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						                                 The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

 The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

         October 2016

                                                                                         The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

                                          I. Important Statement

The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,
fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Mr. Zhao Zhongmin, The Company Leader, Mr. Han Ge, Chief financial officer and the Mr.Wang Shaoyu, the
person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the
authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in the report.

                                                                                                               The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

II.Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I.Main accounting data and financial Index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed
and accounting error correction or not.
□ Yes √ No
                                         As at the end of the reporting                                          Changed (%)over end of
                                                                                As at the end of last year
                                                    period                                                                prev. year

Gross assets(RMB)                                     48,399,792,782.49                 44,461,643,345.33                             8.86%

Net assets attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                      12,511,169,665.15                 11,934,100,372.02                             4.84%

                                                                    Increase/decrease over Between beginning of
                                                                                                                         Changed (%)over
                                           Reporting period         the same period of last the year to the end of
                                                                                                                          end of prev. year
                                                                         year(%)                 the report period

Operating income(RMB)                      7,352,413,667.74                         46.51%        19,981,998,237.09                   -6.47%

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company             392,077,397.20                       1,016.87%          574,615,573.52                  252.28%

Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                               380,239,871.89                        983.36%           544,756,078.48                  288.06%
to the shareholders of listed

Cash flow generated by business
                                                   --                          --                    3,646,623,428.76                  360.45%
operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per
                                                             0.13                   1,200.00%                     0.18                 260.00%

Diluted gains per
                                                             0.13                   1,200.00%                     0.18                 260.00%

Weighted average income/asset
                                                           3.21%                       2.98%                    4.72%                   3.66%

                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                            Amount (Year-beginning to
                                 Items                                                                                     Notes
                                                                            the end of the report period.)

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part
for which assets impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and                                            24,933,000.00

                                                                                                         The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

loss(excluding those closely related to the Companys business
and granted under the states policies)

Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets                                       569,498.63

Gain/loss from debt reorganization                                                   8,631,844.34

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                      1,270,530.97

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                9,973,750.17

     Influence on minority shareholders equity (after tax)                                 61,755.46

Total                                                                               29,859,495.04                      --

If the company defines those items to recurring gain/loss items, which were defined by “Regulations of
Information Disclosure of PLCs, Explanation No.1 - Non-recurring gain/loss” as non-recurring gain/loss, please
provide reason here.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

None of non-recurring gain/loss items recognized as recurring gain/loss items as defined by the Information
Disclosure Explanatory Announcement No.1 – Non-recurring gain/loss in the report period.
II.Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period
1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered
and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders
                                                                                                                               In shares
                                                                  Total preference shareholders
Total number of common                                            with the voting power
                                                         74,128                                                                        0
shareholders at the period-end                                    recovered at the end of the
                                                                  reporting period(if any)

                                              Shares held by the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                 Amount of                  Pledging or freezing
                      Properties of         Share                              tradable shares
Shareholder name                                             Quantity                                  Status of the
                      shareholder        proportion %                         with Conditional                              Quantity
Benxi Steel        State-owned legal
                                                77.80%       2,442,316,069                        Pledged                   404,000,000
(Group) Ltd.       person
EMERGING           Overseas legal
                                                 0.26%            8,157,311
MARKETS            person

                   Domestic natural
Zhou Jie                                         0.23%            7,332,801
                   person shares

                   Domestic natural
Ruan Shouguo                                     0.16%            5,082,200
                   person shares

Zhan               Domestic natural              0.15%            4,660,515

                                                                                                        The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Changcheng          person shares

                    Overseas legal
INTERNATION                                         0.15%          4,606,141

GLOBAL              Overseas legal
                                                    0.14%          4,237,147
MARKETS             person

Securities          Overseas legal
                                                    0.10%          3,286,109
Company             person

                    Overseas legal
SECURITIES(H                                        0.10%          3,080,304

Agricultural Bank
 of China-Rich
 countries in the
 reform of
 state-owned        Other                           0.09%          2,847,400
 reform index
 investment fund

                                     Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares

                                                                                                               Share type
         Shareholders Names                     Number of the non-restricted shares held
                                                                                                       Share type       Quantity
                                                                                                  RMB common
Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd.                                                         2,442,316,069                          2,442,316,069

