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                        HANGZHOU HIKVISION DIGITAL

     2021 Quarter 1 Report
     January to March 2021

         April 17th 2021
                                                                           Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

              Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

        The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior

management of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred

to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee that the information presented in this report

shall be together be wholly liable for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its

contents and free of any false records, misleading statements or material omissions,

and will undertake individual and joint legal liabilities.

        All directors of the Company have attended the board meeting to review this

quarterly report.

        Chen Zongnian, the Company's legal representative, Jin Yan, the person in charge

of the accounting work, and Zhan Junhua, the person in charge of accounting institution

(accounting supervisor) hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements in this

report are authentic, accurate and complete.

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2021 Q1 Financial Report (“2021 年第
一季度报告全文”), and the published 2021 Q1 report in the Chinese version shall prevail. The
complete published Chinese 2021 Q1 Financial Report may be obtained at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                                                                  Section II Corporate Profile
I.   Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Whether the Company performed a retroactive adjustment or restatement of the previous accounting data
□Yes√ No
                                                                                                                                             YoY Change(%) between 2020 Q1 and
                                                                          2021 Q1                              2020 Q1
                                                                                                                                                         2021 Q1
Operating income (RMB)                                                              13,988,385,531.58                     9,428,902,974.38                               48.36%

Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                                     2,169,440,312.25                     1,496,269,608.01                               44.99%
Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                                     2,022,056,316.46                     1,469,074,026.95                               37.64%
excluding non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)                                      -2,018,107,114.23                    -3,982,048,164.94                               49.32%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                           0.235                                0.163                                44.17%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                         0.233                                0.163                                42.94%

Weighted average Return on Equity (ROE)                                                        3.95%                                3.28%                                 0.67%

                                                                                                                                              Change(%) between December 31st
                                                                    On March 31st 2021                  On December 31st 2020
                                                                                                                                                 2020 and March 31st 2021
Total assets (RMB)                                                                  86,378,576,574.09                    88,701,682,384.20                                -2.62%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                                    55,954,297,409.10                    53,794,311,162.05                                4.02%

                                                                                                       Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

The total share capital of the Company as of the previous trading day of the financial report disclosure:
The total share capital of the Company as of the previous trading day of the financial report disclosure

Fully diluted earnings per share calculated using the latest share capital:
Fully diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) calculated with the latest share capital                                         0.232

Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                             Item                                               January 1st 2021–March 31st 2021

Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off for the
impairment provision of assets)

The government subsidies included in the current profits and losses (excluding the
government subsidy closely related to regular course of business of the Company and
government subsidy based on standard quota or quantitative continuous application
according to the state industrial policy.)

Profits and losses attributed to change in fair value for held-for-trading financial assets,
derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, and derivative financial
liabilities; and investment income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets,
derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, derivative financial
liabilities and other debt investments, excluding the effective hedging business related to
the regular business operation of the Company.

Other non-operating income and expenditures except the items mentioned above                                           9,727,970.62

Less: Impact of income tax                                                                                            22,186,726.25

     Impact of the minority interests (after tax)                                                                     30,896,118.93

Total                                                                                                                147,383,995.79

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the definition in the
, or classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the
aforementioned note as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
In the current reporting period, the Company did not classify an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the
definition in the , or classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item
mentioned in the aforementioned note as a recurrent gain/loss item.

                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

II. Total Number of Shareholders at the end of the reporting period and Information for Top 10 Shareholders

 1. Total number of common shareholders and preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights and information about top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share

                                                                                                   Total number of preferred shareholders (if any) whose voting rights have
Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period                   234,089                                                                                      0
                                                                                                   been recovered at the end of the reporting period

                                                                            Particulars about top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                                         The number of                Pledged or frozen
                                                                                                                  Total shares held at common shares held
                         Name of shareholder                              Nature of shareholder        holding
                                                                                                                    the period-end        with trading              Status         Amount
                                                                                                   percentage (%)

                                                                         Domestic State-owned
China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd.                                                            38.88%         3,632,897,256                     0 Pledged            50,000,000

Gong Hongjia                                                             Overseas individual                10.30%           962,504,814          962,504,814 Pledged            202,100,000

                                                                         Domestic non-state-
Xinjiang Weixun Investment Management Limited Partnership                                                    4.82%           450,795,176                     0
                                                                         owned corporation
Shanghai Gaoyi Asset Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) -
                                                                         Other                               2.30%           215,000,000                     0
Gaoyi Adjacent Mountain 1 Yuanwang Fund
                                                                         Domestic non-state-
Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership                                                               1.95%           182,510,174                     0
                                                                         owned corporation
The 52nd Research Institute at China Electronics Technology Group        Domestic State-owned
                                                                                                             1.93%           180,775,044                     0
Corporation                                                              corporation

Hu Yangzhong                                                             Domestic Individual                 1.66%           155,246,477          136,639,858

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd.(HKSCC)                        Overseas corporation                1.32%           123,501,524                     0

                                                                         Domestic State-owned
CITIC Securities Company Limited                                                                             1.15%           107,578,342                     0
Bank of China Co., Ltd. - Efunds Blue Chip Select Hybrid Securities
                                                                         Other                               0.96%            90,000,160                     0
Investment Fund

                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report
                                 Particulars about shares held by the Top 10 common shareholders holding shares that are not subject to trading restriction(s)

                                                                                                                                                            Type of shares
                                                                         Number of common shares without trading restrictions held
                         Name of shareholder
                                                                                           at the period-end                                     Type                        Number

China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       3,632,897,256 RMB ordinary shares                         3,632,897,256

Xinjiang Weixun Investment Management Limited Partnership                                                                450,795,176 RMB ordinary shares                          450,795,176

Shanghai Gaoyi Asset Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) -
                                                                                                                         215,000,000 RMB ordinary shares                          215,000,000
Gaoyi Adjacent Mountain 1 Yuanwang Fund

Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership                                                                           182,510,174 RMB ordinary shares                          182,510,174

The 52nd Research Institute at China Electronics Technology Group Co.
                                                                                                                         180,775,044 RMB ordinary shares                          180,775,044

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd.(HKSCC)                                                                        123,501,524 RMB ordinary shares                          123,501,524

CITIC Securities Company Limited                                                                                         107,578,342 RMB ordinary shares                          107,578,342

Bank of China Co., Ltd. - Efunds Blue Chip Select Hybrid Securities
                                                                                                                          90,000,160 RMB ordinary shares                              90,000,160
Investment Fund

Central Huijin Investment Ltd.                                                                                            65,818,800 RMB ordinary shares                              65,818,800

Guo Minfang                                                                                                               57,670,726 RMB ordinary shares                              57,670,726

                                                                         China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd. and The 52nd Research Institute at China Electronics Technology
                                                                         Group are all subject to control of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. Ms. Chen Chunmei, limited
                                                                         partner of Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership, is the spouse of Mr. Gong Hongjia, overseas individual
Explanation on associated relationship and concerted actions among       shareholder of the Company. Hu Yangzhong, domestic individual, is holding shares in both Xinjiang Weixun
above shareholders                                                       Investment Management Limited Partnership and Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership.
                                                                         Except for these, the Company does not know whether the other shareholders are related parties or whether they are
                                                                         acting-in-concert parties in accordance with the Measures for Management of the Disclosure of the Shareholding
                                                                         Changes of Shareholders of the Listed Company.

