.00
   Credit loan                                                         48,523,669,518.00                        35,187,899,764.00
   Total                                                              123,858,634,582.00                       116,078,666,587.00
Notes of the category of long-term borrowings:
Other notes, including the interest rate range:
The interest rate of RMB long-term loans for the Group ranged from 0% to 5.90% in 2022 (2021: from 0% to 5.90%).

                           BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2022
35. Bonds Payable

(1) Bonds Payable

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                           Item                                                  Ending balance                                              Beginning balance
 Euro PP                                                                                                 355,835,127.00                                                359,586,437.00
 Total                                                                                                   355,835,127.00                                                359,586,437.00

(2) Increase/Decrease of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Issued                       Amortization                      arising from
                                  Issuance   Maturity                         Beginning       in the       Interest at    of premium                       translation of
Debenture     Face value                                Issuance amount                                                                  during the                         Ending balance
                                    date      period                           balance       Current       face value         and                              foreign
                                                                                             Period                       depreciation                        currency

Euro PP                       2016.12.29     7 years        EUR10,000,000    71,955,154.00        0.00    1,230,049.00       51,922.00           0.00      -2,120,158.00     71,116,967.00

Euro PP                       2017.03.29     6 years        EUR30,000,000   216,118,687.00        0.00    3,690,146.00      191,838.00           0.00      -6,368,285.00    213,632,386.00

Euro PP                       2019.07.22     6 years        EUR10,000,000    71,512,596.00        0.00    1,599,063.00       85,794.00           0.00      -2,111,679.00     71,085,774.00
Total                         ——                          EUR50,000,000   359,586,437.00        0.00    6,519,258.00      329,554.00           0.00                       355,835,127.00

(3) Explanations on Share Transfer Conditions and Time for Convertible Corporate Bonds


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Interim Report 2022

(4) Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities

Basic situation of other financial instruments outstanding at the period-end such preferred shares and perpetual bonds

Changes in financial instruments outstanding at the period-end such preferred shares and perpetual liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
  Outstanding            Period-beginning                   Increase                     Decrease                 Period-end
    financial                       Carrying                       Carrying                    Carrying                   Carrying
  instruments          Quantity                      Quantity                      Quantity                  Quantity
                                    amounts                        amounts                      amounts                   amounts
Notes to the basis of classifying other financial instruments as financial liabilities
Other notes:

36. Lease Liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Ending balance                            Beginning balance
   Lease liabilities                                                        747,894,221.00                             669,130,264.00
                       Total                                                747,894,221.00                             669,130,264.00
Other notes:

37. Long-term Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                     Item                                       Ending balance                            Beginning balance
   Long-term payables                                                       776,386,166.00                             906,592,838.00
   Specific payables                                                                  0.00                                       0.00
   Total                                                                    776,386,166.00                             906,592,838.00

(1) Long-term Accounts Payable Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                                        Ending balance                            Beginning balance
   Long-term payables                                                       776,386,166.00                             906,592,838.00
Other notes: N/A

(2) Specific Payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
           Item            Beginning balance            Increase               Decrease          Ending balance        Formed reason
   Total                                  0.00                     0.00                   0.00               0.00
Other notes: N/A

                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2022
38. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
           Item                       Beginning balance                  Increase                       Decrease                Ending balance               Formed reason
 Government grants                         6,416,089,611.00               2,439,506,976.00               2,641,413,054.00           6,214,183,533.00   Government grants
 Total                                     6,416,089,611.00               2,439,506,976.00               2,641,413,054.00           6,214,183,533.00
Item involving government grants:

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                Amount recorded     Amount recorded
                                                                                                          Amount offset                                              Related to
                          Beginning         Amount of newly    into non-operating   into other income
        Item                                                                                                cost in the     Other changes     Ending balance      assets/related to
                           balance             subsidy            income in the        in Reporting
                                                                                                         Reporting Period                                             income
                                                                Reporting Period          Period
 Related to assets     3,865,273,297.00       572,892,883.00                 0.00      439,754,949.00                0.00    62,913,373.00    3,935,497,858.00   Related to assets
 Related to income     2,550,816,314.00     1,866,614,093.00                 0.00    2,124,923,130.00                0.00    13,821,602.00    2,278,685,675.00   Related to income
 Total                 6,416,089,611.00     2,439,506,976.00                 0.00    2,564,678,079.00                0.00    76,734,975.00    6,214,183,533.00   ——
Other notes:

39. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                   Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
 Contract liabilities                                                                                                0.00                                                      0.00
 Contribution of non-controlling interests with redemption
                                                                                                         3,015,214,692.00                                        3,020,160,654.00
 Deferred VAT for imported equipment                                                                                 0.00                                          479,505,410.00
 Others                                                                                                     34,301,425.00                                           36,143,812.00
 Total                                                                                                   3,049,516,117.00                                        3,535,809,876.00
Other notes:

40. Share Capital

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Increase/decrease (+/-)
         Item           Beginning balance                                                          Bonus issue from                                                           Ending balance
                                                   New issues              Bonus shares                                           Others                Sub-total
 Total shares            38,445,746,482.00                      0.00                   0.00                        0.00                    0.00                     0.00      38,445,746,482.00

Other notes:

41. Other Equity Instrument

(1) The Basic Information of Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond Outstanding at the End of the Period

      Outstanding      Issuance date      Accounting       Interest rate       Issuance price         Quantity              Amount         Maturity date     Conditions for       Conversion
        financial                        classification                                                                                         or            conversion            status
      instruments                                                                                                                          renewal status

                        29 October            Equity
 19BOEY1                                                  4.00%               RMB 100/bond            80 million          RMB 8 billion     3+N years        Not applicable      Not applicable
                           2019             instrument

                        28 February           Equity
 20BOEY1                                                  3.64%               RMB 100/bond            20 million          RMB 2 billion     3+N years        Not applicable      Not applicable
                           2020             instrument

 20BOEY2               19 March 2020                      3.54%               RMB 100/bond            20 million          RMB 2 billion     3+N years        Not applicable      Not applicable

 20BOEY3               27 April 2020                      3.50%               RMB 100/bond            20 million          RMB 2 billion     3+N years        Not applicable      Not applicable

 22BOEY1               25 March 2022                      3.50%               RMB 100/bond            20 million          RMB 2 billion     3+N years        Not applicable      Not applicable

(2) Changes in Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond Outstanding at the End of the Period

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
  Outstanding financial                 Period-beginning                                   Increase                             Decrease                          Period-end
      instruments               Quantity         Carrying amounts             Quantity           Carrying amounts      Quantity Carrying amounts         Quantity        Carrying amounts
                               80,000,000.00         7,957,047,264.00                    0.00                  0.00        0.00                  0.00    80,000,000.00    7,957,047,264.00
                               20,000,000.00         1,989,179,245.00                    0.00                  0.00        0.00                  0.00    20,000,000.00    1,989,179,245.00
                               20,000,000.00         1,989,320,755.00                    0.00                  0.00        0.00                  0.00    20,000,000.00    1,989,320,755.00
                               20,000,000.00         1,989,415,094.00                    0.00                  0.00        0.00                  0.00    20,000,000.00    1,989,415,094.00
                                         0.00                     0.00        20,000,000.00       1,989,415,094.00         0.00                  0.00    20,000,000.00    1,989,415,094.00
 19BOEY1-interest                        0.00           56,986,301.00                    0.00       158,684,931.00         0.00                 0.00              0.00      215,671,232.00
 20BOEY1-interest                        0.00           61,431,233.00                    0.00        36,100,822.00         0.00        72,800,000.00              0.00       24,732,055.00
 20BOEY2-interest                        0.00           55,864,110.00                    0.00        35,109,041.00         0.00        70,800,000.00              0.00       20,173,151.00
 20BOEY3-interest                        0.00           47,753,425.00                    0.00        34,712,329.00         0.00        70,000,000.00              0.00       12,465,754.00
 22BOEY1-interest                        0.00                    0.00                    0.00        18,794,521.00         0.00                 0.00              0.00       18,794,521.00
 Total                       140,000,000.00         14,146,997,427.00         20,000,000.00       2,272,816,738.00         0.00      213,600,000.00     160,000,000.00   16,206,214,165.00

Changes in other equity instruments for the Current Period, explanation on reasons for the changes and basis for related accounting treatment:
On 30 June 2022, as the issued renewable corporate bonds aforementioned are classified as cumulative other equity instruments, the Company accrued interest of RMB283,401,644.00 on renewable
corporate bonds from undistributed profits and paid interest of RMB213,600,000.00.
Other notes:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

42. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
              Item                 Beginning balance              Increase                 Decrease               Ending balance
   Capital premium
                                     53,267,488,127.00            196,029,051.00              1,654,497.00        53,461,862,681.00
   (premium on stock)
   Other capital reserves               536,821,266.00            319,398,222.00              6,843,684.00           849,375,804.00
   Total                             53,804,309,393.00            515,427,273.00              8,498,181.00        54,311,238,485.00
Other notes, including notes to increase and decrease during the Reporting Period and the reasons for changes:

43. Treasury shares

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
           Item                 Beginning balance               Increase                  Decrease               Ending balance
   Repurchase of public
                                   3,415,768,207.00             274,740,201.00              60,417,632.00          3,630,090,776.00
   Total                           3,415,768,207.00             274,740,201.00              60,417,632.00          3,630,090,776.00
Other notes, including notes to increase and decrease during the Reporting Period and the reasons for changes:

                                       BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022
      44. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Reporting Period
                                                                                                       Less: Recorded in
                                                                               Less: Recorded in
                                                                                                        comprehensive                                                   Net-of-tax
                                           Beginning                             comprehensive                                                 Net-of-tax amount
               Item                                         Income before                               income in prior                                                   amount        Ending balance
                                            balance                              income in prior                            Less: Income tax     attributable to
                                                            taxation in the                                period and                                                 attributable to
                                                                                    period and                                   expense       shareholders of the
                                                            Current Period                               transferred in                                              non-controlling
                                                                                  transferred in                                                   Company
                                                                                                       retained earnings                                                 interests
                                                                               profit or loss in the
                                                                                                         in the Current
                                                                                 Current Period
I. Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to           34,424,335.00      -20,527,203.00                   0.00         6,283,336.00          82,484.00       -26,893,023.00                 0.00      7,531,312.00
profit or loss
Of which: Changes caused by re-
measurements on defined benefit                     0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00                  0.00                0.00               0.00
pension schemes
        Other comprehensive
income that will not be
                                          207,633,206.00      -10,265,385.00                   0.00         6,283,336.00               0.00       -16,548,721.00                 0.00   191,084,485.00
reclassified to profit or loss under
equity method
        Changes in fair value of
investments in other equity              -173,208,871.00      -10,261,818.00                   0.00                 0.00          82,484.00       -10,344,302.00                 0.00   -183,553,173.00
        Changes in fair value of
                                                    0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00                  0.00                0.00               0.00
enterprise credit risk
II. Other comprehensive income
that may be reclassified to profit         79,126,812.00     -476,450,189.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00      -457,928,648.00      -18,521,541.00    -378,801,836.00
or loss
Of which: Other comprehensive
income that will be reclassified to          -284,718.00           51,684.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00             51,684.00                0.00      -233,034.00
profit or loss under equity method
        Changes in fair value of
investment in other debt                            0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00                  0.00                0.00               0.00
        Amount of financial assets
reclassified to other                               0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00                  0.00                0.00               0.00
comprehensive income
        Provision for credit
impairment of investment in other                   0.00                0.00                   0.00                 0.00               0.00                  0.00                0.00               0.00
debt obligations
      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022
         Reserves for cash flow
                                                  0.00                   0.00                  0.00                   0.00                0.00                  0.00                  0.00                0.00
        Translation differences
arising from translation of foreign     79,411,530.00       -476,501,873.00                    0.00                   0.00                0.00      -457,980,332.00          -18,521,541.00   -378,568,802.00
currency financial statements
Total of other comprehensive
                                       113,551,147.00       -496,977,392.00                    0.00          6,283,336.00           82,484.00       -484,821,671.00          -18,521,541.00   -371,270,524.00
      Other notes, including the note to the adjustment of the initial recognition amount of hedged item transferred from the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges: N/A

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

45. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
             Item                Beginning balance                Increase                 Decrease                Ending balance
   Statutory surplus
                                    2,599,918,896.00                  628,334.00                        0.00         2,600,547,230.00
   Discretionary surplus
                                      289,671,309.00                         0.00                       0.00           289,671,309.00
   Reserve fund                                     0.00                     0.00                       0.00                      0.00
   Enterprise expansion
                                                    0.00                     0.00                       0.00                      0.00
   Others                                       0.00                        0.00                        0.00                     0.00
   Total                            2,889,590,205.00                  628,334.00                        0.00         2,890,218,539.00
Notes to surplus reserves, including the note to increase and decrease in the Reporting Period and the reason for changes:

46. Retained Profits

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                                         Reporting Period              Same period of last year
   Opening balance of retained profits before adjustments                          36,941,121,452.00              15,509,794,622.00
   Total beginning balance of retained profits before                                                                 30,852,512.00
   adjustments (increase+, decrease-)
   Beginning balance of retained profits after adjustments                          37,101,790,111.00               15,540,647,134.00
   Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as                                                         25,960,751,647.00
   the parent
   Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve                                             0.00                  439,649,657.00
        Withdrawal of discretional surplus reserves                                              0.00                            0.00
        Withdrawal of general reserve                                                            0.00                            0.00
        Dividends to ordinary shares                                                 7,954,814,928.00                3,476,073,919.00
        Dividend of common stock transferred into share
                                                                                                 0.00                             0.00
   Interest on holders of other equity instruments                                    283,401,644.00                   533,600,000.00
   Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained
                                                                                        -5,655,002.00                  -49,714,906.00
   Retained earnings                                                                35,464,890,279.00               37,101,790,111.00

List of adjustment of beginning retained profits:
(1) RMB160,668,659.00 beginning retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
(2) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in accounting policies.
(3) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
(4) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
(5) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

47. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                               Reporting Period                                 Same period of last year
                                      Income                      Cost                      Income                     Cost
   Principal activities            89,179,455,575.00          72,658,074,746.00         106,912,632,987.00        74,211,708,811.00
   Other operating
                                    2,430,786,294.00           1,840,993,616.00           1,705,385,723.00           1,208,698,455.00
   Total                           91,610,241,869.00          74,499,068,362.00         108,618,018,710.00          75,420,407,266.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2022

Relevant information of revenue:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
           Category of contracts                    Segment 1                      Segment 2                       Total
   Types of products                                               0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   By operating places                                             0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   By types of market or customers                                 0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   Types of contracts                                              0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   By the time of transferring goods                               0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   By contract term                                                0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   By marketing channel                                            0.00                         0.00                            0.00
     Of which:
   Total                                                           0.00                         0.00                            0.00
Information related to performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yet was
RMB0.00 at the period-end.

Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yet was
RMB0.00 at the period-end, among which RMB0.00 was expected to be recognized in 0 year, RMB0.00 in 0 year and RMB0.00 in 0
Other notes:

48. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Reporting Period                      Same period of last year
   Consumption tax                                                                  0.00                                     0.00
   City maintenance and construction tax                                  131,231,387.00                           203,891,270.00
   Education Surcharge                                                     94,462,019.00                           146,864,277.00
   Resources tax                                                                    0.00                                     0.00
   Property tax                                                           284,268,154.00                           292,983,778.00
   Land use tax                                                            24,478,318.00                            28,491,208.00
   Vehicle and vessel tax                                                           0.00                                     0.00
   Stamp duty                                                              82,804,123.00                            85,587,761.00
   Others                                                                  10,590,517.00                            36,086,062.00
   Total                                                                  627,834,518.00                           793,904,356.00
Other notes: N/A

49. Selling Expense

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                    Item                                    Reporting Period                      Same period of last year
   Warranty provisions                                                   956,829,173.00                         1,415,523,949.00
   Staff cost                                                            578,952,537.00                            592,486,021.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                Interim Report 2022

   Share payments                                     46,359,186.00                      36,313,013.00
   Others                                            280,338,572.00                     251,224,714.00
   Total                                           1,862,479,468.00                   2,295,547,697.00
Other notes:

50. Administrative Expense

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                 Reporting Period              Same period of last year
   Staff cost                                       1,599,827,857.00                 2,140,478,405.00
   Depreciation and amortization                      413,687,986.00                    433,446,892.00
   Share payments                                     110,814,289.00                     86,503,091.00
   Others                                             824,269,097.00                    585,184,024.00
   Total                                            2,948,599,229.00                 3,245,612,412.00
Other notes:

51. Development Costs

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                     Item                Reporting Period              Same period of last year
   Staff cost                                       2,400,991,826.00                 2,329,473,723.00
   Material expenses                                  920,452,382.00                    858,112,914.00
   Depreciation and amortization                    1,003,150,020.00                    916,105,490.00
   Equity incentives                                  124,763,007.00                    131,420,331.00
   Others                                             912,647,583.00                    697,187,900.00
   Total                                            5,362,004,818.00                 4,932,300,358.00
Other notes:

52. Finance Costs

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                 Reporting Period              Same period of last year
   Interest expense                                 1,503,427,051.00                 2,438,979,548.00
   Interest income                                   -651,030,668.00                   -443,748,698.00
   Net loss on exchange                              -244,097,140.00                   -295,822,911.00
   Others                                              45,813,561.00                     58,888,292.00
   Total                                              654,112,804.00                 1,758,296,231.00
Other notes:

53. Other Income

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                 Sources                 Reporting Period              Same period of last year
   Government grants related to assets                439,754,949.00                    171,893,815.00
   Government grants related to income              2,518,837,330.00                    952,619,529.00
   Others                                              18,260,284.00                       7,265,880.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

   Total                                                               2,976,852,563.00                              1,131,779,224.00

54. Investment Income

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                           Reporting Period          Same period of last year
   Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using equity
                                                                                         586,980,332.00                    620,013.00
   Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments                                    0.00              -1,490,516.00
   Investment income arising from holding of trading financial assets                                 0.00                       0.00
   Investment income from disposal of financial assets held for trading                      44,551,952.00               8,343,154.00
   Dividend income received from holding of other equity instrument
                                                                                             14,635,391.00              16,450,665.00
   Gain from remeasurement of remaining equity interests to fair value
                                                                                                      0.00                         0.00
   upon the loss of control
   Interest income of investment in debt obligations during holding
                                                                                                      0.00               2,013,425.00
   Interest income of investment in other debt obligations during holding
                                                                                                      0.00                         0.00
   Investment income from disposal of investment in other debt
                                                                                                      0.00                         0.00
   Gains from debt restructuring                                                                   0.00                          0.00
   Total                                                                                 646,167,675.00                 25,936,741.00
Other notes: N/A

55. Gains from Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Sources                               Reporting Period                           Same period of last year
   Financial assets held for trading                                     77,771,038.00                                  37,887,125.00
         Of which: Gains from changes in                                                                                         0.00
   fair value of derivative financial                                                0.00
   Trading financial liabilities                                                     0.00                                          0.00
   Investment property measured by fair                                                                                            0.00
   Total                                                                    77,771,038.00                               37,887,125.00
Other notes: N/A

56. Credit Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Reporting Period                           Same period of last year
   Bad debt loss of other receivables                                           -28,243.00                                  -45,495.00
   Impairment loss of investment in debt
                                                                                     0.00                                          0.00
   Impairment loss of investment in other
                                                                                     0.00                                          0.00
   debt obligations
   Bad debt loss of long-term receivables                                             0.00                                       0.00
   Bad debt loss of accounts receivables                                    -19,967,284.00                             -33,823,114.00
   Total                                                                    -19,995,527.00                             -33,868,609.00
Other notes:

      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

      57. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                            Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
         I. Bad debt loss                                                                                    0.00                             0.00
         II. Loss on inventory valuation and contract performance
                                                                                             -4,520,260,362.00                  -1,706,491,865.00
         III. Impairment losses on long-term equity investment                                   -8,199,181.00                               0.00
         IV. Impairment losses on investment property                                                     0.00                               0.00
         V. Fixed assets impairment losses                                                                0.00                    -517,917,416.00
         VI. Impairment losses on engineering materials                                                   0.00                               0.00
         VII. Impairment losses on construction in progress                                               0.00                     -83,037,514.00
         VIII. Impairment losses on productive living assets                                              0.00                               0.00
         IX. Impairment losses on oil and gas assets                                                      0.00                               0.00
         X. Impairment losses on intangible assets                                                        0.00                               0.00
         XI. Goodwill impairment losses                                                                   0.00                               0.00
         XII. Impairment Losses of Contract Assets                                                        0.00                               0.00
         XIII. Others                                                                                     0.00                               0.00
         Total                                                                               -4,528,459,543.00                  -2,307,446,795.00
      Other notes:

      58. Asset Disposal Income

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                         Sources                                  Reporting Period                               Same period of last year
         Gains from fixed asset disposals                                        3,601,605.00                                     152,606,846.00
         Total                                                                   3,601,605.00                                     152,606,846.00

      59. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                       Amount recorded in the
                      Item                       Reporting Period                 Same period of last year          current non-recurring profit or
         Income from non-monetary
                                                                     0.00                                 0.00                                0.00
         assets exchange
         Donations accepted                                     2,000.00                               0.00                              2,000.00
         Government grants                                  1,761,349.00                       1,237,320.00                          1,761,349.00
         Others                                            97,822,833.00                      46,878,482.00                         97,822,833.00
         Total                                             99,586,182.00                      48,115,802.00                         99,586,182.00
      Government grants recorded into current profit or loss:

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Special                                                    Related to
             Distribution    Distribution                            influence                          Reporting          Same period of
  Item                                            Nature                            subsidy or                                                 assets/related
                entity         reason                               the current                          Period              last year
                                                                                       not                                                       to income
                                                                      profit or
             Municipal                       Due to engage in
             People’s                       special industry
             Government                      that the state                                                                                   Related to
incentives                   Subsidy                                No              No                  1,761,349.00          1,237,320.00
             , National                      encouraged and                                                                                   income
and others
             Developme                       supported, gained
             nt and                          subsidy (obtaining

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

       Reform                         in line with the
       Commission                     law and the
       , Bureau of                    regulations of
       Finance, etc.                  national policy)
Other notes:

60. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                           Amount recorded in the
                Item                       Reporting Period              Same period of last year       current non-recurring profit or
   Non-monetary asset exchange
                                                              0.00                             0.00                               0.00
   Donations provided                                1,808,206.00                      1,605,298.00                      1,808,206.00
   Others                                           15,617,290.00                     19,942,843.00                     15,617,290.00
   Total                                            17,425,496.00                     21,548,141.00                     17,425,496.00
Other notes:

61. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                                    Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
   Current income tax expense                                          1,657,492,994.00                             1,984,034,420.00
   Deferred income tax expense                                            23,831,250.00                                276,390,618.00
   Total                                                               1,681,324,244.00                             2,260,425,038.00

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                             Item                                                        Reporting Period
   Profit before taxation                                                                                           4,894,241,167.00
   Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate                                              734,136,175.00
   Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                                           62,335,517.00
   Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                                     0.00
   Influence of non-taxable income                                                                                      -1,608,955.00
   Effect of non-deductible costs, expense and losses                                                                    1,606,517.00
   Influence of deductible loss of unrecognized deferred income tax assets in prior
   Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss of unrecognized
   deferred income tax assets in the Reporting Period
   Others                                                                                                               44,826,104.00
   Income tax expenses                                                                                               1,681,324,244.00
Other notes:

62. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Notes 44 for details.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Interim Report 2022

63. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                        Reporting Period              Same period of last year
  Government grants related to income                       4,610,789,391.00                 3,304,516,231.00
  Restricted deposits and others                              973,645,438.00                    353,503,906.00
  Total                                                     5,584,434,829.00                 3,658,020,137.00

Notes: None


(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Reporting Period              Same period of last year
 Daily expenditure paid                                     2,141,762,138.00                 2,071,733,547.00
 Daily operation margins, deposits, and
                                                             438,014,471.00                     289,513,172.00
 others paid
 Total                                                      2,579,776,609.00                  2,361,246,719.00

Notes: None


(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                        Reporting Period              Same period of last year
  Interest income from investment
                                                             604,391,438.00                     569,135,155.00
  Investment-based margins and others
                                                               22,694,954.00                     11,558,575.00
  Total                                                      627,086,392.00                     580,693,730.00

Notes: None


(4) Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Reporting Period              Same period of last year
  Increase in restricted deposits in financial
                                                             658,308,951.00                     286,150,106.00
  Investment-based margins and others
                                                             422,030,612.00                      41,492,057.00
  Total                                                     1,080,339,563.00                    327,642,163.00

Notes: None

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022


(5) Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Reporting Period                        Same period of last year
  Recovery of restricted deposits in
                                                                                     0.00                          1,007,134,885.00
  financial institutions
  Dividends of A and B shares returned
                                                                             5,212,625.00                             43,781,204.00
  and others
  Total                                                                      5,212,625.00                          1,050,916,089.00

Notes: None


(6) Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Item                                    Reporting Period                        Same period of last year
  Repurchase of shares                                                   274,740,201.00                           6,489,085,322.00
  Leasing-related principals and interests
                                                                           658,251,005.00                            935,347,581.00
  and others
  Total                                                                    932,991,206.00                          7,424,432,903.00

Notes: None


64. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                         Supplemental information                                Reporting Period         Same period of last year
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
  operating activities:
       Net profit                                                                    3,212,916,923.00             16,944,987,545.00
       Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                       4,548,455,070.00              2,341,315,404.00
            Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets, and productive
                                                                                    16,649,076,929.00             16,104,794,927.00
  living assets
            Depreciation of right-to-use assets                                         74,631,909.00                164,503,238.00
            Amortization of intangible assets                                          480,460,970.00                528,499,995.00
            Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                 79,302,831.00                 66,159,277.00
            Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                        -3,601,605.00               -152,137,294.00
  other long-lived assets (gains: negative)
            Losses on scrap of fixed assets (gains: negative)                            5,081,737.00                  3,074,286.00
            Losses from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                      -77,771,038.00                -37,887,125.00
            Finance costs (gains: negative)                                          1,687,897,812.00              1,886,733,641.00
            Investment loss (gains: negative)                                         -646,167,675.00                -25,936,741.00
            Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)                     3,698,440.00                134,940,635.00
            Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (“-” means
                                                                                        20,929,956.00                139,078,578.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Interim Report 2022

              Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                      -9,786,577,845.00          -6,965,171,404.00
              Decrease in accounts receivable generated from operating
                                                                           10,599,972,473.00         -13,418,180,813.00
   activities (gains: negative)
              Increase in accounts payable used in operating activities
                                                                            1,146,723,792.00          13,229,155,339.00
   (decrease: negative)
              Others                                                          116,969,986.00           1,843,713,379.00
              Net cash inflow from operating activities                    28,112,000,665.00          32,787,642,867.00
   2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement
   of cash receipts and payments:
        Transfer of debt to capital                                                     0.00                          0.00
        Convertible corporate bonds due within one year                                 0.00                          0.00
        Fixed assets leased in through financing                                        0.00                          0.00
   3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent:
        Ending balance of cash                                             79,805,078,702.00          66,341,627,103.00
        Less: Beginning balance of cash                                    76,623,486,083.00          68,064,736,371.00
        Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents                                         0.00                       0.00
        Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents                                     0.00                       0.00
        Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           3,181,592,619.00          -1,723,109,268.00

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                  Amount
   Cash or cash equivalents paid in the Reporting Period for business
   combination occurring in the Reporting Period
   Of which:
   Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date of
   purchase date
   Of which:
   Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid in the Reporting Period for
   business combination occurring in the prior period
   Of which:
   Net payments for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                       0.00

Other notes:


(3) Net Cash Receive from Disposal of the Subsidiaries

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                   Amount
   Cash or cash equivalents received in the Reporting Period from
   disposal of subsidiaries in the Current Period
   Of which:
   Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the
   date of losing control power
   Of which:
   Add: Cash or cash equivalents received in the Reporting Period
   from disposal of subsidiaries in the prior period
   Of which:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                                  0.00

Other notes:


(4) Cash and Cash Equivalent

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                              Item                                         Ending balance                     Beginning balance
   I. Cash                                                                      79,805,078,702.00                  76,623,486,083.00
   Including: Cash on hand                                                              415,779.00                         451,975.00
           Bank deposits available on demand                                    79,753,075,861.00                  76,549,790,015.00
           Other monetary funds available on demand                                  51,587,062.00                      73,244,093.00
           Accounts deposited in the central bank available
                                                                                                0.00                                0.00
   for payment
           Deposits in other banks                                                            0.00                               0.00
           Accounts of interbank                                                              0.00                               0.00
   II. Cash equivalents                                                                       0.00                               0.00
   Of which: Bond investment expired within three months                                      0.00                               0.00
   III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                              79,805,078,702.00                  76,623,486,083.00
   Of which: Cash and cash equivalents with restriction in
   use for the Company as the parent or subsidiaries of the                                     0.00                                0.00

