The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021 April 2021 1 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section I Important Declaration The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee that the information presented in this report is authentic, accurate and complete and free of any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and shall undertake individual and joint legal liabilities. All directors have attended the board of directors meeting to review this quarterly report. Lv Liang, the Company’s legal representative and the officer in charge of accounting, and Qiu Renbo, head of accounting department (accounting supervisor) hereby declare and guarantee that the financial statements in this quarterly report are authentic, accurate and complete. According to “Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange”, if listed companies have both Chinese or other language version of public notice, they should ensure the content of both versions are the same. In the case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail. 2 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section II Company Profile I. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators Whether the Company needs to perform retroactive adjustment or restatement of previous accounting data □ Yes √ No Change of the current The current reporting period Same period last year reporting period over the same period last year Operating revenue (yuan) 8,896,632,277.36 8,598,069,911.29 3.47% Net profit attributable to shareholders of 758,380,756.56 1,147,278,457.64 -33.90% listed companies (yuan) Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting 695,792,411.78 856,930,262.10 -18.80% non-recurring gains/losses (yuan) Net cash flow from operating activities 302,314,164.48 218,779,623.89 38.18% (yuan) Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.4334 0.6557 -33.90% Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.4334 0.6557 -33.90% Weighted average return on equity (ROE) 5.04% 8.89% -3.85% Change of the end of the End of the current reporting End of last year current reporting period period over the end of last year Total assets (yuan) 26,096,806,585.74 24,201,348,154.75 7.83% Net assets attributable to shareholders of 15,266,793,123.79 14,619,821,308.60 4.43% listed companies (yuan) Items and amounts of non-recurring gains/losses √ Applicable □ N/A Unit: RMB yuan Amount (from the beginning Item of the year to the end of the Note reporting period) Gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the 15,675.63 written-off part of the accrued assets impairment reserve) Government grants included in current gains/losses (excluding those closely related to operating activities, or regular government 76,459,624.41 grants) 3 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Other non-operating income or expenditure -2,351,230.65 Less: Amount affected by income tax 11,433,797.38 Amount affected by minority interest (after tax) 101,927.23 Total 62,588,344.78 -- If the Company recognizes an item as a non-recurring gain/loss based on the “Interpretation Announcement on Information Disclosure Criteria for Public Companies No. 1 – Non-Recurring Profit/Loss” or recognizes an item satisfying the definition of non-recurring profit/loss in the announcement as a recurring profit/loss, reasons should be specified. □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. II. Total numbe r of shareholders at the end of the reporting period and information of top 10 shareholders 1. Total number of shareholders of common shares and number of shareholders of preferred shares with voting rights restored, as well as information about top 10 shareholders Unit: share Total number of shareholders of Total number of shareholders of preferred shares whose voting rights common shares at the end of the 168,355 0 have been restored at the end of the reporting period reporting period (if any) Information about top 10 shareholders Number of shares Pledged or frozen Shareholding Number of shares Name Nature held with sale ratio held Status Number restrictions Domestic China Grand non-state-owned 41.77% 730,938,157 0 Pledged 239,970,000 Enterprises, Inc. legal person Hangzhou Huadong State-owned legal 15.69% 274,620,000 0 Medicine Group person Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Securities Overseas legal 1.82% 31,905,503 0 Clearing person Company Ltd. China Securities Other 1.27% 22,186,818 0 Finance Co., Ltd. Huaxia Life Insurance Co., Other 0.61% 10,713,280 0 Ltd. - own funds National Social Other 0.45% 7,926,311 0 4 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Security Fund Portfolio 602 National Social Security Fund Other 0.34% 6,000,000 0 Portfolio 503 Basic Endowment Other 0.30% 5,253,350 0 Insurance Fund Portfolio 15041 Domestic #Yang Yushan 0.29% 5,000,000 0 individual Domestic #Chen Shaoming 0.22% 3,764,388 0 individual Shares held by the top 10 shareholders of Non- restricted shares Type of shares Name Number of shares held without sale restrictions Type Number RMB common China Grand Enterprises, Inc. 730,938,157 730,938,157 shares Hangzhou Huadong Medicine RMB common 274,620,000 274,620,000 Group Co., Ltd. shares Hong Kong Securities Clearing RMB common 31,905,503 31,905,503 Company Ltd. shares RMB common China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. 22,186,818 22,186,818 shares Huaxia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - RMB common 10,713,280 10,713,280 own funds shares National Social Security Fund RMB common 7,926,311 7,926,311 Portfolio 602 shares National Social Security Fund RMB common 6,000,000 6,000,000 Portfolio 503 shares Basic Endowment Insurance Fund RMB common 5,253,350 5,253,350 Portfolio 15041 shares RMB common #Yang Yushan 5,000,000 5,000,000 shares RMB common #Chen Shaoming 3,764,388 3,764,388 shares Notes on relations and concerted The Company does not know whether the shareholders mentioned above are related parties actions among the shareholders with each other or whether they are acting-in-concert parties with each other. mentioned above Notes on financing and securities Hangzhou Huadong Medicine Group Co., Ltd., the second largest shareholder of the 5 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. loan conducted by top 10 Company, holds 288,000,000 shares of the Company, accounting for 16.46% of the total shareholders (if any) capital stock of the Company. As of the end of the reporting period, 13,380,000 shares of the Company have been transferred to China Securities Finance Corporation for loan. At the end of the current reporting period, Yang Yushan, the ninth shareholder of the Company, held 5,000,000 shares of the Company through financing and securities loan, Chen Shaoming, the tenth shareholder of the Company, held 3,651,388 shares of the Company through financing and securities loan. Does any of the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares or top 10 shareholders without sale restrictions on common shares conduct any agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period? □ Yes √ No No such case during the reporting period. 