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鲁 泰B:2010年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2010-04-20  

						The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

    The First Quarterly Report for 2010

    §1 Important Notice

    1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors and senior

    management staffs of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”)

    individually and jointly accepted responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of

    the contents of this report and confirmed that there was no false information, misleading statement

    or material omissions.

    1.2 The first quarterly financial report has not been audited by Accounting Firm.

    1.3 Mr. Liu Shizhen, Chairman of the Board of the Company, Ms. Zhang Hongmei, person in

    charge of accounting work and accounting organ (Financial Manager) hereby confirmed that the

    Financial Report enclosed in Quarterly Report is true and complete.

    §2 Company Profile

    2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    At the end of the

    reporting period At the end of last year Increase/decrease (%)

    Total assets (RMB Yuan) 6,601,011,712.40 6,303,066,959.60 4.73%

    Owner’s equity attributable to shareholders of listed

    company (RMB Yuan) 4,067,998,783.12 3,919,660,709.28 3.78%

    Share capital (Share) 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 0.00%

    Net asset per share attributable to shareholders of listed

    company (RMB Yuan/share) 4.09 3.94 3.81%

    Reporting period Same period of last

    year Increase/decrease (%)

    Sales turnover (RMB Yuan) 1,007,921,744.76 842,468,539.81 19.64%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company

    (RMB Yuan) 148,214,182.13 122,078,955.79 21.41%

    Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB

    Yuan) 99,390,411.92 97,291,541.21 2.16%

    Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities

    (RMB Yuan/share) 0.10 0.10 0.00%

    Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan/share) 0.15 0.12 25.00%

    Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan/share) 0.15 0.12 25.00%

    Weighted average return on equity (%) 3.71% 3.40% 0.31%

    Weighted average return on equity after deducting

    extraordinary gains and losses (%) 3.63% 3.27% 0.36%

    Items of extraordinary gains and losses Amount from 1 Jan. to

    31 Mar. 2010

    Gains on disposal of non-current assets 294,328.43

    Government grant recognized in current year, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or

    granted continuously in certain standard quota according to relevant national laws and regulations 8,330,000.00

    In addition to the normal operations associated with the company effective hedging business, holders of

    tradable financial assets, trading financial liabilities resulting from changes in fair value gains and losses, as

    -7,755,436.02The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    well as the disposal of trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities and financial assets available for

    sale achieved an investment return

    Other non-operating income and expense other than abovementioned 1,729,576.46

    Influence amount of income tax 717,570.92

    Total 3,316,039.79

    Explanation on important items of extraordinary gains and losses:


    2.2 Statement on total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not

    subject to trading moratorium

    Unit: share

    Total number of shareholders 128,375

    Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

    Full name of shareholders

    Shares not subject to trading

    moratorium held at the


    Type of share

    Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. 24,956,700 RMB common shares

    DBS VICKERS (HONG KONG) LTD A/C CLIENTS 40,626,252 Domestically listed foreign share

    GF Large-Cap Growth Mixed Type Fund 13,599,841 RMB common shares

    Guotai Jinma Sustaining Return Fund 9,585,503 RMB common shares

    Fullgoal Tianhe Stable Selected Stock Fund 5,239,326 RMB common shares

    Hua An Dynamic Asset Allocation Mixed Type Fund 3,630,540 RMB common shares


    FD 3,603,926 Domestically listed foreign share

    TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C CLIENT. 3,416,840 Domestically listed foreign share

    AVIVA INVESTORS 3,394,515 Domestically listed foreign share

    Everbright Pramerica Dividend Stock Fund 3,299,979 RMB common shares

    §3 Significant Events

    3.1 Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlights and reasons for these changes.

