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鲁 泰B:2014年半年度报告(英文版)2014-08-13  

						                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.



        August 2014

                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

            Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definition

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report
does not contain any false record or misleading statement or omit any material fact and shall hereby
accept, individually and collectively, responsibility for the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents carried in this report.
Except the following directors, all other directors have attended in person the board session for
reviewing this report.
                                                Reason for not attending the board session in
         Name                   Position                                                          Name of proxy

Su Xin              Independent director       Resigned in Jul. 2014                            No proxy

The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Liu Shizhen, company principal, Zhang Hongmei, chief of the accounting work, and Zhang Keming,
chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report
enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the
two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Definition ..........................................................................................................................2
Section II. Company Profile ....................................................................................................................................................................5
Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators .........................................................................................................7
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ...........................................................................................................................................9
Section VII. Preferred Shares ................................................................................................................................................................40
Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff ........................................................................................................41
Section X. Documents for Reference ..................................................................................................................................................149

                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


                     Term                                               Definition

Issuer, Company, the Company            Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

The Board of Directors                  The Board of Directors of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

The Supervisory Committee               The Supervisory Committee of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

CSRC                                    China Securities Regulation Commission

Yuan, Ten thousand                      RMB Yuan, RMB Ten thousand

The “Company Law”                     The “Company Law of the People’s Republic of China”

The “Securities Law”                  The “Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China”

Reporting period                        1 Jan. 2014-30 Jun. 2014

                                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                       Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation              LTA, LTB                                 Stock code                       000726, 200726

Stock abbreviation after
change (if any)

Stock exchange listed with      Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司

Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company (if any)

English name of the Company
                                LU THAI TEXTILE CO.,LTD
(if any)

Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)

Legal representative of the
                                Liu Shizhen

II. Contact information

                                                         Company Secretary                      Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                          Qin Guiling                                  Zheng Weiyin

                                              No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan          No. 81, Songling East Road, Zichuan
Contact address
                                              District, Zibo, Shandong, P.R.China          District, Zibo, Shandong, P.R.China

Tel.                                          0533-5285166                                 0533-5285166

Fax                                           0533-5418805;5282188-234                    0533-5418805

E-mail                                        qinguiling@lttc.com.cn                       wyzheng@lttc.com.cn

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the
Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company did not change
during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.

                                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for disclosing this report
and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013
Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and organizational code did not
change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2013 Annual Report.

                                                                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                       Same period of last
                                                                Reporting period                                    YoY +/- (%)

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                                     3,114,226,581.62       3,060,495,255.17                         1.76%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                   476,880,256.93          416,175,890.38                        14.59%
(RMB Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company after
                                                                   475,996,558.52          393,419,324.10                        20.99%
extraordinary gains and losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB Yuan)                399,042,563.87          490,746,920.17                        -18.69%

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                                     0.50                   0.43                       16.28%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                                   0.50                   0.43                       16.28%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                                     7.81%                   7.60%                        0.21%

                                                               As at the end of the As at the end of last
                                                                                                                       +/- (%)
                                                                 reporting period             year

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                           8,129,457,717.51        8,411,948,561.49                        -3.36%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                  6,106,473,928.72       5,988,054,133.73                         1.98%
(RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the     Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                         Company                                             Company

                                                               Same period of last
                                       Reporting period                                    Closing amount           Opening amount

According to Chinese accounting
                                          476,880,256.93            416,175,890.38           6,106,473,928.72          5,988,054,133.73

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

                                                                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Impact on domestic equipments tax
credit recognized as deferred
                                                  754,500.00                842,500.00             -2,539,500.00           -3,294,000.00
income under international
accounting standards

According to international
                                             477,634,756.93            417,018,390.38           5,985,514,633.73        5,984,760,133.73
accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

√Applicable □ Inapplicable

The Company exempted from income tax for buying domestic equipment. According to Chinese accounting
standards, the income tax expenses are directly reduced which are recognized as deferred income related to assets
by the international accounting standards. According to the regulations of the international accounting standards,
this difference is amortized over the fixed using periods of year of the fixed assets and adjusting net profit and net

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Item                                                      Amount             Explanation

Gain/loss on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset part of the asset
impairment provisions)

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the
ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the                    17,088,515.19
country’s unified standards

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and tradable
financial liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of tradable financial
assets and tradable financial liabilities and financial assets available for sales except for
effective hedging related with normal businesses of the Company

Non-operating income and expense other than the above                                                    1,646,765.12

Less: income tax effects                                                                                 5,916,961.71

Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                                      90,785.20

Total                                                                                                      883,698.41          --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and
Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases during the reporting period.

                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                  Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

In the reporting period, the global economy remained in a slow recovery. The textile industry still
faced low international demand, slow growth of domestic demand, rising costs of production factors,
etc. Under the circumstances, we gave full play to our competitiveness in our full-length industrial
chain, insisted on independent R&D and innovation, thoroughly carried out the excellent
performance management and proactively carried forward the Luthai Production System (LTPS).
The technology innovation, cost control, market expansion, brand building, informationization,
corporate culture development, etc. progressed in a healthy and stable way. And the operating
results steadily improved in the reporting period.
For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 3.114 billion,
operating profit of RMB 553 million, net profit attributable to common share holders of RMB 477
million and net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company of RMB 476 million after
deducting extraordinary gains and losses, up 1.76%, 11.45%, 14.59% and 20.99% respectively from
the same period of last year.
During the reporting period, there were no change in the main business of the Company, main profit
source and composition.
In the reporting period, we decided to incorporate a wholly-funded subsidiary in Burma after we
had incorporated a Cambodian subsidiary to further improve the overseas industry chain, avoid the
rising labor cost in China and cultivate international managerial talents.
In the reporting period, we were granted the “China Industrial Award” by China Federation of
Industrial Economics. Meanwhile, on the “2014 China Industrial Enterprise Social Responsibility
Report Press Conference” co-organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of
China, the Industrial Development Organization of the United Nations and China Federation of
Industrial Economics, we were among the first to be given the title “China Industrial Enterprise
Social Responsibility Fulfillment Five-star Enterprise (2014)”. In the first listed company awarding
ceremony hosted by Sina Finance, we were honored as “The Listed Company Attaching the
Greatest Importance to Returns for Shareholders in 2013”. The Trade Union of the Company was
one of the winners in the 2013 National “Ankang Cup” Contest co-hosted by All China Federation
of Trade Unions and the State Administration of Work Safety. Besides, we were granted “The
Shandong Enterprise Management Award” by Shan Dong Economic and Information Technology
During the reporting period, facing the severe situations of international and domestic markets, we
insisted on gathering internal strength, continued to conduct research and innovation, promoted the
research and development ability and strengthened the differentiation of product development. At
the same time, we enhanced cooperation among R&D, design and marketing personnel, and input
more efforts in product development and marketing to satisfy more and more individualized needs
of the customers. We launched 12 series of new products in the reporting period, which were
introduced to the market swiftly. Up to the end of the reporting period, 174 patent applications of
the Company were accepted, including 58 invention patents, 109 utility model patents and 7 design
                                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

patents. Among them, 122 patents were successfully authorized, including 18 invention patents, 97
utility model patents and 7 design patents. We have been accumulatively granted 30 state and
provincial awards, including 2 state second prizes for technology progress and 8 provincial prizes
for technology progress with the latter comprising 4 first prizes and 1 second prize. We have also
been granted 20 technology progress prizes by China National Textile and Apparel Council,
including 3 first prizes and 8 second prizes. We undertook 8 technology programs at the provincial
level or above and 9 significant research programs at the state and provincial levels. And we also
participated or organized the formulation of 19 sets of standards, including 5 state ones and 14
industry ones.
In the reporting period, we carried on with brand and marketing network development. We
co-incorporated “Beijing Luthai Youqian E-Commerce Co., Ltd.” with Beijing Bishibo
E-Commerce Consulting Co., Ltd., combining our competitive edges in full industrial chain
manufacture technique, quality assurance, etc. with emerging technologies such as 3D modeling
and internet, as well as combining the online marketing platform and the offline experience stores,
to provide highly cost-effective shirts with individualized design and quality service for consumers.
Meanwhile, in customization, we vigorously promoted design by software, business flow
re-arrangement, training of shopping guides for physical stores, process reengineering, production
infrastructure, etc. In terms of shirt fabrics, we introduced our spring and summer products for 2015
to customers from all over the world at Shanghai Spring Fabric Exhibition, Milan Showcase and
some other activities. And our products were recognized by more customers, which helped promote
the influence and reputation of our brand. In the reporting period, we completed the development of
fabrics for the autumn and winter of 2015, including 34 specifications and nearly 3,000 designs. We
also worked with some major customers in product designing, promoted international exchange
among designers and improved their design level. In the future, we will insist on the dual brand
marketing strategy and keep the multi-brand development patter with clear brand positioning,
hierarchical promotion and outstanding quality, to demonstrate the brand concept of “fit and
satisfactory”, and constantly attract consumers’ attention and recognition.

II. Main business analysis

In the reporting period, operating revenues increased 1.76% year on year. Operating costs, selling
expenses, administrative expenses and income tax expenses increased -2.14%, 13.81%, 13.08% and
5.22% respectively. Financial expenses decreased 69.42% due to the decreased interest expenses.
Net cash flows from investing activities decreased 72.88% year on year mainly because the cash
paid to acquire fixed assets increased 68.54%. Net cash flows from financing activities increased
25.46% mainly because the debt repayments in cash decreased 20.83%.

YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                         Same period of
                                      Reporting period                    YoY +/-%            Main reasons for change
                                                            last year

                                                                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Operating revenues                    3,114,226,581.62 3,060,495,255.17                     1.76%

Operating costs                       2,137,850,293.37 2,184,574,937.90                    -2.14%

Selling expenses                         93,108,145.82        81,811,840.15                13.81%

Administrative expenses                 294,932,674.63      260,822,329.39                 13.08%

Financial expenses                         7,441,307.46       24,336,940.28               -69.42% The interest expenses decreased.

Income tax expenses                      88,060,378.95        83,692,908.10                 5.22%

R&D input                               148,094,648.52       115,069,711.84                28.70%

Net cash flows from operating
                                        399,042,563.87      490,746,920.17                -18.69%

Net cash flows from investing                                                                         The cash paid to acquire fixed assets
                                       -336,371,410.80     -194,568,887.89                -72.88%
activities                                                                                            increased 68.54%.

Net cash flows from financing
                                       -494,775,481.22     -663,791,817.68                 25.46%

Net increase in cash and cash
                                       -427,603,384.69     -369,296,420.31                -15.79%

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period.
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.
Review the progress of any previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                  Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                                                    of operating      of operating costs     of gross profit
                          Operating                         Gross profit rate
                                         Operating costs                          revenues over the     over the same      rate over the same
                          revenues                                (%)
                                                                                   same period of period of last year period of last year
                                                                                    last year (%)            (%)                  (%)

Classified by industry:

Textile and
                     2,724,309,422.81 1,824,632,782.41                33.02%                 4.13%                 0.24%                2.59%

Cotton                159,410,859.92      149,326,721.78                  6.33%            -28.49%              -24.08%               -5.43%

                                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Electricity and
                        119,119,630.13      88,061,054.53         26.07%            15.99%             3.30%              9.08%

Other                     37,080,728.02     28,270,113.47         23.76%               6.82%           -2.15%             6.99%

Classified by product:

Fabric products      2,110,310,993.51 1,408,130,198.92            33.27%               3.73%           -1.34%             3.42%

Shirts                  613,998,429.30     416,502,583.49         32.17%               5.52%           5.98%              -0.29%

cotton                  159,410,859.92     149,326,721.78          6.33%            -28.49%          -24.08%              -5.43%

Electricity and
                        119,119,630.13      88,061,054.53         26.07%            15.99%             3.30%              9.08%

Other                     37,080,728.02     28,270,113.47         23.76%               6.82%           -2.15%             6.99%

Classified by region:

Hong Kong               223,063,001.01     148,872,395.32         33.26%             -0.55%            -5.39%             3.41%

Japan And South
                        188,416,112.34     126,981,508.64         32.61%            -17.76%          -19.43%              1.40%

Southeast Asia          756,436,217.45     504,853,083.64         33.26%               0.00%           -4.86%             3.41%

Europe and
                        471,269,443.76     317,969,214.62         32.53%             -0.28%            -1.48%             0.83%

Other                   441,989,539.34     295,295,948.84         33.19%            26.88%            21.11%              3.18%

China Mainland          958,746,326.98     696,318,521.13         27.37%               1.36%           -3.15%             3.38%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

The Company's comprehensive management ability, research and development ability, and the whole industry chain are the
company's core competitiveness, which did not change during the reporting period.

V. Investment analysis

1. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1)Derivative investments

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit:RMB Ten thousand

                                                                                       Impairm                  of the     Actual
                               Type of     Initial                          Opening       ent    Closing        closing   gain/loss
            Relat     y                               Beginning   Ending
 Operator                     derivative investment                         investmen provisio investment investment         in
             ion transac                                date       date
                              investment   amount                           t amount     n (if   amount     amount in     reporting
                    tion or
                                                                                         any)                     the      period

                                                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                               closing net
                                                                                                                               assets (%)
Commerc                           settlement                     28 Mar.        18 Sept.
               relate No                            148,404.11                               98,449.79            24,180.09         3.70%     2,095.48
ial bank                          of                             2013           2014
Commerc                           exchange                                      30 May
               relate No                              23,537.65 6 Jan. 2014                          0                     0                     20.41
ial bank                          transaction                                   2014

Total                                               171,941.76          --              --   98,449.79            24,180.09         3.70%     2,115.89

Capital        source       for       derivative
                                                   The Company’s own funds
Cases involving lawsuit (if

Disclosure         date     of    the     board
announcement              approving         the 16 May 2013
derivative investment (if any)

Disclosure date of the general
meeting announcement approving
the derivative investment (if any)

                                                   The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in order for hedging. And the forward
                                                   settlement hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant amount not more than the
                                                   planned derivatives products transactions. And all derivatives products transaction was
                                                   zero-deposit. Meanwhile, the Company had a complete risk control system for sufficient analysis
                                                   and prevention of possible risks such as risk of laws and regulations, credit risk, operation risk
                                                   and market risk.
                                                   1. Risk of laws and regulations:
                                                   The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in strict accordance with relevant laws
Analysis on           risks and         control
                                                   and rules as well as regulatory policies from government securities regulatory authorities, if there
measures of derivative products
                                                   were no standard operation procedures and strict approval procedures, it was easy to cause
held      in    the       reporting      period
                                                   compliant and regulatory risks existing in the validity and feasibility of contract, commitments
(including but not limited to market
                                                   and other legal documents signed.
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk,
                                                   Precautionary measures: The Company carefully studied and mastered laws, regulations and
operation risk, law risk, etc.)
                                                   policies relevant to derivative products transaction, formulated internal control rules for the
                                                   forward settlement hedging business, standardized the operation procedures. And strengthened
                                                   the compliant examination on derivative products investment business, and strictly abided by
                                                   relevant laws, regulations and the Company’s internal management rules.
                                                   2. Credit risk and liquidity risk:
                                                   When the contract matures, the Company couldn’t deliver as scheduled due to insufficient
                                                   liquidity, and the counterparty or the Company couldn’t fulfill the contract due to other aspects
                                                   except the liquidity, which would cause credit risk and further economic losses for the Company.

                                                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                    Precaution measure: the Company chose the powerful financial institutions with good reputation
                                    as the counterparty, and signed standard derivative products transaction contract, as well as
                                    strictly controlled the credit risk of counterparty. The Company conducted derivative investment
                                    transactions according to the relevant approval procedure, which was in line with relevant laws,
                                    regulations, the Company’s Articles of Association, the Management Rules for Derivative
                                    Investment of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. and the Proposal on the Plan of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                    for Derivative Transactions in 2013 approved at the 28th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on
                                    15 May 2013, and performed relevant information disclosure responsibilities. The Company
                                    decided the up limit for the amount of derivative products transaction according to the production
                                    and operation scale and the progress of foreign exchange income for the Company, and delivered
                                    by phases. It was also possible to use extension of term and other ways to ensure the fulfillment
                                    of contract as schedules upon the mature of contract, and wouldn’t cause any loss of credit risk
                                    for the Company due to insufficient liquidity or other reasons.
                                    3. Operation risk:
                                    The derivative financial transactions had high specialty and complexity, so imperfect internal
                                    operation procedures, staffs and external events would make the Company to undertake risks
                                    during the transaction.
                                    Precaution measure: The Company promulgated strict authorization and approval system and
                                    perfect regulatory mechanism, fixed the departments, operation procedures and approval
                                    procedures system to conduct derivative products transaction, established special risk control
                                    positions, implemented strict authorization and post checks and balances system, meanwhile, it
                                    improved the overall quality of relevant personnel through strengthening the business training
                                    and professional ethics education for them. Besides, it established the System of Reporting the
                                    Abnormal Situation Timely, formed an efficient risk management procedures, so as to ensure to
                                    lower the operation risks to the maximum.
                                    4. Market risk:
                                    The forward settlement of exchange is an important derivative products transaction, which was
                                    significantly affected by the exchange rate fluctuation due to its large amount. The Central Bank
                                    decided to expand the inter-bank spot RMB-dollar trading band from 1% to 2% since 17 Mar.
                                    2014, which would increase the difficulty in the operation of forward settlement of exchange.
                                    Besides, if the RMB is devalued by a large margin on the basis of the current situation before the
                                    contract is due, so then, the larger losses shall incur in the contract on forward settlement of
                                    exchange signed by the Company.
                                    Risk analysis and precaution measure: Renminbi appreciated significantly compared with that
                                    before the exchange rate reform, but Renminbi internationalization would be a long-term goal,
                                    which decided that Renminbi would not depreciated significantly. Although the increased
                                    fluctuation range added the operation difficulty, it provided a certain opportunity, which required
                                    relevant personnel of the Company actively master the market trend, carefully operate and hold
                                    positive opportunity, so as to try the best to reduce the market risks under the condition of
                                    increased market difficulty.

Changes of market prices or fair    1. Up to 30 Jun. 2014, the Company held 6 undue financial derivative product contracts, totaling
values in the reporting period of the US$ 39 million, all forward settlement contracts (the latest expiration before Sept. 2014). The
invested derivatives. And the       above financial derivative products accounted for 3.70% of the closing net assets.

                                                                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

analysis on the fair value of the      2. From Jan. 2014 to Jun. 2014, the due financial derivative products of the Company totally
derivatives should include the         equaled to US$ 238.0056 million, all of which were delivered on time and generated a gain of
specific use methods and the           RMB 21.1589 million. The due forward settlement was US$ 199.6 million, all of which were
relevant assumptions and               delivered on time and generated a gain of RMB 20.9548 million. The due forward foreign
parameters.                            exchange trading amount equaled to US$ 38.4056 million, all of which were delivered on time
                                       and generated a gain of RMB 204,100.

Whether significant changes
occurred to the Company’s
accounting policy and specific
                                       No significant change
accounting principles of derivatives
in the reporting period compared to
the previous reporting period

                                       The Company’s independent directors Zhou Zhiji, Zhang Chengzhu, Wang Lei and Xu Jianjun,
                                       concerning conducting derivatives business, have issued the following professional advice: we
Specific opinion from independent      were of the opinion that it would strengthen the Company’s competitiveness to use derivative
directors on the Company’s            transactions with focus on forward settlement and purchase as an effective tool to avoid foreign
derivatives investment and risk        exchange risks, to strengthen the relevant internal control and to carry out the loss and risk
control                                prevention measures so as to improve the operation and management. It was considered feasible
                                       for the Company to conduct derivative transactions with focus on forward settlement and
                                       purchase, and no harm was done to interests of the Company’s shareholders.

2. Use of raised funds

(1)Overview of the use of raised funds

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand

Total raised capital                                                                                                        95,081.45

Total raised capital input in the reporting period                                                                               773.3

Accumulative raised capital input                                                                                           95,585.18

Total raised capital of which the use was changed in the
reporting period

Accumulative raised capital of which the use was

Proportion of accumulative raised capital of which the
use was changed (%)

                                                     Overview of the use of raised funds

In Dec. 2008, the Company made an additional issue of 150 million A-shares and raising a net amount of RMB 950,814,500. And
the raised funds went to the 150,000-Ingot Top-grade Fine Combed Yarn Project, the 50-thousand Ingot Two-for-one Twisting
Production Line Project, the Production Line Project for 10-million-meter Top-grade Jacquard Fabrics for Women’s Wear, the
Marketing Network Development Project and the Project for Supplementing the Working Capital. Among the aforesaid projects,

                                                                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

the 150,000-Ingot Top-grade Fine Combed Yarn Project, the 50-thousand Ingot Two-for-one Twisting Production Line Project, the
Production Line Project for 10-million-meter Top-grade Jacquard Fabrics for Women’s Wear and the Project for Supplementing the
Working Capital had been completed before the reporting period.
Meanwhile, at the 3rd Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2011, it was decided to adjust the raised funds investment of RMB
200 million for the Marketing Network Development Project to RMB 60 million, and the remaining RMB 140 million would be
invested in a new project—the Production Line Project for 40-million Meter Top-grade Yarn-dyed Fabric. By the end of the
reporting period, the cumulative input for the new project stood at RMB 433,955,800, of which raised funds of RMB 140 million
was used, including RMB 28,103,000 for construction and RMB 111,897,000 for equipment purchase. The Project went into full
production in Apr. 2014.
In the reporting period, the raised funds investment to The Marketing Network Development Project increase RMB 7.733 million,
total raised funds investment is RMB 65.0373 million (of which RMB 5.0373 million was the net interest income from the raised
funds after deducting the bank charges). So far, in addition to set up specialty stores, the company expand online sales channel by
Luthai online and other electric business platform.

(2)Projects promised to be invested with raised funds

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Ten thousand

                                                                                  Investme                   Profit
                        Project                                       Accumul                 Date when                              Material
 Projects invested                                                                   nt                     generat
                      changed or      Raised     Investme Input in      ative                 the project                Reach the change in
with raised capital                                                               progress                   ed in
                            not       capital    nt after     the     input up                reaches the                expected         the
 as promised and                                                                  up to the                   the
                       (including    input as    adjustme reporting    to the                  expected                  profit or    project
 investments with                                                                 period-en                 reportin
                       partially     promised     nt (1)      year    period-en                 usable                      not      feasibility
over-raised capital                                                               d (%)(3)                     g
                       changed)                                         d (2)                  condition                               or not
                                                                                  =(2)/(1)                 period

Projects invested with raised capital as promised

The Project for
Marketing                                                                                     30 Jun.
                      Yes                6,000        6,000    773.3 6,503.73 100.00%                                0 Yes           No
Network                                                                                       2014

Subtotal of
                            --           6,000        6,000    773.3 6,503.73        --              --              0       --           --

Investments of over-raised capital

Total                       --           6,000        6,000    773.3 6,503.73        --              --              0       --           --

Reason for failing
to reach scheduled
progress or
projected income
(explain one
project by one

                                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Explanation       on
                       Up to 30 Jun. 2014, no material change had occurred in the feasibility of the Company’s raised capital
changes           in
                       investment projects.
feasibility       of

Amount, usage
and usage
progress of
over-raised capital

Change of the
location of any        N/A
raised funds
investment project

Adjustment of the
method of any          N/A
raised funds
investment project

Advance input and On 11 Jan. 2009, Proposal on Replacing the Self-collected Funds of RMB 264,861,646.97 with the Input Raised
exchange of any Capital in Advance at the 27th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors. Sponsor Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.
raised       funds expressed the same opinion. The Company engaged RSM China Certified Public Accountants to audit
investment project investment of self-collected capital to project should be invested with raised capital in advance, and issued
                       certification report ZRYHZS Zi [2008] No. 3754.


                       On 3 Sept. 2010, it was reviewed and approved at the 3 rd Session of the 6th Board of Directors to temporarily
                       supplementing working capital with raised funds of RMB 94 million for a term from Sep. 2010 to Mar. 2011.
                       The raised funds used for supplementing working capital accounted for 9.89% of the net raised funds, so the
                       relevant proposal did not need to be submitted to the general meeting for review. Independent directors and
                    Guotai Junan Securities (the sponsor) issued their independent opinion and sponsor opinion respectively. The
Idle raised capital announcement about temporarily supplementing working capital with raised funds was published on Securities
for    temporarily Times, Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao dated 4 Sept. 2010. On 2 Mar. 2011, the Company returned,
supplementing          in full amount, the raised funds used previously for supplementing working capital. On 28 Mar. 2011, it was
working capital        reviewed and approved at the 9th Session of the 6th Board of Directors to temporarily supplementing working
                       capital again with raised funds of RMB 94 million for a term from Mar. 2011 to Sep. 2011. The raised funds
                       used for supplementing working capital accounted for 9.89% of the net raised funds, so the relevant proposal
                       did not need to be submitted to the general meeting for review. Independent directors and Guotai Junan
                       Securities (the sponsor) issued their independent opinion and sponsor opinion respectively. The announcement
                       about temporarily supplementing working capital with raised funds was published on Securities Times,
                       Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao on 30 Mar. 2011. On 21 Sep. 2011, the Company returned, in full

                                                                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                           amount, the raised funds used previously for supplementing working capital.

Outstanding raised
funds in project
and reasons

Usage                and
whereabouts           of
                           Up to 30 Jun. 2014, the raised funds and interest had all been input.
unused          raise

Problems found in
the     usage        and
                           The Company performed its information disclosure duty in a timely, accurate and complete manner when it
disclosure affairs
                           used raised funds, temporarily supplemented working capital with raised funds and changed the investment
of raised capital
                           directions of raised funds. No violation of information disclosure rules was found.
and             other

(3)Change of projects invested with raised funds

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Ten thousand

                                    Total raised                                Investment    Date when                                    Material
                                                                     Actual                                   Profit        Reach
                                       funds          Actual                    progress up   the project                             change in the
                     Project                                       cumulative                               generated        the
Project after                       planned to be input for                       to the      reaches the                              after-change
                     before                                         input by                                  in the       expected
   change                           input for the   reporting                   period-end     expected                                    project
                     change                                        period-end                               reporting profit or
                                    project after     period                     (%)(3)=       usable                                 feasibility or
                                                                      (2)                                     period         not
                                     change (1)                                   (2)/(1)      condition                                     not

Project for a
                Project       for
                Network                   14,000               0       14,000     100.00% 1 Jun. 2013                  0 Yes          No

Total                  --                 14,000               0       14,000       --            --                   0       --             --

                                                    Due to market changes and other reasons, the implementation of the raised funds-invested
                                                    project—Project for Marketing Network Development—was slow. It was a project that
Reasons for change, decision-making
                                                    should be invested persistently on a long-term basis, so some raised funds for the project
procedure and relevant information
                                                    was idle for a long time, which affected the utilization efficiency of raised funds. In order
disclosure (explain one project by one
                                                    to increase the utilization efficiency of the capital and maximize shareholders’ interests,
                                                    according to relevant stipulations in the management methods for use of raised funds, the
                                                    Company held the 2011 3rd Special Shareholders’ General Meeting on 18 Oct. 2011, at

                                                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                  which the proposal on adjusting the raised funds-invested project was reviewed and
                                                  approved. According to the said proposal, the raised fund for the Project for Marketing
                                                  Network Development was adjusted from RMB 200 million to RMB 60 million and the
                                                  remaining RMB 140 million would be input for a new project—the Project for a
                                                  40-million Meter Top-grade Yarn-dyed Fabric Production Line.

  Reason for failing to reach scheduled
                                                  The Project for a 40-million Meter Top-grade Yarn-dyed Fabric Production Line went into
  progress or projected income (explain
                                                  full operation in Apr. 2014.
  one project by one project)

  Explanation on significant changes in
  feasibility of projects after change

 (4)Projects invested with raised funds

               Overview of the project                               Disclosure date                    Index for the disclosed information

                                                                                                    Please refer to The annual verification
  The annual verification report about the                                                          report about the deposit and the actual
  deposit and the actual usage of the                                                               usage of the Company’s raised funds
                                                      27 Mar. 2014
  company’s raised funds.                                                                          disclosed on 27 Mar. 2014 which was the
                                                                                                    same time of the 2013 annual report.

 3. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

 √ Applicable □ Inapplicable

 Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

  Company            pany Industr                Registered                                              Operating       Operating
                                    products/s                 Total assets            Net assets                                          Net profit
       name          variet   y                   capital                                                revenues           profit

Xinjiang       Lu
Thai Harvest Subsi Manuf                         200,725,0
                                    cotton                     558,583,974.94          425,506,468.70 325,430,583.40 11,044,095.68         11,598,662.25
Cotton        Co., diary acture                  50.55

Zibo      Luqun
                     Subsi Manuf Spinning, 168,220,0
Textile       Co.,                                             475,964,462.05          347,126,923.09 139,903,501.29     3,380,037.73       2,558,564.04
                     diary acture twisting       00

Xinsheng             Subsi Manuf Electricity, 162,435,6
                                                               429,945,097.53          358,817,201.37 228,841,267.04 68,332,148.47         54,466,274.89
Thermal              diary acture steam          00.00
Power         Co.,

                                                                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Weaving      & Subsi Manuf                 706,160,0
                                 Fabric                   1,444,419,478.44 1,080,407,168.54 657,933,121.05 23,831,696.88               21,324,978.18
Dyeing     Co., diary acture               00

 4. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

 √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Ten thousand

                                                                                      Cumulative actual
                                     Total planned        Input for the reporting                                                  Project
         Project name                                                                   input as at the      Project progress
                                      investment                  period                                                           earnings

 New 230,000 Spindle and
 35,000 Ingot Two-for-One
                                                92,866                     4,398.68               9,123.15               9.82% 0
 Twisting Production Line

 Total                                          92,866                     4,398.68               9,123.15          --                --

 Date when the relevant interim announcement (if 23 Mar. 2012
 any) was disclosed on the designated website

                                                         The Announcement on the New 230,000 Spindle and 35,000 Ingot Two-for-One
 Designated website where the relevant interim
                                                         Twisting Production Line Project (announcement No. 2012-008) was disclosed
 announcement (if any) was disclosed
                                                         on http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

 VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2014

 Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the
 next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:
 □Applicable √ Inapplicable

 VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
 “non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

 VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” for last

 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash dividend plan and the
plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Pursuant to the 2013 Profit Allocation Proposal reviewed and approved on the 2013 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting on 30
Apr. 2014, the Company carried out the cash dividend distribution plan in May 2014, which was in compliance with the articles
governing dividends in the Articles of Association of the Company. And the cash dividend policy did not change in the reporting

                                            Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolution of the general meeting      Yes

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                                           Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                                         Yes

Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played their due role.                        Yes

Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their opinion and desire and their legal rights
and interests were fully protected.

In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedure were in
compliance with regulations and transparent.

