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万 科B:2011年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2011-10-24  

						                                    China Vanke Co., Ltd.

                                 2011 Third Quarterly Report

 §1 Important Notice
 1.1 The Board, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and
 senior management of the Company warrant that in respect of the information contained in this
 Quarterly Report, there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission, and
 individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness
 of the information contained in this Quarterly Report.

 1.2 None of the Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and senior management fails to
 assure or disputes with the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Quarterly

 1.3 Deputy Chairman Qiao Shibo, and Director Jiang Wei were not able to attend the board meeting in
 person due to their business engagements and had authorised Director Yu Liang to represent them and
 vote on behalf of them. Director Wang Yin was not able to attend the board meeting in person due to
 his business engagements and had authorised Director Shirley L. Xiao to represent him and vote on
 behalf of him.

 1.4 This quarterly financial report of the Company has not been audited.

 1.5 The Company’s Chairman Wang Shi, Director and President Yu Liang, and Executive Vice
 President and Supervisor of Finance Wang Wenjin declare that the financial report contained in this
 Quarterly Report is warranted to be true and complete.

 §2 Basic Corporate Information
 2.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                              (Unit: RMB)
                                      As at 30 September 2011    As at 31 December 2010       Change(+/-)
Total assets                                   283,542,338,427              215,984,662,720         31.28%
                                                46,895,708,485               44,232,676,791          6.02%
non-controlling interests)
Total Shares                                    10,995,210,218               10,995,210,218                 -
Net assets per share                                      4.27                         4.02          6.22%

                                                From July to                       From January to
                                                                   Change(+/-)                                 Change(+/-)
                                               September 2011                      September 2011
  Revenue                                          8,716,003,957            65.39%    27,602,969,484                     30.91%
  Profit attributable to equity shareholders
                                                    606,055,521             31.89%         3,583,910,174                  9.53%
  of the Company
  Net cash inflow from operating activities                    -                   -     (1,495,378,788)                 -23.85%
  Net cash inflow from operating activities
                                                               -                   -               (0.14)                -23.85%
  per share
  Basic earnings per share                                0.055             30.95%                  0.326                 9.40%
  Diluted earnings per share                              0.055             30.95%                  0.326             9.40%
                                                                      Increase 0.15                           Decrease 0.54
 Return on equity                                         1.30%                                    7.85%
                                                                 percentage points                         percentage point
Note: 1. The net assets and net profit used to calculate the above-mentioned indicators refer to the equity attributable to
          equity shareholders of the Company and profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company respectively.
      2. The above-mentioned return on equity was calculated using weighted average method.

   2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted
   tradable shares as at the end of the reporting period
   As at the end of 30 September 2011, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 988,210
   (including 964,520 holders of A shares and 23,690 holders of B shares).
   Total number of shareholders as at the end of the reporting period                      988,210
                           Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted tradable shares
                                                            Total number of non-restricted tradable
       No.        Name of shareholders (in full)           shares held as at the end of the reporting            Class
   1         China Resources Co., Limited (“CRC”)                                    1,619,094,766            A Share
   2         Liu Yuansheng                                                                133,791,208           A Share
             China Construction Bank–Bosera
   3         Thematic Sector Equity Securities                                            123,999,920           A Share
             Investment Fund
             E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100
   4                                                                                      123,494,211           A Share
             Exchange-Traded Fund
             Bosera Value Growth Securities
   5                                                                                      100,000,000           A Share
             Investment Fund
             Industrial and Commercial Bank of
             China–Rongtong Shenzhen Stock
   6                                                                                       92,632,626           A Share
             Exchange 100 Index Securities
             Investment Fund
             103 Portfolio of National Social Security
   7                                                                                       84,499,885           A Share
             Fund, PRC
             China Life Insurance Company Limited–
   8         Dividend Distribution–Individual                                             76,008,315           A Share
             Dividend-005L-FH002 Shen
             HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG First State
   9                                                                                       71,304,758           B Share
             China Growth FD
   10        UBS AG                                                                        69,555,899           A Share
   As at the end of 30 September 2011, the total number of shares of the Company was 10,995,210,218
   shares, including 9,680,254,750 A shares and 1,314,955,468 B shares.

