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                        Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

              2022 Annual Report

                April 15, 2023
                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                       To Shareholders

      The year 2022 was the twenty-first year since the establishment of the Company. It also
witnessed the first negative profit growth since our creation. The Company is experiencing many new
challenges in a complex and changing environment. However, challenges are inevitable in the growth
and development of businesses. Some challenges have made the Company more confident and
capable of addressing future challenges.

      Technology is the first productive force. Recognizing the growing impact of technological
advancement on all aspects of our life, the Company embraces technological changes and follows
technological development trends. AIoT is a field the Company will continue to develop for a long
time as it covers many industry scenarios, technologies and a wide range of products from detectors
to system solutions. Today, customers focus on not only the type of objects, but also their
characteristics, status or composition, and this change of consumer demand poses challenges and
opportunities for us. The development of AI technology has provided us with greater capability and
easier access to more data of objects, enabling us to explore wider application of data with AIoT.
Believing that success will come when conditions are ripe, the Company will continue to invest firmly
in perception, AI, big data and cloud computing technologies. We look forward to more breakthroughs
in global technology, and will strive to grasp the business opportunities that each technological change

    Digital transformation is a long-term process that requires continuous improvement. We will
continue to optimize our operational model or process by adopting digital technologies in various
business scenarios of the Company and our partners. Digital transformation is crucial for our growth
and the development of new market opportunities, but it cannot be done overnight. We will start with
little practical work and steadily forges ahead toward our goal.

    The past five years has been challenging for many businesses due to the rise of international
protectionism and the trend of counter-globalization, and we are no exception. However, we have
also seen some growth. There is still a tremendous market out there and we will adapt to the
circumstances, further strengthen our marketing and service systems, and improve our supply chain

                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

based on market trends and business development needs.

    The successful IPO of EZVIZ Network marks a milestone in the Company's internal
entrepreneurial innovation and an achievement in our path to maintaining entrepreneurial and
innovative vitality. Being customer-centric and creating value for customers are always the
Company's original mission and core values, regardless of the business model. Whether in good or
bad times, we remain open, transparent and honest.

    At last, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all shareholders for your trust in the
management team!

    See far, go further!

                           Board of Directors of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        April, 2023

                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

               Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

      The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management
guarantee that the information presented in this report is true, accurate and complete without false
records, misleading statements or material omissions, and will undertake individual and joint legal

      Chen Zongnian, the Company's legal representative, Jin Yan, the person in charge of the
accounting work, and Zhan Junhua, the person in charge of accounting department (accounting
supervisor) hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements in this annual report are true,
accurate and complete.

     All directors of the Company have attended the board meeting to review this report.

     The profit distribution proposal passed upon deliberation at the meeting of the Board of Directors
is set out as follows: Board of Directors based on the Company’s current total share capital of
9,363,932,789 shares, the Company proposed to distribute cash dividend of RMB7 (tax inclusive) per
each 10 shares to all shareholders, bonus share and share distribution from capital reserve is nil.

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2022 Annual Report ("2022 年年度报
告"), and the published announcements in the Chinese version shall prevail. The complete published
Chinese 2022 Annual Report may be obtained at www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Please read the full annual report and pay particular attention to the following risk factors:

    1)   Geopolitical environment risk: The current global geopolitical uncertainty has greatly increased, and

         the operating environment in certain regions has deteriorated. The Company will adjust its marketing

         resources based on business opportunities, but if the geopolitical environment get worse, the Company's

         operations in certain countries and regions may be adversely affected.

    2)   Global economic downside risk: The economic growth of some overseas countries slows down, the

         potential risks such as economic fluctuation and debt default in various regions are difficult to eliminate.

         At the same time, the domestic economy is switching to a new development mode and its pace of recovery

         needs to be further observed. The Company disperses the operation risk of a single region with a wide

         business layout. But the Company's business will also be impacted if there is a global economic recession.

    3)   Supply chain risk: The global supply system is being undermined by politics. The Company has been

         making efforts to build a diversified supply chain and optimize inventory adjustment and control.

         However, if systemic risks arise in the global supply chain, the Company’s operating capabilities may be


    4)   Technology upgrading risk: AI, big data, cloud computing, edge computing and other technologies

         develop rapidly, and the iteration speed of science and technology application is fast. If the update and

         change of cutting-edge technology cannot be closely tracked and the innovative development of business

         cannot be realized quickly, the uncertainty of the Company's future development will increase.

    5)   Legal and compliance risk: The world's multilateral trading system is facing adverse impacts. The laws

         and regulations of various regions that need to be complied with for business activities are very

         complicated. The Company constantly strengthens the construction of legal compliance system since

         China and overseas countries have stricter data supervision and business compliance requirements. If the

         Company's legal compliance capabilities cannot keep up with the situation, it will bring adverse impacts

         on the Company's operations.

    6)   Risk of exchange rate fluctuation: The Company carries out operations in various countries and regions,

         mainly settled in non-RMB currency. Exchange rate fluctuations could have impact on foreign exchange

         exposures arising out of sales, procurement and financing, which could likely affect the profitability level

         of the Company.

                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

     7)   Financial risk caused by the decline of customers’ ability to pay: The enterprises’ financial liquidity

          is negatively impacted by the macroeconomic downturn. The Company has accumulated a certain amount

          of cash reserves due to its stable business operation, and the financing cost is low. If the overall liquidity

          risk of the market increases, it will adversely affect the Company’s account receivables due to the payment

          collection speed of the Company may slow down.

     8)   Risk of internal management: The continual expansion of business scale, the continuous increase of

          new products and new businesses, and the continuous growth in total number of employees lead to a

          significant rise of internal management complexity, which brings challenges to the Company’s

          management. The Company’s sustainable development will face certain risks if the management level

          fails to proportionally address the Company’s business expansion.

     9)   Risk of cybersecurity: The Company has always attached great importance and taken active measures

          to enhance cybersecurity performance of our products and systems. But there is still a possibility of

          deliberate attempts, including computer viruses, malicious software, hacker and others to intentionally

          attack our systems or products, causing cybersecurity issues.

     10) Risk of intellectual property (IP) rights: The Company continues to maintain a relatively large scale of

          R&D investment, and produces considerable technical milestones. At the same time, the Company

          implements well-organized intellectual property right (IPR) protection measures. However, the risk of

          intellectual property disputes and the risk of intellectual property rights violations still exist.

The above notices might not be all-inclusive of all other potential risks. Please pay attention to potential investment

                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report


To Shareholders .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ...................................................................................... 3

Section II Corporate Profile & Key Financial Data......................................................................................... 9

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ......................................................................................... 14

Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................ 125

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility .................................................................................... 163

Section VI Significant Events ......................................................................................................................... 164

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ....................................................... 191

Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares ............................................................................................. 207

Section IX Bonds ............................................................................................................................................. 208

Section X Financial Report ............................................................................................................................ 209

Section XI Documents Available for Reference ........................................................................................... 368

                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

             Term                                                Definition

Reporting Period            From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
Articles of Associations    Articles of Associations for Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Hikvision, the Company, our
                            Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
CETC                        China Electronics Technology Group Ltd., the actual controller of the Company
CETHIK                      CETHIK Group Co., Ltd. Controlling Shareholder of the Company
EZVIZ, EZVIZ Network        Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.(According to the context, also refers to the
                            corresponding business)
HikRobot, Robotic business Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to
                           the corresponding business)
HikAuto, Auto electronics   Hangzhou Hikauto Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to the
business                    corresponding business)
HikMicro, Micro Sensing,    Hangzhou Hikmicro Sensing Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers
Thermal imaging business    to the corresponding business)
HikSemi, HikStorage,        Wuhan Hikstorage Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to the
Storage business            corresponding business)
HikImaging                  Hangzhou Hikimaging Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to the
                            corresponding business)
HikFire                     Hangzhou Hikfire Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to the
                            corresponding business)
HikRayin,Rayin,             Hangzhou Rayin Technology Ltd. (According to the context, also refers to the
HikSecurityCheck            corresponding business)
Hangzhou Innovation         Located in Hangzhou, Binjiang District, Zhejiang Province, the planned use is for
Industry Park               R&D, office space and supporting facilities.
Chengdu Science and         Located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the planned use is for R&D, office space
Technology Park             and supporting facilities.
Chongqing Science and       Located in Chongqing, the planned use is for production plants, warehouses and
Technology Park             supporting facilities.
Xi’an Science and          Located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, the planned use is for R&D, office space and
Technology Park             supporting facilities.
Shijiazhuang Science and    Located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the planned use is R&D, office
Technology Park             space and supporting facilities.
Security Industrial Base    Located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the planned use is for production plants,
(Tonglu)                    logistics warehousing center and supporting facilities.
Wuhan Intelligence Industry Located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the planned use is for production plants,

                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

           Term                                                 Definition

Park                    warehouses and supporting facilities.
Zhengzhou Science and   Located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the planned use is R&D, office space and
Technology Park         supporting facilities, etc.
                        EZVIZ Smart Home Products’ Industrial Base, located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang
EZVIZ Industrial Park   Province, is planned to be used for R&D, office space and supporting facilities of
                        Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.
Hefei Science and       Located in Hefei, Anhui Province, the planned use is R&D, office space and
Technology Park         supporting facilities, etc.
Nanjing Science and     Located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the planned use is R&D, office space and
Technology Park         supporting facilities, etc.
Nanchang Science and    Located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, the planned use is R&D, office space and
Technology Park         supporting facilities, etc.
                        A long investment cycle, business prospects uncertain, has the high risk and
                        uncertainty, in need for direct or indirect investment in exploration, in order for the
                        Company to timely enter into new areas of business. Initially disclosed in
                        Announcement about Management Measures for Core Staff Investment in
Innovative Business
                        Innovative Business (www.cninfo.com.cn).
                        In this report, innovative business also refers to EZVIZ, HikRobot, HikAuto,
                        HikMicro, HikSemi, HikImaging, HikFire, Rayin and their related business or

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                 Section II Corporate Profile & Key Financial Data

I. Corporate Information

               Stock abbreviation                      HIKVISION                  Stock code                     002415
Stock exchange where the shares of the Company
                                                                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                  are listed
       Name of the Company in Chinese                                   杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司
     Abbr. of the Company name in Chinese                                             海康威视
    Name of the Company in English (if any)                 HANGZHOU HIKVISION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
 Abbr. of the Company name in English (if any)                                       HIKVISION
              Legal representative                                                 Chen Zongnian
               Registered address                      No. 555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
        Postal code of Registered address                                              310051
                                                  The Company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 28th 2010. The
                                                   original registered address was No. 36 MachengRoad, Xihu District, Hangzhou,
  Changes in the Company's registered address
                                                  Zhejiang Province. In 2016, the Company's registered address was changed to No.
                                                         555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
                Business address                              No. 518 WuLianWang Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou
        Postal code of Business address                                                310051
               Company website                                                    www.hikvision.com
                        E-mail                                        market@hikvision.com; ir@hikvision.com

II. Contacts and Contact Information

                                                      Board Secretary                      Securities Affairs Representative

                Name                                 Huang Fanghong

                                            No. 518 WuLianWang Street, Binjiang
                                                     District, Hangzhou

                 Tel.                         0571-88075998 ; 0571-89710492

                 Fax                                  0571-89986895

               E-mail                            hikvision@hikvision.com

III. Information Disclosure and Place of the Report

The securities exchange website for the disclosure of the Annual
                                                                    Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai securities
Media and website for the disclosure of the Annual Report
                                                                                     Journal, www.cninfo.com.cn
Place where the Annual Report is available for inspection                  Office of the Board of Directors of the Company

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

IV. Company Registration and Alteration

Unified Social Credit Identifier                                                  91330000733796106P

                                                     During the reporting period, the Company added the following to the business
                                                     scope: production of commercial password products; development of network
                                                     and information security software; Type II value-added telecommunications
                                                     services; online data processing and transaction processing services (operating
                                                     e-commerce); internet information services; general aviation services. The
                                                     following phrases have been removed: manufacturing of consumer service
                                                     robot, manufacturing of industrial robot, manufacturing of special operation
                                                     robot, and sales of intelligent robot. At the same time, the Company adjusted
                                                     some description of its business scope in accordance with the latest regulatory
                                                     requirements of the industry and commerce authorities for business scope. After
                                                     the change, the Company’s business scope covers: licensed items: production
                                                     of Class II and Class III radiation devices; sales of Class II and Class III
                                                     radiation devices; radioisotope production (except the radiopharmaceuticals for
                                                     positron emission computed tomography ); sales of Class II, Class III, Class IV
                                                     and Class V radioactive sources; engineering and construction activities; type II
                                                     value-added telecommunications services; online data processing and
                                                     transaction processing services (operating e-commerce); Internet information
                                                     services; general aviation services. (as for the items which by law are subject to
                                                     approval, business activities can be carried out only after having been approved
                                                     by the relevant departments, and the specific operation items are subject to the
Changes in principle business activities since the
                                                     terms of the approval). General items: manufacturing of digital video
Company was listed (if any)
                                                     surveillance systems; sales of digital video surveillance systems; manufacturing
                                                     of security equipment; sales of security equipment; manufacturing of IoT
                                                     equipment; sales of IoT equipment; manufacturing of intelligent unmanned
                                                     aerial drones; sales of intelligent unmanned aerial drones; manufacturing of
                                                     computer software and hardware and peripherals; wholesale of computer
                                                     software and hardware and auxiliary equipment; manufacturing of
                                                     communication equipment; sales of communication equipment; manufacturing
                                                     of network equipment; sales of network equipment; manufacturing of display
                                                     devices; sales of display devices; manufacturing of intelligent mobile
                                                     equipment; sales of intelligent mobile equipment; manufacturing of auto parts
                                                     and accessories; wholesale of auto parts and accessories; manufacturing of
                                                     electric signal appliances and devices; sales of electric signal appliances and
                                                     devices; manufacturing of mechanical and electrical equipment; sales of
                                                     mechanical and electrical equipment; manufacturing of special labor protective
                                                     supplies; sales of special labor protective supplies; production of commercial
                                                     password products; sales of electronic products; sales of digital cultural and
                                                     creative technological equipment; technical services, technical development,
                                                     technical consultation, technical knowledge exchange, technology transfer and
                                                     technology promotion; software development; development of network and
                                                     information security software; information system integration services;

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                   computer system services; research and development of IoT technologies; IoT
                                                   technology services; IoT application services; big data services; data processing
                                                   and storage support services; security system monitoring services; security
                                                   technology defense system’s design and construction services; electronic and
                                                   mechanical equipment maintenance (excluding special equipment); parking lot
                                                   services; digital   cultural and creative content         application services;
                                                   environmental protection monitoring; business training (excluding education
                                                   and vocational training that require licensing); import and export of goods;
                                                   import and export of technology (Except for items which by law are subject to
                                                   approval, the Company can determine and carry out operational activities in
                                                   accordance with the law by virtue of its business license).

Changes of controlling shareholders of the
                                                                       No change during the reporting period
Company (if any)

V. Other Relevant Information

Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Name of the accounting firm                                 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP

Business address of the accounting firm                           30F Bund Center 222 Yan An Road East Shanghai

Name of accountants for writing signature                                      Tang Lianjiong, Cai Jin

Sponsor institution engaged by the Company to continuously perform its supervisory function during the Reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to perform the duties of continuous supervision during the reporting
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                    Office Address of Financial     Name of the lead
    Name of Financial Advisor                                                                       Supervision Period
                                             Advisor                financial advisor
                                                                                          The remaining period of the first year
                                   27th & 28th Floors, Tower 2,                           of listing of Hangzhou Ezviz Network
  China International Capital      China World Tower, No.1           Wang Jian ; Liu      Co., Ltd., a subsidiary under the control
  Corporation Limited              Jianguomen Outer Street,               Jia             of the Company, and the following
                                   Chaoyang District, Beijing.                            complete fiscal year.(From December
                                                                                          28, 2022 to December 31, 2023)

VI. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company performed a retrospective adjustment or restatement of previous accounting data
□Yes √No
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                             2022                   2021                                2020
                                                                                                   Change (%)

Revenue (RMB)                                            83,166,321,681.14     81,420,053,539.27         2.14% 63,503,450,891.78

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                2022                    2021                              2020
                                                                                                        Change (%)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                           12,837,342,061.07     16,800,411,032.05         -23.59% 13,385,526,714.15
Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company excluding non-recurring gains and losses           12,330,695,878.62     16,444,723,630.97         -25.02% 12,805,839,276.44

Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)             10,164,135,382.38     12,708,524,686.99         -20.02% 16,088,156,566.67

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                     1.370                  1.810      -24.31%               1.445

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                   1.370                  1.806      -24.14%               1.444

Weighted average ROE                                                   19.62%                  28.99%       -9.37%            27.72%

                                                          At December 31,        At December 31,           YoY       At December 31,
                                                                2022                    2021            Change (%)        2020

Total assets (RMB)                                        119,233,282,761.47 103,864,543,195.18            14.80% 88,701,682,384.20

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                           68,389,154,548.76     63,460,886,665.26          7.77% 53,794,311,162.05
Company (RMB)

The total share capital of the Company as of the previous trading day of the annual report disclosure:
The total share capital of the Company as of the previous trading day of the annual report disclosure

Fully diluted earnings per share calculated with the latest share capital
Fully diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) calculated with the latest share capital                                            1.371

VII. Differences in Accounting Data between Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

1. Difference in the Financial Report of Net Profits and Net Assets According to the Disclosure of
International Financial Reporting Standards and China Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and China Accounting Standards in the reporting period.

2. Difference in the Financial Report of Net Profits and Net Assets According to the Disclosure of Overseas
Accounting Standards and China Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no difference in the financial report of net profits and net assets according to the disclosure of Overseas
Accounting Standards and China Accounting Standards in the reporting period.

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

3. Explanation of the Differences in Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Key Quarterly Financial Indicators

                                                     1st Quarter         2nd Quarter          3rd Quarter         4th Quarter
Revenue (RMB)                                       16,521,549,351.36   20,735,967,239.26    22,464,020,301.15   23,444,784,789.37

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                     2,284,174,955.78    3,475,079,819.48     3,081,001,112.19    3,997,086,173.62
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company excluding non-recurring gains                2,210,077,663.70    3,435,781,353.81     2,879,656,597.51    3,805,180,263.60
and losses

Net cash flows from operating activities            -3,904,933,407.63    1,746,441,198.55     2,318,609,350.12   10,004,018,241.34

Whether there is significant difference between the above individual or aggregate financial indicators and that of
what disclosed in the quarterly report, half-year report
□ Yes √ No

IX. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                  Item                                       2022                 2021               2020

Profits or losses from disposal of non-current assets (including the
                                                                            -18,617,582.10       26,069,469.18      -5,836,675.36
write-off for the impairment provision of assets)

The government subsidies included in the current profits and losses
(excluding the government subsidy closely related to regular
course of business of the Company and government subsidy based             726,269,569.92       576,619,421.07     571,403,657.30
on standard quota or quantitative continuous application according
to the state industrial policy)

The investment cost of the Company to obtain subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures is less than the income generated by
                                                                              -                   1,163,932.96         281,193.50
the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets when the
investment is obtained

Profits and losses attributed to change in fair value for derivative
financial assets, derivative financial liabilities and other non-
current financial assets; and investment gains and losses from
disposal of derivative financial assets, derivative financial               -99,112,871.09       75,408,081.63      98,373,869.75
liabilities, and receivables financing, excluding the effective
hedging business related to the regular business operation of the

                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                Item                                 2022               2021             2020

Investment gains and losses on disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                      3,550,851.71   -169,184,641.43       -
business units

Other non-operating income and expenditures except the items
                                                                     72,446,008.81     -1,471,007.77    74,007,631.14
mentioned above

Less:   Impact of income tax                                         74,392,826.66    29,930,824.64    109,931,807.07

        Impact of the minority interests (after tax)                103,496,968.14   122,987,029.92     48,610,431.55

Total                                                               506,646,182.45   355,687,401.08    579,687,437.71

Details of other gain/loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not have other gain/ loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses.

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the  as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not classify an item as a non-recurring gain/loss according to the  into a recurrent gain/loss item.

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                  Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. The Industry Situation and Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

1. Business Overview

     In 2022, Hikvision put its AIoT strategy into full swing. The Company is committed to serving a wide range

of industries through IoT, perception, AI, and big data technologies, leading the future of AIoT. Through

comprehensive perception technologies, we aim to help people better connect with the world around them, building

the foundation of an intelligent world. With a wealth of intelligent products, we strive to identify and satisfy diverse

demands by delivering intelligence at your fingertips. Through innovative AIoT applications, we are dedicated to

empowering every individual to enjoy a better future by building an intelligent world that is more convenient,

efficient and secure.

     AIoT is a fundamental capability that provides the possibility of connection and interaction between people

and things as well as between things, but the support of perception technology is needed to realize this possibility.

As things lack the ability of active or passive perception, the comprehensive development of perception technology

provides everything with the possibility of "perceiving" and "being perceived". Currently, perception technology is

shifting its focus from familiar perception models to unfamiliar areas where direct perception is impossible, is

growing from single perception to multi-dimensional perception fusion, and is evolving from non-intelligent to

intelligent perception, thus transforming things into intelligent things. Hikvision's perception technology covers

long waves from visible light to near-infrared, mid-infrared, far-infrared and millimeter waves, short

electromagnetic waves such as ultraviolet light and X-ray, as well as short mechanical waves from sound to

ultrasonic waves. Furthermore, the Company is expanding physical sensing technologies such as temperature,

humidity, pressure and magnetic force, building a technical foundation for comprehensive perception. We deliver

perception, multi-dimensional perception and intelligent perception to multiple industries and fields through

products owing to continuous R&D and accumulation of perception technologies, so that perception and interaction

between people and things and between things becomes possible, leading to the development of more applications.

     The development of AIoT is supported by the development of perception technology and relies on the

development of AI and big data. AI and IoT are a good match as they are closely connected and complementary.

The rapid growth of intelligent perception technology thanks to AI, coupled with the generation of big data of things,

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

paves the way for the application of IoT. The most basic application of AIoT may be the use of data from IoT

devices to trigger simple alarms. For example, a thermal imaging camera sends an alarm for manual inspection after

sensing an excessive temperature of the device, while in a more complex IoT system, a large number of sensing

devices monitor multi-dimensional information in the production process. AI algorithms learn through massive IoT

data, distinguish between signals and noise based on user needs, and continue to optimize and iterate so that devices

and systems are able to make decisions, and take actions. This makes AI the soul of IoT. Hikvision has allocated

substantial investment and resources to the construction of basic arithmetic power and big models, and the relevant

capabilities have found applications in not only hardware and software products, but also user-oriented algorithm

training including Hikvision AI Open Platform. Future breakthroughs in pre-trained large models and other

intelligent technologies will result in greater value of AI.

     The development of AIoT represents integrated development of a huge technology cluster, ranging from image

technology (AI-ISP, image enhancement, multi-camera stitching, multi-spectral fusion), optical technology (lens,

fill-in light, focus and zoom, anti-shake, Fresnel optics, etc.), environmental adaptation technology (high- and low-

temperature, rain, snow and dust-resistant, explosion-proof, heat dissipation, etc.), passive detection technology

(passive infrared, vibration sensing, glass breakage detection, tilt/displacement detection, etc.) to network

connection, data aggregation, storage and calculation technologies, and to display, control, interaction and other

application technologies. These technologies have collectively evolved from simple to engineered forms. With more

than 20 years of product R&D and manufacturing, Hikvision has initially built the R&D foundation of common

technologies from hardware, process materials, embedded software to system-level software development, big data

and network security. The Company facilitates innovative R&D of products including detectors, modules, devices

and systems through the combination and integration of common technologies and scenario-based application


     The development of AIoT will remain driven by the individual needs of users for quite a long time. As AIoT

applications are scenario-driven ones, scenario-defined products and solutions will be the dominant business format.

However, the specific use of AIoT applications varies with industries due to different characteristics and business

operation models of each industry. Even different users in the same industry may have their unique needs. Hikvision

has more than 30,000 hardware products, which are the result of expansion of previous business scenarios and the

foundation for future development of more applications. The Company will continue to promote the "baseline" +

"customization" model, and enrich our product matrix, maintaining a balance between products and application

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needs. Combining multi-dimensional perception with AI and big data, we have created tens of thousands of products

from detectors to system solutions that cover more than 300 scenarios across over 70 sub-sectors in 10 industries.

These technologies, products and consumer needs promote one another through continuous changes, updates and

iterations, becoming a competitive driver of Hikvision's technological innovation.

     The future of AIoT is the integration of user needs with AIoT technologies, devices, and systems. Their

growing ease of use and declining cost will make everything perceivable and linkable. Just as the World Wide Web

or Internet, IoT will not be mentioned anymore in the future because it will be the basic state of things, and people

will live in a new era created by AIoT.

2. Business Structure

     Hikvision’s business can be summarized into three types of supporting technologies, five categories of software

and hardware products, four system capabilities, two types of business organizations and two marketing systems.

Among them, the three supporting technologies include IoT perception technologies, AI technologies and big data

technologies; the five categories of software and hardware include IoT perception products, IT infrastructure

products, platform service products, data service products and application service products; the four system

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capabilities include system design and development, system engineering implementation, system operation and

maintenance management and system operation services; the two types of business organizations cover three

business groups (public business groups-PBG, enterprise business groups-EBG and SME business groups-SMBG)

and eight innovative businesses (smart home, mobile robots and machine vision, infrared thermal imaging, auto

electronics, intelligent storage, intelligent fire protection and control, intelligent security check, and intelligent

medical services); the two major marketing systems refer to the domestic business marketing system and the

international business marketing system.

3. Product Family

3.1 Hardware Product Family: Edge Node Comprehensive Perception + Edge Domain Scenario Intelligence

+ Central Intelligent Storage and Computing

     Hikvision has been expanding its means of perception, enriching scenario-based product options, and

improving full system processing capability, with flourish development in its multiple-echelon products such as

edge nodes, edge domains and cloud-center devices.

3.1.1 Edge Node Products: Comprehensive Intelligent Perception and Enriched Product Mix

     Hikvision has many types and groups of edge nodes products, continues to complement the product family,

integrates multi-dimensional perception means, and optimizes product design considering scenario-based needs,

providing a solid ground for intelligent applications of cloud-edge fusion, IoT-information network fusion, and big

data-AI fusion.

1) Front-end Cameras

     Cameras have shifted from conventional video surveillance terminals to the most important AIoT terminals in

the Internet of Everything. Focusing on visual technology, Hikvision enhances multi-dimensional perception

capabilities, continuously expands application scenarios, and achieved the digitization of everything with

comprehensive perception means to build the infrastructure of intelligent applications.

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Concentrating on vision to improve image application experience

     Hikvision stays focus on the research of optical imaging area, with an aim to address such problems as the

limited view of traditional cameras, unclear imaging at night, and limited intelligent applications, continuously

strengthening the product concept of ultra-HD, full-color and panoramic details, enriching product mix, and

upgrading intelligent applications.

     In order to expand the all-weather field of view and reduce the safety hazards in the monitoring blind spot, the

Company created the technology of multispectral fusion panoramic stitching to achieve 190°low distortion and

20:9 wide format, making the color bending more natural.

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     In order to improve the adaptability of the camera to the night-time environment, the Company strengthened

the zoom full-color capability, to achieve constant large aperture zoom with a large focal length, stabilize light

amount, and ensure clear and bright picture colors. In order to solve the problems of uneven brightness and poor

permeability of traditional fill light, the Company has developed its own "squamous lens fill light" technology,

where the light is reflected by the scaly reflector, and the light field is uniform and soft, which reduces diffuse

reflection caused by the dirt of the transparent dome, and greatly improves the effect of fill light.

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     In order to solve the problems of slow zoom speed, unclear focus and shaking during focusing process in wide-

range and long-distance application scenarios, Hikvision launched the innovative focus technology, which adopts a

method that is driven by the magnetic levitation lens to complete zoom + focus in 0.1 seconds, greatly improving

zoom and focus speed of lens.

Enhancing perception and increasing multi-dimensional perception means

     Based on visual perception, Hikvision integrates multi-dimensional perception methods to broaden perception

boundaries and expand forms of intelligent application.

     There are problems such as poor lighting conditions and complex environment in railways, ports, airports and

other scenarios of open environment, which limit the range of video detection in intelligent applications such as

target intrusion and recognition, and are prone to the impact of rain and fog. More accurate kilometer-level intrusion

detection, ship identification and other intelligent applications may be achieved by integrating the radar perception

module, the deep    technology fusion of phased array radar and visual perception, and integrating environmental

visualization and detecting multi-dimensional information such as target location, distance and speed.

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     In scenarios prone to geological disasters such as slopes, dams, pole towers and tailing reservoirs, in order to

solve problems such as hard to monitor, low monitoring accuracy, and monitoring is not visible when detecting

deformation such as subtle offset and settlements, Hikvision launched a displacement observation dome, which

integrates satellite positioning technology with video technology and high-precision analytical algorithm to achieve

millimeter-level 3D accurate perception of the monitoring subject, provides 24/7 long-term monitoring, improves

the perception efficiency of geological disasters caused by deviation and settlement, and helps with disaster

monitoring and early warning and emergency management.

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Scenario adaptability and intensive exploration of segmented scenario demands

     Hikvision merges engineering thinking with technology, and develops cameras based on different scenarios,

built for real-life usage, with optimized structure, imagine, intelligence, maintenance, and security.

     One example is explosion-proof products. Hikvision has expanded from traditional explosion-proof for factory

use to explosion-proof for mining use, and application scenarios from petroleum and petrochemical to underground

coal mine, enriching the product portfolio to adapt to complex demands of multiple scenarios and creating scenario-

based product solutions. For example, in terms of explosive, dim and harsh environment of underground coal mines,

Hikvision launches an intrinsically safe camera with self-cleaning function for mining use, which is at an

intrinsically safe explosion-proof level and can realize underground ultra-HD full-color imaging. Additionally, with

the air filtration technology and self-cleaning system equipped, it can effectively remove coal dust and ash and other

particles, keep the lens clean and the picture clear, thus to ensure safety production and facilitate to build intelligent


     In the hydroelectric meter reading, production quality managing of coins, cracks monitoring of historical sites

and other scenarios that require close-up observation, there are issues such as unclear focus, interference of

complementary light reflection and others. Hikvision cameras under macro series adopt VCM voice coil motor to

realize automatic focusing and polarization fill light, achieving 10-50cm close-range color imaging at all weather.

     To fulfill the need of real-time monitoring in cold storage and low-temperature scenarios such as agricultural

product storage, fresh food logistics, and pharmaceutical storage, Hikvision cryogenic cameras adopt lens self-

heating, glass defogging and other technologies to solve the problem of lens fogging caused by the temperature

difference when opening and closing doors, which ensures clear pictures and achieves the safety management of

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cold storage materials.

2) Smart Traffic and Mobile Devices

     Smart Traffic: Hikvision’s product portfolios with eco-friendly capture system keep iterating. The Company

participates in the formulation of relevant industry standards, and promotes the whole society to address the issue

of light pollution. In multi-dimensional perception products such as radar video, Hikvision integrates the multi-

dimensional perception capabilities of video, radar, RFID and ETC, and widely applies products in traffic

management, perimeter protection, industrial measurement and other fields.

     In the field of traffic management, the Company facilitates digital pathway and improves comprehensive road

management and control capabilities. The Road Pre-alarm Safety Series products, provide 24/7 roadways

surveillance and proactive risk alarm, with an emphasis in traffic regulation enforcement and road surveillance in

order to provide security early warnings for traffic participants and reduce road safety hazards. The Radar-Video

Assisted Vehicle Detector offers 24/7 precise, remote monitoring of roadways, high-precision road information

collection, together with proprietary smart signal systems and "weight balancing" adaptive algorithms, constituting

a holistic self-contained signal control system that spans diagnostics, simulation, operation, evaluation and

adjustment. Meanwhile, more effective scenario-based signal control can be achieved by combining with more

signaling devices such as variable lanes device. In the field of perimeter protection, the 3D spatial fusion technology

with long-range, ultra-long-range radar and video is used to help the intelligent management of water traffic vessels

and the control of railway perimeter. In the field of industrial measurement, 3D modeling of data collected by laser

and millimeter-wave radar are used to measure the volume of the stack.

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     Entrance and exit parking products: Hikvision is extensively involving in the application of refined

management of parking lots and parking spaces, and its products cover entry/exit, parking lots, street parking and

others. The Company applies eco-friendly dual-sensor technology to cameras at entrance and exit to reduce light

pollution. The technology of super-resolution image intelligent restoration is applied to roadside high-position

cameras to effectively improve the detection and recognition rate. By improving the intensive level, intelligent and

digital capabilities of the system, the Company keeps iterating the product portfolio such as the Guardian Series

(snapshot and display all-in-one machine) and the Roadside Parking Camera Series, enriching the product mix and

improving the scenario-based solutions. The Company further expands channels and enhances service capabilities,

while digging deep into urban parking business management to help improve urban parking efficiency and the

parking experience of the citizens.

     Mobile terminal products: Hikvision focuses on mobile law enforcement, mobile operations and other fields.

The Company adopts video stabilization technology to launch forward recorders, applies intrinsically safe

explosion-proof technology to launch explosion-proof recorders, integrates low-power consumption technology

with ergonomic design to launch helmet-mounted cameras, operation assistants and other operate-wearable products

to facilitate mobile visual management scenarios such as mobile law enforcement, production safety management,

construction site inspection, offering financial services. Based on barcode/character recognition technology and

leveraging customized operating systems, the Company has launched a series of mobile intelligent data terminal

products such as field-based full-screen model, button version, 5G model, industry-specific PDA, supplemented by

application mall, device cloud management platform and other services, to provide data collection, scenario-based

intelligent identification and analysis capabilities for manufacturing, express logistics, retail e-commerce, medical

and health, public services and other industries.

3) Access Control, Intercom and Alarm Products

     Hikvision’s access control, intercom, channel, alarm and other products focus on integrated management of

spatial scenarios, business development and innovation, and together with industry applications, have formed

scenario-based solutions covering access control, attendance, visitors management, elevator control system,

financial checkout, inventory management, building intercom system, medical intercom system, turnstile,

emergency alarm, intrusion alarm, perimeter prevention, and so on.

     Taking "MinMoe" as the core, Hikvision access control products focus on the research and integration of basic

technologies such as multi-modality, break through traditional infrared solutions, and integrate radar, laser and other

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technologies to create global receptive field. The Company develops intensively small scenario-based solutions,

polishes specialized products for segmented scenarios, and has launched novel products such as all-in-one intelligent

turnstile series and distributed intelligent access control series, providing customers with one-card/one-code and

more diversified solutions for all scenarios.

     Hikvision’s visual intercom products are committed to optimizing interaction, improving sound quality,

reducing latency and upgrading intelligent applications on the product side, promoting the fusion of intercom

systems, smart homes, alarm systems and others, and constantly enriching their application in multiple vertical

industry scenarios such as residential building, hospital, prison, and finance building.

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     Hikvision has invested heavily in wireless radio frequency, detection optics, low-power design and other

technical fields, integrating the application of displacement, microwave, infrared and other perception technologies,

expanding the application of voice intelligent analysis, and continuously improving the comprehensive

competitiveness of its product technology. In the field of intrusion alarm products, the Company developed a new

generation of wireless and hybrid intrusion alarm systems, which further promotes cloud-based comprehensive

alarm services, enriches scenario-based applications, and creates value for customers. In the field of perimeter alarm,

the Company further iteratively expanded its product line, and launched a series of products such as stepless voltage

regulation network-type intelligent fence and regional vibration detection product, to facilitate continuous expansion

of application in energy and chemical industry, cultural protection and other industries. In the field of emergency

alarm, the Company went deep into business applications and taking video intercom as the core, launched a series

of products based on voice intelligent recognition technology.

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4) Audio products

Industrial audio – identifying by acoustic imaging, improving the efficiency of equipment operation and

maintenance management

     Hikvision has core technologies such as acoustic imaging, acoustic wave recognition and sound source

localization. Focusing on industrial inspection, intelligent manufacturing and other fields, it deploys industrial audio

products such as industrial auscultation microphones and online acoustic imagers, and provides new equipment

online operation and maintenance and remote inspection methods to improve equipment operation and maintenance

management efficiency.

     Industrial stethoscope could be deployed with zero-sample. By collecting vibration sound through bone

conduction sensor, or discharge sound through ultrasonic sensor, it can extract the machine running voiceprint. It

takes only 1 hour of normal audio data to generate the model autonomously and achieve real-time monitoring of the

running status of pump machines, electric machines, wind turbines, conveyor belts, power distribution cabinets and

other machines and early warning of abnormal faults through AI model comparison, which improves the reliability

of the system.

     Through the integration of microphone arrays and camera components, the online acoustic imager locates the

sound of the monitoring target in the frequency band by adopting the sound source localization algorithm. It can

achieves sound visualization in the form of color cloud map, and displays the distribution of sound sources in the

visual field, which can be used for faults location and online real-time sound monitoring of partial discharge, gas

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leakage, equipment abnormal noise and other faults in industrial scenarios such as transformer substations, wind

turbine cabins and chemical plants.

Conference Audio - Clear and immersive sound to help provide a high-quality conference interactive


     Hikvision has core technologies such as acoustic array, AI noise reduction, multi-source positioning, ultra-low

latency algorithm and other core technologies including sound source acquisition, transmission, and demodulation.

Hikvision has professional acoustic laboratories, various acoustic testing instruments and equipment, professional

acoustic simulation software, as well as the ability to develop, design, manufacture, simulate and test audio signals

of audio products including audio unit, audio cavity, audio circuit and audio system. The Company provides audio

products for large, medium and small scenarios, such as plug-and-play microphone speaker series, easy-to-install

Hi-Fi conference speakers, medium and large professional conference products kit and other products, which adapt

to the conference sound field, improve the user experience of remote interaction, and bridge the communication

distance for off-site meetings.

     In particular, the Hi-Fi conference speaker is specially designed for the conference system, which can be

flexibly installed and deployed. Equipped with a low-frequency passive radiation cavity, the tones generated by Hi-

Fi speaker unit is clean at the middle and high frequencies, mellow at the low frequencies. Specially, the internal

structure uses a cushioning design to further reduce the internal resonance noise and provide high-quality audio for

the conference room.

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5) Sensors

     Hikvision’s distributed positioning optical fiber sensors "sense" and "transmit" external signals simultaneously

by using light waves as the carrier and optical fiber as the medium. Compared with traditional sensors, distributed

positioning optical fiber sensors have the advantages of high positioning accuracy, high detection sensitivity, long

detection distance, good electrical insulation performance, strong anti-electromagnetic interference, curvable shape,

small size, corrosion resistance, among others, and can detect temperature, pressure, vibration, displacement, speed,

voltage, current and other physical quantities online in real time.

Distributed positioning vibration optical fiber - interconnected vision and precise positioning improve the

overall utilization rate of the monitoring system

     Hikvision’s positioning vibration optical fiber quantitatively restores the vibration signals and accurately

locates disturbance positions by adopting the principle of Rayleigh scattering and patented demodulation technology.

With AI acoustic wave recognition algorithm, it effectively filters out false alarms to achieve intelligent

classification and early warning. After the vibration optical fiber captures the disturbance signals, the cameras can

be linked for cross-check, which can not only improve the utilization rate of the cameras, but also help cover the

blind spot of the cameras and improve the overall operation efficiency of the perimeter system. The products are

widely used for perimeter prevention of important places such as valve chambers, oil and gas pipelines, petroleum

refineries, cultural and museum buildings, railway perimeters, telecom optic fibers, as well as the application of

early warning for external damage prevention of long-distance pipelines and optical cables.

Distributed positioning auscultation fiber – Remote monitoring improves the inspection, operation and

maintenance efficiency of conveyor belts

     Adopting the principle of Rayleigh Scattering and sensitized industrial diagnostic detection technology,

Hikvision positioning auscultation fiber restores acoustic signals, accurately locates the faults locations, while

detecting the equipment faults and early warns by relying on intelligent acoustic algorithms for single-classification

industrial diagnosis. All sounds are generated by vibration, and are propagated by the form of sound waves. So

optical fiber help remotely detect the faults of conveyor belts faults by restoring sound waves based on vibration

detection. Thus, manpower could be saved since site inspection is not necessary and operation and maintenance

efficiency is improved. The products can be widely used to detect abnormities of heavy-duty belt conveyors in a

variety of scenarios including coal mining, thermal power generation, building cement, iron and steel metallurgy,

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ports and so on.

Distributed positioning temperature measurement optical fiber – 3D temperature measurement, visual

display, ensuring the safety of industrial production and manufacturing

     Hikvision’s temperature measurement optic fiber products obtain the temperature spatial distribution

information leveraging the principles of Raman scattering and optical time-domain reflection. For key devices such

as lasers, optical switches and detectors, the Company has significant technical and cost advantages in terms of

hardware designing, manufacturing, material matching and intelligent algorithms. The front-end optical fiber does

not need power supply, and can also resist high-voltage and strong electrical interference, which is intrinsically safe

without risk of explosions and suitable for flammable and explosive scenarios. The optical fiber material is

characterized by high deflection, small wire diameter (<3mm), which is easy to install and can be easily laid

according to the shape without network and electricity. The product is suitable for internal temperature measurement

in scenarios with limited spaces such as battery cell racks, hazardous chemical racks, switch cabinets, power

distribution cabinets, energy storage cabinets, and long-distance temperature measurement of linear objects such as

power transmission cables, oil and gas pipelines, thermal pipelines, which is widely used in new energy warehouses,

thermal pipelines, power pipelines, oil and gas storage tanks and other scenarios.

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3.1.2 Edge Domain Products: Further develop intelligent business scenarios and expand AIoT applications

     Hikvision constantly deepens the application scenarios of domain-level products, and makes breakthroughs

and innovations in industry applications. With the videos being upgraded from high-definition to ultra-clear image,

the in-depth development of AI technology and the integration of intelligence and Internet of Things, Hikvision

achieved multi-dimensional data transmission, storage and fusion applications, making the products more in line

with the development of the IoT era. The company is increasing its openness and gradually building an open

ecosystem for AIoT to help customers upgrade their business.

1) Integrated Devices for Intelligent Applications

     DeepinMind NVR, Core Product for Edge Domain: In 2022, Hikvision DeepinMind NVR kept improving

user experience, developing innovated AI technology, strengthening traditional video services, deepening intelligent

industry businesses, and rapidly upgrade the product systems.

     Hikvision keeps promoting "inclusive AI" and enriched lightweight intelligent products. In 2022, Hikvision

adhered to the trends of high definition and intelligence, releasing the 8K NVR and leading the industry in the

development of high-definition. It features HD recording, lightweight AI applications, multi-dimensional perception,

and on-demand data aggregation, which is intelligent, cost-effective and easy to use. Hikvision DeepinMind achieve

"algorithm self-learning", greatly improving the accuracy and automatic evolution of applications such as perimeter

prevention, and facilitates intelligent prevention upgrades.

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     Hikvision delves into intelligent industry business, gains insight into customer needs, and enhances product

capabilities. Focusing on the intelligent application of the industry, the Company has launched a variety of

intelligent product packages for scenarios such as cleaner kitchens, intelligent construction sites, intelligent

emergency management, intelligent power grid, and AI inspection DeepinMind fusion server to meet the intelligent

upgrade needs of the industry. Hikvision continued to improve DeepinMind computing, and achieved continuously

iterative in new technologies such as AI chip virtualization, algorithm orchestration, and algorithm self-learning.

Hikvision adheres to the concept of open cooperation, and establishes extensive ecological cooperation system while

providing the AI algorithm training capabilities and the HEOP protocol to the ecological partners.

     AIoT gateway——Multi-Dimensional Data Fusion Products: AIoT technology is developing rapidly, and

the data is richer and diverse. Hikvision domain-end AIoT products support data aggregation, data forwarding, data

fusion, intelligent analysis, and comprehensive application, which fit for small and medium-sized scenarios and

distributed scenarios. It supports application closed-loop of multi-dimensional perception data, and create value for

customers with data.

2) Smart Display and Video Conference Products

     Hikvision smart display and video conference products leverage screen display, touch interaction, video

conference and other technologies to create intelligent terminals and systems for the digital era. The products

integrate various media in physical space to provide integrated solutions for smart conference rooms, smart

classrooms and other scenarios through display, viewing and interaction.

     Smart Display Products: In 2022, the performance of smart display chips have been greatly upgraded, and

audio and video effects have been significantly improved. All series of conference flat panel chips have been

upgraded, and the comprehensive computing performance, the screen rendering capability have been significantly

improved, which perfectly support the mainstream video conference software. The enhanced pickup ability of built-

in microphone supports up to 15m sound pickup, intelligent sound screen adjustment and multi-angle directional

sound pickup. It also provides conference speaker mode and standard speaker mode in wall-mounted and mobile

bracket installation scenarios. The conference mode focuses on the clarity and comfort of the sound, while the

standard mode focuses on sound fidelity and sound quality. In terms of smart blackboards and interactive all-in-one

machines, the chips have been upgraded, while the touch response speed and the interaction fluency has been

significantly improved. The Company upgraded the visual angle and image quality of the built-in camera, so that

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the classroom can be viewed completely and clearly. The speaker is all-roundly upgraded to ensure the coverage of

every corners of the classroom, while the sound quality is optimized for specific scenarios such as listening tests to

ensure that the sound is highly restored. For other related devices such as microphones and high-speed scanners, the

Company improved the product compatibility to facilitate efficient teaching.

     Video conference products: In 2022, the product of video conference system was completely upgraded. The

whole system was upgraded to 4K ultra-high-definition resolution and integrated with microphone array and

intelligent noise-canceling algorithm, supporting intelligent functions like intelligent voice, real-time captioning,

electronic nameplate, speaker positioning and provides users with a good remote conference experience.

     Conference Management Software: In 2022, the rapidly iterated software version and gradual expansion of

application scenarios accelerated the formation of the intelligent conference room solution. The conference

management platform takes the conference flat panel as the core, and is equipped with the peripheral conference

room devices, combined with the business applications that control the entire meeting processes. The conference

management platform supports flexible switching between multiple scenarios, which can automatically control the

conference devices and the parameters. Moreover, it supports the connections between the online and offline

conference, and can connect with Tencent Meeting and EZVIEZ Conference ( 萤 石 易 会 ). The conference

management platform supports the management of multiple types of scenarios such as general meetings, video

conferences, reception meetings, and paperless meetings, leading to the initial formation of the intelligent

conference room solution.

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3) Intelligent Video Transmission Products

     Network nodes are the nexuses and hubs of Internet of things, and Hikvision intelligent video transmission

products can handle up to 5,000 video channels, providing stable and reliable network support for various scenario-

based applications. In 2022, the Company expanded the application of intelligent video transmission system in

scenarios such as highways, ports, primary and secondary schools, energy, scenic spots, enterprise zones, and

commercial complexes. In the highway scenario, relying on the ring network architecture, the reliability of network

can be effectively improved as the network topology manages the cameras of toll stations, road sections and service

areas. In primary and secondary school scenario, the campus network and security network have achieved unified

construction and centralized management, thereby shortening the construction period and saving costs. In the scenic

scenario, industrial switches can operate stably in environments with high humidity and large temperature

differences, and the high speed data transmission of the wireless bridge can reduce the wire installation and

maximize the protection of the natural ecology. In the future, the Company will keep expand its applications to help

customer reach a smart way to operate and maintain the network.

3.1.3 Cloud Center Products: A Solid Ground with Steady Improvements in Product Capabilities

     With the advent of the AIoT era, digitalization has become a trend. The amount of data computing has increased

significantly, resulting in an increasing demand for basic IT infrastructure. Hikvision continues to improve its

central computing and storage capabilities, with a rich product portfolio such as general computing server,

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intelligent computing server, big data server, converged storage, large-screen display and control, etc., providing a

complete AIoT-based IT solutions.

1) General Computing Products

     Hikvision has a variety of generic server products, providing X86/ARM and other products of mainstream

technology routes. It has launched various forms of server products from edge to center, including edge servers,

general-purpose workstations, tower servers and rack servers to meet the demands of the IoT and IT markets,

providing high-performance, high-reliability, and high-security computing infrastructure for various industries.

2) Intelligent Computing Products

     Intelligent servers provide intelligent computing capabilities required by AI, big data, and platform services.

Hikvision's products are constantly upgraded and innovated. Taking central computing as the major scenario, it

focuses on improving the performance and stability of the product as a whole, continuously improves the software

and hardware ecology, and has built a diversified technical route, which ensured good compatibility and cost

performance, as well as product competitiveness. The Company adopts new technologies such as self-learning and

large model to continuously improve the accuracy of algorithms, while improving the ability of algorithms to solve

complex scenario problems, forming a complete algorithm system.

3) Universal Storage Products

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       Over 18 years of accumulation in R&D, Hikvision’s storage products cover various business scenarios, forming

a complete product system of file storage and block storage. Based on its extensive understanding of different

scenarios, it has formed a dual system of server architecture and multi-controller architecture supported by the

hybrid flash (HDD and SSD hybrid storage) and all-flash (full SSD storage) technologies, which better supported

the application of fusion storage, distributed storage and cloud storage, and greatly improved the capacity to

undertake private and public cloud solutions.

4) Fusion Storage Products

       In order to meet the storage needs of IoT's multi-dimensional perception data, Hikvision has launched a multi-

dimensional perception data storage solution based on powerful video stream storage capabilities. With a more

optimized and more suitable storage model for business applications, it ensures the fast, safe and effective storage

of various non-standard format data of AIoT. Products are widely used in various industries, and in the research

report released by IDC1, Hikvision's stream storage products ranked in the forefront in terms of sales.

       Based on its profound understanding of massive data storage such as videos and images, Hikvision released a

video cloud storage system based on stream storage technology, providing a storage resource pooling solution for

large-scale image applications. At present, it has covered multiple series of products in different scenarios from

stand-alone to cloud-based solutions, from small disk locations to high-density solutions, and from non-standard

scenarios to standardized computer room applications, which satisfies the growing data storage needs.

5) Large Screen Displays and Control Products

       Hikvision’s display products, powered by video processing technology, image restoration technology, image

augmentation technology, ultra-high-definition technology, and smart interaction technology, is widely used in

scenarios such as monitoring centers, command centers, cloud center and big data center. The Company continues

to invest in Mini LED, COB and energy efficient products, improving heat dissipation with innovations such as flip

installation and common cathode technology, and expanding its presence to conference room scene. Focusing on

better color consistency and higher definition resolution, the Company further developed application scenarios in

the field of professional display and commercial display, and provided cost-effective display products and display


       For scenarios such as command center, monitoring center, and conference display, Hikvision launched the third

1   Data from IDC China Quarterly External Disk Storage Market Tracker (Q2 2022).

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generation of video integrated platform products and splicing controller to improve the efficiency of command,

scheduling and business display. For the command center and monitoring center scenarios, the third generation of

video integrated platform adopts brand-new high-speed bus system architecture, which has the real-time video data

computing processing capabilities for high frame rate, high bit depth, wide color gamut, and high dynamic, applying

Hikvision's leading video technology to achieve complete image display effect. For the conference display scenario,

the high-definition audio and video technology, intelligent interaction technology, IoT perception technology and

3D display technology applied in the third generation of splicing controller provide users with an immersive

interactive experience.

3.2 Software Product Family: Software Platforms + Intelligent Algorithms + Data Models + Business Services

     Hikvision’s software product family is composed of software platforms, intelligent algorithms, data modeling

and business services.

3.2.1 Software Platforms: Basic Platforms + General Platforms + Industry-specific Platforms

     Basic software platforms: The ecosystem of "two pools, three libraries, seven platforms and one

environment" was continuously enriched and improved. "Two pools" refer to computing storage resource pool and

data resource pool, where the computing storage resource pool contains cloud computing platform and cloud storage

platform, and the data resource pool contains the products related to basic big data platform. "Three libraries" refer

to component library, algorithm library, and model library, respectively supporting the management and reuse of

components, algorithms and models. "Seven platforms" refer to the resource management and scheduling platform,

intelligent perception networking platform, AI open platform, fusion of perceptions platform, iDatafusion platform,

intelligent application open platform, and integrated operation and maintenance service platform, providing

intelligent applications with storage and computing resource scheduling, equipment access and networking,

intelligent algorithm training, intelligent service publishing, data aggregation management, intelligent application

development, and integrated operation and maintenance service capabilities. "One environment" refers to the four-

dimensional space operation environment, that is, the virtual space-time operation environment corresponding to

the physical world. It supports the storage, correlation and analysis of information collected by perception

technology and other data in the same environment, and supports the configuration of visual applications and the

association with data in the case of low-coding.

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     General software platforms: Provides general software functions across multiple industries, including

general security and protection, visual command, alarm management, inspection supervision, conference interaction,

and content release. The general software platform of visual command, as an example, includes AR virtualization

platform, VR panoramic application platform, integrated communication application platform, intelligent large-

screen management platform and portable law enforcement integrated management platform.

     Industry-specific software platforms: Hikvision, serving over 70 sub-industries, has gradually built 110

industry-specific software platforms. Taking the traffic control industry as an example, we provide platforms such

as the comprehensive traffic management and control platform, the urban traffic situation analysis and judgment

platform, the traffic accident investigation and judgment platform, the law enforcement management platform, the

smart traffic signal control platform, the highway traffic safety monitoring and management platform, the smart

check station platform, and the intelligent inspection platform for driving control.

3.2.2 Intelligent Algorithms: General Algorithms + Industry-specific Algorithms

     Hikvision has accumulated a large number of video artificial intelligence analysis algorithms in the process of

serving various industries which can be divided into general algorithms and industry-specific algorithms.

     General Algorithms: Algorithms that can be used for the development of intelligent applications in multiple

industries. For example, intelligent scenario inspection algorithm, image and text recognition algorithm, video and

image quality recognition algorithm, algorithms to detect and classify transportation equipment, motor vehicles and

non-motor vehicles, and algorithms to detect traffic flow of people and vehicles, etc.

     Industry-specific Algorithms: Algorithms that developed for industry-specific application demands. For

example, illegal occupation detection, illegal construction detection, and human/vehicle/material detection in the

construction process for state-owned land resources; urban appearance detection and street order detection for

municipal management; safety helmet wearing detection, hot operation detection, labor suit detection, overrun

detection for safety production and emergency management; vessel detection, floating debris detection, fishing

detection for water environment management; illegal passenger boarding detection and driving behavior detection

of drivers for key vehicle supervision; chef's hat, uniform and mask inspection for "Cleaner Kitchens"; fire escape

occupancy detection for community fire safety; abnormal garbage sorting detection for community garbage

classification management.

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3.2.3 Data Model: Industrial Business Data Model

     Hikvision provides big data application services for various industries based on the big data collection,

management, analysis and service capabilities provided by the iDatafusion platform. In this process, we have

accumulated a batch of industrial business data models, which can be managed by the model library, and can be

replicated and optimized in other similar application scenarios.

     Taking transportation industry as an example, we provide an highway traffic situation analysis model, illegal

parking remediation model, urban road traffic operation evaluation and diagnosis model, urban road traffic tracing

analysis model, urban road traffic short-term prediction model, high-precision real-time online traffic flow

simulation model, changeable lane feature research and judgment and control model, tidal lane feature research and

judgment and control model, public transportation priority signal control model, time-space analysis and judgment

model for fake-licensed vehicles, racketeering car analysis model, traffic accident address analysis model based on

standard semantic analysis, public transportation OD passenger flow analysis model, highway truck detour analysis

model, driving behavior habit label and comprehensive scoring model, driving behavior safety risk management

and control model, and risky section mining model based on active safety data.

3.2.4 Business Services: System Operation and Maintenance + Data Engineering + Business Operations

     Hikvision, concerned with users’ application demands, explores the transformation from being a product and

system supplier to being a service provider for certain businesses.

     System Operation and Maintenance Services: Hikvision provides system operation and maintenance

services to certain customers. For systems and equipment that have exceeded the warranty period, the team will

offer professional system operation and maintenance services.

     Data Engineering Services: Hikvision delivers data engineering services including IoT resources

management, and integration of data collection, management and services.

     Business Operations Services: Hikvision offers over 10 business operation services based on the internet

operation platform and its private deployment methods. Among them, urban parking operation services have been

adopted in more than 300 cities, and its coverage scope is expanding continuously. The number of users of business

operation platforms for fire protection operation, intelligent community operation, garbage classification intelligent

management, safety risk monitoring and pre-warning, intelligent elevator management are also increasing.

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4. Industry Applications

     Hikvision’s three domestic business groups aim to serve the public service sector, enterprises and institutions,

and small and medium-sized businesses respectively, providing relevant solutions according to customers’

differentiated needs and enabling digital transformation for customers. The Company’s international business is

country-specific, providing overseas customers with local support for the entire process from R&D, manufacturing,

logistics and services, and continuously improving its global marketing service network.

4.1 Public Business Group (PBG): Enhance Product and System Capabilities to Boost Digital Government


4.1.1 Overview

     The construction of digital governments has been accelerated during the 14th Five-Year Plan period in China.

As IoT perception, AI, big data and cloud computing and other technologies are increasingly used in this process,

the importance of data and AI governance has attracted growing attention, and enhancing data and AI governance

capability has become an important part of the construction of digital governments. Digital government

transformation shows a trend towards intensive and scientific construction featuring "construction of perception

technologies in a systematic way, unified management by one network, unified operation and maintenance,

empowerment with data and AI, and promoting construction through application."

     Combining AIoT technology with years of profound understanding of the needs of users in the public service

field, Hikvision continues its efforts in five industrial businesses, security, traffic, ecosystem, governance and

service. Moreover, the Company integrates product and technology capabilities to support the data and AI

governance of governments at municipal, county, town, village and community levels. With the philosophy of "AI

universal empowerment and deepening of data value", Hikvision has constantly expanded its product portfolio in

terms of "hardware, platforms, algorithms, models and services" and deeply integrated product and system

capabilities with a focus on the value fulfillment of solutions. Ultimately, the Company serves to empower digital

government transformation through the comprehensive expansion of intelligent businesses in public security,

transportation, urban governance, livelihood services, ecological and environmental protection, etc.

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4.1.2 Core Technologies: Strengthen Basic Capabilities of AIoT, Expand Industry Applications, and

Consolidate Industrial Services

     In response to the urgent need for digital government transformation, Hikvision continues to strengthen

urban-level basic capabilities of AIoT such as Perception Base, Intelligence Base, Data Base and Empowering

Platform. The Company intensifies its efforts in various sectors and expands applications across industry

segments, developing and consolidating its industrial service capabilities.

1)Basic capabilities of AIoT

     Perception Base: Hikvision creates a scientific deployment system for the evaluation and planning of urban

perception capabilities based on the perception needs of business scenarios in industry segments. The Company

continues its efforts in full-stack spectrum and multi-dimensional perception, and expands its product portfolio to

support universal intelligent connection between various existing and new perception resources in different

industries or cities and provide rich and vivid urban perception data for industry applications.

     Intelligent Base: Utilizing core AI capabilities such as intelligent identification, intelligent scheduling and

intelligent research and judgment, Hikvision enriches and optimizes the intelligent algorithms adapted to various

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industrial scenarios, and provides unified management and scheduling of intelligent resources, scenario-based

arrangement of intelligent tasks, strategy research and judgment to achieve intensive, efficient and accurate

extraction of valuable information about videos and images.

     Data Base: Hikvision supports the entire process from multi-dimensional data aggregation, data processing,

data governance, data mining and data service for different industries or cities. Furthermore, the Company improves

data quality through data cleaning, conversion and governance, explores data value using cognitive model,

knowledge graph and other technologies, and enables data publishing and sharing by means of data resource

directory, interface directory and push subscription.

     Empowering Platform: Owing to the basic capabilities provided by Perception Base, Intelligence Base and

Data Base, Hikvision builds an empowering platform highlighting common construction, sharing and use. The

Company enables co-construction of locations, video sharing, algorithm co-management, capacity sharing,

computing power integration, and event co-governance across industries and departments through integration and

utilization of perception, intelligence and data resources of different industries or cities, empowering their quick

construction of intelligent scenario-based applications. Over the past year, the Fusion of Perceptions Empowering

Platform has been successfully used in more than 130 projects across 79 cities of 26 provinces in China, covering a

number of industries including smart city, smart transportation, smart water conservancy, emergency management,

urban management and ecological environment.

2)Industrial applications

     Hikvision continues its efforts in different industry segments. With scenario-based AIoT capabilities, the

Company continuously expands scenario-oriented intelligent applications in various industries and promotes the

establishment of an entire business chain. The Company has sorted out more than 2,000 business scenarios,

developed more than 250 industrial solutions and improved more than 500 intelligent industrial applications with a

focus on public security, traffic management, transportation, urban governance, ecological and environmental

protection, livelihood services and other sectors. All these efforts are aimed at optimizing government's operational

mechanisms and construction modes, and providing strong support for modernized urban governance.

3)Industrial services

     Combining a profound understanding of each industry with years of experience, Hikvision has continuously

consolidated its service capabilities in AI engineering, data engineering, business operation and system operation

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and maintenance. The Company has also established a nationwide professional service team to enhance the loyalty

of users.

     AI engineering services: Hikvision provides users with scenario-based AI engineering services, including

personalized algorithm training, tuning of intelligent algorithms, tuning of correlation clustering, intelligent scenario

arrangement, event analysis, and event identification. The Company has provided AI engineering services for more

than 50 projects.

     Data engineering services: Hikvision provides users with data engineering services involving multi-

dimensional perception data and business data, including IoT resource calibration, data probing, data governance,

data organization, and BI visualization analysis. The Company has provided data engineering services for 220


     Business operation services: Hikvision has increasingly expanded the scope of business operation services

which provided based on Internet operation platforms, and it has covered a number of fields including

comprehensive urban operations, urban parking operations, firefighting operations, community security operations,

security inspection operations, and intelligent management of garbage classification.

4.1.3 Value Fulfillment

     While deepening its understanding of business in public security, transportation, urban governance, livelihood

services, ecological and environmental protection and other fields, Hikvision strives to build the capabilities of the

"Perception Base, Intelligence Base and Data Base" for cities with a focus on perception, intelligence and data. In

addition, the Company has continuously expanded smart industrial services through the Fusion of Perceptions

Empowering Platform. It is committed to making cities smarter, society safer, transportation more convenient,

governance more refined, services more targeted, and the ecological environment more livable.

1)Smarter cities

     In the field of smart cities, Hikvision focuses on governance with perception data and empowerment with

data and AI. The Company has optimized the urban perception networking system, promoted an organic integration

of multi-source data, and created an ecosystem of AIoT perception application with the goal of empowering multiple

businesses with data and AI. Utilizing IoT, AI, big data and other technologies, the Company has established a

governance network that is responsive, comprehensive, intelligent, efficient and collaborative, assisting in

developing an efficient, accurate, and smart urban digital governance system that makes the city smarter.

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     Hikvision continues to optimize the Fusion of Perceptions Empowering Platform. Guided by the core

philosophy of "co-construction of different equipment, video sharing, algorithm co-management, capacity sharing,

computing power integration, and event co-governance," the Company cultivates unified video convergence,

catalog governance, algorithm management, arrangement and scheduling, and open sharing capabilities for cities to

meet the needs of visualized and intelligent applications across industries and departments.

     In the area of primary-level governance, Hikvision provides a smart management platform which focuses

on the daily management needs of primary-level governance and realizes intelligent identification of violations

through products such as urban management dome cameras, intelligent access control, and intelligent fire protection.

Also, it provides primary-level workbenches, early warning, and comprehensive scheduling applications, gathers,

assigns and addresses events, and supports the development of primary-level governance capabilities. This platform

enables home safety warning for the elderly, school gate supervision, and fire safety control, helping to improve

primary-level service capabilities. Furthermore, the platform supports population management, rental housing

management, smart supervision of dump trucks, smart store management, and supervision of people throwing

objects from heights, helping to increase public management efficiency.

     In terms of rural revitalization, Hikvision provides a management platform for digital villages. With the

support of rural revitalization policy, the platform enables digital planting, rural live streaming and other

applications for multiple scenarios including rural industries, ecological protection, rural governance, and rural

services, promoting the high-quality development of characteristic industries such as rural agriculture and tourism.

Moreover, the platform achieves management of straw burning prohibition, intelligent farmland protection, and

water environment monitoring, facilitating disaster prevention and ecological environment protection. The platform

is also used for rural appearance inspection, fire safety supervision, and comprehensive command and scheduling,

intelligently identifying and addressing uncivilized acts such as littering, and helping to improve the comprehensive

governance capacity of rural areas. In addition, the platform provides intelligent elderly care, digital radio, and other

applications that monitor the safety of elderly people living alone and enable convenient access to rural information,

driving the construction of rural service systems.

2)Safer societies

     In public safety domain, Hikvision combines the deep understanding of businesses with AIoT technology.

Drawing on its accumulation of visible light technologies, the Company has taken a leap from DarkFighter to

DarkFighterX and from black & white to ColorVu, delivering a high-definition intelligent view in all weathers and

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at every moment. Meanwhile, the Company has continuously improved the product mix in X-ray, thermal imaging,

sound wave, radar and other sectors, achieving comprehensive perception of public safety elements.

     Based on the capabilities of its intelligent video image application system developed over the years, Hikvision

not only provides security guarantee for cities, but also extends its business to the public security control and service

of the countryside, railway lines, river basins and other scenarios.

     Hikvision has enhanced all-round situational perception capabilities for public security by utilizing "perception

integration, computing integration, intelligence integration, data aggregation, application integration, and the

combination of operation and maintenance." Empowered by technology, the Company strives to escort a peaceful

China by reducing burden and increasing efficiency for users at all levels.

     In terms of traffic safety, Hikvision provides intelligent detection capability for road traffic violations such

as red-light running, driving on wrong road side, overrun, overspeed, improper hanging of the number plate,

deliberate shielding and defacement of the number plate, inconsistent driving model, disqualified driving, non-

motor vehicle violation, pedestrian violation, dangerous driving, truck compartments carrying passengers, vehicle

overload, truck turning right without stopping. Also, it provides data applications for real-time severe weather

warning, traffic conflict warning, traffic accident portrait analysis, structural hazard analysis and dynamic conflict

analysis of the road network, road network safety optimization, research and judgment of suspicious vehicles and

overloaded vehicles bypassing, thus helping ensure a safe transportation environment. In 2022, the severe weather

warning system was improved to enhance the safety of the highway network. The structural hazard analysis and

dynamic conflict analysis of the road network were strengthened by providing professional suggestions for

organizational optimization based on the identification of road network hazards using static road network and

dynamic radar data as well as knowledge graphs in traffic engineering. Furthermore, the traffic safety intervention

system was enhanced by providing multi-tier deceleration capability for dynamic traffic flow based on perception

of road network safety events in addition to the traditional violation snapshot and intelligence board warning.

     Hikvision provides vehicle sensing technologies to ensure vehicle safety, delivering collision warning,

panoramic view, blind spot detection and other applications for buses, passenger vehicles, freight vehicles and

online ride-hailing vehicles. The Company has served hundreds of transportation enterprises, contributing to vehicle


     Hikvision delivers multi-dimensional perception capabilities to ensure road safety, providing perception, data

analysis and warning for scenarios such as road event detection, sharp road turn warning, and slope falling rock

warning to help reduce road safety risks.

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     Hikvision provides intelligent application capabilities based on multi-dimensional perception, delivering

perception, intelligent analysis, and warning capabilities for security checks at airports, urban rail transit, and

railways. The Company has improved the efficiency of security check for many airports, urban rail transit, and

railway stations.

     In emergency management, Hikvision provides an integrated solution for emergency management. To deal

with the production safety risks of hazardous chemicals companies, fireworks and firecrackers businesses, non-coal

mining enterprises, tailings ponds and other types of enterprises, the Company established an efficient system for

production safety monitoring and warning that enables data access and analysis, intelligent warning, hierarchical

push notifications, information backup and other applications to effectively address the supervision pain points of

users. For forest fires, floods, geological disasters and other natural disasters, Hikvision provides solutions such as

comprehensive monitoring of all elements, disaster warning, comprehensive risk assessment, analysis, consultation,

research and judgment of disaster progression, laying a solid foundation for disaster prevention and mitigation and

establishing a sound system for natural disaster monitoring and warning. For different kinds of sudden accidents

and disasters, the Company provides emergency command and dispatch capability, including key applications such

as on-duty management, emergency plans management, coordination and consultation, command and dispatch,

summary and evaluation, helping users to enhance emergency response and rescue capabilities, reduce disaster

losses, and build a complete emergency command and rescue system.

3)More convenient transportation

     As for traffic management, Hikvision provides intelligent signal control capabilities such as single-location

adaptive control based on real-time traffic parameter perception, dynamic/static trunk green wave control and

regional coordinated control, supporting tidal lanes, variable lanes, roundabouts, bus priority, turning left from the

opposite lane, bottleneck control, pedestrian crossing and other intelligent control modes. The Company delivers

professional smart travel service capabilities such as city-level unified signal control, traffic situation research and

judgment, intersection problem diagnosis, event monitoring, digital intersections, traffic flow tracing, traffic

simulation, intelligent guidance, vehicle traffic management, real-scene command, information analysis,

information research and judgment, intelligent service research and judgment, key vehicle protection, and green

parking. Also, it provides the "Data and AI-Based Traffic Management Base" incorporating road network

computing, data computing and model computing. In 2022, signal machines continued to rank high in the industry

with annual sales of more than 10,000 units. A new "digital intersection" solution was launched to provide data

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research and judgment and dynamic warning capabilities apart from basic dynamic three-dimensional presentation

capabilities. The intersection problem diagnosis capabilities were improved by providing professional suggestions

for organizational optimization based on the identification of signal timing and traffic organization issues using

static road network and dynamic vehicle traffic data as well as knowledge graphs in traffic engineering

     In highway transportation, Hikvision fully combines the IoT perception technology with industry scenarios

to deliver safe and efficient monitoring capabilities for highway maintenance, bridges, slopes, tunnels and other

scenarios. It also provides abnormality detection and data analysis capabilities for highway events and weather, as

well as visualized industry supervision capabilities for engineering construction and industry management. The

Company has served thousands of users in this area.

     With regard to port management, utilizing multi-dimensional perception and AI algorithms, Hikvision has

developed scenario-based solutions such as standard management of work wear, dangerous operation management,

blind spot warning for port machines and failure warning for production equipment, which cover "people, vehicles,

goods, machines and environment" and other elements. The Company has served nearly 100 port enterprises,

ensuring port operation safety and improving management efficiency.

     In railway transportation and rail transit, Hikvision provides comprehensive monitoring and detection in

scenarios such as railway stations and hubs, freight yards, power substations, train carriages and railway lines

through multi-dimensional perception technology, serving 18 railway administration groups and hundreds of high-

speed railway station hubs across China. Hikvision’s technologies have been applied to public safety precautions,

smart operation, intelligent operation and maintenance, digital service and other scenarios in over 100 urban rail

transit lines in the country, providing support and guarantee for the safe, efficient and smooth operation of urban

rail transit and creating a safer and more comfortable ride experience for citizens.

     As for airport travel, Hikvision offers passengers convenient and intelligent parking guidance, automatic

parking, smart navigation display, paperless customs clearance, easy transfer guidance, ramp space management

and other applications in nearly 100 airports, helping to build a safe, green and intelligent airport.

4)More refined governance

     In urban management, Hikvision offers a smart urban management platform that provides warning and

algorithmic scheduling capabilities for nearly 70 types of violations ranging from fixed locations to mobile

inspection and from a single scenario to a complex area through urban management dome cameras, urban

management panoramic PTZ cameras and intelligent analysis servers. The platform provides mobile intelligent data

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collection, intelligent violation inspection, urban waterlogging monitoring, command and dispatch, operation and

monitoring centers and other applications, helping to create a tidy and orderly urban environment.

     In terms of municipal administration, Hikvision provides a smart municipal supervision platform with a

focus on municipal facilities such as manhole covers, garbage cans and street lights, as well as municipal events

such as waterlogging and road damage. The platform integrates problem collection, dispatching and handling, and

feedback and evaluation through the use of IoT devices including intelligent monitoring terminals for manhole

covers, water level cameras, and radar level meters, facilitating targeted municipal management services.

     In terms of city appearance and environmental sanitation, Hikvision provides a smart sanitation platform

and a garbage classification and supervision platform for manual or vehicle-based sanitation operations, garbage

classification and other scenarios. The platforms enable supervision of manual or vehicle-based operations, garbage

classification management, yard operation supervision and other applications through the use of intelligent

transmission control units, garbage classification cameras, Intelligent Analysis DeepinMind and other equipment,

improving refined sanitation management capabilities.

     As for law enforcement, Hikvision provides a comprehensive management platform for mobile law

enforcement with a focus on law enforcement event collection, law enforcement process recording, law enforcement

case area and other scenarios. The platform allows off-site collection of law enforcement events, management of

objects of law enforcement, command and dispatch, electronic evidence management, intelligent review and closure

of cases and other applications through the use of law enforcement recorders, law enforcement case terminals,

collection stations and other devices, helping to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive law enforcement.

5)More targeted services

     In the field of government services, Hikvision provides a comprehensive management platform for smart

government halls with a focus on various government service halls, convenience service centers, and other scenarios.

The platform provides hall operation management, government information publishing, and electronic video

monitoring through the use of AR panoramic cameras, passenger flow monitoring cameras, and window service

management servers, helping to make government services more efficient and standardized.

     In terms of market supervision, Hikvision provides management platforms such as elevator networking,

forklift supervision, and food safety networking. These platforms enable special equipment supervision, off-site

supervision of kitchens and other applications through the use of elevator monitoring cameras, intelligent forklift

supervision and analysis machines, and dedicated cameras for kitchens and other products, helping to improve

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digital supervision capabilities.

     As for smart communities, Hikvision provides a comprehensive management platform that allows

supervision of people throwing objects from heights, electric vehicle safety management, street store management ,

elderly care services, smart property management and other applications through the use of dedicated cameras for

detecting people throwing objects from heights, electric vehicle detection cameras, urban management dome

cameras, intelligent access control, smart smoke sensors and other products, helping community services become

more effective.

     With regard to elderly care services by civil administration departments, Hikvision creates systematic

solutions for homes, communities and institutions, featuring applications such as elderly security, smart nursing,

health monitoring and caring services through intelligent elderly care all-in-one machine, alarm box, fall detection

radar and other equipment, providing technology support for the safety of the elderly, intelligent and convenient

means for the smooth operation of geriatric nursing institutions, and service data support for civil administration


6)A more livable ecological environment

     With the help of video, radar, thermal imaging, and hyperspectral and other multi-dimensional perception and

intelligent analysis technologies, Hikvision strives to build an ecological monitoring, management and service

system for natural resources, ecological environment, meteorology and other businesses, creating a more livable

ecological environment.

     To help protect natural resources, Hikvision sets up an intelligent management platform for nature reserves.

Bi-spectrum thermal imaging, wildlife protection cameras, insect detection lamps and road cameras are combined

with animal identification, fireworks identification and other algorithms for applications such as wildlife monitoring,

forest and grass fire prevention, pest monitoring, human activity management, ecological live streaming, promoting

natural ecological protection as well as science popularization and education. The forest fire monitoring and warning

platform is built to monitor forest fires and human activities through high-point bi-spectrum thermal imaging and

low-point intelligent cameras, realizing fire monitoring and warning, fire research and judgment, fire disposal, sand

modelling, rescue force recommendation, disaster damage assessment, and other functions, and enhancing

comprehensive forest fire prevention and control capabilities. A smart monitoring platform for natural resources is

created to identify characteristic elements of suspected illegal activities through high-point intelligent cameras and

bispectral thermal imaging, etc., implementing applications such as farmland protection and supervision of illegal

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mining, thereby effectively enhancing natural resource monitoring and supervision capabilities. A cloud platform

for geological disaster monitoring is built to monitor rainfall, surface displacement, soil moisture content and other

factors through video GNSS2, rainfall gauges, soil moisture meters and other devices, achieving three-dimensional

and visual monitoring of geological disasters such as landslides, collapses and debris flows, and facilitating early

detection and elimination of geological hazards.

       For the purpose of smart water conservancy, Hikvision provides an intelligent management platform for

river and lake management and protection. Through AI analysis for videos, multi-spectrum visual perception,

satellite remote sensing interpretation and other technologies, the platform can intelligently detect the disorder and

chaos events of rivers and lakes, such as illegal sand excavation, shoreline destruction and garbage stacking, helping

to improve the long-term protection and dynamic control of rivers and lakes, revive the ecology of rivers and banks,

and create a beautiful environment. A smart        safety management platform for water conservancy is set up to

achieve applications such as safety monitoring, equipment monitoring and intelligent inspection of dams,

embankments, water gates, and pumping stations through video GNSS, seepage and seepage pressure meters,

hydrological monitoring camera, thermal imaging, and inspection robots, etc., and integrate information on work

conditions and rain conditions with real-time panoramic AR images, thus obtaining real-time updates on safe project

operation and protecting water conservancy projects during floods. A command and scheduling platform for water

disaster prevention is provided to integrate audio and video resources such as voice and video conference through

the integrated communication gateway, offer GIS scheduling, conference scheduling, video scheduling and other

functions, and realize "full access for one system, full connectivity of one network, full display on one screen,"

ensuring vertical linkage and horizontal coordination of flood control command and scheduling. Comprehensive

monitoring and management platform for small reservoirs is formulated to protect the safety of small reservoirs

during floods. An irrigation area management platform is provided to offer functional applications such as water

measurement management and irrigation area safety inspection, improve water conservation capability of irrigation

areas, and facilitate the renovation and modernization of irrigation areas. A water plant safety management platform

is created to achieve safety management of water plants and secondary water supply pump houses through thermal

imaging, and industrial auscultation, etc., ensuring safe production of water plants and pump houses.

       As for ecological protection, Hikvision provides a smart monitoring platform for the atmospheric

environment, using LiDAR, hyperspectral Fourier transform, thermal imaging, video AI and other technologies to

2   GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System.

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achieve intelligent applications such as prohibition of straw burning, VOCs 3 monitoring, particulate matter

monitoring, exhaust gas monitoring and dust control. Through innovative technologies, the Company strives to

protect the environment, support more real, accurate and comprehensive atmospheric environment monitoring, and

enable efficient supervision, thus helping to defend the blue sky. A smart monitoring platform for the water

environment is created to monitor water quality factors such as chlorophyll, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in

rivers and lakes through the self-developed hyperspectral water quality monitor, providing water quality monitoring,

trend analysis, water quality evaluation, pollution traceability and other intelligent applications, helping users gain

an understanding of the status and changing trend of water environment quality and providing support for rapid

resolution of water pollution events. A water source monitoring platform is established to provide intelligent

applications such as water environment monitoring, entrance and exit control, and human activity monitoring

through hyperspectral water quality monitors, AR panoramic camera, bi-spectrum PTZ cameras, road cameras, and

intelligent sound columns and other equipment, supporting intelligent water source monitoring and ensuring

drinking water safety. A river or marine outfall supervision solution is developed to provide video surveillance,

water quality monitoring, online inspection and other intelligent applications, facilitating the supervision and

management of all aspects from receiving water and outfalls. A pollution source management and control solution

is offered to provide station visualization, AI-based intelligent supervision, converged communication and other

intelligent applications, and intelligently identify illegal pollution discharges or falsification, promoting off-site law

enforcement concerning pollution sources. A smart whole-process supervision platform for solid waste is created

to achieve the closed-loop management of solid waste throughout the process from generation, collection, storage,

transfer and disposal through such technologies as IoT, video AI and big data. Dynamic data collection and

intelligent analysis and warning are used to deliver intelligent applications such as "refined supervision, whole-

process supervision, risk supervision and law enforcement supervision" of solid waste, effectively curbing illegal

dumping and preventing environmental risks.

       In meteorological operations, Hikvision works with the meteorological department to develop a national

meteorological live image capture, transmission and management system, realizing effective integration and on-

demand sharing of live videos from national and provincial observation stations and field research groups. A safety

management system for weather modification (artificially modified weather) operations is established to enable

intelligent control of key sites, and coordinated command between superior and subordinates, thus improving the

3   VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds.

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safety supervision capability of weather modification operations. An intelligent meteorological observation system

is built for the intelligent observation of cloud cover, cloud shape, visibility, snow cover and other meteorological

elements by means of sky imagers and intelligent meteorological observation cameras and other dedicated

equipment, taking meteorological observation to the next level. An management platform for unattended

observation stations is established to enable prevention and alarming and video tracking using radars, videos and

other equipment, achieving 24-hour intelligent guarding of observation sites.

4.1.4 Outlook

     As the construction of digital economy, society and governments gains speed, IoT perception, AI, big data and

other technologies continue to find applications in cities and industries, gradually fulfilling their value. The

application of ubiquitous security has expanded from public security to security control needs in various fields

including public areas, municipal administration, transportation, resources, and production in a broader sense. Its

application in a single industry has been gradually brought to a new level with growing demand for integration and

empowerment based on all scenarios, all weathers and all-round perception. The picture of a smart city is

increasingly clearer, transforming from "all operations via one network" to "unified management via one network",

from "Internet +" to "intelligent +", and from "scenario intelligence to "industry intelligence."

     With a user-centered approach, Hikvision seeks to work with partners in the AIoT sector such as research

institutes, product providers, algorithm vendors, independent software developers, system integrators and product

distributors to create a closed-loop ecosystem that covers the entire value chain from technology, products to

solutions and services by understanding the core needs of users. Moreover, the Company will continue to promote

the upgrading of products, systems and services, while providing high-quality technologies, products and services

to industrial users in the public service field.