                                                                                                  Foreign shares
                                                                                                  placed in
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                                                8,157,311                             8,157,311

                                                                                                  Foreign shares
Zhou Jie                                                                              7,332,801                             7,332,801
                                                                                                  placed in

                                                                                                    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016


                                                                                               RMB common
Ruan Shouguo                                                                       5,082,200                           5,082,200

                                                                                               Foreign shares
                                                                                               placed in
Zhan Changcheng                                                                    4,660,515                           4,660,515

                                                                                               Foreign shares
                                                                                               placed in
INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX                                                          4,606,141                           4,606,141

                                                                                               Foreign shares
CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS                                                                       placed in
                                                                                   4,237,147                           4,237,147
LIMITED                                                                                        domestic

                                                                                               Foreign shares
Haitong International Securities                                                               placed in
                                                                                   3,286,109                           3,286,109
Company Limited-Account Client                                                                 domestic

                                                                                               Foreign shares
                                                                                               placed in
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                               3,080,304                           3,080,304

Agricultural Bank of China-Rich
 countries in the reform of                                                                    RMB common
                                                                                   2,847,400                           2,847,400
 state-owned enterprise reform                                                                 shares
 index securities investment fund
Notes to relationship or “action in   It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or Action in Concert
concert” among the top ten            as described by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status
shareholders.                          of Listed Companies existing among the above shareholders.
Note to the top 10 common
stockholders involved in margin
financing & securities lending(if

Whether there was any repurchasing deal made between any of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of
unrestricted shares in the report period
[] Yes [V] No
There was not any repurchasing deal made between any of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of
unrestricted shares in the report period

                                                                                                       The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

2 Total of shareholders and top-10 preferential shareholders at end of the report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                               III. Significant Issues

I. Particulars and causations of material change in major accounting items and indices

√Applicable □Not applicable

 * Items changed by over 30% comparing with that of at the end of 2015 in the consolidated accounts, and
   I. Items in the balance       Changed                         Causation of change
            sheet                  by
 Monetary Fund                      72%     Due to the increase of the company current reserves

 Available for sale financial               Mainly due to the current shares of Bengang Baojin (Shenyang)
 assets                             44%     Automotive New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. due.

 Construction in process            33%     Mainly due to the unsettled construction in progress increased

 Construction material              87%     Mainly due to unrequited increase in construction materials

                                            Mainly due to the Company's profit for the current period
 Deferred tax assets                -48%    makes up the loss

 Account payable                    35%     Mainly due to increase in current period payables

                                            Mainly due to the current steel prices, advance receipts
 Advance Payments                   37%     increased

 Non-current liabilities due                Mainly due to current non-current liabilities due within one
 within one year                    -50%    year are due for repayment

                                            Mainly due to long-term borrowings were added in the current
 Long-term borrowings              229%     period

                                            Mainly due to the current period to pay the safe use fee
 Special reserves                  624%     decreased

 Undistributed profit               45%     Mainly due to profit for the period increased

 * Items changed by over 30% comparing with that of Jan - Sept 2015 in the consolidated accounts, and
   II. Items under income        Changed                         Causation of change
          statement                by
 Operational tax and
 surcharges                         37%     Mainly due to the current value added tax payable

                                            Mainly due to the current steel prices, did not mention the
 Asset impairment loss             -104%    provision for inventory decline

 Investment gains                   -92%    Mainly due to current purchase of financial products decreased

                                                                                                       The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

                                              Mainly due to loss of non-current assets decreased during the
 Non-operational expenses            -99%     period

                                              Mainly due to this period to achieve profitability, make up
 Income tax expense               46769%      losses

 Minor shareholders equity           283%     Mainly due to the profit of the holding company increased
 III. Items under cash flow      Changed                            Causation of change
          statement                by
                                              Mainly due to the amount of export tax rebate received in this
 Tax returned
                                     -47%     period decreased

 Cash received from
 investment retrieving               -83%     Mainly due to current purchase of financial products decreased
 Cash received as investment
 profit                              -92%     Mainly due to current purchase of financial products decreased