   2.3 Bond holdings of the Company’s top 10 bondholders as at the end of reporting period

   (1) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G1 bonds and their bondholdings

   No.                                    Bondholder                                                    No. of bonds held
      New China Life Insurance Company–Dividend                       Distribution–Individual
    1                                                                                                              5,548,262
      Dividend–018L –FH002 Shen
    2 China Petroleum Finance Co., Ltd.                                                                             4,157,662
    3 China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Ltd.                                                                      3,433,312

 4 China Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited – Traditional –                 2,698,727
   General Insurance Products
 5 China Life Insurance Company Ltd.                                                               2,619,042
 6 Taiping General Insurance Company Limited                                                       1,003,216
 7 China Life Pension Company Limited–Internal Resources                                          1,000,000
 8 CNPC Pension Scheme–ICBC                                                                         949,288
   China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited–Traditional–General
 9                                                                                                   820,000
   Insurance Products
10 China Property & Casualty Reinsurance Company Ltd.                                                776,162

(2) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G2 bonds and their bondholdings

No.                                        Bondholder                                   No. of bonds held
 1    CCB–ICBC Credit Suisse Credit Tianli Bond Securities Investment Fund                         2,096,420
 2    ICBC–Harvest Stable Earning Bond Securities Investment Fund                                  1,641,028
 3    China Ping An Trust & Investment Co. Ltd.–CMB Furui Life Individual                          1,550,057
 4    Bank of Communications–China AMC Bond Investment Fund                                        1,039,002
 5    ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., Ltd.–ICBC–Assets of Specific Clients                 876,141
 6    801 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC                                             849,518
 7    CCB–Fullgoal Tianfeng Surging Income Bond Securities Investment Fund                           650,000
 8    Agricultural Bank of China Retirement Benefit Liabilities–Agricultural Bank                    645,187
 9    China Merchants Bank–China AMC Classic Allocation Fund                                         550,000
10    CNPC Pension Scheme - ICBC                                                                      540,158

§3 Management Discussion and Analysis

During the reporting period, supply of commodity housing in major cities gradually increased, as
sales slowed down. In the third quarter, the approved pre-sales area of commodity housing in 14 cities
including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing,
Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Chengdu and Wuhan increased by 5.1% when compared with that of the
same period last year, while the sales area in the above-mentioned cities dropped by 20.9%
year-on-year. As a result, the average sales area to average approved pre-sales area ratio (sales
area/approved pre-sales area) of the 14 cities mentioned above dropped to 0.6 in the third quarter.
September was the peak season for the launch of residential units. The approved pre-sales area of
commodity housing in the above-mentioned 14 cities in September increased by 45.6% when
compared with that in August, while the sales area remained flat compared with the previous month.

The increased supply of new housing and slowdown in sales had raised the inventory level of
commodity housing available for sale, with inventories of new house available for sale in certain
cities reaching record high since 2010. Traditionally, the period before, during and after October is the
peak season for the launch of new housing. Hence, it is expected that the supply of new housing will
continue to increase over some time in future, increasing inventory pressure on the market.

The aforesaid changes in the market environment took place as we had predicted.

During the period under review, the property industry continued to face tight capital flow since the
start of the year. From January to September, among the sources of funds for property development
investment in the PRC, domestic loans only accounted for 16.2%, which was the lowest over the years.
Owing to the dual effects of sales slowdown and tightened credit, companies’ investment desire and
capacity had weakened. As the market adjustment continues to deepen, the overall construction
activities may further decline, which may have adverse effect on the supply of housing in the next two

During the reporting period, the relevant house purchase restrictions already imposed on some cities
remained in place, and such house purchase restrictions were extended to certain second and third tier
cities. The restrictions had bigger impact on investment-driven demand and demand for upmarket
properties. For China Vanke, which focuses on ordinary housing for end-users, the impact was
relatively small. The Company’s sales performance in the third quarter was significantly better than
the market’s average. This advantage of the Company is expected to continue to manifest itself in

During the reporting period, land supply in major cities increased compared with the first and second
quarters. However, affected by the adjustment in the commodity housing market, companies were
getting more cautious in respect of land acquisition. The percentage of premium in the land market
continued to drop, while the number of failed auctions further increased, and most of the land lots
changed hands at reserve price. The above phenomena attested to the Company’s earlier judgment,
and provided to the Company an opportunity for acquiring land at relatively more favourable terms
when compared with those in the first half of the year. Nonetheless, since the current reserve price of
land in major cities has yet to decline significantly, the Company will remain prudent in acquiring
new projects.

In the third quarter, the Company realised sales area of 2,822,000 sq m, with sales amount of
RMB32.07 billion, representing an increase of 0.5% and a decrease of 7.4% respectively from those
of the corresponding period of 2010. The tremendous change in market environment had somewhat
affected the Company’s sales performance. However, the Company’s focus on small and medium
sized, furbished units for end users has put it in an advantageous position, with sales performance
significantly better than the overall market. From January to September 2011, the Company’s
accumulated sales area and sales amount reached 8,412,000 sq m and RMB97.08 billion respectively,
representing increases of 39.9% and 35.9% respectively from those of the corresponding period of

In the third quarter, the Company realised booked area and booked revenue of 986,000 sq m and
RMB8.42 billion respectively, representing increases of 50.5% and 55.9% year-on-year respectively.
Since the majority of the residential units to be booked for the year 2011 will be recognised in the
fourth quarter, the booked area for the first three quarters only accounted for a relatively small portion.
From January to September 2011, the Company’s booked area and booked revenue amounted to
2,369,000 sq m and RMB26.49 billion respectively, representing increases of 9.7% and 26.6% when
compared with those of the same period last year respectively.

