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万 科B:2012年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2012-10-23  

						                                                 China Vanke Co., Ltd.

                                          2012 Third Quarterly Report

     §1 Important Notice
     1.1 The Board, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and
     senior management of the Company warrant that in respect of the information contained in this
     Quarterly Report, there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission, and
     individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness
     of the information contained in this Quarterly Report.

     1.2 None of the Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and senior management fails to
     assure or disputes with the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Quarterly

     1.3 Deputy Chairman Qiao Shibo and Director Jiang Wei were not able to attend the board meeting in
     person due to their business engagements and had authorised Director Yu Liang to represent them and
     vote on behalf of them. Director Wang Yin was not able to attend the board meeting in person due to
     his business engagements and had authorised Director Xiao Li to represent him and vote on behalf of

     1.4 This quarterly financial report of the Company has not been audited.

     1.5 The Company’s Chairman Wang Shi, Director and President Yu Liang, and Executive Vice
     President and Supervisor of Finance Wang Wenjin declare that the financial report contained in this
     Quarterly Report is warranted to be true and complete.

     §2 Basic Corporate Information
     2.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators

                                                 As at 30 September 2012 As at 31 December 2011      Change (+/-)
Total assets                                                 348,089,858             296,534,297                17.39%
Equity attributable to the equity shareholders
                                                              56,321,763              52,967,795                    6.33%
of the Company
Share capital (share)                                         10,995,442              10,995,210                    0.00%
Net assets per share attributable to equity
                                                                    5.12                    4.82                    6.22%
shareholders of the Company (RMB)

                                                July to September                                 January to           YOY change
                                                                        YOY change (+/-)
                                                        2012                                   September 2012              (+/-)
Revenue                                                  14,297,750               64.04%               43,257,310                56.71%
Profit attributable to equity shareholders of
                                                          1,354,802              123.54%                 5,079,887               41.74%
the Company
Net cash inflow from operating activities                           -                      -           (3,490,551)           -133.42%
Net cash inflow from operating activities per
                                                                    -                      -                 (0.32)          -133.42%
share (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (RMB)                                 0.123             123.64%                     0.462               41.74%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                               0.123             123.64%                     0.462               41.74%
                                                                        Increase by 1.14                               Increase by 1.43
Return on equity                                               2.44%                                        9.28%
                                                                     percentage points                           percentage points
  Note: 1. The net assets and net profit used to calculate the above-mentioned indicators refer to the equity attributable to
            equity shareholders of the Company and profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company respectively.
        2. The above-mentioned return on equity is calculated using weighted average method.
        3. As some of the beneficiaries exercised their stock options, the Company's share capital therefore increased by
            231,500 shares during the reporting period.

     2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted
     tradable shares as at the end of the reporting period
     As at 30 September 2012, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 820,927 (including
     799,421 holders of A shares and 21,506 holders of B shares).
       Total number of shareholders as at the end of the reporting period                                              820,927
                             Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted tradable shares
                                                                                               Total number of
                                                                                           non-restricted tradable
        No.                        Name of shareholders (in full)                                                        Class
                                                                                           shares held as at the end
                                                                                           of the reporting period
          1    China Resources Co., Limited (“CRC”)                                                1,619,094,766     A Share
               Bank of China-E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100                                                       A Share
          2                                                                                            142,895,063
               Exchange-Traded Fund
          3    Liu Yuansheng                                                                           133,791,208     A Share
               China Life Insurance Company Limited – Dividend                                                        A Share
          4                                                                                            120,592,544
               Distribution–Individual Dividend-005L-FH002 Shen
               Industrial and Commercial Bank of China – Rongtong Shenzhen                                            A Share
          5                                                                                            102,016,463
               Stock Exchange 100 Index Securities Investment Fund
               China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. - Yinhua Shenzhen Stock                                              A Share
          6                                                                                             93,258,990
               Exchange 100 Index Classified Securities Investment Fund
          7    Bosera Value Growth Securities Investment Fund                                           89,338,052     A Share
          8    HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST STATE CHINA GROWTH FD                                          88,427,740     B Share
          9    MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INTERNATIONAL PLC                                                   79,867,736     A Share
               China Construction Bank – Bosera Theme Industry Stock Securities
          10                                                                                            75,000,000     A Share
               Investment Fund
     As at 30 September 2012, the total number of shares of the Company was 10,995,441,718 shares,
     including 9,680,486,250 A shares and 1,314,955,468 B shares.