                                                                                  Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

Any of the Company’s top 10 common shareholders or top 10 non-restricted common shareholders conducts any
agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such cases in the reporting period.

2. Total number of preferred shareholders and information about Top 10 preferred shareholders

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                             Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                                 Section III Significant Events

1. Information and explanation about variations in key financial statement items and financial
   indicators during the reporting period.
√Applicable □Inapplicable

1.1 Explanation for variations in balance sheet items

                                                      Balance on             YoY
                              Balance on March
              Item                                 December   31st   2020   change                Note of Changes
                              31st 2021 (RMB)
                                                        (RMB)                (%)

 Notes receivable               1,315,201,363.11     1,303,252,705.19
                                                                            -22.09%   Decrease in note settlements
 Receivables for financing      1,226,759,192.33     1,959,601,195.25

 Other receivables                776,738,302.85       519,143,350.82        49.62%   Increase in employee housing loans

                                                                                      According to the new lease
 Right-of-use assets              378,652,592.50                     0.00   100.00%   standard, recognized the right-of-
                                                                                      use assets

                                                                                      2020 year-end bonus were issued
 Payroll payable                1,463,896,374.55     2,877,786,430.71       -49.13%
                                                                                      this quarter

                                                                                      According to the new lease
 Lease liabilities                253,242,830.34                     0.00   100.00%   standard, recognized the lease

 Minority shareholders'                                                               Increased profits from innovative
                                  962,423,655.91       685,432,238.49        40.41%
 equity                                                                               business subsidiaries

1.2 Explanation for variations in income statement items

              Item            2021 Q1 (RMB)        2020 Q1 (RMB)            Change                 Note of changes

                                                                                      Increase in market demand and
 Total operating income       13,988,385,531.58     9,428,902,974.38         48.36%
                                                                                      expansion of sales

 Total operating costs         7,439,068,423.51     4,963,386,892.35         49.88%   Increase with sales revenue growth

 Business taxes and
                                 101,336,830.02       49,517,189.63         104.65%   Sales growth impact

 Research and Development                                                             R&D investment continued to
                               1,687,820,001.28     1,218,291,551.09         38.54%
 (R&D) expenses                                                                       increase

 Financial expenses             -102,974,119.07      -209,496,786.15         50.85%   Increase in foreign exchange losses

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

             Item                   2021 Q1 (RMB)         2020 Q1 (RMB)          Change                Note of changes

 Other income                          464,549,234.50       301,718,659.20        53.97%    Increase in government subsidies

                                                                                            Increase in foreign exchange
 Investment Income                        5,303,647.94        -2,717,395.11      295.17%
                                                                                            forward trading income

                                                                                            Increase in gains from changes in
 Gains from changes in fair
                                         34,574,820.33       -28,072,695.09      223.16%    fair value of other non-current
                                                                                            financial assets

                                                                                            Increase in credit impairment loss
 Credit impairment losses              -197,732,278.00         2,621,244.53     7643.45%

                                                                                            Increase in profits led to increase
 Income tax expenses                   475,617,677.61       317,562,607.29        49.77%
                                                                                            in accrued income tax expense

 Profit or loss attributable to                                                             Increased profitability of
                                       265,189,109.84        57,130,939.00       364.18%
 minority shareholders                                                                      innovative business subsidiaries

1.3 Explanation for variations in cash flow statement items

                                                                              YoY Change
           Item                   2021 Q1 (RMB)          2020 Q1 (RMB)                                 Note of changes
 Net cash flows from
                                    -2,018,107,114.23     -3,982,048,164.94        49.32% Increase in sales collection
 operating activities
 Net cash flows from                                                                        Decrease in equity investment
                                      -559,863,626.77       -824,520,039.21        32.10%
 investing activities                                                                       expenditures
 Net cash flows from                                                                        Net borrowing inflow decreased
                                      -458,675,244.36      1,257,055,108.43      -136.49%
 financing activities                                                                       during the current reporting period

2. Progress and influence of significant events, analysis and explanation of corresponding

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
    On January 8th 2021, the 21st meeting of the fourth session of the board of directors of the Company considered
and approved the Proposal on the Spin-off of the Subsidiary, Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. to be Listed on
the SSE STAR (Sci-Tech Innovation Board) Market, by Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and other
proposals related to the spin-off, approving the spin-off of the Company’s subsidiary Hangzhou EZVIZ Network
Co., Ltd. to be listed on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Upon completion of the spin-off, the
Company's shareholding structure will not be changed, and the Company still has the controlling interest in EZVIZ

                                                                                           Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

    On March 4th 2021, the Company received a notice from shareholder Gong Hongjia, informing the Company
that between November 6th 2020 and March 3rd 2021, Mr. Gong Hongjia, through block transactions, reduced his
holdings of the Company’s shares by a total of 113,103,400 shares, representing 1.21% of the total share capital of
the Company. After the reduction, Mr. Gong Hongjia holds 972,504,814 shares of the Company, representing 10.41%
of the total share capital of the Company.
    On April 18th 2019, the 10th meeting of the fourth session of the board of directors of the Company considered
and approved the Proposal on Entering into Entrusted Management Agreement with the Company’s Controlling
Shareholder and Related Party Transactions. On April 19th 2019, Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. (“EZVIZ
Network”), a controlled subsidiary of the Company, entered into an Entrusted Management Agreement with
CETHIK Group Co., Ltd. (“CETHIK”), the controlling shareholder of the Company, and the Company’s wholly-
owned subsidiary Hangzhou EZVIZ Technology Co., Ltd. (“EZVIZ Technology”). Pursuant to the Entrusted
Management Agreement, CETHIK entrusts the actual operation and management power of EZVIZ Technology to
EZVIZ Network, which shall assume the full responsibility of the production, operation, and management of EZVIZ
Technology. EZVIZ Network shall be entitled to the distributable profits generated by EZVIZ Technology before
and after the entrusted management. At the same time, EZVIZ Network shall pay CETHIK the capital occupation
fee at a rate equal to the interest rate of the central bank for loans of over five years plus 1%, based on the paid-in
capital of EZVIZ Technology.
    During the current reporting period, based on the actual production, operation and business requirements of
EZVIZ Network and to further optimize the business procedures of EZVIZ Network, upon friendly and thorough
negotiation among the three parties to the agreement, EZVIZ Network entered into the Termination Agreement of
the Entrusted Management Agreement with CETHIK and EZVIZ Technology on March 27th 2021. EZVIZ Network
would no longer exercise the actual operation and management power of EZVIZ Technology, and was no longer
responsible for the production, operation and management of EZVIZ Technology.