2. Total number of shareholders of preferred shares and information about top 10 shareholders of preferred shares □ Applicable √ N/A 6 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section III Substantial Matters I. Changes in key financial data and financial indicators during the reporting period and their causes √ Applicable □ N/A Unit: RMB yuan Balance sheet item End of the period Beginning of the Change rate Notes on cause of changes period Accounts receivable financing 578,065,866.37 828,659,217.25 -30.24% Mainly due to the increase of notes collection in the current period Advance receipts 356,122,946.06 250,916,482.07 41.93% Mainly due to the increase of prepayment Other receivables 116,804,796.17 83,073,823.45 40.60% Mainly due to the increase in provisional payments receivable Other current assets 51,201,382.80 85,654,691.58 -40.22% Mainly due to the decrease of input VAT to be deducted at the end of the period Other non current assets 931,645,777.92 712,069,194.08 30.84% Mainly due to the increase in the prepayment of equipment purchase and intangible assets purchase at the end of the period Notes payable 981,406,149.63 554,336,058.71 77.04% Mainly due to the increase of bill payment in the current period Long term loan 209,937,945.01 151,611,367.86 38.47% Mainly due to the increase of long-term loans obtained in the current period Income statement item Amount of the Amount of the Change rate Notes on cause of changes current period previous period Management expenses 277,542,542.53 196,704,190.05 41.10% Mainly due to the low base in the same period of last year and the increase of salary in the current period Financial expenses 8,531,468.21 15,759,648.63 -45.87% Mainly due to the increase of interest income and the decrease of financing cost Gains on assets disposal 304,336.80 306,269,024.44 -99.90% Mainly due to the transfer of market distribution rights of related products in Western Europe by Sinclair, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company in the UK Mainly due to the disposal of the distribution rights and interests in the Western European market of related products of Sinclair, a British wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, in the same period of last year investment income -26,664,999.81 -1,256,335.99 -2022.44% Mainly due to the increase of discount interest and 7 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. the decrease of net profit of joint ventures in the current period Other income 76,459,624.41 20,044,478.23 281.45% Mainly due to the increase of government subsidies Net profit 774,473,984.45 1,153,425,789.92 -32.85% Mainly due the higher income from asset disposal of subsidiaries in the same period of last year and the decrease of gross profit of subsidiaries affected by policies in the current period Cash flow statement item Amount of the Amount of the Change rate Notes on cause of changes current period previous period Net cash flows from operating 302,314,164.48 218,779,623.89 38.18% Mainly due to the increase of the collection in the activities current period Net cash flows from investing -486,980,878.94 -21,112,417.22 -2206.1% Mainly due to the increase of equity investment activities funds in the current period and the transfer of distribution rights and interests of related products in Western European market of Sinclair, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company in the previous period II. Progress and influence of significant events, and explanatory notes of corresponding solutions □ Applicable √ N/A Implementation progress of share repurchase □ Applicable √ N/A Progress in the implementation of reducing repurchased shares by centralized price bidding □ Applicable √ N/A III. Unfulfilled and overdue commitments from the related committed parties such as the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer(s), and the Company during the reporting period □ Applicable √ N/A No such case during the reporting period. IV. Financial assets investment 1、Securities investment √ Applicable □ N/A Unit: RMB yuan Account Book Profit Accumu Purchase Selling Gain/l Book Stock Initial Type of Stock ing value at and loss lative amount amount oss value at Account Capital for investm stock code measure the from fair in the in the during the end ing item source short ent cost ment beginni fair value current current the of the 8 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. model ng of value changes period period reporti period the changes included ng period in the in period current equity period Other Domestic Fair equity and 20,207, value 23,582, 3,113,97 3,113,97 26,696, instrum Own RAPT RAPT 0.00 0.00 0.00 overseas 400.00 measure 877.56 7.59 7.59 855.15 ents funds stock ment investm ent 20,207, 23,582, 3,113,97 3,113,97 26,696, Total -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- -- 400.00 877.56 7.59 7.59 855.15 Date of announcement of the board of directors on N/A securities investment approval Date of announcement of the board of shareholders N/A on securities investment approval (if any) Notes: In 2019, Huadong Medicine Investment Holding (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, invested USD 3 million to purchase 218102 series C-2 preferred shares of RAPT therapeutics, Inc. RAPT therapeutics, Inc was listed on Nasdaq Stock Exchange on October 30, 2019 (Stock Code: RAPT). As of the end of the reporting period, Huadong Medicine Investment Holding (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. held 183002 shares, accounting for 0.74% of the total shares of RAPT therapeutics, Inc. 2、Derivatives investment □ Applicable √ N/A No derivative investment during the reporting period. V. Progress of investment projects with raised funds □ Applicable √ N/A VI. Forecast of business performance from January to June in 2021 Warning and explanation of the reason that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period may be a loss or a substantial change compared with the same period of the previous year □ Applicable √ N/A 9 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. VII. Major contracts for daily operation □ Applicable √ N/A VIII. Entrusted financial manage ment □ Applicable √ N/A No entrusted financial management during the reporting period. IX. Illegal external guarantee □ Applicable √ N/A No illegal external guarantee during the reporting period. X. Non operating capital occupation of listed companies by controlling shareholders and their related parties □ Applicable √ N/A No non operating capital occupation of listed companies by controlling shareholders and their related parties during the reporting period. Ⅺ. Registration form of receptions, including research, communication and interview, undertaken during the reporting period √ Applicable □ N/A Main contents of Index of basic discussion and Date Place Method Type of visitor Reception target information