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1. About The Report

2. Message from the Chairman

3. About Our Group

4. Party Building Work

5. Insisting on Sustainable Development

6. Promoting Green Development

7. Insisting on Compliance Operation

8. Professional Personnel Management

9. Practicing Social Responsibility

Appendix I: KPI Data Table

Appendix II: Content Index of the ESG Reporting Guide

                 ABOUT THE REPORT

    The Report is the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report
    (the “Report” or “ESG Report”) published by Dongjiang Environmental
    Company Limited (the “Company” or “Dongjiang Environmental”) and its
    subsidiaries (the “Group” or “we”, “our” or “us”), which mainly discloses                           ESG
    the Group’s performance in ESG aspects, and describes the Group’s                              ESG
    fulfillment of corporate social responsibility and the achievement of                    ESG
    sustainable development.

    The Report is prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social and
    Governance Reporting Guide (the “Guide”) as set out in Appendix 27 to
    the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (the “Listing Rules”) issued
    by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”),
    and the scope covered in the Report also complies with the “Comply
    or Explain” provisions in the Guide and the requirements of the four
    reporting principles (materiality, quantitative, balance and consistency).

    Materiality                  In the Report, we have identified and disclosed the process and criteria for material ESG
                                 issues, as well as the description of key stakeholders, the process and results of stakeholder

    Quantitative                 We have disclosed the statistical standards, methodologies, assumptions, calculation tools
                                 used in reporting key performance indicators (“KPIs”), and sources of conversion factors.

    Balance                      The Report should provide an unbiased picture of the Group’s performance during the
                                 Reporting Period. The Report should avoid selections, omissions and presentation formats
                                 that may influence a decision or judgment by the Report reader.

    Consistency                  The statistical approach we used in the Report is consistent with last year. If there are any
                                 changes to statistical methods or KPIs, or other relevant factors that affect the validity of the
                                 comparisons, we will make this clear in our ESG Report.


2   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                                               ABOUT THE REPORT

The time frame of data disclosed in the Report covers the period from
1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (the “Year” or “Reporting Period”)
about the sustainable development. Unless otherwise specified, the
content coverage of the Report is consistent with the coverage of
the “2022 Annual Report”. The data coverage of environmental KPIs                              2022
in the Report covers the headquarters and the following 16 principal
subsidiaries*, and we will continue to increase the scope and depth                                  16           *
of such coverage and constantly monitor the Group’s performance in
sustainability in the future.

*    During the Year, Chenzhou Xiongfeng Environment Technology Company Limited            *
     was added to the data coverage of environmental KPIs, the acquisition of which as a                                 2021
     subsidiary was completed on 16 September 2021 and was subsequently included in              9    16          2022
     the statistics in 2022.

                                                                                                           2022                 3

                 ABOUT THE REPORT

      Data coverage of environmental KPIs

      Baoan Dongjiang:           Shenzhen Baoan Dongjiang
                                   Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

      Jiangmen                   Jiangmen Dongjiang Environmental
         Dongjiang:                 Technology Co., Ltd.

      Huizhou                    Huizhou Dongjiang Environment
        Dongjiang:                 Technology Co., Ltd.

      Qingyuan Xinlv:            Qingyuan Xinlv Environmental
                                   Technology Co., Ltd.

      Kunshan                    Kunshan Qiandeng Three Wastes
        Treatment:                 Treatment Co., Ltd

      Jiangsu Dongjiang: Jiangsu Dongjiang Environmental
                            Services Co., Ltd

      Wosen                      Karamay Wosen Environmental
       Environmental:              Technology Co., Ltd.

      Jiangxi Dongjiang:         Jiangxi Dongjiang Environmental
                                    Technology Co., Ltd.

      Qianhai                    Shenzhen Qianhai Dongjiang
        Dongjiang:                 Environment Technology
                                   Service Co., Ltd.

      Humen Green:               Dongguan Humen Green Water Co., Ltd.

      Xiantao Dongjiang: Xiantao Dongjiang Environmental
                           Technology Co., Ltd.

      Huabao                     Shenzhen Huabao Technology Co., Ltd.

      Renewable Energy: Shenzhen Dongjiang Environmental
                          Renewable Energy Co., Ltd.

      Zhuhai                     Zhuhai Yongxingsheng Environmental
        Yongxingsheng:             Industrial Waste Recycling and
                                   Integrated Treatment Co., Ltd.

      Shaoguan                   Shaoguan Dongjiang Environmental
        Dongjiang:                 Sustainable Resources
                                   Development Co., Ltd.

      Xiongfeng                  Chenzhou Xiongfeng Environment
        Environment:               Technology Company Limited

4   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                        ABOUT THE REPORT

The Report is published in Simplified Chinese and English versions.
You may access the electronic version of the Report on the Company
website (www.dongjiang.com.cn) or through the HKEX news website        (www.dongjiang.com.cn)

The Report has been approved by the board of directors of the Group                2023        4   27
(the “Board”) on 27 April 2023.

We value the comments and opinions of stakeholders and the public on
the Report. Please feel free to contact us for communication through
the following ways. Your comments will help us further improve the
Report and enhance our sustainable performance.

Company address: Dongjiang Environmental Building,
                 No. 9 Langshan Road,
                 North Zone of Hi-tech Industrial Park,                                    9
                 Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Email address:   ir@dongjiang.com.cn                                              ir@dongjiang.com.cn

                                                                                       2022                 5


    As a major strategy for China’s economic and social development,
    developing a circular economy serves as an important path towards the
    promotion of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, a meaningful way to
    advance the building of an ecological civilization, and a significant route
    to deliver high-level environmental protection. China’s “14th Five-Year”
    Plan has been focusing on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. During
    the implementation of this plan, the environmental governance policies
    have remained potent, a heavyweight train of environmental protection         (   )
    policies has been successively issued, and the country has steered the
    emphasis of its ecological and environmental protection from “pollution
    reduction” to “carbon reduction” in the new stage. The Report to the
    20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (the “Party”)
    has presented a series of new philosophies, thoughts, and strategies
    for ecological conservation and environmental protection. Therefore,
    the environmental protection industry still has the potential for great
    growth. To realize the strategic goal of developing a green and low-
    carbon circular economy, enterprises are required to comprehensively
    enhance solid waste governance systems and capabilities and meet
    higher standards for upcoming operation and development.

6   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                          MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN

In 2022, the industry witnessed unprecedented difficulties and             2022
challenges facing the hazardous waste treatment industry due to
various factors such as the economic situations at home and abroad,
reduced production by industries, and intra-industry competition.
However, it is anticipated that the capacity for recycling and disposing
of hazardous waste will be guaranteed, as the institutions and
mechanisms for hazardous waste supervision will be further improved
thanks to the release of the Reform Implementation Plan to Strengthen
the Supervision over and the Capacity for Recycling and Disposing
of Hazardous Waste. Besides, with the economic recovery and the
ongoing progress of industrialization, the generation of solid waste
and hazardous waste will gradually rebound and steadily grow, it is
expected that the future rivalry among industry peers will be eased
bit by bit, and the landscape of the hazardous waste disposal industry
will be reshaped. As one of the first players in the industry, Dongjiang
Environmental has been striving to build a domestically leading
flagship enterprise rendering comprehensive environmental protection                 ESG
services. Dongjiang Environmental has been committed to bolstering
its core, principal business of hazardous waste treatment and impelling
industrial upgrading through technological innovation to achieve
“resource recycling”, while endeavoring to assist in the Company’s
high quality development through reinforcing its principal business and
exploring new businesses. At the same time, dedicated to promoting
environmental protection, Dongjiang Environmental will continue to
adopt ESG practices and turn related strategies into actions in its
operation and development.

Dongjiang Environmental has been hewing to the principles of
reduction, recycling, and harmlessness for waste treatment while
tirelessly introducing and developing new technologies and processes
for waste treatment and disposal. Besides, it has been committed to
creating an eco-friendly, healthy, and safe working environment for
ensuring the safety and sustainable development of the Company
and forming a harmonious and win-win relationship with the society
and the environment. Conforming to the principles of “energy
saving, consumption reduction, pollution reduction, and efficiency
enhancement”, the Group has constantly adopted production methods
with less pollution, low cost, and high efficiency, as well as new
processes and technologies for clean production. We organize publicity
and education campaigns on environmental protection days such as
World Environment Day, Earth Day, and World Water Day. On these
days, through environmental protection campaigns for public interests,
voluntary tree planting campaigns, and waste battery recycling
campaigns, we spread kinds of environmental protection knowledge to
employees, which plays a positive role in promoting the philosophies of
environmental protection.

                                                                                  2022         7


    During the Year, the Group had its quality management system,
    environment management system, occupational health and safety
    management system certified, and these systems underwent an
    upgrade of digital intelligence. We have successfully come up with a
    holistic three-in-one smart environmental protection solution featuring
    the “smart safety and environmental management platform”, “smart
    operation management platform for environmental protection” and
    “intelligent chemical factory for hazardous waste treatment”, realizing
    full-cycle, intelligent and closed-loop management of business, which
    has effectively strengthened our coordination capability, improved our
    operational efficiency and reduced safety and environmental risks. In
    terms of internal management, the Group focuses on reducing costs and
    increasing efficiency; in particular, energy and raw material consumption
    is reduced through measures such as staggered production, optimized
    processes, and refined operations, so as to cut down various production
    costs carefully.

    In terms of employment, upholding the concept of “employees are
    the foundation of the Company’s development” all the way, Dongjiang
    Environmental believes that talents grow in work and learn in practices
    and walks the walk, while applying itself to enhancing employees’
    business capabilities and comprehensive quality. The Group has
    established a talent training system that focuses on both professional
    capabilities and leadership, continuously improves the working
    environment of employees, and remains heedful of and protective
    toward the health of employees. We strictly comply with the laws,
    regulations and systems related to labor and employment of the places
    where the enterprises under the Group are located, protect the rights
    and interests of employees, and endeavor to achieve the harmony and
    unity among corporate benefits, employee growth and social value.

    Never forgetting the starting intention and original mission, Dongjiang
    Environmental focuses on its responsibilities and principal business,
    as an active contributor to the building of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
    Macao Greater Bay Area, the Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone of             2022   53.70
    Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the “One Core, One Belt and
    One Area” Initiative in Guangdong province. In 2022, we donated a total
    of RMB537,000 through the pairing-up assistance programs to Wengyuan
    County, Shaoguan City in Guangdong Province, Fengshun County,
    Meizhou City in Guangdong Province, Qiaodong Town, Fengcheng City
    in Jiangxi Province, and Rudong County in Jiangsu Province for rural
    revitalization, road maintenance and aid donations, thereby fulfilling our
    social responsibilities as state-owned enterprises in practical ways.

8   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                         MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN

During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental adopted the diversified
market strategy to address fierce market competition. Its industrial
upgrading was empowered by technological innovation; its
organizational vitality was stimulated by tapping into comprehensively
deepening reforms; its operating quality was improved by refined
management. Going forward, Dongjiang Environmental will remain
steadfast in following national strategies and actively seek new
performance growth points in line with the development trend of the
industry, on the basis of a stronger principal business and against the
context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited
Tan Kan

April 2023                                                                2023   4

                                                                                     2022       9

                  ABOUT OUR GROUP

     Dongjiang Environmental was established in 1999. It is an environmental                                                                                                    1999
     protection company listed in Shenzhen and Hong Kong (stock codes:                                                                                                                               002672.SZ,
     002672.SZ and 00895.HK). Its controlling shareholder is Guangdong                                                                    00895.HK
     Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (“Guangdong Rising Group”), and the
     advantageous state-owned background provides strong guarantee and
     support for the development of the Company.

     Dongjiang Environmental is a technology-based integrated environmental
     service provider driven by technological innovation, and focuses on
     hazardous waste disposal and resource utilization services. The Company
     is committed to assuming environmental and social responsibility, and
     is dedicated to developing municipal waste treatment services while
     upholding the principles of harmless disposal of industrial waste and
     utilization of resources. We keep on expanding our business of water
     treatment, environmental engineering, and environmental testing, etc.,
     aiming to improve the Group’s production supply chain while providing
     customized environmental services for enterprises at different stages of
     development, and designing comprehensive and targeted municipal waste
     management solutions to our customers.

                                                                                                                                  Green construction material

                                        Biogas power generation
                                                                                              醫療廢物處理                           建築垃圾
                                                                                              Medical waste                      Construction waste

                                                                             衛生填埋                             醫療廢物
                                                                                                                  醫療廢物                                                    Resource utilization
                                                                                                                 Medical waste

                                        Comprehensive treatment

                                                                                                                                                      Electronic waste

                                                                           Domestic waste

                                          Kitchen waste
                                                                                                                                                 Environmental monitoring
                            肥料                                       Municipal sludge
                          Fertilizers                                                                                                                                          資源化利用
                                                                                                                                                                            Resource utilization
                                                                                                                                            Industrial hazardous
                                               生物質能源                                     土壤修復
                                                                   污水生態處理             Soil remediation
                                             Biomass energy
                                                                  Sewage ecological


                                                            Offering comprehensive solutions in municipal waste management

10   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                         ABOUT OUR GROUP

3.1 BUSINESS OF THE GROUP                                                3.1
   As one of the leaders in the domestic environmental protection
   industry, the Group has accumulated extensive experience and                       24
   built professional environmental protection service capabilities
   after 24 years of development. The Group has always focused on
   the principal business of hazardous waste treatment and disposal.
   As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group was qualified                                 270
   for hazardous waste operations, which enabled it to treat and                           110
   dispose of more than 2.7 million tons of hazardous waste, of which               160
   approximately 1.1 million was for recycling and approximately               44
   1.6 million tons was for harmless disposal, and it could treat 44
   categories of hazardous waste. The Group continues to develop
   and introduce new environmental protection technologies,
   strengthen the function of waste classification and sorting, and
   enhance resource recycling, while promoting the transformation
   and upgrading of enterprise through technological innovation,
   striving to become “a one-stop comprehensive environmental
   protection service provider oriented by technological innovation
   and based on hazardous waste treatment”.

   The Group’s business covered the core areas of the Guangdong-
   Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River Delta, the
   Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Central and Western China,
   and it had over 60 subsidiaries across core industrial provinces
   such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian, which had built a          60
   multifaceted market network featuring regional linkage.

   During the Year, under the intense competition, Dongjiang
   Environmental made every effort to seize the market share, flexibly
   used the price mechanism, implemented the market strategy of
   “replacing price for volume”, further enhanced the sales efforts
   of resource-based products, established multi-industry sales
   channels. Meanwhile, it vigorously expanded overseas markets,
   increased the scope of promotion for high value-added resource-
   based products, to achieve better sales performance.

                                                                                           2022             11

                  ABOUT OUR GROUP

            During the Year, the Group successfully obtained certificates for
            the commissioning of the Jieyang Incineration Project, Zhuhai
            Green Industry Service Center and other projects, efficiently
            promoted the construction of the Jieyang Rigid Landfill Project,
            and successfully undertook the expansion project of the Jingzhou
            wastewater treatment plant and started construction, further
            strengthening the core competitiveness of the main business.
            Xiongfeng Environmental under the Group realized the capacity
            expansion and standard improvements and upgrades of products
            through technological improvements and upgrades, continued
            to drive revenue and achieved an upward breakthrough in profit.
            In terms of municipal waste business, the Group has formed a
            business model ranging from the treatment and disposal of front-
            end city domestic waste, municipal sewage and other municipal
            waste to the utilization of biogas power generation renewable

            Dongjiang Environmental continuously advances the project
            construction and implements the environmental impact
            assessment and the “Three Simultaneous” system, and the
            discharge of major pollutants of all subsidiaries meets the national
            and regional environmental protection-related policy requirements
            and industry standards, and meets the pollutant discharge permit
            and the total pollutant discharge control standards stipulated by
            local governments. In addition, we have successfully built the
            “smart safety and environmental management platform”, “smart
            operation management platform for environmental protection” and
            “intelligent chemical factory for hazardous waste treatment”, and
            developed a three-in-one smart environmental protection overall
            solution, realizing a full-cycle, intelligent and closed-loop business
            management, effectively strengthening the coordination capability,
            improving the operational efficiency and reducing safety and
            environmental risks.