2.3 Bond holdings of the Company’s top 10 bondholders as at the end of the reporting period
(1) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G1 bonds and their bondholdings
 No.                                         Bondholder                                       No. of bonds held
        New China Life Insurance Company–Dividend Distribution–Individual Dividend–018L
  1                                                                                                    5,548,262
        –FH002 Shen
  2     China Petroleum Finance Co., Ltd.                                                              4,157,662
  3     China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Ltd.                                                       3,433,312
        China Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited – Traditional –
  4                                                                                                    2,698,727
        General Insurance Products
  5     China Life Insurance Company Ltd.                                                              2,619,042
  6     Taiping General Insurance Company Limited                                                      1,003,216
  7     China Life Pension Company Limited–Internal Resources                                           924,010
  8     Haitong-BOC-Futong Bank                                                                          896,956
        China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited–Traditional–General
  9                                                                                                      820,000
        Insurance Products
  10    China Property & Casualty Reinsurance Company Ltd.                                               776,162

(2) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G2 bonds and their bondholdings
  No.                                        Bondholder                                       No. of bonds held
   1    CMB – E Fund Pure Bond Fund                                                                  2,089,613
   2    Pacific Asset Management Co. Ltd. – Pacific Prudent Financial Plan One                       1,537,396
   3    Industrial Bank Co. Ltd – Tianhong Yongli Bond Fund                                          1,100,067
   4    ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., Ltd. – ICBC – Assets of Specific Clients             941,703
   5    CNPC Pension Scheme - ICBC                                                                      871,907
   6    801 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC                                             849,518
   7    ICBC – Harvest Stable Earning Bond Securities Investment Fund                                  818,384
   8    ICBC -E Fund YongXu TianLi Bond Fund                                                           664,918
   9    China Construction Bank-Penghua Harvest Bond Fund                                              613,644
  10    China Construction Bank-Penghua Fengrun Bond Fund                                              599,993

§3 Management Discussion and Analysis
Since March 2012, the residential property markets of major cities had been recovering from their
depressed levels in the second half of 2011 and the first two months of 2012 as demand from
end-users was driven by improved credit environment for first-time home buyers and the effect arising
from price reduction in the preceding months. As the comparative figure of last year was relatively
low, there was a significant large year-on-year increase in the transaction volume of residential
properties in major cities since March 2012. However, the transaction volume was still lower than that
in the same period of 2009. The sales area of residential properties in 14 cities including Beijing,
Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Wuhan,
Dongguan, Foshan, Wuxi and Suzhou increased by 52.5% year-on-year for the third quarter of 2012.
The monthly year-on-year growth rates of the residential sales area in the 14 cities for July, August
and September 2012 were 52.1%, 64.4% and 41.7% respectively.

In light of a rebound in transaction volume in the market, the Company launched more projects during
the second half of 2012. In the third quarter of 2012, the Company realized a sales area and sales

amount of 3,054,000 sq m and RMB33.78 billion respectively, representing year-on-year increases of
8.2% and 5.3% respectively. From January to September 2012, the Company’s accumulated sales area
and sales amount amounted to 9,079,000 sq m and RMB96.32 billion respectively. As a majority of
the Company’s projects in 2012 will be launched in the second half of the year, in particular during
the fourth quarter, the number of projects launched during the first three quarters was smaller than that
of the same period last year. Nevertheless, the sales area between January and September 2012
increased by 7.9% year-on-year. Given that the number of projects to be launched in the fourth quarter
will be relatively large, the Company will undoubtedly achieve growth in sales.

In the third quarter, the Company realized a booked area and booked revenue of 1,296,000 sq m and
RMB14.07 billion respectively, representing year-on-year increases of 31.4% and 67.1% respectively;
revenue and net profit of RMB14.30 billion and RMB1.35 billion respectively, representing increases
of 64.0% and 123.5% respectively from those of the same period last year. From January to
September 2012, the Company realized a booked area and booked revenue of 3,934,000 sq m and
RMB42.41 billion respectively, representing year-on-year increases of 66.1% and 60.1% respectively;
revenue and net profit for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to RMB43.26 billion and
RMB5.08 billion respectively, representing year-on-year increases of 56.7% and 41.7% respectively.

