Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 LU THAI TEXTILE CO., LTD. ANNUAL REPORT 2021 April 2022 1 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein. Liu Zibin, the Company’s legal representative, Zhang Hongmei, the Company’s Chief Accountant, and Zhang Keming, the Company’s Financial Manager hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete. All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and its summary. The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaging in textile and apparel as stated in Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure. In 2021, the unstable and uncertain global economic situation caused by COVID-19 has become more prominent. China's foreign trade environment has become more volatile due to the combination of COVID-19 and other multiple factors. Global industrial and supply chains have shown their vulnerability amid the pandemic. All unfavorable factors combined, such as the shortage of raw materials and power supply, the surging prices of production materials and ocean freight, and the appreciation of RMB, have posed great challenges to China's textile and garment exports. With the support and encouragement of China's effective prevention and control measures and policies to stabilize the economy and export, the textile and garment industry has overcome many difficulties, strengthened the upstream and downstream coordination of the industrial chain and supply chain, seized the opportunities of the window period of overseas order recovery and order backflow, and achieved growth in exports. With the rise in the COVID-19 vaccination rate, the spread of COVID-19 is slowing down, but there are still outbreaks in some areas and the vaccination rates in low-income countries are still low. Additionally, affected by geopolitical factors and high commodity prices, the trade situation in 2022 remains highly uncertain. For details, please refer to Part III Management Discussion and Analysis. The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on 882,341,295 shares, a cash dividend of RMB0.70 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be distributed to the shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves. This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall prevail. 2 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Table of Contents Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2 Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6 Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 11 Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 39 Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 82 Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................... 87 Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................. 124 Part VIII Preferred Shares ............................................................................................................ 139 Part IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................. 140 Part X Financial Statements ......................................................................................................... 145 3 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Documents Available for Reference 1. The financial statements signed and stamped by the Company’s legal representative, Chief Accountant and Financial Manager; 2. The originals of all the Company’s announcements and documents disclosed to the public during the Reporting Period on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal and Ta Kung Pao. 4 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Definitions Term Definition Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the The “Company”, “LTTC”, “Issuer” or “we” context otherwise requires The Board of Directors The Board of Directors of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. The Supervisory Committee The Supervisory Committee of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. CSRC The China Securities Regulatory Commission Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in ten thousand RMB, RMB’0,000 Renminbi The “Company Law” The “Company Law of the People‘s Republic of China” The “Securities Law” The “Securities Law of the People‘s Republic of China” The “Reporting Period” or “Current Period” The period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 5 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information I Corporate Information Stock name LTTC, LTTC-B Stock code 000726, 200726 Changed stock name (if any) N/A Stock exchange for stock Shenzhen Stock Exchange listing Company name in Chinese 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司 Abbr. 鲁泰纺织 Company name in English (if LU THAI TEXTILE CO.,LTD any) Abbr. (if any) LTTC Legal representative Liu Zibin Registered address 61 Luthai Boulevard, High-tech Development Zone, Zibo City, Shandong Province, P.R.China Zip code 255086 Past changes of registered 11 Mingbo Road, Zibo High-tech Development Zone, Shandong Province address Office address 81 Songling East Road, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, P.R.China Zip code 255100 Company website Email address II Contact Information Board Secretary Securities Representative Name Zhang Keming Zheng Weiyin and Li Kun 81 Songling East Road, Zichuan District, 81 Songling East Road, Zichuan District, Address Zibo City, Shandong Province, P.R.China Zibo City, Shandong Province, P.R.China Tel. 0533-5277008 0533-5285166 Fax 0533-5418805 0533-5418805 Email address, III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged Stock exchange website where this Report is disclosed Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal and 6 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Ta Kung Pao (HK) Media and website where this Report is disclosed Place where this Report is lodged The Securities Department of the Company IV Change to Company Registered Information Unified social credit code 91370300613281175K Change to principal activity of the Company No change since going public (if any) Every change of controlling shareholder since No change incorporation (if any) V Other Information The independent audit firm hired by the Company: Name Grant Thornton China Office address 5th Floor, Scitech Palace 22 Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing Accountants writing signatures He Feng and Cui Xiaoli The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of sponsor Name of sponsor Office address of sponsor Period of constant supervision representative Guotai Junan Plaza, 768 Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ding Xiaowen and From 1 January 2021 to 31 December Nanjing West Road, Jing’an Ltd. Wang Wenting 2021 District, Shanghai The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI Key Financial Information Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below. □ Yes √ No 2021-over-2020 2021 2020 2019 change (%) Operating revenue (RMB) 5,238,262,348.85 4,751,222,464.14 10.25% 6,801,381,448.94 Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders 347,609,693.30 97,308,593.36 257.22% 952,386,011.49 (RMB) 7 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders 190,492,580.40 20,039,094.03 850.60% 662,416,013.00 before exceptional gains and losses (RMB) Net cash generated from/used in 348,137,005.48 593,535,922.89 -41.35% 1,086,110,575.51 operating activities (RMB) Basic earnings per share 0.39 0.11 254.55% 1.11 (RMB/share) Diluted earnings per share 0.36 0.11 227.27% 1.11 (RMB/share) Weighted average return on 4.44% 1.26% 3.18% 12.96% equity (%) Change of 31 December 2021 over 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 31 December 2019 31 December 2020 (%) Total assets (RMB) 12,987,221,271.63 12,129,903,960.65 7.07% 11,885,431,553.08 Equity attributable to the listed 7,983,307,400.03 7,687,577,590.72 3.85% 7,697,135,324.92 company’s shareholders (RMB) Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before and after exceptional gains and losses was negative for the last three accounting years, and the latest independent auditor’s report indicated that there was uncertainty about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. □ Yes √ No Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before and after exceptional gains and losses was negative. □ Yes √ No VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards 1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS □ Applicable √ Not applicable No difference for the Reporting Period. 8 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable No difference for the Reporting Period. VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter Unit: RMB Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Operating revenue 993,485,161.79 1,226,828,489.15 1,346,367,447.24 1,671,581,250.67 Net profit attributable to the 74,530,850.40 78,966,494.26 93,666,571.98 100,445,776.66 listed company’s shareholders Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders 15,513,465.07 38,768,067.01 80,690,683.49 55,520,364.83 before exceptional gains and losses Net cash generated from/used in -36,745,428.28 219,506,453.42 61,907,667.37 103,468,312.97 operating activities Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs materially from what have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports. □ Yes √ No IX Exceptional Gains and Losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 2019 Note Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance 50,868,019.96 -3,265,763.83 -1,196,233.94 write-offs) Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of government subsidies consistently given in the 58,686,874.90 61,358,132.11 62,198,864.45 Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental policies or standards) Gain or loss on fair-value changes in held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities & income from disposal of 77,620,424.02 46,684,051.43 241,537,682.90 held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial 9 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 assets (exclusive of the effective portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s ordinary course of business) Reversed portions of impairment allowances for receivables which are 6,198,745.44 tested individually for impairment Non-operating income and expense other -1,700,653.34 2,373,569.56 -2,857,141.21 than the above Income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, financial liabilities and 14,162,405.95 investments in debt obligations Less: Income tax effects 28,885,946.87 24,345,018.31 14,593,639.87 Non-controlling interests effects 5,670,351.21 5,535,471.63 9,281,939.79 (net of tax) Total 157,117,112.90 77,269,499.33 289,969,998.49 -- Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss: □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases for the Reporting Period. Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items: □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases for the Reporting Period. 10 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part III Management Discussion and Analysis I Industry Overview for the Reporting Period The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaging in textile and apparel as stated in Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure. In 2021, facing the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations, China's textile industry still showed a good development trend. According to the data of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, the revenue of textile enterprises above the designated size has increased by 12.3% year on year in 2021; total profits rose by 25.4 % year on year. In terms of export markets, China's textile and apparel exports hit a record high, totaling USD315.46 billion, up by 8.3% year on year. But the lack of demand is still imposing pressure on the textile and garment industry. Domestically, market demand has not fully recovered due to the impact of the pandemic. China's per capita spending on clothing accounts for 5.9% of the country's per capita spending in 2021, down 0.3 percentage points over 2019. The growth of online retail sales of apparel goods is significantly lower than the pre-pandemic level. At abroad, uncertainty occurs in China’s textile and clothing export to developed economies, affected by factors such as protectionism and geopolitics. In addition, the high price volatility of global commodities has become a significant challenge to the smooth operation of the industry. There is still no fundamental change in problems of financing channels blockage, labor shortage and expensiveness. II Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaging in textile and apparel as stated in Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure. Since 2021, the Company has faced various challenges in production and management posed by intertwined disadvantages like recurrent global pandemic, China-US trade friction and rising price of commodities including cotton and coal. In face of challenges, the Company adhered to the "customer-focused" philosophy and continues to promote the strategies of "Improve Quality and Efficiency" and "Overall Internationalization". Under the premise of implementing pandemic prevention and control, the Company ensures an orderly advance in staff production and life, management and operation through expanding the market, adjusting the structure and building capabilities. During the Reporting Period, the product order and business performance have gradually recovered. For the Reporting Period, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB5,238 million, operating profit of RMB371 million, a net profit attributable to the Company as the parent of RMB348 million, and a net profit attributable to the Company as the parent before exceptional gains and losses of RMB190 million, respectively up 10.25%, 348.35%, 257.22% and 850.60% when compared to last year. During the Reporting Period, the Company has been rated as the "Leader in the Cotton Textile Industry during the 13th Five Year Plan" by China Cotton Textile Association, as the "Top 30 Enterprises in 2021 in the Dyeing and Printing Industry" by China Dyeing and Printing Association, and as the "Top Hundred Companies in 2021 in China’s Garment Industry" and the "Top 50 Business Suit Companies in China" by China National Garment Association. Besides, it has been acclaimed as the "Advanced Enterprise in Corporate Culture Development in 2020 by Shandong Textile and Apparel Association. The Company has prioritized the following aspects: (I) Achieve business goals together as guided by strategies Confronted by the complicated global economic situation, the recurrent pandemic situation and uncertainties of domestic economic environment, the management of the Company promoted measures to fight pandemic and ensure production, centered on customers 11 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 and focused expanding market, adjusting structure and building capabilities. We also tried to achieve increase both in revenue and profit, to keep overseas production and workforce steady and to unceasingly build our market. (II) Promote targeted service and cooperation centered around customers The Company consistently strengthened the market development with a development direction of becoming a globalized apparel solution provider with advanced fabrics as our pillar. Based on accurate grasp of market trend and customer demand, service upgrade was comprehensively achieved and win-win cooperation with customers realized; market structure was optimized constantly, product type increased actively, domestic market developed vigorously and business of career apparel promoted further; customer relations and stickiness were built by setting up mechanism of high-level connection and layered communication with strategic customers and advancing design service and customized development project based on customer demand. Facing complicated and volatile situation amid the pandemic, the Company kept tiding over the current difficulty with customers. We stepped up product innovation, applied research of new materials, skill and craft, and cooperation of R&D among the upstream and downstream of industrial chain, colleges and universities and scientific research institutions. According to the industry trend of sustainable development and new demand for differentiated products of customers in the post-pandemic era, the Company carried out a series of key skill research and exploration of industrialization of relevant products, such as the development of one-way moisture permeability fabrics and pure-cotton recycled fabrics, and R&D of pure-cotton products that are durable, non-ironing, anti-virus and anti-microbial. It totally obtained 117 patents throughout the year, including 16 invention patents. (III) Continue the process of "Improve Quality and Efficiency" and "Overall Internationalization", and complement links at home with links abroad for better development The Company moved forward with its strategy of "Improve Quality and Efficiency" and 'Overall Internationalization" backed by its product line, striving to achieve two-way development in both domestic and foreign market. During the Reporting Period, while managing to meet customers’ differential needs by leveraging domestic and foreign advantages and with finer product specialization, the Company took steps to unleash one after another the vitality of six main product lines of yarn, yarn-dyed fabric, dyeing fabric, functional fabric, knitted fabric and apparel, and focused on areas such as quality assurance and upgrading, cost reduction, shorter delivery-day and higher efficiency. Efforts have been made to upgrade product lines such as Lulian functional fabric and knitted fabric, and to multiply the product mix, so as to provide various options for customers, from formal to casual, from comfy to stylish. During the Reporting Period, the Company has cooperated with Rhino Intelligent Manufacturing, a platform launched by Alibaba, and has applied intelligentization in the apparel factory in a comprehensive fashion at the beginning of the cooperation. This enables a digitalized and information-based apparel factory of higher efficiency and lower operating costs. (IV) Carry forward the corporate culture and improve the brand image. During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to uphold the principle of hard-working and deepened its corporate culture. Workers were mobilized to learn the history of the Party and engage in Party-themed activity in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, with an aim to lead to the enterprise’s high-quality development supported by high-quality Party building. Various forms of activities were conducted like awarding exemplary and predominant workers, skill competition, and basketball and football leagues. Restricted share incentive scheme was carried out for workers to share the fruits of development. Each renovation and improvement took place in an overall manner, fostering an enabling working environment in which all employees were involved and pulled their wisdom together for business growth. The Company, centered on producing mid- to high-end products, has been rated as the "Enterprise for Incubation of High-end Products in Shandong Province" for four consecutive years, and was named National Key Talent Project last year. In the meantime, its holding subsidiary Lufeng Co., Ltd. was also named "Enterprise for Incubation of High-end Products in Shandong Province" last year, and was selected as one of the critical projects of the major industry of transforming old growth driver into the new one. III Core Competitiveness Analysis 1. The Company has a comprehensive vertical industrial chain and internationalized layout. It possesses the whole industrial chain 12 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 integrating spinning, bleaching and dyeing, neatening, testing, and garment making, as well as excellent quality control capabilities through various links of the production of high-end yarn-dyed fabrics. In order to leverage international resources, give play to the advantage of internationalized industrial distribution and reinforce the leading international status in manufacturing the yarn-dyed fabrics for shirts, the Company has built various production bases in Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam etc., and established the design agency in Italy, and the market service offices in the U.S. and Japan. 2. The Company has better integrated management capability and high-level management system architecture. Since 1995, the Company has successively passed the certification of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, ISO45001 Occupation Health Safety Management System, SA8000 Social Responsibility Management System, The Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production Standard (WRAP), Sustainable Textile Production (STeP), Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Global Recycle Standard (GRS) and China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), and realized the internationalization, standardization and normalization of the corporate management. In order to make outstanding achievement in its operating management, better improve the Company’s business performance and capabilities, the Company has introduced the GB/T19580 Criteria for Performance Excellence step by step, set up the “big quality” system, promoted the management innovation and guaranteed the management quality. 3. The Company establishes its high-level technical cooperation platform by virtue of strong R&D capability. In fact, the Company always insists on the independent innovation, enhances its technical cooperation with various research institutes, colleges and universities, strategic clients and important suppliers by relying on various technical platforms including the national enterprise technical center, the national industrial design center, the national demonstration base for introducing talents, the national post-doctoral scientific research station and Shandong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center, dedicates itself to the cutting-edge technical research, and gradually transforms from technology research to integrated product development. Besides, the Company will also transform from the overcoming of key technical difficulties to the mastery of technical principles and the formulation of industrial standards, and from the focus on technical innovation to the dynamic integration of new technique exploration with model innovation, materialize the low-carbon, green and sustainable development. IV Core Business Analysis 1. Overview For the Reporting Period, the Company recorded operating revenue of RMB5,238 million (a 10.25% year-on-year increase); cost of sales of RMB4,153 million (a 11.1% year-on-year increase), selling expense of RMB120 million (a 4.64% year-on-year decline) and administrative expense of RMB335 million (a 7.01 % year-on-year decrease); research and development expense of RMB253 million (a 9.36% year-on-year increase); and net cash generated from operating activities of RMB348 million (a 41.35% year-on-year drop). 2. Revenue and Cost Analysis (1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue Unit: RMB 2021 2020 As % of total As % of total Change (%) Operating revenue operating revenue Operating revenue operating revenue (%) (%) Total 5,238,262,348.85 100% 4,751,222,464.14 100% 10.25% 13 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 By operating division Textile and apparel 4,915,654,282.18 93.84% 4,238,645,661.96 89.20% 15.97% Personal protective 5,788,794.50 0.11% 184,669,256.67 3.89% -96.87% equipment (PPE) Cotton 1,943,648.71 0.04% -100.00% Electricity and 182,929,779.75 3.49% 182,709,470.17 3.85% 0.12% steam Others 133,889,492.42 2.56% 143,254,426.63 3.02% -6.54% By product category Fabric products 4,033,321,318.13 77.00% 3,371,261,899.44 70.95% 19.64% Shirts 882,332,964.05 16.84% 867,383,762.52 18.25% 1.72% PPE 5,788,794.50 0.11% 184,669,256.67 3.89% -96.87% Cotton 1,943,648.71 0.04% -100.00% Electricity and 182,929,779.75 3.49% 182,709,470.17 3.85% 0.12% steam Others 133,889,492.42 2.56% 143,254,426.63 3.02% -6.54% By operating segment Hong Kong 166,071,385.74 3.17% 189,971,723.94 4.00% -12.58% Japan And South 254,482,374.29 4.86% 364,740,573.67 7.68% -30.23% Korea Southeast Asia 1,523,121,466.68 29.08% 1,062,716,851.02 22.37% 43.32% Europe and 560,579,079.30 10.70% 575,125,583.72 12.10% -2.53% America Others 306,457,017.82 5.85% 336,434,709.67 7.08% -8.91% Mainland China 2,427,551,025.02 46.34% 2,222,233,022.12 46.77% 9.24% By sales model Direct sales 5,238,262,348.85 100.00% 4,751,222,464.14 100.00% 10.25% (2) Operating Division, Product Category, Operating Segment or Sales Model Contributing over 10% of Operating Revenue or Operating Profit □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue √ Yes □ No Operating division Item Unit 2021 2020 Change (%) 14 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Unit sales 0,000 meters 20,123.11 16,769.7 20.00% Fabric Output 0,000 meters 22,271.95 18,808.22 18.42% Inventory 0,000 meters 4,844.58 4,375.76 10.71% Unit sales 0,000 pieces 1,443.99 1,809.67 -20.21% Apparel Output 0,000 pieces 1,444.92 1,889.1 -23.51% Inventory 0,000 pieces 171.99 156.09 10.19% Unit sales 000 KWH 123,065.87 149,646.34 -17.76% Electricity Output 000 KWH 424,085.59 409,893.45 3.46% Inventory 000 KWH Unit sales ton 327,979.23 339,064.67 -3.27% Steam Output ton 1,193,199.66 1,082,057.31 10.27% Inventory ton Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales and Purchase Contracts in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales By operating division and product category Unit: RMB 2021 2020 Operating Item As % of total As % of total Change (%) division Cost of sales Cost of sales cost of sales (%) cost of sales (%) Textile and 3,329,872,586. Cost of sales 3,837,905,961.39 92.42% 89.08% 15.26% apparel 97 PPE Cost of sales 3,778,908.51 0.09% 127,124,669.03 3.40% -97.03% Cotton Cost of sales 1,560,876.66 0.04% -100.00% Electricity and Cost of sales 210,275,788.87 5.06% 161,892,710.06 4.33% 29.89% steam Other Cost of sales 101,020,417.08 2.43% 117,533,240.73 3.15% -14.05% Unit: RMB 2021 2020 Product Item As % of total cost As % of total cost Change (%) category Cost of sales Cost of sales of sales (%) of sales (%) 15 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Fabric 2,670,531,996. Cost of sales 3,153,777,018.80 75.94% 71.44% 18.10% products 56 Shirts Cost of sales 684,128,942.59 16.48% 659,340,590.41 17.64% 3.76% PPE Cost of sales 3,778,908.51 0.09% 127,124,669.03 3.40% -97.03% Cotton Cost of sales 1,560,876.66 0.04% -100.00% Electricity and Cost of sales 210,275,788.87 5.06% 161,892,710.06 4.33% 29.89% steam Other Cost of sales 101,020,417.08 2.43% 117,533,240.73 3.15% -14.05% Note: Manufacture Product Period Raw material Labor cost Depreciation Energy Total expenses 2021 48.60% 17.47% 7.36% 17.45% 9.12% 100.00% Fabric 2020 47.30% 18.05% 8.29% 16.10% 10.26% 100.00% 2021 53.47% 34.50% 2.85% 1.23% 7.95% 100.00% Shirts 2020 54.84% 35.16% 2.84% 1.34% 5.82% 100.00% (6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period √ Yes □ No During the year, the Company established new subsidiaries Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd., Libra International Investment Pte. Ltd., and Zibo Banyang Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. (7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (8) Major Customers and Suppliers Major customers: Total sales to top five customers (RMB) 856,767,149.72 Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of 16.36% the Reporting Period (%) Total sales to related parties among top five customers 0.00% as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%) Information about top five customers: Sales revenue contributed No. Customer for the Reporting Period As % of total sales revenue (%) (RMB) Total -- 856,767,149.72 16.36% 16 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Other information about major customers: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Major suppliers: Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB) 935,235,608.03 Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total 23.95% purchases of the Reporting Period (%) Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers as % of total purchases of the Reporting 0.00% Period (%) Information about top five suppliers: Purchase in the Reporting No. Supplier As % of total purchases (%) Period (RMB) Total -- 935,235,608.03 23.95% Other information about major suppliers: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Expense Unit: RMB 2021 2020 Change (%) Reason for any significant change Selling expense 119,883,494.68 125,717,288.31 -4.64% Administrative 335,380,025.54 360,656,722.39 -7.01% expense Increased interest income and Finance costs 44,988,908.41 109,546,654.83 -58.93% decreased exchange losses R&D expense 252,912,911.63 231,265,031.12 9.36% 4. Other Information Required by Information Disclosure Guide for Companies Engaged in Textile and Garment Services (1) Capacity The Company's own capacity Industry Item 2021 2020 Classification Total capacity (fabrics) 29,360.00 29,360.00 (10,000 meters) Fabrics 76% 64% Rate of capacity utilization Plants under construction The Company's convertible bond The Company's convertible 17 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 fundraising projects: The bond fundraising projects: The "Functional Fabric Intelligent "Functional Fabric Intelligent Eco-park Project (Phase I)" with an Eco-park Project (Phase I)" with annual capacity of 35 million an annual capacity of 35 million meters of high-grade functional meters of high-grade functional fabrics and the "Production Line fabrics and the "Production Line Project of High-grade Printed and Project of High-grade Printed and Dyed Fabrics" with an annual Dyed Fabrics" with an annual capacity of 25 million meters of capacity of 25 million meters of high-grade printed and dyed high-grade printed and dyed fabrics were in progress. fabrics were in progress. Total capacity (garment) 2,030.00 2,030.00 (10,000 pieces) Garment 70% 80% Rate of capacity utilization Plants under construction Year-on-year change in the rate of capacity utilization above 10%: √Yes Fabrics: The capacity utilization saw improvements due to foreign demand recovery and temporary rise of orders. Garments: Product quantity experienced a year-on-year decrease, and the capacity utilization declined, following the restrictions on production in foreign manufacturing bases induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Overseas capacity: √Yes Industry Item Domestic Overseas Classification Percentage of 83% 17% capacity Mainly in Shandong Mainly in Ty Ninh Fabrics Capacity layout Province Province, Vietnam Rate of capacity 78% 67% utilization Percentage of 47% 53% capacity Mainly in Tnh An Giang, Vietnam; Svay Rieng Mainly in Shandong Garment Capacity layout Province, Cambodia; and Province Thilawa Special Economic Zone, Yangon, Myanmar Rate of capacity 81% 54% utilization The Company’s expansion plan on developing overseas production capacity 18 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The Company will invest in constructions of production bases in Ty Ninh Province, Vietnam, to produce woven and knitted fabrics. For now, the projects are under preparation. (2) Sales model and channels Product sales channels and operation methods a. Sales model The Company adopted the order-based sales model. With the self-owned trademark "Luthai" for its fabric sales, it provided customers with development and design plans based on customer needs, fabrics and patterns leading the market, fashion and technology, functions and environmental protection. In addition, it engaged in brand operation of spot fabric on the new retail e-commerce platform. Shirts were mainly made according to the orders of customers at home and abroad, and sold by brand owners. The Company's self-owned brand was operated through self-owned exclusive shops such as Lu Thai Exhibition and Sales Pavilion, counters of affiliated stores in malls and e-networking marketing. Meanwhile, the Company could provide customers with high-end customized shirts and customized business wear to meet the market demand of the high-end service industry. b. Sales channels Direct sales: The headquarters of the Company carried out direct investments and operation, and operated and managed a brand at the headquarters or by setting up a branch company in other regions to conclude transactions with customers offline. Online sales: Through self-developed platforms and large third-party online shopping platforms, the Company concluded transactions with customers on the Internet and delivered goods to customers by express delivery services. Unit: RMB Gross YoY change in YoY change in YoY change in Sales channels Operating revenue Cost of sales profit operating gross profit cost of sales margin revenue margin Online sales 4,947,854.11 1,610,250.89 67.46% 263,220.57 -73,158.43 3.39% Direct sales 4,040,320,645.05 3,155,572,769.29 21.90% 661,297,015.92 481,167,795.85 1.05% OEM/ODM 870,385,783.02 680,722,941.21 21.79% 15,448,383.73 26,938,737.00 -1.74% Total 4,915,654,282.18 3,837,905,961.39 21.92% 677,008,620.22 508,033,374.42 0.48% (3) Franchise and distribution Franchisees and distributors recorded more than 30% of sales revenue □ Yes √ No (4) Online sales Online sales recorded more than 30% of sales revenue □ Yes √ No Self-developed sales platforms 19 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 √ Yes □ No Start of operation 30 March 2009 Number of registered users 140,073 Average number of active monthly users (AMU) 5,000 Return rate of main brands 3.00% Return rate of main types 3.00% Cooperation with third-party sales platforms √ Yes □ No Online sales channels opened or closed by the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable Impact on the Company in the current period and subsequent periods: Not applicable. (5) Agency operation model Agency operation model involved □ Yes √ No (6) Inventory Inventory Year-over-year Days of Quantity of Inventory change in Main products turnover of Reason inventory age inventory inventories balance Fabrics (10,000 Within 1 86 3,824.1 10.76% meters) year Fabrics (10,000 1,020.48 Over 1 year 10.54% meters) Shirts (10,000 Within 1 34 111.63 7.76% pieces) year Increase in inventory as a result of the Shirts (10,000 13.91 Over 1 year 203.71% restricted customs clearance for pieces) Sino-Us trade Reserves for falling prices of inventory 2021.12.31 Item Carrying amount Falling price reserves or provision for Carrying value 20 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 impairment on contract performance cost Raw materials 928,078,106.34 17,925,640.41 910,152,465.93 Goods in process 611,695,332.97 2,538,846.30 609,156,486.67 Products on hand 939,550,089.36 143,767,058.72 795,783,030.64 Commissioned 30,254,811.04 30,254,811.04 products Total 2,509,578,339.71 164,231,545.43 2,345,346,794.28 Inventory information of retail channels such as franchised stores or distributors: Not applicable. (7) Brand building Production and sales of brand clothing, apparel and home textile products √ Yes □ No Self-owned brands Target Trademark Main product Price zone of Main sales Brand name Characteristics consumer City levels name types main products areas group Provincial East China, capital cities Classic Business South China LTGRFF LTGRFF Shirts and suits RMB500-3000 and other business attire people and Southwest prefecture-level China cities Trademark ownership disputes □ Applicable √ Not applicable (8) Others Engaged in business related to apparel design □ Yes √ No Whether the Company held meetings for the placement of orders □ Yes √ No 5. R&D Investments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Names of main Goals of projects Progresses of projects Intended goals Estimated impact 21 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 R&D projects on future development of the Company This project is aimed at The outcomes of This project is Development of providing a comfortable laboratory-scale The Company aims at setting expected to improve one-way moisture dressing experience with experiment are standards and meeting core competence of permeability the technology of satisfying, followed customers’ requirements. the Company’s fabrics one-way moisture by a pilot-scale products. permeability. experiment. This project is This project is aimed at The Company aims at expected to enhance reusing the waste The Company is still Development of producing the recycled cotton the Company’s materials so as to reduce in its early stage of recycled cotton with a spinnable average fiber brand influence and the waste of resources the technological fabrics length and meeting the goal of raise its status in the and protect the research. industrialization. industry as a environment. benchmark. This project is aimed at This project is aimed at This project is R&D of durable reducing damages to the producing DP3.5 3A expected to increase non-iron products human body by viruses The requirements for antibacterial products enduring the Company’s with anti-virus and bacteria and industrialization are 50-time washing and resisting financial benefits and antibacterial producing healthy and met. H1N1 virus with an activity with a huge market functions safe textiles easy to take value at no less than 2.0. potential. care of. Details about R&D personnel: 2021 2020 Change (%) Number of R&D personnel 1,535 1,604 -4.30% R&D personnel as % of total 14.00% 12.68% 1.32% employees Educational background of —— —— —— R&D personnel Bachelor’s degree 206 190 8.42% Master’s degree 30 30 0.00% Age structure of R&D —— —— —— personnel Below 30 231 327 -29.36% 30~40 1,083 1,108 -2.26% 40 and beyond 221 169 30.77% Details about R&D investments: 2021 2020 Change (%) R&D investments (RMB) 252,912,911.63 231,265,031.12 9.36% 22 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 R&D investments as % of 4.83% 4.87% -0.04% operating revenue Capitalized R&D investments 0.00 0.00 0.00% (RMB) Capitalized R&D investments as % of total R&D 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% investments Reasons for any significant change to the composition of R&D personnel and the impact: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Cash Flows Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 Change (%) Subtotal of cash generated from 5,095,876,566.67 4,775,015,226.05 6.72% operating activities Subtotal of cash used in operating 4,747,739,561.19 4,181,479,303.16 13.54% activities Net cash generated from/used in 348,137,005.48 593,535,922.89 -41.35% operating activities Subtotal of cash generated from 1,558,983,659.21 850,680,343.34 83.26% investing activities Subtotal of cash used in investing 1,530,504,624.63 1,638,855,294.04 -6.61% activities Net cash generated from/used in 28,479,034.58 -788,174,950.70 103.61% investing activities Subtotal of cash generated from 1,711,261,939.49 3,622,339,439.58 -52.76% financing activities Subtotal of cash used in financing 1,507,951,696.50 2,888,674,850.63 -47.80% activities Net cash generated from/used in 203,310,242.99 733,664,588.95 -72.29% financing activities Net increase in cash and cash 573,476,477.42 517,971,388.55 10.72% equivalents Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Net cash generated from operating activities amounted to RMB348,137,005.48 during the Reporting Period, down 41.35% year on year, primarily driven by the increased payments for goods; net cash generated from investing activities amounted to RMB28,479,034.58 during the Reporting Period, up 103.61% year on year, primarily driven by the disinvestment in wealth management products upon maturity and the decreased investments in fixed assets; and net cash generated from financing activities 23 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 amounted to RMB203,310,242.99 during the Reporting Period, down 72.29% year on year, primarily driven by the decreased borrowings obtained. Reason for any big difference between the net operating cash flow and the net profit for this Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable V Analysis of Non-Core Businesses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB As % of total Amount Source/Reason Recurrent or not profit Return on Income from the disposal of held-for-trading 50,449,943.70 13.89% Not investment financial assets Gain/loss on Gains on changes in the fair value of changes in fair 16,415,304.41 4.52% Not held-for-trading financial assets value Asset impairments -85,623,858.26 -23.57% Inventory valuation allowances Not Non-operating 5,417,119.07 1.49% Income of non-operating compensation, etc Not income Non-operating Losses on the damage and retirement of 13,424,054.88 3.69% Not expense non-current assets, donations, etc. VI Analysis of Assets and Liabilities 1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition Unit: RMB 31 December 2021 1 January 2021 Change in Reason for As % of total As % of total percentage any significant Amount Amount assets assets (%) change Monetary 1,999,712,889.35 15.40% 1,400,478,034.81 11.42% 3.98% assets Accounts 647,277,198.51 4.98% 522,425,219.87 4.26% 0.72% receivable Inventories 2,345,346,794.28 18.06% 1,988,968,681.64 16.22% 1.84% Investment 21,362,302.03 0.16% 22,263,668.85 0.18% -0.02% property Long-term equity 169,443,106.66 1.30% 138,079,577.25 1.13% 0.17% investments 24 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Fixed assets 5,561,601,374.44 42.82% 5,637,980,006.69 45.99% -3.17% Construction in 237,579,082.99 1.83% 356,273,197.49 2.91% -1.08% progress Right-of-use 257,019,286.15 1.98% 269,362,245.88 2.20% -0.22% assets Short-term 1,011,034,138.32 7.78% 930,871,008.19 7.59% 0.19% borrowings Contract 204,967,348.96 1.58% 141,339,705.62 1.15% 0.43% liabilities Long-term 684,962,473.24 5.27% 495,520,342.78 4.04% 1.23% borrowings Lease liabilities 121,357,658.41 0.93% 128,815,114.07 1.05% -0.12% Indicate whether overseas assets account for a larger proportion of the total assets. √ Applicable □ Not applicable As % of Control Material Manage Return the Sourc Asset value Locatio measures to impairm Asset ment generated Compan e (RMB) n protect asset ent risk model (RMB) y’s safety (yes/no) equity Main Lu Thai management (Hong Incorp Hong Marketin personnel sent Kong) 191,246,511.91 4,432,903.98 2.29% No orated Kong g by the Textile Co., Company as the Ltd. parent Main Lu Thai management (America) Incorp New Marketin personnel sent 4,643,034.45 -1,527,611.59 0.06% No Textile Co., orated York g by the Ltd. Company as the parent Main management Qiming Incorp Svay Manufact personnel sent Apparel 157,347,321.28 275,575.09 1.88% No orated Rieng uring by the Co., Ltd. Company as the parent Vanguard Main Incorp Rangoo Manufact Apparel 89,438,343.06 management -443,135.80 1.07% No orated n uring Co., Ltd. personnel sent 25 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 by the Company as the parent Main management Continental Incorp Tay Manufact personnel sent Textile Co., 2,403,192,122.53 127,900,171.61 28.72% No orated Ninh uring by the Ltd. Company as the parent Main Anjian management Lu An Incorp g, Manufact personnel sent Garments 186,984,990.96 -6,025,605.81 2.23% No orated Vietna uring by the Co., Ltd. m Company as the parent Main Libra management Internation Incorp Singap Investme personnel sent al 395,142,781.79 1,441,904.47 4.72% No orated ore nt by the Investment Company as the Pte. Ltd. parent 2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Gain/loss on Cumulative Impairment Purchas fair-value fair-value allowance Sold in the Beginning ed in the Other Ending Item changes in changes for the Reporting amount Reportin change amount the charged to Reporting Period g Period Reporting equity Period Period Financial assets 1. Held-for-tra ding 408,730,33 31,329,804. 250,008,14 190,052,0 financial 7.23 41 1.64 00.00 assets (excluding derivative 26 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 financial assets) 2. Derivative 16,641,500. -14,914,500 1,727,000 financial 00 .00 .00 assets Subtotal of 425,371,83 16,415,304. 250,008,14 191,779,0 financial 7.23 41 1.64 00.00 assets 55,150,926. -20,108,5 34,663,07 Others -379,267.35 34 87.11 1.88 Total of the 480,522,76 16,415,304. 250,008,14 -20,108,5 226,442,0 -379,267.35 above 3.57 41 1.64 87.11 71.88 Financial 0.00 0.00 liabilities Content of other change: Changes in receivables financing. Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period: □ Yes √ No 3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End For details, see Part X. VII. 62. Assets with restricted ownership and using right in this Report. VII Investments Made 1. Total Investment Amount □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Financial Investments (1) Securities Investments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 27 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 No such cases in the Reporting Period. (2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB'0,000 Propo rtion Act of Rel ual closin atio gai g nshi Begin Purch Endin n/lo Initial Sold Impai invest p Relate ning ased g ss Type of invest in the rment ment Opera wit d-party Startin Endin invest in the invest in derivati ment Repor provis amou tor h transac g date g date ment Repor ment the ve amou ting ion (if nt in the tion amou ting amou Rep nt Period any) the Co nt Period nt orti Comp mp ng any’s any Peri endin od g net assets Forward Com No 26 30 exchang 4,9 merci n-re 166,6 Nove Dece 129,8 36,89 166,6 No e 0 36. al late 97.7 mber mber 05.79 1.91 97.7 settleme 64 bank d 2020 2021 nt Com No 22 30 Foreign merci n-re 144,6 Octob Dece 62,15 82,49 106,6 38,00 415 No exchang 4.54% al late 46.46 er mber 0 6.46 38.46 8 .36 e option bank d 2020 2022 Forward Com No 14 exchang 1 merci n-re 13,08 Januar 13,08 13,08 17. No e April 0 0 al late 1.6 y 1.6 1.6 76 transacti 2021 bank d 2021 ons 5,3 324,4 191,9 132,4 286,4 38,00 Total -- -- 4.54% 69. 25.76 55.79 69.97 17.76 8 76 Capital source for derivative The Company’s own money investment Lawsuit (if applicable) N/A Disclosure date of board of 30 April 2020 28 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 directors announcement on approval of derivative investment 15 June 2021 (if any) Disclosure date of general meeting announcement on approval of derivative investment (if any) The Company conducted derivatives products transaction in order for hedging. And the forward settlement hedging was operated by installments, with the relevant amount not more than the planned derivatives products transactions. And all derivatives products transaction was zero-deposit. Meanwhile, the Company had a complete risk control system for sufficient analysis and prevention of possible risks such as market risk, liquidity risk and credit risk, operation risk and risk of laws and regulation. 1. Market risk: When the international and domestic economic situations change, the corresponding changes in exchange rates and interest rates may have an adverse impact on the financial derivative transactions of the Company. Precautions: The Company chooses financial instruments with simple structures, high liquidity and controllable risk and strictly controls the scale of derivative transactions, performing them by stages and in batches. Means such as extension and balance settlement can be adopted to ensure contract performance after the contract expires. 2. Liquidity risk and credit risk: Credit risk arises when the Company or counterparties in transactions couldn’t perform contracts due now, to liquidity or other factors that result in further economic loss. Precautions: The derivative transactions can only be done with Analysis on risks and control financial institutions qualified for derivative transactions, as authorized by relevant measures of derivative products national authorities or financial or foreign exchange authorities in the country or region held in the Reporting Period where the Company operates. Derivative transactions with other institutions or individuals (including but not limited to market are not allowed so as to control related risk concerning counterparties. risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, 3. Internal risk control: Derivative transactions are highly specialized and complex. operation risk, law risk, etc.) Therefore, there is a risk of loss in derivative transactions due to the imperfect internal control system when business is performed. Precautions: The Company should strictly implement Management Policy for Investments in Securities and Derivative Transactions of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., continuously optimize the business operation process and authorization management system, strengthen professional ethics education and business training for relevant personnel, clarify job responsibilities, engage in derivative transaction business strictly within the scope of authorization, and establish a timely reporting system for abnormal conditions to avoid operational risks. 4. Risk of laws and regulation: Derivative transactions of the Company must be strictly in compliance with relevant national laws and regulations. Otherwise, signed contracts, commitments and other legal documents may entail compliance risk and regulatory risk in terms of effectiveness and enforceability. Precautions: The Company should strengthen the supervision and inspection of the standardization of derivative transactions, the effectiveness of internal control mechanism, and the authenticity of information disclosure to avoid possible legal risks. The Company has fulfilled relevant approval procedures for its derivative transactions business, which is in line with the relevant national laws, 29 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 regulations, the Articles of Association, the Management Policy for the Transaction of Derivatives of Lu Thai, the Proposal on the Company's Derivative Transaction Plan deliberated and adopted at the 13th meeting of the 9th session of the Board of Directors held on 28 April 2020, and the Proposal on the Company's Derivative Transaction Plan deliberated and adopted at the 25th meeting of the 9th session of the Board of Directors held on 11 June 2021, and fulfilled the relevant information disclosure obligations. Changes of market prices or fair 1. As of 31 December 2021, the Company held 5 undue financial derivatives contracts, values in the Reporting Period of totaling USD60 million, all of which were forex option contracts. the invested derivatives. And the 2. During 2021, the total amount of all settled financial derivatives of the Company was analysis on the fair value of the equivalent to USD441.5 million, generating gains of RMB53.6976 million, among which, derivatives should include the gains of RMB49.3664 million were from the settlement of forward forex settlement specific use methods and the contracts of USD250 million; gains of RMB4.1536 million were from the settlement of relevant assumptions and forex option contracts of USD171.5 million; gains of RMB0.1776 million were from the parameters. settlement of forward forex transactions of USD20 million. Whether significant changes occurred to the Company’s accounting policy and specific No significant changes accounting principles of derivatives in the Reporting Period compared to the previous Reporting Period Independent directors Zhou Zhiji, Pan Ailing, Wang Xinyu and Qu Dongmei have issued the following professional advice on the Company's derivative transaction business: We believe that the Company's foreign exchange derivative transaction business is performed Specific opinion from independent on the condition of ensuring normal operations. Transactions using its own funds are directors on the Company’s beneficial to avoiding the risk of exchange rate fluctuations, and are an effective tool to derivatives investment and risk hedge exchange rate risk. By strengthening internal control, implementing stop-loss and control risk prevention measures, the Company can improve its ability to resist exchange rate fluctuations and improve its management level. The derivative transaction plan proposed by the Board of Directors is feasible, necessary, and the risks are manageable. There is no damage to the interests of the Company and all the shareholders. 5. Use of Funds Raised √ Applicable □ Not applicable (1) Overall Use of Funds Raised √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB’0,000 Raisin Total of Cumulati Total of Cumulat Ratio of Total of Purpose Amoun Total of Raisin g raised ve raised ive cumulati raised and t of raised g year manne capital amount capital amount ve capital direction raised capital r used in of raised which of raised amount unused of raised capital 30 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 this capital purpose capital which capital unused period used is which purpose unused for two changed purpose is years in the is changed report changed period RMB 1.0397 million, deposited in the special account for raised capital; RMB 618.5909 million, for purchasin g Conve financial 2020 rtible 138,800 13,662.54 80,162.47 0 0 0.00% 61,963.06 0 products bonds and deposit products (includin g the net income RMB 33.1994 million from interest income deducted handling charge) Total -- 138,800 13,662.54 80,162.47 0 0 0.00% 61,963.06 -- 0 General use situation of raised capital (I) Amount of actual raised capital and arrival date Upon approval by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the document “ZJXK [2020]299”, the Company publically issued 14,000,000 convertible bonds on April 9, 2020 at par value RMB 100, the issued amount was RMB 1.4 billion, and the Company 31 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 actually received the amount of raised capital RMB 1.388 billion after deducted the underwriting fee RMB 12 million. The above amount was remitted in cash in RMB. After deducted legal fee, accountant fee, credit rating fee, information disclosure fee, issuing commission and other costs RMB 2.54 million in total from the above actually raised capital, the net amount of raised capital was RMB 1385.46 million, which entered the account on April 15, 2020, and Grant Thornton International Ltd (Special General Partnership) issued the capital verification report with reference No. Grant Thornton Verification [2020] 371ZC0090 for it after verification. (II) Use situation and balance of raised capital By December 31, 2021, the Company directly invested RMB 801.6247 million in total from the raised capital for its capital raising projects, the unused amount was RMB 619.6306 million (including the net income RMB 33.1994 million from interest income deducted handling charge), the balance of the special raised capital account at the end of period was RMB 1.0397 million and the amount of raised capital not redeemed and used for purchasing financial products, deposit products from banks was RMB 618.5909 million. (2) Commitments on Projects with Funds Raised √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB’0,000 Whethe r the Date project Cumul when Whethe s are Invest Total of Total Amoun ative the Whethe r change ment Benefit commit invest t invest project r project Committed d progres realize ted ment investe ment reached reached feasibil investment projects (includi s by the d in invest after d in amount the the ity and use direction of ng end of this ment of modific this by the intende expecte change over raised capital partiall period report raised ation report end of d d d y (3) = period capital (1) period period availab benefit signific change (2)/(1) (2) le antly d status project s) Committed investment projects Functional fabric 11,341. 47,348. 31 May smart eco-park No 85,000 85,000 55.70% N/A No 17 68 2023 project (Phase 1) High-end printing 31 and dyeing fabric 2,321.3 No 25,000 25,000 4,008.2 16.03% Octobe N/A No production line 7 r 2022 project Supplement working 28,805. 100.02 No 28,800 28,800 N/A No capital 59 % Subtotal of -- 138,80 138,80 13,662. 80,162. -- -- -- -- 32 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 committed 0 0 54 47 investment projects Use direction of over raised capital N/A 138,80 138,80 13,662. 80,162. Total -- -- -- 0 -- -- 0 0 54 47 Situation and reasons that it did not reach In the Reporting Period, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the capital raising projects the planned progress “Functional fabric smart eco-park project (Phase 1)” and “High-end Printing and Dyeing Fabric or expected return Production Line Project” delayed in construction progress. (based on specific projects) Note for significant change of project N/A feasibility Amount, purpose N/A and use progress of over raised capital Change of N/A implementation site of capital raising project Adjustment of N/A implementation mode of capital raising project Advance investment Applicable and displacement of By 30 April 2020, the total amount of displaced capital was RMB 191.4288 million, including the capital raising amount RMB 189.8388 million invested in the project with the self-raised capital of the Company in project advance, and payment of issuing cost RMB 1.59 million with its self-raised capital Temporary N/A supplement to working capital with unused raised capital Balance of raised N/A capital after implement of project and relevant reasons Purpose and use By 31 December 2021, RMB 1.0397 million in the unused raised capital was deposited in the raised direction of unused capital account, and RMB 618.5909 million was used for cash management. 33 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 raised capital Problems existing in use and information disclosure of raised None capital or other situation (3) Changes in Projects with Funds Raised □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. VIII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests 1. Sale of Major Assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 2. Sale of Major Equity Interests □ Applicable √ Not applicable IX Major Subsidiaries √ Applicable □ Not applicable Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit: Unit: RMB Relat ionsh Pri ip nci pal Registered Operating Operating Name with Total assets Net assets Net profit acti capital revenue profit the Com vity pany Lufen g Weavi Subsi Fab ng & 706,160,000 1,885,678,911.54 1,249,487,228.93 1,400,185,935.63 -15,836,294.87 -7,534,683.42 diary ric Dyein g Co., Ltd. 34 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Shand ong Lulia n Subsi Fab New 400,000,000 998,361,420.15 288,875,133.91 44,524,344.91 -77,012,952.17 -79,511,556.10 diary ric Mater ials Co., Ltd. Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Information about major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries: Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing”) is the holding subsidiary of the Company. Registration place: Zibo, Shandong; registered capital: RMB706.160 million. The mainly manufacturing and selling textile printing and dyeing products and the products of clothing and garments, and it were authenticated to be high-tech enterprise in October 2014. During the Reporting Period, due to the impact of the recurrent COVID-19 epidemic, Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing’s export business and high value-added orders were reduced, which had a greater impact on performance. Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing achieved operating revenue of RMB 1.4 billion, up 6.84% year on-year and net profit of RMB -7.5347 million, down 134.15% year-on-year. Shandong Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lulian New Materials") is the holding subsidiary of the Company. Registration place: Zibo, Shandong; registered capital: RMB 400 million. It was established in April 2019 and mainly manufacturing and selling functional fabrics. During the Reporting Period, it is still under construction, and production of some products has begun. Lulian New Materials achieved operating revenue of RMB 44.5243 million, up 480.97% year on-year due to a low base comparison and net profit of RMB -79.5116 million, down 169.64% year-on-year. X Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable XI Prospects 1. Industry competition and development trend The textile industry of China has certain strength in the global textile industry, mainly showing in industry chain, technology, labor efficiency and other aspects. The COVID-19 epidemic has impacted the economy and trade of various countries since 2020, but the competitive edge of the textile industry of China in the international market still remains. In recent years, when the domestic environmental protection requirements are becoming more stringent, production costs are going up and the transformation and upgrade policy is implemented in China, the textile industry in the post-epidemic era may face structural adjustment, and the demand to yarn-dyed fabric used for shirts will change as diversified products in small batch, functionality and leisure orientation. 2. Development strategy of the Company The Company is a large-scale textile enterprise with a complete industrial chain integrating spinning, dyeing, weaving, post-treatment and garment manufacturing. It is the world's largest production base for yarn-dyed fabrics for shirts, providing blending of three major series of shirt fabrics of pure cotton and natural fiber, cotton and natural fiber as well as cotton and functional fiber. And the newly developed shirt knitted fabric and elastic fabric are also popular in markets. In order to maintain the outstanding advantages of the Company in global shirt-dyed fabrics, the Company is pushing intelligent manufacturing upgrades and integrating domestic and foreign advantageous resources to deepen internationalization of the Company with regional advantages. The Company combines 35 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 quality innovation and customer needs, and innovates the marketing model with advantages of resources in each channel. High-end shirt customization services are provided to meet various needs of customers. Furthermore, the Company increases investment in innovation to improve R&D and design and develop new fabrics. The Company holds the concept of low-carbon environmental protection for sustainable development. 3. Business plan (the following description does not constitute any commitment of the Company) (1) In terms of corporate governance, in order to ensure the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the Company at the institutional level, the Company will establish an internal control system to improve organizational structure, corporate governance structure and risk prevention mechanism. (2) In the aspect of market development, the Company actively develops emerging markets on the basis of maintaining the existing market, accurately understands market trend and customers’ demand, and fully improves service capacity, so that the Company could be a global dress solution supplier based on leading fabric. (3) In the aspect of business administration, the Company continually Implements the strategy of “quality and efficiency improvement” and “comprehensive internationalization”, makes more efforts in developing market, adjusting structure and improving capacity, strengthens integrated product development (IPD), promotes innovation while meeting market demand and builds up a flexible, rapid response, efficient and traceable supply system chain with internal and external resources. (4) In terms of industrial overall arrangement, in order to maintain the leading position of the Company in the global yarn-dyed industry, the Company rationally allocates domestic and foreign resources and improves production efficiency while keeping product quality relying on the advantages of U.S. companies, Milan and Japan Office in market development, design and R&D, customer service and talent development, and the cost advantages of Southeast Asian production bases. 4. Capital needs, sources and planning Within the Reporting Period, the functional fabric intelligent ecological park project (phase I) of the Company’s holding subsidiary Lulian New Materials and the high-end printing and dyeing fabrics production line project of Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing were under construction. Corresponding equipment installation and trial production will be arranged successively, and the project fund is from the raised fund of the A Share convertible bonds issued by the Company. 