of the materials research provided Huadong Please refer to the Medicine's "Record of Investor self-immunity Relations Activities on innovative drug February 18, 2021" introduction and published by the February 18, Company Communication overseas medical Institution CICC etc. company on the 2021 conference room by phone beauty energy Shenzhen Stock source company Exchange Interactive acquisition Easy website and investor for exchange details. meeting Haitong Please refer to the Investor February 25, Company Communication Pharmaceutical, "Record of Investor Institution Exchange 2021 conference room by phone Huatai Relations Activities on Meeting Securities, etc. February 25, 2021" 10 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. published by the company on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Easy website and for details. Please refer to the "Record of Investor Relations Activities on March 3, 2021" Industrial Investor published by the Company Communication Securities, March 3, 2021 Institution Exchange company on the conference room by phone Huatai Meeting Shenzhen Stock Securities, etc. Exchange Interactive Easy website and for details. Ⅻ. Overview of the Company's operations in the first quarter of 2021 (1)Overview of operations During the reporting period, the Company achieved an operating revenue of 8.897 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 3.47%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 758 million yuan with a year-on-year decrease of 33.9%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non recurring profit and loss was 696 million yuan with a year-on-year decrease of 18.80%; The core subsidiary, Zhongmei Huadong, had a stable overall operation. Affected by the price reduction of some products, it realized an operating revenue of 3.092 billion yuan with a year-on-year decrease of 14.58% and a month on month increase of 38.61%; The net profit was 730 million yuan with a year-on-year decrease of 14.60% and a month on month increase of 85.30%; Both the pharmaceutical business and domestic medical aesthetics business showed recovery growth over the same period. The operating income of the pharmaceutical business during the reporting period increased by 16.0% year-on-year. The income from the holding subsidiary Huadong Ningbo medical aesthetics business increased by 63.3%. Although the overseas new crown epidemic has not ended, the British Sinclair company’s operating 11 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. income still showed a recovery trend, with a year-on-year increase of 12.7%. During the reporting period, the Company accelerated R&D work and continued to increase R&D investment. The pharmaceutical industry R&D investment totaled 283 million yuan with a year-on-year increase of 2.3%. The main reasons for the year-on-year decrease in the Company’s net profit during the reporting period were as follows: (1) The revenue and gross profit of Acarbose Tablets, the main product of Zhongmei Huadong, both decreased significantly compared with those before the implementation of the national centralized procurement in the previous reporting period (Acarbose Tablets began to fully implement national centralized procurement in April last year, and will not be affected by centralized procurement in the first quarter of 2020); (2) After the successful negotiation of the price reduction of the National Medical Insurance contract in December 2020, the adjusted price of Bailing Capsule (price reduction 33.8%) began to be officially implemented nationwide on March 1, 2021; (3) The company's non-recurring gains and losses in the first quarter of 2020 were 290 million yuan, including the transfer of product regional distribution rights by the British subsidiary Sinclair to Galderma, which obtained a net income of 30.65 million pounds and greatly increased the Company's overall income during the reporting period. No such matters occurred during the reporting period, and other non-recurring gains and losses totaled 63 million yuan, resulting in a further increase in the year-on-year decrease in net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies. With the normalization of centralized procurement and the promotion of internal and external sales models, the Company will further deepen innovation and international transformation work and strategy implementation, and accelerate the transformation of internal business units from cost centers to profit centers. Based on the advantages of the Company's various business segments, while comprehensively improving profitability, it also enhances its own comprehensive competitiveness and strives to achieve the goal of full-year profit growth in 2021. (2)Overview of main work 1. Pharmaceutical industry Up to the release of the report, the Company's innovative drug business has ushered in a number 12 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. of major milestones. Clinical trial application for class 1 new drug IMGN853 (Mirvetuximab Soravtansine, a new antibody coupled drug for the treatment of ovarian cancer) was approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), which planned to carry out an international multicenter phase III study and a phase I study to evaluate the safety, tolerance and pharmacokinetics in Chinese adult patients in the second quarter; Clinical trial application for class 1 new drug MB-102 injection, a fluorescent tracer used to measure glomerular filtration rate, was accepted; Reached an exclusive clinical development and commercialization agreement with Provention Bio and obtained exclusive clinical development and commercialization rights for two clinical indications of the bispecific antibody PRV-3279 in Greater China. One is a phase I study in the US for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, and the other is a preclinical study in the US for the prevention or reduction of immunogenicity of gene therapy. The Company and Fuguang Hongxin Pharmaceutical Industry Fund jointly invested 35 million yuan to make equity investment in Novacyte Therapeutics, a drug research and development platform company focusing on ADC technology. According to the agreement, the Company has the right to enjoy the preferential transfer right of its products in development before 2026. The company acquired a total of 75% equity of DoerBio at 487.5 million yuan and became its controlling shareholder. DoerBio is a platform-based R&D enterprise engaged in the development of innovative biomacromolecule antibody drugs with independent intellectual property rights in China, and has global rights and interests in all products under research. Among them, one drug candidate for the treatment of gastric cancer and two drug candidates for the treatment of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and NASH (non-alcoholic fatty liver) are planned to submit clinical trial applications in China in 2021. Since 2019, Huadong Medicine has successively invested, controlled, and incubated a number of domestic biotechnology companies with leading technology, including investment in peptide technology platform company Peg-Bio, antibody company Qyuns Biotech which focuses on immune diseases, Novacyte Therapeutics which has ADC linker and coupling technology, Huida Biotech which has developed a full product line of ADC drug toxin raw materials, and the multi-antibody platform company DoerBio. Through a series of investment and mergers, Huadong 13 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Medicine R&D ecosystem is gradually formed. The company will integrate and make full use of the comprehensive research and development strength of the above platform, continuously develop new antibodies and peptides based on the superior targets and the specific clinical needs of the company's core therapeutic fields, and do a good job in the international layout. 