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                        OFFCN EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.

           2021 Annual Report

            Stock Code: 002607

          Stock Abbr.: OFFCN EDU

               April, 2022
 Chapter 1            Important Information, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Company’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors, and senior management hereby
guarantee that the contents of the annual report are true, accurate, and complete, and that there are no
misrepresentations, misleading statements, or material omissions, and shall assume individual and joint legal

Wang Zhendong, the Company’s legal representative, Shi Lei, head in charge of accounting and Luo Xue, head of
the accounting department (Accounting supervisor), declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the financial report in the annual report.

All directors attended the board meeting for reviewing this report.

The forward-looking statements on future plans and development strategies involved in this report do not constitute
a substantial commitment to investors. Investors are advised to invest rationally and pay attention to the potential
investment risks.

The possible risks and countermeasures have been detailed in Section XI Forcast of the Company ’ s future
development ” of Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis of this report. Investors are advised to pay
attention to the relevant contents.

On December 25, 2021, the Company was filed and investigated by China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC) on suspicion of failing to disclose related party transaction information and violating the laws and
regulations of information disclosure. On April 27, 2022, the Company and the relevant parties received the official
Decision of Administrative Penalty. The Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau of the CSRC decided to give a
warning to and impose a fine on the Company and the relevant parties, and order the Company and the relevant
parties to rectify the situation. Specific information is stated in the announcement (No. 2022-032) disclosed on
CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn) and other designated media.

The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends, bonus shares, nor to increase share capital by converting
capital reserve.

The English version of this report is provided together with the Chinese version. Should there be any inconsistency

between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Chapter 1    Important Information, Table of Contents and Definitions .............................................. 1

Chapter 2    Corporate Profile & Key Financial Indicators ................................................................. 5

Chapter 3    Management Discussion and Analysis ........................................................................... 10

Chapter 4    Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................37

Chapter 5    Environmental and social responsibilities ......................................................................62

Chapter 6    Significant Events ...........................................................................................................63

Chapter 7    Share Changes and Shareholders ................................................................................... 93

Chapter 8    Preferred Shares ........................................................................................................... 101

Chapter 9    Corporate Bonds ...........................................................................................................102

Chapter 10    Financial Statements ...................................................................................................103

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                              Documents Available for Reference

I. The financial statement signed and sealed by the legal representative of the Company, the person in charge of
accounting work and the person in charge of accounting department (accounting supervisor).

II. The original copy of the audit report signed and sealed by the auditors and sealed by the accounting firm.

III. The full text of 2021 Annual Report signed by Wang Zhendong, the Company’s legal representative.

IV. The original copies of all the documents of the Company which have been disclosed in newspapers designated
by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period.

V. The place where the above-mentioned documents are maintained: the office of the Company’s Secretary of the
Board of Directors.

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                 Term(s)                                                         Definition

The listed Company, The Company,
                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.
Offcn Edu

CSRC                                  China Securities Regulatory Commission

Company Law                           Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law                        Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

Articles of Corporation               Articles of Corporation of Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Yuan, 10 thousand yuan, 100 million
                                      RMB yuan, RMB 10 thousand yuan, RMB 100 million yuan

                                      Base on the assessment, Yaxia Auto takes all assets and liabilities other than retained assets as
                                      the exchange-out assets to swap the equivalent portion of 100% equity of Offcn which held
                                      by Li Yongxin and other 10 counterparties, and the swapping deficiency is settled by issuance
This major assets restructuring,      of Yaxia Auto shares according to the proportion of shareholding. At the same time, Yaxia
This transaction,                     Industrial transfers 80,000,000 and 72,696,561 Yaxia Auto shares to Offcn Partnership and Li
This restructuring                    Yongxin respectively. All shareholders of Offcn entrust Yaxia Auto to directly deliver the
                                      exchange-out assets to Yaxia Industrial or its designated third party as the consideration for
                                      the transfer of 80,000,000 shares to Offcn Partnership, and Li Yongxin offers RMB1 billion in
                                      cash as the consideration for the transfer of 72,696,561 shares.

Aerospace Industry                    Beijing Aerospace Industry Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)

Guangyin Venture                      Beijing Guangyin Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership)

Kerui Technology Innovation           Beijing Kerui Technology Innovation Investment Center (Limited Partnership)

                                      Beijing Offcn Future Information Consulting Center (Limited Partnership), established by all
Offcn Partnership                     shareholders of Offcn Ltd. in accordance with the shareholdings ratio, which is used to
                                      undertake 80,000,000 shares of the listed Company transferred by Yaxia Industrial.

Yaxia Industrial                      Anhui Yaxia Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

           Chapter 2                 Corporate Profile & Key Financial Indicators

Section I. Corporate profile

Stock Abbreviation                                                  OFFCN EDU                  Stock Code              002607

Changed Stock Abbreviation (if any)                     /

Listed Stock Exchange                                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese Name of the Company                             中公教育科技股份有限公司

Chinese Name Abbreviation of the Company                中公教育

English Name of the Company (if any)                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.

English Name Abbreviation of the Company (if
                                                        OFFCN EDU

Legal Representative of the Company                     Wang Zhendong

                                                        Yaxia Automobile City, Yijiang North Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui
Registered Address

Zip Code of Registered Address                          241000

Changed Registered Address of the Company (if

                                                        Block B, Hanhua Century Mansion, No.23 Xueqing Road, Haidian District,
Office Address

Zip Code of Office Address                              100089

Company Website                                         http://www.offcn.com

E-mail                                                  ir@offcn.com

Section II. Contact information

                                      Board Secretary                                     Securities Affairs Representative

Name             Gui Hongzhi                                                   Gu Pan

                 Block B, Hanhua Century Mansion, No.23 Xueqing Road,          Block B, Hanhua Century Mansion, No.23 Xueqing
                 Haidian District, Beijing                                     Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Tel.             010-83433677                                                  010-83433688

Fax              010-83433666                                                  010-83433666

E-mail           ir@offcn.com                                                  ir@offcn.com

Section III. Information disclosure and location of Annual Report

Company’s Designated Information Disclosure Media                 Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News and China Securities

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Website Designated by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission for Publishing the Annual Report

Place Where the Annual Report is Available for Inspection       Office of Secretary of the Board

Section IV. Registration Changes

Organization Code                                                         91340200711040703A

Changes in Main Business Since the Company’s Listing (if any)            None

Change of Previous Controlling Shareholders (if any)                      None

Section V. Other relevant information
Accounting firm hired by the Company

Accounting Firm Name                        Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

                                            No.12 Building, Foreign Cultural and Creative Garden, No.19 Chegongzhuang West
Office Address of the Accounting Firm
                                            Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Signing Accountants’ Names                 Zhou Baiming, Li Qiang

Sponsor institution engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial advisor engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                              Financial advisor             Continuous Supervision
      Financial Advisor                     Office Address
                                                                                   sponsor                           Period
                                    26th Floor, CTS Building,
                                    NO.4011 Shennan Avenue, Futian
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.                                               Cui Binbin, Cui Li              Nov. 28, 2018 - Dec.31, 2021
                                    District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,

Section VI. Key Accounting Information and Financial Indicators
Does the Company need to adjust its financial data retrospectively or restate its accounting data of previous year?
□ Yes √ No

                                               Year 2021               Year 2020         over the previous            Year 2019

 Operating income (RMB yuan)                 6,911,723,331.79      11,202,494,295.04                  -38.30%      9,176,129,995.89

 Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                            -2,369,509,039.00       2,304,357,742.74                 -202.83%      1,804,548,688.01
 of the listed Company (RMB yuan)

 Net profit after deducting
                                            -2,485,630,452.04       1,867,289,479.85                 -233.11%      1,700,369,663.16
 non-recurring profits and losses

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 attributable to shareholders of the
 listed Company (RMB yuan)

 Net cash flow from operating
                                           -4,097,961,548.90     4,882,469,101.91              -183.93%        2,473,986,085.19
 activities (RMB yuan)

 Basic earnings per share (RMB
                                                       -0.38                  0.37             -202.70%                     0.29

 Diluted earnings per share (RMB
                                                       -0.38                  0.37             -202.70%                     0.29

 Weighted average return on net assets              -76.88%                66.15%              -143.03%                  60.71%

                                            Year End 2021          Year End 2020     Over Previous Year        Year End 2019

 Total assets (RMB yuan)                   10,305,183,525.70   14,418,850,027.27                 -28.53%       9,960,705,427.94

 Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                            1,888,818,754.20     4,275,127,793.20                -55.82%       3,431,545,903.82
 of the listed Company (RMB yuan)

The lower of the net profit of the Company before and after deduction of non-recurring profits and losses for the
most recent three financial years is negative, and the audit report of the most recent year shows that there are
uncertainties on the Company’s ability to continue operations
□ Yes √ No
The lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring profits and losses is negative
√ Yes □ No

       Item                Year 2021          Year 2020                                        Note

Operating income
                       6,911,723,331.79    11,202,494,295.04   None
(RMB yuan)

                                                               In this reporting period, the deductions of operating income include:
                                                               Deduction of hotel income RMB 28,379,224.72;
Deduction from
                                                               Deduction of house leasing income RMB 19,285,714.29;
operating income          51,440,960.49        63,592,576.33
                                                               Deduction of exhibition income RMB 3,364,150.85;
(RMB yuan)
                                                               Deduction of custody income RMB 226,415.10;
                                                               Deduction of other income RMB 185,455.53.

                                                               In this reporting period, the deduction of operating income includes:
                                                               Deduction of hotel income

Operating income                                               RMB 28,379,224.72;
after deduction        6,860,282,371.30    11,138,901,718.71   Deduction of house leasing income RMB 19,285,714.29;
(RMB yuan)                                                     Deduction of exhibition income RMB 3,364,150.85;
                                                               Deduction of custody income RMB 226,415.10;
                                                               Deduction of other income RMB 185,455.53.

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section VII. Differences in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences between net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports in accordance with
Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no difference between the net profits and net assets disclosed in accordance with Chinese accounting
standards and those disclosed in accordance with international accounting standards in the reporting period.

2. Differences between net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports in accordance with
Chinese accounting standards and overseas accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no difference between the net profits and net assets disclosed in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and those
disclosed in accordance with overseas accounting standards in the reporting period.

Section VIII. Quarterly Key Financial Indicators

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                        The First Quarter      The Second Quarter       The Third Quarter      The Fourth Quarter

Operating income                            2,051,691,383.47       2,804,306,880.03        1,445,195,855.92          610,529,212.37

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed                   140,729,639.84           -237,892,148.87       -793,735,635.02       -1,478,610,894.95

Net profit after deducting
non-recurring profits and losses
                                               92,213,329.43          -262,118,353.21       -798,108,362.10       -1,517,617,066.16
attributable to shareholders of the
listed Company

Net cash flow from operating
                                             -246,724,873.67          -692,366,584.28     -2,706,728,725.77         -452,141,365.18

Do the above financial indicators or their total differ significantly from those stated in the Company’s disclosed
quarterly and semi-annual reports?
□ Yes √ No

Section IX. Non-Recurring Profits and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                             Item                                 Year 2021              Year 2020            Year 2019        Note

Profits or losses on disposal of non-current assets
                                                                        -136,455.49         162,043.59          182,904.69
(including offsetting amount for the provision of

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

impairment of assets)

Government grants included in current profit or loss
(except those closely related to the Company's normal
business operations, which are in accordance with                 27,496,339.83     20,128,697.09         472,098.91
national policies and continuously enjoyed in accordance
with certain standards or quotas)

Capital occupation fees charged to non-financial
enterprises included in current profit and loss

Profit or loss from entrusting others to invest or manage
                                                                  56,955,660.58    180,223,310.57     184,130,073.02

Except the effective hedging business related to the
Company’s normal business operations, profits or losses
on changes in fair value arising from the possession of
transactional financial assets and transactional financial       -21,490,322.52     20,984,385.76       1,712,787.50
liabilities; and the investment income from the disposal
of transactional financial assets, transactional financial
liabilities and financial assets available for sale

Custody income from entrusted operations                            226,415.10         226,415.09         411,320.75

Other non-operating income and expenses except for the
                                                                  16,837,313.42       -629,138.85      -1,341,412.25
items above

Other profit or loss items that meet the definition of
                                                                  60,675,060.38    280,283,117.41     -53,800,000.00
non-recurring profits and losses

Less: Impact on income tax                                        24,442,598.26     76,183,536.19      27,588,747.77

     Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                            1,319,218.71

Total                                                            116,121,413.04    437,068,262.89     104,179,024.85     --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits or losses.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
RMB 60,293,558.79 of VAT exempted in accordance with the Announcement on Tax Policies Related to Supporting
the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Outbreaks of Covid-19 (Announcement No. 8 [2020] of the Ministry of
Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People's Republic of China);
RMB 355,925.19 of input tax credits in accordance with the Announcement on Policies Related to Deepening VAT
Reform (Announcement No. 39 [2019] of the Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration, and General
Administration of Customs of The People's Republic of China);
RMB 25,576.40 gained from remeasuring the remaining equity at fair value after the loss of control of Beijing
Offcn Future Education Technology Co., Ltd..
Provide explanations for classifying items of non-recurring profits or losses defined or listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 for Information Disclosures of the Company Issuing Securities Publicly — Non-recurring
Profits and Losses as items of recurring profits or losses.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has not classified non-recurring profit or loss items defined or listed in the Explanatory

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Announcement No. 1 for Information Disclosures of the Company Issuing Securities Publicly — Non-recurring
profits and losses as recurring profit or loss items in the reporting period.

                 Chapter 3            Management Discussion and Analysis

Section I. The industry situation of the Company during the reporting period
     1. The “14th Five-Year Plan” requires that the quality and capacity of education, medical care, elderly
care and other services be greatly improved.

     In terms of education, the “14th Five-Year Plan” requires to greatly improve education equality and quality;
promote the popularization of higher education, create more than 60 million new jobs in cities and towns; build,
renovate or expand 20,000 kindergartens to increase enrollments by over 4 million for ordinary families; and build,
renovate or expand more than 4,000 primary and secondary schools. In terms of medical and health care, it requires
to expand disease prevention and control bases and build national and regional medical centers, and strive to
upgrade 500 county-level hospitals to meet the facilities and service capabilities of top-tier hospitals. In terms of
elderly care service, 500 districts and counties will be supported in building a model community home elderly care
service network, about 300 training and convalescent institutions will be supported in transformation into inclusive
elderly care institutions, and more nursing beds will be provided for about 1,000 public elderly care institutions. In
terms of childcare service, 150 cities will be supported to develop childcare service with social resource, and more
than 500,000 exemplary inclusive childcare enrollments will be added. All of these investments mentioned above
will strongly promote the sustainable growth of the recruitment sectors, especially the recruitment sectors of
teachers, medical staff and community workers.

     2. With more policy support, the operation of improving vocational skills speeds up.
     Since the “14th Five-Year Plan”started, the new economic layout of pursuing high-quality development has
put forward higher demand for the upgrading and adjustment of China’s industrial structure. Industry boundaries
are constantly broken, and knowledge and skills in different fields intersect with each other increasingly. The
demand of all kinds of enterprises for inter-disciplinary, innovative and highly skilled talents keeps increasing.
     In terms of industry policies, in May 2019, the General Office of the State Council issued the Course of Action
for Vocational Skills Improvement (2019-2021), which specifies that the operation of improving vocational skills is
an important livelihood project. After that, relevant policies were issued one after another:
     In March 2021, the Outline of the People’s Republic of China 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and
Social Development and Long-Range Objectives for 2035 issued by the General Office of Central Committee of
CPC and the General Office of State Council requires to improve the life-long skills training system and continue
to carry out vocational skills training on a large scale. The Outline also requires to carry out the action for
vocational skills improvement and special training plan for key groups in a deeper level, extensively carry out skills
training for employees from business of new forms and new models and improve the training quality effectively.
     In October 2021, the Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Modern Vocational Education
issued by the General Office of Central Committee of CPC and the General Office of State Council suggests

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

promoting the construction of a skill-oriented society, improving the social status of technical and skilled talents,
and enhancing the attractiveness and training quality of vocational education, and makes it clear that the enrollment
of vocational undergraduate education shouldn’t be less than 10% of the enrollment of higher vocational education.
Listed companies and leading enterprises in the industry are encouraged to take the lead in providing vocational
education, and all kinds of enterprises are encouraged to participate and play a role in vocational education legally.
     In December 2021, the “14th Five-Year Plan” Vocational Skills Training Plan jointly issued by the Ministry
of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform
Commission and the Ministry of Finance specifies again that carrying out large-scale training for vocational skills
is an important measure to improve the employment and entrepreneurial ability of laborers, alleviate structural
employment contradictions and promote the expansion of employment, and it is also an essential support for
advancing development with high quality.
     This year’s government’s work report also suggests continuing to carry out large-scale training for vocational
skills, and jointly building and sharing a batch of public training bases. 100-billion-yuan unemployment insurance
fund should be used for stabilizing employment and training, and accelerating the training of urgently-needed
talents for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry to make more laborers possess a
professional skill and more talents emerge in all walks of life.

     3. Main industry characteristics and cyclical characteristics
     The institutions of vocational education distribute vastly all over the country. Such situation lifts the
barriers to competition in this field. The demand of vocational education distributes vastly in every province and
every city, especially in the prefecture-level cities and the counties. Almost every county has a vocational high
school, and every prefecture-level city has vocational colleges. The recruitment demand for civil servants also
comes in large numbers from prefecture-level cities and counties. This has given rise to a large number of local
small and medium-sized training institutions, and provided large institutions with a wide space to expand their
channel networks, while making management difficulties and barriers to competition suddenly higher.
     The training for civil servant recruitment tests is seasonal. For trainees, the 1-2 years before or after their
graduation are the key period to take training classes for the recruitment tests. The national civil servant test takes
place once a year, and the provincial examinations for each province basically take place once a year, while few
provinces will have another joint examination to recruit civil servants in the second half year. And the recruitment
of public institution employees and teachers are carried out according to the needs of the provinces and cities,
which are distributed in each month throughout the year uncertainly. The documents of recruitment plan are of a
great amount.
     This seasonal fluctuation of recruitment has caused major growth bottlenecks for small and medium-sized
training institutions and has also provided large institutions with continuous motivation to constantly challenge the
scale boundary. With the rapid increase in examination categories and business sectors, large institutions will
increasingly enjoy the benefits of scale effects and obtain a more sound resource allocation structure. In recent
years, the momentum of recruitment examinations has switched to new areas such as public institutions, teachers
and comprehensive recruitment, bringing the rapid concentration of market share into leading enterprises.

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section II. The Company’s main business during the reporting period
     Offcn Edu is a large-scale multi-category vocational education institution, and it is also the pioneer and leader
in the field of public service recruitment examination training in the country. The Company bravely undertakes the
mission of the times, continues to create new markets, and serves the society with kindness and altruism.
     Offcn Edu mainly serves knowledge-based employment population including college students, university
graduates, and various professionals, aged 18 to 45. This huge group of hundreds of millions of people is spread
throughout the country, cities and towns at all levels and in all walks of life. Employment and vocational ability
improvement are their two core demands.
     For hundreds of millions of knowledge-based people and based on their two core demands, the Company’ s
main business covers three major sectors including training for public service recruitment examinations, college
and high institution enrollment examinations and vocational ability enhancement, and it provides more than 100
categories of comprehensive vocational training service. The Company has more than 1,500 outlets across the
country, covering more than 300 prefecture-level cities, and is steadily expanding into thousands of counties and
     After a long-term exploration and accumulation, Offcn Edu has owned a large-scale full-time R&D team of
more than 2,000 people, a large-scale teaching team of more than 14,000 teachers, and a staff of more than 36,000
people. Relying on its outstanding team execution and nationwide vertical integrated fast response capability, the
Company has developed into an innovation-driven enterprise platform.

Section III. Analysis of the Company’s core competitiveness
     The Company's core competitiveness lies in the formation of an enterprise platform driven by the capability of
vertically integrated fast response. The key driving factors are as follows:

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

1. Clustered professional R&D continuously outputs momentum for innovation

     At the beginning of the career, the Company took the lead in carrying out full-time and professional R&D,
based on which it created a brand-new market. Over the past decade, the Company has fostered an expert team with
rich practical experience in R&D and R&D management through front-line teaching practice and adaption to
market upgrading. Under the joint lead of the founding team and the expert team, a full-time R&D team of more
than 2,000 people has formed. With the expansion of categories and the involvement of different sectors, the
Company's professional R&D not only achieves the continuous division of labor under the scale effect, but also
constantly creates R&D cluster effect of collaboration between categories, which greatly improves the efficiency of
R&D, especially the grafting efficiency of using stock R&D resources in new categories and new businesses.

2. Vertical integrated fast response capability supports the Company ’ s sustainable operation structurally
and efficiently.

     The high operation efficiency far beyond the general industries is a necessity to realize scale economy and
establish competitive barrier in the decentralized market. Therefore, vertical integrated fast response system and
capability can best adapt to this kind of market environment. In each exam, ‘Business outlets — Headquarters
command center — Teaching sites ’ are giving responses and feedback with high frequency every day. Thus,
management and learning effect far above the average can be realized.
     Vertical integrated corporate structure can not only realize the high efficiency of operation, but also be
effectively compatible with the management impact brought by rapid business category expansion. So investment

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

in and innovation on this corporate structure has always been a central part of the management reform. At present,
Offcn Edu has established more than 1,500 business outlets covering 300 prefecture-level cities. Simultaneously,
the headquarters command center continues to seek the scale effect of management with the help of management
reform and digital operation. In recent years, Offcn Edu has also continuously invested in the construction of
large-scale one-stop bases for food, housing and learning to promote the realization of large-scale factory operation
on the teaching sites.

3. Digital operation forms the enterprise platform with “real-time situational awareness”

     The team ’ s exploration for digital operation has lasted for more than 15 years, and in recent years, the
investment scale for digital operation infrastructure has increased significantly. One reason is to meet the
management needs for rapid expansion of categories. The other reason lies in the great adaptability of vertically
integrated fast response system to the digitization. After the system was integrated with the digitization in depth, it
generated higher operating efficiency and significantly improved the foreground and background response
frequency from units of days to a level close to “real-time situational awareness”, which enhanced the Company’s
core competitiveness based on speed economy.

4. The values of kindness and altruism allow the Company to maintain strong organizational cohesion in

high growth

     As a knowledgeable staff-intensive vocational education institution, the Company has established a concise
and effective corporate culture in the long journey of arduous entrepreneurship, with the core value of “Be Kind &

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Do Right ” and advocating altruism. Not only has it become a company system, but also the founding team has
taken the lead to set an example, influenced the staff level by level, and unswervingly implemented it in the
operation, making the values of Offcn Edu ubiquitous and flourishing in the enterprise. This distinctive and tangible
corporate culture allows the Company to maintain strong organizational cohesion.

5. Offcn Edu strives to strengthen the Party's construction to promote the healthy and vigorous development
of the Company

     From the establishment of the Party committee in 2018 to the founding of the first Party school of
non-public-owned enterprise in 2019, the Party committee of Offcn Edu has fully utilized the Company ’ s
advantages of knowledge, theory, and technology and actively promotes and implements the Party’s political routes,
principles, and policies to employees and students. Meanwhile, Offcn Edu focuses on the integration of the Party
building of non-public enterprises and corporate culture cultivation to promote the healthy and vigorous
development of the enterprise.

     As of December 31, 2021, the Company had more than 7,000 Party members, accounting for more than
one-fifth of the total number of employees.

Section IV. Core business analysis

1. Overview

(1) Impacted by the pandemic, market demand has shrunk, and the performance of the Company in the

current period has appeared great fluctuation.

     In 2021, the market of education and training has suffered great fluctuations. At the industry level, impacted

by the pandemic and economy, the phenomena of cyclical fluctuations of exams, shrinking market demand, and

students’ weakening willingness to attend training occur in the industry of talent recruitment training. The industry

shows a sign of overall contraction, which challenges the stability of corporate operations. In terms of the Company,

influenced by the appearance of sporadic cases and cluster cases of COVID-19 in some areas, the Company ’ s

outlets and learning centers in more than 20 provinces including Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Jilin, and Henan

were closed periodically and couldn’t operate normally in 2021. In addition, because the Company’s management

team was too optimistic about the market situation and didn’t adjust the business plan timely, the tuition refunds

increased sharply and the cost remained high, resulting in a substantial increase of refund rate in year 2021

compared with year 2020 and a great fluctuation in the Company’s current period performance.

     During the current reporting period, the Company achieved a total operating income of RMB 6.9117233

billion yuan, a 38.30% year-on-year decrease. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company was

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

RMB -2.369509 billion yuan, a decrease of 202.83% over the same period of the previous year. After deducting

non-recurring profits and losses, net profit attributable to the parent company’s shareholders was RMB -2.4856305

billion yuan, a decrease of 233.11% on an annual basis. In the next stage, the Company will actively rectify the

situation and launch the 2022 business boost plan. The measures of optimizing interior by reducing cost and

improving efficiency, adjusting structural product and accelerating new business development will be taken to lead

the Company back on track as soon as possible.

The key operating resources and performance indicators during the reporting period are stated in the table below:
                                                                                                                   The increase or
                                                                                                                  decrease at the end
                                                              At the end of the                                    of the reporting
    Item                       Indicators                                             At the end of last year
                                                              reporting period                                     period from the
                                                                                                                  end of the previous
                Directly-operated branches                                    1,508                      1,669                  -9.65%

   Operating Employees                                                      36,143                      45,066               -19.80%
  resources     R&D personnel                                                 2,452                      3,025               -18.94%
                Teachers                                                    14,590                      18,863               -22.65%
                                                                                                                   The increase or
                                                                                                                    decrease in the
                                                              At the end of the       The same period of last      reporting period
    Item                       Indicators
                                                              reporting period                 year                 from the same
                                                                                                                     period of the
                                                                                                                    previous year
                Revenue of face-to-face training (RMB
                                                                  4,380,182,147.02            8,233,444,798.58               -46.80%
                Revenue of online training (RMB yuan)             2,480,100,224.28            2,905,456,920.13               -14.64%
 Business and
                Number of training participants                          3,849,035                    4,494,348              -14.36%
                Operating income (RMB yuan)                       6,911,723,331.79           11,202,494,295.04               -38.30%
                Net profits attributable to shareholders of
                                                                 -2,369,509,039.00            2,304,357,742.74              -202.83%
                the listed Company (RMB yuan)

(2) New business sector develops steadily and the return on upfront investment appears.

     All along, the Company has been continuously injecting intensive resources into active new businesses,

especially forward-looking strategic investments in key categories such as academic backgrounds upgrading,

training for medical qualifications, and IT training. With the continuous investments of resources and growing

maturity of the talent pool, the revenue proportion of training sector for other public service exams and new

businesses is increasing gradually. During the reporting period, the comprehensive sector achieved a revenue of

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

RMB 1.669751 billion yuan, which made up 24.16% of the total revenue, an increase from the 15.90% of the same

period in the previous year.

2. Revenue and cost
(1) Composition of revenue
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan

                                       2021                                         2020                     Increase/ Decrease
                                              Proportion of                                Proportion of      over the previous
                           Amount                                       Amount
                                                Revenue                                      Revenue                year

Revenue                 6,911,723,331.79                100%        11,202,494,295.04                100%               -38.30%


                        6,860,282,371.30              99.26%        11,138,901,718.71              99.43%               -38.41%

Others                    51,440,960.49                0.74%           63,592,576.33                0.57%               -19.11%

Categories of product

Training for Civil
                        3,368,861,256.89              48.74%         6,289,564,053.54              56.14%               -46.44%
Servant Test
Training for Public
                        1,019,282,962.72              14.75%         1,273,504,970.82              11.37%               -19.96%
Institution Test

Training for
Teachers’               802,387,194.18               11.61%         1,794,466,441.92              16.02%               -55.29%
Recruitment Test

Training for other
public services test    1,669,750,957.51              24.16%         1,781,366,252.43              15.90%                  -6.27%
and new businesses

Others                    51,440,960.49                0.74%           63,592,576.33                0.57%               -19.11%


Northeast China          891,663,394.84               12.90%         1,575,156,348.27              14.06%               -43.39%

North China             1,172,797,204.47              16.97%         1,875,752,184.53              16.74%               -37.48%

East China              1,687,969,176.80              24.42%         2,654,580,800.73              23.70%               -36.41%

Middle China             850,590,365.27               12.31%         1,349,672,939.31              12.05%               -36.98%

South China              571,708,625.26                8.27%         1,016,364,626.14               9.07%               -43.75%

Southwest Region         907,397,421.66               13.13%         1,403,667,569.50              12.53%               -35.36%

Northwest China          778,156,183.00               11.26%         1,263,707,250.23              11.28%               -38.42%

Others                    51,440,960.49                0.74%           63,592,576.33                0.57%               -19.11%

Sales models

Direct sales            6,911,723,331.79             100.00%        11,202,494,295.04             100.00%               -38.30%

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

(2) Particulars of sectors, products, regions and sales models that account for more than 10% of the
operating revenue or profits

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Is the Company’s goods sales income greater than that of labor services?

□ Yes √ No

(4) Fulfillment of significant sales contracts and purchase contracts signed by the Company as of the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Composition of operating cost

Categories of industry

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                                       2021                                         2020                     Year-on-ye
 Industries          Items                                    Proportion of                                Proportion of     ar Increase/
                                           Amount                                       Amount
                                                              operating costs                              operating costs      Decrease

               Cost of operation       4,945,732,913.85                 99.04%       4,513,636,084.16             98.82%           9.57%

Others         Cost of operation          47,984,449.73                 0.96%           53,690,847.28               1.18%        -10.63%


(6) Did the scope of consolidation change during the reporting period?

√ Yes □ No

                         Full name of the subsidiary                              Proportion of               Reason for changes
                                                                                 shareholding (%)
 1. Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                        100                        Acquisition
 2. Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                        100                        Acquisition
 3. Wenling Offcn Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                                     100                    New establishment
 4. Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                           100                    New establishment
 5. Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                             100                    New establishment
 6. Dali Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                     100                    New establishment
 7. Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                           100                    New establishment
 8. Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                            100                    New establishment
 9. Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                    100                    New establishment
 10. Beijing Offcn Century Education Technology Co., Ltd.                              100                    New establishment
 11. Beijing Offcn Future Education Technology Co., Ltd.                              49.00                       Transferred

                                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

(7) Major changes or adjustments to the Company ’ s business, products, or services during the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major customers and major suppliers

Information about major customers

Total sales amount of the top five customers (RMB yuan)                                                                        605,618.91

The ratio of the total sales amount of the top five customers
to the total annual sales amount
The ratio of the sales amount of related parties in the sales
amount of the top five customers to the total annual sales                                                                         0.00%

Information about the top 5 customers

    SN                        Customer                            Sales amount (RMB)              Ratio to the total annual sales amount

1           Customer 1                                                           130,296.72                                        0.00%

2           Customer 2                                                           130,019.42                                        0.00%

3           Customer 3                                                            119,768.79                                       0.00%

4           Customer 4                                                            115,242.72                                       0.00%

5           Customer 5                                                            110,291.26                                       0.00%

Total                              --                                            605,618.91                                        0.01%

Other information regarding major customers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Information regarding major suppliers

Total purchase amount of the top five suppliers (RMB yuan)                                                                406,493,953.25

The ratio of the total purchase amount of the top five suppliers to
the total annual purchase amount
The ratio of the purchase amount of related parties in the
purchase amount of the top five suppliers to the total annual                                                                      0.00%
purchase amount

Information regarding the top 5 suppliers

    SN                       Supplier                        Purchase Amount (RMB)             Ratio to the total annual purchase amount

1             Supplier 1                                                   194,154,388.30                                          4.60%

2             Supplier 2                                                   128,012,500.00                                          3.03%

3             Supplier 3                                                    30,901,945.00                                          0.73%

4             Supplier 4                                                    27,285,618.00                                          0.65%

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

5              Supplier 5                                                26,139,501.95                                             0.62%

Total                              --                                  406,493,953.25                                              9.63%

Other information about major suppliers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expenses
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                    Year 2021          Year 2020               Increase/             Description on major changes

                                                                                                 Mainly due to the expiration of the
                                                                                                 social insurance exemption, the
                                                                                                 increase in employees' salaries, the
Sales expenses                     2,105,098,912.06   1,811,790,113.16               16.19%
                                                                                                 opening of new workplace, and the
                                                                                                 increase in the amortization of rental
                                                                                                 property during the epidemic period

Management expenses                1,315,643,022.03   1,279,869,207.37                   2.80%   No major changes

                                                                                                 Mainly due to short-term interest on
                                                                                                 borrowings and the amortization of
Financial expenses                  491,614,471.98     430,548,689.17                14.18%      unrecognized financing expenses to
                                                                                                 financial expenses according to the
                                                                                                 New Lease Standard

                                                                                                 Mainly due to the operating losses in
                                                                                                 this period, the decrease of R&D
R&D expenses                        901,469,538.57    1,050,697,333.79               -14.20%     personnel and the reduction of the total
                                                                                                 salary due to the position transfer of
                                                                                                 teachers to R&D

4. R&D investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                        Progress of                                          Potential influence on the
Name of Projects            Purpose of projects                              Goals to be achieved
                                                         projects                                            Company’s development

                                                                                                           Provide different product
                       Enrich the Company's                              Enrich the Company's              portfolios to enhance
Basic research and                                    Obtained
                       curriculum system to achieve                      curriculum system to achieve      students’ learning outcome
development of                                        partial
                       a diversified curriculum                          a diversified curriculum          and to improve the
curriculum system                                     objective
                       portfolio                                         portfolio                         Company’s core

Research and           By developing platform         Obtained           By developing platform            Promote the deep matching
development of         systems and client APPs,       partial            systems and client APPs,          of digital management and

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

infrastructure for   provide technical support for     objective            provide technical support for   vertically integrated fast
digital operation    the transformation of business                         the transformation of           response system, seek for
                     digitization                                           business digitization           higher level of efficient fast
                                                                                                            response with the power of
                                                                                                            digital management, and
                                                                                                            further enhance the core
                                                                                                            competitiveness of the
                                                                                                            Company based on speed

R&D staff

                                                                                                              Year-on-year Increase/
                                              2021                                   2020

Numbers of R&D staff                                        2,452                                   3,025                         -18.94%

Proportion of R&D staff                                    6.78%                                    6.71%                            0.07%

Education background of R&D
                                              ——                                   ——                               ——

Bachelor degree                                             1,665                                   2,620                         -36.45%

Master degree                                                778                                      400                          94.50%

Others                                                             9                                    5                          80.00%

Age of R&D staff                              ——                                   ——                               ——

Below 30 years old                                          1,052                                   1,841                         -42.86%

30-40 years old                                             1,344                                   1,128                          19.15%

Above 40 years old                                             56                                      56                            0.00%

Investments in R&D

                                                                                                             Year-on-year Increase/
                                           Year 2021                             Year 2020

R&D investment amount
                                                901,469,538.57                       1,050,697,333.79                            -14.20%
(RMB yuan)

The proportion of R&D
                                                         13.04%                                 9.38%                              3.66%
investment in revenue

Amount of capitalized R&D
                                                            0.00                                    0.00                           0.00%
investment (RMB yuan)

The proportion of Capitalized
R&D investment in R&D                                     0.00%                                 0.00%                              0.00%

Reasons and effects of major changes in the composition of the Company's R&D personnel

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Reason for a significant change of the proportion of total R&D investment in revenue from that of the last year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Reason and statement for the significant change in capitalization rate of R&D investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                                  Year-on-year Increase/
                Item                               Year 2021                            Year 2020

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                        5,344,505,574.24                   14,170,455,842.47                   -62.28%
operating activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                        9,442,467,123.14                      9,287,986,740.56                     1.66%
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating
                                                       -4,097,961,548.90                      4,882,469,101.91                -183.93%

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                        9,419,573,425.23                   41,450,131,085.26                   -77.27%
investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                        7,679,034,155.42                   42,558,772,286.98                   -81.96%
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing
                                                        1,740,539,269.81                   -1,108,641,201.72                   257.00%

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                        4,569,000,000.00                      5,270,000,000.00                 -13.30%
financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                        6,191,808,200.47                      5,818,126,412.65                     6.42%
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing
                                                       -1,622,808,200.47                      -548,126,412.65                 -196.06%

Net increase in cash and cash
                                                       -3,980,230,479.56                      3,225,701,487.54                -223.39%

Main influencing factors of major year-on-year changes in relevant data

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) The net cash flows from operating activities decreased by RMB 8.9804307 billion yuan, a 183.93% year-on-year decrease. It was
mainly due to the lower-than-expected business receipts of the Company, the rapid growth of students’ refunds and the sharp decline
of business income.
(2) The net cash flows from investing activities increased by RMB2.8491805 billion yuan, a 257.00% year-on-year increase, which
was resulted from the redemption of financial products upon maturity in the current period.
(3) Net cash flows from financing activities decreased by RMB 1.0746818 billion yuan, a 196.06% year-on-year decrease. It was

                                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

mainly due to the repayment of the due short-term borrowings, and the payment of new-added rent expenses in the current year listed
in “Payment of other cash related to financing activities” according to the the New Lease Standard.

Reason for significant differences between the net cash flow from operating activities and the net profit of the Company during the

reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section V. Non-core business analysis

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan

                                                     Proportion of Total
                                Amount                                                    Reason                    Sustainable or not

                                                                             Mainly including income
Investment income                 79,269,900.92                     -2.86%   from financial products, and    Yes
                                                                             interest on time deposits

Gains and losses
                                                                             According to Financial
from changes in fair            -21,490,322.52                      0.78%                                    Uncertain
                                                                             Instruments Standards

Non-operating                                                                Formed during the
                                  18,141,095.89                     -0.66%                                   Uncertain
income                                                                       operating process

Non-operating                                                                Formed during the
                                   1,303,782.47                     -0.05%                                   Uncertain
expenses                                                                     operating process

Section VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities
1. Major changes in asset composition

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan

                          End of Year 2021                 Beginning of Year 2021
                                       Proportion                            Proportion
                                                                                             of increase/            Major Changes
                       Amount            of total          Amount              of total
                                         assets                                assets

                                                                                                             Mainly due to the decrease in
Monetary                                                                                                     the Company's business
                   1,970,361,272.64       19.12%      5,950,395,089.12           41.27%            -22.15%
fund                                                                                                         receipts and the increase in
                                                                                                             students’ tuition refunds

Accounts                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase of
                       40,374,842.27         0.39%        21,493,637.66           0.15%             0.24%
receivable                                                                                                   rent receivables

                                                                                                             Mainly because the decline of
                    644,936,541.46           6.26%      668,014,515.82            4.63%             1.63%    total assets was greater than the
                                                                                                             decline of investment property

                                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                             Mainly due to the increase
                                                                                                             from the transfer of Beijing
Long-term                                                                                                    Offcn Future Education
equity              46,850,364.40            0.45%                                               0.45%       Technology Co., Ltd. from a
investment                                                                                                   wholly-owned subsidiary to an
                                                                                                             associate company in the
                                                                                                             current period

                                                                                                             Mainly due to the increase of
                                                                                                             houses and buildings resulted
                                                                                                             from the acquisition of Liu’an
                                                                                                             Yazhong Real Estate
Fixed assets     1,770,372,338.85           17.18%    1,612,792,592.67            11.19%         5.99%
                                                                                                             Information Consulting Co.,
                                                                                                             Ltd. and Liu'an Zhongke Real
                                                                                                             Estate Information Consulting
                                                                                                             Co., Ltd. in the current period

                                                                                                             Mainly due to the newly-added
                   294,785,678.31            2.86%      214,248,125.04             1.49%         1.37%       project of Rizhao Learning
in progress
                                                                                                             City in the current period

                                                                                                             Mainly because the decline of
                 1,342,280,387.08           13.03%    1,491,006,998.14            10.34%         2.69%       total assets was greater than the
                                                                                                             decline of right-of-use assets

                                                                                                             Mainly because the decline of
Short-term                                                                                                   total assets was greater than the
                 3,152,945,812.59           30.60%    3,976,019,329.22            27.58%         3.02%
borrowings                                                                                                   decline of short-term

                                                                                                             Mainly due to the decrease in
Contract                                                                                                     the Company's business
                 3,063,721,290.28           29.73%    4,925,428,309.33            34.16%         -4.43%
liabilities                                                                                                  receipts and the increase in
                                                                                                             students’ tuition refunds

                   635,691,184.87            6.17%      632,866,068.34             4.39%         1.78%       No major changes

A high percentage of overseas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                                       Profits and                   Provisi      Amount of      Amount of
                   Opening                            Accumulate                                                                     Closing
     Item                           losses from the                  on for       purchase in    sales in the       Others
                    balance                           d changes in                                                                   balance
                                    changes in fair                  impair       the current      current

                                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                       value in          fair value       ment          period          period
                                        current                            in
                                                       attributed to
                                        period                           current


al financial
(excluding         1,191,656,173.26   -21,490,322.52                                6,305,150,000.00 7,094,329,229.00 -4,000,000.00 376,986,621.74

4. Other
equity              152,800,000.00                     -22,400,000.00                                                               130,400,000.00

Sub-total of
financial          1,344,456,173.26   -21,490,322.52 -22,400,000.00                 6,305,150,000.00 7,094,329,229.00 -4,000,000.00 507,386,621.74

Total              1,344,456,173.26   -21,490,322.52 -22,400,000.00                 6,305,150,000.00 7,094,329,229.00 -4,000,000.00 507,386,621.74

                               0.00                                                                                                           0.00

Other changes
Whether the Company’s major assets measurement attributes have significant changes during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

3. Assets with restricted rights as of the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                      Item                         Book value at the end of the period                      Reasons for restriction
                 Monetary funds                                        84,800.00                                 Security deposit
                 Monetary funds                                       470,463.08                     dormant account/without reconciliation
                      Total                                           555,263.08

Section VII. Analysis of Investments

1. General situation

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

  Investment amount in the reporting               Investment amount in the same period of the
                period (RMB)                                          previous year (RMB)

                                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                             7,079,571,718.12                                                    43,223,486,027.58                                 -83.62%

2. Significant equity investment obtained during the reporting period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investment ongoing during the reporting period

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

Project                                    Fushun Offcn Building            Rizhao Learning City            Changping Land Use Right          Total

Investment method                          Self-built                       Self-built                      Self-built                        --

Whether it is a fixed asset                Yes                              Yes                             Yes                               --

                                           Educational technology           Educational technology          Educational technology            --
Industries involved in investment
                                           development, service,            development, service,           development, service,
                                           cultural consulting              cultural consulting             cultural consulting

Amount of investment in this               16,812,207.39                    63,725,345.88                   2,494,150,000.00                  2,574,687,
reporting period                                                                                                                              553.27

Accumulated investment as of               157,099,898.91                   63,725,345.88                   3,097,058,000.00                  3,317,883,
the                                                                                                                                           244.79
end of the reporting period

Sources of funds                           Self-owned funds                 Self-owned funds                Self-owned funds                  --

Project progress                           47.61%                           6.37%                           0.00%                             --

Estimated earning                          0.00                             0.00                            0.00                              0.00

Accumulated income as of the               0.00                             0.00                            0.00                              0.00
end of the reporting period

Reasons for not meeting the                Not completed yet                Not completed yet               Transferred                       --
planned progress and expected

4. Financial assets investment

(1)Securities investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                      Securiti   Origina    Accou       Book      Profits        Accum       Purcha     Selling     Profits   Book      Accou
Securi     Securiti     es          l        nting      value      and            ulated       se       amount       and      value     nting
                                                                                                                                                       s of
 ties      es code    abbrevi     invest    measur      at the    losses         change      amount     for this    losses    at the    subject
                       ation      ment      ement       beginni    from          s in fair   for this   period      during    end of      s

                                                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                          cost         model       ng of    change           value     period               the         the
                                                                    the     s in fair        include                       reporti     period
                                                                   period    value            d in                           ng
                                                                            for the          equity                        period



                          it Hybrid                                                                                                              Transacti
                                                     Fair value
                          Securities    9,999,00                  10,467,9 -468,953                              9,999,00 735,926.               onal        Self-owne
Funds      010439                                    measurem                                   0.00      0.00                            0.00
                          Fund with           0.00                  53.10         .10                               0.00          30             financial d funds
                          one-year                                                                                                               assets


                                        9,999,00                  10,467,9 -468,953                              9,999,00 735,926.
Total                                                      --                                   0.00      0.00                            0.00       --         --
                                              0.00                  53.10         .10                               0.00          30

 Disclosure date of the

 announcement of securities
 investment approval by board

 of directors

 Disclosure date of the

 announcement of the securities
 investment approval by board

 of shareholders (if any)

 (2) Derivatives investment

 □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
 There is no derivatives investment during the reporting period of the Company.

 5. Use of raised funds

 □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
 There is no use of raised funds during the reporting period of the Company.

 Section VIII. Sale of major assets and equity

 1. Sale of major assets

 □Applicable √ Not applicable
 The Company did not sell any major assets during the reporting period.
 2. Sale of major equity
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable

 Counterparty                                                     Beijing Shangheng Jirui Commercial Operation and Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                51% equity of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary — Beijing Offcn Future
The amount of sold equity
                                                Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Sale date                                       October 12, 2021

Transaction value (RMB 10 thousand yuan)        5,100

Net profit contributed by the equity to the
Company from the beginning of the current
period to the sale date (RMB 10 thousand

                                                The Company works with the subsidiary of the powerful Longfor Group to develop
                                                the target company ’ s project by transferring the controlling interest of its
                                                wholly-owned subsidiary. The Longfor side develops the residential land, while the
                                                Company channels funds and efforts into the construction of public projects which is
                                                connected with the main business. The cooperation prompts the establishment of the
                                                Company's online technology R&D center, OMO education demonstration center,
                                                R&D and teaching personnel integrated training center, national market vertical
                                                integrated response command center and innovation education headquarters, which
                                                will effectively improve the Company’s capacities of cluster R&D, mass production
                                                and popularization of OMO products, vertical integrated fast response in national
Influence of the sale on the Company            market, and agile innovation of all categories of products. Besides, the Company
                                                plans to create a one-stop base for food, housing and learning which can
                                                accommodate more than 5,000 students and provide them with OMO training, and
                                                where can hold multiple rounds of intensive internal training in R&D and teaching
                                                for over 30,000 teaching and R&D personnel. Upon completion, this new center,
                                                which fully integrates with online technology, will systematically enhance the
                                                Company's training capabilities for internal staff and students, accelerate the
                                                thorough innovation and upgrade of technology, R&D, training, service, market and
                                                command system in the industry, and strongly enhance the Company’s brand image
                                                and establish competitive barrier, which are all in line with the Company's long-term
                                                development strategy and the interests of all shareholders.

Proportion of net profit contributed by the
sale to the Company in the total net profit

Pricing principle of the equity sale            Negotiation based on paid-in registered capital

Whether it is a related party transaction       No

Relationship with the counterparty              N/A

Whether the equity involved has been fully

Whether it is implemented on schedule or not.
If not, the reasons and the measures the        Implemented on schedule
Company has taken should be stated.