5. Risks that bring adverse impact to company development strategy and business objectives and countermeasures of the Company (1) Impact of economic environment: under the enormous uncertainty risk of the international trade, the geopolitical risk and the impact of the recurrent COVID-19 epidemic, the Company will face more challenges. In addition, the economic development of China should be transformed and upgrade, therefore, the Company will continue to strictly execute coronavirus control measures, guarantee production and safety and further utilize various resources at home and abroad to develop domestic and overseas markets, so as to catch development opportunities after COVID-19 is controlled. (2) Price fluctuation of raw materials: cotton is the major production material of the Company, and the price of cotton is impacted by market supply and demand, climate, policy, exchange rate, quota and other factors, therefore, based on the production orders and import quota, the Company seriously considers the information of global raw cotton market, properly works out procurement strategy and actively reduces cost and gross profit margin fluctuations arising from price change of raw cotton. (3) Change of exchange rate: The import and export business takes up a large proportion in the Company’s business. With greater fluctuations in RMB, the exchange rate fluctuations will place a remarkable impact on the Company’s performance. In order to reduce adverse influence of exchange rate fluctuation, the Company has established a risk-neutral philosophy to deal with exchange rate fluctuations. Based on actual needs arising from production and operation, it will take appropriate measures at a proper timing to avoid the risk of currency fluctuations. Firstly, the Company appropriately conducted foreign exchange hedging, using forward FX sales and purchase, forward foreign exchange trading and option portfolios to avoid some risks Secondly, the Company made reasonable arrangement on settlement day and currency structure and conclusion of agreements on fixed foreign exchange rate to avoid exchange rate-related risks. Thirdly, the Company adjusted the Renminbi and foreign-currency liabilities structure to prevent the transaction risks in a proactive manner. Fourthly, according to the trends of exchange rates, the Company properly adjusted imports of raw and auxiliary materials to partially offset the influence of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company. 36 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 XII Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and Interviews during the Reporting Period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Contents and Index to main inquiry Date of visit Place of visit Way of visit Type of visitor Visitor materials information provided Investor Relations The Management Archive About basic 31 March Company’s Institution 20210401 disclosed By phone Institution information of 2021 conference investor on Cninfo by the the Company room Company on 1 April 2021 Investor Relations The Management Archive About basic Company’s Institution 20210402 disclosed 1 April 2021 By phone Institution information of conference investor on Cninfo by the the Company room Company on 2 April 2021 Results Briefing, Roadshow The Institutional Information Company’s Annual results 13 April 2021 Other Other and individual 20210413 disclosed conference briefing investors on Cninfo by the room Company on 14 April 2021 Investor Relations The Management Archive About basic 30 August Company’s Institution 20210830 disclosed By phone Institution information of 2021 conference investor on Cninfo by the the Company room Company on 31 August 2021 Investor Relations The Management Archive About basic 2 September Company’s Institution 20210904 disclosed By phone Institution information of 2021 conference investor on Cninfo by the the Company room Company on 4 September 2021 The Investor Relations About basic 29 October Company’s Institution Management Archive By phone Institution information of 2021 conference investor 20211101 disclosed the Company room on Cninfo by the 37 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Company on 1 November 2021 Investor Relations The Management Archive About basic 29 December Company’s Institution 2021129 disclosed on By phone Institution information of 2021 conference investor Cninfo by the the Company room Company on 30 December 2021 38 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part IV Corporate Governance I General Information of Corporate Governance During the Reporting Period, the Company strictly conforms to Company Law, Securities Law (Revised in 2019) and Governing Rules for Listed Company, Guideline No. 1 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Operation Compliance of Main Board Listed Companies as well as relevant stipulations and requirements from normative documents, continuously improves the corporate governance structure, safeguards the standardized and efficient operation of three Committees and one Management, forms a sound and effective internal control system so as to safeguard legitimate interests of the Company and investors. Within the Reporting Period, the Company amended Articles of Association of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., Management Methods for External Investments of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., Management Rules for Authorization of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 1. Shareholders and Shareholders’ General Meeting The Company shall convene and hold the shareholders meeting in strict accordance with the Shareholders Meeting Procedural Rules, and guarantee that all shareholders, especially the minority shareholders, could have equal status and fully execute their rights. 2. The relationship between the majority shareholders and the Company The Company’s majority shareholders acted according to relevant standards without directly or indirectly intervening the Company’s decision-making and operating activities; the Company was independent with its majority shareholders in business, personnel, assets, organization, finance, and the Company’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Internal Organs could completely independent to operate. There was no situation about annexing the assets or occupation of funds of the Company by principal shareholders or other events on infringing the interest of the Company and other shareholders. 3. The directors and Board of Directors The Company’s Board of Directors shall perform their duties in strict accordance with Articles of Association and the Board of Directors Procedural Rules. Under the Board of Directors, the Company established the Strategy Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee. Various specialized committees would fully perform their functions and further guarantee the high-efficient operation and the scientific decision-making of the Board of Directors. 4. Supervisors and Supervisory Committee The Company’s Supervisory Committee will perform their duties in strict accordance with Articles of Association and the Supervisory Committee Procedural Rules. The number of members and the composition of the Company’s Supervisory Committee shall comply with applicable laws and regulations; the Company’s supervisors shall strictly abide by relevant provisions, seriously execute their duties and supervise the Company’s financial status and the legal execution of duties of the directors, president and other senior managers by adhering to the principle of being responsible for the shareholders and the listed company. 5. Information disclosure The Company strictly, in accordance with the laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, disclosed relevant information in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner. The Company has formulated the Information Disclosure Management System, Information Insider Registration Management System and Investor Relations Management System, etc., to ensure the fairness, openness and fairness of information disclosure. 6. Investor relations management During the Reporting Period, as required by Investor Relations Management System, to maintain good communication with investors, the Company accepted on-site investigations and consultations of investors through on-site investigations and telephone consultations, and promptly answered questions asked by investors on the SZSE Easy-IR. Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the applicable laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC rules for the governance of listed companies. 39 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 □ Yes √ No No such cases in the Reporting Period. II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller in Assets, Personnel, Financial Affairs, Organization and Business 1. As for the business: the Company shall establish its independent and complete business system with the market-oriented independent management ability. In the respect of business operation, the Company is completely separated from the controlling shareholders. 2. As for the personnel: the Company’s labor, personnel and remuneration management departments shall be independent with their own sound systems, and separated from that of the substantial shareholder. The Company’s senior managers are not allowed to simultaneously hold any office in any shareholder’s unit. 3. As for the assets: the Company possesses the entire and independent legal person property right with independent and perfect the production system, auxiliary production systems and supporting facilities; and possesses the independent ownership of the intangible assets such as the industrial property, trademarks, non-patented technology. 4. As for the institution: the Company’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and other internal organization shall be sound and involved in independent operation. The substantial shareholder shall legally execute its rights, fulfill corresponding obligations and not surpass the shareholders meeting to directly or indirectly interfere the Company’s business activities. 5. As for the finance: the Company possesses independent financial departments with normative financial accounting system and financial management system as well as internal control system with independent bank account. III Horizontal Competition □ Applicable √ Not applicable IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period 1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period Investor Date of the Disclosure Meeting Type participati Resolutions meeting date on ratio It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on 2020 Annual Work Report of the Board of Directors; 2. Proposal on 2020 Annual Work Report of the Board of Supervisors; 3. Proposal on the The 2020 Annual Company's 2020 Annual Report and Its Abstracts; Annual General 34.24% 20 April 2021 21 April 2021 4. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual General Meeting Financial Accounting Report; 5. Proposal on the Meeting Company’s Profit Distribution Plan for 2020; 6. Proposal on the Renewal of the Company's 2021 Annual Financial Audit and Internal Control Audit Institution. The 1st Extraordinar 34.50% 13 May 2021 14 May 2021 It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on the 40 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Extraordin y General Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive ary Meeting Scheme (Draft) and Its Abstracts; 2. Proposal on General the Company's Implementation and Appraisal Meeting Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive of 2021 Scheme; 3. Proposal on Submitting the Authorization for the Board of Directors to Handle the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme to the General Meeting of Shareholders. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles of the Foreign Investment Regulations for Lu Thai Textile Co., The 2nd Ltd.; 2. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles Extraordin Extraordinar of the Authorization Management System for Lu ary 13 September 14 September y General 31.69% Thai Textile Co., Ltd.; 3. Proposal on Preparing General 2021 2021 Meeting the Remuneration Plan for Directors, Supervisors Meeting and Officers; 4. Proposal on Repurchase and of 2021 Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition. 2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting Rights □ Applicable √ Not applicable V Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 1. Basic Information Increas Decrea Beginn e in se in Other Ending Incum ing the the increas Reaso Office Gende Start shareh End of Name bent/F Age of shareh Report Report e/decre n for title r tenure olding tenure ormer olding ing ing ase change (share) (share) Period Period (share) (share) (share) Chair man 10 Liu Incum 6 June 148,29 148,29 and Male 57 June Zibin bent 2007 0 0 Presid 2022 ent Xu Vice Incum 6 May 10 Male 92 Zhinan Chair bent 2004 June 41 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 man 2022 Fujiwa 10 ra Direct Incum 7 May Male 82 June Hideto or bent 1998 2022 shi Chen 16 10 Direct Incum Ruimo Male 78 April June or bent u 2000 2022 Zeng 10 Direct Incum 6 June Fache Male 71 June or bent 2007 ng 2022 Direct or, Vice Contro Liu 12 10 ller of Incum Demin Male 32 May June Global bent g 2017 2022 Market ing Depart ment Qin 10 Direct Incum Femal 7 May 126,54 126,54 Guilin 56 June or bent e 1998 2 2 g 2022 Direct Grante Zhang or and 10 d Incum Femal 6 June 300,00 392,50 Hong Chief 52 June 92,500 restrict bent e 2016 0 0 mei Accou 2022 ed ntant shares Indepe 10 10 Zhou ndent Incum Male 59 March June Zhiji Direct bent 2019 2022 or Indepe 10 Pan ndent Incum Femal 6 June 57 June Ailing Direct bent e 2016 2022 or Indepe 10 Wang ndent Incum 6 June Male 55 June Xinyu Direct bent 2016 2022 or 42 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Indepe Qu 10 10 ndent Incum Femal Dong 53 June June Direct bent e mei 2019 2022 or Chair man of 18 Zhang the 10 Incum Februa Shoug Superv Male 52 June 73,100 73,100 bent ry ang isory 2022 2018 Comm ittee 10 Liu Superv Incum 6 June Male 54 June 10,000 10,000 Zilong isor bent 2007 2022 Superv isor, Manag er of Dong 10 Logisti Incum 6 June Shibin Male 53 June 5,000 5,000 cs bent 2007 g 2022 Manag ement Depart ment Zhang 10 Couns Incum 6 June Jianxia Male 54 June 52,150 52,150 elor bent 2007 2022 ng Chair man of the Grante Labor 10 d Wang Incum 6 June 300,00 383,70 Union, Male 59 June 83,700 restrict bent 2007 0 0 Jiabin Securit 2022 ed y shares Contro ller Vice Grante preside 10 d Zhang nt, Incum 6 June 300,00 380,30 Male 50 June 80,300 restrict Zhanqi Contro bent 2007 0 0 2022 ed ller of shares Global 43 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Market ing Depart ment Board Secret ary, Contro Grante Zhang ller of 10 d Incum 6 June 200,00 277,70 Kemin Financ Male 54 June 77,700 restrict bent 2007 0 0 g ial 2022 ed Manag shares ement Depart ment Contro ller of Grante Busine 10 d Li ss Incum 8 June 200,00 210,00 Male 55 June 10,000 restrict bent 2016 0 0 Wenji Manag 2022 ed ement shares Depart ment Assist ant to Chair man of the Grante Board, 18 10 d Zhang Incum 200,00 200,00 Contro Male 37 Januar June restrict bent 0 0 Wei y 2018 2022 ed ller of shares Strateg y and Market Depart ment Fujiwa 9 GM of 10 ra Incum Decem Japan Male 49 June Matsu bent ber Office 2022 zaka 2014 44 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Presid ent Assist ant, Contro Grante ller of Yu 10 d Energy Incum 6 June 200,00 283,10 Shouz Male 54 June 83,100 restrict and bent 2007 0 0 heng 2022 ed Enviro shares nment Protect ion Depart ment Presid ent Assist Grante ant, Shang 10 d Contro Incum 6 June 200,00 230,00 Cheng Male 49 June 30,000 restrict ller of bent 2013 0 0 gang 2022 ed Garme shares nt Produc t Line Chief Engine er, Execut ive Dean Grante of Lu 18 10 d Du Thai Incum 200,00 200,00 Male 47 Januar June restrict bent 0 0 Lixin Engine y 2018 2022 ed ering shares Techn ology Resear ch Institut e Guo Contro Incum Male 50 18 10 200,00 200,00 Grante 45 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Heng ller of bent Januar June 0 0 d Functi y 2018 2022 restrict onal ed Fabric shares Produc t Line Presid ent Grante Assist 14 Fu 10 d ant, Incum Femal Decem 200,00 200,00 Guann 39 June restrict Invest bent e ber 0 0 an 2022 ed ment 2020 shares Direct or 26 Wang Direct Forme 7 May Februa 146,75 146,75 Fangs Male 61 or r 1998 ry 3 3 hui 2021 Indepe 25 Bi ndent Forme Femal 6 June Februa 55 Xiuli Direct r e 2016 ry or 2021 Execut ive Dean of Lu Thai Wang Engine 29 Forme 6 June Chang ering Male 48 June 22,500 22,500 r 2013 2021 zhao Techn ology Resear ch Institut e 1,041, 2,500, 3,541, Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- 635 000 635 Indicate by tick mark whether any directors or supervisors left or any senior management were disengaged during the Reporting Period √ Yes □ No 46 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Bi Xiuli, an independent director of the Company, due to personal work arrangements, resigned as an independent director and a member of the Strategic Decision-making Committee of the Board of Directors, a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company on 25 February 2021, and no longer held any post in the Company; Wang Fangshui, a director of the Company, due to retirement, resigned as a director of the Company and a member of the Strategic Decision-making Committee of the Board of Directors on 26 February 2021, and no longer held any post in the Company; Wang Changzhao, an Executive Dean of the Company's Engineering Technology Research Institute, due to personal reasons, resigned as an officer on 29 June 2021, and no longer held any post in the Company. Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management √Applicable □ Not applicable Type of Name Office title Date of change Reason for change change Wang Director Left 26 February 2021 Retirement Fangshui Bi Xiuli Independent Director Left 25 February 2021 Left for job arrangement Wang Executive Dean of Lu Thai Contract Changzh Engineering Technology Research 29 June 2021 Left for personal reason termination ao Institute 2. Biographical Information Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management: 1. Mr. Liu Zibin: Chairman and President of the Company, born in 1965, with a master degree. He served as the GM and chairman of Zibo Lucheng Textile Co., Ltd. And he currently serves as the chairman and president of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd., the chairman of Lufeng Textile Dyeing Co., Ltd., the chairman of Zibo Xinsheng Thermoelectric Co., Ltd., the chairman of Zibo Lu Qun Textile Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shanghai Luthai Textile and Garment Co., Ltd., the chairman of Luthai Textile (USA) Co., Ltd., the chairman of Luthai (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shandong Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shandong Lujia Import and Export Co., Ltd. and the chairman of Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd. 2. Mr. Xu Zhinan: Vice chairman of the Company, a Thailander born in 1930. He served as director and GM of Thailand Fiber Cloth Factory Co., Ltd., director of Thailand Fiber Co., Ltd., director of Thailand Fiber Printing and Co., Ltd., director and deputy GM of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. And he currently serves as the director and deputy chairman of the Company and GM of Thailand Fiber Co., Ltd. 3. Mr. Fujiwara Hidetoshi: Director of the Company, a Japanese born in 1940. He served as director of Degang Weaving Factory in Japan, director and senior consultant of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. He currently serves as a director of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. and a director of Lufeng Textile Dyeing Co., Ltd. 4. Mr. Chen Ruimou: Director of the Company, born in 1944 with a university degree. He served as staff of Jinyuan Co., Ltd, staff of Nissin Shokai Co., Ltd., supervisor and director of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. And he currently serves as a director of the Company. 5. Mr. Zeng Facheng: Director of the Company, a Thailander born in 1951. He is currently the chairman of GOLD MINE GARMENT CO., LTD. and BLOSSOM GARMENT MANUFACTURING (THAILAND) CO., LTD.; he also is the chairman of the Thai Shipping and Transportation Association, the chairman of the standing committee of the Thai Garment Industry Development Charity Foundation, the executive director of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai industry Director of the Association, 47 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Chairman of the Thai Garment Industry Free Trade Association, and Director of Luthai. 6. Mr. Liu Deming: Director of the Company, vice director of global marketing department, born in 1990, with a master degree. Currently, he serves as chairman and GM of Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd., director of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. and vice director of global marketing department of the Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. 7. Ms. Qin Guiling: Director of the Company, born in 1966, with a master degree of business administration. He served as chief of planning department, manager of securities department, financial assistant to GM, deputy GM and secretary of board of directors of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. In addition, he currently serves as a director of Luthai. 8. Ms. Zhang Hongmei: Director and chief accountant of the Company, born in 1970, with a master degree of business administration. She is a senior accountant. She served as chief of cost department, chief of accounting department and deputy chief accountant of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd., and currently serves as the director and chief accountant of the Company. He is also a supervisor of Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials Co., Ltd. 9. Ms. Pan Ailing: Independent director of the Company, born in 1965, with a doctor degree of economics; and she serves as a postdoctor of financial management. She currently serves as a professor at the School of Management of Shandong University, a doctoral supervisor, a leader in accounting discipline, a director of the Investment and Financing Research Center of Shandong University, a non-practicing member of CICPA, a director of the Shandong Institute of Accounting, a managing director of the Shandong Institute of Comparative Management, a visiting professor at Soochow University in Taiwan, a visiting scholar at the UCONN, and a national candidate for the "New Century Talents Project". In addition, she is an outstanding talent of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in the new century and an expert specially posted by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. 10. Mr. Wang Xinyu: Independent director of the Company, born in 1967, with a master's degree. He is in possession of the certificates of CPA, CTA and CPV. He once taught at Jinan Vocational College, and successively worked as project manager & department manager of Shandong Zhengyuan Hexin Accounting Firm and Zhonglei Certified Public Accountants, and deputy GM of Shandong Branch. In addition, he currently serves as a senior partner of Reanda Certified Public Accountants LLP, Director of Shandong Branch, and independent director of the Company. 11. Mr. Zhou Zhiji: Independent director of the Company, born in 1963, with a bachelor degree. He is in possession of the certificates of CPA and senior accountant. He served as a cadre of Shandong Provincial Department of Finance, director of department of Shandong accounting firm, chief accountant of Shandong Zhengyuan Accounting Firm, director and manager of Shandong Yingshida Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., chairman of Shandong Jinheng Consulting Co., Ltd. Now, he serves as a supervisor of Shandong Jinheng Consulting Co., Ltd. 12. Ms. Qu Dongmei: Independent director of the Company, born in 1969, with a doctor degree of economic law. She currently serves as a professor at the School of Law of Shandong Normal University, a master's supervisor in Civil and Commercial Law, a director of the Western Returned Scholars Association, a lawyer of Grandall Law Firm (Jinan) and an arbitrator of Jinan Arbitration Commission. In addition, he holds the license of insurance broker in Illinois, USA. 13. Mr. Zhang Shougang: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, born in 1970, with a master degree of business administration. He is in possession of a certificate of senior engineer. And he served as director of the weaving factory, manager of the weaving department, manager of the quality management department, manager of the garment production department, manager of the enterprise management department and Director of Human Resources Department of the Company. 14. Mr. Liu Zilong: Supervisor of the Company, born in 1968, with a master degree of business administration. In addition, he has served as the GM of Luthai (Hong Kong) since 2002. 15. Mr. Dong Shibing: Supervisor of the Company, born in 1969, with a diploma of technical secondary school. He once served as deputy director of the GM's office of the Company. Currently, he served as the manager of the Company's logistics management department and GM of Zibo Banyang Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. 16. Mr. Zhang Jianxiang: born in 1968, Counselor of the Company, with a master degree of business administration. He served as the head of the weaving section of Binzhou No.2 Cotton Mill, the director of the expansion office, the director of the weaving factory, 48 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the deputy manager of the production department, the manager of the quality management department and the director of the fabric finishing factory of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd., the deputy director and the executive director of the Luthai Textile and Clothing Engineering Research Institute, Vice President and director of the Functional Fabric Product Line of the Company. 17. Mr. Wang Jiabin: Chairman of the Labor Union and safety director of the Company. Born in 1963, with a master degree of business administration, he served as workshop director of Zibo No. 1 Cotton Textile Mill, director of labor safety, weaving workshop director of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd., director of power, director of bleaching and dyeing factory, manager of bleaching and dyeing department, assistant to the GM, vice president and director of yarn-dyed fabric product line. 18. Mr. Zhang Zhanqi: Vice president of the Company, director of global marketing department and GM of LuFeng Company Limited, born in 1972, with a master degree of business administration. Also, he serves as a senior engineer, once was the factory director of fabric finishing factory and manager of quality management department of the Company. 19. Mr. Zhang Keming: Secretary of the board of directors of the Company, and director of Financial Management Department. Born in 1968, with a master degree of business administration, he is a senior accountant. Once he was deputy manager and manager of the financial department of the Company. 20. Mr. Li Wenji: Controller of the enterprise management department, born in 1967. Once he was a teacher of Shandong University of Finance. He once served as the manager of the Company's information department and CIO. 21. Mr. Zhang Wei: Assistant to Chairman of the Board, director of the strategy and marketing department of the Company, born in 1985, with a doctor degree. He served as a researcher of Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. and China Asset Management Co, Ltd., manager of the strategic planning department of the Company; he also serves as the director of Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials Co., Ltd. 22. Mr. Fujiwara Matsuzaka: GM of branch office in Japan, Japanese with a bachelor degree. He is a special foreign expert of the Company, and he once won the Qilu Friendship Award. In addition, he served as deputy manager of international business department, manager of No.1 international business department, manager of No.2 international business department and manager of clothing marketing department of Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. 23. Mr. Yu Shouzheng: President Assistant, Director of the energy and environmental protection department of the Company, GM of Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd., born in 1968, with a master degree of business administration. As an engineer, he once worked as the director of the power department and manager of the energy division of the Company. 24. Mr. Shang Chenggang: President Assistant and the director of clothing product line of the Company. Born in 1973, he served as deputy director, director, manager of GM department, management representative and manager of garment production department, director of garment manufacturing center & manager of garment production management department of the Company. 25. Mr. Du Lixin: Chief engineer of the Company and executive dean of Luthai Institute of Engineering and Technology. Born in 1975, he served as spinning operator, a weaver's planner, a deputy director of the production department's dispatching room, a weaver's factory director, a manager of the weaving department, and a deputy manager of the production department of Luthai, as well as GM of Continental Textile Co., Ltd. 26. Mr. Guo Heng: Controller of Functional Fabric Product Line. Born in 1972, he served as the deputy director of the spinning factory of Lu Thai, the deputy manager of the yarn business department, and the manager of the yarn business department and Director of enterprise management department of Luthai. 27. Ms. Fu Guannan: President Assistant and Investment Director of the Company, GM of Beijing Zhishu Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Born in 1983, with a master degree, she served as senior executive director of Investment Banking Department in Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities: √Applicable □Not applicable Office held in the End of Remuneration or Name Shareholding entity Start of tenure allowance from shareholding entity tenure the shareholding 49 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 entity Zibo Lucheng Textile Liu Zibin Director 26 February 1999 No Investment Co., Ltd. Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Xu Zhinan GM 29 January 1985 No Ltd. Zibo Lucheng Textile Liu Deming Chairman and GM 1 February 2017 No Investment Co., Ltd. Mr. Liu Zibin is the Director of Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd., holding 4% equities of Zibo Explanations Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. Basic information of Mr. Liu Zibin: Chinese, no right of residence in other about holding countries or regions. Mr. Liu Deming holds the post of Chairman and GM of Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment posts in Co., Ltd., holding 21% equities of Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. Basic information of Mr. Liu shareholders’ Deming: Chinese, no right of residence in other countries or regions. Mr. Xu Zhinan is the sponsor of foreign companies capital of the Company, shareholder of Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. and Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder of the Company. Basic information about Mr. Xu Zhinan: Thai. Offices held concurrently in other entities: √Applicable □Not applicable Remuneration Office held Start of Name Other entity End of tenure or allowance in the entity tenure from the entity Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. Zibo Luqun Textile Co., Ltd., Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Shanghai Lu Chairman Thai Textile Garment Co., Ltd., Lu Thai of the (America) Textile Co., Ltd. Lu Thai (HK) 7 December Liu Zibin Board, No Textile Co., Ltd, Shanghai Zhinuo Textile 2015 Director, New Material Co., Ltd, Shandong Lulian GM New Materials Co., Ltd., Shandong Lujia Import and Export Co., Ltd., Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd. LuFeng Company Limited, Zibo Luqun Textile Co., Ltd., Shandong Lulian New 21 August Liu Deming Materials Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhinuo Director No 2017 Textile New Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhishu Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Zhang Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials 15 October Supervisor No Hongmei Co., Ltd. 2018 Dong Shibing Zibo Banyang Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. GM 2 April 2021 No Zhang Shanghai Lu Thai Textile Garment Co., 30 December Supervisor No Jianxiang Ltd. 2010 Continental Textile Co., Ltd., Lu Thai 29 December Du Lixin Director No (Vietnam) Textile Co., Ltd. 2015 Zhang Wei Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials Director 15 October No 50 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Co., Ltd. 2018 Zhang Zibo Luqun Textile Co., Ltd., Shandong Director, 3 March 2022 No Keming Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd. Supervisor Shandong University School of Pan Ailing Professor 1 July 1986 Yes Management Reanda Certified Public Accountants 1 August Wang Xinyu Head Yes Shandong Branch 2013 1 October Zhou Zhiji Shandong Jinheng Consulting Co., Ltd Supervisor Yes 2015 Law School of Shandong Normal Qu Dongmei Professor 1 July 2003 Yes University Zhang Zhanqi LuFeng Company Limited GM 5 July 2014 No Yu Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. GM 13 April 2021 No Shouzheng 28 August Guo Heng Shandong Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd. GM No 2021 Beijing Zhishu Management Consulting Fu Guannan GM 9 March 2022 No Co., Ltd. Explanations about holding Except for independent directors, all other entities the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management posts in other hold posts are majority-owned subsidiaries of the Company. entities Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management: The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company is liable to not only preparing appraisal criteria for directors and senior management of the Company and appraising them, but also preparing and reviewing remuneration policies and plans for directors and senior management of the Company, who is liable to the Board of Directors. The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee shall propose the remuneration amount of directors and senior management according to the Company's management condition and post performance results, and shall report to the Board of Directors for ratification after the approval by voting. The Controller of Financial Management Department, the Corporate Management Department and the HR Department of the Company shall be liable to the preliminary preparation for the decision of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, including but not limited to providing information such as the Company's main financial indicators and the completion of management objectives. The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee shall confirm the annual appraisal results of directors and officers in accordance with the completion of the Company's performance and the remuneration criteria for officers, and shall report to the Board of Directors for 51 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 ratification after the approval by voting. The number of incumbent directors, supervisors and senior executives is 27, among which there are 27 persons actually receiving remuneration from the Company. Till 31 December 2021, the total amount of annual payment drawn from the Company by directors, supervisors and senior executives is RMB14.1556 million (before tax). Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period Unit: RMB'0,000 Total Any before-tax Gen Incumben remuneration Name Office title Age remuneration der t/Former from related from the party Company Incumben Liu Zibin Chairman and President Male 57 90.71 No t Incumben Xu Zhinan Vice Chairman Male 92 20.78 No t Fujiwara Incumben Director Male 82 1.06 No Hidetoshi t Chen Incumben Director Male 78 20.78 No Ruimou t Zeng Incumben Director Male 71 1.06 No Facheng t Liu Director, Vice Controller of Global Incumben Male 32 57.7 No Deming Marketing Department t Qin Fem Incumben Director 56 69.54 No Guiling ale t Zhang Fem Incumben Director and Chief Accountant 52 77.61 No Hongmei ale t Incumben Zhou Zhiji Independent Director Male 59 5.9 No t Fem Incumben Pan Ailing Independent Director 57 5.9 No ale t Wang Incumben Independent Director Male 55 5.9 No Xinyu t Qu Fem Incumben Independent Director 53 5.9 No Dongmei ale t Zhang Incumben Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Male 52 53.03 No Shougang t Incumben Liu Zilong Supervisor Male 54 59.96 No t 52 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Dong Supervisor, Manager of Logistics Incumben Male 53 57.98 No Shibing Management Department t Zhang Incumben Counselor Male 54 83.06 No t Jianxiang Wang Chairman of the Labor Union, Security Incumben Male 59 82.34 No Controller t Jiabin Zhang Vice president, Controller of Global Incumben Male 50 80.85 No Zhanqi Marketing Department t Zhang Board Secretary, Controller of Financial Incumben Male 54 57.65 No Keming Management Department t Controller of Business Management Incumben Li Wenji Male 55 60.12 No t Department Assistant to Chairman of the Board, Incumben Zhang Wei Controller of Strategy and Market Male 37 92.22 No t Department Fujiwara Incumben GM of Japan Office Male 49 104.73 No Matsuzaka t Yu President Assistant, Controller of Energy and Incumben Shouzhen Male 54 57.54 No Environment Protection Department t g Shang President Assistant, Controller of Garment Incumben Chenggan Male 49 56.05 No Product Line t g Chief Engineer, Executive Dean of Lu Thai Incumben Du Lixin Male 47 57.28 No t Engineering Technology Research Institute Incumben Guo Heng Controller of Functional Fabric Product Line Male 50 57.08 No t Fu Fem Incumben President Assistant, Investment Director 39 92.83 No Guannan ale t Total -- -- -- -- 1,415.56 -- VI Performance of Duty by Directors in the Reporting Period 1. Board Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period Meeting Date of the meeting Disclosure date Meeting resolutions 20th Meeting of the 9th Board It deliberated and approved: 2021-01-13 2021-01-15 of Directors 1. Proposal on Investing and 53 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Establishing “Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co. Ltd”; 2. Proposal on Providing Joint and Several Liability Guarantee for the Wholly-owned Subsidiary Lu An Garments Co., Ltd. of Obtaining a Comprehensive Credit Limit of USD10 Million; 3. and Proposal on Routine Related Transactions. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on 2020 Annual Work Report of the Board of Directors; 2. Proposal on 2020 Annual Work Report of the President; 3. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Report and Its Abstracts; 4. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Financial Accounting; 5. Proposal on the Company's 2021 Annual Financial Budget; 6. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Profit 21st Meeting of the 9th Board Distribution Plan; 7. of Directors 2021-03-29 2021-03-31 Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Appraisal Results of Officers; 8. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Social Responsibility Report; 9. Proposal on the Company's 2020 Annual Assessment Report for Internal Control; 10. Proposal on the Renewal of the Company's 2021 Annual Financial Audit and Internal Control Audit Institution; 11. Proposal on Changing Part of the Accounting Policies; 12. Proposal on Applying for a 54 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Comprehensive Credit Limit of RMB200 Million from China Merchants Bank; 13. Proposal on Providing Joint and Several Liability Guarantee for the Wholly-owned Subsidiary Continental Textile Co., Ltd. of Obtaining a Comprehensive Credit Limit of USD60 Million; 14. Proposal on the Special Report of the 2020 Annual Deposit and Use of the Raised Funds; 15. Proposal on Investing and Establishing Zibo Banyang Mountain Villa Hotel Co., Ltd.; 16. Proposal on the Delay of the Production Line Project of High-grade Printed and Dyed Fabrics; 17. Proposal on Holding 2020 Annual General Meeting. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on the Company's '2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft)' and Its Abstracts; 2. Proposal on the Company's 'Implementation and Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share 22nd Meeting of the 9th Board Incentive Scheme'; 3. of Directors 2021-04-12 2021-04-13 Proposal on Submitting the Authorization for the Board of Directors to Handle the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme to the General Meeting of Shareholders; 4. Proposal on Holding the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2021. 55 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on the Full Text 23rd Meeting of the 9th Board and Body of the 2021 First of Directors 2021-04-28 2021-04-30 Quarter Report; 2. Proposal on the Company's Using Part of the Idle Raised Funds for Cash Management. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Adjusting the List of the Name and Number of Incentive Staff of 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme; 2. Proposal on Granting Restrictive Stocks to Incentive Staff for the First 24th Meeting of the 9th Board 2021-05-17 2021-05-18 Time; 3. and Proposal on of Directors Providing Guarantee for Continental Textile Co., Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries of Obtaining a Comprehensive Credit Limit of USD20.80 Million from the Ho Chi Minh City Branch of China Trust Commercial Bank Co, Ltd. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on the Company's Plan for Derivative Transaction; 2. Proposal on Opening a Special Account for Foreign Exchange Purchase and Deposit of 25th Meeting of the 9th Board 2021-06-11 2021-06-15 Raised Funds and Signing a of Directors Supervision Agreement on Raised Funds; 3. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles of the 'Articles of Incorporation' According to the Authorization of the General Meeting. It deliberated and approved: th th 26 Meeting of the 9 Board 1. Proposal on the Company's 2021-08-26 2021-08-28 of Directors Interim Report 2021 and Its Abstracts; 2. Proposal on 56 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Using Idle Equity Funds for Cash Management; 3. Proposal on the Special Interim Report 2021 of the Deposit and Use of the Raised Funds; 4. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles of the ‘Foreign Investment Regulations for Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.’; 5. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles of the Authorization Management System for Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.; 6. Proposal on Preparing the Remuneration Plan for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management; 7. Proposal on the Additional Investment on Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd.; 8. Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition; 9. Proposal on Holding the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2021. It deliberated and approved: 27th Meeting of the 9th Board 2021-10-27 2021-10-29 Proposal on the 2021 Third of Directors Quarter Report. It deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Amending Relevant Articles of the 'Articles of Incorporation' th th 28 Meeting of the 9 Board According to the 2021-12-13 2021-12-14 of Directors Authorization of the General Meeting; 2. Proposal on Designedly Providing Pledge of Deposit of RMB40 Million to the Holding Subsidiary 57 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Shandong Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd. for Opening Letter of Credit ("l/C") for Import Equipment in Bank of Qingdao Co, Ltd. 2. Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings Total The director Board number of Board Board failed to attend Board meetings board meetings meetings the two General meetings attended by Director meetings the attended director consecutive meetings attended on way of director was through a failed to board attended site telecommuni eligible to proxy attend meetings cation attend (yes/no) Liu Zibin 9 9 0 0 0 No 3 Xu Zhinan 9 0 9 0 0 No 0 Fujiwara 9 0 9 0 0 No 0 Hidetoshi Chen Ruimou 9 0 9 0 0 No 0 Zeng Facheng 9 0 9 0 0 No 0 Wang Fangshui 1 1 0 0 0 No 0 Liu Deming 9 9 0 0 0 No 0 Qin Guiling 9 9 0 0 0 No 2 Zhang Hongmei 9 9 0 0 0 No 3 Bi Xiuli 1 0 1 0 0 No 0 Zhou Zhiji 9 1 8 0 0 No 2 Pan Ailing 9 1 8 0 0 No 0 Wang Xinyu 9 1 8 0 0 No 2 Qu Dongmei 9 1 8 0 0 No 0 Why any director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings: Not applicable. 3. Objections Raised by Directors on Matters of the Company Indicate by tick mark whether any directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company. □ Yes √ No No such cases in the Reporting Period. 58 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 4. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Directors Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from directors were adopted by the Company. √ Yes □ No Suggestions from directors adopted or not adopted by the Company Naught VII Performance of Duty by Specialized Committees under the Board in the Reporting Period Other Important Details about Number of information Convened opinions and issues with Committee Members meetings Content about the date suggestions objections convened performance raised (if any) of duty The opinions were as Mainly, the follows: (1) Company's Preparing the financial Company's statements financial submitted to accounting Grant statements in Thornton accordance Certified with the Public Company's Accountants accounting LLP for policies and Audit preliminary Wang Xinyu, applying Committee audit were Zhou Zhiji, 7 2021-01-20 accounting under the reviewed, Qin Guiling policies Board written properly, it opinions carried out were accounting expressed, estimate and fully and communicati reasonably, on with which Leader of conformed to annual audit the New accountant Accounting project was Standard for conducted. Business Enterprises, 59 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 accounting system for enterprises and the requirements of relevant provisions issued by the Ministry of Finance; (2) Unit statements of the Company's financial statements that were included in the scope of consolidation were complete, while the statement consolidation basis was accurate; (3) The financial statements of the Company were objective, true and accurate, without any major misstatement or omission; (4) And due to the fact that there still is a period of time from the 60 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 day for review of the financial statements to the day for audit report and financial statement release, the Financial Management Department of the Company was submitted to focus on and cope with post balance sheet events, so as to ensure the fairness, authenticity and integrity of the financial statements. The Audit Committee thought that the financial accounting statements could be submitted to Annual Certified Public Accountant for audit according to annual audit plan. 61 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The The opinions following were as matters were follows: The mainly procedure of audited: (1) financial The statement Company's preparation 2020 Annual was Financial reasonable Report and audited by normative as the the Company accounting conformed to firm. (2) the New Conclusion Accounting Report on the Standard for Company's Business Audit Work Enterprises for the 2020 and relevant Annual provisions of Financial the Report Company's 2021-03-29 conducted by financial Grant system, Thornton which fairly Certified reflected the Public Company's Accountants assets, LLP. (3) liabilities, Proposal on shareholders' the renewal equity and of Grant operating Thornton results by 31 Certified December Public 2020, which Accountants were true, LLP As the accurate and Company's complete. 2021 Annual The Audit Financial Committee Audit and thought that Internal the Control Company's Audit 2020 Annual 62 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Institution. Financial (4) Special Accounting Report of the Report that 2020 Annual was Deposit and preliminarily Use of the approved by Raised Grant Funds. (5) Thornton Report on the Certified Implementati Public on of the Accountants 2020 Annual LLP could be Internal submitted to Audit Plan the 21st by the Meeting of Company's the 9th Board Audit of Directors Department. for review. Report on The Implementati following on of proposals Internal were adopted Audit Plan of by voting at 2021 First the meeting: Quarter and Report on Special Implementati Report of on of Deposit and Internal 2021-04-20 Use of the Audit Plan of Raised 2021 First Funds of Quarter and 2021 First Special Quarter by Report of the Deposit and Company's Use of the Audit Raised Department Funds of were 2021 First deliberated. Quarter. The Proposal The Plan for on the Derivative 2021-06-08 Company's Transaction Plan for of Lu Thai Derivative Textile Co., 63 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Transaction Ltd. was was mainly audited and deliberated. the following opinions were expressed: Facing the exchange rate fluctuation of RMB against USD in the foreign exchange market, the Financial Management Department of the Company proposed the Plan for Derivative Transaction, which was an effective tool to avoid exchange rate risk. By strengthening internal control and implementin g stop-loss management and risk prevention measures, the management level could be improved, which was conducive to giving full 64 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 play to the Company's competitive edge. On the premise of ensuring normal operation, the Company utilized equity funds to carry out derivative transactions, which was conducive to avoiding the risk of RMB exchange rate fluctuations, enhancing the ability to withstand exchange rate fluctuations and operating level, and giving full play to the Company's competitive edge, without damaging the interests of the Company and all shareholders. We think that the Plan for Derivative Transaction 65 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 is feasible, necessary and risk-controll able, and agree to submit the Plan for Derivative Transaction of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. to the 25th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors for deliberation. The following Mainly, the proposals following were adopted matters were by voting at deliberated: the meeting: (1) Special Special Interim Interim Report 2021 Report 2021 of the of the Deposit and 2021-08-16 Deposit and Use of the Use of the Raised Raised Funds. (2) Funds and Interim Interim Report 2021 Report 2021 on the on the Implementati Implementati on of Internal on of Audit Plan. Internal Audit Plan. Mainly, the The following following 2021-10-20 matters were proposals deliberated at were adopted the meeting: by voting at 66 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (1) Special the meeting: Report on the Special Deposit and Report on the Use of the Deposit and Raised Funds Use of the of 2021 Raised Third Funds of Quarter. (2) 2021 Third Report on the Quarter and Implementati Report on the on of Internal Implementati Audit Plan of on of 2021 Third Internal Quarter. Audit Plan of 2021 Third Quarter. The time arrangement plan for 2021 annual financial audit work was unanimously The time determined arrangement at the for the meeting Company's through the 2021-11-11 2021 annual negotiation financial with the audit work 2021 annual was audit negotiated. institution, Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants LLP, of the Company. The main The Liu Zibin, Remuneratio topic of the following Zhou Zhiji, 4 2021-03-29 n Committee meeting was: proposal was Wang Xinyu, Proposal on deliberated 67 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Pan Ailing 2020 Annual and approved Appraisal by voting at Results of the meeting: the Proposal on Company's 2020 Annual Officers. Appraisal Results of the Company's Officers. We agree to submit the above proposal to the 21st Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company for deliberation. The main The topics of the following meeting proposals were: (1) the were Proposal on deliberated the and approved Company's through 2021 on-site Restricted voting and Share communicati Incentive on voting at Scheme the meeting: 2021-04-11 (Draft) and the Proposal Its Abstracts. on the (2) the Company's Proposal on '2021 the Restricted Company's Share Implementati Incentive on and Scheme Appraisal (Draft)' and Regulations Its Abstracts on 2021 and the Restricted Proposal on 68 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Share the Incentive Company's Scheme. 'Implementat ion and Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme'. The following proposal was deliberated The main and approved topic of the through meeting was: on-site the Proposal voting and on 2020 communicati 2021-05-13 Annual on voting at Appraisal the meeting: Results and the Proposal Distribution on 2020 Quota of Annual Risk Funds. Appraisal Results and Distribution Quota of Risk Funds. The The main following topic of the proposal was meeting was: deliberated the Proposal and approved on Preparing through the on-site 2021-08-16 Remuneratio voting and n Plan for communicati Directors, on voting at Supervisors the meeting: and Senior the Proposal Management on Preparing . the 69 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Remuneratio n Plan for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management . Liu Zibin, Xu Zhinan, Chen The Ruimou, following Zeng proposal was Deliberate Facheng, approved by the Strategic Fujiwara voting at the Planning of Strategy Hidetoshi, meeting: the 1 2021-03-29 Lu Thai Committee Liu Deming, Strategic Textile of Qin Guiling, Planning of 2021 to Zhang Lu Thai 2025. Hongmei, Textile of Zhou Zhiji, 2021 to Wang Xinyu, 2025. Pan Ailing, Qu Dongmei Liu Zibin, Xu Zhinan, Nomination Zhou Zhiji, 0 Committee Wang Xinyu, Pan Ailing VIII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision in the Reporting Period. □ Yes √ No The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period. V Employees 1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent 8,807 at the period-end Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries at the 13,825 70 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 period-end Total number of in-service employees 22,632 Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period 22,632 Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its 0 major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions Functions Function Employees Production 16,877 Sales 515 Technical 4,581 Financial 107 Administrative 552 Total 22,632 Educational backgrounds Educational background Employees Doctor 5 Master 90 Bachelor 1,241 College 4,576 High school and below 16,720 Total 22,632 2. Employee Remuneration Policy The Company has formulated a remuneration management system with its principle being “payment according to one’s work and more pay for more work”. Through post evaluation and through researches of Social salary levels carried out as multi-faceted, as well as the formulation of the reasonable salary management system, fully demonstrates the internal fairness, self-fairness and external fairness. It has greatly motivated the employees and enhanced the corporate management. 3. Employee Training Plans Trainings will be carried out according to requirements of the Company’s strategic development planning, improvement of employees’ capability, performance management, employees’ career planning, etc. The annual training plan is determined by carrying out researches on training needs. And the training courses fall into three major categories, i.e. management, technical skills and general knowledge. Through these trainings, the Company will improve the knowledge structure of its employees, improve their job skills and increase their comprehensive quality to provide excellent human resources for the long-term, sustained and stable development of the Company. 71 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 4. Labor Outsourcing √ Applicable □ Not applicable Total man-hours (hour) 412,473 Total rewards paid (RMB) 10,614,943.76 X Profit Distributions (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock) How the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, was formulated, executed or revised in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Indicate by tick mark whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal for shareholders despite the facts that the Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent distributable to shareholders are positive. □ Applicable √ Not applicable Final dividend plan for the Reporting Period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share) 0 Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax 0.70 inclusive) Bonus issue from capital reserves (share/10 0 shares) Total shares as the basis for the profit distribution 882,341,295 proposal (share) Cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive) 61,763,890.65 Cash dividends in other forms (such as share 0.00 repurchase) (RMB) Total cash dividends (including those in other 61,763,890.65 forms) (RMB) Distributable profit (RMB) 4,887,481,100.66 Total cash dividends (including those in other 100% forms) as % of total profit distribution Cash dividend policy If the Company is in a mature development stage and has plans for any significant expenditure, in profit allocation, the ratio of cash dividends in the profit allocation shall be 40% or above. Details about the proposal for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital Based on 882,341,295 shares (including shares transferred from convertible bonds for the Reporting Period) on 31 December 2021, the cash allocated per 10 shares is RMB0.70(including tax). The individual income tax for A Share shall be subject to related regulations under CS [2015] No. 101 Notice on Certain Question about the Differentiated Individual Income Tax Policy 72 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 for Cash Dividend of Listed Companies jointly issued by Ministry of Finance, SAT, and CSRC; and that for B Share shall be conversed to HKD based on the central parity rate on interbank exchange market released by the People’s Bank of China on the following day after shareholder’s meeting (for domestic individual shareholders, tax is paid pursuant to CS [2015] No. 101; for foreign shareholders, tax is free pursuant to CSZ (1994) No. 020 regulations; and non-residential corporate shareholders is entitled to a 10% reduction of enterprise income tax according to related regulations under Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China). Since the Company is in the period of transferring convertible bonds into shares, the profit distribution will be conducted based on the total share capital on the equity registration date for implementing this profit distribution plan with no change in the amount per share. XI Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for Employees √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Equity Incentive Relevant No. Deliberation time Overview of execution Disclosure index meeting 1 12 April 2021 The 22nd Deliberated and approved were Proposal on the Company's Announcement of Meeting of '2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft)' and Its Resolution (No. the 9th Abstracts, Proposal on the Company's 'Implementation and 2021-024) published Board of Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive on Directors Scheme', and Proposal on Submitting the Authorization for the Board of Directors to Handle the Company's 2021 on 13 April 2021 and Restricted Share Incentive Scheme to the General Meeting relevant documents of Shareholders. The Company's independent directors expressed their independent opinions on this share incentive scheme. 2 12 April 2021 The 13th Deliberated and approved were Proposal on the Company's Announcement of Meeting of '2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft)' and Its Resolution (No. th the 9 Abstracts, Proposal on the Company's 'Implementation and 2021-025) published Supervisory Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive on Committee Scheme', and Proposal on the Verification of the Company's Staff List of 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme. on 13 April 2021 3 16 April 2021 to 26 - The Company internally announced the names and - April 2021 positions on the list of incentive staff. During the publicity period, the Board of Supervisors has not received any objections related to the planned subjects of the incentive scheme. 73 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 4 8 May 2021 - The Ninth Board of Supervisors issued the Explanation of Relevant documents the Board of Supervisors on the Review and Publicity of the published on Staff List of 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme on the basis of the list review and publicity. on 8 May 2021 5 13 May 2021 The First Deliberated and approved were Proposal on the Company's Relevant Extraordina '2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft)' and Its announcements (No. ry General Abstracts, Proposal on the Company's 'Implementation and 2021-035, 2021-036) Meeting of Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive published on 2021 Scheme', and Proposal on Submitting the Authorization for the Board of Directors to Handle the Company's 2021 on 14 May 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme to the General Meeting of Shareholders. Self-inspection Report on the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan Insiders and Incentive Subjects' Trading of the Company's Shares was disclosed. 6 17 May 2021 The 24th Deliberated and approved were Proposal on Adjusting the Relevant Meeting of List of the Name and Number of Incentive Staff of 2021 announcements (No. th the 9 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Proposal on 2021-037, 2021-038, Board of Granting Restrictive Stocks to Incentive Staff. The Board of 2021-039, 2021-040) Directors, Directors believed that the granting conditions specified in published on th the 15 the incentive scheme had been fulfilled, and agreed to Meeting of designate 17 May 2021 as the granting date. Except for 5 on 18 May 2021 the 9th incentive staff who had been no longer qualified for the Supervisory incentive due to resignation, and 47 incentive targets who Committee had abandoned their subscription of all restricted stocks to be granted by the Company due to personal reasons, the number of incentive staff obtaining the first-granted restricted stocks were adjusted from 802 to 750, and the volume of the first restricted stocks from 25.965 million to 24.285 million shares. The independent directors consented independently to the matter. They believed that the qualification of granting incentive staff to some entities are legal and effective, and that the determined granting date complies with relevant regulations. The Board of Supervisors reviewed the list of incentive staff as of the grant date and expressed its verification opinions. 7 7 June 2021 - As audited and confirmed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange Relevant 74 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 and the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository announcements and Clearing Corporation Limited, the registration of published on first-granted restricted stocks was completed. on 4 June 2021 th 8 26 August 2021 The 26 It deliberated and approved the Proposal on Repurchase Relevant Meeting of and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of announcements the 9th the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive published on Board of Condition when agreeing to adjust the restricted share Directors, repurchase price according to the equity distribution plan, on 28 August 2021 th 16 as well as repurchase and cancel authorized but unlocked Meeting of restricted share of the incentive personnel not conforming the 9th to the incentive condition, while the Company's Supervisory independent directors expressed independent opinions. Committee The Supervisory Committee deliberated and approved the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition and expressed its written review opinions. 