2. Pharmaceutical business During the reporting period, the pharmaceutical business of the Company accelerated the channel reform of "intra-hospital transfer to out-hospital, offline transfer to online", repositioned the retail market, focused on the development of DTP, in-hospital side-store and featured outpatient department, realized the double dip of variety and management, and created a new development pattern of "online and offline interaction". Through the self-built platform and entered the online public platform, actively expand the Internet marketing business. It has also established the first Internet hospital in Huadong Medicine, officially entering the new field of medical services of "Internet + chronic disease management". It will integrate hospital resources through the Internet platform, manage patients inside and outside the hospital, and actively explore a new mode of health management marketing service oriented to the whole life cycle. Pharmaceutical business continued to increase innovation business. Huadong Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has obtained the first express business license of pharmaceutical cold chain enterprise in Zhejiang Province issued by Zhejiang Postal Administration, and obtained the third-party storage and transportation vaccine service qualification from Zhejiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which is the exclusive service in Zhejiang Province. 3. Aesthetic medicine business As of the end of the reporting period, Sinclair, the global operation center of the Company's aesthetic medicine, has completed all acquisitions of Spanish energy source equipment company High Tech. This is the Company's first overseas merger in the same industry and an important milestone in the implementation of Company's globalization strategy. In April this year, the Company's global exclusive collagen stimulant long-acting microsphere Ellanse was approved by the NMPA and will officially enter the Chinese mainland market in the second half of the year. 14 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. The Company continues to accelerate the progress of the clinical registration of other core aesthetic medicine products in China. On February 10th, the absorbable embedding product Silhouette Instalift from Sinclair for the lifting of mid-face tissues, successfully passed the record of the Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Genetics, and officially entered the registration clinical research stage. At present, the enrollment of subjects is progressing smoothly. This product was certified by the U.S. FDA in 2015 and is currently the only absorbable embedding product approved by the U.S. FDA for lifting mid-face tissue. The new high-end lidocaine-containing hyaluronic acid filler MaiLi series products using OXIFREE patented technology and process have been registered in the Chinese market and will be launched in the European market in the first half of 2021. Sinclair’s newly acquired Spanish High Tech company’s cold-fat-melting product Cooltech Define has obtained the EU CE certification, and the registration in the Chinese market is under active preparations. Titania, an innovative RF product under development for skin tightening and body shaping, plans to obtain the European Union CE certification in the fourth quarter of this year, and will continue to be marketed globally after approval. Glacial Spa (F0), a cold-touch beauty instrument from R2 Company, is actively preparing for sales in China; Glacial Rx (F1), a frozen freckle medical device, is proceeding in an orderly manner in registration in China; F0 and F1 have launched the Asia-Pacific market Registration work: F0 has been approved for listing in Korea and has submitted a listing application in Taiwan, which is expected to obtain permission in 2021; F1 is preparing to submit listing applications for Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The Company is paying close attention to the latest policy issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on supporting the development of high-end medical beauty industry in Hainan. The policy proposed that "Aesthetic medical institutions in the Lecheng Pioneer Zone can use the medical aesthetics products listed in the United States, the European Union, Japan and other countries or regions in batches”. The Company currently has a number of non-invasive and minimally invasive medical products listed in mainstream markets or regions such as the United States, the European Union, and other areas that meet the direction encouraged by the policy. The 15 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. above new policy will help the Company's international advanced products quickly enter the country. The Company is formulating the registration work plan for medical aesthetics products that meet the policy encouragement in Hainan, and will actively promote the implementation work according to the latest national policy, with a view to realizing the listing and sales in Hainan Pilot Zone as soon as possible. 16 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Section IV Financial Statements I. Financial Statements 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. March 31, 2021 Unit: RMB yuan Item March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Monetary funds 3,129,717,110.39 3,198,080,997.82 Settlement reserve Lending to other banks and other financial institutions Financial assets for trade Derivative financial assets Notes receivable Accounts receivable 7,729,847,991.24 6,137,675,568.82 Accounts receivable financing 578,065,866.37 828,659,217.25 Advance payments 356,122,946.06 250,916,482.07 Premiums receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance contract reserve receivable Other receivables 121,000,462.54 87,269,489.82 Including: Interests receivable Dividends receivable 4,195,666.37 4,195,666.37 Financial assets purchased for resale Inventories 4,184,900,223.81 4,067,635,254.80 Contract assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 51,201,382.80 85,654,691.58 17 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Total