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鲁 泰B:2010年半年度报告(英文版)2010-08-16  




    Shandong · Zibo

    17 Aug. 2010Contents

    Section I Important Notice………………………………………………………….3

    Section II Company Profile…………………………………………………...…….3

    Section III Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Shareholders………...…6

    Section IV Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives……….7

    Section V Report of the Board of Directors…………………………….……..……7

    Section VI Significant Events…………………………………………………….. 10

    Section VII Financial Report………………………………………………………13

    Section VIII Documents Available for Reverence………………………………...85Section I Important Notice

    The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors

    and senior executives of the Company guarantee that there are no any omissions,

    fictitious or serious misleading statements carried in the report and will take all

    responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the authenticity, accuracy and integrality

    of the whole contents.

    All directors of the Company voted at the Board meeting.

    Chairman of the Board of the Company Mr. Liu Shizhen, Chief in Charge of

    Accounting and Person in Charge of Accounting Organ Ms. Zhang Hongmei hereby

    declared that the Financial Report enclosed in the Semi-Annual Report is true and


    The Semi-annual Financial Report 2010 has not been audited.

    Section II Company Profile

    I. Basic Information of the Company

    1. Legal name of the Company

    In Chinese: 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司

    In English: LU THAI TEXTILE CO., LTD.

    2. Legal Representative: Liu Shizhen

    3. Contact methods of Secretary of the Board of Directors and Securities Affairs


    Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities Affairs Representative

    Name Qin Guiling Zheng Weiyin


    No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan

    District, Zibo

    No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan

    District, Zibo

    Telephone 0533-5285166 0533-5285166

    Fax 0533-5418833 5282188 0533-5418833 5282188

    E-mail qinguiling@lttc.com.cn wyzheng@lttc.com.cn

    4. Registered address: No. 11, Mingbo Road, High-tech Development Zone, Zibo,


    Postal code: 255086

    Office address: No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan District, Zibo

    No. 11, Mingbo Road, High-tech Development Zone, Zibo

    Postal code: 255100

    E-mail: lttc@public.zbptt.sd.cn

    Internet website: www.lttc.com.cn

    5. Newspapers designated for disclosing information of the Company: Securities

    Times, Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao

    Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing the Interim Report:


    The place where the Interim Report is prepared and placed: Securities Department

    of the Company6. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Short Form of the Stock: LUTHAI A, LUTHAI B

    Stock Code: 000726, 200726

    7. Other Relevant Information of the Company

    Registration date after change: 4 Jun. 2009

    Place: Zibo Municipal Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce

    Registered number of enterprise legal person’s business license: 370300400002843

    Registered number of taxation: 370302613281175

    Organization code: 61328117-5

    II. Main financial data and indices

    1. Accounting data in current year

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    At the end of the

    report period

    At the period-end of

    last year

    Increase/decrease (%)

    Total assets 6,444,789,851.07 6,303,066,959.60 2.25%

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the

    listed company

    4,033,064,006.99 3,919,660,709.28 2.89%

    Share capital 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company (Yuan/share)

    4.05 3.94 2.79%

    In the report period

    (from Jan. to Jun.)

    The same period of

    last year

    Increase/decrease (%)

    Total operating income 2,246,850,916.86 1,842,366,191.98 21.95%

    Operating profit 443,572,068.68 294,436,470.67 50.65%

    Total profit 463,393,367.66 302,253,103.63 53.31%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed


    366,877,951.37 263,569,483.82 39.20%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed

    company after deducting non-recurring gains and


    348,475,975.27 261,863,605.05 33.08%

    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.37 0.26 42.31%

    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.37 0.26 42.31%

    Net return on equity (%) 9.10% 7.29% 1.81%

    Net cash flows from operating activities 290,608,340.78 274,388,805.35 5.91%

    Net cash flows from operating activities per share


    0.29 0.28 3.57%

    Note: Impact amount of non-recurring gains and losses on net profit was RMB

    18,401,976.10, of which composing was as follows:

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount Notes (if applicable)

    Gains and losses from non-current asset disposal -2,095,629.66

    Government subsidies recorded into current gains and losses, excluding those subsidies which

    are closely related to the normal operation of the Company and are enjoyed at fixed amounts or

    proportions according to certain state standards

    14,818,833.35Gains and losses from changes in fair value of transaction financial assets and transaction

    financial responsibilities, and investment income from disposal of transaction financial

    assets/responsibilities and financial assets available for sale, excluding valid hedging business

    relating to normal operation.


    Other non-operating incomes/expenses besides the items above 7,098,095.29

    Effect on income tax 2,610,513.48

    Effect on minority interests -2,051,608.62

    Total 18,401,976.10 -

    2. Explanation on the difference in net profit and net assets under IAS and CAS

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Net profit attributable to shareholders

    of the listed company

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company

    Amount in the

    current period

    Amount in the

    previous period

    Amount at the


    Amount at the


    Data under IAS 368,002,451.37 264,693,983.82 4,014,765,506.99 3,900,237,709.28

    Data under CAS 366,877,951.37 263,569,483.82 4,033,064,006.99 3,919,660,709.28

    Items and total adjusted under IAS:

    Increase of fixed assets arising from

    translating the USD statements into RMB

    statements in 1996 not recognized under


    0.00 0.00 -3,230,000.00 -3,230,000.00

    Switching back of evaluation increment of

    Luqun, which recognized as effect of current


    265,500.00 265,500.00 -6,003,500.00 -6,269,000.00

    Tax deduction due to the

    domestically-manufactured equipment

    purchased by the parent company recognized

    as deferred income

    859,000.00 859,000.00 -9,065,000.00 -9,924,000.00

    Total of difference under IAS and CAS 1,124,500.00 1,124,500.00 -18,298,500.00 -19,423,000.00

    Explanation on difference between IFRS and


    1. Impact of increment from exchange of foreign currency fixed assets

    Recording currency of the Company was changed from USD to RMB in 1996, and fixed

    assets appraised due to fluctuation of exchange rate. The increment was listed in original

    value and capital public reserves according to PRC GAAP but was not recognized under

    IFRS. According to regulations in IFRS, the Company will amortize the difference in

    accordance with use term of fixed assets, and then will adjust net profit and net assets.

    2. Impact of evaluation increment of assets

    The Company invested on Luqun Textile according to appraisal of fixed assets, and the

    increment of appraisal will record in capital public reserves under PRC GAAP but will

    not be recognized under IFRS. According to regulations in IFRS, the Company will

    amortize the difference in accordance with use term of fixed assets, and then will adjust

    net profit and net assets.

    3. Impact of tax deduction due to the domestically-manufactured equipment

    The Company enjoyed the right of purchase of domestically-manufactured equipment to

    deduct tax, and reduce income tax directly under PRC GAAP, but recognized as deferredincome relating to assets under IFRS. According to regulations in IFRS, the Company

    will amortize the difference in accordance with use term of fixed assets, and then will

    adjust net profit and net assets.

    III. Relevant financial indices

    Net assets earning ratio (%) Earnings per share (RMB/share)

    Fully diluted



    Basic earnings

    per share

    Diluted earnings per


    Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company 9.10% 9.23% 0.37 0.37

    Net profit attributable to owners of the parent Company

    after deducting non-recurring profit and loss

    8.64% 8.76% 0.35 0.35

    Section III Changes in Share Capital and Shares Held by Shareholders

    I. Statement on changes in shares

    Unit: Share

    Before the change Increase/decrease during the change (+/-) After the change





    of new





    of public


    Others Subtotal Amount Proportion

    I. Shares subject to trading


    217,923,592 21.90% 217,923,592 21.90%

    1. Shares held by state

    2. Shares held by

    state-owned corporation

    3. Shares held by other

    domestic investors

    98,358,000 9.89% 98,358,000 9.89%

    Including: shares held by

    domestic non-state-owned


    98,358,000 9.89% 98,358,000 9.89%

    Shares held by domestic

    natural person

    4. Shares held by foreign


    118,232,400 11.88% 118,232,400 11.88%

    Including: shares held by

    foreign corporation

    118,232,400 11.88% 118,232,400 11.88%

    Shares held by foreign

    natural person

    5. Shares held by senior


    1,333,192 0.13% 1,333,192 0.13%

    II. Shares not subject to

    trading moratorium

    776,941,208 78.10% 776,941,208 78.10%

    1. RMB ordinary shares 452,952,028 45.53% 452,952,028 45.53%

    2. Domestically listed

    foreign shares

    323,989,180 32.57% 323,989,180 32.57%3. Overseas listed foreign


    4. Others

    III. Total shares 994,864,800 100.00% 994,864,800 100.00%

    Note: “Others” in “Increase or decrease during the change” is the number of released

    shares held by senior executives of the Company in the report period.

    II. Shares held by the top ten shareholders at the at of report period

    Unit: Share

    Total shareholders 133,698

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Name of shareholders

    Nature of



    g ratio

    Total shares


    Shares subject

    to trading



    pledged or


    Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd




    12.40% 123,314,700 98,358,000

    Tailun Co., Ltd



    11.88% 118,232,400 118,232,400




    4.08% 40,626,252

    Guotai Jinma Stable Return Securities Investment Fund




    0.90% 9,000,000

    Changsheng Tongqing Separated Stock Fund




    0.71% 7,043,722




    0.67% 6,668,171

    Triumph Selected Stock Fund




    0.46% 4,600,697

    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Dividend-Personal

    Dividend-005L-FH002 SZ




    0.39% 3,850,000

    The Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional-Common

    Insurance Product-022L-CT001 SZ




    0.37% 3,695,010


    B SHS FD



    0.36% 3,603,926

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

    Name of shareholders

    Shares not subject to trading

    moratorium held

    Type of shares

    Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd 24,956,700 RMB ordinary sharesDBS VICKBRS(HONG KONG)LTD A/C CLIENTS 40,626,252

    Domestically listed foreign


    Guotai Jinma Stable Return Securities Investment Fund 9,000,000 RMB ordinary shares

    Changsheng Tongqing Separated Stock Fund 7,043,722 RMB ordinary shares


    Domestically listed foreign


    Triumph Selected Stock Fund 4,600,697 RMB ordinary shares

    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Dividend-Personal Dividend-005L-FH002


    3,850,000 RMB ordinary shares

    The Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional-Common Insurance

    Product-022L-CT001 SZ

    3,695,010 RMB ordinary shares


    Domestically listed foreign



    Domestically listed foreign


    Explanation on associated

    relationship among the

    aforesaid shareholders or


    Among the aforesaid shareholders, Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd is the first principal

    shareholder and Tailun Co., Ltd is the sponsor of foreign shares. Other shareholders were shareholders

    holding circulation shares. The Company was unknown whether there exists associated relationship

    among the top ten shareholders of tradable share.

    III. Particulars about changes in controlling shareholder or the actual controller during

    the report period.

    The principal shareholder and the actual controller of the Company remained

    unchanged in the report period.

    Section IV Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    I. Particulars about changes in shares held by directors, supervisor and senior


    Shares held by the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior executives remained

    unchanged during the report period.

    II Particulars about new engagement and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior


    The Company convened the 2009 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting on 4 Jun.

    2010, at which the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee were re-elected.

    Liu Shizhen, Xu Zhinan, Liu Zibin, Tengyuan Yingli, Chen Ruimo, Wang Fangshui,

    Qin Guiling, Sun Zhigang and Zeng Fa were elected as directors for the Company’s

    6th Board of Directors, with Li Zhixian, Zhou Zhiji, Qi Haodong, Wang Lei and Bi

    Xiuli as independent directors for the 6th Board. And Zhu Lingwen and Liu Zilong

    were elected as supervisors for the Company’s 6th Supervisory Committee. At the 10th

    Meeting of the 3rd Workers’ Congress convened on 29 May 2010, Dong Shibing was

    elected as the staff-representative supervisor for the 6th Supervisory Committee.

    At the 1st Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors convened on 4 Jun. 2010, Liu Shizhen

    was elected as Chairman for the 6th Board of Directors, Xu Zhinan as Vice Chairman,

    Liu Zibin as GM, Wang Fangshui and Li Tongmin as vice GMs, Zhang Hongmei asChief Accountant, Qin Guiling as Secretary to the Board and Zheng Weiyin as

    Securities Affair Representative. At the same time, 14 senior executives were engaged.

    And Zhu Lingwen was elected as Chairman for the 6th Supervisory Committee at the

    1st Meeting of the 6th Supervisory Committee.

    Section V Report of the Board of Directors

    I. Discussion and analysis of the Board of Directors

    (I) Discussion and analysis of operation status in the report period

    In the report period, along with the gradual economic recovery after the global

    financial crisis, consumer confidence was on the rise, which boosted the sales prices

    of the Company’s products. As such, gross profit rates of the Company’s products

    increased in the report period, producing a positive influence on operating results of

    the Company in the report period. For the report period, the Company achieved an

    operating income of RMB 2,246,850,900, an operating profit of RMB 443,572,100

    and a net profit attributable to owners of the parent company amounting to RMB

    366,878,000, respectively up by 21.95%, 50.65% and 39.20% as compared with the

    same period of last year.

    (II) Operating results of the Company in the report period

    Item Unit Current period Same period of

    last year


    Operating income Ten thousand (RMB) 224,685.09 184,236.62 21.95

    Operating profit Ten thousand (RMB) 44,357.21 29,443.65 50.65%

    Net profit attributable to

    shareholders of the listed


    Ten thousand (RMB) 36,687.80 26,356.95 39.20%

    Net cash flows from operating


    Yuan/share (RMB) 0.29 0.28 3.57%

    ROE % 9.10% 7.29% 1.81 percentage


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Total assets Ten thousand (RMB) 644,478.98 630,306.70 2.25%

    Owners’ equity attributable to

    the parent company

    Ten thousand (RMB) 403,306.40 391,966.07 2.89%

    (III) Main business scope and operation status

    1. Main business scope

    The Company is of comprehensive produce textile enterprise with mixture of cotton

    planting, pinning, dyeing with color, weaving, after-finishing and making clothing,

    main products is yarn-dyed of fabric for making shirts. 80% products of the Company

    exported outside, market covering Japan, Korea, America, England and Italy, etc. 30

    countries and areas, is the largest production base for yarn-dyed fabric cloth.

    2. Businesses of the Company classified according to products

    Unit: RMB Ten thousandMain businesses classified according to products

    Industries or




    Operating cost

    Gross profit rate




    e of operating

    income (%)



    e of operating

    cost (%)



    of gross profit

    rate (%)

    Shirt fabrics 147,681.12 96,262.30 34.82% 24.04% 11.27% 7.48%

    Shirts 51,082.64 33,051.10 35.30% 2.85% -2.72% 3.70%

    Lint 7,798.20 5,786.26 25.80% 132.31% 104.47% 10.10%

    Chinese patent


    683.96 549.02 19.73% -18.55% -28.07% 10.63%

    Electricity and gas 6,174.53 6,441.88 -4.33% 78.48% 121.81% -20.38%

    Others 11,264.64 6,647.12 40.99% 43.51% 26.53% 7.92%

    Total 224,685.09 148,737.68 33.80% 21.95% 12.48% 5.58%

    3. Sales of products classified according to regions

    Unit: RMB Ten thousand

    Region Report period Proportion (%) Same period of last year Proportion (%)

    Japan, South Korea 21,773.41 8.41% 21,548.29 11.70

    Hong Kong 18,903.42 9.69% 14,157.24 7.68

    Southeast Asia 55,077.53 24.51% 41,399.84 22.47

    Europe, America 52,456.54 23.35% 48,732.61 26.45

    Others 23,067.63 10.27% 11,401.06 6.19

    Homeland 53,406.57 23.77% 46,997.58 25.51

    Total 224,685.09 100.00% 184,236.62 100.00

    (IV) Profit composing and main business of the Company remained unchanged in the

    report period.

    (V) There were no other operating activities that had greatly influenced the profit of

    the Company.

    (VI) Investment income from any single share-holding company has not influenced

    the Company’s net profit by 10%.

    (VII) Problems and difficulties met in operation

    In the report period, along with the gradual economic recovery after the financial

    crisis, the Company’s export business resumed to some degree with an increase of its

    product prices. As such, operating results of the Company improved as compared with

    the same period of last year. However, another Renminbi appreciation may affect the

    export business of the Company to a certain extent.

    II. Investments in the report period

    1. Continued use of raised proceeds in the report period

    In 2008, the Company raised RMB 973.50 million through the public listing of

    additional 150 million A-shares. And the actual net amount of the raised capital after

    deducting all the issuance expenses stood at RMB 950,814,500, of which the use in

    the report period was detailed as follows:(1) About the Production Project for 150-thousand Ingot Top-grade Fine Combed

    Yarns. The original planned investment amount was RMB 264,609,300. The

    Company invested RMB 4,785,400 in the report period, and accumulative investment

    amounted to RMB 264,609,300, which meant that 100.00% of the planned investment

    has been accomplished. And the project was basically put into production and run in

    Aug. 2008.

    (2) About the 50-thousand Ingot Two-for-one Twisting Production Line Project. The

    original planned investment amount was RMB 40,868,300. The Company invested

    RMB 2,688,600 in the report period, and accumulative investment amounted to RMB

    40,868,300, which meant that 100.00% of the planned investment has been

    accomplished. The project was already put into production and run in Jan. 2009.

    (3) About the Project for Brand and Marketing Network Development. The original

    planned investment amount was RMB 200 million. The Company invested RMB

    3,667,300 in the report period, and accumulative investment amounted to RMB

    15,440,000, which meant that 7.72% of the planned investment has been

    accomplished. So far, the Company has built 36 exclusive shirt shops in domestic

    major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Zhengzhou,

    Jinan and so on, and the shops have formally started to operate. In the report period,

    sales business in internet also operated effectively.

    (4) About the Project for Supplementing the Working Capital. Upon the arrival of the

    raised proceeds in Dec. 2008, a sum of RMB 300 million was used to supplement the

    working capital.

    (5) About the Production Line Project for 10-million-meter Top-grade Jacquard

    Fabrics for Women’s Wear. A sum of raised proceeds RMB 145,336,900 was

    originally planned to be put into the project. The Company invested RMB

    112,990,800 in the report period, and accumulative investment amounted to RMB

    141,339,000, which meant that 97.25% of the planned investment has been

    accomplished. The project was already put into operation in the report period.

    2. Investment with non-raised capital in the report period

    (1) About the Production Line Project for 3-million Top-grade Shirts. The planned

    investment in the project was RMB 66.87 million. And the Company invested RMB

    24,239,500 in the project during the report period. Part of the production line was

    already put into the trial production in the report period.

    (2) About the Yarn Dyed Fabric Technical Reconstruction Project. The planned

    investment in the project was RMB 381.93 million. And the Company invested RMB

    51,541,700 in the project in the report period. At present, the project is in progress as


    III. In the report period, no adjustment has been made to the planned annual indices of

    the Company.

    Section VI Significant Events

    I. Corporate governance

    In the report period, the Company modified relevant provisions of its Articles of

    Association and Rules for Procedure of the Board of Directors according to Rules forListing Shares in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Guidelines on Information

    Disclosure of companies listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange No.8—Investment on

    Derivative Products. And the modified Articles of Association was reviewed and

    approved at 2009 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting.

    II. Implementation of profit distribution and interim profit distribution pre-plan of


    1. Profit distribution and capitalization of public reserves plans drafted in previous

    periods and implemented in report period

    The profit distribution plan of the Company for the year 2009: based on the total

    shares of 994,864,800 shares as at 31 Dec. 2009, a cash dividend of RMB 2.50 (tax

    included) was distributed for every 10 shares. After deducting 10% for individual

    income tax, the cash dividend distributed for every 10 shares stood at RMB 2.25. And

    the dividends for B-share holders were paid in HKD converted according to the

    middle price of the reference exchange rate announced by People’s Bank of China on

    the following day of the 2009 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting.