X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital for the reporting

XI. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                    Main discussion
                                 Way of                                                                                 and materials
          Time         Place                  Visitor type                          Visitor
                                reception                                                                           provided by the

                                                             Wang Liping and Wu Yuanyi from Shenyin &             The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014                    By phone Institution
                                                             Wanguo                                               basic situation

                                                                                                                  The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014                    By phone Institution         Chen Xiaoyan from Anbang Asset Management
                                                                                                                  basic situation

                                                                                                                  The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014                    By phone Institution         Wang Qiong from Baoying Fund
                                                                                                                  basic situation

27 Mar. 2014                    By phone Institution         Liu Liang from Chang Xin Asset Management            The Company’s

                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Wang Hui from Orient Securities
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Shao Meiling from Soochow Asset Management
                                                                                         basic situation

                                      Zhu Yufeng from Everbright Pramerica Fund          The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Bing from Everbright Securities
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Shi Meiling from National Trust
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Lu Jing from Guotai Asset Management
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Yang Xingxing from HuaAn Funds
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Zhang Xuewei from Harfor Fund Management
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Xu Da from Huaxin Fund
                                                                                         basic situation

                                      Qiu Dongrong from HSBC Jintrust Fund               The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Mang Chun from HSBC Jintrust Fund Management
                                                                                         basic situation

                                      Zheng Huilian from China Universal Asset           The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Li Ran from Invesco Great Wall Fund Management
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Zhan Jiao from Morgan Stanley Huaxin Funds
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Li Hui from BNY Mellon Western FMC
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Li Huijie from Penghua Fund
                                                                                         basic situation

                                      Li Jiajia from China International Fund            The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                         basic situation

                                      Qiao Qian from Aegon-Industrial Fund               The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                         basic situation

                                                                                         The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Shu Lihua from Industrial Securities
                                                                                         basic situation

                                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Wang Xiang from Yinhua Fund Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Chen Fan from Yinhua Fund Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Ming from Yuanchen Investment
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Gao Yuanyuan from China Life Pension
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Huang Yangxia from China Securities
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Luo Xiang from CITIC Securities
                                                                                        basic situation

                                      Ma Li, Yang Lan and Hua Xiaowei from China        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Galaxy Securities                                 basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Sun Yuanjia from Ivy Asset Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Jin Ge from Taikang AMC
                                                                                        basic situation

                                      Weng Di from Shanghai Milestone Asset             The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Yuxiu from Changsheng Fund Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
27 Mar. 2014   By phone Institution   Ding Wenya from Shanghai Strength Asset
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Xu Cheng from Tokio Marine Asset Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Zhang Jing from China Post Fund
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Cao Yan from CICC
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Bai Bingyang from BOC International (China)
                                                                                        basic situation

                                      Zhu Yufeng from Everbright Pramerica Fund         The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Lu Hui from Qianhe Capital
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Chen Yuan from HuaAn Funds
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Cai Wen from Mirae Asset
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Li Xiaoli from Fullerton Fund Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Huang Zhiqing from Kaixinlong Fund
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Chen Li from Tebon Fund
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Shuxiang from China Merchants Fund
                                                                                        basic situation

                                      Wu Baoling from Singapore Lion Global Investors The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Limited                                           basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Qiu Dongrong from HSBC Jintrust
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Lu Lina from N M Rothschild & Sons
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Yong from Haitong Securities
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Li Xiang from CAIDA Investment
                                                                                        basic situation

                                      Meng Cheng from Shanghai Milestone                The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution
                                      Management                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Liu Liang from Chang Xin Asset Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                        The Company’s
25 Apr. 2014   By phone Institution   Zhang Xuepeng from Sunshine Asset Management
                                                                                        basic situation

                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                       Section V. Significant Events

I. Corporate governance

The Company continued to perfect the corporate governance structure, establish and perfect the modern enterprise system and ensure
the efficient and standardized operation of the Company’s Shareholders’ General Meeting, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors
and Senior Executives strictly according to Company Law, Securities Law and Governing Rules for Listed Company as well as
relevant stipulations and requirements from CSRC. It formed a relationship of clear division of rights and responsibilities, assuming
each own functions and check and balance each other between the management organ, decision-making organ, supervisory organ and
management layer, so as to provide a good internal operational environment for the Company’s standardized and efficient operation.
At present, there is no difference between the actual situation of the Company’s corporate governance structure and the requirements
on the corporate governance of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

II. Significant lawsuits or arbitrations

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration in the reporting period.

III. Media’s queries

□Applicable √Inapplicable
There was no media’s common query during the reporting period.

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No event involving bankruptcy reorganization occurred to the Company in the reporting period.

V. Asset transactions

1. Sale of assets

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no sale of assets by the Company during the reporting period.

2. Business combination

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No business combination occurred to the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VI. Implementation of equity incentive and its influence

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. Summary of equity incentive plan
On 8 April 2011, the 10th Session of the 6th Board of Directors reviewed and approved “2011 Plan on Restricted Stock Incentive of
Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.” (Draft) According to requirements of CSRC, the Company submitted the complete application materials
on equity incentive plan to CSRC for the record. In accordance with feedback from CSRC, the Company revised the incentive plan
and formed “2011 Plan on Restricted Stock Incentive of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.”(Revised Draft) which was approved in the 13th
session of the 6th Board of Meeting on 15 July 2011 without objection of CSRC. On 3 Aug. 2011, the Company held the 2 nd
Temporary Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2011 and approved “2011 Plan on Restricted Stock Incentive of Lu Thai Textile Co.,
Ltd.” (Revised draft)
With the authorization of shareholders’ general meeting, on 17 Aug. 2011, the Company held the 15 th Session of the 6th Board of
Directors and approved “Proposal on Granting Incentive Objects Restricted Stocks According to 2011 Plan on Restricted Stock
Incentive” and decided that 18 Aug. 2011 was fixed as grant date of the above incentive plan. On the same day, “Proposal on
Personnel Adjustment in 2011 Plan on Restricted Stock Incentive of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.” was reviewed and approved. Because
four employers were not qualified for requirements of incentive objects, their qualifications of incentive objects were canceled and
they were not granted restricted stocks. Therefore, the number of incentive objects changed from 350 into 346 and the amount of
granted restricted stocks changed from 14.3 million shares to 14.12 million shares.
“Announcement of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. on Finishing Granting Restricted Stocks” declared on 6 Sep. 2011 clarified that: because
of personal reasons, incentive objects including Guo Yuan and Yang Tao voluntarily gave up restricted stocks the Company was
about to endow, respectively 10,000 shares and 20,000 shares. Therefore, the number of incentive objects changed from 346 into 344
and the amount of granted stocks changed from 14.12 million shares into 14.09 million shares. Up to now, the Company has already
finished granting restricted stocks: grant date is 18 Aug. 2011, the amount of granted stocks is 14.09 million shares, the number of
incentive objects is 344 and grant price is RMB 5.025 per share.
On 13 Aug. 2012, the 23rd Session of the 6th Board of Directors reviewed and approved “Proposal on Repurchasing and Withdrawing
Restricted Stocks Granted to Unqualified Original Incentive Objects”. Original incentive objects including Liu Qingchun and Shi
Qian left their posts during the assessment period and they were not qualified for regulations of restricted stock incentive plan, so the
stocks granted to the above persons, respectively 20,000 shares and 40,000 shares, were repurchased and withdrawn; withdrawal was
completed on 6 Dec. 2012. Therefore, the number of incentive objects of restricted stocks changed to 342, and the amount of
restricted stocks change to 14.03 million shares.
On 27 Mar. 2013, the Company passed “Proposal on Restricted Stock Granted to Previous Incentive Objects Who Fall through
Incentive Requirements” and “Proposal on Restricted Stock Granted to All Incentive Objects and still Locked during the Second
Unlocking Period” on 26th Session of the 6th Board of Directors. The Company decided to repurchase and write off locked and
restricted stocks of Zhangtao, Mengming and Chuiyan in the amount of 12,000 shares, 12,000 shares, 12,000 shares respectively,
because they were left on January 2013 and fell through the standard of incentive plan of restricted stocks. In addition, previous
incentive object, Qu Qingfeng has arranged retirement and left in January 2013. pursuant to “the 33 rd” in incentive plan, part of
restricted stocks of Qu Qingfeng still locked in the second period were still valid,; restricted stocks still locked in the third period in
the amount of 30,000 shares would be repurchased and written off by the Company. The restricted stocks repurchased and written off
this period reached 66,000 shares and incentive objects decreased four people; therefore, incentive objects holding restricted shares in
the second period declined to be 339, and restricted stocks still locked were adjusted to be 4,191,000 shares. In line with stipulation
of stock incentive plan, unless company performance index meets three requirements of unlocking requirement of 2012
simultaneously, can companies unlock. Net profits of the Company increased 0.52% comparing to 2010 after being deducted
non-recurring profit and loss and was lower than the examination requirement, therefore, the stock incentive plan in the second
period did not comply with the unlocking requirements. Under this situation, the Company shall repurchase and write off all stocks

                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

according to relevant stipulations of “Repurchase and write-off of restricted stocks” in the 8th chapter of stock incentive plan. The
restricted stock stated above were written off on 27 Jun. 2013, therefore, incentive objects who obtain restricted stocks in the third
period became 338, and restricted stocks still locked in the third period reached 4,161,000 shares.
On 11 Jun. 2014, the 11th Session of the 7th Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Restricted
Stock Granted to Previous Incentive Objects Who Fall through Incentive Requirements” and “Proposal on the Third Unlocking
Period of 2011 Plan on Restricted Stock Incentive of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.”. The original incentive targets Gao Hong failed in the
2013 performance assessment, of whom the third unlocking restricted shares of 18,000 shares should not be locked and would be
repurchased and written off by the Company; The original incentive targets Yang Jun, Wang Fuye, Yang Zezhi, Zhai Shenbo and
Yang Jian had left their position during Aug. 2013 to May 2014, which had not met with the incentive plan of “No. 20 Unlocking
Arrangement and Inspection Conditions of Restricted Stocks”. Those 5 people had been granted the whole unlocking stocks which
was amounted to 24,000 shares and had be repurchased and written off by the Company. Therefore, there were 332 people met with
the conditions of the third period of the incentive plan, with the unlocking stocks of the restricted stocks of the third period adjusted
to 4.1190 million shares.
2. Source of incentive stocks:
Directional add-issuance of restricted stocks to incentive objects.
3. Assessment to incentive objects
The human resource department of the Company, according to implementation and assessment methods of restricted stock incentive
plan of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., conducted appraisal of 2011 annual performance of incentive objects and the appraisal result was
that: they were all qualified and met the conditions of unlocking.
Net profits of the Company increased 0.52% comparing to 2010 after being deducted non-recurring profit and loss and was lower
than the examination requirement, therefore, the stock incentive plan in the second period did not comply with the unlocking
requirements. Under this situation, the Company shall repurchase and write off all stocks according to relevant stipulations of
“Repurchase and write-off of restricted stocks” in the 8th chapter of stock incentive plan and repurchased all restricted stocks on 27
Jun. 2013.
According to the Implementation of assessment measures, the Enterprise Management Department of the Company and Human
Resources Department examined the 333 incentive targets of the 2013 performance except for the 5 original incentive targets that left
the Company during Aug. 2013 to May 2014, with the examination result: all passed and met with the unlocking conditions except
the incentive target Gao Hong. The incentive locking period of the third period of the restricted stocks was ended on 18 Aug. 2014
and had not unlocked at the moment.
4. Particulars about unlocking incentive stocks:
On 13 Aug. 2012, the 23rd session of the 6th board of directors reviewed and approved “Proposal on Unlocking Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan During the First Unlocking Period” and approved that the 342 qualified incentive objects were unlocked during the
first unlocking period, the proportion of unlocked shares during the first unlocking period in total granted incentive shares was 40%
and the amount of unlocked shares was 5.612 million shares. The listing date of firstly unlocked shares was 3 Sep. 2012.
5. Influence of implementing stock incentive plan on financial situation and operation results during the reporting period and
in the future

The fee of implementing stock incentive plan during the reporting period was RMB 4,747,000 and the influenced total profit of the
Company in the first half year of Jan.-Jun of 2014 reached RMB 4,747,000.

                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Relate                                                                            Proportion in                market
                           Type Contents                             Transactio                     Metho
      d                                                                              the total                price for
                       of the          of the   Pricing Transactio n amount                           d of                Disclosu
transac Relation                                                                   amounts of                   the                      Disclosure index
                       transac transacti principle         n price   (RMB Ten                        settle                re date
    tion                                                                          transactions of             transacti
                           tion         on                           thousand)                       ment
 party                                                                            the same kind               on of the

           Parent      Reacc                                                                                                         Please refer to the
Limin compan eptanc                                                                                                                  relevant
Purifie y wholly e of                           Market   Market                                                           27 Mar. announcements
                                  treatmen                              487.88           99.07% Cash
d          owned       labor                    price    price                                                            2014       disclosed          on
Water compan service                                                                                                                 www.cninfo.com.c
           y           s                                                                                                             n

                                                                                                                                     Please refer to the
                                  Lease of
Luche Parent                      land,
                                                Market   Market                                                           27 Mar. announcements
ng         compan Lease houses                                          846.84           64.72% Cash
                                                price    price                                                            2014       disclosed          on
Textile y                         and gas

           Parent                                                                                                                    Please refer to the
           compan                                                                                                                    relevant
Luqun                             Lease of
           y wholly                             Market   Market                                                           29 Mar. announcements
Proper                 Lease land and                                    90.12            6.89% Cash
           owned                                price    price                                                            2013       disclosed          on
ty                                houses
           compan                                                                                                                    www.cninfo.com.c
           y                                                                                                                         n

                                                                                                                                     Please refer to the
                       Sales                                                                                                         relevant
Lurui y                           Purchase
                       of                       Market   Market                                                           27 Mar. announcements
Chemi controlle                   of textile                          1,466.53           17.31% Cash
                       produc                   price    price                                                            2014       disclosed          on
cal        d                      auxiliary
                       ts                                                                                                            www.cninfo.com.c

           Parent                 Sales of                                                                                           Please refer to the
Cheng                  Sales
           compan                 material Market        Market                                                           27 Mar. relevant
shun                   of                                               169.11            0.22% Cash
           y                      s,            price    price                                                            2014       announcements
Therm                  produc
           controlle              thermal                                                                                            disclosed          on

                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

al         d            ts       water                                                                                                     www.cninfo.com.c
           compan                and                                                                                                       n
           y                     garment

Total                                             --              --           3,060.48         --             --      --         --                     --

Details of large-amount refunds               Naught

Where the total amount of routine
related-party transactions to occur
in the reporting period had been
predicted by type, give the actual
execution in the reporting period
(if any)

Explanation             on      significant
difference between the transaction
price and the market price (if

2. Related-party transactions arising from acquisition and sale of assets

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                        Book     Assessed
                                                                       value of value of     Market
                                                                         the        the        fair                            Gain/loss
                             Type of Contents                                                            price
 Related                                                               transferr transferr    value                 Mode of     (RMB
                               the       of the         Pricing                                          (RMB                              Disclosu Disclosu
transacti Relation                                                     ed asset ed asset      (RMB                  settleme     Ten
                             transacti transacti principle                                                Ten                                  re date        re index
 on party                                                               (RMB      (RMB         Ten                     nt      thousand
                                on          on                                                          thousand
                                                                         Ten       Ten       thousand                              )
                                                                   thousand thousand            )
                                                                          )          )

                                                                                                                                                          refer to
                                       Purchase                                                                                                           the
               Parent                  of                                                                                                                 relevant
               company                 commerc                                                                                                            announc
Luqun                                                  Market                                                                              16 May
               wholly        Purchase ial                                                               3,141.61 Cash                                     ements
Property                                               price                                                                               2014
               owned                   housing                                                                                                            disclose
               company                 and                                                                                                                d on
                                       shops                                                                                                              www.cni

                                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VIII. Occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the controlling
shareholder and its related parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder or its related parties did not occupy the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes during the reporting

IX. Significant contracts and fulfillment thereof

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

                      Particulars on external guarantee of the Company (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries)

                          Date of                                                                                                 Whether
                        disclosure                                                                                    Whether guarantee
                                                   Date of making
                        of relevant                                                                                        the     ing for
 Name of guarantee                     Guarantee guarantee (date Actual amount          Type of        Guarantee
                       announcem                                                                                      guarantee    related
          object                         limit        of signing     of guarantee      guarantee         period
                            ents on                                                                                   has been     parties
                        guarantee                                                                                     fulfilled    (yes or
                             limit                                                                                                  no)

                                       Particulars about guarantee of the Company for subsidiaries

                          Date of
                                                                                                                      Whether guarantee
                        of relevant                Date of making
                                                                    Actual amount                                          the     ing for
 Name of guarantee announcem Amount of guarantee (date                                  Type of        Guarantee
                                                                     of guarantee                                     guarantee    related
          object            ents on    guarantee      of signing                       guarantee         period
                                                                                                                      has been     parties
                        guarantee                    agreement)
                                                                                                                      fulfilled    (yes or

                                                                                                     From the
                                                                                                     date of
                                                                                     Guarantee of g loan within
Lufeng Weaving &       13        May                                                 joint       and credit line to
                                           30,000 10 May 2011               514.71                                    No          Yes
Dyeing Co., Ltd.       2011                                                          several         the date of
                                                                                     liability       clearing off
                                                                                                     principal and

                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                      Two years
                                                                                      Guarantee of since the
Xinjiang Lu Thai
                          14        Jul.                                              joint       and approval of
Harvest Cotton Co.,                        10,000 13 Jul. 2012                    0                                  Yes     Yes
                          2012                                                        several         the board of
                                                                                      liability       the

                                                                                                      Two years
                                                                                      Guarantee of since the
Luthai (HK) Co.,          27 Mar.                                                     joint       and approval of
                                           18,300 25 Mar. 2014               708.49                                  No      Yes
Ltd.                      2014                                                        several         the board of
                                                                                      liability       the

                                                                    Total amount of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                                    guarantee   for subsidiaries
guarantee   for subsidiaries                               18,300                                                                708.49
                                                                    during the reporting period
during the reporting period (B1)

                                                                    Total amount of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                                    guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee   for subsidiaries at the                        58,300                                                               1,223.2
                                                                    the end of the reporting period
end of the reporting period (B3)

Total amount of guarantee (sum total of the first two items)

Total amount of approved                                            Total amount of actual
guarantee during the reporting                             18,300 guarantee during the reporting                                 708.49
period (A1+B1)                                                      period (A2+B2)

Total amount of approved                                            Total amount of actual
guarantee at the end of the                                58,300 guarantee at the end of the                                   1,223.2
reporting period (A3+B3)                                            reporting period (A4+B4)

Proportion of total amount of actual guarantee (A4+B4) in net
assets of the Company

Among which:

Amount of guarantee provide for shareholders, actual controller
and related parties (C)

Amount of guarantee provided directly or indirectly for
guarantee objects with asset-liability ratio reaching over 70%                                                                         0

Balance between 50% of net assets and total amount of
guarantee which exceeds 50% of net assets (E)

Sum total of the above three guaranteed amounts (C+D+E)                                                                                0

Explanations about joint and several liability for repayment in     According to “Agreement on Counter Guarantee” signed on 12
respect of undue guarantee (if any)                                 May 2011 between Lu Thai Company and Lu Feng Company, Lu

                                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Feng Company , the warrantee provided the corresponding
                                                                        amount of counter guarantee for Lu Thai Company. According to
                                                                        “Agreement on Counter Guarantee” signed on 13 July 2012
                                                                        between Lu Thai Company and Xinjiang Lu Thai Company,
                                                                        Xinjiang Lu Thai Company , the warrantee provided the
                                                                        corresponding amount of counter guarantee for Lu Thai Company.
                                                                        According to “Agreement on Counter Guarantee” signed on 24
                                                                        Sep. 2012 between Lu Thai Company and Xinjiang Lu Thai
                                                                        Company, Xinjiang Lu Thai Company , the warrantee provided
                                                                        the corresponding amount of counter guarantee for Lu Thai
                                                                        Company. Decision-making procedure of guarantee for controlling
                                                                        subsidiaries complied with laws without damaging the interests of
                                                                        the Company and shareholders, especially the interests of medium
                                                                        and small shareholders.

Explanation about external guarantee violating established              The Company never provided guarantees for companies except
procedure (if any)                                                      controlling subsidiaries.

Explanations about guarantees provided with complex methods

X. Commitments made by the Company or any shareholder holding over 5% of the
Company’s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the
reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                   Commitment Contents of             Date of          Period of
         Commitment                                                                                              Execution
                                          maker   commitment       commitment        commitment

Commitments made in a
                                   N/A            N/A                               N/A             N/A
share reform

Commitments           made    in
acquisition         reports   or
                                   N/A            N/A                               N/A             N/A
report    on        changes   in

Commitments made at the
time           of         assets N/A              N/A                               N/A             N/A

                                                                                                    Investment projects of raised funds
                                                                                                    including project on 150 thousand
                                                                                                    ingots of high-end combed yarn,
Commitments at the time Lu Thai                   Investment
                                                                                                    project on production line of 50
of initial public issuance Textile Co.,           project of     19 Dec. 2008
                                                                                                    thousand   ingots   of    two-for-one
or re-financing                    Ltd.           raised funds
                                                                                                    twisting, project on complementing
                                                                                                    circulating funds of the company,
                                                                                                    project on production line of 10

                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                            million meters of high-end jacquard for
                                                                                            female garments have already been
                                                                                            fulfilled. On 18 Oct. 2011, the 3rd
                                                                                            temporary      shareholders’      general
                                                                                            meeting approved that RMB 140
                                                                                            million raised funds of this project
                                                                                            were    transferred   into   project     on
                                                                                            increasing   40   million       meters   of
                                                                                            high-end yarn-dyed fabric production
                                                                                            line. Till the end of the reporting
                                                                                            period, this project has already been
                                                                                            finished. And project on network
                                                                                            construction of brand and marketing is
                                                                                            under the implementation.

Other commitments made
for medium and small
                                N/A         N/A                              N/A            N/A
shareholders       of    the

Whether        commitments
were fulfilled in time

Specific       reasons    of
unfinished fulfillment and N/A
further plan

XI. Engagement and disengagement of the CPAs firm

Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?
□ Yes √ No

XII. Punishments and rectifications

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No punishment or rectification in the reporting period.

XIII. Delisting risk due to violation of laws or regulations

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such risk in the reporting period.

XIV. Other significant events

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
During the reporting period, the largest shareholder Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. increased twice of the stocks business

                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

of the Company, with the specific situation as follows:
1. On 12 Dec. 2013 and 17 Jan. 2014, through Securities Exchange System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zibo Lucheng Textile
Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively increased the current A share (000726) of the Company by centralized competitive trading
method, which was of 11,299,225 shares in total that was 14.08% of the total share capital of 955,800,496 shares. For the specific
situation of the event, please refer to the relevant announcements disclosed on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung
Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 18 Jan. 2014.
2. On 4 Jun. 2014 and 27 Jun. 2014, through Securities Exchange System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zibo Lucheng Textile
Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively increased the current A share (000726) of the Company by centralized competitive trading
method, which was of 5,739,658 shares that was of 0.60% of the total share capital of the Company with the average increase price
of RMB 8.71 Yuan. After the increase, the total stocks of the Company were of 140,353,583 shares that covered 14.68% of the total
share capital of 955,800,496 shares. For the specific situation of the event, please refer to the relevant announcements disclosed on
Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 1 Jul. 2014.

                                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                            Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Change in shares

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Share

                                    Before the change                   Increase/decrease (+, -)                        After the change

                                                  Percenta   New      Bonus                                                         Percentag
                                     Number                                    n of capital    Other       Subtotal    Number
                                                    ge       shares   shares                                                            e

I. Restricted shares                123,209,603 12.89%                                         -5,250        -5,250   123,204,353     12.89%

1. Shares held by the state                         0.00%                                                                              0.00%

2.    Shares        held      by
                                                    0.00%                                                                              0.00%
state-owned corporations

3. Shares held by other
                                      4,977,203     0.52%                                      -5,250        -5,250     4,971,953      0.52%
domestic investors

Among which: shares held
                                                    0.00%                                                                              0.00%
by domestic corporations

Shares held by domestic
                                      4,977,203     0.52%                                      -5,250        -5,250     4,971,953      0.52%

4. Shares held by foreign
                                    118,232,400 12.37%                                                                118,232,400     12.37%

Among which: Shares held
                                    118,232,400 12.37%                                                                118,232,400     12.37%
by foreign corporations

Shares held by foreign
                                                    0.00%                                                                              0.00%

II. Non-restricted shares           832,590,893 87.11%                                          5,250        5,250    832,596,143     87.11%

1. RMB ordinary shares              556,982,697 58.27%                                          5,250        5,250    556,987,947     58.27%

2.   Domestically          listed
                                    275,608,196 28.84%                                                                275,608,196      0.00%
foreign shares

3. Overseas listed foreign

4. Other                                                                                                                               0.00%

III. Total shares                   955,800,496 100.00%                                                0          0   955,800,496 100.00%

Reasons of changes in shares
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Due to the unlocking of the restricted sales at the year-begin of the 5250 shares held by the Senior Executive Quan Peng, the shares

                                                                                           Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

held by the domestic individual with restricted conditions reduced of 5250 shares as well as the Renminbi common shares among the
unlimited shares increased 5250 shares.
Approval of share changes
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders of the Company
and other financial indexes over the last year and the last reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulatory authorities to disclose
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Change of the total shares, shareholder structure, asset structure and liability structure
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                                        Unit: Share

                                                                        Total number of preferred share
Total   number      of     common                                       holders who had resumed their
shareholders at the end of the                                  85,303 voting right at the end of the                                             0
reporting period                                                        reporting period (if any) (see
                                                                        note 8)

                           Shareholdings of shareholders holding more than 5% shares or top 10 shareholders

                                                                               Increase/dec                                  Pledged or frozen
                                                                Number of
                                                  Sharehol                        rease of                   Number of                shares
                                                               shares held                     Number of
                                    Nature of       ding                          shares                     non-restricte
   Name of shareholder                                         at the end of                    restricted                   Status
                                   shareholder    percenta                      during the                     d shares                Number of
                                                               the reporting                   shares held                       of
                                                   ge (%)                       reporting                        held                    shares
                                                                  period                                                     shares

Zibo Lucheng Textile                                                                                                         Pledge
                                non-state-owned    14.68% 140,353,583 10,125,694                             140,353,583               22,727,200
Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         d

Tailun Textile Co., Ltd.                           12.37% 118,232,400                        0 118,232,400

DBS VICKERS (HONG                                 Foreign
KONG) LTDA/C                                      corporati     36,228,642      -4,300,000                    36,228,642
CLIENTS                                           on

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                        1.82% 17,364,475           1,349,954                   17,364,475

VALUE PARTNERS                  Foreign
                                                       1.72%    16,411,865        3,281,774                   16,411,865
HIGH-DIVIDEND                   corporation

                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Everbright        prudential
measurement of securities Other                         1.20%    11,503,549    11,503,549                   11,503,549
investment fund

SECURITIES(HONGKO                                       0.91%      8,670,480    8,670,480                       8,670,480

VALUE PARTNERS                 Foreign
                                                        0.85%      8,156,383    1,019,033                       8,156,383
CLASSIC FUND                   corporation

First State Investment
Management (England)           Foreign
                                                        0.79%      7,563,611     7,563,611                      7,563,611
Co., Ltd.-First State         corporation
China A share fund

HTHK-MANULIFE                  Foreign
                                                        0.72%      6,858,138    6,858,138                       6,858,138
CHINA VALUE FUND               corporation

Particulars    about     strategic   investors   or
common legal persons who became the top
ten shareholders because of the issuance of
additional shares (if any)(Notes 3)

                                                      Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest shareholder of the
                                                      Company and the actual controller. Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. is the second
Explanations about associated relationship or
                                                      largest shareholder as well as sponsor of foreign capital of the Company. All of other
concerted      action     among       the    above
                                                      shareholders are people holding circulating A share or circulating B share and the
                                                      Company is not able to confirm whether there is associated relationship or concerted
                                                      action among other shareholders.

                                Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

                                                                                                                  Type of shares
                        Name of shareholders                               Name of shareholders
                                                                                                                Type           Amount

                                                                                                       RMB common
Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd.                                                140,353,583                               140,353,583

DBS VICKERS (HONG KONG) LTDA/C CLIENTS                                                    36,228,642 listed foreign                 36,228,642

LYNAS ASIA FUND                                                                           17,364,475 listed foreign                 17,364,475

VALUE PARTNERS HIGH-DIVIDEND STOCKS FUNDS                                                 16,411,865 listed foreign                 16,411,865

Everbright prudential measurement of securities investment                                11,503,549 RMB common                     11,503,549

                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

fund                                                                                             shares

GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                            8,670,480 listed foreign             8,670,480

VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                                          8,156,383 listed foreign             8,156,383

First State Investment Management (England) Co., Ltd.-First                                     RMB common
                                                                                     7,563,611                             7,563,611
State China A Share Fund                                                                         shares

HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                                       6,858,138 listed foreign             6,858,138

Pichon Assets Management Co., Ltd.-Pichon China A Share                                         RMB common
                                                                                     5,586,151                            5,586,151
Investment Fund                                                                                  shares

                                                                 Among the above shareholders, except that Lucheng Corporation
Explanation about associated relationship and concerted action
                                                                 is the largest shareholder of the Company, all of other shareholders
among the top ten shareholders not subject to trading
                                                                 are people holding circulating A share or circulating B share and
moratorium as well as between the top ten shareholders not
                                                                 the Company is not able to confirm whether there is associated
subject to trading moratorium and the top ten shareholders
                                                                 relationship or concerted action among other shareholders.

Particulars about the top 10 shareholders participating in
margin trading (if any)(Notes 4)

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

No shareholder of the Company carried out any agreed buy-back in the reporting period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The controlling shareholder of the Company did not change in the reporting period.

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The actual controller of the Company did not change in the reporting period.

IV. Any shareholding increase plan proposed or implemented by any shareholder or its
act-in-concert party during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                  Amount of Proportion                      Actual       First disclosure
                                                         Actual amount                                            Name of
  Name of shareholders/persons     planed    of planed                   proportion of       date of
                                                         of overweight                                      shareholders/persons
            acting in concert     overweight overweigh                    overweight       overweight
                                                            shares                                            acting in concert
                                    shares    t shares                      shares         shares plan

Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment
                                                             4,386,036          0.46%                       18 Jan. 2014
Co., Ltd.

Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment
                                                             5,739,658          0.60%                       1 Jul. 2014
Co., Ltd.

Notes of other:

1. From 12 Dec. 2013 to 31 Dec. 2013, through Securities Exchange System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zibo
Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. increased the current A share (000726) of the Company by centralized
competitive trading method, which was of 6,913,189 shares, which were of 0.72% of the total share capital of the
Company. From 1 Jan. 2014 to 17 Jan. 2014, through Securities Exchange System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. increased the current A share (000726) of the Company by centralized
competitive trading method, which was of 4,386,036 shares. Up to 17 Jan. 2014, through Securities Exchange
System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively increased the
current A share (000726) of the Company by centralized competitive trading method, which was of 11,299,225
shares, which were of 1.18% of the total share capital of the Company, and at a shareholding increase average
price of RMB9.99) of the company by centralized trading securities at competing price by security exchange
system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. After this time of shareholding increase, the company holds totally
134,613,925 shares of the company accounting for 14.03% of totally 955,800,496 shares of the company. For
more details, please refer to the related announcements published on Security Times, Shanghai Security News, Ta
Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn dated Jan. 18, 2014.
2. On 4 Jun. 2014 and 27 Jun. 2014, through Securities Exchange System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zibo
Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively increased the current A share (000726) of the Company by
centralized competitive trading method, which was of 5,739,658 shares that was of 0.60% of the total share capital
of the Company with the average increase price of RMB 8.71 Yuan. After the increase, the total stocks of the
Company were of 140,353,583 shares that covered 14.68% of the total share capital of 955,800,496 shares. For
the specific situation of the event, please refer to the relevant announcements disclosed on Securities Times,
Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn on 1 Jul. 2014.