4.2 Enterprise Business Group (EBG): Promote Innovative Development of Businesses through AIoT

4.2.1 Overview

     Based on AIoT technology, Hikvision offers better industry insight and actively explores digital application

scenarios. In 2022, Hikvision built solution capabilities around two core business areas, "safeguarding enterprise-

wide security " and "enhancing asset operation efficiency," while creating digital transformation solutions for key

application scenarios such as enterprise safety production, people and vehicle safety management, integration of

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park security and fire protection, enterprise emergency command, operation efficiency improvement, equipment

and facility management, good and material management, and smart space management.

4.2.2 Core Technologies: Consolidate AIoT Base and Enhance Value Delivery

     Hikvision builds an AIoT-based product and solution system powered by multi-dimensional perception, AI,

low-code, cloud services and other technologies. Multi-dimensional intelligent perception products are used to push

the boundaries of perception and generate a variety of perception data, while AI engineering services aim to reduce

AI empowerment costs and enable fast delivery for partners. Moreover, Hikvision Huipin Application

Empowerment Platform is utilized to support the rapid launch of digital applications enabled by low-code

technology, whereas Hik-Cloud Platform is established to provide standardized industry applications and serve

more industry users.

1)Continuously push the boundaries of perception with a multi-dimensional perception product mix

     Hikvision continues to improve the multi-dimensional perception products mix using AIoT technology. The

Company has launched perception products to enhance universal perception capability, while strengthening scenario

adaptation capability and creating diversified product forms to meet the needs of multivariate scenarios.

     Hikvision integrates a variety of perception technologies to further improve its product mix. Existing products

include a millimeter wave imaging radar for volume measurement of stacked materials, which realizes accurate

measurement of raw material reserves; an ultraviolet imaging PTZ camera that can accurately detect electric arcs,

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monitoring abnormal discharge of electric power equipment; a gas cloud imaging PTZ camera based on spectral

imaging technology, which detects gas leakage in production environments; auscultation optical fiber that supports

equipment sound monitoring for timely detection of abnormal operation of belt rollers; optical fiber for temperature

measurement in confined spaces, which monitors real-time temperature of new energy batteries during the aging

process; an acoustic imager capable of locating sound sources and intensity, used for long-distance detection of

pipeline gas leaks or partial discharges in high-voltage systems; an intelligent X-ray counter, used for rapid counting

of the number of production components, etc.

     Hikvision continues to expand application scenarios by exploring new industry applications. For example, the

low-temperature-resistant camera is designed for ultra-low environments and is used in the whole-process

supervision of cold chain logistics, while the self-cleaning camera is designed for high dust environments and is

used in the regular cleaning of lenses to guarantee imaging quality. The anti-corrosion camera made of polymer

materials is designed for perishable environments and is used to guarantee the long-term reliable operation of

equipment, whereas the medical dedicated PDA is designed for medical high frequency sterilization and other

environments and is utilized in bedside data collection, medical order execution and other business management

activities in hospitals. Furthermore, the explosion-proof level meter is designed for the internal environment of

hazardous chemical tanks and can accurately measure the height of stored solids/liquids, while the explosion-proof

PTZ camera designed for Zone 14 explosion-proof scenarios finds application in safety supervision of restricted

space operations in chemical enterprises. The intrinsically safe bi-spectrum thermal imaging camera designed for

explosion-proof environments in coal mines is used to monitor underground equipment for abnormal temperatures

in these locations.

2)Expand the applications of AI with an AI engineering service system

     Hikvision is committed to transforming AI technology into effective productivity. The Company actively

builds an AI engineering service system to reduce the technical requirements for the application of AI in industry

scenarios and improve application effects.

     In 2022, Hikvision’s AI engineering services promoted successful implementation of increasing scenario-

based AI applications. The Company has created a series of AI engineering models covering general business

scenarios such as standardized operation, auxiliary automation, warehouse management, material inventory and

4 Zone 1 explosion-proof: A classification of the explosive environment. Zone 1 refers to an area where flammable or explosive
gases or vapors may be present in the normal environment.

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store retail to effectively reduce the deployment cost of AI applications in these business scenarios and effectively

achieve hazard detection, efficiency improvement and other business management objectives for users.

     As the application scenarios of AI continued to emerge, the number of enterprise users of the AI open platform

rapidly increased from more than 8,000 to more than 15,000 in 2022. To better serve the scenario-based intelligent

needs of enterprises, Hikvision continues to improve its AI engineering service system and provide diverse

empowerment solutions for partners of different scales and with different advantages, helping partners to develop

business applications and enhance business implementation capabilities.

3)Build a business engine system through the Huipin Application Empowerment Platform

     The Hikvision Huipin Application Empowerment Platform is built based on a unified software technology

architecture, which is suitable for use in many industries. The Company has also developed a software business

engine system powered by low-code technology, which quickly meets corporate business needs and help users

quickly deploy digital applications through visualized rule configuration, drag-and-drop process design, and

customized data reports.

     The Hikvision Huipin Application Empowerment Platform provides a line of systematic business engines.

Low-code development of basic applications from information network and IoT are enabled by basic business

engines, such as event rule engines, to conveniently achieve event reception, rule arrangement, distribution, query,

statistics and other functions. Business applications are effectively abstracted through general business engines,

taking the inspection engine as an example, it has served more than 5,000 enterprises, reducing the software

development workload by about 90%. Hikvision has launched various general business engines such as localization

engine and passenger flow engine based on breakthroughs in the inspection engine to serve more scenario-based

businesses. Multiple basic and general business engines are reused through the comprehensive business engine to

cope with more complex business requirements of users, such as the integration of safety production engines into

inspection, localization, event rules, reporting and other types of engines. These engines will achieve closed-loop

security management from hazard detection to risk warning and accident handling, support the customization of

applications related to safety production through low-code technology and rapidly respond to the needs of IoT

application integration. With the Hikvision Huipin Application Empowerment Platform, Hikvision quickly meets

the diversified needs of enterprise users through low-code technology, and reduces software development costs,

facilitating faster development and iteration of applications for enterprises, and promoting the continuous

development of AIoT applications.

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4)Explore standardized IoT applications through the Hik-Cloud enterprise-level SaaS platform

     As an enterprise-level SaaS platform, Hik-Cloud platform continues to accumulate achievements in perception,

cloud platform, AI and other technologies, striving to provide digital services related to AIoT for various industries.

The platform offers a variety of services in the key industries such as retail chain, education & teaching, and property

service, while enhancing service professionalism to develop core competitiveness for users. In 2022, the number of

users and access devices on Hik-Cloud platform grew at a high rate. Hik-Cloud platform has served over 400,000

chain stores, 6.18 million homeowners in different communities, and 4.5 million students and parents, providing

access to 3.7 million terminal devices.

     Hik-Cloud platform provides standardized inspection services in the retail chain industry to standardize

nighttime goods delivery through personnel authorization and process records. The platform is also applied in

teaching scenarios in primary and secondary school campuses to provide special teaching products for lesson

preparation and teaching, and offer a cloud-based deployment solution to the Education Bureau for "Three

Classrooms" scenario. Moreover, Hik-Cloud platform provides an integrated cloud-edge fusion solution for

residential communities, which enables cross-district remote management services, reducing management costs of

users. Hik-Cloud platform will continue to explore industry digital applications and provide more digital cloud-edge

fusion solutions.

4.2.3 Value Fulfillment

     Hikvision continues to improve its value delivery methodology based on four value propositions of "shortening

management distance, improving business efficiency, regulating operating behaviors and preventing safety risks."

In 2022, Hikvision explored the application of a closed-loop end-to-end management concept in various scenarios

such as enterprise parks, industrial parks, chemical parks, commercial parks, campuses, hospitals and venues with

a focus on two core business areas of "safeguarding enterprise-wide security" and "enhancing asset operation

efficiency." Through continuous business innovation and experience accumulation, the Company has worked with

partners to set examples for excellent industry practices.

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1)Safeguarding enterprise-wide security

     Hikvision focuses on enterprise safety production, people and vehicle safety management, integration of park

security and fire protection and enterprise emergency command, extending the scope of safety management from

traditional park security to all aspects of enterprise operations. The Company has built closed-loop safety

management system covering the entire process including prevention, management to control and handling,

promoting the transformation of enterprise safety management models.

1.1)Enterprise safety production

     Hikvision supports the establishment of a digital safety production system for businesses through a low-code

safety production system, which covers all aspects of safety production including risk, hazard and accident handling,

and enables business applications such as monitoring of major danger sources, special operations, intelligent

inspection, closed management, and AR safety and environmental information dashboard. This system has been

successfully implemented in electric power, petroleum and petrochemical, metallurgy, manufacturing, construction

and other industries, serving users including Sinopec and Shengli Oilfield.

     For the metallurgical industry, a dashboard showing situational perception of production safety is created to

allow precise localization and one-click access to danger source-related data such as production, equipment,

personnel, safety, environmental protection, videos and warnings. AIoT products are used to support business

departments in quickly developing safe operation supervision applications, and implementing on-site safety

supervision and tips, remote equipment operation and maintenance and other management services, thus achieving

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the purpose of ex-ante warning, event handling and ex-post archiving.

     In the electric power industry, security situational perception capabilities are developed through a multi-

dimensional AIoT system to enable intelligent equipment inspection, online temperature measurement, acoustic

monitoring, remote switch and video review, three-dimensional panoramic display, operation and maintenance data

dashboard and other applications for managers. With the use of these applications in substation operation and

maintenance, on-site manual routine inspection is replaced by remote intelligent inspection and the conventional

knife-switch is replaced by the remote switch, improving the safety and efficiency of operation, maintenance and

inspection activities.

     With regard to the construction industry, a video monitoring system is used to monitor the operating limits

of tower cranes, excavators and other large construction machinery, preventing risks from blind spots. A personnel

identification system confirms the identity of operators to ensure the assignment of a dedicated operator to a

particular job. Cab management allows the supervision of operating behavior to avoid violations. Furthermore, AI-

based devices automatically identify the number of people in the lift cars to avoid accidents caused by overload.

1.2)People and vehicle safety management

     Using HD video surveillance, non-video security, intelligent image analysis, people/vehicle identification,

alarm management and other IoT technologies, Hikvision has built a comprehensive enterprise security system that

incorporates people, vehicles and events into management, achieving intelligent management of people, smart

control of vehicles and effective handling of events. This system has been successfully implemented in

manufacturing, chemical, logistics, steel, education and other industries, serving users such as Jiangsu Huai’an

Industrial Park.

     For the chemical industry, comprehensive and dynamic supervision of dangerous goods transport vehicles

entering and leaving chemical parks is enabled through a closed-loop management system that integrates reservation,

localization, driving behavior monitoring and a list of vehicles of concern, thus achieving the management goal of

"traceable source, traceable destination, accountable responsibility, and predictable patterns."

     In the logistics industry, an intelligent yard dispatching management system of logistics vehicles is created

to not only enable online management of these vehicles throughout the entire process from entry by reservation to

authorized exit, but also improve the efficiency and management of personnel access and vehicle dispatching in

logistics parks.

     With regard to the education industry, a three-dimensional campus traffic control system is established to

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provide rapid vehicle passage by reservation, speeding and parking violation detection, campus parking guide,

education for violations and other management services in areas such as entrances and exits, main roads and parking

lots. This system aims to provide integrated management services for vehicle passage, safeguarding traffic order in

the campus and creating a smart and safe campus.

1.3)Integration of park security and fire protection

     Hikvision leverages AIoT technologies such as thermal imaging and temperature sensing fibers to deeply

integrate security and fire protection systems, building a full-process management system that covers multi-

dimensional perception, intelligent early warning, firefighting and rescue, command and dispatch, and ex-post

assessment. The system allows prompt identification of safety hazard, quick response and efficient rescue, and

improving fire prevention and emergency handling capabilities of enterprises. It has been successfully implemented

in new energy, finance, commercial real estate, universities, culture and museums and other industries, serving users

such as Contemporary Amperex Technology.

     In the new energy industry, thermal imaging or optical fiber products for temperature measurement are

deployed in key facilities such as workshops, warehouses and energy storage stations to identify fire hazards, re-

check with videos, issue warnings promptly and activate automatic fire extinguishing devices, thus improving fire

accident handling efficiency of enterprises and reducing accident losses.

     For the financial industry, environmental data such as water, electricity, smoke, combustible gas and

temperature are collected to evaluate the fire hazards in buildings such as bank outlets, branches and sub-branches

in real time. This will help provide early warning of fire risks and improve emergency response and handling

efficiency for banks, achieving the paradigm shift from passive response to active defense.

     With regard to the cultural and museum industry, the video monitoring, electrical and fire monitoring,

thermal imaging fire warning, and smoke detection systems are created to monitor fire hazards in ancient buildings,

as well as the cultural and museum venues. On-site videos enable rapid review of any violations, timely distribution

of warning messages, rapid response and handling.

1.4)Enterprise emergency command

     In response to the emergency management needs of enterprises, Hikvision establishes an enterprise-level

emergency command system based on integrated communications, emergency response, data dashboard and AR

reality and other technologies to achieve closed-loop management from command centers to emergency handling.

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The system has found applications in the pipeline corridor, chemical, manufacturing and other industries, serving

users such as Chizhou Chemical Park and Xiangyu Chemical Park.

     For the pipe corridor industry, an emergency command center consisting of a data platform, an intelligent

management cockpit, a knowledge library, emergency plan library and other subsystems is set up to provide real-

time monitoring, event classification and warning reporting, the display of emergency resources, one-click

activation of emergency plans and other applications, achieving rapid handling of emergency events in the pipe


     In the chemical industry, an emergency command system supported by AR reality application, integrated

communication and an accident handling plan library is developed to enable visualized park command and dispatch,

emergency plan exercise, one-click dispatch of emergency resources, one-click activation of emergency plans and

one-click export of emergency reports and other applications, helping users to improve safety management

capability of chemical parks.

     With regard to the energy industry, an intelligent gas safety production command center is created to fulfill

data integration and display on the GIS Map, allowing access to valve rooms, refueling stations, city networks and

other sites. The center fully monitors site operations, and enables safety management of gas storage, transmission,

and other operations while achieving efficient dispatching of emergency personnel and materials by using the

integrated communication system.

2)Enhancing asset operation efficiency

     Hikvision focuses on operational efficiency improvement, equipment and facility management, enterprise

material management, and smart space management. Through technological innovation, the Company has achieved

effective management of key production and operation elements, such as personnel, equipment, materials, and space,

on the basis of traditional information management, thus facilitating efficient operation of enterprises at lower costs

and increased efficiency, and achieving the management goal.

2.1)Operational efficiency improvement

     Hikvision helps users achieve business management goals of regulated operation, automated operation process

and lower training cost from three aspects: operation assistance, man-machine cooperative operation and personnel

ability improvement. This strategy has been successfully implemented in manufacturing, new energy, coal mining,

agriculture, construction, logistics and other industries, serving users including EVE Battery.

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     For the energy industry, AI vision are utilized to enable real-time supervision of operating behavior,

standardize the operation process, and ensure daily production order. Intelligent inspection services are provided

for managers and inspectors to improve inspection efficiency. Online classes, remote auxiliary diagnosis and other

methods of personnel training are offered to improve the ability of personnel.

     In the manufacturing industry, intelligent equipment and products assist people to improve operational

efficiency and reduce the risk of misuse. For example, an X-ray material counter counts the quantity of materials

automatically, while a rail robot automatically executes inspection instructions. A high-frame-rate and low-latency

camera assists in determining the production status, whereas a thermal imaging device monitors the temperature of

the production line.

     With regard to the breeding industry, a livestock and poultry breeding monitoring system is established to

meet the need for regular weighing of livestock and poultry in the breeding process. Unlike the traditional weighing

method, the system enables remote inspection of livestock and poultry growth, dynamically monitors changes in

weight and volume of livestock and poultry, and adjusts feeding strategy in a timely manner, helping users to achieve

large-scale breeding.

2.2)Equipment and facility management

     Hikvision promotes the intelligent O&M transformation of equipment and facility management business.

Combining AIoT sensing technology with low-code engine capabilities such as integrated work orders and reports,

the Company develops equipment lifecycle management systems including intelligent inspection, repair,

maintenance, scrapping, spare parts, ledgers and other services to ensure the safety of equipment assets, reduce the

downtime and maintenance costs, and effectively improve equipment management efficiency for enterprises. This

system has been implemented in manufacturing, brewing and other industries, serving users such as Hangzhou

Qianjiang Refrigeration Group.

     In the manufacturing industry, sensors are combined with AI technology to enable vibration fault diagnosis

of equipment such as centrifugal casting machines, understand the working and health status of stamping equipment,

and obtain real-time production data of winding equipment. A maintenance system is established based on

production data to monitor the risks and hazards, provide failure warnings and reduce unplanned emergency repairs.

     For the liquor industry, core equipment assets are inventoried to achieve overall equipment effectiveness

(OEE) management, spare parts management and other operations. Equipment and facility maintenance data are

used to assist enterprises in formulating proper spare parts management strategies and striking a balance between

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spare parts cost control and guaranteed continuous production.

2.3)Enterprise material management

     Hikvision has established a lifecycle management mechanism covering the entire process from material

procurement to end-of-life. The mechanism reduces the workload of manual recording and message transmission,

effectively decreases the management risk of data inconsistency, and informs the quantity and status of materials

timely for precise regulation and control to ensure orderly production. It has been successfully implemented in

cement, electric power, manufacturing and other industries, serving users including Inner Mongolia Ojing Science

& Technology.

     In the cement industry, an AI-based raw materials monitoring system is established to measure, in real-time,

the area and volume of stored raw materials and other key data without interrupting production, evaluate the

continuous production time based on the consumption of raw materials, and assist users in adjusting the feeding

plan in a timely manner.

     In the power industry, RFID products are used to meet the needs of identifying materials of different forms

and volumes in a non-contact manner, saving the labor cost required for material inventory.

     For the manufacturing industry, an automatic inbound and outbound warehousing inventory system that

integrates vision, AI, localization technology and other technologies is provided to automatically count the number

of products in the inbound and outbound warehousing process. The system is used for data alignment with the

warehouse management and manufacturing management systems to identify asset management risks such as

account discrepancies.

2.4)Smart space management

     Hikvision optimizes the design of the movement lines of people, vehicles and goods through digital

applications of spaces such as parks, workshops, dormitories, warehouses, storage and workstations to achieve

intelligent monitoring of space and statistical analysis of space utilization, facilitating refined management of all

types of spaces. These applications have been successfully implemented in medical, real estate, education and other

industries, serving users such as Ningbo University.

     In medical institutions, a variety of intelligent interactive displays are deployed in outpatient and inpatient

areas to ease the contact between doctors and patients and relieve patients’ anxiety. Vital sign radars are used to

sense personnel status and behavior to timely detect any unusual events such as patients leaving the bed and falling,

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ensuring a safe treatment environment and improving the treatment experience for patients.

     For industrial parks, the business process from lease to audit and finance is integrated to clearly display real-

time information on real estate operations, helping to attract investment. Service records are established for

enterprises in the park, and proper services are provided for them based on a thorough understanding of their

personalized needs. A reservation-based space resource usage mechanism is developed for functional areas such as

conference rooms, cafeterias and office areas to improve the actual utilization rate of space and create an efficient

and convenient management service model.

     With regard to colleges and universities, an auxiliary management system for teaching resources is

established to monitor laboratory resources, and verify the identity of the personnel entering the laboratory to ensure

compliant use of these resources. A lifecycle management mechanism is created for dangerous chemicals to ensure

that their use is under control. The indoor environment, instruments and equipment are monitored to ensure the safe

and efficient operation of equipment.

     In 2022, Hikvision established successful practices of digital transformation with many partners. In the future,

considering the multi-park development model of enterprises, Hikvision will provide multi-park management

solution for industrial parks while further exploring park management business to optimize the multi-park business

development model for users, achieving business value of "unified standards, capability sharing, benchmarked

management and service alignment".

4.2.4 Outlook

     As an important driving force of industrial transformation, digital technology is being fully integrated into the

social and economic industrial chain, exerting an increasingly great impact on the way of enterprise management,

production and service, and giving birth to a variety of scenario-based digital applications in different industries.

With AIoT technology, Hikvision will continue to expand industrial application scenarios, fulfill common needs of

different industries and consolidate its AIoT product and solution system, helping users with industry transformation


     At the same time, new trends in economic development, such as continuous industrial transfer, optimization of

energy structure and the rise of younger generation, are driving the rapid development of related industries. Many

industries, especially manufacturing, is shifting from the eastern to western region, where the construction of more

industrial parks and bases will lead to many structural opportunities. As the energy structure is gradually changing

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to non-fossil energy, and the production and consumption sides are transforming rapidly. A growing number of

innovative businesses are emerging along with the rapid changes in industrial structure, creating many new market

opportunities. The growing diversified demands of younger generation for quality, culture and other elements gives

rise to more new consumption areas, leading to more competitive and robust economic activities.

     A new develop pattern brings new opportunities and new changes give rise to new needs. As an important

bridge between the physical and the digital world, AIoT technology will play a crucial role in this process. Hikvision

pays close attention to many new industrial trends such as large manufacturing chains, retail store networking

management, corporate digital twins, and new infrastructure in education and medical industries, helping enterprises

to consolidate infrastructure for digital transformation with an AIoT software and hardware system. Additionally,

the Company improves operation and management capability for enterprises through AIOT solutions such as

enterprise safety production and asset efficiency improvement.

     Hikvision will continuously deepen business innovation, explore more digital application scenarios, and join

hands with partners to pave the path to digital transformation.

4.3 SME Business Group (SMBG): Enhance Industry-wide Service Capabilities, and Facilitate Digital

Transformation of SMEs

4.3.1 Overview

     The business conditions of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are highly correlated with macro

economy, and the industry has faced many challenges over the past year. As the economy recovers, SMEs will

rebound and gradually increase their investment in security, digitalization, intelligence and other areas. Digital

transformation is an inevitable trend, and plays a key role in helping SMEs break the development bottleneck,

weaken their dependence on the external environment and build long-term competitiveness. According to the

estimation of iResearch Consulting, the market size of digital services for SMEs exceeded 300 billion in 2022. This

market includes AIoT devices and marketing and re-purchase of multi-scenario digitization solutions and product

packages for stores, parks and factories, as well as engineering services and SaaS application services, which is vast

in size and holds great potential for growth.

     Based on industry understanding and user insight, Hikvision uses AIoT devices as digital infrastructure to

improves equipment management, explore business applications, and provides low-cost, lightweight, tailor-made

and precise solutions and services for various SMEs, reducing choice and usage costs for customers and users.

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Hikvision continues to expand its presence in the lower-tier markets, and works with nationwide partners to shift

from the single-loop model of channel-customer-user based on product distribution to the double-loop ecosystem

of solution marketing + service provision. Moreover, the Company develops online and offline digital store business

and builds a service mesh to better promote digital transformation of SMEs.

4.3.2 Core Technologies: Mutual Promotion between Online and Offline Channels Driven by Hikvision

SMBG HikLink and Hikvision SMBG E-commerce

     Hikvision has established two mainline platforms: Hikvision SMBG HikLink and Hikvision SMBG E-

commerce, which provide an empowerment platform for security professionals, a project contractor workbench, an

SME service platform and an open platform for ecological cooperation that serve channel customers, project

contractors and SME users. Based on the infrastructure capacity and the partner network, an empowerment platform

is built to adapt to the industrial structure.

     Hikvision SMBG HikLink: This is an AIoT platform that provides multi-scenario solutions and services for

SME users. With Hikvision’s AIoT capabilities, this platform can access video, access control, intercom, attendance,

fire protection, alarm, transmission and other categories of products to provide IoT-information network integration

applications powered by the "video + access control card." Hikvision creates scenario-based solutions and services

in collaboration with ecosystem partners for scenarios such as communities, office, retail stores, factory parks, and

agricultural farming. Hikvision SMBG HikLink Pro provides a project management tool for project contractors,

accumulates project data, and increases service performance efficiency, supporting project contractors in providing

solutions, subscription services and operation and maintenance services for users, and increasing business efficiency

and revenue for project contractors.

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     Hikvision SMBG E-commerce: It is an empowerment platform for security professionals, integrating

engineering tools, marketing empowerment, solutions, product information, service and operation. Based on the

marketing service system, the platform offers online showrooms, scenario-based product matching guides, online

pre-sales, service squares and others, contributing to the upgrading of the industry chain. For now, it has served

more than one million security professionals.

     The Hikvision SMBG HikLink and Hikvision SMBG E-commerce platforms are mutually supportive and

spirally driven to help project contractors manage equipment and projects efficiently, enhance professional

capabilities and serve users efficiently, thereby creating one-stop preferred products and services defined by omni-

channel, whole-process and omni-scenario offering for SMEs.

4.3.3 Value Fulfillment

1)Facilitate digital transformation of SMEs through the provision of one-stop solutions and services

     Hikvision develops online and offline digital store business based on solution marketing, connecting with users

and continuously providing services. Through the expansion of product lines, Hikvision builds an AIoT cloud

platform that provides simple and good solutions and standardized services for SMEs. The Company integrates

multi-terminal capabilities with a focus on the "video + access control card" business to support the access of more

than 100 kinds of access control, attendance, and visual intercom devices, as well as intelligent applications such as

All-Purpose Card, cloud attendance, cloud intercom and cloud visitors. Hikvision has provided scenario-based

solutions for tens of thousands of SME users such as communities, factories and parks in collaboration with national

partners, with the number of access devices and users maintaining high growth throughout the year.

2)Promote the digital transformation of security professionals and enhance their service capability

     Hikvision SMBG E-commerce empowers and enhances the efficiency of security professionals by supporting

intelligent order matching of multiple products through the upgrading of the order matching tool, which generated

nearly 100,000 orders in 2022. The product material database covers the whole selling process including pre-sales,

sales and after-sales, which has processed more than one million inquiries throughout the year. The platform

promotes solution marketing by providing more than 100 types of solutions and digital showrooms to increase brand

influence. It has optimized social marketing tools, which have been shared more than 100,000 times by nearly

10,000 customers. SMBG E-commerce Live Streaming helps connect channel customers with their downstream

partners. Nearly 1,000 live streaming activities have been conducted on the platform and more than 100,000 people

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have participated in live interactions throughout the year.

     Hikvision SMBG HikLink Pro provides a project contractor workbench equipped with various professional

equipment configuration and debugging functions to assist the project contractors in project delivery and system

operation and maintenance, which has provided services for tens of thousands of project contractors, with key

functions used more than 100,000 times.

     Looking ahead, Hikvision will work with channel customers, project contractors and ecosystem partners to

provide more competitive scenario-based solutions, while establishing connection with SME users to facilitate their

digital transformation. An IoT system will be established to unlock more possibilities.

4.4 International Business: Continue to Promote the Localization Strategy of "One Policy for One Country"

and Improve the Global Marketing and Service Network

4.4.1 Overview

     In 2022, overseas markets gradually recovered and some regions maintained rapid economic growth, providing

good opportunities for Hikvision’s international business. Although geopolitical tensions, energy crisis and inflation

bring uncertainties to the macro environment, the Company’s international business has maintained overall steady

development due to its presence in many countries and regions, and optimization of operations.

     Hikvision continuously promotes the localization strategy of "one policy for one country" for its international

business, improves the global marketing and service network system, and promotes the localization of R&D,

manufacturing, logistics and after-sales service, thus quickly responding to the needs of customers, users and

partners. By 2022, the Company has set up 72 branches, subsidiaries and offices in the international market

including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions of China. In 2022, the Company also set up a new R&D center

in Dubai to satisfy the customized needs of regional markets together with overseas R&D centers in Montreal and

London. Furthermore, Hikvision built 5 new overseas logistics warehouses, bringing the total number of warehouses

to 17 and improving local logistics coverage and distribution capabilities. The Company set up 2 new overseas call

centers, reaching a total of 13. These centers enable Hikvision to actively expand cooperation with channel partners,

extend the technical service networks and provide customers with timely and high-quality after-sales services.

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     Hikvision’s long-term investment and accumulation in technological innovation, product R&D and production

delivery allows the Company’s products to maintain a dominant position in overseas markets. With the steady

growth of the video business, non-video businesses such as access control, alarm, intercom and commercial display

are growing rapidly, and have offered products for many market segments. Meanwhile, the Company actively

expands the vertical industry market, providing a complete range of scenario-based solutions for transportation,

retail, logistics, education, energy, manufacturing and other industries to improve the digitalization, intelligence and

automation of business operations for customer and users.

4.4.2 Core Technologies: Sound and Solid Product and Technology System for International Business

     With its solid technical foundation and continuous technological innovation, Hikvision has always been

competitive in overseas markets and has formed a complete product and technology system that meets the needs of

these markets. In 2022, the Company launched and optimized several types of products and solutions powered by

image technology, AI, multi-dimensional perception and fusion applications,which adapted to different business


1)All-weather, all-environment image technology

     Video image technology has always been superior technology of Hikvision’s international business. By

leveraging dual-light fusion, ISP and mixed fill light technologies, the Company has developed ColorVu and

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DarkFighter technologies that enable HD and color imaging at night or under low light conditions, which have been

used in 4K HD, high magnification zoom, panoramic imaging and other products to meet the needs of different

scenarios and applications. Additionally, Hikvision provides special product series such as anti-high and low

temperature, explosion-proof, anti-corrosion and anti-vibration that ensure stable and clear video imaging under

complex and harsh environmental conditions.

2)More extensive and open AI applications

     Hikvision delivers a greater variety of AI applications and diversified solutions according to the market demand,

development stage and policies in different countries and regions. The ANPR and intelligent perimeter alarm

products developed and manufactured by the Company have been widely used in the international market. AI

applications such as people counting, queue detection, vehicle feature detection, speed detection, traffic flow

analysis, intelligent parking management, and personal protective equipment (PPE) detection are gradually being

implemented. At the same time, the Company is committed to build an open AI platform that shares its hardware

and software products with international technological partners while launching the latest HEOP 2.0 open platform

to better meet the diversified needs of the market for AI applications.

3)Continuously expanding perception technology capabilities

     Based on visible light perception, Hikvision continuously expands multi-dimensional perception technologies

such as infrared light, millimeter wave radar, X-ray, and acoustic wave to enrich IoT perception capabilities. The

Company has launched a diverse range of perception product series in the international market, covering radar,

thermal imaging, access control, visual intercom, and alarm products. The Company combines visual perception

technology with other perception technologies to provide innovative products and solutions, such as an integrated

radar and video machine for perimeter protection and traffic blind spot detection, as well as an alarm system with

different detectors such as water level, smoke and vibration detection, and video re-check.

4)Integrated multi-device and multi-system applications

     In response to the increasing demand for integrated applications, Hikvision has developed a system integrated

with multi-device and multi-system applications to meet the differentiated needs of the market. The Company

provides Hik-Partner Pro and Hik-Connect for small and medium-sized businesses, which allow customers to run,

maintain and manage multiple devices in the same interface conveniently and link video with non-video devices.

The Company offers HikCentral series platform management software to large and complex scenario-based

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businesses. The software integrates video security, access control management, visitor management, alarm, fire

prevention, emergency management and other systems and supports the integration of non-security information

systems to form a comprehensive IoT solution, providing more comprehensive data for management decisions of

customers and users.

4.4.3 Value Fulfillment

     Hikvision is committed to continuously creating value for international customers through technological

innovation and localized products and solutions, and working together with them to build a more secure, efficient

and intelligent world.

1)Create one-stop solutions for SMEs

     SMEs are generally more concerned about the ease of use of security products and systems, and prefer light

intelligent applications. Hikvision creates one-stop security and intelligent application solutions for SME users,

providing diversified products, unified and convenient management platforms and tools to enhance the ease of use

of security systems and intelligent applications and reduce comprehensive costs for customers.

2)Promote industry intelligence and digitalization

     With AIoT technology, Hikvision provides systematic and scenario-based solutions for international industry

customers that cover transportation, retail, logistics, education, energy, manufacturing and other market segments,

promoting industry intelligence and digitalization. For example, in the logistics industry, the park management

solution enables unified management of vehicles, people, space and goods to ensure park safety and improve

operational efficiency. For the energy industry, an intelligent inspection solution allows remote monitoring and

warning of key areas and equipment status to improve emergency handling capability and efficiency.

3)Promote the open sharing of the AIoT ecosystem

     As the IoT industry is characterized by diverse products, fragmented scenarios and individualized application

demands, Hikvision builds an open AIoT ecosystem to promote industry cooperation. In terms of device openness,

in addition to the traditional ISAPI, Hikvision releases the OTAP architecture protocol that covers all Hikvision

products with a set of open protocols to improve the efficiency of product integration for technical partners. In terms

of platform openness, cloud and OpenAPI platform are used to achieve unified management and integrated

application, which help reduce the development cost of higher-level applications. In addition, Hikvision shares

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technical and market resources with ecosystem partners through the Global Technology Partner Program.

4)Contribute to sustainable social development

     Hikvision has integrated corporate social responsibility into its business practice from R&D design to product

manufacturing, constantly exploring and practicing the concept of green and low-carbon development, and

promoting sustainable social development through technological innovation. In 2022, Hikvision delivered the STAR

Public Welfare Partnership Program across the world. Through cooperation with non-profit and social welfare

organizations, the program aims to provide technical support in various fields such as biodiversity monitoring and

protection, environmental monitoring and protection, and cultural heritage protection, using technology to promote

the implementation of more public welfare projects and striving to create a better future for human beings.

     In response to the differentiated needs of overseas markets, Hikvision will continue to strengthen the

construction of regional R&D centers, enrich the international product and solution system, and promote the

localization strategy of "one policy for one country." Moreover, the Company will expand the localized marketing

and service network to continuously create value for international customers, users and partners and achieve win-

win development.

5. Innovative Businesses

     Hikvision’s continuous efforts in technical reserves and expanding business scope provide a good environment

for innovative business development. Currently, its innovative businesses include EZVIZ Network, HikRobot,

HikMicro, HikAuto, HikSemi, HikFire, Rayin and HikImaging. The solid growth of innovative businesses has

continuously injected new impetus into the long-term stability and sustainable development of the Company.

5.1 Innovative Business - EZVIZ Network

     In March 2015, EZVIZ Network was created as the first innovative business based on Hikvision’s co-

investment scheme. Its vision is to become a trusted provider of smart home services and IoT Cloud Platform. After

seven years of strong growth, the company has developed a "1+4+N" smart home ecosystem for individual and

family consumers that provides intelligent life solutions primarily based on visual interaction to bring a technology-

enabled casual, comfortable and enjoyable life for people. Moreover, by leveraging the self-developed EZVIZ Open

Cloud Platform, the company shares its cloud platform service capabilities for intelligent videos with industry

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partners to jointly establish an IoT cloud ecosystem. The company has been actively developing domestic and

international markets, synergizing online and offline channels, and building diverse multi-level marketing channels,

with continued steady growth in sales performance and online user base.

     On December 28, 2022, EZVIZ Network was successfully listed on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock

Exchange as the first spin-off subsidiary of Hikvision. For details of EZVIZ Network, please refer to EZVIZ

Network 2022 Annual Report.

5.2 Innovative Business - HikRobot

     Combining visual perception, AI and navigation control technologies, HikRobot focuses on industrial IoT,

smart logistics and intelligent manufacturing with solid algorithm accumulation, strong software and hardware

development capabilities, and a complete marketing system. HikRobot continuously invests in the fields of mobile

robots and machine vision to promote the digitization and intelligence of manufacturing and logistics.

5.2.1 Mobile Robots: Focus on Intralogistics and Promote Intelligent Logistics of Factories

     As a dedicated provider of mobile robot products and solutions, HikRobot continuously concentrates on create

greater value for users through technological innovation. In 2022, the company focused on the standardization and

serialization of product development, improved the efficiency of the entire process from design and development to

implementation and deployment, increased efforts in industry applications, and actively developed its overall

solution capability, thus securing an advantageous position in new energy, automotive manufacturing and other


1)Four hardware product series

     LMR (Latent Mobile Robot) series: HikRobot’s fourth-generation Q3 and Q7 products released in 2021 have

been widely used in new energy industries such as photovoltaics and lithium battery, as well as in the production

process of automotive OEMs such as final assembly and welding. These products formed a number of highly

competitive solutions for internal automated logistics. In 2022, HikRobot released the Q2 series, also based on the

fourth-generation architecture, to better meet the needs of smaller space application scenarios such as 3C electronics


     CMR/HMR (Conveyor/Heavy-duty Mobile Robot) series: In 2022, the CMR/HMR product line focused on

the photovoltaics, lithium battery, automotive manufacturing and other industries, closely integrated with the

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production line, and launched a number of industrial products. In the photovoltaic slicing segment, a fully automated

loading and unloading robot for use with a slicing machine has been launched. In the lithium industry, a special

model for double-lift integrated with the coating process has been introduced, which can achieve a docking accuracy

of ±2mm. In the automotive manufacturing segment, a delivery robot specially designed for main production lines

has been used for the first time, while the Traction series has significantly improved its competitiveness and has

been used at large scales.

     FMR (Forklift Mobile Robot) series: In 2022, by upholding the concept of independent design and

development, the company developed a number of core components and significantly enhanced its product strength.

The rated load of the F4 Stacking series and F3 Handling series were increased to 2 tons and 3 tons respectively.

Also, HikRobot released F5-1600, a self-developed product of the Forward-Moving series.

     CTU (Cargo To You) series: In 2022, HikRobot focused on the standardized and modular development of

key components, significantly improved development efficiency and product quality. The company has expanded

the application of its products to photovoltaic and lithium battery production, and also across the pharmaceutical

distribution, garments and footwear industries. Moreover, a product with an access height of more than 8 meters

has been launched for storage applications.

2)Software product series

     HikRobot has independently developed a low-code platform and a series of components that can quickly

perform core services such as third-party system interfacing, business process scheduling and user interaction

interface design to significantly reduce the development difficulty, improve the development efficiency and respond

to user needs more quickly. The company has increased its investment in operation optimization algorithms for

iWMS, an intelligent warehouse management system independently developed to meet warehousing needs. The

operational efficiency of the system has been significantly improved through optimization of order batches, inbound

warehousing management and cluster scheduling.

3)Solution development

     Automotive industry: In 2022, HikRobot further expanded the application of its products from in-factory

logistics and distribution to process manufacturing in the automotive industry, and made breakthroughs in the final

assembly line and sub-assembly line, transforming the original process logistics model and making manufacturing

logistics more flexible and scalable. In addition, the application of solutions and industry penetration rate in the

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commercial vehicle and upstream component segments has steadily increased. Through extensive and in-depth

solutions implementation, HikRobot has helped users to improve operational efficiency and management efficiency.

     3C industry: In 2022, HikRobot intensifies efforts in the display panel industry. In view of the characteristics

of this industry, including different forms of display panel products, high storage requirements, complex business

needs and multiple dimensions of material quality management, the company has developed scenario-based

solutions such as aisle warehousing, material stacking, inbound or outbound warehousing of designated materials,

which effectively met the production and operation requirements. Furthermore, the company has developed and

improved solutions for typical and complex businesses such as incoming materials inspection, multi-level

management by serial number, and SMT backflush management to suit flexible manufacturing needs and enhance

unmanned, automated and intelligent logistics throughout the factory.

     New energy industry: In 2022, mobile robot systems found large-scale applications in photovoltaic and

lithium battery fields. These systems have been applied in crystal pulling, slicing, cell wafers and PV modules in

the photovoltaic industry as well as in early electrode manufacturing, intermediate cell manufacturing and late

battery assembly in the lithium battery industry. Pre-scheduling, partition task management, large-scale cluster

scheduling and other algorithms have been utilized to further guarantee on-site production efficiency, meet the

operational and management requirements of lithium battery enterprises such as production capacity, production

efficiency, quality control, and cost control.

     As the global manufacturing industry is undergoing another round of transformation and upgrading, and has a

strong demand for automated logistics, the mobile robot market will continue to grow at a high rate. In 2023, the

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company will continue to expand the application of AI in AMR’s perception, planning, control, and collaboration,

and leverage 3D vision and other perception technologies to enhance the autonomous capability of AMR, striving

to expand its applications and market presence. To empower partners, HikRobot will build an industrial software

platform in the field of AMR, so that partners will be able to more easily customize robots, more rapidly tailor

systems, and better serve end users.

5.2.2 Machine Vision: Focus on Industrial Perception and Drive Digital and Intelligent Production

     As the core of industrial perception, machine vision is the eyes of robots and automation equipment. It is also

an integral part of flexible and intelligent production. In 2022, HikRobot focused on the optimization of 2D vision,

intelligent ID and 3D vision product lines. Moreover, the company has cultivated a vision application ecosystem

centered on the Vision Master (VM) Software Platform, and worked with partners to meet the needs of fragmented

industrial applications.

1)Three product lines

     2D vision product line: HikRobot continues to develop competitive industrial cameras, lenses, light sources

and capture cards powered by image capture technology, providing industry customers with standardized core

devices for image capture. In 2022, the company upgraded the platform for a full range of industrial cameras.

HikRobot has expanded the CU Economical and CS Enhanced categories of industrial cameras and completed the

switchover of the original CE and CA series products. Moreover, the company upgraded the platform for the CH

series and released a camera with an optical fiber transmission interface, while expanded the CL series line array

cameras based on the next generation of domestic 4K and 8K image sensors. The company developed a variety of

large format line-scan lenses with a diameter of 60 mm and 80 mm to satisfy the demand for high-end line-scan

applications. It has expanded the light source series including strip, ring and surface ones, and enriched and

optimized light source controllers. In addition, the company has launched Gigabit network capture cards based on

domestic PHY chips and 10 Gigabit network capture cards based on optical fiber interfaces, while continued to

optimize Cameralink and CoaXPress capture cards to improve their compatibility with third-party cameras.

     Intelligent ID product line: HikRobot focuses on open algorithm platforms and general-purpose intelligent

hardware products supported by vision algorithms, providing the industry with an efficient and high-performance

intelligent processing platform. In 2022, in terms of vision algorithms, the company continuously optimized the

performance and efficiency of template matching, Blob analysis, geometry finding, character recognition and image

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segmentation and other algorithms, and developed surface defect detection, fast classification, instance

segmentation, defect comparison and other algorithms based on the characteristics of industry applications. These

efforts have further consolidated the company’s technical competitiveness in underlying algorithms for machine

vision. In terms of intelligent products, HikRobot has provided an open underlying module framework for algorithm

platforms VM4.2 and VM4.3 that enables flexible secondary development and support secondary encryption by

application developers. The company has significantly optimized the performance and efficiency of the algorithm

platforms, making them more open, safer, and more efficient. IDH7000, IDH5000, and IDH3000 and other series

of handheld code readers have been introduced to further complement the code reader family. In addition, the

company has increased efforts in industry applications, and improved the competitiveness of industrial code readers,

intelligent cameras, vision controllers and other products through optimization of their performance and ease of use.

     3D vision product line: HikRobot provides a one-stop 3D vision software and hardware solution for customers

with a focus on two major applications enabled by 3D sensing technology, high-precision measurement and robot

gripping. In terms of high-precision measurement, the company introduced a lineup of laser profile sensors in 2022,

including 4 models of DP2000 series with higher performance DP3000 series under development. Moreover, it has

switched 3D vision analysis software to VM framework and launched VM 3D version, which has been promoted

and applied in many industries such as lithium battery, 3C and automotive parts, and well received by the market.

In terms of robot gripping, HikRobot released a multi-DOE binocular scattering camera for depalletizing

applications and a laser oscillator RGBD camera for workpiece gripping applications in 2022. Furthermore, the

company continues to optimize the 3D robot application software platform to gradually gain competitiveness in 3D

robot gripping applications.

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2)Ecosystem construction

     With excellent hardware and software capabilities, HikRobot endeavors to establish a new machine vision

ecosystem. In 2022, the company continued to put efforts into the development of a machine vision ecosystem by

promoting the Ecosystem Partner Program v2.0 in the industry, further expanding the scope of training and

certification for machine vision application engineers, and identifying and cultivating ecosystem partners in various

industries. It has incorporated 3D products into the ecosystem program to enrich the content of visual empowering.

In 2022, the company held dozens of offline and online technical exchange meetings, and carried out a range of

specialized machine vision competitions through V-club, providing more dynamic and professional learning

opportunities and display platforms for machine vision professionals.

3)Solution development

     Through technological empowerment, HikRobot assists ecosystem partners in promoting the implementation

of vision solutions in different industries.

     In 2022, the new energy industry maintained a rapid development momentum. HikRobot has focused on key

production processes of the lithium battery industry. The combination of traditional algorithms with deep learning

technology has been used to efficiently detect and classify electrode defects in the front-end electrode inspection

process. Vision solutions for high-speed lamination-related vision inspection, measurement, deviation correction,

alignment and other applications have been developed and massively implemented in the intermediate cell

production process. The company has also focused on the module production process of the photovoltaic industry

and developed many standardized vision solutions for assembly inspection, EL inspection, bus bars, module

inspection and junction boxes, etc. These products have been widely used in the production of photovoltaic modules,

significantly improving production efficiency and product yield.

     HikRobot provides a 3D automated robot gripping solution for stamping and die casting parts for the

automotive industry, and has launched a disposable glove AI inspection solution for the medical industry and an

automated crossbelt supply solution for the express logistics industry. The company has released a software

development framework in the 3C industry for a large number of non-standard vision-guided localization

applications, helping partners to quickly create vision solutions.

     As conventional industries continue to transform and upgrade, and relevant industries such as new energy and

medical develop rapidly, the machine vision industry will maintain rapid growth driven by AI, 3D and other

technologies. In 2023, the company will increase investment in AI quality inspection, 3D technology, VM software,

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and standardized vision systems and other areas, provide customers with simpler and more open hardware and

software products, establish a machine vision ecosystem, and create greater value with partners at all levels of the

industry chain.

     Looking forward, HikRobot will continue its efforts in intelligent manufacturing while remaining committed

to the two business areas – mobile robots and machine vision. The company will help users to improve production

quality, enhance efficiency and reduce costs through technological innovation of software and hardware products

and platforms and continuous improvement of delivery processes, thus facilitating the development of global

intelligent manufacturing.

5.3. Innovative Business – HikMicro

     Combining infrared thermal imaging technology with MEMS technology, HikMicro provides core components,

detectors, modules, infrared thermal imaging products and overall solutions to the world. The company’s products

are widely used in industrial temperature measurement, outdoor, generic-security and other fields.

5.3.1 Product Innovation

     After years of accumulation, HikMicro has established five advantages, namely clear image, advanced

intelligence, efficient temperature measurement, stable design and reliable manufacturing.

     HikMicro provides multi-form products and one-stop integration services from detectors, modules to complete

machine to better empower the infrared industry. In 2022, HikMicro further complemented its integrated products

to completely achieve coverage from 96*96 to 1280*1024 resolution.

     The company’s 96*96 resolution detector, which is less than the size of a mineral water bottle cap, integrates

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lens, detectors, stoppers, temperature sensors and other functional hardware, greatly reducing the cost and power

consumption. A universal hardware interface and built-in calibration data facilitate products integration, enabling

the application of this detector in multiple sectors including instrumentation, intelligent hardware, IoT, smart home,

pandemic prevention and healthcare. Moreover, the company has launched a miniature PTZ camera that is ultra-

lightweight and small in size, and features multi-dimensional sensing and intelligent algorithms. This camera

reduces the integration difficulty and expanding the application fields.

5.3.2 Industrial Application

     By leveraging its technical advantages in sensors and product design, HikMicro has grown rapidly, providing

specialized segmented services for customers in industrial temperature measurement, outdoor and generic-security,

among other areas.

     Industrial temperature measurement market: In the industrial infrared temperature measurement market,

HikMicro further improves its product solutions for industrial applications including non-destructive testing,

predictive maintenance of equipment and safety inspection of production processes which are widely used in

different industries. In the power industry, these products facilitate safety testing in power generation, transmission,

transformation and distribution. In the steel industry these products are used to test key production processes such

as coking, sintering and steel rolling. In the coal industry, these products serve to monitor the status of key equipment

including belt machines, coal mining machines and coal cutters. They are also used to manage production safety of

oil fields, refineries, chemical parks and other applications in the petroleum and petrochemical industry.

     Industrial temperature measurement products are iterated and innovated continuously according to the needs

of different applications. For the steel industry, the company has launched ultra-high temperature resistant products

that assist in determining the adequacy of sintering to ensure production efficiency. To respond to the needs of coal,

oil fields, and other flammable and explosive scenarios, the company has introduced a family of intrinsically safe

explosion-proof products to guarantee the safe production of enterprises.

     Outdoor market: Thermal imaging is widely used to detect targets in lightless or low-light environments in

search and rescue, patrol and other outdoor scenarios. HikMicro takes advantage of its strengths in images to

promote the AI-ISP super-resolution image enhancement algorithm. This algorithm enables AI quadruple super

resolution by means of deep learning, capturing all image details and improving overall image quality.

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     The company has launched NETD 5 25 mk high-sensitivity series products. Compared to the mainstream

35~45 mk devices, these products offer smaller temperature differences discernibility, lower noise and higher clarity,

thus helping users identify targets more easily.

     Generic-security market: In 2022, HikMicro expanded its product lines for generic-security applications by

introducing a full range of intelligent products from 96*96 to 1280*1024 resolution. These products achieve full

coverage from fragmented security scenarios to high-end application scenarios, and are widely used in different

scenarios such as perimeter prevention, indoor fire prevention and commanding heights. In terms of perimeter

prevention, HikMicro has introduced a dual-light detection algorithm that combines visible light with thermal

imaging capabilities using dual-light fusion, target detection, background modeling and multi-target association

technologies. This algorithm effectively detects targets and reduces false alarms in both small temperature

difference6 and strong light environments. Fire point identification application is the key need of commanding

height scenarios. There are numerous targets with complex interference in practical scenarios such as forest fire

prevention, straw burning prevention, municipal commanding height firefighting, where many sources of false

alarms exist, such as smoke cloud and high temperature rocks. To address this problem, HikMicro has upgraded the

original smoke and fire detection algorithm to a multi-algorithm engine, which filters interference and significantly

improves alarm accuracy through the fusion of multi-dimensional scenes and the aggregation of multi-class


5 NETD: Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference, the minimum temperature difference an infrared detector can detect. It is one of
the main indexes to measure the performance of infrared detectors.
6 Small temperature difference scenario refers to a scenario where the temperature difference between the background and target is

so small that the target blends with the background and is difficult to identify.

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     In the future, HikMicro will continue its efforts in MEMS and sensor technology, while continuously

consolidating its technical advantages of the products to make thermal imaging available to the public.

5.4 Innovative Business - HikAuto

     HikAuto focuses on the field of intelligent driving. Centered on video sensors, and in combination with

technologies such as radar, AI, and perceptual data analysis and processing, HikAuto is committed to becoming the

industry’s leading supplier of vehicle safety and intelligent products powered by video technology. It provides a

wide range of services to domestic and international passenger and commercial vehicle users, consumers at all levels,

and industry users.

5.4.1 Steady Development of the Passenger Vehicle Pre-installed Market

     In 2022, the wholesale sales of the domestic passenger vehicle market continued to grow, and the penetration

rate of new energy vehicles increased rapidly, driving the market share of domestic brands to a record-high, and the

intelligent development of the whole vehicle is rapid. HikAuto passenger vehicle pre-installed market sales and the

number of new projects maintained a high growth rate.

     In terms of vision sensors, HikAuto expanded its leading advantage in market share, made effective

breakthroughs in new project and new customer development, and 5 megapixel and 8 megapixel high-end intelligent

driving cameras achieved mass production in many domestic leading car companies' platform-based vehicle models.

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In terms of intelligent driving, the company focused on UV fusion 7 perception and cockpit visual perception

technologies, increased investment in parking and VIMS (Video Intelligent Monitor System) products, and achieved

mass production of more than 10 projects for several domestic leading car companies, with the leading share of new

projects in China. In terms of driving-parking integrated intelligent driving products, the company integrated vision,

ultrasonic and millimeter wave radar and other perception capabilities to provide intelligent driving domain

controller products that suit different customer needs. In 2022, the company made a breakthrough in mass

production, discovering new growth opportunities.

       In 2022, the company continued to promote cooperation with joint ventures and international brands, while

steadily implementing the development of multiple platform-based product projects with a number of joint venture

and international car companies.

       In 2023, HikAuto will increase investment in R&D to lead the development of domestic vision sensor

technology. Moreover, the company will create an intelligent driving domain control system with a focus on L2+

intelligent driving scenarios to satisfy all kinds of needs. It will also actively explore solutions for integrated

intelligent driving and cockpit, providing more options of intelligent products for customers.

5.4.2 Consolidating Advantages in the Passenger Vehicle Aftermarket

       In 2022, the penetration rate of dashcams and panoramic view monitors continued to increase in the automotive

aftermarket. Despite the impact of external factors such as weak consumption and shrinking demand, HikAuto’s

7   UV fusion stands for Ultrasonic Vision fusion, and refers to the combination of ultrasonic radar and vision.

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aftermarket products maintained solid development with year-over-year growth in sales and shipments.

     HikAuto provides a full range from 2 megapixel to 4K dashcams and actively explores consumer needs. In

2022, the company launched the industry’s first F5 series dashcam with a fragrance system, which was well received

by the market. HikAuto’s panoramic view monitors have been installed in more than 60 models of 9 collections

from multiple international major brands, with stable performance and leading technology.

     After two years of development, the M1 electronic rearview mirror with ultra-low-latency high-definition night

vision complies with the automotive-grade quality requirements. It is generally recognized by consumers and

achieves high sales growth. On December 29, 2022, the national standard, GB 15084-2022 Performance and

Installation Requirements for Indirect Vision Device of Motor Vehicles, was introduced to support the development

of electronic rearview mirror. The standard is planned to be implemented as of July 1, 2023, bringing greater

opportunities for development to the market. The company will continue to increase investment in this product line.

     HikAuto online flagship store has ranked at the top of dashcam store sales list on JD.com in the past three

years, winning consumers’ trust. The company will create greater value for customers through continuous

innovation and a deeper understanding of market demand.

5.4.3 Growth in Commercial Vehicles despite a Downside Market

     In 2022, despite economic fluctuations and overall sluggish demand, HikAuto achieved growth in the

commercial vehicle business unit due to great efforts in product innovation and R&D investment.

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     In terms of key technologies, the company continues to optimize the combination of BeiDou and GuanDao

positioning algorithms to significantly improve positioning accuracy. It expands the applicability of ADAS/DMS8

intelligent algorithms by making them adaptable to more commercial vehicles. FCW, LDW, PCW, BSD9 and DMS

are among the top in terms of practicality in domestic commercial vehicle models.

     In terms of products and solutions, HikAuto has released a lineup of transport vehicle for passenger, tourist

bus, and dangerous goods logistics vehicle that comply with the new national standard GB/T 19056-2021. The

company has obtained several projects from bus and truck OEMs. It has upgraded solutions for buses, school buses

and construction vehicles, and developed more practical AI segmented scenario algorithms to enhance vehicle

digitization, provide safer driving assistance capabilities for drivers, and allow administrative agencies to analyze

vehicle usage more scientifically. Additionally, the company has introduced a new matrix of vehicle monitoring

products for the international market that cover up to 16-channel monitoring scenarios.

     HikAuto’s cloud platform has enabled access to more than 500,000 vehicle-mounted video channels, and

provides more reliable OTA functions. The platform features a new subsystem of big data analysis, helping users

with fusion analysis of multi-source heterogeneous data and scientific decision-making. In terms of information

security, the company has designed a full-link security system solution including hardware encryption, picture and

video desensitization, SSL link encryption, and level III information protection certification of the central platform.

     In 2023, with social and economic recovery, the commercial vehicle market will continue to develop toward

8ADAS: Advanced Driving Assistance System; DMS: Driver Monitor System, a fatigue driving detection system for drivers.
9FCW: Forward Collision Warning; LDW: Lane Departure Warning; PCW: Pedestrian Collision Warning; BSD: Blind Spot

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greater application, integration and practicality. The truck market will see wider application of ADAS/DMS and the

integration of a pilot vehicle system with an overload and overspeed monitoring system in more provinces. For the

bus market, a majority of provincial capitals have planned the construction of an intelligent bus 3.0 system to

promote integrated application of bus monitoring, bus scheduling, passenger flow statistics, ADAS/DMS, blind spot

collision warning, pedestrian priority at crosswalk, electronic rearview mirror, 5G-V2X and other subsystems. As

real estate and new urban infrastructure recover, the construction vehicle market will bounce back. Fatigue driving

monitoring, aggressive driving monitoring and blind spot collision warning systems will gradually become standard

features in new vehicles and connected with police traffic check points and E-police for composite management to

lower the traffic accident rate. There is a clear trend in the international markets towards building video networks

for buses, school buses and other fields, and accelerating intelligent application.

     HikAuto will continue to increase R&D investment and innovate products and solutions in the commercial

vehicle market to reduce traffic accidents, lower accident losses, and improve transportation efficiency, providing

better services for customers worldwide.

5.5 Innovative Business - HikSemi

     HikSemi is committed to providing worldwide users with professional overall storage solutions, with a focus

on industrial control, data center, video surveillance, end-consumer and other application scenarios. With complete

design, development and manufacturing capabilities, the company operates four product lines: solid-state hard disks,

front-end storage, embedded storage and flash memory application.

5.5.1 Key Products

     Guided by the mission to meet the diversified storage needs of users, HikSemi continues to iterate and expand

its four product lines by attaching importance to R&D investment, unremittingly promoting technological

innovation, and enriching application scenarios.

1)Solid-state disk (SSD)

     For video surveillance scenarios, the company released the industry’s first QLC-based embedded ultra-

compact SSD for video surveillance in 2022. The product looks like a chip with an area of only 3.2 cmand a

capacity of up to 480 GB, further improving storage density.

     For data center applications, the company has launched the D300 series of enterprise-grade SSD. This series

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significantly improves data reliability by integrating the next generation of error correction engines, and reached

99% to 99.999% QoS with the support of new scheduling algorithms after laboratory testing.

     For the end consumer market, the company has released DRAMless PCIe4.0 for use in the next generation

of high-performance and high-speed applications which expanded the product matrix. Featuring host control and

higher Flash operating frequency and host memory buffer technology, after laboratory testing, this series without

independent cache has a maximum read speed of more than 7 GB/S and is power efficient. The performance of this

product has reached the industry’s leading level, which can meet the needs of content creators and e-sports


2)Front-end storage products

     Consolidate advantages and expand applications of memory cards. HikSemi launched a memory card in

the video surveillance field in 2015. Over seven years of solid technology accumulation, the company has continued

to consolidate its competitive advantages. It has launched card series of different themes for each application

scenario in the end consumer market, and introduced 512GB memory cards for the mass storage market, providing

better options for storage expansion.

     Improve the presence of memory products. HikSemi actively expands its share in the DDR4 memory market

while developing the DDR5 memory market through technology iteration. The company continues to introduce

consumer memory products for personal computers as well as industry memory products for autonomous servers.

In 2022, the company launched U100 WAVE, a new DDR4 RGB memory stick. The product is made from high-

quality particles, and supports XMP3.0 one-click overclocking. It features a pure white PCB and a 2.5D tempered

glass vest strip with exquisite RGB light strips, achieving a balance of performance and appearance. It is gradually

gaining popularity in the personal computer assembly market.

3)Embedded storage products

     Combining strict quality control with technological innovation, the company continues to expand the

application of embedded storage products in industry segments and provides more reliable products, more relevant

solutions and more professional localization services. As of 2022, the company’s embedded storage products have

covered SPI Nor Flash, SLC NAND Flash, eMMC, LPDDR, DDR4 and other product series that meet the needs of

customers in the electric power, network communication, cell phone, security, smart home and other industries.

4)Flash memory application products

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     HikSemi keeps introducing new products and services, while continuing to optimize the in-depth application

of production and R&D technologies to respond to new evolving scenarios and personalized needs.

     Continuous innovation in mobile storage products: HikSemi takes user data protection seriously. The

company combines Hikvision cloud backup software, Hi Backup with a U disk and a mobile SSD, breaking the

barriers between online and offline data for users. HikSemi released USB 4.0 mobile SSD, leading industry


     Greater presence of flash peripherals: The company has created a range of high-performance laptop

peripherals, including a dual-protocol hard disk cartridge supporting NVME and SATA interfaces, and a docking

station with storage function.

     Home storage products focus on user needs and improve interactive experience: With core values of

security, convenience and intelligence, the company’s home storage products emphasize home data privacy and

security, and have been certified to ISO27001 and ISO27701 international privacy information management

systems. In 2022, the company released HikSemi Intelligent Storage UI 4.0 software. The product is perfect for

household applications and offers a convenient interaction experience. It utilizes recognition algorithm to make an

intelligent family photo album. Furthermore, the company has launched HIKSEMI_OS, an open platform for

intelligent AI devices, to provide an underlying operating system for the implementation of storage solutions in

different industries.

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5.5.2 Outlook

     In 2022, China’s semiconductor storage industry experienced ups and downs, facing opportunities and

challenges. HikSemi maintained proper internal management, responded to market changes calmly, developed

channels steadily, and actively expanded the industry market, with sales revenue growing steadily for five

consecutive years. The company has a marketing network covering more than 150 countries and regions, and has

established cooperation with more than 3,000 enterprises worldwide.

     HikSemi will stay true to its original intention of "storing every beautiful moment and using intelligence to

change lives" and adhere to its user service concept of "dedicated to customers’ continual success, adding value to

companies and communities." The company will continue to explore user needs, and create differentiated products

for different scenarios. With a vision to become a leading provider of integrated storage solutions in China, HikSemi

will continue to provide consumers with safe and reliable storage devices, systems and solutions through technology

innovation, product innovation, marketing innovation and brand building.

5.6 Innovative Business - HikFire

    HikFire is a provider of intelligent fire protection IOT and intelligent management solutions powered by

 visualized IOT. By leveraging emerging technologies such as multi-dimensional perception, IOT, Internet of

 Vision, cloud computing, big data and AI, as well as professional image processing, innovative security-fire

 protection integration and IoT-information network integration technologies, HikFire provides products and

 services for the construction and operation of corporate and municipal fire protection IOT system, and creates an

 open fire protection ecosystem and a collaborative service system. Moreover, the company provides one-stop fire

 safety system solutions and fire management service solutions for users in municipal public services, enterprises

 and institutions, small and medium-sized users, aiming to create a four-dimensional intelligent fire management

 system consisting of smart perception, smart prevention and control, smart management and smart rescue. The

 company’s business scope covers traditional fire protection, intelligent fire protection, platform software, e-

 commerce retail and other segments.

5.6.1 Main Business

1)Traditional fire protection: Enrich wired IOT products and further explore industry segments

     HikFire has expanded its traditional fire protection product portfolio to fully cover the pre-installed market of

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general fire protection. The products are divided into nine major systems in four segments: early warning, fire alarm,

emergency evacuation and automatic fire control. In 2022, the company continued to develop and improve the

automatic fire alarm system, emergency lighting and evacuation indicator system, fire broadcasting and phone call

system, electrical fire monitoring system, fire equipment power monitoring system, residual pressure monitoring

system, fire door monitoring system, combustible gas detection alarm and gas fire extinguishing control system.

     Breakthrough in two-bus communication and low-power technology: As a key part of an automatic fire

alarm system and a linkage subsystem, the two-bus communication technology is commonly used to achieve node

power supply and communication. The company continuously upgrades and optimizes the basic technologies for

two-bus communication such as underlying modulation and demodulation, filtering protection, chip engine, power

management, wireless communication, bus protocol to improve the carrying capacity, anti-interference capability,

communication stability and communication distance of the two-bus automatic fire alarm system.

     Innovation of product and industrial applications: In 2022, HikFire launched new products and systems

such as OS21 two-bus automatic fire alarm system, high-performance FS21 gas fire control system, and an

economical emergency lighting and indicator system. The company has accelerated the application of traditional

fire protection products in civil and industrial fields including industrial and commercial enterprises, culture,

education & health, intelligent buildings, financial services, and energy & metallurgy. By introducing the business

concept of traditional fire protection powered by IoT and vision, the company is helping users reduce comprehensive

construction and operation costs and improve the efficiency of fire and risk control. In addition, the company

actively explores the application of integrated fire prevention and control systems in the new energy sector. It has

released integrated security and fire protection system, integrated fire prevention and control system for wind farms.

Its three-level prevention and control system consisting of wind turbine prevention and control, wind farm

prevention and control, corporate prevention and control has been put into use, achieving breakthroughs in


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2 ) Intelligent fire protection: Promote the establishment of the IoT for fire protection and improve

management and service efficiency of fire protection

     As the traditional fire protection industry undergoes continued changes, the intelligent fire protection market

becomes increasingly mature. HikFire offers a full range of intelligent fire protection products while creating

operation and management IoT platform software for fire protection at the corporate, industrial and municipal levels

to meet the needs of different scenarios in different industries. Through fire protection IoT featuring multi-

dimensional perception, security-fire protection integration, system coordination, data sharing and service

integration, HikFire aims to enable the early warning, early prevention and control, and early handling of fires,

reduce fire safety risks, improve fire management efficiency, and reduce overall operating costs. The company offers

fire protection IOT solutions for a number of industries according to their characteristics, including town and county

infrastructure, financial services, cultural relics and ancient buildings, education, smart architecture, industrial and

commercial enterprises, energy & metallurgy, elderly services, commercial chains, and new energy.

     Breakthrough in dual-band fire and smoke detection technology: To address the pain points of many false

smoke alarms and high operation and maintenance costs in firefighting scenarios, HikFire has applied dual-band

photoelectric smoke detection technology and intelligent AI algorithms to the next generation of stand-alone

photoelectric smoke detectors. Experiments and field data have been used for algorithm training of these products

based on the reflection and scattering characteristics of different wavelengths on particles with different size such

as smoke, water vapor, dust, oil smoke. This ensures the accuracy and timeliness of smoke and fire detection, while

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significantly reducing false water vapor, dust and oil smoke alarms to improve reliability. This series of products

also have the advantages of temperature and humidity detection, network signal diagnosis, infrared noise elimination

and low-power consumption operation that reduce on-site operation and maintenance costs.

     Implementation of multi-spectral fire fusion detection technology: Focusing on the demand of fire

detection and alarm at very early stage, HikFire continues to enrich and expand the multi-spectral sensing

dimensions. In 2022, the company released a new multi-spectral fire detector. The product integrates video image,

multi-band infrared flame detection and thermal imaging temperature sensing technologies to achieve recognition

of flame and smoke images, spectral analysis and non-contact temperature detection respectively. It is used to

accurately detect, warn and alarm fires in complex scenarios. The product has been technically qualified and

certified, suitable for fire prevention in large space, outdoor and key locations.

   Four business platforms: HikFire creates a full-scenario application framework for corporate management,

   operation and hosting, and government regulation scenarios through the establishment of fire protection IOT

standards, operation specifications and regulatory standards. The company aims to serve fire regulatory agencies,

         social service organizations, enterprises and institutions, and end-users in Nine Small Businesses.

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3)E-commerce retail: Focus on fire safety for families and micro, small and medium-sized businesses and

enhance brand awareness

     The frequent occurrence of fire emergencies has led to a rapid increase of people’s safety awareness in China,

stimulating the demand for fire safety products of individual consumers and small and medium-sized businesses.

The household fire protection product series holds great potential to promote the development of the fire protection

industry. HikFire has accelerated its e-commerce retail business by increasing the awareness, reputation and sales

of gas detection, smoke detection and simple fire extinguishing products and fire emergency kits on major e-

commerce platforms.

     In 2022, HikFire released the next generation of smoke detection alarms and home combustible gas detectors

with different networking solutions to meet the diverse needs of users. HikFire’s home fire safety kits and

applications cover many aspects of fire protection such as automatic fire alarm, gas alarm, active identification of

potential safety hazards, emergency fire extinguishing, escape and self-rescue. The company is committed to

improving customer satisfaction through technological innovation and compliance with high quality standards.

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5.6.2 Outlook

     The next generation of digital technologies such as fire protection IOT, multi-dimensional perception, big data

and AI are accelerating the integration of traditional and intelligent fire protection. This increases the demand for

remote monitoring, management and control of fire protection, and further enhances the synergy between fire

protection and security systems, leading the industry into an era of AIOT with physical world and digital world


     As fire protection reform deepens, AI application increases and safety awareness improves, there will be a

growing scope of business and an increasing number of application scenarios for the fire protection business.

HikFire will remain committed to technological innovation of the fire protection industry while striving to promote

the construction of the standard system. With a philosophy of openness and cooperation, the company will establish,

operate and manage intelligent fire protection IoT to provide one-stop solutions for customers and users that meet

more scenario-based fire safety needs.

5.7 Innovative Business - Rayin

     Rayin is focusing on X-ray imaging technologies, dedicated to becoming a leading technology R&D,

manufacturing, sales and leasing services provider of invisible light detection equipment. With long-standing

expertise in X-ray technology, AI, IoT, etc., Rayin keep enabling technology and creating value for smart security

inspection and intelligent industrial manufacturing and other fields.

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5.7.1 Smart Security Inspection: Capacity Enhancement and Business Integration

     Combining AI, multi-dimensional perception, AR reality and other technologies, Rayin has released the Ji

Xian 2.0 series of security inspection products to cover all aspects of intelligent security inspection including

intelligent identification, person-luggage association, AR reality command and dispatch, and data application. These

products serve as a model of intelligent, three-dimensional security inspection that integrate efficient detection,

information fusion, data analysis, real-time supervision and remote command, providing point-to-point and end-to-

end security inspection solutions for different scenarios such as rail transit, logistics, hospitals, schools, checkpoints,

and corporate loss prevention.

1)Smart security inspection in rail transit

     Rayin’s smart security inspection solution for rail transit, represented by 6550/100100 series smart security

inspection products, provides centralized image interpretation, accurate person-luggage association, off-duty

detection and other functions to reduce security labor costs, regulate the behavior of security inspectors, and improve

the detection efficiency of prohibited goods. This smart solution allows comprehensive information integration,

process traceability and resource deployment for the security inspection business while ensuring the efficiency of

passenger traffic. These products facilitate a quick transformation of rail transit security inspection towards a digital


2)Smart security inspection in logistics

     Rayin’s smart logistics security solution, represented by high-speed, intelligent 140100 series of X-ray security

inspection machines, provides image-code association, intelligent image interpretation, centralized image

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interpretation, automatic rejection and other functions in logistic scenarios by utilizing industrial scanning cameras,

AI, multi-dimensional perception and other technologies. This smart solution aims to better detect, address and trace

hazards in the package delivery process, forming a comprehensive service chain and improving the efficiency of

package inspection.

5.7.2 Industrial Inspection: Anything Visible Can Be Inspected in the AI Era

     Combining X-ray imaging with AI analysis algorithms, Rayin provides scenario-based industrial detection

products and solutions that intelligently detect foreign objects and defects in the industrial production process,

empowering customers through intelligent industrial applications.

     Rayin industrial detection products are supported by dedicated high-performance processor and the next-

generation Raytina image enhancement engine for clearer, smarter and more efficient detection. Now it has been

widely used in product defect defection and electronic left-over materials counting in the scope of electronic

materials detection, in foreign object detection for packaging as well as flaw detection in the field of food and drug

inspection, and in internal flaw detection of castings in the area of industrial flaw detection, improving yield and

reducing production as well as management costs for enterprises.

5.8 Innovative Business - HikImaging

     HikImaging, rooted in the medical technology industry, is committed to the research and application of multi-

dimensional perception, intelligent analysis, video/audio transmission and display control and other related

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technologies in medical scenarios. The company provides products, solutions and related services for customers in

the medical device industry, working with customers to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of the

operating and the clinic scenarios.

5.8.1 Rigid Endoscopic Imaging Solution for MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery)

     According to Ipsos Medtech’s report "Analysis of the Overall Development Trend of National Surgery Volume

from 2015 to 2020", the compound growth rate of MIS penetration rate per million population in China increased

by 28.5% from 2015 to 2019. As the characteristics of fast recovery and small trauma, MIS is adopted by more and

more doctors and patients. In the future, the proportion of MIS will become one of the indicators for hospital

assessment, which will further promote the development of MIS and its technological upgrading.

     In 2022, HikImaging launched the MIK5 endoscopic image processing hardware platform, as well as the 4K

fluorescence solution, the first-generation 3D solution, and the 4K white light solution.

    HikImaging’s 4K fluorescence solution is the first solution in China that integrates 4K, fluorescence and auto-

focus technologies. Its unique multi-color gradient fluorography can meet the needs of a variety of complex

surgical applications, and the auto-focus function enables the endoscope to automatically focus on objects instead

of manual focus, greatly improving focus accuracy and ease of use. The first-generation 3D solution is the first

parallax-adjustable 3D solution in China, providing users with personalized parallax settings and improving 3D

visual comfort. The 4K white light series is equipped with the new MIK5 image processing module, offering

excellent imaging quality. In 2022, HikImaging saw an increase in the number of bids won from hospitals for its

4K white light and fluorescence solutions, improving the core technology of domestic high-end medical


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5.8.2 Electronic Endoscopic Imaging Solution for MIP (Minimally Invasive Procedure)

     HikImaging offers a wide range of electronic endoscopic imaging solutions and the core products include the

all-in-one dual-lens image processor, the portable image processor and electronic endoscopes. Its electronic

endoscopes include four-way biliary endoscopes for gastrointestinal endoscopy, ureteroscopes and cystoscopes for

urology, bronchoscopes for respiratory medicine and hysteroscopes for gynecology.

     The market demand for disposable electronic microscopes is huge. As the domestic and international general

safety regulations and standards continue to tighten, there are higher requirements for safety specifications and

electromagnetic compatibility, as well as for image processors and key components of electronic microscopes.

HikImaging provides electronic microscope solutions that comply with safety (GB9706.1), electromagnetic

compatibility (YY0505) and electronic microscope (YY/T1587) standards, helping customers to pass registration

and verification at one time.

5.8.3 ORMS (Operation Video Management System) Solution

     HikImaging combines the ORMS product line with the MIS and MIP lines to provide customers with an overall

solution for operating room scenarios. The ORMS solution includes medical displays and operating room video

management products.

     In 2022, HikImaging launched 27-inch and 32-inch surgical displays, which conform to the medical standard

IEC60601. The characteristics of strong anti-interference and low latency significantly improve the display stability

of endoscopic camera systems. The company also launched endoscopy workstation software to further improve the

overall solution for operating room scenarios.

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     In the past few years, the demand for teleconsultation and remote learning has increased. HikImaging has

launched the next-generation intelligent 5G full-link 4K video management system, including video recording hosts,

surgical field cameras, panoramic cameras and platform software. The system applies the mainstream real-time

audio and video transmission technology framework to the telemedicine field. Combining an optimized underlying

transmission engine with the company’s advantages in coding and decoding technologies, the system supports

smooth multi-party interaction of 4K endoscopic ultra-clear images in a cross-network environment and improve

user experience. Additionally, the system supports private hybrid cloud deployments and local storage of business

data to guarantee the safety of medical data.

     The development of the medical device industry is an issue that concerns not only the industry, but people’s

well-being. HikImaging continues to overcome technical difficulties, helping medical device manufacturers to

improve the competitiveness of their products, and driving partners to move towards the middle- and high-end of

the value chain. The company also endeavors to promote the expansion and allocation of high-quality medical

resources in lower-tier markets, making high-level medical services accessible to the general public.

     The demand for medical devices is expected to grow in China due to policy support, increasing aging

population and a gradual increase in the number of patients with chronic diseases. HikImaging will continue to

invest in R&D in multi-dimensional perception, intelligent analysis, video/audio transmission-display-control, and

other technical fields while accelerating product innovation and actively expanding the practical application of new

technologies and processes in different industries to provide industry users and customers with a variety of high-

performance products and solutions. In addition, the company will continuously improve the quality system, service

system and supply chain system, increase customer satisfaction, and cooperate with industry ecosystem partners to

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drive advances in medical technology and play a role in the construction of "Healthy China".

     II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

     Demands in the AIoT industry has always been fragmented and scenario based. How to meet personalized

demands and create scenario-based solutions while maximizing business economies of scale is a challenge that

faced by all industry participants. Hikvision has established and consistently improving the operating mechanism

and organizational systems to adapt to the fragmented demands, and has continuously promoted the refinement and

optimization of baseline products and standardized businesses while meeting personalized demands. Under the

strategic traction of AIoT, Hikvision explores market opportunities with technologies, products and solutions,

helping people establish perception, connection, computing and applications between people and things as well as

between things. We firmly believe that AIoT breeds broad market opportunities, and we expend great effort pursuing

science and technology for good, in a hope to enable everyone to enjoy a brighter future.

1. Continues to invest in R&D to build a comprehensive technology and product mix

     Hikvision has gradually expanded perception technology from visible light to infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray,

millimeter wave and other fields, explored sound wave, ultrasonic and other fields, continuously developed

perception methods such as temperature, humidity, pressure, magnetism, and further expanded upon the fusion of

multi-dimensional perception applications.

     During the reporting period, Hikvision's investment in R&D accounted for over 11.80% of its total revenue,

while the number of R&D and technical service personnel continued its stable growth, accounting for nearly 50%

of Hikvision's total workforce. The Company will continue to maintain high intensity of technical investment,

consolidate the foundation of AIoT technology, enrich the varieties of AIoT devices, concentrate on exploring the

application opportunities of AIoT and consolidate the market position in the field of AIoT.

2. Continues to gain insight into customer needs and improve of domestic and foreign marketing network

     In China, the Company facilitated by its provincial-level and city-level business centers, forming a hierarchical

city-based marketing system prioritized by economic development. Overseas, the Company formed a marketing

network architecture of headquarters-regions-countries. The headquarters is tasked with building business support

capabilities, while regions establish operations and service systems, and countries adapt to local conditions to deeply

cultivate specific local markets. Hikvision has long-term and consistent investment in the construction of marketing

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system, insisting on building localized talent teams, attaching great importance to the accumulation of partners, and

forming a sound marketing network for business connection, information interaction and resource optimization.

     Hikvision has expanded industry applications through dividing business into three business groups: public

business group (PBG), enterprise business group (EBG) and SME business group (SMBG). The overseas

distribution business and industry business are complementary to one another, so Hikvision has implemented the

strategy of "One policy for one country". Through the organic synergy of industry-driven region, region-driven

industry, marketing-driven R&D, and R&D-driven marketing helps the Company gain insight into user demands,

enabling both marketing and technical R&D work to be performed in a targeted manner, thereby steadily driving

the Company's business forward..

3. Continues to build flexible manufacturing system and ensure supply chain stability

     Hikvision sells nearly 30,000 different models of hardware equipment and often encounter scattered orders,

frequent changes in demands, and high requirements for the completeness of supply chain. Therefore, the Company

continues to build flexible and efficient manufacturing system, improving its capacity for lean production and

intelligent manufacturing to meet the large scale demands of multiple small-lot production. Hikvision operates

domestic manufacturing bases in Hangzhou Tonglu, Chongqing and other places, orderly promotes the construction

and expansion for new manufacturing bases, and supports the global product supply through local factories in India,

Brazil, and United Kingdom.

     The Company has helped over a thousand supplier partners around the world to achieve rapid development,

helping them quickly iterate and improve upon raw-materials, and components and parts over the long-term, which

in turn has strengthened the stability of the overall industrial supply chain. In response to the supply chain

uncertainly caused by sanctions, the Company has continued to maintain large stockpiles of raw materials.

4. Continues to promote the evolution of management system and improve the operating efficiency

     As for business direction and goal setting, the Company has annually updated and applied the strategic planning

and annual business planning based on the BLM strategic planning methodology, facilitating effective

communication and alignment of each business and functional departments to ensure clear goals and division of

responsibilities. In terms of internal management, focusing on revolution of management, Hikvision has

implemented over 100 management reform initiatives each year to optimize resource layout and improve overall

capabilities. Relying on the construction of IT system, the Company continuously optimized business processes and

improved efficiency of business system. Furthermore, the Company continues to refine the digital management

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capabilities in many aspects including promoting the identification and management of financial risks, building a

digital quality management system, improving internal control mechanisms, pursing the construction of compliance

systems, protecting innovation achievements, and etc.

5. Continues to build people-oriented organizational climate and unite outstanding talents

    Hikvision considers talents as the most important resource of enterprise competitiveness, recruiting talent from

all around the world, while adhering to the employment concept of "growing together with talents". By improving

the talent discovery and performance appraisal mechanism and identifying and assigning people through scientific

approach, the Company has boosted the morale and creativity of employees to improve organizational capabilities.

The comprehensive employee reward system has been formed, which consists of compensation and benefits, equity

incentives, innovative business co-investment, and etc., further developing the distribution mechanism for

employees to participate in and benefit from the Company's growth. Employees participating in equity incentives

and co-investment can obtain long-term returns through their contributions to the Company's performance,

coordinating the long-term development pf business with the continuous employee growth.

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III. Core Business Analysis

1. Overview

     In 2022, the world is facing increased macro-economy volatility, complicated geopolitical layout and escalated

sanctions from the US and Europe, and China is facing pressures such as decreased demands, supply shock and

weak expectations, which has posed great challenges to business operations. Adhering to the business philosophy

of "professionalism, honesty, and integrity", Hikvision responded to the uncertainties in a proactive and prudent

manner. During the reporting period, the Company achieved a total revenue of RMB83.17 billion, representing

year-over-year growth of 2.14%, and realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company of RMB12.84

billion, representing year-over-year decrease of 23.59%.

(1) Sustained investment in R&D and formed a solid technical foundation

     In 2022, Hikvision invested RMB9.81 billion in R&D, accounting for 11.80% of the Company’s total revenue.