For the first nine months of 2011, the Company realized revenue of RMB27.60 billion, representing
an increase of 30.9% from that of the same period last year. Of the total, the revenue realised in the
third quarter was RMB8.72 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of 65.4%.

For the third quarter, the Company realized net profit of RMB606 million, representing an increase of
31.9% from that of the same period last year. Since the area booked for the first three quarters
continued to be lower than the area sold, while the amount of expenses incurred during the reporting
period mainly corresponded with the scale of operation and sales, the growth in net profit for the first
three quarters was lower than that of booked revenue. From January to September 2011, the
Company realized accumulated net profit of RMB3.58 billion, representing an increase of 9.5% when
compared with that of the corresponding period of 2010. With more projects to be completed and

recognized in the fourth quarter, it is expected that the year-on-year growth rate of the booked area for
the full year of 2011 will be significantly higher than that of the first nine months.

Also, since the total area booked was significantly less than the total area sold for the first three
quarters, there was a further increase in the total area sold but not yet booked of the Company. As at
the end of the reporting period, included in the consolidated statements was a total area of 12,080,000
sq m sold but not yet booked, with an aggregate contract amount of approximately RMB138 billion,
representing increases of 18.2% and 16.3% respectively when compared with those in the interim

Due to effective product positioning and active sales promotion, the Company continued to maintain
a healthy inventory structure. As at the end of September, among the Company’s different types of
inventories, completed properties (completed properties ready for sale) amounted to RMB5.53 billion,
accounting for only 2.9%. Such results were attributable to the right prediction made by the Company
at the start of the year about the market trends for the full year. While in the first half of 2011 the
number of residential projects launched in the market as a whole was relatively small, the Company
intended to accelerate its sales activities. Comparing to the market in general, the Company had a
relatively balanced schedule for its project launch for the year. The sales pressure on the Company in
the second half of the year will be lower compared to the pressure of the overall market.

Since sales pressure and inventory pressure on the Company were comparatively lower, the Company
did not see the need to make any downward adjustment to its planned area commencing construction.
From January to September 2011, the floor area commencing construction of the Company amounted
to 11,390,000 sq m, representing 85.7% completion of the full year target. It is expected that the
Company’s actual area commencing construction for the full year may slightly exceed the area
planned at the beginning of the year. Since the construction progress of a small number of projects
was affected by occasional factors, it is expected that the completed area for the full year may be
lower than what had been planned at the start of the year. However, the difference should be very

Under the backdrop of tightened capital flow, the Company maintained a strong financial and cash
position. As at the end of the reporting period, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to
RMB33.9 billion, which far exceeded the aggregate amount of short-term interest-bearing borrowings
of RMB23.78 billion. The Company’s net gearing ratio continued to remain at a relatively low level
of 30.29% compared with the industry average. Affected by the growth in advance receipts, the
Company’s gearing ratio rose to 79.00% from that of the interim period. Excluding advance receipts,
the Company’s other borrowings actually accounted for 35.68% of its total assets. Of the
interest-bearing borrowings, long-term borrowings accounted for 54.23%. The Company had a solid
financial structure.

Having sufficient cash gives the Company an advantage. Nevertheless, the Company continued to
adhere to its prudent land acquisition principle that “the Company would rather forgo the opportunity
than making wrong acquisition”. During the reporting period, the Company had a total of 18 new
projects, with a site area attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding of approximately 1,149,000 sq
m and corresponding planned GFA of approximately 3,227,000 sq m. In addition, the Company was
involved in an urban redevelopment project. According to the condition of the current planning, the
site area of the project attributable to the Company’s equity holding amounted to approximately

          15,000 sq m (with a corresponding planned GFA of approximately 92,000 sq m). As at the end of
          September, the GFA of projects under planning attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding amounted
          to 35,810,000 sq m, which at a reasonable level to meet the Company’s development needs within the
          next two to three years. Due to the possibility of continued adjustment in the land market, the
          Company will persevere with its prudent investment approach. While ensuring that sound operations
          are maintained, the Company will keep an eye on any reasonable investment opportunities for
          achieving stable development.