    Particulars about implementation of the aforesaid distribution plan: the Board of

    Directors of the Company disclosed the Public Notice on Implementation of Dividend

    Distribution for 2009 dated 23 Jun. 2010, which recognized the record date for A

    shares on 30 Jun. 2010, the ex-dividend day on 1 Jul. 2010; the last trading date for B

    shares on 30 Jun. 2010, the record date on 1 Jul. 2010 and the ex-dividend date on 5

    Jul. 2010.

    2. Interim profit distribution preplan for 2010

    The Company would not conduct profit distribution or capitalization of public

    reserves in the interim of 2010.

    III. In the report period, the Company was not involved in any significant lawsuits and

    arbitrations. And there existed no such lawsuits or arbitrations carried down from

    previous periods to the report period.

    IV. In the report period, the Company held no equity of other listed companies,

    financial enterprises such as commercial banks, securities companies, insurance

    companies, trust companies and futures companies, or companies to be listed.

    V. In the report period, the Company conducted no significant asset acquisition, sale

    or reorganization.

    VI. In the report period, there occurred no significant asset acquisition, sale or

    mergers of the Company. Nor there existed such transactions carried down from

    previous period to the report period.

    VII. There occurred no material related transactions in the report period, and the

    routine related transactions were detailed in Note VIII Relationship Between Related

    Parties and Transactions.VIII. Significant contracts and their implementation

    1. Trusteeship, contract and lease of other companies’ assets in the reporting period

    In the reporting period, the Company leased land, houses and gas station from the

    principal shareholder Zibo Lucheng Co., Ltd, with the leasing charge aggregating

    RMB 2,340,600. Meanwhile, the wholly-owned subsidiary Luqun Textile leased

    equipments and places from the principal shareholder Zibo Lucheng Co. Ltd, with the

    leasing charge aggregating RMB 4,355,000 and the Company leased cotton storage

    location from Luqun Land Co., Ltd, with the leasing charge aggregating RMB

    2,077,500. Controlling subsidiary of the Company Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co.,

    Ltd leased houses from the principal shareholder Zibo Lucheng Co., Ltd, with rent of

    RMB 348,300, and the principal shareholder Zibo Lucheng Co., Ltd leased houses

    from the Company with rent of RMB 76,800.

    2. Significant guarantee

    In the report period, there was no new guarantee. Guarantees lasted to this period was

    credit guarantee provided to loan of RMB 10 million for controlling subsidiary

    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. The term was from 11 Aug. 2009 to 10 Aug.

    2010. the borrowing has been returned on 12 Apr. 2010 in advance.

    3. Particulars about entrusting other parties with cash asset management in report

    period or such entrustment carried down from previous periods to report period: the

    Company had not entrusted, did not and will not entrust other parties with cash asset


    IX. Implementation of commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding

    over 5% of the Company’s shares in report period, and those carried down from

    previous periods to report period

    1. Fulfillment of Commitment Made by the Company

    The Profit Distribution Plan for 2009 promised by the Company in this year has been

    fulfilled at the beginning of Jul. 2010.

    2. Fulfillment of Commitment Made by Shareholders with more than 5% Shares

    (1) The commitments made by shareholders holding original non-tradable shares

    during the share merger reform and their implementation

    Name of



    Fulfillment of



    Zibo Lucheng


    Investment Co.,


    Zibo Lucheng will not reduce its shareholding within 60 months

    after share merger reform and, within 24 months after that, the

    price of selling holding shares shall not be lower than RMB 15 per

    share (if the share capital changes, ex-rights will be conducted); it

    proposed and voted for a cash distribution not lower than 50% of

    the profit available for distribution in the year at the 2006

    Shareholders’ General Meeting and 2007 Shareholders’ General

    Meeting; it will increase the LUTHAI A shares held by it through

    trading at the secondary market with the dividends received in

    2005 and 2006, and the increase of the LUTHAI A shares held

    In progress

    The increase of

    shares with dividends

    in 2005 and 2006 has

    been finished. And

    the total profit in

    2008 has increased

    58.06% compared

    with that in 2005.shall be accomplished within 12 months after the dividend is

    transferred to its account. In 2008, the total profit increased by not

    less than 30% compared with that in 2005.

    (2) The quantity of shares not subject to moratorium, held by shareholders of

    originally non-tradable shares, who held more than 5% of total shares at the end of the

    reporting period

    Name of shareholders

    Amount of circulating shares

    not subject to moratorium held

    on the date when shares subject

    to moratorium were listed

    (share unit: 0,000)

    Amount of


    (share unit: 0,000


    Reason for


    Amount of shares not subject to

    moratorium held at the end of the

    reporting period (share unit:


    Zibo Lucheng Textile

    Investment Co., Ltd

    2,495.67 0 -- 2,495.67

    X. In the report period, the Company and its directors, supervisors, senior

    management staff, shareholders, actual controller as well as purchaser received no

    investigations from relevant authorities, enforcement actions from judicial and

    disciplinary departments, being transferred to judicial bodies, investigations for

    criminal responsibilities, investigations from CSRC, administrative punishment from

    CSRC, bans on entry into the securities market, criticism by circular, being

    recognized as an inappropriate individual, punishment from other administrative

    authorities or open criticism from stock exchanges.

    XI. Reception of field researches, interviews and visits received in report period

    Time Place

    Way of



    Main discussion and materials

    provided by the Company

    8 Apr. 2010

    Reception room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Kun Jun from Chian Jianyin

    Investment Securities

    Basic information of the

    Company and revival of export

    20 Jun. 2010

    Reception room of

    the Company

    Field research

    Lu Jing from Guotai Asset

    Management Co., Ltd.

    Basic information of the

    Company and revival of export

    XII. Derivatives investment in the report period

    In the report period, the Company conducted derivative products trade including

    forward settlement, forward exchange purchase and forward exchange transation,

    which was detailed as follows:

    (I) Position of derivatives products as at the end of the report period

    As of 30 Jul. 2010, the due financial derivative products held by the Company totaled

    about USD 279,617,400. Of which forward settlement was about USD 263,000,000

    and forward purchase approximately aggregated USD 16,617,400. The two above

    financial derivative products took up 46.44% of net assets in the same period.

    (II) Delivery and earnings of derivatives products transactions in the report period

    In the first half year of 2010, the due forward financial derivative products of the

    Company totally equaled to USD 297,533,700, of which USD 227,533,700 wasactually delivered and the loss was USD 49,348,300. The due forward settlement was

    USD 291,000,000, of which USD 221000000 was delivered as scheduled, generating

    loss of RMB 47,276,800, and USD 70,000,000 was extended; due foreign exchange

    amount equaled to USD 6,533,700, which was wholly delivered and cause loss of

    RMB 2,070,000.

    (III) Analysis on risks and control measures concerning derivatives products

    The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in order for hedging. And

    the forward settlement hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant

    amount not more than the planned earnings from exchanges. And all derivatives

    products transaction was zero-deposit. Meanwhile, the Company had a complete risk

    control system for sufficient analysis and prevention of possible risks such as risk of

    laws and regulations, credit risk, operation risk and market risk.

    1. Risk of laws and regulations

    When conducting hedging business, the Company must abide by relevant laws,

    regulations and rules of the stock exchange, and the rights and obligations between

    the Company and the bank must be specified.

    Precautionary measures: The Company carefully studied and mastered relevant laws,

    regulations and market rules, formulated internal control rules for the forward

    settlement hedging business, strengthened supervision, and strictly abided by relevant

    laws, regulations and the Company’s internal management rules.

    2. Credit risk and liquidity risk

    Derivatives products transaction developed by the Company was carried out on the

    basis of contract of forward settlement of exchange signed between the Company and

    bank, the delivery on schedule or extension is recognized based on one of the contract

    price and exchange tendency after such contract of forward settlement of exchange

    falls due, no default risk exists in the Company so as to ensure delivery on schedule or


    Precaution measure: the Company formulated Administrative System on Transaction

    of Derivative Products of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd and Plan on Derivative Products

    Transaction in the Next Twelve Month approved by the 1st Meeting of the 6th Board of

    Directors, stipulated the appropriate authorization system, and confirmed amount for

    hedging by installments in accordance with the production and operation scale and

    exchange revenue progress, and ensure no credit risk and liquidity risk occurred by

    means of extension at the specified date.

    3. Operation risk

    Faulty internal progress, employees, as well as system and external matters resulted in

    risk as well in the course of hedging, including employee risk, process risk, system

    risk and external risk.

    Precaution measure: the Company set up stringent authorization and approval system,

    stipulated organization, business operating process and examination and approval

    process, and perfect regulation can reduce the operation risk effectively.

    4. Market risk

    In the operation of hedging of forward settlement and surrender exchange, if the RMB

    is devalued by a large margin on the basis of the current situation before the contractis due, so then, the larger losses shall incur in the contract on forward settlement of

    exchange signed by the Company.

    Risk analysis and precaution measure: at present, in face of the appreciation pressure

    on Renminbi, there was no risk on large devaluation of the RMB before the contract is

    due signed by the Company. According to price quoted from each bank, the RMB

    shows appreciation tendency within 1 year, thus, gain on change in fair value shall

    occur in the forward contract signed by the Company.

    XIII. Significant Events listed in Article 62 of Securities Law and Article 17 of

    Implementation Measures on Information Disclosure of the Companies Publicly

    Issuing Shares which occurred in the Company during the Reporting Period

    In the reporting period, the Company had no significant events as listed in the above


    Section VII Financial Report (Un-audited)

    Financial Statements

    Balance Sheet

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Closing balance Opening balance

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current Assets:

    Monetary funds 616,648,947.98 415,660,045.25 569,968,526.84 324,783,025.04

    Transaction financial assets

    Notes receivable 117,529,351.73 117,177,589.02 141,412,742.46 120,774,297.57

    Accounts receivable 181,211,390.53 163,125,620.41 154,069,325.62 167,091,056.87

    Accounts paid in advance 49,899,772.21 315,053,225.65 160,759,295.40 435,828,408.63

    Interest receivable

    Dividends receivable 22,182,101.91

    Other receivables 56,693,691.87 10,948,890.99 49,697,710.62 14,017,123.91

    Inventories 1,325,153,929.27 930,191,343.00 1,229,494,890.25 801,504,131.77

    Non-current assets due within 1 year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 2,347,137,083.59 1,974,338,816.23 2,305,402,491.19 1,863,998,043.79

    Non-current assets:

    Available-for-sale financial assets

    Held-to-maturity investments

    Long-term receivables

    Long-term equity investment 67,442,600.00 868,930,823.17 160,000.00 897,482,752.85

    Investment real estate

    Fixed assets 3,577,871,332.11 2,179,506,420.93 3,620,298,059.46 2,141,043,636.81

    Construction in progress 87,894,427.06 65,755,005.58 73,045,428.62 53,545,369.31

    Engineering materials 48,123,656.90 48,123,656.90 11,712,153.66 11,712,153.66Oil assets

    Intangible assets 263,947,133.92 166,151,940.70 228,956,536.92 116,170,958.25

    Development expense

    Goodwill 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29

    Long-term expense to be apportioned

    Deferred tax assets 31,809,814.20 22,573,533.91 42,928,486.46 25,551,960.18

    Other non-current assets

    Total of non-current assets 4,097,652,767.48 3,351,041,381.19 3,997,664,468.41 3,245,506,831.06

    Total assets 6,444,789,851.07 5,325,380,197.42 6,303,066,959.60 5,109,504,874.85

    Legal Representative: Liu Shizhen

    Person-in-charge of accounting: Zhang Hongmei

    Person-in-charge of accounting firm: Zhang Hongmei

    Balance Sheet (Continued)

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Closing balance Opening balance

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term borrowings 1,138,190,964.86 529,745,935.59 1,032,541,840.01 356,415,782.53

    Transaction financial liabilities 14,038,123.52 13,966,923.52 61,408,150.00 50,861,900.00

    Notes payable 118,742,644.25 383,563,146.05 100,969,783.06 385,837,761.77

    Accounts payable 198,953,771.46 249,348,330.94 275,876,805.53 149,446,372.99

    Accounts received in advance 96,545,595.87 36,841,743.13 41,441,458.66 24,231,017.36

    Payroll payable 229,821,474.32 202,934,627.63 220,359,174.53 186,391,924.39

    Taxes payable 8,962,044.34 11,325,230.07 28,682,631.04 18,959,689.49

    Interest payable 2,298,563.32 2,298,563.32 490,102.22 490,102.22

    Dividends payable 40,523,790.21 25,031,809.44 442,538.04 442,538.04

    Other accounts payable 99,105,462.13 13,313,529.19 90,408,797.00 13,425,412.94

    Non-current liabilities due within 1 year 59,798,315.00 59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00 157,379,900.00

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 2,006,980,749.28 1,528,168,153.88 2,010,001,180.09 1,343,882,401.73

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term borrowings 81,508,455.00 81,508,455.00 92,612,200.00 92,612,200.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term payables 9,735,560.00 9,735,560.00

    Deferred income tax liabilities 403,060.14 406,802.45

    Other non-current liabilities 34,962,111.98 32,288,666.65 2,673,445.33

    Total non-current liabilities 126,609,187.12 113,797,121.65 105,428,007.78 92,612,200.00

    Total liabilities 2,133,589,936.40 1,641,965,275.53 2,115,429,187.87 1,436,494,601.73

    Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

    Paid-in capital (or share capital) 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00 994,864,800.00

    Capital reserves 1,130,490,929.68 1,127,872,201.27 1,135,356,168.72 1,125,522,201.27Less: treasury stock

    Specific reserves

    Surplus reserves 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19

    Provision for general risks

    Retained profits 1,536,630,454.01 1,186,248,391.43 1,418,468,702.64 1,178,193,742.66

    Foreign exchange difference -3,351,705.89 -3,458,491.27

    Total owners' equity attributable to parent


    4,033,064,006.99 3,683,414,921.89 3,919,660,709.28 3,673,010,273.12

    Minority interest 278,135,907.68 267,977,062.45

    Total owners’ equity 4,311,199,914.67 3,683,414,921.89 4,187,637,771.73 3,673,010,273.12

    Total liabilities and owners’ equity 6,444,789,851.07 5,325,380,197.42 6,303,066,959.60 5,109,504,874.85

    Legal Representative: Liu Shizhen

    Person-in-charge of accounting: Zhang Hongmei

    Person-in-charge of accounting firm: Zhang Hongmei

    Income Statement

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Current period Same period of last year

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    I. Total operation income 2,246,850,916.86 1,751,991,954.12 1,842,366,191.98 1,518,204,839.23

    Including: Sales income 2,246,850,916.86 1,751,991,954.12 1,842,366,191.98 1,518,204,839.23

    II. Total operation cost 1,811,173,858.52 1,440,748,302.68 1,548,256,721.31 1,279,722,976.56

    Including: Cost of sales 1,487,376,845.39 1,235,835,692.33 1,322,374,198.75 1,164,999,278.44

    Interest expenses

    Handling charges and commission


    993,285.02 1,585,216.04

    Selling expenses 68,719,116.26 24,201,970.48 67,585,100.30 21,205,550.70

    Administrative expenses 224,789,075.22 170,818,713.12 119,323,395.86 73,400,457.30

    Financial expenses 21,691,445.04 9,491,579.80 37,604,091.92 20,117,690.12

    Asset impairment loss 7,604,091.59 400,346.95 -215,281.56

    Add: gain from change in fair value (“-”

    means loss)

    47,370,026.48 36,894,976.48 -20,453,300.00 -26,482,500.00

    Gain from investment (“-” means loss) -39,475,016.14 -49,779,448.79 20,780,300.00 48,867,789.21

    Including: income form

    investment in affiliated enterprise and joint


    Foreign exchange difference (“-” means


    III. Operation profit (“-” means loss) 443,572,068.68 298,359,179.13 294,436,470.67 260,867,151.88

    Add: non-operation income 24,385,856.61 9,804,213.56 10,639,026.77 3,704,977.35

    Less: non-business expense 4,564,557.63 3,179,278.85 2,822,393.81 1,158,378.43

    Including: loss from non-current asset

    disposalIV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 463,393,367.66 304,984,113.84 302,253,103.63 263,413,750.80

    Less: income tax expense 70,864,590.29 48,213,265.07 34,907,267.06 32,202,168.36

    V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 392,528,777.37 256,770,848.77 267,345,836.57 231,211,582.44

    Attributable to owners of parent


    366,877,951.37 256,770,848.77 263,569,483.82 231,211,582.44

    Minority interest 25,650,826.00 3,776,352.75

    VI. Earnings per share

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.37 0.26 0.26 0.23

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.37 0.26 0.26 0.23

    VII. Other composite income -4,758,453.66 2,350,000.00 -11,081.31

    VIII. Total composite income 387,770,323.71 259,120,848.77 267,334,755.26 231,211,582.44

    Attributable to owners of parent


    362,119,497.71 259,120,848.77 263,558,402.51 231,211,582.44

    Minority interest 25,650,826.00 3,776,352.75

    Legal Representative: Liu Shizhen

    Person-in-charge of accounting: Zhang Hongmei

    Person-in-charge of accounting firm: Zhang Hongmei

    Cash Flow Statement

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Current period Same period of last year

    Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company

    Ⅰ.Cash flows from operating activities:

    Cash received from sale of commodities and

    rendering of service

    2,388,095,445.18 1,813,042,113.77 1,801,140,682.35 1,500,536,818.89

    Tax refunds received 72,312,447.45 47,564,837.26 56,288,073.28 43,465,816.14

    Other cash received relating to operating activities 71,142,710.06 49,980,350.45 30,888,575.57 11,724,555.27

    Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 2,531,550,602.69 1,910,587,301.48 1,888,317,331.20 1,555,727,190.30

    Cash paid for purchase of commodities and

    reception of service

    1,686,333,341.13 1,299,960,779.49 1,126,222,497.37 1,086,507,081.46

    Cash paid to and for employees 366,528,959.32 296,682,297.65 315,319,175.97 245,286,469.82

    Various taxes paid 86,885,044.45 49,221,300.06 64,055,763.69 18,143,110.12

    Other cash paid relating to operating activities 101,194,917.01 61,803,671.59 108,331,088.82 48,300,216.67

    Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 2,240,942,261.91 1,707,668,048.79 1,613,928,525.85 1,398,236,878.07

    Net cash flows from operating activities 290,608,340.78 202,919,252.69 274,388,805.35 157,490,312.23

    Ⅱ. Cash flows from investment activities:

    Cash received from disposal of investments

    Investment income 20,780,300.00 26,697,500.00

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,

    intangible assets and other long-term assets

    2,671,494.22 2,641,994.22 151,100.18 151,100.18

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or

    other business units

    Other cash received relating to investment 1,422,063.03 893,994.31 2,912,504.19 31,988,356.84activities

    Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 4,093,557.25 3,535,988.53 23,843,904.37 58,836,957.02

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets

    and other long-term assets

    302,812,923.60 262,269,704.09 91,718,732.97 53,539,105.66

    Cash paid for investment 12,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 27,000,000.00

    Other cash paid relating to investment activities 49,348,254.22 38,409,621.02 15,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash outflows from investment


    364,161,177.82 305,679,325.11 91,718,732.97 95,539,105.66

    Net cash flows from investment activities -360,067,620.57 -302,143,336.58 -67,874,828.60 -36,702,148.64

    Ⅲ. Cash flows from financing activities

    Cash received from capital contribution 1,005,685.30

    Of which: cash received from capital contribution

    to subsidiaries by minority shareholders

    Cash received from borrowings 794,539,059.82 736,996,079.82 624,960,484.37 375,960,484.37