As at the end of the reporting period, the Company had an area of 15,400,000 sq m sold but not yet
booked in the consolidated statements as construction had yet to be completed. This area had a
contract amount of approximately RMB163.1 billion, representing increases of 41.9% and 33.5%
respectively when compared with those at the beginning of the year.

Between January and September, the Company had a floor area of 8,710,000 sq m commenced
construction and a completed area of 4,383,000 sq m, signifying the completion of 66% and 49% of
the respective plans set at the beginning of the year. Commencement and completion of projects are
not evenly distributed throughout the year. Same as previous years, a majority of the Company’s
projects will be completed in the fourth quarter. It is expected that the floor area commencing
construction and area to be completed will not significantly change from those planned at the
beginning of the year.

The Company predicted during the interim period that land supply would increase in the second half
of the year. Such situation would provide more opportunities for enterprises with greater financial
strength. During the reporting period, changes in the land market were in line with the Company's
judgment. In the third quarter, the area of land supplied in 16 cities (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan,
Foshan, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Ningbo, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, Wuhan,
Chengdu, Chongqing) where statistics are accessible by the public increased by approximately 40.8%
compared to which in the second quarter. The Company also actively seized the opportunities to
acquire a batch of projects that could meet its future development needs. In the third quarter, the
Company acquired 23 new projects, with a site area attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding of
approximately 1,480,000 sq m (planned GFA attributable to the Company’s equity holding of
approximately 3,760,000 sq m).

Between January and September, the total GFA of newly acquired projects attributable to the
Company’s equity holding amounted to 5,870,000 sq m. As at the end of September, the GFA of the
    Company’s projects under planning attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding amounted to
    35,070,000 sq m, which was more or less the same from the start of the year’s 35,470,000 sq m and
    was sufficient to meet the Company’s development needs in the coming two to three years. In view of
    its current relatively high liquidity position, the Company will, while adopting a prudent approach,
    focus on products meeting end-users’ demand and continue to identify the opportunities for acquiring
    suitable projects for development.

    While choosing the right time to acquire quality projects, the Company continued to be in a healthy
    financial position. As at the end of the reporting period, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents
    amounted to RMB33.31 billion, which was more than the sum of its short-term borrowings and
    long-term borrowings due within one year of RMB18.61 billion. Affected by increase in receipts in
    advance, the Company’s gearing ratio rose slightly to 79.4% as compared to the interim period.
    Excluding receipts in advance, the Company’s other liabilities accounted for 37.8% of the Company’s
    total assets. The Company’s net gearing ratio stood at 37.7%, which was a relatively low level
    compared to the industry average. With a relatively ample amount of capital, the Company is able to
    cope with market changes in a more flexible manner.

    §4 Significant Events
    4.1 Significant changes and reasons for such changes in major items of the accounting
    statements and financial indicators of the Company
    √Applicable □Not applicable

                                   30/9/2012        31/12/2011       Change
              Items                                                                      Reasons for change
                                  (RMB’000)        (RMB’000)        (+/-)
                                                                                Increased    from     new     acquired
Investment properties                 2,249,731        1,126,105     99.78%
Non-current       Loans   and
                                     41,704,263       26,822,359     55.48%     Change in debt structure
Goodwill                                201,690                  -     -        From acquired companies

                                  Jan-Sep 2012      Jan-Sep 2011      Change
                Items                                                                       Reasons for change
                                   (RMB’000)        (RMB’000)        (+/-)
Revenue                               43,257,310       27,602,969     56.71%       Increase in booked sales

Cost of sales                       (28,896,138)      (17,055,040)    69.43%       Increase in booked sales

Finance costs                         (1,262,686)       (569,213)     121.83%      Increase in financing

Share of profits less losses of                                                    Increase in booked profit of
                                         409,913           22,703    1705.55%
associates                                                                         associates
Profit attributable to equity
                                       5,079,887        3,583,910     41.74%       Increase in total profit
shareholders of the Company