          §4 Significant Events
          4.1 Significant changes and reasons for such changes in major items of the accounting
          statements and financial indicators of the Company
          √Applicable □Not applicable

                                       30/9/2011             31/12/2010        Change
              Items                                                                                     Reasons for change
                                      (RMB'000)              (RMB'000)          (+/-)
Investment properties                     188,317.00           129,176.20       45.78%     Increase in investment properties
Interest in associates                  1,917,281.50         1,035,875.90       85.09%     Increase in investment for associates entities
Properties under development          129,642,406.45        78,982,068.16       64.14%     Increase in newly added projects
Loans and borrowings(current)          23,744,160.65        16,783,690.79       41.47%     Change in debt structure
                                                                                           Increase in investment for the development
Trade and other payables              165,013,883.48       106,138,344.68       55.47%     of projects with associates and jointly
                                                                                           controlled entities

                                     Jan-Sep 2011          Jan-Sep 2010        Change
              Items                                                                                      Reasons for change
                                      (RMB'000)             (RMB'000)           (+/-)
                                                                                             Increase in sales from property
Revenue                                27,602,969.48        21,086,234.89         30.91%
                                                                                             Enlargement of sales scale and increase in
Distribution expenses                   1,689,365.26         1,006,726.77         67.81%     marketing for the opening of new projects
                                                                                             in the fourth quarter
                                                                                             Expansion of the Company and
Administrative expenses                 1,286,862.41           887,754.44         44.96%     amortization of Employee share-based
                                                                                             compensation reserve
Income tax expense                      3,320,042.36         2,107,008.26         57.57%     Increase in booked revenue

          4.2 Progress of significant events and analysis of their impact and solutions
          √Applicable □Not applicable
      On 8 April 2011, matters in relation to the Company’s A-Share Stock Option Incentive Scheme (Revised Draft) were
      approved at the Company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2011. The Company had started to implement the scheme
      in accordance with the stipulations. On 9 May 2011, the registration of the grant of stock options under the A-Share Stock
      Option Incentive Scheme was completed. The abbreviation and code of the stock options are VankeJLC1 and 037015
      respectively. The granted stock options are within vesting period during the Reporting Period.
      The introduction of the Stock Option Incentive Scheme will complement the Company’s incentive instruments with a
      long-term plan, while establishing a check-and-balance mechanism between shareholders and professional management
      team through linking up their interests. The Scheme will further improve the Company’s corporate governance structure and
      strengthen the Company’s competitiveness.

          4.3 Implementation of the undertakings given by the Company, shareholders and beneficial
          √ Applicable □Not applicable

       Undertaking                                            Details                                       Implementation
                         China Resources National Corporation – the parent company of CRC, being
                         the Company’s original single largest shareholder and the present single
                         largest shareholder, gave a significant undertaking to the Company in 2001:
                         CRNC would provide as much support to the Company as it did in the past, as
                                                                                                        CRNC has fulfilled its
   Other undertakings    long as such support was beneficial to the Company’s development, and that it
                         would remain impartial in the event of any competition between the
                         investment projects of the Company and that of CRNC and its subsidiaries,
                         and in the event of any disagreements or disputes arising from horizontal

       4.4 Warning of and explanation for the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year
       to the end of the next reporting period forecast to be a probable loss or to be significantly
       differed from that of the corresponding period of the previous year
       □Applicable √Not applicable

       4.5 Other major events and their explanations
       4.5.1 Securities investments
       □Applicable √Not applicable

       4.5.2 Equity interests held in other listed companies
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                   (Unit: RMB)
                                                                                                             Changes in equity
                                                                           Book         Gains/(losses
                                          Initial       Percentage                                           attributable to
        Stock            Stock                                         value as at     ) during the
                                       investment          of                                              equity shareholders
        code         abbreviation                                      the end of        reporting
                                         amount       shareholdings                                        during the reporting
                                                                       the period         period
                  SST Tianjin
       600751     Marine Shipping       143,600.00           0.04%     143,600.00                    -                           -
                  Co., Ltd.
       Total                            143,600.00                 -   143,600.00                    -                           -
       Note: 1. Equity interests of SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd held by the Company are legal person shares held
       over the years. Up till now, the SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd has not undergone share reform.