                                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Disclosure date                                     September 27, 2021

                                                    For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Transfer of Part of the
Disclosure index                                    Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Equity and Cooperative Development (No. 2021-061)
                                                    disclosed by the Company on www.cninfo.com.cn.

Section IX. Analysis of major holding and participating companies
√ Applicable □Not Applicable
Major subsidiaries and shareholding companies that affect the Company's net profit by more than 10%
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

Company name       Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd

Company type       Subsidiary

Major business     Educational technology consulting, technology development, technical services, technology promotion, technology
                   transfer; educational consulting; cultural consulting; corporate management consulting; corporate investment
                   consulting;computer technology training (not for national admissions); public relations services; hosting exhibition
                   activities; organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities (excluding performances); conference services;design,
                   production, agency, release of advertisements; publication wholesale; publication retail; operating
                   telecommunications business; human resource services; radio and television program production; engaging in
                   Internet cultural activities.(Market entities independently choose operating projects and carry out operating
                   activities in accordance with the law; engage in Internet cultural activities, publication wholesale, publication retail,
                   telecommunications business, radio and television program production, human resource services, and projects
                   subject to approval in accordance with the law, and after approval by relevant departments, carry out operating
                   activities in accordance with the approved content; shall not engage in operating activities that are prohibited or
                   restricted by the state and this city’s industrial policies.)

Registered         90,000,000.00


Total assets       8,011,989,972.20

Net assets         955,658,207.14

Revenue            6,885,584,429.07

Operating          -2,691,880,548.00


Net profit         -2,254,851,259.12

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable

                                                                                    Method of acquisition and        Impact on the overall
                             Company name                                             disposal of subsidiaries      business operations and
                                                                                    during the reporting period          performance

1. Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                      Acquisition                   No major impact

2. Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                      Acquisition                   No major impact

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

3. Wenling Offcn Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                        New establishment             No major impact

4. Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.              New establishment             No major impact

5. Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                New establishment             No major impact

6. Dali Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                        New establishment             No major impact

7. Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.              New establishment             No major impact

8. Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                               New establishment             No major impact

9. Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                       New establishment             No major impact

10. Beijing Offcn Century Education Technology Co., Ltd.                 New establishment             No major impact

11. Beijing Offcn Future Education Technology Co., Ltd.                  Transferred                   No major impact

Major holding and participating companies
In 2021, the Company ’ s wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd., achieved a revenue of RMB
6.8855844 billion yuan, a decrease of 38.43% from the previous year, and a net profit of RMB -2.2548513 billion yuan for the year, a
decrease of 196.39% from the previous year.

Section X. Structured entities controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

Section XI. Forecast of the Company’s future development

1. Trends of the industry’s future development

(1) The status of vocational education in education system is enhancing.

     For a long time, China’s education system has been dominated by curricula education and the foundation of
vocational education is relatively weak. There is a serious shortage of high-end skilled talents supply and in the
future, the need for more “skilled craftsmen” and “great builders” will remain urgent.

     In recent years, China’s industrial structure is undergoing transformation and upgrading. The government has
clearly proposed that great efforts will be made to promote the development of emerging industries with strategic
importance, and the proportion of modern service industry will be further increased. With rapid changes in the
industrial structure, the requirements from enterprises for the professional competence and comprehensive quality
of technical personnel have gradually increased. New requirements for their practical ability have also been put
forward. Traditional academic education can’t fully meet the new requirements.

     Besides, the government continues to enhance the efforts to develop vocational education. In addition to the
pertinent documents, such as Decision of the State Council on Making Great Efforts to Develop Vocational
Education published in 2005, and National Plan for Vocational Education Reform and China ’ s Education
Modernization Plan 2035 published in 2019, the 2021 National Vocational Education Conference further
emphasized that vocational education has a bright future and promising prospects in the new journey of building a
modern socialist country in all respects, and put forward explicit requests for accelerating the construction of a
modern vocational education system, and cultivating more high-caliber technical and skilled professionals, thus

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

promoting the status of vocational education in the whole education system from both the policy and institutional

(2) The continuous increase in the number of college graduates is an important indicator of the employment

     Usually, a faster growing economy will bring a higher level of employment. In recent years, economic growth
has slowed down, but the number of university graduates has continued to grow. It will reach 10.76 million this
year, setting a new historical record.

     College graduates account for more than half of the annual demand of over 15 million new jobs, and the bonus
period for the export of cheap rural labor has come to an end. The expansion of university enrollment has obviously
and directly accelerated the arrival of the turning point. The labor shortage of farmer laborers coexists with the
difficult employment of college graduates. The demand for training for public service recruitment examination
continues to rise.

     In addition, aiming to maintain sustained economic growth, realize transformation and upgrading, and
overcome the “ middle-income trap ” , it is urgently necessary to carry out industrial upgrading for middle and
high-end vocational education in order to improve the vocational skills and professional literacy of
knowledge-based employees.

(3) The serious shortage of high-quality supply is the main contradiction that restricts the development of the
vocational education industry.

     At present, the foundation of vocational education is still weak. Due to the extremely low concentration of the
industry and the limited number of large vocational education institutes and enterprises, the supply of high-quality
vocational education is seriously insufficient. With the improvement of industry concentration and the continuous
development of leading vocational education enterprises, core business elements such as R&D, management and
marketing of vocational education will gradually break through the original boundaries of the industry, create
high-quality and cost-effective supplies, drive demand-side volume with supply-side innovation and push the
industry into a new track of rapid development.

(4) The urbanization wave will promote the continuous improvement of public service and the number of
employees of the public service sector will continue to expand.

     The process of urbanization is a key driver of the long-term impact on China’s employment market growth. At
present, the urbanization rate has exceeded 60%. Urbanization will expand the public financial expenditure and the
number of employees in the public service sector. China’s urbanization rate remains in a high-speed growth range
of 30% to 70%. It is likely to continue to develop for nearly 20 years to achieve an urbanization rate of more than
80% in developed countries. Meanwhile, continuous urbanization may also lead to more seriously inadequate
public service supply in cities, which will also impose higher requirements on the quality of public services.

                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Compared with public products such as infrastructure, public services are labor-intensive inputs, especially the
basic public services of local governments. A large number of employees can be hired while public service
capabilities are being improved. China ’ s long-term goal for 2035 and the main goal of economic and social
development during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period require a significant increase in the level of equalization of
public services. According to the research by the National Academy of Governance, the employed population in the
public sector in developed countries accounts for about 10% to 20% of the workforce, which is even higher than
20% in Canada and Hong Kong. However, the employed population in the current public sector only accounts for
5% in China.

     With the deepening of urbanization, the proportion of employed population in China ’ s public sector will
gradually increase; and the market of training for public service recruitment examination will also maintain a
long-term steady growth, which has been partially proved by the astonishing demands on the training for teacher
recruitment examination and recruitment examination in medical treatment and public health.

     2. Strategic development direction of the Company

     (1) Cement the leadership position in recruitment training market and take steady development as the

first priority

     At present, the industry is facing major challenges due to the influence of pandemic and policies, but this does

not change our view on long-term trends. Urbanization, equalization of public services, the natural renewal of the

in-service staff in large scale and the stabilization of employment are the main trends of the economic and social

development, which means that the long-tail effect of the recruitment market will continue to strengthen. Under the

new industry context, the Company will innovate and optimize the products proactively, respond to the demand of

new-added employment more quickly and meet the demand more properly, transfer from the pursuit of high growth

to sustainable and sound development, balance business development and profitability and cement the leadership

position in recruitment training market

    (2)Maintain effective R&D investment and strengthen the advantages of the leading vocational
education innovation platform.

     R&D shall always be regarded as the fundamental driving force for all undertakings. The Company will
resolutely carry out long-term and heavy investment in R&D and attract outstanding talents to participate in R&D.
With R&D, the Company will drive innovation from the bottom level, make systematic improvement, break
through industry boundaries, and establish competition barriers, so as to perfect its current major businesses,
expand its new businesses, and remain to be a leading vocational education innovation platform.

     (3)Further integration of technology and business for digital transformation of operations

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Years of accumulation of independent IT development is the Company ’ s valuable wealth, enabling the
Company to calmly cope with the new opportunities and challenges brought by the development of science and
technology. The Company will constantly increase investment in technology infrastructure and technical teams and
enhance responsiveness of technology through technological middle platform and agile development to expand
development output. On this basis, the Company will continue to accelerate digital transformation of operations and
fully integrate the productivity of technology with operation system to facilitate business innovation, and improve
the level of intelligence in operation and teaching, thus supporting vertical integrated fast response capability with a
wider range and on a larger scale.

     (4) Cut out redundant categories and focus on core markets

     The Change of the economic environment brought about by the pandemic has made the industry get real-life

insights, and treading in the deep water has given the Company a more objective understanding about itself. In

2022, the Company will conform to social consumption trends, streamline and refine businesses, cut out redundant

categories, focus on core categories including training for post-graduate entrance examination, IT and vocational

skill, improve standards of service quality, and take advantage of intelligent information system to develop

products that meet market demand.

     (5) Optimize channels proactively and strengthen the core sectors

     After years of business expansion, the Company has established more than 1,500 outlets and learning centers

and the channel networks have covered more than 300 cities across the country. Next, the Company will analyze

national market demand thoroughly and optimize the channel networks properly according to the business

development strategy. The Company will channel superior resources into strengthening the core sectors on the

premise that the stability of the business network main body is ensured.

     3. Major business plan of the Company for 2022

     (1) Rectify and reform proactively and seek the optimum balance between products, staff and channels

     In the past three years, the volume of the Company has expanded quickly by taking the rapid-expansion

strategy, which has caused more difficulty for management, increased the operation cost of the Company

objectively and put more pressure on maintaining and increasing the whole profit margin. In 2022, under these

unfavorable operating conditions, the Company will rectify and reform proactively. It will control the number of

the staff in a reasonable scale and concentrate efforts on optimizing performance incentive policies. It will take

effective measures to adjust and optimize the structure and channels of products in accordance with the changes of

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

users ’ demand and market and focus on the management and control of cost. By seeking the optimum balance

between products, staff and channels, the Company may reverse the decline trend of performance and promote its

steady and sound development.

     (2) Optimize the product structure and underline quality and profitability

     The Company has been regarding steady and sound operation as the bottom line. Due to the intensified market

competition, to stabilize the market share, and to facilitate the new channels and outlets expanding their local

markets, the Company’s product structure became unbalanced. This year, the Company will optimize the product

structure timely, lower the proportion of the high-tuition-refund agreement courses, refine the product quality and

innovate the service model according to the demand of market and trainees to improve the operating profitability

and performance in the post-pandemic era.

     (3) Continue to further the Online-Merge-Offline business

     In 2022, the Company will increase investment in online business and OMO business. Based on years of

digital penetration of the main course products, the Company will further expand the leading advantages of OMO

courses, so that more trainees can obtain the convenience of online learning and the effectiveness of face-to-face

learning at the same time, thus rapidly increasing the number of learners and the rate of participation.

     (4) Implement Amoeba management to streamline production mechanism and stimulate impetus for

cost decreasing and benefit increasing from bottom to top

     In 2022, the Company will deepen the management reform and implement Amoeba management thoroughly

to streamline production mechanism. Based on value creation and profit assessment, the Company will carry out

delicacy operation in every project and sub-center, optimize the human resources structure and improve vertical

integrated fast response capabilities to meet the new development requirements for the implementation of the

Company’s strategy.

     (5) Steadily explore new businesses and expand the scale of vocational skills training business

     In 2022, the Company will continue to explore new business of vocational education and establish vocational

education department. Apart from integrating internal resources, the Company will cooperate with government,

enterprises and colleges to carry out explorations in AI, digital economy, convergence media, cultural and creative

industries characterized by digitization, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent aviation and other industries and tap

the full potential of the existing resources to find new growth points. At the same time, the Company launches a

                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

career promotion platform for extensive professions to provide training services for part-time jobs, advancement of

vocational skill and certificate exams by new training models such as “Internet +” and “Intelligence +” to meet

the training demand of the high-quality professional skilled personnel in the context of new technologies, new

industries, new business forms and new models and improve the employment and entrepreneurial ability of college

students and young talents, enhance the re-employment capability of ordinary laborers after post transfer, and

popularize the general vocational qualities and digital skills. By the thorough implementation of professional skill

improvement measures, the Company can seize the opportunity when flexible employment is supported by the

government and the demand for skills training soars.

     4. Possible Risks

     (1)Industry Policy Risks

     The boom of the vocational education industry has a high correlation with the policy environment, and is
easily influenced by the vocational education policy. In recent years, in order to support the development of the
vocational education industry, the state has successively issued a number of industry support and encouragement
policies. However, it will take time for the corresponding supporting laws, regulations and rules to be fully
implemented, and there is still a certain degree of uncertainty in the future. If there are major changes and
adjustments to relevant laws, regulations or industrial policies in the future, it may have an impact on the
development trend of the vocational education industry, which may affect the Company ’ s future business
development and performance. In addition, the Company has many branches and wide distribution of training
venues. It is not ruled out that in the future, relevant regulatory authorities of provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities will issue more stringent regulations for the local education and training industry, which may affect
the Company’s operations in the region.

     Risk response: Each branch of the Company has established a tracking research policy team to conduct
in-depth analysis of various policies that have been issued. At the same time, the Company’s deep IT independent
development and accumulated strength and effective digital transformation of operations simultaneously ensure the
efficiency of information feedback. Through the upgrading and transforming of basic systems such as ERP, CRM,
and teaching platforms, it is possible to obtain, perceive and predict the direction and trend of relevant policy
changes in various places in a timely manner, make arrangements and adjustments in advance, avoid relevant
policy risks, and take advantage of industry policies to help the Company’s business development.

     (2) Market Risks

     With the policy support from the government, the industry of vocational education is expected to continue to

keep prosperous, which will result in more capital inflow into the industry and ever more intense market

competition. At the same time, the continuous recurrence of the Covid-19 has put our country ’ s economic

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

development under the triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shock and weakening expectations. Although

the promotion of taking vaccines of Covid-19 in all parts of the country has laid a foundation for economic

recovery, consumer confidence has dropped significantly compared with that in the pre-pandemic period, their

willingness to spend is low and the demand for training has shrunk dramatically. Therefore, in the long run, the

market demand will still be on a growing trend, but it cannot be ruled out that in the short term, it will decline due

to various factors, which will affect the students’ enthusiasm to take part in exams and lead to a decline in market


     Risk response: In response to the above risks, the Company will continue to maintain effective investment in
research and development, and also in technology infrastructure and technical teams to integrate the productivity of
technology into the business system and promote business innovation and the quality of products and services. The
Company will optimize the product structure timely, refine the product quality and innovate the service
model according to the demand of market and trainees, to improve the operating profitability. At the
same time, based on the operating conditions, the Company will seek the optimum balance between
products, staff and channels and strengthen the control over cost to enhance the Company’s capability
of fighting against market risks.

     (3)Management Risks

     With the continuous expansion of the Company’s business categories and branches, the Company must face
the risk of mismatch between expansion and management capabilities. Costs such as venue leasing and labor have
continued to increase, and the pursuit of rapid development has led to a decline in the current profit level and profit
margin. At the same time, there are recurrences of the pandemic in some parts of the country, which result in that
offline training cannot be carried out smoothly in some areas. In addition, influenced by the pandemic, the
recruitment exams of public service in some areas were put off or canceled, contributing to the decline of training
demand. If the pandemic worsens or spreads further in the future, it may have a material adverse impact on the
Company’s operating performance.

     Risk response: In view of the above risks, the Company will continue to optimize its management system of
vertical integrated fast response, enhance the coordination between large-scale knowledge employees, improve
management and operation efficiency, upgrade human resources structure, and conform to the Company’s business
expansion strategy. The Company attaches importance to talent reserves, makes arrangements in advance, and
promotes the realization of growth expectations for new categories. The Company will continue to invest in online
business and OMO business and promote the integration of offline and online business to alleviate the shock of the

Section XII. Reception of research, communication, interview and other activities

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable

                                                 Type of                                     Discussion
                                  Ways of                                                                           Index of the
     Date           Place                       reception         Reception object        content and the
                                  reception                                                                           survey
                                                  object                                 materials provided

                                                            173 people from 88 public
                                                            offering institutions,
                                                            private placement
                                                            agencies and investors,
                                                            such as Bank of
                                                            Schroeder, E Fund,
                                                            Invesco Great Wall,
                                                            Fullgoal Fund,               Interpretation of     Record form of
                                                            Perseverance Asset           the Company's         investor relations
                                                            Management,                  semi-annual           activity disclosed
                                                            AEGON-Industrial Fund,       performance in        by the Company
Jul. 16, 2021   -           Telephone          Others
                                                            Bank of China Investment     2020 and              on
                                                            Management, Southern         introduction of the   www.cninfo.com
                                                            Asset Management,            business              .cn on Jul. 16,
                                                            Bosera Funds, AIA,           development           2021
                                                            Harvest Fund, Dacheng
                                                            Fund, Manulife TEDA,
                                                            Penghua Fund, Western
                                                            Leadbank, HSBC Jintrust,
                                                            ABC-CA Fund,
                                                            BlackRock, Fidelity,
                                                            Infore Capital
                                                            Management, and Barings.

                              Chapter 4                 Corporate Governance

Section I. Basic Information of Corporate Governance
     During the reporting period, in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and rules and regulatory
documents from supervision authorities, i.e. Company Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance for
Listed Companies in China, Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Listed Companies
Self-Regulatory Guidelines No.1 —            Standardized Operation of the Listed Companies on Main Board, the
Company, based on its actual situation, consistently improved its corporate governance structure and internal
control system, and enhanced the level of corporate governance. The Company ’ s overall operation, corporate
governance system and information disclosure were sound and standardized. The actual conditions of corporate

                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

governance met the requirements of the regulatory documents with respect to the corporate governance of listed
companies issued by CSRC.

     1. Shareholders and the Shareholders’ General Meeting

     In strict accordance with Articles of Corporation and Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ General Meeting
as well as other applicable regulations and requirements, the Company standardized the gathering, convening,
deliberations and voting procedures of its shareholders’ general meetings and hired legal advisers to issue legal
opinions for the shareholders ’ general meetings. The Company treats all shareholders equally and especially
ensures that the minority shareholders enjoy equal status. During the reporting period, the Company convened two
shareholders’ general meetings in total, and all resolutions of the shareholders’ general meetings were faithfully
implemented by the board of directors.

     2. The relationship between the Company and the controlling shareholders
     The controlling shareholders of the Company exercised the rights and obligations of the investors in strict
accordance with Company Law. During the reporting period, there was neither any direct or indirect interference
with the Company’s decision-making and operations beyond the Shareholders’ General Meeting by the controlling
shareholders nor a situation where the controlling shareholders damaged the legitimate rights and interests of other
shareholders of the Company. There wasn ’ t any guarantee provided by the listed Company for the controlling
shareholders or their subsidiaries.

     3. Directors and the Board of Directors

     The Company elected candidates for the Board of Directors in strict accordance with relevant laws and
regulations i.e. Company Law and Articles of Corporation. The number of directors and composition of the Board
of Directors met the requirements of laws and regulations. The Board of Directors of the Company convened Board
sessions in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles of Corporation, Regulations of Appointment
and Proceedings for Independent Directors and Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors. All directors of the
Company attended the Board sessions on time, fulfilled their duties diligently, scrupulously reviewed various
proposals and made scientific and reasonable decisions on major matters of the Company to effectively safeguard
the interests of the Company and the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders. Under the Board of
Directors of the Company are four professional committees: Strategy and Investment Committee, Nomination
Committee, Audit Committee and Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. With clearly defined powers and
responsibilities and effective operations, each committee gave full play to its professional functions and provided
scientific and professional opinions for the decision-making of the Board of Directors.

     4. Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee

     The Company elected candidates for the Supervisory Committee in strict accordance with relevant laws and
regulations i.e. Company Law and Articles of Corporation. The number of supervisors and composition of the
Supervisory Committee met the requirements of laws and regulations. The Supervisory Committee of the Company
convened its sessions in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles of Corporation, Rules of
Procedure for the Supervisory Committee, and other related regulations. All supervisors of the Company attended

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

the supervisory sessions on time, fulfilled their duties faithfully, provided supervision and opinions for major issues,
financial status, etc., and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.

     5. Relevant stakeholders

     The Company fully respects and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of relevant stakeholders,
constantly strengthens the awareness of social responsibility and enhances communication with all parties to
coordinate and balance the interests of the society, government, shareholders, the Company itself, and its
employees. The Company adheres to the principle of mutual benefits and win-win results with relevant
stakeholders and jointly promotes the Company’s harmonious, steady and sound development.

     6. Information disclosure and transparency

     In strict accordance with the requirements of Regulations Concerning Information Disclosure Management,
Regulations Concerning Investors Relations Management and Regulations of Registration and Management System
on Learners of Insider Information, the Company designates the Secretary of the Board to be responsible for
information disclosure, receiving shareholders’ visits and consultations and to disclose the relevant information in
an authentic, accurate, complete, timely and fair manner in accordance with relevant regulations so as to ensure that
all shareholders of the Company can have equal access to the information.

     7. Performance appraisal and incentives

     During the reporting period, the Company constantly improved working performance evaluation system and
incentive mechanism. The appointment and remuneration of the Company ’ s directors, supervisors and senior
executives were open and transparent, which met the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. The Company
regularly and comprehensively evaluated employees ’ working skills, values and their recognition of corporate
culture by an evaluation method based on quantitative indicators of performance and qualitative standards to ensure
that both the work results and growth of employees were given attention to.
     8. Investor relations management
     During the reporting period, the Company constantly strengthened the management of investor relations and
safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company ’ s shareholders. The Company designates the
Secretary of the Board as the head of investor relations management to organize and implement the daily
management of investor relations, and promptly answer investors ’           questions through phone calls, emails,
interactive platform and online briefings of business performance, which ensures that all the investors have equal
access to the Company’s information and fully guarantees investors’ rights to know.
     Are there any material differences between the Company ’ s actual governance status and the laws,
administrative regulations and rules on the governance of listed companies issued by CSRC?

     □ Yes √ No

     There is no material difference between the Company’s actual governance status and the laws, administrative
regulations and rules on the governance of listed companies issued by CSRC.

Section II. Details of the Company ’s separation from its controlling shareholders and actual

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

controllers to ensure the Company’s independence on assets, personnel, finance, organization
and business affairs

     The Company standardized its operation, established and improved corporate governance structure in strict
accordance with Company Law, Securities Law, Articles of Corporation, and other relevant laws and regulations.
The Company is independent in business, personnel, assets, organization and finance affairs from the controlling
shareholders, actual controllers and other enterprises under their control, and is capable of operating independently
with its complete and independent business.
     1. Business independence: With independent and complete business structure, the Company is capable of
running market-oriented business independently. There is no horizontal competition among the Company,
controlling shareholders, and other enterprises under their control.
     2. Personnel independence: The Company has independent personnel. It has set up various independent
departments, including R&D, sales, administration, finance and operation management divisions, and established
independent human resources and payroll management system. The directors, supervisors and senior executives of
the Company do not hold any posts prohibited by regulations in other companies with the same or similar business
to the Company’s.
     3. Assets Completeness: The property relations between the Company and the controlling shareholders are
clear. No assets, funds, or other resources owned by the Company are illegally occupied or controlled by the
controlling shareholders.
     4. Institutional independence: The Company has set up a sound organization system. General Meeting of
Shareholders, Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, management and all the functional departments operate
independently from each other. The Company as well established corresponding internal management and control
system to make each department have clearly defined responsibilities, perform its own duties and cooperate with
each other, thus composing an organic whole and guaranteeing the legal operation of the Company. There is no
subordinate relationship between the Company ’ s institutions and the functional departments of the controlling
     5. Financial independence: The Company has set up complete and independent financial department equipped
with adequate full-time financial accountants, established independent accounting calculation system and financial
management system, and independently opened bank accounts, paid taxes and made financial decisions. There is
no interference from the controlling shareholders in the financial management of the Company.

 Section III. Horizontal Competition

 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

 Section IV. Annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings convened during the
reporting period

 1. Particulars about the shareholders’ general meeting during the reporting period
                                      Investor       Convening     Disclosure
   Session            Type                                                                      Resolution
                                   Participation %      date           date

                                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                        For details, refer to the
     2021 First
                                                                                                        Announcement on Resolutions of the First
 Extraordinary             Extraordinary                             January 25,     January 26,
                                                 78.68%                                                 Extraordinary General Meeting of 2021
      General             General Meeting                                  2021          2021
                                                                                                        (No. 2021-004) disclosed on

                                                                                                        For details, refer to the Announcement on
  2020 Annual
                          Annual General                              June 15,         June 16,         Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting
      General                                    80.10%
                             Meeting                                       2021          2021           of 2020 (No. 2021-044) disclosed on

2. Extraordinary general meetings requested by preferred shareholders with restored voting rights:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section V. Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company

1. Basic information

                                                                                                 Quantity    Quantity
                                                                                    Shares                                Other      Quantity
                                                                                                 of shares   of shares                              Reasons
                                                                                   held at the                           increased   of shares
                                                                                                 increased   decreased                                  for
                            Tenure                     Start date                  beginning                                or       held at the
     Name       Title                 Gender   Age                     End date                   in the      in the                               increase or
                             status                                                  of the                              decreased   end of the
                                                                                                  current     current                               decrease
                                                                                     period                              changes       period
                                                                                                  period      period                                of shares
                                                                                    (share)                               (share)     (share)
                                                                                                  (share)     (share)

Li                                                    February 1,   January 27,    1,131,41                                          1,131,41
            of the         Incumbent Male        46
Yongxin                                               2019          2025               5,121                                             5,121

            Director,                                                                                                                              Reduce
Wang                                                  February 1,   January 27,    962,471,                  109,586,                852,885,
            general        Incumbent Male        46                                                                                                shareholdi
Zhendong                                              2019          2025                 418                      000                      418
            manager                                                                                                                                ng

                                                      February 1,   January 27,
Shi Lei     Director       Incumbent Male        46
                                                      2019          2025

                                                      February 1,   January 27,
Yi Ziting   Director       Incumbent Female      48
                                                      2019          2025

Wang        Independe                                 February 1,   January 28,
                           Incumbent Male        45
Qiang       nt director                               2019          2022

            Independe                                 February 1,   January 28,
Tong Yan                   Incumbent Female      45
            nt director                               2019          2022

Zhang       Independe                                 February 1,   January 27,
                           Incumbent Male        44
Xuanming nt director                                  2019          2025

Yu          Chairman                                  July 22,      January 27,
                           Incumbent Female      56
Hongwei     of the                                    2019          2025

                                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report




                                                     February 1,   January 27,
He Di      Supervisor Incumbent Male            45
                                                     2019          2025

                                                     February 1,   January 27,
Li Wen     Supervisor Incumbent Female          43
                                                     2019          2025

Wang                                                 February 1,   January 28,
           general      Incumbent Male          59
Xuejun                                               2019          2022

                                                     February 1,   January 27,
He Youli   general      Incumbent Male          47
                                                     2019          2025

                                                     February 1,   January 27,
Luo Xue    Financial    Incumbent Male          54
                                                     2019          2025


           of the

Gui        Board,                                    February 1,   January 27,
                        Incumbent Male          51
Hongzhi    deputy                                    2019          2025



                                                                                 2,093,88            109,586,            1,984,30
Total          --           --      --     --               --            --                     0                   0              --
                                                                                    6,539                000               0,539
During the reporting period, is there any resignation of directors and supervisors or dismissal of senior executives
during their term of office?

□ Yes     √ No
Changes of directors, supervisors, and senior executives
□ Applicable          √ Not applicable
2. Resumes of key personnel
The professional background, main working experience and their main duties in the Company of current directors,
supervisors, and senior executives.

        (1)Directors and independent directors

        Mr. Li Yongxin, born in 1976, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He received his

bachelor’s degree in law from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Peking University in

1999. Mr. Li founded his own company in education industry in the same year and started to focus his business on

training for public service recruitment examination in the year of 2000. Up to now, he has accumulated nearly 20

years of experience in R&D, teaching and business management in the field of training for public service

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

recruitment. From 2005 to 2010, he served as the general manager of Beijing Offcn Online Education Technology

Co., Ltd. From 2010 to November 2015, he was the president of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co.,

Ltd. From November 2015 to December 2018, he served as the Chairman of Board of Beijing Offcn Education

Technology Stock Co., Ltd. From December 2018 to present, he has served as the Chairman of Board of Beijing

Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as the Chairman of Board of

Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Mr. Wang Zhendong, born in 1976, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He received

his bachelor’s degree in law from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Peking University

in 1999. In the year of 2001, Mr. Wang Zhendong started his career in education industry. From 2005 to 2010, he

was in charge of the internal operation and management of Beijing Offcn Online Education Technology Co., Ltd.

From 2010 to November 2015, he served as the executive director and general manager of Beijing Offcn Future

Education Consultancy Co., Ltd. From November 2015 to December 2018, he was the director and general

manager of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd. From December 2018 to present, he has served as

the director and general manager of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present,

he has served as the director and general manager of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Mr. Shi Lei, born in 1976, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He started his career

in education industry in the year of 1999. From 2005 to 2010, he was in charge of marketing operations and

management of Beijing Offcn Online Education Technology Co., Ltd. From 2010 to November 2015, he was the

vice president of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co., Ltd. From November 2015 to December 2018,

he served as a director, the Chief Financial Officer and secretary of the Board of Beijing Offcn Education

Technology Stock Co., Ltd. From December 2018 to present, he has served as a director of Beijing Offcn Education

Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as a director of Offcn Education Technology

Stock Co., Ltd.

    Ms. Yi Ziting, born in 1974, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. She has a master’s

degree. Ms. Yi Ziting switched her career path to education industry in the year of 2011. From 1994 to 2004, she

served successively as a technician and an assistant engineer in Zhuzhou Smelting Group Co., Ltd. From 2007 to

2011, she was the head of legal department of China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA). Starting from

2011, Ms. Yi Ziting has been successively holding the posts of head of Teaching Evaluation and Management

Committee, assistant president, and associate president of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co., Ltd.

From November 2015 to December 2018, she served as a director of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Co., Ltd. From December 2018 to present, she has served as the chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Beijing

Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, she has served as a director of Offcn

Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Ms. Chen Yuqin, born in 1965, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. She is a senior

economist and a member of CPC. She got a bachelor’s degree in economics from Renmin University of China as a

full-time student and was an on-the-job graduate student in Tsinghua University. From August 1987 to March 1992,

she worked as a teacher in Tsinghua University. From April 1992 to August 2005, she worked in a state-owned

bank, and served successively as the deputy department manager of the sub-branch (in charge of work), the

department manager (credit approver and the office director of the Risk Management and Internal Control

Committee), the sub-branch manager (and the Party branch secretary). From August 2005 to December 2020, She

worked in the joint-stock bank, and served successively as a full-time approver in the branch, assistant manager of

the sub-branch (in charge of work), manager of the sub-branch (and the Party branch secretary) and etc. She retired

at the end of December 2020. From August 4, 2021 to present, she has been working as a non-independent director

of Hengxin Shambala Culture Co., Ltd. From January 2022 to present, she has been serving as an independent

director of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Mr. Jiang Tao, born in 1974, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad, a postdoctor in

economics from Sichuan University. He is currently an associate professor of Southwestern University of Finance

and Economics, deputy director of the Finance Department of Accounting Institute, and financial consultant for

Sichuan Trade Petroleum Energy Co., Ltd. and Doppler Elevator Co., Ltd. From September 2020 to present, he has

been serving as an independent director of Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co., Ltd. From January

2022 to present, he has been serving as an independent director of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Mr. Zhang Xuanming, born in 1978, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He has a

master ’ s degree and is qualified as a Chinese lawyer. From 2003 to 2005, he worked as a full-time lawyer in

Beijing Weizheng Law Firm. From 2005 to 2010, he was a partner of Beijing Hechuan Law Firm. From April 2017

to present, he has served as the director of Beijing Meixin Law Firm. From July 2013 to present, he has served as a

supervisor of Tongling Friendship Real Estate Co., Ltd. From October 2015 to present, he has served as a

supervisor of Hebei Xinmiao Tourism Development Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as an

independent director of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

    Ms. Yu Hongwei, born in 1966, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. She has a

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

bachelor’s degree. From 1985 to 1995, Ms. Yu Hongwei served as a Naval Officer. From 1995 to 2002, she was the

chief representative of GATX Beijing Office. From 2002 to 2008, she served as the administrative director of the

Zhuoyue College in the University of International Business and Economics. From 2008 to 2013, she worked for

the Chinese Academy of Science as the director of Senior Talents Department in the Personnel Exchange and

Development Center, then as the deputy Party secretary, and chairman of Trade Union. From 2013 to October 2015,

Ms. Yu Hongwei served as a department director of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co., Ltd. From

November 2015 to December 2018, she successively held the posts of department director, the secretary of Party

Branch and the secretary of Party Committee of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock Co.,Ltd. From

December 2018 to present, she has served as the secretary of Party Committee of Beijing Offcn Education

Technology Co., Ltd. From July 2019 to present, she has served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of

Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

  Mr. He Di, born in 1977, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He received a bachelor’s

degree. From 2010, he served as an assistant president of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co., Ltd.

From November 2015 to December 2018, he worked as a supervisor of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock

Co.,Ltd. From December 2018 to present, he has served as a supervisor of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,

Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as a supervisor of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

     Ms. Li Wen, born in 1979, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. She owns a master’s

degree and is qualified as a Chinese lawyer. She started her journey in education industry in the year of 2007. From

2007 to 2010, she worked as a teacher and R&D staff in Beijing Offcn Online Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Starting from 2010, she firstly served as a teacher, then the dean’s assistant and successively the dean of Interview

Training Department in Offcn Ltd. From November 2015 to December 2018, she served as the supervisor

representing employees of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd. From December 2018 to present,

she has served as a supervisor of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, she

has served as a supervisor of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.
     (3)Senior Executives
     Please see the above for Mr. Wang Zhendong’s resume.
     Mr. He Youli, born in 1975, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He started working
in education industry in the year of 1999. From 2005 to 2010, he was in charge of marketing operations of Beijing
Offcn Online Education Technology Co., Ltd. From 2010 to November 2015, he served as an assistant president
and successively the vice president of Beijing Offcn Future Education Consultancy Co., Ltd. From November 2015
to December 2018, he was employed as the deputy general manager of Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Co.,Ltd. From December 2018 to present, he has served as the deputy general manager of Beijing Offcn Education
Technology Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as the deputy general manager of Offcn
Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.
      Mr. Luo Xue, born in 1968, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He owns a bachelor’
s degree and is a certified public accountant, a registered asset appraiser and an intermediate accountant. From July
1991 to September 2000, he worked at the Zhongyuan Oil Field of Sinopec. From October 2000 to January 2011,
he was successively employed by Beijing Pan-China CPA Ltd., Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. and Reanda
Certified Public Accountants LLP, where he held the posts from audit manager to technical partner. From February
2011 to August 2014, he served as the financial director and secretary of the Board of Cortech Drilling Equipment
Ltd. From August 2014 to December 2016, he was employed as the CFO of LandOcean Energy Services Co., Ltd.
From 2017 to December 2018, he was the head of the financial department of Beijing Offcn Education Technology
Stock Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has served as the financial director of Offcn Education
Technology Stock Co., Ltd.
      Mr. Gui Hongzhi, born in 1971, is a Chinese citizen and has no permanent residency abroad. He owns an
MBA degree. From April 2003 to August 2006, he worked at the CRED Holding Co., Ltd. as the manager of
Securities Department. In the same company, he served as the deputy general manager and secretary of the Board
from August 2006 to July 2015. From September 2015 to December 2018, he was employed as head of Securities
Affairs Department by Beijing Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd. From February 2019 to present, he has
served as the deputy general manager and secretary of the Board of Offcn Education Technology Stock Co., Ltd.

Positions held in shareholders entities:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                Receiving payment
                                                                      Position in the       Start    End
           Name                 Name of the shareholder entity                                                 from the shareholder
                                                                  shareholder entity         date    date
                                                                                                                  entity or not?

                              Beijing Offcn Future Information                            April
Wang Zhendong                 Consulting Center (Limited          Executive Partner       10,                          N/A
                              Partnership)                                                2018

Particulars about holding
position in shareholders      None

Employment in other companies

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable

                                                             Positions held
    Name                    Name of the company              in the                     Start date          End date
                                                             company                                                      from the
                                                                                                                        company or

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


             Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,   Chairman of
Li Yongxin                                                               December 27, 2018       To date       Yes
             Ltd                                       the Board

                                                       President of
Li Yongxin   Kunming Wuhua Offcn Training School                         January 18, 2015        To date       N/A
                                                       the council

Li Yongxin   Beijing Offcn Future Group Co., Ltd.      Supervisor        June 13, 2019           To date       N/A

             Yanyuan Alumni Investment Management
Li Yongxin                                             Supervisor        January 21, 2019        To date       N/A
             Co., Ltd.

                                                       President of
Li Yongxin   Beijing Haidian Offcn Training School                       July 22, 2009           To date       N/A
                                                       the council

             Beijing Haidian Baoquan Financial         President of
Li Yongxin                                                               May 19, 2014            To date       N/A
             Training Center                           the council

                                                       Chairman of
Li Yongxin   Urumqi Shayibake Offcn Training Center                      January 13, 2014        To date       N/A
                                                       the Board

             Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,
Shi Lei                                                Director          December 27, 2018       To date       Yes

             Hainan Huiyou Film&TV Technology
Shi Lei                                                Director          March 10, 2017          To date       N/A
             Co., Ltd.

             Taiyuan Hi-Tech Zone Offcn Training       Council
Shi Lei                                                                  March 4, 2013           To date       N/A
             School                                    member

Shi Lei      Urumqi Shayibake Offcn Training Center                      January 13, 2014        To date       N/A

             Guangxi Oriental Dreamland
Shi Lei                                                Director          February 24, 2021       To date       N/A
             Tourism&Healthcare Investment Co., Ltd.

Wang         Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,
                                                       Director          December 27, 2018       To date       Yes
Zhendong     Ltd.

Wang         Beijing Offcn Future Education
                                                       Director          March 25, 2020          To date       N/A
Zhendong     Technology Co., Ltd

Wang         Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information    director and
                                                                         January 10, 2022        To date       N/A
Zhendong     Consulting Co., Ltd.                      general

Wang         Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information    director and
                                                                         January 10, 2022        To date       N/A
Zhendong     Consulting Co., Ltd.                      general

Wang         Beijing Offcn Century Education
                                                       director and      November 11, 2021       To date       N/A
Zhendong     Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


Wang         Beijing Xindezhiyuan Enterprise
                                                        Supervisor        August 6, 2014          To date       N/A
Zhendong     Management Consultancy Co., Ltd.

Wang         Beijing Offcn Xinzhiyu Network
                                                        Supervisor        May 8, 2012             To date       N/A
Zhendong     Technology Co., Ltd.

Wang         Beijing Offcn Future Research Education    director and
                                                                          December 4, 2020        To date       N/A
Zhendong     Technology Co., Ltd.                       general

Wang         Taiyuan Hi-Tech Zone Offcn Training        President of
                                                                          March 4, 2013           To date       N/A
Zhendong     School                                     the council

Wang                                                    President of
             Tangshan Lunan Offcn Training School                         March 1, 2013           To date       N/A
Zhendong                                                the council

Wang                                                    Council
             Urumqi Shayibake Offcn Training Center                       January 13, 2014        To date       N/A
Zhendong                                                member

             Shanghai Yuqinyangde Information
Chen Yuqin                                              Supervisor        March 15, 2021          To date       Yes
             Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.

Chen Yuqin   Hengxin Shambala Culture Co., Ltd.         Director          August 5, 2021          To date       Yes

             Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge               Independent
Jiang Tao                                                                 October 16, 2019        To date       Yes
             Machinery Co., Ltd.                        director

             Southwestern University of Finance and
Jiang Tao                                               Professor         September 1, 2008       To date       Yes

Tong Yan     Beijing Institute of Technology            Professor         July 01, 2016           To date       Yes

Tong Yan     Hebei Jinniu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.                     March 16, 2016          To date       Yes

             Beijing Interactive Network Technology     Independent
Tong Yan                                                                  October 25, 2019        To date       Yes
             Co., Ltd.                                  director

Tong Yan     China Fund Management Co., Ltd.                              July 16, 2020           To date       Yes

             Financial Street Property Management       Independent
Tong Yan                                                                  June 9, 2020            To date       Yes
             Co., Ltd.                                  director

             Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,
He Di                                                   Supervisor        December 27, 2018       To date       Yes

             Beijing Offcn Future Education
He Di                                                   Supervisor        March 25, 2020          To date       N/A
             Technology Co., Ltd.

             Tianjin Hexi Offcn Training School Co.,
He Di                                                   Director          July 15, 2019           To date       N/A

He Di        Yuxi Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.       Director          December 24, 2018       To date       N/A

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information
He Di                                                     Supervisor     January 10, 2022        To date       N/A
                Consulting Co., Ltd.

                Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information
He Di                                                     Supervisor     January 10, 2022        To date       N/A
                Consulting Co., Ltd.

                Beijing Offcn Century Education
He Di                                                     Supervisor     November 11, 2021       To date       N/A
                Technology Co., Ltd.

                Beijing Offcn Future Research Education
He Di                                                     Supervisor     December 4, 2020        To date       N/A
                Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhang           Hebei Xinmiao Tourism Development
                                                          Supervisor     October 28, 2015        To date       Yes
Xuanming        Co., Ltd

                                                          Chairman of
                Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,   the
Yi Ziting                                                                December 27, 2018       To date       Yes
                Ltd                                       Supervisory

                Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co.,
Li Wen                                                    Supervisor     December 27, 2018       To date       Yes

about holding
positions in    None

Details of penalties in the past three years from securities regulatory institutions to directors, supervisors, and
senior executives who are currently holding the positions in the Company and those who had resigned from the
Company during the reporting period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

On December 25, 2021, the Company was filed and investigated by China Securities Regulatory Commission

(CSRC) on suspicion of failing to disclose related party transaction information and violating the laws and

regulations of information disclosure. On April 27, 2022, the relevant parties received the official Decision of

Administrative Penalty. Due to the Company ’ s failure to truthfully disclose related-party relationships and

related-party transactions as required, the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau of the CSRC decided to give a

warning to and impose a fine of RMB 2 million yuan on the Company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors Li

Yongxin and Director Shi Lei respectively, give a warning to and impose a fine of RMB 1 million yuan on Wang

Zhendong, the Director and General Manager of the Company, and give a warning to and impose a fine of RMB

0.5 million yuan on the Company’s CFO Luo Xue and the Secretary of the Board Gui Hongzhi respectively.

3. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

The decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payment of remuneration for directors, supervisors

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

and senior executives

In order to further improve the remuneration system for the Company ’ s directors, supervisors, and senior

executives, and fully motivate the enthusiasm for work of the Company ’ s directors, supervisors, and senior

executives, the Company formulated the Regulations of Remuneration System of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior

Executives. On June 15, 2021, the shareholders’ meeting reviewed and approved the Proposal on Determining the

Remuneration Plan in the year of 2021 for Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company, which

further clarified the remuneration plan for directors, supervisors and senior executives. The allowances for

independent directors are issued quarterly. The Company does not provide additional allowances for internal

directors or internal supervisors. The remuneration of the Company ’s internal directors, internal supervisors and

senior executives is issued according to the Company’s salary system.

Remuneration of directors, supervisors, senior executives during the reporting period:
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB 10 thousand
                                                                                                              Whether gained
                                                                                           Total before-tax
     Name                  Position         Gender            Age         Tenure Status                       from the related
                                                                                           gained from the
                                                                                                               parties of the

Li Yongxin      Chairman of the Board     Male                      46   Incumbent                   48.21    N/A

                Director, general
Wang Zhendong                             Male                      46   Incumbent                   51.38    N/A

Shi Lei         Director                  Male                      46   Incumbent                   62.88    N/A

Yi Ziting       Director                  Female                    48   Incumbent                   50.23    N/A

Wang Qiang      Independent director      Male                      45   resigned                    12.00    N/A

Tong Yan        Independent director      Female                    45   resigned                    12.00    N/A

                Independent director      Male                      44   Incumbent                   12.00    N/A

                Chairman of the
Yu Hongwei                                Female                    56   Incumbent                   18.00    N/A
                Supervisory Committee

He Di           Supervisor                Male                      45   Incumbent                   52.68    N/A

Li Wen          Supervisor                Female                    43   Incumbent                   49.83    N/A

Wang Xuejun     Deputy general manager    Male                      59   resigned                    71.62    N/A

He Youli        Deputy general manager    Male                      47   Incumbent                   63.34    N/A

Luo Xue         Chief financial officer   Male                      54   Incumbent                   59.07    N/A

Gui Hongzhi     Secretary of the Board,   Male                      51   Incumbent                   48.80    N/A

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                deputy general manager

Total                      --                     --             --               --                     612.04        --

Section VI. Performance of duties by directors during the reporting period

1. Board meetings during the reporting period

           Session                 Convening date           Disclosure date                           Resolution

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 17th Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 17th
                                 January 26, 2021      January 27, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-009) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 18th Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 18th
                                 April 28, 2021        April 29, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-019) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 19th Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 19th
                                 May 28, 2021          May 29, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-034) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 20th Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 20th
                                 June 2, 2021          June 3, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-039) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 21st Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 21st
                                 August 30, 2021       August 31, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-058) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
The 22nd Meeting of the 5th                                                       Announcement on Resolutions of the 22nd
                                 September 26, 2021    September 27, 2021
Board of Directors                                                                Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (No.
                                                                                  2021-062) disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

The 23rd Meeting of the 5th                                                       Reviewed and approved the Third Quarter
                                 October 29, 2021      --
Board of Directors                                                                2021 Report of the Company (No. 2021-067)

                                                                                  For details, refer to the
                                                                                  Announcement on Resolutions of the 24th
The 24th Meeting of the 5th
                                 December 6, 2021      December 7, 2021           Board Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors
Board of Directors
                                                                                  (No. 2021-074) disclosed on

2. Attendance of directors at board meetings and shareholders’ meetings

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                               Attendance of directors at board meetings and shareholders’ meetings

                       Sessions                          Attendance                                      Non-attendan
                                          Attendanc                                                                     Attendance in
                      required to                         by way of        Entrusted                     ce in person
                                            e in                                           Absence                      shareholders’
    Director         attend during                       telecommuni       presence                        for two
                                           person                                          (times)                        meetings
                     the reporting                         cation           (times)                      consecutive
                                           (times)                                                                         (times)
                     period (times)                        (times)                                         (times)

Li Yongxin                            8              8                0                0             0   N/A                          1

Wang Zhendong                         8              8                0                0             0   N/A                          2

Shi Lei                               8              8                0                0             0   N/A                          2

Yi Ziting                             8              8                0                0             0   N/A                          2

Wang Qiang                            8              6                2                0             0   N/A                          2

Tong Yan                              8              1                7                0             0   N/A                          1

                                      8              3                5                0             0   N/A                          2

Explanation of non-attendance in person for two consecutive times

3. Particulars about directors objecting on relevant issues of the Company

Whether there were any objections on relevant issues of the Company from directors

□Yes √ No

During the reporting period, there were no objections from directors on relevant issues of the Company.