     3.2 HONORS AND AWARDS                                                           3.2
            Since its establishment, leveraging on its advanced technology,
            innovation capabilities and rich industry experience, Dongjiang
            Environmental has been successively awarded the honorary titles
            of Guangdong Province Key Environmental Protection Enterprise
            and a National Key Environmental Protection Enterprise, the unit
            of “National Resources Conservation and Environmental Protection
            Major Demonstration Project”, “National First Batch of Circular
            Economy Pilot Units” and “National High-tech Enterprises”, etc.

            During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental also received honors
            and awards from many units and received recognition from
            different sectors in terms of science and technology, engineering
            design and social responsibility.

12   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                       ABOUT OUR GROUP

Honors/Awards                                           Issuing Body

Guangdong Province Environmental Protection             Guangdong Society of Environmental Sciences
  Science and Technology Award-The First Prize
  of the Digital Whole-Process Monitoring
  and Application for Hazardous Waste Handling
  in Guangdong Province

The Second Prize of Zhuhai Excellent Municipal          Zhuhai Municipal Planning, Survey and
  Public Engineering Design                               Design Industry Association
  (Water Supply and Drainage) in 2022


Excellent Case of Party Building Innovation             China Enterprise News Group/School of Marxism
  of Enterprises in China                                 of Peking University/Hongqi Press

Child-friendly Practice Base                            Shenzhen Municipal Working Committee on Women
                                                          and Children/Shenzhen Women’s Federation

During the Year, a total of 16 subsidiaries under the Group were                              16
recognized as “National High-tech Enterprises”; five subsidiaries                                        5
won the honorary title of “Specialized and Sophisticated Small                                     2022
and Medium-sized Enterprise of 2022 in Guangdong Province”.
The subsidiary Wosen Environmental was among the first batch
of enterprises winning the title of “Innovative SME” in Xinjiang                                         2022
Uygur Autonomous Region and awarded the title of “Specialized
and Sophisticated” Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Xinjiang                              2
Uygur Autonomous Region in 2022. In addition, two subsidiaries
were recognized as a “Guangdong Province Engineering
Technology Research Center for Integrated Treatment of Industrial
Waste” and a “Guangdong Province Engineering Technology
Research Center for Integrated Treatment and Resource Utilization
of Industrial Waste”.

                                                                                       2022                       13

                  ABOUT OUR GROUP

     3.3 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE                                               3.3
            Technological innovation is the development approach of
            Dongjiang Environmental. The Group has always adhered to
            the new technology to lead industry development, accelerated
            the transformation of scientific research achievements, and
            continuously created a benchmark for scientific research
            innovation in the industry. The Group has a research institute
            aimed to advance technology introduction, the research
            and development of cutting-edge technology, and industrial
            cooperation and application. The Group attaches great importance
            to scientific research and remains at an industry-leading level. In
            addition, the Group dedicated to studying recycling technology
            in new fields to keep up with future industrial development                                                             7
            trends, and cultivated new business capabilities. During the                                                        2
            Year, we have completed a total of seven key projects, including                                             2
            two industrialization projects. Among the two completed major
            national science and technology projects, the national key
            research and development project “Integrated Technology and
            Application of Rural Water Supply and Drainage in the Eastern                                             93.6
            River Network Region” was approved in written by the Ministry
            of Science and Technology, and reached a high score of 93.6
            in the comprehensive performance evaluation. Research of the
            project “Recovery of Heavy Metals from Inorganic Waste Acid - Key
            Technology and Demonstration of Waste Acid Recycling”, a special
            project of solid waste recycling under the National Key Research
            and Development Program of China, is completed and ready for

            We have participated in the formulation of 3 national standards,                                         GB/T 39198-2020
            namely “GB/T 39198-2020 Classification and Code for General Solid                                                    GB/T
            Waste”, “GB/T 39197- 2020 Principle and Requirement for Material                      39197-2020
            Flow Data Collection of General Solid Waste”, “GB/T 41015-2021                                                 GB/T 41015-
            Technical Requirements for Solid Waste Vitrification Product”. At                      2021
            the same time, our several research and development results have                                     3
            reached international standards. In terms of resource utilization
            of copper-containing hazardous waste, a high-purity basic copper
            carbonate process developed by our team has been applied for
            international patent, and a preparation method of electronic-
            grade copper chloride dihydrate has been applied for the US
            patent. During the Year, one domestic advanced scientific and
            technological achievement is newly added. In the future, Dongjiang                             1
            Environmental will continue to promote technological innovation,
            optimize business to enhance market competitiveness.

            D uring t he Y e a r, D o n g j i a n g E n vi r o n ment a l a dhered t o t he
            consistent concept of innovation-driven development, and
            continued to expand the depth and breadth of Research &
            Development (“R & D”) based on the research institute. The                                                1.69

14   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                       ABOUT OUR GROUP

annual research and development investment was RMB169 million.                  9                     16
At the same time, Dongjiang Environmental managed 9 innovation
platforms at or above the provincial-ministerial level and 16 high-         121                  13
tech enterprises. The Group has obtained 121 newly authorized                       108
patents, including 13 patents for invention, 108 patents for utility                602
model. Cumulatively, we have already been granted a total of 602          108       PCT                1
authorized patents, including 108 patents for invention (including 1                 491               3
PCT US invention patent), 491 patents for utility and 3 patents for

                               R & D Establishment

   Provincial-ministerial level innovative technology platforms                            9
   省部級創新技術平台                                                                      9個

   Municipal-level postdoctoral innovation base                                            1
   市級博士後創新基地                                                                      1個

   Headquarters research institute                                                         1
   總部研究院                                                                              1個

   Base laboratories                                                                       9
   基地實驗室                                                                              9個

   CNAS certication and inspection center                                                  1
   CNAS認證檢測中心                                                                        1個

                               Science and Technology Awards and Recognitions

   Science and technology awards received                                                  7
   獲得科技獎項                                                                            7個

   Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress                                1
   國家級科技進步二等獎                                                                    1個

   Provincial-ministerial level awards                                                     4
   省部級獎項                                                                              4個

   Department-municipal level awards                                                       2
   廳市級獎項                                                                              2個

                                                                                    2022                   15

                  PARTY BUILDING WORK

     During the Year, the Dongjiang Environmental Party Committee, guided
     by Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in
     the new era, was committed to a pragmatic approach to work that
     prioritizes the Party’s political construction and comprehensively and
     effectively implemented the Party’s decisions and arrangements.
     Under the guidance of party building, the Dongjiang Environmental
     Party Committee not only consolidated and deepened the “Three                 +
     Types Dongjiang” party building culture brand, but also achieved a
     profound integration and high-quality development of party building
     and production and operations by promoting the new integrated
     development model of “party building +”.

     During the Year, several theme activities were carried out by Dongjiang
     Environmental, including “Key Projects under the Leadership of the
     Party” and “My New Contributions to the Enterprise”, to ensure the
     smooth progress of key projects such as Xiongfeng Environment
     Project, Zhuhai Green Project and Jieyang Dananhai Project. Moreover,
     we implemented the “themed” party building activities to address tough
     and key production problems of enterprises at all levels. By intensifying
     the weak links in projects, we motivated and guided each Party branch
     to resolve key and challenging obstacles that hinder production and
     operations while staying true to the principle of party building. Apart
     from organizing “July 1” party building activities and study and publicity
     campaigns related to the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the
     Party, the Dongjiang Environmental Party Committee also continued
     to encourage leaders and cadres to take the lead in achieving the
     “Five Ones” as well as “Three Mosts and 10 Key Tasks”, promoted the
     normalized and institutionalized practice of “I do practical things for
     the masses”, and mobilized all employees and cadres to continuously
     enhance their pioneering and innovative spirit as well as their sense of
     mission and responsibility for making great achievements.

16   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                   INSISTING ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

D o n g j i a n g E n v i r o n m e n t a l h a s t a k e n u p “D e v e l o p i n g E c o l o g i c a l
Civilization to Build a Better China” as its mission and “Becoming
the Pioneer in Comprehensive Environmental Services in China”
as corporate vision, and fully practiced the concept of ecological
civilization. Taking the initiative to undertake the mission and
responsibility of a state-owned environmental protection enterprise, we
are committed to explore new paths for the sustainable development
of environmental enterprise service, in order to provide strong support
in comprehensively promoting the construction of national ecological

5.1 BOARD STATEMENT                                                                                         5.1
       The Group actively fulfilled corporate social responsibilities
       and established an ESG governance structure. As the highest                                                      ESG
       management organization of the Group, the Board assumes full
       responsibility for the Group’s sustainable development matters,
       including reviewing and overseeing ESG strategy, the overall                                                      ESG
       direction, objectives, performance, materiality assessment                                                                       ESG
       and prioritization of ESG issues, and supervising targets and
       its actual performance. In order to enhance ESG management,                                                      ESG                     ESG
       we have established ESG working group, which is responsible
       for assisting the Board to implement and manage ESG-related                                                ESG                    ESG
       issues, striving to integrate ESG concepts into the management
       approa c he s, b u s i n e s s e s a n d p o l i c i e s. The G roup reg ul a rl y                                                ESG
       reviewed and evaluated the progress of ESG-related targets set,
       and continuously promoted the integration of the concept of
       sustainable development in all aspects.

5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE                                                                    5.2
       The Group regards sustainable development as a crucial part
       of its management. In order to effectively manage ESG related
       risks, promote and supervise the implementation of various ESG                                                   ESG
       policies by various departments, we have established an ESG                                                             ESG
       Working Group led by an executive director and comprised of a
       vice president and person in charge of each major department.                                                                          ESG
       The Board assumes full responsibility for ESG strategies and                                                             ESG
       r e p o r t i n g, a n d i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r m a n a g i n g, c o o r d i n a t i n g,
       evaluating, and determining whether the existing ESG risk                                                         ESG
       management and internal control systems are appropriate, striving                                                                      ESG
       to comprehensively ensure that the optimization and planning of
       ESG measures are successfully implemented.

                                                                                                                                 2022                   17


                                                        01                The Board 董事會
                                               making level               Resolve and approve the Company’s ESG strategy
                                                 決策層                   審批公司ESG策略
                                                                          Take full responsibility for ESG strategy and reporting
                                                                          Regularly review and monitor ESG performance and
                                                                          progress towards targets

                                                                                  ESG Working Group ESG工作小組
                                                        Organizational             Develop the Company’s ESG strategy for the Board’s
                                                             level                 approval and drive implementation
                ESG Structure                              管理層                  執行工作
                  環境、社會及                                                     Identifying and assessing ESG risks associated with
                    管治架構                                                       the Group and ensuring that the Group has an
                                                                                   appropriate and effective ESG risk management
                                                                                   and internal control system in place
                                                                                   Continuously track and review ESG-related
                                                                                   performance and target progress to ensure
                                                                                   that all ESG matters are properly managed
                                                                                   and implemented
                                                                                   Report ESG-related issues and progress
                                                                                   to the Board

                                                 Executive               Relevant Departments of the Group 本集團相關部門
                                                  執行層                  Collect and report ESG internal policies, systems and
                                                                          ESG-related performance indicators
                                                                          Regular report to the ESG Working Group

     5.3 COMMUNICATING WITH STAKEHOLDERS                                                  5.3
            The Group continues to expand diversified communication
            channels and strives to establish close relationships with
            stakeholders. During the Reporting Period, we maintained in-depth
            communications and exchanges with shareholders/investors,
            government/regulatory agencies, customers, employees, suppliers,
            the community and R&D institutions, and understood and listened
            to the suggestions and expectations of the stakeholders for the
            sustainable development of the Group, helping us to improve the
            sustainable development strategy of the Group in time. During the
            Year, our communication with stakeholders is as follows:

18   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                 INSISTING ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Major Stakeholders       Expectations and Requirements         Main Communication Channels

Shareholders/Investors       Robust operational compliance         General meetings

                             Good returns on investment            Annual report, interim report
                                                                   and ESG report
                             Effective risk management                                   ESG
                                                                   Performance briefing session

                                                                   Research activities

                                                                   “Investor Relations” section

                                                                   Email and phone

Government/Regulatory        Environmental compliance              Policy consultation
                             Safe production                       Major meetings

                             Supporting community livelihood       Site visits

                                                                   Disclosure of information

                                                                   Written responses to

Customers                    Quality products and services         Website and emails of the
                             Scientific research
                             and development                       Daily operation/exchange

                             Privacy protection                    Opinion survey

                                                                   Customer complaint channels

                                                                                 2022                   19


             Major Stakeholders                         Expectations and Requirements          Main Communication Channels

             Employees                                      Stable employment                      Channels for employees to
                                                                                                   express their opinions
                                                            Reasonable welfare and
                                                            benefits                               Job performance appraisal

                                                            Safe working environment               Employee survey

                                                                                                   Staff meeting

                                                                                                   Dongjiang Xinqiao WeChat Mini

             Suppliers                                      Integrity and mutual benefits          Field trips

                                                            Fair procurement                       Examination and evaluation

                                                                                                   “Sunshine Dongjiang”
                                                                                                   procurement platform

             Community                                      Promoting social harmony               Organizing charitable activities

                                                            Supporting charitable activities       Environmental protection
                                                            Advocating energy saving
                                                            and emissions reduction                Opinion survey

                                                                                                   Company’s website

                                                                                                   Dongjiang Environmental
                                                                                                   WeChat official account

             R&D institutions                               Technical exchange                     Meetings
                                                            and cooperation
                                                                                                   Site visits

20   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                   INSISTING ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

5.4 MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT                                                                         5.4
   Assessment of material ESG issues will help identify existing risks                                         ESG
   and new opportunities for the Company. In the previous year,
   we finally concluded 7 highly material issues, 12 moderately
   material issues and 6 generally material issues with reference
   to the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of                                                          (SASB)
   The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the material map of
   Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and comparison
   with peers and based on the Group’s business development goals,                                                  7              12
   actual operation strategies and circumstances.                                                                          6

   During the Year, there were no significant changes in our
   stakeholders, business and operating environment. Therefore,
   the Board confirms that the materiality matrix results of the
   previous year are still applicable to the Year and still represent the
   expectations of the stakeholders. The materiality matrix results of
   the previous year will survive the Year. Based on the materiality
   of these issues, we make different levels of key disclosures in
   this Report, to help us formulate and improve ESG strategies and
   guidelines in the future and meet the stakeholders’ expectations.                                                ESG

   The ESG materiality matrix results are as follows:                                                    ESG

                                                                       Materiality Matrix

                                                                                     Highly material issues
                      Materiality to Stakeholders

                                                                      Moderately material issues

                                                    Generally material issues

                                                                      Materiality to the Group

                                                                                                                           2022          21


             Materiality of ESG Issues                  ESG Material Issues
             ESG                                        ESG

             Highly material                            1.      Waste management

                                                        2.      Sewage management

                                                        3.      Exhaust emission management

                                                        4.      Anti-corruption

                                                        5.      Compliance operation

                                                        6.      Employee health and safety

                                                        7.      Disaster and emergency plan planning

             Moderately material                        8.      Energy management

                                                        9.      Greenhouse gas emissions management

                                                        10.     Innovative technology research and development

                                                        11.     Information security and privacy protection

                                                        12.     Intellectual property rights protection

                                                        13.     Customer service

                                                        14.     Employee development training

                                                        15.     Employment and labor standards

                                                        16.     Employee benefits

                                                        17.     Community charity

                                                        18.     Environmental protection education

                                                        19.     Supply chain management

22   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                  INSISTING ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Materiality of ESG Issues   ESG Material Issues
ESG                         ESG

Generally material          20.     Resources use and recycling

                            21.     Water resources management

                            22.     Coping with climate change

                            23.     Use of packaging materials

                            24.     Product quality and safety

                            25.     Equality, diversity and inclusion

                                                                        2022       23

                                        PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

     Taking “Developing Ecological Civilization to Build a Better China” as
     its corporate mission and “Becoming the Pioneer in Comprehensive
     Environmental Services in China” as its corporate vision and adhering
     to the values of “sincerity, diligence and professionalism”, the Group
     has devoted itself to the environmental protection industry, and formed
     an industrial layout of focusing on its core business of the harmless
     treatment and resource utilization of industrial and municipal waste.
     Supported by the value-added businesses such as development of
     environmental engineering and services, the Group has gradually
     improved its one-stop environmental protection services, and is
     committed to becoming a domestically leading flagship enterprise
     rendering comprehensive environmental protection services.

