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三花智控:Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.2021 Annual Report2022-03-30  

                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

              2021 Annual Report

                 March 2022

                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

             Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby
guarantee that the information presented in this report shall be authentic, accurate, complete and
free from material misstatement whether due to false record, misleading statement or significant
omission, and they will bear both individual and joint legal liabilities.

     Zhang Yabo, the Company's legal representative, Yu Yingkui, the person in charge of the
accounting work, and Sheng Xiaofeng, the person in charge of accounting department (Accounting
Officer) hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements in this report are authentic,
accurate and complete.

     All directors attended the board meeting to review this report.

     This annual report involves forward-looking statements such as future plans and does not
constitute the Company's substantive commitment to investors. Investors are recommended to pay
attention to investment risks.

     The Company describes in detail concerning the possible risks and countermeasures in Section
XI “Outlook for the Future Development of the Company” under Section III “Management’s
Discussion and Analysis of Operations”. Please pay particular attention to relevant contents.

     The profit distribution proposal approved by the board of directors is as follows: Based on
provisional 3,569,927,512 shares of capital stock as of March 18, 2022 [note], cash dividend of
RMB 1.50 (including tax) will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares. The Company
will not distribute bonus shares or convert capital reserves to share capital.

     If the total share capital of the Company changes due to the conversion of convertible bonds,
share repurchase, exercise of equity incentive scheme, refinancing and listing of new shares before
the implementation of the distribution plan, the total distribution amount shall be adjusted
accordingly based on the principle of unchanged distribution proportion.

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Note: As of March 18, 2022, the share capital of the Company was 3,591,098,972 shares, of which the number of repurchased
shares is 21,171,460. According to the provisions of the Company Law, the shares held by the listed company through the repurchase
account do not enjoy the right to participate in profit distribution or the conversion of capital reserve into share capital.

                                                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 2
Section II Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators ................................................................................................................ 7
Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Operations .................................................................................................. 13
Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ....................................................................................................................... 77
Section VI Significant Events ....................................................................................................................................................... 85
Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ............................................................................................. 109
Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares ............................................................................................................................... 123
Section IX Bonds ....................................................................................................................................................................... 124
Section X Financial Report ......................................................................................................................................................... 128

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                           Documents Available for Inspection

     1. The 2021 annual report signed by the chairman of the board.
     2. The financial report signed and sealed by the Company's legal representative, chief finance officer and
person in charge of accounting department.
     3. Articles of Association.
     4. Original copy of all the Company's documents and announcements published on the newspapers
designated by CSRC within the reporting period.
     5. Other documents available for inspection.

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


                  Items                 Refers to                                  Definition

The Company, Company                    Refers to Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

The Articles of Associations            Refers to Articles of Associations for Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

The CSRC                                Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZSE                                    Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

                                                    Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau of China Securities Regulatory
Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau   Refers to

General Meeting                         Refers to General Meeting of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors                      Refers to The Board of Directors of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

Board of Supervisors                    Refers to The Board of Supervisors of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.

Yuan                                    Refers to RMB

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

            Section II Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I.        Corporate Information

Stock abbreviation             Sanhua Intelligent Controls             Stock code                   002050
Stock Exchange where the
shares of the Company are      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name of the Company in
Abbr. of the Company name
in Chinese (if any)
Name of the Company in
                               ZHEJIANG SANHUA INTELLIGENT CONTROLS CO., LTD.
English (if any)
Abbr. of the Company name
in English (if any)
Legal representative           Zhang Yabo

Registered Address             Xialiquan, Qixing Street, Xinchang, Zhejiang
Post Code of Registered
Historical changes of the
Company's registered address
Office Address                 No. 219, Woxi Avenue, Meizhu, Xinchang, Zhejiang, China

Post Code of Office Address    312532

Website                        http://www.zjshc.com

E-mail                         shc@zjshc.com

II.       Contacts and Contact Information

                                                          Board Secretary                  Securities Affairs Representative

Name                                        Hu Kaicheng                               Wang Yutong

                                            No. 12 Baiyang Street, Qiantang New       No. 219, Woxi Avenue, Meizhu, Xinchang
                                            District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China       County, Zhejiang, China.

Tel.                                        0571-28020008                             0575-86255360

Fax                                         0571-28876605                             0575-86563888-8288

E-mail                                      shc@zjshc.com                             shc@zjshc.com

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

III.        Information Disclosure and Place of the Report

The website of the stock exchange where the
                                                           Shenzhen Stock Exchange : http://www.szse.cn
Company discloses the annual report

Media and website designated by the Company for            China Securities Journal, Securities Times
release of the Annual Report                               CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)

Place where the Annual Report is available for
                                                           Office of the Board of Directors of the Company

IV.         Company Registration and Alteration

Organization code                              913300006096907427
Changes in principle business activities
                                               No change
since the Company was listed (if any)
Changes of controlling shareholders of the
                                               No change
Company (if any)

V.          Other Relevant Information

Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Name of the accounting firm           Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Business address of the accounting Building B, China Resources Building, 1366 Qianjiang Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou
firm                                  City, Zhejiang Province, China
Name of accountants for writing
                                      Luo Xunchao, Zhang Xin
Sponsor institution engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during the
Reporting Period
√Applicable □ Not applicable
  Name of sponsor institution                Office address           Name of sponsor representative         Supervision period

                                      No. 201, Wuxing Road,                                             June 30, 2021 to December 31,
 Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd                                             Wang Yiming, Pan Xun
                                        Hangzhou, Zhejiang                                                          2022

Financial advisor engaged by the Company to perform the duties of continuous supervision during the reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.         Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company performed a retrospective adjustment or restatement of previous accounting data
□Yes √No
                                                2021                     2020             YoY Change (%)                2019

 Operating Revenue (RMB)                   16,020,809,805.52       12,109,833,368.44                    32.30%     11,287,489,442.23

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Net Profit Attributable to
 Shareholders of the Listed          1,684,044,407.47     1,462,158,821.57                15.18%        1,421,204,236.13
 Company (RMB)

 Net Profit Attributable to
 Shareholders of the Listed
 Company after Deducting             1,487,491,274.21     1,270,609,746.53                17.07%        1,351,335,040.19
 Non-recurring Gains and Losses

 Net Cash Flow Generated by
                                     1,555,819,103.29     2,087,343,783.11                -25.46%       1,900,163,604.60
 Operational Activities (RMB)

 Basic Earnings per Share
                                                0.47                  0.41                14.63%                     0.40

 Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                0.47                  0.41                14.63%                     0.40

 Weighted Average ROE                        15.98%                15.04%                   0.94%                 16.08%

                                  At the End of 2021    At the End of 2020     YoY Change (%)         At the End of 2019

 Total Assets (RMB)                23,619,966,759.91     17,032,530,730.18                38.68%       14,790,190,170.64

 Net Assets Attributable to
 Shareholders of the Listed        11,150,308,271.43     10,064,794,519.57                10.79%        9,291,632,928.45
 Company (RMB)

The Company's net profit before and after deducting non-recurring profit and loss in the last three fiscal years,
whichever is lower, is negative and the audit report of the last year shows that the Company's ability to continue as a
going concern is uncertain
□ Yes √ No
The lower of the net profit before and after deducting the non-recurring profit and loss is negative
□ Yes √ No

VII.     Differences in Accounting Data between Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

1. Difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of International
Financial Reporting Standards and China Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and China Accounting Standards in the reporting period.

2. Difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of Overseas
Accounting Standards and China Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of Overseas

                                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Accounting Standards and China Accounting Standards in the reporting period.

VIII. Key Quarterly Financial Indicators

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                               1st Quarter             2nd Quarter            3rd Quarter            4th Quarter

 Total revenue                               3,408,216,862.74          4,265,864,898.95      4,045,798,609.62       4,300,929,434.21
 Net profit attributable to
                                               360,076,304.91           463,804,916.79         469,290,292.27         390,872,893.50
 shareholders of the Company
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the Company
                                               321,171,217.99           398,600,437.79         446,694,527.91         321,025,090.52
 excluding non-recurring gains
 and losses
 Net cash flows from operating
                                               189,951,485.75           635,265,137.51         335,389,549.66         395,212,930.37
Whether there is significant difference between the above individual or aggregate financial indicators and that of
what disclosed in the quarterly report, half-year report
□ Yes √ No

IX.       Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                       Item                              2021                  2020                2019                  Note
 Profit or loss from disposal of non-current
 assets (including the write-off for the               -7,164,158.61        -14,770,607.27       -6,087,268.05
 impairment provision of assets)
 The government subsidies included in the
 current profits and losses (excluding the
 government subsidy closely related to
 regular course of business of the Company
                                                     101,910,018.36        134,101,082.00       86,311,151.49
 and government subsidy based on
 standard quota or quantitative continuous
 application according to the state
 industrial policy.)

 Capital occupation fees charged to
 non-financial enterprises included in                                                               61,191.86
 current profits and losses

 Profits and losses attributed to change in                                                                      In order to avoid the
 fair value for held-for-trading financial                                                                       price risk of raw
                                                     123,439,358.54         91,394,679.61          563,966.95
 assets, derivative financial assets,                                                                            materials and
 held-for-trading financial liabilities, and                                                                     prevent exchange

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

derivative financial liabilities; and                                                                  rate risk, the
investment income from disposal of                                                                     Company and its
held-for-trading financial assets,                                                                     subsidiaries have
derivative financial assets,                                                                           carried out
held-for-trading financial liabilities,                                                                derivatives business,
derivative financial liabilities and other                                                             including futures
debt investments, excluding the effective                                                              contracts and
hedging business related to the regular                                                                foreign exchange
business operation of the Company.                                                                     forward contracts.
                                                                                                       In 2021, the futures
                                                                                                       income was 31.4482
                                                                                                       million yuan and the
                                                                                                       foreign exchange
                                                                                                       income was 91.9912
                                                                                                       million yuan. In
                                                                                                       2020, the futures
                                                                                                       income was 36.3784
                                                                                                       million yuan and the
                                                                                                       foreign exchange
                                                                                                       income was 55.0162
                                                                                                       million yuan.
                                                                                                       Meanwhile, the
                                                                                                       exchange loss was
                                                                                                       95.9901 million
                                                                                                       yuan in 2021 and
                                                                                                       112.6759 million
                                                                                                       yuan in 2020.
                                                                                                       According to the
                                                                                                       No. 1 explanatory
                                                                                                       announcement on
                                                                                                       disclosure of public
                                                                                                       Non-recurring gains
                                                                                                       and losses,
                                                                                                       exchange gains and
                                                                                                       losses are recurring
                                                                                                       gains and losses,
                                                                                                       and Futures and
                                                                                                       forward gains and
                                                                                                       losses are
                                                                                                       non-recurring gains
                                                                                                       and losses.

Other non-operating income and               -3,359,134.55           620,065.25         5,445,213.46

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 expenditures except the items mentioned
 Other gains and losses items that fit the
 definition of non-recurring gains and               765,674.33          1,246,912.65            92,329.55

 Less: Impact of income tax                        17,841,108.54        19,272,109.42       13,966,646.08

        Impact of the minority interests (after
                                                    1,197,516.27         1,770,947.78         2,550,743.24

 Total                                            196,553,133.26       191,549,075.04       69,869,195.94             --

Details of other gains and losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses:
□Applicable √ Not applicable

The reasons for the non-recurring gains and losses items defined or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1
of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies – Non-recurring Gains and Losses are defined as recurring gains
and losses items
□Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses items defined and listed in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies – Non-recurring Gains and
Losses, as recurring gains and losses items.

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

      Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Operations

I.          Industry of the Company during the reporting period

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing related industries listed
in the No.3 Guidelines for Self-discipline Supervision of Public Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry
Information Disclosure.

1.    Industry development
(1) Refrigeration and air conditioning electrical components industry
China is the largest manufacturing base of A/C and refrigerators in the world, and its production and sales volume
ranks first globally. In line with the trend of environmental protection in the world, energy-saving inverter and
intelligent technology have become the trend, which puts forward a series of new requirements for the market of
control components, and also brings new development opportunities. As a leading enterprise in the refrigeration
control components industry, the Company will follow the trend, firmly seize this opportunity and develop

(2) Automotive components industry
The global automobile industry has been developing rapidly, which also drives the market demand of automotive
thermal management products to continue to grow substantially. In recent years, the development of new energy
vehicles has become a certain trend, which puts forward higher and more updated requirements for thermal
management products no matter in hybrid, pure electric or hydrogen energy vehicles. The Company is positioned
in the field of new energy vehicle thermal management system, gradually expands from components to module
and subsystems, and has become the supplier of Valeo, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volvo, Toyota, GM,
Geely, BYD, SAIC, NIO and other cooperative partners.

2.    Industry status
The Company is the world's largest manufacturer of refrigeration control components and the world's leading
manufacturer of automotive thermal management system control components. "Sanhua" refrigeration intelligent
control components have become a world-famous brand, and a strategic partner of many automobile enterprises
and air-conditioning refrigeration appliance manufacturers in the world. After more than 30 years of development,
the Company has established a leading position in the global market of refrigeration and automotive thermal
management. The market share of the Company's Electronic Expansion Valve, Four-way Reversing Valve,
Solenoid Valve, Microchannel Heat Exchanger, Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve, Thermal Management
Integrated Module for new energy vehicle, Omega Pump ranks first globally. The market share of the Company's
Service Valve, Vehicle Thermal Expansion Valve and Receiver Drier is in the leading position in the world.

II.         The Principal Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing related industries listed

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 in the No.3 Guidelines for Self-discipline Supervision of Public Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry
 Information Disclosure.

 The Company adheres to the "Focus on Leading, Innovation, and Transcendence" business path, concentrating on
 the research and application of heat pump technology and thermal management system products, focusing on the
 development of environmental thermal management solutions for heat exchange and temperature intelligent
 control. According to the different stages and characteristics of strategic business and their development, the
 Company's business is mainly divided into refrigeration and air conditioning electrical components business and
 automotive components business. Refrigeration and air conditioning electrical parts business is committed to the
 professional operation of building HVAC and electrical equipment. Its main products include Four-way Reversing
 Valve, Electronic Expansion Valve, Solenoid Valve, Microchannel Heat Exchanger, Omega Pump, etc., which are
 widely used in A/C, refrigerator, cold chain logistics, dishwasher and other fields. The automotive components
 business focuses on in-depth research in the field of automotive thermal management. Its main products include
 Thermal Expansion Valve, Electronic Expansion Valve, Electronic Water Pump, and Thermal Management
 Integrated Module for new energy vehicle, etc., which are widely used in both new energy vehicles and traditional
 fuel vehicles.
 During the reporting period, the Company's main business and its business model have not changed.

 Manufacturing, production and operation of vehicles during the reporting period
 □Applicable √ Not applicable
 Manufacturing, production and operation of vehicle components during the reporting period
 √Applicable □ Not applicable
                                      Production output                                       Sales volume

                          2021               2020         YoY Change (%)        2021               2020        YoY Change (%)

 Classified by Components and Parts (Unit: million PCs)

New energy vehicle
thermal management 19.4666           7.7423                     151.43% 18.8118              7.0355                    167.39%

Tranditional fuel
vehicle thermal
                     109.1905        85.3787                     27.89% 108.2491             84.6391                    27.89%

 Classified by Regions (Unit: million PCs)

Domestic             84.2232         56.8080                     48.26% 83.1957              55.9441                    48.71%

Overseas             44.4339         36.3129                     22.36% 43.8652              35.7305                    22.77%

 Explanation on why the related data varied by more than 30% on a YOY basis
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
 This is mainly due to the continuous upsurge of the new energy vehicle market, which drives the rapid growth of
 the production and sales of new energy vehicle thermal management products.

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Sale model of vehicle components
The Company's customers are mainly domestic and foreign vehicle manufacturers and tier 1 suppliers. The sale
mode is mainly direct sale.

Whether the Company carries out auto finance business
□Applicable √ Not applicable

Whether the Company carries out business related to new energy vehicles
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Production and operation of new energy vehicles parts
                                                                                                            Unit: million PCs

       Product category     Production capacity     Production volume          Sales volume            Revenue (RMB)

  New energy vehicle
  thermal management      26.00                   19.4666                18.8118                          4,003,834,979.86

Subsidy income of new energy vehicles
Not applicable

III.       Core Competitiveness Analysis

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing related industries listed
in the No.3 Guidelines for Self-discipline Supervision of Public Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry
Information Disclosure.

1. Clear strategic layout
The Company adheres to the "Focus on Leading, Innovation, and Transcendence” business path, takes the
research and application of heat pump technology and thermal management system products as the core, firmly
grasps the development theme of energy conservation, environmental protection and intelligent control, upgrades
from "mechanical parts development" to "system control technology solution development of electronic control
integration". The Company’s products series are expanded from household A/C and refrigerator components to the
field of commercial A/C and commercial refrigeration, and extending to the direction of inverter control
technology and system integration and upgrading. Meanwhile, after the injection of automotive business, it gives
full play to the synergy effect with the original business, continues to deepen the research and development of new
energy vehicle thermal management system components, and actively explores the deeper application of thermal
management components and subsystems in the automotive field, so as to provide global customers with
competitive environmental intelligent control solutions.

2. Technology leading, customer oriented
As a national high-tech enterprise, the Company has always adhered to the technological route of independent
development and innovation. For decades, it has focused on the field of intelligent control and vigorously
cultivated core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. It has been authorized with 2,802
patents both domestic and abroad, including 1,366 invention patents. All products, services and quality of the

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Company take meeting the needs of customers as the first priority.

3. Quality assurance, scale economy effect
The Company's products cover refrigeration A/C electrical components and automotive components industry. The
market share of the Company's Electronic Expansion Valve, Four-way Reversing Valve, Solenoid Valve,
Microchannel Heat Exchanger, Automotive Electronic Expansion Valve, Thermal Management Integrated Module
for new energy vehicle, Omega Pump ranks first globally. The market share of Service Valve, Vehicle Thermal
Expansion Valve and Receiver Drier is in the leading position in the world. The Company has established a
complete and strict quality assurance system, achieved ISO9001, IATF16949, QC080000 quality system
certification. The Company won the National Quality Award, Zhejiang Quality Award, and won the high
comments from JCI, Daikin, Carrier, Midea, Gree, Haier, Toyota, Benz, Volkswagen, Valeo and other well-known
enterprises at home and abroad.

4. Advantages of global marketing network and production base
Since the 1990s, the Company has focused on expanding the international market, and has established overseas
subsidiaries in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the United States, Mexico, Germany and other places to build a
global marketing network. At the same time, it has established overseas production bases in the United States,
Poland, Mexico, Vietnam, India and other places, and gradually it has ability to cope with globalization. And in
practice, we have trained a number of management talents who can meet the needs of business development in
different countries and regions.

IV.     Main Business Analysis

1. Overview

In 2021, under the background of the continuous impact of the overseas epidemic, the sharp rise in international
shipping prices, the continuous rise in the price of bulk raw materials, the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate
against the US dollar and other factors, the challenges of economic development are unprecedented. However, in
the medium and long term, the upgrading of industrial structure, consumption diversification, the guidance of
national policies on the development of green and intelligent industries and the upgrading of product standards in
the household appliance industry will bring new opportunities and growth engine. Specific to the industry in
which the Company operates, the refrigeration and air conditioning electrical parts business is driven by the
upgrading of household appliance consumption concept, and it still maintains sustained and stable growth. The
automotive parts business has driven the rapid growth of performance due to the upsurge of the new energy
vehicle market.

During the reporting period, the total revenue is RMB 16.02 billion, a year-on-year increase of 32.30%; the net
income is RMB 1.99 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.74%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the
listed Company is RMB 1.68 billion, a year-on-year increase of 15.18%. The revenue of refrigeration and air
conditioning electrical components business is RMB 11.22 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.36%; the revenue
of automotive components business is RMB 4.80 billion, a year-on-year increase of 94.50%.

1. Focus on operation and deepen industrial layout

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

(1). Refrigeration and air conditioning electrical components business
The refrigeration and air conditioning electrical parts business seizes the development opportunities of energy
efficiency upgrading, refrigerant switching, consumption upgrading, VRF and other related business products,
continue to expand customers, strengthen the acquisition and transformation of business opportunities, and
improve product sales. At the same time, it actively expands to kitchen electrical parts, further broaden the
Company's potential development fields, and continuously improve its sustainable profitability and market
competitiveness. Relying on the increasing of domestic dishwasher penetration rate and the transformation of
internal supply chain, Aweco business has achieved continuous positive profitability in 2021. After the relocation
of the new plant in Sanhua, Vietnam, it has been recognized by important customers in the United States, and the
cost of some products has been lower than that in China. In addition, the construction of the plant in Daming city
will be accelerated, which lays a solid foundation for the development of commercial fields brought by the
consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading of the Chinese market in the future.
(2). Automotive components business
The automotive components business adheres to positioning strategic customers, orderly promotes the production
line construction of the Mexican factory and Shaoxing Binhai factory, so as to meet the increasing capacity
requirements of customers. By the end of 2021, all the projects from raised funds investment have been tested and
put into operation. On the premise of meeting the projects promotion of current customers, the Company actively
develops competitive products and techniques. During the reporting period, the Company continued to expand
new customers and achieved comprehensive business cooperation with domestic emerging vehicle makers,
traditional fuel vehicle makers and joint venture vehicle enterprises, which laid the foundation for the subsequent
sustained rapid growth. In terms of internal management, take first-class enterprises as benchmarks, sort out and
establish a global quality management system, and improve the quality management of factories at home and
abroad. Under the challenge of rising raw material prices and freight charges, we will spare no effort to promote
the cost reduction and efficiency increase of all employees, and gradually promote the linkage of product prices
with downstream customers.

2. Continue to promote investment and construction, and improve the profitability of the Company
The Company's convertible bonds were listed and traded in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on June 30, 2021, raising
RMB 3 billion, which is mainly used for "Construction project of 65 million sets of commercial refrigeration and
air conditioning intelligent control components per year" and "Technical transformation project of 50.5 million
sets of high-efficiency and energy-saving refrigeration and air conditioning control components per year". The
implementation of these projects will help promote the development of the Company's products towards a more
efficient and energy-saving direction, further improve the Company's business scale and competitive advantage,
optimize the business structure, improve the Company's sustainable profitability, and lay a foundation for the
Company to achieve the medium and long-term strategic development goals.

3. Strengthen the creation of product strength and improve the patent layout of strategic products
During the reporting period, the Company invested 751 million yuan in R & D, an increase of 44.9% year-on-year.
This continuous R & D investment was used to build the product strength. And the Company participated in
market competition with new products and new technologies through continuous optimization iteration. In terms
of patent layout, we will continue to implement "high-quality patents and high-value patents" through specialized
promotion of the patent layout of key products. By the end of the report period, 2,802 patents have been
authorized at home and abroad, including 1,366 invention patents.

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 4. Pay attention to the construction of talent team and establish sustained and long-term incentive mechanism
 The Company continued to deepen the work of "strengthening the talents, streamlining and high efficiency",
 promote each business unit to optimize the talent development and elimination mechanism, and comprehensively
 apply the results of talent review. At the same time, during the reporting period, the Company carried out
 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award and Operation and Management Achievement Award,
 encouraged outstanding talents to create greater value in the future, and further established and improved the
 Company's long-term incentive mechanism.

 5. Attach great importance to the maintenance of investor relations, strengthen the awareness of service and return to
 During the reporting period, in order to safeguard the interests of shareholders and enhance the confidence of
 investors, the Company carried out share repurchase with its own funds to protect the long-term interests of the
 Company and shareholders. Meanwhile, the Company strengthened and improved the construction of internal
 control system, standardized the operation of the three committees, improved the Company's information disclosure,
 investor relationship management and other aspects. And ensured smooth communication between investors and
 listed company through interactive platform, investor call answering, on-site reception and other means.

 2. Operating incomes and operating costs

 (1) Operating income structure

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                         2021                                      2020                      YoY Change (%)
                             Amount             Proportion to          Amount             Proportion to
                                              operating revenue                        operating revenue

Total Revenue             16,020,809,805.52                100%    12,109,833,368.44                 100%               32.30%

 Classified by Industry

General Equipment
Manufacturing             16,020,809,805.52             100.00%    12,109,833,368.44              100.00%               32.30%

 Classified by Products

Refrigeration A/C
Electrical                11,218,320,924.79              70.02%     9,640,647,193.31               79.61%               16.36%

                           4,802,488,880.73              29.98%     2,469,186,175.13               20.39%               94.50%

 Classified by Region

Domestic                   8,112,471,456.27              50.64%     5,864,589,812.78               48.43%               38.33%

Overseas                   7,908,338,349.25              49.36%     6,245,243,555.66               51.57%               26.63%

 Classified by Sales Model

                                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Direct Sale                16,020,809,805.52                 100.00%    12,109,833,368.44                  100.00%                32.30%

 (2) Industries, products, regions or sale models accounting for more than 10% of the Company’s operating
 income or operating profit

 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                   YoY Change
                                                                                                         YoY Change          YoY Change
                         Operating                                                      (%) of
                                           Operating cost       Gross margin                                (%) of           (%) of gross
                           revenue                                                     operating
                                                                                                         operating cost        margin

  Classified by Industry

  Equipment          16,020,809,805        11,907,350,969
                                                                       25.68%              32.30%               36.27%             -2.16%
  Manufacturing                      .52               .11

  Classified by Products

                     11,218,320,924        8,250,209,698.
  A/C Electrical                                                       26.46%              16.36%               18.84%             -1.53%
                                     .79               67

  Automotive         4,802,488,880.        3,657,141,270.
                                                                       23.85%              94.50%               103.63%            -3.41%
  Components                         73                44

  Classified by Region

                     8,112,471,456.        6,153,997,773.
  Domestic                                                             24.14%              38.33%               41.95%             -1.93%
                                     27                09

                     7,908,338,349.        5,753,353,196.
  Overseas                                                             27.25%              26.63%               30.68%             -2.25%
                                     25                02

  Classified by Sales Model

                     16,020,809,805        11,907,350,969
  Direct Sale                                                          25.68%              32.30%               36.27%             -2.16%
                                     .52               .11

 Adjusted statistics of principal business are based on the caliber at the end of the reporting period of last year, if
 the statistics caliber of principal business has been changed during the reporting period
 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 (3) If revenue from physical products sales greater than revenue from providing services

 √ Yes □ No
       Industry                    Item                Unit                     2021                     2020             YoY Change (%)

  General                  Sales                Yuan                    16,020,809,805.52          12,109,833,368.44               32.30%

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Equipment           Production        Yuan                     17,250,026,781.56    12,170,122,424.44               41.74%
                     Inventory         Yuan                      3,718,213,579.16     2,402,338,998.74               54.77%

Explanation on why the related data varied by more than 30% on a YOY basis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
It is mainly due to the increase of production and inventories in warehouse driven by the growth of sales.

(4) Fulfillment of signed significant sales and procurement contracts by the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Operating cost structure

Classification based on industry and products
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                 2021                                  2020
                                                                                                              YoY Change
    Industry              Item                          Proportion to                         Proportion to
                                     Amount                                 Amount                                 (%)
                                                     operating cost                        operating cost

 Equipment                         8,798,731,493.                        6,445,946,206.
                  Material                                    73.89%                                73.77%           36.50%
 Manufacturing                                  26                                   35

 Equipment                         1,645,068,024.                        1,274,879,076.
                  Labor                                       13.82%                                14.59%           29.04%
 Manufacturing                                  73                                   04

                  Depreciation    344,128,341.18                2.89%   254,799,059.70                2.92%          35.06%

                  Freight         514,826,171.07                4.32%   284,652,271.01                3.26%          80.86%

                  Energy Source   264,446,475.24                2.22%   188,350,845.76                2.16%          40.40%

                  Other           340,150,463.63                2.86%   289,593,579.50                3.30%          17.46%

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                               2021                                  2020
                                                                                                            YoY Change
    Product            Item                           Proportion to                         Proportion to
                                     Amount                               Amount                                 (%)
                                                    operating cost                       operating cost

                                  6,057,972,672.                       5,186,890,211.
 A/C Electrical   Material                                  50.88%                                59.36%           16.79%
                                              72                                   38

                                  1,229,719,787.                       1,059,871,851.
 A/C Electrical   Labor                                     10.33%                                12.13%           16.03%
                                              71                                   73

 A/C Electrical   Depreciation    241,554,717.50              2.03%   201,479,294.12                2.31%          19.89%

 A/C Electrical   Freight         381,394,362.19              3.20%   224,442,230.91                2.57%          69.93%

 A/C Electrical   Energy Source   170,046,647.87              1.43%   140,848,963.04                1.61%          20.73%

 A/C Electrical   Other           169,521,510.68              1.42%   128,686,216.03                1.47%          31.73%

 Automotive                       2,740,758,820.                       1,259,055,994.
                  Material                                  23.02%                                14.41%          117.68%
 Components                                   54                                   97

                  Labor           415,348,237.02              3.49%   215,007,224.31                2.46%          93.18%

                  Depreciation    102,573,623.68              0.86%     53,319,765.58               0.61%          92.37%

                  Freight         133,431,808.88              1.12%     60,210,040.10               0.69%         121.61%

                  Energy Source    94,399,827.37              0.79%     47,501,882.72               0.54%          98.73%

                  Other           170,628,952.95              1.43%   160,907,363.47                1.84%           6.04%

(6) Any change in consolidation scope during the reporting period

√Yes □ No
(I). Business combination under different control

                                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

1. Business combination under different control in this reporting period
(1) Basic information
                                  Date of equity         Cost of equity
   Name of the acquiree                                                        Proportion of equity acquisition Equity acquisition method
                                    acquisition            acquisition
Zhejiang Sanhua Plate
                                                        RMB 28.00 milli
Exchange Technology Co.,            2021-12-14                                              70%                  Equity transfer agreement

                                                         Determination         Revenue of the acquiree from       Net profit of the acquiree
                                  Date of equity
   Name of the acquiree                                basis of purchase       the acquisition date to the end   from the acquisition date to
                                                              date                      of the period               the end of the period
Zhejiang Sanhua Plate                                    Complete the
Exchange Technology Co.,            2021-12-14         equity transfer and                  0.00                            0.00
Ltd                                                      make payment

(2) Other instructions
In December 2021, the Company acquired 70% equity of Zhejiang Sanhua Plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as Sanhua Plate Exchange) from Su Jun. The pricing of this equity transaction is based on
the assessed value, the basic transfer price is 28 million yuan, and the assessment payment of consideration is 7
million yuan.
If the net profit of the Sanhua Plate Exchange in 2022 realize 6.4 million yuan, the Company will pay another 3.5
million yuan. Otherwise, the Company will not need to pay any more. If the net profit of Sanhua Plate Exchange
in 2023 realize 8 million yuan, the Company will pay another 3.5 million yuan. Otherwise, the Company will not
need to pay any more.
According to the profit forecast data and the judgment of the Company's management, it is difficult for Sanhua
Plate Exchange to achieve the assessment net profit, and the assessment payment of consideration is estimated at
zero yuan.
2. Cost of M&A and goodwill
   Items                                                                                           Amount
Cost of M&A                                                                                                                    28,000,000.00
      Cash                                                                                                                     28,000,000.00
Less: fair value of identifiable net assets obtained                                                                           20,408,169.39
Goodwill                                                                                                                        7,591,830.61

3. Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date
(1) Details
   Item                                                                      Sanhua Plate Exchange
                                         Fair value on the purchase date                           Book value on purchase date
Assets                                                               41,750,357.62                                             25,060,423.80
      Accounts receivable                                                2,456,829.86                                           2,456,829.86
      Inventory                                                          7,730,397.40                                           7,730,397.40
      Other current assets                                               1,769,614.51                                           1,769,614.51
      Fixed assets                                                       6,672,716.01                                           4,214,515.28

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

       Assets with right of use                                       4,019,018.35                                         4,019,018.35
       Intangible assets                                             12,917,600.00
       Long term deferred                                             6,068,825.10                                         4,754,692.01
       Deferred tax assets                                              115,356.39                                           115,356.39
Liabilities                                                          12,595,829.92                                        10,092,339.85
       Accounts payable                                               5,547,165.87                                         5,547,165.87
       Salary payable                                                   526,155.63                                           526,155.63
       Lease liabilities                                              4,019,018.35                                         4,019,018.35
       Deferred tax liability                                         2,503,490.07
Net assets                                                           29,154,527.70                                        14,968,083.95
Less: Minority interests                                              8,746,358.31                                         4,490,425.19
Net assets acquired                                                  20,408,169.39                                        10,477,658.76

(2) Determination method of fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities
The fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of Sanhua Plate Exchange is determined at the assessed value.
(II). Changes in consolidation scope due to other reasons
                                                                                                                            Proportion of
                                                               Equity acquisition    Date of equity     contribution at
                      Name of subsidiaries                                                                                     capital
                                                                    method            acquisition       the end of the

Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Components Trading Co.,
                                                               New investment            2021-08-31          0.00              100%

Zhejiang Sanhua Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd                        New investment            2021-12-13          0.00              100%

(7) Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s business, products or services during the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major customers and suppliers:

Major customers of the Company
 Sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                    5,603,027,061.52
 Total sales to top five customers as a percentage of the
 total sales for the year (%)
 Total sales to the related parties in top five customers as
 a percentage of the total sales of the year (%)

Information on top five customers
      No.                   Name of Customer                      Sales Amount (RMB)            Percentage of total sales for the year
 1            First                                                       1,799,438,899.34                                      11.23%

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 2           Second                                                   1,061,623,336.82                                           6.63%

 3           Third                                                    1,060,089,878.28                                           6.62%

 4           Fourth                                                   1,023,667,724.20                                           6.39%

 5           Fifth                                                       658,207,222.88                                          4.11%

 Total                           --                                   5,603,027,061.52                                        34.98%

Other information of major customers
□Applicable√ Not applicable
Major suppliers of the Company
 Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                      1,460,941,015.24
 Total purchases from top five suppliers as a percentage
 of the total purchases for the year (%)
 Total purchases from the related parties in the top five
 suppliers as a percentage of the total purchases for the                                                                        0.00%
 year (%)

Information on top five suppliers of the Company
     No.                  Name of Supplier                   Purchase Amount (RMB)          Percentage of total purchase for the year

      1                          First                                    565,773,118.04                                         5.73%

      2                        Second                                     329,541,125.17                                         3.34%

      3                         Third                                     251,506,989.10                                         2.55%

      4                         Fourth                                    157,097,558.68                                         1.59%

      5                          Fifth                                    157,022,224.25                                         1.59%

     Total                        --                                     1,460,941,015.24                                        14.80%

Other information on major suppliers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                      2021                  2020           YoY Change (%)           Note of significant change

                                                                                               It is mainly due to the increase of
 Sales expenses                 449,226,532.55          365,125,043.08             23.03%      employees’ salary, storage and
                                                                                               handling fee, etc
                                875,802,861.33          764,084,428.88             14.62%

                                                                                               Mainly due to the increase of interest
 Financial expenses               84,108,848.11         128,860,093.64            -34.73%

 R&D expenses                   751,138,559.24          518,401,363.63             44.90%      It is mainly due to the increase of

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                             employees’ salary, material and
                                                                                             power cost, mold manufacturing
                                                                                             cost, etc

4. R&D Investment

√Applicable □Not applicable
Name of main R &                                 Progress of the                                         Expected impact on the future
                          Project purpose                            Objectives to be achieved
     D projects                                      project                                             development of the Company

                                                                                                     To extend portfolio of coolant
High Power           Development of high                           Development of high power
                                                                                                     pumps, enhance its
Coolant Pump         power coolant pumps       Completed           coolant pumps to cover
                                                                                                     competitiveness and increase
Development          (high power level)                            market demand
                                                                                                     more market share

                     Development of position                                                         To improve product
Valve Position                                                     Achieve low-cost and
                     control for automotive                                                          competitiveness, meet
Control                                        Completed           high-precision position
                     refrigerant valves and                                                          customer demands and
Development                                                        control for valves
                     coolant valves                                                                  increase market share

Development of                                                                                       To expand thermal
Heat Pump Module Development of heat                                                                 management system market in
                                                                   Improve productivity and
with Integrated      pump modules based on Ongoing                                                   the new energy vehicles to
                                                                   increase product reliability
Control of Valves    valves integration                                                              achieve new market growth of
and Sensors                                                                                          heat pump modules

New Integrated                                                     Extend system operation
                                                                                                     To enrich product diversity of
Module                                                             temperature to extreme low
                     Development of new heat                                                         new energy vehicle thermal
Development and                                Completed           end and reduce the energy
                     pump module                                                                     management systems and
System Application                                                 consumption of air
                                                                                                     expand market opportunities
Research                                                           conditioning system

                     Development of key
                                                                                                     To expand CO2 refrigerant
CO2 Refrigerant      components for new                            Enhance product
                                               Completed                                             product market in the new
Valve Development energy vehicle thermal                           competitiveness
                                                                                                     energy vehicles
                     management systems

                                                                                                     To enrich the product lines;
Develop E-type       Develop standardized                                                            enhance the product
electronic           platform for EEV          Completed           Realize noise optimization        competitiveness applicable to
expansion valve      products                                                                        refrigerating AC area; raise
                                                                                                     the market sharing

                                                                   Realize the product
Develop Q05-type     Develop new products
                                                                   miniaturization; improve the      Explore the new growth point
gas proportional     applied in kitchen        Completed
                                                                   performance of voltage            of kitchen appliance market
valve                appliances

Aluminium wire       Develop a new type of     Completed           Realize the application of new Improve product cost

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

and chain pole        motor for washing                                 materials and new              competitiveness and market
motor development heating pumps, enrich the                             technologies                   share
                      types of heating pumps
                      and meet the demands of
                      different customers

                                                                                                       Enhance the market
New Pressure          Enhance the market
                                                                        Develop competitive Pressure competitiveness of Pressure
Controller            competitiveness of        Completed
                                                                        Control Valve                  Controller, expand the
Development           Pressure Controller
                                                                                                       Company's market share

Head Pressure         New development of                                Develop competitive Head       Enrich the company's product
Control Valve         Head Pressure Control     Ongoing                 Pressure Control Valve with    line, expand the company's
Development           Valve product line                                high reliability               market share

                                                                                                       Improve the company's
Eletromagnet          Expand product line in                            Improve the reliability of
                                                Completed                                              business engagement with
Switch                automotive field                                  Automotive Eletromagnet
                                                                                                       strategic customers

Development of        Develop microchannel
                                                                        Improve capacity and water
low cost and high     evaporator for computer
                                                                        drainage performance, realize Explore new growth of IDC
efficienct            room and indirect         Ongoing
                                                                        the MCHE evaporator            evaporator
microchannel          evaporative cooling air
                                                                        application for IDC
evaporator for IDC conditioner

R & D personnel of the Company
                                                2021                              2020                     Change proportion

Number of R & D personnel
                                                            1,890                              1,576                            19.92%

Proportion of R & D personnel                             13.05%                              12.06%                            0.99%

Academic structure of R & D
                                                ——                              ——                              ——

Junior college and below                                     466                                 425                            9.65%

Bachelor degree                                             1,104                                878                            25.74%

Master degree and above                                      320                                 273                            17.22%

Age composition of R & D
                                                ——                              ——                              ——

Under the age of 30                                          748                                 525                            42.48%

Age between 30 and 40                                        821                                 761                            7.88%

Over the age of 40                                           321                                 290                            10.69%

R & D investment of the Company
                                                2021                              2020                         YoY Change (%)

 Amount of R&D expenses                          751,138,559.24                     518,401,363.63                           44.90%

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 R&D investment as a
 percentage of operating                          4.69%                            4.28%                           0.41%
 Capitalized R&D expenses
                                                   0.00                              0.00                          0.00%
 Capitalized R&D expenses as
 a percentage of R&D                              0.00%                            0.00%                           0.00%
Reasons and effects of major changes in the composition of R & D personnel of the company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason of significant change of total R&D expenses as a percentage of total revenue compared to last year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason and explanation of its reasonableness of significant change of the capitalized R&D expenses
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

              Items                     2021                            2020                      YoY Change (%)
 Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                       16,425,564,998.54               12,367,638,678.57                          32.81%
 operating activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows
                                       14,869,745,895.25               10,280,294,895.46                          44.64%
 from operating activities
 Net cash flows from
                                        1,555,819,103.29                2,087,343,783.11                         -25.46%
 operating activities
 Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                         805,822,215.02                   644,636,918.39                          25.00%
 investing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows
                                        5,855,480,452.10                1,439,811,450.15                         306.68%
 from investing activities
 Net cash flows from
                                       -5,049,658,237.08                 -795,174,531.76                        -535.04%
 investing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                        4,431,276,476.92                2,163,516,795.02                         104.82%
 financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows
                                        1,607,793,271.80                2,559,032,808.73                         -37.17%
 from financing activities
 Net cash flows from
                                        2,823,483,205.12                 -395,516,013.71                         813.87%
 financing activities
 Net increase in cash and
                                         -710,141,813.45                  846,361,023.53                        -183.91%
 cash equivalents

Explanation of why the related data varied significantly on a YoY basis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

1. The net cash flow from investing activities decreased by 535.04%, mainly due to the purchase of large
certificates of deposit.
2. The net cash flow from financing activities increased by 813.87%, mainly due to the issuance of convertible
3. The cash and cash equivalents decreased by 183.91%, mainly due to the purchase of large certificates of

Explanation of reasons leading to the material difference between cash flow from operating activities during the
reporting period and net profit for the year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V.         Non-Core Business Analysis

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                              Proportion to net
                           Amount                                          Note of Change                Sustainability

                                                                    Gains and losses of futures
                                                                    contract settlement, foreign
                           141,572,602.13                   7.16%   exchange forward contract      No
                                                                    settlement, bank financial
                                                                    product, etc.

                                                                    Floating profit and loss of
 Gains and Losses                                                   foreign exchange
 from Change of              3,221,397.38                   0.16%   instruments, futures           No
 Fair Value                                                         instruments, bank financial
                                                                    products, etc.

                                                                    Income from nonpayment,
                                                                    compensation and
                             4,792,550.68                   0.24%   liquidated damages, gains      No
                                                                    from retirement of fixed
                                                                    assets, etc.

                                                                    Loss on retirement of fixed
                            14,928,195.40                   0.76%   assets, compensation           No
                                                                    expenditure, donation, etc.

                           -56,834,285.92                -2.88%     Bad debt loss, etc.            No
 Impairment Loss

                                                                    Loss on impairment of
                           -93,213,670.21                -4.72%     inventories, fixed assets,     No
 Impairment Loss
                                                                    goodwill, etc.

 Gains on                       -387,648.44              -0.02%     Gains on disposal of fixed     No

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Disposal of                                                              assets

                                                                                                           The government grants of
                                                                          Government subsidies,
                                                                                                           VAT refund of civil welfare
                                                                          value-added tax rebate for
                                                                                                           enterprises and software
                                                                          civil affairs and welfare
 Other Gains                  122,787,760.00                   6.21%                                       product VAT exceeding tax
                                                                          enterprises, value-added tax
                                                                                                           burden are sustainable,
                                                                          rebate for software
                                                                                                           while the rest are not
                                                                          products, etc.

VI.       Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Material changes of assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        December 31st 2021               January 1st 2021
                                       Percentage                                    Change            Note of significant change
                                                                     Percentage of
                        Amount          of total      Amount                           (%)
                                                                      total assets
                                                                                                   Mainly due to the increase of funds
 Cash and Bank                                      3,489,687,568.
                    6,707,721,861.13      28.40%                           20.49%          7.91% raised by issuing Sanhua convertible
      Balances                                                  14

      Account                                       2,355,613,299.
                    3,516,292,868.39      14.89%                           13.83%          1.06%
   Receivable                                                   57

 Contract assets                           0.00%                            0.00%          0.00%

   Inventories      3,637,853,809.47      15.40%                           13.55%          1.85%

                       8,531,303.62        0.04% 10,067,588.96              0.06%      -0.02%

Long-term Equity
                      22,680,930.51        0.10% 15,219,616.68              0.09%          0.01%

  Fixed Assets      4,232,706,801.07      17.92%                           21.84%      -3.92%

 Construction in
                    1,343,528,875.40       5.69% 628,730,529.07             3.69%          2.00%

Assets with right
                     215,324,024.26        0.91% 202,831,869.22             1.19%      -0.28%
       of use

                     738,190,910.54        3.13% 383,088,296.60             2.25%          0.88%

                                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                           79,816,249.22           0.34% 42,581,607.67              0.25%      0.09%

                                                                                                         Mainly due to the transfer of some
     Long-term                                              1,707,918,994.
                          801,461,958.89           3.39%                           10.03%     -6.64%     guaranteed loans into non-current
     borrowings                                                        87
                                                                                                           liabilities due within one year

 Lease liabilities        157,981,678.16           0.67% 149,779,815.53             0.88%     -0.21%

                                                                                                            Mainly due to the increase of
  liabilities due        1,763,342,887.58          7.47% 153,273,858.59             0.90%      6.57%
                                                                                                       guaranteed loans due within one year.
 within one year

                                                                                                          Mainly due to the increase in the
 Bonds payable           2,652,035,619.50          11.23%                           0.00%     11.23%
                                                                                                       issuance of Sanhua convertible bonds

Whether the proportion of overseas assets is relatively high
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                        Profit and      Cumulative
                                        loss of fair    changes in    Impairment          Current
                        Opening                                                                        Current sale     Other        Closing
      Items                            value change     fair value   accrued in the      purchase
                         balance                                                                         amount        changes       balance
                                       in the current   included in current period        amount
                                          period            equity

Financial Assets

ng      financial
assets                752,224,861.7                                                                    646,500,000.               109,383,374
                                        -596,487.04                                    4,255,000.00
(Excluding                         8                                                                              00                          .74

financial             58,330,486.53 -3,690,121.50

Subtotal         of
                      810,555,348.3                                                                    646,500,000.               164,023,739
financial                              -4,286,608.54                                   4,255,000.00
                                   1                                                                              00                          .77

                      810,555,348.3                                                                    646,500,000.               164,023,739
       Total                           -4,286,608.54                                   4,255,000.00
                                   1                                                                              00                          .77

     Financial         7,939,957.91 -7,939,957.91                                                                                            0.00

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Whether there were any material changes on the measurement attributes of major assets of the Company during
the reporting period:
□ Yes √ No

3. Assets right restrictions as of the end of reporting period

                 Items                       Closing Book value                             Reasons for being restricted
                                                                  14,584,887.96 Margin deposited
Cash and Bank Balances
                                                                  66,852,328.10 Margin deposited in futures institutions
Note Receivable                                                872,096,928.77 Pledge for financing
                                                                  80,207,552.58 Evidence of supply chain finance that has been
Accounts receivable
                                                                                endorsed, paid or discounted but has not expired
Total                                                        1,033,741,697.41                            -

VII.      Analysis of Investment

1. Overview

√Applicable □ Not applicable
  Investment during the Reporting Period   Investment over the Corresponding Period
                                                                                                   YoY Change (%)
                     (RMB)                           of Last Year (RMB)

                 398,750,500.00                        277,394,000.00                                   43.75%

2. Significant equity investment during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investment during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Financial asset portfolio

(1)Securities Investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

(2)Derivatives Investments

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                  on of
                                                                                                            Amount                             l
                                              Initial                                 Amount                           Investm     ent
Name of                                                                                          Amount        of                            profit
                      Whether Types of amount                                         purchas                            ent     amount
derivati Relation                                                           Initial               sold      provisio                          and
                       it is a   derivativ      of                                      ed                             amount     in the
   ves       with                                       Starting Termina investm                 during      n for                            loss
                       related          es   derivati                                 during                            at the   compan
investm related                                          date   tion date    ent                   the      impairm                          durin
                      transacti investme       ves                                      the                            end of    y’s net
   ent       party                                                          amount               reportin     ent                            g the
                           on           nt   investm                                  reportin                           the     assets at
operator                                                                                         g period accrued                            report
                                               ent                                    g period                         period     end of
                                                                                                            (if any)                          ing
                                                                                                                                 g period

           Non-rel               nts,
           ated       No         foreign
es and
           parties               exchange
                                 nts, etc.

Total                                                     --        --

Sources of funds for derivatives
                                             Own fund

Litigation involved (if applicable)          N/A

Disclosure date of board of directors'
announcement on the approval of              N/A
derivatives investment (if any)

Disclosure date of shareholder
meeting's announcement on the
approval of derivatives investment (if

Risk analysis and description of
                                             In order to avoid the price risk of raw materials and prevent exchange rate risk, the
control measures for derivatives
                                             Company and its subsidiaries have carried out derivatives business, including futures
positions during the reporting period
                                             instruments and foreign exchange instruments. The Company and its subsidiaries strictly
(including but not limited to market
                                             implement the relevant provisions of the Management measures for the operation of futures
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk,
                                             hedging business and the Management system for foreign exchange hedging business.
operational risk, legal risk, etc.)

Changes in market prices or product
fair value of invested derivatives
during the reporting period, and the         N/A
analysis of the fair value of
derivatives should disclose the

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

specific methods used and the setting
of related assumptions and

Explanation of whether the
Company’s derivatives accounting
policies and specific accounting
principles have changed significantly
during the reporting period compared
with the previous reporting period

Independent directors' special
opinions on the Company's
derivatives investment and risk

5. Usage of raised funds

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1). Overall usage of raised fund

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB in 10 thousand

                                         Total                   amount of
                                                                              Accumulat ed amount
                                       amount of Accumulat         raised                                 Total                      Raised
                             Total                                            ed amount of raised                   Raised
                                         raised      ed amount funds with                               amount of                   funds has
                           amount of                                          of raised funds with                  funds has
   Year        Method                    funds       of raised      use                                  unused                     not been
                            raised                                            funds with      use                   not      been
                                       invested in     funds     alteration                              raised                     used for
                             funds                                               use       alteration               used
                                       the report    invested    during the                               funds                     two years
                                                                              alteration to the total
                                         period                  reporting
                                                                                           amount of

                                                                                                                    in the
              Non-publi                                                                                             account of
2017                         132,231     7,182.74 132,606.88                                             2,611.02
              c offering                                                                                            raised
                                                                                                                    funds or
                                                                                                                    y replenish

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                              of working

                                                                                                              in the
                                                                                                              for raised
            Public                                                                                            funds and
2021                       298,753.1 112,860.66 112,860.66                                       187,153.72
            offering                                                                                          the
                                                                                                              n of large
                                                                                                              of deposit.

Total           --         430,984.1 120,043.4 245,467.54                                        189,764.74         --

                                            Description of Overall Usage of Raised Funds

(I) Year 2017
1. The actual amount of raised fund and date of transfer in
With the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) [2017] No. 1392, the Company non-public issued
88,154,000 common shares (A shares), with a total raised capital of RMB 1,322,310,000.00. After deducting the issuance expenses
of RMB 13,078,480.00, the net amount of raised funds is RMB 1,309,231,520.00. The above-mentioned raised funds were
transferred in on September 1st, 2017, and it has been verified by Tianjian accounting firm, which has issued the Capital
Verification Report (TJY [2017] No. 327).

As the implementation subjects are Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Components Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sanhua Auto)
and its subsidiary Shaoxing Sanhua New Energy Automotive Components Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shaoxing Auto), the
Company has allocated the raised funds of RMB 1,301,310,000.00 to Sanhua Auto in the form of capital increase. Sanhua Auto
synchronously allocated the raised fund of RMB 503,620,000.00 to Shaoxing Auto in the form of capital increase.

2. Usage and balance of raised funds

                                                                                                    Amount (Unit: RMB in 10
    Items                                                                        Index

 Net amount of raised funds                                                        A                                        132,231.00

                                    Project investment                            B1                                        125,424.14
 Accumulated amount as of the
                                    Net income from raised funds                  B2                                          9,824.59
 beginning of the period
                                    Replenish working capital                     B3                                              0.00

 Amount incurred in this            Project investment                            C1                                          7,182.74

 reporting period                   Net income from raised funds                  C2                                           275.93

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                      Replenish working capital                  C3                                       7,113.62

                                      Project investment                     D1=B1+C1                                   132,606.88
 Accumulated amount by the
                                      Net income from raised funds           D2=B2+C2                                    10,100.52
 end of the period
                                      Replenish working capital              D2=B3+C3                                     7,113.62

 Calculated balance of raised funds                                               E                                       2,611.02

 Actual balance of raised funds                                                   F                                       2,611.02

 Difference                                                                    G=E-F                                          0.00

Note: the net income from raised funds refers to the net amount of interest income and wealth management income after deducting
bank handling charges, the same below.
(II) Year 2021
1. The actual amount of raised fund and date of transfer in
In June 2021, with the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) [2021] No. 168, the Company publicly issued
30 million convertible corporate bonds (Sanhua convertible bond) with a par value of RMB 100, issued at face value, raising RMB
3 billion in total. The net amount of raised funds after deducting the issuance expenses of 12,468,991.59 yuan is 2,987,531,008.41
yuan. The above-mentioned receipt of raised funds has been verified by Tianjian accounting firm, who issued the Capital
Verification Report (TJY [2021] No. 277).

Since Zhejiang Sanhua Commercial Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sanhua Commercial") is one of the
implementation subjects, the Company has allocated 1,487,000,000.00 yuan of the raised funds to Sanhua Commercial in the form
of capital increase.