                     Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Section VII. Preferred Shares

                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

      Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff

I. Change of shareholdings of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                      Shares        Increase of                                 Restricted                  Restricted
                                                                                  Decrease of     Shares                      Restricted
                                                     held at the     shares in                                    stock                        stock
                                                                                   shares in     held at the                    stock
                                         Incumbe beginning             this                                     conferred                   conferred at
   Name                 Title                                                        this        end of the                  conferred in
                                         nt or not      the         reporting                                     at the                        the
                                                                                   reporting     reporting                   this period
                                                     reporting        period                                    period-beg                  period-end(
                                                                                    period         period                      (share)
                                                       period         (share)                                   in (share)                    share)

    Liu      Chairman           of   the Incumbe
                                                       437,295                                     437,295
  Shizhen Board                          nt

             Vice Chairman of Incumbe
Xu Zhinan
             the Board                   nt

             Director/General            Incumbe
 Liu Zibin                                             148,290                                     148,290         30,000                        30,000
             Manager                     nt

 Fujiwara Director/Senior                Incumbe
 Hidetoshi Consultant                    nt

   Chen                                  Incumbe
  Ruimou                                 nt

   Zeng                                  Incumbe
 Facheng                                 nt

   Wang      general                     Incumbe
                                                       193,238                                     193,238         30,000                        30,000
 Fangshui manager/Chief                  nt

             Director/          Deputy
    Qin      general       manager/ Incumbe
                                                       124,452                                     124,452
  Guiling    Secretary      to       the nt

             Independent                 Incumbe
Zhou Zhiji                                                      0                                           0
             director                    nt

             Independent                 Incumbe
 Wang Lei                                                       0                                           0
             director                    nt

Zhang        Independent                 Incumbe
                                                                0                                           0
Chengzhu director                        nt

             Independent                 Incumbe
Su Xin                                                          0                                           0
             director                    nt

                                                           Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

             Independent               Incumbe
Xu Jianjun                                            0               0
             director                  nt

Zhu          Supervisor of the Incumbe
                                                  91,638        91,638
Lingwen      Board                     nt

Liu Zilong Supervisor                                 0               0

Dong                                   Incumbe
             Supervisor                            5,000         5,000
Shibing                                nt

Zhang                                  Incumbe
             Vice chairman                        88,400        88,400      30,000                    30,000
Jianxiang                              nt

Zhang                                  Incumbe
             Chief accountant                     88,100        88,100      30,000                    30,000
Hongmei                                nt

Li           Chairman       of   the Incumbe
                                                 176,164       176,164      30,000                    30,000
Tongmin      union                     nt

             Assistant of general
Wang         manager,       manager Incumbe
                                                  83,700        83,700      30,000                    30,000
Jiabin       of          production nt

             Assistant of general
Zhang        manager,       manager Incumbe
                                                  83,100        83,100      30,000                    30,000
Shougang of clothing-making nt

             Assistant of general
Zhang        manager,        general Incumbe
                                                  80,300        80,300      30,000                    30,000
Zhanqi       manager of Lufeng nt

Zhang                                  Incumbe
             Financial manager                    95,200        95,200      30,000                    30,000
Kemin                                  nt

             Manager        of   the
             second department Incumbe
Pan Pingli                                       126,096       126,096      30,000                    30,000
             of         international nt

Lu           Vice president of Incumbe
                                                  77,900        77,900      30,000                    30,000
Yongchen Lufeng company                nt

Yu           Manager of energy Incumbe
                                                  83,100        83,100      30,000                    30,000
Shouzheng business unit                nt

Quan Peng Marketing manager                       37,000        37,000      30,000                    30,000

Wang         Manager of the first Incumbe
                                                  30,000        30,000      30,000                    30,000
Changzhao department              of nt

                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


             Manager            of
             enterprises             Incumbe
Chenggan                                           30,000                            30,000      30,000                     30,000
             management              nt

Sun          Independent
                                     Left               0                                  0
Ruizhe       director

Total                   --                --     2,078,973          0          0 2,078,973      450,000              0     450,000

II. Change of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

    Name                Title             Type               Date                                Reason

                                                                        Due to national party and government leading cadres could
Sun Ruizhe                           Left          14 Jan. 2014         not act as senior executive of listed companies at the same

Zhang         Independent
                                     Selected      6 May 2014
Chengzhu      director

                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                          Section IX. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance

Current Assets:

   Monetary funds                                                     470,252,156.06                                 872,461,415.00

   Transactional financial assets                                                                                     29,949,120.00

   Notes receivable                                                   106,186,009.75                                 126,106,380.23

   Accounts receivable                                                190,552,240.18                                 280,434,879.62

   Accounts paid in advance                                           168,044,120.60                                 137,003,771.58

   Other accounts receivable

Current Assets:                                                            54,466,407.13                              68,608,410.00

   Redemptory monetary capital for sale

   Inventories                                                       1,789,283,199.81                              1,645,070,671.31

   Non-current assets due within 1 year

   Other current assets                                                    24,082,210.10                              34,030,201.42

Total current assets                                                 2,802,866,343.63                              3,193,664,849.16

Non-current assets:

Long-term equity investment                                                67,442,600.00                              67,442,600.00

Investing property

Fixed assets                                                         4,457,423,173.40                              4,454,201,264.50

Construction in progress                                              298,987,510.15                                 227,959,833.59

Engineering materials                                                      61,342,832.85                              19,094,482.53

                                                       Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Disposal of fixed assets

Intangible assets                            350,621,643.00                              352,846,664.24

R&D expense

Goodwill                                      20,613,803.29                               20,613,803.29

Long-term deferred expenses                    2,104,393.73                                 1,711,304.99

Deferred income tax assets                    55,274,134.46                               58,158,023.19

Other non-current assets                      12,781,283.00                               16,255,736.00

Total of non-current assets                 5,326,591,373.88                           5,218,283,712.33

Total assets                                8,129,457,717.51                           8,411,948,561.49
Liabilities and shareholders' equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
Current liabilities:                         614,984,887.89                              648,664,954.85

Transaction financial liabilities              1,050,030.00

Notes payable                                  6,618,500.87                               10,213,263.69

Account payable                              218,808,759.48                              400,053,679.69

Account received in advance                   95,301,693.23                              100,793,054.81

Employee’s compensation payable             297,539,951.39                              372,062,834.99

Tax payable                                   76,546,689.53                              115,248,378.73

Interest payable                               2,304,412.25                                1,499,475.06

Dividend payable                                 441,966.54                                  441,966.54

Other account payable                         74,577,062.99                               84,445,300.34

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year     27,456,730.45                               85,356,600.00

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   1,415,630,684.62                           1,818,779,508.70

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings                          97,521,321.88                               97,550,400.00

Bonds payable

Long-term payables                             9,735,560.00                                9,735,560.00

Specific payables

Accrued liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities                       2,077,537.33                                6,550,014.57

Other non-current liabilities                 66,315,974.89                               64,733,100.81

Total non-current liabilities                175,650,394.10                              178,569,075.38

Total liabilities                           1,591,281,078.72                           1,997,348,584.08

Owners’ equity (or shareholders' equity)

                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Paid-in capital (or share capital)                             955,800,496.00                                 955,800,496.00

Capital reserves                                              1,005,601,893.97                              1,000,854,805.66

Less: Treasury stock

Special reserve

Surplus reserves                                                659,538,411.25                                659,538,411.25

Provisions for general risks

Retained profits                                              3,493,030,809.63                              3,379,354,741.18

Foreign exchange difference                                         -7,497,682.13                                -7,494,320.36
Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                              6,106,473,928.72                              5,988,054,133.73
parent company
Minority interest                                              431,702,710.07                                 426,545,843.68
Total owners' equity (or shareholder’s
                                                              6,538,176,638.79                              6,414,599,977.41
Total liabilities and owner’ equity (or
                                                              8,129,457,717.51                              8,411,948,561.49
shareholder’s equity)

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                          Closing balance                              Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds                                                 346,517,528.75                                 505,709,597.03

Transactional financial assets                                                                                 25,057,200.00

Notes receivable                                                    84,042,738.01                              93,356,553.66

Accounts receivable                                            205,747,046.75                                 265,740,714.49

Accounts paid in advance                                        316,115,831.78                                198,115,786.71

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable                                           28,490,254.86                              33,075,155.68

Inventories                                                   1,185,438,218.12                                940,892,345.31

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets                                                16,052,542.65                                3,711,653.08

Total current assets                                          2,182,404,160.92                              2,065,659,005.96

                                                       Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets

Held-to-maturity investment

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment                 1,149,596,928.26                           1,101,936,804.88

Investing property

Fixed assets                                2,682,312,623.72                           2,652,488,993.89

Construction in progress                     231,751,822.07                              186,973,570.92

Engineering materials                         48,287,003.30                                9,040,050.06

Disposal of fixed assets

Intangible assets                            226,097,015.77                              229,829,628.31

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses

Deferred income tax assets                    33,670,818.00                               35,041,084.44

Other non-current assets                       5,406,401.00                                5,406,401.00

Total of non-current assets                 4,377,122,612.12                           4,220,716,533.50

Total assets                                6,559,526,773.04                           6,286,375,539.46
Liabilities and shareholders' equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
Current liabilities:                         433,262,625.20                               88,638,765.21

Transactional financial liabilities              749,130.00

Notes payable                                  3,035,256.05                                5,474,558.65

Accounts payable                             223,411,921.31                              211,146,523.67

Accounts received in advance                  43,193,281.69                               38,413,307.22

Employee’s compensation payable             249,320,014.54                              303,548,400.40

Tax payable                                   65,359,953.45                               80,282,862.55

Interest payable                               2,002,941.27                                  681,692.31

Dividend payable                                 441,966.54                                  441,966.54

Other accounts payable                        24,991,018.25                               21,956,228.99

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year     27,456,730.45                               85,356,600.00

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   1,073,224,838.75                             835,940,905.54

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings                          97,521,321.88                               97,550,400.00

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Bonds payable

Long-term payables

Specific payables

Accrued liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities                                                                                     3,758,580.00

Other non-current liabilities                                    30,807,051.49                              31,144,621.51

Total non-current liabilities                                  128,328,373.37                              132,453,601.51

Total liabilities                                             1,201,553,212.12                             968,394,507.05

Owners’ equity (or shareholders' equity)

Paid-in capital (or share capital)                             955,800,496.00                              955,800,496.00

Capital reserves                                              1,011,954,575.06                            1,007,207,486.75

Less: Treasury stock

Special reserve

Surplus reserves                                               659,538,411.25                              659,538,411.25

Provisions for general risks

Retained profits                                              2,730,680,078.61                            2,695,434,638.41

Foreign exchange difference
Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                              5,357,973,560.92                            5,317,981,032.41
parent company
Total liabilities and owner’ equity (or
                                                              6,559,526,773.04                            6,286,375,539.46
shareholder’s equity)

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                             Jan.-Jun. 2014                    Jan.-Jun. 2013

I. Total operating revenues                                             3,114,226,581.62                  3,060,495,255.17

Including: Sales income                                                 3,114,226,581.62                  3,060,495,255.17

II. Total operating cost                                                2,551,640,524.67                  2,580,359,544.62

Including: Cost of sales                                                2,137,850,293.37                  2,184,574,937.90

        Taxes and associate charges                                        23,543,589.95                    31,735,647.82

        Selling and distribution expenses                                  93,108,145.82                    81,811,840.15

        Administrative expenses                                           294,932,674.63                   260,822,329.39

                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

          Financial expenses                                                           7,441,307.46                       24,336,940.28

          Asset impairment loss                                                        -5,235,486.56                      -2,922,150.92

  Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means
                                                                                     -30,999,150.00                       -1,718,481.00

        Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                21,278,949.08                       17,649,677.42

Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)

III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                              552,865,856.03                      496,066,906.97

        Add: non-operating income                                                     19,826,768.24                       18,069,755.20

        Less: non-operating expense                                                    3,095,122.00                         883,756.29

Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                        2,054,591.12                         122,406.85

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                                  569,597,502.27                      513,252,905.88

        Less: Income tax expense                                                      88,060,378.95                       83,692,908.10

V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                                     481,537,123.32                      429,559,997.78

        Including: Net profit achieved by combined parties
before the combinations

        Attributable to owners of the Company                                        476,880,256.93                      416,175,890.38

        Minority shareholders’ income                                                 4,656,866.39                       13,384,107.40

VI. Earnings per share                                                         --                                   --

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                                            0.50                               0.43

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                         0.50                               0.43

VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                                           -3,361.77                        -812,926.81

VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                    481,533,761.55                      428,747,070.97

        Attributable to owners of the Company                                        476,876,895.16                      415,362,963.57

        Attributable to minority shareholders                                          4,656,866.39                       13,384,107.40

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                     Jan.-Jun. 2014                         Jan.-Jun. 2013

I. Total sales                                                                2,318,199,524.10                      2,226,181,431.10

Less: cost of sales                                                           1,597,127,786.85                      1,593,126,834.70

                                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Business taxes and surcharges                                                      18,087,930.63                        23,196,502.34

Distribution expenses                                                              42,177,311.93                        33,022,564.41

Administrative expenses                                                           207,830,441.84                       182,197,539.18

Financial costs                                                                    -4,724,701.39                         6,613,338.83

Assets impairment loss                                                             -1,149,272.05                          -504,581.85

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means
                                                                                  -25,806,330.00                        -6,059,541.00

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                     18,121,509.04                        17,735,127.42

Including: income form investment on associates and
joint ventures

II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                            451,165,205.33                       400,204,819.91

Add: non-business income                                                           16,288,206.88                         7,511,109.35

Less: non-business expense                                                          2,695,250.29                          629,353.82

Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                     2,052,914.51                            87,979.38

III. Total profit    (“-” means loss)                                           464,758,161.92                       407,086,575.44

Less: income tax expense                                                           66,308,533.24                        61,976,980.38

IV. Net profit      (“-” means loss)                                            398,449,628.68                       345,109,595.06

V. Earnings per share                                                       --                                    --

(I) Basic earnings per share                                                                0.42                                 0.36

(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                             0.42                                 0.36

VI. Other comprehensive income

VII. Total comprehensive income                                                   398,449,628.68                       345,109,595.06

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                        Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                         Item                                    Jan.-Jun. 2014               Jan.-Jun. 2013

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                    3,568,438,894.82              3,076,042,410.46

  Tax refunds received                                                                   97,652,110.13                  65,178,033.83

  Other cash received relating to operating activities                                   34,150,812.11                  30,348,137.90

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                   3,700,241,817.06              3,171,568,582.19

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

  Cash paid for goods and services                                           2,273,582,667.90             1,814,828,290.33

  Cash paid to and for employees                                              694,142,394.03                606,961,463.74

  Various taxes paid                                                          197,273,969.71                138,126,952.15

  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                         136,200,221.55                120,904,955.80

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                          3,301,199,253.19             2,680,821,662.02

Net cash flows from operating activities                                      399,042,563.87                490,746,920.17

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from withdrawal of investments

  Cash received from return on investments                                         120,000.00

  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                 7,702,214.30                 4,209,366.77
and other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business

        Other cash received relating to investing activities                    25,956,477.08                20,837,332.08

          Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                    33,778,691.38                25,046,698.85

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                              370,150,102.18                219,615,586.74
long-term assets

    Cash paid to investment

        Net accrual of pledge loan

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

  Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                           370,150,102.18                219,615,586.74

Net cash flows from investing activities                                      -336,371,410.80              -194,568,887.89

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from capital contributions                                       500,000.00

    Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries

    Cash received from borrowings                                             532,825,398.05                467,174,038.12

    Cash received from issuance of bonds

    Other cash received relating to financing activities                        12,000,000.00               130,360,586.78

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                            545,325,398.05                597,534,624.90

    Repayment of borrowings                                                   627,477,883.01                792,551,770.03

    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                              374,793,800.40                274,802,528.90

        Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority

                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

        Other cash payments relating to financing activities                             37,829,195.86               193,972,143.65

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                  1,040,100,879.27              1,261,326,442.58

Net cash flows from financing activities                                               -494,775,481.22              -663,791,817.68

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                          4,500,943.46                 -1,682,634.91

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           -427,603,384.69              -369,296,420.31

        Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                               869,909,505.89               900,182,215.72

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                        442,306,121.20               530,885,795.41

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Item                                         Jan.-Jun. 2014                 Jan.-Jun. 2013

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                     2,383,169,213.86              2,244,250,614.20

  Tax refunds received                                                                   73,631,880.88                32,806,344.91

  Other cash received relating to operating activities                                   16,447,073.61                  9,511,371.95

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                    2,473,248,168.35              2,286,568,331.06

  Cash paid for goods and services                                                    1,561,524,048.28              1,340,624,657.94

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                        514,917,192.50               457,184,019.46

  Various taxes paid                                                                    109,178,916.64                74,503,362.27

  Other cash payment relating to operating activities                                    75,754,434.35                60,464,105.86

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                   2,261,374,591.77              1,932,776,145.53

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                211,873,576.58               353,792,185.53

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from retraction of investments

  Cash received from return on investments

  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                          7,701,414.30                 4,209,366.77
and other long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business

        Other cash received relating to investing activities                             22,068,024.08                20,079,492.10

                                                                                   Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

         Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                              29,769,438.38                24,288,858.87

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                        276,799,324.68               143,851,952.85
long-term assets

  Cash paid for investment                                                               46,904,386.53

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

  Other cash payments relating to investing activities                                                                 1,100,000.00

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                     323,703,711.21               144,951,952.85

Net cash flows from investing activities                                               -293,934,272.83              -120,663,093.98

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

    Cash received from capital contributions

    Cash received from borrowings                                                       385,959,946.25               292,858,376.63

    Cash received from shares issued

    Other cash received relating to financing activities                                                              35,410,586.78

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                      385,959,946.25               328,268,963.41

    Repayment of borrowings                                                             100,813,799.73               407,197,239.85

    Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                                        366,017,598.04               260,148,657.86

     Other cash payments relating to financing activities                                25,829,195.86               140,072,143.65

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                    492,660,593.63               807,418,041.36

Net cash flows from financing activities                                               -106,700,647.38              -479,149,077.95

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                          4,175,149.60                     -9,570.27

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           -184,586,194.03              -246,029,556.67

     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                  503,157,687.92               559,095,505.76

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                        318,571,493.89               313,065,949.09

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei

Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

                                                                                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                      Reporting period

                                                                                  Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                                              Paid-up                                                                                           Total owners’ equity
                 Item                                                               Less:                                    Less:                                               interests
                                           Paid-up capital                                     capital                                 Paid-up capital (or       Capital                        Paid-up capital (or
                                                                Capital reserve    treasury               Capital reserve   treasury                                           Less: treasury
                                           (or share capital)                                 (or share                                   share capital)         reserve                           share capital)
                                                                                    stock                                    stock                                                 stock

I. Balance at the end of the
                                            955,800,496.00      1,000,854,805.66                          659,538,411.25                 3,379,354,741.18 -7,494,320.36 426,545,843.68             6,414,599,977.41
previous year

   Add: change of accounting

   Correction         of     errors   in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of
                                            955,800,496.00      1,000,854,805.66                          659,538,411.25                 3,379,354,741.18 -7,494,320.36 426,545,843.68             6,414,599,977.41
the year

III.      Increase/        decrease   of
amount in the year (“-” means                                     4,747,088.31                                                          113,676,068.45           -3,361.77     5,156,866.39        123,576,661.38

   (I) Net profit                                                                                                                         476,880,256.93                         4,656,866.39        481,537,123.32

   (II)     Other     comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                   -3,361.77                               -3,361.77

                                                                Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                        476,880,256.93      -3,361.77    4,656,866.39       481,533,761.55

  (III) Capital paid in and
                                   4,747,088.31                                      500,000.00         5,247,088.31
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by
                                                                                     500,000.00           500,000.00

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments         recognized   in   4,747,007.52                                                         4,747,007.52
owners’ equity

     3. Others                           80.79                                                                  80.79

  (IV) Profit distribution                        -363,204,188.48                                    -363,204,188.48

     1.    Appropriations     to
surplus reserves

     2.    Appropriations     to
general risk provisions

     3.    Appropriations     to
                                                  -363,204,188.48                                    -363,204,188.48
owners (or shareholders)

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3. Surplus reserves for

                                                                                                                                                           Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
making up losses

     4. Other

(VI) Specific reserve

     1.   Withdrawn        for    the

     2. Used in the period

(VII) Other

IV. Closing balance                      955,800,496.00      1,005,601,893.97                          659,538,411.25                 3,493,030,809.63 -7,497,682.13 431,702,710.07              6,538,176,638.79

Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                         Last year

                                                                               Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                                           Paid-up                                                                                            Total owners’ equity
                Item                                                                                                                                                           interests
                                                                                 Less:                                      Less:
                                         Paid-up capital                                    capital                                  Paid-up capital (or       Capital                        Paid-up capital (or
                                                             Capital reserve    treasury               Capital reserve    treasury                                          Less: treasury
                                        (or share capital)                                 (or share                                   share capital)          reserve                           share capital)
                                                                                 stock                                      stock                                               stock

I. Balance at the end of the                                                    272,794,
                                        1,008,894,800.00     1,230,191,471.42                          579,274,370.26                 2,729,178,150.40 -6,043,037.30 385,990,761.55              5,654,692,019.81
previous year                                                                     496.52

  Add:                 retrospective
adjustments due to business
combinations under the same

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction      of     errors    in
previous periods

                                                                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


II. Balance at the beginning of                                              272,794,
                                       1,008,894,800.00   1,230,191,471.42              579,274,370.26   2,729,178,150.40 -6,043,037.30 385,990,761.55      5,654,692,019.81
the year                                                                      496.52

III.      Increase/    decrease   of
amount in the year (“-” means          -53,094,304.00   -229,336,665.76                80,264,040.99    650,176,590.78 -1,451,283.06      40,555,082.13     759,907,957.60

   (I) Net profit                                                                                         999,256,730.65                    40,555,082.13   1,039,811,812.78

   (II)     Other     comprehensive
                                                                                                                            -1,451,283.06                      -1,451,283.06

   Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                               999,256,730.65 -1,451,283.06      40,555,082.13   1,038,360,529.72

   (III) Capital paid in and                                                 -272,794
                                         -53,094,304.00   -229,336,665.76                                                                                      -9,636,473.24
reduced by owners                                                             ,496.52

       1. Capital paid in by                                                 -272,794
                                         -53,094,304.00   -239,908,057.52                                                                                     -20,207,865.00
owners                                                                        ,496.52

       2. Amounts of share-based
payments            recognized    in                         9,347,988.30                                                                                       9,347,988.30
owners’ equity

       3. Others                                             1,223,403.46                                                                                       1,223,403.46

   (IV) Profit distribution                                                              80,264,040.99   -349,080,139.87                                     -268,816,098.88

       1.     Appropriations      to
                                                                                         80,264,040.99     -80,264,040.99
surplus reserves

       2.     Appropriations      to
general risk provisions

       3.     Appropriations      to
                                                                                                         -268,816,098.88                                     -268,816,098.88
owners (or shareholders)

       4. Other

                                                                                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
owners’ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

     4. Other

  (VI) Specific reserve

     1.    Withdrawn    for   the

     2. Used in the period

  (VII) Other

IV. Closing balance                 955,800,496.00   1,000,854,805.66                     659,538,411.25              3,379,354,741.18 -7,494,320.36 426,545,843.68       6,414,599,977.41

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen                    Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei                            Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Prepared by Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2014
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                              Reporting period
                                                 Paid-up capital (or    Capital reserve     Less:     Specific     Surplus reserve   General risk    Retained profit   Total owners’ equity

                                                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
                                                      share capital)                       treasury   reserve                     reserve

I. Balance at the end of the previous year             955,800,496.00   1,007,207,486.75                        659,538,411.25                  2,695,434,638.41     5,317,981,032.41

  Add: change of accounting policy

  Correction of errors in previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of the year               955,800,496.00   1,007,207,486.75                        659,538,411.25                  2,695,434,638.41     5,317,981,032.41

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                                           4,747,088.31                                                            35,245,440.20        39,992,528.51
(“-” means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                  398,449,628.68       398,449,628.68

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                        398,449,628.68       398,449,628.68

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                              4,747,088.31                                                                                  4,747,088.31

     1. Capital paid in by owners

     2. Amounts of share-based payments
                                                                           4,747,007.52                                                                                  4,747,007.52
recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others                                                                    80.79                                                                                          80.79

  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                       -363,204,188.48      -363,204,188.48

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

     2.   Appropriations      to     general   risk

     3.      Appropriations     to   owners    (or
                                                                                                                                                 -363,204,188.48      -363,204,188.48

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
                                                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves

     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

     4. Other

(VI) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the period

     2. Used in the period

(VII) Other

IV. Closing balance                                    955,800,496.00      1,011,954,575.06                               659,538,411.25                   2,730,680,078.61       5,357,973,560.92

Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                     Last year
                      Item                      Paid-up capital (or                       Less: treasury       Specific                     General risk
                                                                        Capital reserve                                   Surplus reserve                   Retained profit    Total owners’ equity
                                                  share capital)                                 stock         reserve                        reserve

I. Balance at the end of the previous year         1,008,894,800.00 1,236,544,152.51          272,794,496.52              579,274,370.26                   2,241,874,368.40       4,793,793,194.65

  Add: change of accounting policy

  Correction of errors in previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of the year           1,008,894,800.00 1,236,544,152.51          272,794,496.52              579,274,370.26                   2,241,874,368.40       4,793,793,194.65

III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year
                                                     -53,094,304.00     -229,336,665.76   -272,794,496.52                  80,264,040.99                     453,560,270.01         524,187,837.76
(“-” means decrease)

  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                             802,640,409.88         802,640,409.88

                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

  (II) Other comprehensive incomes

  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                             802,640,409.88       802,640,409.88

  (III) Capital paid in and reduced by
                                                 -53,094,304.00   -229,336,665.76   -272,794,496.52                                                          -9,636,473.24

     1. Capital paid in by owners                -53,094,304.00   -239,908,057.52   -272,794,496.52                                                         -20,207,865.00

     2. Amounts of share-based payments
                                                                     9,347,988.30                                                                             9,347,988.30
recognized in owners’ equity

     3. Others                                                       1,223,403.46                                                                             1,223,403.46

  (IV) Profit distribution                                                                            80,264,040.99                   -349,080,139.87      -268,816,098.88

     1. Appropriations to surplus reserves                                                            80,264,040.99                    -80,264,040.99

     2. Appropriations to general risk

     3.   Appropriations     to   owners   (or
                                                                                                                                      -268,816,098.88      -268,816,098.88

     4. Other

(V) Internal carry-forward of owners’

     1. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from capital public reserves

     2. New increase of capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves

     3. Surplus reserves for making up

     4. Other

(VI) Specific reserve

                                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     1. Withdrawn for the period

     2. Used in the period

(VII) Other

IV. Closing balance                 955,800,496.00 1,007,207,486.75                           659,538,411.25                  2,695,434,638.41     5,317,981,032.41

Legal representative: Liu Shizhen    Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Zhang Hongmei                      Chief of the accounting division: Zhang Keming

                                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

III. Company Profile
Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a joint venture invested by Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co.,
Ltd (originally named Zibo Lucheng Textile Co., Ltd, hereinafter referred to as Lucheng Textile) and Thailand Tailun Textile Co.,
Ltd. On Feb. 3, 1993, the Company is approved by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of the State (1993) in
WJMZEHZ No. 59 to convert into a joint-stock enterprise. Zibo Administration for Industry and Commerce issued the Company
corporate business license with the registration No. of QGLZZZ No. 000066. In July 1997, the Company is approved by the
Securities Committee of the Department of the State in the ZWF (1997) No. 47 to issue 80 million shares of domestically listed
foreign share( B-shares) at the price of RMB 1.00 per share. Upon approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (1997) 296
Listing Notice, the Company is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 19, 1997 with B-shares stock code of 200726. On
November 24, 2000, approved by ZJGSZ [2000] No.199 by CSRC, the Company increased publication of 50 million shares of
general share (A-shares) at the book value of RMB 1.00, which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on December 25, 2000
with A-shares stock code of 000726 through approval by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (2000) 162 Listing Notice. As
approved by 2000 Shareholders’ General Meeting in May, 2001, the Company carried out the distribution plan that 10 shares of
capital public reserve are converted to 3 more shares for each 10 shares. As approved by Resolutions of 2001 Shareholders’ General
Meeting in June 2002, the Company implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are converted 3 more
shares for each 10 shares again. As approved by 2002 Shareholders’ General Meeting in May 2003, the Company implemented the
distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are 2 more shares for each 10 shares, and inner employees’ shared increased
to 40.56 million shares. As examined and approved by ZJGSZ No. [2000] 199 of CSRC, the inner employees’ shares will start
circulation 3 years later since listing on the A-share market. On 25 Dec. 2003, the inner employees’ shares reach 3 years since listing
on the A-share stock market, and they set out circulation on 26, Dec. 2003. As approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006
held in June 2007, the Company implemented the plan on converting 10 shares to all its shareholders with capital reserves for every
10 shares. After capitalization, the registered capital of the Company was RMB 844.8648 million. The Company, in accordance with
the official reply on approving Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. to issue additional shares (ZJXK [2008] No. 890 document) from CSRC,
issued the Renminbi common shares (A shares) amounting to 150 million shares on 8 Dec. 2008. According to the relevant
resolution of the 2nd Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2011, the relevant resolution of the 15 th Session of the 6th Board of
Directors, the Opinion of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
(Shang-Shi-Bu-Han [2011] No. 206), the Company applied for a registered capital increment of RMB 14.09 million, which was
contributed by restricted share incentive receivers with monetary funds. According to the Company’s resolution of the Twenty-Third
Session of the Sixth Board of Directors "On the Cancellation of Part of the Repurchase which not Meet With the Conditions of the
Original Incentives were Granted Restricted Stock Incentive Target Motion" on 13, Aug. 2012, the Company had made shares
repurchased and canceled of the original incentive targets which not met with the conditions of incentives, with the total amount of
60,000.00 awarded shares. According to the second temporary resolution of Proposal on counter purchase of part of
the domestic listed foreign share (B share) on 25 Jun. 2012, the Company counter purchase domestic listed
foreign share (B share) 48,837,300 shares. According to the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Part of Unlocked
Restricted Share of the Original Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition, Proposal on
Repurchase and Cancel unlocked Restricted Share in Second Unlocked Period of all the Incentive Personnel
reviewed and approved by the 26th meeting of 6th session of the board of the directors on 27 Mar. 2013, the
Company repurchase and cancel 4,257,000 shares owned by original people whom to motivate,as of 31 Dec. 2013
the register capital of the Company was RMB 955,800,500.

The Company’s registered address: No. 11, Mingbo Road, Hi-tech Development Zone, Zibo, Shandong
The Company’s legal representative: Liu Shizhen
The Company’s business scope includes production of cotton yarn, yarn dyed fabrics, shirts, fashion accessories,
health underwear and other textile products and their mating products; domestic and overseas sale of the
Company’s self-produced products and provision of after-sales services; acquisition and export of products not

                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

under exclusive rights or quota licenses; and hotel, guesthouses and catering services.
The Company’s financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors of the Company on
11 Aug. 2014.