                                                                      Collection and transportation of hazardous waste
                                         Industrial waste treatment
                                                                      Resource utilization of industrial waste
                                         business                     工業廢物的資源化利用
                                                                      Detoxication treatment and nal treatment of the waste

                                                                      Municipal Sewage treatment

                                                                      Municipal waste incineration

                                                                      Domestic waste landll
                                         Municipal waste treatment    生活垃圾填埋

                                         市政廢物處理業務             Landll gas power generation

                                                                      Municipal sludge treatment

                                                                      Treatment and comprehensive utilization of kitchen waste

                                                                      Design, construction and operation of environmental engineering
                                         Environmental protection
                                                                      Environmental testing
                                                                      Environmental emergency rescue

                                                                      Water treatment

                                                                      Dismantling and comprehensive utilization of used household

                                                                      Rare and precious metal recycling

24   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                 PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

6.1 DEVELOPING AN ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS                                                    6.1
   Dongjiang Environmental focuses on its core business of the
   harmless treatment and resource utilization of industrial and
   municipal waste, and also develops the field of rare and precious
   metal recycling, carrying out water treatment, environmental
   engineering, environmental testing and other environmental
   protection businesses. We strictly abide by the relevant laws
   and regulations on environmental protection including the
   Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China,
   the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s
   Republic of China, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law
   of the People’s Republic of China, the Water Law of the People’s
   Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on
   the Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise,
   the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and
   Control of Solid Waste Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic
   of China on Evaluation of Environmental Effects, the Soil Pollution
   Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China and                              (GB3095-2012)
   the Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project                                     (GB14554-93)
   Environmental Protection, and strictly implement the industry                                        (GB3838-2002)
   standards including the Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-                                       (GB3096-2008)
   2012), the Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-93),                                     (GB/T14848-2017)
   the Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-
   2002), the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008),                                       (GB36600-2018)
   the Quality Standard for Ground Water (GB/T14848-2017), the Soil                                                     (GB18484-
   Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination                             2020)
   of Development Land (Trial) (GB36600-2018), the Pollution Control                              (GB16297-1996)
   Standards on Incineration of Hazardous Waste (GB18484-2020),                                                           (GB37822-
   the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996),                             2019)                     (GB8978-
   the Standard for Fugitive Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds                               1996)
   (G B37822-2019), a n d t h e I n t e g r a t e d W a s t e w a t e r D i s c h a r g e
   Standard (GB8978-1996).

                                                                                                              2022                     25


            The Group is committed to promoting the co-processing of
            waste recycling and harmless processes, and inspecting and
            supervising the pollutant discharge in various ways based on the
            principles of reduction, harmlessness and recycling. We perform
            environmental impact assessment of construction projects
            and the “Three Simultaneous” system to effectively check the
            discharge of pollution sources. Meanwhile, we actively promote
            the construction of an information management platform for
            hazardous waste operation, conduct regular internal and third-
            party monitoring regarding our environmental data, and publish
            such data on our official website for public supervision. The key
            pollutant discharge units of the Group have set up an automatic
            monitoring system of pollutant source, enabling a real-time
            supervision by the Ecological Department. During the Reporting
            Period, the Company did not have any material environmental
            pollution accidents.

            This Report analyzes and reports the four core businesses of 16                                                 16
            selected subsidiaries respectively and elaborates the efforts and
            results of Dongjiang Environmental in environmental protection
            and sustainable development.

            Industrial Waste Treatment and Resource Utilization
            D o n g j i a n g E n v i r o n m e n t a l o f f e r s “e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n
            housekeeper” services that encompass the front-end management
            of hazardous waste and management of hazardous waste
            disposal facilities. We are continuously working towards the
            development of an integrated industrial chain for comprehensive
            resource treatment, and harmless treatment and disposal, and are                                          12
            committed to promoting the “United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable
            Development Goal 12 – Ensure Sustainable Consumption and
            Production”. We hope to significantly reduce waste generation                                                 2030
            through measures such as prevention, emission reduction,
            recycling and reuse, in order to achieve the vision of sustainable
            management and efficient use of natural resources by 2030.

26   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                      PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

 Regarding the industrial waste treatment and resource utilization,
 the Group strictly follows relevant laws and regulations pertaining
 to industrial waste treatment, including the Environmental
 Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of
 the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of
 Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, the Standard for Pollution
 Control on General Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Disposal                 (GB18484-2020)
 Site, the Pollution Control Standards on Incineration of Hazardous
 Waste (GB18484-2020), the Measures for the Administration of
 Permit for Operation of Dangerous Wastes and the Administrative                         44
 Measures for Hazardous Waste Transfer Management, etc. With
 qualifications for treating 44 categories of hazardous waste, the
 Group has expanded its business scope to cover multiple regions
 in China.

             Resource Utilization and Harmless Treatment and Disposal of Industrial Hazardous Waste

Collection and Transportation of              Resource Utilization of              Detoxication Disposal of
  Industrial Hazardous Waste                     Industrial Waste                 Industrial Hazardous Waste
  工業危險廢物收集與運輸                      工業廢物資源化利用                  工業危險廢物無害化處置

   Certied professional collection and      16 treatment bases for resource       4 provincial-level treatment
   transportation team                      utilization                           bases for hazardous waste
   專業收運團隊,持證上崗                   擁有16個資源化處理基地                4個省級危險廢物處理基地

   Professional transport vehicles for      Final discharge of wastewater met     Emissions of ue gas met
   hazardous waste                          relevant standards                    relevant standards
   危險廢物專業運輸車輛                     廢水最終排放達到相關標準              煙氣排放達到相關標準

   Full-process seamless GPS

                                                                                               2022                  27


            To ensure the proper treatment and resource utilization of
            industrial hazardous waste, the Group has constructed a wide
            range of hazardous waste treatment facilities that employ various
            treatment methods, such as physical and chemical treatment,
            biological treatment, incineration heat treatment, and safe
            landfill. We employ a variety of technological routes to reduce
            and render hazardous waste harmless, while also converting the
            useful components of the waste into valuable resource products.
            We adhere to high standards of operation, from collection and
            transportation to treatment, and use professional transport
            vehicles for the collection and transportation of hazardous waste                                              GPS
            that are equipped with full-process seamless GPS systems for
            strict monitoring. For instance, we centralize the collection
            and treatment of industrial waste generated by enterprises in
            Jiangmen, the Pearl River Delta, and other surrounding areas,
            where we carry out the resource utilization and harmless
            treatment of waste containing heavy metals.

            Business Model of Industrial Hazardous Waste


                                                                                           Final disposal of

                 Environmental         Hazardous        Waste collection      Waste                                 Safe landll
                   Protection            waste            廢物收集         identication                              安全填埋
                  Department         generating unit                        廢物鑒別
                  monitors the
                     ow of
                     waste                                                                Resource utilization
                   環保部門                                                                   資源化利用
                                                                                                                 Recycled product

28   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                 PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

Municipal Solid Waste Treatment
The Group mainly engages in businesses including the municipal
waste landfill, municipal sewage treatment, landfill odor control,
leachate treatment, kitchen waste treatment and other municipal
waste disposal and utilization of biogas power generation
renewable resources. The Group also actively develops the scale of
qualifications in the field of domestic waste recycling and resource
utilization, making contribution to fulfilling “UN Sustainable
Development Goal 7–Affordable and Applicable Clean Energy”.          7

During the Reporting Period, the Dongjiang Environmental has a                               4
total of 4 landfill gas power generation projects, including Xiaping
Landfill Gas Power Generation Project, Shenzhen Laohukeng
Landfill Gas Power Generation Project, Hefei Longquanshan
Domestic Waste Landfill Gas Power Generation Project and
Nanchang Maiyuan Waste Treatment Plant Landfill Gas Power
Generation Project. The four landfill gas power plants have a                                21MW
total installed capacity of 21MW and an annual power generation                   1
capacity of approximately 100 million kWh.

Environmental Protection Engineering and Services
Dongjiang Environmental effectively integrated with design,
construction, operation and other resources, and committed to
providing customers with one-stop services on environmental
protection services and value-added business. We provide
services including technical consultation, design, construction,
operation and management of environmental protection facilities
engineering, as well as environmental impact assessment and
environmental testing, and purchase and sell auxiliary chemical
raw materials required by the Group and its major industrial
customers. Meanwhile, the Group is also engaged in the business
of industrial wastewater treatment, and strives to promote the         6
“UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean drinking water and              2030
sanitation”, working toward to reduce pollution and improve water
quality in 2030. The Group will effectively ensure the quality,
disposal effectiveness and cost-saving of the projects through
the standard techniques, reasonable process design, scientific
management and strict technical control.

                                                                                      2022           29


     Industry Chain of One-stop Environmental Protection Services

                          Planning stage 規 劃 期

                  Environmental management consultation
                  Environmental feasibility study
                  Environmental planning
                  Classied management and technical guidance on wastewater

                                                                                               Construction stage 建 設 期

                                                                                              Design of environmental protection facilities
                                                                                                  Environmental engineering construction
                                                                                                   Environmental engineering contracting

                          Operation stage 運 營 期

                  Operational services of environmental protection facilities
                  Waste classication, collection and delivery and treatment
                  Packaging management standards and technical guidance
                  Environment and product inspection
                  Provision of chemical raw materials

                                                                                               Expansion stage 擴 建 期

                                                                                Environmental evaluation on reconstruction and expansion
                                                                                              Design of environmental treatment facilities
                                                                                                       General contracting of construction

30   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                     PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

6.2 FULFILLING GREEN OPERATION                                             6.2
   In active response to the national strategy of “carbon peak and
   carbon neutrality” and the guidance of “creating a green, low-
   carbon and circular economic development system” to industries,
   the Group has set the following directive targets for energy saving
   and emission reduction, bearing in mind and undertaking the
   responsibility for protecting the environment:


    Emission of greenhouse gases                     By active implementation of the energy saving measures of
                                                     the Group, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions will
                                                     be maintained or gradually reduced in the future at similar
                                                     levels of operations.

    Energy efficiency                                By active implementation of the energy saving measures
                                                     of the Group, the intensity of electricity consumption will
                                                     be maintained or gradually reduced in the future at similar
                                                     levels of operations.

    Water efficiency                                 By active implementation of the energy saving measures
                                                     of the Group, the intensity of water consumption will be
                                                     maintained or gradually reduced in the future at similar
                                                     levels of operations.

    Waste reduction                                  By active implementation of the energy saving measures
                                                     of the Group, the intensity of waste generation will be
                                                     maintained or gradually reduced in the future at similar
                                                     levels of operations.

   During the Year, we have reviewed the progress of the
   implementation of the objectives and environmental measures
   and confirmed that the environmental objectives are equally
   applicable in the current year and will continue to make plans for
   environmental protection in the coming year. Compared to last
   year, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions during the Year
   decreased slightly, while the intensities of electricity consumption,
   water consumption and waste generation were similar to last year.

                                                                                            2022                   31


            Pollution Prevention and Control Measures
            While continuing to develop environmental businesses, Dongjiang
            Environmental focuses on its own industrial and municipal waste
            treatment. We have implemented a series of stringent pollution
            prevention and control measures to effectively reduce the impact
            on the environment.

             Industrial Waste Treatment

             Exhaust gas treatment                      Equip physiochemical treatment workshops with exhaust gas purification
                                                        systems, so the purified exhaust gas can be emitted after meeting the standards

                                                        Set up exhaust gas treatment systems at the incineration workshops, so the
                                                        treated exhaust gas can be emitted after meeting the standards

             Wastewater treatment                       Build a wastewater treatment system that adapts to changes of water
                                                        quality and quantity

                                                        Follow the principle of treating waste by using waste

                                                        Reuse part of treated wastewater that meets the standards and discharge
                                                        the rest

                                                        Install devices to monitor water in and out online and the water is regularly
                                                        analyzed and monitored by laboratories

             Solid waste treatment                      Production workshops recycle sludge with high metal content that is
                                                        generated from pre-treatment of raw materials through pressure filtration
                                                        and impurity removing process of mother liquor

                                                        Transport of residue from sewage treatment to a safe landfill site

                                                        Treat hazardous waste by incineration or landfill, which depends on the
                                                        characteristics of the hazardous waste

                                                        Use of the generated dehydrated sludge as a type of resource utilization by
                                                        a third-party unit to produce brick

             Noise control                              Select low-noise equipment

                                                        Install hosepipes, mufflers, and noise enclosures

                                                        Install sound-absorbing materials in indoor walls

32   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                               PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

Municipal Waste Treatment

Dust treatment                 Spray water at landfill sites, soil extraction sites, access routes and roads
                               within the operating area on a regular basis

Exhaust gas treatment          Utilize treated landfill gas as a source of biomass energy to generate
                               electricity which will be supplied to local residents after connection to the

Leachate treatment             Separate discharge systems for clean water and leachate at the site

                               After adjustment of water quality and quantity treatment at the equalization
                               basin, the collected leachate will be treated up to standard at the leachate
                               treatment stations and discharged through pipes

                               Adopt horizontal impermeable liner made of HDPE at the bottom of the
                               landfill site to prevent leakage

Greening                       Upon completion of construction, undertake greening works to both sides of
                               access roads, soil extraction sites, vacant sites, leachate treatment stations
                               and office buildings

                               The plants for greening are mainly those that can absorb or resist irritant
                               gases such as hydrogen sulphide and ammonia

                               Perform timely greening and restoration works on the surface of landfill and
                               the surface after closure

Noise control                  Select low-noise equipment

                               Adopt noise insulation and absorption measures for the pumping devices at
                               the equalization basin

                                                                                        2022                    33


                                                                  Case of R&D in pollution prevention and control
                                                                  during the Year: Cooperation to treat nitrate
                                                                  nitrogen in wastewater

         Kunshan Treatment, a subsidiary of Dongjiang Environmental, introduced the biological denitrification
         technology through the cooperation with Tsinghua University to treat nitrate nitrogen in wastewater;
         upgraded the evaporation and concentration facilities to improve the capacity of the triple-effect evaporator
         to treat high ammonia nitrogen wastewater; additionally, the nano-micro bubble technology was adopted
         to oxidize the organic matter in the tail gas, which addressed the odor in tail gas; the plate-and-frame filter
         press was upgraded to the compression-type filter press, so the open channel flows produced by the former
         filter press were collected through pipe, and the lining of product package was sheathed with plastic film.
         These efforts effectively controlled the fugitive emission of waste gas and reduced the pollution to the

            Green Production
            Dongjiang Environmental strictly complies with the relevant
            standards and requirements of green production, and strives to
            reduce carbon emissions, reduce environmental pollution and
            conserve natural resources, aiming to continuously promoting
            green production in various aspects such as alternative materials,
            equipment improvement, production process improvement, waste
            recycling and employee management.

34   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                              PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

Energy Saving

   Replace multi-level centrifugal blowers with air suspension blowers to reduce electricity consumption

   Replace with new aeration tubes to strengthen process control, improve the oxygen transfer rate, save
   energy and reduce consumption

   Replace oil-fired boilers with oil and gas dual purpose boilers, so that natural gas can be used in
   production processes for reducing carbon emissions

   Replace high-energy lamps with energy-saving LED lighting
   Flue waste heat recovery

   Introduce variable frequency power equipment

   Monitor plant power consumption daily

   Implement departmental energy conservation incentive programs to encourage competition among
   departments for energy efficiency performance

Water Saving

   Use recycled wash water

   Replace the inclined plate sedimentation tank with MBR membrane to improve wastewater treatment
   Condensate water for recycling and reuse

   Improve physical and chemical wastewater treatment programs

   Monitor plant water consumption daily

   Reuse wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen and distilled water

   Wash factory equipment with reused water

                                                                                      2022                 35


                                                                  Case of energy-efficient green production during
                                                                  the Year: Using more energy-efficient machines to
                                                                  save energy

         Electricity is the primary energy consumption in the operation of a wastewater treatment plant. To continuously
         promote energy saving and emission reduction, Xiantao Dongjiang, a subsidiary of Dongjiang Environmental,
         purchased air suspension blowers in 2022 after multiple explorations. The multi-stage centrifugal blowers were
         thus replaced, which resulted in daily electricity savings of more than 2,100 kWh with improved equipment,
         and the Company reached its initial energy-saving and emission-reduction result as expected.