 Net cash retrieved from
 disposal of fixed assets,
 intangible assets, and other                 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
 long-term assets                    -33%     assets, and other long-term assets

 Cash paid for purchasing or
 construction of fixed assets,
 intangible assets, and other                 Mainly due to cash paid for acquisition and construction of
 long-term assets                    -49%     fixed assets decreased

 Cash paid as investment             -67%     Mainly due to current purchase of financial products decreased

II. Progress of Significant Events, their Influences and Analytical Notice on the Solutions
□ Applicable √Not applicable

III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer,
directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments
unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable


IV. Prospect on business performance of 2016

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the
same period of last year, and statement of causations.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Securities investment

□ Applicable √Not applicable


                                                                                                                       The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

  VI. Investment in derivatives
  √Applicable□ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                            In RMB0000

                                                                                                                                        Ratio of
                                                                                                                   Amount                 ent
                                                                                                                      of                amount
                                                                               Investm                 Amount reserve Investm              at
                          Whether                                                ent                    sold         for      ent       period-e Actual
              Related                           Initial                                      ed
                          related                             Start    End     amount                  during devaluat amount            nd in     gains/lo
  Name        relations                Type    investm                                     during
                          trade or                            date     date       at                     the        ion of    at          net      sses in
                  hip                            ent                                         the
                            not                                                period-b                reportin withdra period-e assets of period
                                                                                egin                   g period wing(if       nd          the
                                                                                           g period
                                                                                                                   applicab             compan
                                                                                                                     le)                  y at

              The                    Hot
Bengang                                         1,214.0 June          August    1,214.0 1,204.7 1,219.3
              compan No              rolled                                                                                         0    0.00%       14.56
Bancai                                                    4 30,2016 15,2016            4           9           5
              y                      futures

                                                1,214.0                         1,214.0 1,204.7 1,219.3
Total                                                          --       --                                                          0    0.00%       14.56
                                                          4                            4           9           5

Capital resource                               Self-owned capital

Lawsuits (if applicable)                       Not applicable

Disclosure date for approval from the
Board for investment of derivatives (if May 27,2016

Disclosure date for approval from
board of shareholders for investment of May 27,2016
derivatives (if applicable)

                                               Adjust the rolling stock is hedging, the use of rolling line surplus capacity, while in the sprea
                                               d of the cost of the spread of futures-based tool to lock the way the price of rolling profits. Th
Venture analysis and explanation on
                                               e Company formulated the Measures for the Administration of Futures of Bengang Steel Plat
control measures for derivatives
                                               es Co., Ltd. and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Futures Business of Bengang S
holding in Period (including but not
                                               teel Plate Co., Ltd., and carried out full assessment and market control on the risks of futures
limited to market risk, liquidity risk,
                                               investment and positions. 1. Business scale control in the procurement and sales targets withi
credit risks, operational risk and legal
                                               n 20%. 2. The maximum margin for hedging of the Company was RMB 200 million. 3. To d
risk etc.)
                                               evelop futures trading program, the program of possible legal risks, operational risk, market r
                                               isk, a full assessment and the development of effective control measures.

Particular about the changes of market
                                               The fair value is determined in order to be active in the market.
price or products fair value of invested

                                                                                                           The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

derivatives in Period; as for analysis of
the fair value of derivatives, disclosed
specific treatment methods and relevant
hypothesis and parameter setting

Explanation on major changes on
specific principle of accounting policy
and accounting calculation for              No significant change occurred.
derivatives in Period, by comparing
with last period

                                            In order to develop the futures business, the Company formulated the Measures for the
                                            Administration of Futures of Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd., and clarified the relevant systems
                                            and business operation modes such as the organizational structure, business processes, risk
Specific opinions from independent          control and other relevant laws and regulations. The relevant provisions, to carry out futures
directs on derivative investment and        business. Is conducive to the company to reduce operational risks, to adapt to the fierce
risk controlling                            market competition, to achieve transition across development. The maximum amount and
                                            trading variety of futures trading margin determined by the Company is reasonable and does
                                            not affect the normal production and operation of the Company and does not harm the
                                            interests of the Company and all shareholders.