IV. Main accounting policies and estimates and corrections of previous accounting errors
1. Basis for the preparation of financial statements
With the going-concern assumption as the basis, the Group prepared its financial statements in light of the actual
transactions and events, as well as the Basic Standard and 38 specific standards of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC on 15 Feb. 2006, the Application Guidance of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and other regulations issued thereafter (jointly referred to as “the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises”), and the Rules for Preparation Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies
No.15—General Regulations for Financial Reporting (revised in 2010) by China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC).
In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, accounting activities of the Group were
conducted on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments, the financial statements were prepared on
the basis of historical costs. Where impairment occurred in an asset, the corresponding impairment provision was
withdrawn according to relevant rules.

2. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements for the reporting period prepared by the Group are in compliance with the requirements
of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, factually and completely presenting the Company’s and the
Group’s financial positions as at 30 Jun. 2014, and operating results, cash flows and other relevant information in
Jan.-Jan. 2014. Furthermore, these financial statements, in all material respects, are also in line with relevant
disclosure requirements for financial statements and notes thereof stipulated in the Rules for Preparation
Convention of Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15—General Regulations for Financial Reporting
(revised in 2010) by CSRC.

3. Fiscal period
The Group’s accounting periods are divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim periods. The interim period is
a reporting period which is shorter than a full fiscal year. Gregorian calendar is adopted for fiscal year of the
Company, namely from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. every year.

4. Recording currency
Renminbi (RMB) is the prevailing currency used in the main economic circumstances of the Company and its
domestic subsidiaries. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as the recording currency. When
preparing the financial statements for the reporting period, the Group adopted RMB as the recording currency.

5. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations under the same control and those not under the
same control.
(1) Business combinations under the same control

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

A business combination under the same control is a business combination in which all the enterprises involved in
the combination are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business
combination and on which the control is not temporary. In a business combination under the same control, the
party which obtains control of other enterprise(s) involved in the business combination on the combining date is
the combining party, and the other enterprise(s) involved in the business combination is (are) the combined party.
The "combining date" refers to the date on which the combining party obtains actual control on the combined
The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the
basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the
carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration
paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the
additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
The direct cost for the business combination of the combining party shall be recorded into the profits and losses at
the current period.
(2) Business combinations not under the same control
A business combination not under the same control is a business combination in which the combining enterprises
are not ultimately controlled by the same party or the same parties both before and after the business combination.
In a business combination not under the same control, the party which obtains the control on other combining
enterprise(s) on the purchase date is the acquirer, and other combining enterprise(s) is (are) the acquiree. The
"acquisition date" refers to the date on which the acquirer actually obtains the control on the acquiree.
As for business combinations not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the
acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and intermediary agency fees for auditing, legal, consulting
services, etc. and other administrative expenditures incurred for the business combination, which were recorded in
the profits and losses at the current period when incurred. The trading expenditures arising from the acquirer’s
issuance of equity or liabilities securities as the consideration for the business combination are recorded in the
initial recognition amount for the equity or liabilities securities. The contingent consideration involved is recorded
in the combination costs according to its fair value on the acquisition date. Where new or further evidence against
the existing circumstances on the acquisition date occurs within 12 months after the acquisition date, which makes
it necessary to adjust the contingent consideration, the combined business reputation is adjusted accordingly. The
combination costs of the acquirer and the identifiable net assets obtained in the combination are both measured at
their fair values on the acquisition date. The positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of
the identifiable net assets the acquirer obtains from the acquiree is recognized as business reputation. The acquirer
shall, pursuant to the following provisions, treat the balance between the combination costs and the fair value of
the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree: a. it shall reexamine the measurement of the fair values of
the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities it obtains from the acquiree as well as the combination
costs; b. if, after the reexamination, the combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable net
assets it obtains from the acquiree, it shall record the balance into the profits and losses of the current period.
As for the unrecognized deductible temporary differences of the acquiree obtained by the acquirer due to their not
satisfying the recognition criteria for deferred income tax assets on the acquisition date, if new or further
information within 12 months after the acquisition date shows that the relevant circumstances on the acquisition
date has existed and that the economic benefits arising from the deductible temporary differences of the acquiree
on the acquisition date are expected to be realized, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized
and the business reputation is written down in the mean time. If the business reputation is not sufficient to offset,

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

the difference is recognized in the profits and losses at the current period. Except for the aforesaid circumstance,
the recognized deferred income tax assets in relation to the business combination are recorded in the profits and
losses at the current period.

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
1) Recognition principles of the consolidation scope
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the control. Control means the
Company can decide the financial and manage policy of investee entity and have authority to earn the benefit
from the investee entity. The consolidation scope includes the Company and all its subsidiaries. The Company’s
subsidiaries refer to the enterprises or entities controlled by the Company.
2) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The Group consolidates a subsidiary from the date when the Group obtains actual control over the subsidiary’s net
assets and production and operation decision-making and de-consolidates it from the date when such control
ceases. As for a disposed subsidiary, its operating results and cash flows before the disposal date are properly
included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement. As for a subsidiary
disposed in the current period, the opening accounts in the consolidated balance sheet are not restated. For a
subsidiary acquired in a business combination not under the same control, its operating results and cash flows
after the acquisition date are properly included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash
flow statement, and the opening accounts and comparative accounts in the consolidated financial statements are
not restated. For a subsidiary acquired in a business combination under the same control, its operating results and
cash flows for the period from the beginning of the reporting period to the combination date are properly included
in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement, and the comparative accounts in
the consolidated financial statements are restated in the mean time.
In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where a subsidiary adopts different accounting policies
or accounting periods from those of the Company, the subsidiary’s financial statements are adjusted according to
the Company’s accounting policy and accounting periods. For a subsidiary obtained in a business combination not
under the same control, its financial statements are adjusted on the basis of the fair value of its identifiable net
assets on the acquisition date.
All significant balances, transactions and unrealized profits within the Group are offset in the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements.
The portions in a subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and net current profits and losses that are not attributable to the
Company are separately presented, as minority interests and minority shareholder gains and losses respectively,
under the shareholders’ equity item and the net profit item in the consolidated financial statements. The portion in
the subsidiary’s current net gains and losses that belongs to minority interests is presented as “minority
shareholder gains and losses” under the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. Where the
subsidiary’s losses attributable to minority shareholders exceed the portion in the subsidiary’s opening owners’
equity attributable to minority shareholders, minority interests are offset.
Where the Company loses control over a former subsidiary due to disposal of some equity investment or other
reasons, the residual equity interests are re-measured according to the fair value on the date when such control
ceases. The summation of the consideration obtained from the equity disposal and the fair value of the residual
equity interests, minus the portion in the former subsidiary’s net assets measured on a continuous basis from the
acquisition date that is attributable to the Company according to its former shareholding ratio in the subsidiary, is

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

recorded in the investment gains for the reporting period when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceases.
Other comprehensive incomes in relation to the former equity investment in the subsidiary are transferred to the
investment gains at the current period when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceases. Later on,
subsequent measurement is carried out on the residual equity interests in accordance with the “Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No.2—Long-term Equity Investment” or the “Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No.22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments” and other relevant
regulations. For more details, please refer to “Long-term Equity Investment” or “Financial Instruments”.
(2) As for the event about purchasing and then selling (or selling and then purchasing) equities of the same
subsidiary, the Company shall disclose relevant accounting treatment methods.

7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents
The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. The term “cash
equivalents” refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly liquid investments that are
readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements
(1) Foreign currency
1) Translation of foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the Group shall convert the amount in a foreign
currency into amount in its Renminbi at the spot exchange rate (generally refer to the middle price of market
exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China, the same below) on the day the transaction is occurred.
Of which, as for such transactions as foreign exchange or involving in foreign exchange, the Company shall
converted into amount in the Renminbi at actual exchange rate the transaction is occurred.
2) Treatment method for the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items:
On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date.
Exchange differences are recorded in the profits and losses at the current period except for the following
circumstances: ① Exchange differences arising from the special foreign currency borrowings for the acquisition
and construction of assets eligible for capitalization are treated in accordance with the principle of borrowing cost
capitalization; ② Exchange differences arising from the net investment hedging instruments in an overseas
operation are recorded in other comprehensive incomes and can be recognized in the profits and losses at the
current period only when the net investment is disposed; and ③ Exchange differences arising from changes in
the carrying balances other than the amortized costs of foreign currency monetary items available for sale are
recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical costs are translated into RMB at the spot exchange
rate on the transaction date. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value are translated at
the spot exchange rate on the fair value confirming date, from which the exchange difference is treated as change
in fair value (including change in exchange rate) and recorded in the profit and loss of the current period, or
treated as other comprehensive incomes and recorded in the capital reserves.
(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
Where the consolidated financial statements involve an overseas operation and foreign currency monetary items
form in a substantial basis on the net investment in the overseas operation, exchange differences arising from
exchange rate changes are recorded in the “translation difference of foreign currency statements” item under the
owners’ equity item; and recorded in the profits and losses at the reporting period of the disposal when the

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

overseas operation is disposed.
The foreign currency financial statements of an overseas operation are translated in RMB in accordance with the
following methods: The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on
the balance sheet date. Among the owner’s equity items, except the ones as “retained profits”, others shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the
profits statements shall be translated at the average exchange rate of the current period on transaction date. The
opening retained profit is the closing retained profit as of the previous year after translation; The closing retained
profit is measured and stated according to profit distribution items after translation; And the difference between
the asset items and the summation of the liability and shareholders’ equity items after translation, as the translation
difference of foreign currency statements, is recognized in other comprehensive incomes and is presented
separately under the shareholders’ equity item in the balance sheet. Where an overseas operation is disposed and
the Group’s control on the overseas operation ceases, the foreign currency statement translation difference in
relation to the overseas operation and presented under the shareholders’ equity items in the balance sheet is, all or
according to the disposal rate of the overseas operation, transferred to the profits and losses at the reporting period
comprising the disposal.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows generated by overseas subsidiaries are translated at the average
exchange rate for the current period on the date when the cash flow is generated. The influence on cash due to
change of exchange rate shall be presented separately under the cash flow statement.
The opening amounts and the actual amounts in the previous year are presented on the basis of the translated
financial statements for the previous year.

9. Financial instruments
Financial instrument refers to a contract on forming the financial assets of an enterprise and forming the financial
liabilities or equity instruments of other units. Financial instruments include financial assets and financial
liabilities as well as equity instruments.
(1) Classification of financial assets
Financial instruments are classified as the financial assets and liabilities.
(2) Recognition basis and measurements for financial instruments
1. Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
Financial assets bought in and sold out in the conventional way are recognized and de-recognized in accordance
with the transaction dates. In the initial recognition, financial assets are divided into financial assets measured at
fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and losses, held-to-maturity investments, loans and
accounts receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. In the initial recognition, a financial asset is measured
at its fair value. For a financial asset measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and
losses, the relevant trading expenditures are directly recorded in the gains and losses at the current period. And the
trading expenditures for the other financial assets are recorded in the initially recognized amount.
 ① Financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and losses
Such financial assets include transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be measured at fair
values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses. The Group’s financial assets measured at fair
values and whose changes are recorded in current profits and losses are all transactional financial assets.
A transactional financial asset refers to a financial asset meeting any of the following requirements: A. The
purpose to acquire the financial asset is mainly for selling or repurchase of it in the near future; B. Forming a part
of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are managed in a centralized way and for which

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

there are objective evidences proving that the Group may manage the combination by way of short-term profit
making in the near future; and C. Being a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments
which are effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the
derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no quoted
price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivering
the said equity instruments.
A transactional financial asset is subsequently measured at the fair value. The gains and losses arising from the
fair value changes, as well as the dividend and interest incomes from the financial asset, are recorded in the gains
and losses for the current period.
 ② Held-to-maturity investments
A held-to-maturity investment refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a fixed or
determinable amount of repo price and which the Group holds for a definite purpose or the Group is able to hold
until its maturity.
A held-to-maturity investment is subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the actual interest
rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition, impairment or amortization of the investment are
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization costs and the interest incomes
of different installments or interest expenses are calculated in light of the actual interest rates of the financial
assets or financial liabilities (including a set of financial assets or financial liabilities). The actual interest rate
refers to the interest rate adopted to cash the future cash flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the
predicted term of existence or within a shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of the financial
asset or financial liability.
When calculating the actual interest rate, the Group predicts the future cash flow (not taking into account the
future credit losses) on the basis of taking into account all the contractual provisions concerning the financial asset
or financial liability. The various fee charges, trading expenses, reduced values, premiums, etc., which are paid or
collected by the parties to a financial asset or financial liability contract and which form a part of the actual
interest rate, are also taken into account in the determination of the actual interest rate.
 ③ Loans and accounts receivable
Loans and accounts receivable refer to the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no quoted price in the
active market and of which the repo amount is fixed or determinable. The financial assets defined by the Group as
loans and accounts receivable include notes receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividend
receivable, other receivables, etc..
Loans and accounts receivable are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the actual interest
rate method. The gains or losses arising from de-recognition, impairment or amortization of the loans and
accounts receivable are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
 ④ Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets include the non-derivative financial assets which are designated as available for
sale when they are initially recognized, as well as the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at
fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, loans and accounts receivable and
held-to-maturity investments.
The period-end cost of the investment of available for sale debt instruments is measured according to amortized
cost method, that is the amount of initially recognized amount deducting the principal repaid, pulsing or
subtracting the accumulative amortization amount of amortization formed by the difference between the amount

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

initially recognized amount and maturity date, and deducting the impairment losses occurred. The period-end cost
of the investment of available for sale debt instruments is its initial cost acquired.
Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at their fair values. Impairment losses and the
exchange differences of foreign currency monetary financial assets in relation to the amortized cost are recorded
in the profits and losses for the current period. Other gains or losses arising from fair value changes are recognized
as other comprehensive incomes and recorded in the capital reserves, and transferred out and recorded in the
profits and losses for the current period when the financial asset is de-recognized.
Interest obtained during the period of holding an available-for-sale financial asset and the cash dividends declared
and distributed by an invested party are recorded in investment gains.
 2. Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial liabilities measured at fair values and
whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses and other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities are
initially recognized at their fair values. As for a financial liability measured at fair value and whose changes are
recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant trading expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for
the current period. As for other financial liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the initially
recognized amounts.
 ① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses
Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities designated to be
measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition under
the same conditions where such financial assets are divided into transactional financial assets and financial assets
designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial
Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses are
subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or losses arising from the fair value changes, as well as the
dividend and interest expenses in relation to the said financial liabilities, are recorded in the profits and losses for
the current period.
 ② Other financial liabilities
As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which there is not quoted price in an
active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and which must be settled by delivering the equity
instrument, it is subsequently measured on the basis of costs. Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured
according to the amortized cost using the actual interest rate method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition
or amortization of the said financial liabilities is recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.
 (3) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is terminated: ① The
contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are terminated; ② The said financial
asset has been transferred and nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to
the transferee; or ③ The said financial asset has been transferred. And the Group has ceased its control on the
said financial asset though it neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the financial asset.
Where the Group neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a
financial asset, and it does not cease its control on the said financial asset, it recognizes the relevant financial asset
and liability accordingly according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset.
The term "continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

faces resulting from the change of the value of the financial asset.
If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the difference between
the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded in the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The book value
of the transferred financial asset; and (2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the
accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes.
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the book value of the
transferred financial asset is apportioned between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion
whose recognition has not been stopped according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference
between the amounts of the following 2 items is included into the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The
summation of the consideration received from the transfer and the portion of the accumulative amount of changes
in the fair value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes which corresponds to the portion whose
recognition has been stopped; and (2) The amortized carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.
In respect of the assets using recourse to sell or using endorsement to transfer, the Group needs to determine
whether almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership are transferred. If almost all of the
risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership had been transferred to the transferee, derecognize the financial
assets. For almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership retained, do not end to recognize
the financial assets. For which neither transfer or retain almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset
ownership, continuously judge whether the Company retain the control of the assets, and conduct accounting
treatment according to the principle of mentioned in the previous paragraphs.
 (4) De-recognition of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the
financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Group (debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor
so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual
stipulations regarding the new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial
liability, it terminates the recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time recognizes the new
financial liability.
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise concerned shall
include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between the book value which has been
terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred out
and the new financial liabilities it has assumed).
 (5) Recognition method of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The “fair value” refers to the amount, at which both parties to a transaction who are familiar with the condition
exchange assets or clear off debts under fair conditions. As for the financial instrument for which there is an active
market, the Group determines its fair value using the quoted price in the active market. The quoted prices in the
active market refer to the prices, which are easily available from the stock exchange, brokers, industry
associations, pricing service institutions, etc. at a fixed term, and which represent the prices at which actually
incurred market transactions are made under fair conditions. Where there is no active market for a financial
instrument, the Group adopts value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques
mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market
transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of
the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc.
 (6) Impairment test method and withdrawal method of impairment provision for financial assets
(excluding accounts receivable)

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

For the financial assets other than the financial assets measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in
current gains and losses, the Group runs a check on their carrying amounts on every balance sheet date. Where
there is any objective evidence proving that such a financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision is
The Group carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which is individually significant. As for
a financial asset which is individually insignificant, an impairment test is carried out separately or in the financial
asset group with similar credit risk. Where the financial asset (individually significant or insignificant) is found
not impaired after the separate impairment test, it is included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk
and tested again on the group basis. Where the impairment loss is recognized for an individual financial asset, it is
not included in the financial asset group with similar credit risk for an impairment test.
 ① Impairment of held-to-maturity investments, loans and accounts receivable
Where a financial asset measured on the basis of costs or amortized costs is impaired, the carrying amount of the
said financial asset is written down to the current value of the predicted future cash flow. The amount written
down is recognized as the impairment loss of the asset and is recorded in the profits and losses for the current
period. Where a financial asset is recognized as having suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any objective
evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the
events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment losses as originally recognized are reversed. The
reversed carrying amount of the said financial asset does not exceed the amortized cost of the said financial asset
on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
 ② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
When there are comprehensive relevant factors showing that the fair value of the available-for-sale equity
instrument investment drops significantly or not contemporarily. Of which “significant drop” refers to the fair
value drops over 20% accumulatively; while the “non-temporary drop” refers to the fair value continues to drop
over 12 months.
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the
fair value of the capital reserve which is directly included are transferred out and recorded in the profits and losses
for the current period. The accumulative losses transferred out are the balance obtained from the initially obtained
cost of the said financial asset after deducting the principals as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair
value and the impairment loss originally recorded in the profits and losses.
Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial asset, if, within the accounting
periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said financial asset has been
restored and the restoration is objectively related to the events that occur after the impairment loss was recognized,
the originally recognized impairment loss is reversed. The impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity
instrument investments are reversed and recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the impairment losses
on the available-for-sale liability instruments are reversed and recorded in the profits and losses for the current
The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price in the active
market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a derivative financial asset which is
connected with the said equity instrument investment and which must be settled by delivering the said equity
investment, is not reversed.

10. Recognition criteria and withdrawal methods for bad debts provision of accounts receivable
The Group shall test the carrying amount of receivables on the balance sheet date. Where there is any objective

                                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

evidence proving that such receivables have been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.
 ① debtor has serious financial difficult;
 ② debtor goes against the contract clause (for instance, breach of faith or overdue paying interests or principal);
 ③ debtors have a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
 ④ other objective evidence proving such accounts receivable has been impaired;
If there is any objective evidence that the value of accounts receivable had recovered, and objectively related to
the confirmation of the matters after the loss occurred. Turn back the original recognized impairment of loss,
recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. However, the book value of turning back shall no more
than the amortized cost of accounts receivables on the date of turning back under the assumption of no provision
for impairment loss.

 (1) Bad debt provision for individually significant accounts receivable

Judgement basis or monetary standards of
                                              The Group recognized the receivables with amount above RMB 5 million as receivables
provision for bad debts of the individually
                                              with significant single amounts.
significant accounts receivable

                                              The Group made an independent impairment test on receivables with significant single
Method of individual provision for bad amount; the financial assets without impairment by independent impairment test should
debts of the individually significant be included in financial assets portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment
accounts receivable                           test. Receivables was recognized with impairment should no longer be included in
                                              receivables portfolio with similar credit risk to take the impairment test.

 (2) Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

                                                 Withdrawal method of bad debt provision
               Name of group                                                                          Recognition basis of group
                                                             on the group basis

Aging group                                     Aging analysis method                          Have same aging

In the groups, adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                    Withdrawal proportion for accounts              Withdrawal proportion for other
               Name of group
                                                                 receivable                               accounts receivable

Within 1 year (including 1 year, the same
                                                                                       5.00%                                       5.00%

1-2 years                                                                             10.00%                                    10.00%

2-3 years                                                                             20.00%                                    20.00%

Over 3 years                                                                          30.00%                                    30.00%

In the groups, adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

 (3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made

Reason       of    individually There is objective evidence shows that the accounts receivable has been impaired, such as
withdrawing        bad    debt receivables exist dispute with the other parties or involving lawsuit and arbitration; receivables exist
provision:                     obvious indication showing that the debtors are likely to fail to perform the duty of repayment, etc.

                               The Group conducted individual impairment test for the accounts receivable with insignificant
                               individual amount but with the above characteristics. If any objective evidence shows that the
Withdrawal method for bad
                               accounts receivable has been impaired, impairment loss shall be recognized on the basis of the gap
debt provision:
                               between the current values of the future cash flow lower than its book value so as to withdraw
                               provision for bad debts.

11. Inventory
(1) Classification
Inventories of the Company are classified as: raw materials, goods in process, processing materials on
consignment and merchandise inventory etc.
(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories
Pricing method: weighted average method

The inventories shall be measured in light of their cost when obtained. The cost of inventory consists of purchase
costs, processing costs and other costs. Inventory is accounted by weight average method upon receiving and
giving. The difference between planned cost of and actual cost of raw materials is accounted through the cost
variance item, and the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost according to the cost difference which the
carryover and given-out inventory should shoulder in the period.
(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value and withdrawal method of depreciation reserves for inventories
The net realizable value refers, in the ordinary course of business, to the account after deducting the estimated cost
of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories. The net
realizable value of inventories shall be fixed on the basis of valid evidence as well as under consideration of
propose of inventories and the effect of events after balance-sheet-date.
On the balance sheet date, the inventories shall be measured according to the cost or the net realizable value,
whichever is lower. If the net realizable value is lower than the cost, it shall withdraw the depreciation reserves for
inventories, which was withdrawn in accordance with the balance that the cost of individual inventory item
exceeding the net realizable value.
After withdrawing the depreciation reserves for inventories, if the factors, which cause any write-down of the
inventories, have disappeared, causing the net realizable value of inventories is higher than its carrying amount;
the amount of write-down shall be reversed from the original amount of depreciation reserve for inventories. The
reversed amount shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period.
(4) Inventory system for inventories:
Inventory system for inventories: Perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles
Low-value consumption goods
Amortization method: one-off amortization method
Packing articles

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Amortization method: one-off amortization method

12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost
The initial cost of the long-term equity investment formed in business combination shall be ascertained in
accordance with the following provisions: For the business combination under the same control, it shall regard the
share of the carrying amount of the owner's equity of the combined party on the date of combination as the initial
cost of the long-term equity investment. For the business combination under different control, the combination
costs shall be the sum of the fair values of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity
securities issued by the Company; the commission fees for audit, law services, assessment & consultancy services
and other relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the combining party, shall be recorded into
current profits and losses upon their occurrence; the transaction expense from the issuance of equity securities or
bonds securities which are as consideration for combination by the combining party, should be recorded as the
initial amount of equity securities and bonds securities.
Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other long-term equity investments
shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in accordance with the ways of gaining, such as actual cash
payment paid by the Group, the fair value of equity securities issued by the Group, the agreed value of the
investment contract or agreement, the fair value or original carrying amount of exchanged assets from
non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the fair value of the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses,
taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall also be
recorded into investment cost.
(2) Follow-up measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of profits and losses
The long-term equity investment that the Company does not have joint control or significant influences on the
invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured, it shall be
measured by adopting the cost method; a long-term equity investment that the Company has joint control or
significant influences over the invested entity shall be measured by employing the equity method; a long-term
equity investment that the Company does not have control, joint control or significant influence on the invested
entity, as well as its fair value can be reliably measured, it shall be accounted as financial assets available-for-sale.
Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial statements, and which the
Company has control on invested entity.
① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall be included at its initial
investment cost, the return on investment at current period shall be recognized in accordance with the cash
dividend or profit announced to distribute by the invested entity, except the announced but not distributed cash
dividend or profit included in the actual payment or consideration upon gaining the investment.
②Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method
If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable share of the fair value
of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the initial cost of the long-term equity investment
may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the Company's attributable
share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the difference shall be
included in the current profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted
When measured by adopting equity method, the investment profits or losses at current period shall be the

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity. The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of
the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, and in accordance with
the accounting policies and accounting periods, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the
invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity. For the profits and losses of unrealized insider
dealing between the Group and joint-operative enterprise or co-operative enterprise, the investment profits and
losses shall be recognized after the part attributable to the Group calculated by proportion of shares held being
offset. However, if the losses of unrealized insider dealing between the Group and joint-operative enterprise or
co-operative enterprise was attributed to the impairment losses of the transferred assets in accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8— Asset Impairment, which shall not be offset. The other
comprehensive profits from invested entity shall be recognized as other comprehensive profits after adjusting the
book value of long-term equity investment, and then recorded into capital reserves
The Group shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity
investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the
invested entity are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has the obligation to undertake extra losses, which shall
be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance with the estimated duties and then recorded into
investment losses at current period. If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the
amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume
recognizing its attributable share of profits.
For the long-term equity investment on joint-enterprise and co-operative enterprise held by the Group before the
initial execution of New Accounting Standards for Enterprise as 1 Jan. 2007, if there existed the balance of debtor
for equity investment related with such long-term equity investment, which shall be recorded into current profits
and losses with the amount by straight-line amortization in the remained period.
③ Acquiring shares of minority interest
In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term equity investment
increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net assets on the subsidiary calculated by
the increased shares held since the purchase date (or combination date), the capital reserves shall be adjusted, if
the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained profits shall be adjusted.
④ Disposal of long-term equity investment
In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the long-term equity investment on
subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between the disposed price and attributable
net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity investment shall be recorded into owners’ equity;
where the Company losses the controlling right by disposing part of long-term equity investment on such
subsidiaries, it shall treated in accordance with the relevant accounting policies in Note IV. 4 (2) — Method on
preparation of combined financial statements.
For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value of the disposed
equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current profits and losses; for the long-term equity
investment measured by adopting equity method, the other comprehensive income originally recorded into
owners’ equity shall be transferred into current profits and losses by proportions upon the disposal. The remained
equity shall be recognized as long-term equity investment or other relevant financial assets in accordance with the
book value, and carried out the follow-up measurement in accordance with the above accounting policies for the
long-term equity investment or financial assets. If the measurement method of remained equity is transferred from
cost method to equity method, it shall be subject to retrospective adjustment in accordance with relevant rules and

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

(3) Recognition basis of joint control and significant influences
The term "control" refers to the power to determine the financial and operating polices of an enterprise and obtain
benefits from its operating activities of the enterprise. The term "joint control" refers to the control over an
economic activity in accordance with the contracts and agreements, which does not exist unless the investing
parties of the economic activity with one an assent on sharing the control power over the relevant important
financial and operating decisions. The term "significant influences" refers to the power to participate in making
decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not to control or do joint control together
with other parties over the formulation of these policies. When ascertaining whether or not it is able to control or
have significant influences on an invested entity, an enterprise shall take into consideration the invested
enterprises' current convertible corporate bonds and current executable warrants held by the investing enterprise
and other parties, as well as other potential factors concerning the voting rights.
(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment
The Group shall, on the day of balance sheet, make a judgment on whether there is any sign of possible
impairment of the long-term equity investment. Where there is sign of impairment, the Group shall estimate the
recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment. Where the recoverable amount of the long-term equity
investment is lower than its book value, which balance shall be withdrawn the provision for impairment and
recorded into current profits and losses.
Once any loss of impairment of the long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the
future accounting periods.

13. Fixed assets
(1) Recognized standard of fixed assets
The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: they are
held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their
useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.
(2) Recognition basis and pricing method of fixed assets by finance lease
The "finance lease" shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of an asset. Its ownership may or may not eventually be transferred. The fixed assets by finance lease
shall adopt the same depreciation policy for self-owned fixed assets. If it is reasonable to be certain that the lessee
will obtain the ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully
depreciated over its useful life. If it is not reasonable to be certain that the lessee will obtain the ownership of the
leased asset at the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter one of the
lease term or its useful life.
(3) Depreciation methods of fixed assets
The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost after considering the effect of expected discard
expenses. The Group shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by adopting the straight-line method since the
second month of its useful life. Useful life, expected net salvage value and annual depreciation rate of each fixed
assets are as below:
                                                                     Expected net salvage
         Category of fixed assets              Useful life (Y)                                Annual deprecation
                                                                          value (%)

Housing and building                                5-30                     5-10                 3.00-19.00

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Machinery equipments                               10-18                    5-10                   5.00-9.50

Transportation vehicle                               5                      5-10                 19.00-18.00

Electronic equipments and others                     5                      5-10                 19.00-18.00

Net Salvage is refer to the assumption of fix assets estimated service life is full and is in the estimated state that
the service life is in the end, the Group. The group currently obtained amount from the disposal amount after
deducting the estimated disposal expense.
(4) Testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on fixed assets
For details about the testing method of impairment and withdrawal method of provision for impairment on fixed
assets, please refer to the content of “Impairment of intangible assets” in the report.
(5) Other explanations
The follow-up expenses related to a fixed asset, if the economic benefits pertinent to this fixed asset are likely to
flow into the enterprise and its cost can be reliably measured, shall be recorded into cost of fixed assets and
ultimately recognized as the book value of the replaced part; otherwise, they shall be included in the current
profits and losses.
When the Group sells, transfers or discards any fixed assets, or when any fixed assets of the Group is damaged or
destroyed, the Group shall deduct the book value of the fixed assets as well as the relevant taxes from the disposal
income, and include the amount in the current profits and losses.
The Group shall check the useful life, expected net salvage value and depreciation method of the fixed assets at
the end of the year at least, if there is any change, it shall be regarded as a change of the accounting estimates.

14. Construction in process
(1) Categories of construction in process
Construction in process is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, borrowing costs that
are eligible for capitalization before the fixed assets being ready for their intended us and other relevant costs.
(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in process into fixed asset
Construction in process is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use.
(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in process
For details about the impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in
process, please refer to the content of “Impairment of intangible assets”.