            Digital Platform
            The Group’s operations involve the collection, storage, and
            treatment of hazardous waste, and the Group has a broad range
            of products and an extensive operational scope. Therefore, taking
            “safety control and green transformation” as our operational
            direction, we continued to promote the special campaign of
            “Safety through Science and Technology”. We have been using
            and improving “Safe Dongjiang”, our self-developed smart safety
            and environmental management platform. This platform includes
            applications such as major hazard source monitoring, hazardous
            operation management, toxic and harmful gas monitoring and
            alerting, intelligent video analysis, unmanned aerial vehicles,
            and hidden danger inspection robots. Our goal of utilizing the                  5G+
            platform is to effectively manage and control safety, environmental
            protection, and hazardous waste by leveraging big data, 5G+
            Internet of Things (IoT), and other information technologies.

36   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                  PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

In compliance with national safety and environmental laws and
regulations, the platform covers 15 business modules and more                       15
than 50 function points including hidden danger management,             50
online monitoring, training and drill management and accident
management, drawing on advanced experience in safety and
environmental management at home and abroad. It not only
enables safety and environmental management personnel to
monitor on-site situations online in real-time while surveilling,
commanding, and handling the situations as appropriate, but also
allows dynamic monitoring of key operating data, abnormal high
temperature and high pressure, toxic and harmful gas emissions,
etc., to achieve earlier inspection and management and source
control of safety and environmental hazards, as well as help
fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers. Building digitalized
safety and environmental protection has made our safety and
environmental management dynamic, standardized, and systemic,
which will help Dongjiang Environmental to fulfill the responsibility
of safety and environmental protection as an entity.

Green Office
With the ongoing promotion of green office and creation of green
culture, Dongjiang Environmental strives to integrate energy
saving and emission reduction into its day-to-day management
and minimize the environmental impact of its daily operations. For
continuous support of the written proposal titled “strict diligence
and frugality, against extravagance and waste”, we encouraged
our employees to understand the corporate culture of diligence
and frugality and consciously carry on such culture in their work
and life to save energy and reduce consumption in five aspects:
water saving, electricity saving, resources saving, green travel, and
cultivation of conservation awareness.

The Group generates little packaging materials in its daily
operations. Packaging materials are a much less important issue
in the Group’s business, so no relevant disclosure is made herein.
For data of energy consumption, water consumption and waste
during the Year, please refer to Appendix I: KPI Data Table. In
addition, the Group did not have any issues in sourcing of water.

                                                                             2022        37


             Water saving                               Post placards reminding staff of saving water on the walls of every washroom

                                                        Intensify daily maintenance and management of water-using equipment,
                                                        conduct regular water pipe leak tests, and promptly report any damages
                                                        found for repair

                                                        Bring our own reusable cups at internal meetings; and serve water from
                                                        water dispensers instead of bottled water when receiving visitors

                                                        Use rainwater to water plants

             Electricity saving                         Purchase electronic devices with energy efficiency labels and promptly turn
                                                        off appliances and electronic devices that are not in use, including lights,
                                                        printers, and computers

                                                        Eliminate long-lasting lights in public areas such as conference rooms and
                                                        negotiation rooms, and ensure that he who uses the equipment shall be
                                                        responsible for promptly turning off the relevant equipment after use

                                                        Turn on “sleep” mode when the computer is not in use for a short time to
                                                        reduce energy consumption to less than 50%
                                                        Stick clear signs beside the buttons to specify the time and temperature for
                                                        use of air conditioners

                                                        Leave the office building after checking and fully shutting down all
                                                        electronic devices in the office area and workstations before weekends
                                                        and holidays in a timely manner

             Resources saving                           Encourage duplex printing and ink-saving mode and promote the use of
                                                        recycled paper to minimize the use of paper for printing

                                                        Replace the paper-based office administration system with the electronic
                                                        office system

                                                        Use waste sorting and recycling bins for recycling waste paper, metal, waste
                                                        batteries, and plastics

                                                        Reduce the use of disposable and non-recyclable cups and other similar
                                                        products, and use recyclable toner/ink cartridges

                                                        Regularly maintain the office equipment, avoid unnecessary use and timely
                                                        renew equipment with high energy consumption and high maintenance
                                                        expenses to reduce maintenance costs

38   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                    PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

   Green travel                   Encourage video conferencing and teleconferencing, reduce offline meetings,
                                  and opt for direct flights in the case of unavoidable business travel

                                  Reserve vehicles in advance and arrange for employees of various
                                  departments to share a ride if their destinations are near each other’s

                                  Reduce use of private vehicles, and utilize public transportation

   Cultivation of                 Encourage employees to participate in environmental activities organized by
   conservation awareness         environmental groups

                                  Publicize and instruct emission reducing measures among employees by
                                  means of emails, posters, the intranet and other mediums

                                  Carry out the rationalization advise activity named “I offer some advice
                                  for minimizing cost” in 2022 to collect suggestions on cost reduction and
                                  efficiency improvement, process optimization and waste utilization, as well as
                                  to cultivate employees’ awareness of energy saving and emission reduction

                                                          Earth Hour

“Earth Hour” is an initiative proposed by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in response to global climate
change. Statistics show that every 1 kWh of electricity saved means reduction of 1 kg of carbon dioxide and
0.03 kg of sulfur dioxide emissions. On 26 March, Dongjiang Environmental launched an initiative calling
on all employees to join others around the world in turning off lights and other unnecessary electrical
appliances for one hour, so as to advocate green living, establish a low-carbon future together, and convey
the eco-friendly living ideal of “switching off lights for one hour”.

                                 (WWF)                                                    1               1
             0.03                        3   26

                                                                                              2022                 39


                                                               Set up the “Dongjiang Youyu” free donation platform

         In order to open up communication channels for employees across the country and respond to the national
         call for healthy, low-carbon, resource recycling and green living, Dongjiang Environmental has developed
         a second-hand items circulation platform “Dongjiang Youyu” for the Company’s internal employees during
         the Year. All employees can upload their personal second-hand unused items on the platform, including but
         not limited to books and videos, clothing and bags, small household appliances, mother and baby products,
         etc. All items are free of charge. All employees can bid on the platform and communicate with each other
         to deliver and receive the items within the Company, giving a second life to the unused items and practicing
         the concept of “green and low-carbon” life.

40   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                      PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

6.3 MANAGEMENT OF CARBON EMISSIONS                                                                6.3
   With China making the dual carbon strategy a part of its ecological
   civilization construction, Dongjiang Environmental fully supports
   and pays close attention to the “3060 dual carbon goals” and                                                           30  60
   works to promote the “UN Sustainable Development Goal 13:                                                                                       13
   Climate Action – Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change
   and its Impacts”. We are committed to energy conservation and
   environmental protection in our daily operations in order to reduce
   carbon emissions and help mitigate global warming.

   O u r g r e e n h o u s e g a s ( “G H G”) e m i s s i o n s a r e c a l c u l a t e d i n
   accordance with ISO14064-1 established by International                                                             ISO14064-1
   Organization for Standardization and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
   developed by World Resources Institute and World Business
   Council for Sustainable Development. The GHG emissions summary
   of the headquarters office building and 16 principal subsidiaries                                      16
   during the Year is listed in Appendix I: KPI Data Table. The GHG
   emissions of Dongjiang Environmental can be mainly categorized
   into direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope                                                                                        1
   2). The GHG emissions in each scope are derived from the fuel                                                               2
   consumption by the fixed equipment of the Group, the fuel
   consumed by its vehicles and refrigerants (Scope 1) and electricity                                                                          1
   consumption during its operation (Scope 2), respectively. We                                                                      2
   continue to take a series of energy conservation and emission
   reduction measures. As of 31 December 2022, the total GHG                                            2022     12    31
   emissions (Scope 1 & 2) within the scope of data collection was                                                                          1       2
   127,717.54 tonnes of CO 2e, and the emission intensity was 0.07                                      127,717.54
   tonnes of CO 2e/m 2.                                                                                                      0.07

   The Group’s operations involve the disposal and utilization of
   hazardous waste, which involve incineration processes and thus
   generate some air pollutants, mainly including sulfur dioxide (SO 2),
   nitrogen oxides (NO x) and particulate matter. Therefore, in order                                          (SO2)               (NO x)
   to reduce the generation of air pollutants, we actively explored
   new operation mode, new process and new technology, so as to

                                                                                                                        2022                                41


            effectively remove and reduce harmful gases. For example, we
            have implemented strict operating guidelines and 24-hour online
            monitoring during the incineration process. The incineration rotary                                    24
            kiln flue gas treatment facilities adopt “waste heat boiler (SNCR
            denitration) + semi-dry deacidification (quenching deacidification                      SNCR            +
            tower) + dry reactor (baking soda powder, activated carbon                                +
            injection) + air box pulse bag filter + precooler + alkali washing                             +
            tower + flue gas heating + chimney high-altitude emission”                        +      +             +                +
            process before discharge.

            Air Pollutants Emissions^                                                                          ^

                                                                             Industrial and
                                                                                 municipal     Company                      2022
                                                                            waste disposal       vehicle                     total
             Air pollutants                               Unit                    projects     emissions                emissions

             Nitrogen oxides (NO x)                       Tonnes                     99.06         8.74                   107.80
                     (NO x)
             Sulphur oxides (SO x)                        Tonnes                     64.49         0.01                    64.50
                     (SO x)
             Particulate matter (PM)                      Tonnes                     19.06         0.63                    19.68

     6.4 COPING WITH CLIMATE CHANGE                                                      6.4
            Climate change is an important issue of global concern, as
            it will bring about water shortages, rising temperatures, and
            more frequent extreme weather and natural disasters that
            affect our daily lives. In active response to national policies and
            international trends, Dongjiang Environmental strengthened its
            own environmental management, and quickened the pace of green
            and low-carbon cyclical development of environmental related
            industries, so as to effectively cope with climate risks and help the
            country realize the vision of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”.

            Dongjiang Environmental closely monitors the potential impact of
            climate change on the Group, continuously identifies and manages
            the risks and opportunities brought about by climate change to
            our business and operations, and takes into account of adapting
            to climate change in its business decisions. We have developed
            measures to address various risks associated with climate change
            in line with our existing risk management system and the latest
            laws and regulations, and with reference to relevant standards and
            industry development trends.

            The data coverage of environmental KPIs covers the headquarters and the 16   ^
            principal subsidiaries

42   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                PROMOTING GREEN DEVELOPMENT

Category of risks   Identified climate risks      Coping methods

Physical Risk       Acute risks (e.g. higher        Consider appropriately adding backup power
                    frequency of extreme            storage equipment and backup water storage tanks
                    weather such as super           according to the situation of each subsidiary
                    typhoons and heavy
                                                    Communicate with suppliers in advance on
                                                    emergency response measures in extreme

                    Chronic risks (e.g.             Review the impact of extreme weather on business
                    changes                         and factor this impact into the development of
                    in precipitation patterns       contingency plans
                    and extreme changes
                    in climate patterns)
                                                    Provide relevant coping training to employees

Transition Risk     Technical Risk                  Track the latest environmental protection engineering
                                                    technology in the market

                                                    Study the feasibility of alternative fuels to constantly
                                                    lower the high price of fuels

                    Policy and Regulatory           Reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing
                    Risk                            purchased emission credits and CO 2 emissions

                                                    Improve energy efficiency and use other combustibles,
                                                    thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels

                                                    Improve facility energy efficiency

                                                    Strictly monitor the environmental protection
                                                    indicators of subsidiaries to ensure compliance with
                                                    relevant environmental protection regulations

                                                                                       2022                    43


     Upholding the principle of “anti-corruption and integrity”, Dongjiang
     Environmental strictly carries out standardized operation, promotes
     safety and environmental protection management, strictly controls the
     quality of services and products, maintains information privacy security
     and protects intellectual property rights, to ensure that the principle of
     sustainable development is followed in its supply chain management.

     7.1 NORMS OF A HEALTHY AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT                                    7.1
            Dongjiang Environmental has been following the norms on safe
            environment and occupational health management. The Group                                          2013
            passed the certification of Occupational Health and Safety                                               (ISO
            Management System (ISO 45001) and Environmental Management                    45001)              (ISO 14001)
            System (ISO 14001) for the first time in 2013 and the recertification                  2022   9
            of Occupational Health and Safety Management System and
            Environmental Management System in September 2022. Obtaining
            the certification of these two systems not only reflects the
            Company’s emphasis on health and safety of employees, but
            also provides standards and norms for the improvement of the
            environment, allowing us to improve occupational health and
            safety management, thereby reducing environmental pollution and
            creating a better environment.

                          ISO 45001 certification               ISO 14001 certification
                            ISO 45001                             ISO 14001

44   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                         INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Continuously improving the safety and environmental protection
management system
The Group firmly complied with the Production Safety Law of the
People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of
China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases,
the Administrative Measures for Occupational Health Inspection,
the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of                 GB/T24001-2016
China, the Environmental Management Systems - Requirements                                     GB/T45001-
with Guidance for Use (GB/T24001-2016) and the Occupational            2020
Health and Safety Management Systems - Requirements with
Guidance for Use (GB/T45001-2020) and other laws and regulations
regarding safety, health and environmental protection. Meanwhile,
it formulated the Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health
and Safety Management Handbook, the Management Regulations
on Safety and Environmental Protection Inspection, the Three
Simultaneities Management System of Safety and Environmental
Protection, the Workplace and Behavior Safety Management
Regulations and the Occupational Health Management Regulations
and other internal documents, in order to ensure the health
and safety of employees in the workplace and continuously
improve the level of scientific, lawful and compliant safety and
environmental protection management.

Dongjiang Environmental has established a complete safety and
environmental protection (“EHS”) management system and has              EHS
established a safety committee at the headquarters, which is                                         EHS
responsible for regularly analyzing the Group’s EHS work situation,                                 EHS
guiding, coordinating, supervising and solving major EHS issues.                                     100
Subsidiaries of the Group with more than 100 employees involved
in the operation of hazardous waste or hazardous chemicals,
construction and transportation of hazardous goods, have                                EHS
established separate EHS departments, and are equipped with                    EHS
professional EHS personnel. The subsidiaries have also established       EHS
an EHS management leading group, with the principal of each                                    EHS
subsidiary taking full responsibility for the EHS management
affairs of the subsidiary. In addition, the Group has equipped the
production and storage units of dangerous goods, as well as mines
and metal smelting units with registered safety engineers for safety
and environmental management, so as to ensure compliance
with the safety and environmental laws and regulations and their
requirements, and to ensure the safe operation of production and
operations of subsidiaries.

                                                                                     2022                   45


            The Group continuously strengthens its responsibility for
            environmental protection and safety, and strictly follows the
            responsibility requirements of “Party and government have
            same responsibility, one position with two responsibilities,
            joint management and accountability for dereliction of duty”
            and “industry overseers, business overseers, and production
            and operation overseers must oversee safety”. In accordance                            2022
            with the principle of “who is in charge, who is responsible,
            direct leadership, and territorial management”, we include the
            list of responsibilities in the 2022 safety and environmental
            protection target responsibility letter, and sign the safety and                  EHS
            environmental protection responsibility letter layer by layer in an
            orderly manner, gradually improve the safety and environmental
            protection responsibility management system implemented from
            top to bottom, and clarify the EHS responsibility and scope of
            responsibility of each post to ensure the implementation of the
            safety and environmental protection responsibility in an effective

            In 2022, the Group recorded zero accident of serious injury (or       2022
            more serious injury) relating to production (fire) safety, zero
            sudden environmental accident at general level or above, and zero
            accident relating to mass occupational diseases, and achieved
            all safety and environmental protection management goals as

            Safety and environmental protection series of special work
            The Group adheres to the safety production policy of “safety
            first, prevention priority, and comprehensive management”. In
            accordance with the work plan of “Five Strengthening and Five
            Implementations”, the Company actively promoted a series of                            2022
            guide work on safety and environmental protection. In 2022,
            Dongjiang Environmental continued to carry out the three-year
            special rectification of safety production, rigorously organized
            the final assessment on the effects of the three-year special
            rectification, timely analyzed and judged the deficiencies and
            problems, and urged enterprises to complete the rectification
            within a specified period, consolidated and improved the key tasks
            at each stage, and strictly implemented various safety standards,            13
            systems and measures. In the meantime, we organized 13 special
            activities, actively carried out events including “Safe Production
            Month” and “Fire Safety Publicity Month”, and continuously
            strengthened the application of advanced technology, so as to
            ensure the safe production and operations of the Company.