The Company had about 28,000 R&D and technical service personnel, upholding its commitment to significant

R&D investment. Guided by the strategy, the Company continues to focus on the main businesses and persistently

optimizes the resource allocation based on product innovation and market opportunities.

     In order to form a comprehensive and leading technology mix, the Company continues to promote the

development of perception, image and optical technologies. In terms of perception technology, a full-spectrum

perception technology platform including visible light, infrared, X-ray, millimeter wave and other spectral bands

has been established. Through years of cultivation, the Company currently has over 30,000 product models for sale,

enabling it to better meet the fragmented demands of users. Hikvision will continue to exploit the advantages of

transforming technology to product and commercializing the products, and continue to develop new technologies

and products to lead the development of the industry.

 (2) Leveraged on resource allocation to seize business opportunities and cope with the changes in the

external environment

     In 2022, the changing market demand and customer expectation was due to the changes in the global pattern

and the downturn of the domestic economy, which result in the deviation of the Company's resource input and

output. In terms of the domestic businesses, taking problem solving as the guide, the Company leveraged on resource

allocation to seize business opportunities. For overseas market, the Company implemented the "One policy for one

country" strategy and continued to penetrate into the markets of different countries to enhance the operating

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(3) Maintained safe inventory level and ensured stable supply chain

     In 2022, in face of various uncertainties, the Company worked closely with partners to expand the supply of

important raw material and promoted the diversification of the supply chain. Meanwhile, the Company increased

the inventory level of important raw material, in order to ensure supply continuity. Hikvision continued to promote

lean production management, improved the level of intelligent manufacturing, optimized delivery efficiency and

ensured the steady development of business.

 (4) Supported the Company’s stable development by diversified business layout

     In 2022, the three domestic business groups were under pressure due to the fluctuation of macro-economy, but

the Company expects that there will still be great growth in the future because the digital transformation promoting

high quality development is the doubtless long-term trend. Even though the overseas market was faced by inflation,

geopolitical risk and other issues, the Company's overseas market share continued to increase based on the strong

supply capacity and solid business development. The innovative businesses maintained a fast growth.

     The diversified business layout is the guarantee of the Company’s stable growth. Different businesses form

good synergy and interaction, which together help the Company to achieve stability and long-term sustainable


(5) Optimized the marketing system and improved the operational efficiency

     In 2022, the Company continued to optimize the marketing network, bringing itself closer to customers and

users. Hikvision has 32 provincial business centers and more than 300 city branches and offices nationwide, as well

as 72 overseas branches to provide products and services to more than 150 countries and regions around the world.

     The Company continues to advance process change management, enhance operational efficiency and improve

organizational management capabilities, ensuring that it evolves and keeps up with the times to support the

Company's long-term business development.

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2. Revenue /cost of sales and services

1) Revenue structure
                                                2022                                   2021
                                                                                                                YoY Change
                                                       Proportion to                           Proportion to       (%)
                                    Amount                                  Amount
                                                         revenue                                 revenue
 Revenue                         83,166,321,681.14            100.00%    81,420,053,539.27           100.00%          2.14%

 Classified by industry

 AIoT products and services      83,166,321,681.14            100.00%    81,420,053,539.27           100.00%          2.14%

 Classified by product

 Products and services for
                                 65,873,570,961.21              79.21%   65,145,683,074.74             80.01%         1.12%
 main business 10
 Constructions for main
                                  2,222,876,059.14               2.67%    4,003,746,727.88              4.92%       -44.48%

            Subtotal             68,096,447,020.35              81.88%   69,149,429,802.62             84.93%        -1.52%

 Smart home business              4,077,290,933.03               4.90%    3,948,427,896.29              4.85%         3.26%

 Robotic business                 3,916,176,952.59               4.71%    2,761,636,666.33              3.39%        41.81%

 Thermal imaging business         2,790,033,744.03               3.35%    2,214,127,005.65              2.72%        26.01%

 Auto electronics business        1,905,289,927.53               2.29%    1,431,895,295.48              1.76%        33.06%

 Storage business                 1,616,267,518.08               1.94%    1,384,585,038.78              1.70%        16.73%

 Other innovative businesses11     764,815,585.53                0.92%     529,951,834.12               0.65%        44.32%

            Subtotal             15,069,874,660.79              18.12%   12,270,623,736.65             15.07%        22.81%

 Classified by region

 Domestic                        56,890,890,769.45              68.41%   59,434,989,705.17             73.00%        -4.28%

 Overseas                        26,275,430,911.69              31.59%   21,985,063,834.10             27.00%        19.51%

Note: The data listed in the subtotals may differ slightly from the aggregated results of the relevant individual data
due to rounding.

Revenue structure12

10 Main business refers to the business parts other than the innovative businesses.
11 Other innovative businesses include the products and services of the innovative business subsidiaries, such as
HikFire, Rayin and HikImaging. Same below.
12 The operating income from domestic main business (including three major business groups in domestic and

other products and services for main business) and overseas main business only include Hikvision’s main

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB 100mn

                                                          2022               2021          YoY Change (%)             2020

                       PBG                               161.35              191.61            -15.79%               159.87

                       EBG                               165.05              166.29             -0.75%               147.24

 Domestic main         SMBG                              124.97              134.90             -7.36%                92.09
                       Other products and
                       services for main                  9.27                9.43              -1.70%                9.71

 Overseas main         Products and services
                                                         220.32              189.26             16.41%               164.44
 business              for main business

             Innovative businesses13                     150.70              122.71             22.81%                61.68

                       Total                             831.66              814.20                2.14%             635.03

2)Industries, products or regions accounting for more than 10% of the Company's revenue or operating
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   YoY Change        YoY Change
                                               Cost of sales and                   YoY Change
                               Revenue                             Gross margin                  (%) of operating    (%) of gross
                                                   services                       (%) of revenue
                                                                                                       cost            margin

Classified by industry

AIoT products and
                         83,166,321,681.14 47,996,254,466.32             42.29%           2.14%             5.88%            -2.04%

Classified by product

Products and
services for main        65,873,570,961.21 37,063,587,434.45             43.74%           1.12%             6.07%            -2.62%
Constructions for
                           2,222,876,059.14 1,672,876,250.28             24.74%         -44.48%            -45.76%            1.78%
main business
                         15,069,874,660.79 9,259,790,781.59              38.55%          22.81%            26.83%            -1.95%

     Subtotal            83,166,321,681.14 47,996,254,466.32             42.29%           2.14%             5.88%            -2.04%

Classified by region

Domestic                 56,890,890,769.45 33,093,858,433.32             41.83%           -4.28%            0.27%            -2.64%

Overseas                 26,275,430,911.69 14,902,396,033.00             43.28%          19.51%            20.93%            -0.67%

When the statistical caliber of the Company's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period, the
Company's main business data would be adjusted according to the end of the reporting period in the most recent

business's products and services, excluding revenue from innovative businesses.
13 Innovative businesses' revenue includes its domestic and overseas revenue

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report


□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3)If revenue from physical products sales greater than revenue from providing services
√ Yes □ No
       Industry                 Item                  Unit                     2022                 2021             YoY Change (%)

                            Sales volume            Per unit                   202,935,192           194,410,923                4.38%
AIoT products and
                           Output volume            Per unit                   207,698,031           207,744,025               -0.02%

Explanation on why the related data varied by more than 30% on a YoY basis
□Applicable √Inapplicable

4) Fulfillment of signed significant sales contracts and procurement contracts by the reporting period
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

5) Cost of sales and services structure
Classified by industry

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                      2022                                       2021
                                                               Proportion to                              Proportion to   YoY Change
     Industry            Item
                                             Amount            cost of sales            Amount            cost of sales      (%)
                                                               and services                               and services
AIoT products       Cost of sales
                                           47,996,254,466.32       100.00%            45,329,400,332.65        100.00%          5.88%
and services        and services

Classified by product
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                      2022                                       2021
                                                               Proportion to                              Proportion to   YoY Change
     Product             Item
                                             Amount            cost of sales            Amount            cost of sales      (%)
                                                               and services                               and services
Products and        Cost of sales
services for main   and services           37,063,587,434.45         77.22%           34,944,137,550.04         77.09%          6.07%
Constructions for   Cost of sales
                    and services            1,672,876,250.28          3.49%            3,084,364,818.86          6.80%        -45.76%
main business
Innovative          Cost of sales
                    and services            9,259,790,781.59         19.29%            7,300,897,963.75         16.11%         26.83%
                    Cost of sales
Subtotal            and services           47,996,254,466.32       100.00%            45,329,400,332.65        100.00%          5.88%

6) Any change in consolidation scope during the reporting period
√Yes □ No

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

     During the reporting period, the Company established two domestic subsidiaries and four overseas subsidiaries,

acquired one subsidiary, and liquidated and cancelled three subsidiaries. All of this result in changes in the scope of

its consolidation scope. For details, please refer to changes in the consolidation scope in Note (Ⅵ) to the financial


7) Significant change or adjustment of the Company’s business, products or services during the reporting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

8) Major customers and suppliers:
Sales to major customers of the Company

Sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                                    2,024,692,757.25

Total sales to top five customers as a percentage of the total sales for the year (%)                                           2.43%
Total sales to the related parties in top five customers as a percentage of the total
sales for the year (%)

Information on top five customers

   No.           Name of Customer                       Sales Amount (RMB)                   Percentage of total sales for the year

    1                    First                                            814,903,094.87                                        0.98%

    2                  Second                                             333,144,012.47                                        0.40%

    3                   Third                                             310,497,692.61                                        0.37%

    4                   Fourth                                            300,071,290.68                                        0.36%

    5                    Fifth                                            266,076,666.62                                        0.32%

  Total                   --                                            2,024,692,757.25                                        2.43%

Other information of major customers
□Applicable √Inapplicable

Major suppliers of the Company

Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                        8,294,123,264.58

Total purchases from top five suppliers as a percentage of the total purchases for the year (%)                                17.58%
Total purchases from the related parties in the top five suppliers as a percentage of the total
purchases for the year (%)

Information on top five suppliers of the Company

    No.                Supplier Name                     Purchase Amount (RMB)               Percentage of total purchase for the year

        1                      First                                      2,769,664,258.70                                       5.87%

        2                  Second                                         1,719,471,215.65                                       3.65%

                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

    No.              Supplier Name                      Purchase Amount (RMB)                   Percentage of total purchase for the year

     3                      Third                                        1,364,276,241.23                                           2.89%

     4                      Fourth                                       1,316,427,377.50                                           2.79%

     5                      Fifth                                        1,124,284,171.50                                           2.38%

   Total                      --                                         8,294,123,264.58                                          17.58%

Other information of major suppliers
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Expenses
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                              YoY Change
                                       2022                   2021                                    Note of significant change
                                                                                           Continue to increase investment in domestic
Selling expenses                    9,773,457,336.23   8,586,443,668.02           13.82%
                                                                                           and overseas marketing networks

                                                                                         Due to the expansion of the Company's
Administrative expenses             2,642,113,372.00   2,132,250,463.96           23.91% business scale and increased number of

R&D expenses                        9,814,444,260.55   8,251,645,101.39           18.94% Continue to increase R&D investment

                                                                                           Affected by foreign exchange rate fluctuations,
Financial expenses                   -990,401,533.32    -133,343,257.84         -642.75%
                                                                                           foreign exchange income increased

4. R&D Investment
√Applicable □Inapplicable

R&D personnel of the Company

                                                       2022                                2021                   Change Percentage

Number of R&D staff (ppl)                                            27,951                           25,352                       10.25%

R&D staff as percentage of Total                                     47.96%                          48.06%                        -0.10%

Education structure of R&D staff                        -                                   -                               -

Bachelor degree                                                      17,376                           16,305                        6.57%

Master’s degree                                                      8,528                            7,159                       19.12%

Master’s degree or above                                               162                              129                       25.58%

others                                                                1,885                            1,759                        7.16%

Age composition of R&D staff                            -                                   -                               -

Under 30 years old                                                   16,442                           15,388                        6.85%

                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                             2022                       2021                Change Percentage

30-40 years old                                        10,844                      9,425                   15.06%

Over 40 years old                                         665                        539                   23.38%

R&D investment of the Company

                                             2022                       2021                Change Percentage

Amount of R&D expenses (RMB)                  9,814,444,260.55          8,251,645,101.39                   18.94%
R&D expenses as a percentage of
                                                       11.80%                    10.13%                     1.67%

Capitalized R&D expenses (RMB)                            0.00                      0.00                    0.00%
Capitalized R&D expenses as a
                                                        0.00%                      0.00%                    0.00%
percentage of R&D expenses

Reason and effect of significant change in the composition of the Company's R&D personnel
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Reason of significant change of total R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue as compared to last year
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Reason and explanation of its reasonableness of significant change of the capitalized R&D expenses
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Cash Flow
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                       2022                       2021                YoY Change (%)

Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                             92,669,076,379.69         90,984,859,750.26                   1.85%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             82,504,940,997.31         78,276,335,063.27                   5.40%
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                             10,164,135,382.38         12,708,524,686.99                  -20.02%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                              7,422,373,113.52          6,370,051,168.33                  16.52%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             11,147,754,175.76          9,526,380,351.62                  17.02%
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                             -3,725,381,062.24          -3,156,329,183.29                 -18.03%
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                             14,375,530,041.46          6,123,487,832.52                 134.76%
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             15,831,448,254.21         15,914,985,474.12                   -0.52%
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing
                                             -1,455,918,212.75          -9,791,497,641.60                 85.13%
Net increase in cash and cash
                                              5,211,446,085.37           -420,893,449.11                 1338.19%

                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Explanation of why the related data varied significantly on a YoY basis
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
The main reason for the change in net cash flow from operating activities was the increased expenditure on payroll
during the reporting period; the main reason for the change in net cash flow from investing activities was the
purchase of long-term assets during the reporting period; the main reason for the change in net cash flow from
financing activities was mainly due to the issuance of restricted shares and increase in capital absorption from the
listing of the subsidiary during the reporting period.

Explanation of reasons leading to the material difference between cash flow from operating activities during the
reporting period and net profit for the year

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. Non-core Business Analysis

□Applicable √Inapplicable

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1.   Material changes of asset items


                                December 31, 2022              December 31, 2021
                                             Percentage                         Percentage Change    Note of significant change
                              Amount          of total         Amount            of total   (%)
                                               assets                             assets

Cash and bank balances   40,011,863,999.94       33.56%     34,721,870,931.36     33.43%     0.13% No significant change

Accounts receivable      29,906,294,410.40       25.08%     26,174,773,100.42     25.20%    -0.12% No significant change

                                                                                                     Operating income of
Contract assets           2,118,223,370.98          1.78%    1,411,372,624.91      1.36%     0.42%
                                                                                                     constructions increased

Inventories              18,998,222,978.81       15.93%     17,974,112,407.60     17.31%    -1.38% No significant change

                                                                                                     Gains from investment in
                                                                                                     joint ventures and
Long-term equity                                                                                     associated enterprises
                          1,252,033,513.41          1.05%     982,165,546.45       0.95%     0.10%
investment                                                                                           increased, as well as other
                                                                                                     changes in equity

                                                                                                     Projects of Security
                                                                                                     Industrial Base (Tonglu) -
Fixed assets              8,539,842,630.68          7.16%    6,695,590,671.27      6.45%     0.71% Phase II Continued
                                                                                                     Construction    and
                                                                                                     Innovation Industry Park

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                December 31, 2022             December 31, 2021
                                             Percentage                        Percentage Change    Note of significant change
                             Amount           of total        Amount            of total   (%)
                                               assets                            assets

                                                                                                    transferred to fixed assets

                                                                                                    Increase in construction
                                                                                                    investments on Science
Construction in process   3,770,803,300.80          3.16%   2,323,336,098.68      2.24%     0.92%
                                                                                                    and Technology Parks in
                                                                                                    various locations

Right-of-use assets        574,478,326.31           0.48%    566,393,672.75       0.55%    -0.07% No significant change

Lease liabilities          277,255,924.83           0.23%    317,951,879.21       0.31%    -0.08% No significant change

Short-term borrowings     3,343,071,972.89          2.80%   4,074,962,469.97      3.92%    -1.12% No significant change

Contract liabilities      2,644,496,508.36          2.22%   2,580,894,226.59      2.48%    -0.26% No significant change

Long-term borrowings      7,522,315,341.60          6.31%   3,284,371,642.52      3.16%     3.15%
                                                                                                    Increase in demands for
Non-current liabilities
                           868,197,272.46           0.73%    596,915,360.58       0.57%     0.16% long-term working capital
due within one year

High proportion of overseas assets
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

2.   Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Difference on   Provision
                                                          Profit or loss from     translation of for decline
                                                            change in fair           financial     in value                Sales during
                   Item                   Opening balance                                                    amount during                Other changes    Closing balance
                                                           value during the         statements   during the                 the period
                                                                                                               the period
                                                                period            dominated in      current
                                                                                foreign currency    period

Financial assets

1.   Derivative financial assets             34,320,010.83    -21,549,304.93           36,732.46                                                                 12,807,438.36

2.   Other non-current financial assets     438,724,172.22    -69,793,177.28                                83,962,245.00 29,000,000.00                         423,893,239.94

3.   Receivables for financing            1,316,035,122.06                                                                                168,183,136.68       1,484,218,258.74

Subtotal of financial assets              1,789,079,305.11    -91,342,482.21           36,732.46            83,962,245.00 29,000,000.00   168,183,136.68       1,920,918,937.04

Financial liabilities                         4,062,317.57    -64,225,038.68           12,329.32                                                                 68,299,685.57

Whether there were any material changes on the measurement attributes of major assets of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

3.   Assets right restrictions as of the end of the reporting period
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                Item               Closing book value (RMB)                      Reasons for being restricted

Cash and bank balances                          196,473,485.37 Various cash deposits and other restricted funds

Notes receivable                              1,241,880,022.19 Endorsed to suppliers and discounted to banks

Receivables for financing                            10,312.23 Pledge for issuance of bank’s acceptance bills

Accounts receivable                             344,585,345.01 Pledge for long-term debts

Contract assets                                 120,072,855.46 Pledge for long-term debts

Fixed assets                                     81,627,645.88 Fixed assets leased out under operating leases

Intangible assets                                39,314,886.51 Pledge and mortgage for long-term debts

Other non-current assets                      1,607,546,382.61 Pledge for long-term debts

               Total                          3,631,510,935.26

VI. Investments

1. Overview

√Applicable □ Inapplicable

        Investment in 2022 (RMB)               Investment in 2021 (RMB)                             YoY (%)

               4,686,051,570.44                     2,534,882,042.80                                84.86%

2. Significant equity investment during the current reporting period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

3. Significant non-equity investment during the current reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                 for not
                                           Fixed                                                                                 reaching
                                                                  Investment during       amount of
                                Invest     assets     Project                                              Source of   Project   planned Disclosure Date
       Project name                                              the current reporting investment by the                                                        Disclosure Index (if applicable)
                              method      investme industry                                                 funds      schedule progress    (if applicable)
                                                                       period         end of the current
                                          nt or not                                                                                and
                                                                                       reporting period

                                                       AIoT                                                                                                    Announcement on Investment and
   Chengdu Science and                                products                                               Self-                          September 23,      Construction of Chengdu Science
                             Self-built     Yes                      528,392,746.55 1,424,680,236.64                    72.36%    None
  Technology Park Project                               and                                                financing                            2017            and Technology Park Project in
                                                      services                                                                                                     Chengdu (No. 2017-033)

                                                       AIoT                                                                                                    Announcement on Investment and
   Hangzhou Innovation                                products                                             Specific                         September 23,         Construction of Hangzhou
                             Self-built     Yes                      399,241,430.12     792,552,212.28                 100.00%    None
       Industry Park                                    and                                                  Loan                               2017           Innovation Industry Park Project
                                                      services                                                                                                   in Hangzhou (No. 2017-034)

                                                                                                                                                               Announcement on Investment and
  Security Industrial Base                             AIoT                                                                                                    establishment of a wholly-owned
    (Tonglu) - Phase II                               products                                               Self-                           October 16,         subsidiary in Tonglu and new
                             Self-built     Yes                      195,023,827.62     585,726,069.36                 100.00%    None
  Continued Construction                                and                                                financing                            2014           construction of Hikvision Security
          Project                                     services                                                                                                  Industrial Base (Tonglu) Project

                                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                                                     for not
                                              Fixed                                                                                  reaching
                                                                     Investment during       amount of
                                 Invest       assets     Project                                              Source of    Project   planned Disclosure Date
       Project name                                                 the current reporting investment by the                                                          Disclosure Index (if applicable)
                                 method      investme industry                                                  funds      schedule progress     (if applicable)
                                                                          period         end of the current
                                             nt or not                                                                                 and
                                                                                          reporting period

                                                          AIoT                                                                                                      Announcement on Investment and
    Xi’an Science and                                   products                                               Self-                           September 23,       Construction of Xi’an Science and
                                Self-built     Yes                      329,131,701.34     510,141,028.55                   22.39%    None
 Technology Park Project                                   and                                                financing                               2017          Technology Park in Xi’an (2017-
                                                         services                                                                                                                 031)

                                                          AIoT                                                                                                      Announcement on Investment and
Wuhan Intelligence Industry                              products                                               Self-                           September 23,            Construction of Wuhan
                                Self-built     Yes                      340,890,130.67     362,495,271.16                   15.19%    None
        Park Project                                       and                                                financing                               2017            Intelligence Industry Park in
                                                         services                                                                                                          Wuhan (2017-036)

                                                          AIoT                                                  Self-
   EZVIZ Smart Home
                                                         products                                             financing/
  Product Industrial Base       Self-built     Yes                      186,803,117.49     282,125,289.82                   37.47%    None             -                            -
                                                           and                                                Specific
Project (Infrastructure Part)
                                                         services                                               Loan

  Security Industrial Base                               products                                               Self-
                                Self-built     Yes                      207,632,208.04     256,401,113.99                   33.30%    None             -                            -
    (Tonglu) Phase III                                     and                                                financing

                                                          AIoT                                                                                                      Announcement on Investment and
 Shijiazhuang Science and                                products                                               Self-                            March 22,            Construction of Shijiazhuang
                                Self-built     Yes                      140,802,995.70     240,987,635.91                   26.87%    None
 Technology Park Project                                   and                                                financing                              2018            Science and Technology Park in
                                                         services                                                                                                       Shijiazhuang (2018-016)

                                                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                                                  for not
                                            Fixed                                                                                 reaching
                                                                   Investment during       amount of
                               Invest       assets     Project                                              Source of   Project   planned Disclosure Date
      Project name                                                the current reporting investment by the                                                         Disclosure Index (if applicable)
                               method      investme industry                                                 funds      schedule progress     (if applicable)
                                                                        period         end of the current
                                           nt or not                                                                                and
                                                                                        reporting period

    Hefei Science and                                  products                                               Self-
                              Self-built     Yes                       77,569,482.71      96,324,257.68                  17.80%    None             -                            -
 Technology Park Project                                 and                                                financing

 Zhengzhou Science and                                 products                                               Self-
                              Self-built     Yes                       51,865,323.17      93,894,775.99                  19.36%    None             -                            -
 Technology Park Project                                 and                                                financing

 Chongqing Science and
                                                       products                                               Self-
Technology Park Project-      Self-built     Yes                       88,299,070.73      88,837,517.21                  18.51%    None             -                            -
                                                         and                                                financing
        Phase Ⅲ

                                                                                                                                                                 Announcement on Investment and
    EZVIZ Intelligent                                   AIoT
                                                                                                                                                                 Construction of EZVIZ Intelligent
Manufacturing Chongqing                                products                                               Self-                          August 11, 202
                              Self-built     Yes                       72,173,018.20      72,173,018.20                   6.17%    None                           Manufacturing Chongqing Base
Base Project(Infrastructure                              and                                                financing                                1
                                                                                                                                                                  by the holding subsidiary (2021-
           Part)                                       services

   Nanjing Science and                                                                                        Self-
                              Self-built     Yes       products        58,233,792.70      59,330,672.30                  10.21%    None             -                            -
 Technology Park Project                                                                                    financing

                                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                                                for not
                                          Fixed                                                                                 reaching
                                                                 Investment during       amount of
                                Invest    assets     Project                                              Source of   Project   planned Disclosure Date
       Project name                                             the current reporting investment by the                                                        Disclosure Index (if applicable)
                             method      investme industry                                                 funds      schedule progress    (if applicable)
                                                                      period         end of the current
                                         nt or not                                                                                and
                                                                                      reporting period

   Nanchang Science and                              products                                               Self-
                            Self-built     Yes                       49,487,530.31      55,299,275.67                  11.26%    None            -                            -
  Technology Park Project                              and                                                financing

          Total                   --        --          --        2,725,546,375.35 4,920,968,374.76          --          --        --            --                           --

Note: 1. In accordance with the Company's Authorization Management System, EZVIZ Smart Home Product Industrial Base Project, Security Industrial Base (Tonglu)
Phase III project, Hefei Science and Technology Park Project, Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park Project, Nanjing Science and Technology Park Project, and
Nanchang Science and Technology Park Project were approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Chongqing Science and Technology Park Project-Phase
Ⅲ was approved by the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors.
     2. In accordance with the Company's Authorization Management System, new investments on fixed assets of Chengdu Science and Technology Park Project, Xi’an
Science and Technology Park Project, and Shijiazhuang Science and Technology Park Project were approved by the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors.
New investments on fixed assets of Security Industrial Base (Tonglu) Phase III was approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

4. Financial asset investment

(1) Securities Investments

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There no such case in the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
(2) Derivatives Investments
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

1) Derivative investments for hedging purposes during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: 0,000 RMB

                                             Gain or loss on                                                                                                                   Proportion of closing
                                                                                                                                        Sold amount
 Type of derivatives   Initial investment    changes in fair      Changes in cumulative fair value        Purchased amount during                            Closing         investment amount to the
                                                                                                                                         during the
     investment             amount           value during the             included in equity                 the reporting period                            amount        Company’s net assets at the
                                                                                                                                      reporting period
                                             reporting period                                                                                                               end of the reporting period

Foreign exchange
                          205,031.34             -8,577.43                         -                             977,421.97                   -            235,153.63                 3.44%

Total                     205,031.34             -8,577.43                         -                             977,421.97                   -            235,153.63                 3.44%

                                                                In accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "ASBE") No. 22 -
                                                                Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, ASBE No. 24 - Hedge Accounting, ASBE No. 37 - Presentation of Financial
Accounting policies and specific accounting principles for
                                                                Instruments and other relevant regulations and guides, the Company correspondingly conducted accounting and reporting for foreign
hedging business during the reporting period and
                                                                exchange derivatives business carried out. The Company conducted initial and subsequent measurements on contracts of foreign
explanations on whether there have been significant
                                                                exchange derivatives by held-for-trading financial assets/ held-for-trading financial liabilities, and the fair value for held-for-trading
changes from the previous reporting period
                                                                financial assets and held-for-trading financial liabilities is determined by financial institutions based on trading data of open market.
                                                                There was no significant changes from the previous reporting period.

Explanations on actual gain or loss during the reporting        There was a total of RMB55.19 million actual gains during the reporting period.

                                                                The Company's purpose was to avoid and prevent risks of exchange rate or interest rate fluctuations and prohibited any speculative
Explanations on the effect of hedging business                  actions, further improving the Company's ability to cope with risks of foreign exchange fluctuations, better avoiding and
                                                                preventing risks of foreign exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations, and enhancing its financial stability.

Capital source of derivatives investment                        The Company's own fund.

Risk analysis and control measures (including but not           For details of the risk analysis and control measures, please refer to the Announcement on Conducting Foreign Exchange Hedging

                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                               Gain or loss on                                                                                                              Proportion of closing
                                                                                                                                       Sold amount
 Type of derivatives    Initial investment     changes in fair     Changes in cumulative fair value      Purchased amount during                           Closing        investment amount to the
                                                                                                                                        during the
     investment               amount          value during the             included in equity               the reporting period                           amount       Company’s net assets at the
                                                                                                                                     reporting period
                                              reporting period                                                                                                           end of the reporting period

limited to, market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational Transactions in 2022 (NO. 2022-023) disclosed by the Company on April 16, 2022.
risk, legal risk, etc.) of holding derivatives during the
reporting period

                                                                 The Company carried out recognition and measurement in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
Change of market price or fair value of invested derivatives
                                                                 Article 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, Chapter VII "Determination of Fair Value". During the
during the reporting period; specific methods, related
                                                                 reporting period, a total of RMB85.77 million of losses from changes in fair value of derivatives were recognized, and the fair
assumptions and parameter setting of the derivatives’ fair
                                                                 value is determined according to the exchange rate and interest rate provided by banks and other pricing service institutions,
value analysis should be disclosed
                                                                 measured and recognized on a monthly basis.

Prosecution (if applicable)                                      None

Announcement date for approvals of derivatives investment
                                                                 April 16, 2022
from the Board of Directors (if any)

Announcement date for approvals of derivatives investment
from the general meeting of shareholders (if any)

                                                                 The relevant approval procedures for the Company’s foreign exchange hedging business complies with the relevant national laws
                                                                 and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association. The Company has established a sound process for the
                                                                 organization, business operation and approval for conducting foreign exchange hedging business, as well as the Foreign Exchange
Specific opinions on the Company’s derivatives
                                                                 Hedging Management System. Under the premise of ensuring normal production and operation, the Company conducts foreign
investments and risk control from independent directors
                                                                 exchange hedging business, which enables the Company to avoid and prevent sharp exchange rate fluctuations and its adverse
                                                                 effects on the Company’s operations, and contributes to controlling foreign exchange risks. There is no damage to the interests of
                                                                 the Company nor of its shareholders.

2) Derivative investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period
□Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no derivative investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period.
                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
5. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
During the reporting period, there was no use of raised fund.
The details of the use of funds raised by EZVIZ Network, the Company's holding subsidiary, was disclosed on April 15, 2023 in Annual Report of Hangzhou EZVIZ
Network Co., Ltd Section Ⅵ (14) - Progress of the Use of Funds Raised on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange ( www.sse.com.cn).

VII. Disposal of Significant Assets and Equity

1. Disposal of significant assets:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no disposal of significant asset for the Company during the current reporting period.
2. Sale of significant equity:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

VIII. Analysis of Major Subsidiaries and Holding Companies

Information about obtaining and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                     Equity acquisition and disposal
                 Company name                                                            Impact on overall production results
                                                    method during the reporting period

   Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering Ltd.        Transfer of equity in cash             Business development

     Shijiazhuang Sensortech, Technology Ltd.               Cash contribution                  Business development

          Hikvision Adriatic doo Beograd                    Cash contribution              Expand overseas sales channels

          Hikvision Technology Pte. Ltd.                    Cash contribution              Expand overseas sales channels

              Hikrobot Korea Limited                        Cash contribution              Expand overseas sales channels

  Hangzhou Xingrong Information Technology Ltd.             Cash contribution                  Business development

             Microimage Europe B.V.                         Cash contribution              Expand overseas sales channels

      Hangzhou Haikang Zhicheng Investment
                                                       Liquidation & cancellation                  Reorganization
                Development Ltd.

Hangzhou Haikang Ximu Intelligent Technology Ltd.      Liquidation & cancellation                  Reorganization

           Microwave Solutions Limited                 Liquidation & cancellation                  Reorganization

IX. Structural Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

X. Outlook for the Future Development of the Company

1. Development Trends for the Industry

     AIoT is a fundamental capability that provides the possibility of connection and interaction between people

and things as well as between things. This is happening right now, with a huge impact on the way decisions are

made. Boasting a trillion RMB-level market potential, AIoT will sweep across thousands of industries with

unprecedented changes and it is not limited to a certain field or a certain industry, but a fundamental technology

affecting various industries.

     Proceeding from industrial businesses based on large-scale scenarios, the Company has made abundant

preparations in many aspects such as supporting technologies, software and hardware products, system capabilities,

business organization and marketing systems that related to AIoT. We are confident that Hikvision will be able to

seize the opportunities brought by the rapid development of AIoT.

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

2. Development strategy of the Company

     In the future, Hikvision is committed to serving various industries through its cutting-edge technologies of

machine perception, artificial intelligence, and big data, leading the future of AIoT:Through comprehensive

machine perception technologies, we aim to help people better connect with the world around them; With a wealth

of intelligent products, we strive to identify and satisfy diverse demands by delivering intelligence at your fingertips;

Through innovative AIoT applications, we are dedicated to empowering every individual to enjoy a better future by

building an intelligent world that is more convenient, efficient and secure.

3. Key priorities in 2023

     (1) Balance and optimize the input of recourses to improve the efficiency, pursing high quality growth.

     (2) Maintain high investment in R&D to improve the capability of product innovation, consolidating and

enhancing advantages in technology innovation.

     (3) Facilitate cooperation between different business departments, as well as between main business and

innovative business, boosting the overall operational efficiency.

     (4) Promote the city-based domestic marketing strategy and "One Country, One Policy" overseas marketing

strategy, focusing on core business and strengthening the regional penetration.

     (5) Continue to build diversified supply system, keeping safe inventory levels and ensuring supply chain


XI. Reception of Activities including Research, Communication and Interviews during the
Report Period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                   The main content of
                                                  Type of
   Time of       Location of     Method of                                          the discussion and Index of basic situation of the
                                                 reception      Reception object
   reception      reception       reception                                          the information               research

                                                                  21 investors
  January 4,    Headquarters                                                                              CNINF, Investor Relations
                                Site research                   including China      The Company's
    2022 –     meeting room                    Institutional                                               Activity Record: From
                                and telephone                   Southern Fund      operating conditions
  January 26,      of the                        investors                                                January 4, 2022 – January
                               communication                     Management-       and future prospects
     2022        Company                                                                                          26, 2022
                                                                Chen Zhuo, etc.
 February 21,   Headquarters    Site Research Institutional       36 investors       The Company's        CNINF, Investor Relations

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                 The main content of
                                                 Type of
   Time of        Location of     Method of                                       the discussion and Index of basic situation of the
                                                 reception    Reception object
  reception        reception      reception                                        the information                 research

2022 –March meeting room and telephone          investors    including Anxin operating conditions          Activity Record: From
  11, 2022          of the      communication                 Securities-Cheng and future prospects       February 21, 2022 –March
                  Company                                       Yuting, etc.                                       11, 2022

                                                               688 investors
                 Headquarters                                                      The Company's
                                 Performance Institutional including Guojin                               CNINF, Investor Relations
                 meeting room                                                     operations in 2021
April 16, 2022                      result      investors;         Fund                                  Activity Record on April 16,
                    of the                                                       and the first quarter
                                conference call individuals   Management-Li                                          2022
                  Company                                                              of 2022
                                                                Siyuan, etc.

                                                               694 investors
                                 Performance Institutional       including         The Company's          CNINF, Investor Relations
  August13,      meeting room
                                    result      investors;    Changxin Fund        operations in the     Activity Record on August 13,
    2022            of the
                                conference call individuals Management-Lu         first half of 2022                 2022
                                                               Xiaofeng, etc.
                                                               489 investors
                                 Performance Institutional including China         The Company's          CNINF, Investor Relations
 October29,      meeting room
                                    result      investors;    Universal Asset      operations in the      Activity Record on October
    2022            of the
                                conference call individuals    Management-       third quarter of 2022             29, 2022
                                                               Zhan Jie, etc.

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                               Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Basic Situation of Corporate Governance

     Since the inception of the Company, we have been strictly following relevant laws and regulations such as the

Company Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies, Rules Governing the Listing

of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Companies Self-Regulatory

Supervision Guidelines No. 1 - Standardized Operation of Main Board Listed Companies as well as the requirements

of the regulations and regulatory documents of the regulatory authorities and continuously improving the "3+1"

corporate governance structure comprising shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors,

and the management taking into consideration the actual situation of the Company, and strictly follow the principle

of disclosing information in a true, accurate, complete, timely and impartial manner; we have also established and

improved internal management and control system, promoted the standardized operation of the Company and

ensured the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and investors. During the reporting period, the basic

details of corporate governance is as follows:

1. Shareholders and shareholders’ meeting

     All shareholders of the Company have the equal status and full rights, especially small and medium

shareholders. During the reporting period, the Company held a total of 4 general meetings of shareholders, all of

which were convened by the Company's Board of Directors, and witnessed by lawyers on-site with legal opinions

issued. Proposals of general meetings of shareholders were reviewed in compliance with legal procedures to ensure

that all shareholders have the right to know, participate, and vote on major issues of the Company and to fully

exercise their legal rights.

2. The controlling shareholders and listed company

     The Company’s controlling shareholders had no improper conduct and have never directly or indirectly

interfered with the Company’s decision-making and operating activities overriding shareholders’ meeting. There

are no such cases that controlling shareholders illegally occupy the Company's funds or the Company illegally

provides guarantees for controlling shareholders. The Company, with its own complete business system and

management capabilities, has been independent of controlling shareholders in terms of business, personnel, assets,

organizations, and finances. The Company's Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and internal institutions has

been operating separately and major company decisions are made and implemented by the Company.

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

3. Directors and the Board of Directors

     The Company's Board of Directors, operating in a normalized way, has exercised its authority invested by the

Articles of Association and relevant laws and regulations, and implemented the relevant decisions of the

shareholders’ meeting. The number and composition of the Company's Board of Directors comply with the

requirements of laws and regulations. There are four committees for strategy, audit, nomination, remuneration and

appraisal under it. Each committee has a clear division of labor, clear powers and responsibilities, and effective

operation. All directors of the Company have performed their duties with integrity, loyalty, diligence,

professionalism and due diligence, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and

shareholders with a view to the interests of the Company and shareholders. The independent directors of the

Company performed their duties independently and unaffected in accordance with the Rules for Independent

Directors of Listed Companies and other relevant regulations, attended the Company's Board of Directors and

shareholders' general meetings, and expressed independent opinions on matters involving the interests of small and

medium investors such as related transactions and external guarantees, which ensured the standardized operation of

the Company.

     During the reporting period, the Company convened 8 board meetings, reviewed and approved 61 proposals

including the Annual Report 2021 and its Summary, Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Grantees of 2021

Restricted Stock Plan, Proposal on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares, and Proposal on

the Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market of the Subsidiary of the Company,

Hangzhou Hikrobot Co., Ltd., etc.

4. Supervisors and Board of Supervisors

     The Company's Board of Supervisors, operating in a normalized way, has exercised its authority invested by

the Articles of Association and relevant laws and regulations The number and composition of the Company’s Board

of Supervisors meet the requirements of laws and regulations; the Company’s supervisors have diligently performed

their duties and obligations, and carried out supervision and inspection functions being responsible to shareholders,

and supervised the Company’s financial status, operating conditions and related transactions, and the performance

of duties by directors and senior managers to fully protect the legal rights and interests of the Company and all


     During the reporting period, the Company held 7 Board of Supervisors’ meetings, reviewed and approved 37

proposals including the Annual Report 2021 and its Summary, Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Grantees

of 2021 Restricted Stock Plan, Proposal on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares, and

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Proposal on the Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market of the Subsidiary of the

Company, Hangzhou Hikrobot Co., Ltd., etc.

5. Performance appraisal and incentive and restraint mechanism

     The Company has established a complete performance appraisal system and remuneration system. The

appointment procedures for senior management personnel are open and transparent, and comply with relevant laws

and regulations. The remuneration and appraisal committee under the Company's Board of Directors is responsible

for performance appraisal of the Company's senior management at the end of the year to determine their

remuneration. To further set up and improve the Company’s incentive mechanism and strengthen the concept of

sustainable development of both the Company and employees, the Company has adopted a restricted share scheme

and the plan of core staff’s co-investment into innovation business to achieve its development strategy and business

objectives, and realize sustainable health development.

6. Information disclosure and transparency

     The Company has strictly followed the relevant laws and regulations and the Information Disclosure

Management Measures to disclose relevant information truthfully, accurately, completely, timely and impartially,

and thoroughly implemented the Information Insider Registration Management System to register insiders and file

to further standardize inside information management and to ensure that all shareholders and other stakeholders of

the Company have equal access to company information. During the reporting period, the Company disclosed 4

periodic reports and 73 temporary announcements. The Company's information disclosure has been recognized by

the regulatory authorities: the Company has been rated as Level A by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for 12

consecutive years in the main board listed company information disclosure assessment.

7. Continue to improve the internal management system

     In accordance with relevant laws and regulations of regulatory authorities such as the Company Law and the

Securities Law, requirements of normative documents and other internal management systems such as the Articles

of Association, the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Rules of Procedure for the

Board of Directors, the Authorization Management System, The Company continuously strengthened the internal

management, improved the governance structure, promoted the normative operation, and protected the legitimate

rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.

8. Investor relations activities

     The Company has proactively organized result briefing conferences and investor research activities after the

disclosure of regular reports to actively listen to investors’ opinions and suggestions, and released the Investor

                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Relations Activity Record after the event to ensure fair access to company information by all investors. In daily

work, the Company has kept in touch with investors through multiple channels such as telephone, e-mail, and

irm.cninfo.com.cn to effectively interact and communicate with investors. The Company was awarded "Top 100

Main Board Listed Companies", "Top 100 Main Board Listed Companies in ESG", "Outstanding Management

Team for the Year" and other awards in the 16th China’s Most Valuable Listed Company Selection hosted by the

Securities Times.

Any significant incompliance for the laws, administrative regulations and the relevant regulatory documents

issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission in respect of the Company’s corporate governance:

□ Yes √ No

There is no significant incompliance for the laws, administrative regulations and the relevant regulatory

documents issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission in respect of the Company’s corporate governance.

II. Company’s Independence in Assets, Personnel, Finances, Organizations and Businesses
from Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controller

     The Company is completely independent in business, personnel, assets, organizations, and finances from its

shareholders. The Company has established a sound internal control system, being capable of operating

independently with its complete and independent business.

     (1)       Business independence: The Company has own production, purchases and sales systems, which are

               completely independent from controlling shareholders. Therefore, there is no competition among the

               Company, controlling shareholders, and related parties.

     (2)       Personnel independence: The Company has independent personnel. The management has set up

               various independent departments, including R&D, production, administration, finance and operation

               management divisions, etc., and established complete management methods for labor, personnel, and

               salary management. Personnel of the Company is independent from controlling shareholders, e.g. the

               chairman is elected through the general meetings of the Board. In addition, the general manager, senior

               deputy general managers, the secretary of the Board, CFO, and other senior management personnel

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

              of the Company are only employed and remunerated by the Company, and do not hold any position

              in controlling shareholders and is not remunerated by controlling shareholders. Directors, supervisors

              and senior management personnel are appointed through legal procedures strictly in accordance with

              relevant regulations stipulated in Company Law and Articles of Association. There is no controlling

              shareholder illegal intervention in the Company’s personnel decisions in general meetings of the

              Board or shareholders.

     (3)      Asset Completeness: The property rights of assets are explicitly between the Company and the

              controlling shareholders, and no assets, funds, or other resources owned by the Company are illegally

              and irregularly occupied or controlled by the controlling shareholders. Assets of the Company are

              integrated, including complete property rights of fixed assets for production, supporting assets for

              production, and intangible assets of patents, etc. The Company has the full control and ownership of

              all assets.

     (4)      Independence in organizations: The Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisor,

              management and other internal organizations operate independently, and each functional department

              is independent from controlling shareholders in duty and personnel. There is no superior-subordinate

              relation between functional departments of controlling shareholders and those of the Company, which

              would have an impact on the Company’s independent operations.

     (5)      Financial Independence: The Company has established an independent financial department, as well

              as a sound and independent financial and accounting system. The Company makes financial decisions

              independently. There is a standardized financial accounting system and a financial management

              system for the Company’s branches and subsidiaries, and there is no controlling shareholder

              intervention in the Company’s financial and accounting activities. The Company has maintained

              accounts with banks independently of and do not share any bank account with our Controlling

              Shareholders. The Company has undertaken independent tax registration in accordance with

              applicable laws, and paid tax independently.

III. Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings Convened during the
Reporting Period

1. General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

          Meeting                   Nature                      Convened Date     Disclosure Date     Resolution of the Meeting

                                                                                                     4 proposals including the
                                                                                                     2021 Restricted Stock Plan
                                                                                                     (Revised Draft) and its
The 1st Extraordinary General    Extraordinary
                                                                                                     Summary were reviewed
 Meeting of Shareholders in     General Meeting 65.6154%      January 17, 2022    January 18, 2022
                                                                                                     and voted. For details,
            2022                of Shareholders
                                                                                                     please refer to the
                                                                                                     Company's announcement:
                                                                                                     No. 2022-002.

                                                                                                     12 proposals including the
                                                                                                     2021 Annual Report and
                                                                                                     Summary were reviewed
                                Annual General
2021Annual General Meeting                         67.3841%    May 13, 2022        May 14, 2022      and voted. For details,
                                                                                                     please refer to the
                                                                                                     Company's announcement:
                                                                                                     No. 2022-035.

                                                                                                     5 proposals including the
                                                                                                     Proposal on the Second
                                                                                                     Repurchase and
                                                                                                     Cancellation of the Granted
                                                                                                     but Unvested Restricted
The 2nd Extraordinary General Extraordinary
                                                                                                     Shares under the 2018
 Meeting of Shareholders in     General Meeting 63.6392%      October 10, 2022    October 11, 2022
                                                                                                     Restricted Share Incentive
            2022                of Shareholders
                                                                                                     Scheme were reviewed and
                                                                                                     voted. For details, please
                                                                                                     refer to the Company's
                                                                                                     announcement: No. 2022-

                                                                                                     10 proposals including the
                                                                                                     Proposal on the Initial
The 3rd Extraordinary General    Extraordinary                                                       Public Share Offering and
                                                               December 26,
 Meeting of Shareholders in     General Meeting 64.8159%                         December 27, 2022 Listing on the SZSE
            2022                of Shareholders                                                      ChiNext Market of the
                                                                                                     Subsidiary of the Company,
                                                                                                     Hangzhou Hikrobot Co.,

                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                           Ltd. were reviewed and
                                                                           voted. For details, please
                                                                           refer to the Company's
                                                                           announcement: No. 2022-

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed

Voting Rights:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

V. Information about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management

1. Basic Situation

                                                                                                  increased                                                             Reasons for
                                               Commencement Termination   Shares held at the                  Shares decreased     or
                           Tenure                                                                  during                                   Shares held at the end of   increase or
  Name         Title                Gender Age   of term of  of term of beginning of the Period               during the Period decrease
                           status                                                                    the                                      the Period (Shares)       decrease of
                                                   office      office          (Shares)                           (Shares)         of
                                                                                                   Period                                                                 shares

  Chen                                                          March 4,
             Chairman Incumbent Male       58   June 19, 2008                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
 Zongnian                                                        2024

                                                                March 4,
Qu Liyang    Director     Incumbent Male   59   March 7, 2018                     15,750             0               0              0                15,750                 --

  Wang                                                          March 4,
             Director     Incumbent Male   72   March 5, 2021                     35,000             0               0              0                35,000                 --
 Qiuchao                                                         2024

   Hu        General                            December 28,    March 4,
                          Incumbent Male   58                                  155,246,477           0               0              0             155,246,477               --
Yangzhong    Manager                                2001         2024
                                                                March 4,
Wu Weiqi      Deputy      Incumbent Male   59   March 1, 2003                   8,631,089            0               0              0              8,631,089                --

   Wu       Independent                                         March 4,
                          Incumbent Male   63   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
  Xiaobo     Director                                            2024

                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                  increased                                                             Reasons for
                                               Commencement Termination   Shares held at the                  Shares decreased     or
                           Tenure                                                                  during                                   Shares held at the end of   increase or
  Name         Title                Gender Age   of term of  of term of beginning of the Period               during the Period decrease
                           status                                                                    the                                      the Period (Shares)       decrease of
                                                   office      office          (Shares)                           (Shares)         of
                                                                                                   Period                                                                 shares

            Independent                                          March 4,
Hu Ruimin                 Incumbent Male   59   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
             Director                                              2024

            Independent                                          March 4,
Li Shuhua                 Incumbent Male   52   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
             Director                                              2024

  Guan   Independent                                             March 4,
                     Incumbent Male        46   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
 Qingyou   Director                                                2024

 Hong       Supervisor                                           March 4,
                       Incumbent Male      57   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
Tianfeng    Chairman                                               2024

                                                                 March 4,
Xu Lirong Supervisor Incumbent Male        60 March 21, 2018                     303,000             0               0              0               303,000                 --

    Lu                                                           March 4,
          Supervisor Incumbent Male        69   March 5, 2021                       0                0               0              0                  0                    --
Jianzhong                                                          2024

             Deputy                             December 18,     March 11,
He Hongli                 Incumbent Female 50                                    331,500             0               0              0               331,500                 --
             General                                 2005          2024
   Cai       Deputy                                              March 11,
                          Incumbent Male   52    April 8, 2016                   109,500             0               0              0               109,500                 --
Changyang    General                                               2024

                                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                 increased                                                              Reasons for
                                              Commencement Termination   Shares held at the                  Shares decreased     or
                          Tenure                                                                  during                                   Shares held at the end of     increase or
  Name         Title               Gender Age   of term of  of term of beginning of the Period               during the Period decrease
                          status                                                                    the                                      the Period (Shares)        decrease of
                                                  office      office          (Shares)                           (Shares)         of
                                                                                                  Period                                                                   shares

              Senior                                                                                                                                                    The grant of
             Deputy                             October 11,     March 11,
Xu Ximing                Incumbent Male   50                                    197,000             0               0           90,000             287,000             2021 restricted
             General                                2016          2024
             Manager                                                                                                                                                       shares

             Deputy                             October 11,     March 11,
Bi Huijuan               Incumbent Female 52                                    273,000             0               0              0               273,000                   --
             General                                2016          2024
              Senior                                                                                                                                                    The grant of
   Pu        Deputy                                             March 11,
                         Incumbent Male   46 March 21, 2018                     295,900             0               0           90,000             385,900             2021 restricted
 Shiliang    General                                              2024
             Manager                                                                                                                                                       shares

             Deputy                                             March 11,
 Jin Duo                 Incumbent Male   58 March 10, 2015                     109,500             0               0              0               109,500                   --
             General                                              2024
             General                                                                                                                                                    The grant of
                                                                March 11,
 Jin Yan     Manager,    Incumbent Female 44    July 22, 2015                   284,000             0               0           80,000             364,000             2021 restricted
             Person in                                                                                                                                                     shares
             charge of

              Senior                                                                                                                                                    The grant of
 Huang                                                          March 11,
             Deputy      Incumbent Female 41    April 8, 2016                   402,500             0               0           80,000             482,500             2021 restricted
Fanghong                                                          2024
             General                                                                                                                                                       shares

                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                increased                                                              Reasons for
                                             Commencement Termination   Shares held at the                  Shares decreased     or
                         Tenure                                                                  during                                   Shares held at the end of     increase or
  Name        Title               Gender Age   of term of  of term of beginning of the Period               during the Period decrease
                         status                                                                    the                                      the Period (Shares)        decrease of
                                                 office      office          (Shares)                           (Shares)         of
                                                                                                 Period                                                                   shares


  Chen       Deputy                                          March 11,
                        Incumbent Male   52 March 21, 2018                        0                0               0              0                  0                      --
  Junke     General                                            2024

                                                                                                                                                                       The grant of
             Deputy                             March 12,    March 11,
 Xu Peng                Incumbent Male   47                                     77,244             0               0           70,000             147,244             2021 restricted
            General                               2021         2024

  Guo        Deputy                             March 12,    March 11,
                        Incumbent Male   51                                     44,280             0               0              0                44,280                   --
 Xudong     General                               2021         2024

   Total       --          --       --    --        --          --           166,355,740           0               0           410,000          166,765,740                 --

(1) Number of shares held at the beginning of the period, shares increased during the period, shares decreased during the period, other increase or decrease of shares,
and shares held at the end of the period for directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel above are all shares directly held by them accordingly, including
restricted shares.

                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Any resignation of directors or supervisors and dismissals of senior management personnel during their term of office during the reporting period.
□Yes √No

Change of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

2. Positions and Incumbency

     1)   Directors

Mr Chen Zongnian (陈宗年): Born in 1965, Chen holds a PhD of business administration and has served as deputy

general manager of Shenzhen Gao Ke Run Electronics, director and general manager of Zhejiang Haikang

Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Haikang Group Co., Ltd. He also served as an assistant of the head,

deputy head, and the head of 52nd Research Institute at China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

(hereinafter referred to as "52nd Research Institute"). Chen currently serves as the Chairman of China Electronics

Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd. (CETHIK), the Chairman of Phoenix Optics Co., Ltd. and the Chairman of the


Mr. Qu Liyang (屈力扬): Born in 1964, bachelor degree of engineering, researcher-level senior engineer. He

served as the director, deputy director, party secretary and deputy director of the 52nd Research Institute, and

Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of CETHIK. He is currently a member of the Strategy Committee of China

Electronic Technology Group Co., Ltd., director of the Science and Technology Innovation Committee of CETHIK,

and a director of the Company.

Mr. Wang Qiuchao (王秋潮): Born in 1951, master degree in law. Wang served as director of Zhejiang T&C Law

Firm (浙江天册律师事务所), Chairman of the Zhejiang Lawyers Association (浙江省律师协会) , vice-president

of the Zhejiang Law Society (浙江省法学会), and a supervisor of the Company. Wang currently serves as honorary

partner of Zhejiang T&C Law Firm, arbitrator of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration

Commission (中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会, "CIETAC") , an arbitrator of Shanghai International Arbitration

Center (上海国际仲裁中心) and Shenzhen International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (深圳国际

仲裁中心), and a director of the Company.

Mr. Hu Yangzhong (胡扬忠): Born in 1965, master degree of engineering, senior research engineer. He served as

an engineer of the 52nd Research Institute from June 1989 to December 2001. He has been appointed as a director

of the Company and general manager of the Company since December 2001. Hu currently serves as a director and

the general manager of the Company.

Mr. Wu Weiqi (邬伟琪): Born in 1964, bachelor degree of engineering, senior engineer. Wu held various positions

at the 52nd Research Institute, including technician, engineer associate, engineer and senior engineer, from July 1986

to December 2001. Since November 2001, He has been appointed as a deputy general manager, a standing deputy

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
general manager, and a director of Hikvision. Wu currently serves as a director and standing deputy general manager

of the Company.

Mr. Wu Xiaobo (吴晓波): Born in 1960, a PhD of business administration, Professor, Ph.D. Tutor. In February

1982, he joined the Energy Saving Office of the Ministry of Forestry, Zhejiang Energy Conservation Technology

Service Center, and joined the School of Management of Zhejiang University in July 1992, successively served as

an executive vice dean and dean. He is currently the Director of the Department of Social Sciences of Zhejiang

University, the director of the National Philosophy and Social Science Innovation Base - Research on Innovation

Management and Sustainable Competitiveness of Zhejiang University, the Chinese director of the Joint Research

Center for Global Manufacturing and Innovation Management of Zhejiang University-Cambridge University, the

co-director of the Ruihua Institute of Innovation Management, and an independent director of the Company.

Mr. Hu Ruimin (胡瑞敏): Born in 1964, a PhD in engineering, Second-level Professor, doctoral tutor, Luojia

distinguished scholar, recipient of Special Government Grants from the State Council, Senior Member of IEEE

(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), fellow of China Institute of Communications, distinguished

member of China Computer Federation. He has successively served as vice chairman of the Academic Committee

of Wuhan University, director of the National Multimedia Software Engineering Technology Research Center,

director of Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Multimedia Network Communication Engineering, First Executive

Dean of National Cyber Security College and Dean of School of Computer Science of Wuhan University. From

January 2010 to January 2016, he served as the first dean of Hikvision Research Institute. He is currently a professor

of Wuhan University and an independent director of the Company.

Mr. Li Shuhua (李树华):Born in 1971, a PhD in accounting, non-practicing member of the China Institute of

Certified Public Accountants, National-level candidates for the New Century Hundreds and Thousands of Talents

Project, National Leading Talents in Accounting, and National Leading Talents in Shenzhen. He has successively

served as deputy director of the Audit Division of the Accounting Department of the China Securities Regulatory

Commission (presiding), deputy director of the General Office (presiding), director of the Financial and Budget

Management Department and director of the General Office, a member of the Executive Committee and Chief

Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Compliance Officer of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. He

concurrently served as a PE professor and master’s tutor at the National Accounting Institute (Xiamen), Peking

University, Shanghai Institute of Advanced Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Tsinghua University. He is

currently the managing partner of Shenzhen Oriental Fortune Capital Investment Management Co., Ltd. (OFC),

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Chairman of Changzhou NRB Corporation (常州光洋軸承股份有限公司), and an independent director of the


Mr. Guan Qingyou ( 管 清 友 ): Born in 1977, a holder of Ph.D. in economics, Young Economist. He has

successively served as the former vice president of Minsheng Securities and the president of the research institute;

He is currently the President and Chief Economist of the Institute of Finance, Vice President of the China Private

Economic Research Association, Professor of the School of Economics of Hainan University, Chief Economist of

Zhongguancun Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (ZVCA) and Guangdong Province Venture Capital

Association, and an independent director of the Company.

     2)   Supervisors

Mr. Hong Tianfeng (洪天峰): Born in 1966, master degree in engineering. Hong was an engineer in Nanjing

University of Posts and Telecommunication (南京邮电大学) from July 1990 to June 1993; He served as an

executive deputy general manager, chief executive of Operation and Delivery, chairman of investment decision

committee, and vice chairman of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (华为技术有限公司) from July 1993 to September

2011. Hong has served as an independent director of the Company. Hong currently serves as a managing partner of

Suzhou Fangguang Venture Investment Management (Limited Partnership)(苏州方广创业投资管理合伙企业(有

限合伙)), an executive director of Shanghai Fangguang Investment Management Co., Ltd. (上海方广投资管理

有限公司), and supervisor of the Company.

Mr. Lu Jianzhong (陆建忠): Born in 1954, holds bachelor degree in economics and CPA certificate. Lu served as

a lecturer and an associate professor of finance and accounting department at Shanghai Maritime University (上海

海事大学) from September 1986 to September 1997; he was a CPA and a partner of the auditing department of

PricewaterhouseCoopers, from October 1997 to June 2012; he was a chartered accountant of Shanghai De’an

Certified Public Accountants LLP (上海德安会计师事务所) from July 2012 to July 2013; he was a chartered

accountant of the Shanghai branch of PKF Daxin Certified Public Accountants LLP (大信会计师事务所上海分

所), from August 2013 to July 2014;he was a partner and a chartered accountant and a partner of Zhongxinghua

Certificated Public Accountants LLP (中兴华会计师事务所) from August 2014 to January 2016; he was a

chartered accountant of Dahua Certificated Public Accountants LLP (大华会计师事务所) from January 2016 to

December 2021. Lu has served as an independent director of Hikvision. Lu currently serves as a chartered

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
accountant of Zhongxinghua Certificated Public Accountants LLP Shanghai Branch, and a supervisor of the


Mr. Xu Lirong (徐礼荣): Born in 1963, master degree of engineering, senior engineer. In January 2002, he joined

Hikvision and served as manager of development division under the R&D center, secretary of the Board of Directors,

the person in charge of internal audit, and a deputy general manager of the Company. He is currently the employee

representative supervisor.

     3)   Senior Management Personnel

Mr. Hu Yangzhong (胡扬忠): Please refer to his profile in preceding part of the report.

Mr. Wu Weiqi (邬伟琪): Please refer to his profile in preceding part of the report.

Ms. He Hongli (何虹丽): Born in 1973, master degree in business administration. She joined Hikvision in

December 2001 and served as an assistant to the general manager and a deputy general manager. Ms. He currently

serves as a senior deputy general manager of the Company.

Mr. Cai Changyang (蔡昶阳): Born in 1971, bachelor degree in engineering. He joined Hikvision in 2004, and

held various positions of the Company, including general manager of Beijing branch, director for government and

enterprise corporation department, director of investment department, director of strategy and marketing department,

and a deputy general manager of the Company. Mr. Cai currently serves as senior deputy general manager of the


Mr. Xu Ximing (徐习明): Born in 1973, bachelor degree in engineering. From July 1996 to September 2016, he

held various positions in IBM, including engineer, department manager, director,partner of consulting service,

senior partner of consulting service, and a vice president. He joined Hikvision in September 2016, and served as a

deputy general manager of the Company. Mr. Xu currently serves as a senior deputy general manager of the


Ms. Bi Huijuan (毕会娟): Born in 1971, PhD in engineering, senior research engineer. From April 1999 to August

2016, she held various positions in the 15th Research Institute at China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

(CETC), including engineer, senior engineer, senior research engineer, head of R&D department, vice chief

engineer, and deputy director. She joined Hikvision in August 2016, and served as a deputy general manager of the

Company. Ms. Bi currently serves as a senior deputy general manager of the Company.

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Mr. Pu Shiliang (浦世亮): Born in 1977, doctor of engineering, a senior engineer. He joined Hikvision in April

2006 and held various positions in the Company, including R&D engineer, R&D manager, R&D director, dean of

the R&D institute, and chief expert. He currently serves as a senior deputy general manager of the Company.

Mr. Jin Duo (金铎): Born in 1965, bachelor degree in engineering, a senior engineer. He served as a technician,

assistant to engineers, an engineer and a senior engineer of the 52nd Research Institute from July 1986 to June 2004.

He joined Hikvision in July 2004 and served as general manager of Hangzhou Branch, and a deputy general manager

of the Company. Mr. Jin currently serves as a senior deputy general manager of the Company.

Ms. Jin Yan (金艳): Born in 1979, master degree in management, an accountant. She joined Hikvision in 2004 and

held various positions at the Company, including financial manager, the general manager of the Financial

Management Center, and a deputy general manager and the person in charge of finance and accounting. Ms. Jin

currently serves as a senior deputy general manager and the person in charge of finance and accounting of the


Ms. Huang Fanghong (黄方红): Born in 1982, bachelor degree in law. She joined Hikvision in June 2009 and

held various positions at the Company including legal department manager, internal audit manager, internal control

director, and a deputy general manager and the board secretary. Ms. Huang currently serves as a senior deputy

general manager, and board secretary of the Company.

Mr. Chen Junke (陈军科): Born in 1971, bachelor degree in engineering, senior engineer. Chen held various

positions in the 52nd Research Institute from 1994 to 2001, including assistant engineer, engineer and senior engineer.

He joined the Company in 2001 and served as the technology director of the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Division

of the Technology Management Center, general manager of supply chain management center, employee

representative supervisor. Chen currently serves as senior deputy general manager of the Company.

Mr. Xu Peng (徐鹏): Born in 1976, bachelor of engineering, senior engineer. From 1998 to 2004, he successively

served as an assistant engineer and engineer of 52nd Research Institute, and in 2004, he joined Hikvision, where he

served as camera research and development manager, research and development director, product director, general

manager of front-end product business, and deputy general manager of the Company. He is currently the senior

deputy general manager of the Company.

Mr. Guo Xudong (郭旭东): Born in 1972, bachelor of engineering. In July 2002, he joined Hikvision, and

successively served as general manager of Shenzhen Branch, marketing director of domestic marketing center and

deputy general manager of domestic marketing center. He is currently the senior deputy general manager of the


                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Position held in shareholders’ entities
√Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                             Position in shareholders’    Commencement Termination of the        Compensation and
   Name          Shareholder's entity                                                         term                allowance from the
                                                      entities               of the term
                                                                                                                  shareholders' entity

  Chen        China Electronics              Chairman, Secretary of
                                                                           November 2013              --                    Y
 Zongnian Technology HIK Group Ltd.            Party Committee

   Hu         China Electronics
                                                     Director              December 2013        April 2022                  N
Yangzhong Technology HIK Group Ltd.

                                         Supervisor, Member of
                  China Electronics
 Xu Lirong                              Commission for Discipline December 2013                       --                    N
              Technology HIK Group Ltd.

Positions held in other entities
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                Compensation and
                                                  Position in other       Commencement Termination of
     Name            Name of other Entity                                                                    allowance from the other
                                                        entity              of the term      the term

    Cheng         Zhejiang AIoT Technology             Legal
                                                                            May 2009                                    N
   Zongnian               Magazine                 Representative
                      Phoenix Optics Ltd.             Chairman            December 2019                                 N
 Wang Qiuchao      Zhejiang T&C Law Firm               Partner              June 1986                                   Y

                    Shanghai Kehui Value
 Wang Qiuchao                                         Director              July 2009                                   N
                 Investment Management Ltd.

                    Yalongxing Investment
 Wang Qiuchao                                         Director            February 2012                                 N
                      Development Ltd.

 Wang Qiuchao     Botsy Technology Co., Ltd                                 June 2020                                   Y

                   Hangzhou Pukang Equity
   Wu Weiqi         Investment Partnership       Executive Partner          April 2011                                  N
                     (Limited Partnership)

                  Wuhu Sensortech Intelligent
   Wu Weiqi                                           Director             January 2017    February 2023                N
                       Technology Ltd.

                 Hangzhou Qianmo Tongzhou
                      Equity Investment                                                     December
   Wu Weiqi                                      Executive Partner          July 2021                                   N
                     Partnership (Limited                                                      2022

                  Shanghai Yirui Management
  Wu Xiaobo                                           Director              April 2004                                  N
                       Consultants Ltd.

                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                    Compensation and
                                               Position in other   Commencement Termination of
   Name            Name of other Entity                                                          allowance from the other
                                                     entity          of the term    the term

               Hangzhou Co-Rui Enterprise
 Wu Xiaobo                                         Director          April 2011                             N
               Management Consulting Ltd.

                Ningbo Industrial Internet       Independent
 Wu Xiaobo                                                           May 2018                               Y
                  Research Institute Ltd.          director

 Wu Xiaobo            Eddy Co., Ltd.                                August 2018                             Y

               Zhongliang Holdings Group         Independent
 Wu Xiaobo                                                           June 2019                              Y
                           Ltd.                    director

                    Ruihua Innovation
 Wu Xiaobo        Management Research              Director        November 2019                            N
                Institute (Hangzhou) Ltd.

 Wu Xiaobo     UCloud Technology Co., Ltd.                           June 2020                              Y

                Zhongtian Holding Group          Independent
 Wu Xiaobo                                                           July 2021                              Y
                           Ltd.                    director

                Xi'an ShaanGu Power Co.,         Independent
 Li Shuhua                                                           May 2018                               Y
                           Ltd.                    director

                Shenzhen Dongfang Fuhai
 Li Shuhua     Investment Management Co.,      Managing Partner      July 2018                              Y

                 Luoyang Yuchuan Yuye            Independent
 Li Shuhua                                                          August 2018                             Y
                     Group Co., Ltd.               director

                 Changzhou Guangyang
 Li Shuhua                                     Chairman & CEO       August 2019                             N
                      Holdings Ltd.

 Li Shuhua      Changzhou NRB Co., Ltd.           Chairman          October 2019                            Y

 Li Shuhua     Weihai Shiyi Electronics Ltd.      Chairman         December 2020                            N

 Li Shuhua        Juzhengyuan Co., Ltd.                            December 2020                            Y

                   Guangdong Shengyi             Independent
 Li Shuhua                                                          October 2021                            Y
                   Technology Co., Ltd.            director

                                               Chairman of the
                 Shenzhen Yuanzhi Fuhai                                            November
 Li Shuhua                                         Board of          July 2018                              N
               Investment Management Ltd.                                            2022

                 Beijing Rushi Chengjin
Guan Qingyou     Information Consulting             CEO             October 2016                            N
                      Services Ltd.

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                    Compensation and
                                               Position in other   Commencement Termination of
    Name           Name of other Entity                                                          allowance from the other
                                                     entity          of the term     the term

                 Beijing Rushiwo Research
                                              Executive Director
Guan Qingyou      Information Consulting                           December 2017                            Y
                                                   & CEO
                        Service Ltd.

Guan Qingyou      Midea Group Co., Ltd.                             August 2018                             Y

                   Beijing Xincai Zhibei
Guan Qingyou                                     Supervisor         October 2018                            N
                Information Technology Ltd.

Guan Qingyou South China Futures Co., Ltd.                          March 2019                              Y

                  Beijing Film Spectrum          Independent
Guan Qingyou                                                        March 2019                              Y
                   Technology Co., Ltd.            director

                 Shanxi International Trust      Independent
Guan Qingyou                                                         July 2019                              Y
                         Co., Ltd.                 director

                 Beijing Rushiwo Research
                                              Executive Director
Guan Qingyou      Institute of Science and                           May 2020                               N
                                                   & CEO
                      Technology Ltd.

                  Beijing Rushi Wancheng
                                              Executive Director
Guan Qingyou     Technology Development                              June 2020                              N
                                                   & CEO

                    Hainan Wuyongtang         Executive Director
Guan Qingyou                                                         July 2020                              N
                Information Technology Ltd.        & CEO

                  Beijing Yaocen Yuanmu       Executive Director
Guan Qingyou                                                         July 2020                              N
                Information Technology Ltd.        & CEO

                    Beijing Ruoan Jiatai      Executive Director
Guan Qingyou                                                       December 2020                            N
                      Technology Ltd.              r& CEO

                Zhongchancheng Investment
Guan Qingyou                                     Supervisor         March 2021                              N
                      (Shenzhen) Ltd.

                Qingdao Rushiwo Research
Guan Qingyou                                     Supervisor        November 2021                            N
                Investment Management Ltd.

                 Shenzhen Jiuzhoutongyu
Guan Qingyou                                     Supervisor         January 2022                            N
                      Technology Ltd.

                Beijing Minjin Information                                          September
Guan Qingyou                                     Supervisor        September 2017                           N
                  Consulting Services Ltd.                                            2022

                Shandong Expressway Road         Independent
Guan Qingyou                                                        January 2021    May 2022                Y
                   and Bridge Group Ltd.           director

Hong Tianfeng      Shanghai Fangguang         Executive Director   February 2012                            Y

                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                   Compensation and
                                              Position in other   Commencement Termination of
   Name            Name of other Entity                                                         allowance from the other
                                                    entity          of the term    the term

                Investment Management Ltd.

                Shanghai Fangguang Venture
                  Investment Management
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner       June 2012                              N
                   Partnership Enterprise
                   (Limited Partnership)

                Shanghai Fangguang Venture
                  Investment Partnership
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner      August 2012                             N
                    Enterprise (Limited

                Suzhou Fangguang Venture
                  Investment Management
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner     September 2012                           N
                   Partnership Enterprise
                   (Limited Partnership)

                Suzhou Fangguang Venture
                  Investment Partnership
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner     September 2012                           N
                    Enterprise (Limited

                   Shenzhen Yunzhixun
Hong Tianfeng                                     Director          May 2014                               N
                 Network Technology Ltd.

                   Shenzhen Fangguang
                                             Executive Director
Hong Tianfeng     Enterprise Management                             May 2016                               N
                                                  & CEO
                      Consulting Ltd.

                Suzhou Fangguang Venture
                    Investment Phase II
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner       July 2016                              N
                   Partnership Enterprise
                   (Limited Partnership)

                 Shanghai Fangguang Erqi
                    Venture Investment
Hong Tianfeng                                Managing Partner     September 2016                           N
                   Partnership Enterprise
                   (Limited Partnership)

                  Zhongwei Dahe Cloud
Hong Tianfeng      Connection Network             Director        November 2016                            N
                     Technology Ltd.

                CETC Huayun Information
Hong Tianfeng                                     Director         March 2017                              N
                     Technology Ltd.

                  Shenzhen YingFeiYuan
Hong Tianfeng                                     Director         October 2017                            N
                     Technology Ltd.

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                      Compensation and
                                               Position in other   Commencement Termination of
   Name             Name of other Entity                                                           allowance from the other
                                                     entity          of the term      the term

                Beijing ZhiZhangYi Sicence
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director         January 2018                              N
                    and Technology Ltd.

                 Shenzhen Chip and Semi-
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director        February 2018                              N
                 conductor Technology Ltd.

                Shanghai Daxian Intelligent
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director          June 2018                                N
                Science and Technology Ltd.

                    Quanzhi Technology
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director          June2020                                 N
                      (Hangzhou) Ltd.

                Shanghai Fanglan Enterprise Executive Director
Hong Tianfeng                                                       March 2021                                N
                    Management Center              & CEO

                    Shanghai Fangguang
Hong Tianfeng     Enterprise Management       Executive Director   November 2022                              N
                      Consulting Ltd.

                Sannuo Biology Sensor Co.,
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director        September 2013   January 2023              Y

                Shenzhen DongFengMingTu
Hong Tianfeng                                    Supervisor         August 2016      July 2022                N
                Enterprise Management Ltd.

                 Guangzhou Smart Software
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director         March 2018       June 2022                N

                Shenzhen Zhongtu Instrument
Hong Tianfeng                                      Director        February 2021     April 2022               Y
                         Co., Ltd.

                   Huatai Baoxing Fund
Lu Jianzhong                                       Director          July 2016                                Y
                     Management Ltd.

                COSCO Maritime Transport         Independent
Lu Jianzhong                                                        January 2018                              Y
                   Development Co., Ltd.           Director

                Shanghai Xinnanyang Angli
Lu Jianzhong     Education Technology Co.,                          January 2019                              Y

Lu Jianzhong      INESA (Group) Co., Ltd.          Director        December 2019                              N

                  Shanghai Vico Precision
Lu Jianzhong                                       Director          May 2021                                 Y
                  Mold &Plastics Co., Ltd.

                    BOMESC Offshore              Independent
Lu Jianzhong                                                       December 2021                              Y
                   Engineering Co., Ltd.           Director

                  Zhongxinghua Certified
Lu Jianzhong      Public Accountants LLP                            January 2022                              N
                     (Shanghai Branch)

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                              Compensation and
                                               Position in other        Commencement Termination of
     Name            Name of other Entity                                                                  allowance from the other
                                                     entity               of the term         the term

 Lu Jianzhong      Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd.                             August 2022                                   Y

                  Antai College of Economics
 Lu Jianzhong                                  Corporate mentor         December 2013         June 2022                N
                   and Management, SJTU

                  Shenzhen Wangyu Security
  Xu Ximing          Service Science and           Director             November 2019                                  N
                       Technology Ltd.

                  Chengdu Guoshengtianfeng
  Xu Ximing                                        Director              August 2020                                   N
                   Network Technology Ltd.

                   Hangzhou Confirmware
  Xu Ximing                                        Director              August 2021                                   N
                     Technology Co., Ltd.

                   Zhejiang Haishi Huayue
    Jin Duo                                       Chairman               January 2020                                  N
                    Digital Technology Ltd

                      Maxio Technology
    Xu Peng                                        Director             December 2021                                  N
                     (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

                    Zhejiang Fast Line data
  Guo Xudong          fusion Information           Director              January 2021                                  N
                     Technology Co., Ltd.

Incumbent and off-office directors, supervisors and senior management personnel during the reporting period that
have been imposed administrative penalties by the CSRC during the last three years.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Personnel

The decision-making program, determination basis and actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors and
senior management personnel:
The remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel will be received preliminarily by
the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board, among them, remuneration of independent directors
and external supervisors would be further reviewed and approved by general meeting of shareholders. As for those
directors (exclude independent directors), supervisors (exclude external supervisors) and senior management
personnel who receive remuneration from the Company directly, they will receive remuneration according to the
Company’s current Salary System and Performance Appraisal Schemes.
Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB 0,000
                                                                                                  Total remuneration   Remuneration
      Name                       Title            Gender       Age            Tenure status       from the Company      from related
                                                                                                     (RMB'0,000)       parties (Y/N)

  Chen Zongnian               Chairman               M             58           Incumbent                 0                   Y

                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                               Total remuneration   Remuneration
    Name                    Title               Gender   Age   Tenure status   from the Company      from related
                                                                                  (RMB'0,000)       parties (Y/N)

  Qu Liyang                Director               M      59     Incumbent              0                 Y

Wang Qiuchao               Director               M      72     Incumbent            30.00               N

Hu Yangzhong            Director, CEO             M      58     Incumbent           243.54               N

                  Director, Standing Deputy
  Wu Weiqi                                        M      59     Incumbent           266.37               N
                      General Manager

  Wu Xiaobo         Independent Director          M      63     Incumbent            30.00               N

  Hu Ruimin         Independent Director          M      59     Incumbent            30.00               N

  Li Shuhua         Independent Director          M      52     Incumbent            30.00               N

Guan Qingyou        Independent Director          M      46     Incumbent            30.00               N

Hong Tianfeng       Supervisor Chairman           M      57     Incumbent            20.00               N

 Lu Jianzhong            Supervisor               M      69     Incumbent            20.00               N

  Xu Lirong              Supervisor               M      60     Incumbent           148.08               N

                   Senior Deputy General
  He Hongli                                       F      50     Incumbent           262.04               N
                   Senior Deputy General
Cai Changyang                                     M      52     Incumbent           252.77               N
                   Senior Deputy General
  Xu Ximing                                       M      50     Incumbent           370.74               N
                   Senior Deputy General
  Bi Huijuan                                      F      52     Incumbent           357.56               N
                   Senior Deputy General
  Pu Shiliang                                     M      46     Incumbent           270.25               N
                   Senior Deputy General
    Jin duo                                       M      58     Incumbent           268.97               N
                   Senior Deputy General
    Jin Yan      Manager, person in charge of     F      44     Incumbent           245.82               N
                   finance and accounting

                   Senior Deputy General
Huang Fanghong            Manager                 F      41     Incumbent           240.60               N
                       Board Secretary
                   Senior Deputy General
  Chen Junke                                      M      52     Incumbent           248.75               N

                   Senior Deputy General
   Xu Peng                                        M      47     Incumbent           274.61               N

                   Senior Deputy General
 Guo Xudong                                       M      51     Incumbent           243.57               N

     Total                    --                  --     --         --             3,883.67              --

                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Note: During the reporting period, the remuneration of incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management
are the remuneration for the period in which they held their positions.

VI. Performance of Duties by Directors during the Reporting Period

1. The Board of Directors during the Reporting Period

             Meeting Session                   Convening Date       Disclosure Date                   Meeting Resolutions

                                                                                       7 proposals were considered and approved at the
                                                                                       meeting, including the Proposal on Adjusting
 The 8th meeting of the 5th session
                                               January 18, 2022     January 19, 2022   Grantees and Number of Granted Shares of
               of the Board
                                                                                       Restricted Share Plan. For details, please refer to
                                                                                       the Company’s announcement: No. 2022-004.

                                                                                       21 proposals were considered and approved at
 The   9th   meeting of the   5th   session                                            the meeting, including the 2021 Annual Report
                                                April 14, 2022       April 16, 2022
               of the Board                                                            and Its Summary. For details, please refer to the
                                                                                       Company’s announcement: No. 2022-018.

                                                                                       3 proposals were considered and approved at the
                                                                                       meeting, including the Proposal on Vesting
The   10th   meeting of the   5th   session                                            Conditional Achievements for the Second Vesting
                                                 May 5, 2022          May 6, 2022
               of the Board                                                            Period of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive
                                                                                       Scheme. For details, please refer to the
                                                                                       Company’s announcement: No. 2022-031.

                                                                                       10 proposals were considered and approved at
                                                                                       the meeting, including the Proposal on the Initial
                                                                                       Public Share Offering and Listing on the SZSE
The 11th meeting of the 5th session
                                                June 10, 2022        June 11, 2022     ChiNext Market of the Subsidiary of the
               of the Board
                                                                                       Company, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd.
                                                                                       For details, please refer to the Company’s
                                                                                       announcement: No. 2022-039.

                                                                                       4 proposals were considered and approved at the
The   12th   meeting of the   5th   session                                            meeting, including the 2022 Half Year Report
                                               August 12, 2022      August 13, 2022
               of the Board                                                            and Its Summary. For details, please refer to the
                                                                                       Company’s announcement: No. 2022-045.

                                                                                       4 proposals were considered and approved at the
                                                                                       meeting, including the Proposal on the Plan of
The 13th meeting of the 5th session
                                              September 15, 2022   September 16, 2022 Repurchase Part of the Company's Public
               of the Board
                                                                                       Shares. For details, please refer to the
                                                                                       Company’s announcement: No. 2022-049.

The 14th meeting of the 5th session            October 28, 2022     October 29, 2022   1 proposal was considered and approved at the

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
         Meeting Session              Convening Date         Disclosure Date                   Meeting Resolutions

           of the Board                                                          meeting, the 2022Q3 Report and Its Summary.
                                                                                 For details, please refer to the Company’s
                                                                                 announcement: No. 2022-060.

                                                                                 11 proposals were considered and approved at
                                                                                 the meeting, including the Proposal on the Initial
                                                                                 Public Share Offering and Listing on the SZSE
The 15th meeting of the 5th session
                                      December 9, 2022     December 10, 2022 ChiNext Market of the Subsidiary of the
           of the Board
                                                                                 Company, Hangzhou Hikrobot Co., Ltd. For
                                                                                 details, please refer to the Company’s
                                                                                 announcement: No. 2022-067.

2. Attendance of Directors in Board Meetings and General Meetings

                                  Attendance of directors in board meetings and general meetings

                                                                                                                      Presence of
                  Board meeting Board          Board meeting                                  Board meeting
                     presence     meeting        presence by      Board meeting Board meeting not attend in
                                                                                                                       directors in
 Name of Director required in the presence        telecom-       presence through absence     person for two
                     reporting     on site     communication      a proxy (times)  (times)     consecutive
                  period (times) (times)           (times)                                        times
  Chen Zongnian            8            1              7                0                 0               N                3

    Qu Liyang              8            1              7                0                 0               N                1

  Wang Qiuchao             8            1              7                0                 0               N                2

  Hu Yangzhong             8            1              7                0                 0               N                4

    Wu Weiqi               8            1              7                0                 0               N                4

   Wu Xiaobo               8            1              7                0                 0               N                2

   Hu Ruimin               8            1              7                0                 0               N                2

    Li Shuhua              8            1              7                0                 0               N                2

  Guan Qingyou             8            1              7                0                 0               N                1

3. Objections from Directors on Related Issues of the Company

Were there any objections on related issues of the Company from directors?
□ Yes √ No
During the reporting period, there is no objections on related issues of the Company from directors.