9 13 Septermber The Second Deliberate and approve the Proposal on Repurchase and Relevant 2021 Extraordina Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of Part announcements ry General of the Incentive Personnel. (No.2021-061) Meeting of published on 2021 on 14 September 2021 10 27 November 2021 - As audited and confirmed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange Relevant and the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository announcements and Clearing Corporation Limited, the procedures of (No.2021-068) repurchasing and canceling 80,000 shares of authorized published on and unlocked restricted share of the incentive personnel not conforming to the incentive condition were completed. on 27 November 2021 Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting Period: √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: share Share Share Share Exerc Mark Numb Numb Numb The Numb Share option s s ise Share et er of er of er of grant er of option s feasib exerci price option price restric releas restric price restric Office s held grante le to sed of s held at the ted ed ted of ted Name title at the d in exerci durin exerci at the period shares shares shares restric shares period the se g the sed period -end held for newly ted held -begin Repor durin Repor shares -end (RMB at the the grante shares at the ting g the ting durin /share period Repor d (RMB period 75 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Perio Repor Perio g the ) -begin ting durin /share -end d ting d Repor Perio g the ) Perio ting d Repor d Perio ting d Perio (RMB d /share ) Direct Zhang or and 300,0 300,0 Hong Chief 0 3.31 00 00 mei Acco untant Zhang Vice 300,0 300,0 Zhanq presid 0 3.31 00 00 i ent Senio r Wang 300,0 300,0 mana 0 3.31 00 00 Jiabin geme nt Board Secret ary, Zhang Senio 200,0 200,0 Kemi 0 3.31 00 00 r ng mana geme nt Senio Yu r 200,0 200,0 Shouz mana 0 3.31 00 00 geme heng nt Senio Shang r 200,0 200,0 Chen mana 0 3.31 00 00 geme ggang nt 76 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Senio r Li 200,0 200,0 mana 0 3.31 Wenji 00 00 geme nt Senio r Zhang 200,0 200,0 mana 0 3.31 Wei 00 00 geme nt Senio r Du 200,0 200,0 mana 0 3.31 00 00 Lixin geme nt Senio r Guo 200,0 200,0 mana 0 3.31 00 00 Heng geme nt Senio Fu r 200,0 200,0 Guan mana 0 3.31 00 00 geme nan nt 2,500, 2,500, Total -- 0 0 0 0 -- 0 -- 0 0 -- 000 000 Appraisal of and incentive for senior management Within Reporting Period, the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors researched and prepared the Remuneration Plan for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. in accordance with relevant systems such as Articles of Incorporation and Working Instructions of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors, which was implemented as deliberated and approved through the Company's 2 nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2021 held on 13 September 2021. During the Reporting Period, the Company constantly improved the performance evaluation mechanism and made the evaluation and incentive of the Senior Executives concerned with the Company’s performances and the individual working results. According to the overall development strategy and the annual operating target of the Company at the period-begin, the Company confirms the annual performance comprehensive indication and the management duty of each Senior Executives, and executes the performance examination and the redemption of the rewards and punishment for the Senior Executives by the Remuneration and Examination Committee affiliated to the Board of Directors at the year-end. The Company will constantly improve the evaluation and incentive mechanism that to tightly concern the salary of the Senior Executives with the management level and the operating performance so that to fully mobilize and inspire the initiative and creativity of them. 77 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees √Applicable □Not applicable On 7 June 2021, the Company completed the first-granted registration of restricted share incentive scheme, and also granted 21,785,000 restricted shares to 739 middle management and core members in addition to the above directors and senior management. XII Establishment and Execution of the Internal Control System for the Reporting Period 1. Establishment and Execution of the Internal Control System According to Fundamental Norms for Internal Control of Enterprises, Supporting Guidelines for Internal Control of Enterprises and relevant provisions prescribed by securities regulators for the internal control establishment of listed companies, combining the actual status of the Company's business, the Company established the internal control system that covers all stages including production and management, as well as adapts to the Company's management requirements and development needs. It is relatively normative and complete, for which its organization is complete and reasonably designed, its implementation is basically effective, and there is no substantial omission, so as to ensure that the Company's operation and management is legal and compliant, the assets are safe, and the financial reports and related information are true and complete, and maintain the fundamental interests of all shareholders of the Company. Within Reporting Period, relevant systems and procedures were timely streamlined and optimized and the sound operation of risk management and internal control system was ensured by the Company in line with the change of all business procedures and audit results, without any violation of laws, regulations or Articles of Incorporation. 2. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period □ Yes √ No XIII Management and Control over Subsidiaries by the Company for the Reporting Period Integration Countermeasur Settlement Follow-up Subsidiary Integration plan Problem progress es taken progress settlement plan - - - - - - - XIV Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report or Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control 1. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report Disclosure date of the internal control 29 April 2022 self-evaluation report 78 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 For details, please refer to the Self-appraisal Report on Internal Control of Lu Thai Index to the disclosed internal control Textile Co., Ltd. simultaneously disclosed on with the 2021 self-evaluation report Annual Report of the Company. Evaluated entities’ combined assets as % 89.33% of consolidated total assets Evaluated entities’ combined operating revenue as % of consolidated operating 91.99% revenue Identification standards for internal control weaknesses Weaknesses in internal control over Weaknesses in internal control not Type financial reporting related to financial reporting Great defect: violated the national laws and regulations; the decision-making Great defect: malpractices of the of the enterprise was not scientific that Directors, Supervisors and Senior led to the mistakes of itself; outflow of Executives; the Company revised the the management personnel or the published financial report; the CPA technician personnel was serious; founded the current financial report frequently appeared the negative news occurred significant misstatement while from the Media; the significant during the operating process of the internal business lacked of systematic control control could not founded the or the systematic control was invalid; misstatement; the supervision of the Audit the result of the internal control Committee and the internal audit assessment which was the great defect institution of the Company on the internal event had not been revised. Significant control was invalid. Significant defeat: had defeat: violated the enterprise internal not abide by the generally accepted regulations that caused rather serious Nature standard accounting principles to choose and apply losses; significant business lacked of the accounting policies; had not built up systematic control; outflow of the the anti-fraud and significant rather important personnel was counterbalance mechanism and control serious; the Media reported the measures; during the financial report negative news that caused rather process, there occurred single or multiple serious negative influence; rather defects which not reached the recognition important business lacked of standard of the significant defeat but systematic control or the systematic influenced the true and accurate target of control was invalid; the results of the the financial report. General defect: other internal control assessment which as internal control defect which had not the significant defect had not been constructed as the great defeat, significant revised. General defect: other internal defect. control defect which had not constructed as the great defeat, significant defect. Great defect: misstatement≥2% of the total Great defect: the direct financial losses Quantitative standard profits amount; misstatement≥0.3% of the were RMB6 million and above 79 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 total assets amount; misstatement≥0.3% of Significant defect: RMB3 million the total operating income; (including RMB3 million)-RMB6 misstatement≥0.4% of the total owners’ million General defect: RMB0.5 equities amount. Significant defect: 1% of million (including RMB0.5 the total profits amount million)-RMB 3 million ≤misstatement<2% of the total profits amount; 0.15% of the total assets amount ≤misstatement<0.3% of the total assets amount; 0.15% of the total operating amount ≤misstatement<0.3% of the total operating amount; 0.2% of the total owners’ equities amount ≤misstatement<0.4% of the total owners’ equities amount. General defect: misstatement<1% of the total profits amount; misstatement<0.15% of the total assets amount; misstatement<0.15% of the total operating income; misstatement<0.2% of the total owners’ equities amount. Number of material weaknesses in 0 internal control over financial reporting Number of material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial 0 reporting Number of serious weaknesses in 0 internal control over financial reporting Number of serious weaknesses in internal control not related to financial 0 reporting 2. Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control √ Applicable □ Not applicable Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control All shareholders of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.: According to Audit Guidelines for Enterprise Internal Control and the relevant requirements of Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, we have audited the effectiveness of internal control in the financial report of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Lu Thai Textile”) by 31 December 2021. I. Responsibilities of Lu Thai Textile for internal control The Board of Directors of Lu Thai Textile is responsible for establishing, improving and implementation the internal controls and evaluating its effectiveness in accordance with Standard for Enterprise Internal Control, Application Guidelines for Enterprise Internal Control, Enterprise Internal Control Audit Guidelines. 80 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 II. Responsibilities of certified public accountants It is our responsibility to issue an audit opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls in financial report on the basis of the implementation of the audit, and to disclose significant deficiencies in the internal controls of non-financial reports that have been noted. III. Inherent limitations of internal control Internal control has inherent limitations, and there is a possibility that misreporting cannot be prevented. In addition, because the change of circumstances may cause the internal control to become inappropriate or the degree of compliance with the control policies and procedures is reduced, it is risky to infer the effectiveness of the future internal control based on the audit results of the internal control. IV. Audit Opinion on Internal Control in Financial Report We believe that Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. kept effectively internal control on financial reporting in all respects according to Enterprise Internal Control Basic Specification and the relevant provisions on 31 December 2021. Independent auditor’s report on Disclosed internal control disclosed or not Disclosure date 29 April 2022 For details, please refer to the Auditor’s Report on Internal Control on Index to such report disclosed at the same time of disclosing the Company’s 2021 Annual Report. Type of the auditor’s opinion Unmodified unqualified opinion Material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial None reporting Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control. □ Yes √ No Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent with the internal control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board. √ Yes □ No XV Rectifications of Problems Identified by Self-inspection in the Special Action for Listed Company Governance Not applicable. 81 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility I Major Environmental Issues Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a heavily polluting business identified by the environmental protection authorities of China. √ Yes □ No Number Distributi Discharge Name of Discharge Approved Name of Way of of on of standards Total Excessive major concentra total polluter discharge discharge discharge implemen discharge discharge pollutants tion discharge outlets outlets ted Emission Chief standard discharge of water outlet of pollutants Huangjia COD≤20 COD: COD: in textile Lu Thai COD and Continuo pu 0mg/L;a 345.04t; 1495.08t; dyeing Textile ammonia us 2 Industrial mmonia ammonia ammonia No and Park ; nitrogen≤ nitrogen: nitrogen: Co., Ltd nitrogen discharge finishing chief 20mg/L 7.93t 149.51t industry discharge GB outlet of 4287-201 East Zone 2 Emission standard of water Chief pollutants COD≤20 COD: COD is discharge in textile LuFeng COD and Continuo 0mg/L;a 250.75t; 653.53t; outlet of dyeing Company ammonia us 1 mmonia ammonia ammonia No LuFeng and nitrogen≤ nitrogen: nitrogen Limited nitrogen discharge Company finishing 20mg/L 8.15t is 65.3t Limited industry GB 4287-201 2 SO2: Emission SO2 is Zibo Organize SO2: ≤35mg/m standard 236.13t/a, Xinsheng SO2, d 39.87t, Productio 3、NQx: of air NQx : Thermal NQx, and continuou 4 NQx : No n plant ≤50mg/m pollutants 674.63t/a, 143.1t, Power PM s 3, PM: of PM: PM: 5.42t Co., Ltd. discharge ≤5mg/m3 Thermal 67.47t/a. 82 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Power Plant in Shandong Province DB37/66 4-2019 Discharge into the COD≤50 Sewage ecological QCVN40 Continent Beside mg/L;am discharge pond in : al Textile Sewage 1 sewage monia is / No 2011/BT the park nitrogen≤ 1,273,400 Co., Ltd. plant NMT district 1.0mg/L t after treatment Gas Direct QCVN19 Continent Beside emission Exhaust discharge : al Textile 2 boiler / is 285 / No 2009/BT gas after million Co., Ltd. room NMT treatment m3 Construction of pollution prevention equipment and operation condition Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and its majority-owned subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing”) strictly implement the “Three Simultaneous” management system for environmental protection in project constructions. The companies are equipped with complete facilities for waste gas and waste water treatment. Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. and its majority-owned subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing Co., Ltd. carried out the waste water treatment system transformation project to improve the treated water quality by systematic and comprehensive reform, further improving the river water quality and local ecological environment. The Company and Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing centralizedly collected and coped with the dyeing and finishing waste gas, so as to greatly reduce the pollutant emission concentration. Online supporting monitoring facilities were built, whose data was uploaded to the government environmental monitoring system, to comprehensively monitor the Company's emission pollutants such as waste water and waste gas. Support teams were set up to be responsible for daily operation maintenance and inspection to guarantee the normal operation of facilities. Both the exhaust emission and waste water discharge meet the emission standards. In terms of energy saving, the Company won the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's 2020 Water Efficiency Leader in Key Water-using Enterprises, China National Textile and Apparel Council's 2020 Textile Industry Water-saving Enterprise Award and Benchmarking Unit of Water-Saving in Shandong Province in 2021, making outstanding contributions to the company's energy-saving development. The wholly-owned subsidiary Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinsheng Thermal Power”) enforces the “Three Simultaneous” management system for environmental protection in extension project construction in accordance with the government requirements, and adopts the “limestone-gypsum method” to reduce emission concentration of sulfur dioxide, the “Low-nitrogen combustion + SNCR” and “SNCR+SCR method” to reduce emission concentration of nitrogen oxides, and the “electric-bag electrostatic precipitator + wet electrostatic precipitator” to reduce soot emission concentration. The overall system works well. The waste water treatment project of the wholly-owned subsidiary Continental Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Continental Textile”), located in the KCN Phuoc Dong, Tay Ninh, Vietnam, is designed to treat 6,500 tons of sewage water daily, 83 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 among which, sewage plan I is designed to treat 3,000 tons of sewage water daily, and the sewage plant II is designed to treat 3,500 tons of sewage water daily. Continental Textile adopts a comprehensive treatment process of “pre-materialization + A2O biochemistry + post-materialization + ozone oxidation+ active sand filtration” for waste water treatment, and the treated water quality is better than the QCVN 40: 2011/BTNMT A-level emission standards stipulated by the Vietnam government. The treated waste water is all discharged to the ecological pond in the park. Treated water quality analysis for 2021: The COD (mean value) was 48.1 mg/L, the chrominance (mean value) was 26, the ammonia nitrogen (mean value) was 0.16 mg/L, and the total phosphorus (mean value) was 0.15 mg/L. All the parameters met the A-level emission standards set in the “Regulations on Parameters of Industrial Drainage in Vietnam” (QCVN40: 2011/BTNMT). Waste water discharge in the whole year met the standards without violation. The total amount of waste water discharged in 2021 was 1,273,400 tons, among which, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 61.19 tons, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) was 0.197 tons and total phosphorus (TP) was 0.173 ton. Continental Textile is equipped with multi-pipe and water film dust-separation devices to process the exhaust gas discharged from boilers. In 2021, all the equipment was in normal operation, and the exhaust gas inspection parameters were lower than the QCVN19: 2009/BTNMT emission standards set by Vietnam government. In 2021, the total amount of sulfur dioxide emissions was 50.05 tons, and the total amount of nitrogen oxides emissions was 47.5 tons. Project Environmental Impact Assessment and Other Administrative Permission for Environmental Protection In 2021, the “Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Intelligent Technology Upgrading Project of 25 million-meter High-grade Fabric Production Line”, the “Engineering Technology Research Institute Project”, the “Technology Upgrading Project of High-end Printing and Dyeing Fabric Finishing Production Process” and the “Technology Upgrading Project of Regenerated Fibre Production Line and Colored Spun Yarn Production Line” has completed the acceptance check. The “Lufeng Weaving and Dyeing’s High-end Printing and Dyeing Fabric Production Line Project” of the holding subsidiary Lufeng Weaving and Dyeing Co., Ltd. has been approved and is under construction. The wholly-owned subsidiary Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. obtained the “Response of the Environmental Impact Report of the Shandong Provincial Department of Environmental Protection on the Extension Project of Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power” (Luhuanjian [2015] No. 241), the phase II of the expansion project has been completed and been put into production. The wholly-owned subsidiary Continental Textile’s Spinning Phase I and Dyeing Park Phase I environmental protection projects have been completed and accepted for confirmation. The spinning phase II and yarn dyeing park Phase II environmental assessment reports have been approved. Emergency plan for environmental incidents In order to prevent environmental pollution accidents, the Company and the holding subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing respectively prepared the Emergency Plan for Environmental Incidents, which were filed with Zibo Environmental Protection Bureau Zichuan Branch. The Plan includes contents such as environmental risk sources identification and risk assessment, prevention and early warning mechanism, emergency security, and supervision and management. The wholly-owned subsidiary Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has formulated the “Emergency Plan for Environmental Incidents” and filed it with the ecological and environmental management department. The identification and risk assessment of environmental risk sources, prevention and early warning mechanisms, emergency protection and supervision and management were included in the plan. The wholly-owned subsidiary Continental Textile Co., Ltd. has prepared emergency plans for different environmental incidents to reduce their impacts. Environmental self-monitoring program In accordance with the requirements of the competent environment authorities, the Company and the holding subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing observed the requirements of the superior environmental protection department to install automatic wastewater monitoring facilities and achieve real-time monitoring of wastewater discharge. Besides, the automatic environment monitoring plan was prepared. In addition, they invited a qualified testing institution quarterly to conduct tests on sewage and waste gas according to the self-monitoring plan, duly disclosed the monitoring data to the Shandong Pollution Source Self-monitoring Sharing System, and submitted the test reports to the competent environment authorities ensuring the monitoring data is true and valid. 84 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The wholly-owned subsidiary Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has implemented online real-time monitoring of environmental data in accordance with the requirements of the superior environmental protection department, and has achieved emission standards. The wholly-owned subsidiary Continental Textile Co., Ltd. installs automatic sewage sampling and water quality automatic online monitoring devices, real-time automatic sampling and online monitoring of sewage effluent water quality; while the automatic online waste gas monitoring system was installed to monitor waste gas emission in real-time after debugging. The company invites external qualified testing institutions to conduct sewage, sludge and exhaust gas quarterly Test and submit the test report to the environmental supervision department. Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the Reporting Period Influence on Rectification Name Reason Case Result production and measures operation - - - - - - Other environment information that should be disclosed No Measures taken to decrease carbon emission in the Reporting Period and corresponding effects √ Applicable □ Not applicable The annual coal consumption for power generation of the wholly-owned subsidiary Xinsheng Thermal Power in 2021 was reduced from 283g/kWh in 2020 to 262g/kWh through operation mode adjustment, energy conservation improvement and unit efficiency enhancement. At the end of the Reporting Period, which was the heating season, Xinsheng Thermal Power, who independently cut emission by 13% on the basis of benchmarking the lowest pollutant emission over the years, dug deeply into contributing to green environmental protection and energy conservation and emission reduction. Other related environment protection information No The Company shall abide by relevant disclosure requirements of the Self-Regulatory Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Listed Companies No.3 - Industry Information Disclosure on textile and garment industry. Environmental protection conformity situation of the Company in the report period The Company and its majority-owned subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing strictly implement the “Three Simultaneous” management system for environmental protection in project construction. The companies are equipped with complete facilities for waste gas and waste water treatment, wastewater is treated with hydrolysis and acidification technique + AO treatment process and finally discharged according to GB4287-2012 the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Dyeing and Finishing of Textile Industry; the boiler exhaust is treated with low nitrogen combustion technology and meets DB37/2374-2018 the Emission Standards of Air Pollutants for Boilers in Shandong Province. The spray + electrostatic technology is adopted in the waste gas treatment, which meets the requirement in Regional Comprehensive Standards for the Discharge of Air Pollutants DB37/2376-2019 and Volatile Organic Emission Standard of Shandong Province: Part 7 - Other Industries DB37/2801.7-2019. Temporary storage room of common solid waste and hazardous waste is constructed in accordance with environmental protection requirements, and the Company signs hazardous waste disposal contracts with third party qualified companies every year to dispose the hazardous waste of the Company on basis of conformity. The Company strictly observes environmental protection laws and regulations, and its projects have complete formalities and its environmental protection facilities are in normal operation; in 2021, the environmental protection departments of governments at various levels checked the Company more than 30 times but nonconformity was found. Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power utilizes neutralization basin to teat acidic and alkali wastewater, and reduces pH value to 6-9 after precipitation and neutralization. The treated wastewater and reverse osmosis water are used as desulfurizing water, coal feeding 85 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 system rinsing water, road sprinkling water and coal yard water. Desulfurizing wastewater is treated with flocculation sedimentation purification process and the design output of wastewater treatment system is 10m3/h, and the water quality after treatment will meet the requirements of Discharge Standard of Wastewater from Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulfurization System In Fossil Fuel Power Plant DL/T997-2006, and also meet the wastewater recycling requirement of the plant. The treated wastewater is used for damping dry dust. The stove ash generating from coal burning and gypsum generating from ultralow emission in Zibo Xinsheng Thermal Power. are general solid waste, the Company signs boiler ash and desulfurized gypsum supply and distribution agreements with building material factory, cement factory for full comprehensive utilization. Intercontinental Textile uses the comprehensive treatment process “pre-materialization +A2O biochemistry + post-materialization + ozone treatment + activated sand filtration” to treat the industrial wastewater of the Company, and the relevant equipment has been properly operated for six years after installation, and the discharged wastewater meets the level A discharge standard in the Technical Specifications of Vietnam on Industrial Wastewater Discharge (QCVN40: 2011/BTNMT). the boiler exhaust of the Company is treated with heat exchange and temperature reduction, dust separation, spraying, water film dust collection, absorption, chemical reaction and etc. Now the equipment has been installed and properly operated for six years. Exhaust discharge meets the discharge standard of Vietnam, “State Technical Specifications on Discharge of Industrial Inorganic Substances and Dust” (Circular 36/2015/TT-BTNMT). Hazardous waste and industrial waste warehouses are built up for separated storage of hazardous waste and industrial waste in accordance with the Vietnamese regulations, Regulations on Administration of Hazardous Waste (Circular 36/2015/TT-BTNMT) and Decision on Administration of Waste (Decree 38/2015/N-CP), and waste transportation and disposal contracts are signed with local qualified treatment organizations, and relevant treatment records of waste are reported the environmental protection authority of Vietnam annually. II Social Responsibility The Company has prepared the Sustainability Report 2021, and for more details, please refer to the Sustainability Report 2021 simultaneously disclosed with the Annual Report 2021. III Consolidation and Expansion of Poverty Alleviation Outcomes, and Rural Revitalization Not applicable 86 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part VI Significant Events I Fulfillment of Commitments 1. Commitments of the Company’s De Facto Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-End √ Applicable □ Not applicable Date of Term of Type of Details of Commitment Promisor commitment commitmen Fulfillment commitment commitment making t Commitments made in share reform Commitments made in acquisition documents or shareholding alteration documents Commitments made in time of asset restructuring 1. Not intervene the Company’s operation Dilution of and at sight managemen returns on Controlling t beyond the public From 23 Commitments made in time of IPO shareholder, authority 23 May offering May 2019 to On-going or refinancing actual and not 2019 A-share 8 April 2026 controller occupy the convertible Company’s corporate interests. 2. bonds From the issuance date of this commitment to the 87 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 completion of the implementat ion of the Company's public offering of A-share convertible corporate bonds, if the CSRC makes other new regulatory provisions on remedial measures for returns and the commitment , and the above commitment fails to meet the requirement s of the CSRC, the company / I promise to issue supplementa ry commitment then in accordance with the 88 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 latest regulations of CSRC. 3. Commitmen t is made to fulfill the Company's relevant remedial measures for returns and any commitment made herein by the company / me. If the company / I violate(s) such commitment and cause(s) losses to the Company or investors, the company / I will bear the compensatio n responsibilit y to the Company or investors in accordance with the law. Directors Dilution of 1. 23 May From 23 On-going and senior at sight Com 2019 May 2019 to 89 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 managemen returns on mitment is 8 April 2026 t of the public made not to Company offering transfer A-share benefits to convertible other units corporate or bonds individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, and no other ways damaging the interests of the Company will be taken. 2. I will strictly abide by the budget managemen t of the Company, and accept the strict supervision and managemen t of the Company to avoid waste or excessive consumptio n. Any position-rela ted 90 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 consumptio n behaviors of me will occur within the scope necessary for the performance of my duties. 3. Commitmen t is made not to use the Company's assets to engage in investment and consumptio n activities unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. Commitmen t is made that the remuneratio n system developed by the Board of Directors or the Remunerati on Committee is linked to 91 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the implementat ion of the Company's remedial measures for returns. 5. Commitmen t is made that the conditions for exercising the Equity Incentive Plan to be issued in the future will be linked to the implementat ion of the Company's remedial measures for returns. 6. From the issuance date of this commitment to the completion of the implementat ion of the Company's public 92 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 offering of A-share convertible corporate bonds, if the CSRC makes other new regulatory provisions on remedial measures for returns and the commitment , and the above commitment fails to meet the requirement s of the CSRC, I promise to issue supplementa ry commitment then in accordance with the latest regulations of CSRC. 7. Commitmen t is made to fulfill the Company's 93 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 relevant remedial measures for returns and any commitment made herein by me. If I violate such commitment and causes losses to the Company or investors, I will bear the compensatio n responsibilit y to the Company or investors in accordance with the law. Equity incentive commitments Other commitments made to minority interests Executed on time or not Not 2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period. □ Applicable √ Not applicable II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its Related Parties for Non-Operating Purposes □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 94 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. IV Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Latest “Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements □ Applicable √ Not applicable V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Independent Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates or Correction of Material Accounting Errors □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. VII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the Reporting Period, three subsidiaries were newly established by the Company. They are Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd., Libra International Investment Pet. Ltd. and Zibo Banyang Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. VIII Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor Current independent auditor: Name of the domestic independent auditor Grant Thornton China (Special General Partnership) The Company’s payment to the domestic independent auditor 173.5 (RMB’0,000) How many consecutive years the domestic independent auditor 3 has provided audit service for the Company Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic Cui Xiaoli, He Feng independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report How many consecutive years the certified public accountants 2 have provided audit service for the Company Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period. □ Yes √ No 95 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls: √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company held the 2020 Annual General Meeting on 20 April 2021 and approved the Proposal on Renewal Engagement of the 2021 Financial Audit and Internal Control Auditor and decided to renew the contract with Grant Thornton China (Special General Partnership) for 2021 financial audit and internal control affairs and paid RMB1.735 million in total for 2020 financial report audit and the internal control audit. IX Possibility of Delisting after Disclosure of this Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable X Insolvency and Reorganization □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XI Major Legal Matters □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XII Punishments and Rectifications □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XIII Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIV Major Related-Party Transactions 1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 96 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company did not make deposits in, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other finance business with any related finance company or any other related parties. 6. Transactions with Related Parties by Finance Companies Controlled by the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable The finance company controlled by the Company did not make deposits, receive loans or credit from and was not involved in any other finance business with any related parties. 7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XV Major Contracts and Execution thereof 1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases (1) Entrustment □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. (2) Contracting □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. (3) Leases □ Applicable √ Not applicable 97 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 No such cases in the Reporting Period. 2. Major guarantees √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB'0,000 Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries) Disclosur e date of Count Guaran the Actual Actual er-gu Term of Having tee for a Line of Type of Collateral Obligor guarantee occurrenc guarantee arante guarant expired related guarantee guarantee (if any) line e date amount e (if ee or not party or announce any) not ment Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries Disclosur e date of Count Guaran the Actual Actual er-gu Term of Having tee for a Line of Type of Collateral Obligor guarantee occurrenc guarantee arante guarant expired related guarantee guarantee (if any) line e date amount e (if ee or not party or announce any) not ment Five years since the Continent 25 20 10,201.1 Joint-liab approva al Textile January January 993.95 No Yes 2 ility l of the Co., Ltd. 2017 2017 board of the Compa ny Five years Continent 25 20 17,533.1 Joint-liab since al Textile January January 0 No Yes 8 ility the Co., Ltd. 2017 2017 approva l of the 98 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 shareho lders meeting of the Compa ny Five years since the approva Continent 27 25 26,777.9 Joint-liab l of the al Textile October October 6,658.79 No Yes 4 ility shareho Co., Ltd. 2017 2017 lders meeting of the Compa ny Three years since the Continent 22 20 Joint-liab approva al Textile August 7,013.27 August 2,681.92 No Yes ility l of the Co., Ltd. 2018 2018 board of the Compa ny Three years since Continent the 29 March 27 March Joint-liab al Textile 3,825.42 3,825.42 No Yes approva 2019 2019 ility Co., Ltd. l of the board of the Compa 99 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 ny Three Continent years al Textile since Co., Ltd./ the Lu Thai 17 May 17 May Joint-liab approva 11,986.32 8,666.16 No Yes 2021 ility (Tan 2021 l of the Chau) board Textile of the Co., Ltd. Compa ny Three years since Lu Thai the (Tan 28 27 Joint-liab approva Chau) Septembe 6,375.7 Septembe 0 No Yes ility l of the Textile r 2019 r 2019 board Co., Ltd. of the Compa ny Three years since the Continent 28 27 10,838.6 Joint-liab approva al Textile Septembe Septembe 0 No Yes 9 ility l of the Co., Ltd. r 2019 r 2019 board of the Compa ny Three years Continent 28 27 Joint-liab since al Textile Septembe 2,869.07 Septembe 0 No Yes ility the Co., Ltd. r 2019 r 2019 approva l of the 100 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 board of the Compa ny Three years since the Continent 28 26 Joint-liab approva al Textile August 12,751.4 August 0 No Yes ility l of the Co., Ltd. 2020 2020 board of the Compa ny Four years since Lu Thai the (Tan 15 14 Joint-liab approva Chau) Decembe 8,925.98 Decembe 938.51 No Yes ility l of the Textile r 2020 r 2020 board Co., Ltd. of the Compa ny Three years since Lu Thai the (Tan 15 14 Joint-liab approva Chau) Decembe 3,825.42 Decembe 0 No Yes ility l of the Textile r 2020 r 2020 board Co., Ltd. of the Compa ny Lu An 15 13 Two Joint-liab Garments January 3,187.85 January 112.15 No Yes years ility Co., Ltd. 2021 2021 since 101 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the approva l of the board of the Compa ny One year since Shandong the Lulian 14 13 Joint-liab approva New Decembe 4,000 Decembe 3,020.72 No Yes ility Materials r 2021 r 2022 l of the Co., Ltd. board of the Compa ny Total approved line for Total actual amount of such guarantees in the 19,174.17 such guarantees in the 64,500.33 Reporting Period (B1) Reporting Period (B2) Total approved line for Total actual balance of such guarantees at the such guarantees at the 130,111.36 26,897.62 end of the Reporting end of the Reporting Period (B3) Period (B4) Guarantees provided between subsidiaries Disclosur e date of Count Guaran the Actual Actual er-gu Term of Having tee for a Line of Type of Collateral Obligor guarantee occurrenc guarantee arante guarant expired related guarantee guarantee (if any) line e date amount e (if ee or not party or announce any) not ment Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above) Total actual guarantee Total guarantee line approved amount in the in the Reporting Period 19,174.17 64,500.33 Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1) (A2+B2+C2) 102 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total actual guarantee Total approved guarantee line balance at the end of at the end of the Reporting 130,111.36 26,897.62 the Reporting Period Period (A3+B3+C3) (A4+B4+C4) Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as 3.37% % of the Company’s net assets Of which: Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, 0 actual controller and their related parties (D) Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for obligors with an over 70% 0 debt/asset ratio (E) Amount by which the total guarantee amount 0 exceeds 50% of the Company’s net assets (F) Total of the three amounts above (D+E+F) 0 Joint responsibilities possibly borne or already borne in the Reporting Period for undue N/A guarantees (if any) Explanation about external guarantee violating N/A established procedure (if any) Compound guarantees: The Company shall abide by relevant disclosure requirements of the Self-Regulatory Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Listed Companies No.3 - Industry Information Disclosure on textile and garment industry. Whether the Company provides guarantees or financial assistance for dealers □ Yes √ No 3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management (1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management √ Applicable □ Not applicable Overviews of cash entrusted for wealth management during the Reporting Period RMB’0,000 Overdue amount Specific type Capital resources Amount incurred Undue Balance Overdue amount with provision for impairment Raised funds 69,954 0 0 0 Bank financial 103 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 products Bank financial Self-owned funds 52,143 0 0 0 products Brokerage Raised funds 5,990 0 0 0 financial products Brokerage Self-owned funds 3,000 0 0 0 financial products Total 131,087 0 0 0 Particulars of entrusted cash management with single significant amount or low security and bad liquidity √ Applicable □ Not applicable RMB’0,000 Wh ethe r Ove Am Act ther rvie ount ual Am e is w of of reco Met ount Wh wea the actu very hod with ethe lth item al of of Ann Esti dra r go man and Nam Type Type Res prof prof pay ual mat wn thro age the e of of of ourc Initi End Use its its Am men yiel e imp ugh men relat the the the e of al ed of or or ount t d for prof airm stat t ed trust trust prod fund date Date fund loss loss dete refer it (if ent or entr inde ee ee uct s es in es in rmin ence any) prov proc ust x Rep Rep atio isio edur men for ortin ortin n n (if es t inqu g g any) plan irin Peri Peri in g (if od od futu any) re or not Co One Ref Agri mm -off Rec er cult Princ Rais odit repa 202 202 over to ural Ban ipal- 10,0 ed y yme 3.50 171. 171. Not 0/07 1/01 y on 0 Yes 00 fund and nt of % 88 88 yet the Ban k prote /02 /08 sche s fina prin relat k of cted dule ncia cipa ed Chin l l ann 104 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 deri and a oun vati inter cem ve ests ent asse at ts mat (No urity .: 202 0-0 51) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref er to One the -off relat repa ed yme ann nt of Rec oun Qish Princ Rais Cre prin 202 202 over cem ang Ban ipal- 5,00 ed dit cipa 3.50 40.7 40.7 Not 0/10 1/01 y on 0 Yes 0 fund asse l % 1 1 yet ent Ban k prote /16 /14 sche s ts and (No k cted dule inter .: ests 202 at 0-0 mat 51) urity disc lose d on Cni 105 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed ann One oun -off cem repa ent yme nt of (No Rec Qish Princ Rais Cre prin .: 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 2,75 ed dit cipa 3.50 22.6 22.6 Not 202 0/12 1/03 y on 0 Yes 4 fund asse l % 7 7 yet Ban k prote /10 /11 sche 0-0 s ts and k cted dule 51) inter disc ests at lose mat d on urity Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 One Rec Ref Qish Princ Rais Cre -off 202 202 over er ang Ban ipal- 5,00 ed dit repa 3.50 41.1 41.1 Not 0/12 1/03 y on 0 Yes 0 fund asse yme % 6 6 yet to Ban k prote /10 /11 sche s ts nt of the k cted dule prin relat 106 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 cipa ed l ann and oun inter ests cem at ent mat (No urity .: 202 0-0 51) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref er One to Co -off the mm repa relat odit Agri yme y ed nt of cult and Rec ann Princ Rais prin ural 202 202 fina over oun Ban ipal- 10,0 ed cipa 3.15 68.3 68.3 Not Ban 0/12 1/03 ncia y on 0 Yes 00 fund l % 9 9 yet cem k prote /31 /25 l sche k of s and ent cted deri dule Chin inter (No vati a ests .: ve at asse 202 mat ts 0-0 urity 51) disc lose 107 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed ann One oun -off cem repa ent yme nt of (No Rec Qish Princ Rais Cre prin .: 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 2,50 ed dit cipa 3.70 22.7 22.7 Not 202 1/03 1/06 y on 0 Yes 0 fund asse l % 1 1 yet Ban k prote /19 /22 sche 0-0 s ts and k cted dule 51) inter disc ests at lose mat d on urity Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Agri Princ Rais 202 202 Co One Rec Ref Ban 10,0 3.30 71.6 71.6 Not ed 1/01 1/04 mm -off over 0 Yes cult ipal- 00 % 5 5 yet er k fund /22 /16 odit repa y on ural prote to 108 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 s y yme sche Ban cted the and nt of dule k of relat fina prin Chin ed ncia cipa a l l ann deri and oun vati inter cem ve ests ent asse at (No ts mat .: urity 202 0-0 51) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref One er Co -off to mm repa the odit Agri yme y relat nt of cult and Rec ed Princ Rais prin ural 202 202 fina over ann Ban ipal- 10,0 ed cipa 3.70 Not Ban 1/03 1/06 ncia 83.2 83.2 y on 0 Yes 00 fund l % yet oun k prote /30 /25 l sche k of s and cem cted deri dule Chin inter ent vati a ests (No ve at asse .: mat ts 202 urity 0-0 51) 109 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 disc lose d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed ann One Co oun -off mm cem repa odit ent Agri yme y nt of (No cult and Rec Princ Rais prin .: ural 202 202 fina over Ban ipal- 5,00 ed cipa 3.70 Not 202 Ban 1/03 1/06 ncia 41.6 41.6 y on 0 Yes 0 fund l % yet k prote /30 /25 l sche 0-0 k of s and cted deri dule 51) Chin inter vati disc a ests ve lose at asse mat d on ts urity Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 9,70 Rais 202 202 Co One 3.50 76.3 76.3 Rec 0 Yes Not Agri Ban Princ Ref 110 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 0 ed 1/04 1/07 mm -off % 4 4 over yet cult k ipal- er fund /27 /23 odit repa y on ural prote to s y yme sche Ban cted the and nt of dule k of fina prin relat Chin ncia cipa ed a l l ann deri and oun vati inter cem ve ests ent asse at (No ts mat urity .: 202 0-0 51) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 23 Ma y 202 0 Ref One er -off to repa the Zho yme relat ngta nt of Rec ed i Princ Rais prin 202 202 over ann Secu Secu ipal- 1,50 ed Oth cipa 4.25 Not 1/08 1/10 9.89 9.89 y on 0 Yes oun ritie rities prote 0 fund er l % yet /26 /25 sche cem s cted s and dule ent Co., inter (No Ltd. ests .: at 202 mat 1-0 urity 33) 111 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 disc lose d on Cni nfo on 30 Apr il 202 1 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem Zho yme ent ngta nt of (No Rec i Princ Rais prin .: 202 202 over Secu Secu ipal- 1,50 ed Oth cipa 3.95 13.6 13.6 Not 202 1/08 1/11 y on 0 Yes ritie rities prote 0 fund er l % 3 3 yet 1-0 /26 /23 sche s cted s and 33) dule Co., inter disc Ltd. ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 30 Apr il 202 1 Zho One Ref ngta -off Rec er Princ Rais i 202 202 repa over to Secu ipal- 1,49 ed Oth 4.25 Not Secu 1/08 1/10 yme 9.82 9.82 y on 0 Yes the rities prote 0 fund er % yet ritie /26 /25 nt of sche relat cted s s prin dule ed Co., cipa ann 112 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Ltd. l oun and cem inter ent ests (No at .: mat 202 urity 1-0 33) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 30 Apr il 202 1 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem Zho yme ent ngta nt of Rec (No i Princ Rais prin 202 202 over .: Secu Secu ipal- 1,50 ed Oth cipa 3.95 13.6 13.6 Not 1/08 1/11 y on 0 Yes 202 ritie rities prote 0 fund er l % 3 3 yet /26 /23 sche 1-0 s cted s and dule 33) Co., inter disc Ltd. ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 30 Apr il 202 113 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 1 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 3,00 dit cipa 3.50 24.4 24.4 Not 202 ned 0/10 1/01 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 2 2 yet 0-0 Ban k fund /16 /14 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er One to -off the repa relat yme ed nt of Self Rec ann Qish Princ Cre prin -ow 202 202 over oun ang Ban ipal- 5,00 dit cipa 3.50 40.7 40.7 Not ned 0/11 1/02 y on 0 Yes cem prote 0 asse l % 1 1 yet Ban k fund /04 /02 sche ent cted ts and k s dule (No inter .: ests 202 at 0-0 mat 59) urity disc lose 114 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 d on Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 5,00 dit cipa 3.50 40.7 40.7 Not 202 ned 0/11 1/02 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 1 1 yet 0-0 Ban k fund /11 /09 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 One Ref -off er Self repa Rec to Qish Princ Cre -ow 202 202 yme over the ang Ban ipal- 6,24 dit 3.50 51.4 51.4 Not ned 0/12 1/03 nt of y on 0 Yes relat prote 6 asse % 2 2 yet Ban k fund /10 /11 prin sche ed cted ts k s cipa dule ann l oun and cem 115 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 inter ent ests (No at .: mat 202 urity 0-0 59) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 3,00 dit cipa 3.40 10.5 10.5 Not 202 ned 0/12 1/01 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 5 5 yet 0-0 Ban k fund /11 /20 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 116 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Ref er to the relat ed One ann Co -off oun mm repa cem odit yme ent y nt of (No Ever Self and Rec Princ prin .: brig -ow 202 202 fina over Ban ipal- 5,00 cipa 2.70 10.6 10.6 Not 202 ht ned 0/12 1/01 ncia y on 0 Yes k prote 0 l % 1 1 yet 0-0 Ban fund /18 /18 l sche cted and 59) k s deri dule inter disc vati ests lose ve at d on asse mat Cni ts urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er One to -off the repa relat yme ed nt of ann Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin oun -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 2,60 dit cipa 3.40 Not cem ned 1/01 1/02 9.82 9.82 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % yet ent Ban k fund /07 /19 sche cted ts and (No k s dule inter .: ests 202 at 0-0 mat 59) urity disc lose d on 117 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 2,00 dit cipa 3.40 Not 202 ned 1/01 1/03 6.15 6.15 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % yet 0-0 Ban k fund /27 /03 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 One Ref -off er repa to Self Rec Qish Princ Cre yme the -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 3,69 dit nt of 3.50 32.7 32.7 Not relat ned 1/02 1/05 y on 0 Yes prote 7 asse prin % 8 8 yet ed Ban k fund /09 /18 sche cted ts cipa ann k s dule l oun and cem inter ent 118 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 ests (No at .: mat 202 urity 0-0 59) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 7,00 dit cipa 3.60 81.4 81.4 Not 202 ned 1/02 1/06 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 2 2 yet 0-0 Ban k fund /24 /29 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Princ Self 202 202 Cre One Rec Ref 2,60 3.50 8.23 8.23 0 Yes Not Qish Ban ipal- -ow 1/02 1/03 dit -off over er 119 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 prote 0 ned /24 /31 asse repa % y on yet to ang k cted fund ts yme sche the Ban s nt of dule relat k prin ed cipa ann l oun and cem inter ent ests (No at .: mat 202 urity 0-0 59) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to One the -off relat repa ed yme ann nt of oun Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin cem -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 2,00 dit cipa 3.60 17.8 17.8 Not ent ned 1/03 1/06 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 7 7 yet (No Ban k fund /11 /15 sche cted ts and .: k s dule inter 202 ests 0-0 at 59) mat disc urity lose d on Cni nfo 120 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem yme ent nt of (No Self Rec Qish Princ Cre prin .: -ow 202 202 over ang Ban ipal- 5,00 dit cipa 3.70 45.4 45.4 Not 202 ned 1/03 1/06 y on 0 Yes prote 0 asse l % 3 3 yet 0-0 Ban k fund /19 /22 sche cted ts and 59) k s dule inter disc ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 One Ref -off er Zho repa to ngta yme the Self Rec i Princ nt of relat -ow 202 202 over Secu Secu ipal- 1,90 Oth prin 2.50 Not ed ned 1/07 1/08 3.92 3.92 y on 0 Yes ritie rities prote 0 er cipa % yet ann fund /02 /02 sche s cted l oun s dule Co., and cem Ltd. inter ent ests (No at .: 121 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 mat 202 urity 0-0 59) disc lose d on Cni nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 Ref er to the relat ed One ann -off oun repa cem Zho yme ent ngta nt of (No Self Rec i Princ prin .: -ow 202 202 over Secu Secu ipal- 1,10 Oth cipa 4.35 11.0 11.0 Not 202 ned 1/07 1/09 y on 0 Yes ritie rities prote 0 er l % 1 1 yet 0-0 fund /02 /28 sche s cted and 59) s dule Co., inter disc Ltd. ests lose at d on mat Cni urity nfo on 14 Aug ust 202 0 131, 1,08 1,08 Total -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- 087 2.33 2.33 Whether there is the case where the principal cannot be recovered at maturity or other case which may cause impairment for entrusted asset management 122 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Entrusted Loans □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 4. Other Major Contracts □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XVI Other Significant Events □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. XVII Significant Events of Subsidiaries □ Applicable √ Not applicable 123 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information I Share Changes 1. Share Changes Unit: share Before Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-) After Shares Shares as as dividen dividen Percent New d Percent Shares d Other Subtotal Shares age (%) issues convert age (%) convert ed from ed from capital profit reserves 119,038 24,285, -118,31 -94,033, 25,005, 13.87% 2.83% I. Restricted shares ,937 000 8,700 700 237 1. Shares held by State 2. Shares held by state-owned legal person 3. Shares held by other 24,285, 24,198, 25,005, 806,537 0.09% -86,300 2.83% 000 700 237 domestic investors Among which: Shares held by domestic legal person Shares held by domestic 24,285, 24,198, 25,005, 806,537 0.09% -86,300 2.83% 000 700 237 natural person 4. Shares held by other 118,232 -118,23 -118,23 13.78% ,400 2,400 2,400 foreign investors Among which: Shares held 118,232 -118,23 -118,23 13.78% ,400 2,400 2,400 by foreign corporations Shares held by foreign natural person 739,093 118,242 118,242 857,33 86.13% 97.17% II. Unrestricted shares ,385 ,673 ,673 6,058 1. RMB ordinary shares 561,275 65.41% 10,273 10,273 561,28 63.61% 124 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 ,069 5,342 2. Domestically listed 177,818 118,232 118,232 296,05 20.72% 33.55% ,316 ,400 ,400 0,716 foreign shares 3. Overseas listed foreign shares 4. Other 858,132 100.00 24,285, 24,208, 882,34 100.00 III. Total shares -76,027 ,322 % 000 973 1,295 % Reasons for share changes: √ Applicable □ Not applicable ①According to its 2021 restricted share incentive scheme, the Company have firstly granted 24,285,000 restricted ordinary A shares that were directly issued to the incentive staff on 7 June 2021. ②Due to the fact that the Company had issued convertible A-share bonds on 9 April 2020, convertible bonds were converted to 3,973 shares in the period from the beginning of 2021 to 31 December 2021. ③80,000 shares of equity incentive restricted stock were repurchased and canceled. ④The Company's restricted B shares held by Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd., with a volume of 118,232,400 shares, were amended and registered as tradable B shares on 12 July 2021. ⑤Due to the retirement of directors and the resignation of executives, the shares held by former directors or executives will be unlocked and adjusted in accordance with relevant regulations on the executive share management. Approval of share changes: √ Applicable □ Not applicable ①On 13 May 2021, the first Extraordinary General Meeting of this year was held in the Company. Deliberated and approved were Proposal on the Company's '2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (Draft)' and Its Abstracts, Proposal on the Company's 'Implementation and Appraisal Regulations on 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme', and Proposal on Submitting the Authorization for the Board of Directors to Handle the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme to the General Meeting of Shareholders. Self-inspection Report on the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan Insiders and Incentive Subjects' Trading of the Company's Shares was disclosed. On 17 May 2021, the Company convened the 24th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 15th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee. Deliberated and approved were Proposal on Adjusting the List of the Name and Number of Incentive Staff of 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Proposal on Granting Restrictive Stocks to Incentive Staff. The Board of Directors believed that the granting conditions specified in the incentive scheme had been fulfilled, and agreed to designate 17 May 2021 as the granting date. 24,285,000 restricted shares were effectively granted to 750 incentive staff. ②On 26 August 2021, the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of Part of the Incentive Personnel was deliberated and approved at the 26th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company, as four of the incentive personnel of the 2021 restricted share incentive scheme resigned due to personal reasons, who no longer met the condition of being incentive personnel. The restricted shares held by the four personnel with a volume of 80,000 shares, which were authorized but not lifted from restricted sales, shall be repurchased and canceled by the Company in accordance with the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and relevant provisions of laws and regulations. The aforesaid matters were deliberated and approved at the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company in 2021 that was held on 13 September 2021. ③118,232,400 shares of non-listed foreign share of the Company held by the shareholder and sponsor of foreign capital Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. were amended and registered as restricted B shares at Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on 30 June 2020, whose restricted term was one year and expiration was on 29 June 2021. As examined and approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company's restricted B shares held by Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd., 125 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 with a volume of 118,232,400 shares, were amended and registered as tradable B shares at Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on 12 July 2021. Transfer of share ownership: √ Applicable □ Not applicable On 7 June 2021, the first-granted restricted shares in the Company's 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme were registered, as audited and confirmed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. The Company completed the procedures of repurchasing and canceling 80,000 shares of restricted share at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on 27 November 2021. Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively: √ Applicable □ Not applicable See relevant contents of "VI Key Financial Information" under "Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information". Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Changes in Restricted Shares √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: share Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Name of the shares amount shares shares amount Restricted shares relieved shares relieved shareholders at the increased of at the reasons of the period date period-begin the period period-end Restricted Tailun (Thailand) 118,232,400 118,232,400 0 shares relieved 12 July 2021 Textile Co., Ltd. before the IPO The Company shall implement the Locked public provisions on shares held by restricted sale Liu Zibin 111,217 111,217 senior by directors, management supervisors and senior management within tenure Locked public The Company Wang Fangshui 110,065 110,065 shares held by shall senior implement the 126 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 management provisions on restricted sale by directors, supervisors and senior management The Company shall implement the Locked public provisions on shares held by restricted sale Qin Guiling 94,906 94,906 senior by directors, management supervisors and senior management within tenure The Company shall implement the provisions on Locked public restricted sale shares held by by directors, senior supervisors and management: senior 69375 shares; Zhang Hongmei 69,375 300,000 369,375 management restricted within tenure, shares from and lift the equity lock-up in incentive: batches 300000 shares according to the share incentive scheme Locked public The Company 62,775 300,000 362,775 shares held by shall Wang Jiabin senior implement the management: provisions on 127 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 62775 shares; restricted sale restricted by directors, shares from supervisors and equity senior incentive: management 300000 shares within tenure, and lift the lock-up in batches according to the share incentive scheme The Company shall implement the provisions on Locked public restricted sale shares held by by directors, senior supervisors and management: senior 62325 shares; Yu Shouzheng 62,325 200,000 262,325 management restricted within tenure, shares from and lift the equity lock-up in incentive: batches 200000 shares according to the share incentive scheme Locked public The Company shares held by shall senior implement the 60,225 300,000 360,225 management: provisions on Zhang Zhanqi 60225 shares; restricted sale restricted by directors, shares from supervisors and equity senior 128 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 incentive: management 300000 shares within tenure, and lift the lock-up in batches according to the share incentive scheme The Company shall implement the provisions on Locked public restricted sale shares held by by directors, senior supervisors and management: senior 58275 shares; Zhang Keming 58,275 200,000 258,275 management restricted within tenure, shares from and lift the equity lock-up in incentive: batches 200000 shares according to the share incentive scheme The Company shall implement the Locked public provisions on shares held by restricted sale Zhang Shougang 54,825 54,825 senior by directors, management supervisors and senior management within tenure Zhang Jianxiang 39,112 39,112 Locked public The Company 129 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 shares held by shall senior implement the management provisions on restricted sale by directors, supervisors and senior management within tenure The Company shall implement the Locked public provisions on shares held by Lyu Yongchen 25,312 6,300 19,012 restricted sale senior by directors, management supervisors and senior management The Company shall implement the provisions on Locked public restricted sale shares held by by directors, senior supervisors and management: senior Shang 22500 shares; 22,500 200,000 222,500 management Chenggang restricted within tenure, shares from and lift the equity lock-up in incentive: batches 200000 shares according to the share incentive scheme Wang Locked public The Company 16,875 16,875 Changzhao shares held by shall 130 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 senior implement the management provisions on restricted sale by directors, supervisors and senior management The Company shall implement the provisions on Locked public restricted sale shares held by by directors, senior supervisors and management: senior 7500 shares; Li Wenji 7,500 200,000 207,500 management restricted within tenure, shares from and lift the equity lock-up in incentive: batches 200000 shares according to the share incentive scheme The Company shall implement the Locked public provisions on shares held by restricted sale Liu Zilong 7,500 7,500 senior by directors, management supervisors and senior management within tenure Locked public The Company Dong Shibing 3,750 3,750 shares held by shall senior implement the 131 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 management provisions on restricted sale by directors, supervisors and senior management within tenure Lift the lock-up Restricted in batches shares from according to Du Lixin 200,000 200,000 equity the share incentive incentive scheme Lift the lock-up Restricted in batches shares from according to Zhang Wei 200,000 200,000 equity the share incentive incentive scheme Lift the lock-up Restricted in batches shares from according to Fu Guannan 200,000 200,000 equity the share incentive incentive scheme Lift the lock-up Restricted in batches shares from according to Guo Heng 200,000 200,000 equity the share incentive incentive scheme Other subjects of Lift the lock-up first-granted Restricted in batches incentive of shares from according to 21,705,000 21,705,000 restricted share equity the share incentive scheme incentive incentive in 2021 scheme 132 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 119,038,937 24,205,000 118,238,700 25,005,237 -- -- II. Issuance and Listing of Securities 1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of Stock and Approved Terminatio issue price Issue Listing Disclosure Disclosure derivative Issue date amount for n date for (interest) amount date index date securities listing trading thereof Stock Refer to the announcem ent (No.: 2021-040) 7 June 7 June 4 June LTTC 3.31 24,285,000 24,285,000 disclosed 2021 2021 2021 on http://www on 4 June 2021. Convertible corporate bonds, convertible corporate bonds separately traded and corporate bonds Other derivative securities Notes: The 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and relevant proposals were deliberated and approved through the 22nd Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee, the 13th Meeting of the 9th Board of Supervisors and the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting in 2021. On 7 June 2021, as audited and confirmed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, the registration of granting 24,285,000 shares of restricted share to 750 incentive personnel was completed. For details, see relevant announcement disclosed on Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal, Ta Kung Pao and the cninfo website ( 2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures √ Applicable □ Not applicable At the beginning of 2021, the Company possessed 858,132,322 shares in total (561,894,181 A shares and 296,238,141 B shares inclusive). 