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing activities 17,600,000.00 3,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 812,139,059.82 736,996,079.82 628,966,169.67 375,960,484.37

    Cash paid for repaying debts 449,739,949.71 319,739,949.71 1,194,634,291.70 866,394,291.70

    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of

    dividends or profit

    235,223,006.13 226,294,416.26 201,700,325.94 188,264,011.49

    Of which: dividends and profits paid to minority

    shareholders by subsidiaries

    Other cash paid relating to financing activities 10,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities 694,962,955.84 546,034,365.97 1,396,334,617.64 1,054,658,303.19

    Net cash flows from financing activities 117,176,103.98 190,961,713.85 -767,368,447.97 -678,697,818.82

    Ⅳ. Effect of foreign exchange changes on cash and

    cash equivalents

    -1,036,403.05 -860,609.75 -291,299.46 -189,946.06

    Ⅴ. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 46,680,421.14 90,877,020.21 -561,145,770.68 -558,099,601.29

    Plus: beginning balance of cash and cash


    569,968,526.84 324,783,025.04 1,141,056,407.10 884,493,526.89

    Ⅵ.Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 616,648,947.98 415,660,045.25 579,910,636.42 326,393,925.60

    Legal Representative: Liu Shizhen

    Person-in-charge of accounting: Zhang Hongmei

    Person-in-charge of accounting firm: Zhang HongmeiStatement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Amount for the current period

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

    Minority interests

    Total owners’


    Paid-in capital

    (or share


    Capital reserve






    Surplus public





    Retained profits Others

    I. Balance at the end of last year 994,864,800.00 1,135,356,168.72 374,429,529.19 1,418,468,702.64 -3,458,491.27 267,977,062.45 4,187,637,771.73

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous



    II. Balance at the beginning of this


    994,864,800.00 1,135,356,168.72 374,429,529.19 1,418,468,702.64 -3,458,491.27 267,977,062.45 4,187,637,771.73

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in

    this year (“-” means decrease)

    -4,865,239.04 118,161,751.37 106,785.38 10,158,845.23 123,562,142.94

    (I) Net profit 366,877,951.37 25,650,826.00 392,528,777.37

    (II) Other composite income -4,865,239.04 106,785.38 -4,758,453.66

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) -4,865,239.04 366,877,951.37 106,785.38 25,650,826.00 387,770,323.71

    (III) Capital input and reduction by


    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included

    in owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution -248,716,200.00 -15,491,980.77 -264,208,180.771. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3.Distribution to owners


    -248,716,200.00 -15,491,980.77 -264,208,180.77


    (V) Internal carrying forward of

    owners’ equity

    1. New increase of capital (or share

    capital) from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to

    capital (or share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 994,864,800.00 1,130,490,929.68 374,429,529.19 1,536,630,454.01 -3,351,705.89 278,135,907.68 4,311,199,914.67

    Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated) (Continued)

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Amount for the previous period

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company

    Minority interests

    Total owners’


    Paid-in capital

    (or share


    Capital reserve






    Surplus public



    risk reserve

    Retained profits Others

    I. Balance at the end of last year 994,864,800.00 1,128,135,713.77 330,662,535.20 1,090,990,313.22 -3,418,700.75 239,755,787.08 3,780,990,448.52Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous



    II. Balance at the beginning of this


    994,864,800.00 1,128,135,713.77 330,662,535.20 1,090,990,313.22 -3,418,700.75 239,755,787.08 3,780,990,448.52

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in

    this year (“-” means decrease)

    7,215,239.03 64,596,523.82 -11,081.31 -20,508,791.87 51,291,889.67

    (I) Net profit 263,569,483.82 3,776,352.75 267,345,836.57

    (II) Other composite income -11,081.31 -11,081.31

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 263,569,483.82 -11,081.31 3,776,352.75 267,334,755.26

    (III) Capital input and reduction by


    7,215,239.03 -9,049,768.71 -1,834,529.68

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included

    in owners’ equity

    3. Others 7,215,239.03 -9,049,768.71 -1,834,529.68

    (IV) Profit distribution -198,972,960.00 -15,235,375.91 -214,208,335.91

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners


    -198,972,960.00 -15,235,375.91 -214,208,335.91


    (V) Internal carrying forward of

    owners’ equity

    1. New increase of capital (or sharecapital) from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to

    capital (or share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 994,864,800.00 1,135,350,952.80 330,662,535.20 1,155,586,837.04 -3,429,782.06 219,246,995.21 3,832,282,338.19

    Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB Yuan


    Amount for the current period

    Paid-in capital (or share


    Capital reserve

    Less: treasury




    Surplus public


    General risk


    Retained profit

    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 994,864,800.00 1,125,522,201.27 374,429,529.19 1,178,193,742.66 3,673,010,273.12

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous periods


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 994,864,800.00 1,125,522,201.27 374,429,529.19 1,178,193,742.66 3,673,010,273.12

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year

    (“-” means decrease)

    2,350,000.00 8,054,648.77 10,404,648.77

    (I) Net profit 256,770,848.77 256,770,848.77

    (II) Other composite income 2,350,000.00 2,350,000.00

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 2,350,000.00 256,770,848.77 259,120,848.77(III) Capital input and reduction by owners

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included in

    owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution -248,716,200.00 -248,716,200.00

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners (shareholders) -248,716,200.00 -248,716,200.00


    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’


    1. New increase of capital (or share capital)

    from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital (or

    share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 994,864,800.00 1,127,872,201.27 374,429,529.19 1,186,248,391.43 3,683,414,921.89

    Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company) (Continued)

    Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 30 Jun. 2010 Unit: RMB YuanItems

    The same period of last year

    Paid-in capital (or share


    Capital reserve






    Surplus public


    General risk


    Retained profit

    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 994,864,800.00 1,125,522,201.27 330,662,535.20 983,263,756.75 3,434,313,293.22

    Add: change of accounting policy

    Correction of errors in previous periods


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 994,864,800.00 1,125,522,201.27 330,662,535.20 983,263,756.75 3,434,313,293.22

    III. Increase/ decrease of amount in this year

    (“-” means decrease)

    32,238,622.44 32,238,622.44

    (I) Net profit 231,211,582.44 231,211,582.44

    (II) Other composite income

    Subtotal of (I) and (II) 231,211,582.44 231,211,582.44

    (III) Capital input and reduction by owners

    1. Capital input of owners

    2. Amount of stock payment included in

    owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution -198,972,960.00 -198,972,960.00

    1. Withdrawing surplus public reserve

    2. Withdrawing general risk reserve

    3. Distribution to owners (shareholders) -198,972,960.00 -198,972,960.00


    (V) Internal carrying forward of owners’equity

    1. New increase of capital (or share capital)

    from capital reserves

    2. Converting surplus reserves to capital (or

    share capital)

    3. Surplus reserves make up losses

    4. Others

    (VI) Specific reserves

    1. Appropriated in current period

    2. Used in current period

    IV. Balance at the end of this period 994,864,800.00 1,125,522,201.27 330,662,535.20 1,015,502,379.19 3,466,551,915.66Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

    Notes to Financial Statement

    For the First Half Year of 2010

    (The following amount is expressed in RMB unless otherwise special


    I. Company Profile

    Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a joint venture invested by

    Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd (originally named Zibo Lucheng Textile Co., Ltd,

    hereinafter referred to as Lucheng Textile) and Thailand Tailun Textile Co., Ltd. On Feb. 3, 1993,

    the Company is approved by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of the State

    (1993) in WJMZEHZ No. 59 to convert into a joint-stock enterprise. Zibo Administration for

    Industry and Commerce issued the Company corporate business license with the registration No.

    of QGLZZZ No. 000066. In July 1997, the Company is approved by the Securities Committee of

    the Department of the State in the ZWF (1997) No. 47 to issue 80 million shares of domestically

    listed foreign share( B-shares) at the price of RMB 1.00 per share. Upon approved by Shenzhen

    Stock Exchange with No. (1997) 296 Listing Notice, the Company is listed on the Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange on August 19, 1997 with B-shares stock code of 200726. On November 24, 2000,

    approved by ZJGSZ [2000] No.199 by CSRC, the Company increased publication of 50 million

    shares of general share (A-shares) at the book value of RMB 1.00, which are listed on the

    Shenzhen Stock Exchange on December 25, 2000 with A-shares stock code of 000726 through

    approval by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (2000) 162 Listing Notice. As approved by 2000

    Shareholders’ General Meeting in May, 2001, the Company carried out the distribution plan that

    10 shares of capital public reserve are converted to 3 more shares for each 10 shares. As approved

    by Resolutions of 2001 Shareholders’ General Meeting in June 2002, the Company implemented

    the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are converted 3 more shares for each

    10 shares again. As approved by 2002 Shareholders’ General Meeting in May 2003, the Company

    implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are 2 more shares for

    each 10 shares, and inner employees’ shared increased to 40.56 million shares. As examined and

    approved by ZJGSZ No. [2000] 199 of CSRC, the inner employees’ shares will start circulation 3

    years later since listing on the A-share market. On Dec. 25, 2003, the inner employees’ shares

    reach 3 years since listing on the A-share stock market, and they set out circulation on Dec.26,

    2003. As approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006 held in June 2007, the Company

    implemented the plan on converting 10 shares to all its shareholders with capital reserves for

    every 10 shares. After capitalization, the registered capital of the Company was RMB 844.8648

    million. The Company, in accordance with the official reply on approving Lu Thai Textile Co.,

    Ltd. to issue additional shares (ZJXK [2008] No. 890 document) from CSRC, issued the Renminbi

    common shares (A shares) amounting to 150 million shares on 8 Dec. 2008. As at 30 June 2010,

    the Company’s registered capital was RMB 994.8648 million.

    The Company’s registered address: No. 11, Mingbo Road, Hi-tech Development Zone, Zibo,


    The Company’s legal representative: Liu Shizhen

    The Company’s business scope includes production and sales of cotton yarn, yarn dyed fabrics,shirts, fashion accessories, health underwear and other textile products and their supporting series


    The Company’s financial statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company

    on 16 August 2010.

    II. Preparation basis of financial statement

    With going-concern assumption as the basis, the Company prepares its financial statement in light

    of the actual transactions and matters, as well as the accounting standard for business

    enterprise-basic standard promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of PRC in Feb. 2006, and 38

    accounting standards, application guide, interpretation and other relevant regulations (hereinafter

    referred to as “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise”).

    III. Statement for complying with the accounting standard for business


    The financial statements for the first half year of 2009 prepared by the Company are in

    compliance with the requirements of the accounting standard for business enterprise, and have

    reflected the Company’s financial status as at 30 June 2010, operating results and cash flows in an

    accurate and complete way for the first half year of 2009. Furthermore, these financial statements,

    in all material respects, were also in line with disclosure requirements of relevant financial

    statement and its notes stipulated in Compilation Rules for Information Disclosures by Companies

    That Offer Securities to the Public No.15 - General Provisions for Financial Reports amended by

    China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”) in 2009.

    IV. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates

    1. Fiscal period

    The Company’s accounting periods are divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim periods.

    The interim period is a reporting period which is shorter than a full fiscal year. Gregorian calendar

    is adopted for fiscal year of the Company, namely from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. every year.

    2. Bookkeeping base currency

    The Company adopts Renminbi as a bookkeeping base currency. But Lu Thai (Hong Kong) Co.,

    Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Lu Thai Hong Kong”), a subsidiary company of the Company,

    adopts Hong Kong dollars as a bookkeeping base currency. Such HKD shall be translated into

    Renminbi according to accounting policies related to foreign currency translation when

    consolidating financial statement.

    3. Accounting process of business combinations

    Business combinations are divided into business combination under the same control and not

    under the same control.

    1) Business combinations under the same control:

    The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be

    measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As

    for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and

    the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the

    additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be

    offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The direct cost for the business combination of the

    combining party shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.2) Business combinations not under the same control

    As for business combinations not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair

    values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity

    securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all relevant direct

    costs incurred for the business combination. For a business combination realized by two or more

    transactions of exchange, the combination costs shall be the summation of the costs of all separate

    transactions. Where any future event that is likely to affect the combination costs is stipulated in

    the combination contract or agreement, if it is likely to occur and its effects on the combination

    costs can be measured reliably, the acquirer shall record the said amount into the combination

    costs. In business combinations not under the same control, the acquirer shall, on the acquisition

    date, measured the identifiable assets given, the liabilities and contingent liabilities incurred by the

    acquiree in light of the fair values.

    The positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets

    the acquirer obtains from the acquiree is recognized as business reputation. The acquirer shall,

    pursuant to the following provisions, treat the balance between the combination costs and the fair

    value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree: a. it shall reexamine the

    measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it

    obtains from the acquiree as well as the combination costs; b. if, after the reexamination, the

    combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the

    acquiree, it shall record the balance into the profits and losses of the current period.

    4. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

    (1) The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the control.

    Control means the Company can decide the financial and manage policy of investee entity and

    have authority to earn the benefit from the investee entity. The Company having more than half of

    total assets with voting rights (excluding 50%) of investee entities, or having less than half of total

    assets with voting rights but having actual control rights, then these investee entities shall be

    included into the consolidated scope.

    (2) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

    Consolidated financial statement shall be prepared by parent enterprise based on the financial

    statements of parent enterprise and subsidiaries, accounting with other relevant materials, as

    adjusted long-term equity investment by equity method, which is offset the equity capital

    investment of parent enterprise and share of owner’s equity of subsidiaries enjoyed by parent

    company and major transaction and internal current between the company and its subsidiaries or

    among the subsidiaries. “Minority shareholders’ equity” belongs to the owner’s equity in the

    consolidated balance sheet; “Minority shareholders’ profit and loss” is under the net profit of the

    consolidated financial statement. As parent enterprise prepares financial statement, the accounting

    policy and accounting period of subsidiaries are different from which of parent enterprise, which

    shall be adjusted as parent enterprise; or subsidiaries shall prepared financial statement again

    required by parent company.

    In the reporting period, for the added subsidiary companies controlled by the same enterprise,

    while preparing the consolidated balance sheet, its opening amount shall be adjusted. For the

    added subsidiary companies not controlled by the same enterprise, while preparing the

    consolidated balance sheet, its opening amount shall not be adjusted. In the reporting period, for

    the parent company settling the subsidiaries, while preparing the consolidated balance sheet, itsopening amount shall not be adjusted.

    In the reporting period, for the added subsidiaries controlled by the same enterprise, the incomes,

    expenses and profits of the combining party incurred from the beginning of the current period to

    the combining date shall be involved into consolidated profit statement. For the added subsidiaries

    not controlled by the same enterprise, the incomes, expenses and profits of the combining party

    incurred from the acquisition date to the end of reporting period shall be involved into the

    consolidated profit statement.

    During the reporting period, for the added subsidiaries controlled by the same enterprise, the

    consolidated cash flow statement shall include the cash flow of the parties to the combination

    from the beginning of the current period to the reporting period. For the added subsidiaries not

    controlled by the same enterprise, the consolidated cash flow statement shall include the cash flow

    from the acquisition date to the end to reporting period. During the settling the subsidiaries, the

    consolidated cash flow statement shall included the cash flow form the beginning of the current

    period to the settlement date.

    5. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents

    The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time.

    The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and

    highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are

    subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

    6. Business of foreign currencies and the transaction of foreign currency statements

    (1) Translation methods of foreign currency transaction

    At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the Company shall convert the

    amount in a foreign currency into amount in its Renminbi at the spot exchange rate (generally

    refer to the middle price of market exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China, the

    same below) on the day the transaction is occurred. Of which, as for such transactions as foreign

    exchange or involving in foreign exchange, the Company shall converted into amount in the

    Renminbi at actual exchange rate the transaction is occurred.

    (2) Treatment method for the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary


    On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot

    exchange rate. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange

    rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior

    tot the balance sheet date shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period except

    that the balance of exchange arising from foreign currency borrowings for the purchase and

    construction or production of qualified assets shall be capitalized in the light of the provisions of

    the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 – Borrowing Costs. The foreign

    currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot

    exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount of functional currency shall not be


    The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value shall be translated at the spot

    exchange rate on the fair value confirming date, from which the exchange difference shall be

    treated as change in fair value (including change in exchange rate) and recorded in the profit and

    loss of the current period.(3) Translation for foreign currency financial statements

    The Company shall, on the basis of the following provisions, translate its foreign currency

    financial statements into RMB financial statements.

    The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the

    balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except the ones as “retained profits”, others

    shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred.

    The income and expense items in the profits statements shall be translated at the average exchange

    rate of the current period on transaction date. When disposing an overseas business, the Company

    shall shift the balance, which arisen form the translation of foreign currency financial statements

    related to this oversea business, into the disposal profits and losses of the current period. If the

    overseas business is disposed of partially, the Company shall calculate based on the disposal rate.

    The balance arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial statements in compliance

    with the aforesaid methods shall be presented separately under the owner’s equity item of the

    balance sheets.

    Cash flow statement expressed at foreign currency shall be translated at the average exchange rate

    of current period on the cash flow date. The influence on cash due to change of exchange rate

    shall be presented separately under the cash flow statement.

    7. Financial instruments

    (1) Recognition thereunder of financial instruments

    Recognition thereunder of financial instruments: When the Company becomes a party to a

    financial instrument.

    (2) Classification of financial instruments

    Financial assets held by the Company shall be classified into the following four categories based

    on investment objective and economic entity: ① the financial assets which are measured at their

    fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period,

    including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which are measured at their fair

    values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; ② held-to-maturity

    investments; ③ loans and the account receivables; and ④ financial assets available for sale.

    Financial liabilities burden by the Company shall be classified into the following two categories

    based on economic entity:① the financial liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of

    which the variation is included in the current profits and losses, including transactional financial

    liabilities and the designated financial liabilities which are measured at their fair values and of

    which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; and ② other financial liabilities.

    (3) Measurement of financial instruments

    ① For financial assets and financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the

    variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period

    The initial amount of the financial assets and financial liabilities shall be recognized at fair value

    (excluding cash dividends that have been declared but not yet distributed or bond interests that

    have matured but not yet received) when they are acquired. The transaction expense thereof shall

    be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The interests or cash

    dividends acquired, during the holding period, shall be recognized as investment income, and at

    the end of reporting period, the change in the fair value shall be recorded into the profits and

    losses of the current period. When financial assets and financial liabilities are disposed, the

    balance between fair value and initial amount shall be recognized as investment income, at thesame time, the profits and losses arising from the change in the fair value of financial assets and

    financial liabilities shall be adjusted.

    ② Held-to-maturity investments

    When held-to-maturity investments are acquired, its initial amount shall be recognized the sum

    between the fair value (excluding bond interests that have matured but not yet received) and the

    transaction expense thereof. The interest on bonds in payment, of which the mature interest is not

    drawn, shall be solely recognized as the receivables.

    During the holding period, interest income is recognized as investment income based on amortized

    cost and actual interest rate (where there is very small gap between actual interest rate and

    nominal rate of which interests income shall be measured at the nominal rate). The actual interest

    rate is determined upon acquisition and remains unchanged during the expected holding period or

    a shorter period for applicable.

    When held-to-maturity investments are disposed, the difference between the acquired price and

    investment book value shall be recorded into the investment income.

    ③ Accounts receivable

    The creditor’s rights arising from selling goods or providing service by the Company and other

    creditor’s rights to other enterprises held by the company that are not quoted in an active market,

    including accounts receivable, notes receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables, etc., the

    contract or agreement price should be taken as the initial recognition amount. If it has the nature of

    financing, it shall be recognized by present value.