                                                                                    Temporary public disclosure website
                 Overview of significant events                 Disclosure Date

Announcement on Entering into Entrusted Management Agreement
with the Company’s Controlling Shareholder and Related Party   April 20th 2019            www.cninfo.com.cn
Transactions (announcement No.: 2019-026)

Proposal on the Spin-off of the Subsidiary Hangzhou EZVIZ
Network Co., Ltd. to Be Listed on the SSE STAR (Sci-Tech        January 9th 2021           www.cninfo.com.cn
Innovation Board) Market

Announcement on Reduction of More Than 1% of Shares by
                                                                March 5th 2021             www.cninfo.com.cn
Shareholder (announcement No.: 2021-018)

Announcement on Progress of Entering into the Termination
Agreement of the Entrusted Management Agreement and Related     March 30th 2021            www.cninfo.com.cn
Party Transactions (announcement No.: 2021-025)

                                                                                      Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

Implementation progress of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Progress in the implementation of the reduction of repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Unfulfilled and overdue commitments from the related committed parties such as the
Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer(s), and the Company
during the reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable
No such case during the reporting period.

4. Financial asset investment

1. Securities investment

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

2. Details in derivatives investment

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: 0,000 RMB

                                                                                                                                                   Amount sold                                      The proportion of the
    Name of                            Whether                    Initial investment                                           Purchase amount                     Amount of                                                      Actual profit
                                                     Types of                                                      Initial                          during the                       Closing          closing investment
    derivative      Relation-           related                       amount of          Start     Expiration                      during the                      impairment                                                    and loss amount
                                                    derivatives                                                  investment                          current                        investment    amount to the Company’s
   investment          ship           transaction                    derivatives         Date         date                     current reporting                   provision (if                                                   during the
                                                    investment                                                    amount                            reporting                         amount      net assets at the end of the
     operator                           exists                       investment                                                      period                            any)                                                      reporting period
                                                                                                                                                     period                                            reporting period

  Commercial                                                                           October     June 18th
                        No               No         exchange         351,670.38                                 351,670.38        142,730.18            -                -          333,855.82              5.87%                   1,660.30
        bank                                                                           21st 2020     2021

Total                                                                351,670.38            --           --      351,670.38        142,730.18            --               -          333,855.82              5.87%                   1,660.30

Source of funds for derivatives investments                                            Own capital

Litigation involved (if applicable)                                                    Not applicable

Disclosure date of the board of directors announcement for the approval of
                                                                                       April 20th 2019 / December 25th 2019
derivatives investment (if any)

Disclosure date of the announcement of the shareholders meeting for the
                                                                                       May 16th 2020
approval of derivatives investment (if any)

Risk analysis and control measures for derivatives holdings during the reporting For specific information on risk analysis and control measures, please refer to the Announcement on Conducting Foreign Exchange Hedging

period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk,         Transactions in 2019 (Announcement No. 2019-021) disclosed by the Company on April 20th 2019 and Announcement on the Implementation of

operational risk, legal risk, etc.)                                                    Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions in 2020 (Announcement No. 2019-065) disclosed on December 25th 2019.

Changes in market prices or product fair values of invested derivatives during         The Company's accounting for the fair value of derivatives is mainly for the unexpired contracts of forward foreign exchange settlement and sale

the reporting period. The analysis of the fair value of derivatives should             transactions signed by the Company and banks during the reporting period. Based on the difference between the quotation of the unexpired forward

disclose the specific methods used and related assumptions and parameter               foreign exchange settlement and sale contract at the end of the period and the forward foreign exchange price, the held-for-trading financial assets or

settings                                                                               held-for-trading financial liabilities are recognized.

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report
Explanation of whether the Company’s derivatives accounting policies and

specific accounting principles have changed significantly during the reporting   Not applicable

period compared with the previous reporting period

Independent directors' specific opinions on the Company's derivatives
                                                                                 Not applicable
investment and risk control

5. Progress of investment projects with raised funds
□Applicable √Inapplicable

6. Guidance on the Company’s operational result from January 1st 2021 to June 30th 2021
□Applicable √Inapplicable

7.Major contracts for daily operations
□Applicable √Inapplicable

8. Entrusted financial management
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case during the current reporting period.

9. Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

10. The Company’s funds used by the controlling shareholder or its related parties for non-
operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

11. Schedule for the reception activities including research, communication and interviews
during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                Type of                                 The main content of the
    Time of           Location of                                                                                                  Index of basic situation of
                                        Method of reception    reception             Reception object     discussion and the
   reception           reception                                                                                                          the research
                                                                 object                                  information provided

                                                                              106 investors including                             CNINF, Investor Relations
 December 22nd       Headquarters        Site Research and                                                 The Company's
                                                              Institutional China Asset                                           Activity Record: From
2020 to January meeting room of the          telephone                                                   operating conditions
                                                               investors      Management-Zhang Fan,                               December 22rd 2020 to
   11th 2021          Company             communication                                                  and future prospects
                                                                              etc.                                                January 11th 2021

                                                                                                           The Company's          CNINF, Investor Relations
  January 12th       Headquarters        Site Research and                    138 investors including
                                                              Institutional                              operating conditions     Activity Record: From
2021 to January meeting room of the          telephone                        Huachuang Securities-
                                                               investors                                 and future prospects     January 12th 2021 to
   29th 2021          Company             communication                       Meng Can, etc.
                                                                                                                                  January 29th 2021

                                                                                                                                  CNINF, Investor Relations
  February 1st       Headquarters        Site Research and                    56 investors including       The Company's
                                                              Institutional                                                       Activity Record: From
 2021 to March meeting room of the           telephone                        Haitong self-operated -    operating conditions
                                                               investors                                                          February 1st 2021 to March
    2nd 2021          Company             communication                       Wang Jing, etc.            and future prospects
                                                                                                                                  2nd 2021

                                                                                                           The Company's          CNINF, Investor Relations
 March 3rd 2021      Headquarters        Site Research and                    145 investors including
                                                              Institutional                              operating conditions     Activity Record: From
 to March 17th    meeting room of the        telephone                        Orient Securities-Kuai
                                                               investors                                 and future prospects     March 3rd 2021 to March
     2021             Company             communication                       Jian, etc.
                                                                                                                                  17th 2021