4. Other Details about the Performance of Duties by Directors

Were there any suggestions from directors accepted by the Company?

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
√ Yes □ No

       Details: During the Reporting Period, directors strictly followed related rules, regulations, including Company

Law, Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed

Companies Self-Regulatory Supervision Guidelines No. 1 - Standardized Operation of Main Board Listed

Companies and Articles of Association. They focused on the Company operation, carefully review the Company's

relevant meeting materials, reviewed and approved a number of board resolutions, and have no objection to all the

proposals; At the same time, the directors of the Company put forward relevant constructive suggestions based on

their professional abilities and the actual situation of the Company, which had a positive impact on the standardized

operation of the Company and fulfilled their duties as directors.

       The Company’s independent directors strictly followed related rules, regulations, including Rules for

Independent Directors of Listed Companies and Regulations on Independent Directors of the Company. They

carried out their duties independently and imparted considerable professional advice on improving the Company’s

systems, daily operations and decision making. They provided objective and fair advices during the reporting period

and played an effective role in improving the Company supervisory systems and protecting the legal rights of the

Company, the shareholders, especially public shareholders as a whole. For details, please refer to Independent

Directors’ 2022 Debriefings disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

VII. The Special Committees under the Board during the Reporting Period

                                                  Number of
  Committee Name                 Members                           Convening Date            Meeting Content           comments and
                                                 meetings held

                                                                                        Reviewed and approved 12
 Strategy Committee
                              Chen Zongnian                                             proposals including the 2021   All expressed
 of the 5th session of                                           January 12, 2022 to
                              (convener), Wu          6                                  Annual Work Report of the      concurring
      the Board of                                                December 2, 2022
                             Xiaobo, Hu Ruimin                                           Strategy Committee of the       opinions
                                                                                             Board of Directors

                                                                                         Reviewed and approved 9
                                 Li Shuhua
 Audit Committee of                                                                     proposals including Proposal   All expressed
                             (convener), Wang                    February 10, 2022 to
the   5th   session of the                            3                                  on 2022 Reappointment of       concurring
                              Qiuchao, Guan                         April 14, 2022
 Board of Directors                                                                         Certificated Public          opinions
                                                                                             Accountants LLP

 Remuneration and              Guan Qingyou                                             Reviewed and approved 10       All expressed
                                                                 January 18, 2022 to
       Appraisal              (convener), Wu          4                                 proposals including the 2021    concurring
                                                                    May 5, 2022
Committee of the       5th   Xiaobo, Wu Weiqi                                              Annual Report and Its         opinions

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                Number of
  Committee Name             Members                            Convening Date           Meeting Content          comments and
                                              meetings held

session of the Board                                                                          Summary
    of Directors

VIII. Performance of Duties by the Supervisory Committee

Were there any risks to the Company identified by Board of Supervisors when performing its duties during the

reporting period?

□ Yes √ No

The Board of Supervisors has no objection to the supervision matters during the reporting period.

IX. Staff in the Company

1. Statistics of Employees, Professional Structure of the Staff, and Educational Background

Number of incumbent employees in the parent Company at the end of the reporting period                      21,343

Number of incumbent employees in major subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period                      36,941

Number of incumbent employees at the end of the reporting period                                            58,284

Number of employees receiving salaries in current period                                                    58,284

Number of retired employees requiring the parent Company and its subsidiaries to bear costs                   0

                                                         Professional structure

                               Tier                                                   Number of employees

                       Managerial personnel                                                     928

                         Production staff                                                      17,400

                            Sales staff                                                        10,085

                          Technical staff                                                      27,951

                          Financial staff                                                       417

                       Administrative Staff                                                     1,503

                               Total                                                           58,284

                                                        Educational background

                       Education background                                           Number of employees

                   Master and/or doctor/or above                                               10,964

                             Bachelor                                                          28,689

               Junior College (professional training)                                           5,368

                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                            Other                                                   13,263

                            Total                                                   58,284

2. Staff Remuneration Policy

        Hikvision applies scientific talent cultivation methods, effective talent incentive mechanisms and fair

competition platforms to recruit talents, and continuously optimizes the talent structure. The Company provides

employees with remuneration packages which are competitive in the industry. In addition to endowment insurance,

medical insurance, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing

provident funds, the Company also provides employees with the supplementary commercial insurance, special

allowances, and other benefits, and creates a fairer and more humanized working environment for each employee;

so that each employee is able to demonstrate his/her value, and create value to satisfy increasing demands for a good


3. Staff Training Plans

        The Company is focused on long-term development strategies and works for the goal of supporting business

development and people development. The Company has planned and implemented a set of training programs and


        During 2020-2022, in the context of the macro environment and businesses becoming more complex, the

Company had to adapt itself to the higher requirements on learning management and operations.         The Company

committed to the twin strategies of "system construction" and "resource construction". In order to adapt to the

diversity of internal learning needs, the Company gradually strengthened the traction and design of talent training

projects through deep online and offline integration, combing with the digital training platform to make trainings

more flexible, and promoted organizational experience accumulation and replication in a more orderly manner, and

resources can be shared and reused more efficiently within the Company through the comprehensive online

management of teachers and courses, accelerating replication and propagation from 1 to N of key business


        To adapt to the background that the external business environment changes rapidly, the human resources

department goes deep into the front line of the business, quickly empowering key positions by working with business

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
experts to timely summarize experiences, identifying typical scenarios of business development, learning practical

methodologies and skills, and implementing the large learning project that is a combination of theoretical training

and practical training.

    In 2023, the Company continues to strengthen the construction of talent development systems, facilitating talent

supply for key positions for business development through designing the development project of talent development

and the training project of core business talent.

4. Labor Outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

X. Profit Distribution and Capitalization of Capital Reserves

Profit distribution policy in the reporting period, especially the formulation, implementation and adjustment of
cash dividend policy
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                               Special explanation of cash dividend policy

Whether it complies with the provisions of the Company's articles of association or the requirements of
the resolution of the shareholders' meeting:

Whether the dividend standard and dividend ratio are clear:                                                    Yes

Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete:                                   Yes

Whether independent directors performed their duties and played their due roles:                               Yes

Whether minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions and demands, and            Yes
whether their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected:

If the cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed, whether the conditions and procedures are
compliant and transparent:

     The 9th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and approved the 2021

Annual Profit Distribution Proposal, and was reviewed and approved by the Company's 2021 annual general

meeting: based on the Company’s current total share capital of 9,433,208,719 shares, the Company proposed to

distribute cash dividend of RMB 9 (tax inclusive) per each 10 shares to all shareholders, bonus share and share

distribution from capital reserve is nil. The date of record for this profit distribution is May 25, 2022, the ex-

rights/ex-dividend date is May 26, 2022, and the total cash dividends (tax inclusive) is RMB8,489,887,847.10.

     The above-mentioned profit distribution policy conforms to the provisions of the Company's articles of

association and the review procedures, and fully protects the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium

                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
investors, and the independent directors have expressed their agreement.

     In 2022, the Company implemented the repurchase of its shares by means of centralized bidding. According

to the Company Law, Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Listed Companies Self-Regulatory Supervision Guidelines No. 9 – Repurchase of Shares, the amount of shares

repurchased that the Company has implemented during the year is deemed to be equal to the amount of cash

dividends, which is included in the measurement of the relevant portion of cash dividends for the year.

During the reporting period, the Company was profitable and the distributable profits to shareholders of the parent
company was positive, but the Company did not propose a cash dividend distribution plan.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Profit distribution and capitalizing of capital reserves for the current reporting period
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
Bonus issue per 10 shares (share)                                                                                                        0

Cash dividend per 10 shares (RMB) (tax
Additional shares converted from capital reserves
for 10 shares (share)
Total capital shares as the basis for the distribution
proposal (share)

Total cash dividend (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                  6,554,752,952.30

Amount of cash dividends in other methods (such
as share repurchase) (RMB)
Total cash dividends (including other methods)
Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                                               39,030,437,901.96

Percentage of cash dividends in the total
distributed profit (%)
                                                         Cash dividend policy:

The Company is in the development stage and has a substantial plan of cash expenditure. In the current profit distribution, cash
dividends shall account for at least 20%.

                    Details about the plan for profit distribution and capitalizing capital reserves into share capital

As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, in 2022, the parent company of the Company realized
net profit of RMB9,597,855,108.17, the withdraowal of statutory surplus reserve is RMB42,954,964.00, adding the undistributed
profit of the parent company at the beginning of the year of RMB 37,958,561,319.89 deducting the cash dividends of
RMB8,489,887,847.10 in 2021, adding back RMB6,864,285.00 of the unpaid dividends for the repurchased restricted shares, as of
December 31, 2022, the profits distributable to shareholders of the parent company amounted to RMB39,030,437,901.96. As of
December 31, 2022, the profits distributable to shareholders in the consolidated statement were RMB49,460,240,986.49
(consolidated). To sum up, according to the principle of "whichever is lower", the profits distributable to shareholders this year was

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

Based agree on the Company’s current total share capital of 9,363,932,789 shares, the Company proposed to distribute cash dividend
of RMB7 (tax inclusive) per each 10 shares to all shareholders, bonus share and share distribution from capital reserve is nil. The
above scheme will distribute a total cash dividend of RMB6,554,752,952.30, and the remaining undistributed profits will be
transferred to the next year.

XI. The Implementation of an Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Incentive Plan, or other
Incentive Plans

√Applicable □Inapplicable

1. Share Incentive

     (1) During the reporting period, the Company completed the grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive


     On December 30, 2021, proposals were reviewed and approved by the 7th Meeting of the 5th session of the

Board of Directors of the Company, including the 2021 Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and its Summary and

Proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Manage Relevant Matters

of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, proposing the General Meeting of Shareholders to authorize the

Board of Directors to implement relevant matters of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme.

     On January18, 2022, the Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Grantees under the 2021 Restricted Share

Incentive Scheme was reviewed and approved by the 8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the

8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors of the Company. Based on the relevant laws, regulations,

department rules, and normative documents such as the Measures for the Management of Equity Incentives of Listed

Companies, as well as 2021 Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and related authorization approved by the 1st

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022, the Company has completed the share grant and

registration of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme. The grantees are 9,738 people, and the total amount of

restricted shares granted is 97,402,605 shares, accounting for 1.04% of the total share capital of the Company before

the grant. The granted shares were listed on February 11, 2022.

     For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Completion of the Grant of Shares under the 2021

Restricted Share Incentive Scheme published by the Company on www.cninfo.com.cn on February 10, 2022 (No.


                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     (2) During the reporting period, the Company has completed the second vesting, repurchase and cancellation

of the 2018 restricted share incentive scheme.

     On May 5, 2022, the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 10th meeting of the 5th

session of the Board of Supervisors reviewed and approved the Proposal on the achievement of unlocking conditions

for the second unlocking period of the 2018 restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Proposal on the Second

Repurchase and Cancellation of the Granted but Unvested Restricted Shares under the 2018 Restricted Share

Incentive Scheme, the Company has implemented the vesting of the total amount of 33,142,730 restricted shares for

5,533 grantees, and the vested shares were listed on May 18, 2022. Meanwhile, 2,288,095 restricted shares that did

not meet the incentive conditions were repurchased and cancelled, and the repurchase and cancellation procedures

were completed as of December 19, 2022. For details, please refer the Indicative Announcement on Vesting, Listing

and Circulation of Shares in the Second Vesting Period of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (No. 2022-

036) and the Announcement on the Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the Granted but Unvested Restricted

Shares under the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (No. 2022-071) published by the Company on

www.cninfo.com.cn on May 17, 2022 and December 19, 2022, respectively.

     As of the end of the reporting period, the Company has a total amount of 130,734,463 granted but unvested

shares, accounting for 1.39% of the Company's total share capital at the end of the reporting period.

     The Company performs accounting treatments related to restricted share incentive plans in accordance with

the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 11-Share Payments and other related

accounting standards. The cost of the shares granted by the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme and the 2021

Restricted Share Incentive Scheme is amortized during the vesting period.

     During the reporting period, the amortization cost of the Company's 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

and the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme had no significant impact on the Company's financial status and

operating results. For details, please refer to Financial Statement Note (XI)-Share-based Payment.

Equity incentives obtained by the directors and senior management of the Company
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                        Unit: Share

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                    Price for
                                                             Shares vested in   Shares newly        restricted   Restricted
                                              Shares held at
        Name                Title                              the current      granted in the   shares granted Shares held at
                                              the beginning
                                                                 period         current period     (RMB per      period-end
                                               of the period

  Hu Yangzhong         Director, CEO                0               0                 -                -              0

                  Director, Standing Deputy
    Wu Weiqi                                        0               0                 -                -              0
                      General Manager

                   Senior Deputy General
    He Hongli                                       0               0                 -                -              0

                   Senior Deputy General
  Cai Changyang                                     0               0                 -                -              0

                   Senior Deputy General
   Bi Huijuan                                    73,800          36,900               -                -            36,900

                   Senior Deputy General
   Xu Ximing                                    118,200          59,100            90,000            29.71         149,100

                   Senior Deputy General
   Pu Shiliang                                   60,000          30,000            90,000            29.71         120,000

                   Senior Deputy General
     Jin Duo                                        0               0                 -                -              0

                   Senior Deputy General
        Jin Yan      Manager, Person in          66,000          33,000            80,000            29.71         113,000
                     Charge of Finance

                   Senior Deputy General
 Huang Fanghong Manager, Secretary of the        66,000          33,000            80,000            29.71         113,000

                   Senior Deputy General
    Xu Peng                                      77,244          38,622            70,000            29.71         108,622

                   Senior Deputy General
   Guo Xudong                                    44,280          22,140               -                -            22,140

         Total               --                 505,524          252,762          410,000              --          662,762

(1) Persons listed above are grantees who are senior executives that are the Company’s incumbent senior
(2) During the reporting period, the Company has completed the grant of shares under the 2021 Restricted Share
    Incentive Scheme with the total amount of 97,402,605 shares, of which 410,000 of shares were granted to
    senior executives.
(3) During the reporting period, the second restricted shares of the Company were vested under the 2018
    Restricted Share Incentive Scheme with the total amount of 33,142,730 shares, of which 252,762 were vested
    by senior executives.

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Assessment and incentive mechanism for the senior management

     The Company has established a fairly sophisticated mechanism on employees’ evaluation and incentive

restraint, and has established a fair and transparent appraisal and incentive mechanism on senior management

personnel and other various level management personnel and employees. The Company’s Board of Directors has

carried out annual appraisals of senior management members mainly based on annual target achievement index.

The Board is responsible for appraisals of the general manager on the general manager’s duty, capacity and

performance of operation; and the general manager carried out appraisals of other senior management members on

their operational management and implementation of relevant assignments. In 2022, senior management personnel

carried out their duties diligently with good performance. In the face of multiple uncertainties in the business

environment, they led the Company to firm confidence, focus on its own capabilities, and continue to promote the

steady development of the Company.

2. The Implementation of Employee Stock Incentive Plan

□Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Other Incentive Plans

□Applicable √Inapplicable

XII. Construction and Implementation of Internal Control System during the Reporting Period

1. Construction and Implementation of Internal Control

     The Company shall establish, improve and effectively implement internal control, further improve the

construction of internal control system and strengthen internal audit supervision in accordance with the Basic

Standard for Enterprise Internal Control, its associated Guidelines and other internal control supervision

requirements. The Board of Directors of the Company truthfully discloses the internal control evaluation report.

The Board of Supervisors supervises the establishment by the Board of Directors and its implementation of internal

control. The management is responsible for organizing and leading the daily internal controls of the Company.

     The Audit Committee of the Company under the Board of Directors inspects and supervises the scientificity,

rationality, effectiveness and implementation of the Company's internal control system. At the same time, the Audit

Committee has organized special work meetings to follow up on the implementation of major matters by the

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
financial center and internal audit department, and puts forward relevant requirements on the normativeness of

internal control of the Company. The Company has set up an internal audit department under the Audit Committee

of the Board of Directors, which is equipped with full-time personnel to independently carry out internal audits,

supervise and inspect the effectiveness and rationality of internal control. The internal audit department is

accountable and reports to the Audit Committee and reports on their work regularly. The internal audit department

audits the risk profiles of the Company’s business areas according to an annual audit plan. It highlights internal

control defects and gives rational suggestions, and standardizes and supervises the operation and management of

the Company.

     During the reporting period, the Company continuously strengthened its self-evaluation and self-improvement

on internal control. It continued to improve and thoroughly implement internal control in its departments and

strengthened the awareness of compliance management, to ensure the effective implementation of the internal

control system, improve the standard of the Company’s operations, and promote the healthy and sustainable

development of the Company. For more details, please refer to the 2022 Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

disclosed by the Company on CNINFO website (www.cninfo.com.cn).

2. Any Significant Internal Control Deficiencies during the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

XIII. The Company's Management and Control of Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period

     In strict adherence to the relevant laws and regulations such as the Authorization Management System and the

regulations and normative documents of regulatory authorities, the Company considers and approves proposals on

the acquisition and cancellation the registration of new subsidiaries, and exercises management powers over major

matters of the subsidiaries in accordance with the requirements regarding assets control over the subsidiaries and

the standard operations of the Company. At the same time, subsidiaries shall provide timely, complete and accurate

information to the Company such as operating results, financial position and operating prospects, so that the

Company can conduct scientific decision-making, supervision and coordination.

     During the reporting period, the Company established two domestic subsidiaries and four overseas subsidiaries,

acquired one subsidiary, and liquidated and cancelled three subsidiaries. All of this result in changes in the scope of

its consolidation scope. For details, please refer to changes in the consolidation scope in Note (6) to the financial

                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

XIV. Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control or Internal Control Audit Report

1. Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control

Disclosure date of full text of self-evaluation report on internal control                                  April 15, 2023

Disclosure index of full text of self-evaluation report on internal control                               www.cninfo.com.cn

Proportion of assets evaluated in total assets                                                                 100.00%

Proportion of revenue evaluated in total revenue per consolidated financial statement                          100.00%

                                                   Recognition standard of deficiencies

         Nature                                  Financial report level                                Non-financial report level
                         Significant deficiency:
                         A deficiency or a combination of deficiencies in internal control
                         may prevent significant errors in financial reports from being
                         identified or prevented, e.g.:
                         A. Invalid internal control environment;                            Internal control deficiencies at non-
                         B. Fraud of directors, supervisors and senior management            financial report level are mainly identified
                         personnel on the financial report ;                                 by the likelihood of occurrence and the
                         C. Significant errors identified by external auditors but not       extent of impacts on operating effective in
                         identified during the Company is operating;                         business.
                         D. Invalid supervision of audit committee and internal audit
                                                                                             Significant deficiency: the high likelihood
                                                                                             leading to significant reduction of working
                         E. Other deficiencies that may lead to the wrong judgement of
                                                                                             efficiency, or significant increase of
                         financial statement reporter.
                                                                                             uncertainty, or significant deviation from
                         Important deficiency:                                               the expected target;
Qualitative criteria     A deficiency or a combination of deficiencies in internal control   Important deficiency: a higher likelihood
                         may prevent errors in financial report from being identified or     leading to remarkable reduction of
                         prevented, although such deficiency is not significant, but         working efficiency, or remarkable increase
                         require attention of the Board and Management, e.g.:                of uncertainty, or remarkable deviation
                         A. Application of accounting policies does not follow the           from the expected target;
                         enterprise accounting standard;                                     Normal deficiency: a low likelihood
                         B. No internal control systems for fraud;                           leading to reduction of working efficiency,
                         C. No control systems or system not effective for unusual or        or increase of uncertainty, or deviation
                         special transactions or no compensatory relevant control;           from the expected target;
                         D. One or more deficiencies which prevent the preparation of
                         true and fair financial statements.
                         Normal deficiency: Not significant and not important

                         Significant deficiency: potential errors 5% or more of total        Significant deficiency: direct losses of
                         profits                                                             assets is 5% or more of total profits
                         Important deficiency: potential errors 2% or more but below         Important deficiency: direct losses of
Quantitative criteria
                         5% of total profits                                                 assets is2% or more but below 5% of total
                         Normal deficiency: potential errors is 2% or less of total          profits
                         profits                                                             Normal deficiency: direct losses of assets

                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                              is below 2% of total profits

Number of significant deficiencies in financial report level                                                       0

Number of significant deficiencies in non-financial report level                                                   0

Number of important deficiencies in financial report level                                                         0

Number of important deficiencies in non-financial report level                                                     0

2. Internal Control Audit Report

√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                      Deliberation Opinion Paragraph in Internal Control Audit Report

We believe that Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in
all material aspects as of December 31st 2022 in accordance with the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and other
related regulations.

Disclosure of internal control audit

Disclosure date of the full text of
                                                                                April 15, 2023
the internal control audit report

Disclosure index of full text of
                                                           www.cninfo.com.cn     2022 Internal Control Audit Report
internal control audit report

Internal control audit opinion                                        Standard unqualified audit opinion

Whether there are material
weakness of non-financial report

Whether the accounting firm issued an internal control audit report with a non-standard opinion
□ Yes √ No
Whether the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the opinion of the self-evaluation report from
the Board of Directors
√ Yes □No

XV. Special Rectification Actions for Self-inspected Problems of Listed Companies

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

               Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Significant Environmental Issues

Whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries should be categorized as a critical pollutant enterprises published

by environmental protection department

□Yes √No.

II. Social Responsibilities

For details, please refer to the Company’s 2022 Social Responsibility Report disclosed on CNINFO


III. The Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization

During the reporting period, the Company did not conduct any targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization


                                                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                               Section VI Significant Events

I. Performance of Commitments

    1.    Complete and incomplete commitments of the Company and its actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirers, and other related

          parties for the commitments by the end of the reporting period.
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                    Date of     Term of
 Commitments       Giver of commitments    Commitment type                                 Details of commitments                                                         Performance
                                                                                                                                                  commitments commitments

                                                               1. Commitments in non-competition within the industry: In the period as
                                                               controlling shareholders of the Hikvision, CETHIK and its controlling
                                                               subsidiaries (excluding Hikvision and its subsidiaries, the same below) will not
                                                               be engaged in such business that is competitive to Hikvision and its
                                                               subsidiaries directly or indirectly.
                                                               2. Commitments in decrease and regulation of transactions with related party:
                                                               Zhejiang Haikang Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Haikang Group
                                                               or actual controller) as the controlling shareholders of Hangzhou Hikvision
Commitments in                            Commitments          Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hikvision" or "Listed
offering                                  regarding horizontal Company") are committed as below for the transactions with Hikvision:
                                                                                                                                               October 29,                Strict
documents or   CETHIK Group Co., Ltd.     competition and      (1) Haikang Group will not make use of the controlling power to offer more                    Long-term
                                                                                                                                               2013                       performance
shareholding                              related party        favorable conditions to Hikvision than those to any independent third party in
alterations                               transactions         any fair market transactions in the cooperation with Hikvision.
                                                               (2) Haikang Group will not make use of the controlling power to obtain the
                                                               prior right to complete the transaction with Hikvision.
                                                               (3) Haikang Group will not deal with Hikvision in not fair terms comparing to
                                                               the market prices to prejudice the Company’s interests.
                                                                For unavoidable related transactions, the Company will observe the
                                                               principles of justice and fairness to determine prices according to the market
                                                               on the basis of equality, voluntarily. The Company will obey the Articles of
                                                               Association and other regulatory documents related to the avoiding of issues
                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                         Date of     Term of
Commitments   Giver of commitments   Commitment type                              Details of commitments                                                       Performance
                                                                                                                                       commitments commitments

                                                       about related transactions. The related transactions will go through approval
                                                       procedures in accordance with related rules and complete legal procedures,
                                                       fulfilling the information disclosure obligations in respect to the related
                                                       3. Commitment to the maintenance of the independence of the listed Company
                                                       3.1 Commitment to Personnel Independence of the listed Company
                                                       (1) Commitment that our general manager, deputy general manager, chief
                                                       financial officer, secretary of the board and other members of senior
                                                       management shall not assume any positions other than directors and
                                                       supervisors or get any remuneration in CETHIK and/or any of its controlled
                                                       entities; (2) Commitment in keeping the management of labor, human
                                                       resources and issues related to remuneration of the listed Company
                                                       independent from that of CETHIK;
                                                       3.2 Commitment to the independence of the asset of the listed Company
                                                       (1) Commitment to independent and complete asset of the listed Company
                                                       (2) Commitment free of unlawful use of cash and asset of the listed Company
                                                       by the controlling shareholders
                                                       3.3 Commitment to financial independence of the listed Company
                                                       (1) Commitment to an independent finance department with a team and
                                                       accounting system;
                                                       (2) Commitment to a regulated, independent accounting system and financial
                                                       management system of the branches and subsidiaries
                                                       (3) Commitment to maintaining accounts with banks independently of and not
                                                       sharing any bank account with our controlling shareholders
                                                       (4) Commitment that the financial staff shall not assume any positions in
                                                       (5) Commitment to paying taxes independently according to the law;
                                                       (6) Commitment to implementing financial decisions independently
                                                       3.4 The Company has set up an independent organizational structure which
                                                       maintains its independent operations which is independent from that of
                                                       3.5 Commitment to business Independence of the listed Company
                                                       (1) The Company has the asset, personnel, aptitude and management capability
                                                                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                              Date of     Term of
 Commitments     Giver of commitments    Commitment type                               Details of commitments                                                       Performance
                                                                                                                                            commitments commitments

                                                            for independent and complete business operation. The Company has the ability
                                                            to operate independently in the market.
                                                            (2) Commitment in independence in both business and operations
                                                            4. Regarding plans for the development and relevant commitment for the listed
                                                            Company, Haikang Group has committed as below for the subsequent
                                                            development of Hikvision according to the Securities Acts and relevant laws
                                                            and rules,
                                                            4.1 Currently the Company has no plan to change or make significant
                                                            adjustments for principal business in the next 12 months;
                                                            4.2 Currently the Company has no plan to sell, merge or operate with another
                                                            Company for the assets and business of the listed Company or its subsidiaries
                                                            in the next 12 months.
                                                            4.3 Currently the Company has no plan to alter the Board of the Directors and
                                                            senior management and no agreement with other shareholders about the
                                                            appointment and removal of the directors or senior management. The team of
                                                            Board of Directors and senior management will remain unchanged for the
                                                            foreseeable future.
                                                            4.4 Currently the Company has no plan to make significant changes to the
                                                            Articles of Association for the listed Company.
                                                            4.5 Currently the Company has no plan to make significant changes to the
                                                            existing employee recruitment for the listed Company.
                                                            4.6 Currently the Company has no plan to make significant changes for the
                                                            dividend distribution plan for the listed Company.
                                                            4.7 Currently the Company has no plan to make significant changes for
                                                            business and organizational structure for the listed Company.

Commitments in Hangzhou Weixun          Share restriction   During Hu Yangzhong, Wu Weiqi, Jiang Haiqing, Zhou Zhiping, Xu Lirong,          May 17,                    Strict
                                                                                                                                                          Long term
Initial Public Investment Management    commitment          Cai Dingguo, He Hongli, Zheng Yibo, Hu Dan, Jiang Yufeng, Liu Xiang,            2010                       performance

                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                                         Date of     Term of
 Commitments         Giver of commitments          Commitment type                               Details of commitments                                                        Performance
                                                                                                                                                       commitments commitments

Offering or re-   Limited Partnership (later                          Wang Ruihong, Chen Junke’s tenure of the Company’s Board of Directors,
                  renamed as Hangzhou                                 supervisors and senior management personnel, the annual transfer of
                  Weixun Equity Investment                            Hikvision’s total shares should not exceed 25% of total number of shares held
                  Partnership (Limited                                under Weixun; within 6 months after abovementioned personnel’s demission,
                  Partnership))                                       should not transfer Hikvision’s shares held under Weixun.

                  Hangzhou Kangpu                 Share restriction
                                                                      During Hu Yangzhong, Wu Weiqi, Gong Hongjia’s tenure of the Company’s
                  Investment Limited              commitment
                                                                      Board of Directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, the annual
                  Partnership (later renamed                                                                                                           May 17,                    Strict
                                                                      transfer of Hikvision’s total shares should not exceed 25% of total number of                 Long term
                  as Hangzhou Pukang Equity                                                                                                            2010                       performance
                                                                      shares held under Pukang; within 6 months after abovementioned personnel’s
                  Investment Partnership
                                                                      demission, should not transfer Hikvision’s shares held under Pukang.
                  (Limited Partnership))

                  The Company's directors,        Share restriction
                  supervisors and executive:      commitment
                  HuYangzhong, Wu Weiqi,
                                                                      During their tenure of the Company’s Board of Directors, supervisors and
                  Jiang Haiqing, Zhou
                                                                      senior management personnel, the annual shares transfer should not exceed        May 17,                    Strict
                  Zhiping,Xu Lirong, Cai                                                                                                                            Long term
                                                                      25% of total number of shares held under Weixun; within 6 months after their 2010                           performance
                  Dingguo, He Hongli, Zheng
                                                                      demission, they should not transfer their shares held under Weixun.
                  Yibo, Hu Dan, Jiang
                  Yufeng, Liu Xiang, Wang
                  Ruihong, Chen Junke

                                                  Share restriction   During their tenure of the Company’s Board of Directors, supervisors and
                  Directors, executive officers
                                                  commitment          senior management personnel, the annual shares transfer should not exceed        May 17,                    Strict
                  of the Company: Hu                                                                                                                                 Long term
                                                                      25% of total number of shares held under Kangpu; within 6 months after their 2010                           performance
                  Yangzhong, Wu Weiqi
                                                                      demission, they should not transfer their shares held under Kangpu.

                  The Company’s director         Share restriction   During Gong Hongjia’s tenure of the Company’s Board of Directors,                                         Strict
                  Gong Hongjia’s spouse,         commitment          supervisors and senior management personnel, Chen’s annual shares transfer      May 17,                    performance

                                                                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                              Date of     Term of
 Commitments      Giver of commitments       Commitment type                               Details of commitments                                                   Performance
                                                                                                                                            commitments commitments

               Chen Chunmei                                    should not exceed 25% of total number of shares held under Kangpu; within 6 2010
                                                               months after the demission of Gong Hongjia, Chen should not transfer her
                                                               shares held under Kangpu.

               China Electronics            Commitment to
               Technology Group             avoid horizontal   To avoid any loss of the Company and other shareholders arising from any
               Corporation (later renamed competition          competing business, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, the      September                     Strict
                                                                                                                                                            Long term
               as China Electronics                            actual controller of the Company, issued Letters of non-competition on 18    18, 2008                      performance
               Technology Group Co.,                           September, 2008.

               Gong Hongjia; Hangzhou       Commitment to
                                            avoid horizontal
               Weixun Investment
               Management Limited
               Partnership (later renamed
               as Hangzhou Weixun Equity
                                                               To avoid any loss of the Company and other shareholders arising from any
               Investment Partnership
                                                               competing business, Gong Hongjia, Hangzhou WeiXun Investment
               (Limited Partnership));                         Management Limited Partnership, ZheJiang Orient Holdings Co., Ltd. and
               Hangzhou Kangpu                                 Hangzhou KangPu Investment Management Limited Partnership, the                               Long term
                                                               promoters of the Company, issued Commitment Letters of non-competition in    July 10, 2008                 performance
               Investment Limited
                                                               the same industry on 10 July, 2008.
               Partnership (later renamed
               as Hangzhou Pukang Equity
               Investment Partnership
               (Limited Partnership));
               ZheJiang Orient Holdings
               Co., Ltd.

Other          Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Commitment            Arrangement on trading restriction and commitement to voluntarily restrict                  Within 36     Strict
commitments                               relating to the spin- shares relating to the spin-off of EZVIZ Network to be listed on the Science
               Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           28, 2022      months from   performance
(commitments                              off of EZVIZ          and Technology Innovation Board, for details, please refer to the appendix Ⅵ

                                                                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                                     Date of     Term of
 Commitments        Giver of commitments    Commitment type                                  Details of commitments                                                        Performance
                                                                                                                                                   commitments commitments

relating to the                            Network to be listed   of the Prospectus on the Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the STAR              the date of
spin-off of                                on the Science and     Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co.,
                                                                                                                                                              issuing and
EZVIZ Network                              Technology             Ltd. published by EZVIZ Network on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange
to be listed on                            Innovation Board       (www.sse.com.cn): commitments relating to investor protection.                              listing of
the Science and                                                                                                                                               EZVIZ
Technology                                                                                                                                                    Network
Board)                                                            Commitment relating to the intention to hold shares and the intention to reduce             Within 2 years
                                                                  holdings of shares of EZVIZ Network of the spin-off of EZVIZ Network to be
                                                                                                                                                              from the end
                                                                  listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, for details, please refer
                                                                  to the appendix Ⅵ of the Prospectus on the Initial Public Share Offering and               date of shares
                                                                                                                                                   December                    Strict
                                                                  Listing on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange of Hangzhou                       restriction
                                                                                                                                                   28, 2022                    performance
                                                                  EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. published by EZVIZ Network on the website of                        period of
                                                                  Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn): commitments relating to investor

                                                                  Commitments and initiatives to stabilize the stock price of EZVIZ Network, to
                                                                  repurchase shares of EZVIZ Network, to guarantee no fraud in listing of EZVIZ
                                                                  Network, to make compensation for diluted spot return, to undertake
                                                                  compensation or liability in accordance with the law, to have constraints for
                                                                  failing to fulfill commitments, to avoid intra-industry competition, to regulate
                                                                  and reduce related party transactions, to avoid capital occupation, and to keep December                     Strict
                                                                                                                                                              Long term
                                                                  system independent after the spin-of of EZVIZ Network to be listed on the 28, 2022                           performance
                                                                  Science and Technology Innovation Board. For details, please refer the
                                                                  Prospectus on the Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the STAR Market
                                                                  of the Shanghai Stock Exchange of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.
                                                                  published by EZVIZ Network on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange
                                                                  (www.sse.com.cn): commitments relating to investor protection.

Whether the
commitments is                                                                                      Yes
fulfilled in time

                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
    2.   Where any profit forecast was made for any of the Company’s assets or projects and the current
         reporting period is still within the forecast period, the Company shall explain whether the
         performance of the asset or project reaches the profit forecast and why:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Commitments made by the Company's shareholders and counterparties in the operating performance of the
reporting year
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. The Company’s Funds Used by the Controlling Shareholder or Other Related Parties for
Non-operating Purposes

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case during the current reporting period.

III. Illegal Provision of Guarantees for External Parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case in the current reporting period.

IV. Explanation Given by the Board of Directors regarding the Latest "Non-standard Auditor’s

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Explanation Given by the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent
Directors (if applicable) regarding the "Non-standard Auditor’s Report" Issued by the CPA
Firm for the Current Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. For Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates or Correction of Significant
Accounting Errors Compared with the Financial Report for the Prior Year

√ Applicable □Inapplicable
     For details, please refer to the Note (III) 32.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
VII. Explanation for Changes in Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements as Compared
to the Financial Report for the Prior Year

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

     During the reporting period, the Company established two domestic subsidiaries and four overseas subsidiaries,

acquired one subsidiary, and liquidated and cancelled three subsidiaries. All of this result in changes in the scope of

its consolidation scope. For details, please refer to changes in the consolidation scope in Note (6) to the financial


VIII. Engagement and Disengagement of the CPA firm

CPA firm engaged at present

Name of the domestic CPA firm                              Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP

Remuneration for the domestic CPA firm (RMB’0000)                                      400

Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the
domestic CPA firm
Name of the certified public accountants from the
                                                                              Tang Lianjiong, Cai Jin
domestic CPA firm
Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the   Tang Lianjiong has provided audit service for 4 consecutive years;
certified public accountants from the domestic CPA
firm                                                         Cai Jin has provided audit service for 1 consecutive year.

Whether the CPA firm was changed in the current period
□ Yes √ No
Whether to reappoint a CPA firm during the audit
□ Yes √ No
Engagement of internal control audit CPA firm, financial advisor or sponsor
√Applicable □ Inapplicable
     During the reporting period, the Company hired Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
as the internal control audit accounting firm, and paid a total of RMB 600,000 of internal control audit fees during
the period.

IX. Delisting after Disclosure of this Annual Report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

X. Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
No such case during the reporting period.

XI. Material Litigations and Arbitration

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company had no material litigation or arbitration during the current reporting period.

XII. Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case during the reporting period.

XIII. Integrity of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

XIV. Significant Related-party Transaction

1. Related-party Transactions Arising from Routine Daily Operations

√ Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                 Pricing                          Proportion
                                                    Type of      Content of     principles                           to the         Approved
                                                                                              Trading Amount                                      exceed the Settlement Disclosure      Disclosure
   Related party           Relationship             related        related     for related                         amount of      trading quota
                                                                                              (0’000 RMB)                                      approved    method        date        reference
                                                  transaction    transaction      party                             similar       (0’000 RMB)
                                                                               transactions                       transactions.

Subsidiaries or     Under the common
                                                                                                                                                             Payment on
research institutes control of the Company’s Procurement                                           223,452.42          4.74%           500,000       No
of CETC             actual controller
                    Joint ventures held by the                                                                                                               Payment on
Joint ventures                                    Procurement                                           507.17          0.01%               700      No
                    Company                                                                                                                                   delivery
Associated          Associated companies                                       Reference                                                                     Payment on
                                                  Procurement                                         41,798.96         0.89%           120,100      No                               on the forecast
companies           held by the Company                         Procurement,     market                                                                       delivery
                                                                                                                                                                          April 16,      of daily
Enterprises with    Enterprises with directors,                  receiving        price
                                                                                                                                                                           2022       related-party
directors,          supervisors, senior                           services      agreed by
                                                                                                                                                                                      transactions in
supervisors, senior executives and related                                     both parties
                                                                                                                                                                                        2022 (No.
executives and      natural persons of the                                                                                                                   Payment on
                                                  Procurement                                       159,840.63          3.39%           225,150      No                                 2022-022)
related natural     Company serving as                                                                                                                        delivery
persons of the      directors
Company serving
as directors
Subsidiaries or     Under the common                             Providing     Reference                                                                                              Announcement
                                                                                                                                                             Payment on April 16,
research institutes control of the Company’s Sales               services,      market               44,718.66         0.54%            70,000      No                               on the forecast
                                                                                                                                                              delivery     2022
of CETC             actual controller.                             selling        price                                                                                                  of daily

                                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                  Pricing                           Proportion
                                                     Type of      Content of     principles                            to the          Approved
                                                                                               Trading Amount                                          exceed the Settlement Disclosure      Disclosure
   Related party            Relationship             related        related     for related                          amount of       trading quota
                                                                                               (0’000 RMB)                                          approved    method       date         reference
                                                   transaction    transaction      party                              similar        (0’000 RMB)
                                                                                transactions                        transactions.

                     Joint ventures held by the                    products,     agreed by                                                                        Payment on               related-party
Joint ventures                                     Sales                                                7,775.12          0.09%             32,500        No
                     Company                                     commercial both parties                                                                           delivery                transactions in
Associated           Associated companies                           goods                                                                                         Payment on                 2022 (No.
                                                   Sales                                                8,714.97          0.10%             28,000        No
companies            held by the Company                                                                                                                           delivery                  2022-022)
Enterprises with     Enterprises with directors,
directors,           supervisors, senior
supervisors, senior executives and related
executives and       natural persons of the                                                                                                                       Payment on
                                                   Sales                                                1,123.36          0.01%              3,910        No
related natural      Company serving as                                                                                                                            delivery
persons of the       directors
Company serving
as directors
Subsidiaries or      Under the common                                           Reference
                                                                 Renting                                                                                           Based on
research institutes control of the Company’s Lease                             market                          -         0.00%                   50      No                           -                   -
                                                                 house from                                                                                        contract
of CETC              actual controller.                                         price
                     Joint ventures held by the                                 agreed by                                                                          Based on
Joint ventures                                     Lease         parties                                   54.26          0.17%                200        No                           -                   -
                     Company                                                    both parties                                                                       contract

                                           Total                                                      487,985.56                 -         980,610         -          -          -                -

Details on significant sales return                              None

                                                                 The above trading quotas include newly increased forecast quota amount of RMB4,000,000 for procurement and receiving services
Total amount of related transactions projected based on
                                                                 from joint ventures, amount of RMB2,100,000 for selling products, commercial goods, and providing services from enterprises with
different categories, and the actual performance during the
                                                                 directors, supervisors, senior executives and related natural persons of the Company serving as directors, and amount of
current reporting period (if any)
                                                                 RMB2,500,000 for renting houses from subsidiaries or research institutes of CETC and joint ventures. Those forecast quota amount

                                                                                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                Pricing                       Proportion
                                                 Type of       Content of      principles                        to the         Approved
                                                                                             Trading Amount                                   exceed the Settlement Disclosure   Disclosure
   Related party           Relationship          related         related       for related                     amount of      trading quota
                                                                                             (0’000 RMB)                                   approved    method       date      reference
                                               transaction     transaction       party                          similar       (0’000 RMB)
                                                                             transactions                     transactions.

                                                              has been approved by the Chairman the Company according to related regulations and the Company's Management System of Related
Reasons on significant difference between trading price and
                                                              Not applicable
market referencing price (if applicable)

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

2. Related-party Transactions regarding Purchase and Disposal of Assets or Equity

□Applicable √Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

3. Significant Related-party Transactions Arising from Joint Investments on External Parties

□Applicable √Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

4. Related Credit and Debt Transactions

□ Applicable √Inapplicable
No related-parties’ creditor’s rights or debts during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with Related Financial Companies

√Applicable □Inapplicable

Deposit business

                                                                                       Amount incurred (0,000 RMB)

                                                                         Opening                                            Closing
                                     daily deposit Deposit interest                                         Total
 Related Party    Relationship                                        Balance (0,000   Total deposit                     Balance(0,000
                                     limit (0,000     rate range                                         withdrawal
                                                                          RMB)         amount for the                       RMB)
                                        RMB)                                                            amount for the
                                                                                       current period
                                                                                                        current period
                                                                                       (0,000 RMB)
                                                                                                        (0,000 RMB)

CETC Finance Under the
Co., Ltd.        common
                 control of the
                                      1,307,892.85          0.3%-2%      450,000.67       414,089.37       464,086.69       400,003.35

Credit or other financial services
                                                                                             Total Amount      Actual amount incurred
        Related Party                        Relationship                Business Type
                                                                                             (0,000 RMB)              (0,000 RMB)

CETC Finance Co., Ltd.            Under the common control of the
                                                                             Credit               300,000.00                  3,332.25
                                  Company's ultimate controller

Note: The above occurred amount is the amount of bill discount occurred by the Group in CETC Finance Co., Ltd. in the reporting

                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report


6. Transactions between the Financial Company Controlled by the Company and Related Parties
□ Applicable √Inapplicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the financial company controlled by the
Company and its related parties.

7. Other Significant Related Party Transactions

√Applicable □Inapplicable

     On October 22, 2021, the 6th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company reviewed and

approved the Proposal on Investing in the Establishment of Venture Investment Partnerships and Related

Transactions, agreeing that the Company, CETHIK Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou High-tech Venture Capital

Management Ltd., and CETHIK (Hangzhou) Equity Investment Management Ltd. jointly invested and established

Hangzhou Haina Yuzhi Venture Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership)(hereinafter referred to as

"Haina Yuzhi Fund"). The scale of Haina Yuzhi Fund is RMB 600 million, of which Hikvision, as a limited partner,

invested RMB 400 million yuan in currency, holding 66.6666% of the total shares. On January 29, 2022, in

accordance with the requirements of the Securities Investment Fund Law and Interim Measures for the Supervision

and Administration of Private Equity Fund, the Hangzhou Fund co-established by the Company, completed the

private equity investment fund filing procedures in the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC), and

obtained the Filing Certificate of Private Investment Fund.

Disclosure website for provisional reports on significant related-party transactions:

                      Title of provisional reports                      Disclosure date        Disclosure website

Announcement on Investing in the Establishment of Venture Investment
                                                                       October 23, 2021        www.cninfo.com.cn
Partnerships and Related Transactions (Announcement No. 2021-064)

Announcement on the Completion of the Filing Procedures of the
Entrepreneurship Investment Partnership Enterprise Co-established by   February 10, 2022       www.cninfo.com.cn
the Company (Announcement No. 2022-013)

XV. Significant Contracts and Their Execution

1. Trusteeship, Contracting and Leasing

(1) Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such case in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing
□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
 2. Significant Guarantees
 √Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB’0000

                                                                 Guarantees provided by the Company to its subsidiaries

                                            Disclosure date of                                                                                                                  for a
                                                                    Guarantee        Actual        Actual guaranteed         Type of                                Fulfilled
             Guaranteed party               announcement of                                                                                    Term of guarantee               related
                                                                       cap       occurrence date       amount               guarantee                                or not
                                            the guarantee cap                                                                                                                  party or

                                                                                   December 1,
   Hangzhou Hikvision Technology Ltd.        April 16, 2022         1,136,000                         698,266.86          Joint guarantee 2019.12.01-2025.09.25       No        No

     Urumqi HaiShi Xin’An Electronic                                            March 26, 2019
                                             April 16, 2022          37,000                            21,037.00          Joint guarantee 2019.03.26-2028.06.20       No        No
             Technology Ltd.

     LuoPu HaiShi DingXin Electronic
                                             April 16, 2022          29,000      March 26, 2019        21,440.00          Joint guarantee 2019.03.26-2035.03.26       No        No
             Technology Ltd.

     PiShan HaiShi YongAn Electronic
                                             April 16, 2022          28,000      March 26, 2019        20,678.00          Joint guarantee 2019.03.26-2040.03.26       No        No
             Technology Ltd.

Moyu HaiShi Meitian Electronic Technology
                                             April 16, 2022          24,000      March 26, 2019        17,000.00          Joint guarantee 2019.03.26-2035.03.26       No        No

Hangzhou Hikvision System Technology Ltd.    April 16, 2022          70,000      March 23, 2021        12,252.16          Joint guarantee 2021.03.23-2024.03.30       No        No

      Yutian HaiShi Meitian Electronic
                                             April 16, 2022          30,000      March 26, 2019         9,480.00          Joint guarantee 2019.03.26-2034.03.26       No        No
             Technology Ltd.

                                                                                  November 20,
    Hangzhou Hikvision Electronic Ltd.       April 16, 2022          45,000                             810.84            Joint guarantee 2021.11.20-2024.03.30       No        No

   Chongqing Hikvision Technology Ltd.       April 16, 2022          30,000      March 23, 2021         4,131.14          Joint guarantee 2021.03.23-2024.03.30       No        No

                                                                                  December 28,
  Shijiazhuang Hikvision Technology Ltd.     April 16, 2022          20,000                               1.00            Joint guarantee 2022.08.01-2025.07.31       No        No

                                                                                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                    Guarantees provided by the Company to its subsidiaries

                                               Disclosure date of                                                                                                                     for a
                                                                       Guarantee            Actual        Actual guaranteed        Type of                                Fulfilled
             Guaranteed party                  announcement of                                                                                      Term of guarantee                related
                                                                          cap           occurrence date       amount              guarantee                                or not
                                               the guarantee cap                                                                                                                     party or
 Nanjing Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.      April 16, 2022               15,000     June 30, 2022               3,853.70 Joint guarantee      2022.06.28-2023.06.27     No        No

                                                                                        September 29,
  Xi'an Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.       April 16, 2022               28,000                                 4,421.14 Joint guarantee      2022.09.29-2024.02.23     No        No

       Hikvision Singapore Pte. Ltd.            April 16, 2022             107,200       July 15, 2021                        - Joint guarantee   2021.07.15-2022.08.24     Yes       No

      Hikvision International Co., Ltd.         April 16, 2022               37,800                                   Not happened during the reporting period

           Hikvision Europe B.V.                April 16, 2022                  5,100                                 Not happened during the reporting period

     Wuhan Hikvision Technology Ltd.            April 16, 2022               33,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

     Shanghezhicheng Technology Ltd.            April 16, 2022               20,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

   Zhenping county Haikang Juxin Digital
                                                April 16, 2022               19,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period
              Technology Ltd.

       Hikvision Technology Pte. Ltd.           April 16, 2022               12,600                                   Not happened during the reporting period

Zhengzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.     April 17th 2021              10,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

  Hefei Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.       April 16, 2022               10,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

Hikvision Digital Technology (Shanghai) Ltd.    April 16, 2022               10,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

 Chengdu Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.      April 16, 2022               10,000                                   Not happened during the reporting period

Nanchang Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd.      April 16, 2022                  8,000                                 Not happened during the reporting period

  Chongqing Hikvision System Technology
                                                April 16, 2022                  5,000                                 Not happened during the reporting period

  Fuzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd       April 16, 2022                  5,000                                 Not happened during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                      Guarantees provided by the Company to its subsidiaries

                                                 Disclosure date of                                                                                                                        for a
                                                                         Guarantee            Actual          Actual guaranteed        Type of                                 Fulfilled
                Guaranteed party                 announcement of                                                                                         Term of guarantee                related
                                                                            cap           occurrence date         amount              guarantee                                 or not
                                                 the guarantee cap                                                                                                                        party or
             .Hikvision UK Limited                 April 16, 2022                 1,900                                     Not happened during the reporting period

       PT. Hikvision Technology Indonesia          April 16, 2022                 1,400                                     Not happened during the reporting period

        Wuhan Haikang Technology Ltd.              April 16, 2022                 1,000                                     Not happened during the reporting period

                 Hikvision FZE                     April 16, 2022                  650                                      Not happened during the reporting period

 Hikvision Turkey Technology And Security
                                                   April 16, 2022                  350                                      Not happened during the reporting period
            Systems Commerce JSC

Total guarantee cap for subsidiaries approved during the reporting                                        Total actual guarantee amount for
                                                                                             1,790,000.00 subsidiaries during the reporting                                            1,405,623.60

                                                                                                            Total actual guarantee balance for
Total approved guarantee cap for subsidiaries at the end of the
                                                                                             1,790,000.00 subsidiaries at the end of the reporting                                      813,371.84
reporting period(B3)

                                                            Guarantees provided by the Company’s subsidiary to another subsidiary

                                                 Disclosure date of                                                                                                                         Guarantee
                                                                         Guarantee            Actual          Actual guaranteed        Type of                               Fulfilled or
                Guaranteed party                 announcement of                                                                                       Term of guarantee                      for a
                                                                            cap           occurrence date          amount             guarantee                                  not
                                                 the guarantee cap                                                                                                                           related

Hangzhou Haikang Intelligent Technology
                                                   April 16, 2022              80,000 March 14, 2022                     14,388.69 Joint guarantee   2022.03.14-2023.11.30       No            No

Hangzhou Hikmicro Intelligent Technology
                                                   April 16, 2022              32,000 March 14, 2022                      2,350.70 Joint guarantee   2022.03.14-2023.03.13       No            No

Chongqing EZVIZ Electronic Ltd.                    April 16, 2022              32,000 August 18, 2022                       800.00 Joint guarantee   2022.08.18-2023.08.18       No            No

                                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                      Guarantees provided by the Company to its subsidiaries

                                                 Disclosure date of                                                                                                                       for a
                                                                         Guarantee            Actual          Actual guaranteed        Type of                                Fulfilled
              Guaranteed party                   announcement of                                                                                         Term of guarantee               related
                                                                            cap           occurrence date         amount              guarantee                                or not
                                                 the guarantee cap                                                                                                                       party or
Hangzhou Hikrobot Automation Ltd.                  April 16, 2022            145,000                                        Not happened during the reporting period

Hangzhou Hikmicro Software Ltd.                    April 16, 2022            105,000                                        Not happened during the reporting period

Hangzhou Hikstorage Technology Ltd.                April 16, 2022              10,000                                       Not happened during the reporting period

Zhejiang Hikfire Technology Ltd                    April 16, 2022                 3,000                                     Not happened during the reporting period

Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering
                                                   April 16, 2022                 3,000                                     Not happened during the reporting period

                                                                                                            Total actual guarantee amount for
Total guarantee cap for subsidiaries approved during the reporting
                                                                                               410,000.00 subsidiaries during the reporting                                            20,525.33
period (C1)
                                                                                                            period (C2)

                                                                                                            Total actual guarantee balance for
Total approved guarantee cap for subsidiaries at the end of the
                                                                                               410,000.00 subsidiaries at the end of the reporting                                     17,539.39
reporting period(C3)

The total amount of Company’s guarantees (that is, the total of the first three items)

Total guarantee cap approved during the reporting period                                                    Total actual guarantee amount during
                                                                                             2,200,000.00                                                                           1,426,148.93
(A1+B1+C1)                                                                                                the reporting period(A2+B2+C2)

                                                                                                            Total actual guarantee balance at the
Total approved guarantee cap at the end of the reporting period
                                                                                           2,200,000.00     end of the reporting period                                               830,911.23

Portion of the total actual guarantee (A4+B4+C4) amount in net
assets of the Company

Of which:

                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                        Guarantees provided by the Company to its subsidiaries

                                                   Disclosure date of                                                                                                         for a
                                                                           Guarantee        Actual        Actual guaranteed       Type of                         Fulfilled
                Guaranteed party                   announcement of                                                                           Term of guarantee               related
                                                                              cap       occurrence date       amount             guarantee                         or not
                                                   the guarantee cap                                                                                                         party or

The balance of guarantee for shareholders, actual controllers and
their affiliates. (D)

Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for
entities with a liability-to-asset ratio over 70% (E)

Total amount of guarantee exceeding 50% of net assets (F)                                                                                                                            0

Total guarantee amount of the above-mentioned 3 kinds of
guarantees (D+E+F)

 3. Entrusted Others to Manage Cash Assets

 (1) Entrusted financial management
 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
 No such case during the reporting period

 (2) Entrusted loan management
 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
 No such case during the reporting period

 4. Other Significant Contracts
 □ Applicable √ Inapplicable
 No such case during the reporting period
                                                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

XVI. Other Significant Events

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

     1. Investment in Fixed Assets

     On January 18, 2022, the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Investment and

Construction of HikRobot Products’ Industrial Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary, and approved the Company's innovative business, a holding

subsidiary of the Company, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikRobot") to invest self-raised funds of RMB 1.1661 billion to

build the above project. The project undertaker is HikRobot. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Investment and Construction of HikRobot Products’

Industrial Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary published by the Company on chino website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 19, 2022

(Announcement No. 2022-007). On October 8, 2022, HikRobot won the use right of the state-owned construction land for the project with a total of RMB28.34

million. On October 19, 2022, HikRobot and Hangzhou Planning and Natural Resources Bureau signed the Contract for Assigning the Right to Use State-owned

Construction Land and obtained Building Construction Permit. On November 9, 2022, the project obtained Filing Certificate for Piling Construction in Advance, and

is currently in the stage of pile foundation construction.

     On January 18, 2022, the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Investment and

Construction of Infrared Thermal Imaging Products’ Industrial Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary, and approved the Company's innovative

business, a holding subsidiary of the Company, Hangzhou Hikmicro Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikMicro") to invest self-raised funds

of RMB 1.28018 billion to build the above project. The project undertaker is HikMicro’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Hangzhou Micro image Software Ltd (hereinafter

referred to as "HikMicro Software"). For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Investment and Construction of Infrared Thermal Imaging Products’

Industrial Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 19, 2022

                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
(Announcement No. 2022-008). On October 8, 2022, HikMicro Software won the use right of the state-owned construction land for the project with a total of

RMB29.60 million. On October 19, 2022, HikMicro Software t and Hangzhou Planning and Natural Resources Bureau signed the Contract for Assigning the Right to

Use State-owned Construction Land and obtained Building Construction Permit. On November 29, 2022, the project obtained Filing Certificate for Piling

Construction in Advance, and is currently in the stage of pile foundation construction.

     On January 18, 2022, the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Investment and

Construction of Hikrobot Intelligent Manufacturing (Tonglu) Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary, and approved the Company's innovative business, a

holding subsidiary of the Company, HikRobot to invest self-raised funds of RMB 1.53422 billion to build the above project. The project undertaker is HikRobot’s

wholly-owned subsidiary, Hangzhou Hikrobot Intelligence Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikRobot Intelligence", which was renamed on July 25, 2022, and the

former name is Hangzhou Hikrobot Automation Ltd.) For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Investment and Construction of Hikrobot Intelligent

Manufacturing (Tonglu) Base Project by the Company’s Holding Subsidiary published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 19, 2022

(Announcement No. 2022-009). On August 25, 2022, HikRobot Intelligence won the use right of the state-owned construction land for the project with a total of

RMB52.52 million. On September 9, 2022, HikRobot Intelligence and Tonglu Planning and Natural Resources Bureau signed the Contract for Assigning the Right to

Use State-owned Construction Land.

     On January 18, 2022, the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Investment and

Construction of Hikvision Global Warehousing and Logistics Center Project, and approved the Company to invest self-raised funds of RMB 1.28605 billion to build

the above project. The project undertaker is Hangzhou Hikvision Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Electronics Company"), which is a holding

subsidiary of Hikvision. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Investment and Construction of Hikvision Global Warehousing and Logistics Center

Project (Announcement No. 2022- 010). On January 24, 2022, the Electronics Company won the use right of the state-owned construction land for the project (Phase

I) with a total of RMB 53.77 million. On February 10, 2022, the Electronics Company and Tonglu Planning and Natural Resources Bureau signed the Contract for

Assigning the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land. On June 10, 2022, the project (Phase I) completed the process of obtaining the Building Construction
                                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Permit for the warehousing construction and started to construct.

     2. Repurchase of the Company's Public Shares

     On September 15, 2022 and October 10, 2022, the Company held the 13h meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the second extraordinary general

meeting of shareholders in 2022 respectively, deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares, approved the

Company using its own fund to repurchase part of its RMB common shares (A shares) that have been issued domestically by means of centralized bidding through the

trading system of the SZSE, the aggregate amount of repurchase funds shall not exceed RMB2.5 billion (inclusive) and not less than RMB 2 billion (inclusive), the

repurchase price shall not exceed RMB40 per share (inclusive), the implementation period of the repurchase shall not exceed 12 months from the date of the general

meeting of shareholders of the Company at which the proposal on the plan of repurchase part of the Company's public shares is reviewed and approved, and the

Company will make repurchase decisions and implement them based on market conditions during the repurchase period. The shares repurchased by the Company will

be cancelled for reducing the registered capital according to law. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of 13th Meeting of the 5th Session of the

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-049), the Announcement on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-

050), the Announcement on Resolutions of the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-056), the Report on the Plan

of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-057) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on September

16, 2022 and October 11, 2022. On October 11, 2022, the Company first repurchased 6,820,968 shares of the Company by means of centralized bidding through a

dedicated securities account for the repurchase, accounting for 0.0723% of the Company's total share capital at that time. The highest transaction price was RMB29.65

per share, the lowest transaction price was RMB28.71 per share, and the total transaction amount was RMB199,981,024.67 (excluding transaction fees). For details,

please refer to the Announcement on the Initial Repurchase of the Company's Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-059) published by the Company on cninfo website

(www.cninfo.com.cn) on October 12, 2022. During the repurchase period, the Company disclosed the progress of repurchase as of the end of last month within the first

three trading days each month based on the regulation. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Progress of Repurchase (Announcement No.: 2022-063)

(Announcement No.: 2022-066) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on November 2, 2022, December 3, 2022, respectively. As of
                                                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
December 30, 2022, the repurchase of shares had been completed, and the actual repurchase date was between October 11, 2022 and December 30, 2022, meet the

requirement on implementation period of repurchase in repurchase plan. As of December 30, 2022, the Company used the dedicated securities account for share

repurchase to cumulatively repurchase shares with the total amount of 66,987,835 shares by means of centralized bidding, accounting for 0.7103% of the Company's

total share capital at that time (9,430,920,624 shares). The highest transaction price was RMB35.13 per share, the lowest transaction price was RMB26.83 per share,

and the total transaction amount was RMB2,043,476,488.53 (excluding transaction fees). The source of share-repurchase funding was from the Company's own fund,

and the price of repurchase did not exceed the upper limit of the price (RMB40 per share) specified in the repurchase plan. The repurchase complies with relevant laws,

regulations and rules from the disclosed repurchase plan. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Progress and Result of Repurchase of the Company's

Shares and Changes in Shares (Announcement No.: 2023-001) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 4, 2023. On January 13,

2023, the Company had completed the cancellation procedures for the above shares at the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation

Ltd., with the total amount of 66,987,835 shares, accounting for 0.7103% of the Company's total share capital before the cancellation (9,430,920,624 shares), and the

number of cancelled shares is equal to the number of actual repurchased shares. After the completion of the repurchase and cancellation of shares, the Company's total

share capital changes from 9,430,920,624 shares to 9,363,932,789 shares. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Completion of the Cancellation of the

Company's Repurchased Shares and Changes in Shares (Announcement No.: 2023-002) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January

17, 2023.

XVII. Significant Events of the Company’s Subsidiaries

√ Applicable □Inapplicable

     1. Matters Relating to the Completion of the Spin-off of EZVIZ Network to be Listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock


                                                                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     On January 8, 2021, the Proposal on the Spin-off of the Company’s Subsidiary Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Ltd. to be Listed on the Science and Technology

Innovation Board was deliberated and adopted by the 21st Meeting of the fourth session of the Board of Directors and the 18th Meeting of the fourth session of the

Board of Supervisors of the Company. On June 23, 2021, the Proposal on Overall Restructure the Company’s Holding Subsidiary, Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Ltd., to

A Company Limited by Shares was deliberated and adopted by the 3rd Meeting of the Strategy Committee in 2021 of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the

Company. On June 24, 2021, Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Ltd. as a whole was restructured and changed to a company limited by shares. On July 2, 2021, Zhejiang

Securities Regulatory Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission accepted the application filed by Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred

to as EZVIZ Network) for initial public offering of A shares and pre-listing counseling for listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. On August 10,

2021, the 4th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 4th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors reviewed and approved the Proposal

on the Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange of the Subsidiary, Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. (revised

draft). On September 27, 2021, the Company's Second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2021 reviewed and approved the proposal to spin-off EZVIZ Network to be

listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. On December 13, 2021, EZVIZ Network submitted the application materials for the initial public shares

offering and listing on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. On January 11, 2022, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SSE") issued

the Inquiry Letter on Review of Application Documents for Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board (Shang Zheng

Ke Shen (Review) [2022] No. 11). EZVIZ Network has submitted the Reply to the Inquiry Letter on the Review of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.'s Application

Documents for Initial Public Share Offering and Listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board on March 15, 2022, and is currently updating the 2021

financial statements. The above spin-off matters are subject to (including but not limited to) the approval of the SSE and the implementation of the issuance registration

procedures of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. On June 6, 2022, according to the Announcement on the Results of the 46th Review Meeting of the Listing

Committee of the SSE STAR Market in 2022 issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the review result is: Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. (initial offering) meets

the conditions for issuing and listing, as well as requirements for information disclosure. EZVIZ Network’s initial public offering of shares and its application for listing

on the SSE STAR Market was reviewed and approved by the SSE STAR Market's Listing Committee. For details, please refer to Announcement on the Initial Public
                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Offering of Shares by Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd., a Subsidiary of the Company, and its Application for Listing on the SSE STAR Market was Reviewed and

Approved by the SSE STAR Market's Listing Committee published by the Company on the cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on June 7, 2022 (Announcement No.:

2022-038). On October 22, 2022, Approval of the registration of the initial public offering of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. was published by the China Securities

Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC"), approving the application for registration of EZVIZ Network’s initial public offering of shares on the SSE

STAR Market. For details, please refer the Announcement on the Initial Public Offering of Shares by Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd., a Subsidiary of the Company,

and its Application for Listing on the SSE STAR Market was Registered and Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (Announcement No.: 2022-065)

published by the Company on the cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on November 23, 2022. On December 28, 2022, EZVIZ Network was listed on the SSE STAR


    2. Matters Relating to Steady Promotion of the Spin-off of HikRobot to be Listed on the SZSE ChiNext Market

    On December 30, 2021, the 7th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated on and approved the Proposal on Authorizing

Company Management to Begin Preparatory Work for the Split-off and Domestic Listing of Subsidiary, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd., which authorized the

management of the Company to begin preparatory work for the Split-off and domestic listing of subsidiary Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd.. For details, please

refer to the Announcement on Authorizing Company Management to Begin Preparatory Work for the Split-off and Domestic Listing of Subsidiary Hangzhou Hikrobot

Technology Ltd. published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on December 31, 2021 (Announcement No. 2021-074). On June 10, 2022, the 11th

meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 11th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors reviewed and approved the relevant proposals

including Proposal on the Initial Public Offering of Shares by Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology, Ltd., a Subsidiary of the Company, and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext

Market, and Plan on Spin-off of Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market. Approved the initial

public offering of RMB common shares (A shares) and listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market of the subsidiary, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd., after completing

the joint-stock system reform. For details, please refer to the Plan on Spin-off of Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd., a Subsidiary of the Company, and Listing on the

SZSE ChiNext Market published by the Company on June 11, 2022 on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn). On July 20, 2022, the 5th meeting of the 5th session of the
                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Board of Directors' Strategy Committee in 2022 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Change the Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd., a Holding Subsidiary of

the Company, to A Company Limited by Shares On July 21, 2022, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd was restructured to a company limited by shares as a whole. On

December 9, the Proposal on Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.'s Plan on the Spin-off of Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the

Company, and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market (revised draft) was reviewed and approved by the 15th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the

14th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors. On December 26, 2012, the Company's 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting in 2022 reviewed and approved

the relevant proposals on the spin-off of Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd. to be listed on the SZSE ChiNext Market. On March 7th 2023, Hangzhou Hikrobot

Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikRobot") received Notice on Accepting the Application Documents for the Initial Public Offering of Shares and Listing on the

SZSE ChiNext Market of Hangzhou Hikrobot Co., Ltd. (SZSE Listing Review [2023] No. 252) issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and SZSE considered that

application documents were completed and decided to accept. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Application for the Initial Public Offering of Shares

and Listing on the SZSE ChiNext Market of Hangzhou Hikrobot Co., Ltd., a Subsidiary of the Company, is Accepted by the SZSE (Announcement No.: 2023-008)

published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on March 8, 2023.

                                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                 Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

1. Table of Changes in Share Capital
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: Share

                                                   Before the change                             Changes in the period (+, -)                            After the change

                                                                           New Shares    Bonus        transferred
                                                   Shares         Ratio                                                Others       Sub-total           Shares            Ratio
                                                                             Issued      share       from capital

1. Shares subject to conditional restriction(s)    215,314,570     2.31%    97,402,605                                -57,468,669     39,933,936        255,248,506         2.71%

 1) State holdings

 2) Shares held by state-owned corporates

 3) Shares held by other domestic investors        215,200,030     2.31%    97,266,605                                -57,411,399     39,855,206        255,055,236         2.70%

     Including: held by domestic corporations

     held by domestic individuals                  215,200,030     2.31%    97,266,605                                -57,411,399     39,855,206        255,055,236         2.70%

 4) Shares held by overseas investors                  114,540     0.00%       136,000                                    -57,270         78,730            193,270         0.00%

     Including: held by overseas corporations

     held by overseas individuals                      114,540     0.00%       136,000                                    -57,270         78,730            193,270         0.00%

2. Shares without restriction                     9,120,491,544   97.69%                                              55,180,574      55,180,574      9,175,672,118         97.29%

 1) RMB ordinary shares                           9,120,491,544   97.69%                                              55,180,574      55,180,574      9,175,672,118         97.29%

 2) Domestically listed foreign shares

                                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                           Before the change                                  Changes in the period (+, -)                            After the change

                                                                                       New Shares     Bonus        transferred
                                                           Shares           Ratio                                                   Others       Sub-total           Shares         Ratio
                                                                                         Issued       share       from capital

  3) Foreign shares listed overseas

  4) Others
3. Total                                                 9,335,806,114     100.00%       97,402,605                                 -2,288,095     95,114,510      9,430,920,624    100.00%
Note: the tailing difference of the data in the table above is due to rounding to two decimal.

Reason for the changes in share capital
√Applicable □Inapplicable

      (1) During the Reporting Period, the Company Completed the Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

      On December 30, 2021, proposals were reviewed and approved by the 7th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company, including the 2021

Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and its Summary and Proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Manage Relevant

Matters of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, proposing the General Meeting of Shareholders to authorize the Board of Directors to implement relevant

matters of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme.

      On January 18, 2022, the Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Grantees under the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme was reviewed and approved by

the 8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors of the Company. Based on the relevant

laws, regulations, department rules, and normative documents such as the Measures for the Management of Equity Incentives of Listed Companies, as well as 2021

Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and related authorization approved by the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022, the Company has completed

the share grant and registration of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme. The grantees are 9,738 people, and the total amount of restricted shares granted is

97,402,605 shares, accounting for 1.04% of the total share capital of the Company before the grant. The granted shares were listed on February 11, 2022, and the total

                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
share capital of the Company increased by 97,402,605 shares from 9,335,806,114 shares to 9,433,208,719 shares.

     For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Completion of the Grant of Shares under the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme published by the

Company on www.cninfo.com.cn on February 10th 2022 (No. 2022-011).

     (2) During the reporting period, the Company has completed the second vesting, repurchase and cancellation of the 2018 restricted share incentive scheme.

     On May 5, 2022, the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors reviewed and

approved the Proposal on the achievement of unlocking conditions for the second unlocking period of the 2018 restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Proposal on the

Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the Granted but Unvested Restricted Shares under the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, the Company has implemented

the vesting of the total amount of 33,142,730 restricted shares for 5,533 grantees, and the vested shares were listed on May 18, 2022. Meanwhile, 2,288,095 restricted

shares that did not meet the incentive conditions were repurchased and cancelled, and the repurchase and cancellation procedures were completed on December 19,

2022, and the total share capital of the Company decreased by 2,288,095 shares from 9,433,208,719 shares to 9,430,920,624 shares.

     For details, please refer the Indicative Announcement on Vesting, Listing and Circulation of Shares in the Second Vesting Period of the 2018 Restricted Share

Incentive Scheme (No. 2022-036) and the Announcement on the Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the Granted but Unvested Restricted Shares under the 2018

Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (No. 2022-071) published by the Company on www.cninfo.com.cn on May 17, 2022 and December 19, 2022, respectively.

Approval for changes in share capital

√Applicable □Inapplicable

     (1) The Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

     On December 30, 2021, proposals were reviewed and approved by the 7th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors of the Company, including the 2021

Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and its Summary and Proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Manage Relevant

                                                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Matters of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, proposing the General Meeting of Shareholders to authorize the Board of Directors to implement relevant

matters of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme. On January 18, 2022, the Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Grantees under the 2021 Restricted Share

Incentive Scheme was reviewed and approved by the 8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 8th Meeting of the 5th session of the Board of

Supervisors of the Company. Based on the relevant laws, regulations, department rules, and normative documents such as the Measures for the Management of Equity

Incentives of Listed Companies, as well as 2021 Restricted Stock Plan (Revised Draft) and related authorization approved by the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of

Shareholders in 2022, the Company has completed the share grant and registration of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme. The grantees are 9,738 people, and

the total amount of restricted shares granted is 97,402,605 shares, accounting for 1.04% of the total share capital of the Company before the grant. The granted shares

were listed on February 11, 2022.

     (2) The Second Vesting, Repurchase and Cancellation of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

     On May 5, 2022, the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Supervisors reviewed and

approved the Proposal on the achievement of unlocking conditions for the second unlocking period of the 2018 restricted Share Incentive Scheme and Proposal on the

Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the Granted but Unvested Restricted Shares under the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, the Company has implemented

the vesting of the total amount of 33,142,730 restricted shares for 5,533 grantees, and the vested shares were listed on May 18, 2022. Meanwhile, 2,288,095 restricted

shares that did not meet the incentive conditions were repurchased and cancelled, and the repurchase and cancellation procedures were completed on December 19,


Transfer for changes in share capital

√Applicable □Inapplicable

     (1) The Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

                                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     On February 11, 2022, the restricted shares of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme were listed, and the total amount of restricted shares granted is

97,402,605 shares. The total share capital of the Company increased by 97,402,605 shares from 9,335,806,114 shares to 9,433,208,719 shares.

     (2) The Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

     On December 19, 2022, the second repurchase and cancellation procedures of the granted but unvested restricted shares under the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive

Scheme were completed, and the total amount of repurchased and cancelled restricted shares is 2,288,095. The total share capital of the Company decreased by

2,288,095 shares from 9,433,208,719 shares to 9,430,920,624 shares.

Effects of changes in share capital on the basic earnings per share ("EPS"), diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders of the

Company, and other financial indexes over the last year and last period

□Applicable √Inapplicable

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities to disclose

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: Share
                         Opening restricted    Increased in current       Vested in current
Name of shareholder                                                                               Closing restricted shares             Note for restricted shares                  Vesting date
                              shares                  period                   period
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares of share incentive scheme.
Grantees of restricted
                                                                                                                              The granted 97,402,605 restricted shares
 share incentive plan            68,762,683               97,402,605             35,430,825                     130,734,463                                                  May 18, 2022
                                                                                                                              under the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive
                                                                                                                              Scheme were listed.
     Qu Liyang                        11,812                          0                       0                       11,812 Restricted shares for senior executives         According to the relevant

                                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                      Opening restricted       Increased in current       Vested in current
Name of shareholder                                                                               Closing restricted shares             Note for restricted shares                      Vesting date
                           shares                     period                   period
  Wang Qiuchao                     26,250                             0                       0                       26,250 Restricted shares for senior executives           regulations on the
     Xu Lirong                   227,250                              0                       0                      227,250 Restricted shares for senior executives           management of executive
  Hu Yangzhong               116,434,858                              0                       0                 116,434,858 Restricted shares for senior executives            shares
    Wu Weiqi                    6,473,317                             0                       0                    6,473,317 Restricted shares for senior executives
    He Hongli                    248,625                              0                       0                      248,625 Restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
  Cai Changyang                    82,125                             0                       0                       82,125 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
    Xu Ximing                      29,550                     59,100                          0                       88,650 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
    Bi Huijuan                   130,950                      36,900                          0                      167,850 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
    Pu Shiliang                  161,925                      30,000                          0                      191,925 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
     Jin Duo                       82,125                             0                       0                       82,125 Restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
      Jin Yan                    147,000                      33,000                          0                      180,000 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
 Huang Fanghong                  235,875                      33,000                          0                      268,875 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives
                                                                                                                              Restricted shares for senior executives +
     Xu Peng                               0                   19311                          0                       19,311 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                              into restricted shares for senior executives

                                                                                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                       Opening restricted         Increased in current      Vested in current
Name of shareholder                                                                                   Closing restricted shares             Note for restricted shares                Vesting date
                            shares                       period                  period
                                                                                                                                  Restricted shares for senior executives +
    Guo Xudong                              0                     11070                         0                         11,070 partial of the vested restricted shares turning
                                                                                                                                  into restricted shares for senior executives

          Total               193,054,345                    97,624,986            35,430,825                       255,248,506                          --                                --

1. Executives who are grantees under incentive restricted shares scheme, his/her holding incentive restricted shares are counted within the "Grantees of restricted
share incentive plan (consolidated)" on the first row.
2. On February 11, 2022, the restricted shares of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme were listed, and the actual total amount of restricted shares granted is
3. The total amount of vested shares of the "Grantees of restricted share incentive plan (consolidated)" in current period is 35,430,825 shares, including 33,142,730
vested shares and 2,288,095 repurchased and cancelled shares of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme.

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (exclude Preferred Share) Issued during the Reporting Period
√Applicable □Inapplicable
   Type of stocks                                 Issue Price            Issue amount                                 Listing approved Terminal date of
   and derivative        Issue date                                                                 Listing date                                                 Disclosure index      Disclosure date
                                                  (or rate)               (share)                                    amount (share)    transaction
 Restricted shares    February 11, 2022         RMB29.71/share                97,402,605 February 11, 2022                    97,402,605                       www.cninfo.com.cn     February 10, 2022

2. Explanation on Changes in Total Share Capital, the Structure of Shareholders, and the Structure of Assets and Liabilities of the Company
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

     (1) The Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

                                                                                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     On February 11, 2022, the restricted shares of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme were listed, and the total amount of restricted shares granted is

97,402,605 shares. The total share capital of the Company increased by 97,402,605 shares from 9,335,806,114 shares to 9,433,208,719 shares.

     (2) The Second Repurchase and Cancellation of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme

     On December 19, 2022, the second repurchase and cancellation procedures of the granted but unvested restricted shares under the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive

Scheme were completed, and the total amount of repurchased and cancelled restricted shares is 2,288,095. The total share capital of the Company decreased by

2,288,095 shares from 9,433,208,719 shares to 9,430,920,624 shares.

3. Existent Shares Held by Internal Staff of the Company
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Particulars about the Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share
 Total number of common shareholders at the                                          The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the previous month before
                                                             408,327                                                                                                           329,519
 end of the reporting period                                                         the disclosure date of the annual report
                                        Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or the Top 10 of them
                                                                        Total ordinary                              The number                                 Pledged or marked or frozen
                                                 Share-holding                                 Increase/decreas                     The number of shares
                                 Nature of                             shares held at the                          of shares held
   Name of shareholder                             percentage                                    e during the                       held without trading
                                shareholder                        end of the reporting                             with trading                              Status           Amount
                                                       (%)                                     reporting period                          restrictions
                                                                            period                                   restrictions
 China Electronics             Domestic state-
 Technology HIK Group             owned              36.09%             3,403,879,509                  -                  -            3,403,879,509         Pledged         50,000,000
 Co., Ltd.                      corporation

                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Gong Hongjia                                  10.21%   962,504,814        -             -        962,504,814    Pledged       71,270,000
Hangzhou Weixun Equity      Domestic non-
Investment Partnership       state-owned      4.78%    450,795,176        -             -        450,795,176    Pledged       28,900,000
(Limited Partnership)        corporation

Shanghai Perseverance
Asset Management
Partnership (Limited
Partnership) -                  Other         4.58%    432,000,000   228,200,000        -        432,000,000       -              -
Perseverance Adjacent
Mountain 1 Yuanwang
                            Domestic state-
CETC Investment
                                owned         2.46%    232,307,903        -             -        232,307,903       -              -
Holdings Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Pukang Equity      Domestic non-
Investment Partnership       state-owned      1.94%    182,510,174        -             -        182,510,174    Pledged      132,033,000
(Limited Partnership)        corporation

The 52nd Research
                            Domestic state-
Institute at China
                               owned          1.92%    180,775,044        -             -        180,775,044       -              -
Electronics Technology
Group Corporation
Hu Yangzhong                                  1.65%    155,246,477        -        116,434,858   38,811,619        -              -
                            Domestic state-
Central Huijin Investment
                                owned         0.69%    64,700,691         -             -        64,700,691        -              -
Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Securities
Clearing Company                              0.55%    51,463,834    -34,667,773        -        51,463,834        -

                                                                                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                      China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd., CETC Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., and the          52nd   Research Institute at China
                                                      Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd.are all subject to control of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. Ms. Chen Chunmei,
Explanation on associated relationship or             limited partner of Hangzhou Pukang Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), is the spouse of Mr. Gong Hongjia, overseas
concerted actions among the above-mentioned           individual shareholder of the Company. Hu Yangzhong, domestic individual, is holding shares in both Hangzhou Weixun Equity Investment
shareholders:                                         Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Hangzhou Pukang Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership). Except for these, the
                                                      Company does not know whether the other shareholders are related parties or whether they are acting-in-concert parties in accordance with
                                                      the Administrative Measures for Acquisitions of Listed Companies.
Special explanation on the existence of               As of the end of the reporting period, there is a dedicated securities account for repurchase among the Top 10 shareholders, "A dedicated
dedicated securities account among the Top 10         securities account for repurchase of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", which held 66,987,835 shares of the Company,
shareholders                                          accounting for 0.71% of the Company's total share capital at the end of the reporting period.
                                         Particulars about shares held by the Top 10 shareholders holding shares that are not subject to trading restriction(s)
                                                                                       Number of shares without trading                                     Type of shares
                               Name of shareholder
                                                                                       restrictions held at the period-end                    Type                                Number
China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd.                                                 3,403,879,509                       RMB ordinary shares                      3,403,879,509
Gong Hongjia                                                                                      962,504,814                        RMB ordinary shares                       962,504,814
Hangzhou Weixun Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)                               450,795,176                        RMB ordinary shares                       450,795,176
Shanghai Perseverance Asset Management Partnership (Limited
                                                                                                  432,000,000                        RMB ordinary shares                       432,000,000
Partnership) - Perseverance Adjacent Mountain 1 Yuanwang Fund
CETC Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                232,307,903                        RMB ordinary shares                       232,307,903
Hangzhou Pukang Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)                               182,510,174                        RMB ordinary shares                       182,510,174
The    52nd   Research Institute at China Electronics Technology Group Co.,
                                                                                                  180,775,044                        RMB ordinary shares                       180,775,044
Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd.                                                               64,700,691                         RMB ordinary shares                        64,700,691
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd.(HKSCC)                                                 51,463,834                         RMB ordinary shares                        51,463,834
Shanghai Chongyang Strategic Investment Ltd. – Chongyang Strategic
                                                                                                  47,775,769                         RMB ordinary shares                        47,775,769
Intelligence Fund

                                                                                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                      China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd., China Electronics Technology Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and The 52nd Research
 Explanation on associated relationship and           Institute at China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd. are all subject to control of China Electronics Technology Group Co. Ltd. Ms.
 concerted actions among Top 10 shareholders          Chen Chunmei, limited partner of Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership, is the spouse of Mr. Gong Hongjia, foreign individual
 holding shares without trading restrictions, and     shareholder of the Company. Hu Yangzhong, domestic individual, is holding shares in both Xinjiang Weixun Investment Management
 among Top 10 shareholders and Top 10                 Limited Partnership and Xinjiang Pukang Investment Limited Partnership.
 shareholders holding shares without trading          Except for these, the Company does not know whether the other shareholders are related parties or whether they are acting-in-concert
 restrictions                                         parties in accordance with the Measures for Management of the Disclosure of the Shareholding Changes of Shareholders of the Listed
 Special explanation on the existence of
                                                      As of the end of the reporting period, there is a dedicated securities account for repurchase among the Top 10 shareholder holding shares
 dedicated securities account among the Top 10
                                                      without trading restrictions, "A dedicated securities account for repurchase of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", which
 shareholders holding shares without trading
                                                      held 66,987,835 shares of the Company, accounting for 0.71% of the Company's total share capital at the end of the reporting period.
 Information on Top 10 shareholders of ordinary
                                                      Shanghai Chongyang Strategic Investment Ltd. – Chongyang Strategic Intelligence Fund, a shareholder, held 43,418,969 shares of the
 shares participating in margin trading and short
                                                      Company in a margin account.
 selling business

Any of the Company’s top 10 common shareholders or top 10 non-restricted common shareholders conducted any agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
No such case during the current reporting period.