15. Borrowing costs
(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings,
ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. The term “assets eligible for
capitalization” refers to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventories and other assets, of which the
acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long time to get ready for its intended use or for sale.
(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction
or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall start to be capitalized when the asset disbursements have
already incurred, the borrowing costs has already incurred and the acquisition and construction or production

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started;
(3) Period for ceasing capitalization of borrowing costs
When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale, it
shall stop to be capitalized. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as costs upon their occurrence. Where the
acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption
period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended until the
acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset resume again
(4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs
The to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual interests incurred of the
specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans
as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment; the enterprise shall calculate and determine the
to-be-capitalized amount on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the
part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general
borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest
rate of the general borrowing.
During the period of capitalization, the exchange balance on foreign currency special borrowings shall be
capitalized; the exchange balance on foreign currency general borrowings shall be recorded into current profits
and losses.
The term “assets eligible for capitalization” refers to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventories and other
assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long time to get ready for its
intended use or for sale.

16. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing method of intangible assets
The term "intangible asset" refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets possessed or controlled by enterprises
which have no physical shape.
The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its cost. The costs related with the intangible assets,
if the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and the cost of intangible
assets can be measured reliably, shall be recorded into the costs of intangible assets; otherwise, it shall be recorded
into current profits and losses upon the occurrence.
The use right of land gained is usually measured as intangible assets. For the self-developed and constructed
factories and other constructions, the related expenditures on use right of land and construction costs shall be
respectively measured as intangible assets and fixed assets. For the purchased houses and buildings, the related
payment shall be distributed into the payment for use right of land and the payment for buildings, if it is difficult
to be distributed, the whole payment shall be treated as fixed assets.
(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life
Intangible assets with finite service life,since it is available for use, Averagely amortized by stages the original
cost minus the estimated net salvage and the accumulative amount of the impairment loss using the straight-line
method, Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized. At the end of period, the Group shall
check the service life and amortization method of intangible assets with finite service life, if there is any change, it
shall be regarded as a change of the accounting estimates. Besides, the Group shall check the service life of
intangible assets without certain service life, if there is any evidence showing that the period of intangible assets
to bring the economic benefits to the enterprise can be prospected, it shall be estimated the service life and

                                                                        Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

amortized in accordance with the amortization policies for intangible assets with finite service life.
            Item                Estimate service life                              Judgment

 (3) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets
For the non-current non-financial assets, such as fixed assets, Construction in process, intangible assets with finite
service life, investment real assets measured by cost mode as well as long-term equity investment on subsidiaries,
co-operative enterprise and joint-operative enterprise, etc., are tested for impairment if there is any indication that
an asset may be impaired at the balance date. If there is any sign of possible assets impairment, the Group shall
estimate the recoverable amount and made the impairment tests. No matter whether there is any sign of possible
assets impairment, the good will, intangible assets without certain service life, intangible assets not ready for use
shall be subject to impairment test every year.
If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its book value, a
provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the amount by which the asset’s book value
exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and
the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. The fair value of an asset shall be
determined in light of the basis of the price as stipulated in the sales agreement. Where there is no sales agreement
but there is an active market of assets, the fair value of the asset shall be determined according to the price bidden
by the buyer of the asset; Where there is no sales agreement and no active market of assets, the fair value of an
asset shall be estimated in light of the best information available. The disposal expenses shall include the relevant
legal expenses, relevant taxes, trucking charge as well as the direct expenses for bringing the assets into a
marketable state. The current value of the expected future cash flow of an asset shall be determined by the
discounted cash with an appropriate discount rate, on the basis of the expected future cash flow generated during
the continuous use or final disposal of an asset. A provision for asset Impairment is determined and recognized on
an individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the
recoverable amount of the group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the
smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.
For the goodwill separately listed in the financial statements, during the impairment test, the book value of this
goodwill is allocated to the related asset group or groups of asset group which is expected to benefit from the
synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset
group or groups of asset group including the goodwill allocated is lower than its book value, the corresponding
impairment loss is recognized. The impairment loss is first deducted from the book value of goodwill allocated to
the asset group or groups of asset group, and then deducted from the book value of the remaining assets of the
asset group or groups of asset group pro rata with goodwill.
Once the asset impairment loss mentioned above is recognized, it is not allowed to be reversed even if the value is
recovered in the subsequent periods.
 (4) Criteria of separating the research phase and development phase of internal R&D project
The Company’s expenditures for research and development are divided into expenditures in research phase and
expenditures in development phase in accordance with their natures and whether the intangible assets ultimately
formed from such R&D activities exist significant uncertainty or not.
 (5) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project
Expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon the occurrence.
The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise may be
confirmed as intangible assets when they satisfy the following conditions simultaneously, otherwise,it shall be
recorded into current profits and losses.

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     ① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
     ② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
     ③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including
being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets
or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally;
     ④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets,
with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and
     ⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.
If the expenditures for research and expenditures for development can not be distinguished from each other, all the
expenditures for research and development shall be recorded into current profits and losses.

17. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (one year
excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term deferred expense shall
be amortized averagely within benefit period.

18. Share-based payment and equity instruments
(1) Categories of share-based payment
The term "share-based payment" refers to a transaction in which the Company grants equity instruments or
undertakes equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for services from employee or other parties. The
share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments.
① Equity-settled share-based payments
The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at the fair value of the
equity instruments granted to the employees on the grant day. If the right of the amount of the fair value of the
equity instruments cannot be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed
performance conditions are met, then based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, it
shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses by straight-line method, and also increase the capital reserves.
An equity-settled share-based payment in return for the service of any other party shall be conducted in
accordance with the following circumstances, respectively: If the fair value of the service of any other party can
be measured in a reliable way, it shall be measured at the fair value of the service on the acquisition date by any
other service party; If the fair value of the service of any other party can not be measured in a reliable way, but the
fair value of the equity instruments can be measured in a reliable way, the fair value of the equity instruments on
date of the service acquisition shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the owner's equities shall be
increased accordingly.
② Cash-settled share-based payments
A cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured in accordance with the fair value of liability calculated and
confirmed based on the shares or other equity instruments undertaken by the Group. As to the cash-settled
share-based payment, if the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, it shall be included in the relevant
costs or expenses on the date of the grant, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly; if the right may not be
exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, on each
balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best
estimate of the information about the exercisable right, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the

                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Group.
The Group shall, on each balance sheet date and on each account date prior to the settlement of the relevant
liabilities, re-measure the fair values of the liabilities and include the changes in the current profits and losses.
(2) The measures for the recognition of the fair value of the equity instruments.
The fair value of the restricted shares granted by the Group is measured at the closing price of A-share on the day
before the grant day.
(3) Basis for the recognition of the best estimation of the vested equity instruments
On each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the best estimation shall be made in accordance with the
newly gained subsequent information on the change of vested number of staffs, and then revise the estimated
number of vested equity instrument.
(4) Relevant accounting treatment on the implementation, revision and termination of share-based payment
As to the revision on the share-based payment plan made by the Group, if the fair value of the granted equity
instrument increases after the revision, it shall recognize the increase of the service gained according to the
increase of the fair value of equity instrument. The increase of the fair value of equity instrument refers to the
balance between the fair value on the revising date of the equity instruments before and after the revision. If the
total fair value of share-base payment decreases after the revision or adopting other ways against the staffs in the
revision, it shall continue to conduct accounting treatment on the service gained as if the revision never happens,
only if the Group cancel partial or total granted equity instrument.
During the vesting period, if the Group cancels the granted equity instrument, the Group shall treat the cancel of
granted equity instrument as accelerating the vesting, and includes the amount shall be recognized during the
remained vesting period into current profit and loss, and also recognize the capital reserves. If staffs or other party
can choose to meet the non-vesting conditions but not meets them during the vesting period, which will be treated
as the cancel of granted equity instrument by the Group.

19. Repurchase of shares of the Company
It shall reduce the owners’ equity in light of the consideration and trading expenses arising from the repurchase of
shares of the Company; and it shall not recognize the gains or losses while repurchasing, transferring or canceling
the shares of the Company. As for transfer of treasury stocks, it shall record the capital reserves with the balance
between the actual received amount and the carrying amount of the treasury stock, if the capital reserves are
insufficient to offset, it shall offset the surplus reserves and retained profits. As for cancellation of treasury stocks,
it shall reduce the share capital with the par value of stocks and cancelled amount of shares, and offset the capital
reserves with the balance between the book balance and par value of the cancelled treasury stocks, if the capital
reserves are insufficient to offset, it shall offset the surplus reserves and retained profits.

20. Revenue
(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from selling goods
No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: the
significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the enterprise; the
enterprise retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor
effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the
relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be

                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

measured in a reliable way.
(2) Recognition basis of royalty revenue
1) Royalty revenue
In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue should be recognized as revenue
on accrual basis.
2) Interest revenue
It is decided by the time of others using the Group’s funds and the actual interest rate.
(3) Recognition basis for revenue from providing labor services
If the Company can not measure the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services in a reliable
way, it shall be conducted in accordance with the following circumstances, respectively: If the cost of labor
services incurred is expected to be compensated, the compensation amount for the cost of labor services shall be
recognized as the revenue from providing labor service, and the cost of labor service incurred shall be as the
current cost; if the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, no revenue from the providing of
labor services may be recognized.
Where a contract or agreement signed between Group and other enterprises concerns selling goods and providing
of labor services, if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services can be distinguished from
each other and can be measured respectively, the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services
shall be treated respectively. If the part of selling goods and the part of providing labor services can not be
distinguished from each other, or if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services can be
distinguished from each other but can not be measured respectively, both parts shall be conducted as selling
(4) Judge and method to recognize the completion of contract according to the revenue from providing
services and construction contract employing the percentage-of-completion method
If an enterprise can reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it provides, it shall
recognize the revenue from providing services employing the percentage-of-completion method on the balance
sheet date. The percentage-of-completion is determined by the proportion of the costs incurred against the
estimated total costs.
The outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can be measured in a reliable way, means
that the following conditions shall be met simultaneously: ① The amount of revenue can be measured in a
reliable way; ② The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; ③ The schedule of
completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a reliable way; ④ The costs incurred or to be incurred in
the transaction can be measured in a reliable way.

21. Government subsidies
(1) Types
A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by the Group from the
government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as the owner of the enterprise. Government
subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.
The Group defines the acquisition of government subsidy of long term assets using in construction or formed in
other ways as government subsidiary related to income. If the government document not clearly regulate the
subsidy acquirees then adopt the following method to divide the government subsidy into government subsidy
related to income and government subsidy related to assets; (1) If the government document clearly regulate the

                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

specific project, according to the budget project will form the spending amount of assets and the cost included of
spending amount ratio to divide, and division ratio shall be reexamine in every balance sheet date, renew if
necessary. (2) the usage in government documents is for general description only, for which do not identify a
particular project, consider as government subsidy related to income.
(2) Accounting policy
If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable amount.
If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value cannot be
obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount. The government subsidies measured at their
nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.
The Company usually recognizes and calculates the government subsidy according to the actual amount received.
But for the estimated financial support fund with convincing evidence that is in accordance with relevant
conditions prescribed by the financial support policy, calculate by account receivable. The government subsidy
measured by account receivable shall confirm to the following conditions: (1) the amount of subsidy receivable
has been confirm by the public document issued by the government sector, or reasonable measure according to
related requirement of Measures for the Management of Fiscal Funds formal released, and there is no significant
uncertainty and expects its amount; (2) shall according to the public financial support project and its measures for
the management of fiscal funds actively public stipulated by the Regulations on Open Government Information
officially launched by the local financial department, and the measure shall be inclusive (any enterprise confirm to
the condition can apply), not specific to a particular enterprise ; (3) the related subsidy approval has a clear
commitment of the allocate time limited, and the amount allocated is guaranteed by corresponding budget that
reasonably ensure it can be receive in the prescribed time limit; (4) According to the group and specific
circumstances of the subsidies matters, it shall meet other related conditions ( if any).
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within
the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies
pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: those subsidies
used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred
income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are
recognized; or those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall
be directly included in the current profits and losses.
Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been recognized, it shall be treated
respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: if there is the deferred income concerned, the book
balance of the deferred income shall be offset against, but the excessive part shall be included in the current
profits and losses; or if there is no deferred income concerned to the government subsidy, it shall be directly
included in the current profits and losses.
The government capital investment is not government subsidies.

22. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets
The balance between the book value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities and its taxable amount, as
well as the temporary difference between the book value of those unrecognized as assets and liabilities but with
clear taxable amount and the taxable amount should adopt law of liabilities for balance sheet to recognize deferred
income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities.
No deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference of initial recognition of

                                                                       Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

assets and liabilities arising from the transaction which is not business combination, the accounting profits will not
be affected, nor will the taxable amount or deductible loss be affected at the time of transaction. Besides, no
deferred taxable assets should be recognized for the deductible temporary difference related to the investments of
the subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and joint enterprises, which are not likely to be reversed in the
expected future or is not likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up such
deductible temporary differences. Otherwise, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising
from a deductible temporary difference basing on the extent of the amount of the taxable income that is likely to
be acquired to make up such deductible temporary differences
For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the corresponding deferred
income tax asset shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future taxable income to be offset by the
deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.
(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities
The balance between the book value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities and its taxable amount, as
well as the temporary difference between the book value of those unrecognized as assets and liabilities but with
clear taxable amount and the taxable amount should adopt law of liabilities for balance sheet to recognize deferred
income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities.
No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill,
the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business combination, which affects
neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). Besides, no deferred tax assets is recognized for
the taxable temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated enterprises and
joint enterprises, and the investing enterprise can control the time of the reverse of temporary differences as well
as the temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future. Otherwise, the Group should
recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising form other taxable temporary difference.

23. Operating lease and financial lease
(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease
1) The Group records the operating lease as the leasee
The rental payment from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the relevant asset costs or the profits
and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial
direct costs incurred by a lessee shall be recognized as the profits and losses of the current period. The contingent
rents shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.
2) The Group records the operating lease as the leasor
The rental income from operating leases shall be recorded by the lessee in the profits and losses of the current
period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs with large
amount shall be capitalized upon the occurrence, and recorded into current profits and losses by using the
recognition basis for rental income method over each period of the lease term; the initial direct costs with small
amount shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon occurrence. The contingent rents shall be recorded
into the profits and losses of the current period in which they actually arise.
(2) Accounting treatments of financial lease
1) The Group records the finance lease as the leasee
On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the present
value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering value in an account, recognize
the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of long-term account payable, and

                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as
unrecognized financing charges. Otherwise, the initial direct costs incurred during the process of lease negotiating
and signing the leasing agreement which can be included into the items of lease shall be recorded in the asset
value of the current period. The balance that the minimum lease payment minus the unrecognized financing
charges should be listed as long-term liabilities and long-term liabilities due within 1 year respectively.
The unrecognized financing charges should be recorded into current financing charges measured by adopting
effective interest method during the lease period. The contingent rents should be recorded into current profits and
losses upon occurrence.
2) The Group records the finance lease as the lessor
On the beginning date of the lease term, a lessor shall recognize the sum of the minimum lease receipts on the
lease beginning date and the initial direct costs as the entering value in an account of the financing lease values
receivable, and record the unguaranteed residual value at the same time. The balance between the sums of the
minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed residual value, and the sum of their present
values shall be recognized as unrealized financing income. A lessor shall present the balances between the
financial lease income minus the unrecognized financing income as long-term creditor’s right and long-term
creditor’s right due within 1 year respectively.
The unrealized financing income should be recorded into current financing income measured by adopting
effective interest method during the lease period. The contingent rents should be recorded into current profits and
losses upon occurrence.

24. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates
Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No

(1) Changes of main accounting policies
□Yes √No
(2) Change of accounting estimates
Were the main accounting estimates changed during the report period?
□Yes √No

V. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

         Category of taxes                                Tax basis                                       Tax rate

                               Calculated the output tax at 17%, 13% of taxable income and
VAT                            paid the VAT by the amount after deducting the deductible 17%、13%
                               withholding VAT at current period.

Business tax                   Paid by 3%, 5% of taxable business income                      3%、5%

Urban maintenance and          Paid at 7%, 5%, 1% of the circulating tax actually paid        7%、5%、1%

                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

construction tax

Enterprise income tax             Paid at 15%, 16.5%, 25% of taxable income respectively       9%、15%、16.5%、25%

The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory

2. Tax preference and official documents

The Company, in accordance with the Notice on Passing the Re-examination of New High-tech Enterprise for 504
Companies Including Jinan Shengquan Group Co., Ltd. (Lu-Ke-Gao-Zi [2012] No. 19) from Department of
Science & Technology of Shandong Province, Finance Bureau of Shandong Province, National Taxation Bureau
of Shandong and Local Taxation Bureau of Shandong Province, was recognized as a New High-tech Enterprise
and obtained the Certificate of New High-tech Enterprise on 31 Oct. 2011. The Company shall, in line with the
Article 28 of Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China and Notice of the State Administration
of Taxation on the Issues concerning the Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Deduction and Exemption
(GSF [2008] No. 111 document), enjoy a 15-percent rate for enterprise income tax.
The Company’s controlled subsidiary— Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd., in accordance with the Notice on
Confirmation of New High-tech Enterprise for 430 Companies Including Jinan Feshen Xinng’an Technologies
Co., Ltd. (Lu-Ke-Gao-Zi [2012] No. 38) from Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province,
Finance Bureau of Shandong Province, National Taxation Bureau of Shandong and Local Taxation Bureau of
Shandong Province, was recognized as a New High-tech Enterprise and obtained the Certificate of New High-tech
Enterprise on 30 Nov. 2011.. The above subsidiary shall, in line with the Article 28 of Enterprise Income Tax Law
of the People’s Republic of China and Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues concerning the
Administration of Enterprise Income Tax Deduction and Exemption (GSF [2008] No. 111 document), enjoy a
15-percent rate for enterprise income tax.
Luthai (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refers as Luthai (Hong Kong)), the wholly-owned subsidiary company
of the Company, was incorporated in Hong Kong SAR, whose profit tax shall be paid at tax rate of 16.5%.
According to the “Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues of Enterprise Income Tax
Concerning In-depth Implementation of the Western Development Strategy” (SAT [2012] No. 12), as well as the
“Circular of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Tax Policies Concerning Acceleration of the Development of
the Textile Industry” (XZF [2010] No. 99), Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (“Xinjiang Lu Thai Textile”), a
wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company’s controlled subsidiary Xinjiang Lu Thai Fengshou Cotton Co., Ltd.
(“Xinjiang Lu Thai”), enjoys a preferential enterprise income tax rate of 15% as an enterprise under the Western
Development Strategy. And the local enjoyable tax is exempted for five years, i.e. a preferential enterprise income
tax rate of 9% for the five years.
Wholly owned subsidiary Luthai (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Luthai (Cambodia)”), which
founded through the approval of Cambodia Investment Committee (hereinafter referred as CDC), and according
to the profits tax free approval issued by CDC, Luthai (Cambodia) enjoyed tax preference that exempted from
enterprise income tax with 3 (3 years start-up period) + 3 (3 years exemption period) +1 (1 year grace period), if
gained profits during the 3 years start-up period, the profits should transferred into 3 years exemption period.
Corporate tax rate after the grace period was 20%.

                                                                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statement

1. Subsidiaries

 (1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                          uded                                   Balance of parent company’s
                                                                                                                        The      The
                                                                                                                                           in                                     equity after deducting the
                                             Busine Register                             Actual amount     Other      proporti proporti                             Deductible
                                  Register                                                                                                cons                                      difference that loss of
  Subsidiaries           Type                    ss         ed     Business scope        of investments   essential    on of    on of             Minority interest minority
                                  ed place                                                                                                olida                                   minority interests exceed
                                             nature capital                             at the period-end investment holding    voting                               interests
                                                                                                                                          ted                                    equity obtained by minority
                                                                                                                      share)   rights
                                                                                                                                          state                                         shareholders

Beijing Lufeng
                        Wholl                Whole               Wholesale of
                        y-own                sale                clothing and
Garment          Co.,
                        ed                   and       15,000,0 commodity;
Ltd. (hereinafter                 Beijing                                                 15,000,000.00               100.00% 100.00% Yes
                        subsidi              retail    00        costume designing;
refer       to     as
                        ary                  industr             service of
                                             y                   technology diffusion

                                             Whole               Design and
                        Holdin               sale                manufacturing of
Garment          Co.,
                             g               and       42,000,0 clothing, adornment,
Ltd. (hereinafter                 Beijing                                                 25,200,000.00                60.00% 60.00% Yes           -12,191,172.27
                        subsidi              retail    00        fabric and
refer       to     as
                         ary                 industr             trimmings; sale of
                                             y                   self-made products

                                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                      Wholl                                 Import & export
                      y-own                                 trade, collection of
Luthai       (Hong               Hong   and       HKD
                           ed                               market information,        6,366,600.00   100.00% 100.00% Yes
Kong)                            Kong   retail    6000000
                      subsidi                               information
                          ary                               consultation

Shanghai Luthai                         Whole
                      Wholl                                 Design, technology
Textile Co., Ltd.                       sale
                      y-own                                 R&D     of textile
(hereinafter                    Shangha and
                      ed                          5000000 and garment;                 5,000,000.00   100.00% 100.00% Yes
refer       to   as                i    retail
                      subsidi                               wholesale of textile
“Shanghai                              industr
                      ary                                   and garment
Luthai”)                               y

                                                            processing and sale
                                                            of cotton    and
                                                            cotton-by products;
                                                            production and sales
                                                            of conventional seed
                                                            of crops; foreign
                      g                 Manuf
                                                  200,725, trade,       production
Xinjiang Luthai subsidi Xinjiang acturin                                             117,342,316.95    59.92% 59.92% Yes    173,303,467.64
                                                  050.55    and sale of cotton
                      ary               g
                                                            textile products;
                                                            processing and sale
                                                            of edible vegetable
                                                            oil; wholesale and
                                                            retail of agricultural
                                                            materials; crops

Lufeng Weaving Holdin            Zibo   Manuf 706,160, Production and sale           529,620,000.00    75.00% 75.00% Yes    270,101,792.12

                                                                                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.
& Dyeing Co., g                           acturin 000          of textile and
Ltd. (hereinafter subsidi                 g                    printing and dyeing
refer        to   as ary                                       products; wholesale
“Lufeng                                                       and retail of yarn,
Weaving           &                                            clothing and
Dyeing”)                                                      adornment

Zibo          Luqun
                       Wholl                                   Production and sale
Textile Co., Ltd.
                       y-own              Manuf                of cotton polyester
(hereinafter                                        168,220,
                            ed   Zibo     acturin              yarn,         weaving, 171,784,550.00        100.00% 100.00% Yes
refer        to   as                                000
                       subsidi            g                    clothing, adornment
                           ary                                 and textile

Zibo      Xinsheng                                             Power            supply,
Power Co., Ltd.                                                power     generation,
                       y-own              Manuf
(hereinafter                                        162,435, production and sale
                       ed        Zibo     acturin                                          176,340,737.93   100.00% 100.00% Yes
refer        to   as                                600.00     of hollow brick and
                       subsidi            g
“Xinsheng                                                     cement    block       for
Power”)                                                       architecture

                       ary of             Manuf                Production and sales
Xinjiang Luthai                                     50,000,0
                       the       Xinjiang acturin              of cotton yarn and           50,000,000.00    59.92% 59.92% Yes
Textile                                             00
                       holdin             g                    cotton textile
                       ary of

                                                                                                                           Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                 y-own              Manuf USD            Design, production,
Luthai                     Cambod
                 ed                 acturin 2,000,00 export sales of             40,717,203.38   100.00% 100.00% Yes
(Cambodia)                 ia
                 subsidi            g         0          garment

                                                         Works such as
                                                         market research
                                                         about poplin dyed
                                                         fabric, piece dyed
                                                         fabrics and shirts in
                                    Whole                USA market and
Luthai Textile   Wholl
                                    sale                 Canada market,
(USA) Co., Ltd. y-own                         USD
                                    and                  development and
(hereinafter     ed        USD                1,000,00                            2,442,920.00   100.00% 100.00% Yes
                                    retail               promotion of new
referred to as   subsidi                      0
                                    industr              products,
“Luthai (USA)”) ary
                                    y                    exploitation of new
                                                         clients, sales of
                                                         products and
                                                         maintenance of
                                                         client relationship,
                                                         independent trading.

Beijing Luthai                      Whole                Wholesale of
 Youxian                            sale                 garments, shoes and
 E-commerce                         and       1,00000 hats, knitwear,
                 subsidi Beijing                                                  4,500,000.00    90.00% 90.00% Yes    488,622.58
 Co., Ltd.                          retail    00         leatherwear, down
 (hereinafter                       industr              and feather products
 referred to                        y                    and bags.

                                                                                                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                The       Include
                                                                                                      Actual                                                                            Balance of parent company’s equity
                                                                                                                                    The       proporti     d in     Min
                                       Regist Busine Register                                       amount of         Other                                               Deductible after deducting the difference that
                                                                                                                                 proportion    on of      consoli ority
  Subsidiaries                 Type     ered       ss         ed         Business scope             investments      essential                                             minority      loss of minority interests exceed
                                                                                                                                 of holding voting        dated inter
                                       place nature capital                                           at the        investment                                              interests      equity obtained by minority
                                                                                                                                 shares(%) rights       statem est
                                                                                                    period-end                                                                                     shareholders
                                                                                                                                              (%)         ent

                           Wholly-                                 Development, promotion
                           funded                                  and sale of energy-saving
Zibo           Helijie
                           subsidiar                               technologies              and
Energy         Saving
                           y of the                                products;           consulting
Technology            &
                           wholly-f            Servic 5000000 service           of        energy 10,050,000.                                   100.00
Services            Co.,               Zibo                                                                                       100.00%                 Yes
                           unded               e        .00        management; contractual                     00                                     %
Ltd. (hereinafter
                           subsidiar                               energy          management
referred       to     as
                           y of the                                service; and development
                           Compan                                  and   sale     of   computer
                           y                                       software and hardware

                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

2. Explanations on changes of consolidation scope

Explanation on changes in consolidated scope
There were three controlled subsidiaries included into the consolidation scope, of which Luthai (USA) Co., Ltd. and Luthai
(Cambodia) Co., Ltd. were wholly owned subsidiaries, and Beijing Luthai Youxian E-commerce Co., Ltd., which was invested and
founded with Beijing Bishibo E-commerce Consulting Co., Ltd., was controlled subsidiary which held 90% of the shares.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Comparing to last year, this year increased 3 consolidation units, because
On 7 Aug. 2013, the Company held the 3 rd Session of the 7th Board of Directors, which reviewed and approved the proposal on
investing and founding Luthai (USA) Co., Ltd., which was of 100% of the investment; On 2 Dec. 2013, the Company held the 6th
Session of the 7th Board of Directors, which reviewed and approved the proposal on investing and founding Luthai (Cambodia) Co.,
Ltd., which was of 100% of the investment; On 15 May 2014, the Company held the 10th Session of the 7th Board of Directors, which
reviewed and approved the proposal on jointly setting up Beijing Luthai Youxian E-commerce Co., Ltd. with Beijing Bishibo
E-commerce Consulting Co., Ltd., which was of 90% of the investment.

3. Subsidiaries that newly combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease that newly
included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                          Name                                       Closing net assets                  Net profit in current period

Luthai (USA) Co., Ltd.                                                                1,011,826.55                         -1,442,957.16

Luthai (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.                                                         40,757,631.63                          -1,225,136.69

Luthai Youxian E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                                   4,886,225.77                           -113,774.23

4. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities

              Item                                                Items of assets and liabilities

                                                  30 Jun. 2014                                        1 Jan. 2014
Luthai (HK)                               HK $ 1 = RMB 0.7938 Yuan                           HK $ 1 = RMB 0.7862 Yuan
Luthai (Cambodia), Luthai                USD $ 1 = RMB 6.1528 Yuan

              Item                                        Items of income, expense and cash flow

                                                 Jan.-Jun. 2014                                      Jan.-Jun. 2013
Luthai (HK)                               HK $ 1 = RMB 0.7902 Yuan                           HK $ 1 = RMB 0.8040 Yuan
Luthai (Cambodia), Luthai                USD $ 1 = RMB 6.1259 Yuan

Unless indicated particularly, in the following annotations (including major items in consolidated financial statements of the
Company), the opening referred to 1 Jan. 2014, the closing referred to 30 Jun. The last period referred to Jan.-Jun. of 2013 and the
reporting period referred to Jan.-Jun. 2014.

                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

VII.Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              Closing balance                                     Opening balance
            Item                 Amount in     Exchange                             Amount in     Exchange
                                                            Amount in RMB                                       Amount in RMB
                              foreign currency   rate                            foreign currency   rate
Cash:                               --              --            1,201,474.37         --              --             1,205,603.58

-RMB                                --              --             823,199.30          --              --             1,085,429.27

-USD                                44,025.98 6.1528               270,883.06           8,403.86 6.0969                  51,237.50

-EUR                                 7,226.47 8.3946                 60,663.31          1,379.13 8.4189                  11,610.75

-JPY                                95,638.00 0.0608                  5,814.80          4,638.00 0.0578                     268.08

-HKD                                 4,204.44 0.7938                  3,337.49          3,780.44 0.7862                   2,972.18

-THP                                     120.19 0.1915                  23.02               120.19 0.1849                    22.22

-SGD                                      91.90 4.9744                 457.15                91.90 4.7845                   439.70

-GBP                                 1,859.36 10.4978                19,519.19          3,809.36 10.0556                 38,305.40

-AUD                                 2,821.03 5.8064                 16,380.03          2,821.03 5.4301                  15,318.48

-SF                                       50.00 6.9738                 348.69

-SEK                                     920.00 0.9221                 848.33

Bank deposit:                       --              --          395,987,247.74         --              --           806,000,856.42

-RMB                                --              --          149,387,754.66         --              --           431,695,714.24

-USD                            37,308,883.71 6.1528            229,554,099.72     58,924,809.65 6.0969             359,258,671.96

-EUR                                 8,391.65 8.3946                 70,444.53        323,936.42 8.4189               2,727,188.32

-JPY                                33,804.00 0.0608                  2,055.28     15,639,266.00 0.0578                903,949.58

-HKD                            21,381,148.82 0.7938             16,972,355.94     14,518,958.94 0.7862              11,414,805.52

-CHF                                      77.09 6.9738                 537.61                77.09 6.8336                   526.80

Other monetary funds:               --              --           73,063,433.95         --              --            65,254,955.00

-RMB                                --              --            2,116,839.00         --              --             7,777,036.85

-USD                            11,530,757.26 6.1528             70,946,443.28      9,427,375.56 6.0969              57,477,766.05

-EUR                                      18.06 8.3946                 151.61                18.06 8.4189                   152.04

-JPY                                       1.00 0.0608                    0.06                1.00 0.0578                     0.06

Total                               --              --          470,252,156.06         --              --           872,461,415.00

Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited overseas or with
potential collecting risks:

① Other monetary funds of USD, EUR and JPY at the period-end were the foreign currency deposits subject to
the verification stage that according to the relevant regulations of the National Foreign Exchange Management

                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

which received from the export products of the Group.
② The USD deposit of other monetary funds at the period-end was of USD 4,197,957.98,which equaled to RMB
 25,829,195.86 Yuan and was the pledge of margin of short-term borrowings.
③ Particulars bout overseas deposits: On 30 Jun. 2014, the monetary capital deposited in the registration
place--Hong Kong of the Group’s wholly owned subsidiary Luthai (HK) was amount to RMB 16,724,282.84 Yuan
(on 31 Dec. 2013: RMB 11,351,716.95); the monetary capital deposited in the registration place--USA of the
Group’s wholly owned subsidiary Luthai (USA) was amount to RMB 2,084,397.90 Yuan; the monetary capital
deposited in the registration place--Cambodia of the Group’s wholly owned subsidiary Luthai (Cambodia) was
amount to RMB 3,098,571.86 Yuan.