24,285,000 restricted ordinary A shares issued directly to the incentive personnel were firstly granted and completed by the Company on 7 June 2021. As convertible bonds of Lu Thai were converted to 3,973 A shares cumulatively from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, the repurchasing and canceling 80,000 shares of equity incentive restricted stock was completed on 27 November 2021. By 31 December 2021, the Company possessed 882,341,295 shares in total (586,103,154 A shares and 296,238,141 133 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 B shares inclusive), which had no significant impact on the Company's assets and liability structure. 3. Existing Staff-Held Shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable III Shareholders and Actual Controller 1. Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings Unit: share Number of preferred Number of shareholders Number of ordinary with resumed preferred Number of shareholders at voting rights at shareholders ordinary 57,722 the month-end 55,183 0 the month-end 0 with resumed shareholders prior to the prior to the voting rights (if disclosure of disclosure of any) (see note 8) this Report this Report (if any) (see note 8) 5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders Increas Shares in pledge, marked or Total e/decre frozen Shareh shares Restrict Unrestri ase in Name of Nature of olding held at ed cted the shareholder shareholder percent the shares shares Reporti Status Shares age period- held held ng end Period Zibo Lucheng Domestic Textile 140,35 140,353 non-state-owne 15.91% 0 Investment Co., 3,583 ,583 d legal person Ltd. Tailun Foreign legal 118,23 118,232, (Thailand) 13.40% 0 person 2,400 400 Textile Co., Ltd. Central Huijin Assets State-owned 19,884, -431,20 19,884, 2.25% Management legal person 100 0 100 Co., Ltd. National Social Domestic 1.11% 9,810,0 360,00 9,810,0 134 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Security Fund non-state-owne 51 0 51 Portfolio 413 d legal person Zhong Ou China Securities Asset 5,235,9 5,235,9 Other 0.59% 0 Management 00 00 Plan Dacheng China Securities Asset 5,235,9 5,235,9 Other 0.59% 0 Management 00 00 Plan Harvest China Securities Asset 5,235,9 5,235,9 Other 0.59% 0 Management 00 00 Plan GF China Securities Asset 5,235,9 5,235,9 Other 0.59% 0 Management 00 00 Plan Yinhua China Securities Asset 5,235,9 5,235,9 Other 0.59% 0 Management 00 00 Plan Domestic 5,142,2 5,142,2 5,142,2 Liao Cuimeng 0.58% natural person 00 00 00 Strategic investor or general legal person becoming a top-10 ordinary Naught shareholder due to rights issue (if any) (see note 3) Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest shareholder of the Company and Related or acting-in-concert parties the actual controller. All of other shareholders are people holding public A share or public among the shareholders above B share and the Company is not able to confirm whether there is associated relationship or concerted action among other shareholders. Above shareholders involved in Entrusting/being entrusted voting Naught rights and giving up voting rights Special account for share repurchases (if any) among the top Naught 10 shareholders (see note 10) Top 10 unrestricted shareholders Name of shareholder Unrestricted shares held at the period-end Shares by type 135 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Type Shares Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment RMB ordinary 140,353,583 140,353,583 Co., Ltd. share Domestically Tailun (Thailand) Textile Co., Ltd. 118,232,400 listed foreign 118,232,400 shares Central Huijin Assets Management RMB ordinary 19,884,100 19,884,100 Co., Ltd. share National Social Security Fund RMB ordinary 9,810,051 9,810,051 Portfolio 413 share Zhong Ou China Securities Asset RMB ordinary 5,235,900 5,235,900 Management Plan share Dacheng China Securities Asset RMB ordinary 5,235,900 5,235,900 Management Plan share Harvest China Securities Asset RMB ordinary 5,235,900 5,235,900 Management Plan share GF China Securities Asset RMB ordinary 5,235,900 5,235,900 Management Plan share Yinhua China Securities Asset RMB ordinary 5,235,900 5,235,900 Management Plan share RMB ordinary Liao Cuimeng 5,142,200 5,142,200 share Related or acting-in-concert parties Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. is the largest shareholder of the Company and among top 10 unrestricted public the actual controller. All of other shareholders are people holding public A share or public shareholders, as well as between top B share and the Company is not able to confirm whether there is associated relationship 10 unrestricted public shareholders or concerted action among other shareholders. and top 10 shareholders Top 10 ordinary shareholders involved in securities margin trading N/A (if any) (see note 4) Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period. □ Yes √ No No such cases in the Reporting Period. 2. Controlling Shareholder Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by a natural person 136 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person Legal Name of controlling Date of Unified social credit representative/pers Principal activity shareholder establishment code on in charge Investment on textile, electricity and chemical; Zibo Lucheng Textile Liu Deming 25 September 1998 91370303164200391J purchase, process and Investment Co., Ltd. sale of cotton; retail service etc. Particulars about shareholding of controlling shareholders controlling N/A and holding shares of other listed companies during the Reporting Period Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 3. Actual Controller and Its Acting-in-Concert Parties Nature of the actual controller: Domestic natural person Type of the actual controller: natural person Relations with the Whether gain the right of residence in other Name of the actual controller Nationality actual controller countries or regions or not Liu Zibin In person China No Concerted action (including Liu Deming agreement, China No relatives, and same control) Liu Zibin is the Chairman of the Board and President of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. , Liu Professions and titles Deming is the Chairman of the Board and GM of Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd. Particulars about listed companies with shares ever held by the actual N/A controller over the past 10 years Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company: 137 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management. □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Number of Accumulative Pledged Shares held by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder or the Largest Shareholder as well as Its Acting-in-Concert Parties Accounts for 80% of all shares of the Company held by Them □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller, Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers □ Applicable √ Not applicable IV Specific Implementation of Share Repurchase during the Reporting Period Progress on any share repurchase □ Applicable √ Not applicable Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding □ Applicable √ Not applicable 138 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part VIII Preference Shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable No preference shares in the Reporting Period. 139 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part IX Bonds √ Applicable □ Not applicable I Enterprise Bonds □ Applicable √ Not applicable No enterprise bonds in the Reporting Period. II Corporate Bonds □ Applicable √ Not applicable No corporate bonds in the Reporting Period. III Debt Financing Instruments of Non-financial Enterprises □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. IV Convertible Corporate Bonds √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Previous Adjustments of Conversion Price On 9 April 2020, the Company publicly issued 14 million A-share convertible corporate bonds (short name: Lu Thai Convertible Bonds, bond code: 127016) on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with an issue price of RMB100 per share and a share conversion price of RMB9.01 per share. The bonds were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 13 May 2020. In accordance with related terms of the “Prospectus for the Public Offering of A-Share Convertible Corporate Bonds of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd.”, as well as the regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the public offering of convertible corporate bonds, if the Company has any distribution of share dividends, conversion into share capital, additional issue of new shares (excluding share capital increase due to conversion into shares from the convertible corporate bonds issued this time), share allotment and distribution of cash dividends after the issue of “Lu Thai Convertible Bonds”, adjustment shall be made to the share conversion price. On 21 May 2020, the Company held the Annual General Meeting of 2019, where the “Proposal on the Company’s Profit Distribution Plan for 2019” was considered and approved. According to the Proposal, a cash amount of RMB 1.00 (inclusive of tax) would be distributed to every 10 shares, with the 858,121,541 shares of share capital on 31 December 2019 as the base. The share registration date for the Company’s equity distribution of 2019 was 8 July 2020 and the ex-rights and ex-dividend date was 9 July 2020. Therefore, the share conversion price of “Lu Thai Convertible Bonds” was adjusted from RMB9.01 per share to RMB8.91 per share, and the new 140 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 price after the adjustment took effect on and as of 9 July 2020 (the ex-rights and ex-dividend date). On 3 June 2021, the Company completed the registration of first-granted restricted stocks of restricted share incentive scheme at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (China Clear). 7 June 2021 is designated as the listing date of first-granted restricted stocks of the Company in 2021. The Company grants 750 subjects of incentive 24,285,000 restricted shares at a price of RMB3.31 per share, accounting for 2.83% of total share capital of the Company. The source of the stock is RMB A-share ordinary shares issued by the Company to subjects of incentive. Therefore, the conversion price of Lu Thai Convertible Bond will be adjusted from RMB8.91 per share to RMB8.76 per share, with the adjusted conversion price coming into force from 7 June 2021. The 2020 annual general meeting convened on 20 April 2021 deliberated on and adopted the Company's Proposal on Profit Appropriation Plan in 2020, which distributes cash of RMB0.50 per 10 shares (including tax) with total share capital at the record date of this distribution scheme as base. The record date of the Company's interest distribution in 2020 is set on 17 June 2021. The ex-date is set on 18 June 2021. Therefore, the conversion price of Lu Thai Convertible Bond will be adjusted from RMB8.76 per share to RMB8.71 per share, with the adjusted conversion price coming into force from 18 June 2021 (the ex-date). 2. Accumulative Conversion √ Applicable □ Not applicable Converted shares as % of total Unconverte Accumulati Accumulati shares Unconverte Total d amount Abbreviati Total ve amount ve shares issued by d amount Start date circulation as % of on amount converted converted the (RMB) (piece) total (RMB) (share) Company amount before the start date of conversion Lu Thai 15 October 1,400,000, 1,399,868, Convertibl 14,000,000 131,400.00 14,754 0.00% 99.99% 000.00 600.00 2020 e Bonds 3. Top 10 Convertible Bond Holders Unit: share Number of Amount of As % of convertible bonds convertible bonds convertible bonds No. Name of holders Nature of holders held at the held at the held at the period-end (share) period-end (RMB) period-end 1 Other 675,551 67,555,100.00 4.83% ICBC Credit 141 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Suisse Tianxiang Hybrid Pension Products-Industria l and Commercial Bank of China National Social Domestic 2 Security Fund non-state-owned 665,778 66,577,800.00 4.76% Portfolio 1005 legal person Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - China 3 Universal Other 647,295 64,729,500.00 4.62% Convertible Bond Securities Investment Fund Guosen Securities State-owned legal 4 568,528 56,852,800.00 4.06% Co., Ltd. person National Social Domestic 5 Security Fund non-state-owned 493,247 49,324,700.00 3.52% Portfolio 1002 legal person Shanghai Pudong Development Bank - E Fund 6 Other 492,427 49,242,700.00 3.52% Yuxiang Return Bond Securities Investment Fund ICBC Credit Suisse Ruixi Fixed 7 Benefit Pension Other 456,604 45,660,400.00 3.26% Product-Bank of China Fullgoal Fuyi Progressive Fixed Benefit Pension 8 Other 444,112 44,411,200.00 3.17% Product- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Agricultural Bank of China-Essence 9 Other 439,291 43,929,100.00 3.14% Target Income Bond Securities 142 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Investment Fund Genertec Investment State-owned legal 10 434,645 43,464,500.00 3.10% Management Co., person Ltd. 4. Significant Changes in Profitability, Assets Condition and Credit Status of Guarantors □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. The Company’s Liabilities, Credit Changes at the Period-end and Cash Arrangements to Repay Debts in Future Years For the relevant indicators, please refer to the Part IX Bonds- VIII The Major Accounting Data and the Financial Indicators of the Recent 2 Years of the Company up the Period-end. The credit rating of the Company's convertible bonds for the Reporting Period is AA+, which has not changed compared with that of the same period of last year. V Losses of Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements during the Reporting Period Exceeding 10% of Net Assets up the Period-end of Last Year □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI Matured Interest-bearing Debt excluding Bonds up the Period-end □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII Whether there was any Violation of Rules and Regulations during the Reporting Period □ Yes √ No VIII The Major Accounting Data and the Financial Indicators of the Recent 2 Years of the Company up the Period-end Unit: RMB’0,000 Item Period-end The end of last year Increase/decrease Current ratio 2.62 2.68 -2.24% Asset-liability ratio 35.57% 33.29% 2.28% Quick ratio 1.49 1.62 -8.02% Reporting Period Same period of last year YoY increase/decrease 143 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Net profit after deducting 19,049.26 2,003.91 850.60% non-recurring profit or loss Debt/EBITDA ratio 28.94% 22.44% 6.50% Interest cover (times) 4.49 1.84 144.02% Cash-to-interest cover (times) 4.03 7.37 -45.32% EBITDA interest coverage 9.39 7.81 20.23% ratio Rate of redemption 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Interest coverage 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 144 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Part X Financial Statements I Independent Auditor’s Report Type of the independent auditor’s opinion Unmodified unqualified opinion Date of signing this report 27 April 2022 Name of the independent auditor Grant Thornton China (Special General Partnership) Name of the certified public accountants He Feng, Cui Xiaoli Text of the Independent Auditor’s Report To the shareholders of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd: I Opinion We have audited the financial statements of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), which comprise the consolidated and parent company balance sheets as of 31 December 2021, the consolidated and parent company statements of income, cash flows and changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, as well as the notes to the financial statements. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and parent company financial position of the Company at 31 December 2021, and the consolidated and parent company operating results and cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS). II Basis for Opinion We conducted our audits in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the said Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. III Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. (I) Recognition of revenue For details, please refer to the Note III-26 and the Note V-44 of the financial report. 1. Item description The businesses of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. mainly are production and sales of yarn-dyed fabrics and shirts. The operation revenue of the Company in 2021 was RMB 5,238,262,300, of which export income accounted for over 50%. For the income from domestic sales, the amount of product sales income is recognized when the products are delivered to and confirmed by the purchaser according to the contract. The income is recognized when the purchaser obtains control of the product. For the income from export sales, the amount of sales income is recognized when products are declared and depart from port according to the contract, and the bill of lading is received. The income is recognized when the purchaser obtains control of the product. 145 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Since income is one of the key performance indicators of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd., there is an inherent risk that the management manipulates income to achieve specific goals or expectations, therefore, we identify income recognition as a key audit item. 2. Audit response The audit procedures for revenue recognition mainly include: (1) Understand and evaluate the design effectiveness of internal control related to revenue recognition, and test the effectiveness of operation; (2) Through interviewing the management and reviewing the relevant contract terms, understand and evaluate whether the income confirmation accounting policy meets the requirements of the enterprise accounting standards; (3) Perform analytical procedures on revenue and costs to analyze the rationality of fluctuations in sales volume, unit price, and gross profit in each month, current year, and previous year of the current period; (4) Check the supporting evidence such as sales contract, product delivery order, invoice, customs declaration, shipping order, and signing receipt; (5) Select samples to verify the balance and transaction amount; (6) Select samples and conduct spot checks on relevant information such as export sales revenue, export tax rebate declaration forms, and China electronic port export data; (7) Perform a cut-off test on the revenue recognized before and after the balance sheet date, and check the product delivery slip, invoice, customs declaration, shipping bill, signing receipt, etc., to assess whether the revenue is recognized within the appropriate period. (II) Inventory falling price reserves For details, please refer to the Note III-12 and the Note V-8 of the financial report. 1. Item description As of 31 December 2021, the inventory balance of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. was RMB2,509,578,300 and the inventory depreciation reserve was RMB164,231,500. The management withdrew the inventory falling price reserves with significant judgments and estimates, and therefore, we identify inventory falling price reserves as a key audit item. 2. Audit response The audit procedures for inventory falling price reserves mainly include: (1) Understand and evaluate the design effectiveness of the internal control related to the provision of inventory decline price, and test the effectiveness of operation; (2) Understand and evaluate the appropriateness of the company's inventory depreciation reserve provision policy; (3) Monitor the inventory and pay attention to the status of the inventory, check whether the defective and inventory with long aging have been identified; (4) Obtain the inventory age table, and conduct an analytical review of the long-age inventory status and turnover; (5) Check the changes in the inventory depreciation reserves accrued in previous years and evaluate the rationality of the changes in inventory depreciation reserves; (6) Obtain the inventory falling price reserves calculation sheet; recheck and evaluate the rationality of major estimations made by the management during the determination of net realizable value; conduct the recalculation, check the selling price after the period 146 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 and analyze the rationality of the predicted selling price. (III) Assessment of fair value of financial assets measured at fair value and changes included in current profit or loss Please refer to Notes to Financial Statements (Note III 10 and Note V 2, 13 and 52) for details about relevant information disclosure. 1. Event Description Up to 31 December 2021, the balance of financial asset measured based on the fair value whose variations were included the current profit and loss of Lu Thai Textiles was RMB191.779 million, of which, the fair value of financial asset classified into the tier-2 input value by adopting the observable input value was RMB1.727 million, and the fair value of financial asset classified into the tier-3 input value by adopting the non-observable input value was RMB190.052 million. Considering that the financial asset’s fair value variations had significant impact on the profit and loss of Lu Thai Textiles in 2021, and Lu Thai Textiles adopted the valuation technique to determine its fair value (usually, the valuation technique involves various assumptions and estimations based on subjective judgment, and huge difference in the estimated fair value of financial instrument may be caused by adopting different valuation techniques or assumptions), we recognized the event as the key audit event. 2. Audit response Our audit procedures geared to the evaluation of the financial instrument’s fair value mainly include: (1) Study and evaluate the effectiveness of the designed internal control for the valuation of financial instruments and test the operational effectiveness; (2) Assess the professional quality, competence and objectiveness of the independent appraiser employed by the Company’s management; evaluate the rationality of various assumptions applied by the independent appraiser in the evaluation report and the appropriateness of the financial instrument valuation models; (3) Assess the rationality and appropriateness of the observable key input value applied during the valuation of the tier-2 fair value; (4) Recheck the rationality, appropriateness and calculation accuracy of the key input value during the fair value assessment for the tier-3 financial instrument measured based the fair value and involving the management’s major judgment. IV Other Information The Company’s management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all of the information included in the Company’s 2021 Annual Report other than the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. V Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Financial Statements The Company’s management (hereinafter referred to as the “Management”) is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a fair view in accordance with CAS, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 147 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process. VI Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management. (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required by CAS to draw users’ attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, we should modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. (6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. We communicate with those charged with governance of the Company regarding the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any noteworthy deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards (if applicable). From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine 148 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. Grant Thornton China Chinese CPA (Special General Partnership) (Engagement Partner): Chinese CPA: Beijing China 27 April 2022 II Financial Statements Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet Prepared by Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 31 December 2021 Unit: RMB Item 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 Current assets: Monetary assets 1,999,712,889.35 1,400,478,034.81 Held-for-trading financial assets 1,727,000.00 268,456,216.98 Notes receivable 227,740,247.89 182,994,110.86 Accounts receivable 647,277,198.51 522,425,219.87 Accounts receivable financing 34,663,071.88 55,150,926.34 Prepayments 54,545,954.20 19,611,775.28 Other receivables 74,191,613.22 105,710,818.69 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable 47,025,975.44 75,488,652.49 Inventories 2,345,346,794.28 1,988,968,681.64 Contract assets 149 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Held-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current 45,750,018.30 assets Other current assets 55,992,522.81 433,432,258.63 Total current assets 5,441,197,292.14 5,022,978,061.40 Non-current assets: Long-term receivables 41,053,183.15 Long-term equity investment 169,443,106.66 138,079,577.25 Other equity instrument investment Other non-current financial assets 190,052,000.00 156,915,620.25 Investment property 21,362,302.03 22,263,668.85 Fixed assets 5,561,601,374.44 5,661,592,991.66 Construction in progress 237,579,082.99 356,273,197.49 Right-of-use assets 257,019,286.15 Intangible assets 363,130,978.14 373,543,480.84 Development costs Goodwill 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29 Long-term deferred expenses 672,601.04 118,340,494.60 Deferred income tax assets 138,516,136.50 122,865,841.69 Other non-current assets 586,083,308.25 95,434,040.18 Total non-current assets 7,546,023,979.49 7,106,925,899.25 Total assets 12,987,221,271.63 12,129,903,960.65 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 1,011,034,138.32 930,871,008.19 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 335,401,371.30 243,262,473.69 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 204,967,348.96 141,339,705.62 Payroll payable 272,014,296.09 265,648,198.38 Taxes payable 29,457,702.72 36,468,978.77 Other payables 97,200,565.31 17,587,470.79 150 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable 441,113.64 441,113.64 Current portion of non-current 8,877,404.52 43,149,400.13 liabilities Other current liabilities 120,434,721.81 192,574,674.68 Total current liabilities 2,079,387,549.03 1,870,901,910.25 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 684,962,473.24 495,520,342.78 Bonds payable 1,395,480,652.71 1,350,171,526.97 Lease liabilities 121,357,658.41 Long-term payables Long-term payroll payable 57,384,062.39 62,137,656.00 Provisions Deferred income 188,958,133.78 173,862,983.31 Deferred income tax liabilities 92,571,310.14 85,633,161.44 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 2,540,714,290.67 2,167,325,670.50 Total liabilities 4,620,101,839.70 4,038,227,580.75 Owners’ equity: Share capital 882,341,295.00 858,132,322.00 Other equity instruments 71,384,656.84 71,386,451.81 Capital reserves 340,587,387.65 255,912,488.01 Less: Treasury stock 78,908,300.00 Other comprehensive income -36,423,748.37 1,308,922.89 Specific reserve Surplus reserves 1,215,124,336.54 1,154,017,457.79 General reserve Retained earnings 5,589,201,772.37 5,346,819,948.22 Total equity attributable to owners of 7,983,307,400.03 7,687,577,590.72 the Company as the parent Non-controlling interests 383,812,031.90 404,098,789.18 Total owners’ equity 8,367,119,431.93 8,091,676,379.90 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 12,987,221,271.63 12,129,903,960.65 151 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Legal representative: Liu Zibin Chief Accountant: Zhang Hongmei Financial Manager: Zhang Keming 2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent Unit: RMB Item 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 Current assets: Monetary assets 977,713,296.25 729,437,231.33 Held-for-trading financial assets 1,286,000.00 163,636,075.34 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 132,028,322.80 108,863,689.79 Accounts receivable 425,711,738.27 326,166,935.10 Accounts receivable financing 29,361,263.86 48,764,088.05 Prepayments 31,580,697.18 13,059,806.74 Other receivables 2,060,180,025.87 1,500,882,682.19 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable 94,525,975.44 75,488,652.49 Inventories 1,230,487,585.69 1,097,438,610.46 Contract assets Available-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current 45,750,018.30 assets Other current assets 205,568.38 247,860,882.02 Total current assets 4,888,554,498.30 4,281,860,019.32 Non-current assets: Long-term receivables 41,053,183.15 Long-term equity investments 2,818,047,993.16 2,555,150,859.13 Investments in other equity instruments Other non-current financial assets 178,052,000.00 144,915,620.25 Investment property 65,888,260.77 29,734,239.22 Fixed assets 2,305,059,429.29 2,471,686,117.72 Construction in progress 12,268,416.12 48,694,822.74 152 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Right-of-use assets 116,279,075.24 Intangible assets 209,970,392.83 225,128,308.75 Development costs Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 672,601.04 1,406,347.76 Deferred income tax assets 56,003,944.38 65,729,304.26 Other non-current assets 366,112,002.79 7,936,745.28 Total non-current assets 6,128,354,115.62 5,591,435,548.26 Total assets 11,016,908,613.92 9,873,295,567.58 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 615,181,318.98 332,466,931.13 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 146,714,973.77 132,231,596.74 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 58,280,121.24 56,841,289.66 Payroll payable 190,277,420.32 202,694,515.93 Taxes payable 15,288,956.94 21,896,035.49 Other payables 92,914,225.42 79,668,657.80 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable 441,113.64 441,113.64 Current portion of non-current 8,605,336.67 4,000,000.00 liabilities Other current liabilities 64,202,247.99 166,257,466.30 Total current liabilities 1,191,464,601.33 996,056,493.05 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 684,962,473.24 495,520,342.78 Bonds payable 1,395,480,652.71 1,350,171,526.97 Lease liabilities 118,780,465.67 Long-term payables Long-term payroll payable 57,384,062.39 62,137,656.00 Provisions 153 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Deferred income 125,360,026.35 131,546,549.87 Deferred income tax liabilities 67,488,141.18 58,927,115.71 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 2,449,455,821.54 2,098,303,191.33 Total liabilities 3,640,920,422.87 3,094,359,684.38 Owners’ equity: Share capital 882,341,295.00 858,132,322.00 Other equity instruments 71,384,656.84 71,386,451.81 Capital reserves 401,967,421.89 317,292,522.25 Less: Treasury stock 78,908,300.00 Other comprehensive income -293,580.24 -424,313.33 Specific reserve Surplus reserves 1,212,015,596.90 1,150,908,718.15 Retained earnings 4,887,481,100.66 4,381,640,182.32 Total owners’ equity 7,375,988,191.05 6,778,935,883.20 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 11,016,908,613.92 9,873,295,567.58 3. Consolidated Income Statement Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 1. Revenue 5,238,262,348.85 4,751,222,464.14 Including: Operating revenue 5,238,262,348.85 4,751,222,464.14 2. Costs and expenses 4,965,632,056.69 4,631,408,764.38 Including: Cost of sales 4,152,981,075.85 3,737,984,083.45 Taxes and surcharges 59,485,640.58 66,238,984.28 Selling expense 119,883,494.68 125,717,288.31 Administrative expense 335,380,025.54 360,656,722.39 Development cost 252,912,911.63 231,265,031.12 Finance costs 44,988,908.41 109,546,654.83 Including: Interest expense 65,526,817.38 67,914,115.97 Interest income 40,686,077.22 25,174,851.32 Add: Other income 58,686,029.71 59,711,274.11 Return on investment (“-” for loss) 50,449,943.70 145,968,403.88 Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and -10,755,175.91 -5,146,737.73 154 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 associates Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss) Exchange gain (“-” for loss) Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss) Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss) 16,415,304.41 -107,002,594.56 Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss) 1,590,092.00 -21,892,753.70 Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss) -85,623,858.26 -113,460,308.96 Asset disposal income (“-” for loss) 57,175,147.62 -317,803.17 3. Operating profit (“-” for loss) 371,322,951.34 82,819,917.36 Add: Non-operating income 5,417,119.07 6,466,024.36 Less: Non-operating expense 13,424,054.88 4,468,911.08 4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss) 363,316,015.53 84,817,030.64 Less: Income tax expense 35,993,079.51 -4,273,027.75 5. Net profit (“-” for net loss) 327,322,936.02 89,090,058.39 5.1 By operating continuity 5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net 327,322,936.02 89,090,058.39 loss) 5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss) 5.2 By ownership 5.2.1 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as 347,609,693.30 97,308,593.36 the parent 5.2.2 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests -20,286,757.28 -8,218,534.97 6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax -37,732,671.26 -90,369,605.96 Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent -37,732,671.26 -90,317,648.86 6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 6.1.1 Changes caused by re-measurements on defined benefit schemes 6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments 6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk 155 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 6.1.5 Other 6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss -37,732,671.26 -90,317,648.86 6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations 6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets 6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations 6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges 6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign -37,716,717.19 -90,065,261.51 currency-denominated financial statements 6.2.7 Other -15,954.07 -252,387.35 Attributable to non-controlling interests -51,957.10 7. Total comprehensive income 289,590,264.76 -1,279,547.57 Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent 309,877,022.04 6,990,944.50 Attributable to non-controlling interests -20,286,757.28 -8,270,492.07 8. Earnings per share 8.1 Basic earnings per share 0.39 0.11 8.2 Diluted earnings per share 0.36 0.11 Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00. Legal representative: Liu Zibin Chief Accountant: Zhang Hongmei Financial Manager: Zhang Keming 4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 1. Operating revenue 3,647,402,509.21 3,275,667,055.94 Less: Cost of sales 2,824,451,867.80 2,594,772,449.08 Taxes and surcharges 39,686,908.16 43,852,034.14 Selling expense 85,257,586.04 90,924,780.86 Administrative expense 212,434,986.88 223,829,705.58 156 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 R&D expense 178,176,401.25 155,781,784.46 Finance costs 14,374,893.63 63,053,311.41 Including: Interest expense 33,309,727.39 29,507,836.33 Interest income 33,021,266.87 12,603,128.63 Add: Other income 33,778,765.18 40,725,385.28 Return on investment (“-” for loss) 298,576,196.15 438,956,821.28 Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and -10,755,175.91 -5,146,737.73 associates Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss) Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss) Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss) 20,786,304.41 -111,822,736.20 Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss) 3,935,670.51 -20,099,155.46 Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss) -34,971,247.79 -78,930,638.97 Asset disposal income (“-” for loss) 57,897,322.56 -557,994.15 2. Operating profit (“-” for loss) 673,022,876.47 371,724,672.19 Add: Non-operating income 4,866,312.90 4,554,095.15 Less: Non-operating expense 11,591,362.60 1,671,120.09 3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss) 666,297,826.77 374,607,647.25 Less: Income tax expense 55,229,039.28 7,106,585.68 4. Net profit (“-” for net loss) 611,068,787.49 367,501,061.57 4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss) 611,068,787.49 367,501,061.57 4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss) 5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax 130,733.09 -424,313.33 5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 5.1.1 Changes caused by re-measurements on defined benefit schemes 5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments 5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk 5.1.5 Other 5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss 130,733.09 -424,313.33 157 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations 5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets 5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations 5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges 5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements 5.2.7 Other 130,733.09 -424,313.33 6. Total comprehensive income 611,199,520.58 367,076,748.24 7. Earnings per share 7.1 Basic earnings per share 0.71 0.43 7.2 Diluted earnings per share 0.64 0.41 5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services 4,877,137,793.95 4,549,188,241.18 Tax rebates 118,978,037.24 106,212,520.44 Cash generated from other operating activities 99,760,735.48 119,614,464.43 Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities 5,095,876,566.67 4,775,015,226.05 Payments for commodities and services 3,075,758,673.05 2,382,593,861.18 Cash paid to and for employees 1,394,301,069.51 1,443,277,224.36 Taxes paid 139,250,588.74 144,996,754.22 Cash used in other operating activities 138,429,229.89 210,611,463.40 Subtotal of cash used in operating activities 4,747,739,561.19 4,181,479,303.16 Net cash generated from/used in operating activities 348,137,005.48 593,535,922.89 2. Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from disinvestment 1,318,751,294.68 460,131,152.08 Return on investment 41,433,282.80 149,130,790.55 Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 4,645,043.40 102,560,031.90 158 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 and other long-lived assets Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business 95,860,000.00 76,625,459.68 units Cash generated from other investing activities 98,294,038.33 62,232,909.13 Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities 1,558,983,659.21 850,680,343.34 Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and 430,591,025.71 580,156,640.57 other long-lived assets Payments for investments 760,870,000.00 1,052,215,000.00 Cash used in other investing activities 339,043,598.92 6,483,653.47 Subtotal of cash used in investing activities 1,530,504,624.63 1,638,855,294.04 Net cash generated from/used in investing activities 28,479,034.58 -788,174,950.70 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Capital contributions received 80,122,550.00 50,000,000.00 Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to 50,000,000.00 subsidiaries Borrowings raised 1,631,139,389.49 3,398,339,439.58 Cash generated from other financing activities 174,000,000.00 Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities 1,711,261,939.49 3,622,339,439.58 Repayment of borrowings 1,359,634,451.98 2,529,112,565.20 Interest and dividends paid 84,499,928.33 199,362,285.43 Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling 59,618,853.07 interests Cash used in other financing activities 63,817,316.19 160,200,000.00 Subtotal of cash used in financing activities 1,507,951,696.50 2,888,674,850.63 Net cash generated from/used in financing activities 203,310,242.99 733,664,588.95 4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash -6,449,805.63 -21,054,172.59 equivalents 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 573,476,477.42 517,971,388.55 Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period 1,396,530,407.47 878,559,018.92 6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period 1,970,006,884.89 1,396,530,407.47 6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent Unit: RMB Item 2021 2020 1. Cash flows from operating activities: 159 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services 3,312,220,027.60 3,132,082,316.96 Tax rebates 24,444,047.02 37,614,591.44 Cash generated from other operating activities 51,752,143.18 77,891,597.93 Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities 3,388,416,217.80 3,247,588,506.33 Payments for commodities and services 2,128,657,555.64 2,217,942,543.44 Cash paid to and for employees 837,615,352.93 889,963,420.68 Taxes paid 83,471,328.14 79,127,361.47 Cash used in other operating activities 97,694,765.19 154,885,854.59 Subtotal of cash used in operating activities 3,147,439,001.90 3,341,919,180.18 Net cash generated from/used in operating activities 240,977,215.90 -94,330,673.85 2. Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from disinvestment 587,311,294.68 514,020,256.94 Return on investment 255,233,323.75 316,780,237.87 Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 6,091,843.79 114,941,392.08 and other long-lived assets Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business 263,014,351.00 units Cash generated from other investing activities 970,377,365.78 1,484,210,870.85 Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities 2,082,028,179.00 2,429,952,757.74 Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and 68,414,055.96 70,577,315.74 other long-lived assets Payments for investments 640,977,947.65 955,125,000.00 Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units Cash used in other investing activities 1,729,113,808.44 2,085,396,649.29 Subtotal of cash used in investing activities 2,438,505,812.05 3,111,098,965.03 Net cash generated from/used in investing activities -356,477,633.05 -681,146,207.29 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Capital contributions received 80,122,550.00 Borrowings raised 800,983,356.71 2,225,619,549.50 Cash generated from other financing activities 58,215,720.00 168,980,600.00 Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities 939,321,626.71 2,394,600,149.50 Repayment of borrowings 312,407,315.63 791,236,980.16 Interest and dividends paid 75,954,642.88 112,547,531.31 Cash used in other financing activities 182,836,702.32 236,619,700.00 160 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Subtotal of cash used in financing activities 571,198,660.83 1,140,404,211.47 Net cash generated from/used in financing activities 368,122,965.88 1,254,195,938.03 4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash -3,255,947.76 -9,693,224.69 equivalents 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 249,366,600.97 469,025,832.20 Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period 728,346,695.28 259,320,863.08 6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period 977,713,296.25 728,346,695.28 7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity 161 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2021 Unit: RMB 2021 Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent Other equity instruments Other Non-co Total Item Less: Retaine Share Capital compre Specific Surplus General ntrolling owners’ Prefer Perpe Treasur d Other Subtotal capital reserves hensive reserve reserves reserve interests equity red tual Other y stock earnings shares bonds income 858,1 71,38 1,154,0 5,346,8 7,687,5 8,091,6 1. Balances as at the 255,912 1,308,9 404,098 32,32 6,451. 17,457. 19,948. 77,590. 76,379. ,488.01 22.89 ,789.18 end of the prior year 2.00 81 79 22 72 90 Add: Adjustments for changed accounting policies Adjustments for corrections of previous errors Adjustments for business combinations under common control Other adjustments 858,1 71,38 1,154,0 5,346,8 7,687,5 8,091,6 2. Balances as at the 255,912 1,308,9 404,098 32,32 6,451. 17,457. 19,948. 77,590. 76,379. ,488.01 22.89 ,789.18 beginning of the year 2.00 81 79 22 72 90 162 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3. Increase/ decrease 24,20 -1,79 84,674, 78,908, -37,732, 61,106, 242,381 295,729 -20,286, 275,443 in the period (“-” for 8,973. 4.97 899.64 300.00 671.26 878.75 ,824.15 ,809.31 757.28 ,052.03 00 decrease) 3.1 Total -37,732, 347,609 309,877 -20,286, 289,590 comprehensive 671.26 ,693.30 ,022.04 757.28 ,264.76 income 3.2 Capital 24,20 -1,79 84,674, 78,908, 29,973, 29,973, increased and 8,973. 4.97 899.64 300.00 777.67 777.67 00 reduced by owners 3.2.1 Ordinary shares 24,20 55,949, 80,158, 80,158, increased by 8,973. 334.21 307.21 307.21 00 shareholders 3.2.2 Capital increased by holders 0.00 of other equity instruments 3.2.3 Share-based 28,325, 28,325, 28,325, payments included in 788.60 788.60 788.60 owners’ equity -1,79 399,776 78,908, -78,510, -78,510, 3.2.4 Other 4.97 .83 300.00 318.14 318.14 --105,22 3.3 Profit 61,106, -44,120, -44,120, 7,869.1 878.75 990.40 990.40 distribution 5 3.3.1 61,106, -61,106, 878.75 878.75 Appropriation to 163 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 surplus reserves 3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve 3.3.3 Appropriation to -44,120, -44,120, -44,120, 990.40 990.40 990.40 owners (or shareholders) 3.3.4 Other 3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity 3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves 3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves 3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves 3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit pension schemes transferred to retained 164 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 earnings 3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings 3.4.6 Other 3.5 Specific reserve 3.5.1 Increase in the period 3.5.2 Used in the period 3.6 Other 882,3 71,38 1,215,1 5,589,2 7,983,3 8,367,1 4. Balances as at the 340,587 78,908, -36,423, 383,812 41,29 4,656. 24,336. 01,772. 07,400. 19,431. ,387.65 300.00 748.37 ,031.90 end of the period 5.00 84 54 37 03 93 2020 Unit: RMB 2020 Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent Other equity instruments Item Other Non-cont Total Prefe Less: Retaine Share Perpe Capital compre Specific Surplus General rolling owners’ rred Treasur d Other Subtotal capital tual Other reserves hensive reserve reserves reserve interests equity share y stock earnings bonds income s 165 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 858,1 1,117,2 7,697,1 1. Balances as at the 258,046 91,626, 5,372,07 602,169, 8,299,304 21,54 67,351. 35,324. ,245.42 571.75 3,615.12 223.52 ,548.44 end of the prior year 1.00 63 92 Add: Adjustments for changed accounting policies Adjustments for corrections of previous errors Adjustments for business combinations under common control Other adjustments 858,1 1,117,2 7,697,1 2. Balances as at the 258,046 91,626, 5,372,07 602,169, 8,299,304 21,54 67,351. 35,324. ,245.42 571.75 3,615.12 223.52 ,548.44 beginning of the year 1.00 63 92 3. Increase/ decrease 71,38 10,78 -2,133,7 -90,317, 36,750, -25,253, -9,557,7 -198,070, -207,628, in the period (“-” for 6,451. 1.00 57.41 648.86 106.16 666.90 34.20 434.34 168.54 81 decrease) 3.1 Total -90,317, 97,308,5 6,990,9 -8,270,49 -1,279,54 comprehensive 648.86 93.36 44.50 2.07 7.57 income 3.2 Capital 71,38 10,78 -2,133,7 69,263, -74,628,2 -5,364,76 increased and 6,451. 1.00 57.41 475.40 39.47 4.07 81 reduced by owners 166 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.2.1 Ordinary shares 10,78 86,234. 97,015. 50,000,0 50,097,01 increased by 1.00 48 48 00.00 5.48 shareholders 3.2.2 Capital increased by holders 0.00 of other equity instruments 3.2.3 Share-based payments included in 0.00 owners’ equity 71,38 -2,219,9 69,166, -124,628, -55,461,7 3.2.4 Other 6,451. 91.89 459.92 239.47 79.55 81 3.3 Profit 36,750, -122,56 -85,812, -115,171, -200,983, 106.16 2,260.26 154.10 702.80 856.90 distribution 3.3.1 36,750, -36,750, Appropriation to 0.00 106.16 106.16 surplus reserves 3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve 3.3.3 Appropriation to -85,812, -85,812, -115,171, -200,983, 154.10 154.10 702.80 856.90 owners (or shareholders) 3.3.4 Other 167 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity 3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves 3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves 3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves 3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit pension schemes transferred to retained earnings 3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings 3.4.6 Other 3.5 Specific reserve 3.5.1 Increase in 168 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the period 3.5.2 Used in the period 3.6 Other 858,1 71,38 1,154,0 7,687,5 4. Balances as at the 255,912 1,308,9 5,346,81 404,098, 8,091,676 32,32 6,451. 17,457. 77,590. ,488.01 22.89 9,948.22 789.18 ,379.90 end of the period 2.00 81 79 72 8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent 2021 Unit: RMB 2021 Other equity instruments Other Less: Item Share Capital comprehen Specific Surplus Retained Total owners’ Preferre Perpetua Treasury Other capital Other reserves sive reserve reserves earnings equity d shares l bonds stock income 1. Balances as at the 858,132, 71,386,4 317,292,52 -424,313.3 1,150,908, 4,381,64 6,778,935,88 322.00 51.81 2.25 3 718.15 0,182.32 3.20 end of the prior year Add: Adjustments for changed accounting policies Adjustments for corrections of previous 169 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 errors Other adjustments 2. Balances as at the 858,132, 71,386,4 317,292,52 -424,313.3 1,150,908, 4,381,64 6,778,935,88 322.00 51.81 2.25 3 718.15 0,182.32 3.20 beginning of the year 3. Increase/ decrease in 24,208,9 -1,794.9 84,674,899 78,908,300 61,106,878 505,840, 597,052,307. the period (“-” for 130,733.09 73.00 7 .64 .00 .75 918.34 85 decrease) 3.1 Total 611,068, 611,199,520.5 comprehensive 130,733.09 787.49 8 income 3.2 Capital increased 24,208,9 -1,794.9 84,674,899 78,908,300 29,973,777.6 73.00 7 .64 .00 7 and reduced by owners 3.2.1 Ordinary shares 24,208,9 55,949,334 80,158,307.2 increased by 73.00 .21 1 shareholders 3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments 170 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.2.3 Share-based 28,325,788 28,325,788.6 payments included in .60 0 owners’ equity -1,794.9 78,908,300 -78,510,318.1 3.2.4 Other 399,776.83 7 .00 4 3.3 Profit 61,106,878 -105,227 -44,120,990.4 .75 ,869.15 0 distribution 3.3.1 61,106,878 -61,106, Appropriation to .75 878.75 surplus reserves 3.3.2 Appropriation to -44,120, -44,120,990.4 990.40 0 owners (or shareholders) 3.3.3 Other 3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity 3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves 171 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves 3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves 3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit pension schemes transferred to retained earnings 3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings 3.4.6 Other 3.5 Specific reserve 3.5.1 Increase in the period 3.5.2 Used in the period 3.6 Other 172 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 4. Balances as at the 882,341, 71,384,6 401,967,42 78,908,300 -293,580.2 1,212,015, 4,887,48 7,375,988,19 295.00 56.84 1.89 .00 4 596.90 1,100.66 1.05 end of the period 2020 Unit: RMB 2020 Other equity instruments Other Less: Item Share Capital comprehe Specific Surplus Retained Total owners’ Preferre Perpetu Treasury Other capital Other reserves nsive reserve reserves earnings equity d shares al bonds stock income 1. Balances as at the 858,121, 317,206,2 1,114,158 4,136,701,3 6,426,187,766. 541.00 32.47 ,611.99 81.01 47 end of the prior year Add: Adjustments for changed accounting policies Adjustments for corrections of previous errors Other adjustments 2. Balances as at the 858,121, 317,206,2 1,114,158 4,136,701,3 6,426,187,766. 541.00 32.47 ,611.99 81.01 47 beginning of the year 3. Increase/ decrease 10,781.0 71,386, -424,313. 36,750,10 244,938,801 in the period (“-” for 86,289.78 352,748,116.73 0 451.81 33 6.16 .31 decrease) 173 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.1 Total -424,313. 367,501,061 comprehensive 367,076,748.24 33 .57 income 3.2 Capital 10,781.0 71,386, increased and 86,289.78 71,483,522.59 0 451.81 reduced by owners 3.2.1 Ordinary shares 10,781.0 increased by 86,234.48 97,015.48 0 shareholders 3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments 3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity 71,386, 3.2.4 Other 55.30 71,386,507.11 451.81 3.3 Profit 36,750,10 -122,562,26 -85,812,154.10 6.16 0.26 distribution 3.3.1 36,750,10 -36,750,106. Appropriation to 6.16 16 surplus reserves 3.3.2 -85,812,154. Appropriation to -85,812,154.10 10 owners (or 174 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 shareholders) 3.3.3 Other 3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity 3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves 3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves 3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves 3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit pension schemes transferred to retained earnings 3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings 3.4.6 Other 3.5 Specific reserve 175 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3.5.1 Increase in the period 3.5.2 Used in the period 3.6 Other 4. Balances as at the 858,132, 71,386, 317,292,5 -424,313. 1,150,908 4,381,640,1 6,778,935,883. 322.00 451.81 22.25 33 ,718.15 82.32 20 end of the period 176 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 III Company Profile Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is a joint venture invested by Zibo Lucheng Textile Investment Co., Ltd (originally named Zibo Lucheng Textile Co., Ltd, hereinafter referred to as Lucheng Textile) and Thailand Tailun Textile Co., Ltd. On 3 February 1993, the Company is approved by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of the State (1993) in WJMZEHZ No. 59 to convert into a joint-stock enterprise. Zibo Administration for Industry and Commerce issued the Company corporate business license with the registration No. of QGLZZZ No. 000066. In July 1997, the Company is approved by the Securities Committee of the Department of the State in the ZWF (1997) No. 47 to issue 80 million shares of domestically listed foreign share( B-shares) at the price of RMB 1.00 per share. Upon approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (1997) 296 Listing Notice, the Company is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 19 August 1997 with B-shares stock code of 200726. On 24 November 2000, approved by ZJGSZ [2000] No.199 by CSRC, the Company increased publication of 50 million shares of general share (A-shares) at the book value of RMB 1.00, which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 25 December 2000 with A-shares stock code of 000726 through approval by Shenzhen Stock Exchange with No. (2000) 162 Listing Notice. As approved by 2000 Annual General Meeting in May 2001, the Company carried out the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are converted to 3 more shares for each 10 shares. As approved by Resolutions of 2001 Annual General Meeting in June 2002, the Company implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are converted 3 more shares for each 10 shares again. As approved by 2002 Annual General Meeting in May 2003, the Company implemented the distribution plan that 10 shares of capital public reserve are 2 more shares for each 10 shares, and inner employees’ shared increased to 40.56 million shares. As examined and approved by ZJGSZ No. [2000] 199 of CSRC, the inner employees’ shares will start circulation 3 years later since listing on the A-share market. On 25 December 2003, the inner employees’ shares reach 3 years since listing on the A-share stock market, and they set out circulation on 26 December 2003. As approved by the Annual General Meeting 2006 held in June 2007, the Company implemented the plan on converting 10 shares to all its shareholders with capital reserves for every 10 shares. After capitalization, the registered capital of the Company was RMB 844.8648 million. The Company, in accordance with the official reply on approving Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. to issue additional shares (ZJXK [2008] No. 890 document) from CSRC, issued the Renminbi common shares (A shares) amounting to 150 million shares on 8 December 2008. According to the relevant resolution of the 2nd Special Extraordinary General Meeting of 2011, the relevant resolution of the 15th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors, the Opinion of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan of Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (Shang-Shi-Bu-Han [2011] No. 206), the Company applied for a registered capital increment of RMB 14.09 million, which was contributed by restricted share incentive receivers with monetary funds. In accordance with the resolution of Proposal on Repurchasing and Canceling Partial Restricted Shares already Granted for the Original Incentive Targets not Reaching the Incentive Conditions made at the 23rd Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 13 August 2012, the 177 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Company canceling a total of 60,000.00 shares already granted for the original incentive targets not reaching the incentive conditions. According to the second temporary resolution of Proposal on counter purchase of part of the domestic listed foreign share (B share) on 25 June 2012, the Company counter purchase domestic listed foreign share (B share) 48,837,300 shares. According to the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Part of Unlocked Restricted Share of the Original Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition, Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel unlocked Restricted Share in Second Unlocked Period of all the Incentive Personnel reviewed and approved by the 26th Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors on 27 March 2013, the Company repurchase and cancel 4,257,000 shares owned by original people whom to motivate. According to the Proposal on Repurchase and Write-off of Partly of the Original Incentive Targets Not Met with the Incentive Conditions but Granted Restricted Shares approved on the 11th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors on 11 June 2014, to execute repurchase and write-off of the whole granted shares of 42,000 shares of the original incentive targets not met with the incentive targets of the Company. As per the Proposal on Buy-back of Some A- and B-shares considered and approved as a resolution at the 1st special meeting of shareholders on 5 August 2015, the Company repurchased 33,156,200 domestically listed foreign shares (B-shares). As per the Proposal on Buy-back of Some B-shares considered and approved as a resolution at the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting on 23 March 2018, the Company repurchased 64,480,800 domestically listed foreign shares (B-shares). There were 10,800 shares of the Company which were converted from the convertible bonds in 2020. In line with the resolution of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 13 May 2021 and the resolution of the 24th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 17 May 2021, the Company implemented the restricted share incentive scheme and applied for a registered capital increment of RMB24,285,000 which was contributed by restricted share incentive receivers with monetary funds. In conformity with the resolution of the 26th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company on 26 August 2021, the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition, the Company applied for a registered capital decrease of RMB80,000. There were 4,000 shares of the Company which were converted from the convertible bonds in 2021. As of 31 December 2021, the registered capital of the Company was RMB882.3413 million. The Company’s registered address: No. 61, Luthai Avenue, Hi-tech Development Zone, Zibo, Shandong The Company’s unified social credit code: 91370300613281175K The Company’s legal representative: Liu Zibin The Company establishes the corporate governance structure consisting of the shareholders meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee. At present, the Company has set up various departments including the Yarn-dyed Fabric Product Line, Garment Product Line, the Clothing Marketing Department, the Global Marketing Department, the Supply Chain Department, Lu Thai Engineering Technology Institute, the Enterprise Management Department, the Financial Management Department and the Strategy and Market Department etc. The scope of business of the Company and its subsidiaries shall include general projects: Fabric textile processing; fabric printing and dyeing processing; garment manufacturing; the sales of textiles and raw materials; clothing wholesale; clothing retail; Internet 178 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 sales (except for the sale of goods requiring a license); the production of Class I medical devices; the production of routine masks (non-medical); the production of labour protection appliances; software development; technical services, development of technology, technology consulting, technical exchange, technology transfer and technology promotion; the sales of textile special equipment; the sales of mechanical and electrical equipment; the procurement of primary agricultural products; business training (trainings that require approval such as educational training and vocational skill training exclusive); housing lease; the lease of non-residential real estate; the lease of land usage right; the sales of special chemical products (dangerous chemicals exclusive); and the sales of building materials. It shall also include licensed projects (business activities can be carried out legally and independently with business license in addition to projects that must be approved by law): Inspection and testing service; catering service; power generation business, power transmission business, and power supply (distribution) business. (For projects that must be approved by law, the business activities can only be carried out upon approval by the relevant departments, and the specific business projects shall be subject to the approval document or license of relevant departments) The Company’s financial statements and Notes thereof have been approved by the 32 nd Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors held on 27 April 2022. There were 19 subsidiaries included into the consolidation scope of the Company in 2021, and for the details, please refer to Note VIII. “Changes of Consolidation Scope” and Notes IX. “Equities among Other Entities”. IV Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements 1. Preparation Basis This financial statement is prepared in accordance with the accounting standards for business enterprises, and the application guide, interpretation and other relevant regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance. In addition, the Company also disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with the Regulations on Information Disclosure and Compilation for Companies Public Offering Securities No. 15-General Provisions on Financial Report (revised in 2014) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. The Company's accounting is based on the accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments, this financial statement is measured on the basis of historical cost. If the asset is impaired, the corresponding impairment provision shall be made in accordance with relevant regulations. 