    Difference between the amount received and book value of the receivables shall be included into

    the profit or loss of the current period upon collection or disposal.

    ④ Available-for-sale financial assets

    When available-for-sale financial assets are acquired, its initial amount shall be recognized at the

    fair value (excluding cash dividends that have been declared but not yet distributed or bond

    interests that have matured but not yet received) plus transaction expense thereof. The interests or

    cash dividends acquired, during the holding period, shall be recognized as investment income. At

    the end of reporting period, it shall be measured at the fair value and the change in fair value

    thereof shall be recorded into the capital reserves (Other Capital Reserves). Difference between

    the amount received and the book value of the financial assets shall be recognized as investment

    gain or loss upon disposal. Meanwhile, the accumulated changes in fair value previously

    recognized in the owners’ equity are transferred into investment gain or loss.

    ⑤ Other financial liabilities

    Other financial liabilities shall be initially recognized at fair value plus transaction costs. The

    subsequent measurement shall be made by adopting amortized costs, with the exception of those

    under the following circumstances:

    A. For the derivative financial liabilities, which are connected to the equity instrument for which

    there is no quotation in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and

    which must be settled by delivering the equity instrument, they shall be measured on the basis of

    their costs.B. For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial liability measured

    at its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits and losses of the current

    period, and for the commitments to grant loans which are not designated to be measured at the fair

    value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits an losses of the current period and

    which will enjoy an interest rate lower than that of the market, a subsequent measurement shall be

    made after they are initially recognized according to the higher one of the following:

    a. the amount as determined according to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise No. 13

    – contingencies; or

    b. the surplus after accumulative amortization as determined according to the principles of the

    Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 – Revenues is subtracted from the initially

    recognized amount.

    (4) Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets

    Where an enterprise has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of

    the financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. If it retains nearly

    all of the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall not stop

    recognizing the financial asset.

    Substance over form philosophy should be adopted to determine whether the transfer of a financial

    asset can satisfy the conditions as described in these Standards for de-recognition of a financial

    asset. An enterprise shall differentiate the transfer of a financial asset into the entire transfer and

    the partial transfer of financial assets.

    If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stop recognition, the

    difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall recorded in the profits and losses of

    the current period:

    i) The carrying amount of the transferred financial asset;

    ii) The aggregate consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the

    changes of the fair value originally recorded in the owner’s equities (in the event that the financial

    asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset available for sale).

    If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the

    carrying amount of the entire financial asset transferred shall be allocated at their respective

    relevant fair value, between the portion whose recognition has stopped and the portion whose

    recognition has not stopped, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items:

    i) The carrying amount of the portion whose recognition has stopped;

    ii) The aggregate consideration of the portion whose recognition has stopped, and the portion of

    the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner’s

    equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has stopped (in the event that the

    financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset available for sale).

    The transfer of financial assets does not meet the de-recognition condition, the financial assets

    shall continue to be recognized, and the consideration received will be recognized as financial


    (5) Determination of the fair value of financial instruments

    ① As for the financial assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the

    quoted prices in the active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. The quoted

    prices shall be determined based on the following principles:a. In the active market, the quoted prices of the Company for the financial assets it holds or the

    financial liabilities it plans to assume shall be the present actual offer, while the quoted prices of

    the Company for the financial assets it plans to acquire or the financial liabilities it has assumed

    shall be the available charge.

    b. Where there is no available offer or charge for a financial asset or financial liability, the

    Company shall adopt the market quoted price of the latest transaction or the market quoted price

    of the latest transaction after adjustment to determine the fair value of the said financial asset or

    financial liability, otherwise that the Company has adequate evidences to prove that the market

    quoted price of the latest transaction is not a fair value.

    ② Where there is no active market for financial assets and financial liabilities, the Company

    concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value.

    (6) Impairment of financial assets

    The Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet date, on the carrying amount of

    the financial assets. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has

    been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made. The expression “objective evidence

    proving that the financial asset has been impaired” refers to the actually incurred events which,

    after the financial asset is initially recognized, have an impact on the predicted future cash flow of

    the said financial asset that can be reliably measured by the enterprise.

    ① Held-to-maturity investments

    Where held-to-maturity investments measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is impaired,

    the carrying amount of the said held-to-maturity investments shall be written down to the current

    value (discount rate is by adopting the original actual interest rate) of the predicted future cash

    flow (excluding the loss of future credits not yet occurred), and the amount as written down shall

    be recognized as loss of the impairment of the asset and shall be recorded into the profits and

    losses of the current period. An independent impairment test shall be made on the held-to-maturity

    investments with significant single amounts. With regard to the held-to-maturity investments with

    insignificant single amounts, they may be included in a combination of held-to-maturity

    investments with similar credit risk features so as to carry out an impairment-related test. Where,

    upon independent test, the held-to-maturity investments has not been impaired, it shall be included

    in a combination of held-to-maturity investments with similar risk features so as to conduct

    another impairment test. The held-to-maturity investments which have suffered from an

    impairment loss in any single amount shall not be included in any combination of held-to-maturity

    investments with similar risk features for any impairment test.

    ② Accounts receivable

    For withdrawal method of impairment for accounts receivable, please refer to Note IV. Accounts


    ③Available-for-sale financial asset

    If the fair value of financial assets available for sale has greatly dropped at the end of reporting

    period, or after considering of all the relevant factors and expecting decrease trend is

    non-temporary, the impairment should be recognized at the variation that the fair value is lower

    than carrying value, and the provision for impairment shall be withdrawn, when confirming

    impairment, accumulated losses due to decreases in fair value previously recognized directly in

    capital reserve are reversed and charged to profit or loss for the current period.

    ④ OtherWhere the impairment-related losses incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there

    is no quoted price in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or

    incurred to a derivative financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument and

    which shall be settled by delivering the said equity instrument, the balance between the equity

    instrument investment or the derivative financial asset’s book value and the present value

    confirmed according to similar financial assets’ current market yield against future cash flow

    discount should be confirmed as a depreciation loss and reckoned in the period’s gains and losses.

    After the impairment-related losses incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is

    no quoted price in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, may not be


    8. Accounts receivable

    (1) Recognition of provision for bad debts:

    The Company shall test the book value of accounts receivable on the balance sheet date. Where

    there is any objective evidence proving that such accounts receivable has been impaired, an

    impairment provision shall be made.

    ① debtor has serious financial difficult;

    ② debtor goes against the contract clause (for instance, breach of faith or overdue paying interests

    or principal);

    ③ debtors have a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

    ④ other objective evidence proving such accounts receivable has been impaired;

    (2) Withdrawal method of provision for bad debt

    On the balance sheet date, an independent impairment test shall be carried out on the

    accounts receivable with significant single amounts (the balance over RMB 5 million) and

    accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts but with high credit risk Group. If any

    objective evidence shows that the accounts receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be

    recognized on the basis of the gap between the current values of the future cash flow lower than its

    carrying value so as to withdraw provision for bad debts. Accounts receivable with insignificant

    single amounts and ones that has not be impaired through independent impairment test shall be

    divided into several combinations in the light of aging, and then the impairment loss shall be

    recognized on the basis of a certain proportion of closing balance of accounts receivable

    combination so as to withdraw provision for bad debts. If there is small difference between

    predicted future cash flow of short-term accounts receivable and its current value, the predicted

    future cash flow shall not be discounted when confirming relevant impairment loss Withdrawing

    proportion of bad debts are as below:



    receivable Other receivables Aging

    Within 1 year (including 1 year, the same below) 5% 5%

    1-2 years 10% 10%2-3 years 20% 20%

    Over 3 years 30% 30%

    (3) If there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said accounts receivable has

    been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the

    impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the

    profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any

    more than the post-amortization costs of the said accounts receivable on the day of reverse under

    the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.

    9. Inventory

    (1) Classification

    Inventories of the Company are classified as: raw materials, goods in process, processing

    materials on consignment and merchandise inventory etc.

    (2) Pricing method of outgoing and obtaining inventories

    The inventories shall be measured in light of their cost when obtained. The cost of inventory

    consists of purchase costs, processing costs and other costs. A raw material is accounted as per the

    planned cost. The difference between planned cost of and actual cost of raw materials is accounted

    through the cost variance item, and the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost according to the

    cost difference which the carryover and given-out inventory should shoulder in the period. Other

    inventories shall be measured in line with weighted average method when obtained and outgone.

    (3) Recognition standard and withdrawal method of depreciation reserves for inventories

    On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured according to the cost or the net

    realizable value, whichever is lower.

    The net realizable value refers, in the ordinary course of business, to the account after deducting

    the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated

    sale price of inventories. Of which: ①Finished goods, merchandise inventories, and available for

    sale materials which are applied directly for sales of stock inventory, under normal producing

    process, to the amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the

    estimated sell price of the inventory, the net realizable value has been recognized. ② Material

    inventories which need to be processed, under normal producing process, to the amount after

    deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the

    estimated sale price of produced finished goods, the net realizable value has been recognized. ③

    The net realizable value of inventories held for the execution of a sales contract or labor contract

    shall be calculated on the basis of the contract price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than

    the quantities subscribed in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excessive inventories

    shall be calculated on the basis of the general sales price.

    The Company shall make provision for loss on decline in value of inventories on the basis of each

    item of inventories at the yean-end.

    On the balance sheet date, where the cost of inventories is higher than its net realizable value, the

    provision for loss on decline in value of inventories shall be made, which recorded into the profits

    and losses of the current period. If the factors, which cause any write-down of the inventories,

    have disappeared, the amount of write-down shall be resumed and shall be reversed from the

    provision for the loss on decline in value of inventories which has been made. The reversed

    amount shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period.(4) Inventory system for inventories: Perpetual inventory system.

    (5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles

    The Company shall amortize the low-value consumption goods and packing through the one-off

    amortization method.

    10. Long-term equity investment

    (1) As for the long-term equity investment formed in business combinations under the same

    control, the initial cost shall be ascertained at the share of the book value of the owner's equity of

    the merged enterprise. For the long-term equity investment formed in business combinations

    under different control, the merging party shall make initial measurement to at the merger costs

    ascertained. For long-term equity investment through other methods, the initial costs shall be

    recognized by difference acquisition method, e.g. the cash paid actually, the fair value of the

    equity securities issued, the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement. The initial

    cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term equity

    investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.

    As for the long-term equity investment formed in business combinations under the same control,

    the Company shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the book value of the owner's equity

    of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The variation

    between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the book value of

    combined consideration paid (or total par value of shares issued) shall offset against the capital

    reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The

    direct related costs occurred for the business combination of the combining party shall be included

    into the profit and loss of current accounting period at the time of merger. The bonds issued for a

    business combination or the handling fees and commissions for assuming other liabilities shall be

    recorded into the amount of initial measurement of bonds issued and other debts. The handling

    fees and commissions for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be

    shall offset against the surplus of equity securities. If the surplus is insufficient to dilute, the

    retained earnings shall be offset.

    As for the long-term equity investment formed in business combinations not under the same

    control, the Company shall, on the acquisition date, regard the combination costs as the initial cost

    of long-term equity investment. The combination costs shall be the fair values, on the acquisition

    date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the

    Company in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all relevant direct costs incurred to the

    acquirer for the business combination. For a business combination realized by two or more

    transactions of exchange, the combination costs shall be the summation of the costs of all separate

    transactions. Where any future event that is likely to affect the combination costs is stipulated in

    the combination contract or agreement, if it is likely to occur and its effects on the combination

    costs can be measured reliably, the acquirer shall record the said amount into the combination

    costs. The bonds issued for a business combination or the handling fees and commissions for

    assuming other liabilities shall be recorded into the amount of initial measurement of bonds issued

    and other debts. The handling fees and commissions for the issuance of equity securities for the

    business combination shall be shall offset against the surplus of equity securities. If the surplus is

    insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be offset.

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the

    purchase cost which is actually paid. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant tothe obtainment of the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities

    shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the

    investment contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.

    The initial cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets shall

    be ascertained in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of

    Non-monetary Assets.

    The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be

    ascertained in accordance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 - Debt Restructuring.

    The Company makes the corporate system restructuring, therefore, the book value of assets and

    liabilities are adjusted at the appraisal value, resulting in recognition of initial investment cost of

    long-term equity investment at the appraisal value.

    Besides all relevant direct costs incurred for the business combination, the initial cost of long-term

    equity investment obtained by other means consists of the expenses directly relevant to the

    obtainment of the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.

    Where cash dividends that have been declared but not yet distributed and profits are included into

    the consideration paid as acquiring investment, it shall be recognized receivables, instead of the

    initial cost of the long-term equity investment.

    (2) Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of

    investment income

    ① The long-term equity investment of the Company that is able to control the invested enterprise

    and which of the Company that does not do joint control or does not have significant influences on

    the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably

    measured, it shall be measured by employing the cost method.

    The price of a long-term equity investment measured by employing the cost method shall be

    included at its initial investment cost. If there are additional investments or disinvestments, the

    cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted. The dividends or profits declared to

    distribute by the invested entity shall be recognized as the current investment income.

    ② A long-term equity investment of the Company that does joint control or significant influences

    over the invested entity shall be measured by employing the equity method. If the initial cost of a

    long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable share of the fair value of the

    invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the initial cost of the long-term equity

    investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the

    Company's attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the

    investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the cost of the

    long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously.

    After the Company obtains a long-term equity investment, it shall, in accordance with the

    attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity, recognize the investment profits

    or losses and adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment. The Company shall, in the

    light of the profits or cash dividends declared to distribute by the invested entity, calculate the

    proportion it shall obtain, and shall reduce the book value of the long-term equity investment

    correspondingly.The Company shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the

    long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the

    net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the investing enterprise has

    the obligation to undertake extra losses. If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the

    investing enterprise shall, after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its

    attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume to recognize its attributable share of profits.

    Where any change is made to the owner's equity other than the net profits and losses of the

    invested entity, the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and be

    included in the owner's equity. Where the said investment is disposed, the part that is included in

    the owner’s equity (only included in capital reserve) shall be transferred into the profit and loss of

    the current period by the proportion.

    (3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences

    ①Recognition basis of joint control: any a joint venture party can not individually control

    production and operation activities of the joint venture enterprise. The decision-making involved

    in basic operation activities of the joint venture enterprise shall be needed to make consensus of

    opinion by each joint venture party.

    ② Recognition basis of significant influences: where the Company directly or indirectly through

    subsidiary company holds over 20% (including 20%) but no more than 50% of voting shares of

    invested enterprise shall be confirmed the significant influence on the invested enterprise except

    that there is any evidence proving that the Company can not enjoy the production and operation

    decision-making of invested enterprise under such situation. Where the Company holds no more

    than 20% (excluding 20%) of voting shares of invested enterprise shall be confirmed the no

    significant influence on invested enterprise. But the Company shall be confirmed as significant

    influence on invested enterprise when the following situations are accorded with:

    A. appointed representative in the Board of Directors and power department; B. participated in the

    course of policies establishment of invested enterprise; C. the material transaction occurred

    between the Company and invested enterprise; D. appointed management person to invested

    enterprise; E. provided the key technology information to invested enterprise.

    (4) Testing of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment

    The Company shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of

    possible impairment of the long-term equity investment according to the following materials.

    Where there is sign of impairment, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the

    long-term equity investment and made impairment testing.

    1 The current market price of long-term equity investment falls, and its decrease is obviously

    higher than the expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    2 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the Company operates, or the

    market where the long-term equity investment is situated will have any significant change in

    the current period or in the near future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;

    3 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current

    period, and thus the discount rate of the Company for calculating the expected future cash

    flow of the long-term equity investment will be affected, which will result in great decline of

    the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment;

    4 The long-term equity investment have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or

    disposed ahead of schedule;5 Any evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of

    the long-term equity investment have been or will be lower than the expected performance,

    for example, the net cash flow created by long-term equity investment or the operating profit

    (or loss) realized is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    6 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of long-term equity investment has probably


    The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair

    value of the long-term equity investment minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the

    expected future cash flow of the long-term equity investment. The Company shall, on the basis of

    single item long-term equity investment, estimate recoverable amount.

    Where the recoverable amount of single item long-term equity investment is lower than its

    carrying value, the carrying value of the long-term equity investment shall be recorded down to

    the recoverable amount, and the reduced amount shall be recorded as the profit or loss for the

    current period. Simultaneously, a provision for the impairment of the long-term equity investment

    shall be made accordingly.

    Once any loss of impairment of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be

    switched back in the future accounting periods.

    11. Investment real estates

    The Company’s investment real estates consist of the right to use any land which has already been

    rented; the right to use any land which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation; and the

    right to use any building which has already been rented.

    The Company shall make a follow-up measurement to the investment real estates through the cost

    pattern. As for investment properties that its follow-up measurement shall be made by employing

    the cost pattern, its depreciation policy and amortization shall be the same as ones of same or

    similar fixed assets and intangible assets.

    The Company shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of

    possible impairment of the investment real estates according to the following materials. Where

    there is sign of impairment, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the investment

    real estates and made impairment testing.

    1 The current market price of investment real estates falls, and its decrease is obviously higher

    than the expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    2 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the Company operates, or the

    market where the investment real estates is situated will have any significant change in the

    current period or in the near future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;

    3 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current

    period, and thus the discount rate of the Company for calculating the expected future cash

    flow of the investment real estates will be affected, which will result in great decline of the

    recoverable amount of the investment real estates;

    4 Any evidence shows that the investment real estates have become obsolete or have been

    damaged substantially;

    5 The investment real estates have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or disposed

    ahead of schedule;

    6 Any evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of

    the investment real estates have been or will be lower than the expected performance, forexample, the net cash flow created by investment real estates or the operating profit (or loss)

    realized is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    7 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of investment real estates has probably occurred.

    The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair

    value of the investment real estates minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the

    expected future cash flow of the investment real estates. The Company shall, on the basis of single

    item investment real estates, estimate recoverable amount.

    Where the recoverable amount of single item investment real estates is lower than its carrying

    value, the carrying value of the investment real estates shall be recorded down to the recoverable

    amount, and the reduced amount shall be recorded as the profit or loss for the current period.

    Simultaneously, a provision for the impairment of the investment real estates shall be made

    accordingly. Once any loss of impairment of the investment real estates is recognized, it shall not

    be switched back in the future accounting periods.

    12. Fixed assets

    (1)Recognized standard of fixed assets

    The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as

    follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or

    business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year. No fixed asset may be

    recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows: ① The economic benefits

    pertinent to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise; and ② The cost of the fixed asset

    can be measured reliably.

    (2) Category of fixed assets and depreciation

    The Company shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by adopting the straight-line method.

    Useful life, expected net salvage value and annual depreciation rate of each fixed assets are as


    Category of fixed assets depreciation life (Y)

    Expected net

    salvage value(%)


    deprecation rate


    Housing and building 5-20 5-10% 19.00-4.50

    Machinery equipments 10-13 5-10% 6.92-9.50

    Electronic equipments

    and other




    Transportation vehicle 5 5-10% 19.00-18.00

    As for the fixed assets, the provision for depreciation has been made, its withdrawal method of

    depreciation: For a fixed asset, the provision for depreciation has been made, it shall be withdrawn

    depreciation in the light of the amount after deducting expected net salvage value, depreciation

    withdrawn and impairment provision from original value of such fixed assets and the remained

    useful life. As for the fixed assets, its expected conditions for use has been reached but not handle

    completion settlement, its cost shall be confirmed in the light of estimated value and withdrew

    depreciation; after completion settlement, the original estimated value shall be adjusted in line

    with the actual cost, but original depreciation withdrawn shall not be adjusted.