46   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                           INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Earnestly organizing key special activities and executing key special plans to safeguard production and

First half of the Year   1.    A themed plan to ensure safe production during the Spring Festival holidays and
                               the resumption of operation and production in 2022
                         2.    A statistical analysis of the risk exposures and hazardous sources related to
                               safety and environmental protection
                         3.    An implementation plan for concentrated management of safety risks associated
                               with hazardous chemicals
                         4.    Effectively conducting special rectification campaigns for fire safety purposes and
                               strengthening prevention and mitigation of major fire safety risks
                         5.    An implementation plan for the “Safety Production Inspection”
                         6.    An implementation plan to enhance the safety management of hazardous waste
                         7.    A work plan for the special rectification of building and construction safety
                         8.    Programs for the “Safety Production Month” and “Safety Publicity” in 2022

                         1.                   2022
                         8.    2022

Second half              9.    A 100-day safety and environmental protection campaign titled “Ensuring Risk
  of the Year                  Prevention and Safety to Celebrate the 20th National Congress of the Communist
                               Party of China”
                         10.   An event themed Specific Actions to Implement the “Fifteen Must-Do Measures
                               for Work Safety” Required by the Work Safety Committee of the State Council
                         11.   The final evaluation on the effectiveness of the three-year special rectification
                               campaign for safe production
                         12.   Completing the application of risk identification and classification management
                               and control on the smart safety and environmental management platform
                         13.   Special safety management work for identifying and addressing potential risks in
                               obsolete factories


                                                                                            2022                     47


           Carrying out a 100-day safety and environmental protection
           campaign titled “Ensuring Risk Prevention and Safety to Celebrate
           the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China”
            Dongjiang Environmental upholds the principle of safe
            development, committed to the belief that people and life matter
            most. Focusing on the “Four Zeroes” annual target for safety
            and environmental protection, it further promoted the three-year
            special rectification campaign for safe production. The Company’s
            leadership team and functional departments supervised and                       20
            inspected over the safe production of 20 units in accordance with
            the requirements of “Four Nos, Two Directs” (a method of visiting
            or inspecting, in other words, going directly to the grassroots
            institutions or the sites with no prior notice, warning, reporting, or
            company). Meanwhile, each unit identified and rectified potential
            risks according to the requirements of its plan, implementing
            closed-loop management through identification, rectification, and

           Carrying out the final evaluation on the effectiveness of the three-
           year special rectification campaign for safe production
            Over the past few years, through efforts made under the
            Company’s special plan for safe production - the overall roadmap
            of three-year rectification, we have gradually established the safety
            risk classification management and control and the identification
            and rectification of potential risks. Last year was the stage where
            we concentrated our efforts on rectification. During the Year,
            the Company organized and carried out the final evaluation on
            the effectiveness of the three-year special rectification campaign
            for safe production. Based on the principle of “full coverage and
            classified implementation” and making the best of the engagement
            of the external professionals and the relevant in-house functional
            departments, the Company systematically sorted out the results,          2022
            summarized the experience and practices, and improved our
            weakness in a timely manner to ensure that all targets and tasks
            of the three-year special rectification campaign for safe production
            have been successfully completed in 2022, so that our production
            safety has been comprehensively improved in essence.

48   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                 INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Carrying out events including “Safe Production Month” and “Fire
Safety Publicity Month”
Dongjiang Environmental regularly organized diversified
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e d u c a t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s, i n c l u d i n g a s e r i e s o f
publicity activities such as fire safety knowledge competitions,
firefighting skills competitions, emergency rescue drills, etc.,
which significantly improved the safety awareness of all staff.
At the same time, we cooperated with a subsidiary to develop
the online “mini program of taking pictures of hidden dangers”,
which encouraged all employees to report their safety at any time.
Employees may report the safety and environmental protection
hazards (if any) in the mini program, since we connected with the
“Safe Dongjiang” information system in real-time, achieving the
health working goal of “everyone is a safety officer”.

Strengthening Safety through Science and Technology
During the Reporting Period, the Group further strengthened the
application of information technology in the field of environmental
protection. Through the full-process “digital operation platform”
for hazardous waste, we realized the full-process, comprehensive
and refined management of hazardous waste, and effectively
prevented the occurrence of environmental risks and pollution

In the meantime, we continued to optimize the functions of the
“Safe Dongjiang” smart safety and environmental management
platform and expanded the management functions of risk
identification and control, toxic and harmful gas monitoring
and early warning, to achieve the effective evaluation and
classification of various risks. At present, we have formulated
and implemented various preventive measures for risk sources,
and completed the post risk notification card, so as to effectively
control all kinds of risks. We strengthened the application of dual
prevention mechanism in the system platform, and continued
to strengthen the construction of early warning system and
automatic fire extinguishing system. For example, transportation
companies and other cargo transportation enterprises continued
to increase their investment in intelligent monitoring system,
greatly reducing the probability of traffic accidents; Xiongfeng
Environment improved its working environment and reduced
safety and environmental protection and occupational health
risks by upgrading and transforming the equipment, facilities and
sites such as oxygen-rich side-blowing furnace, bismuth refining

                                                                                                             2022       49


            and chlorine gas chamber. At the same time, the Group built a
            safety and environmental protection “knowledge base” on its               300
            “Safe Dongjiang” smart safety and environmental management
            platform and uploaded more than 300 documents such as safety
            and environmental protection laws and regulations, the Company’s
            safety and environmental protection management system and
            safety and environmental protection related training courses for
            staff at all levels to learn.

           Strengthening supervision and inspection of safety and
           environmental protection
            During the Year, the Company’s management went to the
            grassroots enterprises and the construction sites to carry out
            supervision and inspection for more than 70 times. In the second       70
            half of the Year, the Company set up working groups responsible
            for respective regions, which were led by the leadership team
            and attended by the relevant responsible persons of various
            departments to carry out regular supervision and inspection of
            key enterprises and help enterprises to solve the problems in
            safety. We focused on the annual safety and environmental risk
            source identification and safety inspection, and carried out special
            actions such as housing safety investigation and rectification,
            and improvement in hazardous chemical safety management to
            constantly strengthen the safety management of construction.

            During the Year, based on the domestic production safety situation
            and the Company’s production safety reality, we organized all units
            to carry out potential safety risk investigation and rectification
            actions against workshops without production operation or
            abandoned workshops, conducted further detailed analysis of
            possible problems and risks of such workshops, so as to carry
            out hidden danger investigation and remediation work with clear
            targets. Besides, through the implementation of responsibilities,
            we took various preventive measures to effectively prevent
            and curb the occurrence of accidents. We have organized and
            carried out a series of special tasks of safety and environmental
            protection, including housing construction, fire protection,
            hazardous chemicals, gas, electric bicycles, flood control, special
            inspection of safety training, safety publicity in businesses,
            villages, communities, schools, and families, and fire prevention
            and control in winter and spring, and formulated work plans for
            improving the safety management of hazardous waste based on
            our own conditions.

50   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                            INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Safety and Environmental Protection Training and Emergency
Rescue Drill
The Group vigorously promotes safety and environmental
protection education, and regularly conducts various types of
education and training on safety and environmental protection
regulations, technologies, and awareness for employees to
comprehensively enhance the safety and environmental protection
awareness of all employees.

During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental held multi-level and
multi-form safety and environmental protection training courses
to strengthen the safety publicity and education of employees,
advocate and establish the concept of “scientific development
and safe development”, and create a sound safety culture
atmosphere for all employees in which “everyone knows safety,
everyone advocates safety and everyone wants safety”. In June                                                    2022     6            11
and November 2022, we employed safety and environmental
protection management experts to arrange online and offline
training on safety, fire management knowledge and professional
skills for the Company’s middle-level and above cadres, safety
and environmental leaders of various units, and safety and
environmental management personnel. At the same time, the
Company’s business divisions and subsidiaries also actively
conducted various safety and environmental protection and fire
protection training. According to statistics, the enterprises of                                     1,299             27,303
the Company organized 1,299 safety and environmental training
sessions throughout the Year, with a total of 27,303 participants.
During the Reporting Period, the headquarters of the Company                                                       2
a l s o s t u d i e d t h e G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y X i J i n p i n g’s i m p o r t a n t           48
instructions on production safety twice through the Party                                              2
Committee’s communication, issued 48 safety and environmental                                                                  2
protection working documents, organized special training on                                                                         8
safety and environmental protection twice, compiled two safety
and environmental protection documents such as safety and
environmental protection management system and key risk
sources of the Company, and publicized safety and environmental
protection through the Company’s Intranet for 8 times.

                                                                                                                   2022                          51


            The Group also continues to strengthen emergency management
            and carries out different types of emergency drills. In 2022, all                                     2022
            units completed 592 emergency drills on safety and environmental                                                592
            protection, including 13 joint emergency drills organized by
            local government departments. At the same time, relying on                                      13
            the hazardous waste disposal bases, Dongjiang Environmental
            strived to build a standardized and professional environmental
            emergency team, completed 86 emergency tasks assigned by
            government departments, and arranged emergency personnel for                           86                   977
            977 times to clean and dispose about 1,300 tons of hazardous                                            1,300
            waste throughout the Year. In September 2022, Baoan Dongjiang                   2022        9
            and transportation companies cooperated with Baoan District
            Emergency Management Bureau to successfully deal with an
            emergency case of hydrogen peroxide tank body overtemperature,
            and received written appreciation from Baoan District Emergency
            Management Bureau, which fully demonstrated the Company’s
            high efficiency and professionalism in environmental emergency
            treatment, highlighted the spirit of “completion of environmental
            emergency missions”, and showed the responsibility of state-
            owned enterprises.

     7.2 STRICT QUALITY MANAGEMENT                                                    7.2
            Following the concept of provision of quality-oriented products
            and services and taking the ISO 9001 quality management system                                       ISO 9001
            as a platform to ensure the quality of products and services,
            Dongjiang Environmental continuously reinforces engineering and
            product quality management and fulfills its quality management
            responsibilities. The Group implements an accurate quality
            management strategy, and has established a scientific quality
            management system that covers all employees and all business
            fields of the Company, and applies to suppliers and clients. Based
            on the characteristics of our technology, products and services
            developed at different stages, we have formulated corresponding
            quality control standards to ensure the stability of technology and
            the reliability of quality. The contents of product quality control are
            as follows:

52   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                          INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Production Process Quality Management
Upholding the principle of “quality is achieved through the
p r o d u c t i o n a n d s e r v i c e p r o c e s s ”, t h e G r o u p i m p r o v e s i t s
product and service quality through the establishment of three
i n s p e c t i o n m a n a g e m e n t, j o b m a n a g e m e n t a n d e q u i p m e n t
management systems. First, the Group carries out an inspection
management system that combines the three inspections of self-
inspection, mutual inspection and special inspection by full-time
inspectors, and adopts the three-no policy of “not accepting, not
manufacturing, and not passing on” for defects. We implement
qualification management for key or special positions, and
regularly train and assess operators, and only those who pass the
assessment are given qualifications. Besides, we have established
an all-round management mechanism for all equipment, and
required the person in charge of the daily management of the
equipment to formulate operation manual and maintenance
manual of the equipment, to ensure the proper treatment of waste,
stability and accuracy of resource product production equipment,
and product and service quality.

Final Product Quality inspection and Shipment Management
According to relevant technical standards and documents, the
Quality Technology Department of each subsidiary inspects and
verifies the structure, configuration, performance indicators,
identification and packaging of the final products one by one, and
confirms that the finished products fully meet the product quality
technical requirements. The storage procedures can be handled
only after the products have passed the inspection.

When the products are put into storage, the warehouse clerk
arranges them according to their varieties and qualities, and makes
corresponding signs. When the finished products are shipped out
of the warehouse, the Sales Department sends the approved “sales
notice” to the warehouse management office, and the warehouse
clerk prepares the goods according to the grade and weight of the
finished product indicated on the “sales notice”, and informs the
relevant departments to load the truck. During the loading process,
the warehouse clerk counts the quantity of each batch of finished
products, and strictly checks the standard weight of the finished
products with the actual weight after weighing. The completion of
the shipment is then confirmed by the salesman’s signature.

                                                                                                  2022       53


            We implement the product return procedure according to the
            contract. The customer can deliver the returned product to
            the negotiated location, and we will give a full or partial refund
            within the specified day after receiving the returned product and
            confirming it. If there is any dispute over product quality, we will
            also dispatch customer service technicians to assist our customers
            in resolving issues related to quality disputes and engage a third-
            party independent testing agency to conduct a quality inspection
            of the product as required.

            Continual Product Quality Improvement
            All quality problems must be dealt with and solved in a timely
            manner. Subsidiaries with quality problems must promptly
            a n a l y z e t h e r o o t c a u s e s o f t h e p r o b l e m s, f o r m u l a t e a n d
            implement corrective and preventive measures, and increase
            the corresponding monitoring frequency within a specified time
            according to the quality management system to ensure that the
            homologous quality problems will not occur again. To continuously
            ensure product and service quality, the Group’s quality information
            system will record all quality problems of the subsidiaries in the
            quality information database and have dedicated personnel to
            conduct statistical analysis of quality information on a regular
            basis, hold regular meetings to analyze the root cause of
            the problem, and track the implementation of corrective and
            preventive measures, as well as the self-inspection results of each
            subsidiary on similar situations, so as to achieve effective internal
            dissemination of quality information.

            To ensure the suitability and effectiveness of the quality
            m anageme nt sy s te m, w e w il l c o n du ct regul ar or i rregul ar
            internal and third-party audits. If any problems in the operation
            of the quality management system are found, we will promptly
            correct and prevent them. The Group has established a complete
            monitoring and measurement system to improve the quality of
            products and services in a targeted manner by monitoring the
            operating results of the quality management system.

            During the Year, the Group had no sold or shipped products that
            had to be recalled for safety and health reasons.

54   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                              INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

7.3 PROBITY AND COMPLIANT OPERATION                                         7.3
   Adherence to probity
   Dongjiang Environmental adheres to probity, and strictly abides by
   national and local laws and regulations related to anti-corruption
   and bribery, including the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the
   People’s Republic of China, the Company Law of the People’s
   Republic of China, and Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-
   Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Ordinance of Hong Kong, China,
   etc. Meanwhile, we have formulated the Management Measures
   for Rewards and Punishments for Employees, “10 Prohibitions”
   for Leaders of Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited, Several
   Provisions on Professional Integrity of Engineering Construction
   and Procurement Bidding Staff of Dongjiang Environmental
   Company Limited, Measures of Dongjiang Environmental on
   Strengthening Collaborative Supervision and Interim Provisions on
   Notification and Handover of Clues for Violations of Regulations,
   Disciplines and Laws in Dongjiang Environmental and other
   regulations to regulate internal employees’ violation of integrity
   in practice, including the strict forbiddance to obtain personal
   benefits by taking advantage of the position, misrepresenting
   performance and other ways and to infringe upon the interests
   of the state, the collective and the employees. If an employee’s
   disciplinary offence involves a crime, such action will be promptly
   referred to the relevant state authorities for treatment according
   to law.

   The Group encourages employees to report suspicious cases
   to the Disciplinary Inspection Office by name or anonymous
   letters. We also collect clues through various means, such as
   reports and accusations, referrals from higher levels, inspections,
   comprehensive supervision and inspection, and audit. In the
   meantime, we have formulated the “Work Rules for Handling
   Problem Clues” to manage the clues of suspicious cases centrally.
   We have also established a special verification team consisting
   of the Disciplinary Inspection Office to verify the authenticity of
   cases. In order to protect the identity of whistleblowers, we also
   continuously strengthened the confidentiality of lead management,
   strict registration and handover procedures, reduced operational
   links, strictly controlled the scope of confidential personnel
   involved, not to withhold, delay or lose, and resolutely prevent
   information leakage and loss of confidentiality. In addition, in order
   to encourage employees to take the initiative to report suspected
   cases of fraud, we require investigators to refrain from leaking
   information about the whistleblowers when investigating cases.