4. Other explanations on the performance of duties by directors

Whether relevant advice to the Company from directors were adopted

√ Yes      □ No

Explanation of advice from directors to the Company being adopted or not being adopted

During the reporting period, the Company’s directors scrupulously exercised their rights and performed their duties

in strict accordance with relevant regulations. They carefully reviewed the issues raised by the Board of Directors

and the professional committees and actively expressed opinions and views. With rich professional experience, the

independent directors of the Company expressed their thoughtful, rational and independent opinions on each issue

that required their judgements. They also put forward many instructive and reasonable suggestions on the

Company ’ s development strategy and standardized operation, which played a catalytic role in scientific

decision-making of the Company. For more details, please refer to the 2021 Independent Directors’ Debriefing

Report published on www.cninfo.com on the same day as this annual report.

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section VII. Performance of duties by special committees under the Board during the reporting

                                                                                                    particulars   Details of
                            of       Convening   Contents of         Important comments and
Committee     Member                                                                                about the     objections
                          meeting       date       meetings          suggestions put forward
                                                                                                   performanc     (if any)
                                                                                                    e of duties

                                                                   After careful review of the
                                                                   2020 Fourth Quarter
                                                                   Internal Audit Report issued
                                                                   by the internal audit
                                                                   department, it is believed
                                                                   that the preparation of the     Performing
                                                                   Company's financial report      duties in
                                                 2020 Fourth
                                                                   for this period complies        strict
                                     January     Quarter
                                                                   with the relevant provisions    accordance     None
                                     29, 2021    Internal
                                                                   of laws and regulations,        with laws
                                                 Audit Report
                                                                   Articles of Corporation and     and
                                                                   the Company's internal          regulations
                                                                   management regulations.
                                                                   Internal control processes
                                                                   can effectively prevent
                                                                   operational risks and

            Tong Yan,                                              regulate financial processes.
            Wang Qiang,          7                                 The 2020 Annual Internal
            Shi Lei                                                Audit Report prepared by
                                                                   the Company's internal audit
                                                                   department screened the
                                                                                                   duties in
                                                                   internal control nodes, i.e.
                                                 2020 Annual                                       strict
                                     February                      the applications and
                                                 Internal                                          accordance     None
                                     26, 2021                      approvals of various
                                                 Audit Report                                      with laws
                                                                   business processes. The
                                                                   operations basically
                                                                   complied with the
                                                                   requirements of internal
                                                                   control regulations.

                                                 1. 2020           1. The 2020 Annual              Performing
                                                 Annual            Self-evaluation Report on       duties in
                                     April 26,   Self-evaluati     Internal Control objectively    strict
                                     2021        on Report on      evaluated the effectiveness     accordance
                                                 Internal          of internal control on the      with laws
                                                 Control           reporting base date on the      and

                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. Review on       basis of internal control,      regulations
2020 Annual        daily supervision and
Audit Report       special supervision, and
3. Proposal        found no material weakness
on the             of internal control over the
Estimated          Company's financial reports
Amount of          or non-financial reports. The
Daily              Company has maintained
Related-Part       effective internal control in
y                  all major aspects in
Transactions       accordance with the
in 2021            enterprise internal control

4. Statement       standard system and related

on the             regulations.

Difference         2. The re-appointment of
Between the        Baker Tilly China Certified
Actual Net         Public Accountants (LLP) to
Profit and         audit the Company’s 2021
the                Financial Report and
Promised           Internal Control Report
Net Profit in      guarantees the continuity of
2020 of            the Company’s audit work.
Beijing            3. After conducting
Offcn              sufficient communication
Education          and discussions, the audit
Technology         committee provided
Co., Ltd           reasonable suggestions for
5. Proposal        the 2021 first quarter
on                 internal audit work in strict
appointment        accordance with the
of the Audit       Working Rules of the Audit
Institution in     Committee and relevant
2021               laws and regulations.

6. Job
of the Audit
Institution in
7. Full Text
and Main
Body of the
2021 First

                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                             8. 2021 First
                                             Audit Report

                                                               1. The Company's
                                                               semi-annual report
                                             1. Full Text
                                                               objectively and faithfully
                                             and Abstract
                                                               reflects the Company's          Performing
                                             of 2021
                                                               financial status and            duties in
                                                               operating results.              strict
                                August 20,   Report
                                                               2. The 2021 Second Quarter      accordance    None
                                2021         2. 2021
                                                               Internal Audit Report was       with laws
                                                               reviewed and confirmed to       and
                                                               be effective for preventing     regulations
                                                               operational risks and
                                             Audit Report
                                                               standardizing financial

                                             1. Full Text
                                                               1. The Company's third
                                             and Main
                                                               quarter report objectively
                                             Body of                                           Performing
                                                               and faithfully reflects the
                                             2021 Third                                        duties in
                                                               Company's financial status
                                             Quarter                                           strict
                                October                        and operating results.
                                             Report                                            accordance    None
                                25, 2021                       2. The internal audit work of
                                             2. 2021                                           with laws
                                                                 the Company should be
                                             Third                                             and
                                                                 carried out based on the
                                             Quarter                                           regulations
                                                                 Company’s actual
                                             Audit Report

                                                               Aiming at preventing
                                                               operational risks,
                                                               standardizing financial
                                                                                               duties in
                                                               processes, and improving
                                             2022 Annual                                       strict
                                December                       management levels, the
                                             Internal                                          accordance    None
                                30, 2021                       2022 Annual Internal Audit
                                             Audit Plan                                        with laws
                                                               Plan prepared by the
                                                               internal audit department
                                                               meets the needs of the
                                                               Company's development.

Remuneratio   Wang Qiang,                    Proposal on       After careful discussion, the   Performing
n and         Tong Yan,         April 16,    the 2021          committee believes that the     duties in
                            1                                                                                None
Appraisal     Wang              2021         Remuneratio       remuneration plan for the       strict
Committee     Zhendong                       n Plan for        Company's directors,            accordance

                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                              the              supervisors and senior         with laws
                                              Company’s       executives in 2021 is          and
                                              Directors,       formulated based on the        regulations
                                              Supervisors      remuneration level of the
                                              and Senior       Company's industry and the
                                              Executives       its actual operating
                                                               conditions, which is
                                                               beneficial to the Company’s
                                                               sustainable development.

                                              Proposal on
                                              the                                             Performing
                                                               The committee reviewed the
                                              Performance                                     duties in
               Zhang                                           performance of duties of the
                                              of Duties of                                    strict
Nomination     Xuanming,          April 15,                    four professional
                              1               Professional                                    accordance    None
Committee      Tong Yan, Li       2021                         committees under the Board
                                              Committees                                      with laws
               Yongxin                                         of Directors during the
                                              Under the                                       and
                                                               reporting period.
                                              Board of                                        regulations

                                                               After full discussion by the
                                                               participating members, it is
                                                               considered that the
                                                               termination of the
                                                               non-public issuance of A
                                                               shares is a prudent decision
                                              Proposal on
                                                               made by the Company after
                                              of the                                          Performing
                                                               consideration of the capital
                                              Non-public                                      duties in
                                                               market environment, the
Strategy and   Li Yongxin,                    Issuance of                                     strict
                                  December                     development of the
Investment     Shi Lei and    1               A Shares                                        accordance    None
                                  1, 2021                      fund-raising project, the
Committee      Wang Qiang                     and                                             with laws
                                                               actual situation of the
                                              Withdrawal                                      and
                                                               Company and the timing of
                                              of                                              regulations
                                                               financing, which will not
                                                               have a significant impact on
                                                               the normal operation and
                                                               sustainable and stable
                                                               development of the
                                                               Company and will not be
                                                               detrimental to the interests
                                                               of the Company.

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section VIII. Performance of duties by the Supervisory Committee

Were there any risks in the Company according to the supervision of the Supervisory Committee during the
reporting period?
□ Yes      √ No
The Supervisory Committee raised no objection to matters under supervision during the reporting period.

Section IX. Employees of the Company
1. Number of employees, role type, and educational background

Number of current employees of the parent company at the end of the
reporting period (person)

Number of current employees of the major subsidiaries at the end of the
reporting period (person)

Total number of current employees at the end of the reporting period

Total number of employees receiving remuneration from the Company
during the reporting period (person)

Number of retired employees for which the parent company and major
subsidiaries need to bear the expenses (person)

                                                              Role type

                               Category                                                        Number (person)

Management personnel                                                                                                         3,619

R&D staff                                                                                                                    2,452

Teachers                                                                                                                    14,590

Customer service staff                                                                                                       4,599

Marketing staff                                                                                                             10,883

Total                                                                                                                       36,143

                                                       Educational background

Category                                                                   Number (person)

Master’s degree and above                                                                                                   6,537

Bachelor’s degree                                                                                                          26,950

Postsecondary specialised college                                                                                            2,634

Secondary specialised school and below                                                                                          22

Total                                                                                                                       36,143

2. Remuneration policy
During the reporting period, the Company, based on the post value, set salary difference scientifically and further
improved the performance appraisal system of human resources. The Company regularly and comprehensively

                                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

evaluated employees’ working skills and their recognition of corporate culture by an evaluation method based on
quantitative indicators of performance and qualitative standards to ensure that both the work results and growth of
employees were given attention to. The Company attracts and retains its core talents through a diversified
performance-oriented incentive mechanism, so that the core personnel can be more closely aligned with the
interests of the Company and its shareholders. In this way, the Company's long-term operating performance will be
driven to grow continuously.
3. Training plan
During the reporting period, the Company continuously invested high-quality resources in optimizing the training
system and enhancing the capabilities of the teaching team. Employees are well supported with knowledge
resources and abundant learning choices to develop their talents and careers. Under the normalization of
COVID-19 prevention and control, the Company accelerated the trend of online learning for all staff. By
integrating online and offline resources, the Company has realized the plan of the whole curriculum system sharing,
empowering employees with more opportunities to learn and grow.
In terms of training organizing, the Company mobilized human resources department both at the headquarter and
branches as well as management personnel to ensure that the staff trainings are well organized. The human
resources department at the headquarter are responsible for the “ planning, research and coordination ” of the
Company’s overall training, focusing on the construction of training resources and training platform as well as the
design and implementation of key talent training projects. The human resources departments of branches are
responsible for exploring the training needs of employees, providing training solutions, executing the training plans,
and focusing on the daily-basis operation and training. Management personnel are responsible for employees ’
ability-building, taking training of team members as part of their work tasks, so as to develop more talents for the
4. Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section X. Profit distribution of the Company and conversion of capital reserve into share

The formulation, implementation and adjustment of the profits distribution policy, especially the cash dividends policy, during the

reporting period.

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
The Company was profitable during the reporting period and the parent company’s profit available for distribution to shareholders was

positive but did not propose a plan for the distribution of cash dividend.

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserve into share capital during the reporting period

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares, nor to increase share capital by converting
capital reserve.

Section XI. Implementation of the Company’ equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership
plan or other employee incentive measures

Applicable √Not applicable

There were no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive measures being implemented during

the reporting period of the Company.

Section XII. Establishment and implementation of the Company ’ s internal control system
during the reporting period
1. The establishment and implementation of the Company’s internal control
During the reporting period, in accordance with the Basic Standards for Enterprise Internal Control as well as its
corresponding supporting regulations, and the Company ’ s Regulations of Internal Audit, based on regular
supervision and special supervision of internal control, the Company, adhering to the risk-oriented principle,
continuously improves and optimizes its internal control system to adapt to the ever-changing external environment
and meet the internal management requirements. The Company ’s Board of Directors establishes, improves and
effectively implements internal control, evaluates its effectiveness, and truthfully discloses the evaluation report on
internal control, in accordance with the regulations of the Company ’ s internal control standard system; the
Supervisory Committee supervises the Board of Directors on the establishment and implementation of internal
control. The Company’s management personnel take responsibility for organizing and leading the regular operation
of the Company’s internal control. The Company established an internal audit department equipped with full-time
auditors and formulated internal audit-related management regulations. The internal audit department is responsible
for and reports to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors; in accordance with the requirements of national
laws, rules and regulations, the internal audit department independently and objectively exercises its powers of
internal audit, inspects and supervises the internal control of the Company and its controlled subsidiaries, conducts
internal audit for their finance and operations, provides audit suggestions,, and implements the internal control
2. Particulars about material weakness found in the Company’s internal control during the reporting period
□ Yes √ No
Section XIII. The Company ’ s management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting
Not applicable
Section XIV. Self-evaluation report or audit report on internal controls

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

1. Self-evaluation report on internal controls

Disclosure date of full text of
                                              April 29, 2022
self-evaluation report on internal control

Disclosure index of full text of              CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn)
self-evaluation report on internal control    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control

Proportion of assets evaluated in total
assets stated in the consolidated financial                                                                                        100.00%
statement of the Company

Proportion of operating income evaluated
in total operating income stated in the
consolidated financial statement of the

                                                          Deficiency Standards

                  Category                                   Financial Report                              Non-Financial Report

                                              Material Weakness: one deficiency, or a
                                                                                                 Material Weakness: ①Severe violations
                                              combination of deficiencies in internal
                                                                                                 of national laws and regulations in the
                                              control that may result in a significant
                                                                                                 Company’s operation; ②Negative news
                                              deviation from the control objectives of the
                                                                                                 frequently disclosed by the media and
                                              Company. Those with the following
                                                                                                 the negative impact has not been
                                              characteristics should be recognized as
                                                                                                 eliminated; ③Serious loss of middle
                                              material weakness: ①Fraud of directors,
                                                                                                 and senior management personnel and
                                              supervisors and senior executives; ②
                                                                                                 senior technical personnel; ④Lack or
                                              Correction of misstatement in previously
                                                                                                 ineffectiveness of policy for major
                                              issued financial statements; ③Material
                                                                                                 business; ⑤Rectifications are not made
                                              misstatement in current financial statements
                                                                                                 for the material weaknesses or
                                              that are not detected by the Company’s
                                                                                                 significant deficiencies in the Company’
Qualitative criteria                          internal control; ④Invalid supervision of
                                                                                                 s internal control.
                                              internal control over financial reporting by
                                                                                                 Significant Deficiency: one deficiency,
                                              the Company’s Audit Committee and
                                                                                                 or a combination of deficiencies in
                                              internal audit department.
                                                                                                 internal control that is less severe or has
                                              Significant Deficiency: one deficiency, or a
                                                                                                 minor economic consequences than a
                                              combination of deficiencies in internal
                                                                                                 material weakness, yet may still result in
                                              control that is less severe than a material
                                                                                                 a deviation from control objectives of
                                              weakness, yet may still result in a deviation
                                                                                                 the Company.
                                              from control objectives of the Company.
                                                                                                 Controllable Deficiency: Other internal
                                              Controllable Deficiency: Other internal
                                                                                                 control deficiencies that do not meet the
                                              control deficiencies that do not meet the
                                                                                                 standards of material weakness or
                                              standards     of   material     weakness      or
                                                                                                 significant deficiency.
                                              significant deficiency.

                                              Material Weakness: Misstatements account           Refer to the quantitative criteria for the
Quantitative criteria
                                              for more than 5% of total profits.                 evaluation of internal control

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                            Significant Deficiency: Misstatements        deficiencies in financial reports.
                                            account for 2% to 5% (including 5%) of
                                            total profits.
                                            Controllable Deficiency: Misstatements
                                            account for less than 2% (including 2%) of
                                            total profits.

Number of material weaknesses in the
financial report

Number of material weaknesses in the
none-financial report

Number of significant deficiencies in the
financial report

Number of significant deficiencies
in the non-financial report

2. Audit report on internal control
Applicable √Not applicable

Section XV. Special actions on self-examination and rectification of the listed Company ’ s
Not applicable

                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                Chapter 5             Environmental and social responsibilities

Section I. Environmental protection
Do the listed Company and its subsidiaries belong to the major pollutant discharge units announced by the Ministry
of Ecology and Environment?

□ Yes    √ No

Situations of receiving administrative penalty due to environmental issues during the reporting period

Not applicable

Other environmental information disclosed in reference with major pollutant discharge units

The Company always practices its corporate social responsibilities, complies with national and local laws and
regulations on environmental protection and emission targets, conscientiously implements various environmental
protection management regulations, and continuously promotes energy conservation, emission reduction and
environmental protection by promoting paperless operations. At the same time, the Company also integrates and
implements the concept of environmental protection into all levels of strategic decision-making and business, and
encourages its employees to carry out green volunteer activities to jointly contribute to the harmonious
development of society. During the reporting period, the Company had no violations of environmental protection
laws and regulations and no disputes over pollution accidents, and was not subject to administrative penalties for
violating relevant environmental protection laws and regulations.

Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

Reasons of not disclosing other environmental information

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

Section II. Social Responsibilities
For details of the Company's performance of social responsibilities, please refer to the 2021 Annual Report on
Social Responsibilities of OFFCN EDU disclosed by the Company on CNINFO ( www.cninfo.com) on the same

Section III. Conducts to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and
rural revitalization
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                      Chapter 6              Significant Events

Section I. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments that the Company ’ s actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers, the
Company itself and other relevant parties have fulfilled during the reporting period and have not fulfilled as
of the end of the reporting period

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                 Commit     Commit
  Commitment         Commitment
                                                 Main contents of commitment                      ment      ment       Performance
       Party             Type
                                                                                                   time     period

                                       1. Within 36 months after the completion of the
                                       transaction (starting from the date of the listing of
                                       shares issued in this transaction), the shares of
                                       Yaxia Auto that held by the company/myself/the
                                       plan with rights and interests shall not be
                                       2. After the completion of the transaction, the
                                       shares held by the company/myself/the plan,
Yaxia Industrial,                      derived from Yaxia Auto shares due to the
Zhou Xiayun, Zhou   Letter of          distribution of stock dividends and the conversion
Hui, Zhou Li,       commitment         of capital reserve to share capital, shall also comply    May 4,     Jan. 31,
Phase-I employee    on lock-up         with the above-mentioned arrangement of restricted        2018       2022
stock ownership     period             sale of shares.
plan                                   3. If the China Securities Regulatory Commission
                                       (CSRC) and/or Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SSE)
                                       have/has other provisions for the above-mentioned
                                       lock-up period arrangement, the company/I/the plan
                                       will adjust and implement the above-mentioned
                                       lock-up period arrangement according to the latest
                                       regulations of the CSRC and/or SSE. If violating
                                       the above commitments, the company/I/the plan
                                       will bear all losses caused to Yaxia Auto.
                                       1. The shares of the listed Company subscribed by
                                       myself in this transaction shall not be transferred or
                    Letter of
                                       dealt with in any other forms within 36 months
                                       from the date of the listing of the shares. Within 6                            Under normal
                    on lock-up                                                                   Apr. 27,   Jan. 31,
Li Yongxin                             months after the listing of the shares, if the closing                          implementatio
                    period for                                                                   2018       2022
                                       price of the listed Company stock is lower than the                             n
                    subscription of
                                       issue price for consecutive 20 trading days, or the
                                       closing price of the stock at the end of the 6 months
                                       after the listing of the shares is lower than the issue

                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

price, the lock-up period of consideration shares
acquired by myself shall be automatically extended
for 6 months. (If dividend or bonus shares
distribution, conversion of capital reserve or
allotment by the listed Company occurred during
the above-mentioned period, the aforementioned
issue price shall be calculated based on the price
adjusted by factors as ex-dividend and ex-rights,
2. As the transferee of 72,696,561 Yaxia Auto
shares held by Anhui Yaxia Industrial Co., Ltd., I
shall not transfer such shares within 36 months
from the registration date of such shares in my
securities account.
3. The aforesaid arrangement of share lock-up does
not      affect     the        implementation         of      profit
compensation for this transaction, that is, when I
need to make profit compensation, the listed
Company has the right to relieve the lock-up of
shares in corresponding amount in advance for
profit compensation.
4. I promise to abide by the following provision: if
the     transaction       is    investigated     by        judiciary
authorities        or      CSRC       on       suspicion         of
misrepresentations,            misleading      statements,       or
material omissions in regard to the information
provided or disclosed, the shares of the listed
Company acquired in this transaction shall not be
transferred until the conclusion of the investigation
is clarified.
5. After the completion date of this transaction, my
increased shares due to bonus shares distribution or
conversion of capital reserve of the listed Company
shall also comply with the foregoing requirements.
6.      If   the    aforementioned          lock-up          period
arrangement does not comply with the latest laws
and regulations or the latest regulatory requirements
of the securities regulatory institution, I agree to
implement the arrangement in accordance with the
latest laws and regulations and the requirements of
the securities regulatory institution.
7. After the lock-up period expires, it will be
implemented in accordance with the relevant
regulations of CSRC and SSE.

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                 1. The shares of the listed Company subscribed by
                                 myself in this transaction shall not be transferred or
                                 dealt with in any other forms within 36 months
                                 from the date of the listing of the shares. Within 6
                                 months after the listing of the shares, if the closing
                                 price of the listed company stock is lower than the
                                 issue price for consecutive 20 trading days , or the
                                 closing price of the stock at the end of the 6 months
                                 after the listing of the shares is lower than the issue
                                 price, the lock-up period of consideration shares
                                 acquired by myself shall be automatically extended
                                 for 6 months. (If dividend or bonus shares
                                 distribution, conversion of capital reserve or
                                 allotment by the listed company occurred during the
                                 above-mentioned period, the aforementioned issue
                                 price shall be calculated based on the price adjusted
                                 by factors as ex-dividend and ex-rights, etc.)
                                 2. The aforesaid arrangement of share lock-up does
                                 not affect the implementation of profit

               Letter of         compensation for this transaction, that is, when I

               commitment        need to make profit compensation, the listed
                                                                                                                 Under normal
               on lock-up        Company has the right to relieve the lock-up of           April 27,   Jan 31,
Lu Zhongfang                                                                                                     implementatio
               period for        shares in corresponding amount in advance for             2018        2022
               subscription of   profit compensation.

               shares            3. I promise to abide by the following provision: if
                                 the transaction is investigated by judiciary
                                 authorities or CSRC on suspicion of
                                 misrepresentations, misleading statements, or
                                 material omissions in regard to the information
                                 provided or disclosed, the shares of the listed
                                 Company acquired in this transaction shall not be
                                 transferred until the conclusion of the investigation
                                 is clarified.
                                 4. After the completion date of this transaction, my
                                 increased shares due to bonus shares distribution or
                                 conversion of capital reserve of the listed Company
                                 shall also comply with the foregoing requirements.
                                 5. If the aforementioned lock-up period
                                 arrangement does not comply with the latest laws
                                 and regulations or the latest regulatory requirements
                                 of the securities regulatory institution, I agree to
                                 implement the arrangement in accordance with the
                                 latest laws and regulations and the requirements of
                                 the securities regulatory institution.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     6. After the lock-up period expires, it will be
                                     implemented in accordance with the relevant
                                     regulations of CSRC and SSE.

                                     1. The shares of the listed Company subscribed by
                                     Kerui Technology Innovation in this transaction
                                     shall not be transferred or dealt with in any other
                                     forms within 36 months from the date of the listing
                                     of the shares. Within 6 months after the listing of
                                     the shares, if the closing price of the listed
                                     Company stock is lower than the issue price for
                                     consecutive 20 trading days, or the closing price of
                                     the stock at the end of the 6 months after the listing
                                     of the shares is lower than the issue price, the
                                     lock-up period of consideration shares acquired by
                                     Kerui Technology Innovation shall be automatically
                                     extended for 6 months. (If dividend or bonus shares
                                     distribution, conversion of capital reserve or                                   The shares of
                                     allotment by the listed Company occurred during                                  the Company
                                     the above-mentioned period, the aforementioned                                   held by Kerui
                                     issue price shall be calculated based on the price                               Technology
                                     adjusted by factors as ex-dividend and ex-rights,                                Innovation
                   Letter of         etc.)                                                                            were listed
                                     2. The enterprise promises to abide by the following                             and circulated
Kerui Technology   on lock-up                                                                   July 27,   Jan. 31,
                                     provision: if the transaction is investigated by                                 on February
Innovation         period for                                                                   2018       2022
                                     judiciary authorities or CSRC on suspicion of                                    11, 2022, and
                   subscription of
                                     misrepresentations, misleading statements, or                                    the
                                     material omissions in regard to the information                                  shareholders'
                                     provided or disclosed, the shares of the listed                                  share lock-up
                                     Company acquired in this transaction shall not be                                commitment
                                     transferred until the conclusion of the investigation                            has been
                                     is clarified.                                                                    fulfilled.
                                     3. After the completion date of this transaction, the
                                     enterprise’s increased shares due to bonus shares
                                     distribution or conversion of capital reserve of the
                                     listed Company shall also comply with the
                                     foregoing requirements.
                                     4. If the aforementioned lock-up period
                                     arrangement does not comply with the latest laws
                                     and regulations or the latest regulatory requirements
                                     of the securities regulatory institution, the enterprise
                                     agrees to implement the arrangement in accordance
                                     with the latest laws and regulations and the
                                     requirements of the securities regulatory institution.
                                     5. After the lock-up period expires, it will be

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     implemented in accordance with the relevant
                                     regulations of CSRC and SSE.

                                     1. The shares of the listed Company subscribed by
                                     Aerospace Industry and Guangyin Venture in this
                                     transaction shall not be transferred or dealt with in
                                     any other forms within 36 months from the date of
                                     the listing of the shares. Within 6 months after the
                                     listing of the shares, if the closing price of the listed
                                     Company stock is lower than the issue price for
                                     consecutive 20 trading days, or the closing price of
                                     the stock at the end of the 6 months after the listing
                                     of the shares is lower than the issue price, the
                                     lock-up period of consideration shares acquired by
                                     Kerui Technology Innovation shall be automatically
                                     extended for 6 months. (If dividend or bonus shares
                                     distribution, conversion of capital reserve or                                  The shares of
                                     allotment by the listed Company occurred during                                 the Company
                                     the above-mentioned period, the aforementioned                                  held by
                                     issue price shall be calculated based on the price                              Aerospace
                                     adjusted by factors as ex-dividend and ex-rights,                               Industry and
                   Letter of         etc.)                                                                           Guangyin
                   commitment        2. The enterprise promises to abide by the following                            Venture were
                   on lock-up        provision: if the transaction is investigated by            July      Jan 31,   listed and
                   period for        judiciary authorities or CSRC on suspicion of               27,2018   2021      circulated on
Guangyin Venture
                   subscription of   misrepresentations, misleading statements, or                                   February 1,
                   shares            material omissions in regard to the information                                 2021, and the
                                     provided or disclosed, the shares of the listed                                 shareholders'
                                     Company acquired in this transaction shall not be                               share lock-up
                                     transferred until the conclusion of the investigation                           commitments
                                     is clarified.                                                                   have been
                                     3. After the completion date of this transaction, the                           fulfilled.
                                     enterprise’s increased shares due to bonus shares
                                     distribution or conversion of capital reserve of the
                                     listed Company shall also comply with the
                                     foregoing requirements.
                                     4. If the aforementioned lock-up period
                                     arrangement does not comply with the latest laws
                                     and regulations or the latest regulatory requirements
                                     of the securities regulatory institution, the enterprise
                                     agrees to implement the arrangement in accordance
                                     with the latest laws and regulations and the
                                     requirements of the securities regulatory institution.
                                     5. After the lock-up period expires, it will be
                                     implemented in accordance with the relevant

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     regulations of CSRC and SSE.

                                     1. The shares of the listed Company subscribed by
                                     myself in this transaction shall not be transferred or
                                     dealt with in any other forms within 24 months
                                     from the date of the listing of the shares. Within 6
                                     months after the listing of the shares, if the closing
                                     price of the listed Company stock is lower than the
                                     issue price for consecutive 20 trading days , or the
                                     closing price of the stock at the end of the 6 months
                                     after the listing of the shares is lower than the issue
                                     price, the lock-up period of consideration shares
                                     acquired by myself shall be automatically extended
                                     for 6 months. (If dividend or bonus shares                                               The shares of
                                     distribution, conversion of capital reserve or                                           the Company
                                     allotment by the listed Company occurred during                                          held by Wang
                                     the above-mentioned period, the aforementioned                                           Zhendong,
                                     issue price shall be calculated based on the price                                       Guo Shihong,
                                     adjusted by factors as ex-dividend and ex-rights,                                        Liu Bin,
                                     etc.) If the actual performance of Offcn Ltd. In year                                    Zhang
                                     2018 or year 2019 is lower than the committed                                            Yongsheng,
Wang Zhendong,     Letter of
                                     performance stated in the Profit Forecast                                                Yang
Guo Shihong, Liu   commitment
                                     Compensation Agreement, the lock-up period of the                                        Shaofeng and
Bin, Zhang         on lock-up                                                                            July 27,   Jan 31,
                                     listed Company’s shares acquired by myself in this                                      Zhang Zhi’an
Yongsheng, Yang    period for                                                                            2018       2021
                                     transaction shall be extended to 36 months. Upon                                         were listed
Shaofeng, Zhang    subscription of
                                     the expiration of 36 months from the date of                                             and circulated
Zhi’an            shares
                                     registration of the above shares into my securities                                      on February
                                     account, if the profit compensation obligations                                          1, 2021, and
                                     under the Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement                                         the
                                     have not been fulfilled, the above lock-up period                                        shareholders'
                                     will be extended until the date of fulfillment of the                                    share lock-up
                                     compensation obligations.                                                                commitments
                                     2. The aforesaid arrangement of share lock-up does                                       have been
                                     not    affect    the        implementation         of      profit                        fulfilled.
                                     compensation for this transaction, that is, when I
                                     need to make profit compensation, the listed
                                     Company has the right to relieve the lock-up of
                                     shares in corresponding amount in advance for
                                     profit compensation.
                                     3. I promise to abide by the following provision: if
                                     the   transaction      is    investigated     by        judiciary
                                     authorities     or      CSRC       on       suspicion         of
                                     misrepresentations,         misleading      statements,       or
                                     material omissions in regard to the information
                                     provided or disclosed, the shares of the listed

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     Company acquired by myself in this transaction
                                     shall not be transferred until the conclusion of the
                                     investigation is clarified.
                                     4. After the completion date of this transaction, my
                                     increased shares due to bonus shares distribution or
                                     conversion of capital reserve of the listed Company
                                     shall also comply with the foregoing requirements.
                                     5.   If   the    aforementioned      lock-up      period
                                     arrangement does not comply with the latest laws
                                     and regulations or the latest regulatory requirements
                                     of the securities regulatory institution, I agree to
                                     implement the arrangement in accordance with the
                                     latest laws and regulations and the requirements of
                                     the securities regulatory institution.
                                     6. After the lock-up period expires, it will be
                                     implemented in accordance with the relevant
                                     regulations of CSRC and SSE.

                                     Within 36 months from the date of the transfer of
                                     80,000,000 shares of Yaxia Auto held by Anhui
                                     Yaxia Industrial Co., Ltd. to the enterprise, the
                    Letter of
                                     shares shall not be transferred. The lock-up period
                    commitment                                                                                         Under normal
                                     of the shares increased during the above period due        April 27,   Jan 31,
Offcn Partnership   on the lock-up                                                                                     implementatio
                                     to bonus shares distribution, conversion of capital        2018        2022
                    of shares                                                                                          n
                                     reserve or allotment of shares by Yaxia Auto, shall
                                     also comply with the foregoing requirements.
                                     If the enterprise violates commitments listed above,
                                     it will bear all losses caused to Yaxia Auto.

                                     Within 36 months from the date of the transfer of
                                     80,000,000 shares of Yaxia Auto held by Anhui
                                     Yaxia Industrial Co.,Ltd. to Beijing Offcn Future
                                     Information Consulting Center (Limited
                    Letter of        Partnership), I or the enterprise shall not in any way
                    commitment       transfer the shares of Beijing Offcn Future
Li Yongxin and      on the lock-up   Information Consulting Center (Limited
                                                                                                July 27,    Jan 31,
other 10            of Offcn         Partnership) or withdraw from the partnership with                                Fulfilled
                                                                                                2018        2022
counterparties      Partnership’s   Beijing Offcn Future Information Consulting
                    contribution     Center (Limited Partnership), nor do we transfer,
                    shares           assign or authorize other entities in any way to fully
                                     or partially have the rights and interests indirectly
                                     related to the shares of Yaxia Auto held by Beijing
                                     Offcn Future Information Consulting Center
                                     (Limited Partnership).

Li Yongxin,         Letter of        1. Guarantee the independence of the listed                April 27,   Long-ter   Under normal

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Lu Zhongfang,       commitment       Company’s personnel                                      2018       m          implementatio
Wang Zhendong,      on maintaining   (1) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this                          n
Offcn Partnership   independence     transaction, the personnel, human resources and
                    of the listed    remuneration management of the listed Company
                    Company          shall be completely independent from myself/Offcn
                                     Partnership, and from other related parties, such as
                                     companies, enterprises or economic organizations,
                                     controlled by myself/Offcn Partnership.
                                     (2) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                                     transaction, senior executives shall work as
                                     full-time employees and receive remuneration in
                                     the listed Company. They shall not hold any
                                     positions other than directors or supervisors in other
                                     companies, enterprises, or economic organizations
                                     controlled by myself/Offcn Partnership.
                                     (3) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                                     transaction, the official powers of the shareholders’
                                     meeting and board of directors on personnel
                                     appointments and dismissals shall not be interfered.
                                     2. Guarantee the independence of institutes of the
                                     listed Company
                                     (1) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                                     transaction, the listed Company shall build a sound
                                     structure of corporate governance and develop an
                                     independent and complete organizational structure.
                                     (2) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                                     transaction, the general meeting of shareholders, the
                                     board of directors, and the supervisory committee
                                     shall independently exercise their powers in
                                     accordance      with   laws,    regulations   and   the
                                     Company’s Articles of Corporation.
                                     3. Guarantee the independence and completeness of
                                     the assets of the listed Company.
                                     (1) It is guaranteed that after the transaction, the
                                     listed Company shall have independent and
                                     complete assets related to production and operation.
                                     (2) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                                     transaction, the business premises of the listed
                                     Company shall be independent from myself/Offcn
                                     Partnership, and other related parties, such as
                                     companies,      enterprises,    or    other   economic
                                     organizations      controlled        by   myself/Offcn
                                     (3) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this

                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

transaction, except for normal business dealings,
there shall be no capital and assets of the listed
Company occupied by myself/Offcn Partnership, or
other related parties, such as companies, enterprises
or economic organizations, controlled by myself or
Offcn Partnership.
4. Guarantee the independence of the listed
Company’s business.
(1) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
transaction, the listed Company shall have the
qualifications of independently conducting business
activities   and     the   capabilities        of   running
market-oriented,        independent,           autonomous,
sustainable business.
(2) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
transaction, I/Offcn Partnership, or other related
parties, such as companies, enterprises, or other
economic organization controlled by myself/Offcn
Partnership shall avoid businesses which have a
competitive relationship with the listed Company
and its subsidiaries.
(3) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
transaction, I/Offcn Partnership, or related parties,
such as companies, enterprises, or other economic
organizations       controlled        by      myself/Offcn
Partnership shall reduce related-party transactions
with the listed Company and its subsidiaries.
Related-party transactions that are really necessary
and   unavoidable       shall    be    conducted      in   a
market-oriented and fair way and perform relevant
approval processes and information disclosure
obligations in accordance with relevant laws,
regulations and regulatory documents.
5. Guarantee the financial independence of the
listed Company.
(1) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
transaction, the listed Company shall establish an
independent financial department with independent
financial accounting systems and standardized and
independent financial accounting rules.
(2)It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
transaction, the listed Company shall open bank
accounts independently and shall not share bank
accounts     with    myself/Offcn          Partnership/other

                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                             related parties, such as companies, enterprises or
                             other economic organizations controlled by myself
                             or Offcn Partnership.
                             (3) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                             transaction, financial personnel hired by the listed
                             Company shall not hold any part-time positions in
                             other related parties, such as companies, enterprises
                             or other economic organizations controlled by
                             myself or Offcn Partnership
                             (4) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                             transaction, the listed Company can make financial
                             decisions independently. I/Offcn Partnership shall
                             not interfere with the use of funds by the listed
                             (5) It is guaranteed that after the completion of this
                             transaction, the listed Company will pay taxes
                             independently according to laws.
                             I/Offcn Partnership shall be liable for all losses
                             caused to the listed Company and its subsidiaries
                             due to my/Offcn Partnership’s failure in fulfilling
                             the above commitments.

                             1. As of the date of signing this commitment letter,                1. The
                             myself, my close relatives and other companies,                     transfer     As of the end
                             enterprises or economic organizations controlled by                 of           of the
                             myself and my close relatives, except for Beijing                   Kairuier     reporting
                             Offcn Online Education Technology Co., Ltd.                         Training     period,
                             (hereinafter referred to as Offcn Online), controlled               School       Kairuier
                             by my relatives Xuhua and Lu Yan, and its affiliated                in           Training
                             schools which are involved in the same or similar                   Haidian      School in
                             businesses conducted by Offcn Ltd., other related                   District     Haidian
               Letter of     parties are not involved in any same, similar or                    of           District of
               commitment    related   businesses    conducted     by   the   listed   Septemb   Beijing:     Beijing had
Li Yongxin,
               on avoiding   Company, Offcn Ltd. and its affiliated companies          er 20,    within       been
Lu Zhongfang
               horizontal    and schools. Except for Li Yongxin serving as a           2018      24           transferred to
               competition   director in Kunming Wuhua Offcn training school,                    months       an unrelated
                             which is affiliated to Offcn Online, I neither hold                 from the     third party.
                             any full-time or part-time positions nor provide                    date of      Other
                             consultancy at any companies or enterprises, which                  the          commitments
                             conducts competitive businesses with the listed                     signing      are under
                             Company, Offcn Ltd. and their affiliates. I also do                 of this      normal
                             not directly or indirectly hold any equity or shares                letter of    implementatio
                             of companies or enterprises conducting the same,                    commit       n
                             similar or related businesses as the listed Company,                ment
                             Offcn Ltd. and its affiliates.                                      2.     The

                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2. As of the date of signing this commitment letter,                    transfer
Offcn Online and its two subordinate training                           of
schools ’ disposals are as follow: Offcn Online                        Kunming
conducts no education businesses (to be canceled                        Wuhua
after subordinate schools transferred). Kairuier                        Offcn
Training School in Haidian District of Beijing is to                    Training
be transferred to an unrelated third party and the                      School:
transfer agreement has been signed. If the transfer is                  within
not completed within 24 months since the date of                        12
signing this commitment letter, I will urge Offcn                       months
Online to cancel Kairuier Training School in                            after the
Haidian District of Beijing. Kunming Wuhua Offcn                        formal
Training School, associated with Offcn Online, has                      promulg
been closed and it will be transferred to an                            ation and
unrelated third party or will be canceled within 12                     impleme
months    after     the    formal       promulgation      and           ntation
implementation of the amended Implementing                              of       the
Regulations of the Law on the Promotion of Private                      Impleme
Education of the People ’ s Republic of China                          nting
(hereinafter      referred     to       as      Implementing            Regulati
Regulations)        and      the    promulgation          and           ons and
implementation of the supporting regulations                            the
formulated     by    the     relevant        local   education          promulg
authorities in accordance with the amended                              ation and
Implementing Regulations.                                               impleme

3. As of the date of signing this commitment letter,                    ntation

Offcn Ltd. as the organizer intends to transfer its                     of       the

100% of the organizer’s rights of 33 private schools                   supportin

for non-academic qualifications to Li Yongxin and                       g

singed the Agreement on Transfer of Organizer ’s                       regulatio

Rights of Private Non-enterprise Schools Affiliated                     ns

to Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. Li                      formulat

Yongxin is willing to entrust the transferred 33                        ed by the

private non-enterprise schools to Offcn Ltd. and                        relevant

signed the Trusteeship Agreement of Private                             local

Non-enterprise Schools.                                                 educatio

4. After the completion of this transaction, except                     n

for the above-mentioned cases, I promise that                           authoriti

during the time of being the actual controller of the                   es        in

listed Company, I, my close relatives and other                         accordan

related parties, such as companies, enterprises or                      ce      with

other economic organizations, controlled by myself                      the

or my close relatives shall not in any way                              amended

(including but not limited to self operated or with                     Impleme

                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

other parties to operate joint venture, cooperation,                    nting
joint operation, investment, mergence, and trustee                      Regulati
operation home and aboard) engage in the same,                          ons.
similar, related or competitive businesses with the
listed Company, including:
(1) I will not directly or indirectly operate,
participate in or assist others to conduct same,
similar businesses or other economic activities
which directly or indirectly constitute a competitive
relationship with businesses currently operated by
the listed Company and its affiliates.
(2) I will not directly or indirectly invest on any
economic entities whose businesses constitute a
direct or indirect competitive relationship with the
listed Company and its affiliates.
(3) I will not be hired by any competitors that
directly or indirectly compete with the listed
Company and its affiliates, or provide any advice,
assistance or business opportunities directly or
indirectly to such competitors;
(4) I will not instigate, mislead, encourage or
otherwise         induce,   persuade,    or   coerce   the
employees or management personnel in the listed
Company and its affiliates to terminate their labor
or employment relationship with the Company and
its affiliates.
(5) I will not urge others to hire employees or
management personnel from the listed Company
and its affiliates.
5. I promise that if I, my close relatives or other
related parties, such as companies, enterprises or
other economic organizations controlled by myself
and my close relatives obtain any business
opportunities from any third party, which can or
may compete with the listed Company and its
affiliates in the future, I will notify the listed
Company and its affiliates in writing within 5
working days. After obtaining the third party ’ s
agreement, I will attempt to transfer these business
opportunities to the listed Company and its
6. I guarantee that I will never use my knowledge
about and the information I ’ m aware of the listed
Company and its affiliates to assist third parties to

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                  engage, participate, or invest in businesses or
                                  projects that compete with the listed companies and
                                  its affiliates.
                                  7. If I violate the above commitments, the benefits
                                  obtained by the violation of commitments shall
                                  belong to the listed Company and I shall be liable
                                  for all losses caused to the listed Company and its
                                  affiliates. Within 30 working days since receiving
                                  the writing notice from the listed Company,
                                  compensation shall be made in cash.
                                  8. I will disclose relevant information in a timely
                                  manner if commitments fail to be fulfilled or to be
                                  fulfilled on schedule because of objective reasons,
                                  such as changes in relevant laws, regulations and
                                  policies, or natural disasters. Except for the
                                  above-mentioned      objective    reasons,    if   the
                                  commitment is anyhow unable to be fulfilled or
                                  fulfilling the commitment is not conducive to
                                  safeguarding the rights and interests of the listed
                                  Company, I should fully disclose the reasons and
                                  either provide a new commitment to the listed
                                  Company and related investors to replace the
                                  original one, or propose an exemption from
                                  fulfilling the commitment.
                                  9. The commitment is valid starting from the
                                  signing date of the commitment letter, to the time
                                  when I cease to be the actual controller of the listed

                                  1. As of the date of signing this commitment letter,
                                  myself, my close relatives and other companies,
                                  enterprises or economic organizations controlled by
                                  myself, my close relatives or Offcn Partnership, are
                                  not involved in any same, similar or related
                                  businesses conducted by the listed Company, Offcn
                    Letter of
                                  Ltd. and its affiliated companies and schools.
                    Commitment                                                                                    Under normal
Wang Zhendong,                    Except for Wang Zhendong serving as a director in        April 27,   Long-ter
                    on avoiding                                                                                   implementatio
Offcn Partnership                 Kairuier Training School in Haidian District of          2018        m
                    horizontal                                                                                    n
                                  Beijing, which is affiliated to Offcn Online (Offcn
                                  Online tends to transfer the rights of Kairuier
                                  Training School to an unrelated third party and after
                                  this transfer, Wang Zhendong will no longer hold
                                  the post as a director in the school), I neither hold
                                  any full-time or part-time positions nor provide
                                  consultancy at any companies or enterprises, which

                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

conducts competitive businesses with the listed
Company, Offcn Ltd. and their affiliates. I also do
not directly or indirectly hold any equity or shares
of companies or enterprises conducting the same,
similar or related businesses as the listed Company,
Offcn Ltd. and its affiliates.
2. After the completion of this transaction, I/Offcn
Partnership promise(s) that during the time of being
shareholders of the listed Company, I, my close
relatives and other related parties, such as
companies,     enterprises       or    other   economic
organizations, controlled by myself, my close
relatives or Offcn Partnership shall not in any way
(including but not limited to self operated or with
other parties to operate joint venture, cooperation,
joint operation, investment, mergence, and trustee
operation home and aboard) engage in the same,
similar, related or competitive businesses with the
listed Company, including:
(1) I will not directly or indirectly operate,
participate in or assist others to conduct same,
similar businesses or other economic activities
which directly or indirectly constitute a competitive
relationship with businesses currently operated by
the listed Company and its affiliates.
(2) I will not directly or indirectly invest on any
economic entities whose businesses constitute a
direct or indirect competitive relationship with the
listed Company and its affiliates.
(3) I will not be hired by any competitors that
directly or indirectly compete with the listed
Company and its affiliates, or provide any advice,
assistance or business opportunities directly or
indirectly to such competitors;
(4) I/Offcn Partnership will not instigate, mislead,
encourage or otherwise induce, persuade, or coerce
the employees or management personnel in the
listed Company and its affiliates to terminate their
labor or employment relationship with the
Company and its affiliates.
(5) I/Offcn Partnership will not urge others to hire
employees or management personnel from the
listed Company and its affiliates.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                3. I/Offcn Partnership promise that if I, my close
                                relatives or other related parties, such as companies,
                                enterprises    or    other     economic         organizations
                                controlled by myself, my close relatives or Offcn
                                Partnership obtain any business opportunities from
                                any third party, which can or may compete with the
                                listed Company and its affiliates in the future,
                                I/Offcn Partnership will notify the listed Company
                                immediately,        and      transfer     these     business
                                opportunities to the listed Company and its
                                affiliates after obtaining the third party’s agreement.
                                4. I/Offcn Partnership guarantee(s) that I/Offcn
                                Partnership will never use my knowledge about and
                                the information I ’ m aware of the listed Company
                                and its affiliates to assist third parties to engage,
                                participate, or invest in businesses or projects that
                                compete with the listed Company and its affiliates.
                                I/Offcn Partnership shall be liable for all losses
                                caused to the listed Company and its affiliates due
                                to my/Offcn Partnership ’ s failure in fulfilling the
                                above-mentioned commitments.
                                1. After the completion of this transaction, during
                                the time of being the actual controller of the listed
                                Company, I,         my    close     relatives     and   other
                                companies,     enterprises         or    other     economic
                                organizations controlled by myself or my close
                                relatives will try to avoid and reduce the
                                related-party transactions with the listed Company
                                and its affiliates; unless it is necessary for the
                                business development of the listed Company, any
               Letter of
                                related-party transactions with the listed Company
                                and its affiliates will not be conducted.                                             Under normal
Li Yongxin,    on reducing                                                                      July 27,   Long-ter
                                2. After the completion of this transaction, for the                                  implementatio
Lu Zhongfang   and regulating                                                                   2018       m
                                related-party transactions which are unavoidable or                                   n
                                reasonable to happen with the listed Company and
                                its affiliates, I, my close relatives and other
                                companies, enterprises or economic organizations
                                controlled by myself or my close relatives, will sign
                                related-party transaction agreements with the listed
                                Company and its affiliates in accordance with the
                                relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents
                                and follow the general business principles of
                                equality, willingness, equivalence and paid-use. The
                                prices of related-party transactions shall be fair.