    At least, the Company shall make recheck to useful life, expected net salvage value and

    depreciation method of the fixed assets when the end of each accounting year, if necessary, the

    Company shall make adjustment.(3) Testing of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment

    The Company shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of

    possible impairment of the fixed assets according to the following materials. Where there is sign

    of impairment, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the fixed assets and made

    impairment testing.

    1 The current market price of fixed assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than the

    expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    2 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the Company operates, or the

    market where the fixed assets is situated will have any significant change in the current period

    or in the near future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;

    3 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current

    period, and thus the discount rate of the Company for calculating the expected future cash

    flow of the fixed assets will be affected, which will result in great decline of the recoverable

    amount of the fixed assets;

    4 Any evidence shows that the fixed assets have become obsolete or have been damaged


    5 The fixed assets have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or disposed ahead of


    6 Any evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of

    the fixed assets have been or will be lower than the expected performance, for example, the

    net cash flow created by fixed assets or the operating profit (or loss) realized is lower (higher)

    than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    7 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of fixed assets has probably occurred.

    The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair

    value of the fixed assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future

    cash flow of the fixed assets. The Company shall, on the basis of single item fixed assets, estimate

    recoverable amount. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the

    group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The recognition of an asset

    group shall base on whether the main cash inflow generated by the asset group is independent of

    those generated by other assets or other group assets.

    Where the recoverable amount of single item fixed assets or asset group to which the asset belongs

    is lower than its carrying value, its carrying value shall be recorded down to the recoverable

    amount, and the reduced amount shall be recorded as the profit or loss for the current period.

    Simultaneously, a provision for the impairment of the fixed assets shall be made accordingly.

    Once any loss of impairment of the fixed assets is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the

    future accounting periods.

    (4) Fixed assets by financing leased

    For recognized basis, pricing method and depreciation method of fixed assets by financing lease,

    please refer to “Note IV. Lease”.

    13. Constructions in progress

    The Company’s constructions in progress include the preliminary works, constructional

    engineering, erection works and technical innovation projects, as well as major repair works etc.,

    which shall be priced in the light of the actual cost. Constructions in progress shall be carried

    down to fixed assets according to their actual costs when completing and achieving estimatedusable status.

    The Company shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of

    possible impairment of the constructions in progress according to the following materials. Where

    there is sign of impairment, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the

    constructions in progress and made impairment testing.

    1 The current market price of constructions in progress falls, and its decrease is obviously

    higher than the expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    2 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the Company operates, or the

    market where the constructions in progress is situated will have any significant change in the

    current period or in the near future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;

    3 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current

    period, and thus the discount rate of the Company for calculating the expected future cash

    flow of the constructions in progress will be affected, which will result in great decline of the

    recoverable amount of the constructions in progress;

    4 Any evidence shows that the constructions in progress have become obsolete or have been

    damaged substantially;

    5 The constructions in progress have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or

    disposed ahead of schedule;

    6 Any evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of

    the constructions in progress have been or will be lower than the expected performance, for

    example, the net cash flow created by constructions in progress or the operating profit (or loss)

    realized is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    7 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of constructions in progress has probably


    The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair

    value of the constructions in progress minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the

    expected future cash flow of the fixed assets. The Company shall, on the basis of single item

    constructions in progress, estimate recoverable amount. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall

    determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the

    constructions in progress belongs. The recognition of an asset group shall base on whether the

    main cash inflow generated by the asset group is independent of those generated by other assets or

    other group assets.

    Where the recoverable amount of single item constructions in progress or asset group to which the

    constructions in progress belongs is lower than its carrying value, its carrying value shall be

    recorded down to the recoverable amount, and the reduced amount shall be recorded as the profit

    or loss for the current period. Simultaneously, a provision for the impairment of the constructions

    in progress shall be made accordingly. Once any loss of impairment of the constructions in

    progress is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

    14. Borrowing costs

    The term "borrowing costs" refers to the interest and other relevant costs, which are incurred by an

    enterprise in the borrowing of loans, including interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts

    or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency

    borrowings. Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the

    acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall becapitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be

    recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the

    current profits and losses.

    (1) Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs

    The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following


    a. The asset disbursements have already incurred;

    b. The borrowing costs has already incurred; and

    c. The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the

    asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

    (2) Capitalization period

    The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation of

    capitalization of the borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of the

    borrowing costs.

    Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally

    and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs

    shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as

    expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition

    and construction or production of the asset restarts. If the interruption is a necessary step for

    making the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended

    use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue.

    When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended

    use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. The borrowing costs incurred

    after the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended

    use or sale shall be recognized as expenses at the incurred amount when they are incurred, and

    shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

    (3) Measurement of capitalization amount

    During the period of capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests (including the

    amortization of discounts or premiums) in each accounting period shall be determined according

    to the following provisions:

    a. As for specifically borrowed loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets

    eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in

    light of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the

    income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a

    temporary investment.

    b. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets

    eligible for capitalization, the enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized

    amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset

    disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing

    by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be

    calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general


    15. Intangible assets

    (1) Initial measurementThe intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. The actual cost shall be

    recognized on the basis on the following principles:

    1 The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and

    other necessary expenditures directly attributable to intangible assets for the expected

    purpose. Where the payment of purchase price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the

    normal credit conditions, which is of financing intention, the cost of intangible assets shall be

    determined on the basis of the current value of the purchase price. The difference between the

    actual payment and the current value of the purchase price shall be recorded into profit or loss

    for the credit period, unless it shall be capitalized under the Accounting Standards for

    Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing Cost.

    2 The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the

    conventional value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in

    the contract or agreement.

    3 The cost of self-developed intangible assets shall include the total expenditures incurred

    during the period from the time when it meets the provisions of recognition of intangible

    assets to the time when the expected purposes of use are realized, except that the expenditures

    which have already been treated prior to the said period shall not be adjusted.

    4 The costs of intangible assets acquired from non-monetary assets transaction, debt

    recombination, government subsides, and merger of enterprises shall be determined

    respectively according to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 -Exchange

    of non-monetary assets, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt

    Restructurings, Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government Grants

    and Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 -Business Combinations.

    (2) Subsequent measurement

    The Company shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets, when it obtains

    intangible assets. The service lift of the intangible assets shall be recognized based on the period

    when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the Company. If it is unable to forecast

    the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the Company, it shall be

    regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life.

    As for intangible assets being derived from any contractual right or other statutory rights

    possessed or controlled by the Company, the useful life of intangible assets can not exceed the

    time limit regulated by contractual right or other statutory rights. If the contractual right or other

    statutory right is renewed at maturity, and there is evidence shows that the Company has not to

    pay a large sum of costs, the renewal term shall be included into the service life. If useful life is

    not be regulated by contractual right or other statutory rights, the Company shall synthesize each

    factors to determine term of economic benefit is expected to be brought by some intangible assets

    to the Company. If term of economic benefit is expected to be brought by some intangible assets

    to the Company is still not be confirmed according to the above method, such intangible assets

    shall be regarded as intangible asset with uncertain useful life.

    With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, its amortization amount shall be

    amortized within its service life systematically and reasonably. The Company amortizes intangible

    assets by the straight-line method.

    The reasonable amortization amount of intangible assets shall be its cost minus the expected

    residual value. For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount ofimpairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well. The amortized amount of intangible

    assets shall be recorded into profit or loss for the current period. Intangible assets with uncertain

    service life may not be amortized.

    The Company shall, at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of

    intangible assets with limited service life, which shall be adjusted if desired.

    The Company shall check the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during

    each accounting period. Where there are evidences to prove the intangible assets have limited

    service life, it shall be treated according to the above policies applicable to intangible assets with

    limited service life.

    (3) Expenditures for research and development

    The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be

    classified into research expenditures and development expenditures. The term "research

    expenditures" refers to expenditures occurred for the creative and planned investigation to acquire

    and understand new scientific or technological knowledge. The research expenditures for its

    internal research and development projects of the Company shall be recorded into the profit or

    loss for the current period. The term "development expenditures" refers to expenditures for the

    application of research achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan or design, prior to the

    commercial production or use, so as to produce any new material, device or product, or

    substantially improved material, device and product. The development expenditures for its internal

    research and development projects of the Company may be capitalized when they satisfy the

    following conditions simultaneously:

    a. It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;

    b. It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;

    c. The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved,

    including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by

    applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the

    intangible assets will be used internally;

    d. It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible

    assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and

    e. The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.

    (4) Testing of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment

    The Company shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of

    possible impairment of the intangible assets according to the following materials. Where there is

    sign of impairment, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the intangible assets

    and made impairment testing. Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall be made an

    impairment testing at the end of every accounting year no matter whether there is sign of


    1 The current market price of intangible assets falls, and its decrease is obviously higher than

    the expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    2 The economic, technological or legal environment in which the Company operates, or the

    market where the intangible assets is situated will have any significant change in the current

    period or in the near future, which will cause adverse impact on the enterprise;

    3 The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current

    period, and thus the discount rate of the Company for calculating the expected future cashflow of the intangible assets will be affected, which will result in great decline of the

    recoverable amount of the intangible assets;

    4 Any evidence shows that the intangible assets have become obsolete or have been damaged


    5 The intangible assets have been or will be left unused, or terminated for use, or disposed

    ahead of schedule;

    6 Any evidence in the internal report of the Company shows that the economic performance of

    the intangible assets have been or will be lower than the expected performance, for example,

    the net cash flow created by intangible assets or the operating profit (or loss) realized is lower

    (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    7 Other evidence indicates that the impairment of intangible assets has probably occurred.

    The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair

    value of the intangible assets minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected

    future cash flow of the intangible assets. The Company shall, on the basis of single item intangible

    assets, estimate recoverable amount. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall determine the

    recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the intangible

    assets belongs. The recognition of an asset group shall base on whether the main cash inflow

    generated by the asset group is independent of those generated by other assets or other group


    Where the recoverable amount of single item intangible assets or asset group to which the

    intangible assets belongs is lower than its carrying value, its carrying value shall be recorded down

    to the recoverable amount, and the reduced amount shall be recorded as the profit or loss for the

    current period. Simultaneously, a provision for the impairment of the intangible assets shall be

    made accordingly. Once any loss of impairment of the intangible assets is recognized, it shall not

    be switched back in the future accounting periods.

    16. Long-term deferred expenses

    Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year

    (one year excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods.

    Long-term deferred expense shall be recoded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and

    amortized averagely within benefit period.

    17. Estimated debts

    (1) Recognition basis of estimated debts

    The obligation such as external guaranty, pending litigation or arbitration, product quality

    assurance, layoff plan, loss contract, restructuring and disposal of fixed assets, pertinent to a

    contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following conditions are

    satisfied simultaneously:

    a. That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;

    b. It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance

    of the obligation; and

    c. The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

    (2) Measurement method of estimated debts

    The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the

    necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. To determine the best estimate,the Company shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and

    other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the

    best estimate shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. The

    Company shall check the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. If there is

    any exact evidence indicating that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate,

    the Company shall adjust the book value in accordance with the current best estimate.

    18. Share-based payment

    (1) Category of share-based payment

    The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled

    share-based payments.

    (2) Recognition of the fair value of the equity instruments

    The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at the

    fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees.

    1 The fair value of equity instruments for which there is an active market shall be recognized at

    quotation in the active market;

    2 Where there is no active market for a equity instruments, the Company shall adopt value

    appraisal techniques to determined its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly

    include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest

    market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to

    other financial instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method

    and the option pricing model, etc.

    19. Revenue

    (1) Recognition method of revenue from selling goods

    No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met


    a. The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the

    buyer by the enterprise;

    b. The enterprise retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with

    the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods;

    c. The relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way;

    d. The relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; and

    e. The relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.

    (2) Recognition method of revenue from providing labor services

    The Company can, on the date of the balance sheet, reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction

    concerning the labor services it provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services by

    employing the percentage-of-completion method. The schedule of completion under the

    transaction concerning the providing of labor services shall be recognized in the light of the

    proportion of the costs incurred against the estimated total costs.

    If the Company can not, on the date of the balance sheet, measure the result of a transaction

    concerning the providing of labor services in a reliable way, it shall be conducted in accordance

    with the following circumstances, respectively:

    ① If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the

    providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of laborservices incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carried forward at the same amount; or

    ② If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be

    included in the current profits and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may

    be recognized.

    (3) Recognition method of revenue from abalienating the right to use assets

    ① Recognition principle of revenue from abalienating the right to use assets

    The revenue from abalienating of right to use assets consists of interest revenue and royalty

    revenue. No revenue from abalienating of right to use assets may be recognized unless the

    following conditions are met simultaneously:

    A. The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; and

    B. The amount of revenues can be measured in a reliable way.

    ② Recognition method

    A. The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the

    length of time for which the enterprise's cash is used by others and the actual interest rate; or

    B. The amount of royalty revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the

    period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

    20. Government subsidies

    The Company’s government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and

    government subsidies pertinent to income.

    (1) Recognized conditions of government subsidy

    No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met

    simultaneously as follows:

    ① The Company can meet the conditions for the government grants; and

    ② The Company can obtain the government grants.

    (2) Measurement

    ① If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or

    receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair

    value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal

    amount (RMB 1.00).

    ② The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally

    distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and

    losses. But the government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included

    in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated

    respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: (a) Those subsidies used for

    compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as

    deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the

    relevant expenses are recognized; or (b) Those subsidies used for compensating the related

    expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and


    ③ If it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be

    treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: (a) If there is the deferred

    income concerned, the book balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the

    excessive part shall be included in the current profits and losses; and (b) If there is no deferred

    income concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly included in the current profitsand losses.

    21. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

    The temporary difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base, and

    as for an item that has not been recognized as an asset or liability, if its tax base can be determined

    in light of the tax law, the temporary difference between the tax base and its carrying amount,

    shall withdraw deferred income tax by employing the balance sheet approach.

    (1) Recognition of deferred income tax assets

    As for the deductible temporary difference, any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be

    carried forward to the next year, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets

    arising from a deductible temporary difference, any deductible loss or tax deduction to the extent

    of the amount of the taxable income, otherwise, the deductible temporary difference occurred in

    the following transactions:

    ① This transaction is not business combination, and at the time of transaction, the accounting

    profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount or deductible loss be affected.

    ② Where the deductible temporary difference related to the investments of the subsidiary

    companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises can meet the following requirements

    simultaneously, the enterprise shall recognize the corresponding deferred income tax assets: A.

    The temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the expected future; and B. It is likely to

    acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the deductible

    temporary differences.

    (2) Recognition of deferred income tax liabilities

    ① Except for the deferred income tax liabilities arising from the following transactions, the

    Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from all taxable temporary


    A. the initial recognition of business reputation;

    B. the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from the following transactions which are

    simultaneously featured by the following: The transaction is not business combination; at the time

    of transaction, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount or

    deductible loss be affected.

    ② The taxable temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies,

    associated enterprises and joint enterprises shall recognize corresponding deferred income tax

    liabilities. However, those that can simultaneously meet the following conditions shall be

    excluded: (a) The investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences;

    and (b) The temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future.

    22. Leases

    (1) Recognition standard of financing leases and operating leases

    Where a lease satisfies one or more of the following criteria, it shall be recognized as a finance

    lease: ① The ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee when the term of lease

    expires; ② The lessee has the option to buy the leased asset at a price which is expected to be far

    lower than the fair value of the leased asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable. Thus,

    on the lease beginning date, it can be reasonably determined that the option will be exercised; ③

    Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term covers the major part of the use

    life (generally refer to 75% or over 75%) of the leased asset; ④ In the case of the lessee, thepresent value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date amounts to substantially

    all of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease beginning date (generally refer to 90% or over

    90%); in the case of the lessor, the present value of the minimum lease receipts on the lease

    beginning date amounts to substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease

    beginning date; and ⑤ The leased assets are of a specialized nature that only the Company (the

    lessee) can use them without making major modifications.

    The term "operating lease" shall refer to a lease other than a financing lease.

    (2) Accounting treatment of financing leases

    ① Accounting treatment of lessee of financing leases

    On the lease beginning date, the Company shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased

    asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the

    entering value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering

    value in an account of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded

    amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.

    The initial direct costs (ditto) such as commissions directly attributable to the leased item incurred

    during the process of lease negotiating and signing the leasing agreement shall be recorded in the

    asset value of the current period. As for the unrecognized financing charge, the Company shall

    adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and recognize the financing charge in the

    current period. Contingent rents shall be recognized as a profits and losses of the current period in

    which they are actually incurred.

    In calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the Company should adopt a depreciation policy

    for leased assets consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the Company.

    ② Accounting treatments of lessors in financing leases

    On the beginning date of the lease term, a lessor shall recognize the sum of the minimum lease

    receipts on the lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as the entering value in an account

    of the financing lease values receivable, and record the unguaranteed residual value at the same

    time. The balance between the sums of the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the

    unguaranteed residual value, and the sum of their present values shall be recognized as unrealized

    financing income.

    As for the unrealized financing income, the Company shall calculate the financing income at the

    current period by adopting the effective interest rate method.

    Contingent rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the period in which they actually


    (3) Accounting treatment of lessees in operating leases

    The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessor or lessee in the profits and losses of

    the current period by using the straight-line method. The initial direct costs incurred by the lessor

    or lessee shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period. The contingent rents

    shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.

    23. Assets the Company holds for sale

    Non-current assets (excluding financial assets and deferred income tax assets) shall be divided

    into assets the Company holds for sale when the following conditions are met simultaneously:

    (1) the Company has made proposal to dispose the said non-current assets;

    (2) the Company has signed irrevocable transfer agreement with assignee; and

    (3) The said transfer will be completed due within one year.Assets for sale shall be divided into single item assets and disposal group (refers to a group of

    asset that is sold as a whole or disposed together by other way), they shall be measured at the

    balance that the fair value minus disposal expenses, and may not exceed the original carrying

    value which is in compliance with conditions for sale. If the original carrying value is higher than

    the balance that the fair value minus disposal expenses, the said balance shall be recognized as

    loss on assets impairment and recorded into the profit and loss of the current period.

    24. Change in major accounting policies and accounting estimates

    (1) Change in accounting policies

    No accounting policy changed in the Company.

    (2) Change in accounting estimates

    No accounting estimates changed in the Company.

    25. Corrections of prior accounting errors

    The Company has no matter related to correction of prior-period errors.

    V. Taxation

    1. Main taxes and tax rate

    Category of taxes Tax base Tax rate

    VAT Sales revenue 17%、13%

    Business tax Taxable income 5%

    Tax for maintaining and building


    Circulating tax 7%、1%

    Extra charges of education funds Circulating tax 3%

    Local education surcharge Circulating tax 1%

    Corporate income tax Payable income tax amount 12.5%、15%、16.5%、25%

    Housing property tax

    Taxable original value of the

    real estates and rental income

    of real estates


    Land use tax Area of land for tax RMB 7 and 8/㎡

    The Company is a VAT General Taxpayer. VAT payable shall be the balance that the output tax of

    the current period set off against input tax that can be offset. As for products to be sold in China,

    such as yarn-dyed fabric cloth and garments, their output VAT rate shall be 17%, while such as

    cotton and steam, their output VAT rate shall be 13%.

    As for the export products, the Company shall, in accordance with the provision of CS [2007] No.