2. Trading financial assets

 (1) Trading financial assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                              Item                                  Closing fair value                  Opening fair value
Derivative financial assets                                                                 0.00                    29,949,120.00

Total                                                                                                               29,949,120.00

3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Category                                   Closing balance                       Opening balance
Bank acceptance bill                                                           5,702,644.00                         11,596,632.00

Letter of credit                                                             100,483,365.75                        114,509,748.23

Total                                                                        106,186,009.75                        126,106,380.23

(2) undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period

Notes which the Company endorsed to the other party at the period-end but not expire yet.
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

            Drawer units                   Date of issuance          Due day                   Amount                 Note

Shaoxing Zhongpu Imp. & Exp.
                                     28 Apr. 2014             18 Oct. 2014                         1,560,330.00
Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Romon Economy And
                                     24 Jan. 2014             24 Jun. 2014                         1,500,000.00
Trade Co., Ltd.

Shaoxing Zhongpu Imp. & Exp.
                                     26 May 2014              26 Nov. 2014                         1,301,285.32
Co., Ltd.

Shaoxing Zhongpu Imp. & Exp. 27 Jun. 2014                     26 Dec. 2014                         1,270,153.00

                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Romon Sanyo Fashion
                                  28 Mar. 2014                     28 Sep. 2014                                1,175,849.73
Co., Ltd.

Total                                           --                               --                            6,807,618.05                --

4. Dividends receivable

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                                                    Whether the
                                 Opening                                                                        Reason for        related accounts
              Item                                Increase             Decrease            Closing amount
                                 amount                                                                      failing to recover     decreased in

Dividends receivable aging
                                         0.00        120,000.00           120,000.00                  0.00
within 1 year

Of which:                           --                    --               --                    --                   --                    --

Of which:                           --                    --               --                    --                   --                    --

Total                                                120,000.00           120,000.00                                  --                    --


5. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                                  Book balance                  Bad debt provision              Book balance                 Bad debt provision
                                                Proporti                        Proport                      Proporti                       Proportio
                                Amount                           Amount                        Amount                        Amount
                                                  on                              ion                          on                              n
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Aging group                   200,707,628.55 99.35% 10,155,388.37 5.06% 295,282,274.37 99.56% 14,847,394.75                                      5.03%

Subtotal of the groups        200,707,628.55 99.35% 10,155,388.37 5.06% 295,282,274.37 99.56% 14,847,394.75                                      5.03%

Accounts receivable with
insignificant single
amount and individually         1,313,784.00         0.65%      1,313,784.00                  1,313,784.00      0.44%       1,313,784.00 100.00%
withdrawn bad debt

Total                         202,021,412.55         --        11,469,172.37      --        296,596,058.37       --        16,161,178.75         --
Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
□Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Closing balance                                                  Opening balance

         Aging                  Book balance                   Provision for bad                 Book balance                   Provision for bad
                              Amount           Proportion           debts                    Amount              Proportion          debts

Within 1 year

Of which:                       --                 --                    --                      --                    --              --

Within 1 year             199,537,447.73          99.42%                 9,976,872.39       294,619,173.84             99.78%       14,730,958.71

Subtotal of within
                          199,537,447.73          99.42%                 9,976,872.39       294,619,173.84             99.78%       14,730,958.71
1 year

1-2 years                       792,806.73         0.39%                      79,280.67         408,104.41             0.14%            40,810.44

2-3 years                       139,769.12         0.07%                      27,953.82               8,732.39         0.00%                1,746.48

Over 3 years                    237,604.97         0.12%                      71,281.49         246,263.73             0.08%            73,879.12

Total                     200,707,628.55           --               10,155,388.37           295,282,274.37             --           14,847,394.75
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Account receivable with insignificant single amount but provisions for bad debts individually at the period-end:
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
  Content of accounts                         Provision for    Withdrawal
                              Book value                                                              Reason for withdrawal
      receivable                                bad debts      proportion
                                                                                 Due to the receivables of subsidiary Xinsheng Power aging
Zichuan Liaozhai Hotel                                                           over 3 three years. As Xinsheng Power is in bad operation
                              1,168,548.00     1,168,548.00        100.00%
Co., Ltd.                                                                        and barely meet the payment that the Company made
                                                                                 provision in full amount of its due account.

                                                                                 Due to the receivables of subsidiary Xinsheng Power aging
ZIBO HUAYANG                                                                     over 3 three years. As Xinsheng Power is in bad operation
                               145,236.00        145,236.00        100.00%
BLANKET CO., LTD                                                                 and barely meet the payment that the Company made
                                                                                 provision in full amount of its due account.

Total                         1,313,784.00     1,313,784.00         --                                            --

(2) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                              The relationship
             Name of entity                                               Amount                      Aging                     Proportion
                                             with the Company
Customer A                                 Non-related party              18,708,409.17 Within 1 year                                         9.26%

Customer B                                 Non-related party              17,775,407.35 Within 1 year                                         8.80%

Customer C                                 Non-related party              14,898,419.82 Within 1 year                                         7.38%

                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Customer D                               Non-related party                 11,801,226.89 Within 1 year                                        5.84%

Customer E                               Non-related party                  9,463,048.24 Within 1 year                                        4.68%

Total                                                --                    72,646,511.47              --                                     35.96%

6. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Closing balance                                                Opening balance
                                                            Provision for doubtful                                          Provision for doubtful
                                  Balance                                                        Balance
        Category                                                    debts                                                           debts
                                            Proportio                     Proportio                        Proportion                        Proport
                              Amount                         Amount                        Amount                             Amount
                                               n                             n                                                                 ion
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group

Aging group                 63,782,613.86 100.00% 9,316,206.73              14.61% 78,468,096.91             100.00%         9,859,686.91 12.57%

Subtotal of groups          63,782,613.86 100.00% 9,316,206.73              14.61% 78,468,096.91             100.00%         9,859,686.91 12.57%

Total                       63,782,613.86      --          9,316,206.73       --         78,468,096.91         --            9,859,686.91      --
Notes for categories of other accounts receivable:
Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Period-end                                                Period-begin
                                     Book balance                                               Book balance
            Aging                                                    Provision for bad                                         Provision for bad
                                                          Proporti        debts                                Proporti              debts
                                   Amount                                                      Amount
                                                             on                                                  on
Within 1 year


Within 1 year                          30,812,246.58 48.31%               1,540,612.34        49,151,182.43 62.64%                   2,457,559.12

Subtotal of within 1 year              30,812,246.58 48.31%               1,540,612.34        49,151,182.43 62.64%                   2,457,559.12

1-2 years                               8,230,683.22 12.90%                823,068.32          4,480,131.64         5.71%              448,013.17

2-3 years                               4,693,791.53       7.36%           938,758.31          4,969,202.42         6.33%              993,840.49

Over 3 years                           20,045,892.53 31.43%               6,013,767.76        19,867,580.42 25.32%                   5,960,274.13

Total                                  63,782,613.86         --           9,316,206.73        78,468,096.91          --              9,859,686.91
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by balance percentage:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by other methods:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable
Other closing individually insignificant but provision for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
□Applicable√ Inapplicable

                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

(2) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
               Name of entity             Amount                 Nature or details of the amount           Proportion of the total
                                                          Reimbursed expenses of raise funds of
Reimbursed expenses of raise funds
                                          16,172,082.22 staff housing accounts by Xinjiang                                      25.36%
of housing accounts receivable

                                                          Paid the advanced funds for the
Tianhong State-owned property                             government of the stripping assets
                                          10,074,300.00                                                                         15.79%
Investment Operation Co., Ltd.                            operating funds of Xinjiang Luthai Co.,

                   Total                  26,246,382.22                        --                                               41.15%

(3) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                      Relationship with                                                              Proportion of the
               Name of entity                                       Amount                     Aging
                                       the Company                                                                        total
Customer A                                                          16,172,082.22 Within 1 year                                 25.36%

Customer B                                                          10,074,300.00 1 to 2 years, over 3 years                    15.79%

Customer C                                                           3,361,619.67 Within 1 year                                  5.27%

Customer D                                                           2,955,620.10 2 to 3 years, over 3 years                     4.63%

Customer E                                                           2,830,093.87 Within 1 year                                  4.44%

                    Total                      --                   35,393,715.86                  --                           55.49%

7. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                                 Amount                      Proportion                        Amount                       Proportion
Within 1 year                             165,457,626.51            98.46%                              134,776,943.70          98.37%

1 to 2 years                                  828,839.20             0.49%                                  890,583.22           0.65%

2 to 3 years                                  831,941.21             0.50%                                  873,229.48           0.64%

Over 3 years                                  925,713.68             0.55%                                  463,015.18           0.34%

                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Total                                        168,044,120.60          --                                      137,003,771.58          --

 (2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                             Relationship with
                Name of entity                                            Amount                Aging               Reason for unsettled
                                              the Company
                                            Non-related                                                          Advance purchase
Supplier A                                                                21,376,448.56 Apr.-Jun. 2014
                                            supplier                                                             payment

                                            Non-related                                                          Advance purchase
Supplier B                                                                13,235,320.41 Jun. 2014
                                            supplier                                                             payment

                                            Non-related                                                          Advance purchase
Supplier C                                                                13,197,224.03 Jun. 2014
                                            supplier                                                             payment

                                            Non-related                                                          Advance purchase
Supplier D                                                                12,533,782.30 Jun. 2014
                                            supplier                                                             payment

                                            Non-related                                                          Advance purchase
Supplier E                                                                 9,043,844.04 Apr.-Jun. 2014
                                            supplier                                                             payment

Total                                                  --                 69,386,619.34             --                         --

8. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Closing balance                                                Opening balance
         Item                               Impairment of                                                 Impairment of
                          Book balance                           Book value        Book balance                               Book value
                                             inventories                                                   inventories
Raw materials              721,540,432.62     1,635,229.99    719,905,202.63       562,233,717.57           1,635,229.99     560,598,487.58
                           414,163,203.26                     414,163,203.26       517,364,166.93                            517,364,166.93
contract assets
Inventory goods            668,405,544.73 31,628,012.71       636,777,532.02       586,433,901.43          38,438,856.66     547,995,044.77
Assigned processing
                            18,437,261.90                        18,437,261.90      19,112,972.03                              19,112,972.03
Total                    1,822,546,442.51 33,263,242.70 1,789,283,199.81 1,685,144,757.96                  40,074,086.65 1,645,070,671.31

(2) Impairment of inventories

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

        Category           Opening balance       Withdrawal amount                                                        Closing balance
                                                                              Reversal          Written off
Raw materials                     1,635,229.99                                                                                  1,635,229.99

Inventory goods                  38,438,856.66                                                      6,810,843.95               31,628,012.71

                                                                                  Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Total                           40,074,086.65                                                  6,810,843.95          33,263,242.70

 (3) List of impairment of inventories

                Item                             Basic                         Reason                         Proportion

                                    The lower one between cost and
Raw materials
                                    net realizable value

                                    The lower one between cost and
Inventory goods
                                    net realizable value

Stocks balance for debt guarantee at the period-end was 78,644,581.97, and the short-term loan gained from the bank was RMB

8. Other current assets

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                 Closing balance                           Opening balance
Advance payment of income tax to be ded
                                                                           5,293,683.54                                 3,099,818.60

The VAT input tax to be deductible                                        18,788,526.56                              30,930,382.82

                       Total                                              24,082,210.10                              34,030,201.42

10. Long-term equity investment

(1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Explanation for        Withdra
                                                                                           indifferences            wn
                                                                         Share                                            bonus
                                                                                  Voting    between the Impair impairm
              Accoun     Initial                                        holding                                           in the
                                       Opening Increase/    Closing              percenta share holding ment        ent
 Investee      ting    investment                                       percenta                                          report
                                       balance decrease     balance                ge in  percentage and provisi provisio
              method      cost                                            ge in                                             ing
                                                                                 investee      voting      on    n in the
                                                                        investee                                          perio
                                                                                           percentage in         reportin
                                                                                              investee           g period
n Power
Co., Ltd.
(hereinaft              160,000.00 160,000.00              160,000.00     2.00%     2.00%
er refer to

                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Power” )

Co., Ltd.
(hereinaft Cost                        55,282,600             55,282,600.
                       55,282,600.00                                           5.56%       5.56%
er refer to method                             .00                        00
Power     Cost                 12,000,000                     12,000,000.
                 12,000,000.00                                                 20.68% 20.68%
Co., Ltd. method                      .00                                 00
o Power)
                                       67,442,600             67,442,600.
Total          --      67,442,600.00                                            --          --           --
                                               .00                        00

11. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                  Opening book                                                      Decrease in the         Closing book
             Item                                         Increase in the reporting period
                                    balance                                                         reporting period          balance
I. Total original book value      7,462,807,819.24                              157,081,039.21           50,603,868.13     7,569,284,990.32
Including:     Property     and
                                  2,198,512,894.37                               33,305,955.51                495,871.92   2,231,322,977.96
Machineries                       5,102,576,851.85                              108,067,818.83           46,310,926.73     5,164,333,743.95

Vehicles                               68,662,800.93                                 4,667,547.15         2,855,453.81        70,474,894.27
Electronic equipments and
                                       93,055,272.09                             11,039,717.72                941,615.67     103,153,374.14
                                                                                                                            Closing book
                                  Opening book          Increase in the    Withdrawal in the        Decrease in the
               --                                                                                                           balance in the
                                    balance            reporting period    reporting period         reporting period
                                                                                                                           reporting period
II.                 Accumulated
                                  2,977,090,618.90                              145,594,825.78           40,735,509.72     3,081,949,934.96
Including:     Property     and
                                   594,679,596.58                                32,985,654.44                113,406.53     627,551,844.49
Machineries                       2,275,377,632.62                              105,175,740.90           37,219,617.17     2,343,333,756.35

Vehicles                               48,245,321.84                                 2,928,629.98         2,565,606.11        48,608,345.71
Electronic equipments and
                                       58,788,067.86                                 4,504,800.46             836,879.91      62,455,988.41

                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                             Closing book
                                      Opening book
                --                                                                   --                                      balance in the
                                                                                                                            reporting period
III. The net book value of
                                   4,485,717,200.34                                  --                                     4,487,335,055.36
fixed assets
Including:      Property     and
                                   1,603,833,297.79                                  --                                     1,603,771,133.47
Machineries                        2,827,199,219.23                                  --                                     2,820,999,987.60

Vehicles                                20,417,479.09                                --                                        21,866,548.56

Other equipment                         34,267,204.23                                --                                        40,697,385.73
IV.     Total        impairment
                                        31,515,935.84                                --                                        29,911,881.96
Including: Property and
                                         4,823,890.00                                --                                         4,823,890.00
Machineries                             26,559,526.67                                --                                        24,962,873.38

Vehicles                                     61,235.72                               --                                            61,235.72
Electronic equipments and
                                             71,283.45                               --                                            63,882.86
V. Total book value of fixed
                                   4,454,201,264.50                                  --                                     4,457,423,173.40
Including:      Property     and
                                   1,599,009,407.79                                  --                                     1,598,947,243.47
Machineries                        2,800,639,692.56                                  --                                     2,796,037,114.22

Vehicles                                20,356,243.37                                --                                        21,805,312.84
Electronic equipments and
                                        34,195,920.78                                --                                        40,633,502.87
Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB 145,594,825.78; original value of RMB 22,299,818.33 was transferred into
fixed assets from construction project.

(2) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                               Category                                                          Closing book value

Property and building                                                                                                           1,846,128.08

(3) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of propert

                      Item                                                 Reason                                Estimated accomplish date
                                                  Ongoing    inspection,    surveying,     verification   to
Weaving and dyeing workshop                                                                                    2015-12-31
                                                  application procedures

Worker       dormitory     building     of   east Ongoing    inspection,    surveying,     verification   to
industrial park                                   application procedures

                                                  Ongoing    inspection,    surveying,     verification   to
Lufeng weaving and dyeing workshop                                                                             2015-12-31
                                                  application procedures

                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2014 of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Notes of fixed assets

12. Construction in progress

(1) List of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                   Closing balance                               Opening balance
                      Item                                          Impairmen                                        Impairmen
                                                       Book balance                  Book value      Book balance                  Book value
                                                                    t provision                                      t provision
Luthai        West         building,           staff
                                                       118,613,349.00             118,613,349.00 103,071,449.41                    103,071,449.41

Increasing production line project of
0.23 million spindle and 35,000                         66,374,261.69                66,374,261.69   47,244,724.21                  47,244,724.21

Production         line     project       of     40
                                                        17,291,229.61                17,291,229.61   14,514,623.54                  14,514,623.54
million-meter high-grade yarn-dyed

Remolding of inter-vehicle inspection   workshop
                                                          619,592.78                   619,592.78       567,800.07                    567,800.07
of arrange   A factory

Xinjiang Luthai plant engineering                        7,383,837.99                 7,383,837.99    8,221,937.23                   8,221,937.23

Xinsheng power renovation project                       25,631,345.83                25,631,345.83   21,272,428.65                  21,272,428.65

Helijie energy saving engineering                        6,200,126.03                 6,200,126.03    4,375,845.28                   4,375,845.28

Clothing          project        of       Luthai
                                                        17,251,812.85                17,251,812.85

Other small projects                                    39,621,954.37                39,621,954.37   28,691,025.20                  28,691,025.20

                      Total                            298,987,510.15             298,987,510.15 227,959,833.59                    227,959,833.59

                                                                                         2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

     (2) Changes in significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                            Project input              Capitalizatio     Including
                                                                                   Transferred to Other                      Project
 Name of project                  Budget         Opening balance     Increase                                percentage                    n of       capitalizatio
                                                                                    fixed assets decrease                    process
                                                                                                              of budget                  interest    interest this p

Luthai                West
building,              staff    106,500,000.00 103,071,449.41 15,541,899.59                                      98.00% 98.00%

production             line
project        of      0.23     928,660,000.00     47,244,724.21 19,129,537.48                                    9.82% 9.82%
million          spindle
and 35,000 twister

Production             line
project         of       40
million-meter                   504,700,000.00     14,514,623.54    2,776,606.07                                 86.53% 86.53%

Remolding of inter-vehicle

inspection     workshop
                                  9,630,000.00        567,800.07      51,792.71                                  99.00% 99.00%
of     arrange            A

Xinjiang             Luthai
                                 25,000,000.00      8,221,937.23     860,419.81     1,698,519.05                 55.00% 55.00%
plant engineering

Xinsheng             power
                                 30,000,000.00     21,272,428.65    4,358,917.18                                 85.44% 85.44%
renovation project

Helijie              energy
saving                           26,090,000.00      4,375,845.28 14,446,085.60 12,621,804.85                     71.11% 71.11%

Clothing            project
of                   Luthai     123,056,000.00                     17,251,812.85                                 15.27% 15.27%
Other                 small
                                                   28,691,025.20 18,910,423.60      7,979,494.43
             Total             1,753,636,000.00 227,959,833.59 93,327,494.89 22,299,818.33                       --            --

     Notes of changes in construction in progress:

     (3) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress
                                   Item                              Project process                                  Note

                                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        The process of the project is measured on basis of
Increasing production line project of 0.23
                                                   9.82%                                proportion of the actual cost occurred to total
million spindle and 35,000 twister
                                                                                        contract projected cost

13. Engineering materials

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                       Increase in the         Decrease in the
                     Item                      Opening balance                                                          Closing balance
                                                                      reporting period         reporting period
Specific materials                                     998,412.00                                     342,216.00                 656,196.00

Specific equipments                                18,096,070.53        137,577,464.17             94,986,897.85              60,686,636.85

Total                                              19,094,482.53        137,577,464.17             95,329,113.85              61,342,832.85

Notes of engineering materials

14. Intangible assets

 (1) Information

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                            Increase in the reporting        Decrease in the
             Item                    Opening balance                                                                    Closing balance
                                                                     period                  reporting period
I. Total original book value             414,726,676.11                3,474,453.00                                          418,201,129.11

Land use right                           307,282,532.56                3,474,453.00                                          310,756,985.56
Land use right of Xinsheng
                                          12,155,433.14                                                                       12,155,433.14
Lufeng Weaving &
                                          53,490,972.94                                                                       53,490,972.94
Dyeing-land use right
Luqun Textile-land use right              39,632,561.00                                                                       39,632,561.00

Franchise of patent                          1,985,176.47                                                                      1,985,176.47

Software use right                            180,000.00                                                                         180,000.00
II. Accumulative
                                          61,880,011.87                5,699,474.24                                           67,579,486.11
Land use right                            47,671,669.66                4,386,644.70                                           52,058,314.36
Land use right of Xinsheng
                                             3,945,279.58                253,671.66                                            4,198,951.24
Lufeng Weaving &
                                             4,267,310.64                541,552.94                                            4,808,863.58
Dyeing-land use right
Luqun Textile-land use right                 5,187,112.67                418,346.10                                            5,605,458.77

Franchise of patent                           628,639.32                  99,258.84                                              727,898.16

Software use right                            180,000.00                                                                         180,000.00
III. Total net book value of
                                         352,846,664.24               -2,225,021.24                                          350,621,643.00
intangible assets

                                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Land use right                         259,610,862.90               -91,219.70                                     258,698,671.20
Land use right of Xinsheng
                                         8,210,153.56              -253,671.66                                       7,956,481.90
Lufeng Weaving &
                                        49,223,662.30              -541,552.94                                      48,682,109.36
Dyeing-land use right
Luqun Textile-land use right            34,445,448.33              -418,346.10                                      34,027,102.23

Franchise of patent                      1,356,537.15               -99,258.84                                       1,257,278.31

Software use right

Land use right
Land use right of Xinsheng
Lufeng Weaving &
Dyeing-land use right
Luqun Textile-land use right

Franchise of patent

Software use right
Total book value of
                                       352,846,664.24            -2,225,021.24                                     350,621,643.00
intangible assets
Land use right                         259,610,862.90               -91,219.70                                     258,698,671.20
Land use right of Xinsheng
                                         8,210,153.56              -253,671.66                                       7,956,481.90
Lufeng Weaving &
                                        49,223,662.30              -541,552.94                                      48,682,109.36
Dyeing-land use right
Luqun Textile-land use right            34,445,448.33              -418,346.10                                      34,027,102.23

Franchise of patent                      1,356,537.15               -99,258.84                                       1,257,278.31

Software use right

Amortization was of RMB 5,699,474.24 in the reporting period.

15. Goodwill

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
Name of investee or event that                           Increase in the    Decrease in the
                               Opening balance                                                  Closing balance     provision at
generated goodwill                                      reporting period    reporting period
Xinsheng Power                         20,563,803.29                                               20,563,803.29

Helijie                                    50,000.00                                                   50,000.00

Total                                  20,613,803.29                 0.00                0.00      20,613,803.29

Notes of test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method:
Test method of goodwill impairment and impairment withdrawal method please refer to “Intangible assets impairment”.

16. Long-term amortization expense

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                               Amortization                                           Reason for other
        Item          Opening balance        Increase                              Other decrease   Closing balance
                                                                 balance                                                 decrease
Xinjiang Luthai
                          1,711,304.99          450,000.00            56,911.26                        2,104,393.73
land contact fee

Total                     1,711,304.99          450,000.00            56,911.26                        2,104,393.73          --

Notes of long-term amortization expense:

17. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

 (1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset

Deferred tax assets and liabilities that already recognize
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                                                   13,229,602.63                          15,370,879.82

One-time listed decoration expenses                                                1,636,620.02                           1,636,620.02

Offset unrealized internal profit                                                  7,506,236.72                           8,869,783.85

Payroll payable                                                                   22,846,774.36                          22,846,774.36

Deferred income                                                                    9,897,396.23                           9,433,965.14

Fair value change on trading financial liabilities                                     157,504.50

Subtotal                                                                          55,274,134.46                          58,158,023.19

Deferred income tax liabilities:

Depreciation of fixed assets                                                       2,077,537.33                           2,057,646.57

Fair value change on trading financial assets                                                                             4,492,368.00

Subtotal                                                                           2,077,537.33                           6,550,014.57
List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
Deductible temporary                                                               6,726,131.22                           7,186,841.88

Deductible losses                                                                 78,376,397.15                          60,199,158.60

Total                                                                             85,102,528.37                          67,386,000.48

Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due in the following years
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
               Year                      Closing balance                  Opening balance                       Remark
2016                                                 10,052,636.34                  10,052,636.34

2017                                                 22,210,063.54                  22,210,063.54

2018                                                 27,936,458.72                  27,936,458.72

                                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

2019                                                 18,177,238.55

Total                                                78,376,397.15                   60,199,158.60                       --

List of taxable differences and deductible differences items
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                   Temporary differences amount
                                                                       As at period-end                        As at period-begin
Taxable differences items

Provision for assets impairment                                                     77,234,372.54                                90,424,046.27

One-time listed decoration expenses                                                 10,910,800.14                                10,910,800.14

Offset unrealized internal profit                                                   51,906,725.12                                62,824,932.08

Payroll payable                                                                    140,654,913.13                              140,654,913.13

Deferred income                                                                     64,475,974.89                                62,893,100.81

Fair value change on trading financial liabilities                                    1,050,030.00

Subtotal                                                                           346,232,815.82                              367,707,792.43

Deductible different items

Depreciation of fixed assets                                                        12,591,135.33                                12,470,585.27

Fair value change on trading financial assets                                                                                    29,949,120.00

Subtotal                                                                            12,591,135.33                                42,419,705.27

 (2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are listed as the net value after offset
Composition items of the deferred income tax assets and liabilities after offset
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                       Deferred deductible
                                                                       Deferred deductible
                                            Deferred income tax                                Deferred income tax or taxable temporar
                                                                       or taxable temporar
                                            assets and liabilities                             assets and liabilities y differences at the
                    Item                                               y differences at the
                                            at the end of the                                  at the opening of the    opening of the per
                                                                        end of the period
                                            period                                                    period           iod

Deferred income tax assets                            55,274,134.46           346,232,815.82         58,158,023.19             367,707,792.43

Deferred income tax liabilities                         2,077,537.33           12,591,135.33           6,550,014.57              42,419,705.27

18. List of provision for assets impairment

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                           Increase in this            Decrease in this period
             Item                   Opening balance                                                                           Closing balance
                                                               period               Reversal           Written off

I. Provision for bad debt              26,020,865.66                                 5,235,486.56                                20,785,379.10

                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

II. Provision for inventory
                                     40,074,086.65                                       6,810,843.95     33,263,242.70
falling price

VII. Impairment provision of
                                     31,515,935.84                                       1,604,053.88     29,911,881.96
fixed assets

Total                                97,610,888.15                        5,235,486.56   8,414,897.83     83,960,503.76

Notes of provision for assets impairment

19. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                          Closing balance                        Opening balance
Advance payment for land                                           12,781,283.00                          16,255,736.00

Total                                                              12,781,283.00                          16,255,736.00
Notes of other non-current assets

20. Short-term loan

 (1) Category

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                        Closing balance                        Opening balance
Pledge loan                                                        25,829,195.86

Mortgage loan                                                      75,000,000.00                        278,000,000.00

Guarantee loan                                                                                          100,000,000.00

Credit loan                                                       514,155,692.03                        270,664,954.85

Total                                                             614,984,887.89                        648,664,954.85


 21. Tradable financial liabilities

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                          Closing fair calue                    Opening fair value

Derivative financial liabilities                                    1,050,030.00                                   0.00

Total                                                               1,050,030.00


22. Notes payable

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                     Category                        Closing balance                        Opening balance

                                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Trade acceptance bill                                                      6,618,500.87                              10,213,263.69

Total                                                                      6,618,500.87                              10,213,263.69
RMB 6,618,500.87 will be due in next fiscal period.
Notes of notes payable:
23. Accounts payable


                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                        Item                                  Closing balance                         Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                            191,210,416.40                             373,284,961.47

1 to 2 years                                                               9,568,227.71                              18,461,311.03

2 to 3 years                                                              11,816,110.65                               1,511,915.39

Over 3 years                                                               6,214,004.72                               6,795,491.80

Total                                                                    218,808,759.48                             400,053,679.69
(2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Name of entity                              Closing amount                          Opening amount

Lucheng Textile                                                                 379,326.00                                 377,246.00

Taimei necktie                                                                  100,485.00                                 100,485.00

Total                                                                           479,811.00                                 477,731.00
24. Advance from customers


                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                         Item                                   Closing amount                            Opening amount

Within 1 year                                                               88,420,856.38                            97,614,607.33

1 to 2 years                                                                    5,158,117.16                          2,250,097.27

2 to 3 years                                                                    1,313,775.53                               654,219.48

Over 3 years                                                                     408,944.16                                274,130.73

Total                                                                       95,301,693.23                           100,793,054.81

25. Payroll payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                 Item                  Opening book balance          Increase                  Decrease            Closing book
I. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy          344,259,371.30         525,269,795.62             624,208,344.80      245,320,822.12

                                                                          2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

II. Employee welfare                                                  24,144,319.61            24,144,319.61

III. Social insurance                             1,120,900.99      112,341,549.93             94,226,598.20        19,235,852.72
Including: 1. Medical insurance
                                                    113,262.87        27,312,329.11            22,616,091.02         4,809,500.96
           2. Basic pension benefits               833,452.88         76,920,340.37            64,218,394.96        13,535,398.29
        3. Unemployment
                                                   105,084.09          4,262,144.85             3,587,329.38           779,899.56
        4. Work-related injury
                                                     19,435.78         2,253,136.55             2,230,335.03            42,237.30
           5. Maternity insurance                    49,665.37         1,593,599.05             1,574,447.81            68,816.61

IV. Housing fund                                     31,533.54         8,714,800.80             7,914,083.75           832,250.59

V. Other                                         26,651,029.16        15,317,320.41             9,817,323.61        32,151,025.96
Including: 1.Labor union budget
                                                 26,651,029.16        11,945,821.89             6,445,825.09        32,151,025.96
and employee education budget
 2. Non-monetary benefits                                              3,371,498.52             3,371,498.52

Total                                           372,062,834.99      685,787,786.37            760,310,669.97       297,539,951.39
RMB 0.00 is the amounts in arrears in the payroll payable.
The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB32, 151,025.96, and the non-monetary benefits are RMB
3,371,498.52, as well as the compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 0.00.
Arrangements of the estimate release time and amount of the payroll payable

                        Estimate release time                                           Amount
2014                                                                                                           169,542,425.13
2015                                                                                                            64,839,096.99
2016                                                                                                            10,939,300.00
                               Total                                                                           245,320,822.12

26. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                  Closing balance                     Opening balance
Value-added tax                                                                2,294,964.75                          4,631,094.67

Business tax                                                                     120,357.43                            678,849.06

Corporate income tax                                                          52,413,581.38                         47,815,359.19

Personal income tax                                                            9,628,984.26                          2,286,186.69

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                         2,655,738.14                         27,968,705.59

Stamp tax                                                                        333,540.48                            395,320.30

Property tax                                                                   4,103,686.60                          4,549,007.07

Land use tax                                                                   2,706,601.13                          2,902,252.57

Education surtax                                                               1,149,253.39                         12,022,552.49

                                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Local education surtax                                                                766,914.99                          8,002,185.98

Local water conservancy facility construction fund                                    373,066.98                          3,996,865.12

Total                                                                              76,546,689.53                        115,248,378.73

Notes of taxes payable: for the taxable income of branch companies and factories approved to be inter-adjusted by their local tax
authorities, the Company shall specified their calculation procedure.