                                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     Decision-making procedures, lawful information
                                     disclosure obligations and relevant reporting and
                                     approval procedures regarding the related-party
                                     transactions, shall be followed. The status of
                                     shareholders shall not be used to damage the
                                     legitimate rights and interests of the listed Company
                                     and other shareholders.
                                     3. After the completion of this transaction, I will not
                                     use the shareholders’ rights of the listed Company
                                     to manipulate or instruct the listed Company or its
                                     directors, supervisors and senior executives to make
                                     the listed Company provide or accept funds,
                                     commodities, services or other assets under inequal
                                     conditions or engage in any behaviors that would
                                     damage the interests of the listed Company.
                                     4. I will urge my close relatives and other
                                     companies,      enterprises        and    other   economic
                                     organizations controlled by myself or my close
                                     relatives to fulfill the aforementioned commitments.
                                     5. If I, my close relatives and other companies,
                                     enterprises and other economic organizations
                                     controlled by myself or my close relatives violate
                                     the above commitments, the profits obtained by the
                                     violation of commitments shall belong to the listed
                                     Company, and I shall be liable for all losses caused
                                     to the listed Company and its affiliates. Within 30
                                     working days since receiving the written notice
                                     from the listed Company, compensation shall be
                                     made in cash.
                                     6. The commitment is valid starting from the
                                     signing date of the commitment letter, to the time
                                     when I cease to be the actual controller of Yaxia
                                     Auto or have any other related relationship with
                                     Yaxia Auto.

                                     1. After the completion of this transaction, during
                                     the time of being the actual controller/shareholder
                    Letter of
                                     of the listed Company, I, my close relatives,
Wang Zhendong,                       Aerospace Industry, Offcn Partnership and other
                    on reducing                                                                                          Under normal
Aerospace                            companies,      enterprises        or     other   economic   April 27,   Long-ter
                    and regulating                                                                                       implementatio
Industry,                            organizations controlled by myself, my close                 2018        m
                    related-party                                                                                        n
Offcn Partnership                    relatives, Aerospace Industry or Offcn Partnership
                                     will try to avoid and reduce the related-party
                                     transactions with the listed Company and its

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                 2. After the completion of this transaction, for the
                                 related-party transactions which are unavoidable or
                                 reasonable to happen with the listed Company and
                                 its affiliates, I, my close relatives, Aerospace
                                 Industry, Offcn Partnership and other companies,
                                 enterprises or economic organizations controlled by
                                 myself, my close relatives, Aerospace Industry or
                                 Offcn Partnership, will follow the general business
                                 principles of equality, willingness, equivalence and
                                 paid-use. The prices of related-party transactions
                                 shall be fair. Decision-making procedures, lawful
                                 information disclosure obligations and relevant
                                 reporting and approval procedures regarding the
                                 related-party transactions shall be followed and
                                 fulfilled in accordance with the relevant laws,
                                 regulations and regulatory documents. The status of
                                 shareholders shall not be used to damage the
                                 legitimate rights and interests of the listed Company
                                 and other shareholders.
                                 3. After the completion of this transaction,
                                 I/Aerospace Industry/Offcn Partnership will not use
                                 the shareholders’ rights of the listed Company to
                                 manipulate or instruct the listed Company or its
                                 directors, supervisors and senior executives to make
                                 the listed Company provide or accept funds,
                                 commodities, services or other assets under inequal
                                 conditions or engage in any behaviors that would
                                 damage the interests of the listed Company.
                                 I/Aerospace Industry/Offcn Partnership shall be
                                 liable for all losses caused to the listed Company
                                 and its affiliates due to my/Aerospace Industry’
                                 s/Offcn Partnership’s failures in fulfilling

Whether the
commitments are     Yes
fulfilled on time

2. Should there be any profit forecast for any of the Company’s assets or projects and the current reporting

period is still within the forecast period, the Company shall explain whether the performance of the asset or

project matches with the profit forecast and why.

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section II. The capital occupation of the listed Company for non-operating purposes by the

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

controlling shareholder and its related parties

□Applicable √Not applicable

During the reporting period, there was no such situation for the Company.

Section III. Illegal external guarantee

□Applicable √Not applicable
There is no illegal external guarantee in the Company during the reporting period.

Section IV. Statement of the Board of Directors on the latest "non-standard audit report"

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section V. Statement of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and independent
directors (if any) on the accounting firm's "non-standard audit report" during the reporting

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section VI. Particulars of changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates or
corrections of major accounting errors compared with the financial report of the previous year
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Changes in accounting policies
On April 28, 2021, the 18th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors of the Company approved that since January 1,
2021, the Company shall adopt the relevant stipulations of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
21 — Leasing(Accounting [2018] No. 35). According to the accumulated impact, right-of-use assets, lease
liability and the amount of retained earnings at the beginning of the year and other related items in the financial
statements shall be adjusted, while the data in the comparable period shall not. For the influence brought up by the
changes in accounting policies, please refer to Note V “Important accounting policies and accounting estimates”;
44. “ Adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the first execution year of the new revenue
standards initially implemented” and “Retroactive adjustments of comparative data in the early stage by the new
revenue standards initially implemented” in this annual report.
According to the new standards governing lease, for contracts coming into force before the date of initial execution
of the new standards, the Company chooses not to reassess whether they are lease contracts or contracts containing
(1) The Company as the lessee
The Company chose to adjust only the accumulated impact of lease contracts that have not been completed as of
January 1, 2021. According to the amount of the first execution ’s accumulated impact, the amount of retained
earnings at the beginning of the period when the execution of new standards were initially carried out (namely
January 1, 2021) and other related items in the financial statements shall be adjusted, while the data in the
comparable period shall not.
According to the new standards governing lease, the Company will not distinguish between finance leases and
operating leases. For all leases (except the short-term leases and leases of low-value assets with the simplified
treatment), the Company will recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

For operating leases prior to the date of initial execution, the Company measures the lease liability based on the
present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the incremental borrowing rate on the date of initial
execution, and the right-of-use assets of each lease is determined based on the equal amount of lease liability and
the prepaid rent after necessary adjustment.
The Company conducts impairment test on right-of-use assets and performs corresponding accounting treatment in
accordance with relevant regulations on asset impairment.
The Company has adopted the following simplified treatments for operating leases prior to the date of initial
1) When measuring lease liabilities, the same discount rate can be used for leases with similar characteristics; the
measurement of right-of-use assets doesn’t have to take the initial direct costs into consideration;
2) Should there be a lease renewal option or a lease termination option, the Company determines the lease term
based on the actual exercise of the option prior to the date of initial execution and other latest information;
3) As an alternative to the impairment test for right-of-use assets, the Company assesses whether the contract
containing the lease was in deficit before the date of initial execution, and adjusts the right-of-use assets based on
the amount of the loss provision included in the balance sheet before the date of initial execution;
4) The lease changes before the date of initial execution will not be adjusted retrospectively. The accounting
treatment will be carried out based on the final arrangements of lease changes and the new lease standards .
(2)The Company as the lessor
The Company does not need any transitional adjustment for the leases as the lessor, and will carry out accounting
treatment in accordance with the new lease standards from the date of initial execution.
2. Changes in accounting estimates
3. Corrections of previous accounting errors

Section VII. Explanation of the changes in the scope of the consolidated statement compared
with the financial statements of the previous year

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

              Full name of subsidiary                  Ratio of shareholding (%)        Reasons for changes
1. Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting            100.00                        Acquired
Co., Ltd.
2.Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting             100.00                         Acquired
Co., Ltd.
3. Wenling Offcn Information Consulting Co., Ltd.               100.00                         Newly established
4. Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training School               100.00                         Newly established
Co., Ltd.
5. Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                       100.00                         Newly established
6. Dali Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.               100.00                         Newly established
7. Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training School               100.00                         Newly established
Co., Ltd.
8. Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                      100.00                         Newly established

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

9. Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.               100.00                         Newly established
10. Beijing Offcn Century Education Technology                   100.00                         Newly established
Co., Ltd.
11. Beijing Offcn Future Education Technology Co.,               49.00                          Transferred

Section VIII . Appointment and dismissal of the CPA firm

CPA firm appointed at present

Name of the domestic CPA firm                                      Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Remuneration of domestic CPA firm (MillionYuan)                                                                              1.80

Consecutive years of the audit service of domestic CPA firm        4 years

Name of the CPAs in domestic CPA firm                              Zhou Baiming, Li Qiang

Consecutive years of audit service of the CPAs of domestic CPA
                                                                   4 consecutive years for Zhou Baiming and 1 year for Li Qiang

Whether to reappoint another CPA firm in the current period
Yes √ No
Appointment of internal control auditing CPA firms, financial consultants or sponsors
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section IX. Facing delisting after the disclosure of the annual report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section X. Bankruptcy and reorganization related matters

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no such situation of bankruptcy and reorganization of the Company during the reporting period.

Section XI. Major litigation and arbitration matters

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no major litigation or major arbitration during the reporting period.

During the reporting period, other litigation and arbitration matters of the Company and its subsidiaries are
as follows:

1. During the reporting period, the amount of litigation involved in closed cases was RMB 17.4338 million yuan,
and the actual amount of judgments in effective legal documents was approximately RMB 1.086 million yuan. The
results of the litigation cases had no significant impact on the Company's operations;

2. At the end of the reporting period, the amount of litigation involved in unsettled cases was RMB 14.8006 million
yuan, and the amount of litigation involved in these pending cases accounted for 0.78% of the unaudited net assets

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

attributable to shareholders of the listed Company in 2021, which had no significant impact on the Company's

Section XII. Penalties and rectifications

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no penalty or rectification of the Company during the reporting period

Section XIII. Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers:

□ Applicable √Not applicable

Section XIV. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions relevant to daily operations

√Applicable □Not applicable
                                      Ji'an Jingkai Lixiangxue Financial           Beijing Chuangsheng
Related party                         Information Service Co., Ltd. / Shanghai     Construction Decoration
                                      Beiding Network Technology Co., Ltd.         Engineering Co., Ltd.
                                      Enterprise actual-controlled by the          Enterprise actual-controlled by the
                                      director of the Company                      director of the Company                 Total
                                      Purchasing products and goods from the       Purchasing products and goods
Type of related-party transaction
                                      related party                                from the related party
Content of related-party
                                      Commission fee                               Decoration fee
Pricing principle for related-party
                                      Fair market pricing                          Fair market pricing                      --
Price of related-party transaction    Fair market pricing                          Fair market price                        --
Amount of related-party
transaction (RMB 10 thousand          18,314.42                                    3,597.24                              21,911.66
Proportion of the amount of
                                      4.34%                                        2.63%                                    --
similar transactions
Approved transaction limit (RMB
                                      0                                            0                                        0
10 thousand yuan)
Whether exceeding the approved
                                      Yes                                          Yes                                      --
transaction limit
Settlement method of
                                      Wire transfer                                Wire transfer                            --
related-party transaction
Available market price for similar
                                      None                                         None                                     --
Date of disclosure                                                                                                          --

                                      CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Index of disclosure                                                                                                         --
                                      Announcement on the Estimated Limit of Daily Related-party Transactions in

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                      the Year of 2022 (No. 2022-035)

Details of large sales returns        N/A

Actual performance during the
reporting period of the total
amount of the daily related-party     N/A
transactions estimated by
categories in this period (if any)
Reasons for large differences
between transaction prices and
market reference prices (if

2. Related-party transactions arising from acquisition and sale of assets or equity

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no related-party transaction arising from acquisition and sale of assets or equity of the Company during the reporting period.

3. Related party transactions of joint foreign investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no related-party transaction of joint foreign investments of the Company during the reporting period.

4. Related credit and debt transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no related credit and debt transaction of the Company during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related financial companies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and its related financial companies or other related

6. Transactions between the financial company controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the financial company controlled by the Company and related

7. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no other significant related-party transaction in the Company during the reporting period.

Section XV. Major contracts and their performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing matters

(1) Trusteeship
√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Details of trusteeship

On September 20, 2018, Offcn Ltd. and Li Yongxin signed Agreement on Transfer of Organizer ’s Rights of
Non-enterprise Private Schools Affiliated to Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.. All 100% rights of
organizers as of September 20, 2018 were to be transferred to Li Yongxin. On the same day, Li Yongxin and Offcn
Ltd. signed the Trusteeship Agreement of Private Non-enterprise Schools stipulating that Li Yongxin would entrust
the transferred private non-enterprise schools to Offcn Ltd. for management. The period of trusteeship started from
the date when Li Yongxin paid all the transfer price to the date when the private non-enterprise schools ’ 100%
rights of organizers were transferred to the unrelated third party or canceled (Note: within 12 months after the
revised Implementation Regulations was officially promulgated and the relevant local education authorities passed
the supporting regulations in accordance with the revised Implementation Regulations, Li Yongxin transferred
100% of the owner’s rights to the unrelated third party or canceled them.)

Projects with trusteeship that profits or losses reached more than 10% of the total profits of the Company of the
reporting period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no project with trusteeship that profit or loss reached more than 10% of the total profits of the Company
during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no contracting of the Company during the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no leasing of the Company during the reporting period.

2. Major guarantee

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no major guarantee of the Company during the reporting period.

3. Particulars about entrusted cash assets

(1) Particulars about entrusted financial management

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Particulars about entrusted financial management during the reporting period
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB 10 thousands

                    Source of entrusted   Amount of entrusted                       Overdue amount
      Type                                                       Undue balance                            accrued of the
                         financing             financing                           yet to be recovered
                                                                                                         overdue financial

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                               product yet to be

Bank financial
                      Self-owned fund                    126,155              34,327.98                   0                    0

Trust financial
                      Self-owned fund                     27,000                      0                   0                    0

Others                Self-owned fund                       999.9                     0                   0                    0

Total                                                  154,154.9              34,327.98                   0                    0

Particulars of high-risk entrusted financial management with a large single amount, low security or poor liquidity
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

It is estimated that the principal of the entrusted financing cannot be recovered or there are other cases that may
cause impairments to the entrusted financing.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2)Entrusted loans

□ Applicable √Not applicable
There is no entrusted loan of the Company during the reporting period.

4. Other significant contracts

√Applicable □ Not applicable

     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section XVI. Other significant events

√Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The progress of the Company’s non-public issuance of A Shares:

The Company held the meetings of Company ’s board of directors and supervisory committee, and the third extraordinary general

meeting of shareholders in 2020 on November 23, 2020 and December 9, 2020, reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Company’

s Compliance with the Conditions for Non-public Issuance of A Shares, Proposal on the Company’s Plan of Non-Public Issuance of A

Shares, and Proposal on the Company's Proposal of Non-Public Issuance of A Shares and other proposals related to this non-public


On December 30, 2020, the Company announced the Announcement on the Acceptance of Applications for Non-public Issuance of

Shares by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (Announcement No.: 2020-052).

On January 8, 2021, the Company announced the Notice on Receiving a Feedback from the China Securities Regulatory Commission's

Administrative License Project Review (Announcement Number: 2021-002).

On January 27, 2021, the Company announced the Report on the Reply to the Feedback Notice from the China Securities Regulatory

Commission Administrative Licensing Project Review and other documents. On the same day, the Company also announced the

adjustments to the non-public issuance plan including the Revised Proposal for Non-public Issuance of A Shares reviewed and

approved at the 17th meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors and the 14th Meeting of the Fifth Supervisory Committee.

On May 18, 2021, the Company issued the Announcement on the Revised Reply to the First Feedback Notice from

the China Securities Regulatory Commission Administrative Licensing Project Review and the Announcement on

Receiving the Second Feedback from the China Securities Regulatory Commission's Administrative Licensing

Project Review.

On May 29, 2021, the Company issued the Report on the Reply to the Second Feedback Notice from the China

Securities Regulatory Commission Administrative Licensing Project Review and other documents. On the same day,

the Company also issued the Adjustments to the non-public issuance plan including the Second Revised Proposal

for Non-public Issuance of A Shares reviewed and approved at the 19th meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors and

the 16th meeting of the Fifth Supervisory Committee.

On June 5, 2021, the Company issued the Announcement on the Revised Reply to the Second Feedback Notice from

the China Securities Regulatory Commission Administrative Licensing Project Review and other documents.

On June 16, 2021, the Company ’ s non-public issuance were reviewed and approved by the Issuance Review

Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

On August 24, 2021, the Company issued the Announcement on Notice of the Suspension of the China Securities

Regulatory Commission Administrative Licensing Application Review. Because the law firm hired for this issuance

was filed and put under investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for its services for other

companies, the China Securities Regulatory Commission suspended the review of the Company's application for

administrative license for this non-public issuance of shares.

On December 7, 2021, the Company issued the Announcement on Termination of the Non-public Issuance of

Shares and Withdrawal of Application Documents. Considering the capital market environment, the development of

fundraising projects, the actual situation of the Company, and the timing of financing, after prudent analysis and

constant discussions with intermediaries, the Company decided to terminate the non-public issuance of A shares

and withdraw the application documents.

2. The progress of the investigation launched by the China Securities Regulatory Commission into the

On December 15, 2021, the Company received the Notice of Filing (No. SR Filing 0232021010) from the CSRC.

According to the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People ’s Republic of China on

Administrative Punishment and other laws and regulations, the Company is suspected of failing to disclose related

party transaction information and violating the laws and regulations of information disclosure. The CSRC decided

to file a case against the Company.

On January 15, 2022, the Company issued the Announcement on the Progress of the Investigation and Risk

Warning (No. 2022-006).

On February 15, 2022, the Company issued the Announcement on the Progress of the Investigation and Risk

Warning (No. 2022-019).

On March 15, 2022, the Company issued the Announcement on the Progress of the Investigation and Risk Warning

(No. 2022-022).

On April 24, 2022, the Company and the relevant parties received the Prior Notice of Administrative Penalty. The

Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau of the CSRC decided to give a warning to and impose a fine on the Company

and the relevant parties. Specific information is stated in the announcement (No. 2022-031) disclosed on CNINFO

(www.cninfo.com.cn) and other designated media.

On April 27, 2022, the Company and the relevant parties received the official Decision of Administrative Penalty
from the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau, which determines Offcn Edu, its subsidiaries Beijing Offcn
Education Technology Co., Ltd. and Liaoning Zhongcheng Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd. constitute a

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

related-party relationship with Shaanxi Guancheng Industrial Co., Ltd., Beijing Chuangsheng Construction
Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai Beiding Network Technology Co., Ltd., Ji'an Jingkai Lixiangxue
Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. and Liaoning Hanhui Industrial Co., Ltd.. The total amount involved in
related transactions was RMB 1232.395 million yuan, including RMB 196.335 million yuan in year 2019 and RMB
1036.060 million yuan in year 2020, which account for 6.65% and 30.19% of the net assets of Offcn Edu in the
latest period respectively. The Company did not disclose the above-mentioned information in accordance with
relevant laws and regulations and there was a material omission of the Company ’ s information disclosure. A
warning was given to and a fine was imposed on the Company and the relevant persons responsible for the situation,
and corresponding rectification is required. Specific information is stated in the announcement (No. 2022-032)
disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn) and other designated media for information

                                               Amount of                                 Amount of
      of                                                              Amount of
                               Content of      related-party                            related-party
related                                                              related-party
             Related party    related-party    transactions in                         transactions in       Total(RMB)
-party                                                              transactions in
                               transaction     year 2019                                    year
transa                                                              year 2020(RMB)
                                               (RMB)                                     2021(RMB)

ng the
ment of
related                       Decoration fee   161,747,000.00       242,000,000.00           0.00           403,747,000.00
           Engineering Co.,

ng the
transfer   Shaanxi
      of   Guancheng              Asset
                                                    0.00            383,060,000.00           0.00           383,060,000.00
 assets    Industrial Co.,     acquisition
 from      Ltd.

ng the
           Liaoning Hanhui
      of                          Asset
           Industrial Co.,                          0.00            200,000,000.00           0.00           200,000,000.00
 assets                        acquisition

                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Purcha    Ji'an Jingkai
 sing     Lixiangxue
product   Financial
 s and    Information
goods     Service Co., Ltd. /   Commission fee   34,588,038.03    210,728,611.86     183,144,220.00       428,460,869.89
 from     Shanghai Beiding
  the     Network
related   Technology Co.,
 party    Ltd.

                      Total                      196,335,038.03   1,035,788,611.86   183,144,220.00      1,415,267,869.89

Section XVII. Significant events of the Company’s subsidiaries

√Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The case of transferring part of the wholly-owned subsidiary’s equity and cooperative development

On December 2, 2020, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Beijing Offcn Future Education Technology

Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the target company), won the bid for the first-level development project -

CP00-1804-0002 residential land and CP00-1804-0012 public construction land in Qiliqu Nanbei Village, Shahe

Town, Changping District, Beijing, and the Company provided a loan of RMB 3.098 billion yuan to the target

company to pay for the price, deed tax and other expenses of the above-mentioned lands.

On September 26, 2021, the Company held the 22nd Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors which reviewed and

approved the Proposal on Transferring Part of the Wholly-owned Subsidiary ’ s Equity and Cooperative

Development. The Board of Directors agreed to transfer 51% equity of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary,

namely Beijing Offcn Future Education Technology Co., Ltd., to Beijing Shangheng Jirui Commercial Operation

and Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Longhu Party). After friendly negotiation between the two

parties, based on the target company ’s paid-in registered capital, the Company priced the transfer of the target

company’s 51% equity at RMB 51 million yuan. At the same time, Longhu Party invested RMB1.379 billion yuan

in the target company as shareholder loans, all of which were used to repay the target company’s borrowing from

the Company. For specific information of this matter, please refer to the Company’s Announcement on the Transfer

of Part of the Wholly-owned Subsidiary ’s Equity and Cooperative Development (Announcement No.: 2021-061)

released on CNINFO (www.cninfo.com), September 27, 2021.

According to the customized development agreement and supplementary agreement signed between the target

company and the Company, the Company’s RMB1.618 billion yuan’s worth of loan to the target company has been

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

converted into the advance payment for the construction of CP00-1804-0012 public construction land. The target

company will construct an online technology R&D center, an Online-Merge-Offline education demonstration center,

an integrated training center for R&D and teaching personnel, a vertical integrated fast-response command center

for nationwide market, and an innovative education headquarter in accordance with the Company ’s design and

planning. At present, the target company has paid off all its loans to the Company.

2. The cooperation with Liaoning Hanhui Industrial Co., Ltd.
On January 13, 2020, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Beijing Offcn and Liaoning Hanhui Industrial
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Liaoning Hanhui) signed the Future Learning City Project Cooperative
Agreement and the two parties decided to cooperate in the development of the future learning city project. On
January 17, 2020, according to the agreement, the Company paid RMB 200 million yuan to Liaoning Hanhui as a
security deposit. Liaoning Hanhui should complete the project construction and obtain the corresponding property
rights before July 31, 2021. After the completion of the construction, the Company will transfer 100% equity of
Liaoning Hanhui based on its assessed net assets, and the shareholders of Liaoning Hanhui should cooperate with
the Company to transfer their equity of Liaoning Hanhui to Offcn EDU or its designated subsidiary. On March 10,
2021, the two parties signed the Supplementary Agreement, which changed the stipulation from “ the project
construction should be completed and property ownership certificate should be obtained before July 31, 2021” to
“ the project construction should be completed and pass the acceptance test, and property ownership certificate
should be obtained before December 31, 2021.

Affected by the pandemic and other factors, Liaoning Hanhui couldn’t complete the construction and obtain the
property ownership certificate before December 31, 2021. In view of the above situation, and considering that this
cooperation has lasted for a long time, and the market environment has changed a lot compared with that at the
beginning of the cooperation, after friendly negotiation between the Company and Liaoning Hanhui, the two parties
signed the Termination Agreement of the Offcn Future Learning City Project Cooperative Agreement Between
Beijing Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd and Liaoning Hanhui Industrial Co., Ltd. on December 9, 2021.
Liaoning Hanhui shall return the deposit RMB200 million yuan paid by the Company within 10 days after the
termination of the agreement takes effect and pay the liquidated damages at the bank loan interest rate of 4.75% in
the same period. Both parties confirm that there are no other disputes. Up to now, Liaoning Hanhui has returned the
above-mentioned deposit and paid liquidated damages to the Company. The above matters have been reviewed and
approved by the Company’s general manager's office meeting.

3. The progress in the acquisition of 100% equity of Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. and Lu’an
Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "target companies")
The purpose of the acquisitions is to take advantage of the property assets from the target companies to build a
large-scale regional learning base that can be put into use in a short period of time. And with its excellent
geographical location and the convenience brought by the high-speed rail, the learning base can benefit other areas
of Anhui Province and the adjacent central China region, thus quickly relieving the problem of insufficient supply
of supporting hardware for multi-category teaching in the central region and steadily promoting the implementation

                                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

of the Company’s strategic plan. Based on the assessed value of the real estate by Beijing Zhuoxindahua Appraisal
Co., Ltd. on October 31, 2020 (the base date), the Company negotiated and determined that the total price of the
equity transfer transaction of the target companies is RMB 561.2833 million yuan, including RMB 72.1516 million
yuan as the 100% equity transfer price of Lu ’ an Yazhong and RMB 489.1317 million yuan as the 100% equity
transfer price of Lu ’ an Zhongke. The above-mentioned matters have been reviewed and approved at the 16th
meeting of the fifth Board of Directors of the Company. For details of this matter, please refer to the Announcement
on Acquisition of the Equity From Lu’an Yaxia Runnan's Wholly-owned Subsidiary (No. 2020-048) published by
the Company on CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn). on December 10, 2020. In April 2021, the target companies
obtained the real estate certificate of the property assets, and in January 2022, the target companies completed the
equity transfer of equity and the change of legal representative and senior executives.

                              Chapter 7               Share Changes and Shareholders

Section I. Changes in Shares

1. Changes in Shares

                                                                                                                                         Unit: share(s)
                                           Before Change                           Increase or Decrease (+ or -)                       After Change

                                        Number of                         Bonus      equity                                        Number of
                                                      Proportion shares                              Other          Subtotal                       Proportion
                                         shares                           shares    reserves                                        shares
                                                                                   into share

                                                                                                                   -854,983,96 4,564,776,02
1. Shares with trading restrictions   5,419,759,990    87.88%                                   -854,983,969                                        74.01%
                                                                                                                               9               1
(1) Shares held by state

(2) Shares held by state-owned
legal person

(3) Other shares held by domestic                                                                                  -854,983,96 4,564,776,02
capital                               5,419,759,990    87.88%                                   -854,983,969                                        74.01%
                                                                                                                               9               1

Of which: shares held by domestic                                                                                  -534,706,34
          legal person
                                       534,706,341       8.67%                                  -534,706,341                                   0      0.00%

          Shares held by domestic                                                                                  -320,277,62 4,564,776,02
          natural person              4,885,053,649    79.21%                                   -320,277,628                                        74.01%
                                                                                                                               8               1
(4) Shares held by overseas capital

Of which: shares held by overseas
          legal person

                                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

            Shares held by overseas
            natural person

2. Shares without trading                                                                                                 1,602,623,36
restrictions                            747,639,399      12.12%                             854,983,969 854,983,969                       25.99%

(1) RMB ordinary shares                 747,639,399      12.12%                             854,983,969 854,983,969                       25.99%
(2) Domestic - listed shares for
oversea investors

(3) Foreign - listed shares for
overseas investors

(4) Other

3. Total number of shares              6,167,399,389 100.00%                                           0              0                   100.00%

Reasons for changes in shares

□Applicable           √ Not applicable

Approval of changes in shares

□ Applicable            √ Not applicable

Transfer of share changes

□ Applicable            √ Not applicable

The impact of share changes on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share,
net assets per share attributable to the Company’s ordinary shareholders, etc. in the most recent year and the most
recent period

□ Applicable            √ Not applicable

Other content that the Company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory agency to disclose

□ Applicable            √ Not applicable

2. Changes in shares with sales restrictions

√ Applicable            □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                Unit: share(s)

                        Number of
                                          Number of       Number of      Number of
                        shares with
                                          shares with     shares with    shares with                                            Date of
Name of                                   sales           sales          sales                                                  releasing
                        restrictions                                                     Reasons for sales restrictions
shareholder                               restrictions    restrictions   restrictions                                           restrictions on
                        at the
                                          increased in released in       at the end of                                          sales
                        beginning of
                                          the period      the period     the period
                        the period

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                               According to
                                                                                                               the relevant
Li Yongxin          1,131,415,121           345,000 1,131,070,121 Key executive’s lock-up shares              regulations of
                                                                                                               key executive’s
                                                                                                               lock-up shares

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                       from major assets replacement and       February 1,
Wang Zhendong        962,471,418        721,853,563     240,617,855
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase;      2021
                                                                       Key executive’s lock-up shares

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                       from major assets replacement and       February 1,
Zhang Yongsheng       48,123,570         12,030,893      36,092,677
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase;      2021
                                                                       Key executive’s lock-up shares

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                                                               February 1,
Zhang Zhi’an         48,123,570         48,123,570               0 from major assets replacement and
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
Yang Shaofeng         48,123,570         48,123,570               0 from major assets replacement and          February 1,
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase       2021

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                       from major assets replacement and       February 1,
Guo Shihong           48,123,570         12,030,893      36,092,677
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase;      2021
                                                                       Key executive’s lock-up shares

                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                                                               February 1,
                      48,123,570         48,123,570               0 from major assets replacement and
Liu Bin                                                                                                        2021
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase

Beijing Aerospace

Industry                                                               Releasing sales restriction on shares
                                                                                                               February 1,
Investment Fund      267,353,171        267,353,171               0 from major assets replacement and
(Limited                                                               shares issued for assets purchase


Beijing Guangyin
                                                                       Releasing sales restriction on shares
Venture Capital                                                                                                February 1,
                     178,235,447        178,235,447               0 from major assets replacement and
Center (Limited                                                                                                2021
                                                                       shares issued for assets purchase

Total               2,780,093,007   0                  1,443,873,330                    —                            —

                                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Issuance of securities (excluding preferred shares) during the reporting period

□ Applicable           √ Not applicable

2. Explanation of changes in the Company’s total shares and shareholder structure, and changes in the Company’s
asset and liability structure

□ Applicable           √ Not applicable

3. Existing internal employee shares

□ Applicable           √ Not applicable

Section III. Shareholders and actual controllers
1. Numbers of Shareholders and Shareholdings

                                                                                                                                                           Unit: Share(s)

                                                                                                                                    Total number of

                                          Total number of                                                                           preferred

Total number of                           shareholders with                          Total number of                                shareholders whose

shareholders                              ordinary shares at                         preferred shareholders                         voting rights have

with ordinary                             the end of the                             with voting rights                             been restored at the
                    158,831                                        153,843                                      0                                             0
shares at the end                         previous month                             restored at the end of                         end of the previous

of the reporting                          before the                                 the reporting period (if                       month before the

period                                    disclosure date of                         any) (See Note 8)                              disclosure date of

                                          the annual report                                                                         the annual report (if

                                                                                                                                    any) (See Note 8)

                                                       Shareholders with over 5% shares or top 10 shareholders

                                                                                Increase/decr                                            Pledged, marked or Frozen
                                               Sharehol                                         Number of           Number of
                                                            Total shares held   ease of
Name of              Nature of                 ding                                             shares held         shares held
                                                            at the end of the   shares during                                                               Number of
Shareholder          shareholder               Percenta                                         with sales          without sales   Status of shares
                                                            reporting period    the reporting                                                               shares
                                               ge (%)                                           restrictions        restrictions

Lu Zhongfang         Domestic natural person    41.36%         2,550,549,260           0        2,550,549,260               0             Pledged             770,000,000

Li Yongxin           Domestic natural Person    18.35%         1,131,415,121           0        1,131,070,121           345,000           Pledged             476,150,000

Wang Zhendong        Domestic natural person    13.83%         852,885,418             0         721,853,563         131,031,855          Pledged             431,013,878

Beijing Aerospace

Industry Investment Domestic non-state-
                                                 4.24%         261,280,477             0                0            261,280,477
Fund (Limited        owned legal person


                                                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Beijing Kerui

                     non-state-owned legal          1.44%         89,117,723             0         89,117,723               0
Investment Center


Beijing Offcn

Future Information Domestic

Consulting Center    non-state-owned legal          1.30%         80,000,000             0               0              80,000,000

(Limited             person


Zhou Xiayun          Domestic natural person        1.28%         78,848,640             0               0              78,848,640    Pledged           64,000,000

Zhou Hui             Domestic natural person        1.17%         72,277,920             0               0              72,277,920    Pledged           25,480,000

Beijing Guangyin
Venture Capital
                     non-state-owned legal          1.04%         64,355,896             0               0              64,355,896
Center (Limited

Zhou Li              Domestic natural person        0.78%         48,185,280             0               0              48,185,280

Strategic investors or ordinary legal person

become the top 10 shareholders by the              No

placement of new shares (if any) (See Note 3)

                                                   The Company’s controlling shareholder and actual controller Lu Zhongfang and Li Yongxin are in a parent-child

                                                   relationship. Lu Zhongfang, Li Yongxin, and Beijing Offcn Future Information Consulting Center (Limited

                                                   Partnership) constitute persons acting in concert. Zhou Xiayun and Zhou Hui have a father-son relationship. Zhou
Description of the above-mentioned
                                                   Xiayun and Zhou Li have a father-daughter relationship. It is unknown whether there is an associated relationship
shareholders’ relationship or concerted actions
                                                   among the above-mentioned other shareholders, and whether the above-mentioned shareholders belong to the

                                                   parties acting in concert as stipulated in the Administrative Measures on Disclosure of Information Disclosure of

                                                   Shareholding Changes in Listed Companies.

Explanation of the above-mentioned

shareholders’entrusting/entrusted voting rights N/A

and waiver of voting rights

Explanation of for the existence of a special

repurchase account among the top 10                N/A

shareholders (if any) (See Note 10)

                                                        Description of top 10 shareholders without sales restrictions

                                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Name of Shareholder                            Number of shares without sales restrictions at the end of the reporting period
                                                                                                                                Type               Quantities

Beijing Aerospace Industry Investment Fund                                                                                      RMB ordinary
                                                                               261,280,477                                                          261,280,477
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                                           shares

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Wang Zhendong                                                                  131,031,855                                                          131,031,855

Beijing Offcn Future Information Consulting                                                                                     RMB ordinary
                                                                                80,000,000                                                           80,000,000
Center (Limited Partnership)                                                                                                    shares

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Zhou Xiayun                                                                     78,848,640                                                           78,848,640

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Zhou Hui                                                                        72,277,920                                                           72,277,920

Beijing Guangyin Venture Capital Center                                                                                         RMB ordinary
                                                                                64,355,896                                                           64,355,896
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                                           shares

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Zhou Li                                                                         48,185,280                                                           48,185,280

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co.,Ltd.                                          25,004,586                                                           25,004,586

                                                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Yang Shaofeng                                                                   24,062,680                                                           24,062,680

Sequoia Jincheng (Xiamen) Equity Investment                                                                                     RMB ordinary
                                                                                18,800,000                                                           18,800,000
Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                                                                               shares

                                               The Company’s controlling shareholder and actual controller Lu Zhongfang and Li Yongxin are in a parent-child

Description of the relationship or concerted   relationship. Lu Zhongfang, Li Yongxin, and Beijing Offcn Future Information Consulting Center (Limited

actions among the top 10 shareholders without Partnership) constitute persons acting in concert. Zhou Xiayun and Zhou Hui have a father-son relationship. Zhou

sales restrictions, and between the top 10     Xiayun and Zhou Li have a father-daughter relationship. It is unknown whether there is an associated relationship

shareholders without sales restrictions and the among the above-mentioned other shareholders, and whether the above-mentioned shareholders belong to the

top 10 shareholders                            parties acting in concert as stipulated in the Administrative Measures on Disclosure of Information Disclosure of

                                               Shareholding Changes in Listed Companies.

Description of the top 10 ordinary

shareholders participating in the margin
trading or short selling business (if any)

Whether the Company’s top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 ordinary shareholders without sales restrictions
conducted agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period

□ Yes         √ No

                                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

The Company ’s top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 ordinary shareholders without sales restrictions didn ’t
conduct agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period

2. The controlling shareholders of the Company
Nature of controlling shareholders: natural person holding
Type of controlling shareholders: natural person

       Name of controlling shareholder                         Nationality              Whether obtained any permanent residency abroad

Lu Zhongfang                                       China                              No

Li Yongxin                                         China                              No

Major occupations and jobs                         Li Yongxin is the Chairman of the Board of the Company.

Particulars about controlling or holding shares
of other companies listed at home and/or           N/A
abroad during the reporting period

Change of controlling shareholder during the reporting period
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
Controlling shareholders of the Company did not change during the reporting period.

3. The actual controllers of the Company and the person acting in concert

Nature of actual controllers: domestic natural person
Type of actual controllers: natural person

                                             Relationship with the                            Whether obtained any permanent residency
     Name of actual controller                                                Nationality
                                               actual controller                                               abroad

Lu Zhongfang                             herself                             China          No

Li Yongxin                               himself                             China          No

                                         Acting in concert
Beijing Offcn Future Information
                                         (including agreements,
   Consulting Center (Limited                                                China          No
                                         relatives, or under
                                         common control)

                                         Li Yongxin, the founder and actual controller of the Company, is the current Chairman of the
Major occupations and jobs
                                         Board of the Company.

Particulars about controlling shares
of other companies listed at home
and/or abroad in past 10 years

Change of actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
The actual controllers of the Company did not change during the reporting period.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

            Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the Company and the actual controllers

The actual controller controls the Company through trust or other asset management methods
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
4. The Company’s controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder and its concert parties have pledged 80% of
the number of shares held by them
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
5. Other legal person shareholders holding more than 10% of the shares
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
6. Controlling shareholders, actual controllers, restructuring parties and other committed entities with restricted
shareholding reductions
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

Section IV. Details of implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period

Implementation progress of share repurchase

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
Implementation progress of reducing repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                 Chapter 8           Preferred Shares

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

There were no preferred shares during the reporting period.

                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                Chapter 9   Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                Chapter 10 Financial Statements


                                                                                            Baker Tilly China [2022] No. 15311

To the Shareholders of Offcn Education Technology Co.,Ltd.

I. Opinion

    We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Offcn Education Technology Co.,Ltd. (“Offcn Education”
or “the   Company”), which comprise the consolidated and parent's balance sheets as at 31 December 2021, and the
2021 consolidated and parent's income statements, the consolidated and parent's statement of cash flows and               the
consolidated and parent's statements of changes in owners' equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial

    In our opinion, the financial statements of Offcn Education present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and
parent's financial position as at 31 December 2021, and the 2021 consolidated and parent's result of operations and cash
flows for the year ended in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

II. Basis of opinion

    We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing (“CAS”). Our responsibilities under those
standards are further described in the Auditor ’ s responsibilities section of our report. We are independent of Offcn

Education in accordance with China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants (the“Code”), and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Ⅲ.Key Audit Matters

    Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the
financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

                   Key Audit Matters                                How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter

recognition of revenue

    For example, in the notes to the financial statements         In response to the key audit matter, we performed

" Ⅲ .Notes on important accounting policies and             procedures as follows:

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

accounting estimates (32)” and      VI.Notes to important      1.Understood     and    tested    internal   controls   relating    to

items in consolidated finacial statements (35)”,education      recognition of revenue and evaluated the effectiveness of

and training income accounted for 99.26% of the                 related internal controls.

company’s operating income in 2021.                            2.Understood the revenue recognition policies of comparable
                                                                companies in the same industry, discussed the characteristics
    The company's revenue mainly includes ordinary
                                                                of training business with management, checked business
class revenue and agreement class revenue. When the
                                                                contracts, identify contract terms and conditions related to
ordinary class face-to-face training service is completed,
                                                                education    and     training    services,   and   evaluated       the
all the training fees received in advance are recognized
                                                                appropriateness of revenue recognition policies.
as revenue. Revenue from online training in ordinary
classes is recognized on a straight-line basis during the       3.Implemented substantive analysis procedures for revenue

validity period of the service provided. Non-refundable         and gross profit margin during the reporting period, evaluated

portion of revenue from agreement class is recognized as        the overall rationality of revenue.

revenue upon completion of training services; According         4.Selected samples of the revenue confirmed during the
to the agreement, the refund part is recognized as              reporting period, checked the receipts, bank flow, contracts,
revenue when the non-refundable conditions are met.             examination announcement and refunds, and evaluated
                                                                whether the relevant revenue confirmation is in line with the
    In view of the significant amount of education and
                                                                company's revenue recognition accounting policy.
training revenue, which is the main source of company's
profits. And the frequent occurrence of transactions, the       5.For the education and training revenue items confirmed

risk of misstatement is high. Therefore, we identified the      before and after the balance sheet date, selected samples,

company's education and training revenue as a key audit         checked the supporting documents for revenue recognition,
                                                                and evaluated whether they are recorded in the correct
                                                                accounting period.

Ⅳ.Other Information

    Management of the Company is responsible for the other information.The other information comprises all of the
information included in 2021 annual report of the Company other than the financial statements and our auditor’s report

    Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.

    In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and,in doing
so,consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained
in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

    If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information,
we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Ⅴ . Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the
Financial Statements

     The management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control as the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

     In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue
as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of
accounting unless the management either intend to liquidate Offcn Education or to cease operations or have no realistic
alternative but to do so.

     Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

Ⅵ. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

     Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with CAS will always
detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these financial statements.

     As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism
throughout the audit. We also:

     1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate
to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for
one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override
of internal control.

     2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances. However, our purpose is not to express an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control.

     3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by the management.

     4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on
the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant
doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are
required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
auditor’s report.

     However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

     5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial
statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

    6) Acquire sufficient and appropriate audit evidence based on the financial information of the Company or business
activities to express its audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction,
supervision, and execution of the group audit and assume full responsibility for the audit opinion.