    7 document, perform “tax exemption, deduction and rebate”. Pursuant to the Circulation of the

    Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, on

    Raising the Export Rebate Rates for Textiles and Other Light Industries, Electronic Information

    and Other Products (CS [2009] No. 43), the export rebate rates for textiles and clothing shall be

    raised to 16% from 1 Apr. 2009.

    2. Tax preference and official documents

    The Company, in accordance with the Notice on Recognition of the First Batch of New High-tech

    Enterprise for the Year 2008 (LJGZ [2009] No. 12 document) from Department of Science &

    Technology of Shandong Province, Finance Bureau of Shandong Province, National Taxation

    Bureau of Shandong and Local Taxation Bureau of Shandong Province, was recognized as a NewHigh-tech Enterprise and obtained the Certificate of New High-tech Enterprise on 5 Dec. 2008.

    The Company shall, in line with the Article 28 of Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s

    Republic of China and Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues concerning the

    Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Deduction and Exemption (GSF [2008] No. 111

    document), enjoy a 15-percent rate for enterprise income tax.

    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing”) is

    productive foreign funded enterprise, therefore, it shall enjoy a preferential enterprise income tax

    policy of “Two plus three” (Exemption of enterprise income tax for the first two years of making

    profit, and 50% tax reduction for following three years). Between 2006 and 2007, Lufeng

    Weaving & Dyeing enjoyed exemption from the enterprise income tax, and shall pay half of the

    enterprise income tax from 2008 to 2010. In accordance with the provisions of the Notice of the

    State Council on Carrying out the Transitional Preferential Policies on Enterprise Income Tax (GF

    [2007] No. 39 document), Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing paid the enterprise income tax at tax rate of

    12.5% in 2009.

    Luthai (Hong Kong), the wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, was incorporated in

    Hong Kong SAR, whose profit tax shall be paid at tax rate of 16.5%.

    VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statement

    1. Subsidiaries

    (1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment

    Unit: RMB’0000

    Subsidiaries Type







    Business scope

    Actual amount of

    investments at

    the period-end





    Luthai Shirt











    RMB 560

    Design, manufacturing

    and sale of clothing

    RMB 336




    Co., Ltd.












    joint venture)

    RMB 3,500

    Design, manufacturing

    and sale of garment

    RMB 2,100











    HKD 600

    Import & export trade,

    collection of market


    information consultation

    RMB 636.66

    Xinjiang Holding Xinjiang Limited RBM11,863 Planting, processing and RMB6,517.63Subsidiaries Type







    Business scope

    Actual amount of

    investments at

    the period-end






    Cotton Co.,




    subsidiary liability


    sale of Economic Crops,

    cooking oil crops;

    purchase, processing and

    sale of cotton and

    cotton-by products;

    production and sale of

    cotton textile products


    Weaving &

    Dyeing Co.,



    Weaving &










    Funded by


    Macao and



    Production and sale of

    textile and printing and

    dyeing products


    Zibo Luqun

    Textile Co.,

    Ltd. (Luqun










    RMB16,822 Sale of cotton yarn RMB17,178.46



    Power Co.,













    Power, steam and hot







    Co., Ltd.














    RMB 500

    Wholesale of garments

    and commodities, design

    of clothing, technology

    promotion service

    RMB 500


    Unit: RMB’0000




    of holding




    of voting


    Included in






    minority interests

    Balance of parent company’s

    equity after deducting the

    difference that loss of minority

    interests exceed equity obtained(%) by minority shareholders



    60 60 Yes 254.40



    60 60 Yes 1,377.49




    100 100 Yes



    57.41 57.41 Yes 8,181.00


    Weaving &


    75 75 Yes 18,000.70



    100 100 Yes



    100 100 Yes



    100 100 Yes

    Total 27,813.59

    2. Entities that are included into the consolidated scope and are no longer

    included into

    (1) Subsidiaries who are included into the consolidated scope

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Name Date

    Net assets as at the

    end of reporting


    Net profit as of the

    reporting period

    Beijing Lufeng Sunshine

    Garment Co., Ltd.

    27 April 2010 4,927,466.27 -72,533.73

    Note: The Proposal on Investing RMB 5 million to Establish Beijing Lufeng Sunshine Garment

    Co., Ltd. was examined and approved at the 38th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors. Lufeng

    Sunshine had obtained the business license of legal entity on 27 April 2010.

    (2) Subsidiaries who are no longer included into the consolidated scope

    Unit: RMB Yuan

    Name Date

    Net assets as at the

    end of reporting


    Net profit as of the

    reporting period

    Lu Thai Huanzhong

    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

    2 June 2010 52,624,600.96 -3,846,487.07

    Note: Pursuant to the resolution made at the 35th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors, the

    Company invested in Yantai Rongchang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

    “Rongchang Pharmaceutical”) with its 100% equities of Luthai Zhonghuan, from which theCompany obtained 5.555% equities of Rongchang Pharmaceutical. Rongchang Pharmaceutical

    had registered the change with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce on 2 June

    2010. Therefore, the Company no longer included Luthai Zhonghuan into the consolidated scope.

    3. Conversion rate of main statements for overseas business entity

    The balance sheet items of Luthai (Hong Kong) are converted at closing exchange rate between

    the RMB and the Hong Kong dollar of 1:0.8724; while the income statement items and cash flow

    statement items are converted at average value between exchange rate of the RMB against the

    Hong Kong dollar at the period-begin and at the period-end , i.e. 1:0.8764.

    VII. Notes to the financial statements

    Unless otherwise noted in the following items (including notes to the financial statement of parent

    company), the year-end refers to 30 Jun. 2010, and the year-begin refers to 1 Jan. 2010. The

    current period refers to Jan.-Jun. 2010, and the last period refers to Jan.-Jun. 2009.

    1. Monetary funds

    (1) Breakdown of monetary fund


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Original currency



    Translated to






    Translated to RMB


    -RMB 2,180,438.89 1.0000 2,180,438.89 1,444,059.37 1.0000 1,444,059.37

    -USD 6,856.80 6.7909 46,563.84 26,479.68 6.8282 180,808.55

    -EURO 30,305.38 8.2710 250,655.80 3,803.33 9.7971 37,261.60

    -JPY 69,638.00 0.0767 5,341.24 109,638.00 0.0738 8,091.29

    -HKD 10,365.14 0.8724 9,042.55 8,715.64 0.8805 7,674.12

    -THB 120.19 0.2097 25.20 120.19 0.2046 24.59

    -SGD 0.20 4.8351 0.97 0.20 4.8605 0.97

    -GBP 1,774.27 10.2135 18,121.51

    -AUD 4,746.03 5.7608 27,340.93

    Subtotal 2,537,530.93 1,677,920.49

    Bank deposit:

    -RMB 311,616,488.82 1.0000 311,616,488.82 469,959,879.71 1.0000 469,959,879.71

    -USD 20,705,242.78 6.7909 140,607,238.26 6,978,636.14 6.8282 47,651,523.33

    -EURO 625,253.43 8.2710 5,171,471.12 926,914.51 9.7971 9,081,074.14

    -JPY 11,526,963.00 0.0767 884,118.07 3,201,551.00 0.0738 236,274.47

    -HKD 27,780,637.69 0.8724 24,235,828.32 23,497,324.56 0.8805 20,689,394.27

    -SF 6,753.79 6.2736 42,370.58 46,692.65 6.5938 307,882.00

    Subtotal 482,557,515.17 547,926,027.92

    Other monetary


    -RMB 111,432,071.45 1.0000 111,432,071.45 4,000,000.00 1.0000 4,000,000.00

    -USD 2,946,087.47 6.7909 20,006,585.40 2,396,587.11 6.8282 16,364,376.12-JPY 1,500,689.00 0.0767 115,102.85

    -EURO 17.19 8.2710 142.18 20.65 9.7971 202.31

    Subtotal 131,553,901.88 20,364,578.43

    Total 616,648,947.98 569,968,526.84

    (2) Item “RMB deposit” under “Other monetary fund”, RMB 1,650,566.43 is margin deposits for

    acceptance bill, another RMB 109,781,505.02 pledged margin deposit for security in the financing

    services. Item “US dollar deposit” under “Other monetary fund” is foreign currency payment,

    from which the Company exported the products, being in verification stage in accordance with the

    State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

    2. Notes receivable

    (1) Categories

    Categories Closing amount Opening amount

    Bank acceptance bill 10,200,602.23 7,348,990.25

    Letter of credit (LC) 107,328,749.50 134,063,752.21

    Total 117,529,351.73 141,412,742.46

    (2) The notes that the Company had made endorsement to other party but not yet due are RMB

    28,715,509.10. The total amount of the top five entities is RMB 18,261,919.40.

    (3) No mortgaged note in the reporting period.

    3. Accounts receivable

    (1) Breakdown of accounts receivable listed by categories


    Closing amount

    Book balance Provision for bad debts

    Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%)

    Individually significant accounts


    82,003,650.88 42.89 4,100,182.54 5.00

    Accounts receivable which are not

    individually significant, but are

    assessed at high risk level through

    credit risk combination

    Other non-material receivables 109,191,060.74 57.11 5,883,138.55 5.39

    Total 191,194,711.62 100.00 9,983,321.09 5.22



    Opening amount

    Book balance Provision for bad debts

    Amount Proportion(%) Amount



    Individually significant accounts


    70,254,295.63 43.20 3,512,714.78 5.00

    Accounts receivable which are notindividually significant, but are

    assessed at high risk level through

    credit risk combination

    Other non-material receivables 92,378,220.81 56.80 5,050,476.04 5.47

    Total 162,632,516.44 100.00 8,563,190.82 5.27

    Accounts receivable with significant single amount refer to accounts receivable that the closing

    balance is over RMB 5 million.

    (2) Withdrawal of provision for bad debts at the period-end

    ① Withdrawal of provision for bad debts of accounts receivable which single amount is

    significant or single amount is not significant but its impairment test is individually made:

    Contents Book amount

    Provision for

    bad debts

    Proportion Reason

    TAL APPAREL LIMITED 23,199,539.06 1,159,976.94 5% Note IV. 8. (2)



    20,173,824.71 1,008,691.24 5% Note IV. 8. (2)



    9,474,962.80 473,748.14 5% Note IV. 8. (2)

    Zibo Power Supply Company 6,445,855.13 322,292.76 5% Note IV. 8. (2)

    Chen Feng (Jin Tan) Garments Co., Ltd. 6,180,415.65 309,020.78 5% Note IV. 8. (2)

    PHILLIPS VANHEUSEN SHIRT GROUP 5,856,643.12 292,832.16 5% Note IV. 8. (2)



    5,474,531.03 273,726.55 5% Note IV. 8. (2)

    INDITEX ASIA LINITED 5,197,879.38 259,893.97 5% Note IV. 8. (2)

    Total 82,003,650.88 4,100,182.54

    ② Breakdown of accounts receivable listed by aging and withdrawal of bad debts


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Book balance

    Provision for

    bad debts

    Book balance

    Provision for

    Amount bad debts






    Within 1


    188,928,894.72 98.81 9,446,444.73 160,218,732.11 98.52 8,010,936.61

    1-2 years 668,002.72 0.35 66,800.27 819,363.89 0.50 81,936.39

    2-3 years 92,681.68 0.05 18,536.34 80,083.18 0.05 16,016.64

    Over 3


    1,505,132.50 0.79 451,539.75 1,514,337.26 0.93 454,301.18

    Total 191,194,711.62 100.00 9,983,321.09 162,632,516.44 100.00 8,563,190.82

    (3) Accounts receivable written off actually in the reporting period

    Name of entities Nature Amount Reason

    Occurred due from

    related transaction or

    notANDREAZZA &


    Payment for






    Total 330,506.47

    (4) There was no accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including

    5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

    (5) The information list for the top 5 customers:



    with the


    Amount Aging

    Proportion to

    total accounts


    TAL APPAREL LIMITED Trade debtors 23,199,539.06 Within 1 year 12.13



    Trade debtors 20,173,824.71 Within 1 year 10.55



    Trade debtors 9,474,962.80 Within 1 year 4.96

    Zibo Power Supply Company Trade debtors 6,445,855.13 Within 1 year 3.37

    Chen Feng (Jin Tan) Garments Co.,


    Trade debtors 6,180,415.65 Within 1 year 3.23

    Total 65,474,597.35 34.24

    4. Advances to the supplier

    (1) Aging analysis:


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%)

    Within 1 year 49,428,008.45 99.06 160,214,862.72 99.66

    1-2 years 301,433.11 0.60 238,174.46 0.15

    2-3 years 65,448.5 0.13 84,454.74 0.05

    Over 3 years 104,882.15 0.21 221,803.48 0.14

    Total 49,899,772.21 100.00 160,759,295.40 100.00

    (2) The information list for the top 5supplieers

    Name of suppliers

    Relationship with

    the Company

    Amount Aging

    Reason for


    ALLENBERG COTTON CO. Supplier 8,087,076.37 Within 1 year

    Purchasing payment

    in advance

    J.G.BOSWELL COMPANY Supplier 6,572,708.31 Within 1 year

    Purchasing payment

    in advance



    Supplier 6,266,576.70 Within 1 year

    Purchasing payment

    in advance

    Awat County Zhenzhong Plastic Products

    Co., Ltd.

    Supplier 4,267,500.00 Within 1 year

    Purchasing payment

    in advance

    Shanghai Liyang Industrial Co., Ltd. Supplier 4,215,178.33 Within 1 year

    Purchasing payment

    in advance

    Total 29,409,039.71(3) There was no advance to the suppliers due from shareholders with more than 5%

    (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

    (4) The closing amount of advances to the suppliers decreased by 68.96% compared with the

    opening amount, mainly due to decrease of advance payment for purchasing import materials

    as at the end of reporting period.

    5. Other receivables

    (1) Breakdown of other receivables listed by categories


    Closing amount

    Book balance Provision for bad debts

    Amount Proportion(%) Amount



    Individually significant other receivables 16,738,299.56 24.91 5,021,489.87 30.00

    Other receivables which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed

    at high risk level through credit risk


    Other non-material other receivables 50,464,931.28 75.09 5,488,049.10 10.87

    Total 67,203,230.84 100.00 10,509,538.97 15.64



    Opening amount

    Book balance Provision for bad debts

    Amount Proportion(%) Amount



    Individually significant other receivables 23,691,525.51 39.75 5,412,401.40 22.85

    Other receivables which are not

    individually significant, but are assessed

    at high risk level through credit risk


    Other non-material other receivables 35,908,680.23 60.25 4,490,093.72 12.50

    Total 59,600,205.74 100.00 9,902,495.12 16.61

    Other receivables with significant single amount refer to ones that the closing balance is over

    RMB 5 million.

    (2) Withdrawal of provision for bad debts at the period-end

    ① Withdrawal of provision for bad debts of other receivables which single amount is significant

    or single amount is not significant but its impairment test is individually made:

    Contents Book amount

    Provision for bad


    Proportion Reason

    Awat County Tian Hong State-owned 16,738,299.56 5,021,489.87 30% Note IV. 8(2)Assets Investment Operation Co., Ltd

    Total 16,738,299.56 5,021,489.87

    ② Breakdown of other receivables listed by aging and withdrawal of bad debts


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Book balance

    Provision for

    bad debts

    Book balance

    Provision for

    Amount bad debts






    Within 1


    33,669,856.08 50.10 1,683,492.81 25,544,733.25 42.86 1,277,236.67

    1-2 years 4,889,235.42 7.28 488,923.54 5,495,836.41 9.22 549,583.64

    2-3 years 2,561,191.82 3.81 512,238.37 4,922,160.28 8.26 984,432.07

    Over 3


    26,082,947.52 38.81 7,824,884.25 23,637,475.80 39.66 7,091,242.74

    Total 67,203,230.84 100.00 10,509,538.97 59,600,205.74 100.00 9,902,495.12

    (3) There was no other receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the

    voting shares of the Company.

    (4) Nature or content of other receivables with the greater amount

    Name Amount Nature or content

    Awat County Tian Hong

    State-owned Assets Investment

    Operation Co., Ltd


    Advance payment of operating funds for

    Awat County Government due to

    Xinjiang Luthai’s restructuring

    Total 16,738,299.56

    (5) The top 5 entities:

    Name Relationship with the Company Amount Aging

    Proportion to

    total other


    Awat County Tian Hong

    State-owned Assets

    Investment Operation Co., Ltd

    Advance payment of operating

    funds for Awat County Government

    due to Xinjiang Luthai’s


    16,738,299.56 Over 3 years 24.91

    Bureau of Finance of Zichuan

    District of Zibo

    Refundable export rebates by local



    1-2 years,

    2-3 years,

    Over 3 years


    Petroleum and Natural Gas

    Transport Corporation of


    Advance construction payment for

    project of cotton field drip irrigation

    1,300,000.00 Over 3 years 1.93

    Bureau of Land and Resources

    of Awat County

    Advance payment for materials 1,003,601.72 Over 3 years 1.49

    Zibo Lusha Real Estates

    Development Co., Ltd.

    Accounts receivable for purchase of


    989,056.35 Over 3 years 1.47

    Total 22,696,643.23 33.776. Inventory

    (1) Category


    Closing amount

    Book balance

    Provision for falling


    Net book value

    Raw materials 553,707,722.19 243,454.48 553,464,267.71

    Goods in process 340,318,341.75 22,696.46 340,295,645.29

    Merchandise inventory 446,993,736.09 44,316,548.80 402,677,187.29

    Consigned materials for


    28,716,828.98 28,716,828.98

    Total 1,369,736,629.01 44,582,699.74 1,325,153,929.27



    Opening amount

    Book balance

    Provision for falling


    Net book value

    Raw materials 680,591,538.75 326,645.83 680,264,892.92

    Goods in process 286,575,574.09 22,696.46 286,552,877.63

    Merchandise inventory 284,415,234.52 45,046,370.16 239,368,864.36

    Consigned materials for


    23,308,255.34 23,308,255.34

    Total 1,274,890,602.70 45,395,712.45 1,229,494,890.25

    (2) Provision for falling price of inventory





    in the current


    Decreased this period

    Closing amount

    Reversal Written off

    Raw materials 326,645.83 197,947.75 197,947.75 83,191.35 243,454.48

    Goods in


    22,696.46 22,696.46



    45,046,370.16 4,590,156.52 121,402.43 5,198,575.45 44,316,548.80

    Total 45,395,712.45 4,788,104.27 319,350.18 5,281,766.80 44,582,699.74

    (3) Provision for falling price of inventory


    Reason for transferring to

    provision for falling price of


    Proportion to the closing

    balance of the inventory


    Raw materials

    The lower of cost or

    net realizable value

    No longer including Luthai

    Zhonghuan into the

    consolidated scope,

    accordingly, the provision

    for falling price of inventory


    0.04Goods in process

    The lower of cost or

    net realizable value



    The lower of cost or

    net realizable value

    No longer including Luthai

    Zhonghuan into the

    consolidated scope,

    accordingly, the provision

    for falling price of inventory



    (4) Basis of withdrawal of provision for falling price of inventory

    On the balance sheet date, the provision for falling price of inventory shall be withdrawn at cost

    and net realizable value. Where the cost of inventory is higher than its net realizable value, the

    inventory shall be measured at the net realizable value, meanwhile, the provision for falling price

    of inventory shall be withdrawn at the balance of the cost higher than the net realizable value. The

    net realizable value shall be recognized as below:

    ① the inventories for sale directly such as finished goods, commodities and materials for sale, in

    the course of normal production and operation, the net realizable value of such inventories is an

    amount after deducting estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of


    ② materials inventory that need to go through processing, in the course of normal production

    and operation, the net realizable value of such inventories is an amount after deducting the

    estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale

    price of products manufactured by the Company.