  VII. Registration form of such Activities as Reception, Research, Communication, Interview in the
  Reporting Period
  □ Applicable √Not applicable
  Not applicable

  VIII. Outward Guarantee against the Regulations
  □ Applicable √Not applicable
  Not applicable

  IX. Non-operational Occupancy of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder and its Related
  □ Applicable √Not applicable


                                                    IV. Financial Statement
  I. Financial statement

  1. Consolidated balance sheet

  Prepared by:Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                       Items                                    At the end of term                           Beginning of term

                   Current asset:

                                                                The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

               Monetary fund                 8,837,200,495.24               5,140,480,509.97

             Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

  Financial assets measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account

     Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable                             1,982,687,604.81               2,449,682,561.16

 Account receivable                           396,484,752.46                  488,584,624.72

  Prepayments                                 587,671,911.37                  569,851,950.69

 Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts

  Interest receivable                            2,757,392.36                   3,524,615.12

  Dividend receivable

 Other account receivable                     130,796,204.04                  151,668,877.26

 Repurchasing of financial assets

 Inventories                                 9,173,967,475.70               8,601,734,442.42

  Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

  Other current asset                         496,400,218.03                  431,360,541.21

Total of current assets                     21,607,966,054.01              17,836,888,122.55

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on others behalf

  Disposable financial asset                   29,271,278.63                   20,271,278.63

  Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable

 Long term share equity investment

 Property investment

  Fixed assets                              18,677,831,035.77              20,046,254,726.74

  Construction in progress                   7,482,466,195.81               5,646,624,293.27

Engineering material                             7,783,368.08                   4,152,880.79

  Fixed asset disposal

                                                                   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

 Intangible assets                               261,066,619.69                  265,520,912.57

 R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Deferred income tax asset                        333,408,230.50                  641,931,130.78

 Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets                    26,791,826,728.48              26,624,755,222.78

Total of assets                                48,399,792,782.49              44,461,643,345.33

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                             17,996,104,679.48              18,139,885,596.60

 Loan from Central Bank

 Deposit received and hold for others

 Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account

     Derivative financial liabilities

  Bill payable                                  1,649,373,536.92               2,110,511,950.79

  Account payable                               6,750,098,621.14               5,015,900,664.47

 Advance payment                                2,491,601,797.55               1,815,443,452.05

 Selling of repurchased financial assets

Fees and commissions receivable

 Employees wage payable                           43,663,359.32                   36,455,143.76

 Tax payable                                      34,996,724.63                   45,194,528.35

 Interest payable                                  51,966,411.45                  70,958,686.96

 Dividend payable

  Other account payable                          400,908,041.06                  444,734,704.90

 Reinsurance fee payable

 Insurance contract provision

 Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

  Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year              716,529,894.11                1,434,004,649.14

                                                             The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Other current liability

Total of current liability               30,135,243,065.66              29,113,089,377.02

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                          3,314,345,410.90               1,005,919,974.09

 Bond payable                             1,493,242,002.32               1,490,352,572.75

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

  Long-term payable

Long-term payable employeess

 Special payable

 Expected liabilities

     Deferred income                       397,755,000.00                  413,188,000.00

       Deferred income tax liability

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities             5,205,342,413.22               2,909,460,546.84

Total of liability                       35,340,585,478.88              32,022,549,923.86

Owners equity

          Share capital                   3,136,000,000.00               3,136,000,000.00

      Other equity instrument

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                         9,114,845,542.05               9,114,845,542.05

  Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income

Special reserves                              2,847,091.66                    393,372.05

  Surplus reserves                         961,105,529.85                  961,105,529.85

 Common risk provision

Undistributed profit                       -703,628,498.41              -1,278,244,071.93

Total of owners equity belong to the
                                         12,511,169,665.15              11,934,100,372.02
parent company

Minority shareholders equity               548,037,638.46                  504,993,049.45

Total of owners equity                   13,059,207,303.61              12,439,093,421.47

Total of liabilities and owners equity   48,399,792,782.49              44,461,643,345.33

                                                                                            The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Legal representative: Zhao Zhongmin     CFO: Han Ge   Accounting Manager: Wang Shaoyu

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                      Items                             At the end of term                   Beginning of term