    We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing
of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our

    We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

    From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We
describe these matters in our auditor’ report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when,
in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

                                                                 Chinese Certified Public
                                                                        Accountant:               Zhou Baiming

                         Beijing, China                            (Engagement partner)

                         28 April,2022
                                                                 Chinese Certified Public
                                                                                                      Li Qiang

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section II. Financial Statements

The unit of the statement in the financial notes: RMB

  1. Consolidated balance sheet

  Prepared by: Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                        December 31, 2021

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                              Items                                 December 31, 2021               December 31, 2020

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                                         1,970,361,272.64                5,950,395,089.12

      Settlement reserve


      Transactional financial assets                                          346,726,621.74                   983,205,858.25

      Derivative financial assets

      Notes receivable

      Accounts receivable                                                      40,374,842.27                    21,493,637.66

      Receivables financing

      Prepayments                                                                1,438,350.00                    2,204,120.00

      Premium receivable

      Accounts receivable reinsurance

      Reserve for reinsurance Receivable contracts

      Other receivables                                                       219,501,061.83                   304,318,966.20

      Inc: Interest receivables

             Dividends receivables

      Buying back the sale of financial assets


      Contract assets

      Assets held-for-sale

      Non-current assets due within one year                                                                 1,985,873,462.75

      Other current assets                                                     36,959,129.80                   175,179,650.61

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Total current assets                                                  2,615,361,278.28                 9,422,670,784.59

Non-current assets:

     Loans and advances

     Debt investment                                                           7,058,993.55

     Other debt investment

     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity investment                                              46,850,364.40

     Other equity investment                                                 130,400,000.00                   152,800,000.00

     Other non-current financial assets                                       30,260,000.00                   208,450,315.01

     Investment property                                                     644,936,541.46                   668,014,515.82

     Fixed assets                                                          1,770,372,338.85                 1,612,792,592.67

     Construction in progress                                                294,785,678.31                   214,248,125.04

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and gas assets

     Right-of-use asset                                                    1,342,280,387.08

     Intangible assets                                                       866,627,549.85                   426,352,455.75

     Development expenditure

     Goodwill                                                                 99,867,720.38                    99,867,720.38

     Long-term prepaid expenses                                              380,191,006.38                   440,955,377.93

     Deferred tax assets                                                     424,027,271.38                    21,606,436.77

     Other non-current assets                                              1,652,164,395.78                 1,151,091,703.31

Total Non-current Assets                                                   7,689,822,247.42                 4,996,179,242.68

Total Assets                                                              10,305,183,525.70                14,418,850,027.27

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loan                                                       3,152,945,812.59                 3,976,019,329.22

     Borrowing from       the central bank

     Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions

     Transactional financial liabilities

     Derivative Financial liabilitiels

                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                                             282,032,916.52                   211,824,402.86

     Deposit received

     Contract liabilities                                       3,063,721,290.28                 4,925,428,309.33

     Financial assets sold for repurchase

     Absorbing deposits and interbank deposits

     Acting trading securities

     Acting underwriting securities

     Payroll payable                                              422,886,856.60                   637,448,433.99

     Taxes payable                                                 12,566,751.84                   131,111,770.78

     Other payable                                                129,043,599.22                     9,479,383.03

     Inc:Interest payable

           Dividend payable

     Fees and commissions payable

     Reinsurance amounts payable

     Liabilities held-for-sale

     Non-current Liabilities due within one year                  531,876,007.31

     Other current liabilities                                     91,925,853.39                   147,765,156.66

Total Current Liabilities                                       7,686,999,087.75                10,039,076,785.87

Non-current Liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loan

     Bonds payable

     Inc: Bonds payable_preferred stock

          Bonds payable_perpetual bond

     Lease liability                                              635,691,184.87

     Long-term payables

     Long-term salary payable

     Estimated liabilities

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

      Deferred Income

      Deferred tax liability                                                           93,712,172.62                 104,677,444.59

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total Non-current Liabilities                                                    729,403,357.49                     104,677,444.59

 Total Liabilities                                                               8,416,402,445.24                 10,143,754,230.46

 Owners' equity:

      Share capital                                                               103,807,623.00                     103,807,623.00

      Other equity instruments

      Inc: Other equity instruments_preferred stock

           Other equity instruments_perpetual bond

      Capital reserve                                                            1,225,481,049.50                  1,225,481,049.50

      less: Treasury stock

      Other comprehensive income                                                       13,200,000.00                  30,000,000.00

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserves                                                                 45,000,000.00                  45,000,000.00

      General risk preparation

      Undistributed profits                                                       501,330,081.70                   2,870,839,120.70

 Total Owners' Equity Attributable To the Parent Company                         1,888,818,754.20                  4,275,127,793.20

      Minority shareholders' equity                                                       -37,673.74                      -31,996.39

 Total Owners' Equity                                                            1,888,781,080.46                  4,275,095,796.81

 Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity                                          10,305,183,525.70                  14,418,850,027.27

Legal representative: Wang Zhendong          Person in charge of accounting: Shi Lei       Head of accounting department: Luo Xue

  2.Parent company balance sheet


                               Items                                  December 31, 2021                    December 31, 2020

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                                               59,197,879.74                     56,138,356.37

      Transactional financial assets                                                   1,573,219.32                   1,630,453.37

      Derivative financial assets

      Notes receivable

                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Accounts receivable                                       28,806,097.45                   14,792,320.38

     Receivables financing


     Other receivables                                         20,699,731.33                  621,900,443.29

        Including:interest receivable

                         Dividend receivable


     Contract assets

     Assets held-for-sale

     Non-current assets due within one year

     Other current assets

Total current assets                                         110,276,927.84                   694,461,573.41

Non-current assets:

     Debt investment

     Other debt investment

     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity investment                          19,190,415,995.14                18,582,307,907.14

     Other equity investment                                 130,400,000.00                   152,800,000.00

     Other non-current financial assets

     Investment property                                     370,687,463.01                   384,641,527.88

     Fixed assets                                            371,414,975.96                   383,060,000.00

     Construction in progress                                  72,569,103.57                   72,569,103.57

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and gas assets

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets

     Development expenditure


     Long-term prepaid expenses

     Deferred tax assets                                                                       20,529,151.44

                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Other non-current assets                                   1,618,391,145.38                  501,095,111.10

Total non-current assets                                      21,753,878,683.06                20,097,002,801.13

Total assets                                                  21,864,155,610.90                20,791,464,374.54

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loan                                            1,201,317,569.59                  871,083,875.00

     Transactional financial liabilities

     Derivative financial liabilities

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                                              83,621,752.26                   83,621,752.26

     Deposit received

     Contract liabilities

     Payroll payable

     Taxes payable                                                  1,600,302.00                    1,437,291.71

     Other payable                                              1,307,916,006.49                  446,606,530.72

        Including:interest payable

                Dividend payable

     Liabilities held-for-sale

     Non-current liabilities due within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                       2,594,455,630.34                1,402,749,449.69

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loan

     Bonds payable

               Bonds payable preferred stock

               Bonds payable perpetual bond

     Lease liability

     Long-term payables

     Long-term salary payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income

                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Deferred tax liability                                      4,418,304.83                   10,007,613.34

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                    4,418,304.83                   10,007,613.34

Total Liabilities                                            2,598,873,935.17                1,412,757,063.03


     Share capital                                           6,167,399,389.00                6,167,399,389.00

     Other equity instruments

     Other equity instruments preferred stock

     Other equity instruments perpetual bond

     Capital reserve                                       12,775,326,370.33                12,775,326,370.33

     Less:Treasury stock

     Other comprehensive income                                 13,200,000.00                   30,000,000.00

     Special reserve

     Surplus reserves                                         387,458,806.65                   387,458,806.65

     Undistributed profits                                     -78,102,890.25                   18,522,745.53

Owners’equity                                             19,265,281,675.73                19,378,707,311.51

Liabilities and owner’s equity                            21,864,155,610.90                20,791,464,374.54

 3.Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                     Items                              2021                    2020

I.Total operating income                                              6,911,723,331.79       11,202,494,295.04

        Inc: Operating income                                         6,911,723,331.79       11,202,494,295.04

             Interest income

              Premium earned

              Fee and commission income

II. Total operating costs                                             9,842,898,477.96        9,152,970,989.56

         Inc: Operating costs                                         4,993,717,363.58        4,567,326,931.44

              Interest expense

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                Fee and commission expenses

                Surrender money

                Net reimbursement expenditure

                Withdrawal of net insurance liability contract reserves

                Policyholder dividend expenses

                Reinsurance expenses

                Taxes and surcharges                                                          35,355,169.74           12,738,714.63

                Sales expenses                                                             2,105,098,912.06        1,811,790,113.16

                Management expenses                                                        1,315,643,022.03        1,279,869,207.37

                Research and development expenses                                            901,469,538.57        1,050,697,333.79

                Financial expenses                                                           491,614,471.98          430,548,689.17

                      Inc:Interest                                                           274,734,405.81          172,114,852.12

                         Interest income                                                      58,235,304.20           33,148,136.69

           Add: Other income                                                                  96,084,140.34          335,711,072.77

                Investment income (Loss is listed with "-")                                   79,269,900.92          256,543,458.65

                      Including: investment income from associates and joint

                Derecognition income of financial assets measured at amortized

                Exchange earnings ((Loss is listed with "-")

                Net     exposure hedge income(Loss is listed with "-")

                Fair value change income (Loss is listed with "-")                           -21,490,322.52           20,984,385.76

                Expected credit loss(Loss is listed with "-")                                 -8,529,849.40            -1,171,052.83

                Asset impairment loss(Loss is listed with "-")

                Asset disposal income(Loss is listed with "-")                                  -163,075.82              162,043.59

 III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with "-")                                          -2,786,004,352.65        2,661,753,213.42

       Add: non-operating income                                                              18,141,095.89               65,303.00

       Less: non-operating expenses                                                            1,303,782.47              674,641.85

 IV. Total profit(The total loss is listed with "-")                                      -2,769,167,039.23        2,661,143,874.57

       Less: Income tax expenses                                                            -399,652,322.88          356,812,108.72

                                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 V. Net profit (Net         loss is listed with "-")                                            -2,369,514,716.35        2,304,331,765.85

         i. Classified by business continuity

                 1.Net profit from continuing operations (Net loss is listed with "-")          -2,369,514,716.35        2,304,331,765.85

                 2.Net profit from discontinued operations        (Net loss is listed with

         ii.    Classification by ownership

                 1.Net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company                   -2,369,509,039.00        2,304,357,742.74

                 2.Net profit attributable to minority shareholders                                     -5,677.35              -25,976.89

 VI. Net other comprehensive income                                                                -16,800,000.00            -7,500,000.00

 Net other comprehensive income after tax attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                   -16,800,000.00            -7,500,000.00

         i. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit or
                                                                                                   -16,800,000.00            -7,500,000.00

                 1.Inc: Changes from the remeasurement of the defined benefit plan

                 2.Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or
loss under the equity method

                 3.Changes in the fair value of other equity instruments                           -16,800,000.00            -7,500,000.00

                 4.Changes in fair value of      the company's own credit risk

                 5. Other

         ii. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or loss

                 1.Other comprehensive income of convertible profit and loss under
the equity method

                 2.Changes in fair value of other debt investments

                 3.Financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income

                 4.Other credit impairment provisions for investment of creditor's

                 5.Effective portion of profit or loss on cash flow hedging

                 6.Foreign currency financial statement translation difference


         Net other comprehensive income after tax attributable to non-controlling

 VIII. Total comprehensive income                                                               -2,386,314,716.35        2,296,831,765.85

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

      Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent                     -2,386,309,039.00         2,296,857,742.74

      Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                               -5,677.35             -25,976.89

 IX. Earnings per share

      Basic earnings per share                                                                           -0.38                   0.37

      Diluted earnings per share                                                                         -0.38                   0.37

If a business combination under the same control occurs in the current period, the net profit realized by the combined party before

the combination is: RMB 0.00. The net profit realized by the combined party in the previous period was: RMB 0.00.

Legal representative: Wang Zhendong       Person in charge of accounting: Shi Lei

Head of accounting department: Luo Xue

  4. Parent company income statement


              Items                                                          2021                           2020

 I. Operating income                                                                14,831,488.06                     14,829,393.86

      Less:operating cost                                                           11,230,514.83                     11,336,628.27

           Taxes and surcharges                                                      4,240,824.77                      4,239,288.81

           Sales expenses

           Management expenses                                                      25,966,438.27                      6,007,122.13

           R&D expenses

           Financial expenses                                                       47,042,556.34                     32,313,823.38

             Including:interest expenses                                            47,157,530.56                     32,029,291.66

             Interest income                                                          134,790.30                           63,868.28

      Add:other income                                                                138,234.55                         919,605.04

           Investment income(Loss is listed with “-”)                               -836,172.91                        249,600.00

             Including:      investment    income    from                            -2,174,511.83
        associates and joint ventures

                          Derecognition     income        of
        financial assets measured at amortized cost

           Net exposure hedge income (Loss is listed
           with “-”)

           Fair value change income (Loss is listed with                               42,765.95                           28,771.73

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


           Expected credit loss (Loss is listed with “-”)                    -1,557,086.35                      -778,543.18

           Asset impairment loss (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Asset disposal income (Loss is listed with “-”)                    -223,987.77

II.Operating profit(Loss is listed with “-”)                               -76,085,092.68                    -38,648,035.14

     Add: non-operating income

     Less: non-operating expenses

III. Total profit(The total loss is listed with “-”)                       -76,085,092.68                    -38,648,035.14

     Less:income tax expenses                                                 20,539,842.93                     -9,717,029.89

IV. Net profit(Net loss is listed with “-”)                                -96,624,935.61                    -28,931,005.25

     i. Net profit from continuing operations(Net loss
is listed with “-”)                                                        -96,624,935.61                    -28,931,005.25

     ii.     Net        profit   from       discontinued
operations(Net loss is listed with “-”)

V. Net other comprehensive income                                            -16,800,000.00                     -7,500,000.00

     i. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified into profit or loss                                             -16,800,000.00                     -7,500,000.00

              1.Changes from the remeasurement of the
           defined benefit plan

              2.Other      comprehensive      income     that
           cannot be transferred to profit or loss under
           the equity method

              3.Changes in fair value of other equity                        -16,800,000.00                     -7,500,000.00

              4.Changes in fair value of the
           company's own credit risk


     ii. Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss

              1.Other comprehensive income of
           convertible profit and loss under the
           equity method

              2.Changes in fair value of other debt

              3.Financial assets reclassified
           into other comprehensive income

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

            4.Credit impairment provisions of
          other debt investment

            5.Cash flow hedge reserve

            6.Foreign currency financial statement
          translation difference


VI. Total comprehensive income                                               -113,424,935.61                    -36,431,005.25

VII. Earnings per share:

     ⅰ Basic earnings per share

     ⅱ Diluted earnings per share

 5.Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                     Items                                               2021                     2020

I.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

     Cash received from the sale of goods and the services                              5,172,563,759.32      13,887,896,355.44

     Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits

     Net increase in borrowing from central bank

     Net increase in funds borrow from other financial institutions

     Cash received from the original insurance contract premium

     Net cash received from reinsurance business

     Net increase in policyholders’ deposits and investment funds

     Cash charged with interest, handling fees and commissions

     Net increase in funds borrowed in

     Net increase in repurchase funds

     Net cash received from agent buying and selling of securities

     Taxes refund

     Other cash received related to other business activities                             171,941,814.92         282,559,487.03

Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                                       5,344,505,574.24      14,170,455,842.47

     Cash paid for the purchase of goods and services                                   1,687,330,079.68       1,992,245,380.72

     Net increase in customer loans and advances

     Net increase in deposit of central bank and interbank

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Cash paid for the original insurance contract

     Net increase in    borrowed funds

     Cash paid for interest, handling fees and commissions

     Cash paid for policy dividends

     Cash paid to and for employees                                                       6,340,168,377.45       5,483,601,700.80

     Various taxes paid                                                                     295,559,702.01         428,071,845.08

     Other cash paid for business activities                                              1,119,408,964.00       1,384,067,813.96

Subtotal of cash outflows from business activities                                        9,442,467,123.14       9,287,986,740.56

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities                                                  -4,097,961,548.90       4,882,469,101.91

II.Cash Flows from Investing Activities:

     Cash received from investment recovery                                               8,918,329,229.00      41,255,088,090.00

     Cash received from investment income                                                   247,231,808.99         194,836,246.67

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              3,012,387.24             206,748.59
     long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units                51,000,000.00

     Other cash received related to investing activities                                    200,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                        9,419,573,425.23      41,450,131,085.26

     Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                          1,366,834,155.42       1,325,074,196.98
     assets and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                                                             6,312,200,000.00      41,033,698,090.00

     Net increase in pledge loans

     Net cash paid for aquiring subsidiaries and other business units

     Other cash paid related to investing activities                                                               200,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities                                      7,679,034,155.42      42,558,772,286.98

Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities                                                   1,740,539,269.81      -1,108,641,201.72

III.Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

     Cash received from investment absorption

     Including:cash received from subsidiaries in absorbing minority

     Cash received from loans                                                             4,569,000,000.00       5,269,000,000.00

     Other cash received related to fundraising activities                                                           1,000,000.00

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                       4,569,000,000.00       5,270,000,000.00

      Cash paid for debt repayment                                                         5,389,000,000.00       4,167,000,000.00

      Cash paid for dividends, profits or interest payments                                  196,236,215.13       1,649,792,933.80

      Including:dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority

      Other cash paid related to financing activities                                        606,571,985.34           1,333,478.85

 Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                       6,191,808,200.47       5,818,126,412.65

 Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities                                                  -1,622,808,200.47        -548,126,412.65

 IV.Effect of the changes of the exchange rate on cash and the equivalents

 V.Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                              -3,980,230,479.56       3,225,701,487.54

      Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period         5,950,036,489.12           2,724,335,001.58

 VI.Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                          1,969,806,009.56       5,950,036,489.12

6. Parent company cash flow statement


                                      Items                                                 2021                     2020

 I. Cash flow from operating activities:

      Cash received from the sale of goods and services

      Tax refund

      Other cash received related to other business activities                              800,735,886.99         407,436,454.23

 Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                                          800,735,886.99         407,436,454.23

      Cash paid for the purchase of goods and services

      Cash paid to and for employees

      Various taxes paid                                                                      4,860,974.71           5,086,642.85

      Other cash paid for business activities                                             1,030,790,404.92         610,796,109.47

 Subtotal of cash outflows from business activities                                       1,035,651,379.63         615,882,752.32

 Net cash flow from operating activities                                                   -234,915,492.64        -208,446,298.09

 II. Cash flows from investing activities:

      Cash received from investment recovery                                                 82,700,000.00

      Cash received from investment income                                                    1,338,338.92       1,700,249,600.00

      Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and                  2,507,345.00
 other long-term assets

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

        Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business

        Other cash received related to investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities                                            86,545,683.92       1,700,249,600.00

        Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                                   55,497.58         300,000,000.00
assets and other long-term assets

        Cash paid for investment                                                              131,600,000.00         501,500,000.00

        Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units

        Other cash paid related to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities                                          131,655,497.58         801,500,000.00

Net cash flows from investing activities                                                      -45,109,813.66         898,749,600.00

III. Cash flow from financing activities:

        Cash received from investment absorption

        Cash received from the loan                                                         1,200,000,000.00       1,100,000,000.00

        Other cash received related to fundraising activities                                                          1,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                          1,200,000,000.00       1,101,000,000.00

        Cash paid for debt repayment                                                          870,000,000.00         230,000,000.00

        Cash paid for dividends, profits or interest payments                                  46,923,835.97       1,511,121,270.02

        Other cash paid related to financing activities                                                                1,333,478.85

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                           916,923,835.97       1,742,454,748.87

Net cash flow from financing activities                                                       283,076,164.03        -641,454,748.87

IV. Effect of the changes of the exchange rate on cash and the equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                    3,050,857.73          48,848,553.04

        Add:balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the                       55,780,356.37           6,931,803.33

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                              58,831,214.10          55,780,356.37

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

7.Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

8.Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                              Unit: RMB

      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Section III. General Information

    1. Overview of the company

    Offcn Education Technology Co.,Ltd.(referred to as the “company” or “the company”)was formerly known as Yaxia
Automobile Co.,Ltd.(refered to as “Yaxia Automobile”),Yaxia Automobile ,a limited company established by Wuhu Yaxia
Industrial Co., Ltd. On 30 November 30 2006, obtained the Enterprise Business license of Enterprise Legal Person NO.
3402012104768 issued by Wuhu Administration for industry and commerce. Yaxia Automobile was approved by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission (referred to as the "CSRC") for the approval of the initial public offering of Wuhu Yaxia
Automobile Co., Ltd. (CSRC License [2011] No. 1046) and issued 22 million RMB ordinary shares to the public and traded
on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in August 2011. The controlling shareholder is Anhui Yaxia Industrial Co., Ltd. (referred to

as “Yaxia Industrial”).On 1 July 2016, the company obtained the No. 91340200711040703A“Enterprise Business license
of Enterprise Legal Person” issued by the Wuhu Administration for Industry and Commerce. As of 31 December 2021, the
company's share capital is RMB 6,167,399,389.00.

    In accordance with the resolution of the third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Yaxia Automobile in
2018 and the resolution of the 24th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors, and approved by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission's Securities Regulatory Commission (2018) 1975, “On the approval of the major asset restructuring of Yaxia
Automobile Co., Ltd. and the issuance of shares to Lu Zhongfang and other assets of the approval of assets ” that Yaxia
Automobile swapped all assets and liabilities (“exchange-out assets”) other than the retained assets that do not constitute
business as of the date of the assessment of the benchmark for the equivalent portion (“exchange-in assets”) of 100.00% of
the equity in Beijing Zhonggong Education Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zhonggong Limited") respectively held by
11 counterparts, including Li Yongxin.And pay the difference between the exchange-out assets and the exchange-in assets
by issuing shares.

    On 27 December 2018, Yaxia Automobile and the counterpart Yaxia Industrial signed the Confirmation of Delivery of
Assets. The closing date of the exchange-out assets is 27 December 2018, from the date of delivery, Yaxia Automobile, the
counterparty will complete the delivery obligations, regardless of whether the exchange-out assets (including but not limited
to land use rights, home ownership, intellectual property rights and qualifications, permits, other intangible assets, etc.) is
actually completed, the ownership of the assets belongs to Yaxia Industrial, and all the rights, obligations, responsibilities
and risks related to the disposed assets (including contingent liabilities, hidden liabilities) are owned and undertaken by
Yaxia Industrial, which has the actual control and disposal rights over the exchange-out assets, and Yaxia Automobile no
longer has any actual rights. On the same day, Zhonggong Limited completed the registration procedures for industrial and
commercial changes on shareholder changematters. After the completion of this alteration, Yaxia Automobile holds a
100.00% stake in Zhonggong Limited, accordingly, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company will be
changed to Li Yongxin and Lu Zhongfang. On 2 February 2019, Yaxia Automobile changed its name and changed its scope
of business.

    On 23 January 2019, the registration procedures for the transfer of shares of the company and the new shares of the
company related to the restructuring transaction were completed.

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Unified social credit code:91340200711040703A

     Company residence: Wujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Yaxia Automobile City, Beijiang North

    Headquarters Address:23 Hanhua Century Building B, Xueqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing

    The nature of the industry:Education

    Customer nature:Mainly natural persons

    Scope of business: technology development, technical services, technology promotion, technology transfer ,technical
consulting and technology education and training (only branch to carry out this business)in the field of education and
science ; offering exhibition services, organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities (excluding performances),
conference services, and consult business management.(Projects subject to approval according to law can only carry out
business activities after approval by the relevant departments)

    The financial reporting was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 28 April 2022.

    2. The scope of the consolidated financial statements

    The consolidated scope of the consolidated financial statements of the company is determined on a control basis,
including the financial statements of the company and all subsidiaries.A subsidiary is an enterprise or entity controlled by
the company.The scope of the consolidated financial statements is detailed in note VIII (1)“Interest in subsidiaries”of this
report. Changes in the scope of consolidated financial statements are detailed in Note VII “Changes In The Consolidated
Scope” of this report.

     Section IV. Basis Of Preparation Of Financial Statements

    1. Basis of preparation

    The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis,according to the practical transactions,in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and based on the important accounting
policies and accounting estimates described below.

    2. Going concern

    The company evaluated the ability to continue operations for 12 months from 31 December 2021. After using all
available information to make an assessment, it did not find any matters and situations that have significant doubts about
the ability to continue operations. It is reasonable to prepare financial statements based on a going concern basis.

    Section V. The Company ’ s Significant Accounting Policies And Accounting

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

    The financial statements based on the above-mentioned preparation basis meet the requirements of the latest
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its application guidelines, interpretations, and other relevant
regulations (collectively referred to as "Enterprise Accounting Standards") issued by the Ministry of Finance, which truly and
completely present the company's financial position , financial performance,cash flows and other information for the year
then ended.

    In addition, the financial report compiled by reference to the listing and disclosure requirements of the disclosure
provisions of the Rules for the Information Disclosure and Compilation of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities
NO.15:--General Provisions for Financial Report(Revised in 2014) of CSRC as well as the Notice on Implementation of the
New Accounting Standards for Listed Companies(Letter of the accounting department [2018] no. 453).

    2. Accounting period and business cycle

    The Company’s accounting period starts from 1 January and ends on 31 December.

    3. Recording currency

    The Company adopts Renminbi (RMB) as their recording currency.

    4. Measurement attributes of the report items change and used in the current period

    Measurement attributes are adopted by the company including history cost,replacement cost,net realizable value,
present value,and fair value.

    5. Business combinations

    5.1 The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control

    The company realize achieve a merger under the same control in one transaction or through step-by-step multiple
transactions. Assets and liabilities obtaining from the merger of enterprise is measured according to the share of book value
of consolidated financial statements of final controlling party under the owner’s equity of combined party within combining
date. The difference between the book value of the net assets obtained from company and the book value of the
consideration the combination of payment (or the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) is adjusted to the
capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

    5.2 The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under uncommon control

    Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’ interest in the fair value of the acquiree’ identifiable net assets,
the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is measured at cost on initial recognition. If the
combination cost is less than the share of identifiable fair value of net assets of acquiree, firstly, conducting the review of
measurement is necessary to achieve the acquiree the identifiable assets, liabilities and the fair value of contingent
liabilities as well as the combination costs. The acquiree combination costs after reviews are still less than the fair value of
identifiable net asset, the difference will be included into the current profits and losses.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    By step-by-step multiple transaction to achieve business combinations not under common control should be handled in
the following order:

    (1)Adjust the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the equity held before the purchase date is
accounted for using the equity method, it is remeasured at the fair value of the equity on the purchase date, and the
difference between the fair value and its book value is included in the current investment income; Changes in other
comprehensive income and other owners' equity under the equity method shall be converted to the current income at the
acquisition date, except for other comprehensive income arising from the net liabilities or net assets’changes of the benefit
plan remeasured by the investee and. arising from changes in the fair value of investment in other equity instruments held.

    (2)Recognize goodwill (or the amount included in the current profit or loss). Compare the initial investment cost of the
adjusted long-term equity investment with the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the subsidiary that should be
enjoyed on the purchase date.   If the former is greater than the latter, the difference is recognized as goodwill;The former is
less than the latter, and the difference is booked into the current profit and loss.

    Circumstances of disposing of equity through multiple transactions to the loss of control of subsidiaries

    (1)Determine whether the various transactions in the process of step-by-step disposal of equity to the loss of control of
subsidiaries belong to the "package deal" principle

    Generally transactions in stages are treatment as a package deal in accounting if the transaction terms, conditions,
and economic impact of disposal of the subsidiary's equity interests comply with one or more of the following:

    1)These transactions are made simultaneously or with consideration of influence on each other;

    2)These transactions can only achieve a complete business outcome when treated as a whole;

    3)The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

    4 ) A transaction is uneconomical when treated alone, but is economical when considered together with other

     (2) Each transaction in the process of disposing of the equity in stages to the loss of control of the subsidiary belongs
to the "package deal" accounting method

    Disposal of various transactions in the equity investment of the subsidiary until the loss of control belongs to a package
of transactions, each transaction should be accounted for as a transaction that disposes of the subsidiary and loses control;
however, Before losing he control each time, the difference between the price and the share of the subsidiary's net asset
share corresponding to the disposal of the investment shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the
consolidated financial statements, and shall be transferred to the profit and loss for the period when control is lost.

    In the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity should be remeasured at its fair value on the date when
control is lost.The sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of the equity and the fair value of the remaining
equity, minus the difference between the shares of the net assets that should be continuously calculated by the atomic
company since the purchase date based on the original shareholding ratio, shall be included in the investment income of

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

the period when the company loses control.. Other comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary 's equity
investment shall be converted to current investment income or retained earnings when control is lost.

    (3)Each transaction in the process of disposing of equity in steps to the loss of control of a subsidiary is not an
accounting treatment of “package deal”

    If the disposal of the investment in the subsidiary does not lose control, the difference between the disposal price in the
consolidated financial statements and the share of the subsidiary ’s net asset to the disposal investment is included in the
capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium). If the capital premium is insufficient to offset,the retained earnings
should be adjusted.

    When disposing of the loss of control over the investment in a subsidiary, in the consolidated financial statements, the
remaining equity should be remeasured at its fair value on the date when control is lost. The sum of the consideration
obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity minus the share of the net assets that should
have been calculated by the original subsidiary from the date of purchase based on the original shareholding ratio is
included in the Investment income. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investment of the original subsidiary
shall be converted to current investment income or retained earnings when control is lost.

    6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

    Consolidated financial statements are based on the Parent’s and its subsidiaries’ financial statements in accordence
with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.33 – Consolidated financial statement.

    7. Classification of joint arrangement and accounting methods of joint operations

    7.1 Joint venture arrangements classification and Co-operation accounting treatment

    A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly by two or more parties . The joint arrangement has the following
characteristics: (1) all participants are bound by the arrangement; (2) two or more participants exercise joint control over the
arrangement. No single party shall be able to control the arrangement, and any party that has joint control over the
arrangement shall be able to prevent any other party or combination of parties from controlling the arrangement alone.

    Joint control refers to the shared control over a certain economic activity as required in the contract, and only exists
when all investors sharing such control related to the activity have consented.

    A joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture. A joint operation is a joint arrangement
whereby the joint operators have rights to the assets,and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint
venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint ventures only have the rights to the net assets under this arrangement.

    7.2 Accounting treatment of joint venture arrangement

    A joint operator shall recognize the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation, and account for them in
accordance with relevant accounting standards:1) Its solely-held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly;2) Its
solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;3) Its revenue from the sale of its share of the output
arising from the joint operation;4) Its share of the revenue from sale of the output by the joint operation; 5) Its

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solely-incurred expenses and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

    The participants in a joint venture shall, in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.2 long-term
equity investment, make accounting arrangements for the investment.

    8. Criteria for the determination of cash and cash equivalents

    The term "cash" of cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time.
The term of “cash equivalents” refers to short-term (usually due within 3 months from the acquisition date) and highly
liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of
changes in value.

    9. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation

    9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

    On initial recognition, a foreign currency amount, including share capital and capital reserves, is translated into
functional currency by applying the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction announced by People’s Bank of
China. At the balance sheet date, foreign currency balance comprised of foreign currency monetary items and foreign
currency non-monetary items, shall be adjusted: foreign currency monetary items, of which the exchange difference
between initial exchange rate and the spot exchange rate at the end of the period, shall be recognized into profit and loss
for the period; exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency for
constructing an asset that qualifies for capitalization shall be capitalized before it’s ready for intended use and recognized
into cost of construction in progress; foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value, the difference of which
shall be recognized into profit and loss for the period as fair value changes.

    9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

    The assets and liabilities of the balance sheet are translated using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date;
all items except for 'undistributed profits' of the owner's equity are translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction
date. The revenue and expenses in the income statement are translated using the approximate rate of the spot exchange
rate on the transaction date. Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements are recognised
as the other comprehensive income.

    10. Financial instruments

    10.1 Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

    The company recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes one party to the contractual
provisions of the instrument.

    All regular ways purchasing or selling of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade date basis.
Regular way purchasing or selling, means that receive or deliver financial assets within the time limit stipulated by
regulations or common practices, as agreed in the terms of the contract. Trade date, is the date the company promises to
buy in or sell out the financial assets.

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     The company derecognize the financial assets(either a part, or a part of a similar group),which is writing it off the
balance sheet, if following conditions are met:

     (1)Expiration of the right to receive cash flow from financial assets;

     (2)The right to receive cash flow from financial assets has been transferred, or bear the obligation to pay all cash
received to third party in time due to “Hand-Over arrangement”; and (a) all risks and benefits of the financial assets has
been transferred virtually, or (b) though not all risks and benefits of the financial assets has been transferred, but lose the
control of the financial assets.

     10.2 Classification and measurement of financial assets

     According to the business model for managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of
financial assets,the company’s financial assets has initially been classified as follows: financial assets at amortized cost,
and financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income,financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on its categories.

     The company's classification of financial assets is based on the company's business model and its characteristics of
cash flow.

     (1)Financial assets at amortized cost

     Financial assets are classified as financial assets at amortized cost when following conditions are met: the company’
s business model for managing financial assets targets to receive contractual cash flow; The contractual terms of the
financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of the principal and the interest
based on the outstanding principal amount. For such financial assets, using effective interest rate method and
subsequently measure at amortized cost, gains or losses arising from amortization or impairment are recognized in current
profit or loss.

     (2)Liability investment at fair value through other comprehensive income

     Financial assets are classified as liability investment at fair value through other comprehensive income when following
conditions are met:the company’s business model for managing financial assets targets both the collection of contractual
cash flows and the sale of financial assets; The contractual terms of the financial asset stipulate that the cash flow
generated on a specific date is only the payment of the principal and the interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
For such financial assets, subsequently measure at fair value. The discount or premium is amortized using the effective
interest method and recognized as interest income or expense. Except for the impairment loss and the exchange
differences of foreign monetary financial assets are recognized as profit or loss for the period, the changes in the fair value
of such financial assets are recognized in other comprehensive income, the accumulated gains or losses is transferred to
profit or loss until it’s derecognized. Interest income related to such financial assets is included in the current profit and

     (3)Equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income

     The company irrevocably designated the non-trading equity investment as financial assets at fair value through other
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comprehensive income, and only the related dividend income is recognized in profit or loss. The accumulated gains or
losses is transferred to retained earnings until it’s derecognized.

     (4)Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     Any financial assets that are not held in one of the two business models mentioned above are measured at fair value
through profit or loss.At the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches,
financial assets can be designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.For such financial assets,
subsequently measured at fair value, and all changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss.

     When and only when,the company changes its business model for managing financial assets it must reclassify all
affected financial assets.

     For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, the related transaction expense is directly recognized in current
profit or loss as incurred,and other financial assets’transaction expense is included in the initial recognition amount.

     10.3 Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

     The company ’ s financial assets have initially been classified as follows: financial liabilities at amortized cost and
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

     The financial liabilities meeting any of the following conditions can be designated as the financial liabilities at fair value
through profit and loss:(1) Such designation can eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches.(2)According
to corporate risk management or investment strategies as stated in formal written documents, the management and
performance evaluation of financial liability portfolios or combinations of financial assets and financial liabilities are based
on fair value , and reported to key management personnel on this basis within the enterprise.(3)Such financial liabilities
include embedded derivatives that need to be split separately.

     The company determines the classification of financial liabilities at initial recognition. For financial liabilities measured
at fair value through profit or loss, the related transaction expense is directly recognized in current profit or loss. The related
transaction expense of other financial liabilities is included in the initial recognition amount.

     Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on its categories:

     (1)Financial liabilities at amortized cost

     Based on amortized cost, subsequently measure it using the effective interest rate method.

     (2)Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     It includes financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities that are
designated at fair value through profit or loss.

     10.4 Offsetting of financial instruments

     If the following conditions are met at the same time, the net amount of the financial assets and financial liabilities offset
each other shall be shown in the balance sheet: there is a legal right to offset the recognized amount, and such legal right is

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currently enforceable;Plans to liquidate the financial asset on a net basis or simultaneously liquidate the financial liability.

    10.5 Impairment of financial assets

    Based on expected credit losses, the Company undertakes impairment treatment and confirms loss provisions of
financial assets at amortised cost, debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income and
financial guarantee contracts.Credit loss refers to the difference between the cash flow of all contracts discounted at the
original effective interest rate and the expected cash flow of all contracts receivables, i.e.the present value of all cash

    The company estimates, individually or in combination, the expected credit losses of financial assets measured at
amortized cost and financial assets (debt instruments) measured at fair value and whose changes are accounted for in
other comprehensive income, taking into account all reasonable and evidence-based information, including forward-looking

        (1) General model of expected credit loss

    If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the company shall
measure the loss provision at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instrument for the entire life
of the instrument; If the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, the
company shall measure the loss provision at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instrument in
the next 12 months. The increase or rollover amount of the loss provision shall be recorded in the current profit and loss as
an impairment loss or gain. For the company's specific assessment of credit risk, please refer to Note         IX of this report for
details. “Risks Associated With Financial Instruments”.

    The credit risk of the instrument is generally deemed to have increased significantly if the default is more than 30 days,
unless there is conclusive evidence that the credit risk of the instrument has not increased significantly since the initial

    Specifically, the company divides the process of credit impairment of financial instruments without credit impairment at
the time of purchase or origination into three stages. There are different accounting treatments for the impairment of
financial instruments at different stages:

    Stage 1: credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

    For the financial instrument at this stage, the enterprise shall measure the loss provision according to the expected
credit loss in the next 12 months, and calculate the interest income according to its book balance (that is, the impairment
provision is not deducted) and the actual interest rate (if the instrument is a financial asset, the same below).

    Stage 2: credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, but credit impairment has not yet occurred.

    For a financial instrument at this stage, the enterprise shall measure the loss provision according to the expected credit
loss of the instrument throughout its life, and calculate interest income according to its book balance and actual interest

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     Stage 3: credit impairment occurs after initial recognition

     For the financial instrument in this stage, the enterprise shall calculate the loss provision according to the expected
credit loss of the instrument throughout its lifetime, but the calculation of interest income is different from that of the financial
asset in the first two stages. For the financial assets whose credit impairment has occurred, the enterprise shall calculate
the interest income at its amortized cost (book balance less the impairment provision, that is, book value) and the actual
interest rate.

     For financial assets whose credit impairment has occurred at the time of purchase or origin, the enterprise shall only
recognize the changes in the expected credit loss during the whole duration after the initial recognition as loss provision,
and calculate interest income at its amortized cost and the actual interest rate adjusted by credit.

     ( 2) The company chooses not to compare the credit risk of a financial instrument with a lower credit risk on the
balance sheet date with the credit risk at the time of the initial recognition, but directly assumes that the credit risk of the
instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition.

     If the enterprise determine financial instruments, the lower the risk of default in the borrowers in the short-term ability to
fulfill its obligation to pay the contract cash flow is very strong, and even the economic situation and business environment
in a long term adverse change, also will not necessarily reduce the borrower's ability to fulfill its obligation to pay the
contract cash flow, then the financial instruments can be seen as a lower credit risk.

     (3)Receivables and lease receivables

     The company for the accounting standards for enterprises no. 14 - revenues, excluding provisions by major financing
elements (including according to the criteria does not consider no more than a year of financing elements) in the contract of
receivables, the simplified model of credit losses, always in accordance with the expected amount of credit losses
throughout the duration of measuring its losses.

     For receivables containing significant financing elements and lease receivables specified in the accounting standards
for business enterprises no. 21 -- leasing, the company makes an accounting policy choice and chooses to adopt a
simplified model of expected credit loss, that is, to measure the loss provision according to the amount equivalent to the
expected credit loss in the whole duration.

     10.6 Financial asset transfer

     If almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of financial assets have been transferred to the transferee, the financial
assets are derecognized; if almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are retained, the financial
assets are not derecognized.

     Neither transfer nor retain almost all risks and rewards of ownership of financial assets, which are dealt with as follows:
If the financial assets are abandoned, derecognize the financial assets and recognize the assets and liabilities; If not
abandoned, recognize the relevant financial assets according to the extent to which they continue to be involved in the
transferred financial assets, and recognize the related liabilities.

     If the transferred financial assets are continued to be involved by financial warranty, the assets should be recognized at
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lower of the book value of the financial assets and the financial warranty amount. The financial warranty amount refers to
the maximum amount of the consideration received that will be required to be repaid.

    11. Accounts receivable

    For accounts receivable, whether significant financing is involved or not, the simplified model of expected credit loss is
adopted. the Company will always measure its provision for loss based on the amount equivalent to the expected credit
loss of its entire duration, and the increase or reversal amount of the provision for loss resulting therefrom is included in the
profit and loss of the period as an impairment loss or gain.

    The company considers all reasonable and evidence-based information, including forward-looking information, to
estimate the expected credit loss of the accounts receivables individually or in combination.

    When a single financial asset can evaluate the expected credit loss information at a reasonable cost, the company
chooses to calculate the credit loss individually. When a single financial asset cannot evaluate the expected credit loss
information at a reasonable cost, the company will divide the accounts receivables into several combinations in accordance
with the characteristics of credit risk, and the expected credit loss is calculated on the basis of the combination. The basis
for determining the combination is as follows:

           Combination Type                           The basis for determining the combination

         Combination 1               Receivables from related companies

         Combination 2               Receivables from hotel services

         Combination 3               Other receivables

     For the accounts receivable classified as a combination, the company refers to the historical credit loss experience,
combines the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, and prepared a comparison table between
the age of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate for the entire duration to calculate the expected credit loss.

    12. Receivables financing

    If a financial asset meets the following conditions at the same time, it is classified as a financial assets at fair value
through other comprehensive income: The company's business model for managing the financial asset is to both collect
contract cash flows and sell financial assets; The contractual terms of the financial asset stipulate that the cash flows
generated on a particular date are only payments of principal and interest based on the amount of outstanding principal.

    The company will transfer the receivables held in the form of discount or endorsement, and this type of business is
more frequent and the amount involved is larger whose management business model is essentially to receive both contract
cash flows and sell.In accordance with the relevant provisions of financial instruments. the company classifies them as
financial assets that measure changes at fair value and account for changes in other comprehensive income.

    13. Other receivables

    The company adopts the general model of expected credit loss to deal with other receivables, as detailed in Note          III
(10) “Financial Instruments”.

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    The company considers all reasonable and substantiated information, including forward-looking information, to
estimate the expected credit losses of other receivables individually or in combination.

    When individual financial assets can expect credit losses at a reasonable cost evaluation of information, the company
choose individual credit losses, when individual financial assets not credit losses at a reasonable cost evaluation of
information, the company on the basis of credit risk characteristics could be divided into several other receivables portfolio,
based on the combination of computing expected credit losses, determine the basis of a combination is as follows:

                    Type                                                   Basis

         Combination 1               Amounts due from related parties

         Combination 2               Staff receivables, deposits, security deposits

         Combination 3               Receivables other than Portfolio 1, Portfolio 2

     For other receivables divided into portfolios, the company calculates the expected credit loss through default risk
exposure and expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the whole duration, by referring to the historical credit loss
experience and combining the current situation with the forecast of future economic conditions.

    14. Inventory

    14.1 Classification of inventories

    Inventories refer to the finished goods or commodities held for sale in daily activities, goods in progress in the
production process, consumed materials and supplies in the production process or providing services of the Company.

    14.2 Measurement of inventories transferred out

    Finished goods are accounted for using the weighted average at the end of the month method upon issuance.

    14.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value of inventories.

    At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If the net realizable
value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of inventories is made. For inventories of goods
directly used for sale,in the normal production and operation process, the net realizable value is determined by the amount
of the estimated selling price of the inventory less the estimated sales cost and relevant taxes and fees; for material
inventories that need to be processed, in the normal production and operation process, the net realizable value is
determined by the amount of the estimated selling price of finished products produced less the estimated cost to be
occurred at the time of completion, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes;on the balance sheet date, some of
the same inventory has if the contract price is agreed and there is no contract price in other parts, the net realizable value is
determined separately and compared with its corresponding cost to determine the amount of the provision for inventory
depreciation or reversal.

    14.4 Inventory count system

    The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

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    14.5 Amortization of low-value consumables and packages

    (1)Low-value consumables

    Low-value consumables are amortized by one-time write-off.


    Packages are amortized by one-time write-off.

    15. Contract asset

    1.Confirmation methods and standards of contract assets

    The company presented as contract assets or contract liabilities in the statement of financial position based on the
relationship between performance obligations and customer payments.The right that the company are entitled to collect the
consideration for having transferred goods or services to the client(except receivables)is presented as contract asset.

    2. Determination methods and accounting treatment methods of expected credit loss of contract assets

    The company adopts the simplified expected credit loss model for contract assets, regardless of whether it contains
major financing components, that is, the loss reserves are always measured according to the amount of expected credit
losses during the entire lifetime, and the resulting increase or reversal of the loss reserves are included in the current profit
and loss as an impairment loss or gain.

    16. Assets held-for-sale

    The company divides the corporate components(or non-current asset) that meet all of the following conditions into
holding for sale:(1)Based on the usual practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can
be sold immediately under current conditions;(2)The sale is highly probable, a resolution has been made on a sale plan
and a firm purchase commitment has been obtained and it is expected that the sale will be completed within one year.
Approvals from relevant authorities or regulatory authorities have been obtained in accordance with relevant regulations.

    The Company adjusts the expected net salvage value held for sale to reflect the net amount of its fair value less costs
to sell(not over its carrying amount). The difference between the original book value and the adjusted net residual value is
included in the profit or loss of the current period as an asset impairment loss. At the same time, provision for impairment of
assets held for sale was made. For the amount of impairment loss of assets confirmed by the disposal group held for sale,
the book value of goodwill in the disposal group should be offset first, and then the proportion of the book value of various
non-current assets measured in the disposal group according to the application of this standard measurement.
Proportionately deducts its book value.

    If the fair value of the non-current assets held for sale on the balance sheet date is less than the net value of the selling
expenses, the amount of the previous write-down shall be restored and the impairment of assets recognized after being
classified as held for sale shall be made. The amount of the loss is reversed and the amount reversed is included in the
current profit or loss. Impairment losses on assets recognized prior to classification as held for sale shall not be reversed. If
the fair value of the disposal group held for sale on the subsequent balance sheet day is increased, the net amount after the
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sale expense is increased, the amount of the previously written down amount shall be restored, and shall apply to the
measurement requirements of this standard after being classified as held for sale. The impairment loss of assets confirmed
by non-current assets is reversed within the amount, and the reversed amount is included in the current profit or loss. The

carrying amount of the goodwill that has been eliminated and the non-current assets applicable to the measurement of this
standard will not be reversed if it is recognized before the assets are classified as held for sale. The subsequent reversal of
the asset impairment loss confirmed by the disposal group held for sale shall be based on the proportion of the book value
of various non-current assets measured and applied in the disposal group in addition to goodwill, and shall increase its
book value proportionately.

    The company is committed to a sale plan involving loss of control of subsidiary shall classify all the assets and liabilities
of that subsidiary held for sale in consolidated balance sheets when the above criteria are met, regardless of whether the
Company retain a non-controlling interests in its former subsidiary after the sale.In the balance sheets of parent company
the investment should be classified as held for sale in full.

    17. Debt investment

    The Company uses the general model of expected credit losses for debt investment. For details, please refer to Note
III.(10) .“Financial Instruments”.

    18. Long-term equity investment

    18.1 Determination of investment costs

    (1)The business combinations under common control, the combined party to pay in cash, transfers non-cash assets,
assumed debt or equity securities as combined consideration, on the combining date according to the owner's equity in the
combined party on the final control party's share of the book value of the consolidated financial statements as its initial
investment cost. The difference between initial investment cost in the long-term equity investment and book value of the
paid merger consideration of the total amount of the face value of the issued shares to adjust capital reserves; if capital
reserves are insufficient to write-downs, it needs to adjust the retained earnings.

    Where a business combination under the same control is realized step by step, the combination date calculated on the
basis of the shareholding ratio shall enjoy the share of the book owner ’ s equity of the combined party as the initial
investment cost of the investment. The difference between the initial investment cost and the book value of the original
long-term equity investment plus the sum of the book values of further consideration paid for the new shares paid on the
merger date is adjusted for capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium).if capital reserve insufficient to offset,then
adjust retained earnings.

    (2)The business combinations not under common control, in accordance with the payment of the fair value of the
merger consideration is its initial investment cost on the acquisition date.

    (3)Except for the formation of enterprise merger: if the purchase price is paid in cash, the initial investment cost shall
be the purchase price actually paid;Where equity securities are issued, the fair value of equity securities issued shall be
taken as the initial investment cost;Where an investor invests, the initial investment cost shall be the value agreed upon in
the investment contract or agreement (except where the value agreed upon in the contract or agreement is not fair).

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    17.2 Subsequent measurement and recognition methods of profits and losses

    For the long-term equity investment controlled by the company to the investee, the company shall adopt the cost
method in the individual financial statements of the company; Long-term equity investments with joint control or significant
influence shall be accounted for using the equity method.

    Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost . Except for cash dividends
or profits already declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon acquisition of
the investment, investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends
or profit distributions declared by the investee,and at the same time whether long-term investment in accordance with the
relevant policy considerations of the declined value of asset impairment.

    For checking by the equity method, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is not adjusted if it is
greater than the fair value share of the net identifiable assets of the investee in the investment; if the initial investment cost
of the long-term equity investment is smaller than the fair value share of the net identifiable assets of the investee in the
investment, the balance is charged to current profit and loss and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted.

    When the equity method is adopted, after the acquisition of long-term equity investment, the investment profit and loss
shall be recognized and the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted according to the share of net profit
and loss realized by the investee that should be enjoyed or Shared. Upon confirmation of the invested entity shall be
accorded to the net profits and losses of the share, in order to obtain the invested entity, when the fair value of the
identifiable assets such as basis, according to the company's accounting policies and accounting periods, and offset and
associated enterprises and joint ventures between insider trading profits and losses according to the shareholding
calculation belongs to part of the investment enterprise (but insider trading loss belongs to the asset impairment loss,
should be a full confirmation), net income of the invested entity after adjustment for confirmation. According to the profit or
cash dividend declared to be distributed by the investee, calculate the share payable, and correspondingly reduce the book
value of the long-term equity investment. The company shall recognize the net loss incurred by the investee to the extent
that the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests substantially constituting the
net investment of the investee shall be written down to zero, except where the company is obligated to bear additional
losses. For the changes of owners' equity other than the net profit and loss of the investee, the book value of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted and included in the owners' equity.

    17.3 Determine the basis of controlling and significant influence on the invested entity

    Control refers to having the power over the investee, enjoying the variable return through participating in the investee's
relevant activities, and having the ability to use the power over the investee to affect the return amount; Major influence
means that the investor has the right to participate in the decision-making of the financial and business policies of the
investee, but cannot control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties.

    17.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

    (1)Partial disposal of a long-term equity investment in a subsidiary without loss of control

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    If part of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiary is disposed of without losing control, the difference between
the disposal price and the book value corresponding to the disposal investment shall be recognized as the current
investment income.

    (2)Loss of control over a subsidiary by partial disposal of an equity investment or other reasons

    If the company loses control over the subsidiary due to the disposal of equity investment or other reasons, the book
value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the sold equity shall be carried forward, and the difference
between the sale price and the book value of the disposal long-term equity investment shall be recognized as investment
income (loss); Meanwhile, the remaining equity shall be recognized as long-term equity investment or other relevant
financial assets according to its book value. If the remaining equity after disposal is able to exert joint control or significant
influence on the subsidiary, accounting treatment shall be conducted according to the relevant provisions of the conversion
from cost method to equity method.