    4.2 Progress of significant events and analysis of their impact and solutions
    √Applicable □Not applicable

       On 8 April 2011, the first extraordinary general meeting of the Company considered and passed the Company’s
 A-Share Stock Option Incentive Scheme (Revised Draft). The Company’s A-Share Stock Option Incentive Scheme
 (“Scheme”) was thereby implemented. On 9 May 2011, the registration of the grant of stock options was completed. The
 Company granted 108,435,000 stock options to 810 beneficiaries. The abbreviation of the stock options is Vanke JLC1
 while the stock option code is 037015.
       The initial exercise price of the stock options was RMB8.89. The Company implemented the proposal on dividend
 distribution for the year 2010 on 27 May 2011, and distributed a cash dividend of RMB1.0 (including tax) to all
 shareholders for every 10 existing shares held. In accordance with relevant regulations and the resolutions passed at the
 shareholders meeting, the Board made adjustment to the exercise price of the stock options to RMB8.79. The Company
 implemented the proposal on dividend distribution for the year 2011 on 5 July 2012, and distributed a cash dividend of
 RMB1.3 (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 existing shares held. The Company made a further adjustment to the
 exercise price according to the provisions. The adjusted exercise price was RMB8.66.
       During the reporting period, according to the authority granted to the Board at the shareholders meeting, the Board
 considered the vesting conditions of the stock options had been fulfilled. Upon the completion of the relevant procedures for
 approval, the Scheme entered the first exercise period on 12 July 2012.. During the reporting period, there were a total of
 231,500 stock options exercised by 14 beneficiaries. The Company’s total number of shares thus increased by 231,500
       Owing to the departure of some of the beneficiaries and the exercise of some of the stock options, the total number of
 vested stock options not yet exercised decreased to 93,569,000 at the end of the reporting period.
       The introduction of the Scheme complements the Company’s incentive instruments with a long-term plan, while
 establishing a check-and-balance mechanism between shareholders and professional management team through linking up
 their interests. The Scheme will further improve the Company’s corporate governance structure and strengthen the
 Company’s competitiveness.

   4.3 Implementation of the undertakings given by the Company, shareholders and beneficial
   √ Applicable □Not applicable

    Undertaking                                          Details                                        Implementation
                     China Resources National Corporation – the parent company of CRC, being
                     the Company’s original single largest shareholder and the present single
                     largest shareholder, gave a significant undertaking to the Company in 2001:
                     CRNC would provide as much support to the Company as it did in the past, as
                                                                                                    CRNC has fulfilled its
Other undertakings   long as such support was beneficial to the Company’s development, and that it
                     would remain impartial in the event of any competition between the
                     investment projects of the Company and that of CRNC and its subsidiaries,
                     and in the event of any disagreements or disputes arising from horizontal

   4.4 Warning of and explanation for the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year
   to the end of the next reporting period forecast to be a probable loss or to be significantly
   differed from that of the corresponding period of the previous year
   □Applicable √Not applicable

   4.5 Other major events and their explanations
   4.5.1 Securities investments
   □Applicable √Not applicable

   4.5.2 Equity interests held in other listed companies
   √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                              (Unit: RMB)

                                                                                                           Changes in equity
                                                                          Book         Gains/(losses)
                                         Initial      Percentage                                           attributable to
         Stock         Stock                                          value as at      during the
                                      investment         of                                              equity shareholders
         code      abbreviation                                       the end of        reporting
                                        amount      shareholdings                                            during the
                                                                      the period         period
                                                                                                          reporting period
                  SST Tianjin
       600751     Marine Shipping     143,600.00             0.04%    143,600.00                     -                        -
                  Co., Ltd.
       Total                          143,600.00                  -   143,600.00                     -                        -
       Note: Equity interests of SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd held by the Company are legal person shares held over
       the years. Up till now, the SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd has not undergone share reform.