                                                                                Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                                         Section IV Financial Reports
4.1 Financial Reports
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                       Item                         March 31st 2021             December 31st 2020
 Current Assets:
     Cash and bank balances                                 32,111,011,899.49            35,459,729,108.27

     Held-for-trading financial assets                          28,966,015.66                22,679,846.77

     Notes receivable                                        1,315,201,363.11              1,303,252,705.19

     Accounts receivable                                    20,973,667,434.48            21,979,380,716.86

     Receivables for financing                               1,226,759,192.33              1,959,601,195.25
     Prepayments                                               358,132,475.17               296,334,689.86
     Other receivables                                         776,738,302.85               519,143,350.82
     Inventories                                            13,296,205,149.20             11,477,906,040.70
     Contract assets                                           196,024,031.95               245,754,510.98
     Non-current assets due within one year                  1,152,521,256.39              1,001,208,813.83
     Other current assets                                      638,134,044.36               497,914,506.64
 Total Current Assets                                       72,073,361,164.99            74,762,905,485.17
 Non-current Assets:
    Long-term receivables                                    1,898,992,941.58              2,105,570,004.53
    Long-term equity investment                                852,725,144.92               864,026,710.23
    Other non-current financial assets                         514,899,633.97               491,939,067.27

    Fixed assets                                             5,873,594,023.63              5,876,007,536.60

    Construction in progress                                 1,715,245,946.60              1,425,235,193.72

    Right-of-use assets                                        378,652,592.50
    Intangible assets                                        1,245,928,073.34              1,251,317,923.69
    Goodwill                                                   274,461,013.86               274,203,665.20
    Long-term deferred expenses                                105,494,101.65               108,584,686.85
    Deferred tax assets                                        814,553,795.53               820,380,954.86
    Other non-current assets                                   630,668,141.52               721,511,156.08
 Total Non-current Assets                                   14,305,215,409.10            13,938,776,899.03
 Total Assets                                               86,378,576,574.09            88,701,682,384.20
 Current Liabilities:

   Short-term borrowings                                     3,654,845,187.46              3,999,246,634.59

   Held-for-trading financial liabilities                        2,068,250.71                  7,405,771.15

   Notes payable                                             1,249,039,557.65              1,036,920,229.85

   Accounts payable                                          9,819,229,848.36            13,593,884,790.19

   Contract Liabilities                                      2,036,442,723.36              2,161,166,671.26

                                                                                            Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                         Item                               March 31st 2021                 December 31st 2020

   Payroll payable                                                     1,463,896,374.55                2,877,786,430.71

   Taxes payable                                                       2,102,853,694.16                1,770,057,908.62

   Other payables                                                      1,638,905,084.46                1,525,053,355.95

       Including : Interests payable

                     Dividends payable                                    99,978,972.64                 205,898,523.84

   Non-current liabilities due within one year                         3,487,487,119.31                3,507,680,339.78

   Other current liabilities                                            815,971,604.11                  745,711,579.57

 Total Current Liabilities                                           26,270,739,444.13                31,224,913,711.67

 Non-current Liabilities:

     Long-term borrowings                                              1,938,063,534.97                1,961,167,761.30

     Lease liabilities                                                  253,242,830.34

     Long-term payables                                                    8,361,807.34                  39,595,459.35

     Provisions                                                         132,330,294.91                  151,443,871.02

     Deferred income                                                    170,939,305.96                  190,878,987.69

     Deferred tax liabilities                                             93,050,570.22                  92,979,823.89

     Other non-current liabilities                                      595,127,721.21                  560,959,368.74

 Total non-current liabilities                                         3,191,116,064.95                2,997,025,271.99

 Total liabilities                                                   29,461,855,509.08               34,221,938,983.66

 Owners’ Equity

   Share capital                                                       9,343,417,190.00                9,343,417,190.00

   Capital reserves                                                    5,240,457,954.06                5,178,777,462.09

      Less: Treasury shares                                            1,190,255,442.42                1,121,918,737.47

   Other comprehensive income                                           (87,791,779.16)                 (84,993,926.94)

   Surplus reserves                                                    4,672,505,348.00                4,672,505,348.00

   Retained earnings                                                 37,975,964,138.62               35,806,523,826.37
   Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                                     55,954,297,409.10                53,794,311,162.05
   owner of the Company
   Minority equity                                                      962,423,655.91                  685,432,238.49

 Total owners' equity                                                56,916,721,065.01               54,479,743,400.54

 Total liabilities and owners' equity                                86,378,576,574.09               88,701,682,384.20

Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian      Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

                                                                                 Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                       Item                      March   31st   2021             December   31st   2020
Current Assets:

     Cash and bank balances                               25,679,145,255.63                 23,476,606,330.08

     Notes receivable                                           114,004,717.43                     107,411,912.35

     Accounts receivable                                  23,983,472,376.09                 24,193,392,179.36

     Receivables for financing                                   22,284,836.68                      12,216,215.65

     Prepayments                                                 82,699,584.12                      62,946,087.75

     Other receivables                                     2,224,723,264.00                        726,703,133.65

               Including: Interests receivable

                          Dividends receivable                   22,910,404.14                      22,910,404.14

     Inventories                                                285,948,942.40                     204,216,250.73

     Contract assets                                              4,167,307.23                       3,311,250.08

     Non-current assets due within one year                      73,600,189.74                      71,208,685.76

     Other current assets                                        24,535,425.21                      10,110,869.86

Total Current Assets                                      52,494,581,898.53                 48,868,122,915.27

Non-current Assets:

    Long-term receivables                                        35,801,090.54                      47,762,348.01

    Long-term equity investment                            6,803,099,956.82                  6,727,373,453.97

    Other non-current financial assets                          512,015,413.97                     489,054,847.27

    Fixed assets                                           2,763,703,825.04                  2,762,700,997.83

    Construction in progress                                    381,675,184.52                     388,903,828.81

    Right-of-use assets                                          76,018,434.74

    Intangible assets                                           159,917,787.84                     158,917,438.86

    Long-term deferred expenses                                  40,463,535.71                      43,264,691.73

    Deferred tax assets                                         110,066,596.99                     110,066,596.99

    Other non-current assets                                      6,189,019.63                       2,740,576.47

Total Non-current Assets                                  10,888,950,845.80                 10,730,784,779.94

Total Assets                                              63,383,532,744.33                 59,598,907,695.21

Current Liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                                    1,030,909,486.11                  1,431,233,375.00

  Accounts payable                                              509,194,119.62                     540,664,512.60

  Contract liabilities                                          261,904,524.56                     240,629,015.92

                                                                                               Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                         Item                                  March 31st 2021                 December 31st 2020