    17.5 Methods of impairment assessment and determining the provision for impairment loss

    For the long term investment in subsidiaries, joint venture and associates, The Company reviews the long-term equity
investments at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication that they have suffered an impairment
loss. If an impairment indication exists, the recoverable amount is estimated. If such recoverable amount is less than its
carrying amount, a provision for impairment losses in respect of the deficit is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

    19. Investment property

    19.1 The Company’s investment properties include a land use right that is leased out; a land use right held for transfer
upon capital appreciation; and a building that is leased out.

    19.2 The Company uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and adopts a
depreciation or amortization policy for the investment property, which is consistent with that for fixed assets or intangible
assets. The Company reviews the investment properties at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any
indication that they have suffered an impairment loss. If there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, the
recoverable amounts are estimated for such assets. If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset Company is less
than its carrying amount, the deficit is accounted for as an impairment loss and is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

     20. Fixed asset

    20.1 Recognition, measurement and depreciation criteria for fixed assets

    Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to
others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more than one accounting year.

    Fixed assets are initially measured at acquisition cost, and depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line
method since the month subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use.

    20.2 Deprecation methods for each category of fixed assets

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                                                                        Depreciation       Residual value      Annual depreciation
         Category                       Deprecation methods
                                                                       period (years)          rate (%)               rate (%)

Houses and buildings            Straight-line depreciation method                 20-40                   5                 2.38-4.75

Decoration of fixed assets      Straight-line depreciation method                  4-10                   --             10.00-25.00

Transportation equipment        Straight-line depreciation method                      4                  5                      23.75

Electronic equipment            Straight-line depreciation method                   3-5                   5              19.00-31.67

Office equipment                Straight-line depreciation method                   3-5                   5              19.00-31.67

         20.3 Impairment method of fixed assets, impairment preparation provision method

        The date of balance sheet, some indications state clearly that the fixed assets conduct impairment, according to the

    difference between the book value and recoverable amount provision the corresponding impairment loss.

        21. Construction in progress

        21.1 Construction in progress should be transferred into fixed assets at its actual costs after it has reached the working
    condition for its intended use. Construction in progress that has reached the working condition but not completed, shall be
    transferred at its estimated costs. The estimated cost of construction in progress should be adjusted against the actual
    costs after completion of settlement, while the depreciation already provided will not be adjusted.

        21.2 The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that construction in progress
    may be impaired. If there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are estimated for such

        22. Borrowing cost

        22.1 Recognition criteria of capitalization

        Borrowing costs are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and activities
    relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended
    use or sale have commenced. Other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are

        22.2 Period of capitalization

        ( 1 ) Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying asset are
    capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and activities relating to the acquisition,
    construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have

        ( 2 ) Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced
    becomes ready for its intended use or sale. Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the
    acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is suspended abnormally and when the suspension is for a
    continuous period of more than 3 months. Capitalization is suspended until the acquisition, construction or production of the

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asset is resumed.

    ( 3 ) Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced
becomes ready for its intended use or sale,the borrowing costs stop capitalization.

    22.3 Capitalization amount of borrowing costs

    Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual
interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed
funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds
are borrowed under general-purpose borrowings, the Company determines the amount of interest to be capitalized on such
borrowings by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess of cumulative expenditures on the asset
over the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rate is the weighted average of the interest rates
applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

    23. Right-of-use assets

    Except for short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, at the commencement date of
the lease, the Company recognizes a right-of-use assets.

    The Company measures the right-of-use assets at cost. The cost of the right-of-use assets comprises:

    23.1 The amount of the initial measurement of the lease liabilities.

    23.2 Any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives.

    23.3 Any initial direct costs incurred by the Company.

    23.4 An estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the
site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the

    The company recognizes and measures the costs mentioned in item 4 above in accordance with the ASBE No. 13 -

    Initial direct costs are the incremental costs incurred to achieve the lease. Incremental costs are those costs that would
not have been incurred if the enterprise had not acquired the lease.

    Right-of-use assets are depreciated by the Company in accordance with the ASBE No.4 Fixed Assets. If the Company
is reasonably certain, that the lease will transfer ownership of the underlying asset to the Company by the end of the lease
term, the right-of-use assets is depreciated from the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying
asset. Otherwise, the right-of-use assets is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful
life of the right-of-use assets or the end of the lease term.

    The Company applies ASBE No. 8 Impairment of Assets, to determine whether the right-of-use assets are impaired
and perform accounting treatment to identified impairment loss.

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    24. Intangible assets

    24.1 Intangible assets, including land use rights etc. are recognized at costs.

    24.2 Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amotized in accordance with the expected realization method of the
economic benefits related to the intangible asset over its estimated useful life. If it is not possible to reliably determine the
expected realization method,use the straight-line method.The specific years are as follows:

                                Item                                               Useful life(Year)

          Land use rights                                                                                                40

          Software use rights                                                                                         5-10

          Trademark rights                                                                                               10

    24.3 The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the intangible assets with
definite life may be impaired. If there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are
estimated for such assets. If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset group is less than its carrying amount, the
deficit is accounted for as an impairment loss and is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For an intangible asset with
infinite useful life, the Company reviews the useful life and amortization method at the end of the period.

    24.4 Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the same time is
recognized as intangible asset. Expenditure during development phase that does not meet the following conditions is
recognized in profit or loss for the period.(1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be
available for use or sale;(2) The Company has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;(3) The
Company can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including the evidence
of the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally,
the usefulness of the intangible asset;(4) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete
the development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and(5) The expenditure attributable to the intangible
asset during its development phase can be reliably measured.

    25. Long-term asset impairment

    The enterprise should judge whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired at the balance sheet date.

    The goodwill and intangible assets with an uncertain useful life resulting from a business combination should be tested
for impairment annually, regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment.

    If the following signs exist, the assets may be impaired:

    (1) The market price of assets fell sharply in the current period, and the decline was significantly higher than the
expected decline due to the passage of time or normal use; (2) Significant changes of the economic, technical or legal
environment in which the enterprise operates and the market in which the assets are located will occur in the current period
or in the near future, which will adversely affect the company; (3) The market interest rate or other market investment

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returns have increased during the current period, which affects the company's discount rate for calculating the present
value of the expected future cash flow of assets, leading to the recoverable amount has been greatly reduced; (4) There is
evidence that the assets have become obsolete or their entities have been damaged; (5) The assets have been or will be

idle, terminated or planned to be disposed of in advance; (6)The evidence reported by the enterprise indicates that
economic performance of the assets has been or will be lower than expected, such as the net cash flow created by the
assets or the realized operating profit (or loss) is far lower (or higher) than the expected amount; (7) Other indications that
the asset may have signs of impairment.

     If there are any signs of asset impairment, the recoverable amount should be estimated.

     The recoverable amount should be determined based on the higher of the net amount of the fair value of the asset
minus the disposal costs and the present value of the estimated future cash flows of the asset.

     Disposal costs include legal costs related to asset disposal, related taxes, transportation charges, and direct costs
incurred to make the asset available for sale.

     The present value of the estimated future cash flows of the asset should be determined by discounting the amount of
the asset based on the expected future cash flow generated during the continuous use of the asset and at the time of final
disposal. The present value of the expected future cash flow of the asset should take into account factors such as the
estimated future cash flow of the asset, its useful life, and the discount rate.

     The measurement results of the recoverable amount indicate that if the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than
its book value, the book value of the asset should be written down to the recoverable amount, and the reduced amount
should be recognized as the asset impairment loss and included in the current profit and loss.Meanwhile, corresponding
provisions for asset impairment should be made.

     26. Long-term prepaid expenses

     Long-term prepaid expenses are recorded according to the actual amount incurred and amortized in the period of
benefit or within the prescribed period.If the long-term deferred expense item cannot benefit the subsequent accounting
period, the amortized value of the item that has not been amortized will be transferred into the current profit and loss.

     27. Contract liabilities

     The company presented as contract assets or contract liabilities in the statement of financial position based on the
relationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The company's obligation to transfer goods or
provide services to customers for consideration received or receivable from customers is presented as contract liabilities.

     28. Employee's salary

    Employee salary is to point to the all forms of remuneration or compensation that Company receive services rendered by
employees or give except share-based payment in order to terminate the labor relationship. Employee salary includes short-term
salary, severance welfare, dismissal benefits and other long-term employee benefits. The salary that Company offered to the
worker spouse, children, dependents, the deceased employee survivors and other beneficiaries, also belong to employee’s

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     28.1 Short-term employee benefits

    During the accounting period when the employees provide services, the company shall recognize the actual short-term
compensation as liabilities and record it into the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets. Among them, non-monetary
welfare is measured according to fair value.

     28.2 Termination benefits

    When the Company terminates the employment relationship with employees before the expiration of the employment
contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, if the Company
has a formal plan for termination of employment relationship or has made an offer for voluntary redundancy which will be
implemented immediately, and the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer,
a provision for the compensation payable arising from the termination of employment relationship with employees is
recognized with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the period, and include in current profits or losses.

     28.3 Defined contribution plan

    Pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, employees of the Company participate in the social
insurance system established and managed by government organization. The Company makes social insurance
contributions, including contributions to basic pension insurance at the applicable benchmarks and rates stipulated by the
government for the benefit of its employees. The pension insurance contributions are recognized as part of the cost of
assets or charged to profit or loss on an accrual basis.

    29. Lease liabilities

    Substantial On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the present value of the unpaid
lease payments as lease liabilities.

    The lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of the lease payment not yet paid on the start date of the
lease term.

    Lease payments include the following five items:

    29.1 Fixed payments and in-substance fixed payments, if there is a lease incentive, deduct the amount related to the
lease incentive.

    29.2 Variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate, which is determined at the time of initial measurement
based on the index or rate at the commencement date of the lease term.

    29.3 Exercise price for a purchase option provided that the lessee is reasonably certain that the option shall be

    29.4 Payments for exercising the option to terminate the lease provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee
shall exercise the option to terminate the lease option.

    29.5 Estimated payments due based on guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee.

    When calculating the present value of lease payments, the Company adopts the interest rate implicit in the lease as
the discount rate; if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be determined, the Company adopts the incremental
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borrowing rate as the discount rate.

    30. Estimated liabilities

    30.1 The company shall recognize this obligation as contingent liability when the obligations arising from the provision
of external guarantees, litigation matters, product quality guarantees, loss contracts and other contingencies become the
current obligations assumed by the company and the fulfillment of such obligations is likely to result in the outflow of
economic benefits from the company and the amount of such obligations can be reliably measured.

    30.2 The company shall initially measure the provisions according to the best estimate of the expenses required to
perform the relevant current obligations, and shall review the book value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet

    31. Share-based payment

    31.1 Categories of share-based payments

    Share-based payments comprise equity-settled and cash-settled payments.

    31.2 Determination of fair value of equity instruments

    (1)If there is an active market, it should be determined based on the quoted price in the active market.

    (2)If there is no active market, it is determined by using valuation techniques, including considering the prices used in
recent market transactions made by parties familiar with the situation and taking transactions voluntarily, and considering
the current fair values and cash flows of other financial instruments that are substantially the same discount method and
option pricing model.

    31.3 Basis for determining the best estimate of exercisable equity instruments

    The Company would make best estimate in accordance with the newly acquired information such as changes in the
number of employees entitled to equity instruments.

    31.4 Relevant accounting treatment of implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment plan

    (1)Equity-settled share-based payments

    Equity-settled share-based payments that are immediately available after the grant in exchange for employee services
are included in related costs or expenses based on the fair value of the equity instruments on the grant date, and the capital
reserve is adjusted accordingly. Equity-settled share-based payments for services that have been completed during the
waiting period or that are exercisable only if the required performance conditions are met are exchanged for employee
services. At each reporting date during the waiting period, the best estimate of the number of exercisable equity
instruments is based on the fair value of the equity instrument grant date, the services obtained in the current period are
included in related costs or expenses, and the capital reserve is adjusted accordingly.

    For equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services provided by other parties, if the fair value of
services provided by other parties can be reliably measured, they should be measured at the fair value of the services of

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other parties on the acquisition date; if the fair values of services provided by other parties cannot be measured reliably, but
for the equity instruments whose fair value can be reliably measured, they should be measured at the fair value of the
equity instrument on the date of service acquisition and included in related costs or expenses, increasing owner's equity


     (2)Cash-settled share-based payments

     The cash-settled share-based payment in exchange for employee services immediately after the grant is included in
the related costs or expenses at the fair value of the liability assumed by the company on the grant date, and the liability is
increased accordingly. Cash-settled share-based payments for services that have been completed within the waiting period
or that have met the required performance conditions in exchange for employee services are based on the best estimate of
the right to exercise at each balance sheet date during the waiting period, According to the fair value of liabilities assumed
by the company, the services obtained in the current period are included in related costs or expenses and corresponding

     (3)Modifying and terminating the share payment plan

     If the amendment increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the company will recognize the increase in
the acquisition of services in accordance with the increase in the fair value of the equity instruments; if the amendment
increases the number of equity instruments granted, the company will increase the value of the equity instruments. The fair
value is correspondingly recognized as an increase in access to services; if the company modifies the conditions of the
exercisable rights in a manner that benefits employees, the company considers the modified conditions of the exercisable
rights when processing the conditions of the exercisable rights.

     If the amendment reduces the fair value of the equity instrument granted, the company continues to recognize the
amount of services obtained based on the fair value of the equity instrument on the grant date, without considering the
decrease in the fair value of the equity instrument; if the amendment reduces the equity granted For the number of
instruments, the company will treat the reduction as the cancellation of the granted equity instruments; if the conditions of
the exercisable rights are modified in a manner that is not conducive to employees, the revised conditions of the
exercisable rights are not considered when processing the conditions of the exercisable rights.

     If the company cancels the granted equity instruments or clears the granted equity instruments during the waiting
period (except for those that are cancelled because the conditions of the exercisable rights are not met), the cancellation or
settlement is treated as an expedited exercisable right and the original Amount recognized during the remaining waiting

     32. Income

     32.1 Recognition of income

     The company's income is mainly education and training income.

     The company recognizes the income upon fulfillment of its performance obligations within the contract, that is, when
the client obtains control of the relevant goods.

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    32.2 The company classifies the nature of the relevant performance obligations in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the income standards to be "performance obligations performed within a specified period " or "performance
obligations performed at a specified time point ", and income recognition is carried out in accordance with the following


   (1)The performance obligations are to be perfomed within a specified period once the company meets one of the
following conditions :

    ① The client obtains and consumes the economic benefits while the company is fulfilling the performance obligations;

    ②   The client can control assets under construction while the company is still in the process of fulfilling the
performance obligations.

    ③ The asset generated while the company is in the process of performing the contract are indispensable, and the
company has the right to collect partial payments for the cumulative performance obligations that have been fulfilled so far
whthin the contract period.

    If the performance obligations are performed within the specified period , the company will recognize the income within
this period in accordance with the progress of the contract ’ s performance, however,except the performance progress
cannot be reasonably determined. The company considers the nature of the goods and adopts the output method or input
method to determine the appropriate performance progress.

    (2)If the performance obligations are performed at the specified time point , the company will recognize the income
at the time when the client obtains control over the relevant goods.

    In judging whether the client has obtained control over goods or services, the company shall consider the following

    ① The company has the current right to collect payment for the goods, that is, the customer has the current
obligations to pay for the goods.

    ② The company has transferred legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer already has the
legal ownership of the goods.

    ③ The company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has taken
physical possession of the goods .

    ④ The company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the
customer has obtained the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods.

    ⑤ The customer has accepted the goods.

    ⑥ Other signs that the customer has obtained control of the product.

    The specific policy of the company's income recognition:

    The company's income mainly includes ordinary class income and agreement class income. The income from

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face-to-face training of ordinary classes is recognized as income for all pre-collected training fees upon completion of
training services; income from online training of ordinary classes is recognized on a straight-line basis during the effective
period of service provision. The non-refundable portion of the income from the agreement class is recognized as revenue

when the training service is completed; the refundable portion is recognized as revenue when the non-refundable
conditions are met according to the agreement.

    32.3 Measurement of income

    The company shall measure revenue based on the transaction price allocated to each individual performance
obligation. When determining the transaction price, the company considers the influence of factors such as variable
consideration, major financing components in the contract, non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to

    (1)Variable consideration

    The company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration based on the expected value or the most
likely amount, but the transaction price including the variable consideration should not exceed the amount of the
accumulated recognized revenue that it is very likely that a significant reversal not occur when the relevant uncertainty is
eliminated. When an enterprise assesses whether it is very likely that a significant reversal of accumulated recognized
revenue will not occur, it should also consider the possibility of reversal of revenue and its proportion.

    (2)Major financing components

    When there is a significant financing component in the contract, the company shall determine the transaction price
based on the amount payable in cash when the customer is assumed to obtain control of the goods. The difference
between the transaction price and the contract consideration shall be amortized using the effective interest method during
the contract period.

    (3)Non-cash consideration

    If the customer pays a non-cash consideration, the company shall determine the transaction price based on the fair
value of the non-cash consideration. If the fair value of the non-cash consideration cannot be reasonably estimated, the
company determines the transaction price indirectly by referring to the stand-alone selling price of the goods it promises to
transfer to the customer.

    (4)Consideration payable to customers

    For the consideration payable to the customer, the consideration payable shall be offset by the transaction price, and
the current income is offset at the later point when the relevant income is recognized and the customer's consideration is
paid, except when the customer's consideration is payable to obtain other clearly distinguishable products from the

    If the enterprise pays the customer consideration to obtain other clearly distinguishable goods from the customer, it
shall confirm the purchased goods in a manner consistent with other purchases by the enterprise. If the consideration
payable by the enterprise to the customer exceeds the fair value of the clearly distinguishable commodity obtained from the
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customer, the exceeding amount shall be offset against the transaction price. If the fair value of the clearly distinguishable
goods obtained from the customer cannot be reasonably estimated, the enterprise shall offset the consideration payable to
the customer in full from the transaction price.

    33. Contract cost

    Contract costs are divided into contract performance costs and contract acquisition costs.

    If the cost incurred by the company to fulfill the contract meets the following conditions at the same time, it shall be
recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost:

    (1)The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing

expenses (or similar expenses), clearly the cost borne by the customer, and other costs incurred only due to the contract;

    (2)This cost increases the company's future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations;

    (3)The cost is expected to be recovered.

    The incremental cost incurred by the company to obtain the contract is expected to be recovered, and recognized as
an asset as the contract acquisition cost; however, if the asset amortization does not exceed one year, it can be included in
the current profit and loss when it occurs.

    Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of the revenue of goods or
services related to the asset.

    If the book value of assets related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the following two items, the
company will make provision for impairment of the excess part and recognize it as an asset impairment loss:

    (1)The remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services related to the asset;

    (2)Estimate the costs that will be incurred for the transfer of the related goods or services.

    If the aforementioned asset impairment provision is subsequently reversed, the book value of the asset after the
reversal shall not exceed the book value of the asset on the date of reversal under the assumption that no impairment
provision is made.

    34. Government subsidy

    34.1 Government grants include asset related government grants and income related government grants.

    34.2 If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or
receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot
be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount.

    34.3 The government grant adopts the total method

    (1)A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and amortized to profit or loss on a
reasonable and systematic basis over the useful life of the related asset. If the relevant assets are sold, transferred,

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scrapped or damaged before the end of their useful lives, the undistributed balance of related deferred income will be
transferred to the profit or loss of the asset disposal in the current period.

    ( 2 ) If a government grant related to income is used to compensate for the related expenses or losses in the
subsequent period, it shall be recognized as deferred income and shall be recorded in the current profit or loss in which the
relevant expenses are recognized; For the compensation of related expenses or losses that have occurred, they shall be
directly included in the current profits and losses.

    For government grants that include both the asset-related portion and the income-related portion, the different parts
are separately accounted for; if it is indistinguishable, the overall classification is revenue-related government subsidies.

    34.4 Government grants related to the company's daily activities in accordance with the nature of the economic
business are included in other income or written down the related costs; government grants that are unrelated to the daily
activities of the company shall be included in non-operating income and expenditure.

    35. Deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities

    35.1 According to the book value of the assets, liabilities and its tax base the difference between the (not confirmed
project as assets and liabilities of its tax base can be determined in accordance with the provisions of the tax law, the tax
base and the difference between the book number), according to the forecast of the asset is recovered or the applicable tax
rate calculation during the debt confirmed deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities.

    35.2 Confirm the deferred income tax assets to probably get used to making the deductible temporary differences are
limited to the amount of taxable income. During the balance sheet date, there is strong evidence that the future is likely to
obtain sufficient taxable income to offset the deductible temporary difference, confirm the unconfirmed deferred income tax
assets in previous accounting periods.

    35.3 On the balance sheet date, review the book value of the deferred income tax assets, and if during the period of
the future may not be able to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax assets, the
write-downs on the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If it is likely to obtain sufficient taxable income, return the
amount of write-downs.

    35.4 The Company's current income tax and deferred income tax as recorded into the profits and losses of the current
income tax expenses, or earnings, but does not include the income tax in the following circumstances: (1) The business
combination;(2) Direct confirmation of transactions or events in the owner's equity.

    36. Lease

    36.1 Lessee

    When the Company is the lessee, on the commencement date of the lease period, except for short-term leases and
low-value asset leases that are selected for simplified treatment, the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognized
for leases.

    After the commencement date of the lease period, the Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement

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of the right-of-use asset. With reference to the relevant depreciation provisions of "ASBE No. 4 - Fixed Assets",
depreciation is provided for right-of-use assets. If the lessee can reasonably determine that it will obtain the ownership of
the leased asset at the expiration of the lease term, it shall accrue depreciation over the remaining useful life of the leased

asset. If it cannot be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained at the expiration of the
lease term, depreciation shall be accrued in the shorter period between the lease term and the remaining useful life of the
leased asset. The Company determines whether the right-of-use asset is impaired in accordance with the "ASBE No. 8 -
Impairment of Assets", and performs accounting treatment on the identified impairment losses.

    The company calculates the interest expense of the lease liability during the lease term at a fixed interest rate and
includes it in the current profit and loss. According to the "ASBE No. 17 - Borrowing Expenses" and other standards that
should be included in the cost of relevant assets, such provisions shall apply.

    36.2 Lessor

    (1)Finance lease

     As the lessor, on the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivables
for the finance lease, derecognizes the finance lease assets, and calculates and recognizes the interest income in each
period of the lease term according to the fixed periodic interest rate.

    (2)Operating lease

    As the lessor, the Company shall, in each period of the lease term, adopt the straight-line method or other systematic
and reasonable method to recognize the lease receipts from operating leases as rental income. Capitalize the initial direct
expenses related to operating leases, amortize them on the same basis as rental income recognition during the lease term,
and include them in the current profit and loss by installments.

    For the fixed assets in the operating lease assets, the company shall adopt the depreciation policy for similar assets to
accrue depreciation; for other operating lease assets, it shall use a systematic and reasonable method for amortization
according to the enterprise accounting standards applicable to the assets. In accordance with the provisions of "ASBE No.
8 - Impairment of Assets", the company determines whether the operating lease assets are impaired and performs
corresponding accounting treatment.

     Section IV. Taxation

    1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

                Category of tax                   Basis of tax computation                          Tax rate

                                              Taxable revenue for sales of
       Value-added tax                                                                                     3%、5%、6%
                                              goods and supply of services

       City maintenance and
                                              Circulation Taxes payable                                          5%、7%
       construction tax

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                 Category of tax                  Basis of tax computation                          Tax rate

       Corporate income tax                   Taxable income                                           15%、20%、25%

       Education surcharge                    Circulation Taxes payable                                                3%

       Local education surcharge              Circulation Taxes payable                                                2%

     1.1 Value-added tax

    According to the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Comprehensively

Launching the Pilot Project of Changing Business Tax to Value-added Tax" (Cai Shui [2016] No. 36) and the "Ministry of

Finance and State Administration of Taxation on Clarifying the Reinsurance, Notice of the Real Estate Leasing and

Non-Certificate Education Policy (Cai Shui [2016] No. 68) related provisions, the company's subsidiaries and affiliates'

income from non-degree education services are subject to VAT at 3% and 6% tax rates .

    The company and its subsidiaries operate leased buildings and buildings in accordance with the relevant provisions of

the “ Statement of the State Administration of Taxation on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Administration of

Value-added Tax Levy of Real Estate Operating Leasing Services Provided by Taxpayers ” (State Administration of

Taxation Announcement 2016 No. 16) You can choose to apply the simple tax calculation method and calculate the amount

of VAT payable according to the 5% levy rate.

    1.2 Corporate income tax

    (1)The company's subsidiary, Zhonggong Limited Income Tax, is paid in advance by each branch at the place of
registration, and the head office is settled and paid.

    (2)The company has different taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates, as detailed below:

                                     Name of the company                                                Tax rate

       1. The Company                                                                                     25%

       2. Offcn Ltd.                                                                                      15%

       3.Wuhu Yawei Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd                                                     20%

       4.Ningguo Yaxia Motor Vehicle Driver Training School (Co., Ltd.)                                   20%

       5.Huangshan Yaxia Fudi Automobile Sales Services Co., Ltd.                                         20%

       6.Chaohu Yaxia Kaixuan Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.                                          20%

       7.Bozhou Yaxia Motor Vehicle Driver Training School Co., Ltd.                                      20%

       8.Suzhou Bokai Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.                                                  20%

       9.Shaanxi Offcn Education Technology Co. Ltd.                                                      25%

       10.Chengdu Offcn Future Education Training School Co. Ltd.                                         25%

       11.Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                                     25%

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                              Name of the company                                              Tax rate

12.Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd.                                   25%

13.Zhejiang Offcn Education Technology Co. Ltd..                                                 20%

14.Taizhou Offcn Future Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.                               20%

15.Wenling Offcn Information Consulting Co., Ltd                                                 20%

16.Beijing Offcn Xinzhiyu Online Technology Co., Ltd.                                            20%

17.Hulun Buir Hailar Offcn Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd..                           20%

18.Xilinhot Offcn Future Education Consulting Co., Ltd                                           20%

19.Yueqing Lecheng Offcn Training Center Co., Ltd..                                              20%

20.Jiaozuo Offcn Future Education Service Co., Ltd                                               20%

21.Xinzheng Offcn Cultural Communication Co., Ltd..                                              20%

22.Chongqing Jiangbei Offcn Vocational Examination Training Co., Ltd.                            20%

23.Nanning Offcn Future Education Consulting Co., Ltd.                                           20%

24.Baiyin Offcn Future Education Consulting Co., Ltd.                                            20%

25.Beijing Xinde Zhiyuan Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd..                             20%

26.Nanjing Huiyue Hotel Management Co., Ltd.                                                     20%

27.Shandong Kunzhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                                       20%

28.Sanmenxia Offcn Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.                                              20%

29.Liaoning Offcn Academic & Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd.                                         20%

30.Liaoning Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 25%

31.Shandong Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 25%

32.Jilin Changyi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                       20%

33.Yuxi Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                                          20%

34.Tonghua Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                                       15%

35.Hunan Lightsalt Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd..                                         20%

36.Tianjin Hexi Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                                  20%

37.Chengdu Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                             20%

38.Shandong Zhuoda Business Management Co., Ltd.                                                 20%

39.Liaoning Zhongcheng Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd.                                          20%

40.Wuhu Offcn Training School Co. Ltd.                                                           20%

41.Wuhan Guoshang Human Resource Service Co., Ltd.                                               25%

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                     Name of the company                                            Tax rate

       42.Jinan Zhangqiu Offcn Training School Co.,Ltd.                                               20%

       43.Mengzi Offcn Education Training Co. Ltd..                                                   20%

       44.Beijing Offcn Technology Development Co. Ltd..                                              20%

       45.Shanghai Offcn Education Technology Co. Ltd.                                                20%

       46.Guangzhou Offcn Smart Education Technology Co. Ltd.                                         20%

       47.Pingshan Offcn Education Technology Co. Ltd.                                                20%

       48.Shandong Offcn Education Training School Co. Ltd.                                           20%

       49.Lanzhou Offcn Education Training School Co. Ltd.                                            20%

       50.Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                    20%

       51.Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                                      20%

       52.Dali Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                              20%

       53.Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                    20%

       54.Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                                                     20%

       55.Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                                             20%

       56.Beijing Offcn Century Education Technology Co., Ltd                                         25%

     2. Policies and basis of the important tax incentives

    2.1 Value-added tax

    (1)According to the "Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Clarifying
the VAT Exemption Policy for Small-scale VAT Taxpayers" (Cai Shui [2021] No. 11), in order to further support the
development of small and micro enterprises, from 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022, small-scale value-added taxpayers
with monthly sales of less than RMB 150,000 (including the principal) are exempt from value-added tax. The company's
subsidiaries and subsidiaries that meet the exemption conditions are exempt from VAT.

    ( 2 ) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Relevant
Policies on Deduction of Value Added Tax for Special Equipment and Technical Maintenance Costs of Value Added Tax
Control System (Cai Shui [2012] No. 15), the VAT taxpayers in 2011 for the first purchase of special equipment for the VAT
tax control system (including separate ticket machines) after December 1 (including the same below), the VAT invoice
obtained from the purchase of special equipment for the VAT tax control system can be used for the full amount of the VAT
payable is deducted (the deduction is the total amount of price and tax), and the deduction that is insufficient can be carried
forward to the next period to continue the deduction. The VAT taxpayer's technical maintenance fee paid after 1 December
2011 (excluding the technical maintenance fee paid before 30 November 2011) can be added to the value of the technical
maintenance fee invoice issued by the technical maintenance service unit. The full amount of the tax payable is deductible,
and those that are insufficient for deduction can be carried forward to the next period to continue the deduction. The

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

company and the qualified subsidiaries and subsidiaries should deduct the VAT payable amount in full according to the

    (3)In accordance with the "Announcement on Supporting Tax Policies for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia
Epidemic Caused by the Novel Coronavirus Infection" (Announcement No. 8 of 2020 by the Ministry of Finance and the
State Administration of Taxation), income from providing with public transportation services, daily life services, and
delivering services for residents with essential living materials by the taxpayer is exempt from value-added tax. The specific
scope of public transportation services shall be implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on Issues Related to the
Pilot Program of Changing Sales Tax to Value-Added Tax" (Published and issued by Caishui [2016] No. 36). The specific
scope of life services and express delivery services shall be implemented in accordance with the "Sales Services,
Intangible Assets, and Real Estate Notes" (issued by Caishui [2016] No. 36). The company ’ s qualified subordinate
branches and subsidiaries that meet the exemption conditions are exempt from the value-added tax.

    ( 4 ) According to the "Announcement on Deepening the Relevant Policies of Value-Added Tax Reform"
(Announcement No. 39, 2019 of the State Administration of Taxation, Ministry of Finance), from April 1, 2019 to December
31, 2021, production and living are allowed Taxpayers in the production and living service industry add 10% to the
deductible input tax for the current period to deduct the tax payable. The company’s qualified subordinate branches and
subsidiaries will additionally deduct the value-added tax payable according to this preferential policy.

    2.2 Education surcharge, local education surcharge

    According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Expanding the
Exemption Scope of Government Funds(Cai Shui [2016] No. 12), starting from 1 February 2016, additional education fees
will be exempted, The scope of the local education supplement and water conservancy construction fund should be
expanded by the current obligees who pay monthly taxes or monthly sales or turnover of not more than RMB 30,000
(quarterly taxation of quarterly sales or turnover of not more than RMB 90,000). To the obligor who pays the monthly sales
or turnover of not more than RMB 100,000 (the quarterly sales or turnover of the quarterly tax does not exceed RMB
300,000). Subsidiaries and subsidiaries of the company that meet the conditions for exemption are exempted from
education surcharge and local education surcharge.

    2.3 Corporate income tax

    (1)On October 21, 2020, Zhonggong Co., Ltd. passed the high-tech enterprise certification organized by the Beijing
State Taxation Bureau, Beijing Local Taxation Bureau, Beijing Finance Bureau, and Beijing Science and Technology
Commission, and obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate numbered GR202011002730. The certificate is valid from
October 21, 2020 to October 20, 2023. Zhong Gong Co., Ltd. and its subordinate branch calculated and paid corporate
income tax at a tax rate of 15%.

    ( 2 ) On September 28, 2021, Tonghua Zhonggong Training School Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, was
recognized by the Jilin Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, the Jilin Provincial Department of
Finance, and the Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate
No. GR202122000472. The certificate is valid. From September 28, 2021 to September 27, 2024, Tonghua Zhonggong

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

Training School Co., Ltd. calculates and pays corporate income tax at a rate of 15%.

    (3)According to the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Matters Concerning the Implementation
of Income Tax Preferential Policies Supporting the Development of Small and Low-profit Enterprises and Individual
Industrial and Commercial Households (State Administration of Taxation Announcement No.8 [2021]), from January 1, 2021
to December 2022 On March 31, the annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises does not exceed 1 million
yuan, which will be included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 12.5%, and the enterprise income tax will be paid at
the tax rate of 20%. Qualified subsidiaries of the Company apply this policy to calculate and pay corporate income tax.

    (4)According to the "Notice on Clearly Enjoying the Scope of Small and Low-Profit Enterprises that Are Exempted
from the Local Share of Coporate Income Tax of the "Notice of the People ’ s Government of the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region Party Committee and Autonomous Region" (State Administration of Taxation Announcement No.8
[2021]) For small and low-profit enterprises with a taxable income of no more than 1 million yuan, in accordance with the "
Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Matters Concerning the Implementation of Income Tax
Preferential Policies Supporting the Development of Small and Low-profit Enterprises and Individual Industrial and
Commercial Households" (Caishui [2019] No. 13), the annual taxable income is reduced by12.5%. After calculating the
corporate income tax at a tax rate of 20%, the taxable income is exempted from the local share of corporate income tax (ie
40%) in accordance with the "Notice issued by the People’s Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party
Committee and Autonomous Region" (Nei Dangfa [2018] No. 23) section). The company's qualified subsidiaries shall apply
this policy to calculate and pay corporate income tax.

     Section V.Changes In Accounting Policies And Accouting Estimates, And
Corrections of Accounting Errors

    1. Changes in Accounting Policies

    1.1 The company's eighteenth meeting of the fifth board of directors held on April 28, 2021 approved the adoption of
the relevant provisions of the"ASBE No. 21 - Leasing" (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 35) from January 1, 2021. It is stipulated that
the amount of right-of-use assets, lease liabilities, retained earnings at the beginning of the year and other related items in
the financial statements should be adjusted according to the cumulative impact, and no adjustment will be made to the
information of comparable periods.The impact of accounting policy see note .V.4 and V.5.

    According to the provisions of the new lease standards, the company chooses not to re-evaluate whether a contract is
a lease or contains a lease for a contract that existed before the date of initial application.

    (1)The company as the lessee

     The Company has elected to adjust only the cumulative impact of lease contracts that have not been completed as of
January 1, 2021. The cumulative effect amount of the first execution adjusts the amount of retained earnings and other
related items in the financial statements at the beginning of the current period of the first execution (i.e. January 1, 2021),
and no adjustment is made to the comparable period information.

    Under the new lease standards, the Company no longer distinguishes between finance leases and operating leases.
                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

The Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all leases (except short-term leases and leases of
low-value assets for which the simplified treatment method is selected).

    For operating leases prior to the date of initial application, the Company measures the lease liability based on the
present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the incremental borrowing rate on the date of initial
application, while each lease is based on an amount equal to the lease liability and based on prepaid rent Make the
necessary adjustments to determine the right-of-use asset.

    The Company conducts impairment test on right-of-use assets and performs corresponding accounting treatment in
accordance with relevant regulations on asset impairment.

    The Company has adopted the following simplified treatment for operating leases prior to the date of initial execution:

    1)When measuring lease liabilities, the same discount rate may be used for leases with similar characteristics; the
measurement of right-of-use assets may not include initial direct costs;

    2)If there is an option to renew the lease or to terminate the lease, the company will determine the lease term
according to the actual exercise of the option before the first execution date and other latest information;

    3)As an alternative to the right-of-use asset impairment test, the Company assesses whether a contract containing a
lease is onerous before the date of initial application, and adjusts the right-of-use asset based on the amount of the loss
provision included in the balance sheet before the date of initial application;

    4)No retrospective adjustment will be made for lease changes before the first implementation date, and accounting
treatment will be carried out in accordance with the new lease standards according to the final arrangements for lease

    (2)The company as the lessor

    The Company does not need any transitional adjustment for the lease as the lessor, and will carry out accounting
treatment in accordance with the new lease standards from the date of initial implementation.

     1.2 The Company has adopted the relevant provisions of the Interpretation No. 14 of ASBE (Cai Kuai [2021] No. 1)
from January 1, 2021. Adjust the amount of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other related items in the
financial statements according to the cumulative impact, and do not adjust the information for comparable periods.
Changes in accounting policies have no impact on the Company.
     1.3 From January 1, 2021, the company adopts the relevant provisions of "Related Presentation of Centralized Fund
Management" in "Accounting Standards for Business Interpretation No. 15" (Cai Kuai [2021] No. 35). For the financial
statements of the enterprise that have not been presented in accordance with the above provisions before the release, the
financial statement data of the comparable period shall be adjusted accordingly in accordance with this Interpretation.
Changes in accounting policies have no impact on the Company.

    2. Changes in Accounting Estimates


    3. Corrections of Accounting Errors of Prior Period

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


    4. Implemented the new lease standards for the first time and adjusted the relevant items in the financial
statements at the beginning of the year.

                       Consolidated Balance Sheet                                          Unit:RMB

                        Item                        31 December 2020        1 January 2021             Ajustment

Current Assets:

Cash and cash equivalents                             5,950,395,089.12        5,950,395,089.12

△Settlement reserve

△Due from banks and other financial institutions

Financial assets held for trading                       983,205,858.25          983,205,858.25

Derivative Financial assets

Notes Receivable

Accounts Receivable                                      21,493,637.66            21,493,637.66

Financing receivables

Prepayments                                               2,204,120.00             2,204,120.00

△Premium receivable

△Reinsurance premiun receivable

△Reserve receivable for reinsurance

Other receivables                                       304,318,966.20          304,318,966.20

Inc: interest receivables

    Dividends receivables

△Financial assets purchased under resale


Contract assets

Available for sale assets

Non-current assets due within one year                1,985,873,462.75        1,985,873,462.75

Other current assets                                    175,179,650.61            44,858,022.80       -130,321,627.81

Total current assets                                  9,422,670,784.59        9,292,349,156.78        -130,321,627.81

Non-current assets:

                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                          Item               31 December 2020        1 January 2021             Ajustment

△Loans And Advances

Debt investments

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments

Other equity instruments                         152,800,000.00          152,800,000.00

Other non-current financial assets               208,450,315.01          208,450,315.01

Investment properties                            668,014,515.82          668,014,515.82

Fixed assets                                   1,612,792,592.67        1,612,792,592.67

Construction in progress                         214,248,125.04          214,248,125.04

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right-of-use assets                                                    1,491,006,998.14       1,491,006,998.14

Intangible assets                                426,352,455.75          426,352,455.75

Development expenditure

Goodwill                                          99,867,720.38            99,867,720.38

Long-term prepaid expenses                       440,955,377.93          412,508,666.20         -28,446,711.73

Deferred tax assets                               21,606,436.77            21,606,436.77

Other non-current assets                       1,151,091,703.31        1,151,091,703.31

               Total Non-current Assets        4,996,179,242.68        6,458,739,529.09       1,462,560,286.41

                       Total Assets           14,418,850,027.27       15,751,088,685.87       1,332,238,658.60

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings                          3,976,019,329.22        3,976,019,329.22

△Borrowings from central bank

△Placement from banks and other financial

Financial liabilities held for trading

Derivative Financial liabilitiels

Notes payable

accounts payable                                 211,824,402.86           211,824,402.86

                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                         Item                   31 December 2020        1 January 2021             Ajustment

Receipts in advance

Contract liabilities                              4,925,428,309.33        4,925,428,309.33

△Financial assets sold under repurchase

△Absorbing deposit and deposit in inter-bank

△Customer deposits for trading in securities

△Amounts due to issuer for securities

Employee benefits payable                           637,448,433.99          637,448,433.99

Taxes payable                                       131,111,770.78          131,111,770.78

Other payable                                         9,479,383.03             9,479,383.03

Inc: Interest payables

     Dividends payables

△Fees and commissions payable

△Reinsurance accounts payable

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current Liabilities due within One Year                                 699,372,590.26         699,372,590.26

Other current liabilities                           147,765,156.66          147,765,156.66

             Total Current Liabilities           10,039,076,785.87       10,738,449,376.13         699,372,590.26

Non-current Liabilities:

△Deposits for insurance contracts

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Inc: preference share

     Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities                                                           632,866,068.34         632,866,068.34

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits payable


                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                           Item                       31 December 2020            1 January 2021             Ajustment

Deferred Income

Deferred tax liabilities                                   104,677,444.59             104,677,444.59

Other non-current liabilities

          Total Non-current Liabilities                    104,677,444.59             737,543,512.93         632,866,068.34

                  Total Liabilities                     10,143,754,230.46          11,475,992,889.06       1,332,238,658.60


Paid-in capital (share capital)                            103,807,623.00             103,807,623.00

Other equity instrument

Inc: preference share

     Perpetual bond

Capital reserve                                          1,225,481,049.50           1,225,481,049.50

Deduct: Treasury shares

Other comprehensive income                                  30,000,000.00               30,000,000.00

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                             45,000,000.00               45,000,000.00

△General risk reserve

Retained earnings                                        2,870,839,120.70           2,870,839,120.70

   Total Owners' Equity Attributable To the
                                                         4,275,127,793.20           4,275,127,793.20

Minority interests                                                -31,996.39               -31,996.39

              Total Owners' Equity                       4,275,095,796.81           4,275,095,796.81

     Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity               14,418,850,027.27          15,751,088,685.87       1,332,238,658.60

    Description of the adjustment of each item:

    On January 1, 2021, the Company adopted the relevant provisions of ASBE No. 21 - Leases (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 35).
Adjust the amount of right-of-use assets, lease liabilities, retained earnings at the beginning of the year and other related
items in the financial statements according to the cumulative impact, and do not adjust the information for comparable
periods. Changes in accounting policies resulted in the following changes in the consolidated balance sheet data on
January 1, 2021: other current assets decreased by RMB 130,321,627.81; right-of-use assets increased by RMB
1,491,006,998.14; long-term deferred expenses decreased by RMB 28,446,711.73; other non-current liabilities due within
one year increased by RMB 699,372,590.26; lease liabilities increased by RMB 632,866,068.34.

                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                Parent’s Balance Sheet                                   Unit:RMB

                        Item                        31 December 2020          1 January 2021              Ajustment

Current Assets:

Cash and cash equivalents                                  56,138,356.37            56,138,356.37

△Settlement reserve

△Due from banks and other financial institutions

Financial assets held for trading                           1,630,453.37             1,630,453.37

Derivative Financial assets

Notes Receivable

Accounts Receivable                                        14,792,320.38            14,792,320.38

Financing receivables


△Premium receivable

△Reinsurance premiun receivable

△Reserve receivable for reinsurance

Other receivables                                         621,900,443.29           621,900,443.29

Inc: interest receivables

    Dividends receivables

△Financial assets purchased under resale



Contract assets

Available for sale assets

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets

              Total current assets                        694,461,573.41           694,461,573.41

Non-current assets:

△Loans And Advances

Debt investments

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables
                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                          Item               31 December 2020        1 January 2021              Ajustment

Long-term equity investments                  18,582,307,907.14       18,582,307,907.14

Other equity instruments                         152,800,000.00           152,800,000.00

Other non-current financial assets

Investment properties                            384,641,527.88           384,641,527.88

Fixed assets                                     383,060,000.00           383,060,000.00

Construction in progress                          72,569,103.57            72,569,103.57

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right-of-use assets

Intangible assets

Development expenditure


Long-term prepaid expenses

Deferred tax assets                               20,529,151.44            20,529,151.44

Other non-current assets                         501,095,111.10           501,095,111.10

               Total Non-current Assets       20,097,002,801.13       20,097,002,801.13

                       Total Assets           20,791,464,374.54       20,791,464,374.54

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings                            871,083,875.00           871,083,875.00

△Borrowings from central bank

△Placement from banks and other financial

Financial liabilities held for trading

Derivative Financial liabilitiels

Notes payable

accounts payable                                  83,621,752.26            83,621,752.26

Receipts in advance

Contract liabilities

△Financial assets sold under repurchase

                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                           Item                 31 December 2020        1 January 2021              Ajustment

△Absorbing deposit and deposit in inter-bank

△Customer deposits for trading in securities

△Amounts due to issuer for securities

Employee benefits payable

Taxes payable                                         1,437,291.71             1,437,291.71

Other payable                                       446,606,530.72           446,606,530.72

Inc: Interest payables

     Dividends payables

△Fees and commissions payable

△Reinsurance accounts payable

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current Liabilities due within One Year

Other current liabilities

             Total Current Liabilities            1,402,749,449.69         1,402,749,449.69

Non-current Liabilities:

△Deposits for insurance contracts

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Inc: preference share

     Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits payable


Deferred Income

Deferred tax liabilities                             10,007,613.34            10,007,613.34

Other non-current liabilities

          Total Non-current Liabilities              10,007,613.34            10,007,613.34

                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                         Item                      31 December 2020           1 January 2021              Ajustment

                   Total Liabilities                   1,412,757,063.03          1,412,757,063.03


Paid-in capital (share capital)                        6,167,399,389.00          6,167,399,389.00

Other equity instrument

Inc: preference share

     Perpetual bond

Capital reserve                                       12,775,326,370.33        12,775,326,370.33

Deduct: Treasury shares

Other comprehensive income                                30,000,000.00             30,000,000.00

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                          387,458,806.65            387,458,806.65

△General risk reserve

Retained earnings                                         18,522,745.53             18,522,745.53

                 Total Owners' Equity                 19,378,707,311.51        19,378,707,311.51

     Total Liabilities and Owners' Equity             20,791,464,374.54        20,791,464,374.54

    5.Explanation on retrospective adjustment of prior period comparative data under the new lease standard for
the first time

    The Company adjusted the retained earnings at the beginning of the year and other related items in the financial
statements based on the cumulative impacts in accordance with the new lease standards. No adjustments were made to
the previous comparative data.

     Section VI. Consolidated Financial Statement Project Notes

    “The opening balance” refers to the balance on 1 January 2021 and “the closing balance” refers to the balance on
31 December 2021. “The prior period” is the year of 2020 and “The current period” is the year of 2021.

    1. Monetary funds

                       Item                       Closing balance                      Opening balance

       Cash                                                       62,362.45                             67,906.76

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     Item                             Closing balance                         Opening balance

       Bank balances                                            1,756,140,584.62                       5,882,201,630.73

       Other currency funds                                       214,158,325.57                            68,125,551.63

                     Total                                      1,970,361,272.64                       5,950,395,089.12

    Note: 1. Other currency funds mainly include the balance of third-party payment platforms such as POS, Tenpay and
Alipay and so on

           2. At the end of the period, there are mortgages, pledges, freezing, and other restricted funds. For details,
please refer to Note VI (52) “Assets with restricted ownership or use rights”.