    2. Particulars about Controlling Shareholder of the Company
Nature of the controlling shareholder: Central State-owned
Type of the actual controller: Corporation
     Name of controlling               Legal Representative
                                                                   Date of establishment     Organization code                                     Business scope
        shareholder                        /People in charge

                                                                                                                    Industrial investment; R&D of environmental protection products, network
China Electronics Technology                                                                                        products, intelligent products and electronic products; technology transfer,
                                   Chen Zongnian                  November 29, 2002        9133000014306073XD
HIK Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 technical services, manufacturing and sales; business consulting services,
                                                                                                                    rental services of self-owned real estate; import and export businesses.

                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
    Name of controlling             Legal Representative
                                                             Date of establishment    Organization code                                  Business scope
       shareholder                    /People in charge
Shares held by the controlling
shareholder in other listed      Directly holds 47.16% shares of domestic listed company Phoenix Optical Co. Ltd., and indirectly holds 17.32% shares of domestic listed company
companies through controlling or Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. (China Electronics Technology HIK Group Co., Ltd.holds 36.09% shares of the Company and the Company holds
holding during the reporting     48.00% shares of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd).

Change of the controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company's controlling shareholder has not changed during the reporting period.

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

3. Particulars about the Company’s Actual Controller & Concerted Parties
Nature of the actual controller: Central state-owned assets management agency
Type of the actual controller: Corporation

   Name of the           Legal
                                           Date of           Organization
     actual         Representative                                                                  Business scope
                                        establishment            code
    controller     /People in charge
                                                                           The Company is responsible for the development and
                                                                           manufacturing of military electronic equipment and
                                                                           systems integration, electronic equipment for weapon
                                                                           platform, military software and electronic basic products;
                                                                           and the construction of national defense electronic
                                                                           information infrastructure and safeguard conditions;
                                                                           construction of national major electronic information
                                                                           system; the research, development, production and sales
                                                                           of civil electronic information software, materials,
                                                                           components, equipment and system integration and related
                                                                           common technology; self-operated and agent import and
China Electronics                                                          export business of various commodities and technologies
                                        February 25,                       (except for goods and technologies that are restricted or
Technology Group Chen Zhaoxiong                         91110000710929498G
                                            2002                           restricted by the state-limited company); operating feed
Ltd.                                                                       processing and "three comes one supplement" business;
                                                                           operating counter trade and entrepot trade; Industrial
                                                                           investment; asset management; engaged in e-commerce
                                                                           information services; organization of enterprises in the
                                                                           industry to go abroad, participate in exhibitions. (Market
                                                                           entities independently choose business projects and carry
                                                                           out business activities in accordance with the law; for
                                                                           projects subject to approval according to law, business
                                                                           activities are carried out according to the approved content
                                                                           after approval by relevant departments; the Company
                                                                           cannot engage in business activities of projects prohibited
                                                                           or restricted by national and municipal industrial policies.)
Shares held by the
actual controlling
                   China Electronics Technology Group Ltd. is the actual controller of 16 domestic listed companies including Sun Create
shareholder in     Electronic Co., Ltd, CETC Digital Technology Co., Ltd, CETC Cyberspace Security Technology Co., Ltd., CETC Putian
other listed       Technology Co., Ltd., Tai’ji Computer Corporation Limited, GLARUN Technology Co., Ltd. , Phoenix Optics Co., Ltd.,
companies          Chengdu Tianao Electronic Co., Ltd., CETC Acoustic-Optic-Electronic Technology Inc., Hebei Sinopack Electronic
through            Technology Co., Ltd., Eastern Communications Co.,Ltd., Eastcompeace Technology Co.,Ltd., Nanjing Putian
                   Telecommunications Co., Ltd., Chengdu Siwei Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjingand Guobo Electronics Co.,
controlling or
                   Ltd., and Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd. and etc.
holding during the
reporting period
Change of the actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No such change during the reporting period.

The ownership and controlling relationship between the actual controller of the Company and the Company is detailed
as follows:

                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

The actual controller controls the Company through trust or other asset management methods
□ Applicable √Inapplicable

4. The Company's Controlling Shareholder or the Largest Shareholder and its Concerted Action Person's
Cumulative Pledged Shares Account for 80% of the Company's Shares Held by Them
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

5. Particulars about Other Corporate Shareholders with Shareholding Proportion over 10%
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

6. Particulars on Shareholding Decrease Restrictions for the Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controller,
Restructurer or Other Committing Parties
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IV. The Specific Implementation of Share Repurchase during the Reporting Period
Implementation progress of share repurchase
√ Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                                                                  The number of
                                                                                                                     shares as a
                   Planned                              Planned                                      Amount of
                                 Proportion to                                                                     proportion of
  Disclosure     repurchase                           amount of        Repurchase        Use of     repurchased
                                  total share                                                                     the underlying
     Date        amount of                            repurchase         period        repurchase      shares
                                    capital                                                                        stock covered
                    shares                               fund                                          (share)
                                                                                                                    by the share
              based on that
                                based on that
              the repurchase
                                the repurchase
              price shall not
                                price shall not
              exceed RMB40
                                exceed RMB40
              per share. The                        Shall not
                                per share. The                                       Cancel and
              amount shall                          exceed
                                repurchased                           October 11,    reduce
              not exceed                            RMB2.5 billion
September 16,                   portion of                            2022 –        registered
              62,500,000                            (inclusive) and                                  66,987,835    Inapplicable
2022                            shares shall not                      December 30,   capital in
              shares and not                        not less than
                                exceed 0.66%                          202            accordance
              less than                             RMB 2 billion
                                and not less                                         with law
              50,000,000                            (inclusive)
                                than 0.53%,
              share, and the
                                and final result
              final result is
                                is subject to the
              subject to the
     On September 15, 2022 and October 10, 2022, the Company held the 13h meeting of the 5th session of the Board of
Directors and the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 respectively, deliberated and approved the
Proposal on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's Public Shares, approved the Company using its own fund to
repurchase part of its RMB common shares (A shares) that have been issued domestically by means of centralized bidding
through the trading system of the SZSE, the aggregate amount of repurchase funds shall not exceed RMB2.5 billion
(inclusive) and not less than RMB 2 billion (inclusive), the repurchase price shall not exceed RMB40 per share (inclusive),
the implementation period of the repurchase shall not exceed 12 months from the date of the general meeting of
shareholders of the Company at which the proposal on the plan of repurchase part of the Company's public shares is
reviewed and approved, and the Company will make repurchase decisions and implement them based on market conditions
during the repurchase period. The shares repurchased by the Company will be cancelled for reducing the registered capital
according to law. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of 13th Meeting of the 5th Session of the
Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2022-049), the Announcement on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the Company's
Public Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-050), the Announcement on Resolutions of the Second Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-056), the Report on the Plan of Repurchase Part of the
Company's Public Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-057) published by the Company on cninfo website
(www.cninfo.com.cn) on September 16, 2022 and October 11, 2022. On October 11, 2022, the Company first repurchased
6,820,968 shares of the Company by means of centralized bidding through a dedicated securities account for the repurchase,
accounting for 0.0723% of the Company's total share capital at that time. The highest transaction price was RMB29.65
per share, the lowest transaction price was RMB28.71 per share, and the total transaction amount was RMB199,981,024.67
(excluding transaction fees). For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Initial Repurchase of the Company's
Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-059) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on October
12, 2022. During the repurchase period, the Company disclosed the progress of repurchase as of the end of last month
within the first three trading days each month based on the regulation. For details, please refer to the Announcement on
the Progress of Repurchase (Announcement No.: 2022-063) (Announcement No.: 2022-066) published by the Company

                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on November 2, 2022, December 3, 2022, respectively. As of December 30, 2022,
the repurchase of shares had been completed, and the actual repurchase date was between October 11, 2022 and December
30, 2022, meet the requirement on implementation period of repurchase in repurchase plan. As of December 30, 2022, the
Company used the dedicated securities account for share repurchase to cumulatively repurchase shares with the total
amount of 66,987,835 shares by means of centralized bidding, accounting for 0.7103% of the Company's total share capital
at that time (9,430,920,624 shares). The highest transaction price was RMB35.13 per share, the lowest transaction price
was RMB26.83 per share, and the total transaction amount was RMB2,043,476,488.53 (excluding transaction fees). The
source of share-repurchase funding was from the Company's own fund, and the price of repurchase did not exceed the
upper limit of the price (RMB40 per share) specified in the repurchase plan. The repurchase complies with relevant laws,
regulations and rules from the disclosed repurchase plan. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Progress
and Result of Repurchase of the Company's Shares and Changes in Shares (Announcement No.: 2023-001) published by
the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 4, 2023. On January 13, 2023, the Company had
completed the cancellation procedures for the above shares at the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and
Clearing Ltd., with the total amount of 66,987,835 shares, accounting for 0.7103% of the Company's total share capital
before the cancellation (9,430,920,624 shares), and the number of cancelled shares is equal to the number of actual
repurchased shares. After the completion of the repurchase and cancellation of shares, the Company's total share capital
changes from 9,430,920,624 shares to 9,363,932,789 shares. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the
Completion of the Cancellation of the Company's Repurchased Shares and Changes in Shares (Announcement No.: 2023-
002) published by the Company on cninfo website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on January 17, 2023.
Implementation progress of reduce holdings of repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□Applicable√ Inapplicable

                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                       Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There is no preferred share existed for the Company during the current reporting period.

                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                Section IX Bonds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                                        Section X Financial Report

Audit Report

Audit Opinion                                                                  Standard unqualified audit opinion

Audit Report sign-off Date                                                                April 13, 2023

Audit Institution Name                                             Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP

Audit Report Number                                                     Deloitte Auditors’ Report (Audit) No. 23- P04048

Certified Public Accounts Name                                                      Tang Lianjiong, Cai Jin

To all shareholders of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.:

1. Audit Opinion

     We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Hikvision" or "The Group"), including consolidated and parent company's balance sheet as of
December 31, 2022, consolidated and parent company's income statement, cash flow statement and statement of changes
in owners’ equity of 2022 as well as relevant financial notes to financial statements.
     In our opinion, the financial statements annexed have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises in all material respects and they present fairly the consolidated and parent company’s financial
position of Hikvision as of December 31, 2022 and consolidated and parent company’s financial performance and cash
flows of 2022.

2. Basis of Opinion

     We have conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants.
"Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants for Financial Statements Audit" in the audit report further states our
responsibilities under the standards. As per the code of ethics of Chinese certified public accountants, we are independent
from Hikvision and have implemented other responsibilities as required by the code of ethics. We believe that the audit
evidence we have acquired is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

3. Key Matters

     Key matters are matters we deem the most significant to the financial statements audit for the current period based
on our professional judgment. These matters are handled based on the financial statements audit as a whole and the audit
opinion formed accordingly. We don’t present opinions separately on these matters. We confirm that the following matters
are key matters to be communicated through in the audit report.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     1)   Recognition of Sales Revenues

     As shown in Note (V) 45, the operating revenue in 2022 in the consolidated financial statements of the Group for
the year ended December 31, 2022 is RMB83,166,321,681.14. The product sales revenue, a key performance indicator,
reaches RMB78,971,234,689.44, accounting for 94.96% of the operating revenue, which is a significant indicator and has
a significant influence on results of operations. The product sales revenue models include product domestic sales and
product export sales by domestic companies and the overseas sales of overseas subsidiaries; the domestic sales of products
by domestic companies and the overseas sales of overseas subsidiaries are completed when the control of the goods is
transferred, i.e. when the products are delivered to the other party’s designated location, or the other party completed
acceptance; while for the export of products of domestic companies, the delivery of the goods to the carrier designated by
the other party at the port of shipment specified in the contract within the specified time limit is the time point for the
transfer of control of the goods. The timing of the transfer of control rights under each revenue model is different may
result in a material misstatement of revenue recognition. Therefore, we regard the occurrence of sales revenue as a key
audit matter.

    Audit Measures:
    Main audit procedures that we perform for the aforesaid key audit matters include:
(1) Understanding and evaluating design and implementation of key internal control in relation to revenue recognition,
    and testing the effectiveness of its operation;
(2) For revenues under different sales models, selecting a sample to check the sales contract, reviewing its main
    transaction terms, evaluating whether revenue recognition complies with requirements of accounting policies of the
    Group and the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises;
(3) Analyzing revenues and gross profits based on product types, to understand whether there are abnormal fluctuations
    in the revenues and gross profits for the year, and conducting a test of details for identified specific transactions,
    through systematic analysis of revenue data, and reviewing relevant supporting documents;
(4) Selecting sample(s) from product sales revenues recorded for the year, checking invoices, sales contracts or orders,
    shipping orders, signature forms, and other supporting documents; for the sample(s) of income under the export model
    of the selected domestic companies, additional inspections will be made to the customs declaration record and
    shipment record.

     2)   Provision for Credit Loss of Accounts Receivable

    As disclosed in Note (V) 4 to the consolidated financial statements of the Group, as of December 31, 2022, the balance
of accounts receivable amounted to RMB32,404,999,921.01, and the balance of provision for credit losses of accounts
receivable amounted to RMB 2,498,705,510.61. The book value of the Group’s accounts receivable is relatively high, and
the provision for credit loss of accounts receivable has a significant impact on the financial statements. As shown in Note
(III) 10.2 and Note (III) 31 of the financial statements, the Group makes provisions for credit losses for accounts receivable
at an amount equivalent to expected credit losses during the entire duration. For accounts receivable with significant
individual amount and when the debtor has major financial difficulties, etc., the Group recognizes its credit losses based

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
on individual assets, and classifies other accounts receivable into different combinations based on common credit risk
characteristics and calculates expected credit losses on a portfolio basis.
    For accounts receivable classified into portfolios, the Group uses impairment matrix to determine the expected credit
loss provision for accounts receivable. The expected credit loss provision ratio for each portfolio is determined based on
the Group’s historical overdue ratio and default and with reference to the forward-looking information of the industry. The
accounting estimates above are subject to a high level of uncertainties. Therefore, we identify the recognition of credit loss
provision for accounts receivable on a portfolio basis as a key audit matter.

    Audit Measures:
   Main audit procedures that we perform for the aforesaid key audit matters include:
(1) Understanding and evaluating design and implementation of key internal control in relation to expected credit loss
   provision for accounts receivable by the Group, and testing the effectiveness of its operation;
(2) Understanding the Group’s accounting policies for expected credit loss on accounts receivable; for the model where
   the Group’s management estimates expected credit loss provision for accounts receivable on a portfolio basis, we
   mainly performed the following procedures;
   -Assessing the rationality of measurement method by using impairment matrix model, and the rationality of the key
   parameters and assumptions used in the impairment matrix model, including classification of different portfolios,
   classification of stage, forward-looking adjustment, etc.;
   - Obtaining the historical default data used by the Group’s management in determining the historical loss rate of
   accounts receivable, and evaluating the accuracy thereof;
   - Selecting samples to test the accuracy of the classification of portfolio and stage by the Group’s management;
   - Recalculating the expected credit loss provision based on default loss percentage.

4. Other Information

     Management of Hikvision shall be responsible for other information. Other information includes the information
covered in the annual report, excluding the financial statements and our audit report.
     Our audit opinion on the financial statements does not cover other information and we do not express any form of
authentication conclusion on other information.
     In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read other information and to consider
whether other information is significantly misstated or materially inconsistent with the financial statements or the
information we learned during the audit.
     Based on the works we have performed, if we determine that there is a material misstatement in other information,
we should report the fact. In this respect, we have nothing to report.

5. Responsibility of the Management and Governance for the Financial Statements

     The management of Hikvision is responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve fair presentation, and design, implementation and maintenance
of necessary internal control to enable the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud
or error.
                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
     When preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the going-concern ability of
Hikvision, disclosing issues related to going-concern as applicable, and applying going-concern assumptions, unless the
management plans to liquidate Hikvision, terminate operation or has no other realistic choice.
     The governance is responsible for supervising financial reporting processes of Hikvision.

6. Responsibility of Certified Public Accountants on Audit of the Financial Statements

     Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the overall financial statements are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue audit report that contain audit opinions. Reasonable assurance is
a high level of assurance, but could not guarantee that an audit performed in accordance with the Auditing Standards can
always figure out any existing material misstatements. Misstatements may be caused by fraud or error. Misstatement is
generally considered to be material if it is reasonably expected that the misstatement, alone or aggregated, may affect the
users’ financial decisions based on the financial statements.
     In performing the audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards, we applied professional judgment and maintained
professional skepticism. Meanwhile, we also perform the following duties:
 (1) Identify and evaluate the risk of material misstatement of financial statements due to fraud or error; design and
     implement audit procedures to cope with these risks, and obtain adequate and appropriate audit evidence as the basis
     for expressing audit opinions. As fraud may involve collusion, forgery, willful omission, misrepresentation or
     override of internal control, the risk of not discovering a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of
     not discovering a material misstatement due to error.
 (2) Understand the internal control related to auditing as a way to design appropriate audit procedures.
 (3) Evaluate the properness of accounting policy selected by the management and the rationality of accounting estimate
     and related disclosure.
 (4) Reach a conclusion on whether the going concern assumption adopted by the management is appropriate. Meanwhile,
     based on the audit evidence obtained, reach a conclusion on whether there are material uncertainties in the events or
     conditions that may cast significant doubts on Hikvision's ability to continue as a going concern. If we reach a
     conclusion that there is a material uncertainty, the Auditing Standards require us to call the attention of the users of
     the report to the relevant disclosures in the financial statements in the audit report. If the disclosure is insufficient, we
     should issue modified audit opinions. Our conclusion is based on the information available up to the date of the audit
     report. However, future events or conditions may result in the failure of Hikvision to continue as a going concern.
 (5) Evaluate the overall presentation (including the disclosure), structure and content of the financial statements and
     evaluate whether the financial statements fairly reflect the related transactions and events.
 (6) Obtain adequate and appropriate audit evidence on the financial information of entity or business activities of
     Hikvision so as to express audit opinions on the financial statements. We are responsible for directing, supervising
     and executing the audit on the Group, and assume full responsibility for the audit opinions.
     We communicated with the governance about the scope of the audit, the schedule and major audit findings, including
the notable shortcomings of internal control identified during the auditing.
     We also provide statement to the governance on the independence-related work ethics we follow, and communicate
with the governance on all relations and other matters that might be reasonably deemed to influence our independence as
well as relevant precautionary measures (as applicable).
     We determine which of the matters we communicated with the governance are of the greatest importance to the audit

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
of financial statements of the current period so as to make them key matters. We describe the matters in the audit report.
We decide not to communicate on such matters in the audit report unless the laws and regulations forbid the public
disclosure of such matters, or, in rare circumstances, if the negative consequence of communication of matters in the audit
report is reasonably expected to exceed the benefit of the public interest.

                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
On December 31, 2022

                                            Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                     Notes         On December 31, 2022          On December 31, 2021
Current Assets:
   Cash and bank balances                      (V)1                 40,011,863,999.94            34,721,870,931.36

   Held-for-trading financial assets           (V)2                      12,807,438.36               34,320,010.83

   Notes receivable                            (V)3                  2,519,988,159.23             1,522,760,905.30

   Accounts receivable                         (V)4                 29,906,294,410.40            26,174,773,100.42

   Receivables for financing                   (V)5                  1,484,218,258.74             1,316,035,122.06
   Prepayments                                 (V)6                    534,780,120.52               505,798,253.35
   Other receivables                           (V)7                    516,503,485.58               359,620,445.88
   Inventories                                 (V)8                 18,998,222,978.81            17,974,112,407.60
   Contract assets                             (V)9                  2,118,223,370.98             1,411,372,624.91
   Non-current assets due within one year     (V)10                    996,902,343.27               975,960,437.14
   Other current assets                       (V)11                    806,832,941.58             1,022,600,377.78
Total Current Assets                                                97,906,637,507.41            86,019,224,616.63
Non-current Assets:
   Long-term receivables                      (V)12                    540,647,965.30               613,067,944.97
   Long-term equity investment                (V)13                  1,252,033,513.41               982,165,546.45
   Other non-current financial assets         (V)14                    423,893,239.94               438,724,172.22

   Fixed assets                               (V)15                  8,539,842,630.68             6,695,590,671.27

   Construction in progress                   (V)16                  3,770,803,300.80             2,323,336,098.68

   Right-of-use assets                        (V)17                    574,478,326.31               566,393,672.75
   Intangible assets                          (V)18                  1,544,933,502.19             1,304,247,415.07
   Goodwill                                   (V)19                    217,386,531.28               202,381,895.37
   Long-term deferred expenses                (V)20                    177,277,742.41               158,007,174.90
   Deferred tax assets                        (V)21                  1,469,646,489.04             1,210,877,575.24
   Other non-current assets                   (V)22                  2,815,702,012.70             3,350,526,411.63
Total Non-current Assets                                            21,326,645,254.06            17,845,318,578.55
Total Assets                                                       119,233,282,761.47           103,864,543,195.18

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
On December 31, 2022
                                              Consolidated Balance Sheet-continued
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                        Item                         Notes      On December 31, 2022            On December 31, 2021
 Current Liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                           (V)23               3,343,071,972.89                 4,074,962,469.97
     Held-for-trading financial liabilities          (V)24                  68,299,685.57                     4,062,317.57
     Notes payable                                   (V)25               1,207,756,963.94                 1,339,998,383.34
    Accounts payable                                 (V)26              16,025,563,802.99                15,889,694,981.12
    Contract liabilities                             (V)27               2,644,496,508.36                 2,580,894,226.59
    Payroll payable                                  (V)28               4,837,302,455.95                 4,595,552,073.12
    Taxes payable                                    (V)29               1,234,032,138.37                 1,461,470,029.69
    Other payables                                   (V)30               3,203,308,686.31                 1,830,626,583.03
    Non-current liabilities due within one year      (V)31                 868,197,272.46                   596,915,360.58
    Other current liabilities                        (V)32                 923,721,593.78                   917,479,922.61
 Total Current Liabilities                                              34,355,751,080.62                33,291,656,347.62
 Non-current Liabilities:
    Long-term borrowings                             (V)33               7,522,315,341.60                 3,284,371,642.52
    Lease liabilities                                (V)34                 277,255,924.83                   317,951,879.21
    Long-term payables                               (V)35                   7,569,934.67                     9,009,331.50
    Provisions                                       (V)36                 219,365,227.62                   200,675,950.96
    Deferred income                                  (V)37                 933,260,426.12                   738,586,458.05
    Deferred tax liabilities                         (V)21                 116,502,770.84                    93,315,151.17
    Other non-current liabilities                    (V)38               2,831,108,087.59                   534,334,158.27
 Total Non-current Liabilities                                          11,907,377,713.27                 5,178,244,571.68
 Total Liabilities                                                      46,263,128,793.89                38,469,900,919.30
 Owners’ Equity
    Share capital                                    (V)39               9,430,920,624.00                 9,335,806,114.00
    Capital reserves                                 (V)40              10,141,153,435.32                 5,404,070,600.07
     Less: Treasury shares                           (V)41               5,316,033,650.24                 1,023,188,723.04
    Other comprehensive income                       (V)42                (42,587,158.81)                  (77,184,125.29)
    Surplus reserves                                 (V)43               4,715,460,312.00                 4,672,505,348.00
     Retained earnings                               (V)44              49,460,240,986.49                45,148,877,451.52
 Total Owners' Equity Attributable to Owner
                                                                        68,389,154,548.76                63,460,886,665.26
 of the Company
     Minority equity                                                     4,580,999,418.82                 1,933,755,610.62
 Total Owners' Equity                                                   72,970,153,967.58                65,394,642,275.88
 Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity                                  119,233,282,761.47               103,864,543,195.18

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.
The financial statements were signed by the following:
Legal Representative: Chen Zongnian; Person in charge of the accounting work: Jin Yan;
Person in Charge of the Accounting Department: Zhan Junhua

                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
On December 31, 2022

                                         Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Item                         Notes        On December 31, 2022           On December 31, 2021
Current Assets:
    Cash and bank balances                                          27,826,883,144.97               26,656,489,813.38

    Held-for-trading financial assets                                               -                    4,489,098.88

    Notes receivable                                                   291,894,821.88                  254,830,140.51

    Accounts receivable                         (XV)1               24,375,815,151.52               23,878,118,071.42

    Receivables for financing                                            1,380,237.21                    3,116,794.78
    Prepayments                                                         78,220,424.69                  116,908,227.97
    Other receivables                           (XV)2                2,409,877,936.73                1,514,142,364.05
    Inventories                                                        287,356,998.22                  346,835,446.94
    Contract assets                                                      2,070,526.66                    2,627,800.33
    Non-current assets due within one year                             145,198,110.49                  123,112,934.70
    Other current assets                                                10,325,583.58                   46,183,195.94
Total Current Assets                                                55,429,022,935.95               52,946,853,888.90
Non-current Assets:
    Long-term accounts receivable                                      544,335,046.78                  237,682,275.59
    Long-term equity investment                 (XV)3                7,735,758,795.50                7,785,916,631.88
    Other non-current financial assets                                 336,896,766.52                  435,839,952.22
    Fixed assets                                                     3,632,220,781.28                2,834,983,102.39

    Construction in progress                                            31,536,529.55                  450,957,191.99

    Right-of-use assets                                                106,886,641.18                   67,592,195.40
    Intangible assets                                                  108,027,048.91                  134,626,963.77
    Long-term deferred expenses                                         44,756,196.08                   61,162,816.25
    Deferred tax assets                                                171,524,646.19                  281,893,463.93
    Other non-current assets                                            20,271,638.61                   21,042,856.65
Total Non-current Assets                                            12,732,214,090.60               12,311,697,450.07
Total Assets                                                        68,161,237,026.55               65,258,551,338.97

                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
On December 31, 2022
                                      Balance Sheet of the Parent Company - continued
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                       Item                     Notes       On December 31, 2022            On December 31, 2021
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                371,761,513.12                  361,117,361.14
  Accounts payable                                                     871,899,603.98                  713,263,324.12
  Contract liabilities                                                 252,386,307.55                  368,945,242.08

  Payroll payable                                                    2,751,925,304.64                2,838,109,439.40

  Taxes payable                                                        371,935,883.41                  861,102,872.06

  Other payables                                                     1,523,785,190.90                1,334,246,256.62
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                          280,431,699.90                   66,524,298.83
  Other current liabilities                                            504,448,226.96                  561,225,504.26
Total Current Liabilities                                            6,928,573,730.46                7,104,534,298.51
Non-current Liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings                                              1,674,051,800.00                1,254,076,200.00
   Lease liabilities                                                    51,034,219.65                   27,440,248.49
   Provisions                                                          112,936,131.57                  113,998,912.05
   Deferred Income                                                     463,302,126.80                  365,699,705.71
   Other non-current liabilities                                     2,806,169,050.05                  511,594,361.52

Total Non-current Liabilities                                        5,107,493,328.07                2,272,809,427.77
Total Liabilities                                                   12,036,067,058.53                9,377,343,726.28
Owners’ Equity
  Share capital                                                      9,430,920,624.00                9,335,806,114.00
  Capital reserves                                                   8,264,384,780.30                4,937,523,553.84
   Less: Treasury shares                                             5,316,033,650.24                1,023,188,723.04
  Surplus reserves                                                   4,715,460,312.00                4,672,505,348.00
  Retained earnings                                                 39,030,437,901.96               37,958,561,319.89
Total Owners' Equity                                                56,125,169,968.02               55,881,207,612.69
Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity                                68,161,237,026.55               65,258,551,338.97

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                 Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                             Amount for the current    Amount for the prior
                                 Item                                Notes
                                                                                    period                  period
 I. Total Revenue                                                    (V)45         83,166,321,681.14       81,420,053,539.27
   Less:Total operating costs                                       (V)45         47,996,254,466.32       45,329,400,332.65
           Business taxes and surcharges                             (V)46           581,896,696.51           560,980,007.52
           Selling expenses                                          (V)47          9,773,457,336.23         8,586,443,668.02

           Administrative expenses                                   (V)48          2,642,113,372.00         2,132,250,463.96

           Research and Development (R&D) expenses                   (V)49          9,814,444,260.55         8,251,645,101.39

           Financial expenses                                        (V)50          (990,401,533.32)         (133,343,257.84)
           Including:Interest expenses                                               311,251,154.55          229,950,217.93
                        Interest income                                               921,912,411.61          885,545,988.62

   Add: Other Income                                                 (V)51          2,482,467,855.97         2,628,560,820.46
        Investment income                                            (V)52           218,396,306.44           174,205,547.82
        Including: Investment gains in associated enterprise and
                                                                                     106,498,595.01           114,137,281.18
        joint-venture enterprise
        Gains (losses) from changes in fair values                   (V)53          (155,567,520.89)          (38,200,024.47)
        Credit impairment gains (losses)                             (V)54          (585,161,235.45)         (569,758,165.50)
        Impairment gains (losses) of assets                          (V)55          (508,453,828.82)         (447,689,406.60)
        Asset disposal income (losses)                                               (17,578,905.00)           34,225,603.81
 II. Operating Profit                                                              14,782,659,755.10       18,474,021,599.09
   Add: Non-operating income                                         (V)56             87,365,985.48           75,744,369.29
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                      (V)57             15,074,113.11           81,554,105.75
 III. Total Profit                                                                 14,854,951,627.47        18,468,211,862.63
   Less: Income tax expenses                                         (V)58          1,297,981,905.54          957,490,652.16

 IV. Net Profit                                                                    13,556,969,721.93       17,510,721,210.47

        4.1 Classification by continuous operation
        (a) Net profit on continuous operation                                     13,556,969,721.93       17,510,721,210.47

        (b) Net loss on terminated operation                                                       -                          -

        4.2 Classification by attribution of ownership
        (a) Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders                     719,627,660.86           710,310,178.42

        (b) Net profit attributable to owners of parent company                    12,837,342,061.07        16,800,411,032.05
 V. Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Income Tax                    (V)42             88,691,088.90             4,631,122.68
 Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
                                                                                       34,596,966.48             7,809,801.65
 Company, net of tax
 (I) Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or
                                                                                                   -                          -
 (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or
                                                                                       34,596,966.48             7,809,801.65
 loss in subsequent periods
   1. Exchange differences arising on conversion of financial
                                                                                       34,596,966.48             7,809,801.65
        statements denominated in foreign currencies
 Other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests,
                                                                                       54,094,122.42           (3,178,678.97)
 net of tax
 VI. Total Comprehensive Income                                                    13,645,660,810.83       17,515,352,333.15

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
                                                                           Amount for the current    Amount for the prior
                              Item                                Notes
                                                                                  period                  period
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                 12,871,939,027.55       16,808,220,833.70
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                   773,721,783.28           707,131,499.45
VII. Earnings per Share
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                (XVI)2                    1.370                    1.810

      (II) Diluted earnings per share                             (XVI)2                    1.370                    1.806

                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                          Income Statement of the Parent Company
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                             Amount for the       Amount for the prior
                                Item                                 Notes
                                                                             current period            period
 I. Total Revenue                                                    (XV)4    24,284,505,338.35       28,072,593,261.87

   Less: Total operating Cost                                        (XV)4     5,097,739,346.67        5,240,788,874.32

         Business taxes and surcharges                                           282,765,774.49         327,853,515.36

         Selling expenses                                                      3,580,457,766.03        3,578,887,952.72

         Administrative expenses                                                 883,004,663.75         767,812,041.04

         Research and Development (R&D) expenses                               6,920,548,083.50        6,049,343,480.30

         Financial expenses                                                    (654,027,587.29)        (740,196,978.65)
          Including : Interest expenses                                          103,549,530.55         104,266,342.46
                     Interest income                                             765,252,513.50         701,176,190.67

   Add: Other income                                                           1,747,068,413.89        1,889,775,429.25
          Investment income                                          (XV)5       387,283,344.13         237,198,739.71
          Including: Investment gains in associated enterprise and
                                                                                 118,900,466.08         109,087,538.20
          joint-venture enterprise
          Gains (losses) from changes in fair values                            (74,432,284.58)         (48,725,796.17)
          Credit impairment gains (losses)                                     (122,761,912.01)        (119,440,900.17)
          Impairment gains (losses) of assets                                    (1,195,518.35)          (2,669,913.88)
          Asset disposal income (losses)                                         (2,215,205.61)           30,917,301.16
 II. Operating profit                                                         10,107,764,128.67       14,835,159,236.68
    Add: Non-operating income                                                     18,830,134.69            9,542,292.17
    Less: Non-operating expenses                                                   1,205,910.50           61,845,120.19
 III. Total profit                                                            10,125,388,352.86       14,782,856,408.66
    Less: Income tax expenses                                                    527,533,244.69         694,128,740.64
 IV. Net profit                                                                9,597,855,108.17       14,088,727,668.02
 V. Other comprehensive income, net of income tax                                             -                          -
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                                9,597,855,108.17       14,088,727,668.02

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                              Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Amount for the       Amount for the
                                    Item                                         Notes
                                                                                           current period        prior period
 I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
       Cash receipts from sale of goods or rendering of services                           86,798,776,609.53    83,503,340,788.69
        Receipts of tax refunds                                                             3,767,899,232.43     4,683,092,023.52
       Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                     (V)59(1)    2,102,400,537.73     2,798,426,938.05
    Sub-total of ash inflows from operating activities                                     92,669,076,379.69    90,984,859,750.26
        Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                            54,179,038,046.40    53,662,747,197.88
        Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                            16,397,768,429.86    12,868,949,235.34
        Payments of various types of taxes                                                  5,947,034,037.02     6,447,300,353.27
        Other cash payments relating to operating activities                    (V)59(2)    5,981,100,484.03     5,297,338,276.78
     Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                  82,504,940,997.31    78,276,335,063.27
 Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                       (V)60(1)   10,164,135,382.38    12,708,524,686.99
 II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
      Cash receipts from recovery of investments                                            7,309,732,287.10     6,189,975,412.80
      Cash receipts from investment income                                                     51,892,209.92       115,644,801.97
      Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                               12,978,200.27        64,430,953.56
      other long-term assets
       Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                     (V)59(3)       47,770,416.23                     -
    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                     7,422,373,113.52     6,370,051,168.33
      Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and other business units         (V)60(2)                    -      323,604,530.74
      Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                            3,755,680,900.22     3,098,310,855.39
      and other long-term assets
      Cash payments to acquire investments                                                  7,392,073,275.54     6,094,268,306.70
      Other cash payments relating to investment activities                     (V)59(4)                    -       10,196,658.79
    Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                   11,147,754,175.76     9,526,380,351.62
 Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                  (3,725,381,062.24)   (3,156,329,183.29)
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
      Cash receipts from capital contributions                                              6,015,196,647.38       207,702,900.00
         Including: cash receipts from capital contributions from minority
                                                                                            3,121,365,252.83       207,702,900.00
         owners of subsidiaries
      Cash receipts from borrowings                                                         8,360,333,394.08     5,915,784,932.52
     Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                   14,375,530,041.46     6,123,487,832.52
      Cash repayments of borrowings                                                         4,786,252,322.38     7,758,027,348.85
      Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement
                                                                                            8,734,449,665.28     7,844,017,257.76
      of interest expenses
          Including : Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority
                                                                                                3,050,502.27         4,704,000.00
      Other cash payments relating to financing activities                      (V)59(5)    2,310,746,266.55       312,940,867.51
     Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                  15,831,448,254.21    15,914,985,474.12
 Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                                  (1,455,918,212.75)   (9,791,497,641.60)
 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
                                                                                              228,609,977.98     (181,591,311.21)
 V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                        (V)60(1)    5,211,446,085.37     (420,893,449.11)
    Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                           (V)60(1)   34,603,944,429.20    35,024,837,878.31
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                               (V)60(3)   39,815,390,514.57    34,603,944,429.20

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                      Cash Flow Statements of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Amount for the        Amount for the
                                     Item                                       Notes
                                                                                          current period         prior period
 I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities::
     Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services                   26,487,868,077.06     34,148,655,237.57
     Receipts of tax refunds                                                               1,436,480,287.99      1,726,725,329.46
     Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                                  1,532,865,664.26        976,326,567.89
  Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                     29,457,214,029.31     36,851,707,134.92
     Cash payments for goods acquired and services received                                5,493,671,074.35      8,696,110,952.82
     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                               7,512,557,371.10      6,188,349,496.37
     Payments of various types of taxes                                                    3,460,034,171.26      4,406,691,364.91
     Other cash payments relating to operating activities                                  3,467,533,481.78      1,765,753,448.19
   Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                   19,933,796,098.49     21,056,905,262.29
 Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                      (XV)8(1)    9,523,417,930.82     15,794,801,872.63
 II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
     Cash receipts from recovery of investments                                              433,936,760.50         33,398,189.82
     Cash receipts from investment income                                                    199,427,999.55        131,960,801.97
     Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                              70,976,304.99         84,321,638.76
     other long-term assets
     Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                                 73,174,669,493.77     82,668,322,959.43
    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                   73,879,010,558.81     82,918,003,589.98
     Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                             830,581,107.94        650,844,109.04
     and other long-term assets
     Cash payments to acquire investments                                                     53,320,000.00        942,402,941.96
     Other cash payments relating to investing activities                                 74,151,979,147.50     83,113,418,266.33
   Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                   75,035,880,255.44     84,706,665,317.33
 Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                                 (1,156,869,696.63)    (1,788,661,727.35)
 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities
     Cash receipts from capital contributions                                              2,893,831,394.55                       -
     Cash receipts from borrowings                                                           991,175,000.00      1,644,388,055.69
     Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                                 10,877,860,127.00     15,606,213,712.04
    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                   14,762,866,521.55     17,250,601,767.73
     Cash repayments of borrowings                                                           389,788,200.00      4,572,909,918.72
     Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of
                                                                                           8,466,387,329.97      7,516,599,420.29
     interest expenses
    Other cash payments relating to financing activities                                  13,134,864,230.77     15,775,258,476.27
    Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                  21,991,039,760.74     27,864,767,815.28
 Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                                 (7,228,173,239.19)   (10,614,166,047.55)
 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
                                                                                              (6,756,445.09)       (17,084,979.94)
 V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                  (XV)8(1)    1,131,618,549.91      3,374,889,117.79
   Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                           (XV)8(1)   26,639,582,696.49     23,264,693,578.70
 VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                              (XV)8(2)   27,771,201,246.40     26,639,582,696.49

                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                        Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company
                Items                                                                                     Other                                                         Minority          Total owners'
                                                                               Less: Treasury
                                      Share capital       Capital reserves                          comprehensive       Surplus reserve       Retained profits          interests            equity
 I. Opening balance of the
                                      9,335,806,114.00     5,404,070,600.07    1,023,188,723.04     (77,184,125.29)    4,672,505,348.00        45,148,877,451.52     1,933,755,610.62    65,394,642,275.88
 current period
 II. Increase or decrease in the
                                        95,114,510.00      4,737,082,835.25    4,292,844,927.20       34,596,966.48       42,954,964.00         4,311,363,534.97     2,647,243,808.20     7,575,511,691.70
 current period
      (I) Total comprehensive
                                                      -                   -                   -       34,596,966.48                       -    12,837,342,061.07       773,721,783.28    13,645,660,810.83
      (II) Owners’ contributions
                                        95,114,510.00      4,737,082,835.25    4,412,565,229.40                    -                      -                      -   1,876,759,941.16     2,296,392,057.01
      and reduction in capital
           1. Capital contribution
                                        97,402,605.00      2,796,428,789.55    2,893,831,394.55                    -                      -                      -      58,500,000.00        58,500,000.00
           from shareholders
           2. Share-based payment
           recognized in owners’                     -      601,605,075.24                   -                    -                      -                      -      49,386,376.03       650,991,451.27
           3. Business combination
           of enterprises not under                   -                   -                   -                    -                      -                      -                   -                    -
           the same control
           4. Others                    (2,288,095.00)     1,339,048,970.46    1,518,733,834.85                    -                  -                        -     1,768,873,565.13      1,586,900,605.74
      (III) Profit distribution                      -                    -    (119,720,302.20)                    -      42,954,964.00       (8,525,978,526.10)        (3,237,916.24)   (8,366,541,176.14)
           1. Transfer to surplus
                                                      -                   -                   -                    -      42,954,964.00          (42,954,964.00)                     -                    -
           2. Distributions to
                                                      -                   -    (119,720,302.20)                    -                      -   (8,483,023,562.10)       (3,237,916.24)    (8,366,541,176.14)
 III. Closing balance of the
                                      9,430,920,624.00    10,141,153,435.32    5,316,033,650.24     (42,587,158.81)    4,715,460,312.00        49,460,240,986.49     4,580,999,418.82    72,970,153,967.58
 current period

                                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity-continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                               Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company
                  Items                                                                                           Other                                                        Minority         Total owners'
                                                                                        Less: Treasury
                                             Share capital        Capital reserves                           comprehensive     Surplus reserve       Retained profits          interests           equity
 I. Opening balance of the current
                                             9,343,417,190.00      5,178,777,462.09     1,121,918,737.47   (84,993,926.94)    4,672,505,348.00       35,806,523,826.37       685,432,238.49    54,479,743,400.54
 II. Increase or decrease in the
                                               (7,611,076.00)       225,293,137.98       (98,730,014.43)      7,809,801.65                       -    9,342,353,625.15      1,248,323,372.13   10,914,898,875.34
 current period
      (I) Total comprehensive income                         -                    -                    -      7,809,801.65                       -   16,800,411,032.05       707,131,499.45    17,515,352,333.15
      (II) Owners’ contributions and
                                               (7,611,076.00)       225,293,137.98       (37,631,007.23)                  -                      -                      -    545,895,872.68       801,208,941.89
      reduction in capital
           1. Capital contribution from
                                                             -                    -                    -                  -                      -                      -    207,702,900.00       207,702,900.00
           2. Share-based payment
                                                             -      340,326,119.26                     -                  -                      -                      -     29,003,130.85       369,329,250.11
           recognized in owners’ equity
           3. Business combination of
           enterprises not under the                         -                    -                    -                  -                      -                      -    317,436,910.79       317,436,910.79
           same control
           4. Others                           (7,611,076.00)      (115,032,981.28)      (37,631,007.23)                  -                      -                    -       (8,247,068.96)      (93,260,119.01)
      (III) Profit distribution                             -                     -      (61,099,007.20)                  -                      -   (7,458,057,406.90)       (4,704,000.00)   (7,401,662,399.70)
           1. Transfer to surplus reserves                  -                     -                    -                  -                      -                    -                    -                    -
           2. Distributions to
                                                             -                    -      (61,099,007.20)                  -                      -   (7,458,057,406.90)       (4,704,000.00)   (7,401,662,399.70)
 III. Closing balance of the current
                                             9,335,806,114.00      5,404,070,600.07     1,023,188,723.04   (77,184,125.29)    4,672,505,348.00       45,148,877,451.52      1,933,755,610.62   65,394,642,275.88

                                                                                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                              Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                  Share capital       Capital reserves       Less: Treasury share          Surplus reserve        Retained profits       Total owners' equity
 I. Closing balance of the prior year                             9,335,806,114.00     4,937,523,553.84           1,023,188,723.04             4,672,505,348.00    37,958,561,319.89         55,881,207,612.69
 II. Increase or decrease in the current period                     95,114,510.00      3,326,861,226.46           4,292,844,927.20               42,954,964.00      1,071,876,582.07            243,962,355.33
     (I) Total comprehensive income                                               -                      -                          -                         -     9,597,855,108.17           9,597,855,108.17
     (II) Owners’ contributions and reduction in capital           95,114,510.00      3,326,861,226.46           4,412,565,229.40                            -                      -         (990,589,492.94)
           1. Capital contribution from owners                      97,402,605.00      2,796,428,789.55           2,893,831,394.55                            -                      -                          -
           2. Share-based payment recognized in owners’ equity                   -      507,562,719.42                             -                         -                      -          507,562,719.42
           3. Others                                                (2,288,095.00)        22,869,717.49           1,518,733,834.85                            -                      -       (1,498,152,212.36)
     (III) Profit distribution                                                    -                      -        (119,720,302.20)               42,954,964.00    (8,525,978,526.10)         (8,363,303,259.90)
           1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                        -                      -                          -            42,954,964.00       (42,954,964.00)                            -
           2. Distributions to shareholders                                       -                      -        (119,720,302.20)                            -   (8,483,023,562.10)         (8,363,303,259.90)
 III. Closing balance of the current period                       9,430,920,624.00     8,264,384,780.30           5,316,033,650.24             4,715,460,312.00    39,030,437,901.96         56,125,169,968.02
                                                                     Share capital     Capital reserves       Less: Treasury share             Surplus reserve      Retained profits       Total owners' equity
 I. Closing balance of the prior year                             9,343,417,190.00     4,770,210,334.16           1,121,918,737.47             4,672,505,348.00    31,327,891,058.77         48,992,105,193.46
 II. Increase or decrease in the current period                     (7,611,076.00)       167,313,219.68            (98,730,014.43)                            -     6,630,670,261.12           6,889,102,419.23
     (I) Total comprehensive income                                               -                      -                          -                         -    14,088,727,668.02         14,088,727,668.02
     (II) Owners’ contributions and reduction in capital           (7,611,076.00)       167,313,219.68            (37,631,007.23)                            -                      -          197,333,150.91
          1. Share-based payment recognized in owners’ equity                    -      282,346,200.96                             -                         -                      -          282,346,200.96
          2. Others                                                 (7,611,076.00)     (115,032,981.28)            (37,631,007.23)                            -                      -          (85,013,050.05)
     (III) Profit distribution                                                    -                      -         (61,099,007.20)                            -   (7,458,057,406.90)         (7,396,958,399.70)
          1.Distributions to shareholders                                         -                      -         (61,099,007.20)                            -   (7,458,057,406.90)         (7,396,958,399.70)
 III. Closing balance of the current period                       9,335,806,114.00     4,937,523,553.84           1,023,188,723.04             4,672,505,348.00    37,958,561,319.89         55,881,207,612.69

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

I.   Basic Information about the Company

     Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company" or
"Hikvision"), is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture company, formerly known as "Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology
Ltd", established on November 30, 2001 in Hangzhou upon the approval letter of Hangzhou High-tech No. 604 [2001]
issued by Hangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee. On June 25, 2008, with approval
of document No. 598 [2008] issued by the MOFCOM (The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China),
the Company was renamed as "Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.", headquartered in Hangzhou, and
obtained the business license of enterprise No.91330000733796106P. On May 28, 2010, the Company was listed on the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
     In accordance with the authorization by the Company’s second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2016 ,the
authorization by the second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2018, the resolution by the 20th meeting of the 4th session
of the Board of Directors on December 25, 2020, the resolution of the first Extraordinary General Meeting in 2021 on
March 5, 2021 and the revised Articles of Association, the Company repurchased and cancelled the granted 7,611,076
restricted RMB treasury shares that have not been unlocked by cash. The Company completed the deregistration on July
2, 2021 and the share capital was accordingly changed to 9,335,806,114 shares.
     On January 18, 2022, in accordance with the authorization by the Company's first Extraordinary General Meeting in
2022, the resolution by the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the revised Articles of Association,
the Company was approved to issue 99,417,229 additional RMB ordinary shares (97,402,605 shares after adjustment) to
9,933 (9,738 after adjustment) scheme participants. The Company completed the share registration procedures on February
10, 2022. The share capital of the Company was accordingly changed to 9,433,208,719 shares.
     In accordance with the authorization by the Company’s second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2018, the resolution
by the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors on May 5, 2022, the resolution of the second Extraordinary
General Meeting in 2022 on October 10, 2021 and the revised Articles of Association, the Company repurchased and
cancelled the granted 2,288,095 restricted RMB treasury shares that have not been unlocked by cash. The Company
completed the deregistration on December 21, 2022 and the share capital was accordingly changed to 9,430,920,624 shares.
For details of the share capital, please refer to Note (V) 39.
     As of December 31, 2022, the Company’s total registered capital is RMB 9,430,920,624.00, with total capital shares
of 9,430,920,624 shares (face value RMB 1 per share), of which restricted A-shares were 255,248,506 shares, A-shares
without restriction are 9,175,672,118 shares.
     The Company is involved in the sector of other electronic equipment manufacturing of the electronic industry.
Business scope of the Company includes development and production of electronic products (including explosion-proof
electrical products, tele-communication equipment and its ancillary equipment, multimedia equipment, transmission and
display equipment), fire protection and control products, big data and IoT software and hardware products, aerial vehicles,
robots, intelligent equipment and intelligent systems, real-time communication systems, auto parts and accessories,
electrical signal equipment for vehicle, servers and supporting hardware and software products; sales of self-manufactured
products; technical service, electronic technology consulting service, training service (excluding class training), electronic
equipment installation, design, construction and maintenance of electronic engineering and intelligent system engineering.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

For details about business scope of the Company and its subsidiaries, please refer to Note (VII) 1.
     The Company’s consolidated financial reports were approved for issuance by the 17th meeting of the 5th session of
the Board of Directors of the Company on April 13, 2023.
     For consolidation scope of the financial statements of the current reporting period, please refer to Note (VII) "Interest
in other entities". For changes in consolidation scope of the financial statements during the current reporting period, please
refer to "changes in the consolidation scope" in Note (VI).

II. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

Basis of preparation of financial statements
The Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") have adopted the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises ("ASBE") and relevant provisions issued by the Ministry of Finance ("MoF"). In addition, the Group
has disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for
Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15- General Provisions on Financial Reporting (revised in 2014).

Going concern

The Group has evaluated its going concern for 12 months going forward starting from December 31st 2022, and there is
no factor that may cast significant doubt on the entity's ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the financial
statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

Bookkeeping base and valuation principles

The Group measures the accounting elements in accordance with the accrual accounting basis. Except certain financial
instruments are measured by fair value, these financial statements are prepared in accordance with the measurements basis
of historical costs. If the asset decreases in value, the provision for impairment of assets should be made according to
relevant regulations.

According to the historical cost measurement, the assets shall be measured as per the amount of cash or cash equivalent
paid at the time of purchase, or the fair value of consideration paid for the purchase of such assets. The liabilities shall be
measured in accordance with the amount of funds or assets actually received when undertaking current obligations, or the
contract amount when undertaking the current obligations, or the amount of cash or cash equivalents required for paying
back the debts in daily activities.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The fair value is a price received by the market participants from selling asset or transferring liability during orderly
transaction at the measurement date. No matter the fair value is observable or estimated by using valuation technique, the
measured and disclosed fair value in the financial statement shall be determined on this basis.

When measuring non-financial assets at fair value, the assets shall be measured considering the ability of market
participants to use the assets for optimal use to generate economic benefits, or to sell the assets to other market participants
to use the assets for optimal use to generate economic benefits.

For the financial assets measured with transaction price at the initial recognition, and the use of valuation techniques
involving unobservable inputs in the subsequent fair value measurement, the valuation technique is corrected in the
valuation process in order to make the initial recognition results confirmed by valuation techniques equal to the transaction

Based on the observable extent of the input value of the fair value, and the importance of such input value to the fair value
measurement, the fair value measurement is divided into three levels:

 Level 1: The input value is the unadjusted offer of the same assets or liabilities on active market acquired on measurement

 Level 2: The input value is the input value of relevant assets or liabilities observable directly or indirectly in addition to
level 1 input value;

 Level 3: The input value is the non-observable input value of relevant assets or liabilities.

III. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

1. Statement for Compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (ASBE)

The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with ASBE, and present truly and completely,
the Company's and consolidated financial position as of December 31st 2022; and the Company's consolidated results of
operations, and the Company’s and consolidated cash flows for 2022.

2. Accounting Period

The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year from January 1st to December 31st each year.

3. Business Cycle

The business cycle refers to the period from purchase of assets used for processing to realization of cash or cash equivalents.
The Group business cycle is usually 12 months.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

4. Functional Currency

Renminbi ("RMB") is the currency in the primary economic environments in which the Company and its domestic
subsidiaries are operated. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries take RMB as their functional currency. Overseas
subsidiaries of the Company determine their functional currency on the basis of the primary economic environment in
which it operates. For functional currency of overseas subsidiaries of the Company, see Note (V) 62. The Group adopts
RMB to prepare its financial statements.

5. The Accounting Treatment of Business Combinations Involving Enterprises under Common Control and
Business Combinations Not Involving Enterprises under Common Control

Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under common control and business
combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

5.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the
combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and
that control is not transitory.

Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their respective carrying amounts as recorded by the combining entities
at the date of the combination. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying
amount of the consideration paid for the combination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share
premium is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the
combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination.

The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred
or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for control of the acquiree. If a business combination
not under the common control is realized step by step through multiple transactions, the cost of the combination is the sum

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

of the consideration paid on the purchase date and the fair value of the equity of the purchase already held before the
purchase date on the purchase date. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal
services, valuation and consultancy services, etc. and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the business
combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.

The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, acquired by the acquirer in a business combination,
that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at the acquisition date.

Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is measured at cost on initial recognition. Where the
cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer
firstly reassesses the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
and measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the
acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference
immediately into profit or loss for the current period.

Goodwill arising on a business combination is measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses, and is presented
separately in the consolidated financial statements.

6. Preparation Method of Consolidated Financial Statements

6.1 Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be confirmed based on the control. Control right means that an
investor may control an investee; the investor may participate in relevant activities of the investee to obtain variable
rewards and also be able to use the control rights for the investee to influence its amount of returns. The Group will re-
evaluate, if the change of the relevant facts and circumstances leading to the change of the relevant elements involved in
the above definition of control.

The merger of subsidiary starts from the Group obtaining the control power of the subsidiary, and terminates when the
Group loses the control power of the subsidiary.

As for subsidiaries disposed by the Group, operating results and cash flows prior to the disposal date (the date of losing
control right) have been properly included in the consolidated profit statement and consolidated cash flow statement.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the operating
results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when control is obtained) are included in the consolidated income
statement and consolidated statement of cash flows.

No matter when the business combination occurs in the reporting period, subsidiaries acquired through a business
combination involving enterprises under common control are included in the Group's scope of consolidation as if they had
been included in the scope of consolidation from the date when they first came under the common control of the ultimate
controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the earliest reporting period are included
in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

The significant accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries are determined based on the
uniform accounting policies and accounting periods set out by the Company.

All significant intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the Company is treated as minority interests and presented as
"minority equity" in the consolidated balance sheet. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period
attributable to minority interests is presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated income statement below the "net
profit" line item.

When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority
shareholders' portion of the opening balance of owners' equity of the subsidiary, the excess amount are still allocated
against minority interests.

Acquisition of minority interests or disposal of interest in a subsidiary that does not result in the loss of control over the
subsidiary is accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts of the total owners' equity attributable to owner
of the Company and minority equity are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in the subsidiary. The
difference between the amount by which the minority interests are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or
received is adjusted to capital reserve under owners' equity. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference,
the excess is adjusted against retained earnings.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

7.   Joint Arrangement Classification and Joint Operation Accounting

Joint arrangements include joint operation and joint ventures. Such classification is defined based on the rights and
obligations of the joint parties in the joint arrangement, taking into account the structure and legal form of such
arrangement and also the contractual provisions. Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where the joint venture is
entitled to assets related to this arrangement and bear liabilities related to this arrangement. Joint ventures mean that joint
venture parties are merely entitled to joint venture arrangements of net assets of such arrangements.

The Groups investment in any joint venture is accounted by the equity method. See the details in Note (III) "15.3.2 Long-
term equity investment accounted under the equity method".

The Group confirms its assets held separately according to the arrangement of joint operation and those held jointly in
proportion to the Group's share; confirms its liabilities held separately and those held jointly in proportion to the Group's
share ; confirms its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation; confirms its share of
the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; confirms the expenses incurred by the Group alone and the
expenses incurred by the joint operation corresponding to the share of the Group therein. The assets, liabilities, revenues
and expenses related to the joint operation are accounted and confirmed by the Group in accordance with the regulations
applicable to specific assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.

8. Recognition Criteria of Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents are the Group's
short-term (Generally refers to due within three months from the purchase date), highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Conversion of Transactions and Financial Statements Denominated in Foreign Currencies.

9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

A foreign currency transaction is recorded, on initial recognition, by applying an exchange rate that approximates the
actual spot exchange rate on the date of transaction; The exchange rate that approximates the actual spot exchange rate on
the date of transaction is calculated according to the middle price of market exchange rate at the beginning of the month
in which the transaction happened.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into [RMB] using the spot exchange rates at the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the differences between the spot exchange rates prevailing at the
balance sheet date and those on initial recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

the period, except for exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency that
qualify for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of the qualifying asset during the capitalization period.

When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is foreign currency monetary item
constituting a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange difference arising from changes in exchange rates are
recognized as "exchange differences arising on conversion of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies " in
other comprehensive income, and in profit and loss for the period upon disposal of the foreign operation.

Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are converted to the amounts in functional currency at
the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are
re-converted at the spot exchange rate on the date the fair value is determined. Difference between the re-converted
functional currency amount and the original functional currency amount is treated as changes in fair value (including
changes of exchange rate) and is recognized in profit and loss or as other comprehensive income.

9.2 Conversion of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements, financial statements of a foreign operation are
converted from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method: assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are
translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; shareholders' equity items are converted at the
spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; all items in the income statement as well as items reflecting
the distribution of profits are translated at exchange rates that approximate the actual spot exchange rates on the dates of
the transactions; The difference between the converted assets and the aggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity items
is recognized into other comprehensive income and shareholders’ equity.

The foreign currency cash flows and cash flows of overseas subsidiaries adopt the exchange rate similar to the spot rate at
the date of cash flows for conversion. The affected amount of cash and cash equivalents due to the change of exchange
rate, as an adjustment item, shall be separately listed as "the impact of cash and cash equivalents due to the change of
exchange rate" in the cash flow statement.

The closing balances of the prior year and the actual amount of the prior year are presented at the converted amounts of
the prior year's financial statements.

On disposal of the Group's entire interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over a foreign operation due to
disposal of certain interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers the accumulated exchange differences arising on

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

conversion of financial statements of this foreign operation attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and presented
under shareholders' equity, to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.

In case of a disposal or other reason that does not result in the Group losing control over a foreign operation, but only a
decrease in proportion of overseas business interests, the proportionate share of accumulated exchange differences arising
on conversion of financial statements are re-attributed to minority interests and are not recognized in profit and loss under
current period. For partial disposals of equity interests in foreign operations, which are associates or joint ventures, the
proportionate shares of the accumulated exchange differences arising on conversion of financial statements of foreign
operations is reclassified to profit or loss under current period.

10. Financial Instruments

The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to a contract of financial instrument.

For the purchase or sale of a financial asset in conventional manner, the asset to be received and the liability to be assumed
will be recognized on the trading day, or the asset sold will be derecognized on the trading day.

Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured by fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets and
financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss, the relevant trading costs will be directly charged to profit and loss
of the current period. For other types of financial assets and financial liabilities, the relevant trading costs will be booked
into the initial recognition amount. Upon initial recognition of accounts receivable which have no material financing
components or have not taken into consideration the financing components in contracts with a term not exceeding one
year according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 14 – Revenue ("Revenue Standard"), such initial
amount is measured by the transaction price as defined under the Revenue Standard.

Effective interest rate method refers to the method of calculating the amortized cost of financial asset or financial liability
and apportioning interest income or interest expenses to each accounting period.

Effective interest rate refers to the interest rate used for discounting the estimated future cash flows of a financial asset or
a financial liability for an expected subsisting period into the balance of book value of the financial asset or the amortized
cost of the financial liability. When determining the effective interest rate, the expected cash flows are estimated on the
basis of considering all contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability (such as early repayment, extended
term, call option or other similar option) but without considering the expected credit loss.

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability refers to the initial recognition amount of such financial asset
or financial liability, less the repaid amount of principal, plus or minus the accrued amortized amount calculated by
amortization of the difference between the initial recognition amount and the amount on maturity by using the effective
interest rate method, and then deducts the accrued provision for losses (only applicable to financial assets).

10.1 Classification, Confirmation and Measurement of Financial Assets

After initial recognition, the Group will adopt amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income, or fair value
through profit and loss for subsequent measurement depending on different categories of financial assets.

The Group will classify a financial asset into a financial asset measured at amortized cost if the contractual terms of the
financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding and the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in
order to collect contractual cash flows. Financial assets classified by the Group as financial asset measured by amortized
cost include cash and cash equivalents, notes receivables and accounts receivable, other receivables and long-term

The Group will classify a financial asset into a financial asset measured by fair value through other comprehensive income
if the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal
and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective
is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling the financial assets. This category of financial assets
mainly includes financial assets with a maturity of more than one year from the date of acquisition and which are presented
under other debt investments, financial assets maturing within one year (inclusive) from the balance sheet date and which
are presented under non-current assets maturing within one year, as well as the accounts receivable and notes receivable
classified as fair value at the time of acquisition and their changes are included in other comprehensive income are listed
in the receivables for financing, and for those have acquisition period within one year (including one year) are listed in
other current assets.

At the time of initial recognition, the Group may, on the basis of a single financial asset, irrevocably designate an
investment in an equity instrument held for non-trading purpose recognized or without consideration in a business
combination of enterprises not under the same control as a financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income.
This type of financial assets is presented as investment in other equity instruments.

Financial assets which have satisfied one of the following conditions indicate that such financial assets are held for trading
purpose by the Group:
     The purpose of acquiring the relevant financial asset is mainly for sale in recent period.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     At the time of initial recognition, the relevant financial asset is a part of an identifiable portfolio of financial
instruments under collective management, and there is objective evidence showing a recent and actual existence of short-
term profitable mode.
     The relevant financial assets are derivatives, excluding derivatives which satisfy the definition under financial
guarantee contracts and derivatives which are designated as effective hedging instruments.

Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss include financial assets which are classified as financial assets at fair
value through profit and loss and financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss:
     Financial assets which do not satisfy the conditions of being classified as financial assets measured at amortized cost
or as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, they will be classified as financial assets at fair
value through profit and loss.
     At the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate or substantially reduce mismatch in accounting, the Group
may irrevocably designate a financial asset as a financial asset measured at fair value with changes through profit and loss.

Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss will be presented as held-for-trading financial assets. If such financial
assets have a maturity of more than one year from the balance sheet date (or without a fixed maturity) and which are
expected to be held for more than one year, they will be presented under other non-current financial assets.

10.1.1     Financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets measured at amortized cost adopt the effective interest rate method for subsequent measurement according
to amortized cost, the profit or loss when impairment occurs or upon derecognition will be accounted in profit and loss of
the current period.

The Group recognizes interest income by using effective interest rate method for financial assets measured at amortized
cost. The Group determines interest income by multiplying the balance of book value of financial assets with the effective
interest rate except under the following circumstances:
     For acquired or generated financial assets which incurred credit impairment already, their interest income will be
determined by using the amortized cost of such financial asset calculated with the credit adjusted effective interest rate.
     For acquired or generated financial assets which have not incurred credit impairment but incur credit impairment in
the subsequent period, the Group will determine their interest income by using the amortized cost of such financial assets
multiplied with the effective interest rate in the subsequent period. If such financial asset ceases to have credit impairment
due to improvement in credit risk in the subsequent period, then the Group should change to multiply the effective interest
rate with the balance of book value of such financial asset instead to determine the interest income.

10.1.2     Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The impairment loss or profit, or interest income calculated by using the effective interest rate method, relating to financial
asset at fair value through other comprehensive income should be accounted in the profit and loss of the current period,
and other changes in fair value of such financial assets will be accounted in other comprehensive income. The amount
charged by such financial asset to the profit and loss of each period is deemed to be equal to the amount which has been
measured by amortized cost and charged to the profit and loss of each period. Upon derecognition of such financial asset,
the accumulated profit or loss previously charged to other comprehensive income will be reversed from other
comprehensive income and charged to profit and loss of the current period.

For non-trading equity instrument investment designated at fair value through other comprehensive income, its changes
in fair value will be recognized in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition of such financial asset, the
accumulated profit or loss charged to other comprehensive income will be reversed from other comprehensive income and
charged to retained earnings. During the period when such investment in equity instruments for non-trading purpose are
held by the Group, the right to receive dividends by the Group has been established, and economic benefits related to
dividends are likely to flow into the Group, and if the amount of dividends may be measured reliably, the dividend income
is recognized and accounted in the profit and loss of the current period.

10.1.3 Financial asset at fair value through profit and loss

For financial asset at fair value through profit and loss, subsequent measurement will be calculated at fair value, the profit
or loss arising from changes in fair value and the dividend and interest income relating to such financial asset will be
accounted in the profit and loss of the current period.

10.2 Impairment of Financial Assets

For financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets that are classified as financial asset at fair value through
other comprehensive income, contract assets, lease receivables, and financial guarantee contracts that do not meet the
conditions for termination of recognition due to the transfer of financial assets or continue to be involved in financial
liabilities formed by the transferred financial assets, the Group will handle impairment on the basis of expected credit loss
and recognize loss provision.

The Group’s consideration of contract assets, notes receivable and accounts receivable that are generated by transactions
regulated by revenue standards and do not contain significant financing components or that do not consider financing
components in contracts that are not more than one year old, as well as those operating lease receivables formed from
transactions that are defined by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21-Leasing, the loss reserve shall
be measured based on the amount of the expected credit loss during the entire duration.
For other financial instruments, other than acquired or generated financial assets which have incurred credit impairment
already, the Group will assess on each balance sheet date the changes in credit risk of the relevant financial instruments

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

since initial recognition. If the credit risk of such financial asset has significantly increased after initial recognition, the
Group will calculate its loss provision based on the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the entire subsisting
period. If the credit risk of such financial asset since initial recognition has not increased significantly, the Group will
calculate its loss provision according to the expected credit loss amount of such financial asset for the next 12 months.
The amount of increase or reversal in the provision for credit loss, apart from financial assets classified as financial asset
at fair value through other comprehensive income, is accounted in the profit and loss of the current period. For financial
asset classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Group will recognize its credit loss
provision in other comprehensive income and charged the impairment loss or gain to the profit and loss of the current
period, and will not decrease the book value of such financial asset presented in the balance sheet.

The Group has calculated the loss provision equivalent to the expected credit loss amount for the entire subsisting period
of the financial instrument in the preceding accounting period, but at the balance sheet date of the current period, such
financial instrument is no longer under the condition of significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the
Group calculates the loss provision for such financial instrument on the balance sheet date of the current period according
to an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the next 12 months, and the resulting loss provision reversal amount
will be counted as impairment gain and booked into the profit and loss of the current period.

10.2.1 Significant increase in credit risk

The Group uses available and reasonable forward-looking information with justification, by comparing the default risk of
the financial instrument at the balance sheet date with the default risk on the initial recognition date, to confirm whether
the credit risk of the financial instrument has significantly increased after initial recognition. When using the financial
instrument impairment rules for loan commitment and financial guarantee contracts, the date when the Group becomes a
party of an irrevocable commitment is deemed as the initial recognition date.

The Group considers the following factors when assessing whether the credit risk has significantly increased:
(1) Whether a significant change has been caused to the internal price indicator due to changes in credit risk.
(2) Whether the external credit rating of financial instrument has actual or expected significant changes.
(3) Whether the actual or expected internal credit rating of the debtor has been downgraded.
(4) Whether adverse changes have occurred in the business, finance or economic conditions which are expected to cause
     significant changes in the capability of the debtor to perform debt repayment obligations.
(5) Whether actual or expected significant changes have occurred in the operating results of the debtor.
(6) Whether significant adverse changes have occurred in the supervision, economic or technical environment in which
     the debtor operates.
(7) Whether significant changes have occurred in the value of security pledged for the debt or the quality of guarantee
     or credit enhancement provided by third parties. Such changes are expected to reduce the debtor’s economic
     motivation of repayment according to contractual term or influence the probability of default.
(8) Whether significant changes have occurred in the economic motivation which will lower the expectation of

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

        repayment by the borrower according to the contractual term.
(9) Whether significant changes have occurred in the expected performance and repayment behavior of the debtor.

Whether or not the credit risks increase significantly after the foregoing assessments, if any contractual payment for any
financial instrument that overdue for over (including) 30 days, it indicates the credit risks of that financial instrument have
increased significantly.

On the balance sheet date, if the Group determines that the financial instrument only carries low credit risks, then it assumes
that the credit risks of the financial instrument have not increased significantly since the initial recognition. If the risk of
default on financial instruments is low, the borrower is highly able to perform its contractual cash flow obligations in the
short term, and even if the economic situation and operating environment are adversely changed over a long period of time
but not necessarily reducing the borrower’s performance of its contractual cash obligations, the financial instrument is
considered as having a lower credit risk.

10.2.2      Financial assets which have incurred credit impairment already

When one or more events which will have adverse effect on the expected future cash flows from the financial asset of the
Group have occurred, such financial asset will become a financial asset which have incurred credit impairment already.
The evidence of credit impairment occurred in a financial asset includes the following observable information:
(1) Material financial difficulties have occurred in the issuer or debtor;
(2) Breach of contract by the debtor, such as default or overdue for the payment of interest or repayment of principal;
(3) Due to economic or contractual considerations relating to financial difficulties of the debtor, the creditor has granted
concession to the debtor under no other circumstances;
(4) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or carry out other financial restructuring;
(5) The financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor have caused the disappearance of the active market for the financial
(6) The purchase or generation of a financial asset at a large discount, such discount reflects the fact of occurrence of credit

10.2.3      Confirmation of expected credit loss

The Group’s accounts receivable and other receivables, that are individually significant and the debtor has serious financial
difficulties, are determined on the basis of individual for its credit loss. The remaining accounts receivable and contract
assets are divided into different portfolios according to the area and target of the business as a common risk characteristic
and an impairment matrix is used to determine the credit losses of relevant financial instruments on a portfolio basis. For
the remaining other receivables and long-term receivables, the credit loss of the relevant financial instrument is determined
on a portfolio basis. Notes receivable and receivables are evaluated on a portfolio basis to determine credit losses by

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

assessing the probability of breach and loss given default based on the credit rating of the acceptor as a common risk

The Group confirms the expected credit loss of the relevant financial instrument according to the following method:
     In respect of financial asset and lease receivables, the credit loss is the present value of the difference between the
     contractual cash flow that the group should receive and the cash flow that it expects to receive.
     In respect of a financial guarantee contract (for specific accounting policies, please refer to Note (III),,
     the credit loss is the present value of the difference between Group’s expected payment amount for the compensation
     made to the contract holder due to the occurrence of credit loss and the amount expected to be received by the Group
     from such contract holder, debtor or any other parties.
     In respect of financial assets with credit impairment on the balance sheet date but they are not acquired or generated
     financial assets with credit impairment, the credit loss represents the difference between the balance of the book value
     of such financial asset and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted by the original effective
     interest rate.

The factors reflected by the method used for calculating expected credit loss of financial instruments by the Group include:
an unbiased weighted average amount determined by assessing a series of probable outcomes; time value of currency;
reasonable and justifiable information relating to past events, prevailing conditions and forecast of future economic
conditions obtained on the balance sheet date without incurring unnecessary additional cost or effort.

10.2.4     Write-off on financial asset

When the Group ceases to have reasonable expectation on the possible collection of all or part of the contractual cash
flows from the financial asset, the balance of book value of such financial asset will be written off directly. Such a write-
off constitutes a derecognition of the relevant financial asset.

10.3 Transfer of financial asset

A financial asset that fulfills one of the following conditions will be de-recognized: (1) termination of contractual rights
to receive cash flows from the financial asset; (2) upon transfer of such financial asset and transfer of substantially all the
risks and rewards in respect of the ownership of such financial asset to the transferee; (3) upon transfer of such financial
asset, though the Group has not transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards in respect of the ownership
of such financial asset, yet it has not retained the control over such financial asset.

If the Group has not transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards in respect of the ownership of such
financial asset, and has retained the control over such financial asset, then such transferred financial asset will continue to
be recognized, and the relevant liabilities will continue to be recognized, according to the level of the Group’s continuous

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

involvement in such transferred financial asset. The relevant liabilities will be measured by the Group according to the
following method:
     If the transferred financial asset is measured by amortized cost, the book value of the relevant liabilities is equivalent
to the book value of the transferred asset of continuous involvement less the amortized cost of the rights retained by the
Group (if the Group has retained the relevant rights due to transfer of the financial asset) and plus the amortized cost of
the obligations undertaken by the Group (if the Group has undertaken the relevant obligations due to transfer of the
financial asset), and the relevant liabilities are not designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of
the current period.
     If the transferred financial asset is measured by fair value, the book value of the relevant liabilities is equivalent to
the book value of the transferred asset of continuous involvement less the fair value of the rights retained by the Group (if
the Group has retained the relevant rights due to transfer of the financial asset) and plus the fair value of the obligations
undertaken by the Group (if the Group has undertaken the relevant obligations due to transfer of the financial asset), and
the fair value of the rights and obligations shall be measured at the fair value on a separate basis.

For full transfer, which satisfies the conditions of derecognition, of the financial assets, the difference between the sum of
the book value of the transferred financial assets as at the date of derecognition and the consideration received from such
transfer and the accumulated amount of change in fair value originally included in other comprehensive income, which
corresponds to the amount in respect of derecognition, shall be recognized in the profit and loss for the current period. If
the transfer of the financial assets by the Group is designated as investment in equity instrument held for non-trading
purpose measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the accumulated gains or losses previously included
in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out from other comprehensive income and be included in retained

For transfer in part, which satisfies the conditions of derecognition, of the financial assets, the book value of the entire
financial assets before the transfer shall be shared between the derecognized portion and the continuous recognition portion
at their respective relative fair value on the date of transfer, and the difference between the sum of the consideration
received from derecognition and the accumulated amount of change in fair value originally included in other
comprehensive income, which corresponds to the amount in respect of derecognition, and the book value of the
derecognized portion as at the date of derecognition shall be included in the profit and loss of the current period. If the
transfer of the financial assets by the Group is designated as investment in equity instrument for non-trading purpose
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other
comprehensive income shall be transferred out from other comprehensive income and be included in retained earnings.

For full transfer, which does not satisfy the conditions of derecognition, of the financial assets, the Group will continue to
recognize the entire financial assets transferred and the consideration received as a result of the asset transfer is recognized
as a liability when received.

10.4 Classification, confirmation and measurement of financial liabilities and equity instruments

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Pursuant to the contractual terms of the issued financial instruments and the substantive economic condition as reflected,
but not in legal terms only, combined with the definitions of financial liabilities and equity instruments, the Group has
classified such financial instruments or the components thereof as financial liabilities or equity instruments upon initial

10.4.1 Classification, confirmation and measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the current period and
other financial liabilities upon initial recognition. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the current period

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the current period comprise of financial liabilities held for
trading purpose (including derivatives of financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value
through profit and loss of the current period. Except for derivatives of financial liabilities, which are presented separately,
financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the current period are presented as financial liabilities held for

Financial liabilities that fulfill one of the following conditions suggest that the Group assumes such financial liabilities for
trading purpose:
     Assumption of the relevant financial liabilities is mainly for the purpose of the recent repurchases.
     The relevant financial liabilities, upon initial recognition, are part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments
     under centralized management, and available objective evidence shows the recent and actual existence of a short-
     term profit-making model.
     The relevant financial liabilities are derivatives, except derivatives which satisfy the definition of financial guarantee
     contract and derivatives designated as effective hedging instruments.

Financial liabilities can be designated, upon initial recognition, by the Group as financial liabilities at fair value through
profit and loss of the current period, provided that they have satisfied one of the following conditions: (1) such designation
can eliminate or substantially reduce accounting mismatches; (2) managing and evaluating the performance of portfolios
of financial liabilities, or portfolios of financial assets and financial liabilities, on fair value basis and reporting internally
to key personnel of the Group on this basis in accordance with the risk management or investment strategies specified in
formal written documents of the Group; (3) hybrid contracts, with embedded derivatives, have satisfied the conditions.

Financial liabilities held for trading purpose use fair value for subsequent measurement, gains or losses arise from changes
in fair value and the dividends or interest expenses relating to such financial liabilities are accounted in the profit and loss
of the current period.

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

For financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit and loss of the current period, changes in fair value of such
financial liabilities caused by changes in the Group’s own credit risks shall be included in other comprehensive income,
and other changes in fair value shall be included in the profit and loss of the current period. On derecognition of such
financial liabilities, the accumulated amount of changes in fair value as a result of changes in our own credit risk included
previously in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to retained earnings. Dividends or interest expenses relating
to such financial liabilities shall be included in the profit and loss of the current period. If handling the effect of changes
in credit risk of such financial liabilities according to the aforesaid method would cause or magnify the accounting
mismatches in profit and loss, the Group will include all gains or losses of those financial liabilities (including the amount
affected by changes in their own credit risk) in the profit and losses of the current period. Other financial liabilities

Excluding transfer of financial assets not complying with derecognition conditions, or financial liabilities as a result of
continuous involvement in transferred financial assets, as well as the financial guarantee contracts, the other financial
liabilities will be classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, subsequent measurement will be based on
amortized cost, gains or losses on derecognition or amortization will be accounted in the profit and loss of the current

If the Group and the counterparty have revised or renegotiated the contract, this has not resulted in the derecognition of
financial liabilities measured at amortized cost for subsequent measurement, but has caused changes in the contractual
cash flows, then the Group should recalculate the book value of such financial liabilities, and the relevant gains or losses
shall be accounted in the profit and loss of the current period. The recalculated book value of such financial liabilities will
be determined by the Group by discounting the cash flows from the renegotiated or revised contract with the original effect
interest rate of the financial liabilities. All costs or expenses incurred in the revision or renegotiation of the contract will
be reflected in the adjusted book value of financial liabilities after such revision, and will be amortized during the
remaining period of the revised financial liabilities. Financial guarantee contract

Financial guarantee contract refers to a contract that requests the issuer to provide a specific amount of compensation to
the contract holder who suffers losses when a specific debtor fails to repay the debt on due date according to the initial or
revised terms of the debt instrument. In respect of financial liabilities which are not designated at fair value through profit
and loss of the current period, or in respect of financial guarantee contract for financial liabilities arising from transfer of
financial assets not complying with derecognition conditions or continuous involvement in the transferred financial assets,
the measurement after initial recognition will be based on the amount of provision for losses, or the balance of initial
recognized amount after deducting the accumulated amortized amount confirmed in accordance with the relevant

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

provisions of the Revenue Standard, whichever the higher.

10.4.2     Derecognition of financial liabilities

When the existing obligations of a financial liability have been wholly or partially discharged, such financial liability or
such part of it will be derecognized. When the Group (as borrower) and the lender enter into an agreement to undertake
new financial liabilities for replacing the original financial liabilities, if substantive difference exists in the contractual
terms between the new financial liabilities and the original financial liabilities, the Group should derecognize the original
financial liabilities while at the same time recognizes the new financial liabilities.

When a financial liability is wholly or partially derecognized, the difference between the book value of the derecognized
portion and the consideration paid (including non-cash asset transferred out or new financial liabilities undertaken) will
be accounted in the profit and loss of the current period.

10.4.3     Equity instrument

Equity instrument refers to a contract which can prove the ownership of remainder interest in assets after deducting all
liabilities of the Group. The Group issues (including refinances), repurchases, sells or cancels equity instruments for
treatment of changes in equity. The Group will not recognize changes in the fair value of equity instruments. Trading
expenses relating to equity transactions will be deducted from equity.

The Group’s distribution to holder of equity instrument is treated as profit distribution, the share dividends paid out will
not affect the total equity of shareholders.

10.5 Derivatives and embedded derivatives

Derivatives include foreign exchange forward contract, foreign exchange option contract and interest rate swap contract,
etc. Derivatives are measured at fair value initially on the date of signing the relevant contract and will be measured at fair
value for subsequent measurement.

For a hybrid contract constituted by an embedded derivative and a master contract, if the master contract is in respect of a
financial asset, the Group will not split the embedded derivative from the hybrid contract, but will consider such hybrid
contract as a whole unit to which the accounting standards and rules for classification of financial assets are applicable.
If the master contract included in the hybrid contract is not in respect of a financial asset, and fulfills the following
conditions at the same time, the Group will split the embedded derivative from the hybrid contract to be treated as a
separate subsisting derivative.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

(1) The economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely connected to the economic
     characteristics and risks of the master contract.
(2) A separate instrument containing the same terms as the embedded derivative fits the definition of a derivative.
(3) The hybrid contract is not measured at fair value and changes in fair value are accounted through profit and loss of
     the current period.