       4.5.3 Investor relations activities such as meetings, communications and visits during the
       reporting period

   Type of                                                                                                              discussed and
                      Time          Location         Approach                 Classification of visitors
  activities                                                                                                             information

    CITIC                                                                                                               (I) Major
                                                 Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,
  Securities         2011.7         Chengdu                                                                             issues
                                                   meeting      etc
   meeting                                                                                                              discussed:
  Hongyuan           2011.7                                                                                             (1) The
                                                 Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,
  Securities                        Shenzhen                                                                            Company’s
                                                   meeting      etc
Qilu Securities      2011.7                      Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,
                                    Qingdao                                                                             operations;
   meeting                                         meeting      etc
Huatai United        2011.7                      Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,        (2) The
                                    Shenzhen                                                                            Company’s
   meeting                                         meeting      etc
                                                                                                                        d l

                                                Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,
   Securities       2011.7       Shenzhen
                                                  meeting      etc
                                Hong Kong,
 Interim results                 Shenzhen       Face to face   Investors including securities companies, funds,
  presentation                  (Shanghai,        meeting      individual investors, etc
 Credit Suisse      2011.8                       Face to face Investors including securities companies, funds,
                                Hong Kong
   meeting                                         meeting     etc
                    2011.8                       Face to face Investors including securities companies, funds,
  BNP meeting                   Hong Kong
                                                   meeting     etc
  Guotai Junan      2011.8                       Face to face Investors including securities companies, funds,
    meeting                                        meeting     etc
                    2011.9                       Face to face Investors including securities companies, funds,
 CLSA meeting                   Hong Kong
                                                   meeting     etc
                                                 Face to face Investors including securities companies, funds,
  UBS meeting       2011.9      Hong Kong
                                                   meeting     etc
Note: The above-mentioned meetings included one-on-one meetings, small group meetings and large group
presentation. The Company received or met with investors from over 50 companies.
                                 Shenzhen,                     KGI Securities, Goldman Sachs, CICC, Orient
                                Dongguan,                      Securities, Guotai Junan, Gaohua, Citi, Morgan
                                 Huizhou,                      Stanley, UBS, RBS, Merrill Lynch, CLSA, Ping
                                Guangzhou,                     An Securities, Guangfa Securities, HuaChuang
                                  Foshan,                      Securities, Macquarie Securities, Shenjin Wanguo
                                Zhongshan,                     Securities, Haitong Securities, Credit Suisse, CCB
                                  Zhuhai,                      International, JP Morgan, Minsheng Securities,
                                  Xiamen,                      China Jianyin Investment Securities, CITIC
                                   Sanya,                      Securities, Guosen Securities, BOC International
                                Changsha,                      Securities, Mitsubishi UFJ, SMBC Nikko Inc.,
                                 Shanghai,                     Research-Works, Religare Capital Markets,
                    During      Hangzhou,                      Jefferies, Samsung Securities, Keefe, Bruyette &
                                                 Small group
   Securities         the       Nanchang,                      Woods, and DBS Vickers (HK) Ltd., etc.
   companies       reporting Ningbo, Hefei,
                    period        Beijing,
                                 Shenzhen,                     Bosera Fund, Harvest Fund, Asset Management
                                Dongguan,                      Department of CICC, China Universal Asset
                                 Huizhou,                      Management, Yinhua Fund, Power Pacific
                                Guangzhou,                     Corporation, Ltd (鲍尔太平洋), Bank of
                                  Foshan,                      Communications Schroders, Penghua Fund,
                                Zhongshan,                     Dacheng Fund, China Life, E Fund, China AMC,
                                  Zhuhai,                      Hillhouse Capital, Chongyang Investment, Fortis
                                  Xiamen,                      Haitong Fund, Fullgoal Fund, Shanghai Goldluxe
                                   Sanya,                      Investment Ltd. (上海金历投资有限公司),
                                Changsha,                      Guangfa Fund, Southern Fund, Guotai AMC,
Fund and other
                    During       Shanghai,                     Sinolink General Asset Management (国金通用基
investment                                      Small group
                      the       Hangzhou,                      金), Hua An Fund, China Merchants Fund,
companies and                                   or
                   reporting    Nanchang,                      Taikang Life, Rongtong Fund, TIAA-CREF Asset
individual                                      one-on-one
                    period    Ningbo, Hefei,                   Management, Autonomy Capital, Fortress
                                  Beijing,                     Investment, Fidelity, BOCOM International, Broad
                                  Tianjin,                     Peak Investment Advisers Pte Ltd, Chow Tai
                                Shenyang,                      Fook, GLG, Korea Investment Management,
                                  Anshan,                      Resolution Capital, Rioni Capital, RCM, Deka
                                 Qingdao,                      Investment, Value Partners Ltd., JF Asset
                                   Yantai,                     Management Limited, TT International, BMP
                                  Taiyuan,                     Paribas Investment, Kingdon Capital Management,
                                  Wuhan,                       TPG AXON, Gartmore, Mount Kellet, Mount
                                 Chengdu,                      Kellet, Manulife, NEUBERGER BERMAN
                                Chongqing,                     INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, Lion Global