current assets 16,150,855,983.21 14,655,891,702.16 Non-current assets: Loans and prepayments issuance Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 944,226,232.95 850,072,053.02 Other equity instrument 228,567,097.64 225,453,120.05 investments Other non-current financial assets Real estate properties for 17,530,616.51 17,792,735.95 investment Fixed assets 2,606,236,889.11 2,420,366,582.92 Constructions in progress 2,015,024,914.70 2,240,201,926.65 Biological assets for production Oil & gas assets Right-of-use assets 152,763,198.46 Intangible assets 1,434,653,824.20 1,463,242,463.99 Development expenditures Goodwill 1,469,617,262.10 1,469,617,262.10 Long-term unamortized expenses 7,855,014.54 8,811,339.43 Deferred income tax assets 137,829,774.40 137,829,774.40 Other non-current assets 931,645,777.92 712,069,194.08 Total non-current assets 9,945,950,602.53 9,545,456,452.59 Total assets 26,096,806,585.74 24,201,348,154.75 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowing 1,487,602,162.22 1,416,932,884.87 Borrowing from the Central bank Borrowing from other banks and other financial institutions Financial liabilities for trade Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 981,406,149.63 554,336,058.71 Accounts payable 4,028,559,295.74 3,947,044,331.68 Advance receipts 684,383.46 951,926.56 18 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Contract liabilities 165,135,518.26 94,384,629.77 Financial assets sold for repurchase Absorbing deposits and due from banks Receipts for buying and selling securities as proxy Receipts for underwriting securities as proxy Employee benefits payable 122,357,260.82 152,106,819.91 Taxes and fees payable 693,879,850.88 571,792,475.80 Other payables 2,108,650,934.60 1,817,529,820.99 Including: Interests payable Dividends payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Handling fees and commissions payable Reinsurance accounts payable Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within 51,156,977.60 67,813,886.68 one year Other current liabilities 20,343,897.23 10,786,034.37 Total current liabilities 9,659,776,430.44 8,633,678,869.34 Non-current liabilities: Insurance contract reserve Long-term borrowing 209,937,945.01 151,611,367.86 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 142,315,707.93 Long-term payables 26,084,710.58 26,812,354.90 Long-term employee benefits payable Provision 38,416,223.54 39,467,829.23 Deferred gains 89,060,824.26 81,628,032.54 Deferred income tax liabilities 88,738,187.41 88,738,187.41 Other non-current liabilities 19 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Total non-current liabilities 594,553,598.73 388,257,771.94 Total liabilities 10,254,330,029.17 9,021,936,641.28 Ownership interest: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,749,809,548.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 2,158,080,661.07 2,158,080,661.07 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income -121,155,906.94 -2,191,069.45 Special reserve Surplus reserve 861,680,578.42 861,680,578.42 General risk reserve Undistributed profit 10,618,378,243.24 9,852,441,590.56 Total ownership interest attributable to 15,266,793,123.79 14,619,821,308.60 the parent company Minority interest 575,683,432.78 559,590,204.87 Total ownership interest 15,842,476,556.57 15,179,411,513.47 Total liabilities & ownership interest 26,096,806,585.74 24,201,348,154.75 Legal representative: Lv Liang Officer in charge of accounting: Lv Liang Head of accounting department : Qiu Renbo 2. Balance sheet of the parent company Unit: RMB yuan Item March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Monetary funds 1,927,952,018.47 1,889,264,142.30 Financial assets for trade Derivative financial assets Notes receivable Accounts receivable 4,605,456,017.98 3,287,882,027.51 Accounts receivable financing 140,562,428.19 214,871,707.01 Advance payments 151,868,978.67 121,268,106.62 20 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Other receivables 831,426,696.13 798,152,353.96 Including: Interests receivable Dividends receivable 3,363,380.00 3,363,380.00 Inventories 2,048,980,648.83 1,845,977,070.46 Contract assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 178,925.49 Total current assets 9,706,425,713.76 8,157,415,407.86 Non-current assets: Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 4,926,372,288.65 4,847,172,288.65 Other equity instrument 94,312,742.49 94,312,742.49 investments Other non-current financial assets Real estate properties for 8,009,018.38 8,125,576.54 investment Fixed assets 160,483,855.83 159,486,234.04 Constructions in progress 1,675,593.95 342,161.41 Biological assets for production Oil & gas assets Right-of-use assets 17,789,020.23 Intangible assets 55,280,981.38 56,448,575.54 Development expenditures Goodwill Long-term unamortized expenses 570,028.87 645,902.07 Deferred income tax assets 45,918,388.57 45,918,388.57 Other non-current assets 32,979,221.51 96,882,664.08 Total non-current assets 5,343,391,139.86 5,309,334,533.39 Total assets 15,049,816,853.62 13,466,749,941.25 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowing 890,894,904.44 930,813,369.36 21 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Financial liabilities for trade Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 375,592,591.45 180,042,270.63 Accounts payable 2,501,142,155.61 2,421,476,904.57 Advance receipts Contract liabilities 77,103,416.11 32,577,236.92 Employee benefits payable 3,626,281.84 8,530,961.48 Taxes and fees payable 84,310,788.28 154,676,067.87 Other payables 1,801,418,576.73 518,390,330.44 Including: Interests payable Dividends payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities 9,938,658.37 4,273,258.99 Total current liabilities 5,744,027,372.83 4,250,780,400.26 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowing Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 16,349,880.61 Long-term payables Long-term employee compensation payable Estimated liabilities Deferred gains 40,057,442.22 40,698,910.95 Deferred income tax liabilities 10,888,106.00 10,888,106.00 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 67,295,428.83 51,587,016.95 Total liabilities 5,811,322,801.66 4,302,367,417.21 Ownership interest: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,749,809,548.