Other notes:


65. Notes to Items in Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Notes to names under the item of “Other” in the adjusted ending balance for the same period of last year and the corresponding amount:

66. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right to Use

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                Ending carrying value                        Reason for restriction
   Cash at bank                                                         4,740,547,715.00     Mainly margin deposit
                                                                                             Endorsed and transferred with right of
   Bills receivable                                                       110,215,838.00     recourse, and put in pledge for the
                                                                                             issuance of notes payable
   Inventories                                                                      0.00     N/A
   Fixed assets                                                       151,628,122,893.00     Mortgaged as collateral
   Intangible assets                                                    1,477,181,999.00     Mortgaged as collateral
   Construction in progress                                               453,776,871.00     Mortgaged as collateral
   Investment properties                                                   40,313,449.00     Mortgaged as collateral
   Total                                                              158,450,158,765.00
Other notes: N/A

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2022

67. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Ending foreign currency                                     Ending balance converted to
               Item                                                     Exchange rate
                                             balance                                                        RMB
   Cash at bank
   Including: USD                             2,778,127,228.00                          6.7114             18,645,123,076.00
          EUR                                   133,140,400.00                          7.0084                933,101,182.00
          HKD                                    66,304,393.00                          0.8552                 56,702,854.00
   Accounts receivable
   Including: USD                             2,316,065,127.00                          6.7114             15,544,039,494.00
          EUR                                   106,765,852.00                          7.0084                748,257,795.00
          HKD                                             0.00                          0.8552                          0.00
   Long-term loans
   Including: USD                             4,246,186,285.00                          6.7114             28,497,854,633.00
          EUR                                    31,168,278.00                          7.0084                218,439,760.00
          HKD                                             0.00                          0.8552                          0.00
Other notes:

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, Recording
Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, Relevant
Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□Applicable  Not applicable

68. Government Grants

(1) Basic Information on Government Grants

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount recorded in the
                  Category                         Amount                    Listed items
                                                                                                       current profit or loss
   Government grants related to assets with                        Other income/fixed
                                                  985,262,643.00                                              985,262,643.00
   influence on the current profit or loss                         assets/intangible assets
   Government grants related to income with                        Other income/non-operating
                                                3,564,839,705.00                                            3,564,839,705.00
   influence on the current profit or loss                         income/finance costs
   Total                                        4,550,102,348.00   ——                                     4,550,102,348.00

(2) Return of Government Grants

□Applicable  Not applicable
Other notes:


69. Other


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combinations Involving Entities Not Under Common Control

(1) Business Combinations Involving Entities Not Under Common Control Occurred During the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  The           The
                                                                                                Basis for     acquiree's    acquiree's
      Name of        Date of        Cost of       Proportion     Method of                     determinin      revenue      net profit
        the          equity         equity        of equities      equity                         g the        from the      from the
      acquiree     acquisition    acquisition      acquired      acquisition                   acquisition   acquisition   acquisition
                                                                                                  date       date to the   date to the
                                                                                                             period-end    period-end
Other notes:

(2) Acquisition Cost and Goodwill

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                              Acquisition cost                                                                                     0.00
   --Cash                                                                                                                          0.00
   --Fair value of non-cash assets                                                                                                 0.00
   --Fair value of issued or assumed debts                                                                                         0.00
   --Fair value of issued equity securities                                                                                        0.00
   --Fair value of the contingent consideration                                                                                    0.00
   --Fair value of equity interests held before the acquisition date on
   the acquisition date
   Others                                                                                                                          0.00
   Total acquisition cost                                                                                                          0.00
   Less: Share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired                                                           0.00
   Amount of goodwill/acquisition cost less than share of the fair
   value of the identifiable net assets acquired
Notes to the method for determining the fair value of the acquisition cost and contingent consideration and its changes:
Main reasons for the formation of large-amount goodwill:
Other notes:

(3) Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquiree on the Acquisition Date

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                      Fair value on the acquisition date        Carrying value on the acquisition date
   Assets:                                                                              0.00                                       0.00
   Cash at bank                                                                         0.00                                       0.00
   Receivables                                                                          0.00                                       0.00
   Inventories                                                                          0.00                                       0.00
   Fixed assets                                                                         0.00                                       0.00
   Intangible assets                                                                    0.00                                       0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

   Liabilities:                                                                      0.00                                        0.00
   Loans                                                                             0.00                                        0.00
   Payables                                                                          0.00                                        0.00
   Deferred tax liabilities                                                          0.00                                        0.00
   Net assets                                                                        0.00                                        0.00
   Less: Non-controlling interests                                                   0.00                                        0.00
   Net assets acquired                                                               0.00                                        0.00
Method for determining the fair value of identifiable assets and assets:
Contingent liabilities of the acquiree assumed in the business combination:
Other notes:

(4) Gain or Loss from Remeasurement of Equity Interests Held before the Acquisition Date at Fair Value

Whether there were several transactions to realize business combinations and acquire controls during the Reporting Period
□Yes  No

(5) Notes to Failure to Reasonably Determine the Combination Consideration or the Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and
Liabilities of the Acquiree on the Acquisition Date or at the End of the Current Period


(6) Other Notes


2. Business Combinations Involving Entities Under Common Control

(1) Business Combinations Involving Entities Under Common Control Occurred During the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                   The          The
                                                                               combined      combined
                                                                                 party's    party's net
                                  Basis for                                     revenue     profit from
                                      the                                       from the        the           The           The
                   of equity
                                  judgment                       Basis for     beginning     beginning     combined      combined
     Name of       interests
                                  about the                     determinin        of the       of the        party's     party's net
       the        acquired in                   Combinatio
                                   business                        g the         current      current       revenue        profit
    combined          the                         n date
                                 combinatio                     combinatio     period, in    period, in    during the    during the
      party        business
                                    n under                       n date       which the     which the    comparison    comparison
                                   common                                     combinatio    combinatio       period        period
                                    control                                   n occurred,   n occurred,
                                                                                  to the       to the
                                                                              combinatio    combinatio
                                                                                  n date       n date
Other notes:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

(2) Acquisition Cost

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                           Acquisition cost
   --Cash                                                                                                                        0.00
   --Carrying value of non-cash assets                                                                                           0.00
   --Carrying value of issued or assumed debts                                                                                   0.00
   --Carrying value of issued equity securities                                                                                  0.00
   --Contingent consideration                                                                                                    0.00
Notes to contingent consideration and its changes:
Other notes:

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                            Combination date                       End of the previous period
   Assets:                                                                            0.00                                       0.00
   Cash at bank                                                                       0.00                                       0.00
   Receivables                                                                        0.00                                       0.00
   Inventories                                                                        0.00                                       0.00
   Fixed assets                                                                       0.00                                       0.00
   Intangible assets                                                                  0.00                                       0.00
   Liabilities:                                                                       0.00                                       0.00
   Loans                                                                              0.00                                       0.00
   Payables                                                                           0.00                                       0.00
   Net assets                                                                         0.00                                       0.00
   Less: Non-controlling interests                                                    0.00                                       0.00
   Net assets acquired                                                                0.00                                       0.00
Contingent liabilities of the combined party assumed in business combinations:
Other notes:

3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of the transactions, basis of the counter purchase, basis and whether assets and liabilities retained by the listed
company constitute business, determination of the combination cost, the amount and calculation of the equity amount adjusted in
treatment for the equity transaction:

4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to the subsidiary and lost control?
□Yes  No
Whether there are several disposals of the investment to the subsidiary and lost controls?
□Yes  No

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant
In the year, the Company newly established one subsidiary, BOE Environmental Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with 100% shareholding.

6. Other


                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Interim Report 2022

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Interests in Subsidiaries

(1) Subsidiaries

                                         Principal place                                                                        Shareholding percentage
        Name of the Subsidiary                             Registered place                   Business nature                                                 Acquisition method
                                           of business                                                                           Direct         Indirect
 Beijing BOE Optoelectronics                                                  Research and development (“R&D”), design
                                        Beijing, China     Beijing, China                                                           0.00%            100%   Founded by investment
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         and manufacturing of TFT-LCD
 Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics                                                  R&D, design, production and sales of new                                      Business combinations
 Technology Co., Ltd. (“Chengdu        Chengdu, China     Chengdu, China     display devices and modules and other               100.00%           0.00%   involving entities not
 Optoelectronics”)                                                           electronic components.                                                        under common control
                                                                              Investment, construction, R&D, production and                                 Business combinations
 Hefei BOE Optoelectronics
                                        Hefei, China       Hefei, China       sales of the relevant products of thin film         100.00%           0.00%   involving entities not
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                              transistor LCD and its auxiliary products.                                    under common control
 Beijing BOE Display Technology                                               Development of TFT-LCD, manufacturing and
                                        Beijing, China     Beijing, China                                                          97.17%           2.83%   Founded by investment
 Co., Ltd. (“Beijing BOE Display”)                                          sale of LCD
                                                                              Investment, construction, R&D, production and                                 Business combinations
 Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics
                                        Hefei, China       Hefei, China       sales of the relevant products of thin film          99.97%           0.03%   involving entities not
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                              transistor LCD and its auxiliary products.                                    under common control
 Erdos Yuansheng Optoelectronics
                                                                              Manufacture and sales of AM-OLED products
 Co., Ltd. (“Yuansheng                 Erdos, China       Erdos, China                                                           100.00%           0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                              and auxiliary products.
                                                                              R&D, production and sales of semi-conducting
 Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics                                                                                                                              Business combinations
                                        Chongqing,         Chongqing,         display devices, complete machine and related
 Technology Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing                                                                                                100.00%           0.00%   involving entities not
                                        China              China              products; import & export of goods and
 BOE”)                                                                                                                                                     under common control
                                                                              technology consulting.
 Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics                                                   Investment, construction, R&D, production and                                 Business combinations
 Technology Co., Ltd. (“Fuzhou         Fuzhou, China      Fuzhou, China      sales of the relevant products of thin film          83.24%           0.00%   involving entities not
 BOE”)                                                                       transistor LCD and its auxiliary products.                                    under common control
                                                                              Manufacture of LCD TV, LCD; technology
 Beijing BOE Video Technology Co.,
                                        Beijing, China     Beijing, China     development of terminal products and systems        100.00%           0.00%   Founded by investment
 Ltd. (“BOE Video”)
                                                                              such as TFT-LCD display and TV
 Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics                                               Manufacture and sale of vacuum electronic
                                        Beijing, China     Beijing, China                                                          57.89%           0.00%   Founded by investment
 Co., Ltd.                                                                    products
 Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology
                                        Beijing, China     Beijing, China     Manufacture and sale of electronic tubes.           100.00%           0.00%   Founded by investment
 Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Management of engineering projects; real estate
 Beijing Yinghe Century Co., Ltd.       Beijing, China     Beijing, China     development; public parking lot for motor           100.00%           0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                              vehicles service; office lease.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Interim Report 2022
 BOE Optical Science and Technology
                                                                        R&D, production and sales of LCD, back light
 Co., Ltd. (“Optical Science and     Suzhou, China    Suzhou, China                                                          95.17%    0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                        for display and related components.
 BOE Hyundai LCD (Beijing) Display                                      Development, manufacture and sale of liquid
                                      Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                         75.00%    0.00%   Founded by investment
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   display for mobile termination.
 BOE (Hebei) Mobile Technology Co.,   Langfang,        Langfang,        Manufacture and sale of mobile flat screen
                                                                                                                              100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Ltd. (“BOE Hebei”)                 China            China            display technical products and related services.
                                                                        Technology development, technology transfer,
                                                                        technology consulting and technology services;
                                                                        sales of computer software, hardware and
                                                                        auxiliary equipment, digital video and audio
                                                                        technology products, electronic digital
                                                                        products, video telephone, mobile phones and
                                                                        spare parts, hardware (excluding electric
                                                                        bicycle), household appliances, photographic
                                                                        equipment, sporting goods, Class I medical
                                                                        devices, lamps, stationery, cosmetics, bathroom
                                                                        appliances, knitwear and textile, clothing, daily
                                                                        necessities, timepieces, glasses, toys and food;
 Beijing BOE Multimedia Technology                                      equipment maintenance; import and export of
                                      Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                         100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Co. Ltd. (“BOE Multimedia”)                                          goods; basic software services; application
                                                                        software service; machinery and equipment
                                                                        leases; design, production, agency and
                                                                        publication of advertisements. (Market
                                                                        participants independently select the business
                                                                        activities and carry out the business activities in
                                                                        accordance with laws and regulations; sales of
                                                                        food and business activities subject to approval
                                                                        in accordance with laws and regulations,
                                                                        operations may be conducted only with the
                                                                        approval of relevant government authorities;
                                                                        business activities prohibited and restricted by
                                                                        the industrial policies of the state and the city.
                                                                        Design, consultancy and service of solar cell,
 Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co.,                                     photovoltaic system, wind power system and
                                      Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                          80.11%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Ltd. (“BOE Energy”)                                                  solar thermal system as well as the assembly
                                                                        units; energy-saving service.
 Beijing BOE Life Technology Co.,                                       Technology promotion services, property
                                      Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                         100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Ltd. (“BOE Life Technology”)                                         management, sales of electronic products
 Beijing Zhongxiangying Technology                                      Technology promotion services, property
                                      Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                         100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Co., Ltd. (“Zhongxiangying”)                                         management, sales of electronic products