   Payroll payable                                                        620,881,187.83                  1,618,357,135.99

   Taxes payable                                                        1,828,628,827.81                  1,539,095,196.97

   Other payables                                                        3,074,411,695.11                   659,214,959.62

            Including : Interests payable

                          Dividends payable                                99,978,972.64                    205,898,523.84
   Non-current liabilities due within
                                                                         3,118,653,409.82                 3,219,794,958.37
   one year
   Other current liabilities                                              656,728,340.61                    589,167,743.26

 Total Current Liabilities                                              11,101,311,591.47                 9,838,156,897.73

 Non-current Liabilities:

     Lease liabilities                                                     42,048,898.62

     Provisions                                                            85,230,299.84                     85,230,299.84

     Deferred Income                                                       95,908,461.07                    122,455,935.44

     Other non-current liabilities                                        595,127,721.21                    560,959,368.74

 Total non-current liabilities                                            818,315,380.74                    768,645,604.02

 Total liabilities                                                     11,919,626,972.21                 10,606,802,501.75

 Owners’ Equity

   Share capital                                                        9,343,417,190.00                  9,343,417,190.00

   Capital reserves                                                     4,823,976,370.94                  4,770,210,334.16

      Less: Treasury shares                                             1,190,255,442.42                  1,121,918,737.47

   Surplus reserves                                                     4,672,505,348.00                  4,672,505,348.00

   Retained earnings                                                   33,814,262,305.60                 31,327,891,058.77

 Total owners' equity                                                  51,463,905,772.12                 48,992,105,193.46

 Total liabilities and owners' equity                                  63,383,532,744.33                 59,598,907,695.21

Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian         Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

                                                                                        Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

3. Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                Item                                2021 Q1                    2020 Q1

 I. Total operating income                                          13,988,385,531.58            9,428,902,974.38

   Including:operating costs                                       13,988,385,531.58            9,428,902,974.38

 II.Total operating costs                                          11,316,658,363.91            7,747,072,149.74

   Including:operating costs                                        7,439,068,423.51            4,963,386,892.35

             Business taxes and surcharges                             101,336,830.02              49,517,189.63

             Selling expenses                                        1,786,834,444.08            1,375,631,338.26

             Administrative expenses                                   404,572,784.09             349,741,964.56

             Research and Development (R&D) expenses                 1,687,820,001.28            1,218,291,551.09

             Financial expenses                                      (102,974,119.07)            (209,496,786.15)

                       Including:Interest expenses                     52,121,944.86              48,701,459.47

                                     Interest income                   183,538,676.95             153,642,155.64

  Add: Other Income                                                    464,549,234.50             301,718,659.20

       Investment income (loss“-“)                                     5,303,647.94              (2,717,395.11)
             Including: Investment gains (losses) in associated
                                                                      (11,301,565.31)              (9,935,360.93)
             enterprise and joint-venture enterprise
       Gains (loss “-“) from changes in fair values                   34,574,820.33             (28,072,695.09)

       Credit impairment losses (“-“)                              (197,732,278.00)               2,621,244.53

       Impairment losses (“-“) of assets                            (81,411,914.50)            (103,828,115.83)

       Asset disposal income (loss“-“)                                 3,464,415.12                    1,353.60

 III. Operating profit (loss“-“)                                   2,900,475,093.06            1,851,553,875.94

   Add: Non-operating income                                            15,425,698.32              24,229,257.85

   Less: Non-operating expenses                                          5,653,691.68               4,819,979.49

 IV. Total profit (loss“-“)                                        2,910,247,099.70            1,870,963,154.30

         Less: Income tax expenses                                     475,617,677.61             317,562,607.29

 V. Net profit (loss“-“)                                           2,434,629,422.09            1,553,400,547.01

         5.1 Classification by operation continuity

         (a) Net profit (loss) on continuous operation               2,434,629,422.09            1,553,400,547.01

         (b) Net profit (loss) on terminated operation

         5.2 Classification by attribution of ownership

         (a) Net profit attributable to owners of parent company     2,169,440,312.25            1,496,269,608.01

         (b) Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders      265,189,109.84              57,130,939.00

 VI. Other comprehensive income, net of income tax                     (2,726,280.29)             (37,242,955.93)

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                                 Item                                          2021 Q1                       2020 Q1
 Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
                                                                                   (2,797,852.20)               (34,437,334.57)
 Company, net of tax
 (I) Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or
 (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or
                                                                                   (2,797,852.20)               (34,437,334.57)
 loss in subsequent periods
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be converted to
           profit or loss under the equity method
       2.Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
       3.Amount of financial assets reclassified and included in
        other comprehensive income
       4. Other debt investment credit impairment reserves

       5. Cash flow hedge reserve
       6.Exchange differences arising on conversion of financial
                                                                                   (2,797,852.20)               (34,437,334.57)
        statements denominated in foreign currencies
 Other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests,
                                                                                         71,571.91               (2,805,621.36)
 net of tax
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                                 2,431,903,141.80              1,516,157,591.08
 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
                                                                                 2,166,642,460.05              1,461,832,273.44
 parent company
 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                  265,260,681.75                  54,325,317.64
 VIII. Earnings per share

        (I) Basic earnings per share                                                          0.235                        0.163

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                       0.233                        0.163

Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian       Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

 4. Income Statement of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                          Item                                         2021 Q1                             2020 Q1

 I. Total operating income                                                 5,525,726,049.24                    3,888,284,807.12

   Less: Total operating Cost                                              1,203,075,535.63                    1,214,991,297.16

         Business taxes and surcharges                                        56,815,962.05                       36,706,687.00

         Selling expenses                                                    673,606,665.39                      511,328,876.11

         Administrative expenses                                             131,045,785.41                      145,493,911.77

        Research and Development (R&D) expenses                            1,049,402,945.94                     830,544,229.73

         Financial expenses                                                (201,426,530.85)                    (143,585,206.84)

             Including : Interest expenses                                     1,151,813.31                          8,098,667.88

                            Interest income                                  125,405,534.02                      113,932,437.22

   Add: Other income                                                         313,529,482.40                     255,891,866.72

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                            Item                                           2021 Q1                      2020 Q1

         Investment income                                                        28,349,522.34               (6,057,956.31)
               Including: Investment gain (loss) in
               associated enterprise and joint-venture                           (9,009,792.99)               (6,057,956.31)
        Gains (loss “-“) from changes in fair values                            22,960,566.70              (30,856,367.84)

        Credit impairment losses (“-“)                                        (58,852,300.79)               19,945,798.13

        Impairment losses (“-“) of assets                                          607,190.96                   1,062,741.98

        Asset disposal income (loss“-“)                                           3,462,440.34                       137.59

 II. Operating profit (loss “-“)                                             2,923,262,587.62             1,532,791,232.46