                                                                                  2022       55


           Dongjiang Environmental has also formulated the Interim
           Provisions on Work Reply to Integrity Opinions to further maintain
           a clean work culture. We arranged for the Disciplinary Inspection
           Office or dispatched a supervision and inspection team to
           solicit opinions based on the integrity situation issued by the
           organization’s Personnel Department and conduct accountability
           on the supervision and discipline. For the cadres that the Company
           intends to promote, appoint, nominate, and recommend, and
           needs to solicit opinions on their integrity, we give opinions and
           suggestions on whether there are problems with integrity. When
           the Disciplinary Inspection Office or the dispatched supervision
           and inspection team receives the letter from the organization’s
           Personnel Department for comments, it will promptly start the
           evaluation of integrity opinions, and carefully compare and verify
           the integrity files of cadres such as petition reports, problem clues,
           disciplinary review, Party discipline and administrative sanctions,
           etc. Combined with the normal integrity performance of Party
           members and cadres, we conduct a graded review subject to the
           cadres management authority to issue integrity opinions.

           During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental held different meetings
           and provided relevant trainings for its directors and employees,
           including the first half of 2022 work conference on party conduct               2022
           and clean government construction, the second half of 2022                          2022
           work conf er en c e o n pa r ty c on d u ct a nd clea n g overnment
           construction, symposium on risk prevention and control work for
           party conduct and clean government construction, meeting on
           interview and reminder for “heads” and mobilization meeting for                          2022
           special supervision and inspection work in the field of engineering
           construction, as well as 2022 Discipline Education and Study             2022
           Month integrity lecture, collective integrity reminder interview
           and collective training for the 2022 Discipline Education and
           Study Month and other integrity training. We hold such collective
           interview meetings of special rectification to constantly strengthen
           the accountability of discipline, create a clean work environment,
           and improve the awareness of directors, leading cadres and
           employees to work with integrity.

           During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental did not have any cases
           of corruption, bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.

56   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                          INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

Compliance Management
Dongjiang Environmental upholds the core values of “environmental
mission, regulatory compliance, and green development” in
our compliance management. We are committed to continually
developing and refining our compliance management system,
enhancing the organizational structure of compliance management,
clarifying the responsibilities of compliance management, and
comprehensively building a compliance management system.
Our goal is to enhance the compliance awareness and behavior
consciousness of our staff, create a culture of working according to
rules and regulations, to ensure that our enterprise operates in full
compliance with the law, and effectively prevent compliance risks.

We have strictly adhered to the Company Law of the People’s
Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic
of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the
State-Owned Assets of Enterprises, and other relevant laws
and regulations. In order to effectively prevent and control
compliance risks, we have developed the Compliance Manual
of Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited, the Compliance
Management Measures of Dongjiang Environmental Company
Limited, the Detailed Rules for Compliance Review Management
of Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited, the Detailed Rules
for Management of Compliance-related Joint Meeting of Dongjiang
Environmental Company Limited, and other internal compliance
management-related norms. We have conducted well-organized
and planned management activities, which include developing
policies, identifying risks, reviewing compliance, responding
to risks, ensuring accountability, conducting assessments and
evaluations, and providing compliance training.

During the Reporting Period, the Group organized various                         2022
compliance meetings and training sessions, such as the 2022               2022
Mobilization Meeting for Construction of the Rule of Law, the
2022 Work Report Meeting on Construction of the Rule of Law
and Meeting for Project Acceptance of Compliance Management
System, to accelerate the construction of the company’s rule of
law and compliance management system.

                                                                        2022            57


     7.4 PROTECTING INFORMATION SECURITY                                                        7.4
           Dongjiang Environmental strictly adheres to the Network Security
           Law of the People’s Republic of China, Measures for Security
           Protection Administration of the International Networking of
           Computer Information Networks, Administrative Measures for
           the Graded Protection of Information Security, and other relevant
           laws and regulations. We place great importance on network                                 IT
           information security and customer privacy, and formulated the
           IT Security Management Regulations, Information Management
           System, and Measures for the Management of Software
           Legalization Work. We continuously strengthen our organizational
           security, improve our relevant management and assessment
           systems, and introduce advanced management concepts and
           technical equipment to enhance our security defense capabilities,
           all in order to improve and perfect our network security
           governance system both at the management and technical levels.

           The management of the Group deploys and directs the Company’s
           network and informatization work, and has established a Network
           Security and Informatization Leadership Group. We have defined
           t he ne t work a n d i n f o r m a t i o n s e c u r i t y bounda ry, t echni ca l
           specification requirements, management procedures and related
           emergency prevention measures based on our Information
           Management System, Dongjiang Environmental Industrial Internet
           Technical Specifications, and other internal rules.

           Meanwhile, to enhance hardware protection, we have also
           established a set of network security defense equipment
           consisting of a data center monitoring system, intrusion detection
           system, vulnerability scanning system, security audit and security
           operation and maintenance system, and online behavior analysis,
           to safeguard the company’s physical and environmental security,
           network communication security, data security and personal
           information security and other aspects at all levels.

           We are also dedicated to enhancing our management capabilities,
           and achieving the hierarchical, classified, and graded maintenance
           and management of information and data security by implementing
           systems and processes. At the same time, we use advanced
           operation and maintenance management tools, such as
           automation, network monitoring, and microservices for information
           security management, and have been awarded the “Shenzhen
           Information Security Level Protection Level 2 Certification”.
           Furthermore, the Group has implemented and strictly adheres to
           the Information System Emergency Response Plan of Dongjiang
           Environmental Company Limited to minimize the risks of network
           and information security emergencies.

58   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                           INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

   In regards to software legalization, we have developed the
   Regulations on the Management of Software Legalization Work
   according to the Regulations on Computer Software Protection
   of the People’s Republic of China and other documents, tailored
   to the specific situation of our Company. We actively implement
   the requirements of the Guangdong Province to carry out                                                    IT
   software legalization-related work, and have established IT
   asset ledgers and software legalization ledgers, and regularly
   organized investigations and evaluations to ensure the legality and
   compliance of the company’s software usage.

7.5 RESPECTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS                                                      7.5
   We are dedicated to safeguarding the legitimate rights and
   interests of intellectual property rights and ensuring compliance
   of intellectual property rights. We strictly abide by the Intellectual
   Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Patent Law
   of the People’s Republic of China and the Copyright Law of the
   People’s Republic of China, and other laws and regulations,
   and have formulated internal documents such as the Technical
   Achievement Management Regulations and obtained the
   Intellectual Property Management System Certification to regulate
   the management of our technical achievements such as patents,
   trademarks, standards, scientific and technological papers and
   works, scientific and technological achievements registration and
   appraisal, etc., and to clarify the relevant work responsibilities. In
   particular, Dongjiang Environmental Protection Research Institute
   is the department responsible for the overall management of our
   technical achievements. The technical achievement application
   unit is responsible for maintaining, filing, and reporting patent
   application documents and technical achievements for the
   record. The Human Resources Department of the headquarters
   is responsible for reviewing awards for technical achievements.
   Meanwhile, the Group has also elucidated the regulations
   pertaining to technical awards and the confidentiality of technical
   achievements, with the aim of continuously standardizing
   the management of the company’s technical achievements,
   e nc oura g ing t e c h n o l o g i c a l i n n o v a t i o n, a nd s t i mul a t i ng t he
   enthusiasm of technical personnel.

                                                                                                       2022        59


            During the Reporting Period, we conducted the review of the                      2022
            opening report and final report of the 2022 R&D Project, and
            obtained a number of technical achievements through independent
            research and development project, as well as collaborations with
            universities, and participation in standard-setting activities, such as
            the cooperation with Tsinghua University resulting in the technical
            achievement of “Efficient Use of Circuit Board Resource and Key
            Technology and Application of Pollution Prevention in Whole Life
            Cycle”, independent research and development efforts in reduction
            of incineration slag, independent application for a number of
            invention patents, such as “Preparation Method and Application
            of Nano Copper Phosphide”, “Method for Preparing High-purity
            Alkali Type Copper Carbonate”, “A Kind of Waste Sulfuric Acid           HG/T 6069-2022
            from Alkylation Resource Recycle Method”, and involvement in the
            development of industry standard “HG/T 6069-2022” for industrial
            copper chloride dihydrate.

            We hold great respect for every intellectual property right and are
            committed to preventing any infringements from occurring within
            our company. We strictly supervise the installation of terminal
            operating systems and application service software on servers and
            desktops to effectively prohibit the use of third-party intellectual
            property rights. Meanwhile, we require suppliers and customers
            to protect the legitimate rights and interest of the Group in
            accordance with the laws, and ensure that any documents
            submitted by them do not infringe on any third party’s patent
            rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and other related rights. In
            case of any violations, we will terminate our cooperation with such

60   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                             INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

7.6 QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE                                                                         7.6
   We place significant emphasis on delivering high-quality services to
   our customers and carefully consider their feedback, with the aim
   of receiving valuable suggestions and opinions. For this reason,
   the Group has established a series of related standard policies,
   including the Customer Service Management Implementation
   Rules, Customer Reception Management Implementation Rules,
   Customer Complaint Handling Implementation Rules, Customer
   Information Management Implementation Rules and Customer
   Satisfaction Survey Procedures, to standardize the management
   documents and procedures of customer service and reception
   in the Marketing Department, so as to give customers the best
   service and experience.

   Meanwhile, the Group has standardized the reception procedures
   and etiquette for customer visits to provide a more comprehensive
   and professional service. We assign different receptionists
   for different types of customers to provide more personality-
   oriented services. We also continuously optimize the operational
   procedures for handling customer complaints. When receiving
   a c u s t o m e r’s c o m p l a i n t, t h e c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e c e n t e r w i l l
   investigate and analyze the incident to verify the effectiveness
   of the complaint. If the incident is true, it will supervise the
   complained department to respond quickly and require a solution                                         24
   within 24 hours. After the customer service center has completed
   the investigation of the complaint, the investigation results and
   improvement measures will be given to the customer to follow
   up on the customer’s satisfaction and restore the customer’s                                               7
   confidence. During the Year, we received 7 complaints from
   customers about products or services. We have followed up and
   dealt with them in a timely manner, and the customer is also
   satisfied with the processing process.

                                                                                                                    2022       61


     7.7 SUSTAINABLE SUPPLIER AND PROCUREMENT                                       7.7
           The Group strictly follows relevant laws and regulations such as
           the Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of
           China and the Implementation Regulations of the Government
           Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China, etc., and
           establishes management procedures for every construction,
           equipment and bulk procurement based on the internal systems
           and regulations, such as the Measures for Supplier Management,
           the Procurement Management System, the Bidding Procurement
           Management Measures, the Non-bidding Procurement
           Management Measures and the Centralized Procurement
           Management Measures, etc. Through these procedures,
           we continuously standardize our supplier management and
           procurement activities, ensuring sustainable management of
           suppliers and procurement processes.

           Prior to selecting suppliers, we conduct a comprehensive
           evaluation of their product and service quality, reputation,
           production and supply capacity, and take sustainable development
           as the evaluation criteria, and understand their compliance
           with compliance operations, occupational health and safety
           management, ethical, and environmental production standards,
           etc., so as to identify and prevent risks in all aspects of the supply
           chain, and make requirements for suppliers’ ethical business
           performance. In case of new process technologies, complex
           process technologies or large-scale constructions projects, the
           relevant departments or technical departments shall provide new
           suppliers that can fulfill the technical process requirements and
           the Procurement Department shall carry out inspection. In case of
           bulk procurement projects, to ensure the quality of our products
           and services, on-site inspection for the newly procured suppliers
           will be conducted jointly by relevant departments including
           department of procurement, technology, processing, equipment,
           workshop and finance, committed to ensuring the level of suppliers
           and the fairness and impartiality of the procurement process.

62   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                         INSISTING ON COMPLIANCE OPERATION

                                  Flow Chart of Supplier Assessment

                                            The person in charge
                                               of the project

User Department            Finance Department          Procurement Department            Material Control
   使用部門                      財務部                        採購部                         物控

                  Subsidiaries                                        Headquarters
                   分子公司                                               總部
                                     Judging the unit of the person
                                        in charge of the project

  General Manager of                                                                  Department
    the Subsidiaries                            Procurement                            Minister
    分子公司總經理                              Department of                          部門部長

The Group has also established a unified supplier directory to
record the performance, data and assessment of suppliers in
detail. We closely monitor suppliers’ compliance with our concept
of sustainable development to effectively manage social and
environmental risks in our supply chain. Prior to undertaking major
projects, we require suppliers and relevant employees to sign
integrity agreements and include integrity clauses in procurement
contracts to continuously promote anti-corruption and integrity
values. Additionally, we have established a Sunshine Procurement
Leading Group, which is headed by our president and responsible
for overseeing and managing our systematic tender and non-
tender procurement, so as to continuously improve procurement
efficiency and mitigate procurement risks.

During the Reporting Period, we had a total of 1,432 suppliers,                                  1,432
of which 1,427 were from Mainland China and 5 were from Hong                         1,427                  5
Kong, China, providing us with services and products regarding
design service consultation, equipment, construction, etc.

                                                                                         2022                   63


     The Group adheres to the concept of “Be a sincere person, do things
     with integrity, communicate honestly” and insists on the principle
     of “people-oriented” to manage human resources. We abide by the
     relevant requirements of employment and labor, provide employees
     with reasonable remuneration, and advocate the cultivation of a new
     generation to attract and nurture more professionals and enhance the
     Company’s competitiveness in the market.

     8.1 STRICT EMPLOYMENT MANAGEMENT                                                   8.1
            The Group is committed to creating a friendly working environment,
            hoping that our employees can work in a healthy, harmonious, fair
            and non-discriminatory work culture. We strictly abide by the relevant
            laws and regulations, such as the Labor Law of the People’s Republic
            of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China,
            the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors
            and the Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor. In the
            Employee Handbook, we have clearly stated and described a range
            of issues relating to recruitment and promotion, salary and dismissal,
            working hours, work code of conduct, employee development,
            performance appraisal, holidays, equal opportunities, diversity,
            prevention of child labor and forced labor, and other benefits and
            welfare, to guarantee the career development, treatment and welfare
            of employees in all aspects.

            Talent Recruitment Management
            To meet with business development needs of the Group, we
            revised the “Recruitment Management System” to improve a
            series of policies and regulations on employee recruitment,
            personnel management, remuneration, and benefits. The Group
            mainly through diversified channels, such as recruitment websites,
            campus recruitment, recruitment agencies, internal recruitment,
            etc., to attract talents. Under the recruitment principle of “fair, just
            and open”, a unified selection process is carried out based on the
            applicant’s educational background, work experience, professional
            knowledge, work ability, etc. Regardless of gender, age, nationality,
            race and other factors, the candidate can enjoy equal employment
            opportunities. During the recruitment screening process, the
            Human Resources Department will review the identity, actual age
            and qualifications of the candidates to prevent child labor and
            other problems. If any violation is found, the Group has the right
            to terminate the labor contract immediately. During the Year, the
            Group had no case of employing child labor.

64   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                         PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

   Fair Performance Assessment
   The Group has established a system related to performance
   a p p r a i s a l, w i t h t h e a n n u a l/s e m i-a n n u a l/m o n t h l y/q u a r t e r l y
   assessments, to objectively reflect the work performance of
   employees, motivate employees to improve their work efficiency
   and achieve better performance at work. The assessment content
   mainly covers three aspects: work performance assessment,
   learning and development assessment, and work attitude and
   behavior assessment. We will make salary adjustments, year-end
   performance bonuses, job allocation, promotion and promotion
   for employees with reference to and based on performance
   assessment results. We will give bonuses to some of the
   outstanding employees as an incentive and to further stimulate
   others to strive for better performance. The assessment has an
   appeal mechanism to prevent injustice in the assessment process.