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Interim Report 2022
 Ordos City Haosheng Energy
                                       Ordos, China     Ordos, China     Energy investment                                   0.00%    100.00%   Founded by investment
 Investment Co., Ltd.
                                                                         Processing, manufacturing and sales of
                                                                         precision electronic components, semi-
 BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd.          Beijing, China   Beijing, China   conductor devices, micro modules,                  84.00%     0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                         microelectronic devices and electronic
                                                                         materials; import & export of goods
 BOE Optoelectronics Holding Co.,                       British Virgin
                                       Hong Kong                         Investment holding                                 100.00%    0.00%    Founded by investment
 Ltd ("Optoelectronics Holding")                        Islands
 BOE (Korea) Co.,Ltd.                  Korea            Korea            Wholesale and retail trade                         100.00%    0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                                                                                                Business combinations
 BOE Health Investment Management                                        Investment management and project
                                       Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                      100.00%    0.00%    involving entities not
 Co., Ltd. (“Health Investment”)                                       investment.
                                                                                                                                                under common control
                                                                         Colour TV set, display tube, colour RPTV
                                                                                                                                                Business combinations
 Beijing Matsushita Color CRT Co.,                                       projection tube and materials of electronic
                                       Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                      88.80%     0.00%    involving entities not
 Ltd. (“Matsushita Color CRT”)                                         components; property management and parking
                                                                                                                                                under common control
                                                                         services, etc.
                                                                                                                                                Business combinations
 Hefei BOE Display Technology Co.,                                       Investment, R & D and production of products
                                       Hefei, China     Hefei, China                                                         8.33%     0.00%    involving entities not
 Ltd. (“Hefei Technology”)                                             related to TFT-LCD and the supporting facility
                                                                                                                                                under common control
 Beijing BOE Technology
                                                                         Development, transfer, consulting and service
 Development Co., Ltd. (“Technology   Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                      100.00%    0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                         of technology
                                                                         Investment, construction, R&D, production and
 Hefei BOE Zhuoyin Technology Co.,
                                       Hefei, China     Hefei, China     sales of products related to OLED display          75.00%     0.00%    Founded by investment
 Ltd. (“Zhuoyin Technology”)
                                                                         device and auxiliary products.
                                                                         Development, construction, property
                                                                         management and supporting service of
                                                                         industrial plants and supporting facilities;
 Beijing BOE Land Co., Ltd.            Beijing, China   Beijing, China   information consulting of real estate; lease of    70.00%     0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                         commercial facilities, commercial attendants
                                                                         and the supporting service facilities; motor
                                                                         vehicles public parking service.
                                                                         Sales of communication equipment, hardware
                                                                         & software of computer and peripheral units,
                                                                         electronic products, equipment maintenance;
                                                                         development, transfer, consulting and service
 Beijing BOE Marketing Co., Ltd.       Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                      100.00%    0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                         providing of technologies; import & export of
                                                                         goods and technologies, agency of import &
                                                                         export; manufacturing consignment of
                                                                         electronic products and LCD devices.
                                                                         Development, spread, transfer, consulting and
 Yunnan Chuangshijie Optoelectronic
                                                                         service providing of display technology; service
 Technology Co., Ltd. ("Yunnan         Kunming, China   Kunming, China                                                      79.10%     0.00%    Founded by investment
                                                                         providing of computer software/hardware and
                                                                         network systems; construction, operation and

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2022
                                                                      management of e-commerce platforms;
                                                                      providing service of conferences; undertaking
                                                                      of exhibitions; computer animation design;
                                                                      production, R&D and sales of OLED micro
                                                                      display devices and AR/VR complete machine;
                                                                      storage services
                                                                      Investment, construction, R&D, production and
 Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics                                            sales, technology development, transfer,                              Business combinations
 Technology Co., Ltd. (“Wuhan      Wuhan, China     Wuhan, China     consulting, and service of the relevant products   47.14%    0.00%    involving entities not
 BOE”)                                                               of thin film transistor LCD and its auxiliary                         under common control
 Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics                                         Production of display panel for high-end smart                        Business combinations
                                    Mianyang,        Mianyang,
 Technology Co., Ltd. (“Mianyang                                     phones, folding laptops etc. and R&D,              83.46%    0.00%    involving entities not
                                    China            China
 BOE”)                                                               production and sales of modules.                                      under common control
                                                                      R&D, manufacture and sales of semiconductor
 Chongqing BOE Display Technology                                                                                                           Business combinations
                                    Chongqing,       Chongqing,       display devices, whole widget and relevant
 Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing BOE                                                                                              38.46%    0.00%    involving entities not
                                    China            China            products, import and export of goods and
 Display”)                                                                                                                                 under common control
                                                                      technical consulting
                                                                      Development, testing, consulting, service and
                                                                      transfer of technologies in X-ray sensors, micro
                                                                      fluidic chips, biochemical chips, gene chips,
 Beijing BOE Sensing Technology
                                    Beijing, China   Beijing, China   security sensors, microwave antenna, biological    100.00%   0.00%    Founded by investment
 Co., Ltd.
                                                                      sensors, internet of things, and modules,
                                                                      systems and equipment of other
                                                                      semiconducting sensors.
                                                                      R&D, production and sales of semiconductor
                                                                      display device-related products and related
                                                                      products; import or export of goods or
                                                                      technology; display device and component,
                                                                      other electronic components, and technology                           Business combinations
 Fuzhou BOE Display Technology
                                    Fuzhou, China    Fuzhou, China    development, technology transfer, technical        43.46%    0.00%    involving entities not
 Co., Ltd.
                                                                      consulting, related fields related to display                         under common control
                                                                      devices and electronic products, technical
                                                                      services; business management consulting;
                                                                      property management; house rental; machinery
                                                                      and equipment rental
                                                                      Supports color electronic paper, segment LCD,
                                                                      TFT-LCD display, covering ESL multi-
                                                                      frequency protocol, Wi-Fi, BLE and NFC;
                                                                      multiple communication methods, integrated                            Business combinations
                                    Nanterre,        Nanterre,
 SES Imagotag SA Co.Ltd.                                              electronic paper supply chain resources and         0.00%    60.20%   involving entities not
                                    France           France
                                                                      downstream software around electronic shelf                           under common control
                                                                      labels Platform, image recognition and big data
                                                                      analytics resources to create a complete
                                                                      solution for the retail industry.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022
                                                                         Investment, R&D, manufacturing and sales of
                                                                         direct display, sensors related to the display,
                                                                         back light source for LCD and supporting
 Hefei BOE Xingyu Technology Co.,
                                       Hefei, China     Hefei, China     components; enterprise management consulting         63.77%    0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                         and service; house rental; equipment rental;
                                                                         technology development, transfer and
                                                                         consulting services.
                                                                         Technology development, software
                                                                         development, sales of stationery supplies,
                                                                         sports supplies and home appliances; business
                                                                         management, economic and trade consultancy,
 BOE Education Technology Co., Ltd.    Beijing, China   Beijing, China   education consultancy, public relations              100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                         services; research and experiment development
                                                                         of natural science, engineering technology, and
                                                                         agricultural science; copyright agency and arts
                                                                         and crafts creation services.
                                                                         Technology development; sales of primary
                                                                         edible agricultural products; translation
                                                                         services, conference services; business
                                                                         management, real estate information
 Oriental Chengqi (Beijing) Business                                     consulting; ticketing agents, tourism consulting,
                                       Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                        100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    warehousing services, public relations services,
                                                                         car rental; import and export of goods,
                                                                         technology import and export; beauty services,
                                                                         medical services; inbound tourism business;
                                                                         Internet information services.
                                                                         Project investment; investment management.
                                                                         ("1. The company shall not raise funds in any
                                                                         public manner; 2. It shall not conduct securities
                                                                         products and financial derivative transactions in
                                                                         any public manner; 3. It shall not issue loans; 4.
                                                                         It shall not provide guarantees for enterprises
                                                                         other those it invests in; 5. It shall not promise
                                                                         any principal guarantee or minimum return to
 BOE Innovation Investment Co., Ltd.   Beijing, China   Beijing, China   investors; (Market participants independently        100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                         select the business activities and carry out the
                                                                         business activities in accordance with laws and
                                                                         regulations; sales of food and business
                                                                         activities subject to approval in accordance
                                                                         with laws and regulations, operations may be
                                                                         conducted only with the approval of relevant
                                                                         government authorities; business activities
                                                                         prohibited and restricted by the industrial
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Interim Report 2022
                                                                      policies of the state and the city.))
                                                                      Provision of hardware and software integrated
                                                                      system solutions for the IoT market segment;
 BOE Smart Technology Co., Ltd.     Beijing, China   Beijing, China   smart city, smart transport, smart finance, smart     100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                      parks and the display terminal products such as
                                                                      the smart all-in-one machines
                                                                      R&D, manufacturing and sales of TFT-LCD
                                                                      panels, color filters and whole liquid crystal
                                                                      modules; provision of products and business-
                                                                      related services, as well as other business
                                                                      activities associated with the foregoing;
 Nanjing BOE Display Technology                                                                                                               Business combinations
                                                                      proprietary and agency import and export of
 Co., Ltd. (Formerly Nanjing CEC    Nanjing, China   Nanjing, China                                                         80.83%    0.00%   involving entities not
                                                                      various goods and technologies (excluding
 Panda FPD Technology Co., Ltd.)                                                                                                              under common control
                                                                      goods and technologies restricted by state or
                                                                      import & export prohibited). (For items that
                                                                      require approval by law, the approval from
                                                                      related authorities must be obtained before
                                                                      engagement in the business activities)
                                                                      R&D, production and sales of TFT-LCD panels
                                                                      and modules, liquid crystal display monitors,
                                                                      televisions, instruments, machinery equipment
                                                                      and accessories as well as provision of
                                                                                                                                              Business combinations
 Chengdu CEC Panda Display                                            technical services; foreign trade in form of
                                    Chengdu, China   Chengdu, China                                                         35.03%    0.00%   involving entities not
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 import and export of goods and technology.
                                                                                                                                              under common control
                                                                      (For items that require approval by law, the
                                                                      approval from related authorities must be
                                                                      obtained before engagement in the business
                                                                      Technology         development,         technology
                                                                      consultancy,      technology       transfer,   and
                                                                      technology services; basic software services;
                                                                      application software services; computer system
                                                                      services; Internet data services (excluding data
                                                                      centers in Internet data services and
                                                                      cloud computing data center with PUE over
 BOE Jingxin Technology Co., Ltd.   Beijing, China   Beijing, China                                                         100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
                                                                      1.4); information processing and storage support
                                                                      services; general contracting, professional
                                                                      contracting,     and     labor      subcontracting;
                                                                      equipment installation, maintenance, and
                                                                      leasing; literary and artistic creation; computer
                                                                      animation design; product design; enterprise
                                                                      management consulting; sales of computers,

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Interim Report 2022
                                                                   software and auxiliary equipment, as well as
                                                                   electronic products.
                                                                   Energy-saving technology, new energy
                                                                   technology for environmental protection,
                                                                   environmental protection equipment, solar
                                                                   power generation, technology development,
                                                                   technology consulting, technology transfer,
                                                                   technology promotion, technology services, and
                                                                   technology testing for building integrated
                                                                   photovoltaics and green building, electric
                                                                   power, and power station operation and
                                                                   maintenance; software development; internet
                                                                   data services (data centres in Internet data
                                                                   services, excluding cloud computing data
                                                                   centres with a PUE over 1.4); information
                                                                   processing and storage support services (data
                                                                   centres in information processing and storage
                                                                   support services, excluding cloud computing
                                                                   data centres with a PUE over 1.4); energy
                                                                   management contracting; water contamination
 BOE Environmental Energy
                                 Beijing, China   Beijing, China   governance; atmospheric pollution governance;     100.00%   0.00%   Founded by investment
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   solid wastes governance; soil pollution control
                                                                   and remediation services; environmental
                                                                   protection monitoring; installation,
                                                                   maintenance and lease of equipment;
                                                                   professional design services; property
                                                                   management; sales of special equipment for
                                                                   environmental protection, illuminating
                                                                   equipment, electronic products, machinery and
                                                                   equipment, electrical equipment, instruments,
                                                                   hardware products, computers, software and
                                                                   ancillary equipment, and chemical products
                                                                   (excluding licensed chemical products); import
                                                                   and export of goods; import and export of
                                                                   technologies; agency of import & export;
                                                                   power service; construction engineering design;
                                                                   electrical installation services; miscellaneous
                                                                   engineering construction activities; general
                                                                   contracting of housing construction and

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022
                                                                                     municipal infrastructure project engineering;
                                                                                     construction labour subcontracting.
Explanations that the shareholding percentage is different from the voting right percentage in subsidiaries:
(1) BOE signed the Agreement of Acting in Concert with Hefei Core Screen Industrial Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) and Hefei Xingrong Investment Co., Ltd. Based on the agreement,
Hefei Core Screen Industrial Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) and Hefei Xingrong Investment Co., Ltd. agreed to act as the persons acting in concert according to the wishes of the Company,
and exercised the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocably in accordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore, BOE owns 100% of the voting right ratio to Hefei BOE Display and
includes it in the consolidation scope.
(2) BOE signed the Agreement of Acting in Concert with Wuhan Airport Economic Development Zone Industrial Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Hubei Changbai Industrial
Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership). Based on the agreement, Wuhan Airport Economic Development Zone Industrial Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Hubei Changbai
Industrial Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) agreed to act as the persons acting in concert according to the wishes of the Company, and exercised the voting rights unconditionally
and irrevocably in accordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore, BOE owns 100% of the voting right ratio to Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology and includes it in the
consolidation scope.
(3) BOE signed the Agreement of Acting in Concert with Chongqing Strategic Emerging Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Chongqing Yuzi Optoelectronic
Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jianxin Junheng Private Equity Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Chongqing Jingping Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited
Partnership). Based on the agreement, Chongqing Strategic Emerging Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Chongqing Yuzi Optoelectronic Industry Investment
Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jianxin Junheng Private Equity Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Chongqing Jingping Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) agreed to act as
the persons acting in concert according to the wishes of the Company, and exercised the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocably in accordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore,
BOE owns 100% of the voting right ratio to Chongqing BOE Display Technology and includes it in the consolidation scope.
(4) BOE signed the Agreement of Acting in Concert with Fuqing City Invested-Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Fuzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. Based on the
agreement, Fuqing City Invested-Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Fuzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. agreed to act as the persons acting in concert according to
the wishes of the Company, and exercised the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocably in accordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore, BOE owns 100% of the voting right ratio
to Fuzhou BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. and includes it in the consolidation scope.
(5) BOE signed an agreement of acting in concert with Chengdu Advanced Manufacturing Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu Airport Xingcheng Investment Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu
Xihanggang Industrial Development Investment Co., Ltd., Nanjing Panda Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., and China Electronics Corporation, aiming to control Chengdu CEC Panda Display
Technology Co., Ltd. by acting in concert. Chengdu Advanced Manufacturing Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu Airport Xingcheng Investment Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu Xihanggang
Industrial Development Investment Co., Ltd., Nanjing Panda Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., and China Electronics Corporation agreed to act as the persons acting in concert according to
the wishes of the Company on exercising their shareholders' rights at the Board of Directors and voting rights on recommended directors in Chengdu CEC Panda Display Technology Co., Ltd.,
on the premise of not harming their interests. Therefore, BOE owns 96.75% of the voting right ratio to Chengdu CEC Panda Display Technology Co., Ltd. and includes it in the consolidation

Basis for the control over the investees with half or less voting right and for not controlling the investees with over half voting right:
Basis for the control over the significant structured entities included in the scope of combination:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                       Interim Report 2022
Basis for the determining the Company as the agent or the trustor:
Other notes:

                              BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Interim Report 2022
(2) Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                             Shareholding proportion of      The profit or loss attributable     Declaring dividends distributed to        Ending balance of non-
               Name of the Subsidiary
                                                              non-controlling interests       to non-controlling interests           non-controlling interests              controlling interests
 Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                          91.67%                  -1,039,789,016.00                                     0.00                21,391,024,075.00
 Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co.,
                                                                                16.54%                       -263,619,017.00                                  0.00                        3,672,714,980.00
 Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.                                 52.86%                       -654,648,293.00                                  0.00                   14,491,042,564.00
Notes that the shareholding percentage is different from the voting right percentage of non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries:
Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
  Name of                                          Ending balance                                                                               Beginning balance
    the                          Non-                                             Non-                                            Non-                                         Non-
 Subsidiar       Current                                         Current                          Total          Current                                     Current                              Total
                                current       Total assets                       current                                         current     Total assets                     current
      y           assets                                        liabilities                    liabilities        assets                                    liabilities                        liabilities
                                 assets                                        liabilities                                        assets                                    liabilities
 Display       15,291,826,    22,092,758,     37,384,584,       6,620,745,    7,429,025,8     14,049,770,      15,797,281,     24,332,972,   40,130,254,    7,432,659,     8,237,784,0        15,670,443,
 Technolo          342.00         648.00          990.00            068.00          33.00         901.00           551.00          509.00        060.00         554.00           12.00            566.00
 gy Co.,
               11,608,383,    38,559,607,     50,167,991,       8,731,073,    19,231,869,     27,962,942,      9,246,943,0     43,427,820,   52,674,763,    7,343,085,     21,547,455,        28,890,540,
 Technolo          193.00         867.00          060.00            644.00        168.00          812.00             07.00         893.00        900.00         123.00         635.00             758.00
 gy Co.,
 BOE           10,420,937,    40,208,548,     50,629,485,       8,537,925,    14,677,555,     23,215,481,      12,711,279,     37,827,474,   50,538,754,    7,311,202,     15,031,465,        22,342,668,
 Optoelect         031.00         309.00          340.00            943.00        304.00          247.00           779.00          491.00        270.00        489.00          931.00             420.00
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Interim Report 2022
 gy Co.,

                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                  Reporting Period                                                              Same period of last year
   Name of the                                                    Total          Cash flows from                                                    Total        Cash flows from
   Subsidiary      Operating income        Net profit        comprehensive          operating       Operating income         Net profit       comprehensive         operating
                                                                 income             activities                                                     income           activities
 Hefei BOE
                    6,859,750,975.00   -1,134,274,044.00    -1,134,274,044.00      -87,608,184.00   10,056,857,841.00      2,117,875,480.00   2,117,875,480.00   3,427,977,081.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Mianyang BOE
                    5,554,777,261.00   -1,593,827,191.00    -1,593,827,191.00    4,096,026,311.00    7,139,702,888.00      -884,043,896.00    -884,043,896.00     983,913,609.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Wuhan BOE
                    7,746,898,476.00   -1,238,456,854.00    -1,238,456,854.00      427,041,611.00    6,959,030,521.00      1,509,628,810.00   1,509,628,810.00   1,578,297,899.00
 Co., Ltd.
Other notes:

(4) Significant Limitation on the Use of Assets and Liquidation of Debts of the Company


(5) Financial Support or Other Support Provided for Structured Entities Included in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements


Other notes:

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022

2. Transactions That Cause Changes in the Group’s Interests in Subsidiaries That Do Not Result in Loss of

(1) Explanations on Changes in Owner’s Equity of Subsidiary

The Company held 53.86% of shares in Hefei Xingyu before the change and 63.77% after.
The Company held 100.00% of shares in Energy Technology before the change and 80.11% after.

(2) The Effects of the Transaction on Non-controlling Interests and Equity Attributable to Owners of the Company as the

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Hefei Xingyu                   Energy Technology
   Purchase cost/disposal consideration                                                 169,364,156.00                            0.00
   --Cash                                                                               169,364,156.00                            0.00
   --Fair value of non-cash assets                                                                0.00                            0.00
   Total of purchase cost /disposal consideration                                       169,364,156.00                            0.00
   Less: Subsidiary net assets proportion calculated by share
                                                                                         167,813,830.00                  196,029,055.00
   proportion obtained/disposal
   Difference                                                                              1,550,326.00                 -196,029,055.00
   Of which: Adjustment of capital reserves                                               -1,550,326.00                  196,029,055.00
           Surplus reserves adjustments                                                            0.00                            0.00
           Retained profits adjustments                                                            0.00                            0.00
Other notes:

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                      Shareholding percentage              Accounting
                                                                                                                         method for the
                       Principal place      Registered
         Name                                                Business nature                                             investment in
                         of business          place                                   Direct              Indirect       joint ventures
                                                                                                                          or associated
Explanations that the shareholding percentage is different from the voting right percentage in joint ventures or associated enterprises:
Basis of the voting rights below 20% but with major influence, or without major influence but with over 20% (included) voting rights

(2) The Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Beginning balance/The same period of
                                                    Ending balance/Reporting Period
                      Item                                                                                   last year


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  Beginning balance/The same period of
                                                      Ending balance/Reporting Period
                      Item                                                                                      last year


Other notes:

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  Beginning balance/The same period of
                      Item                            Ending balance/Reporting Period
                                                                                                                last year
   Joint venture:
   Total carrying value of investment                                                   0.00                                           0.00
   The total of following items according to
   the shareholding proportions
   --Net profit                                                                         0.00                                           0.00
   --Other comprehensive income                                                         0.00                                           0.00
   --Total comprehensive income                                                         0.00                                           0.00
   Associated enterprise:
   Total carrying value of investment                                      6,646,019,274.00                              6,040,948,317.00
   The total of following items according to
   the shareholding proportions
   --Net profit                                                              586,980,332.00                                     620,013.00
   --Other comprehensive income                                              -10,213,701.00                                 -64,314,237.00
   --Total comprehensive income                                              576,766,631.00                                 -63,694,224.00
Other notes:

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises to Transfer
Funds to the Company


(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                           The cumulative recognized          The derecognized losses (or          The accumulative
                 Name                          losses in previous              the share of net profit) in       unrecognized losses in
                                          accumulatively derecognized              Reporting Period                Reporting Period
   Hefei Xin Jing Yuan Electronic
                                                          -20,352,876.00                       4,094,002.00                 -16,258,874.00
   Materials Co., Ltd.
Other notes:

As at 30 June 2022, Hefei Xinjingyuan Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. has continuously incurred losses. Since the Company has no
obligation to undertake extra losses for it, the recognition of the share of its net losses born by the Company shall be limited to that the

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

carrying value of long-term equity investments is reduced to zero. And the accumulative unrecognized investment losses are

(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures


(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


4. Other


X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

1. Credit Risk
Credit risk refers to the risk of financial losses to one party of a financial instrument due to the failure of obligation performance by the
other party. The credit risk of the Group is mainly from accounts receivable. And the management will continue to monitor the exposure
of these credit risks.
The cash at bank of the Group is mainly held with well-known financial institutions. Management does not foresee any significant
credit risks from these deposits and does not expect that these financial institutions may default and cause losses to the Group.
As for accounts receivable, the Group has worked out the credit policies based on actual situation to evaluate customers’ credit so as
to decide the limit of sales on credit and credit period. The credit evaluation is conducted on the basis of a customer’s financial condition,
external rating and historical transaction records. The accounts receivable will expire within 7 to 120 days since the issue date of
account bills. The debtors of overdue accounts receivable will be required to pay off all outstanding balance before obtaining further
credit lines.
The credit risk of the Group is mainly influenced by characteristics of customers, not the industries, countries or regions they are in.
Thus, the concentration of material credit risks is mainly generated from material accounts receivable and contract assets of the Group
from individual customers. On the balance sheet date, the accounts receivable of the Group and the Company's top five customers
respectively account for 38% and 0.001% (in 2021: 39% and 0.001%) of total accounts receivable and total contract assets of the Group
and the Company. What’s more, the accounts receivable of the Group not overdue and without impairment are mainly from customers
without debt records recently.
The maximum credit risk exposure born by the Group is the carrying amount of each financial asset in the balance sheet. As stated in
Note XIV, the Group has no external guarantee that will bring credit risks to the Group as at 30 June 2022.
2. Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations that are settled by delivering cash or another
financial asset. The Company and its individual subsidiaries are responsible for their own cash management, including short-term
investment of cash surpluses and the raising of loans to cover expected cash demands (subject to approval by the Company’s board
when the borrowings exceed certain predetermined levels). The Group’s policy is to regularly monitor its liquidity requirements and
its compliance with lending covenants, to ensure that it maintains sufficient reserves of cash, readily realizable marketable securities
and adequate committed lines of funding from major financial institutions to meet its liquidity requirements in the short and longer

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

3. Interest Rate Risk
Interest-bearing financial instruments at variable rates and at fixed rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk and fair value
interest risk, respectively. The Group determines the appropriate weightings of the fixed and floating rate interest-bearing instruments
based on the current market conditions and performs regular reviews and monitoring to achieve an appropriate mix of fixed and floating
rate exposure. The Group does not enter into financial derivatives to hedge interest rate risk.
As at 30 June 2022, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of 100 basis points in interest rates of variable rate instrument, with
all other variables held constant, would decrease/increase the Group's net profit and equity by RMB672.93 million (2021: RMB549.53
In respect of the exposure to cash flow interest rate risk arising from floating rate non-derivative instruments held by the Group at the
balance sheet date, the impact on the net profit and equity is estimated as an annualized impact on interest expense or income of such
a change in interest rates. The analysis is performed on the same basis for the previous year.
4. Foreign Currency Risk
In respect of cash at bank and on hand, accounts receivable and payable, short-term loans and other assets and liabilities denominated
in foreign currencies other than the functional currency, the Group ensures that its net exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying
or selling foreign currencies at spot rates when necessary to address short-term imbalances.
(a)The Group’s exposure as at 30 June to currency risk arising from recognized foreign currency assets or liabilities is mainly
denominated in US dollar. The amount of the USD exposure is net liabilities exposure USD2,002,631,924 (2021 net liabilities exposure:
USD177,293,137), translated into RMB13,440,463,895 (2021: RMB1,130,367,854), using the spot rate at the balance sheet date.
Differences resulting from the translation of the financial statements denominated in foreign currency are excluded.
(b) Assuming all other risk variables remained constant, a 5% strengthening/weakening of the Renminbi against the US dollar at 30
June would have increased/decreased both the Group's equity and net profit by the amount RMB272,498,323 (2021: decrease/increase
The sensitivity analysis above assumes that the change in foreign exchange rates had been applied to re-measure those financial
instruments held by the Group which expose the Group to foreign currency risk at the balance sheet date. The analysis excludes
differences that would result from the translation of the financial statements denominated in foreign currency. The analysis is performed
on the same basis for the previous year.

XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Ending fair value
                    Item                      Level 1 Fair value      Level 2 Fair value     Level 3 Fair value
                                                measurement             measurement             measurement
   I. Consistent fair value measurement               --                       --                       --                      --
   ----(I) Trading financial assets                          0.00                     0.00       17,317,207,971.00      17,317,207,971.00
   1. Financial assets at fair value
                                                             0.00                     0.00       17,317,207,971.00      17,317,207,971.00
   through profit or loss
   (1) Debt instruments investment                           0.00                     0.00       16,710,312,524.00      16,710,312,524.00
   (2) Equity instruments investment                         0.00                     0.00          606,895,447.00         606,895,447.00
   (3) Derivative financial assets                           0.00                     0.00                    0.00                   0.00
   2. Financial assets assigned
   measured by fair value and the
                                                             0.00                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00
   changes be included in the current
   gains and losses
   (1) Debt instruments investment                           0.00                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00
   (2) Equity instruments investment                         0.00                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

   (II) Investment in other debt
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   (III) Other equity instrument
                                                  163,570,151.00                      0.00       386,657,929.00      550,228,080.00
   (IV) Investment property                                  0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   1. Lease the land use right                               0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   2. Rental buildings                                       0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   3. Land use right held and prepared
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   to transfer after appreciation
   (V)Biological assets                                      0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   1.Consumable biological assets                            0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   2. Productive living assets                               0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   Total assets measured at fair value
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   on a recurring basis
   (VI)Trading financial liabilities                         0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   Of which: Tradable bond issued                            0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
            Derivative financial
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
            Others                                           0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   (VII) Refer as financial liabilities
   measured by fair value and the
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   changes included in the current
   gains and losses
   Total liabilities of consistent fair
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   value measurement
   II. Inconsistent fair value
                                                      --                       --                     --                 --
   ----(I) Assets held for sale                              0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   Total assets inconsistently measured
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   at fair value
   Total liabilities inconsistently
                                                             0.00                     0.00                 0.00                   0.00
   measured at fair value

2. Basis of Determining the Market Price for Recurring and Non-recurring Fair Value Measurements
Categorized within Level 1

The unadjusted offer in active market obtaining same assets or liabilities on the calculation date.

3. Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2, Valuation Techniques Adopted, the
Qualitative and Quantitative Information of Important Parameters

Observable input value of related assets or liabilities except level 1 input value.

4. Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3, Valuation Techniques Adopted, the
Qualitative and Quantitative Information of Important Parameters

The unobservable input value of related assets or liabilities.

5. Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3, Adjustment between the Beginning Carrying Value
and the Ending Carrying Value and Sensitivity Analysis on Unobservable Parameters


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Policy Governing when the Conversion Happens if Conversion
Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Level


7. Changes in Valuation Techniques in the Reporting Period and Reasons for the Changes


8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value


9. Other


XII. Connected Party and Connected Transaction

1. Information on the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                       Proportion of
                                                                                             Proportion of share
                                                                                                                       voting rights
                                                                                                 held by the
                                                                                                                       owned by the
      Company name         Registered place       Business nature      Registered capital      Company as the
                                                                                                                      Company as the
                                                                                              parent against the
                                                                                                                     parent against the
                                                                                                Company (%)
                                                                                                                       Company (%)
                                                Operation and
                          No. 12,
                                                management of
   Beijing Electronics    Jiuxianqiao Road,                           RMB3,139,210,00
                                                state-owned assets                                        0.71%                 17.45%
   Holding Co., Ltd.      Chaoyang District,                          0.00
                                                authorization, etc.
Notes to the Company as the parent:
The final controller of the Company is Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd.
Other notes:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX.-1 for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the Company

For information of significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company, please refer to Note IX-3.
List of other joint ventures and associated enterprises that made connected transactions with the Company generating balance during
or before the Reporting Period:
                                Name                                                  Relationship with the Company
   Beijing Nissin Electronics Precision Component Co., Ltd.           Associate of the Group and the Company

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

   Beijing Nittan Electronic Co., Ltd.                               Associate of the Group and the Company
   BOE Yiyun Technology Co., Ltd.                                    Associate of the Group and the Company
   TPV Display Technology (China) Limited                            Associate of the Group and the Company
   Beijing Xindongneng Investment Management Co., Ltd.               Associate of the Group and the Company
   Shenzhen Yunyinggu Technology Co., Ltd.                           Associate of the Group and the Company
   BioChain (Beijing) Science & Technology, Inc.                     Associate of the Group
   Beijing BOE Microbial Technology Co., Ltd.                        Associate of the Group
   Hefei Xinjingyuan Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.                  Associate of the Group
   BOE Houji Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                          Associate of the Group
   Changzhou Xiruojia Medical Technology Co., Ltd.                   Subsidiary of associate of the Group
   Beijing BioChain Medical Laboratory Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary of associate of the Group
Other notes:

4. Information on Other Related Parties

                     Name of other related parties                                  Relationship with the Company
   Beijing Zhengdong Electronic Power Group Co., Ltd.                Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Electronics Holding & SK Technology Co., Ltd.             Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beidian Aisite (Jiangsu) Technology Co., Ltd.                     Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Electrical Control Jiuyi Industrial Development
                                                                     Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Smart-aero Display Technology Co., Ltd.                   Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Nortel New Energy Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                  Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Sevenstar Semiconductor Technologies Co., Ltd.                    Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                  Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing NAURA Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd.                Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing C&W Technology Development Co., Ltd.                      Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing C&W Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.                       Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   761 Workshop (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd.           Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Ripeness Sanyuan Instrumentation Co., Ltd.                Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Ether Electronics Group Co., Ltd.                         Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Dongdian Industrial Development Co., Ltd.                 Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing BOE Investment Development Co., Ltd.                      Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Yansong Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.                      Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing Zhaowei Electronics (Group) Co., Ltd.                     Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
   Beijing C&W Self-service Equipment Technology Co. , Ltd.          Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
                                                                     Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the
   Xin Xiang Microelectronic (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
                                                                     ultimate holding company
                                                                     Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the
   Beijing Senju Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.
                                                                     ultimate holding company
   Beijing Yizhuang Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd.         Other
   China Minsheng Banking Corporation Limited                        Other
   Hefei Construction and Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd.      Other

Other notes:

5. Transactions with Related Parties

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Interim Report 2022

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                               Nature of         Reporting         The approval                          Same period of
         Name of related party                                                                           exceed trade
                                              transaction         Period            trade credit                           last year
                                                                                                         credit or not
   Beijing Electronics Holding Co.,        Purchase of
                                                               105,041,971.00      750,000,000.00        No               266,829,360.00
   Ltd and its affiliated companies        goods
   Beijing Electronics Holding Co.,        Receiving of
                                                                 3,257,510.00          20,000,000.00     No                 1,522,372.00
   Ltd and its affiliated companies        services
                                           Purchase of
   Other related parties                                        39,589,302.00      450,000,000.00        No               129,714,767.00
                                           Receiving of
   Other related parties                                             2,132.00             500,000.00     No                 1,328,899.00
Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                         Same period of
                      Name of related party                       Nature of transaction        Reporting Period
                                                                                                                           last year
   Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and its affiliated
                                                               Sale of goods                       434,437,945.00           5,234,597.00
   Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and its affiliated
                                                               Rendering of services                   6,730,172.00         3,739,611.00
   Other related parties                                       Sale of goods                       60, 851,429.00         126,028,273.00
   Other related parties                                       Rendering of services                1,101,089.00              264,969.00
Explanation of Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

(2) Connected Trusteeship/Contract and Entrust/Contractee

Lists of connected trusteeship/contract:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
    Name of the            Name of the
                                                                                                                          recognized in
   entruster/contra         entrustee/           Type           Start date         Due date            Pricing basis
                                                                                                                          the Reporting
         ctee               contractor
Notes to connected trusteeship/contract: N/A
Lists of entrust/contractee

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
    Name of the            Name of the
                                                                                                                          recognized in
   entruster/contra         entrustee/           Type           Start date         Due date            Pricing basis
                                                                                                                          the Reporting
         ctee               contractor
Notes to entrust/contractee: N/A

                                 BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                               Interim Report 2022
    (3) Information on Connected Lease

    The Company served as the lessor:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             The lease income confirmed in the Reporting            The lease income confirmed in the same
                     Name of lessee                                   Type of assets leased
                                                                                                                               Period                                          period of last year
     Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and its
                                                       Investment properties                                                                      1,741,177.00                                    102,491.00
     affiliated companies
     Other related parties                             Investment properties                                                                       532,189.00                                     573,156.00
    The Company served as the lessee:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                   Rental expenses of short-term          Variable lease payments not
                                                                                                                                                            Income expense of lease
                                 lease simplified treated and low-      included in the measurement of                        Paid rent                                                    Increased right-of-use assets
                     Type of                                                                                                                                  liabilities undertaken
                                  value asset lease (if applicable)      lease liabilities (if applicable)
Name of lessor        assets
                      leased                         The same                               The same                                  The same                            The same                          The same
                                    Reporting                             Reporting                               Reporting                                 Reporting                      Reporting
                                                    period of last                         period of last                            period of last                      period of last                    period of last
                                     Period                                Period                                  Period                                    Period                         Period
                                                        year                                   year                                      year                                year                              year
Holding Co.,       Fixed
                                           0.00          1,678.00                 0.00               0.00         1,254,182.00            1,254,182.00      146,784.00     146,784.00              0.00              0.00
Ltd and its        assets
Other related      Fixed
                                           0.00               0.00                0.00               0.00                 0.00                    0.00            0.00              0.00           0.00              0.00
parties            assets
    Notes to connected lease: N/A

    (4) Connected Guarantee

    The Company served as the guarantee

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                 Secured party                            Amount                                     Start date                                  Due date                   Whether completely performed

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                  Interim Report 2022
The Company served as the secured party
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
             Guarantee                    Amount   Start date                         Due date   Whether completely performed
Notes to connected guarantee: N/A

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2022

(5) Interbank Borrowing and Lending of Capital by Connected Party

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
   Name of related party        Amount of funding              Inception date              Maturity date                    Note
  Funds received
  Funds provided

(6) Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring of Connected Party

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
     Name of related party                 Nature of transaction                Reporting Period               Same period of last year

(7) Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                   Item                                      Reporting Period                             Same period of last year
  Remuneration of key management
                                                                            70,157,777.00                                   69,055,577.00

(8) Other Connected Transactions

During the Reporting Period, the Company conducted the normal commercial deposit and loan business with China Minsheng Banking
Corporation Limited. Specifically, the interest income from bank deposits was RMB9,243,785.00 and interest expenses from loans
stood at RMB12,943,979.00.

6. Receivables from and Payables to Related Parties

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                          Ending balance                        Beginning balance
      Item                   Name of related party                                  Provision for                         Provision for
                                                                    Book value                              Book value
                                                                                     impairment                            impairment
  Accounts         Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and
                                                                   165,183,994.00           2,513.00       39,312,053.00           2,300.00
  receivable       its affiliated companies
  Contract         Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and
                                                                       122,743.00                  0.00       122,743.00               0.00
  assets           its affiliated companies
  Other            Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and
                                                                     1,471,308.00                  0.00     1,712,918.00               0.00
  receivables      its affiliated companies
                   Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd and
  Prepayments                                                        1,828,134.00                  0.00     1,046,184.00               0.00
                   its affiliated companies
                   Other related parties                            65,379,708.00       4,881,906.00       49,642,856.00     4,881,231.00
                   Other related parties                               513,430.00                  0.00              0.00              0.00
                   Other related parties                               345,269.00                  0.00       188,859.00               0.00
  Prepayments      Other related parties                               200,343.00                  0.00        71,961.00               0.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                Interim Report 2022

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                Item                     Name of related party            Ending carrying balance          Beginning carrying balance
                                     Beijing Electronics Holding
   Accounts payable                  Co., Ltd and its affiliated                        43,813,357.00                     62,722,051.00
                                     Beijing Electronics Holding
   Other payables                    Co., Ltd and its affiliated                       174,798,763.00                    171,671,859.00
                                     Beijing Electronics Holding
   Advance payments received         Co., Ltd and its affiliated                            38,431.00                        803,401.00
                                     Beijing Electronics Holding
   Contract liabilities              Co., Ltd and its affiliated                             8,775.00                           8,033.00
   Accounts payable                  Other related parties                              96,565,768.00                     79,835,056.00
   Other payables                    Other related parties                               6,509,536.00                      6,515,280.00
   Advance payments received         Other related parties                                 153,300.00                        158,405.00
   Contract liabilities              Other related parties                                 337,784.00                      3,709,467.00

7. Commitments of the Related Parties

As at the balance sheet date, the commitments of the related parties, which are signed but not listed in financial statement, are for the
procurement of equipment. The amount in the current period was RMB16,594,169.00, as compared with RMB182,785,156.00 in the
previous period.

8. Other


XIII. Share-based Payments

1. Overview of Share-based Payments

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

   The total amount of equity instruments granted to the Company during
   the Reporting Period
   The total amount of equity instruments exercised by the Company during
   the Reporting Period
   The total amount of equity instruments of the Company that expire during
   the Reporting Period
   Scope of the exercise price of outstanding stock options of the Company
   at the end of the Reporting Period and remaining contract term
   Scope of the exercise price of other outstanding equity instruments of the
   Company at the end of the Reporting Period and remaining contract term
Other notes:

On 17 November 2020, the General Meeting of the Company approved the implementation of share options and restricted share
incentive plans since 2020. The shares for the share options and restricted share incentive plans are from the Company's Renminbi A-
share ordinary shares repurchased from the secondary market.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Interim Report 2022

Vesting plans of share options and restricted share incentive plans are presented as follows:
(1) Share option incentive plan
The share option incentive plan is classified into initial grant and reserved grant. The initial grant date was 21 December 2020, and the
implementation was completed on 25 December 2020. The actual number of grantees was 1,988, with a number of grants of
596,229,700 shares; the implementation was completed on 22 October 2021. The actual number of grantees was 110, with a number
of grants of 33,000,000 shares.
The share options are exercised in three phases after 24 months from the grant date. The exercise ratios for each phase are 34%, 33%,
and 33%, respectively. The corresponding exercise dates are 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years from the grant date.
The fair value of equity instruments at the grant date is determined based on the difference between the assessed fair value of the
exercisable share options at each grant date and the subscription price in RMB (First grant: RMB1.68/share, RMB1.93/share and
RMB2.09/share, respectively; reserved grant: RMB1.70/share, RMB2.02/share and RMB2.17/share, respectively).
When the Company's performance meets the corresponding criteria, the proportion of exercisable rights of the above-mentioned share
options is determined based on the business performance of the incentive object's operation and the contribution value of the incentive
object. In accordance with the plan, the Company will deregister the current exercisable shares of the options obtained by the incentive
objects if the exercise criteria stipulated in this plan are not met.
(2) Restricted share incentive plan
The grant date of restricted share incentive plan was 21 December 2020, and the implementation was completed on 29 December 2020.
The actual number of grantees was 793, with a number of grants of 321,813,800 share.
The lock-up periods of the restricted shares are 24, 36 and 48 months from the grant date. During the lock-up period, restricted shares
granted to the incentive object under this plan shall not be transferred, used for guarantee or debt repayment before the lock-up release.
Lock-up restricted shares are released in three phases after 24 months from the grant date. The release ratios for each phase are 34%,
33%, and 33%, respectively. The corresponding release dates are 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years from the grant date. The actual number
released shall be based on the performance assessment result in the previous year.
The fair value of equity instruments at the grant date is determined based on the difference between the fair value of shares at the grant
date and the subscription price at RMB2.68/share.
When the Company's performance meets the corresponding criteria, the release proportion of the above-mentioned restricted shares is
determined based on the business performance of the incentive object's operation and the contribution value of the incentive object.
The Company will repurchase the locked restricted shares at the granted price of the incentive objects if the release criteria stipulated
in this plan are not met, and the incentive object shall not release the restricted shares for the current period.

2. Equity-settled Share-based Payments

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                          Share option: The fair value of equity instruments at the grant
                                                                          date is determined based on the difference between the assessed
                                                                          fair value of the exercisable share options at each grant date
                                                                          and the subscription price in RMB (First: RMB1.68/share,
                                                                          RMB1.93/share and RMB2.09/share, respectively; Second:
   Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments at
                                                                          RMB1.70/share, RMB2.02/share and RMB2.17/share,
   the grant date
                                                                          Restricted shares: The fair value of equity instruments at the
                                                                          grant date is determined based on the difference between the
                                                                          fair value of shares at the grant date and the subscription price
                                                                          at RMB2.68/share.
   Basis of determining the number of equity instruments                  At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the best

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Interim Report 2022

   expected to vest                                                  estimation is made according to the latest information, such as
                                                                     the number of employees who are granted options and the
                                                                     completion of performance indicators, and the number of
                                                                     equity instruments expected to vest is revised accordingly. On
                                                                     the vesting date, the estimated number is equal to the number
                                                                     of equity instruments that are ultimately vested.
   Causes for material difference between the current estimate and
   the previous estimate
   Payment of the cumulative amount included in capital reserves
   with equity-settled shares
   Total costs recognized by equity-settled share-based payment in
   the Reporting Period
Other notes:

3. Cash-settled Share-based Payments

□Applicable  Not applicable

4. Modification and Termination of Share-based Payments


5. Others


XIV Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant commitments

Significant commitments on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                        The Group                                      30 June 2022                 31 December 2021
Outward investment contract signed but not performed or not
                                                                            32,128,069,883.00              36,353,906,810.00
performed fully
Outward investment contract authorized but contract not
                                                                            89,076,750,923.00              84,007,549,386.00
Total                                                                      121,204,820,806.00            120,361,456,196.00
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        The Group                                      30 June 2022                 31 December 2021
Outward investment contract signed but not performed or not
                                                                            26,625,505,707.00             25,226,123,138.00
performed fully
Outward investment contract authorized but contract not
                                                                                          0.00                          0.00
Total                                                                       26,625,505,707.00             25,226,123,138.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on the Balance Sheet Date


(2) Explanations Should Also Be Given when there Was No Significant Contingency to Disclose

There was no significant contingency to disclose.