    At the end of reporting period, due to the part of raw materials with the longer aging, dyed yarn

    with quality problems and shirt and fabrics with the longer aging, the costs of inventory is higher

    than its net realizable value, the balance between which is withdrawn as the provision for falling

    price of inventory.

    (5) Inventories used for security for a debt

    Items Book value Remark



    135,410,478.77 Mortgage

    Total 135,410,478.77

    The ginned cotton is used for mortgage by Xinjiang Luthai for a short-term loan of RMB 115

    million from the bank. Please see “Note IX.1” for details.

    7. Long-term equity investment

    (1) Category




    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing amount

    Investment in joint venture enterprises

    Investment in other enterprises 160,000.00 67,282,600.00 67,442,600.00

    Less: provision for impairment of long-term

    equity investment

    Total 160,000.00 67,282,600.00 67,442,600.00(2) Breakdown of long-term equity investment

    Name of invested entities




    investment cost





    Closing amount

    Zibo Chengshun Heating Co., Ltd. Cost method 160,000.00 160,000.00 160,000.00

    Yantai Rongchang Pharmaceutical

    Co., Ltd.

    Cost method 55,282,600.00 55,282,600.00 55,282,600.00

    Gaoqing Hongqiao Thermoelectric

    Co., Ltd.

    Cost method 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00

    Total 67,442,600.00 160,000.00 67,282,600.00 67,442,600.00


    Name of invested entities






    Of voting








    in the




    dividends in

    the current


    Zibo Chengshun Heating

    Co., Ltd.

    2.00 2.00

    Yantai Rongchang

    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

    5.555 5.555

    Gaoqing Hongqiao

    Thermoelectric Co., Ltd.

    20.6756 20.6756


    (3) The Company invested in Rongchang Pharmaceutical with its 100% equities of Luthai

    Zhonghuan, from which the Company obtained 5.555% equities of Rongchang Pharmaceutical.

    8. Fixed assets

    (1) Breakdown of fixed assets

    Items Opening amount Increase this period Decrease this


    Closing amount

    I. Cost 5,535,026,910.84 179,987,736.50 120,154,894.55 5,594,859,752.79

    Including: House and building 1,528,210,391.16 35,873,487.58 39,778,412.16 1,524,305,466.58

    Machinery equipment 3,886,508,756.65 139,406,224.86 75,702,852.97 3,950,212,128.54

    Transportation vehicles 51,667,982.15 2,376,784.02 563,410.00 53,481,356.17

    Electronic equipment and other 68,639,780.88 2,331,240.04 4,110,219.42 66,860,801.50

    II. Accumulative depreciation 1,908,322,691.07 174,083,328.38 70,978,513.44 2,011,427,506.01

    Including: House and building 334,799,123.76 34,820,177.37 10,566,146.98 359,053,154.15

    Machinery equipment 1,492,619,368.19 134,189,036.99 57,333,329.06 1,569,475,076.12

    Transportation vehicles 33,810,506.10 1,844,742.36 530,273.50 35,124,974.96

    Electronic equipment and other 47,093,693.02 3,229,371.66 2,548,763.90 47,774,300.78

    III. The net book value 3,626,704,219.77 3,583,432,246.78Including: House and building 1,193,411,267.40 1,165,252,312.43

    Machinery equipment 2,393,889,388.46 2,380,737,052.42

    Transportation vehicles 17,857,476.05 18,356,381.21

    Electronic equipment and other 21,546,087.86 19,086,500.72

    IV. Provision for impairment


    6,406,160.31 845,245.64 5,560,914.67

    Including: House and building 98,456.34 - 98,456.34

    Machinery equipment 6,086,179.16 845,245.64 5,240,933.52

    Transportation vehicles 160,866.53 160,866.53

    Electronic equipment and other 60,658.28 60,658.28

    V. Total book value 3,620,298,059.46 3,577,871,332.11

    Including: House and building 1,193,312,811.06 1,165,153,856.09

    Machinery equipment 2,387,803,209.30 2,375,496,118.90

    Transportation vehicles 17,696,609.52 18,195,514.68

    Electronic equipment and other 21,485,429.58 19,025,842.44

    Note: the depreciation was RMB 174,083,328.38 in the current period. The original price that the

    construction in progress was transferred into fixed assets was RMB 48,020,295.07.

    (2) Fixed assets leased by operating lease

    Items Original book value Remake

    House and building 1,933,978.40 Lessee is Lucheng Textile

    Total 1,933,978.40

    (3) Fixed assets that the property certificates has not been completed

    Items Reason

    Expected time for


    Book value

    House property of 50

    million-meter yarn-dyed fabric


    Ongoing inspection, surveying,

    verification to application procedures

    by Housing authorities

    2010 9,564,500.07

    Luqun Spinning workshop

    Ongoing inspection, surveying,

    verification to application procedures

    by Housing authorities

    2010 53,353,764.14

    Main factory building of 6#

    boiler of electric power plant

    Ongoing inspection, surveying,

    verification to application procedures

    by Housing authorities

    2010 4,418,493.41

    Production line project of

    3000000-piece high-grade


    Ongoing inspection, surveying,

    verification to application procedures

    by Housing authorities

    2011 20,418,854.17

    50000-ingot double-twist


    Ongoing inspection, surveying,

    verification to application procedures

    by Housing authorities

    2011 7,471,875.00

    Total 95,227,486.79Note: Xinjiang Luthai mortgaged the machinery equipment and land use right with the net book

    value of RMB 59,109,664.49 for short-term bank loans of RMB 69.69 million. Please see “Note

    IX. 1” for details.

    9. Construction in progress

    (1) Breakdown of construction in progress


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Book balance




    Book value Book balance




    Book value

    Lu Thai Industry Park 1,432,206.82 1,432,206.82 1,274,882.42 1,274,882.42

    Other small projects 15,016,674.39 14,273,474.39 13,290,593.95 13,290,593.95

    50 million-meter yarn-dyed


    2,939,071.27 3,682,271.27 3,516,943.40 3,516,943.40

    Twisting plant project 25,265,173.18 25,265,173.18 25,243,565.54 25,243,565.54

    Piece dyeing project 846,715.18 846,715.18 737,191.85 737,191.85

    Spinning project of Xinjiang


    1,480,451.53 1,480,451.53 40,000.00 40,000.00

    Expansion project of Xinsheng


    13,499,094.81 13,499,094.81 7,538,641.42 7,538,641.42

    Renovation project of

    double-twist plant of Luqun


    1,145,502.35 1,145,502.35 487,819.62 487,819.62

    Production line project of

    3000000-piece high-grade


    4,388,549.96 4,388,549.96 8,265,467.62 8,265,467.62

    150000-ingot high-grade

    combing yarn project

    2,211,920.23 2,211,920.23 3,882,747.07 3,882,747.07

    50000-ingot double-twist


    4,538,040.84 4,538,040.84 8,349,379.59 8,349,379.59

    project of 10 million-meter

    high-grade fabrics in women’s


    6,553,516.06 6,553,516.06 418,196.14 418,196.14

    Renovation project of yarn

    dyed fabric

    8,577,510.44 8,577,510.44

    Total 87,894,427.06 87,894,427.06 73,045,428.62 73,045,428.62

    (2) Profiles of main construction in progress and changes




    Opening amount

    Increase this


    Transferred to

    fixed assets this




    this year

    Closing amount

    Lu Thai Industry Park 980 1,274,882.42 157,324.40 1,432,206.82Project



    Opening amount

    Increase this


    Transferred to

    fixed assets this




    this year

    Closing amount

    Other small projects 2,900 13,290,593.95 4,327,409.57 2,601,329.13 15,016,674.39

    50 million-meter

    yarn-dyed fabric

    27,007 3,516,943.40 165,327.87 743,200.00 2,939,071.27

    Twisting plant project 11,921 25,243,565.54 21,607.64 25,265,173.18

    Piece dyeing project 29,187 737,191.85 2,827,314.57 2,717,791.24 846,715.18

    Spinning project of

    Xinjiang Luthai

    1,565 40,000.00 1,440,451.53 1,480,451.53

    Expansion project of

    Xinsheng Power

    3,100 7,538,641.42 5,960,453.39 13,499,094.81

    Renovation project of

    double-twist plant

    6,300 487,819.62 1,216,448.60 558,765.87 1,145,502.35

    Production line project

    of 3000000-piece

    high-grade shirts

    6,687 8,265,467.62 24,239,507.16 28,116,424.82 4,388,549.96


    high-grade combing

    yarn project

    26,461 3,882,747.07 1,355,157.17 3,025,984.01 2,211,920.23


    double-twist project

    4,086 8,349,379.59 3,688,661.25 7,500,000.00 4,538,040.84

    project of 10


    high-grade fabrics in

    women’s wear

    14,534 418,196.14 9,635,319.92 3,500,000.00 6,553,516.06

    Renovation project of

    yarn dyed fabric

    38193 8,577,510.44 8,577,510.44

    Total 73,045,428.62 63,612,493.51 48,020,295.07 743,200.00 87,894,427.06




    amount of


    of interest


    amount of

    capitalization of

    interest this year



    rate this year


    Proportion of


    input to





    Lu Thai Industry Park 98 98 Other

    Other small projects 97 97 Other

    50 million-meter yarn-dyed


    98 98 Other

    Twisting plant project 96 96 Other

    Piece dyeing project 99 99 Other

    Spinning project of Xinjiang


    99 99 Other

    Expansion project of 54 54 OtherXinsheng Power

    Renovation project of

    double-twist plant

    99 99 Other

    Production line project of

    3000000-piece high-grade


    49 49 Other

    150000-ingot high-grade

    combing yarn project

    100.00 100.00



    50000-ingot double-twist


    100.00 100.00



    project of 10 million-meter

    high-grade fabrics in women’s


    97.25 97.25



    Renovation project of yarn

    dyed fabric

    16.50 16.50 Other


    (3) Progress of main construction in process

    Items Progress Remark

    150000-ingot high-grade combing yarn project 100.00%

    50000-ingot double-twist project 100.00%

    project of 10 million-meter high-grade fabrics

    in women’s wear


    (4) As at 30 Jun. 2010, there was no situation that book value of the construction in progress is

    higher than its recoverable amount.

    10. Engineering material

    (1) Breakdown of engineering material

    Items Opening amount

    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing balance

    Engineering material 11,712,153.66 164,571,282.77 128,159,779.53 48,123,656.90

    Total 11,712,153.66 164,571,282.77 128,159,779.53 48,123,656.90

    (2) The closing amount of engineering material was 3.11 times greater as against the opening

    amount, which was due to increase in procurement of equipments.

    (3) As at 30 Jun. 2010, there was no situation that book value of the engineering material is higher

    than its recoverable amount.

    11. Intangible assets

    (1) Breakdown of intangible assets


    Opening book


    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing book


    I. Cost 252,761,833.49 53,378,922.50 14,940,753.08 291,200,002.91

    Land use right 173,828,868.33 53,378,922.50 227,207,790.83Items

    Opening book


    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing book


    Land use right of Xinsheng Power 12,155,433.14 12,155,433.14

    Water use right 280,000.04 280,000.04

    Luthai Huanzhong-drug concession 5,599,999.96 5,599,999.96

    Luthai Huanzhong-non-patent


    996,333.26 996,333.26

    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing-land use


    12,204,217.94 12,204,217.94

    Luqun Textile-land use right 39,632,561.00 39,632,561.00

    Luthai Huanzhong-land use right 8,064,419.82 8,064,419.82

    II. Accumulative amortization 23,805,296.57 4,480,674.37 1,033,101.95 27,252,868.99

    Land use right 18,393,919.05 3,543,482.34 21,937,401.39

    Land use right of Xinsheng Power 1,915,906.30 253,671.66 2,169,577.96

    Water use right

    Luthai Huanzhong-drug concession

    Luthai Huanzhong-non-patent


    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing-land use


    759,080.51 128,119.16 887,199.67

    Luqun Textile-land use right 1,840,343.87 418,346.10 2,258,689.97

    Luthai Huanzhong-land use right 896,046.84 137,055.11 1,033,101.95

    III. The net book value 228,956,536.92 263,947,133.92

    Land use right 155,434,949.28 205,270,389.44

    Land use right of Xinsheng Power 10,239,526.84 9,985,855.18

    Water use right 280,000.04

    Luthai Huanzhong-drug concession 5,599,999.96

    Luthai Huanzhong-non-patent



    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing-land use


    11,445,137.43 11,317,018.27

    Luqun Textile-land use right 37,792,217.13 37,373,871.03

    Luthai Huanzhong-land use right 7,168,372.98

    IV. Total provision for impairment 280,000.04 280,000.04

    Land use right

    Land use right of Xinsheng Power

    Water use right 280,000.04 280,000.04

    Luthai Huanzhong-drug concession

    Luthai Huanzhong-non-patent


    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing-land use


    Opening book


    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing book


    Luqun Textile-land use right

    Luthai Huanzhong-land use right

    V. Total book value 228,956,536.92 263,947,133.92

    Land use right 155,434,949.28 205,270,389.44

    Land use right of Xinsheng Power 10,239,526.84 9,985,855.18

    Water use right 280,000.04

    Luthai Huanzhong-drug concession 5,599,999.96

    Luthai Huanzhong-non-patent



    Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing-land use


    11,445,137.43 11,317,018.27

    Luqun Textile-land use right 37,792,217.13 37,373,871.03

    Luthai Huanzhong-land use right 7,168,372.98

    Note: Amortization amount was RMB 4,480,674.37 in the current period.

    (2) The cost of intangible assets decreased by RMB 14,940,753.08, mainly because that Luthai

    Huangzhong was no longer included the consolidated scope.

    (3) As at 30 Jun. 2010, there was no situation that book value of the intangible assets is higher

    than its recoverable amount.

    (4) Xinjiang Luthai mortgaged the land use right and machinery equipment with the net book

    value of RMB 33,348,667.73 for short-term bank loans of RMB 114.69 million. Please see “Note

    IX. 1” for details.

    12. Goodwill

    (1) Breakdown of goodwill

    Name of invested entity











    Provision for

    impairment at

    the year-end

    Xinsheng Power 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29

    Total 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29

    (2) Impairment testing of goodwill and withdrawal method of impairment reserve: No matter

    whether there is any sign of possible impairment, the goodwill formed by the business

    combination shall be subject to impairment test at the end of year at least. The Company shall, as

    of the purchasing day, apportion the book value of the good formed by business combination to

    the relevant asset groups by a reasonable method. Where it is difficult to do so, the Company shall

    be apportioned to the relevant combinations of asset groups. The related asset group or

    combination of asset groups shall be the asset group or combination of asset groups that can

    benefit from the synergy effect of enterprise merger, and shall be smaller than the reporting

    segments as determined by the Company. When making an impairment test on the relevant asset

    groups or combination of asset groups containing goodwill, if any evidence shows that the

    impairment of asset groups or combinations of asset groups is possible, the Company shall first

    make an impairment test on the asset groups or combinations of asset groups not containinggoodwill, calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the corresponding impairment loss.

    Then the Company shall make an impairment test of the asset groups or combinations of asset

    groups containing goodwill, and compare the carrying value of these asset groups or combinations

    of asset groups with the recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of an asset group or a

    combination of asset groups is lower than its carrying value, the amount of the impairment loss

    shall first charge against the book value of the headquarter' assets and goodwill which are

    apportioned to the asset group or combination of asset groups, then charge it against the book

    value of other assets in proportion to the weight of other assets in the asset group or combination

    of asset groups with the goodwill excluded. Once any impairment loss of the above goodwill is

    recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

    13. Deferred income tax assets / Deferred income tax liabilities

    (1) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities that are recognized

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Deferred income tax assets:

    Provision for assets impairment 10,168,099.74 10,941,874.02

    Accumulated depreciation 75,695.56 75,695.56

    Profit and loss on change in fair


    2,103,938.53 8,947,566.25

    Unrealized gross profit from


    6,315,260.27 12,494,164.40

    Payroll payable 13,146,820.10 10,469,186.23

    Subtotal 31,809,814.20 42,928,486.46

    Deferred income tax liabilities:

    Accumulated depreciation 403,060.14 406,802.45

    Subtotal 403,060.14 406,802.45

    14. Breakdown of assets impairment

    (1) Breakdown of assets impairment





    this year

    Decrease this period

    Closing amount

    Reversal Written off

    (1) Bad debt reserve 18,465,685.94 2,535,987.28 167,725.37 341,087.79 20,492,860.06

    (2) Provision for falling price of


    45,395,712.45 4,788,104.27 319,350.18 5,281,766.80 44,582,699.74

    (3) Provision for impairment of

    intangible assets

    280,000.04 280,000.04

    (4) Provision for impairment of fixed


    6,406,160.31 845,245.64 5,560,914.67

    Total 70,267,558.70 7,604,091.59 767,075.59 6,468,100.23 70,636,474.47

    (2) Among the breakdown of assets impairment, item “Reversal” for this period totaled to RMB

    767,075.59, which was because Luthai Huanzhong was no longer included into the consolidated

    scope of the Company.15. Assets with restricted ownership and use right

    Items Closing amount Reason

    Assets used for guarantee

    Inventory 135,410,478.77 Mortgage loan

    Fixed assets 59,109,664.49 Mortgage loan

    Intangible assets 33,348,667.73 Mortgage loan

    Total 227,868,810.99

    16. Short-term loan

    (1) Category

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Mortgage loan 229,690,000.00 229,690,000.00

    Guaranteed loan 10,000,000.00

    Credit loan 908,500,964.86 792,851,840.01

    Total 1,138,190,964.86 1,032,541,840.01

    (2) The closing credit loan included foreign currency loans of USD 92,569,847.31 and YEN

    25,533,100, converting into RMB 630,590,964.86.

    (3) As for the mortgage for mortgage loan, please refer to “Note IX. 1”.

    17. Tradable financial liabilities

    (1) Breakdown of tradable financial liabilities

    Items Closing fair value Opening fair value

    Derivative financial liabilities 14,038,123.52 61,408,150.00

    Total 14,038,123.52 61,408,150.00

    (2) Closing amount of tradable financial liabilities decrease by RMB 47,370,026.48 compared

    with the opening amount, which was caused by the change in fair value of derivative financial

    liabilities in the reporting period

    18. Notes payable

    (1) Breakdown of notes payable

    Category Closing amount Opening amount

    Bank acceptance bill 77,209,357.04 28,820,100.80

    Trade acceptance bill 41,533,287.21 72,149,682.26

    Total 118,742,644.25 100,969,783.06

    (2) Amount of RMB 118,742,644.25 will fall due in the next accounting period.