Current asset:

Monetary fund                                                        8,625,268,737.20                   4,921,089,319.57

Financial assets measured at fair value with
variations accounted into current income

Derivative financial assets

 Bill receivable                                                      1,811,291,700.84                  2,298,691,410.40

 Account receivable                                                    351,150,711.09                     449,193,422.02

  Prepayments                                                          561,344,559.89                     549,553,039.03

  Interest receivable                                                        2,757,392.36                   3,524,615.12

  Dividend receivable

Other account receivable                                               183,445,270.70                     229,428,159.94

  Inventories                                                        7,832,812,091.48                   7,452,873,949.34

Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset                                                    454,211,823.73                     387,259,423.54

Total of current assets                                             19,822,282,287.29                  16,291,613,338.96

Non-current assets:

  Disposable financial asset                                             27,303,673.00                     18,303,673.00

Expired investment in possess

 Long-term receivable

 Long term share equity investment                                   1,700,981,902.16                   1,700,981,902.16

 Property investment

  Fixed assets                                                      16,065,400,027.42                  17,179,043,906.45

  Construction in progress                                           7,475,756,417.87                   5,646,077,292.11

Engineering material                                                         4,134,137.31                   4,134,138.91

  Fixed asset disposal

  Production physical assets

 Gas & petrol

Intangible assets                                                      156,214,986.86                     158,694,589.82

                                                                   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

 R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Deferred income tax asset                        253,920,925.18                  562,072,018.42

 Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets                    25,683,712,069.80              25,269,307,520.87

Total of assets                                45,505,994,357.09              41,560,920,859.83

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans                             16,513,375,400.00              16,798,213,600.00

Financial liabilities measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account
  Derivative financial liabilities

  Bill payable                                  1,549,373,536.92               1,651,808,822.92

  Account payable                               7,363,633,771.16               5,263,012,477.37

 Advance payment                                2,169,330,643.26               1,957,484,054.73

 Employees wage payable                           43,208,135.74                   34,194,188.88

 Tax payable                                      20,228,840.93                    9,986,022.56

 Interest payable                                 50,722,321.13                   70,113,698.63

 Dividend payable

  Other account payable                          330,404,702.20                  324,906,037.82

Classified as held for sale debt
      Non-current liability due in 1 year        716,529,894.11                1,434,004,649.14

Other current liability

Total of current liability                     28,756,807,245.45              27,543,723,552.05

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan                                3,314,345,410.90               1,005,919,974.09

 Bond payable                                   1,493,242,002.32               1,490,352,572.75

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

   Long-term payable

Long-term payable to employees
  Special payable

 Expected liabilities

Deferred income                                  397,755,000.00                  413,188,000.00

                                                                                   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Deferred income tax liability

  Other non-current liabilities

Total of Non-current liabilities                            5,205,342,413.22                     2,909,460,546.84

Total of liability                                         33,962,149,658.67                    30,453,184,098.89

Owners equity

        Share capital                                       3,136,000,000.00                     3,136,000,000.00

      Other equity instrument

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                                           8,694,693,859.93                     8,694,693,859.93

  Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income
Special reserves                                                   2,847,091.66                           393,372.05

Surplus reserves                                                 961,105,529.85                    961,105,529.85

Undistributed profit                                       -1,250,801,783.02                    -1,684,456,000.89

Total of owners equity                                     11,543,844,698.42                    11,107,736,760.94

Total of liabilities and owners equity                     45,505,994,357.09                    41,560,920,859.83

3.Consolidated Income statement of the Report period

                                                                                                             In RMB

                     Items               Amount in this period                    Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business                         7,352,413,667.74                         5,018,448,900.24

Incl:Business income                                   7,352,413,667.74                         5,018,448,900.24

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost                                 6,782,057,523.51                         4,999,089,186.11

Incl:Business cost                                     6,125,972,410.63                         3,985,783,772.69

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

                                                                  The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

      Business tax and surcharge                  27,088,709.48                   7,762,405.33

      Sales expense                              219,452,625.67                 249,532,039.19

Administrative expense                           200,432,767.91                 191,518,290.30

Financial expenses                               209,946,899.42                 553,412,238.77