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares 22 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 2,168,451,528.01 2,168,451,528.01 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income 3,051,311.29 3,051,311.29 Special reserve Surplus reserve 939,536,337.86 939,536,337.86 Undistributed profit 4,377,645,326.80 4,303,533,798.88 Total ownership interest 9,238,494,051.96 9,164,382,524.04 Total liabilities & ownership interest 15,049,816,853.62 13,466,749,941.25 3. Consolidated income statement Unit: RMB yuan Item Amount incurred during the current period Amount incurred during the previous period I. Total operating income 8,896,632,277.36 8,598,069,911.29 Including: Operating income 8,896,632,277.36 8,598,069,911.29 Interests received Premiums earned Handling fees and commissions received II. Total operating cost 8,007,420,920.98 7,564,443,071.57 Including: Operating cost 5,805,133,494.78 5,120,894,107.30 Interests paid Handling fees and commissions paid Surrender value Net payment of insurance claims Net appropriation of policy reserve Policy dividends paid Reinsurance expenses Taxes and surcharges 47,690,370.04 56,323,252.14 Selling expenses 1,648,517,354.06 1,911,431,524.11 Administrative expenses 277,542,542.53 196,704,190.05 R&D expenses 220,005,691.36 263,330,349.34 23 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Financial expenses 8,531,468.21 15,759,648.63 Including: Interests paid 21,152,531.52 26,067,525.96 Interests received 19,057,526.99 13,915,252.93 Add: Other gains 76,459,624.41 20,044,478.23 Investment gains (Losses are -26,664,999.81 -1,256,335.99 indicated by “-”) Including: Investment gains -11,551,820.09 2,349,891.83 from associates and joint ventures Gains from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains on exchange (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on net exposure hedging (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on changes in fair value (Losses are indicated by “-”) Credit impairment loss (Losses are indicated by “-”) Assets impairment loss (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on assets disposal 304,336.80 306,269,024.44 (Losses are indicated by “-”) III. Operating profit (Losses are indicated 939,310,317.78 1,358,684,006.40 by “-”) Add: Non-operating income 338,562.61 3,389,386.17 Less: Non-operating expenditure 3,024,042.00 8,912,738.92 IV. Total profit (Total losses are 936,624,838.39 1,353,160,653.65 indicated by “-”) Less: Income tax expenses 162,150,853.94 199,734,863.73 V. Net profit (Net losses are indicated by 774,473,984.45 1,153,425,789.92 “-”) (I) Categorized by the continuity of operations 1. Net profit from continued operations (Net deficit is indicated by 774,473,984.45 1,153,425,789.92 “-”) 2. Net profit from discontinued 24 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. operations (Net deficit is indicated by “-”) (II) Categorized by attribution of the ownership 1. Net profit attributable to owners 758,380,756.56 1,147,278,457.64 of the parent company 2. Gains/losses of minority 16,093,227.89 6,147,332.28 shareholders VI. Net amount after tax of other 118,964,837.49 25,505,735.47 comprehensive income Net amount after tax of other comprehensive income attributable to 118,964,837.49 25,505,735.47 owners of the parent company (I) Other comprehensive income that 3,113,977.59 -1,372,747.73 cannot be reclassified into gains/losses 1. Changes in remeasurement on the defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into gains/losses under equity method 3. Changes in fair value of 3,113,977.59 -1,372,747.73 other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of credit risk of the enterprise 5. Others (II) Other comprehensive income to 115,850,859.90 26,878,483.20 be reclassified into gains/losses 1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into gains/losses under equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Credit impairment reserve of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedging reserve 25 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. 6. Exchange differences arise from translation of foreign currency 115,850,859.90 26,878,483.20 financial statements 7. Others Net amount after tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 893,438,821.94 1,178,931,525.39 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 877,345,594.05 1,172,784,193.11 company Total comprehensive income 16,093,227.89 6,147,332.28 attributable to minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS 0.4334 0.6557 (II) Diluted EPS 0.4334 0.6557 As for enterprise merger under the same control in the current period, the net profit generated by the merged party before the merger is 0 yuan, and that generated during the previous period is 0 yuan. Legal representative : Lv Liang Officer in charge of accounting: Lv Liang Head of accounting department : Qiu Renbo 4. Income statement of the parent company Unit: RMB yuan Item Amount incurred during the current period Amount incurred during the previous period I. Operating income 4,411,190,493.22 3,694,664,751.43 Less: Operating cost 4,169,998,953.67 3,503,394,474.09 Taxes and surcharges 2,157,678.68 1,742,409.45 Selling expenses 100,670,963.76 85,694,504.17 Administrative expenses 44,818,463.76 34,825,269.77 R&D expenses Financial expenses 3,573,509.34 14,360,429.84 Including: Interests paid 15,131,329.65 21,895,125.22 Interests received 11,912,012.50 5,644,762.49 Add: Other gains 2,727,556.12 5,462,052.44 26 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Investment gains (Losses are 6,273,981.02 1,132,672,992.82 indicated by “-”) Including: Investment gains from associates and joint ventures Income from the derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on net exposure hedging (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on changes in fair value (Losses are indicated by “-”) Credit impairment loss (Losses are indicated by “-”) Assets impairment loss (Losses are indicated by “-”) Gains on assets disposal -19,470.99 -7,754.30 (Losses are indicated by “-”) II. Operating profit (Losses are 98,952,990.16 1,192,774,955.04 indicated by “-”) Add: Non-operating income 1,823.74 2,525,818.53 Less: Non-operating expenditure 224,624.78 2,532,343.76 III. Total profit (Total losses are 98,730,189.12 1,192,768,429.81 indicated by “-”) Less: Income tax expenses 24,621,857.52 16,817,107.45 IV. Net profit (Net losses are indicated 74,108,331.60 1,175,951,322.36 by “-”) (I) Net profit from continued operations (Net losses are indicated by 74,108,331.60 1,175,951,322.36 “-”) (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (Net deficit is indicated by “-”) V. Net amount after tax of other comprehensive income (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into gains/losses 1. Changes in 27 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. remeasurement on the defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into gains/losses under equity method 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of credit risk of the enterprise 5. Others (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into gains/losses 1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into gains/losses under equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Credit impairment reserve of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedging reserve 6. Exchange differences arise from translation of foreign currency financial statements 7. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 74,108,331.60 1,175,951,322.36 VII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic EPS (II) Diluted EPS 5. Consolidated cash flow statement Unit: RMB yuan Item Amount incurred during the current period Amount incurred during the previous period 28 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash from the sale of goods and 8,756,095,736.42 7,665,300,254.21 provision of services Net increase in customer deposits and due from banks Net increase in borrowing from the central bank Net increase in borrowing from other financial institutions Cash from the premium of the original insurance policy Net cash from reinsurance Net increase in deposits and investment of the insured Cash from interests, handling fees and commissions Net increase in borrowing from other banks and other financial institutions Net increase in funds for repurchase Net cash received for buying and selling securities as proxy Tax refund received 625,547.43 1,138,819.80 Other cash receipts in relation to 196,821,042.17 362,756,808.71 operating activities Total cash inflows from operating 8,953,542,326.02 8,029,195,882.72 activities Cash payments for goods and 6,125,835,203.59 5,198,144,232.17 services Net increase in customer loans and prepayments Net increase in deposits of central bank and due from banks Cash for payment of original insurance claims Net increase in lending to other banks and other financial institutions 29 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Cash for payment of interests, handling fees and commissions Cash for payment of policy dividends Cash payments to and for 653,692,760.67 579,438,808.77 employees Payment of taxes and fees 456,958,349.66 453,422,088.98 Other cash payments in relation to 1,414,741,847.62 1,579,411,128.91 operating activities Total cash outflows for operating 8,651,228,161.54 7,810,416,258.83 activities Net cash flows from operating activities 302,314,164.48 218,779,623.89 II. Cash flows from investing activities Cash from recovery of investments Cash from investment gains Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 50,504.23 345,902,424.29 long-term assets Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash receipts in relation to investing activities Total cash inflows from investing 50,504.23 345,902,424.29 activities Cash payments for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible 302,645,383.17 267,014,841.51 assets and other long-term assets Cash payments for investment 105,706,000.00 100,000,000.00 Net increase in pledge loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments in relation to 78,680,000.00 investing activities Total cash outflows for investing 487,031,383.17 367,014,841.51 activities Net cash flows from investing activities -486,980,878.94 -21,112,417.22 III. Cash flows from financing activities: 30 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Cash from absorbing investments Including: Cash from absorption of minority shareholders’ investments by subsidiaries Cash from borrowing 852,692,161.43 684,996,551.61 Other cash receipts in relation to financing activities Total cash inflows from financing 852,692,161.43 684,996,551.61 activities Cash for repayment of debt 710,289,400.95 536,798,734.58 Cash payments for dividends, 28,945,045.60 34,425,592.85 profits or interests Including: Payment of dividends and profits by subsidiaries to minority 24,500,000.00 shareholders Other cash payments in relation to 261,000.00 2,794,710.80 financing activities Total cash outflows for financing 739,495,446.55 574,019,038.23 activities Net cash flows from financing activities 113,196,714.88 110,977,513.38 IV. Influence of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash -2,854,862.94 7,174,858.69 equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -74,324,862.52 315,819,578.74 equivalents Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 3,157,407,073.26 2,231,771,546.50 period VI. Balance of cash and cash 3,083,082,210.74 2,547,591,125.24 equivalents at the end of the period 6. Cash flow statement of the parent company Unit: RMB yuan Item Amount incurred during the current period Amount incurred during the previous period I. Cash flow from operating activities: Cash from the sale of goods and 3,715,003,658.99 3,511,097,388.40 31 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. provision of services Tax refunds received Other cash receipts in relation to 224,182,830.38 222,397,124.86 operating activities Total cash inflows from operating 3,939,186,489.37 3,733,494,513.26 activities Cash payments for goods and 4,567,115,197.95 3,836,435,683.47 services Cash payments to and for 93,582,035.23 74,881,392.11 employees Payment of taxes and fees 111,813,964.47 31,131,815.13 Other cash payments in relation to 64,607,824.15 93,412,588.78 operating activities Total cash outflow under operating 4,837,119,021.80 4,035,861,479.49 activities Net cash flow from operating activities -897,932,532.43 -302,366,966.23 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash from recovery of investments Cash from investment gains 175,500,000.00 Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 35,000.00 long-term assets Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash receipts in relation to 193,931,036.10 217,902,741.44 investing activities Total cash inflows from investing 193,931,036.10 393,437,741.44 activities Cash payments for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible 15,093,382.34 3,423,339.18 assets and other long-term assets Cash payments for investment 79,200,000.00 2,530,810.80 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments in relation to 234,751,290.00 160,000,000.00 investing activities Total cash outflows for investing 329,044,672.34 165,954,149.98 activities 32 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Net cash flows from investing activities -135,113,636.24 227,483,591.46 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash from absorbing investments Cash from borrowing 359,345,278.50 310,202,546.78 Other cash receipts in relation to 1,239,000,000.00 218,391,068.03 financing activities Total cash inflows from financing 1,598,345,278.50 528,593,614.81 activities Cash for repayment of debt 399,995,396.12 115,202,547.58 Cash payments for dividends, 25,255,460.89 3,495,155.18 profits or interest Other cash payments in relation to 101,360,376.65 67,321,291.66 financing activities Total cash outflows for financing 526,611,233.66 186,018,994.42 activities Net cash flows from financing activities 1,071,734,044.84 342,574,620.39 IV. Influence of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash 1,987,917.74 equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash 38,687,876.17 269,679,163.36 equivalents Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 1,889,254,142.30 893,929,724.56 period VI. Balance of cash and cash 1,927,942,018.47 1,163,608,887.92 equivalents at the end of the period II. Notes on adjustments of financial statements 1、Adjustments to financial statement items at the beginning of the year of the first implementation of the new accounting standards governing leases which have been implemented since 2021 √ Applicable □N/A Whether any balance sheet items at the beginning of the year requires