2. Usage and balance of raised funds

                                                                                                   Amount (Unit: RMB in 10
    Items                                                                       Index

 Net amount of funds raised in the current period                                 A                                     298,753.10

 Amount incurred in this              Project investment                         B1                                     112,860.65

 reporting period                     Net income from raised funds               B2                                       1,261.27

 Calculated balance of raised funds                                         C=A-B1+B2                                   187,153.72

 Actual balance of raised funds                                                   D                                     187,153.72

 Difference                                                                    E=C-D                                          0.00

(2). Statement of Committed Investment Projects of Raised Funds

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB in 10 thousand

                                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                        Total                                             nt                                           Whether
                          Whether                                          Accumul                                          Whether
                                       committe     Total                              progress      Date of     Benefits              feasibility
                           project                             Investme      ative                                          expected
Committed investment                      d       investme                             at the end     asset      achieved              of project
                          has been                             nt in the investme                                           benefits
projects and allocation                investme    nt after                              of the     ready for     in the                    has
                               (or                             current     nt at the                                         have
 of over-raised funds                    nt of    alteration                            period      intended     current               changed
                          partially)                             year     end of the                                         been
                                        raised       (1)                                  (%)          use         year                significan
                           altered                                        period (2)                                        achieved
                                        funds                                          (3)=(2)/(1                                           tly

Committed investment projects

Construction project of
new energy vehicle
parts with an annual      No             50,362      50,362 4,860.69 52,325.55 103.90%                           8,554.11 Yes          No
                                                                                                    r 31, 2021
output of 11.5 million

transformation project
of thermal management
system modules of new No                 45,495      45,495 2,193.42 49,343.68 108.46%                                      N/A        No
                                                                                                    31, 2021
energy vehicles with an
annual output of 7.3
million sets

transformation project
of automotive air
conditioning control      No             20,874      20,874      128.63 19,193.15        91.95%                             N/A        No
                                                                                                    31, 2020
parts with an annual
output of 12.70 million

Expansion of product
testing room and                                                                                    January
                          No             13,400      13,400                 9,686.65     72.29%                             N/A        No
production auxiliary                                                                                31, 2019
room project

Payment of
                          No              2,100       2,100                 2,057.85     97.99%                             N/A        No
intermediary fees

Construction project of
refrigeration and air
                                                                                                    May 31,
conditioning intelligent No             148,700    148,700 25,505.89 25,505.89           17.15%                             N/A        No
control components
with an annual output
of 65 million sets

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

transformation project
of high-efficiency and
refrigeration and air    No            69,800       69,800 6,081.84 6,081.84       8.71%                          N/A       No
                                                                                            31, 2024
conditioning control
components with an
annual output of 50.5
million sets

Supplementary of
                         No            81,500       81,500 81,272.93 81,272.93     99.72%                         N/A       No
working capital

Subtotal of committed                                                  245,467.5
                              --      432,231      432,231 120,043.4                --         --      8,554.11      --          --
investment projects                                                           4

Investment of over raised funds

Total                         --      432,231      432,231 120,043.4                --         --      8,554.11      --          --

                         Funds raised in 2017:
                          (1) Upon deliberation and approval by the board of directors on April 1, 2019, the date of scheduled
                         serviceability status of "7.3 million sets of new energy vehicle thermal management system components
                         project" and "12.7 million sets of vehicle air conditioning control components project" has been extended
                         from January 2019 to January 2021, and other contents of the project remain unchanged. The specific
                         reasons for the slowdown of the construction progress of the above two projects are as follows:

                         The Company adopts the strategy of prudent use and reasonable investment of the raised funds in
                         combination with the existing product structure and market trend. As the new equipment tends to be more
Circumstances and        intelligent and systematic, the Company has selected the equipment according to the latest technical
reasons for not          requirements and product models, so that the investment progress of the new equipment of the project is
reaching the planned     later than expected.
progress or expected
income (by specific      In March 2020, "12.7 million sets of automotive air conditioning control parts project" has been completed
project)                 and accepted. In January 2021, the "technical transformation project of thermal management system
                         components for new energy vehicles with an annual output of 7.3 million sets" has been completed and

                         (2) Upon deliberation and approval by the board of directors on April 27, 2020, the date of scheduled
                         serviceability status of "construction project of new energy vehicle parts with an annual output of 11.5
                         million sets" has been extended from December 2019 to December 2021, while other contents of the
                         project remain unchanged. The specific reasons for the slowdown of the construction progress of the
                         project are as follows:

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                         The Company adopts the strategy of prudent use and reasonable investment of the raised funds in
                         combination with the changing situation of the existing market. In combination with customer feedback
                         and production scheduling plan, the Company will gradually release the production capacity according to
                         the actual customer demand. In order to ensure that the investment progress can meet the actual production
                         progress demand, the Company will adjust the equipment procurement time of the raised investment
                         project and extend the investment period of the raised capital investment project according to the
                         customer's time node requirements. In December 2021, the "construction project of new energy auto parts
                         with an annual output of 11.5 million sets" has been completed and accepted.

                         Funds raised in 2021: N/A

Significant changes in
                         Funds raised in 2017: N/A
the feasibility of
                         Funds raised in 2021: N/A

Amount, usage and use
progress of over-raised N/A

Change in
location of investment N/A
projects of Raised

Adjustment to
method of investment     N/A
projects of Raised

Advance investment
                         Funds raised in 2017: In 2017, the Company replaced the initial investment of 140.5585 million yuan with
and replacement of
                         raised funds.
projects invested with
                         Funds raised in 2021: In 2021, the Company replaced the initial investment amount of 179.3857 million
raised funds
                         yuan with raised funds.

Temporary supplement
of working capital with N/A
idle raised funds

The amount and           Applicable
reasons of the balance
                         Funds raised in 2017: Net income was generated from raised funds.
of raised funds in the
                         Funds raised in 2021: N/A
project implementation

                         Funds raised in 2017: Deposited in the special account for raised funds or permanently replenished working
Applications of unused
raised funds
                         Funds raised in 2021: Deposited in the special account for raised funds and the subscription of large

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                               amount certificates of deposit.

Problems or other
situations in the use
and disclosure of raised

 (3). Statement of Altered Investment Projects of Raised Funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change in the projects of raised funds in the reporting period of the Company.

VIII. Disposal of Significant Assets and Equity

1. Disposal of significant assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, there was no disposal of significant assets

2. Sale of significant equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX.        Analysis of Major Subsidiaries and Investees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Information about major subsidiaries, and investees that contribute above 10% of the Company’s net Profit

  Company         Company                 Principal   Registered     Total                    Operating     Operating
                                                                                Net assets                                Net profit
      name              type              business      capital     assets                     revenue        profit

                                      on and A/C
 Climate &
                                      component       250          3,946,847,   3,412,317,    2,188,044,   277,974,05    247,300,06
 Appliance      Subsidiary
                                      s               million         321.16        413.01        976.98          4.00          9.95
                                      ing and

 Sanhua                               Refrigerati
 (Hangzhou                            on and A/C
 ) Micro                              electrical      360          1,894,543,   1,122,885,    1,578,706,   100,446,65    77,592,200
 Channel                              component       million         722.92        863.25        848.06          9.51           .27
 Heat                                 s
 Exchanger                            manufactur

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Co.,Ltd.                       ing and

 Zhejiang                       on and A/C
 Sanhua                         electrical                  2,795,262,    155,587,38    3,998,424,   40,167,121    28,630,862
                Subsidiary                    50 million
 Trading                        component                       530.97           5.38       476.58           .12              .79
 Co., Ltd.                      s

 Automotiv                                    1,460         6,112,493,     3,585,008,   4,802,488,   651,942,83    579,885,82
                Subsidiary      s
 e                                            million           450.31        236.50        880.73          7.99             3.63
                                ing and
 ts Co., Ltd

                                on and A/C
 Internation                                  37.55
                                manufactur                  1,731,520,    344,934,47    3,328,087,   126,255,76    95,720,965
 al             Subsidiary                    million
                                ing                             770.46           7.67       769.01          1.41              .43
 Inc.(Conso                                   USD

                                on and A/C
                                manufactur    $150.5798     3,154,827,     1,005,412,   4,970,111,   119,383,03    96,565,287
 Singapore      Subsidiary
                                ing           33 million        708.76        510.81        788.18          6.78              .41
 PTE. Ltd.

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
               Corporate name                 Method of acquisition and disposal of        Impact on overall operation and

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                            subsidiaries during the reporting period                 performance

Zhejiang Sanhua Plate Exchange
                                          Equity acquisition                           No significant impact
Technology Co., Ltd

Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Trading Co.,
                                          New investment                               No significant impact

Zhejiang Sanhua Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd New investment                                 No significant impact

X.         Structural Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI.        Outlook for the Future Development of the Company

      1.    Development strategy
The Company adheres to the business strategy of "Focusing on leading, innovation and transcendence" and firmly
grasps the product development theme of energy conservation, environmental protection and intelligent control.
With the research and application of heat pump technology and thermal management system products as the core,
we continuously deepen and expand the global business layout through continuous innovation of products and
technologies. It transformed from "cost leading" to "technology leading", from "mechanical parts development" to
"electronic control integrated system control technology solution development" in order to provide competitive
environmental intelligent control solutions for global high-quality customers. Sanhua has become a global leader
in the climate intelligent control system industry.

      2.    Business plan for 2022
(1) Refrigeration air conditioning electrical parts business
The refrigeration and air conditioning electrical parts business will seize the opportunities of energy efficiency
upgrading, refrigerant switching, VRF and other related business products, continue to expand the customer base,
strengthen the acquisition and transformation of business opportunities, and improve operation sales. The
Company promotes intelligent manufacturing and lean production, increases special procurement management,
deeply promotes team building, and constantly improves product competitiveness. Continue to integrate and
improve the operation and management of Aweco at home and abroad, increase the construction of overseas
factories in Vietnam and Mexico, improve the overall operation efficiency of overseas manufacturing and
marketing, give full play to the advantages of overseas factories and effectively deal with challenges such as trade
barriers and rising prices of international logistics, so as to create greater benefits. At the same time, we will
accelerate the relocation of overall commercial plant in Daming City, and lay a solid foundation in various
commercial fields of consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading of the Chinese market in the future.

(2) Automotive components business
Under the development opportunity of new energy vehicle thermal management industry, automotive components
business will insist the direction of system integration, increase R & D investments, and maintain the leading
technology of the industry. At the same time, in the process of rapid growth of new energy thermal management,
we always pay attention to the changes of market demand and competition pattern, constantly accelerate the

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

construction of information technology and intellectualization, increase the construction and management of
supply chain, pay attention to cost control, actively respond to the needs of customers, and ensure the product
quality and delivery of projects. In addition, in the process of global development, we will actively promote the
construction of Mexico and Binhai, increase the layout of production capacity and the construction of talent team,
so as to grow rapidly in global automotive electrification and intellectualization.

       3.    Main risks for future development
(1) Risk of price fluctuation of raw materials
The raw materials required by the Company are copper and aluminum, which account for a large proportion of the
cost composition of the products. Therefore, the fluctuation of the market price of raw materials will bring large cost
pressure to the Company. The Company will reduce the adverse impact of raw material price fluctuations through
the establishment of linkage pricing mechanism, hedging operation of commodity futures, and timely negotiation
with customers.

(2) The risk of rising labor cost
The labor costs are rising year by year, which reduces the profit margin of the Company to a certain extent. In the
future, the Company will continue to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing by continuously promoting
lean production, process improvement and technical transformation.

(3) Trade and exchange rate risk
The Company's export volume is large, involving North America, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and other regions.
Due to the changes in regional trade policies, the Company's daily operation will be affected. The Company deals
with interregional trade risks through transferring production capacity to foreign countries. In addition, the
fluctuation of exchange rate will also have a certain impact on the profit. According to the actual situation, the
Company deals with and reduces this risk by means of forward foreign exchange settlement and establishing
overseas production bases in the United States, Poland, Mexico, Vietnam, India and other places.

XII.        Reception of activities including research, communication and interviews during the
            report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                            Main contents of
    Time of         Location of        Method of          Type of                            discussion and Index of basic situation
                                                                         Reception object
   reception         reception         reception      reception object                          materials          of the research

                                                                                            Introduction of
                                                                         HSBC Qianhai, the company's
                                                                         Chen Jiasong       operation and      http://irm.cninfo.com.c
January 6, 2021 Hangzhou            On-site research Institution
                                                                         and other 9        reply to           n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                         investors          investors'

March 26, 2021 Conference           Telephone        Institution         Schroeder Fund, Introduction of       http://irm.cninfo.com.c

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                 Room         communication                       Zhang Xiaodong the company's         n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  and other 187      operation and
                                                                  investors          reply to

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
                                                                  Securities, Wang
                                                                                     operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
April 13, 2021   Hangzhou     On-site research Institution        Xiaosheng and
                                                                                     reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  other 13

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
                                                                  participated in
                 Conference                                                          operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
April 16, 2021                Other            Other              online
                 Room                                                                reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                  CSC, Huang         the company's
                                                                  Wentao and         operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
April 28, 2021   Hangzhou     On-site research Institution
                                                                  other 15           reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  investors          investors'

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                  BOC Fund,          the company's
                                                                  Zhang Fei and      operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
June 21, 2021    Hangzhou     On-site research Institution
                                                                  other 14           reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  investors          investors'

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
                                                                  Springs, Luo
                                                                                     operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
June 29, 2021    Hangzhou     On-site research Institution        Yida and other
                                                                                     reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  40 investors

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
                                                                  securities, 17
                                                                                     operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
July 8, 2021     Hangzhou     On-site research Institution        investors
                                                                                     reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                  including Xu

August 11, 2021 Conference    Telephone        Institution        Capital Group,     Introduction of   http://irm.cninfo.com.c

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                  Room         communication                       Tian Xiaosu and the company's       n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                   other 306         operation and
                                                                   investors         reply to

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
                                                                   AIA, Wen Jie
                  Conference   Telephone                                             operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
August 24, 2021                                 Institution        Chan and other
                  Room         communication                                         reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                   43 investors

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                                     the company's
September 15,                                                                        operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
                  Hangzhou     On-site research Institution        Zhang Zixian
2021                                                                                 reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                   and other 4

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                   Huatai Bairui, Li the company's
September 22,                                                      Yiyang and        operation and     http://irm.cninfo.com.c
                  Hangzhou     On-site research Institution
2021                                                               other 21          reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                   investors         investors'

                                                                                     Introduction of
                                                                   Gao Yi assets,    the company's
October 25,       Conference   Telephone                           Chen Junbin and operation and       http://irm.cninfo.com.c
2021              Room         communication                       other 289         reply to          n/ssessgs/S002050
                                                                   investors         investors'

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                              Section IV Corporate Governance

I.      Basic situation of corporate governance

During the reporting period, the Company strictly abided by the Company Law, Securities Law, Code of
Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China, Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Standard Operation of Listed Companies and other applicable
laws and regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. We continue to
improve the corporate governance structure, establish and improve the internal control system, strengthen the
management of information disclosure, actively carry out the activities of investor relations, standardize the
operation of the Company, and improve the level of corporate governance. During the reporting period, the
Company revised the Articles of Association and further planned the corporate governance system. As of the end
of the report period, the actual situation of corporate governance conforms to the regulatory documents of CSRC
on the governance of listed companies.

1. Shareholders and general meeting of shareholders
The Company convenes the general meeting of shareholders in strict accordance with the requirements of the
Normative Opinions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Articles of Association and the Rules of
Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting. When the shareholders' meeting deliberates related matters, the related
shareholders shall avoid voting. The related transactions shall be fair and reasonable without any damage to the
interests of shareholders. Treat all shareholders equally, ensure that all shareholders, especially minor
shareholders, have equal status and fully exercise their rights. The shareholders' meetings held during the
reporting period were convened by the board of directors and lawyers were invited to attend the meeting on site.

2. Directors and the board of directors
The Company elect directors in strict accordance with the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure for the
Board of Directors; the number and composition of the board of directors meet the requirements of laws and
regulations and the Articles of Association. The board of directors convenes meetings in accordance with the
Company Law and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. All directors exercise their rights diligently,
attend the board of directors and shareholders' meeting and actively participate in relevant training.

3. Supervisors and board of supervisors
The board of supervisors elects the supervisors in strict accordance with the Company Law and the Articles of
Association; the composition and number of the board of supervisors meet the requirements of laws and
regulations. The Company's supervisors conscientiously perform their duties in accordance with the Rules of
Procedure of the Board of Supervisors, and effectively supervise and express their opinions on the Company's
major issues, related party transactions, financial situation, and the legality and compliance of the Company's
directors and senior managers in performing their duties.

4. Relationship between controlling shareholders and listed companies
The controlling shareholders can strictly regulate their own behaviors. There is no direct or indirect intervention
beyond the provisions of general meeting of shareholders. The Company and its controlling shareholders are

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

mutually independent of each other in personnel, assets, finance, institutions and business. The board of directors,
board of supervisors and internal institutions of the Company operate independently. There is no such situation
that the controlling shareholders occupy the funds of the listed company for non-operating purposes.

5. Information disclosure and investor relationship management
During the reporting period, the Company designated China Securities Journal, Securities times, Shanghai
Securities News and CNINFO as the information disclosure media, and disclosed information truthfully,
accurately and timely in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, so as to ensure that all shareholders
of the Company have fair access to the relevant information. In addition, the Company designated the secretary of
the board of directors as the person in charge of investor relationship management. Daily management of investor
relations includes answering investors' questions through telephone, email, interactive platform etc., strengthening
the communication with investors so as to fully guarantee the investors' right to know.

6. Performance evaluation and incentive mechanism
The Company has established a comprehensive employee performance evaluation and incentive mechanism. The
appointment of senior managers is open and transparent, and conforms to the relevant laws, regulations and the
Articles of Association. In the future, the Company will explore more forms of incentive methods, form a
multi-level incentive mechanism, improve the performance evaluation standards, better mobilize the work
enthusiasm of management personnel, and attract and stabilize excellent management talents and technical and
business backbones.

7. Stakeholders
The Company can fully respect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, and realize the
coordination and balance of interests of shareholders, employees and society. The Company adheres to the
relevant laws and regulations, constantly improves the corporate governance system, and effectively protects the
interests of investors.

Whether the actual status of corporate governance significantly deviates from the regulatory documents issued by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the governance of listed companies
□ Yes √ No

II.     Company’s Independence in Businesses, Management, Assets, Institutions and Finance
        from Controlling Shareholders

The Company is separated from the controlling shareholder, the actual controller and the controlled enterprises in
business, personnel, assets, institutions and finance, and has the ability of independent operation.

1. Business independence
The main business of the Company is outstanding, and it has its own corresponding system in production,
procurement and sales. It is independent of the controlling shareholder, has a complete business structure, and
does not rely on the shareholders or any other related parties. The shareholders exercise their right through
participating in the general meeting of shareholders in accordance with the law. There is no such situation that the
shareholders interfere in the operation beyond the provision of general meeting.

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. Personnel independence
The directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company are elected or appointed in accordance with
the legal election procedure stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association. The Company's
personnel, labor and wages are completely independent. The salary payment, welfare expenses and other expenses
of the staff are strictly separated from the controlling shareholder.

3. Asset completeness
The Company has tangible assets, such as land, buildings, machinery and equipment, vehicles, office facilities,
test facilities and intangible assets, such as trademarks, patents. It has an independent procurement and sales
system and an independent and complete asset structure.

4. Institution independence
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Association, the Company has
established the institutions like general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors
and other authorities, and formulated the corresponding rules of procedure. The Company's production and
operation sites are separated from the controlling shareholders, and a comprehensive organizational system has
been established. The board of directors, the board of supervisors and other internal institutions operate
independently. There is no such situation that the controlling shareholder interferes in the business activities in the
name of the listed company.

5. Finance independence
The Company has an independent financial department, equipped with full-time financial personnel, and
established an independent accounting system and financial management system that can independently make
financial decisions. The Company has separate accounts and pays taxes independently.

III.      Horizontal competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV.       Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings convened during the
          Reporting Period

1. Annual General Meeting convened during the reporting period

                                           Proportion of
       Meeting                Nature       participating      Convened Date        Disclosure Date      Disclosure Index

                                                                                                      Announcement of
                                                                                                      the 1st Extraordinary
The 1st
                                                                                                      General Meeting of
extraordinary          Interim general
                                                    69.04% February 25, 2021    February 26, 2021     Shareholders in 2021
general meeting of     meeting
                                                                                                      (2021-012) was
shareholders in 2021
                                                                                                      published in the
                                                                                                      Securities Times,

                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                           China Securities
                                                                                           Journal and

                                                                                           Announcement of
                                                                                           the Annual General
                                                                                           Meeting of
                                                                                           Shareholders in 2020
Annual general
                       Annual General                                                      (2021-029) was
meeting of                               69.96% April 16, 2021       April 17, 2021
                       Meeting                                                             published in the
shareholders in 2020
                                                                                           Securities Times,
                                                                                           China Securities
                                                                                           Journal and

                                                                                           Announcement of
                                                                                           the 2nd
                                                                                           General Meeting of
The 2nd
                                                                                           Shareholders in 2021
extraordinary          Interim general
                                         67.48% June 24, 2021        June 25, 2021         (2021-055) was
general meeting of     meeting
                                                                                           published in the
shareholders in 2021
                                                                                           Securities Times,
                                                                                           China Securities
                                                                                           Journal and

                                                                                           Announcement of
                                                                                           the 3rd
                                                                                           General Meeting of
The 3rd
                                                                                           Shareholders in 2021
extraordinary          Interim general
                                         69.02% August 3, 2021       August 4, 2021        (2021-070) was
general meeting of     meeting
                                                                                           published in the
shareholders in 2021
                                                                                           Securities Times,
                                                                                           China Securities
                                                                                           Journal and

                                                                                           Announcement of
                                                                                           the 4th
The 4th                                                                                    Extraordinary
extraordinary          Interim general                                                     General Meeting of
                                         73.55% November 16, 2021 November 17, 2021
general meeting of     meeting                                                             Shareholders in 2021
shareholders in 2020                                                                       (2021-097) was
                                                                                           published in the
                                                                                           Securities Times,

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                       China Securities
                                                                                                                       Journal and

2. Extraordinary general meetings convened at the request of preferred shareholders with resumed voting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V.         Information of directors, supervisors, senior management

1. Basic information

                                                                                          Shares   Shares                 Shares     Reasons
                                                                            held at
                                                     Commen Terminat                     increased decrease               held at      for
                                                                              the                              Other
                        Tenure                       cement       ion of                  during   d during              the end increase
    Name     Title               Gender   Age                               beginnin                          changes
                        status                       of    term term of                    the       the                  of the        or
                                                                            g of the                          (Shares)
                                                     of office    office                  Period   Period                 Period     decrease
                                                                                         (Shares) (Shares)               (Shares) of shares

Zhang      n of the Incumbe                                      January    52,031,2                                     52,031,2
                                 Male           48 r 13,
Yabo       board,      nt                                        25, 2025           00                                         00

Wang       Director, Incumbe                                     January
                                 Male           53 r 13,                    256,750                                       256,750
Dayong President nt                                              25, 2025

Ren                    Incumbe                       January January
           Director              Male           60
Jintu                  nt                            26, 2022 25, 2025

                                                     April 28, January
Yu Shuli Director Resigned Male                 74
                                                     2006        26, 2022

                       Incumbe                       May 6,      January
Xiaomin Director                 Male           54                          256,750                                       256,750
                       nt                            2011        25, 2025

           Director,                                 Novemb
Chen                   Incumbe                                   January
           chief                 Male           56 er 29,                   256,750                                       256,750
Yuzhong                nt                                        25, 2025
           engineer                                  2011

Zhang                  Incumbe                       May 18, January
           Director              Male           43
Shaobo                 nt                            2015        25, 2025

                                                     May 18, August
Ji Hua     ent         Resigned Male            54
                                                     2015        3, 2021

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                      Incumbe                      August    January
Bao Ensi ent                    Male          54
                      nt                           3, 2021   25, 2025

Shi                   Incumbe                      May 19, January
          ent                   Male          50
Jianhui               nt                           2020      25, 2025

Zhu                                                June 8,   February
          ent         Resigned Male           46
Hongjun                                            2020      26, 2021

Pan                   Incumbe                      February January
          ent                   Female        57
Yalan                 nt                           26, 2021 25, 2025

          r of the
Weng                                               June 8,   August
          board of Resigned Male              56
Weifeng                                            2014      3, 2021

          r of the                                 Novemb
Zhao                  Incumbe                                January
          board of              Male          51 er 29,
Yajun                 nt                                     25, 2025
          supervis                                 2011

          Supervis Incumbe                         August    January
Mo Yang                         Male          46                         10,068    4,500                        14,568
          or          nt                           3, 2021   25, 2025

          Supervis Incumbe                         March     January
Xiaomin                         Male          53                         11,100                                 11,100
          or          nt                           26, 2011 25, 2025

Hu        ,
                      Incumbe                      January January
Kaichen Secretary               Male          47                        256,750                                256,750
                      nt                           26, 2015 25, 2025
g         of the
          board of

          Vice                                     Septemb
Yu                    Incumbe                                January
          president             Male          48 er 30,                 288,057                                288,057
Yingkui               nt                                     25, 2025
          , CFO                                    2011

                                                                        53,367,4                              53,371,9
Total           --         --      --    --           --        --                 4,500          0                        --
                                                                             25                                     25

On January 26, 2022, Mr. Yu Shuli resigned upon expiration of his term of office. The general meeting of
shareholders agreed to appoint Mr. Ren Jintu as the director of the Company.

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

During the reporting period, whether there was any resignation of directors and supervisors and dismissal of
senior managers during their term of office
√Applicable □Not applicable
1. Mr. Zhu Hongjun resigned the position as an independent director of the sixth board of directors and chairman
of the audit committee of the Company, because of job switching he no longer meets the requirements for the
appointment qualification of independent directors listed in the Opinions on further standardizing the part-time
(post holding) of Party and government leading cadres in Enterprises of the Organization Department of the CPC
Central Committee. After resignation, he no longer held any position in the Company.
2. Mr. Weng Weifeng resigned his position as the convener and supervisor of the board of supervisors due to job
switching. After resignation, he no longer held any position in the Company.
3. Mr. Ji Hua resigned upon expiration of six-year term of office as an independent director.

Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Name           Position            Type              Date                              Reasons

                                  Resigned upon
Yu Shuli        Director          expiration of    January 26, 2022 Resigned upon expiration of term of office
                                  term of office

Ren Jintu       Director          Elected          January 26, 2022 Elected by the Board of Directors

                                  Resigned upon
Ji Hua                            expiration of    August 3, 2021   Resigned upon expiration of term of office
                                  term of office

Bao Ensi                          Elected          August 3, 2021   Elected by the Board of Directors

                Independent                        February 26,
Zhu Hongjun                       Resigned                          Resigned
                director                           2021

                Independent                        February 26,
Pan Yalan                         Elected                           Elected by the Board of Directors
                director                           2021

                Convener of the
Weng Weifeng    board of          Resigned         August 3, 2021   Resigned

Mo Yang         Supervisor        Elected          August 3, 2021   Elected by the Board of Supervisor

2. Positions and Incumbency

The professional background, main work experience and main responsibilities of the current directors, supervisors
and senior managers of the company

Mr. Zhang Yabo: Born in 1974, master of Business Administration of CEIBS. Graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

University in July, 1996. From May 2007 to September 2009, he served as the vice president of Sanhua Holding
Group Co., Ltd.; from May 2007 up to present, he has been appointed as the director and vice chairman of the board
of directors of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.; from September 2009 to December 2012, he served as the general
manager of the Company; from October 2009 up to present, he has been appointed as the director of the Company;
from December 2012 up to present, he has served as the chairman and CEO of the Company.

Mr. Wang Dayong: Born in 1969, senior manager, master of Business Administration (EMBA), senior economist
and engineer. He served as chief of planning section, Secretary of general manager, director of manufacturing
department, director of refrigeration valve business department, assistant to general manager, assistant to President,
vice president and director of Sanhua Holding Group. He served as a supervisor of the Company from December
2001 to April 2006, a director of the Company from April 2006 to May 2011. He currently serves as a director of
Sanhua Holding Group, and a director and President of the Company since December 2012.

Mr. Ren Jintu: Born in 1962, college degree, senior accountant. From 1980 to 1994, he successively served as
deputy factory director, financial director and deputy general manager of Xinchang Refrigeration Parts General
Factory and Zhejiang Sanhua Group Co., Ltd; From 2001 to 2006, he served as the director and general manager of
the Company; From 2005 to 2015, he served as vice president of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. and general
manager of Shanghai Jingyi Real Estate Co., Ltd; He is currently a director of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd; He
served as a director of the Company since January 2022.

Mr. Ni Xiaoming: Born in 1968, master’s degree, senior economist. From November 2005 to July 2009, he served
as the general manager of Sanhua International (USA) Co., Ltd. and the deputy general manager of sales of
Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd.; August 2009, he served as the deputy general
manager of Sanhua Danfoss (Hangzhou) Microchannel Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd.; since May 2010, he has served
as the general manager of Sanhua (Hangzhou) Micro Channel Heat Exchanger Co.,Ltd.., as well as the director of
Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.; He has been a director of the Company since May, 2011.

Mr. Chen Yuzhong: Born in 1966, master’s degree, engineer. He was the chief engineer of the Company from
December 2001 to May 2011; he was the deputy general manager of the Company from May 2011 to December
2012; he has been the chief engineer of the Company since December 2012; he has been the general manager of
Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd. since August 2015; he is also the director of
Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.; and he has been the director of the Company since November 2011.

Mr. Zhang shaobo: Born 1979, master’s degree, graduated from the China Europe Institute of Business School.
Since November 2012, he has served as general manager of Sanhua Real Estate Group and Zhejiang Sanhua Real
Estate Co., Ltd.; since July 2013, he has served as general manager of Hangzhou Sanhua International Building
Co., Ltd.; since May 2017, he has served as executive director and general manager of Zhejiang Sanhua Zhicheng
Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.; he currently serves as a director of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.; from
May 2015 up to present, he has served as the director of the Company.

Mr. Bao Ensi: Born in 1968, doctor’s degree, senior accountant. He has successively served as director of China
Securities Regulatory Commission and full-time member of Stock Issuance Audit Committee; Head of Finance
Department of China Financial Futures Exchange, expert of investor education center, vice chairman of Beijing

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Houji Capital Management Company. He is currently the assistant to the chairman of Beijing Houji Capital
Management Company; He also serves as an independent director of Aerospace Era Electronic Technology Co.,
Ltd. and Fujian Yanjing Huiquan Beer Co., Ltd. Mr. Bao Ensi has obtained the Qualification Certificate of
Independent Director recognized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange. He has been an independent director of the
Company since August 2021.

Mr. Shi Jianhui, Born in 1972, he achieved a master's degree in EMBA from Changjiang Business School and
Shanghai Advanced Finance College. He used to be the chairman / CEO of Minshi Group Co., Ltd. and he
currently serves as the CEO of Xiaozhi Investment Management Partnership in Meishan Bonded Port Area,
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. He has been appointed as an independent director of the Company since June 2020.

Ms. Pan Yalan: Born in 1965, master degree, a member of the League of Civil Society. She participated in work in
August 1987. She is professor of Accounting College of Hangzhou University of Electronic Technology, tutor of
graduate students, and "151" talents in Zhejiang Province in the new century (third level). Currently she is a
member of the CPPCC of Zhejiang Province, member of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Democratic
League, a member of the Zhejiang Provincial Finance Association, a standing director of Zhejiang Provincial
Taxation Society and a special auditor of Zhejiang Audit Department. She has been appointed as an independent
director of the Company since February 2021.

Mr. Zhao Yajun: Born in 1971, master’s degree, graduated from school of Business Administration of Zhejiang
University, with senior accountant title. From 1996 to 2003, he worked in Zhejiang Tianjian accounting firm; from
January 2004 to February 2011, he served as deputy director of Finance Department of Sanhua Holding Group
Co., Ltd.; from February 2011 to February 2014, he served as director of Finance Department of Sanhua Holding
Group Co., Ltd.; from March 2014 up to present, he has served as deputy director of finance of Sanhua Holding
Group Co., Ltd. He has been a supervisor of the Company since November 2011.

Mr. Mo Yang: Born in 1976, master's degree, majoring in political economics of Zhejiang University. He was a
teacher of the Economic Branch of the City College of Zhejiang University from April 2002 to June 2004; From
July 2004 to April 2006, he served as assistant to the executive deputy general manager of Zhejiang Sanhua
Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd; From August 2005 to December 2019, he successively served as
the secretary of the president, the secretary of the chairman of the board of directors, the vice minister of human
resources department and the director of the president's office of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd; From December
2019 to now, he has served as the director of the board of directors office in Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. He
has been a supervisor of the Company since August 2021.

Mr. Chen Xiaoming: From October 2008 to October 2011, he served as director of quality management
department of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.; in November 2011, he served as management
representative and director of Quality Department of Changzhou Ranco four-way valve Co., Ltd.; in August 2013,
he served as director of quality department and vice director of four-way valve business department of Wuhu
Sanhua Automatic Control Components Co., Ltd.; in January 2016, he served as director of Quality Department of
Wuhu Sanhua Automatic Control Components Co., Ltd; in December 2016, he served as director of four-way
valve department and stop valve department of Wuhu Sanhua Automatic Control Components Co., Ltd.; from
August 2017 up to present, he has served as Manufacturing Director of Wuhu Sanhua Automatic Control

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Components Co., Ltd., since March 2011, he has been appointed as supervisor of the Company.

Mr. Hu Kaicheng: Born in 1975, master's degree, bachelor's degree of Tongji University, SAIF EMBA of
Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From August 2006 to August 2009, he served as the director of supplier
management, procurement director of Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd.; from
September 2009 to December 2010, he served in Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.; from January 2011 to October
2014, he served as the procurement director of the Company; from October 2014 up to present, he served as the
vice president of the Company; from January 2015 up to present, he served as the Secretary of the board of
directors of the Company.

Mr. Yu Yingkui: Born in 1974, bachelor degree, accounting major of Shanghai University of Finance and
Economics. From April 2001 to December 2003, he successively served as the chief accountant of the financial
department of Zhejiang Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls
Group Co.,Ltd.; from December 2003 to November 2007, he served as the deputy general manager of Shenyang
Durui Wheel Hub Co., Ltd.; from November 2007 up to present, he has been the director of the financial
department of the Company; from September 2011 up to present, he has been the chief financial officer of the
Company; from January 2016 up to present, he has been the vice president of the Company.

Position held in shareholders’ entities
√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                          Position in                                     Compensation and
                                                                          Commencemen Termination of
    Name                  Shareholder's entity           shareholders’                                   allowance from the
                                                                           t of the term       the term
                                                            entities                                      shareholders' entity

Zhang Yabo     Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             chairman         July 11, 2000                   No

Wang Dayong    Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             Director         July 11, 2000                   No

Ren Jintu      Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             Director         July 11, 2000                   Yes

               Zhejiang Sanhua lvneng Industrial Group
Ren Jintu                                                Director         March 15, 2011                  No
               Co., Ltd

Ni Xiaoming    Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             Director         July 11, 2000                   No

                                                                          November 26,
Chen Yuzhong Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd               Director                                         No

Zhang Shaobo Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd               Director         August 7, 2003                  Yes

               Zhejiang Sanhua lvneng Industrial Group
Zhang Shaobo                                             general          August 7, 2003                  No
               Co., Ltd

                                                                          February 25,     September 8,
Weng Weifeng Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd               Director                                         Yes
                                                                          2019             2021

Zhao Yajun     Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             Deputy chief March 1, 2014                       Yes

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


                  Zhejiang Sanhua Lvneng Industrial Group
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor       July 1, 2019                        No
                  Co., Ltd

                                                                             November 26,
Mo Yang           Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd             Supervisor                                           Yes

Description of
the position in

Positions held in other entities
√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                               Position in                                             and allowance
                                                                              Commencemen       Termination of
      Name                    Shareholder's entity           shareholders’                                              from the
                                                                                t of the term      the term
                                                                 entities                                              shareholders'

                  Hangzhou Sanhua Research Institute Co.,                     February 10,
Zhang Yabo                                                   Chairman                                             No
                  Ltd                                                         2017

                  Hangzhou Fumo New Material Technology
Zhang Yabo                                                   Director         July 1, 2016                        No
                  Co., Ltd

Zhang Yabo        Xinchang Huaxin Investment Co., Ltd        Chairman         March 16, 2016                      No

                                                                              February 3,
Zhang Yabo        Wuhu Aldoc Technology Co., Ltd             Director                                             No

                  Hangzhou Zhicheng Investment               director and
Zhang Yabo                                                                    July 23, 2007                       No
                  Management Co., Ltd                        general

                  Hangzhou Zhishen Investment Management
Zhang Yabo                                                   Supervisor       July 23, 2007                       No
                  Co., Ltd

Zhang Yabo        Zhejiang Haoyuan Technology Co., Ltd       Director         May 4, 2018                         No

                                                                              October 13,
Zhang Yabo        Sanhua Trading Singapore Pte Ltd           Director                                             No

                  Xinchang Huayong Enterprise Management Executive            November 11,
Wang Dayong                                                                                                       No
                  Co., Ltd                                   director         2021

                  Hangzhou Fufan Investment Management
Wang Dayong                                                  Director         April 28, 2016                      No
                  Co., Ltd

                  Guochuang Energy Internet Innovation                        August 20,
Wang Dayong                                                  Director                                             No
                  Center (Guangdong) Co., Ltd                                 2019

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                           director and
Ren Jintu      Hangzhou Xinji Industrial Co., Ltd                         January 9, 2007                   No

                                                           Director and
               Hangzhou Fufan Investment Management
Ren Jintu                                                  general        July 9, 2010                      No
               Co., Ltd

                                                                          September 11,
Ren Jintu      Inner Mongolia Xiqi Mining Co., Ltd         executive                                        No

               Xinchang United Investment Management
Ren Jintu                                                  Supervisor     April 29, 2015                    No
               Co., Ltd

               Hangzhou Sanhua International Building
Ren Jintu                                                  Supervisor     July 31, 2013                     No
               Co., Ltd

               Xinchang Private Financing Service Center
Ren Jintu                                                  board          April 8, 2018                     No
               Co., Ltd

               Ningbo Fulda Intelligent Technology Co.,
Ren Jintu                                                  Director       April 8, 2021                     No

Zhang Shaobo   Shanghai Sanhua Electric Co., Ltd                          April 10, 2017                    No

               Hangzhou Zhiwo Investment Management        General
Zhang Shaobo                                                              June 16, 2014                     No
               Co., Ltd                                    manager

               Hangzhou Zhishen Investment Management director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                              July 23, 2007                     No
               Co., Ltd                                    general

               Hangzhou Fuxiang Property Management
Zhang Shaobo                                               Chairman       January 3, 2016                   No
               Co., Ltd

               Xinchang Sanhua Property Management
Zhang Shaobo                                               Chairman       March 29, 2011                    No
               Co., Ltd

               Tianjin Minghao Management Consulting       director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                              May 25, 2017                      No
               Co., Ltd                                    general

               Hangzhou Sanhua International Building      director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                              July 31, 2013                     No
               Co., Ltd                                    general

Zhang Shaobo   Xinchang Private Financing Service Center Director         March 26, 2014                    No

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

               Co., Ltd

                                                                        September 11,
Zhang Shaobo   Inner Mongolia Xiqi Mining Co., Ltd        Supervisor                                       No

               Zhejiang Sanhua Zhicheng Real Estate       director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                            May 31, 2017                       No
               Development Co., Ltd                       general

               Hangzhou Fufan Investment Management
Zhang Shaobo                                              Chairman      July 9, 2010                       No
               Co., Ltd

               Xinchang United Investment Management                    December 31,
Zhang Shaobo                                              Director                                         No
               Co., Ltd                                                 2008

Zhang Shaobo   Hangzhou Kaisida Technology Co., Ltd                     June 15, 2020                      No

               Tianjin Sanhua Industrial Park Management director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                            May 9, 2019                        No
               Co., Ltd                                   general

               Hangzhou Huaqin Investment Management                    December 25,
Zhang Shaobo                                              Supervisor                                       No
               Co., Ltd                                                 2006

               Hangzhou Mifeng Catering Management
Zhang Shaobo                                              Supervisor    March 31, 2015                     No
               Co., Ltd

                                                                        September 26,
Zhang Shaobo   Shanghai Tihu catering Co., Ltd            Director                                         No

               Ningbo Fulda Intelligent Technology Co.,                 December 26,
Zhang Shaobo                                              Director                                         No
               Ltd                                                      2019

               Zhejiang Sanhua Ecological Agriculture     director,     September 11,
Zhang Shaobo                                                                                               No
               Co., Ltd                                   general       2018

               Hangzhou Zhicheng Investment               General       November 4,
Zhang Shaobo                                                                                               No
               Management Co., Ltd                        manager       2020

               Hangzhou Zhiyong Enterprise Management director,
Zhang Shaobo                                                            April 27, 2018                     No
               Co., Ltd                                   general

                                                                        December 22,
Zhang Shaobo   Zhejiang Huateng Industrial Co., Ltd       Chairman                                         No

               Aerospace Times Electronic Technology
Bao Ensi                                                  Director      August 9, 2017                     Yes
               Co., Ltd

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Bao Ensi       Beijing Shoushang Group Co., Ltd             Director      June 10, 2015                      Yes

Bao Ensi       Fujian Yanjing Huiquan Beer Co., Ltd         Director      May 29, 2015                       Yes

               Zhejiang Lin'an Rural Commercial Bank        Independent
Pan Yalan                                                                 March 16, 2020                     Yes
               Co., Ltd                                     director

               Zhejiang Newspaper Digital Culture Group Independent       December 22,
Pan Yalan                                                                                                    Yes
               Co., Ltd                                     director      2021

               Shenyang Sanhua Daika wheel Hub Co.,
Weng Weifeng                                                Director      June 4, 2013                       No

Weng Weifeng Shenyang Durui Wheel Hub Co., Ltd              Director      May 10, 2013                       No

               Ningbo Fulda Intelligent Technology Co.,                   December 26,
Weng Weifeng                                                Chairman                                         Yes
               Ltd                                                        2019

               Shanghai Fuyulong Automobile Technology                    December 26,
Weng Weifeng                                                Chairman                                         No
               Co., Ltd                                                   2019

               Shanghai Futailong Automotive Electronic
Weng Weifeng                                                Chairman      July 15, 2020                      No
               Technology Co., Ltd

               Tianjin Sanhua Industrial Park Management                  October 10,
Weng Weifeng                                                Supervisor                                       No
               Co., Ltd                                                   2018

               Tianjin Sanhua Fuda Intelligent Technology                 November 2,
Weng Weifeng                                                Chairman                                         No
               Co., Ltd                                                   2018

Zhao Yajun     Shanghai Sanhua Electric Co., Ltd            Supervisor    April 12, 2011                     No

Zhao Yajun     Hangzhou Tongchan Machinery Co., Ltd         Supervisor    May 31, 2011                       No

               Xinchang Private Financing Service Center
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor    March 26, 2014                     No
               Co., Ltd

               Xinchang United Investment Management
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor    January 1, 2012                    No
               Co., Ltd

               Zhejiang Xiezhong Automobile New
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor    May 25, 2018                       No
               Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd

Zhao Yajun     Wuhu Aldoc Technology Co., Ltd               Supervisor    July 31, 2018                      No

Zhao Yajun     Zhejiang Haoyuan Technology Co., Ltd         Supervisor    May 4, 2018                        No

Zhao Yajun     Xinchang Huaxin Investment Co., Ltd          Director      March 21, 2017                     No

               Shanghai Fuyulong Automobile Technology                    December 26,
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor                                       No
               Co., Ltd                                                   2019

               Tianjin Sanhua Fuda Intelligent Technology                 November 2,
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor                                       No
               Co., Ltd                                                   2018

               Nanjing Xiezhong Automobile New Energy                     February 28,
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor                                       No
               Technology Development Co., Ltd                            2019

               Ningbo Fuerda Intelligent Technology Co.,
Zhao Yajun                                                  Supervisor    April 8, 2021                      No

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Yu Yingkui        Zhejiang Huateng Investment Co., Ltd        Director       April 19, 2010                    No

                                                                             December 8,
Yu Yingkui        Chongqing Tainuo Machinery Co., Ltd         Director                                         No

                  Nanchang Sanhua Jinlifeng Machinery Co.,
Yu Yingkui                                                    Director       July 12, 2017                     No

                  Xinchang Private Financing Service Center                  October 23,
Yu Yingkui                                                    Director                                         No
                  Co., Ltd                                                   2015

Yu Yingkui        Ningbo Jinlifeng Machinery Co., Ltd         Director       July 2, 2020                      No

                                                                             October 13,
Yu Yingkui        Sanhua Trading Singapore Pte Ltd            Director                                         No

Description of
the position in   No
other entities
Incumbent and resigned directors, supervisors and senior management personnel during the reporting period that
have been imposed administrative penalties by the CSRC during the last three years.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel

The remuneration of senior managers shall be assessed by the remuneration and assessment committee of the
board of directors according to the job responsibilities and the performance assessment standards and procedures.
After completion of the main business performance indicators, the annual remuneration of the senior managers
shall be proposed. The amount of remuneration for this year shall be within the range determined by the board of
directors. The Company shall bear the travel expenses incurred by the independent directors for attending
meetings. The amount of remuneration of directors and supervisors in this year is within the remuneration range
determined by the general meeting of shareholders.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel

                                                                                              remuneration      Remuneration
      Name               Title              Gender            Age            Tenure status      from the         from related
                                                                                               Company          parties (Y/N)

Zhang Yabo                           Male                                48 Incumbent                 233.29 No
                   Chairman, CEO

Wang Dayong                          Male                                53 Incumbent                 210.97 No

Ren Jintu          Director          Male                                60 Incumbent                        0 Yes

Yu Shuli           Director          Male                                74 Resigned                         8 No

Ni Xiaoming        Director          Male                                54 Incumbent                 130.24 No

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     Director, chief
Chen Yuzhong                               Male                     56 Incumbent                    222.83 No

Zhang Shaobo         Director              Male                     43 Incumbent                          0 Yes

Ji Hua                                     Male                     54 Resigned                        6.42 No

Bao Ensi                                   Male                     54 Incumbent                       4.34 No

Shi Jianhui                                Male                     50 Incumbent                       10.8 No

Zhu Hongjun                                Male                     46 Resigned                           0 No

Pan Yalan                                  Female                   57 Incumbent                       9.08 No

                     Convener of the
Weng Weifeng         board of              Male                     56 Resigned                           0 Yes

                     Convener of the
Zhao Yajun           board of              Male                     51 Incumbent                          0 Yes

Mo Yang              Supervisor            Male                     46 Incumbent                          0 Yes

Chen Xiaoming        Supervisor            Male                     53 Incumbent                      29.64 No

                     Secretary of the
                     board of
Hu Kaicheng                                Male                     47 Incumbent                      81.35 No
                     directors, vice

                     CFO, vice
Yu Yingkui                                 Male                     48 Incumbent                    109.27 No

Total                           --                  --        --                --                1,056.23          --

VI.        Performance of duties by directors during the reporting period

1. Board of directors in the reporting period

              Meeting                         Convened Date           Disclosure Date                Disclosure Index

The 14th interim meeting of the
                                       February 9, 2021        February 10, 2021              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
6th board of directors

The 15th meeting of the 6th                                                                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                       March 25, 2021          March 27, 2021
board of directors

The 16th interim meeting of the April 22, 2021                 April 23, 2021                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

                                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

6th board of directors

The 17th interim meeting of the                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     May 27, 2021                           May 28, 2021
6th board of directors

The 18th interim meeting of the                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     June 8, 2021                           June 9, 2021
6th board of directors

The 19th interim meeting of the                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     June 23, 2021                          June 24, 2021
6th board of directors

The 20th interim meeting of the                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     July 16, 2021                          July 17, 2021
6th board of directors

The 21st interim meeting of the                                                                                http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     August 11, 2021                        August 12, 2021
6th board of directors

The 22nd meeting of the 6th                                                                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                     October 25, 2021                       October 26, 2021
board of directors

2. Attendance of directors in board meetings and general meetings

                                     Attendance of directors in board meetings and general meetings

                     Board meeting                           Board meeting                                      Board meeting    Presence of
                                                                                Board meeting
                         presence        Board meeting        presence by                         Board meeting not attend in    directors in
Name of Director required in the          presence on          telecom-                              absence    person for two     general
                                                                                  through a
                         reporting        site (times)       communicatio                            (times)      consecutive     meetings
                                                                                proxy (times)
                     period (times)                            n (times)                                               times       (times)

Zhang Yabo                           9                   1                  8                 0                0 N/A                            3

Wang Dayong                          9                   1                  8                 0                0 N/A                            5

Ren Jintu                            0                   0                  0                 0                0 N/A

Yu Shuli                             9                   1                  8                 0                0 N/A                            1

Ni Xiaoming                          9                   1                  8                 0                0 N/A

Chen Yuzhong                         9                   0                  9                 0                0 N/A                            4

Zhang Shaobo                         9                   0                  9                 0                0 N/A

Ji Hua                               7                   1                  6                 0                0 N/A

Bao Ensi                             2                   0                  2                 0                0 N/A

Shi Jianhui                          9                   1                  8                 0                0 N/A

Zhu Hongjun                          1                   0                  1                 0                0 N/A

Pan Yalan                            8                   1                  7                 0                0 N/A                            3

Explanation of not attending the board of directors in person for two consecutive times
Not applicable

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Objections raised by directors to relevant matters of the Company

Were there any objections on related issues of the Company from independent directors?
□ Yes √ No

4. Other details about the performance of duties by directors

Were there any suggestions from directors accepted by the Company?
√ Yes □ No

During the reporting period, the directors strictly complied with the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of
Association, performed their duties conscientiously, paid close attention to the Company's operation, regularly
reviewed the Company's announcements, got access to the information of operation and development periodically,
deeply discussed the opportunities and challenges in the operation and development, and timely prompted risks.
Directors put forward reasonable opinions and suggestions from their professional perspectives, which enhanced
the scientific decision-making of the board of directors. Meanwhile, directors provided independent and fair
opinions on related transactions, profit distribution, equity incentive and convertible bonds during the reporting
period. In order to improve the supervision mechanism of the Company and safeguard the legal rights of all
shareholders, the Company shall adopt the opinions of directors.

VII.    Performance of duties by special committees under the Board during the Reporting Period

                                                                               Important         Other         Details of
                               Number of          Date of      Meeting
 Committee       Member                                                       opinions and performance of objections (if
                                meetings         meetings       content
                                                                              suggestions        duties          any)

                                                            1. Deliberation
                                                            of the 2020
                                                            annual report
                                                            and its
              Independent                                   2. Specific
              director Pan                                  report on
              Yalan;                                        annual deposit
Audit         Independent                      March 22,    and actual use
Committee     director Shi                     2021         of raised funds
              Jianhui;                                      in 2020;
              Director Yu                                   3. Proposal on
              Shuli                                         the prediction
                                                            of the
                                                            daily related
                                                            transactions in

                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                4. Proposal on
                appointment of
                the audit
                institution in
                5. Proposal on
                of working
                capital with
                surplus raised

                Report of the
April 20, 2022 first quarter in

                1. Proposal on
                using the raised
                funds to
                replace the its
                own funds
                invested in
June 22, 2021
                2. Proposal on
                capital increase
                with raised

                Proposal on
                using some idle
                raised funds to
July 15, 2021
                purchase bank

                1. Semi-annual
                report of the
                Company in
August 6, 2021 2021;
                2. Specific
                report on the
                annual deposit

                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                   and actual use
                                                   of the raised
                                                   funds in the
                                                   half year of

                                                   1. Third quarter
                                                   report of the
                                                   Company in
                                                   2. Proposal on
                                                   using some idle
                                                   raised funds to
                                                   purchase bank
                                     October 14,   financial
                                     2021          products;
                                                   3. Proposal on
                                                   using the raised
                                                   funds to
                                                   expenses which
                                                   was paid by its
                                                   own funds

                                                   Proposal on
                                                   examining the
                                     February 4,
                                                   of candidates
              Independent            2021
                                                   for the sixth
              director Ji Hua;
                                                   board of
Nomination                                         director.
           Zhang Yabo;           2
Committee                                          Proposal on
                                                   examining the
              director Shi
              Jianhui                October 14,
                                                   of candidates
                                                   for the sixth
                                                   board of

              Independent                          1. Proposal on
Remuneratio   director Shi                         adjusting the
n and         Jianhui;                             repurchase
                                 1 May 28, 2021
Assessment    Independent                          price of
Committee     director Ji Hua;                     restricted stock
              Director Yu                          incentive plan

                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

             Shuli                              in 2018;
                                                2. Proposal on
                                                adjusting the
                                                exercise price
                                                of 2018 stock
                                                right incentive
                                                3. Proposal on
                                                adjusting the
                                                price of
                                                restricted stock
                                                incentive plan
                                                in 2020;
                                                4. Proposal on
                                                achievement of
                                                lifting in the
                                                first vesting
                                                period of the
                                                restricted stock
                                                incentive plan
                                                in 2020;
                                                5. Proposal on
                                                cancellation of
                                                some stock
                                                6. Proposal on
                                                repurchase and
                                                cancellation of
                                                some restricted

                                                1. Proposal on
                                                cancellation of
             director Shi
Remuneratio                                     some stock
n and                             October 14,   appreciation
            Independent       1
Assessment                        2021          rights;
             director Bao
Committee                                       2. Proposal on
             Ensi; Director
             Yu Shuli
                                                achievement of

                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                             conditions in
                                             the third
                                             vesting period
                                             of 2018 stock
                                             right incentive
                                             3. Proposal on
                                             achievement of
                                             lifting in the
                                             third vesting
                                             period of the
                                             restricted stock
                                             incentive plan
                                             in 2018;
                                             4. Proposal on
                                             repurchase and
                                             cancellation of
                                             some restricted

            Zhang Yabo;
            Director Wang
                                             Deliberation of
            Director Ni
Strategic                        March 25,   development
            Director Chen    1
Committee                        2021        plan of the
                                             Company in
            director Shi
            Director Zhang

            Director Wang
Executive   Director Ni
Committee   Xiaoming;
            Director Chen

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

VIII. Performance of duties by the Supervisory Committee

Were there any risks to the Company identified by Supervisory Committee when performing its duties during the
Reporting Period?
□ Yes √ No

IX.        Staff in the Company

1. Statistics of employees, professional structure of the staff, and educational background
Number of incumbent employees in the parent company                                                                        4,270

Number of incumbent employees in major subsidiaries                                                                       10,208

Number of incumbent employees                                                                                             14,478

Number of employees receiving salaries in current period                                                                  14,478
Number of retired employees requiring the parent Company and
its subsidiaries to bear costs
                                                      Professional structure
                                 Tier                                                 Number of employees
Production staff                                                                                                           9,657

Sales staff                                                                                                                  533

Engineers                                                                                                                  1,890

Financial staff                                                                                                              272

Administrative Staff                                                                                                       2,126

Total                                                                                                                     14,478
                                                    Educational background
Educational background                                           Number of employees
Master and above                                                                                                             564

Bachelor                                                                                                                   2,549

College, technical secondary school                                                                                        3,738

Others                                                                                                                     7,627

Total                                                                                                                     14,478

2. Staff remuneration policy

The Company has established a salary incentive system according to the business development strategy and
human resources strategy. Based on the market salary level and the value, ability and performance results, the
Company has established a comprehensive salary system with the structure of basic salary, reward bonus and
long-term incentive, and has formed relevant salary incentive systems to ensure the scientificity of employees'
value contribution and their return of income. Thus, it stimulates employees' enthusiasm and work innovation
ability, and promotes the continuous high-quality development of the Company.