3. Other


XV Other Significant Events

1. Debt Restructuring


2. Assets Replacement

(1) Replacement of Non-monetary Assets


(2) Replacement of Other Assets


3. Pension Plans

In order to ensure and improve the living standards of BOE retirees and put in place a multi-layer old-age security system and a long-
term talent retaining mechanism, as per China’s relevant policies and regulations, BOE has established the annuity programme since
January 2014. The annuity fund consists of the contributions by the Company (paid as per the government’s regulations according to
the applicable taxation policy), the contributions by employees (deducted by the Company from their salaries according to the
applicable taxation policy) and the returns on investment by the fund (operated by the relevant government department according to
the investment principle of high security and moderate income).

4. Segment Information

(1) Recognition Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

(a) Display business — The Display Devices business offers integrated design and manufacturing services for devices, and is committed
to providing interface devices applying TFT-LCD, AMOLED, Microdisplay and other technologies, focusing on providing customers
with high-quality display devices for smartphones, tablet PCs, laptops, monitors, TVs, vehicle-mounted, electronic shelf label (ESL),

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

industrial control, household medical applications, applications on wearable devices, whiteboards, tiled display screens, commercial
devices, VR/AR devices, etc.

(b) Internet of Things (IoT) innovation business — The IoT Innovation business offers integrated design and manufacturing services
for system solutions, and provides customers with competitive smart terminal products for TVs, monitors, laptops, tablets, low-power
devices, IoT, 3D display, etc. Backed by AI and big data technologies, it focuses on products and services combining hardware and
software, providing integrated IoT solutions for segments including smart industrial parks, smart finance, smart government affairs and
transportation, visual arts, smart energy, all-in-one machines, etc.

(c) Sensor and application solutions — The Sensor and Solution business offers integrated design and manufacturing services for
system solutions, focuses on medical biological segment, transportation and construction, consumer electronics, microwave
communications, industrial sensors and other fields, and provides customers with design and manufacturing of sensor devices and
system solution services, with specific products and solutions including back plates for flat panel X-ray detectors (FPXD), digital
microfluidic chips, intelligent PDLC glass and PDLC system solutions, fingerprint identification sensors and systems, as well as
industrial sensors and solutions, among others.

(d) MLED — MLED business renders Mini-LED backlight products with high reliability and high partition of dimming for LCD of
mobile phones, tablet PCs, laptops, monitors, TVs, vehicles, wearable devices, etc., as well as Mini/Micro-LED display products with
high brightness, high reliability and high contrast for segment markets of outdoor, commercial, transparent, specialized and other
displays. All these products are designed and manufactured in an integrated manner.

(e) Smart medicine and engineering — The Smart Medical Engineering business adopts the professional service model to combine
technologies with medicine and integrate medicine and engineering with innovation, so as to provide families, communities and
hospitals with the four major human-centered services of health management, health technology, digital hospital, and technology
services. It connects testing equipment, healthcare workers and customers through the health IoT platform to build a smart health
management ecosystem where customers enjoy health services including prevention, treatment, therapy and nursing.

(f) Others — Other service mainly includes technical development service and patent maintenance service.
The main reason to separate the segments is that the Group independently manages the display business, IoT innovation business,
sensor and application solutions, MLED and smart medicine and engineering and other businesses. As these business segments
manufacture and sell different products, apply different manufacturing processes and specify in gross profit, the business segments are
managed independently. The management evaluates the performance and allocates resources according to the profit of each business
segment and does not take financing cost and investment income into account.

                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                           Smart medicine &                                    Sensor and
                                                     Smart systems
         Item              Display business                                   engineering           MLED business         application solutions     Others and offset             Total
                                                  innovation business
                                                                          integration business                                  business
 Operating income           82,641,917,513.00       13,490,882,043.00          103,681,585.00          411,634,393.00        1,044,238,829.00        -6,082,112,494.00       91,610,241,869.00
 Operating costs            69,884,436,495.00       12,263,288,192.00           83,170,915.00          422,333,369.00          848,276,386.00        -9,002,436,995.00       74,499,068,362.00

(3) If There Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each Reportable Segment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons
Shall Be Clearly Stated

The Company develops various businesses by using common assets and liabilities and therefore, it could not analyze assets and liabilities of each reportable segment respectively by business.

(4) Other Notes


5. Other Important Transactions and Matters Impacting Investors' Decision-making


6. Other


                            BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022

XVI Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending balance                                                                     Beginning balance
                         Book value                  Provision for impairment                                   Book value                Provision for impairment
  Category                                                                           Carrying                                                                              Carrying
                                                                   Withdrawal                                                                           Withdrawal
                   Amount           Percentage        Amount                         amounts             Amount          Percentage        Amount                          amounts
                                                                   proportion                                                                           proportion
 for which
 bad debt     4,774,903,423.00          99.99%      4,090,353.00         0.09%   4,770,813,070.00   4,832,284,906.00          99.98%    4,090,353.00           0.08%    4,828,194,553.00
 Of which:
 for which
 bad debt           540,349.00             0.01%       46,175.00         8.55%         494,174.00         835,021.00           0.02%      174,299.00           20.87%        660,722.00
 accrued by
 Of which:
 Total        4,775,443,772.00         100.00%      4,136,528.00         0.09%   4,771,307,244.00    4,833,119,927.00        100.00%    4,264,652.00           0.09%    4,828,855,275.00
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Ending balance
                                                    Book value                   Provision for impairment               Withdrawal proportion                Reason for withdrawal
 Customers with high credit risks                            4,090,353.00                         4,090,353.00                             100.00%     N/A
 Customers with low credit risks                         4,770,813,070.00                                 0.00                                0.00%    N/A
 Total                                                   4,774,903,423.00                        4,090,353.00

Bad debt provision accrued by group:
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                      Ending balance
                                                                      Book value                                  Provision for impairment                       Withdrawal proportion
 Customers with moderate credit risks                                                   540,349.00                                           46,175.00                                     8.55%
 Total                                                                                  540,349.00                                           46,175.00

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:
Customer group                                          Basis
Customers with high credit risk                         With special matters, litigations or the deterioration of customers’ credit
Customers with low credit risk                          Banks, insurance companies, large state-owned enterprises and public
Customers with moderate credit risk                     Customers not included in Groups above

Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of
accounts receivable.
 Applicable □ Not applicable
At all times the Group measures the impairment loss for accounts receivable at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs, and the ECLs are based on the number of overdue days and the expected loss
rate. According to the Group’s historical experience, different loss models are applicable to different customer groups.

Disclosed by aging

                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                               Ageing                                                                                           Ending balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                                                                              4,368,130,081.00
 1 to 2 years                                                                                                                                                                     182,281,809.00
 2 to 3 years                                                                                                                                                                     209,571,841.00
 Over 3 years                                                                                                                                                                      15,460,041.00
    3 to 4 years                                                                                                                                                                   14,236,057.00
    4 to 5 years                                                                                                                                                                            0.00
    More than 5 years                                                                                                                                                               1,223,984.00
 Total                                                                                                                                                                          4,775,443,772.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Interim Report 2022

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of withdrawal of bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                Changes in the Reporting Period
         Category                                                Reversal or                                               Ending balance
                             balance         Withdrawal                             Write-off              Others
   Bad debt of
   accounts                 4,264,652.00          24,021.00       -152,145.00                0.00                   0.00     4,136,528.00
   Total                    4,264,652.00          24,021.00       -152,145.00                0.00                   0.00     4,136,528.00
Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Subsidiary                       Amount reversed or recovered                         Way of recovery

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                           Amount verified
   Accounts receivable with actual verification                                                                                      0.00
Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Verification       Whether generated
                                                                           Reason for
         Subsidiary                Nature          Amount verified                                  procedures          from connected
                                                                                                    performed             transactions



(4) Top 5 Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                        Proportion to the total ending
                                        Ending balance of accounts                                           Ending balance of bad debt
              Subsidiary                                                    balance of accounts
                                                receivable                                                          provisions
   Sum of top 5 accounts
                                                   4,297,098,823.00                           89.98%                                 0.00
   Total                                           4,297,098,823.00                           89.98%

(5) Accounts Receivable Derecognized Due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2022

(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed by the Transfer and the Continued Involvement of
Accounts Receivable

Other notes: N/A

2. Other Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Ending balance                         Beginning balance
   Interest receivable                                                  0.00                                     0.00
   Dividends receivable                                       919,429,466.00                           219,715,564.00
   Other receivables                                       20,924,670,100.00                        15,230,115,046.00
   Total                                                   21,844,099,566.00                        15,449,830,610.00

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                     Item                          Ending balance                         Beginning balance
   Fixed time deposit                                                     0.00                                      0.00
   Entrusted loan                                                         0.00                                      0.00
   Bond investment                                                        0.00                                      0.00
   Total                                                                  0.00                                      0.00

2) Significant Overdue Interest

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Whether occurred
         Borrower                 Ending balance   Overdue time                  Reason           impairment and its
                                                                                                    judgment basis
Other notes:

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
             Item(or investee)                     Ending balance                         Beginning balance
   BeijingMatsushita Color CRT Co., Ltd.
                                                              214,240,861.00                           214,240,861.00
   BOE (Korea) Co., Ltd.                                          5,265,528.00                           5,474,703.00
   Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology
                                                              300,000,000.00                                        0.00
   Co., Ltd.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2022

   Beijing BOE Display Technology Co.,
                                                                         100,000,000.00                                         0.00
   Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics
                                                                         299,923,077.00                                         0.00
   Technology Co., Ltd.
   Total                                                                 919,429,466.00                             219,715,564.00

2) Significant Dividend Receivable Aging over One Year

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Whether occurred
      Item(or investee)             Ending balance              Ageing               Unrecovered reason        impairment and its
                                                                                                                 judgment basis

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□Applicable  Not applicable
Other notes:

(3) Other Accounts Receivable

1) Other Account Receivable Classified by Account Nature

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
          Nature of other receivables                   Ending carrying balance                   Beginning carrying balance
   Transaction amount                                                 20,734,630,143.00                          15,065,482,829.00
   Others                                                                197,606,294.00                             171,434,127.00
   Total                                                              20,932,236,437.00                          15,236,916,956.00

2) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                             Phase I                   Phase II                   Phase III
                                                                Expected credit losses     Expected credit losses
      Provision for impairment        Expected credit losses   for the whole existence    for the whole existence       Total
                                      in the next 12 months        period (no credit        period (with credit
                                                                     impairment)                impairment)
   Balance of 1 January 2022                           0.00                        0.00              6,801,910.00     6,801,910.00
   Balance of 1 January 2022 in
   the current period
   --Transferred to the Phase II                       0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   -Transfer to Third stage                            0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   -Reverse to Second stage                            0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   -Reverse to First stage                             0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   Withdrawal of the current
                                                       0.00                       0.00                764,427.00       764,427.00
   Reversal of the current period                      0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   Write-offs of the current
                                                       0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   Verification of the current
                                                       0.00                       0.00                      0.00                0.00
   Other changes                                       0.00                       0.00                      0.00              0.00
   Balance of 30 June 2022                             0.00                       0.00              7,566,337.00      7,566,337.00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Interim Report 2022

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable  Not applicable
Disclosed by aging

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                               Ageing                                                       Ending balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                    12,657,995,654.00
   1 to 2 years                                                                                                          6,485,379,818.00
   2 to 3 years                                                                                                          1,722,373,288.00
   Over 3 years                                                                                                             66,487,677.00
      3 to 4 years                                                                                                          37,871,169.00
      4 to 5 years                                                                                                           5,514,186.00
      More than 5 years                                                                                                     23,102,322.00
   Total                                                                                                                20,932,236,437.00

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of withdrawal of bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                              Changes in the Reporting Period
      Category                                                 Reversal or                                                Ending balance
                           balance          Withdrawal                            Write-off             Others
   Bad debt
   provisions for
                          6,801,910.00         764,427.00              0.00               0.00                   0.00        7,566,337.00
   Total                  6,801,910.00         764,427.00              0.00               0.00                   0.00        7,566,337.00


Of which bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Subsidiary                        Amount reversed or recovered                       Way of recovery


4) Other Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                      Amount verified
Of which the verification of significant other accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Verification         Whether generated
                                                                         Reason for
       Subsidiary                Nature           Amount verified                                procedures            from connected
                                                                                                 performed               transactions
Notes of verification of other receivables: N/A

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Interim Report 2022

5) Top 5 Other Accounts Receivable in Ending Balance Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Proportion to
                                                                                                       the total      Ending
                                                                                                        ending      balance of
       Subsidiary            Nature          Ending balance                 Ageing
                                                                                                      balance of     bad debt
                                                                                                         other      provisions
                        Transaction                             Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer A                                4,643,582,801.00                                             22.18%             0.00
                        amount                                  year), 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3 years
                        Transaction                             Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer B                                3,174,737,849.00                                             15.17%             0.00
                        amount                                  year), 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3 years
                                                                Within 1 year (including 1
                        Transaction                             year), 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3
   Customer C                                2,895,947,531.00                                             13.83%             0.00
                        amount                                  years, 3 to 4 fours and 4 to 5
                                                                Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer D                                2,411,352,447.00   year), 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3               11.52%             0.00
                                                                years, and 3 to 4 fours
                        Transaction                             Within 1 year (including 1
   Customer E                                2,027,632,475.00                                              9.69%             0.00
                        amount                                  year), 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3 years
   Total                                   15,153,253,103.00                                              72.39%             0.00

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Grants

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                 Project of
           Subsidiary                                 Ending balance              Ending aging             recovering time,
                             government grants
                                                                                                           amount and basis


7) Other Accounts Receivable Derecognized Due to the Transfer of Financial Assets


8) Amount of Assets and Liabilities Due to the Transfer of Other Account Receivable and Continued Involvement

Other notes:


                             BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               Interim Report 2022
3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                Ending balance                                                             Beginning balance
              Item                                               Provision for                                                               Provision for
                                        Book value                                      Carrying amounts            Book value                                         Carrying amounts
                                                                  impairment                                                                  impairment
 Investment to subsidiaries           209,995,888,482.00            32,000,000.00       209,963,888,482.00        207,777,846,290.00             32,000,000.00         207,745,846,290.00
 Investment to joint ventures and
                                        3,411,891,317.00                       0.00        3,411,891,317.00         3,199,974,945.00                      0.00           3,199,974,945.00
 associated enterprises
 Total                                213,407,779,799.00             32,000,000.00      213,375,779,799.00        210,977,821,235.00             32,000,000.00         210,945,821,235.00