Asset impairment loss                               -835,889.60                  11,080,439.83

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)                    569,498.63                     642,273.97

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss           570,925,642.86                  20,001,988.10

Add:Non-business income                          15,234,307.48                  12,553,902.85

         Incl:Gains from disposal of
                                                   2,475,142.83                   4,227,427.11
non-current assets

      Less:Non business expenses                                                    93,793.74

           Incl:Loss from disposal of
non-current assets

IV.Total profit(“-”for loss)                   586,159,950.34                  32,462,097.21

 Less:Income tax expenses                       174,795,525.68                   3,090,980.55

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss                 411,364,424.66                  29,371,116.66

Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                 392,077,397.20                  35,104,914.65
parent company

  Minority shareholders equity                    19,287,027.46                  -5,733,797.99

VI. Net after-tax of Other
comprehensive income

Net                                  after-tax
of other comprehensive income attribut
able to owners of the parent company.

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl

                                                                                                    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements



after-tax of other comprehensive incom

e attributable to Minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income                                        411,364,424.66                                29,371,116.66

Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the parent                                392,077,397.20                                35,104,914.65

 Total comprehensive income
                                                                        19,287,027.46                                -5,733,797.99
attributable minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                    0.13                                          0.01

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                  0.13                                          0.01

If there are entities merged under common control, their net profit realized before the merger were totaled to RMB***. While it was
RMB*** previous period.

Legal representative: Zhao Zhongmin          CFO: Han Ge   Accounting Manager: Wang Shaoyu

                                                                                      The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

4.Income statement of the Parent Company of the Report period

                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Items                       Amount in this period                Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business                                7,541,752,295.18                     5,727,345,071.98

  Less:Business cost                                          6,506,196,116.23                     4,747,476,098.85

Business tax and surcharge                                        24,375,185.52                               31,262.08

       Sales expense                                             155,519,980.97                       213,430,476.87

 Administrative expense                                          185,740,284.28                       177,809,001.92

      Financial expenses                                         195,326,877.96                       534,681,668.91

 Asset impairment loss                                              -368,932.75                         9,186,144.81

     Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

     Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                   569,498.63                           642,273.97

     Incl: investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                          475,532,281.60                        45,372,692.51

       Add :Non-operational income                               15,117,388.95                        12,437,296.73

  Including:Income from disposal of
                                                                   2,406,422.22                         4,227,427.11
non-current assets

  Less:Non business expenses                                                                                  8,686.75

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current

III.Total profit(“-”for loss)                                  490,649,670.55                        57,801,302.49

 Less:Income tax expenses                                       170,060,434.17                              -78,683.79

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                              320,589,236.38                        57,879,986.28

V.Net of profit of other comprehensive i

  (I)Other comprehensive income
items that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

(                     II                  )

                                                                                            The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Other comprehensive income that will b
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income                                320,589,236.38                               57,879,986.28

VII. Earnings per share:

(I)Basic earnings per share

 (II)Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Income statement between the beginning of the year and end of the report period

                                                                                                       In RMB

                    Items                    Amount in this period             Amount in last period

I. Total operating income                                  19,981,998,237.09                           21,363,364,061.42

Including:Operating income                                19,981,998,237.09                           21,363,364,061.42

      Interest income

         Insurance gained

Commission charge and commission

II. Total operating cost                                   19,089,375,328.26                           21,229,584,863.99

Including:Operating cost                                  17,040,154,712.67                           18,887,333,123.26

Interest expense

Commission chare and commission


             Insurance discharge

                                                                The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016


              Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

  Reinsurance expenses

                    Business tax and
                                                53,421,604.24                  38,872,932.66

      Sales expense                            649,513,688.81                 727,881,318.33

Administrative expense                         552,387,486.39                 569,109,337.75

Financial expenses                             796,614,724.61                 944,811,866.14

Asset impairment loss                           -2,716,888.46                  61,576,285.85

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)                  569,498.63                    7,226,589.08

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss         893,192,407.46                 141,005,786.51

Add:Non-business income                        39,430,977.03                  54,776,907.31

         Incl:Gains from disposal of
                                                 4,595,601.72                   7,155,188.26
non-current assets