Every year, the Company carries out the estimation of college students and professional talents, which has played

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

an important role in motivating new college students and employees at all levels. And regular review market
compensation to ensure competitiveness of the Company's overall salary system. In addition, the Company carries
out R & D Achievement Award, Quality Award, Management Achievement Award, Patent Award, Cost
Reduction Award, Lean Improvement Award and other awards every year, which effectively encourage talents’
innovation. The Company’s phase I equity incentive plan in 2018 and phase II restricted stock incentive plan in
2020 played an incentive and retention role for the key talents and laid a foundation for sustainable development.

3. Staff training plans
Based on the development plan from 2021 to 2025, the Company implements the talents strategy of “Internal
training first and external recruitment second”, which will be dedicated to optimizing the talent management
mechanism. In order to identify talents, the Company established talent standards at all levels and gradually
improve the evaluation system. Some talents development projects are launched, such as Leadership Project,
International talent training program, Technology manufacturing talent training project, etc.

Through continuous learning, further enhance the internal lecturer team and the development of internal
curriculum resources. The Company strengthens its global competitiveness of talents through five aspects which
is power of culture, power of internal drive, power of external drive, power of resource construction and power of
continuous learning.

4. Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X.        Profit distribution of ordinary shares and capitalization of capital reserves

Profit distribution policy of ordinary shares in the reporting period, especially the formulation, implementation
and adjustment of cash dividend policy
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the Company was profitable and the distributable profits to ordinary shareholders of
the parent company was positive, but the Company did not propose a cash dividend distribution plan of ordinary
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Profit distribution and capitalizing of capital reserves proposal for the current reporting period
√ Applicable □Not applicable

Bonus share issued per 10 shares (share)                                                                                 0

Cash dividend per 10 shares (RMB) (tax

Total capital share basis for the distribution
proposal (share)

Total cash dividend (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                  535,489,126.80

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Cash dividend amount in other ways (such as
share repurchase) (RMB)

Total cash dividends (including other ways)

Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                                               768,646,528.98
Percentage of cash dividends in the total
distributed profit (%)
                                                             Cash dividends


                             Detailed description of profit distribution or capital reserves conversion plan

Based on provisional 3,569,927,512 shares of capital stock as of March 18, 2022 [note], cash dividend of RMB 1.50 (including tax)
will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares. The Company will not distribute bonus shares or convert capital reserves to
share capital.
If the total share capital of the Company changes due to the conversion of convertible bonds, share repurchase, exercise of equity
incentive scheme, refinancing and listing of new shares before the implementation of the distribution plan, the total distribution
amount shall be adjusted accordingly based on the principle of unchanged distribution proportion.

Note: As of March 18, 2022, the share capital of the Company was 3,591,098,972 shares, of which the number of repurchased shares
is 21,171,460. According to the provisions of the Company Law, the shares held by the listed company through the repurchase
account do not enjoy the right to participate in profit distribution or the conversion of capital reserve into share capital.

XI.       The Implementation of an Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Incentive Plan, or Other
          Incentive Plans

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentive plan

In order to further improve the Company's corporate governance structure, promote the Company to establish and
improve the incentive mechanism, attract and retain excellent talents, and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of
the core talents, the Company launched phase I and phase II equity incentive schemes.

1. In 2018, the Company launched the 2018 restricted stock incentive plan and stock appreciation right incentive
plan, granting 10.33 million restricted shares to 753 incentive objects and 355,000 stock appreciation rights to 22
incentive objects. The grant date of this equity incentive plan is September 18, 2018. The grant price of restricted
shares and stock appreciation rights is RMB 8.37 per share, and the listing date is November 6, 2018.

(1) On October 24, 2019, the Company held the 5th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors and the 5th
    interim meeting of the sixth board of supervisors respectively in which Resolution on adjusting the

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    repurchase price and repurchase quantity of restricted stock incentive plan in 2018, Resolution on the
    achievement of exercise conditions, adjustment of exercise price, quantity and cancellation of some stock
    appreciation rights in the first vesting period of 2018 stock appreciation rights incentive plan, Resolution on
    repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks, Resolution on the achievement of the unlocking
    conditions of first vesting period of 2018 restricted stock incentive plan were approved.
    The unlocking date of the restricted shares was November 6, 2019, and the number of incentive objects
    qualified for unlocking was 720. A total of 3.9195 million shares were released, accounting for 0.1417% of
    the Company's total share capital. There were 19 incentive objects meeting the conditions for the exercise of
    the stock appreciation right, and the number of exercisable shares was 95,550.

(2) On November 11, 2019, the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of 2019 was held, in which
    the Resolution on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks was approved. The Company
    repurchased and cancelled all or part of the restricted stocks held by unqualified incentive objects in 2018
    restricted stock incentive plan, totaling of 291,200 shares.

(3) On October 20, 2020, the Company held the 13th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors and the 12th
    interim meeting of the sixth board of supervisors respectively in which Resolution on adjusting the
    repurchase price and repurchase quantity of restricted stock incentive plan in 2018, Resolution on the
    achievement of exercise conditions, adjustment of exercise price, quantity and cancellation of some stock
    appreciation rights in the second vesting period of 2018 stock appreciation rights incentive plan, Resolution
    on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks, Resolution on the achievement of the unlocking
    conditions of second vesting period of 2018 restricted stock incentive plan were approved.
    The unlocking date of the restricted shares was November 6, 2020, and the number of incentive objects
    qualified for unlocking was 702. A total of 4.9889 million shares were released, accounting for 0.1389% of
    the Company's total share capital. There were 18 incentive objects meeting the conditions for the exercise of
    the stock appreciation right, and the number of exercisable shares was 131,820.
(4) On November 5, 2020, the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of 2020 was held, in which
    Resolution of repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks was approved. The Company repurchased
    and cancelled all or part of the restricted stocks held by unqualified incentive objects in the 2018 restricted
    stock incentive plan, totaling of 336,310 shares.
(5) On June 24, 2021, the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 was held, in which
    Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares was approved. The Company
    repurchased and cancelled 145,340 restricted shares held by unqualified incentive objects in the restricted
    stock incentive plan in 2018.
(6) On October 25, 2021, the Company held the 22nd Meeting of the 6th board of directors and the 21st Meeting
    of the 6th board of supervisors respectively, in which Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of some
    restricted shares, Proposal on the achievement of lifting the restrictions during the third vesting period of the
    restricted stock incentive plan in 2018, Proposal on cancellation of some stock appreciation rights and
    Proposal on achievement of exercise conditions in the third vesting period of 2018 stock appreciation rights
    incentive plan. The listing date of the restricted shares was November 8, 2021. The number of shareholders
    who were qualified to unlock was 676. A total of 6.4659 million shares were released, accounting for 0.18%
    of the total share capital of the Company. The total number of incentive objects meeting the exercise
    conditions of stock appreciation right was 16, and the number of exercisable rights was 135,200 shares.

                                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

(7) On November 16, 2021, the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 was held, in which
    Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares was passed. The Company repurchased
    and cancelled a total of 47,320 restricted shares held by unqualified incentive objects in the restricted stock
    incentive plan in 2018.

2. In 2020, the Company launched the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan, granting 12.04 million restricted
shares to 914 incentive objects. The grant date of this equity incentive plan was February 24, 2020. The grant
price of restricted shares was RMB 9.85 per share, and the listing date was March 20, 2020.

(1) On November 5, 2020, the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of 2020 was held, in which
    the Resolution on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks was approved. The Company
    repurchased and cancelled all or part of the restricted stocks held by unqualified incentive objects in 2020
    restricted stock incentive plan, totaling of 104,000 shares.
(2) On June 8, 2021, the Company held the 18th interim meeting of the 6th board of directors and the 16th
    interim meeting of the 6th board of supervisors respectively, in which Proposal on adjusting the repurchase
    price of 2020 restricted stock incentive plan, Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted
    stocks and Proposal on the achievement of lifting the restrictions during the first vesting period of the
    restricted stock incentive plan in 2020 were approved. The listing date of the restricted shares was June 18,
    2021. The number of shareholders meeting the unlocking condition was 883. A total of 4,596,150 shares were
    released, accounting for 0.1280% of the total share capital.
(3) On June 24, 2021, the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 was held, in which
    Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares was approved. The Company repurchased
    and cancelled 229,450 restricted shares held by unqualified incentive objects in the 2020 restricted stock
    incentive plan.
(4) On November 16, 2021, the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 was held, in which
    Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares was approved. The Company repurchased
    and cancelled 113,750 restricted shares held by unqualified incentive objects in the 2020 restricted stock
    incentive plan.

Share incentives for directors and senior executives in the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: share

                  Number Number                             Exercise Number
                  of stock     of      Number               price of of stock Market
                                                 Number                                       ed                          Price for
                  options     newly      of                 exercise options price at                           Shares                Restrict
                                                    of                                      Shares     Shares             restricte
                  held at granted exercisa                  d shares held at the end                            newly                   ed
                                                 exercise                                   held at    vested             d shares
                    the       stock     ble                 during      the end   of the                        granted               Shares
 Name     Title                                  d shares                                     the      in the             granted
                  beginni options      shares                 the       of the    report                        in the                held at
                                                  in the                                    beginni current                (RMB
                   ng of      in the   in the               reportin period       period                        current               period-e
                                                 reportin                                    ng of     period               per
                  the year reportin reportin                g period              (yuan /                       period                  nd
                                                 g period                                     the                          share)
                             g period g period              (yuan /               share)

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Wang       ,
                                                                                25.3 197,600 106,600                            91,000
Dayong General

Xiaomi Director                                                                 25.3 197,600 106,600                            91,000

Chen       Director
Yuzhon , chief                                                                  25.3 197,600 106,600                            91,000
g          engineer

Kaichen                                                                         25.3 197,600 106,600                            91,000
           y of the
           board of

           presiden                                                             25.3 197,600 106,600                            91,000
           t, CFO

Total           --     0        0          0         0     --            0      --   988,000 533,000            0    --     455,000

                                    1. At the beginning of each year, the number of locked shares of senior executives is
                                    recalculated according to 75% of the total number of shares held by them. The number of
                                    unlocked shares in current period is 25% of the total shares at the beginning of the year.
                                    2. On June 18, 2021, the first vesting period of the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan
Note (if
                                    matured. 39,000 restricted shares owned by the each director and senior manager, totalling of
                                    195,000 restricted shares, were released.
                                    3. On November 8, 2021, the third vesting period of the 2018 restricted stock incentive plan
                                    matured. 67,600 restricted shares owned by the each director and senior manager, totalling of
                                    338,000 restricted shares, were released.

Assessment and incentive mechanism for the senior management
√Applicable □Not applicable
In order to encourage senior managers better perform their duties and clarify their rights and obligations, the
Company has established a fairly sophisticated performance evaluation standard and remuneration system,
according to which senior managers’ performance and annual business indicators would be assessed.

The senior managers of the Company are responsible to the board of directors and undertake the business
objectives issued by the board. The remuneration and assessment committee of the board formulate the
remuneration plan based on evaluation of senior managers’ ability, performance and completion of business

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. Implementation of employee stock inventive plan

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Other incentive plan

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XII.    Construction and implementation of internal control

1. Construction and implementation of internal control

In accordance with the requirements of the Company Law and other relevant regulations and normative
documents, the Company has set up an internal control system in combination with its own business
characteristics, which is composed of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of
supervisors, the management, each controlling subsidiary and its functional departments. Thus, it formed a
relatively effective division of responsibilities and balances.

The Company continues to strengthen the control of high-risk areas such as sales business, procurement business,
major investments, acquisition and merger, asset security and information system management, and has
established corresponding control policies and procedures.

During the reporting period, the Company revised and formulated rules and regulations such as Measures for the
registration of insiders and Management system of environmental information disclosure and emergencies, further
improved insider information management, strengthened the confidentiality of insider information, maintained the
fairness of information disclosure, and further standardized environmental information disclosure, and improved
its ability to respond to environmental emergencies.

Meanwhile, the Company timely organized directors, supervisors and senior managers to participate in relevant
training organized by regulatory authorities, which improves the management's awareness of standardized
operation, ensures the effective implementation of internal control system, effectively improves the standard
operation level and promotes the healthy and sustainable development of the Company.

The Company's internal audit department shall regularly inspect and supervise the establishment and
implementation of this internal control system as well as the authenticity and completeness of its financial
information. During the reporting period, the Company established effective internal control over the businesses
included in the evaluation scope. It has achieved its internal control target in terms of the authenticity of operating
results, business compliance and the effectiveness of internal control.

2. Any significant internal control deficiencies during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

                                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

XIII. Management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting period

                                             Integration                                                                      Follow up
 Corporate name         Integration plan                        encountered in       Solutions taken Solution progress
                                              progress                                                                       solution plan

Zhejiang Sanhua
Plate Exchange
                   /                       Completed        /                    /                   /                   /
Technology Co.,

XIV.      Self-evaluation report on internal control or Internal control audit report

1. Self-evaluation report on internal control

 Disclosure date of full text of
                                                 March 25, 2022
 self-evaluation report on internal control

 Disclosure index of full text of                Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control of the Company in 2021
 self-evaluation report on internal control      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
 Proportion of assets evaluated in total
 Proportion of revenue evaluated in total
 revenue per consolidated financial                                                                                                100.00%
                                                   Recognition standard of deficiencies
                   Nature                                   Financial report level                       Non-financial report level
                                                 Significant deficiency:                          Significant deficiency: The possibility
                                                 1. Fraud of directors, supervisors and           of defects is high, which will
                                                 senior managers;2. Major misstatement in        significantly reduce the work
                                                 the current financial report found by the        efficiency or effect, or significantly
                                                 CPA but not identified by the internal           increase the uncertainty of the effect,
                                                 control of the Company;3. The Company           or make it significantly deviate from
                                                 has major violations of laws and                 the expected goal.
                                                 regulations in financial accounting, asset       Important defects:Defects are more
                                                 management, capital operation,                   likely to occur, which will seriously
 Qualitative criteria
                                                 information disclosure, product quality,         reduce the work efficiency or effect, or
                                                 safety production, environmental                 seriously increase the uncertainty of
                                                 protection and other aspects, causing            the effect, or make it seriously deviate
                                                 major losses and adverse effects to the          from the expected goal.
                                                 Company, or subject to major                     General defects:The probability of
                                                 administrative supervision and                   defects is small, which will reduce the
                                                 punishment;4. Supervision of the audit          efficiency or effect, increase the
                                                 committee and internal control department        uncertainty of the effect, or make it
                                                 is ineffective on the Company's external         deviate from the expected goal.

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                        financial report and internal control.
                                        Significant deficiency: (1). Failure to
                                        select and apply accounting policies in
                                        accordance with GAAP; (2). Failure to
                                        establish anti-fraud procedures and control
                                        measures; (3). It cannot reasonably
                                        guarantee the truthfulness and
                                        completeness of the financial statements
                                        due to one or more defects in control
                                        process; (4). There is no corresponding
                                        control mechanism or no compensatory
                                        control for the accounting treatment of
                                        non-routine or special transactions.
                                        General deficiency:General defects other
                                        than the above-mentioned.

                                                                                      The quantitative standard is based on
                                        The quantitative standard is based on the
                                                                                      the percentage of potential
                                        percentage of potential misstatements of
                                                                                      misstatements of pre-tax profit.
                                        pre-tax profit.
                                                                                      Significant deficiency:This defect
                                        Significant deficiency:This defect alone
                                                                                      alone or together with other defects
                                        or together with other defects may cause
                                                                                      may cause the misstatement of
                                        the misstatement of financial report to
                                                                                      financial report to exceed 10% of the
                                        exceed 10% of the profit before tax.
                                                                                      profit before tax.
                                        Important defects:This defect alone or
Quantitative criteria                                                                 Important defects:This defect alone or
                                        together with other defects may cause the
                                                                                      together with other defects may cause
                                        misstatement of financial report to exceed
                                                                                      the misstatement of financial report to
                                        5% but less than 10% of the profit before
                                                                                      exceed 5% but less than 10% of the
                                                                                      profit before tax.
                                        General defects:This defect alone or
                                                                                      General defects:This defect alone or
                                        together with other defects may cause the
                                                                                      together with other defects may cause
                                        misstatement of financial report less than
                                                                                      the misstatement of financial report
                                        5% of the profit before tax.
                                                                                      less than 5% of the profit before tax.
Number of significant deficiencies in
financial report level
Number of significant deficiencies in
non-financial report level
Number of important deficiencies in
financial report level
Number of important deficiencies in
non-financial report level

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. Audit report or assurance report on internal control

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV.       Governance problem rectification of the Company

According to self-examination, the Company has no material violations affecting the level of corporate
governance. The Company has established a relatively complete and reasonable corporate governance structure
and internal control system in accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Guidelines for Governance of
Listed Companies and other relevant laws and regulations. However, with the continuous development of the
Company's business scale and the changes of external macroeconomic and market environment, the Company
needs to further improve its internal control system, continue to strengthen its own construction, effectively
improve the Company's standardized operation level and the effectiveness of corporate governance. The Company
will continuously improve the governance quality by improving the abilities of scientific decisions making, stable
operation, and standardize development.

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I.          Material environmental issues

Whether the Company or the Company’s subsidiaries are critical pollutant enterprises disclosed by National
Environmental Protection Department

                 Name of
     Name of                                           Distribution    Emission                                  Approved         Over
                 pollutants     Emission   Number of                                Emission          Total
Company or                                             of emission concentratio                                    total        standard
                    and          mode       outlets                                 standards       emissions
 subsidiary                                              outlets           n                                     emission       emission
                c pollutants

                                                                                   limitation of
                                                                                     COD in
     Sanhua                                                                                                                        Not
                                                                                          96                     61.867 T
 Intelligent       COD          Nanotube      1           North       ≦500mg/L                    42.79T                      exceeding
                                                                                    Integrated                     /year
     Controls                                                                                                                  the standard
     Co., Ltd
                                                                                   Standard is
                                                                                    500mg / L

                                                                                   listed in
                                                                                   013 Indirect
     Zhejiang                                                                      Emission
     Sanhua                                                                        Limits of                                       Not
                 Ammonia                                                                                          6.186 T
 Intelligent                    Nanotube      1           North       ≦35mg/L     Nitrogen        4.28T                       exceeding
                 Nitrogen                                                                                          /year
     Controls                                                                      and                                         the standard
     Co., Ltd                                                                      Phosphorus
                                                                                   is 35mg / L

     Zhejiang                    Direct                                            The                                             Not
                    SO2                       1           North       ≦50mg/m3                    0.678T       2.15 T /year
     Sanhua                     emission                                           limitation                                  exceeding

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Intelligent                                                        listed in                             the standard
 Controls                                                           GB13271-2
  Co., Ltd                                                          014
                                                                    Standard of
                                                                    for Boilers
                                                                    is 50mg/m3

                                                                    to the low
  Sanhua                                                                                                      Not
               Nitrogen    Direct                                   s of local                  10.06 T
 Intelligent                          1        North    ≦50mg/m3                 3.17T                    exceeding
                Oxide     emission                                  government                   /year
 Controls                                                                                                 the standard
                                                                    , the limit
  Co., Ltd
                                                                    value of
                                                                    boiler is
                                                                    50mg / m3

 Climate &                                                                                                    Not
                                                                          from                  9.205 T
 Appliance      COD       Nanotube    1        South    ≦500mg/l                 2.377T                   exceeding
                                                                    GB8979-19                    /year
 Controls                                                                                                 the standard
                                                                    96 is 500mg

 Climate &                                                                                                    Not
                Total                                                     from
 Appliance                Nanotube    1        South    ≦2.0mg/l                 0.079T           /       exceeding
               Copper                                               GB8979-19
 Controls                                                                                                 the standard
                                                                          96 is

Construction and operation of pollution control facilities
Adhering to the advanced management concept, the Company takes "developing energy-saving and low-carbon
economy, creating a green quality environment" as its own responsibility, constantly surpasses, and becomes an
important creator and contributor of human green quality living environment with limited resources and unlimited

1. In terms of waste water treatment, the Company responded to the construction of "five water treatment",
   "eliminating inferior V-type water" and "zero direct discharge of sewage" in the whole province. The

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    Company renovated the rainwater and sewage outlets in the factory area, implemented the separation of
    rainwater and sewage, and installed cut-off valves and video monitoring equipment at the Company's
    rainwater discharge outlets, and collected and treated the early rainwater. There are two wastewater treatment
    stations in the factory. The sewage treatment stations have been equipped with standardized sewage outlets
    and set up discharge outlet signs. Online monitoring device, solenoid valve flowmeter and card swiping
    sewage system are installed at the discharge outlet, which has been connected with the environmental
    protection department. The monitoring indicators include pH, COD, total copper, total zinc and flow.
    Wastewater treatment: The Company has entrusted a third-party professional treatment unit for treatment. The
    discharge indicators of the Company's internal control wastewater are stricter than the environmental
    discharge standard. The final treated wastewater is discharged into the sewage collection pipe network of the
    industrial zone and sent to Shengxin sewage treatment plant for retreatment.

2. Waste gas treatment: The Company has acid pickling, electroplating waste gas, welding dust, ultrasonic
   cleaning and other waste gas. All kinds of waste gas discharge cylinders are equipped with corresponding
   waste gas treatment devices. The acid pickling and electroplating waste gas absorption and treatment tower is
   installed with automatic dosing system, and the waste gas is discharged to air after treatment. At the same
   time, in order to win the blue-sky defense activity, the Company carried out low Nitrogen emission
   transformation of the Company's gas boilers in accordance with the requirements of relevant official
   departments in 2019. In 2021, the transformation and upgrading of VOCs treatment facilities in industrial
   enterprises have been implemented. At the same time, the process has been improved, and the water cleaning
    is used to replace the organic solvent cleaning, so as to reduce the generation of VOCs.

3. Solid waste and soil treatment: all kinds of hazardous waste of the Company are entrusted to the third
   qualified party for disposal, the general solid waste with utilization value is recycled, the domestic waste is
   cleared and transported by the environmental sanitation station, and the construction waste is cleaned and
   transported by the construction unit. The Company also tests the soil and groundwater every year and
   publishes them on the corresponding website In March 2020, Sanhua Refrigeration Group carried out a
   special site investigation on soil and groundwater in Xialiquan plant area, and prepared an investigation report.
   No pollution was found. In July 2020, the Company became one of the first "waste free factories" in

4. Noise control: The Company's existing main noise is workshop production noise, air compressor room, waste
   gas and waste water treatment equipment noise. Equipment layout is reasonable, and trees are planted around
   the workshop. Noise at factory meets the standard.

5. The "three wastes" pollution control facilities of the Company are in normal and stable operation. The
   pollutants are discharged based on the standard, and there is no environmental pollution event.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of construction projects and other administrative permits for
environmental protection
1. Since 2010, the Company has invested in the construction of Meizhu Sanhua Industrial Estate in Xinchang
County, and has obtained 25 EIA replies. All the projects have passed. In August 2020, the Company obtained the

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

national emission permit.

2. Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd. has invested in Xialiquan of Xinchang County
since 2013, and has obtained 6 EIA replies. All the projects have passed.

Emergency Response Plan
1. The Company re-prepared the Emergency Response Plan in April 2021, and filed with Xinchang Environmental
Protection Bureau on June 10, 2021 (Record No. 330624-2021-06-M).

2. In order to manage environmental emergencies and reduce the environmental hazards caused by sudden
environmental pollution accidents, Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd. re-compiled
Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Pollution Accidents of Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance
Controls Group Co.,Ltd. (simplified version) in October 2018, which was filed with Xinchang County
Environmental Protection Bureau on October 29, 2018 (Record No. 3306242018013).

Environmental self-monitoring program
The Company formulated Self-monitoring Scheme of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. according to
the requirements of the superior environmental protection department, combined with the actual production
situation and the actual needs of environmental management of the Company. The sewage station of the Company
is equipped with a laboratory, and the detection is conducted by a specially assigned person. On line automatic
monitoring equipment such as pH, COD, TOC, total copper, total zinc, flow rate etc. are installed at the
Company's total wastewater discharge outlet, so as to achieve the combination of automatic monitoring and
manual testing. For the pollution factors such as suspended matters, total Phosphorus, Ammonia Nitrogen, total
Iron and Petroleum, the Company entrusts a third-party testing agency to carry out regular monitoring. The
monitoring results are published regularly on the enterprise self-monitoring information disclosure platform of
Zhejiang Province.

Zhejiang Sanhua Climate & Appliance Controls Group Co.,Ltd. has good pollutant emission monitoring and
management ability, and can timely inform the environmental protection administrative department and the public
of the monitoring information. According to the actual production situation and the actual needs of environmental
management, the environmental protection laboratory of wastewater treatment station is set up, and the detection
is carried out by specially assigned person daily. On line automatic monitoring equipment such as pH, COD, TOC,
total copper and flow rate are installed at the total wastewater discharge outlet of the Company. The combination
of automatic monitoring and manual testing effectively ensures the timeliness and effectiveness of monitoring. At
the same time, a third-party testing Company is entrusted to carry out regular monitoring. The monitoring results
are published regularly on the enterprise self-monitoring information disclosure platform of Zhejiang Province.

Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the reporting period
Not applicable
Other environmental information that should be disclosed
Not applicable
Measures and effects in reducing carbon emissions during the reporting period

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. The Company continues to promote the application of smart energy IOT platform, and effectively controls the
use efficiency of all energy within the scope through real-time display of digital information, traceability,
technical transformation and energy conservation and consumption reduction analysis.

2. The industrial zone uses distributed photovoltaic to replace the original purchased electricity in a large area to
achieve clean energy, and adopts waste heat recovery technology to achieve lower energy consumption and higher
resource utilization efficiency.

3. The Company improves and reduces energy consumption and improves energy efficiency through the
improvement of manufacturing and technological process. Reduce energy consumption and carbon emission by
troubleshooting of air leakage point of compressed air pipeline of equipment, upgrading and transformation of air
compressor, emission reduction of triple supply and nitrogen recycling.

Other environmental information
Not applicable

II.      Social responsibility

During the reporting period, the Company actively fulfilled its social responsibilities. The Company takes
"People-oriented, Continuous innovation, Employee satisfaction, Customer satisfaction, Supplier satisfaction,
Shareholder satisfaction and Social satisfaction" as its core values. While continuously creating value for
shareholders, it also actively undertakes the responsibility to employees, customers, society and other stakeholders.
The Company fully respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of relevant stakeholders, adheres to
paying equal attention to economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits, and realizes the
sustainable development of society and the Company.

(1) Maintain the continuous and stable growth of revenue, care about the return of shareholders
Since listing, the Company has established a corporate governance organization composed of the general meeting
of shareholders, the board of directors and the board of supervisors, and formed a complete internal control
system in strict accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange and the Articles of Association. During the reporting period, the Company continuously improved the
governance structure and internal control system to raise the standard operation level, and fully protected the
legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders. The general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors and
the board of supervisors exercise their functions and powers within the scope of relevant laws and regulations.
The convening, proposal, notice and resolution procedures of previous meetings are in line with laws and
regulations. There is no case of ultra vires approval or implementation before approval, so as to ensure that the
rights of all shareholders are not infringed, especially minor shareholders.

Information disclosure, the Company has been strictly in compliance with the relevant provisions of CSRC and
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and has fulfilled the obligation of truthfulness, accuracy, timeliness and completeness.
The Company enhances the interaction with investors by means of investor hotline, interactive platform and
reception of investors, so that investors can have a more in-depth understanding of the Company's development,

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

production and operation. It promotes the Company to establish a long-term and stable relationship with investors,
and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minor investors effectively. At the same time, the Company
pays special attention to the management of insider information, and actively prevents the occurrence of insider
trading. During the reporting period, the Company does not have insider trading or damage the interests of

The Company attaches great importance to the return to shareholders. According to the relevant provisions of
China Securities Regulatory Commission on cash dividends and sustainable development, the Company has
formulated and strictly implemented the continuous dividend return plan for shareholders since listing, and
insisted on sharing the Company's operation achievements with shareholders.

(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees and improve their comprehensive ability
The Company always adheres to the people-oriented core values, takes improving the working environment of
employees, realizing their self-worth, improving their quality of life and promoting their career growth which is
also treated as the important part of the Company's development strategy. It regards employees as the Company's
primary resources, earnestly protects their rights and interests, and strives to realize the common development of
employees and the enterprise, so as to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise.

Abiding by the Labor Law, Labor Contract Law, Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests and other
relevant laws and regulations, the Company establishes a series of labor management systems, signs labor
contracts with employees according to law, pays employees' wages in full timely, and pays various social
insurance for employees. The Company has a sound vacation system. Employees not only enjoy national statutory
holidays according to law, but also enjoy gifts from the Company on various important public festivals such as
Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, International Women's Day, etc.

The Company has established a reasonable human resource management system and a scientific performance
appraisal system. In order to implement the principle of equality between men and women, the Company links the
performance appraisal of management cadres at all levels with the Company's business objectives. In order to
motivate the employees, stimulate their sense of responsibility and mission, managements’ KPI aligned with the
Company’s operation target and related income evaluation system was implemented. In addition, the Company
has established a perfect staff training system, designed training courses for each employee, and encouraged
employees to study in their spare time to improve their own quality and comprehensive ability.

At the same time, the Company has always attached importance to and adhered to the construction of enterprise
culture, creating a healthy, positive and cooperative working atmosphere. The Company actively cares for the life
of employees, sends greetings to employees who have encounter sudden disasters. And it establishes the
"Sanhua--One family" fund to help employees in difficulties and increase their sense of belonging to the
enterprise. The Company also carries out sports, job skills competitions, festival parties and other recreational
activities to show the good spirit of employees, and it builds a communication platform for employees, which
effectively stimulate the sense of collective honor and team cohesion.

(3) Safeguard the rights and interests of suppliers and treat customers with integrity
In line with the principle of "Communication with integrity and sharing value", the Company pays attention to the

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

relationship with suppliers and customers, constantly strengthens the communication and cooperation with all
parties, and earnestly protects their legitimate rights and interests.
For suppliers, the Company always adheres to the business values of “Honesty, Fairness, Mutual Benefit, and
Collaborative Development”, strictly complies with contracts signed with suppliers, establishes and strictly
implements the procurement standards and evaluation system, carries out stable and effective management of
procurement, so as to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers. The Company continues to
strengthen the internal control and audit supervision of the supply chain, resolutely eradicate black box operation,
commercial bribery and improper transactions, strive to provide a good competitive environment for suppliers,
and promote the long-term and stable cooperation between the Company and suppliers.

For customers, the Company always maintains the concept of "Customer first, grow together with customers",
attaches great importance to customer relationship management, takes customers’ satisfaction as the standard to
measure the Company's operation, and is committed to providing customers with high-quality products and
services. Over the years, the Company has established a good corporate image and gained a good reputation from
all walks of life.

(4) Energy saving, innovative production and environmental protection
The Company takes the vision of "Developing energy saving and low-carbon economy, creating a quality and
green environment", while pursuing economic benefits. It pays attention to environmental protection and energy
conservation and consumption reduction, takes the construction of resource saving and environment-friendly
enterprises as an important part of sustainable development strategy, actively promotes the strategic
transformation from "Cost leading" to "Technology leading", and continuously develops independent intellectual
property rights, new products and new technologies, such as energy saving, environmental protection, material
saving, consumption reduction. At the same time, the Company has successfully developed the inverter controller
and other system solutions, which will further improve the energy conservation and environmental protection of
air conditioning system.

The Company emphasizes safety production and environmental protection, and adheres to the principle of
"Prevention first, combination of prevention and control". While realizing its own development, it actively
shoulders the social responsibility of environmental protection, and strives to promote the sustainable
development of society and environment. The Company strictly abides by related national laws and regulations.
On the one hand, the Company has established strict rules in effectively guiding the safety and environmental
protection of each subsidiary company; on the other hand, the Company continuously optimizes the production
process, continuously carries out the overhaul and technical transformation of environmental protection facilities,
actively deepens the three wastes treatment and clean production level. In addition, the Company has prepared an
effective comprehensive emergency plan for environmental risks and various specific emergency. Equipped with a
sound emergency management team and various emergency facilities, equipment and materials, regular
emergency training and drills are carried out, so as to minimize the occurrence of environmental pollution safety

(5) Shoulder social responsibility and participate in social charity
The Company takes "Public welfare society, building a harmonious society" as an important responsibility. With
its continuous development, it has also made positive contributions to the infrastructure construction,

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

environmental protection, poverty alleviation and community construction of Shaoxing. During the reporting
period, the Company actively undertakes its due responsibilities and obligations, and strives to create a good
corporate image.

III.      Achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization

 In the reporting year of the Company, there has been no targeted poverty alleviation activity, or follow-up
targeted poverty alleviation plan.

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                           Section VI Significant Events

I.       Performance of commitments

1. Complete and incomplete commitments of the Company and its actual controller, shareholders, related
parties, acquirers, and other related parties for the commitments by the end of the reporting period.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                 Commitment                                                                      Date of       Term of
Commitments                      Nature                Details of commitments                                            Performance
                        party                                                                 commitments commitments

                 Zhang Yabo,
                                           When the number of shares sold through listing
Commitment                       Other and trading in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
from                             commi reaches 1% of the total number of shares of the November 21st                     Strict
                 Sanhua                                                                                      Long term
reformation of                   tment Company, it shall make an announcement                 2005                       performance
shareholding                               within two working days from the date of the
                 Group Co.,
                                           occurrence of the fact.

                 Zhang Daocai, ntal
                 controlling     compe Zhang Daocai and Sanhua holding group, the
                 shareholder     tition, controlling shareholder of the Company,
                                                                                              January 5th,               Strict
                 Sanhua          related promise that there will not be any competition                      Long term
                                                                                              2009                       performance
                 Holding         party     with Sanhua intelligent controls in the business
                 Group Co.,      transac scope being or already carried out in the future.
                 Ltd.            tions
Commitments                      and
from assets                      capital
reorganization                   occupa

                                 Comm Sanhua Holding Group promises: after the
                                 itment completion of this transaction, Sanhua Holding
                 Zhang Daocai,
                                 on        Group and Sanhua intelligent controls will sign
                                 horizo an agreement according to law, perform legal
                                 ntal      procedures, fulfill the obligation of information January 5th,                Strict
                 Sanhua                                                                                      Long term
                                 compe disclosure and handle significant matters for 2009                                performance
                                 tition, approval in accordance with relevant laws,
                 Group Co.,
                                 related regulations, and articles of association of
                                 party     Sanhua intelligent controls. In the process of
                                 transac implementation of related party transactions, we

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

               tions     will follow the principle of legality and
               and       reasonableness, ensure the fairness of prices and
               capital procedures, and make certain that the legitimate
               occupa interests of Sanhua intelligent controls and
               tion      other shareholders will not be damaged through
                         related party transactions.
                         In order to avoid horizontal competition with
                         Sanhua intelligent controls, Zhang Daocai,
                         Zhang Yabo, Zhang Shaobo, Sanhua Holding
                         Group the controlling shareholder of the
                         Company, and Sanhua Lvneng Industry, the
                         trading partner made the following
                         1. I (or the Company) will not directly or
                         indirectly engage in or participate in the
                         business that constitutes potential direct or
                         indirect competition with Sanhua Intelligent
                         Controls and its subordinate enterprises;
Zhang Daocai, Comm
                         guarantee that legal and effective measures shall
Zhang Yabo,    itment
                         be taken to urge other enterprises controlled by
Zhang          on
                         me (or the Company) not to engage in or
Shaobo,        horizo
                         participate in any business competing with
controlling    ntal
                         Sanhua Intelligent Controls and its subordinate
shareholder    compe
Sanhua         tition,
                         2. If Sanhua Intelligent Controls further                                        Strict
Holding        related                                                       July 24th, 2015 Long term
                         expands its business scope, I (or the Company)                                   performance
Group Co.,     party
                         and other controlled enterprises will not
Ltd., Zhejiang transac
                         compete with Sanhua Intelligent Controls'
Sanhua         tions
                         expanded business; if it is possible to compete
Lvneng         and
                         with Sanhua Intelligent Controls' business after
Industrial     capital
                         expansion, I (or the Company) and other
Group Co.,     occupa
                         controlled enterprises will withdraw from
Ltd.           tion
                         Sanhua Intelligent Controls in the following
                         ways of competition: A. Stop the businesses
                         that compete or may compete with Sanhua
                         Intelligent Controls; B. Inject the competitive
                         business into Sanhua Intelligent Controls; C.
                         Transfer the competitive business to an
                         unrelated third party.
                         3. If I (or the Company) and other enterprises
                         controlled by me (or the Company) have any
                         business opportunities to engage in and
                         participate in any activities that may compete
                         with Sanhua Intelligent Controls' business

                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                         operation, they shall immediately inform
                         Sanhua Intelligent Controls of the above
                         business opportunities. If Sanhua Intelligent
                         Controls makes an affirmative reply to take
                         advantage of the business opportunity within a
                         reasonable period specified in the notice, it shall
                         do its best to give the business opportunity to
                         Sanhua Intelligent Controls.
                         4. In case of breach of the above commitment, I
                         (or the Company) is willing to bear all
                         responsibilities arising therefrom and fully
                         compensate all direct or indirect losses caused
                         to Sanhua Intelligent Controls.

                         In order to standardize the related party
                         transactions with Sanhua Intelligent Controls,
                         Zhang Daocai, Zhang Yabo, Zhang Shaobo,
                         Sanhua Holding Group the controlling
                         shareholder of the Company and Sanhua
                         Lvneng Industrial the trading partner made the
                         following commitments:
                         1. I (or the Company) and the controlled
Zhang Daocai, Comm
                         enterprises will reduce the related party
Zhang Yabo,    itment
                         transactions with Sanhua intelligent controls as
Zhang          on
                         far as possible, and will not use their own status
Shaobo,        horizo
                         as shareholders of Sanhua intelligent controls to
controlling    ntal
                         seek for superior rights in terms of business
shareholder    compe
                         cooperation and other aspects compared with
Sanhua         tition,
                         other third parties;                                                              Strict
Holding        related                                                         July 24th, 2015 Long term
                         2. I (or the Company) will not take advantage of                                  performance
Group Co.,     party
                         the right to enter into a transaction with Sanhua
Ltd., Zhejiang transac
                         intellectual controls using the position as a
Sanhua         tions
Lvneng         and
Industrial     capital 3. If there are necessary and unavoidable related
Group Co.,     occupa party transactions, I (or the Company) and the
Ltd.           tion      controlled enterprises will sign agreements with
                         Sanhua intelligent controls in accordance with
                         the principles of fairness, follow legal
                         procedures, and perform the information
                         disclosure obligations in accordance with the
                         requirements of relevant laws, regulatory
                         documents and the articles of association. It
                         shall also perform relevant internal
                         decision-making and approval procedures to

                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                          ensure that it will not conduct transactions with
                          Sanhua intelligent controls on terms that are
                          obviously unfair compared with the market
                          price, and will not use such transactions to
                          engage in any behavior that damages the
                          legitimate rights and interests of Sanhua
                          intelligent controls and other shareholders.

                          Zhang Daocai, Zhang Yabo, Zhang Shaobo and
                          Sanhua holding Group, the controlling
Zhang Daocai,             shareholder of the Company, made the
Zhang Yabo,               following commitments: after the completion of
Zhang                     the transaction, Sanhua intelligent controls will
Shaobo,                   continue to improve the corporate governance
controlling               structure and independent operation of the                                        Strict
                Comm                                                            July 24th, 2015 Long term
shareholder               Company management system in accordance                                           performance
Sanhua                    with the requirements of relevant laws and
Holding                   regulations and the articles of Association, and
Group Co.,                continue to maintain the independence of
Ltd.                      Sanhua intelligent controls in business, assets,
                          finance, institutions, personnel, etc. to protect
                          the interests of all shareholders.

                          1. I (or the Company) and the controlled
                          enterprises will reduce the related party
                          transactions with Sanhua intelligent controls as
                          far as possible, and will not use the position as a
Zhang Daocai, Comm
                          shareholder of Sanhua intellectual controls to
Zhang Yabo,     itment
                          seek the superior rights for business cooperation
Zhang           on
                          with Sanhua intelligent controls compared with
Shaobo,         horizo
                          other third parties;
controlling     ntal
                          2. I (or the Company) will not use my position
shareholder     compe
                          as a shareholder of Sanhua intellectual controls
Sanhua          tition,
                          to seek for the priority right to cooperate with      September                   Strict
Holding         related                                                           th
                                                                                              Long term
                          Sanhua intellectual controls;                         18 , 2017                   performance
Group Co.,      party
                          3. If there are necessary and unavoidable related
Ltd., Zhejiang transac
                          party transactions, I (or the Company) and the
Sanhua          tions
                          controlled enterprises will sign agreements with
Lvneng          and
                          Sanhua intelligent controls in accordance with
Industrial      capital
                          the principles of fairness, follow legal
Group Co.,      occupa
                          procedures, and perform the information
Ltd.            tion
                          disclosure obligations in accordance with the
                          requirements of relevant laws, regulatory
                          documents and the articles of association. It
                          shall also perform relevant internal

                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                         decision-making and approval procedures to
                         ensure that it will not conduct transactions with
                         Sanhua intelligent controls on terms that are
                         obviously unfair compared with the market
                         price, and will not use such transactions to
                         engage in any behavior that damages the
                         legitimate rights and interests of Sanhua
                         intelligent controls and other shareholders.

                         1. I (or the Company) will not directly or
                         indirectly engage in or participate in any
                         business that may constitute potential direct or
                         indirect competition with Sanhua intelligent
                         controls and its subordinate enterprises;
                         guaranteed that legal and effective measures
                         will be taken to urge other enterprises
                         controlled by me (or the Company) not to
                         engage in or participate in any business that is
                         competitive with Sanhua intelligent controls
                         and its subordinate enterprises Business.
Zhang Daocai, Comm
                         2. If Sanhua intelligent controls further expands
Zhang Yabo,    itment
                         its business scope, I (or the Company) and other
Zhang          on
                         enterprises controlled by me (or the Company)
Shaobo,        horizo
                         will not compete with Sanhua intelligent
controlling    ntal
                         controls' expanded business; if it is possible to
shareholder    compe
                         compete with Sanhua intelligent controls'
Sanhua         tition,
                         business after expansion, I (or the Company)        September                  Strict
Holding        related                                                         th
                                                                                         Long term
                         and other enterprises controlled by me (or the      18 , 2017                  performance
Group Co.,     party
                         Company) will withdraw from Sanhua
Ltd., Zhejiang transac
                         intelligent controls in the following ways of
Sanhua         tions
                         competition: A. stop the businesses that
Lvneng         and
                         compete or may compete with Sanhua
Industrial     capital
                         intelligent controls; B. inject the competitive
Group Co.,     occupa
                         business into Sanhua intelligent controls; C.
Ltd.           tion
                         transfer the competitive business to an unrelated
                         third party.
                         3. If I (or the Company) and other enterprises
                         controlled by me (or the Company) have any
                         business opportunities to engage in and
                         participate in any activities that may compete
                         with Sanhua intelligent controls' business
                         operation, they shall immediately inform
                         Sanhua intelligent controls of the above
                         business opportunities. If Sanhua intelligent
                         controls makes an affirmative reply to take

                                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                             advantage of the business opportunity within a
                                             reasonable period specified in the notice, it shall
                                             do its best to give the business opportunity to
                                             Sanhua intelligent controls.
                                             4. In case of breach of the above commitment, I
                                             (or the Company) is willing to bear all
                                             responsibilities arising therefrom and fully
                                             compensate all direct or indirect losses caused
                                             to Sanhua intelligent controls.

                  Zhang Daocai,
                  Zhang Yabo,
                  Zhang                      After the completion of the transaction, the
                  Shaobo,                    listed Company will continue to improve the
                  controlling                corporate governance structure and independent
                  shareholder                operation of the Company management system
                  Sanhua           Other in accordance with the requirements of relevant
                                                                                                   September                 Strict
                  Holding          commi laws and regulations and the articles of                               Long term
                                                                                                   18th, 2017                performance
                  Group Co.,       tment association, continue to maintain the
                  Ltd., Zhejiang             independence of the listed Company in
                  Sanhua                     business, assets, finance, institutions, personnel
                  Lvneng                     and other aspects, and effectively protect the
                  Industrial                 interests of all shareholders.
                  Group Co.,

                                   on        The commitment made at the time of IPO, it
                                   horizo shall not engage in the same production,
                  Zhang Daocai, ntal         operation or business as the Company in the
                  controlling      compe future. In order to avoid business competition
                  shareholder      tition, with the Company and clarify the
from initial                                                                                                                 Strict
                  Sanhua           related non-competition obligations, Sanhua Holding             June 7th 2005 Long term
public offering                                                                                                              performance
                  Holding          party     Group, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries
or refinancing
                  Group Co.,       transac with more than 50% equity, makes a
                  Ltd.             tions     commitment to Sanhua intelligent controls to
                                   and       avoid possible horizontal competition.

Are the
fulfilled on

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. Where any profit forecast was made for any of the Company’s assets or projects and the current reporting
period is still within the forecast period, the Company shall explain whether the performance of the asset or
project reaches the profit forecast and why:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II.      The Company’s funds used by the controlling shareholder or its related parties for
         non-operating purposes.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case during the reporting period.

III.     Illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No illegal external guarantees during the reporting period.

IV.      Explanation Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the “Non-standard Auditor’s
         Report” Issued by the CPA Firm for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V.       Explanation Given by the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Independent
         Directors(if any) Regarding the “Non-standard Auditor’s Report” Issued by the CPA
         Firm for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.      For changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods as
         compared to the financial report for the prior year

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Description of changes in accounting policies
1. New lease standard
The Company has implemented the revised No. 21 Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Leasing
(hereinafter referred to as the “new leasing standards”) from January 1, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the “first
implementation date”).
(1) As for the existing contract before the first execution date, the Company chooses not to reevaluate whether it is
a lease or includes a lease.
(2) For the lease contract in which the Company is the lessee, the Company implements the new leasing standard
since the first implementation date, and the Company adjusts the amount of retained earnings at the beginning of
the reporting period and other relevant items in the financial statements according to the cumulative impact of the
implementation of the new lease standard, and it does not adjust the information of the comparable period. The
specific treatment is as follows:

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

For the financial lease before the first implementation date, the Company shall measure the right of use assets and
lease liabilities respectively according to the original book value of the financial lease in assets and the financial
lease payable on the first implementation date.

For the operating lease before the first implementation date, the Company shall measure the lease liability at the
present value discounted by the company's incremental loan interest rate on the first implementation date
according to the remaining lease payment on the first implementation date, and measure the right to use asset
according to the amount equal to the lease liability and make necessary adjustments according to the prepaid rent.

A. The main impact of the implementation of the new leasing standards on the Company's financial statements on
January 1, 2021 is as follows:

   Items                                                                  Balance sheet
                                     December 31, 2020 Impact of adjustment of                    January 1, 2021
                                                           new lease standards
Fixed assets                            3,839,408,059.45             -119,764,340.05                         3,719,643,719.40
Assets with right of use                                             +202,831,869.22                           202,831,869.22
Non-current liabilities due within        130,553,923.87              +22,719,934.72                           153,273,858.59
one year
Lease liabilities                                                    +149,779,815.53                           149,779,815.53
Long term accounts payable                 90,336,083.27              -89,432,221.08                                903,862.19

B. Simplified treatment of operating leases before the first implementation date
For lease contracts completed within 12 months after the first implementation date, the Company adopts a
simplified method and does not recognize the assets with right of use and lease liabilities. The above simplified
treatment has no significant impacts on its financial statements.

(3) For the operating lease contracts of low value assets existing before the first implementation date, the
Company adopts a simplified method, does not recognize the assets with right of use and lease liabilities, and
carries out accounting treatment in accordance with the new lease standards from the first implementation date.

(4) In terms of the lease contract with the Company as the lessor, it shall be subject to accounting treatment in
accordance with the new lease standards from the first implementation date.