    □Applicable √Non-applicable

    3.2 Process of significant events and influence, as well as analysis and explanation on resolving


    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.3 Special commitments made by the company, shareholders and actual controllers

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Commitment Commitment

    maker Contents of the commitment Execution

    Commitment concerning share

    merger reform

    Zibo Lucheng

    Textile Investment

    Co., Ltd

    Zibo Lucheng will not reduce its shareholding within 60

    months after share merger reform and, within 24 months

    after that, the price of selling holding shares shall not be

    lower than RMB 15 per share (if the share capital changes,

    ex-rights will be conducted); it proposed and voted for a cash

    distribution not lower than 50% of the profit available for

    In the process of

    executionThe First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    distribution in the year at the 2006 Shareholders’ General

    Meeting and 2007 Shareholders’ General Meeting; it will

    increase the LUTHAI A shares held by it through trading at

    the secondary market with the dividends received in 2005

    and 2006, and the increase of the LUTHAI A shares held

    shall be accomplished within 12 months after the dividend is

    transferred to its account. In 2008, the total profit shall

    increase by not less than 30% compared with that in 2005.

    Commitment concerning share

    trading moratorium N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made in a purchase

    report or a report on changes of

    owners’ equity

    N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made in material

    asset reorganization N/A N/A N/A

    Commitments made when issuing Lu Thai Textile

    Co., Ltd. Investment projects with raised funds

    In the process of

    execution as


    Other commitments (including

    supplementary ones) N/A N/A N/A

    3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the

    period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period compared with the same

    period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.5 Other significant events need to be explained

    3.5.1 Securities investment

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.5.2 Reception of research, interviews and visits in the reporting period

    Reception time Reception place Reception way Reception object Major discussion content and the

    information provided by the Company

    8 Apr. 2010 Reception room of the

    Company Field research Kong Jun of China Jianyin

    Investment Securities

    Basic information of the Company and

    recovery of export

    3.5.3 Explanation on other significant events

    □Applicable √Inapplicable

    3.6 Derivative Investment

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Analysis on risks and control

    measures of derivative

    products held in the report

    period (including but not

    limited to market risk,

    liquidity risk, credit risk,

    operation risk, law risk, etc.)

    Analysis on risks and control measures concerning derivatives investments

    The Company conducted forward settlements in order for hedging. And the forward

    settlement hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant amount not more

    than the planned earnings from exchanges. And all hedging business was

    zero-deposit. Meanwhile, the Company had a complete risk control system for

    sufficient analysis and prevention of possible risks such as risk of laws and

    regulations, credit risk, operation risk and market risk.

    1. Risk of laws and regulations

    When conducting hedging business, the Company must abide by relevant laws,

    regulations and rules of the stock exchange, and the rights and obligations between

    the Company and the bank must be specified.

    Precautionary measures: The Company carefully studied and mastered relevant laws,The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    regulations and market rules, formulated internal control rules for the forward

    settlement hedging business, strengthened supervision, and strictly abided by relevant

    laws, regulations and the Company’s internal management rules.

    2. Credit risk and liquidity risk

    Hedging business developed by the Company was carried out on the basis of contract

    of forward settlement of exchange signed between the Company and bank, the

    delivery on schedule or extension is recognized based on one of the contract price and

    exchange tendency after such contract of forward settlement of exchange falls due, no

    default risk exists in the Company so as to ensure delivery on schedule or extension.

    Precaution measure: the Company formulated the internal control management

    system for hedging of forward settlement of exchange, in which the appropriate

    authorization system shall be set out, and amount for hedging shall be confirmed by

    installments in accordance with the production and operation scale and exchange

    revenue progress, and ensure no credit risk and liquidity risk occurred by means of

    extension at the specified date.

    3. Operation risk

    Faulty internal progress, employees, as well as system and external matters resulted in

    risk as well in the course of hedging, including employee risk, process risk, system

    risk and external risk.

    Precaution measure: the Company set up stringent authorization and approval system,

    stipulated organization, business operating process and examination and approval

    process, and perfect regulation can reduce the operation risk effectively.

    4. Market risk

    In the operation of hedging of forward settlement and surrender exchange, if the

    RMB is devalued by a large margin on the basis of the current situation before the

    contract is due, so then, the larger losses shall incur in the contract on forward

    settlement of exchange signed by the Company.

    Risk analysis and precaution measure: at present, in face of the appreciation pressure

    on Renminbi, there was no risk on large devaluation of the RMB before the contract

    is due signed by the Company. According to price quoted from each bank, the RMB

    shows appreciation tendency within a narrow range within 1 year, thus, gain on

    change in fair value shall occur in the forward contract signed by the Company.