                                   Guiyang,                         Investors, Christensen, Duquesne Family Office,
                                    Xi’an                          Telligent Capital Management, Sylebra Capital
                                                                    Management, Wellington, GIC,SAC Capital, UBS
                                                                    Global Asset Management ,Amundi HK, Baring
                                                                    Asset Mgmt ,Deutsche Asset Mgmt, HSBC
                                                                    Global, Harvest Global, PineBridge Inv, George
                                                                    Weiss, Och-Ziff Capital Management, Schroder
                                                                    Investment Management, Tenax Capital, MRV,
                                                                    Bluebay Asset Management, Soros, Taurus,
                                                                    Keywise, Prudential, Blackrock International Ltd,
                                                                    Capital Group Intl Inc (Guardian), China Asset
                                                                    Mgmt Co Ltd, China Intl Fund Mgmt Co Ltd,
                                                                    China Universal Asset Mgmt Co,
                                                                    CITIC-Prudential Fund Mgmt Co Ltd, Coatue
                                                                    Mgmt, Fortune SGAM Fund Mgmt Co Ltd,
                                                                    INVESCO Asia Ltd, Ashmore EMM,RREEF Real
                                                                    Estate Securities, RREEF Real Estate Securities,
                                                                    Waddell Capital, Moore Capital, Colonial First
                                                                    State A M, Thai Focus Equity Fund, Thames River
                                                                    Capital LLP, and Franklin, etc.

       4.5.4 Other major events and their explanations
       √ Applicable □Not applicable

(1) The Company did not provide any funds for use by its controlling shareholder and its related parties, nor did the Company
provide any guarantee to third parties in violation of regulations and procedures;

(2) Corporate bonds of the Company
During the reporting period, the Company paid the third-year interest of its bonds, namely “08 Vanke G1” and “08 Vanke G2”.

(3) On 8 April 2011, at the Company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2011, the Board was granted the authority to forge
cooperation with China Resources (Holdings) Co., Limited and its connected companies (collectively “China Resources”), including
entering into a loan agreement with Zhuhai City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., , using the funds under China Resources SZITIC Trust
Co., Ltd. and Harvest Capital Partners Limited, and joint investment with China Resources SZITIC Trust Co., Ltd. and Harvest
Capital Partners Limited. The total sum of the loan, the amount of funds to be utilised and the joint investment amount shall not be
more than RMB4.42 billion (i.e. not more than 10% of the Company’s audited net assets value as at the end of 2010). The granted
authority is valid for one year from the date of passing of the relevant resolution at the shareholders meeting.

During the reporting period, the details of cooperation were yet to work out.

(4) Progress of establishment of internal control
As a key pilot company to implement the Notes on Basic Criteria of Enterprise Internal Control and its implementation
guidelines, the Company had proactively enhanced its internal control. During the reporting period, the Company
implemented the implementation proposal according to the Basic Criteria of Enterprise Internal Control, rectified the
risks of internal control activities, evaluated the defects of the internal control system, and formulated a plan to rectify
the defects of the internal control system. In future, the Company will push ahead with the implementation of the Basic
Criteria of Enterprise Internal Control according to the implementation proposal. Such will enhance internal control and
assessment ability, thereby further improving the Company’s corporate governance.

       4.6 Investment in derivatives
       √ Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                          In order to limit the risk associated with the fluctuations of
                                                                          interest rate, the Company entered into an interest rate swap
                                                                          (“IRS”) agreement to hedge floating rate foreign currency loan.
                                                                          The Company would charge the counterparty an interest
Remarks on risk analysis and management of derivative positions
                                                                          according to a floating rate, in order to pay the floating-rate
during the reporting period (including but not limited to market
                                                                          interest to the original lender, while paying a fixed rate to the
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk and legal risk, etc.)
                                                                          In terms of the time limit and amount of the foreign currency
                                                                          loan, IRS limited the risk of fluctuations of interest rate
                                                                          through fixed forward rate.
Change in market price or fair value of the derivatives invested          The effect of the change in the IRS value on the Company’s
during the reporting period, as well as the method, related               profit or loss during the reporting period amounted to
assumptions and parameters used to analyse the fair value of              RMB(10,446,016.47). The value of the IRS was determined
derivatives should be disclosed                                           based on the fair value assessed on 30 September 2011.

Remarks on whether there has been a material change in the
accounting policy and accounting measurement principles for the
Company’s derivatives during the reporting period as compared
with those of the previous reporting period
                                                                  The Company’s independent directors are of the view that
                                                                  financial instruments such as IRS could ward off the possible
Special advice on derivative investment and risk control by
                                                                  loss associated with foreign currency loan in the event of
independent directors, sponsors and financial advisors
                                                                  fluctuations in interest rate. The relevant arrangement of the
                                                                  Company has been prudent and reasonable.