2. Going-concern The financial statements are presented on the basis of continuing operations. V Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates indicators: The Company determines income recognition policy according to its production and operation characteristics, and the specific accounting policies are shown in Note V (27). 1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the consolidated, and the Company’s financial positions as at 31 December 2021, business results and cash flows for 2021, and other relevant information. 179 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2. Fiscal Year The Company’s fiscal year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December of every year according to the Gregorian calendar. 3. Operating Cycle The Company regards 12 months as an operating cycle. 4. Recording Currency The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as the recording currency. The Company’s overseas subsidiaries confirm to adopt HK Dollar and US Dollar as the recording currency according their major economic environment of the operating. When preparing the financial statements for the Reporting Period, the Company adopted RMB as the recording currency. 5. Accounting Treatment for Business Combinations under the Common Control and Not under the Common Control (1) Business combinations under the same control For business combinations under the same control, the assets and liabilities of the merged party acquired by the merger party in the merger, except for adjustments due to different accounting policies, shall be measured at the carrying value of the merged party in the consolidated financial statement of the final controller on the combination date. As for the difference between the carrying value of the merger consideration and carrying value of the net assets obtained in the merger, the capital reserve (capital stock premium) shall be adjusted, and if the capital reserve (capital stock premium) is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. Realize business combination under the same control in steps by transaction several times In specific financial statements, the share of book value of the net assets of the combined party that shall be enjoyed in the combined financial statements of the final control party on the combination date as calculated according to the shareholding ratio of the combination date is regarded as the initial investment cost of the investment; the difference between the initial investment cost and the sum of book value of investment held before combination plus the book value of the consideration newly paid on the combination date is used for adjusting the capital reserve (capital stock premium), and if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. In the combined financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the combined party acquired by the combining party in the combination, except for adjustments due to different accounting policies, shall be measured at the book value of the combined party in the consolidated financial statement of the final controller on the combination date; the difference between the sum of the book value of investment held before combination plus the book value newly paid on the combination date, and the book value of the net assets acquired in combination, is used for adjusting the capital reserve (capital stock premium), and if the capital reserve (capital stock premium) is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The long-term equity investment held by the combining party before acquiring the control right of the combined party, if relevant gains and losses, other comprehensive revenues and changes in other owner’s equity have been confirmed from the date of acquiring equity and the date when the combining party and the combined party under the final control of the same party, whichever is later, to the combination date, shall offset the retained earnings at the beginning or current profits and losses in the period of comparing statements. (2) Business combinations not under the same control For a business combination not under the same control, the cost of the combination is the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed, and the fair value of the equity securities issued on the acquisition date to obtain control over the purchased party. On the purchase date, the acquired assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the purchased party are recognized at fair value. The difference between the merger cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquired party acquired in the merger 180 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (the former is greater than the latter) is recognized as goodwill, and subsequent measurement is made based on the cost deducting the accumulated impairment provision; the difference between the merger cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquired party acquired in the merger (the former is less than the latter) shall be recorded into the current profit or loss after the recheck. Achieve business combination not under the same control step by step through multiple transactions In specific financial statements, the sum of book value of the acquired party's equity investment held before the purchase date and the investment cost newly paid on the purchase date is regarded as the initial investment cost of the investment. The other comprehensive income recognized by using the equity method of accounting of the equity investment held before the purchase date, is not disposed on the purchase date, and the same basis as the direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities of the investee is used to conduct accounting treatment when disposing the investment; the owner's equity recognized as a result of the changes of the other owner's equity except for the net profit and loss of the investee, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to the current profit and loss during the disposal period when disposing the investment. If the equity investment held before the purchase date is measured at fair value, the accumulative changes in fair value originally included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to retained earnings when accounting by cost method. In consolidated financial statements, the cost of consolidation is the sum of the consideration paid at the purchase date and the fair value at the purchase date of the equity already held by the acquired party before the purchase date. For equity of the acquired party that is already held before the purchase date, it shall be re-measured according to the fair value of the equity on the purchase date, and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current income. If the equity of the acquired party held before the purchase date involves other comprehensive income and the changes of other owner's equity, it shall be transferred to current income on the purchase date, except for other comprehensive income caused by changes in net liabilities or net assets of the income plan remeasured and reset by the investee. (3) Treatment of transaction costs in business combinations Intermediary expenses such as auditing, legal services, evaluation and consulting and other related management expenses incurred for the business combination shall be included in the current profit and loss when incurred. The transaction costs of equity securities or debt securities issued as the merger consideration shall be included in the initial recognition amount of equity securities or debt securities. 6. Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements (1) Consolidation scope The consolidation scope of the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. Control means that the Company has the power over the invested unit, enjoys variable returns by participating in the related activities of the invested unit, and has the ability to use the power over the invested unit to influence the amount of its return. Subsidiaries refer to the entities controlled by the Company (including enterprises, divisible parts of invested entities, structured entities, etc.). (2) Preparation method of consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and other relevant materials. When preparing the consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and accounting fiscal of the Company and those of subsidiaries shall be consistent and the large transactions and intercourse balance among companies shall be offset. Subsidiaries and businesses increased due to business combinations under the same control during the Reporting Period shall be included into the Company’s combination scope since the date when they are jointly controlled by the final controller, and the operating result and cash flow since then shall be respectively included into the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement. As for subsidiaries and businesses increase due to business combinations not under the same control during the Reporting Period, the revenue, expenses and profit or those subsidiaries and businesses from the purchase date to the end of the Reporting Period shall be included into the consolidated income statement and the cash flow thereof shall be 181 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 included into the consolidated cash flow statement. The share of shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries not belonging to the Company shall be regarded as the minority interests and separately listed under the item of shareholders’ equity in the consolidated balance sheet. The share of current portion of net profit or loss in subsidiaries belonging to minority interests shall presented as the item of minority interests under the item of net profit in the consolidated income statement. The difference between the losses of subsidiaries born by not-controlling shareholders and the share of the company’s owners’ equity at the period-beginning the not-controlling shareholders enjoy (the former is larger than the latter) shall be offset the minority interests. (3) Purchase of minority shareholders' equity of subsidiaries As for the difference between the cost of a long-term equity investment newly acquired due to the purchase of the minority shares and the share of net assets of the subsidiary continuously accounted from the purchase date or combination date the Company shall enjoy based on the new shareholding ratio and the difference between the disposal price of partial equity investments in the subsidiary under the premise of remaining the control power and the share of net assets of the subsidiary continuously accounted from the purchase date or combination date the Company shall enjoy and corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investments, the capital reserve (capital stock premium) in the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted and when the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. (4) Treatment of loss of control over subsidiaries If the control over the original subsidiary is lost due to the disposal of partial equity investments or other reasons, the residual equity shall be remeasured at the fair value on the date of losing the control power; the balance of the sum of the consideration obtained from equity disposal and the fair value of residual equity after deducting the sum of the share of the carrying value of net assets in the original subsidiary continuously accounted from the purchase date the Company shall enjoy based on the original shareholding ratio and the goodwill shall be recorded into the investment income of the period when the control power is lost. The other comprehensive income related to the equity investments in the original subsidiary shall be transferred to the current profit or loss when the control power is lost except for the other comprehensive income arising from changes in net liabilities or net assets due to the remeasurement of defined benefit plan by the investee. 7. Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations Joint arrangement refers to an arrangement under the joint control of two or more participants. The Company's joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. (1) Joint operations A joint operation refers to a joint arrangement whereby the Company enjoys relevant assets of the arrangement, and assumes obligations relevant liabilities of the arrangement. The Company recognizes the following items related to the interest share in joint operation, and conducts accounting treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises: A. It recognizes separately held assets and jointly held assets according to the proportion; B. It recognizes separately assumed liabilities and jointly assumed liabilities according to the proportion; C. Income from the sale of the proportion of joint operation output is recognized; D. Income from the sale of the joint operation output is recognized according to the proportion. E. While the separately incurred fee is recognized, the incurred fee for joint operation is recognized according to the proportion. (2) Joint ventures A joint venture refers to a joint arrangement whereby the Company enjoys the right of the net assets of the arrangement only. Accounting treatment of the investment of a joint venture is conducted by the Company in line with the provisions of relevant equity method of accounting for long-term equity investment. 182 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 8. Confirmation Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalent The term “cash” refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. Cash equivalents refer to investments held by the Company that are short-term, highly liquid, easily convertible into known amounts of cash, and have little risk of change in value. 9. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements (1) Foreign currency business The Company's foreign currency business is translated into the amount of the recording currency at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or the previous balance sheet date is included in the current profit and loss; for foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost, the translation adopts the spot exchange rate on the day the transaction occurs; for foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value, the translation adopts the spot exchange rate on the day when the fair value is confirmed, and the difference between the amount of recording currency and the amount of original recording currency shall be included into the current profit or loss or other comprehensive income based on the nature of non-monetary items. (2) Conversion of foreign currency financial statements When converting the foreign currency financial statements of overseas subsidiaries on the balance sheet date, the assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Other items of shareholders' equity except for "undistributed profits" shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the occurrence date. Income and expense items in the income statement shall be converted using the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. All items in the cash flow statement are converted according to the spot exchange rate on the occurrence date of cash flow. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash is taken as a reconciling item, and the item "impact of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents" is separately listed in the cash flow statement to reflect. The difference arising from the conversion of financial statements is reflected in the "other comprehensive income" under the shareholders' equity in the balance sheet. When disposing of the overseas operation and losing control rights, the foreign currency statement conversion difference related to the overseas operation shown under the shareholders' equity in the balance sheet shall be transferred to current profit and loss of disposal in whole or in proportion to the disposal of overseas operation. 10. Financial Instruments Financial instruments refer to contracts that form one party’s financial assets and form other parties’ financial liabilities or equity instruments. (1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes a party of the relevant financial instrument contract. Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are terminated; ② The said financial asset has been transferred and meet the following derecognition conditions for transfer of financial assets. Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company (debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it terminates the recognition of the existing financial 183 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 liability, and at the same time recognizes the new financial liability. The purchase and sale of financial assets under the normal ways shall be recognized and stopped to be recognized respectively at the price of transaction date. (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets The Company classifies financial assets into the following three categories according to the business mode of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets upon initial recognition: financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, and financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss. Financial assets measured at amortized cost The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss as financial assets measured at amortized cost: The Company's business model for managing this financial asset is aimed at collecting contractual cash flow; The contractual terms of this financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on the specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the principal amount outstanding. Such financial assets are measured in amortized cost by the effective interest method after initial recognition. Gains or losses arising from financial assets measured in amortized cost that are not part of any hedging relationship are included in current profit and loss when derecognition, amortization according to the effective interest method, or impairment is recognized. Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income: The Company's business model for managing this financial asset is aimed at both collecting the contractual cash flow and selling this financial asset; The contractual terms of this financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on the specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the principal amount outstanding. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value after initial recognition. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains and losses calculated by the effective interest method are included in current profit and loss, while other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income. When the financial asset is derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income are transferred out and included in current profit and loss. Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss Except for the above financial assets measured at amortized cost and at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profit and loss. Upon initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Company irrevocably designates some financial assets that should have been measured at amortized cost or at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value after initial recognition, and the resulting gains or losses (including interest and dividend income) are included in current profit and loss unless the financial assets are part of the hedging relationship. The business model of managing financial assets refers to how the Company manages financial assets to generate cash flow. The business model determines whether the cash flow of the financial assets managed by the Company comes from the collection of contractual cash flow, the sale of financial assets or both. The Company determines the business model for managing financial assets on the basis of objective facts and specific business objectives decided by key management personnel to manage financial assets. The Company evaluates the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets to determine whether the contractual cash flow generated by the relevant financial assets on the specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the principal 184 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 amount outstanding. Among them, the principal refers to the fair value of financial assets upon initial recognition; interest includes consideration for the time value of money, credit risks related to the principal amount outstanding in the specific period, and other basic lending risks, costs and profits. In addition, the Company evaluates the contract terms that may lead to changes in the time distribution or amount of contractual cash flow of financial assets to determine whether they meet the requirements of the above-mentioned contractual cash flow characteristics. Only when the Company changes the business mode of managing financial assets will all affected related financial assets be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after business model changes, otherwise financial assets cannot be reclassified after initial recognition. Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss, relevant transaction expenses are directly included in current profit and loss; for other types of financial assets, relevant transaction expenses are included in the initial recognition amount. For accounts receivable arising from the sale of products or the provision of labor services, which do not include or do not consider significant financing components, the amount of consideration the Company is expected to be entitled to receive is taken as the initial recognition amount. (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities The Company's financial liabilities are classified upon initial recognition as: financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss, and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. For financial liabilities that are not classified as measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss, relevant transaction costs are included in the initial recognition amount. Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss include transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value upon initial recognition and whose changes are included in current profit and loss. Subsequent measurement shall be carried out according to fair value for such financial liabilities. Gains or losses resulting from changes in fair value and dividends and interest expenses related to such financial liabilities shall be included in current profit and loss. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost by using the effective interest method. Gains or losses resulting from derecognition or amortization are included in current profit and loss. Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments Financial liabilities refer to liabilities that meet one of the following conditions: ① The contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets to other parties. ② The contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with other parties under potentially unfavorable conditions. ③ Non-derivative contracts that must be or can be settled with the enterprise's own equity instruments in the future, and the enterprise will deliver a variable number of its own equity instruments according to the contract. ④ Derivative contracts that must be or can be settled with the enterprise's own equity instruments in the future, except derivatives contracts that exchange a fixed amount of cash or other financial assets with a fixed amount of its own equity instruments. Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove that an enterprise has the residual equity in its assets after deducting all liabilities. If the Company cannot unconditionally avoid performing a contractual obligation by delivering cash or other financial assets, the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liability. If a financial instrument must be or can be settled with the Company's own equity instruments, it is necessary to consider whether the Company's own equity instruments used to settle the instrument are used as substitutes for cash or other financial assets or to enable the holder of this instrument to enjoy the residual equity in the assets after deducting all liabilities from the issuer. If it is the former, this instrument is the Company's financial liability; if the latter is the case, this instrument is the Company's equity instrument. (4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivatives 185 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The Company's derivative financial instruments include forward foreign exchange contracts. Initially, the fair value on the date when the derivative transaction contract is signed shall be used for measurement, and the fair value shall be used for subsequent measurement. Derivative financial instruments with positive fair value are recognized as an asset, while those with negative fair value are indeed recognized as a liability. Any gains or losses arising from changes in fair value that do not conform to the provisions of hedge accounting are directly included in current profit and loss. For hybrid instruments containing embedded derivatives, such as the main contract is a financial asset, the relevant provisions on classification of financial assets shall apply to the hybrid instruments as a whole. If the main contract is not a financial asset, and the hybrid instrument is not measured at fair value and its changes are included in current profit and loss for accounting treatment, the embedded derivative instrument has no close relationship with the main contract in terms of economic characteristics and risks, and has the same conditions as the embedded derivative instrument, and the separate existing instrument meets the definition of derivative instrument, the embedded derivative instrument shall be separated from the hybrid instrument and treated as a separate derivative financial instrument. If it is not possible to separately measure embedded derivative instruments at the time of acquisition or the subsequent balance sheet date, the hybrid instruments as a whole are designated as financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value and their changes are included in current profit and loss. (5) Fair value of financial instruments See Note V(11) for the method of determining the fair value of financial assets and liabilities. (6) Impairment of financial assets The Company conducts impairment accounting treatment for the following items and confirms the loss provision based on the expected credit losses: Financial assets measured at amortized cost; Receivables and creditors' investments measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income; Contract assets defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14-Revenue; Lease receivables; Financial guarantee contracts (except those that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss, the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for derecognition or continue to involve in the transferred financial assets). Measurement of expected credit loss Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate and receivable according to the contract and all cash flows expected to be collected of the Company, i.e. the present value of all cash shortfalls. Considering the reasonable and reliable information about past events, current situation and the forecast of future economic situation, the company takes the risk of default as the weight, calculates the probability weighted amount of the present value of the difference between the cash flow receivable from the contract and the cash flow expected to be received, and confirms the expected credit loss. The Company separately measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different stages. If the credit risk of financial instruments has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, it is in the first stage. The Company measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months; if the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since its initial recognition but no credit impairment has occurred, it is in the second stage. The Company measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss during the whole duration of this instrument; if the financial instrument has suffered credit impairment since its initial recognition, it is in the third stage. The Company measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss during the whole duration of this instrument. For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that their credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months. The expected credit loss during the whole duration refers to the expected credit loss caused by all possible default events during the whole expected duration of financial instruments. The expected credit loss in the next 12 months refers to the expected credit loss 186 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 caused by the possible default events of financial instruments within 12 months (or the expected duration if the expected duration of financial instruments is less than 12 months) after the balance sheet date, which is part of the expected credit loss in the whole duration. When measuring the expected credit loss, the longest term that the Company needs to consider is the longest contract term that the enterprise faces credit risk (including the option to renew the contract). The Company calculates interest income based on the book balance before deducting impairment provisions and the effective interest rate for financial instruments in the first and second stages and with low credit risk. The interest income shall be calculated according to their book balance minus the amortized cost after impairment provision and the effective interest rate for financial instruments in the third stage. Notes receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets The Company always measures its loss reserves at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the entire duration for notes receivable, contract assets and accounts receivable, regardless of whether there is any significant financing component. If a single financial asset cannot be used to evaluate the expected credit loss information at a reasonable cost, the Company will divide the notes receivable and accounts receivable into portfolio on the basis of the credit risk features, and calculate the expected credit loss based on the portfolio. The basis for determining the portfolio is as follows: A. Notes receivable Notes receivable portfolio 1: bank acceptance bills and L/C Notes receivable portfolio 2: commercial acceptance bills B. Accounts receivable Accounts receivable portfolio 1: payment not overdue (with credit insurance) Accounts receivable portfolio 2: payment not overdue (without credit insurance) Accounts receivable portfolio 3: payment overdue (with credit insurance) Accounts receivable portfolio 4: payment overdue (without credit insurance) C. Contract assets Contract assets portfolio 1: product sales Contract assets portfolio 2: engineering construction For notes receivable and contract assets divided into portfolios, with reference to historical credit loss experience, combined with current conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, the Company has calculated expected credit losses through default risk exposure and expected credit loss rate for the entire duration. For accounts receivable divided into portfolios, with reference to historical credit loss experience, combined with current conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, the Company has prepared a comparison table between the number of aging/overdue days of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate over the entire duration, and has calculated the expected credit loss. Other receivables The Company divides other receivables into several portfolios based on the features of credit risk, and calculates the expected credit losses on the basis of the combination. The basis for determining the portfolio is as follows: Other receivables portfolio 1: Receivables from related parties within the scope of consolidation Other receivables portfolio 2: Tax refund receivable Other receivables portfolio 3: Deposit receivable and security deposit Other receivables portfolio 4: other receivables For other receivables that are divided into portfolios, the Company calculates the expected credit loss with the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration. Creditors' investment and other creditors' investment For creditors' investment and other creditors' investment, the Company calculates the expected credit based on the nature of the investment, as well as kinds of types of counterparties and risk exposures, the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate 187 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 within the next 12 months or the entire duration loss. Assessment on significant increase of credit risk In order to determine the relative changes in the default risk of financial instruments during their expected life and to assess whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company compares the default risk of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the default risk on the initial recognition date. When determining whether the credit risk has risen greatly since the initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and reliable information (forward-looking information inclusive) that can be obtained without unnecessary extra costs or efforts. The information the Company considers shall include: The debtor fails to pay the principal and interest according to the contract expiration date; The external or internal credit ratings (if any) of financial instruments, which have occurred or are expected, deteriorate significantly; The debtor’s operating results, which have occurred or are expected, deteriorate significantly; Existing or expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment will lead to a great adverse effect on the debtor's ability to repay the Company. Based on the nature of financial instruments, the Company assesses whether there is great risk in credit risk on the basis of individual financial instruments or financial instrument portfolios. During assessment based on financial instrument portfolios, the Company can divide financial instruments on the basis of common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue information and credit risk ratings. In case that the period overdue exceeds 30 days, the Company determines that there is a significant increase in the credit risk of financial instruments. Financial assets with depreciation of credit The Company assesses, on the balance sheet date, whether there is any credit impairment to financial assets measured at amortized cost and creditors' investment measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income. In case of one or more events that adversely affect the expected future cash flow of a financial asset occur, the financial asset will become financial assets with depreciation of credit. The observable information below can be treated as evidence for credit impairment to financial assets: The issuer or debtor is caught in a serious financial difficulty; The debtor breaches the agreement of contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal, or other default; Due to economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor's financial difficulties, the Company gives concessions to the debtor; and the concessions will not be made under any other circumstances; There lies a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial restructuring for the debtor; The issuer or debtor is caught in financial difficulties, which leads to the disappearance of the active market of the financial asset; Presentation of expected credit loss provision The Company remeasures expected credit losses on each balance sheet date to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since initial recognition; the increase or reversal amount of the loss reserve formed there from shall be included in the current profit and loss as impairment losses or gains. For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the loss allowance offsets the carrying amount of the financial asset listed in the balance sheet; for creditors’ investment that are measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes its loss reserve in other comprehensive income and will not offset the carrying amount of the financial asset. Write-offs In case that the Company fails to reasonably expect the contract cash flow of the financial asset to be recovered in a full or partial scale, the book balance of the financial asset will be written off directly. Such write-downs may constitute the derecognition for related financial assets. This situation occurs frequently when the Company determines that the debtor does not have any assets or any source of income to generate sufficient cash flow to repay the amount that will be written off. However, in accordance with the procedures for recovering due payments of the Company, the written-off financial assets may still be affected by the execution activities. In case that the financial asset written off is recovered later, it shall be included in the current profit and loss as the reversal of the impairment loss. 188 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (7) Transfer of financial assets The transfer of financial assets refers to the transfer or delivery of financial assets to another party (transferee) other than the issuer of the financial asset. If the Company has transferred almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of financial assets to the transferee, derecognize the financial asset; if it retains almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of financial assets, the financial asset will not be derecognized. If the Company has neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of financial assets, it shall be dealt with in the following situations: if the control of the financial asset is abandoned, the confirmation of the financial asset shall be terminated and the generated assets and liabilities shall be confirmed; If the financial assets are controlled, the relevant financial assets shall be recognized according to the extent of their continued involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly. (8) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities When the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not be offset. 11. Measurement of Fair Value Fair value refers to the price that market participants can receive from sales of a asset or shall pay for transfer of a liability in the orderly transaction that occurs on the measurement date. The Company measures related assets or liabilities at fair value, assuming that the orderly transaction of selling assets or transferring liabilities is conducted in the main market of related assets or liabilities; if there is no main market, the Company assumes that the transaction is conducted in the most beneficial market. The main market (or the most favorable market) is the trading market that the Company can enter on the measurement date. The Company uses the assumptions used by market participants to maximize their economic benefits when pricing the asset or liability. For financial assets or financial liabilities with active markets, the Company uses the quotation in active markets to determine its fair value. If there is no active market for financial instruments, the Company uses valuation techniques to determine its fair value. When measuring non-financial assets at fair value, the ability of market participants to best use the asset for generating economic benefits, or the ability to sell the asset to other market participants that can best use the asset to generate economic benefits shall be considered. The Company adopts valuation techniques that are applicable in the current situation and have sufficient available data and other information to support it. Priority is given to using relevant observable input values. Only when observable input values are unavailable or are not feasible to obtain, the unobservable input values can be used. For assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements, the fair value hierarchy to which they belong is determined based on the lowest level input value that is important to the fair value measurement as a whole: the first level input value is the unadjusted quotation of the same assets or liabilities able to be obtained in an active market on the measurement date; the second level input value is the directly or indirectly observable input value of the relevant asset or liability except the first level input value; the third level input value is unobservable input value of related assets or liabilities. On each balance sheet date, the Company reassessed the assets and liabilities continuously measured at fair value confirmed in the financial statements to determine whether there is a transition among levels of fair value measurement. 12. Inventory (1) Classification 189 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Inventories mainly include raw materials, work-in-progress, stock products, materials processed on entrustment and etc. (2) Valuation method of inventories acquiring and issuing Inventories shall be measured at actual cost when acquired, and the cost of the inventories including the procurement cost, processing cost and other costs. Grey yarn, dyed yarn, and plus material shall be measured at first-in first-out method when acquired and delivered; other inventories shall be measured as per the weighted average method (3) Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value of inventories Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purpose of holding inventories and effect of post balance sheet events. At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. If the net realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of inventories is made. The provision for inventories decline in value is determined by the difference of the cost of individual item less its realizable value. After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss for the period. (4) The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system. (5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles For the Low-value consumption goods and the packing articles should be amortized by one-off amortization method when consuming. 13. Contract Costs Contract cost includes the incremental cost incurred for acquiring contract and contract performance cost. The incremental cost incurred for acquiring contract refers to the cost that will not occur if the Company has not acquired contract (for example, sales commission). If the cost is expected to be recovered, the Company regards it as contract acquiring cost and confirms it as an asset. The expenses incurred by the Company for acquiring contract, other than the incremental cost expected to be recovered, are included in the current profits and losses at the time of occurrence. If the cost incurred for performance of contract does not belong to inventory and other scope of other corporate accounting standards and meets the following conditions, the Company will regard it as contract performance cost and confirm it as an asset: ①The cost is directly related to a copy of contract currently acquired or expected to be acquired, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacture expenses (or similar expenses), cost determined to be undertaken by the customer and other cost incurred due to the contract; ②The cost increases the resources of the Company that will be used for performance of contract obligations in the future; ③The cost is expected to be recovered. The assets confirmed by the contract acquiring cost and the assets confirmed by the contract performance cost (“assets related to contract cost”) are amortized according to the same basis as confirmation of goods or service income related to the asset and are included in the current profits and losses. If the amortization term does not exceed one year, it will be included in the current profits and losses at the time of occurrence. When the book value of an asset related to contract cost is higher than the difference between the following two items, the Company accrues provision for impairment to the excessive part and confirms it as impairment loss: ①The remaining consideration that the Company expects to acquire from transfer of goods or services related to the asset; ②The cost that will occur for transfer of such related goods or services as estimated. The contract performance cost confirmed as asset, if amortization term does not exceed one year or a normal business cycle at the time of initial confirmation, is listed in the item of “inventory”; if amortization term exceeds one year or a normal business cycle at the time 190 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 of initial confirmation, is listed in the item of “other non-current assets”. The contract acquiring cost that is confirmed as asset, if amortization term does not exceed one year or a normal business cycle at the time of initial confirmation, is listed in the item of “other current assets”; if amortization term exceeds one year or a normal business cycle at the time of initial confirmation, is listed in the item of “other non-current assets”. 14. Long-term Equity Investments Long-term equity investments include equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated enterprises. The investee that the Company is able to exert significant influence is an associated enterprise of the Company. (1) Determination of initial investment cost Long-term equity investment that forms a business combination: Long-term equity investment obtained by business combination under the same control, on the merger date, based on the book value share of the merged party’s owners’ equity in the final controller’s consolidated financial statements as investment cost; The long-term equity investment acquired by a business combination shall be the investment cost of the long-term equity investment according to the cost of the combination. For long-term equity investments obtained by other means: the long-term equity investment obtained by paying cash shall be the initial investment cost according to the actual purchase price; the long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities shall be the initial investment cost of the fair value of the equity securities issued. (2) Subsequent measurement and profit and loss confirmation method Investment in subsidiaries is accounted for using the cost method unless the investment meets the conditions for holding for sale; investment in associates and joint ventures is accounted for using the equity method. For long-term equity investments that are accounted for using the cost method, in addition to the cash dividends or profits that have been declared but not yet included in the actual payment or consideration included in the investment, the cash dividends or profits declared by the invested entity are recognized as investment income and recorded into the current profit and loss. For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost is greater than the fair value share of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of investment, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is not adjusted; when the initial investment cost is less than the investment, the investee ’s If the fair value share of net assets is identified, the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted, and the difference is included in the current profit and loss of the investment. When using the equity method of accounting, the investment income and other comprehensive income are recognized separately according to the share of net profit and loss and other comprehensive income realized by the invested unit that should be enjoyed or shared, and the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted at the same time; The distribution of profits or cash dividends should be calculated to reduce the book value of long-term equity investment; the investee's other changes in owner's equity other than net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, adjust the book value of long-term equity investment and Included in capital reserves (other capital reserves). When confirming the share of the investee’s net profit or loss, based on the fair value of the investee’s identifiable assets at the time of investment, and in accordance with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period, the net profit of the investee Confirm after making adjustments. If the additional investment and other reasons can exert significant influence on the investee or exercise joint control but do not constitute control, on the conversion date, the sum of the fair value of the original equity plus the additional investment cost will be used as the initial accounting for the equity method cost of investment. If the original equity is classified as non-trading equity instrument investment measured at fair value whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the relevant original and accumulative changes in fair value included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to retained earnings when accounting by equity method. If the joint control or significant influence on the invested unit is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, etc., the remaining equity after the disposal shall be changed to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition and 191 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Measurement of Financial Instruments is performed, and the difference between fair value and book value is included in the current profit and loss. Other comprehensive income recognized by the original equity investment due to the equity method of accounting shall be accounted for on the same basis as the investee’s direct disposal of related assets or liabilities when the equity method of accounting is terminated; changes in other owners ’equity related to the original equity investment Transfer to current profit and loss. If the control of the invested unit is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, if the remaining equity after the disposal can exercise joint control or exert significant influence on the invested unit, the equity method is used for accounting and the remaining equity is treated as When acquiring, the equity method is adopted for adjustment; if the remaining equity after disposal cannot exercise joint control or exert significant influence on the investee, the accounting shall be changed according to the relevant provisions of "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments The difference between the fair value and the book value on the date of loss of control is included in the current profit and loss. If the shareholding ratio of the company decreases due to the capital increase of other investors, thereby losing control but being able to exercise joint control or exert significant influence on the investee, the new shareholding ratio shall be used to confirm that the company should enjoy the capital increase of the investee. The difference between the increase in share and the increase in the share of net assets and the original book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the decrease in the proportion of the shareholding that should be carried forward are included in the current profit and loss; That is, adjustments are made using the equity method of accounting. The unrealized internal transaction gains and losses that occur between the Company and associates and joint ventures are calculated according to the shareholding ratio and are attributed to the Company, and the investment gains and losses are recognized on the basis of offset. However, the unrealized internal transaction losses incurred by the Company and the investee are the impairment losses of the transferred assets and shall not be offset. (3) Determine the basis for joint control and significant influence on the invested unit Joint control refers to the common control of an arrangement in accordance with the relevant agreement, and related activities of the arrangement must be agreed upon by the parties sharing control rights before they can make decisions. When judging whether there is joint control, first determine whether all participants or a combination of participants collectively control the arrangement, and secondly determine whether the decision-making related activities of the arrangement must be unanimously agreed by the participants who collectively control the arrangement. If all participants or a Company of participants must act in concert to determine the relevant activities of an arrangement, it is considered that all participants or a Company of participants collectively control the arrangement; if there is a combination of two or more participants can collectively Controlling an arrangement does not constitute joint control. When judging whether there is joint control, the protective rights enjoyed are not considered. Significant influence means that the investor has the right to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operating policies of the invested unit, but cannot control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties. When determining whether it can exert significant influence on the invested unit, consider that the investor directly or indirectly holds the voting shares of the invested unit and the current executable potential voting rights held by the investor and other parties are assumed to be converted into the invested unit After the equity of the company, the impact includes the current convertible warrants, stock options and convertible corporate bonds issued by the investee. When the Company directly or indirectly owns more than 20% (including 20%) but less than 50% of the voting shares of the invested unit, it is generally considered to have a significant impact on the invested unit, unless there is clear evidence that such circumstances cannot participate in the production and operation decisions of the invested unit, and does not have a significant impact; when the Company owns less than 20% (excluding) voting rights of the invested unit, it generally does not consider it to have a significant impact on the invested unit unless there is clear evidence that Under these circumstances, it can participate in the production and operation decisions of the invested unit and have a significant impact. (4) Impairment test method and impairment provision method For the investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the method of accruing asset impairment is shown in the Note V-22. 192 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 15. Investment Property Measurement model of investment real estate Costing method measurement Depreciation or amortization method The investment real estate refers to the real estate gaining the rent or capital appreciation or both. It includes rented land use right, holding land use right to be transferred after the appreciation and rented building, etc. The investment real estate is measured initially according to the cost and withdrawn depreciation or amortization as regulations of fixed assets or intangible assets. The Company adopts the cost mode to conduct the subsequent measurement on the investment real estate, see the Note V-22 for the method of withdrawing asset impairment provision. The difference between the disposal income of investment real estate sales, transfer, scrap or damage after deducting its book value and related taxes is included in the current profit and loss. 16. Fixed Assets (1) Conditions for Recognition The term “fixed assets” refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: (a) they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and (b) their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year. The fixed assets are only recognized when the relevant economic benefits probably flow in the Company and its cost could be reliable measured. The fixed assets of the Company are initially measured at the actual cost at the time of acquisition. The subsequent expenditures related to the fixed assets shall be included in the cost of the fixed assets when the economic benefits related to the fixed assets are likely to flow into the Company and the costs can be measured reliably. The daily repair expenses of fixed assets that do not meet the conditions of capitalized subsequent expenditures of fixed assets shall be included in the current profit and loss or the cost of relevant assets according to the beneficiaries when incurred. The book value of the replaced part shall be terminated. (2) Test Method of Impairment of Fixed Assets and Method of Impairment Provision Please refer to Note V-22 for details. (3) Depreciation Methods Category of fixed Annual deprecation Method Useful life Salvage value (%) assets (%) Average method of Housing and building 5-30 0-10 20.00-3.00 useful life Average method of Machinery equipments 10-18 0-10 10.00-5.00 useful life 193 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Average method of Transportation vehicle 5 0-10 20.00-18.00 useful life Electronic equipments Average method of 5 0-10 20.00-18.00 and others useful life (4) At the end of each year, review is carried out by the Company for the service life, estimated net residual value and depreciation method of fixed assets. If there is any difference between the expected service life and the original estimated service life, the service life of fixed assets will be adjusted; if there is any difference between the expected net residual value and the original estimated net residual value, the expected net residual value will be adjusted. (5) Disposal of Fixed Assets A fixed asset shall be derecognized when it is disposed of or it is expected that no economic benefit can be generated by using or disposing of it. The amount of the disposal income of sales, transfer, scrap or damage of the fixed asset after deducting its book value and related taxes is included in the current profit and loss. 17. Construction in Progress Construction in process is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalization before the fixed assets being ready for their intended us and other relevant costs. Construction in process is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use. See the details of the impairment provision withdrawal method of the construction in progress to Notes V-22. 18. Engineering Materials Engineering materials of the Company refer to various materials prepared for projects under construction, including engineering materials, equipment not yet installed, tools and instruments prepared for production, etc. The purchased engineering materials will be measured according to the cost. The received engineering materials will be transferred to the project under construction, and the remaining engineering materials after the completion of the project will be stored as inventory. Please refer to Note V (22) for the method of provision for impairment of assets for engineering materials. In the balance sheet, the ending balance of engineering materials is listed in the "project under construction" item. 19. Borrowing Costs (1) Confirmation principle of Capitalized Borrowing Expense The borrowing expenses incurred by the Company, if can directly belong to acquisition, construction or production of assets meeting capitalization conditions, are capitalized and included in relevant asset cost; other borrowing expenses are confirmed as expense according to its amount at the time of occurrence and included in the current profits and losses. If the borrowing expenses meet the following conditions, capitalization starts: ①Assets expenditure has occurred, and asset expenditure includes the expenditure occurring in the form of payment in cash, transferring noncash asset or assuming interest bearing debt for acquiring, constructing or producing the assets meeting capitalization 194 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 conditions; ② Borrowing expenses have occurred; ③The acquisition, construction or production activities required for making assets usable or saleable as intended have started. (2) Capitalization period of borrowing expenses When the Company acquires, constructs or produces assets, which meet capitalization conditions and reach the intended usable or saleable status, the borrowing expenses stop capitalization. The borrowing expenses that occur after the assets meeting capitalization conditions reach the intended usable or saleable status are confirmed as expenses according to its amount at the time of occurrence and are included in the current profits and losses. If the assets meeting capital conditions generate improper interruption in the course of acquisition, construction or production, and the interruption time continuously exceeds three months, capitalization of borrowing expenses suspends; the borrowing expenses in the normal interruption period are continually capitalized. (3) Capitalization rate of borrowing expenses and calculation method of capitalized amount The interest expenses of special borrowing actually occurring in the current period, minus the interest income of the unused borrowed capital obtained from depositing in bank or the gain on temporary investment, are capitalized; for common borrowing, the weighted average of asset expenditure of the part that the cumulative asset expenditure exceeds special borrowing is multiplied by the capitalization rate of the occupied common borrowing to determine capitalization amount. Capitalization rate is calculated and determined according to the weighted average rate of common borrowing. In the period of capitalization, the exchange difference of special borrowing in foreign currency is fully capitalized; the exchange difference of special borrowing in foreign currency is included in the current profits and losses. 20. Right-of-use Assets (1) Recognition conditions for right-of-use assets The term "right-of-use assets" refers to the right of the lessee to use the leased assets during the lease term. At the start date of the lease term. The Company initially measures the right-of-use assets at cost. The cost includes: a) the initial measurement amount of lease obligations; b) the lease payment amount paid on or prior to the inception of the lease (less the related amount of lease incentives already enjoyed if any); c) the initial direct cost incurred by the lessee; and d) the anticipated cost of dismantling and removing the leasehold property, restoring the site where the leasehold property is located, or bringing the leasehold property back to the state agreed upon in the lease terms. As the lessee, the Company shall recognize and measure the cost of demolition and restoration in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.13 - Contingencies. Subsequent adjustments are made for any re-measurement of the lease liabilities. (2) Depreciation method of right-of-use assets The company uses the straight-line method for depreciation. Where it can be reasonably certain that the Company, the lessee, can obtain ownership of the leased assets at the expiry of the lease term, the leased assets are depreciated over the residual service life. Where it cannot be reasonably certain that the Company can obtain ownership of the leased assets at the end of the lease term, the leased assets are depreciated at the shorter of the lease term and the residual service life of the leased assets. (3) Impairment test method and impairment provision method of right-of-use assets See Note V-22. 21. Intangible Assets (1) Pricing Method, Useful Life and Impairment Test The intangible assets of the Company include land use right, patent right, etc. Intangible assets are initially measured at cost, and their service life is analyzed and determined when intangible assets are acquired. 195 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 If the service life of intangible assets is limited, the intangible assets shall be amortized by the method that can reflect the expected realization method of the economic benefits related to the assets within the expected service life since they are available for use. The straight-line method shall be used for amortization if no expected realization method can be determined reliably. Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized. The amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life is as follows: Amortization Category Service life Note method Land use right Stipulated in the land certificate Method of line Patent use right 10 years Method of line Software use right 1-3 years Method of line Brand use right 10 years Method of line At the end of each year, the Company reviews the service life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life. If the estimate is different from the previous one, the original estimate shall be adjusted and treated as per accounting estimate change. If it is estimated that an intangible asset can no longer bring future economic benefits to the enterprise on the date of balance sheet, this carrying amount of the intangible asset shall be transferred into the current profit and loss. The method of withdrawing impairment on intangible assets was stated in the Note V-22. (2) Accounting Policy for Internal Research and Development Expenditures The expenditures for internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall be classified into research expenditures and development expenditures. The research expenditures shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period. The development expenditures can be capitalized only when they satisfy the following conditions simultaneously: ① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale; ② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets; ③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally; ④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; ⑤ The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured. The development expenditures shall be recorded into profit or loss for the current period when they don’t satisfy the following conditions. The research and development project of the Company will enter the development stage after meeting the above conditions and the project is approved and initiated through technical feasibility and economic feasibility study. The capitalized expenditure in the development stage is listed as expenditure for development on the balance sheet, and it will be transferred to intangible assets from the date when the project reaches the intended purpose. 22. Impairment of Long-term Assets For long term equity investment in subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures, investment real estate which follow-up measurement is carried out by cost pattern, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets, business reputation, etc. (excluding inventory, investment property measured at fair value, deferred income tax assets, financial assets), the impairment of assets shall be determined according to the following methods: On the date of the balance sheet, determination shall be made to see whether there is any sign of possible impairment of assets. If there is, the Company will estimate its recoverable amount and conduct impairment test. For goodwill, intangible assets with uncertain 196 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 service life and intangible assets that have not reached the serviceable state due to business merger, impairment test shall be carried out every year regardless of whether there is any sign of impairment. The recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal expenses and the present value of the expected future cash flow of the asset, the higher amount shall be prevail. The Company estimates the recoverable amount on the basis of a single asset. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs. The asset group is determined on the basis of whether the main cash inflow generated by the asset group is independent of the cash inflow of other assets or asset groups. When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is lower than its carrying amount, the group will write down its carrying amount to the recoverable amount, and the written down amount will be included in the current profit and loss, and the corresponding asset impairment reserve will be accrued. Regarding the impairment test of business reputation, the carrying amount of business reputation formed by business merger shall be apportioned to the relevant asset group in a reasonable way from the date of purchase. If it is difficult to apportion to the relevant asset group, it shall be apportioned to the relevant combination of asset group. The relevant asset group or combination of asset groups is the one that can benefit from the synergy effect of business merger, and is the one smaller than the reportable segment determined by the Company. In the impairment test, if there is any sign of impairment in the asset group or combination of asset groups related to business reputation, first, impairment test shall be carried out on the asset group or combination of asset groups not containing business reputation, to calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then impairment test shall be carried out on the asset group or combination of asset group containing business reputation to compare the carrying amount with the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount, the impairment loss of business reputation shall be recognized. Once the impairment loss of assets is recognized, it will not be reversed in the future accounting period. 23. Long-term Deferred Expenses The long-term expenses to be amortized incurred by the Company are valued at the actual cost and amortized averagely according to the expected benefit period. For long-term expenses to be amortized, the amortized value that cannot benefit the future accounting period shall be included in the current profit and loss. 24. Payroll (1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation During the accounting period in which employees provide services, the Company recognizes the actual employee wages, bonuses, social insurance premiums such as medical insurance premiums, industrial injury insurance premiums, and maternity insurance premiums and housing provident funds paid to employees according to the prescribed standards and proportions as liabilities and included them in the current profit and loss or related asset costs. If the liability is not expected to be fully paid within twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period for employees to provide related services, and the financial impact is significant, the liability will be measured at the discounted amount. (2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Departure The post-employment benefit plan includes a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan. Among them, the defined contribution plan refers to the post-employment benefit plan that the enterprise no longer assumes further payment obligations after the fixed fund has paid a fixed fee; the defined benefit plan refers to the post-employment benefit plan other than the established 197 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 contribution plan. Set withdrawal plan The set contribution plan includes basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance. During the accounting period in which employees provide services, the amount of deposit payable calculated according to the set withdrawal plan is recognized as a liability and included in the current profit and loss or related asset costs. Define a benefit plan For the defined benefit plan, an independent actuary performs an actuarial valuation on the annual balance sheet date, and the cost of providing benefits is determined by the expected cumulative benefit unit method. The employee compensation cost caused by the Company's defined benefit plan includes the following components: ①Service cost, including current service cost, past service cost and settlement gains or losses. Among them, the current service cost refers to the increase in the present value of the defined benefit plan obligations caused by the employees providing services in the current period; the past service cost refers to the defined benefit related to the employee services in the previous period caused by the modification of the defined benefit plan An increase or decrease in the present value of plan obligations. ② The net interest of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, including the interest income of the plan assets, the interest expense of the defined benefit plan obligations and the interest affected by the asset ceiling. ③ Re-measure the changes caused by the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan. Unless other accounting standards require or allow employee benefit costs to be included in the cost of assets, the Company will include the above items ① and ② into the current profit and loss; item ③ is included in other comprehensive income and will not be transferred back to profit or loss in the subsequent accounting period When the defined benefit plan is terminated, all the parts originally included in other comprehensive income are carried forward to undistributed profits within the scope of equity. (3) Accounting Treatment of the Demission Welfare The Company relieves the labor relation with the employees before the due date of the labor contacts or puts forward the advice of providing the compensation for urging the employees volunteered to receive the downsizing and when the Company could not unilaterally withdraw the demission welfare owning to the relieving plan of the labor relation or the downsizing advice, should confirm the liabilities of the employees’ salary from the demission welfare on the earlier day between the cost confirmed by the Company and the cost related to the reorganization of the payment of the demission welfare and includes which in the current gains and losses. Regarding the implementation of internal retirement plan of the employees, the economic compensation before the official retirement date belongs to the dismissal welfare. From the date when the employees stop providing services to the normal retirement date, the wages and social insurance premiums to be paid to the early retired employees shall be included in the current profit and loss at one time. Financial compensation (such as normal pension) after the official retirement date shall be handled as welfare after separation. 198 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (4) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare of Other Long-term Staffs Other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to employees that meet the conditions of defined contribution plans shall be handled in accordance with the above-mentioned relevant provisions on defined contribution plans. Those in line with the defined benefit plan shall be handled in accordance with the above-mentioned relevant provisions on the defined benefit plan. However, the part of "changes caused by remeasuring the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan" in the salary cost of relevant employees shall be included in the current profit and loss or the relevant asset cost. 25. Provisions If the obligation related to contingency meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company will recognize it as a provision. (1) The obligation is the current obligation assumed by the Company; (2) The performance of the obligation is likely to cause an outflow of economic benefits of the Company; (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. The provisions are initially measured in accordance with the optimal estimate of the necessary expenditures for the fulfillment of the current obligation, with factors such as risks, uncertainty and the time value of money related to contingencies taken into consideration comprehensively. Where the time value of money has a significant impact, the best estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflow. The Company re-checks the book value of the provisions on the balance sheet date and adjusts the book value to reflect the current best estimate. If all or part of the expenditure required to settle recognized provisions is expected to be compensated by a third party or other parties, the amount of compensation shall be recognized separately as an asset only when it is substantially certain that it will be received. The recognized amount of compensation shall not exceed the book value of the recognized liabilities. 26. Share-based Payments and Equity Instruments (1) Category of share-based payment The share-based payments of the Company are divided into equity-settled share payments and cash-settled share payments. (2) Method of determining the fair value of equity instruments The Company shall determine the fair value of equity instruments such as options granted in active markets according to the quotations in active markets. For granted equity instruments such as options without active markets, the fair value is determined by option pricing model. The following factors shall be considered for the selected option pricing model: A. Exercise price of the option; B. Expiration date of the option; C. Current price of the object shares; D. Expected fluctuation rate of stock price; E. Estimated dividends of shares; F. Risk-free interest rate within the option term. (3) Ground for recognizing the optimal estimation of feasible right equity instruments On each balance sheet date during the waiting period, the Company shall make the optimal estimate based on subsequent information such as the latest change in the number of employees with feasible rights, and revise the number of equity instruments for the estimated feasible rights. On the feasible right date, the final estimated number of feasible right equity instruments shall be the same as the actual number of feasible rights. (4) Relevant accounting treatment for implementing, modifying and terminating share-based payment plan Equity-settled share-based payments shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. Where the right is exercised immediately after the grant, relevant costs or fees shall be included in accordance with the fair value of the equity instruments on the grant date to accordingly increase the capital reserve. Where the right is exercised upon the completion of the services during the waiting period or the achievement of the specified result conditions, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the relevant costs or fees and the capital reserve according to the fair value of the equity instruments on the grant 199 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 date based on the optimal estimate of the number of feasible right equity instruments on each balance sheet date during the waiting period. The recognized related costs or fees and total owner's equity after the feasible right date shall not be adjusted any more. The cash-settled share-based payments shall be measured according to the fair value of liabilities calculated and determined on the basis of shares or other equity instruments, which are assumed by the Company. Where the right is exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company shall be included in the relevant costs or fees on the grant date, so as to accordingly increase the liabilities. For the cash-settled share-based payments, for which the right is exercised upon the completion of the services during the waiting period or the achievement of the specified result conditions, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in costs or fees and corresponding liabilities according to the fair value amount of liabilities assumed by the Company based on the optimal estimate of feasible status on each balance sheet date during the waiting period. On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the relevant liabilities are settled, the fair value of the liabilities shall be re-measured, and the changes shall be included in the current profit and loss. When the Company modifies a share-based payment plan, if the modification increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the increase in the services acquired shall be recognized accordingly according to the increase in the fair value of the equity instruments; if the modification increases the number of equity instruments granted, the fair value of the increased equity instruments shall be recognized accordingly as the increase in the services acquired. The increase in the fair value of the equity instruments refers to the difference between the fair values of the equity instruments before and after the modification on the modification date. If the modification reduces the total fair value of the share-based payment or any other method not conducive to the employees is adopted to modify the terms and conditions of the share-based payment plan, the accounting treatment of the services acquired would continue, as if such change had never occurred, unless the Company cancels some or all of the granted equity instruments. During the waiting period, if the granted equity instrument is canceled (except for the cancellation due to non-market conditions that do not meet the feasible conditions), the Company shall treat the canceled equity instrument as an accelerated exercise, immediately include the left amount to be recognized during the waiting period in the current profit and loss, and recognize the capital reserve at the same time. Where the employee or other party can choose to meet the non-feasible right condition but fails during the waiting period, it shall be treated as the cancellation of the granted equity instrument. 27. Revenue Accounting policies adopted for the recognition and measurement of revenue (1) General principle The Company recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its contract performance obligation in a contract, namely, when the customer obtains the control over the related commodity or service. If a contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company allocates transaction price to single performance obligations on the contract commencement date according to the relative ratio of separate price of goods or services committed by single performance obligation, and income is measured according to the transaction price allocated to single performance obligation. When meeting one of the following conditions, the Company belongs to performance of contract performing obligations in a period, or otherwise, the Company belongs to performance of contract performing obligations at a point of time: ①While the Company is performing the contract, the customer acquires and consumes the economic benefit arising from performance by the Company. ②The customer can control the goods in construction in the course of performance by the Company. ③The goods outputted in the course of performance by the Company have irreplaceable purpose, and the Company has the right to collection of money for the completed performance part cumulative up to now in the whole term of contract. For the performance obligation performed in a period, the Company confirms income according to the performance progress in such period. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost that the Company has incurred is expected to be compensated, income is confirmed according to the cost amount that has occurred, until the performance progress can be reasonably 200 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 determined. For the performance obligation performed at a point of time, income is confirmed at the point of time when the customer acquires the control right to relevant goods or services. When it judges whether the customer has acquired the control right to the goods or services, the Company will consider the following indications: ①The Company enjoys the current collection right to the goods or services, i.e. the customer undertakes current payment obligation to the goods. ②The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has owned the legal ownership of the goods. ③The Company has transferred the kind of the goods to the customer, namely, the customer has possessed the good in kind. ④The Company has transferred the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods, i.e. the customer has acquired the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods. ④The customer has accepted the goods or services. ⑤Other indications showing that the customer has acquired the control right to the goods. The Company has transferred goods or services and has the right to collect consideration (and the right depends on factors other than time elapse) as contract assets, and contract asset is accrued impairment on the basis of expected credit loss (refer to Note V 10(6)). The right of the Company, unconditionally (only depending on time elapse) charging consideration from the customer, is listed as receivable. The obligation of the Company that shall transfer goods or services to the customer for the consideration that has been or shall be collected is liability to the contract. The contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are listed in net amount. If net amount is debit balance, it is listed in the items “contract asset” or “other non-current asset” according to its fluidity; if net amount is credit balance, it is listed in the items “contract liability” or “other non-current liability” according to its fluidity. (2) Specific methods The specific income confirming methods of the Company are following: For income of domestic products, after the Company delivers products to the purchaser according to the provisions of the contract and the purchaser confirms receipt, the purchaser acquires the control right of products, and the Company confirms income. For income of exportable products, after the Company completes customs declaration of products, departure and obtains bill of lading according to the provisions of the contract, the purchaser acquires the control right of products, and the Company confirms income. Differences in accounting policies for revenue recognition due to different business models of the same type of business 28. Government Grants Government grants are recognized when they meet the conditions attached to government grants and when they can be received. Government grants for monetary assets shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. Government grants for non-monetary assets shall be measured by fair value, and they shall be measured by the nominal amount of RMB1 if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably. Asset related government grants refer to the government grants obtained by the Company for acquisition and construction or other forms of long-term assets. In addition, they are government grants related to income. Regarding the government grants that the government document does not specify the object of subsidy and can form long-term assets, the part of government subsidy corresponding to the asset value shall be regarded as the asset-related government subsidy and the rest shall be regarded as income-related government subsidy. If it is difficult to distinguish, the government subsidy shall be regarded as the income-related government subsidy. The government grants related to assets shall be recognized as the deferred income, which shall be included in the profit and loss in installment in a reasonable and systematic way within the service life of the relevant assets. Income-related government grants which are used to compensate the relevant costs or losses incurred shall be included in the current profit and loss. Those used to compensate 201 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the relevant costs or losses in the later period shall be included in the deferred income, and shall be included in the current profit and loss during the recognition period of the relevant costs or losses. The government grants measured according to the nominal amount shall be directly included in the current profit and loss. The same method is adopted for the same or similar government subsidy businesses of the Company. Government grants related to daily activities shall be included in other incomes according to the essence of business transactions. Government grants irrelevant to daily activities are included in non-business income. When the recognized government grants need to be returned, and are used to offset the carrying value of related assets when initially recognized, the carrying value of the assets shall be adjusted; the book balance of relevant deferred income shall be offset if there is a balance of relevant deferred income, and the excess part shall be included in the current profit and loss. Otherwise, it shall be directly included in the current profit and loss. Regarding the interest subsidy of the policy preferential loan obtained, if the Ministry of Finance allocates the interest subsidy to the loan bank, the actual received loan amount shall be taken as the entry value of the loan, and the loan cost shall be calculated according to the loan principal and the policy preferential interest rate. If the Ministry of Finance allocates the interest subsidy directly to the Company, the interest subsidy will offset the borrowing costs. 29. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. All shall be included in the current profit and loss as income tax expense except the adjustment business reputation arising from business merger, or the deferred income tax related to the transactions or events directly included in the owner's equity is included in the owner's equity. Pursuant to the temporary difference between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities on the date of balance sheet and the tax basis, the Company recognizes the deferred income tax by balance sheet liability method. For all taxable temporary differences, related deferred income tax liabilities are recognized, unless the taxable temporary differences are generated in the following transactions: (1) The initial recognition of business reputation or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from transactions with the following characteristics: The transaction is not a business merger, and does not affect the accounting profit or taxable income when it occurs; (2) Regarding the taxable temporary difference related to the investment of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated enterprises, the time of reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and the temporary difference is unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward in subsequent years, the Company is likely to obtain the future taxable income as the limit to offset the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits, in which way to recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits, unless the deductible temporary differences are generated in the following transactions: (1) The transaction is not a business merger, and does not affect the accounting profit nor taxable income when it occurs; (2) The corresponding deferred income tax assets shall be recognized if the deductible temporary differences related to the investment of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated enterprises meet the following conditions simultaneously: The temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future, and the taxable income used to deduct the deductible temporary differences is likely to be obtained in the future. On the date of the balance sheet, the income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured by the Company on the basis of the applicable tax rate during the period when the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be paid off, and the income tax impact on the expected recovery of assets on the date of the balance sheet or on the method to pay off the liabilities shall be reflected. 202 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed at each balance sheet date. If it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax asset, the book value of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down should be subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available. 30. Lease (1) As the lessee On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all leases, except for short-term leases and low-value asset leases with simplified treatment. For accounting policies for the right-of-use assets, see Note V-20. Lease liabilities are initially measured in line with the lease payments not yet paid on the commencement date of the lease term using the present value calculated by the interest rate implicit in lease. If the interest rate implicit in lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing rate shall be used as the discount rate. Lease payments include: Fixed payment and substantial fixed payment, and the relevant amount after deducting the lease incentive if any; variable lease payments depending on index or ratio; exercise price of the purchased option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be exercised; the amount to be paid for the exercise of the lease termination options, provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise the options to terminate the lease; and estimated payments due to the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee. Subsequently, it calculates the interest expenses of the lease liabilities during each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest rate, and includes them in current profit and loss. Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities are included in current profit or loss when actually incurred. Short-term lease A short-term lease refers to a lease for a period not exceeding 12 months on the commencement date of the lease, except for leases with a purchase option. The Company includes the short-term lease payment in the cost of relevant assets or the current profit and loss in each period of the lease term by the straight-line method. Low-value asset lease A low-value asset lease refers to a lease where the value is lower than RMB40,000 and a single leased asset is a new asset. The Company includes the lease payment of the low-value asset lease in the cost of relevant assets or the current profit and loss in each period of the lease term by the straight-line method. For low-value asset lease, it chooses to adopt the aforesaid simplified treatment method in line with the specific status of each lease. Lease change If a lease changes and meets the following conditions simultaneously, the lease change shall be regarded as a separate lease for accounting treatment: a) The lease change expands its lease cope by increasing one or multiple use rights of lease assets; and b) The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the separate price for the expanded part of the lease, which is adjusted according to the contract. Where the lease change is not regarded as a separate lease for accounting treatment, on the effective date of the lease change, by the Company, the consideration of the contract is amortized again upon change, the lease term is redetermined, and the lease liabilities are remeasured according to the present value that is calculated by the lease payments and the revised discount rate upon change. The Company shall correspondingly reduce the book value of the right-of-use assets and include the profit or loss of the lease terminated in part or whole in the current profit or loss, if the lease change narrows the scope of lease or shortens the lease term. The Company shall correspondingly adjust the book value of the right-of-use assets, if other lease changes result in the re-calculation of the lease liability. 203 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (2) As the lessor When the Company is a lessor, it shall recognize leases that substantially transfer all risks and remuneration related to the ownership of assets as finance leases, and leases other than finance leases as operating leases. Financial lease In a finance lease, the Company recognizes the net lease investment as the book value of finance lease receivables on the commencement date of the lease term. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of lease receivables not yet received on the commencement date of the lease term at the interest rate implicit in lease. The Company calculates and confirms the interest income at a fixed periodic interest rate in each period in the lease term. Variable lease payments obtained that are not included in the net lease investment for measurement, where the Company is the lessor, are included in the profit or loss of the current period when actually incurred. Accounting treatment shall be conducted for the derecognition and impairment of finance lease receivables in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments and the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.23 - Transfer of Financial Assets. Operating leases The Company shall recognize the current profit and loss of the rent of the operating lease in each period of the lease term by the straight-line method. The initial direct costs related to the operating lease shall be capitalized, amortized within the lease term on the same basis as the recognition of rental earning, and included in profit or loss for the current period. The received variable lease payments related to the operating lease that are not included in the lease payments receivable are included in profit or loss for the current period when they are actually incurred. Lease change Where an operating lease changes, the accounting treatment is conducted for it which is regarded as a new lease from the effective date of the change, and receivables in advance or lease receivables related to lease before change are deemed as the receivables in the new lease. Where a finance lease changes and meets the following conditions simultaneously, the change is regarded as a separate lease by the Company for accounting treatment: a) The change expands its lease cope by increasing one or multiple use rights of lease assets; and b) The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the separate price for the expanded part of the lease, which is adjusted according to the contract. Where a finance lease changes and is not regarded as a separate lease for accounting treatment, the Company treats the changed lease under the following circumstances: a) If the change comes into force on the commencement date of the lease term, the lease will be clarified as an operating lease, while it will be regarded as a new lease for accounting treatment by the Company on the effective date of the lease change, and the net lease investment before the effective date of lease change will be regarded as the book value of lease assets; and b) If the change comes into force on the commencement date of the lease term, the lease will be clarified as a finance lease, the Company will carry out accounting treatment in accordance with the provisions on modification or renegotiation of a contract of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. 31. Repurchase of Shares Before the shares repurchased by the Company are cancelled or transferred, they are managed as treasury shares, and all expenditures for the repurchase of shares are transferred to the cost of treasury shares. Consideration and transaction costs paid in share repurchase reduce shareholders' equity. When buying back, transferring or cancelling shares in the Company, no profits or losses are recognized. The transfer of inventory shares shall be credited to the capital reserve on the basis of the difference between the amount actually received and the carrying amount of the treasury stock. Write off surplus reserves and undistributed profits if capital reserves are insufficient to offset. Write-off of treasury stocks can reduce shares in par with par value and number of write-out stocks. The capital reserve is offset based on the difference between book balance and face value of cancelled treasury stocks. Write off surplus reserves 204 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 and undistributed profits if capital reserves are insufficient to offset. 32. Restricted Shares In the equity incentive plan, the Company grants restricted stocks to the incentive personnel, who firstly subscribe the stocks. If the unlocking conditions specified in the equity incentive plan are not met, the Company will repurchase the stocks at the previously agreed price. Where the restricted stocks issued to the employees has gone through capital increase procedures such as registration in accordance with relevant provisions, the Company shall, on the grant date, recognize the share capital and the capital reserve (share capital premium) in conformity with the subscription payment received from the employees. Meanwhile, it shall recognize the treasury stocks and other payables with respect to repurchase obligations. 33. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates (1) Significant Changes in Accounting Policies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Contents of changes in accounting Approval procedures Note policies and reasons thereof The Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.21-Leases (Revised) in 2018 and required that those enterprises that are listed both at home and abroad and those enterprises that are listed overseas and adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards or the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises for preparation of financial statements should implement it from 1 The Company held the 21st Meeting of January 2019; the other enterprises that the 9th Board of Directors on 29 March adopt the Accounting Standards for 2021 and approved the implementation Refer to Note V. 20 and 30 for details Business Enterprises should implement of the new standards governing leases about new accounting policies. it from 1 January 2021. Main changes since 1 January 2021 and adjusted are: 1. Under the New Lease Standards, related contents of accounting policies. except for short-term leases and low-value asset leases, the lessees will no longer distinguish finance leases from operating leases. All leases are subject to the same accounting treatment, and the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities must be both recognized; 2. For the right-of-use assets, if the lessee reasonably recognizes that it can obtain the ownership of the leased assets at the 205 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 expiration of the lease term, the depreciation shall be accrued within the remaining service life of the leased assets. If it is impossible to reasonably recognize that the right-of-use of the leased asset can be obtained at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation shall be accrued within the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter. At the same time, the lessee shall recognize whether the right-of-use assets are impaired and account for the identified impairment losses; 3. For lease liabilities, the lessee shall calculate the interest expense of the lease liabilities in each period of the lease term and count it into the current profit and loss; 4. In accordance with the requirements of the New Leasing Standards and Listing Rules, the relevant contents of the leasing business should be adjusted in the disclosed financial statements. According to the New Leasing Standards and from 1 January 2021, except for short-term leases and low-value asset leases whose treatment is chosen to be simplified, the Company will recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all leased assets with the present value of the minimum lease payment based on the future rent payable, and recognize the depreciation and unrecognized financing expenses respectively. The information of comparable periods will not be adjusted. For contracts that have existed before the first execution date, the Company chooses not to re-evaluate whether they are leases or leases inclusive on the first execution date. For contracts that are signed or changed after the first execution date, the Company evaluates whether they are leases or leases inclusive in conformity with the definition of lease in the New Leasing Standards. The definition of lease in the New Leasing Standards does not have a material impact on the scope of the Company's contracts that meet the definition of lease. As a lessee The New Leasing Standards requires that the lessor shall recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of all leases, except for simplified short-term leases and low-value asset leases, and ensure depreciation and interest expenses separately. The New Leasing Standards allows the lessor to select one of the following methods for bridging accounting treatment of the lease. 206 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 In accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.28 - Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimated Changes and Error Correction (hereinafter referred to as "the Standard"), the retrospective adjustment method is adopted for treatment. The retained earnings at the beginning of the year and the amount of relevant projects of financial statements for the first execution of the Standard are adjusted based on the cumulative impact of the first execution of the Standard, without adjusting comparable period information. The difference between the New Leasing Standards and the current leasing standards on the first execution date is included in the retained earnings at the beginning of 2021 through retroactive adjustment by the Company, in accordance with the provisions of the New Leasing Standards. Simultaneously, it does not adjust the data of comparable financial statements. For finance leases before the first execution date, it respectively measures the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities in line with the original book value of the finance lease assets and the finance lease payables. For operating leases before the first execution date, when measuring the lease liabilities in conformity with the present value of the residual lease payments discounted by the incremental borrowing rate on the first execution date, with the amount of all leases being equivalent to lease liabilities, it necessarily adjusts and measures the right-of-use assets according to the advance rental payments. On the first execution date, the Company carries out impairment test and corresponding accounting treatment for the right-of-use assets in line with Note V-20. For operating leases in which the lease assets are low-value assets before the first execution date or operating leases to be completed within 12 months, the Company adopts simplified treatment without recognizing the right-of-use assets or lease liabilities. For operating leases before the first execution date, it adopts the following simplified treatment: The same discount rate is utilized for leases with similar features when measuring lease liabilities, where the used incremental borrowing rates are 3.85% and 4.65%; the measurement for right-of-use assets does not include the initial direct fees. Where there is renewal option or termination option, the lease term is determined by the Company based on the actual exercise of option and the latest other status before the first execution date. As the substitute for the impairment test of right-of-use assets, the Company evaluates whether the contract containing lease is a loss-making contract before the first execution date, and adjusts the right-of-use assets in conformity with the loss reserve amount included in the balance sheet before the first execution date. The accounting treatment is implemented for the lease change before the first execution date according to the final arrangement of the lease change. The impact of exercising the New Leasing Standards on the project of consolidated balance sheet is as follows: Carrying amount before Carrying amount after Item adjustment (31 December Reclassified Remeasured adjustment (1 January 2020) 2021) Assets: Fixed assets 23,612,984.97 -23,612,984.97 Right-of-use — 140,547,131.81 128,815,114.07 269,362,245.88 assets Long-term 116,934,146.84 -116,934,146.84 prepaid expense Total assets 140,547,131.81 128,815,114.07 269,362,245.88 Liabilities: Lease liabilities — 128,815,114.07 128,815,114.07 Total liabilities 128,815,114.07 128,815,114.07 207 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 For the minimum lease payment unpaid under a significant operating lease in the 2020 annual financial statements, the Company adjusts the minimum operating lease payment unpaid under the original lease standards to the reconciliation statement of lease liabilities recognized under the New Leasing Standards at the incremental borrowing rate of 1 January 2021 as a lessee, as follows: Minimum lease payments under significant operating leases on 31 A 181,920,500.41 December 2020 Less: Simplified short-term lease payments B Less: Simplified low-value asset leases C Add (or less): Adjustment of minimum lease payments due to D re-evaluation of lease terms Add (or less): Adjustment of variable lease payments depending on index E or ratio Subtotal F=A-B-C+/-D+/-E 181,920,500.41 Less: VAT G 8,662,880.97 Adjusted commitments on operating leases H=F-G 173,257,619.44 Present value of operating lease payments on 1 January 2021 I 128,815,114.07 Add: Financing lease payable on 31 December 2020 J Lease liabilities on 1 January 2021 K=I+J 128,815,114.07 Of which: Current portion of non-current liabilities The composition of carrying value of right-of-use assets on 1 January 2021 is as follows: Item 1 January 2021 Right-of-use assets: Right-of-use assets recognized from the operating lease before the 269,362,245.88 first execution date Financing lease assets recognized based on original lease standards Total: 269,362,245.88 Influence of implementation of the new lease standards on items of financial statements for 2021 is as follows: Consolidated balance sheet 31 December 2021 Based on original lease Increase/decrease (-) standards assumed Assets: Fixed assets 5,559,649,164.65 5,581,837,140.31 -22,187,975.66 Right-of-use assets 257,019,286.15 -- 257,019,286.15 Long-term prepaid expense 672,601.04 121,424,154.46 -120,751,553.42 Total assets 12,994,654,820.09 12,880,575,063.02 114,079,757.07 Liabilities: Current portion of non-current 8,877,404.52 8,500,000.00 377,404.52 liabilities Lease libilities 121,357,658.41 121,357,658.41 208 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total liabilities 4,621,177,426.73 4,499,442,363.80 121,735,062.93 Consolidated income statement 2021 Based on original lease Increase/decrease (-) standards assumed Finance costs 44,988,908.41 39,524,885.66 5,464,022.75 Administrative expense 335,380,025.54 333,188,742.43 2,191,283.11 As a lessor In accordance with the New Leasing Standards, it is not necessary for the Company to adjust its lease as a lessor according to the bridging provisions, but it is necessary to conduct accounting treatment in line with the New Leasing Standards on the first execution date for the New Leasing Standards. (2) Significant Changes in Accounting Estimates □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Adjustments to the Financial Statements at the Beginning of the First Execution Year of any New Standards Governing Leases since 2021 √ Applicable □ Not applicable Whether need to adjust items of balance sheet at the beginning of the year √ Yes □ No Consolidated balance sheet Unit: RMB Item 31 December 2020 1 January 2021 Adjusted Current assets: Monetary assets 1,400,478,034.81 1,400,478,034.81 Held-for-trading financial assets 268,456,216.98 268,456,216.98 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 182,994,110.86 182,994,110.86 Accounts receivable 522,425,219.87 522,425,219.87 Accounts receivable financing 55,150,926.34 55,150,926.34 Prepayments 19,611,775.28 19,611,775.28 Other receivables 105,710,818.69 105,710,818.69 Including: Interest receivable Dividends 75,488,652.49 75,488,652.49 receivable Financial assets purchased under resale agreements 209 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Inventories 1,988,968,681.64 1,988,968,681.64 Contract assets Assets held for sale Current portion of non-current 45,750,018.30 45,750,018.30 assets Other current assets 433,432,258.63 433,432,258.63 Total current assets 5,022,978,061.40 5,022,978,061.40 Non-current assets: Long-term receivables 41,053,183.15 41,053,183.15 Long-term equity investments 138,079,577.25 138,079,577.25 Investments in other equity instruments Other non-current financial 156,915,620.25 156,915,620.25 assets Investment property 22,263,668.85 22,263,668.85 Fixed assets 5,661,592,991.66 5,637,980,006.69 -23,612,984.97 Construction in progress 356,273,197.49 356,273,197.49 Right-of-use assets 269,362,245.88 269,362,245.88 Intangible assets 373,543,480.84 373,543,480.84 Development costs Goodwill 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29 Long-term prepaid expense 118,340,494.60 1,406,347.76 -116,934,146.84 Deferred income tax assets 122,865,841.69 122,865,841.69 Other non-current assets 95,434,040.18 95,434,040.18 Total non-current assets 7,106,925,899.25 7,235,741,013.32 128,815,114.07 Total assets 12,129,903,960.65 12,258,719,074.72 128,815,114.07 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 930,871,008.19 930,871,008.19 Notes payable Accounts payable 243,262,473.69 243,262,473.69 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 141,339,705.62 141,339,705.62 Employee benefits payable 265,648,198.38 265,648,198.38 Taxes payable 36,468,978.77 36,468,978.77 210 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Other payables 17,587,470.79 17,587,470.79 Including: Interest payable Dividends 441,113.64 441,113.64 payable Current portion of non-current 43,149,400.13 43,149,400.13 liabilities Other current liabilities 192,574,674.68 192,574,674.68 Total current liabilities 1,870,901,910.25 1,870,901,910.25 Non-current liabilities: Insurance contract reserve Long-term borrowings 495,520,342.78 495,520,342.78 Bonds payable 1,350,171,526.97 1,350,171,526.97 Lease liabilities 128,815,114.07 128,815,114.07 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits 62,137,656.00 62,137,656.00 payable Provisions Deferred income 173,862,983.31 173,862,983.31 Deferred income tax liabilities 85,633,161.44 85,633,161.44 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 2,167,325,670.50 2,296,140,784.57 128,815,114.07 Total liabilities 4,038,227,580.75 4,167,042,694.82 128,815,114.07 Owners’ equity: Share capital 858,132,322.00 858,132,322.00 Other equity instruments 71,386,451.81 71,386,451.81 Capital reserves 255,912,488.01 255,912,488.01 Less: Treasury stock Other comprehensive income 1,308,922.89 1,308,922.89 Specific reserve Surplus reserves 1,154,017,457.79 1,154,017,457.79 General reserve Retained earnings 5,346,819,948.22 5,346,819,948.22 Total equity attributable to owners 7,687,577,590.72 7,687,577,590.72 of the Company as the parent Non-controlling interests 404,098,789.18 404,098,789.18 211 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total owners’ equity 8,091,676,379.90 8,091,676,379.90 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 12,129,903,960.65 12,258,719,074.72 128,815,114.07 Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent Unit: RMB Item 31 December 2020 1 January 2021 Adjusted Current assets: Monetary assets 729,437,231.33 729,437,231.33 Held-for-trading financial assets 163,636,075.34 163,636,075.34 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 108,863,689.79 108,863,689.79 Accounts receivable 326,166,935.10 326,166,935.10 Accounts receivable financing 48,764,088.05 48,764,088.05 Prepayments 13,059,806.74 13,059,806.74 Other receivables 1,500,882,682.19 1,500,882,682.19 Including: Interest receivable Dividends 75,488,652.49 75,488,652.49 receivable Inventories 1,097,438,610.46 1,097,438,610.46 Contract assets Assets held for sale Current portion of non-current 45,750,018.30 45,750,018.30 assets Other current assets 247,860,882.02 247,860,882.02 Total current assets 4,281,860,019.32 4,281,860,019.32 Non-current assets: Investments in debt obligations Investments in other debt obligations Long-term receivables 41,053,183.15 41,053,183.15 Long-term equity investments 2,555,150,859.13 2,555,150,859.13 Investments in other equity instruments Other non-current financial 144,915,620.25 144,915,620.25 assets 212 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Investment property 29,734,239.22 29,734,239.22 Fixed assets 2,471,686,117.72 2,471,686,117.72 Construction in progress 48,694,822.74 48,694,822.74 Right-of-use assets 130,978,971.80 130,978,971.80 Intangible assets 225,128,308.75 225,128,308.75 Development costs Goodwill Long-term prepaid expense 1,406,347.76 1,406,347.76 Deferred income tax assets 65,729,304.26 65,729,304.26 Other non-current assets 7,936,745.28 7,936,745.28 Total non-current assets 5,591,435,548.26 5,722,414,520.06 130,978,971.80 Total assets 9,873,295,567.58 10,004,274,539.38 130,978,971.80 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 332,466,931.13 332,466,931.13 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 132,231,596.74 132,231,596.74 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 56,841,289.66 56,841,289.66 Employee benefits payable 202,694,515.93 202,694,515.93 Taxes payable 21,896,035.49 21,896,035.49 Other payables 79,668,657.80 79,668,657.80 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable 441,113.64 441,113.64 Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale Current portion of non-current 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 liabilities Other current liabilities 166,257,466.30 166,257,466.30 Total current liabilities 996,056,493.05 996,056,493.05 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 495,520,342.78 495,520,342.78 213 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Bonds payable 1,350,171,526.97 1,350,171,526.97 Lease liabilities 130,978,971.80 130,978,971.80 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits 62,137,656.00 62,137,656.00 payable Provisions Deferred income 131,546,549.87 131,546,549.87 Deferred income tax liabilities 58,927,115.71 58,927,115.71 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 2,098,303,191.33 2,229,282,163.13 130,978,971.80 Total liabilities 3,094,359,684.38 3,225,338,656.18 130,978,971.80 Owners’ equity: Share capital 858,132,322.00 858,132,322.00 Other equity instruments 71,386,451.81 71,386,451.81 Capital reserves 317,292,522.25 317,292,522.25 Less: Treasury stock Other comprehensive income -424,313.33 -424,313.33 Specific reserve Surplus reserves 1,150,908,718.15 1,150,908,718.15 Retained earnings 4,381,640,182.32 4,381,640,182.32 Total owners’ equity 6,778,935,883.20 6,778,935,883.20 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 9,873,295,567.58 10,004,274,539.38 130,978,971.80 (4) Retroactive Adjustments to Comparative Data of Prior Years when First Execution of any New Standards Governing Leases since 2021 □Applicable √ Not applicable 34. Material Accounting Judgments and Estimates The Company evaluates the important accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted on an ongoing basis, based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events. Important accounting estimates and critical assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next fiscal year are listed as follows: Classification of financial assets The significant judgments involved when the Company determines the classification of financial assets include analysis of business models and contractual cash flow characteristics. The Company determines the business model for managing financial assets at the level of the financial asset portfolio, taking into account factors such as the approach of evaluating and reporting the performance of 214 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 financial assets to key management personnel, the risks affecting the performance of financial assets and the manner in which they are managed, and way in which the relevant business management personnel are compensated. The following main judgments exist in assessing whether the contractual cash flows of financial assets are consistent with the basic lending arrangements: Whether the time distribution or amount of the principal amount during the duration may change due to early repayment or for other reasons; whether the interest includes only the time value of money, credit risk, other basic lending risks and consideration against costs and profits. For example, whether the amount of early repayment reflects only the outstanding principal and interest based on the outstanding principal, as well as reasonable compensation paid for early termination of the contract. Measurement of expected credit losses of accounts receivable The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable using the exposure to default risk of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss ratio, and determines the expected credit loss ratio based on the probability of default and the default loss ratio. When determining the expected credit loss ratio, the Company uses data such as internal historical credit loss experience and adjusts historical data to take into account current conditions and forward-looking information. When considering forward-looking information, the Company uses indicators such as the risk of economic downturn and changes in the external market environment, technological environment and customer profile. The Company regularly monitors and reviews the assumptions related to the calculation of expected credit losses. Goodwill impairment We shall assess whether there is impairment of goodwill at least annually. This requires estimating the use value of the asset group to which goodwill has been assigned. When estimating the use value, the Company shall estimate the future cash flows from the asset group and select the appropriate discount rate to calculate the present value of future cash flows at the same time. Deferred income tax assets To the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to offset the losses, the Company recognizes deferred income tax assets for all unused tax losses. This requires the Company's management to use many judgments to estimate the timing and amount of future taxable profits, taking into account tax planning strategies, so as to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets to be recognized. Determination of fair value of unlisted equity investment The fair value of unlisted equity investment is the expected future cash flows discounted at the current discount rate for items with similar terms and risk characteristics. Such valuation requires the Company to estimate expected future cash flows and discount rates and is therefore subject to uncertainty. Under limited circumstances, if the information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or if the range of possible estimates of fair value is wide and the cost represents the best estimate of fair value within that range, the cost may represent its appropriate estimate of fair value within that range of distribution. VI Taxation 1. Main Taxes and Tax Rate Category of taxes Tax basis Tax rate VAT Taxable income 13%、9%、6%、5%、3%、0 Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax payable 7%、5% Enterprise income tax Income tax payable 0、8.5%、15%、16.5%、17%、20%、25% Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate Taxpayer Income tax rate 215 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The Company 15% Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing 15% Lu Thai Hong Kong 16.50% Luqun Textile 25% Xinsheng Power 25% Shanghai Lu Thai 20% Shanghai Zhinuo 20% Lulian New Materials 25% Lujia Import & Export 20% Zhishu Trading 20% Lu Thai Vocational Training School 0% Banyang Villa 20% Huilin International 15% Libra International 17% Qiming Apparel 20% Vanguard Apparel 0% Continental Textile 0% Lu Thai Tan Chau 0% Lu An Garments 8.5% 2. Tax Preference In accordance with the Reply on Filing of the Second Batch of Hi-tech Enterprises of Shandong Province in 2020 with Reference No. Guo Ke Huo Zi [2021]25, the Company was identified as a hi-tech enterprise and the certificate issuing date was December 8, 2020; in accordance with the Notice for Announcing the First Batch of Hi-tech Enterprise Identification List of Shandong Province in 2020 with reference No. Lu Ke Zi [2020]136, the majority-owned subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing was identified as a hi-tech enterprise, and the certificate issuing date was August 17, 2020. Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law of the PRC on Enterprise Income Tax and the No. 23 Announcement revised and published by the State Administration of Taxation in 2018, namely Management of Preferential Policy on Corporate Income Tax, the Measures for the Administration of the Recognition of High and New Technological Enterprises (GKFH [2016] No. 195) revised and published by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation, the Company and the holding subsidiary Lufeng Weaving & Dyeing enjoy a corporate income tax rate of 15%. According to Announcement of the State Taxation Administration on Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Inclusive Income Tax Reduction and Exemption Policy for Small and Low-profit Enterprises (Announcement No. 2 [2019] of the State Taxation Administration) and Announcement of the State Taxation Administration on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies to Support the Development of Small and Low-profit Enterprises and Individual Businesses (Announcement No. 8 [2021] of the State Taxation Administration), the portion of annual taxable income of within RMB1 million of the wholly-owned 216 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 subsidiaries of the Company, including Shanghai Luthai, Shanghai Zhinuo Textile New Materials Co., Ltd., Lu Jia Import & Export Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhishu Trading Co., Ltd. and Zibo Banyang Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. shall be included in taxable income by reduction of 12.5% based on the enterprise income tax rate of 20%; for the portion exceeding RMB1 million but within RMB3 million, it shall be included in taxable income by reduction of 50% based on the enterprise income tax rate of 20%. Lu Thai (Hong Kong) Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refers as Lu Thai (Hong Kong) Textile), the wholly-owned subsidiary company of the Company, was incorporated in Hong Kong SAR, whose profit tax shall be paid at tax rate of 16.5%. The wholly own subsidiary Vanguard Apparel, according to the Burma’s Special Economic Zone Law issued by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Vanguard Apparel enjoys tax preference on corporate income tax of 7 (7 years tax holiday) + 5 (5 years tax revenues drop by half) + 5 (re-invest the profits within 1 year and continues to enjoy the half tax revenues 5 years afterwards). After grace period, enterprise income tax rate was of 25%. Year 2021 is the sixth year of tax holiday. The wholly-owned subsidiary Continental Textile shall enjoy the preference of enterprise income tax at 3 years’ starting term + 4 years’ duty-free term + 9 years’ half-tax term according to the investment license issued by Vietnamese Tay Ninh Industrial Zone Management Committee, and it will enter into 2 years’ duty-free term if it is profitable within 3 years’ starting term. Continental Textile shall enjoy 10% of the preference tax rate within 15 years since the tax year to get the first production and operation income, and the enterprise income tax rate shall be 20% after the preference term ends. Year 2021 is the fourth year of the duty-free term. The wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental Textile, Lu Thai Tan Chau, shall enjoy the preference of enterprise income tax at 3 years’ starting term + 4 years’ duty-free term + 9 years’ half-tax term according to the investment license issued by Vietnamese Tay Ninh Investment Planning Office, and it will enter into 2 years’ duty-free term if it is profitable within 3 years’ starting term. The Company shall enjoy 10% of the preference tax rate within 15 years since the tax year to get the first production and operation income, and the enterprise income tax rate shall be 20% after the preference term ends. Year 2021 is the first year of the duty-free term. Lu Thai America, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company registered in New York, America, was imposed the federal enterprise income tax at fixed tax rate of 21%, and imposed the New York Enterprise income tax at the fixed tax rate of 6.5%. If the tax payable exceeds USD5 million, the tax rate is 7.25%. The wholly-owned subsidiary Lu Thai Vocational Training School Co., Ltd. enjoys the preferential policy for non-profit organization income exemption from corporate income tax according to Article 26, Item 4 of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 84 and Article 85 of Regulations for the Implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and CS (2018) No. 13. The Wholly-owned subsidiary Huilin International, which is registered in Hainan Pilot Free Zone and operates the encouraged industry, pays corporate income tax at a reduced tax rate of 15% according to Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on the Corporate Income Tax Preferential Policies of Hainan Pilot Free Zone (Announcement No.31 [2020] of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration) The Wholly-owned subsidiary Libra International of Huilin International is registered in Singapore and pays the corporate income tax at a rate of 17%. The enterprise income tax rate of Qiming Apparel, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Libra International, is 20% based on the provisions of the Tax Law of Kingdom of Cambodia on income tax. The wholly-owned subsidiary of Libra International-Lu An Garments Co., Ltd. shall enjoy the preference of enterprise income tax at 3 years’ starting term + 2 years’ duty-free term + 4 years’ half-tax term according to the investment license issued by Vietnamese Anjiang Province Economic Zone Management Committee, and it will enter into duty-free term if the profitability is realized at any year within 3 years’ starting term. The Company shall enjoy 17% of the preference tax rate within 10 years since the tax year to get the first production and operation income, and the enterprise income tax rate shall be 20% after the preference term ends. Year 2021 is the first year of the halving collection period. 