    Changes of market prices or

    fair values in the report

    period of the invested

    derivatives. And the analysis

    on the fair value of the

    derivatives should include

    the specific use methods and

    the relevant assumptions and


    In the reporting period, the due forward settlement of the Company totaled USD

    203,735,700, among which USD 101,655,700 was delivered as scheduled, generating

    a loss of RMB 18,888,100, and USD 102,080,000 was extended, reducing loss by

    RMB 125,800 after the extension. As at the end of the reporting period, the contract

    amount of forward settlement of exchange held by the Company stood at USD

    317,580,000. During the holding period of forward contract, it is estimated that

    Renminbi will still present steadily increasing trend. Under this situation, fair value

    variation of the forward contract held by the Company will present an income.

    Whether significant changes

    occurred to the Company’s

    accounting policy and

    specific accounting

    principles of derivatives in

    the report period compared

    to the previous report period


    Specific opinion from

    independent directors,

    sponsors or financial

    consultants on the

    Company’s derivatives

    investment and risk control

    Independent opinions from the independent directors of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. on

    the Company’s hedging business of forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange

    Concerning the Company’s hedging business of forward settlement and sale of

    foreign exchange, the Company’s independent directors Zhou Zhiji, Li Zhixian, Qi

    Haodong, Bi Xiuli and Wang Lei issued their professional opinions as follows:

    1. As at the end of the reporting period, the contract amount of undue forwardThe First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    settlement of exchange stood at USD 317,580,000.

    2. In the reporting period, the due forward settlement of the Company totaled USD

    203,735,700, among which USD 101,655,700 was delivered as scheduled, generating

    a loss of RMB 18,888,100, and USD 102,080,000 was extended, reducing loss by

    RMB 125,800 after the extension.

    3. When operating its hedging business of forward settlement and sale of foreign

    exchange, the Company went through relevant approving procedures, which was in

    line with relevant laws, regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association.

    4. Concerning its hedging business of forward settlement and sale of foreign

    exchange, the Company established and improved its relevant internal control

    systems such as the organization structure, the business operation flow and the

    approving procedures, which was effectively executed.

    5. On the basis of its normal operation, the Company used its own funds to conduct

    the hedging business of forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange, which could

    help the Company avoid the risk of RMB exchange rate changes and improve the

    Company’s resistance ability to exchange rate fluctuations. Such a move of the

    Company would do no harm to the interest of the Company and its shareholders.

    6. In the report period, the Company operated its hedging business of forward

    purchase/sale of foreign currencies in strict compliance with relevant laws,

    regulations, the Company’s Articles of Association and the Company’s Internal

    Control System on Hedging Business of Forward Purchase/Sale of Foreign


    7. The Management System for Derivative Transaction, which was amended in

    accordance with the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shenzhen

    Stock Exchange, Working Guidelines for Information Disclosure of Listed

    Companies (No. 8) - Derivative Investment, was examined and approved at the 36th

    meeting of the 5th Board of Directors of the Company, so as to further perfect

    management of derivative transaction.

    8. In accordance with the requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Working

    Guidelines for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies (No. 8) - Derivative

    Investment, the Company perfected relevant obligation of information disclosure in

    the first quarterly report for 2010.

    To sum up, we were of the opinion that it would strengthen the Company’s

    competitiveness to use the hedging forward settlement and sale of foreign exchange

    business as an effective tool to avoid foreign exchange risks, to strengthen the

    relevant internal control and to carry out the loss and risk prevention measures so as

    to improve the operation and management. It was considered feasible for the

    Company to conduct the hedging business of forward purchase/sale of foreign

    currencies and the relevant risks were controllable.