adjustment √Yes □ No Consolidated balance sheet 33 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB yuan Item December 31, 2020 January 1, 2021 Adjustment Current assets: Cahs and bank balances 3,198,080,997.82 3,198,080,997.82 Accounts receivable 6,137,675,568.82 6,137,675,568.82 Accounts receivable for 828,659,217.25 828,659,217.25 financing Prepayments 250,916,482.07 250,916,482.07 Other receivables 87,269,489.82 87,269,489.82 Dividends receivable 4,195,666.37 4,195,666.37 Inventories 4,067,635,254.80 4,067,635,254.80 Other current assets 85,654,691.58 85,654,691.58 Total current assets 14,655,891,702.16 14,655,891,702.16 Non-current assets: Long-term equity 850,072,053.02 850,072,053.02 investments Other equity instrument 225,453,120.05 225,453,120.05 investments Real estate properties 17,792,735.95 17,792,735.95 for investment Fixed assets 2,420,366,582.92 2,420,366,582.92 Constructions in 2,240,201,926.65 2,240,201,926.65 progress Right-of-use assets 170,756,580.56 170,756,580.56 Intangible assets 1,463,242,463.99 1,463,242,463.99 Goodwill 1,469,617,262.10 1,469,617,262.10 Long-term unamortized 8,811,339.43 8,811,339.43 expenses Deferred tax assets 137,829,774.40 137,829,774.40 Other non-current assets 712,069,194.08 712,069,194.08 Total non-current assets 9,545,456,452.59 9,716,213,033.15 170,756,580.56 Total assets 24,201,348,154.75 24,372,104,735.20 170,756,580.56 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowing 1,416,932,884.87 1,416,932,884.87 Notes payable 554,336,058.71 554,336,058.71 Accounts payable 3,947,044,331.68 3,947,044,331.68 34 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Receipts in Advance 951,926.56 951,926.56 Contract liabilities 94,384,629.77 94,384,629.77 Payroll payable 152,106,819.91 152,106,819.91 Taxes payable 571,792,475.80 571,792,475.80 Other payables 1,817,529,820.99 1,817,529,820.99 Dividends payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Non-current liabilities 67,813,886.68 67,813,886.68 due within one year Other current liabilities 10,786,034.37 10,786,034.37 Total current liabilities 8,633,678,869.34 8,633,678,869.34 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowing 151,611,367.86 151,611,367.86 Lease liabilities 169,732,063.50 169,732,063.50 Long-term payables 26,812,354.90 26,812,354.90 Provisions 39,467,829.23 39,467,829.23 Deferred income 81,628,032.54 81,628,032.54 Deferred tax liabilities 88,738,187.41 88,738,187.41 Total non-current liabilities 388,257,771.94 557,989,835.44 169,732,063.50 Total liabilities 9,021,936,641.28 9,191,668,704.78 169,732,063.50 Owners’ Equity: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,749,809,548.00 Capital reserves 2,158,080,661.07 2,158,080,661.07 Other comprehensive -2,191,069.45 -2,191,069.45 income Surplus reserves 861,680,578.42 861,680,578.42 Retained earnings 9,852,441,590.56 9,853,466,107.62 1,024,517.06 Total owners’ equity attributable to owner of the 14,619,821,308.60 14,620,845,825.66 1,024,517.06 Company Minority interest 559,590,204.87 559,590,204.87 Total owners’ equity 15,179,411,513.47 15,180,436,030.43 1,024,517.06 Total liabilities & owners’ 24,201,348,154.75 24,372,104,735.10 170,756,580.56 equity Adjustment description The company will implement the new lease standard from January 1, 2021. According to the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the standard, the amount of retained earnings and other related items in the financial 35 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. statements at the beginning of the year when the standard is first implemented will be adjusted, and the information of the comparable period will not be adjusted. Balance sheet of the parent company Unit: RMB yuan Item December 31, 2020 January 1, 2021 Adjustment Current assets: Cash and bank balances 1,889,264,142.30 1,889,264,142.30 Accounts receivable 3,287,882,027.51 3,287,882,027.51 Accounts receivable for 214,871,707.01 214,871,707.01 financing Prepayments 121,268,106.62 121,268,106.62 Other receivables 798,152,353.96 798,152,353.96 Dividends receivable 3,363,380.00 3,363,380.00 Inventories 1,845,977,070.46 1,845,977,070.46 Total current assets 8,157,415,407.86 8,157,415,407.86 Non-current assets: Long-term equity 4,847,172,288.65 4,847,172,288.65 investments Other equity instrument 94,312,742.49 94,312,742.49 investments Real estate properties 8,125,576.54 8,125,576.54 for investment Fixed assets 159,486,234.04 159,486,234.04 Constructions in 342,161.41 342,161.41 progress Right-of-use assets 19,610,573.47 19,610,573.47 Intangible assets 56,448,575.54 56,448,575.54 Long-term unamortized 645,902.07 645,902.07 expenses Deferred tax assets 45,918,388.57 45,918,388.57 Other non-current assets 96,882,664.08 96,882,664.08 Total non-current assets 5,309,334,533.39 5,328,945,106.86 Total assets 13,466,749,941.25 13,486,360,514.72 19,610,573.47 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowing 930,813,369.36 930,813,369.36 Notes payable 180,042,270.63 180,042,270.63 36 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Accounts payable 2,421,476,904.57 2,421,476,904.57 Contract liabilities 32,577,236.92 32,577,236.92 Payroll payable 8,530,961.48 8,530,961.48 Taxes payable 154,676,067.87 154,676,067.87 Other payables 518,390,330.44 518,390,330.44 Dividends payable 224,219.60 224,219.60 Other current liabilities 4,273,258.99 4,273,258.99 Total current liabilities 4,250,780,400.26 4,250,780,400.26 Non-current liabilities: Lease liabilities 19,607,377.15 19,607,377.15 Deferred income 40,698,910.95 40,698,910.95 Deferred tax liabilities 10,888,106.00 10,888,106.00 Total non-current liabilities 51,587,016.95 51,587,016.95 Total liabilities 4,302,367,417.21 4,321,974,794.36 19,607,377.15 Owners’ Equity: Share capital 1,749,809,548.00 1,749,809,548.00 Capital reserves 2,168,451,528.01 2,168,451,528.01 Other comprehensive 3,051,311.29 3,051,311.29 income Surplus reserves 939,536,337.86 939,536,337.86 Retained earnings 4,303,533,798.88 4,303,536,995.20 3,196.32 Total owners’ equity 9,164,382,524.04 9,164,385,720.36 3,196.32 Total liabilities & owners’ 13,466,749,941.25 13,466,753,137.72 19,610,573.47 equity Adjustment description The company will implement the new lease standard from January 1, 2021. According to the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the standard, the amount of retained earnings and other related items in the financial statements at the beginning of the year when the standard is first implemented will be adjusted, and the information of the comparable period will not be adjusted. 2、Retrospective adjustments to comparative data of the previous period due to the first implementation of the new accounting standards leases since 2021 □ Applicable √ N/A III. Audit report Has the first quarterly report been audited? 37 The First Quarterly Report 2021 of Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. □ Yes √ No The first quarterly report has not been audited. Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board: Lv Liang April 28, 2021 38