If an embedded derivative is split from the hybrid contract, the accounting treatment adopted by the Group for the master
contract within the hybrid contract will be in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and rules. If the Group
is unable to measure the fair value of the embedded derivative reliably according to the terms and conditions of the
embedded derivative, the fair value of such embedded derivative will be determined by the difference between the fair
value of the hybrid contract and the fair value of the master contract. After adoption of the above method, if the fair value
of such embedded derivative is still unable to be measured separately on the acquisition date or subsequent balance sheet
date, the Group will designate the entire hybrid contract as a financial instrument measured at fair value through profit and
loss of the current period.

10.6 Offsetting between financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Group has legal right to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and such legal right is
enforceable currently, while at the same time the Group plans to perform netting settlement, or to liquidate the financial
asset and repay the financial liability at the same time, the amount after offsetting between the financial asset and financial
liability will be presented in the balance sheet. Save as said above, the financial asset and financial liability are presented
separately in the balance sheet without offsetting each other.

11. Receivables for Financing

Among the notes receivable measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the ones with a term of less than
(including) one year since they are acquired will be listed as receivables for financing; the ones with a term of more than
(including) one year since they are acquired will be listed as other debt investment. The relevant accounting policy is
explained in Note (III), 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3.

12. Inventories

12.1 Categories of inventories

The Group's inventory mainly includes finished products, products in process, raw materials and contract performance
costs that held in daily activities. Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of
purchase, costs of conversion and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

12.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the moving weighted average method.

12.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories

The inventory is measured according to cost and net realizable value, whichever is lower, on the date of balance sheet.
When the net realizable value is lower than cost, withdraw inventory impairment reserves.

The net realizable value refers to the amount derived by deducting the potential cost, estimated selling expense and relative
taxes to the completion date from the estimated sales price of inventory in daily activities. When determining net realizable
value of inventories, take the obtained conclusive evidence as basis and consider the purposes of holding inventories and
influence of events after the balance sheet date.

For the low-price stocks in large quantity, provision for the inventory price drops will be made based on the categories of
stocks; for the stocks that are related to the products manufactured and sold in the same region, that have identical or
similar ultimate use or purpose and that are hard to separate from other items when being measured, they are consolidated
for provision for the inventory price drops; for other stocks, the provision for the inventory price drops will be made based
on the cost of a single stock item in excess of the net realizable value.

After provision for inventory depreciation reserves is made, if the factors resulting in the write-down of inventory
impairment have disappeared and causing the net realizable value higher than its book value, such inventory impairment
provision are recovered and reversed, and the reversed amount recorded in profits and losses of the current period.

12.4 Inventory count system

The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

12.5 Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging materials

Packaging materials and low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

13. Contract Assets

13.1 Method and standard for determination of contract assets

Contract assets refer to the Group’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the Group has transferred
to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time. The Group’s unconditional (i.e.,
depending on the passage of time only) right to receive consideration from the customer is separately presented as

13.2 Methods for determining and accounting of expected credit loss of contract assets

For details of methods for determining and accounting of expected credit loss of contract assets, please refer to Note (III)-
10.2 Impairment of financial instruments.

14. Assets Held for Sale

Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale category when the Group recovers the book value
through a sale (including an exchange of non-monetary assets that has commercial substance) rather than continuing use.

Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale are required to satisfy the following conditions at the same
time: (1) the asset or disposal group is available for immediate sale in its present condition subject to terms that are usual
and customary for sales of such asset or disposal group; (2) the sale is highly probable, i.e. the Group has made a resolution
about a selling plan and obtained a confirmed purchase commitment and the sale is expected to be completed within one

Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of the book value and the net
amount of the fair value less the cost of disposal. Where the carrying amount is higher than the net amount of fair value
less the cost of disposal, the carrying amount should be reduced to the net amount of fair value less the cost of disposal,
and such reduction is recognized as impairment loss of assets and included in profit or loss for the period. In the meantime,
provision for impairment of held-for-sale assets is made. When there is an increase in the net amount of fair value of non-
current assets held for sale less the cost of disposal at the subsequent balance sheet date, the original deduction should be
reversed from impairment loss of assets recognized after the classification as held for sale, and the reversed amount is
included in profit or loss for the period. The impairment loss of assets recognized before the classification as held for sale
is not reversed.

Non-current assets or non-current assets within disposal groups classified as held for sale are not depreciated or amortized,
and the interests and other costs of liabilities of disposal group classified as held for sale continue to be recognized.

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

All or part of equity investments in an associate or joint venture are classified as held-for-sale assets. For the part that is
classified as held for sale, it is no longer accounted through equity method since the date of the classification.

15. Long-term Equity Investment

15.1 Basis for determining joint control and significant influence over investee

Control is the power to govern an entity through participating in relevant activities of the investee; the investor is able to
obtain variable benefits from its activities, and at same time, to use the control rights on the investee to influence the
amount of returns. Joint control means that joint control for certain arrangement in accordance with relevant agreements;
activities relevant to the arrangement cannot be decided until obtaining the unanimous consent of parties sharing control
right. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is
not control or joint control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise
control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee, such as current
convertible debts, current executable warrants, etc., held by the investing enterprises or other parties shall be considered.

15.2 Determination of initial investment cost

For a long-term equity, investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control,
the shares of merged party's book value of owners' equity in the final controlling party consolidated financial statements
obtained on the merger date shall be considered as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment. The
differences between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the paid cash, the transferred non-cash
assets and the book value of the assumed debts are adjusted against the capital surplus; if the capital surplus is not sufficient
to be offset, the remaining balance is adjusted against retained earnings. In the case of issued equity securities treated as
consolidation consideration, share of book value of owner's equity of merged party in the final controlling party
consolidated financial statements is regarded as initial investment cost of long-term equity investments on the date of
consolidation; capital reserve shall be adjusted in accordance with taking total nominal value of issued share as capital
share, the difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments and total book value of issued
shares; In case the capital reserve is not enough for writing down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving enterprises under common control,
and the merging cost confirmed on the purchased date are regarded as the initial investment cost.

The intermediate expenses made by the combining party or purchaser for audit, legal service, assessment and other
management related expenses during the business merger should be included into the current profit and loss as it happens.

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Long-term equity investment obtained by other means other than long-term equity investment formed by business
combination shall be initially measured at cost.

15.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

15.3.1 Long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method

Long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method in the Company's financial
statements. A subsidiary is an investee that is controlled by the Group.

The long-term equity investment accounted by the cost method shall be measured at its initial investment cost. If there are
additional investments or disinvestments, the long-term equity investment cost shall be adjusted. Income from the
investment in the current period shall be recognized in accordance with the cash dividends or profits declared and issued
by the investee.

15.3.2 Long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method

Except for investments in associates and joint ventures that are wholly or partly classified as holding assets for sale, the
Group accounts for investment in associates and joint ventures using the equity method. An associate is an entity over
which the Group has significant influence and a joint venture is an entity over which the Group can only exercise joint
control along with other investors on the investee’s net assets.

Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of
the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment is made to the initial
investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s
identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the period, and the cost of
the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the
investee for the period as investment income or loss and comprehensive income for the period, meanwhile, the book value
of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted; The Group shall accordingly reduce the book value of the long-term
equity investment in terms of the part that shall be enjoyed according to the profit or cash dividends declared by the

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

invested unit to be distributed; For other changes in the owners' equity of the invested unit other than net profits and losses,
other comprehensive incomes and the profit distribution, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted
and be included into the capital reserves. The Group shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the
invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested
entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity. If the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the
invested unit are different from those adopted by the Group, the adjustment shall be made for the financial statements of
the invested unit in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Group to recognize the
investment income and other comprehensive incomes. For the transaction incurred between the group and associated
enterprises and joint ventures, invested or sold assets don't constitute a business, the part that doesn't achieve internal
transaction profit or loss or belongs to the Group calculated according to the enjoyed ratio will be offset, and the profit or
loss on investment will be confirmed on this basis. But for the unrealized loss arising from the internal transaction between
the Group and the invested unit, if such transaction loss is defined as the impairment loss of the transferred asset, they
cannot be offset.

When the Group determines the net loss of the invested unit that shall be shared, it is necessary to write-down the book
value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term equities substantially constituting the net investment of the
invested unit to zero as a limit. Besides, if the Group is obliged to bear extra loss for the invested unit, it shall be necessary
to determine provisions and record them to current investment loss in compliance with obligations expected to be assumed.
If the invested unit realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets
its attributable share of the un-confirmed losses, resume recognizing its attributable share of profits.

15.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

On disposal of a long term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the carrying
amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

16. Fixed Assets

16.1 Recognition criteria for fixed assets

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others,
or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only
when it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be
measured reliably. Fixed assets are initially measured at cost.

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset and if it is probable that
economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the subsequent expenditures can be measured
reliably. Meanwhile the carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognized. Other subsequent expenditures are
recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

16.2 Depreciation of each category of fixed assets

A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method since the month subsequent to the one in
which it is ready for intended use. The useful life, estimated net residual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each
category of fixed assets are as follows:

                  Item                         Depreciation period        Residual value rate (%)        Annual depreciation rate (%)
 Buildings and Constructions                                   20 years                             10                            4.5
 General-purpose equipment                                    3-5 years                             10                      18.0-30.0
 Special-purpose equipment                                    3-5 years                             10                      18.0-30.0
 Transportation vehicles                                        5 years                             10                           18.0

Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currently obtain from disposal
of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition
expected at the end of its useful life.

16.3 Other explanations

If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated from its use or disposal, the
fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of any proceeds on
disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and related taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied at
least once at each financial year-end, and account for any change as a change in an accounting estimate.

17. Construction in Process

Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include various construction expenditures during
the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it is ready for intended use and other relevant costs.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Construction in progress is not depreciated. Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for
intended use.

18. Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition & construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization
shall be capitalized when assets expenditure, borrowing costs and necessary construction or production for bringing assets
to expected conditions for use or marketing have taken place; when construction or production of assets ready for
capitalization reach to expected conditions for use or marketing, capitalization shall be ceased. Other borrowing expenses
are recognized as expenses in the current period.

Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual interest
expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before
being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed
under general-purpose borrowings, the Group determines the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings by
applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the
amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rate is the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to
the general-purpose borrowings. During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose
borrowing denominated in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences in connection with general-purpose
borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

19. Intangible Assets

19.1 Intangible Assets Valuation Method, Service Life and Impairment Test

Intangible assets include land use right, intellectual property (IP), application software, and franchise, etc.

An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. When an intangible asset with a finite useful life is available for use, its
original cost is amortized over its estimated useful life using the straight-line method. The useful life and predicted net
residual value of various intangible assets are shown as follows:

                  Class                                Service life (year)                    Salvage value rate (%)
 Land use right                                          40 or 50 years                                 -
 IP Right                                                   10 Years                                    -
 Application Software                                      5-10 years                                   -
 Franchise                                        Franchised operating period                           -

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The fees charged by the Group to those who acquire public products and services during the project operation period do
not constitute an unconditional right to receive cash. When the PPP project assets are ready for their intended use, the
difference between the consideration amount of the relevant PPP project assets or the amount of confirmed construction
income and the amount of cash (or other financial assets) that is entitled to receive a determinable amount will be
recognized as intangible assets.

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization method at the end of the
period, and makes adjustments when necessary.

For the impairment test of intangible assets, please refer to Note (III), 20. Long-term asset impairment.

19.2 Accounting Policy for Internal Research and Development Expenditure

Expenditure during the research phase is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the same time is recognized as
intangible asset. Expenditure during development phase that does not meet the following conditions is recognized in profit
or loss for the period.

(1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

(2) The Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;

(3) The Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including the
evidence of the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used
internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset;

(4) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the ability to use
or sell the intangible asset; and

(5) The expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably measured.

If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and development phase, the Group recognizes all
of them in profit or loss for the period. The costs of the intangible assets generated by internal development activities only
include the total expenditure incurred from the time point when the capitalization conditions are available to the point
when the intangible assets are used for their intended purposes; for the expenditure that already becomes an expenditure

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

in the profit and loss statement before the capitalization conditions are available during development of the same intangible
asset, no adjustment will be made.

20. Long-term Assets Impairment

The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the long-term equity investment, fixed
assets, construction in process, and intangible assets with a finite useful life may be impaired. If there is any indication
that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are estimated for such assets. Intangible assets with indefinite
useful life and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment annually, irrespective of whether there
is any indication that the assets may be impaired.

Recoverable amount is estimated on individual basis. If it is not practical to estimate the recoverable amount of an
individual asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs will be estimated. The recoverable
amount is determined by the higher of 1) net amount of fair value of the asset or asset group deducted by the disposal
expenses; or 2) the present value of the expected future cash flows of the asset or asset group.

If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset group is less than its carrying amount, the deficit is accounted as an
impairment provision and is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

Goodwill impairment test shall be conducted at the end of each year at least. Goodwill impairment test shall be conducted
in accordance with the concerned asset group or asset portfolio. That is to allocate the book value of goodwill to the asset
group or asset portfolio that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination in a reasonable way from the date
of purchasing. When recoverable amount of apportion-included asset group or asset portfolio of goodwill is less than book
value of goodwill, impairment loss shall be recognized. Firstly, amount of impairment loss shall be apportioned to the
book value of goodwill of the said asset group or asset portfolio, and then book value of other assets, except for goodwill,
in asset group or asset portfolio shall be abated in proportion.

Once the impairment loss of such assets is recognized, it cannot be reversed in any subsequent period.

21. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are the expenses that are already incurred but will be shared in the current reporting period
and later periods with amortization term of more than one year, mainly for the expenses on betterment of leased fixed
assets and employee housing loan deferred interest. Long-term deferred expenses are evenly amortized in installments in
three to five years during the expected benefit period.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

22. Contract Liabilities

Contract liabilities refer to the obligation of the Group to transfer goods or services to customers for consideration received
or receivable from customers. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented in net terms.

23. Employee Compensation

23.1 Accountant Arrangement Method of Short-term Remuneration

During accounting period when the Group's employees provide services, actual short-term remuneration shall be
recognized as the liabilities and current profit and loss or relevant asset cost. The Group’s employee benefits and welfare
are included into current profit and loss or relevant asset cost according to actual amount occurred during the period. If
the employee benefits and welfare is non-monetary, it shall be measured according to its fair value.

During the accounting period that the employees service the Group, the Group pays social insurance premiums such as
medical insurance premium, industrial injury insurance premium, maternity insurance premium and housing accumulation
fund for its employees, as well as labor union expenditure and employee education expenses calculated and withdrawn
according to the regulations, corresponding employee remuneration amount shall be calculated and determined in
accordance with specified calculation and withdrawal basis and proportion to recognize corresponding liabilities and
included into the current profit and loss or relevant asset cost.

23.2 Accountant Arrangement Method of Post-employment Benefits

All post-employment benefits shall be considered as the defined contribution plan.

In the accounting period when the employee serves for the Group, the deposited amount calculated based on defined
contribution plan shall be recognized as liabilities and included in the current profit and loss or relevant asset cost.

23.3 Accountant Arrangement Method of the Termination Benefits

Where the Group provides termination benefits, the employee remuneration liabilities caused by such termination benefits
will be determined as the following date, whichever is earlier, and will be included in the current profit and loss: 1) When
the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided due to labor relation cancellation plan or

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

employee lay-off suggestion; or 2)when the Group determines costs or expenses in relation with the restructuring of the
paid termination benefits.

24. Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related to a contingency such as products quality
assurance, etc. And it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the
amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at
the balance sheet date, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time
value of money. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the amount of the provision is determined by
discounting the related future cash outflows.

25. Share-based Payment

Share-based payment refers to a transaction in which the Group grants the equity instruments or undertakes the equity-
instrument-based liabilities in return for services from employees. The Group's share-based payment is an equity-settled
share-based payment.

25.1 Equity-settled share-based payments

Equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by employees are measured at the fair value of the
equity instruments granted to employees at the grant date. Such amount is recognized as related costs or expenses on a
straight-line basis over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve.

At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the Group makes the best estimate according to the subsequent latest
information of change in the number of employees who are granted with options that may vest, etc. and revises the number
of equity instruments expected to vest. The effect of the above estimate is recognized as related costs or expenses, with a
corresponding adjustment to capital reserve.

25.2. Accounting treatment related to implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment arrangement

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

In case the Group modifies a share-based payment arrangement, if the modification increases the fair value of the equity
instruments granted, the Group will include the incremental fair value of the equity instruments granted in the measurement
of the amount recognized for services received. If the modification increases the number of the equity instruments granted,
the Group will include the fair value of additional equity instruments granted in the measurement of the amount recognized
for services received. The increase in the fair value of the equity instruments granted is the difference between fair value
of the equity instruments before and after the modification on the date of the modification. If the Group modifies the terms
or conditions of the share-based payment arrangement in a manner that reduces the total fair value of the share-based
payment arrangement, or is not otherwise beneficial to the employee, the Group will continue to account for the services
received as if that modification had not occurred, other than a cancellation of some or all the equity instruments granted.

If cancellation of the equity instruments granted occurs during the vesting period, the Group will account for the
cancellation of the equity instruments granted as an acceleration of vesting, and recognize immediately the amount that
otherwise would have been recognized over the remainder of the vesting period in profit or loss for the period, with a
corresponding recognition in capital reserve. When the employee or counterparty can choose whether to meet the non-
vesting condition but the condition is not met during the vesting period, the Group treats it as a cancellation of the equity
instruments granted.

26. Revenue

26.1 Accounting policies applied in revenue recognition and measurement

The revenue of the Group is mainly generated from business types as follows:
(1) Revenue from sale of products
 Product sales revenue is the revenue from sales of video surveillance products, smart home products, robotics products
 and other products of the Group.
(2) Project construction revenue
 Project construction revenue is the revenue from constructions related to intelligent security solution projects and PPP
 Projects provided by the Group.
(3) Cloud service and other service revenue
 Revenue from cloud services and other services refers to cloud services such as storage services, video services, and
 telephone services provided by the Group, maintenance services related to security projects, and other services, etc.

When (or as) a performance obligation in a contract was satisfied, i.e., when (or as) the customer obtains control of relevant
goods or services, the Group recognizes as revenue the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to that performance
obligation. A performance obligation is the Group’s commitment to transfer to a customer a good or service (or a bundle
of goods or services) that is distinct, in a contract with the customer. The transaction price is the amount of consideration

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding
amounts collected on behalf of third parties and amounts that the Group expects to refund to the customer.

The Group evaluates the contract on the commencement date of the contract, identifies the individual performance
obligations contained in the contract and determines whether each individual performance obligation is to be performed
over a certain period of time or at a certain point in time. Revenue is recognized over time by reference to the progress
towards complete satisfaction of the relevant performance obligation if one of the following criteria is met: (1) the customer
simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group’s performance as the Group performs; (2) the
Group’s performance creates or enhances an asset that the customer controls as the Group performs; or (3) the Group’s
performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Group and the Group has an enforceable right to
payment for performance completed to date. Otherwise, revenue is recognized at a point in time when the customer obtains
control of the distinct good or service.

The Group adopts the output method to determine the progress of performance, that is, the progress of contract
performance is determined according to the value of the goods or services that have been transferred to the customer in
the view of the customer. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred can be
expected to be compensated, the Group recognizes revenue based on the amount of costs incurred until the performance
progress can be reasonably determined.

If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Group allocates the transaction price to each single
performance obligation on the contract start date in accordance with the relative proportion of the individual selling price
of the goods or services promised by each single performance obligation. However, if there is strong evidence that the
contract discount or variable consideration is only related to one or more (but not all) performance obligations in the
contract, the Group allocates the contract discount or variable consideration to the relevant one or more performances
obligation. Individual selling price refers to the price at which the Group sells goods or services to customers separately.
Where the individual selling price cannot be directly observed, the Group comprehensively considers all relevant
information that can be reasonably obtained, and uses the observable input value to the maximum to estimate the individual
selling price.

If there is variable consideration in the contract, the Group determines the best estimate of variable consideration based
on the expected value or the most likely amount. The transaction price including variable consideration shall not exceed
the amount that is likely to cause no significant reversal of accumulated recognized revenue when the relevant uncertainty
is eliminated. At each balance sheet date, the Group re-estimates the amount of variable consideration that should be
included in the transaction price.

For sales with sales return terms attached, as the customer obtains ownership of related goods, the Group recognizes
revenue in accordance with the consideration (excluding expected refund amounts due to sales returns) that the Group is
expected to receive due to the transfer of goods or services to the customer, and recognizes expected liabilities in

                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

accordance with expected refund amounts due to sales returns. The remaining amount, subsequent to deduction of expected
costs from collecting the goods (including the decrease in value of the returned goods), is recognized as an asset in
accordance with the carrying amount during the expected transfer of returned goods after deducting the costs of the above
net assets carried forward.

For sales with quality assurance clauses, if the quality assurance provides a separate service beyond the assurance to the
customer that the goods or services sold meet established standards, the quality assurance constitutes a single performance
obligation. Otherwise, the Group conducts accounting for quality assurance responsibilities in accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13-Contingencies.

The additional purchase option of customers includes customer reward incentives. With respect to the additional purchase
option with material rights provided to customers, the Group regards it as a single performance obligation, and recognizes
relevant revenue upon obtaining the control over relevant goods or services by the customers who exercise the purchase
option in future or upon lapse of such option. If a stand-alone selling price of the additional purchase option of customers
is not directly observable, the Group shall consider all relevant information including the difference in discount obtained
with and without the exercise of such option by customers and the possibility of exercising such option by customers
during estimation.

If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Group determines the transaction price based on the
amount payable in cash when the customer assumes control of the goods or services. The difference between the
transaction price and the contract consideration is amortized using the effective interest rate method during the contract
period. On the contract commencement date, the Group does not consider the significant financing components in the
contract if the interval between the customer obtaining control of the goods or services and the price being paid by the
customer is not more than one year.

The Group judges whether the Group’s identity is the principal or agent when engaging in transactions based on whether
it has control over the goods or services before transferring the goods or services to customers. If the Group is able to
control the goods or services before transferring them to customers, the Group is the principal responsible person, and
revenue is recognized based on the total amount of consideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Group is an agent
and recognizes revenue based on the amount of commissions or fees which the Group is expected to be entitled to charge.
The amount of commissions or fees is determined based on the total amount of consideration received or receivable net of
the amount payable to other parties.

When the Group collects amounts of sold goods or services in advance from the customer, the Group will firstly recognize
the amounts as a liability and then transfer to revenue until satisfying relevant performance obligations. When the advances
from customers is non-refundable and the customer may give up all or part of contract right, and the Group is expected to
be entitled to obtain amounts associated with contract rights given up by the customer, the above amounts shall be
proportionally recognized as revenue in accordance with the model of exercising contract rights by the customer; otherwise,

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

the Group will transfer the relevant balance of the above liability to revenue only when the probability is extremely low
for the customer to satisfy remaining performance obligations.

The Group, as a private capital, entered into a PPP project contract with the government and provided construction,
operation, maintenance and other services. The Group identifies each individual performance obligation in the contract,
and allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation based on the relative proportion of the stand-alone
selling price of each performance obligation. When providing construction services or outsourcing projects to other parties,
whether the identity of the Group is the principle or agent is determined, and then accounting for construction revenue to
confirm the contract assets is made. After the PPP project is ready for use, the Group recognizes revenue related to
operation and maintenance services.

27. Cost of Contract

27.1 Cost of obtaining a contract

Incremental costs incurred by the Group to obtain a contract (that is, costs that would not have occurred without a contract)
and expected to be recovered are recognized as an asset, and amortized using the same basis as revenue recognition for
the goods or services to which the asset relates, and included in current profit or loss. If the amortization period of the
asset does not exceed one year, it is included in current profit or loss when it occurs. Other expenses incurred by the Group
in order to obtain the contract shall be included in current profit or loss when incurred, unless it is clearly borne by the

27.2 Cost of contract fulfillment

The cost of the Group’s performance of a contract that does not fall within the scope of accounting standards other than
the revenue standard and meets the following conditions is recognized as an asset: (1) The cost is directly related to a
current or anticipated contract; (2) The cost increases the Group’s resources for fulfilling performance obligations in the
future; (3) The cost is expected to be recovered. The aforesaid assets are amortized on the same basis as the recognition
of income from goods or services related to the assets, and are included in the current profit or loss.
The Group’s asset in relation to contract costs are mainly contract performance costs, and they are included in inventories
based on their current nature.

27.3 Impairment losses on assets related to contract costs

In determining impairment losses on assets related to contract costs, impairment losses are first determined for other assets
recognized in accordance with other relevant ASBEs and related to the contract. Then, for assets related to contract costs
whose carrying value is higher than the difference between the following two items, the Group makes provision for
impairment for the excess to be recognized as asset impairment losses: (1) the remaining amount of consideration expected

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

to be obtained by the Group for the transfer of goods or services related to the asset; (2) the estimated costs to be incurred
in connection with the transfer of such relevant goods or services.

After provision for impairment is made for the asset related to contract costs, if the difference between the above two items
is higher than the carrying value of the asset due to changes in the factors of impairment in previous periods, the original
provision for impairment of the asset is reversed and included in the current profit or loss, but the carrying value of the
asset after the reversal shall not exceed the carrying value of the asset on the reversal date assuming no provision for
impairment is made.

28. Types of Governmental Subsidies and Accounting Treatment Methods

Government subsidies refer to the monetary and non-monetary assets obtained by the Group from the government for free.
Government subsidies are recognized when they can meet the conditions attached to the government subsidies and can be

If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured at the amount received or receivable.

28.1 Judgment basis and Accountant treatment of government subsidy related to assets

The government subsidies for Chongqing Manufacture Base construction and etc. are used for constructions and forms
long-term assets, and therefore are categorized as government subsidy related to assets.

A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and it should be evenly amortized to profit or
loss over the useful life of the related asset.

28.2 Judgment basis and accountant treatment of government subsidy related to income

The Group receives government subsidies including subsidies for special projects and Value-Added-Tax refund, etc. which
are used to compensate the group-related costs or losses, and therefore are categorized as government subsidy related to

For a government grant related to income, if the subsidy is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in
subsequent periods, it is recognized as deferred income, and recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

related costs or losses are recognized; If the subsidy, such as VAT refund, is a compensation for related expenses or losses
already incurred, it is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.

For government subsidies related to the Group’s daily operations shall be booked into other income; for those not related
to the Group’s daily operations, shall be booked into non-operating income/expense.

29. Deferred Tax Assets / Deferred Tax Liabilities

The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

29.1. Current Income Tax

At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods are measured at the
amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws.

29.2 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and their tax base, or between the
nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or liabilities and their tax base that can be determined
according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized through the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax is generally recognized for all temporary differences. Deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences
are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary
differences can be utilized. However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the
initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the
accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is

For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is
probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, except
where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary
differences associated with such investments are only recognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be taxable
profits against which to utilize the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable

On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the applicable
tax rates in the period in which the related assets are recovered or the related liabilities are recovered in accordance with
the tax laws.

Current and deferred tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the period, except when they arise from
transactions or events that are directly recognized in other comprehensive income or in shareholders' equity, in which case
they are recognized in other comprehensive income or in shareholders' equity; and when they arise from business
combinations, in which case they adjust the carrying amount of goodwill.

At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if it is no longer probable
that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow the benefit of deferred tax assets to be utilized. Such
reduction in amount is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

29.3 Offset of Income Tax

When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the assets
and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, and deferred tax assets and
deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or
different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets
and liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are
expected to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

30. Lease

Lease refers to a contract that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

The Group assesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease at the inception date. The Group does not re-assess whether

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

a contract contains a lease unless the terms and conditions of the contract are changed.

30.1 The Group as the lessee

30.1.1     Separating components of lease

In case the contract contains one or more lease and non-lease components, the Group separates each lease component and
non-lease component, and allocates the consideration to the lease and non-lease components based on the proportion of
relative stand-alone prices of the components.

30.1.2     Right-of-use assets

The Group recognizes the right-of-use assets for leases on the commencement date of the lease term, except for short-term
lease and lease of low-value assets. The commencement date of the lease term refers to the date from which the lessor
makes the leased assets available for use by the Group. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost. The cost includes:
     Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;
     Amount of lease payment made at or before the commencement date of the lease, less any lease incentives received;
     Initial direct costs incurred by the Group;
     An estimate of any costs to be incurred by the Group in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, or restoring
     the site on which it is located, or restoring the leased assets to the conditions as agreed under the terms of the lease,
     excluding costs incurred to produce inventories.

The Group calculates depreciation of the right-of-use assets in accordance with the relevant depreciation provisions of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed Assets. The right-of-use asset is depreciated over the shorter
of the lease term and the useful life of the right-of-use asset, unless there is a transfer of ownership or purchase option
which is reasonably certain to be exercised at the end of the lease term.

The Group determines whether the right-of-use assets are impaired and accounts for the identified impairment loss in
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets.

30.1.3     Lease liabilities

The Group initially measures the lease liability on the commencement date at an amount equal to the present value of the
lease payments during the lease term that are not paid at that date, except short-term lease and lease of low-value assets.
In calculating the present value of the lease payments, the Group adopts the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount
rate. The Group uses its incremental borrowing rate if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined.

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Lease payments refer to the payments made by the Group to the lessor in connection with the right to use the leased asset
during the lease term, including:
     Fixed payments, including in-substance fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable;
     The exercise price of a purchase option, if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise that option;
     Payments for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising the option to terminate the lease;
     Amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees.

After the commencement date of the lease term, the Group calculates interest expense of lease liabilities in each period of
lease term at fixed periodic rate and recognizes in the current loss and profit or relevant asset costs.

After the commencement date of the lease term, the Group remeasures the lease liability and adjusts the corresponding
right-of-use assets under the following circumstances. If the carrying value of the right-of-use assets has been reduced to
zero while the lease liability needs to be further reduced, the Group will recognize the difference into the current loss and
     In case of any change of the lease term or any change in the valuation of the purchase option, the Group remeasures
     the lease liability at the present value calculated based on the modified lease payments and the revised discount rate;
     In the event of any change in the amount expected to be payable based on the residual value guarantees, the Group
     remeasures the lease liability at the present value calculated based on the changed lease payments and the original
     discount rate.

30.1.4     Short-term lease and lease of low-value assets

The Group has elected not to recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and leases of low-
value assets. Short-term lease refers to lease with a term no more than 12 months from the commencement date of lease
term and without purchase option. Lease of low-value assets refers to lease for single lease asset with low value when it
is new. The Group recognizes lease payments under short-term leases and leases of low-value assets as the current loss
and profit or the relevant asset costs on a straight-line basis over each period during the lease term.

30.1.5     Lease modification

In case of lease modification, the Group makes accounting treatment of such lease change as a separate lease if all of the
following conditions are met:
     Such lease modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more lease assets;
     The increased consideration is commensurate with the stand-alone price for the increase in scope and any appropriate
     adjustments to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract.

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Where accounting treatment is not made for lease modification as a separate lease, at the effective date of lease
modification, the Group reallocates the contract consideration after the modification, redetermines the lease term, and
remeasures the lease liability based on the present value calculated according to the modified lease payments and the
revised discount rate.

In the event that the lease scope is decreased or the lease term is shortened as a result of the lease modification, the Group
reduces the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets, and recognizes the relevant gains or losses relating to the partial or
full termination of the lease in the income statement; for the lease liabilities remeasured due to other lease modifications,
the Group adjusts the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets accordingly.

30.1.6     Sale-leaseback transactions

The Group as the seller-lessee

The Group assesses and determines whether the transfer of the asset in sale and leaseback transaction qualifies as a sale in
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue. If the transfer does
not qualify as a sale, the Group continues to recognize the transferred asset and at the same time recognize a financial
liability equal to the transfer proceeds and account for the financial liability in accordance with the provisions of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. If the
transfer of the asset qualifies as a sale, the Group measures the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback as the
proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right of use retained. The gain or loss recognized
is limited to the proportion of the total gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the lessor.

30.2 The Group as the lessor

30.2.1     Separating components of lease

In case the contract contains both lease and non-lease components, the Group allocates the contract consideration in
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue on portion of
transaction prices, based on the respective stand-alone prices of the lease component and the non-lease component.

30.2.2     Classification of lease

Finance lease is a lease that substantially transfers all the risks and rewards of incidental to ownership of an underlying
asset. Operating lease refers to the leases other than finance lease. The Group records the operating lease business as the lessor

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The Group recognizes the lease payments from operating leases as rental income on a straight-line basis for all periods
over the lease term. The Group's initial direct costs incurred in connection with operating leases is capitalized as incurred,
recognized in the income statement over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income. The Group records the finance lease business as the lessor

On the commencement date of the lease term, the Group uses the net lease investment as the carrying value of the finance
lease receivables and derecognizes the finance lease assets. Net lease investment is the sum of present value of
unguaranteed residual value and lease payments receivable discounted at the interest rate implicit in lease on the
commencement date of the lease term.

Lease payments receivable, which refer to amounts receivable by the Group from the lessee for conveying the right to use
the leased assets during the lease term, include:
     Fixed payment including in-substance fixed payments by the lessee, less any lease incentives payable;
     The exercise price of a purchase option, if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option;
     Payments for terminating the lease (if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising the option to terminate the lease;
     Residual value guarantees provided to the Group by the lessee, a party related to the lessee, or a third party unrelated
     to the lessor that is capable of discharging the obligations under the guarantee.
The Group calculates and recognizes the interest income in each period of the lease term according to the fixed periodic
interest rate.

30.2.3     Lease modification

In case of modification of the operating lease, the Group accounts for it as a new lease as of the effective date of the
modification, any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to the original lease are considered as payments for the new
lease .

In case of modification of the finance lease, the Group accounts for the modification of a finance lease as a separate lease
if all of the following conditions are met:
     The modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more lease assets;
     The consideration for the lease increases by an amount that is commensurate with the stand-alone price for the
     increase in scope, and any appropriate adjustments to that price to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract.

If a modification of finance lease is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Group accounts for the changed lease under
the following circumstances:

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     If the modification becomes effective on the commencement date of the lease and the lease is classified as an
     operating lease, the Group accounts for it as a new lease from the effective date of the lease modification and measures
     as the net lease investment prior to the effective date of the lease modification as the carrying value of the leased
     If the modification becomes effective on the commencement date of the lease and the lease is classified as a finance
     lease, the Group accounts for it in accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
     No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments regarding the modification or renegotiation of

30.2.4     Sale and leaseback transaction

The Group as the buyer-lessor

If the transfer of the asset in a sale and leaseback transaction does not qualify as a sale, the Group does not recognize the
transferred asset, but recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds and account for the financial asset in
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement
of Financial Instruments. If the transfer of the asset qualifies as a sale, the Group accounts for the purchase of the asset in
accordance with other applicable Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and account for the lease of the asset.

31. Important Judgments while Applying Accounting Policy, and Key Assumptions and Uncertainty Factors
Applied for Accounting Estimate

During the process of using accounting policy described in note (III), due to the uncertainty in operation activities, the
group should judge, estimate and assume the book value of the report items which may not be metered reliably. These
judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on the historical experience of the Group's management and other related
factors. Differences may exist between the actual results and the Group’s estimate.

The Group regularly reviews the above judgments, assumptions and estimations on the basis of continuous operation. If
the changes of accounting estimate only influence current period, the influence amount will be affirmed during the
changing period; if it influences the current period and subsequent periods, the influence amount will be recognized in the
current period and future period.

- Key assumptions and uncertainties used in accounting estimate

On balance sheet date, key assumptions and uncertainties for performing accounting estimates on book value of assets and
liabilities in subsequent future periods are:

Impairment provision for inventories

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Except for contract performance costs, inventories are measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value. For raw
materials, the latest or future actual purchase price is used as the basis for determining the net realizable value; For products
in progress, the actual selling price of the latest or future finished product minus the estimated costs and costs that will be
incurred when similar products are completed in the current period, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes to be
incurred, is used as the basis for determining the net realizable value; For finished products, the actual selling price of the
latest or future finished product minus the estimated selling expenses and related taxes will be incurred, is used as the basis
for determining the net realizable value. The Group will regularly conduct a comprehensive stocktaking to review the
impairment circumstances on defective, obsoleted or slow-moving inventory if any; in addition, the Group's management
will regularly review the impairment circumstance of inventory with long storage time according to the inventory aging.
The review procedure includes the comparison between book value of defective, obsoleted or slow-moving inventories
and inventory with long storage time and its corresponding net realizable value in order to determine whether to withdraw
provisions on the defective, obsoleted or slow-moving inventory and inventory with long storage time. Based on the above
procedure, the Group's management deems that the full provision amounts have been withdrawn for inventory. For details,
please refer to Note (V) 8.

Impairment of accounts receivable

Except for accounts receivable whose credit losses are determined on the basis of individual basis, the Group adopts an
impairment matrix on a portfolio basis to determine its expected credit loss of the relevant accounts receivable. The Group
divides the risk characteristics according to the region and object of its business, and divides the relevant accounts
receivable into different portfolios. Based on the historical loss rate and consider reasonable and well-founded forward-
looking information in the industry, the Group determines the proportion of corresponding loss reserves for different
portfolios of various types of accounts receivable. As of December 31, 2022, based on the historically loss rate and consider
reasonable and well-founded forward-looking information in the industry, the Group determines the corresponding
proportion of loss provision for accounts receivable. The amount of the provision for expected credit losses will change
as the estimation of the Group. The details on the provision for expected credit losses of the accounts receivable of the
Group are given in Note (V) 4.

Useful life and predicted net residual value of fixed asset

The Group's estimation of fixed assets useful life is based on the historical experience of actual usable term of fixed assets
with similar properties and functions, the estimation of predicted net residual value is the amount obtained currently by
the Group from the assets after deducting the anticipated disposal expense based on the anticipated status assuming the
conditions that fixed assets' predicted useful life expires and fixed assets are at the end of useful life. The Group shall
conduct the review on the predicted service life and predicted net residual value of fixed assets at least annually. For the
current reporting period, the Group's management did not see signs either indicating a shortened or extended useful life of

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

the Group’s fixed asset or indicating a change in predicted net residual value.

Accrued liabilities of product quality warranty

Accrued liabilities of product quality assurance are costs and expenses incurred to meet the established standards of
product quality assurance obligations to customers in accordance with the product contract; the Group made such an
estimation according to the predicted repair and replacement cost of relevant products. The estimation considers the
product claim rate trend, historic defect rate, industry practice and other major estimations. The management deems that
the current estimation on accrued liabilities of product quality warranty is reasonable, however, the Group will continue
to review the conditions of product repairs, and will conduct adjustment if any sign indicating the need to make adjustments
on accounting estimates.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the applicable income tax rate during the
period when the relevant asset is expected to be recovered or the relevant debt is expected to be paid off. The expected
applicable income tax rate is determined according to the relevant current tax regulations and the actual situation of the
Group. If the estimated income tax rate is different from the original estimate, the management of the Group will adjust it.

The realization of deferred income tax assets mainly depends on the actual future taxable income, taxable temporary
differences, and the effective tax rate of temporary difference in the future applicable years. If the actual taxable income
and taxable temporary differences in the future is less than the estimation, or actual tax rate is lower than the estimation,
then the confirmed deferred income tax assets will be reversed and confirmed in the income statement during the
corresponding period. If the actual taxable income and taxable temporary differences in the future is more than the
estimation, or actual tax rate is higher than the estimation, then the deferred tax assets that are partially unrecognized
deductible losses and deductible temporary differences will be recognized and confirmed in the income statement during
the corresponding period.

Goodwill impairment

When performing impairment test on goodwill, the predicted present value of future cash flows of relevant asset group or
asset group portfolio included the goodwill need to be calculated, the future cash flows of relevant asset group or asset
group portfolio need to be estimated, and the proper pretax rate that fairly reflects the current market time value of money

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

and specific asset risk need to be determined. When the future actual result is different from the original estimation, the
goodwill impairment loss will alter.

Fair value measurement and valuation process

Held-for-trading financial assets, receivables for financing, and other non-current financial assets of the Group are
measured at fair value in the financial statement. When evaluating the fair value of these assets, the Group preferably uses
obtainable and observable market data. If no observable data is available, the Group will organize an internal evaluation
panel or hire qualified third-party valuators to conduct valuation. The Finance Department and evaluation panel of the
Group will work closely with the hired valuators to determine appropriate valuation techniques and the input values of the
valuation model. The valuation techniques and input values used for evaluating the fair value of various assets are disclosed
in Note (IX).

32. Significant Alternation in Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimations

Interpretation No. 15 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 15 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the
"Interpretation No. 15") on December 30, 2021. It specifies the accounting treatment and determination of loss contracts
for the sales of products or by-products that are produced before the fixed assets reach the expected conditions for use or
during the R&D process.

Accounting treatment for the sales of products or by-products that are produced before the fixed assets reach the expected
conditions for use or during the R&D process

The Interpretation No. 15 states that if an enterprise sells the products or by-products that are produced before the fixed
assets reach the expected conditions for use or during the R&D process, the revenue and costs related to trial sales should
be accounted for separately in accordance with ASBE No. 14 - Revenue and ASBE No. 1 - Inventory and other regulations,
and included in the current profit or loss, and the net amount after offsetting the costs of trial sales shall not be offset
against the costs of fixed assets or R&D expenditure. Moreover, the enterprise shall separately disclose in the notes the
amount of the revenue and costs related to trial sales, the specific items presented and the significant accounting estimates
used to determine the costs related to trial sales and other relevant information. As this regulation is effective as of January
1, 2022, a retroactive adjustment shall be made to trial sales that occurred between the beginning of the earliest period
presented in the financial statements and January 1, 2022.

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The products produced by the Group in the course of research and development during the reporting period have been
accounted for in accordance with the above principles and the adoption of this provision has not had a material impact
on the Group's financial statements.

Determination of loss contracts

The Interpretation No. 15 defines that the "costs of contract performance" an enterprise considers in determining whether
the contract is a loss contract shall include the incremental costs of contract performance and the apportioned amount of
other costs directly related to contract performance. This regulation is effective as of January 1, 2022. Enterprises shall
apply this regulation to contracts with outstanding obligations as of January 1, 2022, and make a cumulative-effect
adjustment to retained earnings and other related financial statement items as of the beginning of the year of the effective
date of such regulation, but not to prior-period comparative financial statement data.

The Group has assessed that the adoption of this regulation does not have a material impact on the Group's financial

Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the
"Interpretation No. 16") on November 30, 2022. It specifies the accounting treatment of the income tax effects on dividends
related to financial instruments classified as equity instruments by an issuer and the accounting treatment of the
modification of cash-settled share-based payments to equity-settled share-based payments by an enterprise.

Accounting treatment of the income tax effects on dividends related to financial instruments classified as equity instruments
by an issuer

The Interpretation No. 16 defines that if dividend expenses related to financial instruments classified as equity instruments
by an enterprise in accordance with ASBE No. 37 - Presentation of Financial Instruments and other regulations are
deducted before corporate income tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tax policy, the enterprise shall
recognize the dividend payable, and include the income tax effects on the dividend in the current profit or loss or owner's
equity items by applying the same accounting treatment as that applied to the previous transaction or item generating
distributable profit. This regulation is effective as of November 30, 2022. If the recognition of dividends payable for
financial instruments classified as equity instruments occurs between January 1, 2022 and the effective date of the
regulation and involves income tax effects not treated in accordance with the aforesaid provisions, adjustments shall be
made in accordance with these provisions. If the recognition of dividends payable for financial instruments classified as
equity instruments occurs before January 1, 2022 and involves income tax effects not treated in accordance with the

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

aforesaid provisions and the related financial instruments have not been derecognized as of January 1, 2022, retroactive
adjustments should be made.

The Group has assessed that the adoption of this regulation does not have any impact on the Group's financial statements.

Accounting treatment of the modification of cash-settled share-based payments to equity-settled share-based payments by
an enterprise

The Interpretation No. 16 stipulates that if an enterprise modifies a cash-settled share-based payment to an equity-settled
share-based payment by changing terms and conditions of the cash-settled share-based payment agreement, the enterprise
shall, on the date of modification, measure the equity-settled share-based payment at the fair value of the equity instrument
granted on that date, record the acquired services in capital surplus, derecognize the liability recognized for the cash-settled
share-based payment on the date of modification, and include the difference between the two in the current profit or loss.
This regulation is effective as of November 30, 2022. For new transactions made between January 1, 2022 and the effective
date of the regulation, enterprises shall make adjustments in accordance with the regulation. For transactions made before
January 1, 2022 and not handled in accordance with this regulation, enterprises shall make a cumulative-effect adjustment
to retained earnings and other related financial statement items as of January 1, 2022, but not to the information during the
comparable period.

The Group has assessed that the adoption of this regulation does not have any impact on the Group's financial statements.

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

IV. Taxes

1. Major Categories of Taxes and Tax Rates

       Category of tax                                 Basis of tax computation                                       Tax rate
 Enterprise income tax       Taxable income                                                                        25% (Note 1)
                             For the taxable product sales revenue or taxable labor revenue, the Company      6%, 9%, 13% and simple
 VAT                         and its domestic subsidiaries are ordinary Value-added Tax payers; the VAT       collection rate of 5%, 3%
                             payable is the balance of input tax after deducting the deductible output tax.            (Note 3)
 City maintenance and
                             Actual payable turnover tax                                                              7%, 5%
 construction tax
 Education surcharges        Actual payable turnover tax                                                                3%
 Local education
                             Actual payable turnover tax                                                                2%

Note 1: Except that this Company and subsidiaries in China are applicable to the following tax preference, this Company's
other subsidiaries in China are applicable to 25% of enterprise income tax rate, the overseas subsidiaries are applicable to
corresponding local tax rate.
(1) In accordance with the Letter of Reply on Publishing the List of Identified High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province
    in 2020 (Guo Ke Huo Zi [2020] No. 251) issued by the Leading Group Office of National High-tech Enterprise
    Identification Management on December 29, 2020, the Company was identified as the high-tech enterprise with a
    valid term of 3 years and the preferential tax period is from 2020 to 2022.

     According to the Announcement on the Enterprise Income Tax Policies for Promoting the High-quality Development
     of Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry (Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, National
     Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement [2020] No.
     45), the Company was approved by the tax authorities in May 2022 to pay the 2021 annual corporate income tax at
     the rate of 10%. As of the approval date of this report, the Company’s preferential income tax in 2022 has not been
     verified and approved. Therefore, the Company’s enterprise income tax in 2022 is still calculated and paid at the rate
     of 15% (2021: 10%).

(2) In accordance with Finance and Taxation [2011] No. 58 Document of Ministry of Finance, State Administration of
    Taxation and General Administration of Customs, the subsidiaries, Chongqing Hikvision Technology Co., Ltd.
    (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing Technology") and Chongqing Hikvision System Technology Co., Ltd.
    (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing System"), are qualified to enjoy the west development preferential tax policy
    from 2011 to 2020. According to the Announcement on Continuation of the Corporate Income Tax Policy for the
    Western Development (Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, National Development and Reform
    Commission Announcement [2020] No.23), the subsidiaries of the Company, Chongqing Technology and Chongqing
    System will enjoy the preferential policies for the Western Development from 2021 to 2030. Therefore, the current
    enterprise income tax is calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in the current reporting period

(3) According to the Recording List of the First Batch of identified High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province in 2021
    issued by the Leading Group Office of National High-tech Enterprise Identification Management Work on January 24,
    2022, Fuyang Baotai, a subsidiary of the Company, is identified as a high-tech enterprise, and the validity period of
    the identification is 3 years and the preferential tax period is from 2021 to 2023. Therefore, the enterprise income tax
    is calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in the current reporting period (2021:15%).

(4) In accordance with the List of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by Zhejiang Provincial Identification Institution in
    2022 issued by the leading group office of Zhejiang high-tech enterprise identification management work on
    December 24, 2022, the Company’s subsidiary, Hangzhou Hikvision System Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

    as "Hangzhou System") and Hangzhou Kuangxin Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou
    Kuangxin") , was recognized as a high-tech enterprise and was valid for 3 years and the preferential tax period is from
    2022 to 2024. Therefore, the enterprise income tax is calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in
    the current reporting period (2021:15%).

(5) In accordance with the Notice on Publishing the List of Third Batch of Proposed Identified High-tech Enterprises of
    Shanghai in 2020 issued by Shanghai High-tech Enterprise Identification Office on November 20, 2020, the
    Company’s subsidiary, Shanghai Goldway Intelligent Transportation System Co., Ltd. was identified as the high-tech
    enterprise with a valid term of 3 years and the preferential tax period is from 2020 to 2022. Therefore, the enterprise
    income tax is calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in the current reporting period (2021:15%).

(6) In accordance with the Letter of Reply on Publishing the List of Identified High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province
    in 2020 (Guo Ke Huo Zi [2020] No. 251) issued by the Leading Group Office of National High-tech Enterprise
    Identification Management on December 29, 2020, the Company’s subsidiaries, Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co.,
    Ltd. ( formerly known as Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd. and hereinafter referred to as "HikRobot"), Hangzhou
    Hikauto Software Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikAuto Software") and Hangzhou Hikimaging Technology
    Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikImaging Technology") were identified as the high-tech enterprises with a
    valid term of 3 years and the preferential tax period is from 2020 to 2022. Therefore, the enterprise income tax is
    calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in the current reporting period (2021:15%).

(7) In accordance with the Announcement on the Filing of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by Zhejiang Provincial
    Identification Institution in 2022 issued by the Leading Group Office of National High-tech Enterprise Identification
    Management on January 17, 2023, the Company’s subsidiary, Hangzhou Hikmicro Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.
    (hereinafter referred to as " Hikmicro Sensing") were identified as the high-tech enterprises with a valid term of 3
    years and the preferential tax period is from 2022 to 2024.

    According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the National
    Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the National State Administration of Taxation,
    No. 9 of 2021 Announcement on the Enterprise Income Tax Policy for Promoting the High-quality Development of
    the Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry (Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, National
    Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement [2020] No.
    45), Notice on Requirements for Formulating Lists of Integrated Circuit Enterprises, Projects and Software
    Enterprises enjoying Preferential Tax Policies (Fa Gai Gao Ji [2021] No. 413), Hikmicro Sensing was identified as a
    keyintegrated circuit design enterprise in May 2022. The qualified enterprise will be exempted from corporate income
    tax for the first year to the fifth year from the profitable year, and levied at a reduced rate of 10% in the subsequent
    years. The year of 2022 is the second year of Hikmicro Sensing making profits and is exempt from enterprise income
    tax (2021: tax-exempted).

(8) In accordance with the Announcement on the Enterprise Income Tax Policies for Promoting the High-quality
    Development of Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry (Ministry of Finance, State Administration of
    Taxation, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
    Announcement [2020] No. 45), , enterprises engaging in integrated circuit design, equipment, materials, packaging,
    testing and software encouraged by the state are entitled to exemption from enterprise income tax in the first and
    second years after start of profiting and pays enterprise income tax at half of the 25% statutory tax rate in the third to
    fifth years. The Company’s subsidiaries, Hangzhou EZVIZ Software Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou
    EZVIZ Software") and Hangzhou Microimage Software Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou Microimage
    Software"), are qualified software companies and enjoy the preferential collection of corporate income tax at half the
    statutory tax rate of 25% in 2022 (2021: tax-exempted).

(9) According to the Recording List of the First Batch of identified High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province in 2021
    issued by the Leading Group Office of National High-tech Enterprise Identification Management Work on January 24,
    2022, the Company’s subsidiaries Hangzhou Hikstorage Technology Co., Ltd. ("Hikstorage Technology") is identified
    as a high-tech enterprise with a validity period of 3 years and the preferential tax period is from 2021 to 2023.
    Therefore, the enterprise income tax is calculated and paid on the basis of a reduced tax rate of 15% in the current
    reporting period (2021: 15%).

Note 2: In accordance with the requirements of the Notice on Software Product Value-added Tax Policy (Cai Shui [2011]
                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

No. 100) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, as for self-developed software
products sales of the Company, Hangzhou System, HikRobot, HikAuto Software, Hangzhou EZVIZ Software, Hikstorage
Technology, Hikimaging Technology, Hangzhou Hikfire Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HikFire
Technology"), Hangzhou Rayin Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou Rayin Technology"),
Hangzhou Microimage Software, Henan Haikang Hua’An BaoQuan Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"Hua’An BaoQuan Electronics") , Hangzhou Kuangxin, Fuyang Baotai and Zhejiang Hailai Yunzhi Technology Co., Ltd.,
the VAT shall be calculated and paid with tax rate of 13% at first, then the portion with actual tax bearing excess 3% shall
be refunded after State Administration of Taxation reviews.

Note 3: In accordance with the Announcement on Relevant Policies for Deepening the Value-Added Tax Reform (Joint
Announcement [2019] No. 39) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the
General Administration of Customs, from April 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, taxpayers in the production and living
services industry are allowed to deduct an additional 10% of the current deductible input tax to deduct the tax payable
("Additional Deduction Policy"). According to the Several Policies on Promoting the Recovery and Development of
Difficult Industries in the Service Industry Fa Gai Cai Jin [2022] No. 271, the VAT deduction policy for the service industry
will be continued, and the input tax deductible for the current period of taxpayers in the production and life service
industries will continue to be deducted by 10% and 15% respectively in 2022. The Company’s subsidiaries, a part of
Hangzhou Hikvision Technology Ltd.’s branches , Chongqing System, Hangzhou Hikvision Security Equipment Leasing
Service Co., Ltd., Anhui Hikvision Urban Operation Service Co., Ltd., a part of Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co.,
Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "EZVIZ Network")'s branches, Zhejiang Haikang City Service Co., Ltd. Luliang Branch,
Henan Hua’An Bao Quan Intelligent Development Co., Ltd. Luoyang Branch, Henan Hua’an Security Services Co., Ltd.,
and Guizhou Haikang Transportation Big Data Co., Ltd. are complying with the provisions of the Additional Deduction
Policy and were entitled to additional deduction preferential tax policy of input tax since 2022.

                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

V. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1.   Cash and Bank Balances

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                Closing Balance                                          Opening Balance
           Item                Foreign                                                   Foreign          Exchange
                                                Exchange rate
                               currency                           RMB amount             currency          rate for        RMB amount
                                                for conversion
                                amount                                                    amount         conversion
 RMB                                        -                -             1,710.03                  -                -           16,909.86

 EUR                                43,514.50           7.4229          323,003.75          41,743.98         7.2197             301,379.03

 INR                             1,759,047.96           0.0834          146,704.60        2,288,210.50        0.0857             196,099.64

 USD                                32,583.86           6.9646          226,933.53          33,133.82         6.3757             211,251.31

 Other currencies                           -                -          511,713.25                   -                -         1,125,633.69

 Bank balance:
 RMB                                        -                -    35,604,295,321.02                  -                -    31,577,521,085.40

 USD                           369,237,191.93           6.9646     2,571,589,346.94    272,857,839.86         6.3757        1,739,659,729.57

 EUR                           116,323,339.53           7.4229       863,456,516.97     96,011,075.74         7.2197         693,171,163.55

 GBP                            14,606,954.81           8.3941       122,612,239.34     17,199,784.69         8.6064         148,028,226.97

 INR                         1,359,355,345.44           0.0834       113,370,235.81   1,092,845,025.79        0.0857          93,656,818.71

 MXN                            83,049,427.31           0.3577        29,706,780.15     75,249,325.96         0.3116          23,447,689.97

 AED                            12,105,289.40           1.8966        22,958,891.87       5,055,058.19        1.7361            8,776,086.53

 PLN                            13,600,844.40           1.5878        21,595,420.74     10,745,706.25         1.5717          16,889,026.51

 BRL                            16,530,324.26           1.3050        21,572,073.16     36,644,426.85         1.1436          41,906,566.54

 HKD                            22,764,985.95           0.8933        20,335,961.95     31,824,133.26         0.8176          26,019,411.35

 THB                            98,104,375.12           0.2014        19,758,221.15    121,837,799.11         0.1912          23,295,387.19

 AUD                             2,198,029.38           4.7138        10,361,070.89       1,886,989.36        4.6220            8,721,664.84

 Other currencies                           -                -       186,155,014.22                  -                -      172,693,920.13

 Other currency funds:
 RMB                                        -                -       361,751,169.54                  -                -      112,293,072.17

 USD                             1,623,544.38           6.9646        11,307,337.16       3,595,184.37        6.3757          22,921,816.99

 EUR                              713,664.81            7.4229         5,297,462.51        580,030.78         7.2197            4,187,648.22

 Other currencies                           -                -        24,530,871.36                  -                -         6,830,343.19

 Total                                                            40,011,863,999.94                                        34,721,870,931.36

 Including: deposited in
                                                                     589,363,613.39                                          737,750,220.06
 overseas banks

Details of other currency funds:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                              Closing Balance                                      Opening Balance
                                               Foreign         Exchange                              Foreign            Exchange
                    Item                       currency         rate for       RMB amount            currency            rate for     RMB amount
                                                amount        conversion                              amount           conversion
 Capitals with limitations:
 Bank acceptance bill                                     -                -      9,477,411.92                     -            -        35,387,135.77

 Deposits for letter of guarantee                         -                -    126,434,505.79                     -            -        51,980,170.28

 Other security deposits                                  -                -     13,666,564.66                     -            -         4,679,097.53

 Other capitals with limitations                          -                -     46,895,003.00                     -            -        25,880,098.58

     Subtotal                                                                   196,473,485.37                                          117,926,502.16

 Capitals without limitations:
 Deposit in payment instrument
 provided by third-party and in                           -                -    205,579,877.47                     -            -        27,469,681.96
 securities account
 Other currency funds in USD                    93,664.25           6.9646         652,334.03           119,611.52         6.3757          762,607.17

 Other currency funds in EUR                    24,403.36           7.4229         181,143.70            10,262.10         7.2197            74,089.28

 Subtotal                                                                       206,413,355.20                                           28,306,378.41

 Total                                                                          402,886,840.57                                          146,232,880.57

2.     Held-for-trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                               Closing Balance                   Opening Balance
 Financial assets measured at fair value through current gain and loss                             12,807,438.36                      34,320,010.83
      Including: derivative financial assets                                                       12,807,438.36                      34,320,010.83
 Total                                                                                             12,807,438.36                      34,320,010.83

On December 31, 2022, derivative financial assets are forward foreign exchange contracts, and they are not designated as
hedging instruments, and the gains or losses arising from changes in their fair values are directly included in the current
profit and loss.

3.     Notes Receivable

       1)    Categories of notes receivable

                                    Category                                              Closing Balance                     Opening Balance
 Bank acceptance bill                                                                            2,184,776,591.31                   1,228,046,849.95
 Commercial acceptance bill                                                                       335,211,567.92                     294,714,055.35
 Total                                                                                           2,519,988,159.23                   1,522,760,905.30

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     2)     As of December 31, 2022, the pledged notes receivable by the Group is nil.

     3)     At the end of the current reporting period, notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Group but not yet due
            at the balance sheet day

                        Category                                     Amount not derecognized as of December 31, 2022
 Bank acceptance bill Note                                                                                          1,241,880,022.19
 Total                                                                                                              1,241,880,022.19

As of December 31, 2022, the Group gave RMB1,182,413,217.20 (2021: RMB711,238,103.83) undue bank acceptance
bills to suppliers for endorsement and discounted RMB59,466,804.99 (2021: nil) undue bank acceptance to banks. Since
the Group has not transferred almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of financial assets, the Group has not terminated
its confirmation. For details, please refer to Note (V) 23 and Note (V) 30.3.

     4)     As of December 31, 2022, the Group transferred the defaulted notes receivable into accounts receivable.

                        Category                            Amounts transferred into accounts receivable as of December 31, 2022
 Commercial Acceptance Bill                                                                                            29,536,416.13
 Total                                                                                                                 29,536,416.13

     5)     The Group believes except for bills that are transferred to accounts receivable due to the failure of the drawer to
            perform the contract, the bank acceptance bills and commercial acceptance bills held by the Group do not have
            significant credit risks. Therefore, no loss provision is made.

4.   Accounts Receivable

     1)     Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                        Accounts receivable           Credit loss provision         Proportion (%)
 Within credit period                                        17,802,665,327.45                   81,686,804.21                      0.46
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period                 10,468,264,283.90                  535,593,193.42                      5.12
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                      1,906,850,057.03                  374,959,383.05                     19.66
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                        907,553,767.72                  379,943,208.42                     41.86
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                        762,308,314.38                  569,164,750.98                     74.66
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period                     557,358,170.53                  557,358,170.53                100.00
 Subtotal                                                    32,404,999,921.01                2,498,705,510.61                      7.71

                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     2)    Classified disclosure of credit loss provision by methods

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                Closing Balance
                 Category                             Carrying amount                 Credit loss provision              Book Value
                                                   Amount        Proportion (%)      Amount         Proportion (%)        Amount
 Provision for credit loss on a single basis                 -                -                  -              -                      -
 Provision for credit loss by portfolios       32,404,999,921.01         100.00     2,498,705,510.61           7.71 29,906,294,410.40
 Total                                         32,404,999,921.01         100.00     2,498,705,510.61           7.71 29,906,294,410.40
                                                                                  Beginning Balance
                 Category                             Carrying amount                    Credit loss provision           Book Value
                                                   Amount        Proportion (%)         Amount         Proportion (%)     Amount
 Provision for credit loss on a single basis                 -                -                     -              -                   -
 Provision for credit loss by portfolios       28,201,432,058.17         100.00     2,026,658,957.75           7.19 26,174,773,100.42
 Total                                         28,201,432,058.17         100.00     2,026,658,957.75           7.19 26,174,773,100.42

Provision for credit loss by portfolios for accounts receivable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Closing balance
                                               Carrying amount            Credit loss provision                 Proportion (%)
 Portfolio A                                        3,704,238,967.38                   68,040,950.20                              1.84
 Portfolio B                                       21,545,877,335.97                2,222,360,508.89                             10.31
 Portfolio C                                        7,154,883,617.66                  208,304,051.52                              2.91
 Total                                             32,404,999,921.01                2,498,705,510.61                              7.71

Description of credit loss provision by portfolios for accounts receivable

As part of the Group's credit risk management, the Group uses the aging exceeding credit period of accounts receivable to
assess the expected credit losses of accounts receivable formed by domestic and overseas sales business, and divides the
risk characteristics into portfolio A, portfolio B and portfolio C, according to the business area and object. These three
portfolios involve a large number of customers with the same risk characteristics. Aging information is able to reflect the
solvency of these three types of customers when the accounts receivable are due.

                                                                                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

As of December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2022, the credit risk and expected credit losses of accounts receivable from portfolio A are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Closing balance                                                                Beginning balance
                     Age                       Estimated average                          Credit loss                          Estimated average                          Credit loss
                                                                     Carrying value                           Book value                            Carrying value                           Book value
                                                  loss rate (%)                           provision                               loss rate (%)                           provision
 Within credit period                                     0.03       2,958,550,090.46        952,575.87     2,957,597,514.59               0.04     3,095,392,524.62      1,291,742.49      3,094,100,782.13
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period              2.02        672,866,835.07      13,604,729.18      659,262,105.89                1.70      594,470,571.01      10,117,916.29       584,352,654.72
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                 48.47         27,091,133.84      13,129,835.35        13,961,298.49             44.11        50,793,800.93      22,404,389.00        28,389,411.93
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                 77.48         23,880,801.35       18,503,703.14        5,377,098.21             83.73        43,832,222.47      36,701,948.79          7,130,273.68
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                100.00         13,340,404.86      13,340,404.86                    -            100.00        19,359,244.96      19,359,244.96                     -
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period             100.00          8,509,701.80        8,509,701.80                   -            100.00          2,653,390.61      2,653,390.61                     -
 Total                                                    1.84       3,704,238,967.38     68,040,950.20     3,636,198,017.18               2.43     3,806,501,754.60     92,528,632.14      3,713,973,122.46

As of December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2022, the credit risk and expected credit losses of accounts receivable from portfolio B are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Closing balance                                                                Beginning balance
                     Age                       Estimated average                          Credit loss                          Estimated average                          Credit loss
                                                                     Carrying value                           Book value                            Carrying value                           Book value
                                                  loss rate (%)                           provision                               loss rate (%)                           provision
 Within credit period                                     0.76       8,531,459,822.34     65,085,907.08     8,466,373,915.26               1.99     8,575,278,759.81    170,679,301.15      8,404,599,458.66
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period              5.30       9,133,051,848.20    484,083,420.12     8,648,968,428.08               4.63     7,167,632,732.53    331,869,605.70      6,835,763,126.83
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                 18.66       1,841,980,392.51    343,623,789.72     1,498,356,602.79             19.80      1,387,932,595.51    274,788,108.40      1,113,144,487.11
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                 38.19        835,970,994.09     319,296,676.54      516,674,317.55              44.75       914,771,713.21     409,398,421.89       505,373,291.32
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                 72.52        702,886,673.06     509,743,109.66      193,143,563.40              83.68       347,000,938.34     290,357,481.17        56,643,457.17
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period             100.00        500,527,605.77     500,527,605.77                    -            100.00       288,831,015.89     288,831,015.89                     -
 Total                                                   10.31     21,545,877,335.97    2,222,360,508.89   19,323,516,827.08               9.45    18,681,447,755.29 1,765,923,934.20      16,915,523,821.09

                                                                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

As of December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2022, the credit risk and expected credit losses of accounts receivable from portfolio C are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Closing balance                                                             Beginning balance
                     Age                       Estimated average                            Credit loss                        Estimated average                         Credit loss
                                                                       Carrying value                         Book value                           Carrying value                          Book value
                                                  loss rate (%)                             provision                             loss rate (%)                          provision
 Within credit period                                        0.25      6,312,655,414.65     15,648,321.26   6,297,007,093.39               0.12    4,954,201,263.39      5,863,712.80     4,948,337,550.59
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period                 5.72       662,345,600.63      37,905,044.12    624,440,556.51                5.08     594,136,961.30      30,172,981.24       563,963,980.06
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                    48.19        37,778,530.68      18,205,757.98     19,572,772.70              52.38       69,240,541.50      36,265,915.28        32,974,626.22
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                    88.35        47,701,972.28      42,142,828.74      5,559,143.54             100.00       46,561,027.57      46,561,027.57                    -
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                   100.00        46,081,236.46      46,081,236.46                  -            100.00       25,802,744.58      25,802,744.58                    -
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period                100.00        48,320,862.96      48,320,862.96                  -            100.00       23,540,009.94      23,540,009.94                    -
 Total                                                       2.91      7,154,883,617.66    208,304,051.52   6,946,579,566.14               2.94    5,713,482,548.28    168,206,391.41     5,545,276,156.87

     3)    Credit loss provision

Provision, re-collection, or reverse of the credit loss provision in the current reporting period
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                               Credit loss provision                                                                                       Total
 Balance on January 1, 2022                                                                                                                                                               2,026,658,957.75
 Provision/(reverse) during the current reporting period                                                                                                                                   532,337,205.31
 Derecognition of financial assets (including direct write-downs) and transfer out                                                                                                         (61,413,372.39)
 Difference arised from foreign currency statement translation                                                                                                                               1,122,719.94
 Balance on December 31, 2022                                                                                                                                                             2,498,705,510.61

In the current reporting period, the amount of actual accounts receivable write-off is RMB 61,413,372.39.

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     4)    Top five debtors based on corresponding closing balance of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                              Proportion (%) of the total balance
                                                                                                      Closing balance for credit loss
            Name of the Party               Closing balance   of accounts receivable at the end of
                                                                  the current reporting period
 CETC’s subsidiary company A (Note)           289,926,400.73                                  0.89                   147,074,800.81
 Third Party A                                 223,037,956.64                                 0.69                         557,594.89
 Third Party B                                 215,186,541.42                                 0.66                      38,545,214.14
 Third Party C                                 154,227,240.01                                 0.48                       6,554,657.70
 Third Party D                                 142,785,139.22                                 0.44                         356,963.07
 Total                                       1,025,163,278.02                                 3.16                    193,089,230.61

Note: A subsidiary of CETC is a subsidiary of China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd., the Company's ultimate

     5)    As of December 31, 2022, there is no termination of accounts receivable booking due to transfer of a financial

     6)    As of December 31, 2022, the Group has no assets/liabilities booked due to transferred accounts receivable that
           the Group still continue to be involved in.

5.   Receivables for Financing

     1)    Receivables for financing by categories

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                        Item                                    Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
 Bank acceptance bill                                                     1,484,218,258.74                           1,316,035,122.06
 Total                                                                    1,484,218,258.74                           1,316,035,122.06

     2)    At the end of the reporting period, the Group’s pledged receivables for financing

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                        Item                                             Amount pledged as of December 31, 2022
 Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                       10,312.23
 Total                                                                                                                      10,312.23

     3)    At the end of the reporting period, receivables for financing endorsed or discounted by the Group that have not
           yet expired on the balance sheet date.

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                        Item                                           Derecognized amount as of December 31, 2022
 Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                1,908,510,492.86
 Total                                                                                                               1,908,510,492.86

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     4)      The Group believes that the acceptance bank's credit rating of the bank acceptance bill held is high, and there is
             no significant credit risk, so no loss provision is made.

6.   Prepayment

     1)      Prepayments by aging analysis

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                        Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
                                              Carrying amount             Proportion (%)   Carrying amount      Proportion (%)
 Within 1 year                                        467,175,741.37               87.36      472,051,582.19              93.33
 1-2 years                                              60,041,088.41              11.23       16,837,633.29               3.33
 2-3 years                                               4,732,310.18               0.88       12,180,525.79               2.41
 Over 3 years                                            2,830,980.56               0.53        4,728,512.08               0.93
 Total                                                534,780,120.52              100.00      505,798,253.35             100.00

     2)      Closing balances of top five prepayments parties

     As of December 31, 2022, the Group’s top five balances of prepayments amounted to RMB163,448,162.33,
accounting for 30.56% of total closing balance of prepayments.

                                                                                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

7.   Other Receivables

     1)      Other receivables by aging

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                                     Other receivables                              Bad debt provision                            Proportion (%)
 Within contract period                                                                  435,726,390.34                                   2,647,306.22                                      0.61
 Within 1 year                                                                            74,536,873.66                                   3,098,605.26                                      4.16
 1-2 years                                                                                 6,501,889.62                                   1,149,718.96                                    17.68
 2-3 years                                                                                 5,758,160.62                                   2,190,980.22                                    38.05
 3-4 years                                                                                 8,938,449.42                                   5,871,667.42                                    65.69
 Over 4 years                                                                             15,094,368.40                                  15,094,368.40                                   100.00
 Subtotal                                                                                546,556,132.06                                  30,052,646.48                                      5.50

     2)      Other receivables by nature of the payment

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                            Closing Balance                                        Opening Balance
 Guarantee deposits                                                                                                  262,305,393.59                                            216,176,255.21
 Temporary payments for receivables                                                                                  153,962,968.02                                            113,230,687.20
 Tax rebates                                                                                                           2,166,013.19                                                  762,862.50
 Investment intention fund                                                                                                         -                                                4,000,000.00
 Others                                                                                                              128,121,757.26                                                51,019,823.13
 Total                                                                                                               546,556,132.06                                            385,189,628.04

                                                                                                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     3)    Provision for credit loss

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount of changes in the current reporting period                        Difference resulted from
          Category                    Opening balance                                                                                                          foreign currency             Closing balance
                                                                     Provision                  Recollect or reverse             Resell or write off        statements conversion
 Other receivables                               25,569,182.16         7,029,184.17                       (2,476,821.46)                   (393,162.35)                  324,263.96                   30,052,646.48
           Total                                 25,569,182.16         7,029,184.17                       (2,476,821.46)                   (393,162.35)                  324,263.96                   30,052,646.48

Changes in credit loss provisions for other receivables
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                      Stage 1                                   Stage 2                                  Stage 3
                   Bad debts allowance                                                             Expected credit loss for the entire      Expected credit loss for the entire
                                                            Expected credit losses in the                                                                                                     Total
                                                                                                  duration (credit impairment has not        duration (credit impairment has
                                                                 next 12 months
                                                                                                               incurred)                                occurred)
  Balance on January 1, 2022                                                 2,587,782.99                                 3,087,217.99                          19,894,181.18                         25,569,182.16
  The book balance of other receivables on J January
                                                                                            -                                         -                                       -                                   -
  1, 2022 in the current reporting period
  --Transfer into stage 2                                                    (648,213.90)                                   648,213.90                                        -                                   -
  -- Transfer into stage 3                                                                  -                          (1,066,987.16)                            1,066,987.16                                     -
  --provision/(reverse) in the current reporting period                         383,473.17                                 1,579,879.49                          2,589,010.05                          4,552,362.71
  Derecognition of financial assets (including direct
                                                                                            -                                         -                          (393,162.35)                          (393,162.35)
  write-downs) and transfer out
  Other changes                                                                 324,263.96                                            -                                       -                         324,263.96
  Balance on December 31, 2022                                               2,647,306.22                                  4,248,324.22                         23,157,016.04                         30,052,646.48

     4)    The actual write-off of other receivables during the current reporting period:

     The actual write-off of other receivables during the current reporting period is RMB393,162.35.

                                                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

      5)     Top five debtors based on corresponding closing balance of other receivables

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                             Proportion of total closing balance Closing balance for credit loss
             Entities                       Nature                        Closing balance                             Aging
                                                                                                                                                 for other receivables (%)                 provision
     Overseas subsidiary A     Cash and bank balances in transit                   53,180,000.00           Within the contract period                       9.73                                              -
     Overseas subsidiary B     Cash and bank balances in transit                   27,290,774.51           Within the contract period                        4.99                                            -
           Third party E       Guarantee deposits                                  17,848,880.00           Within the contract period                        3.27                                  117,802.61
           Third party F       Guarantee deposits                                   7,428,988.00           Within the contract period                        1.36                                   49,031.32
           Third party G       Guarantee deposits                                   6,739,162.58           Within the contract period                        1.23                                   44,478.47
 Total                                                                            112,487,805.09                                                             20.58                                 211,312.40

      6)     As of December 31, 2022, the Group does not have other receivables related to government subsidies.

      7)     As of December 31, 2022, there is no termination of other receivables booking due to transfer of a financial asset.

      8)     As of December 31, 2022, the Group has no assets/liabilities booked due to any transferred other receivables that the Group continues to be involved in.

8.    Inventories

      1)     Categories of inventories

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing Balance                                                                            Opening Balance
                                                       Provision for decline in value of                                                           Provision for decline in value of
                                 Carrying amount      inventories/ Impairment provision        Book value                 Carrying amount         inventories/ Impairment provision         Book value
                                                        for contract performance cost                                                               for contract performance cost
 Raw materials                    8,590,579,068.82                       405,402,336.01            8,185,176,732.81            7,947,851,148.15                      233,046,765.20           7,714,804,382.95
 Work-in-progress                   413,355,134.81                                     -            413,355,134.81              437,963,160.90                                     -            437,963,160.90
 Finished goods                  10,955,174,807.28                      839,876,008.09         10,115,298,799.19               9,760,949,606.67                      702,675,806.16           9,058,273,800.51
 Contract performance cost          290,988,057.76                        6,595,745.76              284,392,312.00              763,071,063.24                                     -            763,071,063.24
 Total                           20,250,097,068.67                    1,251,874,089.86         18,998,222,978.81              18,909,834,978.96                      935,722,571.36          17,974,112,407.60

                                                                                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     2)     Provision for decline in value of inventories

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase in the current       Decrease in the current reporting period     Effect on conversion of financial statements
            Category             Opening balance                                                                                                                                        Closing Balance
                                                             reporting period         Reversals or write-off          Others              denominated in foreign currencies
 Raw materials                      233,046,765.20                   285,003,215.76         112,647,644.95                       -                                                  -        405,402,336.01
 Finished goods                     702,675,806.16                   271,305,304.25         172,730,470.10                       -                                 38,625,367.78             839,876,008.09
 Contract performance cost                         -                   6,595,745.76                       -                      -                                                  -          6,595,745.76
 Subtotal                           935,722,571.36                   562,904,265.77         285,378,115.05                       -                                 38,625,367.78           1,251,874,089.86

The write-offs of provision for inventories in the current reporting period are due to use or sale of inventories.

                                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

9.   Contract Assets

     1)      Details of contract assets:

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                         Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
     Items                                Provisions for                                                Provisions for
                    Carrying amount                             Book value            Carrying amount                     Book value
                                           impairment                                                    impairment
 Constructions      1,859,628,746.45     10,664,372.98       1,848,964,373.47         1,274,476,664.40  9,873,249.73   1,264,603,414.67
                      270,901,478.31        1,642,480.80       269,258,997.51          148,057,308.84          1,288,098.60        146,769,210.24
 Total              2,130,530,224.76       12,306,853.78     2,118,223,370.98         1,422,533,973.24        11,161,348.33       1,411,372,624.91

     2)      The classification and disclosure of the method of provision for impairment of contract assets during the current
             reporting period:

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Closing Balance
                                                         Carrying amount                   Provisions for impairment                 Book value
                                                                     Proportion                                 Provision
                                                    Amount                                 Amount                                     Amount
                                                                        (%)                                   proportion (%)
 Provision for impairment on a single item                       -                -                     -                     -                    -
 Provision for impairment by portfolio          2,130,530,224.76            100.00       12,306,853.78                  0.58      2,118,223,370.98
 Total                                          2,130,530,224.76            100.00       12,306,853.78                  0.58      2,118,223,370.98

Provision for impairment of contract assets in the current reporting period:
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Credit loss provision                                                                Total
 Balance on January 1, 2022                                                                                                          11,161,348.33
 Provision/reverse during the current reporting period                                                                                1,145,505.45
 Balance on December 31, 2022                                                                                                        12,306,853.78

Contract assets arise from the Group’s construction works business as well as maintenance services relating to security
projects. The Group provides construction works and maintenance services based on contracts with customers, and
recognizes revenue based on the performance progress during the term of the contracts. The Group’s customers make
milestone payments for the construction works and maintenance services of the Group as provided in the contracts. For
the portion where the Group has obtained an unconditional right to consideration, it will be recognized as accounts
receivable, while the remaining portion will be recognized as contract assets; if the contract price received or receivable
by the Group exceeds the performance obligation completed to date, the excess portion will be recognized as contract
liabilities. The Group presents contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract on a net basis.

10. Non-current Assets Due within One Year

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                            Item                                           Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
 Long-term receivables due within one year (Note (V) 12)                               996,902,343.27                               975,960,437.14
 Total                                                                                 996,902,343.27                               975,960,437.14

                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
11. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                           Item                                      Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Deductible VAT input                                                          670,250,077.42                    671,022,973.90
 Prepaid corporate income tax                                                   61,808,729.93                    146,600,985.54
 Prepaid tariff                                                                 17,113,351.36                    113,756,173.22
 Others                                                                         57,660,782.87                      91,220,245.12
 Total                                                                         806,832,941.58                   1,022,600,377.78

                                                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements ar
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

12. Long-term Receivables

     1)    Details of long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Closing balance                                                          Opening balance
                                                                     Carrying amount    Provision for credit loss      Book value          Carrying amount           Provision for credit loss     Book value
 Financial leases receivables                                          294,708,514.70           41,885,999.65          252,822,515.05         338,676,520.11                   32,408,674.53     306,267,845.58
   Including: Unrealized income from financing                           8,548,939.32                         -          8,548,939.32           15,579,721.55                                -     15,579,721.55
 Installments business                                                 916,676,013.71          125,838,244.59          790,837,769.12          881,821,037.32                  87,043,902.28     794,777,135.04
   Including: Unrealized income from financing                          32,175,399.92                         -         32,175,399.92           26,548,778.33                                -     26,548,778.33
 Employee housing loan                                                 493,890,024.40                         -        493,890,024.40          487,983,401.49                                -   487,983,401.49
   Including: Unrealized income from financing                          44,084,149.81                         -         44,084,149.81           59,389,998.51                                -     59,389,998.51
 Less: Non-current assets due within one year (Note (V) 10)          1,163,050,529.25          166,148,185.98          996,902,343.27        1,093,138,859.09                 117,178,421.95     975,960,437.14
 Total                                                                 542,224,023.56             1,576,058.26         540,647,965.30          615,342,099.83                   2,274,154.86     613,067,944.97

     2)    Credit loss provision

     The Group believes that the employees corresponding to the long-term receivable employee housing loans held by the Group all have labor relations with the Group and the Group
assesses that the relevant debtors have good credit records, and the Group believes that there is no significant credit risk and therefore loss of provision is made

As of December 31, 2022, the credit risk and expected credit losses of long-term receivables are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                    Closing balance
                                                                                           Amounts                                  Credit loss provision                      Estimated average loss rate (%)
 Within credit period                                                                                 456,800,594.29                                         3,014,883.93                                   0.66
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period                                                          333,625,777.98                                        14,179,095.57                                   4.25
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                                                              193,133,173.09                                        34,010,751.77                                  17.61
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                                                              143,722,653.49                                        54,686,469.65                                  38.05
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                                                               64,906,109.70                                        42,636,823.46                                  65.69
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period                                                            19,196,219.86                                        19,196,219.86                                 100.00

                                                                                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements ar
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                                      Closing balance
                                                                                            Amounts                                  Credit loss provision                     Estimated average loss rate (%)
  Total                                                                                           1,211,384,528.41                                        167,724,244.24                                        13.85

The changes in the Group's long-term receivables' expected credit loss provision for the current reporting period are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Stage 1                      Stage 2                         Stage 3
                                                                                                                                    Expected credit losses     Expected credit losses for the
                                          Credit loss provision                                        Expected credit losses       for the entire duration          entire duration                    Total
                                                                                                       in the next 12 months        (No credit impairment        (Credit impairment has
                                                                                                                                           occurred)                    occurred)
 Balance on January 1, 2022                                                                                     5,623,293.18                 45,080,318.80                      68,748,964.83       119,452,576.81
 On January 1, 2022, the book balance of long-term receivables in the current reporting period
 Transfer into stage 2                                                                                         (2,902,743.16)                  2,902,743.16                                     -                   -
 Transfer into stage 3                                                                                                          -           (26,833,019.41)                     26,833,019.41                       -
 Provision/(reverse) during the current reporting period                                                             294,333.91              27,039,804.79                      20,937,528.73        48,271,667.43
 Balance on December 31, 2022                                                                                   3,014,883.93                 48,189,847.34                    116,519,512.97        167,724,244.24

     3)    As of December 31, 2022, there is no termination of long-term receivables booking due to transfer of a financial asset.