      Less:Non business expenses                 105,474.99                   20,755,118.94

            Incl:Loss from disposal of
                                                  105,474.99                   20,755,118.94
non-current assets

IV.Total profit(“-”for loss)                 932,517,909.50                 175,027,574.88

 Less:Income tax expenses                     314,857,746.97                    671,775.63

V. Net profit(“-”for net loss               617,660,162.53                 174,355,799.25

Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                               574,615,573.52                 163,112,050.91
parent company

  Minority shareholders equity                  43,044,589.01                  11,243,748.34

VI. Net after-tax of Other
comprehensive income

Net                                after-tax
of other comprehensive income attribut
able to owners of the parent company.

                                                                                                    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl
ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements



after-tax of other comprehensive incom

e attributable to Minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income                                       617,660,162.53                               174,355,799.25

Total comprehensive income
attributable to the owner of the parent                               574,615,573.52                                163,112,050.91

 Total comprehensive income
                                                                       43,044,589.01                                 11,243,748.34
attributable minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share                                                    0.18                                          0.05

 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                  0.18                                          0.05

If there are entities merged under common control, their net profit realized before the merger were totaled to RMB***. While it was

                                                                                               The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

RMB*** previous period.

6.Income Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                               In RMB

                    Items                    Amount in this period                Amount in last period

I. Business income                                         20,727,140,742.37                              22,946,968,744.42

Less:Business cost                                        18,236,082,900.44                              20,822,808,789.04

Business tax and surcharge                                     39,015,159.45                                  25,377,987.04

Sales expense                                                 507,779,490.30                                 602,563,831.95

Administrative expense                                        507,214,377.27                                 525,469,968.99

Financial expenses                                            750,350,717.43                                 881,677,591.95

Asset impairment loss                                          -2,249,931.61                                  39,545,707.32

Add:Gains from change of fir value
(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss)                               14,282,827.08                                   7,226,589.08

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit                                        703,230,856.17                                  56,751,457.21

Add:Non-business income                                       38,679,929.93                                  52,028,094.80

         Incl:Gains from disposal of
                                                                4,456,927.98                                   5,442,429.49
non-current assets

Less:Non business expenses                                          105,474.99                               20,670,011.95

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                     105,474.99                               20,670,011.95

III.Total profit                                              741,805,311.11                                  88,109,540.06

Less:Income tax expenses                                     308,151,093.24                                 -13,971,400.19

IV. Net profit                                                433,654,217.87                                 102,080,940.25

V. Net after-tax of Other comprehensive

Net after                            –tax
of profit of other comprehensive incom
e attributable to owners of the parent co

(I)Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into
gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl

                                                                                            The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can not be recl
assified into profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income that will b
e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th
e equity method investee can be reclassi
fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair
value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif
ied to gains and losses of available for s
ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed
ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin
ancial statements

6.Other                                                       433,654,217.87                              102,080,940.25

V. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share

(II)Diluted earnings per share

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                    Items                    Amount in this period             Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                           16,580,702,769.37                           16,266,245,235.29
rending of services

  Net increase of customer deposits
and capital kept for brother company

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from
other financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance

                                                                The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Net cash received from reinsurance

Net increase of client deposit and

Net increase of the financial assets that
are measured at fair value and whose
movement is counted to the current gain
and loss

Cash received as interest, processing fee
and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

    Tax returned                              353,037,007.15                  662,521,114.16

Other cash received from business
                                               84,677,742.77                   91,668,231.59

    Sub-total of cash inflow                17,018,417,519.29              17,020,434,581.04

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                            11,511,671,889.04              16,366,576,026.70
merchandise and services

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings n central bank
and brother company

Cash paid for original contract claim

 Cash paid for interest, processing fee
and commission

 Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs       1,247,371,996.56               1,382,466,323.65

 Taxes paid                                   273,035,353.99                  304,290,794.39

Other cash paid for business activities       339,714,850.94                  367,215,382.23

Sub-total of cash outflow from business
                                            13,371,794,090.53              18,420,548,526.97

Cash flow generated by business
                                             3,646,623,428.76              -1,400,113,945.93
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment
                                              300,000,000.00                1,747,000,000.00