2. Q & A on the implementation of accounting standards for business enterprises
In November 2021, the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance issued the Q&A on the implementation
of accounting standards for business enterprises (the fifth batch). This article points out that: In general, the
transportation activities that take place in order to perform the customer's contract before the control of the
enterprise's goods or services is transferred to the customer do not constitute a single performance obligation, and
the relevant transportation costs should be regarded as the contract performance costs. The Company adopts the

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

same basis as the recognition of revenue from goods or services to amortize and record it into the current profit
and loss. The contract performance cost shall be carried forward and included in the title of "main business cost"
or "other business cost" when recognizing the revenue of goods or services, and shall be listed in the item of
"operating cost" in the income statement.
Due to the implementation of the Q&A on the implementation of accounting standards for business enterprises
(the fifth batch), the Company retroactively corrected the recording of sales freight and miscellaneous expenses in
2020, and reclassified the item from "sales expenses" to "operating costs". The adjustment impact of the
accounting policy change on the financial statements of 2020 is shown in the table below:
  Item                                                  Income statement for the year of 2020
                         Before adjustment                      Adjustment                               After adjustment
Consolidated income statement
Operating costs                  8,500,391,322.27                     +237,829,716.09                                   8,738,221,038.36
Selling expenses                  602,954,759.17                      -237,829,716.09                                     365,125,043.08
Income statement of parent company
Operating costs                  3,383,660,538.43                      +22,580,796.28                                   3,406,241,334.71
Selling expenses                     51,140,200.18                     -22,580,796.28                                       28,559,403.90

VII.      Explanation for changes in scope of the consolidated financial statements as compared
          to the financial report for the prior year

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(I). Business combination under different control
1. Business combination under different control in this reporting period
(1) Basic information
                                Date of equity       Cost of equity
  Name of the acquiree                                                     Proportion of equity acquisition Equity acquisition method
                                 acquisition          acquisition
Zhejiang Sanhua Plate
                                                  RMB 28.00 milli
Exchange Technology Co.,         2021-12-14                                             70%                  Equity transfer agreement

                                                     Determination         Revenue of the acquiree from       Net profit of the acquiree
                                Date of equity
  Name of the acquiree                           basis of purchase         the acquisition date to the end   from the acquisition date to
                                                         date                       of the period               the end of the period
Zhejiang Sanhua Plate                                Complete the
Exchange Technology Co.,         2021-12-14      equity transfer and                    0.00                            0.00
Ltd                                                  make payment

(2) Other instructions
In December 2021, the Company acquired 70% equity of Zhejiang Sanhua Plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as Sanhua Plate Exchange) from Su Jun. The pricing of this equity transaction is based on
the assessed value, the basic transfer price is 28 million yuan, and the assessment payment of consideration is 7
million yuan.
If the net profit of the Sanhua Plate Exchange in 2022 realize 6.4 million yuan, the Company will pay another 3.5

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

million yuan. Otherwise, the Company will not need to pay any more. If the net profit of Sanhua Plate Exchange
in 2023 realize 8 million yuan, the Company will pay another 3.5 million yuan. Otherwise, the Company will not
need to pay any more.
According to the profit forecast data and the judgment of the Company's management, it is difficult for Sanhua
Plate Exchange to achieve the assessment net profit, and the assessment payment of consideration is estimated at
zero yuan.
2. Cost of M&A and goodwill
   Items                                                                                    Amount
Cost of M&A                                                                                                            28,000,000.00
      Cash                                                                                                             28,000,000.00
Less: fair value of identifiable net assets obtained                                                                   20,408,169.39
Goodwill                                                                                                                7,591,830.61

3. Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date
(1) Details
   Item                                                                Sanhua Plate Exchange
                                         Fair value on the purchase date                    Book value on purchase date
Assets                                                            41,750,357.62                                        25,060,423.80
      Accounts receivable                                          2,456,829.86                                         2,456,829.86
      Inventory                                                    7,730,397.40                                         7,730,397.40
      Other current assets                                         1,769,614.51                                         1,769,614.51
      Fixed assets                                                 6,672,716.01                                         4,214,515.28
      Assets with right of use                                     4,019,018.35                                         4,019,018.35
      Intangible assets                                           12,917,600.00
      Long term deferred                                           6,068,825.10                                         4,754,692.01
      Deferred tax assets                                            115,356.39                                           115,356.39
Liabilities                                                       12,595,829.92                                        10,092,339.85
      Accounts payable                                             5,547,165.87                                         5,547,165.87
      Salary payable                                                 526,155.63                                           526,155.63
      Lease liabilities                                            4,019,018.35                                         4,019,018.35
      Deferred tax liability                                       2,503,490.07
Net assets                                                        29,154,527.70                                        14,968,083.95
Less: Minority interests                                           8,746,358.31                                         4,490,425.19
Net assets acquired                                               20,408,169.39                                        10,477,658.76

(2) Determination method of fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities
The fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of Sanhua Plate Exchange is determined at the assessed value.
(II). Changes in consolidation scope due to other reasons
                                                                                                         Actual         Proportion of
                                                            Equity acquisition    Date of equity
                  Name of subsidiaries                                                               contribution at        capital
                                                                 method            acquisition
                                                                                                     the end of the       contribution

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Components Trading Co.,
                                                         New investment            2021-08-31          0.00             100%

Zhejiang Sanhua Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd                  New investment            2021-12-13          0.00             100%

VIII. Engagement and disengagement of the CPA firm

CPA firm engaged at present
Name of the domestic CPA firm                                     Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Remuneration of domestic accounting firms (in 10,000 yuan)        245.28

Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the domestic
CPA firm

Name of the certified public accountants from the domestic CPA
                                                                  Luo Xunchao, Zhang Xin

Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the certified Luo Xunchao has been in service for 3 consecutive years
public accountants from the domestic CPA firm                     Zhang Xin has been in service for 1year

Whether the CPA firm was changed in the current period
□ Yes √ No
Engagement of internal control audit CPA firm, financial advisor or sponsor
√Applicable □Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company did not change accounting firm or engage an internal control audit
accounting firm. This year, the Company hired Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd. due to the issuance of convertible
bonds, and paid a total of 11 million yuan (including tax).

IX.        Listing suspension and termination after disclosure of this annual report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X.         Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case during the reporting period.

XI.        Material Litigation and Arbitration

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case during the reporting period.

XII.       Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

No such case during the reporting period.

XIII. Integrity of the Company and Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIV. Significant Related-party Transaction

1. Related-party transactions arising from routine operation

□Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and disposal of assets or equity

□Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investments on external parties

□Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

4. Related credit and debt transactions

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related financial companies

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

6. Transactions between financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

7. Other significant related party transactions

□ Applicable √Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

XV.        Significant Contracts and Their Execution

1. Matters on trusteeship, contracting, and leasing


□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.


□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.


√Applicable □ Not applicable
Illustration of lease
For details of related information about leasing, please refer to “Section X financial report”.

Items with profit and loss exceeding 10% of the total profit of the Company in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, there is no leasing project with profit and loss of more than 10% of the total profit of
the Company during the reporting period.

2. Significant guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB in 10 thousand

              External Guarantees from the Company and its Subsidiaries (Excluding Guarantees to the Subsidiaries)

             ment Date                                                                                                Guarante
                 of                     Actual      Actual                                                              e for
Guaranteed                Guarantee                             Type of     Collateral guarant Term of       Due or
             Disclosure               Occurrence Guarantee                                                             Related
   Party                   Amount                              Guarantee     (if any)    ee (if Guarantee     Not
               of the                    Date       Amount                                                            Parties or
             Guarantee                                                                                                   Not

                                             Company's Guarantees to Subsidiaries

             Announce                                                                                                 Guarante
             ment Date                  Actual      Actual                                                              e for
Guaranteed                Guarantee                             Type of     Collateral guarant Term of       Due or
                 of                   Occurrence Guarantee                                                             Related
   Party                   Amount                              Guarantee     (if any)    ee (if Guarantee     Not
             Disclosure                  Date       Amount                                                            Parties or
               of the                                                                                                    Not

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


                                                         Joint                            2020.02.1
IONAL      April 3,              February
                       132,000                9,385.61 liability                          0-2021.02 Yes        Yes
SINGAPO 2019                     10, 2020
                                                         guarantee                        .09

                                                         Joint                            2020.09.1
IONAL      April 29,             September
                       150,000                 7,219.7 liability                          4-2021.09 Yes        Yes
SINGAPO 2020                     14, 2020
                                                         guarantee                        .13

                                                         Joint                            2020.11.0
IONAL      April 29,             November
                       150,000                 7,219.7 liability                          2-2021.11 Yes        Yes
SINGAPO 2020                     2, 2020
                                                         guarantee                        .01

                                                         Joint                            2020.06.1
IONAL      April 29,             June 12,
                       150,000                   7,500 liability                          2-2022.12 No         Yes
SINGAPO 2020                     2020
                                                         guarantee                        .25

                                                         Joint                            2019.07.0
IONAL      April 3,              July 5,
                       132,000               10,829.55 liability                          5-2022.06 No         Yes
SINGAPO 2019                     2019
                                                         guarantee                        .20

                                                         Joint                            2019.12.0
INTERNAT April 3,                December
                        30,000               19,764.67 liability                          9-2022.12 No         Yes
IONAL,IN 2019                    9, 2019
                                                         guarantee                        .09

                                                         Joint                            2020.06.2
INTERNAT April 29,               June 24,
                        50,000                9,563.55 liability                          4-2021.06 Yes        Yes
IONAL,IN 2020                    2020
                                                         guarantee                        .23

SANHUA     March 27,             June 8,                 Joint                            2021.06.0
                       180,000                1,443.94                                                Yes      Yes
INTERNAT 2021                    2021                    liability                        8-2021.12

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

IONAL                                                     guarantee                         .08

                                                          Joint                             2021.02.1
IONAL      April 29,               February
                         150,000                 9,385.61 liability                         0-2022.02 No         Yes
SINGAPO 2020                       10, 2021
                                                          guarantee                         .10

                                                          Joint                             2021.11.0
IONAL      October 26,             November
                         180,000                  7,219.7 liability                         2-2022.4. No         Yes
SINGAPO 2021                       2, 2021
                                                          guarantee                         22

                                                          Joint                             2021.06.2
INTERNAT March 27,                 June 24,
                          50,000                 9,563.55 liability                         4-2022.06 No         Yes
IONAL,IN 2021                      2021
                                                          guarantee                         .16

                                                          Joint                             2021.09.1
IONAL      March 27,               September
                         180,000                  7,219.7 liability                         4-2022.08 No         Yes
SINGAPO 2021                       14, 2021
                                                          guarantee                         .30

                                                          Joint                             2021.10.2
IONAL      March 27,               October 25,
                         180,000                  6,375.7 liability                         5-2022.01 No         Yes
SINGAPO 2021                       2021
                                                          guarantee                         .25

                                                          Joint                             2021.11.2
IONAL      October 26,             November
                         180,000                  6,375.7 liability                         3-2022.2. No         Yes
SINGAPO 2021                       23, 2021
                                                          guarantee                         22

                                                          Joint                             2021.11.2
INTERNAT October 26,               November
                         180,000                  6,375.7 liability                         4-2022.2. No         Yes
IONAL      2021                    24, 2021
                                                          guarantee                         24

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Total Amount of                                      Total Amount of
Guarantees to                                        Guarantees to
Subsidiaries Approved                      285,000 Subsidiaries Actually                                                    53,959.6
during the Reporting                                 Occurred during the
Period (B1)                                          Reporting Period (B2)

Total Amount of                                      Total Balance of
Guarantees to                                        Guarantees Actually
Subsidiaries Approved                      285,000 Paid to Subsidiaries at                                                 90,609.88
by the End of the                                    the End of the Reporting
Reporting Period (B3)                                Period (B4)

                                              Subsidiaries' Guarantees to Subsidiaries

                ment Date                                                                                                  Guarante
                    of                    Actual       Actual                                                                e for
Guaranteed                  Guarantee                                Type of     Collateral guarant Term of      Due or
              Disclosure                Occurrence Guarantee                                                                Related
   Party                    Amount                                 Guarantee      (if any)    ee (if Guarantee     Not
                 of the                   Date        Amount                                                               Parties or
                Guarantee                                                                                                     Not

The total amount of the Company's guarantees (the total of the above three items)

                                                     Total Amount of
Total Amount of Guarantees                           Guarantees Actually
Approved during the Reporting              285,000 Occurred during the                                                      53,959.6
Period (A1+B1+C1)                                    Reporting Period

                                                     Total Balance of
Total Amount of Guarantees                           Guarantees Actually
Approved by the End of the                 285,000 Paid at the End of the                                                  90,609.88
Reporting Period (A3+B3+C3)                          Reporting Period

Total Amount of Actual Guarantees (A4+B4+C4)
as a Percentage of the Company's Net Assets

Of which:

Balance of Debt Guarantees Directly or Indirectly
Offered to Guaranteed Objects with Asset-liability                                                                         29,328.22
Ratio Exceeding 70% (E)

Total Amount of the Above Three Guarantees

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Entrusting others to manage cash assets

(1) Entrusted financing
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Entrusted financing during the reporting period
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB in 10 thousand

                                                                                                        Accrued impairment
                                                                                                        amount of overdue
                                                             Balance before       Overdue uncollected
   Specific type      Capital source        Amount                                                         unrecovered
                                                                maturity                amount

Bank financial
                   Own funds                      70,048.5              10,824

Bank financial
                   Raised funds                      5,000                    0

Total                                             75,048.5              10,824

                                                                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Details of high-risk entrusted financial management with large single amount, low security or poor liquidity
√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                             Amount                entruste
                                                                                               Referen                  Actual     recover                                       Event
                                                                                                                                                of       Throug          d
                                                                                    Determi      ce                     profit      y of                                        overvie
             Type                                               Termina   Capital                         Expecte                            provisio    h legal   financia
 Name of                Product     Amoun    Capital    Start                        nation    annualiz                and loss    profit                                       w and
               of                                                tion     investm                         d return                             n for    procedu          l
  trustee                type         t      source     date                           of      ed rate                  in the    and loss                                      relevant
             trustee                                             date       ent                           (if any)                            impair     res or    manage
                                                                                     return       of                   reportin    in the                                        index
                                                                                                                                             ment (if      not         ment
                                                                                                return                 g period   reportin                                      (if any)
                                                                                                                                               any)                plan or
                                                                                                                                  g period

Industrial               Legal                                                      Floating
and                     person                                                      income
Commerci               "Tianlibao                      Decemb   Februar             without
al Bank of   Bank        " net      20,000             er 30,    y 19,              guarant     2.62%                      7.19   7.19                  Yes        -
China                    worth                          2020     2021                ee of
Xinchang               financial                                                    principa
sub branch             products                                                        l

Industrial               T" net                                                     Floating
and                      worth                                                      income
Commerci                 legal                         Decemb                       without
                                              Own               January
al Bank of   Bank       person      5,000              er 31,                       guarant     3.03%                      1.66   1.66                  Yes        -
                                             funds              4, 2021
China                    RMB                            2020                         ee of
Xinchang               financial                                                    principa
sub branch             products                                                        l

                                                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
                    fixed term

                     Bank of
Bank of              wealth                                              Floating
Communi             fixed-term                                           income
cations             structured                     Februar                with
                                           Own                April 9,
Co., Ltd.    Bank    deposit      10,000           y 10,                 guarant    3.50%        85.34   80.51                 Yes        -
                                           funds              2021
Shaoxing              for 89                       2021                   ee of
Xinchang               days                                              principa
sub branch           (linked                                                l

                    Guarantee                                            Floating
                     of RMB                                              income
                    Principal                                 August      with
Paribas                                    Own     June 29,                                    1,695.5   1,599.5
             Bank   and daily     10,000                        26,      guarant    3.80%                                      Yes        -
Shanghai                                   funds    2021                                             7   9
                    interest in                                2021       ee of
                    the range                                            principa
                      of the                                                l
                     the US

                                                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     on Bank                                            Floating
China               Zhejiang                                            income
Constructi           Branch                                  Decemb      with
                                           Own     July 2,
on Bank      Bank   customize    20,000                      er 31,    guarant    3.80%      341.48    322.15                Yes        -
                                           funds   2021
Xinchang              d unit                                  2021       ee of
sub branch          structured                                          principa
                     deposit                                               l
                    No. 302 in

                     on Bank                                            Floating
China               Zhejiang                                            income
Constructi           Branch                                              with
                                           Own     July 2,   June 30,
on Bank      Bank   customize    10,000                                 guarant    3.80%                                      Yes        -
                                           funds   2021       2022
Xinchang              d unit                                             ee of
sub branch          structured                                          principa
                     deposit                                               l
                    No. 303 in

Bank of                                                                 income
                                                   Septem    Decemb
Hangzhou            Ji Tianyi              Own                          without
             Bank                5,000             ber 15,    er 15,               3.80%        53.98   53.98                 Yes        -
Xinchang            No. 1904               funds                        guarant
                                                   2021       2021
sub branch                                                               ee of

                                                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Bank of
                                                  Septem    Decemb    without
Hangzhou            Ji Tianyi             Own
             Bank                5,000            ber 15,    er 15,   guarant     3.80%        53.98   53.98                 Yes        -
Xinchang            No. 1904              funds
                                                   2021      2021         ee of
sub branch

                                                  October   January   with
ent Bank            Xinjiaxin            Own
             Bank                9,500            22,       22,       guarant     3.30%        78.16   73.74                 Yes        -
Hangzhou            No. 16               funds
                                                  2020      2021      ee of

Hang                                                                  income
Seng                                              October   January   with
                    Heng                 Own
Bank         Bank                5,000            23,       22,       guarant     3.35%        42.34   39.94                 Yes        -
                    Huiying              funds
Hangzhou                                          2020      2021      ee of
Branch                                                                principa

CITIC                                             Decemb    Februar
                    Structured           Own                          guarant
Bank         Bank                5,000            er 31,    y 1,                  3.55%        16.05   15.14                 Yes        -
                    deposit              funds                        ee of
Hangzhou                                          2020      2021

                                                                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                  104,50                                                                       2,375.7
                                      0                                                                              5

Note: The accumulated financial management is 1.595 billion yuan during the reporting period. The above mentioned are the specific circumstances of the single
significant financial management (single amount of more than 50 million yuan)

The principal of entrusted financial management is expected uncollectible or there are other situations that may lead to impairment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

(2) Entrusted loans
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

4. Significant contracts in operation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case in the reporting period.

XVI. Other Significant Events

√Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Issuance of convertible bond
The 17th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors of the Company approved the Proposal on further
clarifying the specific plan of the company's public issuance of convertible corporate bonds, the Proposal on the
listing of convertible corporate bonds and other relevant proposals. On June 1, 2021, the Company issued
convertible bonds, and the original shareholders applied online on the priority placement date. On June 7, the
raised funds were transferred to the Company's account, and the bond registration was completed in Shenzhen
Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation on June 11. With the approval of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange, Sanhua convertible bonds were listed and traded on June 30, 2021. The securities are referred to
as "Sanhua convertible bonds", the securities code is "127036", and the number of listed bonds is 30 million.
From December 7, 2021, "Sanhua convertible bonds" started the stock conversion period. See the relevant
announcement disclosed on CNINFO for details.
By the end of the reporting period, "Sanhua convertible bonds" had decreased by 532,100 yuan (5,321 pieces) due
to share conversion, and the number of shares converted was 24,610.

2. Repurchase of shares of the Company
July 16, 2021, the 20th extraordinary meeting of the 6th board of directors deliberated and approved the Proposal
on share repurchase scheme of the Company, which agreed the Company to buy back part of the Company’s
shares through centralized bidding through the secondary market with its own funds for subsequent
implementation of equity incentive or employee stock ownership plan. The total capital of this repurchase shall
not be less than 200 million yuan and not more than 400 million yuan, the repurchase price shall not exceed 30.00
yuan / share, and the repurchase period shall be within 12 months from the date approved by the board of directors
of the Company. See the relevant announcement disclosed by the Company on CNINFO for details.

By the end of the reporting period, the number of shares repurchased by the Company through the special
securities account for stock repurchase through centralized bidding transaction was 8,293,764 shares, accounting
for 0.23% of the Company's current total share capital. The highest transaction price was 27.31 yuan / share, the
lowest transaction price was 22.55 yuan / share, and the total value of was 200,011,001.49 yuan (excluding
transaction costs).

                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

XVII. Significant Events of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

I.          Changes in Shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                               Unit: Share

                                 Before the change               Changes in the period (+, -)                     After the change
                                                        New              transferred
                                 Shares       Ratio     Shares              from        Others       Sub-total    Shares        Ratio
                                                        Issued             capital

1. Shares subject to            61,268,30                                              -10,918,14 -10,918,14 50,350,16
                                               1.71%                                                                              1.40%
conditional restriction(s)                5                                                      4           4             1

1) Shares held by states

2) Shared held by
state-owned enterprises

                                60,838,00                                              -10,765,39 -10,765,39 50,072,61
3) Other domestic shares                       1.70%                                                                              1.39%
                                          5                                                      4           4             1
Of which: Shares held by
        domestic legal person

      Shares held by domestic 60,838,00                                                -10,765,39 -10,765,39 50,072,61
                                               1.70%                                                                              1.39%
               natural person             5                                                      4           4             1

4) Foreign shares                 430,300      0.01%                                    -152,750      -152,750    277,550         0.01%

     Shares held by foreign
                                  430,300      0.01%                                    -152,750      -152,750    277,550         0.01%
               natural person

2. Shares without               3,530,333,                                             10,567,96 10,567,96 3,540,901
                                              98.29%                                                                             98.60%
restriction                           163                                                        4           4        ,127

                                3,530,333,                                             10,567,96 10,567,96 3,540,901
1) RMB common shares                          98.29%                                                                             98.60%
                                      163                                                        4           4        ,127

                                3,591,601,                                                                       3,591,251
3. Total                                      100.00%                                   -350,180      -350,180                  100.00%
                                      468                                                                             ,288

Reason for the changes in share capital
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. At the beginning of each year, the number of locked shares of the executives is re-calculated according to 75% of
the total number of shares held by the executives.
2. The Company repurchased and cancelled 374,790 restricted shares held by unqualified incentive objects. After

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

this, the total share capital of the Company was reduced from 3,591,601,468 shares to 3,591,226,678 shares.
3. On June 18, 2021, the first phase of the restricted stock incentive plan in 2020 matured, and 4.5961 million
restricted shares of 883 incentive objects meeting the conditions were listed for circulation.
4. On November 8, 2021, the third phase of the restricted stock incentive plan in 2018 matured, and 6.4659
million restricted shares of 676 incentive objects meeting the conditions were listed for circulation.
5. From December 7, 2021 to December 31, 2021, "Sanhua convertible bonds" decreased by RMB 532,100 (5,321
pieces) due to share conversion, and the number of converted shares was 24,610.
Approval for changes in share capital
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. On June 8, 2021, the 18th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors and the 16th interim meeting of the
sixth board of supervisors deliberated and approved the Proposal on adjusting the repurchase price of restricted
stock incentive plan in 2020 and Proposal on the achievement of lifting of restrictions in the first vesting period of
the restricted stock incentive plan in 2020. There were 883 incentive objects eligible for unlocking, and the
number of released shares was 4.5961 million shares.

2. On June 24, 2021, the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 deliberated and approved
the Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of partial restricted shares. The Company repurchased and cancelled
374,790 shares held by the incentive objects that are not qualified for unlocking. After completion of repurchase
and cancellation, the total number of shares of the Company was reduced from 3,591,601,468 to 3,591,226,678.

3. On October 25, 2021, the 22th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors and the 21th interim meeting of
the sixth board of supervisors deliberated and approved the Proposal on the achievement of lifting of restrictions
in the third vesting period of the restricted stock incentive plan in 2018. There were 676 incentive objects eligible
for unlocking, and the number of released shares was 6.4659 million shares.

4. On May 27, 2021, the 17th interim meeting of the sixth board of directors and the 15th interim meeting of the
sixth board of supervisors deliberated and approved the Proposal on further clarifying the specific scheme of the
Company's public issuance of convertible corporate bonds and Proposal on public issuance and listing of
convertible corporate bonds. The term of converting is from the first trading day (December 7, 2021) which is six
months after June 7, 2021, to the maturity date of convertible bonds (May 31, 2027).

Transfer of shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company repurchased 374,790 shares that were not qualified for unlocking. After cancellation, its share
capital was reduced from 3,591,601,468 to 3,591,226,678.

Effects of changes in share capital on the basic earnings per share ("EPS"), diluted EPS, net assets per
share attributable to common shareholders of the Company, and other financial indexes over the last year
and last period
√Applicable □Not applicable
Please refer to the financial report for details.

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: Share
                  Opening balance                                          Closing balance
     Name of                          Vested in current Unlock shares in                         Note for             Date of
                     of restricted                                          of restricted
   shareholder                             period        current period                      restricted shares      unlocking
                        shares                                                 shares
                                                                                             Comply with the Comply with the
                                                                                             relevant            relevant
Zhang Yabo               39,023,400                                             39,023,400 provisions of         provisions of
                                                                                             executives shares executives shares
                                                                                             management          management

                                                                                             Comply with         Comply with
                                                                                             relevant            relevant
                                                                                             provisions of       provisions of
Wang Dayong                 197,600                                5,038           192,562 equity incentive      equity incentive
                                                                                             and executive       and executive
                                                                                             shares              shares
                                                                                             management.         management.

                                                                                             Comply with         Comply with
                                                                                             relevant            relevant
                                                                                             provisions of       provisions of
Ni Xiaoming                 197,600                                5,038           192,562 equity incentive      equity incentive
                                                                                             and executive       and executive
                                                                                             shares              shares
                                                                                             management.         management.

                                                                                             Comply with         Comply with
                                                                                             relevant            relevant
                                                                                             provisions of       provisions of
Chen Yuzhong                197,600                                5,038           192,562 equity incentive      equity incentive
                                                                                             and executive       and executive
                                                                                             shares              shares
                                                                                             management.         management.

                                                                                             Comply with         Comply with
                                                                                             relevant            relevant
                                                                                             provisions of       provisions of
Hu Kaicheng                 197,600                                5,038           192,562
                                                                                             equity incentive    equity incentive
                                                                                             and executive       and executive
                                                                                             shares              shares

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                     management.        management.

                                                                                     Comply with        Comply with
                                                                                     relevant           relevant
                                                                                     provisions of      provisions of
Yu Yingkui                 221,080                          5,038          216,042 equity incentive     equity incentive
                                                                                     and executive      and executive
                                                                                     shares             shares
                                                                                     management.        management.

                                                                                     Comply with        Comply with
                                                                                     relevant           relevant
Mo Yang                           0       10,926                            10,926 provisions of        provisions of
                                                                                     executive shares executive shares
                                                                                     management.        management.

                                                                                     Comply with        Comply with
                                                                                     relevant           relevant
Chen Xiaoming                8,325                                            8,325 provisions of       provisions of
                                                                                     executive shares executive shares
                                                                                     management.        management.

                                                                                     Comply with        Comply with
Other incentive                                                                      relevant           relevant
                        21,225,100                     10,903,880       10,321,220
objects                                                                              provisions of      provisions of
                                                                                     equity incentive   equity incentive

Total                   61,268,305             0       10,929,070       50,350,161              --                 --

II.       Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (exclude preferred share) issued during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Explanation on changes in share capital & the structure of shareholders, the structure of assets and

√Applicable □ Not applicable
1. On June 24, 2021, the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 deliberated and approved
the Proposal on repurchase and cancellation of partial restricted shares. The Company repurchased and cancelled
374,790 shares held by the incentive objects that are not qualified for unlocking. After completion of repurchase
and cancellation, the total number of shares of the Company was reduced from 3,591,601,468 to 3,591,226,678.

2. The convertible bonds issued by the Company entered the stock conversion period from December 7, 2021. By
the end of the reporting period, the "Sanhua convertible bonds" decreased by RMB 532,100 (5,321 pieces) due to
the stock conversion, and the number of shares converted was 24,610 shares. As of December 31, 2021, the total
number of shares of the Company is 3,591,251,288.

                                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Existent shares held by internal staff of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III.      Particulars about the shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings

                                                                                                                                             Unit: Share

                                                                                                                      Total number of
                                                                            Total Number of
                                  Total number of                           Preferred
                                                                                                                      shareholders (if
Total Number                      common                                    Shareholders (If
                                                                                                                      any) (refer to
of Common                         shareholders at                           Any) (Refer to
                                                                                                                      Note 8) with
Shareholders at                   the end of                                Note 8) Whose
                         61,484                                  84,905                                             0 resumed voting                 0
the End of the                    previous month                            Voting Rights
                                                                                                                      rights at the end
Reporting                         before the                                Have Been
                                                                                                                      of previous
Period                            disclosure date of                        Recovered at the
                                                                                                                      month before the
                                  the annual report                         End of the
                                                                                                                      disclosure date of
                                                                            Reporting Period
                                                                                                                      the annual report

            Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or the Top 10 of them
                                                                                        The                                Pledged or frozen
                                                         Total                      number
                                                                      Increase/                   number of
                                                        shares                          of
                                         Share-hol                    decrease                      shares
                                                        held at                    common
       Name of          Nature of          ding                           during                     held
                                                       the end of                    shares
   shareholder         shareholder       percentag                         the                     without            Status              Amount
                                                          the                      held with
                                           e (%)                      reporting                    trading
                                                       reporting                    trading
                                                                          period                  restriction
                                                        period                     restriction
Sanhua Holding                                         1,057,245 -12,291,8                        1,057,245,
                    non-state-owned        29.44%                                                                Pledged                   228,128,169
Group Co., Ltd.                                             ,749 31                                       749

Hong Kong
                    Overseas                           814,597,4 529,424,3                        814,597,4
Central Clearing                           22.68%
                    corporation                                 54 39                                       54

Zhejiang Sanhua     Domestic
                                                       742,747,9                                  742,747,9
Lvneng Industrial non-state-owned          20.68%                     0
                                                                54                                          54
Group Co., Ltd      corporation

                    Domestic                           52,031,20                   39,023,40 13,007,80
Zhang Yabo                                     1.45%                  0
                    Individual                                    0                           0              0

Abu Dhabi           Overseas                   0.67% 24,163,56 4,834,679                          24,163,56

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Investment            corporation                              0                                0

Wanjin Global
Hong Kong
                      Overseas                         22,320,06 22,320,06             22,320,06
Limited - Wanjin                               0.62%
                      corporation                              22                               2
Global Equity

China Construction
Bank Corporation -
Bocom Schroder                                         20,477,02 -11,499,3             20,477,02
                      Others                   0.57%
Alpha Core Hybrid                                              0 03                             0
Investment Fund

Bank of China
Limited - E Fund
Strategic Emerging                                     20,180,19 20,180,19             20,180,19
                      Others                   0.56%
Industry Equity                                                55                               5
Investment Fund

Industrial and
Commercial Bank
of China Limited -
Bocom Schroeder
                                                       19,400,73 -3,445,66             19,400,73
Advantageous          Others                   0.54%
                                                               54                               5
Industries Flexible
Allocation Hybrid
Investment Funds

Industrial and
Commercial Bank
of China Limited -
E Fund Emerging                                        19,294,75 -11,441,8             19,294,75
                      Others                   0.54%
Growth Flexible                                                4 10                             4
Allocation Hybrid
Investment Fund

Information about Strategic Investors’
or General Legal Persons’ Becoming
Top Ten Common Shareholders for           No
Placement of New Shares (If Any)
(Refer to Note 3)

Explanation on Associated                 Among the above shareholders, Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Sanhua Lvneng

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Relationship or Concerted Actions     Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and Zhang Yabo are the persons acting in concert. The Company
among the Above-Mentioned             does not know whether there is any related relationship between other shareholders, or
Shareholders                          whether they belong to the persons acting in concert stipulated in the Administrative
                                      Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.

  Particulars about Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders Holding Shares That Are Not Subject to Trading Restrictions

                                      Number of Common Shares Held without Restrictions                  Type of shares
        Name of Shareholder
                                                at the End of the Reporting Period                    Type           Amount

                                                                                              RMB common
Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.                                                1,057,245,749                         1,057,245,749

                                                                                              RMB common
Hong Kong Central Clearing Limited                                              814,597,454                           814,597,454

Zhejiang Sanhua Lvneng Industrial                                                             RMB common
                                                                                742,747,954                           742,747,954
Group Co., Ltd                                                                                stock

                                                                                              RMB common
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority                                                   24,163,560                            24,163,560

Wanjin Global Hong Kong Limited -                                                             RMB common
                                                                                 22,320,062                            22,320,062
Wanjin Global Equity Fund                                                                     stock

China Construction Bank Corporation
                                                                                              RMB common
- Bocom Schroder Alpha Core Hybrid                                               20,477,020                            20,477,020
Securities Investment Fund

Bank of China Limited - E Fund
                                                                                              RMB common
Strategic Emerging Industry Equity                                               20,180,195                            20,180,195
Securities Investment Fund

Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited - Bocom Schroeder
                                                                                              RMB common
Advantageous Industries Flexible                                                 19,400,735                            19,400,735
Allocation Hybrid Securities
Investment Funds

Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited - E Fund Emerging                                                               RMB common
                                                                                 19,294,754                            19,294,754
Growth Flexible Allocation Hybrid                                                             stock
Securities Investment Fund

China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - E
                                                                                              RMB common
Fund Innovative Growth Hybrid                                                    16,585,154                            16,585,154
Securities Investment Fund

Explanation of Associated             Among the above shareholders, Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.and Zhejiang Sanhua
Relationship or Concerted Actions     Lvneng Industrial Group Co., Ltd. are the persons acting in concert. The Company does not
among Top Ten Common                  know whether there is any related relationship between other shareholders, or whether they
Shareholders without Trading          belong to the persons acting in concert stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the
Restrictions, and among Top Ten       Acquisition of Listed Companies.

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Common Shareholders without
Trading Restrictions and Top Ten
Common Shareholders
Explanation of Top Ten Common
Shareholders’ Participation in
Securities Margin Trading (If Any)
(Refer to Note 4)
Any of the Company’s top 10 common shareholders or top 10 non-restricted common shareholders conducted any
agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases during the current reporting period.

2. Particulars about controlling shareholder of the Company

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Domestic non-state-owned corporation
Type of the actual controller: Corporation
      Name of controlling         Legal Representative
                                                         Date of establishment     Organization code           Business scope
         shareholder               /People in charge

                                                                                                        Industrial investment;
                                                                                                        Manufacturing and sales:
                                                                                                        General parts, electronic
                                                                                                        products; sales: metal
                                                                                                        materials (excluding
                                                                                                        precious and rare metals),
                                                                                                        chemical raw materials
                                                                                                        (except dangerous
                                                                                                        chemicals and precursor
                                                                                                        chemicals), rubber; export
                                                                                                        of products and related
                                                                                                        technologies produced by
Sanhua Holding Group Co.,
                                  Zhang Daocai           July 11, 2000           911330624720002522J    the enterprise and its
                                                                                                        member enterprises. It is
                                                                                                        engaged in the export
                                                                                                        business of raw and
                                                                                                        auxiliary materials,
                                                                                                        machinery and equipment,
                                                                                                        instruments and meters,
                                                                                                        spare parts and related
                                                                                                        technologies needed by the
                                                                                                        enterprise and its member
                                                                                                        enterprises for production
                                                                                                        and scientific research; it is
                                                                                                        engaged in the processing

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                         of imported materials and
                                                                                                         the business of "three
                                                                                                         supplies and one
                                                                                                         supplement". Technical
                                                                                                         consultation, technical
                                                                                                         service, financial
                                                                                                         consultation and investment
                                                                                                         consultation. (In terms of
                                                                                                         projects subject to approval
                                                                                                         according to law, business
                                                                                                         activities can be carried out
                                                                                                         only after approval by
                                                                                                         relevant departments.)

Shares held by the controlling
shareholder in other foreign
listed companies through         N/A
controlling or holding during
the reporting period

Change of the controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company's controlling shareholder has not changed during the reporting period.

3. Particulars about the Company’s actual controller & concerted parties

Nature of the actual controller: Domestic natural person
Type of the actual controller: Natural person
         Name of the actual            Relationship with the                              Whether he/she has obtained the right of
             controller                  actual controller                                 residence in another country or region

Zhang Daocai                           Himself                 China                 No

Zhang Yabo                             Himself                 China                 No

Zhang Shaobo                           Himself                 China                 No

                                       Mr. Zhang Daocai: Chinese nationality, born in 1950, senior economist, and special
                                       supervisor of MBA graduate student of Zhejiang University. He is honorary chairman of the
                                       Company and chairman of the board of directors of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. He was
                                       elected as the representative of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th National People's Congress
                                       of Zhejiang Province and vice president of the China Enterprise Federation and the Chinese
Main occupation and position           Entrepreneurs Association. Vice president of Zhejiang small and medium sized Enterprises
                                       Association, vice president of Zhejiang Business Management Research Association and vice
                                       president of Asia Pacific Chinese Leaders Association, and won the National Labor Medal of
                                       May 1st, national excellent entrepreneur, master of Chinese management, most creative
                                       Chinese business leader in Asia Pacific, Model worker of Zhejiang Province, meritorious
                                       entrepreneur of implementing the "eight eight strategy" in Zhejiang Province, lifelong leader

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                      entrepreneur of Zhejiang Province, leading figures of Zhejiang Manufacturing and other

                                      Mr. Zhang Yabo: Chinese nationality, CPC member, born in 1974, graduated from Shanghai
                                      Jiaotong University, received a master's degree in Business Administration from CEIBS. At
                                      present, he is the chairman of the board of the Company, Secretary of the Party committee of
                                      Sanhua holding group, vice chairman and director of the board of Sanhua Holding Group
                                      Co., Ltd. He has successively won Zhejiang outstanding young private entrepreneurs,
                                      Zhejiang operation and management masters, Senior economist, Shaoxing labor model,
                                      Shaoxing top ten outstanding young people, Shaoxing mayor award, Changjiang River Delta
                                      top ten outstanding young businessmen, Fengyun Zhejiang businessmen, Zhejiang
                                      outstanding entrepreneurs, glorious Zhejiang businessman, etc. He served as member of the
                                      12th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative
                                      Conference, deputy to the 5th, 6th and 7th Shaoxing people's Congress, vice chairman of
                                      Zhejiang Youth Federation, President of Zhejiang Youth Entrepreneurs Association, and
                                      Director of China Youth Entrepreneurs Association.

                                      Mr. Zhang Shaobo: Chinese nationality, born in 1979, master's degree, graduated from
                                      CEIBS. He serves as a director of the Company, director of Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.,
                                      CEO of Hangzhou Sanhua International Building Co., Ltd., and executive director and CEO
                                      of Zhejiang Sanhua Zhicheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Domestic and foreign listed
companies controlled in the past 10   N/A

Change of the actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such change during the reporting period.

The ownership and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is detailed as follows:

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                          22%      Zhang Daocai         Yu Qingjuan     21%
                          Zhang Yabo                                                              Zhang Shaobo
                                                           51%              6%

                             39.95%              Xinchang Huaqing Investment Co., Ltd              37.04%

                                  Xinchang Huaxin Investment Co., Ltd       Zhejiang Huateng Industrial Co., Ltd
                                                            12.00%         28.77%      9.04%

                                      11.78%        Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd

                                                       Hong Kong Haoyide International Limited

                                                                  Fuxun Co., Ltd

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua lvneng Industrial Group Co., Ltd


                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd

The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. The cumulative number of Pledged Shares of the Company's controlling shareholder or the largest
shareholder and its concerted actors accounts for 80% of the Company's shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

5. Particulars about other corporate shareholders with shareholding proportion over 10%

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                 Date of
  Name of corporate shareholder    Legal representative                      Registered capital          Main business

                                                                                                  Manufacturing and sales: air
                                                                                                  suspension assembly,
                                                                                                  general equipment,
                                                                                                  equipment, technology
                                                                                                  development, technical
                                                                                                  service, technical
                                                                                                  consultation, achievement
                                                                                                  transfer: electromechanical
                                                                                                  technology, environmental
                                                                                                  protection technology,
                                                                                                  biotechnology (except for
                                                                                                  human stem cells, gene
                                                                                                  diagnosis and treatment
                                                                                                  technology development
                                                                                                  and application); electronic
                                                                                                  and electrical products,
                                                                                                  metal materials (excluding
                                                                                                  precious metals), chemical
Zhejiang Sanhua Lvneng                                    September 30,
                                  Zhang Shaobo                              483 million yuan      raw materials (except
Industrial Group Co., Ltd                                 2001
                                                                                                  chemical dangerous goods
                                                                                                  and precursor chemicals)
                                                                                                  Wholesale, retail and import
                                                                                                  and export business of gold
                                                                                                  and silver jewelry, rubber,
                                                                                                  mineral products, machinery
                                                                                                  and equipment, instruments
                                                                                                  and accessories; services:
                                                                                                  enterprise management
                                                                                                  consulting, property
                                                                                                  management (operating by
                                                                                                  qualification certificate),
                                                                                                  self-owned house leasing,
                                                                                                  industrial investment
                                                                                                  management, consulting
                                                                                                  management (except for
                                                                                                  securities and goods,
                                                                                                  without approval of
                                                                                                  financial supervision

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                     departments, shall not
                                                                                                     engage in deposit, financing
                                                                                                     guarantee, agency for public
                                                                                                     financing Financial services
                                                                                                     such as customer finance),
                                                                                                     power supply, development
                                                                                                     and construction of
                                                                                                     distributed solar energy
                                                                                                     projects, and contract
                                                                                                     energy management.
                                                                                                     (Except for those involving
                                                                                                     the implementation of
                                                                                                     special management
                                                                                                     measures for access
                                                                                                     stipulated by the state). (In
                                                                                                     terms of projects subject to
                                                                                                     approval according to law,
                                                                                                     business activities can be
                                                                                                     carried out only after
                                                                                                     approval by relevant

6. Particulars on shareholding decrease restrictions for the controlling shareholders, actual controller,
restructurer or other committing parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV.      Information about the implementation of share repurchase during the reporting

Information about the implementation of share repurchase
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                     Proportion of
                    Number of     Proportion in      Proposed                                        Quantity        repurchased
   Scheme                                                          Period to be      Repurchase
                   shares to be    total share      repurchase                                      repurchased    shares in equity
disclosure date                                                    repurchased        purpose
                   repurchased       capital         amount                                          (shares)      incentive plan
                                                                                                                   shares (if any)

                                                                                   For equity
                                                  200 million                      incentive plan
                                                                 July 17, 2021 -
July 17, 2021     6,666,666-13,3 0.19%-0.37%      yuan - 400                       or employee         8,293,764
                                                                 July 16, 2022
                  33,333                          million yuan                     stock
                                                                                   ownership plan

The progress on reduction of re-purchase shares by means of centralized bidding

                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

□Applicable √Not applicable

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No existed preferred shares for the Company during the current reporting period.

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                  Section IX Bonds

√Applicable □ Not applicable

I.        Enterprise bond (hereinafter referred to as the bond issued by domestic state-owned

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II.       Corporate bond

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III.      Debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV.       Convertible bond

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Previous Adjustments of Stock Conversion Price

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Share Conversions (Accumulative)

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                           Proportion of
                                                                                            the number
                                                                                                                          Proportion of
                                                                                           of converted
                                                                             Cumulative                                   the amount of
                                                             Cumulative                    shares to the   Amount of
Abbreviation                   Total issued                                  number of                                    non-converte
                   Period of                  Total issued    amount of                     total issued shares not yet
of convertible                   amount                                      converted                                     d shares in
                  conversion                    amount        converted                    shares of the    converted
      bonds                      (piece)                                       shares                                       the total
                                                             shares (yuan)                  Company          (yuan)
                                                                              (shares)                                     amount of
                                                                                            before the
                                                                                              date of

Sanhua           December 7,
                                              3,000,000,00                                                 2,999,467,90
convertible      2021 to May    30,000,000                     532,100.00         24,610          0.00%                        99.98%
                                                      0.00                                                        0.00
bond             31, 2027

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Top 10 Holders of the Convertible Bond

                                                                                                                          Unit: share

                                                                     Number of              Amount of
                                                                                                                   Proportion of
                                                Nature of         convertible bonds     convertible bonds
                                                                                                                 convertible bonds
       Name of convertible bond holder       convertible bond   held at the end of the held at the end of the
                                                                                                                held at the end of the
                                                    holders       reporting period       reporting period
                                                                                                                  reporting period
                                                                       (share)                (yuan)
1     Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd.       non-state-owned                 8,854,432        885,443,200.00                    29.52%
      Zhejiang Sanhua Lvneng Industrial
2                                          non-state-owned                 6,220,514        622,051,400.00                    20.74%
      Group Co., Ltd

      Industrial and Commercial Bank of
3     China Limited - Boshi credit bond Others                               800,055          80,005,500.00                    2.67%
      investment fund

      Industrial and Commercial Bank of
      China Limited huitianfu
4                                          Others                            519,001          51,900,100.00                    1.73%
      convertible bond securities
      investment fund

      Kunlun Health Insurance Co., Ltd.
5                                          Others                            489,988          48,998,800.00                    1.63%
      - traditional insurance products 1

      Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - Zhuque
6     Anxin bond securities investment     Others                            367,094          36,709,400.00                    1.22%

7     Zhongtai Securities Co., Ltd         state-owned                       301,134          30,113,400.00                    1.00%

      Agricultural Bank of China
8     Limited - Penghua convertible        Others                            289,071          28,907,100.00                    0.96%
      bond securities investment fund

      Zhongtai Securities Asset
      Management - Bank of Gansu
      "HuiFu" series financial product
9                                          Others                            235,119          23,511,900.00                    0.78%
      plan - Qilu asset management 0006
      directional asset management

      Zhejiang Jing'an Investment
10    Management Co., Ltd. - Jing'an       Others                            217,759          21,775,900.00                    0.73%
      Mingyuan private equity securities

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

        investment fund

4. The Profitability, Asset and Credit Status of the Guarantor Have Changed Significantly

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. By the end of the reporting period, the Company's liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangements for
debt repayment in future

During the reporting period, CSCI Pengyuan issued the Tracking rating report on the public issuance of
convertible corporate bonds by Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. in 2021 on June 29, 2021,
according to which the credit rating of Sanhua convertible bonds remains AA +, the Company's credit rating
remains AA +, and the rating outlook remains stable. The result of this rating has not changed compared with the
last one.
Please refer “VIII. Main accounting data and financial indicators” under “Section IX Bond” for more details.

V.        The loss within the scope of consolidated statements in the reporting period exceeded
          10% of the net assets at the end of the previous year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.       Overdue interest bearing debts other than bonds by the end of this reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII.      Whether there is any violation of rules or regulations during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company in recent two years by
      the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB in 10 thousand

                                  At the end of the reporting
                Item                                                   At the end of last year           YoY Change (%)

Current ratio                                              1.98                                  2.45                    -19.18%

Asset liability ratio                                   52.36%                             40.39%                         11.97%

Quick ratio                                                1.55                                  1.96                    -20.92%

                                                                   Corresponding Period of Last
                                  Current Reporting Period                                               YoY Change (%)

Net profit after deducting
                                                     148,749.13                        127,060.97                         17.07%
non-recurring profit and loss

                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

EBITDA total debt ratio         33.77%                            61.44%                         -27.67%

Time interest earned ratio        15.08                             27.14                        -44.44%

Cash interest guarantee times     20.99                             33.76                        -37.83%

EBITDA Time interest earned
                                  18.88                              33.7                        -43.98%

Repayment of debt (%)           100.00%                          100.00%

Payment of interest (%)         100.00%                          100.00%

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     Section X Financial Report

I. Audit report

 Type of audit opinion                                      Standard Unqualified opinion

 Date of signing of audit report                            March 23, 2022

 Name of audit firm                                         Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

 Document number of audit report                            PCCPAAR [2022] No. 1208

 Name of the certified accountants                          Luo Xunchao , Zhang Xin

                                                 Auditor’s Report
To the Shareholders of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.:

1. Audit Opinion
     We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.
(the “Company”), which comprise the consolidated and parent company balance sheets as at December 31, 2021,
the consolidated and parent company income statements, the consolidated and parent company cash flow
statements, and the consolidated and parent company statements of changes in equity for the year then ended, as
well as notes to financial statements.
     In our opinion, the attached financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of the Company as at December 31, 2021, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then
ended in accordance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.
2. Basis for Audit Opinion
     We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities under those
standards are further described in the Certified Public Accountant’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial
Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of
Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the
audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
3. Key Audit Matters
     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit
of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not express a separate opinion on
these matters.
      (I) Revenue recognition
      1. Matters description
      Please refer to section Ⅲ (24), Ⅴ (2) 1and XIV (1) of the notes to the financial statements for details.
      The majority of the Company's revenue comes from controlling components and components for home
appliances and automobiles. In 2021, the amount of operating income of the Company is RMB 16.02081 billion.
As operating revenue is one of the key performance indicators of the Company, there might be inherent risks that

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

the Company’s management (the “Management”) adopts inappropriate revenue recognition to achieve specific
goals or expectations, we have identified revenue recognition as a key audit matter.
      2. Responsive audit procedures
      Our main audit procedures for revenue recognition are as follows:
      (1) We obtained understandings of key internal controls related to revenue recognition, assessed the design
of these controls, determined whether they had been executed, and tested the effectiveness of the operation;
      (2) We checked sale contracts, obtained understandings of main contractual terms or conditions, and
assessed whether the revenue recognition method was appropriate;
      (3) We performed analysis procedure on operating revenue, so as to identify whether there are significant or
abnormal fluctuations and implemented the rationality of such fluctuations;
      (4)We implemented detail test and checked supporting documents related to revenue recognition by
sampling method, including sales contracts, sales invoices, sales collection, delivery lists, shipping documents,
client acceptance receipts, export declaration,lading bill, we obtained information from E-port and compared with
accounting records of export revenue;
      (5) We performed confirmation procedures on current sales amount by sampling method in combination
with confirmation procedure of accounts receivable;
      (6) We inquired the industrial and commercial registration information or public information of major
customers to evaluate whether the business logic related to sales transactions is tenable;
      (7) We implemented cut-off tests on the operating revenue recognized before and after the balance sheet date
to evaluate whether the operating revenue is recognized in an appropriate period;
      (8) We checked whether information related to operating revenue had been presented appropriately in the
financial statements.
     (II) Impairment of accounts receivable
      1. Matters description
      Please refer to section Ⅲ (9) and Ⅴ (1) 5 of the notes to the financial statements for details.
      As of December 31, 2021, the book balance of the Company's accounts receivable amounted to RMB
3.70369 billion, with provision for bad debt was RMB 187.39 million.
      As the amount of accounts receivable is significant and the impairment involves significant judgment of the
Management, we have identified impairment of accounts receivable as a key audit matter.
      2. Responsive audit procedures
      Our main audit procedures for impairment of accounts receivable are as follows:
      (1) We reviewed the accounts receivable with provision for bad debts made in previous periods for their
subsequent write-off or reversal, and assessed the accuracy of historical estimations made by the Management;
      (2) We reviewed the consideration of the Management on credit risk assessment and objective evidence, and
assessed whether the credit risk features of accounts receivable had been appropriately identified by the
      (3) For accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured on a collective basis, we assessed the
reasonableness of portfolio classification on the basis of credit risk features; we assessed the reasonableness of the
comparison table of ages and expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable prepared by the Management based
on the historical credit loss experience of portfolios with similar credit risk features and forward-looking
estimations; and reviewed whether the calculation of provision for bad debts was accurate;
      (4) We checked the subsequent collection of accounts receivable and assessed the reasonableness of
provision for bad debts made by the Management;

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

4. Other Information
      The Company’s management (the “Management”) is responsible for the other information. The other
information comprises the information included in the Company’s annual report, but does not include the financial
statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
      Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.
      In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or
our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
      If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of the other
information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
5. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements
      The Management is responsible for preparing and presenting fairly the financial statements in accordance
with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, as well as designing, implementing and maintaining
internal control relevant to the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.
      In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going
concern basis of accounting unless the Management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations,
or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
      Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
6. Certified Public Accountant’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
      Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our
opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
accordance with China Standards on Auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatement can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial
      We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit performed in
accordance with China Standards on Auditing. We also:
      (I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
      (II) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company’s internal control.
      (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by the Management.
      (IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and,
based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the
financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on
the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause
the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
       (V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the
financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
       (VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or
business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for
the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain sole responsibility for our audit opinion.
       We communicate with those charged with governance regarding the planned audit scope, time schedule and
significant audit findings, including any deficiencies in internal control of concern that we identify during our
       We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
       From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were
of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP          Chinese Certified Public Accountant
                                                    (Engagement Partner) Luo Xun chao

           Hangzhou China                           Chinese Certified Public Accountant
                                                                         Zhang Xin
                                                     Date of Report: March 23, 2022

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

II. Financial Statements

Units of financial reports in the notes: RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd.
                                                 December 31, 2021
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Items                      December 31,2021                          December 31,2020

 Current asset:

      Cash and Bank Balances                              6,707,721,861.13                            3,489,687,568.14

      Settlement funds

      Loans to other banks

      Held-for-trading financial assets                       109,383,374.74                            752,224,861.78

      Derivative financial assets                              54,640,365.03                             58,330,486.53

      Notes receivable                                    2,144,193,032.32                            2,323,934,781.53

      Accounts receivable                                 3,516,292,868.39                            2,355,613,299.57

      Receivable financing

      Advances paid                                            93,884,245.02                             69,404,326.45

      Premium receivable

      Reinsurance accounts receivable

      Reinsurance reserves receivable

      Other receivables                                       121,135,343.85                             76,935,495.05

        Including: Interest receivable

                Dividends receivable

      Repurchasing of financial assets

      Inventories                                         3,637,853,809.47                            2,307,761,706.46

      Contract assets

      Assets held for sales

      Non-current assets due within
 one year

      Other current assets                                    185,985,696.06                            150,460,488.01

 Total current assets                                    16,571,090,596.01                           11,584,353,013.52

 Non-current assets:

                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Loans and advances paid

     Debt investments

     Other debt investments

     Long-term receivable                    3,608,561.00                                2,074,750.00

     Long-term equity investments           22,680,930.51                               15,219,616.68

     Other equity instrument

     Other non-current financial

     Investment property                     8,531,303.62                               10,067,588.96

     Fixed assets                        4,232,706,801.07                            3,839,408,059.45

     Construction in progress            1,343,528,875.40                              628,730,529.07

     Productive biological assets

     Oil & gas assets

     Right-of-use assets                   215,324,024.26

     Intangible assets                     696,390,544.36                              507,693,672.93

     Development expenditures

     Goodwill                                7,591,830.61                               31,959,091.60

     Long-term prepayments                  36,640,828.07                               23,706,401.61

     Deferred tax assets                   153,262,506.84                              137,808,879.28

     Other non-current assets              328,609,958.16                              251,509,127.08

Total non-current assets                 7,048,876,163.90                            5,448,177,716.66

Total assets                            23,619,966,759.91                           17,032,530,730.18

Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                 738,190,910.54                              383,088,296.60

     Central bank loans

     Loans from other banks

     Held-for-trading financial

     Derivative financial liabilities                                                    7,939,957.91

     Notes payable                       1,891,526,333.48                            1,238,574,463.73

     Accounts payable                    3,214,698,131.59                            2,279,661,755.97

     Advances received                                                                  10,000,000.00

     Contract liabilities                   79,816,249.22                               42,581,607.67

     Selling of repurchased financial

                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


       Absorbing deposit and interbank

       Deposit for agency security

       Deposit for agency security

       Employee benefits payable                 371,773,987.76                              289,305,913.99

       Taxes and rates payable                   113,404,466.20                               75,008,142.06

  Other payables                                 172,923,251.10                              270,888,400.58

          Including: Interest Payable

                      Dividends Payable

         Handling fee and commission

         Reinsurance accounts payable

         Liabilities classified as held for

         Non-current liabilities due           1,763,342,887.58                              130,553,923.87
within one year

         Other current liabilities                 5,276,677.78

Total current liabilities                      8,350,952,895.25                            4,727,602,462.38

Non-current liabilities:

         Insurance policy reserve

         Long-term borrowings                    801,461,958.89                            1,707,918,994.87