    3.6.1 Derivatives held as at the end of the report period

    √Applicable □Inapplicable

    Unit: RMB

    Type of contract Beginning contract


    Closing contract


    Gain or loss in the

    reporting period

    Proportion of the

    closing contract

    amount in the closing

    net assets of the

    Company (%)

    Forward settlement of exchange

    contract 2,748,279,800.00 2,110,765,860.00 -18,888,118.02 51.89%

    Total 2,748,279,800.00 2,110,765,860.00 -18,888,118.02 51.89%

    §4 Attachment

    4.1 Balance sheet

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 31 Mar. 2010 Unit: RMB YuanThe First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    Closing balance Opening balance


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 650,728,920.73 398,947,258.62 569,968,526.84 324,783,025.04

    Settlement fund reserve

    Dismantle fund

    Transaction financial asset

    Notes receivable 108,931,181.95 110,422,064.91 141,412,742.46 120,774,297.57

    Account receivable 187,715,565.79 166,721,376.95 154,069,325.62 167,091,056.87

    Account paid in advance 185,251,412.69 464,403,031.79 160,759,295.40 435,828,408.63

    Premium receivables

    Receivables from reinsurers

    Reinsurance contract reserve


    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other account receivable 42,918,869.66 10,380,476.21 49,697,710.62 14,017,123.91

    Financial assets purchased

    under agreements to resell

    Inventories 1,384,389,341.29 922,145,863.55 1,229,494,890.25 801,504,131.77

    Non-current assets due within 1


    Other current assets

    Total current assets 2,559,935,292.11 2,073,020,072.03 2,305,402,491.19 1,863,998,043.79

    Non-current assets:

    Loans and advance

    Available for sale financial assets

    Held to maturity investments

    Long-term account receivable

    Long-term equity investment 12,160,000.00 897,482,752.85 160,000.00 897,482,752.85

    Investing property

    Fixed asset 3,604,236,898.49 2,158,854,015.36 3,620,298,059.46 2,141,043,636.81

    Project in construction 90,717,826.40 61,489,607.45 73,045,428.62 53,545,369.31

    Engineering material 288,748.72 288,748.72 11,712,153.66 11,712,153.66

    Fixed asset disposal

    Bearer biological asset

    Oil assets

    Intangible assets 278,938,709.41 166,380,200.86 228,956,536.92 116,170,958.25

    Development expense

    Goodwill 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29

    Long-term expense to be


    Deferred income tax assets 34,170,433.98 25,296,076.54 42,928,486.46 25,551,960.18

    Other non-current assets

    Total of non-current assets 4,041,076,420.29 3,309,791,401.78 3,997,664,468.41 3,245,506,831.06

    Total assets 6,601,011,712.40 5,382,811,473.81 6,303,066,959.60 5,109,504,874.85

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term borrowings 1,335,713,919.21 649,574,161.50 1,032,541,840.01 356,415,782.53The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    Borrowings from Central Bank

    Deposits and due to banks and

    other financial institutions

    Borrowings from banks and

    other financial institutions

    Transactional financial

    liabilities 50,275,468.00 42,148,100.00 61,408,150.00 50,861,900.00

    Notes payable 107,029,713.16 369,175,953.14 100,969,783.06 385,837,761.77

    Accounts payable 221,337,640.86 140,908,473.84 275,876,805.53 149,446,372.99

    Accounts received in advance 73,375,964.76 25,397,239.09 41,441,458.66 24,231,017.36

    Financial assets sold under

    agreements to repurchase

    Handling charges and

    commissions payable

    Employee’s compensation

    payable 184,444,735.28 160,968,542.04 220,359,174.53 186,391,924.39

    Taxes and fares payable 22,811,183.41 18,185,051.39 28,682,631.04 18,959,689.49

    Interest payable 1,212,647.90 1,212,647.90 490,102.22 490,102.22

    Dividend payable 442,538.04 442,538.04 442,538.04 442,538.04

    Other accounts payable 77,873,543.98 13,292,324.95 90,408,797.00 13,425,412.94

    Due to reinsurers

    Insurance contract reserve

    Amount payable for acting

    trading securities

    Amount payable for acting

    underwriting securities

    Non-current liabilities due

    within 1 year 117,636,660.00 117,636,660.00 157,379,900.00 157,379,900.00

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 2,192,154,014.60 1,538,941,691.89 2,010,001,180.09 1,343,882,401.73

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings 55,680,480.00 55,680,480.00 92,612,200.00 92,612,200.00