         Add: Non-operating income                                                  2,274,141.76                  1,636,767.26

         Less: Non-operating expenses                                                328,615.42                    812,202.21

 III. Total profit (loss “-“)                                                2,925,208,113.96             1,533,615,797.51

        Less: Income tax expenses                                                438,836,867.13              153,380,596.34

 IV. Net profit (loss “-“)                                                   2,486,371,246.83             1,380,235,201.17

 (a) Net profit (loss “-“) on continuous operation                           2,486,371,246.83             1,380,235,201.17

 (b) Net profit (loss “-“) on terminated operation

 V. Other comprehensive income, net of income tax

 VI. Total comprehensive income                                                2,486,371,246.83             1,380,235,201.17

Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian           Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

 5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                           Item                                           2021 Q1                       2020 Q1
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sale of goods or rendering
                                                                              16,428,465,685.12            12,364,575,383.68
   of services
      Receipts of tax refunds                                                    991,809,469.82              701,767,590.55

      Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                                                 588,410,871.02              253,999,575.53
     Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                                              18,008,686,025.96            13,320,342,549.76
      Cash payments for goods purchased and
                                                                              13,971,786,080.20            11,970,068,113.92
   services received

      Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                  4,336,320,740.87             3,665,925,547.95

      Payments of various types of taxes                                         938,996,033.15             1,179,545,852.70

       Other cash payments relating to operating
                                                                                 779,690,285.97              486,851,200.13
    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
                                                                              20,026,793,140.19            17,302,390,714.70

                                                                                         Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                         Item                                   2021 Q1                       2020 Q1

 Net Cash flows from Operating Activities                          (2,018,107,114.23)            (3,982,048,164.94)

 II. Cash flows from Investing Activities:

       Cash receipts from recovery of investments                    1,426,348,673.18                   2,800,000.00

       Cash receipts from investment income                                                             7,216,471.65
       Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed
       assets, intangible assets and other long-term                      5,980,574.19                  3,661,297.33
         Other cash receipts relating to investing
                                                                       18,179,686.32                 19,764,416.70
     Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                                     1,450,508,933.69                33,442,185.68
        Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed
        assets, intangible assets and other long-term                 600,635,383.06                545,872,224.89
       Cash paid to acquire investments                              1,409,737,177.40
        Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and
 other business units
     Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                                     2,010,372,560.46               857,962,224.89
 Net cash flows from Investing Activities                            (559,863,626.77)             (824,520,039.21)

 III. Cash flows from financing activities:

       Cash receipts from capital contributions                           5,500,000.00                  4,500,000.00
           Including: cash receipts from capital
           contributions from minority owners of                          5,500,000.00
       Cash receipts from borrowings                                  438,000,000.00              1,825,210,239.36
     Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                                      443,500,000.00              1,829,710,239.36
       Cash repayments of borrowings                                  807,825,160.67                518,982,508.77
        Cash payments for distribution of dividends
                                                                       64,425,606.92                 53,672,622.16
        or profits or settlement of interest expenses
        Other cash payments relating to financing
      Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                                      902,175,244.36                572,655,130.93
  Net cash flows from Financing Activities                           (458,675,244.36)             1,257,055,108.43
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on
                                                                      (37,562,227.05)                14,803,212.07
 Cash and Cash Equivalents
 V. Net decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents                      (3,074,208,212.41)            (3,534,709,883.65)
       Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash
                                                                    35,024,837,878.31            26,515,668,008.40
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
                                                                    31,950,629,665.90            22,980,958,124.75
Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

                                                                                  Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                         Item                            2021 Q1                        2020 Q1

I. Cash flows from Operating Activities::
    Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the
                                                             6,216,217,986.06              3,440,793,769.61
rendering of services

     Receipts of tax refunds                                  259,141,181.69                 233,879,202.17

     Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                             2,714,150,577.01                196,263,149.03
  Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                             9,189,509,744.76              3,870,936,120.81
     Cash payments for goods acquired and services
                                                             1,525,602,508.68              1,457,795,777.54

     Cash payments to and on behalf of employees             2,325,677,915.54              2,125,981,304.27

     Payments of various types of taxes                       630,778,577.74                 860,524,128.27

     Other cash payments relating to operating
                                                             1,746,345,958.85              3,788,161,986.18
  Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
                                                             6,228,404,960.81              8,232,463,196.26

Net Cash flows from Operating Activities                     2,961,104,783.95             (4,361,527,075.45)

II. Cash flows from Investing Activities:

     Cash receipts from recovery of investments                33,859,315.33                   2,800,000.00

     Cash receipts from investment income                          3,500,000.00

     Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets,
                                                                   5,803,938.63                1,190,957.34
     intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Other cash receipts relating to investing
    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                               43,163,253.96               2,547,556,999.83
     Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed
     assets, intangible assets and other long-term            127,412,549.60                 147,896,373.36

     Cash payments to acquire investments                      70,000,000.00

     Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other
     business units
   Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                              197,412,549.60                 771,387,623.36
Net Cash flows from Investing Activities                     (154,249,295.64)              1,776,169,376.47

III. Cash flows from Financing Activities

      Cash receipts from capital contributions                                                 4,714,600.00

      Cash receipts from borrowings                                                        1,214,164,938.24
    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing

                                                                                                        Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                             Item                                         2021 Q1                               2020 Q1

        Cash repayments of borrowings                                              400,000,000.00                      8,863,858.01
      Cash payments for distribution of dividends or
                                                                                     7,542,458.71                    13,231,510.58
      profits or settlement of interest expenses
      Other cash payments relating to financing
     Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                                                   415,362,751.71                    22,095,368.59
 Net Cash flows from Financing Activities                                      (415,362,751.71)                    1,196,784,169.65
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on
                                                                                     4,495,623.40                     85,110,683.25
 Cash and Cash Equivalents
 V. Net increase(decrease) in cash and cash
                                                                               2,395,988,360.00                  (1,303,462,846.08)
  Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                                              23,264,693,578.70                   16,656,028,410.72
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                             25,660,681,938.70                   15,352,565,564.64
Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian         Person in Charge of the Accounting work: Jin Yan
Person in Charge of Accounting Institution: Zhan Junhua

4.2 Notes on financial statement adjustment

(1) Initial Implementation of the new lease standard since the fiscal year of 2021, corresponding adjustments
    to the relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the year
        Whether to adjust the balance sheet account at the beginning of the year
    √Applicable □Inapplicable

(1.1)      Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                          Item                           December 31st 2020             January 1st 2021           Adjustments

 Current Assets:
        Cash and bank balances                                35,459,729,108.27            35,459,729,108.27                     0.00

        Held-for-trading financial assets                          22,679,846.77                22,679,846.77                    0.00