         Bonds payable                         2,652,035,619.50

   Including: Preferred shares

                Perpetual bonds

         Lease liabilities                       157,981,678.16

         Long-term payables                                                                   90,336,083.27

         Long-term employee benefits

         Provisions                                                                            2,638,000.00

         Deferred income                         156,831,834.71                              140,105,336.43

         Deferred tax liabilities                172,910,149.31                              130,778,184.48

         Other non-current liabilities            75,202,015.36                               80,398,897.72

Total non-current liabilities                  4,016,423,255.93                            2,152,175,496.77

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Total liabilities                                            12,367,376,151.18                            6,879,777,959.15


      Share capital                                            3,591,090,218.00                            3,591,601,468.00

      Other equity instruments                                   409,684,602.93

      Including: Preferred shares

                 Perpetual bonds

      Capital reserve                                            373,419,775.02                              315,417,434.22

   Less: Treasury shares                                         411,949,612.90                              281,483,741.34

      Other comprehensive income                                -129,410,847.39                               -89,624,962.61

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                            701,784,529.70                              637,967,613.47

      General risk reserve

      Undistributed profit                                     6,615,689,606.07                            5,890,916,707.83

 Total equity attributable to the parent                      11,150,308,271.43                           10,064,794,519.57

      Non-controlling interest                                   102,282,337.30                               87,958,251.46

 Total equity                                                 11,252,590,608.73                           10,152,752,771.03

 Total liabilities & equity                                   23,619,966,759.91                           17,032,530,730.18

Legal representative:Zhang Yabo Officer in charge of accounting:Yu Yingkui   Head of accounting department:Sheng Xiaofeng

2. Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                      Items                        December 31,2021                           December 31,2020

 Current assets:

   Cash and bank balances                                      3,392,202,314.60                            1,848,930,095.07

   Held-for-trading financial assets                             101,020,675.59                              323,000,000.00

   Derivative financial assets                                        794,800.00                               8,856,174.56

   Notes receivable                                            1,081,856,992.97                              773,393,944.74

   Accounts receivable                                           575,659,433.91                              729,906,676.91

   Receivables financing

   Advances paid                                                  10,590,428.30                                6,803,910.27

   Other receivables                                             389,775,386.82                              348,897,078.11

           Including: Interest Receivable

                     Dividends Receivable                         19,000,000.00

                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

  Inventories                             731,722,817.30                              553,388,303.73

  Contract assets

  Assets classified as held for sale

     Non-current assets due within
one year

     Other current assets                                                              46,083,837.26

Total current assets                    6,283,622,849.49                            4,639,260,020.65

Non-current assets:

  Debt investments

  Other debt investments

  Long-term receivable

  Long-term equity investments          6,428,786,880.28                            4,528,546,229.37
  Other equity instrument
  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property

  Fixed assets                          1,526,603,446.11                            1,565,826,802.57

  Construction in progress                 73,592,261.61                               71,862,243.72

  Productive biological assets

  Oil & gas assets

  Right-of-use assets

  Intangible assets                       153,726,187.34                              156,335,743.52

  Development expenditures


  Long-term prepayments                     2,526,712.00

  Deferred tax assets                      27,736,717.51                                7,336,345.87

  Other non-current assets                 42,826,333.80                               36,566,524.79

Total non-current assets                8,255,798,538.65                            6,366,473,889.84

Total assets                           14,539,421,388.14                           11,005,733,910.49

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                                                20,012,527.78
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                           588,779,423.55                              381,631,833.96

  Accounts payable                      1,428,940,784.60                            1,566,994,944.07

                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

  Advances received

  Contract liabilities                         213,590.21                                1,155,759.09

  Employee benefits payable                107,620,422.34                               93,150,785.46

  Taxes and rates payable                   20,645,647.29                               10,811,341.50

  Other payables                         1,215,554,441.77                            1,355,955,388.81

          Including: interest payable

                    Dividends Payable
   Liabilities classified as held for
  Non-current liabilities due within     1,431,477,411.53
  one year
  Other current liabilities

          Total current liabilities      4,793,231,721.29                            3,429,712,580.67

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                     800,824,388.89                            1,381,428,522.65

  Bonds payable                          2,652,035,619.50

   Including: Preferred shares

                  Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities

  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits
  Provisions                                                                             2,638,000.00

  Deferred income                           35,807,671.23                               35,908,399.54

  Deferred tax liabilities                  59,345,035.23                               48,177,657.42

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities            3,548,012,714.85                            1,468,152,579.61

Total liabilities                        8,341,244,436.14                            4,897,865,160.28


  Share capital                          3,591,090,218.00                            3,591,601,468.00

  Other equity instruments                 409,684,602.93

   Including: Preferred shares

                  Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserve                        1,267,607,857.61                            1,198,721,706.52

  Less: treasury shares                    411,949,612.90                              281,483,741.34

  Other comprehensive income

                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

   Special reserve

   Surplus reserve                                 573,097,357.38                            509,280,441.15

   Undistributed profit                            768,646,528.98                         1,089,748,875.88

              Total equity                    6,198,176,952.00                            6,107,868,750.21

        Total liabilities & equity           14,539,421,388.14                           11,005,733,910.49

3. Consolidated Income statement

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Items                 Year2021                                  Year2020

 I. Total operating revenue                  16,020,809,805.52                           12,109,833,368.44

   Including: Operating revenue              16,020,809,805.52                           12,109,833,368.44

    Interest income

    Premium earned
    Revenue from handling charges and
 II. Total operating cost                    14,151,191,300.33                           10,592,665,388.40

   Including: Operating cost                 11,907,350,969.11                            8,738,221,038.36

    Interest expenses
    Handling charges and commission
    Surrender value

    Net payment of insurance claims

    Net provision of insurance policy

      Premium bonus expenditures

      Reinsurance expenses

      Taxes and surcharges                          83,563,529.99                             77,973,420.81

      Selling expenses                             449,226,532.55                            365,125,043.08

      Administrative expenses                      875,802,861.33                            764,084,428.88

      R&D expenses                                 751,138,559.24                            518,401,363.63

      Financial expenses                            84,108,848.11                            128,860,093.64

      Including: Interest expenses                 146,890,397.95                             64,733,993.15

           Interest income                         163,144,645.89                             52,233,256.57

   Add: Other income                               122,787,760.00                            151,555,896.45

       Investment income (or less:                 141,572,602.13                             89,078,877.16

                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

          Including: Investment income              7,011,313.83                               2,199,442.47
from associates and joint ventures

          Gains from derecognition of              -1,533,698.47                               -4,369,430.89
financial assets at amortized cost

          Gains on foreign exchange (or
less: losses)

          Gains on net exposure to
hedging risk (or less: losses)

          Gains on changes in fair value            3,221,397.38                              31,847,915.76
(or less: losses)

          Credit impairment loss (or less:        -56,834,285.92                              -28,677,382.30

          Assets impairment loss (or less:        -93,213,670.21                              -58,672,538.84

     Gains on asset disposal (or less:               -387,648.44                                 -486,378.33

III. Operating profit (or less: losses)        1,986,764,660.13                            1,701,814,369.94

   Add: Non-operating revenue                       4,792,550.68                               5,055,479.82

  Less: Non-operating expenditures                14,928,195.40                               14,843,633.18

IV. Profit before tax (or less: total loss)    1,976,629,015.41                            1,692,026,216.58

  Less: Income tax expense                       271,804,477.77                              218,702,864.60

V. Net profit (or less: net loss)              1,704,824,537.64                            1,473,323,351.98
(I) Categorized by the continuity of
   1. Net profit from continuing               1,704,824,537.64                            1,473,323,351.98
   operations (or less: net loss)
   2. Net profit from discontinued
   operations (or less: net loss)
(II) Categorized by the portion of
equity ownership
   1. Net profit attributable to owners        1,684,044,407.47                            1,462,158,821.57
   of parent Company (or less: net
   2. Net profit attributable to                  20,780,130.17                               11,164,530.41
   non-controlling shareholders (or
   less: net loss)
VI. Other comprehensive income after              -39,785,884.78                              -50,292,214.11
  Items attributable to the owners of             -39,785,884.78                              -50,292,214.11
the parent Company
(I) Not to be reclassified subsequently
to profit or loss
   1.Changes in remeasurement on the
   net defined benefit plan

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    2. Items under equity method that
    will not be reclassified to profit or
    3. Changes in fair value of other
    equity instrument investments
    4. Changes in fair value of own
    credit risk
    5. Others
 (II) To be reclassified subsequently to                          -39,785,884.78                              -50,292,214.11
 profit or loss
    1. Items under equity method that
    may be reclassified to profit or loss
    2. Changes in fair value of other
    debt investments
    3. Profit or loss from
    reclassification of financial assets
    into other comprehensive income
    4. Provision for credit impairment
    of other debt investments
    5.Cash flow hedging reserve

    6. Translation reserve                                        -39,785,884.78                              -50,292,214.11

    7. Others
   Items attributable to non-controlling
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                1,665,038,652.86                           1,423,031,137.87
    Items attributable to the owners of                         1,644,258,522.69                           1,411,866,607.46
    the parent Company
    Items attributable to non-controlling                          20,780,130.17                               11,164,530.41
 VIII. Earnings per share (EPS):

 (I) Basic EPS (yuan per share)                                                0.47                                     0.41

 (II) Diluted EPS (yuan per share)                                             0.47                                     0.41

Legal representative:Zhang Yabo Officer in charge of accounting:Yu Yingkui     Head of accounting department:Sheng Xiaofeng

4. Income statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                  Items                                Year2021                                    Year2020

 I. Operating revenue                                          5,177,254,561.82                            4,516,583,047.45

   Less: Operating cost                                        3,999,539,505.73                            3,406,241,334.71

    Taxes and surcharges                                           32,253,209.34                               27,452,644.93

    Selling expenses                                               30,588,887.74                               28,559,403.90

    Administrative expenses                                       245,562,330.87                              187,763,288.96

    R&D expenses                                                  243,661,101.29                              188,357,821.51

                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

   Financial expenses                          65,705,083.81                               85,010,110.29

   Including: Interest expenses               131,726,916.21                               41,141,318.78

               Interest income                 84,424,936.52                               25,340,320.97

  Add: Other income                            37,994,497.58                               62,733,688.49
   Investment income (or less:                128,686,271.39                              189,487,259.99
   Including: Investment income                 6,438,328.13                                2,298,930.50
   from associates and joint ventures
   Gains from derecognition of
   financial assets at amortized cost
   Gains on net exposure to hedging
   (or less: losses)
   Gains on changes in fair value (or          -4,340,698.97                                4,086,324.56
   less: losses)
   Credit impairment loss (or less:            -1,940,041.81                                  -631,899.35
   Assets impairment loss (or less:            -1,595,901.84                                -1,496,468.86
   Gains on asset disposal (or less:              140,600.00                                    70,090.31
II. Operating profit (or less: losses)        718,889,169.39                              847,447,438.29

  Add: Non-operating revenue                    1,115,178.89                                1,907,081.98

  Less: Non-operating expenditures              2,008,942.30                                8,389,545.94
III. Profit before tax (or less: total        717,995,405.98                              840,964,974.33
  Less: Income tax expense                     79,826,243.65                               60,255,033.57

IV. Net profit (or less: net loss)            638,169,162.33                              780,709,940.76
(I) Net profit from continuing                638,169,162.33                              780,709,940.76
operations (or less: net loss)
(II) Net profit from discontinued
operations (or less: net loss)
V. Other comprehensive income after
(I) Not to be reclassified subsequently
to profit or loss
   1.Changes in remeasurement on
   the net defined benefit plan
   2. Items under equity method that
   will not be reclassified to profit or
   3. Changes in fair value of other
   equity instrument investments
   4. Changes in fair value of own
   credit risk
   5. Others
(II) To be reclassified subsequently to
profit or loss
   1. Items under equity method that
   may be reclassified to profit or

                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    2. Changes in fair value of other
    debt investments
    3. Profit or loss from
    reclassification of financial assets
    into other comprehensive income
    4. Provision for credit impairment
    of other debt investments
    5. Cash flow hedging reserve
    (profit or loss on cash flow
    6. Translation reserve

    7. Others

 VI. Total comprehensive income                       638,169,162.33                                780,709,940.76

 VII. Earnings per share (EPS):

 (I) Basic EPS (yuan per share)

 (II) Diluted EPS (yuan per share)

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                     Items                      Year 2021                               Year 2020

 I. Cash flows from operating activities:

   Cash receipts from sale of goods or             15,665,586,228.21                           11,849,284,665.68
 rendering of services

   Net increase of client deposit and
 interbank deposit

   Net increase of central bank loans

   Net increase of loans from other financial

   Cash receipts from original insurance
 contract premium

   Net cash receipts from reinsurance

   Net increase of policy-holder deposit and

   Cash receipts from interest, handling
 charges and commission

   Net increase of loans from others

   Net increase of repurchase

   Net cash receipts from agency security

                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

  Receipts of tax refund                        449,675,718.06                              264,818,602.07

  Other cash receipts related to operating      310,303,052.27                              253,535,410.82

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating      16,425,564,998.54                           12,367,638,678.57

  Cash payments for goods purchased and      11,715,511,301.72                            7,545,742,409.64
services received

  Net increase of loans and advances to

  Net increase of central bank deposit and
interbank deposit

  Cash payments for insurance indemnities
of original insurance contracts

  Net increase of loans to others

  Cash payments for interest, handling
charges and commission

  Cash payments for policy bonus

  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees     2,250,992,731.15                            1,677,941,014.69

  Cash payments for taxes and rates             421,980,964.22                              363,999,449.11

  Other cash payments related to operating      481,260,898.16                              692,612,022.02

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating     14,869,745,895.25                           10,280,294,895.46

Net cash flows from operating activities      1,555,819,103.29                            2,087,343,783.11

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash receipts from withdrawal of

  Cash receipts from investment income           17,973,512.65                               49,339,043.29

  Net cash receipts from the disposal of         24,621,563.92                               18,788,012.61
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

  Net cash receipts from the disposal of                                                        290,189.18
subsidiaries & other business units

  Other cash receipts related to investing      763,227,138.45                              576,219,673.31

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing         805,822,215.02                              644,636,918.39

  Cash payments for the acquisition of        1,952,005,483.09                            1,149,361,450.15

                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

  Cash payments for investments                    1,950,000.00                                1,250,000.00

  Net increase of pledged borrowings

  Net cash payments for the acquisition of        28,000,000.00
subsidiaries & other business units

  Other cash payments related to investing     3,873,524,969.01                              289,200,000.00

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing       5,855,480,452.10                            1,439,811,450.15

Net cash flows from investing activities      -5,049,658,237.08                             -795,174,531.76

III. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Cash receipts from absorbing                     3,000,000.00                              118,643,250.00

  Including: Cash received by subsidiaries
from non-controlling shareholders as

  Cash receipts from borrowings                4,374,592,836.66                            2,020,339,244.88

  Other cash receipts related to financing        53,683,640.26                               24,534,300.14

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing        4,431,276,476.92                            2,163,516,795.02

  Cash payments for the repayment of             380,944,246.34                            1,705,455,347.51

  Cash payments for distribution of              982,548,138.98                              842,824,941.43
dividends or profits and for interest

  Including: Cash paid by subsidiaries to         18,202,402.64                                4,007,833.39
non-controlling shareholders as dividend or

  Other cash payments related to financing       244,300,886.48                               10,752,519.79

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing       1,607,793,271.80                            2,559,032,808.73

Net cash flows from financing activities       2,823,483,205.12                             -395,516,013.71
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes      -39,785,884.78                               -50,292,214.11
on cash & cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash                -710,141,813.45                              846,361,023.53

                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

  Add: Opening balance of cash and cash               3,400,144,038.54                            2,553,783,015.01
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash                 2,690,002,225.09                            3,400,144,038.54

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Items                        Year 2021                               Year 2020

 I. Cash flows from operating activities:

   Cash receipts from sale of goods and               4,552,593,960.07                            3,591,777,322.35
 rendering of services

   Receipts of tax refund                                91,032,428.31                                 72,901,445.17

   Other cash receipts related to operating             148,753,935.08                                 93,832,945.34

 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating              4,792,380,323.46                            3,758,511,712.86

   Cash payments for goods purchased and              3,390,162,593.35                            1,965,431,440.25
 services received

   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees              489,699,623.10                                391,589,764.85

   Cash payments for taxes and rates                    101,139,657.54                                 91,135,303.51

   Other cash payments related to operating             192,477,373.76                                153,131,340.36

 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating             4,173,479,247.75                            2,601,287,848.97

 Net cash flows from operating activities               618,901,075.71                            1,157,223,863.89

 II. Cash flows from investing activities:

   Cash receipts from withdrawal of                                                                    19,217,446.05

   Cash receipts from investment income                  79,458,560.23                                225,498,714.94

   Net cash receipts from the disposal of fixed           5,236,022.97                                  5,013,171.60
 assets, intangible assets and other long-term

   Net cash receipts from the disposal of                                                               2,119,122.19
 subsidiaries & other business units

   Other cash receipts related to investing             282,769,383.03                                271,933,366.03

 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing                367,463,966.23                                523,781,820.81

                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

   Cash payments for the acquisition of fixed        141,993,812.89                              235,141,413.93
 assets, intangible assets and other long-term

   Cash payments for investments                   1,869,460,500.00                              236,348,684.83

   Net cash payments for the acquisition of
 subsidiaries & other business units

   Other cash payments related to investing        1,991,561,492.47                              149,070,741.05

 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing          4,003,015,805.36                              620,560,839.81

 Net cash flows from investing activities          -3,635,551,839.13                              -96,779,019.00

 III. Cash flows from financing activities:

   Cash receipts from absorbing investments                                                      118,643,250.00

   Cash receipts from borrowings                   3,850,000,000.00                            1,519,811,000.00

   Other cash receipts related to financing          356,883,274.78                               83,377,450.00

 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing           4,206,883,274.78                            1,721,831,700.00

   Cash payments for the repayment of                    20,000,000.00                         1,069,811,000.00

   Cash payments for distribution of                 951,587,071.48                              844,817,849.02
 dividends or profits and for interest expenses

   Other cash payments related to financing          642,469,365.41                               39,333,154.61

 Subtotal of cash outflows from financing          1,614,056,436.89                            1,953,962,003.63

 Net cash flows from financing activities          2,592,826,837.89                             -232,130,303.63

 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
 on cash and cash equivalents

 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents       -423,823,925.53                              828,314,541.26

      Add: Opening balance of cash and cash        1,803,237,880.51                              974,923,339.25

 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash              1,379,413,954.98                            1,803,237,880.51

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount of this period

                                                                                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                                  Year 2021

                                                                     Equity Attributable to parent Company

                             Other equity instruments                                                                    Gene
                                                                                      Other      Speci                                                                  Non-contr
     Items                                                                Less:                                           ral
                                                         Capital                    comprehe       al        Surplus               Undistribut    Othe                     olling      Total equity
                             Prefer                                                                                                                        Subtotal
             Share Capital            Perpet                            treasury                                         risk
                                                Othe     reserve                       nsive     reser                               ed profit     rs                     interest
                              red      ual                                                                   reserve
                                                 rs                      shares                                          reser
                                      bonds                                           income      ve

I. Balance   3,591,601,46                               315,417,43      281,483,7    -89,624,9               637,967,6              5,890,916,            10,064,794,    87,958,25    10,152,752,771
at the end            8.00                                    4.22          41.34        62.61                  13.47                   707.83                 519.57          1.46                 .03
of prior

e changes

of prior

on under

                                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


II. Balance    3,591,601,46          315,417,43   281,483,7   -89,624,9   637,967,6       5,890,916,            10,064,794,    87,958,25    10,152,752,771
at the                8.00                 4.22      41.34       62.61       13.47            707.83                 519.57         1.46                  .03
of current

III.            -511,250.00   409,   58,002,340   130,465,8   -39,785,8   63,816,91       724,772,89            1,085,513,7    14,324,08     1,099,837,837.
Current                       684,          .80      71.56       84.78         6.23             8.24                  51.86         5.84                  70
period                        602.
increase                       93
(or less:

(I) Total                                                     -39,785,8                   1,684,044,            1,644,258,5    20,780,13     1,665,038,652.
comprehen                                                        84.78                        407.47                  22.69         0.17                  86

(II) Capital    -511,250.00   409,   58,002,340   130,465,8                                                     336,709,82    3,000,000.    339,709,822.17
contribute                    684,          .80      71.56                                                             2.17           00
d or                          602.
withdrawn                      93
by owners

1.                                                                                                                            3,000,000.      3,000,000.00
Ordinary                                                                                                                              00
d by

2. Capital       24,610.00    409,   518,108.87                                                                 542,718.87                  410,227,321.80

                                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
contribute                   684,
d by                         602.
holders of                    93

3. Amount                           60,225,070    -69,573,64                                         129,798,71                  129,798,713.43
of                                         .93         2.50                                                 3.43
d payment
included in

               -535,860.00          -2,740,839.   200,039,5                                          -203,316,21                 -203,316,213.0
4. Others
                                            00        14.06                                                 3.06                               6

(III) Profit                                                   63,816,91       -959,271,5            -895,454,59   -18,202,40    -913,656,995.6
distributio                                                         6.23            09.23                   3.00         2.64                  4

1.                                                             63,816,91       -63,816,91
Appropriat                                                          6.23             6.23
ion of

ion of

              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3.                -895,454,5            -895,454,59   -18,202,40    -913,656,995.6
Appropriat             93.00                   3.00         2.64                  4
ion of
profit to

4. Others


1. Transfer
of capital
reserve to

2. Transfer
of surplus
reserve to
3. Surplus
reserve to
4. Changes
in defined
over to

                                                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
5. Other
over to
6. Others
ion of
n of
(VI)                                                                                                                                       8,746,358.      8,746,358.31
Others                                                                                                                                             31

IV.            3,591,090,21   409,   373,419,77      411,949,6   -129,410,            701,784,5       6,615,689,            11,150,308,    102,282,3    11,252,590,608
Balance at            8.00    684,         5.02          12.90      847.39                29.70           606.07                 271.43         37.30                  .73
the end of                    602.
current                        93

  Amount of Previous Period
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                              Year 2020
                                                                                                                                          Non-contro    Total equity
                                                  Equity Attributable to parent Company                                                     lling

                                                                                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
                                 Other equity                                     Other      Spec
                                                                      Less:                                      Gene
                Share            instruments           Capital                   comprehe     ial    Surplus       ral
                                                                                                                           Undistributed   Oth
                                                                     treasury                                     risk
               Capital      Prefer   Perpet            reserve                    nsive      reser               reser                     ers
                                                Oth                                                  reserve
                             red      ual                             shares                                       ve
                                                ers                               income      ve
                            shares   bonds
I. Balance    2,765,657,8                             1,090,800,0   363,781,15   -39,332,7           559,896,6             5,278,392,2            9,291,632,9   73,785,53     9,365,418,4
at the end         98.00                                   22.06          1.34      48.50               19.39                     88.84                 28.45         7.27          65.72
of prior

e changes
g policies

of prior

on under

II.           2,765,657,8                             1,090,800,0   363,781,15   -39,332,7           559,896,6             5,278,392,2            9,291,632,9   73,785,53     9,365,418,4
Balance at
the                98.00                                   22.06          1.34      48.50               19.39                     88.84                 28.45         7.27          65.72

                                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
of current
III.         825,943,57    -775,382,58   -82,297,41   -50,292,2   78,070,99      612,524,41           773,161,591    14,172,71     787,334,305
Current            0.00          7.84         0.00       14.11         4.08            8.99                    .12         4.19             .31
(or less:
(I) Total                                             -50,292,2                 1,462,158,8           1,411,866,60   11,164,53     1,423,031,1
nsive                                                    14.11                        21.57                   7.46         0.41          37.87
(II)         -731,510.00   54,313,350.   -82,297,41                                                   135,879,250                  135,879,250
contribute                         39         0.00                                                             .39                          .39
d or
n by
1.                         -49,264,050   -167,907,3                                                   118,643,250.                118,643,250.
Ordinary                           .00       00.00                                                              00                          00
d by

2. Capital
d by
holders of

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Amount                    107,029,81    89,793,814                                         17,236,000.                 17,236,000.
of                                 4.39           .00                                                  39                          39
d payment
in equity

               -731,510.00   -3,452,414.   -4,183,924.
4. Others
                                     00            00

(III) Profit                                             78,070,99     -849,634,40            -771,563,40    -4,007,83    -775,571,24
distributio                                                   4.08            2.58                   8.50         3.39           1.89

1.                                                       78,070,99     -78,070,994
Appropria                                                     4.08             .08
tion of
tion of
3.                                                                     -771,563,40            -771,563,40    -4,007,83    -775,571,24
tion of                                                                       8.50                   8.50         3.39           1.89
profit to
4. Others

(IV)           826,675,08    -826,675,08
Internal             0.00          0.00

                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
1.           826,675,08   -826,675,08
of capital         0.00         0.00
reserve to
of surplus
reserve to
3. Surplus
reserve to
in defined
over to
5. Other
over to
6. Others



                                                                                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
tion of

n of

(VI)                                                    -3,020,858.                                                                                     -3,020,858.2     7,016,017       3,995,158.9
Others                                                             23                                                                                             3              .17                   4

IV.             3,591,601,4                             315,417,43      281,483,74    -89,624,9                 637,967,6        5,890,916,7             10,064,794,     87,958,25       10,152,752,
Balance at           68.00                                    4.22            1.34          62.61                  13.47               07.83                 519.57             1.46          771.03
the end of

8. Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company

Amount of this period
                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Year 2021

                                        Other equity instruments                                                              Speci
      Items                                                                                       Less:            Other                                                  Other
                                                                                                                                al       Surplus        Undistributed
                  Share Capital               Perpetu                     Capital reserve       treasury        comprehensi                                                             Total equity
                                   Preferre                                                                                   reserv     reserve           profit           s
                                                 al         Others                               shares          ve income
                                   d shares                                                                                      e
I. Balance at     3,591,601,468.                                          1,198,721,706.      281,483,741.                             509,280,441.     1,089,748,875.                 6,107,868,750.
the end of                    00                                                      52                   34                                      15              88                              21
prior year
                                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

changes of

correction of
prior period

II. Balance     3,591,601,468.                  1,198,721,706.   281,483,741.           509,280,441.    1,089,748,875.            6,107,868,750.
at the
beginning of               00                              52             34                      15                88                        21
current year
III. Current      -511,250.00    409,684,602.   68,886,151.09    130,465,871.           63,816,916.2    -321,102,346.9             90,308,201.79
increase (or                              93                              56                       3                 0
(I) Total                                                                                               638,169,162.3              638,169,162.3
ve income                                                                                                            3                         3
(II) Capital      -511,250.00    409,684,602.   68,886,151.09    130,465,871.                                                      347,593,632.4
or                                        93                              56                                                                   6
by owners
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital          24,610.00    409,684,602.      518,108.87                                                                      410,227,321.8
by holders of                             93                                                                                                   0
other equity
3. Amount                                       71,108,881.22    -69,573,642.                                                      140,682,523.7
                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
share-based                                             50                                                                   2
included in
                 -535,860.00   -2,740,839.00   200,039,514.                                                     -203,316,213.0
4. Others
                                                        06                                                                   6

(III) Profit                                                          63,816,916.2    -959,271,509.2            -895,454,593.0
distribution                                                                     3                 3                         0
1.                                                                    63,816,916.2    -63,816,916.23
n of surplus                                                                     3
2.                                                                                    -895,454,593.0            -895,454,593.0
n of profit to                                                                                     0                         0
3. Others
(IV) Internal
within equity
1.Transfer of
reserve to
2.Transfer of
reserve to
reserve to
cover losses
4. Changes
in defined
benefit plan
carried over
to retained

                                                                                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
5. Other
ve income
carried over
to retained
6. Others
(V) Special
n of current
of current
(VI) Others
IV. Balance     3,591,090,218.                          409,684,602.   1,267,607,857.    411,949,612.                               573,097,357.     768,646,528.9              6,198,176,952.
at the end of
current                    00                                    93                 61                90                                       38                   8                      00

Amount of Previous Period
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                 Year 2020

                                   Other equity instruments                                                              Specia
    Items                                                                                                     Other                                                     Other
                                                                                     Less: treasury                         l       Surplus         Undistributed
                 Share Capital    Preferre   Perpetu     Other    Capital reserve                          comprehensi                                                          Total equity
                                                                                        shares                           reserv     reserve            profit             s
                                                                                                            ve income
                                  d shares   al bonds      s                                                                e

I. Balance at    2,765,657,898.                                   2,005,303,119.     363,781,151.3                                431,209,447.      1,158,673,337.              5,997,062,650.
the end of                  00                                                 53                 4                                           07               70                          96
prior year


                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report
changes of

correction of
prior period

II. Balance at   2,765,657,898.   2,005,303,119.   363,781,151.3         431,209,447.     1,158,673,337.             5,997,062,650.
the beginning
of current                  00               53               4                    07                 70                         96
III. Current     825,943,570.00   -806,581,413.0   -82,297,410.0         78,070,994.0     -68,924,461.82             110,806,099.25
increase (or                                  1               0                      8
(I) Total                                                                                780,709,940.76             780,709,940.76
ve income
(II) Capital        -731,510.00   20,093,666.99    -82,297,410.0                                                    101,659,566.99
or withdrawn                                                  0
by owners
1. Ordinary                       -49,264,050.00   -167,907,300.                                                     118,643,250.00
contributed                                                  00
by owners
2. Capital
by holders of
other equity
3. Amount of                      72,810,130.99    89,793,814.00                                                     -16,983,683.01
included in

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

4. Others           -731,510.00    -3,452,414.00   -4,183,924.00

(III) Profit                                                             78,070,994.0     -849,634,402.5             -771,563,408.5
distribution                                                                         8                 8                          0
1.                                                                       78,070,994.0     -78,070,994.08
n of surplus                                                                         8
2.                                                                                        -771,563,408.5             -771,563,408.5
n of profit to                                                                                         0                          0
3. Others
(IV) Internal    826,675,080.00   -826,675,080.0
within equity                                 0
1.Transfer of    826,675,080.00   -826,675,080.0
reserve to                                    0
2.Transfer of
reserve to
reserve to
cover losses
4. Changes in
benefit plan
carried over
to retained
5. Other
ve income
carried over
to retained

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

6. Others
(V) Special
n of current
of current
(VI) Others
IV. Balance     3,591,601,468.   1,198,721,706.   281,483,741.3         509,280,441.     1,089,748,875.             6,107,868,750.
at the end of
current                    00               52               4                    15                 88                         21

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

III. Company profile

     The Company was established by the original Sanhua Fuji Koki Co., Ltd. The Company currently holds a
business license with a unified social credit code of 913300006096907427 registered and issued by Zhejiang
Administration of Industry and Commerce, with headquarter in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. The registered
capital of 3,591,226,678.00 yuan, total share of 3,591,090,218 shares (each with par value of one yuan). The
Company’s shares were listed at Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
      The Company operates in the machinery manufacturing industry. Business scope includes production and
marketing of Service Valve, Electronic Expansion valve, Drainage Pump, Solenoid Valve, One-way Valve,
Compressor Parts, Pressure Pipeline Components, Electromechanical Hydraulic Control Pump and other
electromechanical hydraulic control components, undertaking services of inspection, test and analysis of
refrigeration accessories, and engaging in import and export business. Main products include control components
and parts of household appliances and automobile A/C.
    The financial statements have been approved by the board of directors of the Company and disclosed on
March 23, 2022.
    Zhejiang Sanhua Climate and Appliance Controls Group Co., Ltd. and other subsidiaries are included in the
scope of consolidated financial statements in the current period. For further details, please refer to the change of
consolidation scope in the notes to the financial report and the description of equity in other entities.

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

IV. Preparation basis of the financial statements

1. Preparation basis

     The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of going concern.

2. Going concern

     The Company has no events or conditions that may cast significant doubts upon the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern within the 12 months after the balance sheet date.

V. Significant accounting policies and estimates

     Tips on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

1. Statement of compliance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

     The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of China Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises (CASBEs), and present truly and completely the financial position, results of
operations and cash flows of the Company.

2. Accounting period

     The accounting year of the Company runs from January 1 to December 31 under the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating cycle

     The Company has a relatively short operating cycle for its business, an asset or a liability is classified as
current if it is expected to be realized or due within 12 months.

4. Functional currency

     The functional currency of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries is Renminbi (RMB) Yuan, while the
functional currency of subsidiaries engaged in overseas operations including SANHUA AWECO Appliance
Systems GmbH, Sanhua International Inc. etc. is the currency of the primary economic environment in which they

5. Accounting treatments of business combination under and not under common control

     1. Accounting treatment of business combination under common control
     Assets and liabilities arising from business combination are measured at carrying amount of the combined
party included in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date.

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Difference between carrying amount of the equity of the combined party included in the consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party and that of the combination consideration or total par value of shares
issued is adjusted to capital reserve, if the balance of capital reserve is insufficient to offset, any excess is adjusted
to retained earnings.
     2. Accounting treatment of business combination not under common control
     When combination cost is in excess of the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree at
the acquisition date, the excess is recognized as goodwill; otherwise, the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities
and contingent liabilities, and the measurement of the combination cost are reviewed, then the difference is
recognized in profit or loss.

6. Compilation method of consolidated financial statements

     The parent company brings all its controlled subsidiaries into the consolidation scope. The consolidated
financial statements are compiled by the parent company according to “CASBE 33 – Consolidated Financial
Statements”, based on relevant information and the financial statements of the parent company and its

7. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

     Cash as presented in cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and deposit on demand for payment. Cash
equivalents refer to short-term, highly liquid investments that can be readily converted to cash and that are subject
to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

8. Foreign currency translation

     1. Translation of transactions denominated in foreign currency
      Transactions denominated in foreign currency are translated into RMB yuan at the spot exchange rate at the
transaction date at initial recognition. At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currency
are translated at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date with difference, except for those arising from the
principal and interest of exclusive borrowings eligible for capitalization, included in profit or loss; non-cash items
carried at historical costs are translated at the spot exchange rate at the transaction date, with its RMB amount
unchanged; non-cash items carried at fair value in foreign currency are translated at the spot exchange rate at the
date when the fair value was determined, with difference included in profit or loss or other comprehensive
     2. Translation of financial statements measured in foreign currency
     The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated into RMB at the spot rate at the balance sheet date;
the equity items, other than undistributed profit, are translated at the spot rate at the transaction date; the revenues
and expenses in the income statement are translated into RMB at the approximate exchange rate similar to the
systematically and rationally determined spot exchange rate at the transaction date. The difference arising from
foreign currency translation is included in other comprehensive income.

9.Financial instruments

     1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

     Financial assets are classified into the following three categories when initially recognized: (1) financial
assets at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; (3) financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss.
      Financial liabilities are classified into the following four categories when initially recognized: (1) financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss; (2) financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset
does not qualify for derecognition or when the continuing involvement approach applies; (3) financial guarantee
contracts not fall within the above categories (1) and (2), and commitments to provide a loan at a below-market
interest rate, which do not fall within the above category (1); (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.
      2. Recognition criteria, measurement method and derecognition condition of financial assets and financial
     (1) Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets and financial liabilities
      When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it is recognized as a financial asset or
financial liability. The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company are measured
at fair value; for the financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction expenses
thereof are directly included in profit or loss; for other categories of financial assets and financial liabilities, the
transaction expenses thereof are included into the initially recognized amount. However, at initial recognition, for
accounts receivable that do not contain a significant financing component or in circumstances where the Company
does not consider the financing components in contracts within one year, the Company measures the transaction
price in accordance with “CASBE 14 – Revenues”.
     (2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets
     1) Financial assets measured at amortized costs
     The Company measures its financial assets at the amortized costs using effective interest method. Gains or
losses on financial assets that are measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be
included into profit or loss when the financial assets are derecognized, reclassified, through the amortization
process or in order to recognize impairment gains or losses.
     2) Debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     The Company measures its debt instrument investments at fair value. Interests, impairment losses or gains,
and gains and losses on foreign exchange that calculated using effective interest method shall be included into
profit or loss, while other gains or losses are included into other comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or
losses that initially recognized as other comprehensive income should be transferred out into profit or loss when
the financial assets are derecognized.
     3) Equity instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     The Company measures its equity instrument investments at fair value. Dividends obtained (other than those
as part of investment cost recovery) shall be included into profit or loss, while other gains or losses are included
into other comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or losses that initially recognized as other comprehensive
income should be transferred out into retained earnings when the financial assets are derecognized.
     4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
     The Company measures its financial assets at fair value. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value
(including interests and dividends) shall be included into profit or loss, except for financial assets that are part of
hedging relationships.
     (3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
     1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

      Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial liabilities (including
derivatives that are liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss. The
Company measures such kind of liabilities at fair value. The amount of changes in the fair value of the financial
liabilities that are attributable to changes in the Company’s own credit risk shall be included into other
comprehensive income, unless such treatment would create or enlarge accounting mismatches in profit or loss.
Other gains or losses on those financial liabilities (including interests, changes in fair value that are attributable to
reasons other than changes in the Company’s own credit risk) shall be included into profit or loss, except for
financial liabilities that are part of hedging relationships. Accumulated gains or losses that originally recognized as
other comprehensive income should be transferred out into retained earnings when the financial liabilities are
    2) Financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or
when the continuing involvement approach applies
    The Company measures its financial liabilities in accordance with “CASBE 23 – Transfer of Financial
     3) Financial guarantee contracts not fall within the above categories 1) and 2), and commitments to provide a
loan at a below-market interest rate, which do not fall within the above category 1)
     The Company measures its financial liabilities at the higher of: a. the amount of loss allowances in
accordance with impairment requirements of financial instruments; b. the amount initially recognized less the
amount of accumulated amortization recognized in accordance with “CASBE 14 – Revenues”.
     4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost
     The Company measures its financial liabilities at amortized cost using effective interest method. Gains or
losses on financial liabilities that are measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be
included into profit or loss when the financial liabilities are derecognized and amortized using effective interest
     (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
     1) Financial assets are derecognized when:
     a. the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets expire;
    b. the financial assets have been transferred and the transfer qualifies for derecognition in accordance with
“CASBE 23 – Transfer of Financial Assets”.
     2) Only when the underlying present obligations of a financial liability are relieved totally or partly may the
financial liability be derecognized accordingly.
     3. Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets transfer
     Where the Company has transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
financial asset, it derecognizes the financial asset, and any right or liability arising from such transfer is
recognized independently as an asset or a liability. If it retained substantially all of the risks and rewards related to
the ownership of the financial asset, it continues recognizing the financial asset. Where the Company does not
transfer or retain substantially all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset, it is dealt
with according to the circumstances as follows respectively: (1) if the Company does not retain its control over the
financial asset, it derecognizes the financial asset, and any right or liability arising from such transfer is
recognized independently as an asset or a liability; (2) if the Company retains its control over the financial asset,
according to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset, it recognizes the related
financial asset and recognizes the relevant liability accordingly.
     If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

amounts of the following two items is included in profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the transferred
financial asset as of the date of derecognition; (2) the sum of consideration received from the transfer of the
financial asset, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally included in other
comprehensive income proportionate to the transferred financial asset (financial assets transferred refer to debt
instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income). If the transfer of financial asset
partially satisfies the conditions to derecognition, the entire carrying amount of the transferred financial asset is,
between the portion which is derecognized and the portion which is not, apportioned according to their respective
relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following two items is included into profit or
loss: (1) the carrying amount of the portion which is derecognized; (2) the sum of consideration of the portion
which is derecognized, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally
included in other comprehensive income which is corresponding to the portion which is derecognized (financial
assets transferred refer to debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income).
     4. Fair value determination method of financial assets and liabilities
     The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient
data and information are available to measure fair value. The inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair
value are arranged in the following hierarchy and used accordingly:
   (1) Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the
Company can access at the measurement date.
      (2) Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset
or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in
active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; inputs other
than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, for example, interest rates and yield curves
observable at commonly quoted intervals; market-corroborated inputs;
     (3) Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. Level 3 inputs include interest rate that is
not observable and cannot be corroborated by observable market data at commonly quoted intervals, historical
volatility, future cash flows to be paid to fulfill the disposal obligation assumed in business combination, financial
forecast developed using the Company’s own data, etc.
     5. Impairment of financial instruments
     (1) Measurement and accounting treatment
     The Company, on the basis of expected credit loss, recognizes loss allowances of financial assets at
amortized cost, debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income, contract assets,
leases receivable, loan commitments other than financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, financial
guarantee contracts not belong to financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or financial liabilities that
arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or when the continuing involvement
approach applies.
     Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average of credit losses with the respective risks of a default
occurring as the weights. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the
Company in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash
shortfalls), discounted at the original effective interest rate. Among which, purchased or originated credit-impaired
financial assets are discounted at the credit-adjusted effective interest rate.
     At the balance sheet date, the Company shall only recognize the cumulative changes in the lifetime expected
credit losses since initial recognition as a loss allowance for purchased or originated credit-impaired financial

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

    For leases receivable, and accounts receivable and contract assets resulting from transactions regulated in
“CASBE 14 – Revenues”, the Company chooses simplified approach to measure the loss allowance at an amount
equal to lifetime expected credit losses.
     For financial assets other than the above, on each balance sheet date, the Company shall assess whether the
credit risk on the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition. The Company shall
measure the loss allowance for the financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if
the credit risk on that financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition; otherwise, the
Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected
credit loss.
     Considering reasonable and supportable forward-looking information, the Company compares the risk of a
default occurring on the financial instrument as at the balance sheet date with the risk of a default occurring on the
financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition, so as to assess whether the credit risk on the financial
instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition.
      The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since
initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have relatively low credit risk at the balance sheet
     The Company shall estimate expected credit risk and measure expected credit losses on an individual or a
collective basis. When the Company adopts the collective basis, financial instruments are grouped with similar
credit risk features.
     The Company shall remeasure expected credit loss on each balance sheet date, and increased or reversed
amounts of loss allowance arising therefrom shall be included into profit or loss as impairment losses or gains. For
a financial asset measured at amortized cost, the loss allowance reduces the carrying amount of such financial
asset presented in the balance sheet; for a debt investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income, the loss allowance shall be recognized in other comprehensive income and shall not reduce the carrying
amount of such financial asset.
        (2) Financial instruments with expected credit risk assessed and expected credit losses measured on a
collective basis
   Items                                       Basis for determination         Method for measuring expected
                                                     of portfolio                       credit loss
                                                                            Based on historical credit loss
                                                                            experience, the current situation and
                                                                            the forecast of future economic
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped
                                              Ages                          conditions, the Company calculates
 with ages
                                                                            expected credit loss through
                                                                            exposure at default and 12-month or
                                                                            lifetime expected credit loss rate.
        (3) Accounts receivable and contract assets with expected credit losses measured on a collective basis
        1) Specific portfolios and method for measuring expected credit loss
    Items                                      Basis for determination         Method for measuring
                                                     of portfolio               expected credit loss
                                                                            Based on historical credit
 Notes receivable-Bank acceptance             Accepted by financial         loss experience, the
 receivable                                   institutions                  current situation and the
                                                                            forecast of future
                                                                            economic conditions, the
 Notes receivable -Trade acceptance           Not accepted by financial     Company calculates

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

   Items                                        Basis for determination        Method for measuring
                                                       of portfolio             expected credit loss
 receivable                                   institutions                   expected credit loss
                                                                             through exposure at
                                                                             default and lifetime
                                                                             expected credit loss rate.
                                                                             Based on historical credit
                                                                             loss experience, the
                                                                             current situation and the
                                                                             forecast of future
                                                                             economic conditions, the
 Accounts receivable – Portfolio                                            Company prepares the
 grouped with ages                                                           comparison table of ages
                                                                             and lifetime expected
                                                                             credit loss rate of
                                                                             accounts receivable, so as
                                                                             to calculate expected
                                                                             credit loss.
     2) Accounts receivable – comparison table of ages and lifetime expected credit loss rate of portfolio grouped
with ages
                       Ages                               Expected credit loss rate (%)
 Within 1 year (inclusive, the same                                     5%
 1-2 years                                                             10%

 2-3 years                                                             30%

 Over 3 years                                                          50%

     6. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
     Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset.
However, the Company offsets a financial asset and a financial liability and presents the net amount in the balance
sheet when, and only when, the Company: (1) currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized
amounts; and (2) intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
     For a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company does not offset the
transferred asset and the associated liability.


     1. Classification of inventories
     Inventories include finished goods or goods held for sale in the ordinary course of business, work in process
in the process of production, materials or supplies etc., to be consumed in the production process or in the
rendering of services.
     2. Accounting method for dispatching inventories
    Inventories dispatched from storage are accounted for with weighted average method at the end of each
month/specific identification method.
     3. Basis for determining net realizable value
     At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value; provisions for

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

inventory write-down are made on the excess of its cost over the net realizable value.
      4. Inventory system
      The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
      5. Amortization method of low-value consumables and packages
      Low-value consumables and packages are amortized with one-off method.

11. Contract assets, contract liabilities

    The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship
between its performance obligations and customers’ payments. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the
same contract shall offset each other and be presented on a net basis.
     The Company presents an unconditional right to consideration (i.e., only the passage of time is required
before the consideration is due) as a receivable, and presents a right to consideration in exchange for goods that it
has transferred to a customer (which is conditional on something other than the passage of time) as a contract
     The company presents the obligation to transfer goods to customers for the consideration received or
receivable from customers as contract liabilities.

12.   Contract costs

      Assets related to contract costs including costs of obtaining a contract and costs to fulfil a contract.
     The Company recognizes as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract if those costs are expected
to be recovered. The costs of obtaining a contract shall be included into profit or loss when incurred if the
amortization period of the asset is one year or less.
     If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of standards related to inventories, fixed
assets or intangible assets, etc., the Company shall recognize the costs to fulfil a contract as an asset if all the
following criteria are satisfied:
     1. The costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including direct labor, direct materials,
manufacturing overhead cost (or similar cost), cost that are explicitly chargeable to the customer under the
contract, and other costs that are only related to the contract;
     2. The costs enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the
      3. The costs are expected to be recovered.
    An asset related to contract costs shall be amortized on a systematic basis that is consistent with related
goods or services, with amortization included into profit or loss.
     The Company shall make provision for impairment and recognize an impairment loss to the extent that the
carrying amount of an asset related to contract costs exceeds the remaining amount of consideration that the
Company expects to receive in exchange for the goods or services to which the asset relates less the costs
expected to be incurred. The original provision for asset impairment shall be reversed and included in the current
profit and loss when the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. The carrying amount of the
asset after the reversal shall not exceed the amount that would have been determined on the reversal date if no
provision for impairment had been made previously.

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13.Long-term receivables

14.Long-term equity investments

     1. Judgment of joint control and significant influence
     Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions
about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the
power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control
of these policies.
     2. Determination of investment cost
     (1) For business combination under common control, if the consideration of the combining party is that it
makes payment in cash, transfers non-cash assets, assumes its liabilities or issues equity securities, on the date of
combination, it regards the share of the carrying amount of the equity of the combined party included the
consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party as the initial cost of the investment. The
difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investments and the carrying amount of the combination
consideration paid or the par value of shares issued offsets capital reserve; if the balance of capital reserve is
insufficient to offset, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.
     (2) For business combination not under common control, investment cost is initially recognized at the
acquisition-date fair value of considerations paid.
     (3) Long-term equity investments obtained through ways other than business combination: the initial cost of a
long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash is the purchase cost which is actually paid ; that
obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities is the fair value of the equity securities issued; that obtained
through debt restructuring is determined according to “CASBE 12 – Debt Restructuring”; and that obtained through
non-cash assets exchange is determined according to “CASBE 7 – Non-cash Assets Exchange”.
     3. Subsequent measurement and recognition method of profit or loss
     For long-term equity investments with control relationship, it is accounted for with cost method; for long-term
equity investments of associated enterprises and cooperative enterprises, it is accounted for with equity method.

15. Investment property

     Investment property measurement model
     Measurement by cost method
     Depreciation or amortization method
     1. Investment property includes land use right of leased-out property and of property held for capital
appreciation and buildings that have been leased out.
     2. The initial measurement of investment property is based on its cost, and subsequent measurement is made
using the cost model, the depreciation or amortization method is the same as that of fixed assets and intangible

16. Fixed assets

(1)Recognition principles of fixed assets

    Fixed assets are tangible assets held for use in the production of goods or rendering of services, for rental to
others, or for administrative purposes, and expected to be used during more than one accounting year. Fixed assets

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are recognized if, and only if, it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to
the Company and the cost of the assets can be measured reliably.

(2)Depreciation method of different categories of fixed assets

   Categories                                                            Estimated residual value Annual depreciation rate
                          Depreciation method      Useful life (years)
                                                                             proportion (%)                (%)
 Buildings and
                         Straight-line method    20-30                    0%、5%                   3.17%~5.00%

 Machinery and
                         Straight-line method    5-12                     0%、5%                   7.92%~20.00%

 Measurement analysis
                         Straight-line method    5-10                     0%、5%                   9.50%~19.00%

 Vehicle                 Straight-line method    5-8                      0%、5%                   11.88%~20.00%

 Office equipment and
                         Straight-line method    5-8                      0%、5%                   11.88%~20.00%

17.Construction in progress

     1. Construction in progress is recognized if, and only if, it is probable that future economic benefits
associated with the item will flow to the Company, and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
Construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred to reach its designed usable conditions.
     2. Construction in progress is transferred into fixed assets at its actual cost when it reaches the designed
usable conditions. When the auditing of the construction in progress was not finished while reaching the designed
usable conditions, it is transferred to fixed assets using estimated value first, and then adjusted accordingly when
the actual cost is settled, but the accumulated depreciation is not to be adjusted retrospectively.

18.Borrowing costs

     Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it is capitalized and included in the costs of relevant
assets; other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and are
included in profit or loss.

19.Right-of-use assets

     The right-of-use asset is measured at cost and the cost shall comprise: 1) the amount of the initial
measurement of the lease liability; 2) any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any
lease incentives received; 3) any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee; 4) an estimate of costs to be incurred
by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is located or
restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease.
     The Company depreciates the right-of-use asset using the straight-line method. If it is reasonable to be
certain that the ownership of the underlying asset can be acquired by the end of the lease term, the Company
depreciates the right-of-use asset from the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset.

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Otherwise, the Company depreciates the right-of-use asset from the commencement date to the earlier of the end
of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term.

20.Intangible assets

      (1)   Valuation method, service life, impairment test
      1. Intangible assets include land use right, patent right and non-patented technology etc. The initial
measurement of intangible assets is based on its cost.
      2. Amortization method
                         Categories                           Amortization method          Amortization period (years)
Land use rights                                               Straight-line method           Contractual service life
Application software                                          Straight-line method                     1-4
Intellectual property                                         Straight-line method                    5-10

     Intangible assets with indefinite useful life are not amortized, but their useful life is reviewed annually. The
indefinite land ownership held by overseas subsidiaries abroad is not amortized due to uncertain service life.
      (2)Accounting policy for internal R&D expenditure
      Expenditures on the research phase of an internal project are recognized as profit or loss when it is incurred.
An intangible asset arising from the development phase of an internal project is recognized if the Company can
meet the corresponding conditions.

21.Impairment of long-term assets

    For long-term assets such as long-term equity investments, investment property at cost model, fixed assets,
construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with finite useful lives, etc., if at the balance sheet
date there is indication of impairment, the recoverable amount is to be estimated. For goodwill recognized in
business combination and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, no matter whether there is indication of
impairment, impairment test is performed annually. Impairment test on goodwill is performed on related asset
group or asset group portfolio.
      When the recoverable amount of such long-term assets is lower than their carrying amount, the difference is
recognized as provision for assets impairment through profit or loss.

22.Long-term prepayments

       Long-term prepayments are expenses that have been recognized but with amortization period over one year
(excluding one year). They are recorded with actual cost, and evenly amortized within the beneficiary period or
stipulated period. If items of long-term prepayments fail to be beneficial to the following accounting periods,
residual values of such items are included in profit or loss.

23.Employee benefits

      (1) Short-term employee benefits
    The Company recognizes, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, short-term
employee benefits actually incurred as liabilities, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or the cost of a

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relevant asset.
     (2) Post-employment benefits
    Post-employment benefit plans are mainly classified as defined contribution plans.
    During the accounting period employees provide services, according the defined contribution plan, the
amount payable is recognized as liabilities and included in the current profits and losses or relevant asset costs.
     (3) Termination benefits
     Termination benefits provided to employees are recognized as an employee benefit liability, with a
corresponding charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates: (1) when the Company cannot
unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment termination plan or a
curtailment proposal; (2) when the Company recognizes cost or expenses related to a restructuring that involves
the payment of termination benefits.

24. Lease liability

     On the lease inception day, the Company measures the lease liability at the present value of the lease
payments that are not paid at that date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If that rate cannot be
readily determined, the Company’s incremental borrowing rate shall be used. Unrecognized financing expenses,
calculated at the difference between the lease payment and its present value, are recognized as interest expenses
over the lease term using the discount rate which has been used to determine the present value of lease payment
and included in profit or loss. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are
included in profit or loss in the periods in which they are incurred.