217 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 VII. Notes to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company 1. Monetary capital Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Cash on hand 3,475,164.56 7,009,891.16 Bank deposits 1,994,544,688.81 1,390,809,492.44 Other monetary capital 1,693,035.98 2,658,651.21 Total 1,999,712,889.35 1,400,478,034.81 Of which: The total amount deposited 124,950,227.06 131,075,580.22 overseas Other notes (1) On December 31, 2021, the monetary capital with restricted ownership was RMB1,693,035.98, which included USD6,750.00 (RMB43,035.98) L/C guarantee deposit for the Company's subsidiary Continental Textile Co., Ltd., RMB550,000.00 L/C guarantee deposit and RMB1.1 million guarantee deposit of long-term settlement of exchange for the Company's subsidiary Lulian New Materials Co., Ltd. (2) The interest receivable in bank deposits was RMB519,369.56. 2. Trading financial assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1,727,000.00 268,456,216.98 Of which: Debt instrument investment 251,814,716.98 Derivative financial assets 1,727,000.00 16,641,500.00 Of which: Total 1,727,000.00 268,456,216.98 3. Notes receivable (1) Notes receivable listed by category Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Bank acceptance bill 129,359,621.79 141,168,447.70 Trade acceptance bill 121,492.55 L/C 98,259,133.55 41,825,663.16 218 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 227,740,247.89 182,994,110.86 Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Withdra Withdra Carrying Carrying Proporti wal Proportio wal Amount Amount amount Amount Amount amount on proporti n proportio on n Of which: Notes receivable of 227,746,64 100.00 227,740, 182,994, bad debt provision 6,394.34 100.00% 182,994,110.86 2.23 % 247.89 110.86 withdrawn by groups Of which: Commercial 121,492. 127,886.89 0.06% 6,394.34 5.00% acceptance bill 55 Bank acceptance bill 227,618,75 227,618, 182,994, 99.94% 100.00% 182,994,110.86 and L/C 5.34 755.34 110.86 227,746,64 100.00 227,740, 182,994, Total 6,394.34 100.00% 182,994,110.86 2.23 % 247.89 110.86 If the bad debt provision for notes receivable was withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, information related to bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Bad debt provision withdrawn, reversed or collected during the Reporting Period Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period: Unit: RMB Changes in the reporting period Beginning Category Reversal or Ending balance balance Withdrawal Write-off Other recovery Commercial 0.00 6,394.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,394.34 acceptance bill Total 0.00 6,394.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,394.34 Of which significant amount of reversal or recovery bad debt provision in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 219 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (3) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due on the balance sheet date at the period-end Unit: RMB Non-derecognized amount at the Item Derecognized amount at the period-end period-end Bank acceptance bill 0.00 112,995,745.69 Trade acceptance bill 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 112,995,745.69 4. Accounts receivable (1) Accounts receivable classified by category Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Withdra Withdra Carrying Carrying Proporti wal Proportio wal Amount Amount amount Amount Amount amount on proporti n proportio on n Accounts receivable of bad debt 2,179,97 2,179,97 8,378,71 8,378,71 0.31% 100.00% 1.48% 100.00% provision separately 0.77 0.77 6.21 6.21 accrued Of which: Accounts receivable of bad debt 692,042, 44,764,9 647,277, 558,478, 36,053,0 522,425,21 99.69% 6.47% 98.52% 6.46% provision withdrawn 157.38 58.87 198.51 267.74 47.87 9.87 by groups Of which: Group 1: Undue 99,484,4 1,044,58 98,439,9 166,997, 1,753,47 165,244,23 accounts (credit 14.33% 1.05% 29.46% 1.05% 89.32 7.17 02.15 706.03 5.92 0.11 insurance insured) Group 2: Undue 508,102, 25,405,1 482,696, 269,999, 13,499,9 256,499,72 accounts (no credit 73.19% 5.00% 47.63% 5.00% 078.32 03.98 974.34 707.80 85.39 2.41 insurance) Group 3: Overdue 20,932,2 2,239,75 18,692,5 46,514,8 4,977,08 41,537,722 accounts (credit 3.02% 10.70% 8.21% 10.70% 98.93 5.99 42.94 06.33 4.28 .05 insurance insured) 220 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Group 4: Overdue 63,523,2 16,075,5 47,447,7 74,966,0 15,822,5 59,143,545 accounts (no credit 9.15% 25.31% 13.22% 21.11% 90.81 11.73 79.08 47.58 02.28 .30 insurance) 694,222, 46,944,9 647,277, 566,856, 44,431,7 522,425,21 Total 100.00% 6.76% 100.00% 7.84% 128.15 29.64 198.51 983.95 64.08 9.87 Bad debt provision separately accrued: Y2021 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Provision reason Customer filed for Customer 1 1,347,066.83 1,347,066.83 100.00% bankruptcy protection Customer filed for Customer 2 273,384.76 273,384.76 100.00% bankruptcy protection Customer financial Other customer 559,519.18 559,519.18 100.00% difficulties or filed for bankruptcy protection Total 2,179,970.77 2,179,970.77 -- -- Bad debt provision separately accrued: Y2020 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Provision reason Customer filed for Customer 1 4,493,505.62 4,493,505.62 100.00% bankruptcy protection Customer filed for Customer 2 1,944,326.18 1,944,326.18 100.00% bankruptcy protection Customer financial Other customer 1,940,884.41 1,940,884.41 100.00% difficulties or filed for bankruptcy protection Total 8,378,716.21 8,378,716.21 -- -- Bad debt provision withdrawn by groups: Y2021 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Group 1: Undue accounts 99,484,489.32 1,044,587.17 1.05% (credit insurance insured) Group 2: Undue accounts (no 508,102,078.32 25,405,103.98 5.00% credit insurance) 221 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Group 3: Overdue accounts 20,932,298.93 2,239,755.99 10.70% (credit insurance insured) Group 4: Overdue accounts 63,523,290.81 16,075,511.73 25.31% (no credit insurance) Total 692,042,157.38 44,764,958.87 -- Bad debt provision withdrawn by groups: Y2020 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Group 1: Undue accounts 166,997,706.03 1,753,475.92 1.05% (credit insurance insured) Group 2: Undue accounts (no 269,999,707.80 13,499,985.39 5.00% credit insurance) Group 3: Overdue accounts 46,514,806.33 4,977,084.28 10.70% (credit insurance insured) Group 4: Overdue accounts 74,966,047.58 15,822,502.28 21.11% (no credit insurance) Total 558,478,267.74 36,053,047.87 -- Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable. □ Applicable √ Not applicable Disclosure by aging Unit: RMB Aging Carrying amount Within 1 year (including 1 year) 680,519,446.98 1 to 2 years 5,246,083.66 2 to 3 years 7,459,352.83 Over 3 years 997,244.68 3 to 4 years 704,998.61 4 to 5 years 292,246.07 Total 694,222,128.15 (2) Bad debt provision withdrawn, reversed or collected during the Reporting Period Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period: Unit: RMB Category Beginning Changes in the reporting period Ending balance 222 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 balance Reversal or Withdrawal Write-off Other recovery Bad debt 44,431,764.08 4,661,497.52 0.00 2,148,331.96 0.00 46,944,929.64 provision Total 44,431,764.08 4,661,497.52 0.00 2,148,331.96 0.00 46,944,929.64 (3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item Amount Accounts receivable actually verified 2,148,331.96 (4) Top 5 of accounts receivable of ending balance collected by arrears party Unit: RMB Proportion to total ending Ending balance of bad debt Name of Entity Ending balance balance of accounts provision receivable Aggregate amount of top 5 of accounts receivable of ending 207,105,932.07 29.83% 12,168,821.23 balance collected by arrears party Total 207,105,932.07 29.83% 5. Accounts receivable financing Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Notes receivable 35,042,339.23 55,508,978.63 Less: Other comprehensive income - -379,267.35 -358,052.29 changes in fair value Total 34,663,071.88 55,150,926.34 Changes in accounts receivable financing and fair value in the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable financing. □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other notes: There was no bank acceptance bill for which bad debt provision accrued separately in the Company. On 31 December 2021, the Company believed that there was no significant credit risk in the bank acceptance bill held by the Company, and no significant loss 223 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 caused by bank defaults. (1) Notes receivable endorsed by the Company or discounted and not due on the balance sheet date at the period-end Category Derecognized amount at the Non-derecognized amount at the period-end period-end Bank acceptance bill 335,172,057.08 Trade acceptance bill Total 335,172,057.08 The bank acceptance bill used for discount is accepted by a bank with high credit grade, the credit risk and deferred payment risk are low, and the interest rate risk related to the bill has been transferred to the bank. It can be judged that the main risk and reward on the ownership of the bill have been transferred, so the bank acceptance bill was derecognized at the period-end. 6. Prepayment (1) List by aging analysis Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Aging Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Within 1 year 54,395,566.77 99.73% 19,462,310.59 99.24% 1 to 2 years 80,046.79 0.15% 113,434.12 0.58% 2 to 3 years 57,065.73 0.10% 36,030.57 0.18% Over 3 years 13,274.91 0.02% Total 54,545,954.20 -- 19,611,775.28 -- (2) Top 5 of the ending balance of the prepayment collected according to the prepayment target The advances to suppliers from the top five of prepaid parties classified based on the ending balance totals RMB36,049,753.17 in the current period, accounting for 66.90% of the total ending balance of the advances to suppliers. 7. Other receivables Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Dividends receivable 47,025,975.44 75,488,652.49 Other receivables 27,165,637.78 30,222,166.20 Total 74,191,613.22 105,710,818.69 224 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (1) Dividends receivable 1) Category of dividends receivable Unit: RMB Item (or Investee) Ending balance Beginning balance Sanchang Fengshou Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. 49,501,026.78 79,461,739.46 (hereinafter referred to as "Fengshou Cotton") Less: Bad debt provision -2,475,051.34 -3,973,086.97 Total 47,025,975.44 75,488,652.49 2) Significant dividends receivable aging over 1 year Unit: RMB Whether occurred impairment Item (or investee) Ending balance Aging Reason and its judgment basis 1 to 2 Collect in accordance with Fengshou Cotton 49,501,026.78 Not past due years agreed dividend payment plan Total 49,501,026.78 -- -- -- 3) Withdrawal of bad debt provision √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB First stage Second stage Third stage Expected credit Expected loss in the Expected loss in the Bad debt provision Total loss of the next 12 duration (credit duration (credit months impairment not occurred) impairment occurred) Balance of 1 January 3,973,086.97 3,973,086.97 2021 Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting —— —— —— —— Period Withdrawal of the -1,498,035.63 -1,498,035.63 current period Balance of 31 2,475,051.34 2,475,051.34 December 2021 Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other notes: 225 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The Company did not have dividends receivable in the second and third stages at the Period-end. (2) Other receivables 1) Other receivables classified by category Unit: RMB Nature Ending carrying amount Beginning carrying amount Export rebates 1,384,112.79 VAT to be returned 8,486,685.52 9,341,623.77 Payment on behalf 11,917,827.00 13,868,814.75 Guarantee deposit and cash deposit 6,586,697.20 5,163,865.78 Borrowings and petty cash 1,051,186.48 4,483,805.85 Other 402,457.40 218,743.34 Total 29,828,966.39 33,076,853.49 2) Withdrawal of bad debt provision Unit: RMB First stage Second stage Third stage Expected credit Expected loss in the Expected loss in the Bad debt provision Total loss of the next 12 duration (credit duration (credit months impairment not occurred) impairment occurred) Balance of 1 January 1,516,853.79 1,337,833.50 2,854,687.29 2021 Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting —— —— —— —— Period Withdrawal of the -159,090.16 -32,268.52 -191,358.68 current period Balance of 31 1,357,763.63 1,305,564.98 2,663,328.61 December 2021 Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Disclosure by aging Unit: RMB Aging Carrying amount Within 1 year (including 1 year) 24,927,281.70 1 to 2 years 745,274.93 226 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2 to 3 years 273,773.82 Over 3 years 3,882,635.94 3 to 4 years 164,144.98 4 to 5 years 0.00 Over 5 years 3,718,490.96 Total 29,828,966.39 3) Bad debt provision withdrawn, reversed or collected during the Reporting Period Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period: Unit: RMB Changes in the Reporting Period Beginning Category Reversal or Ending balance balance Withdrawal Write-off Other recovery Expected credit loss in the next 1,516,853.7 -159,090.16 1,357,763.63 12 months in 9 the first stage Expected loss in the duration (credit 1,337,833.5 -32,268.52 1,305,564.98 impairment not 0 occurred) in the second stage Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred) in the third stage 2,854,687.2 Total -191,358.68 2,663,328.61 9 4) Top 5 of the ending balance of the other receivables collected according to the arrears party Unit: RMB Proportion to ending balance of Ending balance of Name of entity Nature Ending balance Aging total other bad debt provision receivables 227 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 VAT receivable to be returned from Input VAT 4,849,187.44 Within 1 year 16.26% 242,459.37 Polaris Apparel VAT receivable to be returned from Input VAT 3,637,498.08 Within 1 year 12.20% 181,874.89 Lu Thai Tan Chau Withheld personal endowment Advance payments 4,642,678.84 Within 1 year 15.56% 232,133.94 insurance Receivable export Export rebates 1,384,112.79 Within 1 year 4.64% 69,205.64 rebates Zibo Customs, People's Republic Margin 1,182,146.29 Within 1 year 3.96% 59,107.31 of China Total -- 15,695,623.44 -- 52.62% 784,781.15 8. Inventory Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for real estate industry Not (1) Category of inventory Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Falling price Falling price reserves of reserves of inventory or inventory or Item Carrying depreciation Carrying Carrying depreciation Carrying amount reserves of amount amount reserves of amount contract contract performance performance cost cost Raw materials 928,078,106.34 17,925,640.41 910,152,465.93 849,455,158.83 2,547,151.31 846,908,007.52 Goods in 611,695,332.97 2,538,846.30 609,156,486.67 393,404,083.58 5,437,464.35 387,966,619.23 process Inventory 939,550,089.36 143,767,058.72 795,783,030.64 877,507,714.63 136,403,191.01 741,104,523.62 goods Assigned processing 30,254,811.04 30,254,811.04 12,989,531.27 12,989,531.27 products 228 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2,509,578,339.7 2,345,346,794. 2,133,356,488. 1,988,968,681. Total 164,231,545.43 144,387,806.67 1 28 31 64 (2) Falling price reserves of inventory and depreciation reserves of contract performance cost Unit: RMB Increased amount of the period Decreased amount of the period Beginning Item Reverse or Ending balance balance Withdrawal Other Other write-off Raw materials 2,547,151.31 15,378,489.10 17,925,640.41 Goods in 5,437,464.35 2,538,846.30 5,437,464.35 2,538,846.30 process Inventory 136,403,191.01 66,275,284.27 58,911,416.56 143,767,058.72 goods Total 144,387,806.67 84,192,619.67 64,348,880.91 164,231,545.43 9. Current portion of non-current assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Long-term accounts receivable due 45,750,018.30 within 1 year Total 45,750,018.30 10. Other current assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Input tax 53,076,859.19 69,924,309.37 Prepaid income tax 2,589,285.09 8,268,591.39 Other prepaid taxes 126,618.09 3,161,080.82 Short-term debt investments 351,379,736.36 Convertible bond fractional share funds 199,760.44 199,858.61 Short-term prepaid expense 498,682.08 Total 55,992,522.81 433,432,258.63 229 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 11. Long-term receivables (1) List of long-term receivables Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Interval of Item Carrying Bad debt Carrying Carrying Bad debt Carrying discount rate amount provision amount amount provision amount Equity transfer 91,371,791.0 86,803,201.4 4,568,589.55 3.85% fee receivable 0 5 Less: Long-term -48,157,914. -2,407,895.7 -45,750,018. accounts 00 0 30 receivable due within one year 43,213,877.0 41,053,183.1 Total 2,160,693.85 -- 0 5 Impairment of bad debt provision Unit: RMB First stage Second stage Third stage Expected credit Expected loss in the Expected loss in the Bad debt provision Total loss of the next 12 duration (credit duration (credit months impairment not occurred) impairment occurred) Balance of 1 January 4,568,589.55 2021 Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting —— —— —— —— Period Withdrawal of the -4,568,589.55 current period Balance of 31 0.00 December 2021 Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 12. Long-term equity investment Unit: RMB Beginnin Increase/decrease Ending Ending Investee g Addition Reduced Gains Adjustm Changes Cash Withdra Other balance balance 230 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 balance al investme and ent of of other bonus or wal of (carrying of (carrying investme nt losses other equity profits impairm value) depreciat value) nt recogniz compreh announc ent ion ed under ensive ed to provision reserve the income issue equity method I. Joint ventures II. Associated enterprises Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area Haohong Equity Investme nt 88,329,9 7,881,29 -12,791, 67,657,6 Partnersh 22.16 4.68 000.83 26.65 ip (L.P.) (hereinaf ter referred to as "Haohon g Investme nt") Haohong Equity Investme nt Partnersh ip (L.P.) (hereinaf 49,749,6 50,000,0 2,035,82 101,785, ter 55.09 00.00 4.92 480.01 referred to as "Haohon g Investme nt") Subtotal 138,079, 50,000,0 7,881,29 -10,755, 169,443, 231 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 577.25 00.00 4.68 175.91 106.66 138,079, 50,000,0 7,881,29 -10,755, 169,443, Total 577.25 00.00 4.68 175.91 106.66 13. Other non-current financial assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Debt instrument investment Equity instrument investment 178,052,000.00 144,915,620.25 Financial assets designated to be measured at fair value with the 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 changes in fair value included in current profits and losses Other Total 190,052,000.00 156,915,620.25 14. Investment property (1) Investment property adopting the cost measurement mode √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Construction in Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total progress I. Original carrying value 1. Beginning balance 33,577,852.12 33,577,852.12 2. Increased amount of the period (1) Outsourcing (2) Transfer from inventories/fixed assets/construction in progress (3) Enterprise combination increase 3. Decreased amount of the period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer 4. Ending balance 33,577,852.12 33,577,852.12 232 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization 1. Beginning balance 11,314,183.27 11,314,183.27 2. Increased amount of 901,366.82 901,366.82 the period (1) Withdrawal or 901,366.82 901,366.82 amortization 3. Decreased amount of the period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer 4. Ending balance 12,215,550.09 12,215,550.09 III. Depreciation reserves 1. Beginning balance 2. Increased amount of the period (1) Withdrawal 3. Decreased amount of the period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer 4. Ending balance IV. Carrying value 1. Ending carrying value 21,362,302.03 21,362,302.03 2. Beginning carrying 22,263,668.85 22,263,668.85 value (2) Investment property adopting the fair value measurement mode □ Applicable √ Not applicable 15. Fixed assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Fixed assets 5,559,649,164.65 5,600,022,186.24 Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets 1,952,209.79 37,957,820.45 233 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 5,561,601,374.44 5,637,980,006.69 (1) List of fixed assets Unit: RMB Electronic Houses and Machinery Transportation Item equipment and Total buildings equipment equipment others I. Original carrying value 1. Beginning 3,300,178,588.71 6,830,302,709.90 53,794,437.30 129,442,986.01 10,313,718,721.92 balance 2. Increased amount of the 143,776,655.08 302,038,943.88 1,885,548.07 5,456,406.98 453,157,554.01 period (1) Purchase 71,188.12 264,071,138.32 1,885,548.07 5,456,406.98 271,484,281.49 (2) Transfer from construction 143,705,466.96 37,967,805.56 181,673,272.52 in progress (3) Enterprise combination increase 3. Decreased amount of the 42,958,593.06 128,195,630.23 7,014,364.59 4,747,895.57 182,916,483.45 period (1) Disposal 11,116,914.87 102,893,321.05 6,797,297.62 4,618,814.53 125,426,348.07 or scrap (2) Transferred to construction in 11,406,001.81 11,406,001.81 progress (3) Other 20,435,676.38 25,302,309.18 217,066.97 129,081.04 46,084,133.57 decreases 4. Ending 3,400,996,650.73 7,004,146,023.55 48,665,620.78 130,151,497.42 10,583,959,792.48 balance II. Accumulative depreciation 1. Beginning 995,997,040.59 3,533,778,199.66 36,975,373.50 97,668,147.56 4,664,418,761.31 balance 2. Increased 111,658,120.66 307,490,406.98 4,594,796.87 13,355,956.78 437,099,281.29 amount of the 234 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 period (1) 111,658,120.66 307,490,406.98 4,594,796.87 13,355,956.78 437,099,281.29 Withdrawal 3. Decreased amount of the 16,854,384.20 82,885,340.86 5,758,817.75 4,241,291.43 109,739,834.24 period (1) Disposal 3,599,754.43 77,115,764.67 5,638,899.45 4,144,702.28 90,499,120.83 or scrap (2) Transferred to construction in 9,101,573.57 9,101,573.57 progress (3) Other 4,153,056.20 5,769,576.19 119,918.30 96,589.15 10,139,139.84 decreases 4. Ending 1,090,800,777.05 3,758,383,265.78 35,811,352.62 106,782,812.91 4,991,778,208.36 balance III. Depreciation reserves 1. Beginning 1,574,730.45 47,619,177.12 5,671.30 78,195.50 49,277,774.37 balance 2. Increased amount of the 1,429,523.09 1,715.50 1,431,238.59 period (1) 1,429,523.09 1,715.50 1,431,238.59 Withdrawal 3. Decreased amount of the 1,145,314.29 17,018,765.51 12,513.69 18,176,593.49 period (1) Disposal 1,145,314.29 17,018,765.51 12,513.69 18,176,593.49 or scrap (2) Other decreases 4. Ending 429,416.16 32,029,934.70 5,671.30 67,397.31 32,532,419.47 balance IV. Carrying value 1. Ending 2,309,766,457.52 3,213,732,823.07 12,848,596.86 23,301,287.20 5,559,649,164.65 carrying value 2. Beginning 2,326,219,802.64 3,248,905,333.12 16,813,392.50 31,696,642.95 5,623,635,171.21 carrying value 235 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (2) Fixed assets leased out by operation lease Unit: RMB Item Ending carrying value Houses and buildings 3,707,101.82 (3) Fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property Unit: RMB Item Carrying amount Reason of certificate of titles have not yet been obtained Lufeng weaving dye gray Under the relevant certificate procedures of acceptance, measurement, 10,857,920.88 yarn warehouse examination by the real estate trading center and other departments Yarn dyeing workshop of Lulian New Materials Co., 45,875,873.52 Ditto Ltd. Slashing workshop of Lulian New Materials Co., 11,662,166.57 Ditto Ltd. Dyeing and finishing workshop of Lulian New 44,211,118.84 Ditto Materials Co., Ltd. Power workshop of Lulian 22,914,071.91 Ditto New Materials Co., Ltd. (4) Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Zhangdian Industrial Park houses and 37,957,820.45 buildings Boiler and ancillary equipment 1,952,209.79 Total 1,952,209.79 37,957,820.45 16. Construction in progress Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Construction in progress 157,651,325.17 201,339,271.24 Engineering materials 79,927,757.82 154,933,926.25 236 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 237,579,082.99 356,273,197.49 (1) List of construction in progress Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Item Carrying Depreciation Carrying Carrying Depreciation Carrying amount reserve amount amount reserve amount Reform project of Xinsheng 33,240,957.43 33,240,957.43 15,024,257.20 15,024,257.20 Thermal Power Expansion project of Xinsheng 24,901,015.93 24,901,015.93 Thermal Power (Phase II) Dormitory project of Lu 19,083,725.35 19,083,725.35 Thai (Vietnam) Spinning project of Lu 5,296,923.55 5,296,923.55 Thai (Tan Chau) Functional Fabric Intelligent 84,984,974.35 84,984,974.35 95,803,812.78 95,803,812.78 Ecological Park Project (Phase I) Other sporadic 39,425,393.39 39,425,393.39 41,229,536.43 41,229,536.43 projects Total 157,651,325.17 157,651,325.17 201,339,271.24 201,339,271.24 (2) Changes in significant construction in progress during the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Increase Proporti Accumu Includin Capitali Transfer Other Beginni d on of Job lated g: zation Capital red in decrease Ending Item Budget ng amount accumul schedul amount Amount rate of resource fixed d balance balance of the ated e of of interests s assets amount period investm interest capitaliz for the 237 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 ent in capitaliz ed reportin construc ation interests g period tions to for the budget reportin g period Reform project of 54,380, 15,024, 21,679, 3,462,3 33,240, Xinshen 67.49% 67.49 Other 000.00 257.20 011.56 11.33 957.43 g Thermal Power Expansi on project of Xinshen 110,690 24,901, 1,260,1 26,161, 116.00 100 Other g ,000.00 015.93 27.41 143.34 % Thermal Power (Phase II) Dormito ry project 21,626, 19,083, 6,406,0 25,280, 209,414 117.00 of Lu 100 Other 200.00 725.35 53.04 363.93 .46 % Thai (Vietna m) Spinnin g project 153,470 5,296,9 4,126,4 9,364,4 58,988. of Lu 95.00% 100 Other ,000.00 23.55 73.87 08.54 88 Thai (Tan Chau) Functio nal Fabric Public 217,211 95,803, 70,865, 81,683, 84,984, 120.00 30,996, 15,968, Intellige 93 3.68% offering ,000.00 812.78 083.91 922.34 974.35 % 506.59 307.04 nt fund Ecologi cal Park 238 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Project (Phase I) Other 41,229, 34,422, 35,721, 505,847 39,425, sporadic Other 536.43 827.72 123.04 .72 393.39 projects 557,377 201,339 138,759 181,673 774,251 157,651 30,996, 15,968, Total -- -- -- ,200.00 ,271.24 ,577.51 ,272.52 .06 ,325.17 506.59 307.04 (3) Engineering materials Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Item Carrying Depreciation Carrying Carrying Depreciation Carrying amount reserve amount amount reserve amount Special materials 79,927,757.8 154,933,926. 154,933,926. Special equipment 79,927,757.82 2 25 25 79,927,757.8 154,933,926. 154,933,926. Total 79,927,757.82 2 25 25 17. Right-of-use assets Unit: RMB Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total I. Original carrying value 1. Beginning balance 72,833,229.83 196,529,016.05 269,362,245.88 2. Increased amount of the period 9,729,395.18 9,729,395.18 (1) Rent 9,729,395.18 9,729,395.18 (2) Lease liabilities adjustment 3. Decreased amount of the period 96,330.54 3,435,058.49 3,531,389.03 (1) Sublease is a financial lease (2) Transfer or hold for sale (3) Other decreases 96,330.54 3,435,058.49 3,531,389.03 4. Ending balance 72,736,899.29 202,823,352.74 275,560,252.03 II. Accumulative depreciation 1. Beginning balance 2. Increased amount of the period 11,237,313.49 7,352,272.48 18,589,585.97 239 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (1) Withdrawal 11,237,313.49 7,352,272.48 18,589,585.97 (2) Other increases 3. Decreased amount of the period 10,227.12 38,392.97 48,620.09 (1) Disposal (2) Other decreases 10,227.12 38,392.97 48,620.09 4. Ending balance 11,227,086.37 7,313,879.51 18,540,965.88 III. Depreciation reserves 1. Beginning balance 2. Increased amount of the period (1) Withdrawal 3. Decreased amount of the period (1) Disposal 4. Ending balance IV. Carrying value 1. Ending carrying value 61,509,812.92 195,509,473.23 257,019,286.15 2. Beginning carrying value 72,833,229.83 196,529,016.05 269,362,245.88 18. Intangible assets (1) List of intangible assets Unit: RMB Non-patent Item Land use right Patent right Software use right Total technology I. Original carrying value 1. Beginning 470,338,494.00 3,627,343.66 473,965,837.66 balance 2. Increased 409,550.00 300,088.49 709,638.49 amount of the period (1) Purchase 409,550.00 300,088.49 709,638.49 (2) Internal R&D (3) Enterprise combination increase 3. Decreased 1,796,044.79 1,796,044.79 amount of the period 240 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (1) Disposal (2) Invalid and recognition terminated 1,792,749.64 1,792,749.64 portion (3) Other decreases 3,295.15 3,295.15 4. Ending balance 470,338,494.00 409,550.00 2,131,387.36 472,879,431.36 II. Accumulated amortization 1. Beginning 98,250,066.12 2,172,290.70 100,422,356.82 balance 2. Increased 10,096,399.24 30,716.28 992,423.65 11,119,539.17 amount of the period (1) Withdrawal 10,096,399.24 30,716.28 992,423.65 11,119,539.17 3. Decreased 1,793,442.77 1,793,442.77 amount of the period (1) Disposal (2) Invalid and recognition terminated 1,792,749.64 1,792,749.64 portion (3) Other decreases 693.13 693.13 4. Ending balance 108,346,465.36 30,716.28 1,371,271.58 109,748,453.22 III. Depreciation reserves 1. Beginning balance 2. Increased amount of the period (1) Withdrawal 3. Decreased amount of the period (1) Disposal 4. Ending balance IV. Carrying value 1. Ending 361,992,028.64 378,833.72 760,115.78 363,130,978.14 carrying value 2. Beginning 372,088,427.88 1,455,052.96 373,543,480.84 241 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 carrying value The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to the ending balance of intangible assets was 0.00%. 19. Development costs Unit: RMB Increased amount of the period Decreased amount of the period Beginning Transfer to Item Internal Recognized as Ending balance balance Other current gains development intangible assets and losses Product R&D 252,912,911.63 252,912,911.63 Total 252,912,911.63 252,912,911.63 20. Goodwill (1) Original carrying value of goodwill Unit: RMB Name of the invested Increase Decrease units or events Beginning balance Formed by business Ending balance Disposal generating goodwill combination Xinsheng Power 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29 Total 20,563,803.29 20,563,803.29 21. Long-term prepaid expense Unit: RMB Amortization Increased amount Other decreased Item Beginning balance amount of the Ending balance of the period amount period Renovation costs 1,406,347.76 733,746.72 672,601.04 Total 1,406,347.76 733,746.72 672,601.04 22. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities (1) Deferred income tax assets that had not been off-set Unit: RMB 242 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Ending balance Beginning balance Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax difference assets difference assets Depreciation reserves 211,902,261.84 32,571,574.68 232,609,684.18 37,624,855.86 of assets Unrealized profit of 154,652,429.83 23,546,803.59 109,437,547.23 17,073,399.27 internal transactions Deductible losses 125,211,374.31 23,469,558.56 80,123,710.98 16,776,355.64 One-time listed 93,446.60 23,361.65 decoration expenses Payroll payable 62,871,779.73 9,443,195.07 118,015,305.73 17,802,836.18 Deferred income 188,769,454.53 31,627,668.49 173,862,983.31 27,188,106.81 Contract liability 50,555,810.44 12,638,952.61 16,596,721.35 4,149,180.34 Changes in the fair value of other 160,000.00 24,000.00 14,493,587.33 2,174,038.10 non-current financial assets Changes in fair value 379,267.35 58,968.83 358,052.29 53,707.84 of receivable financing Operating leases 3,105,101.78 486,827.11 Restricted stock 30,990,583.74 4,648,587.56 incentive fees Total 828,598,063.55 138,516,136.50 745,591,039.00 122,865,841.69 (2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax difference liabilities difference liabilities Depreciation of fixed 462,125,128.72 74,185,425.08 417,366,245.56 67,382,126.00 assets Changes in fair value 1,727,000.00 259,050.00 18,456,216.98 2,768,432.55 of trading assets Changes in the fair value of other 120,845,567.06 18,126,835.06 102,042,774.64 15,306,416.20 non-current financial assets 243 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Accrued interests on 1,174,577.93 176,186.69 creditors' investment Total 584,697,695.78 92,571,310.14 539,039,815.11 85,633,161.44 (3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities had been off-set listed in net amount Unit: RMB Beginning off-set Ending off-set amount Ending balance of Beginning balance of amount of deferred Item of deferred income tax deferred income tax deferred income tax income tax assets and assets and liabilities assets and liabilities assets and liabilities liabilities Deferred income tax 138,516,136.50 122,865,841.69 assets Deferred income tax 97,442,412.65 85,633,161.44 liabilities (4) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Deductible temporary difference 9,031,432.71 16,884,024.75 Deductible losses 73,702,292.27 586,187.49 Total 82,733,724.98 17,470,212.24 (5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due in the following years Unit: RMB Years Ending amount Beginning amount Note Y2022 Y2023 Y2024 1,344.62 1,344.62 Y2025 584,842.87 584,842.87 Y2026 73,116,104.78 Total 73,702,292.27 586,187.49 -- 23. Other non-current assets Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance 244 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Depreciat Carrying Carrying Carrying Depreciati Carrying ion amount amount amount on reserve amount reserve Prepaid land transfer fee 214,131,583.94 214,131,583.94 86,515,839.05 86,515,839.05 Prepayment of equipment 11,691,427.91 11,691,427.91 6,195,947.23 6,195,947.23 Term deposits over 1 year 351,000,000.00 351,000,000.00 Interest receivable from term 9,260,296.40 9,260,296.40 deposits over 1 year Land use rights to be 2,722,253.90 2,722,253.90 recovered by the government Total 586,083,308.25 586,083,308.25 95,434,040.18 95,434,040.18 24. Short-term borrowings (1) Category of short-term borrowings Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Pledged borrowings 11,763,977.73 Guaranteed borrowings 238,770,866.65 550,258,596.41 Credit borrowings 772,263,271.67 368,848,434.05 Total 1,011,034,138.32 930,871,008.19 Notes of short-term borrowings category: (1) The period-end guaranteed borrowing is the guarantee provided by the Company for the bank borrowings of its subsidiaries Continental Textile Co., Ltd., Lu Thai (Tan Chau) and Lu An Garments. Refer to Note XIV-2 for details. (2) The short-term borrowing includes interest payable of RMB764,283.57. 25. Accounts payable (1) List of accounts payable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Payment for goods 217,076,555.49 137,003,680.16 Payment for engineering equipment 73,998,453.07 80,349,348.21 Other 44,326,362.74 25,909,445.32 Total 335,401,371.30 243,262,473.69 245 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 26. Contract liabilities Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Proceeds from sale received in advance 218,008,930.11 152,333,217.97 Less: Contract liabilities included in -13,041,581.15 -10,993,512.35 other current liabilities Total 204,967,348.96 141,339,705.62 27. Payroll payable (1) List of payroll payable Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance I. Short-term salary 265,648,198.38 1,312,885,066.50 1,307,364,468.10 271,168,796.78 II. Post-employment 127,587,983.68 126,742,484.37 845,499.31 benefit-defined contribution plans III. Termination benefits 212,789.00 212,789.00 Total 265,648,198.38 1,440,685,839.18 1,434,319,741.47 272,014,296.09 (2) List of short-term salary Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance 1. Salary, bonus, allowance 202,510,898.31 1,164,539,273.15 1,153,327,689.71 213,722,481.75 and subsidy 2. Employee welfare 52,568,401.16 52,568,401.16 3. Social insurance 24,203.32 62,831,450.23 62,415,264.01 440,389.54 Including: Medical 17,079.14 56,722,725.72 56,340,808.78 398,996.08 insurance premiums Work-related 6,854.60 6,103,154.04 6,068,927.64 41,081.00 injury insurance Maternity 269.58 5,570.47 5,527.59 312.46 insurance 4. Housing fund 10,658,244.20 10,658,244.20 5. Labor union budget and 63,113,096.75 22,287,697.76 28,394,869.02 57,005,925.49 employee education budget 246 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 265,648,198.38 1,312,885,066.50 1,307,364,468.10 271,168,796.78 (3) List of defined contribution plans Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance 1. Basic pension 121,808,946.14 120,998,491.93 810,454.21 benefits 2. Unemployment 5,779,037.54 5,743,992.44 35,045.10 insurance Total 127,587,983.68 126,742,484.37 845,499.31 28. Taxes payable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance VAT 5,534,817.32 12,077,311.75 Corporate income tax 8,173,413.58 11,531,626.63 Personal income tax 607,463.91 422,663.35 Urban maintenance and construction tax 3,645,871.40 3,390,064.57 Stamp duty 320,584.10 441,946.14 Property tax 5,200,898.00 4,868,121.51 Land use tax 2,651,253.23 900,240.84 Education surcharge 1,585,262.09 1,338,871.23 Local education surcharge 1,056,841.39 876,371.30 Local water conservancy facility 218,962.12 construction fund Resources tax 179,258.00 70,554.00 Environmental protection tax 502,039.70 332,245.33 Total 29,457,702.72 36,468,978.77 29. Other payables Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Dividends payable 441,113.64 441,113.64 Other Payables 96,759,451.67 17,146,357.15 247 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 97,200,565.31 17,587,470.79 (1) Dividends payable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Dividends payable to individual 441,113.64 441,113.64 shareholders Total 441,113.64 441,113.64 Other notes, including significant dividends payable unpaid for over 1 year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed: The cash dividend of the previous year not received by individual shareholders (2) Other payables 1) Other payables listed by nature Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Deposits and cash deposits etc. 4,544,176.56 5,571,490.73 Withholding costs 3,148,636.19 1,266,624.26 Intercourse funds 73,371.05 Restricted stock repurchase obligations 78,908,300.00 Other 10,158,338.92 10,234,871.11 Total 96,759,451.67 17,146,357.15 30. Current portion of non-current liabilities Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Current portion of long-term borrowings 8,500,000.00 43,149,400.13 Current portion of lease liabilities 377,404.52 Total 8,877,404.52 43,149,400.13 31. Other current liabilities Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Taxes to be written off 13,041,581.15 10,993,512.35 248 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Relocation compensation received 95,751,465.00 Endorsed and undue notes that have not 107,393,140.66 85,829,697.33 been terminated recognition Total 120,434,721.81 192,574,674.68 32. Long-term borrowings (1) Category of long-term borrowings Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Guaranteed borrowings 39,149,400.13 Credit borrowings 693,462,473.24 499,520,342.78 Less: Current portion of long-term -8,500,000.00 -43,149,400.13 borrowings Total 684,962,473.24 495,520,342.78 Notes to the category of long-term borrowings: The long-term borrowing includes interest payable of RMB732,473.24. Other notes, including the interval of interest rate: Item Ending balance Rate range (%) Beginning balance Rate range (%) Guaranteed borrowings 39,149,400.13 2.89-3.10 Credit borrowings 693,462,473.24 3.06-3.65 499,520,342.78 3.06-3.50 33. Bonds payable (1) Bonds payable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Convertible corporate bond 1,395,480,652.71 1,350,171,526.97 Total 1,395,480,652.71 1,350,171,526.97 (2) Changes of bonds payable (excluding other financial instruments divided as financial liabilities such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds) Unit: RMB Bonds Issuing Issuing Beginnin The Withdrawal Amortiza Repayme Transferr Ending Par value Duration name date amount g curren of interest tion of nt in the ed shares balance 249 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 balance t issue by par premium reporting in value and period reporting depreciat period ion Lu Thai Converti 1,400,00 9 April 1,400,00 1,350,17 7,272,210.6 42,271,8 4,199,72 35,200.0 1,395,48 ble 6 years 0,000.00 2020 0,000.00 1,526.97 8 41.48 6.42 0 0,652.71 Bonds (127016) 1,400,00 1,350,17 7,272,210.6 42,271,8 4,199,72 35,200.0 1,395,48 Total -- -- -- 0,000.00 1,526.97 8 41.48 6.42 0 0,652.71 (3) Notes to the conditions and time of the shares transfer of the convertible corporate bonds Based on the Reply on Approving Luthai Textile Co., Ltd. to Issue Convertible Bonds to the Public (ZJXK (2020) No. 299) of CSRC, the Company issued 14 million convertible corporate bonds, each with a par value of RMB100, with a total amount of RMB1.4 billion and a duration of 6 years, from 9 April 2020 to 8 April 2026. The coupon rates of convertible corporate bonds issued by the Company are 0.3%, 0.6%, 1%, 1.5%, 1.8% and 2% in the first six periods, with an annually paid interest. The conversion period starts on 15 October 2020 (including the same day), the first trading day six months after the issuance date, and ends on the trading day before the due date of corporate convertible bonds (8 April 2026) (including the same day). The holder may apply for bond conversion within the conversion period. The initial conversion price of convertible corporate bonds was RMB9.01 per share when it was issued but was adjusted to RMB8.91 per share since 9 July 2020, after the Company implemented the 2019 profit sharing agreement on 8 July 2020. After the Company implemented the restricted stock incentive plan in 2021, the price was adjusted to RMB8.76 per share accordingly since 7 June 2021. Upon the implementation of the 2020 profit sharing agreement by the Company on 18 June 2021, it was adjusted to RMB8.71 per share accordingly again since 18 June 2021. 34. Lease liabilities Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Lease payments 160,713,545.55 173,257,619.44 Unrecognized financing costs -38,978,482.62 -44,442,505.37 Less: Current portion of lease liabilities -377,404.52 Total 121,357,658.41 128,815,114.07 Other notes The amount of interest expense on lease liabilities accrued in 2021 was RMB5,464,022.75, which was included in financial costs - interest expense. 250 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 35. Long-term payroll payable (1) List of long-term payroll payable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance III. Other long-term welfare 57,384,062.39 62,137,656.00 Total 57,384,062.39 62,137,656.00 36. Deferred income Unit: RMB Reason for Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance formation Government Government 173,862,983.31 40,581,979.25 25,486,828.78 188,958,133.78 subsidy subsidy Total 173,862,983.31 40,581,979.25 25,486,828.78 188,958,133.78 -- 37. Share capital Unit: RMB Increase/decrease (+/-) Capital Beginning reserve Ending New shares balance Bonus shares transferred Other Subtotal balance issued into share capital The sum of 858,132,322. 24,285,000.0 24,208,973.0 882,341,295. -76,027.00 shares 00 0 0 00 Other notes: (1) In line with the resolution of the first Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 13 May 2021 and the resolution of the 24th session of the Ninth Board of Directors on 17 May 2021, the Company implemented the restricted share incentive scheme to increase its share capital by RMB24,285,000. This change in share capital has been audited by Zhitong Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) and the capital verification report ZTYZ (2021) No. 371C000287 was issued on 30 May 2021. (2) In conformity with the resolution of the 26th session of the Ninth Board of Directors of the Company on 26 August 2021, the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition, all the 80,000 shares authorized to the original incentive personnel who did not conform to the incentive condition of the Company were repurchased and canceled. This change in share capital has been audited by Zhitong Accounting Firm (Special General Partnership) and the capital verification report ZTYZ (2021) No. 371C000779 was issued on 16 November 2021. (3) A total of 3,973.00 shares of convertible bonds of the Company can be converted in the Reporting Period. 251 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 38. Other equity instruments (1) Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the period-end On 9 April 2020, the Company publicly issued 14 million A-share convertible corporate bonds (short name: Luthai Convertible Bonds, bond code: 127016) on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with an issue price of RMB100 per share. The bonds were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 13 May 2020. (2) Changes of outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the period-end Unit: RMB Outstanding Period-beginning Increase Decrease Period-end financial Numbe Carrying Carrying Carrying Numbe Carrying Number Number instruments r amount amount amount r amount Convertible debt 71,386,451.81 1,794.97 71,384,656.84 to equity Total 71,386,451.81 1,794.97 71,384,656.84 Other notes: The decrease in other equity instruments in the current period was due to the conversion of convertible bonds. 39. Capital reserves Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance Capital premium 197,695,880.68 56,130,134.21 180,800.00 253,645,214.89 (premium on stock) Other capital reserves 58,216,607.33 28,725,565.43 86,942,172.76 Total 255,912,488.01 84,855,699.64 180,800.00 340,587,387.65 Other notes: including increase and decrease in the Reporting Period and the reasons for changes: (1) In line with the resolution of the first Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 13 May 2021 and the resolution of the 24th session of the Ninth Board of Directors on 17 May 2021, the Company implemented the restricted share incentive scheme to increase its share capital by RMB24,285,000.00 and increase its capital reserve-capital premium by RMB56,098,350.00. In conformity with the resolution of the 26th session of the Ninth Board of Directors of the Company on 26 August 2021, the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancel Authorized but Unlocked Restricted Share of the Incentive Personnel not Conforming to the Incentive Condition, all the 80,000 shares authorized to the original incentive personnel who did not conform to the incentive condition of the Company were repurchased and canceled, reducing the capital reserve-capital premium by RMB180,800.00. (2) In terms of the restricted stock incentive fees in the Reporting Period, the capital reserves-other capital reserves increased by RMB28,325,788.60. As for deferred income tax assets arising from the restricted stock incentive fees, the capital reserves-other capital reserves increased by RMB399,719.27. 252 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (3) The capital reserves—capital premium arising from the conversion of convertible bonds increased by RMB31,784.21 in the Reporting Period. 40. Treasury stocks Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance Restricted stock 78,908,300.00 78,908,300.00 repurchase Total 78,908,300.00 78,908,300.00 Other notes: including increase and decrease in the Reporting Period and the reasons for changes: The Company recognized the restricted stock repurchase obligations and increased the treasury stocks by RMB78,908,300.00. 41. Other comprehensive income Unit: RMB Reporting period Less: Recorde Less: d in Recorded other in other compreh Attribut comprehen ensive Income able to Attribut sive income Endin before Less: owners able to Beginning income in in prior g Item taxation Income of the non-con balance prior period balanc in the tax Compan trolling period and and e Current expense y as the interests transferred transferr Period parent after tax in profit or ed in after tax loss in the retained Current earnings Period in the Current Period II. Other comprehensive income -36,42 1,308,922 -37,737, -5,260.9 -37,732, that may subsequently be 3,748. .89 932.25 9 671.26 reclassified to profit or loss 37 Differences arising from -36,15 translation of foreign 1,561,310 -37,716, -37,716, 5,406. currency-denominated financial .24 717.19 717.19 95 statements 253 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Changes in fair value of -252,387. -21,215. -5,260.9 -15,954. -268,3 receivable financing 35 06 9 07 41.42 -36,42 Total of other comprehensive 1,308,922 -37,737, -5,260.9 -37,732, 3,748. income .89 932.25 9 671.26 37 42. Surplus reserves Unit: RMB Item Beginning balance Increase Decrease Ending balance Statutory surplus 1,150,675,885.21 61,106,878.75 1,211,782,763.96 reserves Discretional surplus 3,341,572.58 3,341,572.58 reserves Total 1,154,017,457.79 61,106,878.75 1,215,124,336.54 Notes, including increase and decrease in the Reporting Period and the reasons for changes: According to the Company Law and Articles of Association, the Company has withdrawn the statutory surplus reserves on the basis of 10% of net profit. 43. Retained profits Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Beginning balance of retained profits before 5,346,819,948.22 5,372,073,615.12 adjustments Beginning balance of retained profits after 5,346,819,948.22 5,372,073,615.12 adjustments Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the 347,609,693.30 97,308,593.36 Company as the parent Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves 61,106,878.75 36,750,106.16 Dividend of ordinary shares payable 44,120,990.40 85,812,154.10 Ending retained profits 5,589,201,772.37 5,346,819,948.22 List of adjustment of beginning retained profits: 1) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations. 2) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in accounting policies. 3) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors. 4) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control. 5) RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments. 254 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 44. Operating revenue and cost of sales Unit: RMB Reporting period Same period of last year Item Operating revenue Cost of sales Operating revenue Cost of sales Main operations 5,104,372,856.43 4,051,960,658.77 4,617,041,425.50 3,626,523,021.96 Other operations 133,889,492.42 101,020,417.08 134,181,038.64 111,461,061.49 Total 5,238,262,348.85 4,152,981,075.85 4,751,222,464.14 3,737,984,083.45 Whether the lower of the audited net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses was negative □ Yes √ No Other notes Not applicable 45. Taxes and surtaxes Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Urban maintenance and construction tax 14,381,696.21 16,267,317.58 Education surcharge 6,290,701.80 7,130,143.42 Resources tax 549,706.00 505,772.00 Property tax 20,100,901.40 20,777,433.63 Land use tax 9,909,346.19 10,840,949.57 Vehicle and vessel usage tax 76,140.82 117,267.16 Stamp duty 2,859,516.00 3,613,573.57 Local education surcharge 4,193,801.19 4,753,426.83 Local water conservancy facility 1,160,401.18 construction fund Environmental protection tax 1,123,830.97 1,072,699.34 Total 59,485,640.58 66,238,984.28 Other notes: Please refer to Note VI. Taxes for details of various taxes and additional standards for calculation and payment. 46. Selling expense Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Salary 57,662,873.54 50,666,138.45 255 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Sales service fee 21,639,487.21 20,798,085.79 Advertising expense 14,810,042.91 18,067,874.04 Depreciation charge 5,622,896.50 6,780,645.30 Repair material consumption 4,215,335.36 7,360,671.96 Business entertainment expenses 2,902,178.36 1,145,955.38 Insurance 1,725,564.05 1,392,889.17 Travel expense 1,450,850.24 2,313,778.38 Office expense 1,317,861.12 2,030,701.54 Other 8,536,405.39 15,160,548.30 Total 119,883,494.68 125,717,288.31 47. Administrative expense Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Salary 131,684,437.04 133,834,030.11 Depreciation charge 39,245,353.92 35,613,188.28 Warehouse funding 37,711,640.44 33,864,462.81 Travel expense 25,162,377.20 21,654,390.78 Labor-union expenditure 12,176,204.31 11,783,103.47 Amortization of intangible assets 10,997,114.25 12,415,037.36 Business entertainment expenses 8,995,348.15 9,403,372.91 Employee education budget 8,570,709.45 8,330,662.45 Vehicle costs 6,771,148.79 5,896,177.70 Labor cost 6,249,981.95 10,480,835.36 Energy cost 6,042,018.37 4,051,585.48 Office expense 5,690,554.65 7,536,785.41 Environmental protection cost 3,139,516.50 7,005,973.46 Audit and assessment fees 3,110,755.89 2,987,938.06 Security and firefighting fees 3,100,553.74 3,663,515.33 Information development cost 2,987,855.62 3,578,952.66 Repair material consumption 2,874,837.88 4,610,678.89 Decoration & repair expenses 2,789,399.86 2,863,836.66 Insurance 2,729,563.84 4,219,512.50 Rental charges 13,250,044.64 256 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Other 15,350,653.69 23,612,638.07 Total 335,380,025.54 360,656,722.39 48. R&D expense Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Labor cost 150,169,732.63 119,008,873.85 Material expense 71,155,134.23 90,657,026.38 Depreciation charge 12,291,606.38 12,610,517.42 Other 19,296,438.39 8,988,613.47 Total 252,912,911.63 231,265,031.12 49. Financial costs Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Interest expense 95,549,947.27 82,942,315.52 Less: Capitalized interest expense 30,023,129.89 15,028,199.55 Interest income 53,773,124.16 25,174,851.32 Add: Capitalized interest income 13,087,046.94 Foreign exchange gains or losses 12,488,479.34 59,912,996.06 Less: Capitalized foreign exchange gains or losses Commission charge and other 7,659,688.91 6,894,394.12 Total 44,988,908.41 109,546,654.83 Other notes: The amount of interest capitalization has been included in the construction. The capitalization rate used to calculate and determine the capitalization amount of borrowing expenses during the period was 3.68%. 50. Other income Unit: RMB Sources Reporting period Same period of last year Subsidies for the price of heating coal 11,000,000.00 Strengthen the enterprise government subsidy 10,822,100.00 13,321,100.00 Subsidies for work-based training 4,055,500.00 38,000.00 257 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Preferential policy subsidy of developing local enterprises 3,613,100.00 3,048,500.00 Subsidies for multi-purpose pavilions 3,600,000.00 Transformation subsidy of garden greens 3,329,374.13 6,530,776.86 Subsidies for key technology projects for the preparation of 2,745,000.00 high-conformity textiles Vocational training subsidies 2,477,050.00 Post subsidies 1,988,888.91 4,970,305.36 New enterprise apprenticeship training subsidy 1,306,800.00 2,118,480.00 Subsidies for key technology and application projects for the 1,030,000.00 preparation of moisture-wicking, cool and comfortable fabric Talent incentive funds 900,000.00 One-off absorption of employment subsidies for college graduates 822,158.52 208,000.00 Special subsidies for green factory 500,000.00 Refund of withholding tax handling fee 494,750.80 903,449.95 Tax relief 431,893.85 680,073.81 Special subsidies for 2020 National Water Efficiency Frontrunner 300,000.00 2019 Provincial Technological Innovation Demonstration 250,000.00 Enterprise Award Fund Special funds for the conversion of new and old industrial kinetic 240,000.00 336,600.00 energy in 2019 2019 Provincial Innovation Platform Award Fund 200,000.00 500,000.00 Prize for winning projects in the 2020 Science and Technology 200,000.00 Awards Second prize of Shandong Province Science and Technology 200,000.00 Awards Probation subsidy of youth 164,717.00 Shandong Province financial development subsidy in 2021 140,000.00 Subsidy for order skilled talents training 120,000.00 R&D subsidy 87,050.00 19,750.00 Social insurance subsidy 71,053.81 954,720.99 Special fund of Zibo Talents Plan 60,000.00 400,000.00 Taishan effective declaration area support subsidy 50,000.00 Occupational skills appraisal subsidy 30,430.00 Subsidy for scrapped trucks with China III Emission Standard 25,600.00 Banyang Talent Program Subsidy 20,000.00 40,000.00 Employment and apprenticeship subsidy fund 19,508.04 500,038.00 258 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Prize for the Best Eco-friendly Award 5,000.00 Foreign trade premium stand subsidy 2,400.00 Unemployment dynamic monitoring subsidy 1,200.00 1,200.00 Special awards and subsidies for stabilizing employment 4,837,950.00 Freight allowance of cotton yarn 4,054,494.88 Rewards for R&D projects 1,700,000.00 Electricity fee subsidy 1,168,761.00 Reward for key technologies of high-quality textiles 1,150,000.00 2019 National and Provincial Science and Technology Awards 1,000,000.00 Supporting Funds 2019 State Science and Technology Award supporting subsidies 800,000.00 Subsidy for leading persons project of Mount Tai industry 850,000.00 2019 Municipal Special Fund Subsidy in the Field of Commerce 289,900.00 Municipal subsidy for overseas engineer introduction project 270,000.00 Provincial subsidies for commercial development and market 256,300.00 development Talent subsidy 200,000.00 Central Foreign Trade and Economic Development Fund 198,000.00 One-off subsidy for new employment 196,000.00 Special fund subsidy for the conversion of new and old industrial 180,000.00 kinetic energy in 2019 Vocational Skills Subsidy Fund 160,000.00 Subsidies and awards for patent funding 152,000.00 The 2019 State Science and Technology Award 150,000.00 Award of the 3rd "Governor Cup" Industrial Design Competition 150,000.00 Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade Development Special 123,400.00 Fund Subsidy for the new enterprise apprenticeship in 2020 99,000.00 Workstation subsidy to the payment to technicians 80,000.00 Subsidy award of project research and development 67,300.00 Supporting funds and government subsidies for Zibo Talents 60,000.00 Program Employee training subsidy 58,316.18 2019 Municipal Special Funds for Commercial Fields 55,500.00 2019 provincial special fund for business development and market 53,100.00 expansion 259 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Shandong Province Enterprise Research and Development 31,000.00 Financial Subsidy Funds in 2020 Excellent system innovation subsidy 30,000.00 Talent project support subsidies 30,000.00 Support funds for domestic private enterprises 20,000.00 "Top Ten Technologies" Prize 3,000.00 Land subsidies 1,354,251.84 1,380,189.20 Low-torque high energy-saving and high-quality new spinning 349,473.60 349,473.60 projects Intelligent dyeing production and energy and water conservation 2,081,140.68 1,941,303.27 renovation projects Recycled water reuse project 451,376.16 451,376.16 Technical transformation project of high grade yarn-dyed fabric 112,144.32 112,144.32 Technical transformation project of high-grade grey cloth 587,840.49 176,767.71 production line Support funds for sewage treatment and reuse of recycled water 103,083.72 103,083.72 Technical improvement project of bobbin yarn dyeing 593,406.60 593,406.60 Subsidy for public rental housing 48,231.48 48,231.48 Subsidy of green power 1,022,818.80 1,022,818.80 Subsidies for ultra-low emission technical upgrading projects 105,109.44 105,109.44 Hu sheep subsidies 56,666.64 Subsidy of cotton seed reproduction 46,666.64 Technical Transformation Project of Garment Automation 38,814.66 15,589.98 Equipment Subsidy for investment in technical renovation equipment 262,162.86 263,429.52 Investment subsidy 272,600.00 Total 58,686,029.71 59,711,274.11 51. Investment income Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Long-term equity investment income -10,755,175.91 -5,146,737.73 accounted by equity method Investment income from disposal of -2,571,504.38 long-term equity investment Investment income from holding of trading 5,196,411.23 6,793,854.87 260 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 financial assets Investment income from disposal of trading 52,737,594.16 144,480,875.90 financial assets Interest income from debt investment during 3,271,114.22 2,411,915.22 the holding period Total 50,449,943.70 145,968,403.88 52. Gain on changes in fair value Unit: RMB Sources Reporting period Same period of last year Trading financial assets 16,415,304.41 -107,002,594.56 Of which: Income from changes in fair value generated by derivative -14,914,500.00 16,641,500.00 financial instruments Total 16,415,304.41 -107,002,594.56 53. Credit impairment loss Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Bad debt loss of other receivables 191,358.68 718,398.77 Bad debt loss of long-term receivables 4,568,589.55 -4,633,230.30 Bad debt loss of notes receivable ("-" indicates -6,394.34 loss) Bad debt loss of accounts receivable ("-" -4,661,497.52 -14,004,835.20 indicates loss) Bad debt loss of dividends receivable ("-" 1,498,035.63 -3,973,086.97 indicates loss) Total 1,590,092.00 -21,892,753.70 54. Asset impairment loss Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year II. Inventory falling price loss and impairment -84,192,619.67 -112,327,808.51 provision for contract performance costs V. Impairment loss on fixed assets -1,431,238.59 -1,132,500.45 Total -85,623,858.26 -113,460,308.96 261 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 55. Asset disposal income Unit: RMB Sources Reporting period Same period of last year Fixed asset disposal income ("-" for loss) 37,736,401.52 -317,803.17 Intangible asset disposal income ("-" for 19,438,746.10 loss) Total 57,175,147.62 -317,803.17 56. Non-operating income Unit: RMB Amount recorded in the current Item Reporting period Same period of last year non-recurring profit or loss Government subsidy 845.19 845.19 Claim income 3,882,284.18 5,032,951.79 3,882,284.18 Other 1,533,989.70 1,433,072.57 1,533,989.70 Total 5,417,119.07 6,466,024.36 5,417,119.07 Government subsidies recorded into current profit or loss: Unit: RMB Distr Whether ibuti subsidies Special Same Related to Distribution Natu Reporting Item on influence the subsidy or period of assets/related entity re period reaso current profits not last year to income n and losses or not Labor People's safety and Committee of An Rew Related to Not Not 845.19 health Giang Province, ard income incentives Vietnam 57. Non-operating expense Unit: RMB Amount recorded in the current Item Reporting period Same period of last year non-recurring profit or loss Donations 5,427,805.35 1,752,876.18 5,427,805.35 Losses from damage and 6,307,127.66 376,456.28 6,307,127.66 scrap of non-current assets Other 1,689,121.86 2,339,578.62 1,689,121.86 262 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Total 13,424,054.88 4,468,911.08 13,424,054.88 58. Income tax expense (1) List of income tax expense Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Current income tax expense 44,300,245.37 38,469,209.70 Deferred income tax expense -8,307,165.86 -42,742,237.45 Total 35,993,079.51 -4,273,027.75 (2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Profit before taxation 363,316,015.53 Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate 54,497,402.33 Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries -15,238,189.47 Influence of income tax before adjustment 820,327.33 Influence of non-taxable income -17,138,395.05 Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses 15,399,653.28 Influence of deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets at -2,436,584.32 the beginning of the Reporting Period Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets at the beginning of the Reporting 24,611,274.88 Period Profit/loss of associated enterprises and joint ventures accounted by equity 1,613,276.39 method Influence of additional deduction of R&D expenses (filled in with "-") -26,061,699.54 Influence of other expense deduction (filled in with "-") -73,986.32 Income tax expense 35,993,079.51 59. Other comprehensive income Refer to Note VII. 41 for details. 