8.2 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS                                                                                 8.2
   The Group gives its employees remuneration, benefits and
   treatment at a reasonable and respectable level to attract and
   retain talents, while ensuring that their rights and interests are
   protected, so as to appreciate them for their dedication to the

   Labor Compliance System
   The Group does not accept the use of forced labor. All labor
   contracts are signed with us on an equal and voluntary
   basis, which stipulate remuneration, working hours, holidays,
   termination basis and other matters in detail. We also ensure
   that our employees are aware of the job description and related
   compensation and benefits when signing the labor contracts. The
   headquarters of the Group implements a five-day work system,
   with 40 hours of work per week. However, due to the differences                                                 40
   between each business unit in the nature of production and
   operation and the needs of work, each unit will make flexible
   adjustments to working hours according to the actual situation
   and in compliance with laws and regulations. If overtime work is
   required, we will provide employees with overtime compensation
   leave according to the compensation regulations after obtaining
   approval from the leader. If violations occur, we will impose
   internal penalties to avoid forced labor. During the Year, there was
   no forced labor in the Group.

                                                                                                            2022        65


            Good Welfare
            The Group attaches great importance to the welfare of its
            employees. According to the Labor Law of the People’s Republic
            of China, we provide our employees with paid holidays such as
            statutory holidays, annual leave, sick leave, work injury leave,
            marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, family planning
            leave, and breastfeeding leave. We also pay national statutory
            five social insurances for employees, including basic endowment
            insurance, unemployment insurance, basic medical insurance,
            work injury insurance, maternity insurance, etc. We also contribute
            to the housing fund and enterprise annuity for our employees.
            To enhance employees’ sense of belonging and efficiency, we
            have established a “Remuneration Management System” to give
            employees additional benefits and treatment, such as annual
            bonuses, in addition to statutory benefits. We also provide
            employees with diversified benefits, such as high temperature
            work subsidies, holiday benefits, etc., and purchase accident
            commercial insurance for employees according to the level of
            the job and the nature of the job. The Group will handle talent
            introduction and household registration procedures for qualified
            non-local employees.

            Diversified Activities for Employees
            The Group attaches great importance to the physical and mental
            health of employees and hopes that employees can achieve
            work-life balance. We distribute festive gifts to employees on
            holidays, such as the Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival
            and Mid-Autumn Festival each year. On Women’s Day each year,
            we distribute appropriate items or organize activities for female
            employees to relax our employees, relieve their work pressure and
            enhance team spirit and sense of belonging.

            Care Action for Female Employees
            In order to further promote the care action for female employees
            and safeguard their special rights and interests, the Dongjiang
            Environmental Protection Trade Union has set up a mother-
            and-baby room at the headquarters, and specially formulated
            the “Management Measures for the Mother-and-Baby Room “,
            which stipulates in detail the opening hours, service objects and
            precautions for use. The Trade Union will also designate a special
            person to manage the mother-and-baby room, in order to ensure it
            remains clean and hygienic and operates in an orderly manner. It
            has provided a convenient, private and comfortable love station for
            female employees, effectively solved their worries during lactation,
            and also provided humanistic support for them to balance work
            and family, better reflecting our respect and care for female
            employees, and playing a good role in promoting the harmonious
            development of the Company.

66   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                             PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

8.3 DEVELOP EXCELLENT TALENTS                                                       8.3
   Employees are valuable assets of Dongjiang Environmental. We
   attach great importance to talent nurture and strive to improve
   employees’ work capabilities and knowledge. We have established
   a talent nurture system to strengthen the professional knowledge
   and capabilities of our employees in various fields through internal
   training, practical guidance and other means, thereby enhancing
   the competitiveness of the Group.

   During the Year, Dongjiang Environmental continuously adhered
   to the principles of “Party management of cadres and Party
   management of talents”, focused on the Company’s business
   management goals, and relied on Dongjiang Environmental college
   to focus on the theoretical training of Party members and cadres,
   the enhancement of post ability of professional staff and the
   building of a team of skilled talents, took various measures to carry
   out talent cultivation, furthered its efforts in the “talent cultivation”
   project, focused on building a “pyramid” of talent cultivation, built
   a professional cultivation chain, and strived to promote the talent
   nurture system of Dongjiang Environmental and create a high-
   quality talents nurture system in the field of hazardous waste and
   solid waste disposal in China.

                                           Talent Nurture System 人才培養體系

                             Business Strategies                    Talent Development Strategies
                                  業務戰略                                  人才發展戰略

        Position functions                 Specialization functions                                         Cultivation functions
        適崗序列                           專項能力序列                                                     培優序列
                                           Production technicians                                           Talent management
       New staff training                  生產技能人才                                                     by levels
       新員工培訓                                                                                           梯隊管理人才
      Dongjiang star                    EHS system            Marketing system
      東江之星                          安環系統              市場系統                                  Double training program
                                        Financial system      Administration and                        雙培計劃
                                        財務系統              human resources system
                                                              行政人力系統                              Feilong program
                                        Inspection system                                               飛龍計劃
                                                              Financial project
                                                              management system                         Yuelong program
                                                              財務項目管理系統                          躍龍計劃
                                                              Production and
                                                              operation system                          Qianlong program
                                                              生產運營系統                              潛龍計劃

  Training forms
    培訓形式                              Lectures               Mentorship               Online learning
                                          課堂學習                導師制                    在線學習

   resources         Test databases     Personal IDP        Learning map         Online platform     Case studies’ database
    培訓資源             試題庫           個人IDP             學習地圖             在線平台                  案例庫

                                                                                                            2022                    67


            We provide various trainings to employees, including special
            counselling courses on the spirit of the National Two Sessions,
            skills training, professional training, etc., to encourage employees
            to pursue self-enhancement so as to improve their overall quality,
            ability and level.

            Type of Training                  Purpose of Training                                   No. of Participants

            Special counselling               The in-depth interpretation of the spirit of the      The heads and deputies of the various
              courses on the spirit           National Two Sessions has a strong guiding            departments of the Company’s
              of the National                 significance for all Party members and cadres to      headquarters and all-Party members
              Two Sessions                    accurately understand and fully grasp the spirit of   of the headquarters participated in
                                              General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech      the meeting on site. The members of
                                              and the spirit of the National Two Sessions.          the Party organization, management
                                                                                                    team, middle-level and above cadres
                                                                                                    of various business departments,
                                                                                                    research institutes, subsidiaries
                                                                                                    participated in the meeting through

68   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                    PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

Type of Training       Purpose of Training                                      No. of Participants

Special training       To further improve procurement efficiency and            A total of 183 persons attended the
  sessions on          benefits, help the Company reduce costs and              training, including procurement-related
  procurement          increase efficiency.                                     business personnel from various
  management                                                                    departments at the headquarters,
  improvement                                                                   procurement business personnel from
                                                                                various business divisions, research
                                                                                institutes, subsidiaries, department
                                                                                heads and leaders in charge.


Special training       To thoroughly study and implement the spirit of          A total of more than 150 persons
  sessions on annual   General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions   participated in the meeting through
  fire safety topics   on safe production, firmly establish the concept         on site or video, including persons
                       of safe development, and continuously improve            in charge of various departments at
                       the fire safety awareness of all employees.              the headquarters, principal persons
                                                                                in charge of various business
                                                                                divisions, research institutes, and
                                                                                units, and safety and environmental
                                                                                management personnel.


                                                                                             2022                         69


            Type of Training                  Purpose of Training                               No. of Participants

            Occupational skill level          To improve the professional skills of employees   807 employees have completed
             recognition for                  and promote the growth of skilled talents.        the recognition of professional
             employees                                                                          skills such as electricians, labor
                                                                                                relations coordinators, and
                                                                                                chemical inspectors.


            In addition to the above training, the subsidiaries of the Group
            vigorously organized various special training sessions in
            accordance with the relevant decision-making arrangements
            and work re q u i r e m e n t s. S h a o g u a n D ong j i a ng conduct ed a
            health knowledge seminar on “General Knowledge of Family
            Emergencies” to further raise employees’ health awareness and
            spread the concept of healthy living. Mianyang Dongjiang held
            the first fire-fighting skills competition to enhance the Company’s
            emergency management and fire-fighting work and to effectively
            safeguard the Company’s production and operation safety. Baoan
            Dongjiang carried out training on the guidelines for declaration of
            title assessment to strengthen the construction of professional
            and technical talents, help employees understand the policies
            on declaration of titles, and provide guidance and support for
            the declaration of titles for employees related to safety and
            environment, production and technology.

70   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                         PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

8.4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY                                        8.4
   The Group attaches great importance to the health and safety
   of employees. We are committed to creating a safe working
   environment for employees and try our best to avoid incidents and

   Occupational Safety Management
   We have formulated the Occupational Health Management
   Regulations, stipulated the responsibilities and contents of
   various departments’ occupational health and safety management
   work to prevent, control, and eliminate occupational disease
   hazards, and strictly abide by the occupational health and safety-
   related laws and regulations, including the Law of the People’s
   Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational
   Diseases, Measures for the Administration of Occupational
   Health Examination and the Regulations on Labor Protection in
   Workplaces Where Toxic Substances Are Used. The Safety and
   Environmental Protection Department of the headquarters is the
   major management department of the Company’s occupational
   health management work. It is mainly responsible for carrying out
   occupational health management work, formulating and improving
   occupational health management systems, and supervising,
   inspecting and evaluating the occupational health management
   work of subordinate units. The Human Resources Department of
   the headquarters is responsible for the setting of occupational
   health management organizations and subordinate occupational
   health management institutions and improves the management
   regulations of relevant occupational health training, occupational
   hazards and unit health companies in the human resources                     1,563
   management system. During the Year, we did not have any serious
   accidents involving work-related casualties, and the number and
   rate of work-related fatalities in each of the past three years were
   zero. In addition, the number of days lost due to work-related
   injuries during the Year was 1,563.

   According to the Production Safety Law of the People’s Republic
   of China and the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s
   Republic of China, the Group has formulated the Workplace
   and Behavior Safety Management Regulations to supervise and
   manage the safety requirements in production areas, workplaces,
   facilities and equipment and operating behaviors, in order to
   prevent the occurrence of unfortunate accidents and protect the
   safety of employees. For more details on the management system                  6.1
   for safeguarding occupational health, safety and environmental
   protection, please refer to section “6.1 Health, Safety and
   Environmental Specifications” in the Report.

                                                                                         2022       71


            Every new employee shall receive occupational health training
            before taking up the post, and existing employees shall also
            receive occupational health training on a regular basis. The Safety
            and Environmental Protection Department will provide cooperation
            and be responsible for working out the content and specific details
            of the training of various departments. The related training work
            includes regular self-rescue and mutual-rescue skills training,
            education and training on professional knowledge and laws and
            regulations in relation to occupational health.

                              Contents of occupational health and safety training

                        Occupational disease prevention and control laws and regulations education

                        Occupational health and safety expertise and laws and regulations

                        Self-rescue and mutual rescue skills

                        Post labor protection knowledge education

                        Instructions of protective equipment

                        Accident emergency handling

            Free Occupational Health Examination
            The Group pays attention to the health condition of its employees,
            so it organizes free health check-ups for employees every year.
            Both male and female employees can take appropriate physical
            examination items to detect latent diseases and receive treatment
            as early as possible, and ensure the health of employees.

            During the Year, 693 of the employees who are systematically
            exposed to occupational disease hazards participated in pre-                                693
            job phy sic a l e xa m i n a t i o n, 3,444 p a r t i ci pa t ed i n on-t he-j ob   3,444         341
            physical examination, and 341 participated in off-the-job physical
            examination. There were no suspected occupational diseases
            or occupational cases reported by employees in the Group
            throughout the Year.

72   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                   PRACTICING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

As a state-owned environmental protection enterprise, Dongjiang
Environmental has been dedicated to public welfare and charity, and
actively practices its social corporate responsibility. During the Year,
we continued to be committed to contributing to society, made efforts
to contribute to the environmental education construction, took care of
the disadvantaged groups in the society, assisted in poverty alleviation
work, and contributed to building a beautiful China.

As the provincial key unit for the harmless disposal of medical
waste, the Guangdong Hazardous Waste Comprehensive Treatment
Demonstrative Center in charge of Dongjiang Environmental has
effectively realized the daily clearance of medical waste produced                                   48
every day in Huizhou isolation sites, achieved the clearance once every             24
48 hours while operating the high-temperature incinerator 24-hour
uninterrupted, and scientifically planned the transportation route and                               2022       3
vehicle arrangement of clearance according to the distribution location                         13
of each isolation site. Since March 2022, Dongjiang Environmental has
dispatched 13 hazardous waste transport vehicles to Nanping to assist      26,300                         300
in the treatment of medical waste, covering an area of 26,300 square
kilometers and treating more than 300 tons of medical waste in total.

                                                                                         2022                       73


     Over the years, Dongjiang Environmental has built its own “smart
     environmental protection exhibition hall” showcasing the whole process of                   VR
     industrial and municipal waste resource utilization and harmless treatment
     to the public and children through various juvenile and immersive publicity
     and education methods, such as science videos, VR technology, real-
     life sandboxes, and interactive games. The exhibition hall provides
     all-round solutions for municipal waste management and resource
     recycling, environmental protection, and pollution control, dispelling
     misunderstandings and negative attitudes towards waste treatment among
     the public.

     The environmental protection exhibition hall of Dongjiang Environmental
     is no longer just a corporate exhibition hall, but has been upgraded to
     a citizen’s environmental education base, and was awarded the title          2022   1
     of Shenzhen Child-Friendly Practice Base in January 2022. Since the
     full opening of the smart environmental protection exhibition hall of
     Dongjiang Environmental, nearly 100 social groups, student groups,                     100
     and corporate visits are received annually, and the annual reception is       30%    40%
     expected to increase by 30% to 40% in the future, according to statistics.

     Dongjiang Environmental will continue to fulfill its duty as a state-owned
     enterprise by serving as an advocate, promoter, implementer, and
     leader in building ecological civilization. We remain committed to guiding
     the public to practice the concept of green environmental protection,
     promoting environmental education and publicity, and embedding the
     concept of environmental protection deeply into people’s minds, thus
     contributing to the construction of a beautiful China.

74   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                       PRACTICING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

The Group continues to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goal
1: No Poverty – “Eliminate all forms of poverty in the world”. During the   1
Year, the Group has donated a total of RMB537,000 to support poverty
alleviation efforts. The details of these donations are outlined below:               53.70

                                                                                                         Amount of
  Donation from                     Donation details                                                         (RMB)

  Shaoguan Dongjiang                Tielong Town, Wengyuan County, Shaoguan - Donation for
                                      rural economic poverty alleviation                                   350,000

  Jiangxi Dongjiang                 Funds to support the construction of the cemetery
                                      in Qiaodong Town                                                      50,000
                                    Funds to support village renovation construction                        50,000
                                    Funds to support maintenance of rural roads                             50,000

  Jiangsu Dongjiang                 Charitable donation on “9.5” Donation Day in Rudong County            20,000
                                           9.5                                                               2

  The Group’s headquarters         2022 Chinese New Year Welfare - Purchase of agricultural
                                      products from Meizhou for rural poverty alleviation                   17,000
                                    2022                                                                   1.7

On the morning of 6 September 2022, the Secretary of the Party Branch          2022     9     6
and the Deputy General Manager of Shaoguan Dongjiang visited Longti
Village in Tielong Town on behalf of the Company. They carefully
inquired about the production and living conditions, physical health,
children’s schooling, and other practical difficulties of each household,
and provided food, oil, and other supplies to the villagers. This created a
warm holiday atmosphere and effectively enhanced their sense of well-                               37
being. In this activity, a total of 37 poverty-stricken households were

                                                                                                  2022               75


     Regarding student aid, the Group conducted a summer volunteer                                2022   8   12
     teaching activity on 12 August 2022, at the service point in Hedong
     Village, Longjing Town, Qingxin District. The activity took the form
     of paired support to care for left-behind children and improve their
     spiritual and cultural knowledge through fun classes. The Group also
     provided schoolbags, stationery gift boxes, and other loving items to the
     children, so that they could feel the care and warmth of the society’s
     big family.