     4)    As of December 31, 2022, the Group has no assets/liabilities booked due to any transferred long-term receivables that the Group continue to be involved in.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements ar
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

13. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Increase/Decrease in the current reporting period
                                Opening                                             Investment Profit     Adjustment to                     Declaration of                                       Closing
    The invested entity                                                                                                      Other                                                                                   for
                                Balance          Additional       Investment        (Loss) recognized         other                         cash dividends       Impairment                      Balance
                                                                                                                            Changes                                               others                         impairment
                                                Investments         reduction        under the equity     comprehensive                         or profit         provision                                       provision
                                                                                                                            in equity
                                                                                         Method              income                          distribution

1. Joint venture companies
 Hangzhou Haikang
 Intelligent Industrial Equity
                               702,369,339.95                 -                 -        112,680,820.39                - 14,775,227.26                       -                -        -        829,825,387.60                -
 Investment Fund
 Partnership (L.P.) (Note1)
 Zhejiang City Digital
                               12,214,320.29    11,500,000.00                   -          2,627,190.51                -                -                    -                -        -         26,341,510.80                -
 Technology Ltd. (Note2)

 Zhejiang Haishi Huayue
                               11,930,512.66                  -                 -          2,726,503.57                -                -    (1,275,000.00)                   -        -         13,382,016.23                -
 Digital Technology Ltd.

 Zhejiang Haishi Urban
 Service Operation Ltd.
 (formerly known as:
                                1,264,658.38     1,500,000.00                   -        (1,089,851.65)                -                -                    -                -        -          1,674,806.73                -
 Shenzhen Hikvision Urban
 Service Operation Ltd.
 Guangxi Haishi Urban
 Operation Management           4,632,200.59     8,560,000.00                   -          (132,206.62)                -                -                    -                -        -         13,059,993.97                -
 Ltd. (Note2)
 Yunnan Yinghai Parking
                                4,558,881.09                  -                 -            519,116.95                -                -                    -                -        -          5,077,998.04                -
 Service Ltd.
 Xuzhou Kangbo Urban
 Operation Management           9,233,201.67                  -                 -          1,152,365.21                -                -                    -                -        -         10,385,566.88                -
 Service Ltd.

 Subtotal                     746,203,114.63    21,560,000.00                   -        118,483,938.36                - 14,775,227.26       (1,275,000.00)                   -        -        899,747,280.25                -

                                                                                                                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements ar
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                    Increase/Decrease in the current reporting period
                                 Opening                                            Investment Profit     Adjustment to                     Declaration of                                       Closing
    The invested entity                                                                                                      Other                                                                                    for
                                 Balance         Additional       Investment        (Loss) recognized         other                         cash dividends       Impairment                      Balance
                                                                                                                            Changes                                               others                          impairment
                                                Investments         reduction        under the equity     comprehensive                         or profit         provision                                        provision
                                                                                                                            in equity
                                                                                         Method              income                          distribution

2. Associated companies
 Wuhu Sensortech
                                75,466,476.84                 -                 -         22,627,903.68                -                -                    -                -            -     98,094,380.52                 -
 Intelligent Technology Ltd.
 Maxio Technology
 (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.          104,537,528.30                 -                 -       (31,228,623.67)                - 70,591,176.64                       -                -            -    143,900,081.27                 -
 Zhiguang Hailian Big Data
                                21,285,843.27                 -                 -        (3,378,441.24)                -   4,517,968.05                      -                -            -     22,425,370.08                 -
 Technology Ltd. (Note1)

 Sanmenxia Xiaoyun Vision
                                 3,069,386.03                 -                 -          (441,143.16)                -                -                    -                -            -      2,628,242.87                 -
 Technology Ltd.

 Jiaxin Haishi JiaAn
                                21,654,742.45                 -                 -          2,693,956.92                -                -                    -                -            -     24,348,699.37                 -
 Zhicheng Technology Ltd.

 Zhejiang Changyun Haibao
                                            -    3,000,000.00                   -        (1,408,717.24)                -                -                    -                -            -      1,591,282.76                 -
 Technology Ltd. (Note3)

 Terapark (Nanjing) Ltd.
                                            -   20,000,000.00                   -          (396,874.31)                -                -                    -                -            -     19,603,125.69                 -

 Beijing Taifang Techology
                                            -   40,000,000.00                   -          (304,949.40)                -                -                    -                -            -     39,695,050.60                 -
 LLC (Note5)

 Qinghai Qingtang Big Data
                                 9,948,454.93                 - (9,800,000.00)             (148,454.93)                -                -                    -                -            -                  -                -
 Co., Ltd. (Note6)

 Subtotal                      235,962,431.82   63,000,000.00 (9,800,000.00)            (11,985,343.35)                - 75,109,144.69                       -                -            -    352,286,233.16                 -

 Total                         982,165,546.45   84,560,000.00 (9,800,000.00)             106,498,595.01                - 89,884,371.95       (1,275,000.00)                   -            -   1,252,033,513.41                -

Note 1: Changes in other equities during the reporting period was due to the changes in equity caused by increasing capital of the investee by other shareholders.

                                                                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements ar
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Note 2: The Group made additional investment in the investee this year, and the subscribed proportion of equity in the investee remained unchanged.

Note 3: In December 2019, a subsidiary of the Group entered into an agreement with Zhejiang Changyun Investment Co., Ltd. and ZBO Fintech Co., Ltd. regarding the establishment of
a joint venture, Zhejiang Changyun Haibao Technology Co., Ltd. ("Changyun Haibao"), acquiring 30% equity in Changyun Haibao. The Group has paid capital contributions as of the
year end. The board of directors of Changyun Haibao consists of seven directors, of whom two are appointed by the Group in accordance with the articles of association of Changyun
Haibao. As the Group exerts a significant influence on Changyun Haibao, it is accounted for as an associate.

Note 4: In September 2022, a subsidiary of the Group entered into an agreement with Terapark (Nanjing) Ltd. ("Terapark") and its former shareholders, acquiring 9.90% equity in Terapark
for RMB 20 million. The board of directors of Terapark consists of seven directors, of whom one is appointed by the Group in accordance with Terapark's articles of association. As the
Group exerts a significant influence on Terapark, it is accounted for as an associate.

Note 5: In August 2022, a subsidiary of the Group acquired 3.6865 % equity in Beijing Taifang Technology Ltd. ("Beijing Taifang Technology") from Langma 8 (Shenzhen) Venture
Capital Center (Limited Partnership) for RMB 12.6 million. In August 2022, the Group increased its capital contributions to Beijing Taifang Technology by RMB 27.4 million. Upon
completion of this transaction, the Group held 4.4023% equity in Beijing Taifang Technology. The board of directors of Beijing Taifang Technology consists of nine directors, of whom
one is appointed by the Group in accordance with Beijing Taifang Technology's articles of association. As the Group exerts a significant influence on Beijing Taifang Technology, it is
accounted for as an associate.

Note 6: Qinghai Qingtang Big Data Co., Ltd. completed its liquidation on December 28, 2022 and completed registration of business cancellation on January 9, 2023.

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

14. Other Non-current Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                 Item                                Closing balance                     Opening balance
 Investments in equity instruments (Note)                            423,893,239.94                                         438,724,172.22
 Total                                                               423,893,239.94                                         438,724,172.22

Note: It refers to the Group’s equity investments of private companies. The Group has no control, joint control or
significant influence over the invested company. During the current reporting period, the Company received a cash
dividend of RMB51,892,209.92 from this investee. (2021: RMB115,644,801.97) and recognized it as current profit and
loss. Please refer to Note (V) 52 for details.

15. Fixed Assets

     1)    Details of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                         Buildings and       General-purpose       Special-purpose    Transportation
                Item                                                                                                            Total
                                         constructions         equipment             equipment           vehicles
 I. Total original carrying amount
      1. Opening balance                5,840,580,725.62     1,366,124,127.52      2,318,809,132.18    98,848,289.25       9,624,362,274.57
      2. Increase in the current
                                        1,593,354,163.97      458,315,165.51         704,620,607.42     9,460,878.06       2,765,750,814.96
         reporting period
       1) purchase                           7,211,912.08     449,377,016.10         568,447,670.68     9,460,878.06       1,034,497,476.92
       2) transferred from
                                        1,586,142,251.89         8,938,149.41         78,150,412.05                    -   1,673,230,813.35
           construction in progress
       3) transferred from
                                                         -                     -      58,022,524.69                    -     58,022,524.69
      3.Decrease in the current
                                            10,792,551.96      39,460,047.05          56,682,563.10     8,228,804.52        115,163,966.63
         reporting period
         1) disposal or write-off           10,792,551.96      39,460,047.05          56,682,563.10     8,228,804.52        115,163,966.63
      4. Effect on conversion of
         financial statements
                                            28,972,579.92      10,719,218.99           (310,967.84)     1,183,204.65         40,564,035.72
         denominated in foreign
      5.Closing Balance                 7,452,114,917.55     1,795,698,464.97      2,966,436,208.66   101,263,567.44
 II. Accumulated depreciation
       1. Opening balance               1,215,383,927.62      516,132,115.59       1,137,960,269.72    59,295,290.37       2,928,771,603.30
       2. Increase in the current
                                         297,505,151.41       269,929,474.10         347,827,198.67    12,852,587.92        928,114,412.10
          reporting period
         (1) accrual                     297,505,151.41       269,929,474.10         347,827,198.67    12,852,587.92        928,114,412.10
       3.Decrease in the current
                                             4,102,499.04      28,064,250.04          45,387,810.12     7,412,937.99         84,967,497.19
          reporting period
         (1) disposal or write- off          4,102,499.04      28,064,250.04          45,387,810.12     7,412,937.99         84,967,497.19
       4. Effect on conversion of
        financial statements
                                              899,312.01         2,817,815.54          (233,016.17)       267,898.35           3,752,009.73
        denominated in foreign
        5.Closing balance               1,509,685,892.00      760,815,155.19       1,440,166,642.10    65,002,838.65       3,775,670,527.94
 III. Total book value
 Closing balance on book value          5,942,429,025.55     1,034,883,309.78      1,526,269,566.56    36,260,728.79       8,539,842,630.68
 Opening balance on book value          4,625,196,798.00       849,992,011.93      1,180,848,862.46    39,552,998.88       6,695,590,671.27

                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     2)    As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any significant idle fixed assets.

     3)    As of December 31, 2022, the fair value of the dedicated equipment rent out through operating leasing by the
           Group is RMB81,627,645.88.

     4)    Fixed assets of which certificates of title have not been granted as of December 31, 2022:

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                            Item                                Carrying amount           Reason for certificates of title not granted
                                                                                      In the process of obtaining the real estate
 Office building for branches                                         12,722,154.03
                                                                                      In the process of obtaining the real estate
 Hangzhou Innovation Industrial Park                                 786,659,467.76
                                                                                      certificates after transferred to fixed assets
 Total                                                               799,381,621.79

                                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

16. Construction in Progress

     1)     Details of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                        Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                                                             Carrying amount                Provision     Book value          Carrying amount             Provision         Book value
 Chengdu Science and Technology Park Project                     1,424,680,236.64                    -     1,424,680,236.64         896,287,490.09                  -        896,287,490.09
 Xi’an Science and Technology Park Project                        510,141,028.55                    -       510,141,028.55         181,009,327.21                  -        181,009,327.21
 Wuhan Intelligence Industry Park Project                          362,495,271.16                    -       362,495,271.16          21,605,140.49                  -         21,605,140.49
 EZVIZ Smart Home Product Industrial Base Project
                                                                      282,125,289.82                -        282,125,289.82          95,322,172.33                  -         95,322,172.33
 (Infrastructure Part)
 Security Industrial Base (Tonglu) Phase III                          256,401,113.99                -        256,401,113.99          48,768,905.95                  -         48,768,905.95
 Shijiazhuang Science and Technology Park Project                     240,987,635.91                -        240,987,635.91         100,184,640.21                  -        100,184,640.21
 Hefei Science and Technology Park Project                             96,324,257.68                -         96,324,257.68          18,754,774.97                  -         18,754,774.97
 Zhengzhou Science and Technology Park Project                         93,894,775.99                -         93,894,775.99          42,029,452.82                  -         42,029,452.82
 Chongqing Science and Technology Park Project-
                                                                       88,837,517.21                -         88,837,517.21            538,446.48                   -            538,446.48
 Phase Ⅲ
 EZVIZ Intelligent Manufacturing Chongqing Base
                                                                       72,173,018.20                -         72,173,018.20                      -                  -                       -
 Project(Infrastructure Part)
 Nanjing Science and Technology Park Project                           59,330,672.30                -         59,330,672.30           1,096,879.60                  -          1,096,879.60
 Nanchang Science and Technology Park Project                          55,299,275.67                -         55,299,275.67           5,811,745.36                  -          5,811,745.36
 Hangzhou Innovation Industry Park                                                 -                -                     -         393,310,782.16                  -        393,310,782.16
 Security Industrial Base (Tonglu) - Phase II
                                                                                    -               -                     -         390,702,241.74                  -        390,702,241.74
 Continued Construction Project
 Others                                                                228,113,207.68               -        228,113,207.68         127,914,099.27                  -         127,914,099.27
 Total                                                               3,770,803,300.80               -      3,770,803,300.80       2,323,336,098.68             -    -       2,323,336,098.68

     2)    Changes in significant construction in progress during the current reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                                                        Amount                                                            ization
                                                                                                     Effect on                                                                                            Including:
                                                                                                                                                        invested                Accumulated                               rate for
                                                                                                   conversion of                                                                                          capitalized
                                                                               Transferred to                                                             as a      Construct     capitalized                             interest
                                                         Increase in the                             financial                                                                                           interest and                Source
                     Budget                                                 fixed assets during                      Other                              proportio    ion in      interest and                              in the
      Item                        Opening balance       current reporting                           statements                      Closing balance                                                     profit/loss on                  of
                   (RMB 0,000)                                                   the current                       Reductions                             n of      Progress    profit/loss on                            current
                                                             period                               denominated in                                                                                      exchange for the                funds
                                                                              reporting period                      (Note 1)                             budget       (%)          exchange                               reporti
                                                                                                      foreign                                                                                         current reporting
                                                                                                                                                         amount                    (Note 2)                                  ng
                                                                                                    currencies                                                                                              period
                                                                                                                                                           (%)                                                             period
   Science and
                   196,900.00     896,287,490.09        528,392,746.55               -                  -              -            1,424,680,236.64    72.36%      72.36%                                    -              -       financin
   Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
   Park Project
 Xi’an Science
                   227,800.00     181,009,327.21        329,131,701.34               -                  -              -            510,141,028.55      22.39%      22.39%            -                       -              -       financin
   Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
   Park Project
                   238,700.00      21,605,140.49        340,890,130.67               -                  -              -            362,495,271.16      15.19%      15.19%            -                       -              -       financin
  Industry Park                                                                                                                                                                                                                          g
 EZVIZ Smart
 Home Product                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Self-
                    75,300.00      95,322,172.33        186,803,117.49               -                  -              -            282,125,289.82      37.47%      37.47%      3,833,236.08           3,833,236.08       3.70%         g/
   Base Project                                                                                                                                                                                                                      specific
 (Infrastructure                                                                                                                                                                                                                       loan
                    77,000.00      48,768,905.95        207,632,208.04               -                  -              -            256,401,113.99      33.30%      33.30%            -                       -              -       financin
 Base (Tonglu)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           g
    Phase III
   Science and
                    89,700.00     100,184,640.21        140,802,995.70               -                  -              -            240,987,635.91      26.87%      26.87%            -                       -                      financin
   Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
   Park Project
 Hefei Science                                                                                                                                                                        -                       -              -
                    54,100.00      18,754,774.97         77,569,482.71               -                  -              -             96,324,257.68      17.80%      17.80%                                                           financin
   Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
   Park Project
   Zhengzhou                                                                                                                                                                          -                       -              -
   Science and
                    48,500.00      42,029,452.82         51,865,323.17               -                  -              -             93,894,775.99      19.36%      19.36%                                                           financin
   Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
   Park Project
 Chongqing                                                                                                                                                                                       -                    -          -
 Science and                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Self-
 Technology           48,000.00         538,446.48         88,299,070.73                      -                -                -       88,837,517.21    18.51%     18.51%                                                           financin
 Park Project-                                                                                                                                                                                                                           g
 Phase Ⅲ
 EZVIZ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Self-
 Intelligent         117,000.00                     -      72,173,018.20                      -                -                -       72,173,018.20      6.17%     6.17%                       -                    -          -   financin
 Manufacturin                                                                                                                                                                                                                            g

                                                                                                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

 g Chongqing
 ructure Part)
 Nanjing                                                                                                                                                                           -                  -       -
 Science and
                     58,100.00        1,096,879.60     58,233,792.70                     -              -              -     59,330,672.30    10.21%    10.21%                                                    financin
 Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                           g
 Park Project
 Nanchang                                                                                                                                                                          -                  -       -
 Science and
                     49,100.00        5,811,745.36     49,487,530.31                     -              -              -     55,299,275.67    11.26%    11.26%                                                    financin
 Technology                                                                                                                                                                                                           g
 Park Project
 Innovation          83,100.00     393,310,782.16     399,241,430.12     (792,552,212.28)               -              -                  -   95.37%    100.00%      (77,456,678.27)     (6,493,347.83)   0.85%    loan
 Industry Park
 Base (Tonglu)                                                                                                                                                                                                      Self-
 - Phase II          58,600.00     390,702,241.74     195,023,827.62     (585,726,069.36)               -              -                  -   100.00%   100.00%                    -                  -       -   financin
 Continued                                                                                                                                                                                                            g
 Others                            127,914,099.27     393,751,550.73     (294,952,531.71)    3,097,644.99 (1,697,555.60)    228,113,207.68          -            -                 -                  -       -   financin
     Total         1,421,900.00   2,323,336,098.68   3,119,297,926.08   (1,673,230,813.35)   3,097,644.99 (1,697,555.60)   3,770,803,300.80         -            -   (73,623,442.19)     (2,660,111.75)

Note 1: Other reductions during the current reporting period were the completed renovation that transferred to the long-term deferred expenses.

Note 2: This amount is calculated by interest expense for specific foreign currency borrowings, less interest income for unused borrowing fund and profit/loss on exchange rate difference.

As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any sign of impairment of projects under construction; therefore, no provision for impairment loss was booked.

                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

17. Right-of-use Assets

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                            Building and        General-purpose          Special-purpose       Transportation
                Items                                                                                                                Total
                                            construction          equipment                equipment              vehicles
 I. Total original carrying amount
 1. Opening balance                           687,537,465.14           230,374.45             91,934,144.20        22,894,986.96    802,596,970.75
 2. Increased                                 265,856,017.58            69,374.70                          -        6,569,949.78    272,495,342.06
      (1)New Lease                            265,856,017.58            69,374.70                          -        6,569,949.78    272,495,342.06
 3. Decreased                                 103,530,959.39                       -                       -        5,404,203.49    108,935,162.88
      (1) The lease contract
                                              103,530,959.39                       -                       -        5,404,203.49    108,935,162.88
      expires or terminates early
 4. Effect on conversion of
 financial statements denominated              11,300,622.04             (866.34)                          -          808,398.67     12,108,154.37
 in foreign currencies
 5. Closing balance                           861,163,145.37           298,882.81             91,934,144.20        24,869,131.92    978,265,304.30
 II. Accumulated depreciation
 1. Opening balance                           160,488,138.26           144,576.92             68,096,796.36         7,473,786.46    236,203,298.00
 2. Increased                                 223,184,242.30            82,192.15             14,635,251.10         8,471,970.69    246,373,656.24
      (1) Provisions                          223,184,242.30            82,192.15             14,635,251.10         8,471,970.69    246,373,656.24
 3. Decreased                                  75,332,041.81                       -                       -        5,204,987.81     80,537,029.62
      (1) The lease contract
                                               75,332,041.81                       -                       -        5,204,987.81     80,537,029.62
      expires or terminates early
 4. Effect on conversion of
 financial statements denominated               1,584,511.62             (209.31)                          -          162,751.06       1,747,053.37
 in foreign currencies
 5. Closing balance                           309,924,850.37           226,559.76             82,732,047.46        10,903,520.40    403,786,977.99
 III. Total book value
 1. Closing balance on book value             551,238,295.00            72,323.05              9,202,096.74        13,965,611.52    574,478,326.31
 2. Opening balance on book value             527,049,326.88            85,797.53             23,837,347.84        15,421,200.50    566,393,672.75

Note: The Group leased a number of assets, including building and construction, general-purpose equipments, special-
purpose equipments and transportation vehicles, for lease terms ranging from 1 to 13 years. The above right-of use assets
cannot be used for purposes including borrowing, mortgage, and guarantee, etc.

In the current reporting period, the total amount of the short-term lease expenses and low-value asset lease expenses that
the Group included in the current profit was RMB99,598,934.33 (2021: RMB82,001,765.42).

The total cash outflow related to leases for the year was RMB327,608,122.43 (2021: RMB272,298,575.65).

As of December 31, 2022, the short-term lease portfolio committed by the Group is consistent with the short-term lease
corresponding to the above lease fee.

18. Intangible Assets

      1)     Details of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                           Intellectual property
             Item                    Land use right                                    Application Software     Franchise            Total
 I. Total original carrying
 1. Opening balance                    1,259,213,465.26             69,966,433.88             374,982,150.82       91,933,517.61   1,796,095,567.57

 2. Increased                            323,094,474.37                  13,387.95             29,329,660.01       11,296,400.11    363,733,922.44

                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                      Intellectual property
              Item             Land use right                                     Application Software           Franchise                  Total
 (1) Purchase                      323,094,474.37                   13,387.95                29,329,660.01          11,296,400.11          363,733,922.44
 3. Decreased                                     -                           -               7,442,132.75                      -             7,442,132.75

 (1)Disposal or write-off                         -                           -               7,442,132.75                      -             7,442,132.75
 4. Effect on conversion of
 financial statements
                                                  -                32,942.04                   779,318.65               12,053.85              824,314.54
 denominated in foreign
 5. Closing balance              1,582,307,939.63               70,012,763.87               397,648,996.73         103,241,971.57         2,153,211,671.80
 II. Total accumulated
 1.Opening balance                 103,592,991.04               65,002,594.28               311,663,913.28          11,588,653.90          491,848,152.50

 2. Increased                       31,678,386.25                3,356,580.16                36,141,067.46           8,500,179.34           79,676,213.21

 (1)Accrual                         31,678,386.25                3,356,580.16                36,141,067.46           8,500,179.34           79,676,213.21

 3. Decreased                                     -                           -               6,042,405.91                      -             6,042,405.91

 (1)Disposal or write-off                         -                           -               6,042,405.91                      -             6,042,405.91
 4. Effect on conversion of
 financial statements
                                                  -                19,322.78                   736,932.70                5,890.84              762,146.32
 denominated in foreign
 5. Closing balance                135,271,377.29               68,378,497.22               342,499,507.53          20,094,724.08          566,244,106.12

 III. loss provision
 1.Opening balance                                -                           -                          -                      -                         -

 2. Increased                                     -                           -                          -          42,034,063.49           42,034,063.49

 3. Decreased                                     -                           -                          -                      -                         -

 5. Closing balance                               -                           -                          -          42,034,063.49           42,034,063.49

 Ⅳ. Total book value
 1. Closing balance on book
                                 1,447,036,562.34                1,634,266.65                55,149,489.20          41,113,184.00         1,544,933,502.19
 2. Opening balance on
                                 1,155,620,474.22                4,963,839.60                63,318,237.54          80,344,863.71         1,304,247,415.07
 book value

      2)      At the end of the current reporting period, the intangible asset of the Group that has not completed the title
              certificate is nil.

19. Goodwill

      1)      Goodwill book value

                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                       Increased                 Decreased           Effect on
                                                                                                                   conversion of
                                                                Business combination                                 financial
 The name of the investee or the matter          Opening
                                                                    not involving    Liquidation &                  statements          Closing balance
       that forming a goodwill                   balance
                                                                  enterprises under   cancellation                denominated in
                                                                  common control                                      foreign
                                                73,308,109.05                           -                    -     6,573,714.57           79,881,823.62
 HuaAn Baoquan Intelligence and its
                                                61,322,871.63                           -                    -                      -     61,322,871.63
 Hangzhou Kuangxin Technology Ltd.              59,060,454.06                           -                    -                      -     59,060,454.06
 Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety
 Engineering Ltd. ("Zhejiang Zhiyuan                        -            8,199,253.77                        -                      -      8,199,253.77
 Fire") (Note1)
 BK EESTI AKTSIASELTS                            4,341,956.31                           -                    -       122,205.29            4,464,161.60
 SIA "BK Latvia"                                 4,335,930.90                           -                    -       122,035.70            4,457,966.60
                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                  Increased          Decreased             Effect on
                                                                                                         conversion of
                                                           Business combination                            financial
 The name of the investee or the matter       Opening
                                                               not involving    Liquidation &             statements         Closing balance
       that forming a goodwill                balance
                                                             enterprises under   cancellation           denominated in
                                                             common control                                 foreign
 Hangzhou Haikang Zhicheng
 Investment and Development Ltd.               12,573.42                        -     (12,573.42)                   -                          -
 Total                                    202,381,895.37             8,199,253.77     (12,573.42)        6,817,955.56         217,386,531.28

Note 1: The Group acquired Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering Ltd., resulting in a goodwill of RMB8,199,253.77,
see Note (VI) 1.

Note 2: Hangzhou Haikang Zhicheng Investment and Development Ltd. was cancelled in 2022, and the goodwill decreased
by RMB12,573.42.

     2)      Goodwill impairment provision

When the Group conducts impairment test on goodwill at the end of the reporting period, the key assumptions adopted
and their basis are as follows:

The recoverable amount of asset group containing apportioned goodwill is determined according to the present value of
the estimated future cash flow of the relevant asset group. Its future cash flows are determined based on the 5-year financial
budget from 2023 to 2027 approved by management, with a certain discount rate. Cash flow over 5 years is calculated on
the basis of 2% growth rate. This growth rate is determined based on the relevant industry's growth forecast and does not
exceed the long-term average growth rate for that industry. Estimates of future cash flows are based on past performance
and expectations of market development, and are based on the estimated sales, cost of sales, and operating expenses during
the estimated period.

During the reporting period, the Group did not find that the recoverable amount of the relevant asset group including the
apportioned goodwill was lower than its book value, so it is considered that there is no need to accrue impairment loss for

20. Long-term Deferred Expenses

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Difference of
                               Opening                                               Other decreased
         Invested unit                             Increased           Amortized                     foreign currency Closing balance
                               Balance                                                   amount
 expenditure for leased       98,617,176.50       87,543,749.45      53,016,110.66                  -         48,777.31       133,193,592.60
 fixed asset
 Employee housing loan
                              59,389,998.40       18,425,634.64      28,470,415.65     5,261,067.58                      -     44,084,149.81
 deferred interest

 Total                       158,007,174.90      105,969,384.09      81,486,526.31     5,261,067.58           48,777.31       177,277,742.41

21. Deferred Tax Assets/Deferred Tax Liabilities

     1)      Deferred tax assets that are not presented on net off basis

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                    Closing balance                                             Opening balance
             Item                   Deductible temporary                                        Deductible temporary
                                                              Deferred tax assets                                          Deferred tax assets
                                        differences                                                 differences
 Provision for impairment
                                        1,244,117,898.85                 303,398,701.08                746,689,777.87            203,337,661.26
 losses of assets
 Provision for credit loss              2,592,933,147.29                 539,409,348.22              2,019,377,828.80            414,456,930.82
 Payroll payables                         866,731,426.46                 135,343,862.92              1,021,696,707.76            156,929,402.30
 Share-based payment                      102,865,533.19                  18,154,808.30                546,398,398.17             92,168,164.61
 Provisions                               159,335,457.04                  26,406,150.70                124,817,084.93             18,515,337.61
 Accrued but unsettled
                                          416,294,075.36                  80,952,178.12                224,525,193.17             49,859,840.33
 Unrealized profit from inter-
                                        2,407,578,813.30                 361,136,821.99              2,025,608,612.07            303,841,291.79
 group transactions
 Changes in the fair value of
 derivative financial                      68,299,685.57                  17,074,921.39                  3,795,920.86                948,980.22
 Deferred income                          913,846,162.56                 108,383,170.93                400,764,044.74             61,186,781.23
 Changes in fair value of
 other non-current financial               32,701,261.48                    4,905,189.22                              -                           -
 Difference in depreciation of
 fixed assets and difference
                                          305,795,669.55                  13,305,393.19                               -                           -
 in amortization of intangible
 Tax deductible losses                    294,467,968.83                  39,179,829.21                             -                         -
 Total                                  9,404,967,099.48               1,647,650,375.27              7,113,673,568.37          1,301,244,390.17

     2)    Deferred tax liabilities that are not presented on net off basis

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                     Closing balance                                             Opening balance
              Item                    Taxable temporary                                           Taxable temporary
                                                              Deferred tax liabilities                                    Deferred tax liabilities
                                         differences                                                 differences
 Difference in depreciation of
 fixed assets and difference in
                                             1,439,877,224.17                 256,804,768.33              929,573,058.04            170,677,622.00
 amortization of intangible
 Long term investment – joint
 venture accounted by the                     230,000,194.33                   34,500,029.15                            -                         -
 equity method
 Changes in the fair value of
 derivative financial                          12,807,438.36                     3,201,859.59              29,037,242.51              7,259,310.63
 Changes in fair value of other
                                                             -                              -              38,300,223.10              5,745,033.47
 non-current financial assets
 Total                                       1,682,684,856.86                 294,506,657.07              996,910,523.65            183,681,966.10

     3)    Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities that are presented at the net amount after offset

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                     Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                                                 Deferred tax assets or         Offset amount at the    Deferred tax assets or
             Item                 Offset amount at the end
                                                                  liabilities at the net         beginning of the         liabilities at the net
                                   of the reporting period
                                                                  amount after offset            reporting period         amount after offset
 Deferred tax assets                      178,003,886.23               1,469,646,489.04                 90,366,814.93          1,210,877,575.24
 Deferred tax liabilities                 178,003,886.23                 116,502,770.84                 90,366,814.93             93,315,151.17

     4)    Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                            Item                                      Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Deductible temporary differences                                               896,347,987.05                         687,848,166.51
 Deductible loss                                                                2,279,586,556.97                        2,841,919,737.84
 Total                                                                          3,175,934,544.02                        3,529,767,904.35

     5)     Deductible losses for unrecognized deferred tax assets will expire in the following years

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                 Year                                 Closing balance                                    Opening balance
 2022                                                                                 -                                     9,759,663.51
 2023                                                                   23,615,749.83                                      33,125,518.27
 2024                                                                   31,698,815.96                                      34,945,616.34
 2025                                                                   16,588,829.27                                    148,742,047.53
 2026                                                                   49,208,121.54                                    279,312,175.66
 2027 and beyond                                                     2,158,475,040.37                                   2,336,034,716.53
 Total                                                               2,279,586,556.97                                   2,841,919,737.84

22. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                           Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                        Carrying amount       Provision         Book value       Carrying amount        Provision            Book value
 Contract assets        2,229,022,015.47    15,524,799.08    2,213,497,216.39    2,672,243,740.12     24,017,466.88       2,648,226,273.24
 Prepayments for
                         363,341,827.45                 -     363,341,827.45       269,600,676.00                 -         269,600,676.00
 real estate
 Prepayments for
 acquisition of          127,079,348.02                 -     127,079,348.02       278,398,706.94                 -         278,398,706.94
 Prepayments for
                          70,134,950.70                 -      70,134,950.70       140,577,165.61                 -         140,577,165.61
 Prepayments for
                          39,467,612.18                 -      39,467,612.18         4,679,432.89                 -           4,679,432.89
 Others                    2,181,057.96                 -       2,181,057.96         9,044,156.95                 -           9,044,156.95
 Total                  2,831,226,811.78    15,524,799.08    2,815,702,012.70    3,374,543,878.51     24,017,466.88       3,350,526,411.63

23. Short-term Borrowings

     1)     Categories of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                           Item                                      Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Credit loan                                                                  3,283,605,167.90                       4,074,962,469.97
 Discounted but not expired notes                                                 59,466,804.99                                     -
 Total                                                                        3,343,071,972.89                       4,074,962,469.97

     2)     As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any overdue short-term loans that were failed to repay.

24. Held-for-trading Financial Liabilities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                           Item                                         Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Financial liabilities measured at fair value through
                                                                                      68,299,685.57                           4,062,317.57
 current profits and losses
            Including: derivative financial liabilities                               68,299,685.57                           4,062,317.57
 total                                                                                68,299,685.57                           4,062,317.57

As of December 31, 2022, derivative financial liabilities are forward foreign exchange contracts, and they are not
designated as hedging instruments, and the gains or losses arising from changes in their fair values are directly included
in the current profit and loss.

25. Notes Payable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                          Item                                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Bank acceptance Bill                                                              1,207,756,963.94                    1,339,998,383.34
 Total                                                                             1,207,756,963.94                    1,339,998,383.34

As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any unpaid matured notes payable.

26. Accounts Payable

     1)    List of accounts payable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                   Item                                       Closing balance                               Opening balance
 Payments for goods                                                        15,803,616,247.96                          15,585,975,750.26
 Payables on equipment                                                          221,947,555.03                           303,719,230.86
 Total                                                                     16,025,563,802.99                          15,889,694,981.12

     2)    As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any significant accounts payable with aging above one year.

27. Contract Liabilities

     1)    List of contract liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                Item                                             Closing balance                Opening balance
 Advanced receipts from sales of products                                               2,177,001,350.72              2,181,573,144.68
 Advanced receipts for construction settlement payment                                    216,246,689.72                185,782,167.92
 Advanced receipts from services                                                          276,187,505.46                236,278,710.74
 Subtotal                                                                               2,669,435,545.90              2,603,634,023.34
 Less:Contract liabilities included in other non-current liabilities
                                                                                          24,939,037.54                   22,739,796.75
 (Note (V), 38)
 Total                                                                                 2,644,496,508.36                2,580,894,226.59

     2)    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis on the Above Contract Liabilities:

Advanced receipts for product sales include prepayments for goods by customers and sales rebates provided to distributors.
Product sales revenue of the Group is recognized when the control of such product is transferred to the customers. During
the transaction, prepayments for goods by customers are recognized as a contract liability till the goods are shipped or

                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

delivered to the customers. Sales rebates to distributors of the Group may be accumulated when they purchase products
from the Group, and are deductible for payments for goods to be purchased in the future. Such sales rebates enable
distributors to enjoy discounts in their future purchase of goods, which are not available to the same type of customers.
Therefore, the commitment to offer such discounts to distributors on their future purchase prices is a separate performance
obligation. Such commitment is recognized as a contract liability based on the transaction price allocated on the basis of
the fair value of rebates when the sales transaction takes place, and is recognized as revenue when distributors use the
sales rebates for deduction of purchase prices.

The Group provides construction works and maintenance services based on the construction works and maintenance
service contracts with customers, and recognizes revenue based on the performance progress during the term of the
contracts. The Group’s customers make milestone payments for the construction works and maintenance services of the
Group as provided in the contracts. For the portion where the Group has obtained an unconditional right to the payment,
it will be recognized as accounts receivable, while the remaining portion will be recognized as contract assets; where the
contract price received or receivable by the Group exceeds the performance obligation completed to date, the excess
portion will be recognized as contract liabilities. The Group presents contract assets and contract liabilities under the same
contract on a net basis.

The Group provides cloud services including storage service, video service, and telephone service to its customers. Such
services are performance obligations to be satisfied during a period of time, and revenue is recognized based on the
performance progress over the period in which such services are rendered. As customers have prepaid for cloud services
at the time of purchase, at the time of transaction, the Group recognizes as a contract liability for the payments that would
be received for cloud services, and recognizes revenue based on the performance progress over the period in which such
services are rendered.

     3)    As of January 1, 2022, the book value of contract liabilities amounted to RMB2,580,894,226.59 has been
           recognized as revenue in 2022, including contract liabilities of RMB2,181,573,144.68 arising from advance
           receipt of product sales payment, the contract liabilities of RMB185,782,167.92 arising from advance receipt of
           project settlement payment and contract liabilities of RMB213,538,913.99 arising from the advance receipt of
           service payment. As at December 31, 2022, the contract liabilities of RMB2,644,496,508.36 are expected to be
           recognized as revenue in the coming year.

28. Payroll Payable

     1)    Details of payroll payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                      Increase in the     Decrease in the
                   Item                      Opening balance         current reporting   current reporting   Closing balance
                                                                          period              period
 1.Short-term remuneration                      4,520,802,459.92     15,519,933,767.54   15,330,843,636.86    4,709,892,590.60
 2. Termination benefits – defined
                                                   74,749,613.20      1,119,585,045.15    1,066,924,793.00      127,409,865.35
 contribution scheme
 Total                                          4,595,552,073.12     16,639,518,812.69   16,397,768,429.86    4,837,302,455.95
                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     2)     List of Short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                    Increase in the current         Decrease in the current
            Item              Opening balance                                                                           Closing balance
                                                       reporting period                reporting period
 1.Wages or salaries,
 bonuses, allowances and      4,298,383,537.23            13,601,909,847.94               13,535,748,474.15                4,364,544,911.02
 2.Staff welfare                      11,644.54              332,435,539.37                     332,447,183.91                                  -
 3.Social insurance
                                 40,347,586.71               641,312,052.88                     613,993,171.93                67,666,467.66
                                 38,502,111.67               613,409,818.77                     587,311,412.65                64,600,517.79
     Medical insurance
     Injury insurance             1,366,064.14                  22,094,410.18                    20,883,442.62                  2,577,031.70
     Maternity insurance             479,410.90                  5,807,823.93                     5,798,316.66                   488,918.17
 4.Housing funds                              -              695,452,209.35                     691,559,595.18                  3,892,614.17
 5.Labor union and
                               182,059,691.44                248,824,118.00                     157,095,211.69               273,788,597.75
 education fund
 Subtotal                     4,520,802,459.92            15,519,933,767.54               15,330,843,636.86                4,709,892,590.60

     3)     Defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                       Increase in the           Decrease in the
                     Item                     Opening balance                                                             Closing balance
                                                                       current period            current period
 1.Basic pension insurance                        72,541,942.78        1,079,281,000.54          1,026,682,019.64            125,140,923.68
 2.Unemployment insurance                          2,207,670.42           40,304,044.61             40,242,773.36               2,268,941.67
 Subtotal                                         74,749,613.20        1,119,585,045.15           1,066,924,793.00           127,409,865.35

Note: The Group participates in pension insurance and unemployment insurance plans established by government agencies
in accordance with regulations. According to these plans, the Group pays monthly fees to these plans in proportion to the
payment base. The Group has no other material obligation for the payment of pension benefits beyond the contributions
described above, and corresponding expenses were booked into current profits and losses or corresponding assets.

In 2022, the Group shall pay RMB1,079,281,000.54 and RMB40,304,044.61 to the pension insurance plan and
unemployment insurance plan respectively (2021: RMB859,688,761.68 and RMB28,887,040.12). As of December 31,
2022, the Group had fees payables of RMB125,140,923.68 and RMB2,268,941.67 (December 31, 2021:
RMB72,541,942.78 and RMB2,207,670.42), which were due but not paid during the reporting period for pension and
unemployment insurance plans. The relevant fees payables have been paid after the reporting period.

29. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                              Item                                            Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Corporate income tax                                                                 648,624,680.00                         927,703,038.55
 Value-added tax                                                                      380,413,435.90                         426,720,008.08
 City construction and maintenance tax                                                 29,362,098.03                          21,622,541.71
 Education surcharges                                                                  13,048,855.45                            9,380,789.66
 Local education surcharges                                                             9,328,597.02                            6,529,587.16
 Others                                                                               153,254,471.97                          69,514,064.53
 Total                                                                              1,234,032,138.37                       1,461,470,029.69

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

30. Other Payables

     1)    Categories

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                               Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
 Dividend payable                                                            300,150,894.34                 247,382,205.37
 Other payables                                                            2,903,157,791.97               1,583,244,377.66
 Total                                                                     3,203,308,686.31               1,830,626,583.03

     2)    Dividends payable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                                 Closing balance               Opening balance
 Dividends of incentive restricted shares                                    187,657,918.50                 144,401,634.74
 Dividends payable to minority shareholders                                  112,492,975.84                 102,980,570.63
 Total                                                                       300,150,894.34                 247,382,205.37

     3)    Other payables

(1) List of other payables according to the nature of the payment
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                Item                                 Closing balance               Opening balance
 Unexpired commercial acceptance bills that were endorsed (Note
                                                                           1,182,413,217.20                 711,238,103.83
 (V) 3)
 Accrued expenses                                                            988,937,734.54                 144,958,993.62
 Guarantee and deposit fees                                                  401,628,843.74                 341,371,587.01
 Collection and payment on behalf                                            236,839,241.37                 261,710,850.19
 Other expense payable                                                        93,338,755.12                 123,964,843.01
 Total                                                                     2,903,157,791.97               1,583,244,377.66

(2) As of December 31, 2022, the Group did not have any significant other payables aging over one year.

31. Non-current Liabilities Due within One Year

                                Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
 Long-term borrowings due within one year (Note (V) 33)                        562,906,197.43               347,587,089.91
 Lease liabilities due within one year (Note (V), 34)                          303,328,658.06               248,027,043.35
 Long-term payables due within one year (Note (V) 35)                            1,962,416.97                 1,301,227.32
 Total                                                                         868,197,272.46               596,915,360.58

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

32. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
 Subscription payment of restricted shares                                    465,979,374.84                511,594,361.52
 Output VAT to be transferred                                                 457,742,218.94                405,885,561.09
 Total                                                                        923,721,593.78                917,479,922.61

33. Long-term Borrowings
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Item                                  Closing balance               Opening balance
 Pledged loan (Note 1)                                                      1,363,216,974.37               1,455,221,540.20
 Mortgage loan (Note 2)                                                       229,070,200.25                                -
 Guaranteed loan                                                                              -             387,851,149.01
 Credit loan (Note 3)                                                       6,315,934,364.41               1,611,886,043.22
 Other borrowing (Note 4)                                                     177,000,000.00                177,000,000.00
 Less:Long-term loans due within one year (Note (V) 31)                      562,906,197.43                347,587,089.91
 Total                                                                      7,522,315,341.60               3,284,371,642.52

Note 1: As of December 31, 2022, the pledged loan was obtained by the Group with all the rights and benefits pledged
under relevant PPP Projects. The maturity period is from June 20, 2028 to March 26, 2040, the above annual interest rate
of the loan is variable interest rate, ranging from 4.195% to 4.445%.

Note 2: As of December 31, 2022, the mortgage loan was obtained by the Group with the use right of land as the mortgage.
The maturity date is on August, 13, 2026 with the annual interest rate of 1-year LPR rate, which is adjusted each 12 months.

Note 3: At the end of the reporting period, the maturity period of credit loan is from September 27, 2023 to December 1,
2027, and the annual interest rate ranges from 2.7% to 3.7%

Note 4: During 2016, the Group and CDB Development Fund Ltd. (CDBDF) jointly inject capital into Hikvision
Electronics Co., Ltd. ("Hangzhou Electronics"), a subsidiary of the Group. Pursuant to the capital injection agreement,
CDBDF would not participate in senior management personnel such as directors, and it would either take part in decision-
making or make significant influence on Hangzhou Electronics. The Group shall pay a 1.2% annualized return to CDBDF
through dividends or interest payments, and the Group is required to redeem the CDBDF's equity investment in the current
reporting period by installments each year from 2021 to 2024. Therefore, the capital injection by CDBDF is treated as a
long-term loan. As of December 31, 2022, the balance of the loan is 177 million (December 31, 2021: RMB 177 million).

34. Lease Liabilities

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                Item                                 Closing balance                Opening balance
 Lease liabilities                                                           580,584,582.89                 565,978,922.56
 Less :Lease liabilities due within one year (Note (V), 31)                 303,328,658.06                 248,027,043.35
 Total                                                                       277,255,924.83                 317,951,879.21

                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

35. Long-term Payables

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                            Item                                           Closing balance                             Opening balance
 Purchase goods in installments                                                             9,532,351.64                             10,310,558.82
 Less: Long-term payables due within one year (Note
                                                                                            1,962,416.97                              1,301,227.32
 (V), 31)
 Total                                                                                      7,569,934.67                              9,009,331.50

36. Provisions

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                            Item                                            Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Product quality warranty                                                              205,095,341.94                             183,521,316.61
 Return payment payable                                                                    14,269,885.68                             17,154,634.35
 Total                                                                                 219,365,227.62                             200,675,950.96

37. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                      Increase in current           Decrease in current
           Item               Opening balance                                                                      Closing balance        Details
                                                       reporting period              reporting period
Government Subsidies               738,586,458.05              479,021,186.81                 284,347,218.74          933,260,426.12       Note
Total                              738,586,458.05              479,021,186.81                 284,347,218.74          933,260,426.12

As of December 31, 2022, the deferred income related to government subsidies:
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                   Amounts booked into
                                                                                                                                   Related to
                                         Increase in current       other income during         Other
  Liability Items   Opening Balance                                                                         Closing Balance     assets/related to
                                          reporting period         the current reporting      changes
Manufacturing          40,717,681.34                           -          2,418,872.16                  -     38,298,809.18 Related to assets
Base construction
 Other special
                     539,130,528.37          141,138,620.81              58,978,900.31                  -   621,290,248.87 Related to assets
 Other special
                     158,738,248.34          337,882,566.00             222,949,446.27                  -   273,671,368.07 Related to incomes
Subtotal             738,586,458.05          479,021,186.81             284,347,218.74                  -   933,260,426.12

Note: Refer to government subsidies received by the Group for projects such as Chongqing Manufacturing Base
construction and other special projects; Actual expenses occurred in the current reporting period for other special subsidies
related to incomes were recognized in other income; and relevant assets for Chongqing Manufacture Park construction
and other special subsidies related to assets were amortized averagely in other income within the assets’ useful lives.

                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

38. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Subscription for restricted stocks                                                         2,806,169,050.05                         511,594,361.52
 Contract liabilities                                                                           24,939,037.54                         22,739,796.75
 Total                                                                                      2,831,108,087.59                         534,334,158.27

39. Share Capital

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                              Changes for the current reporting period

                                                              Bon        Transfer
                        Opening balance    New issue of        us         from                                                       Closing balance
                                                                                              Others               Subtotal
                                             shares           issu       Capital
                                                                e        Reserve
 Total shares           9,335,806,114.00   97,402,605.00             -              -       (2,288,095.00)        95,114,510.00      9,430,920,624.00
 Total shares           9,343,417,190.00                  -          -              -       (7,611,076.00)        (7,611,076.00)     9,335,806,114.00

Note: On January 18, 2022, in accordance with the authorization by the Company's first Extraordinary General Meeting
in 2022, the resolution by the 8th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors and the revised Articles of Association,
the Company was approved to issue 97,402,605 additional RMB ordinary shares to 9,738 scheme participants. The face
value is RMB1 per share, and the issue price is 29.71 per share. Those shares had been completed the share registration
procedures on February 10, 2022. Therefore, the paid-in capital of the Company increased RMB 97,402,605.00, resulting
a capital reserve of RMB 2,796,428,789.55.

In accordance with the authorization by the Company’s second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2018, the resolution by
the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors on May 5, 2022, the resolution of the second Extraordinary
General Meeting in 2022 on October 10, 2021 and the revised Articles of Association, the Company repurchased and
cancelled the granted 2,288,095 restricted RMB treasury shares that have not been unlocked by cash, reducing the share
capital of RMB2,288,095.00 and capital reserve of RMB36,563,758.10. The Company completed the deregistration on
December 21, 2022.

In accordance with the authorization by the Company’s second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2016 ,the authorization
by the second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2018, the resolution by the 20th meeting of the 4th session of the Board of
Directors on December 25, 2020, the resolution of the first Extraordinary General Meeting in 2021 on March 5, 2021 and
the revised Articles of Association, the Company repurchased and cancelled the granted 7,611,076 restricted RMB treasury
shares that have not been unlocked by cash, reducing the share capital of RMB7,611,076.00 and capital reserve of
RMB115,032,981.28. The Company completed the deregistration on July 2, 2021.

40. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                Increase in the current                 Decrease in the current
         Item            Opening balance           reporting period                        reporting period                    Closing balance
                                                       (Note 1)                                (Note 2)
 Share premium              4,800,739,839.94              4,532,411,217.65                         43,336,115.30                     9,289,814,942.29
 Other capital                603,330,760.13                  696,045,520.27                      448,037,787.37                       851,338,493.03

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

 Total                    5,404,070,600.07             5,228,456,737.92              491,373,902.67           10,141,153,435.32
 Share premium            4,747,808,907.38               175,364,843.03              122,433,910.47             4,800,739,839.94
 Other capital
                           430,968,554.71                347,727,048.45              175,364,843.03              603,330,760.13
 Total                    5,178,777,462.09               523,091,891.48              297,798,753.50             5,404,070,600.07

Note 1: The increase of RMB2,796,428,789.5 in the share premium in the current fiscal year was due to the 97,402,605
additional RMB ordinary shares issued to 9,738 grantees by Company with approval, please refer to Note (V) 39 for details.
The increase of RMB448,037,787.37 in the share premium in the current fiscal year was due to the exercise of equity-
settled share-based payments, and other capital reserves were transferred to the share premium. The increase of
RMB1,287,944,640.73 in the share premium in the current fiscal year was due to the Company's subsidiary EZVIZ
Network’s initial public offering of shares, and the shareholding ratio has been diluted from 60% to 48%., please refer to
Note (Ⅶ) 2 for details.

The increase of RMB578,605,328.33 in other capital reserves in the current fiscal year was calculated with equity-settled
share-based payments which were included in the capital reserve. The increase of RMB29,772,104.11 in other capital
reserves in the current fiscal year was due to the effect of deferred income tax caused by the restricted incentive scheme.
The increase of RMB87,668,087.83 in other capital reserves in the current fiscal year was due to changes in the equity of
investee in long-term equity investments accounted by the equity method.

The increase of RMB175,364,843.03 in the share premium during the prior year was due to the exercise of equity-settled
share-based payments, and other capital reserves were transferred to the share premium.

The increase of RMB347,727,048.45 in other capital reserves during the prior year was calculated with equity-settled
share-based payments which were included in the capital reserve.

Note 2: The decrease of RMB 36,563,758.10 in share premium during this year was due to the Company’s repurchase of
2,288,095 shares of granted but unvested RMB treasury shares by cash, please refer to Note (V) 39 for details; The decrease
of RMB 6,772,357.20 in share premium during the current reporting period was due to share distributions by equity
settlements to minority shareholders.

The decrease of RMB 115,032,981.28 in share premium during the prior year was due to the Company’s repurchase of
7,611,076 granted but unvested RMB treasury shares by cash, please refer to Note (V) 39 for details; The decrease of
RMB 7,400,929.19 in share premium during the current reporting period was due to share distributions by equity
settlements to minority shareholders.

41. Treasury Shares

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                      Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
            Item                Opening Balance                                                             Closing balance
                                                          reporting period          reporting period
 Restricted shares
                                  1,023,188,723.04           2,893,831,394.55            644,871,692.70        3,272,148,424.89
 incentive scheme
 Outstanding shares                              -           2,043,885,225.35                         -        2,043,885,225.35
 Total                            1,023,188,723.04           4,937,716,619.90            644,871,692.70        5,316,033,650.24
 Restricted shares
                                  1,121,918,737.47                          -             98,730,014.43        1,023,188,723.04
 incentive scheme
 Total                            1,121,918,737.47                          -             98,730,014.43        1,023,188,723.04

Note: During the current reporting period, the increase of RMB 2,893,831,394.55 in treasury shares was due to the
97,402,605 RMB ordinary shares issued to 9,738 grantees at the price of 29.71 per share on January 18, 2022, please refer
to Note (V) 39 for details.

During the current reporting period, the increase of RMB 2,043,885,225.35 in treasury shares was due to the repurchase
                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

of the Company's shares with the amount of 66,987,835 by means of centralized bidding using its own fund. The
repurchased shares were held in the Company's dedicated securities account for repurchase, and the Company had
completed the cancellation procedures for the above shares at the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and
Clearing Ltd. on January 17, 2023.

During the current reporting period, the decreased amount of RMB 644,871,692.70 in treasury shares was due to the
provision of cash dividend allocated to restricted shares and the repurchase and cancellation of 2,288,095 restricted shares
of the 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme, as well as the vesting and exercising the amount of 33,142,730 shares
under the condition that the second vesting period expired of the 2018 Restricted Shares Scheme.

During the prior year, the decreased amount of RMB 98,730,014.43 in treasury shares was due to the provision of cash
dividend allocated to restricted shares and the repurchase and cancellation of 7,611,076 restricted shares of the 2016 and
2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme.


                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

42. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                      Amounts occurred in the current reporting period
                                          The before-    transfer to
                                          income-tax       current
                                             amount                     Less:       Attributable to Attributable to
                         Opening                         period P/L
         Item                               incurred                   income          the parent        minority            Closing balance
                         balance                            from
                                           during the                    tax        company (after     shareholders
                                             current      previous    expense                           (after tax)
                                           reporting        other
                                             period     comprehens
                                                        ive income
 Other incomes
 that may be
 reclassified           (77,184,125.29)    88,691,088.90              -           -        34,596,966.48   54,094,122.42        (42,587,158.81)
 subsequently to
 profit or loss
 Included: Effect
 on conversion of
                        (77,184,125.29)    88,691,088.90              -           -        34,596,966.48   54,094,122.42        (42,587,158.81)
 denominated in
 foreign currencies
 comprehensive          (77,184,125.29)    88,691,088.90              -           -        34,596,966.48   54,094,122.42        (42,587,158.81)
 Other incomes
 that may be
 reclassified           (84,993,926.94)     4,631,122.68              -           -         7,809,801.65   (3,178,678.97)       (77,184,125.29)
 subsequently to
 profit or loss
 Included: Effect
 on conversion of
                        (84,993,926.94)     4,631,122.68              -           -         7,809,801.65   (3,178,678.97)       (77,184,125.29)
 denominated in
 foreign currencies
 comprehensive          (84,993,926.94)     4,631,122.68              -           -         7,809,801.65   (3,178,678.97)       (77,184,125.29)

43. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                     Increase in the   Decrease in the
                                                                         current          current
                 Item                       Opening balance                                                      Closing balance
                                                                        reporting        reporting
                                                                          period           period
 Statutory surplus reserves                     4,672,505,348.00     42,954,964.00                   -                      4,715,460,312.00
 Total                                          4,672,505,348.00     42,954,964.00                   -                      4,715,460,312.00
 Statutory surplus reserves                     4,672,505,348.00                  -                  -                      4,672,505,348.00
 Total                                          4,672,505,348.00                  -                  -                      4,672,505,348.00

                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Note: According to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association of the Company,
The Company shall withdraw the statutory surplus reserve fund at 10% of the annual net profit of the parent company, and
when the accumulated amount of the statutory surplus reserve fund reaches more than 50% of the registered capital, it may
not be withdrawn. The Company has withdrawn a statutory surplus reserve of RMB42,954,964.00 during the reporting
period. As for December 31, 2022, the accumulative statutory surplus reserve has reached 50% of the Company's share
capital. The statutory surplus reserve can be used to make up for losses or increase the share capital after approval.

44. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                Item                                              2022                                   2021
 Retained Earnings at the close of the prior reporting period                      45,148,877,451.52                       35,806,523,826.37
 Add: Net profit attributable to the parent company for the
                                                                                   12,837,342,061.07                        16,800,411,032.05
 current reporting period
 Less: withdraw the statutory surplus reserve                                          42,954,964.00                                          -
       Dividends payable on common shares (Note)                                     8,483,023,562.10                        7,458,057,406.90
 Retained earnings at the end of the current reporting
                                                                                   49,460,240,986.49                        45,148,877,451.52

Note:According to the resolution of 2021 Annual General Meeting dated on May 13, 2022, based upon the total capital
share of the Company on the equity distribution date, for each 10 ordinary shares, the Company distributed cash dividends
of RMB 9 (tax inclusive), the rest of retained earnings were all carried forward for future distributions.

45. Revenue/cost of sales and services

45.1 Revenue and cost of sales and services
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                   2022                                              2021
                                                    Revenue                       Cost                  Revenue                   Cost
 Major business                                    82,542,204,243.66        47,602,859,697.82       80,803,165,490.40       44,894,713,863.87
 Other business                                          624,117,437.48          393,394,768.50         616,888,048.87         434,686,468.78
 Total                                             83,166,321,681.14        47,996,254,466.32       81,420,053,539.27       45,329,400,332.65

45.2 Revenue (By product or business type)
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                         Item                                             2022                                       2021

 Products and services for main business (Note)                              65,873,570,961.21                              65,145,683,074.74
 Constructions of main business                                                  2,222,876,059.14                            4,003,746,727.88
 Innovative businesses                                                       15,069,874,660.79                              12,270,623,736.65
 Including: Smart home business                                                  4,077,290,933.03                            3,948,427,896.29
            Robotic business                                                     3,916,176,952.59                            2,761,636,666.33
            Thermal imaging business                                             2,790,033,744.03                            2,214,127,005.65
            Auto electronics business                                            1,905,289,927.53                            1,431,895,295.48
            Storage business                                                     1,616,267,518.08                            1,384,585,038.78
            Other innovative businesses                                           764,815,585.53                              529,951,834.12
 Total                                                                       83,166,321,681.14                              81,420,053,539.27
Note: Main business refers to the business parts other than the innovative businesses.

45.3 Major business (by business type)
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Item                                                                     2022

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                          Revenue                                    Cost
 Product sales                                                       78,971,234,689.44                      45,422,471,442.42
 Construction contract                                                2,222,876,059.14                       1,672,876,250.28
 Provide services                                                     1,348,093,495.08                        507,512,005.12
 Total                                                               82,542,204,243.66                      47,602,859,697.82

45.4 Major business (by the time of revenue recognition)
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                          Revenue                                    Cost
 Satisfied at a point in time                                        78,971,234,689.44                      45,422,471,442.42
 Satisfied over time                                                  3,570,969,554.22                       2,180,388,255.40
 Total                                                               82,542,204,243.66                      47,602,859,697.82

Descriptions of Performance obligations:

The Group sells video surveillance and other main business products, smart home products, robotic products, thermal
imaging products, auto electronics products, storage products and other innovative businesses ‘products and related
services. For sales of goods to customers, the Group recognizes revenue when the control of the goods is transferred, i.e.
when the goods are delivered to the location designated by other party, or delivered to the carrier designated by other party,
or delivered to the other party for acceptance. Since the delivery of the goods to the customer represents the right to
unconditionally receive the contract consideration, and the maturity of the payment only depends on the passage of time,
the Group recognizes a receivable when the goods are delivered to the customer. When the customer prepays for the goods,
the Group recognizes the transaction amount received as a contract liability, and recognizes revenue until the goods are
delivered to the customer.

For projects constructed for customers, since the customers could control the assets under construction during the
performance of the Group, the Group recognizes revenue according to the performance progress by treating them as the
obligations within certain period, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Group
applies the output method to determine the performance progress, which is based on the value to the customers of the
goods or services that have been transferred to them. Where the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined,
and the costs incurred by the Group are expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to the
amount of the costs already incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. The customers of the
Group pay the Group for the construction works by milestone payments in accordance with the contract. For the portion
where the Group has obtained an unconditional right to the payment, it will be recognized as accounts receivable, while
the remaining portion will be recognized as contract assets; where the contract price received or receivable by the Group
exceeds the performance obligation completed to date, the excess portion will be recognized as contract liabilities. The
Group presents contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract on a net basis.

The Group provides customers with operation and maintenance services. Since customers obtain and consume the
economic benefits generated by the performance of the Group at the same time when the Group performs its obligations,
the Group recognizes revenue according to the performance progress by treating them as the obligations within certain

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

period. The customers of the Group pay the Group for the maintenance services by milestone payments in accordance with
the contract. For the portion where the Group has obtained an unconditional right to the payment, it will be recognized as
accounts receivable, while the remaining portion will be recognized as contract assets; where the contract price received
or receivable by the Group exceeds the performance obligation completed to date, the excess portion will be recognized
as contract liabilities. The Group presents contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract on a net basis.

According to the project contract, the Group provides both project asset construction services and post-construction
operation services and maintenance services. The Group identifies construction services, operation services and
maintenance services as individual performance obligations, and allocates the transaction price to each performance
obligation based on the relative proportion of the stand-alone selling price of each performance obligation.

The Group provides cloud services including storage service, video service, and telephone service to its customers. Such
services are performance obligations to be satisfied during a period of time, and revenue is recognized based on the
performance progress over the period in which such services are rendered. As customers have prepaid for cloud services
at the time of purchase, the Group recognizes the payments for cloud services received at the time of transaction as a
contract liability, and recognizes revenue based on the performance progress over the period in which such services are

Sales rebates to distributors of the Group may be accumulated when they purchase products from the Group, and are
deductible for payments for goods to be purchased in the future. Such sales rebates enable distributors to enjoy discounts
in their future purchase of goods, which are not available to the same type of customers. Therefore, the commitment to
offer such discounts to distributors on their future purchase prices is a separate performance obligation. Such commitment
is recognized as a contract liability based on the transaction price allocated on the basis of the fair value of rebates when
the sales transaction takes place, and is recognized as revenue when distributors use the sales rebates for deduction of
purchase prices.

The Group provides quality assurance for the sold video surveillance products, smart home products, robotic products and
other products and related accessories, as well as the assets constructed. The quality assurance related to the products sold
by the Group cannot be purchased separately, and is a guarantee to customers that the products sold meet the established
standards, therefore, the Group conducts accounting treatment in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies, please refer to Note (III) 24 and Note (V) 36 for details.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

46. Business Taxes and Surcharges

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                         Items                                       2022                                 2021
 City construction and maintenance tax                                      261,890,379.68                    271,005,144.60
 Education surcharges                                                       114,135,419.82                    118,219,501.03
 Local education surcharges                                                  76,090,687.28                     78,812,578.90
 Stamp duty                                                                  69,797,920.71                     48,719,842.95
 Real estate tax                                                             50,840,111.92                     38,218,345.28
 Tax on use of land                                                           7,492,257.10                      5,747,583.10
 Vehicle and vessel tax                                                         144,621.51                        156,562.97
 Others                                                                       1,505,298.49                        100,448.69
 Total                                                                      581,896,696.51                    560,980,007.52

47. Selling Expenses

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                             Items                                   2022                                 2021
 Payroll                                                                6,373,360,098.93                    5,548,436,481.61
 Marketing Expenses                                                     1,327,140,202.21                    1,351,499,107.82
 Shipping, transportation, and vehicle expense                            397,419,186.30                      300,539,153.45
 Travelling expenses                                                      392,884,475.16                      272,916,031.74
 Office expenses                                                          265,238,884.68                      206,708,742.81
 Business hospitality expenses                                            267,086,429.99                      251,571,190.72
 Rental expenses                                                           72,212,549.78                       66,296,932.66
 Professional Intermediary expenses                                       202,590,077.82                      192,080,083.00
 Depreciation and amortization expenses                                   262,935,078.67                      208,955,480.02
 Others                                                                   212,590,352.69                      187,440,464.19
 Total                                                                  9,773,457,336.23                    8,586,443,668.02

48. Administrative Expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                             Items                                   2022                                 2021
 Payroll                                                                1,621,419,524.98                    1,320,787,327.54
 Office expenses                                                          295,789,889.76                      228,196,179.10
 Depreciation and amortization expenses                                   237,858,482.96                      194,491,716.47
 Professional Intermediary expenses                                        96,942,652.20                       95,361,861.47
 Travelling expenses                                                       36,736,435.95                       39,132,306.65
 Shipping, transportation, utility expense                                 62,093,258.21                       48,723,035.15
 Rental expenses                                                            5,262,993.41                       10,375,238.03
 Business hospitality expenses                                              8,369,231.08                       11,296,053.97
 Others                                                                   277,640,903.45                      183,886,745.58
 Total                                                                  2,642,113,372.00                    2,132,250,463.96

49. R&D Expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                             Items                                   2022                                 2021
 Payroll                                                                7,813,245,802.96                    6,809,382,000.63
 Consumables and service fees                                             786,747,111.47                      556,631,898.14
 Depreciation and amortization expenses                                   318,021,624.81                      299,364,107.17
 Office expenses                                                            251,800,832.86                    167,582,498.45
 Intermediate testing fees                                                  264,433,773.09                    144,910,134.48

                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

 Travelling expenses                                                                    132,053,314.05                    108,265,517.40
 New product design fees                                                                169,736,403.69                    106,964,625.53
 Rental expenses                                                                          8,122,851.03                        5,329,594.73
 Others                                                                                  70,282,546.59                       53,214,724.86
 Total                                                                              9,814,444,260.55                     8,251,645,101.39

50. Financial Expenses

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                               Items                                             2022                                 2021
 Interest expenses                                                                      296,404,671.30                    231,787,858.92
 Interest expense on lease liabilities                                                   20,907,764.05                       17,607,723.12
 Less: Interest income                                                                  921,912,411.61                    885,545,988.62
       Foreign exchange losses (gains)                                              (428,082,371.67)                      354,146,744.37
 Less: Capitalized specific loan interests and foreign
                                                                                        (2,660,111.75)                   (124,649,345.63)
 exchange differences on specific loan
 Others                                                                                  39,620,702.86                       24,011,058.74
 Total                                                                              (990,401,533.32)                     (133,343,257.84)

51. Other Income

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Items                                             2022                                 2021
 VAT refund                                                                        1,753,740,330.32                     2,054,594,872.37
 Special subsidies                                                                  707,753,385.13                        558,717,940.38
 Tax reduction                                                                          17,631,644.13                        14,829,396.58
 Value-added tax deduction                                                               3,342,496.39                          418,611.13
 Total                                                                             2,482,467,855.97                     2,628,560,820.46

52. Investment Income

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                               Items                                                      2022                          2021
 Long-term equity investment gains based on the equity method                               106,498,595.01                114,137,281.18
 Investment income from other non-current financial assets during
                                                                                             51,892,209.92                115,644,801.97
 the holding period
 Investment income from disposal of non-current financial assets                              1,260,000.00                             -
 Investment income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets                        55,194,649.80                113,608,106.10
 Investment income (loss) from disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                              3,550,851.71               (169,184,641.43)
 business units
 Total                                                                                      218,396,306.44                174,205,547.82

53. Gains (Losses) from Changes in Fair Values

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
               Sources of gains (losses) from changes in fair values                      2022                          2021
 Held-for-trading financial assets                                                         (21,549,304.93)                   11,711,591.07
         Including: gains on the changes in fair value of derivative financial
                                                                                           (21,549,304.93)                   11,711,591.07

                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

          Gains (Losses) from changes in fair value of other non-current
          financial assets
                                                                                           (69,793,177.28)                  (53,214,895.05)
 Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                                    (64,225,038.68)                       3,303,279.51
         Including: gains (losses) on the changes in fair value of derivative
         financial instruments
                                                                                           (64,225,038.68)                       3,303,279.51
 Total                                                                                 (155,567,520.89)                     (38,200,024.47)

54. Credit Impairment Gains (Losses)

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                        Items                                         2022                                2021
 Credit impairment gains (losses) of accounts receivable                               (532,337,205.31)                    (566,389,266.23)
 Credit impairment reverses gains (losses) of other receivables                             (4,552,362.71)                    25,231,443.14
 Credit impairment gains (losses) of long-term receivables                                 (48,271,667.43)                  (28,600,342.41)
 Total                                                                                 (585,161,235.45)                    (569,758,165.50)

55. Impairment Gains (Losses) of Assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                 Items                                                  2022                              2021
 Gains (losses) on inventory devaluation                                               (473,766,927.68)                    (434,614,231.94)
 Gains (losses) on impairment of intangible assets                                      (42,034,063.49)                                   -
 Contract assets impairment Gains (losses)                                                 7,347,162.35                     (13,075,174.66)
 Total                                                                                 (508,453,828.82)                    (447,689,406.60)

56. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         The amount booked into current
                      Items                                     2022                2021                 period non-recurring profits and
 Fines and confiscations                                        65,172,834.46       59,586,645.03                            65,172,834.46
 Government subsidies                                               884,540.66       2,653,472.98                                884,540.66
 Income from business combination of
                                                                                -    1,163,932.96                                          -
 enterprises not under the same control
 Others                                                         21,308,610.36       12,340,318.32                            21,308,610.36
 Total                                                          87,365,985.48       75,744,369.29                            87,365,985.48

Government subsidies included in current profit and loss:
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                                      2022               2021                Related to assets/Related to incomes
 Tax reduction                                                        2,080.77          341,525.58             Related to incomes
 Other subsidies                                                    882,459.89        2,311,947.40             Related to incomes
 Total                                                              884,540.66        2,653,472.98

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

57. Non-operating Expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                               The amount booked into current period
                     Items                                   2022            2021
                                                                                                  non-recurring profits and losses
 Losses on disposal of non-current assets                    1,038,677.10      8,156,134.63                              1,038,677.10
 Local water conservancy construction fund                   2,055,980.46      1,347,569.92                              2,055,980.46
 Donation expenses                                           1,575,092.28     51,489,848.19                              1,575,092.28
 Others                                                     10,404,363.27     20,560,553.01                             10,404,363.27
 Total                                                      15,074,113.11     81,554,105.75                             15,074,113.11

58. Income Tax Expenses

58.1 Details of income tax expenses
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                               Items                                        2022                                2021
 Income tax for the current reporting period                                 1,829,079,291.07                     1,912,421,635.04
 Deferred income tax expenses                                                (241,980,999.03)                     (385,068,762.95)
 Differences in filing and payment of income tax in previous
                                                                             (289,116,386.50)                     (569,862,219.93)
 reporting years
 Total                                                                       1,297,981,905.54                       957,490,652.16

58.2 Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                         2022                               2021
 Total profit                                                                14,854,951,627.47                   18,468,211,862.63
 Income tax expenses calculated at applicable tax rates of 15%                2,228,242,744.12                    2,770,231,779.39
 Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                53,248,187.90                      13,462,549.85
 Tax effect of non-taxable income                                                  (2,963,187.15)                   (20,994,120.30)
 Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses
 for which no deferred income tax assets is recognized for the                     105,389,667.58                   126,889,022.94
 current period
 Impact of using deductible temporary differences or deductible
 losses for which no deferred income tax assets was recognized for             (127,946,065.51)                   (124,304,097.81)
 the prior periods
 Differences of income tax annual filing (Note)                                (289,116,386.50)                   (569,862,219.93)
 Impact by different tax rates applicable to different subsidiaries                163,817,215.68                   117,262,283.11
 Impact of additional deduction of R&D expenses                                (920,031,766.64)                   (853,993,809.22)
 Others                                                                             87,341,496.06                 (501,200,735.87)
 Income tax expenses                                                          1,297,981,905.54                      957,490,652.16

59. Notes to Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Items

59.1 Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                               Items                                        2022                                 2021
 Interest income                                                               769,911,170.27                       747,643,940.57

                                                                                            Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                               Items                                 2022                                 2021
 Government subsidies                                                   903,309,813.09                      1,108,737,358.14
 Withdrawal of restricted currency funds                                334,647,085.86                       870,118,675.99
 Others                                                                     94,532,468.51                        71,926,963.35
 Total                                                                 2,102,400,537.73                     2,798,426,938.05

59.2 Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                               Item                                  2022                                 2021
 Advertising and Selling services                                     1,094,845,870.81                      1,209,668,231.40
 Office expenses and business expenses                                1,357,207,317.97                      1,244,593,584.01
 Shipping and transportation expense                                    459,512,444.51                       380,408,948.15
 R&D expense                                                          1,276,697,213.62                       702,435,895.72
 Travelling expense                                                     561,674,225.16                       420,313,855.79
 Outsourcing service fees, fees for hiring intermediaries, etc.         473,912,644.83                       406,476,311.46
 Rental expense                                                             85,598,394.22                        82,001,765.42
 Deposits to restricted monetary funds                                  256,100,102.65                       553,153,948.19
 Others                                                                 415,552,270.26                       298,285,736.64
 Total                                                                5,981,100,484.03                      5,297,338,276.78

59.3 Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                               Item                                  2022                                 2021
 Receipts of financing lease payments                                       47,587,599.27                                      -
 Net cash receipts from acquiring subsidiaries and other
                                                                               182,816.96                                      -
 business units
 Total                                                                      47,770,416.23                                      -

59.4 Other cash payments related to investing activities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                               Item                                  2022                                 2021
 Cash payments for investment intention funds                                           -                         4,000,000.00
 Net cash payment for disposal of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                        -                         6,196,658.79
 business units
 Total                                                                                  -                        10,196,658.79

59.5 Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                               Item                                  2022                                 2021
 Repurchase of outstanding shares                                      2,043,885,225.35                                        -
 Repurchase of restricted shares                                            38,851,853.10                    122,644,057.28
 Repayment of lease liabilities                                         228,009,188.10                       190,296,810.23
 Total                                                                 2,310,746,266.55                      312,940,867.51

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

60. Supplementary Information about Cash Flow Statement

60.1 Supplementary information about cash flow statement
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                         Supplementary information                              2022                      2021
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:
   Net profit                                                                13,556,969,721.93           17,510,721,210.47
   Add: Impairment of assets                                                    508,453,828.82             447,689,406.60
         Provision for credit losses                                            585,161,235.45             569,758,165.50
         Fixed assets depreciation                                              928,114,412.10             685,029,204.28
         Amortization of intangible assets                                       79,676,213.21             140,708,108.57
         Long-term deferred expenses amortization                                81,486,526.31              66,502,221.67
         Right-of-use assets depreciation                                       246,373,656.24             198,362,376.40
         Gains (losses) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                 17,578,905.00             (34,225,603.81)
         other long-term assets
         Fixed asset scrapping losses                                             1,038,677.10                8,156,134.63
         Losses from changes in fair value                                      155,567,520.89              38,200,024.47
         Financial expenses                                                     165,311,194.01             302,351,912.74
         Investment income                                                    (218,396,306.44)            (174,205,547.82)
         Share-based payment based on equity
                                                                                620,309,681.65             369,329,250.11
          Decrease (increase) of restricted funds                              (78,546,983.21)             316,964,727.80
          Increase in deferred income tax assets                              (258,768,913.80)            (390,473,424.46)
         Increase in deferred income tax liabilities                             20,971,335.55                   335,327.28
         Increase in inventories                                             (1,510,338,683.95)         (5,936,053,632.80)
         Decrease (increase) of operating other non-current assets              560,599,677.46            (497,739,824.36)
         Decrease (increase) in operating receivables                        (4,921,967,123.64)         (5,478,863,810.65)
         Increase (decrease) in operating payables                            (570,133,160.37)            4,019,434,922.97
         Increase in deferred income                                            194,673,968.07             547,707,470.36
         Others                                                                               -             (1,163,932.96)
    Net cash flows from operating activities                                 10,164,135,382.38           12,708,524,686.99
 2. Significant investing and financing activities not involving cash
     receipts and payments:
 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
      Closing balance of cash                                                39,815,390,514.57           34,603,944,429.20
      Less: Opening balance of cash                                          34,603,944,429.20           35,024,837,878.31
      Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                -                             -
      Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                               -                             -
   Net Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                       5,211,446,085.37            (420,893,449.11)

                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

60.2 Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries during the current year
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
 Cash or cash equivalents paid for the business combination in this year                                                                          -
 Including: Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire                                                                                                                 -
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the Company on the acquisition date                                                         (182,816.96)
 Including: Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire                                                                                                     182,816.96
 Net cash paid for obtaining the subsidiary                                                                                          (182,816.96)
 Booked into: Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                                                                    182,816.96

60.3 Constituents of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                               Item                                           Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Cash                                                                                39,815,390,514.57                          34,603,944,429.20
    Including: Cash on hand                                                               1,210,065.16                               1,851,273.53
               Bank deposit for payment at any time                                  39,607,767,094.21                          34,573,786,777.26
               Other monetary capital for payment at any time                          206,413,355.20                              28,306,378.41
 Cash equivalents                                                                                    -                                            -
 Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                        39,815,390,514.57                          34,603,944,429.20

Among the total balance of RMB402,886,840.57 of the other monetary fund(s) at the end of the reporting period
(December 31, 2021: RMB146,232,880.57 ), RMB196,473,485.37 are various guarantee deposits and other restricted
funds, etc. (December 31, 2021: RMB117,926,502.16), not cash and cash equivalents.

61. Assets with Restriction in Ownership or Use Rights

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                              Book value at the end of the current
                    Item                                                                                 Cause of restriction
                                                       reporting period
Cash and bank balances                                           196,473,485.37 Various guarantee deposits and other restricted funds

Notes receivable                                               1,241,880,022.19 Endorsed to suppliers and discounted to banks

Receivables for financing                                               10,312.23 Pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills

Accounts receivable                                              344,585,345.01 Pledged for long-term borrowings

Contract assets                                                  120,072,855.46 Pledged for long-term borrowings

Fixed assets                                                      81,627,645.88 Fixed assets leased out under operating leases

Intangible assets                                                 39,314,886.51 Pledged and mortgage for long-term borrowings

Other non-current assets                                       1,607,546,382.61 Pledge for long-term debts

Total                                                          3,631,510,935.26

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

62. Monetary Items of Foreign Currencies

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                          Balance in foreign currency at          Exchange rate for       Balance of RMB converted at
                                          the end of the reporting period            conversion           the end of the reporting period
 Cash and bank balances
   Including: USD                                        365,876,681.09                         6.9646                 2,548,184,733.10
              EUR                                        100,728,995.12                         7.4229                   747,701,257.88
              GBP                                           8,805,385.21                        8.3941                    73,913,283.96
              AED                                          13,418,901.49                        1.8966                    25,450,288.57
              HKD                                          22,066,243.26                        0.8933                    19,711,775.10
              PLN                                           8,791,237.76                        1.5878                    13,958,727.32

 Accounts receivable
   Including: EUR                                        296,862,915.28                         7.4229                 2,203,583,733.83
               USD                                         99,615,885.86                        6.9646                   693,784,798.66
               HKD                                         60,473,017.96                        0.8933                    54,020,546.94

 Short-term borrowings
   Including: EUR                                        150,144,922.22                         7.4229                 1,114,510,743.16
               USD                                         30,854,039.57                        6.9646                   214,886,044.02

 Accounts payable
   Including: USD                                          63,196,308.20                        6.9646                   440,137,008.09
               HKD                                       638,003,666.55                         0.8933                   569,928,675.33
              EUR                                             319,432.81                        7.4229                      2,371,117.81

 Long-term borrowings
   Including: EUR                                        142,000,000.00                         7.4229                 1,054,051,800.00

 Non-current liabilities due within
 one year - Long-term borrowings
   Including: EUR                                           4,035,688.89                        7.4229                    29,956,515.06

63. Government Subsidies

63.1 By categories
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Amount booked in current profit
             Category                           Amount                      Financial Report Items
                                                                                                                   and loss
 VAT refund                                        1,753,740,330.32              Other Income                        1,753,740,330.32
 Special subsidies                                 1,641,896,271.14
                                                                            Deferred income / Other
 Including: other special subsidies                1,601,178,589.80         income/ Non-operating                      706,216,972.86
           Chongqing                                                        Deferred income / Other
           Manufacturing Base                         40,717,681.34                                                       2,418,872.16
           construction subsidies
                                                                       Other income/ Non-operating
 Tax Refund/Reduction                                 20,976,221.29                                                      20,976,221.29
 Total                                             3,416,612,822.75                                                   2,483,352,396.63

63.2 There was no refund of government subsidies during the current reporting period.

                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

VI. Changes in Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination of Enterprises Not under the Same Control

1.1 Business combination of enterprises not under the same control

Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire

On December 15, 2021, the Company's subsidiary - Hikfire Technology signed an equity purchase agreement with the
original shareholders of Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering Ltd. The agreement stipulated that Hikvision Fire
Technology would acquire 100% of the equity of Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering Ltd. for RMB 15.75 million.
On February 28, 2022, the two parties completed the equity transfer of Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire Safety Engineering Ltd.
Therefore, the Group took February 28, 2022 as the acquisition date and the Group incorporated the Subject Companies
into consolidation scope from the acquisition date. As of December 31, 2022, the Company has completed the equity
transfer payment of RMB 4 million.