      1. Provisions are recognized when fulfilling the present obligations arising from contingencies such as
providing guarantee for other parties, litigation, products quality guarantee, onerous contract, etc., may cause the
outflow of the economic benefit and such obligations can be reliably measured.
      2. The initial measurement of provisions is based on the best estimated expenditures required in fulfilling
the present obligations, and its carrying amount is reviewed at the balance sheet date.

26.Share-based payment

      1. Types of share-based payment
      Share-based payment consists of equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based payment.
      2. Accounting treatment for settlements, modifications and cancellations of share-based payment terms and
      (1) Equity-settled share-based payment
      For equity-settled share-based payment transaction with employees, if the equity instruments granted vest
immediately, the fair value of those equity instruments is measured at grant date and recognized as transaction
cost or expense, with a corresponding adjustment in capital reserve; if the equity instruments granted do not vest
until the counterparty completes a specified period of service, at the balance sheet date within the vesting period,
the fair value of those equity instruments measured at grant date based on the best estimate of the number of
equity instruments expected to vest is recognized as transaction cost or expense, with a corresponding adjustment
in capital reserve.

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      For equity-settled share-based payment transaction with parties other than employees, if the fair value of the
goods or services received can be measured reliably, the fair value is measured at the date the Company obtains
the goods or the counterparty renders service; if the fair value of the goods or services received cannot be
measured reliably, the fair value of the equity instruments granted measured at the date the Company obtains the
goods or the counterparty renders service is referred to, and recognized as transaction cost or expense, with a
corresponding increase in equity.
        (2) Cash-settled share-based payment
      For cash-settled share-based payment transactions with employees, if share appreciation rights vest
immediately, the fair value of the liability incurred as the acquisition of goods or services is measured at grant
date and recognized as transaction cost or expense, with a corresponding increase in liabilities; if share
appreciation rights do not vest until the employees have completed a specified period of service, the liability is
measured, at each balance sheet date until settled, at the fair value of the share appreciation rights measured at
grant date based on the best estimate of the number of share appreciation right expected to vest.
        (3) Modifications and cancellations of share-based payment terms and conditions
      If the modification increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, measured immediately before
and after the modification, the Company includes the incremental fair value granted in the measurement of the
amount recognized for services received as consideration for the equity instruments granted; similarly, if the
modification increases the number of equity instruments granted, the Company includes the fair value of the
additional equity instruments granted, measured at the date of the modification, in the measurement of the amount
recognized for services received as consideration for the equity instruments granted; if the Company modifies the
vesting conditions in a manner that is beneficial to the employee, the Company takes the modified vesting
conditions into account.
      If the modification reduces the fair value of the equity instruments granted, measured immediately before and
after the modification, the Company does not take into account that decrease in fair value and continue to measure
the amount recognized for services received as consideration for the equity instruments based on the grant date
fair value of the equity instruments granted; if the modification reduces the number of equity instruments granted
to an employee, that reduction is accounted for as a cancellation of that portion of the grant; if the Company
modifies the vesting conditions in a manner that is not beneficial to the employee, the Company does not take the
modified vesting conditions into account.
      If the Company cancels or settles a grant of equity instruments during the vesting period (other than a grant
cancelled by forfeiture when the vesting conditions are not satisfied), the Company accounts for the cancellation
or settlement as an acceleration of vesting, and therefore recognizes immediately the amount that otherwise would
have been recognized for services received over the remainder of the vesting period.

27. Convertible bonds

      The Company classifies convertible bonds at initial recognition as a financial asset or liability or equity
instrument, based on contract terms and economic essence it reveals instead of its legal form, combining with the
definitions of financial asset, liability and equity instrument.
      At the balance sheet date, for a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument, its interest expenditure
or dividend distribution is treated as profit distribution, and share repurchase and cancellation are treated as changes
in equity; for a financial instrument classified as a financial liability, its interest expenditure or dividend distribution
is treated as borrowing expense, and gain or loss on repurchase or redemption is included in profit or loss.

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Accounting policies used in revenue recognition and measurement
      1. Revenue recognition principles
      At contract inception, the Company shall assess the contracts and shall identify each performance obligation
in the contracts, and determine whether the performance obligation should be satisfied over time or at a point in
      The Company satisfies a performance obligation over time if one of the following criteria is met, otherwise,
the performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time: (1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes
the benefits provided by the Company’s performance as the Company performs; (2) the customer can control
goods or services as they are created by the Company’s performance; (3) the Company’s performance does not
create goods or services with an alternative uses and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for
performance completed to date.
      For each performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognize revenue over time by
measuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. In the circumstance that the
progress cannot be measured reasonably, but the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation are
expected to be recovered, the Company shall recognize revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until it can
reasonably measure the progress. To determine whether the customer has obtained control of goods, the Company
shall consider the following indicators: (1) the Company has a present right to payment for the goods, i.e., the
customer is presently obliged to pay for the goods; (2) the Company has transferred the legal title of the goods to
the customer, i.e., the customer has legal title to the goods; (3) the Company has transferred physical possession of
the goods, i.e., the customer has physically possessed the goods; (4) the Company has transferred significant risks
and rewards of ownership of the goods, i.e., the customer has obtained significant risks and rewards of ownership
of the goods; (5) the customer has accepted the goods; (6) other indicators showing the customer has obtained
control over the goods.
      2. Revenue measurement principle
      (1) Revenue is measured at the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to each performance
obligation. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in
exchange for transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties
and those expected to be refunded to the customer.
      (2) If the consideration promised in a contract includes a variable amount, the Company shall confirm the
best estimate of variable consideration at expected value or the most likely amount. However, the transaction price
that includes the amount of variable consideration only to the extent that it is high probable that a significant
reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the
variable consideration is subsequently resolved.
      (3) In the circumstance that the contract contains a significant financing component, the Company shall
determine the transaction price based on the price that a customer would have paid for if the customer had paid
cash for obtaining control over those goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the
amount of promised consideration is amortized under effective interest method over contractual period.
      (4) For contracts containing two or more performance obligations, the Company shall determine the
stand-alone selling price at contract inception of the distinct good underlying each performance obligation and
allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation on a relative stand-alone selling price basis.
      3. Revenue recognition method
      The company's main business activities are the R&D, production and sales of control components and parts

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

of household appliances and automobiles, which belong to the performance obligations at a certain point in time.
The income from domestic sales of products shall be recognized after the delivery inspection and the receipt
certificate are obtained, and the income from export of products shall be recognized after the export declaration
and the bill of lading are obtained. The sales revenue of metal scrap is recognized after weighing and picking up
the goods and obtaining the receipt certificate.
      Differences in accounting policies for revenue recognition due to different business models adopted by
similar businesses

24.Government grants

      1. Government grants shall be recognized if, and only if, the following conditions are all met: (1) the Company
will comply with the conditions attaching to the grants; (2) the grants will be received. Monetary government grants
are measured at the amount received or receivable. Non-monetary government grants are measured at fair value, and
can be measured at nominal amount in the circumstance that fair value can’t be assessed.
      2. Government grants related to assets
      Government grants related to assets are government grants with which the Company construct or otherwise
acquire long-term assets under requirements of government. In the circumstances that there is no specific
government requirement, the Company shall determine based on the primary condition to acquire the grants and
government grants related to assets are government grants whose primary condition is to construct or otherwise
acquire long-term assets. They offset carrying amount of relevant assets or recognized as deferred income. If
recognized as deferred income, they are included in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the useful lives of the
relevant assets. Those measured at notional amount is directly included into profit or loss. For assets sold,
transferred, disposed or damaged within the useful lives, balance of unamortized deferred income is transferred
into profit or loss of the year in which the disposal occurred.
      3. Government grants related to income
      Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. For
government grants that contain both parts related to assets and parts related to income, in which those two parts
are blurred and thus collectively classified as government grants related to income. For government grants related
to income used for compensating the related future cost, expenses or losses of the Company are recognized as
deferred income and are included in profit or loss or offset relevant cost during the period in which the relevant
cost, expenses or losses are recognized; for government grants related to income used for compensating the
related cost, expenses or losses incurred to the Company, they are directly included in profit or loss or directly
offset relevant cost.
      4. Government grants related to the ordinary course of business shall be included into other income or offset
relevant cost based on business nature, while those not related to the ordinary course of business shall be included
into non-operating revenue or expenditures.
      5. Policy interest subvention
      (1) In the circumstance that government appropriates interest subvention to lending bank, who provides loans
for the Company with a policy subsidised interest rate, borrowings are carried at the amount received, with
relevant borrowings cost computed based on the principal and the policy subsidised interest rate.
      (2) In the circumstance that government directly appropriates interest subvention to the Company, the
subsidised interest shall offset relevant borrowing cost.

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30.Deferred tax assets/Deferred tax liabilities

      1. Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the difference between
the carrying amount and tax base of assets and liabilities (and the difference of the carrying amount and tax base of
items not recognized as assets and liabilities but with their tax base being able to be determined according to tax
laws) and in accordance with the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be
recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
      2. A deferred tax asset is recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable income, which it is most likely to
obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, if there is any
exact evidence that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which deductible temporary
differences can be utilized, the deferred tax assets unrecognized in prior periods are recognized.
      3. At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed. The carrying amount of a
deferred tax asset is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available
to allow the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilized. Such reduction is subsequently reversed to the extent that
it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.
      4. The income tax and deferred tax for the period are treated as income tax expenses or income through profit
or loss, excluding those arising from the following circumstances: (1) business combination; and (2) the transactions
or items directly recognized in equity.

31. Leases

     (1) Operating lease
     The Company as lessee, at the commencement date, the Company recognizes a lease that has a lease term of
12 months or less as a short-term lease, which shall not contain a purchase option; the Company recognizes a
lease as a lease of a low-value asset if the underlying asset is of low value when it is new. If the Company
subleases an asset, or expects to sublease an asset, the head lease does not qualify as a lease of a low-value asset.
For all assets in short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, lease payments are recognized as cost or profit or
loss with straight-line method/unit-of-production method over the lease term. Apart from the above-mentioned
short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified approach, the Company recognizes right-of-use
assets and lease liabilities at the commencement date.
     The Company as lessor, at the commencement date, lease receipts are recognized as lease income with
straight-line method/unit-of-production method over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred shall be
capitalized, amortized on the same basis as the recognition of lease income, and included into profit or loss by
installments. Variable lease payments related to operating lease which are not included in the lease payment are
charged as profit or loss in the periods in which they are incurred.
     (2) Finance lease
     The Company as lessee, at the commencement date, the Company recognizes a lease that has a lease term of
12 months or less as a short-term lease, which shall not contain a purchase option; the Company recognizes a
lease as a lease of a low-value asset if the underlying asset is of low value when it is new. If the Company
subleases an asset, or expects to sublease an asset, the head lease does not qualify as a lease of a low-value asset.
For all assets in short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, lease payments are recognized as cost or profit or

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

loss with straight-line method/unit-of-production method over the lease term. Apart from the above-mentioned
short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with simplified approach, the Company recognizes right-of-use
assets and lease liabilities at the commencement date.
     The Company as lessor, at the commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease payment
receivable based on the net investment in the lease (sum of the present value of unguaranteed residual value and
lease receipts that are not received at the commencement date, discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease),
and derecognizes assets held under the finance lease. The Company calculates and recognizes interest income
using the interest rate implicit in the lease over the lease term. Variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of the net investment in the lease are charged as profit or loss in the periods in which they are

32. Share repurchase

     When the Company repurchases its shares for the purpose of reducing its registered capital or rewarding its
employees. The amount actually paid shall be treated as treasury stock and registered for future reference at the
same time. If the purchased shares are to be retired, the difference between the total book value of shares retired
and the cash distributed to existing shareholders for repurchase is to reduce capital reserve, or retained earnings
when the capital reserve is not enough to reduce. If the Company repurchases vested equity instruments in
equity-settled share-based payment transactions with employees, cost of treasury shares granted to employees and
capital reserve (other capital reserve) accumulated within the vesting period are to be written off on the payment
made to employees, with a corresponding adjustment in capital reserve (share premium).

33. Other important accounting policies and accounting estimates

     Segment reporting
     Operating segments are determined based on the structure of the Company’s internal organization,
management requirements and internal reporting system. An operating segment is a component of the Company:
     1. That engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses;

     2. Whose financial performance is regularly reviewed by the Management to make decisions about resource
to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance;

     3. For which accounting information regarding financial position, financial performance and cash flows is
available through analysis.

34. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    1. New lease criteria

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

     (1) The company will implement the revised accounting standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 - leasing
(hereinafter referred to as the new leasing standards) from January 1, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the first
implementation date).

     ① For contracts existing before the first execution date, the company chooses not to reevaluate whether they
are leases or include leases.

     ② For the lease contract in which the company is the lessee, the company adjusts the amount of retained
earnings at the beginning of the reporting period and other relevant items in the financial statements according to
the cumulative impact for adjusting from original standard to the new lease standard on the first implementation
date, and does not adjust the information of the comparable period. The specific treatment is as follows:
     For the financial lease before the first execution date, the company shall measure the right of use assets and
lease liabilities respectively according to the original book value of the financial lease in assets and the financial
lease payable on the first execution date.
     For the operating lease before the first execution date, the company shall measure the lease liability at the
present value discounted by the company's incremental loan interest rate on the first execution date according to
the remaining lease payment on the first execution date, and measure the right to use asset according to the
amount equal to the lease liability and make necessary adjustments according to the prepaid rent.
     A. The main impact of the implementation of the new leasing standards on the company's financial
statements on January 1, 2021 is as follows:

                                                                        Balance Sheet
  Items                                                            Effect of new lease criteria
                                             Dec 31,2020                                                   Jan 1, 2021
Fixed assets                                    3,839,408,059.45                  -119,764,340.05           3,719,643,719.40

Right of use assets                                                               +202,831,869.22            202,831,869.22

Non-current liabilities due within
                                                 130,553,923.87                    +22,719,934.72            153,273,858.59
one year
Lease liabilities                                                                 +149,779,815.53            149,779,815.53

Long-term payables                                90,336,083.27                     -89,432,221.08                903,862.19

     B. Simplified treatment of operating leases before the first execution date
     For lease contracts completed within 12 months after the first execution date, the company adopts a
simplified method and does not recognize the right of use assets and lease liabilities; The above simplified
treatment has no significant impact on the company's financial statements.

     ③ For the operating lease contracts of low value assets existing before the first execution date, the company
adopts a simplified method, does not recognize the right of use assets and lease liabilities, and carries out
accounting treatment in accordance with the new lease standards from the first execution date.

     ④ The lease contract with the company as the lessor shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

with the new lease standards from the first execution date.
     2. Q&A on the implementation of accounting standards for business enterprises
     In November 2021, the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance issued the fifth batch of questions
and answers on the implementation of accounting standards for business enterprises in 2021. According to the
article, under normal circumstances, the transportation activities before the control of the enterprise's goods or
services is transferred to the customer and in order to perform the customer's contract do not constitute a single
performance obligation, and the relevant transportation costs should be regarded as the contract performance costs,
amortized on the same basis as the recognition of the revenue of goods or services, and included in the current
profit and loss, The contract performance cost shall be carried forward and included in the title of "main business
cost" or "other business cost" when recognizing the revenue of goods or services, and shall be listed in the item of
"operating cost" in the income statement.
     Due to the implementation of the question and answer on the implementation of accounting standards for
business enterprises (the fifth batch), the company retroactively corrected the presentation of sales freight and
miscellaneous expenses in 2020, and reclassified the item from "sales expenses" to "operating costs". The
adjustment impact of the accounting policy change on the financial statements of 2020 is shown in the table

         Items                                    Income statement in 2020
                       Amount before          Amounts affected                 Adjusted amount
Consolidated income statement
Operating cost             8,500,391,322.27       +237,829,716.09                         8,738,221,038.36
Selling expenses            602,954,759.17        -237,829,716.09                          365,125,043.08
Parent Company Income statement
Operating cost             3,383,660,538.43        +22,580,796.28                         3,406,241,334.71
Selling expenses             51,140,200.18          -22,580,796.28                           28,559,403.90

(2)Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3)Since 2021 , Adjustments to the relevant items of financial statements at the beginning of the year at
the first implementation of new lease standards .

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Whether it is necessary to adjust the balance sheet accounts at the beginning of the year
√ Yes □ No
Consolidated balance sheet
                   Items                      December 31,2020        January 1,2021          Adjustments

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Current asset:

       Cash and Bank Balances                 3,489,687,568.14    3,489,687,568.14

       Settlement funds

       Loans to other banks

       Held-for-trading financial assets       752,224,861.78      752,224,861.78

       Derivative financial assets              58,330,486.53       58,330,486.53

       Notes receivable                       2,323,934,781.53    2,323,934,781.53

       Accounts receivable                    2,355,613,299.57    2,355,613,299.57

       Receivable financing

       Advances paid                            69,404,326.45       69,404,326.45

       Premium receivable

       Reinsurance accounts receivable

       Reinsurance reserves receivable

       Other receivables                        76,935,495.05       76,935,495.05

         Including: Interest receivable

                 Dividends receivable

       Repurchasing of financial assets

       Inventories                            2,307,761,706.46    2,307,761,706.46

       Contract assets

       Assets held for sales

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                    150,460,488.01      150,460,488.01

Total current assets                         11,584,353,013.52   11,584,353,013.52

Non-current assets:

       Loans and advances paid

       Debt investments

       Other debt investments

       Long-term receivable                       2,074,750.00        2,074,750.00

       Long-term equity investments             15,219,616.68       15,219,616.68

       Other equity instrument investments

       Other non-current financial assets

       Investment property                      10,067,588.96       10,067,588.96

       Fixed assets                           3,839,408,059.45    3,719,643,719.40         -119,764,340.05

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

     Construction in progress                    628,730,529.07      628,730,529.07

     Productive biological assets

     Oil & gas assets

     Right-of-use assets                                             202,831,869.22          202,831,869.22

     Intangible assets                           507,693,672.93      507,693,672.93

     Development expenditures

     Goodwill                                     31,959,091.60       31,959,091.60

     Long-term prepayments                        23,706,401.61       23,706,401.61

     Deferred tax assets                         137,808,879.28      137,808,879.28

     Other non-current assets                    251,509,127.08      251,509,127.08

Total non-current assets                        5,448,177,716.66    5,531,245,245.83           83,067,529.17

Total assets                                   17,032,530,730.18   17,115,598,259.35           83,067,529.17

Current liabilities:

     Short-term borrowings                       383,088,296.60      383,088,296.60

     Central bank loans

     Loans from other banks

     Held-for-trading financial liabilities

     Derivative financial liabilities               7,939,957.91        7,939,957.91

     Notes payable                              1,238,574,463.73    1,238,574,463.73

     Accounts payable                           2,279,661,755.97    2,279,661,755.97

     Advances received                            10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00

     Contract liabilities                         42,581,607.67       42,581,607.67

     Selling of repurchased financial assets

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Deposit for agency security

     Deposit for agency security

     Employee benefits payable                   289,305,913.99      289,305,913.99

     Taxes and rates payable                      75,008,142.06       75,008,142.06

  Other payables                                 270,888,400.58      270,888,400.58

          Including: Interest Payable

                    Dividends Payable

      Handling fee and commission

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


        Reinsurance accounts payable

        Liabilities classified as held for sale

        Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                   130,553,923.87      153,273,858.59            22,719,934.72

        Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                         4,727,602,462.38   4,750,322,397.10            22,719,934.72

Non-current liabilities:

        Insurance policy reserve

        Long-term borrowings                      1,707,918,994.87   1,707,918,994.87

        Bonds payable

Including: Preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

        Lease liabilities                                              149,779,815.53          149,779,815.53

        Long-term payables                          90,336,083.27          903,862.19           -89,432,221.08

        Long-term employee benefits

        Provisions                                   2,638,000.00        2,638,000.00

        Deferred income                            140,105,336.43      140,105,336.43

        Deferred tax liabilities                   130,778,184.48      130,778,184.48

        Other non-current liabilities               80,398,897.72       80,398,897.72

Total non-current liabilities                     2,152,175,496.77   2,212,523,091.22            60,347,594.45

Total liabilities                                 6,879,777,959.15   6,962,845,488.32            83,067,529.17


       Share capital                              3,591,601,468.00   3,591,601,468.00

       Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

       Capital reserve                             315,417,434.22      315,417,434.22

  Less: Treasury shares                            281,483,741.34      281,483,741.34

       Other comprehensive income                   -89,624,962.61     -89,624,962.61

       Special reserve

       Surplus reserve                             637,967,613.47      637,967,613.47

       General risk reserve

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

       Undistributed profit                  5,890,916,707.83    5,890,916,707.83

Total equity attributable to the parent
                                            10,064,794,519.57   10,064,794,519.57

       Non-controlling interest                 87,958,251.46      87,958,251.46

Total equity                                10,152,752,771.03   10,152,752,771.03

Total liabilities & equity                  17,032,530,730.18   17,115,598,259.35           83,067,529.17
Adjustment statement
Parent Company Balance Sheet

                     Items                 December 31,2020     January 1,2021          Adjustment

Current assets:

  Cash and bank balances                     1,848,930,095.07    1,848,930,095.07

  Held-for-trading financial assets            323,000,000.00     323,000,000.00

  Derivative financial assets                    8,856,174.56        8,856,174.56

  Notes receivable                             773,393,944.74     773,393,944.74

  Accounts receivable                          729,906,676.91     729,906,676.91

  Receivables financing

  Advances paid                                  6,803,910.27        6,803,910.27

  Other receivables                            348,897,078.11     348,897,078.11

         Including: Interest Receivable

                  Dividends Receivable

  Inventories                                  553,388,303.73     553,388,303.73

  Contract assets

  Assets classified as held for sale

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                     46,083,837.26      46,083,837.26

Total current assets                         4,639,260,020.65    4,639,260,020.65

Non-current assets:

  Debt investments

  Other debt investments

  Long-term receivable

  Long-term equity investments               4,528,546,229.37    4,528,546,229.37

  Other equity instrument investments

  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

  Fixed assets                               1,565,826,802.57    1,565,826,802.57

  Construction in progress                     71,862,243.72       71,862,243.72

  Productive biological assets

  Oil & gas assets

  Right-of-use assets

  Intangible assets                           156,335,743.52      156,335,743.52

  Development expenditures


  Long-term prepayments

  Deferred tax assets                            7,336,345.87        7,336,345.87

  Other non-current assets                     36,566,524.79       36,566,524.79

Total non-current assets                     6,366,473,889.84    6,366,473,889.84

Total assets                                11,005,733,910.49   11,005,733,910.49

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                        20,012,527.78       20,012,527.78

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                               381,631,833.96      381,631,833.96

  Accounts payable                           1,566,994,944.07    1,566,994,944.07

  Advances received

  Contract liabilities                           1,155,759.09        1,155,759.09

  Employee benefits payable                    93,150,785.46       93,150,785.46

  Taxes and rates payable                      10,811,341.50       10,811,341.50

  Other payables                             1,355,955,388.81    1,355,955,388.81

        Including: interest payable

                   Dividends Payable

  Liabilities classified as held for sale

  Non-current liabilities due within one

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                    3,429,712,580.67    3,429,712,580.67

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings                       1,381,428,522.65    1,381,428,522.65

  Bonds payable

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Including: Preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities

  Long-term payables

  Long-term employee benefits payable

  Provisions                                             2,638,000.00            2,638,000.00

  Deferred income                                       35,908,399.54           35,908,399.54

  Deferred tax liabilities                              48,177,657.42           48,177,657.42

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                        1,468,152,579.61     1,468,152,579.61

Total liabilities                                    4,897,865,160.28     4,897,865,160.28


  Share capital                                      3,591,601,468.00     3,591,601,468.00

  Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserve                                    1,198,721,706.52     1,198,721,706.52

  Less: treasury shares                               281,483,741.34       281,483,741.34

  Other comprehensive income

  Special reserve

  Surplus reserve                                     509,280,441.15       509,280,441.15

  Undistributed profit                               1,089,748,875.88     1,089,748,875.88

Total equity                                         6,107,868,750.21     6,107,868,750.21

Total liabilities & equity                         11,005,733,910.49    11,005,733,910.49
Adjustment statement

(4)Since 2021 , the statements of first implementation of new lease standards to trace and adjust previous
comparative data.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    A. The main impact for implementation of the new lease standards on the company's financial statements on
January 1, 2021 is shown as following:
       Items                                                Balance Sheet
                             Dec 31, 2021          New lease standards effect                   Jan 1, 2021
Fixed assets                    3,839,408,059.45              -119,764,340.05                          3,719,643,719.40
Right-of-use assets                                          +202,831,869.22                            202,831,869.22

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Non-current                   130,553,923.87                +22,719,934.72                         153,273,858.59
liabilities due
within one year
Lease liabilities                                         +149,779,815.53                          149,779,815.53
Long-term payables             90,336,083.27                -89,432,221.08                              903,862.19
      B. Simplified treatment of operating leases before the first execution date
      For lease contracts completed within 12 months after the first execution date, the company adopts a
simplified method and does not recognize the right of use assets and lease liabilities. The above simplified
treatment has no significant impact on the company's financial statements.
      ③ For the operating lease contracts of low value assets existing before the first execution date, the company
adopts a simplified method, does not recognize the right of use assets and lease liabilities, and carries out new
lease standards from the first execution date.
      ④ The lease contract with the company as the lessor shall be subject to new lease standards from the first
execution date.

Ⅵ. Taxes

1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

        Tax Type                                                 Taxation basis                                            Tax rate

                           The output tax calculated based on the revenue from sales of goods or rendering of
           VAT             services in accordance with the tax law, net of the input tax that is allowed to be deducted   13%,9%,6%
                           in the current period

Urban maintenance and
                           The sum of turnover tax payable and value-added tax exemption                                  5%,7%
    construction tax

 Enterprise income tax     Taxable income                                                                                 15%,25%

Different enterprise income tax rates applicable to different taxpayers:
                                     Taxpayers                                            Income tax rate

Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd                                         15%

Zhejiang Sanhua Climate and Appliance Controls Group Co., Ltd                         15%

Sanhua (Hangzhou) Micro Channel Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd                               15%

Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Components Co., Ltd.                                       15%

Shaoxing Sanhua New Energy Automotive Components Co., Ltd-                            15%

Wuhu Sanhua Auto-control Components Co., Ltd and other subsidiaries                   15%

Domestic taxpayers other than the above-mentioned                                     25%

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

2. Tax preferential policies

      Being categorized as high-tech enterprises, the income tax of the Company and several subsidiaries for 2020
are temporarily calculated at a preferential tax rate of 15%, and the final income tax settlement shall prevail.
      Several subsidiaries are welfare enterprises and can enjoy the preferential policy of "VAT refund". The
exceeding portion over the 3% VAT payable of the certified software products enjoy the immediate refund policy.
Export goods enjoy the VAT exemption and refund policy.

3. Others

    The overseas subsidiary shall be subject to the tax regulations of its host country.

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Ⅶ. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash and bank balances

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                            Items                                     Closing balance                 Opening balance

 Cash on hand                                                                      214,611.31                     232,265.51

 Cash in bank                                                                 6,602,049,617.99              3,411,034,773.03

 Other cash and bank balances                                                  105,457,631.83                  78,420,529.60

 Total                                                                        6,707,721,861.13              3,489,687,568.14

 Including: Deposited overseas                                                 294,941,970.98                 370,754,548.72

      The total amount of the cash and bank balances that
                                                                                81,437,216.06                  89,543,529.60
 are limited by mortgage, pledge or freeze

Other remarks:
    As of December 31, 2021, bank deposits containing large deposit certificates with fixed interest rates
amounted to 3936.2824 million yuan.

2. Held-for-trading financial assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                   Items                                    Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                        109,383,374.74                            752,224,861.78
 profit or loss


 Bank financial products                                                109,383,374.74                            752,224,861.78


                   Total                                                109,383,374.74                            752,224,861.78

Other remarks:

3. Derivative Financial Assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                   Items                                    Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Foreign exchange tool                                                   50,103,815.20                             49,339,961.11

 Futures tools                                                            4,536,549.83                              8,990,525.42

                   Total                                                 54,640,365.03                             58,330,486.53

Other remarks:

                                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

        4. Notes receivable

        (1)Categories of notes receivable

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                             Items                                    Closing balance                             Opening balance

          Bank acceptance                                                         2,131,097,187.89                             2,190,368,328.70

          Trade acceptance                                                           13,095,844.43                                133,566,452.83

                             Total                                                2,144,193,032.32                             2,323,934,781.53

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                          Closing balance                                                    Opening balance

                                             Provision for bad                                                Provision for bad
                   Book balance                                                         Book balance
                                                   debt                                                             debt

                                                            Prov                  Amount        Proportio    Amount        Provi
Categories                                                          Carrying
                                                            ision                               n                          sion       Carrying amount
                              Proport                                amount
                 Amount                      Amount         prop                                                           prop
                                                            ortio                                                          ortio
                                                             n                                                             n


                 2,144,88      100.00                       0.03    2,144,193,     2,330,964,                 7,029,813.    0.30
for bad                                     689,254.97                                           100.00%                               2,323,934,781.53
                 2,287.29             %                        %       032.32          594.83                         30       %
debt made
on a


Bank             2,131,09       99.36                               2,131,097,     2,190,368,
                                                                                                    93.97%                             2,190,368,328.70
acceptance       7,187.89             %                                187.89          328.70

Trade            13,785,0                                   5.00    13,095,844    140,596,26                  7,029,813.    5.00
                               0.64%        689,254.97                                               6.03%                               133,566,452.83
acceptance          99.40                                      %           .43           6.13                         30       %

                                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                 2,144,88       100.00                  0.03    2,144,193,     2,330,964,                 7,029,813.     0.30
Total                                    689,254.97                                          100.00%                                 2,323,934,781.53
                 2,287.29            %                    %           032.32       594.83                        30        %

        Provision for bad debt made on a collective basis:
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Closing balance
                                                  Book balance                   Provision for bad debt          Provision proportion (%)

        Bank acceptance portfolio                       2,131,097,187.89

        Trade acceptance portfolio                         13,785,099.40                        689,254.97                               5.00%

        Total                                           2,144,882,287.29                        689,254.97                      --

             If the provision for bad debt of notes receivable is in accordance with the general expected credit loss model,
        please refer to the disclosure of the bad debt provision for other receivables:
         √ Applicable □ Not Applicable
        Provision for bad debt                                                                                                        Subtotal
                                             Phase I                             Phase II                    Phase III

                                  12 month expected credit losses Lifetime expected credit losses Lifetime expected credit losses (credit
                                                                       (credit not impaired)                   impaired)
        Balance on January 1,
                                                      7,029,813.30                                                                     7,029,813.30
        The balance as of                      ——                                ——                         ——                   ——
        January 1, 2021 is in
        the current period

        --Transferred to phase
        --Transferred to phase
        --Reversed to phase II
        --Reversed to phase I

        Provision made in the
                                                      -6,340,558.33                                                                   -6,340,558.33
        current period
        Provision recovered in
        current period

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Provision reversed in
current period
Provision written off in
current period

Other changes
Balance on December                            689,254.97                                                                     689,254.97
31, 2021

(2)Provision for bad debt accrued, recovered or reversed in current period

Provision for bad debt accrued in current period:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                             Changed amount of this period
                            Opening                                                                                    Closing
     Categories                                             Recovered or
                             balance       Accrual                               Write off           Others            balance

 Trade acceptance          7,029,813.30   -6,340,558.33                                                                 689,254.97

         Total             7,029,813.30   -6,340,558.33                                                                 689,254.97

Including significant provision for bad debt recovered or reversed amount:
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

(3)Pledged notes at the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                 Items                                              Closing balance of pledged notes

 Bank acceptance                                                                                                   872,096,928.77

 Total                                                                                                             872,096,928.77

(4)Endorsed or discounted but undue notes at the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                    Items                            Closing balance derecognized            Closing balance not yet derecognized

 Bank acceptance                                                          81,200,963.56

 Total                                                                    81,200,963.56

5. Accounts receivable

(1)Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                    Closing balance                                                  Opening balance

                                        Provision for bad                                                Provision for bad
             Book balance                                                         Book balance
                                              debt                                                               debt
           Amount        Propor       Amount          Accru      Carrying     Amount        Propor      Amount          Accru      Carrying
                         tion                         ed         amount                     tion                        ed          amount
                                                      propor                                                            propor
                                                      tion                                                              tion

on         1,066,059.                  1,066,059      100.00                                                            100.00
                         0.03%                                        0.00      57,335.28    0.00%      57,335.28                       0.00
made                26                       .26             %                                                                 %
on an


           3,702,620,     99.97        186,328,0                 3,516,292,    2,481,072,    100.00     125,458,7                  2,355,613,
on                                                    5.03%                                                             5.06%
              878.17            %          09.78                    868.39         027.67          %        28.10                     299.57
on a
ve basis


           3,703,686,    100.00        187,394,0                 3,516,292,    2,481,129,    100.00     125,516,0                  2,355,613,
Total                                                 5.06%                                                             5.06%
              937.43            %          69.04                    868.39         362.95          %        63.38                     299.57

Provision made on an individual basis:
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                Closing balance
                                            Book balance Provision for bad debts         Accrued proportion             Reasons

Beijing Baowo Automobile Co., Ltd              560,808.07                   560,808.07                 100.00%

Brilliance Automobile Group Holding            488,550.18                   488,550.18                 100.00%

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Co., Ltd

Brilliance Renault Jinbei Automobile
                                              16,701.01                 16,701.01                 100.00%
Co., Ltd

Total                                      1,066,059.26              1,066,059.26            --                       --

Provision for bad debt accrued made on account receivable portfolio: Provision for account receivable bad debt
adopting aging portfolio
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                           Closing balance
                                          Book balance                  Provision for bad debt                Accrued proportion

 Within 1 year                                 3,689,604,291.47                     184,478,957.74                              5.00%

 1 to 2 years                                     11,154,224.17                       1,115,422.40                             10.00%

 2 to 3 years                                         987,758.04                       296,327.40                              30.00%

 Over 3 years                                         874,604.49                       437,302.24                              50.00%

 Total                                         3,702,620,878.17                     186,328,009.78                    --

    If the provision for bad debt of accounts receivable is in accordance with the general expected credit loss
model, please refer to the disclosure of bad debt provision for other receivables:
√Applicable □ Not Applicable
Provision for bad debt                     Phase I                        Phase II                   Phase III             Subtotal

                                       12 month expected      Lifetime expected credit losses Lifetime expected credit losses (credit
                                          credit losses            (credit not impaired)                   impaired)
Balance on January 1, 2021                  125,458,728.10                                             57,335.28           125,516,063.38
The balance as of January 1, 2021            ——                           ——                       ——                 ——
is in the current period
--Transferred to phase II
--Transferred to phase III
--Reversed to phase II
--Reversed to phase I
Provision made in the current                 61,050,798.14                                          1,066,059.26           62,116,857.40
Provision recovered in current                                                                         57,335.28                57,335.28
Provision reversed in current period
Provision written off in current                 301,150.24                                                   0.00            301,150.24
Other changes                                    119,633.78                                                                   119,633.78
Balance on December 31, 2021                186,328,009.78                                           1,066,059.26          187,394,069.04

Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                            Aging                                                      Book balance

 Within 1 year                                                                                              3,689,604,291.47

 1 to 2 years                                                                                                 11,659,475.36

 2 to 3 years                                                                                                   1,548,566.11

 Over 3 years                                                                                                    874,604.49

 Total                                                                                                      3,703,686,937.43

(2)Provision for bad debt accrued, recovered or reversed in current period

Provision for bad debt accrued in current period:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                        Changed amount of the current period
        Categories       Opening balance                     Recovered                                        Closing balance
                                              Accrued                           Write off        Others
                                                             or reversed

Receivables with
provision made on an           57,335.28      1,066,059.26      57,335.28                                         1,066,059.26
individual basis

Receivables with
provision made on a       125,458,728.10     61,050,798.14                       301,150.24    119,633.78      186,328,009.78
collective basis

Total                     125,516,063.38     62,116,857.40      57,335.28        301,150.24    119,633.78      187,394,069.04

(3)Details about accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

        In current period, the Company write-off a total of small sporadic accounts 301,150.24 yuan.

(4)Other remarks

     1. Closing balance of top 5 debtors totaled 1,661,477,672.44 yuan, accounting for 44.86% of the total closing
balance of accounts receivable, and provision for bad debts made thereon totaled 83,073,883.62 yuan.
     2. Some of the company's accounts receivable are collected by supply chain financial vouchers such as
"Meiyi order of Midea Group", "Gree financial order of Gree Electric Appliance" and "TCL gold order". The
company has not terminated the recognition of accounts receivable before the actual arrival of funds. At the same
time, the company endorsed and paid part of the supply chain financial credentials to the upstream suppliers.
Before the expiration of the supply chain financial credentials, the company did not terminate the recognition of
accounts payable.

     3. As of December 31, 2021, the company had 341.0447 million yuan of supply chain financial vouchers in
hand, 30.5218 million yuan of supply chain financial vouchers that had been endorsed and paid but not expired,
and 49.6858 million yuan of supply chain financial vouchers that had been used for factoring financing but not

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

6. Advances paid

(1)Advances paid by aging

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                      Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                                 Amount               Percentage          Amount               Percentage

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                 90,174,287.14             96.05%          61,348,884.20            88.39%

1 to 2 years                                       2,441,003.70                2.60%        6,712,609.39                9.68%

2 to 3 years                                        649,786.02                 0.69%           64,117.70                0.09%

Over 3 years                                        619,168.16                 0.66%        1,278,715.16                1.84%

                      Total                      93,884,245.02            --               69,404,326.45           --

(2)Top 5 debtors with the largest advances paid balances

      Closing balance of top 5 debtors totaled 15,945,327.84 yuan, accounting for 16.98% of the total closing balance
of advances paid.

7. Other receivables

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                     Items                         Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Other receivables                                                121,135,343.85                           76,935,495.05

                     Total                                        121,135,343.85                           76,935,495.05

(1)Other receivables

1)Other receivables categorized by nature

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                     Items                         Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Tax refund receivable                                             61,621,187.53                           36,628,075.87

 Guarantee deposits                                                38,950,699.99                           30,801,053.14

 Others                                                            23,872,426.88                           11,700,014.42

                     Total                                        124,444,314.40                           79,129,143.43

2)Provision of bad debt

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                    Phase I                  Phase II                      Phase III
                               12 month
  Provision for bad debt                             Lifetime expected credit       Lifetime expected credit             Subtotal
                             expected credit
                                                   losses (credit not impaired)      losses (credit impaired)
 Balance on January 1,
                                      856,410.48                1,337,237.90                                               2,193,648.38
 The balance as of
 January 1, 2021 is in               ——                     ——                             ——                       ——
 the current period
 Provision made in the
                                     -286,910.88                  286,910.88
 current period

 Provision recovered in
                                      891,664.46                  223,657.71                                               1,115,322.17
 current period

 Balance on December
                                    1,461,164.06                1,847,806.49                                               3,308,970.55
 31, 2021

Loss provisions for significant changes in book balances in current period
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
Disclose by aging
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                             Aging                                                               Closing balance

 Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                         90,844,468.36

 1 to 2 years                                                                                                             10,520,630.08

 2 to 3 years                                                                                                              2,257,005.77

 Over 3 years                                                                                                             20,822,210.19

 Total                                                                                                                   124,444,314.40

3)Provision for bad debt accrued, recovered or reversed in current period

Provision for bad debt accrued in current period:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                     Changed amount of the current period
                Categories                                                        Recovered or        Write               Closing balance
                                               balance         Accrued                                          Others
                                                                                    reversed           off

Receivables with provision made on a
                                              2,193,648.38   1,115,322.17                                                    3,308,970.55
collective basis

Total                                         2,193,648.38   1,115,322.17                                                    3,308,970.55

4)Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                                                                                  Proportion to the        Provision for bad
                            Nature of
         Items                                    Closing balance              Ages                total balance of        debt at the end of
                                                                                                  other receivables           the period

 Tax refund
                        Tax refund                    61,621,187.53     Within 1 year                       49.52%

 Finance Bureau of
                        Performance bond               6,971,285.00     2 to 4 years                          5.60%
 Xinchang County

 Shaoxing Binhai        Performance bond
 New City               for land and
                                                       5,410,000.00     3 to 5 years                          4.35%
 Management             project
 Committee              construction

 US Customs             Customs deposit                4,782,412.57     Within 1 year                         3.84%

 Wuhu Yijiang           Deposit of
 District Finance       construction                   3,751,000.00     3 to 8 years                          3.01%
 Bureau                 projects

 Total                             --                 82,535,885.10              --                         66.32%

5)Other receivables related to Government grants

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      Estimated receipt time,
           Items                   Government grant          Closing balance                      Ages
                                                                                                                         amount and basis

                                                                                                                      Expected to be fully
                                                                                                                      received from January
 Local finance and          VAT refund of civil                                        Within 1
                                                                      2,991,672.38                                    to April 2022, based on
 taxation departments       welfare enterprises                                        year(including 1 year)
                                                                                                                      the tax refund
                                                                                                                      application form.

8. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1)Categories of inventories

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                          Closing balance                                                Opening balance

                                           Provision for                                                  Provision for
     Items                                  decline in                                                      decline in
                     Book balance                           Carrying amount            Book balance                           Carrying amount
                                             value of                                                        value of
                                          inventories or                                                  inventories or

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                           provision for                                                 provision for
                                         impairment of                                                   impairment of
                                             contract                                                      contract
                                            performance                                                  performance
                                               costs                                                         costs

Raw materials           988,227,079.33   33,309,247.33         954,917,832.00        530,578,235.34      38,591,465.21         491,986,770.13

Work-in-progress        475,907,400.34      1,451,381.52       474,456,018.82        377,607,984.60        661,948.94          376,946,035.66

Finished goods     2,231,635,847.92      45,599,140.84        2,186,036,707.08      1,488,998,382.81     55,323,878.13        1,433,674,504.68

Others                   22,443,251.57                 0.00      22,443,251.57         5,154,395.99                  0.00        5,154,395.99

Total              3,718,213,579.16      80,359,769.69        3,637,853,809.47      2,402,338,998.74     94,577,292.28        2,307,761,706.46

(2)Provision for decline in value of inventories and Provision for impairment of contract performance

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                       Increase in current period             Decrease in current period
         Items           Opening balance                                                   Reversal or write                      Closing balance
                                                  Accrued                  Others                                 Others

Raw materials               38,591,465.21         9,799,422.31           -1,640,749.46          13,440,890.73          0.00          33,309,247.33

Work-in-progress               661,948.94         1,364,721.51              -56,525.88             518,763.05          0.00            1,451,381.52

Finished goods              55,323,878.13        40,661,086.31             -862,310.74          49,523,512.86          0.00          45,599,140.84

Total                       94,577,292.28        51,825,230.13           -2,559,586.08          63,483,166.64          0.00          80,359,769.69

     The determination of the net realizable value of the excess & obsolete inventories of metal materials at the
end of the period is the scrap metal recovery price. The determination of the net realizable value of the excess &
obsolete inventories of electronic components is RMB 0.

9. Other current assets

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   Items                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Deductible input tax                                                      154,807,049.35                                   100,377,659.11

 Prepaid Enterprise income tax                                              30,197,003.59                                     49,911,203.33

 Others                                                                          981,643.12                                      171,625.57

 Total                                                                     185,985,696.06                                   150,460,488.01

Other remarks:

                                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

10. Long-term receivable

(1)Long-term receivable

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                          Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                                                                                                                         Range of
         Items                Book         Provision for          Carrying          Book            Provision for    Carrying
                                                                                                                                    discount rate
                             balance            bad debt          amount           balance             bad debt       amount

 Employee home
                           3,608,561.00                        3,608,561.00     2,074,750.00                        2,074,750.00

 Total                     3,608,561.00                        3,608,561.00     2,074,750.00                        2,074,750.00            --

Loss provisions for significant changes in book balances in current period
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

11. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                      Increase and decrease in current period

                                                     Investme                                                                               Ending
             Opening                                 nt profit                                                                 Ending      balance
                                                                    nt of                 Declared Provision
                 balance     Increase     Reduce     and loss                   Other                                          balance           of
 Investee                                                           other                    cash          for
                 (book      investmen investmen recognize                      changes                              Other       (book     impairme
                                                                  comprehe                dividends impairme
                 value)         t           t         d under                 in equity                                         value)           nt
                                                                    nsive                 or profits       nt
                                                      equity                                                                               provision

I. Joint venture

II. Affiliates

g Energy
Innovatio 1,525,252                                                                                                         1,540,339
n Center              .76                                                                                                           .99
ng) Co.,

g Tainuo
             9,396,904                               5,762,230                            1,500,000                         13,659,13
                      .73                                   .65                                  .00                               5.38
y Co.,

Nanchang 1,517,138                                   -3,150.25                                                              1,513,988

                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Sanhua             .95                                                                                .70
y Co.,

             1,062,209               449,942.2                                                 1,512,151
                   .18                      3                                                         .41
y Co.,

Jinlifeng                            439,804.2                                                 439,804.2
Machiner                                    6                                                          6
y Co.,

n Xuanyi
Pipe         1,718,111               463,034.6                                                 2,181,145
Manufact           .06                      4                                                         .70
uring Co.,

sanhua                   1,950,000   -115,634.                                                 1,834,365
comprehe                       .00         93                                                         .07
co. LTD

             15,219,61 1,950,000     7,011,313                 1,500,000                       22,680,93
                  6.68         .00         .83                       .00                            0.51

             15,219,61 1,950,000     7,011,313                 1,500,000                       22,680,93
                  6.68         .00         .83                       .00                            0.51

12. Investment property

(1)Investment property measured by cost method

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                                 Land use right and
                          Buildings and                                    Construction in
           Items                                   Overseas land                                          Total
                           structures                                          progress

Ⅰ. Original Carrying

1.Opening balance             12,643,427.54             3,539,025.00                                      16,182,452.54

2.Increase in current
                              -1,128,896.59              -355,137.30                                       -1,484,033.89

(1)Acquisition                          0.00                     0.00                                             0.00

(2)Transferred in
from inventory\fixed
assets\ construction in


difference in Foreign         -1,128,896.59              -355,137.30                                       -1,484,033.89
Currency Statements

3.Decrease in current
                                                                   0.00                                             0.00


(2)Other transfer out                                                                                             0.00

4.Closing balance             11,514,530.95             3,183,887.70                                      14,698,418.65

Ⅱ. Accumulated
depreciation and

1.Opening balance              6,114,863.58                        0.00                                     6,114,863.58

2. Increase in current
                                  52,251.45                        0.00                                        52,251.45

(1)Accrual or
                                 703,648.66                        0.00                                      703,648.66

difference in Foreign           -651,397.21                        0.00                                      -651,397.21
Currency Statements

3.Decrease in current
                                          0.00                     0.00                                             0.00


(2)Other transfer out                                                                                             0.00

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

 4.Closing balance                     6,167,115.03                    0.00                                       6,167,115.03

 Ⅲ. Provision for

 1.Opening balance

 2. Increase in current


 3.Decrease in current


 (2)Other transfer out

 4.Closing balance

 Ⅳ. Carrying amount

 1.Closing balance                     5,347,415.92           3,183,887.70                                       8,531,303.62

 2.Opening balance                     6,528,563.96           3,539,025.00                                      10,067,588.96

(2)Investment property measured by fair value measurement model

□Applicable √ Not Applicable

13. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                     Items                              Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Fixed assets                                                     4,232,706,801.07                            3,719,643,719.40

 Total                                                            4,232,706,801.07                            3,719,643,719.40

(1)Fixed assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Buildings and     Machinery and                     Transportation   Office and other
         Items                                             analysis                                                 Total
                          structures      equipment                           vehicles        equipment

Ⅰ. Original book

                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                    2,186,731,560.59 3,639,249,906.77   115,451,585.42    40,354,179.00     236,938,987.10 6,218,726,218.88

  2. Increase in
                      85,753,185.45    830,991,718.70     3,415,898.38      2,393,404.67     49,660,651.88    972,214,859.08
current period

 (1)Acquisition      5,268,594.25     61,795,173.93     4,351,746.29      2,654,513.93     53,634,771.82    127,704,800.22

in from
                      89,532,110.52    805,015,560.80                        108,618.81         217,861.35    894,874,151.48
construction in

                                         6,665,427.65      145,112.35                                            6,810,540.00

in from
                       -9,047,519.32   -42,484,443.68    -1,080,960.26       -369,728.07     -4,191,981.29     -57,174,632.62

  3. Decrease in
                      11,544,357.27     86,541,790.50     4,779,404.78      6,722,812.58     33,463,547.80    143,051,912.93
current period

                      11,544,357.27     86,541,790.50     4,779,404.78      6,722,812.58     33,463,547.80    143,051,912.93
or scrap


4.Closing balance 2,260,940,388.77 4,383,699,834.97     114,088,079.02    36,024,771.09     253,136,091.18 7,047,889,165.03

Ⅱ. Accumulated

                     582,526,293.44 1,678,476,511.90     40,099,350.82    30,404,077.31     163,881,935.33 2,495,388,168.80

  2. Increase in
                      79,963,917.25    307,126,433.72    10,580,075.13      3,757,831.73     17,000,675.57    418,428,933.40
current period

(1)Accrual          94,480,392.73    328,163,242.06    10,758,603.61      3,969,356.54     19,570,255.28    456,941,850.22

(2)Transferred in
from investment                           133,228.77          4,595.22                                            137,823.99

 (3) Converted
difference in
                      -14,516,475.48   -21,170,037.11      -183,123.70       -211,524.81     -2,569,579.71     -38,650,740.81
Foreign Currency

  3. Decrease in
                       1,533,210.86     67,738,378.04     4,534,598.25      5,993,658.52     30,960,277.68    110,760,123.35
current period

(1)Disposal or       1,533,210.86     67,738,378.04     4,534,598.25      5,993,658.52     30,960,277.68    110,760,123.35

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


(2) Other

4.Closing balance       660,956,999.83 1,917,864,567.58   46,144,827.70       28,168,250.52     149,922,333.22 2,803,056,978.85

Ⅲ. Provision for

                                           3,694,330.68                                                                     3,694,330.68

  2. Increase in
                                           9,002,634.87                                              426,713.61             9,429,348.48
current period

(1)Accrual                               9,002,634.87                                              426,713.61             9,429,348.48

  3. Decrease in
                                            998,294.05                                                                       998,294.05
current period

(1)Disposal or
                                            998,294.05                                                                       998,294.05

                                          11,698,671.50                                              426,713.61        12,125,385.11

Ⅳ. Carrying

                      1,599,983,388.94 2,454,136,595.89   67,943,251.32        7,856,520.57     102,787,044.35 4,232,706,801.07

                      1,604,205,267.15 1,957,079,064.19   75,352,234.60        9,950,101.69       73,057,051.77 3,719,643,719.40

(2)Fixed assets with certificate of titles being unsettled

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Reasons for failure to complete the
                     Items                                Book value
                                                                                                     certificate of title

                                                                                       New assets, the certificate of title to be
 Shaoxing new energy plant (phase I and
                                                                       234,609,170.55 processed uniformly after the overall
                    phase II)

                                                                                       New assets, the certificate of title to be
   13# factory in Meizhu North district                                 72,817,599.71 processed uniformly after the overall

   14# factory in Meizhu North district                                 23,395,496.97 New assets, the certificate of title to be

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                                                                            processed uniformly after the overall

                                                                                            New assets, the certificate of title to be
    15# factory in Meizhu North district                                   57,378,046.45 processed uniformly after the overall

                                                                                            New assets, the certificate of title to be
  Meizhu North District finished product
                                                                           20,359,267.46 processed uniformly after the overall

                                                                                            New assets, the certificate of title to be
 Meizhu North District class A warehouse                                       1,802,339.34 processed uniformly after the overall

                      Subtotal                                            410,361,920.48

14. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                       Items                                 Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Construction in progress                                              1,343,528,875.40                                  628,730,529.07

 Total                                                                 1,343,528,875.40                                  628,730,529.07

(1)Details of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                           Closing balance                                         Opening balance
      Items                                 Provision for                                            Provision for
                         Book balance                        Carrying amount      Book balance                          Carrying amount
                                             impairment                                               impairment

production of 65
million sets of
refrigeration and
                         284,815,371.33                       284,815,371.33       25,812,948.25                           25,812,948.25
air conditioning
intelligent control

production of 7.3
million sets of             1,406,087.14                        1,406,087.14      145,885,533.67                          145,885,533.67
new energy
vehicle thermal

                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


production of 11.5
million sets of                                         78,290,263.60                        78,290,263.60
new energy auto
parts project

production of 1.5
million sets of
new energy
                     181,228,255.83   181,228,255.83    88,939,186.18                        88,939,186.18

production of 1
million sets of
new energy
                                                          3,772,038.19                         3,772,038.19
thermal sensors

production of 4
million sets of
new energy
vehicles              34,615,615.96    34,615,615.96
project of heat
pump components

production of 3
million sets of
plate heat
exchanger              7,569,035.77     7,569,035.77
project and 2
million sets of

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

EXV electronic
expansion valve

Annual output of 3
million sets
management parts
                       118,637,568.31                      118,637,568.31
of new energy
vehicles technical

Annual output of
11 million sets of
new energy
vehicles high           93,731,401.89                       93,731,401.89
efficiency heat
assembly project

Annual output of
50.5 million sets
of high efficiency
and energy saving
refrigeration and        6,939,814.05                        6,939,814.05     11,841,050.00                       11,841,050.00
air conditioning

Vietnam industrial
                        92,246,267.70                       92,246,267.70    80,569,043.24                        80,569,043.24
plant project

Mexico industrial
                        53,528,222.79                       53,528,222.79
plant project

Others                 468,811,234.63                      468,811,234.63   193,620,465.94                       193,620,465.94

Total                1,343,528,875.40                  1,343,528,875.40     628,730,529.07                       628,730,529.07

(2)Changes of significant construction in progress in current period

   Items       Budget Opening Increase Transferr   Other     Closing Accumul Completi Accumul Includin Capitaliz         Fund

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                        balance    d in       ed       amounts balance        ated     on       ated       g:      ation rate source
                                  current   to fixed decrease               investme percenta amount capitaliz        for
                                  period    assets in  d in                  nt to     ge        of        ed      interest
                                                       current              budget     (%)    capitaliz interest      in
                                                       period                 (%)                ed        in       current
                                                                                              interest   current    period

n of 65
sets of
refrigerati 1780.55
                        25,812,9 300,330, 34,693,8 6,634,36 284,815,                                                          Raised
on and air million                                                           19.63%
                          48.25    604.68      16.80      4.80    371.33                                                      funds
conditioni      yuan
on project

n of 7.3
sets of
energy                  145,885, 70,352,9 214,832,               1,406,08                                                     Raised
              million                                                        87.66%
vehicle                  533.67     51.71    398.24                 7.14                                                      funds
ts project

productio     528.80
                        78,290,2 77,032,6 155,322,                                                                            Raised
n of 11.5     million                                               0.00 92.19%
                          63.60     12.41    876.01                                                                           funds
million         yuan
sets of

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

auto parts

n of 1.5
sets of
new                     88,939,1 297,607, 205,318,      181,228,                                                  self-raise
              million                                              77.36%
energy                    86.18     966.13    896.48     255.83                                                   d funds
ts project

n of 1
sets of
new           44.7860
                        3,772,03             3,772,03                                                             self-raise
energy        million                 0.00                 0.00 45.81%
                           8.19                 8.19                                                              d funds
vehicle         yuan

n of 4
sets of
new           161.254
energy             5               118,084, 83,469,1    34,615,6                                                  self-raise
                           0.00                                    73.23%
vehicles      million               776.40     60.44      15.96                                                   d funds
technical       yuan
project of
heat pump

                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


n of 3
sets of
plate heat
and 2                         26,472,1 18,903,1   7,569,03                                                  self-raise
             million   0.00                                  13.54%
million                         88.45    52.68       5.77                                                   d funds
sets of

output of
3 million
managem 206.290
ent parts         4           139,030, 20,393,3   118,637,                                                  self-raise
                       0.00                                  67.40%
of new       million           886.89    18.58     568.31                                                   d funds
energy         yuan

output of                     93,731,4            93,731,4                                                  self-raise
             million   0.00                0.00              18.41%
11 million                      01.89               01.89                                                   d funds
sets of

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


output of
sets of
and                      11,841,0 19,213,5 24,114,7             6,939,81                                                  Raised
               million                                                     9.63%
energy                     50.00     51.33     87.28               4.05                                                   funds
on and air
ng control
ts project

industrial               80,569,0 12,878,3 1,201,15             92,246,2                                                  self-raise
               million                                                     50.25%
plant                      43.24     84.27      9.81              67.70                                                   d funds

industrial                         53,528,2                     53,528,2                                                  self-raise
               million      0.00                0.00                       21.12%
plant                                22.79                        22.79                                                   d funds

                         435,110, 1,208,26 762,021, 6,634,36 874,717,
Total                                                                       --         --                                     --
                          063.13 3,546.95     604.51     4.80    640.77

15. Right of use assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Items                    Houses and buildings                    Vehicle                         Total

Ⅰ. Original
Carrying amount

                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

      1.Opening balance           232,086,443.59                           0.00                 232,086,443.59

      2.Increased in current
                                   50,843,216.72                  2,858,999.54                   53,702,216.26

(1) Rent                          67,889,381.37                  3,021,201.05                   70,910,582.42

(2)Effect of Foreign Currency
                                  -17,046,164.65                   -162,201.51                   -17,208,366.16

  3.Decreased in current period

4.Closing balance                 282,929,660.31                  2,858,999.54                  285,788,659.85

Accumulated                                                                                                0.00

      1.Opening balance            29,254,574.37                           0.00                  29,254,574.37

      2.Increased in current
                                   39,387,968.50                  1,822,092.72                   41,210,061.22

         (1)Accrual              43,261,725.68                  1,925,466.71                   45,187,192.39

         (2) Converted
difference in Foreign Currency     -3,873,757.18                   -103,373.99                    -3,977,131.17

      3. Decreased in current

         (1)Disposal                                                                                     0.00

      4.Closing balance            68,642,542.87                  1,822,092.72                   70,464,635.59

Ⅲ. Provision
for impairment

      1.Opening balance

      2. Increased in current


      3. Decreased in current


      4.Closing balance

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Ⅳ. Carrying amount

       1.Closing balance                           214,287,117.44                   1,036,906.82                    215,324,024.26

       2.Opening balance                           202,831,869.22                            0.00                   202,831,869.22

Other remarks:
The difference between the beginning amount and the ending amount of the previous year (December 31, 2020) is
detailed in Section VI (VI) of this financial report.