       4.5.3 Investor relations activities such as meetings, communications and visits during the
       reporting period

   Type of                                                                                                           discussed and
                    Time          Location      Approach                    Classification of visitors
  activities                                                                                                          information

 Hongyuan                                                                                                            (I) Major
                                              Face to face
 Securities        2012.7       Shanghai                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc   issues
  meeting                                                                                                            discussed:
  Galaxy                                                                                                             (1) The
                                              Face to face
 Securities        2012.7       Chengdu                       Investors including securities companies, funds, etc   Company’s
                                              Face to face                                                           operations;
 Securities        2012.7       Chengdu                       Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
                                                meeting                                                              (2) The
Merrill Lynch                                                                                                        Company’s
                                              Face to face                                                           development
 Securities        2012.7      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
                                                meeting                                                              strategies;
HuaChuang                                                                                                            (3) The
                                              Face to face
 Securities        2012.7       Shenzhen                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc   Company’s
  meeting                                                                                                            opinion on the
                              Hong Kong,                                                                             changes in the
Interim results                Shenzhen       Face to face    Investors including securities companies, funds,       industry.
 presentation                 (Shanghai,        meeting       individual investors, etc
                                                                                                                     (II) Major
                                              Face to face
CLSA meeting       2012.8      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc   information
 Credit Suisse                                Face to face                                                           provided:
                   2012.8      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc   Published
   meeting                                      meeting
   Standard                                                                                                          information
                                              Face to face                                                           including the
  Chartered        2012.8      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
                                                meeting                                                              Company’s
  JP Morgan                                   Face to face                                                           regular
                   2012.8      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
   meeting                                      meeting                                                              reports.
                                              Face to face
   Wanguo          2012.8         Beijing                     Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
 Guotai Junan                                 Face to face
                   2012.8       Shenzhen                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
   meeting                                      meeting
                                              Face to face
  Securities       2012.9       Shanghai                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
  Macquarie                                   Face to face
                   2012.9         Beijing                     Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
   meeting                                      meeting
UBS Securities                                Face to face
                   2012.9      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
   meeting                                      meeting
                                              Face to face
  Securities       2012.9      Hong Kong                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
UBS Securities                                Face to face
                   2012.9       Chengdu                       Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
   meeting                                      meeting
                                               Face to face
  Construction      2012.9      Shenzhen                      Investors including securities companies, funds, etc
Note: The above-mentioned meetings included one-on-one meetings, small group meetings and large group
presentation. The Company received or met with investors from over 50 companies.
                               Shenzhen,                      Galaxy Securities, Shenyin Wanguo, Guotai Junan,
                               Dongguan,                      Minsheng Securities, CITIC Construction,
                                Huizhou,                      Macquarie, UBS Securities, Morgan Stanley,
                              Guangzhou,                      Goldman Sachs, CLSA Securities, JP Morgan, Gao
                                 Foshan,                      Hua Securities, Daiwa Securities, BOCI, CICC,
                                Xiamen,                       Nomura Securities, Credit Suisse, Orient Securities,
                                 Fuzhou,                      Deutsche Bank, CEBM Group Ltd. (莫尼塔(上海)
                                 Sanya,                       投资发展有限公司), Citibank, Sumitomo Mitsui
                               Changsha,                      Trust Bank, HSBC, KGI Securities, Korea
                                Shanghai,                     Investment & Securities Co., Ltd., CCBI, Barclays,
                               Hangzhou,                      CIMB Securities, Haitong International, DBS
                                Nanjing,                      Vickers (HK) Ltd, Jefferies, ISI, BNP etc.
                                  Wuxi,        Small group
    Securities        the
                               Zhenjiang,           or
   companies       reporting
                                 Ningbo,       one-on-one
                              Hefei, Wuhu,
                               Urumqi etc.
                                                              Cephei Investment, China Merchants Fund, Bosera
                                                              Fund, ABC-CA Fund, CCB Fund, China AMC,
                                                              Harvest Fund, Southern Fund, Dacheng Fund, China
                                                              Life, Taikang Life, SWS MU Fund, China Post
                                                              Fund, Sino Life Insurance, Galaxy AMC, Orient
                                                              Securities Asset Management Company Limited,
                                                              Heqi Fund (禾其基金), Soochow Asset, Guotai
                                                              AMC Victoria 1522, China Galaxy Internationa1,
                                                              Zeal Asset Management Ltd, Central Asset
                                                              Investment, Fidelity, CSOP Asset Management,
                                                              Mount Kellett Capital (HK) Ltd, Neuberger
                                                              Berman,Pinpoint Inv Advisor Ltd, Charlemagne
                                                              Capital (IOM) Limited, Mitsubishi UFJ Asset
                                                              Management, T.Rowe Price International (London),
 Fund and other                  Suzhou,
                    During                                    Blackrock, Joho Capital LLC, ING Investment
   investment                     Wuxi,        Small group
                      the                                     Management, Sumitomo Mitsui, Wellington,
 companies and                 Zhenjiang,           or
                   reporting                                  Myriad, UBS Asset Management, Capital Global
    individual                   Ningbo,       one-on-one
                    period                                    Research, Templeton, Soros, Capital Group, Robeco,
     investors                Hefei, Wuhu,
                                                              Heitman Real Estate Securities, Prime Capital,
                                                              Trivest Advisors, Amiya Capital, ADDELL & REED
                                                              INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT , Bridger Capital,
                                                              Vontobel Asset Management, Resona Bank, SAC,
                                                              Third Point, Discovery Capital, PointState, Goldman
                                                              Sachs Asset Management, BI Asset Management,
                                                              Citadel,JP Morgan Asset Management, Jupiter Asset
                                                              Management Ltd, Dialectic Capital Management
                                                              LLC, Tiger Asia Management, LLC, State of New
                                                              Jersey, HSBC Global Asset Management,
                                                              Encompass Capital, TPG-Axon, Value Partners,
                                                              Uni-President Asset Management, Dodge & Cox,
                               Urumqi etc.
                                                              Foord Asset Management, China AMC, Baring Asset
                                                              Management, etc.