Cash received as investment gains                 569,498.63                    7,226,589.08

Net cash retrieved from disposal of              4,296,555.00                   6,407,771.07

                                                                 The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash received

Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                               304,866,053.63                1,760,634,360.15
investment activities

Cash paid for construction of fixed
     assets, intangible assets and other      1,016,048,866.75               1,976,666,364.11
     long-term assets

Cash paid as investment                        572,000,000.00                1,747,000,000.00

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

Other cash paid for investment

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                              1,588,048,866.75               3,723,666,364.11
investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment        -1,283,182,813.12              -1,963,032,003.96

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Incl: Cash received as investment from
minor shareholders

Cash received as loans                       12,925,514,125.63              10,227,293,035.82

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received         210,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
                                             13,135,514,125.63              10,227,293,035.82

Cash to repay debts                          11,692,619,787.29              11,714,835,352.66

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                               737,477,171.35                1,031,281,578.31

Incl: Dividend and profit paid by
subsidiaries to minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                             12,430,096,958.64              12,746,116,930.97
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing           705,417,166.99               -2,518,823,895.15

                                                                                   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

IV. Influence of exchange rate
                                                               39,845,240.81                        49,806,775.81
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                                            3,108,703,023.44                    -5,832,163,069.23

Add: balance of cash and cash
                                                            4,612,782,772.98                     9,327,034,030.07
equivalents at the beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                                            7,721,485,796.42                     3,494,870,960.84
equivalents at the end of term

8. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                          In RMB

                   Items                     Amount in this period                Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                           17,325,991,437.46                    17,125,620,967.15
rending of services

Tax returned                                                  343,392,974.16                       580,257,065.94

Other cash received from business
                                                               76,149,013.82                        84,989,052.66

Sub-total of cash inflow                                   17,745,533,425.44                    17,790,867,085.75

Cash paid for purchasing of
                                                           12,379,218,031.50                    18,818,738,975.87
merchandise and services

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                      1,181,632,960.47                     1,314,515,875.18

Taxes paid                                                    146,872,420.32                       164,895,584.21

Other cash paid for business activities                       295,590,912.91                       304,105,155.51

Sub-total of cash outflow from business
                                                           14,003,314,325.20                    20,602,255,590.77

Cash flow generated by business
                                                            3,742,219,100.24                    -2,811,388,505.02
operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment
                                                              300,000,000.00                     1,747,000,000.00

Cash received as investment gains                                    569,498.63                      7,226,589.08

Net cash retrieved from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other                      4,107,574.00                         6,367,771.07
long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other operational units

                                                               The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

Other investment-related cash received

 Sub-total of cash inflow due to
                                             304,677,072.63                1,760,594,360.15
investment activities

Cash paid for construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets              996,101,897.66                1,959,576,291.15
and other long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                 572,000,000.00                1,747,000,000.00

Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other operational units

Other cash paid for investment

Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                            1,568,101,897.66               3,706,576,291.15
investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment      -1,263,424,825.03              -1,945,981,931.00

III.Cash flow generated by financing

  Cash received as investment

     Cash received as loans                11,862,514,125.63               9,644,293,035.82

 Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received       210,000,000.00

 Sub-total of cash inflow from
                                           12,072,514,125.63               9,644,293,035.82
financing activities

  Cash to repay debts                      10,841,064,067.53               9,792,163,833.61

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or
                                             691,202,152.71                  967,566,960.75

Other cash paid for financing activities

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to
                                           11,532,266,220.24              10,759,730,794.36
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing         540,247,905.39               -1,115,437,758.54

IV. Influence of exchange rate
                                              39,834,229.35                   49,792,024.32
alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash
                                            3,058,876,409.95              -5,823,016,170.24

Add: balance of cash and cash
                                            4,489,630,951.08               9,090,466,146.15
equivalents at the beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash
                                            7,548,507,361.03               3,267,449,975.91
equivalents at the end of term

                                                 The 3rd Quarterly Report 2016

II. Auditors’ Report

If the 3rd quarterly report been audited
[] Yes [V] No
The 3rd quarterly report has not been audited.