                                                                                 Conduct summer volunteer
                                                                                           teaching activity

     Besides, on 23 September 2022, the Party Branch of Jiangmen                 2022        9   23
     Dongjiang, in collaboration with the Trade Union Committee, organized
     a sympathy activity for the Double Ninth Festival at a nursing home                17
     for the elderly. A team of 17 members visited Hecheng Nursing Home,
     bringing daily necessities and suitable fruits and drinks to the elderly

76   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                                          APPENDIX I: KPI DATA TABLE

    Environmental Subject Area 1                                                          Unit                                2022

    Air pollutants 2

    Nitrogen oxides (NO x)                                                                Tonnes                              107.80
    Sulphur oxides (SO x)                                                                 Tonnes                                64.50
    Particulate matter (PM)                                                               Tonnes                                19.68

    Greenhouse Gas Emission 3

    Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)                                                        Tonnes of CO 2 e                  31,379.39
    Direct GHG removals (Scope 1) (tree planting)                                         Tonnes of CO 2 e                      10.99
    Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)                                                      Tonnes of CO 2 e                  96,349.15
    Total GHG emissions (Scope 1 & 2)                                                     Tonnes of CO 2 e                 127,717.54
                                1    2
    Total GHG emissions intensity (per square meter)                                      Tonnes of CO 2 e/m 2                   0.07

       The environmental KPIs cover the Group’s headquarters’ office building in Shenzhen      1

       and the office and plants of the sixteen main subsidiaries of the Group, including                    16
       Baoan Dongjiang, Jiangmen Dongjiang, Huizhou Dongjiang, Qingyuan Xinlv, Qiandeng
       Wastes Treatment, Zhuhai Yongxingsheng, Shaoguan Dongjiang, Jiangsu Dongjiang,
       Wosen Environmental, Jiangxi Dongjiang, Qianhai Dongjiang, Humen Green, Xiantao
       Dongjiang, Huabao Technology, Renewable Energy, and Xiongfeng Environmental.

       Including stationary sources and air emissions from vehicles

       According to ISO 14064 of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standard, direct GHG emissions
       (Scope 1) are the emissions directly owned and controlled by the Group, such as           3
                                                                                                        ISO 14064
       emissions from fixed equipment (including offices and plants), motorcade and
       refrigerant; indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) are the energy indirect emissions, such
       as the electricity purchased from power companies (including offices and plants).

                                                                                                                    2022                77


         Environmental Subject Area 1                                                        Unit                    2022

         Energy Consumption

         Total purchased electricity                                                         MWh                 111,754.94

         Total purchased electricity intensity (per square meter)                            MWh/m 2                    0.06

         Natural gas consumption                                                             Ten thousand m 3        804.22

         Refinery dry gas consumption                                                        Tonnes                     0.05

         Amount of diesel consumed by fixed equipment                                        Liters             4,409,125.29

         Amount of diesel consumed by motorcade                                              Liters              592,548.02

         Amount of gasoline consumed by motorcade                                            Liters              158,648.54

         Water Consumption

         Total water consumption                                                             m3                  733,983.90

         Total water consumption intensity (per square meter)                                m 3/m 2                    0.41

         Hazardous Waste4

         Hazardous waste production                                                          Tonnes               26,096.65

         Hazardous waste production intensity (per square meter)                             Tonnes/m 2                 0.01

         Non-hazardous Waste 5

         Non-hazardous waste production                                                      Tonnes               30,525.18

         Non-hazardous waste production intensity (per square meter)                         Tonnes/m 2                 0.02

            Hazardous waste includes ash, slag from incineration, waste liquid from laboratory,     4

            waste oil, waste oil barrel and waste catalyst, etc.

            Non-hazardous waste includes domestic waste, sludge, wastepaper, waste plastic,         5


78   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                               APPENDIX I: KPI DATA TABLE

Environmental Subject Area 1                                   Unit                        2022

Paper Consumption

Paper consumption                                              Tonnes                      814.48

Paper consumption intensity (per employee)                     Tonnes/employee                0.33

Total Amount of Packaging Material Used in Finished Products

Cardboard box                                                  kg                          473.00

Paper                                                          kg                          750.00

Packaging bag                                                  kg                        50,164.55

Tons of bags                                                   kg                        24,142.00

Plastic                                                        kg                            45.00

Wooden box                                                     kg                       180,720.00

                                                                                 2022                79


       Social Subject Area                                    Unit               2022

       Total employees                                        No. of people     4,958

       Employees by Gender

       Female employees                                       No. of people     1,174

       Male employees                                         No. of people     3,784

       Employees by Employment Category

       Junior employees                                       No. of people     4,512

       Intermediate management                                No. of people       348

       Senior management                                      No. of people        98

       Employees by Age Group

       Below 30                                               No. of people       929
       30-50                                                  No. of people     3,139
       Over 50                                                No. of people       890
       Employees by Geographical Region

       North China                                            No. of people       180

       East China                                             No. of people     1,624

       Central China                                          No. of people       593

       Northwest China                                        No. of people        73

       South China                                            No. of people     2,488

       Other locations (including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan)   No. of people         0

80   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
                                                                                   APPENDIX I: KPI DATA TABLE

    Social Subject Area                                                            Unit                    2022

    Employee Turnover Rate 6

    Total employee turnover rate                                                   %                       19.20
    Employee Turnover Rate by Gender

    Female employees                                                               %                       18.30
    Male employees                                                                 %                       19.47
    Employee Turnover Rate by Age Group

    Below 30                                                                       %                       25.74
    30                                                                             %
    30-50                                                                          %                       19.16
    30-50                                                                          %
    Over 50                                                                        %                       11.18
    50                                                                             %
    Employee Turnover Rate by Geographical Region

    North China                                                                    %                       17.43
    East China                                                                     %                       14.57
    Central China                                                                  %                       22.08
    Northwest China                                                                %                       10.98
    South China                                                                    %                       21.14
    Other locations (including Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan)                           %                      100.00
    Employee training rate 7

    Percentage of Employees Training by Gender

    Female employees                                                               %                       23.68
    Male employees                                                                 %                       76.32

       Calculation method = number of employees turnover       (number of employees       6
       turnover + annual number of employees) 100%.                                             100%

       Calculation method: The percentage of employees trained in this category = the     7

       number of employees trained in this category   the total number of employees                       100%
       trained    100%.

                                                                                                 2022                  81


       Social Subject Area                                         Unit               2022

       Percentage of Employees Trained by Employee Category

       Junior employees                                            %                 91.00
       Intermediate management                                     %                  7.02
       Senior management                                           %                  1.98
       Average Training Hours Completed per Employee

       Female employees                                            Hours             11.85

       Male employees                                              Hours             44.35

       Average Training Hours Completed per Employee
         by Employee Category

       Junior employees                                            Hours             55.23

       Intermediate management                                     Hours              8.35

       Senior management                                           Hours              2.54

       Occupational Health and Safety

       Work-related fatalities                                     No. of people         0

       Number of work-related fatalities in each of the past
         three years (2020, 2021, 2022)                            No. of people         0
                2020 2021 2022
       Percentage of work-related fatalities in each of the past
         three years (2020, 2021, 2022)                            %                     0
                2020 2021 2022                                     %

       Concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices
         brought against the Group or its employees                Case                  0

82   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Description of the Indicators                                                                        Relevant Chapter(s)

A.    Environmental Subject Area

A1:   Emissions          General disclosure   Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance   6. Promoting Green
                                              with relevant laws and regulations that have a         Development
                                              significant impact on the issuer relating to air and   6.
                                              greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water
                                              and land, and generation of hazardous and non-
                                              hazardous waste.

                                                                      (a)         (b)

                         A1.1                 The types of emissions and respective emission         Appendix I: KPI Data
                                              data.                                                  Table

                         A1.2                 Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2)         6.3 Management of
                                              greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes) and, where        Carbon Emissions
                                              appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production    6.3
                                              volume, per facility).                                 Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                        1                   2                        Table

                         A1.3                 Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and,        Appendix I: KPI Data
                                              where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of         Table
                                              production volume, per facility).

                         A1.4                 Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes)         Appendix I: KPI Data
                                              and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of    Table
                                              production volume, per facility).

                         A1.5                 Description of emissions target(s) set and steps       6.3 Management of
                                              taken to achieve them.                                 Carbon Emissions

                         A1.6                 Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous         6.2 Fulfilling Green
                                              wastes are handled, and a description of reduction     Operation
                                              target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them.         6.2

                                                                                                      2022                  83


      Description of the Indicators                                                                                    Relevant Chapter(s)

      A2:    Use of                 General Disclosure   Policies on the efficient use of resources, including         6.1 Developing
             Resources                                   energy, water and other raw materials                         an Environmental
                                                                                                                       6.2 Fulfilling Green
                                    A2.1                 Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type             Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                         (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in ’000s) and   Table
                                                         intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per

                                    A2.2                 Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per            Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                         unit of production volume, per facility).                     Table

                                    A2.3                 Description of energy use efficiency target(s) set            6.2 Fulfilling Green
                                                         and steps taken to achieve them.                              Operation

                                    A2.4                 Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing         6.2 Fulfilling Green
                                                         water that is fit for purpose, water efficiency               Operation
                                                         target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them.                6.2

                                    A2.5                 Total packaging material used for finished products           Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                         (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference to per         Table
                                                         unit produced.

84   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Description of the Indicators                                                                            Relevant Chapter(s)

A3:   The Environment    General Disclosure   Policies on minimizing the issuer’s significant impact    6.1 Developing
      and Natural                             on the environment and natural resources.                  an Environmental
      Resources                                                                                          Business
                                                                                                         6.2 Fulfilling Green
                         A3.1                 Description of the significant impacts of activities       6.1 Developing
                                              on the environment and natural resources and the           an Environmental
                                              actions taken to manage them.                              Business
                                                                                                         6.2 Fulfilling Green
A4:   Climate Change     General Disclosure   Policies on identification and mitigation of significant   6.4 Coping with
                                              climate-related issues which have impacted, and            Climate Change
                                              those which may impact, the issuer.                        6.4

                         A4.1                 Description of the significant climate-related issues      6.4 Coping with
                                              which have impacted, and those which may impact,           Climate Change
                                              the issuer, and the actions taken to manage them.          6.4

                                                                                                          2022                  85


      Description of the Indicators                                                                              Relevant Chapter(s)

      B.     Social Subject Area

      B1     Employment             General Disclosure   Information on the policies and compliance with         8.1 Strict Employment
                                                         relevant laws and regulations that have a significant   Management
                                                         impact on the issuer relating to compensation and       8.1
                                                         dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working           8.2 Employee Benefits
                                                         hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity,      8.2
                                                         anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare.

                                    B1.1                 Total workforce by gender, employment type              Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                         (for example, full- or part- time), age group and       Table
                                                         geographical region.

                                    B1.2                 Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and         Appendix I: KPI Data
                                                         geographical region.                                    Table

      B2:    Health and             General Disclosure   Information on the policies and compliance with         7.1 Norms of a Healthy
             Safety                                      relevant laws and regulations that have a significant   and Safe Environment
                                                         impact on the issuer relating to providing a safe       7.1
                                                         working environment and protecting employees            8.4 Occupational
                                                         from occupational hazards.                              Health and Safety
                                                         (a)          (b)

                                    B2.1                 Number and rate of work-related fatalities occurred     8.4 Occupational
                                                         in each of the past three years including the           Health and Safety
                                                         reporting year.                                         8.4
                                                                                                                 Appendix I: KPI Data

                                    B2.2                 Lost days due to work injury.                           8.4 Occupational
                                                                                                                 Health and Safety
                                                                                                                 Appendix I: KPI Data

                                    B2.3                 Description of occupational health and safety           8.4 Occupational
                                                         measures adopted, and how they are implemented          Health and Safety
                                                         and monitored.                                          8.4

86   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Description of the Indicators                                                                         Relevant Chapter(s)

B3:   Development        General Disclosure   Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and         8.3 Develop Excellent
      and Training                            skills for discharging duties at work. Description of   Talents
                                              training activities.                                    8.3

                         B3.1                 The percentage of employees trained by gender and       Appendix I: KPI Data
                                              employee category (e.g. senior management, middle       Table

                         B3.2                 The average training hours completed per employee       Appendix I: KPI Data
                                              by gender and employee category.                        Table

B4:   Labour Standard    General Disclosure   Information on the policies and compliance with         8.1 Strict Employment
                                              relevant laws and regulations that have a significant   Management
                                              impact on the issuer relating to preventing child and   8.1
                                              forced labour.
                                                                           (a)        (b)

                         B4.1                 Description of measures to review employment            8.1 Strict Employment
                                              practices to avoid child and forced labour.             Management
                         B4.2                 Description of steps taken to eliminate such            8.1 Strict Employment
                                              practices when discovered.                              Management

                                                                                                       2022                   87


      Description of the Indicators                                                                            Relevant Chapter(s)

      B5:    Supply Chain           General Disclosure   Policies on managing environmental and social risks   7.7 Sustainable
             Management                                  of the supply chain.                                  Supplier and
                                    B5.1                 Number of suppliers by geographical region.           7.7 Sustainable
                                                                                                               Supplier and
                                    B5.2                 Description of practices relating to engaging         7.7 Sustainable
                                                         suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices    Supplier and
                                                         are being implemented, and how they are               Procurement
                                                         implemented and monitored.                            7.7

                                    B5.3                 Description of practices used to identify             7.7 Sustainable
                                                         environmental and social risks along the supply       Supplier and
                                                         chain, and how they are implemented and               Procurement
                                                         monitored.                                            7.7

                                    B5.4                 Description of practices used to promote              7.7 Sustainable
                                                         environmentally preferable products and services      Supplier and
                                                         when selecting suppliers, and how they are            Procurement
                                                         implemented and monitored.                            7.7

88   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Description of the Indicators                                                                         Relevant Chapter(s)

B6:   Product            General Disclosure   Information on the policies and compliance with         7.1 Norms of a Healthy
      Responsibility                          relevant laws and regulations that have a significant   and Safe Environment
                                              impact on the issuer relating to health and safety,     7.1
                                              advertising, labeling and privacy matters relating      7.4 Protecting
                                              to products and services provided and methods of        Information Security
                                              redress.                                                7.4
                                                                                                      7.5 Respecting
                                                                      (a)         (b)                 Intellectual Property
                                                                                                      The Group’s business
                                                                                                      does not involve
                                                                                                      advertisements and

                         B6.1                 Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject    7.2 Strict Quality
                                              to recalls for safety and health reasons.               Management
                                                                                                      There are no products
                                                                                                      of the Group sold or
                                                                                                      shipped subject to
                                                                                                      recalls for safety and
                                                                                                      health reasons

                         B6.2                 Number of products and service related complaints       7.6 Quality Customer
                                              received and how they are dealt with.                   Service
                         B6.3                 Description of practices relating to observing and      7.5 Respecting
                                              protecting intellectual property rights.                Intellectual Property
                         B6.4                 Description of quality assurance process and recall     7.2 Strict Quality
                                              procedures.                                             Management
                         B6.5                 Description of consumer data protection and             7.4 Protecting
                                              privacy policies, and how they are implemented and      Information Security
                                              monitored.                                              7.4

                                                                                                       2022                    89


      Description of the Indicators                                                                                                 Relevant Chapter(s)

      B7:    Anti-corruption        General Disclosure   Information on the policies and compliance with                            7.3 Probity and
                                                         relevant laws and regulations that have a significant                      Compliant Operation
                                                         impact on the issuer relating to bribery, extortion,                       7.3
                                                         fraud and money laundering.
                                    B7.1                 Number of concluded legal cases regarding                                  7.3 Probity and
                                                         corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its                        Compliant Operation
                                                         employees during the reporting period and the                              7.3
                                                         outcomes of the cases.                                                     Appendix I: KPI Data

                                    B7.2                 Description of preventive measures and whistle-                            7.3 Probity and
                                                         blowing procedures, and how they are implemented                           Compliant Operation
                                                         and monitored.                                                             7.3

                                    B7.3                 Description of anti-corruption training provided to                        7.3 Probity and
                                                         directors and staff.                                                       Compliant Operation
      B8:    Community              General Disclosure   Policies on community engagement to understand                             9. Practicing Social
             Investment                                  the needs of communities where the issuer operates                         Responsibility
                                                         and to ensure its activities take into consideration                       9.
                                                         the communities’ interests.

                                    B8.1                 F o c u s a r e a s o f c o n t r i b u t i o n (e.g. e d u c a t i o n,   9. Practicing Social
                                                         environmental concerns, labour needs, health,                              Responsibility
                                                         culture, sport).                                                           9.

                                    B8.2                 Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the                          9. Practicing Social
                                                         focus area.                                                                Responsibility

90   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report