       4.5.4 Other major events and their explanations

      √ Applicable □Not applicable

(1) The Company did not provide any funds for use by its controlling shareholder and its related parties, nor did the Company
provide any guarantee to third parties in violation of regulations and procedures;

(2) Corporate bonds of the Company
During the reporting period, the Company paid the fourth-year interest of its issued bonds, namely “08 Vanke G1” and “08 Vanke

(3) On 11 May 2012, the Company’s annual general meeting of 2011 authorised the Board to determine, within the scope set out
below, the continuous cooperation with China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd and its connected companies (collectively “CRH”),
including entering into a loan agreement with Zhuhai City Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., using the funds under China Resources
SZITIC Trust Co., Ltd. and Harvest Capital Partners Limited, and joint investment with China Resources SZITIC Trust Co., Ltd. and
Harvest Capital Partners Limited. The total sum of the loan, the amount of funds to be utilised and the joint investment amount shall
not be more than RMB10.59 billion (i.e. not more than 20% of the Company’s audited net assets value as at the end of 2011). The
granted authority is valid for a period of one year commencing from the date of passing of the relevant resolution in the annual
general meeting.
During the reporting period, the details of cooperation were yet to implement.

(4) Progress of establishment of internal control
As a key pilot company to implement the Basic Internal Control Norms for Enterprises and its implementation guidelines, the
Company continued to adopt a pragmatic internal control approach to establish the internal control process in a systematic manner.

      4.6 Investment in derivatives
      √ Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                          In order to limit the risk associated with the fluctuations of
                                                                          interest rate, the Company entered into an interest rate swap
                                                                          (“IRS”) agreement to hedge floating rate foreign currency loan.
                                                                          The Company would charge the counterparty an interest
Remarks on risk analysis and management of derivative positions
                                                                          according to a floating rate, in order to pay the floating-rate
during the reporting period (including but not limited to market
                                                                          interest to the original lender, while paying a fixed rate to the
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk and legal risk, etc.)
                                                                          In terms of the time limit and amount of the foreign currency
                                                                          loan, IRS limits the risk of fluctuations of interest rate through
                                                                          fixed forward rate.
                                                                          The effect of the change in the IRS value on the Company’s
Change in market price or fair value of the derivatives invested
                                                                          profit and loss during the reporting period amounted to
during the reporting period, as well as the method, related
                                                                          RMB(23,573,957.76). The value of the IRS was determined
assumptions and parameters used to analyse the fair value of
                                                                          based on the fair value assessed on 30 September 2012.
derivatives should be disclosed
Remarks on whether there has been a material change in the
accounting policy and accounting measurement principles for the
Company’s derivatives during the reporting period as compared
with those of the previous reporting period
                                                                        The Company’s independent directors are of the view that
                                                                        financial instruments such as IRS prevent the possible loss
Special advice on derivative investment and risk control by
                                                                        associated with foreign currency loan in the event of
independent directors, sponsors and financial advisors
                                                                        fluctuations in interest rate. The relevant arrangement of the
                                                                        Company has been prudent and reasonable.