        Notes receivable                                        1,303,252,705.19            1,303,252,705.19                     0.00

        Accounts receivable                                   21,979,380,716.86            21,979,380,716.86                     0.00

        Receivables for financing                               1,959,601,195.25            1,959,601,195.25                     0.00
        Prepayments                                              296,334,689.86                293,382,571.11         -2,952,118.75
        Other receivables                                        519,143,350.82                519,026,062.82             -117,288.00

        Inventories                                           11,477,906,040.70            11,477,906,040.70                     0.00

        Contract assets                                          245,754,510.98                245,754,510.98                    0.00

        Non-current assets due within one year                  1,001,208,813.83            1,001,208,813.83                     0.00
     Other current assets                                        497,914,506.64                497,437,052.76             -477,453.88
 Total Current Assets                                         74,762,905,485.17            74,759,358,624.54          -3,546,860.63
 Non-current Assets:

                                                                                       Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                       Item                     December 31st 2020       January 1st 2021       Adjustments
   Long-term receivables                              2,105,570,004.53      2,105,570,004.53               0.00
   Long-term equity investment                         864,026,710.23         864,026,710.23               0.00
   Other non-current financial assets                  491,939,067.27         491,939,067.27               0.00

   Fixed assets                                       5,876,007,536.60      5,830,677,198.85      -45,330,337.75

   Construction in progress                           1,425,235,193.72      1,425,235,193.72               0.00

   Right-of-use assets                                                        392,720,632.07     392,720,632.07
   Intangible assets                                  1,251,317,923.69      1,251,317,923.69               0.00
   Goodwill                                            274,203,665.20         274,203,665.20               0.00
   Long-term deferred expenses                         108,584,686.85         108,584,686.85               0.00
   Deferred tax assets                                 820,380,954.86         820,380,954.86               0.00
   Other non-current assets                            721,511,156.08         721,511,156.08               0.00
Total Non-current Assets                             13,938,776,899.03     14,286,167,193.35     347,390,294.32
Total Assets                                         88,701,682,384.20     89,045,525,817.89     343,843,433.69
Current Liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                               3,999,246,634.59      3,999,246,634.59               0.00

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities                  7,405,771.15          7,405,771.15               0.00

  Notes payable                                       1,036,920,229.85      1,036,920,229.85               0.00

  Accounts payable                                   13,593,884,790.19     13,593,884,790.19               0.00

  Contract liabilities                                2,161,166,671.26      2,161,166,671.26               0.00

  Payroll payable                                     2,877,786,430.71      2,877,786,430.71               0.00

  Taxes payable                                       1,770,057,908.62      1,770,057,908.62               0.00

  Other payables                                      1,525,053,355.95      1,525,053,355.95               0.00

     Including : Interests payable

                  Dividends payable                    205,898,523.84         205,898,523.84               0.00

  Non-current liabilities due within one year         3,507,680,339.78      3,644,521,493.05     136,841,153.27

  Other current liabilities                            745,711,579.57         745,711,579.57               0.00

Total Current Liabilities                            31,224,913,711.67     31,361,754,864.94     136,841,153.27

Non-current Liabilities:

   Long-term borrowings                               1,961,167,761.30      1,961,167,761.30               0.00

   Lease liabilities                                                          229,593,779.26     229,593,779.26

   Long-term payables                                   39,595,459.35          17,003,960.51      -22,591,498.84

   Provisions                                          151,443,871.02         151,443,871.02               0.00

   Deferred income                                     190,878,987.69         190,878,987.69               0.00

   Deferred tax liabilities                             92,979,823.89          92,979,823.89               0.00

   Other non-current liabilities                       560,959,368.74         560,959,368.74               0.00

                                                                                         Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                          Item                   December 31st 2020       January 1st 2021        Adjustments

 Total non-current liabilities                         2,997,025,271.99      3,204,027,552.41      207,002,280.42

 Total liabilities                                    34,221,938,983.66     34,565,782,417.35      343,843,433.69

 Owners’ Equity

   Share capital                                       9,343,417,190.00      9,343,417,190.00                   0.00

   Capital reserves                                    5,178,777,462.09      5,178,777,462.09                   0.00

        Less: Treasury shares                          1,121,918,737.47      1,121,918,737.47                   0.00

   Other comprehensive income                            -84,993,926.94         -84,993,926.94                  0.00

   Surplus reserves                                    4,672,505,348.00      4,672,505,348.00                   0.00

   Retained earnings                                  35,806,523,826.37     35,806,523,826.37                   0.00
   Total owners' equity attributable to
                                                      53,794,311,162.05     53,794,311,162.05                   0.00
   owner of the Company
   Minority equity                                      685,432,238.49         685,432,238.49                   0.00

 Total owners' equity                                 54,479,743,400.54     54,479,743,400.54                   0.00

 Total liabilities and owners' equity                 88,701,682,384.20     89,045,525,817.89      343,843,433.69

(1.2)      Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                          Item                   December 31st 2020       January 1st 2021        Adjustments

 Current Assets:
        Cash and bank balances                       23,476,606,330.08      23,476,606,330.08                   0.00

        Notes receivable                                107,411,912.35         107,411,912.35                   0.00

        Accounts receivable                          24,193,392,179.36      24,193,392,179.36                   0.00

        Receivables for financing                        12,216,215.65          12,216,215.65                   0.00
        Prepayments                                      62,946,087.75          62,946,087.75                   0.00
        Other receivables                               726,703,133.65         726,703,133.65                   0.00

        Inventories                                     204,216,250.73         204,216,250.73                   0.00

        Contract assets                                   3,311,250.08           3,311,250.08                   0.00

        Non-current assets due within one year           71,208,685.76          71,208,685.76                   0.00
     Other current assets                                10,110,869.86          10,110,869.86                   0.00
 Total Current Assets                                48,868,122,915.27      48,868,122,915.27                   0.00
 Non-current Assets:
     Long-term receivables                               47,762,348.01          47,762,348.01                   0.00
     Long-term equity investment                      6,727,373,453.97       6,727,373,453.97                   0.00
     Other non-current financial assets                 489,054,847.27         489,054,847.27                   0.00

     Fixed assets                                     2,762,700,997.83       2,762,700,997.83                   0.00

     Construction in progress                           388,903,828.81         388,903,828.81                   0.00
     Right-of-use assets                                                        66,446,154.01        66,446,154.01

                                                                                       Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

                        Item                    December 31st 2020      January 1st 2021        Adjustments
    Intangible assets                                  158,917,438.86        158,917,438.86                   0.00
    Long-term deferred expenses                         43,264,691.73         43,264,691.73                   0.00
    Deferred tax assets                                110,066,596.99        110,066,596.99                   0.00
    Other non-current assets                             2,740,576.47          2,740,576.47                   0.00
Total Non-current Assets                            10,730,784,779.94     10,797,230,933.95       66,446,154.01
Total Assets                                        59,598,907,695.21     59,665,353,849.22       66,446,154.01
Current Liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                              1,431,233,375.00      1,431,233,375.00                   0.00