           3. There were no funds deposited overseas at the end of the period.

    2. Transactional financial assets

                                       Item                                      Closing balance      Opening balance

       Financial assets classified as at fair value through profit or loss         346,726,621.74          983,205,858.25

       Including: Debt instrument investment                                       346,726,621.74          983,205,858.25

                                       Total                                       346,726,621.74          983,205,858.25

    3. Accounts receivable

    3.1 Disclosure by aging

                     Aging                            Closing balance                         Opening balance

       Within 1 year (inclusive)                                     23,537,021.54                          22,622,309.65

       1-2 years (inclusive)                                         20,016,302.00                               2,715.00

       Less: Provision for bad debts                                  3,178,481.27                           1,131,386.99

                     Total                                           40,374,842.27                          21,493,637.66

    3.2 Classified disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                         Closing balance

                                                Book balance                    Bad debt provision
                                                          Proportion                        Proportion       Book value
                                           Amount                              Amount
                                                               (%)                              (%)

       Accounts receivables for
                                        43,553,323.54           100.00       3,178,481.27           7.30    40,374,842.27
       which bad debt provision

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                        Closing balance

                                              Book balance                    Bad debt provision
                                                        Proportion                         Proportion       Book value
                                          Amount                             Amount
                                                           (%)                                 (%)
  has been assessed by
  credit risk portfoliosTotal

  Inc:Combination2                       3,530,335.54            8.11       176,985.38            5.01      3,353,350.16

      Combination3                   40,022,988.00            91.89       3,001,495.89            7.50     37,021,492.11

                Total                43,553,323.54           100.00       3,178,481.27               --    40,374,842.27


                                                                     Opening balance

                                              Book balance                    Bad debt provision
                                                        Proportion                         Proportion       Book value
                                          Amount                             Amount
                                                           (%)                                 (%)

  Accounts receivables for
  which bad debt provision
                                     22,625,024.65           100.00       1,131,386.99            5.00     21,493,637.66
  has been assessed by
  credit risk portfoliosTotal

  Inc:Combination2                       2,618,094.65         11.57         131,040.49            5.01      2,487,054.16

      Combination3                   20,006,930.00            88.43       1,000,346.50            5.00     19,006,583.50

                Total                22,625,024.65           100.00       1,131,386.99               --    21,493,637.66

Accounts receivables for which bad debt provision has been assessed by credit risk portfolios total:

                                                                             Closing balance
                                                Accounts Receivable            Bad debt provision         Proportion (%)

  Inc:Combination2                                       3,530,335.54                    176,985.38                 5.01

  Inc:Combination3                                      40,022,988.00                   3,001,495.89                7.50

                       Total                            43,553,323.54                   3,178,481.27                    --

3.3 Bad debt provision

         Item                  Opening                     Changes in the period                              Closing
                               balance                                                                        balance

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                    recovery                        Other
                                                    Provision                       Write-off
                                                                   or reversal                    changes

        Provision for bad
        debts of accounts        1,131,386.99     2,047,094.28                                                  3,178,481.27

              Total              1,131,386.99     2,047,094.28                                                  3,178,481.27

  3.4 Top 5 accounts receivable at the end of the period

                         Nature of               Closing            Bad debt                                Percentage of total
   Creditor                                                                               Aging
                             payment             balance            provision                          accounts receivable(%)

                      Lease payments            40,000,000.00      2,999,999.99      Within 2 year                               91.84

Customer 1            Hotel service              1,424,677.50           71,233.88    Within 1 year                                3.27

Customer 2            Hotel service              1,292,261.00           64,613.05    Within 1 year                                2.97

Customer 3            Hotel service               244,856.00            12,242.80    Within 1 year                                0.56

Customer 4            Hotel service               115,703.00             5,785.15    Within 1 year                                0.27

     Total                                      43,077,497.50      3,153,874.87                                                  98.91

  4. Prepayments

  4.1 Disclosure by aging

                                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance
                                                   Amount                  Proportion           Amount              Proportion

         Within 1 year (inclusive)                     1,438,350.00             100.00          2,204,120.00            100.00

                     Total                             1,438,350.00             100.00          2,204,120.00            100.00

  4.2 Top five entities with the largest balances of prepayments

                                                                                                Percentage of
                                                Nature of        Closing                                              Bad debt
                      Creditor                                                   Aging       total advances
                                                payment          balance                                             provision

        Nanjing Eurasian Air Passenger                                           Within
                                                  Ticket         798,055.00                                 55.48
        Transport Agent Co., Ltd                                                 1 year

        Nanjing      Tuniu      International                                    Within
                                                  Ticket         640,295.00                                 44.52
        Travel Service Co., L                                                    1 year

                        Total                                   1,438,350.00                             100.00

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

5. Other receivables

5.1 Classified listing

                  Item                              Closing balance                       Opening balance

           Other receivables                                 219,501,061.83                         304,318,966.20

                                  Total                      219,501,061.83                         304,318,966.20

5.2 Other receivables

5.2.1 Disclosure by aging

                         Aging                              Closing balance                  Opening balance

   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                          185,478,538.64                267,173,451.40

   1-2 years (inclusive)                                                8,746,012.76                 12,454,633.59

   2-3 years (inclusive)                                               11,575,869.13                     6,657,947.72

   3-4 years (inclusive)                                                5,104,417.72                     1,787,284.88

   4-5 years (inclusive)                                                1,769,524.36                     9,138,241.31

   Over 5 years                                                        13,686,855.19                     7,995,108.15

   Less: Provision for bad debts                                        6,860,155.97                      887,700.85

                         Total                                        219,501,061.83                304,318,966.20

5.2.2 Other receivables by nature of the payment

                          Item                               Closing balance                  Opening balance

   Deposits and guarantees                                            217,158,729.61                302,437,947.35

   Reserve                                                                265,275.00                          120.00

   Disbursement fee and other                                           2,077,057.22                     1,880,898.85

                          Total                                       219,501,061.83                304,318,966.20

5.2.3 Withdrawing process of bad debt provision

                                          The first stage     second stage             The third stage

                                                             Expected credit        Expected credit
                                      Expected credit
     Bad debt provision                                     loss for the entire   losses for the entire          Total
                                          losses in the
                                                              duration (no           duration (credit
                                      next 12 months
                                                            credit impairment     impairment loss has

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                     loss)                 occurred)

Balance as of 1 January 2021                                          377,400.85                510,300.00       887,700.85

Balance of other receivables on 1
January 2021 during the current

——transferred to stage 2

——transferred to stage 3

——transferred back stage 2

——transferred back to stage 1

Provision during the current
                                                                     6,482,755.12                               6,482,755.12

Reversal during the current

Resale during the current peirod

Wrtie-off during the current
                                                                                                510,300.00       510,300.00

Other changes

Balance as of 31 December 2021                                       6,860,155.97                               6,860,155.97

 5.2.4 Situation of bad debt provision

                                                               Changes in the period
                             Opening                                                                        Closing
             Item                                               recovery                     Other
                              balance         Provision                       Write-off                    balance
                                                               or reversal                  changes

     Provision for bad
     debts    of     other   887,700.85      6,482,755.12                    510,300.00                   6,860,155.97

             Total           887,700.85      6,482,755.12                    510,300.00                   6,860,155.97

 5.2.5 Other receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                      Item                                                Amount charge off

                      Other receivables actually written-off                                 510,300.00

 5.2.6 Top 5 other receivable at the end of the period

                                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                 Percentage of          Closing
                                                                                   Closing                         total other         balance of
               Creditor                         Nature of payment                                    Aging
                                                                                   balance                         receivables         bad debt
                                                                                                                       (%)             provision

Beijing    Construction      Engineering
                                              Deposits and guarantees        124,498,000.00 Within 1 year                    55.00 6,224,900.00
Real Estate Co., Ltd

Beijing   Huaxia     Shunxin       Property
                                              Deposits and guarantees            25,000,000.00 Within 1 year                 11.04
Management Co., Ltd

Hainan Gahexin Technology Co., Ltd Deposits and guarantees                       15,000,000.00 Within 1 year                  6.63

Shenyang       Lijing      Pearl      Hotel
                                              Deposits and guarantees             5,675,200.00 Over 5 years                   2.51
Management Co., Ltd

Harbin Yuheng Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                                Within 1 year
                                              Deposits and guarantees             3,961,093.75                                1.75
Ltd                                                                                              Over 5 years

                   Total                                                     174,134,293.75                                  76.93 6,224,900.00

          6. Non-current assets due within one year

                                                                                 Item      Closing balance        Opening balance

                           Debt investment due within one year                                                     1,985,873,462.75

                                              Total                                                                1,985,873,462.75

          7. Other current assets

                               Item                                  Closing balance                         Opening balance

            Pending payment                                                         12,833,701.81                     41,832,345.30

            Advance tax                                                             13,869,795.74

            Prepaid expenses                                                        10,255,632.25                      3,025,677.50

                                                      Total                         36,959,129.80                     44,858,022.80

          8. Debt investment

                                                         Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                    Item                                      Impairment                          Book       Impairment        Book
                                      Book balance                               Book value
                                                              provision                          balance      provision        value

               Time deposit             7,058,993.55                             7,058,993.55

                            Total       7,058,993.55                             7,058,993.55

                                                                                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

          9. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                 Changes for the year                                                                       Closing

                                                                                                         Other                  Cash dividends                                             balance
            The invested             Opening                                     Investment                             Other                     Provision                 Closing
                                                                                                  comprehensive                   or profits                                             of provision
                                     balance     Increase        Decrease        profit under                       equity                           for       Others       balance
                entity                                                                                                                                                                        for
                                                                                                         income                 announced of
                                                                                equity method                       change                       impairment
                                                                                                       adjustment                 issuance


Beijing Zhongwang Future Education
                                               100,000,000.00   51,000,000.00    -2,149,635.60                                                                           46,850,364.40
Technology Co., Ltd

                Total                          100,000,000.00   51,000,000.00    -2,149,635.60                                                                           46,850,364.40

                                                                            Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

          10. Other equity investment

          10.1 Other equity investment

                                       Item                                 Closing balance                 Opening balance

             Shanghai Zuihuibao Network Technology Co., Ltd.                       103,600,000.00                 126,000,000.00

             Anhui Ningguo Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                          26,800,000.00                  26,800,000.00

                                       Total                                       130,400,000.00                 152,800,000.00

          10.2 Investment in non-trading equity instruments

                                                                                    Amount of            Reasons for the         Reasons for
                                                                                      other         designation as being         transferring
                                 Recognized                                       comprehensive          measured at fair            other
                                                   Cumulative     Accumulated
            Item                  dividend                                           income         value and the change        comprehensive
                                                       gain          loss
                                   income                                         transferred to         included in other         income to
                                                                                     retained            comprehensive             retained
                                                                                    earnings                  income               earnings

Shanghai Zuihuibao Network                                                                               Plan for long-term
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                          holding

Anhui     Ningguo      Rural                                                                             Plan for long-term
Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                                                                                     holding

            Total                1,327,872.00     17,600,000.00

          11. Other non-current financial assets

                                               Item                                 Closing balance           Opening balance

             Beijing Jinwu Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership)                 30,260,000.00              38,050,000.00

             Financial product                                                                                    170,400,315.01

                                               Total                                    30,260,000.00             208,450,315.01

          12. Investment property

          12.1Investment real estate measurement model

          Investment real estate with cost measurement model :

                                                                     Houses and               Land use
                                   Item                                                                                 Total
                                                                      buildings                 rights

             1.Original carrying amount

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                      Houses and               Land use
                        Item                                                                        Total
                                                       buildings                 rights

  1.1 Opening balance                                  377,111,222.22        473,825,849.87     850,937,072.09

  1.2 Increase in the current period

  1.3 Decrease in the current period                                           3,201,828.13       3,201,828.13

  1.3.1 Disposal                                                               3,201,828.13       3,201,828.13

  1.4 Closing balance                                  377,111,222.22        470,624,021.74     847,735,243.96

  2. Accumulated depreciation and

  2.1 Opening balance                                    50,891,399.79        71,833,552.56     122,724,952.35

  2.2 Increase in the current period                        9,000,262.93      11,354,161.39      20,354,424.32

  2.2.1 Accrual or amortization                             9,000,262.93      11,354,161.39      20,354,424.32

  2.3 Decrease in the current period                                             478,278.09         478,278.09

  2.3.1 Disposal                                                                 478,278.09         478,278.09

  2.4 Closing balance                                       59,891,662.72     82,709,435.86     142,601,098.58

  3. Provision for impairment

  3.1 Opening balance                                       6,556,268.55      53,641,335.37      60,197,603.92

  3.2 Increase in the current period

  3.3 Decrease in the current period

  3.4 Closing balance                                       6,556,268.55      53,641,335.37      60,197,603.92

  4.Book value

  4.1 Closing balance                                    310,663,290.95       334,273,250.51      644,936,541.46

  4.2 Opening balance                                    319,663,553.88       348,350,961.94      668,014,515.82

12.2 The situation of investment real estate that has not completed the property right certificate

           Item                Closing balance   Reasons for not completing the property right certificate

  Houses and buildings          263,850,928.19                              In progress

  Land use rights                 5,149,979.01                              In progress

13. Fixed assets

13.1 Presentation

                 Item                        Closing balance                        Opening balance

           Fixed assets                             1,770,372,338.85                           1,612,792,592.67

                                Total               1,770,372,338.85                           1,612,792,592.67

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

             13.2 Fixed assets

             13.2.1 Fixed assets situation

                             Houses and       Decoration of   Transportatio     Electronic           Office
         Item                                                                                                            Total
                              buildings       fixed assets    n equipment       equipment          equipment

I.Original carrying

1.Opening balance         1,554,597,283.39    64,708,424.02   79,864,456.42   221,718,295.47     12,041,667.21     1,932,930,126.51

1.2 Increase in the
                            243,690,788.14                       733,750.00    13,566,679.73          39,376.40      258,030,594.27
current period

1.2.1 Purchase                 9,798,328.75                      733,750.00    13,566,679.73          39,376.40        24,138,134.88

1.2.2 Other increases       233,892,459.39                                                                           233,892,459.39

1.3 Decrease in the
                                                                 632,059.91                                               632,059.91
current period

1.3.1 Disposal or
                                                                 632,059.91                                               632,059.91

1.4 Closing balance       1,798,288,071.53    64,708,424.02   79,966,146.51   235,284,975.20     12,081,043.61     2,190,328,660.87


2.1 Opening balance           95,350,935.18   23,777,361.06   67,037,779.49   123,219,503.77     10,672,970.00       320,058,549.50

2.2 Increase in the
                              53,479,752.98    9,836,387.16    4,203,652.49    32,178,961.58         359,845.02      100,058,599.23
current period

2.2.1 Provision               53,479,752.98    9,836,387.16    4,203,652.49    32,178,961.58         359,845.02      100,058,599.23

2.3 Decrease in the
                                                                 239,811.05                                               239,811.05
current period

2.3.1 Disposal or
                                                                 239,811.05                                               239,811.05

2.4 Closing balance         148,830,688.16    33,613,748.22   71,001,620.93   155,398,465.35     11,032,815.02       419,877,337.68

III. Provision for

3.1 Opening balance                                                                  4,309.80         74,674.54            78,984.34

3.2 Increase in the
current period

3.3 Decrease in the
current period

3.4 Closing balance                                                                  4,309.80         74,674.54            78,984.34

IV. Book value

4.1 Closing balance       1,649,457,383.37    31,094,675.80    8,964,525.58    79,882,200.05         973,554.05    1,770,372,338.85

                                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                Houses and           Decoration of     Transportatio      Electronic           Office
       Item                                                                                                                         Total
                                  buildings          fixed assets      n equipment        equipment          equipment

4.2 Opening balance            1,459,246,348.21      40,931,062.96     12,826,676.93     98,494,481.90       1,294,022.67    1,612,792,592.67

             Note: Other increases are due to the acquisition of Lu'an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. and
      Lu'an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. in the current period.

             13.2.2 The situation of fixed assets that have not completed the title certificate

                                                                                              Reasons for not completing the
                                              Item                   Carrying amount
                                                                                                       property right certificate

                          Houses and buildings                        371,414,975.96                                 In progress

             14. Construction in progress

             14.1 Master list

                                   Item                              Closing balance                    Opening balance

                        Construction in progress                      294,785,678.31                     214,248,125.04

                                                     Total            294,785,678.31                     214,248,125.04

             14.2 Construction in progress

             14.2.1 Construction in progress

                                                  Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                        Item                         Impairment                                           Impairment
                                 Book balance                         Book value       Book balance                         Book value
                                                      provision                                            provision

    Offcn             Fushun
                                 157,099,898.91                      157,099,898.91    140,287,691.52                     140,287,691.52

    Rizhao       Learning
                                  63,725,345.88                       63,725,345.88

    Yaxia             Bozhou
                                  62,847,721.95                       62,847,721.95     62,847,721.95                       62,847,721.95
    Fortune Plaza

                                   9,721,381.62                        9,721,381.62      9,721,381.62                        9,721,381.62
    Bozhou 4S Stores

    Huangshan           Fudi
                                   1,391,329.95                        1,391,329.95      1,391,329.95                        1,391,329.95

              Total              294,785,678.31                      294,785,678.31    214,248,125.04                     214,248,125.04

             14.2.2 Changes in important construction projects in the current period
                                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                      Opening         Increase in the     Transfer to        Other           Closing
        Item            Budget amount
                                                      balance         current period    fixed assets       decreases         balance

Offcn        Fushun
                         330,000,000.00         140,287,691.52         16,812,207.39                                      157,099,898.91

Rizhao Learning
                       1,000,000,000.00                                63,725,345.88                                       63,725,345.88

        Total          1,330,000,000.00         140,287,691.52         80,537,553.27                                      220,825,244.79


                                                         Amount of             Including:                Interest
  Amount injected as a            Construction
                                                        accumulated            capitalized         capitalization            Source of
  proportion of budget             progress
                                                         capitalized         interest for the       rate for the              funds
         amount (%)                     (%)
                                                           interest              period                 period (%)

                       47.61                  47.61                                                                          self-funds

                        6.37                   6.37                                                                          self-funds

                             --                  --

        15. Right-of-use assets

                                   Item                                  Houses and buildings                   Total

           1.Original carrying amount

           1.1 Opening balance                                                 1,491,006,998.14               1,491,006,998.14

           1.2 Increase in the current period                                    368,668,630.21                 368,668,630.21

           1.2.1 Add a lease contract                                            368,668,630.21                 368,668,630.21

           1.3 Decrease in the current period                                      73,601,114.44                    73,601,114.44

           1.3.1 Lease expiry                                                     58,175,992.36                     58,175,992.36

           1.3.2 Expires early                                                    15,425,122.08                     15,425,122.08

           1.4 Closing balance                                                 1,786,074,513.91               1,786,074,513.91

           2. Accumulated amortization

           1.Opening balance                                                     503,643,895.04                 503,643,895.04

           2.2 Increase in the current period                                    503,643,895.04                 503,643,895.04

           2.2.1 Provision                                                        59,849,768.21                     59,849,768.21

           2.3 Decrease in the current period                                     58,175,992.36                     58,175,992.36

           2.3.1 Lease expiry                                                       1,673,775.85                     1,673,775.85

           2.3.2 Expires early                                                   443,794,126.83                 443,794,126.83

           2.4 Closing balance                                                   503,643,895.04                 503,643,895.04
                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                              Item                           Houses and buildings                  Total

      3. Impairment provision

      3.1 Opening balance

      3.2 Increase in the current period

      3.3 Decrease in the current period

      3.4 Closing balance

      4. Book value

      4.1 Closing balance                                           1,342,280,387.08             1,342,280,387.08

      4.2 Opening balance                                           1,491,006,998.14             1,491,006,998.14

   16. Intangible assets

   16.1 Intangible assets

                  Item                Land use rights      Software use rights    Trademark rights            Total

1.Original carrying amount

1.1 Opening balance                    446,725,693.93             7,774,286.02         7,140,521.53        461,640,501.48

1.2 Increase in the current period     463,327,047.50                                                      463,327,047.50

1.2.1 Purchase                         136,098,747.50                                                      136,098,747.50

1.2.2 Other increases                  327,228,300.00                                                      327,228,300.00

1.3 Decrease in the current period

1.4 Closing balance                    910,052,741.43             7,774,286.02         7,140,521.53        924,967,548.98

2. Accumulated amortization

1.Opening balance                          29,028,132.73          3,810,053.83         2,446,748.17         35,284,934.73

2.2 Increase in the current period         21,616,899.76            706,888.17           728,165.47         23,051,953.40

2.2.1 Provision                            21,616,899.76            706,888.17           728,165.47         23,051,953.40

2.3 Decrease in the current period

2.4 Closing balance                        50,645,032.49          4,516,942.00         3,174,913.64         58,336,888.13

3. Impairment provision

3.1 Opening balance                                                    3,111.00                                  3,111.00

3.2 Increase in the current period

3.3 Decrease in the current period

3.4 Closing balance                                                    3,111.00                                  3,111.00

4. Book value

4.1 Closing balance                    859,407,708.94             3,254,233.02         3,965,607.89        866,627,549.85

4.2 Opening balance                    417,697,561.20             3,961,121.19         4,693,773.36        426,352,455.75

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

     Note: Other increases are due to the acquisition of Lu'an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. and
Lu'an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. in the current period.

    16.2 Land use right without property certification held

                                                                                    Reasons for not completing the
                                  Item                  Closing balance
                                                                                          property right certificate

                        Land use rights                  257,463,145.70                                   In progress

    17. Goodwill

    17.1 Original book value of goodwill

                                                       Increase in the         Decrease in the
       Name of the investee                            current period           current period
                                     Opening                                                              Closing
        and item resulting in                       Formed by
                                     balance                                                              balance
                     goodwill                        business       others   Dispose       others

       Shandong     Kunzhong
                                  39,378,573.51                                                      39,378,573.51
       Real Estate Co., Ltd.

       Nanjing Huiyue Hotel
                                  60,489,146.87                                                      60,489,146.87
       Management Co., Ltd.

                Total             99,867,720.38                                                      99,867,720.38

    17.2 Goodwill impairment provision


    17.3 Relevant information of asset group or combination of asset group where goodwill is located

    The company acquired Shandong Kunzhong Real Estate Co., Ltd. in 2016 and generated goodwill of RMB
39,378,573.51. The goodwill was divided into corresponding asset groups with a book value of RMB 178,960,953.83. The
recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus the disposal

    The company's acquisition of Nanjing Huiyue Hotel Management Co., Ltd. in 2018 generated goodwill of RMB
60,489,146.87, which was divided into corresponding asset groups with a book value of RMB 188,191,547.68. The
recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus the disposal

    17.4.Goodwill impairment testing process, key parameters and confirmation method of goodwill impairment loss

    The method of provision for impairment is detailed in Note III (25) Impairment of long-term assets.

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    The recoverable amount of the company's asset group including goodwill is estimated by using the net amount of the
fair value of the asset group in which the goodwill is located less the disposal costs. As the main assets have a fair value
that can be referred to in the market, the market comparison method is used to estimate the fair value of the base date of

the assets to be estimated, taking into account differences in time, transaction, regional and individual factors. For other
assets, combined with the actual situation of assets, the cost method is adopted to determine the fair value of the assets to
be appraised on the base date .The company entrusted an asset assessment company to conduct an impairment test on
goodwill. After testing, no goodwill was found to be impaired, and no provision for impairment was made.

    18. Long-term prepaid expenses

                                     Opening          Increase in      Amortization        Other           Closing
                                      balance          the period      for the period    reductions        balance

                                   400,291,298.64    35,524,590.00     66,684,829.78                    369,131,058.86

       Other                        12,217,367.56     1,402,059.83      2,559,479.87                     11,059,947.52

                Total              412,508,666.20    36,926,649.83     69,244,309.65                    380,191,006.38

     19. Deferred income tax assets and Deferred income tax liabilities

    19.1 Unoffset deferred income tax assets

                                                                    Closing balance                   Opening balance
                                                      Deductible                          Deductible
                          Item                                         Deferred tax                       Deferred tax
                                                      temporary                            temporary
                                                                             assets                              assets
                                                      differences                         differences

       Provision for impairment losses of
                                                     7,097,408.69      1,143,919.39      1,879,621.51       412,811.14

       Deductible losses                        2,816,982,346.58     422,547,351.99     84,774,502.49    21,193,625.63

       Changes       in     fair   value   of
                                                     2,240,000.00        336,000.00
       held-for-trading financial assets

                          Total                 2,826,319,755.27     424,027,271.38     86,654,124.00    21,606,436.77

     19.2 Unoffset deferred income tax liabilities

                          Item                                Closing balance                         Opening balance

                                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                               Taxable            Deferred            Taxable           Deferred
                                                           temporary            income tax          temporary         income tax
                                                           difference             liabilities       difference          liabilities

             Appraisal and Appreciation of
             Consolidated        Assets          of
                                                       355,061,963.00      88,765,490.76        365,183,429.96      91,295,857.49
             Non-identical               Controlled

             Changes in fair value of other
                                                        17,600,000.00          4,400,000.00      40,000,000.00      10,000,000.00
             equity instrument investments

             Changes in fair value of financial
                                                         3,446,850.74           546,681.86       22,697,173.26       3,381,587.10
             assets held for trading

                             Total                     376,108,813.74      93,712,172.62        427,880,603.22     104,677,444.59

         19.3 Unrecognized deferred income tax asset details

                                              Item             Closing balance                         Opening balance

             Deductible losses                                            261,754,607.89                            55,733,407.18

             Deductible temporary difference                                   2,801,762.22                            221,561.67

                             Total                                        264,556,370.11                            55,954,968.85

         19.4 The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following years

                                                        Year         Closing balance                     Opening balance

                                 2021                                                                               10,989,030.45

                                 2022                                            14,669,961.10                         119,383.82

                                 2023                                            11,480,964.23                      11,480,964.23

                                 2024                                            38,853,304.84                       9,975,369.01

                                 2025                                            57,109,818.13                      23,168,659.67

                                 2026                                           139,640,559.59

                                     Total                                      261,754,607.89                      55,733,407.18

         20. Other non-current assets

                                                                   Closing balance                                            Opening balance
         Item                                         Impairment                                                 Impairment
                                Book balance                               Book value           Book balance                          Book value
                                                       provision                                                  provision

Prepayment    for   Fixed
                             1,630,946,885.38                      1,630,946,885.38

                                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                     Closing balance                                       Opening balance
           Item                                       Impairment                                             Impairment
                                   Book balance                          Book value        Book balance                          Book value
                                                       provision                                               provision

Input tax to be deducted /
                                   11,962,352.40                       11,962,352.40        13,707,312.81                      13,707,312.81
to be certified

Prepaid construction
                                     8,455,158.00                       8,455,158.00        35,584,390.50                      35,584,390.50

Investment funds                         800,000.00                       800,000.00       500,800,000.00                    500,800,000.00

Prepaid land payments                                                                      601,000,000.00                    601,000,000.00

           Total              1,652,164,395.78                      1,652,164,395.78 1,151,091,703.31                       1,151,091,703.31

           21. Short-term loan

      Short-term loan classification

                              Item                            Closing balance                        Opening balance

              Credit loans                                              3,152,945,812.59                      3,496,251,279.22

              Pledge loans                                                                                      479,768,050.00

                             Total                                      3,152,945,812.59                      3,976,019,329.22

           22. Accounts payable

      List of accounts payable

                                 Item                              Closing balance                    Opening balance

              Start class fees                                               109,756,452.70                      47,005,391.45

              Fixed assets                                                    83,112,000.00                      83,112,000.00

              Project payments                                                51,080,172.01                      53,138,461.93

              Renovation costs                                                22,461,110.93                      11,312,336.01

              Market promotion fees                                           15,623,180.88                      12,918,597.97

              Rent and property fees                                                                              4,337,615.50

                                 Total                                       282,032,916.52                     211,824,402.86

           23. Contract liabilities

      Summary of contract liabilities

                                 Item                         Closing balance                       Opening balance

              Training fees received in advance                        3,063,247,467.84                       4,925,351,396.44

              Other                                                           473,822.44                             76,912.89

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                  Item                               Closing balance                    Opening balance

                  Total                                    3,063,721,290.28                       4,925,428,309.33

24. payroll payable

24.1 List of employee salaries payable

                                          Opening                                                      Closing
                Item                                          Increase            Decrease
                                           balance                                                     balance

  I. Short-term salary                  636,827,645.79    5,753,275,600.55    5,983,922,630.72      406,180,615.62

  II.Post-employment welfare-
  defined     contribution      plan        620,788.20      372,679,188.11      356,633,735.33       16,666,240.98

  III. Dismissed welfare                                         885,604.94          845,604.94           40,000.00

                Total                   637,448,433.99    6,126,840,393.60    6,341,401,970.99      422,886,856.60

24.2 Short-term salary list

                                          Opening                                                      Closing
                Item                                          Increase            Decrease
                                          balance                                                      balance

  I.    Wages         or    salaries,
  bonuses,     allowances       and     628,829,674.62    5,373,626,145.61    5,602,712,023.21      399,743,797.02

  II. Staff welfare                                          11,990,933.07        11,990,933.07

  III. Social security
                                          6,950,840.17      220,714,436.79      221,895,581.98        5,769,694.98

  Inc: 1.Medical insurance                6,934,136.71      206,998,124.98      208,552,743.83        5,379,517.86

  2. Work injury insurance                    3,575.24        7,945,142.66         7,558,746.97         389,970.93

  3. Maternity insurance                     13,128.22        5,771,169.15         5,784,091.18              206.19

  IV. Housing fund                        1,041,581.00      146,786,598.68      147,161,297.68          666,882.00

  V. Labor union expenditure
  and     employee         education          5,550.00           157,486.40          162,794.78              241.62

                Total                   636,827,645.79    5,753,275,600.55    5,983,922,630.72      406,180,615.62

24.3 Set deposit plan listing

                Item                    Opening balance          Increase         Decrease        Closing balance

  I. Basic endowment insurance                600,449.08    359,511,711.59     344,052,854.92        16,059,305.75
                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                   Item                    Opening balance         Increase         Decrease        Closing balance

  II. Unemployment insurance                     20,339.12     13,167,476.52       12,580,880.41           606,935.23

                   Total                        620,788.20    372,679,188.11     356,633,735.33        16,666,240.98

24.4 Dismissed welfare

                   Item                       Amount of current payments              Amount due but not yet paid

  Compensation for termination
                                                      845,604.94                               40,000.00
  of employment

                   Total                              845,604.94                               40,000.00

25. Taxes payable

                           Item                          Closing balance                     Opening balance

  1. Corporate income tax                                              7,200,408.21                   119,249,068.60

  2. Land use tax                                                      2,064,992.60                        806,176.59

  3. Property tax                                                      1,604,934.51                     1,251,091.59

  4. Value-added tax                                                   1,258,114.36                     8,571,895.29

  5. Withholding individual income tax                                   227,163.18                        160,427.08

  6. City maintenance and construction tax                                84,830.67                        549,182.28

  7. Education surcharge                                                  37,072.06                        238,219.17

  8. Other                                                                89,236.25                        285,710.18

                           Total                                      12,566,751.84                   131,111,770.78

26. Other payable

26.1 Master list

                    Item                           Closing balance                         Opening balance

             Other payable                          129,043,599.22                           9,479,383.03

                                   Total            129,043,599.22                           9,479,383.03

26.2 Other payables

                      Item                             Closing balance                      Opening balance

  Equity transfer                                                  61,283,300.00

  Daily expenses                                                   58,363,407.47                        1,597,271.61

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                      Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance

  Social Security and Provident Fund                             683,275.40                           924,969.11

  Advances and others                                           8,713,616.35                        6,957,142.31

                      Total                                   129,043,599.22                        9,479,383.03

27. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                      Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance

  Lease liabilities due within one year             531,876,007.31                        699,372,590.26

                      Total                         531,876,007.31                        699,372,590.26

28. Other current liabilities

                      Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance

  Value-added tax received in advance               91,925,853.39                         147,765,156.66

                      Total                         91,925,853.39                         147,765,156.66

29. Lease liabilities

                      Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance

            Houses and buildings                    635,691,184.87                        632,866,068.34

                      Total                         635,691,184.87                        632,866,068.34

30. Share capital

                                            Changes in the current period(+、-)
                     Opening        Issue                 Provident fund                             Closing
    Item                                        Bonus
                     balance        new                   transfer to share     other     Total      balance
                                   shares                       capital

               103,807,623.00                                                                     103,807,623.00

31. Capital reserve

             Item               Opening balance           Increase             Decrease       Closing balance

      Equity premium            1,225,481,049.50                                              1,225,481,049.50

             Total              1,225,481,049.50                                              1,225,481,049.50

                                                                                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

32. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                          Amount incurred in this period

                                                                       Less: transferred to        Less: transferred to
                                                                      other comprehensive         other comprehensive
                                                                                                                                            Attributable to   Attributable
                                      Opening           Pre-tax           income in the               income in the            Less:                                           Closing
               Item                                                                                                                           the parent       to minority
                                       balance         amount          previous period and         previous period and      income tax                                         balance
                                                                                                                                              company,        shareholders
                                                     for the year     transferred to profit or    transferred to retained    expenses
                                                                                                                                               after tax       , after tax
                                                                       loss in the current           earnings in the
                                                                              period                  current period

1. Other comprehensive income
not reclassfied into gains or        30,000,000.00   -22,400,000.00                                                         -5,600,000.00   -16,800,000.00                   13,200,000.00

Changes in the fair value of other
                                     30,000,000.00   -22,400,000.00                                                         -5,600,000.00   -16,800,000.00                   13,200,000.00
equity instruments

2. Other comprehensive income
classified into gains or losses

               Total                 30,000,000.00   -22,400,000.00                                                         -5,600,000.00   -16,800,000.00                   13,200,000.00

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

33. Surplus reserve

                Item                  Opening balance         Increase             Decrease        Closing balance

   Statutory surplus reserve             45,000,000.00                                                45,000,000.00

                Total                    45,000,000.00                                                45,000,000.00

34. Undistributed profit

                                                                 Amount for the current       Amount for the prior
                                                                         period                      period

  Undistributed profits at the end of previous year                     2,870,839,120.70           2,046,657,231.32

  Adjusting undistributed profits at the beginning of the
  period(Increase +, decrease-)

  Undistributed profits at the beginning of the year                    2,870,839,120.70           2,046,657,231.32

  Add: net profit attributable to owners of the Parent
                                                                       -2,369,509,039.00           2,304,357,742.74

  Less: appropriation of statutory surplus reserve

        Appropriation of arbitrary surplus reserves

        Dividend payable for ordinary shares                                                       1,480,175,853.36


  Undistributed profits at the end of period                             501,330,081.70            2,870,839,120.70

35. Operating income and operating costs

                                  Amount for the current period                   Amount for the prior period
                               Operating income    Operating costs          Operating income       Operating costs

  Prime operating
                                6,860,282,371.30   4,945,732,913.85          11,138,901,718.71     4,513,636,084.16

                                6,860,282,371.30   4,945,732,913.85          11,138,901,718.71     4,513,636,084.16
  and Training

  Other business                   51,440,960.49         47,984,449.73            63,592,576.33       53,690,847.28

           Total                6,911,723,331.79   4,993,717,363.58          11,202,494,295.04     4,567,326,931.44

36. Taxes and surcharges

                        Item                   Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period

  Land holding tax                                                  11,321,827.24                      3,381,103.73

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                    Item                    Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period

  City maintenance and construction tax                        8,522,400.03                       763,262.32

  Property tax                                                 7,049,854.14                     6,616,408.91

  Education surcharge                                          6,082,104.43                       541,844.53

  Stamp tax                                                    1,767,176.26                       844,498.27

  Vehicle usage tax                                              206,086.78                       219,798.99

  Other                                                          405,720.86                       371,797.88

                    Total                                     35,355,169.74                    12,738,714.63

37. Sales expenses

                  Item                    Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period

  Employee's salary                                     1,483,858,537.49                    1,236,069,387.65

  Marketing fee                                            270,366,194.33                     278,829,823.86

  Rent property and depreciation
                                                           223,882,255.51                     188,443,486.90

  Travel expenses                                          113,757,589.64                      99,197,672.77

  Other                                                     13,234,335.09                       9,249,741.98

                  Total                                 2,105,098,912.06                    1,811,790,113.16

38. Management expenses

                  Item                Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

  Employee's salary                                     895,338,308.25                        860,224,894.29

  Rental property and depreciation
                                                        189,782,209.74                        155,909,891.20

  Office expenses                                       123,857,061.80                        116,671,846.80

  Travel expenses                                          67,023,692.53                       62,125,639.40

  Welfare fee                                               8,856,771.23                        8,559,890.15

  Share payments                                                                               26,900,000.00

  Other                                                    30,784,978.48                       49,477,045.53

                  Total                               1,315,643,022.03                      1,279,869,207.37

39. Research and development expenses

                  Item                Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                   Item               Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

  Employee's salary                                       821,900,871.61                      980,101,934.22

  Travel expenses                                          27,128,292.82                       23,799,305.33

  Other                                                    52,440,374.14                       46,796,094.24

                Total                                     901,469,538.57                    1,050,697,333.79

40. Financial expenses

                   Item               Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

  Interest expenses                                       274,734,405.81                      172,114,852.12

  Less: Interest income                                    58,235,304.20                       33,148,136.69

  Service Charge                                          275,115,370.37                      291,581,973.74

                Total                                     491,614,471.98                      430,548,689.17

41. Other income

                   Item                Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

  VAT exemption                                            68,480,064.80                      313,855,441.46

  Financial support                                        20,000,000.00

  Stable subsidy                                            6,034,820.96                       19,123,806.18

  Small financial support income                            1,187,768.87                          151,606.91

  Rent subsidy income                                         273,750.00                          268,680.00

  Tax handling fee refund                                     107,735.71                        1,746,734.22

  Land use tax incentives                                                                         444,804.00

  Park support and subsidy                                                                        120,000.00

                   Total                                   96,084,140.34                      335,711,072.77

42. Investment income

                                                               Amount for the          Amount for the prior
                                                               current period                 period

  Long-term equity investments income under equity

  Investment income from disposal of long-term equity

  Dividend income obtained during the holding period of               1,327,872.00                249,600.00

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                         Amount for the           Amount for the prior
                                                                          current period                 period
         other equity instrument investments

         Interest income obtained during the period of debt
                                                                               23,083,807.21              76,070,548.08
         investment holding

         Investment income from Financial product                              56,955,660.58             180,223,310.57

         Gains arising from remeasurement of remaining equity
         at fair value after loss of control

                                    Total                                      79,269,900.92             256,543,458.65

    43. Fair value change income

                            Item                     Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

                Tradable financial assets                    -21,490,322.52                       20,984,385.76

                            Total                            -21,490,322.52                       20,984,385.76

    44. Expected credit loss

                   Item                     Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period

Accounts receivable bad debt
                                                             -2,047,094.28                           -988,142.88

Other receivables bad debt                                   -6,482,755.12                           -182,909.95

                 Total                                       -8,529,849.40                         -1,171,052.83

    45. Asset disposal income

                          Item                    Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period

                    Fixed assets                           -163,075.82                            162,043.59

                          Total                            -163,075.82                            162,043.59

    46. Non-operating income

                                                                                                 Amount included in
                                                  Amount for the      Amount for the
                          Item                                                                  current non-recurring
                                                  current period          prior period
                                                                                                   profit and loss

         Liquidated damages income                  18,141,095.89                                         18,141,095.89

         gains from disposal of fixed assets                                     44,705.00

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                 Amount included in
                                           Amount for the             Amount for the
                       Item                                                                  current non-recurring
                                            current period              prior period
                                                                                                   profit and loss

  Government subsidy                                                           19,800.00

  Other                                                                            798.00

                       Total                    18,141,095.89                  65,303.00                 18,141,095.89

47. Non-operating expenses

                                        Amount for the             Amount for the       Amount included in current
                                        current period              prior period       non-recurring profit and loss

  Fixed assets disposal losses                    5,264.50                                                    5,264.50

  Forfeiture and Late Payments                  833,516.13              365,792.85                          833,516.13

  External donation                             415,001.84              305,003.50                          415,001.84

  Compensation expenses                          50,000.00                 3,845.50                          50,000.00

                   Total                    1,303,782.47                674,641.85                        1,303,782.47

48. Income tax expense

48.1 Statement of income tax expense

                       Item                 Amount for the current period               Amount for the prior period

  Income tax expenses                                              -399,652,322.88                      356,812,108.72

  Inc: Current tax expense                                           8,133,783.70                       356,690,541.80

       Deferred tax expense                                        -407,786,106.58                          121,566.92

48.2 Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

                                                                         Amount for the           Amount for the prior
                                                                          current period                 period

  Total profit                                                             -2,769,167,039.23          2,661,143,874.57

  Income         tax    expenses   calculated    pursuant      to
                                                                             -415,375,055.88            399,171,581.19
  statutory/applicable tax rate(s)

  Impact from different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                   -5,079,231.58             -6,991,306.55

  Impact from adjustment to income tax in prior periods                            604,294.24               -13,895.40

  Profit and loss attributable to joint ventures and

  Impact of non-taxable income                                                     -331,968.00              -62,400.00
                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                     Amount for the            Amount for the prior
                                                                      current period                  period

  Impact from non-deductible cost, expense and loss                          4,510,631.06              5,245,057.55

  Tax deduction                                                             -30,794,981.36           -45,107,330.97

  Impact from using deductible losses of previously
                                                                               -611,337.11               -78,416.71
  unrecognized deferred income tax assets

  The effect of deductible temporary differences or
  deductible losses of deferred income tax assets not                       46,887,916.85              4,648,819.61
  recognized in the current period

  Income tax expenses                                                      -399,652,322.88          356,812,108.72

49. Other comprehensive income items and their income tax impact and transfer-in profit and loss

See this report for details Note “Ⅵ (32) Other comprehensive income”.

50. Items in cash flow statement

50.1 Other cash receipts relating to operating activities

                                                       Amount for the current                Amount for the prior
                                                                  period                           period

  Deposits and guarantees                                             67,046,115.88                  206,647,643.62

  Interest income                                                     58,235,304.20                   33,148,136.69

  Other income and non-operating income                               45,745,171.43                   22,576,746.74

  Disbursement fee and othe                                                794,866.26                  1,548,933.16

  Reserve                                                                  120,357.15                  5,313,917.82

  Capital occupation fee                                                                              13,324,109.00

                       Total                                         171,941,814.92                  282,559,487.03

50.2 Other cash payments relating to operating activities

                    Item                     Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

  Daily expenses                                                  701,531,709.86                   1,015,974,942.08

  Service Charge                                                  218,115,370.37                     291,248,494.89

  Deposits and guarantees                                         197,610,304.93                      70,688,933.00

  Non-operating expenses                                            1,303,782.47                         674,641.85

  Disbursement fee and other                                         462,284.22

  Reserve                                                            385,512.15                        5,480,802.14

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                    Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

                   Total                                          1,119,408,964.00                 1,384,067,813.96

50.3 Other cash receipts relating to investing activities

                   Item                       Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

           Engineering deposit                        200,000,000.00

                   Total                              200,000,000.00

50.4 Other cash payments relating to investing activities

                    Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

           Engineering deposit                                                               200,000,000.00

                   Total                                                                     200,000,000.00

50.5 Other cash receipts relating to financing activities

                    Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

        Equity distribution margin                                                            1,000,000.00

                   Total                                                                      1,000,000.00

50.6 Other cash payments relating to financing activities

                     Item                      Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period

  Cash paid to repay principal and
  interest on lease liability

  Equity distribution margin                                                                           1,000,000.00

  Dividend handling fee                                                                                  333,478.85

                     Total                                          606,571,985.34                     1,333,478.85

51. Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement

51.1 Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement

                                                                  Amount for the current     Amount for the prior
                   Additional materials
                                                                         period                      period

  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from

                                                                Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                             Amount for the current     Amount for the prior
                 Additional materials
                                                                    period                      period

operating activities:

Net profit                                                         -2,369,514,716.35          2,304,331,765.85

Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets

Credit impairment loss                                                 8,529,849.40               1,171,052.83

     Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and
                                                                     120,413,023.55              88,365,469.55
gas assets, depreciation of bearer biological assets

     Amortization of right-of-use assets                             503,643,895.04

     Amortization of intangible assets                                20,823,493.07              12,694,728.51

     Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                       66,684,829.78              62,457,211.00

     Losses/(gains) on disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                         163,075.82                -162,043.59
intangible assets and other long-term asset

     Losses /(gains) on write-off of fixed assets                            5,264.50                -44,705.00

     Losses/(gains) on changes in fair values                         21,490,322.52             -20,984,385.76

     Financial expenses/ (income)                                    274,734,405.81             172,448,330.97

     Losses/(gains) arising from investments                         -79,269,900.92            -256,543,458.65

     Decrease /(increase) in deferred tax assets                    -402,420,834.61                -123,604.64

     Increase/(decrease) in deferred tax liabilities                   -5,365,271.97                245,171.56

     Decrease /(increase) in inventories

     Decrease /(increase) in receivables from
                                                                    -172,950,120.86             107,621,688.58
operating activities

     Increase/(decrease) in payables from operating
                                                                   -2,084,928,863.68          2,384,091,880.70

     Others                                                                                      26,900,000.00

        Net cash flow from operating activities                    -4,097,961,548.90          4,882,469,101.91

2.Significant investing and financing activities that do
not involve cash flow

  Conversion of debt into capital

  Reclassification of current portion of convertible
bonds to current liabilities

  Fixed assets capitalized under finance lease

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Closing balance of cash                                            1,969,806,009.56           5,950,036,489.12

  Less: Opening balance of cash                                    5,950,036,489.12           2,724,335,001.58

  Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                     Amount for the current      Amount for the prior
                         Additional materials
                                                                            period                      period

            Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents

          Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                        -3,980,230,479.56          3,225,701,487.54

    51.2 Net Cash receive of disposal of the subsidiary

                                                  Item                                                   Amount

          Disposal of cash or cash equivalents received by subsidiaries in the current period            51,000,000.00

          Including:Beijing Zhonggong Future Education Technology Co., Ltd.                              51,000,000.00

          Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the company on the date of loss of control

          Add:Cash or cash equivalents received in the current period from disposals of
          subsidiaries in previous periods

          Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries                                                51,000,000.00

    51.3. Composition of Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                 Item                                    Closing balance       Opening balance

I. Cash                                                                  1,969,806,009.56       5,950,036,489.12

Including: Cash on hand                                                         62,362.45             67,906.76

      Bank deposits                                                      1,755,585,321.54       5,881,843,030.73

      Other monetary funds                                                 214,158,325.57         68,125,551.63

II. Cash equivalents

Including: Investments in debt securities due within three months

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                        1,969,806,009.56       5,950,036,489.12

Including: Cash and cash equivalents with restricted use of
parent company or subsidiaries within the group

    52. Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                     Item                    Closing balance                      Reason for restriction

          Cash and cash equivalents                    84,800.00     Guaranteed deposit

          Cash and cash equivalents                   470,463.08     Not used for a long time/Not checkedd

                     Total                            555,263.08

                                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

      53. Government subsidy

      Details of Government subsidy

                                                                                                                  Amount included in
                         Species                            Amount                   Listed items
                                                                                                              current profit and loss

            Financial support                                20,000,000.00           Other income                            20,000,000.00

            Stable subsidy                                      6,034,820.96         Other income                             6,034,820.96

            Small financial support income                      1,187,768.87         Other income                             1,187,768.87

            Rent subsidy income                                  273,750.00          Other income                                273,750.00

                          Total                              27,496,339.83                                                   27,496,339.83

       VII. Changes In the Scope Of Consolidation

      1. Business combinations not under common control


       2. Business combination under the same control


       3. Reverse purchase


       4. Disposal of subsidiaries

                                                                                                                         The difference between the
                                                                              the point            Basis for             disposal price and the share
                                   Equity          Equity                        in time       determination of             of the subsidiary's net
    Subsidiary name               disposal        disposal                       when          the point in time          assets at the consolidated
                                    price         ratio(%)                     control        when control is           financial statement level
                                                                              was lost                lost                  corresponding to the
                                                                                                                             disposal investment

                                                                                              Sign the transfer
Beijing Offcn Future
                                                                                              agreement and
Education Technology            51,000,000.00       51.00       Transfer     2021-10-12                                                     26,620.33
                                                                                              receive the disposal
Co., Ltd.