      4.6.1 Derivative positions as at the end of the reporting period
      √ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                     (Unit: RMB)
                                                                                                          Contract amount as at the
                                      Contract amount            Contract         Profit/loss                end of the period as a
        Type of contracts           as at the beginning     amount as at the     during the             percentage of the Company’s
                                       of the period        end of the period reporting period          net assets as at the end of the
                                                                                                              reporting period
    Interest rate swap (IRS)
                                        3,079,879,920.00      2,576,348,300.00      (23,573,957.76)                                  4.57%
              Total                     3,079,879,920.00      2,576,348,300.00      (23,573,957.76)                                  4.57%

Consolidated income statement
for the three months ended 30 September 2012

                                                   2012           2011
                                               Jul.–Sep.     Jul.–Sep
                                              RMB’000       RMB’000

Revenue                                      14,297,750       8,716,003
Cost of sales                                (9,598,753)    (6,056,108)
Gross profit                                   4,698,997      2,659,895

Other revenue                                   202,279         31,230
Other net income                                 49,360         46,133
Distribution costs                            (866,554)      (732,617)
Administrative expenses                       (771,378)      (382,193)
Other operating expenses                       (71,521)       (32,392)
Profit from operations                        3,241,183      1,590,056

Finance costs                                 (474,305)       (51,621)
Share of profits less losses of associates      153,432        (7,358)
Share of profits less losses
   of jointly controlled entities                50,721         28,489
Profit before taxation                        2,971,031      1,559,566

Income tax                                   (1,360,337)     (705,736)
Profit for the period                          1,610,694       853,830

Attributable to:

Equity shareholders of the Company            1,354,802        606,055
Non-controlling interests                       255,892        247,776
Profit for the period                         1,610,694        853,831

Basic earnings per share (RMB)                      0.12          0.06

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the three months ended 30 September 2012
                                                        2012          2011
                                                    Jul.–Sep.    Jul.–Sep.
                                                   RMB’000      RMB’000

Profit for the period                              1,610,694       853,831

Other comprehensive income (after tax and
reclassification adjustments)
Exchange differences on translation of financial
statements of overseas subsidiaries                 (54,548)        45,833
Available-for-sale securities: net movement in
the fair value reserve                                     -             -
                                                    (54,547)        45,833
Total comprehensive income for the period          1,556,147       899,664

Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company                 1,300,255       651,889
Non-controlling interests                            255,892       247,776

Total comprehensive income for the period          1,556,147       899,665

Consolidated income statement
for the nine months ended 30 September 2012

                                                    2012           2011
                                                Jan.–Sep.     Jan.–Sep.
                                                RMB’000       RMB’000

Revenue                                        43,257,310      27,602,969
Cost of sales                                (28,896,138 )   (17,055,040)
Gross profit                                   14,361,172      10,547,929

Other revenue                                     597,377         395,912
Other net income                                  124,047         107,874
Distribution costs                            (2,104,936)     (1,689,365)
Administrative expenses                       (1,623,066)     (1,286,862)
Other operating expenses                        (184,567)       (108,789)
Profit from operations                         11,170,027       7,966,699

Finance costs                                 (1,262,686)      (569,213)
Share of profits less losses of associates        409,913         22,703
Share of profits less losses
   of jointly controlled entities                 216,760          6,201
Profit before taxation                         10,534,014      7,426,390

Income tax                                    (4,387,842)     (3,320,042)
Profit for the period                           6,146,172       4,106,348

Attributable to:

Equity shareholders of the Company              5,079,887      3,583,910
Non-controlling interests                       1,066,285        522,439
Profit for the period                           6,146,172      4,106,349

Basic earnings per share (RMB)                       0.46           0.33

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the nine months ended 30 September 2012
                                                       2012          2011
                                                   Jan.–Sep.    Jan.–Sep
                                                   RMB’000     RMB’000

Profit for the period                              6,146,172    4,106,349

Other comprehensive income (after tax and
reclassification adjustments)
Exchange differences on translation of financial
statements of overseas subsidiaries                (127,920)     134,279
Available-for-sale securities: net movement in
the fair value reserve                              (27,373)           -
                                                   (155,293)     134,279
Total comprehensive income for the period          5,990,879    4,240,628

Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the Company                 4,924,594    3,718,190
Non-controlling interests                          1,066,285      522,439

Total comprehensive income for the period          5,990,879    4,240,629

Consolidated statement of financial position
at 30 September 2012
                                          30 Sep 2012   31 Dec 2011
                                             RMB’000      RMB’000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment               3,133,186      2,777,889
Investment properties                       2,249,731      1,126,105
Interest in associates                      2,669,842      2,160,824
Interest in jointly controlled entities     4,098,436      4,183,142
Other financial assets                        120,729        523,790
Other non-current asset                       239,400        463,793
Goodwill                                      201,690              -
Deferred tax assets                         3,341,769      2,326,242
                                           16,054,783     13,561,785
Current assets
Inventories                               247,023,713    208,661,350
Trade and other receivables                51,703,964     40,071,647
Pledged deposits                            1,167,590        625,403
Cash and cash equivalents                  32,139,808     33,614,112
                                          332,035,075    282,972,512

Current liabilities
Loans and borrowings                       18,606,347     23,570,276
Financial derivative                           26,314         17,042
Trade and other payables                  207,808,162    168,893,596
Current taxation                            7,114,177      8,243,247
                                          233,555,000    200,724,161

Net current assets                         98,480,075     82,248,351

Total assets less current liabilities     114,534,858     95,810,136

Consolidated statement of financial position
at 30 September 2012(continued)

                                                   31 Sep 2012   31 Dec 2011
                                                     RMB’000      RMB’000
Non-current liabilities
Loans and borrowings                               41,704,263     26,822,359
Deferred tax liabilities                            1,111,941      1,104,762
Provisions                                             62,438         38,678
Other non-current liabilities                          15,354         11,798
                                                   42,893,996     27,977,597
NET ASSETS                                         71,640,862     67,832,539

Share capital                                      10,995,442     10,995,210
Reserves                                           45,326,321     41,972,585

Total equity attributable to equity shareholders
of the Company                                     56,321,763     52,967,795

Non-controlling interests                          15,319,099     14,864,744

TOTAL EQUITY                                       71,640,862     67,832,539

                                ) Directors

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the nine months ended 30 September 2012
                                                         2012           2011
                                                     Jan.–Sep.     Jan.–Sep
                                                     RMB’000      RMB’000

Cash received from sales of products                77,182,825    75,167,848
Other cash received from business operating
activities                                          12,501,968     8,787,555
Cash generated from operating activities            89,684,793    83,955,403

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
services                                            53,534,270    60,877,669
Cash paid to employees or paid for employees          2,445,782     2,102,814
Tax paid for tax                                    14,432,062    12,378,907
Other cash paid for business operating activities   22,763,230    10,091,393
Cash used in operating activities                   93,175,344    85,450,783
Net cash used in operating activities               (3,490,551)   (1,495,380)

Proceeds from sales of investments                       4,000       104,150
Dividends received                                     164,872        18,352
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                                  872           636
Proceeds from other investment activities              457,101       544,165
Cash generated from investing activities               626,845       667,303

Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment and
construction in progress                               112,266       166,355
Acquisitions of interest in associates, jointly
controlled entities and other investments               350,450       806,413
Acquisitions of subsidiaries,net of cash acquired     2,065,369     2,991,628
Other cash paid relating to investing activities        121,043        42,569
Cash used in investing activities                     2,649,128     4,006,965
Net cash used in investing activities               (2,022,283)   (3,339,662)

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the nine months ended 30 September 2012
                                                      2012          2011
                                                  Jan.–Sep.    Jan.–Sep.
                                                  RMB’000      RMB’000

Net proceeds from issue of shares upon placing      891,650     2,802,868
Proceeds from loans and borrowings               30,520,606    18,851,186
Cash generated from financing activities         31,412,256    21,654,054

Repayment of loans and borrowings                21,328,939    14,217,946
Dividend paid to equity shareholders of the
Company and Interest paid                         6,030,771     4,536,124
Cash used in financing activities                27,359,710    18,754,070
Net cash generated from financing activities      4,052,546     2,899,984

Effect of foreign exchange rates                   (14,016)      (12,166)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                      (1,474,304)   (1,947,224)

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January           33,614,112    35,096,935
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September        32,139,808    33,149,711