    Debentures payable

    Long-term payables 9,735,560.00 9,735,560.00

    Specific-purpose account


    Accrued liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities 406,201.83 406,802.45

    Other non-current liabilities 2,673,445.33 2,673,445.33

    Total non-current liabilities 68,495,687.16 55,680,480.00 105,428,007.78 92,612,200.00

    Total liabilities 2,260,649,701.76 1,594,622,171.89 2,115,429,187.87 1,436,494,601.73

    Shareholders’ equity

    Share capital 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00

    Capital surplus 1,135,356,168.72 1,125,522,201.27 1,135,356,168.72 1,125,522,201.27

    Less: Treasury Stock

    Special reserve

    Surplus reserve 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19

    General risk provision

    Retained earnings 1,566,682,884.77 1,293,372,771.46 1,418,468,702.64 1,178,193,742.66The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    Foreign exchange difference -3,334,599.56 -3,458,491.27

    Total owners' equity attributable

    to holding company 4,067,998,783.12 3,788,189,301.92 3,919,660,709.28 3,673,010,273.12

    Minority interests 272,363,227.52 267,977,062.45

    Total owners’ equity 4,340,362,010.64 3,788,189,301.92 4,187,637,771.73 3,673,010,273.12

    Total liabilities and owners’

    equity 6,601,011,712.40 5,382,811,473.81 6,303,066,959.60 5,109,504,874.85

    4.2 Income Statement

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Jan.- Mar. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Jan. – Mar. 2010 Jan. – Mar. 2009


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operating revenue 1,007,921,744.76 807,994,022.17 842,468,539.81 708,651,373.05

    Including: Sales 1,007,921,744.76 807,994,022.17 842,468,539.81 708,651,373.05

    Interest income

    Premium income

    Handling charges and commission income

    II. Total operating cost 823,200,338.55 672,361,635.35 705,616,763.27 596,724,389.40

    Including: Cost of sales 666,232,289.10 571,205,287.29 625,877,550.81 556,121,098.03

    Interest expenses

    Handling charges and commission expenses

    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of claims

    Net provision for insurance contract reserve

    Expenditure on policy dividends

    Reinsurance premium

    Taxes and associate charges 456,638.83 901,220.96

    Selling and distribution expenses 33,245,656.29 11,189,324.46 33,212,916.46 11,026,285.95

    Administrative expenses 107,559,667.81 81,497,027.60 39,369,702.24 20,727,235.78

    Financial expenses 13,413,964.57 7,851,177.73 18,222,960.04 8,849,769.64

    Asset impairment loss 2,292,121.95 618,818.27 -11,967,587.24

    Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means

    loss) 11,132,682.00 8,713,800.00 1,629,200.00

    Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) -18,888,118.02 -15,156,321.02 -2,690,500.00 -832,500.00

    Including: income form investment on affiliated

    enterprises and jointly-run enterprises

    Foreign exchange difference (“-” means loss)

    III. Business profit (“-” means loss) 176,965,970.19 129,189,865.80 135,790,476.54 111,094,483.65

    Add: non-operation income 11,317,958.25 7,329,344.07 10,001,231.22 3,235,579.73

    Less: non-business expense 964,053.36 748,575.72 1,374,654.58 407,102.78

    Including: loss from non-current asset disposal

    IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 187,319,875.08 135,770,634.15 144,417,053.18 113,922,960.60

    Less: Income tax expense 34,719,527.88 20,591,605.35 23,347,472.84 17,088,444.09

    V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 152,600,347.20 115,179,028.80 121,069,580.34 96,834,516.51

    Attributable to parent company 148,214,182.13 115,179,028.80 122,078,955.79 96,834,516.51

    Minority interests 4,386,165.07 -1,009,375.45

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) basic earnings per share 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.10The First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    (II) diluted earnings per share 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.10

    Ⅶ. Other comprehensive income 123,891.71

    Ⅷ. Total comprehensive income 152,724,238.91 115,179,028.80 121,069,580.34 96,834,516.51

    Attributable to owners of parent company 148,338,073.84 115,179,028.80 122,078,955.79 96,834,516.51