 Percentage            Book value of            Fair value of           Gain or loss from        Determination method           Amount transferred
of remaining       remaining equity          remaining equity           remeasurement of         and main assumptions                from other
equity at the      on the date of loss       at the date of loss        remaining equity at           of fair value of             comprehensive

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

 date of loss        of control          of control           fair value         remaining equity on        income related to
of control(%)                                                                   the date of loss of      equity investment in
                                                                                       control             atomic company to
                                                                                                          investment profit and

        49.00        48,974,423.60       49,000,000.00             25,576.40        Appraised value

      5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons

                                                                      Proportion of
                       The name of the subsidiary                                            Reason for changes
                                                                    shareholding (%)

         1.Lu’an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting
                                                                                100.00           Acquisition(Note)
         Co., Ltd.

         2.Lu’an Zhongke Real Estate Information Consulting
                                                                                100.00           Acquisition(Note)
         Co., Ltd.

         3.Wenling Offcn Information Consulting Co., Ltd                        100.00         New establishment

         4.Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training School Co.,
                                                                                100.00         New establishment

         5.Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                               100.00         New establishment

         6.Dali Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                       100.00         New establishment

         7.Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training School Co.,
                                                                                100.00         New establishment

         8.Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.                              100.00         New establishment

         9.Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co., Ltd.                      100.00         New establishment

         10.Beijing Offcn Century Education Technology Co., Ltd                 100.00         New establishment

      Note: The Company's acquisition of Lu'an Yazhong Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. and Lu'an Zhongke
 Real Estate Information Consulting Co., Ltd. does not constitute a business combination, and its essence is essentially the
 purchase of assets.

      6. Other


       Section VIII. Interests In Other Entities

      1. Interests in subsidiaries

      1.1 Composition of the company

                                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                     Principal                                    Proportion of        Voting
                                                                    Place of      Nature of                                           Acquisition
                        Name                         Business                                   shareholding(%)      rights
                                                                  registration    business                                           Method Direct
                                                     Address                                    Direct     Indirect   ratio(%)

1.Offcn   Ltd.                                       Beijing      Beijing         Service         100.00                100.00     Reverse purchase

2.Wuhu Yawei Automobile        Sales Service Co.,
                                                     Wuhu         Wuhu            Sales           100.00                100.00     New establishment

3.Ningguo Yaxia     Motor Vehicle Driver Training
                                                     Ningguo      Ningguo         Service         100.00                100.00     New establishment
School (Co., Ltd.)

4.Huangshan Yaxia      Fudi Automobile Sales
                                                     Huangshan    Huangshan       Sales           100.00                100.00     New establishment
Services Co., Ltd.

5.Chaohu Yaxia    Kaixuan Automobile Sales
                                                     Hefei        Hefei           Sales           100.00                100.00     New establishment
Service Co., Ltd.

6.Bozhou Yaxia    Motor Vehicle Driver Training
                                                     Bozhou       Bozhou          Service         100.00                100.00     New establishment
School Co., Ltd.

7.Suzhou Bokai Automobile Sales       Service Co.,
                                                     Suzhou       Suzhou          Sales           100.00                100.00     Acquisition

8.Shaanxi   Offcn Education Technology Co.
                                                     Xi'an        Xi'an           Service         100.00                100.00     New establishment

9.Chengdu Offcn Future     Education Training
                                                     Chengdu      Chengdu         Service         100.00                100.00     New establishment
School Co. Ltd.

10.Lu’an Yazhong Real    Estate Information
                                                     Lu'an        Lu'an           Real estate     100.00                100.00     Acquisition
Consulting Co., Ltd.

11.Lu’an   Zhongke Real Estate Information
                                                     Lu'an        Lu'an           Real estate     100.00                100.00     Acquisition
Consulting Co., Ltd.

12.Zhejiang Offcn Education Technology       Co.
                                                     Hangzhou     Hangzhou        Service                   100.00      100.00     New establishment

13.Taizhou Offcn Future    Enterprise
                                                     Taizhou      Taizhou         Service                   100.00      100.00     New establishment
Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

14.Wenling Offcn     Information Consulting Co.,
                                                     Wenling      Wenling         Service                   100.00      100.00     New establishment

15.Beijing Offcn Xinzhiyu      Online Technology
                                                     Beijing      Beijing         Service                   100.00      100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

16.Hulun Buir Hailar   Offcn Education
                                                     Hulunbeier   Hulunbeier      Service                   100.00      100.00     New establishment
Information Consulting Co., Ltd..

                                                                                  Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                    Principal                                     Proportion of       Voting
                                                                     Place of     Nature of                                          Acquisition
                       Name                         Business                                   shareholding(%)      rights
                                                                  registration    business                                          Method Direct
                                                    Address                                     Direct    Indirect   ratio(%)

17.Xilinhot Offcn   Future Education Consulting
                                                    Xilinhaote    Xilinhaote      Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd

18.Yueqing Lecheng     Offcn Training Center Co.,
                                                    Yueqing       Yueqing         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

19.Jiaozuo Offcn   Future Education Service Co.,
                                                    Jiaozuo       Jiaozuo         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

20.Xinzheng Offcn Cultural    Communication
                                                    Zhengzhou     Zhengzhou       Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd..

21.Chongqing Jiangbei    Offcn Vocational
                                                    Chongqing     Chongqing       Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Examination Training Co., Ltd.

22.Nanning Offcn    Future Education Consulting
                                                    Nanning       Nanning         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

23.Baiyin    Offcn Future Education Consulting
                                                    Baiyin        Baiyin          Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

24.Beijing Xinde   Zhiyuan Enterprise
                                                    Beijing       Beijing         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Management Consulting Co., Ltd..

25.Nanjing Huiyue    Hotel Management Co.,
                                                    Nanjing       Nanjing         Service                   100.00     100.00     Acquisition

26.Shandong Kunzhong Real      Estate Co., Ltd.     Jinan         Jinan           Service                   100.00     100.00     Acquisition

27.Sanmenxia     Offcn Cultural Communication
                                                    Sanmenxia     Sanmenxia       Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

28.Liaoning Offcn Academic     & Cultural
                                                    Shenyang      Shenyang        Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Exchange Co., Ltd.

29.Liaoning    Offcn Education Technology Co.,
                                                    Shenfuxinqu   Shenfuxinqu     Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

30.Shandong     Offcn Education Technology Co.,
                                                    Qingdao       Qingdao         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

31.Jilin    Changyi Offcn Education Training
                                                    Jilin         Jilin           Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
School Co., Ltd.

32.Yuxi Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.             Yuxi          Yuxi            Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

33.Tonghua    Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.       Tonghua       Tonghua         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

                                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                    Principal                                      Proportion of       Voting
                                                                     Place of      Nature of                                          Acquisition
                      Name                          Business                                     shareholding(%)     rights
                                                                   registration    business                                          Method Direct
                                                    Address                                      Direct    Indirect   ratio(%)

34.Hunan      Lightsalt      Offcn      Education
                                                    Changsha       Changsha        Service                    90.00      90.00     New establishment
Technology Co., Ltd..

35.Tianjin Hexi Offcn Training School Co.,
                                                    Tianjin        Tianjin         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

36.Chengdu Offcn Education Training School
                                                    Chengdu        Chengdu         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

37.Shandong Zhuoda Business Management
                                                    Rizhao         Rizhao          Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

38.Liaoning     Zhongcheng       Real      Estate
                                                    Shenfuxinqu    Shenfuxinqu     Real estate               100.00     100.00     Acquisition
Development Co.,Ltd.

39.Wuhu Offcn Training School Co. Ltd.              Wuhu           Wuhu            Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

40.Wuhan Guoshang Human Resource Service
                                                    Wuhan          Wuhan           Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co., Ltd.

41.Jinan Zhangqiu Offcn Training School
                                                    Jinan          Jinan           Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

42.Mengzi Offcn Education Training Co. Ltd..        Mengzi         Mengzi          Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

43.Beijing Offcn Technology Development Co.
                                                    Beijing        Beijing         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

44.Shanghai Offcn Education Technology Co.
                                                    Shanghai       Shanghai        Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

45.Guangzhou       Offcn     Smart      Education
                                                    Guangzhou      Guangzhou       Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Technology Co. Ltd.

46.Pingshan Offcn Education Technology Co.
                                                    Shijiazhuang   Shijiazhuang    Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

47.Shandong Offcn Education Training School
                                                    Jinan          Jinan           Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co. Ltd.

48.Lanzhou Offcn Education Training School
                                                    Lanzhou        Lanzhou         Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
Co. Ltd.

49.Anshan Tiedong Offcn Education Training
                                                    Anshan         Anshan          Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment
School Co., Ltd.

50.Diqing Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.           DiQingZhou     DiQingZhou      Service                   100.00     100.00     New establishment

                                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                 Principal                                     Proportion of         Voting
                                                                 Place of      Nature of                                            Acquisition
                       Name                      Business                                   shareholding(%)        rights
                                                                registration   business                                            Method Direct
                                                 Address                                     Direct      Indirect   ratio(%)

51.Dali Offcn Education Training School Co.,
                                                 Dali          Dali            Service                    100.00      100.00     New establishment

52.Harbin Nangang Offcn Education Training
                                                 Harbin        Harbin          Service                    100.00      100.00     New establishment
School Co., Ltd.

53.Nujiang Offcn Training School Co., Ltd.       NujiangZhou   NujiangZhou     Service                    100.00      100.00     New establishment

54.Weixi Offcn Education Training School Co.,
                                                 Weixi         Weixi           Service                    100.00      100.00     New establishment

55.Beijing     Offcn     Century     Education
                                                 Beijing       Beijing         Service                    100.00      100.00     New establishment
Technology Co., Ltd

             1.2 Material non-wholly owned subsidiaries


             1.3 Main financial information in respect of material non-wholly owned subsidiaries


             1.4 Significant restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and pay off debts of the enterprise group


             1.5 Financial support or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of consolidated financial


             2. The share of ownership in the subsidiary changes and the subsidiary still controls the transaction


             3. Investment subject


             4. Interests in joint arrangements or joint ventures

             Financial summary for non-important Joint venture and associated enterprise

                                                               Ending balance /                       Opening balance /
                                                                Current period                           Last Period

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                      Ending balance /                   Opening balance /
                                                       Current period                        Last Period

       Associated enterprise:

       Total book value of investment                             46,850,364.40

       Amount based on share-holding ratio                        -2,149,635.60

       --Net profit                                               -2,149,635.60

       --Other comprehensive income

       --Total comprehensive income

     5. Significant joint operations


     6. Interests in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements


     7. Other


     Section IX. Risks Associated With Financial Instruments

    The company's main financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents, financial assets held for trading,
accounts receivable, other receivables, debt investments, other equity instrumens, other non-current financial assets, etc.
The risks associated with these financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted by the company to reduce

these risks are described below. The company's management manages and monitors these exposures to ensure that these
risks are contained within a defined range.

    Risk management objective and policy:The Company’s risk management is to strike an appropriate balance between
risks and benefits, minimize the negative impact of risks on the Company's business performance and maximize the
interests of shareholders and other equity investors. Based on this risk management objective, the basic strategy of the
Company's risk management is to determine and analyze various risks faced by the Company, establish an appropriate
bottom line for risk tolerance, make risk management and timely and reliably supervise various risks to control the risks
within the limited scope.

    The main risks caused by the Company's financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

     1. Classification of financial instruments

    1.1Carrying value of various financial assets

    (1)31 December 2021

                                                                           Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                                             Financial assets
                                                                   Financial assets
                                           Financial assets                                   measure at fair
                                                                   measured at fair
                Item                         measured at                                    value through other             Total
                                                                       value through
                                           amortized cost                                     comprehensive
                                                                       profit or loss

Cash and cash equivalents                    1,970,361,272.64                                                        1,970,361,272.64

Financial assets held for trading                                      346,726,621.74                                    346,726,621.74

Accounts Receivable                              40,374,842.27                                                            40,374,842.27

Other receivables                              219,501,061.83                                                            219,501,061.83

Debt investment                                   7,058,993.55                                                             7,058,993.55

Other current assets                             12,833,701.81                                                            12,833,701.81

Other equity instruments                                                                         130,400,000.00          130,400,000.00

Other non-current financial assets                                      30,260,000.00                                     30,260,000.00

       (2)31 December 2020

                                                                                              Financial assets
                                                                        Financial assets
                                              Financial assets                                   at fair value
                                                                          at fair value
                  Item                          measured at                                     through other               Total
                                                                        through profit or
                                               amortized cost                                  comprehensive

Cash and cash equivalents                       5,950,395,089.12                                                     5,950,395,089.12

Financial assets held for trading                                         983,205,858.25                                 983,205,858.25

Accounts Receivable                                21,493,637.66                                                          21,493,637.66

Other receivables                                 304,318,966.20                                                         304,318,966.20

Non-current assets due within one year          1,985,873,462.75                                                     1,985,873,462.75

Other current assets                               41,832,345.30                                                          41,832,345.30

Other equity instruments                                                                         152,800,000.00          152,800,000.00

Other non-current financial assets                                        208,450,315.01                                 208,450,315.01

       1.2 Carrying value of various financial liabilities at the balance sheet date as follows:

        (1)31 December 2021

                                                      Financial liabilities at
                           Item                         fair value through           Other liabilities           Total
                                                          profit or loss

          Short-term borrowings                                                    3,152,945,812.59       3,152,945,812.59

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                   Financial liabilities at
                         Item                       fair value through          Other liabilities          Total
                                                       profit or loss

       Accounts payable                                                           282,032,916.52        282,032,916.52

       Other payable                                                              129,043,599.22        129,043,599.22

       Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                                                  531,876,007.31        531,876,007.31

       Lease liability                                                            635,691,184.87        635,691,184.87

    (2)31 December 2020

                                                   Financial liabilities at
                         Item                        fair value through          Other liabilities          Total
                                                        profit or loss

       Short-term borrowings                                                    3,976,019,329.22      3,976,019,329.22

       Accounts payable                                                           211,824,402.86        211,824,402.86

       Other payable                                                                9,479,383.03          9,479,383.03

     2. Credit risk

    The financial assets of the company include cash and cash equivalents, financial assets held for trading, accounts
receivable, other receivables, etc.The credit risk of these financial assets is caused by the default of the counterparty. The
maximum risk exposure is equal to the book amount of these instruments, including:

    The Company's working capital is deposited in banks with high credit rating, so the credit risk of working capital is low.

    The book value of accounts receivable and other receivables in the consolidated balance sheet is the biggest credit
risk that the company may face. The company continuously monitors the balance of accounts receivable and other
receivables to ensure that the overall credit risk of the company is under control. The quantitative data of the Company's
credit risk exposure arising from accounts receivable and other receivables can be found in Note VI (3) “ Accounts
receivable “ and Note VI (5) “Other receivables”.

     3. Liquidity risk

    The company adopts the revolving liquidity plan tool to manage the risk of capital shortage. The facility considers both
the maturity date of its financial instruments and the expected cash flow generated by the company's operations.

    The goal of the company is to maintain the balance between the sustainability and flexibility of financing by using a
variety of financing instruments, including bank loans and other interest-bearing loans.

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    When managing liquidity risks, the Company shall maintain sufficient cash and cash equivalents as deemed by the
management and monitor them to meet the Company's operational needs and reduce the impact of cash flow
fluctuations.The managements monitor the use of bank loans and ensure compliance with loan agreements.

    Maturity analysis of financial liabilities based on undiscounted contract cash flow:

                                                                   31 December 2021
                                   Within 1 year            1-5 years            Over 5 years             Total

       Short-term loan           3,152,945,812.59                                                    3,152,945,812.59

       Accounts payable            282,032,916.52                                                      282,032,916.52

       Other payable               129,043,599.22                                                      129,043,599.22

       Non-current liabilities
                                   550,685,331.89                                                      550,685,331.89
       due within one year

       Lease liability                                      650,123,884.68       22,037,457.51         672,161,342.19


                                                                   31 December 2020
                                     Within 1 year             1-5 years          Over 5 years             Total

       Short-term loan              3,976,019,329.22                                                 3,976,019,329.22

       Accounts payable               211,824,402.86                                                   211,824,402.86

       Other payable                     9,479,383.03                                                     9,479,383.03

    4. Market risk

    Market risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flow fluctuates due to changes in
market prices.Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and foreign currency risk.

    4.1. Interest rate risk


    4.2. Currency risk


     Section X. Capital Management

    The main objective of the company's capital management is to ensure the company's ability to continue operations and

                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    maintain healthy capital ratios to support the business and maximize shareholder value.

          The company manages the capital structure and adjusts it according to the economic situation and changes in the risk
    characteristics of related assets.

          To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the company may adjust the distribution of profits to shareholders, return
    capital to shareholders or issue new shares. The company is not subject to external mandatory capital requirements.
    Capital management objectives, policies or procedures for 2021 remain unchanged.

           Section XI. Fair Value Disclosure

          1. The ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                             Fair value at the end of the period
                                                                Level 1          Level 2              Level 3              Total

I. Continuous fair value measurement

(I.)Transaction financial asset                                             346,726,621.74       30,260,000.00      376,986,621.74

1. Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss                       346,726,621.74       30,260,000.00      376,986,621.74

(1)Debt instruments                                                         346,726,621.74       30,260,000.00      376,986,621.74

(2)Equity instruments

(3)Derivative financial assets

2. Designated as financial asset at fair value through
profit or loss

(1)Debt instruments

(2)Equity instruments

(II)Other debt investments

(III)Other equity instruments                                                                   130,400,000.00      130,400,000.00

(IV)Investment properties

(V)Biological assets

Total assets measured continuously at fair value                              346,726,621.74      160,660,000.00      507,386,621.74

(IV)Transaction financial liabilities

1. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Including:Issued held-for-trading bonds

            Derivative financial liabilities


2. Designated as financial asset at fair value through
profit or loss

Total liabilities measured continuously at fair

                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                                          Fair value at the end of the period
                                                           Level 1            Level 2                Level 3            Total

II、Non-continuous fair value measurement

(I)Assets held for sales

Total assets measured non-continuously at fair

Total liabilities measured non-continuously at fair

        2. The basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous first-level fair value
    measurement projects


        3. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters for
    continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement projects

        The company's sustainable second-level fair value measurement items are mainly financial products, The fair value is
    determined by the discounted cash flow method and the expected rate of return.

        4. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important parameters for
    continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement projects

        The company's sustainable third-level fair value measurement items are mainly non-tradable equity instrument
    investment and debt instrument investment.The fair value is determined by market method and liquidity discount.

        5. Continuous third-level fair value measurement project, adjustment information between the opening and
    closing book value and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters


        6. Continuous fair value measurement items, if conversions between various levels occurred during the
    current period, the reasons for the conversions and the policies for determining the timing of the conversions


        7. Changes in valuation techniques that occurred during the period and the reasons for the changes


        8. The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value


                                                                       Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

    9. Other


      Setion XII. Related Party Relationships And Transactions

     1. Basis of identifying related party

    Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control or joint control the other party or exercise
significant influence over the other party. Parties(two or more than two) are also considered to be related if they are subject
to common control,joint control or significant influence from other party.

    2. The controlling shareholder of the company

    The company is ultimately controlled by Li yongxin and Lu zhongfang. As of 31 December 2021, their combined
shareholding accounted for 61.01% of the company's share capital.

    3. Subsidiaries of the company

    The details of the subsidiaries of the company are detailed in Note VIII.(1) “Interest in subsidiaries”.

    4. Joint vetures and associates of the company

                                       Principal                                    Proportion of
                                                        Place of     Nature of                           Accounting
                    Name              Business                                   shareholding(%)
                                                    registration     business                             treatment
                                       Address                                    Direct    Indirect


       Beijing Zhongwang Future
       Education       Technology       Beijing         Beijing       Service      49.00                Equity method
       Co., Ltd

    5. Other related parties of the company

                             Name                                                  Relationship

       Li Yongxin                                        The controlling shareholder

       Beijing Qianqiu Intelligence Book & Media Co.,
                                                         Actual controller

       Beijing Haidian Offcn Training School             Actual controller

       Jinan Offcn Training School                       Actual controller

       Kunming Wuhua Offcn Training School               Actual controller

       Baoding Lianchi Offcn Training School             Actual controller

                                                             Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                      Name                                                Relationship

Beijing Haidian Baoquan Financial Training
                                              Actual controller

Cangzhou Yunhe Offcn Training School          Actual controller

Chengdu Wuhou Offcn Training School           Actual controller

Cifeng Hongshan Offcn Training Centre         Actual controller

Dezhou Offcn Training School                  Actual controller

Haikou Meilan Offcn Training School           Actual controller

Handan Congtai Offcn Training School          Actual controller

Hegang Offcn Training School                  Actual controller

Heihe Aihui Offcn Training School             Actual controller

Kiamusze Offcn Training School                Actual controller

Leshan Shizhong Offcn Training School         Actual controller

Mudanjiang Offcn Training School              Actual controller

Qiqihar Tiefeng Offcn Training School         Actual controller

Shaoyang Shuangqing Offcn Training School     Actual controller

Tangshan Lunan Offcn Training School          Actual controller

Weifang Offcn Training School                 Actual controller

Urumqi Shayibake Offcn Training School        Actual controller

Yiyang Heshan Offcn Training School           Actual controller

Shenyang Lijing Pearl Hotel Management Co.,
                                              Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company

Beijing Taifu Hotel Management Co., Ltd.      Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company

                                              The company controlled by the company's controlling shareholder
Beijing Xingshou Fuyuan Plantation
                                              and actual controller Li Yongxin's spouse Xu Hua

Beijing Chuangsheng Construction
                                              Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company
Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Beiding Network Technology Co.,
                                              Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company

Ji'an Jingkai Lixiangxue Financial
                                              Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company
Information Service Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Guancheng Industrial Co., Ltd.        Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company

Liaoning Hanhui Industrial Co., Ltd.          Enterprises controlled by the directors of the company

                                              The company's directors / senior managers / shareholders who
Wang Zhendong
                                              directly hold more than 5% (including 5%) of the company's shares

Shi Lei                                       Director of the company

                                                                    Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                             Name                                                  Relationship

       Yi Ziting                                      Director of the company

       Chen Yuqin                                     Independent director of the company

       Jiang Tao                                      Independent director of the company

       Zhang Xuanming                                 Independent director of the company

                                                      Independent director of the company,Term from February 1,2019
       Wang Qiang
                                                      to January 28,2022

                                                      Independent director of the company,Term from February 1,2019
       Tong Yan
                                                      to January 28,2022

       Yu Hongwei                                     Supervisor of the company

       Li Wen                                         Supervisor of the company

       He Di                                          Supervisor of the company

       He Youli                                       Senior management of the company

       Gui Hongzhi                                    Senior management of the company

       Luo Xue                                        Senior management of the company

                                                      Senior management of the company,Term from February 1,2019 to
       Wang Xuejun
                                                      January 28,2022

   Note: This report only lists related parties that have business dealings with the company during the reporting period.

   6. Related-party transaction

   6.1 Related transactions for the purchase and sale of goods, provision and receipt of services

   6.1.1 the table of procurement of goods/acceptance of labor services

                                           Content of related party             Amount for the       Amount for the
           Related parties
                                                   transaction                  current period       previous period

Beijing Taifu Hotel Management Co.,     Accommodation and catering
                                                                                    11,802,340.00          20,569,200.00
Ltd.                                    services

Beijing Haidian Offcn Training School   Joint school running                          450,000.00            1,032,000.00
Zhanjiang Xiashan Offcn Training
                                        Joint school running                          320,000.00
Chengdu Wuhou Offcn Training School     Joint school running                          280,000.00              236,000.00

Urumqi Shayibake Offcn Training School Joint school running                           208,600.00              504,000.00

Shaoyang Shuangqing Offcn Training
                                        Joint school running                          170,000.00              124,600.00

Leshan Shizhong Offcn Training School   Joint school running                          150,000.00              165,000.00

Tangshan Lunan Offcn Training School    Joint school running                          140,000.00              115,000.00
                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                               Content of related party            Amount for the            Amount for the
         Related parties
                                                       transaction                 current period            previous period

Handan Congtai Offcn Training School        Joint school running                            140,000.00               100,000.00

Baoding Lianchi Offcn Training School       Joint school running                            130,000.00                   90,000.00

Beijing Haidian Baoquan Financial
                                            Joint school running                            120,000.00                   60,000.00
Training Centre

Cangzhou Yunhe Offcn Training School        Joint school running                            120,000.00               105,000.00

Yiyang Heshan Offcn Training School         Joint school running                             80,000.00                   96,000.00

Heihe Aihui Offcn Training School           Joint school running                             66,500.00                   84,998.00

Mudanjiang Offcn Training School            Joint school running                             60,500.00                   62,800.00

Kiamusze Offcn Training School              Joint school running                             60,500.00                   60,500.00

Cifeng Hongshan Offcn Training Centre       Joint school running                             50,000.00                   47,000.00

Haikou Meilan Offcn Training School         Joint school running                             20,000.00

Qiqihar Tiefeng Offcn Training School       Joint school running                                                     121,800.00

Weifang Offcn Training School               Joint school running                                                         71,100.00

Dezhou Offcn Training School                Joint school running                                                         11,718.00

Ji'an Jingkai Lixiangxue Financial
                                            Fee                                       181,824,220.00             141,735,023.00
Information Service Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Beiding Network
                                            Fee                                         1,320,000.00              68,993,588.00
Technology Co., Ltd.

  6.1.2The table of sale of goods/provision of labor services

                                               Content of related         Amount for the current         Amount for the
                  Related parties
                                                  party transaction                period                previous period

      Beijing Qianqiu Intelligence Book &
                                                  Exhibition Service            3,364,150.85              2,871,698.11
                  Media Co., Ltd.

  6.2 Related fiduciary management / contracting and entrusted management / outsourcing

  6.2.1 The company's entrusted management / contracting situation table:

                                                                  Entrustment                                   Annually
    Trustee         Trustee /                     Entrustment                      Custody income /
                                                                   / Contract                                  recognized
 /Outsourcer Contractor              Type         / contracting                   contracting income
                                                                  Termination                               custody income /
     Name            Name                          start date                        pricing basis
                                                                        Date                               contracting income

                                    33 Civil       19 October                    All reasonable returns
  Li Yongxin        Offcn Ltd.                                     Long term                                   226,415.10
                                 non-schools          2018                       on the entrusted assets

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                               Entrustment                                 Annually
  Trustee         Trustee /                   Entrustment                        Custody income /
                                                                / Contract                                recognized
/Outsourcer Contractor             Type       / contracting                    contracting income
                                                               Termination                            custody income /
   Name            Name                         start date                         pricing basis
                                                                    Date                             contracting income

   Total                                                                                                  226,415.10

 6.2.2 The company's entrusted management / contracting situation table:


 6.3 Related lease

 6.3.1 The company as the lessor:


 6.3.2 The company as the lessee:

                                             Lease      Lease       Rental fee      Rental fee           Rental fee
  Name of lessor              Category        start   terminati      pricing     recognised in the   recognized in the
                                              date     on date        basis       current period      previous period

Shenyang Lijing Pearl
                                             1 July    30 June        Agreed
Hotel       Management Operating lease                                             25,030,700.00       18,175,675.00
                                              2016      2026          price
Co., Ltd.

         Total                                                                     25,030,700.00       18,175,675.00

 6.4 Related party guarantee

 6.4.1 The company act as the guarantor


 6.4.2 The company is the guaranteed party


 6.5 Borrowing of funds from related parties


 6.6 Related party assets transfer and debt restructuring

                                          Content of related    Asset pricing      Amount for the Amount for the
              Related parties
                                          party transaction          basis          current period previous period

                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                          Content of related     Asset pricing      Amount for the Amount for the
           Related parties
                                           party transaction           basis            current period previous period

  Shaanxi Guancheng Industrial
                                            purchase assets     Agreement price                          383,060,000.00
  Co., Ltd.

  Beijing Chuangsheng
  Construction Decoration                   purchase assets     Agreement price             513,815.00

  Engineering Co., Ltd.

                 Total                                                                      513,815.00   383,060,000.00

6.7 Key executive compensation

                         Item                       Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period

          Key executive compensation                            6,120,389.56                       14,922,629.18

6.8 Other related transactions

6.8.1 Commissioned decoration/engineering

                                                 Amount for the current period            Amount for the prior period
       Related parties                              Contract                                Contract
                                        basis                            Amount                             Amount
                                                     amount                                 amount

     Beijing Chuangsheng
   Construction Decoration                                             35,458,590.00 242,000,000.00 369,467,820.00
     Engineering Co., Ltd.

              Total                                                    35,458,590.00 242,000,000.00 369,467,820.00

6.8.2 Liquidated damages income

                                                                     Amount for the current       Amount for the prior
                         Related parties
                                                                               period                    period

          Liaoning Hanhui Industrial Co., Ltd.                           18,141,095.89

                                Total                                    18,141,095.89

7. Related party accounts receivable and payable

7.1 Accounts receivables

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                              Closing balance                 opening balance
          Item               Related party                  Carrying        Bad debt       Carrying        Bad debt
                                                            amount          provision       amount         provision

                       Shenyang Lijing Pearl Hotel
 Other receivable                                           5,675,200.00                   5,675,200.00
                       Management Co., Ltd.

                       Liaoning          Hanhui
 Other receivable                                                                       200,000,000.00
                       Industrial Co., Ltd.
                       Beijing     Offcn     Future
 Other non-current
                       Education       Technology     1,618,391,145.38
                       Co., Ltd.

          Total                                       1,624,066,345.38                  205,675,200.00

7.2 Accounts payable

            Item                            Related party                    Closing balance      opening balance

                          Beijing          Chuangsheng       Construction
 Account payable                                                                 59,506,981.00         48,358,391.00
                          Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

 Account payable          Shaanxi Guancheng Industrial Co., Ltd.                 83,060,000.00         83,060,000.00

                          Ji'an     Jingkai     Lixiangxue      Financial
 Other account payable                                                           57,000,000.00
                          Information Service Co., Ltd.

            Total                                                               199,566,981.00        131,418,391.00

 8. Related party commitments


 9. Other


 Setion XIII. Share-based Payment

 1. Overview of share-based payment


 2. Equity-settled share payments


 3. The Stock payment settled by cash

                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


4. Modification and termination of the stock payment


5. Other


 Setion XIV. Commitment And Contingency

1. Important commitment


2. Contingency


3. Other


Setion XV. Events After Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant unadjusted events


2. Profit distribution


3. Sales return


4. Other adjustment events after balance sheet date


Setion XVI. Other Significant Events

1. Debt Restructuring


2. Assets exchange

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


    3. Annuity plan


    4. Discontinued operations;


    5.Segment information

    5.1 Report segment determining and accounting policy

    The company's main production and operation activities are decided by the company, which is mainly engaged in
education and training business. Therefore, the company is managed as an operating segment. For accounting policies,
please refer to Note III to this report, "The Company’s Significant Accounting Policies And Accounting Estimates”.”.

    5.2 Other information

    5.2.1 Revenue from external transactions for each product and service or each similar product and service.

                        Item                Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

       Main business                                        6,860,282,371.30                    11,138,901,718.71

       Including:Education and training                    6,860,282,371.30                    11,138,901,718.71

       Other business                                          51,440,960.49                        63,592,576.33

                        Total                               6,911,723,331.79                    11,202,494,295.04

    5.2.2 The total amount of foreign transaction income obtained by the enterprise from its own country and from other
countries or regions.

             Area name               Amount for the current period                Amount for the prior period

            Domestic area                   6,911,723,331.79                           11,202,494,295.04

                Total                       6,911,723,331.79                           11,202,494,295.04

    5.2.3 The extent of dependent on its major customers.

    The company's customers are relatively scattered, consisting of a large number of customers, and there is no
dependence on major customers.

    6. Borrowing costs

    The company has no capitalized borrowing costs during the reporting period.

    7. Foreign currency translation

                                                                 Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report


8. Lease

8.1 Lessor

8.1.1 Financial leasing.


8.1.2 Operating lease

Assets leased out under operating leases:

                 Item                           Closing balance                      Opening balance

  Buildings                                               310,663,290.95                         319,663,553.88

  Land use rights                                         334,273,250.51                         348,350,961.94

                 Total                                    644,936,541.46                         668,014,515.82

                                         Item                                                  Amount

  I.Income situation                                                                              19,285,714.29

  Lease income                                                                                    19,285,714.29

  Income related to variable lease payments not included in lease income

  II.Lease income not turned into cash for five consecutive fiscal years after the
  balance sheet date

  Year 1                                                                                          40,125,000.00

  Year 2

  Year 3

  Year 4

  Year 5

  III.Lease income received for remaining years that is not turned into cash                      40,125,000.00

  Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                       40,125,000.00

  1-2 years (inclusive)

  2-3 years (inclusive)

  Over 3 years

8.2 Lessee

8.2.1 The lessee shall disclose the following information related to the lease

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                              Item                                                  Amount

       Interest expense on lease liability                                                             81,571,707.31

       Short-term lease expenses included in current profit and loss

       Low-value asset leasing expense included in current profit and loss

       Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability

       Income derived from sublease of right-of-use assets

       Total cash outflow related to lease                                                            606,571,985.34

       Gains and losses arising from sale and leaseback transactions

    8.2.2 Lessees should disclose other qualitative and quantitative information about leasing activities as required by
financial statements


    9. Other significant transactions and matters that may affect investors' decision making


    10. Other


    Setion XVII. Notes Of Main Items In the Financial Statements of the Company as
the Parent

    1. Accounts receivable

    1.1 Disclosure by aging

                       Item                          Closing balance                       Opening balance

       Within 1 year (inclusive)                                   15,570,863.42                       15,570,863.56

       1-2 years (inclusive)                                       15,570,863.56

       Less:Provision for bad debts                                 2,335,629.53                          778,543.18

                                      Total                        28,806,097.45                       14,792,320.38

    1.2 Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                   Closing balance
                                        Book balance                         Bad debt                  Book value

                                                                   Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                                                Percentage                      Percentage of
                                 Amount                          Amount
                                                  (%)                         provision (%)

  Accounts receivable
  with a collective bad      31,141,726.98          100.00      2,335,629.53               7.50       28,806,097.45
  debt provision

  Combination3               31,141,726.98          100.00      2,335,629.53               7.50       28,806,097.45

           Total             31,141,726.98          100.00      2,335,629.53                  --      28,806,097.45


                                                                Opening balance

                                    Book balance                          Bad debt
                                                Percentage                      Percentage of         Book value
                                 Amount                          Amount
                                                  (%)                         provision (%)

  Accounts receivable
  with a collective bad      15,570,863.56          100.00       778,543.18                5.00       14,792,320.38
  debt provision

  Combination3               15,570,863.56          100.00       778,543.18                5.00       14,792,320.38

           Total             15,570,863.56          100.00       778,543.18                   --      14,792,320.38

Collective bad debt provision:

                                                                      Closing balance
                    Item                         Accounts                                          Percentage of
                                                                     Bad debt provision
                                                receivables                                          provision

              Combination3                      31,141,726.98            2,335,629.53                  7.50

                    Total                       31,141,726.98            2,335,629.53                   --

1.3 Bad debt provision in the current period:

                                                  Amount of change in the current period
                                 Opening                                                                 Closing
            Item                                                Recovery
                                 balance        Provision                      Write-off   Others        balance
                                                                or reversal

  Bad debt provision for
                              778,543.18     1,557,086.35                                              2,335,629.53
  accounts receivable

            Total             778,543.18     1,557,086.35                                              2,335,629.53

                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

1.4 Top five debtors with the biggest ending balances of accounts receivable

                                                                                                    Percentage of
           Name                  Nature                           Provision           Age           total accounts
                                                                                                    receivable (%)

      Yaxia Industrial           Lease      31,141,726.98     2,335,629.53        within 2 years        100.00

            Total                           31,141,726.98     2,335,629.53                              100.00

2. Other receivables

2.1 Classified listing

                    Item                           Closing balance                          Opening balance

            Other receivables                        20,699,731.33                           621,900,443.29

                                    Total            20,699,731.33                           621,900,443.29

2.2 Other receivables

2.2.1 Disclosure by aging

                         Aging                              Closing balance                   Opening balance

   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                           1,758,288.04                  603,950,922.30

   1-2 years (inclusive)                                                 991,922.30                   17,949,520.99

   2-3 years (inclusive)                                              17,949,520.99

   Less: Provision for bad debts

                         Total                                        20,699,731.33                  621,900,443.29

2.3.2 Other receivables by nature of the payment

                         Item                           Closing balance                     Opening balance

   Current account                                                20,694,131.33                      621,894,843.29

   Deposits and guarantees                                             5,600.00                               5,600.00

                         Total                                    20,699,731.33                      621,900,443.29

2.3.3 Withdrawing process of bad debt provision


                                                                                          Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

       2.3.4 Top 5 other receivable at the end of the period

                                                     Nature                                                 Percentage of
                                                                         Closing                                                     Bad debt
                       Creditor                           of                                  Aging           total other
                                                                         balance                                                     provision
                                                    payment                                                receivables (%)

          Bozhou Yaxia Motor Vehicle
          Driver Training School Co.,                               10,413,457.84         within 3 years                 50.31

          Wuhu Yawei Automobile                     Current
                                                                     3,790,228.27         within 3 years                 18.31
          Sales and Service Co., Ltd                account

          Suzhou Bokai Automobile                   Current
                                                                     3,772,453.42         within 3 years                 18.22
          Sales and Service Co., Ltd                account

          Huangshan Asia Xia Fudi
          Automobile Sales and                                       2,031,405.31         within 3 years                   9.81
          Service Co., Ltd

          Chaohu Yazhou Kaixuan
          Automobile Sales and                                           459,974.46       within 3 years                   2.22
          Service Co., Ltd

                             Total                                  20,467,519.30                                        98.87

       3. Long-term equity investments

                                                         Closing balance                                              Opening balance

          Item                                              Impairment                                                  Impairment
                                     Book balance                              Book value           Book balance                             Book value
                                                             provision                                                   provision

Investment in subsidiaries           19,143,591,207.14                      19,143,591,207.14     18,582,307,907.14                        18,582,307,907.14

Investment for associates
                                        46,824,788.00                           46,824,788.00
and joint venture

          Total                      19,190,415,995.14                      19,190,415,995.14     18,582,307,907.14                        18,582,307,907.14

       3.1 Investment in subsidiaries

                  Investee                      Opening balance            Increase         Decrease    Closing balance              for

ZhongGong limited                               18,500,000,000.00                                       18,500,000,000.00

Lu'an Zhongke Real Estate Information
                                                                         489,131,700.00                    489,131,700.00
Consulting Co., Ltd

                                                                               Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                   Investee               Opening balance       Increase         Decrease    Closing balance        for

Lu'an Yazhong Real Estate Information
                                                               72,151,600.00                     72,151,600.00
Consulting Co., LTD

Wuhu Yawei Automobile Sales and
                                             23,000,000.00                                       23,000,000.00
Service Co., Ltd

Ningguo City Yaxia Motor Vehicle Driver
                                             17,474,782.14                                       17,474,782.14
Training School

Huangshan Asia Xia Fudi Automobile
                                               5,000,000.00                                       5,000,000.00
Sales and Service Co., Ltd

Chaohu Yazhou Kaixuan Automobile
                                               5,000,000.00                                       5,000,000.00
Sales and Service Co., Ltd

Bozhou Yaxia Motor Vehicle Driver
                                             20,000,000.00                                       20,000,000.00
Training School Co., Ltd

Suzhou Bokai Automobile Sales and
                                              11,833,125.00                                      11,833,125.00
Service Co., Ltd

                    Total                 18,582,307,907.14   561,283,300.00                 19,143,591,207.14

                                                                                                                                        Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

          3.2 Investment in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                 Changes for the year                                                                       Closing

                                                                                                         Other                  Cash dividends                                             balance
            The invested             Opening                                     Investment                             Other                     Provision                 Closing
                                                                                                  comprehensive                   or profits                                             of provision
                                     balance      Increase       Decrease        profit under                       equity                           for       Others       balance
                entity                                                                                                                                                                        for
                                                                                                         income                 announced of
                                                                                equity method                       change                       impairment
                                                                                                       adjustment                 issuance


Beijing Zhongwang Future Education
                                               100,000,000.00   51,000,000.00    -2,174,511.83                                                                 -700.17   46,824,788.00
Technology Co., Ltd

                Total                          100,000,000.00   51,000,000.00    -2,174,511.83                                                                 -700.17   46,824,788.00

                                                                              Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

   4. Share capital

                                                                Changes in the current period(+、-)

                                Opening             Issue
          Item                                              Bonus     fund transfer                                           Closing balance
                                 balance            new                                     other                Total
                                                            share       to share

1. Shares with limited
                           5,419,759,990.00                                             -854,983,969.00    -854,983,969.00    4,564,776,021.00
sale conditions

1.1. Other domestic
                           5,419,759,990.00                                             -854,983,969.00    -854,983,969.00    4,564,776,021.00

Inc: Domestic legal
                               534,706,341.00                                           -534,706,341.00    -534,706,341.00
person shares

       Domestic natural
                           4,885,053,649.00                                             -320,277,628.00    -320,277,628.00    4,564,776,021.00
person holdings

2. Shares in circulation
without restrictions on        747,639,399.00                                            854,983,969.00      854,983,969.00   1,602,623,368.00

common stock                   747,639,399.00                                            854,983,969.00      854,983,969.00   1,602,623,368.00

          Total            6,167,399,389.00                                                                                   6,167,399,389.00

   5. Operating income and operating costs

                                                Amount for the current period                  Amount for the prior period
                                           Operating income         Operating costs       Operating income        Operating costs

                  Other businesses          14,831,488.06            11,230,514.83          14,829,393.86          11,336,628.27

                       Total                14,831,488.06            11,230,514.83          14,829,393.86          11,336,628.27

   6. Investment income

                                                                                         Amount for                Amount for
                                                                                      the current period         the prior period

            Dividend income obtained during the holding period of
                                                                                             1,327,872.00                249,600.00
            other equity instrument investments

            Long-term equity investments income under equity method                          -2,174,511.83

            Investment income from Financial product                                            10,466.92

                                            Total                                             -836,172.91                249,600.00

                                                                         Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

       Setion XVIII. Supplementary Information

      1. Pursuant to the Explanatory Announcement for Information Discliosure of Companies Offering Securities to the
 Public No.1-Non-recurring Profit and Loss issued by China Securities Regulatory Commision,non-recurring profit and loss
 as follows.

      Breakdown of non-recurring profit and loss during the reporting period

                      Breakdown of non-recurring profit and loss                                    Amount           Description

(1)Profit and loss on disposal of non current assets                                              -136,455.49

(2)Tax refunds, reductions or exemptions without approval or without formal approval

(3)Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss (closely related to the
business of the enterprise, except for government subsidies that are fixed or quantified          27,496,339.83
in accordance with national unified standards)

(4)Capital occupation fees charged to non-financial enterprises included in the current
profit and loss

( 5 ) The company can obtain the differences when the investment cost of an
enterprise's acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures is less than the
income derived from the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investee.

(6)Non-monetary asset exchange gains and losses

(7)Profit or loss from entrusting others to invest or manage assets                             56,955,660.58

(8)Impairments for assets due to force majeure factors, such as natural disasters

(9)Debt restructuring gains and losses

( 10 ) Enterprise restructuring costs, such as expenses for relocating employees,
integration costs, etc.

(11)Gains and losses in excess of fair value resulting from transactions where the
transaction price was significantly unfair

( 12 ) Net profit or loss for the period from the beginning of the subsidiary to the
business combination date resulting from a business combination under the same

(13)Gains and losses from contingencies unrelated to the company's normal business

( 14 ) In addition to the effective hedging business related to the company's normal
business operations, the holding of financial assets held for trading, derivative financial
assets, financial liabilities held for trading, and changes in fair value arising from
derivative financial liabilities, and disposal of financial assets held for trading, derivative
finance investment income from assets, financial liabilities held for trading, derivative
financial liabilities and other debt investments

(15)Receivables and contract asset impairment reserves that are individually tested
for impairment are reversed.

                                                                      Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

                     Breakdown of non-recurring profit and loss                                    Amount          Description

(16)Gains and losses from external entrusted loans

(17)Gains and losses from changes in the fair value of investment real estate that are
subsequently measured at the fair value model

(18)The impact on the current profit and loss should be adjusted in one time in
accordance with the requirements of tax and accounting laws

(19)Custody fee income from entrusted operations                                                  226,415.10                   ,

(20)Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                     16,837,313.42

(21)Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss      60,675,060.38

Total non-recurring profit and loss                                                             140,564,011.30

Less:Amount of income tax impact                                                                24,442,598.26

Non-recurring profit and loss after deducting income tax effects                                116,121,413.04

Inc:Non-recurring profit and loss attributable to owners of the parent company                 116,121,413.04

     Non-recurring profit and loss attributable to minority shareholders

      Note: Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses are mainly :

      According to the "Announcement on Supporting Tax Policies for the Prevention and Control of the Pneumonia
 Epidemic of Novel Coronavirus Infection" (Announcement No. 8, 2020 of the Ministry of Finance and Taxation
 Administration), the value-added tax exempted from RMB 60,293,558.79, according to the "Announcement on Deepening
 the Relevant Policies of Value-Added Tax Reform" "(Announcement No. 39, 2019) of the Ministry of Finance, the State
 Administration of Taxation and the General Administration of Customs) The additional input tax deduction is RMB
 355,925.19. After the loss of control, the remaining equity is re-measured at fair value with a gain of RMB 25,576.40.

      2. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                Weighted                      Earnings per share
                Profit for the reporting period              average return       Basic earnings        Diluted earnings
                                                            on net assets (%)        per share              per share

         Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                                                         -76.88                 -0.38               -0.38
         of the company

         Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
         of the company after deducting non-recurring                    -80.65                 -0.40               -0.40
         gains and losses