      4.6.1 Derivative positions as at the end of the reporting period
      √ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB000’

                                                                                                  Contract amount as at the
                                   Contract amount           Contract         Profit/loss            end of the period as a
       Type of contracts         as at the beginning    amount as at the     during the         percentage of the Company’s
                                    of the period       end of the period reporting period      net assets as at the end of the
                                                                                                      reporting period

    Interest rate swap (IRS)
                                         1,249,109.39         3,106,275.12        (10,446.02)                              5.22%
              Total                      1,249,109.39         3,106,275.12        (10,446.02)                              5.22%

Consolidated income statement for the three months ended 30 September 2011
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                Jul-Sep 2011      Jul-Sep 2010
  Revenue                                                        8,716,003,957     5,269,980,667
  Cost of sales                                                 (6,056,107,666)   (3,462,667,296)

  Gross profit                                                   2,659,896,291     1,807,313,371

  Other income                                                      58,956,044        46,946,815
  Distribution expenses                                          (732,617,079)     (400,325,189)
  Administrative expenses                                        (382,193,240)     (312,306,496)
  Other expenses                                                  (46,616,599)      (27,242,972)

  Results from operating activities                              1,557,425,417     1,114,385,529

  Finance income                                                    32,631,686        74,176,302
  Finance costs                                                   (51,620,925)      (87,634,546)

  Net finance costs                                               (18,989,239)      (13,458,244)

  Share of profits less losses of associates                        (7,358,012)       (2,819,019)
  Share of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities       28,489,380        (6,339,067)

  Profit before taxation                                         1,559,567,546     1,091,769,199

  Income tax expenses                                            (705,736,077)     (426,944,430)

  Profit for the period                                            853,831,469       664,824,769
  Attributable to:
  Owners of the Company                                            606,055,521       459,505,335
  Non-controlling interests                                        247,775,948       205,319,434

  Profit for the period                                            853,831,469       664,824,769
  Earnings per share
  Basic                                                                  0.055             0.042
  Diluted                                                                0.055             0.042
  Other comprehensive income for the period                         45,833,229        22,762,535
  Total comprehensive income for the period                        899,664,698       687,587,304
  Attributable to:
  Owners of the Company                                            651,888,750       482,267,870
  Non-controlling interests                                        247,775,948       205,319,434

Consolidated income statement for the nine months ended 30 September 2011
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                               Jan-Sep 2011       Jan-Sep 2010
 Revenue                                                        27,602,969,484     21,086,234,891
 Cost of sales                                                 (17,055,039,889)   (13,509,556,744)

 Gross profit                                                   10,547,929,595      7,576,678,147

 Other income                                                      106,617,226        253,601,462
 Distribution expenses                                          (1,689,365,264)    (1,006,726,766)
 Administrative expenses                                        (1,286,862,409)     (887,754,439)
 Other expenses                                                   (119,861,061)       (62,397,259)

 Results from operating activities                               7,558,458,087      5,873,401,145

 Finance income                                                    408,241,069        447,777,180
 Finance costs                                                   (569,212,569)      (473,806,265)

 Net finance costs                                               (160,971,500)        (26,029,085)

 Share of profits less losses of associates                         22,703,439         14,848,848
 Share of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities         6,201,338         70,433,006

 Profit before taxation                                          7,426,391,364      5,932,653,914

 Income tax expenses                                            (3,320,042,361)    (2,107,008,256)

 Profit for the period                                           4,106,349,003      3,825,645,658
 Attributable to:
 Owners of the Company                                           3,583,910,174      3,272,003,908
 Non-controlling interests                                         522,438,829        553,641,750

 Profit for the period                                           4,106,349,003      3,825,645,658
 Earnings per share
 Basic                                                                   0.326              0.298
 Diluted                                                                 0.326              0.298
 Other comprehensive income for the period                         134,279,390        (23,439,217)
 Total comprehensive income for the period                       4,240,628,393      3,802,206,441
 Attributable to:
 Owners of the Company                                           3,718,189,564      3,248,564,691
 Non-controlling interests                                         522,438,829        553,641,750

Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 September 2011
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                        30 Sep 2011       31 Dec 2010
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                         1,617,795,475     1,625,695,230
 Investment properties                                  188,316,999       129,176,195
 Construction in progress                               927,879,068       764,282,141
 Interest in associates                                1,917,281,496     1,035,875,902
 Interest in jointly controlled entities               3,089,275,359     3,374,074,020
 Other financial assets                                 489,207,300       488,565,309
 Deferred tax assets                                   2,093,922,477     1,643,158,028
 Other non-current assets                              1,055,992,715     1,055,992,715

