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						Stock Code: 002607                       Stock Abbr.: OFFCN EDU                          No.: 2020-028


                         Semi-Annual Performance Estimate 2020

     The Company and all the directors confirm that the information disclosed is true, accurate,

complete and with no false recording, misleading statement or material omission.

I. Performance Estimate

1. Estimate period: January 1, 2020—June 30, 2020

2. Estimated performance: Losses

         Item                    Current reporting period                 Same period of last year

 Net profit attributable

   to the shareholders      Losses: RMB 200 million—300 million       Profits: RMB 493.0255 million

 of the listed Company

II. Pre-audit of the estimated performance

     The estimated performance of this period has not been audited nor reviewed by certified

III. Statement for Performance Variation

     During this reporting period, due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, a significant number of
provincial civil servant recruitment tests, which were to take place at the end of April, have been
postponed to August 22, 2020. Therefore, compared with the same period last year, the related income
is delayed by 4 months simultaneously, which results in the decline of recognized revenue of this
reporting period.

     During the reporting period, the government has introduced a great deal of policies to stabilize the
employment, which confirms and reinforces the trend of expanding recruitment in public education,
medical and other public service sectors. With the published recruitment announcements, the overall
number of recruitment headcounts has increased by more than 30% over the same period last year.
During the pandemic, the Company further cemented its leadership in the online services and OMO
business. It is estimated that with the growing need of recruitment in public service sectors and the full
recovery of face-to-face classes, the Company’s comprehensive advantages will be further expanded.
IV. Other Remarks

     The estimated result above is only preliminary calculation performed by the financial department
of the Company. For the specific financial information, please refer to the Semi-annual Report 2020 to
be duly disclosed by the Company. Investors are reminded to exercise caution when making investment

     Hereby announced.

                                   The Board of Directors of OFFCN Education Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        July 14, 2020