  Accounts payable                                     540,664,512.60        540,664,512.60                   0.00

  Contract liabilities                                 240,629,015.92        240,629,015.92                   0.00

  Payroll payable                                    1,618,357,135.99      1,618,357,135.99                   0.00

  Taxes payable                                      1,539,095,196.97      1,539,095,196.97                   0.00

  Other payables                                       659,214,959.62        659,214,959.62                   0.00

      Including : Interests payable

                    Dividends payable                  205,898,523.84        205,898,523.84                   0.00

  Non-current liabilities due within one year        3,219,794,958.37      3,249,794,123.42        29,999,165.05

  Other current liabilities                            589,167,743.26        589,167,743.26                   0.00

Total Current Liabilities                            9,838,156,897.73      9,868,156,062.78       29,999,165.05

Non-current Liabilities:

    Lease liabilities                                                         36,446,988.96        36,446,988.96

    Provisions                                          85,230,299.84         85,230,299.84                   0.00

    Deferred income                                    122,455,935.44        122,455,935.44                   0.00

    Other non-current liabilities                      560,959,368.74        560,959,368.74                   0.00

Total non-current liabilities                          768,645,604.02        805,092,592.98       36,446,988.96

Total liabilities                                   10,606,802,501.75     10,673,248,655.76       66,446,154.01

Owners’ Equity

  Share capital                                      9,343,417,190.00      9,343,417,190.00

  Capital reserves                                   4,770,210,334.16      4,770,210,334.16                   0.00

     Less: Treasury shares                           1,121,918,737.47      1,121,918,737.47                   0.00

  Surplus reserves                                   4,672,505,348.00      4,672,505,348.00                   0.00

  Retained earnings                                 31,327,891,058.77     31,327,891,058.77                   0.00

Total owners' equity                                48,992,105,193.46     48,992,105,193.46                   0.00

Total liabilities and owners' equity                59,598,907,695.21     59,665,353,849.22       66,446,154.01

                                                                                                           Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

(2) Description of retrospective adjustment to prior comparative data for the initial implementation of the
    new lease standard since the fiscal year of 2021.
     √Applicable □Inapplicable

     The Group has adopted the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 – Leases amended by the Ministry of Finance
in 2018 (the “New Lease Standard”, and the standard for leases before amendment, the “Original Lease Standard”) with effect from 1
January 2021 (“Date of Initial Application”). The New Lease Standard for Leases improves the definition of leases, adds contents
including the identification, separation and portfolio of leases; abolishes the classification of operating leases and financial leases for
lessees, and requires recognition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all leases (except for short-term leases and leases of low
value assets) upon lease commencement, as well as recognition of depreciation and interest expenses respectively; improves the
subsequent measurement of leases for lessees, adds accounting treatment methods in the event of option reassessment and lease
adjustment, and adds relevant disclosure requirements. In addition, it enriches the disclosure contents for lessors. For contracts that
existed before the Date of Initial Application, the Group opted not to reassess whether a contract is, or contains, a lease at the date of
initial application. As lessee, the Group adjusted the retained earnings at the beginning of the fiscal year of first-time adoption and the
amounts of other related items in the financial statements based on the cumulative amounts affected by first-time adoption of the New
Lease Standard, and did not adjust the information for comparative periods.

The effects of adoption of the New Lease Standard on balance sheet items on January 1 st 2021 are set out as follows:

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                Item                   Under Original Lease Standard          Reclassification (Note)        Under New Lease Standard
 Current Assets:
      Prepayments                                       296,334,689.86                     -2,952,118.75                  293,382,571.11
      Other receivables                                 519,143,350.82                       -117,288.00                  519,026,062.82
      Other current assets                              497,914,506.64                       -477,453.88                  497,437,052.76
 Non-current assets:
      Fixed assets                                    5,876,007,536.60                   -45,330,337.75                 5,830,677,198.85
      Right-of-use assets                                                                392,720,632.07                   392,720,632.07
 Current Liabilities:
     Non-current liabilities due
                                                      3,507,680,339.78                   136,841,153.27                 3,644,521,493.05
     within one year
 Non-current Liabilities:
     Long-term payables                                  39,595,459.35                   -22,591,498.84                     17,003,960.51
     Lease liabilities                                                                   229,593,779.26                   229,593,779.26

Note: The Group measures the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities respectively for the financial leases before the Date of Initial
Application in accordance with the original book value of the assets held under financial leases and the payables for financial leases.
For operating leases before the Date of Initial Application, the Group measures the lease liabilities at the present value discounted by
the incremental borrowing rate on the Date of Initial Application based on the remaining lease payments, and the prepaid rent is adjusted
to measure the right-of-use assets according to an amount equal to the lease liabilities of each lease. The lease liabilities (including the
liabilities due within one year) and the right-of-use assets recognized by the Group on January 1st 2021 amounted to RMB
385,056,810.50 and RMB 392,720,632.07, respectively. For operating leases before the date of first-time adoption, the Group measures
the lease liabilities at the present value discounted by the incremental borrowing rate on the Date of Initial Application which ranges
between 1.14% and 9.50%.

                                                                                                         Hikvision 2021 Q1 Report

Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Item                  Under Original Lease Standard         Reclassification (Note)        Under New Lease Standard
 Non-current assets:
    Right-of-use assets                                                                 66,446,154.01                    66,446,154.01

 Current Liabilities:
    Non-current liabilities due                      3,219,794,958.37                   29,999,165.05                 3,249,794,123.42
    within one year
 Non-current Liabilities:
    Lease liabilities                                                                   36,446,988.96                    36,446,988.96

Note: For operating leases before the Date of Initial Application, the Company measures the lease liabilities at the present value
discounted by the incremental borrowing rate on the Date of Initial Application based on the remaining lease payments, and the right-
of-use assets are measured according to an amount equal to the lease liabilities of each lease. The lease liabilities (including the
liabilities due within one year) and the right-of-use assets recognized by the Company on January 1st 2021 amounted to RMB
66,446,154.01 and RMB 66,446,154.01, respectively. For operating leases before the Date of Initial Application, the Company
measures the lease liabilities at the present value discounted by the incremental borrowing rate on the Date of Initial Application, which
is 2.84%.

4.3 Audit Report

Whether audit has been performed on this 2021 1st Quarter Report
□ Yes √ No
The Company’s 2021 1st Quarter report has not been audited


Chairman: Chen Zongnian

April 17th 2021