    19. Accounts payable

    (1) Breakdown of accounts payableItems Closing amount Opening amount

    Within 1 year 191,270,477.11 264,848,696.55

    1-2 years 4,352,188.36 6,881,994.72

    2-3 years 1,112,823.58 868,922.49

    Over 3 years 2,218,282.41 3,277,191.77

    Total 198,953,771.46 275,876,805.53

    (2) The balance related to the shareholders holding over 5 percent (including 5 percent) stocks is

    as followings:

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Lucheng Textile 1,000,000.00 1,260,493.77

    Total 1,000,000.00 1,260,493.77

    20. Advance form customer

    (1) Breakdown of advance from customers

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Within 1 year 93,470,098.68 39,326,731.19

    1-2 years 1,791,519.24 1,390,192.13

    2-3 years 855,690.13 367,031.41

    Over 3 years 428,287.82 357,503.93

    Total 96,545,595.87 41,441,458.66

    (2) There was no advance from customers due from shareholders with more than 5% (including

    5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

    (3) Closing amount of advance from customers has increased by 132.97% compared with opening

    amount, which was caused by increase of advance payment for cotton by the end of reporting


    21. Payroll payable

    (1) Breakdown of payroll payable

    Items Opening amount Increase this period

    Decrease this


    Closing amount

    I. Wage, bonus, allowance and


    204,494,331.63 320,997,520.27 322,509,890.70 202,981,961.20

    II. Employee welfare 38,246,562.09 38,246,562.09

    III. Social insurance 1,846,198.70 76,243,081.60 65,272,205.43 12,817,074.87

    Endowment insurance 1,157,719.69 52,721,144.10 44,651,746.55 9,227,117.24

    Medical insurance 244,517.58 17,228,854.50 14,700,585.60 2,772,786.48

    Insurance against injuries at


    120,584.05 1,369,471.19 1,436,873.42 53,181.82

    Insurance for unemployment 217,276.18 3,842,398.15 3,358,519.83 701,154.50

    Maternity insurance 106,101.20 1,081,213.66 1,124,480.03 62,834.83

    IV. Housing fund 3,255,465.48 6,202,959.30 7,250,691.40 2,207,733.38V. Other 10,763,178.72 6,954,397.34 5,902,871.19 11,814,704.87

    Total 220,359,174.53 448,644,520.60 439,182,220.81 229,821,474.32

    (2) Item “Other” under payroll payable includes labor union fund and employee education fund.

    22. Tax payable

    (1) Breakdown of tax payable

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    VAT -29,580,618.40 -2,645,709.16

    Business tax 301,536.47 307,941.13

    Urban maintenance and construction tax 105,092.68 165,085.98

    Enterprise income tax 34,719,611.06 27,024,578.42

    Personal income tax 1,318,904.62 732,854.03

    Stamp tax 85,804.52 620,280.31

    Property tax 903,162.94 1,313,808.63

    Use tax of land 1,040,474.53 1,050,219.98

    Education surtax 55,631.56 86,210.01

    Local tax for education 12,444.36 27,361.71

    Total 8,962,044.34 28,682,631.04

    (2) Closing amount of tax payable decreased by 68.75% compared with opening amount, which

    was caused by the increase of overpaid VAT as at the end of reporting period.

    23. Interest payable

    (1) Breakdown of interest payable

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Interest payable for borrowing 2,298,563.32 490,102.22

    Total 2,298,563.32 490,102.22

    (2) The closing amount of interest payable increased by RMB 1,808,461.10 compared

    with the opening amount, which was caused by withholding interests.

    24. Dividends payable

    (1) Breakdown of dividends payable

    Name Closing amount Opening amount Reason of unpaid over 1 year

    Dividends payable for

    individual shareholders

    442,309.44 442,538.04

    Individual shareholders failed to

    receive cash dividend

    distributed in the previous years

    Dividends payable for

    Lucheng Textile


    Dividends payable for

    Beijing Sichuang


    Dividends payable for

    Xinjiang Luthai


    Total 40,523,790.21 442,538.04

    (2) The closing amount of dividend payable increased by RMB 40,081,252.17 compared with theopening amount, which was caused by unpaid payment on dividend as at the end of reporting


    25. Other payables

    (1) Breakdown of other payable

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Within 1 year 44,763,680.76 37,756,104.08

    1-2 years 21,681,807.54 26,163,398.67

    2-3 years 8,480,816.06 8,907,217.05

    Over 3 years 24,179,157.77 17,582,077.20

    Total 99,105,462.13 90,408,797.00

    (2) The balance related to the shareholders holding over 5 percent (including 5 percent) stocks is

    as followings:

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Lucheng Textile 12,958,257.75 10,287,625.00

    Total 12,958,257.75 10,287,625.00

    (3) The details of significant other payables with aging over 1 year are as follows:

    Name Amount Reason for unpaid

    Whether return

    after balance sheet


    Contracting fees for locus contractus 11,931,488.48

    Receiving contracting

    fees in locus contractus


    Cotton and Jute Company in Xinjiang AR 11,925,000.00

    Received earnest

    money for Cotton Sale



    Total 23,856,488.48

    (4) The details of significant other payables are as follows

    Name Closing amount Nature or contents

    Lucheng Textile 12,958,257.75

    a loan borrowed by Luqun

    Textile from Lucheng


    Contracting fees in locus contractus


    Contracting fees in locus


    Cotton and Jute Company in Xinjiang AR


    Earnest money for Cotton

    Sale Contract

    Total 36,814,746.23

    26. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

    (1) Breakdown of non-current liabilities due within 1 yearItems Closing amount Opening amount

    Long-term borrowing due within one


    59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00

    Total 59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00

    (2) Long-term borrowing due within one year

    ① Breakdown of long-term borrowing due within one year

    Item Closing amount Opening amount

    Credit loan 59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00

    Total 59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00

    ② The top five






    Interest rate Currency

    Closing amount Opening amount



    Converted into




    Converted into




    Bank Corporation

    Zibo Branch



    2009-3-30 2011-3-29 LIBOR+1% USD 4,000,000.00 27,163,600.00



    Bank Corporation

    Zibo Branch



    2007-3-26 2011-6-26 3LIBOR+1% USD 1,350,000.00 9,167,700.00 1,200,000.00 8,193,840.00

    Societe Generale

    Wuhan Branch

    2010-6-21 2011--6-22 3.8043% USD 1,200,000.00 8,149,100.00

    Bank of China

    Limited Zibo

    Branch Zichuan


    2007-8-20 2010-8-19 3LIBOR+1.01% USD 1,000,000.00 6,790,900.00



    Bank Corporation

    Zibo Branch



    2007-3-29 2011-6-29 3LIBOR+2.5%



    700,000.00 4,391,900.00

    Bank of China

    Limited Zibo

    Branch Zichuan


    2009-3-30 2010-1-15 3LIBOR+1.01% USD 6,300,000.00 43,017,660.00

    Bank of China

    Limited Zibo

    2007-3-23 2010-3-22 3LIBOR+1.01% USD 3,500,000.00 23,898,700.00Units





    Interest rate Currency

    Closing amount Opening amount



    Converted into




    Converted into


    Branch Zichuan


    Bank of China

    Limited Zibo

    Branch Zichuan


    2007-4-20 2010-4-19 3LIBOR+1.01% USD 2,800,000.00 19,118,960.00



    Bank Corporation

    Zibo Branch



    2008-6-19 2010-6-18 LIBOR+1.4% USD 7,000,000.00 47,797,400.00

    55,663,200.00 142,026,560.00

    (3) Of which: Long-term loan due within 1 year – foreign currency

    Items Conditions of loan Closing amount Opening amount

    US dollar loan Credit 51,271,295.00 148,854,760.00

    EURO loan Credit 4,135,500.00 4,898,550.00

    SF loan Credit 4,391,520.00 3,626,590.00

    Total 59,798,315.00 157,379,900.00

    27. Long-term loan

    (1) Breakdown of long-term loan

    ① Category of long-term loan


    Closing amount Opening amount

    Foreign amount

    (USD, EURO, SF)



    RMB Yuan

    Foreign amount

    (USD, EURO, SF)



    RMB Yuan

    US dollar loan 7,950,000.00 6.7909 53,987,655.00 7,900,000.00 6.8282 53,942,780.00

    EURO loan 2,000,000.00 8.2710 16,542,000.00 2,500,000.00 9.7971 24,492,750.00

    SF loan 1,750,000.00 6.2736 10,978,800.00 2,150,000.00 6.5938 14,176,670.00

    Total 81,508,455.00 92,612,200.00

    ② The top five

    Units Starting date Ending date Interest rate Currency

    Closing amount Opening amount




    into RMB




    into RMB





    2009-3-30 2011-3-29 1LIBOR+1% USD 4,000,000.00 27,312,800.00Zibo Branch







    Zibo Branch



    2007-3-5 2013-3-5 3LIBOR+1.7% EURO 3,150,000.00 21,391,335.00 2,500,000.00 24,492,750.00





    Zibo Branch



    2007-3-26 2013-3-25 3LIBOR+1% USD 2,000,000.00 16,542,000.00 3,900,000.00 26,629,980.00





    Zibo Branch



    2007-3-29 2013-3-28 3LIBOR+2.5% SF 1,750,000.00 10,978,800.00 2,150,000.00 14,176,670.00



    Wuhan Branch

    2010-6-21 2012-6-22 3.8043% USD 4,800,000.00 32,596,320.00

    Total 81,508,455.00 92,612,200.00

    28. Long-term accounts payable

    (1) The top five

    Items Closing amount Opening amount

    Long-term accounts payable 9,735,560.00 9,735,560.00

    (2) The top five

    Unit Initial amount







    Conditions of


    Power bonds 9,735,560.00 9,735,560.00 Credit

    Total 9,735,560.00 9,735,560.00

    29. Other non-current liabilities

    (1) Breakdown of other non-current liabilitiesItems Closing amount Opening amount

    Other non-current liabilities 34,962,111.98 2,673,445.33

    (2) During the reporting period, other non-current liabilities increased by RMB 32,288,666.65,

    which was mainly because the Company received a special funds for financial support (land) of

    RMB 32,560,000.00 from Zichuan District People’s Government.

    30. Share capital


    Before the change Increase/decrease(+,-) After the change

    Number Ratio


    of new




    of capital


    Other Sub-total Number Ratio

    I. Shares subject to

    trading moratorium

    217,923,592 21.90% 217,923,592 21.90%

    1. Shares held by the


    2. Share held by



    3. Shares held by other

    domestic investors

    98,358,000 9.89% 98,358,000 9.89%

    Among which: Shares

    held by domestic



    98,358,000 9.89% 98,358,000 9.89%

    Shares held by

    domestic natural


    4. Shares held by

    foreign investors

    118,232,400 11.88% 118,232,400 11.88%

    Among which: Shares

    held by foreign


    118,232,400 11.88% 118,232,400 11.88%

    Shares held by foreign

    natural persons

    5. Shares held by

    senior management

    1,333,192 0.13% 1,333,192 0.13%

    II. Shares not subject to


    776,941,208 78.10% 776,941,208 78.10%

    1. RMB ordinary


    452,952,028 45.53% 452,952,028 45.53%

    2. Domestically listed

    foreign shares

    323,989,180 32.57% 323,989,180 32.57%

    3. Overseas listedforeign shares

    4. Others

    III. Total shares 994,864,800 100.00% 994,864,800 100.00%

    31. Capital reserve

    (1) Breakdown of capital reserve

    Items Opening amount

    Increase this


    Decrease this


    Closing amount

    Premium on share capital 1,065,164,874.44 1,065,164,874.44

    Other 70,191,294.28 2,350,000.00 7,215,239.04 65,326,055.24

    Total 1,135,356,168.72 2,350,000.00 7,215,239.04 1,130,490,929.68

    (2) During the reporting period, item “Other” under capital reserve increased by RMB

    2,350,000.00, which was mainly caused by special subsides and funds for the “Eleventh

    Five-year” energy-saving reforming received by the Company in accordance with Circular of the

    Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic

    of China, on Printing and Issuing the Provisional Measures for Administration of the Financial

    Reward Capital for the Innovation of Energy-saving Technology (CJ (2007) No. 371).

    (3) During the reporting period, item “Other” under capital reserve decreased by RMB

    7,215,239.04, which was mainly caused by minority interests of Luthai Zhonghuan purchased by

    the Company in March 2009, and Luthai Huanzhong was no longer included into the consolidated

    scope of the Company in the reporting period.

    32. Surplus reserve

    (1) Breakdown of surplus reserve

    Items Opening amount Increase this Decrease this Closing amount

    Statutory surplus reserve 371,087,956.61 371,087,956.61

    Discretionary surplus 3,341,572.58 3,341,572.58

    Total 374,429,529.19 374,429,529.19

    33. Retained profit

    (1) Change in retained profit

    Items Amount

    Proportion for

    withdrawing or


    Retained profit at the end of previous year before



    Adjustment: Total retained profit as at 31

    December 2009 (increase “+”, decrease “-”)

    Retained profit at the beginning of year after adjustment 1,418,468,702.64

    Add: Net profit attributable to owners of parent company

    in this period


    Recovery of losses with surplus reserveOther transfer-in

    Less: appropriating statutory surplus reserve

    Appropriating discretionary surplus reserve

    Common share dividend payable 248,716,200.00 0.25 元/股

    Retained profit at the period-end 1,536,630,454.01

    (2) Note to profit distribution

    The cash dividend of RMB 248,716,200.00 was distributed in accordance with the profit

    distribution plan 2009 approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2009 on 4 June 2010.

    34. Operating income and operating cost

    (1) Operating income and operating cost

    Items This period Last period

    Income from main operation 2,145,447,957.22 1,787,904,396.36

    Other operating income 101,402,959.64 54,461,795.62

    Total operating income 2,246,850,916.86 1,842,366,191.98

    Cost of main operation 1,427,122,029.45 1,286,667,954.35

    Other operating cost 60,254,815.94 35,706,244.40

    Total operating cost 1,487,376,845.39 1,322,374,198.75

    (2) Main business (categories by product)

    Name of products

    This period Last period

    Operating income Operating cost Operating income Operating cost

    Yarn-dyed fabric 1,476,811,154.33 962,623,024.58 1,190,628,201.99 865,118,879.22

    Shirt 510,826,385.21 330,511,011.76 496,684,395.25 339,746,436.13

    Cotton 77,981,978.41 57,862,627.98 33,568,420.65 28,298,178.61

    Drugs 6,839,609.41 5,490,183.33 8,396,980.09 7,633,045.65

    Power and steam 61,745,265.62 64,418,835.62 34,595,287.41 29,042,743.78

    Other 11,243,564.24 6,216,346.18 24,031,110.97 16,828,670.96

    Total 2,145,447,957.22 1,427,122,029.45 1,787,904,396.36 1,286,667,954.35

    (3) Turnover from top 5 clients:

    Name of clients Operating income

    Portion in total



    TAL APPAREL LIMITED 228,806,380.46 10.18%


    PHILLIPS VANHEUSEN SHIRT GROUP 153,940,258.20 6.85%

    Chen Feng (Jin Tan) Garments Co., Ltd. 122,855,136.23 5.47%


    Total 788,568,486.81 35.09%35. Business tax and surcharge

    (1) Breakdown of business tax and surcharge

    Items This period Last period



    Business tax 10,147.33



    City maintenance and

    construction tax

    563,330.78 936,330.59 7%、1%

    Education surtax 320,169.22 491,955.76 3%

    Local education surcharge 99,637.69 156,929.69 1%

    Total 993,285.02 1,585,216.04

    (2) During the reporting period, business tax and surcharge decreased by RMB 37.34% compared

    with the last period, which caused by decrease of City maintenance and construction tax and

    education surtax.

    36. Sales expenses

    Items This period Last period

    Sales expenses 68,719,116.26 67,585,100.30

    37. Administrative expenses

    (1) Breakdown of administrative expenses

    Items This period Last period

    Administrative expenses 224,789,075.22 119,323,395.86

    (2) During the reporting period, administrative expenses increased by 88.39% than

    last period, which was caused by increase of R&D expense and salary in the reporting


    38. Financial expenses

    (1) Breakdown of financial expenses

    Items This period Last period

    Interest expenses 22,944,675.97 36,141,414.98

    Less: Interest income 1,425,577.71 2,898,074.64

    Exchange losses 8,566,269.80 9,923,857.10

    Less: exchange gain 13,118,184.59 9,935,654.03

    Commission charge 4,724,261.57 4,372,548.51

    Total 21,691,445.04 37,604,091.92

    (2) During the reporting period, financial expenses decreased by 42.32% than last

    period, which was caused by decrease of interest expenses in the reporting period.39. Loss on assets impairment

    (1) Breakdown of loss on assets impairment

    Items This period Last period

    Loss on bad debts 2,535,987.28 -215,281.56

    Loss on falling price of inventory 4,788,104.27

    Loss on impairment of fixed assets 280,000.04

    Total 7,604,091.59 -215,281.56

    (2) During the reporting period, occurred amount of loss on assets impairment

    increased by RMB 7,819,373.15 compared with last year, which was caused by

    withholding loss on falling price of inventory and loss on bad debts.

    40. Gain from change in fair value

    (1) Breakdown of gain from change in fair value

    Resource This period Last period

    Transaction financial liabilities 47,370,026.48 -20,453,300.00

    Total 47,370,026.48 -20,453,300.00

    (2) During the reporting period, occurred amount of gain from change in fair value

    increased by RMB 67,823,326.48 compared with last year, which was caused by

    change in fair value of transaction financial liabilities.

    41. Investment income

    (1) Breakdown of investment income

    Items This period Last period

    Long-term equity investment income 9,873,238.08

    Investment income during holding tradable financial

    assets (liabilities)

    -49,348,254.22 20,780,300.00

    Total -39,475,016.14 20,780,300.00

    Note: There exists no major limitation to repatriation of investment income.

    (2) Long-term equity investment income is from those incomes on investments abroad with

    the equity of Luthai Huanzhong (the subsidiary of the Company).

    (3) During the reporting period, occurred amount of investment income during holding tradable

    financial assets (liabilities) decreased by RMB 70,128,554.22 compared with last period, which

    was caused by increase of loss on transaction financial liabilities.

    42. Non-operating income

    (1) Breakdown of non-operating income

    Items This period Last period

    Profit from disposal of non-current 447,493.54 199,220.21assets

    Of which: Profit from disposal of

    fixed assets

    447,493.54 199,220.21

    Income from claim for


    3,387,277.56 461,136.11

    Income from penalty 568,937.46 587,141.98

    Government grants 14,818,833.35 7,476,729.26

    Other 5,163,314.70 1,914,799.21

    Total 24,385,856.61 10,639,026.77

    (2) During the reporting period, occurred amount of non-operating income increased 1.29 times as

    against last period, which was caused by increase of government grants in the reporting period.

    (3) Breakdown of government grants

    Items This period Last period 说明

    Financial appropriations 13,691,333.35 4,180,000.00

    Financial discount 1,127,500.00 3,296,729.26

    Total 14,818,833.35 7,476,729.26

    (4) Explanation on government grants received by the Company in the reporting period:


    Amount this



    Subsidies for Moving costs of cotton

    out from out of Xinjiang

    5,060,000.00 The Circular of the Ministry of Finance (CJ [2008] No. 396)

    Subsidies for transportation charges

    of cotton yarn out of Xinjiang

    850,000.00 The Circular of the Ministry of Finance (CJ [2009] No. 561)

    2008 provincial level subsidy fund for

    prevention and control of air pollution


    The Circular of Shandong Provincial Department of Finance and

    Shandong Provincial Environmental Protection Agency (LCJZ

    [2008] No. 151)

    2009 provincial level subsidy fund for

    air pollution control


    The Circular of Shandong Provincial Department of

    Finance(LCJZ [2009] No.75)

    Import/export discount 1,127,500.00

    The Circular of Shandong Provincial Office of Mechanical and

    Electronic Products Import & Export (LJDHZ [2010] No. 2)

    Progress prize in scientific and



    Awards Measures of Zichuan District People’s Government on

    Zichuan District Giving Countenance to Self-renovation

    Advanced units award for training



    The Notification of Shandong Provincial Economics and

    Information Committee, Shandong Provincial Department of

    Education and Shandong Provincial Employee Education Office

    ([2009] No. 505)

    The national science & technology

    support programs for 2009-rewards

    for production of starch size and

    replacing PVA applied key



    The Circular of the Ministry of Science and Technology (GKFC

    [2009] No. 682)

    Progress prize in scientific and



    Measures of Shandong Provincial Department of Technology on

    Science and Technology Awards of Shandong ProvinceItems

    Amount this



    Financial support fund 271,333.35

    Special funds for financial support of Zichuan District People’s