27. Interest payable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                           Item                                         Closing balance                     Opening balance
Interest payable of installment payments due debt of
                                                                                      389,200.45                            405,833.90
long term borrowings

Interest payable on short-term borrowings                                            1,915,211.80                         1,093,641.16

Total                                                                               2,304,412.25                          1,499,475.06


28. Dividends payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

          Name of company                 Closing balance         Opening balance             Reason for unsettlement over 1 year

Individual shareholders’ dividends                                                       Individual shareholders didn’t withdraw cash
                                                  441,966.54                 441,966.54
paid by the Group                                                                         dividends on previous years

Total                                             441,966.54                 441,966.54                        --

29. Other accounts payable


                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                         Item                                    Closing balance                            Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                                     16,762,236.28                          28,342,678.54

1 to 2 years                                                                      27,953,094.59                          17,506,829.28

2 to 3 years                                                                       3,688,858.84                           5,821,966.61

Over 3 years                                                                      26,172,873.28                          32,773,825.91

Total                                                                             74,577,062.99                          84,445,300.34

 (2)Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year

                Name of creditor                       Amount                Reason for unsettlement      Whether pay after the
                                                                                                          Balance Sheet Date or

                                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Autonomous Region Cotton                   11,925,000.00 Received earnest money for                       No
and linen company                                                              Sale Contract
Workshop disbursements of 63 thousand                  6,014,767.36           Disbursements                        No
cotton spinning of the factory owner
                     Total                          17,939,767.36

(3)Notes of other accounts payable with significant amount

                 Name of creditor                         Closing amount                          Nature or content
Xinjiang Autonomous Region Cotton                                     11,925,000.00        Received earnest money for Sale
and linen company                                                                                       Contract
Workshop disbursements of 63 thousand cotton                             6,014,767.36               Disbursements
spinning of the factory owner
                      Total                                           29,864,767.36

30. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year


                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance
Long-term loan due within 1 year                                          27,456,730.45                                  85,356,600.00

Total                                                                     27,456,730.45                                  85,356,600.00

 (2) Long-term loan due within 1 year

 Long-term loan due within 1 year
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                       Item                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance
Credit loan                                                               27,456,730.45                                  85,356,600.00

Total                                                                     27,456,730.45                                  85,356,600.00
RMB000 of long-term loan due within 1 year was of mature loan with extended term.
Top five long-term loans due within 1 year

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                Closing balance                Opening balance
                                                         Curren   Rate      Foreign                        Foreign
        Creditor         Starting date   Ending date
                                                           cy     (%)       currency      RMB balance      currency        RMB balance
                                                                            balance                        balance
Bank of East Asia
(China) Co., Ltd.       19 Mar. 2013 18 Apr. 2014       USD       2.24%                                  10,000,000.00 60,969,000.00
Beijing Branch

                                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.     20 Nov. 2013 20 May. 2014       USD        2.49%                                   2,000,000.00 12,193,800.00
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.     20 Nov. 2013 20 Dec. 2014       USD        2.48% 2,000,000.00 12,305,600.00        2,000,000.00 12,193,800.00
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.     20 Nov. 2013 20 May 2015        USD        2.48% 2,000,000.00 12,305,600.00
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.     5 May 2014       5 Nov. 2014    USD        3.02%     231,238.66     1,422,765.23
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.     5 May 2014       5 May. 2015    USD        3.02%     231,238.66     1,422,765.22
Tianjin branch

Total                       --               --         --         --           --      27,456,730.45         --         85,356,600.00

31. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                                    Closing balance                           Opening balance

32. Long-term loan

 (1) Category of long-term loan

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                     Item                                    Closing balance                           Opening balance

Credit loan                                                               97,521,321.88                               97,550,400.00

Total                                                                     97,521,321.88                               97,550,400.00

(2)The top five long-term loan

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                               Closing amount                 Opening amount
                                                     Curren Rate
         Company       Starting date     End day                         Foreign                           Foreign          Local
                                                      cy       (%)                    Local currency
                                                                         currency                         currency         currency

The Hang Seng Bank 20 Nov. 2013 20 May 2015 USD               2.49%                                      2,000,000.00 12,193,800.00

                                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

(China) Co., Ltd.
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.        20 Nov. 2013 20 Nov. 2015 USD               2.48% 14,000,000.00 86,139,200.00 14,000,000.00 85,356,600.00
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.        5 May 2014      5 May 2016       USD        3.02%      1,618,670.63       9,959,356.65
Tianjin branch

The Hang Seng Bank
(China) Co., Ltd.        5 May 2014      5 Nov. 2015      USD        3.02%        231,238.66       1,422,765.23
Tianjin branch

Total                          --              --            --        --             --          97,521,321.88          --          97,550,400.00

33. Long-term payable

 (1) The top five long-term payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                Conditions of
    Company               Term           Initial amount            Rate (%)         Accrued interest       Closing balance

Electric power
                                            9,735,560.00                                                      9,735,560.00 Credit
bonds payable

34. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                      Closing book balance                        Opening book balance

Deferred income                                                                   64,475,974.89                                   62,893,100.81

Other                                                                               1,840,000.00                                   1,840,000.00

Total                                                                             66,315,974.89                                   64,733,100.81

Notes of other non-current liabilities

        List of liabilities involved in government subsidy as follows:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                  Amount recorded
                                             New subsidy                                                                         Related to
                                                                  into non-operating                          Closing
          Item           Opening balance     amount in the                                 Other changes                      assets/Related to
                                                                    income in the                             balance
                                            reporting period                                                                  income revenue
                                                                   reporting period

Land subsidies              62,893,100.81                                   677,125.92                     62,215,974.89 Related to assets

Equipment subsidies                            2,400,000.00                 140,000.00                      2,260,000.00 Related to assets

                                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Total                        62,893,100.81      2,400,000.00              817,125.92                    64,475,974.89              --

35. Share capital
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                  Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                      Opening                                         Capitalization                                               Closing
                                    Issuing new
                      balance                        Bonus shares          of public          Other           Subtotal             balance

Total shares     955,800,496.00                                                                                              955,800,496.00

Note: if there was capital increase or capital decrease in the reporting period, shall disclose the name of public accounting firm of
perform capital verification and reference number of capital verification for the company operating less than 3 years, just indicate net
assets before establishment. Limited liability company changed into joint - stock company shall indicate the capital verification when
the company establish.

36. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item               Opening balance              Increase                      Decrease                   Closing balance
Capital premium (share
                                             920,142,111.39                                                                  920,142,111.39
capital premium)

Other capital reserves                        78,362,694.27                   4,747,088.31                                    83,109,782.58

Other comprehensive income                      2,350,000.00                                                                      2,350,000.00

Total                                       1,000,854,805.66                  4,747,088.31                                 1,005,601,893.97

Note: The increase of RMB 4, 747,088.31on other capital reserves was mainly because RMB4, 747,007.52 was recognized on fair
value of share-based instruments that settled by equity method.

37. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
               Item               Opening balance              Increase                      Decrease                   Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves                   656,196,838.67                                                                  656,196,838.67

Discretional surplus reserves                   3,341,572.58                                                                      3,341,572.58

Total                                        659,538,411.25                                                                  659,538,411.25

Notes of surplus reserves: for surplus reserves transferred to share capital, compensating losses and distributed as dividends, relevant
resolutions shall be explained:

38. Retained profits

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                Withdrawal or distributed
                         Item                                                 Amount

Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                                         3,379,354,741.18                    --

Opening balance of retained profits after                                                3,379,354,741.18                    --

                                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                          476,880,256.93               --

Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                                                                  10.00%

Dividend of common stock payable                                                          363,204,188.48

Closing retained profits                                                                 3,493,030,809.63              --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB* opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB* opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.
Notes: as for IPO companies, if the accumulated profits were enjoyed by new and original shareholders according to the resolutions
made at the shareholders’ general meeting before public offering, the Company shall explain clearly; if the accumulated profits were
distributed before public offering and enjoyed by the original shareholders according to the resolutions made at the shareholders’
general meeting, the Company shall clearly disclose the audited profits of dividends payable enjoyed by the original shareholders.
39. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                  Reporting period                        Same period of last year

Sales of main business                                                   3,039,920,640.88                            2,976,710,964.24

Other operating income                                                      74,305,940.74                               83,784,290.93

Cost of sales                                                            2,137,850,293.37                            2,184,574,937.90

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                     Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                       Revenue of sales           Costs of sales            Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

Textile and apparel                       2,724,309,422.81          1,824,632,782.41          2,616,382,415.59       1,820,282,658.11

Cotton                                     159,410,859.92               149,326,721.78          222,917,964.19         196,699,415.84

Electricity and gas                         119,119,630.13               88,061,054.53          102,696,182.88          85,247,430.26

Other                                        37,080,728.02               28,270,113.47           34,714,401.58          28,892,231.74

Total                                     3,039,920,640.88          2,090,290,672.19          2,976,710,964.24       2,131,121,735.95
 (3) Main business (Classified by product)
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                     Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                       Revenue of sales           Costs of sales            Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

                                                                           2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Fabric products                        2,110,310,993.51          1,408,130,198.92        2,034,521,635.12         1,427,276,223.26

Skirts                                   613,998,429.30             416,502,583.49           581,860,780.47        393,006,434.85

Cotton                                   159,410,859.92             149,326,721.78           222,917,964.19        196,699,415.84

Electricity, gas                         119,119,630.13              88,061,054.53           102,696,182.88          85,247,430.26

Other                                     37,080,728.02              28,270,113.47            34,714,401.58          28,892,231.74

Total                                  3,039,920,640.88          2,090,290,672.19        2,976,710,964.24         2,131,121,735.95
 (4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Reporting period                               Same period of last year
                                     Revenue of sales        Costs of sales           Revenue of sales           Costs of sales

HK                                       223,063,001.01             148,872,395.32           224,302,228.93        157,348,013.59

Japan and South Korea                    188,416,112.34             126,981,508.64           229,106,611.11        157,602,520.53

Southeast Asia                           756,436,217.45             504,853,083.64           756,460,493.16        530,619,265.08

Europe and America                       471,269,443.76             317,969,214.62           472,572,057.53        322,753,717.65

Other                                    441,989,539.34             295,295,948.84           348,347,623.44        243,824,599.27

Domestic sales                           958,746,326.98             696,318,521.13           945,921,950.07        718,973,619.83

Total                                  3,039,920,640.88          2,090,290,672.19        2,976,710,964.24         2,131,121,735.95
 (5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Customer                     Main business revenue                Proportion of total business revenue (%)

Customer A                                                   262,182,742.50                                                  8.42%

Customer B                                                   148,733,270.05                                                  4.78%

Customer C                                                   142,713,976.89                                                  4.58%

Customer D                                                   138,419,126.06                                                  4.44%

Customer E                                                   112,460,574.34                                                  3.61%

Total                                                        804,509,689.84                                                 25.83%


40. Business tax and surtax

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                   Item                   Reporting period       Same period of last year      Calculation and payment standard

Business tax                                        617,475.60                 542,993.23

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                 12,253,415.71             16,639,250.33

Education surtax                                  5,353,843.11                7,315,311.26

                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Local education surtax                  3,569,237.62              4,873,761.88
Local water conservancy construction
                                        1,749,617.91              2,364,331.12
Total                                  23,543,589.95             31,735,647.82                  --


41. Selling expenses

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Traffic expenses                                          16,454,022.50                               15,953,266.62

Wages                                                     27,103,133.51                               22,813,166.45

Cost of stores                                             11,438,534.62                              11,651,026.60

Advertisement fees                                         11,884,726.86                               1,991,766.54

Port surcharge                                                 3,169,415.15                            3,561,927.93

Copyright payment                                              1,411,714.95                            1,170,135.27

Rental expenses                                                2,982,934.22                            1,827,036.45

CIF                                                             133,714.31                             1,102,879.93

Patent fees                                                    1,042,079.41                            1,603,574.50

Other                                                     17,487,870.29                               20,137,059.86

Total                                                     93,108,145.82                               81,811,840.15

42. Administration expenses

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                Reporting period                       Same period of last year

R&D expenses                                             148,094,648.52                              115,069,711.84

Wages                                                     41,604,372.05                               52,398,919.79

Depreciation expenses                                     12,075,385.41                               11,438,349.42

Taxes                                                     15,345,715.98                               14,195,779.04

Share-based payment fees                                       4,747,007.52                            4,801,767.48

Warehouse funds                                                8,782,718.18                            8,792,074.55

Repair expenses                                                1,833,072.82                            2,230,827.22

Amortization of intangible assets                              5,010,321.66                            4,382,491.06

Labor union expenditures                                       6,536,835.39                            5,523,182.75

Insurance expenses                                             3,706,582.55                            3,301,928.88

Traffic expenses                                               3,604,235.55                            3,376,939.23

                                                                         2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Other                                                              43,591,779.00                               35,310,358.13

Total                                                             294,932,674.63                              260,822,329.39

43. Financial expenses

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                             Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Interest expenses                                                  13,605,979.71                               22,196,732.55

Interest   costs                                                        4,797,528.00                            1,916,200.18

Exchange gains and losses                                           -4,943,357.38                                -102,155.03

Other                                                                   3,576,213.13                            4,158,562.94

Total                                                                   7,441,307.46                           24,336,940.28

44. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Source                          Reporting period                   Same period of last year

Trading financial assets                                                 -29,949,120.00                        -1,718,481.00

Including: gains from the changes in fair value of
                                                                         -29,949,120.00                        -1,718,481.00
derivative financial instruments

Trading financial liabilities                                             -1,050,030.00

Total                                                                    -30,999,150.00                        -1,718,481.00


45. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Item                           Reporting period                   Same period of last year

Investment income received from long term equity
  accounted by cost method

Investment income received from disposal of
                                                                          21,158,949.08                        17,649,677.42
trading financial assets

Total                                                                     21,278,949.08                        17,649,677.42

46. Impairment losses

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                             Item                                    Reporting period                  Same period of last year

I. Bad debts losses                                                             -5,235,486.56                           -2,922,150.92

Total                                                                           -5,235,486.56                           -2,922,150.92
47. Non-operating gains


                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                          The amount included in the
                      Item                        Reporting period          Same period of last year      current non-recurring gains
                                                                                                                  and losses

Total gains from disposal of non-current
                                                             50,957.05                     2,363,171.75                     50,957.05

Including:Gains from disposal of fixed
                                                             50,957.05                     2,363,171.75                     50,957.05

Government grants                                         17,088,515.19                   12,871,925.92                17,088,515.19

Other                                                      2,687,296.00                    2,834,657.53                 2,687,296.00

Total                                                     19,826,768.24                   18,069,755.20                19,826,768.24

 (2) List of government grants
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                          Same period of last Related to assets/Related Belong to non-recurring
             Item                   Reporting period
                                                                 year              to income revenue          profit and loss or not

                                                                                Related to income
Energy saving subsidy funds                1,000,000.00                                                     Yes

                                                                                Related to income
Industry development subsidy                 200,000.00                                                     Yes

                                                                                Related to income
Energy saving subsidy funds                1,500,000.00                                                     Yes

                                                                                Related to income
Patent development funds                      30,000.00                                                     Yes

Emerging industry                                                               Related to income
                                           9,000,000.00                                                     Yes
development subsidy                                                             revenue

                                                                                Related to income
Energy saving subsidy funds                  100,000.00                                                     Yes

Science and technology                                                          Related to income
                                           2,680,000.00                                                     Yes
innovation subsidy                                                              revenue

                                                                                Related to income
Patent development funds                      50,000.00                                                     Yes

                                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Social insurance subsidies in                                Related to income
                                 387,607.27                                      Yes
the fourth quarter of 2012                                   revenue

Poverty alleviation project
                                                             Related to income
loan fiscal interest discount    187,500.00                                      Yes

The modern agricultural
                                                             Related to income
production development           850,000.00                                      Yes

                                                             Related to income
Import products discount          60,000.00                                      Yes

                                                             Related to income
Export credit insurance           38,500.00                                      Yes

                                                             Related to income
Export credit insurance           39,822.00                                      Yes

                                                             Related to income
Import equipment discount        147,960.00                                      Yes

Special funds of the technical                               Related to income
                                              1,500,000.00                       Yes
reconstruction                                               revenue

Subsidies for Xinjiang Cotton                                Related to income
                                              5,216,300.00                       Yes
moving out of Xinjiang                                       revenue

Special funds of agricultural                                Related to income
                                               200,000.00                        Yes
industrialization development                                revenue

                                                             Related to income
Finance discount                                62,500.00                        Yes

Subsidies For the Farmland
                                                             Related to income
Waste Mulch Comprehensive                     1,730,000.00                       Yes
Control Project

Science and technology                                       Related to income
                                                50,000.00                        Yes
awards                                                       revenue

                                                             Related to income
Patent grants                                   86,000.00                        Yes

                                                             Related to income
Quality prize of the governor                  100,000.00                        Yes

                                                             Related to income
Science and technology award                   100,000.00                        Yes

Building energy conservation                                 Related to income
                                                80,000.00                        Yes
subsidies                                                    revenue

                                                             Related to income
Public housing subsidy funds                  2,750,000.00                       Yes

                                                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Related to income
Energy-saving incentives                                             300,000.00                                Yes

                                                                                  Related to income
Patent development funds                                              20,000.00                                Yes

                                                                                  Related to income
Deferred revenue amortization                 817,125.92             677,125.92                                Yes

Total                                     17,088,515.19           12,871,925.92              --                             --

48. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                               The amount included in
                       Item                                Reporting period       Same period of last year the current non-recurring
                                                                                                                     gains and losses

Loss on disposal of non-current assets                             2,054,591.12                   122,406.85                2,054,591.12

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                        2,054,591.12                   122,406.85                2,054,591.12

External donation                                                    209,994.80                   211,289.70                     209,994.80

Penalty expense                                                       25,195.86                    17,875.00                      25,195.86

Compensation expense                                                 631,022.86                   525,859.57                     631,022.86

Other                                                                174,317.36                     6,325.17                     174,317.36

Total                                                              3,095,122.00                   883,756.29                3,095,122.00


49. Income tax expense

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                        Reporting period                Same period of last year

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
                                                                                      89,668,858.22                        82,161,607.41

Adjustment of income tax                                                              -1,608,479.27                         1,531,300.69

Total                                                                                 88,060,378.95                        83,692,908.10

50. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

The basic EPS should be calculated by the current net profits which belongs to the Company’s common shareholders, to
divides the weighted average of the common shares outstanding. The new issued common shares should according to the
specific clauses of the issued contract, and should be calculated and confirmed from the date of accounts receivable of co
nsideration (generally as the issue date of shares).
The molecule of the gains of diluted EPS belongs to the Company’s current net profit of the common shareholders, and would

                                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

confirmed after the adjustments as below: (1) The interest of the diluted potential common shares confirmed in the reporting period;
(2) Profits or expenses from the conversion of the diluted potential common shares; and (3) the above influences of the adjustment of
the income taxes.
The denominator of the gains of diluted EPS equals to the sum of the following two points: (1) In the basic EPS gains,
the weighted average of the issued common shares of the Company; and (2) the weighted average of the increased comm
on shares owning to the conversion of the assumed diluted potential common shares.
When calculating the weighted average of the issued shares which increased owning to the conversion of the diluted potential
common shares, those diluted potential common shares issued in the previous period, should be assumed to convert at the year-begin;
and the diluted potential common shares issued in the current year, should be assumed to convert on the issuance date.
  (1) List of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share in each period
  Profit in reporting period                 Reporting period                              Same period of last year

                                    Basic EPS             Diluted EPS                Basic EPS              Diluted EPS
Net profit belongs to the             0.50                    0.50                     0.43                    0.43
Company’s common
Net profit distributable to           0.50                    0.50                     0.41                    0.41
common shareholders of
the Company after
deducting non-recurring
gains and losses
(2) Calculation procedure of basic EPS and diluted EPS
During the reporting period, there were no diluted potential common shares in the Company so that EPS-diluted equaled to basic
①When calculated the EPS-basic, the net profits distributable to common shareholders were as follows:
                            Items                                    Reporting period             Same period of last year

Net profit distributable to common shareholders of the                           476,880,256.93               416,175,890.38


Of    which : Net profit distributable to continual                             476,880,256.93               416,175,890.38


            Net profit distributable to discontinued

Net profit distributable to common shareholders of the                           475,996,558.52               393,419,324.10
Company after deducting non-recurring gains and

Of which : Net profit distributable to continual                                475,996,558.52               393,419,324.10


            Net profit distributable to terminated
②When calculated the EPS-basic, the denominator refers to the weighted average amount of outstanding issued common shares, and
the accounting process as follows:

                                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                            Items                              Reporting period           Same period of last year

Amount of outstanding issued common shares at period-begin
                                                                     955,800,496.00                    960,057,496.00

Add:weighted average amount of common shares issued at

current period

Deduct : weighted average amount of common shares                                                        709,500.00
repurchased at current period

Weighted average amount of outstanding issued common                 955,800,496.00                    959,347,996.00
shares at period-end

51. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                Item                             Reporting period               Same period of last year

4. Converted amount of foreign currency financial statements                      -3,361.77                     -812,926.81

                           Subtotal                                               -3,361.77                     -812,926.81

                                Total                                             -3,361.77                     -812,926.81

Notes of other comprehensive income
52. Notes of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Item                                                  Amount

Government subsidy                                                                                           18,671,389.27

Collection for employees                                                                                        516,545.65

Claim income                                                                                                    434,310.44

Penalty income                                                                                                    27,002.62

Recovery of employee borrowings, petty cash and deposit                                                         702,797.55

Other                                                                                                        13,798,766.58

                                        Total                                                                34,150,812.11

 (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Item                                                  Amount

Transportation fees                                                                                          30,121,059.73

Rent for sales counters and administration expense                                                           12,133,489.36

Rent                                                                                                         12,894,780.90

                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Advertising fees                                                                                   9,760,845.31

Business travel fee                                                                                6,008,384.69

Insurance expense                                                                                  3,614,037.61

Bank charges                                                                                        709,115.39

Inspection charges                                                                                   98,257.20

Copyright royalty                                                                                  4,222,631.59

Audit, consultancy and public notice expenses                                                       972,710.82

Decoration and maintenance expense                                                                  911,517.51

Water and electricity expense                                                                       206,277.86

External donations                                                                                  645,929.00

Advance for agricultural materials                                                                 2,922,940.05

Other                                                                                            50,978,244.53

                                     Total                                                      136,200,221.55

 (3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                         Amount
Interest income                                                                                    4,797,528.00

Trading financial assets investment income                                                       21,158,949.08

                                     Total                                                       25,956,477.08

 (4) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities

                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                         Amount
Accounts                                                                                         12,000,000.00

                                     Total                                                       12,000,000.00

 (5) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities
                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                         Amount
Accounts paid back to related parties                                                            12,000,000.00

Short-term loan margin                                                                           25,829,195.86

                                     Total                                                       37,829,195.86

                                                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

53. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                      Same period of last
                              Supplemental information                                     Reporting period
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations:                       --                       --

 Net profit                                                                                     481,537,123.32            429,559,997.78

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                               -5,235,486.56          -2,922,150.92

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive biological assets                  145,594,825.78            129,192,163.01

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                                   5,699,474.24            5,221,482.37

 Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                               56,911.26                47,536.25

 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and other long-term assets
                                                                                                     2,003,634.07           -2,240,764.90
(gains: negative)

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                     30,999,150.00               1,718,481.00

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                                   4,307,508.25           20,178,377.34

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                               -21,278,949.08            -17,649,677.42

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                                2,883,888.73            1,789,072.84

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                           -4,472,477.24            -295,067.32

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                                    -137,401,684.55             -90,539,396.20

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase: negative)                  89,612,169.08              22,295,309.84

 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease: negative)                   -195,263,523.43              -5,608,443.50

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                              399,042,563.87            490,746,920.17

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash
                                                                                                     --                       --
receipts and payments

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                                               --                       --

 Closing balance of Cash                                                                        442,306,121.20            530,885,795.41

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                                  869,909,505.89            900,182,215.72

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  -427,603,384.69            -369,296,420.31
 (2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                            Item                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance
I. Cash                                                                            442,306,121.20                         869,909,505.89

Including: Cash on hand                                                               1,201,474.37                           1,205,603.58

 Bank deposit on demand                                                            395,987,247.74                         806,000,856.42

 Other monetary funds on demand                                                     45,117,399.09                           62,703,045.89

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                  442,306,121.20                         869,909,505.89


                                                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

54. Notes on projects on statement of change in equity
Information on “other” item names when regulating the year end balance of last year and amount adjustment, and retroactive
adjustment incorporated and produced by the enterprise under the same control:

VIII. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

 1. Information of the parent company of the Company
                                                                                                           The parent The parent       ultimate
  Parent       Relationsh Business Registered                                 Business Registered company's company's controlling Organizati
 company              ip           Type         place                           nature       Capital       shareholdi     voting        party of        on Code
                                                                                                             ng (%)      right (%)          the

               Controllin                                                  electric
Lucheng        g                                           Liu             power,                                                     Liu           16420039-
                                Liability     Zibo                                          63,260,000        14.68%       14.68%
Textile        shareholde                                  Shizhen         pharmaceu                                                  Shizhen       1
               r                                                           tical

 2. Information of subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                        Legal                                                        Percentage
                                    Business     Registered                           Business       Registered           of                       Organizatio
 Full name            Type                                        representati                                                       of voting
                                      type           place                               nature          capital   Shareholdin                          n code
                                                                         ve                                                          right (%)
                                                                                                                        g (%)

Clothing                                                                                            RMB
                   Controlling (legal                                              Wholesale,                                                      55488176-
Co., Ltd.                                        Beijing          Liu Shizhen                       15,000,000.         100.00%        100.00%
                   subsidiary     foreign                                          retail                                                          X
(hereinafter                                                                                        00
refer to as

                                  Joint stock
Clothing                                                                                            RMB
                   Controlling no-foreign                                          Wholesale,
Co., Ltd.                                        Beijing          Liu Shizhen                       42,000,000.          60.00%         60.00% 71774843-8
                   subsidiary     joint                                            retail
(hereinafter                                                                                        00
refer to as

                                                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Luthai                       Limited                                              HKD
               Controlling                                           Wholesale,
(Hong                        liability      HongKong Liu Shizhen                  6,000,000.0   100.00%    100.00%
               subsidiary                                            retail
Kong)                        corporation                                          0

Clothing                                                                          RMB
               Controlling corporation                               Wholesale,
Co., Ltd.                                   Shanghai   Liu Shizhen                5,000,000.0   100.00%    100.00% 56659750-4
               subsidiary    (legal                                  retail
(hereinafter                                                                      0
refer to as

                             Limited                                              RMB
Xingjian       Controlling                                           Manufactur
                             liability      Xinjiang   Liu Shizhen                200,725,100    59.92%      59.92% 75165238-4
Luthai         subsidiary                                            e
                             corporation                                          .00

                             Taiwan,                                              RMB
Lufeng         Controlling                                           Manufactur
                             HongKong Zibo             Liu Shizhen                706,160,000    75.00%      75.00% 76001835-0
Textile        subsidiary                                            e
                             Macao and                                            .00

Zibo Luqun
(hereinafter                                                                      RMB
               Controlling corporation                               Manufactur
refer to as                                 Zibo       Liu Shizhen                168,220,000   100.00%    100.00% 76870633-4
               subsidiary    (legal                                  e
“Zibo                                                                            .00

Xinsheng                     Limited
Power Co.,                   liability
Ltd.           Controlling corporation                               Manufactur
                                            Zibo       Liu Shizhen                162,435,600   100.00%    100.00% 61329023-1
(hereinafter subsidiary      (legal                                  e
refer to as                  person
“Xinsheng                   owned))

Xinjiang       Controlling Limited                                   Manufactur RMB
                                            Xinjiang   Liu Shizhen                               59.92%      59.92% 05317660-8
  Luthai       subsidiary    liability                               e            50,000,000.

                                                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

   Textile                     corporation                                           00

                               Limited                                               USD
Luthai           Controlling                                           Manufactur
                               liability     Cambodia   Zhang Ming                   2,000,000.0     100.00%      100.00%
(Cambodia) subsidiary                                                  e
                               corporation                                           0

Textile( Am
erica) Co.,
Ltd.             Controlling Joint stock                               Wholesale,
                                             America    Liu Zibin                    1,000,000.0     100.00%      100.00%
(hereinafter subsidiary        company                                 retail
refer to as

                               Joint stock
                               company( u
Commerce Controlling                                                   Wholesale, RMB
                               foreign       Beijing    Liu Shizhen                                    90.00%      90.00% 39988794-1
Co.,             subsidiary                                            retail        10,000,000
Ltd.( herein
after refer to
as “Luthai
Youxian ")

Zibo Helijie
                 Controlling corporation                                             RMB
Service Co.,                                 Zibo       Li Tongmin Service                           100.00%      100.00% 57287269-9
                 subsidiary    (legal                                                10,000,000
refer to as
3. Information of joint ventures and associated enterprises
                                Name                                            Relationship                    Organization code

Zibo Stanluian Cosmetics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called              Affiliated person (same chairman
“Stanluian”)                                                      as the Company)

Zibo Taimei Tie Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as “Taimei         Controlling subsidiary of the parent
Tie”)                                                              company

Zibo Limin Purified Water Co., Ltd.                                 Wholly-owned subsidiary of the
(hereinafter refer to as “Limin Purified Water”)                  parent company

                                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Zibo Luqu Land Co., Ltd.                                         Wholly-owned subsidiary of the
(hereinafter refer to as “Luqu Land”)                          parent company

                                                                 Wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Chengshun Power Co., Ltd.                                                                             69544896-X
                                                                 parent company

                                                                 Controlling subsidiary of
Limin Walling Material                                           wholly-owned subsidiary of the       56251579-4
                                                                 parent company

Zibo Lurui Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Controlled subsidiary of the parent
Lurui Chemical)                                                  company

Hongqiao Hearting                                                Other                                75449967-X


4. Related-party transactions

(1) Purchase of goods and acceptance of service

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                         Pricing method          Reporting period         Same period of last year

                        Content of the related-party
    Related party                                        decision-making                     Proportion                  Proportion
                                    transaction                                Amount                      Amount
                                                        procedures for the                      (%)                         (%)


Lucheng Textile        Towel, sock, oil product, etc. Market price            3,174,391.83      69.42%    3,291,551.44       64.51%

                       Electronic product, computer
                       equipment, computer
Lucheng Textile                                         Market price           915,654.25       70.39%
                       consumable materials and
                       high-temperature products

                       Gift box for cosmetic, lotion,
Stanluian Company washing-up liquid, Liquid             Market price            66,786.34      100.00%      70,216.10       100.00%
                       soap, etc.