 Total non-current assets                             11,379,670,889    10,116,819,540

 Current assets
 Inventories                                              59,306,613        93,090,534
 Properties held for development                      58,041,386,113    49,314,694,209
 Properties under development                        129,642,406,453    78,982,068,164
 Completed properties for sale                         5,529,863,819     5,290,716,117
 Trade and other receivables                          44,990,257,654    34,370,341,244
 Cash and cash equivalents                            33,899,446,886    37,816,932,912

 Total current assets                                272,162,667,538   205,867,843,180

 TOTAL ASSETS                                        283,542,338,427   215,984,662,720

 Share capital                                        10,995,210,218    10,995,210,218
 Reserves                                             35,900,498,267    33,237,466,573

 Total equity attributable to equity
 shareholders of the Company                          46,895,708,485    44,232,676,791

 Non-controlling interests                            12,658,043,687    10,353,522,851

 TOTAL EQUITY                                         59,553,752,172    54,586,199,642

Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 September 2011 (continued)
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                    30 Sep 2011       31 Dec 2010
Non-current liabilities

Loans and borrowings                             28,165,708,514     30,611,643,798
Deferred tax liabilities                          1,083,278,606      1,086,104,338
Other non-current liabilities                        44,832,729          8,816,121
Provisions                                           40,608,213        41,107,323

Total non-current liabilities                    29,334,428,062     31,747,671,580

Current liabilities

Loans and borrowings                             23,744,160,653     16,783,690,787
Guaranteed notes payable                             31,250,000                  -
Financial derivatives                                24,619,235        15,054,493
Trade and other payables                        164,982,633,475    106,138,344,681
Current taxation                                  5,871,494,830      6,713,701,537

Total current liabilities                       194,654,158,193    129,650,791,498

TOTAL LIABILITIES                               223,988,586,255    161,398,463,078

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    283,542,338,427    215,984,662,720

Consolidated cash flow statement for the nine months ended 30 September 2011
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                               Jan-Sep 2011        Jan-Sep2010
 Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash receipts from customers                                 75,167,847,931     54,283,454,889
 Cash paid to suppliers                                      (60,877,669,097)   (42,941,813,416)
 Cash paid to and for employees                               (2,102,813,719)    (1,131,132,831)
 Cash paid for other taxes                                   (12,378,906,582)    (6,603,238,943)
 Cash generated from other operating activities                8,787,555,246      5,511,421,036
 Cash used in other operating activities                     (10,091,392,567)   (10,326,054,325)

 Net cash used in operating activities                        (1,495,378,788)    (1,207,363,590)

 Cash flows from investing activities

 Acquisitions of subsidiaries,
      net of cash acquired                                    (2,216,619,142)     (450,226,495)
 Acquisitions of interest in associates, jointly
      controlled entities and other investments                (786,935,149)     (1,155,471,630)
 Acquisitions of non-controlling interests                       (19,477,855)     (368,305,267)
 Acquisitions of property, plant and
      equipment and construction in progress                   (166,354,600)        (56,160,940)

 Payment for acquisitions of subsidiaries in previous year     (564,892,500)        (26,164,230)

 Cash used in other investment activities                                   -     (993,726,314)

 Proceeds from disposals of subsidiaries                         (42,569,163)         6,519,582
 Proceeds from disposal of property,
      plant and equipment                                            636,007            458,787
 Proceeds from disposal of interest in
    other long term investments                                  104,150,000        158,403,841
 Proceeds from other investment activities                       334,048,225        826,706,405
 Proceeds from investment income                                  18,351,601        439,300,965
 Net cash used in investing activities                        (3,339,662,576)    (1,618,665,296)

Consolidated cash flow statement for the nine months ended 30 September 2011
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                         Jan-Sep 2011       Jan-Sep2010
 Cash flows from financing activities

 Capital injections from non-controlling interests
      of subsidiaries                                    2,802,867,963     1,594,241,499
 Proceeds from loans and borrowings                     18,851,185,694    21,874,453,038
 Repayment of loans and borrowings                     (14,217,946,400)   (8,882,790,882)
 Dividends paid to equity shareholder                   (1,018,124,006)    (771,376,582)
 Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholder           (291,536,325)     (332,449,919)
 Interests paid                                         (3,226,463,958)   (1,949,316,947)
 Net cash generated from financing activities            2,899,982,968    11,532,760,207

 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents              (1,935,058,396)    8,706,731,321

 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                 35,096,935,416    22,002,774,937

 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                   (12,165,936)        4,181,269
 Cash and cash equivalents at balance sheet date        33,149,711,084    30,713,687,527