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Income of         Net profit of
                                                   Equity                                                  acquiree from
                    Time of                                                                                                   acquiree from
 Name of the                         Equity       acquisitio Equity                          Basis for
                                                                                                          acquisition data
                     equity                                                                                                  acquisition data
  acquiree                       acquisition cost  n ratio acquisition Date of acquisition determining to the end of
                   acquisition                               method                       the acquisition                    to the end of the
                                                     (%)                                                   the reporting     reporting period

    Zhejiang                                                                                  delivery date
   Zhiyuan Fire
                                                               Cash                           for obtaining 132,562,586.6
      Safety      February 2022 15,750,000.00 100.00%                     February 28, 2022                                   1,566,575.13
   Engineering                                               Payments                         control of the      3
       Ltd.                                                                                     purchased

1.2 Cost of business combination and goodwill

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                      Cost of business combination                                             Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire
- Cash                                                                                                                      4,000,000.00
- Liability(other account payable )                                                                                          11,750,000.00
Total cost of business combination                                                                                           15,750,000.00
Less: The fair value share of identifiable net assets obtained                                                                7,550,746.23
Goodwill                                                                                                                      8,199,253.77

1.3 Acquiree’s book value of assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                        Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire (Note)
                                          Book value on the date of acquisition                Fair value on the date of acquisition
Cash and bank balances                                                     182,816.96                                            182,816.96
Notes receivable                                                           990,821.94                                            990,821.94
Accounts receivable                                                      9,894,353.90                                          9,894,353.90
Prepayments                                                                753,476.00                                            753,476.00
Other receivables                                                        1,684,461.20                                          1,684,461.20
Inventories                                                             84,186,707.41                                         84,186,707.41

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                       Zhejiang Zhiyuan Fire (Note)
                                       Book value on the date of acquisition                Fair value on the date of acquisition
Contract assets                                                        1,562,030.46                                         1,562,030.46
Other current assets                                                     31,662.38                                            31,662.38
Accounts payable                                                     10,731,655.87                                       10,731,655.87
Contract liabilities                                                 71,900,823.14                                       71,900,823.14
Tax payable                                                            378,277.85                                           378,277.85
Other payables                                                        7,734,005.22                                        7,734,005.22
Short-term borrowings                                                  990,821.94                                           990,821.94
Net assets:                                                           7,550,746.23                                        7,550,746.23
Less: Minority equity                                                            -                                                    -
Net assets acquired                                                   7,550,746.23                                        7,550,746.23

Note: The management of the Group believes that the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of Zhejiang Zhiyuan
Fire is close to their book value. Therefore, the fair value of relevant identifiable assets and liabilities is recognized
based on their book value.

2. Changes of Consolidation Scope due to Other Causes

The subsidiaries newly established and incorporated in the consolidation scope during the current reporting
period as follows:

                  Company Name                          Time of establishment                          Registered capital

 Shijiazhuang Sensortech Intelligent
                                                             February 2022                             RMB 10 thousand
 Technology Co.,Ltd.

 Hikvision Adriatic doo Beograd                              February 2022                              RSD 13 million

 Hikvision Technology Pte. Ltd.                               March 2022                              USD 300 thousand

 Hikrobot Korea Limited                                         June 2022                              KRW 485 million

 Hangzhou Xingrong Information
                                                            December 2022                               RMB 5 million
 Technology Ltd. (Note)

 Microimage Europe B.V. (Note)                              December 2022                             USD 800 thousand

Note: As of the end of this year, Hangzhou Xingrong Information Technology Ltd. and Microimage Europe B.V. have not
yet completed their paid-in capital.

The subsidiaries cancelled in the current reporting period and no longer included in the scope of consolidation
are as follows:

                   Company Name                                                         Date of equity disposition
 Hangzhou Haikang Zhicheng Investment and Development
                                                                                               October 2022
 Hangzhou Haikang Ximu Intelligent Technology Ltd.                                            December 2022
 Microwave Solutions Limited                                                                  December 2022

                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

VII. Interest in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the corporate group
                                                Location of         Place of                                          Acquisition
                      Name                                                         Nature of business
                                                 operation        registration                                         Method
                                                                                   System integration,
  Hangzhou Hikvision System Technology                            Hangzhou,
                                                Hangzhou                              Technology                    Establishment
                  Ltd.                                             Zhejiang
   Hangzhou Hikvision Technology Co.,                             Hangzhou,
                                                Hangzhou                              Manufacture                   Establishment
                 Ltd.                                              Zhejiang
                                                                  Hangzhou,           Technology
    Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.            Hangzhou                                                            Establishment
                                                                   Zhejiang           development
                                                                  Hangzhou,           Technology
      Hangzhou EZVIZ Software Ltd.              Hangzhou                                                            Establishment
                                                                   Zhejiang           development
    Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co.,                             Hangzhou,          Technology
                                                Hangzhou                                                            Establishment
           Ltd.(Note (VII) 2)                                      Zhejiang          development
                                                                  Hangzhou,          Technology
    Hangzhou Hikrobot Intelligence Ltd.         Hangzhou                                                            Establishment
                                                                   Zhejiang          development

Note: Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Ltd. completed the shareholding system reform in 2022 and changed its name to
Hangzhou Hikrobot Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Changes in the share of owners' equity in subsidiaries and still controls the transactions of subsidiaries.

(1) Description of the change in the share of owners' equity in subsidiaries

    Ezviz Network
    On December 22, 2022, the Ezviz Network, a subsidiary of the Group, issued 112.5 million shares to the public for
    the first time at an issue price of RMB 28.77 per share and raised a total of RMB 3,236,625,000.00. The net amount
    of funds raised after deducting issuance expenses is RMB 3,121,365,252.83 (excluding VAT income tax related to
    issue expenses). The company's shareholding in Ezviz Network has been diluted from 60% to 48%, and the Group's
    control over the Ezviz Network has not changed.

(2) The impact of the transaction on minority equity and owners' equity attributable to owner of the Company

                                  Name                                                    Hangzhou EZVIZ Network Co., Ltd.
                        Consideration for disposal                                                             -
   Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries calculated according to the
                      proportion of equity disposed
                      Adjustment of capital reserves                                                (1,287,944,640.73)

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associates

(1) Aggregated financial information of insignificant joint-ventures and associates
                                                                           Closing balance / Amount for        Opening balance / Amount for
                                                                                       2022                               2021
The aggregate carrying amount of investments in associates                              352,286,233.16                       235,962,431.82
The aggregate amount of the following items calculated based on the                                      -                                -
Company’s equity share percentage of the associates
- Net income (loss)                                                                     (11,985,343.35)                       30,316,393.05

- Other comprehensive income                                                                             -                                -

--Net income (loss) and total comprehensive income (loss)                               (11,985,343.35)                       30,316,393.05

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                     Closing balance / Amount for     Opening balance / Amount for
                                                                                 2022                            2021
Joint Ventures:
Total investment book value                                                       899,747,280.25                     746,203,114.63
The sum of the following items calculated according to the
shareholding ratio
- Net income                                                                      118,483,938.36                      83,820,888.13

- Other comprehensive income                                                                    -                                    -

- Net income (loss) and total comprehensive income                                118,483,938.36                      83,820,888.13
The Group uses the equity method to account for the aforementioned associates and joint ventures.

(2) There are no significant restrictions on the ability of the joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to the Group.

(3) No excess losses were incurred by the joint ventures or associates.

(4) Unrecognized commitments relating to investments in joint ventures
                                                                                                                    Unit:000 RMB
                              Joint Venture                                            Capital Commitment (Note)
 Shenzhen Haishi Urban Service Operation Co., Ltd.                                                                        10,500.00
 Guangxi Haishi Urban Operation Management Co., Ltd.                                                                       2,440.00

Note: The above capital commitments are the capital amounts that the Group has subscribed but not paid in to the above
joint ventures.

(5) The Group has no contingent liabilities related to investments in joint ventures or associates.

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

VIII. Risks Associated with Financial Instrument

The Group's principal financial instruments include cash and bank balances, other non-current financial assets, notes
receivable, accounts receivable, receivables for financing, other receivables, long-term receivables, part of the other non-
current assets, borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, part of the other current liabilities, long-term
payables, part of other non-current liabilities, derivative financial instruments, etc. Details of these financial instruments
are set out in Note (V). Below are the risks associated with such financial instruments and the risk management policies
adopted by the Group to mitigate such risks. The management of the Group manages and monitors such risk exposures to
ensure such risks are contained within a prescribed scope.

1. Classification of Financial Instruments
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                               Closing balance of the current
                             Items                                                                Opening balance of the current year
                                                                     reporting period

 Financial assets:
 Measured at fair value through current profit and loss
 Held –for-trading financial assets                                              12,807,438.36                        34,320,010.83
 Other non-current financial assets                                              423,893,239.94                       438,724,172.22

 Measured at fair value through other comprehensive
 Receivables for financing                                                     1,484,218,258.74                     1,316,035,122.06

 Measured at amortized cost
 Cash and bank balances                                                       40,011,863,999.94                    34,721,870,931.36
 Notes receivable                                                              2,519,988,159.23                     1,522,760,905.30
 Accounts receivable                                                          29,906,294,410.40                    26,174,773,100.42
 Other receivables                                                               516,503,485.58                       359,620,445.88
 Other non-current assets                                                          2,181,057.96                                         -
 Long-term receivables (including those due within one year)                   1,537,550,308.57                     1,589,028,382.11

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                               Closing balance of the current
                             Items                                                                Opening balance of the current year
                                                                     reporting period
 Financial liabilities
 Measured at fair value through current profit and loss
 Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                           68,299,685.57                          4,062,317.57

 Measured at amortized cost
 Short-term borrowings                                                         3,343,071,972.89                     4,074,962,469.97
 Notes payable                                                                 1,207,756,963.94                     1,339,998,383.34
 Accounts payable                                                             16,025,563,802.99                    15,889,694,981.12
 Other payables                                                                3,203,308,686.31                     1,830,626,583.03
 Other current liabilities                                                       465,979,374.84                       511,611,642.53
 Long-term borrowings (including those due within one year)                    8,085,221,539.03                     3,631,958,732.43
 Long-term payables (including those due within one year)                          9,532,351.64                        10,310,558.82
 Other non-current liabilities                                                 2,806,169,050.05                       511,594,361.52

                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

The Group adopts sensitivity analysis techniques to analyze the possible effects of rational and probable changes in risk
variables to profit or loss for the period or to the interests of shareholders. Since risk variables seldom change on a stand-
alone basis, while the correlation between variables may have significant influence to the ultimate amount of change
effected by the change in a single risk variable, the analysis below is based on the assumption that the changes in each
variable occurred separately.

2. Objectives and Policies of Risk Management

The Group engages in risk management with the aim of achieving an appropriate balance between risk and return, where
the negative effects of risks against the Group’s operating results are minimized, in order to maximize the benefits of
shareholders and other stakeholders. Based on such objective in risk management, the underlying strategy of the Group’s
risk management is to ascertain and analyze all types of risks exposures of the Group, establish appropriate risk tolerance
thresholds, carry out risk management procedures and perform risk monitoring on all kinds of risks in a timely and reliable
manner, thus containing risk exposures within a prescribed scope.

2.1 Market risks

2.1.1 Foreign exchange risks

Foreign exchange risks refer to the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company
is primarily exposed to risks relating to the currencies such as USD, EUR and etc. The Group’s subsidiaries in the mainland
of China whose procurement, sales and financing are denominated in RMB, USD and EUR. Other principal activities are
settled in RMB. The Group’s subsidiaries in Hong Kong and outside China are principally engaged in procurement, sales,
financing and other major business activities in local currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP, INR, and etc.

As of December 31, 2022, except for monetary items of foreign currencies set out in Note (V) 62, the Group mainly
adopted the functional currency of each of its subsidiary to present the balance of its assets and liabilities. The foreign
exchange risks arising from assets and liabilities denominated in USD and EUR (which has been converted into RMB) as
follows may generate significant impact on the operating results of the Group.
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                           Assets                                           Liabilities
                         Closing balance               Opening balance             Closing balance        Opening balance
 USD                       3,241,969,531.76                     2,310,527,721.21       655,023,052.11        1,993,012,472.17
 EUR                       2,951,284,991.71                     2,510,521,255.35     2,200,890,176.03        1,521,742,991.23

The Group has been paying close attention to the effect of fluctuation in exchange rate on the foreign exchange risks of
the Group, and has purchased various financial derivative instruments, such as forward foreign exchange contracts to
mitigate the foreign exchange risk exposure.

Sensitivity analysis on exchange rate risk

The sensitivity analysis of the Group's foreign exchange risk includes only monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies and does not consider the impact of the purchased derivative financial instruments.
                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

With other variables unchanged, the exchange rate might float within a reasonable range, and has the following before-
tax effect on profit or loss and shareholders’ equity for the current period:

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                            2022                                        2021
           Change in foreign exchange rates                                       Effect on                                   Effect on
                                                         Effect on profit                            Effect on profit
                                                                             shareholders’ equity                       shareholders’ equity

 5% appreciation of USD against functional currency      129,347,323.98            129,347,323.98       15,875,762.45          15,875,762.45
 5% depreciation of USD against functional currency      (129,347,323.98       (129,347,323.98)       (15,875,762.45)          (15,875,762.45)
 5% appreciation of EUR against functional currency        37,519,740.78)           37,519,740.78       49,438,913.21           49,438,913.21
 5% depreciation of EUR against functional currency      (37,519,740.78)           (37,519,740.78)    (49,438,913.21)          (49,438,913.21)

2.1.2. Interest rate risk

The risk of changes in cash flow of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates exposed to the Group are primarily
related to bank borrowings bearing floating interest rate (please refer to Note (V) 33) and bank deposits bearing floating
interest rate. The Group's risks of changes in the fair value of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates are
related to fixed-rate bank borrowings (please refer to Note (V) 23 and Note (V) 33) and fixed-rate bank deposits.

The Group determines the relative proportion of fixed interest rate contracts and floating interest rate contracts based on
the prevailing market environment. On December 31, 2022, the Group’s total long-term and short-term interest-bearing
debts bearing fixed interest rates amounted to RMB 9,106,539,532.31 (December 31, 2021: RMB 5,863,848,513.19) (Note
(V) 23 and Note (V) 33). The total amount of long-term and short-term interest-bearing debts bearing floating interest
rates is RMB 2,262,287,174.62 (December 31, 2021: RMB 1,843,072,689.21) (Note (V) 33).

The Group expects that the exposure to cash flow risk arising from floating-rate bank deposits and the exposure to changes
in fair value arising from fixed-rate bank deposits are not significant.

2.1.3. Other price risks

The Group’s price risk mainly arises from investments in held-for-trading equity instruments and derivative financial
instruments. Held-for-trading equity instrument investments are all investments in unlisted held-for-trading equity

The Group is exposed to price risk due to the holding of financial assets measured at fair value. The fair value of certain
financial instruments is determined by the general pricing model based on discounted future cash flow method or other
valuation techniques, while the valuation techniques are based on certain valuation assumptions. Therefore, the valuation
results are highly sensitive to valuation assumptions. However, at the end of the current reporting period, the amount of
investment in held-for-trading equity instruments and derivative financial instruments is not significant, and the changes
of the amount due to changes in price of financial instruments as a result of change in valuation assumptions is limited,
accordingly, no sensitivity analysis is conducted.

2.2 Credit Risk

As of December 31, 2022, the largest credit risk exposure that may result in financial losses of the Group is mainly due to
the loss of the Group’s financial assets arising from the failure of the counterparty to perform its obligations, including:
cash and bank balances (Note (V) 1), notes receivable (Note (V) 3), accounts receivable (Note (V) 4), receivables for
financing (Note (V) 5), other receivables (Note (V) 7), contract assets (Note (V) 9 and Note (V) 22), non-current assets
due within one year (Note (V) 10), long-term receivables (Note (V) 12), etc., and derivative financial assets that are not
included in the scope of impairment assessment and are measured at fair value through current profit or loss (Note (V) 2).
As of the balance sheet date, the book value of the Group’s financial assets represents its maximum credit risk exposure.

In order to reduce credit risk, the Group has formed a team to determine the credit limit, conduct credit approval, and
implement other monitoring procedures to ensure that necessary measures are taken to recover over-due debt. In addition,
the Group reviews the recovery of financial assets on each balance sheet date to ensure that sufficient credit loss provisions
                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

are made for relevant financial assets. Therefore, the management of the Group believes that the credit risk exposure of
the Group has been reduced significantly.

The credit risk on cash and bank balances of the Group is low as they are deposited with banks with high credit ratings.

For accounts receivable, contract assets and long-term receivables, the Group has put in place relevant policies to control
credit risk exposure. The Group assesses credit quality of customers and sets corresponding credit period based on the
customer’s financial status, the possibility of obtaining guarantees from third parties, credit history and other factors such
as current market conditions. The Group will regularly monitor the credit history of its customers. For customers with
poor credit history, the Group takes various measures, such as written payment reminders, shorten or cancel the credit
period, to ensure that the overall credit risk of the Group is maintained in a controllable range. For accounts receivable
and contract assets, the Group uses a simplified method, that is, to measure the loss provision based on the amount
equivalent to the expected credit loss for the entire duration. For details of the relevant expected credit loss measurement,
see (Note (V) 4 & Note (V) 9). For long-term receivables, the Group calculates the expected credit losses based on the
expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the entire duration based on the default risk exposure. For details of the
related expected credit loss measurement, see (Note (V) 12).

The Group’s notes receivable and receivables for financing are mainly bank acceptance notes and commercial acceptance
notes with high credit ratings of the counterparties, which the Group does not consider to be subject to significant credit
risk and will not incur any material loss due to default by the counterparties.

For other receivables, the Group regularly monitors the debtor’s credit history. For debtors with poor credit history, the
Group takes various measures such as written payment reminders to ensure that the Group’s overall credit risk is
maintained in a controllable range. For other receivables, the Group calculates the expected credit loss based on the
expected credit loss ratio in the next 12 months or the entire duration based on the default risk exposure. For details of the
relevant expected credit loss measurement, see (Note (V) 7).

The Group’s risk exposure is distributed among multiple contractors and multiple customers, so the Group has no
significant credit concentration risk.

2.3. Liquidity risk

The Group maintains and monitors a level of cash and cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to meet the
operation needs of the Group and to reduce the effect of cash flow movements when managing liquidity risk. The
management of the Group monitors the usage of bank borrowings, and ensures compliance with borrowing agreements.

According to the term to maturity of non-discounted and remaining contract obligations, the financial liabilities held by
the Group are analyzed as below:


                                                           December 31, 2022

                                         Within one year             1-5 years       More than 5 years           Total

 Non-derivative financial liabilities

 Short-term borrowings                    3,381,341,036.05                       -                       -     3,381,341,036.05

 Notes payable                            1,207,756,963.94                       -                       -     1,207,756,963.94

 Accounts payable                       16,025,563,802.99                        -                       -    16,025,563,802.99

 Other payables                           3,203,308,686.31                       -                       -     3,203,308,686.31

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                           December 31, 2022

                                         Within one year             1-5 years       More than 5 years           Total

 Other current liabilities                  465,979,374.84                       -                       -       465,979,374.84

 Other non-current liabilities                             -   2,806,169,050.05                                2,806,169,050.05

 Long-term borrowings (including
                                            666,754,479.49     6,971,138,869.43         1,030,617,594.40       8,668,510,943.32
 those due within one year)
 Long-term payables (including
                                              2,326,599.37           8,196,420.77                        -        10,523,020.14
 those due within one year)

 Derivative financial instruments

 Forward foreign exchange contracts
 - settled in the gross amount

 - Cash inflow                            2,319,267,329.02                       -                       -     2,319,267,329.02

 - Cash outflow                           2,374,759,576.30                       -                       -     2,374,759,576.30

 - Net cash inflow                           55,492,247.28                       -                       -        55,492,247.28

                                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

IX. Fair Value Disclosure

1. The Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Measured at Fair Value at the end of the Reporting Period
                                                                                  Closing fair value
                                                  Level 1                  Level 2                     Level 3                 Total
I. Continuous fair value
                                                              -           1,428,726,011.53             423,893,239.94        1,852,619,251.47
(I) Financial assets measured at fair
                                                              -              12,807,438.36             423,893,239.94         436,700,678.30
value through profit and loss
      1. Held-for-trading Financial
                                                              -              12,807,438.36                          -           12,807,438.36
         - Derivative financial
                                                              -              12,807,438.36                          -           12,807,438.36
      2. Other non-current
                                                              -                            -           423,893,239.94         423,893,239.94
      financial assets
(II) Receivables for financing                                -           1,484,218,258.74                          -        1,484,218,258.74
Total assets measured continuously
                                                              -           1,497,025,697.10             423,893,239.94        1,920,918,937.04
at fair value
(III) Financial liabilities measured at
                                                              -              68,299,685.57                          -           68,299,685.57
fair value through profit and loss
      1. Held-for-trading Financial
                                                              -              68,299,685.57                          -           68,299,685.57
         - Derivative financial
                                                              -              68,299,685.57                          -           68,299,685.57
Total liabilities measured
                                                              -              68,299,685.57                          -           68,299,685.57
continuously at fair value

2. Information on the Estimation Technique and Important Parameters Adopted as for Continuous Level 2 Fair
   Value Measurement Items
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                    Fair value at
                                                    December 31,         Estimation technique                       Inputs
                                                                                                Forward exchange rate
 Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts                                     Discounted cash flow
                                                      12,807,438.36                             Discounted rate that reflects the credit risk
 (Assets)                                                               approach
                                                                                                of counterparty
                                                                                                Forward exchange rate
 Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts                                     Discounted cash flow
                                                     (68,299,685.57)                            Discounted rate that reflects the credit risk
 (Liabilities)                                                          approach
                                                                                                of counterparty
                                                                        Discounted cash flow    Discounted rate that reflects the credit risk
 Receivables for financing                         1,484,218,258.74
                                                                        approach                of counterparty

3. The Third Level of Fair Value Measurement Item, the Valuation Techniques and Important Parameters Used
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                            Fair value on December
                Items                                                  Valuation techniques                       Inputs
                                                    31, 2022
                                                                                                   Comparable public companies’ PB
 Other non-current financial assets--                                    Market approach        (price/book value) ratio within the same
 Investment in equity instruments of                423,893,239.94
                                                                        /Income approach                        industry
 private companies
                                                                                                    /Future cash flows, Discount rate

4. The Third Level of Fair Value Measurement Item, Adjustment Information between the Opening and Closing
   Book Value
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
 Other non-current financial assets                                                                               Amount
 Book value on January 1, 2022                                                                                               438,724,172.22
 Increase in the current reporting period                                                                                     83,962,245.00
 Decrease in the current reporting period                                                                                     29,000,000.00
 Changes in fair value booked into profit and loss during the current reporting period                                       (69,793,177.28)
                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

 Book value on December 31, 2022                                                                              423,893,239.94

The total amount included in profit or loss in 2022 includes unrealized losses of RMB69,793,177.28 (2021:
RMB53,214,895.05) related to financial assets measured at fair value at the end of the current reporting period, and such
gains or losses are included in the gains or losses from changes in fair value; the realized gains of financial assets measured
at fair value at the end of the current reporting period which were included in investment income was RMB51,892,209.92
(2021: RMB115,644,801.97).

5. Items Measured at Continuous Fair Value. There Were No Transfers between Levels for the Current
   Reporting Period. There was No Estimation Technique Change for the Current Reporting Period

6. Fair Values of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities that not Measured at Fair Value

The Group’s management team believes that financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly
include cash and bank balances, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, non-current assets due within
one year, long-term receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, part of other
current liabilities, non-current liabilities due within one year, long-term borrowings, long-term payables and part of other
non-current liabilities, etc., carrying value of which approximates to its fair value.

                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

X. Related Party Relationships and Transactions

1. Information on Parent Company of the Company

                                                                                                               Percentage of voting
                                                                                      Shareholding ratio of
                                     Place of     Nature of                                                      rights of parent
             Name                                                Registered capital   parent company in the
                                   registration   business                                                       company to the
                                                                                          Company (%)
                                                                                                                  Company (%)
      China Electronics
                                   Hangzhou,       Industrial
  Technology HIK Group Co.,                                      RMB 660 million                     36.09                    36.09
                                    Zhejiang      investment
       Ltd. (CETHIK)

The ultimate controlling party of the Company is CETC.

2. Information on the Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of the main subsidiaries of the Company, see Note (VII).

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Companies of the Company
Joint ventures and associates that had related party transactions with the Group in the current reporting period, or in the
prior periods and formed balances are as follows:

 Name of the associates or joint ventures                                                     Relationship with the Company
 Wuhu Sensortech Intelligent Technology Ltd. (Wuhu Sensortech) and its subsidiaries
                                                                                                   Associated company
 Maxio Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Note1)                                Associated company
 Zhiguang Hailian Big Data Technology Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Note1)                            Associated company
 Jiaxin Haishi JiaAn Zhicheng Technology Ltd. (Note1)                                              Associated company
 Qinghai Qingtang Big Data Ltd. (Note1)                                                            Associated company
 Sanmenxia Xiaoyun Vision Technology Ltd. (Note1)                                                  Associated company
 Zhejiang Hailai Yunzhi Technology Ltd. (Note1)                                                          (Note3)
 Guangxi Haishi City Operation Management Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Note2)                            Joint venture
 Shenzhen Haishi Urban Service Operation Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Note2)                             Joint venture
 Xuzhou Kangbo City Operation Management Service Ltd. (Note2)                                          Joint venture
 Yunnan Yinghai Parking Service Ltd. (Note2)                                                           Joint venture
 Zhejiang City Digital Technology Ltd. (Note2)                                                         Joint venture
 Zhejiang Haishi Huayue Digital Technology Ltd. (Note2)                                                Joint venture

Note 1: Those companies are collectively referred to as "associated companies" in the following disclosures of related
party transactions, receivables from related parties, and payable from related parties.

Note 2: hose companies are collectively referred to as "joint ventures" in the following disclosures of related party
transactions, receivables from related parties, and payable from related parties.

Note 3: During the period from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, Zhejiang Hailai (formerly known as: Daishan Hailai
Yunzhi Technology Ltd.) was a joint venture of the Company. On June 30, 2021, the Company included Zhejiang Hailai
in the scope of the consolidated financial statements, see Note (VI) 1 for details. During the period from January 1, 2021
to June 30, 2021, this company is a related party of the Company.

                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

4. Information on Other Related Parties

                           Name (Note1)                                                               Relationship
 Shanghai Fullhan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries           Shareholder(s) that hold(s) more than 5% shares of the
 (Note2)                                                                    Company was(were) the director(s) of this company
                                                                            The Group’s senior management serve(s) as director(s) of this
 Shenzhen Wanyu Security Service Technology Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                            The Group’s senior management serve(s) as director(s) of this
 Confirmware Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Fast Line data fusion Information Technology Co., Ltd. and        The Group’s senior management serve(s) as director(s) of this
 its subsidiaries                                                           company
 Chengdu Guoshengtianfeng Network Technology Ltd. and its                   The Group’s senior management serve(s) as director(s) of this
 subsidiaries                                                               company
                                                                            The Group’s independent director(s) serve(s) as director(s) of
 Ruihua Innovation Management Research Institute (Hangzhou) Ltd.
                                                                            this company
                                                                            The Group’s independent director(s) serve(s) as director(s) of
 Ningbo Industrial Internet Research Institute Co., Ltd.
                                                                            this company
                                                                            The Group’s supervisor(s) serve(s) as director(s) of this
 INESA (Group) Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                            The Group’s former independent director(s) serve(s) as
 Aurotek CORP. and its subsidiaries (Note3)
                                                                            director(s) of this company (Note 1)
                                                                            The Group's chairman(chairmen) of Board of the Supervisors
 Shenzhen Zhongtu Instrument Co., Ltd. (Note4)
                                                                            was(were) he director(s) of this company
                                                                            The Group's chairman(chairmen) of Board of the Supervisors
 Suzhou Ximeng Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                            was(were) he director(s) of this company
                                                                            Under common control of the ultimate controlling party of the
 Subsidiaries of CETC (Note 5)

Note 1: Those companies (excluding subsidiaries of CETC) are collectively referred to as "companies in which directors,
supervisors, senior management, and related natural persons of the Company serve as directors" in the following
disclosures of related party transactions, receivables from related parties, and payable from related parties.

Note 2: Gong Hongjia, a shareholder holding more than 5% shares of the Company, once served as a director of the
company. The term of office of Gong Hongjia was from April 2004 to December 2022. Therefore, this company was
recognized as a related party of the Group in 2021 and 2022.

Note 3: Cheng Tianzong, a former independent director of the Group, once served as a director of the company. The term
of office of Cheng Tianzong was from June 2014 to March 2021. Therefore, this company was recognized as a related
party of the Group in 2021, as well as during January 2022 to March 2022.

Note 4: Hong Tianfeng, the chairman of Board of the Supervisors of the Group, once served as a director company. Hong
Tianfeng departed the Company in April 2022, 2022 is the first year of him/her departure. Therefore, this company was
still recognized as a related party of the Company in the current period.

Note 5: Subsidiaries of CETC, excluding Hikvision and its subsidiaries.

5. Related Party Transactions

(1)   Related party transactions regarding sales and purchases of goods, provision of services and receiving services

Purchase of commodities / receiving of services:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Related party                      Transaction type          Amount occurred in 2022         Amount occurred in 2021
                                                Purchase of materials and
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                                   2,234,524,161.20                  1,996,000,573.93
                                                receiving of services
                                                Purchase of materials and
 Joint ventures                                                                             5,071,741.36                        127,177.54
                                                receiving of services
                                                Purchase of materials and
 Associated companies                                                                     417,989,556.67                    379,325,021.37
                                                receiving of services
 Companies in which directors, supervisors,
                                                Purchase of materials and
 senior management, and related natural                                                 1,598,406,260.25                  1,076,803,192.56
                                                receiving of services
 persons of the Company serve as directors

                                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                     Related party                           Transaction type          Amount occurred in 2022         Amount occurred in 2021
 Total                                                                                          4,255,991,719.48                   3,452,255,965.40

Sales of commodities / rendering of services:
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Related party                           Transaction content          Amount occurred in 2022        Amount occurred in 2021
                                                      Sales of products and                          447,186,616.90
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                                                                               434,709,999.06
                                                      rendering of services
                                                      Sales of products and
 Joint ventures                                                                                       77,751,276.48                  83,222,278.95
                                                      rendering of services
                                                      Sales of products and                           87,149,633.74
 Associated companies                                                                                                                88,857,130.72
                                                      rendering of services
 Companies in which directors, supervisors,           Sales of products and
 senior management, and related natural               rendering of services                           11,233,785.52                  16,831,852.52
 persons of the Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                               623,321,312.64                 623,621,261.25

(2) Related party lease

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
            Lessor                   Type of leased assets              Rental fee confirmed in 2022                Rental fee confirmed in 2021
 Subsidiaries of CETC                     Equipment                                            13,913,056.77                          27,826,113.54
 Joint ventures                             House                                                 542,554.11                             486,718.33
 Total                                                                                         14,455,610.88                          28,312,831.87
Note: At the end of this year, the Company signed a housing lease contract with Subsidiaries of CETC with a lease period of 27 months. On
December 31, 2022, the Company confirmed right-of-use assets of RMB 6,514,131.19 and lease liabilities of RMB7,379,632.09. During the
reporting period, the depreciation of right-of-use assets was RMB814,266.39 and interest on lease liabilities was RMB51,234.51.

(3) Compensation for key managers

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                          Amount occurred in 2022             Amount occurred in 2021
 Compensation for key managers                                                                    38,836,690.44                      40,571,163.91

(4) Other related party transactions

Statement of capital deposits:
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                Content of related     Amount occurred          Balance at the end of the    Amount occurred in
         Related Party                                                                                                          Opening Balance
                                party transaction         in 2022               current reporting period          2021
                                Deposit into
 Subsidiaries of CETC           (withdraw from)         (499,973,215.52)                         33,518.68      500,006,734.20       500,006,734.20
                                current deposits
                                Deposit into fixed
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                     -              4,000,000,000.00                      -   4,000,000,000.00
 Total                                                  (499,973,215.52)                 4,000,033,518.68       500,006,734.20     4,500,006,734.20

Note: For the deposit deposited by the Group with China Electronics Technology Finance Co., Ltd., the deposit interest
 income during the reporting period was RMB80,026,784.06 (2021: RMB 80,001,932.23).

Information on notes discounted:
In 2022, The face value of bank acceptance bill discounted by the Group to China Electronics Technology Finance Co.,
 Ltd. is RMB33,564,209.39 (2021: nil). The face value of the discounted and expired bank acceptance bill is

                                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

 RMB33,564,209.39 (2021: nil). Interest expense arising from discounting the notes amounted to RMB241,747.39 (2021:

6. Receivables from Related Parties and Payables to Related Parties

(1) Receivables from related parties
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                             Closing balance                               Opening balance
         Item             Related Party
                                                 Carrying balance        Credit loss provision   Carrying balance       Credit loss provision
                   Subsidiaries of CETC             703,246,712.68           226,247,765.93        756,888,051.10           209,305,306.47
                   Joint ventures                    33,380,436.75              1,573,681.64        19,862,199.08                592,300.61
                   Associated companies             101,753,693.78              5,670,312.45        87,093,118.68              3,627,594.53
 Accounts          Companies in which
 receivable        directors, supervisors,
                   senior management, and
                                                       3,849,485.72                79,488.44          4,352,261.48                80,947.45
                   related natural persons of
                   the Company serve as
 Total                                              842,230,328.93           233,571,248.46        868,195,630.34           213,606,149.06

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                             Closing balance                               Opening balance
         Item             Related Party
                                                 Carrying balance        Credit loss provision   Carrying balance       Credit loss provision
                   Subsidiaries of CETC             170,543,239.65                          -       78,858,666.10                            -
                   Joint ventures                      2,500,000.00                         -         1,444,385.00                           -
                   Associated companies                2,358,308.70                         -         5,000,000.00                           -
                   Companies in which
                   directors, supervisors,
 Notes             senior management, and
                                                        281,113.19                          -                       -                        -
 receivable        related natural persons of
                   the Company serve as
 Total                                              175,682,661.54                          -       85,303,051.10                            -

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                             Closing balance                               Opening balance
         Item             Related Party
                                                 Carrying balance        Credit loss provision   Carrying balance       Credit loss provision
                    Subsidiaries of CETC               1,720,917.15               240,722.93           645,000.00                 99,483.50
                    Joint ventures                      374,619.85                  2,472.49           244,182.74                  2,124.39
                    Associated companies                             -                      -            10,485.27                    91.22
 Total                                                 2,095,537.00               243,195.42           899,668.01                101,699.11

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                             Closing balance                               Opening balance
           Item             Related Party
                                                 Carrying balance        Credit loss provision   Carrying balance       Credit loss provision
 receivables            Subsidiaries of CETC            300,478.44                  1,983.16        38,579,578.71              2,451,642.33
 (including those due
 within one year)

                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                  Closing balance                                Opening balance
          Item                Related Party
                                                       Carrying balance     Credit loss provision      Carrying balance      Credit loss provision
                          Associated companies            43,800,876.33              973,106.36           37,660,831.90               431,834.19
 (including those due
 within one year)
 Total                                                    44,101,354.77              975,089.52           76,240,410.61             2,883,476.52

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
         Item                Related Party                        Closing balance                                Opening balance
 Prepayments            Subsidiaries of CETC                                     6,707,516.94                                     2,705,210.05
 Prepayments            Associated companies                                                  -                                  49,300,000.00
 Total                                                                           6,707,516.94                                    52,005,210.05

(2) Payables to related parties
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                 Item                  Related Party                                      Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Accounts payable                      Subsidiaries of CETC                                          759,760,264.93              570,856,498.41
 Accounts payable                      Joint ventures                                                    966,037.73                               -
 Accounts payable                      Associated companies                                           88,750,828.96                77,275,644.97
 Accounts payable                      Companies in which directors,
                                       supervisors, senior management,
                                                                                                     240,030,055.22              409,333,802.57
                                       and related natural persons of the
                                       Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                              1,089,507,186.84            1,057,465,945.95

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                                  Related Party                        Closing balance                 Opening balance
 Notes Payable                       Subsidiaries of CETC                                             7,561,539.70                 40,579,368.55
                                     Companies in which directors, supervisors,
 Notes Payable                       senior management, and related natural                          31,994,311.07                 24,314,184.13
                                     persons of the Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                               39,555,850.77                 64,893,552.68

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Related Party                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Contract liabilities                 Subsidiaries of CETC                                    8,673,665.99                          3,446,311.89
 Contract liabilities                 Joint ventures                                          2,558,659.59                                        -
 Contract liabilities                 Associated companies                                                  -                         195,416.40
                                      Companies in which directors,
                                      supervisors, senior management,
 Contract liabilities                                                                                       -                         961,369.66
                                      and related natural persons of
                                      the Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                       11,232,325.58                          4,603,097.95

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Related Party                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Other payables                       Subsidiaries of CETC                                   56,652,471.09                         56,252,811.73
 Other payables                       Joint ventures                                                10,000.00                          10,000.00
 Other payables                       Associated companies                                        236,000.00                        9,397,150.00
                                      Companies in which directors,
 Other payables                       supervisors, senior management,                             250,000.00                          250,000.00
                                      and related natural persons of
                                                                                           Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                      the Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                         57,148,471.09               65,909,961.73

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
               Item                            Related Party           Closing balance             Opening balance
 Lease liabilities (including those
                                      Subsidiaries of CETC                     16,863,126.87               22,591,498.84
  due within one year)
 Lease liabilities (including those
                                      Joint ventures                                       -                1,074,683.57
  due within one year)
 Total                                                                         16,863,126.87               23,666,182.41

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

XI. Share-based Payments

1. Overview of Share-based Payments

Restrictive Share Incentive Scheme
According to the Approval of the Implementation of the Restrictive Share Incentive Scheme of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital
Technology Co., Ltd. (Guo Zi Fen Pei [2012] No. 426) issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council and the Opinion the Restrictive Share Incentive Scheme of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital
Technology Co., Ltd. (Shang Shi Bu Han [2012] No. 353) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the
Company convened the ninth meeting of the second session of the Board of Directors on July 25, 2012 and the first
extraordinary general meeting for 2012 on August 13, 2012, whereat the Proposal Relating to the Restrictive Share Scheme
(Amendments to the Draft) of the Company and Highlights was reviewed and passed. The purpose of the Share Incentive
Scheme is to: further improve the Company’s governance structure to establish a good and balanced value allocation
system; establish a profit-sharing and restriction mechanism among shareholders, the Company and its employees, so as
to provide shareholders with sustainable return; fully mobilize the positivity of core employees to support the Company
in realizing its strategies and long-term sustainable development; attract and retain core employees to ensure the
Company’s long-term development.

The Scheme shall be effective for a term of 10 years commencing from the date of approval by general meeting of the
Company, during which the Company may grant restricted shares to grantees under the Scheme. In principle, each grant
should be at an interval of two years. After the expiry of the Scheme, no restricted shares could be granted to grantees
under the Scheme. However, all the provisions of the Scheme remain valid to the restricted shares granted under the

Each batch of restricted shares shall not be unlocked unless fulfilling, each time, by the Company its unlock performance
criteria (including net asset yield, revenue growth rate, and economic value added), and by grantees’ individual
performance criteria simultaneously. Where, during the unlocking period, any one or more unlock criteria for the Company
or individuals is or are not fulfilled, such portion of subject shares shall be cancelled. The cancelled restricted shares will
be repurchased by the Company based on the relevant regulations under the scheme.

On December 20, 2018, authorized by the 2nd extraordinary general meeting of 2018 and reviewed by the Board of
Directors, the Company granted 121,195,458 restricted shares to grantees at a grant price of RMB 16.98 per share ("2018
Share Incentive Scheme"). The Lock-up Period of the Subject Shares shall last for a period of 24 months commencing on
the grant date, during which the Subject Shares granted to grantees under the scheme shall be subject to lock-up and are
not transferable. The Unlocking Period shall be the 24 to 60 months following the grant of restricted shares (including
Lock-up Period), during which grantees may, subject to unlocking conditions stipulated by the scheme being satisfied,
apply for unlocking in 3 tranches: the first unlocking period shall be the 24 to 36 months following the grant date and the
number of shares to be unlocked shall be 40% of the aggregate number of the Subject Shares granted; the second unlocking
period shall be the 36 to 48 months following the grant date and the number of shares to be unlocked shall be 30% of the
aggregate number of the Subject Shares granted; the third unlocking period shall be the 48 to 60 months following the
grant date and the number of shares to be unlocked shall be 30% of the aggregate number of the Subject Shares granted.
The Company has completed the equity registration work in January 2019.

On January 18, 2022, authorized by the 1st extraordinary general meeting of 2022 and reviewed by the Board of Directors,
the Company granted 97,402,605 restricted shares to grantees at a grant price of RMB29.71 per share ("2021 Share
Incentive Scheme"). The Lock-up Period of the Subject Shares shall last for a period of 24 months commencing on the
grant date, during which the Subject Shares granted to grantees under the scheme shall be subject to lock-up and are not
transferable. The Unlocking Period shall be the 24 to 60 months following the grant of restricted shares (including Lock-
up Period), during which grantees may, subject to unlocking conditions stipulated by the scheme being satisfied, apply for
unlocking in 3 tranches: the first unlocking period shall be the 24 to 36 months following the grant date and the number
of shares to be unlocked shall be 40% of the aggregate number of the Subject Shares granted; the second unlocking period
shall be the 36 to 48 months following the grant date and the number of shares to be unlocked shall be 30% of the aggregate
number of the Subject Shares granted; the third unlocking period shall be the 48 to 60 months following the grant date and
the number of shares to be unlocked shall be 30% of the aggregate number of the Subject Shares granted. The Company
has completed the equity registration work in February 2022.

                                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                          Unit: share
                    2018 Share Incentive Scheme                                2022                              2021
Total of equity instruments outstanding at the beginning of the
                                                                                      68,762,683                        68,762,683
reporting period
Total of equity instruments granted (share dividend) during the current
                                                                                                -                                 -
reporting period
Total of equity instruments vested during the current reporting period                33,142,730                                  -
Total of equity instruments forfeited during the current reporting
                                                                                      35,619,953                                  -
period (Note)
Total of equity instruments outstanding at the end of the reporting
                                                                                                -                       68,762,683
The exercise price (ex-rights) of the outstanding Share-based payments
of the Company at the end of the reporting period and the remaining         Inapplicable               RMB16.98/share & 24 months
period of the contract

Note: In accordance with the authorization by the Company’s second Extraordinary General Meeting in 2018, the
resolution by the 10th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors on May 5, 2022, the resolution of the second
Extraordinary General Meeting in 2022 on October 10, 2022 and the revised Articles of Association, the Company
repurchased and cancelled the granted 2,288,095 restricted RMB treasury shares that have not been unlocked by cash. The
Company completed the deregistration on December 21, 2022.

In accordance with relevant regulations under 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Scheme (revised draft), the vesting
conditions of third vesting period were not met, and the amount of 33,331,858 shares granted but not vested accordingly
was forfeited during the current period.

                    2021 Share Incentive Scheme                                2022                              2021
Total of equity instruments outstanding at the beginning of the
                                                                                                -                                 -
reporting period
Total of equity instruments granted (share dividend) during the current
                                                                                      97,402,605                                  -
reporting period
Total of equity instruments vested during the current reporting period                          -                                 -
Total of equity instruments forfeited during the current reporting
                                                                                                -                                 -
period (Note)
Total of equity instruments outstanding at the end of the reporting
                                                                                       97,402,605                                 -
The exercise price (ex-rights) of the outstanding Share-based payments
of the Company at the end of the reporting period and the remaining    RMB29.71/share & 48 months              Inapplicable
period of the contract

Share Incentive Scheme of Staff Co-Investment in Innovative Businesses

On October 22, 2015, Hikvision considered and approved Management Measures for Core Staff Co-Investment in
Innovative Businesses (Draft) (hereafter referred to as "Management Measures") at the 2nd extraordinary general meeting.
On March 7, 2016, representative congress of labor union of Hikvision passed Implementation Provisions for Management
Measures for Core Staff Investment in Innovative Businesses (hereafter referred to as "Provisions"), to initiate and
implement the incentive mechanism of staff co-investment (hereafter referred to as "Staff Co-Investment Plan") in
innovative business subsidiaries. Staff who participate in the Staff Co-Investment Plan (hereafter referred to as "Co-
Investment Staff") signed an Entrusted Investment Agreement with the labor union committee of Hikvision (hereafter
referred to as "Hikvision Labor Union"), to entrust Hikvision Labor Union to make investments. Hikvision Labor Union,
as a principal, shall cooperate with a trust company, which shall be a limited partner (LP) of a partnership enterprise, to
establish a trust plan, and to invest trust funds into innovative business subsidiaries. (Investment form described above is
referred to as "Co-Investment Platform").

Staff Investment Plan is classified as plan A and plan B according to applicable grantees. Grantees of plan A are comprised
of medium-and-senior level management personnel and core competent staff from Hikvision and its subsidiaries are able
to invest in all innovative businesses. Grantees of plan B are comprised of core and full-time staff from innovative business
subsidiaries, and could participate in investment on innovative business subsidiaries and their subsidiaries where they
                                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

serve. The Co-Investment Platform will increase capitals annually, the corresponding increased equity of which will be
distributed to core staff who meets investment conditions pursuant to particular rules. The waiting period shall be five
years after equity of Co-Investment Platform is held by the staff. Within the waiting period, if the labor relationship
between the grantees and the Company or its subsidiaries is released or terminated, equity of Co-Investment Platform held
by the grantees shall be refunded and settled by the labor union at an agreed price pursuant to the Provisions.

The Co-Investment Platform grants Co-Investment Staff additional equity annually. The Group determines whether share-
based payment shall be constituted based on the fair value of equity instruments newly obtained by the Group’s staff in
Co-Investment Platform on each granting date. On December 25, 2020, the Company held the 20th meetings of 4th session
of the Board of Directors, which reviewed and approved the Proposal on Revising Management Measures for Core Staff
Co-Investment in Innovative Businesses. The updated version of Management Measures for Core Staff Co-Investment in
Innovative Businesses (hereinafter referred to as "updated version of Management Measures"), The new version adds rules
relating to the confirmation of shares held directly by employees under Staff Co-Investment Plan and equities of innovative
business subsidiaries held indirectly by employees, clarifies the treatment of shares under Co-Investment Plan after the
disqualification about co-investment of employees, adds rules of management committee.

On December 31, 2020, the Executive management committee of the Co-Investment Plan approved the Provisions for
Management Measures for Core Staff Investment in Innovative Businesses (hereafter referred to as "New Provisions". In
accordance of the New Provisions, for the confirmed Plan A shares, the waiting period is five years since the employee
has worked for the company or its subsidiaries and for the confirmed share of Plan B, the waiting period is five years since
the employee has worked for the innovative business subsidiary corresponding to the Plan B or its subsidiaries.

2. Information of the Share-based Payment through Equity Settlements

Restrictive Share Incentive Scheme
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                2018 Share Incentive Scheme               2021 Share Incentive Scheme
                                                          Determined based on stock price at the    Determined based on stock price at the
 Method of determine the fair value of equity
                                                          grant date and the costs of restricted    grant date and the costs of restricted
 instruments at the grant date                            shares during Lock-up Period              shares during Lock-up Period
                                                          Determined based on the results           Determined based on the results
 Recognition basis of the number of the equity
                                                          estimation of each vesting period and     estimation of each vesting period and
 instruments qualified for vesting                        turnover rate                             turnover rate
 Reasons of the significant difference between the
 estimates of the current reporting period with that of                   None                                      None
 the prior year
 Accumulative amount of share-based payment
 through equity settlement and further included in the                            807,558,807.12                            628,733,458.52
 capital reserve
 Total amount of the expenses recognized according to
 share-based payment through equity settlement in the                            (233,622,413.77)                           646,300,305.69
 current reporting period

Share Incentive Scheme of Staff Co-Investment in Innovative Businesses
                                                                                      Share Incentive Scheme of Staff Co-Investment in
                                                                                                    Innovative Businesses
                                                                                 Evaluated and determined based on income method at the
 Method of determining the fair value of equity instruments at the grant date
                                                                                 grant date
 Recognition basis of the number of the equity instruments qualified for Estimated and determined based on the performance result
 vesting                                                                 conditions of each vesting period
 Accumulative amount of share-based payment through equity settlement and
 further included in the capital reserve
 Total amount of the expenses recognized according to share-based payment
 through equity settlement in the current reporting period

RMB48,476,710.52 of the total expenses of paid and confirmed by equity settlements was shared by minority shareholders
and RMB909,665.51 of the total deferred tax impact arising from the restricted share incentive scheme was shared by
                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

minority shareholders.

3. There is no share-based payment through cash settlements

4. There is no modification or termination of share-based payment during the current reporting period.

                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

XII. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Significant Commitments

(1) Capital commitments
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’000
                                                                          Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Contracted but not yet recognized in financial statements
 - Commitment on construction of long-term assets                                     16,521,850                          11,659,026
 - Commitment on external investments                                                        12,940                           34,500
 Total                                                                                16,534,790                          11,693,526

2. Contingencies

The Group has no significant contingencies to be disclosed.

XIII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Unadjusted Events

As of April 13, 2023, the Company has no significant events after the balance sheet date that need to be disclosed

2. Profit Distribution

Pursuant to the proposal of the 17th meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors on April 13, 2023, the Company
proposed to distribute cash dividend of RMB7 (tax inclusive) per each 10 shares to all shareholders. The above dividend
distribution plan is still subject to the approval of the general meeting of shareholders.

XIV. Other Significant Events

1. Segment Information

1.1 Report segment determining and accounting policy

According to the Group's internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report principles, the
Group has only one operating segment, which is the research and development, production and sales of AIoT products and

1.2 Segment financial reporting

External revenue by geographical area & non-current assets by geographical location
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                                          2022                                      2021
 External revenue generated in domestic area                            56,890,890,769.45                          59,434,989,705.17
 External revenue generated in overseas area                             26,275,430,911.69                          21,985,063,834.10
 Total                                                                   83,166,321,681.14                          81,420,053,539.27

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Item (Note)                               On December 31, 2022                        On January 1, 2022
Non-current assets in domestic area                                     16,808,935,279.10                           13,823,326,864.88
                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Non-current assets in overseas area                                    831,488,767.27                   777,156,474.79
Total                                                                17,640,424,046.37               14,600,483,339.67

Note: the non-current assets above did not include other non-current financial assets, long-term receivables, long-term
equity investment, and deferred tax assets.

                                                                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

XV. Notes to Major Items of Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by age
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                             Closing Balance
                                                                       Accounts receivable                                   Credit loss provision                                  Proportion (%)
 Within credit period                                                                         7,024,926,501.10                                         8,144,151.71                                             0.12
 Within 1 year after exceeding credit period                                          16,771,801,690.71                                               87,553,778.78                                             0.52
 1-2 years after exceeding credit period                                                       513,230,879.82                                         92,194,242.75                                            17.96
 2-3 years after exceeding credit period                                                       312,592,580.10                                        119,434,198.71                                            38.21
 3-4 years after exceeding credit period                                                       180,224,406.31                                        119,634,534.57                                            66.38
 Over 4 years after exceeding credit period                                                    164,982,539.08                                        164,982,539.08                                         100.00
 Subtotal                                                                             24,967,758,597.12                                              591,943,445.60                                             2.37

(2) Classification and disclosure of by credit loss provision methods
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                         Closing balance                                                                                    Opening balance
                           Carrying balance                    Credit loss provision                Book value             Carrying balance                       Credit loss provision             Book value
                                        Percentage                           Percentage                                                 Percentage                               Percentage
                         Amount                             Amount                                    Amount             Amount                                 Amount                                Amount
                                            (%)                                  (%)                                                        (%)                                      (%)
 Provision for
 credit loss on                       -              -                 -                  -                       -                   -                 -                   -                 -                    -
 a single basis
 Provision for
 credit loss by     24,967,758,597.12          100.00    591,943,445.60            2.37           24,375,815,151.52   24,366,746,971.10           100.00      488,628,899.68           2.01       23,878,118,071.42
 Total              24,967,758,597.12          100.00    591,943,445.60            2.37           24,375,815,151.52   24,366,746,971.10           100.00      488,628,899.68           2.01       23,878,118,071.42

                                                                                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Accounts receivable provision for credit loss by portfolios
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Closing balance
                                                                     Carrying balance                        Credit loss provision                             Proportion (%)
 Subsidiaries’ customers                                                       20,790,257,807.56                                             -                                               -
 Portfolio A                                                                            592,263.40                                   311,519.72                                          52.60
 Portfolio B                                                                     4,176,689,050.71                               591,412,450.43                                           14.16
 Portfolio C                                                                            219,475.45                                   219,475.45                                         100.00
 Total                                                                          24,967,758,597.12                               591,943,445.60                                            2.37

Description of accounts receivable for credit loss provision by portfolios

As part of the Company's credit risk management, the Company uses the over-credit age of accounts receivable to assess the expected credit losses of accounts receivable formed by
domestic and overseas sales businesses, and the risk characteristics are divided according to different business area and target into portfolio A, portfolio B and portfolio C. For the accounts
receivable generated by the Group’s related parties, because the payment time is arranged by the Group according to the cash flow of the companies in the Group, the Company believes
that the credit risk is low and no provision for credit loss is required. The aging information can reflect the solvency of these three types of customers when the accounts receivable are

(3) Credit loss provision

The provision for credit loss in the current reporting period is RMB 119,419,773.02.

The actual write-off of accounts receivable for the current reporting period is RMB 16,303,736.16, and RMB 198,509.06 is recovered after write-off.

                                                                                                                                                      Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

(4) Top five debtors based on corresponding closing balance of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                              Proportion (%) of the total balance of accounts
     Name of the Party        Book value balance of accounts receivable                                                                   Closing balance for credit loss provision
                                                                            receivable at the end of the current reporting period
 Subsidiary A                                           20,685,756,539.48                                                  82.85                                                          -
 CETC’s subsidiary
                                                          130,418,142.77                                                    0.52                                             53,524,319.86
 company A
 Third party H                                            107,975,664.71                                                    0.43                                               4,115,824.12

 Third party I                                              71,179,765.58                                                   0.29                                               2,169,926.56

 Third party J                                              37,596,997.02                                                   0.15                                               1,597,872.37

 Total                                                 21,032,927,109.56                                                   84.24                                             61,407,942.91

(5) As of December 31, 2022, there is no termination of accounts receivable booking due to transfer of a financial asset.

(6) As of December 31, 2022, the Company has no assets/liabilities booked due to transferred accounts receivable that the Company still continue to be involved in.

2.    Other Receivables

2.1 By categories
                                   Category                                                          Closing balance                                       Opening balance

 Dividends receivable                                                                                                     85,323,007.51                                       22,910,404.14

 Other receivables                                                                                                     2,324,554,929.22                                    1,491,231,959.91

 Total                                                                                                                 2,409,877,936.73                                    1,514,142,364.05

                                                                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

2.2 Dividends receivable
                                    Investees                                                         Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                                                                               85,323,007.51                                 22,910,404.14

 Total                                                                                                                   85,323,007.51                                 22,910,404.14

2.3 Other receivables

(1) Other receivables by aging
                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                     Other receivables                           Credit loss provision                   Proportion (%)

 Within contract period                                                         2,291,096,654.42                                     957,238.60                                0.04

 Within 1 year                                                                     33,503,835.61                                   1,372,301.44                                 4.10

 1-2 years                                                                          2,112,945.32                                     372,089.67                               17.61

 2-3 years                                                                               341,396.88                                  120,389.01                               35.26

 3-4 years                                                                               946,880.46                                  624,764.75                               65.98

 Over 4 years                                                                            646,571.70                                  646,571.70                              100.00

 Subtotal                                                                       2,328,648,284.39                                   4,093,355.17                                 0.18

                                                                                                                                                  Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

(2) Other receivables by nature of the payment
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                       Nature                                                    Closing balance                                        Opening balance

 Payments by related parties within the Group                                                                   2,137,185,066.96                                      1,365,117,094.96

 Temporary payments for receivables                                                                                  109,945,554.93                                       61,128,645.72

 Guarantee deposit                                                                                                    69,392,171.01                                       60,966,840.82

 Others                                                                                                               12,125,491.49                                        7,274,266.75

 Total                                                                                                          2,328,648,284.39                                      1,494,486,848.25

(3) Provision for credit losses
The amount of credit loss provision in the current period was RMB 1,198,466.83.

(4) The actual write-off of other receivables in the current reporting period was RMB 360,000.00.

(5) Top 5 debtors of other receivables in terms of closing balance
                                                                                                                            Percentage to total other     Closing balance for credit loss
      The name of entity                   Nature                    Closing balance               Aging
                                                                                                                                receivables (%)                     provision
 Subsidiary B                         Internal Payment                     618,349,570.66   Within contract period                               26.55                               -

 Subsidiary C                         Internal Payment                     495,712,569.41   Within contract period                               21.29                               -

 Subsidiary D                         Internal Payment                     196,728,403.47   Within contract period                                8.45                               -

 Subsidiary E                         Internal Payment                     111,136,286.84   Within contract period                                4.77                               -

                                                                                                                                                                Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                                         Percentage to total other          Closing balance for credit loss
        The name of entity                  Nature                      Closing balance                         Aging
                                                                                                                                             receivables (%)                          provision
 Subsidiary F                          Internal Payment                           98,983,544.27          Within contract period                                  4.25                                      -

 Total                                                                         1,520,910,374.65                                                                 65.31                                      -

(6) At the end of the current reporting period, the Company had no other receivables involving government subsidies.

(7) At the end of the current reporting period, there were no other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets.

(8) At the end of the current reporting period, there were no assets or liabilities formed by continuing involvement in transferred other receivables.

3. Long-term Equity Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Closing balance                                                         Opening balance
                                                            Carrying balance          Provisions               Book value             Carrying balance          Provisions                 Book value

Investment in subsidiaries                                     6,629,092,230.54                          -      6,629,092,230.54         6,870,285,292.68                          -        6,870,285,292.68

Investments in associated enterprises and joint ventures       1,106,666,564.96                          -      1,106,666,564.96          915,631,339.20                           -         915,631,339.20

Total                                                          7,735,758,795.50                          -      7,735,758,795.50         7,785,916,631.88                          -        7,785,916,631.88

(1) Investment in main subsidiaries
                                                            Increase during       Decrease during                                         Write-off of impairment             Balance of impairment loss
         Name of investee           Opening balance           the current            the current             Closing balance            provision during the current          provision at the end of the
                                                            reporting period      reporting period                                           reporting period                   current reporting period

 Hangzhou Hikvision System
                                           860,512,480.17         12,957,650.20                      -               873,470,130.37                                     -                                      -
 Technology Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                               Increase during              Decrease during                                                   Write-off of impairment               Balance of impairment loss
        Name of investee             Opening balance              the current                  the current                  Closing balance                  provision during the current            provision at the end of the
                                                               reporting period             reporting period                                                      reporting period                    current reporting period

 Hangzhou Hikvision
                                          1,074,046,955.60               25,602,054.03                             -                 1,099,649,009.63                                           -                                         -
 Technology Ltd.

 Hangzhou EZVIZ Network
                                             63,243,651.86                           -             2,612,485.31                         60,631,166.55                                           -                                         -
 Co., Ltd.

 Hangzhou EZVIZ Software
                                             40,105,053.11                           -             7,739,544.83                         32,365,508.28                                           -                                         -

 Hangzhou Hikrobot
                                           142,392,287.50                            -             4,785,473.57                        137,606,813.93                                           -                                         -
 Technology Co., Ltd.

 Hangzhou Haikang
                                             10,200,142.51                           -             1,801,683.82                          8,398,458.69                                           -                                         -
 Intelligence Ltd.

(2) Investments in associated enterprises and joint ventures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Balance of

                                                                                                    Other                                Declared cash                                                                loss provision
                           Opening                                           income (losses)
   Name of investee                      Additional          Reduced                            comprehensive          Other changes      dividends or        Provision for                         Closing balance   at the end of
                           balance                                             recognized                                                                                         Others
                                         investments       investments                             income                in equity           profit            impairment                                              the current
                                                                               under the
                                                                                                  adjustment                              distribution                                                                  reporting
                                                                             equity method

1. Joint Ventures

Hangzhou Haikang        702,369,339.95                 -                 -   112,680,820.39                    -       14,775,227.26                     -                    -             -       829,825,387.60                    -

                                                                                                                                                                              Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Balance of

                                                                                                   Other                           Declared cash                                                          loss provision
                           Opening                                           income (losses)
    Name of investee                      Additional        Reduced                            comprehensive     Other changes     dividends or        Provision for                    Closing balance   at the end of
                           balance                                             recognized                                                                                  Others
                                         investments       investments                            income           in equity           profit          impairment                                          the current
                                                                               under the
                                                                                                adjustment                          distribution                                                            reporting
                                                                             equity method

Intelligent Industrial

Equity Investment Fund

Partnership (L.P.)

Zhejiang City Digital
                         12,214,320.29   11,500,000.00                   -     2,627,190.51                  -                 -                   -                   -            -    26,341,510.80                    -
Technology Ltd.

Zhejiang Haishi

Huayue Digital           11,930,512.66                 -                 -     2,726,503.57                  -                 -   (1,275,000.00)                      -            -    13,382,016.23                    -

Technology Ltd.

Shenzhen Haishi Urban
                          1,264,658.38    1,500,000.00                   -   (1,089,851.65)                  -                 -                   -                   -            -      1,674,806.73                   -
Service Operation Ltd.

Guangxi Haishi City

Operation Management      4,632,200.59    8,560,000.00                   -     (132,206.62)                  -                 -                   -                   -            -    13,059,993.97                    -


Yunnan Yinghai
                          4,558,881.09                 -                 -       519,116.95                  -                 -                   -                   -            -      5,077,998.04                   -
Parking Service Ltd.

Xuzhou Kangbo City

Operation Management      9,233,201.67                 -                 -     1,152,365.21                  -                 -                   -                   -            -    10,385,566.88                    -

Service Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Balance of

                                                                                                      Other                           Declared cash                                                           loss provision
                             Opening                                            income (losses)
   Name of investee                         Additional         Reduced                            comprehensive     Other changes     dividends or        Provision for                    Closing balance    at the end of
                             balance                                              recognized                                                                                  Others
                                           investments        investments                            income           in equity           profit          impairment                                           the current
                                                                                   under the
                                                                                                   adjustment                          distribution                                                             reporting
                                                                                equity method

Subtotal                  746,203,114.63   21,560,000.00                    -   118,483,938.36                  -   14,775,227.26     (1,275,000.00)                      -            -    899,747,280.25                    -

2. Associated Companies

Wuhu Sensortech

Intelligent Technology     75,466,476.84                 -                  -    22,627,903.68                  -                 -                   -                   -            -     98,094,380.52                    -


Maxio Technology
                           62,727,449.53                 -                  -   (18,684,479.79)                 -   42,356,564.37                     -                   -            -     86,399,534.11                    -
(Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

Zhiguang Hailian Big
                           21,285,843.27                 -                  -    (3,378,441.24)                 -    4,517,968.05                     -                   -            -     22,425,370.08                    -
Data Technology Ltd.

Qinghai Qingtang Big
                            9,948,454.93                 -   (9,800,000.00)       (148,454.93)                  -                 -                   -                   -            -                  -                   -
Data Ltd.

Subtotal                  169,428,224.57                 -   (9,800,000.00)         416,527.72                  -   46,874,532.42                     -                   -            -    206,919,284.71                    -

 Total                    915,631,339.20   21,560,000.00     (9,800,000.00)     118,900,466.08                  -   61,649,759.68     (1,275,000.00)                      -            -   1,106,666,564.96                   -

(3) As of December 31, 2022, there were no restrictions on the capability of transferring fund to the Company from investees in which the Company held long-term
equity investment.

                                                                                          Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

4.   Revenue/cost of sales and services
                                              2022                                                  2021
                                 Revenue                    Cost                    Revenue                   Cost

 Major business                21,018,811,109.28          4,962,133,305.77      24,756,059,967.30          5,102,605,625.81

 Other business                 3,265,694,229.07            135,606,040.90          3,316,533,294.57        138,183,248.51

 Total                         24,284,505,338.35          5,097,739,346.67      28,072,593,261.87          5,240,788,874.32

5.   Investment Income
                               Item                                          2022                           2021
 Long-term equity investment income calculated by the cost
                                                                               205,293,907.63                 16,316,000.00
 Long-term equity investment income measured by the equity
                                                                               118,900,466.08                109,087,538.20
 Investment income (losses) from disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                    1,709,563.80              (3,387,647.37)
 Investment income of other non-current financial assets during
                                                                                51,892,209.92                115,644,801.97
 the holding period
 Investment income (losses) from disposal of held of trading
                                                                                    8,227,196.70                (461,953.09)
 financial assets
 Investment income from disposal of other non-current financial
                                                                                    1,260,000.00                              -
 Total                                                                         387,283,344.13                237,198,739.71

6.   Related Party Transactions

(1) Sales and purchase of goods, provision of services and receiving services

Purchase of goods/receiving of services:
           Related party                    Transaction type                   2022                         2021
                                      Purchase of materials and
 Subsidiaries of Hikvision (Note)                                             6,144,557,450.80             6,136,340,294.33
                                      receiving of services
                                      Purchase of materials and
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                           115,654,935.67                23,888,681.71
                                      receiving of services
                                      Purchase of materials and
 Associated companies                                                               76,150,000.00             36,783,800.00
                                      receiving of services
 Companies in which directors,
 supervisors, senior management,      Purchase of materials and
                                                                                    20,744,901.95              1,787,764.68
 and related natural persons of the   receiving of services
 Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                        6,357,107,288.42             6,198,800,540.72

Note: Subsidiaries of Hikvision are subsidiaries of the Company.

                                                                                    Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Sales of goods/rendering of services:
           Related party                    Transaction type              2022                       2021

                                      Sales of products and
 Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                               18,556,146,320.10         22,294,952,493.31
                                      rendering of services
                                      Sales of products and
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                       39,345,286.87              20,263,330.33
                                      rendering of services

                                      Sales of products and
 Joint ventures                                                               6,434,024.76              2,000,114.83
                                      rendering of services

                                      Sales of products and
 Associated companies                                                            250,870.35            20,709,343.81
                                      rendering of services
 Companies in which directors,
 supervisors, senior management,      Sales of products and
                                                                              4,824,922.37              7,006,078.70
 and related natural persons of the   rendering of services
 Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                   18,607,001,424.45         22,344,931,360.98

(2) Related party lease
At the end of this year, the Company signed a housing lease contract with Subsidiaries of CETC with a lease
period of 27 months. On December 31, 2022, the Company confirmed right-of-use assets of RMB6,514,131.19
and lease liabilities of RMB7,379,632.09. During the reporting period, the amount of interest on lease liabilities
was RMB51,234.51.

(3) Guarantees with related parties
In the current reporting period, the Company has provided guarantees for its 31 subsidiaries in an amount not
exceeding an equivalent of RMB17.90 billion (2021: RMB16.10 billion), including the joint liability guarantee for
the payment obligations on purchase from suppliers in an amount not exceeding an equivalent of RMB320 million
(2021: RMB370 million), and the joint liability guarantee for the general credit limit applied from commercial banks
and other financial institutions or other financing methods through agreed methods in an amount not exceeding an
equivalent of RMB17.58 billion (2021: RMB15.73 billion).

(4) Funding from related parties
In April 2022, the Company held the 9th Meeting of the 5th Session of the Board of Directors, which considered
and approved the Proposal on Providing Financial Assistance to Seven Innovative Subsidiaries. Under this proposal,
the Company will offer a loan of up to RMB1,200 million RMB1,500 million, RMB300 million, RMB700 million,
RMB200 million, RMB300 million and RMB300 million to Hangzhou HikAuto Technology Co., Ltd. ("HikAuto
Technology"), Wuhan HikSemi Technology Co., Ltd. ("Wuhan HikSemi"), HikFire Technology, HikMicro Sensing,
HikImaging Technology, Rayin Technology and HikAuto Software, respectively. The loans are intended to meet
the operating capital needs of these innovative subsidiaries and the specific amount of a loan will be provided based

                                                                                 Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

on the actual business needs of each subsidiary. The proposal was considered and approved by the shareholders'
meeting of the Company on May 13, 2022. The validity period of the loan is 3 years from the date of proposal
consideration and approval by the shareholders' meeting of the Company, and the loan (balance) can be taken out
several times during the validity period. The annual loan interest rate shall be determined by the parties to the
agreement in accordance with the market-based principles without violating the relevant laws and regulations, and
shall be subject to the specific contract. The entry into effect of the proposal shall automatically invalidate any
unused amount of the loan for 2021 as described below. In 2022, the Company lent a total of RMB4,058,597,035.23
to these innovative subsidiaries, and recovered RMB3,969,815,977.03 with interest income totaling

In April 2021, the Company held the 2nd meeting of the 5th session of the Board of Directors, deliberated and
passed the Proposal on Providing Financial Assistance to Five Innovative Business Holding Subsidiaries, and
provided related party borrowing limits of not more than RMB 500 million, RMB 500 million, RMB 200 million,
RMB 100 million and RMB 50 million to Wuhan HikStorage, HikAuto Technology, HikFire Technology,
Hangzhou Rayin Technology and HikImaging Technology, respectively. It will be used for each innovative business
subsidiary to supplement the operating capital needs, and the specific loan amount will be provided according to
the actual business needs of each innovative business subsidiary. The proposal was deliberated and approved by the
Company's General Meeting of Shareholders on May 14, 2021, and the validity period of the related party loan limit
is 3 years from the date of deliberation and approval by the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders, and the
amount (balance) can be recycled in batches during the validity period. The annual borrowing interest rate of
financial assistance shall be determined through negotiation between the parties to the agreement without violating
relevant laws and regulations, and the borrowing interest rate shall be determined in accordance with the principle
of marketization, and the specific contract shall prevail. In 2021, the Company withdrew a total of
RMB1,354,700,000.00 for various innovation business subsidiaries, received RMB737,000,000.00, and received a
total interest income of RMB6,391,607.18.

In order to meet the R&D funding needs, China Development Bank and the Company signed long-term loan
contracts with Hangzhou Systems, Hangzhou Rayin Technology, HikStorage Technology, HikMicro Sensing,
HikRobot and HikAuto Software (hereinafter referred to as "R&D loan recipient"), subsidiaries of the Group. Under
the loan arrangement, the Company is the borrower, a R&D loan recipient is the recipient and China Development
Bank is the lender. A R&D loan recipient will apply for a loan from China Development Bank via the Company
based on its R&D project progress and loan needs. After approval by the bank, the loan will be allocated to the
recipient via the Company. The borrowing period is from December 31, 2021 to December 2, 2026 and a floating
interest rate is used for the loan. RMB287,020,000.00 of the Company's long-term receivables represented the
borrowings applied by the R&D loan recipients as of December 31, 2022, and interest income of RMB5,118,686.47
was recognized in 2022.

                                                                                                               Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

(5) Other related party transactions

Statement of capital deposits
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                             Opening Balance at
                                                           Amount occurred           Closing balance at        Amount occurred
                                  Content of related                                                                                        the beginning of the
    Related Party (Note)                                   during the current       the end of the current      during the prior
                                   party transaction                                                                                          current reporting
                                                           reporting period           reporting period          reporting period

                                 Deposit into
 Subsidiaries of CETC            (withdraw from)           (499,973,215.52)                    33,518.68         500,006,734.20                500,006,734.20
                                 current deposits

                                 Deposit into fixed
 Subsidiaries of CETC                                                           -     4,000,000,000.00                                 -     4,000,000,000.00

 Total                                                     (499,973,215.52)           4,000,033,518.68           500,006,734.20              4,500,006,734.20

Note: For the deposit that the Company deposited into China Electronics Technology Finance Co., Ltd., the deposit
interest income was RMB 80,026,784.06 in 2022 (2021: RMB 80,001,932.23).

Statement of discounted note

In 2022, The face value of bank acceptance bill discounted by the Group to China Electronics Technology Finance
Co., Ltd. is RMB 33,564,209.39 (2021: nil). The face value of the discounted and expired bank acceptance bill is
RMB 33,564,209.39 (2021: nil). Interest expense arising from discounting the notes amounted to RMB 241,747.39
(2021: nil)

7. Receivables from Related Parties and Payables to Related Parties

(1) Receivables from related parties
                                                                  Closing balance                                       Opening balance
 Item                      Related party
                                                       Carrying balance         Credit loss provision        Carrying balance              Credit loss provision

                 Subsidiaries of Hikvision             20,790,257,807.56                             -       20,638,547,619.01                                    -

                 Subsidiaries of CETC                     245,305,306.90             98,031,982.92             232,683,754.63                   59,533,322.73

                 Joint ventures                             2,379,952.00                 101,147.96                                -                              -

                                                                                                   Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                              Closing balance                              Opening balance
 Item                    Related party
                                                  Carrying balance     Credit loss provision     Carrying balance     Credit loss provision

                Associated companies                    8,072,547.52         2,436,481.82            10,721,469.72          1,091,672.49

                Companies in which
                directors, supervisors,
 Accounts       senior management, and
                                                        1,902,966.26             44,955.65            2,504,232.29              23,633.21
 receivable     related natural persons of
                the Company serve as

   Total                                          21,047,918,580.24        100,614,568.35        20,884,457,075.65         60,648,628.43

                                                              Closing balance                              Opening balance
 Item                    Related party
                                                  Carrying balance     Credit loss provision     Carrying balance     Credit loss provision

                Subsidiaries of Hikvision             35,619,298.47                      -           37,441,937.40                          -

                Subsidiaries of CETC                    1,681,429.40                     -           12,417,231.80                          -

   Total                                              37,300,727.87                      -           49,859,169.20                          -

                                                     Closing balance                                     Opening balance
 Item            Related party
                                         Carrying balance       Credit loss provision        Carrying balance       Credit loss provision

 Other           Subsidiaries
                                           2,137,185,066.96                         -         1,365,117,094.96                              -
 receivables     of Hikvision

 Other           Subsidiaries
                                               1,190,907.15                49,197.51                145,000.00                   6,133.50
 receivables     of CETC

 Other           Joint
                                                 228,543.65                 1,508.39                104,182.74                     906.39
 receivables     ventures

   Total                                   2,138,604,517.76                50,705.90          1,365,366,277.70                   7,039.89

 Item                    Related party                        Closing balance                              Opening balance

 Prepayments    Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                       772,949.48                                  3,274,287.66

 Prepayments    Subsidiaries of CETC                                            625,681.13                                     26,700.00

 Prepayments    Associated companies                                                     -                                 49,300,000.00

   Total                                                                     1,398,630.61                                  52,600,987.66

                                                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                                                           Closing balance                                       Opening balance
 Item                    Related party
                                             Carrying balance       Credit loss provision          Carrying balance        Credit loss provision

                        Subsidiaries of
 (including those                               287,020,000.00                             -                           -                          -
 due within one

                        Subsidiaries of
 (including those                                     300,478.44                 1,983.16              18,579,578.71                  161,642.33
 due within one

   Total                                        287,320,478.44                   1,983.16              18,579,578.71                  161,642.33

                                                          Closing balance                                        Opening balance

 Item                Related party                                           Credit loss                                            Credit loss
                                               Carrying balance                                       Carrying balance
                                                                             provision                                               provision

 Dividends        Subsidiaries of
                                                          85,323,007.51                    -                     22,910,404.14                    -
 receivable       Hikvision

   Total                                                  85,323,007.51                    -                     22,910,404.14                    -

(2) Payables to related parties
         Item                                  Related party                                   Closing balance             Opening balance
 Accounts payable         Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                                516,915,904.84                441,107,077.18

 Accounts payable         Subsidiaries of CETC                                                       6,494,664.60                   5,000,503.43
                          Companies in which directors, supervisors, senior
 Accounts payable         management, and related natural persons of the                                           -                 648,139.19
                          Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                             523,410,569.44                446,755,719.80

           Item                                 Related party                                  Closing balance             Opening balance
 Contract liabilities         Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                              8,000,394.52                  10,138,872.51

 Contract liabilities         Subsidiaries of CETC                                                     273,933.15                    242,618.30
                              Companies in which directors, supervisors, senior
 Contract liabilities         management, and related natural persons of the                                       -                     687.00
                              Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                                               8,274,327.67                  10,382,177.81

                                                                                         Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

     Item                                Related party                    Closing balance            Opening balance
                    Subsidiaries of Hikvision                                     667,461,756.46          793,064,398.78
                    Subsidiaries of CETC                                              278,540.00               190,790.00
                    Joint ventures                                                     10,000.00                10,000.00
                    Associated companies                                                2,040.00              9,312,040.00
                    Companies in which directors, supervisors, senior
                    management, and related natural persons of the                    100,000.00               100,000.00
                    Company serve as directors
 Total                                                                            667,852,336.46          802,677,228.78

            Item                                  Related party           Closing balance            Opening balance
 Lease liabilities (including
                                 Subsidiaries of CETC                               7,379,632.09                         -
 those due within one year)
 Total                                                                              7,379,632.09                         -

8. Supplementary Information to the Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                Supplementary information                               2022                           2021
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from
 operating activities:
     Net profit                                                         9,597,855,108.17               14,088,727,668.02

     Add: Assets impairment provision                                          1,195,518.35                   2,669,913.88

            Credit loss provision                                         122,761,912.01                  119,440,900.17

         Depreciation of fixed assets                                     352,312,160.94                  271,966,196.58

         Amortization of intangible assets                                 30,908,858.01                   42,715,421.78

            Depreciation of right of use assets                            51,303,066.27                   35,547,052.78

            Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                    33,629,517.18                   66,502,221.67
            Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                               2,215,205.61               (30,917,301.16)
            intangible assets and other long-term assets
            Financial expenses                                             49,308,908.32                  138,779,449.86

         Losses from change in fair value                                  74,432,284.58                   48,725,796.17

         Investment income                                               (387,283,344.13)               (237,198,739.71)

         Share-based payment through equity settlement                    334,727,555.19                  238,045,712.93

         Decrease (increase) in restricted funds                          (38,774,781.68)                 195,005,634.49

         Decrease (increase) in deferred income tax assets                108,152,533.65                (171,826,866.94)

         Decrease (increase) of inventories                                58,285,769.30                (145,289,110.09)

                                                                                       Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

                  Supplementary information                          2022                            2021
           Increase in operating receivables                           (676,508,556.07)               (651,204,315.31)

           Increase (decrease) in operating payables                   (288,706,205.97)               1,539,868,467.24

            Increase in deferred income                                   97,602,421.09                243,243,770.27

     Net cash flow from operating activities                           9,523,417,930.82              15,794,801,872.63
 2. Major investing and financing activities not involving
 cash receipt and payment:
 3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:

     Closing balance of cash                                         27,771,201,246.40               26,639,582,696.49

     Less: Opening balance of cash                                   26,639,582,696.49               23,264,693,578.70

     Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents                                          -                              -

     Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                         -                              -

     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         1,131,618,549.91               3,374,889,117.79

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                 Item                                Closing balance             Opening balance
 I. Cash                                                                27,771,201,246.40            26,639,582,696.49

           Including: Cash on hand                                             360,563.22                   261,314.61

                    Bank deposit for payment at any time                27,609,458,740.05            26,639,219,718.83

                    Other monetary funds for payment at any time            161,381,943.13                  101,663.05

 II. Cash equivalents                                                                      -                          -

 III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                      27,771,201,246.40            26,639,582,696.49

On December 31, 2022, the Company’s closing balance of other monetary funds was RMB 217,063,841.70
(December 31, 2021: RMB 17,008,779.94), of which RMB 55,681,898.57 were various guarantee deposits
(December 31, 2021: RMB 16,907,116.89), not cash or cash equivalents.

                                                                                             Hikvision 2022 Annual Report
Notes to Financial Statements
For the reporting period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

XVI. Supplementary Information

1.   Details of Current Non-recurring Gains and Losses
                               Item                                               Amount                      Description

 Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                  (18,617,582.10)                 /
 The government subsidies included in the current profits and
 losses (excluding the government subsidy closely related to
 regular course of business of the Company and government                             726,269,569.92                 /
 subsidy based on standard quota or quantitative continuous
 enjoyment according to the state industrial policy)
 Investment gains from disposal of subsidiaries and other
 business units
 In addition to the Company's normal business related to the
 effective hedging business, gains and losses on changes in fair
 value arising from holding derivative financial assets, derivative
 financial liabilities, other non-current financial assets, and                      (99,112,871.09)                 /
 investment gains from the disposal of the above-mentioned
 financial assets/financial liabilities and receivables financing
 Other non-operating income and expense except the items
                                                                                       72,446,008.81                 /
 mentioned above
 Impact of income tax                                                                (74,392,826.66)                 /

 The impact of minority equity                                                      (103,496,968.14)                 /

 Total                                                                                506,646,182.45                 /

2. Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share

The return on net assets and earnings per share have been prepared by Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,
Ltd. in accordance with the Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering
of Securities No. 9 – Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (Revised in 2010)
issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

                                                                  Weighted                      Earnings per share
              Profit for the reporting period                 average return on
                                                                                    Basic earnings per      Diluted earnings per
                                                                net assets (%)
                                                                                          share                    share
 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                         19.62                     1.370                    1.370
 Net profit excluding non-recurring items of profit or loss
                                                                         18.85                     1.315                    1.315
 attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company

                                                                        Hikvision 2022 Annual Report

                 Section XI Documents Available for Reference

1. The financial report was signed and sealed by the person in charge of the Company, the person in
charge of accounting work and person in charge of accounting organization (Accounting Supervisor);

2. The original audit report containing the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and seal of
the certified public accountant;

3. Original versions and copies of all the Company's documents and announcements that were
publicly disclosed on the website designated by CSRC during the reporting period.

The above documents are completely placed at the Company's board of directors’ office.

                                                 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                        Chairman: Chen Zongnian
                                                                                    April 15, 2023

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2022 Annual Report ("2022 年年度报
告"), and the published announcements in the Chinese version shall prevail. The complete published
Chinese 2022 Annual Report may be obtained at www.cninfo.com.cn.