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Increase/decrease                                                             Ending balance for
                                    Beginning balance                                                                                            Ending balance
            Investee                                           Additional           Reduced            Impairment                                                          impairment
                                     (carrying value)                                                                            Others          (carrying value)
                                                              investments         investments           provisions                                                          provisions
 BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd.             9,450,000.00                  0.00                0.00                   0.00                   0.00        9,450,000.00                     0.00
 Beijing Yinghe Century Co.,
                                        342,184,564.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00           4,565,664.00       346,750,228.00                    0.00
 Beijing BOE Land Co., Ltd.               8,568,773.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00            407,340.00          8,976,113.00                    0.00
 BOE (Heibei) Mobile Display
                                       1,354,940,194.00                0.00                 0.00                  0.00            600,036.00      1,355,540,230.00                    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 BOE Hyundai LCD (Beijing)
                                         36,624,841.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00           2,395,728.00        39,020,569.00                    0.00
 Display Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Vacuum
                                         19,577,537.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00            159,342.00         19,736,879.00                    0.00
 Electronics Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Vacuum
                                                   0.00                0.00                 0.00                  0.00                    0.00                  0.00        32,000,000.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Optoelectronics
                                       4,198,742,954.00                0.00     4,172,288,084.00                  0.00           6,816,222.00        33,271,092.00                    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 BOE Optical Science and
                                        662,168,271.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00           2,720,964.00       664,889,235.00                    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Sales Co., Ltd.             31,014,071.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00            250,086.00         31,264,157.00                    0.00
 Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics
                                     25,055,603,860.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00       24,089,190.00       25,079,693,050.00                    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 BOE (Korea) Co., Ltd.                    3,900,987.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00           1,608,000.00         5,508,987.00                    0.00
 BOE Optoelectronics Holding
                                       3,211,961,538.00                0.00                 0.00                  0.00                    0.00    3,211,961,538.00                    0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Display                 17,520,168,739.00                 0.00                 0.00                  0.00       57,491,466.00       17,577,660,205.00                    0.00
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2022
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Energy
                                   854,286,893.00                0.00   0.00             0.00         1,942,704.00     856,229,597.00    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Multimedia
                                   400,000,000.00                0.00   0.00             0.00                 0.00     400,000,000.00    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Hefei BOE Optoelectronics
                                  9,032,079,808.00               0.00   0.00             0.00        13,863,840.00    9,045,943,648.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing Matsushita Colour
                                      2,527,690.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         1,172,250.00        3,699,940.00   0.00
 Innovation Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Vision Electronic
                                  4,094,913,328.00    330,595,800.00    0.00             0.00         1,296,498.00    4,426,805,626.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Life Technology
                                    10,000,000.00                0.00   0.00             0.00                 0.00      10,000,000.00    0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Beijing Zhongxiangying
                                   100,578,919.00                0.00   0.00             0.00          424,452.00      101,003,371.00    0.00
 Technologies Co., Ltd.
 Ordos Yuansheng
                                 11,808,874,625.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         2,428,434.00   11,811,303,059.00   0.00
 Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
 Hefei Xinsheng
 Optoelectronics Technology      20,122,733,179.00               0.00   0.00             0.00        15,196,494.00   20,137,929,673.00   0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Chongqing BOE
 Optoelectronics Technology      19,584,823,404.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         7,117,440.00   19,591,940,844.00   0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Hefei BOE Display
                                  2,020,815,508.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         9,277,638.00    2,030,093,146.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics
                                 14,687,793,781.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         6,065,382.00   14,693,859,163.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 BOE Healthcare Investment &
                                  7,283,180,411.00    220,000,000.00    0.00             0.00          398,886.00     7,503,579,297.00   0.00
 Management Co., Ltd.
 BOE Wisdom IOT Technology
                                    13,441,936.00                0.00   0.00             0.00         6,865,536.00      20,307,472.00    0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Hefei BOE Zhuoyin
                                   602,251,996.00                0.00   0.00             0.00         1,095,558.00     603,347,554.00    0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Technology
                                      1,724,087.00               0.00   0.00             0.00          352,266.00         2,076,353.00   0.00
 Development Co., Ltd.
 Yunnan Chuangshijie
 Optoelectronics Technology       1,514,944,989.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         1,746,552.00    1,516,691,541.00   0.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Beijing BOE Sensor
                                   221,944,202.00    4,213,288,084.00   0.00             0.00         5,802,222.00    4,441,034,508.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Mianyang BOE
                                 22,329,872,372.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         6,216,570.00   22,336,088,942.00   0.00
 Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
 Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics
                                 12,511,267,959.00               0.00   0.00             0.00         6,342,084.00   12,517,610,043.00   0.00
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Chongqing BOE Display            9,085,662,024.00    218,750,000.00    0.00             0.00         3,651,234.00    9,308,063,258.00   0.00
      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Interim Report 2022
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        Fuzhou BOE Display
                                                      22,454,088.00                 0.00                0.00                 0.00            170,712.00               22,624,800.00                    0.00
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        Hefei BOE Xingyu
                                                     335,731,430.00     169,364,156.00                  0.00                 0.00            568,356.00           505,663,942.00                       0.00
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        BOE Innovation Investment
                                                 2,964,000,000.00       234,000,000.00                  0.00                 0.00             85,356.00         3,198,085,356.00                       0.00
        Co., Ltd.
        BOE Education Technology
                                                      27,881,265.00                 0.00                0.00                 0.00          1,316,358.00               29,197,623.00                    0.00
        Co., Ltd.
        BOE Smart Technology Co.,
                                                 1,822,000,000.00       250,000,000.00                  0.00                 0.00                     0.00      2,072,000,000.00                       0.00
        Nanjing BOE Display
                                                 5,591,893,772.00                   0.00                0.00                 0.00          3,244,668.00         5,595,138,440.00                       0.00
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        Chengdu CEC Panda Display
                                                 7,550,673,783.00                   0.00                0.00                 0.00          3,114,414.00         7,553,788,197.00                       0.00
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        Dongfang Chengqi (Beijing)
                                                       8,000,000.00        2,000,000.00                 0.00                 0.00          1,691,742.00               11,691,742.00                    0.00
        Business Technology Co., Ltd.
        BOE Mled Technology Co.,
                                                     600,366,251.00     455,000,000.00                  0.00                 0.00          5,834,310.00         1,061,200,561.00                       0.00
        BOE Environmental Energy
                                                               0.00       50,000,000.00                 0.00                 0.00                     0.00            50,000,000.00                    0.00
        Technology Co., Ltd.
        Others*                                     84,222,261.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00         38,946,242.00           123,168,503.00                       0.00
        Total                                  207,745,846,290.00     6,142,998,040.00      4,172,288,084.00                 0.00        247,332,236.00       209,963,888,482.00              32,000,000.00

      (2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                      Profit and loss                                                                                                              Ending
                       Beginning                                                                                         Declared
                                                                            on          Adjustment of                                                                      Ending balance        balance for
The investor            balance                                                                                        distribution
                                        Additional       Reduced       investments          other       Other equity                    Impairment                         (carrying value)      impairment
                    (carrying value)                                                                                      of cash                            Others
                                       investments     investments      confirmed       comprehensive   movements                        provisions                                               provisions
                                                                                                                       dividends or
                                                                       according to        income
                                                                        equity law
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
Electronics         2,013,138.00              0.00            0.00       858,488.00              0.00           0.00          0.00             0.00              0.00         2,871,626.00              0.00
      BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2022
Co., Ltd.
                 77,596,241.00         0.00         0.00     475,086.00             0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00     78,071,327.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Infi-
Venture                   0.00         0.00         0.00    1,596,566.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00      1,596,566.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Fly
Investment                0.00         0.00         0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00              0.00    0.00
Erdos BOE
                 76,107,007.00         0.00         0.00      -91,847.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00     76,015,160.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
Technology       28,459,837.00         0.00         0.00     479,181.00             0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00     28,939,018.00    0.00
XindongNe                                                                                                                                  -
                2,088,917,867.0               129,798,59   396,305,719.0                                                                       2,277,316,974.0
ng                                     0.00                                -15,049,881.00         0.00         0.00       0.00   63,058,137.                     0.00
Investment                    0                     4.00               0                                                                                     0
Fund (LLP)
Xindongnen                                                                                                         -
                  8,640,494.00         0.00         0.00    1,630,439.00            0.00          0.00   2,000,000.0      0.00         0.00      8,270,933.00    0.00
Managemen                                                                                                          0
t Co., Ltd.
                 41,093,186.00         0.00         0.00    1,974,946.00       93,053.00    369,308.00         0.00       0.00         0.00     43,530,493.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
                 21,091,552.00         0.00         0.00     -274,258.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00     20,817,294.00    0.00
s Co., Ltd.
Beijing         207,564,573.00         0.00         0.00   11,035,537.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00    218,600,110.00    0.00
        BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                Interim Report 2022
Co., Ltd.
                 231,777,557.00          0.00         0.00    1,835,865.00    4,743,127.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00    238,356,549.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
BOE Yiyun
Science &
                 215,529,981.00          0.00         0.00    1,648,526.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00    217,178,507.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
Guoke BOE
                   1,183,512.00          0.00         0.00     -856,752.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00        326,760.00    0.00
t Co., Ltd.
Automotive       200,000,000.00          0.00         0.00            0.00            0.00          0.00         0.00       0.00         0.00    200,000,000.00    0.00
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     -                       -
                3,199,974,945.0                 129,798,59   416,617,496.0                                                                       3,411,891,317.0
Sub-total                                0.00                                -10,213,701.00   369,308.00   2,000,000.0      0.00   63,058,137.                     0.00
                              0                       4.00               0                                                                                     0
                                                                                                                     0                     00
                                                                                                                     -                       -
                3,199,974,945.0                 129,798,59   416,617,496.0                                                                       3,411,891,317.0
Total                                    0.00                                -10,213,701.00   369,308.00   2,000,000.0      0.00   63,058,137.                     0.00
                              0                       4.00               0                                                                                     0
                                                                                                                     0                     00

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

(3) Other Notes


4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                              Reporting Period                                   Same period of last year
                                      Income                      Cost                       Income                     Cost
   Principal activities             2,707,458,580.00               5,154,112.00            3,046,433,371.00               3,174,980.00
   Other operating
                                        5,353,456.00                 127,110.00               10,053,772.00               2,565,504.00
   Total                            2,712,812,036.00               5,281,222.00            3,056,487,143.00               5,740,484.00
Relevant information of revenue
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
     Category of contracts            Segment 1                  Segment 2                                               Total
   Types of products                               0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   By operating places                             0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   By types of market or
                                                   0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   Types of contracts                              0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   By the time of
                                                   0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
   transferring goods
      Of which:
   By contract term                                0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   By marketing channel                            0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
      Of which:
   Total                                           0.00                      0.00                                                  0.00
Information related to performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yet was
RMB0.00 at the period-end.
Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yet was
RMB0.00 at the period-end, among which RMB0.00 was expected to be recognized in 0 year, RMB0.00 in 0 year and RMB0.00 in 0
Other notes:

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                               Item                                           Reporting Period                Same period of last year
   Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using
                                                                                     1,099,923,077.00                 1,680,000,000.00
   cost method
   Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using
                                                                                         416,617,496.00                  13,838,703.00
   equity method
   Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                                   0.00                            0.00
BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

  Investment income arising from holding of trading financial
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  Investment income from disposal of financial assets held for
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  Dividend income received from holding of other equity
                                                                                            206,210.00                      3,554,579.00
  instrument investment
  Gain from remeasurement of remaining equity interests to fair
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  value upon the loss of control
  Interest income of investment in debt obligations during
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  holding period
  Interest income of investment in other debt obligations during
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  holding period
  Investment income from disposal of investment in other debt
                                                                                                  0.00                              0.00
  Total                                                                              1,516,746,783.00                1,697,393,282.00

6. Other


XVII Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                 Item                                                     Amount                Note
  Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets                                                       -1,480,132.00      N/A
  Tax rebates, reductions and exemptions given with ultra vires approval or in lack of official
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  approval documents
  Government subsidies recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the
  ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the                   2,960,353,628.00     N/A
  government’s unified standards
  Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are charged to current profit or
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  Gain equal to the amount by which investment costs for the Company to obtain
  subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than the Company’s enjoyable fair                           0.00     N/A
  value of identifiable net assets of investees when making investments
  Gain or loss on non-monetary asset swaps                                                                           0.00     N/A
  Gain or loss on assets entrusted to other entities for investment or management                                    0.00     N/A
  Allowance for asset impairments due to acts of God such as natural disasters                                       0.00     N/A
  Gain or loss on debt restructuring                                                                                 0.00     N/A
  Restructuring costs in staff arrangement, integration, etc.                                                        0.00     N/A
  Gain or loss on the over-fair value amount as a result of transactions with distinctly unfair
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  Current profit or loss on subsidiaries obtained in business combinations involving
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  enterprises under common control from the period-beginning to combination dates, net
  Gain or loss on contingencies that do not arise in the Company’s ordinary course of
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  Gain or loss on fair-value changes in held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities &
  income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities and available-for-
                                                                                                          122,322,990.00      N/A
  sale financial assets (exclusive of the effective portion of hedges that arise in the
  Company’s ordinary course of business)
  Reversed portions of impairment allowances for accounts receivable which are tested
                                                                                                           20,528,284.00      N/A
  individually for impairment
  Gain or loss on loan entrustments                                                                                  0.00     N/A
  Gain or loss on fair-value changes in investment property of which subsequent
                                                                                                                     0.00     N/A
  measurement is carried out using the fair value method
  Effects of all adjustments required by taxation, accounting and other applicable laws and                          0.00     N/A

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

   regulations on current profit or loss
   Income from charges on entrusted management                                                                      0.00   N/A
   Other non-operating income and expenses besides items above                                             85,481,075.00   N/A
   Other items qualified as extraordinary gain and loss                                                             0.00   N/A
   Less: Income tax effects                                                                                92,067,447.00   N/A
        Non-controlling interests effects                                                                 738,932,753.00   N/A
   Total                                                                                              2,356,205,645.00           --

Others that meets the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:
□Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Gains and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss
□Applicable  Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                                                               EPS (Yuan/share)
                                                Weighted average return on
           Profit as of Reporting Period                                      Basic earnings per share     Diluted earnings per
                                                        net assets
                                                                                   (RMB/share)             share (RMB/share)
   Net profit attributable to the Company’s
                                                                    4.80%                         0.166                          0.166
   ordinary equity shareholders
   Net profit excluding extraordinary gain
   and loss attributable to the Company’s                          2.99%                         0.104                          0.104
   ordinary equity shareholders

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting
Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the Foreign Auditing
Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated


4. Other