16. Intangible Assets

(1)Details of intangible assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                    Non-patent      Overseas land   Application     Intellectual
       Items       Land use right   Patent right                                                                        Total
                                                    technology       ownership       software        property

Ⅰ. Original

                   552,419,787.61                                   28,945,626.51 33,233,505.19 48,784,540.36 663,383,459.67

2.Increased in     157,569,960.91                                   33,321,857.60   5,479,869.82 12,917,600.00 209,289,288.33
current period

                   158,053,500.00                                   35,142,755.56   7,341,120.84             0.00 200,537,376.40

research and

Business                                                                                            12,917,600.00 12,917,600.00

Transferred in
from                  -483,539.09                                   -1,820,897.96   -1,861,251.02            0.00    -4,165,688.07

in current


                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


                   709,989,748.52     62,267,484.11 38,713,375.01 61,702,140.36 872,672,748.00


                    99,284,584.15        314,580.96 25,859,551.94 26,368,612.98 151,827,330.03

2.Increased in      13,843,452.25        112,159.24    2,166,671.22    4,558,454.10 20,680,736.81
current period

                    13,843,452.25        120,771.50    3,889,768.91    4,558,454.10 22,412,446.76

(2) Converted
difference in
Foreign                      0.00          -8,612.26   -1,723,097.69            0.00   -1,731,709.95

Decreased in                 0.00               0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00
current period


                   113,128,036.40        426,740.20 28,026,223.16 30,927,067.08 172,508,066.84

Ⅲ. Provision
for impairment

                             0.00      3,862,456.71             0.00            0.00    3,862,456.71

Increased in                             -88,319.91             0.00            0.00      -88,319.91
current period


Converted                    0.00        -88,319.91             0.00            0.00      -88,319.91
difference in

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


Decreased in
current period


                              0.00                                     3,774,136.80           0.00             0.00    3,774,136.80

Ⅳ. Carrying

                    596,861,712.12                                    58,066,607.11 10,687,151.85 30,775,073.28 696,390,544.36

                    453,135,203.46                                    24,768,588.84   7,373,953.25 22,415,927.38 507,693,672.93

17. Goodwill

(1)Original Carrying amount of goodwill

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

Investee or events                          Increased in current period          Decreased in current period
   resulting in       Opening balance    Due to business                                                          Closing balance
       goodwill                           combination

                         31,959,091.60                                                                                31,959,091.60
Puckett Inc.

Zhejiang Sanhua
plate Exchange
                                            7,591,830.61                                                               7,591,830.61
Technology Co.,

        Total            31,959,091.60      7,591,830.61                                                              39,550,922.21

(2)Provision for goodwill impairment

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

      Investee or         Opening           Increased in current period          Decreased in current period           Closing
 events resulting         balance        Provision made          …              Disposal             …               balance

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

   in goodwill

                                        31,959,091.60                                                                31,959,091.60
 Puckett Inc.

      Total                             31,959,091.60                                                                31,959,091.60

     Related information of asset group or asset group portfolios which include goodwill
Composition of asset group or asset group portfolio    The enterprises corresponding to this asset group portfolio include Zhejiang
                                                       Sanhua microchannel heat exchanger Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                       (hereinafter referred to as microchannel asset group)
Book value of asset group or asset group portfolio                                                                 1,446,999,852.04
Book value of goodwill allocated to this asset group                                                                  31,959,091.60
or asset group portfolio
Book value of asset group or asset group portfolio                                                                 1,478,958,943.64
containing goodwill
Whether the asset group or combination of asset R-Squared Puckett Inc. was originally an independent enterprise. Since it was
groups is consistent with the asset group or acquired by the company, the microchannel business has been internally
combination of asset groups determined on the integrated. At present, it mainly undertakes the sales function of the
purchase date and goodwill impairment test in American market, its procurement and production functions have been
previous years                                         undertaken by the Mexican factory, and its R&D and management functions
                                                       have been undertaken by the domestic company. The company assesses and
                                                       evaluates the microchannel business as a whole. R-Squared Puckett Inc. can
                                                       no longer be recognized as an independent asset group. The company
                                                       consolidated the microchannel business as a microchannel asset group.
                                                       The microchannel asset group is consistent with the asset group determined
                                                       by the goodwill impairment test in previous years.

     Impairment test process, the key parameters(Such as expected future cash flow when the present value of the
forecast period growth rate, stable period growth rate, profit margin, discount rate, forecast period) , and recognition
method of goodwill impairment loss:
     The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated according to the present value of the estimated future cash
flow. Based on December 31, 2021, the Company performed an impairment test on the value of the microchannel
asset group portfolio. The recoverable amount of the asset group portfolio is estimated by the discounted value of
the estimated future cash flow. Based on the analysis of the development stage of the industry and the
competitiveness of the company, the cash flow from 2022 to 2025 is determined by the prediction data approved by
the management, and the cash flow in subsequent years is estimated at zero growth rate. The pre tax discount rate
includes the time value of the current currency market and the specific risk interest rate of microchannel business,
which is estimated at 13.13% (2020: 13.80%).
     Other key parameters used in the impairment test include: estimated selling price, sales volume, production
cost and other related expenses. The company determines the above key data based on historical experience and
market development forecast.
     According to the appraisal report (Kun yuan Ping Bao [2022] No. 100) issued by Kun yuan asset appraisal Co.,
Ltd., the recoverable amount of the asset group portfolio containing goodwill in the microchannel asset group is
1443.4064 million yuan, which is lower than the book value of 1478.9589 million yuan. The goodwill impairment
loss of 31.9591 million yuan should be recognized in this period, which belongs to the company.

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

19. Long-term prepayments

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                  Increased in
          Items           Opening balance                                   Amortization        Other decreases     Closing balance
                                                  current period

 Rental housing
 construction and
                             23,706,401.61          10,618,211.59             6,821,663.07                              27,502,950.13

 Compensated use
 fee for emission                     0.00           3,158,390.00               631,678.00                               2,526,712.00

 Others                               0.00           6,626,661.39                15,495.45                               6,611,165.94

 Total                       23,706,401.61          20,403,262.98             7,468,836.52                              36,640,828.07

19. Deferred tax assets / deferred tax liabilities

(1)Deferred tax assets before offset

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                               Closing balance                                        Opening balance

            Items            Deductible temporary            Deferred tax             Deductible temporary         Deferred tax
                                  difference                       assets                    difference                 assets

Provision for bad debt               122,506,455.16                 23,438,581.33               78,915,609.30            15,835,440.18

Provision for inventory
                                      46,952,738.86                  8,222,942.54               67,642,565.60            11,282,463.93

Unrealized profit from
                                     258,273,537.27                 32,617,712.51              180,209,650.54            17,242,885.11
internal transactions

Deductible losses                    173,493,878.13                 26,364,728.72              153,097,367.85            32,871,988.62

Deferred income:
                                     155,568,312.27                 25,652,746.86              140,105,328.43            22,782,106.08
government grants

Provision for fixed assets
                                      12,125,385.11                  1,818,807.78                3,694,330.68               554,149.61

The share-paid
remuneration without
pre-tax deduction                     59,634,274.87                  9,190,479.70               70,222,810.23            11,050,883.17
calculated according to
the accounting standard

The expected additional
                                      98,930,228.80                 15,271,454.24              139,395,300.30            22,008,772.76
deductible share-based

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

remuneration in the
future period calculated
according to the tax

Difference between
accounting cost and tax
                                       71,233,687.74               10,685,053.16
cost of convertible
corporate bonds

Cost estimation                                                                               27,565,532.12              4,134,829.82

Floating loss of
                                                                                                 300,000.00                  45,360.00
derivative instruments

Total                                998,718,498.21               153,262,506.84            861,148,495.05             137,808,879.28

(2)Deferred tax liabilities before offset

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                               Closing balance                                       Opening balance

           Items                Taxable temporary                Deferred tax         Taxable temporary
                                                                                                              Deferred tax liabilities
                                     difference                   liabilities             difference

Appreciation of assets
appraisal of the business
                                           16,689,933.82             2,503,490.07
combinations not under
common control

Depreciation and
                                       1,076,829,976.01           161,524,496.34            770,755,369.92             128,446,514.86
amortization expense

Floating gain on
                                           14,280,622.90             2,142,093.44             13,804,602.36              2,070,690.35

Accrued interest of
                                           43,518,763.17             6,586,968.05
 certificate of deposit

Floating gain on financial
                                            1,020,675.59               153,101.41              1,739,861.78                260,979.27

Total                                  1,152,339,971.49           172,910,149.31            786,299,834.06             130,778,184.48

(3)Deferred tax assets or liabilities after offset shown on a net offsetting basis

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                             Deferred tax assets and       Closing balance of       Deferred tax assets and    Opening balance of
                                liabilities offset       deferred tax assets or        liabilities offset     deferred tax assets or

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                               amount at the end of       liabilities after offset         amount at the           liabilities after offset
                               the balance amount                                         beginning of the
                                                                                          balance amount

 Deferred tax assets                                             153,262,506.84                                           137,808,879.28

 Deferred tax liabilities                                        172,910,149.31                                           130,778,184.48

(4)Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                    Items                                    Closing balance                                 Opening balance

Provision for bad debt                                                        68,885,839.40                                  55,823,915.76

Provision for inventory write-down                                            33,407,030.83                                  26,934,726.68

Deductible losses of subsidiaries                                            119,908,522.27                                  24,790,389.63

Investment losses recognized by the equity
                                                                                9,330,930.51                                   4,319,616.68

Floating loss on derivatives                                                                                                   7,639,957.91

Others                                                                                                                       15,001,942.21

Total                                                                        231,532,323.01                                134,510,548.87

(5)Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets will expire in the following years

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

         Maturity years                   Closing balance                      Opening balance                         Remarks

Year 2025                                               1,176,424.56                         445,585.90

Year 2026                                                676,929.68

Year 2028                                              10,478,078.42                      10,478,078.42

Year 2029                                               7,488,066.67                       7,488,066.67

Year 2030                                              31,604,893.55                       6,378,658.64

Year 2031                                              68,484,129.39

Total                                                 119,908,522.27                      24,790,389.63 --

20. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                       Closing balance                                               Opening balance
    Items                              Provision for                                                   Provision for
                    Book balance                          Carrying amount            Book balance                         Carrying amount
                                        impairment                                                      impairment

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

payment for
non-current         328,609,958.16              328,609,958.16         251,509,127.08                      251,509,127.08

     Total          328,609,958.16              328,609,958.16         251,509,127.08                      251,509,127.08

         Other remarks:

21. Short-term borrowings

(1)Categories of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                    Items                       Closing balance                          Opening balance

Credit borrowings                                                                                          20,000,000.00

Overseas loan under domestic guarantee                      588,918,308.44                              362,698,500.00

Bill discount financing                                      98,796,666.66

Factoring financing of account receivable                    49,685,762.67

Accrued interest                                                   790,172.77                                389,796.60

合计                                                        738,190,910.54                              383,088,296.60

22. Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                    Items                        Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Foreign exchange tool                                                                                     7,939,957.91

                    Total                                                                                  7,939,957.91

23. Notes payable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                 Categories                      Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Bank acceptance bill                                      1,891,526,333.48                          1,238,574,463.73

                    Total                                  1,891,526,333.48                          1,238,574,463.73

At the balance sheet date, balances due but unpaid totaled RMB 0.

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

24. Accounts payable

(1)Details of accounts payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Items                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Within 1 year(including 1 year)                               3,165,267,168.95                           2,184,050,911.51

 1 to 2 years                                                     40,604,444.51                              88,579,882.54

 2 to 3 years                                                       4,647,692.76                               1,289,268.11

 Over 3 years                                                       4,178,825.37                              5,741,693.81

                   Total                                       3,214,698,131.59                           2,279,661,755.97

25. Advances received

(1)Details of advances received

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Items                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

Advance collection of asset package
disposal funds

                   Total                                                                                      10,000,000.00

26. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Items                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

 Advance payment for sales                                        79,816,249.22                              42,581,607.67

                   Total                                          79,816,249.22                              42,581,607.67

27. Employee benefits payable

(1)Details of employee benefits payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                            Increased in current   Decreased in current
                 Items                   Opening balance                                                    Closing balance
                                                                  period                  period

Ⅰ. Short-term employee benefits           282,701,491.43      2,267,258,680.29        2,186,778,975.25       363,181,196.47

Ⅱ. Post-employment benefits - defined       2,888,141.35         65,128,724.55           62,261,841.95          5,755,023.95

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

contribution plan

Ⅲ. Termination benefits                       3,716,281.21             1,825,820.96                2,704,334.83        2,837,767.34

                    Total                 289,305,913.99            2,334,213,225.80            2,251,745,152.03      371,773,987.76

(2)Details of Short-term employee benefits

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                     Increased in current            Decreased in current
           Items             Opening balance                                                                    Closing balance
                                                              period                       period

1. Wage, bonus,
                                  264,874,751.98          1,698,778,065.66                1,632,087,231.02          331,565,586.62
allowances and subsidy

2. Employee welfare
                                                                99,852,508.55                99,784,157.62                68,350.93

3. Social insurance
                                   10,408,040.81               111,351,219.55               110,131,931.12            11,627,329.24

       Including: Medicare
                                    2,289,049.45                40,395,055.86                39,477,699.59             3,206,405.72

Occupational injuries                256,781.03                  1,550,201.30                 1,653,211.20               153,771.13

                                      116,439.60                   197,312.10                   274,184.28                39,567.42
Maternity premium

Overseas social security
                                    7,745,770.73                69,208,650.29                68,726,836.05             8,227,584.97

4. Housing provident
                                                                38,212,952.21                38,206,374.21                 6,578.00

5. Trade union fund and
                                    1,224,164.06                10,688,243.64                10,638,788.69             1,273,619.01
employee education fund

                                    3,460,279.64               308,349,070.62               293,169,617.59            18,639,732.67

9、Cash stock
                                    2,734,254.94                    26,620.06                 2,760,875.00                        0.00
appreciation option

Total                             282,701,491.43          2,267,258,680.29                2,186,778,975.25          363,181,196.47

(3)Details of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                Items                   Opening               Increased in current           Decreased in current    Closing balance

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                          balance                  period                     period

1. Basic endowment insurance
                                          2,771,543.35              63,003,140.39               60,213,916.17       5,560,767.57

2. Unemployment insurance
                                           116,598.00                 2,125,584.16               2,047,925.78         194,256.38

Total                                     2,888,141.35              65,128,724.55               62,261,841.95       5,755,023.95

28. Taxes and rates payable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Items                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance

 VAT                                                                   9,508,902.15                             14,647,359.92

 Enterprise income tax                                                64,102,462.85                             33,105,141.57

 Individual income tax                                                 7,076,026.18                              5,797,449.67

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                1,552,749.69                              2,283,772.47

 Education surcharge                                                        918,423.85                           1,207,595.10

 Local education surcharge                                                  545,284.63                              717,275.16

 Housing property tax                                                 18,040,043.30                             14,503,893.38

 Land use tax                                                         10,576,760.58                              2,162,780.06

 Local foundation for water works                                            64,041.47                               60,119.04

 Others                                                                1,019,771.50                                 522,755.69

                   Total                                             113,404,466.20                             75,008,142.06

29. Other payables

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item                                  Closing balance                          Opening balance

Other payables                                                        172,923,251.10                            270,888,400.58

Total                                                                 172,923,251.10                            270,888,400.58

(1)Other payables

1)Other payables listed by nature

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Items                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance

Restricted shares repo obligations                                     75,490,047.50                            145,063,690.00

                                                        Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Product warranty fee                                                5,480,670.32                             2,757,036.90

Guarantee deposit                                               10,645,357.68                                6,564,169.23

Rent and property fee                                               5,524,510.45                             7,877,975.71

Compensation for product quality loss                           13,500,685.28                                3,889,429.08

Collection of talent awards                                         2,355,610.90                             1,320,000.00

Freight and miscellaneous charges                                                                         72,117,058.15

Others                                                          59,926,368.97                             31,299,041.51

Total                                                          172,923,251.10                            270,888,400.58

30. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Items                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

Guaranteed borrowings                                        1,430,000,000.00

Overseas loan under domestic guarantee                         294,046,008.86                            130,498,000.00

Accrued interest                                                    1,723,095.18                               55,923.87

Lease liabilities                                               37,573,783.54                             22,719,934.72

Total                                                        1,763,342,887.58                            153,273,858.59

    Other remarks:
    The difference between the beginning amount and the ending amount of the previous year (December 31,
2020) is detailed in Section VI (VI) of this financial report.

31. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Items                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

Output tax to be written off                                        5,276,677.78

Total                                                               5,276,677.78

32. Long-term borrowings

(1)Categories of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Items                         Closing balance                          Opening balance

 Guaranteed borrowings                                        800,000,000.00                          1,380,000,000.00

 Overseas loan under domestic guarantee                             637,570.00                          326,142,884.74

                                                                             Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

    Accrued interest                                                                         824,388.89                                          1,776,110.13

                        Total                                                          801,461,958.89                                      1,707,918,994.87

33. Bonds payable

(1)Bonds payable


                       Items                                        Ending balance                                           Opening balance

Sanhua Convertible bonds                                                               2,652,035,619.50

Total                                                                                  2,652,035,619.50

(2)Changes of bonds payable(does not include preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial
instruments classified as financial liabilities)

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                   Accr                                                                 Conve
                                                                           Amort                         Initiall            Amort               Funds
                                                                   ued                                                                  rsion
                                                                           ization                          y       Accru ization                return
                                         Issuan Ope                inter               Curren                                           from               Endin
                                                                             in                          classif     ed        in                  ed
 Bond       Par   Release Bond            ce      ning Current     est                   t      Issuan                                  shares               g
                                                                           discou                        ied as interes discou                    from
 name value            date      term amoun bala issuance           at                 repay ce fee                                       to               balanc
                                                                            nt or                        equity t at par nt or                   debt to
                                           t      nce              par                 ment                                             equity               e
                                                                           premi                         instru value premi                      equity
                                                                   valu                                                                 instru
                                                                            um                           ments                um                 swap
                                                                    e                                                                   ments

a                                        3,000,                    3,49 351,00                  -12,46 -409,7                71,233                        2,652,
                  Jun,          6                       3,000,00                                                    3,499,              -460,7 -1,754
Conve 100.00                             000,00                    9,37 1,860.                  8,370. 66,556                ,687.7                        035,61
                  2021          years                   0,000.00                                                    379.22               65.56      .85
rtible                                     0.00                    9.22           09                81       .24                    4                        9.50

                                         3,000,                    3,49 351,00                  -12,46 -409,7                71,233                        2,652,
                                                        3,000,00                                                    3,499,              -460,7 -1,754
 Total       --         --          --   000,00                    9,37 1,860.                  8,370. 66,556                ,687.7                        035,61
                                                        0,000.00                                                    379.22               65.56      .85
                                           0.00                    9.22           09                81       .24                    4                        9.50

(3)Explanation of conditions and time of share conversion for convertible bonds

     With the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission in document zjxk [2021] No. 168, the company
publicly issued 30 million convertible corporate bonds (hereinafter referred to as Sanhua convertible bonds) in June
2021, with a face value of 100 yuan each and a total issuance amount of 3 billion yuan.
     The start and end date of Sanhua convertible bonds is from December 7, 2021 to May 31, 2027, and the initial
conversion price is 21.55 yuan / share. As of December 31, 2021, 5,321 Sanhua convertible bonds have been
converted into 24,610 ordinary shares.

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

34. Leased liabilities

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Items                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance

Leased liabilities                                                        195,555,461.70                             172,499,750.25

Less:Leased liabilities due within 1 year                                -37,573,783.54                                 -22,719,934.72

                      Total                                               157,981,678.16                             149,779,815.53

Other remarks:
The difference between the beginning amount and the ending amount of the previous year (December 31, 2020) is
detailed in Section VI (VI) of this financial report.

35. Long-term payables

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Items                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance

 Long-term payables                                                                                                        903,862.19

 Total                                                                                                                     903,862.19

(1)Long-term payables listed by nature

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Items                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance

Stock appreciation rights deposit                                                                                           903,862.19

Other remarks:
      The difference between the beginning amount and the end amount of the previous year (December 31, 2020)
is detailed in Section VI (VI) of this financial report

36. Provisions

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

              Items                       Closing balance                     Opening balance              Reasons for balance

 Pending lawsuit                                                                       2,638,000.00

 Total                                                                                 2,638,000.00                 --

     Other remarks,Including the relevant significant assumptions and estimates of the significant provisions:

37. Deferred income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

      Items             Opening balance      Increased in current       Decreased in current      Closing balance          Reasons for

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                                    period                       period                                       balance

Government                                                                                                                Related to
                        140,105,336.43              40,938,414.86                 24,211,916.58      156,831,834.71
grants                                                                                                                    assets

Total                   140,105,336.43              40,938,414.86                 24,211,916.58      156,831,834.71                --

Other remarks:
Details of government subsidies included in current profits and losses please see the financial report for reference.

38. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                   Items                                     Closing balance                             Opening balance

 Engineering agent construction fund                                          28,782,218.09                              28,782,218.09

 Long-term employee rights protection
                                                                              46,419,797.27                              51,616,679.63

                    Total                                                     75,202,015.36                              80,398,897.72

Other remarks:
     According to local investment promotion policies, the "seven connections and one leveling" project of the
construction land of the Wuhu city is completed by Wuhu high-tech Industrial Development Zone Administration
Committee. As the state-owned assets management unit of Wuhu high-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuhu
Xinma Investment Co., Ltd. and Wuhu High-tech Construction Development Co., Ltd., entrusted Wuhu Sanhua
Auto-control Components Co., Ltd and Wuhu Sanhua Technology Co., Ltd. to build the "seven connections and
one leveling" project, and allocated RMB 72.03 million as engineering fund. As of December 31,2021, the
accumulated amount of hedging and written-off of engineering agent construction fund and project expense was
RMB 43.2478 million,and the amount to be written-off at the end of the period was RMB 28.7822 million.
     Long-term employee rights protection payment: retirement pensions of Mr. Harald Schrott who is the former
actual controller of the Germany Aweco residential appliances business, and his father Hugo Schrott. Based on
Austrian labor law, one-time welfare compensation for termination of labor contract; one-time welfare
compensation for retirement, disability and death. The amount of such liabilities is estimated and determined by
an independent actuary.

39. Share capital

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                    Changed amount of current period(+/-)

                                    Issue of                   Reserve
              Opening balance                   Bonus                                                                   Closing balance
                                      new                    transferred to        Others          Subtotal
                                     shares                     shares

               3,591,601,468.00                                                    -511,250.00      -511,250.00          3,591,090,218.00

Other remarks:
        In the current period, 24,610 shares were increased due to the conversion of "Sanhua convertible bonds", and

                                                              Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

535,860 shares were reduced due to the repurchase and cancellation of restricted shares

40. Other equity instruments

(1) Basic information of preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued at the
end of the period

     Relevant details please see the introduction of other important matters in Section X (XVI) of this financial
report for reference.

(2) Statement of changes in preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued at the
end of the period

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

  Financial         Opening balance      Increased in current period Decreased in current period         Closing balance
                    Qty     Book value         Qty      Book value          Qty       Book value       Qty       Book value

                                         30,000,000 409,766,556.24            5,321      81,953.31 29,994,679 409,684,602.93

Total                                    30,000,000 409,766,556.24            5,321      81,953.31 29,994,679 409,684,602.93

The increase and decrease of other equity instruments in the current period, the reasons for the change, and the
basis of relevant accounting treatment:
      With the approval of the CSRC in document zjxk [2021] No. 168, the company publicly issued 30 million
convertible corporate bonds in June 2021, with a face value of 100 yuan each and a total issuance amount of 3
billion yuan. The amount of these convertible corporate bonds initially classified as equity instruments is
409,766,556.24 yuan. In the current period, due to the conversion of debt to equity, 81,953.31 yuan of equity
instruments was added.
        Other remarks

41. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                     Increased in current     Decreased in current
           Items             Opening balance                                                              Closing balance
                                                           period                     period

 Capital premium
                                  99,640,721.51             91,418,878.73                                     191,059,600.24
 (Share premium)

 Other capital reserve           215,776,712.71             60,225,070.93             93,641,608.86           182,360,174.78

            Total                315,417,434.22            151,643,949.66             93,641,608.86           373,419,775.02

Other remarks, including changes and reasons in the current period:
     Reasons for the change of increase or decrease in current period:① Equity Incentive Restricted Shares
unlock 11,062,090 shares this period,the corresponding accumulative compensation paid by shares is RMB
90,900,769.86,a premium on the share capital transferred in such amount from other capital reserves;②The

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

capital stock premium increased by 518,108.87 Yuan due to the debt to equity swap of "Sanhua convertible
bonds"③ Repo and cancellation of equity incentive restricted shares that have granted but not met the unlock
condition,share premium decreased RMB 2,740,839.00;④ Other capital reserve increased RMB 51,697,222.60
due to the confirmation of share-based payment remuneration.;⑤The available income tax benefit, due to the
expected tax cost of equity incentive restricted shares that are no unlockable exceeds accounting cost, the closing
balance was RMB 8,527,848.33 higher than the opening balance, other capital reserve and deferred tax assets
increased such amount;

42. Treasury shares

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                          Increased in current           Decreased in current
           Items               Opening balance                                                                            Closing balance
                                                                period                         period

 Restricted shares                 145,063,690.00                                               69,573,642.50                   75,490,047.50

 Repo shares                       136,420,051.34               200,039,514.06                                                 336,459,565.40

           Total                   281,483,741.34               200,039,514.06                  69,573,642.50                  411,949,612.90

Other remarks, including changed amount of the current period and movement reason:
(1) Restricted shares
     ①Unlock 6,465,940 restricted shares of equity incentive granted in 2018. After ex rights and ex dividend, the
grant price per share is 4.3393 yuan, and the unlocking amount is 28,057,971.00 yuan Unlock 4,596,150 restricted
shares of equity incentive granted in 2020. The grant price per share after ex rights and ex dividend is 7.1115 yuan,
and the unlocking amount is 32,685,697.50 yuan; Treasury shares and repurchase obligations payable shall be
reduced by the same amount.
     ②May 2021,The company implemented the 2020 annual equity distribution,the dividend of the not
unlocked portion of the equity incentive restricted shares is RMB 5,553,275.00,suspended by the company. At
the same time,treasury shares and related liabilities for repo obligation decreased such amount.
     ③Repo and cancellation of equity incentive restricted shares that have not met the unlock condition,treasury
shares offset against RMB3,276,699.00.
     In current period, the Company repurchased 8,293,764shares through call auction, and paid a total share
repurchase amount of 200,039,514.06 yuan.

43. Other comprehensive income (OCI)

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                       Changed amount of the current period

                                                  Less:        Less: OCI
                                                                                            Attributable        Attributable
                                  Current          OCI           carried         Less:
                                                                                                 to                  to
                     Opening       period        carried        forward      incom                                                   Closing
   Items                                                                                     the parent     Non-controlli
                     balance     cumulative      forward       transferred       e tax                                               balance
                                                                                             Company                ng
                                   before        transferr         to        expens
                                                                                                after             interest
                                 income tax       ed to        undistribut        e
                                                                                                 tax             after tax
                                                 profit or      ed profit

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


Items to be
                   -89,624,962.   -39,785,884.                                           -39,785,884.                      -129,410,847.
                            61             78                                                      78                                39
to profit or

                   -89,624,962.   -39,785,884.                                           -39,785,884.                      -129,410,847.
                            61             78                                                      78                                39

comprehensi        -89,624,962.   -39,785,884.                                           -39,785,884.                      -129,410,847.
ve income in                61             78                                                      78                                39

Other remarks, including adjustment for converting the effective part of the cash flow hedge profit and losses into
the hedged item initial recognized amount:
       The translation differences of foreign currency statements belong to the parent company and have no
impact on corporate income tax.

44. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                             Increased in current         Decreased in current
               Items              Opening balance                                                                    Closing balance
                                                                   period                        period

Statutory surplus reserve           611,472,556.89                   63,816,916.23                                        675,289,473.12

Discretionary surplus
                                      8,681,137.20                                                                          8,681,137.20

Reserve fund                         17,813,919.38                                                                         17,813,919.38

               Total                637,967,613.47                   63,816,916.23                                        701,784,529.70

Remarks on surplus reserve, including movement in current period and the reason for changes:
     This period increased by RMB 63,816,916.23,According to the parent company's current net profit 10% of the
statutory surplus reserve.

45. Undistributed profit

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                        Items                                      Current period                           Last period

Balance before adjustment at the end of the
                                                                             5,890,916,707.83                       5,278,392,288.84
previous period

Balance after adjustment at the end of the previous
                                                                             5,890,916,707.83                       5,278,392,288.84

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                            1,684,044,407.47                     1,462,158,821.57
parent Company for current year

Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve                              63,816,916.23                         78,070,994.08

  Payable dividends on ordinary shares                                       895,454,593.00                        771,563,408.50

Closing balance                                                             6,615,689,606.07                     5,890,916,707.83

Details of undistributed profits adjustment at the beginning of the period
1). Due to the retroactive adjustment of the accounting standards for business enterprises and its relevant new
provisions, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period 0.00 yuan.
2). Due to the change of accounting policy, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was affected by
0.00 yuan.
3). Due to the correction of major accounting errors, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was
affected by 0.00 yuan.
4). The change of consolidation scope due to the same control affects the undistributed profit at the beginning of
the period by 0.00 yuan.
5). The total impact of other adjustments on the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is 0.00 yuan.

46. Operating revenue and Operating cost

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                         Current period cumulative                         Preceding period comparative
                                      Revenue                    Cost                   Revenue                     Cost

 Main operations                 15,320,159,124.37          11,239,932,600.42         11,665,371,918.47         8,319,360,567.91

 Other operations                     700,650,681.15           667,418,368.69            444,461,449.97           418,860,470.45

          Total                  16,020,809,805.52           11,907,350,969.11        12,109,833,368.44         8,738,221,038.36

After deducting non-recurring profit or loss by audit, whether the net profit is negative or not
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
Other remarks
     Breakdown of revenue generated by contracts with customers by major categories
     1) Revenue decomposition by product or service type
     The decomposition of revenue by product or service type is detailed in note XIV (I) to the financial
     2) Income decomposition was according to the time of goods or services transfer.
  Item                                          Current period cumulative                  Preceding period comparative
Recognition of revenue at a certain                          16,011,597,055.08                                   12,099,564,633.72
point in time
Recognition of revenue over a period                              9,212,750.44                                       10,268,734.72
of time
  Total                                                      16,020,809,805.52                                   12,109,833,368.44

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

47. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                  Items                       Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Urban maintenance and construction tax                           23,550,102.70                             26,020,701.95

Education surcharge                                              12,271,122.11                             13,060,313.39

Housing property tax                                             18,201,499.81                             19,644,211.36

Land use tax                                                      9,829,194.63                               3,415,856.97

Stamp duty                                                        5,612,844.37                               2,650,817.59

Local foundation for water works                                    704,457.11                                596,652.81

Others                                                            5,213,561.16                               3,665,075.62

Local education surcharge                                         8,180,748.10                               8,919,791.12

Total                                                            83,563,529.99                             77,973,420.81

48. Selling expenses

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                  Items                       Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Labor cost                                                    230,870,245.85                            185,383,982.72

 Warehousing, freight and miscellaneous
                                                                80,729,629.97                             60,554,223.42

 Entertainment expense                                          41,824,687.72                             38,123,695.62

 Travel expense                                                 18,099,214.71                             16,841,187.92

 Market maintenance fee                                         50,166,361.46                             41,332,674.93

 Advertising expense                                            12,059,349.62                             12,803,945.68

 Others                                                         15,477,043.22                             10,085,332.79

                  Total                                        449,226,532.55                            365,125,043.08

Other remarks:
Due to the implementation of the Q&A on the Implementation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(batch 5), the company will retroactively correct the presentation of sales and incidental expenses in 2020, and
reclassify the items from "selling expenses" to "operating costs", as described in Section VI (VI) of this financial

49. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                  Items                       Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Labor cost                                                    494,243,600.32                            400,277,866.64

                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

 Share-based payment remuneration                            47,453,874.76                             72,810,130.99

 Depreciation and amortization expense                      114,268,657.76                             96,201,760.17

 Office expense                                             105,050,490.36                             94,094,129.08

 Intermediary organ expense                                  56,124,341.11                             48,741,873.10

 Entertainment expense                                       16,099,578.20                             14,907,529.66

 Vehicle expense                                             11,544,975.21                             10,658,851.78

 Sporadic renovation expense in the park                     17,843,375.87                             17,734,954.44

 Security fund for the disabled                               3,157,345.53                              2,441,941.61

 Others                                                      10,016,622.21                              6,215,391.41

                     Total                                  875,802,861.33                            764,084,428.88

50. R&D expenses

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Items                 Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Labor cost                                                   403,228,674.30                            291,552,480.55

Material and power expense                                   231,465,729.15                            136,062,761.46

Depreciation and amortization expense                         35,351,729.36                             31,108,149.42

Mold manufacturing expense                                    60,978,249.32                             30,480,247.99

Royalties                                                      9,131,467.11                               4,865,282.70

Outsourcing R&D expense                                          665,969.71                                841,185.47

Others                                                        10,316,740.29                             23,491,256.04

Total                                                        751,138,559.24                            518,401,363.63

51. Financial expenses

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                     Items                 Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Interest expense                                             146,890,397.95                             64,733,993.15

Including: bond payable interest                              74,733,687.74

Interest on lease liabilities                                    216,112.22

Interest income                                             -163,144,645.89                             -52,233,256.57

Exchange gains or losses                                      95,990,142.26                            112,675,905.53

Others                                                         4,372,953.79                               3,683,451.53

Total                                                         84,108,848.11                            128,860,093.64

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

52. Other income

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

        Source of the other income             Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Government subsidies related to assets                            24,211,916.58                             18,853,006.64

Government subsidies related to revenue                           97,810,169.09                            131,455,977.16

Handling fees for withholding individual
                                                                     765,674.33                               1,246,912.65
income tax

Total                                                            122,787,760.00                            151,555,896.45

53. Investment income

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Items                        Current period cumulative             Preceding period comparative

 Investment income from long-term equity
                                                                      7,011,313.83                          2,199,442.47
 investments under equity method

 disposal of long-term equity investments                                                                   -4,100,413.03

 Investment income of bank financing
                                                                     16,473,512.65                         46,589,043.29

 Gains and losses on settlement of foreign
                                                                     84,019,324.41                         19,642,289.10
 exchange contract

 Gains and losses on settlement of futures
                                                                     35,602,149.71                         29,117,946.22

 Bill discount interest                                              -1,533,698.47                          -4,369,430.89

                      Total                                        141,572,602.13                          89,078,877.16

54. Gains or losses on changes in fair value

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                   Items                       Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Floating income of bank financing
                                                                   -596,487.04                            -10,786,528.53

 Floating income of futures contracts                            -4,153,975.59                              7,260,487.69

 Floating income of foreign exchange
                                                                  7,971,860.01                             35,373,956.60

                    Total                                         3,221,397.38                             31,847,915.76

                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

55. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Items                          Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Provision for bad debt                                                -56,834,285.92                             -28,677,382.30

                       Total                                           -56,834,285.92                             -28,677,382.30

56. Assets impairment loss

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Items                          Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Ⅱ. Inventory write-down loss and contract
                                                                        -51,825,230.13                             -58,672,538.84
performance cost impairment loss

V. Impairment loss of fixed assets                                       -9,429,348.48                                        0.00

XI. Goodwill impairment loss                                            -31,959,091.60                                        0.00

Total                                                                   -93,213,670.21                             -58,672,538.84

Other remarks:

57. Gains on asset disposal

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Items                          Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Gains on disposal of fixed assets                                        -387,648.44                                -486,378.33

58. Non-operating revenue

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                     Current period           Preceding period             Amount recorded into the current
                                      cumulative                comparative                   non-recurring profit and loss

Exempted payment                          1,663,567.85                3,090,050.86                                     1,663,567.85

Compensation and penalty
                                          2,232,754.09                1,056,661.41                                     2,232,754.09

Gains from retirement of
                                             208,668.30                  84,161.06                                       208,668.30
fixed assets

Others                                       687,560.44                824,606.49                                        687,560.44

               Total                      4,792,550.68                5,055,479.82                                     4,792,550.68

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

59. Non-operating expenditures

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Amount included in
             Items                    Current period cumulative      Preceding period comparative
                                                                                                      non-recurring profit or loss

 Losses on retirement of fixed
                                                    6,985,178.47                    10,492,379.67                     6,985,178.47

 Litigation for damages                             4,971,711.20                     2,638,000.00                     4,971,711.20

 Donation expenditures                                495,026.83                         51,555.76                     495,026.83

 Others                                             2,476,278.90                     1,661,697.75                     2,476,278.90

             Total                                 14,928,195.40                    14,843,633.18                   14,928,195.40

60. Income tax expenses

(1)Income tax expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                     Items                           Current period cumulative                  Preceding period comparative

 Current period income tax expenses                                     254,222,957.91                             185,380,549.14

 Deferred income tax expenses                                            17,581,519.86                              33,322,315.46

                     Total                                              271,804,477.77                             218,702,864.60

(2)Reconciliation of accounting profit to income tax expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                              Items                                                    Current period cumulative

Income before tax                                                                                                  1,976,629,015.41

Income tax expense calculated at the applicable tax rate                                                            329,915,459.20

Adjustment of preliminary income tax expense settlement and

Tax impact of research and development expenses plus deduction                                                       -97,297,971.85

Others                                                                                                               25,253,184.99

Income tax expenses                                                                                                 271,804,477.77

61. Other comprehensive income

Please refer to the notes of balance sheet items and other comprehensive income for details.

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

62. Notes to items of the consolidated cash flow statement

(1)Other cash receipts related to operating activities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                   Items                    Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Government grants                                             195,905,022.49                            189,256,546.89

Interest income                                                89,862,225.91                             52,233,256.57

Net change in restricted funds                                 11,123,000.00

Rental income                                                   9,785,805.55                             10,255,696.35

Insurance indemnities                                           2,050,150.25                               1,056,661.41

Other                                                           1,576,848.07                                733,249.60

Total                                                         310,303,052.27                            253,535,410.82

(2)Other cash payments related to operating activities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                   Items                    Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 Net change in restricted funds                                                                         11,123,000.00

 Guarantee deposit                                             8,149,646.85                             12,114,845.90

 Expense payments for the period                             473,111,251.31                            669,374,176.12

                   Total                                     481,260,898.16                            692,612,022.02

(3)Other cash receipts related to investing activities

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                   Items                    Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Redemption of bank financing products                         642,245,000.00                            520,254,995.00

Net change in restricted funds                                                                             7,204,442.99

Profit on Foreign exchange contract
                                                               84,019,324.41                             19,642,289.10

Profit on Futures contract settlement                          36,962,814.04                             29,117,946.22

Total                                                         763,227,138.45                            576,219,673.31

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

(4)Other cash payments related to investing activities

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Items                        Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Subscription expenses for certificates of

Net change in restricted funds                                     34,524,969.01

Payments for purchasing bank financing

Total                                                            3,873,524,969.01                           289,200,000.00

(5)Other cash receipts related to financing activities

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Items                        Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Net change in restricted funds                                      6,147,618.22                             24,311,782.55

Factoring financing of accounts receivable                         47,536,022.04

Disposal of part of the subsidiary's equity                                                                     222,517.59

Total                                                              53,683,640.26                             24,534,300.14

(6)Other cash payments related to financing activities

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Items                        Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

Repo shares expenses                                              200,011,001.49

Restricted stock repurchase expenses                                3,276,699.00                               2,309,044.00

Rental expenses                                                    26,860,033.64                               5,768,763.60

Convertible bond issuance service fee, etc                         14,153,152.35                               2,674,712.19

Total                                                             244,300,886.48                             10,752,519.79

63. Supplement information to the cash flow statement

(1)Supplement information to the cash flow statement

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

           Supplement information               Current period cumulative               Preceding period comparative

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow
                                                            --                                       --
 from operating activities:

                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

       Net profit                                    1,704,824,537.64                          1,473,323,351.98

       Add: Provision for assets impairment
                                                       150,047,956.13                            87,349,921.14

         Depreciation of fixed assets, oil
                                                       457,645,498.88                           398,438,067.60
and gas assets, productive biological assets

       Amortization of right-of-use assets              45,187,192.39

       Amortization of intangible assets                22,412,446.76                            20,558,264.41

Amortization of Long-term prepayments                    7,468,836.52                             5,698,329.34

                Loss on disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                        387,648.44                               486,378.33
long-term assets (Less: gains)

            Loss on retirement of fixed
                                                         6,776,510.17                            10,408,218.61
assets (Less: gains)

            Losses on changes in fair value
                                                         -3,221,397.38                           -31,847,915.76
(Less: gains)
       Financial expenses (Less: gains)                 76,990,021.45                            85,662,587.59
       Investment losses (Less: gains)                -143,106,300.60                            -93,448,308.05

         Decrease of deferred tax assets
                                                         -6,925,779.23                           -14,636,264.19
(Less: increase)

         Increase of deferred tax liabilities
                                                        42,131,964.83                            65,728,822.77
(Less: decrease)

       Decrease of inventories (Less:
                                                     -1,379,357,747.06                         -188,213,271.68

         Decrease of operating receivables
                                                     -1,130,326,675.79                         -817,805,253.81
(Less: increase)

         Increase of operating payables
                                                     1,653,187,167.54                          1,012,830,723.84
(Less: decrease)
       Others                                           51,697,222.60                            72,810,130.99
Net cash flows from operating activities             1,555,819,103.29                          2,087,343,783.11

2. Significant investing and financing
activities not related to cash receipts and     --                                        --

       Conversion of debt into capital

       Convertible bonds due within one

       Fixed assets leased in under finance

3. Net changes in cash and cash                 --                                        --

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


      Cash at the end of the period                                    2,690,002,225.09                             3,400,144,038.54

     Less: Cash at the beginning of the
                                                                       3,400,144,038.54                             2,553,783,015.01

      Add: Cash equivalents at the end of
 the period

     Less: Cash equivalents at the
 beginning of the period

      Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                        -710,141,813.45                              846,361,023.53

(2)Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries in current period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB


Cash and cash equivalents paid in current period for merger in
current period

Including:                                                                                           --

Zhejiang Sanhua plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd                                                                     28,000,000.00

Including:                                                                                           --

Including:                                                                                           --

Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries in current period                                                      28,000,000.00

(3)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Items                                 Closing balance                               Opening balance

Ⅰ . Cash                                                               2,690,002,225.09                             3,400,144,038.54

Including: Cash on hand                                                       214,611.31                                    232,265.51

            Cash in bank that can be readily
                                                                        2,689,767,198.01                             3,399,911,773.03
drawn on demand

          Other monetary funds that can be
readily for payment

Ⅲ. Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                            2,690,002,225.09                             3,400,144,038.54

Other remarks:
     On December 31, 2021,monetary funds include RMB 3,936,282,419.98 of principal and interest of CDS and
time deposits, RMB 38,584,887.96 of margin deposits and RMB 66,852,328.10 of futures contract deposits, totals

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

RMB 4,041,719,636.04. Such monetary funds do not belong to cash and cash equivalents.

(4)Amount of endorsed acceptance not involving cash receipts and payments

                               Items                                Current period cumulative              Preceding period comparative
Amount of commercial bills and supply chain financial                                213,080,551.18                        112,518,677.57
vouchers endorsed and transferred
Including: Payment for operating activities                                          212,391,551.18                        109,630,824.74

           Payment for investment activities                                                689,000.00                        2,887,852.83

64. Assets with restriction on ownership or use rights

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                       Items                    Carrying amount at the end of the period                   Cause of restriction

Cash and Bank Balances                                                         14,584,887.96 Guarantee deposit

Cash and Bank Balances                                                         66,852,328.10 Margin deposit with a futures institution

Notes receivable                                                           872,096,928.77 Pledge financing

                                                                                                Supply chain finance credentials that have
Accounts receivable                                                            80,207,552.58 been endorsed or discounted but are not

Total                                                                     1,033,741,697.41                          --

65. Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1)Monetary items in foreign currencies

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                       Closing balance in foreign                Exchange rate                    RMB equivalent

Cash and Bank Balances                             --                                  --

Including: USD                                          75,071,897.41 6.3757                                               478,635,896.32

            EUR                                         12,323,466.71 7.2197                                                88,971,732.61


            Other currencies                                     0.00 0                                                     40,554,414.41

Subtotal                                                                                                                   608,162,043.34

Accounts receivable                                --                                  --

Including: USD                                     191,919,521.97 6.3757                                                 1,223,621,296.22

                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

           EUR                     49,284,527.47 7.2197                                         355,819,502.98


           Other currencies                                                                      81,554,120.37

Subtotal                                                                                      1,660,994,919.57

Long-term borrowings          --                              --

Including: USD                       100,000.00 6.3757                                              637,570.00



Subtotal                                                                                            637,570.00

Derivative financial assets

Including: USD                      5,973,592.10 6.3757                                          38,085,831.15

           Other currencies                 0.00 0.0000                                           2,273,910.98

Subtotal                                                                                         40,359,742.13

Other receivables

Including: USD                      1,044,378.43 6.3757                                           6,658,643.56

           EUR                       732,729.47 7.2197                                            5,290,086.95

           Other currencies                                                                      31,088,048.23

Subtotal                                                                                         43,036,778.74

Long-term receivable

Including: EUR                       130,000.00 7.2197                                              938,561.00

Subtotal                                                                                            938,561.00

Short-term borrowings

Including: USD                     55,069,683.74 6.3757                                         351,107,782.62

           EUR                     33,047,908.27 7.2197                                         238,595,983.34

Subtotal                                                                                        589,703,765.96

Accounts payable

Including: USD                     12,944,979.57 6.3757                                          82,533,306.24

           EUR                     38,736,726.67 7.2197                                         279,667,545.54

           Other currencies                                                                      36,762,969.35

Subtotal                                                                                        398,963,821.13

Other payables

Including: USD                      9,873,703.28 6.3757                                          62,951,770.00

           EUR                       933,970.48 7.2197                                            6,742,986.67

           Other currencies                                                                       7,067,245.36

                                                          Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Subtotal                                                                                                      76,762,002.03

Non-current liabilities due within
one year

Including: USD                                30,019,052.80 6.3757                                           191,392,474.94

            EUR                               15,636,083.80 7.2197                                           112,887,834.20

            Other currencies                           0.00 0.0000                                              848,055.19

Subtotal                                                                                                     305,128,364.34

Lease liabilities

Including: USD                                10,537,378.87 6.3757                                            67,183,166.46

            EUR                               10,343,644.06 7.2197                                            74,678,007.02

            Other currencies                           0.00 0.0000                                              303,785.03

Subtotal                                                                                                     142,164,958.51

(2)Notes on overseas operating entities, including for the significant overseas operating entities, its main
operating locations, reporting currency and the basis for selection should be disclosed, and the reason for
changes in reporting currency should also be disclosed.

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
     The Company has several overseas subsidiaries, locate in the United States, Europe, Japan, Poland, Mexico,
Vietnam and other countries, where US dollars, Euro, Japanese yen, Polish zloty, Mexican pesos Vietnamese
dong , etc. are used as the standard reporting currency.