Taimei Ties            Purchase of ties                 Market price           131,058.12         0.10%    341,159.32         0.26%

                       Processing charges for the leg
Lucheng Textile                                         Market price           483,524.44         0.37%    437,453.01         0.33%
                       of a stocking

                       Processing charges for
Taimei Ties                                             Market price          4,878,775.80      99.07%    5,562,421.20      100.00%
                       commodities and quilt cover

Hongqiao Power         Electricity and steam            Market price         23,701,094.93      12.58% 29,139,798.88         17.91%

Limin Walling          Building materials               Market price           202,728.21         1.58%    194,049.56         1.61%

Lurui Chemical         Purchase of textile auxiliary    Market price         14,665,304.59      17.31%

Lurui Chemical         Purchase of equipment            Market price            29,059.83         0.06%

Sales of goods and rendering of labor service

                                                                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                            Pricing                  Reporting period               Same period of last year

                                                          method and
  Related party       Content of the transaction                                                     Proportio                             Proportio
                                                         ng procedures               Amount                            Amount
                                                                                                       n (%)                                 n (%)
                                                            for the

                   Sales of materials, electricity,
Lucheng Textile                                          Market price                  107,862.89       1.14%                 129,187.99      0.17%
                   running water and steam

                   Sales of dyed yarn, fabric and
Lucheng Textile                                          Market price                  289,896.20       0.01%                 337,012.82      0.02%

                   Sales of electricity, heating
Taimei Ties                                              Market price                   13,022.39       0.00%                  14,402.84      0.00%
                   charges, garment etc.

                   Sales of materials, garments,
                   electricity, running water and        Market price                   29,497.96       0.00%                  27,321.39      0.00%
                   heating charges

Limin Purified     Sales of materials, garment and
                                                         Market price                    4,439.53       0.00%                   4,381.74      0.00%
Water              equipment

Lurui Chemical Sales of garments                         Market price                  123,141.44       0.01%
Chengshun          Sales of materials, heating water
                                                     Market price                     1,691,084.42      0.22%            2,381,827.08         0.31%
Power              and garment

(2) Information of related-party lease
Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Category of                                                      Pricing basis for      Rental income
 Name of lessor      Name of lessee        the leased           Initial date              Ending date            the rental       recognized in the
                                             assets                                                               income          reporting period
                                        House and
The Company         Lucheng Textile                       1 Jan.2014                   31 Dec. 2016         Market price                195,200.00

                    Chengshun           House and
Xinsheng Power                                            1 Jan.2014                   31 Dec. 2014         Market price                     900.00
                    Power               building

Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                 Pricing basis     Lease charges
   Name of          Name of        Category of the leased
                                                                      Initial date            Ending date        for the lease recognized in the
    lessor           lessee                 assets
                                                                                                                    charges       reporting period

Lucheng                          Rent of scientific
                  The Company                                 1 Jan.2014                 31 Dec. 2016            Market price         3,874,200.00
Textile                          research office building

Lucheng                          Rent of production
                  The Company                                 1 Jan.2014                 31 Dec. 2016            Market price         1,860,000.00
Textile                          office building

                                                                                       2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                  The Company Rent of exhibition hall             1 Jan.2014             31 Dec. 2016           Market price        224,400.00

                  The Company Rent of land                        1 Jan.2013             31 Dec. 2015           Market price       1,897,800.00

                  The Company Rent of gas station                 1 Jan.2014             31 Dec. 2016           Market price        263,400.00
                                   Rent of land and
Luqun Land        The Company                                     1 Jan.2013             31 Dec. 2015           Market price        901,200.00
                  Weaving &        Rent of houses                 1 Jan.2013             31 Dec. 2015           Market price        348,600.00


(3) Related-party call loan

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Amount of call
  Related party                                  Initial date                  Due date                               Note

Loan from banks and other financial institutions

                                                                                                Accounts borrowed by Luqun Textile in last
Lucheng Textile        6,000,000.00 23 Jan. 2014                        27 Jan. 2014
                                                                                                year had all paid in this year

                                                                                                Accounts borrowed by Luqun Textile in last
Lucheng Textile        6,000,000.00 24 Jan. 2014                        27 Jan. 2014
                                                                                                year had all paid in this year

Lending to banks and other financial institutions

(4) Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Type of                             Pricing principle            Reporting period            Same period of last year

                       related       Content of the               for the
  Related party                                                                                     Proportio                           Proportio
                       party           transaction          related-party              Amount                         Amount
                                                                                                        n (%)                            n (%)
                     transaction                                transaction

                                   Purchase of
Luqun Land          Purchase       Commercial             Market price             31,416,086.66 100.00%
                                   houses and shops

Limin Purified                     Purchase of
                    Purchase                              Market price                                                       2,399.67      0.01%
Water                              storage bucket

5. Amounts due from/to related parties
Amount due from related parties
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Closing balance                            Opening balance
             Name                  Related party                             Provision for bad                         Provision for bad
                                                          Book balance                                 Book balance
                                                                                   debts                                    debts

Amount due to related parties
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                 Name                              Related party                 Closing balance                  Opening balance

Accounts payable                         Lucheng Textile                                      379,326.00                        377,246.00

Accounts payable                         Taimei Ties                                          100,485.00                        100,485.00

IX. Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

Total of each equity instrument expired in the
reporting period

Scope of excising price and remaining contract term
of stock options that externally issued as at the RMB 5.025/share; 4,161,000 shares

"Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. 2011 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (revised draft)" (hereinafter referred to as "Incentive Plan") has been
passed in the Company’s 2011 second extraordinary general meeting, and its main content is as follows:
(1) The category of the underlying stocks: The underlying stocks of the incentive target awarded by the incentive plan were the
Luthai Textile limited stocks.
(2) The source of the underlying stocks: The source of the underlying stocks of the incentive target awarded by the incentive plan was
the RMB common shares (A shares) of Luthai Textile that the Company issued directionally to the incentive target.
(3) The incentive target: Through the statistics of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee and the audition of the boards of
supervisors, the staff amounted to 344 people, who met with the qualification of the incentive target of this plan, would be 2.15% of
the Luthai Textile staff as to 31 Dec. 2013, including one direct relative of the actual controller.
(4) Notes of the restricted period plan of the stocks: The term of validity of this incentive plan was 48 months, and would be counted
from the date of award of the underlying stocks. The lock-up period of the limited stocks, which the Company awarded to the
incentive target, would be 12 months counted from the date of award. During the lock-up period, the limited stocks which were
owned by the incentive target through this plan would not be transferred. The unlocking period was 36 months after the lock-up
period and during which, if met with the unlocking situations of this incentive plan, the incentive target could unlock the stocks of
three times application, which were 12 months, 24 months, 36 months after the date of award respectively, and would receive 40%,
30%, 20% respectively of the total of the limited stocks by applying unlock.
(5) The unlock conditions: The plan awarded the incentive target of three-term unlock of the limited stocks, of which met with the
unlock conditions during the unlocking period; the incentive target could apply for the unlocking as well as the listing and circulating
of the stocks. The arrangement of the unlocking and the performance conditions of the Company would be listed as the form below:

 Unlocking arrangement                             Performance conditions                                Unlocking proportion

The first unlocking after The rate of the 2011 net assets profits was not less than the twice                   40%

                                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

12 months of the award of the average level of the listed companies of same industry;
date                      the growth rate of the 2011 net profits was not less by 15% than
                          2011; the net amount of the 2011 operating cash flow was not less
                          than the current net profit.

The second unlocking      The rate of the 2012 net assets profits was not less than the twice                 30%
after 24 months of the    of the average level of the listed companies of same industry;
award date                the growth rate of the 2012 net profits was not less by 25% than
                          2011; the net amount of the 2012 operating cash flow was not less
                          than the current net profit.

The third unlocking after The rate of the 2013 net assets profits was not less than the twice                 30%
36 months of the award of the average level of the listed companies of same industry;
date                      the growth rate of the 2013 net profits was not less by 35% than
                          2011; the net amount of the 2013 operating cash flow was not less
                          than the current net profit.

The net profit deducting the non-recurring gains and losses belong to the shareholders of the Company during each year of 2011 and
2013 were not less than the average level of the current three accounting years (2008, 2009, and 2010) before the award date and at
the same time should not be negative. When calculating the growth rate of the net profits, the index of the net profits should base on
the lower one of the “net profits belong to the shareholder of the listed companies” and the “net profits deducting of the non-recurring
gains and losses belongs to the listed companies”.
The incentive target applies for the unlocking of the limited stocks awarded according this plan, should meet with the following
conditions in addition to meeting with the Company’s performance conditions listed above:
The Company had not happened each of the following situations yet: Had been issued by the CPA of the negative advice or the CPA
could not offer any advice for any of the financial and accounting report of current accounting year; had been sentenced of
administrative penalties by the CSRC of the significant violation behaviors within one year; and the other situations that the CSRC
considered not to carry out the incentive plan of the limited stocks.
The incentive target had not happened each of the following situations: During the current three years had been condemned in public
or been announced as unsuitable candidate by Securities Exchange; during the current three years had been sentenced f
administrative penalties by the CSRC of the significant violation behaviors; had the situation set by the” Corporation Law” that not
to take charge of the directors, supervisors and senior managers; the incentive target ended the labor contract unilateral before the
compliment of this plan; the Company had sufficient evidences that could prove the violations, or serious dereliction of duty,
malfeasance that had ruined the Company’s interests as well as the reputation by the misappropriation of funds, job occupation, theft,
leakage of the management and technical secrets, which led the great losses of the Company; the performance appraisal passed of the
last year before the unlocking of the incentive target was according to the “Implementation Assessment Methods of The Incentive
Plan of The Limited Stocks of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.”.(6) The awarded quantity and price of the limited stocks: The amount of the
limited stocks of the incentive target awarded by the incentive plan is 14,090,000 shares, and the awarded price is RMB 5.025.
The 23rd meeting of the sixth board of directors of the company reviewed and passed the resolution of Motion about the Repurchase
Cancellation of the Restricted Stocks Have Been Granted to the Original Incentive Targets Does Not Comply with the Incentive Targ
et Excitation Conditions on Aug. 13, 2012. The original incentive targets Liu Qingchun and Shi Qian do not comply with the Article
1 of the restricted stock incentive plan of the company, The Unlock arrangement and Assessment Conditions of Restricted Stock beca
use they had left their jobs in the assessment period. Thus the company repurchased and canceled all the 60,000.00 shares had grante
d to them with RMB 5.025 per share.
The 23rd meeting of the sixth board of directors of the company passed Motion about the Restricted stocks Can Be Unlocked in the
First Unlock Period of the Incentive Plan. 40% of the restricted stocks, 5.612 million shares, were unlocked for the first patch.

                                                                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

On    27     Mar.   2013,   the     26th     Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors was       held,   which    reviewed   and     approved   the
Repurchase Cancellation of the Motion Does Not Comply with the Incentive Target Excitation Conditions of Restricted Stock Have
Been Granted but Not Yet Unlocked and the About the Repurchase Cancellation of the Motion of Restricted Stock Have Not Yet been
Unlocked in Second Unlock Period, and the Company repurchased the restricted shares that didn’t meet with the unlock conditions
of 4,257,000 shares.
As of 30 Jun. 2014 the restricted stocks had not yet been unlocked were 4.161 million shares.

2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

Recognition method on fair value of equity instruments at the
                                                                       The closing price of A-share on the day before the grant day
grant date

Recognition method on the best estimate of the number of Whether employee service conditions and non-market conditions
vesting equity instruments                                             in incentive plan of the Company meet with the best estimate

Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based payment in
capital reserves
Total expense recognized for the equity-settle share-based

X. Contingency

1. Contingent liabilities and its financial effect arising from loan guarantee offered to other companies

As to 30 Jun. 2014, information about physical assets pledged by controlled subsidiaries for the purpose of acquiring bank

              Company                      Pledged asset     Asset value          Acquired loan                Term of borrowing

Xinjiang Luthai                       Inventory             78,644,581.97           75,000,000.00            2013.12.18-2014.9.17

Other contingent liabilities and its financial effect:

XI. Commitments

1. Significant commitments

                             Item                                          Closing balance                     Opening balance

Commitments signed but hasn’t been recognized in
financial statements

- Commitment for constructing and purchasing long-term                                 15732.25                            17,936.43

                             Total                                                     15732.25                            17,936.43

                                                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

2. Fulfillment of prior commitments

                           Item                                Contracted amount (RMB Ten Fulfillment of prior commitments

- Commitment for constructing and purchasing long-term                           17,936.43                 Fulfilled

XII. Notes of other significant events

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Gains and losses       Accumulated
                                                   from the changes in    changes in fair
             Item           Opening amount                                                   impairment in the     Closing amount
                                                    fair value in the    value recorded in
                                                                                             reporting period
                                                    reporting period          equity

Financial assets

2. Derivative financial
                                  29,949,120.00        -29,949,120.00

Total of the above items          29,949,120.00        -29,949,120.00

Financial liabilities             29,949,120.00                                                                                  0.00

2. Derivative financial
                                           0.00           1,050,030.00                                                   1,050,030.00

2. Foreign currency financial assets and liabilities

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                    Gains and losses       Accumulated
                                                   from the changes in    changes in fair
             Item            Opening amount                                                  impairment in the     Closing amount
                                                     fair value in the   value recorded in
                                                                                             reporting period
                                                    reporting period          equity

Financial assets

2. Derivative financial
                                   29,949,120.00        -29,949,120.00

3. Loans and accounts
                                  698,704,007.32                                                                       551,052,632.23

Subtotal of financial             728,653,127.32        -29,949,120.00                                                 551,052,632.23

                                                                                      2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.


Financial liabilities              480,026,140.14                1,050,030.00                                                         695,799,519.17

XIII. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company
1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                                 Book balance                  Provision for bad debts           Book balance               Provision for bad debts
                                            Proportio                           Proporti                  Proportion                         Proporti
                                Amount                           Amount                       Amount                          Amount
                                              n (%)                             on (%)                          (%)                             on (%)

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Aging group               224,406,704.88 100.00%                18,659,658.13      8.32% 285,486,751.57        100.00% 19,746,037.08             6.92%

Subtotal of groups        224,406,704.88 100.00%                18,659,658.13      8.32% 285,486,751.57        100.00% 19,746,037.08             6.92%

Total                     224,406,704.88 --                     18,659,658.13 --           285,486,751.57 --                19,746,037.08 --
Notes to category of accounts receivable:
Accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                     Closing balance                                                    Opening balance

                           Book balance                                                        Book balance
    Aging                                                  Provision for bad                                                       Provision for bad
                                             Proporti                                                            Proporti
                         Amount                                     debts                    Amount                                     debts
                                              on (%)                                                              on (%)

Within 1 year

Including:          --                       --           --                         --                          --           --

Within 1 year              169,432,364.52 75.50%                      8,471,618.22              237,997,888.02 83.37%                  11,899,894.40

Subtotal of
                           169,432,364.52 75.50%                      8,471,618.22              237,997,888.02 83.37%                  11,899,894.40
within 1 year

1-2 years                   20,091,308.09         8.95%               2,009,130.81               24,579,407.97        8.61%              2,457,940.80

2-3 years                   22,860,005.84 10.19%                      4,572,001.17               14,846,347.94        5.20%              2,969,269.59

Over 3 years                12,023,026.43         5.36%               3,606,907.93                8,063,107.64        2.82%              2,418,932.29

合计                       224,406,704.88          --                18,659,658.13              285,486,751.57         --              19,746,037.08

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

                                                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but independently withdrawn bad debts provision
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Information of the top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
                                The relationship
        Name of entity             with the              Amount                         Aging                          Proportion
                                Controlling                               Within 1 year, 1-3 year, over 3
Customer A                                                80,285,826.33                                                              35.78%
                                subsidiary                                year

Customer B                                                15,803,894.10 Within 1 year                                                 7.04%

Customer C                                                14,898,419.82 Within 1 year                                                 6.64%

Customer D                                                 9,463,048.24 Within 1 year                                                 4.22%

Customer E                                                 7,123,817.36 Within 1 year                                                 3.17%

             Total                     --                127,575,005.85                    --                                        56.85%

(3)Accounts receivable due to the related parties

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                            Occupancy rate of the total
      Name of company           Relationship with the Company                     Amount                 amount of accounts receivable

Beijing Innovative              Controlling subsidiary                                 80,285,826.33                                 35.78%

Lufeng Yangguang                Wholly-owned subsidiary                                 2,825,445.18                                  1.26%

Luthai (HongKong)               Wholly-owned subsidiary                                    578,592.21                                 0.25%

             Total                             --                                      83,689,863.72                                 37.29%

2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                Closing balance                                         Opening balance

                                                                                                                     Provision for bad
          Category                   Book balance           Provision for bad debts         Book balance

                                  Amount       Proportio      Amount        Proporti       Amount       Proportio    Amount          Proport

                                                                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                         n (%)                     on (%)                       n (%)                  ion (%)

Other accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Aging group                          32,265,667.02 100.00% 3,775,412.16 11.70% 36,913,460.94 100.00% 3,838,305.26 10.40%

Subtotal of the groups               32,265,667.02 100.00% 3,775,412.16 11.70% 36,913,460.94 100.00% 3,838,305.26 10.40%

Total                                32,265,667.02 --            3,775,412.16 --             36,913,460.94 --            3,838,305.26 --
Notes of category:
Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                         Closing balance                                               Opening balance

                               Book balance                                                  Book balance
                                               Proporti Bad debt provision                                    Proporti   Bad debt provision
                           Amount                                                           Amount
                                               on (%)                                                           on (%)

Within 1 year

Including:                      --                  --              --                         --                 --              --

Within 1 year                  19,098,870.80 59.19%                 954,943.54                22,633,947.99 61.32%               1,131,697.40

Subtotal for
those aging                    19,098,870.80 59.19%                 954,943.54                22,633,947.99 61.32%               1,131,697.40
within 1 year

1-2 years                       3,185,670.08       9.88%            318,567.01                 5,220,951.83 14.14%                 522,095.18

2-3 years                       4,924,362.34 15.26%                 984,872.47                 5,330,556.60 14.44%               1,066,111.32

Over 3 years                    5,056,763.80 15.67%               1,517,029.14                 3,728,004.52 10.10%               1,118,401.36

Total                          32,265,667.02        --            3,775,412.16                36,913,460.94       --             3,838,305.26

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at period-end:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Other accounts receivable due to the top five units

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

         Name of company               Relationship        Amount                           Term                         Proportion (%)

                                      Controlling                        Within 1 year, 1-2 year; 2-3years,over
Customer A                                               16,459,036.23                                                                 51.01%
                                      subsidiary                         3 years

                                                                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Customer B                                               3,361,619.67 Within 1 year                                                       10.42%

Customer C                                               1,515,009.47 Within 1 year, 2-3years,over 3 years                                 4.70%

Customer D                                               1,458,593.50 2-3years,over 3 years                                                4.52%

Customer E                         Subsidiary            1,233,021.12 Within 2 years                                                       3.82%

             Total                       --             24,027,279.99                        --                                           74.47%

(3) Other account receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

      Name of company                         Relationship                            Amount                             Proportion (%)

Shanghai Luthai Textile &
                                  Wholly-owned subsidiary                                    16,459,036.23                                51.01%
Garments Co., Ltd.

Luthai Textile (Cambodia)
                                  Wholly-owned subsidiary                                         1,233,021.12                             3.82%

Luthai Textile ( America)
                                  Wholly-owned subsidiary                                         1,052,193.40                             3.26%

             Total                                 --                                        18,744,250.75                                58.09%

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                      ons on
                                                                                                                            al amount
                                                                                                     s between
                                                                                                                               of         Cash
                                                                          Sharehold    Voting        sharehold Provision
            Accounti    Initial                                                                                             impairme bonus in
    The                             Opening Increase/         Closing        ing       right            ing        for
               ng      investmen                                                                                               nt          the
 investee                           balance      decrease     balance     Proportio Proportio proportio impairme
            method       t cost                                                                                             provision reporting
                                                                             n           n             n and      nt loss
                                                                                                                             in the       period

             Cost      25,200,00 25,200,00                   25,200,00
Innovativ                                                                   60.00%     60.00%
            method          0.00        0.00                       0.00

Xinjiang     Cost      117,342,3 117,342,3                   117,342,3      59.92%     59.92%

                                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Luthai      method        16.95     16.95                   16.95

Xinsheng     Cost    176,340,7 176,340,7                 176,340,7
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
Power       method        37.93     37.93                   37.93

             Cost    529,620,0 529,620,0                 529,620,0
Weaving                                                               75.00%    75.00%
            method        00.00     00.00                   00.00
& Dyeing

Luqun        Cost    171,784,5 171,784,5                 171,784,5
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
Textile     method        50.00     50.00                   50.00

             Cost    6,366,600 6,366,600                 6,366,600
(Hong                                                                100.00% 100.00%
            method           .00       .00                     .00

Lufeng       Cost    15,000,00 15,000,00                 15,000,00
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
Sunshine    method         0.00      0.00                     0.00

Shanghai     Cost    5,000,000 5,000,000                 5,000,000
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
Luthai      method           .00       .00                     .00

             Cost    55,282,60 55,282,60                 55,282,60
g                                                                      5.56%     5.56%
            method         0.00      0.00                     0.00

Textile      Cost    40,717,20               40,717,20 40,717,20
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
(Cambodi method            3.38                   3.38        3.38

Textile      Cost    2,442,920               2,442,920 2,442,920
                                                                     100.00% 100.00%
( America   method           .00                   .00         .00

Luthai       Cost    4,500,000               4,500,000 4,500,000
                                                                      90.00%    90.00%
Youxian     method           .00                   .00         .00

                     1,149,596 1,101,936 47,660,12 1,149,596
Total         --                                                       --        --       --
                         ,928.26   ,804.88        3.38     ,928.26

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

(1) Revenue of Sales

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
              Item                                Reporting period                             Same period of last year
Main business revenue                                            2,245,002,336.27                                 2,149,366,934.57

Other business revenue                                               73,197,187.83                                   76,814,496.53

Total                                                            2,318,199,524.10                                 2,226,181,431.10

                                                                            2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Cost of sales                                                   1,597,127,786.85                                  1,593,126,834.70

(2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                   Revenue of sales           Costs of sales          Revenue of sales           Costs of sales

Textile and garment                      2,245,002,336.27       1,544,161,311.27          2,149,366,934.57        1,534,288,708.43

Total                                    2,245,002,336.27       1,544,161,311.27          2,149,366,934.57        1,534,288,708.43

(3) Main business (Classified by product)

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Reporting period                              Same period of last year
          Name of products
                                   Revenue of sales           Costs of sales          Revenue of sales           Costs of sales

Fabric   products                        1,700,891,494.03       1,171,493,752.20          1,610,809,430.54        1,151,606,625.83

Shirts                                    544,110,842.24            372,667,559.07          538,557,504.03          382,682,082.60

Total                                    2,245,002,336.27       1,544,161,311.27          2,149,366,934.57        1,534,288,708.43

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                 Reporting period                              Same period of last year
            Name of area
                                   Revenue of sales           Costs of sales          Revenue of sales           Costs of sales

Hong Kong                                 195,398,661.01            134,570,645.03          154,730,748.77          110,617,012.29

Japan and Korea                           174,204,861.14            119,547,805.07          199,291,512.71          141,960,176.81

Southeast Asia                            468,708,066.05            322,785,166.24          465,940,349.00          333,094,532.71

Europe and America                        443,862,118.36            304,494,908.56          447,481,616.09          318,462,117.03

Other                                     345,212,607.34            237,636,796.45          305,073,691.44          218,008,009.14

Domestic                                  617,616,022.37            425,125,989.92          576,849,016.56          412,146,860.45

Total                                    2,245,002,336.27       1,544,161,311.27          2,149,366,934.57        1,534,288,708.43

(5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                             Proportion of total
                             Customers                                     Total revenue of sales
                                                                                                             revenue of sales (%)

Customer A                                                                                205,006,255.65                     8.84%

                                                                             2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

Customer B                                                                                 167,685,560.39                     7.23%

Customer C                                                                                 103,174,093.40                     4.45%

Customer D                                                                                 112,936,651.64                     4.87%

Customer E                                                                                  92,360,592.12                     3.99%

Total                                                                                      681,163,153.20                     29.38%


5. Investment income

(1) List of investment income

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                       Reporting period                Same period of last year

Investment income received from disposal of trading
                                                                                  18,121,509.04                       17,735,127.42
financial assets

Total                                                                             18,121,509.04                       17,735,127.42

6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                               Same period of last
                           Supplemental information                                  Reporting period

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations:               --                         --

 Net profit                                                                                 398,449,628.68           345,109,595.06

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                       -1,149,272.05               -504,581.85

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive biological
                                                                                             82,144,196.87            73,998,404.85

Amortization of intangible assets                                                             3,732,612.54              3,289,523.41

Amortization of long-term unamortized expense                                                 2,038,578.46             -2,268,954.00

Losses/gains on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                             25,806,330.00              6,059,541.00
assets (gains: negative)

Abandonment losses of fixes assets (gains: negative)                                         -5,434,964.09              4,178,029.57

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                -18,121,509.04           -17,735,127.42

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                            1,370,266.44              1,791,039.57

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                           -3,758,580.00               -908,931.15

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                      -237,752,529.06          -127,557,371.97

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                  -50,597,496.80           -13,284,386.32

                                                                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                                      15,146,314.63         81,625,404.78

 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                             211,873,576.58        353,792,185.53

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash
                                                                                                  --                     --
receipts and payments

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                                            --                     --

 Closing balance of cash                                                                        318,571,493.89        313,065,949.09

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                                  503,157,687.92        559,095,505.76

 The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  -184,586,194.03       -246,029,556.67

XIII. Supplemental information

1. List of current non-recurring gains and losses

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                        Item                                                   Amount                  Note

Loss and gains on disposal of non-current assets (Including write-off part of the
provision for asset impairment)

Governmental subsidy included in the current profits and losses(is closely
related with the business event, except for the governmental subsidy that                        17,088,515.19
according to the national unity standard quota or the quantitative regal assets)

In addition to the valid hedging activity associated with the normal operation of
the Company, the changes in fair value through gains or losses which arising
from the holding trading financial assets and the trading financial liabilities as
well as the investment income that earning from the disposal of trading
financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial

Income and expenses of the other operation except for the mentioned above                          1,646,765.12

Less: the effect of income tax                                                                     5,916,961.71

The effect of minority interest (after tax)                                                             90,785.20

Total                                                                                                  883,698.41        --

The governmental subsidies accrued into the current gains and losses were the recurrent gains and losses item, and should disclose
 the reorganization reason term by term.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Accounting data differences according to the domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Different situations of the net profits and net assets in the financial disclosure reports in accordance wit
h the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards at the same time

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                   Net profits belongs to the shareholders of the listed                     Net assets belongs to the shareholders of the
                                                                                companies                                                        listed companies

                                                   Current period amount                   Last period amount                   Closing balance                    Opening balance

According China Accounting Standards                           476,880,256.93                        416,175,890.38                6,106,473,928.72                    5,988,054,133.73

Items and amounts adjusted in accordance with international accounting standards

The influence of the
purchasing of the domestic
equipment for tax recognized                                          754,500.00                         842,500.00                      -2,539,500.00                      -3,294,000.00
to deferred incomes according
to International Accounting Standards

According to International Accounting
                                                               477,634,756.93                        417,018,390.38                5,985,514,633.73                    5,984,760,133.73

 (2) Notes of the reasons of the differences between the accounting data according to the domestic and
foreign accounting standards

Influences of the domestic equipments which offset the income tax of enterprises
The Company enjoyed the offset of the enterprises income tax when purchasing domestic equipments, and would directly decreased
the income taxes expenses according to                            China Accounting Standards,   and at same time be recognized as the deferred income related to the
assets according to            International Accounting Standards.     According to the rules of        International Accounting Standards, the Company would amortization the differences by terms

according to the fixed assets, to adjust the net profits and net assets.

3. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                The weighted average ROE                                       EPS
                         Profit in the reporting period
                                                                                                           (%)                            Basic EPS                     Diluted EPS

Net profit distributable to the Company's common stock
                                                                                                                          7.81%                          0.50                             0.50

Net profit distributable to shareholders of the Company's
common stock after deducting non-recurring gains and                                                                      7.79%                          0.50                             0.50

4. Particulars on the abnormal situation of main items in the financial statements of the Company and
relevant reasons

1. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of monetary capital was RMB 470,252,156.06, down by 46.10% over
   that of opening period, which was mainly due to the payment of raw materials purchase.
2. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of tradable financial assets was RMB 0.00, down by 100% over that
   of opening period, which was mainly due to tradable financial assets due for delivery and change in fair value.

                                                                  2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

3.    As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of account receivable was RMB 190,552,240.18, down by 32.05%
     over that of opening period, which was mainly due to the recover of account receivable.
4. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of progress in construction was RMB298,987,510.15 up by 31.16%
   over that of opening period, which was mainly due to the investment in project of A new 230,000-spindle
   production line project and a new 35,000-ingot two-for-one twisting production line project and Clothing
   project of Luthai (Cambodia) increased.
5. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of engineering material was RMB 61,342,832.85, up by 221.26%
   over that of opening period, which was mainly due to the increase of equipment for installing.
6. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of note payable was RMB 6,618,500.87, down by 35.20% over that of
   opening period, which was mainly due to note payment at maturity.
7. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of account payable was RMB 218,808,759.48, down by 45.31% over
   that of opening period, which was mainly due to the decrease of accounts payable for raw materials purchase.
8. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of tax payable was RMB 76,546,689.53, down by 33.58% over that
   of opening period, which was mainly due to the decrease of urban maintenance and construction tax and
   educational surtax.
9. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of interest payable was RMB 2,304,412.25, up by 53.68% over that
   of opening period, which was mainly due to the increase of interest recorded caused by the increase of parent
   company’s borrowing.
10. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of non-current liabilities due within one year was RMB
    27,456,730.45, down by 67.83% over that of opening period, which was mainly due to the decrease of long
    term loan due within one year.
11. As on 30 Jun. 2014, the closing amount of deferred income tax liabilities was RMB 2,077,537.33 down by
    68.28% over that of opening period, which was mainly due to the decrease of taxable temporary differences
    from fair value change of tradable financial assets.
12. From Jan- Jun. 2014, the financial expense was RMB 7,441,307.46, down by 69.42% over that of last period,
    which was mainly due to the decrease of interest expense.
13. From Jan- Jun. 2014, the assets impairment loss was RMB -5,235,486.56, down by 79.17% over that of last
    period, which was mainly due to the decrease of provision for bad debt caused by the decrease of account
14. From Jan- Jun. 2014, gains from the changes in the fair value was RMB-30,999,150.00 down by 1703.87%
    over that of last period, which was mainly due to changes of gains from the changes in the fair value and fair
    value of tradable financial assets relatively carried-over and originally recognized by the disposal of maturity
    tradable financial assets.
15. From Jan- Jun. 2014, non-operating expense was RMB 3,095,122.00 up by 250.22% over that of last period,
    which was mainly due to the increase of fixed assets disposal loss.

                                                              2014 Semi-annual Report of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.

                          Section X. Documents for Reference

I. Accounting statement signed by legal representative, responsible person in charge of accounting work and
responsible person of accounting department;
2. The originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed publicly on
Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News and Ta Kung Pao.

                                                                        The Chairman of the Board:

                                                                           Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.

                                                                             13 Aug. 2014