    Attributable to minority shareholders 4,386,165.07 -1,009,375.45

    4.3 Cash Flow Statement

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Jan.- Mar. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan

    Jan. – Mar. 2010 Jan. – Mar. 2009


    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash received from sale of commodities and

    rendering of service 1,111,919,061.37 897,606,220.43 901,371,132.80 807,027,692.90

    Net increase of deposits from customers and dues

    from banks

    Net increase of loans from the central bank

    Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial


    Cash received from premium of original insurance


    Net cash received from reinsurance business

    Net increase of savings of policy holders and

    investment fund

    Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets

    Cash received from interest, handling charges and


    Net increase of borrowings from banks and other

    financial institutions

    Net increase of buy-back funds

    Tax refunds received 27,298,278.08 15,182,945.85 37,017,779.42 33,070,986.17

    Other cash received relating to operating activities 19,199,638.81 11,458,572.27 168,097,933.85 156,814,360.71

    Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 1,158,416,978.26 924,247,738.55 1,106,486,846.07 996,913,039.78

    Cash paid for goods and services 757,121,903.49 642,780,076.15 740,866,238.79 811,391,637.98

    Net increase of customer lending and advance

    Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank

    and amount due from banks

    Cash for paying claims of the original insurance


    Cash for paying interest, handling charges and


    Cash for paying policy dividends

    Cash paid to and for employees 215,035,893.24 169,571,172.54 184,409,846.08 144,724,643.69

    Various taxes paid 38,805,096.22 16,357,140.59 29,723,132.28 849,751.00

    Other payment of cash relating to operating activities 48,063,673.39 30,060,929.61 54,196,087.71 23,586,767.62

    Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 1,059,026,566.34 858,769,318.89 1,009,195,304.86 980,552,800.29

    Net cash flows from operating activities 99,390,411.92 65,478,419.66 97,291,541.21 16,360,239.49

    II. Cash Flows from investment activities:

    Cash received from withdrawing investments

    Cash received from investment incomeThe First Quarterly Report for 2010 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,

    intangible assets and other long-term assets 186,865.38 157,365.38 122,481.34 122,481.34

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other

    operating business units

    Other cash received relating to investment

    activities 571,533.38 293,758.14 2,195,331.67 1,422,772.04

    Subtotal of cash inflows from investment

    activities 758,398.76 451,123.52 2,317,813.01 1,545,253.38

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets

    and other long-term assets 145,557,254.01 129,621,443.62 51,071,753.91 29,152,703.45

    Cash paid for investment 12,000,000.00

    Net increase of pledged loans

    Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other

    operating units

    Payment of cash relating to other investment

    activities 18,888,118.02 15,156,321.02

    Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities 176,445,372.03 144,777,764.64 51,071,753.91 29,152,703.45

    Net cash flows from investment activities -175,686,973.27 -144,326,641.12 -48,753,940.90 -27,607,450.07

    III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from absorbing investment

    Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from

    increase in minority interests

    Cash received from borrowings 415,083,480.00 285,140,500.00 562,389,000.00 368,389,000.00

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing activities 8,300,000.00 3,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 423,383,480.00 285,140,500.00 565,389,000.00 368,389,000.00

    Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 248,666,318.88 129,140,261.40 1,036,310,877.57 775,160,877.57

    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of

    dividends or profit 6,613,281.44 1,806,256.42 19,325,791.58 12,230,469.24

    Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries

    to minority shareholders

    Other cash payments relating to financing activities 10,000,000.00

    Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 265,279,600.32 130,946,517.82 1,055,636,669.15 787,391,346.81

    Net cash flows from financing activities 158,103,879.68 154,193,982.18 -490,247,669.15 -419,002,346.81

    IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and

    cash equivalents -1,046,924.44 -1,181,527.14 14,554,402.61 16,377,673.28

    V. Increase in cash and cash equivalents 80,760,393.89 74,164,233.58 -427,155,666.23 -413,871,884.11

    Add : Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin 569,968,526.84 324,783,025.04 1,141,056,407.10 884,493,526.89

    VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 650,728,920.73 398,947,258.62 713,900,740.87 470,621,642.78

    4.4 Auditor’s report

    Auditor’s opinion: un-audited