66. Government grants


     1) Government grants related to assets
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                               Items                          Opening    Increased      The        Closing      Related to
                                                              balance    in current    amount      balance      assets/rela
                                                                           period     recorded                    ted to
                                                                                      as other                   income

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Grant for project of an annual output of 15 million commercial        2,449,00                2,449,00            0    Related
refrigeration and air-conditioning automatic control components           0.20                     0.20                to assets

Special fund grant for multistory factory buildings of small and      4,995,13                221,919.     4,773,21    Related
medium-sized enterprises                                                  4.10                      96         4.14    to assets

Grant for innovation ability construction project of National         3,125,00                624,999.     2,500,00    Related
Enterprise Technology Center                                              0.16                      96         0.20    to assets

Grant for energy-saving project with an annual output of 35           2,140,82                2,140,82            0    Related
million sets of L-type four-way reversing valve for air                   5.75                     5.75                to assets

Grant for technical transformation project of newly increased         2,274,00                758,000.     1,516,00    Related
800000 sets of heat exchanger per year                                    0.00                      00         0.00    to assets

Grant for the technical transformation project with an annual         2,208,00                552,000.     1,656,00    Related
output of 2 million sets of air-conditioning parts                        0.08                      00         0.08    to assets

Grant for the industrialization project of 20 million refrigeration   278,837.                278,837.            0    Related
and air conditioning automatic control components                           70                      70                 to assets

Grant for commercial machine micro-channel heat exchanger             1,291,85                738,200.     553,650.    Related
technical transformation project                                          0.00                      00           00    to assets

Grant for 1 million sets of air-conditioning thermal sensor           5,492,10                915,349.     4,576,75    Related
technology transformation of new energy vehicle                           0.16                      92         0.24    to assets

Grant for an annual output of 2 million sets of high-efficiency       1,779,47                515,947.     1,263,52    Related
energy-saving inverter controllers                                        0.08                      64         2.44    to assets

Technical transformation project of annual output of 100000           5,056,86                842,810.     4,214,05    Related
large heat exchangers                                                     0.00                      00         0.00    to assets

Grant for construction project of public test and detection           699,999.                699,999.            0    Related
service platform for refrigeration components                               64                      64                 to assets

Grant for the construction project of automatic control               480,000.                480,000.            0    Related
components for residential air conditioners with an annual                  00                      00                 to assets
output of 10 million

                                                                      1,168,49                178,900.     989,591.    Related
Grant for pollution source treatment project
                                                                          1.67                      00           67    to assets

Grant for construction project of public inspection and testing       256,666.                256,666.            0    Related
service platform for automobile air conditioning parts                      87                      87                 to assets

Technical transformation project for the production line of           497,115.                126,923.     370,192.    Related
energy-saving residential air-conditioning control components               56                      04           52    to assets
with an annual output of 50 million sets

Grant for construction project of 25 million sets of new              340,000.                135,999.     204,000.    Related
energy-saving and environmental protection variable frequency               28                      96           32    to assets

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

air conditioning expansion valve

Industrial transfer projects and single equipment investment           306,364.                144,326.     162,037.    Related
grant                                                                        06                      64           42    to assets

Comprehensive        investment         award   for    technological   2,985,24                357,888.     2,627,36    Related
transformation of industrial enterprises in Wuhu City                      8.00                      00         0.00    to assets

Industrial     transformation     and     upgrading,   technological   1,412,83                202,424.     1,210,40    Related
transformation and industrial investment                                   4.44                      88         9.56    to assets

Intelligent factory technological transformation project based on      3,624,99                499,999.     3,125,00    Related
The Internet of Things technology                                          9.89                      89         0.00    to assets

Grant for the annual production of 11.5 million sets of new            17,663,0    4,200,00    2,199,40     19,663,6    Related
energy auto parts project                                                 68.27        0.00         6.49       61.78    to assets

                                                                       573,333.                159,999.     413,333.    Related
Four-way reversing valve optimization project
                                                                             44                      96           48    to assets

Policy grant for Wuhu City's strong industrial base and                705,000.                90,000.0     615,000.    Related
manufacturing strong province                                                00                        0          00    to assets

Annual production of 3 million self-circulating superconducting        717,750.                99,000.0     618,750.    Related
plates technology project                                                    00                        0          00    to assets

Comprehensive award and compensation for investment in                 1,942,70                273,782.     1,668,91    Related
technological transformation of industrial enterprises                     2.09                      39         9.70    to assets

Grant for intelligent manufacturing technology transformation          2,631,22                360,000.     2,271,22    Related
project of 6 million sets of commercial refrigeration components           0.00                      00         0.00    to assets
per year

Grant for comprehensive upgrading and technical                        5,799,85                828,550.     4,971,30    Related
transformation project of intelligent manufacturing of                     0.00                      00         0.00    to assets
refrigeration components

Grant for technical transformation project of 30 million sets of       6,400,00                800,000.     5,600,00    Related
high efficiency energy saving refrigeration and air conditioning           0.00                      00         0.00    to assets
control components

Grant for an annual output of 7.3 million sets of new energy           40,380,0                4,038,00     36,342,0    Related
vehicle thermal management system components technical                    00.00                     0.00       00.00    to assets

Grant for technical transformation project for the high efficiency     12,015,1                1,211,61     10,803,5    Related
and energy saving refrigeration and air conditioning control              32.50                     0.00       22.50    to assets
components with an annual output of 30 million sets

Grant for technical transformation project for the commercial          1,115,72    3,306,20    140,061.     4,281,86    Related
refrigeration control components with an annual output of 12               4.17        0.00          63         2.54    to assets
million sets

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

 Grant for equipment of New technological transformation for          1,273,70                131,762.     1,141,94    Related
 industrialization                                                         7.32                      02         5.30   to assets

 Grant for promoting new industrialization and support                            412,191.    3,435.00     408,756.    Related
 technological transformation of enterprises                                            86                       86    to assets

 Technical transformation project of large heat exchanger with        6,025,05                669,450.     5,355,60    Related
 annual output of 700,000 sets                                             0.00                      00         0.00   to assets

 Grant for an annual output of 50.5 million sets of technical                     8,052,20    67,101.6     7,985,09    Related
 transformation of high-efficiency and energy-saving                                  0.00            7         8.33   to assets
 refrigeration and air conditioning control components

 Grant for an annual output of 11 million sets of new energy                      23,175,0            0    23,175,0    Related
 vehicles high efficiency heat exchanger assembly project                            00.00                     00.00   to assets

                                                                                  1,792,82    18,737.3     1,774,08    Related
 New industrialization fund subsidy
                                                                                      3.00            7         5.63   to assets

                                 Total                                140,105,    40,938,4    24,211,9     156,831,
                                                                        336.43       14.86        16.58      834.71

      2) Government grants related to income and used to compensate relevant cost, expenses or losses
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
   Items                                       Current period cumulative                     Financial Report Items
Subsidy of overseas COVID-19                                     15,166,186.20                  Other income
Award of enterprise R&D investment                               12,314,165.87                  Other income
VAT refund of civil welfare                                      11,084,252.15                  Other income
VAT refund on software products in                                9,027,815.16                  Other income
excess of tax burden
Talent introduction and job                                       8,881,402.00                  Other income
stabilization subsidies
Award of industry support fund                                    8,782,560.00                  Other income
Subsidy and award of technological                                8,285,400.00                  Other income
innovation and entrepreneurship
Patent subsidy for enterprises                                    6,452,550.00                  Other income
Innovation and Development Award                                  2,971,100.00                  Other income
Enterprise operation development                                  2,750,000.00                  Other income
Awards for investment in major                                    1,845,040.00                  Other income
industrial projects
Special funds for foreign trade and                               1,675,000.00                  Other income
economic development
Energy saving and environmental                                   1,410,942.00                  Other income
protection subsidies

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Other                                                           7,163,755.71                    Other income
   Subtotal                                                    97,810,169.09

        (2)The amount of government grant included in the profit or loss statement in the current period
                            Items                                                Current period cumulative
Related to assets                                                                                                 24,211,916.58
Related to income                                                                                                 97,810,169.09
                            Total                                                                                122,022,085.67

         The government subsidies included in the current profit and loss are presented in the "other income" item.

Ⅷ. Changes in the consolidation scope

1. Business combination not under common control

(1) Business combination not under common control in current period
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                          Proportion                             Determine                        Acquiree’s net
                Equity     Equity                          Equity    Acqui                     income from
                                           of equity                             basis for                          profit from
Acquirees      acquisiti   acquisition                 acquisitio    sition                   acquisition date
                                           acquired                              acquisitio                       acquisition date
                on date    cost                        n method       date                     to period end
                                             (%)                                   n date                          to period end

                                                                             -   the equity
Sanhua                                                 Agreemen
               Decemb                                                 Dece         delivery
plate                      28,000,000.                 t
                  er 14,                  70%                         mber         and pay
Exchange                             00                assignmen
                    2021                                                14,      the merger
Technolog                                              t
                                                                      2021       considerat
y Co., Ltd

(2) Combination costs and goodwill

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
    Combination costs
        Cash                                                                                                     28,000,000.00
        Fair value of non-cash assets
        Fair value of debts issued or assumed
        Fair value of equity securities issued
        Fair value of contingent considerations
        Acquisition-date fair value of equity held before the acquisition date
 Total combination costs                                                                                         28,000,000.00

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

   Combination costs
 Less: Share of fair value of net identifiable assets acquired                                              20,408,169.39
 Goodwill/Balance of fair value of net identified assets acquired after                                      7,591,830.61
 deducting combination costs
Determination method of fair value of combination costs, contingent considerations and their movements:
     In December 2021, the company acquired 70% equity of Zhejiang Sanhua plate Exchange Technology Co.,
Ltd from Su Jun. The pricing of this equity transaction is based on the assessed value, the basic transfer price is 28
million yuan, and the assessment payment consideration is 7 million yuan.
     If the net profit of Zhejiang Sanhua plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd in 2022 is 6.4 million yuan, the
company will pay another 3.5 million yuan; If not, the company will not need to pay any more. If the net profit of
Zhejiang Sanhua plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd in 2023 is 8 million yuan, the company will pay another 3.5
million yuan; If not, the company will not need to pay any more.
     According to the profit forecast data, the management of the company judges that it is difficult to realize the
assessment net profit by Zhejiang Sanhua plate Exchange Technology Co., Ltd, so the assessment payment
consideration is estimated at zero yuan.

(3) Combination costs and goodwill

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                    Acquisition-date fair value                  Acquisition-date carrying amount
 Assets:                                                      41,750,357.62

 Cash and bank balances                                           2,456,829.86                          2,456,829.86

 Accounts receivable                                              7,730,397.40                          7,730,397.40

 Inventories                                                      1,769,614.51                          1,769,614.51

 Fixed assets                                                     6,672,716.01                          4,214,515.28

 Intangible assets                                            12,917,600.00

 Long-term prepayments                                            6,068,825.10                          4,754,692.01

 Right of use assets                                              4,019,018.35                          4,019,018.35

 Deferred tax assets                                               115,356.39                             115,356.39

 Liabilities:                                                 10,092,339.85                            10,092,339.85


 Accounts payable                                                 5,547,165.87                          5,547,165.87

 Deferred tax liabilities

 Payroll payable                                                   526,155.63                             526,155.63

 Lease liabilities                                                4,019,018.35                          4,019,018.35

 Deferred tax liabilities                                         2,503,490.07

 Net assets                                                   29,154,527.70                            14,968,083.95

 Less: Non-controlling interest                                   8,746,358.31                          4,490,425.19

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                            Acquisition-date fair value                 Acquisition-date carrying amount

 Net assets acquired                                                  20,408,169.39                               10,477,658.76

Fair value determination method on identifiable assets and liabilities:
The fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of the company is determined according to the assessed value.

(4). Gains/Losses on fair value remeasurement of equity held before the acquisition date

Is there a transaction that realizes business combination step by step through multiple transactions and obtains
control during the reporting period
□Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Combination costs or fair value of acquiree’s identifiable assets/liabilities failed to be reasonably
determined at the acquisition date or at the end of current period

(6) Other remarks

2. Changes in the consolidation scope due to other reasons

Explain the changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (e.g. new subsidiaries, liquidation
subsidiaries, etc.) and their related situations:

   Entities                Equity acquisition         Equity acquisition Capital contribution Capital contribution
                                method                       date                               proportion (%)
 Zhejiang Sanhua
 Auto         Zero                 New subsidiaries         August 31,2021                     0.00                      100%
 Trading Co., Ltd.

 Zhejiang Sanhua
 plate    Exchange
 Technology      Co.,              New subsidiaries      December 13,2021                      0.00                      100%


Ⅸ. Interest in other entities

1. Interest in subsidiaries

(1)Composition of enterprise group

                        Main operating        Place of                                  Holding proportion                Acquisition
  Subsidy name                                                Business nature
                            place            registration                             Direct           Indirect             method

 Zhejiang                                                                                                               Business
 Sanhua Climate         Zhejiang          Zhejiang            Manufacture                74.00%              26.00%     combination
 and Appliance                                                                                                          under common

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

 Controls Group                                                                                            control
 Co., Ltd.

 Automotive           Zhejiang         Zhejiang     Manufacture               100.00%
                                                                                                           under common
 Co., Ltd.

 Micro Channel        Zhejiang         Zhejiang     Manufacture               100.00%
                                                                                                           under common
 Heat Exchanger
 Co., Ltd

 Sanhua Trading       Zhejiang         Zhejiang     Commerce                  100.00%                      Establishment
 Co., Ltd

                                                    Parts of                                               combination
                      Germany          Germany      household                                   100.00%    not under
                                                    appliances                                             common
 Systems GmbH

     Remarks on inconsistency between holding proportion and voting rights proportion in subsidiaries:
     Basis for the control of an investee while holding its half or less than half voting rights, and the non-control
of an investee while holding its more than half voting rights
     Basis for control of significant structured entities brought into the consolidation scope
     Basis for determining an entity being acting as an agent or a principal
     Other remarks:
     The above subsidiaries are significant subsidiaries of the Company.

2. Interest in joint venture or associates

(1)Aggregated financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates

   Items                                          Closing balance/Current period        December 31, 2020/Preceding
                                                           cumulative                       period comparative
 Joint ventures                                                 --                                   --
 Total of the following items calculated by
                                                                 --                                 --
 shareholding ratio
 Associates                                                      --                                 --
 Total book value of investment                                       22,680,930.51                      15,219,616.68
 Total of the following items calculated by                      --                                 --
 shareholding ratio
 Net profit                                                            7,011,313.83                       2,199,442.47

Other remarks:

                                                           Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

X. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

      In risk management, the Company aims to seek the appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from
its use of financial instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instruments have on
the Company’s financial performance, so as to maximize the profits of shareholders and other equity investors.
Based on such risk management objectives, the Company’s risk management policies are established to identify
and analyze the risks faced by the Company, to set appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and
adherence to limits on a timely and reliable basis.
      The Company has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments, which mainly include:
credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. The Management has deliberated and approved policies concerning
such risks, and details are:
      (I) Credit risk
      Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by
failing to discharge an obligation.
      1. Credit risk management practice
      (1) Evaluation method of credit risk
      At each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has
increased significantly since initial recognition. When assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly
since initial recognition, the Company takes into account reasonable and supportable information, which is
available without undue cost or effort, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data,
external credit risk rating, and forward-looking information. The Company determines the changes in default risk
of financial instruments during the estimated lifetime through comparison of the default risk at the balance sheet
date and the initial recognition date, on an individual basis or a collective basis.
      The Company considers the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly when one or
more of the following qualitative and quantitative standards are met:
      1) Quantitative standard mainly relates to the scenario in which, at the balance sheet date, the probability of
default in the remaining lifetime has risen by more than a certain percentage compared with the initial recognition;
      2) Qualitative standard mainly relates to significant adverse changes in the debtor’s operation or financial
position, present or expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment that will have
significant adverse impact on the debtor’s repayment ability.
      (2) Definition of default and credit-impaired assets
      A financial instrument is defined as defaulted when one or more following events have occurred, of which
the standard is consistent with that for credit-impairment:
      1) Significant financial difficulty of the debtor;
      2) A breach of binding clause of contract;
      3) It is very likely that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
      4) The creditor of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty,
having granted to the debtor a concession(s) that the creditor would not otherwise consider.
      2. Measurement of expected credit losses
      The key factors in the measurement of expected credit loss include the probability of default, loss rate of
default, and exposure to default risk. The Company develops a model of the probability of default, loss rate of
default, and exposure to default risk on the basis of quantitative analysis of historical data (e.g. counterparty rating,
guarantee measures and collateral type, payment method, etc.) and forward-looking information.
      3. Exposure to credit risk and concentration of credit risk

                                                       Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

      The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and bank balances and receivables. In order to
control such risks, the Company has taken the following measures:
      (1) Cash and bank balances
      The Company deposits its bank balances and other cash and bank balances in financial institutions with
relatively high credit levels, hence, its credit risk is relatively low.
      (2) Receivables
      The Company performs credit assessment on customers using credit settlement on a continuous basis. The
Company selects credible and well-reputed customers based on credit assessment result, and conducts ongoing
monitoring on balance of receivables, to avoid significant risks in bad debts.
      The company's accounts receivable risk points are distributed among multiple partners and multiple
customers. As of December 31 2021, the Company has no significant central credit risk, and the proportion of
accounts receivable from the top five customers in book balance is at a reasonable and moderate level.
      The maximum amount of exposure to credit risk of the Company is the carrying amount of each financial
asset at the balance sheet.
      (II) Liquidity risk
      The Company continues to monitor short-term and long-term funding needs to ensure that sufficient cash
reserves are maintained. At the same time, the Company continuously monitors compliance with the loan
agreement to ensure that the credit line obtained from commercial banks can meet short-term or long-term funding
needs. When necessary, the Company can implement equity financing.
      As of December 31, 2021, the undiscounted contractual cash flows of the Company’s financial liabilities
listed by maturity date are shown in the following table:
                                                                               Closing balance
                                                     Within 1 year        1-3 years       Over 3 years           Total

Short-term borrowings                                741,497,623.23                                          741,497,623.23
Notes payable                                       1,891,526,333.48                                        1,891,526,333.48
Accounts payable                                    3,214,698,131.59                                        3,214,698,131.59
Other payable                                        172,923,251.10                                          172,923,251.10
Non-current liabilities due within one year         1,788,496,608.56                                        1,788,496,608.56
Long-term borrowings                                                    852,116,486.66                       852,116,486.66
                                                                        128,977,119.70 3,299,414,690.00 3,434,390,745.50
Bonds payable
Lease liabilities                                     14,779,459.15      71,465,390.94    71,736,828.07      157,981,678.16
                          Subtotal                  7,829,920,342.91 1,052,558,997.30 3,371,151,518.07 12,253,630,858.28
                                                                                Opening balance
                                                        Within 1 year         1-3 years      Over 3 years        Total

Short-term borrowings                                    384,529,024.72                                      384,529,024.72
Notes payable                                          1,238,574,463.73                                     1,238,574,463.73
Accounts payable                                       2,279,661,755.97                                     2,279,661,755.97
Other payable                                            270,888,400.58                                      270,888,400.58
Non-current liabilities due within one year              155,238,316.00                                      155,238,316.00
Long-term borrowings                                                      1,781,690,487.83                  1,781,690,487.83

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Lease liabilities                                                                       67,853,620.87 81,926,194.66 149,779,815.53
Long-term payables                                                      903,862.19                                           903,862.19
                              Subtotal                            4,329,795,823.19 1,849,544,108.70 81,926,194.66 6,261,266,126.55
      Note: The difference between the beginning amount and the end amount of the previous year (December 31,
2020) is detailed in note III (31) to the financial statements.
      (III) Market risk
      Market risk is the risk that the Company may encounter fluctuation in fair value or future cash flows of
financial instruments due to changes in market price. Market risk mainly includes interest risk and foreign
currency risk.
      1. Interest Rate Risk
      Interest rate risk is the risk that an enterprise may encounter fluctuation in fair value or future cash flows of
financial instruments due to changes in market interest. The Company’s fair value interest risks arise from
fixed-rate financial instruments, while the cash flow interest risks arise from floating-rate financial instruments.
The Company determines the proportion of fixed-rate financial instruments and floating-rate financial
instruments based on the market environment, and maintains a proper financial instruments portfolio through
regular review and monitoring.
      2. Foreign currency risk
      Foreign currency risk is the risk arising from changes in fair value or future cash flows of financial
instrument resulted from changes in exchange rate. The Company’s foreign currency risk relates mainly to foreign
currency monetary assets and liabilities. When short-term imbalance occurred to foreign currency assets and
liabilities, the Company may trade foreign currency at market exchange rate when necessary, in order to maintain
the net risk exposure within an acceptable level. The Company is mainly operated in mainland China, whose main
activities are denominated in RMB, hence, the Company bears insignificant market risk arising from foreign
exchange changes.
      Please refer to section V (IV) 2 of notes to financial statements for details in foreign currency financial assets
and liabilities at the end of the period.

XI. Disclosure of Fair Values

1. Fair values of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                   Fair value as of the balance sheet date
                              Item Name
                                                                      Level 1             Level 2          Level 3           Total

Constant measurement at fair value                                       --                  --               --               --

1.Held-for-trading financial assets                                 4,536,549.83       159,487,189.94                   164,023,739.77

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss      4,536,549.83       159,487,189.94                   164,023,739.77

Debt instrument investments                                                            109,383,374.74                   109,383,374.74

Derivative financial assets                                         4,536,549.83        50,103,815.20                    54,640,365.03

Total amount of assets constantly measured at their fair values     4,536,549.83       159,487,189.94                   164,023,739.77

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Non-constant measurement at fair value                                 --                --                --             --

2. Basis for determining the market price of items under first level constant and non-constant measurement
at fair value.

     The fair value of futures contracts is measured at the exchange's open market quotes.

3. Items under second level constant and non-constant measurement at fair value, valuation technique
adopted, and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters

    The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts is measured based on the valuation amount of the host
bank or the forward foreign exchange rate announced by the Bank of China. Bank financing products are
measured based on the valuation amount of the issuer or manager.

XII. Related party relationships and transactions

1. Parent Company

                                                                                              Holding            Voting right
                           Place of
  Parent Company                              Business nature     Registered capital     proportion over        proportion over
                                                                                          the Company            the Company

 Sanhua Holding                             Industrial
                      Zhejiang Province                           730 million yuan                 50.12%                50.12%
 Group Co., Ltd                             Investment

     Remarks on the parent Company:
     As of December 31, 2021, Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as SHG)directly holds
29.44% of the Company's shares, and indirectly holds 20.68% of the shares through its subsidiaries, for a total of
50.12% of the shares.The final controllers of the Company are Mr Zhang Daocai, Mr Zhang Yabo and Zhang
     Other remarks:

2. Information about the Company's subsidiaries

Please refer to interest in other entities of notes to financial statements.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company

Please refer to notes to financial statements for details on the Company’s significant joint ventures and associates.
Details of other joint ventures or associates carrying out related party transactions with the Company in current
period or in preceding period but with balance in current period are as follows:
                       Joint ventures or associates                                       Abbreviation of associate

Chongqing Tainuo Machinery Co., Ltd                                                                CTMC

Qingdao Sanhua Jinlifeng Machinery Co., Ltd                                                        QSJM

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Zhongshan Xuanyi Pipe Making Co., Ltd                                                              ZXPM

Other remarks

4. Other related parties of the Company

                  Joint ventures or associates                                     Abbreviation of associate

 Zhejiang Sanhua Green Energy Industrial Group Co., Ltd.                                    ZSGE

 Hangzhou Tongchan Machinery Co., Ltd.                                                       HTM

 Hangzhou Sanhua Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                                HSRI

 Hangzhou Sanhua International Building Co., Ltd.                                            HSIB

 Xinchang County Sanhua Property Management Co., Ltd.                                       XCSP

 Shanghai Sanhua Electric Co., Ltd                                                           SSE

 Zhejiang Sanhua Zhicheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.                                 ZSZR

 Zhejiang Haoyuan Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       ZHT

 Ningbo Fuerda Smartech Co., Ltd.                                                            NFS

 Wuhu Alda Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              WAT

 Hangzhou Formost Material Technology Co., Ltd                                              HFMT

Other remarks

5. Related party transactions

(1)Purchase and sale of goods, rendering and receiving services

Purchase of goods and receiving of services
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

 Related           Content of           Current period          Approved           Over the Transaction        Preceding period
  parties         transaction             cumulative         Transaction Limit          Limit or No              comparative

HTM          Materials                      4,648,299.74             700,000.00             否                        519,318.58

HTM          Services                            28,601.77        95,000,000.00             否

HSRI         Water and electricity                                                          否                        115,165.09

HSRI         Materials                           22,229.77           700,000.00             否                         14,303.48

ZSGE         Utility                        5,012,738.23          95,000,000.00             否                       2,151,282.58

ZXPM         Materials                     20,702,956.31          35,000,000.00             否                       9,947,414.32

QSJM         Merchandise                                                                    否                       1,702,420.54

WAT          Merchandise                         82,035.40           200,000.00             否                         16,601.77

ZHT          Merchandise                                                                    否                       1,063,598.21

ZHT          Utility                       10,960,870.64          95,000,000.00             否                       7,308,466.90

                                                               Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Sale of goods and rendering of services
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

 Related parties           Content of transaction           Current period cumulative           Preceding period comparative

SHG                  Merchandise and Materials                                  447,493.03                          1,080,229.07

SHG                  Water and electricity                                      749,941.39                          1,871,967.25

QSJM                 Materials                                                  952,156.49                            291,399.64

HFMT                 Water and electricity                                      630,478.74                            890,529.83

CTMC                 Merchandise                                                  74,647.80

HSRI                 Water and electricity                                      980,985.87                            919,853.20

HSRI                 Merchandise and Materials                                 4,260,641.75                           305,509.41

HSRI                 Services                                                     23,063.51

WAT                  Utility                                                    209,829.94                            212,462.82

WAT                  Merchandise and Materials                                     1,726.07                              1,449.92

WAT                  Services                                                   102,949.51                              59,840.90

ZSGE                 Water and electricity                                      780,198.27                          1,357,863.17

ZSZR                 Merchandise                                                   9,734.51                             29,990.27

ZHT                  Water and electricity                                      137,126.85                              95,522.69

ZHT                  Merchandise                                                                                           159.29

HTM                  Water and electricity                                        20,530.64                             42,297.07

       Remarks of related transactions related to the purchase and sale of goods and the provision and acceptance of
       Due to the large number of related parties involved in related party transactions between the parent
Company Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd and its subsidiaries, the Company approved RMB 0.7 million as the
overall purchase quota for purchases and purchase rent, equipment rental, property management, water, electricity
and power, service fee amount of 95 million yuan from the parent company Sanhua Holding Group Co., Ltd. and
its subsidiaries collectively. The approval bases on the merger of the parent Company and its subsidiaries.

(2)Related party leases

The Company as the lessor:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
 Lessees       Types of asset leased         Lease income for current period            Lease income for the preceding period

SHG          Office building                                       5,309,339.44                                     5,309,339.44

HFMT         Plant                                                   300,342.85                                     1,022,346.21

WAT          Plant                                                   507,964.54                                       345,223.41

The Company as the lessee:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

 Lessors      Types of asset leased         Lease expenses for current period           Lease expenses for the preceding period

HSRI        Office building                                          1,125,600.00                                       1,134,833.52

ZSGE        Dormitory                                                3,184,967.59                                         80,800.00

ZSGE        Plant                                                    2,862,761.88                                        405,234.27

Remarks of related party leases

(3)Related party guarantees

The Company as guarantors
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

   Guaranteed parties                                                                Maturity date        Whether the guarantee is
                               Amount guaranteed       Commencement date
The Company as guaranteed parties
Guaranteed parties           Amount guaranteed       Commencement date           Maturity date       Whether the guarantee is mature

SHG                          RMB 2,230,000,000.00    February 7, 2020         December 16, 2023                    No

SHG                             EUR14,500,000.00     July 05, 2019            June 20, 2022                        No

Remarks of related party guarantees
     The information in the table does not include related guarantees within the scope of consolidation, nor related
guarantees that have been performed.

(4)Assets transfer and debt restructuring of the related parties

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
  Related parties       Content of related party transactions        Current period cumulative       Preceding period comparative

NFS                                 Package assets                               37,215,093.41

HTM                                   Equipment                                  47,965,923.63                       21,622,706.86

SHG                                   Equipment                                       32,800.96

HSIB                                   Vehicle                                        44,247.79

HSRI                                  Equipment                                     791,304.59                       17,393,367.30

(5)Key management’s emoluments

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Items                           Current period cumulative                Preceding period comparative

 Key management’s emoluments                                           10,562,300.00                               5,950,600.00

(6)Other related party transactions

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

   Abbreviation of associate   Content of transaction       Current period cumulative         Preceding period comparative

                                   Property income                         1,684,018.88                         1,684,018.88
                                   Service expenses                        1,167,603.70
                                   Property expenses                       3,112,828.45                           847,318.27
             ZSGE                  Service expenses                          212,086.77
                                    Service income                              3,547.17                            3,849.06
            HFMT                   Property income                           148,754.72                           461,320.79
             HSRI                  Property expenses                         123,689.42                            44,752.78
             HTM                    Service income                              4,943.40                            6,867.92
                                   Service expenses                        1,129,125.33
                                    Service income                               396.10
      In addition,it is affected by the inconsistency between the registered permanent residence of a few
employees and the place of work,there are transactions between related parties that pay employee social
insurance premium and housing accumulation fund on behalf of them. In current period,the company pays for the
related party RMB296,028.83.

6. Balance due to or from related parties


                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                  Closing balance                     Opening Balance
                      Items                                               Provision for bad                  Provision for bad
                                                parties    Book balance                       Book balance
                                                                                debts                              debts
Accounts receivable                          WAT                                                376,293.54          18,814.68

Accounts receivable                          SHG                                                180,000.00           9,000.00

Accounts receivable                          QSJM             68,818.81           3,440.94       26,973.19           1,348.66

Accounts receivable                          HSRI          4,254,623.49        212,731.17        18,514.60              925.73

Accounts receivable                          CTMC             84,352.01           4,217.60

Other receivables                            SHG                                                 20,000.00           1,000.00

Other receivables                            ZHT            670,000.00           33,500.00

Other non-current assets                                                                      9,122,291.82
(Equipment payment in advance)


                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

              Items                      Related parties             Closing balance                  Opening Balance

Accounts payable                   HTM                                         6,737,074.50                      3,883,247.79

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Accounts payable                      ZXPM                                            5,977,186.49                        1,072,110.11

Accounts payable                      ZHT                                               316,422.06

Accounts payable                      HSRI                                              261,150.00                         266,150.00

Contract liabilities                  WAT                                                                                     1,518.94

Advances received                     NFS                                                                               10,000,000.00

Other payables                        HFMT                                              100,000.00                         100,000.00

XIII. Share-based payment

1. Overall information

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: Shares

 Total equity instruments granted in current period                                                                              0.00

 Total equity instruments exercised in current period                                                                 11,062,090.00

 Total equity instruments retired in current period                                                                      420,160.00

 The range of exercise prices of share options outstanding at the end of
                                                                              Not applicable
 the period and the remaining contractual life

                                                                              2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan: The adjusted
                                                                              restricted stock grant price is RMB 7.115, which will
 The range of exercise prices of other equity instruments at the end of the
                                                                              be unlocked in batches within 12 months after 12
 period and the remaining contractual life
                                                                              months, 24 months, and 36 months from the grant

Other remarks
      In February 2020,the Company implemented a restricted stock incentive plan for core employees. Among
them,the number of restricted stocks granted was 12.045 million shares ,and the grant price per share was RMB
9.85,The grant date was February 24, 2020, and it will be unlocked year by year in batches at a ratio of
    In June 2020, the Company implemented the 2019 equity distribution. In September 2020, the company
implemented the 2020 semi-annual equity distribution. In May 2021, the company implemented the 2020 equity
distribution. According to the method stipulated in the "2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan", the exercise price
and quantity of the underlying stocks involved were adjusted accordingly. After the adjustment, the number of
restricted stocks granted was 15.6585 million shares, and the grant price per share was RMB 7.1115.

2. Equity-settled share-based payment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

Determination method for grant-date fair value of equity        Calculated based on the closing price of the stock on the grant date

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

instruments                                                   minus the grant price of the restricted stock.

Determination method for the number of equity instruments
expected to vest

Reasons for significant difference between the estimates in
                                                              Not applicable
current period and preceding period

Capital reserve accumulated due to equity-settled                                                                 148,941,110.78
share-based payment

Total expenses incurred due to equity-settled share-based                                                           51,697,222.60

Other remarks
     Note: In 2020, the company initially granted 12.045 million restricted stocks to incentive object. Later, it was
adjusted to 17.4577 million shares due to the annual distribution of equity in 2019. The number is the base,it will
be unlocked year by year in batches at a ratio of 30%:30%:40%. The Company estimates the number of exercisable
equity instruments on the following basis: the Company's operating performance can meet the target,the future
voluntary turnover rate of the incentive objects is 0%,and the performance appraisal level is above C (the unlocking
coefficient is 1).

XIV. Commitments and contingencies

1. Significant commitments

Significant contingencies existing on the balance sheet date
     With the approval of the CSRC in document CSRC License [2021] No. 168, the company publicly issued 30
million convertible corporate bonds in June 2021, with a face value of 100 yuan each and net amount of raised
funds is 2,987.53 million yuan. In addition to replenishing working capital, the raised funds are committed to the
following projects:
           Investment projects with raised funds                                        Committed capital

Annual production of 65 million sets of commercial
refrigeration and air conditioning intelligent control                                                          1487 million yuan
components construction project

Annual output of 50.5 million sets of high efficiency and
energy saving refrigeration and air conditioning control                                                         698 million yuan
components project

2. Contingencies

(1)If no significant contingent matter to be disclosed by the Company, it should also be noted accordingly

No important contingent matter needs to be disclosed by the Company.

                                                            Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

(2)Other information required by the industry information disclosure guidelines

The company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of automobile manufacturing related industries in the
guidelines for self-discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 - industry
information disclosure. The sales amount in the modes of mortgage sales and financial leasing accounts for more
than 10% of the operating revenue
□ Applicable □ Not Applicable
Guarantee of the company to the distributor
□ Applicable □ Not Applicable

XV. Events after the balance sheet date

1. Profit distribution

      According to the profit distribution plan of 2021 approved by the board of directors of the company on
March 23, 2022, cash of 1.50 yuan (including tax) for every 10 shares will be distributed to all shareholders based
on 3,569,927,512 shares (total share capital minus repurchased shares of the company) on March 18, 2022. The
profit distribution plan has yet to be considered and approved by the general meeting of shareholders.
      Note: as of March 18, 2022, the share capital of the company is 3,591,098,972 shares, of which the number
of repurchased shares is 21,171,460. According to the provisions of the company law, listed companies do not
have the right to participate in profit distribution and capital reserve to increase share capital by repurchasing the
shares of the company held through the special account.
      If the total share capital of the company changes due to the conversion of convertible bonds into shares, share
repurchase, equity incentive exercise, refinancing and listing of new shares before the implementation of the
distribution plan, the total distribution amount shall be adjusted accordingly according to the principle of
unchanged distribution proportion.

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. Segment information

(1)Basis for reportable segments and the accounting policy

     Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on the structure
of the Company’s internal organization, management requirements and internal reporting system, etc., and
identified the reportable segments based on products.

(2)Financial information of the reporting subsection

                                                                                                Unit: Ten thousand yuan RMB

                     Items                      Operating revenue       Operating cost       Total assets     Total liabilities

Refrigeration and air-conditioning electrical          1,121,832.09           825,020.97     1,750,747.33          983,989.10
parts business

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                                               480,248.89              365,714.13         611,249.35            252,748.52
Auto parts business

Total                                                         1,602,080.98         1,190,735.10         2,361,996.68           1,236,737.62

2. Other remarks

     Issuance of convertible corporate bonds
     With the approval of the CSRC in document CSRC License [2021] No. 168, the company publicly issued 30
million convertible corporate bonds (hereinafter referred to as Sanhua convertible bonds) in June 2021, with a
face value of 100 yuan each and a total issuance amount of 3000 million yuan.
     The term of Sanhua convertible bonds is 6 years, the interest is paid once a year, and the principal and
interest of the last year are returned when due. The coupon rate is 0.2% in the first year, 0.4% in the second year,
0.6% in the third year, 1.5% in the fourth year, 1.8% in the fifth year and 2.0% in the sixth year. The start and end
date of Sanhua convertible bonds is from December 7, 2021 to May 31, 2027, and the initial conversion price is
21.55 yuan / share. Within five trading days after the maturity of Sanhua convertible bonds, the company will
redeem the convertible bonds that have not been converted into shares at the price of 110% of the face value of
the bonds (including the last interest).

XVII. Notes to items of parent Company financial statements

1. Accounts receivable

(1)Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                  Closing balance                                                   Opening balance

                                      Provision for bad                                                 Provision for bad
               Book balance                                                     Book balance
                                            debt                                                              debt
                                                    Accrue     Carrying                                              Accrue      Carrying
                        Proport                       d        amount                     Proport                    d            amount
            Amount                   Amount                                  Amount                    Amount
                         ion                        proport                               ion                        proport
                                                     ion                                                             ion

Receiva    379,079,11   64.69                                 379,079,11     568,926,1     77.05                                 568,926,1
bles          2.37        %                                      2.37          07.65         %                                     07.65
n made
on an
al basis


                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Receiva     206,926,6       35.31     10,346,33   5.00%      196,580,3    169,453,2        22.95      8,472,66       5.00%      160,980,5
bles            54.25         %           2.71                 21.54        30.80            %          1.54                      69.26
n made
on a
e basis


            586,005,7       100.00    10,346,33   1.77%      575,659,4    738,379,3        100.00     8,472,66       1.15%      729,906,6
                66.62         %           2.71                 33.91        38.45            %          1.54                      76.91

Provision made on an individual basis:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Closing balance
                        Name                              Book balance     Provision for bad             Accrued               Accrued
                                                                                    debt                proportion              reason

SANHUA (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED                      120,982,815.88                                                0.00%

Zhejiang Sanhua Trading Co., Ltd                      106,410,843.62                                                0.00%

SANHUA INTERNATIONAL SINGAPORE                            70,600,688.73                                             0.00%

Sanhua International Inc.                                 37,704,819.29                                             0.00%

Zhejiang Sanhua Automotive Components Co., Ltd            15,649,848.37                                             0.00%

SHAOXING SANHUA NEW ENERGY                                10,000,907.48                                             0.00%

Other subsidiaries                                        17,729,189.00                                             0.00%

Total                                                 379,079,112.37                                           --                     --

Provision made on a collective basis:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                 Closing balance
                                                                          Book balance              Book balance            Book balance

Within 1 year                                                              206,926,654.25            10,346,332.71                     5.00%

Total                                                                      206,926,654.25            10,346,332.71               --

The remarks of determination of a collective basis:
If the provision for bad debt of accounts receivable is accrued in accordance with the general expected credit loss
model, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose the relevant information about the provision
for bad debt:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                                            Phase I                            Phase II              Phase III            Subtotal
         Provision for bad debt         12 month expected Lifetime expected credit losses            Lifetime expected credit losses
                                           credit losses       (credit not impaired)                          (credit impaired)
Balance on January 1, 2021                       8,472,661.54                                                             8,472,661.54
The balance as of January 1, 2021 is
                                                 ——                           ——                    ——               ——
in the current period
--Transferred to phase II
--Transferred to phase III
--Reversed to phase II
--Reversed to phase I
Provision made in the current period             1,873,671.17                                                             1,873,671.17
Provision recovered in current period
Provision reversed in current period
Provision written off in current
Other changes
Balance on December 31, 2021                    10,346,332.71                                                           10,346,332.71

Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                        Aging                                                           Closing balance

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                        586,005,766.62

                                        Total                                                                           586,005,766.62

(2)Provision for bad debt accrued, recovered or reversed in current period

Provision for bad debt accrued in current period:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                       Changed amount of the current period
                                                Opening                                                                     Closing
                Category                                                           Recovered or     Write
                                                balance           Accrued                                      Others        balance
                                                                                     reversed         off

Receivables with provision made on a        8,472,661.54        1,873,671.17                                              10,346,332.71
collective basis

                   Total                    8,472,661.54        1,873,671.17                                              10,346,332.71

Including significant provision for bad debt recovered or reversed amount:

(3)Top 5 debtors with the largest accounts receivable balances

(4)Assets and liabilities arising from transferred but still involved accounts receivable

      Other remarks:

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

      Closing balance of top 5 debtors totaled 367,198,261.13 yuan, accounting for 62.67% of the total closing
balance of accounts receivable, and provision for bad debts made thereon totaled 1,574,954.68 yuan.

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Items                                      Closing balance                               Opening balance

Dividend receivable                                                            19,000,000.00

Other receivables                                                          370,775,386.82                                348,897,078.11

                    Total                                                  389,775,386.82                                348,897,078.11

(1)Dividend receivable

Classification of dividends receivable
   Items                                                               Closing balance                       Opening balance

 Wuhu Sanhua Automatic Control Components Co., Ltd                               12,000,000.00
 Zhongshan Sanhua Refrigeration Components Co., Ltd                                7,000,000.00
   Total                                                                         19,000,000.00

(2)Other receivables

1)Other receivables categorized by nature

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                     Other receivables categorized by nature                               Closing balance          Opening balance

Principal and interest of capital assistance to subsidiaries                                    341,107,339.69           329,063,840.37

Tax refund receivable                                                                             15,563,784.83            8,536,537.99

Guarantee deposit                                                                                  9,827,285.00           10,381,285.00

Others                                                                                             4,651,964.58            1,224,031.39

                                       Total                                                    371,150,374.10           349,205,694.75

2)Provision for bad debt

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                    Phase I                    Phase II                        Phase III

                               Next 12month           Lifetime expected credit       Lifetime expected credit
  Provision for bad debt                                                                                                 Total
                                expected credit           losses (credit not          losses (credit impaired)
                                     losses                    impaired)

 Balance on January 1,                  43,389.30                    265,227.34                                            308,616.64

                                                                   Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.


 Balance in current
 period on January 1,              ——                        ——                        ——                         ——

 --Transferred to phase                -8,826.15                      8,826.15

 Provision made in                 172,778.03                                                                               172,778.03
 current period

 Provision reversed in                                              106,407.39                                              106,407.39
 current period

 Balance on December
                                   207,341.18                       167,646.10                                              374,987.28
 31, 2021

Loss provisions for significant changes in book balances in current period
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                        Aging                                                            Closing balance

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                              207,341.18

1 to 2 years                                                                                                                   17,652.30

2 to 3 years                                                                                                                   21,472.80

Over 3 years                                                                                                                  128,521.00

  3 to 4 years                                                                                                                128,521.00

                                        Total                                                                                 374,987.28

3)Provision for bad debt accrued, recovered or reversed in current period

Provision for bad debt accrued in current period:
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                       Changed amount of the current period
                                                Opening                                                                       Closing
                   Category                                                   Recovered      or   Write
                                                balance        Accrued                                         Others         balance
                                                                              reversed            off

Receivables with provision made on a            308,616.64      172,778.03           106,407.39                               374,987.28
collective basis

                    Total                       308,616.64      172,778.03           106,407.39                               374,987.28

Including significant provision for bad debt recovered or reversed amount:
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Debtors                              Recovered or reversed                         Way of collection

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

4)Top 5 debtors with the largest other receivables balances

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                 Proportion to the         Provision for bad
                                           Nature of
               Debtors                                      Closing balance         Age             total balance of       debt at the end of
                                                                                                 other receivables            the period

 Shaoxing Shangyu Sanli Copper                              70,000,000.00                                    18.86%
                                          Financial aid                        Within 1 year
        Industry Co., Ltd

  Sanhua (Jiangxi) Self - control                           50,000,000.00                                    13.47%
                                          Financial aid                        Within 1 year
      Components Co., Ltd

   Wuhu Sanhua Auto-control                                 46,000,000.00                                    12.39%
                                          Financial aid                        Within 1 year
      Components Co., Ltd

   Wuhu Sanhua Refrigeration                                44,159,339.69      Within 1 year                  11.90%
                                          Financial aid
       Accessories Co., Ltd

Zhongshan Sanhua Refrigeration                              40,000,000.00                                    10.78%
                                          Financial aid                        Within 1 year
       Accessories Co., Ltd

                 Total                         --           250,159,339.69           --                      67.40%

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                          Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                         Book balance        Provision                            Book balance          Provision for
                                                for         Carrying amount                              impairment        Carrying amount

Investments in       6,408,397,046.53                       6,408,397,046.53     4,515,044,723.75                          4,515,044,723.75

Investments in            20,389,833.75                        20,389,833.75        13,501,505.62                             13,501,505.62
associates and
joint ventures

     Total           6,428,786,880.28                       6,428,786,880.28     4,528,546,229.37                          4,528,546,229.37

(1)Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                       Changed amount of the current period                                        Closing
                           Opening            Investments        Investments                                Closing balance       balance of
   Investees         balance(Carrying                                                                          (Carrying          provision
                                               increased           decreased
                                                                                      for      Others
                           amount)                                                                              amount)               for

                                                         Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Zhejiang           1,994,138,976.82     11,762,979.23                                       2,005,901,956.05
Co., Ltd.

Sanhua              644,441,139.10       6,542,381.81                                        650,983,520.91
Micro Channel
Heat Exchanger
Co., Ltd

Zhejiang            320,278,269.01       4,619,579.04                                        324,897,848.05
Sanhua Climate
& Appliance
Controls Group
Co., Ltd

Sanhua              308,285,328.31       -1,254,321.47                                       307,031,006.84

Sanhua              664,644,511.07     283,315,406.16                                        947,959,917.23
Singapore Pte.

Wuhu Sanhua         151,271,932.66         609,721.39                                        151,881,654.05
Co., Ltd

Sanhua               93,367,388.93         402,619.88                                          93,770,008.81
(Jiangxi) Self -
Co., Ltd

Xinchang             46,645,756.62         807,610.51                                          47,453,367.13
Electrical and
Co., Ltd

Zhejiang             68,290,894.37    1,581,000,000.00                                      1,649,290,894.37
Co. Ltd

                                                                      Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Zhejiang                   53,745,007.56           1,827,465.44                                             55,572,473.00
Sanhua Trading
Co. Ltd

Changzhou                  62,499,656.16              41,958.44                                             62,541,614.60
Lanke four-way
valve co., LTD

Hangzhou                   51,017,554.19           2,197,724.32                                             53,215,278.51
Electronics Co.,

Shaoxing                   32,527,587.10             417,964.62                                             32,945,551.72
Shangyu Sanli
Industry Co.,

Zhongshan                   5,082,444.18             212,849.20                                              5,295,293.38
Sanhua Air
Co., Ltd

Wuhan Sanhua                4,240,191.30             321,820.62                                              4,562,011.92
Co., Ltd

Zhongshan                   5,899,010.73             332,655.92                                              6,231,666.65
Co., Ltd

Suzhou Sanhua               8,669,075.64             193,907.67                                              8,862,983.31
Parts Co.,Ltd

Total                4,515,044,723.75       1,893,352,322.78                                             6,408,397,046.53

(2)Investments in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Opening                                Changed amount of the current period                          Closing      Closin
Investees       balance       Investm      Investm     Investm    Adjustme    Chan      Cash      Provisi    Oth     balance        g
                (Carryin        ents        ents         ent        nt in      ges    dividend/    on for    ers    (Carryin     balance

                                                                Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                 g          increase   decreas   income      other       in       profit       impair             g          of
             amount)           d         ed      recogniz   comprehe   other    declared       ment           amount)      provisi
                                                 ed under    nsive     equit       for                                     on for
                                                  equity     income      y      distributi                                 impair
                                                 method                            on                                      ment

Ⅰ. Joint ventures

Ⅱ. Associates

Guochua       1,525,25                           15,087.2                                                      1,540,33
ng                   2.76                              3                                                           9.99
n Center
ng) Co.,

Chongqin      9,396,90                           5,762,23                       1,500,000                      13,659,1
g Tainuo             4.73                            0.65                                .00                      35.38
y Co.,

Nanchan       1,517,13                           -3,150.2                                                      1,513,98
g Sanhua             8.95                              5                                                           8.70
y Co.,

Ningbo        1,062,20                           449,942.                                                      1,512,15
Jinlifeng            9.18                             23                                                           1.41
y Co.,

Qingdao              0.00                        329,853.                                                      329,853.
Sanhua                                                20                                                              20
y Co.,

Xinchang             0.00   1,950,00              -115,63                                                      1,834,36
zhejiang                        0.00                 4.93                                                          5.07

                                                                     Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

co. LTD

                13,501,5   1,950,00              6,438,32                            1,500,000                       20,389,8
                   05.62      0.00                     8.13                                .00                          33.75

                13,501,5   1,950,00              6,438,32                            1,500,000                       20,389,8
                   05.62      0.00                     8.13                                .00                          33.75

(3)Other remarks

     Due to the implementation of the enterprise group share payment transactions, the company as a settlement
enterprise,according to the fair value of the granted entity instrument. Confirm equity investments in subsidiaries
(service receivers). At the same time, increase capital reserves 25,841,822.78yuan.

4. Operating revenue and Operating cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                         Current period cumulative                               Preceding period comparative
                                      Revenue                      Cost                     Revenue                      Cost

Main operations                   4,795,178,915.97            3,636,339,329.61             4,261,339,025.61            3,166,285,730.64

Other operations                      382,075,645.85           363,200,176.12                255,244,021.84             239,955,604.07

          Total                   5,177,254,561.82            3,999,539,505.73             4,516,583,047.45            3,406,241,334.71

Related information of revenue:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

            Contract classification                    Segment 1              Segment2                                  Total

Commodity type


Classification by business area


Market or customer type


Contract type


                                                                 Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

Classification by time of commodity transfer


Classification by contract term


Classification by sales channel



Information related to performance obligations:
Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
At the end of the reporting period revenue corresponding to performance obligations for which the Company has
entered into contracts but not yet performed or fulfilled amounted to 0.00 yuan.
Other remarks

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                  Items                                        Current period               Preceding period
                                                                                 cumulative                   comparative

Investment income from long-term equity investments under cost                       77,805,606.15                 174,095,823.76

Investment income from long-term equity investments under equity                      6,438,328.13                    2,298,930.50

Gains on disposal of long-term equity investments                                                                   -27,199,644.40

Investment income of bank financing products                                          6,621,422.44                   13,307,539.55

Gains and losses on settlement of futures contracts                                  15,104,176.44                   17,957,388.89

Gains and losses on settlement of foreign exchange contract                          10,185,206.59                   -8,360,741.05

Income of fund using fee                                                             12,531,531.64                   17,387,962.74

                                  Total                                             128,686,271.39                 189,487,259.99

6. Others

R&D expenses
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                  Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

                               Items                                           2021                                2020

 Labor cost                                                                        124,637,638.62                     101,435,220.21

 Material and power expense                                                        100,401,887.14                         72,943,704.17

 Depreciation and amortization expense                                                8,889,868.09                         7,931,315.36

 Mold manufacturing expense                                                           5,162,383.68                         2,063,576.52

 Royalties                                                                            2,206,448.58                          825,497.30

 Outsourcing R&D expense                                                                611,969.71                          443,167.38

 Others                                                                               1,750,905.47                         2,715,340.57

                                  Total                                            243,661,101.29                     188,357,821.51

XVIII. Supplementary information

1. Non-recurring profit or loss in current period

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                          Items                               Amount                                 Remarks

Gains or loss on disposal of non-current assets             -7,164,158.61

Government grants included in profit or loss
(excluding those closely related to operating activities
of the Company, satisfying government policies and         101,910,018.36
regulations, and continuously enjoyed with certain
quantity/quota based on certain standards)
                                                                            In order to avoid the price risk of raw materials and
                                                                            prevent exchange rate risk, the company and its
                                                                            subsidiaries have carried out derivatives business,
                                                                            including futures contracts and foreign exchange forward
                                                                            contracts. In 2021, the futures income was 31.4482
Gains or losses on changes in fair value of
                                                                            million yuan and the foreign exchange income was
held-for-trading financial assets, held-for-trading
                                                                            91.9912 million yuan; In 2020, the futures income was
financial liabilities , and investment income from
                                                                            36.3784 million yuan and the foreign exchange income
disposal of held-for-trading financial                     123,439,358.54
                                                                            was 55.0162 million yuan. Meanwhile, the exchange loss
assets,held-for-trading financial liabilities, and other
                                                                            was 95.9901 million yuan in 2021 and 112.6759 million
debt investments, excluding those arising from
                                                                            yuan in 2020. According to “the No. 1 Explanatory
hedging business related to operating activities
                                                                            Announcement       on    Information    Disclosure      for
                                                                            Companies Offering Their Securities to Public -
                                                                            Non-recurring Profit or Loss”, exchange gains and losses
                                                                            are recurring gains and losses, and Futures and forward
                                                                            gains and losses are non-recurring gains and losses.

Other non-operating revenue or expenditures except          -3,359,134.55

                                                                    Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report.

the above items

Other profit or loss satisfying the definition of
non-recurring profit or loss

Less: Enterprise income tax affected                          17,841,108.54

      Non-controlling interest affected                        1,197,516.27

                          Total                              196,553,133.26                              --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
The company has no specific circumstances of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring
profit and loss.
For items defined as non-recurring profit or loss according to “the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss”,
non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the said document defined as project of recurring profit or loss, specify
the reason
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

2. ROE and EPS

                                                                                                                 EPS (yuan/share)
                                                                                        Weighted average
                            Profit of the reporting period                                                      Basic       Diluted
                                                                                                                 EPS          EPS

Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares                                           15.98%        0.47          0.47

Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares after deducting
                                                                                                     14.12%        0.42          0.42
non-recurring profit or loss

3. Financial data variance between financial reporting prepared under domestic and abroad accounting

(1)Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the IFRS and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

(2)Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the overseas
accounting standards and Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