263 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 60. Cash flow statement (1) Cash generated from other operating activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Government subsidy 73,782,025.37 80,076,898.17 Claim income 1,868,220.21 3,931,883.43 Recovery of employee borrowings, petty cash 17,533,544.43 19,948,308.54 and deposit Collection for employees 3,269,342.35 15,442,855.96 Other 3,307,603.12 214,518.33 Total 99,760,735.48 119,614,464.43 (2) Cash used in other operating activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Business travel charges 27,609,515.01 24,029,920.48 Insurance 5,399,989.92 3,271,534.17 Audit advisory announcement fee 6,968,624.27 10,381,102.45 Decoration & repair expenses 2,551,270.42 8,348,948.84 Donation 5,427,805.35 1,752,876.18 Pre-payment 2,540,000.00 10,400,000.00 Payment of employee borrowings, petty 20,293,286.72 15,750,161.05 cash and deposit Agency service fee 6,934,810.71 9,055,676.53 Advertising expense 837,155.92 1,540,564.49 Freight and miscellaneous charges 51,802,597.09 Rental charges 15,537,996.80 Other 59,866,771.57 58,740,085.32 Total 138,429,229.89 210,611,463.40 (3) Cash generated from other investing activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year 264 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Interest income 40,794,225.34 26,063,185.14 Income from forward foreign exchange 52,737,594.16 6,312,453.22 Cash deposit of L/C for purchasing 1,515,615.23 28,897,270.77 equipment Recovery of intercourse funds 3,246,603.60 Option cost 960,000.00 Total 98,294,038.33 62,232,909.13 (4) Cash used in other investing activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Forward settlement exchange loss 3,825,002.26 Term deposit 338,493,598.92 Payment of deposit for the L/C of 550,000.00 1,558,651.21 equipment purchase Payment of forward settlement deposit 1,100,000.00 Total 339,043,598.92 6,483,653.47 (5) Cash generated from other financing activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Return of loan guarantees 14,000,000.00 Recovery of intercourse accounts 160,000,000.00 Total 174,000,000.00 (6) Cash used in other financing activities Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Repayment of lease liabilities and 23,817,316.19 prepaid rent Time deposit certificates pledged 40,000,000.00 Payment for intercourse accounts 160,000,000.00 Payment of convertible bond fractional 200,000.00 stock funds Total 63,817,316.19 160,200,000.00 265 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 61. Supplemental information for cash flow statement (1) Supplemental information for cash flow statement Unit: RMB Supplementary materials Reporting period Same period of last year 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from -- -- operating activities Net profit 327,322,936.02 89,090,058.39 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 84,033,766.26 135,353,062.66 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets, and productive 438,000,648.11 457,209,289.42 living assets Depreciation of right-of-use assets 18,589,585.97 Amortization of intangible assets 11,119,539.17 15,282,546.20 Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses 733,746.72 7,623,370.94 Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and -57,175,147.62 317,803.17 other long-lived assets (gains: negative) Losses from scrap of fixed assets (gains: negative) 6,307,127.66 376,456.28 Losses from changes in fair value (gains: negative) -16,415,304.41 107,002,594.56 Finance costs (gains: negative) 35,591,822.80 101,349,136.17 Investment loss (gains: negative) -50,449,943.70 -145,968,403.88 Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative) -15,245,314.55 -35,935,040.48 Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (“-” means 6,938,148.70 -6,807,196.97 decrease) Decrease in inventory (gains: negative) -376,221,851.40 183,611,561.73 Decrease in accounts receivable generated from operating -183,550,625.67 -59,283,977.32 activities (gains: negative) Increase in accounts payable used in operating activities 118,557,871.42 -255,685,337.98 (decrease: negative) Other Net cash generated from/used in operating activities 348,137,005.48 593,535,922.89 2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement -- -- of cash receipts and payments Conversion of debt into capital Convertible corporate bonds due within one year Fixed assets under financing lease 3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent: -- -- 266 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Ending balance of cash 1,970,006,884.89 1,396,530,407.47 Less: Beginning balance of cash 1,396,530,407.47 878,559,018.92 Add: ending balance of cash Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 573,476,477.42 517,971,388.55 (2) Cash and cash equivalents Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance I. Cash 1,970,006,884.89 1,396,530,407.47 Including: Cash on hand 3,475,164.56 7,009,891.16 Bank deposit on demand 1,966,531,720.33 1,389,520,516.31 III. Ending balance of cash and cash 1,970,006,884.89 1,396,530,407.47 equivalents 62. Assets with restricted ownership or right to use Unit: RMB Item Ending carrying value Reason for restriction Monetary capital 1,693,035.98 Margin Other Non-current Assets 40,000,000.00 Time deposit certificates pledge Total 41,693,035.98 -- 63. Foreign currency monetary items (1) Foreign currency monetary items Unit: RMB Ending foreign currency Ending balance converted to Item Exchange rate balance RMB Monetary capital -- -- Of which: USD 55,572,448.31 6.3757 354,313,258.69 EUR 503,879.03 7.2197 3,637,855.43 HKD 4,855,897.76 0.8176 3,970,182.01 JPY 1,064,347.00 0.0554 58,964.82 GBP 1,957.18 8.6064 16,844.27 CHF 14,787.87 6.9776 103,183.84 267 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Dong 109,127,146,496.00 0.00028 30,443,218.78 MMK 657,459,135.18 0.0036 2,357,571.56 Riel 30,482,639.00 0.0016 47,704.51 Notes receivable: Of which: USD 15,411,505.22 6.3757 98,259,133.55 Accounts receivable -- -- Of which: USD 67,838,770.47 6.3757 432,519,648.89 EUR 310,320.35 7.2197 2,240,419.83 HKD Dong 12,700,133,886.00 0.00028 3,542,958.53 MMK 14,108,400.00 0.0036 50,591.07 Other receivables: Of which: USD 1,675,733.86 6.3757 10,683,976.37 JPY 1,395,040.00 0.0554 77,285.22 HKD 140,749.00 0.8176 115,076.38 Dong 22,790,000.00 0.00028 6,357.73 GBP 7,250.00 8.6064 62,396.40 MMK 1,200,000.00 0.0036 4,303.06 Accounts payable: Of which: USD 30,120,694.27 6.3757 192,040,510.46 JPY 14,210,028.00 0.0554 787,235.55 EUR 500,208.06 7.2197 3,611,352.13 CHF 20,100.00 6.9776 140,249.76 Dong 24,704,657,463.00 0.00028 6,891,862.53 MMK 8,439,074.40 0.0036 30,261.53 Other payables: Of which: USD 5,448.60 6.3757 34,738.64 Dong 1,078,493,475.00 0.00028 300,867.51 MMK 1,030,000.00 0.0036 3,693.46 Short-term borrowings: Of which: USD 145,926,410.93 6.3757 930,383,018.17 Dong 93,763,475,075.00 0.00028 26,231,805.75 268 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (2) Notes to overseas entities including: for significant oversea entities, main operating place, recording currency and selection basis shall be disclosed; if there are changes in recording currency, relevant reasons shall be disclosed. √ Applicable □ Not applicable The operating places of the Company’s subsidiaries Lu Thai (Hong Kong), Vanguard Apparel, Lu Thai (America) and Continental Textile, as well as the sub-subsidiaries Lu Thai Tan Chau, Libra International, Polaris Apparel and Lu An Garment Co., Ltd. were Hong Kong, Burma, America, Vietnam, Vietnam, Singapore, Cambodia and Vietnam respectively, and the recording currency was HKD for Lu Thai (Hong Kong), and USD for other overseas companies. 64. Government subsidy (1) Basic information on government subsidy Unit: RMB Amount recorded in the Category Amount Listed items current profit or loss Equipment subsidy 7,293,300.00 Deferred income 5,707,371.33 R&D subsidy 288,679.25 Deferred income 3,775,000.00 Subsidies for the price of 33,000,000.00 Deferred income 11,000,000.00 heating coal Strengthen the enterprise 10,822,100.00 Other income 10,822,100.00 government subsidy Subsidies for work-based 4,055,500.00 Other income 4,055,500.00 training Preferential policy subsidy of 3,613,100.00 Other income 3,613,100.00 developing local enterprises Subsidies for multi-purpose 3,600,000.00 Other income 3,600,000.00 pavilions Vocational training subsidies 2,477,050.00 Other income 2,477,050.00 Post subsidies 1,988,888.91 Other income 1,988,888.91 New enterprise apprenticeship training 1,306,800.00 Other income 1,306,800.00 subsidy Talent incentive funds 900,000.00 Other income 900,000.00 One-off absorption of employment subsidies for 822,158.52 Other income 822,158.52 college graduates Special subsidies for green 500,000.00 Other income 500,000.00 factory 269 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Refund of withholding tax 494,750.80 Other income 494,750.80 handling fee Tax relief 431,893.85 Other income 431,893.85 Special subsidies for 2020 National Water Efficiency 300,000.00 Other income 300,000.00 Frontrunner 2019 Provincial Technological Innovation 250,000.00 Other income 250,000.00 Demonstration Enterprise Award Fund Special funds for the conversion of new and old 240,000.00 Other income 240,000.00 industrial kinetic energy in 2019 2019 Provincial Innovation 200,000.00 Other income 200,000.00 Platform Award Fund Prize for winning projects in the 2020 Science and 200,000.00 Other income 200,000.00 Technology Awards Second prize of Shandong Province Science and 200,000.00 Other income 200,000.00 Technology Awards Probation subsidy of youth 164,717.00 Other income 164,717.00 Shandong Province financial 140,000.00 Other income 140,000.00 development subsidy in 2021 Subsidy for order skilled 120,000.00 Other income 120,000.00 talents training R&D subsidy 87,050.00 Other income 87,050.00 Social insurance subsidy 71,053.81 Other income 71,053.81 Special fund of Zibo Talents 60,000.00 Other income 60,000.00 Plan Taishan effective declaration 50,000.00 Other income 50,000.00 area support subsidy Occupational skills appraisal 30,430.00 Other income 30,430.00 subsidy Subsidy for scrapped trucks with China III Emission 25,600.00 Other income 25,600.00 Standard Panyang Talent Program 20,000.00 Other income 20,000.00 270 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Subsidy Employment and 19,508.04 Other income 19,508.04 apprenticeship subsidy fund Prize for the Best 5,000.00 Other income 5,000.00 Eco-friendly Award Foreign trade premium stand 2,400.00 Other income 2,400.00 subsidy Unemployment dynamic 1,200.00 Other income 1,200.00 monitoring subsidy Labor safety and health 845.19 Non-operating Income 845.19 incentives Total 73,782,025.37 53,682,417.45 (2) Return of government subsidy □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Change of Consolidation Scope 1. Other reasons for changes of consolidation scope Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant information: The newly-established subsidiaries of the Company in the Reporting Period included Hainan Huilin International Holdings Co., Ltd., Libra International Investment Pet. Ltd. and Zibo Banyang Mountain Villa Hotel Co., Ltd. IX. Equity in Other Entities 1. Equity in subsidiary (1) Subsidiaries Main operating Registration Nature of Holding percentage (%) Name Way of gaining place place business Directly Indirectly Luthai (Hong Wholesale and Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00% Set-up Kong) retail industry Shanghai Wholesale and Shanghai Shanghai 100.00% Set-up Luthai retail industry Lufeng Manufacturing Company Zibo Zibo 75.00% Set-up industry Limited 271 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Manufacturing Luqun Textile Zibo Zibo 100.00% Set-up industry Business Xinsheng Manufacturing combination Zibo Zibo 100.00% Power industry not under the same control Technology development, Shanghai technical Shanghai Shanghai 100.00% Set-up Zhinuo consultancy and transfer of technologies Lulian New Manufacturing Zibo Zibo 75.00% Set-up Materials industry Lujia Import & Import and Zibo Zibo 100.00% Set-up Export export trade Wholesale and Zhishu Trading Beijing Beijing 100.00% Set-up retail industry Lu Thai Occupational Zibo Zibo Skill training 100.00% Set-up Training School Banyang Catering Zibo Zibo 100.00% Set-up Mountain Villa services Huilin Modern service Wenchang Wenchang 100.00% Set-up International industry Libra Wholesale International textiles and Singapore Singapore 100.00% Set-up (sub-subsidiary leather, holding ) company Polaris Apparel Manufacturing (sub-subsidiary Cambodia Cambodia 100.00% Set-up industry ) Vanguard Manufacturing Burma Burma 100.00% Set-up Apparel industry Lu Thai Wholesale and America America 100.00% Set-up (America) retail industry Continental Manufacturing Vietnam Vietnam 100.00% Set-up Textile industry Lu Thai Tan Vietnam Vietnam Manufacturing 100.00% Set-up 272 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Chau industry (sub-subsidiary ) Lu An Garments Manufacturing Vietnam Vietnam 100.00% Set-up (sub-subsidiary industry ) Notes to holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion: Not applicable. Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the voting rights but not controlling the investee: Not applicable Significant structural entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination: Not applicable. Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal: Not applicable. (2) Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiary Unit: RMB Shareholding The profit or loss Declaring dividends Balance of proportion of attributable to the distributed to non-controlling Name non-controlling non-controlling non-controlling interests at the interests interests interests period-end LuFeng Company 25.00% -593,259.31 311,408,857.37 Limited Lulian New Materials 25.00% -19,693,497.97 72,403,174.53 (3) The main financial information of significant not wholly-owned subsidiary Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Non-cur Current Non-cur Total Non-cur Current Non-cur Total Name Current Total Current Total rent liabilitie rent liabilitie rent liabilitie rent liabilitie assets assets assets assets assets s liability s assets s liability s Lufeng 1,126,3 1,885,6 1,666,3 Compan 759,362 586,526 49,665, 636,191 900,603 765,771 365,567 43,982, 409,549 16,837. 78,911. 75,062. y ,074.19 ,434.78 247.83 ,682.61 ,950.86 ,111.19 ,492.89 357.41 ,850.30 35 54 05 Limited Lulian 474,526 523,835 998,361 706,300 3,185,3 709,486 508,510 414,671 923,182 551,639 3,156,4 554,795 New ,303.81 ,116.34 ,420.15 ,975.36 10.88 ,286.24 ,155.05 ,978.33 ,133.38 ,028.01 15.36 ,443.37 273 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Material s Unit: RMB Reporting period Same period of last year Cash flows Cash flows Total Total Name Operating from Operating from Net profit comprehensi Net profit comprehensi revenue operating revenue operating ve income ve income activities activities Lufeng 1,400,185,93 -7,534,683.4 -7,337,982.8 -186,015,89 1,310,505,31 22,061,576.9 21,853,748.5 -11,925,802. Company 5.63 2 2 9.52 0.08 3 5 56 Limited Lulian New 44,524,344.9 -79,511,556. -79,511,556. -54,085,659. -29,488,362. -29,488,362. -62,887,712. 7,663,754.58 Materials 1 10 10 40 76 76 36 2. Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises (1) Significant joint ventures or associated enterprises Holding percentage (%) Accounting treatment of the Main operating Registration Nature of investment to Name place place business Directly Indirectly joint venture or associated enterprise I. Joint ventures II. Associated enterprises Haohong Equity Ningbo Ningbo 33.33% Equity method Investment investment Haoing Equity Ningbo Ningbo 47.62% Equity method Investment investment (2) Main financial information of significant associated enterprises Unit: RMB Beginning balance/the same period of last Ending balance/reporting period year Haohong Haoying Haohong Investment Haoying Investment Investment Investment Current assets 206,401,708.32 214,686,791.30 265,506,727.38 104,472,061.07 274 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Non-current assets Total assets 206,401,708.32 214,686,791.30 265,506,727.38 104,472,061.07 Current liabilities 3,433,167.13 517,461.99 Non-current liability Total liabilities 3,433,167.13 517,461.99 Net assets 202,968,541.19 214,686,791.30 264,989,265.39 104,472,061.07 Equity of non-controlling interests Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as 202,968,541.19 214,686,791.30 264,989,265.39 104,472,061.07 the parent Net assets shares calculated at 67,657,626.65 102,231,850.02 88,329,922.16 49,749,655.09 the shareholding proportion Adjusted items - Goodwill - Unrealized profit of internal transactions - Others -446,370.01 Carrying value of investment to 67,657,626.65 101,785,480.01 88,329,922.16 49,749,655.09 associated enterprises Fair value of equity investments in associated enterprises with publicly quoted prices Operating revenue Net profit -38,376,840.16 5,214,730.23 -17,110,725.89 -525,713.80 Total comprehensive income -38,376,840.16 5,214,730.23 -17,110,725.89 -525,713.80 X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments The Company's major financial instruments include monetary capital, notes receivable, accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, other receivables, other current assets, trading financial assets, investment in debt obligations, other non-current financial assets, long-term receivables, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, short-term borrowings, current portion of non-current liabilities, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, and lease liabilities. Details of various financial instruments are disclosed in relevant Notes. Possible risks related to these financial instruments and various risk management policies implemented to reduce these risks are described as follows. The Company’s management has controlled and monitored these risk exposures in order to control the above-mentioned risks within the limited scope. 1. Risk management objectives and policies The Company has conducted the risk management to achieve an appropriate balance between the risk and the income and to minimize the adverse influence of financial risks on the Company’s financial performance. According to such risk management 275 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 objective, the Company has formulated corresponding risk management policy to recognize and analyze possible risks encountered by the Company, set the appropriate acceptable risk level and designed corresponding internal control procedures to monitor the Company’s risk level. Meanwhile, the Company will regularly review these risk management policies and relevant internal control system so as to cater for the market or respond to any change in the Company’s business operations. Accordingly, the Company’s internal audit department will also regularly or randomly check whether the internal control system is implemented in conformity with relevant risk management policies. The major risks caused by financial instruments of the Company are credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk). The Board of Directors shall be responsible for planning and establishing the risk management framework for the Company, determining the Company’s risk management policies and relevant guidelines and monitoring the implementation of various risk management measures. However, the Company has established corresponding risk management policies to recognize and analyze possible risks encountered by the Company. Besides, various risks are specified in these risk management policies, including the credit risk, the liquidity risk and the market risk management etc. On a regular basis, the Company will evaluate the specific marketing environment and various changes in the Company’s business operations so as to determine whether any risk management policy and system need be updated. (1) Credit risk Credit Risk means that the Company will suffer any financial losses due to the counter party’s failure in fulfilling the contract obligations. The Company shall manage the credit risk based on the specific Group Classification, and the credit risk mainly arises from bank deposit, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables and long-term accounts receivable. The Group’s bank deposits are mainly saved in state-owned banks and other large and medium-sized listed banks. The Group’s bank deposits are expected not to suffer any major credit risks. For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other accounts receivable and long-term accounts receivable, the Company has established relevant policies to control the credit risk exposure. According to the client’s financial status, credit record and other factors (including the current market condition), the Company will evaluate the client’s credit qualification and set corresponding credit period. In addition, the Company will regularly monitor the client’s credit record. For clients with poor credit records, the Company will issue the written Reminder Notice, shorten the credit period or cancel the credit period to guarantee the Company’s overall credit risk under control. The hugest credit risk exposure borne by the Company is the book value of each financial asset reflected in the balance sheet, and the Company also faces credit risk due to the provision of financial guarantee, as detailed in Note XII 2. In terms of accounts receivable, the top 5 customers in accounts receivable were accounted for 29.83% of the total amount of accounts receivable of the Company (29.49% in 2020). As for other receivables, the top 5 of the ending balance according to the arrears party was accounted for 52.62% of the total amount of other receivables of the Company (65.27% in 2020). Investment in debt obligations The Group supervised the changes of credit risk through tracking the published external credit ratings. In order to make sure whether the credit rating was the latest, and whether the credit risk has increased obviously of evaluation report date but not been reflected in the published external ratings, the Company has supplemented through examining the changes of bond yield and the available news and supervision information. On the balance sheet date, the carrying value of investment in debt obligations of the Company are listed as follows according to report items (Unit: RMB’0,000). 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 Trading financial assets 25,181.47 Available-for-sale financial assets 35,137.97 Total 60,319.44 276 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (2) Liquidity risk Liquidity Risk refers to the risk of capital shortage encountered by the Company during the cash payment or the settlement of other financial assets. During the management of liquidity risk, the Company shall reserve and monitor corresponding cash and cash equivalent deemed sufficient by the management so as to meet the Company’s operational requirements and mitigate the impact caused by the cash flow fluctuation. The Group’s management will monitor the use of bank loans and guarantee the fulfillment of loan agreement. Meanwhile, major financial institutions shall promise to provide the Group with sufficient reserve funds in order to satisfy the short-term and long-term fund demand. The Group shall raise its working capital based on the capital generated from business operations and bank loans. (3) Market risk The financial instrument’s market risk refers to the fluctuation risk of fair value of financial instrument or future cash flow caused by the changes of market price, including the interest rate risk and the exchange rate risk. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk refers to the fluctuation risk of fair value of financial instrument or future cash flow caused by the changes of market interest rate. The interest rate can derive from the recognized interest-bearing financial instruments and unrecognized financial instruments (including certain loan commitment). The Group’s interest rate risk mainly arises from the bank loan. Financial liabilities based on the floating interest rate will cause the cash flow interest rate risk to the Company, and financial liabilities based on the fixed interest rate the fair value interest rate risk. However, the Company has paid close attention the impact of interest rate fluctuations on the Company’s interest rate risk. At present, the Company has not taken any interest rate hedging measures. The rise of interest rate will increase the cost of newly-added interest-bearing debts and the interest cost of the Company’s unsettled interest-bearing debts based on the floating interest rate, and cause major adverse influence on the Company’s financial performance. The management will timely make corresponding adjustment according to the latest market situation, and corresponding interest rate swap will be arranged to reduce the interest rate risk. The interest-bearing financial liabilities held by the Company are as follows (Unit: RMB’0,000): Item Amount of current year Amount of last year Financial liabilities with fixed interest rate Of which: Short-term borrowings 101,026.99 34,385.82 Current portion of long-term 850.00 400.00 borrowings Long-term borrowings 58,523.00 20,000.00 Bonds payable 139,548.07 135,017.15 Total 299,948.05 189,802.97 Financial liabilities with floating interest rate Of which: Short-term borrowings 58,452.36 Current portion of long-term 3,914.94 borrowings Long-term borrowings 9,900.00 29,500.00 Total 9,900.00 86,029.29 On 31 December 2021, if the lending rate calculated at floating interest rate up or down 100 basis points with other variables unchanged, the net profit and shareholders’ equity will be decreased or increased about RMB990,000. 277 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Foreign exchange risk Foreign exchange risk is referred to the fluctuation risk of fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows resulted from the change of foreign exchange rate. The foreign exchange rate was originated from the financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies other than the recording currency. On 31 December 2021, the amount of foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial liabilities converted to renminbi is as follows (Unit: RMB’0,000): Item Foreign currency liabilities Foreign currency assets Ending balance Beginning balance Ending balance Beginning balance USD 112,245.83 100,434.65 89,577.60 54,643.66 EUR 361.14 136.74 587.83 894.96 JPY 78.72 195.5 13.63 64.2 HKD 29.49 408.53 328.79 GBP 7.92 8.19 CHF 14.02 24.32 10.32 5.18 SEK 0.00 0.06 Dong 3,342.45 1,583.90 3,399.25 3,110.91 MMK 3.40 28.21 241.25 30.99 Riel 4.77 46.39 Total 116,045.56 102,432.81 94,251.09 59,133.34 The Group pays close attention on the influence of foreign exchange risk due to the changes in exchange rate. At the end of each reporting periods, for the monetary capital, notes receivable, accounts receivable, accounts payable, short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings denominated in foreign currency, if renminbi to foreign currency up or down 10% with other variables unchanged, the influence on the shareholders’ equity and net profit of the Company is as follows (Unit: RMB’0,000): Reporting period Same period of last year Exchange rate Influence on Influence on the Influence on the Influence on changes shareholders’ profits profits shareholders’ equity equity Up 10% against 2,179.45 2,179.45 4,329.95 4,329.95 RMB Down 10% -2,179.45 -2,179.45 -4,329.95 -4,329.95 against RMB 2. Capital management The objectives of capital management policies of the Company are to ensure the continuous operation of the Company so as to provide return to shareholders and benefit other stakeholders, as well as to reduce capital cost by maintaining the optimal capital structure. In order to maintain or adjust capital structure, the Company might adjust financing method and the dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and other equity instrument or sell assets to reduce debts. The Group supervised the capital structure based on the asset-liability ratio (namely total liabilities divide total assets). On 31 December 2021, the asset-liability ratio was 35.57% of the Company (33.29% on 31 December 2020). 278 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value 1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities at fair value Unit: RMB Ending fair value Fair value Fair value Fair value Item measurement items measurement items measurement items Total at level 1 at level 2 at level 3 I. Consistent fair value -- -- -- -- measurement i. Trading financial assets 1,727,000.00 1,727,000.00 (3) Derivative financial 1,727,000.00 1,727,000.00 assets vi. Accounts receivable 34,663,071.88 34,663,071.88 financing vii. Other non-current 190,052,000.00 190,052,000.00 financial assets The total amount of assets consistently measured at fair 1,727,000.00 224,715,071.88 226,442,071.88 value II. Non-consistent fair value -- -- -- -- measurement 2. Valuation technique adopted and nature and amount determination of important parameters for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 2 The Company determines the fair value of forward foreign exchange settlement based on the bank's forward foreign exchange quotation at the end of the period. 3. Valuation technique adopted and nature and amount determination of important parameters for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 3 For the unlisted equity investment, the Company adopts the comparable listed company comparison method, and the non-observable input value of the comparable listed company comparison method includes the liquidity discount. The investment into Shandong Hongqiao Thermoelectric Co., Ltd. made by Luqun Textile (the Company’s subsidiary) is expected to be held in the long run for obtaining the discount on power purchase. As no revenue distribution right is vested in the investment, the invested unit’s operating profit and loss are not shared or borne, and the equity transfer is not proposed, the Company regards it as the financial asset which shall be measured based on the fair value and whose variations are included in the current profit and loss, and the investment cost is deemed as the fair value of the financial asset. For accounts receivables financing at fair value and the changes included in other comprehensive income, its fair value shall be determined by the discount cash flow method. 279 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 XII. Related Party and Related-party Transactions 1. Information related to the company as the parent of the Company Proportion of voting rights Proportion of share held by the Registratio Registered owned by the Name Nature of business company as the parent against n place capital company as the the company (%) parent against the company (%) Textile, chemistry Lucheng Textile Zibo 6,326 15.91% 15.91% and investment Notes: information on the Company as the parent The final controllers of the Company are Mr. Liu Zibin and Mr. Liu Deming. 2. Subsidiaries of the Company Refer to Note IX-1. 3. Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company Refer to Note IX-2. 4. Information on other related parties Name Relationship with the company Zibo Limin Purified Water Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent "Limin Purified Water") Zibo Luqun Land Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Luqun Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent Land") Zibo Lurui Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent "Lurui Chemical") Zibo Lujia Property Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent referred to as "Lujia Property") Hong Kong Tung Hoi International Company Limited Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent (hereinafter referred to as "Tung Hoi International") Shandong Chengshun Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent referred to as "Chengshun Petro") Zibo Chengshun Hosiery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent "Chengshun Hosiery") Zibo Chengshun Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent 280 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 referred to as "Chengshun Economic and Trade") Chengshun Petrochemical (Zhejiang Zhoushan) Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent (hereinafter referred to as "Chengshun Petrochemical") Zibo Lucheng Petrochemical Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent referred to as "Lucheng Petrochemical") Shanghai Hengjiu Textile New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent referred to as "Hengjiu Textile") Shandong Xirui New Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company's as "Xirui New Material") wholly-owned subsidiary Zibo Lumei Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent referred to as "Lumei Economic and Trade") 5. List of related-party transactions (1) Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service Unit: RMB The approval trade Whether exceed Same period of last Related party Content Reporting period credit trade credit or not year Recycled water, Limin Purified sewage treatment, 26,328,581.68 33,374,000.00 Not 28,125,943.88 Water materials and equipment Lurui Fine Auxiliaries 91,043,342.61 103,500,000.00 Not 72,807,066.89 Chemical Paper core, hosiery, hosiery processing fees, Chengshun purchase of 8,979,576.69 14,100,000.00 Not 7,770,989.74 Hosiery hosiery, accessories and other materials Chengshun Supermarket retail 2,013,167.16 3,580,000.00 Not 2,333,060.60 Trading Lucheng Oils 3,338,571.42 5,140,000.00 Not 2,232,371.95 Petrochemical Chengshun Natural gas and oil 40,436,209.23 49,755,000.00 Not 31,169,896.80 Petrochemical products Xirui New Fabrics and face 829,157.05 Not 6,187.61 281 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Materials masks Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service Unit: RMB Same period of last Related party Content Reporting period year Lucheng Textile Tap water 1,093.19 Materials, electricity, running water, heating, Chengshun Hosiery 280,543.32 152,705.47 steam Chengshun Hosiery Grey yarn, dyed yarn and garments 682,514.98 331,813.72 Chengshun Hosiery Processing fee for woven towels 1,031.86 Materials, electricity, tap water, garments, Chengshun Trading 133,676.54 131,430.59 steamed buns and heat charges Lucheng Petrochemical Electricity, garments and materials 16,228.55 22,952.62 Materials, garments, lunch components and Limin Purified Water 3,483,636.46 2,155,963.97 electricity Garments, shell fabric, yarn, water & Lurui Fine Chemical 158,981.84 164,690.07 electricity, lunch components and materials Lujia Property Reclaimed water, materials and heat charges 141,800.60 151,056.88 Xirui New Materials Fabric, material, isolation clothing, etc. 1,169,150.35 45,881,242.54 Catering service fees and sales of alcoholic Xirui New Materials 13,854.72 1,024.38 beverages Lumei Economic and Garments and computer supplies 123.36 Trade Luqun Property Apparel 38.62 Luqun Property Copy paper, etc. 652.26 Luqun Property Heating facilities supporting fee 1,720,174.32 (2) Information on related-party lease The Company was lessor: Unit: RMB The lease income confirmed The lease income confirmed Name of lessee Category of leased assets in the reporting period in the same period of last year Chengshun Trading Houses and buildings 36,108.00 36,108.00 Lurui Fine Chemical Houses and buildings 6,819.70 The Company was lessee: Unit: RMB 282 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 The lease fee confirmed in The lease fee confirmed in Name of lessor Category of leased assets the reporting period the same period of last year Lucheng Textile Rent of land 3,614,857.20 3,614,857.20 Lucheng Textile Rent of gas station 233,142.84 233,142.84 Lucheng Textile Rent of buildings 11,022,228.60 11,022,228.60 Luqun Property Rent of land and buildings 1,971,428.52 1,971,428.52 The right-of-use assets newly added by the Company as a lessee in the current year: Name of lessor Category of Increase Increase in previous leased assets period Lucheng Textile Rent of land 29,675,587.49 Lucheng Textile Rent of gas station 2,589,219.21 Lucheng Textile Rent of buildings 62,292,894.06 Luqun Property Rent of land and 26,379,793.30 buildings Interest expense on lease liabilities borne by the Company as a lessee in the current year: Name of lessor Category of Interest expense in the Interest expense in the leased assets reporting period last period Lucheng Textile Rent of land 1,317,351.96 Lucheng Textile Rent of gas station 117,041.60 Lucheng Textile Rent of buildings 2,551,333.93 Luqun Property Rent of land and 1,202,776.50 buildings (3) Information on remuneration for key management personnel Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Remuneration for key management 14,155,635.36 17,485,446.61 personnel 6. Accounts receivable and payable of related party (1) Accounts payable Unit: RMB Item Related party Ending carrying amount Beginning carrying amount Accounts payable Chengshun Trading 7,720.00 Accounts payable Lurui Fine Chemical 6,022,580.15 988,293.00 283 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Contract liability Luqun Property 649,676.55 649,676.55 XIII. Stock Payment 1. The overall situation of share-based payments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB The total amount of equity instruments granted by the Company for the 24,205,000.00 current period The total amount of the Company's equity instruments exercised for the 0.00 current period The total amount of equity instruments of the Company losing efficacy 0.00 for the current period 2. Equity-settled share-based payments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Methods for determining the fair value of equity instruments on Difference between the market price of the stock and the the grant date grant price on the grant date Basis for determining the number of feasible right equity Optimal estimation of expected feasible right in the future instruments Reasons for the significant discrepancy between the current No period estimates and the previous estimates Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based payment 28,325,788.60 included in capital reserves The total amount of the expense recognized for the current period 28,325,788.60 paid on equity-settled shares XIV. Commitments and Contingency 1. Significant commitments Significant commitments on balance sheet date (1) Capital commitments Commitments signed but have not been recognized in 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 financial statements Commitment on constructing and purchasing long-lived 10,006.86 9,864.22 assets (RMB’0,000) 284 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 2. Contingency (1) Significant contingency on balance sheet date (1) Contingent liabilities formed by the debt guarantee provided to other entities and the financial impact As at 31 December 2021, the Company provided guarantee to loans of the following entities: Amount Curren Foreign currency Not Name Item converted to Start date Due date cy amount e RMB I. Subsidiary Short-ter Continental m 6 January USD 933,705.38 5,953,025.39 9 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 11 January USD 450,190.40 2,870,278.93 15 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 16 August 12 February USD 1,062,314.44 6,772,998.18 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 17 August 13 February USD 446,578.71 2,847,251.88 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 18 August 14 February USD 236,300.76 1,506,582.76 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 18 August 14 February USD 1,227,876.98 7,828,575.26 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 23 August 19 February USD 371,427.46 2,368,110.06 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 27 August 23 February USD 297,239.42 1,895,109.37 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Continental Short-ter USD 250,841.66 1,599,291.17 7 September 7 March 285 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Textile m 2021 2022 borrowin gs Short-ter Continental m 7 September 7 March USD 200,235.73 1,276,642.94 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 15 September 14 March USD 584,194.94 3,724,651.68 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 15 September 14 March USD 217,805.53 1,388,662.72 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 27 September 26 March USD 455,548.00 2,904,437.38 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 4 October USD 1,413,237.83 9,010,380.43 2 April 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 5 October USD 410,431.44 2,616,787.73 4 April 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 22 October 20 April USD 241,460.00 1,539,476.52 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 22 October 20 April USD 289,667.93 1,846,835.82 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 27 October 25 April USD 201,452.56 1,284,401.09 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 26 November 25 May USD 161,021.67 1,026,625.86 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs 286 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Short-ter Continental m 16 December 14 June USD 754,945.56 4,813,306.41 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 8 January USD 1,040,488.12 6,633,840.11 12 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 10 January USD 838,942.30 5,348,844.42 14 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 10 January USD 449,323.01 2,864,748.71 14 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 4 November USD 925,498.63 5,900,701.62 3 May 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 5 November USD 322,819.69 2,058,201.50 4 May 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 5 November USD 171,821.68 1,095,483.49 4 May 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 23 November 22 May USD 1,097,387.49 6,996,613.42 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 26 November 25 May USD 378,408.20 2,412,617.16 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 1 December 30 May USD 1,095,757.42 6,986,220.58 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental 3 December m USD 1,099,357.33 7,009,172.53 1 June 2022 Textile 2021 borrowin 287 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 6 December USD 1,111,971.83 7,089,598.80 4 June 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 7 December USD 615,700.19 3,925,519.70 5 June 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 7 December USD 201,753.39 1,286,319.09 5 June 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 14 December 12 June USD 1,094,786.56 6,980,030.67 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 20 January USD 1,577,491.36 10,057,611.66 20 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 23 January USD 303,367.65 1,934,181.13 23 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 25 January USD 749,535.00 4,778,810.30 29 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 30 January USD 1,039,901.84 6,630,102.16 3 August 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 31 January USD 1,324,222.00 8,442,842.21 4 August 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 1 February USD 151,960.00 968,851.37 5 August 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Continental Short-ter 2 February USD 446,282.00 2,845,360.15 6 August 2021 Textile m 2022 288 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 borrowin gs Short-ter Continental m 10 August 6 February USD 627,475.38 4,000,594.78 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 10 August 6 February USD 2,102,632.54 13,405,754.29 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 11 August 7 February USD 392,468.62 2,502,262.18 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 7 January Dong 28,492,025,317.00 7,971,091.86 5 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 24 January Dong 5,010,041,160.00 1,401,637.75 28 July 2021 Textile borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 27 August 23 February Dong 5,100,504,313.00 1,426,946.24 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 23 September 22 March Dong 1,265,060,542.00 353,920.57 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 24 September 23 March Dong 2,680,197,866.00 749,827.48 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Continental m 11 October Dong 4,208,289,534.00 1,177,335.13 8 April 2022 Textile borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Continental m 21 October 19 April Dong 6,087,019,685.00 1,702,939.42 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Continental Short-ter Dong 4,914,041,560.00 1,374,780.36 27 October 25 April 289 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Textile m 2021 2022 borrowin gs Short-ter Continental m 29 October 27 April Dong 6,262,630,846.00 1,752,069.40 Textile borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 29 January USD 1,043,907.65 6,655,642.00 2 August 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 4 November USD 260,231.78 1,659,159.76 3 May 2022 Chau borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 16 November 15 May USD 167,878.80 1,070,344.87 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 9 January USD 186,483.00 1,188,959.66 13 July 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 18 January USD 186,627.00 1,189,877.76 22 July 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 30 January USD 125,059.44 797,341.47 3 August 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 31 January USD 422,099.00 2,691,176.59 4 August 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 1 February USD 202,284.00 1,289,702.10 5 August 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 17 August 13 February USD 1,039,223.81 6,625,779.25 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs 290 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 23 September 22 March USD 159,989.50 1,020,045.06 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 7 January Dong 8,679,496,797.00 2,428,225.65 5 July 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 22 January Dong 1,426,118,356.00 398,979.02 22 July 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 4 February Dong 4,039,940,300.00 1,130,236.79 29 July 2021 Chau borrowin 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 23 August 23 February Dong 1,427,162,237.00 399,271.07 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 23 September 23 March Dong 1,013,341,681.00 283,498.26 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 23 September 23 March Dong 3,532,199,220.00 988,188.24 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 29 September 29 March Dong 3,375,788,790.00 944,429.97 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 4 October Dong 5,334,234,404.00 1,492,335.91 4 April 2022 Chau borrowin 2021 gs Short-ter Lu Thai Tan m 26 October 26 April Dong 915,382,467.00 256,092.63 Chau borrowin 2021 2022 gs Short-ter Lu An 29 October 26 February m USD 120,974.78 771,298.90 Garments 2021 2022 borrowin 291 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 gs Short-ter Lu An m 13 December 12 April USD 54,895.55 349,997.56 Garments borrowin 2021 2022 gs Total 238,768,844.34 As at 31 December 2021, there was no other significant contingency in the Company to disclose. XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date 1. Significant non-adjustment matters Unit: RMB Reason of Influence number to inability to Item Contents the financial position estimate and operating results influence number On 18 February 2022, the Proposal on Granting the Reserved Restricted Shares under the 2021 Incentive Plan to the Incentive Personnel was Issuance deliberated and approved at the 30th session of the Ninth Board of of stocks Directors of the Company. The grant date of the reserved shares was 18 13,423,520.33 and February 2022, and 5.838 million reserved restricted shares were granted bonds to the incentive personnel who met the grant conditions at the grant price of RMB3.56 per share. 2. Profit distribution Unit: RMB Profits or dividends to be distributed 61,763,890.65 Profits or dividends announced to be distributed after the 61,763,890.65 approval 3. Notes to other events after balance sheet date As at 27 April 2022, the Company has no other events after balance sheet date that should be disclosed. 292 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 XVI. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent 1. Accounts receivable (1) Accounts receivable classified by category Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Withdra Withdra Carrying Carrying Proporti wal Proportio wal Amount Amount amount Amount Amount amount on proporti n proportio on n Accounts receivable of bad debt 1,788,43 1,788,43 5,730,13 5,730,13 0.39% 100.00% 1.60% 100.00% provision separately 2.20 2.20 2.44 2.44 accrued Of which: Accounts receivable of bad debt 453,937, 28,225,8 425,711, 352,666, 26,499,4 326,166,93 99.61% 6.22% 98.40% 7.51% provision withdrawn 579.34 41.07 738.27 401.84 66.74 5.10 by groups Of which: Group 1: Undue 45,299,1 475,640. 44,823,4 29,328,6 307,951. 29,020,719 accounts (credit 9.94% 1.05% 8.18% 1.05% 17.13 73 76.40 70.49 04 .45 insurance insured) Group 2: Undue 366,082, 18,304,1 347,778, 242,017, 12,100,8 229,917,05 accounts (no credit 80.33% 5.00% 67.53% 5.00% 322.24 16.12 206.12 947.74 97.39 0.35 insurance) Group 3: Overdue 11,631,2 1,244,54 10,386,7 23,520,7 2,516,72 21,004,043 accounts (credit 2.55% 10.70% 6.56% 10.70% 78.80 6.83 31.97 65.79 1.94 .85 insurance insured) Group 4: Overdue 30,924,8 8,201,53 22,723,3 57,799,0 11,573,8 46,225,121 accounts (no credit 6.79% 26.52% 16.13% 20.02% 61.17 7.39 23.78 17.82 96.37 .45 insurance) 455,726, 30,014,2 425,711, 358,396, 32,229,5 326,166,93 Total 100.00% 6.59% 100.00% 8.99% 011.54 73.27 738.27 534.28 99.18 5.10 Bad debt provision separately accrued: Y2021 Unit: RMB Name Ending balance 293 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Withdrawal Carrying amount Bad debt provision Provision reason proportion Customer filed for bankruptcy Customer 1 967,724.98 967,724.98 100.00% protection Customer filed for bankruptcy Customer 2 273,384.76 273,384.76 100.00% protection Customer financial difficulties or Other customer 547,322.46 547,322.46 100.00% filed for bankruptcy protection Total 1,788,432.20 1,788,432.20 -- -- Bad debt provision separately accrued: Y2020 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Bad debt Withdrawal Carrying amount Provision reason provision proportion Customer filed for bankruptcy Customer 1 3,410,632.89 3,410,632.89 100.00% protection Customer filed for bankruptcy Customer 2 1,565,397.64 1,565,397.64 100.00% protection Customer financial difficulties or Other customer 754,101.91 754,101.91 100.00% filed for bankruptcy protection Total 5,730,132.44 5,730,132.44 -- -- Bad debt provision withdrawn by groups: Y2021 Unit: RMB Ending balance Name Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Group 1: Undue accounts (credit 45,299,117.13 475,640.73 1.05% insurance insured) Group 2: Undue accounts (no credit 366,082,322.24 18,304,116.12 5.00% insurance) Group 3: Overdue accounts (credit 11,631,278.80 1,244,546.83 10.70% insurance insured) Group 4: Overdue accounts (no credit 30,924,861.17 8,201,537.39 26.52% insurance) Total 453,937,579.34 28,225,841.07 -- Bad debt provision withdrawn by groups: Y2020 Unit: RMB Name Ending balance 294 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Carrying amount Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Group 1: Undue accounts (credit 29,328,670.49 307,951.04 1.05% insurance insured) Group 2: Undue accounts (no credit 242,017,947.74 12,100,897.39 5.00% insurance) Group 3: Overdue accounts (credit 23,520,765.79 2,516,721.94 10.70% insurance insured) Group 4: Overdue accounts (no credit 57,799,017.82 11,573,896.37 20.02% insurance) Total 352,666,401.84 26,499,466.74 -- Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable. √ Applicable □ Not applicable Disclosure by aging Unit: RMB Aging Carrying amount Within 1 year (including 1 year) 447,209,201.62 1 to 2 years 2,511,805.71 2 to 3 years 5,264,224.44 Over 3 years 740,779.77 3 to 4 years 448,533.70 4 to 5 years 292,246.07 Total 455,726,011.54 (2) Bad debt provision withdrawn, reversed or collected during the Reporting Period Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period: Unit: RMB Changes in the reporting period Beginning Category Reversal or Ending balance balance Withdrawal Write-off Other recovery Bad debt 32,229,599.18 -2,015,565.96 199,759.95 30,014,273.27 provision Total 32,229,599.18 -2,015,565.96 199,759.95 30,014,273.27 (3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period Unit: RMB 295 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Item Amount Accounts receivable actually verified 199,759.95 (4) Top 5 of accounts receivable of ending balance collected by arrears party Unit: RMB Proportion to total ending balance of Ending balance of bad Name of entity Ending balance accounts receivable debt provision Customer A 46,292,727.15 10.16% 2,650,707.30 Customer B 37,055,066.08 8.13% 2,874,415.80 Customer C 25,674,099.30 5.63% 1,329,121.55 Customer D 24,860,977.60 5.46% 1,243,048.88 Customer E 22,441,812.72 4.92% 1,122,090.64 Total 156,324,682.85 34.30% -- 2. Notes receivable 31 December 2021 31 December 2020 Notes Carrying Bad debt Carrying Carrying Bad debt Carrying Category amount provision amount amount provision amount Bank acceptance 70,946,803.29 70,946,803.29 75,987,373.12 75,987,373.12 bill Commercial acceptance 127,886.89 6,394.34 121,492.55 bill L/C 60,960,026.96 60,960,026.96 32,876,316.67 32,876,316.67 Total 132,034,717.14 6,394.34 132,028,322.80 108,863,689.79 108,863,689.79 (1) Notes receivable endorsed by the Company or discounted and not due on the balance sheet date at the period-end Derecognized amount at the Non-derecognized amount at the Category period-end period-end Bank acceptance bill 59,223,996.79 Trade acceptance bill Total 59,223,996.79 If the bank acceptance bill used for endorsement and discount is accepted by a bank with low credit grade, the endorsement and discount do not affect the right of recourse, and the credit risk and deferred payment risk related to the bill have not been transferred, so the bank acceptance bill was not derecognized at the period-end. 31 December 2021 Category Carrying amount Bad debt provision Carrying Amount Proportion Amount Expected amount 296 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (%) credit loss rate (%) Bad debt provision separately accrued Bad debt provision 132,034,717.14 100.00 6,394.34 132,028,322.80 withdrawn by groups Of which: Commercial acceptance 127,886.89 0.10 6,394.34 5 121,492.55 bill Bank acceptance bill and 131,906,830.25 99.90 131,906,830.25 L/C Total 132,034,717.14 100.00 6,394.34 132,028,322.80 31 December 2020 Carrying amount Bad debt provision Category Expected Carrying Proportion Amount Amount credit loss amount (%) rate (%) Bad debt provision separately accrued Bad debt provision 108,863,689.79 100.00 108,863,689.79 withdrawn by groups Of which: Commercial acceptance bill Bank acceptance bill 108,863,689.79 100.00 108,863,689.79 and L/C Total 108,863,689.79 100.00 108,863,689.79 (3) Bad debt provision withdrawn, reversed or collected during the Reporting Period Amount of bad debt provision 31 December 2020 Withdrawal of the current period 6,394.34 Reversal or recovery in the Reporting Period Amount written-off for the Reporting Period Write-off in the current period Other 31 December 2021 6,394.34 297 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 3. Other accounts receivable Unit: RMB Item Ending balance Beginning balance Dividends receivable 94,525,975.44 75,488,652.49 Other receivables 1,965,654,050.43 1,425,394,029.70 Total 2,060,180,025.87 1,500,882,682.19 (1) Dividends receivable 1) Category of dividends receivable Unit: RMB Item (or investee) Ending balance Beginning balance Fengshou Cotton 49,501,026.78 79,461,739.46 Luqun Textile 50,000,000.00 Less: Bad debt provision -4,975,051.34 -3,973,086.97 Total 94,525,975.44 75,488,652.49 2) Significant dividends receivable aging over 1 year Unit: RMB Whether occurred impairment Item (or investee) Ending balance Aging Reason and its judgment basis Collect in accordance with Fengshou Cotton 49,501,026.78 1 to 2 years Not past due agreed dividend payment plan Total 49,501,026.78 -- -- -- 3) Withdrawal of bad debt provision √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB First stage Second stage Third stage Expected loss in the Expected credit loss Expected loss in the Bad debt provision duration (credit Total of the next 12 duration (credit impairment not months impairment occurred) occurred) Balance of 1 January2021 3,973,086.97 3,973,086.97 Balance of 1 January 2021 in —— —— —— —— 298 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 the Reporting Period Withdrawal of the current 1,001,964.37 1,001,964.37 period Balance of 31 December 2021 4,975,051.34 4,975,051.34 Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Other receivables 1) Other receivables classified by category Unit: RMB Nature Ending carrying amount Beginning carrying amount Intercourse funds 1,958,920,668.29 1,415,868,182.84 Payment on behalf 9,591,346.65 11,567,504.63 Guarantee deposit and cash deposit 3,764,642.06 3,119,958.81 Borrowings and petty cash 737,517.66 859,406.80 Other 399,089.06 98,063.62 Total 1,973,413,263.72 1,431,513,116.70 2) Withdrawal of bad debt provision Unit: RMB First stage Second stage Third stage Expected credit loss Expected loss in the Expected loss in the Bad debt provision Total of the next 12 duration (credit duration (credit months impairment not occurred) impairment occurred) Balance of 1 January 2021 4,905,594.37 1,213,492.63 6,119,087.00 Balance of 1 January 2021 in —— —— —— —— the Reporting Period Withdrawal of the current 1,563,716.47 76,409.82 1,640,126.29 period Balance of 31 December 6,469,310.84 1,289,902.45 7,759,213.29 2021 Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Disclosure by aging Unit: RMB 299 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Aging Carrying amount Within 1 year (including 1 year) 1,304,815,450.41 1 to 2 years 665,685,512.92 2 to 3 years 270,396.40 Over 3 years 2,641,903.99 3 to 4 years 164,144.98 Over 5 years 2,477,759.01 Total 1,973,413,263.72 3) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party Unit: RMB Proportion to ending Ending balance of Name of entity Nature Ending balance Aging balance of total other bad debt provision receivables Lulian New Intercourse Within 1 year and 678,605,801.54 34.39% 2,035,817.40 Materials funds 1 to 2 years Continental Intercourse Within 1 year and 606,806,381.11 30.75% 1,820,419.14 Textile funds 1 to 2 years Lufeng Intercourse Within 1 year and Company 344,179,136.19 17.44% 1,032,537.41 funds 1 to 2 years Limited Lu Thai Tan Intercourse 217,039,055.64 Within 1 year 11.00% 651,117.17 Chau funds Lu An Intercourse 92,240,293.81 Within 1 year 4.67% 276,720.88 Garments funds Total -- 1,938,870,668.29 -- 98.25% 5,816,612.00 4. Long-term equity investment Unit: RMB Ending balance Beginning balance Item Depreciati Depreciati Carrying amount Carrying amount Carrying amount Carrying amount on reserve on reserve Investment to 2,648,604,886.50 2,648,604,886.50 2,417,071,281.88 2,417,071,281.88 Subsidiaries Investment to Joint Ventures 169,443,106.66 169,443,106.66 138,079,577.25 138,079,577.25 and Associated 300 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Enterprises Total 2,818,047,993.16 2,818,047,993.16 2,555,150,859.13 2,555,150,859.13 (1) Investment to subsidiaries Unit: RMB Increase/decrease Withdra Ending Beginning wal of Ending balance balance of Investee balance (carrying Additional Reduced impair Other (carrying value) depreciatio value) investment investment ment n reserve provisio n Xinsheng Power 176,340,737.93 176,340,737.93 Lufeng Company 529,620,000.00 529,620,000.00 Limited Luqun Textile 171,784,550.00 171,784,550.00 Luthai (Hong Kong) 128,771,800.00 128,771,800.00 Shanghai Luthai 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 Polaris Apparel 108,242,335.38 2,947.65 108,245,283.03 Lu Thai (America) 10,209,050.00 10,209,050.00 Vanguard Apparel 62,337,238.57 62,337,238.57 Continental Textile 834,936,510.00 834,936,510.00 Lu An Garments 64,229,060.00 64,229,060.00 Lulian New 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 Materials Lujia Import & 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Export Lu Thai Occupational 100,000.00 100,000.00 Training School Shanghai Zhinuo 5,000.00 5,000.00 Zhishu Trading 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 Huilin International 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 Banyang Mountain 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 Villa Total 2,417,071,281.88 404,007,947.65 172,474,343.03 2,648,604,886.50 301 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 (2) Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises Unit: RMB Increase/decrease Gains Ending Beginnin and Adjustm Cash Withdra Ending balance g Addition losses ent of bonus or Reduced Changes wal of balance of Investee balance al recogniz other profits investme of other impairm Other (carrying depreciat (carrying investme ed under compreh announc nt equity ent value) ion value) nt the ensive ed to provision reserve equity income issue method I. Joint ventures II. Associated enterprises Haohong 88,329,9 7,881,29 -12,791, 67,657,6 Investme 22.16 4.68 000.83 26.65 nt Haoying 49,749,6 50,000,0 2,035,82 101,785, Investme 55.09 00.00 4.92 480.01 nt 138,079, 50,000,0 7,881,29 -10,755, 169,443, Subtotal 577.25 00.00 4.68 175.91 106.66 138,079, 50,000,0 7,881,29 -10,755, 169,443, Total 577.25 00.00 4.68 175.91 106.66 5. Operating revenue and cost of sales Unit: RMB Reporting period Same period of last year Item Operating revenue Cost of sales Operating revenue Cost of sales Main operations 3,452,380,376.61 2,643,956,373.18 3,097,396,791.67 2,431,256,287.15 Other operations 195,022,132.60 180,495,494.62 178,270,264.27 163,516,161.93 Total 3,647,402,509.21 2,824,451,867.80 3,275,667,055.94 2,594,772,449.08 6. Investment income Unit: RMB Item Reporting period Same period of last year Long-term equity investment income 274,015,922.61 247,438,173.08 accounted by cost method 302 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Long-term equity investment income -10,755,175.91 -5,146,737.73 accounted by equity method Investment income from disposal of -5,319,992.03 43,068,687.97 long-term equity investment Investment income from holding of 1,974,280.18 6,793,854.87 trading financial assets Investment income from disposal of 36,259,900.00 144,809,578.16 trading financial assets Interest income from debt investment 2,401,261.30 1,993,264.93 during the holding period Total 298,576,196.15 438,956,821.28 XVII. Supplemental Information 1. Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: RMB Item Amount Note Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current assets 50,868,019.96 Government grants recorded in the current profit or loss (except for those acquired in the ordinary course of company's business, or granted at 58,686,874.90 certain quotas or amounts continuously in line with national policies and regulations) Gain/loss from change of fair value of trading financial assets and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of trading financial assets 77,620,424.02 and liabilities as well as financial assets available for sale, other than valid hedging related to the Company’s common businesses Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables separately tested for 6,198,745.44 impairment Other non-operating income and expense other than the above -1,700,653.34 Investment income from disposal of trading financial assets, financial liabilities and investment in debt obligations Less: Income tax effects 28,885,946.87 Non-controlling interests effects 5,670,351.21 Total 157,117,112.90 -- Details of other profit and loss items in line with the definition of non-recurring gains and losses: □ Applicable √ Not applicable There are no other profit and loss items in line with the definition of non-recurring gains and losses in the Company. 303 Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021 Note to define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Gains and Losses as recurring profit and loss items. □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Return on equity and earnings per share Weighted EPS (Yuan/share) Profit as of reporting period average roe EPS-basic EPS-diluted (%) Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the 4.44% 0.39 0.36 Company Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the 2.44% 0.21 0.21 Company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss 3. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards (1) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and Chinese accounting standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese accounting standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable Chairman of the Board: Liu Zibin Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. 29 April 2022 304